Category:Do Not Speculate - videos
Pages in category "Do Not Speculate - videos"
The following 31 pages are in this category, out of 31 total.
- Because the spirit soul is part and parcel of Krsna, so by nature, he is joyful. He is seeking after joy. Every one of us, we are working so hard to find out some pleasure of life
- Bhagavata-dharma means the relationship between the devotees and the Lord. The Lord is Bhagavan and the devotee is bhagavata, or in relationship with Bhagavan
- I do not wish to mention by name - one artificial God, he was teaching his disciple, and the disciple was feeling electrical shocks. So unfortunately, I cannot give you electrical shocks
- I must explain my position because in these days, a person being worshiped as most exalted personality is something revolution. Because they like democracy, by vote somebody should be elevated however rascal he may be
- If one wants to become a lawyer, he must learn laws which is given by the government. He cannot become a lawyer at home. Similarly, if you want to become religious, you must learn what is religion from God. You don't manufacture your own religion
- If we keep ourself on the material platform, then for thousand years we may chant, it will be difficult. That is called namaparadha. Of course, holy name is so powerful that even by chanting with offense, gradually he becomes pure
- If you simply speak what Krsna says, then you become His representative. Don't manufacture. Don't be over prudent, manufacturing. Simply to follow Krsna and His representatives, then you become mahajana. Otherwise you are a nonsense. Mudha
- If you very much affectionate to your dog or something else, you will think at that time. Therefore practice Hare Krsna, so that at the time of death you can think of Krsna and your life is successful
- Simply prepare yourself how to repeat Krsna's instructions very nicely. Suppose you have got now ten thousand. We shall expand to hundred thousand. That is required. Then hundred thousand to million, and million to ten million
- So don't believe your so-called senses as the source of knowledge. No. The source of knowledge should be by hearing
- So don't spoil the movement by manufacturing ideas. Don't do that. Go on in the standard way, keep yourself pure; then movement is sure to be successful. But if you want to spoil it by whimsical, then what can be done?
- Spiritual master is eternal
- The conception of God, greater than the greatest, and smaller than the smallest. That is God. He can produce these big, big universes simply by breathing, and again - we do not know how many atoms are there in each universe - He can enter in each atom
- The frog is perpetually within the well, and if somebody informs him that there is another big span of water, Atlantic Ocean, he simply calculates that "It may be a little more than this well, little more than this well"
- The Mayavadi theory is that the ultimate spirit is impersonal
- There are different types of concepts of God. Generally, they take it as an idea but we don't take it as idea. We take God as concrete fact
- This institute, Krsna consciousness movement has spread because the students who have joined us, they have given aural reception, by hearing
- Those who are not enthusiastic, lazy, lethargetic, they cannot advance in spiritual life
- We are proud of possessing a few acres of land, and Bhagavan means who is the proprietor of the whole universe. Therefore He is considered the richest. Similarly, He is considered the strongest. And similarly, He is considered the wisest
- We have got practical experience how a great institution was lost by whimsical ways. Without carrying out the order of the spiritual master, they manufactured something and the whole thing was lost
- We have to follow the footprints of the acaryas. Mahajano yena gatah sa panthah. We cannot understand higher things unless we follow the footprint of great personalities
- We have to follow the injunction of the sastra. We cannot manufacture our own ways of spiritual advancement. That is not possible
- We should not take lessons of God from these rascals. We should take lessons of God from sastra, from guru and from sadhu -- one who has seen God, tattva-darsina
- Why I die. I do not like to die, but death is compulsory. I do not like to be old man, but still, it is compulsory. I do not like to suffer from disease, but it is compulsory. These are to be solved
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