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- A brahmacari is trained to refrain from sex life, celibacy. But if he is still not able, then he is allowed to accept grhastha life. There is no cheating, hypocrisy, that I proclaim myself as brahmacari or sannyasi, and I secretly do all nonsense
- A devotee is not weak, but they think that, these devotees, they are weak. They cannot do any materialistic work. They cannot build skyscrapers. They cannot build a subtle machine. So they have taken to Krsna consciousness. They are chanting Hare Krsna
- A devotee who commits sinful acts, which he may do unwillingly or accidentally because of his former habits, is excused. That is the value of the sankirtana movement
- A devotee who has taken shelter at the lotus feet of the Lord can also do wonderful things unimaginable to a common man, by the grace of the dust of those lotus feet. Caitanya Mahaprabhu teaches us to take shelter of the Lord's lotus feet
- A neophyte should always be careful. One should not discuss about such great devotees' apparent fall-down. Just like one should not discuss about the sun who evaporates urine from the earth; it is possible for the sun to do it, and still remain the sun
- A person does not have illicit sex. That does not mean he has no sexual capacity. He has full sexual capacity, but he does not want to do it unless it is required for certain purpose
- A son who acts by anticipating what his father wants him to do is first class, one who acts upon receiving his father's order is second class, and one who executes his father's order irreverently is third class
- According to Canakya Pandita's Niti, it is said that the boys, the children, should be given complete freedom to do anything he likes up to five years; not more than that
- According to our proportion, we are to minimize. Then you do. So our Society, therefore, minimizes. Not stops - minimizes. Just like we say no illicit sex. We don't say no sex
- According to this description of the asuras given in Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.12), whatever they do will ultimately be baffled. It was such persons who advised Kamsa because they were his chief friends and ministers
- Actually we are engaged in human society for economic development, for advancement of so many things - actually, for eating, sleeping, mating and defending. Whatever we do, these four things are there
- Actually we do not condemn. We simply ask people to do whatever they are doing in Krsna consciousness
- Actually we have need of many men in India, at least another 50 or 60. But they need not be important men. Assistant men will do nicely. So if you can arrange to send 50 or 60 men here for propaganda work in Calcutta and Bombay, that will be very nice
- Actually, the living entity, or soul, does not do anything; everything is done under the influence of the modes of material nature
- Ahimsa, nonviolence, means that one should not do anything which will put others into misery or confusion. BG 1972 purports
- Ajamila was engaged in maintaining the family. Everyone is engaged like that. Cats and dogs also do that. It is not very extraordinary thing. Sometimes they say, "It is my duty." Yes, it is duty, but the prime duty is to solve the real problems
- Akrura continued, "If you (Dhrtarastra) do so (to rule the kingdom on moral and ethical principles) and try to please your subjects in that way, your name and fame will be perpetual"
- Akrura continued, "Only by chance do we assemble together in a family, society, community, nation, at the end, because every one of us has to give up the body, we must be separated. One should not, be unnecessarily affectionate toward family members"
- Alas, Lord Brahma, who has taken his birth from the lotus flower, does not know the principles of religion, nor do the great saints like Bhrgu and Narada, nor the four Kumaras, headed by Sanat-kumara
- All the brahmanas of the village were eager to extend invitations to the Lord, but Vallabha Bhattacarya forbade them to do so
- All these so called scholars, scientists, philosophers who do not accept Krsna are nothing more than rascals, fools lowest of mankind etc.
- Along with the chanting of Hare Krsna we have to rigidly observe the prohibition of four sinful activities. If only these things we can do our lives can become perfect
- Although Brahma tried to curb his anger, he could not do so, even though he is the supreme being. Such anger in its true color came from between the eyebrows of Brahma as Rudra, in a mixed color of blue (ignorance) and red (passion)
- Although Ravana tried to abduct the goddess of fortune Sitadevi from the custody of Lord Ramacandra, he could not possibly do so. The Sitadevi he forcibly took with him was not the original Sitadevi, but an expansion of maya, or Durgadevi
- Always thinking of Krsna means chanting the Hare Krsna mantra, but unless one is an initiated devotee he cannot do this. As soon as one becomes a devotee, he engages in Deity worship - mad-yaji
- And because one is chanting Hare Krsna, he thinks, "Even if I do something sinful, it will be counteracted," that is aparadha
- And besides that, we should not think anyone as our enemy. They are misled. Let us do our own duty
- And if there is no rain, what factory will do, you rascal? You can manufacture scissors and knives and buckets of plastic, but you cannot prepare rice and wheat. That is not possible, sir. That will depend on rain
- Animal, sometimes facing enemy, close the eyes, as if there is no enemy, so they do like that. Children, when there is danger, they close the eyes. They have no other means to escape. So these people, they close the eyes. "There is no life after death."
- Animals, they have no hands. So the primitive life, so they become food for the primitive natives or uncivilized man. They kill some animals and eat. And why civilized man do so? He can produce his food. God has given him land. He has intelligence
- Another gopi said, "Great demigods like Lord Brahma and Lord Siva are always engaged in chanting the glories of Your (Krsna's) words. They do so to eradicate the sinful activities of all living entities in the material world"
- Any local language we can speak. They'll simply show their movement. Speaking somebody, he will show like that. In cinema they do that
- Any sane man would have prevented him from doing such great harm to all human society. By killing a king like Maharaja Pariksit, just to make a show of acquired brahminical power, the inexperienced son of a brahmana committed a great mistake
- Anyone can do this (installing the Deity, worshiping the Lord morning and evening, chanting Hare Krsna and discussing the BG & SB) at home without difficulty, and Caitanya Mahaprabhu requested all the devotees present there (in Advaita's house) to do so
- Anyone who worships Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu by congregational chanting should be understood to be very intelligent. One who does not do so must be considered a victim of this age and bereft of all intelligence
- Anything you want to do you must take sanction from the Lord. You cannot do anything whimsically and you think that "I am rendering service to the Lord."
- Arati means the arati, reception. Koren, doing. Brahma, Lord Brahma. Adi, headed by. Deva-gane, all the demigods. that means "To offer arati reception to Lord Caitanya, all the demigods have come down, headed by Lord Brahma."
- Are those who create some sort of God by selecting a human being and placing their faith in him worshiping in goodness, passion or ignorance? Do such persons attain the perfectional stage of life? Arjuna is putting these questions to Krsna. BG 1972 pur
- Are you one of those exalted, liberated saints such as Dattatreya and other highly advanced, learned scholars? May I ask whose disciple you are? Where do you live? Why have you come to this place? Is your mission in coming here to do good for us?
- Arjuna understood like this, that Krsna is the Supreme Brahman, SPG, then you understand everything. This is called parampara. You don't require to, I mean, to tax your brain, what is Krsna. Because now we have got poor intelligence. We cannot do that
- As far as possible, a devotee is very cautious so that he does not do anything that could disrupt his wholesome condition. He knows that perfection in his activities depends on his progressive realization of Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- As Govinda was warning Srikanta, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "Don't bother him. Let Srikanta do whatever he likes, for he has come here in a distressed state of mind"
- As soon as we forget Krsna and we want to do things for our sense gratification, that is maya. And as soon as we give up this process of sense gratification and do everything for Krsna, that is liberation
- As such, it is not befitting that the guru's servant should engage in My personal service. Yet My spiritual master has given this order. What shall I do
- Asuras, although superficially showing expertise in passionate activities, are actually all fools. They are neither sober nor expert. Whatever they do is imperfect. Moghasa mogha-karmanah
- At least a certain section of the American population should be ideal. That will also do. Not that . . . we cannot expect cent percent will take Krsna consciousness. That is not needed
- At night we sleep, and all our activities stop, but as soon as we arise, our memory immediately returns, and we think, Oh, where am I? What do I have to do? This is called suptotthita-nyaya
- At that time I forbade him to do this, telling him, 'O best of the brahmanas, I am not a fit husband for your daughter'
- Bali Maharaja then said to Lord Vamanadeva: O brahmana, I offer You my hearty welcome and my respectful obeisances. Please let us know what we may do for You. We think of You as the personified austerity of the great brahmana-sages
- Be master of something. It doesn't differ. Either you follow Lord Jesus Christ or Lord Buddha or Krsna, it doesn't matter much. But do it perfectly. That is our request
- Because God has given you the seas and oceans of salt, you cannot make it use more than is necessary. If you think that, "There is so much salt, let me eat it," no, you cannot do. Any action
- Because Lord Visnu is in no way touched by matter, He is not subject to enjoy material nature the way the living entities do
- Because people are so poor in knowledge that any magic shown, they think this is not ordinary thing: "I cannot do it." Little magical feats makes the incarnation
- Because the devotee knows that the Lord is his supreme protector, he thinks - What harm can the so-called enemy do? Thus a devotee is confident about his protection
- Because they (Mitra & Varuna) were great saints, they tried to control their lust, but they could not do so, and thus they discharged semen. This semen was kept carefully in a waterpot, and Vasistha was born from it
- Because we have forgotten Krsna, you think that "We can do something." Therefore we take advantage of our high intelligence to defend ourselves more nicely, to have mating more nicely or eating more nicely
- Bhaktisiddhanta said three words, "It is better that he is living outside your company. He will do, when time will come, he'll do himself everything. You haven't got to recommend him"
- Bharata-bhumite haila manusya-janma yara (CC Adi 9.41). The Indians' duty is to carry the message and give it to the other people, and then they'll do
- Bharmyasva prayed to his sons, "O my sons, please take charge of my five states, for you are quite competent to do so." Thus his five sons were known as the Pancalas. From Mudgala came a dynasty of brahmanas known as Maudgalya
- Bhisma is stated as one of the authority, mahajana. But what did he do? He fought against Krsna and pierced with his arrows. You know, we have stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Bombay is so important that if you want to get a place you have to pay no less, fifty thousand, lakh of rupees to stand. Then do business
- Brahma was stunned because of transcendental bliss (muhyanti yat surayah). In his astonishment, all his senses were stunned, and he was unable to say or do anything
- Brahmananda Bharati said, "You instruct the general populace by Your behavior. I will not do anything against Your wishes; otherwise You will not offer me respects but will neglect me. I am afraid of this"
- Bring all the ingredients very soon, for I want to begin cooking immediately. Please do what I say
- By hearing and discussing Srimad-Bhagavatam, the rajo-guna and tamo-guna are subdued, so that only sattva-guna remains. Then rajo-guna and tamo-guna cannot do us any harm
- By the end of three months, the nails, fingers, toes, body hair, bones and skin appear, as do the organ of generation and the other apertures in the body, namely the eyes, nostrils, ears, mouth and anus
- By vision, by meditation and by touch only do the fish, the tortoise and the birds maintain their offspring. Similarly do I also, O Padmaja! BG 1972 purports
- By Your inconceivable energy, You can do whatever You like, and whatever You make Me do, I do without restriction
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu's feelings of separation from Ramananda Raya are very difficult to describe. Indeed, it is almost intolerable to do so, and therefore I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) cannot describe them further
- Caitanya said, You (Prakasananda Sarasvati) are like the Supreme Brahman, & if I allow you to fall down at My feet, I will commit a great offense. Although you have no vision of duality, for the sake of teaching the general people you should not do this
- Customarily everyone is eligible to inherit his father's property, and Ajamila also inherited the money of his father. But what did he do with the money? Instead of engaging the money in the service of Krsna, he engaged it in the service of a prostitute
- Devotional service means every living entity has a specific duty towards God. God wants everyone to do a particular duty for Him, that is service. Just like God instructed Arjuna to fight, so to fight was Arjuna's duty
- Dhairyat - and one has to become very tolerant, because so many things will disturb. Caitanya Mahaprabhu therefore said that, trnad api sunicena, taror api sahisnuna (Siksastaka 3). We have to tolerate. We have to do our business
- Diti replied: My dear brahmana, I must accept your advice and follow the vow. Now let me understand what I have to do, what is forbidden and what will not break the vow. Please clearly state all this to me
- Do act on behalf of the Supreme Lord. And if you are steady in that position, then your working in spiritual platform is successful
- Do everything very carefully, always following our principles, and Krsna will give the necessary intelligence for pushing on this sublime movement very successfully
- Do it (kirtana, and book distribution) enthusiastically. Keep yourself pure. Nobody will be able to do any harm to you. Krsna will give you protection
- Do this preaching work - it is not difficult - and be happy
- Do whatever is done with great care & devotion for the Deity. 42) Relish the pleasure of Bhagavatam reading amongst devotees & not amongst outsiders. 43) Associate with devotees who are considered more advanced. 44) Live in the jurisdiction of Mathura
- Do You enjoy or suffer the good or bad results of actions under the influence of time, past work and so forth?
- Do you think that greater, more respectable personalities than you, such as Lord Brahma, do not know this inauspicious person who goes under the name Lord Siva?
- Don't be worried about your wife. If she wants to re-marry, let her do so, and you'll be free and I shall give you Sannyas and you will be preaching freely
- Don't say that Krsna has only one purpose. That only purpose is that you surrender. Now, when you surrender, whatever Krsna says, you do it
- Education means enlightenment. If you foolishly do something, immediately you become criminal. So education means to enlighten them to know what is right, what is wrong. That is education
- Education means to do the right thing, not the wrong thing. That is education. Education means enlightenment, to know what is right, what is wrong
- Either you believe Buddha or Jesus Christ or Krsna. Do something. Don't talk simply
- Even if we are able to do something temporarily beneficial, time will see that the good project is frustrated in course of time
- Even if we take all precautions to protect ourselves against committing any sins - for the Vaisnavas, the devotees of Visnu, naturally do take all such precautions - still, unconsciously we kill many ants and other insects
- Even in communistic country, they call "classless society," but they are also creating a managerial class. They cannot do without that. They could not avoid it, managers. Why manager? Make classless society, all worker. That is not possible
- Every day make chanting at least for one hour in the temple. And do your activities as usual. Don't be disappointed. Krsna will see His own business
- Everyone is thinking like that. "Now I am in a good family. I've got my family members very nice. I've got very strong body. Oh, what do I care, God is dead?" That's all
- Expert means whatever he is doing, he must do it very nicely That's all. Suppose you are sweeping this room. You can do it very nicely, to your best knowledge. That is expert. The people will say, "Oh, you have very nicely done."
- Falling completely under its influence, the nostrils yearn for it continuously, although sometimes they obtain it and sometimes not. When they do they drink their fill, though they still want more and more, but if they don't, out of thirst they die
- Falsely claiming proprietorship, they think they can give charity and enjoy. In such a condition, what good can they do for You, who are the independent creator, maintainer and annihilator of this universe?
- Finish this business, this life. One life let me be strict in following the discipline and regulative principles. - This is called tapasya. So "Although it is inconvenient, I must do it to solve my problems." That is firm determination drdha-vrata
- Finish, cent per cent. It is not very easy to execute, therefore finish. Don't wait that, let me finish in this life a certain percentage of self-realization, and next life I shall do
- First of all you must teach by your personal example. This is the principle of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu (apani acari bhak pracaram). So you yourself must chant 16 rounds and follow the regulative principles and automatically they will do as you are doing
- Fools do not know how to honor Vaisnavas. By your greatness, please excuse him. I haven't instructed him to do such a thing. I only told him to visit you. Anyway, excuse his aparadha
- For instance, when one businessman wishes to contact another businessman he arranges a feast in a hotel, and over the feast openly expresses what he wishes to do
- For learning Vedic knowledge, one must approach a person who is cent percent engaged in devotional service. He must not do things which are forbidden in the sastras. A person cannot be a teacher if he drinks or smokes
- For ordinary work, if you do good work, then you have to take good result. And if you do bad work, or sinful work, then if you have, you have to take the effect of such bad and sinful work
- For this disobedience I (Rahugana) shall now punish you (Jada Bharata) just as Yamaraja, the superintendent of death, punishes sinful people. I shall give you proper treatment so that you will come to your senses and do the correct thing
- Four don'ts and one do: No illicit sex-life, no intoxication, no gambling, no meat-eating . . . and always chanting Hare Krishna, minimum 16 rounds daily. If you take very seriously these principles then Krishna will bless you without any doubt
- From my careful observation of your activities especially in Los Angeles and the other temples, I can understand that you are doing very well as GBC representative for the west coast
- From the childhood, if one becomes . . . simply deposits credit, then someday it will be a big good bank balance. So therefore this institution means to give everyone the chance to do these four things: man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru
- Gigantic demon asked with folded hands, "What shall I do, my lord?" Lord Siva, who is known as Bhutanatha, directly ordered, "Because you are born from my body, you are the chief of all my associates. Kill Daksa and his soldiers at the sacrifice."
- God does not give you sanction for doing anything criminal. But if we persist to do something criminal, then God gives sanction, "All right, do. Do it at your risk." That is going on
- God has given you independence. If you do something wrong, against the will of God, then you must suffer. Therefore we find so many varieties of living entities, in different grades of life. That is due to misuse of independence
- God says that, "You always think of Me. You just become My devotee, worship Me and offer your respect to Me." This is God's will. "And if you do this, then you are coming back to Me." It is clearly said. God's will is declared. There is no secret
- Govinda repeatedly requested, "I want to massage Your legs." But the Lord said, "Do it or don't do it. It depends upon your mind"
- Hamsaduta is not GBC, you are GBC. No, don't return U.S. Immediately come here and talk with me. Don't do like rascal
- Hayasirsa Purana states, "My dear Lord, O Supreme Personality of Godhead, I do not want any resultant benediction from my religious life, nor do I want any economic development, nor do I want to enjoy sense gratification, nor liberation"
- He (a disciple) wants to do everything for the Society. In this way he develops love of Krsna. And in the final stage he loves only Krsna and nobody else. And because Krsna includes everyone, that means he loves everyone
- He (God) is not required to do anything personally, but everything in the material world is carried out by His wishes and direction; the entire material manifestation is situated in Narayana, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- He (Krsna) has given little freedom, so do whatever you like. But He is simply taking the chance, "When this rascal will turn towards Me?" That is His business. That is stated in the Vedic sastra, that two birds are sitting in the same tree
- He (Siva) could drink a great amount of poison for others' benefit, and now, since his wife was personally requesting him to go to her father's house, even if he did not wish to give that permission, he should do so out of his great kindness
- He (the brahmana) would daily execute similar performances as his routine work, and he continued to do so for many, many years
- He should give the citizens good advice and instructions according to the standard scriptures and should be equal to everyone. Yamaraja does this, for he is the supreme master of justice, and so do those who follow in his footsteps
- He was very submissive and meek, and immediately after his birth he bowed down and inquired, "Sirs, what shall I do?" The great sages replied, "Please sit down (nisida)." Thus Nisada, the father of the Naisada race, was born
- Here is a great personality, Maharaja Nimi, who knew this fact (Life is flickering. So if one does something worthy, that qualification will be depicted in history eternally)
- Here is recommendation, "Please do not take this, do not take this. Don't take animal foodstuff. Simply take Krsna prasadam. Don't drink, don't smoke..." There are so many don'ts, and so many do's also
- His (Hiranyakasipu's) decision was that since the self (atma) and time are both eternal, if he could not occupy that post (of Lord Brahma) in one lifetime he would continue to execute austerities life after life so that sometime he would be able to do so
- How to please Krishna? - by following all the regulative principle that I have given you, chanting 16 rounds and reading my books scrutinizingly. Everyone must do these things, otherwise they cannot understand Krishna Consciousness
- How we can accept knowledge from a person who is liable to so many defects of life? Try to understand. Therefore our process of knowledge is not speculation. What we shall do by speculation?
- Husband-wife means he must accept responsibility for her his life-long, it is not such light matter we can reject and do as we like. I think you stick there for some time more, live peacefully husband and wife, & develop the temple to your full capacity
- I (Prabhupada) am not saying anything which is not given by my Guru Maharaja. I am simply repeating what I have learned from him. So you please do the same and your life will be full of ananda - blissful happiness
- I am pleased that you are ideal householder. And you are doing very nicely combined together husband and wife. Please do it as you are doing and gradually Krishna will give you all facility
- I am so pleased to learn about your slow but sure progress in the matter of your most glorious London yatra. I am sure Krishna will help you fully and do it seriously
- I am surprised to learn how he has ceased to become my attorney without my advice, nor do I have any information as to who is acting as my attorney
- I am very glad that you are arranging to print 20,000 copies of Isopanisad immediately. Please do it. Krishna will give you all strength to fulfill His Mission by Your sincere efforts
- I am very glad to note your eagerness for expanding your service. This attitude is very nice and it is required of the devotee at every stage. So do it very enthusiastically with great faith and patience strictly following the regulative principles
- I am very happy that you are taking a chance for Krishna, do everything very carefully and sincerely, Krishna will help you
- I approve your ideas. Yes, London is a city where we can open many centers. If possible, do it
- I do not want anything; for your countrymen, for your misguided youthful generation, you have to do it
- I have also heard that this great personality has shown you great favor. At any rate, this is what I hear from many different people. Now, being merciful upon me, you should do me the favor of arranging an interview
- I have brought KC. I will have to say, ’You don’t take meat, you don’t take intoxication, don’t have illicit sex.’ How they will be able to do that? I was thinking. But by Krsna’s grace everything is possible. That is my practical experience
- I have instructed them that if they want to do it, they must send me at least 100,000 dollars monthly - not less
- I pray that you kindly glance at me with your causeless mercy. If you do so, I can be relieved from sinful activities brought about by insulting you
- I propose that you can do something very tangible for us. In the Fifth Canto of the Srimad-Bhagavatam, there is a description of the planetary system. You are a learned scholar in Sanskrit, and also you have got knowledge in astronomy
- I shall not meet the King at the request of all the devotees, but I shall do so if Damodara will give his permission
- I shall try to do this service to you and Krishna throughout my life, and I am so proud to have such assistants as you are to help me in my mission to push on the Krishna Consciousness Movement
- I think we shall all (Prabhupada's Godbrothres) forget now the past fratricidal war and now come forward for a good cause. If they are not agreeable then do it yourself and I am at your service
- I think you should not think of relinquish your job without meeting me and discussing the matter deeply. Don't do anything out of sentiment
- I want to construct a Jagannatha temple exactly like that in Puri. If you like you can do the full charge to do this job. I shall spend as much money as it is required to do it nicely
- I would like to forbid you to do this, but I enjoy your company so much that My desire for your association only increases
- If a devotee does not do any of the above-mentioned three processes, he falls down from his position of devotion
- If by practicing little tapasya, restraint, I can get relief from this repetition of birth and death, why shall I not do it? This is knowledge
- If he thinks himself that, "I am non-entity, helpless," then he can remain (humble). If he thinks, "I can do something. I have got so much intelligence," then he cannot become humble
- If I can take the dust of the feet of the Vaisnava on My head, who will refuse to do the same?
- If I do good work, Krsna will be obliged to give me good effect. Why shall I care for Krsna?" That is karma-mimamsa
- If Krsna says that "You give me meat," then we can offer Krsna meat also. But Krsna does not say that. Krsna says, "Give Me fruits, flowers, grains." So we have no quarrel with the meat-eaters. Let them do whatever he likes
- If one has not the taste what is Krsna consciousness, simply accept sannyasa, then he will do all this nonsense work
- If one is actually serious about understanding the goal of life, spiritual knowledge, then Krsna is situated in everyone's heart. He understands how this person is sincerely seeking. Then He'll give direction that "You do this"
- If one is even advised to give up meat-eating, drinking, gambling and illicit sex, one will fail to do so. What, then, would a person do if he went to the Himalayas or Kulacala? Such acts of renunciation are not possible in this age
- If one is not fully Krsna conscious, then he's obliged to do his duty. This is the easiest way to become free from all obligation - to become Krsna conscious
- If one studies a particular book, he must do so thoroughly. That is the principle. By thoroughly studying a limited number of books, one can understand the philosophy
- If one unconsciously, without any knowledge, does something wrong, that is excused. But they do willfully. They know it is wrong, still they do it
- If prolonging life is your mission, the trees automatically do that without any scientific knowledge. Then what is the value of your science
- If somebody does harm to me, wrong to me, I cannot suffer it. I shall not do any harm to anyone. That's all right. But if you want to give me suffering, I must fight you. Why shall I suffer it? That is ksatriya spirit
- If someone has desired to distribute books all day he may do this, but he must always follow the principles of rising early, chanting 16 rounds, etc
- If the leaders do not do everything for the satisfaction of the transcendental senses of Godhead, how can they expect to drag themselves or their followers from the mire of sins committed in the course of discharging prescribed duties?
- If these four principles are followed, he will never touch any sinful activities. But if somebody thinks that "Because I am chanting Hare Krsna I become free from all sinful reaction, therefore let me do all nonsense," no, that is the greatest sin
- If we ask any scientist, "I will give you twelve million dollars - please give me back these twelve hours," he will reply, "No, it is not possible." The scientist cannot do it
- If we do not accept Krsna the supreme authority and so not take His words as they are, then we cannot derive any benefit... It is not dogmatic. It is actually fact. It is not dogmatic. If you study scrutinizingly what Krsna says, you'll find it is right
- If we do something against the moral principles, we are liable to be punished. But Krsna does not become affected by any papa. Apapa-viddham. That is His nature
- If we do something which is punishable, I may avoid the state law, but I cannot avoid God's law. That is not possible
- If we follow the rules and regulations, gradually the mind will come under control. There are so many don'ts and so many dos, and if one is serious about training the mind, he has to follow them
- If we have got a tinge of spiritual qualification, that will go with you, because you are spirit soul, you are eternal. Therefore whatever spiritual activities you do, that is also eternal
- If we simply speak nicely to a person and try sincerely to get him to take the book he'll take it. Why should we adopt unfair means? We should not do anything which will create a bad impression or make us unpopular
- If whatever we do, whatever we eat, whatever we think and whatever we plan is for the advancement of the Krsna consciousness movement, this is oneness
- If you (the hunter) want to kill an animal, why don't you kill it completely? Why do you leave it half-killed and allow it to die flopping around
- If you actually want to do something for your country, this is (Krsna Consciousness) the only, only means you can save your country
- If you are doubtful, prove that Krsna is not proprietor. But that you cannot do. Or bring another person who can claim like that, "I am the proprietor." Therefore you have to accept Krsna as the proprietor. And it is accepted by all great personalities
- If you are going to come, then you should remain and do work. You can come on tourist visa and stay for 6 months
- If you are proud of your advancement of knowledge, that we have solved all the questions, all the problems, in the Bhagavad-gita Krsna says: "Don't think like that. That is your foolishness. These problems are there. What you can do?" That is learning
- If you are unaware of what is God, what do you mean by God, and you are very, very religious, that is useless. One must know God. So therefore, those who are in the lowest grade of human life, they cannot understand
- If you can produce Krsna conscious children, produce 100 children. There is no objection. But if you cannot do that, then either don't produce children or produce children as much as you can manage. This is Krsna philosophy, it is not simply a negation
- If you can protect yourself under the cover of law and you cheat others, then it is nice. But you cannot cheat the supervision of the Supreme. That you cannot do. A thief may steal secretly, but there is no secret. There is no secrecy for God
- If you cannot do this simple thing, austerity - it is not difficult - then how you can expect to go back to home, back to Godhead?
- If you have faith in God, "God is saying this, I must do it," that blind faith is as good. Although it is blind faith, it is the fact
- If you have got a different type of philosophy, you can write. Why you should touch Bhagavad-gita and misrepresent it? So because they are sudras - their business is to cheat - they do that. But a brahmana will not do that
- If you have got time, if, if you haven't got to do anything else, you can continue, (laughter) sixteen hundred. It is not mechanical
- If you imitate spiritual life for material benefit, then it will be failure. So the Gosvamis did not do so. They gave up this material opulence for spiritual advancement, positive
- If you make propaganda, if he's not ghost, you can make him ghost. This is propaganda. This is called propaganda. By propaganda you can establish a false thing as real. That's all. This is going on. They know how to do it. They're expert
- If you really want to become happy, you have to follow some don't's and do's
- If you think that you are the master and that I am the servant, I shall accept this. Please order me. What can I do for you?
- If you try to criticize that will be of some value because you are outside purview of the Indian government, but do it very carefully
- If you want to be cheated, then do whatever you like and prolong your this term of repetition of birth and death. And if you want to stop it, then here, the tapasa brahmacaryena samena ca damena ca tyagena
- If you want to be happy, you cannot become happy by your so-called endeavor, by tidbits: "This I will do and I will be happy." No, this is all nonsense. You can be happy only when you fully surrender to Krsna without any abhilasa
- If you want to do for your satisfaction, Krsna will give you permission, but you will have to enjoy or suffer the effects. Karmana daiva-netrena (SB 3.31.1). It is very simple to understand. So therefore Krsna is called anumanta, giving permission
- If you want to do something for India, the only remedial measure that you can take is to spread Krishna Consciousness amongst the peoples. Otherwise, the next step is surely communism as you have already suggested
- If you want to do something, then maintain this institution rigidly, follow the principles of Bhagavad-gita. It doesn't require many men. If there is one moon in the sky, that is sufficient. You don't require millions of stars
- If you want to donate the profits of your store to the Book Trust, you can do by sending to the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust
- If you want to please me, then you should ask me, "How can I Please you?" And if you do what I order, that will please me
- If you want to remain in this material world and do hard work for sense gratification, that chance will be given to you. But if you want to go back to home, back to Godhead, that chance also will be given to you
- If you will permit me, I shall send some food to a brahmana's house, and there you may take prasadam. If you do so, I shall then live very comfortably
- If you, from the very beginning, if you think, "What will be, this school will do me? They're learning A-B-C-D." There is no faith. You may call it blind faith, but that is required
- If your aim is to engage one in Krsna consciousness, if you do something which is not very straight, that is allowed
- If your philosophy accepted that everyone is authority, you cannot say: "Do your own work." Why should you say? Then you become authority. You should not speak at all
- In any condition you become bhakta - simply if you learn from the authorities how to do it. That greatest authority is Krsna
- In Europe, Hitler unnecessarily picked up some war, & there was devastation all over the world. There was no gain. The Germany become defeated & bifurcated. So this leader could not do anything good to the nation, but unnecessarily picked up some quarrel
- In every country, there is a planning commission. But according to Bhagavad-gita, any plan you do, it is all rascaldom if it is without Krsna. It will fail
- In his state of perplexity, Subuddhi Raya met Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu when the Lord was at Varanasi. Subuddhi Raya explained his position and asked Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu what he should do
- In our Kirtana there is no need of so called meditation and gymnastic of bodily exercise. It is simple and can be practiced even by the small children and we have practically seen it how small boys and girls do take part in it by chanting dancing with us
- In the beginning of Srimad-Bhagavatam it is said, satyam param dhimahi (SB 1.1.1). The Vedic mantras say, satyam jnanam anantam and niskalam niskriyam santam niravadyam. God is supreme. Although naturally He does not do anything, He is doing everything
- In the beginning of the creation there was a great need of population; Lord Brahma was creating one son after another and ordering them to increase. However, when the Kumaras were requested to do so, they declined
- In the beginning, Arjuna, he's thinking in terms of his blunt senses. But the same thing he will do. Atyantikam, atindriya, purified senses. Just try to understand. This is Krsna consciousness
- In the Bhagavad-gita also it is said that whatever qualification and whatever asset you have got, just immediately engage to Krsna’s service. And whatever you do, little, that is your asset. Vigata-viklava isvarasya mahi
- In the higher stages of devotional service, a devotee is not even concerned with the list of do's and do not's. Such a position can be maintained only by following in the footsteps of the acaryas
- In the meantime, you must have the machine and begin immediately composing. If credit reference is required, Hayagriva will give. I have already talked with him about this. So do it immediately
- In the morning, they (birds) also talk, "Where we shall go this morning to get some fruits and some eatables?" So these questions they do, and there is some talking, "ki-chi mi-chi." So not that kind of question. The question should be, - What is God?
- In this material world there are 8,400,000 species of life. As spirit souls, they are all transcendental to this material world. Why, then, do they exhibit themselves in different stages of life
- In this way by Krishna Consciousness we can solve all the dogmatic confusions and speculations. This is the greatest need of the human beings and please try to do it as far as possible and Krishna will help you
- In this way the ingredients for the production of another body were there. When the body of the person named Bahuka came out of the dead body of King Vena, it was really not very astonishing. It was simply a question of knowing how to do it
- In this way, Jarasandha, the King of Magadha Province, having lost all his strength and having been insulted by his arrest and subsequent release, could do nothing but return to his kingdom. Thus Lord Krsna conquered the soldiers of Jarasandha
- In Vrindaban, we must do something very grand and gorgeous, both in the matter of preaching and accommodating the educated class of devotees
- India now has become eager to do away with the real God and replace Him with many fake Gods. This is the greatest misfortune for India
- Indra, the King of the demigods, has his own abode, as do Candra, the lord of the moon planet, and Surya, the predominating deity of the sun planet. There are many millions of demigods, and the stars and planets are their respective homes
- Irresponsible persons, surcharged with passion and ignorance, foolishly do things that are not to be done (nunam pramattah kurute vikarma (SB 5.5.4)). But one should know the results of irresponsible actions, as explained in the next verse - SB 10.4.46
- Irresponsible persons, surcharged with passion and ignorance, foolishly do things that are not to be done (nunam pramattah kurute vikarma). But one should know the results of irresponsible actions
- Is there any such thing in the Bhagavad-gita? Is there any advice that, "You open hospital, school and do this philanthropic work"? No
- It is in the Vedic literature, that you cannot do the yoga practice, meditation or offering big, big sacrifices or construct big, big temples for worshiping the Deity. It is very, very difficult nowadays. Simply chant Hare Krsna
- It is my duty to serve Krsna. I am eternal servant of . . . karyam. Must I do it, must I serve Krsna. That is my position. That is sannyasa
- It is nice that you have started the Sri Rupanuga Vidyapitha Library and that you are teaching the boys at the Gurukula Sanskrit. You can do it
- It is not possible for me to give up the service of Raghunatha's lotus feet. At the same time, if I do not do so I shall break Your order. What can I do
- It is not the duty of brahmanas and saintly persons to kill, although they may sometimes do so in the case of an emergency
- It is the duty of every responsible Indian to broadcast the transcendental message of Srimad-Bhagavatam throughout the world to do all the supermost good as well as to bring about the desired peace in the world
- It is very difficult to find a few human beings who believe in the scriptures and the existence of God, or, for that matter, in proper behavior. Those who do believe in the value of these things are known as arya
- It was better for the personality of Kali to have been killed by the King (Pariksit) then and there instead of being killed elsewhere. He was, after all, a surrendered soul before the King, and it was for the King to do what was required
- Jagadananda wants Me to enjoy bodily sense gratification, and out of fear I do whatever he tells Me
- Just like a big lawyer takes the protection of the lawbook and he makes the law unlawful. Similarly, the demons are so intelligent that they take advantage of scriptural injunction and do all nonsense
- Just like in government, there are so many departments. So you need not to flatter him, but you do your duty, you pay your tax, you abide by the laws, then everything will be right. You need not worship any person. That is their philosophy, karma-mimamsa
- Just like some of our devotees, we have got certain prohibitions, and everyone knows they will be harmful to me to violate, still they do it, despite everything
- Karyam karma samacara: Do your duty as duty, as you are duty bound. But don't be attached to that work. Because you should always know that your real work is self-realization
- King Pururava said: O most beautiful woman, you are welcome. Please sit here and tell me what I can do for you. You may enjoy with me as long as you desire. Let us pass our life happily in a sexual relationship
- Krsna addressed her, "O tall young woman, who are you? Tell Me, for whom are you carrying this sandalwood pulp in your hand? I think you should offer this sandalwood to Me, and if you do so I am sure you will be fortunate"
- Krsna also very compassionate - Whenever there is discrepancies, people put themselves in great suffering. Maya or Nature will not excuse. At that time I come to deliver them, to give them instruction, - Why you are suffering in this way? Do this way
- Krsna assures, "If you do these four things (always think of Krsna, become a devotee, worship and offer obeisances)," "without any doubt you'll come back to Me." And people are not agreeing even to do these simple things
- Krsna began to look at His mother, while the mendicant, who was standing in the door, tried to hide his smiling face, although he could not do so. He immediately expressed his smiling. In this instance, Krsna Himself is the object of laughing affairs
- Krsna cannot give up conjugal love, and therefore I (Radharani) understand that you have come here to take us to Him. But how will you do that? We know that many goddesses of fortune now reside at Krsna’s chest, and they constantly serve Krsna
- Krsna comes for reestablishing the principles of religion. Religion means the order set by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. That is religion: "You do like this." Just like king's orders, or the government orders, - Do like this
- Krsna continued, "If a person is able to care for or give protection to old parents, a chaste wife, children, the spiritual master, brahmanas and other dependents but does not do so, he is considered already dead, although he is supposedly breathing"
- Krsna continues, "Bring sandalwood pulp from Jagannatha Puri. Kindly go quickly. Since no one else can do it, you must"
- Krsna continues, "You should not hesitate to act according to My order. Believing in Me, just do what is needed"
- Krsna is so kind, any service you do, still you are accepted. Either you take this service or that service, still you are accepted
- Krsna says in Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.27): O son of Kunti, all that you do, all that you eat, all that you offer and give away, as well as all austerities that you may perform, should be done as an offering unto Me
- Krsna will give you chance: "All right, if you have got still desire for material enjoyment, do it." "I want to become a king." "All right, become a king." Then "I want to become a dog." "All right, become a dog." He gives you both opportunity
- Krsna's arca-murti. Krsna has advented, as avatara. Arca-avatara means made of stone, wood, metal, jewel, or coloring, painting. There are 8 kinds of arca-avatara. Krsna has consented to descend before us to accept our service in a manner which we can do
- Krsna, to show His favor to the aborigines (who came to Vrajabhumi to sell fruits), would immediately go purchase fruits, bartering with paddy in His hand as He had seen others do
- Kurus said, "They (the Yadus) should not have used such royal paraphernalia in our presence, but we did not check them due to our family relationships. Now they have the audacity to order us to do things. Well, enough of their impudence"
- Kurus said, "Whatever You (Balarama) do, even in the form of chastisement, is auspicious for the whole material existence"
- Laksmidevi shows compassion toward women who worship the Lord for the benediction of possessing a good husband. Although such women desire to be happy with children, wealth, a long duration of life and everything dear to them, they cannot possibly do so
- Lalayanti. Sometimes a mother lifts her child, and when the child falls in her hands, the child laughs, and the mother also enjoys pleasure. Yasoda used to do this, but this time Krsna became very heavy, and she could not bear His weight
- Let the materialists operate in their own way, but we have got Vaisnavism stand and we should train the general public to accept it and come up to our platform of process of doing things, not that we should reduce to their standard
- Let them do whatever nonsense they are doing. Let them chant and take prasada. We don't mind what they are doing. That is later on. When I was chanting in Tompkinson Park I never asked them that "Don't come here. You are drinking"
- Let them pray to Jagannatha for my cure immediately, or as soon as possible, I shall do that
- Lord Buddha is very nice. He gave up his kingdom in youthful life. He was prince. He thought, "It is all nonsense. Let me meditate." Do like that. That is the disease
- Lord Caitanya advised that any human being who has taken birth in India, Bharata-varsa, it is his duty to assimilate the Vedic literature and do welfare activities all over the world. That is the duty of every Indian
- Lord Krsna's dealings with Rukmini as a perfect husband are a perfect manifestation of the supreme perfection of the Personality of Godhead. There are many philosophers who propound a concept of the Absolute Truth in which God cannot do this or that
- Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu wanted to purify the whole atmosphere of the polluted world by sending qualified preachers all over the world, and it remains with the Indians to take up this task scientifically and thus do the best kind of humanitarian work
- Love is there everywhere. Even in cats' and dogs' love there is love. But the perfection is when you actually find out the person to love and you actually do it
- Madhavendra Puri said, "Smear the body of Gopinatha with this camphor and sandalwood I have brought for Gopala in Vrndavana. Do this regularly every day"
- Madhavendra Puri said, "Who are You? Where do You reside? And how did You know that I was fasting"
- Many other commentators due to poor fund of knowledge tamper with the lines of Bhagavad-gita and twist the meaning for their personal motives, but we do not do like that. We present it exactly as it is; without any additions or subtractions
- Mayavadi philosophers, who have a poor fund of knowledge, simply dismiss the subject by explaining that krsna means "black." Not understanding the qualities of Krsna, these atheistic rascals do not accept Him as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Monday begin again sinful activities, and again go to church on Sunday and confess and nullify it. Not like that. When you deny that "I shall not do it," don't do it again. Then your life is perfect
- Mother Yasoda told Krsna, "My dear Krsna, do You think that You are a street boy? You have no home? Please come back to Your home! I see that Your body has become very dirty from playing since early morning. Now come home and take Your bath"
- Mucukunda told Lord krsna, "To revive my energy, I was taking rest in this solitary cave, but I have been awakened by some unknown man who has forced me to wake up although I was not willing to do so"
- My dear friend, please tell Me what to do. My ears have been plundered by the qualities of Krsna's sound. Now, however, I cannot hear His transcendental sound, and I am almost dead for want of it
- My dear Lord, washing the temple is not service befitting You. Nonetheless, if You wish to do so, it is to be accepted as one of Your pastimes
- My dear Lord, we pray that we may never feel attraction for the prison of family life, consisting of home, wife, children, friends, bank balance, relatives and so on. If we do have some attachment, let it be for devotees, whose only dear friend is Krsna
- My dear Lord, You are not a statue; You are directly the son of Maharaja Nanda. Now, for the sake of the old brahmana, You can do something You have never done before
- My Lord, we are Your two servants and are here just to carry out Your orders. By Your mercy, please tell us to do whatever You want
- My point is that you are all Vaisnavas; try to do something good to the people, because they are all suffering
- Narada Muni asked Pracinabarhisat: My dear King, what do you desire to achieve by performing these fruitive activities? The chief aim of life is to get rid of all miseries & enjoy happiness, but these two things cannot be realized by fruitive activity
- Narottama dasa Thakura sings, hari hari biphale janama gonainu: "My Lord, I have simply wasted my life." Why? I got this human form of body for understanding, worshiping Radha-Krsna. Now, I did not do anything. That means knowingly I have taken poison
- Naturally we cannot violate destiny. But if we do it, then we will suffer. But our destiny can be changed by Krsna when we are Krsna conscious. We do not do it, but Krsna will do it
- Nawab Hussain Shah entrusted the whole kingdom in Sanatana Gosvami's hand, "You manage, whatever you like." Because he knew that, Here is a trustworthy man. He'll do very nicely
- Negation is no life. Positive life is life. "Don't do this," is no life. "Do this," this is life.The whole Bhagavad-gita is "do." "Do fight for Me." There is nothing "don't." Arjuna wanted, "Don't induce me." And Krsna did not like that
- No one should do anything, eat anything, sacrifice anything or give anything in charity against the will of the Lord
- Not in this country (New Zealand), everywhere, that boys and girls are not checked, rather encouraged, encouraged in the matter of immature sex life. Preyas. They want it, "All right, do it. Take tablets and enjoy." This is dangerous
- Now let me repeat all the pastimes of the Antya-lila, for if I do so I shall taste the pastimes again
- Now we have got a very big task before us to purchase the skyscraper building on 40th Street. So I am entrusting that you and Bali Mardan and the other big leaders there in New York will be able to do it
- Now you are free. I think that the talent which you have got for doing business will help our cause more than what you could have done at the custody of your father
- O great sage, please save me and my forefathers, who are descending to the darkness of hell because I have no progeny. Kindly do something so that I may have a son to deliver us from hellish conditions
- O King, what relationship does the dead body for which you lament have with you, and what relationship do you have with him?
- O Lord, as the small sparks of a fire cannot possibly perform the actions of the whole fire, we sparks of Your Lordship cannot inform You of the necessities of our lives. You are the complete whole. Therefore, of what do we need to inform You?
- O My Lord! O most merciful master! O master of Mathura! When shall I see You again? Because of My not seeing You, My agitated heart has become unsteady. O most beloved one, what shall I do now
- O son of Kunti, all that you do, all that you eat, all that you offer and give away, as well as all austerities that you may perform, should be done as an offering unto Me. BG 9.27 - 1972
- O wonderfully beautiful girl, You have such nice eyes, resembling the petals of a lotus flower. Who are You? Where do You come from? What is Your purpose in coming here, and to whom do You belong?
- Of all these devotees, the gopis are recognized as superior because they do not know anything other than satisfying Krsna. Nor do the gopis expect any return from Krsna
- Offering his respectful obeisances, Banasura said, "My dear lord (Siva), anyone who has not fulfilled his ambition will be able to do so by taking shelter of your lotus feet, which are just like a desire tree from which one can take anything he desires"
- On the fourth floor we're going to have doll projects, doll exhibits. So there's an open balcony up there, and I want to do something like that
- One can do harm to this material body, but not to the spirit soul and consciousness. Vinasam avyaya. Avyaya means which is never deteriorates. Vinasam avyayasya asya na kascit kartum arhati. Nobody can kill consciousness; nobody can kill the soul
- One might ask how this would be possible, since the universal order has been established since time immemorial, but Hiranyakasipu was proud to declare that he would be able to do everything by the power of his tapasya
- One must know God, and one must know what God desires. That is religion. Just like you must know your government, and you must know what government wants, expects from you. If you do that, then you are a good citizen
- One occupation which is not exactly fitting you, you do not know how to do it, so avyapare suvyaparam yo kartu... If one wants to act in a business in which he is unable to do, then he is killed just like this fool monkey
- One person should go to Bengal and inform them about the auspicious news of Your return to Jagannatha Puri. Upon hearing this, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu replied, "Do whatever you decide"
- One should accept the spiritual master not in the sense that the Mayavadi philosophers do
- One should never neglect austerities and penances; one should always perform them. Lord Rsabhadeva personally showed us how to do this
- One should not become father or mother if he cannot do so. In this way, no friend, no relatives, no father, no..., if one cannot teach his other party how to save from the clutches of death
- One should take shelter of the lotus feet of Krsna, as we shall see Gajendra do, and at the same time one can be a grhastha if he is satisfied with sexual indulgence
- One who does not do so (eat only food offered to Krsna) continues to increase the volume of sinful action, and this prepares the next body to resemble hogs and dogs, to suffer the resultant reactions of all sins. BG 1972 purports
- One who is pandita, one who is learned, he sees every living entity on the equal footing. Therefore a Vaisnava is so compassionate. Lokanam hita-karinau (Sad-gosvamy-astaka 2). They can actually do the beneficial work to the human being
- One who is subject to death cannot measure the glories of the SPG, Trivikrama, Lord Visnu, any more than he can count the number of atoms on the entire planet earth. No one, whether born already or destined to take birth, is able to do this
- Only because of illusion do we wrongly think, "I am existing" or "Everything belongs to me." Thus mother Yasoda completely surrendered unto the Supreme Lord
- Only because of our past actions do we create such mental concoctions, and because of these concoctions, we perform further activities
- Only for the sake of executing the duties of the renounced order of sannyasa do I listen. Unfortunately, I cannot in the least understand the meaning you are presenting
- Only those who are devotees, those who are Krsna conscious or God conscious, they can do actual benefit to the society. Others cannot do
- Our kirtana is simple and can be practiced even by the small children, and we have practically seen how small boys and girls do take part in it by chanting dancing with us, and what to speak of eating the delicious Krishna Prasadam
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is the only movement - I can declare very proudly - which can actually do some benefit to the human society
- Our senses ordering to do something which is not to be done at all. But still we have to do. Lusty desires are so strong, I do not want to do it, but it is forcing. In this way, we are being forced to serve the senses
- Our simple method is to see whether somebody is speaking about Krsna or what Krsna has said. If he does not do so, then immediately accept him asuram bhavam asritah, a raksasa. How you can accept him as guru?
- People do not know what they are doing in the name of economic development. The influence of Kali will keep them in the darkness of ignorance
- People give me credit that, "Swamiji, you have done wonderful. Nobody could do it." I am not a wonderful man. Neither I do know anything magic. I have presented Bhagavad-gita as it is. That's all. This is the secret
- People will come, and they'll pay something, and that will be my income for my family, as the caste gosvamis do in Navadvipa and other . . . A means of livelihood. He has no devotion. He wanted as a means of income
- Persons who do so (spread Hare Krishna worldwide) are empowered. Therefore they are sometimes called avesa-avataras, or empowered incarnations, for they are endowed with the power of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Please do therefore everything with enthusiasm. That will satisfy me, and Krsna also, and as a result of which you will be satisfied transcendentally - this is our position
- Please let me know exactly what is the procedure for exporting books from India, because I have to do it periodically
- Prahlada Maharaja . . . such a gigantic demon could not do anything. He was five-years-old boy, was sticking to Krsna consciousness. That's all. Only that strength, and he faced the dangerous position of a gigantic demon like Hiranyakasipu
- Prahlada Maharaja said, My Lord, I do have a problem, however, for I am simply thinking of these rascals & fools who are busy with maya-sukha, temporary happiness, without knowledge of devotional service unto You. This is the problem faced by a Vaisnava
- Prahlada Maharaja said: "This kind of endeavor you should not do." Exploitation. Not exploitation; I mean to say, unnecessarily trying for developing economic condition. The modern civilization is: "Exploit nature and materially be opulent"
- Prahlada Maharaja, what he did do, as soon as there is tiffin hour, all the teachers gone, he would immediately call all the class friend and stand up on the bench and speak on bhagavad-bhakti
- Preaching is our only business, preaching. Whatever we do, it is aimed at preaching
- Radha said, "He has five arrows, and fixing them on His bow, He shoots them into the bodies of innocent women. Thus these women become invalids. It would be better if He took My life without hesitation, but He does not do so. He simply gives Me pain"
- Radharani continued, "By nature loving affairs are very crooked. They are not entered with sufficient knowledge, nor do they consider whether a place is suitable or not, nor do they look forward to the results"
- Raksasas are understood to be accustomed to eating their own sons, as snakes and many other animals sometimes do
- Ramananda Raya replied, "Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya thinks of me as his servant. Even in my absence he is very careful to do me good"
- Real friend is Krsna. I can work on His behalf. How I can work? You try. If you actually want to do something good to your family, then you try to make all the members of your family Krsna conscious
- Regarding printing work, I am prepared to guarantee for payment to the press if the printing is first class just suitable to the American taste. If Joshiji appears to be not interested why not yourself do the work and I am prepared to pay you
- Regarding the 24 hour kirtana as a regular temple function, do not do anything impractical. If it is not possible, then don't do it
- Regarding the Prasadam restaurant, if you start this, you should do it only in the temple. Not in another place
- Regarding your idea of purchasing a house, if it is possible, do it immediately. When you pay big rent anyway, purchasing a house is nice. Now Murari and his good wife, Lilavati, are there, so this will be a great boon to your Sankirtana activities
- Regarding your proposal for printing the condensed version of Bhagavad-gita, yes, do it. From your figures of book distribution you are doing real preaching
- Rsabhadeva suggested that, "You practice austerity." Means . . . austerity means, I have already explained, I do not like to do anything, but for curing my this material disease, I have to do that. This is called austerity
- Sadhu-vaidya, sadhu, saintly person, or a spiritual master or the scripture, what do they advise? The instruction is very simple, that you give up the service of this sense gratification - you just engage yourself to the service of Krsna
- Sadhus, saintly persons, want to preach to both the poor and the rich, but the poor take more advantage of the sadhus' preaching than the rich do
- Sanandana said, "The personified Vedas sing, 'Since all engagements are based on knowledge supplied by You (Visnu), the conditioned souls can execute pious activities only when You mercifully inspire them to do so'"
- Sanatana Gosvami then told the Bengali mendicant, "My dear brother, please do me a favor. Trade me your quilt for this woolen blanket"
- Sarasvati, is preaching, "Do you know Krsna?" He says: "No." "He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead." Simply say like that, "He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead," and "Chant His holy name, Hare Krsna." If you do this, then you are preacher
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya said, "This place is just befitting You. Please accept it. It is the hope of Kasi Misra that You do"
- Saunaka Rsi, therefore, inquired from Suta Gosvami: What did Svayambhuva Manu do after the reinstatement of the earth in its orbital situation?
- She (Mother Yasoda) could do nothing but offer obeisances to the Lord
- She is a little independent-spirited and wants to wander with me. Anyway, she is a sincere good soul, and let her do the work in her own way. But it is a good asset for her that she has attraction to hear me
- She said: My dear demons, if you accept whatever I may do, whether honest or dishonest, then I can take responsibility for dividing the nectar among you
- Simply by discharging devotional service in Krsna consciousness everything can be achieved; then what shall I do? Tasmad aham nico ’pi
- Simply for sense gratification, people make plans for material happiness. Maya-sukhaya bharam udvahato vimudhan (SB 7.9.43). They do this because they are all vimudhas, rascals
- Simply understanding will not do, theoretical. Jnanam vijnanam. This theoretical knowledge is good, but there must be practical application. Then it is . . . Then it will stand
- Since Arjuna was unable to estimate the length and breadth of the potency of the Lord, who else would be able to do so? One may only indulge in miscalculation like the frog-philosopher
- Since he (the devotee) has nothing to do with anything material, what pleasure can he derive from material benedictions like kingship or other overlordships, which are finished quickly with the end of the body?
- So if you want to change the mentality of the human being as it is going on, the dog's mentality, if you want to change it, you cannot do it by assembly in the United Nation and passing resolution. That is not possible
- So long one does not take the dust of the lotus feet of a devotee who is niskincana, who has nothing to do with this material world, but he's exalted in Krsna consciousness . . . unless you do that, there is no possibility
- So long they'll insist upon this point, that "Without Krsna consciousness we shall do everything successfully . . ." That is durasa. As long as they persist on this, they'll remain rascals. Every plan will be failure
- So these demons who are very much eager to accumulate money by black market, they are cintam aparimeyam, immeasurable anxiety. Anything you do in the material world, there will be cinta, anxiety
- So you are all good souls, please do not be agitated in trivial things. Do your duty nicely, develop the center as nicely as possible. If you think that your personality has been minimized, you can tolerate it
- So-called scientists say that, "God has created this universe. The laws are there. So we have to study the laws. What we shall do with the God?" Is it not?
- Some knowledge will not do. You must have perfect knowledge (BG 4.9): janma karma ca me divyam evam yo vetti tattvatah. Tattvatah means "perfectly." Perfect knowledge is being taught in Bhagavad-gita
- Sometimes in spite of our full Krishna Consciousness we fall a victim to maya but that is temporary just as seasonal changes such calamities do come & pass away & we have to endure them
- Spiritual airplanes do not fly business executives, politicians or planning commissions as passengers, nor do they carry cargo or postal bags. These planes are for pleasure trips only, and the residents of Vaikuntha fly in them
- Spontaneous means when we shall rise to the platform that "Here is a service for Krsna. Let me do it." Immediately. "Let me do it"
- Sravanam kirtanam, this is our main business. Sravanam. If you don't hear, what you will do? You will do simply sense gratification. That's all
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has said that in order to preach, one must live a practical life and show people how to do things. Apani acari' bhakti sikhaimu sabare. One cannot teach others unless he behaves the same way himself
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu replied, "Whatever you want to do you will be able to do correctly by Lord Krsna's favor. He will manifest the real purport"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "'Alas, what shall I do? To whom shall I speak? Let whatever I have done in hopes of meeting Krsna be finished now. Please say something auspicious, but do not speak about Krsna'"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu used to express His mind in this way: "Where is the Lord of My life, who is playing His flute? What shall I do now? Where should I go to find the son of Maharaja Nanda"
- Sri Ramananda Raya continued, "What shall I do? My mind has brought me here. I could not consider going first to Lord Jagannatha's temple"
- Sri-krsna-sankirtana is so powerful that it will conquer. It will be victorious. So I am very glad to meet you. And do this program. And if you like, I shall come back after a week and do. Utilize me in this way, I shall be very glad
- Sridhara Swami said in his verse, "He (the Supreme Lord) is worshipable by everyone. Unto that Supreme Person do I offer my respectful obeisances"
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura sings: My Lord, if You want me to take birth and accept a material body again, kindly do me this favor: allow me to take birth in the home of Your servant, Your devotee
- Srila Rupa Gosvami has given much stress to Radha-kunda because of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's desire to find it. Who, then, would give up Radha-kunda and try to reside elsewhere? No person with transcendental intelligence would do so
- Stealing is bad work, bad work. It is also working, but bad work. So Krsna recommends that instead of keeping yourself lazy, better do bad work
- Such work with the local newspapers as you are nicely doing is very good. Try to agitate as far as possible our activities. Always be engaged so that maya will not disturb you
- Sukracarya should have encouraged Bali Maharaja to give everything to Lord Visnu. This would have been a sign of love for the Supreme Lord. But he did not do so. On the contrary, he wanted to punish his devoted disciple by cursing him
- Suppose there are so many persons, they are without food in the hospital. Doctor has prescribed, "No food." What you can do there? Can you show your sympathy
- Suppose they're making research, find out petrol on the moon planet. But say it takes forty to fifty years: by that time your personal petrol will be finished. You cannot move; you cannot stop all nonsense. Then what you will do?
- Svarupa Damodara said to the Lord, "I cannot contradict Your supreme will, my Lord, but if You do not accept the bedding, Jagadananda Pandita will feel great unhappiness"
- Svarupa-siddhi is not that you do all nonsense things and svarupa-siddhi. Svarupa-siddhi means when he is actually liberated, he understands what is his relationship with Krsna. That is svarupa-siddhi
- Tamala Krsna Maharaja said that you are not following the regulative principles. I do not know why you should do like that. Anyway, if there was any discrepancies in that way I hope you will rectify it and fully cooperate with Karandhara Prabhu
- Tapasya is meant for the human being. He must do it if he at all wants to make progress in life. It is essential
- Tattva-vit means one who knows the truth, that "I cannot do anything without Krsna's sanction." Therefore he does not do anything. Whatever is sanctioned by Krsna he does; otherwise not
- That is disobedience. Krsna says fight, you must fight. Don't bring philosophy of nonviolence. That is nonsense. What He says, do it. That is service
- That is explained in Bhagavata, that those who are isvara, those who are empowered, they will do anything, but we cannot imitate
- That is the test who is a devotee. Simply by advertising himself, advertisements will not do. How much you are freed from the anarthas
- That is the whole Vedic literature - the heaven and hell. If you do like this, then you go to heaven, and if you do like this, you go to hell
- That is the whole Vedic literature - the heaven and hell. If you do like this, then you go to heaven, and if you do like this, you go to hell. If you do like this, you go to Godhead
- That is very good. He is a Vaisnava. Naturally he does not like to fight or pick up quarrel with others or do some harm to others
- That one has been found to be very weak in one place does not mean that he should stop fighting the crocodile of maya. One should take shelter of the lotus feet of Krsna, as we shall see Gajendra do, and at the same time one can be a grhastha
- The abhasa feature of bhakti is compared to twilight, and the accumulation of one's sins is compared to fog. Since fog does not spread throughout the sky, the sun need do no more than merely manifest its first rays, and the fog immediately disappears
- The all-powerful Brahma, who was born from the lotus flower, pacified the boy with gentle words, accepting his request, and said: Do not cry. I shall certainly do as you desire
- The asuras, nondevotees, cannot distinguish between pravrtti and nivrtti. Whatever they like they do. Such persons think themselves independent of the strong material nature, and therefore they are irresponsible and do not care to act piously
- The best thing to do on fasting days is to remember the pastimes of Govinda and to hear His holy name constantly
- The Bhagavad-gita is the standard book of knowledge in India and many eminent persons like Gandhi, Aurobindo, Dr. RadhaKrishnan, etc. they tried to understand the Bhagavad-gita, but could not do it
- The brahmanas are always engaged in the devotional service of the Lord: consequently they have no material wants, nor do they possess material things
- The brahmanas indirectly criticized the followers of Lord Siva, but because the brahmanas were always protected by Lord Visnu, Siva's followers could not do any harm to their prosecution of the sacrificial process
- The brahmanas said, "They (the wives of the brahmanas) have so devotedly dedicated their lives to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, that they could easily do what is ordinarily so difficult"
- The collage of the pictures and the articles in the magazine have been wonderfully set up and I very much appreciate it. I can understand from your attempt that you are doing something wonderful this year
- The conditioned soul has many aspirations such as becoming a religious man, a rich man, or a first-class enjoyer or becoming God himself, or becoming powerful like the mystics and acting wonderfully by getting anything or doing anything
- The court or the church is not meant for that purpose, that they will excuse the sinners every week without questioning and without giving him full, nice instruction that "You cannot do this." But if they say like that, then no more, nobody will come
- The deities in a moving vehicles is all right, providing they are cared for properly, so do the needful. Everything has to be done expertly that is my point
- The demigods were jubilant not only because the appearance of the Supreme Lord would do away with the burdensome demons, but also because they would be able to see upon the ground the transcendental marks from the soles of the Lord's lotus feet
- The demonic do not accept Lord Krsna as He is. Instead they concoct something about Krsna and mislead general readers from the path of Krsna's instructions. Here is a warning about such misleading paths
- The devotees could not understand why Nityananda Prabhu broke the staff, why Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu permitted Him to do so, or why, after permitting Him, Caitanya Mahaprabhu became angry
- The devotees gave their opinion and said, "The Lord will never meet the King, and if we requested Him to do so, the Lord would surely feel very unhappy"
- The duration of life, so far as the body is concerned, may be taken; however one tries to keep it intact, no one can do it. But the spiritual education we receive in Krsna consciousness cannot be taken away by the sun. It becomes a solid asset
- The elephant cleanses the body very nicely, but as soon as comes to the land, he takes dust and throws over it. So what is the use of such atonement if I have to commit again? I do it again and again
- The following answer is given by Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura. The entire creation, as well as its individual parts, is an expansion of the energy of the SPG. Therefore, even though the Lord enters the material world, He does not do so
- The gopis said, "Therefore, if even at Your request we return home, what shall we do there? We have lost all our ability to act without You (Krsna)"
- The government can give you the law book. You consult and do accordingly, you’ll be happy. And if you don’t, against, the government man is not coming to stop you. You do, and suffer
- The great sage Atri said: O Lord Brahma, Visnu and Siva, you have divided yourself into three bodies by accepting the three modes of material nature, as you do in every millennium for the creation, maintenance and dissolution of the cosmic manifestation
- The gross materialist thieves have no ultimate goal of life. They are simply directed to sense gratification; nor do they have knowledge of how to perform yajnas
- The household duty of a man is not to satisfy his sense gratification, but to remain with a wife and children and at the same time attain advancement in spiritual life. One who does not do so is not a householder but a grhamedhi
- The hunter then said, 'My dear sir, whatever you say I shall do.' Narada immediately ordered him, 'First of all, break your bow. Then I shall tell you what is to be done'
- The King gave a special order for me to do without delay whatever Your Lordship orders
- The King has already given me an order to return to Jagannatha Puri, and I am making arrangements to do this
- The king is duty-bound to protect the living entities in his kingdom. Thus although the parents are directly responsible for the protection and maintenance of their children, the duty of the king is to see that all parents do their duty properly
- The King ordered two respectable officers named Haricandana and Mardaraja to do whatever was necessary to carry out these orders
- The king's duty is, as representative of Krsna, to make every citizen Krsna conscious. Then he is doing nice duty. And because the monarchs did not do so, therefore now monarchy is abolished everywhere
- The Lord in His incarnation of Dhanvantari very quickly cures the diseases of the ever-diseased living entities simply by his fame personified, and only because of him do the demigods achieve long lives
- The Lord then said to His attendants, Jaya and Vijaya: Depart this place, but fear not. All glories unto you. Though I am capable of nullifying the brahmanas' curse, I would not do so. On the contrary, it has My approval
- The Lord's excellent speech was difficult to comprehend because of its momentous import & its most profound significance. The sages heard it with wide-open ears & pondered it as well. But although hearing, they could not understand what He intended to do
- The Lord, or the Supersoul, can expand Himself into millions of different forms, whereas the individual soul cannot do so
- The master is, "Oh, you cannot do. Just see." Just like I show you sometimes how to mop. So I am not a mopper, but I am showing how to mop. So our position is like that. We do not belong to any varna and asrama. But we have to show these rascals
- The material world is an impediment for the ordinary living entities because they are under its control, but Krsna, being the controller of the material world, has nothing to do with the impediments it offers
- The members of the present Krsna consciousness movement were not born in India, nor do they belong to the Vedic culture, but within the short time of four or five years they have become such wonderful devotees simply by chanting the Hare Krsna mantra
- The more you restrict your material sense gratification, the more you are advanced. This is the standard. Not that "Because I've got tendency to act like this, let me do it unrestrictedly." That's not human civilization; that's cats' & dogs' civilization
- The Muslim King ordered the magistrate, "Do not disturb this Hindu prophet out of jealousy. Let Him do His own will wherever He likes"
- The nature of the individual soul is forgetfulness, but the presence of the Lord within the heart reminds him of what he wanted to do in his past life. The intelligence of the individual soul is exhibited like fire in wood
- The other day one professor came to see me from Khabudvipa(?). He was very submissive, but still, he would argue like this, that "Whatever Krsna is making me to do, I am doing." So I told him, "Krsna is asking you to surrender. Why don't you surrender?"
- The prisonhouse is there and the university is there. Why do some people go to prison rather than the university?
- The queens continued, "Do those dealings of the Supreme Personality of Godhead pinch your heart as they do ours?"
- The Queens continued, "So we are very much obliged to you (the cuckoo). Please let us know how we can welcome you or how we can do something for you"
- The real aim of life is to mitigate distress, and one can do this very easily by following the principles of sastra
- The sages of Naimisaranya became struck with wonder after hearing about the wonderful administration of Maharaja Pariksit, especially in reference to his punishing the personality of Kali and making him completely unable to do any harm within the kingdom
- The serious student will do well to attempt to go through them (commentaries upon Srimad-Bhagavatam) in order to more happily relish the transcendental messages of the Bhagavatam
- The Supersoul is ordering, "Don't do it," because without God's sanction he cannot steal. But when the thief persists, then He says, "All right, you do at your risk." This is the position of the Supersoul and the soul
- The system of civilization who is encouraging them to do this without any information, what kind of condemned civilization is that? Pulling by force to the darkest region of hell. They do not know, although the hellish condition of life is in the front
- The test is within our hand. If during mangala-arati we feel laziness, that means I'm not yet spiritually advanced. And if one feels enthused, "Now it is time for mangala-arati, let me stand up, let me do this," then it is spiritual
- The United Nations is trying to adjust things, the whole worldly affairs, by a United Nations organization, UNO. But they could not do anything. Because they do not know that how the nation should be united
- The Vaisnava devotees, they are not very much anxious to see God. They know, "Why God shall come to me? He is so busy, He has got so many business. Let me do my duty"
- The Vaisnavites, the devotees of the Lord, do believe, as above explained, that nothing can take place without the sanction of the Supreme Lord
- The varnasrama institution is most scientific. It aims at giving one the facility to return home, back to Godhead, which one cannot do without completely renouncing all connections with the material world
- The word acyutamsam is specifically used here (in SB 10.2.18), signifying that the Lord is always present with His plenary expansions and opulences. There is no need to think of the Lord artificially as yogis do
- The young boys, they are taking Hare Krsna movement seriously, so the government can be changed in their favor. After all, it is democracy. So you can do it. You become president; you'll become senator. In America it is possible
- Then Vasudeva remembered the cows he had wanted to give in charity to the brahmanas after the birth of Krsna & Balarama. But being imprisoned by Kamsa at that time, Vasudeva had been able to do so only within his mind, for Kamsa had stolen all his cows
- There are many injunctions in the revealed scriptures; some of them are do-not's, and some of them are do's. BG 1972 purports
- There are so many nice example, that if an ordinary man beats another man, slap, he immediately becomes criminal. Law is there, "You cannot do that." But if policeman gives you a slap, it is not criminal
- There are two kinds of following. You want to do something by your whims and you could not fulfill that whim in one life. So Krsna is so kind, He gives you opportunity to fulfill that desire in this next life
- There is a saying that when Krsna protects someone, no one can do him harm, and when Krsna wants to kill someone, no one can protect him. The vivid example was Ravana
- There is a very common Bengali proverb that says that whatever one does for perfection will be tested at the time of his death. Bhagavad-gita describes what we should do at the point of our death, when we are giving up this present body
- There is no place in My mind for jnana-yoga or dhyana-yoga. Although You know Me very well, You are still instructing Me in jnana-yoga and dhyana-yoga. It is not right for You to do so
- There is no question of failure in Krishna Consciousness, whatever we do it is success. Whatever one may do in the material world, if he is even Rockefeller, it is all failure, defeat, because it will not exist beyond this body
- There is no question of sectarianism in this movement. We are recommending that you chant the holy name of the Lord. Do it. Is there any objection
- There is nothing in the codes of Sri Krsna to stipulate that these devoted persons will make their appearance within the boundaries of a particular caste, creed, color, or country. These devoted persons can and do appear everywhere
- There must be an institution to educate a brahmana, to educate ksatriya. That is required. Catur-varnyam maya srstam. If you don't do it, if you simply produce sudras, bolt-nut manufacturers, technicians, then how you can be happy
- There must be some proprietor. So who is that proprietor? Krsna says, "I am the proprietor." You have to know it, whether Krsna is not proprietor. He says, "I am proprietor," but if you are doubtful, prove that He is not proprietor. That you cannot do
- There was no certainty of where Ramacandra Puri would take his meal, for he would do so even uninvited. Nevertheless, he was very particular about keeping account of how others were taking their meals
- Therefore if the wife is unable to execute this process, the husband should carefully do so, and the faithful wife will share the result
- Therefore those who are trying to overcome the laws of nature, that is the so-called modern scientists' endeavor. That is foolishness, rascaldom. They cannot do it. It is not possible
- These are our inquiries. The ordinary conditioned soul is subject to the material laws, and he thus receives the fruits of his actions. Do You, like an ordinary human being, exist within this material world in a body produced by the material modes?
- These are practical proofs of how a Krsna conscious person becomes highly developed in good qualities, whereas a person who is not in Krsna consciousness cannot do so
- These philosophers theorizing so many "I believe." So these things will not do. These things will not do. That is useless, simply waste of time. You must know there is God. How we can deny it? There is supreme power. I am being controlled every moment
- They (the demigods) are always afraid of fighting with us (the counselors of Kamsa), and even if they wish to check our activities, they will not dare to do so. Because of your (Kamsa) immeasurable strength, they fear your bow
- They (the demoniac) do everything whimsically, according to their own desire, and they do not recognize any authority. BG 1972 purports
- They (the scientists and philosophers) challenge Krsna, saying, What is God? We can do this, and we can do that. But the more they challenge Krsna in this way, the more they are implicated in suffering
- They can do so (become engaged in material activities) because the speaker is not bhagavat-pradhana and the audience is not susrusatam
- They cannot make any plan successful without Krsna consciousness. So long they'll insist upon this point, that "Without Krsna consciousness we shall do everything successfully..." That is durasa
- "They do not know what are the "do's" and what are the "do not's." This is the first qualification of the asuras. They do not know. Because they do not like to take lesson from superior. They manufacture their own lesson
- They have started so many humanitarian institutes to favor the suffering humanity, but it is not possible. They cannot. They cannot do it. It is false attempt
- They mistreated him, and Jada Bharata behaved for them like a madman who was deaf, blind or dull. He did not protest or try to convince them that he was not so. If others wanted him to do something, he acted according to their desires
- They say, "We shall do in future." And what is the future? Then why you are at present making false propaganda? Wait for the future
- Thinking must be there, but if you think of this body - how to keep it very comfortably, how to enjoy senses, how to have more money, how to have more men or women, how to see naked dance, how to do, how to this, how to this - then you are demon
- Thinking, feeling and willing are all activities of the mind, and when we will to do something, the activity comes to be manifest by the gross bodily senses
- This (swallowing up the whole forest fire) was not impossible for Krsna, because He is unlimited. He has unlimited power to do anything He desires
- This demon (Maya Danava), feeling obliged to Arjuna, wanted to do him some service to show his gratefulness, but Arjuna declined to accept anything from him in exchange
- This is our process, that you do not let even one minute go by without doing some sort of service for Krishna. Because as soon as there is a little gap of Krishna Consciousness, immediately maya makes an attack to grab us again
- This is surrender. This is trust. Then activities begins. Then he will act according to the order of Krsna. When he has surrendered, he'll do as Krsna says, man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru
- This is the blessing of my Guru Maharaja. He wanted it. And because we are trying to do this, he is giving us all blessings. He told me personally, "I wanted to sell this marble and publish some books"
- This is the world. Any nonsense you do and if you say, "It is the latest fashion," everyone will do. The miniskirt. One girl made it, so all girls take
- This is very important verse. Evam tvayi nanyathe . . . nanyatha ato asti na karma lipyate nare. If you know it that everything belongs to Krsna, in this way if you live for hundreds of years and do your duties, there will be no reaction
- This Mayavada interpretation is, explanation, means covering the real meaning. That's all. They do so like that. They'll never accept the direct meaning
- This philosophy of taking care of the Supreme is missing in the modern civilization. They do philanthropic work, national work, social work and many similar other works; now ultimately they have invented the United Nations and world health organizations
- This program to make each and every center spiritually strong should be the duty of the GBC. So far financing, let them do in their own way
- This repetition of birth and death, it is the blazing fire of material existence. So when one understands that "What is my position?" then he'll do this, ceto-darpana-marjanam
- This sloka can be explained, what is the meaning of religion, by doll exhibition. When you do it I shall give you ideas
- Those who are actually eager to be liberated from material entanglement would do well to accept at once the conclusion given by Sri Sukadeva Gosvami
- Those who are attached to this body, which is meant to be eaten at the end by dogs and jackals, cannot do so
- Those who will promise before the deity to follow the rules and regulations of initiated disciples will be punished if they fail to do so. I am certain, that under your able guidance all the boys and girls are enthusiastic in their duties for Krsna
- Thus injured all over his body and fainting at every step, he cries out, "Oh, what shall I do now! How shall I be saved!" This is how one suffers who deviates from the accepted religious principles
- Time will come when there will be no rain. Then what you will do with your tractor and machine? You'll have to eat the tractor
- To become a husband means to maintain a wife and children nicely by supplying wealth and security. However, a material husband cannot possibly do this, for he is dependent on his karma
- To deal with the asuras is not so easy job, but we have to do that. You should not be discouraged
- To emphasize something to an ordinary person, one may repeat it three times, just as one might say - You must do this! You must do this! You must do this
- To execute this Krsna consciousness is very pleasing. And pratyaksavagamam, and you'll understand directly how we are advancing. So where is the difficulty? The difficulty is dog obstinacy. They'll not do it. "Why shall I do it?'' This is the difficulty
- To observe one's birthday ceremony, one should do something in terms of one of these three items (yajna, dana or tapah), or all of them together
- To preach Bhagavat religion sometimes we have to quote from the sastras what is not palatable to unscrupulous so called religious persons. But in preaching we cannot do without quoting the proper verses
- To rise early in the morning - for those who are not practiced, it is a little painful, but one has to do it. So according to the Vedic injunctions, there are some tapasyas that must be done
- To rise early in the morning and do whatever is needed. Then at nine, half-past nine, I will go to his apartment and begin cooking. Then, after finishing, I'll take my bathing, and then we shall eat together
- To say nothing of this, He sometimes serves your family as a messenger or servant. This means He worked just as ordinary servants do
- Twenty-seven layers of garbage. Underneath, the soul is there. What he will do? He is a small particle, soul, and he is covered with so many material elements. To come out of it is very, very difficult
- Two forces of nature is acting upon us by which we decide that, "We now, this life, I shall make spiritual advancement." And next moment the illusory maya, or illusory energy, says: What nonsense spiritual life you are going to do? Just enjoy this here
- United Nations under Caitanya Mahaprabhu's flag, do everywhere. It is possible. Always that is simply a false attempt. This is the real
- Unless one takes his lessons from Krsna or His bona fide representative, one must inevitably misunderstand the import of karma-yoga, as do the ordinary mundaners who often advertise themselves as karma-yoga experts
- Unless such materialists are able to cleanse the materially absorbed mind, it is impossible for them to concentrate upon thoughts of transcendence. And to do so one may fix one's mind on the gross material or external feature of the Lord
- Unless we make our program in an authorized perfect way, anything we try to do will be a failure
- Unless you become a dhirah, you cannot understand what is spiritual life, what is spirit. It is not a bogus thing, that I manufacture something, concoct something, and do something, and I become a leader, I become a spiritual master. This is all nonsense
- Upon hearing this, the brahmana became afraid. He then said, "Why do You speak like this? You are a sannyasi"
- Upon seeing this wonderful exhibition (of innumerable other Brahmas), the four-headed Brahma became nervous and began to think of himself as no more than a mosquito in the midst of many elephants. Therefore, what can Brahma do to bewilder Krsna
- Vaco vegam krodha-vegam, manasa-vegam, mind. It has got so many urges. Mind is driving practically, "Let us go there, let us go there, let us do this, let us . . ." Never mind sinful or pious, mind is always dictating and rejecting
- Vallabha Bhatta said, "Where do all these Vaisnavas live, and how can I see them"
- Visnu always takes the part of the demigods, but Brahma and Siva sometimes take the side of the demons; it is not that they become one in interest with them, but sometimes they do something in order to gain control over the demons
- Volcanic eruptions can do very little harm, & similarly, those who are against devotional service to the Lord, who put forward many philosophical theses about the ultimate transcendental realization cannot disturb this great ocean of devotional service
- Vrtrasura addresses the Lord, "I do not aspire to this. Nor do I wish the mystic perfections of yoga practice, nor do I aspire to spiritual emancipation. All I wish for, my Lord, is Your association and transcendental service eternally"
- We are not advocate of vegetarianism or nonvegetarianism. That is not our business. We are Krsna-ites. What Krsna said, we have to do
- We are not meant for giving you any bluff, that "You give me some fee," or "I shall give you some mantra, and whatever you like you can do, and if you meditate or do that, then you'll become one with God." These things are not our business
- We are presenting Bhagavad-gita As It Is to induce people to take as it is. Don't make any amendment, interpretation. As Krsna says, you do it; then your life is successful
- We can see a person. A person we see, what do we see? The senses. But we cannot see the director of the senses. The director of the senses is the mind. And the director of the mind is intelligence. And the owner of the intelligence is the soul
- We cannot have the knowledge of the Absolute Truth simply by argument or simply by philosophy or simply by big brain or speaking power. No, no. All these things will not do. Simply we have to follow the great authority
- We don't want these nonsense followers, many thousands. What they will do? But if we can turn one man into Krsna consciousness perfectly, he can do tremendous work in the world
- We first of all give stress, the creative faculty, that the watchmaker is doing nice work, but who has made that watchmaker? Who is that creative faculty?
- We found out a very nice suitable place at 6th Street on Grand, but the difficulty is just on the side there is a butcher and the smell is obnoxious, so we could not do it
- We have got many sporting club, dancing club, because we want to do that. But we want to do in this material world. That is our defect
- We have to consider whether the leadership of Lenin is good, or the leadership of Krsna is good. That is another thing. But you have to accept one leader. You cannot do without leader. That is not possible
- We have to transcend all these three qualities, sattva-guna, rajo-guna, tamo-guna, especially rajo-guna, tamo-guna. If we do not try to do that, then there is no hope of spiritual salvation or liberation from the material entanglement
- We keep the ideal style of life. You learn, and do it. I am not encroaching upon your independence, but if you want to be happy, you follow. This is our process
- We Kurus, can't allow them (the Yadus) to do any more of these things, nor shall we allow them to use these royal insignias. Best to take all these things away; it is improper to feed a snake with milk, since merciful activities simply increase his venom
- We may find some mailboxes on the street, and if we post our letters in those boxes, they will naturally go to their destination without difficulty. But any old box, which is not authorized by the post office, will not do the work. BG 1972 purports
- We say that on the ekadasi day you should fast. So fasting is not very, I mean to say, pleasant, but one has to do. This is called tapasya
- We should learn how to do good to the people in general. They have forgotten their relationship with God. You should be sympathetic for them. That they're suffering on account of their forgetfulness of God, let us do some service
- We should not try to put our spiritual master in a position that he has to reclaim me from prostitute's house. But he has to do it. Because he accepts his disciple, he has got the responsibility like that
- We won't do anything. We talk much of this, that, this, that. Do anything, but do it perfectly. "Jack of all trade, master of none." That is not good. Be master of something
- We're going to the spiritual world to have our eternal, blissful knowledge and life. That is our program. So what we will do with this teeny information of moon planet, this planet, that planet? We have got already some information, we are satisfied
- What can we do but tolerate it? The mother of a thief cannot cry loudly for justice when the thief is punished. Therefore we simply remain silent
- What do you gain by prolonging life if you are suffering? Stop suffering. That is wanted. How you can stop suffering? Hmm? With suffering, prolonging life, what is the benefit
- What is the use of your becoming naked? You must do something. That is Krsna consciousness. Not that "I have become mendicant. I have given up all material things." You cannot give material things
- What the hands and legs will do if there is brain, if there is no brain? So at the present moment there is scarcity of brain in the whole human society. Therefore, it is in the chaotic condition
- What these materialistic men can do mercy to the others? They cannot do anything. Here is the real mercy, to awaken a person to Krsna consciousness
- What you will do with money? If there is no grain, then will you eat money? (laughter)
- Whatever Krsna likes, He'll do. You cannot oblige Him, that "You have to do it." No. That is karma-mimamsa, that "If good work gives good result, so why should we care for Krsna? We shall do the good work." Ordinary people, they think like that
- Whatever Krsna says, you do it. That is cooperation. Then it will be successful
- Whatever one may do, unless he comes to the point of surrendering to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, no process can give him liberation
- Whatever the demigods do is done with the sanction of Lord Visnu
- Whatever they (devotees) do is for the service of the Lord, and therefore they are always in a position superior to that of the demons
- Whatever we see or do, the Supersoul of all acts of seeing or doing is the Lord. This theory of simultaneous oneness & difference between the individual soul and the Supersoul is propounded by Lord Caitanya as the philosophy of acintya-bhedabheda-tattva
- Whatever you do for Krsna, it will have no reaction. Digest everything. And if you do not do for Krsna, then it will take time to digest
- When a person competent to drink that nectar does not do so, that shameless person continues his life uselessly
- When Laksmana brings all the vegetables, fruits and roots from the forest, Sita will do the necessary cooking
- When Mukunda was called for, he submitted, "My dear sir, I have something to do that is not yet finished. Later I shall accept the prasadam, so You two Prabhus should now please enter the room"
- When one becomes ecstatic, "Oh, now I have to do something for Krsna," then he renounces everything. Only Krsna. Only Krsna's business. That is the test
- When one comes to the Krishna Temple, he should try to understand krishna Consciousness. Actually, one who is advanced will not find any contradiction. The Christians teach love of Godhead, and we practically do it
- When the Bhattacarya heard that Amogha was dying of cholera, he thought, "It is the favor of Providence that He is doing what I want to do"
- When you change, then the authority is lost. Just like in our society, sometimes they do something nonsense and they say, "Prabhupada said"
- When you do something out of love, that is pleasure. That is not trouble. In the transcendental platform, devotional service, anything you do, that is pleasure. That is not trouble
- When you promise that "We shall not do these things," don't do it again. Then you remain in goodness. That's all. Nobody can disturb you. And if you pollute yourself silently, then this goodness will go on. So this is the warning
- When you serve Krsna, there is no question of distress. Simply do your best, and people will surely be benefited wherever you go. A Vaisnava, wherever he goes, he makes the place sanctified. Vancha-kalpatarubhyas ca krpa-sindhubhya eva ca
- Where is the difficulty (of following sanatana dharma)? And Krsna promises, mam evaisyasy asamsaya: "If you do this, you'll come to Me. Without any doubt you'll come to Me." Why don't you do that
- Who am I? Why do the threefold miseries always give me trouble? If I do not know this, how can I be benefited
- Who can describe completely the prowess of Visnu? Even the scientist, who might have counted the particles of the atoms of the universe, cannot do so
- Who is a Hindu who will deny the authority of Krsna? Is he a Hindu? Every Hindu observes Janmastami, the birthday of Krsna. So why do they not take Krsna's advice and remain practically Hindu
- Who knows it? Ask big, big leaders, big, big scholars of Bhagavad-gita. They are concerned with this body. Nobody is interested with the active principle within the body. So what do they know about Bhagavad-gita?
- Why I appointed the GBC men? I advised them to go, temple to temple, if they are acting nicely, according to us. That is the duty of the GBC. But if he does not act himself nicely, what he will do
- Why then was he (Hiranyakasipu) called a Raksasa and Daitya? It is because whatever he did was for his own sense gratification. His son Prahlada Maharaja was only five years old, and so what could Prahlada do?
- Why, then, do the nondevotees and atheists not admit this (there must be someone who has created this cosmic manifestation and has supplied its ingredients)? The reason is that they are polluted by the reactions of their fruitive activities
- With great difficulty we get a man. We have to reform them. Our business is to become sympathetic to fallen souls. So in future do not do it all. Everything should be done amicably
- Without knowing the supreme position of the Lord. Cheaply they select God. God has become so cheap. "I am God, you are God." What is the meaning of God? Do you know? If I am God, you are God, then what is the meaning of God?
- Worshiping means give and take. Take blessings and offer little fruit or little flower, patram puspam phalam toyam. And if you cannot do anything, just offer your obeisances. Very simple thing
- Yadunandana Acarya requested Raghunatha dasa, "Please induce the brahmana to resume the service, for there is no other brahmana to do it"
- Yamaraja has to do more work than other demigods who are also authorized agents of the Supreme Lord
- Yes, you must rectify this mistake. All society stationary must bear my name as founder-acarya. Please do it immediately
- Yet this flute is always drinking the nectar of Krsna's lips, which surpasses nectarean sweetness of every description. Only by hoping for that nectar do the gopis continue to live
- You (Arjuna) are known as a great fighter, great soldier and My friend, and this will be going against your reputation. Don't do this
- You are a renounced sannyasi. What connections do You have? One who worships You for some material purpose is blind to all knowledge
- You are a very expert book distributer, so I do not want you to give it up altogether. If you like, you can also do some painting
- You are coming here to learn something. When you are convinced that "Swamiji knows the thing," when you are convinced, then you accept. Then you ask for initiation. Otherwise don't do it hesitatingly or knowing half
- You are doing duty very nicely. Or a medical man, or a business man, or anyone - everyone has to do something. You cannot sit down idly and you'll get your livelihood. Even if you are a lion you have to work
- You are so fortunate to have such training in Krishna Consciousness from the very beginning of childhood. So, take full advantage of it and follow very obediently what your older Godbrothers and Godsisters ask you to do
- You are speaking that from chemical combination life is formed. Do it in the laboratory. You cannot do it. Why you are propagating false propaganda
- You can do it as you are doing it, but it is advisable to consult directly with Srila Prabhupada on such a matter specially if you are making some change in any of the publishing, that should be consulted with Srila Prabhupada first. Kindly do this
- You can imagine that "There is no God, there is no Yamaraja, there is no punishment. Let me do." That is your fancy. But it is not the fact. Fact is, if we commit some sin we must suffer from it, and there is nobody in the world who can check it
- You cannot do it by mental speculation. You cannot get rid of this entanglement of three qualities. It is not possible. It is very strong. Don't you think how we are in the grip of the material nature? It is not possible
- You cannot make a compromise: "All right, let it be miserable. I shall remain here as an American or Indian." No. That also you cannot do. You cannot remain an American
- You have got assets. You have got parentage. Everything you have got. Now do something. You have come. It is a good association. Satam prasangan mama virya-samvidah (SB 3.25.25). (break) But they have dedicated their life to Krsna
- You have no men nor books. Neither you have any place to live. Therefore, the best thing is that you come immediately to Mayapur where I am staying until Gaura Purnima. You can do your translation work nicely here
- You keep yourself always in goodness. Then your position is all right. Otherwise, it is very risky. But these people, the Western people, they do not do that. They keep themselves in the modes of ignorance. That is very risky civilization
- You learn from the authorities. So the Gosvamis' business is to do . . . how to save these people, these rascals, from this repetition of birth and death
- You may do anything as your occupational duty, but the real life is that you have to awaken your dormant Krsna consciousness, become eager to understand about Krsna. That is main business
- You may say that you are now related as father and son, but do you think this relationship existed before? Does it truly exist now? Will it continue in the future?
- You rot in this material world or go back to Godhead. That is your option. It is open to you both ways. You go to hell or go to heaven. That is your option. So human life is meant for selecting - "What shall I do? I shall go to hell or heaven?"
- You should follow the four regulative principles without deviation. If you do these simple things, you will make steady advancement in Krishna Consciousness and there will be no fall downs
- You should make program that simply saying that "In God we trust," and we do all nonsense, which exhibits that we do not trust in God, this thing should be stopped
- You should understand that as I have taken up this mission with full faith in my guru maharaja, as you also preach earnestly in the countries of South America, you will do the highest good for others and for yourself as well
- You simply talk of him? You practice Buddha if you appreciate him. You give up everything like Buddha and meditate. But that you will not do. Then what is the talking of, useless talking about this? Do something
- You'll find big, big businessmen, they have got very, very long project, "How to do this? How to do this? How to increase this factory? How to make it world-renowned?" and so on, so on, so on. There is no limit of anxiety
- You'll find that when the dogs, they have sex life, they have no shame. So, many lusty people stand there and see. Seeing means they are willing, "If I could enjoy in the street like this." And sometimes they do
- You're offering some prayers. That's all right. What is the difficulty if you offer the prayer to Krsna? You have to do the same thing in a systematic way
- Your idea for the bullock cart sankirtana is very good. So now do it
- Your master is so expert at everything, but why does He do such things? Now bring your master before the goddess of fortune
- Your scientists and your appreciator, all, they are like tiny dwarfs. What do they know about the universal affair? That is their fault. They are so small . . . That, the same example, Dr. Frog, calculating Atlantic Ocean. This is the fault
- Your service is to Krsna, so it is not expected that everyone should be induced by your argument. You cannot expect. One day, two day, but we have to do our work. That's all