hell | hells | hell's
- exploring stopped at SB end of 6th canto
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This category has the following 18 subcategories, out of 18 total.
Pages in category "Hell"
The following 300 pages are in this category, out of 300 total.
- Don't believe in hell
- Even in hell, if we are all there, then where it is hell?
- Fall down into hell
- Hell known as Andha-tamisra
- Hell known as Asi-patravana
- Hell known as Ayahpana
- Hell known as Dandasuka
- Hell known as Krmibhojana
- Hell known as Ksarakardama
- Hell known as Kumbhipaka
- Hell known as Lalabhaksa
- Hell known as Maharaurava
- Hell known as Paryavartana
- Hell known as Pranarodha
- Hell known as Puyoda
- Hell known as Raurava
- Hell known as Sandamsa
- Hell known as Sarameyadana
- Hell known as Sucimukha
- Hell known as Sukaramukha
- Hell known as Sulaprota
- Hell known as Tamisra
- Hell known as Taptasurmi
- Hell known as Vajrakantaka-salmali
- Hell known as Visasana
- Just like hell
- Living in hell
- Pushing us towards hell
- Residence in hell
- Royal road to hell
- Sent to hell
- The miners understood there is no newspaper in hell
- Way to hell
- A father is teaching, "Eat, drink, be merry and enjoy. Eat meat and drink and associate with as many girls and this is enjoyment." That means, indirectly, he is sending his son to the hell. You see? There is no love. Actually, this is no love
- A government official who poorly administers justice, or who punishes an innocent man, is taken by the assistants of Yamaraja to the hell known as Sukaramukha, where he is mercilessly beaten
- A guest who comes to one's home should be received very politely. If he is unwanted, the householder should not stare at him with blinking eyes, for one who does so will be put into the hell known as Paryavartana
- A householder who receives guests or visitors with cruel glances, as if to burn them to ashes, is put into the hell called Paryavartana, where he is gazed at by hard-eyed vultures, herons, crows and similar birds
- A human being who does not use his developed consciousness but instead acts like an animal surely undergoes punishment in many different hells
- A man or woman who indulges in sexual intercourse with an unworthy member of the opposite sex is punished after death by the assistants of Yamaraja in the hell known as Taptasurmi. There such men and women are beaten with whips
- A Mayavadi philosophers, they are so dangerous that they mislead their follower to the hell. Caitanya Mahaprabhu has therefore strongly warned, mayavadi-bhasya sunile haya sarva-nasa
- A person who in this life is proud of his eminent position, and who heedlessly sacrifices animals simply for material prestige, is put into the hell called Visasana after death. There the assistants of Yamaraja kill him after giving him unlimited pain
- A person who indulges in sex indiscriminately - even with animals - is taken after death to the hell known as Vajrakantaka-salmali
- A person who is born into a responsible family - such as a ksatriya, or a government servant - but who neglects to execute his prescribed duties according to religious principles falls down at the time of death into the river of hell known as Vaitarani
- A person who is condemned by a brahmana or is always fearful to other living entities is not favored either by those who are already in hell or by those in the species in which he is born
- A person who is devoted to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narayana, is not afraid of anything. Elevation to the heavenly kingdom, condemnation to hell and liberation from material bondage all appear the same to a devotee
- A person who shows unwarranted wrath toward a guest in his house is put into the hell called Paryavartana
- A pure devotee has nothing to do with mundane religiosity, economic development, sense gratification, or salvation, nor is he concerned whether his standard of material existence is the highest or the lowest. To him, heaven and hell are of equal value
- A pure devotee of Narayana looks equally upon the happiness enjoyed in heaven, the transcendental bliss of becoming one with the Lord, and the tribulations experienced in the Kumbhipaka hell
- A pure devotee regards heaven and hell to be on an equal level. Without Krsna, heaven is hell; and with Krsna, hell is heaven
- A real Krishna Conscious person can adjust things nicely even in hell. A fully Krishna Conscious person is always in transcendental position and he is not afraid of any place which is so called, unfit for human habitation
- A self-surrendered devotee of the Lord is called narayana-parayana. Such a person is never afraid of any place or person, not even of death. For him nothing is as important as the Supreme Lord, and thus he gives equal importance to heaven and hell
- According to Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 6.17.28): narayana-parah sarve na kutascana bibhyati. Such a person (a narayana-parayana) is never afraid of anything. For him, heaven and hell are the same
- According to the direction of the Padma Purana, Anyone who considers the Deity in the temple to be made of stone or wood is a resident of hell
- Actually, in every scripture, not only in Bhagavata, in other religious scripture, the description of hell and heaven are there, some way or other
- After death he is put into the most abominable hell, known as Krmibhojana. In that hell is a lake 100,000 yojanas (800,000 miles) wide and filled with worms. He becomes a worm in that lake and feeds on the other worms there, who also feed on him
- After death such demons are put into the hell known as Sarameyadana. On that planet there are 720 dogs with teeth as strong as thunderbolts. Under the orders of the agents of Yamaraja, these dogs voraciously devour such sinful people
- After death such people are brought by the assistants of Yamaraja to the hell known as Sulaprota, where their bodies are pierced with sharp, needlelike lances
- After death, such persons (who have no good behavior, cleanliness or regulated life) are thrown into the hell called Puyoda, where they are put into an ocean filled with pus, stool, urine, mucus, saliva and similar things
- After death, such persons are thrown into the hell called Puyoda, where they are put into an ocean filled with pus, stool, urine, mucus, saliva and similar things. Sudras who could not improve themselves fall into that ocean and are forced to eat those
- After his (an envious person's) death, he is taken to hell by Yamaraja, those living entities who were hurt by him appear as animals called rurus to inflict very severe pain upon him
- After the death of a person in the bodily concept of life, he is undoubtedly transferred to the hell known as Andhatama - SB 10.2.22
- Agnostics may not believe in hell, but Sukadeva Gosvami affirms the existence of the Naraka planets, which lie between the Garbhodaka Ocean and Patalaloka
- Ajamila worshiped the Lord even at the point of death, and Citraketu worshiped the Lord even in heaven and in hell
- Any brahmana or brahmana's wife who drinks liquor is taken by the agents of Yamaraja to the hell known as Ayahpana. This hell also awaits any ksatriya, vaisya, or person under a vow who in illusion drinks soma-rasa
- Anyone who is narayana-parayana, he does not fear whether he is going to hell or heaven, because wherever he goes he is with Narayana, he is safe
- Anyone, if he is minus Krsna consciousness, then the result is that svakarma karite se raurave padi' maje: "By doing, by executing his specific duty, he's going to hell." Hell. It is a fact
- Arjuna bases his argument (that those who destroy family traditions dwell always in hell) not on his own personal experience, but on what he has heard from the authorities. That is the way of receiving real knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- As good as hell
- As servant of maya, Sometimes he is in heaven and sometimes in hell. Sometimes he is a demigod, and sometimes he is a demon. Sometimes he is a servant, and sometimes he is a master. In this way the living entity wanders all over the universe
- As supreme teacher of the world, Lord Krsna condemns the attitude of Arjuna who said - I do not find any good in this fighting. It will cause perpetual habitation in hell - Such statements by Arjuna were due to ignorance only. BG 1972 purports
- As the hellish inhabitants began to chant the holy name of the Lord they began to be elevated from hell towards heaven
- At the same time, he (Maharaja Prthu) performed the duty of a son who delivers his father from hellish conditions. The word putra means one who delivers from hell, called put. That is a worthy son
- Back to home, back to Godhead. You are going this side, opposite side, toward the side of hell. That is not your destination. You go this side, back to Godhead. - That is our propaganda. So we have not manufactured this; this is the standard
- Because a son delivers his father from punishment in the hell called put, the son is called putra. According to this principle, when there is a disagreement between the father and mother, it is the father, not the mother, who is delivered by the son
- Because of the sinful things one does to earn money, augment his wealth and protect it, he is put into the hell called Sucimukha, where the officials of Yamaraja punish him by stitching thread through his entire body like weavers manufacturing cloth
- Because they (materialistic people) deny the existence of God, illusion impels them: Yes, there is no God. Work hard and commit sins so that you may go to hell
- By contrast, a pure devotee like King Kulasekhara has complete knowledge of both matter and spirit. He does not say that everything material is false, yet he has nothing to do with anything material, from heaven down to hell
- Demons who print books and write lyrics on the raga-marga principles are surely on the way to hell. Unfortunately, they lead others down with them
- Descending to the darkness of hell
- Destined to be carried away to hell
- Devotees of God are not defeated anywhere in the universe. It is stated, narayana-parah sarve: one who is narayana-para, or a devotee of the Supreme Personality of God, is not afraid anywhere, whether he is sent to hell or promoted to heaven - SB 6.17.28
- Different kinds of hells which are horrible and ghastly
- Drag one from heaven to hell
- Dwell always in hell
- Elevation to the heavenly planets, liberation from material bondage, and condemnation to hell are all equal to the devotee. The devotee’s only desire is to be attached to the lotus feet of Krsna and to engage in His transcendental loving service
- Escaped these three gates of hell
- Eternal hell. What is that?
- Even a learned person may be called to hell
- Even a living being destined to reside in the Kumbhipaka hell is accompanied by his eternal companion, the Lord
- Even before reaching Andhatamisra, the sinful living being is subjected to various extreme miseries. These afflictions are so severe that he loses his intelligence and sight. It is for this reason that learned sages call this hell Andhatamisra
- Even while preaching in hell, a pure devotee remains a pure devotee by his constant association with the SPG. To attain this state, one has to control his senses. The senses are automatically controlled when one's mind is engaged in the service of God
- Factory is another name for hell. At night, hellishly engaged persons take advantage of wine and women to satisfy their senses, but they are not even able to have sound sleep because their various mental speculative plans constantly interrupt their sleep
- For a highly exalted devotee, kaivalya, merging into the existence of the Supreme, appears no better than hell (narakayate)
- For a Krsna conscious person, both living in heaven and living in hell are equal. How Svayambhuva Manu created an atmosphere wherein he was not affected by material miseries is explained in the following verses SB 3.22.33
- For one who becomes a pure devotee through devotional service to great personalities like Caitanya Mahaprabhu, kaivalya, or merging into Brahman, appears no better than hell
- For others, who are miscreants, you have destined different kinds of hells which are horrible and ghastly. Yet sometimes it is found that their destinations are just the opposite. It is very difficult to ascertain the cause of this
- He (a pure devotee) is not concerned with any of them because he is always engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. By the grace of the Lord, even in the Kumbhipaka hell a pure devotee can adjust the situation and turn it into Vaikuntha
- He (Narada Muni) goes to preach the glories of the Lord everywhere - even in hell - because there is no distinction between heaven and hell for a devotee
- He (the person in the second classs of men) cheats everyone to acquire money for his family and his self, and he becomes envious of others without reason. Such a person is thrown into the hell known as Raurava
- He (the self-surrendered devotee of the Lord) knows well that both heaven and hell are creations of the Lord, and similarly life and death are different conditions of existence created by the Lord
- He secures money by committing violence here & there & although he employs it in the service of his family, he himself eats only a little portion of the food thus purchased & he goes to hell for those for whom he earned the money in such an irregular way
- He was destined to be carried away to hell by the order carriers of Yamaraja, but he was immediately rescued simply by a glimpse of the chanting of the holy name Narayana
- Hell and disturbance only because of the unwanted insane populace addicted to sex indulgence
- Hell known as Andhakupa
- Hell known as Avata-nirodhana
- Hell known as Avici
- Hell known as Kalasutra
- Hell known as Raksogana-bhojana
- His (a person who was engaged in criminal sense gratification) entrails are pulled out by the hounds and vultures of hell, even though he is still alive to see it, and he is subjected to torment by serpents, scorpions, gnats and other creatures that bite
- I (Yudhisthira) have killed many boys, brahmanas, well-wishers, friends, parents, preceptors and brothers. Though I live millions of years, I will not be relieved from the hell that awaits me for all these sins
- I do not agree with your wife's statement that New York is unfit for human habitation. A real Krishna Conscious person can adjust things nicely even in hell
- I do not fear hell, poverty, an ocean of distress, falldown from my position or even death itself as much as I fear cheating a brahmana
- If a foolish member of the twice-born classes (brahmana, ksatriya and vaisya) forces his wife to drink his semen out of a lusty desire to keep her under control, he is put after death into the hell known as Lalabhaksa
- If a man born in a higher class does so (forcing one's wife to drink one's own semen), after death he is put into the hell known as Lalabhaksa. There he is immersed in the river known as Sukra-nadi and forced to drink semen
- If a man is to be punished to remain in hell and eat stool and urine, then first of all he practices habits on the planet of Yamaraja, and then he is given a particular type of body, that of a hog, so that he can eat stool & think that he enjoys life
- If a man secures some money by killing someone and with that money maintains his family, those who enjoy the black money earned by him are also partially responsible and are also sent to hell, but he who is the leader is especially punished
- If a person deviates from the path of the Vedas in the absence of an emergency, the servants of Yamaraja put him into the hell called Asi-patravana, where they beat him with whips
- If a person were put into a pot of oil and the pot were set to boiling, he would have some idea of the suffering in Kumbhipaka hell
- If he (Arjuna) abandoned the battle (of Kuruksetra), he would not only neglect his specific duty as a ksatriya, but he would lose all his fame and good name and thus prepare his royal road to hell. BG 1972 purports
- If I (Krsna) do not set examples in this way, then the whole population of the world will be contaminated, and there will be unwanted population and the whole world will appear just like hell. It will not be inhabitable for good men
- If in this life a man of the higher classes (brahmana, ksatriya and vaisya) is very fond of taking his pet dogs, mules or asses into the forest to hunt and kill animals unnecessarily, he is placed after death into the hell known as Pranarodha
- If it is applicable for their satisfaction of senses, they'll do it. They don't care anything. "Oh, I can satisfy my senses by this way. Never mind. Oh, we don't care for God, for sin or hell or this or that. They are all simply allegory." Hedonism
- If one acts in the mode of ignorance because of madness, his resulting misery is the least severe. One who acts impiously but knows the distinction between pious and impious activities is placed in a hell of intermediate severity
- If one becomes bhakta, then mukti becomes her maidservant. Why shall I ask for mukti? Mukti is nothing. Kaivalyam narakayate. What is the mukti? It is as good as hell. Mukti means to merge into the Brahman effulgence, but there is no service of Krsna
- If one concocts his own religious path within his mind, or if one follows no religious principles at all, he is punished in the hell known as Asi-patravana
- If one enviously kills others for the protection of such a body, does he actually know the true interest of life? Certainly he does not, for if one is envious of other entities, he surely goes to hell
- If one simply adheres to mundane arguments and therefore does not accept this, he will boil in the hell of Kumbhipaka. For him there is no deliverance
- If one simply considers his body to be his self, as do the animals, he is not very sinful. If one needlessly commits sins to maintain his body, he is put into the hell known as Raurava. This is the opinion of Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura
- If somebody is claiming that "I am brahmana," then government should force him to become actually a brahmana. That is government's duty; that is secular state. Not that "Let people go to hell. We don't care for them." That is not required
- If there are next life, and next life one is going to put into the hell and suffering is there, to dismiss this problem they do not believe in next life. This is the real fact
- Impersonalists who consider the transcendental forms of the Lord to be products of the material world are surely destined for hell
- In Bhagavad-gita Arjuna informed Krsna that if there is unwanted population (varna-sankara), the entire world will appear to be hell
- In Bhagavad-gita, First Chapter, illicit sex life is very much condemned, and it is said that one who produces children by illicit sex life is sent to hell
- In future if you become a shrub like this, what you are going to do for that? This may be also your future. Now there are so many hells for different kinds of sinful activities
- In his next life, a sinful king or governmental representative who punishes an innocent person, or who inflicts corporal punishment upon a brahmana, is taken by the Yamadutas to the hell named Sukaramukha
- In material life both heaven and hell are one and the same because they are material; in either place there is no engagement in the Lord's service
- In their next lives they are carried by the Yamadutas to the hell known as Kumbhipaka, where they are cooked in boiling oil
- In this hell there is a silk-cotton tree full of thorns as strong as thunderbolts. The agents of Yamaraja hang the sinful man on that tree and pull him down forcibly so that the thorns very severely tear his body
- In this life, an envious person commits violent acts against many living entities. Therefore after his death, when he is taken to hell by Yamaraja, those living entities who were hurt by him appear as animals called rurus to inflict very severe pain
- In this verse (of BG 16.4), the royal road to hell is described. BG 1972 purports
- It is Krsna's grace. Never mind garage. We shall turn hell into heaven
- It should be understood that sexual inclinations are meant not for spiritual progress but for gliding down to hell
- Just always chant Hare Krsna. - (Caitanya Mahaprabhu gives the formula) Never mind whether you are in a factory or in a hell, in a shack or in a skyscraper - it doesn't matter. Just go on chanting Hare Krsna
- Just imagine that you are seated in a carriage and your horses are so furious that they are dragging you to hell. Then what is your position? The yoga system means to control these senses
- Just like we see varieties of life, so there is life also in the hell, tamisra. So either you go to the hellish condition of life or you go to the path of liberation, both ways are open to you
- Killing is a sinful act, and in the revealed scriptures a specific hell is designated for those who commit such sins
- Kumbhipaka, a type of hellish condition, is described in Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 5.26.13), wherein it is said that a person who cooks living birds and beasts to satisfy his tongue is brought before Yamaraja after death and punished in the Kumbhipaka hell
- Laborers in gigantic iron and steel mills suffer tribulations similar to those in the Kumbhipaka hell. Kumbhi means "pot," and paka means "boiling"
- Leading to this hell
- Learned scholars call this hell Raurava. Not generally seen in this world, the ruru is more envious than a snake
- Lord Krsna said, "If someone takes away the property of a very liberal brahmana who is encumbered by a large dependent family, then such a usurper is put into the hell known as Kumbhipaka"
- Lord Krsna said, "Not only is he (someone who takes away the property of a very liberal brahmana) put into this hell known as Kumbhipaka, but his family members also have to accept such a miserable condition of life"
- Maharaja Yudhisthira was obliged to see hell because of a slight deviation from devotional service to the Lord. Therefore, duḥsvapna—bad dreams—occur because of sinful activities
- Maharaurava, or hell, is described in Srimad-Bhagavatam as a place meant for persons who are engaged in killing animals, for it is stated there that butchers or animal eaters go to that hell
- Material happiness is available even in hell
- Men and women whose lives were built upon indulgence in illicit sex life are put into many kinds of miserable conditions in the hells known as Tamisra, Andha-tamisra and Raurava
- Modern industrial factories fully equipped with up-to-date machines are so many Kumbhipaka hells, and the organizers of these enterprises regard them as indispensable for the advancement of economic welfare
- My dear King, a person who in the absence of an emergency robs a brahmana - or, indeed, anyone else - of his gems and gold is put into a hell known as Sandamsa. There his skin is torn and separated by red-hot iron balls and tongs
- Narada Muni is traveling all over the universe. He's going to hell, heaven, everywhere, and trying to make disciples who can become Krsna's devotee. He does not stay anywhere for more than 3 minutes, like that. He's traveling always. This is sama-cittah
- Naraka means
- Nature gives us the chance. So either you take the Biblical truth or Vedic truth . . . So this is . . . The human form is given to us. Now you make your choice: whether you are going to hell or you are going to heaven
- Never associate with an attractive woman, for such a woman is declared in the scripture to be the gateway to hell for the advancing devotee
- Niraya means hell
- Not attaining ananda, or bliss, they (brahma-bhuta living entities) come down to the material world to enjoy. This is certainly a falldown for one who is actually liberated. The bhaktas consider such a falldown equal to achieving a place in hell
- Not only is woman the gateway to hell for man, but man is also the gateway to hell for woman
- Not only is woman the gateway to hell for man, but man is also the gateway to hell for woman. It is a question of attachment
- O greatest of all good men, by the combination of Kali and Harsh Speech were born children named Mrtyu (Death) and Bhiti (Fear). From the combination of Mrtyu and Bhiti came children named Yatana (Excessive Pain) and Niraya (Hell)
- O Krsna, maintainer of the people, I have heard by disciplic succession that those who destroy family traditions dwell always in hell. BG 1.43 - 1972
- O Lord, killer of the demon Naraka! Let me (King Kulasekhara) reside either in the realm of the demigods, in the world of human beings, or in hell, as You please
- O Narada, the evacuating outlet of the universal form of the Lord is the abode of the controlling deity of death, Mitra, and the evacuating hole and the rectum of the Lord is the place of envy, misfortune, death, hell, etc
- O supreme controller, You control the three destinations (promotion to the heavenly planets, birth as a human being, and condemnation in hell), yet Your supreme abode is Vaikuntha-dhama
- One can say that the former kingly government was like heaven and that the present government is like hell
- One who aspires to reach the culmination of yoga and has realized his self by rendering service unto Me should never associate with an attractive woman, for such a woman is declared in the scripture to be the gateway to hell for the advancing devotee
- One who considers a devotee of the Supreme Personality of Godhead who was born in a family of sudras, nisadas or candalas to belong to that particular caste certainly goes to hell
- One who cooks only for himself or his family is condemned, along with everyone he feeds. After death he is put into the hell known as Krmibhojana
- One who criticizes Lord Visnu and His devotees loses all the benefits accrued in a hundred pious births. Such a person rots in the Kumbhipaka hell and is bitten by worms as long as the sun and moon exist
- One who imprisons a living entity within a cave is put into the hell known as Avata-nirodhana
- One who lives in the bodily concept, thinking - I am this body - involves himself, by the very nature of this conception, in a life of sinful activities. Anyone living in such a conception is to be considered a candidate for hell
- One who sees a Vaisnava guru as an ordinary human being, or one who materially conceives of a Vaisnava as belonging to a particular caste is naraki, a resident of hell
- One who thinks the Deity in the temple to be made of wood or stone, who thinks of the spiritual master in the disciplic succession as an ordinary man is taken to be a resident of hell
- One who thinks the Vaisnava in the Acyuta-gotra to belong to a certain caste or creed or who thinks of caranamrta or Ganges water as ordinary water is taken to be a resident of hell
- Only persons deprived of their intelligence by the spell of the deluding energy will worship those feet with a view to attain the trivial and momentary pleasures of the senses, which even persons rotting in hell can attain
- Our birthplace, even it is hell, it is better than heaven. That is maya. Just like hog. Hog is living most abominable condition of life, with stools and filthy water, but still, he is thinking he's living in heaven
- Persons rotting in hell can attain
- Persons who are addicted to the impersonal feature of the Lord, whether in meditation or otherwise, are all pilgrims to hell
- Pilgrims to hell
- Please do not put me into forgetfulness. Please always remind me to chant, even You send me to hell, it doesn't matter, just so long as I can always chant Hare Krishna
- Practically, the whole world is going to hell. There is no decency, no gentleman anywhere
- Probably I (Kamsa) shall be sent to the hell where killers of brahmanas go. I am surprised, however, that the celestial prophecy has not come true. It is not only in human society that false propaganda is found
- Punished to remain in hell
- Punishment in the hell called Maharaurava is compulsory for a person who maintains his own body by hurting others. In this hell, ruru animals known as kravyada torment him and eat his flesh
- Putra means one who delivers from hell
- Rascal. Kick them upon their face. You rascal, you are talking of morality, rascal, you go to hell. Your place is hell
- Relieved from the hell that awaits me
- Rendering service to the materialists has the opposite effect. If anyone offers service to a gross materialist, or a person engaged only in sense enjoyment, then by association with such a person the door to hell is opened
- SB 6.17.28, "A pure devotee of Narayana is never afraid of going anywhere and everywhere. For him heaven and hell are one and the same." Such devotees, wandering all over the world, deliver those who are actually afraid of this material existence
- Senses are so strong that it is simply dragging us towards hell
- Simply by chanting the holy name of the Lord the inhabitants of hell became released from their hellish persecution
- Simply by theoretical knowledge you cannot make any improvement. These are practical example. Because there is no love for God at the present moment, all this nonsense universal love, fraternity, are going to hell
- Sisupala should also have been sent to hell. How then did he merge into the Lord's existence
- Some of them (the living entities) are in heaven, and some are in hell. Some of them are brahmanas, and some are misers. But no one is happy in this material world, and all of them are either class A, B or C prisoners suffering because of their own deeds
- Sometimes people disbelieve these descriptions of hell, but whether one believes or not, everything must be carried out by the laws of nature, which no one can avoid
- Sometimes unbelievers do not accept these statements of scripture regarding hell. They disregard such authorized descriptions. Lord Kapila confirms them by saying that these hellish conditions are also visible on this planet
- Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati has sung, kaivalyam narakayate. The impersonalist’s conception of becoming one with the effulgence of the Lord is exactly like hell
- Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati Thakura, describing this kind of mukti, which is called kaivalya, or becoming one with the Supreme, has said, kaivalyam narakayate: Becoming one with the Supreme is as good as going to hell
- Statements of scripture regarding hell
- Such a person is forced to give up his body and his family at the time of death, when he suffers the reaction for his envy of other creatures by being thrown into the hell called Raurava
- Such a sinful man (a person who in this life bears false witness or lies while transacting business or giving charity) is taken to the top of a mountain eight hundred miles high and thrown headfirst into the hell known as Avicimat
- Suffer in hell
- Suhrdam sarva-bhutanam. They are not selfish, "Now I have become Krsna devotee, that's all right. Let others go to hell." No. They want to see that everyone becomes a devotee of Krsna. Therefore they are real friend
- Sukadeva Gosvami describes the following twenty-eight hells: Vaitarani, Puyoda, Pranarodha, Visasana, Lalabhaksa, Sarameyadana, Avici, Ayahpana. Ksarakardama, Raksogana-bhojana, Sulaprota, Dandasuka. Avata-nirodhana, Paryavartana and Sucimukha
- Surely destined for hell
- That is the whole Vedic literature - the heaven and hell. If you do like this, then you go to heaven, and if you do like this, you go to hell
- That is the whole Vedic literature - the heaven and hell. If you do like this, then you go to heaven, and if you do like this, you go to hell. If you do like this, you go to Godhead
- That person is a resident of hell who considers the spiritual master an ordinary man, and who thinks that the body of a Vaisnava fully dedicated to the service of the Lord belongs to the material modes of nature
- The animalistic person who lives simply in the bodily concept of life is not excused. He is put into the hell known as Maharaurava and attacked by ruru animals known as kravyadas
- The brahmanas said, "To hell with it all, for we have not developed transcendental loving service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is beyond the speculation of the mind, body and senses"
- The brahmanas said, "To hell with our family! To hell with our expert service in performing the rituals exactly according to the description of the scriptures"
- The conditioned living entity is satisfied in his own particular species of life; while deluded by the covering influence of the illusory energy, he feels little inclined to cast off his body, even when in hell, for he takes delight in hellish enjoyment
- The demons are under the impression that no one is more wealthy and popular than themselves. They think that their wealth will somehow be protected by some spirit, and in this way they are deluded. Their final destination is hell
- The descendants of Irreligion and Falsity, born one after another, are Bluffing, Cheating, Greed, Cunning, Anger, Envy, Quarrel, Harsh Speech, Death, Fear, Severe Pain and Hell
- The destination of a person who slyly cheats another man and enjoys his wife and children is the hell known as Andhatamisra. There his condition is exactly like that of a tree being chopped at its roots
- The door to hell is opened
- The fallen person continued, "I therefore pray, O my Lord, O deliverer from the hellish conditions of life. I have fallen into this hell, but I shall try to remember Your holy name always, and in this way I shall try to keep my body and soul together"
- The heavenly planets, liberation and hell are nondifferent for a devotee, for he does not discriminate between different positions in the material world
- The illusioned king or executive head, even though sometimes advertised as a great philosopher and learned scholar, will allow slaughterhouses without knowing that torturing poor animals clears the way to hell for such foolish kings or executive heads
- The injunctions of the Padma Purana state, That person is a resident of hell who considers the Deity worshiped in the temple to be stone or wood
- The killer of a brahmana is put into the hell known as Kalasutra, which has a circumference of eighty thousand miles and which is made entirely of copper
- The King (Nrga) fervently appealed to the brahmanas not to cause his downfall into hell because of this mistake (that he had taken back a cow that he had previously given in charity)
- The living entity, being influenced by so many desires, wanders in different species of life according to destiny. Sometimes he is high, & sometimes he is low. Sometimes he goes to the heavenly planets, sometimes to hell, sometimes to the middle planets
- The Lord, by His causeless mercy, descended as his (King Vena's) son, by the name of Prthu, delivered the condemned King Vena from hell, and exploited the earth by drawing all kinds of crops as produce
- The man who has escaped these three gates of hell, O son of Kunti, performs acts conducive to self-realization and thus gradually attains the supreme destination. BG 16.22 - 1972
- The mass of laborers exploited by the organizers directly experience the "welfare" conditions in these factories, but what the organizers do not know is that by the law of karma they will in due time become laborers in similar Kumbhipaka hells
- The names of the different hells are as follows: Pranarodha, Visasana, Lalabhaksa, Sarameyadana, Avici, Ayahpana, Ksarakardama, Raksogana-bhojana, Sulaprota, Dandasuka, Avata-nirodhana, Paryavartana and Sucimukha
- The names of the different hells are as follows: Sarameyadana, Avici, Ayahpana, Ksarakardama, Raksogana-bhojana, Sulaprota, Dandasuka, Avata-nirodhana, Paryavartana and Sucimukha. All these planets are meant for punishing the living entities
- The names of the different hells are as follows: Tamisra, Andhatamisra, Raurava, Maharaurava, Kumbhipaka, Kalasutra, Asi-patravana, Sukaramukha, Andhakupa, Krmibhojana, Sandamsa, Taptasurmi, Vajrakantaka-salmali, Vaitarani, Puyoda
- The owners of such factories are engaged in finding a market for their industrial products, and the laborers are engaged in extensive production involving huge mechanical arrangements. "Factory" is another name for hell
- The Padma Purana forbids, viksate jati-samanyat sa yati narakam-dhruvam. A person goes to hell quickly when he considers a devotee of the Lord in terms of birth
- The pure devotee never thinks that he is fit for liberation. Considering his past life and his mischievous activities, he thinks that he is fit to be sent to the lowest region of hell
- The sahajiya's illicit connection and their imitation of the dress of Rupa Gosvami, as well as their avoidance of the prescribed methods of revealed scriptures, will lead them to the lowest regions of hell
- The sastra warns, arcye visnau sila-dhir gurusu nara-matih. One who thinks that the worshipable Deity in the temple is made of wood or stone, one who sees a Vaisnava guru as an ordinary human being is naraki, a resident of hell
- The sexual urge is so strong that sometimes a man indulges in sexual relations with a cow, or a woman indulges in sexual relations with a dog. Such men and women are put into the hell known as Vajrakantaka-salmali
- The Supreme Lord punishes such a man by putting him into the hell known as Andhakupa, where he is attacked by all the birds and beasts, reptiles, mosquitoes, lice, worms, flies, and any other creatures he tormented during his life
- The ultimate goal of all ambitions is to become a servant of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. If an intelligent man serves the most dear Lord, who gives Himself to His devotees, how can he desire material happiness, which is available even in hell?
- The visitors said, "The Yadus appear to be always engaged in worldly affairs, which are considered to be the royal road to hell, but due to the presence of Lord Krsna, the original P.G in the Visnu category, who is omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent"
- The word naraka means "hell." Similarly, everyone who exists in this material world is called naraka because this material existence itself is known as a hellish condition of life
- There (in the Kumbhipaka hell) he (a person who cooks living birds and beasts to satisfy his tongue) is put into boiling oil called kumbhi-paka, from which there is no deliverance
- There are also demons who enjoy depicting Krsna and His pastimes with the gopis, taking advantage of Krsna by their licentious character. These demons who print books and write lyrics on the raga-marga principles are surely on the way to hell
- There are always rogues and thieves in human society, and as soon as a weak government is unable to execute its duties, these rogues and thieves come out to do their business. Thus the entire society becomes a hell unfit for gentlemen to live in
- There are three gates leading to this hell-lust, anger, and greed. Every sane man should give these up, for they lead to the degradation of the soul. BG 16.21 - 1972
- There is always a difference between the life of a devotee and the life of a demon, and their realizations are as different as heaven and hell
- There is always the chance that he may be put into the Puyoda Naraka, the hell named Puyoda, where one is forced to eat stool, urine, pus, mucus, saliva and other abominable things. It is significant that this verse (SB 5.26.23) is spoken about sudras
- There were friends, parents and preceptors also on both sides, and all of them were killed. It was simply horrible for him (Yudhisthira) to think of such killing, and therefore he was thinking of residing in hell for millions and billions of years
- There will be peace and prosperity in the world due to good and sane population only; there is hell and disturbance only because of the unwanted, insane populace addicted to sex indulgence
- These (improving family affairs) are common affairs for a man grossly materialistic and without knowledge of the spiritual force. He (Dhrtarastra) does not see how this can drag one from heaven to hell
- They (human being) are put into hell means they are suffering very severe type of pains. "Now, leaving aside all other topics, kindly let me know how these men can be delivered from this hellish condition of life." This is his (Maharaja Pariksit's) prasna
- They (the brahmanas) began to talk among themselves: "To hell with our being born brahmanas! To hell with our learning all the Vedic literatures! To hell with our performing great sacrifices and observing all the rules and regulations"
- They (those in Krsna Consciousness) are neither in heaven nor in hell nor anywhere but with Krsna, so for them everything is Vaikuntha, without fear
- They are advancing fast means they are advancing fast to death. That's all. Therefore sane man will try to check them: "Please become little lazy. Don't become so active. You are going to hell. You are going to die"
- They do not know that they are going to hell. That is rascaldom. By their so-called scientific advancement, philosophy, education, they are going to hell. That they do not know. Therefore they are rascals
- This hell has no shelter and is made of strong stone resembling the waves of water. There is no water there, however, and thus it is called Avicimat (waterless)
- This is the civilization. And after getting money, drink wine and topless, bottomless, and go to hell. That's all
- This process (the soul is transferred through the semen of the father into the mother's womb) is applicable to all embodied living entities, but it is especially mentioned for the man who was transferred to the Andha-tamisra hell
- This river, which is a moat surrounding hell, is full of ferocious aquatic animals. When a sinful man is thrown into the River, the aquatic animals there immediately begin to eat him, but because of his extremely sinful life, he does not leave his body
- Those who are engaged in the service of the Lord see no distinction between heaven and hell; it is only the materialists who prefer one to the other
- Those who in this life are like envious serpents, always angry and giving pain to other living entities, fall after death into the hell known as Dandasuka. My dear King, in this hell there are serpents with five or seven hoods
- Those who in this life confine other living entities in dark wells, granaries or mountain caves are put after death into the hell known as Avata-nirodhana
- Thus perplexed by various anxieties and bound by a network of illusions, one becomes too strongly attached to sense enjoyment and falls down into hell. BG 16.16 - 1972
- Two-paise lozenges - very nice and sweet. So we have to do that. Why? Because a man will go to hell by taking Krsna's money. So some way or other, take some money from him and engage him in the Krsna consciousness movement
- We can preach anywhere. We have to preach both in heaven and hell
- We require hundreds of bona fide students in Krishna Consciousness. The world is in need of this function. People are going to hell for want of proper guidance. No other religious institution are so much serious about God consciousness as we are
- When a devotee has achieved the position of rendering transcendental loving service to the Lord through the mercy of Lord Caitanya, he thinks the impersonal Brahman to be no better than hell
- When a devotee is situated on the platform of santa-rasa, he desires neither elevation to the heavenly planets nor liberation. These are the results of karma and jnana, and the devotee considers them no better than hell
- When he who has had many types of hellish bodies, like those of dogs and hogs, is to come again to the human form, he is given the chance to take his birth in the same type of body from which he degraded himself to hell
- When I went to your country, actually sometimes I had to live in a hell according to our Indian standard, Vedic standard. So what can be done? Hell or heaven, I have to do my duty
- When it is said that Puranjana goes to Vaisasa, it is meant that he goes to hell. He is accompanied by Lubdhaka, which is the working sense in the rectum
- When the living entity prefers to misuse his independence & glide down towards nescience, the all-merciful Lord first of all tries to protect him from the trap, but when he persists in gliding down to hell, the Lord helps him to forget his real position
- When the ruling administrators, who are known as the ksatriyas, turned astray from the path of the Absolute Truth, being desirous to suffer in hell, the Lord, in His incarnation as the sage Parasurama, uprooted those unwanted kings
- When there is increase of unwanted population, a hellish situation is created both for the family and for those who destroy the family tradition. In such corrupt families, there is no offering of oblations of food & water to the ancestors. BG 1.41 - 1972
- Wherever you live, if you follow strictly the instruction of guru, then you remain perfect. But if we create, concoct ideas against the instruction of guru, then we are gone, hell
- Whether a highway robber or a government thief, such a man will be punished in his next life by being thrown into the hell known as Sarameyadana, where he will suffer greatly from the bites of ferocious dogs
- While preaching in hell, a pure devotee remains a pure devotee
- Worthless men, with the modes of lower-class men, at the post of a king are sure to first hurt the cow and the brahminical culture, thereby pushing all society towards hell
- Yamaraja is not a fictitious or mythological character; he has his own abode, Pitrloka, of which he is king. Agnostics may not believe in hell, but Sukadeva Gosvami affirms the existence of the Naraka planets
- Yes, the general principle is that one is sent to the particular type of hell, and when he is practiced to suffer the hellish condition, he is given a similar body as reaction
- You (judges) rascal, you are talking of my (Socrates') this body. So body is already material. You put it in the grave or in the hell, it doesn't matter. But I am eternal. You cannot capture me. - So this is knowledge. This abhayam
- You become father of hundreds children. But don't produce cats and dogs. Then there will be unwanted population, problem, fight, no peace, no tranquillity. Everything, all, it will be hell
- You can do everything, for even if a person is fit for going to hell, You can deliver him simply by awakening within his heart the holy name of Your Lordship
- You just always chant Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna. Never mind you are in factory. Never mind you are (in) hell. Never mind you are in the skyscraper houses. Go on chanting HK. There is no expense. There is no bar. There is no caste. Anyone: chant and hear
- You will certainly be unable to fulfill your promise, and I think that because of this inability your eternal residence will be in hell