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Pages in category "Once"
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- A book purchased will remain, and once even one line is read, that will benefit the reader
- A chaste wife is one who never had any connection with men before her marriage. Once a woman is given the freedom to mingle with all kinds of men in her youth, it is very difficult for her to keep chaste. She generally cannot remain chaste
- A devotee once said, "My dear Lord Krsna, may Your challenger, Sridama, become glorious for his chivalrous activities, such as vibrating like a thunder cloud and roaring like a lion. May all glories go to Sridama's chivalrous activities!"
- A devotee once stated, "I have already conquered the modes of ignorance, and I am now on the platform of transcendental knowledge. Therefore I shall be engaged only in searching after the SPG." This is an instance of alertness in ecstatic love
- A devotee once told Krsna: "My dear Krsna, O killer of all demons, Maharaj Yudhisthira, the eldest son of Maharaj Pandu, has performed all kinds of sacrifices just to please You"
- A devotee who has once tasted the nectar from the Lord's lotus feet can realize what transcendental pleasure there is in the Lord's devotional service
- A devotee will at once develop pure love of Krsna in the wake of the gopis if he once takes a bath in Radha-kunda
- A devotee, once accepted by the Lord, can never fall down
- A gopi once said to Krsna: "My dear son of Nanda Maharaj, by the sound of Your flute Srimati Radharani has become full of lamentation and fear, and thus, with faltering voice, She is crying like a kurobi bird"
- A living entity is eternally related with Krsna in the relationship of master and servant. Once that service is wanting - or, in other words, when one is not situated in Krsna consciousness - it is to be understood that study of Vedanta is insufficient
- A lusty woman in Kailasa once told Krsna, "My dear Krsna, may You have a long life!" Then, after saying this, she embraced Krsna. This is an example of incompatibility resulting from a mixture of parental love and conjugal love
- A man wants a woman, and a woman wants a man, so we say, "All right, take it. Live peacefully, but don't change partners." We don't allow divorce; once they're married there is no separation
- A person born in a family of the low caste which is accustomed to eat dogs is so positioned due to his past sinful activities, but by chanting or hearing once in pureness, or in an offenseless manner, he is immediately relieved of the sinful reaction
- A person may be relieved from sins once, but it is a practice among Christians to confess sins and yet commit them again. By getting freed from sins and again engaging in them, one cannot attain freedom from the pangs of material existence
- A person who chants the holy name of Krsna once can counteract the resultant actions of more sinful activities than he is able to perform
- A person who has once offenselessly chanted the holy name of God becomes immediately eligible to perform Vedic sacrifices. One should not be astonished by this statement of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- A person who has taken to Krsna consciousness even by sentiment and has fallen, he has great benefit, because once he has taken to Krsna consciousness, Krsna becomes attached to him. That is ajnata-sukrti
- A person who simply chants the holy name of Krsna once becomes perfect and should be regarded as a Vaisnava. This is confirmed by Srila Rupa Gosvami in his Upadesamrta
- A pseudo incarnation of Krsna once told his disciple that he had emptied himself by giving him all knowledge and was thus spiritually bankrupt. Such bluffers speak in this way to cheat the public
- A pure devotee of the Lord whose heart has once been cleansed by the process of devotional service never relinquishes the lotus feet of Lord Krsna, for they fully satisfy him, as a traveler is satisfied at home after a troubled journey
- A sadhu like Vidura is meant to awaken such blind persons and help them go back to Godhead, where life is eternal. Once going there, no one wants to come back to this material world of miseries
- A sinful man is very expert to commit sinful activities, but the holy name of Krsna is so strong that he will be unable to commit so much sins as can be extinguished simply by uttering once the name of Lord Visnu or Krsna
- A snake and a mouse were once caught in a basket. Now, since the mouse is food for the snake, this was a good opportunity for the snake
- A teacher in school once threatened his pupil that he would cut off the pupil's head and hang it on the wall so that the child could see how his head had been cut off. The child became frightened and stopped his mischief
- According to the Vedic system, once being touched by some boy, a girl cannot be married or given to any other boy. Nor would anyone agree to marry a girl who had already thus associated with another boy
- According to Vedic civilization, one has to cleanse himself externally three times daily - once in the morning, again at noon, and again in the evening
- Actually there is no difference between mystic perfection and materialistic perfection. A German scholar once said that the so-called yoga perfections have already been achieved by the modern scientists, and so he was not concerned with them
- Actually, human opulence means not these tin cars. Once it is dashed with another car, it is finished, no value. Human opulence means the society must have enough gold, enough jewelry, enough silk, enough grains, enough milk, enough vegetables, like that
- After death according to Vedic regulations, pinda-udaka, pinda, offering Visnu prasada and water at least once in a year it is required by the family members
- After hearing only once from Their teacher, Krsna and Balarama learned all the arts and sciences. In sixty-four days and sixty-four nights, They learned all the necessary arts and sciences required in human society
- After his departure, everything was happy once again. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu accepted invitations as usual and led congregational chanting and dancing. Everyone else also accepted prasadam without hindrances
- After sowing a seed you have to pour a little water on it, so that water is hearing and chanting. Once the seed is sown in the heart, just pour on a little water, and it will grow
- Akrodha means to check anger. Even if there is provocation one should be tolerant, for once one becomes angry his whole body becomes polluted
- Akrodhah means to check anger. Even if there is provocation one should be tolerant, for once one becomes angry his whole body becomes polluted. BG 1972 purports
- All mundane relationships are sure to be broken in the course of time, but once one establishes a relationship with the Personality of Godhead in a particular rasa, it is never to be broken, even after the annihilation of the material world
- All of us had at one time the body of a small baby. Where is that body? That body is gone. Presently I am an old man, but I remember that I was once a small baby
- Although a devotee of Krsna may fall down somehow or other, he does not undergo material existence like others because a person who has once relished the taste of the lotus feet of the Lord can do nothing but remember that ecstasy again and again
- Although Arjuna is a devotee of the Lord, he sometimes forgets the nature of the Lord, but by the divine grace a devotee can at once understand the infallible condition of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- Although He is the maintainer of the entire universe, once the Lord sat upon some rejected pots in the pit where the remnants of food were thrown, after the pots had been used for cooking
- Although it was early in the morning, Bhattacarya understood that the Lord had come and was knocking on his door. He at once rose from his bed and began to say, "Krsna! Krsna!" This was heard by Lord Caitanya
- Although Lord Jagannatha enjoys His pastimes at Dvaraka-dhama and naturally manifests sublime liberality there, still, once a year He becomes unlimitedly eager to see Vrndavana
- Although maya may be present, it cannot disturb a devotee once he attains the bhava stage. This is because the devotee can see the real position of maya
- Although not having fully realized Krsna, persons who have even once surrendered completely unto His lotus feet and who have become attracted to His name, form, qualities and pastimes are completely freed of all sinful reactions
- Although the Vedic culture was once prevalent in Malaysia, now all the inhabitants are Muslims. The Vedic culture is now lost in Malaysia, Java and Indonesia
- An old woman in Vrndavana, present at the time of Krsna's pastimes, once stated in surprise: "How wonderful it is that Krsna speaks in Sanskrit with the demigods and in the language of the animals He can even speak with the cows and buffalo"
- An old woman in Vrndavana, present at the time of Krsna's pastimes, once stated in surprise: "How wonderful it is that Krsna, who owns the hearts of all the young girls of Brajabhumi, can nicely speak the language of Brajabhumi with the gopis"
- And by chanting the holy name of Lord Krsna only once, one receives the same benefit. In other words, of all the holy names of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, including Visnu and Rama, the holy name of Krsna is the most powerful
- Another devotee once exclaimed, "Although I can achieve liberation simply by serving the devotees, my mind is still very much anxious to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose bodily complexion is just like a dark cloud"
- Another devotee once said, "This Supreme Personality of Godhead from whose bodily pores come millions of universes, permanently rising, who is the ocean of mercy, who is the owner of inconceivable energies"
- Another specific description here (in SB 7.14.3-4) is srnvan bhagavato 'bhiksnam avatara-kathamrtam. It is not that because one has once finished Bhagavad-gita he should not hear it again. The word abhiksnam is very important
- Any good soul who approaches me once for spiritual enlightenment is supposed to be depending on my responsibility to get him back to Krishna, back to home
- Anyone who has seen the Red Fort in Delhi must have marked that the walls are made of marble and were once decorated with jewels. During the British period all these jewels were taken away and dispatched to the British Museum
- Anyone who once meditates upon Me (Lord Kapiladeva) with faith and affection, who hears and chants about Me, surely goes back home, back to Godhead
- Anyone who once meditates upon Me with faith and affection, who hears and chants about Me, surely goes back home, back to Godhead
- Anyone wishing to be 2nd initiated will sit for examination once a year at Mayapur. Answers will be in essay form and authoritative quotations will be given a bigger score. During the exams books may not be consulted
- Anyway, we can read. Not once reading we can understand. Repeatedly, punah punah, we shall have to. Then the stock which we have already got, you can study and take lessons from the Vedic literature and make your life perfect
- Arjuna addresses the Lord as Madhusudana because Krsna once killed a demon named Madhu. Actually these questions (of BG 8.2), which are of the nature of doubts, should not have arisen in the mind of Arjuna because Arjuna is a KC devotee. BG 1972 purports
- As a perfect brahmana he (Vasistha) tolerated all the taunts of Visvamitra. Once he tried to commit suicide on account of Visvamitra's torture, but all his attempts were unsuccessful
- As explained by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu: The living entity wanders into many species of life, but he is fortunate when he once again meets his friend (Krsna), either in person or through His representative
- As far as Krsna's memory is concerned, it is said that when He was studying in the school of Sandipani Muni in Avantipur, He showed such a sharp memory that by once taking instructions from the teacher He immediately became perfect in any subject
- As far as Mother Yasoda's anxieties are concerned, when Krsna was out of the house in the pasturing ground, a devotee once told her, "Yasoda, I think your movements have been slackened, and I see that you are full of anxieties
- As for being freed from all sinful reactions by chanting the holy name of Krsna only once, one must chant the holy name without committing any offenses
- As for purification, no one can be more pure than devotees. Anyone who once utters the name of Visnu immediately becomes purified, inside and outside - yah smaret pundarikaksam
- As for your suggestion to open one store, I have no objection as long as the regulative principles are strictly followed. But there must be a solid basis for such business venture, not that once started we lose everything and close
- As long as we are in the subtle and gross bodies, we are suffering under the three modes of material nature. Once we enter into the devotional service of the Lord, we are immediately situated on the platform of brahma-bhuta
- As the appointed controller after death, Yamaraja once tried Mandavya Muni for his childhood profligacy and ordered him to be pierced with a lance. Mandavya, being angry at Yamaraja for awarding him undue punishment, cursed him to become a sudra
- As the sunrise takes place once in twenty-four hours, similarly the pastimes of Lord Krsna take place in a universe once in a daytime of Brahma, the account of which is given in the Bhagavad-gita as 4,300,000,000 solar years
- As we have discussed more than once, one should not be puffed up by borrowed plumes
- Asvini-kumaras once approached him and begged him to instruct them in spiritual science (brahma-vidya). Dadhici Muni replied, "I am now engaged in arranging sacrifices for fruitive activities. Come back some time later"
- At this age Krsna took pleasure in whispering into the ears of His friends, and the subject of His talks was the beauty of the gopis, who were just tarrying before them. Subala once addressed Krsna thus
- Because I have come to preaching work, so let me finish whatever little work is still remaining. I want to go once to London and Germany. Then I will entrust the whole thing to you
- Because we have come to this conditional state of life, bhutva bhutva praliyate (BG 8.19), we sometimes . . . once we take birth and again we die - this is not very good proposal. But these rascals, they do not know how nature is working
- Before their (the personal associates of Lord Visnu) liberation to Vaikunthaloka they possessed material bodies, but once they come to Vaikuntha they no longer have them
- Before this, I decided to go to Vrndavana and on the way see My mother, the river Ganges and other devotees once again
- Bhakti-sastri, Bhakti-vaibhava, Bhaktivedanta, and Bhakti-sarvabhauma. All our brahmanas and anyone wanting to become brahmana, will have to sit for examination once a year at Mayapur
- Bhakti-yoga is meant for those whose hearts are cleansed, not for the lusty and greedy. Of course, those who are lusty and greedy may try to advance, and gradually they may do so, but once one is situated in bhakti-yoga there is no more lust or greed
- Bhakti-yogis, once approaching the Supreme Personality of Godhead, never come back to this material world
- Both Narada and Parvata were once in trouble with the daughter of Maharaja Srnjaya. Maharaja Srnjaya got the benediction of a son by Parvata Muni
- Brahmanas are meant to understand the Absolute Truth, and once they understand the truth and actually engage in the loving service of the Lord, they can be called Vaisnavas
- By chanting the holy name of the Lord one becomes freed from all the reactions of sinful life. However, if one commits sinful acts in full consciousness, not only once but many, many times, he is unable to free himself from the reactions of such sins
- By once chanting the holy name of the Lord, one can be freed from the reactions of more sins that he can even imagine performing
- By once chanting the holy name of the Lord, which consists of the two syllables ha-ri, one guarantees his path to liberation - Skanda Purana
- By the process of karma, jnana and yoga, no one will succeed in driving away contamination from the heart, but once a person takes to the shelter of the lotus feet of the Lord by devotional service, automatically all dirty things in the heart are removed
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu taught that way. That is that if you want to cry for Krsna, then no more crying for this material world. Finished. If you can once learn how to cry for Krsna, then you will no more cry for this material world. That is Vedanta
- Chanting the holy name of the Lord even once not only frees one immediately from the reactions of the greatest sins, but also raises one to the platform of rendering loving service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Christians say that "Christ has taken contract for all our sinful activities." This is cheating system. Once Christ advised that you should not act sinfully - and then he takes contract for all your sinful life. How cheating it is. Directly cheating
- Closing a temple we cannot do. It becomes a farce and is against the bhakti cult. Our principle must be to carefully consider before opening any temple, and once opened it cannot be closed
- Damodara Pandita, the tenth branch of the Caitanya tree, was so elevated in love of Lord Caitanya that he once unhesitatingly chastised the Lord with strong words
- Deal with them very cautiously because these men are not Krishna Conscious and are very much brittle like china clay dishes. Once broken it cannot be joined together. That means spoiled
- Desiring to get a perfect son and become an inhabitant of Pitrloka, Maharaja Agnidhra once worshiped Lord Brahma, the master of those in charge of material creation
- Despite all kinds of impediments due to surrounding circumstances, he (a perfect devotee) automatically perseveres in devotional service and gradually advances until he once again becomes perfect
- Despite the explanation of Svarupa Damodara, Bhagavan Acarya requested, "Please hear the drama once. If you hear it, you can consider whether it is good or bad"
- Devaki said, "In other words, I am asking You (Krsna) to bring back all my sons who were killed by Kamsa; upon Your bringing them back, my heart will be content, and it will be a great pleasure for me just to see them once"
- Devaki was once put into difficulty by her envious brother, otherwise she was well. But Kuntidevi and her sons were put into one difficulty after another for years and years together
- Development of this knowledge of eternal servitorship to the Lord is compared to fire. Such a fire, once kindled, can burn up all kinds of reactions to work
- Devotional service is so pure and potent that once one is engaged in devotional service he automatically comes to the stage of sinlessness. BG 1972 purports
- Dhruva Maharaja's younger brother Uttama, who was still unmarried, once went on a hunting excursion and was killed by a powerful Yaksa in the Himalaya Mountains. Along with him, his mother, Suruci, also followed the path of her son (she died)
- Dronacarya is the son of Bharadvaja Muni. Others say that Bharadvaja the father of Drona is a different person from Maharsi Bharadvaja. He was a great devotee of Brahma. Once he approached Dronacarya and requested him to stop the Battle of Kuruksetra
- During the Ratha-yatra ceremony, Lord Jagannatha once again comes before the public. Thus for fifteen days after the bathing ceremony, Lord Jagannatha is not visible to any visitors
- Elephant is taking hundred pounds daily, twice. Once at a time he takes hundred pounds or more than that. And the ant takes only one grain. Now if the ant thinks that "I shall also take hundred pounds," oh, it is impossible for him. It is impossible
- Establish the service of Lord Krsna and preach the mellows of Lord Krsna’s devotional service. I shall also go to Vrndavana once more
- Even vidura-vigata, a candala - a fifth-class untouchable - is freed if he utters the holy name even once. Being freed means that he immediately changes his body. Sanatana Gosvami confirms this
- Even when this material creation is destroyed, the Vaikuntha planets remain unscathed and intact. Once anyone enters these planets, he never again suffers the repetition of birth and death, which is inevitable for earthly beings
- Every living entity is eternal. He must have his eternal body. But purposefully, to enjoy this material world, the living entity has accepted a material body. Not only once, but it is going on continually, one after another
- Every papi, sinful man, is very expert in committing sinful activities. But hari-nama is so expert that once chanted, the papi, the sinful man, will be failure to commit sin anymore
- Faith inspires initial surrender, and later, by the powerful influence of saintly association, one's faith deepens and becomes steady. Once faith becomes steady, all mental agitations and doubts clear up due to constant worship of the Lord
- Film means there are different bodies in different position, and when they are taken at once, likes that it moves. The picture is not moving. Similarly, we are changing of the different body
- First of all get Krsna; then there is question of loss. But once you get, there is no more loss. That is Krsna consciousness. Once you get Krsna, there is no more loss; you get it forever, and you enjoy with Krsna
- For the benefit of the three worlds, Lord Siva, who is known as Tripurari, once set fire to the three kingdoms of Maya, but later, being pleased with him, he returned his kingdom
- For the soul there is never birth nor death. Nor, having once been, does he ever cease to be. He is unborn, eternal, ever-existing, undying & primeval. He is not slain when the body is slain
- For the soul there is never birth nor death. Nor, having once been, does he ever cease to be. He is unborn, eternal, ever-existing, undying and primeval. He is not slain when the body is slain. BG 2.20- 1972
- For the soul there is never birth or death. Nor, having once been, does he ever cease to be. He is unborn, eternal, ever-existing, undying and primeval. He is not slain when the body is slain - BG 2.20
- Formerly there was no need to record the messages of the Vedas, because people in earlier ages were more intelligent and had sharper memories. They could follow the instructions simply by hearing once from the mouth of a bona fide spiritual master
- From my childhood I have been chanting the holy name of Lord Ramacandra, but upon seeing You I chanted the holy name of Lord Krsna just once
- Garuda Pandita was once bitten by a poisonous snake, but the snake's poison could not affect him because of his chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- Garuda, the eagle, the carrier of Visnu, once said, "Who can be more pure than I? Where is there a second bird like me, so able and competent? Krsna may not like me; He may not wish to join my party, but still He has to take advantage of my wings"
- Generally those engaged in spiritual advancement take food only once, either in the afternoon or in the evening. If one takes food only once, naturally he does not become fat
- Generally, once elevated to the transcendental platform of brahma-sukha, transcendental bliss, one never comes down. But if one does not engage in devotional service, there is a chance of his returning to the material platform
- God can excuse you once, twice, thrice, not more than that. Then you will be punished. Because you are knowingly criminal, your punishment will be very severe
- God is open for vegetarian and nonvegetarian, both. But once he becomes, I mean, a devotee of God, automatically he becomes vegetarian. So we don't make any propaganda to make one vegetarian. We make propaganda to make one devotee of God
- God's position is not like this - as once we think that we are supreme, we'll immediately find someone superior. This is our position
- Hariscandra had no son and was therefore extremely morose. Once, therefore, following the advice of Narada, he took shelter of Varuna and said to him "My lord I have no son. Would you kindly give me one?"
- Having grown weak and thin because of strictly following the principles of the vow, Diti once unfortunately neglected to wash her mouth, hands and feet after eating and went to sleep during the evening twilight
- He (a liberated soul who is surrendered unto the lotus feet of the all-pervading Godhead) at once becomes eligible to be promoted to the spiritual kingdom, and he has nothing to do with the miserable land of the material world
- He (Angirasa) could travel in space, and therefore he could present himself even in the planets of Brahmaloka and Indraloka. He advised the King of heaven, Indra, about conquering the demons. Once he cursed Indra, who thus had to become a hog on the earth
- He (Arjuna) fought the battle with full vigor once he had understood the philosophy of Bhagavad-gita
- He (Bahulasva) was so overcome by feelings of love that after bowing down only once, he forgot his position and could not rise again
- He (Balarama) was once very angry with the Kauravas, and He wanted to throw their whole city into the depths of the Yamuna. But the Kauravas satisfied Him by surrendering unto His divine lotus feet
- He (Brahma) has got one night also, and similarly, one day and night, then one month, then one year. In this way he lives for one hundred years. So during this period of daytime, Krsna appears once. That we learn from the Vedic literature
- He (Durvasa Muni) had about ten thousand disciples, and wherever he visited & became a guest of the great ksatriya kings, he used to be accompanied by a number of followers. Once he visited the house of Duryodhana the enemy cousin of Maharaja Yudhisthira
- He (Krsnadasa Kaviraja) worshiped Radha-Krsna with his family, and once when there was some misunderstanding among his family members about devotional service, he was advised by Nityananda Prabhu in a dream to leave home and go to Vrndavana - CC Intro
- He (my German Godbrother, Sadananda) told me that "In my childhood, in the First World War, the ration was controlled. Only children, we could get fat, butter." He showed his wristwatch - This quantity only, once in a week
- He (Sivananda Sena) once took along a dog while on his way to Jagannatha Puri, and it is described in the Antya-lila, First Chapter (of Caitanya-caritamrta), that this dog later attained salvation by his association
- He comes not only once, but many, many times (sambhavami yuge yuge) because this material world is such that in the course of time, after an adjustment is made, it will again deteriorate
- He is actually learned who has attained to perfection of knowledge. Development of this knowledge of the eternal servitorship of the Lord is compared to fire. Such a fire, once kindled, can burn up all kinds of reactions to work. BG 1972 purports
- He is known as Trivikrama because once, in His incarnation of Vamana, He expanded His leg beyond the highest planetary system, Satyaloka, and reached the neutral state of the modes of nature called the covering of the material world
- He once lost his mental equilibrium due to his ecstasy of transcendental love and fell down on the dust of a road which was marked with the footprints of Lord Krsna
- He once satisfied Lord Siva by covering him with arrows when Siva came as an unidentified false hunter
- He thus moves in the firmament with great velocity, and therefore everyone should offer him respects once every five years with all ingredients of worship
- Here (in SB 3.25.14) we find that although Kapila Muni is the Lord Himself and is capable of manufacturing a new doctrine for His mother, He nevertheless says, "I shall just explain the ancient system which I once explained to the great sages
- His (God's) pastimes are eternal and are manifested in due course once in a day of Brahmaji, as the sun rises on the eastern horizon at the end of every twenty-four hours
- His (Krsnadasa Kaviraja's) family also worshiped Radha-Krsna, and once when there was some misunderstanding amongst his family about devotional service, Krsnadasa Kaviraja was advised by Nityananda Prabhu in a dream to leave home and go to Vrndavana
- His service can be once again very much valuable there in Australia, I know he is very good boy. Do not drive him away, that will be the discredit to all of you leaders
- How is it possible, that simply by once chanting the holy name of the Lord one immediately becomes freed from the reactions of such sins
- How the nature's law is strong. Woman has to become pregnant, not the man. Why equal right? Let the man become pregnant once. Woman became pregnant once. The right. Where is that law? So why equal right?
- Human civilization, is falling in the fire of illusory maya, fut! fut! fut! fut! fut! and again and again. Bhutva bhutva praliyate (BG 8.19). Once takes birth, one again dies, again suffers. But we have no brain, mudha. Therefore is called mudha
- I (Radharani) know that once one begins to talk about Krsna, it is very difficult to stop, and I admit that I have insufficient strength to give up talking about Him
- I am always thinking of Caracas temple. Although I went there once, it has given me some impression. Now I am an old man, and am depending on you to carry on our mission more enthusiastically. The seed is already there. Now water it
- I am glad that you have chosen the right course of action to sue Nair and finish the business once and for all
- I am known as a grhavrata because these yajnas are called vratas (vows). Unfortunately, you have given me great displeasure by misguiding my sons, for no reason, to the path of renunciation. This can be tolerated once
- I am very anxious to know that things are progressing nicely under the new management of the Governing Body Commissioners. So please write at least once in a fortnight
- I am very glad you want to start your own press, but one thing is that you cannot close it once it is begun. When your own press is very sound and established beyond doubt, then you may call back Yogesvara
- I am very much encouraged by your progress in Krsna consciousness. Now go on in this way always striving to please Krsna and you will feel yourself becoming happy more and more. That I want. Thank you once again
- I do not think you are any more able to leave Krsna because He does not let anyone go away who has once come forward in His service
- I further understand that the attack was for the second time. Here in Mayapur there are reports of dacoity at least once, twice in a month surrounding our place. So we have now taken two guns under regular license from the government
- I have already explained that once a temple is opened it cannot be closed. Before opening we must consider very carefully
- I have already given you a business suggestion namely manufacturing incense locally. Once you are successful in this attempt you will get money more than your expectation and spend it for Krishna's service
- I have given order that once a temple is opened it cannot be closed under any circumstance. This is bhakti cult. In whatever condition I will depend on Krishna
- I have got considerable experience now because I am wandering East and West, not only once, at least twice, thrice in a year. So far Krsna consciousness movement is concerned, we have no such thing, East and West
- I thank you once more for your appreciating my mission of one God, Sri Krishna; one scripture, Bhagavad-gita; and one mantra, Hare Krishna. This idea is not manufactured by me, but it is authoritative statement in the Gita Mahatma Skanda Purana
- I thank you once more for your assurance of service to Krishna and it is very enlightening for me that we have got so many nice souls to serve the cause of Krishna, and in the matter of pushing Krishna consciousness in this country and all over the world
- I thank you once more for your noble sentiments about me and I can simply say that for this nice attitude Krishna will certainly help you. I am fully aware of your sincere service and therefore I pray always to Krishna for your all-round welfare
- I thank you once more for your progress, in the matter of KC, and I shall always pray to Krishna for your steady progress more and more, along with your nice wife
- I thank you very much once more for the trouble you are taking for me. This is all for Srila Prabhupada's service. Finally don't mind all the trouble which I give you occasionally. Let us cooperate for propagating Krishna Consciousness all over the world
- I thank you very much once more for your ardent desire to cooperate with my missionary work. Krishna will make you happy
- I thought that once again I would see and meet all the devotees and take them with Me to Vrndavana
- I want that a high standard should be maintained, but unnecessarily changing and redecorating is also not good. So once you have established a very nice standard, avoid too much changing it again and again. That is wasting Krishna's money unnecessarily
- I wish to speak on the great philosophy of Bhagavata Dharma at least once in a week on Television, so if arrangement is made by you for this, then you will be doing the highest service for Krishna
- I'm very happy to hear that you are once again in Berlin. When you first went to Germany by yourself, I was praying that Krishna would help you in every way to establish a center there in Berlin. Now you have done it by the grace of Krishna
- If a devotee chants the holy name even once inoffensively, this protects him eternally. He need only wait for the results of the chanting to mature in due course of time
- If a person only once chants the holy name and completely surrenders unto the lotus feet of the Lord, the Lord immediately considers him His ward and is always inclined to give him protection
- If a person utters the name Rama only once, he gets the result of chanting one thousand names of Visnu. And if somebody once chants the name Krsna, he achieves the results obtained by chanting the name Rama three times
- If a person's eyes even once capture that beautiful body of Krsna, it remains always prominent within his heart
- If a surrendered soul tries to arrange for food and shelter but does not succeed, or if, once having these things, he loses them, then despite such reverses he remains unperturbed and simply remembers the Supreme Lord, Hari
- If anyone surrenders to Krishna wholeheartedly and engages in His service he cannot say later on I resign. It is not something like material service. Once surrendered, it cannot be withdrawn
- If even only once or even by force one brings the form of Krsna into one's mind, one can attain the supreme salvation by the mercy of Krsna, What then is to be said of those who always think of the lotus feet of the Lord - SB 10.12.39
- If even only once or even by force one brings the form of Krsna into one's mind, one can attain the supreme salvation by the mercy of Krsna, What then is to be said of those whose hearts the SPG enters when He appears as an incarnation - SB 10.12.39
- If even only once or even by force one brings the form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead into one's mind, one can attain the supreme salvation by the mercy of Krsna, as did Aghasura - SB 10.12.39
- If he (the living entity) sincerely surrenders unto Krsna by simply saying once, "My dear Lord Krsna, from this day I am Yours," he at once gets out of the clutches of material energy
- If he has got elevation, he has degradation. This is common sense affairs. If you become rich, you can become poor also. Why that once you become rich and there is no question of becoming poor? Is that guaranteed
- If once one has sincerely become the pure devotee of Krsna, that will never go in vain. So Krsna saw this Ajamila in his childhood and boyhood and youthhood a devotee, so He gave him the chance
- If once you speak something false, then to protect that falsehood you have to take to so many other falsehoods. This is the way of falsehood
- If one becomes a Vaisnava under the principles of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, he can be lifted at once from any abominable condition, svapacam varistham
- If one chants once only, it is to be understood that he has already passed all the examinations, not to speak of those who are chanting always, twenty-four hours a day. It is specifically said here (in SB 3.33.7), tubhyam: "unto You only
- If one chants the holy name even once without committing an offense, he attains all success. During the chanting of the holy name, the tongue must work
- If one chants the holy name of the Lord even once, the reactions of past, present or future sinful life do not affect him
- If one commits sinful acts in full consciousness, not only once but many, many times, he is unable to free himself from the reactions of such sins even after atoning for them for twelve years or more
- If one hears a person say even once the word 'Krsna,' that person should be accepted as the best man out of the common group
- If one is factually engaged in the service of the Lord, bhakti-yoga, he will automatically control his senses, his tongue and so many other things. Once engaged in the bhakti-yoga process with all sincerity, one will have no chance of falling down
- If one is serious about understanding what God is, then he will accept Krsna as the Supreme Lord. Once he knows what God is, he'll understand, - Here is God-Krsna
- If one simply bathes once within those holy waters, one's pure love of Krsna is fully aroused
- If one sincerely surrenders to Krsna once, he is saved even if by chance he falls down by committing sinful activities
- If one who is embarrassed by hunger or who falls down or stumbles chants the holy name of the Lord even once, willingly or unwillingly, he is immediately freed from the reactions of his past deeds
- If one worships the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the original person, even once, he receives the benefit of being promoted to the spiritual world and possessing the same bodily features as Visnu
- If required, we shall appoint professional man and keep everything very vigilant; things are going. Otherwise, once bad reputation - finished, so much attempt
- If somehow or other we are able to give up this false dress (of matter), we can reach that spiritual kingdom. If once we can attain that spiritual world, return is not necessary - yam prapya na nivartante
- If the brahmin, by not executing his prescribed duties, he becomes a sudra - so Narada Muni says: What is the loss there? Because Krsna consciousness is so nice that it will not leave the person who has once taken to Krsna consciousness
- If there is no person-to-person meeting, where is the question of love? If I claim to love somebody, but I visit his house only once a week and ask,"Please give me such-and-such," where is the exchange of love
- If they see You just once, even women, children, old men, meat-eaters and members of the lowest caste immediately chant the holy name of Krsna, dance like madmen and become spiritual masters capable of delivering the whole world
- If you ask somebody, "My dear friend, please once chant Hare Krsna," that is your duty finished. He may accept or not accept - that doesn't matter. You have finished your spiritual mastership
- If you can get Krsna to smile upon you just once, your life's goal is fulfilled. Thus smiling, Kapiladeva began to enlighten His mother
- If you can go to the mainland (China) that will be the greatest mercy of Krsna. Once we can set the fire of Krsna consciousness in the country, there will be spontaneous combustion
- If you once come to the stage of mature stage of love, then that perfectional stage continues eternally, and your life is successful
- If you think of Krsna once, that will not go in vain. That is recorded
- If you want to purchase something, once or twice you may be cheated. A third time, you are very intelligent. So even despite being cheated, you should try to find out who is the real preacher. That requires little intelligence
- If, by great fortune, one gets an opportunity to come to Radha-kunda and bathe even once, he can develop his transcendental love for Krsna, exactly as the gopis did
- In addition to jubilation, there are sometimes symptoms of disappointment. Pradyumna once addressed Samba with these words
- In autumn all the reservoirs of water become enriched with growing lotuses. The muddy water again becomes normally clear and decorated, just as fallen, conditioned souls once more become spiritually enriched in devotional service
- In Bengali it is said, sastarthin abastra:(?) "If you purchase something cheap, it will always give you trouble." Better spend once, costly things, nice things
- In Gandhi's life also, he once killed one calf or some cow. It was suffering very much. So Gandhi ordered, - Instead of letting it suffer, just kill it
- In grades of life higher than ours, pregnancy occurs once in a lifetime
- In grades of life higher than ours, pregnancy occurs once in a lifetime. People still have sex life, but there is no pregnancy
- In his childhood Madhvacarya was known as Vasudeva, and there are some wonderful stories surrounding him. It is said that once when his father had piled up many debts, Madhvacarya converted tamarind seeds into actual coins to pay them off
- In our case we may sometimes have to change houses, so we may once have to move the deity from one house to another, but we shall not move them from one city to another just for our own convenience
- In the absence of Akrura there were apparently some disturbances in Dvaraka. The superstition arose for the following reason: Once in the province of Kasi (Varanasi) there was severe drought - practically no rain fell
- In the company of Svarupa Damodara Gosvami and Ramananda Raya, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu once passed half the night talking about the pastimes of Lord Krsna
- In the Daksa-yajna arena, he (Daksa) was once killed by Lord Siva's servant, Virabhadra. Because that was not sufficient, he again took birth, from the womb of Marisa
- In the lives of exalted devotees, there are many such instances, proving that once one has taken to the shelter of the lotus feet of the Lord, he cannot be lost
- In the material world, if we repeat something once, twice, thrice or four times, it finally becomes hackneyed and disgusting. However, this Hare Krsna maha-mantra can be chanted twenty-four hours daily, and one will still feel fresh and enthusiastic
- In the material world, our father gives us our birth, and we are an entity separate from him. If we are suffering, do we say, "My dear father, I am suffering. Will you please once again make me one with you?" Is this a very good proposal
- In the mature stage they (pure devotees) are actually situated in love of God. Once situated in that transcendental position, they can relish the highest perfection which is exhibited by the Lord in His abode. BG 1972 purports
- In the Padyavali, one of the friends of Radharani once addressed Her thusly: "My dear friend, please do not be too puffed up because Krsna has decorated Your forehead with His own hand. It may be that Krsna is yet attracted by some other beautiful girl"
- In the Siddhalokas there are perfected beings or yogis who can travel wherever they want without the aid of airplanes or other mechanical contrivances. Once we are liberated from material conditioning, we can become very powerful
- In the Western countries, in the name of liberty, so many family lives are dismantled simply by divorce case. So according to Vedic civilization, there is no divorce. Once united, it cannot be disunited in any condition of life. That you should follow
- In these Puranas it is said that once the fair denizens of heaven pleased Astavakra Muni by their service and were blessed by the muni to have the Supreme Lord as their husband
- In this connection (SB 2.7.49) detailed information is available in the Bhagavat-sandarbha of Srila Jiva Gosvami Prabhupada. Once achieving the spiritual existence, the devotee is eternally situated there, as already discussed in the previous verse
- In this connection Mother Yasoda once told Mukhara, her maidservant, "Just look at Krsna looking stealthily toward all sides and slowly stepping forward from the bushes
- In this connection, there is a story in the Brahma-vaivarta Purana that in the city of Pratisthanapura in South India there was once a brahmana who was not very well-to-do, but who was nevertheless satisfied in himself
- In this same prayer, there is another passage in which it is said, "My dear Lord Damodara, once when You were playing as a naughty boy in the house of Nanda Maharaj"
- In this verse the fault of avimrsta-vidheyamsa occurs twice, and the faults of viruddha-mati, bhagna-krama and punar-atta occur once each
- In this way (following vanaprastha stage) both husband and wife can advance in spiritual consciousness. This advanced stage is called the paramahamsa stage, & once it is obtained, both husband & wife can be actually liberated from bodily consciousness
- In Vrndavana there is a place where there was no temple, but a devotee desired, Let there be a temple and seva, devotional service. Therefore, what was once an empty corner has now become a place of pilgrimage. Such are the desires of a devotee
- Indeed, Lord Krsna gives ecstatic love like that of Srimati Radharani to whoever bathes in that lake even once in his life
- Indra, the King of heaven, is very lusty. Once he had sexual intercourse with the wife of a great sage, and when the sage learned about this, he cursed lusty Indra with a curse that put vaginas all over his body
- It is calculated, He (Krsna) comes once in one day of Brahma. It is some crores of years. Crores of years means forty-three hundred thousands of years multiplied by one thousand. That is one day. Similarly one night
- It is confirmed in the BG 18.54, where the Lord says, brahma-bhutah prasannatma na socati na kanksati: One who is thus transcendentally situated at once realizes the Supreme Brahman and becomes fully joyful. He never laments or desires to have anything
- It is easy for a conditioned living entity to be falsely directed in this way, and once he is so directed he can never come to his actual position or enjoy his eternal activity in bhakti yoga
- It is herein (SB 4.26.1-3) described that King Puranjana once went to the forest to kill animals. This means that he, the living entity, came under the influence of the mode of ignorance
- It is his (living entity) free choice to accept a spiritual body or a material body, but once the body is accepted he has to enjoy or suffer the consequences
- It is My vow that if one only once seriously surrenders unto Me, saying "My dear Lord, from this day I am Yours," and prays to Me for courage, I shall immediately award courage to that person, and he will always remain safe from that time on
- It is not that we are a dry philosophy of dogmas and slogans. No. The language of Krishna Consciousness is ever-fresh and we can explain everything by it, just like my Guru Maharaja once lectured for three months on one verse from Srimad-Bhagavatam
- It is said by the Lord that His topics are all full of spiritual significance, and once one properly hears about Him in the association of the satam, certainly one senses the great potency and so automatically attains to the devotional stage of life
- It is said in the sastras that by once uttering the holy name of the Lord (Krsna), the sinner gets rid of a quantity of sins that he is unable to commit. Such is the power of uttering the holy name of the Lord
- It is said that once a small boy who was a devotee of Lord Siva came to that temple (Siyali-bhairavi), and the goddess Durga, known as Bhairavi, gave him her breast to suck
- It is said that once Arjuna was lying in his bed with his head upon Krsna's lap and was talking and joking with Krsna in great relaxation and was enjoying Krsna's company with smiling and great satisfaction
- It is said that once Indra, the King of heaven, was cursed by his spiritual master, Brhaspati, on account of his misbehavior, and he became a hog on this planet
- It is said that once when a man's son was blind since birth, the father, out of staunch affection for the child, named him Padmalocana, or "lotus-eyed." This is the situation arising from blind love
- It is said that the heart or mind is just like an earthen pot; once broken, it cannot be repaired by any means
- It is said that the King of the Yavanas, known as Kalayavana, was induced to attack by Narada. This story is narrated in the Visnu Purana. Once, Garga Muni, the priest of the Yadu dynasty, was taunted by his brother-in-law
- It is said that the Sapta-tala trees were very old, massive palm trees. There was once a fight between Vali and his brother Sugriva, and Lord Ramacandra took the side of Sugriva and killed Vali, keeping Himself behind one of those celebrated trees
- It is stated in the Bhagavad-gita, once you begin, even one percent you can realize, that will never be lost. That will remain a permanent settlement
- Jagannatha has saved him once from death today, but if tomorrow he again does not pay what he owes the treasury, who will give him protection
- Jarasandha, the King of Magadha, besieged the city of Mathura not only once but seventeen times in the same way, equipped with the same number of military phalanxes. Each and every time, he was defeated and all his soldiers were killed by Krsna
- Just like Krsna comes upon this earth once in Brahma's day. So so many millions of years, Krsna will appear again, if not personally, by His expansion, amsena. Caitanya Mahaprabhu will appear exactly in due course of time
- Just like we are obliged to pay tax to the water department, to the fire department, to the education department, so many departments government. Or once we pay our income tax, that is distributed to so many departments
- Jyamagha once took from the house of some royal enemy a girl who was a prostitute, but upon seeing her Saibya was very angry and said to her husband, "My husband, you cheater, who is this girl sitting upon my seat on the chariot?"
- Kah means Brahma, who once became allured by his daughter and began to follow her, which infuriated Siva, who attacked Brahma with his trident. Brahmaji fled in fear of his life
- Kamsa once rebuked Akrura by saying, "You are such a fool that you are accepting the Supreme Personality of Godhead to be a cowherd boy, simply because He has defeated some harmless water snake!"
- Kamsa once said, "What harm can this boy (Krsna) do to me? He has no power." The next moment Kamsa was informed that all of his friends had been killed by the boy
- Kapiladeva explains that once one takes to the path of bhakti-yoga, one never actually falls down
- Kasyapa Muni was not in the renounced order of life. Therefore he is addressed here (in SB 8.16.11) once as brahman and another time as grhamedhin
- King Anga could not sleep at night. He became completely indifferent to household life. Once, therefore, in the dead of night, he got up from bed and left Vena's mother (his wife), who was sleeping deeply
- King Nanda said, "Previously He (Krsna) had a white color, then a red color, then a yellow color. He also said that this boy was once the son of Vasudeva, and everyone who knows of His previous birth calls Him Vasudeva"
- Krishna never forgets the service rendered to him by the devotee and once tasting the nectar of devotional service to the Lotus Feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, it is not possible to forget Him
- Krsna . . . once surrender sincerely, "Krsna, I am Yours," Krsna will never leave him. He will protect you. But if he had become little stronger, then there is no question of falling down
- Krsna comes once in a day of Brahma, and His incarnations also come, to educate foolish people who think that they are living happily on this earth
- Krsna consciousness means once you hanker after Krsna, there will be no more lamentation. Here the lamentation is, "I could not find Krsna," not that, I have lost Him
- Krsna continued to talk with His brahmana friend, "My dear friend, I think you remember our activities during the days when we were living as students. You may remember that once we went to collect fuel from the forest on the order of the guru's wife"
- Krsna continued, "I request you (Akrura), O large-hearted one, to show Me the jewel just once before My other relatives so that they may be pacified and reject various kinds of rumors"
- Krsna once dressed Himself up exactly like Radharani, just to create fun among His friends. He put on golden earrings, and because He was blackish, He smeared the pulp of kunkuma all over His body in order to become as fair as She
- Krsna once thought, "At that time My friends, the cowherd boys, were unhappy even to tolerate a two-minute separation from Me. &, when they found Me, there was competition between us as to who would touch the other first with the flowers we had in hand"
- Krsna once told Radharani, "My dear friend, when You tried to meet Me alone in the morning, Your friend Mekhala remained hungry with envy. Just look at her"
- Krsna once went to the heavenly planet to present an earring to Aditi, the mother of demigods, & His wife Satyabhama also went with Him. There is a special flowering tree called the parijata, which grows only in the heavenly planet & she wanted this tree
- Krsna was once addressed by His friend thus: "My dear Mukunda (Krsna), due to their being separated from You, the cowherd boys are standing just like neglected Deities in the house of a professional brahmana"
- Krsna was once informed, "It is as if the lakes filled with lotus flowers have dried up from the scorching heat of separation from You"
- Krsna was once informed, "You are the life and soul of all the inhabitants of Vrndavana. So because You have left Vrndavana, all of the servitors of Your lotus feet there are suffering"
- Krsna was once thinking, "Today, while I was engaged in tending the cows in the pasturing ground of Vrndavana, I went to collect some flowers in a beautiful garden"
- Krsna's attractive features and sweet smiles go deep into the heart of everyone, and once it is so done the living being is admitted into the kingdom of God, from which no one returns. This is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita
- Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, declares in Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.31), kaunteya pratijanihi na me bhaktah pranasyati: once one has taken shelter at the lotus feet of the Lord, he cannot be lost
- Laksmana said, "He (Krsna) placed the arrow, and looking only once at the reflection of the fish in the water, He shot the arrow, and the pierced fish immediately fell down"
- Let us go on with our work for Krishna for His satisfaction and for the benefit of the whole world. Thank you once more for your great service
- Living entities are naturally attracted by variety, by attractive streets, buildings, cinemas, parks, businesses, foodstuffs, etc. Despite all this variety, the English poet Cowper once said - The city is made by man, but the country is made by God
- Lord Caitanya once revealed Himself to this confidential devotee, Kholaveca Sridhara, and offered him any opulence he liked. But Sridhara informed the Lord that he did not want any material opulence
- Lord Caitanya was once chanting the holy names of the gopis when His students criticized Him: "Why are You chanting the names of the gopis? Why not 'Krsna'?"
- Lord Krsna and Lord Caitanya appear once in each day of Brahma, or once in fourteen manv-antaras, each of seventy-one divya-yugas in duration
- Lord Krsna as He is appears once every twenty-four hours of Brahma's time (or after a lapse of 8,640,000,000 solar years) in each and every universe, and all His transcendental pastimes are displayed in each and every universe in a routine spool
- Lord Krsna is very fond of tulasi leaves and buds. Because tulasi buds are usually offered up to the lotus feet of Krsna, a devotee once prayed to the tulasi buds to give him some information about the lotus feet of the Lord
- Lord Krsna says that once one goes to that Vaikuntha planet, he never returns
- Lord Krsna's attraction is so powerful that once being attracted by Him one cannot tolerate separation from Him. Why is this so? Because we are all eternally related with Him as the sun rays are eternally related with the sun disc
- Lord Sri Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, appears with His personal entourage once in paraphernalia, just to attract the conditioned souls of the material world
- Lord Visnu once approached Bali Maharaja while the King was performing a sacrifice. The Lord appeared before him as Trivikrama, or Vamana, and begged alms from the King in the form of three steps of land
- Lord Śiva once swallowed an ocean of poison, and thus his throat became blue. The imitation Śivas try to follow him by indulging in poisons, and thus they are ruined
- Maharaj Bali once told his priest, Sukracarya, "As far as this brahmana dwarf (the incarnation Vamanadeva) is concerned, if He is Lord Visnu, a simple brahmana, or even my enemy, I have decided to give to Him in charity all the land He has asked for"
- Maharaj Bali once told his priest, Sukracarya, "My dear sage, you are fully expert in knowledge of the Vedas, and as such you worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu, by Vedic rituals"
- Maharaja Pariksit said: Once when I felt very thirsty, I went to the asrama of Samika Muni to drink water, but the muni did not supply it. I therefore wrapped a dead snake over his shoulder, and that is why I was cursed by the brahmana boy
- Maharaja Prataparudra, the greatly powerful king of Orissa, was always very busy with heavy state responsibilities, yet he made it a point to sweep the temple of Lord Jagannatha at Puri once a year during the festival of the Lord
- Make an end to this material existence once and for all. There is nothing but suffering in this material world and we are offering the chance for eternal, blissful life
- Material existence is the cause of all our sufferings, for we do not suffer once we are out of the material condition
- Material sound, if you chant once, twice, thrice, you will feel disgusted. But spiritual sound, if you chant twenty-four hours, you will never feel disgusted, but you will feel more and more spiritual bliss. That is the difference
- Maya is always placing the memories of our past sinful activities before us, and encouraging us to come once again into her clutches, but by always chanting HK and keeping our mind fixed on Krishna, he will give us the strength to resist her demands
- Mayuradhvaja was very intelligent, and he could understand why Krsna came to him once, in the garb of a brahmana. Krsna demanded from him half of his body, to be sawed off by his wife and son, and King Mayuradhvaja agreed to this proposal
- Merely by hearing the holy name of Your Lordship only once, even candalas, men of the lowest class, are freed from all material contamination. Under the circumstances, who will not be freed from material contamination simply by seeing You?
- Mother Yasoda once told Mukhara, her maidservant,"Just look at Krsna looking stealthily toward all sides and slowly stepping forward from the bushes. It appears that He is coming just to steal the butter"
- Mukunda Datta was once forbidden to enter the association of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu because of his mixing with the Mayavadi impersonalists
- My dear highly glorified Lord, if one, in the association of pure devotees, hears even once the glories of Your activities, he does not, unless he is nothing but an animal, give up the association of devotees
- My dear King, once in the past lived a king named Puranjana, who was celebrated for his great activities. He had a friend named Avijnata ("the unknown one"). No one could understand the activities of Avijnata
- My dear Lord, in this way You once protected me by rescuing me from the water, and consequently Your name has been famous as Dharadhara - He who holds the planet earth
- My request is that you please take this Krsna Consciousness Movement very seriously. It is a great opportunity to become free once and for all from the clutches of Maya. Maya is very strong, but by taking shelter of Krsna, Maya cannot reach us
- Narada Muni once addressed Krsna jokingly: "My dear Lord of the cowherd boys, Your bulls while eating grass from the pasturing ground and moving on their four legs, have certainly eaten up all the grass of irreligion!"
- Narada personally says - Once only, by their (great devotee's) permission, I took the remnants of their food, and by so doing all my sins were at once eradicated. Thus being engaged, I became purified in heart. BG 1972 purports
- News spread in the village of Vidyanagara about the arrival of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and everyone came to see Him once again
- No one but the Supreme Lord (Krsna) can become well versed in all the branches of Vedic wisdom simply by hearing once from his teacher. Nor can anyone bring a dead body back to life after the soul has already gone to the region of Yamaraja
- No one can expect justice or equality of treatment from once-born (spiritually uncultured) lower-class men
- Nor could the Supreme Lord neglect His two doorkeepers, nor can one come back from Vaikuntha after once taking birth there. All these incidents, therefore, were designed by the Lord Himself for the sake of His pastimes in the material world
- Not understanding properly the philosophy of Krsna consciousness, even by sentiment - "Let me also dance and chant like these people, the saffron-colored, shaved-head people are doing. Let me do that" - so once dancing with them will never go in vain
- O Dharma, whatever you have inquired from me shall be known to you. I shall try to reply to all those questions. Once you too were maintained by your four legs, and you increased happiness all over the universe by the mercy of the Lord
- O killer of the Madhu demon, incessant transcendental bliss flows in the minds of those who have even once tasted but a drop of the nectar from the ocean of Your glories
- O King Pariksit, that hero Sudyumna, accompanied by a few ministers and associates and riding on a horse brought from Sindhupradesa, once went into the forest to hunt
- O King Pariksit, upon seeing Devayani with a nice son, Sarmistha once approached King Yayati at the appropriate time for conception. In a secluded place, she requested the King, the husband of her friend Devayani, to enable her to have a son also
- O Maharaja Pariksit, by some auspicious opportunity for the two boys (Nalakuvara and Manigriva), the great saint Devarsi Narada once appeared there by chance. Seeing them intoxicated, with rolling eyes, he could understand their situation - SB 10.10.5
- O virtuous one, you (Narada) have only once seen My (Lord Visnu) person, and this is just to increase your desire for Me, because the more you hanker for Me, the more you will be freed from all material desires
- Of course we work very very hard just to get someone to come to the platform of devotee of Krsna, so we shall not be too much hasty to drive anyone out. Therefore we may forgive once, twice, but more than that we must take other steps
- On that friendly platform there are different kinds of laughing and joking conversations. An example of such a friendly relationship with Krsna is described in the Srimad-Bhagavatam when Krsna was once thinking
- On the bank of the Yamuna, once there was the crackling sound of dry leaves, giggling from the cowherd boys and thundering from the sky. Sridama was tightening his belt to fight with Krsna, the conqueror of the demon Agha
- On this planet (Janaloka), great sages and saintly persons live, and they once discussed the same point regarding the understanding of Brahman and His real identity
- Once a center is opened it must be maintained. A responsible man for each center must be found out before opening
- Once a demon named Aristasura entered the village in the form of a great bull with a gigantic body and huge horns, digging up the earth with his hooves. When the demon entered Vrndavana, the whole land appeared to tremble, as if there were an earthquake
- Once a devotee is fixed in Krsna consciousness these attractions (the attractive features of women and the opulence of rich men) will not agitate his mind
- Once a devotee of Lord Siva wanted the benediction that whenever he touched someone on the head, that person's head would at once be separated from his trunk. Lord Siva agreed
- Once a friend of Bhagavan Acarya's from Bengal wanted to recite a drama that he had written that was against the principles of devotional service, and although Bhagavan Acarya wanted to recite this drama before Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Once a great karmi accumulated a vast fortune for his sons and grandsons, but later, according to his karma, he took his birth in a cobbler's house located near the building which in his previous life he had constructed for his children
- Once a great realized sage was lamenting that the Supreme Lord Krsna was living in Dvaraka but that he was unable to take advantage of seeing Him
- Once a palmist came to the house of Nanda Maharaj, and Nanda Maharaj asked him, "My dear sage, will you kindly check the hand of my child, Krsna? Tell me how many years He will live and whether He will become the master of thousands of cows"
- Once a person comes into contact with any one of the above-mentioned energies of the Lord through the proper channel of devotional service, the door of perfection is immediately opened
- Once a person comes into contact with any one of the above-mentioned energies of the Lord through the proper channel of devotional service, the door to perfection is immediately opened
- Once a person resolves to accept only those things conducive to devotional service, the Lord's internal potency helps him reach goal
- Once a poor brahmana worshiped Lord Siva for a benediction, and Lord Siva advised the devotee to go to see Sanatana Gosvami. The devotee went to Sanatana Gosvami and informed him that Lord Siva had advised him to seek out the best benediction from him
- Once a temple has been opened it must never be closed
- Once a well-known swami in India was asked whether God or providence is responsible for the sufferings of humanity. The swami replied that these sufferings were all God's pastimes or lila
- Once a woman selling fruit was calling, "O inhabitants of Vrajabhumi, if you want to purchase some fruits, come here!" Upon hearing this, Krsna immediately took some grains and went to barter as if He needed some fruits - SB 10.11.10
- Once again all the devotees brought Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu back to consciousness by a concerted effort. Then the Lord got up and began wandering here and there, looking all around
- Once an old mendicant approached the door of Mother Yasoda's house, and Krsna told Yasoda, "My dear Mother, I don't wish to go near this skinny villain. If I go there, he might put Me within his begging bag and take Me away from You!"
- Once an ordinary female devotee addressed Krsna, "My dear boy, I know that my body is just a composition of flesh and blood and can never be enjoyable to You"
- Once at night, while it was raining, a tiger entered the land of the cowshed. Upon seeing the tiger, all the cows, who were lying down, got up in fear and scattered here and there on the land
- Once before when Sivananda Sena had visited Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu at His residence, the Lord had told him, "When this son is born, give him the name Puri dasa"
- Once begun, bhakti-yoga continues, even if one temporarily falls down. One is given another chance by taking birth in a good family, either in a wealthy family, a learned family or a brahmana family
- Once begun, transcendental life, spiritual life or Krsna consciousness, it will never be stopped
- Once Bhima was administered poison in a cake, once they were put into the house made of shellac and set afire, and once Draupadi was dragged out, and attempts were made to insult her by stripping her naked in the vicious assembly of the Kurus
- Once both the atheists and the theists were engaged in producing nectar from the sea so that all of them could become deathless by drinking it
- Once Brahma lay down with his body stretched at full length. He was very concerned that the work of creation had not proceeded apace, and in a sullen mood he gave up that body too
- Once Brahma was watching all the cows and the cowherd boys dressed in yellow garments and decorated with valuable jewels. The boys were expanding their four arms and were being worshiped by many hundreds of other Brahmas
- Once Caitanya said, "You must at least have enough sense to test to find out who is a spiritual master and who is not." For instance, if we want to purchase something, we must at least have some idea of what that thing is, otherwise we will be cheated
- Once can give up the inferior quality of enjoyment as soon as one receives the superior quality of spiritual enjoyment. So family planning is successful when one is engaged in the culture of the human spirit
- Once Dhrtarastra constructed a house of lac, which was so inflammable that when touched with a match it would immediately burst into fire
- Once during his travels all over the world, Pururava saw Urvasi, accompanied by five companions, on the bank of the Sarasvati at Kuruksetra. With jubilation in his face, he then spoke to her in sweet words as follows
- Once during the rasa dance, when Radharani left the arena, and Krsna went to seek Her out, one of the dear friends of Radharani began to address Krsna thusly
- Once Durvasa Muni became a guest of Maharaja Kuntibhoja, and Kunti served the Durvasa Muni. He was very pleased, and he gave her one benediction that - You can call any demigod by your sweet will. As soon as you desire, the demigod will come
- Once engaged for the Supreme, one no longer asks for anything, as do the distressed man and he who desires material possessions
- Once engaged in the devotional service of the Lord, one will continue the service in all circumstances
- Once engaged in the supreme governmental service of the Lord, no living being wishes to be relieved from the engagement
- Once fallen and separated from the Supreme Personality of Godhead's association, one becomes a candidate for suffering in the material world. Although rejected by Sri Caitanya, Kala Krsnadasa was given another chance
- Once going back to Godhead, no one wants to come back to this material world of miseries
- Once Hanuman, the great devotee of Lord Ramacandra, said that he knew that Narayana, the husband of Laksmi, and Rama, the husband of Sita, are one and the same, and that there is no difference between Laksmi and Sita
- Once Hanuman, the great devotee of Lord Ramacandra, said that he knew that Narayana, the husband of Laksmi, and Rama, the husband of Sita, are one and the same, but as for himself, he liked the form of Lord Rama
- Once Hariscandra performed a yajna for which Visvamitra was the priest, but Visvamitra, being angry at Hariscandra, took away all his possessions, claiming them as a contribution of daksina
- Once he (Indra) raped the wife of Gautama Muni by using his disappearing art, and similarly by becoming invisible he stole the horse of Maharaja Prthu
- Once He spoke some joking words with His wife, Visnupriya. When Sacimata, Lord Caitanya's mother, was searching for something, He jokingly said, - Maybe your daughter-in-law has taken it
- Once I have chewed sugar cane and taken its juice, it is thrown out in the street, and if someone wants to taste it to see how sweet it is, he is chewing the chewed
- Once I was invited to speak in that institution, MIT. So I questioned, "Where is your department of technology to understand the difference between dead body and living body?" So I spoke on this
- Once in a day of Brahma, He descends to this world to manifest His transcendental pastimes
- Once in the bodily conception, he gets different types of bodies one after the other under the influence of material energy and impelled by the modes of material nature (sattva-guna, rajo-guna and tamo-guna)
- Once Indra assumed the form of a crow and attacked Sita (Janaki), Lord Ramacandra's wife, by striking her on the breast. This was certainly an insult to the universal mother, Sita, and Lord Ramacandra was immediately prepared to kill the crow
- Once it is adopted, the grhastha life, even it may be troublesome at times, it must be fulfilled as my occupational duty
- Once it was found that an asura took a benediction from Lord Siva by which the asura would be able to kill someone simply by placing his hands on that person's head. Such benedictions are possible to receive from the demigods
- Once Krsna left the gopis and changed into His four-handed Visnu form. The gopis went out searching for Krsna, and when they saw the four-handed Visnu form, they did not offer much respect. They simply wanted to see Krsna
- Once Krsna was told: "My dear enemy of Kamsa, because of their separation from You, the cowherd boys are suffering too much, and they are now lying down in the valleys, breathing only slightly
- Once Krsna was watching Sridama very expertly using his stick to fight with Balarama, who was an expert club-fighter and who had even killed the Pralambasura demon with His club
- Once Kuvera wanted to give Dhruva Maharaja a benediction, but although Dhruva Maharaja could have asked him for any amount of material opulence, he instead begged Kuvera that he might continue his devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Once Lord Caitanya asked Sri Ramananda Raya what the best part of education was, and Ramananda Raya replied that the best part of education is advancement in Krsna consciousness
- Once Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu went to the house of Sridhara after kirtana and drank water from his damaged iron pot. Then He bestowed His benediction upon all the devotees according to their desires
- Once Lord Krsna considered within His heart, "Although I am the source of happiness for the entire world, the beauty and attributes of Sri Radhika are My life and soul"
- Once Lord Krsna considered within His heart, "Although My beauty defeats the beauty of ten million Cupids, although it is unequaled and unsurpassed, and although it gives pleasure to the three worlds, seeing Radharani gives pleasure to My eyes"
- Once Lord Krsna considered within His heart, "Although My body lends fragrance to the entire creation, the scent of Radharani's limbs captivates My mind and heart"
- Once Lord Krsna considered within His heart, "Although My touch is cooler than ten million moons, I am refreshed by the touch of Srimati Radhika"
- Once Lord Krsna considered within His heart, "Although the entire creation is full of different tastes because of Me, I am charmed by the nectarean taste of the lips of Srimati Radharani"
- Once Lord Krsna considered within His heart, "Even with hundreds of mouths I could not express the transcendental pleasure She (Radharani) derives from My association"
- Once Lord Krsna considered within His heart, "Everyone says that I am complete bliss, full of all rasas"
- Once Lord Krsna considered within His heart, "Formerly I appeared in the world to taste mellows, and I tasted the mellows of pure love in various ways"
- Once Lord Krsna considered within His heart, "I am always eager to taste the joy that Radharani derives from Me"
- Once Lord Krsna considered within His heart, "I taught devotional service that springs from the devotees' spontaneous love by demonstrating it with My pastimes"
- Once Lord Krsna considered within His heart, "In spite of various efforts, I have not been able to taste it. But My desire to relish that pleasure increases as I smell its sweetness"
- Once Lord Krsna considered within His heart, "In this way My affectionate feelings for Srimati Radharani may be understood, but on analysis I find them contradictory"
- Once Lord Krsna considered within His heart, "My eyes are fully satisfied when I look upon Srimati Radharani, but by looking upon Me, She becomes even more advanced in satisfaction"
- Once Lord Krsna considered within His heart, "One more qualified than Me is impossible to find in the world. But in Radha alone I feel the presence of one who can give Me pleasure"
- Once Lord Krsna considered within His heart, "One who has a hundred times more qualities than Me could give pleasure to My mind"
- Once Lord Krsna considered within His heart, "Seeing the luster of Her (Radharani's) complexion after Our pastimes together, I forget My own identity in happiness"
- Once Lord Krsna considered within His heart, "The happiness I feel when meeting Radharani is a hundred times greater than the happiness I get from meeting others"
- Once Lord Krsna considered within His heart, "The sage Bharata has said that the mellows of lover and beloved are equal. But he does not know the mellows of My Vrndavana"
- Once Lord Krsna considered within His heart, "The vibration of My transcendental flute attracts the three worlds, but My ears are enchanted by the sweet words of Srimati Radharani"
- Once Lord Krsna considered within His heart, "When a favorable breeze carries to Her (Radharani) the fragrance of My body, She is blinded by love and tries to fly into that breeze"
- Once Lord Krsna considered within His heart, "When She (Radharani) tastes the betel chewed by Me, She merges in an ocean of joy and forgets everything else"
- Once Lord Krsna considered within His heart, "‘I have gotten the embrace of Sri Krsna,' She (Radharani) thinks, ‘so now My life is fulfilled.' Thus She remains immersed in pleasing Krsna, taking the tree in Her arms"
- Once Lord Krsna considered within His heart,"The flutelike murmur of the bamboos rubbing against one another steals Radharani's consciousness, for She thinks it to be the sound of My flute. And She embraces a tamala tree, mistaking it for Me"
- Once Lord Krsna, in His childhood, was chastised by His mother, Yasoda, and Lord Krsna cried. But although He shed tears from His eyes, this is not to be considered a reaction of the mode of ignorance, for the incident was full of transcendental pleasure
- Once Lord Sri Krsna playfully manifested Himself as Narayana, with four victorious hands and a very beautiful form. When the gopis saw this exalted form, however, their ecstatic feelings were crippled - CC Adi 17.281
- Once Lord Sri Krsna playfully manifested Himself as Narayana, with four victorious hands and a very beautiful form. When the gopis saw this exalted form, however, their ecstatic feelings were crippled - CC Madhya 9.150
- Once Maharaja Agnidhra desired to have a son, and therefore he entered a cave of Mandara Mountain to practice austerity. Understanding his desire, Lord Brahma sent a celestial girl named Purvacitti to Agnidhra's hermitage
- Once married, there is no question of divorce or separation. That we should remember. We don't allow any divorce and separation
- Once mother Saci told the Lord, "Please go call Your father." Receiving this order from His mother, the Lord went out to call him
- Once Mother Yasoda addressed one of her friends in this way, "Nanda Maharaj, the leader of the cowherdsmen, worshiped Lord Visnu along with me, and as a result of this worshiping Krsna has been saved from the clutches of Putana and other demons"
- Once Narada became angry with the two sons of Kuvera, Nalakuvara and Manigriva, and he chastised them by turning them into trees. The result was that later they were liberated by Lord Sri Krsna
- Once Narada had taken a parijata flower and presented it to Krsna's senior wife, Sri Rukmini-devi. On account of this, Satyabhama had developed an inferiority complex; she also wanted such a flower from Krsna
- Once on a full moon night the Lord was sitting on the bank of the Ganges with His many disciples and discussing literary topics
- Once on Ekadasi in the house of Jagadisa and Hiranya Pandita there were arrangements for preparing special prasadam for Lord Visnu, and Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu asked His father to go there to ask for the visnu-prasadam because He was feeling sick
- Once one accepts the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the doctrine of monism cannot be established. Therefore by mundane scholarship Sankaracarya has tried to obscure the actual meaning of the Vedanta-sutra
- Once one achieves the supreme gain, which encompasses all other gains, what is there still to be achieved
- Once one becomes a pure Vaisnava, he transcends all material conceptions of life. Thus Kasyapa Muni tried to transform his wife (Diti) into a Vaisnavi so that she might give up the idea of killing Indra
- Once one engages fully in Krsna's service, he comes to the brahma-bhuta (SB 4.30.20) platform. Presently we are on the maya-bhuta platform, identifying ourselves with maya and working according to the modes of material nature
- Once one enters into the continuation of material existence, it is very difficult to get out
- Once one has attained the spiritual platform, it is material service that actually becomes disgusting
- Once one is advanced in devotional service, his spiritual assets are never lost under any circumstances. Whatever spiritual advancement he has achieved continues. This is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita
- Once one is agitated by lusty desires upon seeing a woman, those desires increase more and more, but when semen is discharged in the act of sex, the lusty desires diminish. The same principle acted upon Lord Siva
- Once one is associated with impersonalists, he can never understand the personal feature of the Lord and His transcendental pastimes
- Once one is engaged in the spiritual activities of bhakti-yoga, one does not fall down. Our Krsna consciousness movement is therefore an attempt to engage everyone always in spiritual activity, by which one becomes transcendental to material actions
- Once one is fixed in the devotional service of the Lord, his position of transcendental service cannot be destroyed, and the pleasure and service simply increase unlimitedly
- Once one learns the grammatical rules and regulations very nicely, all other scriptures or subject matters in Sanskrit are extremely easy to understand, for Sanskrit grammar is the gateway to education
- Once one of Krsna's friends informed Him, "My dear Krsna, if You will open Your mouth, then I shall give You one nice sugar candy mixed with yogurt"
- Once one surrenders unto the service of the Supreme Lord, the Lord takes charge of the maintenance of the devotee's body, and there is no need of anxiety for its protection
- Once only, by their permission, I (Narada) took the remnants of their food, & by so doing all my sins were at once eradicated. Thus being engaged, I became purified in heart, & at that time the very nature of the transcendentalist became attractive to me
- Once opened it cannot be closed. Somehow or other you have to manage to continue the temple worship. That is the devotional cult. If they are closed and it is impossible to re-open, then what can be done?
- Once placed in some particular kind of body, he comes under the control of nature because the body, being matter, acts according to the laws of nature. At that time, the living entity has no power to change that law. BG 1972 purports
- Once situated on those higher planetary systems (known as Maharloka, Janaloka, Tapoloka, etc.), one can satisfy his senses hundreds of thousands of times better than on this planet. BG 1972 purports
- Once Sivananda Sena offered food to Lord Caitanya that had been cooked with excessive ghee, and the next day the Lord became sick and went to Murari Gupta for treatment
- Once some of the gopis went to the place where the brahmanas were performing sacrifices and said, "My dear wives of the brahmanas, you must know that not even a slight smell of distress can touch Krsna"
- Once Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was asked by one of His householder devotees about the general principles of Vaisnavism, as well as the general routine activities of the Vaisnava
- Once Sri Sivananda Sena invited Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu to his home and fed Him so sumptuously that the Lord felt indigestion and was somewhat sick
- Once Sridama challenged Bhadrasena and said to him, "My dear friend, you needn't be afraid of me yet. I shall first of all defeat our brother Balarama, then I shall beat Krsna, and then I shall come to you"
- Once surrendered to Krishna, karmic reaction is immediately gone, but if he acts again independently, then he is again in the clutches of maya
- Once the Bakasura demon assumed the shape of a very big duck and opened his mouth in order to swallow Krsna and all the cowherd boys
- Once the boy and girl unite intimately the hard knot is formed, and the girl is thinking Oh, without him I am lost, and the boy is thinking Oh, without her I am lost, that is Maya's arrangement for keeping us bound-up tightly in the material atmosphere
- Once the Catuhsana Kumaras went to Vaikuntha to visit Narayana, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but they were stopped from entering the palace at the seventh gate by two doorkeepers named Jaya and Vijaya
- Once the child, Caitanya Mahaprabhu, chastised His mother with His soft hand, and His mother pretended to faint. Seeing this, the Lord began to cry
- Once the conditioned soul engages himself in devotional service, he also becomes liberated like the Lord
- Once the cowherd boys in Vrndavana were vainly searching after Krsna for a long time, and for that reason their faces became blackened, and their complexions appeared faded
- Once the dangerous soldiers attacked the city of Puranjana with great force. Although the city was full of paraphernalia for sense gratification, it was being protected by the old serpent
- Once the divine vision is revealed, the relationship between Krsna and Arjuna changes immediately. BG 1972 purports
- Once the fair denizens of heaven pleased Astavakra Muni by their service and were blessed by the muni to have the Supreme Lord as their husband
- Once the family members of Lord Krsna, such as Samba, Pradyumna, Caru, Bhanu and Gada, all princes of the Yadu dynasty, went for a long picnic in the forest near Dvaraka
- Once the great King Anga arranged to perform the great sacrifice known as asvamedha. All the expert brahmanas present knew how to invite the demigods, but in spite of their efforts, no demigods participated or appeared in that sacrifice
- Once the great sage Narada went to visit Krsna and His wives. "Krsna has married sixteen thousand wives," he thought. - Let me see how He is dealing with them
- Once the great saint Narada approached Kamsa and informed him of how the demoniac persons who were a great burden on the earth were going to be killed. Thus Kamsa was placed into great fear and doubt - SB 10.1.64
- Once the heart is cleansed, we should invite Lord Sri Krsna to sit down, and we should observe the festival by distributing prasadam and chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- Once the impression of the transcendental form of the Lord is fixed in one's mind, one can never forget Him in any circumstance
- Once the Lord desired to go early in the morning with all His cowherd boyfriends to the forest, where they were to assemble together and take lunch. As soon as He got up from bed, He blew His buffalo-horn bugle and called all His friends together
- Once the Lord mistook the forest on the bank of the river Godavari to be Vrndavana. In that place He happened to meet Ramananda Raya
- Once the mirror of the mind is purified and the blazing fire of material existence extinguished, constant and unalloyed devotion to Lord Krsna begins to appear on the horizon of the heart
- Once the populace is situated in the varnasrama-dharma, there is every possibility of real life and prosperity both in this world and in the next
- Once the sons of Kuvera fell in the wrath of Narada for being intoxicated, but afterwards they regained their original forms by the grace of the Lord Sri Krsna. We shall find this story in the Tenth Canto
- Once the spirit soul takes shelter of maya, the illusory material energy, he develops the material qualities of goodness, passion, and ignorance. The spirit soul loses his original characteristics and develops a new nature
- Once the world was overburdened by the unnecessary defense force of different kings, who were actually demons but were posing themselves as the royal order
- Once there was a frog in a well, and upon being informed of the existence of the Atlantic Ocean by a friend, he asked the friend, "Oh, what is this Atlantic Ocean? "It is a vast body of water," his friend replied
- Once there was a hunter in the forest of Prayaga who was fortunate enough to meet Narada Muni when the great sage was returning from Vaikuntha after visiting Lord Narayana. Narada came to Prayaga to bathe in the confluence of the Ganges and Yamuna
- Once there was a sankirtana festival to glorify the Supreme Lord in an assembly of the demigods, and the Gandharvas and Apsaras were invited by the prajapatis to take part in it
- Once these mind-clouding doubts disperse, one enters the doors of pure devotional service. Karmis and jnanis are also tainted by material desires - the desire to enjoy their senses and the desire for liberation, respectively
- Once they (Krsna and Radharani) met at Kuruksetra during a solar eclipse, and the feeling which was expressed by them is heartrending
- Once they take up Krishna Consciousness in the colleges, it will be the greatest success
- Once they understand their relationship with God, people generally believe that God is the father, and the son's business is to ask Father for whatever he needs. But that is really a lesser relationship
- Once this brahmana Ajamila, following the order of his father, went to the forest to collect fruit, flowers and two kinds of grass, called samit and kusa
- Once this misconception (that everything is the Supreme Spirit) is cleared up and if we remember that the Supreme Spirit is indeed omnipresent, we can create a spiritual atmosphere by performing all our activities in relation to the Supreme Spirit
- Once this relation (with Krsna) is slightly revived, the conditioned soul at once becomes freed from the illusion of material energy and becomes mad after the association of the Lord
- Once Trita Muni fell into a well
- Once two brahmanas, one old & one young, went to visit Vrndavana on a pilgrimage. It was a long trip, & in those days there were no railways, so travelers underwent many hardships. The old man was much obliged to the youth for helping him on the journey
- Once undeviating faith in devotional service to Lord Krsna penetrates a person's heart, the process of purification is firmly underway, even though his external activities may show residues of sin
- Once washed off, now keep yourself in that washed-off condition. That is required. So that will be possible if you keep yourself constantly in touch with Krsna by hearing about Him. That's all. You have to remain uncontaminated
- Once we accept the inconceivable energies of the Supreme Lord, we will find that there is no duality at all. The expansion of the energy of the Supreme Lord is as true as the Supreme Lord
- Once we actually saw a distressed man steal ornaments from his daughter just to maintain himself. As the English proverb goes, necessity knows no law
- Once we are attached to this material way of life it is very difficult. So brahmacari is trained that this cosmic manifestation in which we are put by chance, this is temporary. Everything will be finished today or tomorrow or after a hundred years
- Once we are condemned by Krsna, it is very, very difficult to rise up again. Mudha janmani janmani (BG 16.20). Life after life we shall be condemned. That is our punishment
- Once we enter a place, to sit down, then gradually to lay down and occupy everything! So because there is such good possibility there for preaching, especially in the university, then I am recommending that some men must remain there and work very hard
- Once we go to Krsna, we live forever with Him in either of these (tree, plant, water, cows, land, cowherd boys, father, mother or gopis.) capacity. - Let me live at Vrndavana in any capacity. It doesn't matter. But live there
- Once we had the opportunity to meet Visnupada Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaja, and on first sight he requested this humble self to preach his message in the Western countries
- Once we indulge the mind, it can create havoc in this life, even though we may be spiritually advanced. The mind is specifically agitated through the association of materialistic men and women
- Once we take shelter of the lotus feet of Krsna, we turn the switch off for our karmic activities, and although these activities may still revolve, it is to be understood that they will quickly diminish
- Once we think that we are the most inferior, we'll immediately find that someone is inferior to us; and once we think that we are supreme, we'll immediately find someone superior. This is our position
- Once we understand our relationship with Krsna and our duty to Him, we naturally become reluctant to engage in material activities. This is called vairagya, detachment from material activities
- Once we understand that all things are dependent upon Krsna for their existence, there is no possibility of His ever becoming lost to us
- Once when a saintly person was passing on his way, he met a prince, the son of a king, and he blessed him, saying, My dear prince, may you live forever. The sage next met a saintly person and said to him, You may either live or die
- Once when Caitanya explained the glories of the transcendental potency of the Lord’s holy name, the HK maha-mantra, one unfortunate student said that such glorification of the holy name was an exaggeration in the sastras to induce people to take to it
- Once when Citraketu saw the goddess Parvati sitting on the lap of Lord Sambhu (Siva), he criticized Lord Siva for being shameless and sitting just like an ordinary man with his wife on his lap. For this reason Citraketu was cursed by Parvati
- Once when Durvasa was a guest at the house of Prtha's father, Kunti, Prtha satisfied Durvasa by rendering service
- Once when he deposited the collection, however, a balance of 200,000 kahanas of conchshells was due from him. Therefore the King demanded this sum
- Once when King Dusmanta went to the forest to hunt and was very much fatigued, he approached the residence of Kanva Muni
- Once when Krsna and His cowherd friends were enjoying friendly conversation, Krsna began to address His associates in casual language. At that time Krsna's servant Patri was also enjoying the conversation
- Once when Krsna came before Lord Balarama, He was anxious to offer His respects to His elder brother, but at that time Balarama's club was lowered down upon Krsna's lotus feet
- Once when Krsna was stealing yogurt, Jarati, the headmistress of the house, could detect His activities, and she was therefore coming very hurriedly to catch Him
- Once when Krsna, along with His cowherd boy friends, was having a mock battle, Subala showed the symptoms of fatigue. Krsna immediately told His other friends
- Once when mother earth was overburdened by hundreds of thousands of military phalanxes of various conceited demons dressed like kings, she approached Lord Brahma for relief - SB 10.1.17
- Once when Narada, the great devotee and ascetic amongst the demigods, was traveling among different planets, he desired to meet the ascetic Narayana personally in Badarikasrama and offer Him respects
- Once when Parasurama left the asrama for the forest with Vasuman and his other brothers, the sons of Kartaviryarjuna took the opportunity to approach Jamadagni's residence to seek vengeance for their grudge
- Once when Renuka, the wife of Jamadagni, went to the bank of the Ganges to get water, she saw the King of the Gandharvas, decorated with a garland of lotuses and sporting in the Ganges with celestial women - Apsaras
- Once when Srimati Radharani was standing on the bank of the Yamuna River in the forest of Vrndavana, She was attacked by Krsna, who was stronger than She
- Once when the entire world was overburdened by the increasing military power of demons in the form of kings, mother earth assumed the shape of a cow and approached Lord Brahma for relief
- Once when the Lord explained the glories of the holy name to the devotees, some ordinary students who heard Him fashioned their own interpretation
- Once while Caitanya Mahaprabhu was performing kirtana, clouds assembled in the sky, and the Lord, by His own will, immediately stopped them from pouring rain
- Once while enjoying in the water of the River Narmada, the puffed-up Kartaviryarjuna, surrounded by beautiful women and garlanded with a garland of victory, stopped the flow of the water with his arms
- Once while going to Jagannatha Puri, all the devotees had to stay underneath a tree, without the shelter of a house or even a shed, and Nityananda Prabhu became very angry, as if He were greatly disturbed by hunger
- Once while Kartaviryarjuna was wandering unengaged in a solitary forest and hunting, he approached the residence of Jamadagni
- Once while Krsna was out walking, one of the associates of Radharani told Her: "My dear friend, do You think that this walking personality is a tamala tree?"
- Once while Lord Ramacandra was walking at night incognito, hiding Himself by a disguise to find out the people's opinion of Himself, He heard a man speaking unfavorably about His wife, Sitadevi
- Once while Srila Gadadhara dasa Prabhu was returning to Bengal from Jagannatha Puri with Nityananda Prabhu, he forgot himself and began talking very loudly as if he were a girl of Vrajabhumi selling yogurt, and Srila Nityananda Prabhu noted this
- Once while the boys were engaged in their transcendental pastimes, a great demon of the name Pralambasura entered their company, desiring to kidnap both Balarama and Krsna
- Once while touring the world, Lord Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Lord, reached a place known as Brahmavarta. There was a great conference of learned brahmanas at that place, and all the King's sons attentively heard the instructions of the brahmanas there
- Once woman is trained up to prostitution, she will never become faithful wife. It is impossible. She is spoilt
- Once you are utilizing everything very nicely, then you may increase more and more as you like
- Once you take to Hare Krsna mantra, you should make rapid progress, without committing any sinful activity, and retard the progress. Don't do that
- Once you take up one body and enjoy as your body's senses dictate, you prepare another body by such sense enjoyment, and you get another body as you want it
- Once, after fasting for forty-eight days, in the morning Rantideva received some water and some foodstuffs made with milk and ghee, but when he and his family were about to eat, a brahmana guest arrived
- Once, after the uprooting of the yamala-arjuna trees, Rohinidevi went to call Rama and Krsna, who had both gone to the riverside and were playing with the other boys with deep attention - SB 10.11.12
- Once, along with her husband, she (Satyabhama) met Draupadi, and she was anxious to be instructed by Draupadi in the ways and means of pleasing her husband
- Once, at the end of the previous kalpa, a demon named Hayagriva wanted to take the Vedic knowledge away from Lord Brahma at the time of annihilation. Therefore the Supreme Personality of Godhead took the incarnation of a fish
- Once, before he (the brahmana) offered the sweet rice, he thought that it was too hot, and he thought, "Oh, let me test it. My, it is very hot." When he put his finger in the sweet rice to test it, his finger was burned and his meditation broken
- Once, early in the morning when Krsna returned home after performing His rasa dance, Mother Yasoda looked upon Krsna's face and addressed Him thus
- Once, in a holy place in the forest of Naimisaranya, great sages headed by the sage Saunaka assembled to perform a great thousand-year sacrifice for the satisfaction of the Lord and His devotees
- Once, in Benares, a Mayavadi sannyasi named Prakasananda Sarasvati objected to these activities. He said that since Lord Caitanya had taken sannyasa, the renounced order of life, He should not act in such an intoxicated way
- Once, Sri Madhavendra Puri traveled to Vrndavana, where he came upon the hill known as Govardhana
- Once, these two demigods (Nalakuvara and Manigriva), desiring to enjoy, entered the garden of Lord Siva in the province of Kailasa on the bank of the Mandakini Ganges
- Once, when He (Lord Krsna) was engaged in tending the calves in the forest along with His elder brother, Balarama, a demon named Bakasura appeared, and Krsna at once bifurcated the demon's beak
- Once, when he (Visvamitra) was a ksatriya king, he visited the hermitage of Vasistha Muni, and he was given a royal reception
- Once, when Krsna and Balarama were playing on the bank of the Yamuna, a demon of the name Vatsasura assumed the shape of a calf and came there intending to kill the brothers. By taking the shape of a calf, the demon could mingle with the other calves
- Once, when Krsna was ruling Dvaraka, Lord Brahma came to see Him, and the doorman immediately informed Lord Krsna of Brahma's arrival
- Once, when Radharani was taking off the necklace given to Her by Krsna, Jatila, her mother-in-law, told a friend: "My dear friend, just see the beautiful necklace that Krsna has presented to Radharani"
- Once, when there was no rainfall in the kingdom for twelve years and the King consulted his learned brahminical advisors, they said, "You are faulty for enjoying the property of your elder brother"
- Once, while fighting with a demon who was appearing as a deer, Krsna challenged him in this way: "I have come before you as a great elephant named Krsna. You must leave the battlefield, accepting defeat, or else there is death awaiting you"
- Once, while Krsna was in the pasturing ground with His cowherd boys, His friends requested Him to go to the Talavana Forest, where Gardabhasura, a disturbing demon in the shape of an ass, resided
- Once, while observing a vow of silence, he was fully engaged in the worship of the Lord and absorbed in the ecstasy of love of Godhead
- Once, while sitting beside the sea engrossed in meditation upon Lord Sri Krsna, he (Madhvacarya) saw that a large boat containing goods for Dvaraka was in danger. He gave some signs by which the boat could approach the shore, and it was saved
- Once, while wandering in this way, he (King Puranjana) saw on the southern side of the Himalayas, in a place named Bharata-varsa (India), a city that had nine gates all about and was characterized by all auspicious facilities
- Once, while wandering in this way, he saw on the southern side of the Himalayas, in a place named Bharata-varsa (India), a city that had nine gates all about and was characterized by all auspicious facilities
- One Bengali gentleman from London has sent me a letter praising your decoration of the Deities. The exact words he has used are that one cannot turn his face once turning towards the Deities. I have also seen the slides and my opinion is also the same
- One cleanses himself daily by taking a bath in water, but one who takes his bath only once in the sacred Ganges water of the Bhagavad-gita cleanses away all the dirt of material life. BG 1972 Introduction
- One cowherd boy said, "Once His (Krsna's) mother, being disturbed by His stealing butter, tied Him to a wooden mortar, and the child pulled it toward a pair of trees known as yamala-arjuna and caused them to fall"
- One householder devotee once said, "My Lord (Krsna), I am so wretched that these two eyes are never desiring to see the glorious city of Mathura. Therefore, my eyes are actually condemned"
- One may cleanse himself daily by taking a bath in water, but if one takes a bath even once in the sacred Ganges water of Bhagavad-gita, for him the dirt of material life is altogether vanquished
- One may try to leave Him, but He is not going to leave you. Once come, "No, sir, you cannot go out." Just like our Ajamila. He was devotee in the beginning, and later on, by bad association of prostitute, he fell. But Krsna took him at the end
- One mundane rogue once said that when the Vaisnavas chant the name "Radha, Radha," he simply remembers a barber's wife named Radha. This is a practical example. Unless one is liberated, he should not try to hear about Radha and Krsna's loving affairs
- One must evacuate every morning and evening. If we eat more, then we have to evacuate twice. But if we eat less, then once evacuation is sufficient
- One must seek that place from which, having once gone, one never returns, and there surrender to that Supreme Personality of Godhead from whom everything has begun and in whom everything is abiding since time immemorial. BG 15.3-4 - 1972
- One of the devotees of Lord Krsna once addressed Him in this manner: "My dear Lord, although You are not a professional dancer, by Your dancing You have so astonished us that we can understand that You are personally the master of all dancing
- One of the friends once remarked, "Sudama is trying his best to see Damodara defeated, and I think that if our powerful Subala joins him, they will be a very beautiful combination, like a valuable jewel bedecked with gold"
- One of the gopis once said to her friend, "My dear beautiful friend, when Krsna, the son of Maharaj Nanda, was taking rest within the cave of a hill, He was keeping His head on the arms of Sridama, and He was putting His left hand on Dama's chest"
- One servant of Krsna named Patri once addressed Him like this: "My dear Lord, You protected the cowherd boys from the hunger of the Aghasura demon, and You protected them from the poisonous effects of the Kaliya snake"
- One who attains the highest perfection goes back to Godhead after leaving his present body. Once there, he doesn't have to come back to this material world and transmigrate from one body to another
- One who can completely control sex life is able to work wonderfully with his brain, especially in remembering. Thus students who simply hear Vedic instructions once from their teacher could remember them verbatim without needing to read books
- One who is thus transcendentally situated at once realizes the Supreme Brahman. He never laments, or desires to have anything; he is equally disposed to every living entity. And in that state he achieves pure devotional service unto Me (Krsna) - BG 18.54
- One who is transcendentally situated at once realizes the Supreme Brahman and becomes fully joyful. He never laments nor desires to have anything; he is equally disposed toward all living entities. In that state he attains pure DS unto Me - Krsna
- One whose heart is not clean cannot think of the transcendental pastimes of the Supreme Lord, but if one can once again place the Supreme Personality of Godhead in his heart, he very easily becomes qualified to renounce material attachment
- Only a devotee of the Lord, who is attracted by Krsna, can escape the lures of woman. Once one is attracted by Krsna, the illusory energy of the world cannot attract him
- Our traveling each time, lakhs of rupees, I am traveling. But one man cannot see once in life London or New York from India. I see four times in a year. So I have no problem - because Krsna is there
- Param drstva nivartate (BG 2.59). When one appreciates something better, he rejects all kinds of nonsense. Once one gets a taste of Krsna consciousness, he cannot remain without it
- Perspiration due to anger was exhibited by Garuda. Once the heavenly king, Indra, was sending torrents of rain over Vrndavana. Garuda was observing the incident from above the clouds, and because of his anger, he began perspiring
- Please bring to me only those sinful persons who do not use their tongues to chant the holy name and qualities of Krsna, whose hearts do not remember the lotus feet of Krsna even once, and whose heads do not bow down even once before Lord Krsna
- Please come here, sit down at least once in a week, study all these books, try to understand the philosophy of life, and spread all over the world. That is the mission of Bharatavarsa
- Please keep fit with regular habits at least once a day take your bath and timely eat drink and sleep. Now you are married man you have got facility for sex life, but also this should be regulated
- Please make it a point that once a center is opened should not be closed. I have already given charge of six temples to six boys
- Please send me a letter at least once in a week, that will give me a great pleasure. Naturally I am anxious to know how different centers are working, and when I get good reports from them it gives me great solace
- Please write to Tamala Krsna at least once a week what are your activities
- Pradyumna said, "My dear Samba, you are such a glorified personality! I have seen that once when you were playing on the ground, your body became covered with dust"
- Prahlada Maharaja, the most dear servitor of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, once went out touring the universe with some of his confidential associates just to study the nature of saintly persons
- Radha said, "Only once did your master Krsna give Me the chance to taste the touch of His lips, He left Me altogether. I know that the goddess of fortune, Laksmi, who is always in the midst of the lotus flower, is constantly engaged in Krsna's service"
- Radharani said, "If by chance such a moment comes when I can once again see Krsna, then I shall worship those seconds, moments and hours with flower garlands and pulp of sandalwood and decorate them with all kinds of jewels and ornaments"
- Raktaka once said within himself, "Not only is Krsna my worshipable and servable Lord, but also the girl friends of Krsna, the gopis, are equally worshipable and servable by me"
- Real medicine does not require a show bottle. If one can chant purified offenseless once krsna-nama, he is free from all material bondage. Once only
- Regarding Hiranya Pandita, it is said that once when Lord Nityananda, decorated with valuable jewels, was staying at his (Jagadisa Pandita's) home, all night long a great thief attempted to plunder these jewels but was unsuccessful
- Regarding the devotees coming to Mayapur-Vrindaban, I would have liked they come all at least once in a year, so let the other trustees consider. If they come once every five years, then it will be five years vacant. the installment plan is better
- Regardless of the process (for yoga), once the fire of material life is extinguished, one does not simply experience what is called the impersonal void
- Rukmini continued, "What woman who has once heard of Your glories from authoritative sources and has somehow or other relished the nectarean fragrance of Your lotus feet would be foolish enough to agree to marry someone of this material world"
- Sanatana Gosvami once said that he belonged to a low-caste family, for although he was born in a brahmana family, he had associated with mlecchas and yavanas in his service as a government minister
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya then said, "We shall go once again to the Lord, but we shall not request Him to meet the King. Rather, we shall simply describe the good behavior of the King"
- Saudasa thus acquired the propensity of a man-eater and received on his leg a black spot, for which he was known as Kalmasapada. Once King Kalmasapada saw a brahmana couple engaged in sexual intercourse in the forest
- Simply by chanting the holy name of Krsna once, a person is relieved from all the reactions of a sinful life. One can complete the nine processes of devotional service simply by chanting the holy name
- Simply understanding that "I am not this body; I am consciousness" will do it? No. That is the first step. If you are actually conscious of being not this body, actually when, then your all material miseries are at once removed
- Since India is situated in the tropical zone, the atmosphere is always dry. Dust always accumulates on the streets and roads, so they must be sprinkled with water at least once a day, and in big cities like Calcutta twice a day
- So every one of you should read this Nectar of Devotion repeatedly. The whole substance of Vaisnava philosophy and activities, everything is there. So every one of you read this Nectar of Devotion once, twice, thrice
- So far your question is concerned, should the Jagannatha deity be bathed with water, that is not necessary. They should be washed once in a year, that is sufficient, 15 days before Rathayatra
- So I was praying to Krishna that He may save Kirtanananda from his misunderstanding and if ever he chanted Hare Krishna at least once in sincere heart, I am sure Krishna would not allow him to go out of his influence
- So Krsna and Visnu, the same, and it is stated in the sastras that by chanting one thousand holy names of Visnu you can get the result of chanting . . . once chanting the name of Rama
- So one who has got this sacred thread, he is called dvijah, twice-born. Twice-born. Once born by the father and mother, and the next birth is given by the spiritual master and Vedic literature
- So spiritual life is so sublime and so invigorating that you won't feel fatigued. Won't. Once... You have to be engaged. And as you are engaged actually in spiritual life, you won't feel fatigued. You'll be fearless
- So the Visnudutas say that "Even though one has committed so many sinful activities, if at the..., if once he utters the holy name of Narayana, he becomes free immediately." That's a fact. It is not exaggeration
- Some minor demigods said, "Krsna, whose joking words were once the source of so much laughter for the residents of Braja, has now been attacked by the serpent king, Kaliya, and He has become the object of everyone's overwhelming lamentation"
- Someone once asked me, "Why have you come to America?" But why should I not come? I am a servant of God, and this is the kingdom of God, so why should I not come
- Sometimes in dreams we think that we are flying in the sky, although we have no experience of flying. This means that once in a previous life, either as a demigod or astronaut, we flew in the sky
- Sometimes, of course, it so happens that Lord Siva becomes the best benedictor in spiritual life. It is said that once a poor brahmana worshiped Lord Siva for a benediction, and Lord Siva advised the devotee to go to see Sanatana Gosvami
- Sparrows and pigeons have sex three hundred times daily, although they are strict vegetarians, and the lion, which is not a vegetarian, has sex once a year. Spiritual life is not a question of vegetarianism but of understanding higher knowledge
- Sparrows, the pigeons, they're having sex life three hundred times daily, you see, although they are very vegetarian. And the lion is not vegetarian, but it has got sex life only once in a year. So it is not the question of vegetarian or nonvegetarian
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu replied, "Whoever chants the holy name of Krsna just once is worshipable and is the topmost human being"
- Sri Krsna, using the example of a strongly rooted banyan tree, advises us in Bhagavad-gita how to get rid of this (material) attachment once and for all - BG 15.3-4
- Sri Ramananda Raya frankly requested Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, "Please show Your lotus feet to the King at least once"
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura sings: If you (living entities) simply catch hold of Krsna and take shelter of His lotus feet, you will once again get free from all the miserable material conditions
- Srimate Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati used to say, "This place is not fit for a gentleman." Once one has approached Krsna and has attempted to make spiritual progress, Krsna, who is situated within the heart, begins to give directions
- Srimati Radharani once spoke a verse to Her gopi friends describing how She hankers for the transcendental scent of Krsna's body. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu recited that same verse and made its meaning clear
- Srimati Radharani was once told that although She had stopped all activities, She was still the supreme source of inspiration for all kinds of devotional service
- Subala once addressed Krsna in this way: "How these features of Your body can fail to defeat the pride of all the young girls of Vrndavana. When I am so defeated by this beauty, what chance is there for those who are naturally very simple and flexible?"
- Subala once addressed Krsna in this way: "My dear Kesava, Your round turban, the lotus flower in Your hand, the vertical marks of tilaka on Your forehead, Your kunkuma-flavored musk and all of Your beautiful bodily features are defeating me today"
- Subuddhi Raya put Hussain Khan in charge of digging a big lake, but once, finding fault with him, he struck him with a whip
- Such a sinful man (Ajamila), if simply by chanting once at the time of his death - that was also desiring his youngest son - he could get so much benefit, those who are chanting always the holy name of God, they should be always in safe condition
- Sukadeva Gosvami answered: Great saintly persons who strictly observed the spiritual rules and regulations and whose own effulgence dissipated all the darkness of all directions once came to see Lord Siva in that forest
- Sukadeva Gosvami qualified them by saying that a person who has once absorbed his mind in the glories of the Supreme Personality of Godhead may sometimes be influenced by impediments, but he still does not give up his exalted devotional position
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: Once Saudasa went to live in the forest, where he killed a man-eater (Raksasa) but forgave and released the man-eater's brother. That brother, however, decided to take revenge
- Sukadeva Gosvami spoke of the person who has only once surrendered himself at the lotus feet of the Lord (manah krsna-padaravindayoh) or has just begun the bhakti-yoga process
- Surrounded by many beautiful women, Citraratha, the King of Gandharvaloka, was once passing in his airplane over the brahmana's body at the spot where the brahmana had died
- Taking My words as defamation, Lord Krsna has left Me. I know that He is gone, but kindly hear My prayers in praise: 'You are the satisfaction of My eyes. You are My wealth and My life. Alas, please give Me your audience once again'
- That is the lesson of Bhagavad-gita. (2.20): For the soul there is never birth nor death. Nor, once having been, does he ever cease to be. He is unborn, eternal, ever-existing, undying, and primeval. He is not slain when the body is slain
- That specific abode called paramam mama is the place from which, once one attains it, one does not return to this miserable, conditional life
- The acarya, the authorized representative of the Supreme Lord, establishes these principles (to becoming a devotee of God, to worship the Supreme Lord and to bow down before Him), but when he disappears, things once again become disordered
- The aggregate of all these ecstasies once awoke a statement by Srimati Radharani in the mind of Bilvamangala Thakura
- The animals do not violate the laws of nature. For example, the sex impulse in animals is very strong during certain months of the year. The lion is very powerful. He is a flesh-eater and is very strong, but he enjoys sex only once in a year
- The bhakti-vedantas were pure devotees, and the boy became infected with their qualities of purity by their association and by eating once the remnants of the foodstuff taken by them
- The brahmana was astonished to see that the sannyasi Prakasananda could not vibrate the sound Krsna even once, although he uttered the name Caitanya several times
- The Christians are supposed to go into the church and confess the sinful activities and pay some fine, and then he becomes free. But that free, that excuse can be done once, twice, thrice, not perpetually
- The commander in chief of the demigods, known as Karttikeya, was satisfied with the fighting of King Mucukunda, but once he asked that the King, having taken too much trouble in fighting the demons, retire from fighting and take rest
- The cowherd boy friends of Krsna once said, "My dear Krsna, You need not decorate Your body with so many ornaments
- The cowherd boys all depend on Krsna. Once they wanted to take fruit from a forest of palm trees, but there was a demon named Gardabhasura who would not allow anyone to enter that forest
- The cowherd boys said, "If we all at one time entered into the mouth of this great serpent, how could it possibly swallow all of us? And even if it were to swallow all of us at once, it could not swallow Krsna. Krsna will kill him, as He did Bakasura"
- The daughter of Time (Jara) was very unfortunate. Consequently she was known as Durbhaga ("ill-fated"). However, she was once pleased with a great king, and because the king accepted her, she granted him a great benediction
- The desire of the Lord is another kind of impediment. But in both cases, the pure devotee, once advanced in Krsna consciousness, cannot be lost
- The devotee demigods and the demons (asuras) once took a sea journey. On this journey, nectar and poison were produced, and Lord Siva drank the poison. BG 1972 purports
- The disciple may misunderstand a bona fide spiritual master being obliged to do so under pressure of Maya's influence. But a bona fide spiritual master never lets go a devotee once accepted
- The first month Dhruva Maharaja was in the forest, he simply ate some fruits and vegetables once every three days and drank a little water every six days. He finally restricted his inhalation of air and stood for six months on one leg only
- The following parable may be given. Once a learned astrologer came to the house of a poor man and, seeing his distressed condition, questioned him
- The foolish family man does not become averse to family life although he is maintained by those whom he once maintained. Deformed by the influence of old age, he prepares himself to meet ultimate death
- The goddess of fortune, although by nature always restless and moving, could not quit the Lord's feet. So what woman can be detached from those feet, having once taken shelter of them?
- The gopis said, "There is no woman within these three worlds who cannot but deviate from her path of chastity once she is attracted to You (Krsna), because Your beauty is so sublime"
- The gopis said, "You have given us a chance to be enjoyed by You (Krsna) in the forest and have touched our breasts once in the past, which we accepted as a blessing, as do the goddesses of fortune, who are enjoyed in the Vaikunthalokas by You"
- The Govindam record is so nice that I am playing it at least once in a day and it is giving me transcendental pleasure with tears in my eyes
- The grains are eaten by man and transformed into semen, which impregnates a woman, and thus the living entity once again attains the human form to perform sacrifice and so repeat the same cycle. BG 1972 purports
- The great devotee Uddhava once wrote a letter to Krsna, "My dear Krsna, I have just finished the study of all kinds of philosophical books and Vedic verses about the goal of life, and so now I have a little reputation for my studies"
- The holy name of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is so powerful that if once heard without offenses, it can purify the lowest of men
- The impersonalist will fall again into the limited material world to become entangled once more in the wheel of births and deaths, drawn on by the inextinguishable desire for sensual engagement
- The inhabitants of Vrndavana, under the leadership of Nanda Maharaja, once went to the bank of the Sarasvati on a pilgrimage. Nanda Maharaja was fasting, and he lay down near the forest. At that time a serpent, who was cursed by Angirasa Rsi, appeared
- The intelligent, who have understood the Supreme Lord (Krsna) in association with pure devotees and have become freed from bad materialistic association, can never avoid hearing the glories of the Lord, even though they have heard them only once
- The intelligent, who have understood the Supreme Lord in the association of pure devotees and have become free from bad, materialistic association, can never avoid hearing the glories of the Lord, even though they have heard them only once
- The King of heaven once took the shape of a pigeon-hunter bird (eagle), and Agni, the fire-god, took the shape of a pigeon
- The King of heaven, Indra, could steal anything without being visible to the proprietor, and he could kidnap anyone's wife without being detected. Once he raped the wife of Gautama Muni by using his disappearing art
- The king should go out from his home to see with his own eyes how things are going on - Maharaja Pariksit, while on tour, saw a man, Kali, attempting to kill a cow, so the king at once punished him
- The King, the worthy descendant of the Pandavas, decided once and for all and sat on the Ganges' bank to fast until death and give himself up to the lotus feet of Lord Krsna, who alone is able to award liberation
- The leader of the elephants who lived in the forest of the mountain Trikuta once wandered toward the lake with his female elephants. He broke many plants, creepers, thickets and trees, not caring for their piercing thorns
- The Lord admits herein that although He certainly has the quality that anyone who receives a slight particle of the dust of His lotus feet becomes at once a great personality, this greatness is due to His affection for His devotee
- The Lord did not display many of the miracles which are generally expected from such personalities, but He did once perform a wonderful miracle in the house of Srinivasa Thakura while sankirtana was in full swing
- The Lord especially blesses the so-called culprits: "All glories unto you." A devotee, once accepted by the Lord, can never fall down. That is the conclusion of this incident
- The Lord learned all the Vedas with their different branches simply by hearing them once from His teacher, Sandipani Muni, whom He rewarded by bringing back his dead son from the region of Yamaloka
- The Lord remained there because He was very eager to receive the remnants of sweet rice offered to the Gopinatha Deity, having heard a narration from His spiritual master, Isvara Puri, of what had once happened there
- The Lord says if one takes shelter of My lotus feet, he is at once out of the clutches of maya. Immediately, no delay, within a second
- The Lord says, yad gatva na nivartante tad dhama paramam mama: "The planet from which, once going, no one returns, is My supreme abode"
- The Lord then said: "Take up your weapon and try again, eager as you are to conquer Me." Challenged in these words, the demon aimed his mace at the Lord and once more loudly roared
- The Lord was therefore pleased when such Vedic mantras were chanted, and to encourage His pure devotees, He roared once more and entered the water to rescue the submerged earth
- The mercy of Radharani is available very readily to the sincere devotees, and once She recommends such a devotee to Lord Krsna, the Lord at once accepts the devotee's admittance into His association
- The Muhammadan religion allows animal slaughtering once in a year. It is called koravani. And they can slaughter animals in the mosque. Similarly, in the Vedic religion also, the animals are allowed to be slaughtered in some sacrifice
- The once-born man is unfit to chant the Vedic hymns, and therefore there is no practical utility of chanting the original hymns
- The once-born scions of brahmana families are equal with the once-born sudras, and such brahma-bandhus, or unqualified once-born scions, must be rejected for any purpose of religious or Vedic function
- The person who has once offered respects, bowing down before the Deity, will not again come back to this world, because he will go directly to the abode of Krsna
- The planet earth in the shape of a cow is accounting the contradictory acts of the Lord. Although He once saved the earth, He now wants to upset the earth, which is like a boat on water. No one can understand the activities of the Lord
- The pleasure in such literature (mundane literature), after it is read once, becomes stale, and people do not take any interest in reading such literature repeatedly
- The sage Rsabhadeva told his sons that once they purified their existence they would have unlimited happiness. We are all intended to attain peace and happiness, but whatever peace and happiness we find in this material world is limited
- The sastra says, "You must have sex like this: once in a month and only for begetting children." So that is also tapasya
- The spiritual relation with the Lord is so enlivening and resourceful that no one can leave the company of the Lord, once having taken shelter of Him
- The students of a great devotee once talked amongst themselves in this way, "My dear Godbrothers, our spiritual master, after seeing the lotus feet of the Lord, has thrown himself into the fire of lamentation"
- The transcendental vibration of Krsna's flute disturbs the hearts of women all over the world, even if they hear it only once
- The untrained descendants of the twice-born families are no more like their forefathers, and thus they are counted amongst the sudras, or once-born men
- The whirlwind demon known as Trnavarta once carried Krsna off from the ground and blew Him around, along with some very big trees. At that time, Mother Yasoda could not see her son, and she was so disturbed that she began to walk this way and that
- The words sa vancitah indicate that once a person has obtained the human form of life, he is actually cheated if he does not make preparations to go back home, back to Godhead
- Then (by devotional service) once doubts are removed, the study of the Gita becomes extremely pleasurable, and one develops a taste and feeling for Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- There are many instances. Just like Bharata Maharaja, he got the body of a deer. There are so many instances. So it is not a permanent settlement that once you have got this human form of body we cannot glide down. We can glide down
- There are many yogis. They have got very exalted, extraordinary power. Just like Durvasa Muni. He once traveled all over the space. Not only within this universe - he traveled outside the universe in the spiritual world, and he saw the SPG face to face
- There is a bila, or hole, from which, having entered, one does not return. The Haryasvas understood the meaning of this allegory. Hardly once has a person who has entered the lower planetary system called Patala been seen to return
- There is a description of Krsna's feeling for his vayasyas in Vrndavana. He once said to Balarama, "My dear brother, when My companions were being devoured by the Aghasura, hot tears poured down from My eyes
- There is a statement in the Lalita-madhava that Lord Baladeva, intoxicated from drinking excessive quantities of honey, once began to address the ants
- There is a story of Narada Muni, who was once asked by a brahmana: "Oh, you are going to meet the Lord? Will you please ask Him when I'm going to get my salvation?" "All right," Narada agreed. - I shall ask Him
- There is no need of adding further Deities. Once installed it cannot be changed. Do not make it childish, too much addition of Deities will encumber us. At first, either Panca Tattva or Gaura-Nitai Deities may be installed
- There is no need of fasting once every week. Two days fasting per month on Ekadasi is sufficient
- There is nothing more sinful than untruthfulness. Because of this, mother earth once said, "I can bear any heavy thing except a person who is a liar"
- There was once a hunter who lured birds with food and captured them after spreading a net. He lived as if appointed by death personified as the killer of the birds
- There was one yogi in Calcutta - of course, in a temple, in a sanctified place - he was taking once only a little quantity of rice boiled with water, at three o'clock in the afternoon he was taking. That was his food, and nothing more
- There were walls like those in the palace of Maharaja Uttanapada even very recently, during the Mogul period. Anyone who has seen the Red Fort in Delhi must have marked that the walls are made of marble and were once decorated with jewels
- These are the special features of the transcendental form of the Lord, and one who has once seen that form is not satisfied with anything else; no form in the material world can any longer satisfy the seer
- They (Sri Radha-Madana-mohana, Sri Radha-Govindadeva and Sri Radha-Gopinathaji) are very dear to the Gaudiya Vaisnavas there, who visit the temples at least once a day
- They (the devotees of Lord Caitanya) all hastily grabbed Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and pulled Him out of the water. Once on the boat's platform, the Lord began to dance
- They all hastily grabbed Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and pulled Him out of the water. Once on the boat's platform, the Lord began to dance
- They say, big, big professor, big, big leader, "No, there is no life after death. This is once we get, and finished." That is also another foolishness. Just like a child
- This (CC Madhya 9.33) verse from the Brahmanda Purana is found in the Laghu-bhagavatamrta (1.5.354), by Rupa Gosvami. Simply by chanting the name of Krsna once, one can attain the same results achieved by chanting the holy name of Rama three times
- This (chanting once) material calculation is not made by a devotee. When one is devotee, he'll chant more and more. He'll aspire, "If I could get millions of tongues and trillions of ear, then I could finish." That is devotee
- This advanced stage is called the paramahamsa stage, and once it is obtained, both husband and wife can be actually liberated from bodily consciousness
- This atmarama verse was once nicely explained by Lord Caitanya to Sanatana Goswami. There is a detailed explanation of this verse in the author's Teachings of Lord Caitanya
- This is a great opportunity we have got, this human form of life. Once missed, you do not know what is the loss. We do not know what is going to happen in our next life. But if you take to KC, it is guaranteed that you get another human form of life
- This material world is actually meant for misery, just as a prison house is meant for punishment. Once we attain our constitutional position of brahma-bhuta (SB 4.30.20), we can enter the kingdom of God, the spiritual world
- This so-called civilization, human civilization, is falling in the fire of illusory maya, fut! fut! fut! fut! fut! and again and again. Bhutva bhutva praliyate (BG 8.19). Once takes birth, one again dies, again suffers. But we have no brain, mudha
- This tract of land (between Ganges and Yamuna), which is called Brahmavarta, consists of what is known in the modern age as portions of Punjab & northern India. It is clear that the kings of India once ruled all the world and that their culture was Vedic
- This world is material because God is forgotten here, but once He is remembered the world immediately becomes spiritual. In other words, the spiritual world is that place where Krsna is not forgotten
- Those who attain once to Me, they will have never to come again to this place of miseries. - So here is the hint that by Krsna consciousness, if we remain always in Krsna consciousness, then our transference to that planet of Krsnaloka is guaranteed
- Those who have once entered a Vaikuntha planet can never fall down
- To be immuned to the infection of the gunas, we have to engage in bhakti-yoga. Once we attain the perfectional stage, we attain ecstatic love of Godhead. In that state we cannot remain without Krsna for a moment. That is called bhava
- To Give Up the Company of Nondevotees. Lord Caitanya was once asked by one of His householder devotees what the general behavior of a Vaisnava should be
- To say nothing of the spiritual advancement of persons who see the Supreme Person face to face, even a person born in a family of dog-eaters becomes immediately eligible to perform Vedic sacrifices if he once utters the holy name of the S P of Godhead
- To say nothing of the spiritual advancement of persons who see the Supreme Person face to face, even a person born in a family of dog-eaters immediately becomes eligible to perform Vedic sacrifices if he once utters the holy name of the SPG
- Vallabha Bhatta Acarya requested Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, “If You are actually pleased with me, please accept my invitation once again"
- Very cautiously and intelligently we have to make progress in spiritual life. Don't take it very insignificantly. We should be very much careful. Otherwise there is falldown, and once falldown means a gap of millions of years
- Very risky life if we do not awaken our divya-jnana. We should always remember this. Very risky life -- once again thrown into the waves of birth and death
- Visnuduta says that, - We know that this person was addicted to sinful activities throughout his whole life, but at the time of his death he has remembered. He has uttered offenselessly once the name of Narayana
- Vrndavana is not limited. Wherever there is Krsna, wherever there is Radha-Krsna temple, that is Vrndavana. That is Vrndavana. Caitanya Mahaprabhu said. Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He, once only, He went to Vrndavana. Does it mean He was not in Vrndavana?
- We are all naturally His (Krsna's) maidservants. Does He not remember us? Does He ever speak about us, or has He forgotten us completely? Will He ever forgive us and once again touch us with those hands fragrant with the scent of aguru
- We are chanting Hare Krsna maha-mantra, but if we become at least once in life in ecstasy in chanting Hare Krsna, then all our sinful reaction of life is finished
- We do not know what is divorce. In our country there is no divorce, at least in Hindu law. Yes. Wife and husband, once combined, that is for life. There is no question of separation, in all circumstances. Either in distress or in happiness
- We have manufactured cars to help solve the problems of life, but we often experience that this also creates other problems. Once we create cars, we must travel thirty or forty miles just to meet our friends or go to a doctor
- We have to continue this sankirtana. This is the psychology. But there is very great prospect to develop this place, and you have got experience. If you can develop, it will be very nice example. Once successful here, we can introduce this program
- We see the flowers and fruits are coming every season. Why once? This dogmatic, we have to accept? Our experience is that by nature's way we find the same flower is coming again in the same season
- We shall never use this artificial fertilizer on our farms. It is forbidden in the sastras. If you plant easily grown crops once in the year, then the earth will not become exhausted. Don't overuse the land
- We should be very careful of our time. Time once wasted, you cannot get it back return. Better utilize this time. The best utilization is to chant Hare Krsna or think of Krsna, worship Krsna. That is Krsna consciousness movement
- We simply have to express our feelings (in front of God while offering prayers), but in order to be able to do this we have to be aware of our position. Once we are aware of our position, our feelings can be expressed sincerely and automatically
- What can the scientists know? Even Brahma himself was once bewildered, thinking himself the only one Brahma favored by the Lord
- What kind of love is it? Love does not mean that you come once a week to my house. Love means you come to my house every day, give me some present, and take something from me. Srila Rupa Gosvami describes the symptoms of love in his Upadesamrta - 4
- When a great mystic was once awakened from his meditative trance by hearing the vibration of Krsna's Pancajanya conchshell, the mystic became overpowered
- When an ant sees danger, he will run like anything. This is because he values his body and does not want to lose it. Once Lord Indra, the King of the heavenly planets, was cursed by Brhaspati to become a hog
- When Devananda was expounding the Mayavadi interpretation, Srivasa Thakura was once present in his meeting, and when he began to cry, Devananda's students drove him away
- When he (Mr. MacPherson) was coming, he was talking with me many past stories of the war. So once he narrated - he was also one of the commanders - that the First War, Marshal Foch? He was in Second World War, or First? I think First World War
- When his intelligence and mind were fixed upon the form of the Lord, the brahmana Ajamila once again saw before him four celestial persons. He could understand that they were those he had seen previously
- When I (Narada Muni) once came to this earth from Brahmaloka, the highest planetary system, the daughter of Time (Kalakanya), wandering over the universe, met me. Knowing me to be an avowed brahmacari, she became lusty and proposed that I accept her
- When I came to your country I saw that taking bath is also difficult thing. Taking bath, that is also not in practice. Perhaps once in a week. We are accustomed to see in India thrice in a day
- When Krsna was present on this planet there was no irreligion. In this connection, Narada Muni once addressed Krsna jokingly
- When Maharaja Dasaratha ruled Ayodhya, the great sage Visvamitra once came to him to take away Lord Ramacandra and Laksmana to the forest to kill a demon
- When Mother Yasoda once saw Him in His middle kaumara age: His scattered hairs were touching His eyebrows, and His eyes were restless, but He could not express His feelings with proper words
- When one begins to burn firewood, there is smoke and agitation in the beginning. Although there are so many disturbances in the beginning, once the fire is completely set, the firewood burns steadily
- When one is devotee, he'll chant more and more. He'll aspire, "If I could get millions of tongues and trillions of ear, then I could finish." That is devotee. And one is thinking how to finish it by chanting once, he's not devotee. That is neophyte stage
- When one's consciousness is uncontaminated by material lusty desires, it becomes calm and peaceful in all activities, for one is situated in eternal blissful life. Once situated on that platform, one does not return to materialistic activities
- When somehow or other uttered even once by a living entity, the holy name awards him liberation. The holy name of Krsna is the highest nectar. It is my very life and my (Sanatana Gosvami's) only treasure
- When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu returns, I wish to see Him just once in order to make my eyes perfect
- When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was personally present, anyone in the world who met Him even once was fully satisfied and became spiritually advanced
- When the boys and girls become ten or twelve years and above, then should be separated. At that time special care should be taken, because once they become a victim of sex their whole life becomes spoiled
- When the demon saw his magic forces dispelled, he once again came into the presence of the PG, Kesava, & full of rage, tried to embrace Him within his arms to crush Him. But to his great amazement he found the Lord standing outside the circle of his arms
- When the mind wanders to thoughts of sense gratification, one should at once understand - This is illusion
- When the Supreme Lord (Visnu) is laughing, one can see His small teeth, which resemble jasmine buds rendered rosy by the splendor of His lips. Once devoting his mind to this, the yogi should no longer desire to see anything else
- When the yogi is once situated in that transcendental position (asamprajnata-samadhi), he is never shaken from it. Unless the yogi is able to reach this position, he is unsuccessful. BG 1972 purports
- Whereas I once associated with the disciples of logic, all nondevotees, I am now merged in the waves of the nectarean ocean of the association of devotees
- While enjoying his material opulences with full strength and influence, Priyavrata once began to consider that although he had fully surrendered to Narada and was actually on the path of KC, he had somehow become again entangled in material activities
- While hunting in the forest, Dusmanta once approached the asrama of Maharsi Kanva, where he saw an extremely beautiful woman and became attracted to her. That woman was the daughter of Visvamitra, and her name was Sakuntala
- While so excellently ruling the universe, King Priyavrata once became dissatisfied with the circumambulation of the most powerful sun-god. Encircling Sumeru Hill on his chariot, the sun-god illuminates all the surrounding planetary systems
- Who, after smelling the dust of His lotus feet even once, could ever forget it? Simply by expanding the leaves of His eyebrows, Krsna has given the deathblow to those who were burdening the earth
- Whoever bathes just once in Radha-kunda attains Srimati Radharani's loving attraction for Sri Krsna. Who within this world can describe the glories and sweetness of Sri Radha-kunda
- Why can't I again see Krsna holding His flute to His lips? My eyes are wandering in hopes of seeing Him once more
- Why then should they (the Haryasvas) be encouraged to become entangled in family life, which is so dark that once having entered it one cannot leave it
- With such faith (that a person who simply chants the holy name of Krsna once becomes perfect) in the holy name one may begin a life of Krsna consciousness. But an ordinary person cannot chant the holy name of Krsna with such faith
- Yamaraja once asked Maharaja Yudhisthira, "What is the most wonderful thing within this world?
- Yasoda once was nursing her child Krsna & patting Him with great affection, there streamed a profuse supply of milk from her breast, & when she opened the mouth of the child with her fingers, she suddenly saw the universal manifestation within His mouth
- Yet I am but a poor woman, and, as you know, I am not conversant with the truth. Therefore I wish to see my birthplace once more
- Yoga system, adhyatmika, is being explained by Kapiladeva, that you'll never fall down. Permanent, fixed-up position. Once begun, it will continue. Even if you fall down, then you are given chance again
- Yogi means spiritually advanced, and bhogi means materialistic, and rogi means diseased. It is a common saying. A yogi evacuates only once. That is yogi
- Yogi, there are many yogis. They have got very exalted power, extraordinary power. Just like this Durvasa Muni. He once traveled all over the space. Not only within this universe - he traveled outside the universe in the spiritual world
- You (Kardama Muni) once made a promise that our bodily union should now fulfill, since children are a great quality for a chaste woman who has a glorious husband
- You (Varuna) are the guardian of an entire sphere and a ruler of wide fame. Having crushed the might of arrogant and conceited warriors and having conquered all the Daityas and Danavas in the world, you once performed a Rajasuya sacrifice to the Lord
- You are always unborn. Once, in the form of the original boar, You rescued me from the waters in the bottom of the universe. Through Your own energy You created all the physical elements, the senses and the heart, for the maintenance of the world
- You can be excused, but don't do again. If you continue to do it, then you have to suffer. Once or twice, you may be excused. But if you continue to do that, you must be punished
- You have described how you once fell down because you saw discrepancies in our philosophy. Actually, our philosophy is perfect, but because there were discrepancies in your mind at that time you may have thought something wrongly about our philosophy
- You have made me lose my sons once, and now you have again done the same inauspicious thing. Therefore you are a rascal who does not know how to behave toward others. You may travel all over the universe, but I curse you to have no residence anywhere
- You have the strength and capacity to save the world by presenting the Brahminical culture once again for consummation of the distressed world. In such acts of your broadness of mind, I am always at your service
- You may keep in regular contact with Bali Mardana regarding the arrival date, and I shall be very much engladdened to meet with you in New York once again. Again we shall discuss if you have any questions
- Youngsters who have had no taste of sex life can easily follow the vow of celibacy, and once fixed in the principle of such a life, one can very easily continue to the highest perfectional stage, attaining the kingdom of the three-fourths energy of God