Category:Prabhupada Speaks - Lectures, Bhagavad-gita As It Is
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- A baby has got a shoe, but when he gets the child's body the shoe does not fit. You have to take another shoe. Similarly, when the same child grows or changes body, he requires another shoe
- A boy is trained to become brahmacari. Brahmacari. Brahmacari means complete celibacy. No sex life, no amusement. Because just to train him not to be attracted by this material sense enjoyment. Then he'll be able to grasp what is spiritual life
- A brahmacari cannot see any young woman. Even the guru's wife is young, he cannot go to the guru's wife. These are the restriction. Now where is that brahmacarya? No brahmacari. This is Kali-yuga. No tapasya
- A brahmacari, from the very beginning of his life, he is trained to act only for guru. That is brahmacari. It is enjoined that a brahmacari live at the shelter, at the care of guru just like a menial servant
- A brahmana is called pandita because brahmana means one who knows Brahman. Brahma janatiti brahmanah. Therefore he is called pandita. In India the brahmana is addressed as pandita. Pandita means a brahmana is expected to know Brahman
- A brahmana is employed, a ksatriya is employed, a vaisya is employed. Otherwise, if they are unemployed, idle brain, then idle brain will be devil's workshop. That is happening. Because everyone is not employed
- A brahmana, when he's offering sacrifice, sometimes animals are sacrificed; so that does not mean that he is committing sin. This animal sacrifice was made not for eating the animals. It was for testing the Vedic mantra
- A child is born and the material nature is killing this child every moment. The child has grown, two years old. That means material nature has already killed this child for two years. How you can stop this?
- A criminal was brought before the king, and if the king thought it wise, he would take his own sword, immediately cut his head. That was the duty of king
- A dead man shaved will not grow, will not grow any more hair - finished. But a living man, because he has got that energy, so today you shave, again tomorrow there is hair. This is called inconceivable energy
- A devotee has no demand. He simply engages himself to serve Krsna for the satisfaction of Krsna
- A devotee in love, wants to love Krsna in His original form
- A devotee may have some demoniac qualities?
- A devotee may seem to be living in some place which is far from Vrndavana, but he's living in Vrndavana. That's a fact
- A devotee of Krsna is the first-class yogi. That is accepted by Krsna
- A devotee of Krsna will never accept that killing is very good
- A devotee, when he understands thoroughly that "Here is one Supreme Person, who is the leader, who is the controller, who is the maintainer of everything," then he surrenders unto Him and becomes His devotee
- A disciple means who voluntarily agrees to be disciplined by the spiritual master. When one becomes disciple, he cannot disobey the order of the spiritual master
- A drop of the sea water is also the same, qualitatively. The same chemicals. Similarly, we, being part and parcel of Krsna, we are not subjected to the material condition
- A few cases have happened also that joined, being nice, but all of a sudden drifted from our Society. So Narada Muni advised that even some, sometimes somebody may not continue, but falls down, there is no loss
- A flower should be in the garden, but if somebody imagines the flower in the sky, it is something imaginary. So for a devotee, this heavenly promotion to the heavenly planet is just like a flower in the sky
- A guru or brahmana is meant for giving protection to the people from spiritual side. The king, ksatriya, is meant for giving protection to the people from material side. The vaisya is to produce from the material side
- A Krsna conscious person should not be disturbed whether his preaching work is being accepted by the people or not
- A Krsna conscious person who has realized God, he is samah sarvesu bhutesu, he's equal to all living entities. He'll feel pain even for cutting a tree. He'll feel pain, he'll feel pain even he traverses over an ant
- A living entity has got natural inclination for vyavaya, sex life; and madya sevah, intoxication; amisa sevah, and meat-eating. A natural instinct there is. But asuras, they do not try to stop it. They want to increase it. That is asura life
- A man with defect in knowledge cannot impart instructions. Therefore the whole Vedic process is parampara system. Parampara system means that I cannot deviate. I cannot make any interpretation
- A master is asking servant that "You knock me here." So he's knocking like this. So that is service. The others may see, "Oh, he's knocking and he's thinking, 'I am serving'? What is this? He's knocking." But master wants that "You knock me"
- A mercantile man, he is doing some business and working very hard day and night to accumulate some money, similarly, a devotee of the Lord also can earn money in the same spirit, working day and night. Superficially it will appear just like this man
- A person who does not approach God, but regularly makes his duties perfectly, what does he get? What does he get, religious? He does not get any benefit of his life
- A pure devotee can see Krsna everywhere, that He's never out of your vision, and at the same time in Siksastaka prayers Lord Caitanya explains that "Govinda, I am feeling Your separation to be twelve years or more." Could you explain this?
- A rich man's sons are misguided. They get some money without earning and they spend like anything for sense gratification. But he should know, "Oh, I have got this opportunity by the grace of Krsna"
- A sadhu can cut off our attachment with this material world
- A sadhu is not a friend of a particular class, particular community or particular country. No. A sadhu, a saint, is he who is friend of all, not only of human being, even of animals and less than animals. These are the qualification of sadhu
- A sannyasi does not hate any kind of work
- A small child, when he begins to walk, he requires the help of his elder brother or sister or father or mother to catch, and one step, one step, one step, one step... But when he begins to walk independently, then he doesn't require any help
- A son is surrendering to his father. It is quite natural. There is no insult. Father is always superior. So if I touch the feet of my father, if I bow down before my father, it is glory. It is glorious for me
- A spiritual master must have seen Krsna. Without seeing, he cannot be spiritual master. But how Krsna can be seen? Krsna can be seen by love
- A sudra means he becomes disturbed. He becomes disturbed: "Oh, I have no employment. How shall I eat? Where shall I go? Where shall I live?" He has no faith in Krsna
- A Vaisnava is praying guru: "Sir, you are devotee of Krsna. You can give me Krsna if you like." This is the position of sisya
- A Vaisnava is unhappy by seeing others unhappy. Personally, he has no unhappiness. Because he's in contact with Krsna, how he can be unhappy? Personally, he has no unhappiness
- A Vaisnava, Brahma, is offering respect to Mother Durga. So similarly, a Vaisnava never disrespects any demigod. Why demigods? They are so exalted. They do not disrespect even an ant
- Absolute Truth can be realized in the beginning as impersonal Brahman, which is the objective of the jnanis, and next, Paramatma, which is the objective of the yogis, and at last, the last word in the absolute understanding is person
- Acceptance of spiritual master means he's a bona fide representative of God. Evam parampara-praptam imam rajarsayo viduh. That is stated in the Bhagavad-gita, you'll find. That parampara system, disciplic succession, acarya. Acaryavan puruso veda
- Acceptance of spiritual master means to accept anything, whatever he says. Therefore one has to select a spiritual master whom he can completely surrender. That is the technique. Veda-vakya
- Acceptance of spiritual master must be selected, you see, after careful examination, just like one selects his bride or bridegroom after careful examination
- Accepting Krsna as the spiritual master means
- According to Bhagavad-gita, only a devotee of Krsna, a person who is intimately related with Krsna, he can understand what is Bhagavad-gita
- According to our Indian system, their enjoyment is not meat-eating as in the Western countries. Their enjoyment is eating ghee more, become chubby, fatty. That is their enjoyment
- According to our Vedic principle, nobody has got the right to question anyone unless that person is accepted as spiritual master
- According to Vedic civilization, everyone has his own sva-dharma. This has been misinterpreted by the rascals. Sva-dharma means anyone can discover his own religious principle. Yato mata tato patha
- According to Vedic civilization, there are four divisions of the society. Everywhere the same divisions are there all over the world. This is very natural. Just like we can study from our own body, there is head, there is arm, there is belly
- Acts of this life, the activities of this life are preparation ground for the next life. We are preparing for our next life by our activities of this life
- Actually everything belongs to Krsna. We belong to Krsna. My body belongs to Krsna. I am part and parcel of Krsna; therefore my only duty is to serve Krsna
- Actually if the monarch becomes Krsna conscious, actually becomes representative of Krsna, then the whole face of the kingdom will change. That is required. Our Krsna consciousness movement is for that purpose
- Actually we are puzzled every moment. Therefore it is necessary one should approach to a proper guru. Now Arjuna is approaching Krsna, the first-class guru. First-class guru. Guru means the Supreme Lord. He is guru of everyone
- Actually we are serving money. Any why you are serving money? Because with the money we can satisfy our senses
- Actually, spiritual body means eternal life of bliss and knowledge. This body which we are possessing now, material body, it is neither eternal, nor blissful, nor full of knowledge
- Actually, the intelligent person who knows his real position, his constitutional position, and his relationship with Krsna, then he takes directly this Krsna consciousness
- Actually, these discussions of scripture is not to be acted unless there is relationship between the speaker and the audience. So audience means the disciples. Disciple means who accepts the discipline. Sisya
- Actually, we are not independent. If I think I am independent of Krsna, then I am dependent on the influence of material nature. Just like, if I think that I am independent of government regulations, then I become dependent of the police force
- After death according to Vedic regulations, pinda-udaka, pinda, offering Visnu prasada and water at least once in a year it is required by the family members
- After realization of Brahman, when he is actually on the Brahman platform, then the symptom is na socati na kanksati: he has no more lamentation and no more aspiration. Aham brahmasmi. Then he can see everyone one equal level
- All boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen who are in this meeting, they have got this faith, sraddha. It is understood. Otherwise, why you have come here? Unless you have got little faith, you would not have come (to hear me)
- All living entities are by constitution eternal servant. That is their healthy position. So long they remain servant of the Supreme, that is healthy
- All of us, beginning from Brahma down to the insignificant ant, we have come here for material enjoyment. And in this material world, according to different desires and karma, they are getting different types of bodies
- All the arguments of these foolish scientists, or so-called logicians, that can be, I mean to say, nullified, if you are intelligent
- All the preachers of Krsna consciousness movement, they are maha-bahu, strongly armed by the weapons of Krsna. They cannot be defeated. They will push on the fight with maya, this illusion
- All the senses, they are, being material. So constitutionally, they cannot see God, they cannot hear of God, they cannot chant of the holy name of God. But it is possible. The sastra gives you indication
- All these, my students, all of them are Americans, and they come from Christian or Jewish group. None of them came from Hindu or India. But what is the process I have given to them? The process is chant Hare Krsna. It is very simple method
- Although Krsna is saying that this is sat and this is asat, this is permanent and this is nonpermanent, but still, He is giving evidence that tattva-darsibhih, those who have seen the truth, they have concluded like that
- Although there is advancement of learning, many universities and educational institutions, but nowhere this subject matter is discussed or taught, "What I am"
- Although they're written just like ordinary story activities of a person. But they are not ordinary things. If you simply read Krsna book, although it looks like story, then you become delivered from these clutches of repetition of birth and death
- Although your spiritual master may be self-realized and experienced in the Absolute Truth, still, you have to question. You have to understand from him all critical points by your intelligent questions. That is allowed
- Always joyful. That is the symptom of spiritual life. You'll see Krsna always smiling, always playing on His flute
- Always, twenty-four hours, cent percent, he will be absorbed in Krsna and at the time of death at once transferred there. This should be the process of life. Therefore we have taken this movement, Krsna consciousness. Join us. Cooperate with us
- Anartha means unwanted bad habits. So when we are children, innocent, we have no bad habits, but as we grow and associate with bad company, we also acquire all these bad habits. So to give up all these bad habits means we have to associate with sadhus
- Anarya-justam, "not at all befitting a man who knows the progressive values of life." Aryan. Aryan means who are progressive. So this dejection of Arjuna in the battlefield is described as befitting a non-Aryan
- And if he does not follow the instruction of spiritual master, he is a rascal. He is defying the authority. That's all
- And if you try your best to go to the spiritual world, back to home, back to Godhead, you'll not come again to accept this material body
- And it is very easy. And you can do in happy mood. And what is the process? We chant Hare Krsna and eat Krsna-prasada and study Bhagavad-gita philosophy, hear nice musical sounds. Is it very difficult? Is it very difficult? Not at all
- And what is the main business of material nature? Just to beat you with shoes. That is nature. Therefore we are suffering in this material world. Because we have taken shelter of the material nature
- And where? Pranipata. Where you will find a person that "He is... Here is a person where I can surrender"? Then that means we have to make a little test where to surrender. That much knowledge you must have
- Another student, she is preparing the sweetballs, ISKCON balls, and they are forgetting meat-eating. They do not like any more meat-eating. They have got better engagement, sweetballs
- Any man outside America, he cannot come here by force. He must take the permission of the American government, visa; then he can come. So how you can go to the moon planet without taking the visa? Simply by your bodily strength? That will not be allowed
- Any material thing you take, even stone, iron, it can be burned, it can be cut into pieces, it can dry up, and so many things, all applicable to the matter. But so far the spirit soul is concerned, it is just the opposite
- Any method we manufacture, we discover, to conquer over the laws of material nature, it is backed by another set of dangerous things. That is the law of nature. That is not the way to get out of this material pangs of life
- Any systematic religious process is to be understood: "It is given by God." Man cannot make any religious system. So this Aryan system, progressive system, is catur-varnyam maya srstam guna-karma-vibhagasah
- Any transcendental message, any Vedic literature, unless it is presented by a self-realized devotee, it is poison. You simply misunderstand the whole thing, and you do not get the benefit. Rather, you become a victim of misunderstanding
- Anyone who does not give evidences, proof, from the sastra, then na siddhim sa avapnoti, he does not get at any time success, na sukham, neither any happiness in this material world, na param gatim, and what to speak of elevation in the next life
- Anyone who has accepted this Krsna consciousness movement, if he follows the principles, then he's surely going to home, back to home, back to Godhead. That is certain. But if you deviate, if you become attracted by maya, that is your business
- Anyone who has got little control, he can be called isvara. That is the dictionary meaning. But even the original isvaras, namely Brahma, Visnu, Mahesvara, they are also not supreme isvara. The supreme isvara is Krsna
- Anyone who is fully in Krsna consciousness without any consideration, then everything is taken care by Krsna. This assurance is given. But if you don't believe in that assurance, if you don't believe in Krsna, that is a different thing
- Anyone who knows that the living entity, soul, is avinasi, indestructible, then where is the question of killing? But that does not mean the Bhagavad-gita is encouraging killing. No. That is not the purport. Killing is prohibited
- Anyone who represents Krsna, he is also guru. That will be explained in the Fourth Chapter. Evam parampara-praptam imam rajarsayo viduh
- Anything about Krsna is Krsna. This is called absolute knowledge. So either you chant the Krsna's name or you worship Krsna's form - everything is Krsna
- Anything which I own, that should be utilized for my purpose. Your things should be utilized for your purpose. So if God is the proprietor of our senses, then these senses must be used for God's purpose. That is the constitutional position
- Anything you practice, you'll be successful. So if by practicing Krsna consciousness, you can go back to home, back to Godhead, why should you neglect it? That will solve your all problems
- Anywhere in the material world, either in the higher planet or in the lower planet, this sense gratification is prominent. Only in the spiritual world there is no sense gratification. There is simply an endeavor to satisfy Krsna
- Apparently, to the rascals it appears like that, that Krsna is encouraging Arjuna to fight. And he says there is no sin. But the rascal does not see under what condition he is advising
- Are you God?
- Arjuna and Krsna was of the same age, but Arjuna looks older; Krsna looks younger. And Krsna at that time had great-grandchildren. His grandchildren & His grandchildren's children were present at that time. The whole family extended to about ten millions
- Arjuna in the Battlefield of Kuruksetra. There was a fight. That is the history of greater India, Mahabharata. It is called Mahabharata. This Bhagavad-gita is part of Mahabharata. Mahabharata means greater India or greater planet
- Arjuna is a great warrior, fighter, and for a ksatriya to kill one is not very difficult task
- Arjuna is direct disciple of Krsna. So if you take Bhagavad-gita as it was understood by Arjuna, then you get the right knowledge. And if you take the knowledge of Bhagavad-gita explained by some so-called scholar and politician, then it is rascaldom
- Arjuna is hearing from Krsna, and Krsna is speaking to Arjuna directly. How fortunate is Arjuna, that he is directly hearing from Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Arjuna is not understanding Krsna by his philosophical speculation. Directly Krsna revealing. This is the process of understanding God. You cannot create your imagination, imaginative God
- Arjuna never says, "Krsna, in my opinion, if it is done like that, then people will go to hell." He does not give his own opinion. He says iti, "Thus," anususruma, "I have heard." This is called parampara system
- Arjuna was a military man. He was not a Vedantist. He was a grhastha, not even a sannyasi. Why Krsna selected to instruct Arjuna as the disciple of the renovated parampara system? That is also spoken by Krsna
- Arjuna was calculating as a human being about Krsna. That was his mistake. That was his not mistake. That was his inquiry to clear the mistake of our. We mistake Krsna as one of us
- Arjuna was declining to fight, but Krsna is inducing him to fight. So in spiritual platform there is no question of stopping work, no question of stopping work. But work for the Supreme. That's all, isavasyam idam sarvam (ISO 1), with God consciousness
- Arjuna, after seeing the other party, that the other party, all of them belonged to his family, all family members, because it was fight between cousin brothers, so he became compassionate
- Arjuna, although he was fighter, Arjuna did not change his position. He did not become a brahmana. After hearing Bhagavad-gita it is not that he gave up his profession as a ksatriya and went to Himalaya to become a brahmana, meditation
- Arya means the advanced. One who is advanced in knowledge, in civilization, they are called arya, Aryan civilization. So in the Aryan civilization there are four divisions to maintain the society in the correct balance
- Arya-samaja does not mean to become rascal and fool and deny the existence of God. No. That is Anarya. Just like Krsna rebuked Arjuna: anarya-justa. "You are talking like anarya"
- Aryan, according to Aryan civilization as described in the Bhagavad-gita, there are four divisions inaugurated by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. As we have already explained, dharmam tu saksad bhagavat-pranitam
- As far as we are concerned, we are trying to establish daiva-varnasrama, as it is instructed by the Gosvamis, by Hari-bhakti-vilasa, by our spiritual master. May not be very perfect, but we are trying our best to introduce this daiva-varnsrama
- As I feel pains and pleasure on account of some disturbance on this body, similarly, as soon as we create some disturbance with this universal atmosphere, the supreme consciousness is disturbed
- As much as the Lord is very much anxious for our benefit, similarly, the devotees of the Lord, they are equally anxious for the benefit of the public
- As soon as any of the disciples in the succession distort the knowledge, then it is lost
- As soon as I get a particular type of body, my happiness and sufferings are all destined. This is our position
- As soon as Krsna accepts, your life is sanctified immediately. Therefore we should eat krsna-prasada, nothing more. Not in the hotel, not in the restaurant. Simply krsna-prasada. That will keep me purified always
- As soon as Krsna is within your heart so when you read Bhagavad-gita or Krsna book with little seriousness, then Krsna understands, "Now he is serious to understand me." You haven't got to search out Krsna, He's already within you
- As soon as the point comes, to please your senses, then you come to material world, immediately. Krsna-bahirmukha hana bhoga vancha kare, nikata-stha maya tare japatiya dhare
- As soon as the spiritual master is selected, one should remain always a fool, although he may not be a fool. But the better position is like that
- As soon as there is bhajana-kriya, or devotional service, immediately anartha-nivrtthi syat. Anartha means unwanted things, they become vanquished
- As soon as we forget Krsna and we want to do things for our sense gratification, that is maya. And as soon as we give up this process of sense gratification and do everything for Krsna, that is liberation
- As soon as we say "Here is light," there must be darkness. This is called relative world. One has to be understood by other relative terms. But there is another world, which is called absolute world. There the master and the servant, the same
- As soon as we speak of knowledge, there must be three things: the object of knowledge, the person who is trying to know and the process by which the object of knowledge is achieved
- As soon as we speak that "Here is son," there must be father. As soon as we say "Here is husband," there must be wife. As soon as we say "Here is servant," there must be master
- As soon as you accept somebody as spiritual master, you cannot argue. You have to accept. You have to accept. Therefore the selection of spiritual master must be very scrutinizing
- As soon as you are self-realized, you become jubilant. In the bodily concept of life we are always full of anxiety and morose. Yes, that is the material condition
- As soon as you are touched with the Supreme Spirit, viraktir anyatra syat, no more enjoyment in this material world. So Krsna is there. Krsna is also sitting within the heart, and I am also sitting within the heart, just like two friends
- As we are existing now - we have accepted a type of material body and existing - similarly, after finishing this body, I'll accept another body and exist. Now, the question is that "In what kind of body I shall exist after finishing this body?"
- As we are servant of Krsna, it is our duty to present the real thing. Now you accept, not accept. That is not my business
- As we contaminate the different material modes of nature, we get different situation of life, different forms of body, different circumstances. Krsna has arranged everything very accurately. His arrangement is very perfect
- Ascending process is not recommended in the Vedic process of knowledge. Vedic way of receiving knowledge - by aural reception, by submissive aural reception from the spiritual master to the student. This is the way
- Asuras, they are engaged for fruitive result. They are working, but they are expecting that "I shall enjoy the result" So that freedom is given to everyone, that "You can work at your responsibility and enjoy or suffer"
- Asvamedham gavalambham, sannyasam pala-paitrkam, devarena sutotpattim, kalau panca vivarjayet. Asvamedha sacrifice, gomedha sacrifice, sannyasa, and to get child by devara, husband's younger brother, these things are forbidden in this age
- At any moment we can fall down. Therefore we have to keep ourselves very much vigilant, strong, strong. Strength, the spiritual strength is the chanting Hare Krsna mantra and following the rules and regulations
- At that time the Bengal was being ruled by the Mohammedans, Pathans, and their entrusted ministers were these Rupa and Sanatana. They were converted into practically Mohammedan
- At that time, 5,000 years ago, the Kuru dynasty was ruling all over the world. Now, what we know as Bharata-varsa is a fraction only. Formerly, this planet was known as Bharata-varsa
- At the end of this Kali-yuga they will be so much degraded that it will be impossible for them to understand God
- At the present moment Krsna is not physically present, but we understand through sastra what is Krsna
- At the present moment this movement, Krsna consciousness movement, is meant for creating nice brahmanas with qualification. Satyam samo damas titiksa arjavam jnanam vijnanam astikyam brahma-karma svabhava-jam
- At the present moment, nobody can observe the strict rules and regulations, that "I am born in a brahmana family. I cannot accept anyone's service." Then you will have to starve
- At the present status of our life we have not only forgotten the Supreme Lord, but also we have forgotten our eternal relationship with the Lord
- At the time of birth, a person's situation according to different astral influence, and then the astrology science can make his horoscope, his future activities, his future hopes
- At the time of death some people becomes unconscious
- At the time of death, either we can remain in the material energy, or this material world, or we can transfer into the spiritual world
- Atheist means they don't believe in any transcendental nature. Even they do not believe in the existence of the soul. They simply concern themselves with this material body
- Atyaharah, eating more than you require. Actually, we should not eat unless we are very hungry. That is good eating
- Authoritative power is analyzed by Rupa Gosvami
- Authority is your spiritual master. You do not know who is authority? Why this question is there? If one is initiated, then he accepted the authority & if he does not follow the instruction of spiritual master, he is a rascal. He is defying the authority
- Avaroha-pantha means a descendence, or deductive process. So our Krsna consciousness movement, we claim that we have got perfect knowledge of everything because we are taking knowledge from the perfect person
- Avyaktam means the total material substance. Just like when you construct a house there are heaps of materials - some stone, some cement, some woods, some iron - and you combine together... Tejo-vari-mrd-vinimayam
- Baladeva Vidyabhusana, with the order of Govindaji at Jaipur, he wrote the commentary on Brahma-sutra. That name is Govinda-bhasya. So the Gaudiya-Brahma Sampradaya, they have got also commentary on Brahma-sutra
- Battle of Kuruksetra was performed in a place which is called dharma-ksetra. So sometimes war is also performed in terms of religiosity. That is prescribed. That is required
- Be Krsna consciousness. Just become a devotee of Krsna. Offer your respects..." You have to offer your respect to anyone. You are not supreme. You have to flatter somebody to get some service. That is an... Even if you get nice position
- Because a ksatriya family, it is to be understood they must go on fighting. Even in their marriage there would be fighting. Without fighting, no marriage takes place in ksatriya family
- Because God is everywhere. So He's also in statue. God is everywhere. How can you say that He's not in statue? He's also in statue. So it is my devotion, it is my qualification, that I can induce that statue to speak with me
- Because God is sac-cid-ananda-vigraha (BS 5.1) - He's all-pleasure - therefore, without many, there is no pleasure. Just like here I sit down the whole day alone, but I become more active and more pleasing when you come
- Because I (Krishna) have appeared just like a human being, these rascals deride at Me that I am also one of them
- Because it is the world of duality. There must be something dual, black-white, darkness-light, sukha, happiness-distress, father-son. There must be. This is called relative world
- Because Krsna comes down as human being, we, due to our lack of knowledge, poor fund of knowledge, we think Krsna is as good as we are. But actually it is not. Krsna is God. We are ordinary living entities
- Because people are not devotees of God, therefore despite all education, all advancement of scientific knowledge, still they are dealing like cats and dogs
- Because people are not devotees of God, therefore despite all education, all advancement of scientific knowledge, still they are dealing like cats and dogs. They are not peaceful. The peace cannot be attained without Krsna consciousness
- Because the red Indians, they had no sufficient intelligence, they could not make America like present time. Lack of intelligence. So we are manufacturing so many things industrially, but the intelligence is also given by Krsna
- Because the spirit soul is part and parcel of Krsna, so by nature, he is joyful. He is seeking after joy. Every one of us, we are working so hard to find out some pleasure of life
- Because the water has become black, it does not mean the liquidity is lost. Similarly, because we are now in contact with material designation, our services atti..., service attitude is not lost. That is there. But it is being rendered in a different way
- Because they (Rupa & Sanatana Gosvami) engaged themselves in the service of the Muhammadan ruler, they were, I mean to say, extricated from the brahmana society
- Because we, with our teeny brain, we cannot find out what is the actual niscitam, fixed-up sreya. That we do not know. That you have to ask from Krsna. Or his representative
- Because you are also part and parcel of Krsna, therefore you have got the quality of independence, to make your choice whether to be under the influence of this inferior nature or to become under the influence of superior nature
- Because you are eternal, you are not meant for death, but nature is forcing you, Must die
- Because you are not Krsna consciousness, you are discriminating in this way, that the human society should be given protection, the animal society should be slaughtered. Is that very good?
- Because your senses are engaged in the service of the Hrsikesa, the senses have no other opportunity to be engaged. Locked up
- Before me, many swamis went to the Western countries. They also talked about Bhagavad-gita and other Vedic literature. But not a single person could be converted to Krsna consciousness, not a single person throughout the whole history
- Bhaga means
- Bhagavad-gita cannot be interpreted by foolish commentators. It must be studied through the parampara system, acarya upasanam. One must worship the acarya and learn from him what is Bhagavad-gita. Acaryavan puruso veda
- Bhagavad-gita is a transcendental literature which one should read very carefully. And the result will be, if he properly follows the instruction, then he can be freed from all miseries of life, all anxieties of life and all fears of life
- Bhagavad-gita is bhakti-yogam: to understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead. So this literature is also transcendental. Bhakti is also transcendental. Bhakti is not any activities of this material world. Bhakti is activity in relationship with Krsna
- Bhagavad-gita is known also Gitopanisad, the essence of Vedic knowledge, and one of the most important of the various Upanisads in Vedic literature
- Bhagavad-gita is not a new thing, a new adventure. And the person who spoke Bhagavad-gita to the sun-god, does it mean that He left something to be commented by some, these mundane men to understand the meaning of the Bhagavad-gita?
- Bhagavad-gita is that which is received by the parampara system
- Bhagavad-gita never says that "You don't require to eat. You simply breathe air and practice yoga." No. But we must eat neither more, nor less. That is recommended. Yuktahara-viharasya. We should not eat more, nor less
- Bhagavan creates this whole universe, He does not require anyone's help. He creates the sky. From the sky there is sound; from the sound there is air; from the air there is fire; from fire there is water; and from water the earth is there
- Bhagavan is for everyone. God is God. Just like gold is gold. If gold is handled by Hindu, it does not become Hindu gold. Or the gold is handled by Christian, it does not become Christian gold. Gold is gold. Similarly, dharma is one. Religion is one
- Bhagavan means
- Bhagavan means He is also a living being. He is not nirakara. When we say bhagavan nirakara, that means either we have no knowledge of Bhagavan or nirakara means He is not a form like us. Our form and Krsna's form - different
- Bhagavan means the supreme opulent. Bhaga means opulence. Just like riches, reputation, strength, beauty, knowledge, renunciation. These are called opulences
- Bhagavan said, daivi sampad vimoksaya. If you develop daivi sampat, these qualities, as described - ahimsa, sattva-samsuddhih, ahimsa, so many things - then you'll get out, vimoksaya
- Bhagavan says, mayy asakta, mayi asakta. Therefore if you become attached... We have got attachment for so many things. But if we transfer that attachment to Krsna, then, Krsna says, mayy asakta-manah partha yogam yunjan mad-asrayah
- Bhagavata recommends, jnane prayasam udapasya: "Just give up this nonsense habit, to measure the Supreme." It is not possible
- Bhagavata says that whatever capacity you may have, either you are a scientist or a lawyer or an engineer or a rich man, a capitalist, whatever you may be. Your duty is to utilize your talent for Krsna consciousness. That's all
- Bhagavata says, that anyone who is not a devotee, who never chants the Hare Krsna mantra, he may be very great man in the estimation of rascals, but he is nothing but an animal
- Bhakti formula, anyabhilasita-sunyam (Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu 1.1.11): "You have to make your heart cleansed of all material desire." Then spiritual life will begin
- Bhakti means when you engage your senses for the service of the master of the senses, Hrsikesa. That is called is bhakti. Bhakti is not sentiment
- Bhakti minus respect, that is not bhakti. With love, with respect, with designated duties, if you be engaged in Krsna consciousness, then your life will be successful
- Bhakti-yoga is the highest platform of yoga principles
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura has taught that our tongue is very fastidious, wants to eat this thing, that thing, this thing, that thing
- Bhiksa is also sometimes prohibited from a person who is too much materialist. But bhiksa is allowed for sannyasis, for brahmana
- Bhinna prakrtir astadha. Just like I am speaking, it is being recorded, recorded. But in my absence, if the record is played, it will exactly vibrate the same sound. So that is my energy or anyone's energy, but bhinna, separated from me
- Bhismadeva, in Rajasuya-yajna, admitted that "Nobody is better brahmacari than Krsna. He was within the gopis, all young girls, but He remained a brahmacari"
- Bird will go to a tree and eat fruit, but not more than he requires; neither he will take the fruit at his home to stock for next day or making black market. We have created this nonsense situation by claiming God's property as ours. This is the mistake
- Bodha means knowledge, and budha means one who possesses knowledge. So those who are devotees of Krsna, they are not rascals. They are not rascals. They are budhah. Not only budhah, but also bhava-samanvitah
- Body is the material - earth, water, air, fire and ether, mind, intelligence, ego. They are also emanating from Krsna
- Brahma is the first created being, so Brahma was instructed the sruti, perfect knowledge, by Krsna. Krsna is the original spiritual master. Vedanta-vit
- Brahma-nistham means
- Brahmacari has no connection with worldly affairs. He's simply interested with the order of the spiritual master
- Brahmacari, one who is not married, simply working under the order of the spiritual master, he has also cent percent time to work. So these are the secrets, that one has to work for Krsna
- Brahmana is not to accept any employment?
- Brahmana, a brahmana's duty is to present himself an ideal human being. Satyam samo damas titiksa. Titiksa means toleration. "Oh, it is very cold. No, I cannot take bath." No. You must tolerate. You must tolerate
- Buddhih means intelligence. Jnanam means knowledge. Asammohah means freedom from illusion. Ksama. Ksama, forgiveness. Satyam, truth. Damah. Damah means controlling the senses, and samah, to keep the mind equibalanced
- But spiritual purpose, if you work more than twenty-four hours... Unfortunately, you haven't got more than twenty-four hours at your disposal. Still, you won't feel fatigued. I tell you. This is my practical experience
- By advancement of civilization they have learned this art, to refuse God. They want to make their economic problem solved by themselves
- By falsely claiming that "This land, this land of America, belongs to the Americans; the land of Africa belongs to the Africans." No. Every land belongs to God. We are different sons of God in different dresses
- By force I cannot say that "You think of this thing or this man." That is not possible. If I have got attachment for a certain thing or a certain person, then we can think of that person or that thing. That is called yoga, connecting always
- By hearing from Him, one receives the greatest opportunity for progress in Krsna consciousness. You hear from Krsna as He is speaking. He says that "Practice yoga in full consciousness of Me." If you do that, then you hear Him
- By my mental speculation, by rascal interpretation, by showing one's scholarship, you cannot understand Bhagavad-gita. That is not possible. Submissive
- By nature I am active. By nature, because I am spirit, and by nature I am active. And my activities are exhibited even I am contaminated with this matter. And when you become purified from matter, do you think you shall be silent?
- By nature we are living entities, we must act. It is not possible to stop activities
- By parampara system, guru is seated on the vyasasana because he is the representative. Just like in the high-court, the bench, it is called bench. Actually, the bench is to be used by the head of the executive power, the king or the president
- By sense enjoyment, nobody can become happy. Because we are in the material existence. And our senses are false senses. Real senses - spiritual senses. So we have to awaken our spiritual consciousness. Then by spiritual senses we can enjoy
- By the characteristics we can understand who is a godly man and who is a demonic man
- By the supervision of the external energy, and superior superintendent, we are transferred to a different body by the subtle body
- By this process you'll be asammudhah. Nobody can cheat you. But if you want to be cheated there are so many cheaters. So don't make a cheater and cheated society. Just follow the parampara system as it is prescribed in the Vedic literature
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared to introduce this system of Hare Krsna mantra, chanting of the holy name of God, and He appointed this Haridasa Thakura, who happened to be a Muhammadan
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu is combination of Radha-Krsna. In one place you worship Radha and Krsna
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the ideal figure
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu says that each and every name of God is as powerful as God. Because God is Absolute, therefore there is no difference between His name, form, pastimes
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu says that who is guru. Guru means yei krsna-tattva-vetta sei guru haya: "Anyone who knows Krsna, he is guru." Guru cannot be manufactured. Anyone who knows about Krsna as far as possible
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu says: "Don't become zero, but be engaged always in chanting Hare Krsna maha-mantra." That is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's cult. We are not going to be zero. We want to be very active, active not for sense gratification but for Krsna's service
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He is also incarnation of Krsna, but He accepted Isvara Puri as His guru. They do not require guru, but just to keep pace with the official program, even God personally, He accepted spiritual master
- Caitanya-caritamrta author (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami), he describes himself that "I am lower than the worms in the stool"
- Canakya Pandita said that "Both of them (the snake and the envious man) envious, but the envious man is more dangerous than the envious snake." Why? "Now, because the snake can be brought into submission by herbs and mantra"
- Cancalatvat means agitated mind. We must always remember that we are in a circumstances, material circumstances, where every time, every moment, our mind is agitated. We are not in a very comfortable situation
- Chant, dance, take prasadam, live very happily, and look very brilliant, and next life go to home, back to Godhead
- Chapter Seven, "Knowledge of the Absolute." There are two things, absolute and the relative. This is relative world. Here we cannot understand one thing without the other
- Chindanti means cut. Now, for cutting something we require some sharpened instrument. But here, to cut off the mind from attachment, it requires sharpened ukti. Ukti means words. Sharpened topics
- Combination of earth, water, air, fire, ether, mind, intelligence, ego - eight material elements, five gross and three subtle. This body is made of that. So the Buddha philosophy is that you dismantle this body, nirvana
- Compassionately, he (Arjuna) said to Krsna, "My dear Krsna, I don't wish to fight. Let my cousin brothers enjoy the kingdom. I cannot kill them in this fight." This is the subject matter of Bhagavad-gita
- Constantly, if we worship, then Krsna's form is always impressed - I can see Krsna any time. If I close my eyes, I will see Krsna, how Krsna is nicely dressed. I see Krsna is very pleasingly eating what I have prepared with devotion, bhaktya
- Criminal means
- Cut coat tail is the latest fashion
- Dambhah is there even in the dog, even in the lower animal, even in the cat. But the divine characteristic, "Oh, I am so low," Trnad api sunicena, "I am lower than the grass. I am lower than the grass"... This is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's teaching
- Dancing girl, when she was on the stage, she saw that her relatives are there as visitors. So she began to draw the veil. So this is not required. You are a dancing girl. Now you have to dance. You cannot be shy. You must freely dance. That is your duty
- Day and night we have got work for Krsna consciousness. And we are happy to execute such work
- Deha means this body, and dehi means who lives within the body. That is first of all explained. Dehinah asmin dehe: "In this body there is the resident of the body." That is soul. That is the beginning of spiritual knowledge
- Dehi means the proprietor of this body. Both we all, not only we human being, but also lower than human being, all living entities... There are 8,400,000 forms of living entities. They are called dehi
- Dehinah means the one who possesses this body. That is meaning, the dehinah. Just like in Sanskrit word, guninah. Guninah means one who has got some special attributes
- Deity is not hedonism or idol worship. No. Deity is as good as the original Supreme Personality of Godhead. He's absolute. His form and He is not different
- Deity of Krsna should be seen. That is the benefit of the eyes. The ears should be engaged hearing about Krsna. The tongue should be engaged for eating Krsna's remnants of foodstuff, prasadam
- Demon is thinking how to wipe out, how to banish Krsna, how to kill Krsna. They don't want Krsna. That is demonic. So therefore they do not know that a demonic person is always suffering. That is due to his forgetfulness of Krsna
- Desire must be there. The ant has desire; Lord Brahma has desire; I have got desire; you have got desire. This is artificial, to make desireless. That is not possible. Therefore bhakti means to purify the desire
- Desires are not to be sacrificed, but there are desires in the spiritual field, there are sense satisfaction in spiritual field
- Devotee means although he is very, very powerful, he never thinks that "I am powerful." He thinks that "I am acting simply by the order of the powerful"
- Devotee means he can act anything and everything for the Lord. That is bhakti-yoga. But under the direction. Not whimsically
- Dharma is one. God is one. And you have to follow that one principle, how to approach Krsna. That is bhakti. So dharma is to approach Krsna, and the process is bhakti. And Krsna is the Supreme God
- Dharma means characteristic. So what is our characteristic? I was going to explain. That we are now serving our senses. This is our material characteristic. Material characteristic because originally I am servant. I am not master
- Did I say to anyone that "You are Christian. You become a Hindu"? No, never I said. That is not my business
- Did Lord Caitanya take sannyasa from a Mayavadi sannyasi?
- Did you say that Sri Krsna Caitanya was playing Radha?
- Directly we cannot appreciate what is that spiritual fragment, particle, which is within this body. Because the length and breadth of that spirit soul is impossible to be measured by our material instruments
- Disciple of the renovated parampara system
- Do act on behalf of the Supreme Lord. And if you are steady in that position, then your working in spiritual platform is successful
- Do not be very much serious about this body. The soul is the subject matter to be considered. But the modern civilization, they are concerned with this body. Just the opposite
- Do not forget your real business, Krsna consciousness. Don't care for these material pains and pleasure
- Do the liberated souls also seek after this Krsna consciousness? Those who have become free
- Do we believe in reincarnation? She wants to know if we believe in reincarnation
- Do you believe in the Holy Bible?
- Doesn't he (Mahatma Gandhi) know this, that he is not in the disciplic succession? And if this is so, why does he do this? Why does he make a translation?
- Don't be disappointed that the whole day you work, you got no collection, and nobody was interested in Krsna consciousness. No. Don't be disappointed. You have worked sincerely the whole day, that is your credit
- Don't beget children if you have no responsibility. But they think that "We'll have sex life, but we shall avoid this responsibility. So then let us use contraceptive."
- Don't run after this mirage. Just turn back to Godhead, back to Krsna. That is our propaganda
- Don't surrender to any nonsense. You have to... And how that intelligent or nonsense can be found out? That is also mentioned in the sastra. That is mentioned in the Katha Upanisad
- Don't take it that I am criticizing you. Just I am analyzing the fact. So this should be utilized. This is called intelligence. This is called jnana. This is called free from bewilderment
- Don't think that the animals or living entities other than the human being, they have no soul. No. That's a wrong conception. They have got souls
- Don't try to imitate Raghunatha dasa Gosvami. But because they were (the six Gosvamis) associates of Lord Caitanya, each one of them showed some example, unique example of how Krsna consciousness can be advanced
- Dr. Svarupa Damodara Brahmacari, he has written a small booklet. He has criticized Darwin very strongly, that he is a speculator. A speculator cannot give you truth. That is not possible
- Earth is moving. When the aeroplane moves also, there are so many jerking, those sound. They're all imperfect. But here you see that such perfect arrangement, it is moving one thousand miles per hour, and there is no jerking
- Eating, sleeping, fearing, and mating - sense gratification. So to arrange for these necessities of life of the body, the knowledge that we require, that is called mundane knowledge
- Eating, sleeping, sex life and protection from fearfulness. Now this has been done in so many lives. Why not in this life make a perfect process so that no more death, no more birth, no more disease, no more old age?
- Either Krsna or we, every one of us are ever-existing, because we are part and parcel of Krsna. Therefore, if Krsna is ever-existing, so we are also ever-existing
- Either the seeker of the Brahman, either the seeker of the supreme soul, Supersoul, or the seeker of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they are all transcendentalists. They are not in the material world. They are tattva-vit
- Either you become communist, socialist or capitalist or this "ist" or that "ist," the real disease is bhoga-vancha, "How I shall enjoy this world"
- Enjoyment alone is not possible. Enjoyment means two - Krsna and you
- Even a great yogi like Visvamitra, he also failed. There are many instances. There was another, Saubhari Muni. He was practicing yoga system within the water. And as soon as he was little agitated by the fish, he wanted to come out and marry
- Even a Vaisnava acarya, what he is doing, even the most expert intelligent man cannot understand why he is doing this. Therefore we should not try to imitate the higher authorities, but we have to follow
- Even after great austerities and penance, one may rise, param padam, in the, merging into the Brahman effulgence. Still, from there, he falls down. He falls down. Because Brahman, the spirit soul, is anandamaya
- Even father will be enemy, what to speak of others. If you become Krsna conscious, the whole world will be your enemy. You must be prepared for that. So therefore you require tapasya. Tapasya means voluntarily agree to suffer
- Even if we don't surrender to Krsna in this life, will everyone surrender to Krsna? Will everyone go back to Godhead eventually?
- Even if you don't do anything, if you simply restrain your sex life, you become a very powerful man. People do not know the secret. So anything you do, if you want to do it with determination, you have to stop sex life. That is the secret
- Even if you have got so many material desires. Still, you should worship Krsna because one day you will come to Krsna consciousness. By directly being attracted by Krsna, just like Dhruva Maharaja
- Even in Africa, in the village, where they have got so big, big earrings, they are also chanting Hare Krsna maha-mantra. They are also chanting. Therefore the African government is a little afraid of this movement
- Even in Vrndavana there is anxiety. Radharani is in anxiety that "Krsna is not here. How Krsna will come?" The gopis are also in anxiety
- Even my hair grows inconceivable, I do not know. I cut every week, and it still grows. There are so many little inconceivable power within me. I am part and parcel of God. Just imagine how much inconceivable power is there in Krsna. It is common sense
- Even one is not in goodness, even one is in the darkest part of the quality of ignorance, still, he can be immediately elevated to the spiritual platform, which is recommended by Krsna, that you have come to the platform above the modes of goodness
- Even the dog knows how to use sex life. It doesn't require a Freud's philosophy. But the rascal human society, they are thinking that "Here is a big philosopher. He is writing about sex"
- Even the lion cannot sleep; he has to work to eat
- Even there is required violence, a brahmana will not kill personally. He will bring the matter to the ksatriya, royal order
- Even those who are liberated from this material contamination, they are called mukta-jiva, liberated soul. And there are nitya-mukta. Nitya-mukta and nitya-baddha. Nitya means eternally, and mukta means liberated
- Every conditioned soul has natural inclination. Pravrtti. But one has to control that. That is human life. If you put yourself in the waves of natural inclination, that is not human life. You have to restrict
- Every living entity has accepted a material body. Therefore they are called dehi. So dehinam, every dehi, because he has accepted this material body, he's always full of anxiety
- Every man in this material world is almost without any spiritual knowledge. Still, they are proud of their learning, their knowledge, their degrees. This is going on
- Every man should produce his own food. That is Vedic culture. You get a piece of land and produce your family's foodstuff
- Every one of us has got little opulences. I have got also little money. You have got also little money
- Every one of us who is in this material world is more or less a demon. Every one of us. Because just like in the prison house there may be some first-class prisoners, second-class prisoners or third-class prisoners
- Every one of us, we know that this material body will be finished. And it is full of ignorance. We cannot say anything, what is beyond this wall. We have got senses, but they are all limited, imperfect
- Every work which you are doing, good or bad, we have to suffer or enjoy the reaction of our work. And so long we have to suffer or enjoy the reaction of our work, as long as we shall go on like this, so long we have to accept this material body
- Everyone busy, but when one is busy in such a work that leads to devotional service of the Lord, that busyness, that occupation, is the supermost. That occupation is the supermost
- Everyone has got a chance. So this Krsna consciousness movement is giving chance to everyone to become devata. It is so nice movement
- Everyone has got a particular relationship with the Lord and that relationship is evoked by the perfection of devotional service. At the present status of our life we have not only forgotten the Supreme Lord, but also our eternal relationship with Him
- Everyone has got experience. When we want to do something wrong, there is conscience: "Don't do it." "No, no, let me do." There is struggle. So this is the struggle between the soul and the Supersoul
- Everyone has his individuality: "I am this," "I am very learned," "I am very beautiful," "I am white," "I am black," "I am Indian," "I am American," this is called ego. So this egotism is there, but we cannot see it
- Everyone is born foolish. Everyone. Even the human beings, because they are coming from the animal kingdom by evolution, so the birth is the same, ignorance, like animals. Therefore, even though one is human being, he requires education
- Everyone is born sudra by birth. It is not that by birth one becomes brahmana; otherwise the sastra would not have stated like this, that janmana jayate sudrah, "By birth everyone is sudra."
- Everyone is serving his senses. This is the position. This is dharmasya glanir bhavati. As soon as we are engaged in serving our senses, that is dharmasya glanih. And as soon as we agree to serve the senses of Krsna, that is dharma
- Everyone is trying to become supreme than the other. So there must be violence. So expecting that there will be violence, the ksatriya class required. Just like in the state, expecting that there will be violence, therefore the police department
- Everyone is trying to get himself free from anxieties, but he does not know how to get out of this anxiety. This taking shelter of intoxication is no use to get oneself free from anxieties. It is a drug. It is oblivion
- Everyone is trying to satisfy his or her senses. A woman is loving a man for satisfying her senses, and the man is loving a woman for satisfying. Therefore, as soon as there is some little disturbance in the sense gratification, divorce
- Everyone receives knowledge from the authority, but general authority, and our process of accepting authority is little different. Our process of accepting one authority means he is also accepting his previous authority
- Everyone wants to become God, imitator. Imitation. Therefore they say, "Why Krsna shall be alone God? I am God"
- Everyone was eulogizing Haridasa Thakura, such a great devotee. So the zamindar, the village zamindar, he became very much envious. So he employed one prostitute to pollute Haridasa Thakura
- Everything belongs to Krsna. He'll give you supply. You have to attempt only. So chant Hare Krsna and distribute prasadam, your movement will be success
- Everything is there in Krsna consciousness. We want music, there is music. We want dancing, there is dancing
- Everything is there in the sastra. So it is our duty the human life to get knowledge from sastra. That is, means Veda. Veda means knowledge. Get knowledge from the standard Veda
- Everything vague, simply mental speculation, "maybe," "perhaps." These theories are being forwarded by so-called scientists and philosophers. But we don't accept such things as "perhaps," "maybe." No. We accept what is fact
- Finer than the ether is the mind, and finer than the mind is intelligence, ego. And finer than the intelligence and ego is the soul. So how you can see soul? You cannot see even the material things, as soon it becomes finer. How you can see the soul?
- First of all we must decide what we want. Whatever you want, you will have. Krsna is very kind. If you want to remain bound up by the laws of material nature within this material world... Karanam guna-sango 'sya
- First of all you take your birth where Krsna is now present. Krsna is present in one of the universes. There are innumerable universes. So you take your birth in the next universe, or where Krsna is now. Then you become trained up
- First of all, the next body may not be for cultivating knowledge in spiritual life because we are already fallen, and if we do not elevate, we may accept another body, still fallen
- First of all, you have to understand that this body or any field of action, anywhere, the three things are there: the field of activities, the owner of the field and the supervisor of the field. You can check and tally anywhere
- First spiritual knowledge is this, that "I am not this body." Then the spiritual knowledge begins. Otherwise there is no possibility of spiritual knowledge
- First-class, brahmanas, second-class, the ksatriyas, and the third-class, the vaisyas, who maintain the society for economic condition, development of economic condition, because we require things to consume to maintain this body
- For every action of Krsna consciousness movement there is support from Vedas, Vedic literature. Just like whenever we speak something we immediately give evidence from the Bhagavad-gita
- For himself, one should always think that he has no respect. He doesn't require to command any respect. But all respects he offer to others
- For Krsna's pleasure you can become His enemy, you can become His friend, you can become anything. That is bhakti-yoga. Because your aim is how to please Krsna
- For ordinary person like us there are four defects: bhrama pramada vipralipsa kara-napatava. Vipralipsa, cheating
- For our happiness we require cooperation of some friend
- For the benefits of the society, for the human society, for the human being, this Krsna consciousness movement must be very seriously taken up by you. That is my point
- For the fear of criticism from my friends, "I do not like to chant. I do not like, like to take the beads. I can carry a transistor throughout the whole road, but if I carry one bead, I'll be criticized." So one has to be tolerant
- For the royal order to become nonviolent, this is not good. The ksatriyas, when they are fighting in the battlefield, the killing is not a sin for them
- Forgetting our father, forgetting our God, we are criminal within this material world. Therefore our only business is how to get out of this prison house and go back to home, back to Godhead
- Formerly the kings of Bharatavarsa, India, used to kill these uncivilized men. Bad example. They did not follow the Vedic civilization, so the king's order was that they should be killed
- Formerly, every woman should be addressed as Mother, Mataji. And now they have invented "Bahinji." No. Woman should be addressed as Mother. Matrvat para-daresu
- Formerly, no book will be accepted unless it is written by liberated soul. That was the system. No other man will dare to write any book, neither his book will be accepted in society
- Four hundred years before, the Red American, Red Indians, they were the proprietor. Now you are the proprietor. Now, after, say, four hundred years or thousand years, somebody will come. They'll become proprietor. So actually, we are not proprietor
- Friendly talking cannot decide any serious question. When there is some serious matter, it must be spoken between authorities
- From a distant place, if you see that a railway engine is coming, you'll see the light. So a rascal will say, "A light is coming." (laughter) But one who knows, he will say a train is coming. So it is less intelligent
- From frying pan to the fire
- From Mahabharata, the great history of India, we can understand that up to Maharaja Pariksit, the whole world was ruled by one flag, this Vedic culture. Gradually it deteriorated, as we have practical experience
- From our practical experience we can say we got this chance. We got this chance. We got very nice parents. And I was born in a family, a very pure family
- From the beginning of this body within the womb of the mother, it is simply troublesome. Against my will so many distresses are there, so many distresses there. Then as you grow, the distress grow, grow
- From the sastra we know in the moon planet... That is one of the heavenly planets, and there are living entities. They are living for ten thousand years, and it is very cold there. Therefore they drink soma-rasa
- From thousands of years ago, this planet was known as Ilavrta-varsa. But there was a great emperor whose name was Bharata. After his name, this planet was known as Bharata-varsa
- Go means senses. So unless you become gosvami, your life is spoiled. Gosvami. You cannot be dictated by the senses. You have to dictate to the senses
- God and we, we are all individuals. But the difference is that He's nityo nityanam. Nityanam means plural number. Nityo nityanam. Nityo is singular number, and nityanam means plural number. We are all plural number
- God became many for His enjoyment because He is the enjoyer. We are not enjoyer; we are enjoyed. So we must know our constitutional position, that we are not enjoyer; we are enjoyed
- God cannot be imagined. That is another foolishness. How you can imagine God? Then God become subject matter of your imagination. He is no substance. That is not God. What is imagined, that is not God
- God is also present. He spreads heat and light, and therefore we find so many varieties of manifestation
- God is great. We cannot understand how great He is! That is our folly. We are simply calculating: "He may be one inch greater than me. Or one foot greater than me." That is mental speculation
- God is great; we are small. Otherwise, we the same. God is also living entity; you are also living entity. God is eternal; you are also eternal. God is full of bliss; you are also full of bliss. So quality, there is no difference
- God is not such a subject matter that you can see with this pratyaksa, direct perception. God's another name is Anubhava. Anubhava. Just like in this room we do not see the sun directly. But we know that there is sun
- God is not understandable even by the demigods and by the great sages. What is our teeny efforts?
- God is not want of your money. (chuckles) He is quite competent to earn money. He doesn't require anything. But if we give, it is our interest. It is our interest
- God is present before you, Krsna. He comes here on this planet. Tadatmanam srjamy aham, sambhavami yuge yuge. So those who have seen God, you take information from them
- God is pure, and His kingdom is also pure, and anyone who wants to enter there, he must be pure also
- God is so great, so I must render some service to God. This sense of service is further development. Just like from the sky the air develops, similarly, from the idea of greatness of God the sense of service develops
- God is there. There is no doubt of it, but because, due to our foolishness, we think there is no God, there is no father, that is our foolishness. But what is that God, how He is, what is His business, how He is formed - all these things we want to learn
- God is witness. He is along with us always. Whatever we are desiring, whatever we are working, He is witness and He is giving the result
- God, Krsna, is called Ajita. Ajita means nobody can conquer God. Therefore His name is Ajita
- Going to the forest is not the main purpose of life. Because in the forest there are many animals. Does it mean they are advanced in spiritual life? That is called markata-vairagya. Markata-vairagya means "monkey renunciation
- Good qualities can be attained automatically when you work on spiritual platform. But if you work on material platform, means the gross body and the mind, then good qualities cannot be attained
- Gopis, they are not conditioned souls. They are liberated spirits
- Gosvami is not a hereditary title. It is a qualification
- Gradually, God, Krsna, will reveal. You cannot understand God without revelation. So on account of your attachment He reveals Himself
- Guru means one who has complete knowledge of Vedic version, and not only that, he is a staunch or fixed-up devotee of the Supreme Lord. These are the qualification
- Guru means who has heard from the perfect person. Therefore his knowledge is perfect, because he has heard. This is called parampara system or disciplic succession
- Guru's business is how to give you Krsna, not any material things. For material things, there are so many institutions. But if you want Krsna, then guru's required
- Hanuman become engaged in fighting with Ravana, but he became the greatest devotee of Lord Ramacandra. Arjuna also became engaged with, in fighting with the Kauravas, and he is the greatest
- Haridasa Thakura. Apani acari prabhu jivere sikhaya. He was preaching also the glorification of chanting Hare Krsna by personal example; therefore he is accepted as guru
- Have you heard anything about gopis meditating?
- Having acquired the real qualities of brahmana
- He (Arjuna) became perfect by his own profession. How? Because he satisfied Krsna. So you can be situated in any position. That does not matter. But try to satisfy Krsna. That is Krsna consciousness movement: how to satisfy Krsna. It is not very difficult
- He (God) is not under my restriction. Then how God is great? If I put God under my restricted knowledge or limited knowledge, then God becomes under my understanding. But the Vedic language says, avan manasa-gocarah. He's beyond the expression of words
- He (Jaya) doesn't mind that "I am going to be enemy of Krsna." The principle is that he's following. If Krsna says that "You become My enemy," I can become His enemy. That is bhakti-yoga. Yes. I want to satisfy Krsna
- He asks permission, "Swamiji, can I smoke?" He's being predominated. He does not know. He's thinking that "I am smoking," but he does not know that smoking is eating him. He's thinking that "I am enjoying LSD," but LSD is killing him
- He can understand whether you are sincerely serving or with some motive you are serving. Even with a motive you serve Krsna, it will never go in vain. Krsna is so kind
- He is witness. You cannot cheat Krsna. Be sincere, and try to serve Him. He'll accept your service. And He will give you intelligence. Your life will be successful
- He knows everything, even within your heart, what you're thinking, what you are planning. It cannot be concealed to Krsna. This is our foolishness, that we are doing something, concealing
- He may be child, but because he has accepted the words of his father, the statement is correct. So our process is that. Take the version of the authority, Krsna, and you repeat it - your version is perfect. This is our policy
- He proposed these four things: "Yes. We can make you (Zetland) brahmana, provided you give up these bad habits. "What is that? "No illicit sex, no meat-eating, no gambling, no intoxication." He said, "It is impossible. This is our life!" You see
- He says that he is a fruitarian. He does not eat vegetables. He says that to be good consciousness in spiritual life, one must not eat any vegetables but only fruit
- He wants to know if you believe that the Virgin Mary who is the mother of Jesus is the same as Parvati
- He wants to know more about those who are asleep and those who are awake in our eyes. What is a sleeper and who is awake?
- He wants to know why Lord Caitanya is not mentioned in the Bhagavatam with the other incarnations
- He's so puffed-up, so proud, that one claims to become God, what to speak of other things. No. The first thing is that one must be very humble
- Here either woman or man, they are in artificial position
- Here in this world there is no love because within this so-called love there is a motive. I love a beautiful girl because she is beautiful. A girl loves a man because he has got money. So this is the meaning of this material love
- Here is nice rose flower, it is manufactured by Krsna's energy, let it be offered to Krsna. This is self-realization
- Here is the chance of getting freedom from this evolutionary process
- Here is the crucial test of yoga system - if you can concentrate your mind on the form of Visnu
- Here is the recommendation. Try to become Krsna conscious. And then you'll not be disturbed with all these external, ephemeral changes of the material world
- Here is the secret of yoga system. Yoga indriya-samyama. The real purpose of yoga is to control the senses
- Here the so-called love means he or she wants some return for sense gratification. So there the so-called love is lust. It is going in the market in the name of love. There is no love
- Here we are teaching our students, not abruptly say that "You have learned." We are teaching them Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, so many books
- Here, in this material world, violence is also required. Violence. Because everyone is competitor, everyone is trying to become the Supreme, so there will be violence
- Hiranyaksa, Hiranyakasipu. They were Jaya-Vijaya in the Vaikuntha world. So they came here, and Krsna asked them that "If you become My enemy, then within three births you will come back. And if you remain friend, then seven births"
- His (Buddha) mission was to stop animal-killing. Therefore he had to reject the Vedic principles, because in the Vedic principle, in the sacrifice, there is recommendation sometimes
- His (Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's) only business is to describe Krsna. But His complexion is not krsna; akrsna. Akrsna. Akrsna means white. Because Krsna had many colors. One of the colors was pita, golden, golden avatara
- How can we know ourselves through Krsna consciousness?
- How does the spirit soul of a beast enter into the form of a human being?
- How I can believe Krsna? Krsna says ukta, it is already settled up by authorities. Ukta. This is parampara system. Krsna also says ukta. Krsna does not say that "I speak," no. Ukta, there is Vedic evidence. Where it is? In the Upanisads there is
- How is that you are simply claiming that "India, there is sanatana-dharma"? "In India there is brahmana"? What Krsna creates, that is for everywhere. Because Krsna is the father of everyone
- How many people know that he is not body? Unless we understand this first principle of knowledge, there is no question of spiritual advancement of life
- How one can, unless one is spiritually advanced, how he can sacrifice his hard-earned money for Krsna? Everyone thinks, "Oh, I have earned this money working so hard. Why shall I spend it for Krsna? Let me keep it"
- How one is spiritually advanced will be tested how he has acquired all the good qualities. Not that a yogi talking with a cigarette in hand
- How to learn from the spiritual master? "Inquire from him submissively." You don't approach a spiritual master whom you can challenge. Then your selection of spiritual master is wrong
- How we can say there is no soul? No. This is foolishness. The whole world is going on under this foolishness. Not only now, before also. Like Carvaka Muni, he was atheist, he did not believe
- How we can understand Bhagavan's energy, how we can understand His creative energy, and what is the potency of Bhagavan, how He is doing that, everything - that is also a great science. That is called Krsna science
- How you are advancing in Krsna consciousness, that will be tested at the time of your death. The examination will be at that time
- Hrsikena hrsikesa-sevanam bhaktir ucyate. Because Krsna is the proprietor of the senses - He is the proprietor of this body - so when this body will be utilized for Krsna's service, that is our perfection of life
- Hrsikesa means the real proprietor is Krsna. I have been given this property
- Human form of life is meant for understanding the original cause of all causes. That is human form of life. Inquisitiveness
- Human life begins when he is ready to serve the Supreme Lord Visnu. That is human life; otherwise it is animal life. Therefore the whole world is in chaos. They are not eager to serve Visnu. They are simply eager to serve their senses
- Human life is meant for developing divine characteristic, not this demonic char demonic characteristic is already there. Just like dambhah. A dog has also pride: 'I am this dog, grr. I am fox terrier. I am this. I am that'
- Human society must be divided into four classes of men. Just like in our body, there are four different departments: the brain department, the hand department, the belly department, and the leg department. You require all these
- I (Prabhupada) request you to take full advantage of this Krsna consciousness movement and be successful in your life
- I am a sannyasi. I am forbidden to make any association with women. I cannot talk even with woman in a lonely place. That is forbidden. I give you one practical example. When my Guru Maharaja, my spiritual master, was living...
- I am a servant of Krsna. That is very nice. So one become... One has got the tendency to become proud. So if one is proud to become a cats and dog or a tiger or a so-called big man of this material world, that is for his bondage
- I am cooking my foodstuff, and I am offering to Krsna, and I am taking, and as far as possible, some of the remnants is distributed to the devotees. So this process we can adopt, everyone, because we have to maintain this body
- I am doing very large-scale business in my present body. I am earning... Just like Rockefeller, Ford, in your country. In our country also, Birla. There are many big industrialists earning money like anything, hoarding money
- I am given the hand to use it for my purpose, for my eating, for my collecting. But actually it is not my hand
- I am giving them the right information - that service you have to render. But instead of serving your senses, please serve Radha-Krsna, then you'll be happy
- I am here, always working, something reading or writing, something reading or writing, twenty-four hours. Simply when I feel hungry, I take some food. And simply when I feel asleep, I go to bed
- I am not manufacturing the words "foolish" and "rascal." It is said by Krsna
- I am not the proprietor of this body. Krsna is the proprietor of the body. I wanted a certain type of body to use it for my sense gratification. He has given it and I am not happy. Therefore I shall learn how to use this machine for the proprietor
- I am not this body; I am not this material world. I am a spiritual identity, part and parcel of God
- I am old man of eighty years; still, I am busy. I am traveling all over the world, writing book at night, talking with visitors, and so many things. You can see. So where we are escaping? We are the most responsible worker
- I am old man. If some of you at least understand this science and take up this science, you become future hope of this country or the world. That is my request to you, that you should take this chance and become a spiritual master for all the people
- I am put into this body under certain circumstances. Otherwise I am not this body
- I am saying this from my practical experience from my Guru Maharaja, from my spiritual master. He would never say that "I am going," "I am doing," no. "If Krsna desires, then I shall do it." "If Krsna desires, then I shall go." Like that
- I am seventy-seven years old. So when this body will be finished, I'll get another body. As I have got consecutively from boyhood to childhood, childhood, I have, from childhood to boyhood, boyhood to youthhood, aged body, so why not next body?
- I am speaking in the dictaphone, but after some time, without me, it will speak exactly like this. So I am speaking, but I'm not present there. Similarly, material world means it is being conducted by Krsna, but still personally, He's not present there
- I am speaking simply what the Supreme Personality of Godhead has said. I'm just repeating the same words. That's all. Don't think that I am speaking. I am simply instrument. Real speaker is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is without and within
- I am speaking to you Bhagavad-gita, just learning from my spiritual master. So I have to learn it, but when Krsna spoke, He had not to learn it
- I am speaking to you; this is also kirtanam. And you are hearing; this is bhakti. Sravanam kirtanam, about Krsna. The chanting, dancing about Krsna, this is bhakti
- I am spirit soul, part and parcel of the Supreme Lord. As soon as the mind is contaminated, I rebel, because I have got little independence. "Why shall I serve Krsna or God? I am God." It is simply a dictation from the mind
- I am thinking, "I am Indian," you are thinking you are German, and the dog is thinking, "I am dog," and cat is thinking, "I am cat." So this bodily consciousness, bodily concept of life, will keep us conditioned within the material nature
- I am traveling all over the world. There is not a single institution which is meant for giving education about the transmigration of the soul, how one can get better life
- I am very glad that you are worshiping Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Nityananda Prabhu. So continue to do this. There is no need of installing Radha-Krsna, at least at the present moment
- I cannot claim, neither you can claim that you are the proprietor of all the riches of the world or the universe. That you cannot claim. Nobody can claim. But God can claim. That is the difference. God can claim
- I do not know whether I am authority, but my spiritual master has authorized me to do this
- I do not think myself an authority. I am just to serve the order of my spiritual master
- I have given up my wife and children for this purpose. If I am engaged in family life, then I cannot do this missionary work. I have taken absolute shelter to this work without any disturbance
- I have several times spoken to you that in my, when I was about six months old, I remember, I remember I was lying down on my eldest sister's lap, and she was knitting. I still remember it very vividly
- I have to get myself out of the entanglement of this material nature. If I act in that way, then I am my friend. But even after getting this opportunity, if I do not act in that way, then I am my enemy. So I am myself friend, my friend, and I am my enemy
- I have to propagate this mission, Krsna consciousness, so I am not so much attached to the rules and regulations, but I am attached to the preaching work
- I know the pains and pleasure of my body; you know the pains and pleasure of your body. Therefore, in relationship with your body, you are ksetra-jna, and in relationship with my body I am ksetra-jna
- I may not know what is God, but because my predecessors, acaryas, confirm it, the "Here is Bhagavan," we accept it. That's all. We save so much trouble by mental speculation. We accept the parampara system
- I receive so many letters daily that "I wish to marry." Immediately I sanction, "Yes, you get yourself married." But one who is strict, one who can follow very rigidly the orders of brahmacari and sannyasi, they continue
- I remember when I was playing on the lap of my eldest sister, I remember still, and my body at that time six months old. But I still remember my eldest sister, she was nine years older than me, and I was playing on her lap and she was knitting
- I remember, there was heavy bombing. But fortunately, we stayed perplexed.(?) He saw something, fireworks, is going on. 'So let us enjoy.' (laughter) You see? (makes sound of bomb coming down) 'Do-do-dee-dee-dong'
- I request you to study Bhagavad-gita
- I shall accept thousands of teachers except Krsna. This is my determination - Then how you can be happy? The happiness can be achieved only by accepting Krsna.
- I want to work, I want to work
- I was invited in Butler, here also, by some churches, and they wanted to give me some food. So they asked me, "Swamiji, what do you desire to eat?" So I told them, "I eat... I am strictly vegetarian. I shall accept fruits and milk. That's all"
- I was trained as brahmacari, as grhastha by the mercy of our spiritual master. Therefore I don't feel anything. But abruptly, if we take to sannyasa order, then...
- I will give you one example how Krsna sometimes breaks His promise. It is very nice story
- I'll cite one story. It is very interesting story. If you go to India, you'll find one nice temple in Orissa. It is called the temple of "Witness-Gopala," Saksi-Gopala, Witness-Gopala. This Gopala was situated in a temple at Vrndavana
- I'm not sure if I understand yet. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu is svayam bhagavan. And the appearances of Krsna in all the other yugas is also called svayam bhagavan?
- Ideal state means the king must be very responsible. There are many instances. Just like Yudhisthira Maharaja, he was a pious king
- If a man comes, follows the regulative principle even for some time and again he falls down, so so long he has followed, that asset is permanent. Anything, spiritual asset, that is never lost
- If a man lives for twenty to thirty years, then he'll be considered as grand old man. That day will come
- If anyone understands that Krsna, or God, is not under any rules and regulation and laws of this material world, then he understands Krsna perfectly
- If cats and dogs can live at the mercy of God, the devotees can live very comfortably by the mercy of God. There is no such question
- If for fifty years one chants simply Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, he is sure to become perfect. There is no doubt about it
- If God is not a person, then how His sons become persons?
- If he could not execute properly, he could not chant sixteen rounds, he could not observe the rules and regulations or for sometimes he could execute and then again, he became slackened. Just like sometimes we see some of our student falls down
- If he's not God conscious, he cannot continue such thing. He must fail. Even the, there are so many instances, even amongst the devotees, because this material world is made so that you cannot continue this principle perpetually
- If I am actually rendering devotional service and I'm not getting any happiness, that means there is some maya's play. Otherwise there is no such reasoning. He must feel happy. Then he has to rectify the process of his service
- If I am eternal, then why I shall remain in this material body which is subjected to death, birth, old age and disease? Therefore Krsna instructs that this miserable condition of life is due to this material body
- If I am in renounced, I am naked, I eat, only eat fruit, and I live within jungle, and I have got many lady monkeys with me, oh, what sort of renouncement that is? That is not... That is called "monkey renouncement"
- If I ask the dog that 'What is your next life?' he cannot say. 'Gow gow.' That's all
- If I can go to America within fifteen hours for preaching facility, why shall not I use the aeroplane?
- If I think, "If I get a machine in which I can directly suck blood of other animal," "All right," Krsna says, "you take the machine of a tiger's body and use it." So this is going on. Therefore His name is Hrsikesa
- If my mother would not have been little strict, I would not have gotten any education. My father was very lenient. So she used to force me. One man would take me to school
- If one is simply sticking up to the system without seeing "How much progress I am making in my life?" then that is waste of time. That is called niyamagraha, simply observing the rules
- If one spark falls on your body, on your garment, it burns. But it is not as powerful as the big fire. Similarly, God is all powerful. God is great. We are part and parcel of God. Therefore, our greatness is very, very small, infinitesimal. God is great
- If one surrenders fully unto Krsna - Krsna is Mukunda - then he is no longer any more indebted to all these obligations. He is immune. At one stroke he becomes liquidated from all obligation
- If one takes shelter of the supreme powerful, he also becomes powerful
- If one thing is understood by the evidence of the Vedas, that is fact. So Krsna is understood through the Vedas
- If one wants to understand something about Bhagavad-gita, about the spiritual movement, he may consult me
- If people take advantage of these books they can stop this pravrtti, this intense desire for enjoying this material world
- If somebody pinches my body, because the consciousness is all over the body, so I feel: "Somebody's pinching me." But when the conscious, consciousness is not there, if somebody chops up my body I will not protest
- If somebody thinks that "I have taken to Krsna consciousness, but I am suffering for so many things," for them or for all of us the instruction is matra-sparsas tu kaunteya sitosna-sukha-duhkha-dah
- If someone forces his mind, Srila Prabhupada, to think of Krsna...
- If sun can penetrate within your room, cannot Krsna penetrate within your heart and room and every corner?
- If the tongue, you give him something more beautiful than this fried chick or stick or this or that, it will stop. That is the policy. Our policy is that. We can give that, what is called, casein fried with rice. How nice it is
- If there is no engagement, good engagement, better engagement, then it is a cause of misery. It is a cause of misery. It is very difficult
- If there is no family attraction, there is no regulated life. We have got very good experience of these things. So family attraction required. It is not that it is rejected. It is required for regulated life
- If there's another way to go to God. If there is another way?
- If these divisions are there, four divisions: brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra, and brahmacari, grhastha, vanaprastha, it will be very systematic. People will be automatically enlightened. That is real human civilization
- If they are not devotee, how they can interpret on Krsna? Just like a member of a family can say very nicely about the head of the family; how outsiders can say about the family? That is not possible
- If this finger is cut off from my body, if you trample down with your feet this finger, I don't care for it. Similarly, to help oneself means to put oneself in the proper position, as part and parcel of Krsna. That is real helping
- If this process is for simply hearing, aural reception, sincerely, then by this process, whatever position I may be, in whatever position I may be, I can conquer the Supreme Lord. He agrees to be conquered
- If we act impiously, then our future is not very good. So actually we should act piously, not impiously. That is human life. We should know what kind of action we should do
- If we actually want to be cured from this diseased condition of repetition of birth, death, old age and disease, we have to abstain from this sinful life. So it is not difficult. It requires little knowledge
- If we are progressive, if we are advanced in devotional service, we can see God everywhere, anywhere. We require to be qualified. Those who developed that love of God, they are constantly, twenty-four hours, seeing God
- If we become God conscious, Krsna conscious, then the whole problems of the world - sociology, religion, economic development, politics - everything will be solved. That's a fact
- If we become practiced, then we become fit for going back to Godhead, back to home
- If we can train up nice wife, or the society trains the girls to become nice wife, she becomes a great source of energy to the husband
- If we don't adopt the process and simply waste our time by intoxication and speculation and all nonsensical activities, oh, that is not possible ever. You'll never understand what is God
- If we follow Bhagavad-gita from all angles of vision - social, political, economical, religious, cultural - you will be perfect. This is Bhagavad-gita
- If we like, we can exist in the higher planetary system where the duration of life is very, very long, the sense enjoyment is very, very perfect, more than this world. This we can have
- If we read chapter after chapter (of Bhagavad-gita) very nicely, then we come gradually to the perfection of knowledge
- If we read chapter after chapter very nicely, then we come gradually to the perfection of knowledge
- If we take to Krsna consciousness full, even due to our past habits, we are attached to all things, Krsna says it doesn't matter. But you keep yourself always in Krsna consciousness
- If we teach our children simply for sense enjoyment, how they can be spiritually advanced? The result will be confusion. Therefore in your country the hippies are there - confusion
- If we think that He (Krsna) is a controller like us, that is our misconception. He is controller. There is controller. With unlimited knowledge and unlimited assistants, with unlimited potencies, He is managing
- If we understand these three principles, that God is the supreme father, God is the supreme proprietor, God is the supreme friend, these three things, if you understand, then you become peaceful immediately
- If we want really happiness, then we must accept tapasya. Tapasya is required. Without tapasya, if you think that very easily... Or "Without tapasya, I can get it simply by imagination," then you become sahajiya
- If we want to establish Vedic civilization, then we must follow strictly the principles of Vedas as it is described in the Bhagavad-gita. And if it is practiced, then daiva-varnasrama-dharma. That is required
- If we want to know Krsna, then we have to transfer our attachment to Krsna. Mayy asakta-manah. The mind should be attached to Krsna
- If we want to realize God, it is very simple; there is no difficulty. But unfortunately we do not want. That is our disease
- If we want to revive our original position, we must be placed again into that service attitude. That is the perfect cure. Otherwise we shall suffer pain and God will be suffering pain on account of us
- If we want to stop this miserable condition of getting another material body, then we must know what is karma, what is vikarma. That is Krsna's proposal
- If we want to understand the real fact, then we must receive from the parampara system. Just like we have got our genealogical table. I understand my great-great-grandfather by the parampara system. Not that I manufacture some name
- If you absorb your mind with Krsna then it is samadhi
- If you act in such and such way, you can enter in higher planetary system and you have higher standard of life. But this Bhagavad-gita proposition is that don't try to live within this material world anywhere. Anywhere
- If you actually become a devotee and develop the consciousness of love for Krsna, then God will be appreciated, God will be seen
- If you adulterate nonsensically like a rascal, then you cannot become a spiritual master. If you simply follow what Krsna has spoken, then you become spiritual master. Very simple thing. It doesn't require education
- If you approach a person, guru, who is not representative of Krsna, you are approaching a rascal. How you'll be enlightened? You must approach Krsna, or His representative. That is wanted
- If you are actually executing devotional service, you must feel happy. If you don't feel happy, then you are not executing. There is some flaw
- If you are actually serious about advancement of spiritual life, then you cannot encourage illicit connection, no. I request all my young students that "You get yourself married"
- If you are chanting within this room and if you find nobody is coming to participate in the kirtana, don't be disappointed. There are many germs, worms, cockroaches, within this room - they are being benefited
- If you are defective, if you have got so many defects in your life, how you can become teacher? You are a cheater
- If you are in service attitude, then beginning from your tongue... Jihva, jihva means tongue. Jihvadau, beginning with tongue. The God realization begins with your tongue and ear
- If you are receiving from me so many things and if you do not at least acknowledge your gratitude, then you are a thief
- If you are serious devotee, if you are in love with Krsna, if you are engaged in His worshiping, in chanting. If you simply follow these four principles, simply thinking of Krsna, simply, always. Simply meditate. This is meditation
- If you are studying Vedas, if you are Vedantist, then ultimate knowledge will depend how you have understood Krsna. If you do not understand Krsna, what is the use of your studying Vedanta and Vedas? It is useless
- If you at all interested in the understanding of spiritual subject matter, then you must approach a bona fide spiritual master. Tad vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet. Abhigacchet means must. It is not that if you like, you can go
- If you at the time of death think of that, how to swim very nicely within the water, that means next life nature will give you a fish life. You get it. That is God's mercy. Why you artificially try to become a fish? You become actually fish
- If you become proud by becoming the most confidential servant of Krsna, the same pride is for your liberation
- If you cannot believe in the words of somebody whom you are going to appoint as your teacher, if you have no faith in his words, then what is the use of going to such teacher? There is no use. Don't waste your time and don't waste his time
- If you chant Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, you associate with Krsna. If you associate with fire, you become warm, similarly, if you associate with Krsna, then you become gradually Krsna-ized
- If you commit mistake, by taking less food, that mistake is not bad
- If you develop the quality of goodness, then you are promoted to the higher planetary system. If you do not develop further, if you remain whatever quality you have got, just now you remain within this world
- If you do not agree with Krsna's desire, if you want to enjoy your own desire, then also, Krsna is also pleased, He will supply you the necessities. But that is not very good. We should agree to Krsna's desires
- If you don't practice, then at the time of examination, certainly you'll fail. (chuckles) If you say, "All right. I shall see in the examination hall. I shall write everything nice," that is nonsense. You have to study nicely before the examination
- If you don't require brahmana, then you'll suffer
- If you employ your tongue in the service of the Lord, He'll reveal Himself to you. He'll reveal, revelation. So therefore we have to control the tongue. What is the tongue's business? The tongue's business is taste and vibrate
- If you engage yourself in the service of Krsna, you'll find new and new encouragement. That is spiritual. If you find it hackneyed, then you must know that you are not yet serving spiritually, you are serving materially
- If you find out such person, then surrender there. Pranipata. And try to serve him, try to please him, and question him. The whole thing will reveal. You have to find out such an authoritative person and surrender unto him
- If you have got a name, another alternative name of God, then you chant that. Our only request is that you chant the holy name of God. If you have got any name of God, you can chant. You'll be purified. That is our propaganda
- If you have got any, I mean to say, affection for the spiritual master, then you should finish your business in this life so that he may not come again to reclaim you
- If you have got one rupee, if you take one anna, then it is fifteen annas. Or if you take two annas, it is fourteen annas. If you take sixteen annas, it becomes zero. But Krsna is not like that. He can expand Himself unlimited forms
- If you have no love for Krsna, you cannot serve Him very nicely. And Krsna also does not accept your service if it is not done in great love and affection
- If you hear about Krsna, then you should know that you are touching Krsna by aural reception
- If you keep divine association, then your consciousness is made divine
- If you learn from the supreme authority without any deficiency, then the knowledge is perfect. Ordinary person, they have got four deficiencies: they commit mistake, they are illusioned, their senses are imperfect
- If you live in the temple or if you live in God's business, Krsna consciousness, then you are in the spiritual world. You are not in the material world. Material world means where God is forgotten
- If you live like cats and dog, then where is promotion, where is Krsna, and where is Goloka? Everything is spoiled. Our only request is don't spoil your time, valuable time
- If you love Krsna, then your universal love is counted. Otherwise it is nonsense
- If you question me that "Swamiji, why you have taken sannyasa?" You may ask that question. Yes. So I may tell you frankly that I had no desire to accept this sannyasa
- If you send the typewriter to heaven, what does it mean? It is to be worked as typewriter. Does it mean because it has gone to heaven, the work has changed? No. The work will continue. Either in this hell or heaven, typewriter will kat-kat-kat-kat-kat
- If you simply exact your senses, your nice brain, "Krsna is like this, Krsna is like that," but if you are not a devotee, Krsna will not reveal Himself
- If you simply follow these four principles, then you become immediately uncontaminated
- If you simply hear sincerely and submissively, then you will understand Krsna. Krsna will reveal to you
- If you stick to Krsna and hear from Him, you haven't got to hear from any rascal, any rascal. Then you will waste time. Don't hear from any rascal. Therefore we are presenting Bhagavad-gita As It Is - as it is, without any change
- If you take the shelter of the plug which is connected with the powerhouse, you get immediately electricity. Similarly, if you take shelter of a person who is coming in the parampara system...
- If you think that "It is hackneyed, it is troublesome, but what can I do? These people ask me to do it. I have to do it," that is not Krsna consciousness
- If you think that "This body is required for acting, for working on behalf of the Supreme Lord; therefore I must keep the body fit to work" - that is not your identification with the body
- If you want advice, instruction, niscitam, which is without any doubt, without any illusion, without any mistake, without any cheating, that is called niscitam. That you can get from Krsna or His representative
- If you want to get out of the maya's activities, prakrteh kriyamanani gunaih karmani, then you have to take to Krsna consciousness. There is no way out
- If you want to know about me, then you must know from me. That is authentic. That is authentic. Or from a confidential person who is confidence of me. Similarly, if you want to know Krsna, then here is Bhagavad-gita, spoken by Krsna
- If you want to know how God is great then you have to take reference of this Vedic literature. No other literature
- If you want to know Krsna in truth, then you have to take this devotional line. Then gradually Krsna will be attracted by your devotion, and then you will know Krsna and you'll be allowed to enter into Krsna's place
- If you want to learn factually things, then you should approach acarya. Acaryavan puruso veda, "One who has accepted acarya, he knows things as they are." Acaryavan puruso veda
- If you want to remodel your life, the society, the human society, nationally or internationally - everything is spoken here, international - then you have to take to the advice of Krsna
- If you want to stop the danger of death, then you have to understand what is that Absolute Truth. Just like I have given already the example of sunshine. If you come to the sunshine, there is no darkness
- If you want to understand Krsna through philosophy and knowledge, there are immense provisions for this philosophy and knowledge in these books
- If your aim is to engage one in Krsna consciousness, if you do something which is not very straight, that is allowed
- In all species of life, in all forms of life, they are all our svajana, kinsmen. How it cannot be? Because Krsna is the original father. This is Krsna consciousness. Therefore a devotee of Krsna does not want to commit a little harm to any living entity
- In Ayur-veda, cow dung dried and burned into ashes is used as toothpowder. It is very antiseptic toothpowder
- In between the two worlds, material and spiritual, there is one energy. That is living energy. We living entities, we are marginal energy. We are also energy
- In Chapter Four in Bhagavad-gita As It Is, it is said that Arjuna was present at the speaking of Bhagavad-gita to the sun-god so many years ago. What position did he have there?
- In Christian theology, the individual goes to the church and prays God, "Give us our daily bread." Why he's asking God?
- In India higher caste you will find this sacred thread. Sacred thread means when he is accepted, when he is given the second birth, this thread ceremony, there is a thread ceremony
- In India still the system is a householder keeps at least, in the village, at least ten to twelve cows. But he hasn't got to pay anything for keeping these. The cows go to the pasturing ground and in the evening comes back
- In India, although a person born in a brahmana family, but his guna, qualities, are less than sudra, but still he's being accepted as a brahmana. That is the difficulty. Therefore, India's condition is so chaotic
- In Krsna consciousness we address our contemporaries as "prabhu." Prabhu means master. And the real idea is that "You are my master, I am your servant"
- In military art there is a word, "direct action," this is the spiritual direct action, this Hare Krsna. But because it is very simple, sometimes those who think themselves as very intelligent & advanced, they think, "Oh, what they are doing, Hare Krsna?
- In my Bhagavad-gita one professor Dimmock, he has given an introduction of this Bhagavad-gita, and he has mentioned Srimad-Bhagavatam as South Indian literature. Actually it is not. It is Vedic literature
- In one sense the heat is also fire, the illumination is also fire. Similarly this material energy is also Krsna
- In order to keep smooth facilities for human life, there must be four divisions. If you say that "We don't require brahmana." If you don't require brahmana, then you'll suffer
- In other planets, somewhere water is very prominent, somewhere fire is very prominent. In the sun planet, the bodies there... There are also living entities, but their body is so made that it is fiery. They can exist in the fire
- In our childhood, when I was a boy of eight or ten years, sometimes I used to accompany my father. My father was a great devotee. He would take prasadam from the temple
- In our living condition, if we prepare for the examination at the time of death and we pass the examination, then we are transferred to the spiritual world. So prayana-kale. The whole thing is examined at the time of death
- In that history of greater India, there is a, there was a fight between two cousin-brothers, the Pandavas and the Kurus. The Pandavas and Kurus, they belonged to the same family known as Kuru dynasty
- In the absolute status there is no difference between one thing to another. That is the absolute status. So the Lord being absolute, there is no difference between His name and Himself
- In the beginning there may be some failures. That is quite natural. Just like a child is trying to stand, he may fall down. But that does not mean he should give up the idea. Go on. A time will come when he will be perfect
- In the beginning there was void and in the middle it is manifested. Then again it is void. So void to void, where there is lamentation? This is the argument Krsna is giving. Both ways you cannot lament
- In the Bhagavad-gita it is clearly explained that there are three kinds of activities according to the different modes of nature: the activities of goodness, the activities of passion, the activities of ignorance
- In the Bhagavad-gita, God says that "All living entities are My part and parcels." He's undergoing a great struggle for life under the bodily impression that he is this body, but this kind of understanding is animal civilization
- In the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, there is a story... Not story. Fact. It is described there that one brahmana - he was a great devotee - he wanted to offer very brilliant service, arcana, in the temple worship. But he had no money
- In the conditioned state we are identifying, "I am American," "I am Indian," "I am human being," "I am this," "I am that," "I am white," "I am black." These are all designation. Actually, this is not self-realization
- In the English dictionary the name of Krsna as stated "a Hindu god." But actually, that is not the fact. Krsna is the name of God. Krsna means the all-attractive, all-good
- In the English dictionary when you consult the word God, it is stated there, "the Supreme Being." What is that Supreme Being? We are all living being, but amongst ourself there is comparative, superlative positions
- In the Hindu society since a very long time, especially since the days of India's destruction of the original culture, so many offshoots they have come out under the name of so many isms
- In the human form of life, if we are actually intelligent, we shall try our best how to get that life or body where there is no more death, birth, old age and disease. So this Krsna consciousness movement means to educate people for that purpose
- In the Manu-smrti it is said that if a man, a murderer, one man has killed another man... Why man? Even animal. He's a murderer. Now murdering is no offense. They are killing daily so many babies within the womb, murderers
- In the material condition of life we, the proprietor of the body, we are changing, tatha dehantara-praptih, from one body to another. This is the first knowledge, preliminary knowledge
- In the material world, even if you promote to the highest planetary system, Brahmaloka, still, you'll have to come back again
- In the modern world every knowledge is speculative, hypothetical. There is no perfect knowledge. So if you want to be perfectly in knowledge, then you have to take knowledge from the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In the modern world they cannot trace out chronological history more than three thousand years. That's all. But we can give account for many millions and millions of years
- In the mundane consideration there are so many things right and wrong. So long you are on the mundane platform, you have to obey all these right and wrong
- In the prison house sometimes the head of the country goes to visit, to see, to inspect how the prison life is going on or to give them some instruction, some good lesson, that "Why you are rotting in prison? You become good citizen"
- In the Second Chapter of the Bhagavad-gita Krsna has begun the philosophy of Bhagavad-gita from this point, that "I am not this body." This is the beginning of spiritual knowledge
- In the sky, there is no variety. If you want varieties, even in this material world, then you have to take shelter of a planet, either you come to the earthly planet or go to the moon planet or sun planet
- In the social order of the present day, there is no brahmana, no ksatriya. Only there are some few vaisyas and sudras. So therefore there is chaos all over the world. So this Krsna consciousness movement is meant for creating some real brahmana
- In the society, if you have got sufficient anna, both the animals and the man, they will be happy. These are the instruction in the Bhagavad-gita, everything practical
- In the spiritual world the only enjoyer is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. All others are enjoyed
- In the spiritual world there is no darkness. So if anyone is desirous of inquiring about the spiritual world, then he requires to find out a spiritual master. Otherwise there is no necessity
- In the spiritual world there is no disagreement. That God is great and we are small, there is no disagreement. That is spiritual world. And the material world means, "God is great, we are small" - there is disagreement. That is material world
- In the Srimad-Bhagavatam it is said that the Absolute Truth is realized by different person according to different angle of vision. Just like if you see from a distant place one mountain, you find something cloudy
- In the Srimad-Bhagavatam there is no chance or opportunity for thinking of so-called liberation
- In the sun planet we receive this knowledge from Bhagavad-gita. Krsna says, imam vivasvate yogam proktavan aham avyayam: "I first of all spoke this science of Bhagavad-gita to Vivasvan"
- In the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krsna or self-realized person, servants of Krsna, those who have understood Krsna, for them there are no deficiencies. They are perfect
- In the upper planetary system, beginning from the sun, there are Suryaloka, Candraloka, Mangala, Bhur, Brhaspati, up to Saturn, there are different lokas
- In the upper planetary system, beginning from the sun, there are Suryaloka, Candraloka, Mangala, Bhur, Brhaspati, up to Saturn, there are different lokas. So the upper planetary system, beginning from Surya, they are called devaloka
- In the Western countries there is no such distinction between man and woman, but there is. We have to accept it and construct this social institution in that way. Then it will be perfect
- In the winter the water is painful, and in the summer the water is pleasing. So what is the position of the water? It is pleasing or painful? It is neither, but in certain season, by touching the skin it appears to be painful or pleasant
- In this age penance is not at all possible. Nobody can undergo any penance. But without penance, without sacrifice, from history, from books, from scripture, we understand nobody has attained spiritual perfection
- In this Bhagavad-gita the subject matter is comprehending five different truths. The first truth is what is God. It is the preliminary study of the science of God. So that science of God is explained here
- In this body there are two living entities. One is myself, the individual soul, atma; and the other is Krsna, Paramatma. Isvarah sarva-bhutanam hrd-dese arjuna tisthati
- In this Krsna consciousness movement we have got one hundred centers, and each temple, not less than twenty-five, up to 250 devotees live. So we have no fixed up means of income
- In this material world everyone individually has to take care of himself. How he can be saved from the clutches of maya. That is Krsna consciousness movement. A teacher can give you hints. The acarya can give you hints
- In truth, not superficially, if you understand Krsna, then tyaktva deham punar janma naiti (BG 4.9): after giving up this body, you'll not have to accept another material body. That is samsiddhim paramam gatah. That is highest perfection of life
- In your country I have seen in several places. Nice building is dismantled, and again, in that very place, another building is raised. You see? Breaking and building. Breaking and... "Oh, this building is old. Break it." The same childish play
- Industry does not mean really economic improvement. Real economic improvement means what you produce from the land. That requires God help. Without raw materials, even your industry cannot go on
- Instead of serving our senses, if we serve the senses of Krsna, that is perfection of life. So you learn how to serve the senses of Krsna, you'll be happy. That's all
- Institution for God consciousness
- Is taking prasadam one of the exchanges of love, where we accept food from a lover?
- Isvarah paramah krsnah, sac-cid-ananda-vigrahah, anadir adir govindah, sarva-karana-karanam. This is the definition of Krsna given by Lord Brahma in his book known as Brahma-samhita, very authorized book
- It does not matter whether there is increase of population. But if the people are unfaithful, they must be punished with starvation. That is God's will. It is not that they will not be fed. There is no question of overpopulation
- It does not mean that one who is taking care of dressing the Deity, he is higher than the man who is washing the dishes. No. They are not karma. By washing dishes he is executing devotional service, and by dressing the Deity he is also
- It does not mean that when Krsna was present on this planet, Krsna was absent in Goloka Vrndavana. No. It is not like that. Just like I am now present here, I am absent in my apartment. Krsna is not like that. Krsna can be present everywhere
- It doesn't mean that you follow this religion or that religion. You may follow any religion. It doesn't matter, either Hindu religion or Christian religion or Mohammedan religion, anything you like. But we have to test
- It is a fact that so long you'll be here in this material world, however you may try to adjust things to become happy, it will be never possible. It will be never possible
- It is a false theory that the soul has no form or God has no form. God has form and the soul has form: these are the Vedic information. Every one of us, we have got form, but the form is so small & minute that we cannot see with these gross material eyes
- It is a great science. It is not a sentiment. It is based on philosophy and authorized Vedic literature. So our only request is that you try to take this movement very seriously and you will be happy
- It is also explained that the Paramatma, or the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is living in everyone's heart as isvara, as the controller and He is giving direction
- It is medical advice, that there are two kinds of mistakes in eating. Over-eating and under-eating. So under-eating mistake for old man is very good. And over-eating mistake for boys, that is good. So you can overeat. I cannot
- It is not idol worship, nonsensical. It is worshiping the Supreme Personality of Godhead personally. But one has to learn the art and the science about it. Therefore we are opening all over the world different centers
- It is not ordinary war (Kuruksetra) . And it was performed in a place which is called dharma-ksetra. So sometimes war is also performed in terms of religiosity. That is prescribed. That is required
- It is not rejecting; it is reforming. The Catholic religion also teaches love of God, or love of Christ. So if I say the truth, it will not be very palatable, but this movement is reformation
- It is not that because all these are temporary arrangement, we should be unfaithful to our family members, to our children, to our wife. As duty, we should take care, but we should not be simply absorbed in such thoughts
- It is not that because you are born in a very rich family, you'll be immune from diseases. It is not that you'll not become old. It is not that you'll be saved from the troubles of birth or you'll be saved from the troubles of death
- It is not that I am very much qualified. The only qualification is that I have tried to execute the order of superior authority. That's all. This is the secret of success
- It is not that senses should be stopped. No. It should be controlled. "When I require, I shall use it; otherwise not." That is master of senses. "I shall not act impelled by the senses. Senses should act under my direction"
- It is not that sudra is not required. Sudra is required, but if you make propaganda simply to make people sudras, then who will give direction? If there is no head, who will give the direction?
- It is not that this Krsna consciousness movement is a sentimental movement. It is based on fully scientific basis. But people do not understand the science. They are simply allured by the experimental science. The experimental science is very limited
- It is not very difficult to understand what is enlightenment. Enlightened means aham brahmasmi. I do not belong to this material world. I belong to the Supreme Spirit. That conviction makes you enlightened
- It is said that one who is learned, he does not lament either for the living or for the dead body
- It is simply foolishness that nature is working automatically. This is rascaldom. They do not know. The so-called scientists who are thinking that everything is going on automatically
- It is so beneficial for successful human mission, so I must have it. I must execute this Krsna consciousness. This is called utsahat, to become energetic, not lethargic but energetic. So utsahad dhairyat
- It is to be concluded that we are not going to die. Krsna said not only He, but also Arjuna and all other who were present in the battlefield, they will continue to exist. So how we shall exist? That is also discussed
- It is very difficult to push on this movement, but still we have to do it. This is the highest yoga. If you push on this movement of Krsna consciousness, then you'll be performing the highest type of yoga. Don't be misled by so-called yogas. This is yoga
- It says here that a pure devotee like Haridasa Thakura would not fall victim to Mayadevi's temptations, but even Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, might fall victim. I always thought that they were pure devotees of the Lord
- It was very difficult to find out a criminal. Because these four things were forbidden. What is that? No illicit sex, no intoxication, no gambling, no meat-eating. So if one follows these four principles, naturally he is sinless automatically
- Jagad-anda means this universe. It is ball-like, anda, egglike. Jagad-anda-koti. Koti means millions. So all combined together, that is material world. This is only one-fourth part of the creation of God
- Janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi duhkha-dosanudarsanam. One should be intelligent to see the troubles of these four incidences of life: janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi. That is the whole Vedic system - how to get out of these clutches
- Jesus Christ told, if I remember, that "Lord, excuse these persons," who were crucifying him. Is it not? He knew that "These rascals, they are killing me, but... They are offending certainly. So they do not know that I cannot be killed
- Jiv Jago, 1969 - Jiv jago, jiv jago, gauracanda bole. Jiv means the living entities. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu is asking all living entities to "Wake up. Please wake up. Please get up." Jago. Jago means "Wake up"
- Jnana and vairagya can be achieved simply by becoming a devotee of Vasudeva. That is the verdict of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Jnana-yajna, this philosophical discussion, logical discussion of the aim of life from authorized books like Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, if we have discussion, this is called jnanamaya-yajna, with knowledge
- Jnane prayasam udapasya namanta eva: "Just become submissive. Just try to understand your position that you are very insignificant segment in this material world or in the creation"
- Just like a bank clerk or a bank cashier should be satisfied with his post and the wages he gets. He should be satisfied. If God pleases he will be elevated to higher position. That is God's grace. But we should not be disturbed
- Just like a good son, when he feels that "Father has done so much for me. I must repay it, or at least I must accept obligation what my father has done for me," this much feeling is called Krsna consciousness
- Just like a rabbit. Enemy is in his front, and he is going to die, but he thinks, "Let me close my eyes. I am out of danger." This is atheistic view
- Just like fighting soldiers, they are facing danger for the country. They are recognized. Similarly, those who are preachers - on behalf of Krsna preaching people to take to Krsna consciousness - they are great soldiers
- Just like I am sitting here on this dais. So I have got some relationship. What is that relationship? That this dais is giving me service silently. There is relationship
- Just like I am speaking here. This vibration is being recorded all over the universe, this sound vibration
- Just like if you have become criminal and you are arrested by the state. Suppose you are millionaires. Your money will save you? No. That will not save
- Just like in a house, rented house, you are living. If the proprietor of the house, landlord, eject you, you cannot live there. You cannot use it. Similarly, we can use this body as long as the real proprietor of the body, Hrsikesa, allows me to stay here
- Just like matriculation examination, school-leaving examination, then you enter into college, and then get your graduate, become a graduate, and then post-graduate, so the Bhagavad-gita is just entrance examination for spiritual education
- Just like sometimes some of us becomes crazy and he goes to the lunatic asylum, similarly, those who become crazy, such spiritual identities, they are put into this lunatic asylum. It is called material world. This is a sort of lunatic asylum
- Just like the electricity energy, is coming from the same source. But it is being utilized for different purposes. Sometimes it is helping to make cooler, and sometimes it is helping to make heater
- Just like we are also following the instruction of our spiritual master. I don't claim that I am pure devotee or perfect, but my only qualification is that I am trying to follow the instruction of the perfect
- Just like we become devoted, similarly, God also becomes devoted to us. You don't think that one-sided devotion. No. Just like love is never one-sided. Love is reciprocation
- Just like we keep conchshell in the Deities' room. Conchshell is considered very pure, transcendental; otherwise, how we can keep before Deity and you blow conchshell?
- Just like you are a person, I am a person, the dog is also person, a cow is also person - everyone is individual. But Bhagavan means the Supreme Person
- Just like you put one iron rod into the fire. It becomes warm, warmer, warmer, and at last it becomes red hot. At that time it is fire because it has acquired the quality of the fire, although it is iron rod. So the process is to remain with the fire
- Just see, a sparrow is trying to dry up the ocean. This is called determination
- Just see, a sparrow is trying to dry up the ocean. This is called real determination. Just like our Gandhi. He declared war against the Britishers.
- Just try to think over: "What Bhagavad-gita says? How Swamiji has discussed this matter?" Apply your arguments. Apply your logic. Don't take it as a sentiment or as a blind faith
- Karma means to fulfill my desires, and bhakti means to fulfill Krsna's desires. That is the difference. Now you make your choice, whether you want to make your desires fulfilled or if you want to make Krsna's desire fulfilled
- Karma-kandiya, they are interested next life in the heavenly planet or higher standard of life. So that is also stated in the Bhagavad-gita. If you associate with the modes of goodness, then you are promoted to the higher planetary system
- Karmana daiva-netrena jantur deha upapatti. Karmana, by our work, and by the supervision of the supreme power we are getting different types of body
- Karmi also works very hard, harder and harder but all for this amisa-mada-seva. Amisa-mada-seva. Vyavaya, only for sex life, eating meat, and intoxication. And a devotee works in the same way, hard, but for Krsna's satisfaction
- Karpanya-dosa. Miserly, dosa means fault. When one does not act according to his position, that is fault. And that is called miserly. So everyone has got his natural propensities, svabhava
- Katha Upanisad says that tad-vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet srotriyam brahma-nistham. This srotriyam means that one who is coming in disciplic succession
- Keeping linked always. That is called yoga. So if you want to know perfectly or as far as you can understand through your senses, mayy asakta-manah, then you transfer your attachment to Krsna. This is the advice
- Knowledge means: "Why shall I serve the unreal illusion? Let me serve the reality. If my business is to serve and never to be master, always to serve, then why I shall serve the illusion? Let me serve the reality." That sense is called knowledge
- Krsna can say what is good for you, what is bad for you. He is asking, yac chreyah syan niscitam bruhi tat. Niscitam
- Krsna comes in His original form... Original form is two-handed. It is also accepted in the Bible: "Man is made after the image of God." So God has got two-handed. Even the four-handed Visnu form is not the original
- Krsna consciousness business is so nice that whatever you do sincerely, it will never be lost
- Krsna consciousness does not mean sitting idly. The whole pastimes of Krsna is full of activities. When you go to spiritual world Krsna is always dancing. You have to 24 hours dance there and eat there.There is no question of sit down
- Krsna consciousness is not so easy. You cannot have it unless you surrender yourself
- Krsna consciousness is the necessity. It is not a religious formula or some spiritual recreation. No. It is the most important thing that we should imbibe in our life. Mam upetya tu kaunteya punar janma na vidyate. He's (Krsna) stressing again and again
- Krsna consciousness is the oldest teaching of God, or Krsna. But the Gita was written about five thousand years ago
- Krsna consciousness is the original consciousness. Now it is polluted. Just like originally when the rain falls, it is pure distilled water. And as soon as touches the ground, it become polluted
- Krsna consciousness means not to remain in the dark consciousness. Tamasi ma jyotir gama. That is the Vedic instruction, "Don't remain in the darkness." And what is that darkness? The darkness is bodily concept of life
- Krsna consciousness means our mission is to present before you what Krsna says. That's all. We are not concerned what other says
- Krsna consciousness means to have all kinds of knowledge. Not that we Krsna conscious people are being carried away by some sentiment. No. We have got philosophy, science, theology, ethics, morality, everything
- Krsna consciousness movement does not say that artificially you simply make some renouncement, all nonsense. And to recompensate we take to some drugs, take to some intoxication, no. You take nice food. Krsna has given nice food
- Krsna consciousness movement is so easy. Everyone can take it and make his life successful
- Krsna consciousness movement is training of nivrtti-marga, the basic principles, so many no's. "No" means nivrtti. No illicit sex, no meat-eating, no gambling, no intoxication. So this is the no, "no" path
- Krsna consciousness movement is trying little bit. Success or no success does not matter. As we are servant of Krsna, it is our duty to present the real thing. Now you accept, not accept. That is not my business
- Krsna consciousness movement means everyone wants to become friend of everyone
- Krsna consciousness movement means how to become dear to Krsna: "How Krsna will love me"
- Krsna consciousness movement means solution of all problems. Teaching people not to become sinful. Because a sinful man cannot become Krsna conscious. To become Krsna conscious means that he has to give up his sinful activities
- Krsna consciousness movement means that we have to train our senses to satisfy Krsna. That's all
- Krsna consciousness persons, they are not after will-o'-the-wisp, phantasmagoria. No. They're actually making progress to the concrete Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Krsna consciousness, or devotional service, means purifying the senses. That's all. We haven't got to eradicate, get out of the sensual activities. No. We have simply to purify the senses
- Krsna did not come to establish the so-called Hindu religion or Muslim religion or Christian religion. No. He came to establish real religion. Real religion means we have to submit, surrender to the real person
- Krsna does not say "By birth." By acquiring the qualities and action. One must have the brahminical qualities and act as a brahmana; then he'll be accepted as brahmana
- Krsna has enemies. Arisudana. And He has to kill them. Krsna has got two businesses: paritranaya sadhunam vinasaya ca duskrtam
- Krsna has explained the material elements: bhumir apo 'nalo vayuh kham mano buddhir eva ca (BG 7.4). But these material elements cannot work independently
- Krsna has got loving propensities with His pleasure potency, Srimati Radharani. Similarly, because we are part and parcel of Krsna, we have also got this loving propensity
- Krsna induced him (Arjuna) that "You are a ksatriya. It is your duty to fight. Why you are deviating from your duty?"
- Krsna is Absolute. Therefore, there is no difference between Him and His name. There is no difference between Him and His form. There is no difference between Him and His picture. There is no difference between Him and His topics
- Krsna is Acyuta. He never falls down. That is the difference. So just like cloud. Cloud can cover a portion of sunlight. Not that cloud can cover the, all the sunlight. That is not possible
- Krsna is addressing Arjuna, anarya: "Non-Aryan. You are ksatriya. Your service is now required to fight with persons who have created injustice. So what is this, that you are denying to fight?"
- Krsna is asking all us, all rascals, that, “You are manufacturing so many things for becoming happy. You’ll never be happy, rest assured. But surrender to Me, and I will make you happy.” This is Krsna consciousness, that’s all
- Krsna is complete spiritual, divine, and we are, at the present moment, although we have got our spiritual form within this body, but because we have no vision of the spiritual form, we are taking this body as our form. This is called illusion
- Krsna is considered to be the highest perfectional personality, and Arjuna selected Him as the spiritual master
- Krsna is explaining Himself. God is explaining what is God. That is real knowledge. If you speculate on God, it is not possible. You cannot understand
- Krsna is explaining Himself; God is explaining Himself. We shall not take that statement, but either we shall deny or we shall accept God without any head and leg and so on, so many things. This is our disease
- Krsna is instructing Arjuna, and we have to understand how Arjuna has understood Krsna. And if we follow the understanding of Arjuna, then we are following the parampara system, or the disciplic succession
- Krsna is mentioned here as Hrsikesa. He is solid. He is Acyuta. He is solid. He is not changed
- Krsna is showing example, where we should offer our surrender and accept guru. Here is Krsna. So you have to accept Krsna or His representative as guru. Then your problems will be solved. Otherwise it is not possible
- Krsna is sitting within your heart. Krsna is acting as your spiritual master, caitya-guru. Caitya-guru. Caitya-guru means the guru, or the spiritual master, who is sitting in my heart, citta
- Krsna is the master of our senses, everyone's senses. That will be explained in the Thirteenth Chapter, that ksetra-jnam capi mam viddhi sarva-ksetresu bharata
- Krsna is the origin. Therefore Krsna says, aham sarvasya prabhavah. Sarvasya means even this Maha-Visnu, Garbhodakasayi Visnu, Ksirodakasayi Visnu, Narayana, Sankarsana, Aniruddha, Pradyumna - everything
- Krsna is the proprietor. Krsna is the proprietor of everything. He is the owner. We are simply occupier
- Krsna is the real friend. So if the gopis dance with the real friend, what is the wrong there? What is the wrong there? But those who are rascals, who do not know Krsna, they think it is immoral. It is not immoral
- Krsna is the Supreme Person. He knows everything. You take the information, knowledge, from Krsna. Then your life will be successful. That is the propaganda of this Krsna consciousness movement
- Krsna is there within your heart. As soon as you become little serious, immediately, Krsna is ready. Krsna is ready, He is sitting with you as a friend. Simply looking for the opportunity when you'll come back to Him. That is Krsna
- Krsna is there, and Krsna is explaining Himself, "I am like this." But unfortunately we'll not understand Krsna, but we'll try to speculate what is God. This is our disease
- Krsna is there, but you cannot see Him. You are not advanced. Just like another example. Here is, the sunlight is here. Everyone experiences. But that does not mean sun is here
- Krsna is unlimited, and His functions and activities are unlimited. And according to His activities, His names are also unlimited. So this is one of the names, Ajita. Ajita means "the personality who is never conquered." Nobody can conquer Him
- Krsna is very strict. But the devotees are very lenient. Krsna doesn't want to speak even with demons. But the devotees are so kind, they go to the demons and pray, Kindly hear. Kindly hear about Krsna
- Krsna knows that "As soon as he is surrendered unto Me he'll be free from the clutches of maya," and He knows it also, "If he does not do so, then he'll never be free from maya." Both things He knows. Is it clear or not
- Krsna or Visnu is living in everyone's heart, but He is living in the dog's heart also. Does it mean that He's doggish? He's living in Vaikuntha. Although He's living in the dog's heart, but He's living in Vaikuntha
- Krsna said to Arjuna, "My dear Pandava, Arjuna, don't be afraid"
- Krsna said to Arjuna, "You are fighting for Me; therefore you are not asura." Those who are fighting for their sense gratification, they're asuras, but if need be fighting for, for cause, right cause...
- Krsna said to Arjuna: "This is not for the Aryan. You are ksatriya, you are meant for fighting for justice, and you are denying to fight? Oh, this is not good. This kind of proposal, cowardice, can be proposed by the anarya
- Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita, tesam satata-yuktanam yoga-ksemam vahamy aham: "A devotee who is engaged always in My service, I look after, how his necessities of life will be fulfilled"
- Krsna says that "First of all you become devotee of My devotee." Caitanya Mahaprabhu says, gopi-bhartuh pada-kamalayor dasa-dasa-dasanudasah: "I am the servant of the servant of the servant of Krsna." This is called parampara system
- Krsna says that if one thinks that "This man has killed this man," so, or "This man can kill this man," this kind of knowledge is not perfect. Nobody kills nobody
- Krsna says to Arjuna "You are My very dear friend, you are My devotee. Therefore I'll reveal unto you. Not to others." This is the qualification of understanding God, to become devotee
- Krsna says, "It is (varnasrama) introduced by Me for very good management of the social order." Brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra. So Arjuna belonged to the ksatriya family. Therefore his hesitation to fight in the battlefield is not befitting the Aryans
- Krsna says, aham sarvasya prabhavah (BG 10.8). Sarvasya, or Brahman, Paramatma, and Bhagavan. The Bhagavan is the origin of Paramatma and Brahman. Brahmanah aham pratistha. So in this way we have to understand what is Krsna, not superficially
- Krsna says, patram puspam phalam toyam yo me bhaktya prayacchati: "Anyone who offers Me with love and affection vegetables, grains, milk, I eat." So if there is any sin for eating vegetables, that is Krsna's sin, not our sin. We take the prasadam
- Krsna says, patram puspam phalam: "If you are poor man, all right, you give Me little fruit, little flower, little water, I'll eat it." Then what do you want more? Or if you cannot do anything, chant Hare Krsna
- Krsna says: "My dear Arjuna, you are My friend, personal friend, and you are proposing this, which is befitting to the anarya"
- Krsna took the position of guru, and He began to instruct. Tam uvaca hrsikesah. Hrsikesa..., Krsna's another name is Hrsikesa. Hrsikesa means hrsika isa. Hrsika means the senses, and isa, the master
- Krsna's knowledge, His power of remembrance, His power of knowing everything perfectly is different from our knowing. But unfortunately we think, "God may be little greater than me." That is that Dr. Frog philosophy
- Krsna's name is Hrsikesa
- Krsna, by His causeless mercy, has come before us in the form of stone so that we can see Him. Because we cannot see beyond stone. We cannot see beyond wood. And wood and stone is also not beyond Krsna. That is also Krsna
- Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is compared with the sun: krsna - surya-sama; maya haya andhakara (CC Madhya 22.31). And our this darkness is a maya, because actually there is no darkness
- Kṛṣṇa is the Absolute Supreme Person. This is the definition of Krsna given by Lord Brahma in his book known as Brahma-samhita, very authorized book
- Kṛṣṇa, when (He) says "Stop work," means stop working like animals, but not to stop working like Kṛṣṇa conscious people are doing—not to stop chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa. Stop your animalistic life and begin your spiritual life
- Learn this art - how one can be absorbed both by the mind and intelligence twenty-four hours thinking of the Lord. And that will help one to transfer himself into the kingdom of God or in the spiritual atmosphere after leaving this material body
- Learned man does not lament over a dead body or a living body
- Let this life be dedicated for satisfying Krsna's senses. That is Krsna consciousness. One life. We have, several lives, we have tried to satisfy our personal senses. Let this life, at least one life, let me try, what happens
- Liberation from repeating birth and death. That is our real suffering. The modern, rascal civilization, they do not know actually what is the end of suffering. They do not know. There is no education. There is no science
- Liberation means not to be under the influence of the modes of material nature, not to be infected by the modes of material nature, especially passion and ignorance. That is mukti
- Life and death is not in your hand. You don't think that stopping this or increasing this, you'll be able to stop all inconveniences
- Life is going on. "I have become befooled, so I don't want that my son will be intelligent. Let him become befooled. Let him become befooled." This is called punah punas carvita-carvananam (SB 7.5.30), repeatedly chewing the chewed
- Living entity is eternal servant of Krsna. When he, instead of becoming servant of Krsna, wants to imitate Krsna, to enjoy
- Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu has given us a special gift, but, that in spite of our not understanding everything very analytically, as they are described in the Vedic scriptures, one can understand himself by the simple process by chanting the holy name
- Lord Caitanya said to Govinda: "How you first of all came across, why not again crossing?" "That I came to serve You. And now I cannot cross You to take my prasadam. That is not my duty. That is for myself. And it is for You"
- Lord Siva is the greatest Vaisnava
- Love is only possible when you love God. There is no lust. There is no question of sense gratification. Simply for love: "Krsna is my lover. Krsna is my master. Krsna is my friend "
- Madhavendra-Puri-sampradaya
- Mahabharata is the history of India. Maha means great, and bharata means India. And you see, Mahabharata is the history of two royal families fighting in the Battle of Kuruksetra and politics and diplomacy
- Mahajano yena gatah so panthah. Then you accept the mahajana. Mahajana means following the parampara system. According to Vedic system, there are twelve mahajanas. Svayambhur naradah sambhuh kumarah kapilo manuh, janako bhismah and vaiyasakir vayam
- Mahatma means "great," "expanding, expanded." Ha. So one who becomes a devotee of the Lord, automatically he becomes expanded. Therefore mahatma means one whose heart is expanded
- Man is rational. Man is animal, but rational animal. The special gift to man is that he can decide what is good, what is bad. He has got an extra knowledge than the animals
- Manda means very slow. Sleeping, out of twenty-four hours, sleeping twelve hours, and out of twelve hours, they're busy in earning money ten hours. Then two hours left. What he can do for spiritual understanding. There's no time
- Material life means enjoyment. Enjoyment is not real enjoyment. Real enjoyment is spiritual enjoyment. Spiritual enjoyment, that is with Krsna. That is not in the material world
- Material nature, prakrti, is enjoyable. Prakrti means enjoyable. And purusa, purusa means enjoyer
- Material starvation may be there, but actually that is not a problem because there is sufficient arrangement for maintaining this material body. Real starvation is of the soul. The soul is not getting spiritual food
- Material world means in every step there is danger. That is material world. So therefore we should take guide from guru, from the teacher, from the spiritual master how to make progress
- Matter cannot combine together automatically. These skyscraper buildings, they are created with matter, but the matter has not come to become skyscraper building automatically. That is not possible
- Matter does not work automatically. It requires higher brain, higher manipulation, therefore higher order. Just like in this material world we have got the highest order, the sun, movement of the sun, the heat energy, light energy of the sun
- Maya has no powers. Krsna has given her power to chastise these individual souls who are defying the authority of Krsna. They should be punished. It is Maya's thankless task, but Maya is obedient servant of Krsna
- Mayavadi philosopher says that as soon as we become liberated, we become one with the Absolute. No, that is not fact
- Maybe religion is simply imagination or a big business
- Meat-eating allowed also: "All right. Just offer a goat before Kali and take that." Not purchase from the market or slaughterhouse. No. So these things are there just to gradually make him refrain from all these habits. Nivrtti. This is Vedic
- Mind cannot be detached. We have got so many desires. So mind's business - to become attached. Therefore, I accept something, I reject something. This is mind's business. So you cannot become zero, you cannot become desireless. That is not possible
- Mira challenged that "I came to Vrndavana. I know that only Krsna is purusa here, and everyone is woman. So how does it mean that Rupa Gosvami's declined to see another woman?" So Rupa Gosvami agreed, "Yes, I am mistaken"
- Mirabhai challenged Rupa Gosvami, "I know that only Krsna is purusa here, and everyone is woman"
- Modern education, they do not know even what is soul, what is this body, how the transmigration of the soul taking place. All blunt. There is no educational institution all over the world to understand this science
- Modern medical science, they see that the energy is coming from the heart, and as soon as the heart stops to work, it is said that the body is dead. So here also the same thing is confirmed
- More machine means more diversion of attention. I have to take care, more technician, more technologies. Simply if one razor can shave, can make my cheek very clean, where is the necessity?
- More you advance in Krsna consciousness, you'll simply see Krsna. And if you become practiced to see Krsna always
- Motionless means, when you are fixed up in Krsna, there is no more material motion. That is motionless. This material propensities will not anymore disturb you
- Mrgari the hunter
- Mukti means no more material body. That is called mukti. We are now conditioned by this material body. In the material world, we are changing one body after another, but there is no mukti. There is no liberation
- Mukti means those who are disappointed. Disappointed must be because nobody can be happy here with this karmi plan. That is not possible. So he will be disappointed. But disappointed when? After many, many births' struggle for existence
- Muni means mental speculators; manansi, thoughtful muni, thoughtful also - always absorbed in thoughts. So a thoughtful man or a great saintly person is not a great saintly person if he hasn’t got to propound a new theory
- My Guru Maharaja used to say that don't accept spiritual life for living
- My Guru Maharaja used to say that for one who is not engaged in devotional service, reading all the books is simply like licking the outside of the honey jar
- My Guru Maharaja used to say that if we ask from God for some material benefit, it means that I am asking from a king a pinch of ashes
- My Guru Maharaja used to say that this householder life means it is a concession for sense gratification, that's all; but our position is that we should not continue sense gratification for all the life
- My Guru Maharaja's Guru Maharaja, he was illiterate, Gaura Kisora dasa Babaji Maharaja. He could not sign even his name. But my Guru Maharaja was the best scholar of his time. He accepted him as guru
- My only credit is that I am presenting Krsna as He is. That's all. I am not diluting Krsna. That is not my business
- My only request is that all of you try to chant this Hare Krsna maha-mantra and, if possible, read Krsna book, Bhagavad-gita As It Is. Don't read Bhagavad-gita where the attempt is to kill Krsna
- My point is that war is not the only disturbing principle. There are many other disturbing principles. So we have to make a wholesale solution of all principles
- My policy is following the footstep of Rupa Gosvami. He says that somehow or other, let them become first of all attached to Krsna
- My request is that we are going to start a Radha-Krsna temple here. Just cooperate with us. These foreigners are doing your business. It was your business to spread Krsna consciousness all over the world, but you are sleeping
- My spiritual master found Me a great fool
- My spiritual master inaugurated this Pancaratriki-vidhi, and we are following his footsteps. Anyone who is inclined to devote his life for Krsna, he should be accepted as brahmana
- My spiritual master, he would never say that "I am going," "I am doing," no. "If Krsna desires, then I shall do it." "If Krsna desires, then I shall go." Like that. Always depending on Krsna. This is called visuddhatma
- Naisthika-brahmacari - throughout the life, celibacy. But that is not possible in this age, neither it is possible to become a brahmacari. The time is changed, this age. Therefore you can control your lusty desire by Krsna consciousness
- Namanta eva: "Just become submissive." Jnane prayasam: "Giving up this endeavor to understand the Supreme by one's limited knowledge and just become submissive"
- Napoleon constructed strong-built arches, but where he has gone, nobody knows
- Narada Muni asked him (the hunter) that, "You sit down on this bank of Ganges,& here is the tulasi plant. You worship it, & I'll send your food. Don't be worried." So next morning it was declared in the village - That heinous hunter has become a Vaisnava
- Nature, under the order of Krsna, is giving chances to us, giving chance to us to come out of the entanglement of birth and death
- Negation is no life. Positive life is life. "Don't do this," is no life. "Do this," this is life.The whole Bhagavad-gita is "do." "Do fight for Me." There is nothing "don't." Arjuna wanted, "Don't induce me." And Krsna did not like that
- Nitya means eternal. And nityanam. Nityanam means plural number of nityas. So there are many nityas, means many living entities, but there is one nitya Supreme. That is God. He is also a living entity like us
- No more friendly talking because Arjuna has accepted Krsna as the teacher. So He's the teacher. It is the duty of the teacher to punish or to chastise the disciple when he is wrongly going on
- No pure devotee will desire for any material benefit by worshiping Krsna or chanting His holy name. That is also considered as one of the offenses of ten kinds of offense
- Nobody is better meditator than these boys. They are simply concentrating on Krsna. Their whole business is Krsna
- Nobody is going to work without any remuneration. Everyone is working for getting some profit. That is called karma. But that ordinary karma and karma-yoga is different. You can engage yourself in ordinary work, but, at the same time, become a yogi
- Nobody knows the real problem, so they are fighting - all over the world. When I was in Rome, the same thing. There was a fighting between the Fascists and the Communists, and immediately, six person died by fighting. This is going on in ignorance. Mudha
- Nobody wants to retire from family life, but the Vedic injunction is that after one has passed fifty years, he must leave his family life
- Nobody wants to surrender. He wants to compete. Individually, person to person, family to family, nation to nation, everyone is trying to become the master. Where is the question of surrendering?
- Nondevotees' conception of God means if God supplies my order, or carries my order, whatever I say, then God is good. And if he does not do so, then God is bad
- Not during while I am talking. You don't take. That disturbs me. My attention goes to your photograph. It is very much disturbing
- Not personal satisfaction, Krsna's satisfaction. That is Krsna consciousness. Whatever you do, it doesn't matter. You have to test it, whether you are doing it for Krsna. That is your perfection
- Not that simply in human body the soul is there and not in other bodies. That is rascaldom. Sarvasya. In every body. Even within the ant, even within the elephant, even within the gigantic banyan tree or within the microbe
- Now big, big scientists, they are trying to prove that life come from matter. But here we understand from Krsna, the supreme authority, that He is the origin of all life
- Now it is our choice whether we want to become a devotee or whether we want to remain a demon. That is my choice. Krsna says that "You give up this demonic engagement and surrender to Me." That is Krsna's desire
- Now there are so many things that it is not possible even to understand by the modern process of scientific experimental knowledge. It is not possible. And what to speak of about God? You cannot know even material objects
- Now this Arjunacarya...that's a very nice story. When he was writing commentaries, oh, he thought, "How is that Lord will come Himself and deliver the goods? Oh, it is not possible. He might be sending through some agents"
- Now you can say that "Arjuna was a fighter, and there was great need of the Kuruksetra fighting, so he satisfied Krsna, but I am a poor man, I am not Ksatriya, not (indistinct)." That doesn't matter
- Now you cannot again introduce this system of varnasrama. It is not possible. But if one takes to Krsna consciousness, automatically he becomes immediately a brahmana and above the brahmana
- Now, everyone is trying not to die, everyone is trying not to become old, everyone is trying not to be dead, meet death. This is natural. Because, by nature, we are not subjected to these things
- Now, Krsna is there. We have got Krsna's picture, Krsna's photo, Krsna's temple, so many Krsna's. They are not fictitious. They are not imagination, as the Mayavadi philosopher thinks, that "You can imagine in your mind." No
- Now, say, I'll live eighty years. Now I am seventy-one. So after nine years I'll have to change this body. Sure. There is nobody can, by scientific process, can stay here. No. That is not allowed. You have to change your body
- Now, taking it for granted that I am doing all pious work. That's all right. And I am getting my birth in a very rich family or very pure family, just like brahmana family or something like that
- Now, when these senses are used for other than God's purpose, that is bondage, conditioned life. When the senses are purified and it is used for God's purpose, that is natural life
- Nowadays it has become a fashion; everyone is becoming guru and he is giving his own opinion, "I think," "In my opinion." That is not guru. Guru means he should give evidences from sastra
- Of course, everyone thinks right cause; therefore it should be confirmed. Just like Arjuna. Arjuna fought when he understood that "This fighting is right cause, it is sanctioned by Krsna." Then it is right cause
- Of course, we must be proud after being situated in the spiritual platform. Otherwise that is also ignorance
- Offer something. Just be in love with Him. Then just see how much peaceful you feel. How much tranquility you feel and how you are protected by Krsna, how you avoid insufficiency, how you become pure and how you make your progress in spiritual life
- Oh, you have got money. Let me exploit you and bluff you and take your money." That is not Vedic civilization. Vedic civilization is to think, "Oh, let everyone be happy."
- On one hand he says that we don't want to be delivered from this material ocean, we just want to serve. Then in one of the other slokas he pleads with Krsna to deliver him from this ocean of death and fix him up as one of the atoms of His lotus feet
- One after another, we are trying to have some material profit, some material adoration, material reputation. And therefore we are having different types of body. And it is going on
- One can see when the eyes are anointed with the ointment of bhakti. The eyes have cleansed to see God. That is revelation
- One cannot deny the order of a spiritual master. Therefore one has to select a spiritual master whose order, carrying, you'll not commit a mistake
- One day it will come when there will be no water, simply land. There will be no water. That is the process of nature
- One does not become spiritual master by his own whims. That is not spiritual master. He must be ordered by superior authority. Then he's spiritual master
- One does not understand what is Krsna, then what to speak of loving Krsna? If you don't understand somebody, how you will love him?
- One energy is working in one way, another energy is working another way. But they are all Krsna's energy. Parasya saktir vividhaiva sruyate. Mayadhyaksena prakrtih suyate sa-caracaram
- One has to get free from the bodily conception of life. That is the preliminary activity for a transcendentalist who wants to get free, who wants to be liberated. And he has to learn first of all that he is not this material body
- One has to learn by surrendering, pranipata. So first of all there must be a strong impulse to inquire about the transcendental subject matter. Then one requires a guru. Not that, to follow a fashion, that one has guru
- One has to purify his existentional life; otherwise, if he does not purify his existence, then he has to transmigrate from one body to another, and that is material existence
- One has to take shelter of a person whose life is devoted to Krsna, and under his direction, we have to practice how to develop Krsna Consciousness, and then Krsna will be revealed
- One has to transmigrate from lower species of life, aquatic life, to trees; from trees to insect; insect to birds; birds to beasts; and from beasts, that is evolution. That evolution is not Darwin's evolution. That evolution, it is called janmanta vada
- One may say that "If I simply devote in Krsna consciousness, then how my material necessities will be supplied?"
- One must be enthusiastic, patient, confident, one must execute the duties, associate with devotees, and one must be very honest in dealing. Six things. If these six things are there, sure success
- One must be properly qualified to enter into the transcendental subject matter. Everyone and anyone cannot. Sudras, those who are in sudra qualification, how they can understand Vedas? It is not possible
- One of the devotional quality is titiksa, tolerance. That should be learned, how to tolerate in every condition of life
- One who cannot understand Krsna, what is Krsna, which Vyasadeva has described what is Krsna in nine cantos, to understand Krsna, and then in the Tenth Canto he begins the birth advent of Krsna
- One who has actually seen or actually realized the truth, you have to take knowledge from there. So we have to approach such person. Otherwise, if we approach some speculator, we cannot get real knowledge
- One who has concentrated his mind, someway or other in Krsna, he has already attained the perfection of yoga. This is the substance of Krsna consciousness movement
- One who has understood Brahman, prasannatma, - he's always joyful. He's not disturbed by these material condition
- One who is fortunate, after reading Bhagavad-gita thoroughly, he'll have a strong faith in Krsna. If you have failed to achieve this status of faith, then there is no question of progress
- One who is in Krsna consciousness, he's already on the Brahman platform. That means liberated
- One who is intelligent, he should try to understand that "What kind of body am I going to get next?" That is intelligence. So that is also explained in the Bhagavad-gita, what kind of body you can get
- One who is not executing his own religious principle, he is no better than the animals. So who will see that everyone engaged in discharging his occupational duty? Sva-dharmam means occupational duty. It is the duty of the king, government
- One who is pure devotee, he does not pray to God for any personal interest. Even if he is distressed, he says, "O Lord, it is Your kindness. You have put me in distress just to rectify me"
- One who is transcendentally realized, he does not care for the unfavorable or favorable. He knows that "When the time will come, either the favorable things or unfavorable things will come in the law of nature. Let me be engaged in my own business, KC"
- One who is trying to concentrate his mind on the imperson, or voidness, it is very difficult and troublesome
- One who takes to spiritual culture, for them, this place is unfit. Unfit. My Guru Maharaja used to say that "This place is not fit for any gentleman's living"
- Ordinary work is karma. And when it is added with yoga, that means spiritualized work. Yoga. Yoga means spiritual perfection or linking up with the Supreme. So karma and karma-yoga, there is gulf of difference
- Other yoga system there must be mixture of bhakti. But bhakti-yoga is unadulterated devotion
- Our activities are conditioned, not free. But you can attain a life of freedom, life of unlimited energy, unlimited happiness, unlimited bliss. There is possibility. This is not story or fiction
- Our appeal is that throughout the whole world people should come, try to understand Bhagavad-gita, and set up examples and do the needful. Then everything will be peaceful. This is the peace formula
- Our business is how to become recognized by Krsna
- Our business is to conquer over the demands of the body. The demands of the body is eating, sleeping, sex and defense. So spiritual life means make it almost nil
- Our business is to surrender. That is a fact. But we do not know where to surrender. That is the difficulty. And because the surrender is mistaken or misplaced, therefore the whole world is chaotic condition
- Our business is very thankless task. We say any man who is not a devotee, he is rascal. We say generally. It is very harsh word, but we have to use it. As soon as we see that he is not a devotee of Krsna, then he's a rascal
- Our business should be not to associate with the material qualities. Even up to goodness. Material quality, goodness means the brahminical quality. Sattva sama damas titiksa. So devotional service is transcendental
- Our countrymen also, those who are leaders, those who are thoughtful, philosophers, scientists, they should try to understand this Krsna philosophy. That is my request
- Our duty is to know Krsna. Janma karma. Krsna comes, Krsna appears, Krsna disappears. Why Krsna comes? Why Krsna is not seen? Janma karma. Why He acts? Why He takes birth in the battlefield of Kuruksetra? Why He teaches Arjuna?
- Our duty is to rise early in the morning and open the door of God's room
- Our fight is with the ignorance of the people, because at the present moment people are kept in ignorance, in foolishness, that he is this body, bodily identification
- Our ignorance is so great that we accept this body, this dead body, as my father. This body is not only dead now, it was always dead. Because the living soul was there, within this dead body, it was moving
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is meant for educating everyone to become divine. That is the program
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is not meant for, I mean to say, mitigating the so-called sufferings of the body. When there is body, there must be suffering. So we should not be very much disturbed by the sufferings of the body
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is specially meant for talking about Krsna, Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is to educate people on the principles of the teachings of Bhagavad-gita. So if you understand Bhagavad-gita thoroughly, then you will understand Lord Rama also and other incarnations, because Krsna is present with all
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is trying to save the human society from this risky life and to understand what is God, how he can go back to home, how he can get eternal life. This is our business
- Our necessities, the created necessities, they are necessities of the body. The body requires to eat. The body requires rest. The body requires sex. The body requires defense. But the soul does not require
- Our only ambition is that to place Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. That is our proposition
- Our only request is that "Take Krsna as the original father, original father"
- Our only request is that if you want happiness, if you want to prosper, make your life successful, you must read Bhagavad-gita thoroughly, as it is, as Krsna says. Don't try to misinterpret
- Our only request is that you chant the holy name of God. If you have got any name of God, you can chant. You'll be purified
- Our philosophy is that we prepare nice foodstuff and we offer to Krsna, and after He has eaten, then we take it. That is our philosophy. We don't take anything which is not offered to Krsna
- Our process is - we have repeatedly explained this - that we do not speculate about God. Just like there are so many others, theosophists and theologists, they're speculating what is God. They don't accept
- Our process of accepting knowledge is the parampara system. Avaroha-pantha. There are two ways of acquiring knowledge, aroha-pantha and avaroha-pantha. Knowledge coming from the authorities, that is perfect knowledge
- Our proposition is that we are, I mean to say, presenting Bhagavad-gita as it is. We do not misinterpret
- Our relationship with God or Krsna is always existing, but when there is some intervention, maya, then we think, "There is no God" or "I am God," like that
- Our request is that every one of you become a guru. That is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's order
- Our simple method is to see whether somebody is speaking about Krsna or what Krsna has said. If he does not do so, then immediately accept him asuram bhavam asritah, a raksasa. How you can accept him as guru?
- Our Vedic conception of life, creation, is not like Darwin. They think that they'll get knowledge from monkey. But we do not take knowledge from monkey. Therefore we do not keep ourself in darkness
- Out of many millions and millions of persons, actually they are serious to understand, "What is the aim of life? What is God? What is my relation..." Nobody is interested
- Out of many, many thousands and millions of people, one takes to the scientific institute of varnasrama-dharma. That means followers of the Vedas, strictly
- Paramatma is seeing, Hrsikesa is seeing that you are doing this. So we may forget what nuisance we had done in our last life, but Paramatma is there, witness; you have to get a body according to your work
- Parantapa means
- Pasturing ground for the cows - the grass is produced by rains, and the animals, they eat the grass, and they produce milk. You require milk. So everything, the main source of supply is the rainfall from the sky
- People are suffering due to Godlessness, and, if you want to serve the people, your society, your country, the whole human society, then try yourself, try your best, you just rise up to the occasion of becoming Krsna conscious
- People are surprised sometimes that "These people do not work, do not take any profession, simply chant Hare Krsna. How they live?" So that is no question
- People are very much anxious to have one religion, one God, one scripture, and one business or one activity of life. This is summarized in the Bhagavad-gita - that one God is Krsna. Krsna is not sectarian God. Krsna means the greatest pleasure
- People are very much proud of their knowledge. But Krsna says that knowledge means ksetra-ksetrajnayor jnanam. Knowledge means to know the field and the actual proprietor of the field
- People do not believe that Krsna is a historical person, at the same time, He's the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- People do not see the effect of abominable activities because they do not know Krsna. But they will have to suffer the consequence. Time will come when there will be devastation, just like there was First & Second War and there was mass devastation
- People generally pray for material benefits: "O God, give us our daily bread. Give me nice position. Give me nice wife, nice following or this or victory," so on, so on, so on, simply for material enjoyment
- People have no preliminary knowledge even. Everyone is thinking, "I am this body." "I am Indian," "I am American," "I am Hindu," "I am Muslim," "I am brahmana," "I am ksatriya." It is not this body I am
- People may ask that "By mentioning these great fighter, what spiritual progress we make? Because we are meant for chanting Hare Krsna maha-mantra, so by chanting the names of these great fighters, what do we gain?"
- People misunderstand that Bhagavad-gita is ordinary warfare, violence. But it is not that. It is arranged by Krsna because, to fulfill His mission
- Perfect knowledge means one who has perfect vision of the perfect - not theoretical, but actual vision of the spiritual subject matter
- Perfection is, Krsna says that "I am the origin of brahma-jyotir." Therefore from the brahma-jyotir one should make progress up to Krsna
- Perfection means to understand his real constitutional position, that he is not this material body; he is spirit soul, Brahman. That is perfection, perfection of knowledge, brahma-jnana
- Please engage me in your service, that's all. That should be the demand
- Prabhupada, when I'm serving you sometimes I feel very nice, but then when I think of how bad and imperfect this service is, I feel terrible. Which is right to feel?
- Pranipata means
- Pranipata means prakrsta-rupena nipatam, no reservation
- Pranipatena, pariprasnena and sevaya. What is pranipata? Pranipata means surrender. Surrender. You must select a person where you can surrender yourself because nobody likes to surrender to anyone
- Present life means so long we possess this material body, it is full of inauspicity
- Process of eating or your process of securing ingredients for eating, or your cooking, nothing is stopped. Only, only thing is required that instead of cooking for yourself for the satisfaction of your tongue, you please cook it for satisfaction of Krsna
- Purification of the sense means
- Rabindranath Tagore is nice poet from materialistic point of view. That's all. To satisfy the materialistic person. He is not a nice poet from spiritualistic point of view. We have nothing to do with him
- Ramanuja-sampradaya - that means followers of Acarya Ramanuja; Madhvacarya-sampradaya, or the followers of Madhvacarya; Nimbarka-sampradaya, followers of Nimbarka Acarya; and Visnu Svami-sampradaya. Their conclusion is the same
- Rascal guru will say, "Yes, you can eat anything. You can do anything. Religion has nothing to do with eating"
- Real guru is never to be killed, but the so-called guru has to be killed
- Real piety means to come to the platform of sanatana-dharma. So if we do not come to the platform of sanatana-dharma from the platform of asanatana-dharma, we are simply committing sins
- Real problem is how to stop death, how to stop birth, how to stop old age, and how to stop disease. That is real problem. That can be done when you are liberated from this material world. This is our problem
- Real problem, which very much disturbing us, that we, all of us, we do not want to die, but the science could not give us any formula assuring that "There is no more death." That is not possible
- Real renunciation means you have to give up the andha-kupa life and take shelter of Krsna, harim asrayeta. If you take shelter of Krsna, then you can give up this, all this "ism" life. Otherwise, it is not possible
- Repeatedly we are spending our gallons of blood, "Don't do this"; still they are doing. Cannot give up even sleeping. So condemned, Kali-yuga. Mandah sumanda-matayah. So it is very difficult with these rascals. Very, very difficult
- Ruci means you will simply hanker after spiritual things. You won't like to hear anything except spiritual message. You won't like to do anything except spiritual activities. You won't like to eat anything which is not spiritualized
- Rules and regulations are required so long we do not develop that love of God. When actually one develops love of God, there is no question of rules and regulations. Automatically he obeys all the rules and regulations
- Rupa Gosvami made two verses for our guidance
- Rupa Gosvami was given lesson for ten days continually at Allahabad, Prayaga, Dasasvamedha-ghata. As a result of his instruction, he first wrote this Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, which we have translated into English, Nectar of Devotion
- Sa eva go-kharah. Everyone is interested with this bodily conception of life like cats and dogs. This is the position. Not only now, always, this is the material condition
- Sa kaleneha yogo nastah parantapa. That was lost. Although it is eternal, still, because the parampara system or the disciplic succession broke, therefore the real meaning or real purport of Bhagavad-gita was not received
- Sadhana means the activity by which we can attain, we can achieve that goal of life. This is called sadhya-sadhana. The Darwin theory, although they are giving some idea of progressive evolution, but he does not know what is the goal of life
- Saksi-gopala
- Sambhavitasya, one who is very reputed, famous man, if he does something wrong, then it was better to die before such infamy is grown. This is advised. Arjuna is famous as a great fighter
- Sanskrit language means
- Saranagati, surrender. Surrender means that "I am surrendering to Krsna with full faith that He is quite competent and able to give me protection." This is called surrender
- Sarpah krurah khalah krurah sarpat kruratarah khalah, that "Two kinds of krurah, envious animals, are there. One is the snake, and the other is envious man"
- Sastra says, "No, no. You live with the minimum necessities. Don't increase your necessities unnecessarily." This is Vedic civilization. And the modern civilization is even increase your necessities - a machine for shaving your cheek. You see?
- Sastra-caksusa. Sastra... Either you take direct perception or through the sastra... Through the sastra the perception is better than direct perception
- Self-discipline means not to identify with this body. That is self-discipline. It requires training of course
- Sense gratification means you must have material senses to gratify. So Krsna is so pleased, so merciful, not pleased, but He's very merciful, "All right, this rascal wants like this. Give him this facility. All right
- Service is a thing which is the constant companion of the living being, and therefore it may be safely concluded that rendering of service by a living being is the eternal religion
- Service means that you obey the order of the master. It doesn't matter what it is
- Sex life is allowed married life. That is gradually nivrtti, married life; otherwise they will become upstarts. The society will be lost
- Sex life is not bad, provided it is executed according to the religious principles
- Siddhi means to understand the spiritual identification and work for it. That is called siddhi. So the attempt for such thing is called mukti: to get rid of the material entanglement. So bhukti-mukti-siddhi. There are three stages
- Siksa-guru does not mean he is speaking something against the teachings of the diksa-guru. He is not a siksa guru; he is a rascal
- Simple method: chanting this Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. So this is our propaganda. We don't charge anything. We don't say that "I sell one mantra. You take it and give me some dollars"
- Simply by accepting the process of Krsna consciousness, one develops the daivi sampat, divine quality
- Simply by practicing Krsna consciousness there can be peace, there can be prosperity, there can be happiness. Otherwise we shall be entangled
- Simply chant Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare - Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare, and gradually you'll realize how to become immortal
- Simply if he thinks of Krsna always in the process as described here, he becomes liberated
- Simply like layman if you dismiss that "There is no God, there is no soul," this is simply rascaldom, simply rascaldom. Don't remain rascals. Here is Bhagavad-gita. Learn everything very particularly, very minutely. And it is open for everyone
- Simply superficially if we understand Krsna that: Krsna was born of the father & mother, Devaki and Vasudeva, He was born in Mathura & then played with the gopis and He taught something on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra - that is not sufficient knowledge
- Simply we are teaching that "Become God conscious." God is neither Hindu nor Muslim nor Christian. He's God. And we are also not Hindu or Muslim or Christian. This is our bodily designation. We are all pure, part and parcel of the Supreme
- Sinner is illusioned. He's mad. If you hate him, then how you can deliver him? Therefore those who are devotees, those who are really servant of God, they have no hate for anyone
- So a ksatriya's business is always prepared to fight. Fight means that to see that everyone is acting nicely. Because if you are not acting nicely, and if I say that "You are not acting nicely," you'll be angry
- So as the woman or the child requires the protection of somebody, similarly, by nature we are under the protection of some leader. But that supreme leadership is vested in the Supreme Lord
- So don't believe your so-called senses as the source of knowledge. No. The source of knowledge should be by hearing
- So don't make a cheater and cheated society. Just follow the parampara system as it is prescribed in the Vedic literature, as it is recommended by Krsna. Try to understand it from the authoritative source and try to apply it in your life
- So even by failure, they would get some title and allowed to practice as medical man. But that does not mean that we may try to fail also. No. The aim should be to become successful, not to fail, not to fail
- So everything requires qualification. So this Krsna consciousness movement means we are trying to make the people qualified to see Krsna. Without being qualified, how can you see? That requires qualification
- So far we are concerned, Krsna conscious, so long our bodily concept of life is not completely eradicated, we must follow the sva-dharma of the body. Brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra, ity adi. But when actually advanced, that is maha-bhagavata
- So first of all there must be a strong impulse to inquire about the transcendental subject matter. Then one requires a guru. Not that, to follow a fashion, that one has guru
- So long we are entrapped with the bodily concept of life, there is no question of spiritual life. That is the beginning. What is that? Dehino 'smin yatha dehe kaumaram yauvanam jara, tatha dehantara-praptih
- So long we are on the platform of mental speculation, we should understand that we are on the material plane, because mind is material. Mind is not spiritual
- So long we have got this body, material body, we must be unhappy. First of all, we must try to understand why we are unhappy. We are unhappy because we are in this material body
- So long we'll continue this propensity of sense enjoyment, you'll have to accept body. That is birth and death. So long. Therefore, the process should be how to make zero all these propensities. That is perfection. Not to enhance it
- So long you are in the bodily concept of life, you are no better than the animal. That is the Bhagavata philosophy. You are animal
- So long you come, do not come to Krsna consciousness, your, these two business will go on, lamenting and hankering. And as soon as you come to Krsna consciousness, you become joyful. There is no reason of lamenting
- So long you require some material facilities, you'll get material facilities, but that is not solution of the problems of your life
- So many rascals come, they challenge, "Can you show me God?" So... Yes. We can show you God, provided you have got the eyes. God can be seen by different type of eyes. Not these eyes. That is stated in the sastra
- So tattva-darsi, one who has seen the truth, you have to accept him as guru. Tattva-darsi. Darsi means who has practical experience
- So this bluffing, these cheating things are going on. And because we are unable to cheat and bluff, nobody cooperates with us. They want to be cheated and bluffed. That is the business
- So this Krsna consciousness movement means we are trying link up our connection with the supreme controller. We do not wish to become the controller. We want to be controlled - but by the supreme controller, not by others
- So we are living in this planet, but in other planets also there are different forms of life. So there is one planet... There are many millions of planet. Specifically, there is one planet within this universe that is called Siddhaloka
- So we have got very short-cut criterion to understand a rascal and intelligent man. What is that? If he is a devotee of Krsna, then he is intelligent man. If he is not, then he's rascal. That's all
- So when you further advance you'll find there is no distinction between black and white. Just like a flower is coming out, there are many colors. So it is coming from the same source
- So-called scientific calculation
- So-called scientific understanding
- So-called worldly honest men
- Solve all the problems of life. This is Krsna consciousness
- Some rascal advises that "There is no such thing, restriction, in the self realization. You can eat anything, you can do anything." People like that program. And as soon as there is restriction, they do not like
- Somebody can dedicate his life, somebody can dedicate his money, somebody can dedicate his intelligence, somebody can dedicate his words. So it is not at all difficulty
- Somebody offers you one million dollars, "Take it." You do not know what is the value of million dollars; you will refuse it. Little intelligence. So the choice is yours. In all the case, the choice is yours. If you know the value, instantly you accept
- Somebody, manusyanam sahasresu, out of millions, one tries to understand, to make his life perfect
- Somehow or other, we are thinking separate from God. But actually that is not the fact. We are interlinked always with God, with Krsna. But some way or other, there is some difficulty. That is called maya
- Somehow or other, you become Krsna conscious. There is no difficulty. "No, I have no money. I cannot worship Krsna in this way, so gorgeously." No. That Krsna does not say
- Something done in Krsna consciousness, knowing or not knowing, it will have its effect. These children who are bowing down, or trying to vibrate "Krsna", or clap, these things are being accumulated in bank account of Krsna consciousness
- Sometimes a diksa-guru is not present always. Therefore one can take learning, instruction, from an advanced devotee. That is called the siksa-guru
- Sometimes a materialist, he's thinking he's doing good but he's not
- Sometimes devotees, they want to love Krsna, but they fall down, they can't seem to...
- Sometimes horses, sometimes cows were offered. But in this age, Kali-yuga, they are forbidden because there is no such yajnika-brahmana. All kinds of sacrifices are forbidden in this age
- Sometimes if we are faced with a service we think is beyond our means
- Sometimes in disguise the king used to see whether this varnasrama-dharma is being maintained, properly being observed, whether somebody is simply wasting time like hippies
- Sometimes some foolish question is there, "Can you show me God?" The answer God is giving, that maya tatam idam sarvam: "I am everywhere. If you have eyes to see, you can see Me." So actually God is everywhere; otherwise how He is God?
- Sometimes we are getting better condition of life, sometimes we are getting lower condition of life. There is no guarantee
- Sometimes we are very much proud of seeing and challenge, "Can you show me God?" but we forget to remember that as soon as the light is gone, the power of my seeing is gone
- Sound is all-pervading, that is a fact, scientific fact. If that sound is potent, then it can penetrate even this material sky and go to the spiritual sky and go to Krsna directly
- Spirit soul is evergreen. The body is changing. That is to be understood. Body is changing. That everyone can understand
- Spiritual anxiety means
- Spiritual knowledge begins when one is perfectly aware that "After finishing this body, I am not finished." That is perfection. Not that those who are in this concept of life, that with the finishing of this body everything is finished. That is nonsense
- Spiritual life begins, first of all, sraddha, some faith. Just like you are coming here, kindly, to hear me. You have got little faith. This is the beginning. Without faith, you could not spare your time here, because here there is no cinema playing
- Spiritually, eternally, the fragments are fragments, and the Supreme is Supreme. Krsna is the Supreme, and we are fragmental parts. We are fragments eternally
- Sri Vallabhacaryaji, a devotee to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, wrote commentary on Srimad-Bhagavata, and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu rejected his commentary
- Sri-sampradaya, Brahma-sampradaya, Rudra-sampradaya. They are all in agreement that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Srila Prabhupada, from time immemorial we see that in India every time there has been a religious reform...
- Srila Prabhupada, of course, in fact, we are fallen, and sometimes I would like every time to think about Krsna, and...
- Srila Prabhupada, you mentioned the principle of intuition, that this is coming from Krsna. There's another principle called conscience which means the feeling that something is right and something is wrong
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is the supreme jnana-yoga and bhakti-yoga combined
- Srimati Radharani is the symbol of internal energy. Therefore we take shelter of Srimati Radharani in Vrndavana, and that is our perfection of life. Then it will be easier to associate with Krsna very easily. That should be our motto
- Srotriyam means
- Sruti means by hearing from the Supreme. So our process is sruti. Sruti means we hear from the highest authority. That is our process, and that is very easy
- Still, you come (to hear me). Why? Because you have got some little faith, "Oh, here is Bhagavad-gita. Let us hear it." So the faith is the beginning. The faithless cannot have any spiritual life
- Story of Narada Muni and the cobbler
- Submission means I must approach somebody who is actually in better position or higher position. Otherwise, what is the use of approaching? Tad viddhi pranipatena pariprasnena sevaya. And seva means service. You cannot challenge
- Suddha-bhakta means they do not come to the material world. Anyabhilasita-sunyam, the suddha-bhaktas, nitya, nitya-siddha, they do not come to this material world. They are everlastingly liberated soul, engaged in the service of Narayana
- Sunshine means combination of illuminating particles. That is sunshine. It is scientifically proven. Sparks, little atomic sparks, shining sparks. So similarly, we are also just like the shining sparks of Krsna
- Suppose if I say that "I narrated, I gave a speech in the sun planet and forty millions of years before," you'll laugh: "Oh, Swamiji's speaking some nonsense, that forty millions of years before he spoke this Bhagavad-gita in the sun planet"
- Suppose some chemical combined bottle is there; by accident it is broken. Does it mean that I shall give up all my duties to be done? And lament for the bottle only? What is this?
- Suppose somebody is Christian. He sees Krsna Consciousness as a movement of the Hindus. But actually it is not. Therefore, he has to become free from the designation of becoming an American
- Surrendering unto him means surrendering unto God because he is God's representative. But you are allowed to make questions, not to waste time, but for understanding. That is called pariprasna. These are the process. So everything is there
- Susthu nisthi... (spits) This is perfect. (chuckles) This is perfection
- Sva means "own," and dharmam means "occupation." Dharma means occupation and sva means own. Sva-dharmam: "one's own occupation." So according to Vedic civilization, everyone has his own sva-dharma
- Swamiji, is the Krsna consciousness is a development of this, only of our Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Tad viddhi pranipatena pariprasnena sevaya. If you want to understand that transcendental science, then you have to follow this principle. What is that? Tad viddhi pranipatena. You have to surrender
- Tad-vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet: "In order to understand that Vedic knowledge, one has to go to the proper master, teacher." Tad viddhi pranipatena pariprasnena sevaya. These are the things
- Take the example of a dead man. The senses, the hands, the nose, the sense organs, and everything is there, but now he cannot enjoy. The dead body, it cannot enjoy. Why? This requires intelligence
- Tattva-darsinah. Unless you have seen, how you can give information of the truth to others? So God is seen, not only seen in the history
- Temple is the only secluded place for this age. You cannot go in a secluded place in a forest
- That consciousness, transferring the present self-interested consciousness to Krsna consciousness, requires knowledge. Requires knowledge. And what is that knowledge? That knowledge is that, "I am part and parcel of Krsna. I'm not different from Krsna"
- That endeavor, that "I shall go and preach Krsna consciousness," is the best service to the Lord
- That is our duty. We have to disturb these envious persons, "Hare Krsna!" That is our duty, to disturb them. And that is the greatest service
- That is our Krsna consciousness movement. We simply educating people, "Don't waste your valuable life, the human form of life. If you are missing this chance, you are committing suicide." That is our propaganda. Don't commit suicide
- That is the practice. You should simply come to the thinking of Krsna. That is perfection. And if you become embarrassed with so many things, then there is risk of becoming a cat, dog, deer, or demigod, anything
- That is the purpose. Any religious system. If it teaches you how to love God, then it is first-class. Otherwise it is useless
- That is the subtle mystery of transmigration of the soul from one body to another. Now, if this, this life we purify just like rose, then next life we shall get a body which is full of flavor
- That one Supreme Person is maintaining the necessities of all living entities. So for a devotee who is trying to go back to home, back to Godhead, there will be no scarcity. Be rest assured
- That planet, Krsna planet, Goloka Vrndavana, that is self-illuminated
- That reflection in the water, of the tree, is not real. Real tree is up. Similarly, real enjoyment, real varieties - everything is in the spiritual world. It is simply reflection. It is not fact. Therefore our enjoyment here is called maya, or illusion
- That should be the motto of our life, that "I shall not do anything for my sense satisfaction, but I shall do everything for the satisfaction of the Supreme"
- The animals, they are suffering, but they do not care for it. they forget. So practically this sense gratification civilization means animal civilization. A little polished, that's all
- The answer is there in the Bhagavad-gita, that anyone who is simply engaged in Krsna consciousness, for his necessities of life Krsna will look after. Krsna is looking after for everyone's maintenance. Eko yo bahunam vidadhati kaman
- The argument could come that "If He is directing the wanderings of all living entities then I don't have to worry about surrendering. He will direct me to it"
- The basic principle of creation is that this material world is the field of activities of the rebellious living entity. "I don't want to serve Krsna. I want to serve my senses." That is the whole world, going on
- The beginning of service is chanting. Therefore it is said, jihvadau. Jihvadau means, jihva means tongue. Tongue. Your service begins by the tongue. How? By the tongue you can chant Hare Krsna, and by the tongue you can taste Krsna's prasadam
- The best example are the gopis. They, they had no other business than to keep Krsna always within the heart. Gopis requested Krsna, "Please, if You get out from our hearts then we can concentrate to our household duties
- The Bhagavad-gita is the basic principle of our Krsna consciousness movement. What we are spreading as Krsna consciousness, that is only Bhagavad-gita. It is not that we have manufactured anything
- The bhakti-yoga process is that if I do not like to see artificially the beauty of woman or man, if I try to see the beauty of Krsna, naturally my, this propensity of seeing beautiful man or woman becomes extinguished. You do not require to shut your eyes
- The bhakti-yoga system is that if you stick to the hearing of Hare Krsna and the music, melodious music of karatala, then naturally you become detestful for hearing other songs
- The body is not the self. The self is different. If you analyze this body, what you will find? Suppose we are breathing. What is this breathing? It is air only. Now, when the breathing is stopped, a man is dead
- The body is perishable, full of ignorance, and nirananda. Instead of becoming full of bliss, it is full of miseries. All the miseries that we experience in this ma