So there is no harm to become a householder. It is not that . . . I am a sannyāsī; I have given up household life. And one person who is a householder . . . there is no difference, provided it is on the principle of religion. I am a sannyāsī. I am forbidden to make any association with woman. I cannot talk even with woman in a lonely place. That is forbidden. I cannot talk with a woman.
I give you one practical example. When my Guru Mahārāja, my spiritual master, was living . . . I am speaking about fifty years before. We were all young men at that time, and one of my Godbrother, he was also young man, Dr. Oudh Bihari Kapoor, and his wife was also young. So his wife wanted to speak with my Guru Mahārāja. My Guru Mahārāja was at that time not less than sixty, or more than that, and the girl, my friend's wife, (s)he was not more than twenty-two years. But actually, she was just like his granddaughter. But she proposed, "Sir, I wanted to speak with you something confidentially."
My Guru Mahārāja said: "Oh, no, no. I cannot speak with you confidentially. You can speak whatever you like here." Just see. "I cannot speak." Now the so much age difference, so much, I mean to say, affection, still, he refused: "No, no. I cannot talk with you confidentially, because you are woman."
So a sannyāsī is forbidden not to talk even in private place with woman. But a householder, he, if he associates woman under marriage tie, then it is religious. And without this, this is irreligious. And that religious sex life is God. Religious sex life is God. This should be followed. If we, every one of us reading Bhagavad-gītā, every one of us, at least. . . so far India is concerned, that is a different thing. In America also, I find so many American gentlemen, they read Bhagavad-gītā. But I am afraid if they are reading Bhagavad-gītā so scrutinizingly, as it is stated here, dharmāviruddho bhūteṣu kāmo 'smi bharatarṣabha: "Sex life which is not against religious principle, that is I am." So in, I mean to say, regulated sex life, married life, that is Kṛṣṇa. So that is not without Kṛṣṇa. That is Kṛṣṇa.