Category:My Guru Maharaja
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Pages in category "My Guru Maharaja"
The following 322 pages are in this category, out of 322 total.
- I was always thinking of my Guru Maharaja, although I was that time not initiated. But the impression was there
- I was always thinking of my Guru Maharaja, that "I met a very nice sadhu." Although I was doing business, I never forgot him
- If I create one moon, that is sufficient. I don't want many stars. My Guru Maharaja used to say like that. That was my Guru Maharaja's principle, and that is my principle
- Krishna has kindly sent all of you to assist me
- My Guru Maharaja accepted me as a disciple because he saw in the beginning I was very inquisitive to hear him
- My Guru Maharaja is...
- My Guru Maharaja left in 1936, and now it is 1976, so after 40 years the litigation is still going on. Do not come to this
- My Guru Maharaja predicted, "There will be fire in this Gaudiya Matha"
- My Guru Maharaja's mission and my mission
- On behalf of my Guru Maharaj
- Our Guru Maharaja
- You are actually representative of my Guru Maharaja because you are helping me in executing the order of my Guru Maharaja
- Our Guru Maharaja replied...
- I Am Deputed By My Guru Maharaja - Prabhupada 0422
- I Am Doing 10 Times My Guru's Work - Prabhupada 0432
- I Am Puppet Of My Guru Maharaja - Prabhupada 0429
- I Deliver What My Guru Said - Prabhupada 0431
- I Get Personal Guidance From My Guru - Prabhupada 0434
- I Requested My Guru For Direct Service - Prabhupada 0433
- I Simply Tried To Satisfy My Guru - Prabhupada 0206
- I Wanted To Hear My Guru Maharaja - Prabhupada 0414
- My First Visit To Bhaktisiddhanta - Prabhupada 0412
- My Guru Forced Me To Accept Sannyasa - Prabhupada 0425
- My Guru Helps Me Through His Vani - Prabhupada 0437
- My Guru Maharaja Initiated Me in 1933 - Prabhupada 0424
- My Guru Maharaja Invited Gandhi - Prabhupada 0436
- My Guru Maharaja Produced Me - Prabhupada 0423
- My Guru Maharaja's Conviction - Prabhupada 0417
- My Guru Maharaja's Desire - Prabhupada 0418
- My Guru Revived This Movement - Prabhupada 0427
- My Guru Said "Better He Lives Outside" - Prabhupada 0419
- My Guru Said "Don't Try To See A Saint" - Prabhupada 0426
- Please Satisfy My Guru Maharaja - Prabhupada 0430
- Actually I did not follow him (my Guru Maharaja) in the beginning. High philosophical speaking and I was a new boy. I could not follow him, but actually I was so much glad to hear him. That's all
- Actually, to understand one verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam it requires at least seven months. Janmady asya yatah anvayad (SB 1.1.1). My Guru Maharaja explained this verse in Dacca for three months, janmady asya. Actually, it is so important. The beginning
- After taking sannyasa I was more engaged in writing my books without any attempt to construct temples or to make disciples like my Godbrothers. I was not very much interested in these matters because my Guru Maharaja liked very much publication of books
- All these things are great achievement of your London Yatra party, and personally I feel a great credit for me because by such activities my Guru Maharaja is certainly very pleased upon us
- Although I am physically unfit, I am trying to execute the orders of my Guru Maharaja as far as possible. So to take risk for Krishna is very good
- And you are all helping me to fulfill the order which Guru Maharaja gave me. So I am so much grateful to you, and I am sure Krishna will bless you a million times over, for doing this work
- As far as possible both should go on in parallel lines but still bhagavata marga is more important than the other. So you are all intelligent boys, so you should judge the desire of my guru maharaj and help me in that way
- As I am puppet of my Guru Maharaja, if you become my puppet, then that is success. Our success is there when we become puppet of the predecessor
- As soon as My Guru Maharaja saw that His neophyte disciples were increasing in number, He immediately decided to leave this world
- As soon as this poison will come "Suppress guru and I become Brahman" everything finished. Spiritual life is finished. Gaudiya Matha finished, violated the orders of Guru Maharaja
- As we have understood by the parampara system from my Guru Maharaja, so any of my students who will understand, he will keep it running on. This is the process
- At the age of 70 I had the energy to go outside India and apart from other various duties, engage myself in writing books even at night without sleep. All these have been done in accordance with the direction of my Prabhupada Gurudeva
- Be always cool-headed and utilize every moment in the best manner possible. I am successful only because I am following strictly the orders of my Guru Maharaja, and I do not deviate
- Bhagavad-gita should be discussed amongst the devotees. Sometimes we discuss Bhagavad-gita amongst the non-devotees. That is due to higher order, higher order - Guru Maharaja asked that "You go and speak." So we are doing that
- Books will always remain. That was the view of my Guru Maharaja, and I also have taken it. Therefore I started my movement with my books
- By My command you become a guru and save this land. This was also the mission of my guru maharaj and it is my mission. You will perfect your life if you make it also your mission
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu replied (to Prakasananda Sarasvati) that, "Sir, if I reply your question candidly, please do not be sorry." "No, I am not sorry. We are prepared." - Because My Guru Maharaja saw Me, I am the greatest fool
- Certainly if His Divine Grace were physically present at this time, it would have been a great occasion for jubilation, but even though he is not physically present, I am confident that he is very much pleased by this work of translation
- Daily I am offering obeisances to my Guru by vibrating his real name, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, otherwise it is impersonal
- Do not think for a moment that my interest is different from that of your Guru Maharaja. We are executing the will of Srila Prabhupada according to our own capacity. But combined effort would have been by far more better
- Draupadi said, - I am suffering because of the death of my sons, and this rascal (Asvatthama) is the son of our Guru Maharaja, Dronacarya, who has done so much for us
- During my Guru Maharaja's time, even a person was coming from a brahmana family, he was initiated according to the pancaratrika system taking him to be a sudra. So the birthright brahmanism is not applicable at the present moment
- Envious men will find out some fault anywhere. There is no fault, actually, but they will manufacture some fault. That is their business. So many persons were envious of my Guru Maharaja, but He was preaching and did not care for them
- Even the guru is not physically present, if you follow the vani, then you are getting help
- Every God conscious man must have respect for Jesus Christ. There is no doubt about it. My Guru Maharaja had very great respect for Muhammad, Jesus Christ. We pray Lord Buddha. Although he preached atheistic philosophy, but we know that he's incarnation
- First of all your guru, then his guru, then his guru - at least four, five generation, because the spiritual knowledge is received through the parampara. I have received from my guru; you are receiving from your guru; and my guru received from his guru
- Follow the instruction. Then you are secure anywhere. It doesn't matter. Just like I told you that I saw my Guru Maharaja not more than ten days in my life, but I followed his instruction. I was a grhastha, I never lived with the Matha, in the temple
- For my part I have taken up the policy of my Guru Maharaja. No compromise
- Four men liked me very, very much. One is my father, one is Dr. Bose, Kartik Chandra, one my Guru Maharaja, and..., who else? One, my maternal uncle. Rakal Chandrardha. He was very rich man
- From 1922 to 1933 practically I was not initiated, but I got the impression of preaching Caitanya Mahaprabhu's cult. That I was thinking. And that was the initiation by my Guru Maharaja. Then officially I was initiated in 1933
- From your report it appears that everything is progressing very nicely. What can I say? I am so much indebted to all you nice American boys and girls for helping me to execute the order of my Guru Maharaja
- Guru Maharaja did not say anything, that "You give up your family life." No, never said. He simply gave the idea. So I thought that "It would have been better if I was not married"
- Guru Maharaja established sixty-four temples, small and big. Just like I am increasing, he increased. So most of the temples were in Bengal. In Bengal there were about fifty out of sixty-four
- Guru Maharaja foretold. He told my Godbrothers, Sridhara Maharaja and others, that "He'll do the needful when time comes. Nobody requires to help him." He told in 1935. And after all, this was true
- Guru Maharaja has strictly forbidden, - Don't try to imitate big personalities like Haridasa Thakura, Rupa Gosvami
- Guru Maharaja liked me. I know. By his blessing it is, everything has happened. I was not worth. What did I...? I do not know why he liked. I was not worth. There were so many disciples. And still, he liked me
- Guru Maharaja made me obliged to give up my home life. So now, by his order, or by his plan, I gave up my home life, I gave up a few children, but Guru Maharaja is so kind that has given me so many nice children
- Guru Maharaja said saktyavesa-avatara, powerful incarnation. Therefore whenever there was question of Jesus, I never disrespected Jesus, never criticized him, because I know that he is powerful representative of God
- Guru Maharaja, he saw this. Now I remember those days, when he was instructing, "Do like this. Do like this." At that time, I could not understand. "Oh, why he's talking to me?"
- Haridasa Thakura, he was chanting very loudly; Caitanya Mahaprabhu chanted very loudly. So what more evidence you want? My Guru Maharaja chanted loudly, we are chanting loudly
- He (Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati) was a great astrologer, and he opened an astrological school when he was young man. And there are many big students still practicing. They are all students of my Guru Maharaja
- He (Bon Maharaj) was first deputed by my Guru Maharaja, along with our late God Brother, Bhakti Pradip Tirtha Maharaja, to open a missionary center in London, and they stayed there for 3 years, but didn't make any appreciable advance
- He (Guru Maharaja) never asked anybody to become acarya. He asked that, - You form a governing body of twelve men and go on preaching, and Kunja Babu may be allowed to remain manager during his lifetime
- He (Krsna) doesn't like it that you should dance like that, but he wants. "All right, you dance. You can take the facility, dance." Just like my Guru Maharaja, Tirtha Maharaja wanted his property. "All right, take this property." But what he is doing?
- He (my Guru Maharaja) asked me to take up this job as soon as I met Him in 1922; unfortunately I was so worthless that I delayed the matter until 1965, but He is so kind that by force He engaged me in His service
- He (my Guru Maharaja) is the first time that he allowed the sannyasis to drive in a motorcar. A sannyasi never drives in a motorcar, you see? But not for sense gratification
- He (my Guru Maharaja) was very sorry. At the last stage he was disgusted
- How you can finish Bhagavatam in seven days? You cannot finish even one word. My Guru Maharaja explained Srimad-Bhagavatam, the first verse, janmady asya yatah (SB 1.1.1), in Dacca, for three months. Actually it is so profound
- I (Prabhupada) am not saying anything which is not given by my Guru Maharaja. I am simply repeating what I have learned from him. So you please do the same and your life will be full of ananda - blissful happiness
- I (Prabhupada) consider you all as representative of my Gurumaharaj to help me in this helpless condition
- I (Prabhupada) was also attracted by my Guru Maharaja when he convinced me that God lives and we can live with Him. I find the same conviction in you and it has given me so great pleasure. Yes, it is the greatest discovery
- I accept Caitanya Mahaprabhu because my Guru Maharaja accepted. He accepted Caitanya as Krsna; his Guru Maharaja accepted. When guru says that Caitanya is Krsna, he quotes sastra
- I accept you all as assistants or representatives of my Guru Maharaja Who is still helping me because I am so feeble and unworthy
- I also do not feel separation from my Guru Maharaja. When I am engaged in His service His pictures give me sufficient strength
- I always think of my Guru Maharaja every moment, although He is not physically present, and because I am trying to serve Him to my best capacity, I am sure He is helping me by His spiritual blessings
- I am a sannyasi. I am forbidden to make any association with women. I cannot talk even with woman in a lonely place. That is forbidden. I give you one practical example. When my Guru Maharaja, my spiritual master, was living...
- I am always remembering how nicely you are preaching and helping me to fulfill the order of my Guru Maharaj. Thank you very much. May Krishna bless you both
- I am deputed by my Guru Maharaja to spread this Krsna consciousness movement in the Western world. That is his grace. He wanted that Western people, who are intelligent, they should learn what is Krsna consciousness
- I am giving so much stress and I am working so hard on this. Because this is my life and soul according to the order of my Guru Maharaja. And by his grace it is to some extent successful. And I took it seriously. I take it seriously still now
- I am going to America on the mission of propagating my publication Srimad Bhagwatam and I am taking with me 200 sets X 3 volumes of books depending solely on the goodwill of Srila Prabhupada
- I am going to USA, hopeless, just to make an experiment. My other Godbrothers, they failed. All right, Guru Maharaja asked me. In the beginning I did not do. Let me do it in this old age
- I am in receipt of your note and gift of one ring. Just now I am wearing it. Because you have sincerely offered, I must accept on behalf of my Guru Maharaja although I am not worthy
- I am not saying anything which is not given by my Guru Maharaja. I am simply repeating what I have learned from him
- I am pleased that the press arrangement is proceeding nicely, and you will be pleased to know that my Guru Maharaja drew a picture in which He gave great importance to the symbolic representation of the press next to the mrdanga
- I am saying this from my practical experience from my Guru Maharaja, from my spiritual master. He would never say that "I am going," "I am doing," no. "If Krsna desires, then I shall do it." "If Krsna desires, then I shall go." Like that
- I am so glad to learn that you have delivered the manuscript of Bhagavad Gita to McMillan & Co. on the date of my Guru Maharaj's birthday ceremony
- I am so much grateful to you both, husband and wife, that you are so much helping me to fulfill the order of my Guru Maharaja. Surely Krishna will give you all facility for making our Trinidad center a grand success. Surely He will bless you more & more
- I am speaking not my manufacture. I heard it from my Guru Maharaja. He told me that these are these, like that. Not unauthorized. I don't speak anything which I have not heard from my Guru Maharaja
- I am successful only because I am following strictly the orders of my Guru Maharaja, and I do not deviate
- I am sure that my Guru Maharaja will be easily inclined to your prayers than that of mine. You will do good always by offering your prayers to His Divine Grace Bhaktisiddhanta Goswami Maharaja
- I am trying to execute the orders of my Guru Maharaja, predecessor. I am not a so-called sadhu, taking a saffron robe, begging for fulfilling the belly
- I am very much pleased by your renewed and serious efforts to help me in my service to my Guru Maharaja. Please continue in this attitude and Krishna will save you, you need have no doubt
- I beg to thank you very much for your kind feelings of appreciation of my humble service unto you. You are all helping me in pushing forward this mission of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu coming down by disciplic succession to my guru Maharaj
- I blindly follow my guru maharaj. I do not know what is the result. So I am stressing on this point of book distribution. He told me this personally
- I came here with a service position, that I must give some service to my Guru Maharaja, not that I thought of success. But the spirit was that Guru Maharaja told me I must do something, whatever I can. It may be failure; it may be success - let me try
- I can also pass away at any moment. That is nature's law. Nobody can check it. So that is not very astonishing, but my appeal to you on this auspicious day of the departure of my Guru Maharaja, that at least to some extent you have understood the essence
- I can understand now that how much merciful was my Guru Maharaja that he forced me to take this life
- I consider you all as representative of my Guru maharaj to help me in this helpless condition. My Godbrothers did not help me but my Spiritual Master has helped me
- I did not understand him (Guru Maharaj), actually. In the beginning I could not understand him. He was speaking in so high philosophical way that it was not . . . still, I wanted to hear him. That was my only qualification
- I don't get any time to go into seclusion. My Guru Maharaja also did not approve of seclusion. He used to say: Dusta mana, tumi kisera Vaisnava?
- I had full faith that my Guru Maharaja is with me. I never lost this faith, and that is fact
- I have already sent copy of the instructions for celebrating my Guru Maharaja's Advent Day, to Syamasundara, as of yesterday, and you can read it to all the devotees at Istagosthi
- I have always been so careful to give you only those things which I have heard from my Guru Maharaja
- I have got this personal experience in my Guru Maharaja's institution. Different Godbrothers took the words of Guru Maharaja in different interpretations for sense gratification and the whole mission disrupted
- I have no capacity, but I took it, the words of my guru, as life and soul. So this is fact. Guru-mukha-padma-vakya, cittete koriya aikya. Everyone should do that. But if he makes addition, alteration, then he is finished
- I have no objection to your worshiping my murti for Guru Puja. But for placing in the temple there must be a pair of murtis, (my Guru Maharaja must be there) as in Krsna-Balarama Mandir, and they must be permanently installed
- I have no personal qualification, but I simply tried to satisfy my guru
- I have to thank you. It is all due to you. It is not my credit, but it is your credit that you are helping me in executing the order of my Guru Maharaja
- I have written in the first publications of SB, "The spiritual master lives forever by His divine instruction and the disciple lives with him.", because I have always served my Guru Maharaja & followed His teachings I am now even never separated from Him
- I must inform you that this Bon Maharaja may be considered as a black snake, and at the time of His Disappearance, my Guru Maharaja did not even wish to have him in His presence due to the character
- I never deviated from this plan. Since I heard it from my Guru Maharaja, I've simply planning how to do it successfully
- I recommend that all my students read Brahma Samhita very carefully, especially because it was translated personally by my spiritual master
- I remember that my Guru Maharaja would often send young boys out to sell literature of Krishna Consciousness, and if they would come back having sold only a few issues, Guru Maharaja was very, very pleased
- I remember the old days in San Francisco. Krsna has been so kind upon me to have sent so many sincere disciples to help me push on this Movement on behalf of my Guru Maharaj
- I remember the words of my Guru Maharaja when he told me that wherever there was money it should be used to print books, not that we shall have big big temples and then fight in the court
- I say that because my Guru Maharaja appointed me for that purpose
- I shall remain your personal guidance, physically present or not physically, as I am getting personal guidance from my Guru Maharaja
- I should have joined and executed his (My Guru Maharaja's) desire immediately, but due to my ill luck I could not immediately execute his order, but it was in my heart that it is to be done
- I started my own factory, the business was very successful, but everything was dismantled; I was forced to come to this position to carry out my order of my Guru Maharaja
- I strictly follow the instruction of my Guru Maharaja, that's all. Otherwise I have no strength. I have not played any magic
- I tell you frankly, whatever little success is there in this Krsna consciousness movement, I simply believed what was spoken by my Guru Maharaja. You also continue that. Then every success will come
- I thank you very much once more for the trouble you are taking for me. This is all for Srila Prabhupada's service. Finally don't mind all the trouble which I give you occasionally. Let us cooperate for propagating Krishna Consciousness all over the world
- I understand from Karandhara that you are one of the most staunch supporters and workers for distributing our books and I assure you that it is the highest service to my Guru Maharaja. Thank you very much
- I want very extensive doll exhibits in every center. My guru maharaj used to spend lots of money on doll exhibitions on Srimad-Bhagavatam
- I wanted, "Oh, there is a miracle. If I try to preach this miracle in the world." So he has given me the facility. I never wanted the Gaudiya Matha buildings
- I was always determined that somehow I would do everything possible to fulfill the desire of my Guru Maharaja, and despite all difficulties I always remained enthusiastic
- I was at that time new man - not exactly new man, but not recognized disciple. I did not go. So he (My Guru Maharaja) saw that I am sitting, I did not go to parikrama. He very much appreciated. I preferred to hear him than go to parikrama
- I was educated in Scottish Churches College, appeared for my B.A. in 1920 and then joined Gandhi's movement and gave up education. I met my Guru Maharaja in 1922
- I was telling you that my Guru Maharaja hinted that "If you get some money, you publish book." So from the very beginning, I am trying that. So this is specific. Other, following rules and regulations, that is all right. But a specific
- I was the manager of a big chemical factory. I started my own factory, and the business was very successful. But eventually everything collapsed, and in this way I was forced into the position of carrying out the orders of my Guru Maharaja
- I'll tell you another story about Mahatma Gandhi. My Guru Maharaja invited him in our matha
- I'm servant of that person who is engaged in the service of the six Gosvamis. And we pray to our Guru Maharaja, rupanuga-viruddhapasiddhanta-dhvanta-harine. Anyone who is going against the decision of Rupa Gosvami, reject him. This is our process
- If one is determined that, "I shall only act according to the advice of my Guru Maharaja," then he's perfect. One has to submit like Arjuna said, sisyas te 'ham sadhi mam prapannam (BG 2.7). Otherwise he'll argue
- If somebody asks you, "You are so much eager to sell your books. Do you read your books?" then what you will say? "No, sir, we don't read. We sell only. Our Guru Maharaja writes, and we sell." That is not good business
- If the opening ceremony can correspond with the celebration of the Disappearance Day of my Guru Maharaja on December 13rd, that will be auspicious
- If you ask him, "When you are going?" he'll say that, "I do not know when I shall go, but when Krsna will ask me or allow me to go, I shall go." I am saying this from my practical experience from my Guru Maharaja
- If you follow my instructions very carefully as you promise in your letter, then your life will be perfect. I am not saying anything which is not given by my Guru Maharaj. I am simply repeating what I have learned from him
- In 1918, my Guru Maharaja (Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura) started with this mission one institution known as Gaudiya Math. Perhaps some of you know the name Gaudiya Math. And he was trying to spread this message of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- In 1922 when I (Prabhupada) saw my Guru Maharaja and when I was convinced about his argument and mode of presentation, I was so much struck with wonder. I could understand that "Here is the proper person who can give real religious idea"
- In front of Caitanya Mahaprabhu you are chanting Hare Krsna mantra, and you are taking part in it very seriously. So my Guru Maharaja will be very, very much pleased upon you and bless you with all benefits
- In my last meeting with Prabhupada in Radha Kunda he advised me to print some books if I get money. I took it very seriously and by His grace we have now published my translations of Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, etc
- In this age, it is more important to create devotees than to construct temples. My Guru Maharaja advised me to give more stress on literary work such as publishing books and magazines in KC, and temple opening is a secondary consideration
- It is nice you are taking advantage of every opportunity for spreading Krishna Consciousness by speaking on radio, attending engagements. That is the method recommended by my Guru Maharaj--you are practically demonstrating this fact with good results
- It is not that My Guru Maharaja is dead and gone. That is not spiritual understanding
- It is not that we are a dry philosophy of dogmas and slogans. No. The language of Krishna Consciousness is ever-fresh and we can explain everything by it, just like my Guru Maharaja once lectured for three months on one verse from Srimad-Bhagavatam
- It was originally my Guru Maharaja's desire that there should be a center established in London, and by His Mercy, now you have successfully begun this mission; so please keep me informed how you are progressing there
- Just like during the lifetime of our Guru Maharaja, all our Godbrothers now who are acting as acarya, they did not do so
- Just like I am working, so my Guru Maharaja is there, Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati. Physically he may not be, but in every action he is there. I think actually I have written that
- Just like myself, I took initiation from my Guru Maharaja, but I took sannyasa from a Godbrother who is a sannyasi. So my original guru is that spiritual master who initiated me, but he's also a siksa guru
- Kanistha-adhikari Vaisnava, he remains compact in temple worship, that's all, to show the Deity and get some money and fill up the belly. My Guru Maharaja condemned this process
- Knowledge we have received by disciplic succession from my Guru Maharaja, from my spiritual master. Sanskrit is the language, but mostly we derive knowledge from Vedic revealed scriptures. And this is also one of them, the SB
- Krishna has His own plan for using your country-men for this movement. So, accept Krishna's mercy and do the needful. It is not just my desire, it is the desire of Lord Caitanya, then my Guru Maharaja, then it is my desire
- Krishna inspired My Guru Maharaja, and He inspired Me, and I am trying to inspire you all because Krishna wants it
- Krishna will give us all strength, and printing of Bhagavatam and other Vaisnava literature is my life and soul, so press is the biggest mrdanga, recognized by my Guru Maharaja
- Krsna as cowherd boy was running with his train. I have to take. And Jagannatha was snatching her cloth. They are very poisonous things. I was never fortunate with such incidences. I am simply trying to carry out the order of my Guru Maharaja. That's all
- Krsna consciousness movement is so beneficial that He wants to benefit the whole human society how to stop this process of repetition of birth, death, old age and disease. My Guru Maharaja came for this purpose & we are also trying to follow his footstep
- Like one of my big Godbrothers - he wanted to make business with my Guru Maharaja (spiritual master), but my Guru Maharaja did not take the bad side. He took the good side. He thought, - He has come forward to give me some service
- Lord Caitanya wanted this business, so by the parampara system through my Guru Maharaja and my humble self, the matter is handed over to you. Now it is up to you American boys and girls to do the needful
- Materially he helped Guru Maharaja how to organize. Therefore he liked him, that "This man is expert manager"
- My dear boys and girls, you are working so hard for broadcasting the glories of Lord Krishna's lotus feet and thus my Guru Maharaja will be so pleased upon you
- My father never prayed that "My son may become very rich man." He never prayed like that. Actually, his ardent desire that his son may become a Vaisnava. And my Guru Maharaja's training has put me this position
- My Godbrothers are envious because they could not do even half of Guru Maharaja's work, and I am doing ten times. So therefore they are envious. So if an ordinary man like me can do ten times, you are Americans - twenty times, then you are successful
- My Godbrothers, they also like my writing. After I wrote that poem for Vyasa Puja of my Guru Maharaja they used to call me Poet
- My Guru Maharaj always stressed the importance of distributing this Krishna Consciousness literature, so try to do it as far as possible
- My Guru Maharaj said that this materialistic society is a society of cheaters and cheated. Because people want to be cheated, men such as you mention have become very popular
- My Guru Maharaj used to lament many times for this reason and he thought if one man at least had understood the principle of preaching then his mission would achieve success
- My guru maharaj used to spend lots of money on doll exhibitions on Srimad-Bhagavatam. So I am sure that if we make doll exhibitions very prominent many tourists and visitors will throng in our temples
- My Guru Maharaja advised me to give more stress on publication work so most probably I shall try to concentrate my energy in this department very shortly
- My Guru Maharaja always instructed that it is not necessary that you have to qualify yourself for serving Krsna. Whatever qualification you have already got, that is sufficient to come to the platform of service. That’s all
- My Guru Maharaja claimed to be one of the sub-devotee assistants of the eight Gopis
- My Guru Maharaja did not travel all over the world, so I have got double energy than him. So you must triple energy, four times energy than me. Then actually disciple
- My Guru Maharaja emphasized book publication above all other preaching activities because it is the big mrdanga which can be heard all over the world
- My Guru Maharaja explained that you haven't got to learn anything extra for Krsna's service. Whatever you know, you just apply it... Then you become successful
- My Guru Maharaja explained this verse in Dacca for three months. Janmady asya. (SB 1.1.1) Actually, it is so important
- My Guru Maharaja gave me a task and always I was discouraged by my god-brothers, but I did not forget him even for a moment, and I was determined to follow my duty, even though sometimes I did not like to do it
- My Guru Maharaja gave me hint that book publication is more pleasing to me than Matha-mandira. So I took it and I began to publish books and that has come successful
- My Guru Maharaja had thousands of disciples. So out of thousands of disciples, practically I am little successful. That everyone knows. Why? Because I firmly believed in the words of my guru. That's all
- My Guru Maharaja has instructed me to spread this Krsna Consciousness Movement in the western world, so this is our first business
- My Guru Maharaja indicated that the mrdanga and the press are the mediums of our missionary propaganda activities
- My Guru Maharaja is described as rupanuga-viruddha-apasiddhanta-dhvanta-harine. He was strictly to follow the rupanuga principle. Rupanuga principle, Srila Rupa Gosvami directs in the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu - You some way or other engage people in KC
- My Guru Maharaja is Radha-Krsna-duta. I am simply trying to carry his order. That's all. I am not Radha-Krsna-duta
- My Guru Maharaja is servant of Krsna, his guru, his guru is servant of Krsna, his guru is servant of Krsna. I am also servant of Krsna, but I have to approach through the other servants, not directly. That is not possible
- My Guru Maharaja is tenth from Caitanya Mahaprabhu, I am eleventh, you are the twelfth. So distribute this knowledge. People are suffering. They are simply fighting on some false thing, maya
- My Guru Maharaja is very pleased. As soon as a book comes out, he is pleased
- My Guru Maharaja left alone, so he has sent so many gurus to take care of me. You are all my Guru Maharaja's representatives
- My Guru Maharaja liked the publicaton of books very nice. He liked publication of books more than construction of Temples
- My Guru Maharaja never asked anybody to become acarya
- My Guru Maharaja never compromised in His preaching, nor will I nor should any of my students
- My Guru Maharaja never took mango throughout his whole life. Whenever mango was offered, he would say, "Oh, I am a offender. I cannot take that"
- My Guru Maharaja ordered me to read; therefore I am reading. But actually I cannot read. So frankly I admit. This is staunch faith in spiritual master
- My Guru Maharaja particularly gave me this assignment (the production and distribution of our Krsna Conscious literature). Please assist me to your best capacity in this regards
- My Guru Maharaja passed in 1936, and I started this movement in 1965, thirty years after. Then? I am getting the mercy of guru. This is vani
- My Guru Maharaja pulled me out from this material life. I have not lost anything. He was so kind upon me. I have gained. I left three children, I have got now three hundred children. So I am not loser
- My Guru Maharaja purchased two camels. I do not know what happened, but he purchased
- My Guru Maharaja told me personally that "If you get some money, print books." Therefore I am stressing on this point: "Where is book? Where is book? Where is book?" So kindly help me. This is my request. Print as many books in as many languages
- My Guru Maharaja took sannyasa at very young age. So it is not that only old men should take sannyasa
- My Guru Maharaja used to say this material world is a society of cheaters and cheated. That's all. I want to be cheated because I don't accept God. If there is God, then I become responsible for my sinful life. So therefore let me deny God
- My Guru Maharaja very much liked my writing and he used to show others in my absence "Just see how nicely he has written, how he has appreciated"
- My Guru Maharaja would become very angry. He asked them, "Are you commercial-hired fools? No! Supply free!" He used to say like that
- My Guru Maharaja's contribution is that he defeated these caste gosvamins. He defeated this brahmanism
- My Guru Maharaja's desire and Caitanya Mahaprabhu's prediction is now being fulfilled. At least, it has begun to be fulfilled. So it is a genuine movement, authorized movement, and India's original culture
- My Guru Maharaja's gift
- My Guru Maharaja's Guru Maharaja, he was illiterate, Gaura Kisora dasa Babaji Maharaja. He could not sign even his name. But my Guru Maharaja was the best scholar of his time. He accepted him as guru
- My Guru Maharaja's plan was that I should come and preach. That was his first instruction. But I wanted that I will not take sannyasa and remain as a grhastha, and then I shall do it
- My Guru Maharaja's policy was to give nice facility to devotees so that they may chant Hare Krishna Mantra peacefully and make advancement. But we cannot be luxurious
- My Guru Maharaja, Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Maharaj, was always enthusiastic in opening the centers in busy cities
- My Guru Maharaja, Bhaktisiddhanta, he was not that type of Vaisnava. That is his special gift. He wanted every one of his disciples to go and preach the cult of Krsna consciousness. Caitanya Mahaprabhu wanted
- My Guru Maharaja, he convinced me (Prabhupada) that "Dependence, independence, they are temporary. But we are concerned with the eternal benefit of the human kind, and therefore you should take up this matter"
- My Guru Maharaja, he had magazines in six languages: English, Hindi, Bengali, Oriya, Assamese, and one Bengali daily
- My Guru Maharaja, sadhu, a saintly person, immediately passes: "Yes. It is all right." It is all right. Because there is glorification of the Lord. Of course, general public will not understand. But this is the standard, standard version, spoken by Narada
- My life is simple. I was householder. I have still my wife, my children, my grandsons. My Guru Maharaja ordered me "Go & preach this cult in the Western countries." So I left everything on the order of my Guru Maharaja, & I am trying to execute the order
- My mission has come out a success by the mercy of my guru maharaj who sent me on this mission. That was my only qualification in coming to your country, that I had the blessings of my guru maharaj
- My only qualification was . . . When I was introduced to my Guru Maharaja for initiation, so Guru Maharaja immediately said, "Yes, I shall initiate this boy. He is very nice. He hears me very patiently. He does not go away." So that was my qualification
- My own Guru Maharaja stressed the printing and distribution of literature even over gorgeous temple construction, and I also was printing even before I have big temples in the U.S.
- My Spiritual Master knew it that alone I could not do this great work. Therefore He has very kindly sent you all to help me in this task. I accept you therefore as representatives of my Guru Maharaja playing as my affectionate disciples
- None of them were advised by Guru Maharaja to become acarya. His idea was "Let them manage; then whoever will be actual qualified for becoming acarya, they will elect. Why I should enforce upon them?" That was his plan
- Now good boys like yourself and all my other spiritual sons and daughters all around the world have been giving me great hope that I may be able to successfully fulfill my Guru Maharaja's plan
- On the Disappearance Day of my Guru Maharaja, you may hold meeting to discuss His activities and offer respect to His Memory. Practically, this movement is His because it is under His order that I have come to your country
- One of His disciples who accepted sannyasa was one day forcibly dragged by his wife. My Guru Maharaja lamented with tears in His eyes saying that He could not save the soul
- One should have unflinching faith in God and spiritual master. Don't jump over God, crossing the spiritual master. Then it will be failure. You must go through. We are observing Vyasa-puja ceremony, the birth anniversary of our Guru Maharaja
- Our acharya Bhaktivinode Thakura was the perfect householder and we should take his example. How nice a householder he was and how nice children he produced; one of them is my Guru Maharaja. That is the example
- Our authority comes from Parampara system. If the Guru was not satisfied with Bon Maharaja and called him back, and since then, he gave up connection with Gaudiya Math and started his own institution, then how he becomes authority?
- Our Gaudiya Math people fought with one another after the demise of Guru Maharaja but my disciples have already begun fighting even in my presence. So I am greatly concerned about it
- Our Gaudiya Matha people, those who were leaders, they wanted to supersede the order of Guru Maharaja. Therefore it was failure
- Our Godbrothers. They are envious. What I have done to them? I am doing my business, trying to serve my Guru Maharaja. But they are envious because I am so opulent. I have got so much fame, so many influence, so much influence all over the world
- Our Guru Maharaja, so strict... A little discrepancy, he would chastise like anything. But we liked it very much
- Our Guru Maharaja, when we offered obeisances, he used to return me, daso 'smi: "I am your servant"
- Our policy is to live with devotees. Immediately return and live with devotees and take care of the Deities and Tulsi. That is our main business. My Guru Maharaja condemned living alone in a lonely place
- Our process is very easy. We have to see whether my Guru Maharaja, his Guru Maharaja has followed this. Then there will be no more doubt
- Our workers work hard and seriously and sincerely, this mission will advance. There is no doubt about it. Because we are sincerely working. There is nothing bogus. Our Godbrothers have deliberately disobeyed my Guru Maharaja
- Please be happy in separation. I am separated from my Guru Maharaja since 1936 but I am always with him so long I work according to his direction
- Please offer all the devotees my blessings. Their enthusiasm for distributing my books will please me very much. Not only will I be pleased, but my guru maharaja will also be pleased and they will all be blessed
- Practically, just like a vagabond I came. But I had full faith that "My Guru Maharaja is with me." I never lost this faith, and that is fact
- Puri - another of my Godbrothers. He was duplicate number one. So he was appointed acarya. Whatever he may be, Guru Maharaja never designated any acarya. And the Sridhara Maharaja, he was the principal man to support him
- So far I am concerned, I have not come here to cheat you nor to gain. I've come to execute the order of my Guru Maharaja
- So far personal association with the Guru is concerned, I was only with my Guru Maharaja four or five times, but I have never left his association, not even for a moment. Because I am following his instructions, I have never felt any separation
- Somebody says, "No, my father says it is gold. My Guru Maharaja says it is gold. Well, so many acaryas says it is gold," then you accept it, gold. So one accepts gold by the authoritative statement of the superiors, & one accepts gold by chemical analysis
- Sridhara Maharaja belonged to the Bagh Bazaar party. And I was living aloof. My Guru Maharaja approved. He said, "It is better that he is aloof from them"
- Thank you so much for your eagerness to see me. I am doing the work of my Guru Maharaja and similarly you also help me and we will be all benefited in Krishna Consciousness
- That (our Vaisnava standard) is sufficient for Madhvacarya, Ramanujacarya, it was sufficient for Lord Chaitanya, six Gosvamis, for Bhaktivinode Thakur, for my Guru Maharaj Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati, for me, for all big big saints and acaryas in our line
- That is my charge (disobeying my Guru Maharaja) against them (my godbrothers). Deliberately. He (Guru Maharaja) never appointed an acarya. First of all they appointed one acarya, you see, and later on he proved to be a rascal
- That is my personal experience. In the beginning, when my Guru Maharaja ordered me, I thought it that "I shall first of all become very rich man; then I shall preach"
- That is the idea of my Guru Maharaja, a Gurukula. We are not going to make some big, big scholars. We don't require scholars. We require ideal men by character, by behavior, by Krsna consciousness
- That statement of my Guru Maharaja, "the society of the cheaters and the cheated," is a fact everywhere. In a law court also, you bribe; you get justice. That is stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam: If you have got no money, then you cannot get justice
- That was Krsna's plan. "Come here. Do this work." You see. My Guru Maharaja ordered. Krsna wanted. I was resisting Him. That's all
- That was my qualification, whatever you may say. I was simply asking, "When Guru Maharaja will speak? When?" & I will sit down & go on hearing, & I will understand or not understand-others will disperse-I will not disperse. That he marked
- That was the order of my Guru Maharaja. "It is better to become a sweeper in the street than to become a false Vaisnava." That is real philosophy
- The "communal form of Krsna Consciousness" which you mention is not approved by me. It is all concoction. My Guru Maharaja condemned this practice. We must stay together and vigorously preach the Krsna Consciousness philosophy to the world
- The Bon Maharaja, he was coming from a brahmin family; he had to throw away his old sacred thread, and he was further initiated. He (my Guru Maharaja) did not recognize anyone as brahmin or high class. No
- The brahmana replied, - I am reading Bhagavad-gita, or, rather, I am trying to read Bhagavad-gita. I happen to be illiterate, but my guru-maharaja has said that I must read the eighteen chapters of Bhagavad-gita daily
- The business which we have taken to work together is neither your business nor my business as far we are personally concerned, but it is the business of Lord Caitanya and His bona fide servants like my Guru Maharaja
- The sentiments that you have expressed in your letter are all due to my Guru Maharaja who has deputed me to pick up all good souls like you in this part of the world
- The whole world is the society of cheater and cheated. That is the version of my Guru Maharaja. The whole so-called human society means a bunch of cheaters and cheated. That's all
- Then, in 1923, I left Calcutta on business account, and I started my business at Allahabad. But I was always thinking of my Guru Maharaja, although I was that time not initiated. But the impression was there
- There are some of my Godbrothers here in India who had constant personal association with Guru Maharaja, but who are neglecting his orders
- There was a famine in India in 1942, big famine. I particularly inquired among the disciples of my Guru Maharaja, and even the remote village, they said that "We have no difficulty"
- These sahajiyas will come out of so many devotees. What can be done? From my Guru Maharaja's disciples, so many sahajiyas came
- They thought, "This man is grhastha. He is embarassed with family life. What he'll do?" That was their impression. But I never neglected. Guru Maharaja told me
- This book distribution, that was my Guru Maharaja's purpose. He said that I have got so many temples and now in Calcutta I have got a marble temple, but I would have wished that if by selling the marbles I could publish and distribute books
- This book publishing was the most important work of my Guru Maharaja and he ordered me to continue in the Western world
- This Composer Machine is a vital part of our book program, so if you can do it combinedly very nicely, it will be the greatest service to my Guru Maharaja
- This Krsna conscious movement is based on this (pancaratrika-vidhi) process, that we accept everyone as lowborn. Even my Guru Maharaja, even if he is born of a brahmin family, he would not recognize that he is a brahmana
- This Krsna consciousness movement is expanding by their help. I am alone, but they are helping me. They are my gurus. I am not their guru, because they are helping me in executing my Guru Maharaja's order
- This poetry was found in the India House Library at London by Gurudasa. I was searching after it and my master has rewarded me of this after so long a time (34 years). Please publish it in BTG
- This preaching work is our mission. It is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission, my Guru Maharaja's mission, and my mission. It is through the parampara. As I am trying to discharge my Guru Maharaja's mission, you also try and things will go on nicely
- This process was also practiced by Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu; in the beginning of his sannyasa life he traveled all over India for almost six years and my Guru Maharaja also traveled, and similarly I am also traveling
- This Ratha-yatra, Radha-Govinda seva, prasada distribution. Only the new thing I am doing-writing of books by the order of Guru Maharaja. Otherwise, whatever I have introduced, I was trained up in childhood. I simply imitated. I am simply surprised
- This was condemned by my Guru Maharaja, that - To earn some money by showing Deity in the temple and eat and sleep - better you become a sweeper in the street and earn your honest livelihood and live
- This was practically introduced by my Guru Maharaja, that living in palatial building and riding on first-class cars, one can become the best devotee
- This was the subject matter of my Guru Maharaja's satisfaction. He liked to distribute books more than constructing temples. He personally advised me to print books if I have got some money
- Today is a special day, the disappearance day of my Guru Maharaja, Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami. So these acaryas, they come and they go, that is not like ordinary birth and death
- We are called rupanuga, "strictly following the footstep of Rupa Gosvami." Rupanuga-varaya te. And our Guru Maharaja was . . . rupanuga-viruddhapasiddhanta-dhvanta-harine: Anything against the plan of Rupa Gosvami, not accepted
- We get very much happy when our Guru Maharaja chastises us
- We have been taught by our Guru Maharaja, twenty-four hours engagement with Krsna. So maya has no scope to enter in our mind. She always remains aloof: "Oh, here is fire. I cannot touch"
- We have learned from our Guru Maharaja that preaching is very, very important thing, and when one is actually an experienced preacher, then he is able to chant Hare Krsna mantra without any offense
- We want to distribute as many issues of BTG as possible, so the more you can print and distribute, the more my Guru Maharaja will be pleased to see His Great Dream being fulfilled
- Whatever it may be, I require your help to understand it. Therefore you become my guru. If I require your help to understand something, that is guru. And you say there is no need of guru. Then why you are taking trouble to teach me this nonsense
- Whatever little success is in our movement, the cause is I have not tried to cheat. Honestly, what I knew, I heard it from Guru Maharaja and scripture, I took it. There was no cheating
- Whatever little success is there, that was only this qualification, that I wanted to serve him. That's all. Otherwise, there was no business of coming here at the age of seventy years. You have seen all my room in the Radha-Damodara temple?
- Whatever position I have got it is by guru's mercy and the Vaisnavas' blessings, otherwise I am insignificant. So I wish that Sridhara Maharaja may bestow his blessings as he was doing always, and my Guru Maharaja may help me
- When I first came to America I never imagined that this movement would spread so far and wide. I thought that my Guru Maharaja has ordered me to try to spread his teachings in the English language, so let me try
- When I first came to the United States I was seemingly alone for one year. But I never felt alone. I always felt the presence of my Guru Maharaja
- When I was householder, several times there was indication given by my Guru Maharaja that I should give up family life and become a sannyasi and preach this Krsna consciousness movement
- When I was mature, when I met my Guru Maharaja, then I thought all these things bogus. It has nothing, no value. This social movement, political movement, they are simply wasting time. Real movement is Krsna consciousness
- When I was seventy years old I decided, Now I must do and execute the order of my Guru Maharaja. And thus this movement was started in 1965 from New York
- When my Guru Maharaja ordered me (I became the spiritual leader of Krsna consciousness). This is the guru-parampara
- When my Guru Maharaja ordered me to spread this movement to the English speaking countries, I did not know how I could do it, but I never lost faith nor did I ever forget this order
- When they come to understand that, "We are all fools and rascals." That will be real progress. Just like Caitanya Mahaprabhu presented Himself that, "My Guru Maharaja found Me a rascal number one." Yes. That is real progress
- Whenever there was question of Jesus, I never disrespected Jesus. Never criticized him, because I know that he is powerful representative of God. We took it from Guru Maharaja
- Whoever you tell the chant to, it is effective. You have heard it from me and my disciples, similarly I have heard it from my Guru Maharaja, and so on, and on
- Why this Gaudiya Matha failed? Because they tried to become more than guru. He, before passing away, he gave all direction and never said that "This man should be the next acarya"
- You are all helping me in pushing forward this mission of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu coming down by disciplic succession to my guru Maharaj
- You are all intelligent boys, so you should judge the desire of my guru maharaj and help me in that way. Regarding the temple management, one man can be left behind, while the others go out, to take care of the Deity
- You are doing so much for fulfilling the desire of my Spiritual Master so you are indirectly the representative of my Guru Maharaj. He has been helping me in this matter by sending so many young boys and girls, otherwise who would help me in this mission
- You are right that politics should be avoided. In my personal life I did not participate in the political diplomacy of my god-brothers. I was simply thinking how to fulfill the order of my guru maharaj
- You are young men. You learn from my Guru Maharaja. You'll never see any picture, he was leaning
- You have rightly appreciated my real mission, that whatever I have learned from Guru Maharaja I want to present to the English speaking public
- You have taken seriously this work and I know that my guru maharaj is pleased with you because he wanted this. So by this your endeavor you will all go back home back to Godhead
- You should understand that as I have taken up this mission with full faith in my guru maharaja, as you also preach earnestly in the countries of South America, you will do the highest good for others and for yourself as well
- You so kindly have sent your car and drive to our place filled-up with fruits and flowers to offer to Radha and Krishna on the Disappearance day of my Guru Maharaj, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur. I am so much pleased
- Your enthusiasm for starting centers for educating the people of the world in this sublime Krsna Consciousness process is very good. You are actually authorized agent of my Guru Maharaj and through Him, Lord Caitanya
- Your proposal to move Tokyo Temple back to the center of Tokyo is very good. This was my Guru Maharaja's policy that we should remain in the big cities in order that the maximum amount of people could take advantage of our preaching
- Your sentiments and nice words are worthy to be offered to my Guru Maharaj. I am quite unfit for such words. Whatever I am doing, it is due to the work of my Guru Maharaj. Actually, He is the power behind me, and I am only instrument