Category:Prabhupada and Bhaktisiddhanta
- This category contains only direct references to both Srila Prabhupada and Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati
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Pages in category "Prabhupada and Bhaktisiddhanta"
The following 234 pages are in this category, out of 234 total.
- Guru Maharaja said, "Yes, he (Prabhupada) is very expert. He can do. So it is better to live apart from you. And he will do everything when there is need."
- I am just trying to disseminate this message of my Spiritual Master and if there's any credit for this service, everything goes to Him
- I was always thinking of my Guru Maharaja, although I was that time not initiated. But the impression was there
- I was always thinking of my Guru Maharaja, that "I met a very nice sadhu." Although I was doing business, I never forgot him
- If I create one moon, that is sufficient. I don't want many stars. My Guru Maharaja used to say like that. That was my Guru Maharaja's principle, and that is my principle
- If there is any credit it goes to my Spiritual Master, Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Prabhupada
- In my family life, when I was in the midst of my wife and children, sometimes I was dreaming my spiritual master, that he's calling me, and I was following him
- My Guru Maharaja accepted me as a disciple because he saw in the beginning I was very inquisitive to hear him
- My Guru Maharaja was very kind upon me because I was very much interested to hear him
- My Guru Maharaja's mission and my mission
- Prabhupada meets Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati and Srila Prabhupada
- These lines were presented by me to my spiritual master and He was highly pleased with me "The absolute is sentient Thou hast proved all impersonal calamity Thou has moved''
- You are actually representative of my Guru Maharaja because you are helping me in executing the order of my Guru Maharaja
- Actually I am the most unworthy servant of His Divine Grace because I delayed to execute His order by so many years. But it was better I began late than never, and therefore He has kindly sent to me so many young hearts to cooperate with me
- Actually I did not follow him (my Guru Maharaja) in the beginning. High philosophical speaking and I was a new boy. I could not follow him, but actually I was so much glad to hear him. That's all
- All along I have been discouraged in every way by my Godbrothers, but still I have stuck to my duty, keeping my Spiritual Master always in front
- All these things are great achievement of your London Yatra party, and personally I feel a great credit for me because by such activities my Guru Maharaja is certainly very pleased upon us
- Although I lived separately from the Math, practically I was in charge of the Math and under the instructions from His Divine Grace
- As far as possible both should go on in parallel lines but still bhagavata marga is more important than the other. So you are all intelligent boys, so you should judge the desire of my guru maharaj and help me in that way
- As I am puppet of my Guru Maharaja, if you become my puppet, then that is success. Our success is there when we become puppet of the predecessor
- As we have seen our spiritual master translate this word rasa into "mellow," we shall follow in his footsteps and also translate the word in that way
- As we have understood by the parampara system from my Guru Maharaja, so any of my students who will understand, he will keep it running on. This is the process
- At the age of 70 I had the energy to go outside India and apart from other various duties, engage myself in writing books even at night without sleep. All these have been done in accordance with the direction of my Prabhupada Gurudeva
- At the age of seventy years, nobody goes out. At least from Vrndavana nobody goes at the age of seventy years. But Krsna asked me. I thought that I must go, Guru Maharaja wanted it, Caitanya Mahaprabhu... Let me try
- At the present moment they, being conquered or influenced by the Western culture, they are also losing their identity. Therefore my Guru Maharaja ordered me to do something about the spiritual life in the Western countries. On account of this I came here
- Be always cool-headed and utilize every moment in the best manner possible. I am successful only because I am following strictly the orders of my Guru Maharaja, and I do not deviate
- Because I am following the instruction of Bhaktisiddhanta, I'm liberated
- Best disciple of Prabhupada
- Bhaktisiddhanta said three words, "It is better that he is living outside your company. He will do, when time will come, he'll do himself everything. You haven't got to recommend him"
- Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati personally told me that publishing books is more important than constructing temples. Of course, those same instructions remained within my mind for many years
- Books will always remain. That was the view of my Guru Maharaja, and I also have taken it. Therefore I started my movement with my books
- By disciplic succession, Bhaktivinoda Thakura, then my spiritual master. Then we are trying our level best. Similarly, you will also try your level best on the same principle. Then it will go on
- By My command you become a guru and save this land. This was also the mission of my guru maharaj and it is my mission. You will perfect your life if you make it also your mission
- By the mercy of His Divine Grace, I have got here many American boys and girls who are sincerely assisting me
- Certainly if His Divine Grace were physically present at this time, it would have been a great occasion for jubilation, but even though he is not physically present, I am confident that he is very much pleased by this work of translation
- Cittete koriya aikya, ar na koriho mane asa. So it is not my pride, but I can say, for your instruction, I did it. Therefore whatever little success you see than all my Godbrothers, it is due to this
- Concerning the installation of Deities of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Maharaja Prabhupada and myself, you have my permission to have them for the Chicago temple
- Daily I am offering obeisances to my Guru by vibrating his real name, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, otherwise it is impersonal
- Don't be satisfied that you have understood. No. This should be distributed. In my old age I have come to your country carrying the order of my spiritual master to distribute it. You are all young boys and girls; take this message and distribute it
- Dry renunciation is forbidden by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and we have also learned this from our spiritual master. The essence of devotional service must be taken into consideration, and not the outward paraphernalia
- Even ordinary living being, he does not die. Na hanyate hanyamane sarire. And what to speak of such exalted, authorized personality like Bhaktisiddhanta. He is seeing. I never feel that I am alone
- Even when I was a householder I was publishing Back To Godhead since 1947. But then my Spiritual Master dictated that I should take to writing books which will be a permanent affair
- Follow the instruction. Then you are secure anywhere. It doesn't matter. Just like I told you that I saw my Guru Maharaja not more than ten days in my life, but I followed his instruction. I was a grhastha, I never lived with the Matha, in the temple
- For me, personally, I had the opportunity to talk with my spiritual master not more than ten times in my whole life, not more. It may be less than that. But I tried to follow his instruction, that's all, although I was a grhastha
- For my part I have taken up the policy of my Guru Maharaja. No compromise
- Fortunately, both our spiritual master, Om Visnupada Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaja, and our humble self had the opportunity to take birth in the families of transcendentals
- From him we learned that intoxication, any kind of intoxication, is bad. Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura was very serious, and we learned from him. No, it is sastriya
- From my personal point of view, I think that I am so sinful that I cannot even approach Krishna to show me any favor. But I have only one hope, my Spiritual Master. He is very kind
- From the first time I saw you I have been your constant well-wisher. At his first sight of me Srila Prabhupada also saw me with such love. It was in my very first darsana of Srila Prabhupada that I learned how to love
- Guru Maharaja did not say anything, that "You give up your family life." No, never said. He simply gave the idea. So I thought that "It would have been better if I was not married"
- Guru Maharaja established sixty-four temples, small and big. Just like I am increasing, he increased. So most of the temples were in Bengal. In Bengal there were about fifty out of sixty-four
- Guru Maharaja foretold. He told my Godbrothers, Sridhara Maharaja and others, that "He'll do the needful when time comes. Nobody requires to help him." He told in 1935. And after all, this was true
- Guru Maharaja made me obliged to give up my home life. So now, by his order, or by his plan, I gave up my home life, I gave up a few children, but Guru Maharaja is so kind that has given me so many nice children
- Guru Maharaja was sitting on the couch, so I took him as ordinary gentleman. So then nobody asked me that, that "You are sitting? Get down." No. Nobody asked me. Then I was seeing that all other big, big disciples, they are sitting down
- Guru Maharaja, he saw this. Now I remember those days, when he was instructing, "Do like this. Do like this." At that time, I could not understand. "Oh, why he's talking to me?"
- He (my Guru Maharaja) asked me to take up this job as soon as I met Him in 1922; unfortunately I was so worthless that I delayed the matter until 1965, but He is so kind that by force He engaged me in His service
- He (Srila Prabhupada Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaja) lives forever by his divine instructions and the follower lives with him
- He was my spiritual master, and whatever he taught, we are speaking, that's all. We don't talk any nonsense
- I (Prabhupada) was also attracted by my Guru Maharaja when he convinced me that God lives and we can live with Him. I find the same conviction in you and it has given me so great pleasure. Yes, it is the greatest discovery
- I accept Caitanya Mahaprabhu because my Guru Maharaja accepted. He accepted Caitanya as Krsna; his Guru Maharaja accepted. When guru says that Caitanya is Krsna, he quotes sastra
- I also do not feel separation from my Guru Maharaja. When I am engaged in His service His pictures give me sufficient strength
- I always think of my Guru Maharaja every moment, although He is not physically present, and because I am trying to serve Him to my best capacity, I am sure He is helping me by His spiritual blessings
- I am deputed by my Guru Maharaja to spread this Krsna consciousness movement in the Western world. That is his grace. He wanted that Western people, who are intelligent, they should learn what is Krsna consciousness
- I am giving so much stress and I am working so hard on this. Because this is my life and soul according to the order of my Guru Maharaja. And by his grace it is to some extent successful. And I took it seriously. I take it seriously still now
- I am lower than you. I am the lowest of the all creatures. I am simply trying to execute the order of my spiritual master. That's all. That should be the business of everyone. Try best. Try your best to execute the higher order
- I am pleased that my generous father gave the first impression which was developed later into regulative devotional service by His Divine Grace
- I am praying to my spiritual master to give me strength to finish this work. I am neither a great scholar nor a great devotee; I am simply a humble servant of him, and to the best of my ability I am trying to please him by publishing these books
- I am simply an instrument in the hands of my Spiritual Master. I do not know how far I have got the capacity to carry His order, but I may say that I have a sincere desire to do it. This is Parampara system
- I am simply messenger. Mercy is of Bhaktivinoda Thakura and Srila Prabhupada. Before your coming they predicted, that "Somebody will bring." Maybe that somebody I am. Bhaktivinoda Thakura predicted
- I am so much obliged to you that you are all helping me in the discharge of my duties towards my Spiritual Master, although I was so much reluctant to execute it
- I am so pleased to learn that you are constantly trying to follow my instructions. Of course, I have no particular instructions, save and except the instruction which I have also heard from my Spiritual Master
- I am speaking not my manufacture. I heard it from my Guru Maharaja. He told me that these are these, like that. Not unauthorized. I don't speak anything which I have not heard from my Guru Maharaja
- I am speaking to you Bhagavad-gita, just learning from my spiritual master. So I have to learn it, but when Krsna spoke, He had not to learn it
- I am successful only because I am following strictly the orders of my Guru Maharaja, and I do not deviate
- I am the pet dog of my Guru Maharaja
- I blindly follow my guru maharaj. I do not know what is the result. So I am stressing on this point of book distribution. He told me this personally
- I came to your country in ripe old age, but I had one asset: enthusiasm and faith in my Spiritual Master
- I consider you all as representative of my Guru maharaj to help me in this helpless condition. My Godbrothers did not help me but my Spiritual Master has helped me
- I do not know whether I am authority, but my spiritual master has authorized me to do this
- I do not think myself a very learned scholar, but I have full faith in the service of my spiritual master, His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura
- I do not think myself an authority. I am just to serve the order of my spiritual master
- I had full faith that my Guru Maharaja is with me. I never lost this faith, and that is fact
- I had no desire to accept the sannyasa order and preach, but my spiritual master wanted it. I am not very much inclined, but he forced me. That is also done. That is special favor
- I have accepted this renounced order of life in 1958, and since then I am completely devoted to the service of His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada
- I have always been so careful to give you only those things which I have heard from my Guru Maharaja
- I have constituted one governing body as Prabhupada desired, governing body, but still they are not so experienced
- I have got many other Godbrothers, but I was particularly ordered to do this from the very beginning. So I am trying to please my spiritual master. That's all
- I have no particular instructions, save and except the instruction which I have also heard from my Spiritual Master. So all instructions in the disciplic succession directly comes from the Supreme Person
- I have no personal qualification, but I simply tried to satisfy my guru
- I have not done anything personally, very wonderful. I am simply serving my spiritual master and all the acaryas in the disciplic succession. If I have done anything of credit it is that I have not changed their teachings
- I may control my disciples, but I am controlled by somebody else, by my spiritual master. So nobody can say that "I am the absolute controller"
- I never asked my Spiritual Master one question except one: "How shall I serve you?"
- I never deviated from this plan. Since I heard it from my Guru Maharaja, I've simply planning how to do it successfully
- I remember the words of my Guru Maharaja when he told me that wherever there was money it should be used to print books, not that we shall have big big temples and then fight in the court
- I replied Him at that time, who would care for the message of Lord Caitanya while we are a subject nation? In this way, I had some argument with my Spiritual Master, and at the end I was defeated
- I say that because my Guru Maharaja appointed me for that purpose
- I shall remain your personal guidance, physically present or not physically, as I am getting personal guidance from my Guru Maharaja
- I should have joined and executed his (My Guru Maharaja's) desire immediately, but due to my ill luck I could not immediately execute his order, but it was in my heart that it is to be done
- I tell you frankly, whatever little success is there in this Krsna consciousness movement, I simply believed what was spoken by my Guru Maharaja. You also continue that. Then every success will come
- I think that His Divine Grace Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura is always seeing my activities and guiding me within my heart by his words
- I thought to myself, "Oh, I have done this wrong. I should not have sat with His Divine Grace." So of course, I did not get down immediately, but I took it, and from next day I did not sit. So rules and regulations automatically was taught
- I thought, "Oh, I cannot do this. I cannot accept this sannyasa." But My Guru Maharaja was so kind, and he is so kind still. Then he forced me, that "You must do it," taking, pulling my ear, he brought me to this line. In the beginning I was not willing
- I tried my best, because my spiritual master said that "You go and try to preach in English." So I tried my best, that's all. I have no qualification. So this is very nice point, yasya prasadat
- I tried to give aural reception to the words of my Spiritual Master, Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Maharaja, and thus I tried to engage my tongue in repeating the same words without any change
- I was a newly married young man, addicted to Gandhi's movement and dressed in khadi. Fortunately, even at our first meeting His Divine Grace advised me to preach the cult of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in English in the Western countries
- I was a young man in 1922 and I was also misled in so many ways. But my spiritual master saved me, Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaja
- I was always determined that somehow I would do everything possible to fulfill the desire of my Guru Maharaja, and despite all difficulties I always remained enthusiastic
- I was at that time new man - not exactly new man, but not recognized disciple. I did not go. So he (My Guru Maharaja) saw that I am sitting, I did not go to parikrama. He very much appreciated. I preferred to hear him than go to parikrama
- I was not very much inclined to take sannyasa, but Guru Maharaja is so kind that he ultimately forced me to take sannyasa and do this work. So it is all his kindness. So this is the memory of his kindness
- I was simply inquiring from other disciples of my spiritual master. At that time I was not a disciple. "So when His Holiness will speak?"
- If it is any credit for me, that is what you have written that I tried to give aural reception to the words of my Spiritual Master, Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Maharaj & thus I tried to engage my tongue in repeating the same words without any change
- Immediately after my meeting, he (my Guru Maharaja) said this, that "Why don't you preach this Caitanya's cult in the Western countries?" That is a memorable day. Of course, I did not know that I will have to do it
- In 1922 when I (Prabhupada) saw my Guru Maharaja and when I was convinced about his argument and mode of presentation, I was so much struck with wonder. I could understand that "Here is the proper person who can give real religious idea"
- In 1936, my Spiritual Master left this world leaving a message for me that it would be better for me to preach in English language
- In fact I am a worthless person because my Spiritual Master ordered me to take up this work in 1922 but I did not carry his order until 1958
- In my last meeting with Prabhupada in Radha Kunda he advised me to print some books if I get money. I took it very seriously and by His grace we have now published my translations of Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, etc
- It is due to the blessing of my Guru Maharaja. He directly told me that "If you get some money, publish some books." I took it seriously, so he's helping me. All our Godbrothers, they didn't take it
- It is not that I am directly connected with Krsna or Visnu. I am directly connected with my spiritual master, and my business is to carry out his order
- It is not that I am very much qualified. The only qualification is that I have tried to execute the order of superior authority. That's all. This is the secret of success
- Just before His Divine Grace passed away at Jagannatha Puri, I wrote him a letter asking what I could do to serve him. In reply, he wrote me a letter ordering me to preach in English the cult of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu as I had heard it from him
- Just follow his order. Spiritual master is along with you by his words. Just like my spiritual master is not physically present, but I am associating with him by his words
- Just like I am working, so my Guru Maharaja is there, Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati. Physically he may not be, but in every action he is there. I think actually I have written that
- Just like we are also following the instruction of our spiritual master. I don't claim that I am pure devotee or perfect, but my only qualification is that I am trying to follow the instruction of the perfect
- Money is coming there. Guru Maharaja said that "You do the right work, money will come. Money will fall down on your feet." There is no question of flattering. Do. Work sincerely. Everything will come, whatever you want
- My blessings are there, you do it, try. Just like Guru Maharaja gave blessings to everyone, but if they do not try, what can be done?
- My father was kind to me, and I imbibed from him the ideas later on solidified by my spiritual master, the eternal father
- My godbrothers always discouraged me but I did not give up, I am doing my duty and always keeping my spiritual master in front
- My Godbrothers, they also like my writing. After I wrote that poem for Vyasa Puja of my Guru Maharaja they used to call me Poet
- My Guru Maharaja did not travel all over the world, so I have got double energy than him. So you must triple energy, four times energy than me. Then actually disciple
- My Guru Maharaja gave me a task and always I was discouraged by my god-brothers, but I did not forget him even for a moment, and I was determined to follow my duty, even though sometimes I did not like to do it
- My Guru Maharaja had thousands of disciples. So out of thousands of disciples, practically I am little successful. That everyone knows. Why? Because I firmly believed in the words of my guru. That's all
- My Guru Maharaja is Radha-Krsna-duta. I am simply trying to carry his order. That's all. I am not Radha-Krsna-duta
- My Guru Maharaja is servant of Krsna, his guru, his guru is servant of Krsna, his guru is servant of Krsna. I am also servant of Krsna, but I have to approach through the other servants, not directly. That is not possible
- My Guru Maharaja left alone, so he has sent so many gurus to take care of me. You are all my Guru Maharaja's representatives
- My Guru Maharaja liked the publicaton of books very nice. He liked publication of books more than construction of Temples
- My Guru Maharaja never compromised in His preaching, nor will I nor should any of my students
- My Guru Maharaja ordered me that "You go and preach this philosophy to the Western world." So under his order I came, and I presented Bhagavad-gita As It Is, as you have read
- My Guru Maharaja ordered me, "You do this." I was trying to save my business, my family, with two hands, and Krsna took it in ten hands. And now, after making me beggar, He is giving me, ten hands: "You take as much as you like"
- My Guru Maharaja ordered, Krsna wanted, I was resisting Him
- My Guru Maharaja passed in 1936, and I started this movement in 1965, thirty years after. Then? I am getting the mercy of guru. This is vani
- My Guru Maharaja pulled me out from this material life. I have not lost anything. He was so kind upon me. I have gained. I left three children, I have got now three hundred children. So I am not loser
- My Guru Maharaja said that "You go to the western country." If he had said that "You go to the jungle," I would have gone
- My Guru Maharaja used to advise us to read Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu. Everyone, after initiation. At least, he advised me
- My Guru Maharaja used to say, bokaloka. Bokaloka. So I was thinking, "Why he's..." Even Rabindranath Tagore, he's a Bokaloka. So I was thinking that "Everyone is bokaloka?" Now I can understand that everyone is a bokaloka, mudha
- My Guru Maharaja very much liked my writing and he used to show others in my absence "Just see how nicely he has written, how he has appreciated"
- My Guru Maharaja wanted that some books should be published. So I tried my best, and he's giving success more than expectation. In the history nobody has sold religion, philosophical books in such large quantity
- My Guru Maharaja was very humorous. He was a Calcutta bhap.(?) Therefore he liked me. All others, they came from East Bengal. I was the only disciple, Calcutta
- My Guru Maharaja's plan was that I should come and preach. That was his first instruction. But I wanted that I will not take sannyasa and remain as a grhastha, and then I shall do it
- My Guru Maharaja, he convinced me (Prabhupada) that "Dependence, independence, they are temporary. But we are concerned with the eternal benefit of the human kind, and therefore you should take up this matter"
- My mission has come out a success by the mercy of my guru maharaj who sent me on this mission. That was my only qualification in coming to your country, that I had the blessings of my guru maharaj
- My other godbrothers they are concerned with litigations, politics, and diplomacy, so what is the pracara? As far as I am concerned I have the blessings of my guru maharaj. I do not need anything else
- My spiritual master appointed me that "You do this." Similarly I shall appoint somebody else, this is the way
- My spiritual master inaugurated this Pancaratriki-vidhi, and we are following his footsteps. Anyone who is inclined to devote his life for Krsna, he should be accepted as brahmana
- My spiritual master is the servant of his spiritual master, and I am also servant of my spiritual master
- My Spiritual Master knew it that alone I could not do this great work. Therefore He has very kindly sent you all to help me in this task. I accept you therefore as representatives of my Guru Maharaja playing as my affectionate disciples
- My Spiritual Master sometimes called me such names as fool and rascal and I remember that day always and feel transcendental pleasure
- My spiritual master used to say me: Strike while the iron is hot, so if we delay the matter too long it may not remain a favorable proposition
- My spiritual master was Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaja. He was also sannyasi. I am also sannyasi. So in this way, by the disciplic succession, we accept this sannyasa order. That is a formality
- My Spiritual Master, Sarasvati Gosvami Thakura, may appear to be physically not present, but still because I try to serve His instruction I never feel separated from Him. I expect that all of you should follow these instructions
- My students, they offer me so much respect, but all these respects are due to my spiritual master. I am nothing. I am just like peon. Just like peon delivers one letter. He is not responsible for what is written in that letter
- On the Disappearance Day of my Guru Maharaja, you may hold meeting to discuss His activities and offer respect to His Memory. Practically, this movement is His because it is under His order that I have come to your country
- On the first meeting he (Bhaktisiddhanta) ordered me to this (spread KC in foreign country). So at that time I was married man. I had two children. So I thought, "I shall do it later on." But I was trying to get out of family life. It took some time
- Once we had the opportunity to meet Visnupada Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaja, and on first sight he requested this humble self to preach his message in the Western countries
- Our Guru Maharaja, so strict... A little discrepancy, he would chastise like anything. But we liked it very much
- Our Guru Maharaja, when we offered obeisances, he used to return me, daso 'smi: "I am your servant"
- Our Krsna consciousness movement in the Western world is based on the above-mentioned proposition of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta, our spiritual master. On his authority, we are claiming members from all sections of the Western countries
- Our system, parampara system, is that I am just like disciple of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati. I don't say that I am liberated. I am conditioned. But because I am following the instruction of Bhaktisiddhanta, I'm liberated
- Perhaps if I would have joined from 1922, by the blessings of Guru Maharaja, I could do more preaching work. Anyway, it is better late than never
- Personally I have no credit for myself, but I am trying to act as faithful servant of my predecessors and just presenting without any adulteration the message which I have received from my Spiritual Master
- Please be happy in separation. I am separated from my Guru Maharaja since 1936 but I am always with him so long I work according to his direction
- Practically there is no credit for me, if there is any credit it goes to my Spiritual Master, Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Prabhupada, Who is helping me by sending so many good souls like you in this movement
- So at that time I was a little pessimistic, "I know all these sadhus there, I am not going.'' So he forced me, "Oh, why not come? Let us go
- So far I am concerned I am conducted by the order of a superior authority and liberated person. My spiritual master Om Visnupada Sri Sri Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Maharaja wanted it and just trying to serve Him without any personal whim
- So far I am concerned, I am a humble disciple of His Divine Grace, Om Visnupad Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Maharaja, who was the original pioneer of spreading this movement in the Western world
- So far I am concerned, I belong to Lord Caitanya's disciplic succession, and my spiritual master, who was just ninth generation from Lord Caitanya, ordered me that "You try to spread this Krsna consciousness in the Western world"
- So far I am concerned, I do not factually feel any separation from my Spiritual Master because I am trying to serve Him according to His desire. That should be the motto
- So far personal association with the Guru is concerned, I was only with my Guru Maharaja four or five times, but I have never left his association, not even for a moment. Because I am following his instructions, I have never felt any separation
- So far we are concerned, when our spiritual master used to chastise, we took it as blessing. That was very nice. And he would chastise like anything. "Damn rascal, foolish, stupid," anything, all good words
- Sometime in the year 1935 when His Divine Grace was staying at Radha-kunda, I went to see him from Bombay. At that time, he gave me many important instructions in regard to constructing temples and publishing books
- Sridhara Maharaja belonged to the Bagh Bazaar party. And I was living aloof. My Guru Maharaja approved. He said, "It is better that he is aloof from them"
- Taking the advice of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and our spiritual master, one can go to any part of the world and instruct people to become devotees by following the regulative principles, worshiping the tulasi plant and continuously chanting Hare Krsna
- That is a fact. I got good father and good spiritual master. That's all
- That is my personal experience. In the beginning, when my Guru Maharaja ordered me, I thought it that "I shall first of all become very rich man; then I shall preach"
- That was my qualification, whatever you may say. I was simply asking, "When Guru Maharaja will speak? When?" & I will sit down & go on hearing, & I will understand or not understand-others will disperse-I will not disperse. That he marked
- The eternal bond between disciple and spiritual master begins from the first day he hears. Just like my spiritual master. In 1922 he said in our first meeting, you are educated boys, why don't you preach this cult
- The people of India were entranced by the political leaders. We preferred, therefore, to come to the West, following the order of our spiritual master, and by the grace of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu this movement is becoming successful
- The present Krsna consciousness movement was started with belief in the words of our spiritual master. He wanted to preach, we believed in his words and tried somehow or other to fulfill them
- They thought, "This man is grhastha. He is embarassed with family life. What he'll do?" That was their impression. But I never neglected. Guru Maharaja told me
- This is His special mercy upon me and I always think about this with gratitude to this exalted personality coming directly from Vaikuntha World and we had the great fortune to meet Him
- This is the activity of your spiritual master, that he is preaching the message of Lord Caitanya and he's a disciple of Sarasvati Thakura. You should pronounce it sarasvate, not sarasvate. Sarasvati is my spiritual master. So his disciple is sarasvate
- This movement was started only for the satisfaction of my spiritual master. He wanted. So I thought, "Let me try in this old age"
- This was the subject matter of my Guru Maharaja's satisfaction. He liked to distribute books more than constructing temples. He personally advised me to print books if I have got some money
- We are simply trying to execute the orders of our spiritual master to the best of our ability
- We asked this question, bhoga-tyaga, to our Guru Maharaja
- We do not belong to any faction. But because the two parties, busy dividing the material assets of the Gaudiya Matha institution, stopped the preaching work, we took up the mission of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura and Bhaktivinoda Thakura
- We do not find any record where our Srila Prabhupada nominated any acharya after Him
- We got this information from His Divine Grace Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, and that knowledge is still going on. You are receiving through his servant. And in future the same knowledge will go to your students. This is called parampara system
- We had the opportunity to meet an avowed brahmacari in the personality of our spiritual master, Om Visnupada Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Gosvami Maharaja. Such a great soul is called a naisthika-brahmacari
- We had the opportunity to receive a similar blessing from Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami when we presented an essay at his birthday ceremony
- We have been taught by our Guru Maharaja, twenty-four hours engagement with Krsna. So maya has no scope to enter in our mind. She always remains aloof: "Oh, here is fire. I cannot touch"
- We offer our prayer to our spiritual master, rupanuga-varaya te, because he follows Rupa Gosvami, therefore we accept, spiritual master. Not that one has become more than Rupa Gosvami
- We presented an essay at his birthday ceremony
- Were we not favored by Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, by our first meeting for a few minutes only, it would have been impossible for us to accept this mighty task of describing Srimad-Bhagavatam in English
- Whatever I have learned from my spiritual master I have presented before you and similarly whatever success you are having only it is due to the purity of the message which you are carrying
- Whatever is being done it is not on account of my intelligence or endeavor because I am simply an instrument in the hands of my Spiritual Master
- Whatever is being done, it is due to His Divine Grace only. So my business is just to carry out His order. That is the way of disciplic succession
- Whatever is being done, there is no credit for me, but all the credit goes to my Spiritual Master, because He has arranged everything, and I am simply to abide by His order
- Whatever position I have got it is by guru's mercy and the Vaisnavas' blessings, otherwise I am insignificant. So I wish that Sridhara Maharaja may bestow his blessings as he was doing always, and my Guru Maharaja may help me
- When a disciple misunderstands a bona fide spiritual master, the master regrets for his inability to protect the disciple and sometimes he cries with tears in the eyes. We had an experience while my Guru Maharaja was alive
- When Guru Maharaja was speaking, at least my brain was puzzled. Even he would speak in Bengali, it was very difficult to understand
- When I first came to America I never imagined that this movement would spread so far and wide. I thought that my Guru Maharaja has ordered me to try to spread his teachings in the English language, so let me try
- When I met my spiritual master, Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaja, again I revived my old habit, and the same playful Deities became my worshipful Deities in proper regulation
- When I started for your country, I came to Mayapur. I offered my obeisances to my spiritual master, then I went
- When I was householder, several times there was indication given by my Guru Maharaja that I should give up family life and become a sannyasi and preach this Krsna consciousness movement
- When I was seventy years old I decided, Now I must do and execute the order of my Guru Maharaja. And thus this movement was started in 1965 from New York
- When my Guru Maharaja ordered me (I became the spiritual leader of Krsna consciousness). This is the guru-parampara
- When my Guru Maharaja ordered me to spread this movement to the English speaking countries, I did not know how I could do it, but I never lost faith nor did I ever forget this order
- When sorting articles, first Bhaktivinoda, then Bhaktisiddhanta, then my, then my disciples
- Whenever there was question of Jesus, I never disrespected Jesus. Never criticized him, because I know that he is powerful representative of God. We took it from Guru Maharaja
- While attempting to write this book, Krsna, let me first offer my respectful obeisances unto my spiritual master, Om Visnupada Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaj Prabhupada
- With no companion, I loitered here and there until 1958, when I took sannyasa. Then I was completely ready to discharge the order of my spiritual master
- Without seeing him (His Divine Grace Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaja) at that opportune moment never would we have been able to 2) be engaged in the factual service of the Lord under instructions of His Divine Grace
- Without seeing him (His Divine Grace Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaja) at that opportune moment, we could have become a very great business magnate, but never 1) would we have been able to walk the path of liberation
- You are right that politics should be avoided. In my personal life I did not participate in the political diplomacy of my god-brothers. I was simply thinking how to fulfill the order of my guru maharaj
- You cannot imagine what my spiritual master said. Or even if you read some books, you cannot understand unless you understand it from me. This is called parampara system. You cannot jump over to the superior guru, neglecting the next acarya
- You have given me the credit of being the best disciple of Prabhupada. That is very kind of you, but I am just trying to serve him. Whatever success there is is due to his mercy
- You should always pray to His Divine Grace because naturally He will be more affectionate to you than to me. Generally one is more affectionate to the grandchildren than to the children directly
- Your sentiments and nice words are worthy to be offered to my Guru Maharaj. I am quite unfit for such words. Whatever I am doing, it is due to the work of my Guru Maharaj. Actually, He is the power behind me, and I am only instrument