Left. Yes. In America it is keep to the right. So if you act against the law of the state, if you drive your car either right or left—because in different countries it changes—so you become criminal. But a dog or a cat or a cow, if he crosses the road right or left, it is not subject to the law. Therefore all laws, all scriptures, all regulation—everything—is meant for the human being, not for the cats and dogs. Therefore any society which is not subjected to the rules and regulation, this is animal society.
We are trying to be free from the rules and regulation, but that is meant for the animals, not for the human being. We have forgotten. We want freedom. We say that "We don't want to be regulated." That is not possible by nature. By nature . . . suppose you can eat up to certain extent. Say eight ounce you can eat. As soon as you eat ten ounce, immediately you become diseased. Other man, he can eat sixteen ounce, he does not fall ill. But your capacity, suppose you can eat eight ounce . . .
Just like elephant, elephant can eat forty kilogram at a time. You cannot eat even one kilogram. So different persons, different living entities, they are different meant; they have got different body according to the nature's law. You cannot violate the nature's law. If you violate you become criminal, you become punished. Similarly, in the human society, civilized human society, there are principles, laws, one has to obey. Either you obey the scripture or you obey the state law—you have to obey. If you don't obey, then you are put into the jail.