Category:Prabhupada Speaks - Room Conversations, 1976
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Pages in category "Prabhupada Speaks - Room Conversations, 1976"
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- A brahmana, although he is born of a high family, but because he has associated with the qualities of a candala, he should be called candala
- A devotee is only supposed to want service, and sometimes he very much wants to be liberated to be finished with all this difficulty, isn't it?
- A devotee's one qualification is daksa, daksa, expert. Out of the twenty-six qualifications, a devotee is always very expert in dealing. It is not that because they have left anything material, they do not know how to deal with material things
- A karmi, he is thinking that "I am poor man. If I become rich man, I will be happy." He is thinking in that way. Jnani is thinking that "Poor and rich doesn't matter. I am Brahman. I am spirit soul. If I merge into the Supreme Brahman I will be happy"
- A lot of them are very young people coming into the movement. Do you think they really understand what they're going into when they join the Krsna movement?
- A man is known when he speaks. "A fool is so long beautiful as long as he does not speak." When he speaks, then you can understand what he is. So my speaking are there in the books, and if you are intelligent, you can understand. You haven't got to ask
- According to Bhagavad-gita, if you don't follow the instruction of Bhagavad-gita, you may be very learned scholar, whatever you write, it is lost. We follow that principle
- According to sastra, karmana daiva-netrena (SB 3.31.1), there is superior examination. Yamaraja is there. Now, this man is now dead, this soul is now changing body. What kind of body he'll get next? That is judged by the superior authority
- According to your convenience. "Let us combine together and exploit other living entities for our benefit." That is not humanity
- Actually one who has attained the perfection, she can become guru. But man or woman, unless one has attained the perfection.... Yei krsna-tattva-vetta sei guru haya. The qualification of guru is that he must be fully cognizant of the science of Krsna
- After you realize that you're not the body, then what comes next?
- All intelligent persons, they should join this movement and reform the present social, political, religious. All field of activities, they should reform. Then people will be happy
- All right. But in terms of specific, say, choosing, specific things, specific details (Krsna said this knowledge to Arjuna and Arjuna said to others and it is open. Everyone can take it, there is no secrecy. We have to accept only, that's all)?
- All these big, big men, let them have one set of books and study. It is not any expenditure for them, but if at their leisure hour they read some of the line - they are all intelligent men - they'll get ideas, what is this Krsna consciousness
- All they could say was how Prabhupada, how he is empowered by Lord Gauranga
- Almost everyone, except me perhaps, is concerned about death. But how about the smaller obstacles which nevertheless can make people very depressed, neurotic? How do you recognize and live with them or eliminate them?
- Also they bump one another with the drum or with each other's bodies, they dance and they bump like this. That is not bona fide is it? It is very popular in our movement now
- Am I to understand that women cannot go back to Godhead without being reincarnated to the male?
- Amongst the scientists this is an etiquette, not to talk of God. Everything science. Means everything nonsense, passing on as scientist
- And as soon as you deviate from it, immediately, ordinary. This is the secret. Now it is up to us, how to keep it pure. Then no enemy can kill us. Nobody can kill you. That purity is wanted
- And how long does this go on (are you say that we were perhaps something else before we were born as well? And we keep coming back in something else next time)?
- And how to surrender to God, how to do this?
- And it is sure to go through in this life if you try this (take shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead)?
- And Krsna consciousness can help me attain this (happiness)?
- And so far we are concerned, we don't talk anything, except what is mentioned in the books. That's all. We remain always foolish. And as foolish men, we do not talk. We simply talk what is mentioned by Vyasadeva, by Sukadeva Gosvami
- And that mental process, if you are working, is it a wrong mental process?
- And that they should not bump each other or dance with each other personally, distracting the attention from the Deity? Shouldn't all the dancing be focused toward the Deity?
- And the interpretation is by you yourself?
- And the purpose of sastra is to direct this minute independence so that it is not misused?
- And then were you at the university or the school or somewhere?
- And to your mind is it possible to come to God consciousness through other means than yours?
- And what do you mean by surrendering, sir?
- And what is favorable to Krsna? How one knows?
- And what will be the benefit of classifying men according to their qualities?
- And you are sure this is the truth?
- And you in turn choose others (I have been chosen by my spiritual master)?
- And your own schooling, then, in the local schools in Calcutta?
- Another question comes. Why, how the caste system has crippled our society so much, was accepted by...?
- Any question, any problem, it is solved not by the whims of the student, but it is solved by the expert master by explaining it very elaborately
- Apart from giving spiritual enlightenment, do you also..., are you also concerned for people's physical well-being?
- Are fasting and other dietary regulations necessary for leading a spiritual life?
- Are there any books particularly that focus on all this (when you are able to describe God very philosophically, scientifically, mathematically, then your education is perfect)?
- Are there any centers of the society in the Communist world?
- Are there any other Vedic scriptures that you believe speak to a situation that is greatly misunderstood today besides this?
- Are there different reasons for these higher worlds (this is only one-fourth part manifestation of God's property. The three-fourth part is the spiritual world)?
- Are there many places, let's say, beyond the physical?
- As cats and dogs, if they are practiced to run here and there, either on legs or on cars, is that advancement of civilization?
- As other things are managed, but by committee, so this can also be managed, & the committee may elect one person as chief. As, just like in the democracy there are senators & there is president, so it may be I may nominate or they can
- As soon as he learns the Guru Maharaja is dead, "Now I am so advanced that I can kill my guru and I become guru." Then he's finished
- As soon as one becomes devotee, all the good qualification immediately manifest
- Asat means that does not exist, "not eternal." It is just opposite. Eternal is called sat, om tat sat, and asat means just the opposite. So here in this material world everything is asat. Even this body is asat; it will not exist
- Asrama means an attempt to give some light
- At the age of seventy years, nobody goes out. At least from Vrndavana nobody goes at the age of seventy years. But Krsna asked me. I thought that I must go, Guru Maharaja wanted it, Caitanya Mahaprabhu... Let me try
- At the present moment, there is no intelligent class of men. All laborer, worker class of men, fourth class. No first class, second class. Therefore society is in chaotic condition. There is no brain
- Because I want to deliver the real thing, therefore in my feeble health I am prepared to go. If one man can understand, that I want to see. I am traveling all over the world to see that at least one man may understand
- Because it was famous, that ghost-hauntly house, nobody was taking it. So I took it. (laughs) I don’t care for ghost. Actually there was ghost
- Because one cannot understand, therefore He has explained karma-yoga, jnana-yoga, dhyana-yoga, hatha-yoga, this yoga. And He has explained also the meaning
- Because they are spiritually enlightened. That is the cause of brightness. And materially involved - moroseness. Because it is ignorance. Material life means life of ignorance, and spiritual life means life of enlightenment. That is the difference
- Before me so many swamis, yogis went there. They came and go. No effect. Now I have created a community which will continue
- Bhagavad-gita teaches how to become a brave hero in the battlefield
- Bhakti is not achieved by studying. Bhakti stage is achieved by practice. That is the special significance of our institution, that we are engaging our men in practicing. Therefore they are getting knowledge - not by reading
- Bhakti means that. Nitya-yukta upasana. That's all. Upasana continues. Here they're upasana. Here the devotees offering worship to the Deity, it is upasana. And after being perfect, that upasana will continue. It will never stop
- Bhaktisiddhanta said three words, "It is better that he is living outside your company. He will do, when time will come, he'll do himself everything. You haven't got to recommend him"
- Big, big monkey, big, big belly, Ceylon jumping, melancholy
- Bluffing rascals. Don't be misled. Live peacefully here (in New Mayapura), chant Hare Krsna. Now I have given the ideas, the philosophy, in the books; so it is your business to develop all over the world
- Books mean solid ground . What we want to preach, it is recorded, not any concocted ideas
- Buddhists, they do not care for the Vedic injunction. We can understand. But these Sankarites they take shelter of the Vedas and they say, "There is no form of God." And that is being followed by the so-called Hindus
- But nobody can sit idly. That is the point. If one is engaged in making for flower garland, all right, you may not take him. It is not compulsory for you
- But Swamiji, mostly educated persons, Ph.D, D.Litt., M.A., postgraduates, they are the followers of this
- But who is chanting, he must be a sincere devotee. Then his chanting will be effective. A gramophone machine will not do. He must be realized, then his chanting will be effective
- By serving the spiritual master, you keep your weapon always sharpened. And then take help from Krsna, the words of spiritual master sharpen weapon and the spiritual master is happy, then Krsna immediately will help. He gives you strength
- By the calculation it is forty millions of years ago. Now who will believe that, that Krsna spoke this Bhagavad-gita forty millions of years ago to the sun-god?
- By the grace of Krsna, we have no debts. No. We have no scarcity of money. They will simply find out. Now in Bombay I am getting from my Book Fund seven lakhs of rupees per month regularly
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu did not have any financial help, but His movement is going on. It does not depend on financial. It is independent. Spiritual movement is independent of any material help
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu has not bluffed. He said kalau nasty eva: the Kali-yuga you cannot do anything more. You do simply chant Hare Krsna. Where is the difficulty? A boy can chant. It is simply practice, association
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu is so kind, merciful, He's not only giving Krsna, He's giving krsna-prema, which is very, very rare
- Can you explain to me what is good sex life and bad sex life?
- Could you go over each of the three functions you've been mentioning-eating, sleeping and sex - and tell me what specifically, what rules or hints that you would give people who are seeking spiritual enlightenment to aid in their lives in these ways
- Could you tell me a little bit about your background, when you were young, what types of things you did...?
- Criminal means
- Darwin's theory. Body becoming changed. No. The different types of bodies are already there. The living entity is being transferred from one body to another
- Desire you cannot stop. That is not possible. So long you are, your desires are there. Desire should be purified. When I desire to gratify my senses, that is material. When I desire to satisfy Krsna, that is spiritual
- Do it (kirtana, and book distribution) enthusiastically. Keep yourself pure. Nobody will be able to do any harm to you. Krsna will give you protection
- Do you feel that astronauts did land somewhere, but it was some other planet?
- Do you think that some day the Krsna consciousness movement will spread to all the people in the world?
- Does it mean he is very advanced in yogic power because he can fly? You are proposing that. Huh? Nothing is any big achievement. The big achievement is how to become Krsna conscious. That is wanted
- During the present day, sir, to whom we will treat as brahmana, ksatriya and vaisya and sudra?
- European history is full of fighting, war. The basic idea is that everyone wanted to become master. That is the material disease. We are now discussing Bali Maharaja. He also wanted to become master of the whole universe. So that is the material disease
- Even dog is afraid, what to speak of man. The animals, when they are taken to be slaughtered, they cry. So animal is afraid of death, why not man? Everyone is afraid
- Every country, every nation and every community throughout the world has some conception of the holy name of God, and as such either the Hindus or the Muhammadans or the Christians, everyone can easily chant the holy name of God in a meditative mood
- Every one of you become guru and deliver the residents of your neighborhood. Ei desa. Wherever you are living, just deliver them. Become their guru
- Everyone will become guru when he is expert disciple, but why this immature attempt? Guru is not a thing, imitation. When one is mature, he becomes guru automatically
- Everything in relationship with God is powerful. But the name in this age is the most powerful
- Everything is generated by Krsna's energies, and there are two energies: material energy and spiritual energy. So in the material energy, Krsna consciousness is less or nil. And in spiritual energy, Krsna consciousness is prominent and very acute
- Everything is possible by Krsna's inconceivable energy. Everything is possible. That is inconceivable
- Everywhere you are dependent. And still, they are very much proud that they are advancing in scientific knowledge so that they can overcome the stringent laws of nature
- First of all, you must have faith that, "In this life I shall understand thoroughly about God."Then associate with persons who are busy with God's business.Then you act as they are acting.Then your misconception of material life will be finished
- Follow the rules and regulations, worship the Deity, and chant Hare Krsna mantra, as you have given, then you will remain as strong as Krsna
- For getting facilities to approach gopis they worship Katyayani for getting Krsna as a husband. So we should follow
- For the abhiseka, do we require cow urine and cow dung and tail of cow?
- Free from all anxieties, chant Hare Krsna. Life is meant for simply chanting. This should be the motto. But because we have got this body, we have to maintain it
- Freud's philosophy is the business of the hogs and dogs, and it has been taken as philosophy. Even the hogs and dogs know how to enjoy sex life. And they are.... On account of sex life, they have written a philosophy. Is that philosophy?
- From the earth you can get all the necessities of life. Actually you are getting food grains, minerals, trees, fruits, flowers, everything from the earth
- Frozen means nasty. I never take frozen. In the beginning I thought, "Oh, it is very nice. You can get fresh vegetable." But they are not at all fresh
- Full faith in guru, that is the prime factor of success. Not any other things, no qualification, no education, only staunch faith in guru. Yasya deve para bhaktir yatha deve tatha gurau. Yasya prasadad bhagavat-prasadah. This is the secret
- Gaura-Nitai is worshiped simply by kirtana
- Give facility to the people. Here (in New Mayapura) is very nice arrangement. Now make plan how to utilize. You have got enough land. You can utilize for supplying the necessities of life
- Going to the moon planet, the arambha was so much expensive. And the result is to bring some sand and rocks. This is hoax
- Good direction required, good government required, good production required, and good worker required
- Good leadership means you must learn how to lead people. If the srestha, the leader, is ideal, then others will follow. But if the leader is not ideal, if he is not in the awareness of things, then people will be misguided
- Hard struggle. So Krsna gave us some facility. Now we have got some framework. Do it very cautiously
- Hari-sauri looks like he can give a very good massage. He looks like he can give a very good massage
- Haridasa Thakura is following all the principles, but he's always feeling so fallen. So Lord Caitanya tells him, "Put away your excess humility." Is this what He is trying to teach him? That we should have assurance?
- Has anybody practiced this type of sex?
- He (Caitanya) never claimed that "I am avatara." But we understand from the sastric evidence. He never claimed. Rather, when He was addressed as Krsna He blocked His ears
- He (Sai Baba) says, "Rice is the equivalent of God in man while the husk can be compared to desire which reduces God to man"
- He give up and become a sannyasi, and then again become this grhastha. This is not good
- He has become impersonal. He is simply out of the jurisdiction of personal care. The guru is personal or Krsna is impersonal?
- He must be aware of everything. That means life. That means life. Now the question is how He became experienced
- He says it's always been difficult for him to keep walking or climbing up the stairs in the right direction
- He was my spiritual master, and whatever he taught, we are speaking, that's all. We don't talk any nonsense
- Here in our institute, we teach all the students practically how to become God conscious. Theoretical knowledge will not help us. There must be practical behavior
- Here in this Bhagavad-gita, it is ordered that the human society must be divided into four divisions, and they should cooperate for understanding God
- How can all sections of Hindus be made to take an equal interest and have the same sense of belonging to the Hindu religion?
- How does one establish clearly (your studies of philosophy will be perfect when you establish, "Yes, there is God.")?
- How many Mahesh Yogi has brought, disciples like this? This is my answer. Thousands of them are working here on my behalf. Just see their character and behavior
- How people are receiving this movement all over the world, even minister to the Communist party. They are trying to kill God, and we are putting God. We are the greatest enemy
- How to give up this bad habit (Krsna is not subjected to your thinking. You have to give up this bad habit first of all, that Krsna will be subordinate to your thinking. That is not God)?
- How to seek a master? How to find a master?
- How to surrender?
- Hundred years ago they could do without motorcar, and now they cannot live without a car. In this way, unnecessarily, they’re increasing bodily or material necessities of life. This is recklessness
- Husband-wife means, a man requires a woman, a woman requires a man. They should be combined in such a way that they can live peacefully. If there is no disturbance of the mind, then they can make further progress in spiritual life
- I am Calcutta born. What Calcutta was in our childhood days and what is now, I know everything. How we were happy during British days and what is now position, I can speak from my personal experience
- I am cutting throat of one poor animal under my protection. If somebody cuts my throat, how much I am unhappy. And I'm doing the same business and I'm human being? How can I call myself a human being? I have no sense even of compassion
- I am dealing with all neophytes. If I don't keep them alive by personal presence
- I am giving so much stress and I am working so hard on this. Because this is my life and soul according to the order of my Guru Maharaja. And by his grace it is to some extent successful. And I took it seriously. I take it seriously still now
- I am not taking any very great active part. They are doing. I am simply reading
- I am now eighty years old, I am working twenty-four hours. I think I work more than my young disciples
- I am this old age, I cannot move. Still I am traveling all over the world. I am simply interested that whatever I have done, it may not be vanquished in my absence. Let me go and encourage them
- I am training each one of them as leader so that they can spread extensively. That is my idea
- I am training some, I mean to say, advanced students so that they may be very easily take up the charge. I have made them GBC. They are under my direct training, and I think they will be able to conduct this movement
- I am trying to execute the orders of my Guru Maharaja, predecessor. I am not a so-called sadhu, taking a saffron robe, begging for fulfilling the belly
- I began my traveling in foreign countries at very ripe old age, seventy years. Ten years I'm traveling. This is the fifteenth tour all over the world
- I came to this foreign country without any acquaintance. So Krsna has sent so many fathers to love me. In that way I am fortunate. At the last stage if I live very peacefully, that is a great mercy of Krsna
- I chastised him, "Why you have given him such advice? He's a grhastha, he must have some money. He has to take care of the children." Anyway, you have got better job now and better service also. Krsna has rewarded you for your service. Stick to it
- I come (to New Mayapura) in this old age to encourage the devotees
- I could not see any open space in the park. Really, I was shocked. Even where there was a fountain, the whole fountain was filled with people; even where there was water, they were standing in the water
- I did not go to your country taking Vrndavana with me. I had to stay in places where in the refrigerator there is meat. And I was cooking. When opened it I saw, "Here is meat. All right, what can be done? Hare Krsna." That's all
- I did not know that he took it very seriously. Then after two, three months, some documents came. I was receiving my letters in a postbox
- I do not wish to see that somehow or other we have built up a nice institution, on account of lack of management it may be hampered. That is my only anxiety
- I don't go (to the movies or restaurant). We do not go to the movies or to the restaurant. It is different taste. Therefore it is calculated three kinds of men - sattvika, rajasika, tamasika - their tendencies are different
- I go in the morning for little morning walk because the body, whole day if I sit down, it may be jammed. Therefore, for body's sake, I go for little walking
- I have a question, whether we should always give them khicuri or whether we should
- I have already explained that, that this is my mission, to educate people to understand himself
- I have been in Pennsylvania farm. They get enough quantity milk. They sell fifteen hundred dollars per month. Jaya
- I have established so many centers. So I have to go from one center to another just to encourage them. Otherwise I am old enough. I am eighty years. So traveling is not very good job for me, but still I do it just to encourage them
- I have made a Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. That is my will, and I have given my will that fifty percent of the collection should be spent for reprinting the books and fifty percent should be spent for spreading the movement
- I have made a trust will in which fifty percent of the collection is spent for reprinting the books, and fifty percent is spent for spreading this movement
- I have sent a letter to your government asking them questions that you write on the bills, "In God We Trust." So you trust in God blindly or knowingly? That was my question. Suppose I trust you. you must be trustworthy. Otherwise why shall I trust you?
- I never came here because American boys or people wanted me. They did not feel any need of my presence. But I came here, because it is my duty. My Guru Maharaja ordered me
- I never tried in India to construct big temples or even in your country we didn't. I never tried. But I was selling personally books. That is the history
- I personally, I don't think that even Americans or Westerners would have accepted even your teachings, as clear as they are, without having your personal association and seeing your example. I think people would have thought that it's totally impossible
- I say the Indians are becoming insane. By the influence of so many rascals they are becoming insane. So that has to be rectified. But insanity is prevailing all over the world, but not so much insanity as in India, that they are rejecting their own things
- I sleep three to four hours total
- I wanted to know if Bhagavad-gita As It Is, you'd have to read Sanskrit, wouldn't you?
- I was ordered by my spiritual master to do this work, so on his order I came in 1965. That is the beginning of this. I came alone with no help, no money. Somehow or other (laughs) I started... My attraction is this chanting. That's all
- I was surprised when, after my meeting, they purchased books, because these South African white men, they do not like very much Indians
- I'm servant of that person who is engaged in the service of the six Gosvamis. And we pray to our Guru Maharaja, rupanuga-viruddhapasiddhanta-dhvanta-harine. Anyone who is going against the decision of Rupa Gosvami, reject him. This is our process
- I've read some of your old Back to Godhead magazines, and actually you've been saying the same thing all along, with the same force also. Some of your critiques of Dr. Radhakrishnan's Bhagavad-gita and modern science
- If he repents, "I promised it before my spiritual master, before God, before fire. Now I'm doing this?" that repentance will help him. And if he thinks that "I'm doing it. My spiritual master is not here, let me fall to it," then he is finished
- If he's animal, simply eating, sleeping, mating, what he will understand? Animal is not interested to know how the world is going on. He gets his food and sex. That's all. That is animal propensity
- If human society is kept in darkness without any advanced knowledge, without any knowledge of the aim of life and without any knowledge what is the meaning of human life, they'll remain as cats and dogs
- If I love you and if I have got some secrecy, I don't disclose to you, that is not perfect love. I must deal with you open-hearted, you must deal with me open-hearted, then there is love
- If my mother would not have been little strict, I would not have gotten any education. My father was very lenient. So she used to force me. One man would take me to school
- If one is giving very important service, then even there is some faulty thing, excuse. Service is so important. So in the Western countries the woman can give very good service
- If one surrenders, how to know that Krsna has accepted?
- If one takes shelter of the supreme powerful, he also becomes powerful
- If one unconsciously, without any knowledge, does something wrong, that is excused. But they do willfully. They know it is wrong, still they do it
- If one wants full knowledge in life, then he must read Bhagavatam. Bhagavad-gita is the preliminary ABCD, and then let him read Bhagavatam
- If somebody is interested to know what is the important thing, then he can understand this. And if he's animal, simply eating, sleeping, mating, what he will understand?
- If the guru and father and the government, they are themselves rascals and fools, how they will guide? And that is the position. General public, they require guidance, but the guides themselves are rascals and fools, cheaters, bluffers
- If there is food, and if there is milk, that is sufficient. No brain required, and one glass milk, that is sufficient for the whole day
- If they think that they can do some business, let them do it. What can be done? If they cannot produce food, then let them do business
- If we do not care for the sastra, whimsically manufacture our own ways of life, na siddhim sa avapnoti, it will never be successful. Na sukham. And there will be no happiness
- If you are layman you must go to a person who has seen the truth. If you remain at home, then how you can see
- If you become moralist that, "Oh, they're taking this means, that means for selling of book, so I'm big moralist. I'm bigger than him"
- If you do not protest, and if you do not say anything... So such a big criticism from (indistinct), and they are silent. Why do they not go to the court? Bluff only
- If you do not satisfy his senses, everyone is free to run away. That you cannot check. You cannot say, accuse somebody. Because here everyone is giving voluntary service. Nobody is servant. So if he doesn't like something, at any moment he can go away
- If you eat extraordinarily, then you will sleep also extraordinarily. If you eat frugally, as much minimum required, then you can conquer over sleep. Eating, sleeping. Sleeping depends on eating
- If you have got money, then you are big man. Never mind what you are. Therefore people are after money. Who is going to be brahmana? If you become a perfect brahmana, who will care for you? Nobody is interested to become a brahmana
- If you have taken to Krsna consciousness, your, that current of "do it" or "do not," is stopped. Because you have agreed to do only what Krsna says. If you have actually decided like that, then you are free
- If you manufacture whims and disagree and fight amongst yourself, then it will be another edition of these so-called movements. It will lose the spiritual strength. Always remember it
- If you print books, some day somebody will read. But if we keep money, it creates disturbance. I am therefore always insisting, "Print books, Print books"
- If you put little pure ghee on the rice, it will be so tasteful that he'll want it again. But give the pure thing. Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Try to give Him to the people
- If you remain to your principles, you can make the whole world your disciple
- If you simply know Krsna, then you know everything. And if you know everything and you do not know Krsna, then you are rascal, that's all. Mudha. That is the test. If you know everything but do not know Krsna, then you are a rascal
- If you stop kirtana, then it is ordinary
- If you take a piece of coal, you can wash it hundreds and thousands of times, it never becomes white. And these are material things, but spiritually you can reform
- If you want philosophy, the aim of life, the destination of life, then we can talk, what is the destination of life, what is required. If you criticize me, then I can criticize you also
- In regards to the organization of the movement
- In the beginning a woman, childhood, she's trained up by the mother. Then as soon as she is married, formerly, child-marriage, so she's transferred to the care of mother-in-law. There she is trained up
- In the family. Any formal?
- In the temple even living with one wife it is not possible. We have to restrict them. No wives live in the temple in India. Family. In certain circumstance, in the temple they live separately, but not in the temple building. That is strictly prohibited
- In Washington Square a crowd of about three thousand, many of whom were there as part of the normal Sunday afternoon activities, heard Swami Prabhupada deliver a lecture
- Inductive knowledge is always imperfect. Deductive knowledge is perfect if it is taken from the authority
- Initiation is formality
- Is it recommended that a woman become a sannyasi?
- Is there any limit to the number of chances that the disciple has?
- Is there time in the higher nature?
- It is due to the blessing of my Guru Maharaja. He directly told me that "If you get some money, publish some books." I took it seriously, so he's helping me. All our Godbrothers, they didn't take it
- Jahnava devi was-Nityananda's wife. She became. If she is able to go to the highest perfection of life, why it is not possible to become guru? But, not so many
- Just like he is not well dressed, but anyone who will, he'll immediately find he's cleansed. That is wanted. Cleansed dress. Dress is not important... One can become clean with simply loincloth. It doesn't require dress
- Just like this material thing we require for preaching. That is not anartha. But when it is used for sense gratification, that is anartha
- Just see. This is the position. How low taste: hogs' and pigs' business, and write philosophy. His (Freud's) books are selling like anything
- Kamsya is mixture of copper and tin, bell metal. When it is properly treated with mercury, it becomes gold. Similarly, a human being properly treated by initiation, he becomes a brahmana
- Krsna advised Arjuna that "You fight," not that we shall not fight. We shall fight to the best. And this is good, they are feeling the pressure of this movement
- Krsna asked me. I thought that I must go, Guru Maharaja wanted it, Caitanya Mahaprabhu... Let me try. So if I had not gone then this institution would not have developed. So this is practical
- Krsna Balarama used to practice race with the birds
- Krsna came to speak this truth, that "I am the Supreme." He appeared to speak this philosophy. And if you do the same work, that "Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead," then you are serving the mission of Krsna, great service to Krsna
- Krsna consciousness does not mean to keep a set of men lazy, who cannot work. That is not Krsna consciousness. Everyone must work to his capacity. Prescribed duties
- Krsna consciousness movement means know how to glorify God, not theoretical-practical
- Krsna says that "I am also ksetrajna." Ksetra-jnam capi mam viddhi sarva-ksetresu bharata: "But the distinction is that the individual soul is situated in that particular body, but I am situated in every body, all-pervading."
- Krsna says that to kill a cow and to kill a human being is the same sin
- Leadership is already there - Krsna. Just like Arjuna is learning from Krsna. So if you learn from Krsna you become perfect leader. But we do not take Krsna's instruction. We manufacture our own ideas. That is failure
- Less disease (in the country). Less brain-taxing. Everything is less. So balance time, utilize for Krsna consciousness. And if you have got temple, it is very happy life. Just for your food work little, and balance time engage yourself in K.C.
- Let them chant Hare Krsna somehow or other. "We don't want to be bothered by Hare Krsna." That means chanting Hare Krsna
- Liberty means whatever you like, you can do. That is liberty. But at the present moment, you cannot do that
- Many men may not come to us; that does not mean this institution is useless. It has its importance for the serious men, not for the asses
- Maya is also Krsna's energy, so it is her duty to punish the conditioned soul because they have decided to forget Krsna. Still, Krsna is so merciful, He comes personally, He authorizes His devotee, servant, to enlighten these conditioned souls
- Milk is nothing but transformation of the blood. So instead of taking the blood, take the transformation and live nicely, like honest gentlemen. No. They are not even gentlemen. Rogues, uncivilized
- Money is not our aim. Our aim is how people will understand Krsna
- Money is not the strength for understanding Radharani. If you have got some money, by the strength of money you'll understand Radharani - that is another bogus thing
- Mother killing. He was about to be killed. He admits. His grandmother advised the mother. Yes. Krsna saved him. Because he is devotee, some way or other, he was saved
- My disciples they are part and parcel of me. Whole mission is going on with their cooperation. But if he says that I am equal to my Guru Maharaja, then that is offense
- My father never prayed that "My son may become very rich man." He never prayed like that. Actually, his ardent desire that his son may become a Vaisnava. And my Guru Maharaja's training has put me this position
- My Guru Maharaja is very pleased. As soon as a book comes out, he is pleased
- My Guru Maharaja left alone, so he has sent so many gurus to take care of me. You are all my Guru Maharaja's representatives
- My Guru Maharaja used to say that we are trying to taste the rasa of milk in lime water; therefore we are baffled
- My Guru Maharaja wanted that some books should be published. So I tried my best, and he's giving success more than expectation. In the history nobody has sold religion, philosophical books in such large quantity
- My Guru Maharaja wanted to publish Govinda-lilamrta. He asked permission of Bhaktivinoda Thakura. "Yes you can print one copy"
- My Guru Maharaja was in favor of preaching in the city because you can get many men
- My idea is to attract people of the whole world to Mayapur. So we are just trying to acquire three hundred fifty acres of land from the government. It is going on under consideration. Some men are against and some are in favor
- My life is ended, now eighty-one. But so long I shall live I shall make no compromise, krsnas tu bhagavan svayam. Drdha-vrata. And that is a fact. Why shall I mislead people?
- My only endeavor is to understand God, that's all. There is no sectarian. And I am selling my books all over the world. So it's not that everyone is foolish
- Nation - this word is not there in the Vedic language. There's no conception of nation. There is conception of varnasrama, everywhere
- Neophyte is neophyte. Why do you bring him to become a devotee? A devotee is different. A "one plus one equal to two," he's not mathematician. He's learning
- No one is getting any salary here (in New Mayapura), they are just working and taking...
- No, even in Ramayana and Mahabharata we find this kind of, Ekalavya was discriminated, Karna was discriminated
- Nobody was crying for this edition of Bhagavata, but we are forcing, "You must read. You must take"
- Not only one, you construct hundreds of temples. Village to village, town to... And it will revolutionize the whole rascal situation. At the present moment, it is rascal situation. They're simply satisfied by driving the motor...putputputputputputput!
- Now I am getting old. So it is little difficult for me to travel. Still I have to do and come and see. I have established my mission so I want to see that it is not spoiled
- Now that he has received Krsna consciousness, he would like to know from you how he should behave in his normal life, because he'll be living very far from the temple?
- Old man is behind this movement
- On account of presence and absence of Krsna things become material and spiritual. If you keep yourself always in Krsna consciousness then you are spiritual, and if you forget Krsna, material
- One may try to leave Him, but He is not going to leave you. Once come, "No, sir, you cannot go out." Just like our Ajamila. He was devotee in the beginning, and later on, by bad association of prostitute, he fell. But Krsna took him at the end
- One who has entered with the determination that "I must practice," so if he cannot practice, then why this makeshow that "I belong to Krsna consciousness movement. I am initiated." Why this farce?
- One who is not in awareness of the laws of nature, they commit this mistake. We can say that pouring water on the leaves is also pouring water on the tree
- Otherwise it is ordinary movement. This same man, he's guru, so long he gives the real knowledge of Krsna. And the same man, he's ordinary man, as soon as he cannot give
- Our book distribution is the most important task in our society. Therefore I am giving so much stress and I am working so hard on this. Because this is my life and soul according to the order of my Guru Maharaja
- Our business is to stop slaughter. Meat-eating we cannot stop
- Our Gaudiya Matha people, those who were leaders, they wanted to supersede the order of Guru Maharaja. Therefore it was failure
- Our institution is training, not only training, full knowledge, practical and theoretical
- Our life is simple. We don't want luxury. We don't want luxury, but as we are accustomed in so many ways, as far as possible. But life should be very simple. To increase unnecessary things unnecessarily, that is material life
- Our special stress on this point is that don't squeeze out some meaning of Bhagavad-gita for your own convenience. Present Bhagavad-gita as it is, and people will be benefited
- Our Srimad-Bhagavatam will be finished in sixty volumes, and Caitanya-caritamrta is already finished in seventeen volumes. So altogether at least we'll have hundred volumes of books, small and big, to give sruti-pramana
- Overflood the demons' godless civilization (by distributing books). Our declaration of war against this godless civilization
- People are so rascal that they did not believe even the son of God, what to speak of His representative. What is that? Why Jesus Christ was killed? What was his fault?
- People don't know how they'll survive if they don't get money
- Perfect community of plain living, high thinking
- Physical life, so you must keep yourself fit to execute Krsna consciousness. It is not our desire that you become sick and you cannot chant
- Prabhupada once gave the analogy sometimes when the horse is sick, the doctor takes the pill in the hand, he puts it down the throat
- Prabhupada, you were a chemist before, but I think you are the greatest alchemist to have taken so many leaden souls and turned them into golden Vaisnavas
- Prabhupada, your temples are the real spaceships. We can go to the other planets and to Krsnaloka from your temples
- Practically all of these devotees are so much dedicated to book distribution that they are going out now nearly seven days a week, without stoppage
- Preaching is independent. If you have got desire, you can preach in any circumstances and Krsna will help you. I have practically experienced. I went to your country without any help, without any money. Alone
- Professor Judah written one book very authorized, Hare Krishna and Counterculture. So we are being accepted by learned circle
- Radharamana Gosvami is Gopala Bhatta Gosvami's descendant
- Raghunatha dasa Gosvami showed how to live in Radha-kunda
- Recess means nothing to do. That is brain, I mean to say, rest. All continually you cannot do that. That is not good. Utmost, forty minutes or forty-five minutes. Then give them ten minutes' freedom
- Same thing, just like a stone doll, when it is worshiped according to the regulative principles - Krsna. And the same doll, kept in the sculptor's showroom, it is stone. So if we keep our movement pure, then you are as strong as Krsna
- See the intelligent persons and convince them. Yad yad acarati sresthah (BG 3.21). Pick up the best man. Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He picked up the best men, Sanatana Gosvami, Rupa Gosvami. So His movement became successful
- Sense gratification is never helpful. That is described in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, that kamasya nendriya-pritir. Sense gratification is required as far as..., as little as possible
- She is expert in typing. Amongst the women, she is expert typist. She is expert in so many things. Only defect is that she is woman. But Krsna says, striyah sudras tatha vaisyah: "Never mind woman. If she is devotee, she also comes to Me."
- She's (Mrs. Marchand) asking what should a woman do if she is alone?
- Simply theoretical knowledge. That is helpful, but training, that is the greatest need, that we have to create a set of first-class men. Then the world will be all right. That is an attempt of the Krsna consciousness movement, to make first class, ideal
- Simply to understand Krsna is liberation. And that is also explained. What is that tattva? How one can understand tattvatah, that is explained by Krsna. Bhaktya mam abhijanati yavan yas casmi tattvatah. That tattva is bhakti, not karma, jnana, yoga
- Sleeping - oh, there is no limit, twenty-four hours sleeping if it is possible. Go on, this is going on. Eating, sleeping, mating. And defense - and discover atomic weapon, this weapon, that weapon, and kill innocent persons, unnecessarily, defense
- So don't spoil the movement by manufacturing ideas. Don't do that. Go on in the standard way, keep yourself pure; then movement is sure to be successful. But if you want to spoil it by whimsical, then what can be done?
- So how can one be out of this cakra?
- So I have no other goal but to have the phala of past karmas. Or can I change my fate?
- So long one wants to become Brahman, he is ignorant
- So many things have to be reformed by pushing on Krsna consciousness. These are Krsna consciousness movement, whatever is described in the Bhagavad-gita that is within the jurisdiction of Krsna consciousness
- So the cows, they should be given as much as possible pasturing. If you simply drink little milk, and little vegetables, that will supply all vitamins. You do not require to take vitamin pills
- So there is agitation against chanting. That is also good. Yes, "Hare Krsna is bad"
- So there is no question of making it vacant or void. To fill up the place with better things. So when you think of Krsna, then you forget maya. Otherwise you are entrapped with maya
- So we are not devotees, therefore we should first fast. And those who are devotees, they'll take as much as they like. I was telling fasting because I am not a devotee. (laughs) For me fasting is good. If I eat more-atyaharah
- So we generally speak that Arjuna was military commander. So before understanding Bhagavad-gita, he was commander, and after understanding, he remained a commander, but he became Krsna conscious
- Some of our brahmacaris, they've been drafted into the army. We've lost several devotees like that, because it's very hard for them to maintain their Krsna consciousness in the army
- Soon the Russians also will join, the Polish also will join, everyone will join. We have got potency to force everyone to join. The Russians have already imperceptibly joined - they have praised my books
- Spiritual training means
- Srila Prabhupada, can realization be had through service without theoretical understanding?
- Story of Narada Muni and the cobbler
- Success is his who is pushing forward the preaching method. That is his success
- Tandula means
- Tapasya means restricted life, not unrestricted life. So if we do not follow the restricted life, that means I shall continue my disease or increase my disease
- That (we go two nights a week with eighty men. Huge kirtana with five mrdangas and guitars) will make you triumphant. Go on kirtana. That is very nice. Kirtana, and book distribution. This is also kirtana
- That I want, that I live happily and chant Hare Krsna. That's all. We don't want unnecessary luxury. Anartha should be reduced, nil, bare necessities
- That is a fact. I got good father and good spiritual master. That's all
- That is everyone's philosophy. Everyone wants to make a group
- That is our mission, that why God in trust? Are we trusting God should be a slogan? Let it be a fact by scientific study, by scientific understanding. There is way to understand why God is trustworthy. It's not the question of faith. It is a fact
- That is our process. What Krsna has said, we say, that's all. Therefore there is little success. I don't manufacture. I have no extraordinary power or I cannot show magic or jugglery of words. But I do sincerely, to present what Krsna has said
- That is psychology. It may be very worse condition; still, nobody wants to give up "Home, sweet home." That is natural psychology
- That is the defect of their civilization. Na hanyate hanyamane sarire (BG 2.20). They are taking care of the body, but beyond the body there is something else, which is eternal. Even after the annihilation of the body, it does not become destroyed
- That is the position. The only means is that in spite of all opposition you have to chant Hare Krsna. That will cleanse. Otherwise there is no other way
- That much intelligence, we must have that intelligence, that who is master. Suppose if you want gold, if you do not know where gold can be purchased, then he is cheated
- That one marriage is sufficient. She must remain very faithful to her husband, chaste. That is wanted. Not that "I do not like this husband. I'll change." That is not wanted
- That will create revolution
- The babajis, they are against anything preaching. They are very, very much against preaching. So I am preaching. Babajis, the Mayavadi sannyasis, and all of them, their idea is that I am ruining this bhajana and Hindu dharma. This is the propaganda
- The child sees that the airplane is flying. They think it is automatically going. And there is a pilot, he does not know. Similarly, these rascals, they are studying nature, but nature is an instrument only. It is being operated by Krsna
- The conditioned soul has become so dull and rascal, he does not take seriously that "Why I am dying?" Therefore they have made their own theory, that there is no life after death, everything finished after death
- The Europeans have invented tractors, and the bull is a problem. Therefore they must be sent to the slaughterhouse. So we can not create that problem. How the bull should be utilized? They should be used for transport and plowing
- The fool's, rascal's parampara is there. The father is a rogue and the son is rogue. The grandson is a rogue. What is wrong? The parampara is rogue. And if they follow God's parampara, then everything is all right
- The library party said that everywhere in Delhi they went, they found that you had already placed your three volumes of Bhagavatam
- The living entities are always in pure goodness. This material covering is separated. The living entities can be freed from material covering at any moment. Just like water and oil, it is always separated; it does not mix
- The logic of the frog in the well
- The man, the man or woman, one who are very much sexually attached, he is a rascal. One should give up his company. And another rascal who is not a devotee of Krsna
- The purport is that in the Kali-yuga, the government men, they will be all rogues and thieves. So the citizens also follow them
- The real platform of unity is Krsna consciousness. Our members, although they speak different languages from different countries, but still they are united
- The real sva-raja is go back to home, back to Godhead
- The small Deities, salagrama, They are worshiped. And big Deity, They are decorated nicely. No need of washing
- The thing is that our spiritual master wants to preach Krsna consciousness, and he has repeatedly stressed to distribute books, we shall distribute books by any means, that is good. That is good
- The Western people, they are not fools, but misguided. So you take the charge of guiding them; then Krsna consciousness movement will be successful. They will appreciate, they will take it up and reform, and their life will be successful
- The whole devotional process is purificatory process. The more he is purified, he becomes high-class devotee. But the process is the path of liberation. Just like mango. The green mango, this green mango will be ripe mango. The same mango
- The young boys, they are taking Hare Krsna movement seriously, so the government can be changed in their favor. After all, it is democracy. So you can do it. You become president; you'll become senator. In America it is possible
- Their expenditure is at my direction. Not a single paisa they can spend in their own discretion. They are laboring hard to get this collection, but the money is mine. This is the arrangement
- Then if you could not learn the art, at the same time you miss Krsna's service. So that is not our principle. We want to serve Krsna
- There are no changes in the higher nature?
- There are so many rules and regulation which is essential. It must be done. That is called tapasya. Without consideration whether it is convenient or inconvenient for you, which is, must be done, that is called tapasya
- There are so many translations (of the Gita). How does one decide...?
- There are too many sections of religion, Hindu religion
- There is no need of rezoning, because we are Krsna, Hare Krsna community. So wherever we live, we worship Krsna. It is not a public show; it is our own private worshiping Deity. I can keep Deity in my home
- There is no other alternative. Either serve Krsna or serve maya, that's all. So unless one is rascal, how he will accept maya's service? Maya's service is not very palatable. But maya is ready
- There is separate arrangement for management, but the idea and philosophy is the same. Ultimately, I am managing. I have my twenty secretaries, they are called GBC, they are assisting me to manage
- There was devotee, Nityananda's contemporary, he used to whip. And his whipping means as soon as he whips, the man becomes a devotee
- There was hard struggle. It is not that so easy for... In 1965 to '66, 66-67, regular hard struggle
- There was some trouble with your movement in America recently
- These books are very revolutionary. You are very strong. You have put everything in a very clear-cut, strong words. You have attacked everyone who is not Krsna conscious, as fools and rascals
- These rascals, out of false ego, and vidmudha, foolishly declaring that I am the doer of everything. I can do everything independently
- These rascals, they do not know. Nitai, balarama hoila nitai. So without the mercy of Balarama, nobody can appreciate Vrndavana life
- These rascals, they're in ajnanam, dealing with sex life, dealing with the body as their philosophy, science. Dealing with the body and dealing with sex life is the animal business, and they are passing on as philosopher, scientist. This is their position
- They are accepting ignorance as knowledge. Darwin's theory. It is simply speculation on ignorance, and it has been taken as knowledge
- They are also educated, they are young men, and they are coming from respectable family. They are not dull-headed dogs. So why they are sticking to this principle unless they feel, "Yes, I am making progress"?
- They are animals. What the dogs will understand? When there is one lady dog, one dozen dog will come. Smelling the best part of the body. This is their philosophy. So Freud is that: best part of the body, he's writing philosophy
- They are preparing for installation of Radha-Krsna on September lst, (Radha-Gopinath) and otherwise the sankirtana is distributing Bhagavad-gitas, about fifteen hundred a week
- They are seeing that all Europeans and Americans, they have adopted such nice Vaisnava culture. There are attracted from that point. But if we are not to the standard point, they immediately appeal, "Oh they are useless". So that should be corrected
- They did not go to the moon planet
- They do not know what is bhakti, what is Vedanta. They do not know. Simply aspiring, all after women and money, that's all. First-class rogues
- They do not know what is civilization. This is civilization, huh? Brahmana. And they will think, "What is this nonsense, to worship a brahmana, to give food to the brahmana-bhojana?"
- They have fashioned a way for the spacemen that they can drink their own urine and eat their own stool
- They have simplified their life. And gradually develop, make little cottages, and grow little vegetable, little barley or wheat and milk. That is sufficient. We don't require much. We don't want luxury. We want just to subsist
- They have to imitate. Otherwise, they cannot struggle. Just like they have made the 747 airship. But the shape is like a bird. You cannot make other shape. That you cannot do. If you make the shape of the 747 airplane like a man, it will be finished
- They may say that we have arbitrarily given some specific duties to different people
- They must be engaged twenty-four hours. That is wanted. It is not a lazy free hotel. Anyone lives, he must be engaged twenty-four hours
- They must be punished, with such rogues and thieves. That is stated in the Bhagavatam. It is nature's punishment
- They say that there is a tissue in the brain, they disturb with this religious idea. They say like that. And if that tissue is operated, then there will be no more religion
- They should follow what their spiritual master says. Book selling, there is no question of moral and immoral. They must sell. Just like in fighting. Where there is fight, the soldiers, to gain victory, there is no question of moral and immoral. He must
- They stand, make competition, "I am the President." If you are President, why you require election? The simple truth. If you are actually President, then why do you depend on other's vote? You become President. No. Artificial President
- They wanted to create artificially somebody acarya and everything failed. They did not consider even with common sense that if Guru Maharaja wanted to appoint somebody as acarya, why did he not say? He said so many things, and this point he missed?
- They're eating meat. They have no even human sense. What is that religion?
- Things may not be arbitrary, whimsical, therefore we have to take reference from Bhagavad-gita. Lawbook. When a judge gives his judgement, he does not give it arbitrarily. There is lawbooks
- This (New Mayapura) is a first-class place. You can develop it into a Vaikuntha. It is already Vaikuntha, Krsna is there. But develop it very nicely, peacefully live. Hundreds of miles away from the hellish cities
- This bhagavata-dharma is meant for persons who is not jealous. Otherwise the material whole world is full of jealousy
- This human form of life is given to us by laws of nature to understand what is God, what we are, what is our relationship with God, what is this material world, why you have come here
- This is a spiritual movement, and at the present moment people are more interested with material improvement, but our real interest is... Not only our, every human being's interest should be for spiritual upliftment
- This is the message: that people are under the impression that one is this body, but that is not the fact. The soul, or the man, he is within the body. Just like you are not your..., this shirt and coat
- This is the movement of ananda, pleasure only. Krsna is anandamaya, and if you remain with Krsna you'll become anandamaya
- This is the primary education of spiritual life. First of all you have to understand that you are not this body. You are living entity, different from the body. Just like you are different from the shirt-coat
- This Krsna consciousness movement is trying to do that, trying everyone to become a bona fide brahmana. Without becoming a brahmana you cannot become Vaisnava. So this reformatory process is recommended in the sastras
- This Krsna consciousness movement, they are appreciating. So all the charity should come here. Then it is properly utilized. Because we do not use a single paisa for anything of sense gratification
- This landing point is very dangerous. If the pilot cannot handle very nicely, immediately smashed. The crash takes place while going up and coming down, generally. That is due to mismanagement of the pilot
- This modern civilization, it is insane, crazy civilization. There is a little pleasure in sex life - simply sex life, increase sex life, spoiling everything. That is crazy. Eating - eat anything, any nonsense thing, and become a hog
- This movement can be pushed on vigorously so long we are devotees, otherwise it will be finished. It cannot be conducted by any outsiders. No. Only the devotees. That is the secret. So long we remain devotees, our movement will go, without any check
- This prayasa, endeavor for economic development, na kartavyam, don't do it. Here is a revolution against this modern civilization. They are simply after economic development, and here it is condemned
- This sankalpa-vikalpa is there as long as we have our independence, though. Even as devotees, that accepting and rejecting? That is there even in devotees?
- This Thakurbari, Radha-Govindaji, is my life. That is the beginning of my this spiritual life. And after so many years, still Radha-Govindaji has dragged me. So it is His kindness
- This was my dream, that a place should be there where we can get all nice foods, best foods, of milk. Krsna is fulfilling our desire
- This whole science is understood through service only. Everything becomes revealed. Everything is revelation. Unless one is very sincere servant, there is no revelation
- Those who are sane men, they are appreciating that here is a movement actually for the benefit... It is not sentimental, cheating, bluffing, economic development
- Those who are thus bewildered are attracted by demoniac and atheistic views. In that deluded condition, their hopes for liberation, their fruitive activities and their culture of knowledge are all defeated
- Thousands of presidents and thousands of GBC may come and go, His work will go on. Krsna is complete Himself. He doesn't require anyone's help. That is Krsna
- Throughout the whole universe, as many forms of body are there, He is the father. So how He is Indian?
- To become a spiritual master is not easy job. One must be very learned scholar and must have full realization of the self and everything
- To find sraddha, or faith to surrender. To surrender, one must have something to surrender to. What is that?
- Today or tomorrow, everyone will die. So where is the anxiety? Die or not die, tomorrow or today, but one should chant Hare Krsna, that's all
- Tulasi leaf eating is good. You can eat leaf, especially palatable with water. Water, that is good. But you make it, imitation tea, that means I remember tea-drinking
- We are about to install your murti in that temple
- We are all recklessly wasteful sons of God
- We are equal, that's all right, but there is difference. So far I am a living being, He's also a living being, but He's supreme living being. How? Because I breathe, some dust comes and goes out, and when He breathes some universes come out
- We are human beings, we should know what Krsna says. Krsna says, evam parampara praptam imam rajarsayo viduh. The parampara, whether he's speaking parampara or he's speaking whimsically. That much sense we must have
- We are just attempting a big planetarium in Mayapur. We have asked government to acquire land, 350 acres. That is negotiation going on. We shall give a Vedic planetarium
- We are not going to be followers of zero-vadis or impersonal-vadis. We remain completely in the varieties, but these varieties are usable only for the satisfaction of Krsna. That is spiritual
- We are not idle preachers, we are working. All, very hard, more than the karmis
- We are preaching Krsna consciousness. What Krsna has said, we are trying to spread. This is genuine, the simple thing. We have not manufactured anything, Transcendental Meditation or like that. That is not our business
- We are printing all these books for understanding properly. Not that "Here is Radha-kunda. Let us go." Jump over like monkey. "Here is rasa-lila"
- We are requesting therefore everywhere, not only in India, all over the world, that act according to the order of the supreme, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- We are selling books to the extent of sixty thousand dollars daily. That is our only hope, that we shall not be financially in difficulty. People are taking our books very nicely. People are accepting our literature
- We are servant; we take the remnants of foodstuff left by Krsna. We are neither vegetarian nor nonvegetarian. We are prasad-ian
- We are trained up to say my brother, that "prabhu," "such and such prabhu." Prabhu means master. Nobody think himself that he is master. He should always think that everyone is his master because he's serving the master. This is our philosophy
- We can see that it is the desire of the pure devotee. Whatever Krsna wants, He does not have to work at all. His desires are immediately fulfilled simply by His desiring
- We follow the sastras and we teach others to follow sastras
- We have got business. Why shall I keep in the bank? This is the policy. If your money is idle, we can spend it in our books, in our purchasing land in temple, constructing temple, developing...
- We have to save our time for advancing in Krsna consciousness. After all, this, in the modern world they have invented so many varieties of occupations unnecessarily, to develop economic condition
- We have to take the Vedic injunction axiomatic
- We need supply money to India. Depend on Krsna; Krsna will supply
- We want that book selling must be increased as much as possible. This we want. The same thing. Let the child take medicine. Never mind the father is speaking lies. That is... Because as soon as he takes the medicine he'll be benefited
- We were afraid that if we were to publish a picture that is not correct
- What about that sometimes people ask us what about the pictures of man on the moon?
- What I am, then you have to study in this way, whether you are this body or you are something else. Is it not? So that is in the beginning of the Bhagavad-gita explained, dehino 'smin yatha dehe kaumaram yauvanam jara
- What is our definition of liberty, freedom, spiritual?
- What is the response in Iran?
- What is the response in the Islamic countries?
- Whatever little success is there, that was only this qualification, that I wanted to serve him. That's all. Otherwise, there was no business of coming here at the age of seventy years. You have seen all my room in the Radha-Damodara temple?
- When I first came in Vrndavana I stayed in the Kesi-ghata. That is very palatial building. My room was as big as this. Yes, as big. Plus one side room, plus one entrance room. I was paying fifteen rupees
- When in the sky it is regular speed and balance, it is going nicely. There is no crisis. All crises take place while coming down and going up. Leaving the land and coming the land. I have seen sometimes, they clap as soon as they.... "The danger is over"
- When there is not a tinge of karma and jnana, that is pure bhakti. That is Krsna's mission. So everything is there, direction is there. We can guide you, not according to our whims, but according to sastra
- When you originally were speaking about Vrndavana, you mentioned that Vrndavana would be a place for those people who have become a little disturbed in KC, or burned out, we call it, from so much activity, that he comes here and gets rejuvenated here
- Whenever there is scarcity of supply or scarcity of food, it is not due to overpopulation. It is due to overcriminality or over-sinful activities
- Whenever they make some report about India, they always make some joke about how the people will think the animals are sacred and how this is actually the real problem
- Who can take more care than the father and the mother? So you combine together, make a batch of good character, ideal character in the whole world. There is no ideal character
- Why do we say like that? Why? Why you are bringing physical concept He is a person, He is saying. Why do you say physical, material, and this and that way. He is father
- Why salary? Krsna's servant. We are eternal servant. That is the beauty of our institution. We have no hired men (in New Mayapura). Unless one is sincere, why he'll work?
- Why they think Eastern, Western, Jewish and...? We are talking of the human being. That is the misunderstanding going on, that this is Hindu religion, Eastern religion
- Why this Gaudiya Matha failed? Because they tried to become more than guru. He, before passing away, he gave all direction and never said that "This man should be the next acarya"
- Why you should give any importance to weakness? Weakness is weakness. Rectify it
- Woman should stay under the father, under the husband, and under the elderly sons. Nothing more
- Woman's beauty is how she is chaste and devoted to the husband. That is beauty, not personal beauty. Vidya-rupam ku-rupanam. And education is the beauty for the brain
- Women, it is only possible in our Vaisnava bhakti-yoga - women and men can be given equal right. There is no other system
- Would you accept conclusions from science that..., only if it agreed with the Vedic scriptures?
- Yes. That is Krsna consciousness. There should be one nation under God, and one world government under God as well
- You are selling your books in Moscow?
- You are the greatest teacher in recorded history, Prabhupada, because your movement is so well founded in these books, more so than any religious teacher-Muhammad, Buddha, Jesus Christ. Your movement is perfectly founded even during your own lifetime
- You can do it (to surrender to Krsna) immediately, but unfortunately you'll not do it. What can be done? There is a story, I may narrate it. One poor man was begging on the street, and Lord Siva and Parvati was passing as ordinary man
- You can take Arjuna as guru. Krsna spoke to Arjuna, evam parampara-praptam. He directly listened to Him. And he's guru therefore, because the guru is by the parampara. So he understood Krsna. So you take Arjuna's instruction
- You cannot stop death. You cannot stop old age. You can manufacture advanced medicine, but why don't you stop disease? Take this pill, there will be no more disease. Where is that science
- You choose the leaders, or Krsna does and tells you, how does that work?
- You have done something very extraordinary
- You have some project here. Can you kindly explain what is that?
- You have to be trained up how to become first-class brain. That is brahmana. You have to become truthful, you have to become controller of the senses, you have to become fully aware of things, of God, everything, full knowledge, then you become brain
- You make a choice; you can change it. But as soon as you change it, God knows what you are going to do. This is very common sense
- You mentioned that soon there will not be so much use for automobiles. What will be our means of spreading the sankirtana movement?
- You say, "They mistake." Who are "they"? You say you do mistake. Don't say "they." This is bureaucracy, "they." You are all "they." Anyway, whatever is done, immediately make arrangement
- You should always remember that you are helping me. Without your help I cannot do anything, so you do not be disturbed. Try to help me. That is my request
- You simply say, "Krsna said four things: 'Just always think of Me.' Krsna said. 'And just become My devotee. Just worship Me and offer obeisances.' Kindly do these things." So if you can induce one person to do these four things, you become guru
- You surrender, not surrender, that is your business; but my business is that I am requesting you that you surrender to Krsna
- You were saying that by intelligence one can just accept what the father says will be good for him and he'll do it, but most people have such a bad experience in the material world, they get cheated so often...
- You'll find Vyasadeva has written so many books, each book so valuable, instructive, but still he was condemned
- Your movement is spreading largely. Do you think that it will be welcome in the Communist countries?