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We want that book selling must be increased as much as possible. This we want. The same thing. Let the child take medicine. Never mind the father is speaking lies. That is... Because as soon as he takes the medicine he'll be benefited

Expressions researched:
"let the child take medicine, never mind the father is speaking lies. That is . . . because as soon as he takes the medicine he'll be benefited"

Conversations and Morning Walks

1976 Conversations and Morning Walks

We want that book selling must be increased as much as possible. This we want. The same thing. Let the child take medicine. Never mind the father is speaking lies. That is... Because as soon as he takes the medicine he'll be benefited. End justifies the means. End is that everyone should have a Kṛṣṇa literature. Doesn't matter what is the means. Because he has taken one Kṛṣṇa literature, that justifies everything. This is the principle.

Room Conversation -- May 5, 1976, Honolulu:

Bhūrijana: Like if we can become Kṛṣṇa conscious without following the rules and regulations, why follow the rules and regulations? That's what I was thinking a while ago.

Prabhupāda: They should follow what their spiritual master says. Book selling, there is no question of moral and immoral. We must sell. Just like in fighting. Where there is fight, the soldiers, to gain victory, there is no question of moral and immoral. He must gain victory.

Bhūrijana: Śrīla Prabhupāda, but I think the thing I understand least is that if they are not doing what you want . . . I mean . . . I'm sitting before you now, and you're telling me and I'm listening, and you are my spiritual master, and I must accept.

Prabhupāda: We want that book selling must be increased as much as possible. This we want. The same principle: let the child take medicine, never mind the father is speaking lies. That is . . . because as soon as he takes the medicine he'll be benefited. End justifies the means. End is that everyone should have a Kṛṣṇa literature. Doesn't matter what is the means. Because he has taken one Kṛṣṇa literature, that justifies everything. This is the principle.

Bhūrijana: How about the just collecting without giving any literature? Just collecting. Three months ago I saw it in Australia, with a lying line, too, I mean not telling the truth. And that wasn't very long ago.

Puṣṭa Kṛṣṇa: . . . (indistinct)

Hari-śauri: Sometimes the devotees just distribute with incense.

Prabhupāda: Hmm?

Hari-śauri: They go out and distribute incense.

Bhūrijana: Nothing.

Hari-śauri: They collect and distribute incense. Sometimes they don't distribute books.

Puṣṭa Kṛṣṇa: And then maybe if they're having to pay off a loan on the temple. The general instruction is there, and all the devotees are well aware of it, that Prabhupāda's books have first priority. Everyone knows it. The consciousness is there. It's not a consciousness of not giving anything and taking.

Hari-śauri: Prabhupāda's point is that if you see fault with the method of implementing the spiritual master's instructions, you'll fail to follow the instructions.

Prabhupāda: No, the point is not that they have not done any wrong. Don't think like that. But my point, that is, my instruction is the books must be pushed.

Bhūrijana: I understand. In other words, if you think they're doing it wrong, you do it better. If you see the wrong thing . . . but do it. Make sure you do it, but do it better without the wrong, then.

Prabhupāda: Yes.

Bhūrijana: I feel that this is . . . huh.

Prabhupāda: Besides that . . . (end)

Page Title:We want that book selling must be increased as much as possible. This we want. The same thing. Let the child take medicine. Never mind the father is speaking lies. That is... Because as soon as he takes the medicine he'll be benefited
Created:23 of Nov, 2011
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=1, Let=0
No. of Quotes:1