Category:How To
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Pages in category "How To"
The following 1,428 pages are in this category, out of 1,428 total.
- How to chant the Narayana-kavaca shield
- How to see God
- Milk is nothing but blood of cow. But we know the art, how to drink the blood of cow without killing. That is civilization
- Our main business is how to turn the face of the bewildered conditioned souls towards Krsna
- Our principle is not to proselytize from Christian to Hindu or Muhammadan to Hindu. We are teaching simply how to revive his own constitutional position to become servant of Krsna, how to love God. That is Krsna consciousness movement
- When and how to read, recite, chant and hear Caitanya-caritamrta
- How To Achieve World Peace - Prabhupada 0493
- How To Always Live In Vrindavana - Prabhupada 0487
- How To Attain Perfect Knowledge - Prabhupada 0045
- How To Engage The Senses - Prabhupada 0068
- How To Get Real Satisfaction - Prabhupada 0342
- How To Grasp Spiritual Life - Prabhupada 0518
- How To Open Our Eyes To See Krishna - Prabhupada 0406
- How To Open Our Eyes To See Krishna? - Prabhupada 0101
- How To See God - Prabhupada 0104
- How To Surrender To Krishna - Prabhupada 0023
- How To Take Perfect Knowledge - Prabhupada 0004
- How To Understand Real Truth - Prabhupada 0361
- One Opinion How To Serve Krishna - Prabhupada 0321
- A (visayi) person cannot understand how to execute pure devotional service
- A brahmacari should live in the gurukula for the following purposes. The first is that he should be trained up how to control the senses. So that, if you teach any child from the childhood, he'll be trained up
- A brahmana grhastha may earn his livelihood by becoming a learned scholar and teaching people in general how to worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He may also assume the duty of worship himself
- A brahmana should do this (adhyayana, adhyapana, yajana and yajana) without remuneration, but he is allowed to accept charity from a person whom he teaches how to be a human being
- A child may take a hundred dollar bill from his father and try to keep it although he may not know how to use it. The father may beg the child - Dear boy, kindly give it to me
- A devotee is always thinking of how better to serve Lord Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and how to broadcast His name, fame and qualities throughout the world
- A devotee is never distressed or satisfied by material opulence. His concern is how to please the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- A devotee is never fearful of his death, for he meditates on the Supreme Personality of Godhead always, not for any material profit, but as his duty. The Lord, however, knows how to protect His devotee
- A devotee knows how to appreciate the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- A devotee knows how to engage himself and others in the service of Krsna completely, as well as all the wealth of the world in the matter of propagating Krsna consciousness. Rest assured
- A devotee knows how to utilize everything in the service of the Lord, and this is characteristic of the maha-bhagavata
- A devotee of the Lord is always thinking of how to assimilate the sufferings of others. A similar devotee was Vasudeva Datta, who was Lord Caitanya's associate
- A devotee, because a nondevotee has become a devotee, he is practicing how to simply accept Krsna's orders. But by his previous habit he's still engaged in "do it" and "don't do it." That is his previous habit
- A diplomat in the material world knows how to deal with people, especially in political affairs
- A foolish civilization neglects to teach people how to rise to the platform of bhakti-yoga. Without Krsna consciousness a person is no better than a hog or dog
- A householder mahatma has only one aim: how to attain the perfectional stage of love of God
- A householder, a gentleman or a person living with family, wife and children, his real aim is how to achieve the relationship, lost relationship, with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. His only aim is how to achieve that perfection
- A human being is not meant for wasting his time like animals, simply eating, sleeping, mating and defending. That is animal life. The extra intelligence of human beings should be utilized how to understand - what I am? I am a spirit soul
- A karmi, a business man, is improving his business. Just like in your country there are..., there were many great business brain-Mr. Henry Ford, Rockefeller. So they concentrated their attention how to earn money. They are also called yogi in that way
- A king, governor or president should not take the opportunity to occupy his post without also discharging his duty. He must teach the people within the state how to observe the divisions of varna and asrama
- A learned scholar who has studied the Vedas and has information from authorities like Lord Caitanya and who knows how to apply these teachings can understand that Krsna is the origin of everything in both the material & spiritual worlds. BG 1972 purports
- A man, snake-bitten, can be revived to his consciousness. Anyone Indian present here, they know. Still. Especially I have seen in Punjab, there are many snake enchanters who know the how to chant the mantras
- A mellow temporarily appearing transcendental but contradicting mellows previously stated and lacking some of a mellow’s necessities is called rasabhasa, an overlapping mellow, by advanced devotees who know how to taste transcendental mellows
- A perfect human society advanced in knowledge must learn how to produce first-class food simply by agriculture and protection of cows
- A person in Krsna consciousness does not run this risk. One therefore has to engage one's mind and senses in Krsna conscious activities, and Lord Caitanya teaches one how to do this in practice - CC Preface
- A person who is interested in inquiring about transcendental subjects, krsna-katha, makes a paramahamsa very glad. Therefore Kapiladeva was very glad to hear that His mother was eager to receive information on how to be delivered from material bondage
- A physician who knows how to diagnose a disease prescribes medicine accordingly. If the disease is very serious, the medicine must be strong
- A pure devotee's business is how to satisfy Krsna. And as soon as he chants the Hare Krsna mantra, immediately he remembers the whole plan, how to satisfy Krsna. Therefore he's a liberated person
- A rich miser does not know how to utilize his wealth, and therefore, in spite of his being very rich, his miserly behavior keeps him everlastingly a poor man. On the other hand, a person who knows how to utilize wealth can quickly become a rich man
- A rough idea of the form of the living entity has been given in the Padma Purana, that one ten-thousandth part of the tip of the hair. Now perhaps we have no instrument how to measure one ten-thousandth part of the tip of the hair. But this is given there
- A society of thieves can never be happy, because they have no aim in life. The gross materialist thieves have no ultimate goal of life. They are simply directed to sense gratification; nor do they have knowledge of how to perform yajnas
- A spiritual master knows very well how to engage each disciple in a particular duty, but if a disciple, thinking himself more advanced than his spiritual master, gives up his orders and acts independently, he checks his own spiritual progress
- A sudra does not know how to use money to render transcendental loving service to the Lord
- A true brahmana is always satisfied. Even if he has nothing to eat, he can drink a little water and be satisfied. This is only a matter of practice. Unfortunately, however, no one is educated in how to be satisfied in self-realization
- A Vaisnava comes, God also comes and God's son or very confidential devotee also comes - their only mission is how to save these sinful men who are suffering so much. That is their mission
- A Vaisnava, he knows how to utilize everything for Krsna. The aim of this creation is giving these conditioned souls another chance for liberation
- Acarya means, just like Gosvamis, they would read all the scriptures and take the essence of it and give it to his disciple that, "You act like this." Because he knows what to give, how to manipulate, so that his ekantatah sreyas will be achieved
- According to the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, dharma means surrendering unto that Supreme Being. This is bhagavata-dharma, and everyone should be taught how to surrender unto God
- According to Vyasadeva, dharma artha kama moksa, that is not very essential thing. Real thing is how to advance in the science of loving God, Krsna
- Actually the more selfless dedication you apply yourself with, the more Krsna will be pleased and the more he will give you intelligence how to expand the preaching in His Name
- Actually, we are teaching the science of God; we are teaching how to develop our dormant propensity to love God
- Adau sraddha tato sadhu-sanga tatha bhajana-kriya. Bhajana-kriya means one becomes anxious. The effect of sadhu-sanga (CC Madhya 22.83) is to become anxious how to execute this devotional service properly. That is called initiation
- Aditi accepted her husband as her guru, so that he would direct her how to advance in spiritual consciousness, devotional service, by worshiping the Supreme Lord
- Advanced in knowledge how to live, what is the purpose of life, goal of life, how to become peaceful. That is civilization. And blindly go on committing criminal activities under a nice dress, and nice motorcar, that is not civilization
- After bathing and purifying himself (Nanda Maharaja) and dressing himself properly, he invited brahmanas who knew how to recite Vedic mantras - SB 10.5.1-2
- After birth the baby, requires little honey or little milk, not the meat. But afterwards, the parents or the guardians are teaching how to eat meat. This is not our human business. Human teeth is meant for eating fruits and grains. That is scientific
- After hearing the ominous voice, Indra, with great attention, began to meditate on how to kill the demon (Namuci). He then saw that foam would be the means, for it is neither moist nor dry
- After initiation, one is engaged in study of the sastra, which teaches the student how to gain release from materialistic life and return home, back to Godhead
- After some five thousand years, Krsna came again as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu just to teach the entire world how to surrender unto Him, unto Sri Krsna, and thus be purified
- After taking so much university education, they have learned how to love hogs. Just see the fun
- After this, the King took the water which had washed the lotus feet of the Kumaras and sprinkled it over his hair. By such respectful actions, the King, as an exemplary personality, showed how to receive a spiritually advanced personality
- Ahara-nidra-bhaya-maithunam ca. These four things, there is no need of university education. But at the present moment to go to university means how to gratify the senses very scientifically. Scientifically. How to steal scientifically
- All advancement of science, knowledge, philosophy, theology - anything - the idea is how to stop the miserable condition of life. But the real miserable condition of life, according to Bhagavad-gita, is birth, death, old age and disease
- All the great sages headed by Bhrgu were always thinking of how to elevate all the people of the universe to the spiritual platform. Indeed, they advised the kings of every planet to rule the people with that ultimate goal of life in mind
- All the Vedic literature aims at understanding Krsna, and how to understand Krsna through devotional service has been explained by Srila Rupa and Sanatana Gosvamis, with evidence from all Vedic literatures
- All the Vedic scriptures, including the Puranas, the Vedas, the Upanisads and the Vedanta-sutra, teach the living entities how to attain the stage of rasa
- All these materialistic person, they are simply interested how to enjoy senses; therefore they are called dina-cetasam, cripple minded. They have no other idea. So to enlighten them it is the duty of the sannyasi to go from door to door
- All you are young Westerners. You never study Vedanta, but you can surprise many so-called Vedantists how to understand Krsna
- Although he (managing director) sits in his office without disturbance, he is not very happy because he is always thinking about how to do this or that, how to manage this affair or that
- Although Krsna was on the lap of mother Yasoda like a little baby, but the full potency of God was there. How to kill Putana, how to kill Aghasura, Bakasura, Krsna knows perfectly
- Although Lord Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, He taught His disciple and devotee Arjuna how to lead a life ending in going back home, back to Godhead (tyaktva deham punar janma naiti mam eti so 'rjuna) - BG 4.9
- Although Narada Muni was his (Dhruva Maharaja's) diksa-guru (initiating spiritual master), Suniti, his mother, was the first who gave him instruction on how to achieve the favor of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Although Rsabhadeva had nothing to learn from gurukula, He went there just to teach the people in general how to take an education from the right source, from Vedic teachers
- Although the inhabitants of Gokula were mostly cowherd men and cultivators, they knew how to defend themselves from danger and how to give protection to the women, the old men, the cows and the children, as well as to the brahminical purohitas
- Although the present leaders of India are influencing the people not to believe in God, not to believe in a next life and not to believe in a distinction between pious and impious life, and although they are teaching them how to drink wine
- Although the present leaders of India are influencing the people not to believe in God, they are teaching them how to eat meat and become supposedly civilized
- Although there is an immense treasure-house of knowledge, people are engaged in reading useless literature that will give them no information on how to get out of the clutches of maya
- Although they (other scriptures) officially promote love of Godhead, they have no idea how to execute it. But Caitanya Mahaprabhu gives a practical demonstration of how to love God in a conjugal relationship - CC Intro
- Although they officially promote love of Godhead, they have no idea how to execute it. But Caitanya Mahaprabhu gives a practical demonstration of how to love God in a conjugal relationship
- Always be thinking of how to spread this Sankirtana Movement by applying our basic principles according to time and place, and I especially want that my students enter into the schools and colleges and present our Krishna philosophy and sell our books
- Amongst the disciples of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati there may be some controversy, but the central point is how to preach the mission of His Divine Grace
- An advanced devotee is advanced in knowledge. This knowledge is very natural to a devotee, for he has already read in the Bhagavad-gita how to awaken Krsna consciousness
- An electrician knows how to take work from electricity. With the help of electricity he can turn water into cold or heat
- An ideal householder should learn from the behavior of Lord Krsna how to rise early in the morning, however comfortably he may be lying in bed embraced by his wife
- An intelligent man should know that, "I am not this body; I am spirit soul. My field of activities are on the spiritual platform and then I will be happy." So KC movement means educating people how to be situated on the spiritual platform and be happy
- An intelligent person can detect the awkward position of material existence and thus begin to inquire as to what he is, why he is subjected to different kinds of miseries, and how to get rid of all miseries
- Anaryan civilization means bodily concept of life, and Aryan civilization means spiritual concept of life, how to make spiritually advancement. That is real civilization
- And as soon as you deviate from it, immediately, ordinary. This is the secret. Now it is up to us, how to keep it pure. Then no enemy can kill us. Nobody can kill you. That purity is wanted
- Another friend for criminal activity is put into jail, but the friend is thinking, "Anyway, my friend is now put into jail, suffering. How to get him released?" That is friend's action - father, mother or friend. Similarly, Vaisnava
- Any education which does not give enlightenment on the subject matter of how to stop death, they are all foolish talking. That's all. This is the conclusion
- Any scripture of any country, not only of this BG, but any scripture, they are aiming simply how to get us back to Godhead. That is the purpose. take for example any of the great religious reformer or acaryas of any country, like, Jesus or Buddha
- Anyone can become a fully qualified brahmana under the direction of a spiritual master. Prahlada Maharaja provided a vivid example of how to think of the spiritual master and accept his directions calmly
- Anyone who has developed how to exploit the resources of nature, that nation is called to be very highly civilized, or advanced. But that is the lowest stage of civilization
- Anyone who takes care of his subordinate, he is guru. The first charge is that you should not become a guru unless you are completely in awareness how to save your dependent from the path of birth and death
- Anyone who wants to become guru, if he cannot teach his disciples how to surrender, govinda-carana-dvayam, anasritya, how to take shelter of the lotus feet of Govinda, he should not become guru. That is cheating
- Arjuna's desire to retire from activities on the battlefield was not approved by the Lord. One need only know how to act. BG 1972 purports
- Arya-samaj means one who knows his duty, how to do it in proper time. So ksatriya, his duty is to fight, to defend from the hands of the enemy. So he was declining to fight, so He chastised him, - Non-Aryans. You are not Aryan
- As described here (in SB 10.6.19), they (Mother Yasoda, Rohini and the other elderly gopis) knew how to wave about the switch of a cow so as to protect the child from all types of danger
- As far as possible live, for we have got rooms like that. Live there and take little prasadam, and fully devote time how to advance in Krsna consciousness. That is success of life. So it is authorized by the sastras
- As God is full of joy, similarly, we are also part and parcel of God; we are also full of joy. So we have to treat ourself how to go that platform of joyfulness
- As human beings, we should be cognizant that we are suffering the pains of birth, old age, disease and death and should be inquisitive to know how to avoid these miseries
- As living entities, we are eternal. So temporary business is not our business. Our business should be eternal because we are eternal. And that eternal business is how to serve Krsna
- As Lord Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, He ordered us to surrender unto Himself, but as Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He taught us how to surrender to Krsna. Therefore He is praised by the Gosvamis: namo maha-vadanyaya krsna-prema-pradaye te
- As many numbers of atoms are there, so many number of living entities are there, and there is struggle here. So in this human life the chance is how to get out of this material atomic combination and go back to home, back to Godhead
- As soon as he (the living being) gets another material body, he is put into repeated suffering in material existence. Therefore the Vedic culture or brahminical culture teaches one how to be satisfied with possessing the minimum necessities in life
- As soon as you get another material body, it is suffering. So try to realize these things. Therefore, punar-janma-jayaya. The whole aim should be how to conquer over again material . . . this is intelligence
- As the devotee is only searching the opportunity how to serve Krsna, similarly, Krsna is also very eager to serve the devotee. That is a reciprocation of devotional service
- As the fish, being entangled, he struggles for existence, how to get out of the net, he's not peaceful. You will find, as soon as caught he's up in the net, 'Fut Fut Fut Fut Fut' He wants to get out
- As we make advancement, offenses should be gradually diminished; advanced devotees, in fact all devotees should study how to do this very carefully in the NOD. We can understand the Absolute Truth by hearing, that is how we can become perfect
- As you are understanding about the sun by authoritative statement of the geometry, that this sun globe is so great, but you are seeing just like a disk. So how to get the knowledge of the sun? By receiving through the ear. That's all
- Aside from the government and its income tax and aside from thieves, even a rich man's own relatives are always thinking of how to take advantage of him and take away his money
- At first, Duryodhana was very glad, but he knew how to test the heads to see whether they were in fact the heads of the Pandavas
- At that time (the King inquiring how Jada Bharata had attained liberation) Jada Bharata informed the King how to become detached from material attraction
- At the Kumbha-mela, millions of people come to take bath in the Ganges because they are interested in how to become spiritually liberated from this material world. They're not lazy
- At the present moment almost everyone, 99.9 percent people, they do not know what is our problem and how to get out of it. They do not know. Ignorance, stupidity, mudha
- At the present moment they are busy with these four things: how to eat, how to sleep, how to have best process of sex life, and how to defend by atomic bomb. This is their advancement of civilization
- At the present moment they do not know what is papa and how to get out of it; what is next birth. Everything is unknown at the present moment. This is the modern civilization
- At the present moment, civilized man has forgotten how to decorate, therefore this mini-skirt - the business of the trees - to remain naked. Human being means to be decorated, like Krsna is decorated, not naked
- At the present moment, especially in Kali-yuga, they are not very much educated. Mandah sumanda-matayo manda-bha . . . (SB 1.1.10). They are simply busy how to earn some money and fill up the belly, that's all
- At the present moment, the motorcar civilization, he's anxious how to get a Rolls-Royce motorcar, that's all. That is his business
- At the present moment, the whole educational system is concentrated on this body, how to keep this body comfortable. Spiritual knowledge does not mean that you neglect your body. No. That is not the idea
- At the present moment, there is only this mercantile industrialist and worker. There is no brain. How to conduct society? How to become perfect human society, how to fulfill the mission of human society, for these things, there is no brain
- At the time of death, somehow or other, if you can remember Narayana, Krsna, your life is successful. Therefore, practice, practice, while you are strong, while you are in good life, practice how to remember Narayana, Krsna, always
- Awakening of love cannot be possible in other living condition than the human being. The human form of life, is therefore the perfectional stage how to develop our love for God, or how we can love God
- Bali Maharaja fully surrendered to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he could not tolerate being defamed for cheating a brahmana-brahmacari. Being quite alert in regard to his reputation, he thought deeply about how to prevent being defamed
- Banasura knew various arts of fighting, and by the grace of Lord Siva he knew how to arrest his enemy by the use of a naga-pasa, snake-noose, and thus he seized Aniruddha as he came out of the palace
- Because a Vaisnava philosopher is in full knowledge of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he finds no disturbance even in the material energy. This is because he knows how to utilize the material energy for the service of the Lord
- Because it is truth, you will come triumphant. There is no doubt about it. It is truth. Now you have to know how to present the truth. That is your business
- Because king is supposed to be God's representative, how to rule over, not that these cats and dogs will find out a lion and vote him to the chair. That is not the process
- Because Krsna was God, He demanded (BG 18.66): "Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me." But people misunderstood Him. Therefore Krsna again came as a guru and taught people how to surrender to Krsna
- Because nowadays it is democratic government, teach people how to select the real leader
- Because the Supreme Personality of Godhead as Supersoul is always guiding the individual soul, the individual soul always knows how to act according to the reactions of his past karma
- Because they are sending sudras, ordinary workers, to Vietnam, these are unnecessarily being killed. Any country which is very proud of scientific advancement, and yet does not know how to organize its society, is a fool's society
- Because we are in ignorance, we do not know anything about the kingdom of God. We know nothing about how to get there or how to become happy. We have forgotten all this
- Because we are surrendered to Krsna we are confident about eating, sleeping. We don't bother about that. That is not our problem. Our problem is how to serve Krsna honestly
- Because we have got senses, they want satisfaction. So we must give food them also, senses. But ultimate goal is how to get out of this material existence
- Because you are attached to the skin and bone, therefore you feel sometimes pains and pleasure. But that will not endure. Better tolerate it. Tolerate. That is spiritual, tapasya. That is called tapasya. When one can learn how to tolerate
- Because you have got the standard, how to make life successful. Here is Bhagavad-gita. Try to understand it, make your life successful, and then broadcast this message all over the world. That is paropakara
- Because you have no direct touch of Krsna, therefore you take shelter of Krsna's representative. Then this yunjan begins. He will teach you how to practice the bhakti-yoga
- Being carried away by the waves of nature, and subjected to the repetition of birth, death, old age and disease. No scientist can stop it. But still, they are very much proud of advancement. They do not know the real problem and how to solve it
- Being quite alert in regard to his (Bali Maharaja) reputation, he thought deeply about how to prevent being defamed. The Lord, therefore, gave him the good counsel to prevent defamation by offering his head
- Best achievement of life is the how to stop this getting material body again. Spiritual body, that is happiness. Then you will get eternal happiness, blissful life
- BG informs us how to travel to the higher planetary systems with a simple formula. One need only worship the particular demigod of that particular planet & in that way go to the moon, the sun or any of the higher planetary systems. BG 1972 Introduction
- Bhagavad-gita has taught that one can go back to home, back to Godhead, in any position, provided he knows how to tackle the situation
- Bhakti-yoga, karma-yoga, jnana-yoga - there are different names of yogas - but actual fact is how to link up our lost relationship with the Supreme Lord. That is called yoga. Yoga indriya-samyamah
- Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura knew this art, how to turn our activities for the satisfaction of Krsna. This is Krsna consciousness movement
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura sings, "On account of my fruitive result before the beginning of the creation, I am now in this material ocean." "I do not find any means how to get out of it." This is knowledge
- Bhaktya mam abhijanati yavan yas casmi tattvatah (BG 18.55). If one wants to know the Supreme Personality of Godhead and be directly connected with Him, knowing what He wants to eat and how He is satisfied, one must take to the process of bhakti
- Bhaya means "to become afraid of." That is material nature. We are always afraid of. Therefore we have military strength. Your country is very busy in that way, how to protect. Everyone should be, protection
- Both taking sannyasa and dealing in pounds, shillings and pence are external affairs. In any condition, one should always consider how to please and satisfy Krsna. Thus even if one is involved in great material affairs, he will not become attached
- Both you and your wife are trained how to arrange for maintaining a temple and center. Please do it nicely
- Brahma underwent penance for one thousand years of the demigods before he realized by the grace of Krsna how to create. BG 1972 purports
- Brahmacari means how to control the senses, to keep under his own control, not that "I am now sexually inclined. I must have immediately sex." No. Danta. That is taught
- Brahmacari, in the beginning of life - brahmacari means beginning of life, student life - they must be trained up how to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is the first training
- Brahmacārī is taught from childhood how to keep brahmacārī, brahmacarya. This is the . . . anyone who is taught from the beginning of life, "No sex life," then at young age he can control
- Brahmanas are supposed to acquire six kinds of auspicious qualifications: they become expert in worshiping the Lord or the demigods (yajana), and they teach others how to execute this worship (yajana)
- By his (Sanatana Gosvami's) personal example, he taught people how to stay in Vrndavana to execute devotional service
- By His personal example, Lord Ramacandra wanted to instruct both of them (those who strictly follow the religious principles and those who are devotees) how to fully adopt the discipline of the religious system and how to be a beloved and dutiful husband
- By His practical activity, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu informed us how to cleanse our hearts
- By Krsna's grace, the Pandavas conquered in the Battle of Kuruksetra and were saved from many dangers posed not only by kings but sometimes even by the demigods. Thus they are a practical example of how to live in security & safety by the grace of Krsna
- By losing Indian culture, Indian householders have forgotten how to execute the anga-nyasa and are simply busy in sense gratification, without any advanced knowledge of human civilization
- By practical knowledge of how to perform a surgical operation, how to mix medicine and how to give certain medicines for certain diseases, a person can do a medical man's work and be known as a doctor
- By practical knowledge of how to perform a surgical operation, how to mix medicine and how to give certain medicines for certain diseases, a person can receive a certificate and be registered as a medical practitioner in the practical field
- By the mercy of the Supreme Lord, Prahlada Maharaja was especially brought to this material world to teach people how to get out of the material condition
- By yoga, you can understand how to connect yourself with God, and bhakti means direct service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- By your good example teach him how to be brahminical
- Caitanya instructed Sanatana Gosvami to give documentary evidence from the puranas in every step. He also mentioned how to establish temples of the Lord, and He described the general behavior, symptoms, and duties and occupation of a Vaisnava
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu is teaching personally how to live. And we are not taking advantage? What a suicidal policy
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, prema pum-artho mahan (Caitanya-manjusa): "The supreme gain of life is how to be situated in the platform of loving service to the Supreme Person, God." That is actual perfection
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu, although Krsna Himself, taught us how to approach Krsna as a devotee. It is said, apani acari' bhakti sikhainu sabare
- Caitanya's mission is to teach people how to dovetail themselves into engagements of transcendental loving service. He is Krsna teaching His own service from the position of a devotee
- Christians believe that through His crucifixion Lord Jesus Christ assimilated all the sinful activities of the world's people. A devotee of the Lord is always thinking of how to assimilate the sufferings of others
- Civilization means how to get out of this material miseries—birth, death, disease and old age. That is real advancement of civilization. If there is any way and means to get out of this problem, then we must adopt in this human form of life
- Concerning how to induce grhastas to take part in Krsna Consciousness activities rather than in activities of Maya it is very simple: they should attend the temple program rigidly. Morning arati, classes, sankirtan
- Consequently no one could observe His divine opulence. He adopted this behavior just to teach yogis how to give up the body. Nonetheless, He maintained His original position as a plenary expansion of Lord Vasudeva, Krsna
- Creating the background very nicely, sattva-guna, they'll beget a child. That child will come, some great man, now great devotee. So everything has got the material relationship, how to do it. That is sastra. You do it, but follow the sastric injunction
- Deity worship can be learned at not less than ten years by children. Before that they can assist. They can learn how to bow down, how to dance and chant, how to make garlands, clean arati utensils, etc
- Demon is thinking how to wipe out, how to banish Krsna, how to kill Krsna. They don't want Krsna. That is demonic. So therefore they do not know that a demonic person is always suffering. That is due to his forgetfulness of Krsna
- Demons, they are anxiety. Everyone has anxiety, but their anxiety, aparimeyam. Just like ordinary man, he has got some anxiety: "How to maintain my family? How to get money to maintain family?" like that. But the demons, they are immeasurable, unlimited
- Desire is so strong. So how to make it zero? That is not possible. To make it zero means no more material desire. That is to make zero material desires. Sarvopadhi-vinirmuktam
- Devahuti asked her husband (Kardama Muni) how to prepare herself for sex life according to the Vedic instructions
- Devahuti is accepting her son, Kapila, as her guru. He consequently tells her how to solve all material problems. Material life is nothing but sex attraction. Pumsah striya mithuni-bhavam etam - SB 5.5.8
- Devahūti is accepting, or accepted, her son Kapiladeva as guru, and now he (she) is placing the problem and how to solve it. So to go to guru means to solve the material problem
- Devotees are always thinking about how to serve Him; they are always designing ways and means to serve the Supreme Lord, even in the midst of the greatest obstacles of material existence
- Dharma is one. God is one. And you have to follow that one principle, how to approach Krsna. That is bhakti. So dharma is to approach Krsna, and the process is bhakti. And Krsna is the Supreme God
- Dharma-samsthapanarthaya: "I come to reestablish the religious principles." But again He says, sarva-dharman parityajya, parityajya that any religion which does not teach how to surrender to God, that is not religion
- Dharmasya hy apavargyasya. To become religious means how to counteract these five principles. That is dharma
- Dhaumya was present even during the exile of the Pandavas & used to advise them in circumstances when they were perplexed. He instructed them how to live incognito for one year, & his instructions were strictly followed by the Pandavas during that time
- Dhruva Maharaja had already been instructed how to practice the eightfold yoga system, which is known as astanga-yoga. This system is explained in our Bhagavad-gita As It Is, in the chapter entitled, "Dhyana-yoga
- Dhruva Maharaja, seeing that these uncommon personalities were direct servants of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, immediately stood up. But, being puzzled, in hastiness he forgot how to receive them in the proper way
- Different desire means different types of association. We are therefore recommending that you associate with us. Then there will be one desire: how to understand God, that's all. That is wanted
- Does it require any scientific knowledge how to cut throat and how to steal? No. They require education for spiritual understanding, not this material knowledge. It doesn't require. This modern university education is simply a waste of time
- Don't be bothering yourself for solution of economic question. That is already provided. Just like all these animals, these birds, they have no question how to live, how to eat, how to mate, how to defend. This is already there
- Don't feel yourself to be alone because Krishna is always with you. Krishna is always with every living entity as Supersoul, and to His devotee especially He talks and gives instructions how to attain the perfectional stage of meeting Him
- Don't spoil your life simply for sense gratification or so-called advancement of material civilization. You should utilize your time how to make advancement in Krsna consciousness
- Don't think that because you are teaching a sudra how to work like this, you have become a sudra. You are not sudras, any circumstances. Even though you teach to a sudra how to work like a sudra
- Don't try to understand by false argument, dry argument, which is beyond your conception, beyond your reach. Simply waste of time. Then how to know? Now, srotavya. You have to hear. That is the only means
- Don't waste your time how to solve your economic problems. This is nonsense. Of course, it is very revolutionary. People will hate me. "What Swamiji's speaking?" But actually this is the fact. This is another madness
- Don't work for sense gratification or personal interest. Real interest is how to satisfy Krsna. That is real interest
- Due to envy, many asuras describe Krsna to be like a black crow or an incarnation of a hair. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu told Sanatana Gosvami how to counteract all these asuric explanations of Krsna
- Dull means cannot understand what is God. That is dullness. Otherwise for eating, sleeping, sex life & defense there is no need of university education. Nobody goes to the university to learn how to eat, how to sleep, how to enjoy sex life, how to defend
- Durvasa Muni was a very learned brahmana equipped with mystic power, but because he was not a gentleman, he did not know how to use his power. He was therefore extremely dangerous
- Each philosopher has got different opinion. So how to get real path of religious way? That is recommended in the sastra that mahajano yena gatah sa panthah. You have to follow the footsteps of great personalities. And Prahlada Maharaja is one of them
- Earning one's livelihood is not a problem. The real problem is how to get free from the bondage of birth, death and old age. Attaining this freedom, and not inventing unnecessary necessities, is the basic principle of Vedic civilization
- Education does not mean how to find out a fish expertly. That is being done by the birds. Education means to solve the problem of life. And what is the real problem? Birth, death, old age and disease
- Education means how to make one brahmana, how to teach him how he become sense controlled, sama, dama, mind control, how to become truthful, how to become clean, how to become simple, how to become full of knowledge
- Education means spiritual education, brahma-vidya. This education how to make aeroplane or a nice bridge or a machine, this is called kala-vidya
- Engaging that money for increasing further money, increasing further money . . . then one day he may be millionaire. So that millionaire, to become, that is also not undisturbed happiness. - How to keep the money? How to invest it?
- Enough ingredients to preach. Simply one has to become intelligent how to express
- Especially in the Western countries, their only plan is how to satisfy the senses. They have no other plan. But real life is to stop this line of civilization - nivrtti. Nivrtti means - stop
- Even attempting to reach the highest planet will take millions of years at a speed of millions of miles per hour. This is a different science, and Bhismadeva knew well how to utilize it
- Even if one does not read any philosophy, he is sexually inclined. Nobody is taught it in the schools and colleges. Everyone already knows how to do it. That is the general tendency. But education should be given to stop it. That is real education
- Even in the higher planetary system the jealousy is there, asuras & the devas. So our business is, as instructed by Caitanya Mahaprabhu, trnad api sunicena taror api sahisnuna. This jealousy will go on. Therefore one has to learn how to tolerate jealousy
- Even in the houses of the cultivators, who were not very advanced in the modern ways of civilization, the ladies used to know how to chant mantras to give protection to children with the help of cow dung and cow urine
- Even one is dull-brained, you can teach him by education how to manufacture this microphone. So intelligence is there, every living entity
- Even though one may desire to engage in the service of the Lord, without sanction one cannot do so. Lord Siva is offering his prayers in so many different ways in order to show living entities how to engage in the devotional service of the Lord
- Every devotee, every pure soul, duty is how to extinguish the blazing fire. And that can be done only by pushing on this Krsna consciousness movement. Otherwise, it is not possible
- Every diseased man is trying how to get health, how to get health. Similarly, this position, this present consciousness of material existence, is full of threefold miseries
- Every father has to take care. The state has to take care, the teacher has to take care - how to make the children, the poor children, the innocent children, to..., a perfect brahmana
- Every human being dislikes meeting death, but he does not know how to get rid of death. The surest remedy for avoiding death is to accustom oneself to hearing the nectarean pastimes of the Lord
- Every living entity has got these propensities: intoxication, sex intercourse. Vyavaya amisa. Amisa: meat-eating, fish eating. They're there already. One does not require to be educated, how to eat meat, how to drink, how to use sexual intercourse
- Every state is trying to become secular: "Don't talk of God." "Don't talk of God," then what you are? That is animal society. The animal society has no talk of God. There is only talk of how to fill up the belly. That's all
- Everyone has no idea what is Krsna. And because the representative of Krsna induces one to see Krsna and gives his knowledge and intelligence and tactics how to see Krsna, therefore he is as good as Krsna. That is the verdict of all sastras
- Everyone in the material world is full of thoughts about how to maintain his family, how to protect his wealth, how to keep pace with friends and relatives, etc. Thus he is always in fear and lamentation, trying to keep up with the status quo
- Everyone in this material world is trying his best how to satisfy the senses. This is the material disease
- Everyone is busy how to exploit the resources of material nature. That is advancement of civilization. Advancement of civilization means how to exploit the material resources. But they do not know, the foolish people do not know that is not advancement
- Everyone is interested how to earn money or how to gratify senses. That is the modern civilization. Here is a competition of sense gratification. I'm gratifying my senses in one way, and all others, they are trying to imitate me or compete
- Everyone is suffering under the spell of maya; therefore the best course is to learn how to get out of the clutches of maya
- Everyone knows how to eat, how to use sex. Nobody requires any university education
- Everyone should follow the example of the Pandavas, who showed how to be saved by the grace of Krsna
- Everyone, they are preaching Bhagavad-gita with the purpose of killing Krsna. Everyone. The politicians, the scholars, the rascals and everyone. The main purpose is how to kill Krsna
- Everything has got a test. But these rascals, without testing, accepting another rascal as God. Caitanya Mahaprabhu, when He was asked that how to accept one God, He said, "Well, there is in the sastra mention, the characteristic"
- Everything has its proper utility, and a man who is situated in complete knowledge knows how and where to apply a thing for its proper utility. Violence also has its utility, and how to apply violence rests with the person in knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- Everything has its use, and how to use it properly, that is all described in the Bhagavad-gita. And if you take instruction of Krsna and ultimately surrender to Him, that is success of life
- Everything takes practice. For example, if one wants to dance on the stage, one has to perform many rehearsals to practice how to dance. Then if one becomes an expert dancer, when one dances on stage one will receive acclaim - Ah, a very good dancer
- Everywhere, you take politically or socially or spiritually, for human beings, if you want to make your life successful, then you must keep the tradition of brahmana-vaisnava. So our, we are Vaisnava. Our only tradition is how to satisfy Visnu
- Expert religionists know perfectly well how to adjust religious principles in terms of time and place. All the great acaryas or religious preachers or reformers of the world executed their mission by adjustment of religious principles
- Father-mother takes care of the children, how to give them foodstuffs. We have seen Mother Yasoda is feeding Krsna. Same thing. This is the difference. We are feeding ordinary child, which is done by cats and dogs also, but Mother Yasoda is feeding Krsna
- Fighting you cannot stop. Many people, they are thinking how to stop war. That is impossible. It is nonsense proposal. It cannot be. Because the fighting spirit is there in everyone. That is a symptom of living entity
- Finding out opportunity how to waste valuable time. They do not know that every moment they are dying. Death has begun since one takes birth. And our business is before dying we must be prepared for the next life
- First of all one is trained up as a brahmacari, not to be attached in sex life. That is brahmacari, celibacy. Just like these boys, these children, if we train them how to remain in celibacy . . . They can be trained up
- First one must understand how to get out of the clutches of maya. The only means is to become Krsna conscious
- Food is not bad. One who cannot digest, it is bad for him. This is the conclusion. What is food for one is poison for another. If you cannot use sex power how to use it for better purposes, you should not use sex
- Foolish materialists have no information of how to obtain eternal happiness in the unconditional state
- Foolish persons forget this problem. They do not know at all how to solve the problems of life, but become engrossed in temporary family affairs
- For a devotee, everything in the world is very pleasing because he knows how to use everything in the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- For eating, sleeping, mating and defending, there is no need of education. Education means athato brahma jijnasa. That is education. How to know the Supreme Absolute Truth
- For human society, constantly thinking of how to earn money and apply it for sense gratification brings about the destruction of everyone's interests. When one becomes devoid of knowledge & DS, he enters into species of life like those of trees & stones
- For Krsna's pleasure you can become His enemy, you can become His friend, you can become anything. That is bhakti-yoga. Because your aim is how to please Krsna
- For proper Deity worship at least two men will be required for full time engagement. So I do not know how to solve this problem because you are alone
- For sense gratification there is no need of guru. Even these birds and beasts, they know how to gratify senses. There is no need of university or teacher
- For the benefit of men who are unable to accept the Lord in His personal eternal form, Maharaja Pariksit inquired from Sukadeva Gosvami how to fix the mind on Him in the beginning, and the Gosvami replied in detail as follows
- For the remaining twelve years He stayed in Jagannatha Puri, He taught everyone how to taste the transcendental mellow ecstasy of love of Krsna by tasting it Himself
- For this body which will not go with me I am working so hard. But the spirit, as I am, I do not know wherefrom I have come, where I am going. Therefore we have to follow the direction of authoritative persons, scriptures, to mold our life how to work
- Forgetting Himself to be the Supreme, He (the Lord) personally teaches the whole world how to render service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Forgetting our father, forgetting our God, we are criminal within this material world. Therefore our only business is how to get out of this prison house and go back to home, back to Godhead
- Formerly the ksatriyas, they were trained up how to govern. They were trained up by military men, just like Dronacarya trained Arjuna, Duryodhana. All the royal princes were trained up how to kill
- Formerly there was king according to Vedic idea. The kings were sufficiently educated how to administer the citizens, how to give them all comforts
- Freud's philosophy is the business of the hogs and dogs, and it has been taken as philosophy. Even the hogs and dogs know how to enjoy sex life. And they are.... On account of sex life, they have written a philosophy. Is that philosophy?
- From the Lord's personal activities, human society should learn how to give protection specifically to the brahmanas and cows. Then the protection of religious principles, fulfillment of the aim of life and protection of Vedic knowledge can be achieved
- From the very beginning they are being taught about KC, how to rise early in the morning, how to take part in the mangala aratrika, how to take prasadam. Then teaching, they are learning Sanskrit and English especially, a little geography, mathematics
- Generally the yogis come here (USA) to show you the asana, how to sit in different posture. That is mechanical. That is also very nice, how to bring the mind under control. But real business is after your mind is controlled
- Generally, at the present moment, everyone is grha-vrata. That's all. They simply want "How to improve my economic condition." That's all. Individually, socially, family wise, internationally or nationally, that is their aim
- Generally, the people are just like animals. They simply do not know anything beyond the necessities of the body: how to eat, how to sleep, how to mate and how to defend
- God is everywhere. So we have to qualify ourself how to talk with God, how to see God. Otherwise God is present everywhere
- God, in His Paramatma feature is sitting within everyone's heart - your heart, my heart, everyone's. You haven't got to find out God somewhere else. Therefore the yogis, they practice, "How to find out God within myself." That is called meditation
- Good brain means how to get relief from all the troubles of material existence. That is good brain
- Good leadership means you must learn how to lead people. If the srestha, the leader, is ideal, then others will follow. But if the leader is not ideal, if he is not in the awareness of things, then people will be misguided
- Gopis lament: "When there is occasional blinking of our eyelids, we condemn the creator, Lord Brahma, as a dunce, because he does not know how to make perfect eyes"
- Govardhana Hill knows how to please the Lord by pleasing His most beloved associates, the cows and the cowherd boys
- Great sages (like Parasara & Manu) have already given us instructions on how to live according to the principles of varnasrama-dharma. Similarly, Sanatana Gosvami and Rupa Gosvami have given us rules and regulations for becoming pure devotees of the Lord
- Guidance means how to take him to Krsna's shelter. Then he will be all right. The guidance is wrong, no question of Krsna, and he, simply by rubberstamping, "Here is a harijana," how it will be effective? Therefore it is failure
- Guiding the hand of the student, he (the teacher) instructs him how to write the letters of the alphabet (a, a, i, etc.) by writing big letters on the floor
- Guru's business is how to give you Krsna, not any material things. For material things, there are so many institutions. But if you want Krsna, then guru's required
- Guru's business is not to exploit the sisya. It is the business, how to deliver. So who can deliver? Who is actually guru in the parampara system? Evam parampara-praptam imam rajarsayo viduh
- Guru's task is very great responsibility. He has to guide the disciple how to make him quite eligible candidate to get the perfect position, immortality, back to home, back to Godhead
- Haridasa Thakura was strictly renounced, and thus Ramacandra Khan called for prostitutes because prostitutes know how to break a man's vow of celibacy by their feminine influence and thus pollute a mendicant or a person engaged in devotional life
- Having material desires, men worship various demigods. They have no idea how to get out of matter; they want to utilize the material world to its best capacity
- He (a Krsna conscious person) has no hankering for anything on his own personal account. He knows how to accept things in favor of Krsna consciousness and how to reject things unfavorable to Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- He (a person in the renounced order) should show all respect to others, but should not expect respect for himself. In this way, one should chant the holy name of the Lord and think of how to serve Radha and Krsna in Vrndavana
- He (Arjuna) became perfect by his own profession. How? Because he satisfied Krsna. So you can be situated in any position. That does not matter. But try to satisfy Krsna. That is Krsna consciousness movement: how to satisfy Krsna. It is not very difficult
- He (Brahma) is always thinking of how to improve the situation of the conditioned souls who have come to the material world to enjoy material activities. For this reason, he disseminates the Vedic knowledge throughout the universe for everyone's guidance
- He (Brahma) saw that the lotus on which he was situated was spread throughout the universe, and he contemplated how to create all the planets, which were previously merged in that very same lotus
- He (Caitanya Mahaprabhu) said that although He was certainly not advanced in a literary career, He had heard from others how to criticize such poetry, and as a sruti-dhara, possessing a complete memory, He could understand the process for such a review
- He (King Citraketu) was concerned with how to get pinda, oblations, in the next life, not only for himself but also for his forefathers. Therefore he requested Angira Rsi to favor him by doing something that could help him get a son
- He (Krsna) is the only resort for all devotees, and so He knows very well how to satisfy His pure devotees. Krsna understood that Rukmini could not follow the statements He had made in a joking way. To counteract her confusion, He spoke
- He (Krsna) never said that "Simply fight" or "Simply chant," because in the material world that is not possible. Therefore chanting must be there, but at the same time, you have to work how to continue this movement
- He (maha-bhagavata) knows how to serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead and how to respect a Vaisnava
- He (Maharaja Pariksit) knew well how to give protection to the cows (the earth) and the brahmanas (religious principles), the two pillars of spiritual advancement
- He (Maharaja Pariksit) was very much concerned with how to liberate the conditioned souls from the clutches of maya and take them back home, back to Godhead
- He (my father) gave me education how to play mrdanga. My mother was against. There was two teachers - one for teaching me A-B-C-D, and one for teaching me mrdanga
- He (Narada) has compiled the Narada-pancaratra, a directory of devotional service, so that devotees can always take information about how to execute devotional service engage 24 hours a day in performing sacrifices for the pleasure of Godhead
- He (Prahlada) refused to go into the kingdom of God without taking all the fallen souls with him. This is a Vaisnava. Nanyam tvad asya saranam bhramato 'nupasye: "I simply want to teach them how to surrender unto You (God). That's all. That is my goal
- He (son of the elderly brahmana) was saying (to his father) - If you make the background like that (not lying directly but like a diplomat), I shall know how to fill in the argument and defeat him (the young brahmana) by word jugglery
- He (Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu) taught personally, how to raise oneself to the topmost stage of love for Krsna. That is the ultimate aim and object of life
- He (technician) comes out and does his work; and we do not notice, because he knows the technique. So, one must know how to connect with Krsna
- He (the brahmacari) learns how to control his senses and sacrifice everything for the guru. When he is fully trained, if he likes he is allowed to marry. Thus he is not an ordinary grhastha who has learned only how to satisfy his senses
- He (the conditioned soul) thus completely forgets how to become free from the clutches of material encagement - because he is transmigrating from one body to another and engaging in sex
- He (the creator of this body) is not conversant in the art of ecstasy but is simply a prosaic creator. He does not know how to arrange things properly so one can see only Krsna
- He (the sadhu) will give us instructions on how to cut the knot of the contamination of material attraction and how to elevate ourselves in devotional service. That is the result of associating with a sadhu
- He (very big scholar) has got some scientific knowledge, but he's busy to find out a nuclear weapon, how to kill other enemies. This is the research work. No. That is demonic
- He does not say that You become equal with Me. That is nonsense. So Krsna will be satisfied because your business is how to satisfy Hari, and Hari says, Krsna says, that you surrender. That will satisfy Krsna
- He explains that manusyanam sahasresu kascid yatati siddhaye (BG 7.3): "Out of many, many thousands of people, a few people may try how to get spiritual salvation." Not all
- He hasn't got to work. Because people are very much perplexed how to get shelter, how to get food. But he has got the chance. He hasn't got to endeavor for food and shelter and other necessities of the body
- He is forced to accept a certain kind of body by the material nature. That he does not know. This is non-Aryan. Like dog: he does not know that why he has got this dog's body. He simply has learned how to bark, that's all
- He is planning some college courses and one series of lectures. So you have got good experience in this connection. Give him all good advise on how to make these programs successful
- He is simply using that better intelligence for animalism. This is the meaning. He has no education how to utilize the better intelligence. Therefore he is utilizing only in animalism
- He was always truthful, he knew how to chant the Vedic mantras, and he was also very pure. Ajamila was very respectful to his spiritual master, the fire-god, guests, and the elderly members of his household. Indeed, he was free from false prestige
- Here (in San Francisco) the Indians who have come from the Gujarat province, they are generally devotees of Lord Krishna. They are offering their willing cooperation. Especially I have come for this purpose, how to engage them in Krishna Consciousness
- Here (in SB 10.3.33) is an instruction about how to use one's senses to create progeny. According to Vedic principles, before creating progeny one must fully control the senses. This control takes place through the garbhadhana-samskara
- Here (in SB 3.23.11) there's reference to Devahuti's bodily features. Because she had become skinny, she feared that her body might have no attraction for Kardama. She wanted to be instructed how to improve her bodily condition in order to attract him
- Here (SB 4.20.17) the practical example of how to accept the instruction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is shown by Prthu Maharaja. This is the way to receive knowledge through the parampara system
- Here in our institute, we teach all the students practically how to become God conscious. Theoretical knowledge will not help us. There must be practical behavior
- Here the proposal is how to achieve perfect happiness of atma. Atma means the body, atma means the mind and atma means the soul. So unless you get happiness of the soul, simply trying to get happiness of the body and the mind, you'll never get happiness
- Here we are presenting one authorized movement, how to get out of this material entanglement. If you have got any other movement or any other idea to get out of this material, that is also accepted
- Herein (CC Adi 17.104) we find, however, that after hearing Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s order, the astrologer immediately began his calculations. This was not a facade: he actually knew how to ascertain one’s past life through astrology
- Higher mathematics does not mean that some other figures are brought in. The same one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. But you must know how to adjust these nine figures - one, two, three - and that is science of God
- Highly situated person in knowledge, his main business was how to conquer death. Now, at the present moment, that question has become subordinate thing only
- How can I (the Girl) expect to unite with others, who are neither conversant about sex nor capable of knowing how to enjoy life while living or after death? Such foolish persons are like animals because they do not know the process of sense enjoyment
- How one can get out of the bondage of material existence, vimocitam. But people do not know that "This is my business, how to get out of this entanglement." They do not know even what is that entanglement. Such foolish civilization is going on
- How to become perfect human society, how to fulfill the mission of human society, for these things, there is no brain. So this Krsna consciousness movement is creating some brain of the human society
- How to come to this bhava stage, that is Rupa Gosvami has described: adau sraddha (Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu 1.4.15). First of all little faith
- How to conclude what is the right path?
- How to control senses, that is the beginning of life. Not A-B-C-D learning and maybe your character may be less than an animal's, and you have got a degree of the university; you become a learned man. No. That is not accepted
- How to convince people that this is a nice movement, we are ourselves publishing. You cannot publish better book than what we have done. We know the interest
- How to do this work (for the Supreme Lord) has already been explained in the fifty-fifth verse of the Eleventh Chapter. BG 1972 purports
- How to drive away maya, there are so many processes, how to become cleansed. Drive away maya means something phantasmagoria is covering my eyes; I have to cleanse. That is called ceto-darpana
- How to eat, how to sleep, that is not our problem. Our only problem is how to satisfy Krsna
- How to engage the senses, being freed from designation in the service of the Lord, that is Vrndavana life. If there is any other purpose than this, then it is very difficult to utilize the opportunity of living in Vrndavana. One has to be designationless
- How to enjoy according to the body, place, that complete intelligence is there. Lord Brahma has got that intelligence, and the small insect, he has got. And Krsna is giving everyone facility - All right, enjoy
- How to get out of the clutches of maya is stated by Krsna in the Bhagavad-gita (14.26): One who engages in full devotional service, unfailing in all circumstances, at once transcends the modes of material nature and thus comes to the level of Brahman
- How to get out of this anartha, unwanted thing. That means is bhakti-yoga. People, though, do not know it. They are in the darkness of ignorance. Therefore this Srimad-Bhagavatam
- How to give up this material attachment and become attached to Krsna, developing Krsna attachment? The process is sadhu-sanga
- How to increase sex desires. This is not civilization. Civilization is how to cut down sex desire and ultimately become free, paramahamsa. That is civilization according to Vedic culture
- How to please Krishna? - by following all the regulative principle that I have given you, chanting 16 rounds and reading my books scrutinizingly. Everyone must do these things, otherwise they cannot understand Krishna Consciousness
- How to protect the cows & how rich this community was are explained in these verses (SB 10.5.7). We can hardly imagine that cows, bulls & calves could be cared for so nicely & decorated so well with cloths & valuable golden ornaments. How happy they were
- How to serve Krsna, how to disentangle ourselves from materialistic service, how to attain Krsna consciousness and become free from material designations is all taught as a science by Sri Krsna in Bhagavad-gita
- How to spend the money for Krsna, that is our policy. We do not want to keep money. We cannot keep, that is not possible. Somebody will take it. Ultimately the government will take. Better spend it for Krsna
- How to spread this KC movement? First of all you have to undergo the austerities. You must be purified, tapasa brahmacaryena samena. Then you have to engage your body, intelligence and words for spreading the KC all over the world
- How to stop janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi (BG 13.9). That we forget. Minor duties we take prominent. That is the present situation. They do not know that there is life after death, and according to our karma, we are getting the next life
- How to take perfect knowledge? Tad viddhi. First of all you try to learn. Tad viddhi. How to learn? Where to learn? Pranipatena, fully surrendered. If you find somebody that he is somebody important where you can surrender fully, from him
- How to understand Krsna? That is recommended, sevonmukhe hi jihvadau. You have to engage your tongue first of all in the service of the Lord. The Krsna realization begins from the tongue
- How you can do business? I am doing business because I have got all these things. I went to America - land. Then I worked - labor. Then I earned some capital, and I have got brain how to do it
- Human life is a chance to get out of this miserable condition. That should be the aim of life: how to get out of this miserable condition of life. That requires knowledge how we are suffering, how it can be mitigated
- Human life is an opportunity to stop all the problems of material life. So if he does not do so, if he does not understand or take to this business how to solve all the problems of life, then he's missing the opportunity
- Human life is meant for understanding position of Visnu, and his position, what is the relationship with Visnu, and how to achieve the highest success of life. Sambandha, abhidheya, prayojana
- Hunting is allowed only to ksatriya. Because they were to rule over, and formerly the rogues and rascals by the order of king or king himself would kill him immediately, so they had to practice how to kill. And that practice was done by hunting animal
- I (a person free from clutches of maya) can understand that these bodily concerns are not my real business. My real business is how to elevate myself - as a spirit soul - to the spiritual world, back to home, back to Godhead
- I am especially appealing to the GBC men to take this mission of Krishna Consciousness movement very, very soberly and without any inebrieties for advancing the knowledge of how to inject Krishna Consciousness into the dead body of material nature
- I am especially pleased that you are infiltrating the schools and colleges with improved programs, how to encourage the student class to participate in Krishna Consciousness. I completely approve of this program
- I am getting to be an old man. I have given you the formula how to preach; you are young boys and girls, our future hope. Now you follow the principles, apply your intelligence, and everything will come out successful by the Grace of our Lord Krishna
- I am not the proprietor of this body. Krsna is the proprietor of the body. I wanted a certain type of body to use it for my sense gratification. He has given it and I am not happy. Therefore I shall learn how to use this machine for the proprietor
- I am not this body. I am spirit soul. My destination is how to go to the spiritual world, how to meet the supreme spirit, God, and live with Him in His association
- I am spirit soul. I am not feeling comfortable with this material body. Therefore the right conclusion is how to go to the spiritual world or attain a spiritual body. That information we are getting from Bhagavad-gita
- I am thinking that I am karta, I am master. You are not master; you are under the grip of material nature. So how you can avoid? Therefore we should not indulge in sense gratification. We should try to practice how to take krsna-prasadam
- I am trying to become a religious person, but my inner desire is how to make my economic position developed. This is my inner position; therefore it is called kaitava, cheating
- I am very glad that you are leading all others in book distribution, so you go on with your work in this way and Krishna will give you all the clear idea of how to do everything
- I am very glad to hear from you that Berlin centre is progressing nicely under your expert supervision. You are one of my older disciples. I think you were the first devotee in European continent, so now you have got good experience how to do things well
- I am very happy to inform you of the confidence of a student in one of our branches. There was a disagreement. Another student said, "You are not looking after how to maintain the establishment," and he replied - Oh, Krsna will supply
- I am very much obliged to you for giving such a full report. May Krsna bless you and give you more and more intelligence how to manage everything very nicely in Australia and New Zealand
- I am very much pleased that you are making such nice advancement in Krishna Consciousness and that you are always thinking in so many ways how to best serve the Lord
- I am very pleased that your all efforts to spread Krishna Consciousness Movement are meeting with success. Krishna has given you this gift, how to present KC to the public in a very tasteful manner, so now just utilize that facility
- I cannot continue to send so much money if there is no clear idea how to save
- I have given instruction to Tamala how to keep the branches going on simply on the strength of chanting the Mantra and following the rules and regulations
- I hope that the GBC members will see to this (information on how to liquidate the Dai Nippon debt of $52,000). I am thinking of returning to U.S.A. as soon as possible. Now everything depends on Krishna
- I know you are a sincere devotee of Krishna and He will give you proper intelligence how to prosecute your present activities. I can simply pray to Krishna that He may bless you with all energy for serving Him
- I know you are a sincere, silent worker, and if it is not too much inconvenient for you, you can send me at least one letter in a fortnight. That will encourage me and I can then give you necessary instructions how to develop
- I like the American nation. Simply little reformation required. Now just, for example, this "In God we trust." This is very nice example. Now, they do not know what is God, how to trust. That is, that has to be done. That has to be learned
- I never said they should not use their beads. That is our business. They must be taught how to respect their beads. How they can learn unless they use them?
- I never studied different philosophy or science but Krishna has given me the intelligence how to defeat their nonsensical proposals. Soon these commentaries on the Western philosophies will be transcribed and published in a book entitled Thus They Talked
- I planned that "I must go to America." Yes. That was the reason. Otherwise, generally they go to London. I did not go to London. I was simply dreaming, "How to go to New York?"
- I pray to Krsna that I am inviting You to come, so please, because You are seated in their hearts, please give them the intelligence how to serve you so that You may not be inconvenienced
- I see that Krsna has given you good intelligence, and you have improved very much. And fortunately, therefore, very good leader Sriman Madhudvisa Maharaja will come, so each of you learn how to worship Deity, chant Hare Krsna mantra in this way - ecstatic
- I think for management of our Indian branches we shall require men from Western countries. Formally Western people used to come to India to teach them how to develop industries. Now Western people have to take the leadership of spreading Vedic culture
- I understand that you have quickly learned how to operate the Composer machine, and I am anxious to learn how things are progressing in this connection. Have you begun yet to compose Nectar of Devotion?
- I want that someone learns how to make mrdangas in the Western countries. As far as I know Isana has not produced any mrdangas. So how will he teach your wife how to make them. First let him produce something, then he can teach others
- I was simply dreaming, "How to go to New York?" Actually I thought. I was scheming, "Whether I shall go this way, through Tokyo, Japan, or that way? Which way is cheaper?" That was my plan
- I was thinking about you since I have come back this time to this country, how to get you here
- I went to your country with this word only. I did not show you any magic, neither I have any knowledge how to play magic. That is not possible. I simply repeat the same thing, that, Here is Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- I wish that you may kindly come here to Vrindaban to train up my men how to organize and run the Guest House nicely
- I'm not a magician. I do not know how to create wonderful. I have simply Bhagavad-gita, presenting Bhagavad-gita as it is, that's all. If there is any credit, this is only credit
- I'm very glad that you are organizing the temple worship at Chembur. It will be a great opportunity to show your capacity how to worship the deity in the temple
- If a karmi, jnani or yogi somehow contacts a devotee and renders devotional service, Krsna immediately awards him love of God and gives him shelter at His lotus feet, although he may have no idea how to develop love of Krsna
- If a king neglects to give such instructions (how to observe the divisions of varna and ashram) and is simply satisfied with levying taxes, then those who share in the collection are liable to share in the impious activities of the general masses
- If a person too attached to the duties of family maintenance is unable to control his senses, the core of his heart is immersed in how to accumulate money
- If by God's grace we get more then you can make sale, we are not going to work for selling purpose. Then money will be there. How to get money, how to get money? And as soon as you get money, more than necessity, then sense gratification
- If by Krsna's grace one is fortunate enough to come under the shelter of the guru, by the mercy of Krsna he receives lessons on how to execute devotional service to the Supreme Lord
- If electricity current is everywhere, so wherever you touch current, you'll feel, "Here is current." Similarly, the Krsna current in impersonal form is everywhere. It is the technician who knows how to use that current. That's all
- If God has created the material world and material variety, so means He is in full awareness how to do things nicely. That is perfectness of God
- If he (the living entity) places himself under the guidance of a spiritual master and does everything sincerely, immediately the Lord, who is situated within everyone’s heart, dictates how to serve Him - dadami buddhi-yogam tam
- If he's kept in darkness about that divya-jnana, simply if he is trained up how to eat, how to sleep, how to have sex and to defend, then life will be lost. That is a great loss
- If I earn money, then how to invest it to make it double? Then how to keep it? Which bank I shall keep it so that my money will be safe? How I shall distribute it? So abhadra. Abhadra means the whole procedure is simply abominable
- If I have to see to the administration then I cannot think of writing books and how to present our philosophy to be understandable by the people. Therefore the administration is divided
- If I mix with smokers' association, then gradually I learn how to smoke. Similarly, if I mix with devotees' association, then I become gradually devotee
- If I take the process, how to get out of this cycle of birth and death, then our human life is successful. This is Krsna consciousness movement
- If I think that "I shall become mother Yasoda," that is also Mayavada. That is also Mayavada, exactly like that, if one thinks that "I shall become Krsna." Our only proposition is how to be engaged in the service of Krsna
- If ksatriya becomes nonviolent, then the whole state will be in chaos. They must learn how to kill any criminal. He should be immediately killed
- If one always thinks of Krsna, feels how to serve Him and wills to execute the order of Krsna, it should be known that he has taken good instruction from his intelligence, which is called the mother
- If one does not know how to taste honey, one begins licking at the bottle, but for one to actually taste the honey, the bottle must be opened, and the key to its opening is the devotee
- If one goes to a ditchdigger to repair a dictating machine, he cannot help. He may know how to dig ditches, but not repair a machine. Therefore the sastras enjoin that if one wants transcendental knowledge, one must approach the proper person
- If one is struggling in this life how to accumulate money, that means rajo-guna
- If one is under this consciousness that "I am eternal. Why I am changing body? How to solve it?" that is intelligence. And not to work like cats and dogs and die. That is not intelligence
- If one really wants to attain the goal of human life, he should associate with devotees of the Krsna consciousness movement because it is the only movement that teaches one how to develop love of God
- If one's mind is distorted, then the indriyas cannot work. That is madman. You try to cure the mental disease just to bring him in proper position to control the senses. Otherwise, he does not know how to control the senses
- If somebody comes here, the free hotel and free sleeping accommodation, then his coming to this association is useless. He must learn how to serve
- If the American nation trusts in God... If not... They say, they have declared. Now, the difficulty is they do not know actually what is God, how to trust. That we are teaching. So the government must come forward to cooperate with us
- If they ( following the regulative principles and chanting on your beads regularly) are made the center of our activities, then Krsna will begin to answer all questions from within how to become further advanced in His loving devotional service
- If we actually want peace, then we must learn how to surrender to the Supreme Lord. It doesn't matter through which process. Either by Hindu, Muslim or Christian religion, it doesn't matter. We want to see that everyone is becoming a perfect lover of God
- If we associate with the persons who are propagating this movement, there is process how to understand. The process is very simple: this sankirtana movement
- If we do not act in Krsna consciousness we shall be entangled, like silkworms in cocoons. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, appears in order to teach us how to work so that we will not be entangled in this material world
- If we do not follow strictly our regulative principles, routine work, then the whole scheme will be failure. Then, instead of Christianity it will be "churchianity." Everywhere this churchianity is going on. And the real aim is how to enjoy sense
- If we fix up the idea how to receive transcendental knowledge and how to practice it, if we simply take the instruction of these mahajana, amnaya, so that will be very beneficial and easy also
- If we follow the direction of Krsna, how to appreciate Him, then naturally and surely we shall come to the point to understand Krsna, although He is all-expansive
- If we follow the instruction of Bhagavad-gita, then whole world will be . . . this is a fact. Now, how to implement it, that is another thing. But it is a fact
- If we fully depend on Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, then He will guide us how to make progress back to home, back to Godhead
- If we give the job to others for distributing all our books, then where is the opportunity for our students to canvass all the citizens to purchase our books to give them good training how to preach?
- If we have got our place and the support of these big men, I am sure that I can cut down this Naxalite movement. I know how to do it
- If we neglect this facility and remain like a dog, simply engaged in eating, sleeping, sex and defense, then we remain dog. Then again we become dog. The opportunity was given to us to understand the problems of life, how to solve
- If we simply discover atomic weapons for defense, that is not final advancement of civilization. Final civilization is how to save yourself from death. That is civilization
- If we try to make an attempt to bring people on the platform of God consciousness, then he is possessing all other qualities: how to take care of the body, how to use the mind, how to use intelligence, everything
- If we want to associate with a sadhu, we cannot expect him to give us instructions on how to improve our material condition, but he will give us instructions on how to cut the knot of the contamination of material attraction
- If we want to be happy, we must learn how to make Krsna happy. This is the process of Krsna consciousness
- If you at the time of death think of that, how to swim very nicely within the water, that means next life nature will give you a fish life. You get it. That is God's mercy. Why you artificially try to become a fish? You become actually fish
- If you can adjust things, you can utilize things, then everything will be useful. And if you do not know how to utilize things, then everything will be useless. Take instruction from Bhagavad-gita and make everything useful
- If you have actually tasted bhakti-yoga, then there will be no more material attachment. This is the test. Not that artificially keeping a big tilaka on forehead and thinking within always "How to get money, how to get woman?"
- If you have made a horseless carriage motorcar, that is not advancement. It is advancement, but it is not the solution of the problem. The solution of problem is, human life, is to how to stop death
- If you learn how to surrender to Krsna, that is real understanding of Vedanta. Bahunam janmanam ante (BG 7.19). This conclusion comes of the Vedantist, so-called Vedantist
- If you make propaganda, if he's not ghost, you can make him ghost. This is propaganda. This is called propaganda. By propaganda you can establish a false thing as real. That's all. This is going on. They know how to do it. They're expert
- If you practice instead of thinking like demons, how to gratify senses, that is demonic thought. They are concerned with this body. If you think of Krsna, how to serve Him, that is perfection of life, because you'll think at the time of death of Krsna
- If you show example how to keep the temple neat and clean, then these foreigners also will learn from you
- If you study Srimad-Bhagavatam, you'll be able to understand the whole material position and how you are situated in that material position, how to get out of it. Everything you'll understand, provided you have got the brain
- If you think in terms of Krishna's instructions, then Krishna will give the intelligence how to execute. Strictly adhere to Krishna's instructions and He'll give intelligence how to execute them from within your heart
- If you think of Krsna, how to serve Him, that is your perfection of life. Because you'll think at the time of death of Krsna
- If you train them to work as a servant, they will work it. So in the gurukula they should live just to be trained up how to control the senses. Brahmacari. Brahmacari mean life of celibacy, no sex
- If you want to go to the sun planet or moon planet - there are many heavenly planets - you can go there. Yanti deva-vrata devan. Then you have to prepare in this life how to go there. You cannot go there by force, with your sputnik or some jet
- If you want to know Adhoksaja, that is the real purpose of religion. Religion is not a type of ritualistic ceremonies. That is external. Real fact is how to contact the adhoksaja who is beyond our material conception
- If you want to know Krsna, then Krsna will give you intelligence how to know Him. If you want to forget Krsna, then He will give you, mislead you in such a way that you will forever forget Krsna
- If you want to know what is the car, that is secondary; that is not your main business. The main business is how to utilize the car and go to my destination. That is intelligence
- If you want to learn something, you have to approach some expert in the matter, similarly, if you want to learn what is dharma, how to execute it, then you have to approach such gurus or their representative
- If you want to see something, you must be trained up how to see. Like a scientist is seeing something through the microscope, and you want to see with naked eyes. How it is possible to see? You must adopt the process to see. Then you can see everything
- Iha, in this life, our only duty is to understand the bhagavata-dharma, how to serve God. That is the only business. There is no other business. That is the only business of human life
- In all conditions, the pure devotee is liberated. He may engage in some occupation or business, but he is always thinking of how to serve Krsna, and in this way he is automatically liberated
- In any condition you become bhakta - simply if you learn from the authorities how to do it. That greatest authority is Krsna
- In aparah dharma, the materialistic dharma, there are ritualistic ceremonies how to make one perfect for accepting transcendental religion. But this Krsna consciousness is directly putting oneself in the transcendental
- In Bharata-varsa, all the acaryas contributed their experience, and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu personally appeared to teach the people of Bharata-varsa how to progress in spiritual life and be fixed in devotional service to the Lord
- In due course of time, the principles of varnasrama-dharma had become neglected; therefore through His personal characteristics and behavior, He taught the ignorant public how to perform duties within the varnasrama-dharma
- In East Bengal there was a brahmana named Tapana Misra, who could not ascertain the objective of life or how to attain it
- In every country, those who are supposed to be on the counselor in the matter of giving people good ideas how to conduct society, that class of men, is finished now. Similarly, the administrative class of men
- In his own book, known as Narada Pancaratra, Bhagavan Narada has very vividly described how to work to achieve the ultimate goal of life - devotion - through knowledge and through execution of the mystic yoga system
- In India even today the Hindu community often takes advice from expert scholars regarding how to counteract sinful activities. In Christianity also there is a process of confession and atonement
- In India still, eighty percent, ninety percent they are very happy in their family life, never mind one is poor or rich, because the wife knows these three things: to remain chaste and faithful to the husband, and she knows how to cook nicely
- In India we haven't established a very strong distribution, but I want to organize sales here. Please consider this, and if you have any suggestions how to do it, please give them to me
- In Melbourne, Australia who dreamt that there would be such a nice temple, Radha-Krsna, and that local men would be worshiping. And still anyone who is sincerely serving, he will get inspiration how to do it nicely. Krsna is there in his heart
- In modern civilization there is no such education (where people are taught how to be satisfied with only what they need); everyone tries to possess more and more, and everyone is dissatisfied and unhappy
- In order to become a devotee of the Lord, one has to accept a spiritual master and inquire from him about how to progress in devotional service
- In order to stop this stupidity of serving our senses, which will never come to an end, simply increase our bondage, we have to come to the spiritual master. He'll teach how to convert or to divert the activities of the senses to please Krsna
- In our International Society for Krishna Consciousness, our main business is how to make advancement in Krsna consciousness. We are not enthusiastic about opening big, big factories with big, big money-earning machines. No
- In our Krsna consciousness movement, we are trying to develop the symptoms of brahmana. Not by birth; to educate them, how to become samo damas titiksa arjavam
- In our Krsna society we are not very much anxious for economic development or sense gratification. We are simply interested how to develop our Krsna consciousness
- In our Krsna Society we are not very much anxious for economic development or sense gratification. We are simply interested how to develop our Krsna consciousness. But the economic question becomes automatically solved
- In our practical life, Krsna instructs us how to invoke Krsna consciousness. It is not that we are to stop executing our duty or to cease from activity. Rather, activities have to be conducted in Krsna consciousness
- In regard to preaching the glories of the Lord there are no hard and fast rules, we must simply always remain ourself fixed in Krsna Consciousness and then Krsna will give us the good guidance how to push things on
- In spite of good brain, they are rascal, because brain is being utilized for sinful activities, how to set up up-to-date machinery for killing animals
- In the 8th vilasa (of Hari-bhakti-vilasa), there is a description of the Deity and instructions on how to set up incense, light lamps, make offerings, dance, play music, beat drums, garland the Deity, offer prayers and obeisances and counteract offenses
- In the beginning we have no love for Krsna, so this process will help how to invoke his love for Krsna. This is standard process
- In the Bible, Lord Jesus Christ is described as the son of God. Now, so far I have heard, that it is claimed that he is the only one son of God. Now according to Bhagavad-gita, every living entity is son of God. Now how to adjust
- In the city of Pratisthana-pura, long ago, there resided a brahmana who was poverty-stricken but innocent and not dissatisfied. One day he heard a discourse in an assembly of brahmanas concerning how to worship the Deity in the temple
- In the eleventh vilasa (Hari-bhakti-vilasa), there are elaborate descriptions of Deity worship and the glories of the holy name of the Lord. One is instructed on how to chant the holy name of the Deity
- In the eyes of the common man he may become a very great scientist, but those who are advanced in spiritual consciousness, they will take him no better than cat and dog - because his subject matter is how to eat, sleep or mate or defend
- In the fifteenth vilasa (of Hari-bhakti-vilasa), there are instructions on how to observe Ekadasi fasting without even drinking water
- In the fifth vilasa (of Hari-bhakti-vilasa), one is instructed on how to make a place to sit for meditation, and there are descriptions of breathing exercises, meditation and worship of the salagrama-sila representation of Lord Visnu
- In the human form of life, however, there is full knowledge of how to enjoy sex. Indeed, there are many so-called philosophers who give directions on how to enjoy sex life. There is even a science called kama-sastra, which is the science of sex
- In the human form of life, one must learn these two things—how to become detached from the material world and how to acquire full knowledge in spiritual life. This is the Lord's mission
- In the material conditioned life your aim is how to satisfy your senses. And Krsna consciousness means you have to work in the same spirit, same vigor, but you have to satisfy Krsna. That is spiritual life
- In the meantime you devote your attention for first-class editorial work, and try to manage things there how to keep the inmates peaceful
- In the meantime, while Krsna was considering how to stop them, all the cowherd boys entered the mouth of the demon (Aghasura) - SB 10.12.26
- In the present age people have become degraded for want of tapasya because they are not taught how to execute tapasvi life. Criticism for its own sake will not do; one must be effectively trained in the life of tapasya
- In the present town of Navadvipa, which was formerly known as Kuliya, Caitanya showed such mercy to him (Devananda Pandita) that he gave up the Mayavadi interpretation of Srimad-Bhagavatam and learned how to explain Srimad-Bhagavatam in terms of bhakti
- In the Second Chapter, preliminary knowledge of the soul and its entanglement in the material body were explained. How to get out of this material encagement by buddhi-yoga, or devotional service, was also explained therein. BG 1972 purports
- In the sixth vilasa (of Hari-bhakti-vilasa), the required practices for inviting the transcendental form of the Lord and bathing Him are given. In the seventh vilasa, one is instructed on how to collect flowers used for the worship of Lord Visnu
- In the Vaikuntha world there is comparative DS. Just like Radharani & the gopis, they are on the same status, but the gopis know that, "Radharani is the better worshiper than us." Therefore their only business is how to take Radharani and join with Krsna
- In the Vedas there is direction how to prepare by chemical process gold. That is also there. Gold, there is a suggestion that you mix three metals, namely nickel, copper and mercury, you'll get gold
- In their country also they have got many cows. They get sufficient milk. And from that milk, they prepare so many things - milk, ghee, and then they get chana. So they know how to prepare so many things from chana, lugdoo
- In this Age of Kali, people are gradually becoming less than animals. Nevertheless, although they are eating the flesh of cows and are envious of brahminical culture, Sri Caitanya is considering how to deliver them from this horrible condition of life
- In this age, husband and wife means sex satisfaction, personal. There is no question of that "We shall live together; we shall satisfy Krsna by being trained up how to satisfy Krsna." That is Krsna consciousness movement
- In this body, our consciousness being advanced, if we try, we can understand what is the problem of life, why we have accepted birth, death, old age and disease, how to get out of it, how to revive our original nature of body and again become eternal
- In this Krishna Consc. Movement, I am training boys and girls all over the world how to act nicely by practically serving Krishna in their everyday lives. That is more important than trying for something which I may like to do but which will never happen
- In this material world, we need a leader for a monarchy or good government. Lord Sri Ramacandra, by His practical example, showed how to live for the benefit of all human society
- In this verse (SB 4.25.28) all these inquiries are made by King Puranjana, the living entity who is bewildered and does not know how to employ his intelligence. Intelligence should be employed in the service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In this way (taking shelter of a guru) he receives a clue of how to get out of his continuous struggle up and down within the material world. Therefore the Vedic injunction is that one should approach a spiritual master
- In Vedic literatures it is said that in order to understand the transcendental science of Krsna consciousness, we must try to acquire knowledge of how to extinguish this blazing fire of problems
- India's mission is how to revive Krsna consciousness throughout the whole world. That is India's mission. Revive your Krsna consciousness, be fixed up in Krsna, and then distribute this knowledge. This is Indian mission
- Intelligence is how to stop this slaughtering process of nature. That is intelligence. That is being discussed. So anyone can get out of the slaughtering process by devotional service
- Intelligence is there, every living entity. Now, to train them how to utilize his intelligence . . . so one who is fortunate, he becomes trained up in intelligence how to go home, back to home, back to Godhead
- It is a fact that we are transmigrating from one body to another, one planet to another. That is a fact. Just like I have come to your country, similarly I may go to another planet. It is the question of how to go there, what is the means
- It is better to teach people how to beget children not like hogs and dogs, but in controlled life
- It is clearly outlined here (in BG 18.10) how to renounce the fruits of work and for what purpose fruits should be renounced. BG 1972 purports
- It is necessary to know how to conduct work so that when we leave the material body we will no longer be forced to take another but will be free to enter into the spiritual sky
- It is not a question of simply accepting God as the center of everything and peace will be achieved, but the question is how to live in God
- It is not possible to learn any major subject simply by purchasing books and reading them at home. Someone is needed to show us how to apply that knowledge which is found in the books
- It is not responsible government that one poor animal, because he does not know how to give him protection, although there is government, he is taken away to the slaughterhouse. This is not government
- It is not so easy thing. Tapasa brahmacaryena damena samena. One has to practice how to control the mind, how to control the senses. This is brahmacarya. Tapasya. It requires tapasya
- It is not that one may meditate for 15 minutes, and he becomes spiritually advanced, it is not possible. So the Krishna Consciousness movement is training people how to be absorbed in the thought of Krishna, 24 hours
- It is not that the previous acaryas and others, they did not know what is airplane, what is speed, how to run. Don't think foolishly, as if they have manufactured. It is nothing, not even third-, not even fourth-class, tenth-class
- It is only the question of understanding the process how to execute Krishna Consciousness. If you can therefore spare some time to live with me, it will be better. You appear to be a very intelligent boy and I hope you will learn the art quickly
- It is said that when a person becomes overly involved in loving affairs, he forgets himself as well as others, and he forgets how to act and how to speak
- It is the duty of the guide not to engage him in lower class of occupation. Therefore there must be a class of men first-class who can teach the society how to advance in human civilization
- It is the duty of the human being how to get out of the control of the material nature. That is the greatest science. But they do not know it. That is explained in the Srimad-Bhagavatam
- It is the duty of the spiritual master to teach how to decorate the Deity in the temple, how to cleanse the temple and how to worship the Deity
- It is the duty of the state, duty of the parents, duty of the guardians, duty of the husband, duty of the father - everyone's duty is how to elevate a living creature who has got this fortunate human form of life to understand this paramam gatim
- It is up to you to decide whether you are going to get a body which will be able to dance with Krsna, to talk with Krsna, to play with Krsna. You can get it. And if you want a body how to eat stool, urine, you will get it
- It is very difficult subject matter (how to stop accepting bodies), of course, to understand, but Bhagavad-gita teaches, yada yada hi dharmasya glanir bhavati - BG 4.7
- It is very difficult to find out the real path how to realize perfection of life, but it is advised that if you simply follow the footsteps of the great personalities, authorities, or their representatives, then you will be led to the perfectional stage
- It is very easy thing that, - Leader must be faithful. A leader must know what is God and how to trust in Him. And he must be free from all sinful activities
- It is very temporary, but in this temporary life, we are addicted to so many unnecessary things, and we are forgetting our real business, how to go to home, back to home, back to Godhead
- It is your responsibility to always exhibit a Krsna conscious example. You should always be thinking how to spread Krsna consciousness to the African people. This is our mission - to save suffering humanity from the path of repeated birth and death
- It requires a little intelligence how to keep pace with Krishna and the world simultaneously
- It was raised (the question of how to be relieved from the material existence) to teach the common man that whenever one meets a great saintly person, one should immediately surrender unto him and inquire about relief from the material pains of existence
- It's a great science, Krsna consciousness. It is not that we are simply concerned with worshiping this Deity. No. We have got volumes of book. It is a science how to make people happy in this life as well as the next life
- Its (KCM's) members are going from village to village and town to town with Deities of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, teaching people how to worship the Lord by chanting the Hare Krsna mantra, offering prasadam and distributing prasadam to people in general
- Jada Bharata used to work only for food. His stepbrothers took advantage of this and engaged him in agricultural field work in exchange for some food, but actually he did not know how to work very well in the field
- Janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi duhkha-dosanudarsanam. One should be intelligent to see the troubles of these four incidences of life: janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi. That is the whole Vedic system - how to get out of these clutches
- Jatayu was a bird. So how they satisfied? The Jatayu fought with Ravana. Yesterday you saw. Ravana was kidnapping Sita devi, and Jatayu, the bird, he was going, flying. Ravana knew how to fly without machine. He was very, very materially powerful
- Jaya Radha Madhava, 1971 Jul 20 - As the Gopi-jana-vallabha, His only business is how to protect gopi-jana. So our Krsna consciousness movement is how to become one of the gopi-jana. Then Krsna will save us from any danger
- Just before the great sage Narada arrived in the Sudharma assembly house of Dvaraka, Lord Krsna and His ministers and secretaries had been considering how to attack the kingdom of Jarasandha
- Just like a man, very foolish man, he is suffering from disease but he does not know how to cure the disease, what to do and what not to do, similarly an animal-like man, a two-legged man, he does not know what to do and what not to do
- Just like attraction for the opposite sex, a girl or a boy. That is natural. Nobody goes to school and colleges how to learn how to be attracted by young man, young . . . no. It doesn't require any education. The natural instinct is already there
- Just like I show you sometimes how to mop. So I am not a mopper, but I am showing how to mop. So our position is like that. We do not belong to any varna and asrama. But we have to show these rascals
- Just like Narada Muni. He is going to the hellish planet also for preaching Krsna consciousness. So a devotee is not afraid of going anywhere for the service of the Lord. That is devotee. He has no personal desire; simply how to glorify
- Just see in the Western countries; all the younger generation, they are so much addicted to intoxication. And the government is spending millions of dollars, how to stop it. But they have become animals
- Kapiladeva addressing His mother, nrpatmaje: "My dear princess, the daughter of King" He is not addressing His mother as the wife of Kardama Muni, because she would be little puffed up that "I am the daughter of king." Kapiladeva knew how to flatter woman
- Kardama Muni was Devahuti's husband, but because he instructed her on how to achieve spiritual perfection, he naturally became her spiritual master also
- Kasyapa Muni concluded, "I shall train her (Diti) in such a way that instead of always thinking of how to kill Indra, she will become a Vaisnava, a devotee of Krsna"
- Kausalam means expert service, expert, kausalam. Kusala. Kusala means auspicious, and from kusala it comes to kausala. That means if you learn the trick how to work on the platform of yoga, then that is the highest technique of doing work
- King Kulasekhara, an ideal pure devotee of the Lord, shows us by his own realization how to offer prayers to the Lord
- King Satyavrata shows us the way to accept the SP of Godhead as the real spiritual master. The Supreme Lord has given full directions in Bhagavad-gita about how to deal with everything in this material world and how to return home, back to Godhead
- Knowledge does not mean how to eat, how to sleep, how to have sex life, and how to defend. That is not knowledge. These things are there in the animals. The animals also know very well how to eat, how to sleep, how to have sex life and how to defend
- Knowledge how to eat, how to sleep, how to defend, how to enjoy sex life, and volumes of books on this subject matter, these are not knowledge. They are known even by the cats and dogs
- Kovida means intelligent, very intelligent person. So what should he try for? Tasyaiva hetoh: to get shelter at the lotus feet of Krsna. Human life should only endeavor how to get in touch of the lotus feet of Krsna. That should be the only one business
- Krishna will give you all intelligence how to push on this movement. Already you have a program for preaching at the university and you should continue this program more and more
- Krsna - this sound is transcendental. Krsna means the highest pleasure. All of us, every living being, seeks pleasure. But we do not know how to seek pleasure perfectly
- Krsna also wants somebody friendly. It doesn't matter whether he is a sannyasi or grhastha. So any grhastha, whose only aim is how to keep friendship with Krsna, he is also mahat, mahatma
- Krsna and Balarama learned the art of architecture - how to construct residential buildings
- Krsna consciousness movement is how to increase detachment for this material life. Therefore it is called vairagya-vidya
- Krsna consciousness movement is so beneficial that He wants to benefit the whole human society how to stop this process of repetition of birth, death, old age and disease. My Guru Maharaja came for this purpose & we are also trying to follow his footstep
- Krsna consciousness movement means how to cure this material disease and go back to home, back to Godhead. Unless we cure our material disease, it is not possible
- Krsna consciousness movement means know how to glorify God, not theoretical-practical
- Krsna consciousness movement means to practice in this life how to enter Krsna's family
- Krsna consciousness movement means we are teaching people how to get out of this entanglement of birth, death, old age and disease and become as good as God
- Krsna consciousness movement, is to teach people how to increase his attachment for Krsna. There are many processes. The beginning of the Krsna consciousness is sraddha, a little faith
- Krsna consciousness, means to practice this, how to fix up the mind always at the lotus feet of Krsna. Krsna also advised the same thing: man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru. This is yoga, meditation
- Krsna in Dvaraka enjoyed the pastimes of a perfect human being. Therefore, when He washed the feet of the sage Narada & took the water on His head, Narada did not object, knowing well that the Lord did so to teach everyone how to respect saintly persons
- Krsna is also very kind. If you chant seriously, without offense, even the mental condition at the time of death is disordered, Krsna will help you how to chant without any offense. The only qualification is that we must be very sincere
- Krsna is so merciful that He always thinks of how to liberate the conditioned souls from the material platform
- Krsna means "love," so everyone is struggling hard how to be in the platform of love. So many institution - philanthropy, international, and the United Nation - the only attempt: how to love each other
- Krsna personally says, catur-varnyam maya srstam guna-karma (BG 4.13). The varnasrama must be there. The whole aim is how to please the Supreme Personality of Godhead, because the Supreme Personality of Godhead has to be satisfied
- Krsna personally teaches how to deal with cows. He never showed the example of killing the cows. He maintained the cows, the calf
- Krsna practically showing how to live Vrndavana life. In Vrndavana nobody knows Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Nobody knows. But their love for Sri Krsna is intense. That is wanted
- Krsna replied to Narada: "I am the supreme instructor. Therefore I'm personally executing religious principles in order to teach the whole world how to act. It is My desire that you not be bewildered by such demonstrations of My internal energy"
- Krsna said at that time that the cows are worshiped even by the demigods, and He practically demonstrated how to protect the cows. At least people who are in Krsna consciousness should follow in His footsteps and give all protection to the cows
- Krsna said: Know from Me that this is the act of the son of Drona. He has thrown the hymns of nuclear energy (brahmastra), and he does not know how to retract the glare. He has helplessly done this, being afraid of imminent death
- Krsna says that, "Always think of Me." Man-mana. Man-mana means "about Me." "You just become My devotee." So we are teaching our students in that way, how to think of Krsna always. Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna
- Krsna says, "This is knowledge." If you are scientifically advanced how to stop death, how to stop birth, how to stop old age, how to stop disease, then you should know that you have advanced in science
- Krsna will give you intelligence how to engage in honest, brilliant, glorious work on His behalf
- Krsna will help you. Tesam satata-yuktanam bhajatam priti-purvakam, buddhi-yogam dadami tam (BG 10.10). If you are actually seriously engaged in Krsna consciousness, then Krsna gives us intelligence how to approach Him
- Krsna, out of His causeless mercy, He appears to teach us how to divert your attention and asakti to Krsna. So dharmasya glani, deviation in the path of religious system, means to forget our eternal relationship with Krsna
- Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is stressing on the point how to avoid death. This is the whole scheme of Vedic knowledge, janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi-duhkha-dosanudarsanam (BG 13.9). But people have no knowledge
- Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami maintains that the Radha and Krsna Deities show us how to serve Radha and Krsna
- Kulasekhara, knowing how pleased God is to be addressed by a name indicating His transcendental relationships with His intimate devotees, & knowing also the potency of the name Krsna, has chosen to glorify God by addressing Him as Devaki-nandana & Krsna
- Learned scholars, brahmanas, saintly persons and sages who were fully aware of the Vedic purpose advised the royal order how to benefit the general masses, and by their cooperation, the general masses were benefited. Therefore everything was successful
- Learning the etiquette of how to deal with women does not free one from sexual attraction. As specifically mentioned herewith (SB 9.19.17), such attraction is possible even with one's mother, sister or daughter
- Let death there be. So long death does not come, let me enjoy and have sense gratification - That has become the standard of civilization at the present moment. But real problem is how to conquer death
- Let them each hear the tape through the right ear, privately and individually, reading the paper and repeating each word. Beforehand you can instruct them how to chant on the fingers. Then you can get the thread on Traidas's body
- Like Arjuna, we should also accept Krsna as the guru who can instruct us in how to get relief from our perplexed position. So Krsna is the guru not only for Arjuna, but for everyone
- Lord Ananta, whose body is completely spiritual, resides at the root of the planet Patala. He always lives in the core of Lord Siva's heart, and He helps him destroy the universe. Ananta instructs Lord Siva how to destroy the cosmos
- Lord Caitanya never tried to be the master of the holy name; rather He taught us how to be servants of the holy name
- Lord Caitanya said that He did not know how to explain the Sanskrit verse but that since He was in the association of Sanatana He would try to explain it
- Lord Caitanya teaches us how to execute pure devotional service out of spontaneous love for the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Lord Krsna is the teacher of the whole world, and in order to instruct everyone how to respect a saintly person like Narada Muni, He bowed down, touching His helmet to the ground
- Lord Krsna, the Lord of the universe, plays the part of an ideal son just to teach others how to treat their stepmothers
- Lord Siva does not engage in useless mental speculation, but as stated in the previous verse (SB 4.6.38), he is always thoughtful regarding how to deliver the demons from their fallen condition of life
- Lord Siva wanted to see the Mohini-murti, which was captivating the entire world, and Lord Visnu was gravely thinking of how to captivate Lord Siva also. Therefore the word bhava-gambhiram is used here - in SB 8.12.14
- Lord Siva's uncivilized, devilish characteristics are never abominable because he teaches the sincere devotees of the Lord how to practice detachment from material enjoyment
- Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu taught us how to pray for benedictions from the Lord. He said: na dhanam na janam na sundarim - CC Antya 20.29, Siksastaka 4
- Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, being omniscient, could understand the degradation of these students. Thus He sat at home, contemplating how to rescue them
- Lord Sri Krsna established the principles of grhastha life by marrying many wives and begetting many children just to show people in general how to be happy by living according to Vedic principles
- Lord Visnu, or Lord Krsna, instructs a devotee who constantly engages in His service how to approach Him at the end of his material body
- M.A., Ph.D., and searching after woman, how to induce her, and being searched out in the airport, whether he's a rogue - what is this education? We don't want this education
- Maharaja Pariksit had inquired why Narada Muni was subject to a spirit of revenge (tamah). But this was not tamah, for Narada Muni, in full knowledge of what was for the good of the 2 brothers (Nalakuvara & Manigriva), wisely thought of how to cure them
- Man is called a rational animal, but his rationality is being used to further his animalistic propensities instead of to find out how to get liberation from this miserable condition - birth, old age, disease, and death
- Manu gave the law known as Manu-samhita, which is full of directions based on varna and asrama concerning how to live as a human being
- Mataji Haimavati can train your wife or someone how to worship the deities nicely, and you both stay there for the time being
- Material life means hatred for Krishna and desire for matter. So we have to convert ourselves. When one becomes Krishna conscious actually, he does not even hate material things because he becomes expert how to utilize everything for Krishna
- Material reflection of the real tree has to be cut off. When it is said that a person knows the Vedas, it is assumed that he knows how to cut off attachment to this material world. If one knows that process, he actually knows the Vedas. BG 1972 purports
- Material world means in every step there is danger. That is material world. So therefore we should take guide from guru, from the teacher, from the spiritual master how to make progress
- Material world means step by step, simply danger. That is material world. So we have to find out pratikaram, counteraction, how to save yourself from danger
- Mayavadi philosophers are satisfied simply to understand Brahman to be the sum total of knowledge, but Vaisnava philosophers not only know in detail about the Supreme Personality of Godhead but also know how to approach Him directly
- Milk is necessary for the performance of yajna. Sages know how to use milk to elevate human society to the perfection of life
- Mind is restless, always desiring something, desiring something. So the best policy to control the mind is to desire how to spread Krsna consciousness
- Modern civilization has gone down so low that they are very much anxious. Therefore it is said, cintam aparimeyam ca - How to arrange for eating? How to arrange for sleeping? Not only for me, but for my son, for my grandson, for my great-grandson
- Modern civilization is how to develop the facility of sense gratification. This is modern civilization. For spiritual life this should be, rather, whatever facilities we have got, we have to curtail, not to increase. That is Krsna consciousness
- Modern educators do not know the aim of human life; they are simply concerned with how to develop the economic condition of their countries or of human society
- Modern medical science has not yet discovered how to bring a dead body back to life or bring youthful energy to an old body, but from here we can understand that such treatment is possible if one is able to take knowledge from the Vedic information
- Money is very scarce in the village. Let us go to the city and spend. You get five hundred dollars but you have to spend eight hundred dollars. Then he will learn how to drink, how to go to cinema, how to go to restaurant, how to go to club
- Mr. Malkani is a cook and can teach how to prepare nice foodstuffs. He also knows of our idea for the Hare Krishna Restaurants
- My (Prabhupada) request to you all who are in Krsna consciousness movement - do not be a bluffer. Behave in your life how to become Krsna conscious and teach others. Then the whole world will be benefited, and the Yamaduta will not come to them
- My Guru Maharaja used to say... One who was not interested in hearing, he used to call him a dandavat-class. Dandavat-class of men. That means simply he knows how to make dandavats, that's all
- My instructions I have already given to you, how to chant the beads, and how to protect yourself from the offenses. I shall advise you again to chant always, increasing the counting
- My message is to stop the crimes of your country. This is my sum and substance. We have read the article in the Times, "Crime and How to Stop It." So if you take my advice, that can be stopped
- My request is that the inhabitants of Bombay, especially those who are our members, they will kindly take active part, how to make this institution very successful in Bombay
- Naimisaranya meeting going on, all the big, big learned brahmanas, sages, they are talking how to do welfare activities to the human society
- Nanda Maharaja wanted not only to pay Kamsa the yearly taxes but also to offer some presentation so that Kamsa too would be satisfied. His only concern was how to protect his transcendental child, Krsna
- Narada Muni had spoken of a swan. That swan is explained in this verse. The Vedic literatures vividly describe how to understand the Supreme Lord, the source of all material and spiritual energy. Indeed, they elaborately explain these two energies
- Narada spoke as follows: "Being absorbed in such (In the bodily concept of existence, everyone is driven by material desires) a concept of existence, one does not know how to get out of this encagement of the material body"
- Narada was not at all sorry that he had been frustrated in making Priyavrata a disciple. Both Priyavrata and Narada were exalted personalities who knew how to respect Lord Brahma
- Narada's proposal that Lord Krsna go to Hastinapura for Maharaja Yudhisthira's great Rajasuya sacrifice did not much appeal to them because they (Krsna & His associates) were seriously considering this (how to attack the kingdom of Jarasandha) subject
- Narottama dasa Thakura said, janame janame mora ei abhilas. Our . . . we are . . . ambition should be how to serve Krsna through the disciplic succession, guru, and live in the association of devotees. This is the process
- Nature is so strong that you must die. "I am very strong." You may be very strong, that's all right. There is a, I mean to say, joking story that one man thought how to avoid death
- Neophyte devotee does not know how to preach. He simply goes to the temple, and offers everything with devotion to the Deity, and he doesn't know anything else
- Never mind even it is imperfectly done, we must execute the orders of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. I may not be so very expert in delivering the message of Krsna, but my duty is to try to my best capacity how to distribute this knowledge to the suffering humanity
- New devotees must all be trained nicely how to render devotional service by chanting 16 offenseless rounds daily and following the 4 regulative principles. Kindly set a nice example yourself for everyone and in this way make your lives perfect in full KC
- Nihsreyasaya means the ultimate benefit. That education is lacking. In the material world, the jnana, especially in the present age, jnana means technical knowledge: how to eat, how to sleep
- No institution to teach people how reestablish varnasrama
- No one is superior to you in peaceful life and mercy, and no one knows better than you how to execute devotional service or how to become the best of the brahmanas. Therefore, you know all the principles of confidential religious life
- Nobody is accustomed in that way (live underneath a tree), such severe type of austerity. They must be given, as far as possible, comfortable accommodation; otherwise they will not come. This is the adjustment. The acarya knows how to adjust things
- Nobody is taught sex life in the school and the colleges, but everyone knows it, how to do it. So pravrttir esa bhutanam nivrttis tu maha-phalam (Manu-samhita). That's the general tendency. But education should be given to stop it. That is real education
- Nobody is trained up how to know God and how to love Him. They are satisfied by going to the church: "O God, give us our daily bread."
- Nobody knows what is God, neither he knows how to trust in God. That is instructed in the Bhagavad-gita: what is God and how to trust in Him. This is the subject matter of Bhagavad-gita
- Nobody wants to die. And where is that technology, to stop death? What do you think? You are financing many technological institutions, businesses. Why don't you finance an institution which is giving instruction how to stop death
- Nobody will die without sex life. Nobody will die without meat-eating. Nobody will die without intoxication. Nobody will die without playing gambling. These are learned by association only. By bad association we learn how to drink, how to smoke
- Not every time the police has to be ordered by the superior authority to punish the criminal. They know how to punish. So the nature knows how to punish these criminals
- Not knowing how to meditate, foolish people simply suffer, and there is no benefit derived from their spiritual activities
- Not knowing how to utilize his human or demigod life, a krpana is attracted by things created by the material modes of nature
- Now go on increasing books distribution, and utilize your fertile brain how to do it more and more. Krishna has given you every facility
- Now I want that there should be established 108 temples before my death, so you think how to do it. Make some program, train up devotees
- Now I went to the shoe brushing shop. So I brushed some gentleman's shoes. I got some money, five dollars." So they know how to earn money. There's no scarcity of money
- Now is the time for us to begin the boiling process. Now you know everything how to be a Vaisnava brahmana, now you must practice these thing or the whole thing will be a show only
- Now it is not required the bows and arrows or . . . because they're already dead, because they have no conception of God. Simply fighting how to avoid God, this is their business
- Now people has to know it (the best thing we are presenting). How to make it known? We have to go to the newspaper man, magazine man, to the Foundations. So one responsible . . . one? Why one? Two, three men must move amongst them
- Now the fault is without being trained, simply by votes one becomes prime minister or home minister, he has no training how to administer, but simply by vote, he occupies a big post. And that is his qualification
- Now there are so many devotees there in Philadelphia. Please take care of them. Teach them how to remain neat and clean. They should be engaged always in cleansing the temple. Cleansing is urgently required
- Now this nudie movement is there, how to remain naked. That means next life they are preparing for becoming tree: Thousand years, stand up here, naked. Nobody will object
- Now you have everything, respect, philosophy, money, temples, books, all these things I have given, but I am an old man and my notice is already there. Now it is up to you all how to manage it
- Now you have got the formula how to achieve very quickly the supreme perfectional stage, and it is up to you if you will practice it seriously or not
- Now, at the present moment, education means you learn technology and learn how to earn money, and then, after earning money, you spend it for sense gratification: eating meat, eating wine, going to the brothel, prostitute
- Nowadays the education is how to make friendship with others' wife and how to take away others' money by tricks. This is not education
- Of course that is a great art and not everyone can do it, but gradually by practice of preaching in this way, striving to so much present a wonderful picture of our books to the people, gradually you will master the trick how to do it
- Once upon a time, when Brahma was thinking of how to create the worlds as in the past millennium, the four Vedas, which contain all varieties of knowledge, became manifested from his four mouths
- One can fulfill the ultimate goal of life only by engaging in devotional service to the Lord. Then the Lord will give one proper instructions on how to go back home, back to Godhead
- One can perform one's duty by physical work, by mind and by words. And he (Bhismadeva) knew well how to utilize them in the proper place, and therefore there was no difficulty for him to receive them (sages), although physically unfit
- One cannot reach the eternal abode of the Lord without being free from the misconception of material identification, and the Bhagavad-gita gives us the clue how to achieve this stage of perfection
- One cannot understand the differences between the forms of the Lord simply by academic study or by reading Vedic literature. One must learn from a realized devotee. Only then can one learn how to distinguish between one form of the Lord and another
- One hankers to revive his original condition and inquires how to do so. There are also deep thought, heavy breathing, crying and lamentation, as well as a changing of the bodily color and drying up of the tongue
- One has renounced the family life. He has no more botheration how to maintain his wife and children. Then what is his duty? That duty is very responsible duty - to work for Krsna
- One has to engage his mind and senses in Krsna conscious activities, and Lord Caitanya teaches one how to do this in practice
- One has to learn how to see Krsna's lotus feet and offer a little tulasi and sandalwood pulp at the lotus feet of the Lord, and then this current of material life will stop
- One has to learn how to tolerate the temporary pains and pleasures of this material world. One must also be detached from his family and practice celibacy
- One has to learn the science, how to see God. That is bhakti-yoga. One who is not in bhakti-yoga, he cannot see God, even God is present before him
- One has to receive the message of the spiritual master regarding how to act in one's capacity, for the spiritual master is expert in giving such instructions
- One has to smear the eyes with the ointment of love, how to love Krsna. Then one can see Krsna always within his heart. And one who has learned this art, how to see Krsna within himself, within his heart always, Krsna certifies - He's the topmost yogi
- One has to take shelter of a person whose life is devoted to Krsna, and under his direction, we have to practice how to develop Krsna Consciousness, and then Krsna will be revealed
- One Krsna consciousness is always making plan how to spread Krsna consciousness, and another Krsna conscious - how to kill Krsna
- One may question how one can always think of the Lord in regard to His name, fame, quality, etc., if one is embarrassed by thoughts of family affairs. Everyone in the material world is full of thoughts about how to maintain his family
- One must be a submissive student of the six Gosvamis, from Srila Rupa Gosvami to Raghunatha dasa Gosvami. Not following their instructions but imagining how to worship Gaurasundara and Radha-Krsna is a great offense
- One must be serious to cook. There is method how to cook. If you don't adopt that method and if you cook in your whimsical way, you will never be able to eat
- One must first ascertain the object of life and then understand how to attain it
- One must fulfill one's desires by surrendering unto the Supreme Lord, for He knows how to fulfill them. Even though one may have material desires, one should engage in the devotional service of the Lord. That will purify one's struggle for existence
- One must learn how to control. Controlling the senses, this is civilization. To become cats and dogs, that is not civilization. Dog civilization, cat civilization, hog civilization, camel civilization, this is going on
- One of the devotional quality is titiksa, tolerance. That should be learned, how to tolerate in every condition of life
- One should be engaged for earning money because the body requires material necessities. That's all right. But his real attention should be how to achieve spiritual consciousness, or Krsna consciousness
- One should be trained how to glorify the Supreme Personality of Godhead by one's respective qualities
- One should dedicate his money. If he has no money, then he should utilize his intelligence how to spread Krsna consciousness
- One should follow in the footsteps of previous devotees regarding how to worship the Supreme Lord with the prescribed paraphernalia, or one should offer worship within the heart by reciting the mantra to the PG, who is nondifferent from the mantra
- One should learn how to cry for the Lord. One should learn this small technique, and he should be very eager and actually cry to become engaged in some particular type of service. This is called laulyam
- One should learn how to dovetail everything in the service of the Lord, for everything is connected to Krsna. That is the real purpose of life and secret of success
- One should never neglect austerities and penances; one should always perform them. Lord Rsabhadeva personally showed us how to do this
- One should not become father or mother if he cannot do so. In this way, no friend, no relatives, no father, no..., if one cannot teach his other party how to save from the clutches of death
- One should not become guru, one should not become kinsmen, one should not become father, one should not become mother - na mocayed yah samupeta-mrtyum - if one cannot give lesson to the children how to avoid death. This is the duty of the guardians
- One should not mistakenly think that the Lord asked His younger brothers to leave Ayodhya because He especially favored the citizens. The Lord is merciful to everyone, and He knows how to show His favor to each individual person according to his capacity
- One should not take shelter of any other instructions, for Bhagavad-gita gives direct instructions on how to fulfill the aim of human life
- One should stop doing all nonsense, and he must be situated in his original position. But this is also more embarrassing because nobody knows his original position and how to act properly
- One should try to do good for others, but only after knowing perfectly how to do good for others. Otherwise, if one embraces others in a false sense of altruism, one can get only a temporary benefit
- One should understand the position of the living entity in this material world and understand how to return home, back to Godhead
- One thing is that nobody can understand God if he is sinful. But Krsna says, God says that, - You surrender unto Me. I shall help you how to get rid of the resultant action of your sinful life
- One who has actually heard (Srimad Bhagavatam) attentively, his next business will be how to describe it, kirtanam. One who has heard nicely from the spiritual master, the next business will be how to chant it, repeat it. That is natural
- One who has learned how to see Krsna's lotus feet and offer a little tulasi and sandalwood pulp, his, this current will stop. This current of material life will stop
- One who is actually religious, he does not earn money for sense gratification. Na kamo labhaya hi smrtah. But at the present moment, the more we earn money, more we make prescription or program how to enjoy senses
- One who is Krsna conscious, he is conscious of everything and he knows how to deal with them. That is called daksa. Not that "Because I have become Krsna conscious I have no knowledge in other things." No
- One who is not fortunate, his intelligence is used how to go to hell
- One who knows how to receive favors from the authority can receive them, but one who does not neglects these favors and does not receive them
- One who knows how to surrender unto the Supreme Person, attains to that eternal kingdom. BG 15.5 - 1972
- One who performs this yoga system, how to increase love for Krsna, that's all, then you understand everything. The Vedas, they confirm it. Yasmin vijnate sarvam evam vijnatam bhavanti. If you simply understand Krsna
- One who takes pleasure in laziness and in sleep is certainly in the mode of darkness, ignorance, and one who has no idea how to act and how not to act is also in the mode of ignorance. BG 1972 purports
- One's aim should be to achieve liberation, but because one cannot at once give up sense gratification, in the sastras there are injunctions prescribing how to follow the principles of religion, economic development and sense gratification
- Only fools give up the service of the spiritual master and think themselves advanced in spiritual knowledge. In order to check such fools, Caitanya Mahaprabhu Himself presented the perfect example of how to be a disciple
- Only the foolish try to adjust to this world; the real problem is how to get out of it. Those who do attempt to adjust and who never turn to Krsna are continually subject to transmigration in the ocean of birth and death
- Only this Krsna consciousness movement is there. How to conquer over death
- Other people are always envious, but the sadhu is always thinking how to save others from the clutches of maya
- Our actual distresses are janma, to take birth; to die; to become diseased; or to become old. These are our real distresses. But we don't care for it. Neither you know how to get out of it
- Our aim should be how to get out of this miserable condition of this material existence. And we should prepare ourself for that purpose. And the best and easiest method is this Krsna consciousness
- Our aim should be how to go back to home, back to Godhead. That is the real mission of human life
- Our aim should be how to please Krishna. As it is said in English also, the ends justify the means. So it is my request to you that keep Krishna always in view and accept anything necessary for your worldly affairs
- Our business is how to go back to home, back to Godhead. If there is some difficulty you should tolerate and go on with our business
- Our business should be how to get out of this material energy and put ourself under the spiritual energy. Then our life will be fully satisfied
- Our business should be we should follow the footsteps of Arjuna. How to follow the footsteps of Arjuna? As Arjuna understood Bhagavad-gita, you try to understand in that way
- Our conception of healthy life is not to become too much fatty, or robust body. Robust body or fatty body or any body, this body, everything will finish. Our proposition is that how to conquer death, birth, old age and disease
- Our first business is how to get out of this conditional life in the material world. That is human consciousness. That is Krsna consciousness. So our business is to take shelter of the lotus feet of Krsna
- Our gurukula means how to teach them to become self-controlled. That is first business. This literary education secondary, grammar secondary. The first necessity is how to create them santa, danta, self-controlled
- Our Krishna consciousness movement is to educate people how to re-enter the family of Krishna and thus become eternally happy and blissful
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is for this purpose, that simply we are trying to educate people how to give up the control of the material energy, and under the control... Not to control the material energy; that we cannot do, that is not possible
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is teaching how to serve Krsna from any position. It doesn't matter. Whether you are a brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra, lawyer, engineer, or film actor or anything, it doesn't matter
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is teaching people how to concentrate the mind on devotional service. This is first-class tapah
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is teaching people how to go back to home, back to Godhead
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is the highest movement for the benediction of human society because this movement is teaching people how to go back home, back to Godhead
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is to educate people how to understand Krsna, and then make his life perfect
- Our Krsna consciousness movement we are teaching our students, how to fix up the mind always in Krsna, some way or other. That is the first-class yoga system
- Our Krsna consciousness movement, is for this purpose, to see the Absolute Truth, to understand the Absolute Truth, to know the problems of life and how to make a solution. These things are our subject matter
- Our main business is how to stop the cycle of birth and death - no more accepting the body. That is answered here, as Kapiladeva said, na anyatra mad bhagavatah pradhana-purusesvarat
- Our main business is in the human form of life how to get out of this material world. They do not know. They not only create family but also society, community, nation, In this way we are embarrassed
- Our mission is a continued effort and we need not give up the association of devotees simply because there is a difference of opinion how to preach our philosophy
- Our movement is on that platform, how to stop. Our whole Vedic culture is based on that process
- Our only business is how to implement the instruction of Krsna, the rascals may understand and be happy. That is our mission
- Our only business is how to satisfy Krsna. So Krsna in His original status as Krsna, and in His other status as Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and in both ways, He's insisting to preach. That is a very important business
- Our only duty is how to achieve full Krsna consciousness. Other things, there is no need of trying
- Our only motive is how to interest people in Krsna consciousness. That's all. There is no economic problem. We can produce our own food and clothes, gradually, and save time for spiritual life
- Our only responsibility is how to become obedient servant of Krsna
- Our point is that Krsna says everyone should be given chance how to come back to home, how to approach Krsna. So whose duty is it? It is the duty of Krsna's servant
- Our point was how to please the Supreme Lord. This is the way. If you want to please Krsna, you spread Krsna consciousness
- Our position is how to satisfy Krsna, not for personal self. Ordinary world activities. Serving Krsna and the result of such service is the same. In the material world, doing something and result of the doing is different. Our means and aim is the same
- Our principle is not to proselytize from Christian to Hindu or Muhammadan to Hindu. We are teaching simply how to revive his old constitutional position to become servant of Krsna. This is Krsna consciousness movement
- Our problem is that we do not know what we are. Neither we know how to get out of the miserable condition of life. Therefore we have no intelligence. We are like cats and dogs. This is the conclusion
- Our process is how to please Him (God) so that He will be revealed to me. That is real process
- Our process of Vedic knowledge is how to surrender, not that I hear and I reject it. That is not the way. That is another rascaldom. First of all find out the person where you can surrender
- Our purpose is not to construct big, big buildings. That is required for propaganda work, for giving shelter to people. But our main business is how to turn the face of the bewildered conditioned souls towards Krsna
- Our real aim of life - how to go back home, back to Godhead, and associate with Radha Krsna
- Our real business is how to get out of this entanglement, not to be more and more, I mean to say, implicated in this entanglement. That should be the point of view: to make the best use of a bad bargain. That should be the philosophy of life
- Our real business is how to get out of this material body. That is, janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi-duhkha-dosanudarsanam (BG 13.9). This is real knowledge
- Our real business is that, how to surrender to Krsna. And if we take shelter of Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu, along with His associates, then the task becomes very easy
- Our real hankering is how to go to the spiritual nature. But due to our long association with this material nature, we are thinking wrongly that, - I am a product of this material nature. I will have to adjust with the elements here
- Our real problem is how to revive our original, eternal life. That is struggle. The modern people, scientists, philosophers, they even do not know what is our original constitutional position
- Our real problem is that we have got this material body, but we have no sense that, Within this material body I am the spirit soul, living. So how to get out of this material body and again revive our spiritual body
- Our relationship in this material world, that either in the dress of woman or man, the mentality is purusa, how to enjoy
- Our request is that such a great science, for the human society, for understanding the problems of life, how to solve it, how to achieve the greatest success in life... We have got this in the Bhagavad-gita. Why should we neglect it
- Our service to the humanity should be aimed how to awaken his original consciousness, Krsna consciousness. That is real service
- Our so-called svamis and yogis, they never tried. They did not know also. Big, big svamis, they went there. Instead of teaching them, he was taught how to eat meat. Sannyasi eating meat
- Our society is a registered, recognized religious society. So we can consult some lawyer whether such religious institution where we are teaching specifically how to become moral in character
- Our subject matter is not material things, that somehow or other you get a car and a good apartment and a good wife, then all your problems solved. No. That is not solution of problems. The real problem is how to stop your death
- Our subject matter is sinful activities and how to check them. If we do not check, if we do not become free from sinful activities, then we will have to undergo this cycle of birth and death. That is our problem
- Our these students, they are being educated how to think of Krsna always, twenty-four hours, without any stop. And that is first-class yoga
- Our this Krsna consciousness movement is the greatest welfare activity for the human society because this movement is educating everyone how to fulfill the aim of life
- Our this Krsna consciousness movement is to teach people how to engage the tongue in the service of the Lord. This is Krsna consciousness
- Our, this Krsna consciousness movement is a propagation to teach people how to worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is our mission
- Out of the Vedic culture, many are addicted to the fruitive activities, ritualistic ceremony, how to go to the heavenly planet, how to become members of rich family. They are working very hard, karmi
- Over and over again Vasudeva glanced at his child, and he considered how to celebrate this auspicious moment: “Generally, when a male child is born,” he thought, “people observe the occasion with jubilant celebrations
- Para-upakara means to do well to others. This is India's mission. India's mission is to elevate outside Indians. Because outside India, people are interested only how to make money and live materially comfortably. They do not know anything more than that
- Pariksit Maharaja knew perfectly well how to conduct his administration for everyone's happiness because he was a devotee of the Lord - men, animals, plants and all living creatures. He was not selfishly interested
- Pariksit Maharaja's question was how to be freed from falling down into hell or into the hands of the Yamadutas. In reply, Sukadeva Gosvami is citing this old historical example (of Ajamila) to convince Pariksit Maharaja of the potency of bhakti-yoga
- Pariksit was in the forest, hunting. Hunting is allowed only to the ksatriya kings. Because they were to rule over, and formerly the rogues and rascals by the order of king or king himself would kill him immediately, so they had to practice how to kill
- Pasandis and atheists, who are cheaters, are so numerous that sometimes we become perplexed and wonder how to push this movement forward
- People accuse sometimes - of course, foolish people do that - that, "These God conscious person, they are escaping." No. Who are actually God conscious person is always thinking how to do well to the people in general
- People are always busy how to live comfortably in this world. But they forget that one day will come, however secure and comfortable we may make our country or home, we will be kicked out: "Please get out immediately."
- People are embarrassed with so many problems of life, but the real problem of life is how to stop birth, death, old age and disease. So people are callous. They have become so dull-headed that they do not understand the problem of life
- People are engaged formally. Their temple, church, is sometimes simply formality. Their real business is how to satisfy their senses
- People are thinking that they have acquired knowledge because they know how to manufacture and drive cars, but before the car was here people were still going from one place to another
- People cannot even follow systematically the material system so that you can live peacefully so long you are in this material world. The modern civilization is so condemned. They do not know even how to live peacefully
- People do not know how to become happy. They do not take the standard path to become happy. They manufacture their own way. That is the difficulty
- People do not know how to enjoy ananda. They have been put into ignorance. The so-called leaders, so-called politicians, so-called philosophers, scientists, they are simply keeping the people in darkness
- People do not know what is bhava-sagara. They do not know even. But in Vedic literature, this is the first instruction, how to get out of this bhava-sindhu, bhava-sagara, material ocean
- People generally have no real conception of God. Ours is a tangible connection with God. We know who is God and how to serve Him. Everything is fact
- People have become so dull-headed, they cannot understand what is the real suffering, and neither they have any inquiries how to mitigate the sufferings
- People say generally, "A point has no length, no breadth," because he has no measuring instrument how to see the length and breadth of the point. That is deficiency of knowledge. But anything has length and breadth. That is a fact
- People should be educated how to increase the taste for understanding Krsna. This is Krsna consciousness movement. Everyone should come forward
- People should be educated in how to give birth to good children through samskaras, beginning with the garbhadhana-samskara; birth should not be controlled by artificial means, for this will lead to a civilization of animals
- People should be trained up how to live conscientiously, especially in Krsna consciousness. That will solve the problems of life
- People should be trained up how to live conscientiously, especially in Krsna consciousness. That will solve the problems of life. Otherwise he is committing suicide. That is the verdict of the sastra
- People should know how to do this (chanting the mantras to give protection to children with the help of cow dung and cow urine), for this is a part of Vedic civilization
- People simply work like animals, not knowing how to make a success of human life. One's human life is successful when one understands Krsna; otherwise one remains an animal
- People visit the temple of Nara-Narayana at Badarikasrama just to learn how the Supreme Personality of Godhead in His incarnation as Nara-Narayana engages in austerities to teach the people of the world how to achieve self-realization
- People want to die in order to put an end to the threefold miseries of material nature, but who is making research on how to stop death
- People's real business is how to satisfy their senses. "If for satisfying my senses I'll have to pose myself as a religious person, so let me do that." That is their religion. But that is not religion. Real religion is no sense satisfaction
- Please continue to use your intelligence to find out how to distribute my books more and more. I am especially pleased to learn that you are introducing my books as textbooks in the colleges
- Prahlada Maharaja is recommending how to begin bhakti-yoga. Bhakti-yoga, the first beginning is adau gurvasrayam, as Rupa Gosvami recommends. Adau gurvasrayam, the beginning
- Prahlada Maharaja said, My Lord, I have no personal problems, for I have learned how to glorify Your transcendental qualities and thus enter a trance of ecstasy
- Prahlada Maharaja was surprised when his teacher was teaching him how to deal with enemies. He was surprised: "Who is enemy?" So a Vaisnava has no enemy. Vaisnava is friend. Patitanam pavanebhyo
- Prahlāda Mahārāja is personally being tortured, but at the same time he is thinking how to do good to others. This is sādhu
- Prthu Maharaja was the ideal Vaisnava king; he taught others by his personal behavior how to receive and respect saintly persons like the Kumaras
- Putana, she also apparently came as lover of Krsna, to offer her breast for sucking; but the internal desire was how to kill Krsna. But that is also taken indirect love, indirect love
- Radha and Krsna, combined together, advented as Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu to distribute krsna-prema. Because the mission of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu is to teach people how to develop love for Krsna
- Raghunatha dasa Gosvami showed how to live in Radha-kunda
- Ramananda Raya engaged two such girls (deva-dasis), and because they were meant to play the parts of gopis, he taught them how to awaken thoughts like those of the gopis
- Ramananda Raya was personally giving instructions on how to sing and dance for the drama
- Ratha-yatra festival is a feeling festival for the Vaisnavas. Lord Caitanya taught us how to feel separation of God. Lord Caitanya never taught us that He had seen God, but He felt the separation of God very severely
- Real buddhi yoga is how to be engaged in devotional service
- Real civilization is how to go back to home, back to Godhead. But they do not know. Na te viduh (SB 7.5.31). The materialistic persons, they do not know. Therefore there must be organization, institution, to teach the human society how to go back to home
- Real civilization is how to understand your relationship with God, the supreme father. That is real civilization. You may learn it through any process. It doesn't matter
- Real education is how to solve the problems of life - birth, death, old age - and how to go back to home, back to . . . that is education. This is not education. This is simply waste of time
- Real facility is how to serve Krsna. That is real facility. So we should always ask, beg. That is the Caitanya Mahaprabhu's instruction
- Real improvement means how to please Krishna more and more. That is real advancement, real progress
- Real problem is how to stop death, how to stop birth, how to stop old age, and how to stop disease. That is real problem. That can be done when you are liberated from this material world. This is our problem
- Real problem is how to stop the birth, death, old age and disease, and that is Vedic civilization, and that is depending on the brahminical culture
- Real progress of life is to know what is God and what is my relationship with Him and how to act in that relationship. That is real life
- Real purpose is to make him detached from this material attraction and make him promoted apavargyasya, how to get out of this material miserable condition of life. This is called dharmasya hy apavargyasya
- Real successful life is how to understand his real constitutional position as part and parcel of the Supreme Lord. That is successful life
- Regarding Sanskrit class, it is very encouraging that Mr. Parikh is helping you in this connection, but the chief aim for learning Sanskrit would be how to pronounce the Sanskrit verses especially in our published books
- Regarding your situation, it is nothing new for Westerners. This is a family matter. It is better to consult Bali Mardan how to manage your personal affairs. He is a grhastha, so you can speak with him
- Relative knowledge may teach us how to repair a machine, but real knowledge is knowing our position as being integral with Krsna. Being part of Him, our pleasure, which is partial, is dependent on the whole
- Religion is not formalities and ritualistic ceremonies. Religion means how to awaken the normal condition, to become lover of God. That is normal condition
- Religion is now being taken as a formality. People generally have no real conception of God. Ours is a tangible connection with God. We know who is God and how to serve Him. Everything is fact
- Religion means how to awaken the normal condition, to become lover of God
- Religion means how to get that eyes, how to get that hand, how to get that leg, so that I can appreciate God. That should be the process of human civilization. Not that how I can compete with tiger, how I can compete with cats and dogs
- Religion means when one is trained how to surrender unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead. That is called religion
- Religious principle and not religious principle, nonreligious principle - how to discern. The book is there, Veda. We have to consult the Vedas
- Rich men get the opportunity that they haven't got to think over much about the maintenance of the body and soul together. Ordinary men, they have to seek how to earn the bread. Problem of bread is there
- Rupa mentions, Obeying the orders of the spiritual master with faith and devotion, 4) following in the footsteps of great acaryas (teachers) under the direction of the spiritual master, 5) inquiring from the spiritual master how to advance in KC
- Saint Vidura's inquiry is very relevant (in SB 4.9.28). The word artha-vit, which refers to one who knows how to discriminate between reality and unreality, is very significant in this connection. An artha-vit is also called paramahamsa
- Sanatana Gosvami compiled many, many books, all with the aim of describing how to serve the principal Deities of Vrndavana - Govinda and Madana-gopala. Later, other Deities were gradually established, and the importance of Vrndavana increased
- Sanatana Gosvami is ideal disciple and Lord Caitanya is the ideal teacher, and we should learn how to approach a teacher and what is the qualification of a teacher
- Sastra says that every living entity is one ten-thousandth part of the tip of the hair. Everyone has seen the tip of the hair, but he has no idea how to divide it into ten thousand part
- Sattva-guna means they know how to work. And therefore above this sattva-guna they become devotee, work for Krsna
- Security is a problem. Everyone in this material world, they have got four problems: how to eat, how to sleep, how to have sex, and how to become secure
- Separate times we become religious for being promoted to higher standard of life - economic development, big big scheme, plans, how to make very gorgeous city, buildings, roads, cars, slaughterhouse, scientific, how to cut throat very scientifically
- Seventy out of one hundred years are wasted by a person who does not know the aim of life and how to utilize this human form
- Sex life is natural. It does not require any university education how to enjoy sex. They will enjoy it. Nobody... "Nobody is taught how to cry or how to laugh or how to enjoy sex life"
- She appealed to him (Kamsa) to give her the daughter as a gift. Devaki was the daughter of a ksatriya and knew how to play the political game
- Show the women of the community how to help their husbands and children to perfect their home life
- Show them how to count on the finger divisions, and have them listen one by one to the tape of me reciting gayatri mantra, repeating each vibration as I say it
- Simply all you leaders there in India must cooperate with him nicely and give him confidence and advice how to manage the things in the best manner
- Simply by satisfying the central point, Krsna, then you get samsiddhi. It doesn't matter whether you are a sudra or a brahmana or engineer or lawyer. The real point is how to satisfy Krsna
- Simply fighting how to avoid God, this is their business. It is very difficult to convince them about the existence of . . . they're seeing every moment there is existence of God, but they're so stubborn, so much bewildered by maya, they'll not
- Simply prepare yourself how to repeat Krsna's instructions very nicely, without any malinterpretation
- Simply prepare yourself how to repeat Krsna's instructions very nicely. Suppose you have got now ten thousand. We shall expand to hundred thousand. That is required. Then hundred thousand to million, and million to ten million
- Simply these Western people, they know how to earn money by hook and crook. So, so long the money is there it is covered, the fourth-class men. And when the money is finished, they are exposed, fourth-class men
- Simply your sincerity of service is required and He will dictate from within you how to make your thesis. It will be a great service to the humanity, especially to the Western world
- Since the entire material universe is impermanent, whatever is achieved within the darkness of material existence is also impermanent. The question is how to obtain real and permanent life
- Since the living entity is associated with material nature, he is in an awkward position, but if in the human form of life he is taught how to associate with the Supreme Personality of Godhead or His devotee, this position can be overcome
- Since the Lord knows how to adjust everything, the best course is to depend upon Him and do one's duty in devotional service to the Lord. In all circumstances, one should be undisturbed by duality
- Siva has spoiled the name and fame of the governors of the universe and has polluted the path of gentle manners. Because he is shameless, he does not know how to act
- Siva, by his actions within this material world, teaches all conditioned souls how to engage in devotional service twenty-four hours a day. Therefore he is described here (in SB 4.6.35) as loka-mangala, good fortune personified for all conditioned souls
- Small children are just like animals and they have to be trained how to obey, otherwise they will be simply spoiled
- Small children, they learn better these things from their mother and women in general. So I thing that some mothers of our children should go to Dallas and take charge of teaching the children, especially how to play nicely the pastimes of young Krishna
- So actually, as pure spirit soul, I want to forget, but because I do not accept the real path, how to get out of this material existence, therefore we have to accept something, concocted means. That will not save us
- So both things should be performed simultaneously, parallel line that you should take up the process how to increase your attachment for Krsna, and then automatically detachment will be there
- So either you have got problem of food grains or problem of hippies, but the problem is there. A different feature only. Therefore one should be very much careful to know how to solve the problem
- So especially you must encourage the students to read our books throughout the day as much as possible, and give them all good advice how to understand the books, and inspire them to study the things from every point of view
- So how to answer these questions?
- So I am just interested, but people will, many people will come and many theories. So you discuss among yourself how to get the strength to defend yourself and to convince them
- So long we are in the material world, the so-called happiness and distress will come and go, but our, the human life, the endeavor should be how to find out or revive our relationship with God. That is our main business
- So long we'll continue this propensity of sense enjoyment, you'll have to accept body. That is birth and death. So long. Therefore, the process should be how to make zero all these propensities. That is perfection. Not to enhance it
- So many paraphernalia how to engage your mind. Hearing and chanting about Krsna, thinking of Krsna, worshiping Krsna, talking about Krsna, writing about Krsna, selling the books about Krsna, eating Krsna prasadam. In this way you become Krsna-ized
- So many Vedas there are. And ultimately the knowledge is there, how to understand the Supreme Absolute Truth and how to get yourself liberated. That is . . . these are the subject matter of Vedas
- So the intelligent persons, they should understand that how to stop this unlimited plan-making business. Still there is no solution. That is called athato brahma jijnasa. That is life
- So there is possibility to bring the fourth-class men to the first-class. That is educational. It can be done. There is no difficulty. So this is the education, how to make fourth-class men or fifth-class men to come to the first-class standard
- So this is the mission of high-class Vaisnava, how to preach Krsna consciousness among the suffering humanity, and this is the purport of this verse said by Prahlada Maharaja, and we are following the footprints of Prahlada Maharaja
- So this knowledge required, how to find out real guru and how to surrender unto Him. The guru does not mean that I keep a guru, so, as order-supplier: "My dear guru, I am suffering from this. Can you give me some medicine?
- So to pass the examination means one must have knowledge. There are higher intelligent class of disciples, otherwise it is not compulsory. So how to organize it, how to do it, you GBC can decide. I have given the idea, now how to do it is up to the GBC
- So to worship guru means because he gives us superior knowledge. Not this knowledge - how to eat, how to sleep, how to have sex life and defend
- So we must be very careful that we have got this human form of body - how to act? The act means first of all you know what is your position. That is the first instruction in the Bhagavad-gita
- So whole world at the present moment is going on under this animalistic concept of life, animal civilization. Everyone is busy to take care of the body, but nobody knows how to take care of the proprietor of the body. That he does not know
- So you GBC men now decide how to manage things so nicely so that I (Prabhupada) may spend my time solely for translating my books
- So you should be very, very careful how to follow the rules and regulation. That is nivrtti-marga. If we still remain in pravrtti-marga, then we will not be able to make any advance in spiritual life
- So, there is a process how to appreciate, how to become qualified to appreciate, and that system is called varnasrama-dharma, to divide the whole human society into four classes of men: the brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra
- So-called learned scholars and men of position, they declined, "Why shall I surrender to Krsna?" Therefore Krsna Himself as devotee of Krsna appeared. That is Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Caitanya is Krsna Himself, but He's teaching how to approach Krsna
- Some of the great devotees of the Lord - like Ramananda Raya, Raghunatha dasa Gosvami, Sanatana Gosvami and Rupa Gosvami - were government officers and had a background of very opulent householder life. Consequently they knew how to deal with people
- Sometimes retired men are bewildered about how to engage themselves for the last days of life
- Sometimes these (rich man's) relatives (who are always thinking of how to take advantage of him and take away his money) are described as sva janaka-dasyu, which means "rogues and thieves in the guise of relatives"
- Spiritual education you are receiving in this class, oh, either the sun or sun's father, his father, nobody can take away. It becomes a solid asset. Therefore we should utilize our consciousness, how to make it a solid asset. That is Krsna consciousness
- Spiritual life does not mean you have to grow four hands and four legs. No. Simply you have to give up these tendencies of vyavayamisa-madya-seva (illicit sex life and intoxication). Therefore sastra gives you training how to
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has said that in order to preach, one must live a practical life and show people how to do things. Apani acari' bhakti sikhaimu sabare. One cannot teach others unless he behaves the same way himself
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has taught us how to approach the Supreme Lord and ask Him for the ultimate benediction
- Sri Krsna, using the example of a strongly rooted banyan tree, advises us in Bhagavad-gita how to get rid of this (material) attachment once and for all - BG 15.3-4
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati has given a description of these books (of Srila Rupa Gosvami). The Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu is a great book of instruction on how to develop devotional service to Lord Krsna and follow the transcendental process
- Srila Rupa Gosvami explains how to perform devotional activities in the association of other devotees
- Srila Rupa Gosvami has given directions, in his Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, on how to accept a bona fide spiritual master and how to deal with him
- Srimad-Bhagavatam teaches only how to develop one's dormant love of God
- Srimad-Bhagavatam teaches us how to reestablish our eternal relationship with the Supreme Lord, how to act in that relationship, and, lastly, how to achieve the highest benefit from it
- Such a life (of a greedy capitalist) is certainly not very happy, but because of the spell of the illusory energy, materialistic persons engage in such activities - being concerned with how to save his money and invest it properly to get more and more
- Such a person (who is favored by Lord Sri Caitanya or His devotee, the spiritual master & request everyone to chant the maha-mantra) can convert others to Vaisnavism, showing them how to become pure devotees of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Such crude things are going on in the name of civilization. You are manufacturing billion motor cars, and you cannot manufacture your food? God has given you so much land. This is not civilization. Civilization is how to go back to home, back to Godhead
- Such knowledge (as knowing what he is, what God is, what this world is, what our relationship with God in this world is) is not taught in schools, where one is taught how to manufacture or acquire products for sense gratification
- Such queens (Arci, Sita and Gandhari) instructed the general people by showing them how to become a chaste wife and follow the husband in every stage of life
- Sukadeva Goswami analyzes the situation for the karmis in the narration of Bhagavatam as sleeping and indulging in sex-life in the night & in the daytime working hard "Where is money?" & when they have got money, how to accumulate household paraphernalia
- Suppose if you want to learn engineering, so you cannot go to a butcher; you must find out an engineer. You must admit yourself into the engineering college, learn how to practice engineering
- Taking it for granted that Arjuna might not know how to practice sat-cakra-yoga, the Lord explains the process in the following verses
- Tapasya means first brahmacarya, how to restrain this sex desire. That is first step. Where is their tapasya? "It is very difficult to do this tapasya. Oh." Therefore Caitanya Mahaprabhu has given harer nama
- Technology means technician. Suppose a man knows how to work in electricity, in so many things. Does it mean he is a learned man
- Thakura Haridasa was the living example of how to follow the regulative principles. Similarly, Raghunatha dasa Gosvami was also such a living example
- That (how to make water from hydrogen and oxygen) is secondary. That is not very difficult
- That (Krsna Consciousness) is a great science one has to learn, how to make these problems (birth, death, old age and disease) solved. But here is the medicine, or here is the solution for all these problems
- That intelligence can be found, even birds, beasts, everywhere. Real intelligence is how to regain your Krsna consciousness and be promoted to the stage of bhava, and at the time of death maintain that bhava, and then your life is successful
- That is a fact. Religion means to surrender to Krsna. So Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared to teach this religion, how to surrender to Krsna. Vairagya-vidya-nija-bhakti-yoga
- That is cultivation of Krsna consciousness. Favorably. Not Krsna consciousness like Kamsa, always thinking of Krsna, how to kill Him. That is not anukulyena. That is not favorable
- That is first-class religion, which teaches how to surrender to God and how to become a lover of God. That is religion. Otherwise, they are simply cheating religion
- That is Krsna anxiety. That is Krsna anxiety. If you become anxious how to worship Deity, how to dress Krsna nicely, how to do, if you remain, that will develop your anxiety for Krsna. Therefore Deity worship essential
- That is not very essential. Essential is how to think of Krsna. Krsna says, man-mana bhava mad-bhaktah. He doesn't say that you become vegetarian
- That is our main business, how to get out of this material body of skins and bones. That is real business
- That is real Vedic culture, how to create brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra, brahmacari, grhastha, vanaprastha, sannyasa - eight. This is called varnasrama-dharma
- That is the business of the asuras, how to wipe out Krsna, Kamsa philosophy. So we haven't got to follow Kamsa philosophy. We have to follow Krsna philosophy. Then our life will be successful
- That is the difference between Western and Eastern culture: the whole Eastern culture is based on how to stop sex life, and here in the Western countries, how to increase sex life
- That is the distinction between dog and human being. If he does not become inquisitive how to control the mind, he is not even a human being
- That is the nature of this material world, "How to kill God," "God is dead." This is their attempt
- That is the process (we must know God before we can love Him) given in the Bhagavad-gita. There are eighteen chapters, and the whole eighteen chapters are education - how to know God
- That system of religion is first class wherein the followers are given lessons how to love God. Unfortunately, at the present moment there is no question of how to teach them for loving God. They deny the existence of God. This is the present situation
- That will be awarded to you by superior judgement, that "This man has done like this; he should get a body like this." That is not in your hand. That is not in your science. The real science is how to stop this business. That is being advised in BG
- The acarya knows how to adjust things, at the same time keep pace with the spiritual injunction. It is not that the same thing to be applied everywhere. He is eager to engage actually the people in the real benefit of life, but the means may be different
- The acarya or the spiritual master's duty is to give direction to the disciples how he can fix up his mind always on the lotus feet of Krsna. He should . . . he knows how to engage a particular devotee in a particular type of service
- The acaryas and the devotee, big, big devotees, they have given the routine work for cultivation. Just like we have got this Nectar of Devotion, how to cultivate devotional life
- The aim is how to improve spiritual life. That is grhastha-asrama. And one who has no such aim, he simply wants to enjoy the senses, and for that purpose he's decorating the house, decorating the wife, children - that is called grhamedhi
- The aim of life is described that how to go back to home, back to Godhead. That should be. So if that is our aim of life, then we must engage our self in devotional service, or Krsna consciousness
- The answer to such questions or inquiries (on how to surrender to God) is given herein (SB 2.7.46). God is not present before our eyes but if one is sincere in wanting guidance God will send a bona fide person who can guide one back home, back to Godhead
- The anxiety caused by separation from Krsna has made Me (Lord Caitanya) impatient, and I can think of no way to meet Him. O My friends, you are also deranged by lamentation. Who, therefore, will tell Me how to find Him?
- The art is how to apply authority and discipline so they will enjoy it and not reject, and I think you all instructors are learning yourselves that art more and more, and this pleases me very much
- The bee and the python are two excellent spiritual masters who give us exemplary instructions regarding how to be satisfied by collecting only a little and how to stay in one place and not move
- The beginning is brahmacari. There it is very nicely taught how to remain free from material encagement. But if one is unable to take immediately spiritual activity, he is allowed to marry
- The Bhagavad-gita is the science of how to know God. The preliminary science. If you want to know more, then read Srimad-Bhagavatam. And if you are in intense love with God, read Caitanya-caritamrta
- The Bhagavad-gita teaches one how to absorb the mind and intelligence in the thought of the Lord. Such absorption will enable one to transfer himself to the kingdom of the Lord. BG 1972 Introduction
- The brahmanas' community, all saintly persons and learned scholars, brahmanas . . . there was a committee, and the king would take their advice how to manipulate the political affairs or administration, and they would consult standard books
- The Candra, the Moon planet, you are trying to go there. In this way you cannot go. But if you prepare in this life how to be promoted in the Moon planet or sun planet or heavenly planet, then you prepare yourself
- The chanting of the holy name of the Lord is perfect; even though one does not know how to please Lord Visnu or His associates, simply by sincerely chanting the holy name of the Lord, everything becomes perfect
- The cheating type of religion means which does not teach people how to serve the Lord. That is cheating. They take advantage of the religious feeling. They say: "I am God" or - I am everything
- The chief problems of life are collectively birth, death, old age and disease. Bhagavad-gita gives information how to solve these four problems. It is the essence of all Vedic knowledge presented by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna
- The citizens continued: Today you have opened our eyes and revealed how to cross to the other side of the ocean of darkness
- The clear conception of life, how to serve God, Krsna, that is called bhagavata-dharma. This should be taught to the children. Otherwise it will be very difficult to drag him from this false engagement and again establish him to the Krsna's service
- The cream of these (Vedic) instructions appears in the form of Bhagavad-gita. One should not take shelter of any other instructions, for Bhagavad-gita gives direct instructions on how to fulfill the aim of human life
- The death may be caused, if not cancer, simply by accident you can die. The real scientific research should be how to stop death. That is real scientific. That we are giving
- The demon is envious of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and inimical toward Him. These were Hiranyakasipu's external bodily features as he considered how to kill Lord Visnu and devastate His kingdom, Vaikunthaloka
- The devastating water was so fearful that even Brahma was perturbed at its appearance and became very anxious about how to situate the different planetary systems in outer space to accommodate the different kinds of living entities
- The disciple is always thinking how he or she can better serve the spiritual master, and the spiritual master is always thinking how to help his disciple to surrender to Krishna
- The disciples have come to the shelter of guru, the citizens are expecting good government. So they are subordinate, expecting protection from the superior. Therefore the whole scheme should be how to protect them from repetition of death
- The dog has no social custom for mating. Whenever there is a she-dog, he mates on the street. You may mate very silently, in a secret place (although now people are learning how to mate like dogs), but the mating is there
- The dogs and hogs, they're busy all day and night for the same thing how to eat, how to sleep, how to have sex life, how to defend. The man is also working in the same way, under different label only
- The duty of the brahmanas is to cultivate samah (peacefulness), damah (self-control), titiksa (tolerance), satyam (truthfulness), saucam (cleanliness) and arjavam (simplicity), and then to advise the ksatriya kings how to rule the country or planet
- The duty of those who follow in the footsteps of Prahlada Maharaja is to teach the entire world how to be Krsna conscious and thus be really happy
- The editorial board must be very intelligent how to talk about Back to Godhead with current politics. Giriraja, you can do that?
- The educational system is so rascaldom that there is no brain. All over the world. There is no institution where people are being taught how to conquer over death. There is no such institution
- The effect of sadhu-sanga is to become anxious how to execute this devotional service properly
- The elderly brahmana considered how to get out of this situation (described in CC Madhya 5.16-78) and still offer his daughter to the young brahmana. His son, an atheist and a very cunning fellow, was thinking of how to stop the marriage
- The energy should be utilized how to please Krsna. That should be done. Energy should be utilized for that purpose, not waste energy simply for a false hope that - I shall become happy. I shall do this. I shall do that. I shall make money like this
- The engagements of a brahmana are yajana, yajana, pathana, pathana, dana and pratigraha. A brahmana should be a worshiper of Visnu, and he should also instruct others how to worship Him
- The every living entity is sanatana. And Krsna is sanatana. And there is place, sanatana. So our business is how to transfer ourself in that sanatana-dhama
- The fall of Duryodhana, the leading son of Dhrtarastra, was not pleasing to the Lord, although He (Krsna) was on the side of Arjuna and it was He who advised Bhima how to break the thighs of Duryodhana while the fight was going on
- The father should give education at home. Leaders should give education in institution. Politicians should give education in their assemblies, congress. Guru should give education how to surrender to Krsna. The father & mother should educate
- The first basic principle of religious life, according to Vedic principle, the students are expected to go to the spiritual master's place and learn how to live without any sex life. For twenty-five years or at least for twenty years
- The first business is how to control the mind so that it may not be influenced by the base quality, lusty desires and greediness. We have seen in Paris old man, seventy-five years old, he is going to the night club, because the lusty desire is there
- The first concern of a nondevotee is how to enjoy his personal sense gratification at once, whereas the devotee's first concern is to satisfy the Lord. This is the distinction between the nondevotee and the devotee
- The first cultural education is how to teach the small children to become purified, brahmacari. In ancient times it was done by association in gurukulas. That is required, gurukula. We are starting, therefore, gurukulas
- The first interest is to become Krsnized, how to satisfy Krsna, not that "For political purpose I love Krsna." No. You love Krsna, and your all problems, political, social and other things, will be solved. This is Krsna consciousness
- The first training is given to become austere, tolerate, how to tolerate, how to call other women as "mother." He is learning from the beginning, a small child. He is trained up to call any woman, even of his own age, not "sister" - mother
- The first verse says that now, this human form of life is meant for asking the question of how to solve the problem of suffering
- The goal is how to understand the spiritual side. That is the goal
- The Godless world situation is not very satisfactory. People in this part of the world are feeling for this vacancy, but they do not know how to solve this problem
- The gopis are so much engaged in the transcendental loving service of Radha and Krishna that they are condemning the creator, Lord Brahma for not knowing how to make perfect eyes
- The gopis know Krsna's desires, and they know how to render perfect loving service for His enjoyment. They perform their service expertly for the satisfaction of their beloved
- The Gosvami's business is to do, how to save these people, these rascals, from this repetition of birth and death
- The great sage Narada instructed the tenets of this transcendental literature to Savarni Manu in order to teach those inhabitants of Bharata-varsa who strictly follow the principles of varnasrama-dharma how to achieve the devotional service of the Lord
- The great sages began to consult one another on how to get out of the dangerous atmosphere created by King Vena
- The great saint Dadhici had perfect knowledge of how to perform fruitive activities, and he had advanced spiritual knowledge as well
- The gross materialist thieves have no ultimate goal of life. They are simply directed to sense gratification; nor do they have knowledge of how to perform yajnas
- The human body is the boat, the instructions of Lord Krsna are the favorable winds, and the spiritual master is the navigator. The spiritual master knows well how to adjust the sails to catch the winds favorably and steer the boat to its destination
- The human civilization, the so-called human being has become so much degraded, they have no brain even to think over these matters, that how to stop this repetition or if there is any means to stop this repetition of birth and death
- The human life, human brain should be sober to understand what is the problem of life, why I'm subjected to so many tribulations, how to remedy, how to find out the remedy, and that requires tapasya
- The idea is to save more time from this materialistic business and utilize it for Krsna's service. When our anxieties are how to utilize life in that way, that stage is abyarthya kalatvam, utilizing life without spoiling it
- The idea of beginning children's books for our school at new Vrindaban is very nice. When I shall come there in mid-May then I shall give you instructions how to do it nicely
- The illusory energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead binds all of us conditioned souls to this material world. Therefore, without being favored by Him, persons like us cannot understand how to get out of that illusory energy
- The individual presidents should be more managerial, more individual, and you can supervise, and if some defect is detected, you can make suggestions how to correct it. But if we lose individuality and simply become mechanical, what is the point?
- The information on how to think of the Supreme Being at the time of death is also given in the Gita. BG 1972 Introduction
- The karmis work hard day and night for some bodily comfort, and the jnanis simply speculate about how to get out of the entanglement of karma and merge into the Brahman effulgence
- The kings said, "We pray for Your Lordship (Krsna) to favor us by instructing us how to engage in the transcendental loving service of Your lotus feet so that we may never forget our eternal relationship with Your Lordship"
- The Krsna consciousness movement is attempting to educate people how to utilize this human form of life properly. It will not stay, it will also die, just like cats die, the dogs die. We also die, but there is difference of this death. We can die knowing
- The Krsna consciousness movement is meant to stop the struggle for existence. The Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita give definite directions on how to stop the struggle for existence and how to survive in eternal life
- The Krsna consciousness movement is meant to train one how to transfer oneself from the jada to the Brahman, because human life is meant for this purpose. Athato brahma jijnasa
- The Krsna consciousness movement is teaching people all over the world how to chant the Hare Krsna mantra, and this has proved very much effective in all places at all times
- The Krsna consciousness movement is teaching people how to come to the stage of dedicating everything to the service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The Krsna consciousness movement is trying to educate people about this science, how to go back to home, back to Godhead. It is not a so-called religious movement
- The ksatriyas are trained up, hunting. Hunting is allowed for the ksatriyas. Just like medical practitioners, they are trained up how to practice surgical operation on dead body
- The ksatriyas should be taught how to fight also. There will be military training. There will be training how to kill
- The leaves and the rose fit together, it becomes very good variety. That art is required, how to keep varieties together for Krsna consciousness, and look very beautiful. This art is known to the Krsna conscious person, not to the fools and rascals
- The living being's activities are performed within the body through the movements of different kinds of air, known in summary as prana-vayu. The yogis generally study how to control the airs of the body
- The living entity has infected itself with the material disease. It has to be cured. That is the whole purpose of Vedic civilization, how to cure your material disease
- The living entity should know that his only real concern is how to get free from material contact, for by absorbing his mind in material activities he takes material bodies again and again
- The living entity, as partial consciousness, forgets incidents of his past life, but the Superconsciousness reminds him how to act in terms of his past cultivation of knowledge
- The Lord comes personally to instruct us how to be happy, and only fools and rascals do not see by intelligence this supreme authority, the Supreme Person
- The Lord gives this direction (of how to serve Him), and thus the devotee’s life becomes perfect
- The Lord helps us by giving us directions how to act in devotional service and thus advance on the path back home, back to Godhead. He instructs us outwardly in the form of the spiritual master
- The Lord, being full and free from problems, can wholeheartedly care for His devotees. His concern is how to elevate and protect all those who have taken shelter at His feet
- The master is, "Oh, you cannot do. Just see." Just like I show you sometimes how to mop. So I am not a mopper, but I am showing how to mop. So our position is like that. We do not belong to any varna and asrama. But we have to show these rascals
- The material world means bodily consciousness: how to keep the body in comfortable. But that is not possible. Body means misery. You cannot keep it comfortable
- The materialistic way of life means to increase and create problems. That is not perfect human civilization. The perfect human civilization is that you have to sit very calmly, quietly, and philosophically think, "How to solve the problem?"
- The materials for the skyscraper - wood, metal, earth, etc. - are already there, but we make our intimate relationship with those already created material elements by hearing how to utilize them
- The most important factor in this verse (SB 4.9.24) is the Lord's instructions regarding how to remember the Supreme Personality of Godhead at the end of life
- The natural hankering of the minute spirit spark is for the qualities of the whole - knowledge, bliss, and eternality - but these hankerings are being frustrated due to the material body. The information on how to attain the soul's desire is given in BG
- The Nectar of Devotion teaches all men how to perform the simple and natural method of loving Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. If we learn how to love Krsna, then it is very easy to immediately and simultaneously love every living being
- The Nectar of Devotion will teach us how to turn the one switch that will immediately brighten everything, everywhere. One who does not know this method is missing the point of life
- The one teacher was waiting and the other teacher was teaching me how to play on mrdanga. So my mother would be angry that "What is this nonsense? You (my father) are teaching mrdanga? What he will do with this mrdanga?"
- The original proprietor of everything is Lord Krsna (bhoktaram yajna-tapasam sarva-loka-mahesvaram). The Lord, therefore, knows particularly well how to develop the material condition of the living entities within this material world
- The Patanjala system of yoga instructs one on how to control the functions of the body's air in a technical manner so that ultimately all the functions of the air within become favorable for purifying the soul of material attachment. BG 1972 purports
- The Patanjali system of yoga instructs one on how to control the functions of the body's air in a technical manner so that ultimately all the functions of the air within become favorable for purifying the soul of material attachment
- The Personality of Godhead and His different incarnations and forms played the parts of devotees to instruct the conditioned souls how to approach the transcendental stage of devotional service
- The piling of woods and stone is not advanced civilization. My Guru Maharaja used to say that if you are simply engaged how to have a skyscraper building, then we become craftsmen only, how to handle woods and stones, that's all
- The preacher has to take compassion upon such innocent people who do not know how to worship the Lord
- The President of the US, is considered to be the supreme man in the country, but as soon as there is some disturbance in Central Europe, he immediately has to call a meeting of his cabinet to consider how to deal with the situation
- The problem, then, is how to get out, just as you try to get out of a fever. The fevered condition is not your permanent life. Permanent life is enjoyment, but due to the fever you cannot enjoy life
- The proposal for selling rooms should be dropped for the time being unless you take instruction from Giriraja how to take contributions from the prospective clients
- The purpose of reading Vedanta means to understand Krsna. So without understanding Krsna, without being trained up how to understand Krsna, if one reads about Krsna's rasa-lila, he'll go to hell
- The purpose of this Krsna consciousness movement is to teach people how to understand Krsna. If one is fortunate in understanding Him, one's life is successful. As long as we have lusty desires and greed, we cannot come to this understanding
- The question is how to give up material attachment and become attached to Krsna. The process is sadhu-sanga (CC Madhya 22.83), association with a sadhu
- The rabbit, when there is some enemy - it will immediately kill him - and he closes the eyes so that there is no enemy. Similarly, we have become so foolish about this cycle of birth & death, we do not ever think that how to get out of this birth & death
- The real aim is how to get the Nobel Prize by cheating. That is their real aim. How an educated man, learned man, will cheat
- The real aim of life is how to get out of the clutches of maya which is forcing me to accept the cycle of birth and death. That is my disease
- The real aim of life is how to get satisfaction, full, complete satisfaction. And that satisfaction, complete satisfaction, can be achieved only by prosecution of devotional service. There is no other method
- The real aim of life is how to go back to home, back to Godhead
- The real aim of life, how to get out of this bhavarnava, nescience, that is the aim of life. If we remain again like the monkeys and cats and dogs, eating, sleeping, mating and dancing, that is not very responsible life
- The real aim, real benefit, is how to be transferred to the other nature, spiritual nature
- The real disease is how to stop janma-mrtyu
- The real education is life. The gurukula means it is a way of life training. It is said that brahmacari gurukule vasan danta. This is the way of life: how to learn controlling the senses
- The real idea is how to unite man and woman, that's all. That is the idea. Real, basic principle is how to unite a man and woman
- The real mission of life: how to go back to Krsna, how to go back to Vaikunthaloka, the spiritual world. That is real mission. But that we do not know; therefore it is most confidential
- The real scientific research should be how to stop death. That is real scientific. That we are giving. To find out some medicine for some disease, that is not triumph. Real triumph is how to stop disease
- The real truth is knowledge of how to get out of the material body, which is the source of all trouble
- The result is that people in general are puzzled how to fix their minds in the service of the Lord; they are always disturbed about finding the real path of self-realization
- The result of advancement in spiritual knowledge is not material improvement, but Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu advised Gopinatha Pattanayaka how to use material opulence without incurring reactions to sinful life
- The result of the greedy capitalist's unnecessary accumulation of wealth is that he must suffer from a blazing fire of anxiety and always be concerned with how to save his money and invest it properly to get more and more
- The sadhu teaches one how to remain purely in sattva-guna by truthfulness, cleanliness, mind control, sense control, simplicity, tolerance, and full faith and knowledge. These are some of the characteristics of sattva-guna
- The saintly kings knew how to deliver the citizens from the entanglement of birth and death
- The same thing what Krsna taught in the Bhagavad-gita, Caitanya Mahaprabhu taught also in this Bhagavata-dharma teaching, and practically He showed how to do it. That is His specially
- The service proposal is very nice and I approve of your acceptance this job. Not only your income will be a great help to the society but also it will be a great opportunity for learning how to organize our magazine Back to Godhead
- The sincere devotee should go on with sincere service of the Lord. The Lord will give proper direction as to how and where it has to be done
- The so-called civilization, so-called unrestricted sense gratification allowed in the name of freedom, that is disastrous. One must learn how to control. Controlling the senses, this is civilization
- The soul from the spiritual platform sometimes jumps over the material ocean of nescience. The Vedic knowledge gives him specific instruction how to swim over but if he is a rascal, he does not take the instruction through the bona fide representative
- The soul, must work alone. Although he tries to create society, friendship and love, no one will be able to help him but Krsna, the Supreme Lord. Therefore his only concern should be how to satisfy Krsna. That is also what Krsna wants
- The special feature of this human form of body is that he has developed consciousness how to understand God. The animal hasn't got this. And the process of understanding God and to revive our relationship with God is called bhagavata-dharma
- The spiritual master teaches the disciple how to give up materialistic life, and the disciple's duty is to assimilate his instructions and ultimately follow the path back home, back to Godhead, from whence no one returns to this material world
- The students are still intelligent to find what is the best information about God and how to approach him. It is unfortunate that they are without proper guidance, but that is the condition of all persons in the world without exception
- The sum total of suffering is birth, death, old age and disease. This is due to this body. Therefore the problem is how to stop this material body, repetition
- The superior energy, living entity, is managing how to collect this iron, copper, this, that, and make nice car. And he is riding on. And this material supply is given by the material energy. The intelligence is given by Krsna
- The supreme controller Himself appears as Lord Krsna, as Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and as Lord Ramacandra to give us instructions and to show us by example how to surrender unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The Supreme Lord is so kind that He comes Himself to instruct the bewildered living entity how to act obediently and then gradually return home, back to Godhead, where he can attain an eternal, peaceful life of bliss and knowledge
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead knows very well how to do everything perfectly. He is abhijna, always fully conscious
- The Supreme Personality therefore (because everyone is acting in a bodily concept of life) comes to teach us how to act according to the Vedic principles
- The teachers appointed by Hiranyakasipu taught Prahlada Maharaja how to be a diplomat so that he could rule over the citizens very nicely
- The third class, vaisya. Vaisya means produce food grain, krsi, agriculture, not produce food in the slaughterhouse. No. Slaughterhouse, even the sixth-class, seventh-class men. . . They did not know how to produce food, how to live
- The training of devotional service for a neophyte devotee completely depends on the expert spiritual master who knows how to lead his disciple to make gradual progress towards the path back home, back to Godhead
- The ultimate goal of civilization should be, Aryan civilization, progressive civilization, how to understand Krsna. That is perfect civilization
- The uncivilized man in the jungle, he does not know how to produce grain, how to prepare many nice preparation. He does not know. But you are civilized man. Why you should eat like dogs and tigers? This is misuse of intelligence
- The Vaisnava is always thinking how to deliver these fallen souls who are so much captivated with this false philosophy of hedonism - "Eat, drink, be merry and enjoy." This is called hedonism. So they are always thinking how to deliver them
- The Vaisnava philosophers know how to utilize the temporary construction of this material world, just as a sane man knows how to utilize the temporary construction of the earthen pot
- The Vaisnava who knows how to serve Krsna, he does not take anything as mithya. Because Krsna is the Absolute Truth, why anything emanation from Krsna should be mithya? How it is possible? If something is prepared from gold, why it should be valueless?
- The varnasrama-dharma, brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, this is plan just to teach the whole society how to perform yajna. Varnasramacara-vata. Therefore this is the beginning of human civilization
- The Vedas describe how to divide the human race into four divisions according to quality and working capacity. This is a very scientific system, and it is also sanatana, for no one can trace out its history and it has no dissolution
- The Vedic literature is meant for to find out Krsna, vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyah . . . (BG 15.15). All knowledge . . . vedic, veda means knowledge. So any department of knowledge you may pursue, the business is how to find out Krsna
- The Vedic literatures are not only full of spiritual instruction but are also instructive in how to prosecute material existence very nicely, with the ultimate aim of spiritual perfection
- The verdict of all sastras, Vedic literature, is aiming how to understand Krsna. That is the version of all Vedas
- The whole activities, human society's activities, should be targeted how to get rid of this repetition of birth and death. That is real civilization
- The whole aim is how to get out of this material attachment, and in our spiritual body, we go back to home, back to Godhead
- The whole aim is how to worship the Supreme Lord. That is human life. So if we make these divisions, so any class of man, if he comes to this social system of varnasrama-dharma, then automatically will come to the understanding what is Brahman
- The whole Bhagavad-gita scheme is how to get out of this material entanglement and be situated in your real, spiritual life of bliss, knowledge and eternal life. That is the whole scheme of Bhagavad-gita
- The whole body is imperfect and full of ignorance. The spiritual body means full of knowledge, just opposite. So we can get that body next life, and we have to cultivate how to get that type of body
- The whole business is how to develop attachment for Krsna. If you have developed that attachment within a second, oh, then the business is finished within a second
- The whole civilization is how to restrict this sex desire. Because the sex desire and sex life will keep him within this material world in different bodies, either as human being or as animal or as bird or as insect - so long there will be sex desire
- The whole effort was how to conquer over birth and death. So modern people, they do not understand that birth and death can be conquered
- The whole human civilization is; and all the directors, they are not giving chance to know the value of life and how to conduct life. It is the first time, that we are giving the real idea of life. Otherwise whole world is in darkness
- The whole human effort, civilization, should be conducted with the aim how to stop this repetition of birth and death. This is science
- The whole human society at the present moment, majority, they are godless, especially the Communist. They don't acknowledge. The scientist, the philosopher, the scholars - all godless. Scientists' special business is how to defy God
- The whole idea of human civilization should be how to push one to Krsna consciousness, to Visnu. Because they do not know, na te viduh svartha-gatim hi visnum (SB 7.5.31). The real interest is to approach Visnu, to go back to home, go back to Godhead
- The whole mission of human society should be how to prepare brahmana. Then peace and prosperity will be there
- The whole process is how to get out of the affection of this family, community, nationalism. This is the process. This is illusion. But at the present moment, this illusion is being increased
- The whole process we are trying to learn from the Bhagavad-gita (The Song of God) is how to bring ourselves to this level of consciousness
- The whole purpose is how to make the spirit soul from the bondage of contamination of repetition of birth and death. That is the purpose of human life
- The whole system is how to approach the lotus feet of Visnu. So this is the last ceremonial performance. Etam samasthaya paratma-nistham. Paratma-nistham, Visnu, to keep firm faith in Him. So it is not a new thing. Purvatamair upasitam mahadbhih
- The whole system should be so centralized that people may be saved from this process of punar janma. That is real government, real parenthood, real guru-ism - how to save the disciples or the citizens or the son, subordinate
- The whole Vedic civilization is based on this point, how to get liberated and enjoy eternal happiness
- The whole Vedic civilization is: how to avoid sex life. Brahmacari - no sex life. Vanaprastha - no sex life. Sannyasi - no sex life. Only grhastha, under control. That is grhastha
- The whole Vedic literature is meant for how to control the senses. yoga. yoga indriya-samyama. That is yoga. yoga means not to show some magic
- The whole Vedic system is designed or planned how to know Krsna. So if you follow Vedic system, then the ultimate objective should be to know Krsna
- The whole world is running on a false theory that life is born out of matter. But that is not a fact. So how to defeat this theory? That is our business. We have to defeat this rascal theory
- The whole world must learn from Krsna how to live happily without scarcity simply by producing food grains (annad bhavanti bhutani (BG 3.14)) and giving protection to the cows - go-raksya
- The word vivigna-cetah, "very anxious," is significant. It is not that Lord Visnu was afraid of Hiranyakasipu; rather, because of compassion, Lord Visnu was in anxiety about how to act for his welfare
- The yogic process of negating all material thoughts will not help. To try to create a vacuum in the mind is artificial. The vacuum will not remain. However, if one always thinks of Krsna and how to serve Krsna best, one's mind will naturally be controlled
- There (in forest) they (parts of Jarasandha's body) were later found by a witch named Jara, who was skilled in the black arts. She managed to join the two parts of the baby from top to bottom. Knowing this, Lord Krsna therefore also knew how to kill him
- There (in the spiritual world) the enjoyment is brahman, whereas here (in the material world) the enjoyment is jada. The Krsna consciousness movement is meant to train one how to transfer oneself from the jada to the Brahman
- There are different methods how to get out of the suffering condition, karmi, jnani, yogi. But ultimate, very easy process is, if you become a devotee, if you become engaged in KC, then it is very easy. Then your prosperity, your auspicity, is guaranteed
- There are heaps of sinful reaction in our life, for so many life after life in this material world. And as soon as you surrender to Krsna, immediately Krsna takes care of you and He manages how to adjust all the sinful reactions
- There are many so-called yoga societies. But here is the prescription given by the Supreme Lord how to practice yoga
- There are sleeping pills also, so many things. So actually, as pure spirit soul, I want to forget, but because I do not accept the real path, how to get out of this material existence, therefore we have to accept something, concocted means
- There are two kinds of knowledges: mundane knowledge and transcendental knowledge. Mundane knowledge means how to maintain this body, ahara-nidra-bhaya-maithunam, to meet the demands of this body
- There are two ways of living. One way of living is called material enjoyment, or sense enjoyment. This is one way of life. In Sanskrit it is called pravrtti-marga: how to enjoy more, more, more, more, more. This is called pravrtti-marga. That is going on
- There are two words: grhamedhi and grhastha. Grhastha means . . . that is called asrama, grhastha-asrama, to live with wife and children, but the business is how to develop Krsna consciousness. That is grhastha-asrama, as we recommend
- There are unlimited conditioned souls who are bereft of Lord Krsna’s service. Not knowing how to cross the ocean of nescience, they are scattered by the waves of time and tide
- There is an herb found in the jungles which expert persons know how to use to revive the consciousness of one who is bitten by a snake. Simply by smelling that herb one becomes immediately relieved of the poisonous effects of the snakebite
- There is need of some brahmana who can give advice to the people how to live, how to become God conscious, how to become happy. There is great need of this movement. Simply so-called classless society will not help us. That is not Vedic
- There is no difference between this dog and this big nation. The only difference is that human being, by nature's gift, he got better senses. And he has no power, or there is no education to utilize the better senses, how to advance spiritually
- There is no educational department how to love a young girl or young boy. It is already there. It is not taught. Similarly, the Krsna consciousness is not the subject matter of being taught. It is already there
- There is no educational system throughout the whole world how to understand the existence of soul, which is the prime necessity of understanding for the human being. A human being is not meant for wasting his time like animals
- There is no misuse by God or His devotee. There is no question of . . . that the devotee or God should not be angry; but they know how to use it. That is the difference. As God knows where to use anger, similarly, devotee should know where to use anger
- There is no necessity of approaching a spiritual master unless one is in need of solving the problems of life. One who does not know how to put questions before the spiritual master has no business seeing him
- There is no question of economic problem, that one has to become learned to get some service in some big school or college and get some big salary. This is not our aim. Our only aim is how to mold the life of the children to become Krsna conscious
- There is standard method how to understand this philosophy authoritatively
- There need be no anxiety over attaining perfection because if one follows the instruction given by the spiritual master he is sure to attain perfection. Our only concern should be how to execute the order of the spiritual master
- Therefore in this age practically everyone is a mudha, not educated. He does not know how to look upon woman. Woman should be looked as mother. Still in India, a unknown woman should be addressed - Mother
- These discussions (between Sanatana Gosvami and Lord Caitanya) which are going on, that is only for how to get liberation from the four principles of material condition, janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi. That is called moksa, moksa, or liberation
- These few days we passed together were very pleasing, and our only aim is how to preach Krsna consciousness. The Vaisnava's business is para-duhkha-duhkhi. Para means others, and duhkha means unhappy
- These Gosvamis were studying so many books, Vedic literature, and found out the cream, how to establish sad-dharma, not cheating dharma. Dharma means religion. Real religion, sad-dharma
- These intelligence (how to defend) are there even in the lowest animal, even in the ant. How to make this body comfortable, that is not advancement of civilization. That kind of civilization is there even in the cats and dogs
- These jealous fools who criticize the intermingling of boys and girls will simply have to be satisfied with their own foolishness because they cannot think of how to spread Krsna consciousness by adopting ways and means that are favorable for this purpose
- These Naxalites, they are taken to the slaughterhouse, and they are taught how to kill. Therefore they do not care. Immediately beating by rocks, and as soon as he falls down
- These rascals, they do not know that his real self-interest is how to approach Visnu or Krsna. Krsna, Visnu, therefore comes personally just to show His causeless mercy upon them, to exhibit Himself, how He can be friend to everyone
- These senses, present ten senses, cannot realize. Atah sri-krsna-namadi na bhaved grahyam indriyaih. Indriya means sense. Then how to realize? Sevonmukhe hi jihvadau. When you begin service with your tongue, then gradually God reveals
- These things (what is the value of life, goal of life, how to revive our eternal life) are to be known, and then your life, human life, is successful. And that chance is present before you in this form of KC movement. Take advantage of it and be happy
- These two qualifications required. She must learn how to prepare first-class foodstuff, and she must learn how to become chaste and faithful to the husband. Only these two qualification required. Then her life is successful. So try to do that
- These two things required: how to get the pleasure or the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and how to go back home, back to Godhead. This is the aim, not that we are making plan to be happy
- These Vaisnava sampradaya, although they appear to be a separate party, but their aim is how to serve Krsna. So don't think the party means some opposite party
- They (demons) are simply thinking that they are perfect, they can do everything. That is not possible. Therefore a devotee knows how to do things
- They (foolish men) start varieties of public and semi-governmental institutions to tackle the devastating power of nature, but they don't know how to pacify insurmountable nature
- They (Krsna and Balarama) also learned different types of sewing and embroidery work, as well as how to manipulate thin threads for dancing puppets
- They (Krsna and Balarama) also learned how to splash water in the rivers or lakes while taking a bath among friends
- They (Krsna and Balarama) learned how to make a resting place with flowers and how to decorate clothing and limbs with colorful paintings. They also learned how to set valuable jewels in ornaments
- They (Krsna and Balarama) learned how to make and solve riddles. They learned the art of how even a dull student can very quickly learn the alphabet and read books. Then They learned how to rehearse and act out a drama
- They (Krsna and Balarama) learned how to set up a theatrical stage, how to decorate dramatic actors with costumes and with flower ornaments over the ear, and how to sprinkle sandalwood pulp and water to produce a nice fragrance
- They (Krsna and Balarama) learned how to sing, how to compose songs and how to recognize the different tunes
- They (Krsna and Balarama) learned how to study soil to find minerals. This study of soil is now a greatly specialized science, but formerly it was common knowledge even for the ordinary man
- They (Krsna and Balarama) learned practical psychology - how to influence another's mind and thus induce another to act according to one's own desire. Sometimes this is called hypnotism
- They (Krsna and Balarama) learned the favorable and unfavorable accents and meters, how to sing different kinds of rhythms and melodies, and how to follow them by beating different kinds of drums
- They (people) are in want of something which they can enjoy eternally, but they do not understand how to attain that perfection
- They (people) did not care for the teachings of Bhagavad-gita. Therefore He (Lord Caitanya) again came as devotee of Krsna to teach us how to serve Krsna, how to love Krsna. This is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's cult, the same thing
- They (the confidential devotees) have knowledge of how to do this. When Prahlada Maharaja met Lord Nrsimha-deva, he said: My dear Lord," Prahlada began - I am not very anxious for my own deliverance
- They (the great scientists) do not care what is the real problem and how to solve it. They do not care for it. But here is a movement, Krsna consciousness. There is the real solution of all problems, if people take it seriously. Yes
- They (Vaisnavas) always they are busy in that business, how to deliver. Just like Gosvamis, about the six Gosvamis of Vrndavana, Lord Caitanya's direct disciples, what was their business
- They are snatching a motorcar mechanic as first class. Because he knows some mechanical arrangement how to do it, he is first class. Such things are being done by the demons
- They do not know what is the value of life, how to make this human form of life successful. Mandah. Just like we are chanting all over the whole world that "Chant Hare Krsna mantra and you will be happy." Still, they are not very much interested
- They don't care to know what is God, what is our relationship with God, how to act in that relationship. The Vedic instruction, the whole Vedic instruction is for this purpose
- They don't want to see people very enlightened. "It is folly to be wise where ignorance is bliss." But at least how to become wise, that injunction has been given to you. Now you try to save the country, how to do it
- They give me so much credit, that "You have done wonderful, miracle," and I do not know how to play any miracle. But only magic is, that I don't adulterate. That's all
- They have forgotten their nationalities. They are simply under Krsna's flag. This is united nation. The rascal do not understand that how to unite. You cannot unite the whole people on this bodily concept of life
- They know how to earn money in America, and there is money also. Here in India even if I know how to earn money, there is no money. But America is not like that. You can earn money like anything
- They should be taught how to worship the Supreme Lord at least twice in a day, sayam pratah, "in the morning and in the evening." Tri-sandhya. The prescription is for tri-sandhya. One should take bath three times
- They're all thinking like that, "I am this body." They're asses. And the whole world is suffering by thinking like that: "I am American," "I am Indian," "I am Russian," "I am this," "I am that." That's all. We must know how to think
- Thinking about this (how to avoid Yamaraja) some time, he decided, "Let me smear my body with stool. Then Yamaraja will not touch me." However, this is simply foolishness
- Thinking must be there, but if you think of this body - how to keep it very comfortably, how to enjoy senses, how to have more money, how to have more men or women, how to see naked dance, how to do, how to this, how to this - then you are demon
- This art (how to manipulate thin threads for dancing puppets) includes how to string wires on musical instruments, such as the vina, sitar, esaraja and tamboura, to produce melodious sounds
- This bhagavata-dharma means that how to get out of these four defects of material life, or four miserable condition of material life - birth, death, old age and disease - and get eternal, blissful life of knowledge
- This birth, death, old age, disease, this is due to this unclean, infected, material body. That we are not concerned, that how to stop this infected material body, how to revive our original spiritual body
- This body is temporary, but our tendency is to live forever. The scientists are trying how to keep this body fit
- This brain taxation, if you engage in Krsna's service - how to spread Krsna consciousness, how to convince people about Krsna, how to take them to the Krsna's desire - in this way, if you go on making plan for spreading KC, then your mind is controlled
- This center is open for this purpose, that people may take advantage how to develop Krsna consciousness. Just like you go to school and you learn how to read and write, and then you pass M.A. examination
- This cycle of birth and death is going on. Guru's business is how to stop this cycle of birth and death. And it is not very difficult. Teach him to understand Krsna, and Krsna is assuring
- This Freud rascal, elaborating how to have sex life. So this kind of philosopher, they... What is called? In Bengali: vane haye srgala raja. "In the jungle a jackal becomes a king"
- This goodness, passion and ignorance, the division. And how to nirguna? When you live in a temple of Krsna, that is nirguna. That is transcendental. So if you live in a society like this, Krsna consciousness, then you are nirguna
- This human form of life is a chance to make our choice where we shall go next, in the higher or in the lower, or we shall remain here. So how to go to the higher planetary system, that is also mentioned. Yanti deva-vrata devan
- This human form of life is especially meant to dissipate ignorance, but without understanding how to dissipate ignorance people are planning and building many things. After death, however, all of this is finished
- This human form of life should be utilized how to make a solution of the problem. That is Vedic civilization. They stress more on the solution of the problems, not to create problems
- This is a place simply for suffering. Therefore everyone's business is how to get out of it. You cannot stop it. Even if you show sympathy, that is useless
- This is brahminical qualification, to practice how to fix up the mind at the lotus feet of Krsna & that is the perfection of yoga. Yoga means not to show some magical feats. No. Real perfection of yoga means to fix up the mind at the lotus feet of Krsna
- This is Hare Krsna movement, teaching people how to transfer the attachment from material sound to the spiritual sound. Narottama dasa Thakura therefore sings, golokera prema-dhana, hari-nama-sankirtana, rati na janmilo mora tay
- This is intelligence, how to stop the repetition of birth and death. But the human civilization, the so-called human being has become so much degraded, they have no brain even to think over these matters
- This is Krsna consciousness movement. We don't manufacture anything. So-called yoga, so-called meditation, we don't care for all this nonsense. Our only business is how to implement the instruction of Krsna, the rascals may understand and be happy
- This is nonsense. How everyone can be military man? Because they are sending sudras to Vietnam they are unnaturally being killed. So any country who is very proud of scientific advancement, if he does not know how to organize society, he is a fool
- This is not higher science. Higher science is brahma-jijnasa, to inquire about Brahman. That is higher science. This science, earning money and fulfilling the hungry belly, this science the birds and beast also know how to do it
- This is our real disease, to take birth, to die, to become old and to become victims of disease. But nobody knows how to cure this
- This is psychology. If woman is chaste, even though she is not very beautiful, she will be liked by the husband. So train them in that way: very chaste, faithful wife and knows how to cook very nicely
- This is the beginning of a description of the food prepared for Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. This description is given by Kaviraja Gosvami, who, it is assumed, was an expert cook who knew both how to prepare and how to serve food
- This is the duty of all responsible Indians, how to make his life perfect, utilizing Vedic knowledge, and then distribute it throughout the whole world
- This is the main thing - to always be anxious how to spread the glories of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission
- This is the only means of welfare activities to the human society - how to make them Krsna conscious. This is only. Any other activities for welfare activity for the human soc . . . they are simply futile. That is a fact
- This is the qualification of sadhu. Sadhu is titiksava, tolerates all kinds of miserable condition. He is sadhu. Because this is a place of miserable condition. A sadhu learns how to tolerate. Sadhu is never disturbed
- This is the science of God, how to see Him
- This is the system of varnasrama-dharma - four kinds of varnas and four kinds of asrama. It is very scientific. The whole idea of human civilization should be how to push one to Krsna consciousness, to Visnu. Because they do not know
- This is Vedic civilization: to give chance everyone how to realize that Brahman, athato brahma jijnasa, the Vedanta, the Vedanta philosophy
- This is Vedic contraception, that if you are competent to give instruction to your children how to avoid the cycle of birth, death, old age and disease, then you become father. Otherwise don’t become father, don’t become mother
- This is very important movement, that we are giving them hint and education how to go back to home, back to Godhead
- This Krsna consciousness movement is a movement to educate people how to go back to Godhead, Krsna. So our request is that you take advantage of this movement. Don't be fully simply absorbed in the activities of animal life
- This Krsna consciousness movement is educating people how to become advanced in devotional service and how to go back home, back to Godhead. And this is not a very difficult task. It is very easy
- This Krsna consciousness movement is for educating people how to think of God constantly. And if we practice like that, then, after giving up this body, we are going to get a body which is exactly like God. This body is called sac-cid-ananda
- This Krsna consciousness movement is giving information to the people in general how to make life successful. What is that successful life? To go back to home, back to Godhead. This is not our home. This material world, this is foreign country
- This Krsna consciousness movement is giving, educating people how to become Krsna conscious, how to know the science of Krsna. Krsna-tattva-vetta
- This Krsna consciousness movement is meant for creating some real brahmana. At least, there may be head. They are all mad after the influence of the material energy. So there is need of some brahmana who can give advice to the people how to live
- This Krsna consciousness movement is started just to educate people how to worship Lord Visnu. Visnor aradhanam param - this is our mission to teach all over the world
- This Krsna consciousness movement is teaching people how to come to the real ego, real constitutional position
- This Krsna consciousness movement is the greatest welfare activity for the human society because this movement is educating everyone how to fulfill the aim of life
- This Krsna consciousness movement is to educate people how to live in spiritual atmosphere
- This Krsna consciousness movement is to educate people how to live in spiritual atmosphere, and then there will be peace and prosperity
- This Krsna consciousness movement means to become trained up sufficiently how to enter Krsna's great family. In Krsna's family there is no sannyasi. Have you seen, anyone, a sannyasi in Vrndavana? At least in the books?
- This life is especially meant for how to get out of this evolutionary process. How to get out of this evolutionary process. The evolutionary process means transmigration of the soul from one body to another
- This material world is forest fire. But they are so ignorant, they cannot understand that, "We are burning in the blazing fire of this material existence. Our attempt should be how to get out of it." But there is no such knowledge
- This modern civilization is teaching people how to steal, how to cheat, how to satisfy your own sense gratification. You see? No tolerance, no complete knowledge. All fools and rascals, no knowledge
- This movement is very important movement. We are trying to educate people how to transfer one from this world of darkness to the world of light, which is called Goloka Vrndavana
- This movement means we are training our disciples how to make progress towards permanent life
- This science is unknown to the rascal civilization, how to utilize things for the best purpose
- This temple means to practice how to think of Krsna's lotus feet, Balarama's lotus feet, always. Man-mana bhava mad-bhaktah. Immediately you become bhakta. And as soon as you become a bhakta all kinds of disturbances will be subsided
- This whole world is confusion, just like a blazing fire in the forest. When there is forest fire, all the animals become confused, "Where to go? How to save life?" It is very good example. When there is fire in the forest, all the animals become confused
- Those who are actually advanced Aryans, their business is how to approach Visnu. That is the Rg-mantra. Na te viduh svartha-gatim hi visnum durasaya
- Those who are actually studious, they can understand the science (KC) perfectly if they study all our books. We have got twenty volumes books like this already published. And we propose to publish seventy-two volumes, how to understand God
- Those who are devas, godly, their lusty desire is controlled, restricted. Therefore this varnasrama, four varnas and four asramas, this is education how to control this lusty desire. That is required
- Those who are free from false prestige, illusion and false association, who understand the eternal, who are done with material lust, who are freed from the dualities of happiness and distress, and who, unbewildered, know how to surrender unto the Lord
- Those who are interested with this body only, with them he has no interest. This is the sign. That is also mahatma. His only business is how to keep friendship with Krsna. That is his only business. Then he is mahatma
- Those who are not actually in the line of acaryas, or who personally have no knowledge of how to act in the role of acarya, unnecessarily criticize the activities of the ISKCON movement in countries outside of India
- Those who are simply planning how to keep this body comfortable, that is the material world. Everyone is busy how to keep this body very comfortable, although it is not possible
- Those who are sinful, they do not take immediately birth. They first of all trained up in the hellish planet how to suffer to become accustomed and then they are taken birth, then suffer
- Those who cannot understand the position of the Lord are unfortunate. They may think that they can kill the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His devotee, but all their attempts will be futile. The Lord knows how to deal with them
- Those who have practiced . . . one who has practiced how to control the mind, not to go outside but hear, that is attentive
- Throughout the whole world there is no such training department. There are many department of knowledge, but how to create an ideal brahmana, there is no education
- Thus (by chanting Hare Krsna mantra) one will know what he is, what God is, what this world is, what our relationship with God in this world is, how to live in this world, and what our next life is
- Thus Raghunatha dasa thought deeply about how to escape, and one night while he was sleeping on the Durga-mandapa, the priest Yadunandana Acarya entered the house when only four dandas remained until the end of the night
- To a devotee, who has understood how to derive pleasure from exchanging devotional service with the Lord, this unlimited Brahman appears to be hellish
- To accept ajnana as jnana is the most unfortunate position. That is not jnana. Real jnana is how to surrender to Krsna
- To become religious, dharmic, means how to nullify these five principles of material existence
- To enlighten them (the poor, we are opening centers) in KC & reform their character by teaching them how to avoid illicit sex, intoxication, meat-eating and gambling, which are the most sinful activities and which cause people to suffer, life after life
- To find out some medicine for some disease, that is not triumph. Real triumph is how to stop disease
- To learn how to control senses, that is brahmacari. Where is that civilization? So establish. Give them food. Give them shelter. Give them knowledge. Don't be entangled in vagina civilization. It is most abominable civilization, condemned civilization
- To learn how to prepare mrdunga shell is very essential. Regarding land I had already given Jayapataka Maharaj direction to purchase as much land as possible if it is offered at cheap price
- To understand how to glorify the Lord is actual research work. It is not that everything should be understood without God. That is condemned
- To understand Krsna and to understand the service of Krsna is very exalted post. Brahma-bhutah. One has to become brahma-bhutah, completely liberated. Then he can understand how to render service to Krsna
- Train them up to become devotees. How to play mrdanga, how to play karatalas, take prasadam, attend arati, etc. They'll never understand the books. They are less than sudras, candalas
- Unfortunately, instead of doing so, people are absorbed in thoughts of society, friendship, love and relatives. This Krsna consciousness movement, however, is educating people throughout the world and informing them how to conquer death
- Unfortunately, these materialistic persons, they do not know what is his real interest. The real interest is Visnu, how to serve Visnu
- Unless one has come to the platform of spontaneous love of God, he must follow the regulative principles. Thakura Haridasa was the living example of how to follow the regulative principles. Similarly, Raghunatha dasa Gosvami was also
- Unless there is sufficient grain . . . people are giving more stress how to produce machine, but they are not giving any stress how to produce foodstuff. So many land are lying vacant
- Unless we come to the spiritual platform - we remain on the bodily platform - we shall speak differently. And as soon as we come to the spiritual platform, then we shall speak in one item only, how to serve Krsna
- Unlike ordinary living entities, the Supreme Lord is not forced by the modes of material nature to appear. He appears dharman darsayitu-kama - to show how to execute the functions of a human being
- Upakara, you can understand - it is very common word - to do something good to others. Upakara. And apakara means to do something harm to others. At the present moment, throughout the whole world, the design is how to do something harmful to others
- Vaisnava is very, very merciful. They are merciful to the fallen souls. Their only concern is how to deliver these fallen souls
- Vaisnavas, they are the best friend of the society, best friend, Vaisnava. The Vaisnava is always thinking how to deliver these fallen souls who are so much captivated with this false philosophy of hedonism - "Eat, drink, be merry and enjoy"
- Vaisyas should be trained how to give protection to the cows, how to till the field and grow food. Practical
- Vasudeva began to address Kamsa by putting forward reasonable arguments. Vasudeva was a great personality because he knew how to pacify a cruel person and how to forgive the bitterest enemy. One who is fortunate is never caught, even by tigers or snakes
- Vedic civilization is - first teaching is brahmacari, how to learn to avoid sex life. If one can continue without sex life he is praised, naisthika-brahmacari. If one cannot, all right you become a perfect grhastha, so many rules and regulations
- Vedic civilization is very strict. Because the whole aim was how to go back to home, back to Godhead, not sense gratification - eat, drink, be merry, enjoy. That is not the aim of human life
- Violence also has its utility, and how to apply violence rests with the person in knowledge
- Vrndavana inhabitants, they are always anxious how to save the cows. Always. They are connected with cows
- We all, living entities within this material world, we are worshiper of the material nature. The scientist also trying to find out means how to exploit the resources of material nature. That is also one kind of worshiping
- We are actually teaching in our classes how to go about this - installing Deities at home and, worshiping the Deity regularly, chanting the maha-mantra and discussing the Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam
- We are anxious how to protect a property, how to push on this movement, how people will take it, what line of action we shall take; this is also anxiety, but that anxiety is for Krsna
- We are being educated, we go to school, to college, to become responsible man. So this responsibility should be, "How to stop this repetition of birth." In many places this is advised. And that is the only aim of human life
- We are dependent on the laws of nature. And suppose we become independent, so-called independent, for a few days. That is not independence. Real independence is how to get out of the clutches of these material laws
- We are educating our students to practice how to revive his old . . . the eternal constitutional position to serve the Lord. This is our practice
- We are educating people how to get out of the clutches of illusion that continually, one after another, we have to take birth. Real problem is this
- We are getting knowledge through the senses. How to get this knowledge of the living force? That, a mechanical arrangement, that is called yoga system
- We are given through its (Bhagavad-gita's) instruction information how to leave the material world and begin a truly blissful life in the spiritual sky. BG 1972 Introduction
- We are going to learn technology. That is our misfortune. Technology is silpa-karma. Just like an artistic man - that is not real education. Real education is how to solve the problem of life, janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi-duhkha-dosanudarsanam
- We are hearing from the scriptures, from authorities, that "I have got this miserable conditional body to suffer threefolds of material miseries; still, I am not very much anxious how to stop this repetition of birth and death. I am drinking poison"
- We are in this material world handcuffed, imprisoned. Our aim of life is how to get out of this material bondage, or prison house
- We are insignificant creature. So many persons. You cannot avoid it. The best way is to learn how to tolerate. That is very nice. Otherwise Caitanya Mahaprabhu not have said taror api sahisnuna. That is the best
- We are manufacturing so many religious system on these two platforms. One platform is how to enjoy to the fullest extent, and another platform is how to become zero, voidism. But actually, neither you are enjoyer, nor you are zero
- We are preaching now. I came from India. If I would say: "I am sannyasi. I will not ride in a car or aeroplane; I must walk," then what kind of preaching would have been? You see? So therefore it depends on the acarya how to adjust things
- We are preaching this philosophy on the basis of the Bhagavad-gita As It Is without any interpretation. This is a cultural and educational movement to understand what we are, what is God, and what is our relationship and how to act upon it
- We are Russian, and the Russian must exceed the Americans - "Americans must exceed . . ." This is going on, on the platform of designation. When we change the platform and we simply desire how to serve Krsna, that is desirelessness
- We are serious about how to make our sense gratification very nicely. That is our seriousness. Human advancement, advancement of civilization means how nicely you can gratify your senses. This is going on
- We are so much captivated by the external energy, maya, that the whole program is how to forget Visnu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. But our real aim of life is to know our relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu
- We are talking of how to come to the vipra stage. The 1st stage, everyone is on the sudra platform. Then by purificatory process, by understanding of this Vedic knowledge, janmana jayate sudrah samskarad bhaved dvijah, that by initiation he is twice-born
- We are talking on the Srimad-Bhagavatam. The subject matter is how one shall transfer himself from this material world to the spiritual world and thereby stop birth, death, old age and disease. This is the whole subject matter
- We are teaching people that "Don't bother about your economic condition of life. It will come automatically, what you are destined to obtain. You better utilize your energy how to get out of this condition of life, birth, death, old age and disease"
- We are thoroughly instructing both men and women how to preach, and actually they are preaching wonderfully
- We are training engineer, similarly, a class of men, those who are very intelligent, they should be trained up as brahmana. They should be trained up how to speak truth any circumstance. Even to the enemy he will speak truth. This requires training
- We are trying our bit to educate people how to revive his original God consciousness. Then he will be happy. Our principle is how to make people happy
- We are trying to bring them (the living entities, those who revolted against the service of the Lord) into practice, how to serve Lord, how to . . . how to serve the Supreme Lord. That is our movement. It is not patchwork
- We are trying to set a perfect example according to the Bhagavad-gita as it is, how to execute simple living and high thinking. We are not interested in any material comforts of life which are limited and temporary
- We can become famous for such shows, and at the same time utilize them for giving people good information about what is the real goal of life and how to achieve it
- We can send you unlimited number of books. You simply have to apply your brain how to sell them. Then you will have plenty of money
- We cannot expect him (the sadhu) to give us instructions on how to improve our material condition, but he will give us instructions on how to cut the knot of the contamination of material attraction and how to elevate ourselves in devotional service
- We do not hate anything material because we have learned from our disciplic succession how to utilize material things for Krishna's service
- We do not know what is Visnu and how to satisfy Him, what is the meaning of yajna. All forgotten. That is not Vedic civilization. Vedic civilization begins by performing yajna for the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord Visnu
- We do not say that you remain very weak and lean and thin. No. You should maintain this body properly, but not that that is my only business, how to maintain this body. That is pramatta, madness
- We get this chance, & if we are not educated by our teachers, by our fathers, by our leaders, by our government men, by our gurus, by our relatives, how to accept the lotus feet of Krsna, who is canvassing, sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja
- We have come from God. Now we are embarrassed in this material life. Therefore the aim should be how to get out of this embarrassment and go back to home, back to Godhead. This is real goal of life
- We have come to this material world for sense gratification. This is pravrtti. Pravrtti means that is our natural propensity, inclination. We are simply making plans how to satisfy our senses. That is material life
- We have created so many dharmas: Hindu dharma, Mussulman dharma, Christian dharma. These are manufactured. Of course, there is indication how to execute dharma, but real dharma: when you come to the conclusion, vasudevah sarvam iti sa mahatma sudurlabhah
- We have fallen into . . . under certain circumstances, so we have to take care of. The real duty is to how to save myself from this material entanglement
- We have got four kinds of engagements: eating, sleeping, mating and defending. Defending for God also. So actually, everything belongs to God. Now we have to learn it, how to utilize it for God. That is our philosophy
- We have got very simple test in Krsna consciousness movement how to distinguish between an intelligent man a rascal. As soon as we understand that he's not Krsna conscious, he's a rascal. Bas. There is no need of testing
- We have no ambition. Just like we are brahmanas. We have nothing to do, but according to Vedic civilization, the brahmanas guides the ksatriyas how to rule. So our position is to reform the politicians. We are not going to compete with them
- We have seen so many sannyasis. First of all they say: "This is false. The world is false. Let me take sannyasa." And after remaining a few years of sannyasa, then he learns how to eat meat, how to drink wine, how to associate with women
- We have to approach a person who has seen the truth. It is not difficult. Just like if you are suffering from some disease, you have to go to a doctor who knows how to treat. It is same thing, like that
- We have to elevate our consciousness through this science of Krsna. Charity is within everyone's heart, but we do not know how to make the best use of it
- We have to follow the footprints of the Gosvamis, how to search out Krsna and Radharani, Vrndavana, or within your heart. That is the process of Caitanya Mahaprabhu's bhajana - feeling of separation, vipralambha, vipralambha-seva
- We have to give up our this sense gratification process, and that is the teaching of Lord Caitanya. And Caitanya Mahaprabhu practically demonstrated how to adopt that life of pure sense gratification, or pure utilization of the senses
- We have to learn how to act only for Krsna, how to love only Krsna. Then our life is successful. And the human life... Because we have also come down from Vaikuntha some millions and millions of years ago
- We have to learn the art how to utilize everything for God. Then it is spiritual. That requires little brain
- We have to prepare the eyes to see. That is religion. I cannot see at the present moment that does not mean I shall stop. I must prepare myself how to see. That is real intelligence
- We have to prepare where we want to go. That is real education. Either by the yogic principle or by cultivation of knowledge or by this devotional service, the whole idea is how to transfer oneself to the better condition of life
- We invite all important men to contact us and try to understand the basic principle of this movement: how to elevate the human society to the proper standard of life and become peaceful in this life as well as in the next life
- We know how to execute the mission of Krsna. Anyone can know because direction is there. It is not a secret thing. It is open secret. But you have to act upon it. That requires training. And so far my experience goes, the whole world will take to KC
- We may be successful to a certain extent but in this age it is very difficult to practice such things. Nobody can practice how to control the senses from the sense object
- We must be educated how to control the senses, how to control the senses. Therefore while eating, we are reminded that this eating is... If you do not take it as prasadam, then eating is sense enjoyment
- We must know how to conquer the repetition of birth and death
- We must utilize our time, save our time, how to get out of these four . . . five principles of materialistic life. That is called dharma. And we should earn so much to keep the body and soul together. That's all
- We not only have to understand God and our relationship with Him but also how to act in that relationship. In this way we can perfect our lives
- We prescribe to our students no illicit sex-life, no meat-eating, no intoxication, no gambling, but they are not ends in themselves; the real end is how to serve Krishna and sacrifice everything for Him
- We should always remember that Caitanya is Krsna Himself teaching us how to become Krsna conscious, and we must study Him in that light - CC Intro
- We should be inquiring like Sanatana Gosvami about how to put an end to them all. Instead, we are working in such a way that we have to accept another material body
- We should be very careful about the regulative principles and follow the footprints of Vaisnava. Don't think that Prahlada Maharaja is ordinary boy. We should learn from Prahlada Maharaja how to advance in devotional service
- We should be very honest and live with sadhu, those who are devotees. Tandera carana-sebi-bhakta-sane bas. First of all our mission should be how to serve the Gosvamis
- We should be very much strictly follower of the Vaisnava principle. Vaisnava's only business is how to deliver these fallen souls. Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He appeared as a Vaisnava. The business is to deliver
- We should be very serious about this problem, how to get our eternal life, blissful and full of knowledge. That is the duty of human life. We have forgotten this, what is our aim of life. Na te viduh svartha-gatim hi visnum
- We should give everyone chance how to serve Krsna. Then he will remain on the upper platform. Samatitya. Atitya mean transcending
- We should learn from His (Krsna's) personal behavior how to give protection to the cow, how to cultivate brahminical qualities and how to respect the brahmanas and the Vaisnavas
- We should learn how to do good to the people in general. They have forgotten their relationship with God. You should be sympathetic for them. That they're suffering on account of their forgetfulness of God, let us do some service
- We should not be very much afflicted with these temporary things. We must have the sense how to solve the ultimate miserable condition of life
- We should not desire anything except we simply desire how to serve Krsna, how to remain a pure devotee of Krsna. Then our life is successful
- We should not waste our valuable time in any other occupation or business. Simply inquire and be ready how to serve Krsna
- We should take advantage. Not that we shall live like animal, without any inquiry, without finding out the remedy, how to stop this miserable condition of life
- We want the supreme benefit. Supreme benefit is that you are now entangled in the process of birth, death, old age and disease in the material existence. The real benefit is how to save yourself from these four difficulties
- We want to avoid skin disease and the Indian people are like the tannery expert. Such a cobbler is expert at skin disease. They will see our Sankirtana Party and think it is a white dance. Anyway, how to gather Indian devotees, that program is wanting
- We want to satisfy the Lord. That is our . . . Krsna conscious movement means our life is dedicated how to please the Lord. So Prahlada Maharaja says that material acquisition cannot please the Lord. Simply devotional service
- What is our position? This has been taught by Lord Caitanya, who teaches us how to pray in his prayer (CC Antya 20.29, Siksastaka 4): na dhanam na janam na sundarim, kavitam va jagadisa kamaye, mama janmani janmanisvare, bhavatad bhaktir ahaituki tvayi
- What is that real truth? The real truth is knowledge of how to get out of the material body, which is the source of all trouble. Lord Kapila's incarnation, or descent, is especially meant for this purpose
- What is the position of a person or any being who does not know to make distinction what is dharma and adharma?
- What is this civilization? Simply money, money, money, money, money. And as soon as you get money, then you begin all nonsense, illicit sex, meat-eating, drinking, gambling. What you will do with the money? You do not know how to spend it
- What is this philosophy? Sex life? Even dog knows how to have sex life. And he's writing philosophy. So this kind of philosophy can be appreciated by the rascals and... We do not appreciate that. They are not philosopher
- What Krsna's service we can give? What we are? We are nothing. Insignificant. So why Krsna accepts our service? Why He comes in His arca-murti to accept our service? Just to induce you how to serve Him, bhakti. That is wanted
- When a mature devotee is blessed with material opulence, he does not become affected adversely, for he knows how to employ material opulence in the service of the Lord. There are many such examples in the history of the world
- When a poverty-stricken man becomes rich, he makes a program for sense gratification due to his ignorance of how to utilize his hard-earned money. Under the spell of the external energy, he thinks that his money is properly employed
- When Brahma saw that in spite of the presence of sages of great potency there was no sufficient increase in population, he seriously began to consider how the population could be increased
- When Dhruva Maharaja felt hesitant, not knowing how to describe the Lord for want of sufficient experience, the Lord, out of His causeless mercy, touched His conchshell to Dhruva's forehead, and he was transcendentally inspired
- When he (a man) earns millions of dollars daily, he should have engaged himself, his time and energy, how to understand God, what is the purpose of life. Because he has no economic problem
- When He was grown-up, His real father took Him charge, Vasudeva. He belonged to the ksatriya family. All other education was given: how to fight, how to rule, everything
- When I arrive in London we shall consult together how to best spread Sankirtana Movement throughout England
- When I was there last there was one boy who was for making dolls. I want to know how the samples are coming out, if they are nice. Can he teach our students how to do this art? If so, our men can go there and learn, or should he be sent here to USA?
- When Lord Brahma was perplexed about how to construct the material manifestations in the universe and went down within the water to find out the means and the source of his lotus seat, he heard the word tapa vibrated twice
- When Lord Krsna appeared, He purposefully became a cowherd boy and showed personally how to give protection to the cows and calves. Similarly, He showed respect to Sudama Vipra, a real brahmana
- When maya covers your eyes, you cannot see God, you cannot know God. But as the cloud comes and goes - it is not a permanent feature in the sky - similarly, maya may come and go also. The process to be known: how to drive away maya
- When one is devotee, he'll chant more and more. He'll aspire, "If I could get millions of tongues and trillions of ear, then I could finish." That is devotee. And one is thinking how to finish it by chanting once, he's not devotee. That is neophyte stage
- When one is thus cheated, he sometimes takes shelter of the real followers of Vedic principles (brahmanas or those in Krsna consciousness), who teach everyone how to worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead according to the Vedic rituals
- When one is trained up to . . . how to surrender to Krsna, that is called devotional service
- When one understands fully Krsna - fully it is not possible; at least partially - he is conquering over death. Tyaktva deham punar janma naiti. That is real human life, how to conquer over death
- When one understands this karma-kanda elevation is not the aim of our life, our real aim of life how to go back home, back to Godhead, then these things are not required
- When Pralambasura entered their company, Krsna began to think how to kill the demon, but externally He received him as a friend. "O My dear friend," He said, "it is very good that you have come to take part in our pastimes"
- When the brahmacari is residing in gurukula, he must be trained up how to control senses. That is the first education
- When the demigods are bereft of their chariots, when they forget how to use weapons Your Majesty (Kamsa) does not kill them - SB 10.4.35
- When the devotee is constantly engaged in Krsna Consciousness, at that time, Krsna will give all intelligence from within how to make steady progress in Krsna Consciousness
- When the heart is cleansed we can understand our real position, and how we are suffering, and how to take steps against this suffering. This is called bhava-maha-davagni-nirvapanam, extinguishing the blazing fire of material existence
- When the husband takes the renounced order of life, namely sannyasa, the wife is to return home and become a saintly woman, setting an example for her children and daughters-in-law and showing them how to live a life of austerity
- When the scientist philosopher medical man will get the opportunity to study systematically what is God, what are His energies, what is my relationship, how to approach Him, then only there will be paradise
- When there is profit, then there is sense gratification. That's, this is their aim. When they get some money, immediately how to spend it for sense gratification, not only for personal self but also family
- When this is established, in the sixteenth verse Krsnadasa offers his obeisances to the functional Deity, Govinda. The Govinda Deity is called the functional Deity because He shows us how to serve Radha and Krsna - CC Intro
- When we are anxious how to protect a property, how to push on this movement, how people will take it, what line of action we shall take, this is also anxiety, but that anxiety is for Krsna. Therefore it is bhakti
- When we become transcendental to the bodily concept of life, then we come to the spiritual platform. In that platform the only one desire is how to serve Krsna. That is required: not to become desireless, but to purify the desire. That is bhakti
- When we create any loving transaction with any boy or girl, man or woman, we give and take. Thus Krsna is teaching us how to give and take. Krsna is begging us: Try to love Me. Learn how to love Me. Offer something to Me
- When we get this human form of body we get all intelligence. And we should utilize this intelligence how to stop this transmigration of the soul from one body to another
- When we make paste on the pestle and mortar, spices, so many small insects die. That is going on. So knowingly or unknowingly, we are committing sinful activities. So how to save
- When we take to the service spirit... Here we are training people how to render service. Then, gradually, he will be able to understand what is this name of Krsna, what is the form of Krsna, what is the activities of Krsna
- When we train ourself how to satisfy Krsna, oh, then, that is our perfection of life
- When we transcend the material plane, there is oneness. At that time, all the divisions fall apart. The question is therefore how to transcend the modes of material nature, and that transcendence is the very process of Krsna consciousness
- When we transcend this material plane, then there is oneness. There is no more division. Then how to transcend? That transcendental nature is Krsna consciousness
- When you become advanced in Krsna conscious, then your natural tendency will be how to preach. So long you do not develop this tendency for preaching, simply remain in kanistha-adhikari, you do not know how to deliver others
- When you can understand that you are a fool that means that you are a little intelligent because you can detect your own foolishness. Caitanya Mahaprabhu wanted to remain a fool just to teach us how to make progress in spiritual life
- When you go there, try to preach. You have learned how to speak English, so you can preach nicely. Always try to give some service, and that will make you successful
- When you have invited Visnu, Krsna, Caitanya Mahaprabhu, to accept your service, you must be very, very careful how to render service. How cleansely, how nicely you have to serve. Otherwise everything will be spoiled
- When you inform me what is your estimation of Delhi and how people are reacting to our Movement, I shall instruct you how to proceed
- Whenever one fully surrenders unto the Supreme Lord, one finds that He is sitting within one's heart. He can give us direction how to get out of dangers or how to approach Him in devotional service
- Where, how to get real information? That is stated, dharmasya tattvam nihitam guhayam. The secret of religious process is lying in the cave or within the heart. So how to realize it? Mahajano yena gatah sa panthah You have to follow great personalities
- Who has got this knowledge, how to save one from the cycle of birth, death and old age? It is only we, Krsna conscious people. We are teaching, Stop this cycle of repetition of birth, death, old age and disease. Come to eternal life and blissful life
- Whole Vedic civilization is a culture how to stop this material body. The Mayavadi philosophers, they are also trying. The Buddhists, they are also trying. But they are thinking that "There is no soul. Finish this body"
- Whole Vedic civilization means how to utilize this human form of life for better purposes
- Whole Vedic literature is like that - how to get the spirit soul who is now entangled, or encaged, in this material body. That is sad-dharma; that is sanatana-dharma
- Whole world is embarrassed how to fulfill the belly. Eh? That economic question, this question, that question, philanthropism, this "ism," that "ism," the whole thing is centered round this belly
- Why don’t you try for this? This is our KCM - how to transfer the soul, within a second, to Krsna by this spiritual practice. You see personally Krsna face to face - play with Him, dance with Him. Very important movement. Don’t take it less seriously
- Why we are meeting so many problems? This is due to this body. This is due to this body. Therefore the real culture is, real education is, how to stop this repetition of body
- Wise rulers of all states should take lessons from Maharaja Pariksit in how to maintain peace and morality by subduing the upstarts and quarrelsome people who indulge in wine, illicit connection with women, gambling and meat-eating
- Without guidance, one does not know how to renounce this material world. That is called tyaga
- Without working for Krsna, everyone is under the spell of these modes of material nature. And there is no training how to work for Krsna. That is the defect of modern civilization
- Without your rascal philosophy, everyone knows how to use sex life. But they are thinking this is advancement
- Working hard, day and night, how to lord it over the material world. This is one dharma. Another dharma, when the karmi's frustrated, because he cannot enjoy . . . because he is not enjoyer
- Wrong and simply bad association has tightly bound up the innocent populace in mean activities. But the learned man, the karma-yogi, can show society how to perform all these activities for the satisfaction of the Lord
- Yadva-tadva kavi refers to anyone who writes poetry without knowledge of how to do so
- Yamaraja's name is Dharmaraja. Not that because he is punishing... Simply his only business is to punish. But still he's Dharmaraja, dharma-vit. He knows how to punish a person on religious principles
- Yes, it is very good idea to build a nice Temple for Krishna, apply all energy for Krishna. How one is successful in his work is tested by whether or not Krishna is satisfied. The Impersonalists cannot enjoy this bliss of how to satisfy Krishna
- Yes, you may take up such debate, but not any quarrel or argument should take place. It is good to have such debate, and to know the various arguments which the Mayavad philosophers put forth, and to know how to fully defeat each one
- Yogam yunjan mad-asrayah, asamsayam samagram mam, yatha jnasyasi tac chrnu. This is a verse from Bhagavad-gita, how to develop Krsna consciousness, or God consciousness
- Yogis, they are training the senses how to restrain them from sense gratification, but a devotee, on account of their senses being engaged in the service of the Lord, there is no poisonous effect of the senses
- You (Americans) have placed in your Constitution, there is, you trust in God. Now you should understand what is God and how to trust. That we are teaching. This should be taken very seriously. Because you cannot change your Constitution
- You (Sanatana Gosvami) should describe the ritualistic duties to be performed every day, and you should also describe the fortnightly duties - especially how to observe the fortnightly Ekadasi fast
- You are all being inspired just how to portray the Lord and His associates for the devotees' eyes, so everyone who sees to these transcendental pictures will turn to become devotees - that is our aim
- You are asking for honey, I give you a bottle of honey. And you think that "I have now got the honey. Let me lick up the bottle." So honey is there in his hand, but he does not know how to taste it. He is licking on the bottle. So how he will taste it?
- You are experienced devotee, and you know how to do things well, so kindly train the others and distribute your experience widely, and organize
- You are painting one very nice flower. You have to take your brush, the color and the plate, so many things, and you are taxing your brain how to make it beautiful. But you see one rose flower in the garden they are coming out very artistically painted
- You are thinking of Krsna. That is meditation. Not that simply sit down at a place. The real meditation is how to think of Krsna. That is real meditation
- You are thinking of this body of your relative, and because they will be in the war, they will be killed. You are thinking like that. But actually this is not the subject matter of pondering. The real subject matter is how to save the soul
- You are very intelligent boy and Krishna will also give you extra intelligence how to deal with your father
- You asked how to celebrate Krishna's and Radha's birthday. On K's with fasting up to midnight, and R's fasting up to noon. Then feasting
- You can engage yourself in Krsna consciousness twenty-four hours without any cessation, but you have to know how to do it. That is being taught in Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam
- You can teach others how to make dolls. And profusely make this doll exhibition from Bhagavata
- You cannot take the Western culture properly, and you have lost your own culture. This is India's bad luck. They never taught Indians how to become actually Westernized. No. They were not giving them sufficient education
- You cannot teach a stone how to manufacture this microphone. It isn't possible, because he has no intelligence. But even one is dull-brained, you can teach him by education how to manufacture this microphone. So intelligence is there, every living entity
- You do not know how it is working. That is your ignorance. But that is not working without direction. There is direction. There is a television house who are broadcasting their direction; they know how to work the machine and everything
- You don't require any education for this karma. They are making big, big plans to educate people how to work hard. This is waste of time. Educational institution should be for teaching people how to become Krsna conscious, not to become this or that
- You get the freedom of flying away from this mrtyu-samsara-vartmani, but that we'll not do. We'll enter again. We'll enter. So we are not interested how to get out of the cage of mrtyu-samsara-vartmani. We are again and again coming back to the cage
- You have got brain, you can utilize it for smuggling and you can utilize it also how to understand Krsna. The same brain
- You have got the fighting spirit. How to utilize it? Yes. Narottama dasa Thakura recommends, krodha' bhakta-dvesi-jane (Prema-bhakti-candrika): - Those who are envious of God or God's devotee, you can utilize your anger upon them
- You have no knowledge or instrument how to see that minute particle of soul. But there is measurement. There is measurement it is in the sastra
- You have to approach guru - guru means the faithful servant of God, Krsna - and take his word how to serve Him. Then you are successful
- You have to be fully in knowledge how to save yourself from the contamination of the modes of material nature. That is called gata-sangasya muktasya. Then you are free. So that is also stated, how you can become gata-sangasya
- You have to decide how to manage very nicely. Otherwise will is also given
- You have to find out pratikaram, counteraction, how to save yourself from danger. Just like when we walk, we see in so many doors, "Danger," so that you may be . . . you are warned. Sometimes the doors are, "Beware of the dog." So you have to take care
- You have to take this sword of Krsna consciousness. Then you become free. The knot is cut by this sword. Now how we can get this sword? That process is described here that you simply, with faith, you try to hear
- You just follow in their footsteps, and your desire will be fulfilled. We are training them how to become purified and happy. That is our mission we want to see everyone happy. Sarve sukhino bhavantu
- You know how the things are taken in India so be yourself very careful to always avoid these things and instruct others how to do it also
- You know the art, how to sing. If you very melodiously sing Hare Krsna mantra, then you are demigod. The same thing can be utilized both ways (for demons and demigods). Anything
- You know this art, how to attract and engage men, so aim yourself at the top-class of men and give them every opportunity and facility to become convinced of our philosophy and engage themselves to their satisfaction. That will be the best contribution
- You learn from the authorities. So the Gosvamis' business is to do . . . how to save these people, these rascals, from this repetition of birth and death
- You make weekly inventories and pay weekly for the books sold. That is a good idea. You can take his help, how to do it. You must organize these things in such a way that things will go on automatically and increase more and more
- You may be very expert swimmer, but simply swimming will not save you. You must know how to save
- You must be very careful how to keep the temple very cleansed, yourself clean, worshiping the Deity. That is recommended. Sri-vigraharadhana-nitya-nana-srngara-tan mandira-marjanadau. This is also tapasya
- You must have a resolution how to finish the development of New Vrndavana in the right sense of the term. At the same time, please make a very nice scheme to purge out the non-Vrndavana spirit that entered in our Society
- You must have first-class children. That requires tapasya. So at least we should follow the standard, how to raise our children to become first class
- You must know it perfectly well what is God and how to trust Him. That science we are teaching, KC movement. The government should cooperate fully. There should be school, college, to understand what is God, how to trust. This movement should be started
- You must know, "Now, here is God. I must surrender." Eighteen chapters describe God and how to know God, and then Krsna proposes, "Surrender unto Me." Then Arjuna does it: "Yes." So without knowing God, how can you surrender to Him? It is not possible
- You should clear up this thing that we do not preach any particular "ism." We are simply teaching how to develop our dormant love of Godhead. So what religion is there that does not approve love of Godhead?
- You should learn the real science, sa-vijnana. That is how to surrender to Krsna, how to become not envious to Krsna
- You should maintain this body properly, but not that that is my only business, how to maintain this body
- You should rise up to the occasion how to serve God. And this is the greatest necessity of the present-day civilization
- You should take up the process how to increase your attachment for Krsna, and then automatically detachment will be there. Rupa Gosvami gives example, that you are hungry. When you take food, gradually you become satisfied & your hunger is also satisfied
- You simply expose these rascals, and everything hopeful. You have to know how to expose these rascals. That's all
- You simply surrender unto Me (Krsna)." That is religion. That is real religion. All other, any other religion which does not teach how to surrender unto God, that is pretension. That is not religion. According to Vedic understanding, this is religion
- You take shelter of Krsna's representative. Then this yunjan begins. He will teach you how to practice the bhakti-yoga, how to worship Him, how to think of Him, how to offer obeisances, how to observe the ceremonies
- You'll find big, big businessmen, they have got very, very long project, "How to do this? How to do this? How to increase this factory? How to make it world-renowned?" and so on, so on, so on. There is no limit of anxiety
- Your business is how to get success of life. So any method you can accept, but your aim should be one - how to get out of this material entanglement
- Your living condition should be spiritually, what is called, surcharged. So that means you must be trained up how to rise early in the morning, take your bath, cleanse yourself, chant Hare Krsna mantra. Then you will be spiritually strong
- Your only business is how to become pure devotee of Lord Krishna. Then everything is all right. Please remember this truth always, and do your duty for strongly pushing on this Krishna Consciousness movement in Germany
- Your problem is how to be reestablished again as eternal. Because we are eternal. Some way or other, we have fallen in this material world. Therefore, we have to accept birth and death
- Your servant Narada Muni kindly accepted me as his disciple and instructed me how to achieve this transcendental position. Therefore, my first duty is to serve him. How could I leave his service?
- Your service will be recognized by Krsna. Don't think that because you are teaching a sudra how to work like this, you have become a sudra. You are not sudras, any circumstances
- Your wife and you are good match, so take up this work of spreading Krsna consciousness very seriously and make your both lives sublime and Krsna will certainly give you all intelligence how to advance in His service