Category:Living Entities
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Pages in category "Living Entities"
The following 4,801 pages are in this category, out of 4,801 total.
- From ordinary moral point of view, it is said by Canakya Pandita, atmavat sarva-bhutesu: treat all living entities as you want to be treated
- In his material, conditional existence, the living entity gives power of attorney to his mind
- In the Upanisads the example is given of two birds sitting on a tree. One bird - the jiva, or living entity - is enjoying the fruits of that tree, and the other bird - Paramatma - is simply witnessing
- It is stated in sastra: one living entity is the food or living means for another living entity, by nature's law
- Kardama Muni is one of the Prajapatis, or creators of the living entities, and he is also a son of Brahma
- Killing of envious living entities like snakes and scorpions
- Muktas and baddhas: two types of living entities
- Uddhava Gita: 05 - The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated Living Entities
- Yamaraja, or Dharmaraja, as the superintendent of death, has to judge the criminal living entities
- Adyah means
- Bhutanam means
- Brahma-jyotir means
- Dharmasya glanih means
- Dharmasya glanir bhavati means
- Jana-kirna means
- Janakirna means
- Jantoh means
- Jantu means
- Jantuh means
- Jiv means
- Jivera svarupa haya means
- Living entities means
- Living entities who are criminals means
- Nivrttya means
- Pumsa means
- Puram means
- Purusasya means
- Saguna Brahman means
- Sevadhim means
- Tatastha-sakti means
- The living entity's declaring independence means
- Yada yada hi dharmasya glanir bhavati means
- A blazing fire is visible by its exhibition of heat and light; similarly, when the living entity within the heart becomes enlightened with full spiritual knowledge and detached from the material world, he burns up his material covering
- A brahmana does not become a brahmana simply because he is a living entity or is born in a brahmana family; he must possess all the qualities mentioned in the sastras and practice the brahminical principles in his life
- A chemist can manufacture water in the chemical laboratory by mixing hydrogen and oxygen. But, in reality, the living entity works in the laboratory under the direction of the Supreme Lord
- A chemist can manufacture water in the laboratory by mixing hydrogen and oxygen, but in reality the living entity can only work under the direction of the Supreme Lord. Indeed, all materials used by a chemist are supplied by the Lord
- A cloud is compared to a qualified person because it pours rain and gives sustenance to many people; a man who is qualified similarly gives sustenance to many living creatures, such as family members or many workers in a business
- A cloud is compared to a qualified person because it pours rain and gives sustenance to many people; a man who is qualified similarly gives sustenance to many living creatures, such as family members or many workers in business
- A combination of the material energy and the spiritual energy, the living entity, exists in every creation. Therefore the same principle, the combination of the supreme spirit and the material elements, is the cause of the cosmic manifestation
- A conditioned soul is always helped by the SPG in three ways - by the scriptures, the spiritual master and the Supersoul within the heart. The Lord is the deliverer of the conditioned soul and is accepted as the Supreme Lord of all living entities
- A conditioned soul is instrumental in the hands of the external energy, guna-mayi maya, or the illusory energy of the Lord, and in the liberated stage the living entity is instrumental to the will of the Personality of Godhead directly
- A conditioned soul, by mystic power, can sometimes expand into eight forms, but the Lord's bodily expansions are unlimited. This means that the bodies of the Lord have no beginning and no end, unlike the bodies of the living entities
- A crazy fellow goes to the psychiatrist and he talks with him; gradually, he cures him - similarly, these living entity, if they associate with devotees and they constantly talk and hear about God, then again he revives his God consciousness
- A devotee can understand the purpose of creation, which is to give facilities to the individual living entities who want to lord it over material nature
- A devotee has no enmity towards any living entity, but that does not mean that he mixes with everyone. That is prohibited. Aprasangatah means "not to be in intimate touch with everyone
- A devotee is never envious of other living entities
- A devotee is the friend not only of human society but of all living entities, for he sees all living entities as sons of Godhead. He does not claim himself to be the only son of God and allow all others to be killed, thinking that they have no soul
- A devotee may not be expert in materialistic activities. It is therefore advised in the sastra that materialistic activities are not at all suitable for the living entities, especially the devotees
- A devotee of the Lord shows respect even to an ant, what to speak of the demigods? The devotee is aware that all living entities are parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord and that they are playing different roles only
- A devotee of the Supreme Personality of Godhead who seriously engages in devotional service is equal to all living entities
- A devotee sees all living entities with spiritual vision and does not discriminate on the platform of the bodily concept of life. Such qualities develop only in the association of devotees
- A devotee should not ignore any living entity. The devotee must know that in every living entity, however insignificant he may be, even in an ant, God is present, and therefore every living entity should be kindly treated
- A devotee should worship the Supreme Lord, be friendly to persons who are on the same level and be compassionate to the ignorant. One should exhibit his compassion for ignorant living entities by distributing prasada
- A devotee who comes here (within the material world) in accordance with the order of the Supreme Lord shows by his personal behavior how to become a pure devotee. A pure devotee, therefore, is a practical example for all living entities, including Brahma
- A devotee who has fully surrendered to the lotus feet of the Lord knows very well that the creative energy of the living entities, from Lord Brahma down to the small ant, exists because the living entities are part and parcel of the Lord
- A devotee, a mahatma, is good heart. How he is good heart? He sees everyone that "This living entity," especially human being, "he is engrossed in the clutches of maya. He is suffering. Let me try to make him understand Krsna consciousness"
- A devotee, who is already liberated, does not see differentiation in terms of the outward body; he sees all living entities as spirit souls, eternal servants of the Lord
- A direct incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is called amsa or svamsa, whereas an incarnation from amsa is called kala. Among the kalas there are the vibhinnamsa-jivas, or living entities. These are counted among the jiva-tattvas
- A father personifies Lord Brahma; a brother, King Indra; a mother, the planet earth; and a sister, mercy. A guest personifies religious principles, an invited guest personifies the demigod Agni, and all living entities personify Lord Visnu, the SPG
- A father wants all of his children to become happy under his direction. Similarly, God, or Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, has the right to see that all living entities are happy
- A few living entities are born in the human species, and others are born as animals. Although both are living entities, their relationships are impermanent
- A fish that is taken out of the water cannot be happy by any arrangement on land. He must be supplied with water. In the same way, the minute sac-cid-ananda living entity cannot be really happy through any amount of planning in this material universe
- A foolish person who says that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the same as the living entity is an atheist, and he becomes subject to punishment by the superintendent of death, Yamaraja
- A fragmental part & parcel of the Lord, namely, living entity, may by manipulation of material energy construct a skyscraper, factory or city, but he cannot create matter out of nothing, & he certainly cannot construct a planet or a universe. BG 1972 pur
- A God conscious person has no discrimination between human being and animal or trees or plants, because they are also living entities
- A highly advanced Vaisnava devotee is a friend to all living entities, and consequently he is a friend to his enemies also. In fact, he does not consider anyone to be his enemy
- A human being is a living entity, and the devotees in the spiritual world are also living entities, but in the human beings who are not Krsna conscious the real symptoms of life are absent
- A human being is very much materially inclined. Indeed, all living entities are materially inclined. They prefer grhastha life because there is a concession for sex
- A learned man does not look upon the dresses that externally cover the living entity, but sees the pure soul within the varieties of dress and knows very well that the varieties of dress are the creation of nescience (avidya-racitam)
- A learned person's vision enables him to see them all equally. How is this? He does not see the body but the soul, the spiritual spark (Brahman). He thinks: Here is a dog, but it is also a living entity, although by his past karma he has become a dog
- A liberated person who has no material body can go anywhere and everywhere; therefore a living entity is called sarva-ga, which indicates that he can go anywhere and everywhere
- A living being, especially the human being, is seeking happiness because happiness is the natural situation of the living entity. But he is vainly seeking happiness in the material atmosphere
- A living entity acts piously and impiously, and sometimes in both ways. All actions are taken into account, and the living entity is offered a new body by his superiors
- A living entity and the Absolute Personality of Godhead are never to be considered equal, just as a fragmental spark can never be considered the original flame
- A living entity becomes established in spiritual, blissful life when he fully understands that his happiness depends on spiritual self-realization, which is the basic principle of ananda
- A living entity can go wherever he likes - to heaven or to hell - simply by preparing himself for either place. There are many heavenly planets, many hellish planets, and many species of life
- A living entity can never be lost. When one forgets his identity in deep sleep, he becomes absorbed in dreams, and he may think himself a different person or may think himself lost. But actually his identity is intact
- A living entity can never become the controller of material or spiritual energies
- A living entity cannot exist without desires, but desires that can never be fulfilled are called kama, lusty desires. Kamais tais tair hrta jnanah: (BG 7.20) because of lusty desires, nondevotees are deprived of their intelligence
- A living entity cannot remain steady in one or the other because changes are going on. That is the nature of the material world
- A living entity cannot steadily remain either in sense enjoyment or in renunciation. Change is going on perpetually, and we cannot be happy in either state, because of our eternal constitutional position
- A living entity cannot stop acting. So when he is forbidden to become enthusiastic about material achievements, he should at once be encouraged to be enthusiastic about spiritual achievements
- A living entity deprived of eternal transcendental service to the Lord becomes illusioned in many ways. Even in his conditional life he is the eternal servant of the Lord
- A living entity desires comfort for his body and makes many plans for this purpose, but actually the body is the property of others. Indeed, the perishable body embraces the living entity and then leaves him aside
- A living entity desiring to get the body of a demigod in a higher planet can also get it by the grace of the Lord
- A living entity develops a sort of complexity by material association, and the illusory encagement of the material body is accepted as an actual fact
- A living entity goes to the demigods usually because he is mad to fulfill his lust. This happens when something undue is desired by the living entity, and the Lord Himself does not fulfill the desire. BG 1972 purports
- A living entity has constitutionally mind, intelligence, and ego, but they are contaminated in contact with matter. At the present moment, our ego is working under some designation
- A living entity has got natural inclination for vyavaya, sex life; and madya sevah, intoxication; amisa sevah, and meat-eating. A natural instinct there is. But asuras, they do not try to stop it. They want to increase it. That is asura life
- A living entity is always connected with a certain amount of intelligence, but in the human form of life the living entity must inquire about his spiritual identity. This is real human intelligence
- A living entity is as pure as the limitless sky. He becomes covered by the cloud of forgetfulness, however, in his tendency for enjoying the material world
- A living entity is called anu, an atomic particle of the supreme soul, and his brain is also atomic. It cannot accommodate unlimited knowledge. This does not mean that the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, has a limited brain
- A living entity is called materialistic, and upon being freed from all designations, when he is fully Krsna conscious, engaged in devotional service, he is called liberated
- A living entity is conditioned by a particular type of body. The body is certainly an impediment, but one who associates with a pure devotee & follows his instructions can avoid this impediment & become a regular brahmana by initiation under his guidance
- A living entity is constitutionally part and parcel of the Supreme Being, but he forgets that he has to render service to the Supreme and diverts his attention to serving others; this is called maya. By serving others he falsely thinks that he is master
- A living entity is eternally existent, and he cannot give up desires
- A living entity is eternally related with Krsna in the relationship of master and servant. Once that service is wanting - or, in other words, when one is not situated in Krsna consciousness - it is to be understood that study of Vedanta is insufficient
- A living entity is eternally subordinate to the Supreme Lord, and he has this knowledge with him, but, artificially, he thinks that he is God himself and that although he is God he has lost his knowledge due to maya
- A living entity is happily the part and parcel of the Lord, and thus his natural function is to render immediate service to the Lord. BG 1972 Preface
- A living entity is never born or never dies. What is this birth and death? This is the change of the body
- A living entity is not forced to come into the material world. He makes his own choice, being attracted by beautiful women. Every living entity has the freedom to be attracted by material nature or to stand as a hero and resist that attraction
- A living entity is offered a particular type of body as a result of his action in the present body. These activities are taken into account by a superior authority known as daiva, or the authority of God
- A living entity is similarly engaged in the material world in sinful activities. These sinful activities may be compared to King Puranjana's hunting in the forest
- A living entity is subjected to be deluded by maya. But Krsna is not deluded by maya. That is the difference between Krsna and living entity
- A living entity is the eternal servitor of the Supreme Lord, and unless he comes to the platform of devotional service, his life-span, good birth, glorious activities and everything else are null and void
- A living entity is within the time of past, present and future. His life has a beginning, a birth, and in the conditioned state his life ends with death. But the Lord is adi-purusa, the original person
- A living entity is, by superior nature, full of knowledge. Nevertheless, he is prone to be influenced by ignorance due to his limited power. The Lord is omnipotent, but the living entity is not. BG 1972 purports
- A living entity may be called brhac-chravah; he may have a great reputation for various types of activities. Nonetheless, he has a friend whom he does not know. Materialistic persons do not understand that God is present as the Supersoul
- A living entity may be very careful in the matter of executing his duties, but it is still very difficult for him to know what type of body he is going to get in the next life
- A living entity may engage in any occupational duty, but if he wants to have perfection in his duties, he must satisfy the Supreme Lord
- A living entity may have an abundant supply of food for eating, or many nice buildings for sleeping, or good arrangements for sex life, or a good defense to protect him, but this does not mean that he is a human being
- A living entity merged either in the material nature or in the spiritual nature does not give up his individuality. Real individuality is to understand oneself to be the eternal servitor of God. This information is received from the mouth of Caitanya
- A living entity misuses his little independence when he wants to lord it over material nature. This misuse of independence, which is called maya, is always available, otherwise there would be no independence
- A living entity must have desires; that is the symptom of life
- A living entity perpetually struggles hard to rid himself of the pangs of material existence, but the path of fruitive work leads him to either temporary happiness or temporary distress in material existence
- A living entity situated in the status of pure goodness can understand the form, qualities and other features of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- A living entity too much absorbed in material activity becomes very much attracted to the material body
- A living entity utilizes his senses, intelligence, mind and so on in a specific way of his own choosing and thus develops a particular type of body, within which he becomes encaged
- A living entity when he begins spiritual realization by identifying himself with the Supreme Lord. This state of self-realization is technically known as monism. The monist thinks himself one with the Supreme Lord
- A living entity who is entrapped by this material energy, illusion, he's a madman. And the whole treatment is to get out of this disease of madness, misidentification, misconception of life. So it is not difficult to find out a madman. Any man is a madman
- A living entity who is not properly enlightened in spiritual knowledge simply takes care of the external body, not knowing that the spirit soul is the principal factor within the body
- A living entity who unknowingly falls in this river is submerged in its waves, and since the current is swifter near the banks of the river, he is unable to get out. What will be the benefit of performing fruitive activities in that river of maya?
- A living entity who wants to be completely pure must be above this material conception. The negation of material existence does not necessarily mean spiritual existence
- A living entity who wants to enjoy on his personal account and not cooperate with the Supreme Lord is engaged in materialistic life. As soon as he dovetails his enjoyment with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he is engaged in spiritual life
- A living entity who, as a result of attachment to a woman in his previous life, has been endowed with the form of a woman, foolishly looks upon maya in the form of a man, her husband, as the bestower of wealth, progeny, house and other material assets
- A living entity with the body of a bird or beast cannot take instructions from the Supreme Soul as adequately as an advanced human being. Thus there are gradations of bodily forms
- A living entity's entrapment in different species of life is due to the misapplication of his mind
- A living entity's independence is lost by material contact. In the spiritual field he has full independence, and therefore there is no question of becoming dependent upon the three modes of material nature
- A living entity's unlawful desire to become one with the Lord in every respect is the root cause of the entire material manifestation, for otherwise the Lord has no need to create such a manifestation, even for His pastimes
- A living entity, although servant of his senses, tries to become master of the whole universe. Hiranyakasipu was a typical example of this
- A living entity, as part and parcel of the Supreme, is originally spiritual, pure, and free from all material contaminations. Therefore, by nature he is not subjected to the sins of the material world. BG 1972 purports
- A living entity, by constitution, has the propensity to be attached to something
- A living entity, by his constitutional position, cannot be void of all desires
- A man is a living entity, and a cow is also a living entity. Why this discrimination, that if a man is murdered or killed, that murderer must be punished?
- A man sleeps soundly when he is fatigued, and when a rich man is greatly fatigued he goes to his garden with many female friends and there enters the water and enjoys their company. Such is the tendency of the living entity within this material world
- A particular body is given to the living entity for a particular type of activity. This process is going on perpetually, from a time which is impossible to trace out
- A person can be in full KC and become happy and satisfied if he knows but three things - namely, that the Supreme Lord Krsna is the enjoyer of all benefits, that He is the proprietor of everything, and that He is the supreme friend of all living entities
- A person seated in a high-speed motor car goes faster than one seated in a slower car, though the living entities, the drivers, may be the same. BG 1972 purports
- A person seated in a high-speed motorcar goes faster than one seated in a slower car, though the living entities, the drivers, may be the same
- A person under the control of the external energy cannot understand that distinction - between the Supreme Lord Krsna and the living entities
- A person who accepts his body as his self works very hard day and night for money to maintain his own body and the bodies of his wife and children. While working to maintain himself and his family, he may commit violence against other living entities
- A person who does not disturb or cause painful action in the mind of any living entity, who treats everyone just like a loving father does his children, whose heart is so pure, certainly very soon becomes favored by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- A person who is condemned by a brahmana or is always fearful to other living entities is not favored either by those who are already in hell or by those in the species in which he is born
- A person who is freed from material designations can see the same quality of spirit present everywhere or in every manifested living entity
- A person with average intelligence does not think the head and other parts of the body to be separate. Similarly, My devotee does not differentiate Visnu, the all-pervading Personality of Godhead, from any thing or any living entity
- A pure devotee knows well that everything in the universe is the property of the Lord and that a living entity can enjoy a thing as ordained by the Lord. A living being cannot even touch a thing which is not allotted to him
- A pure devotee of the Lord is not awarded the material benefits desired by less intelligent living entities who prefer to worship demigods of the material world rather than engage in devotional service of the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- A pure living entity in his original spiritual existence is fully conscious of his constitutional position as an eternal servitor of the Lord
- A pure living entity who thus attains the stage of anartha-nivrtti, cessation of everything unwanted, has nothing to enjoy in the material world. One attains this stage only by properly performing the functions of devotional service
- A relationship with the lotus feet of the Lord can even enhance the importance of Lord Siva, what to speak of other, ordinary living entities
- A responsible king who executes his appointed duty by giving proper protection to all living entities on his planet is promoted to the heavenly planetary system. This is also dependent upon the pleasure of the Supreme Lord
- A rough idea of the form of the living entity has been given in the Padma Purana, that one ten-thousandth part of the tip of the hair. Now perhaps we have no instrument how to measure one ten-thousandth part of the tip of the hair. But this is given there
- A sadhu is friend of all living entities. He is not only friend of the humankind; he is friend of the animals, he is friend of the trees, he is friend of the ants, worms, reptiles, serpents - everyone
- A sadhu's business is for the benefit of all living entities. A sadhu does not like to cut even a tree, because he knows, "Here is a living entity. He is standing here for many years by his karma, and he has to continue this for many years more"
- A sane man must look to eliminate these miseries (three categories, namely miseries arising from the body and mind, miseries arising from other living entities, and miseries arising due to natural calamities) and thereby become happy in life
- A scorpion or a snake is also a living entity, and a sadhu is never satisfied when he sees another living entity killed, but Prahlada Maharaja said, - Even a sadhu is pleased when a snake or a scorpion is killed
- A self-realized person also sees all living entities equally. For him, there is no distinction between the higher and lower species of life
- A snake is considered to be the most cruel and envious living entity, but those who are human beings and are envious of others are considered to be even more vicious than snakes
- A tape recorder works, but it works according to the plans and under the direction of a living entity, a human being. The machine is complete, but unless it is manipulated by a spirit soul, it cannot work
- A tiger is a living entity, part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and the Supreme Lord is living in the heart of the tiger as Supersoul. But does this mean that we have to treat the tiger in a friendly manner? Certainly not
- A Vaisnava is full of anxieties for the deliverance of all living entities from such false enjoyment
- A Vaisnava is not only thinking of the community or society or family, he is thinking of all living entities. That is Vaisnava. Lokanam hita-karinau, all planets
- A Vaisnava sees all living entities as part and parcel of God
- A Vaisnava travels to places of pilgrimage to purify them and reclaim fallen conditioned souls. This is one of the duties of a Vaisnava. Actually, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is not a living entity but the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself
- A Vaisnava tries to elevate all living beings to a platform of Krsna consciousness. A Vaisnava does not see, - Here is an Indian, and there is an American
- A wise man, however, learns from the sastras and guru that we living entities are all eternal but are put into troublesome conditions because of associating with different modes under the laws of material nature
- A woman is first impregnated by a man, and then a child is produced. As such, the child produced by the woman is part and parcel of the man. Similarly, the living entities are apparently produced by the material nature, but not independently
- A woman is honored in the world by the benediction of her husband, and a husband like you will become famous by having children because you are meant for the expansion of living entities
- About this remembrance there is a nice statement in the Visnu Purana, where it is said, "Simply by remembering the Supreme Personality of Godhead all living entities become eligible for all kinds of auspiciousness"
- According to Bhagavad-gita this atheistic conclusion (that this material world is for the enjoyment of the living entities and that the living entities are the causes (Purusas), controllers and enjoyers of the material energy) is false. BG 1972 purports
- According to Bhagavad-gita, Seventh Chapter, the laws of nature are so stringent that it is impossible for the living entity to surpass their enforcement
- According to Bhagavad-gita, the living entities, although they are parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord, they are taken as prakrti
- According to Bhagavad-gita, the living entity never actually takes birth, and he never actually dies. Na jayate mriyate va kadacit - For the soul there is never birth nor death
- According to Brahma-samhita, the Lord has many forms. It is stated therein (SB 3.4.29) that the Lord has innumerable forms, and when He appears within the vision of the living entities, as Lord Krsna actually appeared, all such forms amalgamate with Him
- According to Canakya Pandita, there are two kinds of envious living entities: one is a snake, and the other is the man like Hiranyakasipu, who is by nature envious of everyone, even of his father or son
- According to his association with the material modes of nature - goodness, passion and ignorance - a living entity gets a particular type of body
- According to his association with the three modes of nature, the living entity develops a particular type of body
- According to his previous work, the living entity must capture another body before giving up the one he has. This is because the mind is the reservoir of all kinds of desires
- According to his status of work, a living entity is placed in a particular father's semen, and because Vidura was not an ordinary living entity, he was given the chance to be born from the semen of Vyasa
- According to karma, the living entity sometimes goes up & sometimes goes down. He wanders in this way, thinking how he can become materially happy & satisfy his senses. The sastras say that we should not do this, we should endeavor to understand Krsna
- According to Madhvacarya, the living entity is called puranjana because he has become an inhabitant of this material world, and under the influence of the three modes of material nature, he is forced to live within it
- According to Mayavadi philosophy, the Lord is a product of this material nature, and the living entity is in the lowest stage of ignorance. That is the sum and substance of Mayavadi philosophy
- According to nature's arrangement, living entities lower on the evolutionary scale do not eat or collect more than necessary. Consequently in the animal kingdom there is generally no economic problem or scarcity of necessities
- According to one's mental composition, one can understand what the living entity was in his past life as well as what kind of body he will have in the future
- According to one's mental composition, one can understand what the living entity was in his past life as well as what kind of body he will have in the future. Thus the mind indicates the past and future bodies
- According to our sastra, within the semina of the father, the living body, living entity, takes shelter. And it is injected to the mother's womb and the two matters mixes and the body forms
- According to Sri Madhvacarya, when consciousness, the living force in the heart, is agitated by the three modes of material nature, then the subtle body of the living entity becomes possible
- According to Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 6.3.22): In this material world the living entity’s only business is to accept the path of bhakti-yoga and chant the holy name of the Lord
- According to the body of the mother and father (yatha-yoni yatha-bijam), the living entity accepts a body and takes birth to suffer or enjoy
- According to the desires of the living entity, the Lord makes him remember or forget. If the living entity is demoniac & wants to forget the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Lord gives him the intelligence to be able to forget the Supreme Lord forever
- According to the different modes of material nature - the mode of goodness, the mode of passion and the mode of darkness - there are different living creatures, who are known as demigods, human beings and hellish living entities
- According to the living entity's desire, Yogamaya, or Maya, the goddess Durga, gives him a particular type of body, which is mentioned (in BG 18:61) as yantra, a machine
- According to the living entity’s desires, he is wandering from one body to another and from one planet to another, under the direction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Paramatma
- According to the Mayavadi philosophers, the living entity in illusion considers himself part and parcel although he is actually one and the same as the supreme whole
- According to the mixture of the modes of material nature, the living entity is awarded a particular type of body. This is the conclusion - of CC Madhya 19.140
- According to the moral instructions of Canakya Pandita, atmavat sarva-bhutesu: one should observe all living entities to be on the same level as oneself
- According to the opinion of the Mayavadi Vedantists, the living entity's ultimate success is to merge into the impersonal Brahman
- According to the results of a living entity's fruitive actions, he is forced to enter the material elements in different types of bodies
- According to the sinful activities of Ajamila, he was within the jurisdiction of Yamaraja, the supreme judge appointed to consider the sins of the living entities
- According to the statements of Prahlada Maharaja, material enjoyment is maya-sukha, illusory enjoyment. A Vaisnava is full of anxieties for the deliverance of all living entities from such false enjoyment
- According to the Upanisads, all living entities are dependent on the supreme living entity, the Personality of Godhead
- According to the Vedic literature, living entities have knowledge, and thus they are called cetana, which means "in knowledge." Their situation in different conditions of life, therefore, is not accidental
- According to the verdict of all Vedic literature, the SP of Godhead, the living entity and the illusory energy (this material world) constitute the subject matter of knowledge. Everyone should try to understand the relationship between them
- According to the Visnu Purana (6.7.61-3), the living entities are considered ksetrajna energy
- According to their karma, all living entities are wandering throughout the entire universe. Some of them are being elevated to the upper planetary systems, & some are going down into the lower planetary systems
- According to their karma, all living entities are wandering throughout the entire universe. Some of them are being elevated to the upper planetary systems, and some are going down into the lower planetary systems
- According to them (the Mayavadis), liberation means the end of individual identification, or of the pure living entity
- According to them (the Mayavadis), the material body and the activities of matter which identify the living entity are all material manifestations
- According to these (material) modes, the living entity gets the opportunity to perform different types of karma with different types of knowledge, thinking, feeling and willing. Thus the bodily machine begins to work
- According to this (Vaibhasika) theory, since there are so many living entities generating out of matter every moment, and so many of them are being vanquished every moment, there is no need to grieve for such an incidence. BG 1972 purports
- According to this explanation (of SB 4.29.75), one can clearly understand that originally the living entity was as good as the Supreme Personality of Godhead in his pure, spiritual existence
- According to this statement from the Prema-vivarta, when a living entity is conditioned by material nature, he is exactly like a person haunted by a ghost
- According to training, the mind is the friend and the enemy of the living entity
- According to Vedic calculation, this tree which is grown here, that living entity was sometimes owner or occupier of this house, and it had so much attachment that it cannot go out of this house. Therefore he has been given this body, tree
- According to Vedic information, the original person is Lord Brahma. When there was creation, the first created being was Lord Brahma. Then from Brahma, all other living entities expanded. This is the creation understanding
- According to Vedic religion, Vedic conception, every planet contains living entities. That is also very natural to conclude because within this material world, everything is made of five elements, gross: earth, water, fire, air, and sky
- According to Vedic scripture, the sinful persons are taken to the superintendent of death, and there, according to his different volumes or proportion of sinful activities, a living entity is punished
- Activities dedicated to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, even if performed in small measure, never go in vain. The SPG, being the supreme father, is naturally very dear and always ready to act for the good of the living entities
- Activities intended to promote all living entities to Krsna consciousness are going on not only in human society but even in animal society also
- Actual peace, prosperity, knowledge and religion can be attained when the living entities are under the control of the quality of goodness in the material world
- Actually a living entity cannot be totally desireless, but when he desires the benefit of the soul and nothing else, he is said to be desireless
- Actually devotional service is the eternal life of the living entity and is lying dormant in everyone's heart. The practice which invokes that dormant devotional service is called practical devotional service
- Actually in the first two chapters of Vedanta-sutra the relationship between the living entities and the Supreme Lord is explained, and in the Third Chapter the discharge of devotional service is explained
- Actually the body is not the living entity, but the doctrine of transformation accepts the body as the living entity. Every conditioned soul is undoubtedly contaminated by this doctrine of transformation
- Actually the living entities are not illusory, for they are parts of the superior energy of the Supreme Lord and do not have to be covered by maya if they do not want to be so
- Actually the living entity does not move. The living entity does not take birth or accept death, but because of the transient subtle and gross bodies, the living entity appears to move from one place to another or be dead and gone forever
- Actually the living entity does not take birth nor does he die, but he has to fight with the stringent laws of material nature throughout the entire span of his lifetime. He must also face different kinds of miserable conditions
- Actually the living entity in his material condition remains inert. It is the modes of material nature that act on the mind and heart. The results are enjoyed or suffered by the living entity
- Actually the living entity is in the subtle body, even though the gross body apparently changes and even though he inhabits the gross body on various planets
- Actually the living entity is not intended to achieve success in religious rituals, economic development or sense enjoyment. The living entity should not even desire success in liberation, what to speak of success in religion, economics & sense enjoyment
- Actually the living entity should not have taken on a material body, but he has been awarded the material body for sense gratification
- Actually the living entity, known as puranjana, is embarrassed by so much (material) paraphernalia
- Actually the part and parcel of the Supreme is not eternally subjected to gross and subtle bodily life. The gross and subtle coverings do not comprise the living entity's eternal form; they can be changed
- Actually the spiritual spark living entities have no material names or forms
- Actually the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the master of all energies. It is only the living entity, who is an infinitesimal part and parcel of Him, who is overpowered by the material energy
- Actually the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, is the supreme enjoyer. When a living entity wants to imitate Him, he is given a chance to satisfy his false desire to lord it over material nature. That is the beginning of his downfall
- Actually this is the fact. If you live irresponsibly, then you have to suffer. So not that all living entities are going to the hell, but some of them. Because most of the living entities, they are less than the human being
- Actually, as soon as a living entity puts himself under the control of the modes of material nature, his acts are influenced by the qualities of material nature, and he becomes passive
- Actually, death means annihilation of the present body. As soon as the present body stops functioning and mixes with the five elements of material nature, the living entity within the body accepts another body
- Actually, however, it is not an echo: it is the kirtana of the nonmoving living entities. All this, although inconceivable, is possible by Your mercy
- Actually, in pure consciousness the living entity understands himself as the eternal servant of the Supreme Lord
- Actually, maya means "that which is not." It has no existence. Thus it is false to think that the living entity has no connection with the Supreme Lord
- Actually, the living entities are infinitesimal parts and parcels of Brahman, and as such they are prone to be covered by the illusory energy
- Actually, the living entity is not his material body: he is a spirit soul
- Actually, the living entity is not the performer of different activities. He is forced to act because he is situated in a particular type of body, conducted by some particular mode of material nature. BG 1972 purports
- Actually, the living entity, or soul, does not do anything; everything is done under the influence of the modes of material nature
- Actually, the Vedic system is called sanatana-dharma, not Hindu dharma. This is a wrong conception. This sanatana-dharma is meant for all living entities, not just the so-called Hindus. The very term "Hindu" is a misconception
- Actually, this forgetfulness of his (the living entity's) relationship with Lord Visnu is the cause of his destruction. Anyone who revives his consciousness of the original relationship receives inspiration from the Lord
- Addressing the great, opulent King Prthu as the knower of religious principles and shelter of the surrendered, she said: Please save me. You are the protector of all living entities. Now you are situated as the King of this planet
- Advancement of material civilization on the basis of sense gratification means increasing the duration of the material existence of a living entity. BG 1972 purports
- Advancement of material knowledge for sense gratification, is the path of repeated birth and death. As he exists spiritually, the living entity has no birth or death. Birth and death apply to the outward covering of the spirit soul, the body
- After all, if he (the living entity) is at all eager to be relieved of the struggle for existence, he must find a bona fide guru and take instructions at his lotus feet. In this way he can get out of the struggle
- After analyzing the material bodies of the palanquin carrier and the palanquin passenger, Jada Bharata concludes that the real living force is the living entity
- After being created from the navel of Garbhodakasayi Visnu, Lord Brahma, the original created living being within the universe, created many other different types of living entities to reside in this universe
- After being in contact with the material modes of nature, the living entity develops the subtle and gross bodies
- After being subjected to such sufferings, a sinner is awarded a particular species of life according to his deeds in the past. Such living entities as are punished by Yamaraja are seen in different varieties of conditioned life
- After changing bodies, the living entity forgets his past deeds, but the Supersoul, as the knower of the past, present and future, remains the witness of all his activities. BG 1972 purports
- After condemning the bodily conception of the living entities, how was it possible for Krsna to place a conventional proposition on the body again. BG 1972 purports
- After considering these by themselves, the Haryasvas could understand that the living entity encaged in his body seeks happiness, but takes no interest in how to become free from his encagement
- After each annihilation of the material creation, all the living entities are merged within the body of the Lord, and after creation they are again impregnated within the material energy
- After falling from the association of the Supreme Lord, the living entity thus transmigrates from one bodily form to another according to nature's course, until he finally attains the human form
- After getting the seed of devotional service, if one sows it within his heart and pours water on it by hearing and chanting, the seed grows into a big plant, and there are fruits and flowers which the living entity can enjoy, even in this material world
- After giving up one type of body, he (the living entity) enters another type of body, as we put on and take off old clothes. BG 1972 Introduction
- After giving up this gross body, the living entity enters either an animal body or a demigod's body on this planet or on another planet. He thus enjoys the results of the actions of his past life
- After giving up this material body he (the living entity) does not accept material body, but he has got already spiritual body. That remains, and that works, and that is transferred to the spiritual world. That is the highest perfection of life
- After he (the living entity) dies, however, the relationship (with a certain father and mother) is finished. Under these circumstances, one should not be falsely involved with jubilation and lamentation
- After his (an envious person's) death, he is taken to hell by Yamaraja, those living entities who were hurt by him appear as animals called rurus to inflict very severe pain upon him
- After impregnation, material nature delivers all kinds of living entities, beginning from the greatest living creature, Lord Brahma, down to the insignificant ant, in all varieties of form
- After many, many births in lower species, when a living entity evolves to the human form of life and in particular to the civilized human form of life, his society must be divided into four gradations, as ordered by the Lord
- After nine months, the living entity emerges from the womb, and then he also undergoes so many troubles trying to adjust to the atmosphere of a new planet
- After seeing that there is no happiness, he (the living entity) then plans to go further and further to another point. This is called mrga-trsna, and its basis is sense enjoyment in this material world
- After subduing their senses, the three brothers concentrated their minds upon the lotus feet of Vasudeva, Lord Krsna. As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.19). The lotus feet of Vasudeva are everything. Lord Vasudeva is the reservoir of all living entities
- After that, the heart of the gigantic form separately manifested itself, and into it entered the moon demigod with partial mental activity. Thus the living entity can conduct his mental speculations
- After the cosmic manifestation is created, the living entities are placed in it. In the Vedas it is stated that in the beginning there was neither Brahma nor Siva, but only Narayana (eko narayana asit). Narayana is also another plenary expansion of Krsna
- After the creation, the living entities are impregnated in the cosmic manifestation, and they emerge as Brahma and the seven great rsis, then as different demigods. From the demigods come human beings, animals, trees, birds, beasts and everything else
- After the dissolution of the partial material body, a living entity remains unconscious for only a few months, and after the total dissolution of the material creation, he remains unconscious for many millions of years
- After this manifestation of Lord Visnu, Brahma saw that many other Brahmas and Sivas and demigods and even insignificant living entities down to the ants and very small straws - movable & immovable living entities - were dancing, surrounding Lord Visnu
- After thus instructing all the demigods, the Pitas and the lords of the living entities, Lord Brahma took them with him and left for the abode of Lord Siva, known as the Kailasa Hill
- Afterwards the mode of passion, being generated in due course by material activities of different varieties, becomes prominent, and the living entities are thus involved more and more in ignorance
- Again, the Lord, as the Supersoul, guides the living entities who are conditioned by the physical atmosphere. Therefore he is called bhutatma bhuta-bhavanah
- Again, when there is cosmic manifestation, they (living entities) come out to fulfill the same desires, and therefore they appear in different species of life
- Aghasura was certainly the most sinful living entity, and it is not possible for the sinful to merge into the existence of the Absolute Truth. In this case, because Krsna entered into Aghasura's body, demon became fully cleansed of all sinful reactions
- Ahimsa means not arresting the progressive life of any living entity. BG 1972 purports
- Akrura continued, "The Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is worshipable by all different kinds of demigods, Pitas, kings, emperors and other living entities and who is the Supersoul of everything, has come into my home"
- Akrura thought, "As soon as I arrive in Vrndavana, I will get down from this chariot and fall prostrate to offer my obeisances to the Supreme Lord, the master of material nature and all living entities"
- All acts performed by the living entity - except those with transcendental results - are self - created engagements arising from an abuse of the free will
- All beings are trying to have pleasure. This is the very nature of the living entity. At present we are trying to enjoy our pleasure potency by means of the body in the material condition
- All beings, both moving and nonmoving, from the four-headed Lord Brahma down to the most insignificant living entity, had taken forms and were differently worshiping those visnu-murtis, according to their respective capacities - SB 10.13.51
- All classes of living entities in various species of life are existing within this material world. This explains superior and inferior life - forms within the material world
- All gradations of living entities are manifested by Brahma and the external energy, but the Lord is the original father of everyone. The relationship of every living being with the Supreme Lord is certainly one of son and father and not one of equality
- All living entities act exactly according to the directions of prakrti, material nature, because in the material world we are fully under a higher control
- All living entities are awarded different qualities, different names (such as brahmana, ksatriya and vaisya), different duties according to the varnasrama institution, and different forms. Thus Narayana is the cause of the entire cosmic manifestation
- All living entities are covered by the modes of material nature, and the fire of knowledge can be ignited only by the Supreme Personality of Godhead when one takes Him within one's heart
- All living entities are created by the Supreme Lord according to their past deeds. This includes, the reptiles, the mountains, the moving and standing living entities, the living entities born from embryos, from eggs, from perspiration and from seeds
- All living entities are creatures of the material nature, and consequently they are bewildered by the wonderful display of the three modes of material nature. Such bewilderment is mentioned in the Bhagavad-gita - BG 7.13
- All living entities are differentiated parts and parcels of the Personality of Godhead. Under the pressure of false ego, the conditioned souls, although parts and parcels of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, claim to be the enjoyers of material nature
- All living entities are part and parcel of Krsna, and therefore when they revive their original Krsna consciousness, they possess all the good qualities of Krsna in a small quantity
- All living entities are part and parcel of the Supreme Lord
- All living entities are provided for and maintained by the Lord because He is the supreme living entity. But foolish creatures, although actually under the control of the supreme living entity, defy His existence, and that state is called maya
- All living entities are serving Krsna in different ways, but when they are Krsna conscious, their service is fully manifest
- All living entities are the abode of the Supreme Personality of Godhead in His Paramatma feature. As confirmed in Brahma-samhita: andantara-stham paramanu-cayantara-stham
- All living entities are traveling within this material world in different species of life, in different planets. Sarva-bhutani yantrarudhani mayaya: on the chariot given by the material energy. So that is mind
- All living entities are wandering in different types of bodies throughout different planets, & if in the course of their wanderings, they come in contact with a devotee by the direction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, their lives become successful
- All living entities are within the clutches of the illusory energy. Forgetting their real identity, they hover in material existence, transmigrating from one body to another in search of a peaceful life
- All living entities can be divided into two divisions: those that can move and those that are stationary, such as trees. But there are also many further divisions. Some species fly in the air, some live in the water, and some live on the ground
- All living entities have come into this material world to enjoy themselves. Consequently, the Vedas are given to regulate sense enjoyment
- All living entities have this pleasure-seeking potency, for all beings are trying to have pleasure. This is the very nature of the living entity
- All living entities have this pleasure-seeking potency, for all beings are trying to have pleasure. This is the very nature of the living entity - CC Intro
- All living entities have to fulfill a certain duration for being encaged in a particular type of material body. They have to finish the duration allotted a particular body before being promoted or evolved to another body
- All living entities in different statuses of life within the material creation, beginning from the first demigod, Brahma, down to the small ant, are conditioned under the law of material nature, or the external energy of the Supreme Lord
- All living entities may not have the same forms that are found on this planet earth, but they have different forms composed of different elements. Even on this earth we can see that the forms of land animals are different from the forms of aquatics
- All living entities within the material creation are conditioned by material nature because of their forgetfulness of their relationship to Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- All living entities within this material world are sensually inclined. Consequently they become entangled in different types of bodies and suffer the pangs of material existence
- All living entities within this material world are undergoing the cycle of birth and death according to the laws of nature
- All living entities, all souls, they have got qualitative body. Qualitative body. So the first quality body you can get in the higher planetary system. The second quality of body means you have to remain in the middle planetary system
- All living entities, both in the conditioned state and in the liberated state, are maintained by the Almighty Supreme Lord
- All living entities, especially the human being, especially the civilized human being, those who have got sense, they can revive Krsna consciousness very easily by chanting this Hare Krsna mantra
- All living entities, from Brahma to the insignificant ant, are expansions of Vasudeva, as accepted in all the srutis and smrtis
- All living entities, including demigods, human beings, animals, birds, insects, reptiles, creepers and trees, depend upon the heat and light given by the sun-god from the sun planet
- All living entities, moving and inert, are generated from the earth, and again, after some time, they all return to the earth as dust. Similarly, everything emanates from the SPG, and in due course of time everything enters into Him again
- All living entities, moving and nonmoving, are My expansions and are separate from Me. I am the Supersoul of all living beings, who exist because I manifest them
- All living entities, moving and nonmoving, receive their vital force, their bodily strength and their very lives from the air. All of us follow the air for our vital force, exactly as servants follow an emperor
- All monies acquired are spent for Krsna, in spreading His message in so many ways. Such a style of life, in which everything is done for Krsna, promotes the development of Krsna consciousness within the living entity
- All of them (demigods and sages) expanded their progeny to observe the order of the Lord to fill the universe with living entities. These six kinds of living entities are known as manus, devas, manu-putras, amsavataras, suresvaras and rsis
- All of them (the material elements, the living entities and material nature) together are recipients of power from the Supreme Personality of Godhead and are thus able to manifest their individual capacities
- All of these (the supreme controller, the controlled living entities, the cosmic manifestation, eternal time, and karma) taken completely form the complete whole, and the complete whole is called the Supreme Absolute Truth. BG 1972 Introduction
- All of these bodies (tiger, hog and human being) are made according to the work done in past lives by the living entity. Our next bodies are being prepared according to the work which we are now doing
- All of these living entities are subject to the threefold miseries, including those miseries pertaining to the body and mind
- All of us on the surface of the globe are living entities in different forms. Some of us are moving and some not moving. All of us come into existence, remain for some time and are annihilated when the body is again mingled with the earth
- All other living beings can also enjoy spiritual bliss, eternal life and full knowledge in His (Krsna's) association
- All other living entities, both visnu-tattva and jiva-tattva, are subordinate to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna
- All sacrifices are meant to please the Supreme Lord. The living entities who know this perfectly well are called demigods, godly or almost God. Since the living entity is part & parcel of the Supreme Lord, it is his duty to serve the Lord and please Him
- All the activities performed by the living entity in the subtle body are called illusory because they are not permanent
- All the bodies of the 8,400,000 species are created according to the mental condition of the individual living entities
- All the demigods are living entities who have been appointed to their various posts as the masters of the moon, the earth, Venus and so on because of their great service and pious acts
- All the different planets are filled with different types of living entities according to different living conditions
- All the expansions - the visnu-tattvas, the jiva-tattvas and the sakti-tattvas (the Personalities of Godhead, the living entities and the different potential energies) - are different offshoots from the same one Supreme Lord
- All the great sages and brahmanas said: O mighty King, by your invitation all classes of living entities have attended this assembly. They have come from Pitrloka and the heavenly planets, and great sages as well as common men have attended this meeting
- All the incarnations of the Supreme Personality of Godhead - but especially Lord Ramacandra, Lord Krsna and, later, Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu - delivered many of the living entities present before Them, indeed almost all of them
- All the living entities created by Brahma are conditioned souls and are inclined to lord it over material nature
- All the living entities here are godless, either by ignorance or by choice. They do not like to accept the supremacy of God. Demoniac. So we are trying to bring them to their original condition. That is the Krsna consciousness movement
- All the living entities in the material world are very active, having obtained their particular types of bodies. A man works all day and night for sense gratification, and animals like hogs and dogs also work for sense gratification all day and night
- All the living entities in this material world have come here only because they wanted to be equal to Krsna in enjoyment and have thus been sent here to be conditioned by material nature in different degrees
- All the living entities in this material world, they are thinking that "I am proprietor. I am supreme. I can do anything, whatever I like. There is no question of accepting any authority of God. These are primitive thoughts. We are self-sufficient"
- All the living entities injected within the womb of the mahat-tattva are divided in all universes with the incarnation of Garbhodakasayi Visnu, and all of them lie down with the Lord until Brahma is born
- All the living entities who are in the material world are struggling very hard for existence. For them the Lord, after creation of the material world, gave the Vedic wisdom advising how to live and get rid of the material entanglement. BG 1972 purports
- All the living entities who have lost their place in paradise due to disobedience to the Supreme Father are put into the hands of the material energy to undergo a prison life of the threefold miseries
- All the living entities within the universe are conducted by the Vedic directions, as a bull is directed by the rope attached to its nose
- All the living entities within this material world have revolted against the service of the Lord, and they remain within this material world as ever conditioned, nitya-baddha, taking birth again and again
- All the planets in the universe are situated according to the different grades of living entities under the influence of the modes of material nature
- All the rivers, seas, hills, mountains, serpents, cows, birds, animals, heavenly planets, the earthly planet and all other living entities collected various presentations, according to their ability, to offer the King
- All the senses we have are controlled by the superior demigods, who are also as much living entities as we are, but one is empowered while the other is controlled
- All the Vedic scriptures, including the Puranas, the Vedas, the Upanisads and the Vedanta-sutra, teach the living entities how to attain the stage of rasa
- All these actions of suddha-sattva (the full opulences of knowledge, wealth, prowess, etc.) display the potencies of Maha-sankarsana, who is the ultimate reservoir of all individual living entities who are suffering in the material world
- All these living entities born in this material world in different forms of life, abodha jata, all rascals. All rascals. We can prove they're all rascal. Nobody is intelligent. As soon as he'll become intelligent, krsna ye bhaje seva-ucate se bada catura
- All these living entities have no problem for eating. This 20% or 15% people who are called as civilized, they have problem. They have created problem
- All these living entities who are in this material world, beginning from the higher planetary system down to the ants and germs and flies. This is the primary enjoyment, sex. The central attraction is sex
- All these living entities within this material world, they're exactly like the misled child of a big, rich man, loitering in the street. Therefore the greatest benefit to the human society is to give him Krsna consciousness
- All these living entity, they are never created; neither they ever die. Nityah sasvatam na hanyate hanyamane sarire (BG 2.20). They are eternal, ever existing
- All these personalities (Sanaka, Sanatana, Narada, Siva, the Manus) underwent great austerities and penances and thus became authorities in Vedic knowledge. Perfect knowledge for human beings, as well as all living entities, is contained in the Vedas
- All these planets (the hellish planets) are meant for punishing the living entities
- All these trees and birds and beasts were pious living entities born in the transcendental abode of Vrndavana just to give pleasure to the Lord and His (Krsna's) eternal associates, the cowherd boys
- All these twenty-five great sages (the seven great sages, the four other great sages, named Sanaka, Sananda, Sanatana and Sanat-kumara, and the fourteen Manus) are known as the patriarchs of the living entities all over the universe. BG 1972 purports
- All three (adhidaivika, adhyatmika and adhibhautika) may assail one at one time, or one misery may be absent and the other present. Thus the living entity is full of anxiety, fearing misery from one side or the other
- All three of the above-mentioned stages (adhyatmic person, adhidaivic, adhibhautic) of different living entities are interdependent. In the absence of one, another is not understood
- All transformations and variety in respect to living entities are due to the body. As far as spirit is concerned, living entities are all the same. BG 1972 purports
- All types of material happiness are obtained in this life or in the next life, on this planet or on another. The living entity wanders within this material universe in so many species of life and so many planetary systems
- Although a living entity is forced to act by the material energy, he falsely thinks that he is the all-in-all and the supreme enjoyer
- Although a living entity is the master of the material world, he is conditioned by ignorance, by the false impression of being the proprietor of material things
- Although a living entity like us, Lord Brahma is exalted due to his pious activities; therefore he is given the high post of Brahma
- Although all living entities are of one spiritual nature, in quality the same as the SPG, they have varieties of bodies due to the embodiment of the spirit soul by the eight material elements, namely earth, water, fire, air, sky, mind, intelligence & ego
- Although all living entities engage in Your (Krsna's) service, You do not depend on the service of anyone
- Although all such activities (of the living entity) are nondifferent from the Lord, the Lord nonetheless directs, sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja: (BG 18.66) "Give up all other duties and surrender unto Me (Krsna)"
- Although belonging to the marginal potency, known as jiva-sakti, the spiritual sparks known as the living entities are subjected to the conditions of material energy. It is because these sparks are related with both the internal and external potencies
- Although both the Supreme Lord and the living entities are qualitatively fire, there is yet a distinction. Visnu the Supreme is infinite, whereas the living entities, which are but sparks, are infinitesimal
- Although Brahma created the principles of nescience as a matter of necessity for those living entities who were destined to ignorance by the will of the Lord, he was not satisfied in performing such a thankless task
- Although God is great and the living entity small, they are spiritual individuals
- Although God is in one place, He controls those who supply the air and rain. He surpasses all in excellence. (Isopanisad 4) Thus the Supreme is never to be equaled by the subordinate living entities
- Although he (living entity) has the facility to live in either the material or spiritual world, he suffers the threefold miseries of material existence because he is influenced by the avidya (nescience) potency, which covers his constitutional position
- Although He (Lord Visnu) is self-sufficient and does not need anything from anyone, He accepts such offerings because, as Supersoul, He has such a friendly attitude toward all living entities
- Although he (the living entity) falsely claims to be very intelligent, in material consciousness he is not at all intelligent
- Although he (the living entity) is changing bodies, he is not affected by the material conditions. He is placed under the material conditions, and he acts according to the directions of his friend, the Supersoul
- Although I am recognized as such by the great forefathers of the living entities, who offer me respectful obeisances, still I cannot understand Him, the Lord, the very source of my birth
- Although in actuality no living entity is killed, the pains of being pierced by the horns of animals will be experienced after death. Not knowing this, rascals unhesitatingly go on killing poor animals
- Although in all the stages both the Supreme Lord and the living entities exist, the Supreme Personality of Godhead is always transcendental to our concept of life, whether we are in bondage or in liberation
- Although in conditional life the living entity is surrounded by material elements (earth, water, fire, air, sky, mind, intelligence and ego), he remains always aloof from them
- Although it is nature's law that one has to live by eating other living entities (jivo jivasya jivanam), one must use discretion. Fruits, flowers, vegetables, rice, grain and milk are made for human beings
- Although Jada Bharata was an ordinary living entity, he had inherited all the knowledge given by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Kapiladeva. He could therefore be taken directly as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Although Krsna is God, He incarnates many, many times. Arjuna, being a living entity, also takes his birth many, many times
- Although Krsna was a great-grandfather at the Battle of Kuruksetra, He did not appear any older than a young man of twenty. Krsna is always a young boy, and those living entities in the spiritual universe also have spiritual bodies the same as Krsna's
- Although material existence and the material body are not comfortable, why does the living entity not want to leave?
- Although one living entity's duration of life is very small whereas that of another is very great, He (Visnu) is always in His transcendental position, and there is no question of lessening or increasing His duration of life
- Although Purusottama, the best of all living entities, has no benefit to derive from the common living entities, He does have the right to discriminate between their right and wrong ways
- Although qualitatively one with the Supreme Lord, the living entity has the tendency to lord it over material nature; however, being infinitesimal, he is actually controlled by material nature
- Although sometimes we cannot see the gross body changing, chanting the holy name of the Supreme Lord immediately changes the subtle body, and because the subtle body changes, the living entity is immediately freed from material bondage
- Although the air sometimes carries the odor of a filthy place, the air has nothing to do with such a place. Similarly, the SP of Godhead, being all-good and all-auspicious, is never affected by the material qualities like an ordinary living entity
- Although the body is changing, the dweller within the body remains the same. Although the boy grows into manhood, the living entity within the body is not changed. It is not that the self who was there as a boy has gone away
- Although the body of the living entity is material, it is never false. No one will accept the argument that since a person's material body is false, murder has no repercussions
- Although the gross material body is left, the living entity and his desires, as well as the resultant reactions of his past activities, go on. It is Yamaraja who decides what kind of body one gets next in accordance with one's past actions
- Although the individual living entity (jiva) and the Lord are both situated within the material energy, the Lord is directing the movements of the jiva soul by offering him different types of bodies through the material energy
- Although the jivas (living entities) are part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they are still counted among His multipotencies
- Although the living entities also come from the Lord’s body, they are categorized as a superior energy
- Although the living entities are constitutionally spiritual, they come under the influence of the potency of nescience
- Although the living entities are Krsna’s parts and parcels, they are prakrti, not purusa
- Although the living entities are part and parcel of the Supreme Lord and are therefore in a transcendental position, they are still suffering in this material world and struggling for existence due to the mind and the senses
- Although the living entities are qualitatively one with the superior energy of the Lord, they have the tendency to be overpowered by the inferior, material energy
- Although the living entities do not like devastation, that devastation will come and overflood the planets until all living beings on the planets stay merged in water throughout the night of Brahma. But as day comes, the water gradually disappears
- Although the living entities known as human beings are very small in quantity, that division may be still further subdivided, for there are many uncultured human beings like mlecchas, pulindas, bauddhas and sabaras
- Although the living entity and the Supersoul are one in quality, the individual soul has to pursue the instruction of the Supersoul. That is the state of liberation
- Although the living entity desires freedom from the contamination of matter, he is not given release
- Although the living entity has many holes in his body, he nonetheless has to work with his hands and arms
- Although the living entity is aloof from the material elements, he is put into material conditions, and thus he must suffer the reactions of material activities
- Although the living entity is always being kicked by the stringent laws of material nature, still he thinks, "I am God" because of ignorance. BG 1972 purports
- Although the living entity is completely different from the material body, he somehow becomes related. This also is explained. BG 1972 purports
- Although the living entity is constitutionally conversant with spiritual energy, or has the potency to understand spiritual energy, he is covered by the material energy and consequently identifies the body with the self
- Although the living entity is constitutionally conversant with the spiritual energy, or has the potency to understand it, he is covered by the material energy and consequently believes himself to be the body
- Although the living entity is part and parcel of the Supreme Lord and is fully cognizant, he nonetheless becomes entrapped by material contamination and suffers all the miseries of material life
- Although the living entity is primarily related to the causal portion of maya, he is nevertheless conducted by the ingredients of maya. Three forces work in the causal portion of maya: knowledge, desire and activity
- Although the living entity is purely conscious in his pure state, he is subordinate to the will of the Lord in being influenced by the external energy of the Lord
- Although the living entity is the cause of his various types of bodies, the body is given by material nature according to the order of the Lord
- Although the living entity is the master of many other senses, when he has to go somewhere, do something or touch something, he has to use his blind legs and hands
- Although the living entity is the son of the richest opulent person, but he has created his bread problem. This is called ignorance
- Although the living entity is the son of the richest, most opulent person, he has created a bread problem. This is called ignorance
- Although the living entity is working from within the body, he is nonetheless unknown. The living entity enters the material creation, but because he is bewildered by the material energy, he appears to be hidden
- Although the living entity's mind, intelligence & identity are beyond the range of this material world, when he enters into material world due to his desire to dominate matter, his original mind, intelligence & body become covered by the material energy
- Although the Lord and the living entities are qualitatively one, the living entities are limited, while the Lord is unlimited. This understanding, called amrta-svarupa, makes one eligible for being eternally situated
- Although the male is the predominator and the female is the predominated, there is no division when it comes to enjoyment. On a larger scale, no living entity is the enjoyer
- Although the material world is only a shadow of the spiritual world, the materially encaged living entities seek spiritual happiness here in a form perverted by materialistic attachment
- Although the nature's law is like that - one animal or one living entity is the foodstuff for another - but there should be discrimination
- Although the Paramatma is aloof from the living entities, He knows their intentions, and He gives them facilities by which they can enjoy or suffer the results of their actions
- Although the Paramatma sits beside the jivatma as a friend, the jivatma, or living entity, does not know it. Consequently he is described as avijnata-sakha, meaning one who has an unknown friend
- Although there is no comparison between the two qualities of independence, the living entity is minutely independent, and the Supreme Lord is fully independent
- Although there is oneness, however, the Lord in His personal form still enjoys unlimitedly all the pleasures enjoyed minutely by the tiny part-and-parcel living entities
- Although these (brahma-bhuta) living entities undergo severe austerities to rise to the platform of Siddhaloka, they cannot remain there perpetually, for they are bereft of ananda - bliss
- Although they are ordinary living entities, they are able to attain responsible posts, like Lord Brahmā, Indra, Candra and Varuṇa
- Although they have a long duration of existence, all the manifestations of the material world - namely the time element, the living entities, the Vedas and the gross and subtle material elements - are created at some point
- Although this material manifestation is a by-product of fire, water, air and earth, it nonetheless appears to be factual. However, it is in Him (God) only that the spiritual and material manifestations as well as the living entities rest
- Although undergoing the threefold miseries of material existence, the illusioned living entity falsely thinks himself the master of all he surveys
- Although we may have clay, water and fire, the elements take the shape of a brick only when we labor to combine them. Without the living energy, there is no possibility that matter can take shape
- Although Yamaraja is a controller, he is only a departmental controller of a few living entities. There are other demigods who control many other departments, but above them all is one supreme controller, Krsna
- Among all the living entities wandering throughout the universe, one who is most fortunate comes in contact with a representative of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and thus gets the opportunity to execute devotional service
- Among the creators & living entities, Brahma is the chief. The various Brahmas exhibit four, eight, sixteen, etc., heads accordingly, & they are the chief creators in their respective universes. The Brahmas are representatives of Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Among the living entities who have developed sense perception, those who have developed the sense of taste are better than those who have developed only the sense of touch
- Among the living entities who live on the ground, only 400,000 are human species, and out of these 400,000 human species, many are uncivilized or unclean; they are not up to the standard of proper civilization
- Among the many superior living entities qualified with pious activities and devotional service, one, called Lord Brahma, is infused with the quality of passion by the supreme will of Garbhodakasayi Visnu
- Among the minute living entities, one being can excel another in one capacity or another. Like each of these living entities, the Lord is an individual, but He is different in that He is the supreme individual - CC Intro
- Amongst all kinds of living entities begotten by Brahma, namely men, demigods and animals, none but the sage Narayana is immune to the attraction of maya in the form of woman
- Amongst all the living entities, both conditioned and liberated, there is one supreme living personality, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who maintains them and gives them all the facility of enjoyment according to different work. BG 1972 purports
- Amongst the created living entities, one being can excel another in one capacity or another. The Lord is an individual, just as the living entities are individual, but He is different in that He is the supreme individual
- Amongst the perpetually living entities, Kapila is considered an incarnation of Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- An animal that enters a forest keeps its individuality, although apparently the beast merges with the forest. Similarly, in material existence, both the material energy and the living entities of the marginal potency maintain their individuality
- An eternally liberated soul is a devotee of the Lord who never forgets Him. Human life is meant for reviving one's eternal relation with the Lord, and all religious injunctions are meant for awakening this dormant instinct of the living entity
- An ignorant living being does not recognize his actual profit. Because of ignorance and material pride, he sometimes considers profit a loss, but when his pride is cut down he can actually see his true benefit
- An uncontaminated soul or living entity can get a chance to meet the Paramatma face to face. Just as one gets a chance to consult with the Paramatma within his heart, one also gets a chance to see Him actually situated before him
- Ananta means you cannot get the limit that, "So many millions or so many thousands." No. You cannot count. So all these jivas, we, living entities, we are being maintained by that one. This is the Vedic information. Eko bahunam yo vidadhati kaman
- Anarthopasamam saksad, bhakti-yogam adhoksaje, lokasyajanato vidvams, cakre satvata-samhitam: The material miseries of the living entity, which are superfluous to him, can be directly mitigated by the linking process of devotional service - SB 1.7.6
- Andantara-stha-paramanu-cayantara-stham (BS 5.35). The Lord resides within this universe, He resides within the hearts of all living entities, and He resides even within the atom
- Anger causes frustration, as in the story of the unsuccessful fox and the "sour grapes." The living entity is then forced to pretend to be a renouncer. But at the bottom of such renunciation burns the great flame of greed and the desire for enjoyment
- Animals with developed consciousness are better than them (living entities who display life symptoms), and better still are those who have developed sense perception
- Another difference between the Lord and the living entity is that a living entity is always in darkness. Even though he may be situated in the mode of goodness, there are still so many things which are unknown to him
- Another gopi said, "He is the only friend of the suffering living entities. When He plays His flute, all the cows and other animals of Vrndavana, although engaged in eating, simply take a morsel of food in their mouths and stop chewing"
- Another meaning of the word 'atma' is 'one's characteristic nature.' Whoever enjoys his particular type of nature is called atmarama. Therefore, all living entities - be they moving or nonmoving - are also called atmarama
- Another name of Vasudeva is Paramatma, another name of Sankarsana is jiva (the living entity), another name of Pradyumna is mind, and another name of Aniruddha is ahankara (false ego)
- Another symptom of a sadhu or spiritually advanced man is described in Srimad-Bhagavatam by Lord Kapila: titiksavah karunikah suhrdah sarva dehinam (SB 3.25.21). The symptoms of a sadhu is that he is tolerant, merciful, and friendly to all living entities
- Any action in the stage of karma or jnana will be finished with the change of body, but devotional service, even if not executed perfectly, will continue into the next life, and the living entity will be allowed to make further progress
- Any living entity can know that he is covered by the body if he only contemplates the body a little bit. Just with a little contemplation he can come to understand that the body is his possession
- Any living entity engaged in rebellious activity is more or less condemned by the laws of material nature, which work under the subordination of the Lord
- Any living entity who has come in contact with matter, beginning from Brahma, down to a small ant, is changing its body; therefore they are all fallible. In the spiritual world, however, they are always liberated in oneness. BG 1972 purports
- Any living entity who is within this material world, they have come here with that two principles - iccha, dvesa. Iccha means they want to be happy with material enjoyment and "What is God? I am God." These two things
- Any material element can be cut to pieces. As far as the living entity is concerned, however, he can be neither burned nor cut to pieces. We can conclude that there are also living entities within the sun
- Any place where one cannot hear about the Supreme Personality of Godhead from realized souls, even if it be Brahmaloka, is not very congenial to the living entity
- Anyone in the mode of goodness who happens to hear this Mayavada philosophy falls down, for when I (Siva as Sankaracarya) teach Mayavada philosophy I say that the living entity and the Supreme Lord are one and the same
- Anyone who has accepted this material body, even a small ant, and the demigods, Indra and Lord Brahma, by their pious activities they have got big, big post as demigods, long, prolonged life and many other facilities. But they are all living entities
- Anyone who is able to understand this (that the living entities are subordinate to God), according to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, knows the purpose of the Vedas; no one else knows the purpose of the Vedas. BG 1972 purports
- Anyone who knows that the living entity, soul, is avinasi, indestructible, then where is the question of killing? But that does not mean the Bhagavad-gita is encouraging killing. No. That is not the purport. Killing is prohibited
- Anything that is beautiful and opulent in the material sense is enjoyed by those living entities who are like crows
- Anything that is produced must also be annihilated. Therefore if we accept the birth of the living entity, we also have to accept his annihilation
- Anything you take material, material thing has no value, it is inferior, but by the touch of the superior energy, the living entity, it becomes important
- Apart from other living entities, the living being in the human form of body is systematically controlled by the Vedic injunctions in terms of the divisions of varna and asrama
- Apart from the lower living entities, those who have come to the platform of human civilization should be divided into a society of brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras
- Arjuna could understand that for a living entity it is not possible to understand the unlimited infinite. If the infinite reveals Himself, then it is possible to understand the nature of the infinite by the grace of the infinite. BG 1972 purports
- Arjuna thought that it was fitting that all the perfect living entities and all powerful demigods offer their respectful obeisances unto Him (Krsna) because no one is greater than Him. BG 1972 purports
- Arjuna's question to Krsna is very sanguine, as to the perverted nature of the living entities. Although the living entity sometimes does not want to act in sin, he is still forced to act. BG 1972 purports
- Aruhya krcchrena param padam tatah patanty adhah (SB 10.2.32). Even having attained that param padam, having merged into the impersonal Brahman, the living entity falls again to the material world
- As a flower in the bud gradually fructifies and yields its desired aroma and beauty, so when a living entity comes to the platform of Krsna consciousness, the beauty of his real form comes into full blossom
- As a living entity, as part and parcel of Krsna, you want ananda. So ananda is required society, friendship and love. That is ananda. That is not impersonalism. That is personalism
- As a part can never be equal with the whole, so a living entity, as a minute fragment of the spiritual whole, cannot be equal at any time to the Supreme Whole, the absolute Personality of Godhead
- As a puppet has no independent power to dance but dances according to the direction of the puppet master, so the demigods and living entities are all subordinate to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- As a result of frustration, he desires more power than the ordinary living entity and thus wants to merge into the existence of the supreme enjoyer. In this way he develops a plan for greater enjoyment
- As a small piece of grass falls in a river and is tossed about with different types of wood and tree branches, the living entity floats in the ocean of material existence and is dashed and tossed amidst material conditions
- As a spark's falling onto the ground from a fire has a beginning, so a living entity's coming to this material world has a beginning, but no one can say when
- As a wheel sometimes goes up and sometimes comes down, the stringent laws of material nature make the living entity in material existence sometimes happy and sometimes distressed
- As an animal is transferred from one owner to another, the living entity who was the son of Citraketu lived as his son for some time, but as soon as he was transferred to another body, the affectionate relationship was broken
- As bubbles in the water appear in different shapes, the living entities also appear in the material world in different shapes and conditions, influenced by the modes of material nature
- As confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (18.54): Brahma-bhutah prasannatma na socati na kanksati. This is the goal of all living entities
- As confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (BG 6.41): The unsuccessful yogi, after many, many years of enjoyment on the planets of the pious living entities, is born into a family of righteous people or into a family of rich aristocracy
- As confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (mamaivamso jiva-loke jiva-bhutah sanatanah (BG 15.7)). The small living entities are eternally part and parcel, and therefore it is not possible for them to be quantitatively as great as the Supersoul
- As confirmed in Bhagavad-gita, mamaivamsah: both the living entity and the Supreme Lord are unborn, but it has to be understood that the supreme cause of the part and parcel is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- As confirmed in Bhagavad-gita, manah sasthanindriyani prakrti-sthani karsati: the living entity is struggling very hard against the six senses, which include the mind
- As confirmed in Bhagavad-gita, na hanyate hanyamane sarire: (BG 2.20) the living entity never dies, even after the death or annihilation of this material body
- As confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita, in the brahma-bhuta stage of life one becomes free from hankering and lamentation. Therefore the conclusion is that the inhabitants of the Vaikuntha planets are all brahma-bhuta living entities
- As confirmed in the Vedas: nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam (Katha Upanisad 2.2.13). The living entities, who are many and who are entangled in this material world, are not pure
- As described by God Himself in Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.4-5): besides the inferior nature, O mighty-armed Arjuna, there is a superior energy of Mine, which consists of all living entities who are struggling with material nature and are sustaining the universe
- As described in Bhagavad-gita: One who is not envious but who is a kind friend to all living entities, who does not think himself a proprietor, who is free from false ego and equal both in happiness and distress is very dear to Me
- As described in Srimad-Bhagavatam, there are many manifestations of Visnu and many manifestations of living entities. Visnu manifestations are called svamsa, partial manifestations, and the living entities are called vibhinnamsa
- As everything has got some particular characteristic, similarly we living entities, we must have some particular characteristic. And what is that? That is dharma and jnana, to understand. Jnana means knowledge
- As explained by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu: The living entity wanders into many species of life, but he is fortunate when he once again meets his friend (Krsna), either in person or through His representative
- As explained in Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.7), the material creation takes place at intervals by the will of the Lord, and in the periods between dissolution and creation, the living entities and the material energy remain dormant in Him
- As explained in Bhagavad-gita, it is not by any father or mother that the living entity is given his birth. The living entity is a completely separate identity from the so-called father and mother
- As explained in the next verse (SB 5.18.12), Krsna is the original source of all living entities
- As far as bodily construction is concerned, there is no difference between the part and parcel living entities and the expansions of Visnumurti. BG 1972 purports
- As far as the living entities are concerned, they are impregnated into this material nature, and as a result of their past deeds they take different positions. Thus the activities of this material world begin. BG 1972 purports
- As far as vibhati, or the special favor of the Supreme PG, is concerned, it is described in the Tenth Chapter of BG that a living entity who appears to be especially powerful or beautiful should be known to be especially favored by the Supreme Lord
- As fire is covered by smoke, as a mirror is covered by dust, or as the embryo is covered by the womb, similarly, the living entity is covered by different degrees of this lust. BG 3.38 - 1972
- As fire is covered by smoke, as a mirror is covered by dust, or as the embryo is covered by the womb, the living entity is similarly covered by different degrees of this lust
- As fire, although situated in wood, is perceived to be different from the wood, so the living entity, although now encaged within the material body, of which it is the source, is separate from it
- As for future development, all living entities undergo six basic changes. They are born, they grow, they remain for some time, they reproduce, they dwindle, and finally they vanish.
- As for the subordinate living entities, they fight under the arrangement of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Victory or defeat is not actually theirs; it is an arrangement by the Lord through the agency of material nature
- As fragmental parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord, the living entities have also fragmental qualities, of which independence is one. BG 1972 purports
- As gold and silver can be freed from all dirty contamination by being put into a fire but not merely by being washed, the living entity can be awakened to his own identity by performing devotional service (yat-sevaya), but not by karma, jnana or yoga
- As he (the living entity) tries to satisfy his senses more and more, he becomes more and more entangled
- As His (Caitanya's) associate Nityananda, He is the first expansion of God; as Advaita, He is an incarnation; as Gadadhara, He is the internal potency; and as Srivasa, He is the marginal living entity in the role of a devotee - CC Intro
- As His (Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu's) associate, Nityananda, He is the first manifestation of energy; as Advaita, He is an incarnation; as Gadadhara, He is the internal potency; and as Srivasa, He is the marginal living entity
- As I have got consecutively from boyhood to childhood, I have, from childhood to boyhood, boyhood to youthhood, aged body, so why not next body? This is simple truth, that the living entity, or the soul, is transmigrating from one body to another
- As in the material world the relationship existing between father and mother and children can be established amongst different living entities by the influence of the illusory energy
- As indicated by the words yato navartate puman, there is certainly a spiritual kingdom, and if the living entity goes there, he never returns to this material world
- As indicated in the Upanisads by the word ekatvam, although there are millions and millions of living entities, the Lord is situated as the Supersoul in every one of them. Nonetheless, He is one in many
- As is explained in the Seventh Chapter (of BG), beyond this (the material nature) there is another, superior nature - the living entity. BG 1972 purports
- As Krsna is always aloof from the cosmic manifestation although it is completely dependent on Him, so a living entity is also completely aloof from his material, conditioned life although the material body has developed on the basis of spiritual existence
- As Krsna is always happy, the living entities, who are His parts and parcels, are also happy by nature, but because of being put within this material world and forgetting their eternal relationship with Krsna, they have forgotten their real nature
- As Krsna's part and parcel, we offer respect to everyone. So not that they are amazed with the greatness of a living entity. He thinks that his greatness is due to Krsna's favor
- As living entities we can move, but a table cannot because it does not possess living force. Movement and activity may be considered signs or symptoms of the living force - CC Intro
- As living entities we want enjoyment. Being, in itself, is not enough. We want bliss (ananda) as well as being (sat). In his entirety, the living entity is composed of three qualities - eternality, knowledge, and bliss
- As living entities, our position is marginal - we can transfer ourselves to either of the two energies
- As living entities, we are amsa, but we are very fragmental amsa. All others are either amsa or kalah, but Krsna is bhagavan svayam - the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- As living entities, we are part and parcel of the Supreme Lord. Indeed, we actually belong to His superior energy
- As living entities, we can move, but a table cannot because it does not possess living force. Movement and activity may be considered to be signs or symptoms of the living force
- As living entities, we perform many activities, but we have a tendency to fall down into material nature. God has no such tendency
- As living entities, we perform many activities, but we have a tendency to fall down into material nature. God has no such tendency - CC Intro
- As living entities, we want enjoyment. Enjoyment means variety. It is not possible to enjoy anything without variety
- As long as a living entity continues to be puffed up by his tiny existence, he is to be understood to be under the stringent control of the external energy of the Lord, and there is no question of liberation from the clutches of illusion
- As long as a living entity in the form of a child or boy is innocent, it is the duty of the father and mother to lead him into a proper understanding of the values of life
- As long as a living entity is in this dark material world, he is in conditional life. BG 1972 purports
- As long as a living entity is not completely self-realized, he cannot be relieved of the conception of duality, which is epitomized by the duality between man and woman
- As long as a living entity is not self-realized - as long as he is not independent of the misconception of identifying with his body, which is nothing but a reflection of the original body and senses - he cannot be relieved of the conception of duality
- As long as a living entity wants to fulfill various types of material desire, he must continuously change from one body to accept another
- As long as he (the living entity) appears as the son of a certain father and mother as a result of his past fruitive activities, he has a connection with the body given by that father and mother
- As long as he (the living entity) is captivated by this false manifestation, he has to continue transmigrating from one body to another. Due to his desire to lord it over material nature, he is put into such undesirable circumstances. BG 1972 purports
- As long as he (the living entity) is conditioned by the material energy, the Supreme Lord, as his friend, the Supersoul, stays with him just to get him to return to the spiritual energy. BG 1972 purports
- As long as he (the living entity) is in the city of body, he appears to be the master of it, but actually he is neither its proprietor nor controller of its actions and reactions. BG 1972 purports
- As long as he (the living entity) is within this material atmosphere, he has a subtle vehicle in the form of the mind, which is the stockpile of all kinds of material desires
- As long as the living entities are situated in the lower four stages of life - anna-maya, prana-maya, mano-maya and vijnana-maya - they are considered to be in the material condition of life
- As long as the living entities are situated normally as His (Krsna's) servitors they are happy; otherwise they are always unhappy. That is the Vedic conclusion
- As long as the living entity is conditioned by the three modes of material nature (goodness, passion & ignorance), the objects of his material senses - material form, taste, smell, sound & touch - will not help him understand spiritual knowledge & bliss
- As long as the living entity is entangled in the fruitive activities of so-called happiness and distress, he will receive a particular type of body in which to endure the three kinds of suffering due to material nature - tri-tapa-yantrana
- As long as the living entity is in material existence, actions performed by him are rewarded in the next life, or even in the present life. Similarly, in his spiritual life also actions are rewarded by the Lord by the five kinds of liberation
- As long as the living entity is within this material world, in the condition of illusion, he cannot understand the activities of the inconceivable energies of the Lord
- As long as the mind of the living entity is contaminated by the three modes of material nature (goodness, passion and ignorance), his mind is exactly like an independent, uncontrolled elephant
- As long as there is spiritual consciousness within the material body of a living entity, the body increases to the required size, but a dead material body, which has no spiritual consciousness, stops increasing
- As long as we desire to enjoy sense gratification, we create material activities. When the living entity acts in the material field, he enjoys the senses, and while enjoying the senses, he creates another series of material activities
- As Lord Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita (15.7), mamaivamso jiva-loke jiva-bhutah sanatanah: The living entities in this conditioned world are My eternal fragmental parts
- As Lord Visnu, situated as Paramatma, can understand the desire of the living entity, so Lord Brahma can also understand the living entity's desire, for Visnu, as a via medium, informs him
- As many living creatures come out from perspiration and from a dead body without any cause, similarly, the whole living world has come out of the material combinations of the cosmic manifestation. BG 1972 purports
- As many numbers of atoms are there, so many number of living entities are there, and there is struggle here. So in this human life the chance is how to get out of this material atomic combination and go back to home, back to Godhead
- As part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, a living entity is supposed to think of Krsna, but here (in SB 4th canto chapter 28) we see that King Puranjana (the living entity) is thinking of a woman
- As servant of maya, Sometimes he is in heaven and sometimes in hell. Sometimes he is a demigod, and sometimes he is a demon. Sometimes he is a servant, and sometimes he is a master. In this way the living entity wanders all over the universe
- As servants of the Supreme Lord, all living entities are one, but a Vaisnava, because of his natural humility, addresses every other living entity as prabhu. A Vaisnava sees other servants to be so advanced that he has much to learn from them
- As soon as a living entity is placed in a particular type of body, he has to work under the spell of that bodily situation. BG 1972 purports
- As soon as a living entity is victimized by material desires to lord it over material nature, he is subjected to the control of material nature, which is supervised by the Supreme Soul
- As soon as a sleeping living entity hears the powerful voice emanating from the mouth of a pure devotee, he immediately remembers his eternal relationship with the Lord, although up until that moment he had forgotten everything
- As soon as he (a living entity) reaches the spiritual sky, by cutting through the false, perverted tree of this material world, he becomes liberated. Then there is no chance of his coming back here. BG 1972 purports
- As soon as he (the living entity) employs his energy and activities for sense gratification, this change of position is called vikara
- As soon as he enters the human form, the living entity is entrapped by a family tradition, nationality, customs, etc. These are all supplied by the maya of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- As soon as he takes his birth in the world, a person has so many responsibilities and obligations - to the public, to the demigods, to the great sages, to the general living beings, to his parents, to the family forefathers and to many others
- As soon as the individual living entity leaves the material body, the body is immediately annihilated, and similarly as soon as Lord Visnu leaves the cosmic manifestation, everything is annihilated
- As soon as the living entities are subjected to the control of the other two qualities, namely passion and ignorance, their precarious conditional life becomes intolerable
- As soon as the living entity becomes aloof from the activities of the body, he becomes free from the reactions as well. BG 1972 purports
- As soon as the living entity becomes situated in his constitutional glory and begins to enjoy the transcendence beyond time and material energy, he at once gives up the two misconceptions of life and thus becomes fully manifested as the pure self
- As soon as the living entity engages in the transcendental loving service of the Lord, he immediately attains freedom from all material conditions BG 14.26: sa gunan samatityaitan brahma-bhuyaya kalpate
- As soon as the living entity forgets his real, constitutional position of eternal servitorship to the Lord and wants instead to enjoy himself by sense gratification, he is captured by maya
- As soon as the living entity returns to his original, spiritual form and understanding, he immediately surrenders to the supreme form, the Personality of Godhead. This is explained in Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.19). Bahunam janmanam ante jnanavan mam prapadyate
- As soon as the living entity thinks that he is independent, his conditional, material existence begins. The conception of independent existence is therefore like a dream
- As soon as the real living entity is out of the body, even the body of the most dear son is no longer attractive. Therefore the living spark, or eternal part of the Supreme, is the real basis of affection, and not the body
- As soon as the soul has passed from the body there is no more consciousness. This can be easily understood by any intelligent man. Therefore consciousness is not a product of the combinations of matter. It is the symptom of the living entity
- As soon as there is a reciprocal exchange by the living entity’s free will, at once the great spiritual being attracts the small living entity, thus freeing him from all material bondage
- As soon as there is creation by the Lord's glancing over the material nature, immediately the living entities spring up in their different living conditions, just as different types of vegetation grow after a rainfall
- As soon as you overcome the cycle of birth and death, you overcome all miseries. Because birth and death means this material body. The living entity, spirit soul, has no birth and death
- As spiritual sparks, the living entities have the tendency to be inactive in the association of the material energy, just as sparks of a fire have the tendency to be extinguished as soon as they leave the fire
- As stated by Lord Krsna in Bhagavad-gita (BG 2.12), all living entities assembled in the battlefield, as well as Krsna Himself, were also present in the past as individuals and would continue to be present in the future as individuals also
- As stated here (SB 5.11.6), maya-racitantaratma sva-dehinam samsrti-cakra-kutah: the mind, being most powerful, covers the living entity and puts him in the waves of material existence
- As stated herein (CC Madhya 19.144), there are living entities that can fly, swim and walk. We must also conclude that there are living entities that can move within fire and ether
- As stated in BG (BG 2.55), he (living entity) has to give up all sorts of plans manufactured by mental concoction. The living entity has to dovetail himself with the supreme will. That will help him to get out of the entanglement of material existence
- As stated in BG 15.10: "The foolish cannot understand how a living entity can quit his body, nor can they understand what sort of body he enjoys under the spell of the modes of nature. But one whose eyes are trained in knowledge can see all this."
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (3.9), yajnarthat karmanah: one should act only for the performance of yajna, or to satisfy Lord Visnu. Anyatra loko 'yam karma-bandhanah: otherwise any action will produce a reaction by which the living entity will be bound
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.61), isvarah sarva-bhutanam hrd-dese'rjuna tisthati: The Supreme Lord is situated in the heart of all living entities, O Arjuna
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.61): The Lord is situated in the core of everyone's heart, and, according to the material desires of the living entity, the Lord offers a particular type of machine - the body - through the agency of the material energy
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.61): The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart, O Arjuna, and is directing the wanderings of all living entities, who are seated as on a machine, made of the material energy
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.61): The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart, O Arjuna. and is directing the wanderings of all living entities, who are seated as on a machine, made of the material energy
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 2.20), the living entity is never created (na jayate mriyate va kadacin). There are five gross material elements and three minor material elements (mind, intelligence and ego), and there are eternal living entities
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 8.19), bhutva bhutva praliyate: the living entities in the material world must be repeatedly born and destroyed. The Supreme Personality of Godhead is neither bhutva nor praliyate; He is eternal
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita, all the different species of living entities are sons of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. There are, however, two classes of living entities, who act in two different ways
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita, although He acts equally to everyone because He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and because all living entities are His sons, He is especially inclined to those engaged in devotional service
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita, one's mind is his enemy, and one's mind is also his friend; its position varies according to the different dealings of the living entity
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita, the material energy, represented as earth, water, air, fire, sky, etc., and the spiritual energy, the living entity, are both energies of the Supreme Lord
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita, those who are great souls, mahatmas, are not under the control of the material energy. The Supreme Lord has two energies, material and spiritual. The living entities are marginal energy
- As stated in Isopanisad, this material creation is supplied with all the potencies for the production of all necessities required by the living entities - not only human beings, but animals, reptiles, aquatics and trees
- As stated in the Amara-kosa dictionary, bhruno 'rbhake bala-garbhe: the word bhruna refers either to the cow or to the living entity in embryo
- As stated in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.61): "The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart, O Arjuna, and is directing the wanderings of all living entities, who are seated as on a machine, made of the material energy."
- As stated in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.61): The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone’s heart, O Arjuna, and is directing the wanderings of all living entities, who are seated as on a machine made of the material energy
- As stated in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 6.41): The unsuccessful yogi, after many, many years of enjoyment on the planets of the pious living entities, is born into a family of righteous people, or into a family of rich aristocracy
- As stated in the Bhagavad-gita, His (The Lord's) hands and legs are everywhere, for He is all-pervasive. The hands, legs, ears & eyes of all living entities are acting and moving by the direction of the Supersoul sitting within the living entity's heart
- As stated in the Katha Upanisad (2.18), living entities, as individual spiritual souls, can have neither birth nor death. All Vedic literature declares that the living entities are eternal
- As stated in the Vedas, the living entity is always separate from two kinds of material bodies - the subtle and the gross. All our sufferings are due to these material bodies
- As stated in the Visnu Purana: There are 900,000 species living in the water. There are also 2,000,000 nonmoving living entities (sthavara), such as trees and plants
- As stated in this verse (SB 4.25.11), the living entity independently wants to become a prabhu, but as soon as he gives up this idea and becomes a servant of God, Krsna, his happiness immediately begins
- As stated in this verse (SB 4.29.61), sayanam imam utsrjya svasantam. The gross body may lie on a bed and rest, and even though the machinery of the gross body is working, the living entity may leave, go into a dream, and return to the gross body
- As stated, srnvatam sva-kathah krsnah (SB 1.2.17). By always thinking of Krsna, the pure devotee's heart is freed from all kinds of desires. In the material world, the heart of the living entity is filled with material desires
- As such, it is not improper to conclude that the living entities appearing within this material world in different shapes, such as human beings, demigods, animals, birds and beasts, all get their respective bodies due to different desires
- As the businessman is always absorbed in thoughts of his business, so the living entity can be absorbed in thoughts of rendering loving service to the Lord
- As the different limbs of the body cannot see the eyes, the living entities cannot see the Supreme Lord, who is situated as the Supersoul in everyone's heart
- As the elements of the material body are eternal, the living entity who appears through these material elements is also eternal
- As the human beings on this planet have to change their bodies (tatha dehantara-praptih (BG 2.13)), the living entities known as Indra, Candra, Varuna and so on will also have to change their bodies in due course of time
- As the individual body of the living entity is composed of millions of cells, germs and microbes, the universal body of the Supreme Lord similarly contains all the individual bodies of the living entities
- As the individual living entity maintains his particular body, the Supreme Personality of Godhead maintains the whole cosmic creation, entering within it
- As the living entities are concerned, the authoritative sastras state that the living entity has neither birth nor death. BG 1972 Introduction
- As the living entity transmigrates from one form of life to another, he has to eat so many abominable foodstuffs that finally there is no limit
- As the Lord (Krsna) Himself says in Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.61): The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart, O Arjuna, and is directing the wanderings of all living entities, who are seated as on a machine, made of the material energy
- As the Lord descends by His mercy upon this planet, so, in order to help in the pastimes of the Lord, these devotees also come here. They are not ordinary living entities or conditioned souls; they are ever-liberated persons, associates of the SPG
- As the Supersoul, the Lord enters the hearts of all living entities. As stated in Brahma-samhita (BS 5.38), andantara-stha-paramanu-cayantara-stham: "He enters the universe and the atom as well."
- As the supreme father of all living entities, He (Krsna) does not interfere with their independence, but gives all facilities so that they can fulfill their material desires. BG 1972 purports
- As the Supreme Godhead, He arranges to fulfill their various desires. It is confirmed also in the Vedas, eko bahunam yo vidadhati kaman: the supreme one supplies the necessities of the many living entities
- As the wind can carry away but a drop of the water in the ocean, a living entity can touch only a particle of the ocean of love of Krsna
- As there are differences in the living conditions of different planets of the universe, and as one planet is superior to others, the brains of the living entities in those respective planets are also of different categorical values
- As there is no difficulty in establishing the intimate relationship between a father and son, there is no difficulty in reestablishing the natural, intimate relationship between Narayana and the living entities
- As we are individual, the Supreme Personality of Godhead is also individual - but He is the supreme individual. That is the difference between God and the ordinary living entities
- As we have discussed several times, there are two types of living entities. Most of them are ever liberated, or nitya-muktas, while some of them are ever conditioned
- As we see that in water some other living entities can live, similarly, I may not be able to live in the fire, but there are other living entities who can live there. That should be the right conclusion
- Aside from the fact that the soul transmigrates from one body to another, even in this life the relationships between living entities are impermanent, as exemplified in this verse
- At any stage in the material world, they (the living entities) are all dreaming. In the spiritual world, however, everything is awake
- At dasya-rati stage, there is an awakening of natural affection, such as is felt by a son who grows up and begins to appreciate his father's benedictions. At this stage the living entity wants to serve the Supreme Lord instead of serving maya, illusion
- At death we can see that the gross body is finished, but actually the living entity is carried by the subtle body to another gross body
- At last, when frustrated, he (the living entity) gives up his material activities and tries to become one with the Lord and speculate with much jugglery of words, but without success
- At least theoretically one must be convinced that a living entity is neither male nor female
- At liberation the living entity gets a spiritual body by the grace of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- At that (Brahman realization) time, he realizes that all living entities, they are spirit soul, panditah sama-darsinah (BG 5.18). That is equal vision - not the bodily vision
- At that time Dhruva Maharaja became perfectly aware of the Vedic conclusion and understood the Absolute Truth and His relationship with all living entities
- At that time the Lord of the universe, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the well-wisher of all living entities, will descend and kill them, just as Indra smashes the mountains with his thunderbolts
- At that time there is an awakening of natural affection, such as is felt by a son who grows up and begins to appreciate his father's benedictions. At this stage the living entity wants to serve the Supreme Lord instead of serving maya, illusion
- At that time, You protected me along with the earth and roamed the sea with great speed. O unborn one, You are the actual maintainer of the entire universal creation, and therefore You are the cause of all living entities
- At the end of a Brahma's night, the creation again takes place, and the living entities, reserved within the belly of the Lord, are let loose to play their respective parts as if being awakened from a deep slumber
- At the end of each millennium the creative forces, namely the material nature and the living entities who struggle in the material nature, all merge together into the transcendental body of the Lord
- At the last stage of his life, when Maharaja Prthu saw himself getting old, that great soul, who was king of the world, divided whatever opulence he had accumulated amongst all kinds of living entities, moving and nonmoving
- At the last stage, when the gross body becomes old and invalid, the living entity is reluctant to give it up, despite the fact that it is no longer usable
- At the present moment we may think that this material body is our actual body, but it is like a dress. In reality we do have an actual body, a spiritual body. This material body is superficial compared to the real spiritual body of the living entity
- At the time of death, the mind and intelligence of a living entity create the subtle form of a certain type of body for the next life
- At the time of death, when the temperature of the body rises to 107 degrees, the living entity falls into a coma and is unable to identify his gross body
- Atmavat sarva-bhutesu, and treating everyone equally, as he wants to be treated himself. If by pinching your body or giving pain to your body, if you feel pain, you should not give such pain to any living entity
- Avyakta means the night of Brahma, when partial annihilation takes place and the living entities of that particular brahmanda, up to the planets of Brahmaloka, along with the big oceans, etc., all repose in the belly of the virat-purusa
- Balabhadra Bhattacarya replied, "My dear Lord, You are Krsna Himself, and therefore You are merciful. I am a fallen living entity, but You have bestowed a great favor upon me"
- Baladeva is the immediate expansion of Krsna. He also engages in the service of Krsna, and certainly the ordinary living entities are serving. Everyone is created, constitutionally, for serving Krsna
- Balarama continued, "The living entity, or spirit soul, being in contact with these, is transmigrating from one body to another due to illusory enjoyment, and that transmigration is known as material existence"
- Bali said, "I also desire that if I have to associate with anyone, I may associate only with Your (Krsna's) pure devotees and no one else, for Your pure devotees are always well-wishers of all living entities"
- Bali said, "My dear Lords (Krsna and Balarama), it is very difficult for the living entities to get to see You, yet when You are merciful upon Your devotees You are easy for them to see"
- Because all living entities here are part and parcel of Krsna but are rotting in this material world, Krsna has a plan, a big plan to deliver them. Sometimes He comes to this world personally, and sometimes He sends His very confidential devotees
- Because Arjuna is Krsna's friend, wherever Krsna goes, Arjuna goes. But the difference is that Krsna remembers everything, whereas the living entity like Arjuna, being a minute particle of the Supreme Lord, forgets
- Because both the material nature and the Supreme Lord are unborn, it is not possible that they can beget the living entities
- Because He (Krsna) has expanded Himself in so many hearts of the living entities, that does not mean that He is finished in His own abode. No. Still He's there. That is Krsna. Purnasya purnam adaya purnam evavasisyate. This is the Vedic information
- Because He (Krsna) is the Supreme Lord or the Supersoul who is present in the heart of all living entities, Krsna gives impetus to man to worship certain demigods. BG 1972 purports
- Because he (the living entity) wanted to enjoy this material world, the Supreme Personality of Godhead gave him a material body through the agency of the material energy
- Because He's anandamaya, He wants to enjoy the love exchange between the living entities. That is His purpose. Otherwise, why He has created? He wants love
- Because I (Nawab Hussain Shah) am a meat-eater (yavana), I am used to hunting all kinds of living beings. In this way I am destroying all kinds of living entities in Bengal
- Because Krsna loves you so much that even you accept this material atom, He goes to help you. Therefore He is within. Because sarvasya caham hrdi sannivisthah (BG 15.15). The living entity has a..., enjoying this material world. So he has got everything
- Because living entities are minute, atomic parts and parcels of the Lord, devotional service is already present within them in a dormant condition. Devotional service begins with sravanam kirtanam (SB 7.5.23), hearing and chanting
- Because living entities have different kinds of bodies, in terms of the different aspects of nature, they are induced to act according to that nature. This is the cause of the varieties of happiness and distress. BG 1972 purports
- Because Lord Visnu is in no way touched by matter, He is not subject to enjoy material nature the way the living entities do
- Because nondevotees do not realize that Lord Visnu stays with His eternal consort, Laksmi, within the hearts of all living entities, they are not endowed with the opulence of Lord Visnu
- Because of associating with the modes of nature, the living entity gets a variety of bodies from the 8,400,000 forms
- Because of desires, one is put into difficult circumstances to suffer or to enjoy. This transcendental vision of the living entity, when developed, makes one separate from bodily activities. One who has such a vision is an actual seer. BG 1972 purports
- Because of destiny, the touch sensation, the interactions of air, and the situation of the mind, which is produced of the ethereal element, one receives a body according to his previous activities. A living entity transmigrates from one form to another
- Because of his (the living entity's) not possessing a gross body, he creates a great deal of trouble in his subtle body. Thus the presence of a ghost is horrible for those who are living in the gross body
- Because of his desire to enjoy the material world, the living entity is dressed with the material gross and subtle bodies. Thus he is given a chance to enjoy the senses. The senses are therefore the instruments for enjoying the material world
- Because of his limited knowledge, however, the living entity thinks he is enjoying in this material world
- Because of his minute independence, the living entity can obey or disobey the orders of the Supreme Lord
- Because of his past pious activities mixed with devotional service, the first-class living entity is influenced by the mode of passion within his mind
- Because of long association with the gross body, the living entity becomes very sad to be separated from it. The mental activity of the living entity obliges him to accept another gross body and continue his material existence
- Because of the actions and reactions of the mode of ignorance, whether the living entities are awake or sleeping, they can see only the workings of material nature; they cannot see Your Lordship
- Because of the influence of the various modes of nature, the living entities have various tendencies or propensities, and therefore they are qualified to achieve various destinations
- Because of the presence of the Lord in the form of the transcendental vibration, the Vaikuntha atmosphere is evoked. This atmosphere is without fear and anxiety. One living entity does not fear another
- Because of the strong sex impulse the living entity becomes more and more involved in this material world
- Because of the union of these sixty daughters (of Daksa) with various exalted personalities that the entire universe was filled with various kinds of living entities, such as human beings, demigods, demons, beasts, birds and serpents
- Because one living entity is food for another living entity, you cannot eat your father, mother or children. Why? Because you are human being, you have got discrimination
- Because Ravana wanted to enjoy the goddess of fortune, Sitadevi, he was vanquished with all his family, wealth and opulence. One can, however, enjoy that maya bestowed upon the living entity by Lord Visnu
- Because such betrayals (betraying the confidence of a living entity who takes shelter of him in good faith) now go unpunished by the government, all of human society is terribly contaminated
- Because the body has genitals, when the living entity attains the right age, be he man or woman, he becomes agitated by the sex impulse
- Because the body is material, his natural tendency is to be attracted by the varieties of the material world. Thus the living entity suffers the miseries of material existence
- Because the living entities are infinitesimal parts and parcels of the Supreme, there is a reciprocation of feelings between the infinite and the infinitesimal
- Because the living entities are parts or samples of God, their qualities are not different from those of the Supreme Lord
- Because the living entities in the material world are generally covered by material bodies, the body and the soul of an ordinary human being cannot be identical
- Because the living entities, they are trying to exploit the resources of this material nature. That is going on all over the world. A country is supposed to be very rich which has become able to exploit the material resources
- Because the living entity cannot enjoy the life of the senses without being dovetailed with the Complete Whole, the misleading life of sense enjoyment is illusion
- Because the living entity has got his karma, therefore one is born as Mr. Ford, and one is born something else. Otherwise, why he's born one rich and poor? There must be some consideration
- Because the living entity is classified as marginal energy and is of the same quality as the internal energy, it is quite natural for him to cooperate with the internal energy
- Because the living entity is eternally part & parcel of God, when he is liberated, he revives his original, eternal, part-and-parcel identity. The realization of aham brahmasmi (I am not this body) does not mean that the living entity loses his identity
- Because the living entity is infinitesimal, he is covered by an inferior energy
- Because the living entity is infinitesimal, the allurement of material enjoyment attracts him, and he tries to enjoy matter, forgetting his constitutional position
- Because the living entity is not actually the enjoyer of the material resources, his attempt to lord it over material nature is, at the ultimate issue, frustrated
- Because the living entity is part and parcel of the Supreme, he exists eternally. Therefore, for him there cannot be any question of birth or death. So-called birth and death occur because of the material body
- Because the living entity is the minute particle of God, mamaivamso jiva-bhutah (BG 15.7), therefore his intelligence, his power, is also very minute. But God's power is unlimited. By unlimited power Krsna knows the past, future and present, everything
- Because the living entity tends to be controlled by material nature, he cannot at any stage become one with the Supreme Lord
- Because the living entity wants to enjoy the material world and is attached to the three gunas, he receives different types of bodies
- Because the Mayavadi philosophers cannot understand this (that Lord is always independent, but the living entities are not independent), they want to be relieved from the material energy
- Because the minute living entity is prone to be subjected to the influence of material qualities, he is called jiva, and sometimes the Supreme Personality of Godhead is also known as Siva, the all-auspicious one
- Because the Paramatma (the localized aspect of the Supreme Personality of Godhead) and the individual living entity are both within the body, a misunderstanding sometimes takes place that there is no difference between the two
- Because these living entities do not wish to keep their individual existences, they are combined and allowed to remain in Brahmaloka like so many atomic particles of sunshine emanating from the sun
- Because they think of themselves as servants of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they do not differentiate between black and white, yellow and red. The Krsna consciousness movement is the only means to make the living entities free of all designations
- Because this forgetfulness (of demoniac living entities) is created by Sankarsana, He is sometimes called tamasi
- Because this material world is full of danger at every step, it is not meant for the devotees but for living entities who want to lord it over the material energy at their own risk
- Because we are all occupying this room just now, it does not mean the room and we are identical. Try to understand this point. The room is matter, but we are living entities
- Because we are all qualitatively one - the sanatana-dhama, or sky, the sanatana SP and the sanatana living entities - the whole purpose of BG is to revive our sanatana occupation, which is the eternal occupation of the living entity. BG 1972 Introduction
- Because we cannot trace out the history or the date when we became conditioned, therefore it is technically called eternally conditioned. Otherwise the living entity is not actually conditioned. A living entity is always pure
- Because we have to eat some other living entity, it does not mean that I shall eat my sons and daughters. "Discrimination is the best part of valor." So far we are concerned, we are eating certainly vegetable, but not directly. We eat krsna-prasadam
- Because we see that the living entity is there, it is taking a certain type of shape. Matter does not out of itself take the shape. That is wrong theory. We have no such experience where matter is taking automatically shape
- Because you cannot live in the water, that does not mean there is no living entity in the water. This is nonsense. So if we similarly conclude, "Because we cannot live in the fire, therefore there is no living entity in the fire," that is nonsense
- Before accepting sannyasa (the renounced order), Lord Caitanya was known as Visvambhara. The word visvambhara refers to one who maintains the entire universe and who leads all living entities
- Before accepting sannyasa (the renounced order), Lord Caitanya was known as Visvambhara. The word visvambhara refers to one who maintains the entire universe and who leads all living entities - CC Preface
- Before the creation of the cosmic manifestation, the Lord said, 'I existed, and the total material energy, material nature and the living entities all existed in Me'
- Before the creation of the present millennium, the living entities were under the influence of the time factor, and within the time factor the material world comes into existence and is again annihilated. Bhutva bhutva praliyate - BG 8.19
- Before the creation there were no Karanarnavasayi or Garbhodakasayi or Ksirodakasayi Visnus, or was there Brahma nor Sankara. The Visnu plenary expansion and the living entities beginning from Brahma are separated parts and parcels
- Before the factual creation of the living entities in different varieties of species, the conditions under which a living being in the material world has to live were created by Brahma
- Before Their (Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda's) appearance, all these superfluous activities of the living entities were covering Krsna consciousness
- Beginning from Brahma down to the insignificant ant, no living entities are meant for enjoying the material opulences. They are simply meant for offering everything to the supreme proprietor, the Personality of Godhead
- Beginning from Brahma down to this age, the living entities are struggling with the forces of material nature
- Being an ordinary living entity, he (Indra) became envious of King Prthu, and, making himself invisible, he stole the horse and thus impeded the yajna performance
- Being captivated by the material world under the influence of the three modes of material nature (sattva-guna, rajo-guna and tamo-guna), the living entity can see only the three fruits of activities under the spell of material nature
- Being cheated by them, the living entity in the forest of the material world tries to give up the association of these so-called yogis, svamis and incarnations and come to the association of real devotees
- Being completely under the grip of material nature, the living entity must evolve again from the lower species to the higher species until he at last returns to human life and gets the chance to be freed from the material clutches
- Being in the marginal position, he (the living entity) is sometimes attracted by the external, illusory energy, and this is the beginning of his material life
- Being influenced by contaminated intelligence, the living entity envisions something and simply imitates the actions and reactions of his intelligence
- Being influenced by the three modes of material nature, the living entity tries to dominate material nature, but actually he is not the purusa (enjoyer) but prakrti, as described in Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.5): apareyam itas tv anyam prakrtim viddhi me param
- Being marginal potency, as soon as the living entity is freed from the control of material nature, he is put under the guidance of the spiritual nature. The guidance of the spiritual nature is called daivim prakrtim, divine nature. BG 1972 purports
- Being misled by the illusory energy in this way, he (the living entity) spoils his life. It is said, harim vina mrtim na taranti: no one can be saved from the imminent danger of death without taking shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Being overcome by the mode of passion, he (Hiranyakasipu) considered Lord Nrsimhadeva an ordinary living entity, not understanding His form
- Being part and parcel of Krsna, the living entity is certainly a great hero, but due to his own weakness he becomes attracted to the material features
- Being subordinate as eternal servants of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the jivatmas, or atomic living entities, must remain under the control of either the internal or external potency
- Being the greatest authority, the Supreme Lord can easily allow many millions of living entities to merge into His body
- Being the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself, Lord Rsabhadeva is complete in Himself. We living entities, as parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord, should follow the instructions of Lord Rsabhadeva and become self-sufficient
- Being under the control of the time factor, the living entities appear and die, life after life
- Being very much aggrieved, sometimes one goes to a sinful person for help, but he has no means to help because he has no intelligence. Thus the living entity is disappointed. This is like running after a mirage in the desert in an effort to find water
- Believe means it may be fact or not fact - I blindly believe. That is a different. Here is a science. "One plus one equal to two." Just like that. This body changes, this body changes, this body changes, and the living entity's there, everywhere
- Besides these inferior energies, O mighty-armed Arjuna, there is another superior energy of Mine, which comprises the living entities who are exploiting the resources of this material, inferior nature
- Besides this inferior nature (material energies), O mighty-armed Arjuna, there is a superior energy of Mine (Lord Krsna's), which consists of all living entities who are struggling with material nature and are sustaining the universe
- Besides this inferior nature, O Arjuna, there is another, superior energy of Mine, which comprises the living entities who are exploiting the resources of this material, inferior nature (BG 7.5)
- Besides this inferior nature, O mighty-armed Arjuna, there is a superior energy of Mine (Krsna's), which consists of all living entities who are struggling with material nature and are sustaining the universe
- Besides this inferior nature, O mighty-armed Arjuna, there is another, superior energy of Mine (Krsna's), which comprises the living entities who are exploiting the resources of this material, inferior nature - BG 7.5
- Besides this inferior nature, O mighty-armed Arjuna, there is another, superior energy of Mine, which comprises the living entities who are exploiting the resources of this material, inferior nature
- Better than them (living entities who have developed the sense of taste) are those who have developed the sense of smell, and better still are those who have developed the sense of hearing
- Better than those living entities who can perceive sound are those who can distinguish between one form and another. Better than them are those who have developed upper and lower sets of teeth, and better still are those who have many legs
- Between the lands inhabited by living entities and those that are uninhabited stands the great mountain which separates the two and which is therefore celebrated as Lokaloka
- Between the two creations - the material creation and the spiritual creation - is a river known as Viraja, as well as a place known as Brahmaloka. Viraja-nadi and Brahmaloka are shelters for living entities disgusted with material life
- Bewilderment is called moha, illusion. Illusioned by society, friendship and love, the living entity thinks that his so-called society, friendship and love, nationality, community, etc. will give him protection
- Beyond this inferior quality energy, I have got another, superior quality of energy." What is that? Jiva-bhuta. You can understand that jiva-bhuta, the living entity. Yayedam dharyate jagat - BG 7.5
- BG 3.27: "The bewildered spirit soul, under the influence of the three modes of material nature, thinks himself the doer of activities that are in actuality carried out by nature." The living entities work only under the direction of the Supreme Lord
- BG gives us that knowledge (of the self & the Supreme Self), specifically knowledge of the self. The living entities are parts and parcels of the Lord, and therefore they are simply meant to serve the Lord. This consciousness is called KC. BG 1972 pur
- Bhagavad-gita (7.27): "O scion of Bharata (Arjuna), O conqueror of the foe, all living entities are born into delusion, overcome by the dualities of desire and hate." This condition of life is called avidya. Opposed to this avidya is real knowledge
- Bhagavad-gita (7.4-5) clearly states that earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and false ego are the eight elementary energies of the Supreme Lord and are of inferior quality, whereas the living entity is of superior quality
- Bhagavad-gita (BG 15.15): "I (Krsna) am seated in everyone's heart, and from Me come remembrance, knowledge and forgetfulness." The Lord is present in everyone's heart, and He gives the living entity intelligence
- Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.61): "The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart, O Arjuna, and is directing the wanderings of all living entities, who are seated as on a machine, made of the material energy"
- Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.25) gives a warning to the living entities: yanti deva-vrata devan - those who're addicted to the worship of the demigods go to the planets of the demigods, & those who are addicted to worship of the Pitas, forefathers, go to the Pitas
- Bhagavad-gita confirms this fact (the living entity forgets his past life, but the Superconsciousness reminds him in various ways): ye yatha mam prapadyante tams tathaiva bhajamy aham, sarvasya caham hrdi sannivisto mattah smrtir jnanam apohanam ca
- Bhagavad-gita deals with Prakrti (material nature) and time (the duration of existence of the whole universe or the manifestation of material nature) and karma (activity). BG 1972 Introduction
- Bhagavad-gita describes two types of living entities, ksara and aksara, those living in the material world and those in the spiritual world
- Bhagavad-gita says that Krsna first instructed Bhagavad-gita to the sun-god (imam vivasvate yogam proktavan aham avyayam (BG 4.1)). Therefore the sun is not vacant. It is inhabited by living entities, and the predominating deity is Vairaja, or Vivasvan
- Bhagavan is not subject to the four deficiencies of the living entities. Being imperfect, living entities are illusioned and subject to commit mistakes. They also have the tendency to cheat others
- Bhakti, devotional service, dissolves the subtle body of the living entity without separate effort, just as fire in the stomach digests all that we eat
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura asks the living entity why he is being carried away in these bodily machines to be placed in so many different circumstances. He advises that one surmount the waves of maya by surrendering unto Krsna
- Bhava is the permanent characteristic of the living entity, and the crucial point of progress for bhava is called the marginal state of love of Godhead. When the bhava state becomes deeper and deeper, learned devotees call it love of Godhead
- Bhinna means the quality different; not of the same quality. Apareyam - This is inferior quality, but there is another, superior quality, jiva bhuta, and that is living entity
- Big bellows in blacksmith shop - that is also made of skin, like our body is made of skin. It has got a big nose, & breathing is coming, "bhas-ghans, ghans-bhas." if you want to increase your life, there are many living entities, living more than you
- Bijam means seed; Krsna is the seed of everything. In contact with material nature, the seed fructifies into various living entities, movable and inert. BG 1972 purports
- Birds, beasts, men and many other living creatures are moving living entities; trees and plants, however, are inert - they cannot move, but only stand. BG 1972 purports
- Birth after birth, he travels not only in the different species of life, but also from one planet to another. Lord Caitanya says that the living entities, bound up by fruitive activities, are wandering in this way throughout the whole universe
- Birth, maintenance and death are three conditional states of the living entities who are within the material world
- Both material nature and the living entity are eternal. That is to say that they existed before the creation. BG 1972 purports
- Both material nature and the living entity, which were existing before the creation of the cosmos, are explained in this verse (of BG 13.27). Whatever is created is but a combination of the living entity and material nature. BG 1972 purports
- Both matter and the living entities are manifestations of energy of the Supreme Lord
- Both the demigod and the living entity are dependant on the supreme will. They are not independant. BG 1972 purports
- Both the living entities and inanimate objects are controlled by the laws of nature and ultimately by the Lord's potency
- Both the living entities and material nature existed before this cosmos was manifested
- Both the living entity and material nature are explained as prakrti, the energy of the Supreme Lord, but one of the two, the jiva, is conscious. The other prakrti is not conscious. That is the difference. BG 1972 Introduction
- Both the living entity and the demigods are subordinate to the will of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- Both the Lord and the living entity exist as unborn and inexhaustible personalities. Thus Hiranyakasipu's conclusion that Visnu was dead was wrong
- Both the sun and the sunshine are very brilliant. The Lord is like the full shining sun, and the living entities are like the small particles of that sun which constitute the all-pervasive sunshine
- Both the Supreme Brahman & the individual Brahman have been denied spiritual form and individuality, although it is clearly stated that the Supreme Lord is the one supreme living entity & the other living entities are the many subordinate living entities
- Both the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the jivas enter into this material world. The Paramatma, or Supreme Personality of Godhead, is worshipable because He has arranged for the happiness of the living entity in the material world
- Both the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the living beings are undoubtedly qualitatively one, but the Lord is the controller of the illusory energy, whereas the living entity is controlled by the illusory energy
- Both the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the living entity are qualitatively one. There is no factual difference between the two
- Both the trees in the spiritual world and those in the material world are living entities, but in trees here the living symptoms are absent
- Brahma also does his duty very perfectly, not only by generating the living entities but also by spreading his party for reclaiming the fallen souls
- Brahma attempts to create the different planetary systems and their inhabitants, expanding the population through his progeny, like Manu and other progenitors of living entities, who work perpetually under the order of the Supreme Lord
- Brahma created this material world for the use of the living entities, but it was created according to a plan that they would be given directions by Brahma in the Vedas in order that they might ultimately leave it and return home, back to Godhead
- Brahma is also one of these living entities, but he is especially empowered by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Although Brahma is supposed to be the creator of this universe, actually the Supreme Personality of Godhead is its ultimate creator
- Brahma is called here (in SB 3.32.12-15) adyah sthira-caranam. He is the original, first-created living entity, and after his own birth he creates the entire cosmic manifestation. He was fully instructed in the matter of creation by the Supreme Lord
- Brahma is the most exalted personality in the universe because of his causeless DS unto the Lord in mature transcendental knowledge. He therefore created all the fourteen planetary divisions for inhabitation by the different types of living entities
- Brahma said, "In the living entities and other energies, You are the supreme one without a second, the supreme Supersoul. The innumerable living entities are simply like sparks of the original fire, Your Lordship"
- Brahma said, "It is said that attachment for material objects and home is due to illusion, which makes a living entity conditioned in the material world. But this is only the case for persons who are not Krsna conscious"
- Brahma said, "We are all demigods, controlling deities of the various senses of the living entities, and we are proud of enjoying such privileges, but actually there is no comparison between our position and of these fortunate residents of Vrndavana"
- Brahma told Rudra: O best among the demigods, there is no need for you to generate living entities of this nature. They have begun to devastate everything on all sides with the fiery flames from their eyes, and they have even attacked me
- Brahma's post is so exalted that when there is no living entity available, then Lord Visnu Himself becomes Brahma, the post is so important. My point is that although he's so pious, greatly exalted, still, he had to purify himself
- Brahma, who was empowered by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, thought of generating living entities and begot ten sons for the extension of the generations
- Brahma-bhuta living entities are allowed to stay in Brahmaloka or Siddhaloka, but unfortunately they sometimes again fall into the material world because they are not engaged in devotional service
- Brahmaji's duty is just to wake the living entities from their slumber and to engage them in their proper duty
- Brahmaloka or Siddhaloka is a place where many sparklike living entities, parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord, are assembled
- Brahman bliss is enjoyed by living entities after liberation from material bondage. But Parabrahman, the Personality of Godhead, enjoys eternally a bliss of His own potency, which is called the hladini potency
- Brahman, the Absolute Truth, is the original cause and that the living entities (jivas) and the cosmic manifestation are effects of this cause
- Brahmananda Bharati continued, "The living entity is localized, whereas the Supreme Brahman is all-pervading. That is the verdict of the revealed scriptures"
- Buddha is saktyavesa-avatara. We accept Lord Jesus Christ also, saktyavesa-avatara; Muhammad, saktyavesa-avatara. Saktyavesa-avatara means a living entity especially empowered, and he preaches the philosophy on behalf
- Buddhi-yoga means transcendental loving service to the Lord. Such devotional service is the right course of action for the living entity. BG 1972 purports
- Buddhist religion from India was practically banished. So these are historical facts. The real fact is that as soon as the natural sequence of living entities is jeopardized, at that time, non-religious principle, unnatural life, becomes prominent
- Business of the living entity
- But past this material world, in the spiritual sky, everyone is in full knowledge, and therefore all the living entities there are engaged in devotional service to the Lord, either in the Vaikuntha planets or in Krsnaloka
- But when Prajapati Daksa saw that he was not properly generating all kinds of living entities, he approached a mountain near the Vindhya mountain range, and there he executed very difficult austerities
- By absorbing his (the living entity's) mind in material activities he takes material bodies again and again, and although he falsely claims to be very intelligent, in material consciousness he is not at all intelligent
- By being influenced by the sound vibration of Krsna's flute, Brahma, the supreme creature and first living entity of this material world, was initiated as a brahmana
- By careful handling of the smoke in the fire, the fire can be made to blaze. Therefore the human form of life is a chance for the living entity to escape the entanglement of material existence. BG 1972 purports
- By changing his material body birth after birth, he (the living entity) travels not only in the different species of life, but also from one planet to another
- By contact with material nature the living entities exhibit varied symptoms of the disease of material consciousness. To cure this material disease is the supreme object of human life
- By contamination he is forced to transfer to this material world, where the living entities have three enemies, namely desire, anger and lust
- By developing devotional service, such a person (a pure devotee) can perceive that every living entity is part and parcel of the Supreme. In each and every living entity he can see the Supreme Person
- By discharging devotional service under the direction of the bona fide spiritual master, or acarya, he (the living entity) develops love of Godhead
- By discovering the faultiness of his desiring to lord it over material nature and by therefore giving it up, the living entity becomes independent and stands in his own glory
- By endeavoring to dominate material nature, the living entity simply struggles hard for existence. Indeed, he struggles so hard to enjoy himself that he cannot even enjoy the material resources
- By following My instructions you can now generate the living entities as before, by dint of your complete Vedic wisdom and the body you have directly received from Me, the supreme cause of everything
- By following the factual religious principle of love of God, even the living entities known as sthira-cara were also delivered of all material contamination and transferred to the spiritual kingdom. Sthira means the trees and plants
- By forgetting Krsna, the living entity has become materialistic since time immemorial. Therefore the illusory energy of Krsna is giving him different types of miseries in material existence
- By fulfilling the process of evolution from the aquatics to the animal platform, a living entity eventually reaches the human form. The three modes of material nature are always working in the evolutionary process
- By glorifying the Lord constantly the living entity can understand that he does not belong to the material world but is a spirit soul whose actual activity is to advance in Krsna consciousness so that he may become free from the material clutches
- By glorifying the Lord constantly, the living entity becomes purified in the core of his heart
- By God's arrangement, by nature's arrangement, all the necessities of the living entities, they will be supplied. They will be free from all anxieties, diseases. This was practically demonstrated during the reign of Maharaja Yudhisthira
- By His (God's) supreme will the living entity, or individual soul, gets the facility to lord it over material nature in various types of bodies, which are known as yantra, or the moving vehicle offered by the total material energy, maya
- By His inconceivable energies, the Supreme Absolute Truth can remain unchanged and yet produce this cosmic manifestation with all its living entities, just as touchstone can produce unlimited quantities of gold and yet remain unchanged
- By His one plenary portion as Paramatma, antaryami, the Lord is all-pervading throughout the unlimited universes. He is the pratyak, or antaryami, of all living entities
- By His own potency, He is present within the hearts of all living entities, just as the air or vital force is within the bodies of all beings, moving and nonmoving. In this way He controls the body
- By His personal expansion, He is manifested in various forms like Lord Rama, Nrsimhadeva, Visnumurti and all the predominating Deities in the Vaikuntha planets. The separated expansions, the living entities, are eternally servitors. BG 1972 purports
- By his work, thoughts and words, an intelligent man must perform actions which will be beneficial for all living entities in this life and the next
- By killing many living entities, your elder brother has destroyed all Bengal. Now here you are destroying all my plans
- By killing the body or by protecting the body, that is not the solution. The solution is that the living entity has infected itself with the material disease. It has to be cured. That is the whole purpose of Vedic civilization
- By living in Vrndavana as a dog, hog or monkey, the living entity can be elevated to the spiritual platform in the next life
- By material process, by philosophical process, by mental concoction or mental process they (living entities) are trying, and Lord Krsna also said - they are trying - but that happiness is available when your senses or consciousness are pure
- By mentioning Brahma, the chief of all living entities within this material world, he (Bhrgu Muni ) wanted to state that everyone, including also Brahma and Lord Siva, is under the concept of the body and under the spell of material energy - all but Visnu
- By misusing his independence, the living entity falls down from the service of the Lord
- By misusing his independence, the living entity falls down from the service of the Lord and takes a position in this material world as an enjoyer. That is to say, the living entity takes his position within a material body
- By nature living entities have particular types of body and particular types of psychic and biological activities accordingly. There are four classes of men functioning in the three material modes of nature. BG 1972 purports
- By nature we are living entities, we must act. It is not possible to stop activities
- By nature we are living entities; we must act. It is not possible to stop activities. So just like it is said, "An idle brain is a devil's workshop," so if we have no good engagement, then you will have to engage yourself in something nonsense
- By nature we try to protect the body. This is self-preservation. It is a natural law of the living entity, just as eating is a natural law and sleeping is a natural law. Why do I protect the body? Because within the body is the soul
- By nature's arrangement the material body is given to the living entity for his suffering or enjoying. Different types of bodies are acquired for different purposes
- By nature's arrangement, fruits and flowers are considered the food of insects and birds; grass and other legless living entities are meant to be the food of four-legged animals like cows and buffalo
- By nature's law, or the arrangement of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one kind of living entity is eatable by other living entities
- By nature, the living entity is perfect, but due to the contamination of lust, he becomes vicious. That which is part and parcel of gold is also gold, and whatever is part and parcel of the Complete perfect is also perfect
- By nature, we living entities are liberated. There is actually no question of birth, death, old age and disease. Since we are part and parcel of Krsna, the Supreme Lord, how can there be a question of these things
- By practice of Krsna consciousness yoga, one can know everything in full-namely the Absolute Truth, the living entities, the material nature, and their manifestations with paraphernalia. BG 1972 purports
- By sankhya philosophical research one comes to the conclusion that a living entity is not a part and parcel of the material world, but of the supreme spirit whole. BG 1972 purports
- By serving God, nobody is loser. He serves himself, he serves his country, he serves his family, he serves the human society, he serves the living entity - everyone
- By showing mercy to all living entities, being satisfied somehow or other and controlling the senses from sense enjoyment, one can very quickly satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Janardana
- By superior arrangement a living entity is offered another body, but because of his attraction to the present body, he does not like to transfer himself to another body. Thus he is forced to accept another body by the laws of nature
- By superior arrangement a living entity is put into the womb of a certain type of material body, and then he develops a similar body
- By surrendering unto the Lord, one is happy and liberated, but by surrendering unto material nature the living entity suffers
- By the direction of the Lord, because He is the ultimate benefactor, the living entity is at once awarded the necessary spiritual body befitting his association with the Lord in the manner of sarupya, salokya, sarsti, and samipya
- By the direction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, everything created in the material world is transient. By a temporary arrangement, a father begets a child, or a living entity becomes the child of a so-called father
- By the gradual process of evolution, the living entity again attains the body of a human being and is given another chance to get out of the process of transmigration
- By the influence of maya, the illusory potency of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the living entity thinks that he is this person, that person, American, Indian, cat, dog, tree or whatever. This is called maya
- By the laws of nature (prakrteh kriyamanani (BG 3.27)) the living entity evolves from lower grades of life to the human form
- By the laws of nature, the living entity is forced to enter the semen of a father and be injected into the womb of the mother. He is not in control of selecting what kind of father he will accept
- By the letter O, Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is indicated; by the letter U, Krsna's eternal consort Srimati Radharani is indicated; and by the letter M, the eternal servitor of the Supreme Lord, the living entity, is indicated
- By the mystic power of Narada Muni, the living entity reentered his dead body for a short time and spoke in reply to Narada Muni's request
- By the order of the Supreme Soul, material nature fashions a particular type of body to a particular type of living entity to work according to his past desires. BG 1972 purports
- By the supreme will of the Personality of Godhead, there are various protectors and maintainers for helpless living entities
- By virtue of the processes of the subtle body, the living entity develops and gives up gross bodies. This is known as the transmigration of the soul
- By word jugglery he (Sankaracarya) has tried to prove that the individual identities of the living entities and the material world are illusory, and he has cited the examples of mistaking a rope for a snake or an oyster shell for gold
- By word jugglery, Sankaracarya tried to create an illusory presentation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead in His relationship with the living entities and the cosmic manifestation
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu begins His philosophy from this point, that jivera svarupa haya nitya-krsna-dasa: "The real constitutional position of all living entities is to serve Krsna." This is constitutional position
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu continued, "Conchshells and cow dung are nothing but the bones and the stool of some living entities, but according to the Vedic version they are both considered very pure"
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu says that "Jiva-tattva, the living entities, they are never the energetic; they are energy." Energetic and energy. So how it is so? The evidence is from Bhagavata, Visnu Purana and Bhagavad-gita. Because one has to give evidence
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu says that out of these numberless living entities who are transmigrating in the material world, one may be fortunate enough to take to Krsna consciousness
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu told Sanatana Gosvami about Krsna's multiforms and His unlimited opulence. He also described the nature of the spiritual manifestation, the material manifestation, and the manifestation of the living entity
- Caitanya next asked Ramananda Raya, "Among many songs, which song is to be considered the actual religion of the living entity?" Ramananda Raya replied, "That song describing the loving affairs of Sri Radha and Krsna is superior to all other songs"
- Caitanya protested against being called the Supreme Lord, and He said, My dear sir, I am an ordinary living entity. I cannot know the real meaning of Vedanta-sutra, but Vyasadeva, who is an incarnation of Narayana, knows its real meaning
- Caitanya quoted from the Lord's instructions to Uddhava in SB: My dear Uddhava, neither philosophical speculation, nor meditational yoga, nor penances can give Me such pleasure as devotional service practiced by the living entities - SB 11.14.20
- Caitanya said, You (Vasudeva Datta) desire the liberation of all kinds of living entities without discrimination. You are very anxious for their good fortune, and I say that simply by your prayer all living entities within the universe can be liberated
- Certain birds, such as crows, can distinguish one form from another. Living entities that have many legs, like the wasp, are better than plants and grasses, which have no legs
- Changes of the gross body are conducted by the subtle body. After the destruction of the gross body, the subtle body takes the living entity from his present gross body to another
- Cheating means outwardly very devotional, inwardly doing all sinful activities. Such living entity is given the chance to become a hog and dog in Vrndavana so that the reaction of the sinful activities, they get this body
- Citraketu said: Lord Siva, the spiritual master of the general populace, is the best of all living entities who have accepted material bodies. He enunciates the system of religion
- Comparing one's own suffering to the suffering of others, therefore, one should be kind to all living entities
- Conditional life means being under the control of a woman, and certainly the living entity is always at the mercy of a woman or a man
- Conditioned soul, the living entity, has come here to this material world for enjoyment & for material happiness. The Vedas are the guidance: all right, enjoy - but according to these principles. That is called Veda. Therefore, everything is there
- Consciousness cannot be killed, for the symptom of the living entity is consciousness. The material consciousness simply has to be purified
- Consciousness is not a production of the combinations of matter. It is the symptom of the living entity. BG 1972 purports
- Consciousness is the sign of the living entity, or the soul. The existence of the soul is manifest in the form of consciousness, called jnana-sakti
- Covered by the mode of ignorance in material nature, the living entity is sometimes a male, sometimes a female, sometimes a eunuch, sometimes a human being, sometimes a demigod, sometimes a bird, an animal, and so on
- Cultivation of speculative knowledge or practice of yogic gymnastics will not be helpful - for the living entity to be awakened to his own identity
- Darwin's theory of the evolution of organic matter is very prominent in the institutions of learning. But the Bhagavata Purana and other authoritative scriptures of scientific magnitude describe how the living entities in different forms of body evolve
- Death is a symptom of the material infection of the eternal living being; only due to material infection is the eternal living entity subjected to the law of birth, death, old age and disease
- Dehino 'smin yatha dehe kaumaram yauvanam jara: (BG 2.13) "The embodied soul continually passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age." Thus the bodily dress is impermanent. The living entity, however, is permanent
- Deluded by ignorance, the living entity wanders in the forest of this material world, enjoying the happiness and distress resulting from his past deeds, everywhere and at all times. (Therefore, neither you nor I am to be blamed for this incident)
- Deluded by the false ego, the bewildered living entity in material existence changes his different bodies and suffers various kinds of miseries
- Demigods cannot rescue the living entity from the dangers of material existence. Like other living entities, the demigods are merely external parts of the SP of Godhead's transcendental body. As stated in the Vedic mantras, sa atma-angany anya devatah
- Demigods like Marici and their descendants, who are meant to enjoy this material world. From these two kinds of demigods were gradually manifested all other living entities, including the human beings
- Desire is the concomitant factor of the living entity. The living entity is eternal, and therefore his desires, which are natural for a living being, are also eternal. One cannot, therefore, stop desiring, but the subject matter for desires can be changed
- Despite all kinds of tribulations, the living entity, subjected to the necessities of the body, mind and senses and suffering from various types of disease, is carried away by many plans due to his lust to enjoy the world
- Despite being harassed by the laws of material nature, the foolish living entity does not turn toward the Supreme Personality of Godhead for protection
- Despite being worshiped (Brahma is admitting his failure to know the Supreme Lord) by the great Prajapatis, the forefathers of the living entities. So these qualifications are not sufficient to know the Supreme Lord
- Despite the statement that one should give up attachment, desirelessness is not possible for a living entity
- Despite this struggle (struggle for existence), however, the living entity does not die. As confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (BG 2.20), the living entity is eternal
- Deva means who are very highly advanced in knowledge. They are called God conscious, Krsna conscious, such men. There are different planets also for different kinds of living entities
- Devahuti is not unintelligent. She has enough intelligence to understand that the living entities are not on the level of the Supreme Lord
- Devotional service is just like a seed, and if it is sown in the heart of a living entity, and if he goes on hearing and chanting, Hare Krsna, that seed fructifies, just as the seed of a tree fructifies with regular watering. BG 1972 purports
- Devotional service, beginning with the chanting of the holy name of the Lord, is the ultimate religious principle for the living entity in human society
- Dharma indicates the natural occupation of the living entity. For example, wherever there is fire, there is heat and light, so it may be said that heat and light are the dharma of fire. Fire cannot change its dharma
- Dhrtarastra offered his respectful obeisances to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, "When everything is created, He enters into each and every living entity and into the smallest atom. No one can understand the incalculable plans of the Supreme Lord"
- Dhrtarastra will have to amalgamate his pure identity with intelligence and then merge into the Supreme Being with knowledge of his qualitative oneness, as a living entity, with the Supreme Brahman
- Dhruva Maharaja is carefully distinguishing (here in SB 4.9.15) the existence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead from that of the living entities
- Dhruva Maharaja was advised by Lord Manu to see with that vision (seeing all living entities as spirit souls). He was specifically advised to do so because he was a great devotee and should not have looked upon other living entities with ordinary vision
- Difference between the Supreme Being & the ordinary living being is that when this material world is annihilated, all living entities remain silent in oblivion, in a dreaming or unconscious condition, whereas God stays awake as the witness of everything
- Different living entities appear in different forms of dress, but according to the instruction of the Bhagavad-gita, a learned person sees all living entities equally. Such treatment by the devotee is very much appreciated by the Supreme Lord
- Distresses due to cold in winter and severe heat in summer always inflict miseries on the living entities in this material world
- Distribution of prasada, or remnants of foodstuffs offered to the Lord, even to the ignorant masses of people and to animals, gives such living entities the chance for elevation to Krsna consciousness
- Divided into varieties by her threefold modes, material nature creates the forms of the living entities, and the living entities, seeing this, are illusioned by the knowledge - covering feature of the illusory energy
- Don't kill my brother, but you can kill my neighbors - not like that. He is not sadhu. Sadhu is kind to all living entities
- Don't take this nonsense instruction that "Except on this planet there is no life other planet." This is simply nonsense. Every planet is congested with living entities. This is the description in the sastra
- Don't think like the so-called scientists that only this planet is full of living beings and other all vacant. No, that is not the fact. Every planet, it is congested with living entities. That information given there
- Don't think that the animals or living entities other than the human being, they have no soul. No. That's a wrong conception. They have got souls
- Don't think that you are simply here in this planet, and there is no living entity. It is wrong conception, foolish conception. So the president of the sun planet, He is the original person from where this sunshine and heat is coming
- Don't think there is no life. There is life. Why not there life? If this planet contains so many living entities, why not in other planets? So from Vedic scripture we understand
- Due to a poor fund of knowledge, living entities conditioned in this material world claim to be God. They are thus illusioned
- Due to being covered by the illusory external energy, the living entity tries to take credit for the differentiated creations within the material world
- Due to Brahman, even while sleeping the living entity can enjoy. The Lord says, "That Brahman, that Paramatma and that Bhagavan are I Myself." This is noted by Srila Jiva Gosvami in his Krama-sandarbha
- Due to different causes, the living entity is visible in different forms as an animal, human being, demigod, tree, etc. Actually every living entity is the marginal potency of the Supreme Lord
- Due to false ego, the living entity still wants to enjoy the material world, and for want of material enjoyment he becomes sorry or sad
- Due to forgetfulness of his nature, the living entity, although spirit, suffers all kinds of miseries in material existence
- Due to his contaminated association with women, a living entity like King Puranjana eternally suffers all the pangs of material existence and remains in the dark region of material life, bereft of all remembrance for many, many years
- Due to his particular type of body, the materialistic living entity wanders from one planet to another, following fruitive activities. In this way, he involves himself in fruitive activities and enjoys the result incessantly
- Due to our greed, we eat unnecessarily, and such gluttony causes pain at the time of evacuation. The conclusion is that the living entity feels well if he evacuates properly
- Due to our material association since time immemorial, we have accumulated heaps of dirty things in our minds. The total effect of this takes place when a living entity identifies himself with his body
- Due to the contamination of matter, the perfect living entity falls down, but this process of Krsna consciousness will again make him perfect
- Due to the gross and subtle bodies, he (nitya-baddha jivas) is subjected to the threefold miseries, miseries arising from the body and mind, other living entities and natural disturbances caused by demigods from higher planetary systems
- Due to the infinite desires of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, there is existence in the spiritual world, and due to the infinitesimal desires of the living entity, there is existence in the material world
- Due to the living entity's ignorance of his eternal blissful life, he becomes attracted to material activities under the spell of maya. In this world, he can never experience happiness, yet he works very hard to do so. This is called maya
- Due to the propensity for material enjoyment, the living entity becomes contaminated by the material world
- Due to their (the living entities') unauthorized plans for economic development, the price of commodities is rising daily all over the world, so much so that is has become difficult for the poorer classes, and they are suffering the consequences
- During the course of the existence of the cosmic manifestation, the chronology of history is created, recording the activities of the living entities
- During the life of Svayambhuva Manu, six kinds of living entities were generated from the demigods known as the Tusitas, from the sages headed by Marici, and from descendants of Yajna, king of the demigods
- During the rainy season, there are strong winds blustering all over the country and carrying clouds from one place to another to distribute life-giving water to the needy living entities
- During this period, one should not unnecessarily talk of material subjects or topics of sense gratification, one should be completely free from envy of all living entities, and one should be a pure and simple devotee of Lord Vasudeva
- Each and every living entity has minute independence; it is misuse of that minute independence for the conditioned soul to think that he can also enjoy like the Supreme Lord or to think, Why shall I not be a free enjoyer like the Supreme Lord?
- Each and every one of the living entities within this universe has this minute independence, but Brahma, being the chief of all living entities, has a greater potential of independence than any other
- Earth is the ultimate transformation of all living entities and their respective modes of material nature
- Earth, water, fire, air, ether, ego and the total material energy, as well as nature, the marginal energy, the living entities, the mind, the senses, the sense objects and the demigods who control the affairs of the cosmos
- Either an animal or a man or a superman or an aquatic or a tree or a plant - any living entity - what is the ultimate stand? The ultimate stand is consciousness. The animal body is animal body so long there is consciousness
- Either you eat animal or vegetable, you eat some living entity. That is inevitable. You cannot avoid. Now it is the question of selection
- Elephant can eat forty kilogram at a time. You cannot eat even one kilogram. So different persons, different living entities, they are different meant; they have got different body according to the nature's law. You cannot violate the nature's law
- Empiric philosophers who pursue the impersonal Brahman accept only the knowledge that the personality of the living entity is not different from the personality of the Supreme Lord. The absolute conception of a pure devotee, however, includes all others
- Enamored with the beauty of the illusory energy, they undergo the same miseries repeatedly and do not learn any lessons from the laws of nature. Therefore the culture of vidya, or transcendental knowledge, is essential for the human being
- Encaged within the body, the living being accepts Kalakanya, old age, just before death. Yavanesvara is the emblem of death, Yamaraja. Before going to the place of Yamaraja, the living entity accepts Jara, old age, the sister of Yamaraja
- Endless waves arise moment after moment in that ocean of love. How could an insignificant living entity estimate their limits
- Energies are always controlled by the energetic, and therefore living entities are always controlled by the Lord - they have no independant existence. They are never equally powerful, as unintelligent men think. BG 1972 purports
- Engagement in the devotional service of the Lord is the life and soul of the living entity. It is the desired goal and supreme perfection of human life
- Enjoyed means prakrti, or female, and enjoyer means the purusa, or the male. So actually, we all living entities, we are prakrti - we are not purusa. That is stated in the Seventh Chapter
- Enjoying the activities of the body is the purusa, or the living entity. He is one knower, and the other is the Supersoul. BG 1972 purports
- Enthusiasm is a symptom of the living entity; it cannot be stopped. It is just like a powerful engine: if you utilize it properly, it will give immense production. Therefore enthusiasm should be purified
- Equal vision to all living entities that the self, that active principle, is working in the fish, in the insect, within the tree, within the plant, within the animals, within the birds and within me. This is self-realization
- Eternally liberated living entities never come into contact with material nature, and therefore they do not have any experience of material life. They are eternally engaged in Krsna consciousness, or devotional service to the Lord
- Even after attaining knowledge of one's spiritual identity if one doesn't come to the point of knowing that the living entities are eternal parts & parcels of the whole & can never become the whole, one has to fall down again into the material atmosphere
- Even after attaining knowledge of one's spiritual identity, if one does not come to the point of knowing that the living entities are eternal parts and parcels of the whole, one has to fall down again into the material atmosphere
- Even after being liberated from illusion, the living entity remains a separate identity, as is evident from the teachings of the Lord to Arjuna. BG 1972 purports
- Even if all the innumerable living entities wanted to become Krsna conscious, there would be no scarcity of love of Godhead, nor would there be insufficiency in providing for their maintenance
- Even if for the sake of argument the material world is accepted as untruth, the living entity entangled in the illusory energy cannot come out of it without the help of the body
- Even if he (the living entity) is born as a worm living within the intestine or abdomen in the midst of urine and stool, still he is satisfied. This is the covering influence of maya
- Even if the living entity is born with a silver spoon in his mouth he will not be happy so such plans for economic development are simply cheating processes
- Even in birds' life there are different groups, and they select different places, different type of atmosphere, situation. Similarly, all these living entities, 8,400,000 species, the ants also, they too gather together; this is nature's study
- Even in one particular body the living entity changes from childhood to boyhood, from boyhood to youth, from youth to old age and from old age to another body created by his own action
- Even in our present experience we can know that nothing is generated from inert matter, but inert matter can be generated from the living entity. For instance, by contact with the living entity, the material body develops into a working machine
- Even in simply drinking water we kill many tiny aquatic creatures. We kill many such living entities merely by cleaning our homes or when eating & sleeping. In sum, we cannot avoid all the sins we incur, even unconsciously, in the ordinary course of life
- Even in the field of spiritual realization, this tamisra mentality of the living entity is hard to overcome
- Even in the material creation, the living entities are innumerable. If by chance a living entity in the material world can associate with a pure devotee, he can engage in the pure devotional service of Krsna
- Even in the material nature there is a chance of an independent choice by the living entity, and according to his choice the material energy offers him different varieties of material bodies
- Even in the material world, there are many grades of living entities
- Even in the matter of evacuating stool, the refuse is controlled, so how can the living entity claim to be independent?
- Even in the nonliberated stage, a living entity can be directly engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Personality of Godhead Lord Krsna or His plenary expansions like Rama and Narasimha
- Even in this material body, when he (the living entity) practices devotional service under the direction of the spiritual master, he comes to the position which is without change because that is his natural duty
- Even living entities who are lower than human can be raised to Krsna consciousness by other methods. For example, Sivananda Sena, a great devotee of Lord Caitanya, delivered a dog by feeding him prasada
- Even more subtle than the intellect is the spirit soul. So true spirituality, or the real religion of the living entity, means to be situated in self
- Even the ordinary living entity never takes birth or dies. What then is to be said of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the chief of all living entities? He certainly never takes birth or dies
- Even there is no enmity, there are so many living entities, just like bugs, mosquitoes, other animals. They are always prepared to give us trouble. This is called adhibhautika
- Even though both of them (the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the living entity) are original spiritual identities, the living entity forgets his identity when he comes in contact with material nature and becomes conditioned
- Even though Lord Siva associates with maya, he is not influenced. The living entities are affected by maya, but although Lord Siva apparently associates with maya, he is not affected
- Even though one is in the renounced order, one who is advanced certainly feels compassion for suffering living entities. One should certainly neglect his own personal interests, although they may be very important, to protect one who has surrendered
- Even though one is sometimes absorbed in such external movements, he has to learn to tolerate them. The living entity should be always indifferent to the action and reaction of the external body
- Even though one living entity becomes connected with another because of a relationship based on bodies that are perishable, the living entity is eternal. Actually it is the body that is born or lost, not the living entity
- Even though one may be able to distinguish between Brahman and matter, one’s liberation will be hampered if one is misled into thinking that the living entity is as good as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Even though one may desire to engage in the service of the Lord, without sanction one cannot do so. Lord Siva is offering his prayers in so many different ways in order to show living entities how to engage in the devotional service of the Lord
- Even though that material nature is an inferior energy, because material energy is ultimately conducted by the supreme will, which the living entity cannot overcome. BG 1972 purports
- Even though the energies and the energetic are identical, the living entity, individual soul, being prone to be influenced by the external energy, considers the Supreme Personality of Godhead to be one with himself
- Even though these (semiliberated) living entities attain the brahma-bhuta stage and realize the Supreme Personality of Godhead through His bodily effulgence, they nonetheless fall down due to neglecting the Lord’s service
- Even today, many people follow the philosophy that God is dead. But God is never dead. Even the living entity, who is part of God, never dies
- Every day he trained the two deva-dasis how to dance. Who among the small living entities, their minds always absorbed in material sense gratification, could understand the mentality of Sri Ramananda Raya
- Every day, one should worship the Supreme Being who is situated in everyone's heart, and on this basis one should separately worship the demigods, the saintly persons, ordinary human beings and living entities, one's forefathers and one's self
- Every human being born in this world is immediately indebted to the demigods, the great sages, ordinary living entities, the family, society, and so on
- Every individual living entity is subject to the supreme control of the Paramatma, who puts everyone in different positions of the controller and the controlled
- Every individual person is different from the Supreme Lord. It is a mistake to equate the individual living entity with the Supreme Lord on the plea of vivikta-drk, sama-drk
- Every living being - even if he be a brahmana by qualification - must take to the transcendental service of the Lord. Both Bhagavad-gita and the Srimad-Bhagavatam support that this service attitude is the perfection of the living entity
- Every living being is constantly engaged in rendering service to another living being. A living being serves other living beings in two capacities. By doing so, the living entity enjoys life. BG 1972 Introduction
- Every living entity has been carried by various desires into thousands of different hellish planets since time immemorial because of ignorance. I (Sukadeva) shall try to describe them as far as possible
- Every living entity is eternal. He must have his eternal body. But purposefully, to enjoy this material world, the living entity has accepted a material body. Not only once, but it is going on continually, one after another
- Every living entity is only a spiritual spark; therefore it is not possible to see or to understand the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- Every living entity is part and parcel of God. (BG 15.7) "The living entities in this conditioned world are My (Krsna's) eternal, fragmental parts. Due to conditioned life, they are struggling very hard with the six senses, which include the mind."
- Every living entity is part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, and therefore it is the duty of every living entity to serve that supreme whole. Without such service, the living entity falls into material contamination
- Every living entity is puranjana. The word puram means "within this body, within this form," and jana means "living entity." Thus everyone is puranjana
- Every living entity, being classified as energy, is supposed to be originally a woman, or one who is enjoyed
- Every minute and every second we experience that living entities are going to the temple of death. Men, insects, animals, birds - everyone is going. This world, therefore, is called mrtyuloka - the planet of death
- Every one of these living entities, they are making . . . having a hard struggle for existence. But under the spell of the illusory energy, they are thinking, "We are happy," although whole day and night they are unhappy; their desires are not fulfilled
- Every one of us human beings; the dress may be different. That is another thing. Similarly the living entity, he is part and parcel of God, but someone has become human beings
- Every one of us is spirit soul, living entities. It does not matter whether I am a human being or other than human being - lower animal, birds, beasts, trees or higher celestial beings
- Every part of our own body, such as the mouth, hands, thighs and legs, is meant to render service to the whole. That is their constitutional position. In subhuman life the living entities are not conscious of this constitutional position
- Every planet produces different types of food according to the needs of its residents. According to the Vedic sastras, it is not true that the moon does not produce food or that no living entity is living there
- Everyone in this material world is a rascal. A particular living entity desires, "If I can get the opportunity to obtain the post of Brahma, then I can create a big universe." Thus he receives the body of Brahma
- Everyone is actually a servant, not an enemy or friend, and everyone is working under different directions from the Lord, who directs each living entity according to his mentality
- Everyone is given facility, but it is karmanubandhanah, just a facility for the living entities who wanted to enjoy this material world. This material world is not wanted. Everyone should live in the spiritual world
- Everyone is greedy, and everyone makes plans for material enjoyment. In his lust for material enjoyment, the living entity is described as a madman
- Everyone is indebted to the demigods, to living entities in general, to his family, to the pitas and so on, but if one fully surrenders to Krsna, Mukunda, who can give one liberation, even if one performs no yajnas, one is freed from all debts
- Everyone is interested in his own family and in making his dynasty famous, but Prahlada was so liberal that he made no distinction between one living entity and another. Therefore he was greater than the great prajapatis who established their dynasties
- Everyone is trying to be happy because, as explained in the previous verse (SB 7.13.27), when the living entity is in his original spiritual form, he is happy by nature. There is no question of miseries for the spiritual being
- Everyone serves the purpose of the Supreme Godhead, & what to speak of such small and insignificant living entities as ourselves? We are surely eternal servants of the Lord
- Everyone should know how God or Krsna is great, and everyone should know the factual position of the living entities. BG 1972 Preface
- Everything - includes living entities and inert matter. Both matter and the living entities come from Krsna. Indeed, the whole world is a combination of matter and spirit, prakrti and the living entity
- Everything belongs to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and everything can be used for His satisfaction. Things should not be used for the sense gratification of the living entities
- Everything depends on intense desire of the living entity, & Krishna gives all facilities for fulfilling such desires. So far as we are concerned, we should always be very much eager to directly contact Krishna, following the Footprints of Lord Caitanya
- Everything, material and spiritual, including earth, water, air, fire, sky and the living entities, exists on the platform of spirit soul
- Everywhere there are different grades of living entities - in aquatic animals, in the plants and trees, in the reptiles and insects, in birds and beasts and in the civilized and uncivilized human forms of life
- Everywhere there are living entities; within the earth there are living entities, even within water and within fire. All these appearances are due to the mother, material nature, and Krsna's seed-giving process. BG 1972 purports
- Everywhere. Living entities’ name is sarva-ga. Sarva-ga means it lives everywhere; or it can go everywhere
- Examples of indirect avataras are the four Kumaras, Narada, Prthu and Parasurama. These are actually living entities, but there is specific power given to them by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Except for Him (The Supreme Lord), all living entities, from Brahma down to the ant, are conquered by the contact of material nature
- External maya is exhibited in two phases - jiva-maya, the living entities, and guna-maya, the material world. In the material world there is prakrti (material nature) and pradhana (the ingredients of material nature)
- Factually Lord Brahma does not create the living entities. In the beginning of the creation he is empowered to give different bodily shapes to the living entities according to their work during the last millennium
- Factually we are related to the Supreme Lord in service. The Supreme Lord is the supreme enjoyer, and we living entities are His servitors. We are created for His enjoyment. BG 1972 Introduction
- Factually, the spiritual energy, the living entity who desires to enjoy material things, is manipulated by the Supreme Lord. The so-called father and mother have nothing to do with the living entity
- Fever is not his natural condition, but somehow or other, he has got fever. Similarly, we are immortal. That will be explained. Na jayate na mriyate va (BG 2.20). The living entity never takes birth, never dies; therefore immortal
- Fighting you cannot stop. Many people, they are thinking how to stop war. That is impossible. It is nonsense proposal. It cannot be. Because the fighting spirit is there in everyone. That is a symptom of living entity
- First class devotee always sees the Supreme Lord as the soul of all living entities. Thus in seeing all living entities, he sees Krsna and nothing but Krsna
- First of all, nullify the inferior attachment, and then supply a better attachment. There is no question of forcing a living entity. This must be done gradually
- Following the pravrtti-marga, the living entity who desires to be promoted to the higher planetary systems performs sacrifices regularly, & how he goes up & comes down again is described here in Srimad-Bhagavatam (7.15.50-51), as well as in Bhagavad-gita
- Food, shelter, defense and sense gratification are all needs in material existence. Otherwise, in his pure, uncontaminated state of original life, the living entity has no such needs. The needs are therefore artificial
- Foolish people are surprised that one can lie down within water and sleep very happily. But a little intelligence can mitigate this foolish astonishment. There are many living entities within the bed of the ocean
- Foolish persons do not distinguish between the atma and the Paramatma, who are situated in every body. The atma is the living entity, and the Paramatma is the SPG. The individual living entity, however, is different from the Paramatma, the Supreme Lord
- For a living entity it is not possible to understand the unlimited infinite. If the infinite reveals Himself, then it is possible to understand the nature of the infinite by the grace of the infinite
- For a living entity to accept this cosmic manifestation as the field for his sense enjoyment is certainly illusory. This material world is the manifestation of the material energy of the Lord
- For a while, he (the living entity) is a child, but he has to become a boy. From a boy, he has to change into a youth, and from youth to manhood and old age. Finally, when the body is no longer workable, he has to accept a new body in a different species
- For advancement of sense gratification, the living entities are engaged in the work of this world, and they aspire to heavenly happiness after death. BG 1972 purports
- For all living entities, everything finally ends in death, mrtyu, and this is what is indicated by the letter ma
- For all our activities there are witnesses; therefore it is said in the scriptures that the living entities are under superior supervision and that they are rewarded and punished according to their work
- For an ordinary living being there are many distinctions. An ordinary living being is different from his body, and he is different from other species of living entities
- For each and every planet there are different patterns of living entities. They can live. Just like you cannot live within water. For that reason you cannot say nobody can live in the water. That is foolishness
- For misguided living entities, sex life is the background of material existence
- For ten months the child's body develops from the blood and nutrients of the mother's body, but the child is a living entity, not matter
- For the living entities controlled by the base qualities of nature, passion and ignorance, there is no possibility of understanding God
- For the living entity who desires to return to Godhead, material desires are impediments. BG 1972 purports
- For them (living entities who do not satisfy Krsna), it (material energy) is there, "All right. Your field of activities, here." So it is not Krsna's desire. It is fulfill your desire. Because in the spiritual world, Krsna is supreme
- For them (the demons) it is only a combination of matter that has produced the living entities, and there is no question of the existence of the soul. BG 1972 purports
- For this living entity, no one is dear, nor is anyone unfavorable. He makes no distinction between that which is his own and that which belongs to anyone else
- For this transcendental happiness, the living entity has wandered throughout the universe in different forms of life and different planetary systems, but because he has forgotten his intimate relationship with Visnu he has merely suffered life after life
- For You, there is no one who can deliver all the living entities, for You alone can deliver love of Krsna
- Forgetfulness is the nature of the living entity. We cannot even remember what we were doing at this exact time yesterday or a week ago. If we cannot remember this, how is it possible to remember what happened in our previous lives
- Formerly I have also spoken of two blind associates. These associates should be understood to be the hands and legs. Being helped by the hands and legs, the living entity performs all kinds of work and moves hither and thither
- Four-legged animals are better than many-legged living entities, and better than the animals is the human being, who has only two legs
- Freed from such material energy, a living entity is liberated and is eligible to return home, back to Godhead
- From another point of view, it is understood that the jiva living entity is qualitatively one with the Lord, and thus his knowledge in the pure state of life cannot be covered by nescience, especially in the presence of the Supreme Lord
- From babyhood to childhood, from childhood to boyhood, boyhood to youthhood. In this way, the living entity is changing the body. Not that the living entity itself is changing. It is changing simply body, according to the necessity
- From Bhagavad-gita we must learn what God is, what the living entities are, what prakrti is, what the cosmic manifestation is and how it is controlled by time, and what the activities of the living entities are. BG 1972 Introduction
- From Brahma the other demigods like Daksa, Marici, Manu and many others become incarnated to generate living entities within the universe
- From higher planets, they fall down with water, and then again, like bubbles, begins from water, life. As the water dries up, then vegetables
- From Lord Brahma down to the ant, all living entities are jivas, whereas the Lord is the supreme four-handed Visnu, or Janardana
- From Lord Brahma down, all the living entities engaged in the service of the Lord are extraordinary and are called vibhuti
- From the beginning of creation, the living entities were born of a superior living entity. Ultimately, Krsna is the supreme living being, the father of all others
- From the Bhagavatam we understand that the entire universe is full of living entities everywhere. Thus it is the folly of the scientists that although they do not know anything, they mislead people by presenting themselves as scientists, philosophers
- From the evolutionary point of view, perfection is reached when the living entity attains the platform of a brahmana
- From the sastra we know in the moon planet... That is one of the heavenly planets, and there are living entities. They are living for ten thousand years, and it is very cold there. Therefore they drink soma-rasa
- From the statements of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and the Bhagavad-gita, we are to conclude that living entities exist everywhere throughout the universes. They are distributed as trees, plants, aquatics, birds, human beings and so on
- From the Vedic literatures we understand that there are living entities on each and every planet, regardless of whether the planet is composed of earth, water, fire or air
- From time immemorial the killing of living entities is prohibited all over the world
- From time immemorial the nitya-mukta living entity has always been a devotee of Krsna, and his only attempt has been to serve Krsna. Thus he never forgets his eternal servitorship to Krsna
- From time immemorial, the living entity travels in the different species of life and the different planets, almost perpetually
- From Vedic literatures we understand that the Absolute Truth has varieties of energy and that the living entities and the cosmic manifestation are but a demonstration of His energies
- From Vedic scripture we can understand that living entities in different forms are generated under different conditions. Birds evolve from eggs, and beasts and human beings are born from the embryo
- From without He (Lord Krsna) gives instructions as stated in Bhagavad-gita, and from within He tries to convince him (living entity) that his activities in the material field are not conducive to real happiness. BG 1972 purports
- Fruits represent the results of the living entities' activities
- Furthermore, it is because of the sun's presence that all living entities can see, and therefore he is called drg-isvara, the Personality of Godhead presiding over sight
- Garbhodakasayi Visnu is the Supersoul of the aggregate of living entities, and Ksirodakasayi Visnu is the Supersoul of each individual living being
- Generally Mayavadi philosophers are perplexed before a learned Vaisnava because the Mayavadis cannot explain the cause of bondage of the living entities
- Generally one who does not know the science of God (Krsna) assumes that this material world is for the enjoyment of the living entities & that the living entities are the causes (Purusas), controllers and enjoyers of the material energy. BG 1972 purports
- Generally such persons (who are liberated theoretically by knowing simply that the living entity is not material) are very much attached to Vedic rituals and righteous activities, performing them in order to enjoy material prosperity
- Generally the living entity does not know the science of how the spirit soul transmigrates from one body to another
- Generally, the living entities are engrossed in the modes of passion and ignorance
- Generally, they (materialistic men) compare the living entities to the bubbles of the ocean, which merge into the ocean. That is the highest perfection of spiritual existence attainable without individual personality. BG 1972 purports
- Getting a material father and mother is not a problem. In every form of life, birth after birth, the living entity gets a father and mother
- Give up your demoniac nature and act without enmity or duality. Show mercy to all living entities by enlightening them in devotional service, thus becoming their well-wishers
- God cannot be plural number. God is always singular number, one. If God is plural number, then that is not God. That plural-number God may be the living entities. We are living entities, and God is also living entity, but the supreme living entity
- God gives the living entity the intelligence with which to improve his position so that he may return home, back to Godhead, or if he does not want to go back to Godhead, the Lord gives him the intelligence with which to improve his material position
- God is a Person, the holy spirit or the supersoul is a person, and the living entity is also a person
- God is great means there are different grades of living entities, and the supreme living entity of whom there is no equal or greater is God. He is God
- God is not responsible for the living entity's accepting different types of bodies. One has to accept a body according to the laws of nature and one's own karma
- God is one without a second, and the ordinary living entities are many without number. All such living entities are maintained by God Himself, and that is the verdict of the Vedic literatures
- God is one, and He is great, and all living entities are subordinate
- God is one, but the living entities, including both the liberated and the conditioned, are many and have many different grades of positions. The living entities are never equal to God, but as parts and parcels of the Lord they are eternally His servitors
- God is our father, God is our friend, naturally, and He says that suhrdam sarva-bhutanam, aham bija-pradah pita (BG 14.4): "I am the seed-giving . . ." not only for the human being - all species of life, they are living entities
- God is situated in everyone's heart, and as one desires, the Lord gives one various types of bodies, which are like machines. Riding on such a machine, the living entity wanders throughout the universe, under the control of material nature and its modes
- God is the supreme living entity, and we are subordinate living entities. Eko bahunam yo vidadhati kaman. That one living entity, one eternal, He's supplying all the necessities of life to the plural number eternals
- God is witnessing all our activities, and our mental situation. So He orders maya, the external energy, prakrti, that "He requires to be given a body like this," and the material nature gives the living entity a particular type of body
- God maintains all other living entities, but no one can maintain God. That is His svacchanda-sakti; He is not dependent on others
- God's name is Acyuta. He never falls down. But jiva-bhuta, jiva, living entities, they are cyuta. They falls down from the spiritual platform to the material platform
- Gopis said, "By the movement of His (Krsna's) eyes He is pleasing the gopis, & He is fighting with demons like Aristasura and others. In this way, He is sitting with different living entities in different ways, & He is thoroughly enjoying the situation"
- Grant me that I not meet death from any entity, living or nonliving. Grant me, further, that I not be killed by any demigod or demon or by any great snake from the lower planets
- Grass is a living entity, but it has no legs with which to move, and thus it is eaten by cows and other animals. Such nonmoving entities are food for moving animals, and in this way the world is in a constant struggle between exploiters and exploited
- Great personalities understand that a living entity entangled in this material world cannot be freed by his own efforts
- Great sages have therefore concluded that the process of meditation is designed so that the individual living entity may concentrate his attention on the lotus feet of the Supersoul form
- Great sages like Marici, Atri, Bhrgu and the others among the nine great sages who are descendants of Brahma also respect Lord Siva in such a way because they all know that Lord Siva is not an ordinary living entity
- Great saintly personalities, sages & demigods are able to offer benedictions to ordinary living entities, but they in turn are benedicted by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Without being benedicted by Krsna, one can't offer benediction to anyone else
- Grha means compact in a room. So I am the living entity, spirit soul, I am compact within this body, encaged, or I am encaged within this universe. This is also compact
- Grossly materialistic persons think that economic development is of foremost importance because they are under the impression that a living entity exists only by eating
- Growth entails changing of the body. This change cannot be understood because it is imperceivable to the living entity
- Had there been no infinitesimal living entities, the Supreme Lord would have been inactive, and there would not be variegatedness in spiritual life
- Happiness is very difficult to obtain, but because they (living entities) are unable to control their senses, they run after the so-called happiness of the material world and never come to the right conclusion
- Happiness of humanity at the cost of the lives of poor animals. That is not recommended herein. This verse clearly says that one should be compassionate to all living entities. Regardless of whether human, animal, tree or plant
- Harassed life after life by the laws of nature, the living entity wanders throughout the entire universe in different planets and species of life. Somehow or other, if he is fortunate enough, he comes in touch with a devotee who reforms his entire life
- Haridasa said, "My Lord, as long as You are situated within the material world, You will send to the spiritual sky all the developed moving and nonmoving living entities in different species"
- Having entered that cavity (the cave of the heart of this body), the living entity, resting on the chief of the life airs, enjoys the results of activities, and the Supersoul, acting as witness enables him to enjoy them
- Having lost sight of their destinations in life, all living entities are wandering in different species throughout the universe, sometimes getting birth in a lower species and sometimes existence in higher planetary systems
- He (a devotee of God) does not envy his fellow living entities. Here is a contrast between a pure devotee of the Lord and a yogi interested only in his personal elevation. BG 1972 purports
- He (a devotee who is not completely purified) wants material gain, advancement in knowledge of the relationship between the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the living entity, or knowledge as to the real nature of the Supreme Lord
- He (a learned person) thinks: Here is a dog, but it is also a living entity, although by his past karma he has become a dog. And this learned scholar is also a living spark, but he has taken good birth because of his past karma
- He (a living entity) cannot be destroyed. By nature he is full of bliss. He does not engage himself in any material activities; therefore the activities performed due to his contact with material bodies do not entangle him. BG 1972 purports
- He (a living entity) has been given a special advantage to think of God, but instead of thinking God, he is thinking all these rubbish things, which he will never be able to fulfill. Misusing. The thinking power he is misusing
- He (a living entity) should engage himself in the devotional service of the Lord so that his identity with the material body will automatically be forgotten. BG 1972 purports
- He (a living entity) takes the body as himself, his bodily expansions as his kinsmen, and the land from which his body is born as worshipable
- He (a sadhu) is merciful because he is the well-wisher of all living entities. He is not only a well-wisher of human society, but a well-wisher of animal society as well
- He (Ajamila) was upright, benevolent to all living entities, and well behaved. He would never speak nonsense or envy anyone
- He (an intermediate devotee) becomes a first-class devotee when, in the course of advancing in devotional service, he feels an intimate relationship with all living entities, seeing them as part and parcel of the Supreme Person
- He (Arjuna) thought to himself that although he was only an ordinary living entity, by the grace of Krsna it had been possible for him to see the spiritual world
- He (Bhrgu) explained how the air in the stomach works and regulates the intestines. As a great philosopher, he logically established the eternity of the living entity. He was a great anthropologist the theory of evolution was long ago explained by him
- He (Brahma) is always accompanied by such great personalities as Marici, Kasyapa and the seven sages, as well as by great mystic yogis, the Kumaras and many other spiritually advanced living entities, but he has his own interest, separate from the Lord's
- He (devotee of God) has full spiritual knowledge and is automatically liberated (brahma-bhutah). He can therefore see everyone on the spiritual platform. He can comprehend the happiness and distress of all living entities
- He (God as the Supersoul) remains with the jiva simply as sanction-giver and witness so that the living entity can receive the results of his activities, good or bad
- He (God) bestows different kinds of bodies upon the living entities, who are conditioned by their propensity to lord it over material nature, but in course of time these living entities become so degraded that they need enlightenment
- He (God) descends to the material world to induce the nondevotees and rebellious living entities to return home, back to Godhead. He requests them to surrender unto Him because, unlimited as He is, He wants to increase His devotees unlimitedly
- He (God) gives the living entities freedom to act as they like, but on the other hand they must accept a body according to the reactions of their activities. Thus there are different types of bodies
- He (God) Himself also instructs in His speeches of Bhagavad-gita. This propaganda work goes on side by side with the creation to convince the misguided living entities who are rotting in this material world to come back to Him and surrender unto Him
- He (God) is always with the individual as a friend sitting by the side of a friend, and He gives facilities to all living entities according to their desires
- He (God) is called renounced because He is not attached to anything in this material world; He is specifically attached to the spiritual world and the living entities there
- He (God) is ever infallible, whereas the living entities are prone to fall under the illusory energy
- He (God) is not directed by the dictation of the senses, but the conditioned souls or the individual living entities are servants of the senses
- He (God) is present not only in the heart of the living entity, but also in material things, even in the atoms, protons and electrons being explored by material scientists
- He (God) is the supreme controller Himself, and He cannot be compared to the ordinary living entities, who are controlled by the laws of material nature
- He (God) leaves behind scriptures like Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam, so that the living entities hovering in the darkness of nescience may take advantage of the instructions, the saintly persons and the spiritual masters and thus be freed
- He (Krsna) is always intermingled with everything as cause and effect. Not only the gopis but all living entities are always inseparably connected with Krsna in all circumstances
- He (Krsna) is the chief of all living entities; no one can surpass Him or be equal to Him in wealth, strength, fame, beauty, knowledge or renunciation
- He (Krsna) is the guide of all living entities, as is confirmed in the Katha Upanisad: nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam. The Supersoul directs the individual soul to act, and the Supersoul is the actor and witness of all action
- He (Krsna) is the supreme living entity and is supplying the necessities of all other living entities
- He (Krsna) is the supreme living entity of all living entities. So if I am a living entity, I have got a form, so why the supreme living entity will not have a form? This is poor fund of knowledge
- He (living entity) has a spiritual need to be eternally blissful and full of knowledge, but unfortunately he identifies himself with the body, sometimes as a human being, sometimes as an animal, a tree, sometimes an aquatic, sometimes a demigod, & so on
- He (living entity) is always dependent on the rules of the Supreme Lord, but by the influence of the external energy the conditioned soul thinks himself independent of the supremacy of the Personality of Godhead
- He (Lord Caitanya) said clearly, upon the inquiry of Sanatana Gosvami, that a living entity is the servitor of Krsna eternally
- He (Lord Caitanya) says that everywhere within the universe there are unlimited numbers of living entities in 8,400,000 different forms
- He (Lord Caitanya) wanted to become the tree Himself because a tree is said to be the most benevolent living entity
- He (Lord Krsna) can lift millions of Govardhana Hills by His simple desire; He does not need to lift it with His hand. But He imitates the ordinary living entity by this lifting, and at the same time He exhibits His supernatural power
- He (Lord Siva) always wishes the welfare of all. Whenever he chastises a person, it is just like a father's punishment of his son. Lord Siva is like a father because he never takes seriously any offense by any living entities, especially the demigods
- He (Maharaja Citraketu) could have thought, "This living entity was my enemy in my last life, and now, having appeared as my son, he is prematurely leaving just to give me pain and agony"
- He (Siva) is neither on the level of the Supreme Personality of Godhead nor on the level of the ordinary living entities. Brahma is in almost all cases an ordinary living entity
- He (the foolish living entity) thinks that he is able to protect himself from the stringent laws of material nature. This, however, is not possible
- He (the living entity) becomes devoid of truthfulness, cleanliness, mercy, gravity, spiritual intelligence, shyness, austerity, fame, forgiveness, control of the mind, control of the senses, fortune and all such opportunities
- He (the living entity) can neither be burnt by fire, cut by sharp weapons, moistened by water, nor dried by the air. He is completely different from the physical elements, but by a superior arrangement he is put into these material elements
- He (the living entity) does not die from this punishment because if he died, then who would suffer the punishment? It is not the business of the constables of Yamaraja to put one to death
- He (the living entity) does not know that after death he will be thrown into the hands of a very strong material nature that will force him to accept a certain type of body according to his present work. This body may not even be a human body
- He (the living entity) falsely accepts himself as their son (of a certain father and mother) and acts affectionately
- He (the living entity) has his normal way of thinking, feeling and willing. The living being in his original state is not without thinking, willing and feeling power
- He (the living entity) has no opportunity to get out of the control of material nature because it has already conditioned him. In Bhagavad-gita it is also stated that it is very difficult to get out of the clutches of material nature
- He (the living entity) has rebelled against the service of the Lord, he is put in the service of the maya. He is still serving, but in a perverted manner
- He (the living entity) has to give up all sorts of plans manufactured by mental concoction. The living entity has to dovetail himself with the supreme will. That will help him to get out of the entanglement of material existence
- He (the living entity) identifies with the material energy and is consequently overpowered by a kind of fear resulting from accepting himself as the material body and considering paraphernalia related to the material body to be his property
- He (the living entity) is always aloof from material contact (asango hy ayam purusah) but because he is placed in a material condition, he suffers the reactions of the material modes of nature
- He (the living entity) is endowed with inconceivable minute energy that works inconceivably within the body. However, the living entity, forgetting his position, is situated in material energy
- He (the living entity) is one without a second; in other words, he is not affected by friends and enemies, well-wishers or mischief-mongers. He is only an observer, a witness, of the different qualities of men
- He (the living entity) is simply in the midst of the material ocean, struggling for existence. BG 1972 purports
- He (the living entity) is sometimes called prakrti, or jiva, for he is situated in the marginal potency. When the living entity is covered with the three modes of material nature, he is called jiva-samjnita
- He (the living entity) is under the qualities of nature, but he falsely thinks that he is the proprietor
- He (the living entity) remains within the material world simply for the purpose of sense gratification & transmigrates from one body to another. His process of reproducing so many sons & grandsons results in so-called societies, nations, communities
- He (the living entity) sometimes takes shelter of so-called gurus and sadhus who are like crane, herons and vultures. Thus he is cheated both ways by not taking shelter of the Supreme Lord
- He (the living entity) still makes intellectual plans to further his existence, and therefore, although he gives up the gross body, he is carried by the subtle body to another gross body
- He (the living entity) thereby (when he engages himself in the service of the Supreme Lord) knows that he has a competent master to save him from all kinds of danger
- He (the living entity) thinks that 'If I do not solve my bread problem, if I do not drive my trucks day and night'. 'Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.' Such a nonsense civilization
- He (the Lord) says that the living entities, who are innumerable, can be divided into two classes - the fallible and the infallible. BG 1972 purports
- He (the Supreme Personality of Godhead) desired to expand Himself into many living entities, and with such a desire He first created a vast expanse of water within the universal space and then impregnated that water with living entities
- He (the Supreme Personality of Godhead) possesses the potency for unfailing knowledge and supreme willpower, and He is the controller of the living entities and the illusory energy
- He (Vasudeva) was therefore very difficult to see or approach through sensory perception. Indeed, he was unapproachable and unperceivable even for such formidable men as Kamsa, and not only for Kamsa but for all living entities - SB 10.2.17
- He (Visnu) is described as vibhinnamsa-bhutanam. The Supersoul, Visnu, is the seed-giving father of all living entities, including Brahma and Lord Siva
- He (who is transcendentally situated) sees all living entities as spiritual beings. After attaining this elevated stage, one can attain pure devotional service
- He accepts various transcendental bodies among all types of living entities, and among human beings He especially appears as Lord Krsna and Lord Rama. By His causeless mercy, He protects the demigods, who are always harassed by the demons
- He can see everything inside and outside; therefore He is the supreme overseer of all living entities. If someone takes shelter at His lotus feet and worships Him, he also attains a transcendental position
- He controlled his mind and senses, and the penances he executed were a great lesson for the living entities. Thus he is known as the greatest of all ascetics
- He created a vast expanse of water within the universal space & then impregnated that water with living entities. By that process of impregnation a massive body appeared, blazing like a thousand suns & in that body was the first creative principle, Brahma
- He delivers the fallen living entities by offering them the four kinds of liberation - salokya, samipya, sarsti and sarupya
- He forgets Himself in the joy of that conception and teaches all living entities, "You are servants of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu."
- He is also represented by another energy - the living entities - and all these manifestations in the spiritual and material world combined are but representations of the different energies of the Lord
- He is called Narayana, and He is the shelter of living entities after the annihilation of this material world. He is full of all opulences, and He is the resting place of everything material. He is therefore known as Vasudeva, the SPG
- He is fully aware and completely different from the material body, but because of being misled by misuse of his slight independence, he is obliged to accept subtle and gross bodies created by the material energy
- He is the best of all living entities, the controller of the three modes of material nature. By His own power, He creates this cosmic manifestation, maintains it and annihilates it also
- He is the guide of the Yadu dynasty, and with His mighty arms He kills everything inauspicious, as well as every man who is impious. By His presence He destroys all things inauspicious for all living entities, moving and inert
- He is the supreme living entity and is never affected by maya, but we are subordinate, minute living entities, prone to be affected by the limitations of maya
- He is the supreme worshipable Deity of all living entities. He is the supreme cause, represented as the male and female creative energies. Although different from this universe, He exists in His universal form (virat-rupa)
- He is the ultimate benefactor. Every individual living entity is unborn, and therefore even after the annihilation of the material elementary body, the living entity exists, exactly like the air within the body
- He possesses external and internal energies and the mixed energy called the marginal potency, which consists of all the living entities
- He selects his position as a human being, a demigod, a cat, a dog, a tree, etc. In this way the living entity selects a body out of the 8,400,000 forms and tries to satisfy himself by a variety of material enjoyment
- He then (when the living entities' heart becomes purified) revives his original quality of Krsna consciousness
- He then saw that his residence was vacant, having been abandoned by his brothers and other relatives, who were living in all directions because of fear of such higher living beings as the Yaksas
- He thinks that there are many other engagements for a living entity besides the service of the Lord. Such a foolish person does not know that in any position he either directly or indirectly engages in activities of service to the Supreme Lord
- He uses his mind & five senses to acquire knowledge, and these bring about the different bodies and different conditions. Using the senses under the control of the external energy, the living entity suffers the miserable conditions of material existence
- He was a God-realized soul and a well-wisher to all living entities. The Vedas did not at all sanction the killing of Jada Bharata by rogues and thieves. Consequently the goddess Bhadra Kali emerged from the deity to give protection to the Lord's devotee
- He who is transcendentally situated at once realizes the Supreme Brahman. He never laments nor desires anything. He is equally disposed to all the living entities, and in that state he achieves pure devotional service unto Me (Krsna) - BG 18.54
- He who thinks that the living entity is the slayer or that he is slain, does not understand. One who is in knowledge knows that the self slays not nor is slain. BG 2.19 - 1972
- He's not disturbed by mental anxieties, bodily disease, natural disturbances and fighting or quarreling with other living entities
- Hellish living entities
- Here (BG 7.5) it is clearly mentioned that living entities belong to the superior nature (or energy) of the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- Here (in BG 10.3) the word ajam, meaning unborn, should not be confused with the living entities, who are described in the Second Chapter as ajam. BG 1972 purports
- Here (in BG 15.8) the living entity is described as isvara, the controller of his own body. If he likes, he can change his body to a higher grade, and if he likes he can move to a lower class. BG 1972 purports
- Here (in SB 3.29.15), significantly, it is stated that every living entity has to live by killing another entity; that is the law of nature
- Here (in SB 3.29.35) it is clearly stated, purusah purusam vrajet: the purusa, the living entity, goes to the Supreme Person
- Here (in SB 8.1.9) is a distinction between the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the living entities. Nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam - Katha Upanisad 2.2.13
- Here (in SB 8.6.38) is proof of the omnipotence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is above everyone. There are two classes of living entities - the demons and the demigods - and the Supreme Personality of Godhead is above them both
- Here (SB 3.5.23) aham is explained as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, not the individual living entities
- Here (SB 4.25.11) the words vimana iva are very significant. In this material world even the great King of heaven is also full of anxiety. If even Lord Brahma is full of anxiety, what of these ordinary living entities who are working within this planet
- Here (SB 4.29.74) it is also explained that the living entity comes in contact with the sixteen material elements and is influenced by the three modes of material nature
- Here (to God) the surrendering process is voluntary, and the Lord is worthy to accept the surrender. This surrender by the living entity occurs automatically as soon as he sees the beautiful youthful nature of the Lord
- Here all are living entities, they are prakrti. Actually they are prakrti, but they are falsely dressed as purusa. Falsely dressed
- Here also we can experience that some of the living entities, just like the fishes, they are living in the water very peacefully. But if you are put into the water, you will not be comfortable. Perhaps you will die
- Here are many instances where a dog got salvation by association with a sadhu, because a sadhu engages in the highest philanthropic activities for the benediction of all living entities
- Here in the material world, material nature forces the living entity to change his body due to his different desires for sense gratification
- Here in this material world the living entity, although by nature it is to be enjoyed, but out of ignorance the enjoyed is claiming to be enjoyer
- Here is clear proof (those two principal doorkeepers of the Personality of Godhead have now entered the womb of Diti) of how a living entity coming originally from Vaikunthaloka is encaged in material elements
- Herein (SB 6.16.51) it is said, aham vai sarva-bhutani: the Lord is everything (sarva-bhutani), including the living entities and the material or physical elements
- Higher authorities, not the living entity himself, make this decision (what form of body a man will have in the next life). According to our activities in this life, we either rise or sink. BG 1972 Introduction
- Hiranyakasipu defeated the rulers of all the other planets where there are living entities and brought them under his control. Conquering the abodes of all, he seized their power and influence
- Hiranyakasipu failed to recognize Lord Nrsimhadeva as Lord Visnu. He thought that Nrsimhadeva was some living entity who had acquired such opulence by various pious activities
- Hiranyakasipu thought himself securely protected from any kind of death caused by any living entity within this universe. He also carefully guarded against natural death, which might take place within his house or outside of the house
- Hiranyakasipu was trying to replace Brahma. The material world is so situated that even the position of Lord Brahma, not to speak of ordinary living entities, is sometimes in danger
- Hiranyaksa and Hiranyakasipu, having received the boon that they would not be killed by any other living entity within this universe, were almost immortal, and thus they were completely fearless
- His (a living entity's) constitutional position is to serve (God). After liberation, this service is never stopped. Actual liberation is getting free from misconceptions of life. BG 1972 purports
- His (God's) birth does not, like that of the living entities, take place under the influence of material nature and the bondage of the reactions of past deeds. His works & activities are independent pastimes and are not subject to the reactions of nature
- His (Hiranyakasipu's) first proposal is that he not be killed by any of the different forms of living entities created by Lord Brahma within this material world
- His (Krsna's) body is absolute, beginningless, unborn, and eternal, while the material body of the living being is relative and therefore temporary - it undergoes birth and death
- His (Sadananda Yogindra's) conclusion is that the Supreme Personality of Godhead (isvara) is a transformation of material ignorance and that the living entity (jiva) is covered by ignorance
- His (the living entity's) disease can be cured only when he meets and follows the expert physician, the bona fide spiritual master
- His (the living entity's) form changes according to destiny and by the arrangement of a superior authority which controls the interaction of air and the mental situation
- His (the living entity's) gross body is made up of five elements, his subtle body is made of mind, intelligence, false ego and contaminated consciousness, and he has five active senses and five knowledge-acquiring senses. In this way he merges in matter
- His (the living entity's) state is exactly like that of a criminal whom a king punishes by submerging him in water and then raising him again from the water
- His (the living entity) attempt to become one with the Supreme Lord is a false illusion
- His (the living entity) servitude under the spell of illusory maya is also a manifestation of his eternal condition of service
- His Divine Grace the spiritual master can kindle the spiritual fire from the woodlike living entity by imparting proper spiritual messages injected through the receptive ear
- His previous body had been destroyed, but he, the same Daksa, inspired by the supreme will, created all the desired living entities in the Caksusa manvantara
- How a living entity becomes a victim of the material condition is lucidly explained in this verse (SB 6.2.38). The beginning is to misidentify the body as one's self
- How a living entity gets different kinds of bodies will be explained in the next chapter (SB 3.30). This continual change of bodies in birth and death is called samsara
- How can there be meaning to the word "lord" if there is no one to overlord? The conclusion is that the living entities are considered to be expansions of the energy of the Supreme Lord, and the Lord, the Personality of Godhead, Krsna, is the energetic
- How can these superior powers control the evolutionary process of the living entity if they are not free from all imperfection? The followers of the Vedic instructions can't accept the Darwinian theory of evolution for it is marred by imperfect knowledge
- How he (the living entity) is put into different bodies is explained here (BG 13.22). It is due to association with the different modes of nature. BG 1972 purports
- How he (the living entity) suffers in the cycle of happiness and distress is described in the next verse - in SB 7.13.31
- How the living entity becomes liberated from the modes of material nature after surrendering unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead is illustrated by the example of a sleeping man within a room
- How the living entity comes into contact with material nature, how he is delivered by the Supreme Lord through the different methods of fruitive activities, cultivation of knowledge, and the discharge of devotional service are explained. BG 1972 purports
- How the living entity falls down from the spiritual world
- How then can the living entity become forgetful of his real identity as pure spirit soul and identify with matter unless influenced by something beyond himself? The conclusion is that the living entity is influenced by the avidya potency
- How then does the living entity become subjected to ignorance and covered by the influence of maya? The Lord is the father and protector of every living entity, and He is known as the bhuta-bhrt, or the maintainer of the living entities
- Human beings are advanced living entities, and they have created modern civilization by utilizing dull, inert matter. This is our superiority. However, we are also prakrti as well as para prakrti. In this way, we have to understand tattva jnana
- Human beings discriminate. We write, "In God we trust," but one who trusts in God must be equally kind and merciful toward all living entities. That is God consciousness
- Human body, you get developed consciousness. Just like this tree, it is also a living entity, but its consciousness is not yet fructified. If you cut the tree, it does not resist
- Human form of life is a great boon to the living entity who is traveling through the cycle of birth and death, perpetually changing different sorts of body. Here is the opportunity, we can utilize the tongue properly and get out of these clutches
- Human life is a means by which the living entity can end all the miseries of the hard struggle for life in material existence and by which he can return to Godhead, his eternal home
- Human life is especially meant for self-realization. "Self" refers to the Superself and the individual self, the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the living entity
- Human life is simply awarded to a living entity (jiva) so that he can realize his spiritual identity and his permanent source of happiness
- Hundreds and millions of plans are made by all kinds of living entities, but without the sanction of the Supreme Lord they are futile
- Hundreds and thousands of living entities meet death at every moment, but a foolish living being nonetheless thinks himself deathless and does not prepare for death. This is the most wonderful thing in this world
- I am living entity, spirit soul, and because I am in this material world, I have accepted this material body under the regulation of the material laws. Otherwise why there are so many varieties of life
- I am so pleased to learn that you have taken Krishna Consciousness as the most valuable gift. One who can understand this, is not an ordinary living entity, but is the most fortunate
- I am the origin of everything, including Visnu, Brahma, Siva, living entities, everything. - Iti matva. So intelligent persons, if I have to love, why not love the greatest personality, Krsna, who is cent percent perfect? That is your selection
- I appear or any living entity appears in this material world. That is not under my control. As soon as I give up this body, I am fully under the control of nature. The nature will offer me a particular type of body according to my work
- I can remember some of the incidences of my childhood, of my boyhood, of my youthhood. Therefore I am permanent. That is the real understanding of the living entity
- I have got this valuable life, human form of life. Why I shall become a living entity like hogs and dogs? This is called tapasya
- I know that you are now Vidura due to the cursing of Mandavya Muni and that formerly you were King Yamaraja, the great controller of living entities after their death. You were begotten by the son of Satyavati, Vyasadeva, in the kept wife of his brother
- I may be thinking, "This is my son," but in actuality I cannot beget any son. It is not possible. At the utmost I can only beget a body. It is not within any man's power to beget a living entity
- I offer my obeisances unto Him, because the Supreme Personality of Godhead is transcendental to material nature and the living entities, because He is devoid of such a material body, and because He is always glorious in His spiritual qualities
- I offer my respectful obeisances unto You, the all-pervading Lord Visnu, who have entered the cores of the hearts of all living entities. All the three worlds reside within Your navel, yet You are above the three worlds
- I shall become a merciful, well-wishing friend to all living entities and always absorb myself in Krsna consciousness
- Identification with the body and the place where the body is obtained under different conceptions of socialism, nationalism, family affection, and so on and so forth is all due to forgetfulness of the real nature of the living entity
- If a animal or a living entity is put into the water, the however expert swimmer he may be, it is struggle. In the water
- If a king, to learn how to kill, may go to the forest and kill animals, why should a living entity, who has been given senses, not be allowed unrestricted sense gratification
- If a leader is actually kindhearted and deserves to be the object of a living entity's faith, how can he punish or kill a foolish person who has fully surrendered in good faith and friendship?
- If a living entity has polluted intelligence, he prolongs his materialistic life. Frustrated by material nature, he must follow the movements of the intelligence, which brings various conditions of happiness and distress
- If a living entity says that he is not controlled but that he is free, then he is insane. The living being is controlled in every respect, at least in his conditioned life. BG 1972 Introduction
- If a living entity simply understands that his constitutional position is to serve Krsna and he tries to act on this principle, then however conditioned he may be, the influence of maya immediately vanishes
- If a living entity takes to those ritualistic activities by which pure devotional service to the Lord is developed in the association of pure devotees, then one's mind naturally becomes attracted to devotional service
- If a living entity were equal to the Supreme Lord, there would be no possibility of his being controlled by material energy
- If a person in the mode of goodness happens to hear this Mayavadi philosophy, he falls down, for when teaching Mayavadi philosophy, I (Lord Siva) say that the living entity and the Supreme Lord are one and the same
- If a woman dresses like a man and wants to act like man, that is artificial. That is not possible. Similarly, a living entity is not purusa; he is prakrti. But because he wanted to enjoy this material world, nature has given him a dress like a purusa
- If actually one person is God conscious, he must be sympathetic with the troubles of his neighbor, or anyone, not only human being; animals also. They are also living entities
- If by good fortune the living entity meets a bona fide representative of God who gives him the seed of devotional service, and if he takes advantage of such a guru, or His representative, he receives the bhakti-lata-bija, the seed of devotional service
- If even a small number of human beings take it (Krsna consciousness movement) seriously, then by their chanting loudly, all living entities, including even trees, animals and other lower species, will be benefited
- If even an insignificant living entity who is but a part of the Supreme Lord can produce so much of a chemical, how much potency there must be in the body of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- If He (the Absolute Truth) were alone, how could He have produced or generated the infinitesimal living entities?
- If he (the living entity) again misses the opportunity (of the human form of life), he is again put into the cycle of birth and death, going sometimes higher and sometimes lower, turning on the samsara-cakra, the wheel of material existence
- If he (the living entity) comes in contact with a pure devotee and is intelligent enough to take instructions from the pure devotee regarding the process of devotional service, he can understand God, the origin of Brahman and Paramatma without difficulty
- If he (the living entity) has fixed his consciousness on godly qualities, he will change into the form of a demigod. BG 1972 purports
- If he (the living entity) has made his consciousness like that of a cat or dog, he is sure to change to a cat's or dog's body. BG 1972 purports
- If he (the living entity) is absorbed in material thoughts and ignorant of spiritual life, and if he does not take shelter under the lotus feet of the SPG, Govinda, who solves all questions of birth and death, he will become a woman in the next life
- If he (the living entity) is in Krsna consciousness, he will be transferred to Krsnaloka in the spiritual world and will associate with Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- If he (the living entity) places himself under the guidance of a spiritual master and does everything sincerely, immediately the Lord, who is situated within everyone’s heart, dictates how to serve Him - dadami buddhi-yogam tam
- If he (the living entity) properly cultivates Krsna consciousness, he is then gradually elevated to the spiritual world
- If he (the living entity) sincerely surrenders unto Krsna by simply saying once, "My dear Lord Krsna, from this day I am Yours," he at once gets out of the clutches of material energy
- If in a kalpa a suitable living entity is not available to take charge of Brahma's post, the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself personally expands and becomes Lord Brahma
- If in some kalpa there is no suitable living entity capable of acting in Brahma's capacity, Garbhodakasayi Visnu Himself manifests as Brahma and acts accordingly
- If in this human life of full consciousness the living entity does not realize his completeness in relation to the Complete Whole, he loses the chance to realize his completeness and is again put into the evolutionary cycle by the law of material nature
- If Krsna, the form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is considered by the impersonalists to be maya, to be material, then He would, like the living entity, change His body and forget everything in His past life. BG 1972 purports
- If living entities are engaged in hearing about the unlimited potencies of the Supreme Lord, they are factually connected directly to the unlimited. Such understanding of the unlimited becomes unlimited by hearing and chanting
- If one does not accept the living entity to be a minute, infinitesimal spark of the Supreme but equates the jiva-tattva with the Supreme Brahman or Supreme PG, it must be understood that his entire philosophy is based on a misunderstanding
- If one does not clearly understand the meaning of parinama-vada, or transformation of energy, one is sure to misunderstand the truth regarding this material cosmic manifestation and the living entities
- If one does not develop knowledge and practical application of knowledge through the help of a spiritual master and the sastras - if one misuses this opportunity - then in the next life he is sure to be born in a species of nonmoving living entities
- If one engages only in caring for the necessities of the body, not caring for the eternal necessities of life, then he is part of a civilization whose advancement puts the living entities in the darkest region of ignorance
- If one makes friendship with Krsna, one will never be cheated, and he will get all help needed. Arousing this consciousness of the conditioned soul is the greatest service, not posing oneself as a great friend of another living entity
- If one set of living entities is actually delivered by the Krsna consciousness movement, another set will fill the entire universe
- If one's dreams during sleep are merely subject matters witnessed by the Supersoul, how can the living entity, who is different from the Supersoul, remember the activities of dreams? The experiences of one person cannot be understood by another
- If out of frustration we (living entities) try to become inactive, we shall fail in our attempt. We must engage in activities
- If possible, he (Hiranyakasipu) wanted to rule the universe eternally. These are demonstrations of the spirit of the demoniac living entity
- If Sankarsana is understood to represent the living entities created from the body of Vasudeva, the living entities would have to be noneternal
- If such insignificant living entities can enjoy life within the water, why can't the Supreme Lord, who is all-powerful, sleep on the cool body of a serpent and enjoy in the turmoil of violent ocean waves
- If the demigods are subject to fear, what of ordinary living entities? Material life is not very happy because we are always fearful of something. No one can say, "I am not afraid of anything." Everyone is afraid of something
- If the developing embryo is destroyed in some way or other, the living entity has to take shelter in another body or in the womb of another woman
- If the educational system dealt with the proper utilization of what God is supplying, it would improve. All the fruits and grains we eat are given by God, who supplies food to all living entities
- If the illusory energy subsides and the living entity becomes fully enriched with knowledge by the grace of the Lord, then he becomes at once enlightened with self-realization and thus becomes situated in his own glory
- If the individual soul were not controlled by the Supersoul, then how could one explain the Vedic version that a living entity transmigrates from one body to another and enjoys or suffers the effects of his past deeds?
- If the living entities are accepted as minute energies of Your Lordship, then they are at once subject to Your supreme control (BG 10.87.30). BG 1972 purports
- If the living entities are simply satisfied with being identical with You as spiritual particles, then they will be happy being controllers of so many things
- If the living entities had been created from material nature at a certain point, they would be noneternal and would have no chance to be liberated and associate with the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- If the living entities take advantage of the Lord's instructions as given in the Bhagavad-gita and develop Krsna consciousness, then their lives become sublime, and they can go back to Godhead
- If the living entities were not infinitesimal sparks of the Supreme Spirit, each minute spark would be all-pervading and could not be controlled by a superior power
- If the living entities were not spiritual, this description of impregnation by the Supreme Lord would not be applicable
- If the living entity adulterates his consciousness with the qualities of cats and dogs, in his next life he gets a cat or dog body and enjoys. BG 1972 purports
- If the living entity again misses his chance in the human form to understand his position, he is again placed in the cycle of birth and death in various types of bodies
- If the living entity by chance or fortune comes in contact with the KCM and wishes to associate with that movement, Krsna, who is situated in everyone’s heart, gives him the chance to meet a bona fide spiritual master. This is called guru-krsna-prasada
- If the living entity is accepted as a minute part & parcel of the Supreme Lord he automatically becomes controlled by a supreme energy or power. The latter is his actual constitutional position, & if he remains in this position he can attain full freedom
- If the living entity is eternally a fragmental part, how can he become one with the whole? The part is never equal to the whole. That is an axiomatic truth. So it is a wrong conception to try to become equal to God
- If the living entity is put into the body of a demigod, he must act according to his body. This is the law of nature. But in all circumstances, the Supersoul is with the individual soul. BG 1972 purports
- If the living entity obeys the Supreme Lord's orders, he becomes happy. If he does not, he becomes unhappy. Therefore the living entity creates his own happiness or unhappiness. The Supreme Lord does not enforce these on anyone
- If the living entity tries to understand that he is an eternal servant of Krsna, there will no longer be misery for him
- If the mind of the father is not sober, the semen discharged will not be very good. Thus the living entity, wrapped in the matter produced from the father and mother, will be demoniac like Hiranyaksa and Hiranyakasipu
- If the people of the world accepts this philosophy, Krsna consciousness, there is no more higher and lower level. Samah sarvesu bhutesu (BG 18.54). Samah means equal - all living entities on the same level
- If the SP of God, who is one without a second, who is the reservoir of all transcendental qualities, and who is the life & soul of all living entities, is pleased with us, we wish that this brahmana, Durvasa Muni, be freed from the pain of being burned
- If the sparks somehow or other fall out of the fire, they lose their natural illumination; thus it is ascertained that the living entities come into this material world exactly as sparks fall from a great fire
- If the Supreme Being is maintaining millions of trillions of living entities, He is great, or the living entities who are maintained by God, they are great? Therefore God is great & we are subordinate. This is natural conclusion. How you can go otherwise
- If there were a servant in the office who tried to occupy the position of employer, would the employer like it? Similarly, any living entity who is trying to become God is not very much to God's liking
- If they (mayavadi sannyasis) have left this world, considering it mithya, false, why do they return to take up politics, philanthropy, and sociology? Actually this is bound to happen, for we are living entities and are active
- If they (the living entities) are influenced by the modes of passion and ignorance, they are vaisyas, and if they are influenced by ignorance, they are sudras
- If they (the living entities) are primarily influenced by the mode of goodness, they are called brahmanas, and if they are influenced by the mode of passion, they are called ksatriyas
- If they are accepted, however, as particles of the eternally existing spiritual entity - as part of You, who are the supreme spirit whole - we must conclude that they are always under Your control
- If they remain unreasonably stuck up in their own concocted philosophy, then it is difficult. But it is a fact that the living entity is eternally one with and different from God. Find this verse: mamaivamso jiva-loke - BG 15.7
- If we can see by our practical experience there are living entities in the water, so why not living entities in the fire? And in the Bhagavad-gita it is said that living entity, this spiritual spark, is not affected by material influence
- If we divide the tip of a hair into a 100 parts and then take 1 of these parts and divide it again into a 100 parts, that very fine division is the size of but one of the numberless living entities. They are all cit-kana, particles of spirit, not matter
- If we divide the tip of a hair into a hundred parts and then take one of these parts and divide it again into a hundred parts, that very fine division is the size of but one of the numberless living entities
- If we divide the tip of a hair into one hundred parts and then take one part and divide this into another one hundred parts, that ten-thousandth part is the dimension of the living entity. This is the verdict of the chief Vedic mantras
- If we go deep into the water, we find aquatics; if we go into the sky, we find so many birds. How is it possible to conclude that other planets have no living entities
- If we go on eating meat, then we revolt against the will of God, because God is the father of all living entities
- If we living entities want to actually associate with Radharani, that may be possible, although She is not an ordinary woman. We can become associates of Radharani by qualifying ourselves in advanced devotional service
- If we simply study our own bodies, we can understand how a living entity is always aloof from this bodily encagement. Every action of the body takes place by the interactions of the three modes of material nature
- If we study each and every living entity, we will find that he will defy offers of a more comfortable position. Although King Puranjana was attacked from all sides, he was unwilling to leave the city
- If we study the living entities in the cosmic manifestation, it will appear that they are not different from the original Absolute Truth
- If we wish to show real mercy, we will preach Krsna consciousness in order to revive the lost consciousness of human beings, the living entity's original consciousness
- If you (the hunter) half-kill the animals, they suffer great pain, Narada explained. And if you give too much pain to other living entities, you commit great sin
- If you argue that "What is the harm if I kill one animal, because it is said, na hanyate hanyamane sarire (BG 2.20): 'The living entity, soul, is never killed even after the annihilation of this body'?" that is all right. But you cannot force him
- If you become envious to other living entities and if you become friend of particular living entity, that is not good qualification
- If you can analyze the characteristics of the living entity, then you can at least understand what is God, what is the characteristics of God. Therefore the beginning of spiritual education is to understand one's self, this self-realization
- If you desire the deliverance of all living entities within the universe, then all of them can be delivered even without your undergoing the tribulations of sinful activity
- If you don't pay tax, then you are liable to be punished. That is papa. Similarly, we are obliged to so many living entities, demigods, saintly persons
- If you miss this human form of life, then it is a great loss. That is a great chance given to the living entity to get out of the entanglement of material existence
- If you simply are proud of these heaps of stones and woods and iron, that is not civilization. Civilization is that the living entity who is using these resources, to know what is the actual business
- If you want to show any mercy at all to the living entities, then enlighten them in Krsna consciousness, as Prahlada Maharaja did. Otherwise, it is materially beyond your power to show mercy
- If, by good fortune, a living entity develops faith in Krsna, he begins to associate with devotees
- If, therefore, the living entity again associates with the path of unrighteousness, influenced by sensually minded people engaged in the pursuit of sexual enjoyment and the gratification of the palate, he again goes to hell as before
- Illusioned by the material nature, the living entity identifies with false ego. More clearly, when the living entity is entrapped by the material body, he at once identifies with the bodily relationships, forgetting his own identity as spirit soul
- Illusioned living entities are given a chance at intervals to rectify their perverted mentality of becoming false masters of the material nature, and they are imparted lessons from the Vedas about their eternal relationship with the Supreme Lord Krsna
- Imagining the living entity to be God, Sankaracarya has misrepresented all the mantras of the Vedanta-sutra with the motive of proving that there is no separate existence of the living entities and the Supreme Absolute Truth
- Impersonalist philosophers (Mayavadis) maintain that both the living entity and God Himself are under the control of maya when they come into this material world. This may be true of the living entity, but it is not true of God
- In a fire there are many sparks of different dimensions; some of them are very big, and some are small. The small sparks are compared to the living entities, and the large sparks are compared to the Visnu expansions of Lord Krsna
- In addition to the various flowers and living entities about the lake, there were also many musical vibrations. The void of the impersonalists, which has no variegatedness, is not at all pleasing compared with such a scene
- In Africa, Australia, and many other places there is still vacant land that is undeveloped. Why is it undeveloped? Because the superior energy of advanced living entities has not touched it
- In all cases the living entity thinks himself to be the master of his circumstances, yet he is under the influence of material nature. BG 1972 purports
- In all living entities, one spirit soul is there, although they have different bodies in terms of their previous work. BG 1972 purports
- In all species of life, in all forms of life, they are all our svajana, kinsmen. How it cannot be? Because Krsna is the original father. This is Krsna consciousness. Therefore a devotee of Krsna does not want to commit a little harm to any living entity
- In all the activities of creation and annihilation, the living entity is entangled in fruitive activities, which are executed by the illusory energy, maya. He is exactly like a computer handled by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In all Vedic literatures we find that the attainment of this loving relationship between the living entity and the Supreme Lord is the goal of devotional service
- In answering King Pariksit's question, Sukadeva Gosvami replied that the S P of Godhead has created the mind, senses and living force of the living entity for the purpose of sense gratification and transmigration from one kind of body to another
- In any case, the material bodies of all animals and men are foreign to the living entity. They change according to the living entity's desire for sense gratification. In the cycle of evolution, the living entity changes bodies one after another
- In any form of life and on any planet in the material world, a living entity cannot be happy because everything in the material world is unsuitable for the spirit soul
- In between the two worlds, material and spiritual, there is one energy. That is living energy. We living entities, we are marginal energy. We are also energy
- In BG 15.15 Krsna says: "I am seated in everyone's heart, and from Me come remembrance, knowledge and forgetfulness." The living entities are completely absorbed in the three states of wakefulness, dreaming and deep sleep through their intelligence
- In BG 15.15 Sri Krsna says: "I am seated in everyone's heart, and from Me come remembrance, knowledge and forgetfulness." In the animal form the living entity is completely forgetful of his relationship with God. This is called apohanam, or forgetfulness
- In BG 5.29, Krsna says: The sages, knowing Me as the ultimate purpose of all sacrifices & austerities, the Supreme Lord of all planets & demigods and the benefactor and well-wisher of all living entities, attains peace from the pangs of material miseries
- In Bhagavad-gita (15.7) the Lord (Krsna) says, mamaivamso jiva-loke jiva-bhutah sanatanah: "The living entities in this conditioned world are My eternal, fragmental parts"
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 14.4) the Lord says: It should be understood that all living entities, in all species of life, O son of Kunti, are made possible by birth in this material nature, and that I (Krsna) am the seed-giving father
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 15.7) the Lord says: The living entities in this conditioned world are My eternal fragmental parts. Due to conditioned life, they are struggling very hard with the six senses, which include the mind
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.61) it is said: "The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart, O Arjuna, and is directing the wanderings of all living entities, who are seated as on a machine, made of the material energy"
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.61) it is said: The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart, O Arjuna, and is directing the wanderings of all living entities, who are seated as on a machine, made of material energy
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 3.10) it is confirmed that Lord Brahma created all living entities, including human beings and demigods, and advised them to perform yajna according to their material desires - saha-yajnah prajah srstva
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.14) it is said, daivi hy esa guna-mayi mama maya duratyaya: the living entities are all entangled in the three modes of material nature
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.5) the Lord says: Besides this inferior nature, O mighty-armed Arjuna, there is a superior energy of Mine, which consists of all the living entities who are struggling with material nature and are sustaining the universe
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.29) the Lord says, samo'ham sarva-bhutesu: "I am equal to all living entities." Similarly, Lord Siva is a qualitative incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, so he has almost the same qualities as the Supreme Lord
- In Bhagavad-gita five principal subject matters have been discussed: the Supreme Personality of Godhead, material nature, the living entities, eternal time and all kinds of activities. All of these are dependant on the SP of Godhead, Krsna. BG 1972 pur
- In Bhagavad-gita it is clearly explained that the living entity is the proprietor of this body (ksetra jna) and that the body is the field of activities (ksetra)
- In Bhagavad-gita it is said that the living entities, who are parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord, are eternally parts and parcels
- In Bhagavad-gita the living entity is described as one of the energies of the Supreme Lord. Although inseparable from the energetic, energy is still energy, and it cannot be equal with the energetic
- In Bhagavad-gita the Lord clearly says, mrtyuh sarva-haras caham: (BG 10.34) "I am all-devouring death." Thus mrtyu, or death, is the representative who takes everything away from the living entity who has accepted a material body
- In Bhagavad-gita the Lord says that He impregnates mother nature with children, living entities, and thereafter all species of living entities become manifest. The relationship of all living entities with material nature has been explained
- In Bhagavad-gita we find it said by the Lord that the living entities are sarva-gata, or present in every sphere of life
- In Bhagavad-gita, matter is analyzed as apara, or inferior nature, whereas beyond this inferior nature there is another, superior nature - the living entities
- In Brahma the opulence of creative power is invested, and in King Prthu the power for maintaining the living entities is invested. Similarly, in Parasurama the power for killing evil elements is invested
- In commenting on Vedanta-sutra 2.2.42, Sankaracarya has claimed that Sankarsana is a jiva, an ordinary living entity, but there is no evidence in any Vedic scripture that devotees of the Lord have ever said that Sankarsana is an ordinary living entity
- In complete contrast with the influence of this atmosphere on the minds of the living entities within the material world is the description of the spiritual world. The women there are hundreds and thousands of times more beautiful than the women here
- In conditional life the living entity actually remains as if a captive in the hands of material energy. Whatever the material energy dictates, the conditioned soul does
- In conditional life the living entity creates a series of bodies one after another, and this is called karma-bandhana
- In conditional life the living entity is attracted by a face, eyebrows or eyes, a voice or anything. In short, everything becomes attractive
- In conditional life, the living entity is temporarily with many other conditioned souls
- In conditional life, the living entity moves turbulently in the whirlpool of birth and death
- In contrast with the ordinary living entity, those who are transcendentalists are really learned. Such transcendentalists do not perform any work in the manner of the common mundaner
- In Darwin's theory there is no acceptance of the living entity as spirit soul, and therefore his explanation of evolution is incomplete
- In different planets there are different atmospheres due to 1 of these 5 elements (earth, water, air, fire & space) prevailing, and there are different bodies for the living entities composed of whatever element may be predominant in a particular planet
- In different types of bodies, the living entity enjoys various senses, and through creating various types of facilities, he chews the chewed
- In different types of bodies, the Lord (isvara) gives directions as Paramatma, and again, to destroy the body, He employs the tamo-guna. This is the way the living entities receive different types of bodies
- In due course of time, the Supreme Personality of Godhead (Maha-Vaikunthanatha), by the agency of an expansion of His personal self (Maha-Visnu), placed the seed of the living entities within the womb of material nature
- In each and every planet there are oceans, hills, states and kingdoms, and each planet is giving shelter to so many living entities. They are all standing on the earth of feet and legs, torso and shoulders
- In each and every species of life, the living entity gets a body to satisfy various senses, but he cannot enjoy all his senses at one time
- In each body the living entity performs so many acts. Sometimes he becomes a great hero - just like Hiranyakasipu and Kamsa or, in the modern age, Napoleon or Hitler
- In each creation, the living entities are given a chance to close their business as conditioned souls. When they misuse this opportunity and do not go back home, back to Godhead, Lord Sankarsana becomes angry
- In every item we can note with profit that the sense organs of the living entity are never independent at any stage
- In every living entity these propensities (desires, ambitions and so on) exist because he is a living entity. When materially contaminated, however, one is put into the hands of material misery (janma-mrtyu jara-vyadhi) - BG 13.9
- In every samhita, the jiva (living entity) has been accepted as eternal, and in the Pancaratras the birth of the jiva is completely denied
- In general, there are many types of miseries that take advantage of the delicate human body and give us pain. Miseries inflicted by other living entities are called adhibhautika. For example, bedbugs can make us miserable while we are sleeping
- In God's eyes there is no such discrimination. What to speak of God, even a learned man's vision, there is no such discrimination, "This is poor, this is rich, this is black, this is white. . ." No. Everyone is living entity, part and parcel of God
- In his (the living entity) constitutional position, a living entity is above the three modes of material nature, but association with material nature entangles him in the different modes of material nature, goodness, passion and ignorance. BG 1972 pur
- In his (the living entity) original state there is no doubt of enjoyment; therefore that is his real state. Because of the desire to lord it over material nature, he is in the material world. In the spiritual world there is no such thing. BG 1972 purports
- In his bewildered state, the living entity, accepting the body and mind to be the self, considers some people to be his kinsmen and others to be outsiders. Because of this misconception, he suffers
- In his conditional life, the living entity considers himself to be the lord of this material world, but in his liberated state he enters into the spiritual kingdom and becomes the associate of the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- In His eternal, blissful form, Lord Krsna is accepted by Arjuna as param brahma. A living entity in the conditioned stage accepts something illusory as substantial. This is called maya or avidya - ignorance
- In his original identity the living entity is indestructible, and so also are his original spiritual qualities. One can kill neither the spirit soul nor his spiritual qualities
- In his pure consciousness there is no such misconceived dream, and in that pure conscious state the living entity does not forget that he is never the Lord, but that he is eternally the servitor of the Lord in transcendental love
- In His sankhya-yoga, Lord Kapiladeva explains: suhrdah sarva-dehinam (SB 3.25.21). Living entities assume different bodily forms
- In His veins were all the rivers, on His nails were all the stones, in His intelligence were Lord Brahma, the demigods and the great saintly persons, and throughout His entire body and senses were all living entities, moving and stationary
- In his wanderings in the different species of life, the living entity may taste some type of enjoyment in one body or another, but full enjoyment of the senses cannot be obtained in any material body
- In illusion the living entity is serving in this material world. He is bound by his lust and desires, yet he thinks of himself as the master of the world. This is called illusion. BG 1972 purports
- In KC every man is so important because all of the activities of a devotee of Lord Krishna is beneficial to all living entities. So if there are any questions that he would like me to help him with, I am always at your service to help in any way I can
- In knowledge the living entity is qualitatively one with the Supreme Brahman, but the quantity of the Supreme Brahman is not the same as that of the living entity, who is part of Brahman
- In Krsna consciousness we do not think, "My brother is good, and I am good, but all others are bad." This is the kind of narrow, crippled consciousness we reject. Rather, in Krsna consciousness we look equally toward all living entities
- In material existence the living entity simply hankers to get something he can never get. Therefore he is in illusion. As a result of being in this illusory situation, the living entity is always lamenting
- In material existence the material energy is seemingly the mother of the living entities, and the Lord is the father
- In material existence, the living entities are afraid of Satanic influence, but for a devotee on the transcendental plane there is no such fear at all
- In material existence, the living entity possesses many things - the material body, children, wife and so on. One may think that these will give him protection, but that is impossible
- In material nature he (the living entity) is sometimes manifested as a man, demigod, an animal, a beast, bird, etc., according to his karma. BG 1972 purports
- In material nature he (the living entity) may take a body from any of the 8,400,000 species of life, but in spiritual nature he has only one body. BG 1972 purports
- In material, conditional existence, the living entity gives power of attorney to his mind. As such, he is liable to be misdirected by his mind into enjoying sense objects. Srila Ambarisa therefore first engaged his mind upon the lotus feet of the Lord
- In modern so-called scientific society the idea is very prevalent that there is no life on other planets but that only on this earth do living entities with intelligence and scientific knowledge exist
- In Narada's statement it is confirmed that Krsna was able to illusion even Lord Brahma and Lord Siva as well as Indra. So there is no question of Krsna's power to do the same to lesser living entities
- In no circumstance, therefore, can the Supersoul and the individual living entity be taken as one, although both of them enter within the material body of a living entity
- In old age he (the living entity) sometimes becomes afraid of imminent death, which is compared to a roaring lion. To save himself from the lion's attack, he takes shelter of some bogus svamis, yogis, incarnations, pretenders and cheaters
- In order to fulfill their (living entities) desire to lord it over the material energy of material forms and names, they are given a chance for such false enjoyment, and a chance to understand the real position through the revealed scriptures
- In order to regulate the activities of the living entities, God has given us codes, just as a king gives codes of law in a state, and whoever breaks the law is punished
- In other planets, somewhere water is very prominent, somewhere fire is very prominent. In the sun planet, the bodies there... There are also living entities, but their body is so made that it is fiery. They can exist in the fire
- In proportion to the different degrees of passion and ignorance, he (the living entity) suffers material miseries
- In pure devotional service, the only motive should be to please the Supreme Personality of Godhead. That is not actually a motive; that is the pure condition of the living entity
- In purified intelligence a living entity cannot think otherwise than to surrender
- In quality as living entities; they (8,400,000 different forms) are the same, but they are differently dressed. Therefore the learned, know that every one of us who is a living spark, spiritual spark, we are encaged within this body
- In reply to questions asked by certain sages, he (Svayambhuva Manu), out of compassion for all living entities, taught the diverse sacred duties of men in general and the different varnas and asramas
- In Sanskrit these two kinds of living entities are called sthavara jangama, and they both come forth from material nature
- In Siddhaloka (Brahmaloka) there live two kinds of living entities - those who are killed by the SP of Godhead due to their having been demons in their previous lives and those who are very fond of enjoying the impersonal effulgence of the Lord
- In spite of their (Narada, Sanaka, Brahma, Siva) great education in knowledge, and despite their meeting the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Visnu, they cannot actually understand the perfection of the living entity's relationship with Lord Visnu
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 6.3.22) Yamaraja says: Devotional service, beginning with the chanting of the holy name of the Lord, is the ultimate religious principle for the living entity in human society
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam Lord Kapiladeva told His mother that the living entity gets a particular type of body in accordance with his work and that this body is decided upon by higher authorities
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam we also find that the Supreme Lord is defined as one who knows everything. This is not the case with even the most elevated living entities, such as Brahma and Siva. Only Visnu or Krsna knows everything
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam, Third Canto, it is explained that under the control of superior authority a living entity is put within the semen of a male and injected into the womb of a particular female in order to develop a particular type of body
- In such cases (at the time of death), the life air that moves within the body is choked up, and the living entity forgets his identification with the gross body
- In the air there are so many living entities. In the water, unvisible, not seen by the naked eyes. By microscope, we can see so many germs are there in the water, in the air. So why not in the fire?
- In the beginning of creation You created all these moving and nonmoving living entities by Your inconceivable energy. Through this very same energy You are now prepared to protect the living entities
- In the beginning of creation, Lord Brahma, the father of the living entities of the universe, saw that all the living entities were unattached
- In the beginning of the creation there were not many living entities, and consequently the very powerful living entities or demigods were appointed as Prajapatis in order to beget children and increase the population
- In the beginning of the Fifteenth Chapter (of BG), the banyan tree of this material world was explained. The extra roots coming out of it were compared to the activities of the living entities, some auspicious, some inauspicious. BG 1972 purports
- In the beginning the body is the size of a pea. Then it grows to become a baby, then a child, a young boy, a youth, a grown man and an old man, and finally, when it becomes useless, the living entity changes into another body
- In the beginning the living entity wanted to enjoy the material energy, and to give the living entity all facility, Krsna, the SPG, created this material world and gave the living entity the facility to concoct different ideas and plans through the mind
- In the Bhagavad-gita (BG 2.24) we find that the living entities are sarva-gata, which means that they can go anywhere. This indicates that there are living entities everywhere
- In the Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.5) the Lord says: Besides these inferior energies, O mighty-armed Arjuna, there is another, superior energy of Mine, which comprises all living entities who are exploiting the resources of this material, inferior nature
- In the Bhagavad-gita also we have the information of the gradual development of perception from matter to a living entity
- In the Bhagavad-gita it is stated that the Lord remains within the heart of all living entities
- In the Bhagavad-gita it is stated, mamaivamso jiva-bhutah: "The living entities are My part and parcel." So fragmental part of gold is gold; it may be fragmental. Similarly, we are minute particles of God's body - qualitatively, we are as good as God
- In the Bhagavad-gita the Lord clearly says that whenever He appears He does so by His internal potency; He is not forced to accept a body by the laws of karma, like an ordinary living entity
- In the Bhagavad-gita the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, has claimed that He is the father of all living entities, regardless of form. There are 8,400,000 different species of life forms, and Lord Krsna claims that He is the father of all
- In the Bhagavad-gita the whole cosmic manifestation is accepted as the mother of the living entities, and Krsna is the father
- In the Bhagavad-gita we understand from the 16th Chapter that when a living entity becomes envious of Krishna, he is put into the darkest region of material existence
- In the Bhagavad-gita, Arjuna accepted Krsna as param brahma param dhama (BG 10.12). Although the living entities or material nature are sometimes described as Brahman, Parabrahman - the Supreme, the greatest of all Brahmans - is still Krsna, the SPG
- In the Bhagavad-gita, as well as in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, less intelligent persons have been described as devoid of all good sense. Sukadeva Gosvami said that out of the 8,400,000 species of living entities, the human form of life is rare and valuable
- In the Bhagavad-gita, in Sri Krsna’s discourse on the ksetra and the ksetra-jna, it is clearly stated that the ksetra-jna is the living entity, who knows his field of activities
- In the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu it is said that a person whose only desire is to render transcendental loving service to the Lord is a free person in any condition of material existence.That service attitude is the svarupa, real form, of the living entity
- In the Brahma-samhita it is stated that although He (Krsna) is the oldest personality among all living entities, He always looks like a new, youthful boy. That is the characteristic of a spiritual body
- In the Brhad-aranyaka Upanisad (4.3.16) it is stated, asango hy ayam purusah: the living entity is always free from the contamination of the material world
- In the Caitanya-caritamrta it is confirmed by Lord Caitanya that the living entities are wandering within this universe in different species of life
- In the Caitanya-caritamrta it is said that nitya-siddha krsna-bhakti: "The loving attitude of the living entity towards Krsna is nitya-siddha." That is eternally fact
- In the Caitanya-caritamrta it is said, ekale isvara krsna, ara saba bhrtya (CC Adi 5.142). This means that Krsna alone is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and all others, even the visnu-tattva and certainly the living entities, are His servitors
- In the Caitanya-caritamrta it is stated that a maha-bhagavata, or highly advanced devotee, sees Krsna as the active principle in all movable & immovable living entities. Therefore he sees everything within this cosmic manifestation in relation to Krsna
- In the Caitanya-caritamrta Lord Caitanya instructs Rupa Gosvami that the living entities wander in life after life, undergoing the miserable conditions of material existence
- In the conditioned stage of material existence they (the living entities) can hardly appreciate what is the factual, existential, cognizable and pure happiness of life
- In the conditioned stage of the living entities, there are two kinds of results of fruitive activities: the conditioned living entity who is constantly engaged in sinful activities has suffering as his result
- In the conditioned state a living entity, accepting his body as himself, forgets his eternal relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead and acts on the interest of his body
- In the conditioned state, the living entity acts according to his contaminated intelligence. Although he simply remains an observer, he nonetheless acts, being forced by a contaminated intelligence, which in reality is a passive agent
- In the conditioned state, the living entity is known as jiva-bhuta, or "the living force within matter"
- In the conditioned state, the living entity struggles in this material world and engages his senses for material satisfaction. If the living entity is graced by the Supreme Personality of Godhead he can engage these very senses in the service of the Lord
- In the creation of the material world the Supreme Lord undoubtedly assumes a gigantic body, and living entities also get bodies, big or small, according to necessity
- In the doctrine of the atheist Kapila there are many statements directly against the Vedic principles. Kapila does not accept the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He says that the living entity is himself the Supreme Lord & that no one is greater than him
- In the embryo, the living entity is present in an undeveloped stage. The modern scientific theory that life is a combination of chemicals is nonsense; scientists cannot manufacture living beings, even like those born from eggs
- In the Fifteenth Chapter of the Bhagavad-gita, the Lord says that the living entities are His parts and parcels. There are innumerable living entities throughout the material and spiritual universes, but still Lord Krsna is full in Himself
- In the final analysis, the Supreme Absolute Truth is a Person, & simultaneously He is the all-pervading Supersoul within the hearts of all living entities & within the core of all atoms, & He is the brahmajyoti or the effulgence of spiritual light as well
- In the first day of intercourse of the father-mother, the secretion mix together, emulsified, and if the living entity is allowed to enter into that, it grows. That is the beginning of our body
- In the first six chapters of Bhagavad-gita the knower of the body (the living entity) and the position by which he can understand the Supreme Lord are described
- In the first six chapters of Bhagavad-gita, the knower of the body, the living entity, and the position by which he can understand the Supreme Lord are described. BG 1972 purports
- In the first six chapters of Bhagavad-gita, the living entity has been described as nonmaterial spirit soul which is capable of elevating himself to self-realization by different types of yogas. BG 1972 purports
- In the forest of the material world there are many animals and birds, trees and creepers. Sometimes the living entity wants to take shelter of the creepers; in other words, he wants to be happy by being embraced by the creeperlike arms of his wife
- In the forest of the material world, the living entity first of all wants to be very happy by taking shelter of the creeperlike arms of his wife and hearing her sweet voice
- In the form of a human being, the living entity may revive a little Krsna consciousness, and, if he makes further development, the fire of spiritual life can be kindled in the human form of life. BG 1972 purports
- In the fourth stage, called vatsalya-rati, the fraternal affection evinced in the preceding stage develops into paternal affection. At this time the living entity tries to be the parent of God
- In the Gita it is stated that the living entity is never born, and he never dies. He is eternal and indestructible, and he continues to live after the destruction of his temporary material body. BG 1972 Introduction
- In the hellish condition within the womb, the living entity is very much afraid of being born again
- In the higher sky there are living entities who can travel through the air without being hampered. Although we can travel in outer space, we are hampered by so many impediments, but they are not
- In the human form of life they (the living entities) are supposed to know this through the system of the varnas, the social orders
- In the human form of life, a living entity is expected to be sane and to follow the regulations given for elevating his life to the highest platform, but if he does not follow them, then he degrades himself. BG 1972 purports
- In the human form of life, however, one should be intelligent enough to ask what he is, why he has come into the world, what his duty is, who is the supreme controller, what is the difference between dull matter and the living entity, etc
- In the human form of life, the living entity must accept this instruction from the Supreme Person, Krsna: "Do not plan to achieve happiness and drive away distress. You will never be successful. Simply surrender unto Me" - BG 18.66
- In the Krsna conscious state, the living entity engages in devotional service under the direction of the spiritual master. In this way he gets out of the clutches of maya and takes shelter under the lotus feet of Lord Krsna
- In the Laghu-bhagavatamrtam it is defined that these saktyavesa avatara, they are all living entities; they are not on the level of Visnu-tattva. But they have special power and special, I mean to say, opulence to glorify the Supreme Lord
- In the liberated stage the conception is that God is the master and that all living entities, being servants of God, are one
- In the liberated stage the living entity is instrumental to the will of the Personality of Godhead directly
- In the living entities lower than the human being, they follow the nature's way, the allotted food. Just like the tiger eats blood and flesh. If you offer him nice fruit, nice sweetrice, he'll not eat
- In the living entities lower than the human being, they follow the nature's way, their allotted food. So similarly, we are human beings, and we have got special food
- In the material condition of all living entities, there are three stages of dreaming
- In the material condition, the living entity is sometimes raised to higher planetary systems and material prosperity and sometimes drowned in a hellish situation
- In the material creation Brahma has to create all kinds of living entities with bodies suitable to their material conditions. Brahma wants to be protected by the Lord because he has to contact many, many vicious living entities
- In the material potency, the living entity engages himself in fruitive activities, thinking that he can be happy through expansion in terms of material energy. This fact is prominently manifest in this Age of Kali
- In the material state the living entity is on the jiva-bhuta platform, but when he renders devotional service to the Lord, he is elevated to the brahma-bhuta platform - SB 4.30.20
- In the material world a living entity is never satisfied. Even in the position of Brahma or in the position of Indra or Candra, one is full of anxiety simply because he has accepted this material world as a place of happiness
- In the material world a sense of existence, knowledge & pleasure is meagerly exhibited: all living entities, who are minute parts and parcels of God, are eligible to relish such consciousness of existence knowledge & bliss minutely in the liberated stage
- In the material world many living entities come into contact with one another and, increasing their attachment to a particular type of body, become related as father, husband, mother, wife, etc
- In the material world the living entities are already there. You haven't got to create. That is foolishness. It is never created
- In the material world the living entity is encaged within a material body, and due to ignorance he thinks that he is the body. Therefore here the enjoyment of lusty desires between male and female is all material
- In the material world the living entity is enticed by deluding nescience, but in the spiritual world he is in the normal condition of spiritual existence without any delusion. The living entity is known as the marginal potency of the Lord
- In the material world the living entity undergoes six changes-birth, growth, duration, reproduction, then dwindling and vanishing. These are the changes of the material body. BG 1972 purports
- In the material world there is always anxiety or fearfulness in the hearts of all living entities, but the Lord, being Himself the supreme fearless, also awards the same quality of fearlessness to His pure devotees
- In the material world, the living entity must accept different types of bodies. Bhramayan sarva-bhutani yantrarudhani mayaya - BG 18.61
- In the mature stage the developed transcendental feeling culminates in realization of the particular relationship with the Lord by which a living entity is originally constituted - up to the relationship of conjugal love with the Lord
- In the Mukunda-mala-stotra compiled by King Kulasekhara, one of the prayers says, "My dear Lord (Krsna), You are the deliverer of living entities from the hellish condition of materialistic life, but that does not matter to me"
- In the next creation, the same living entities may not be present, but because Brahma and Siva are existing from the beginning to the end, they are called cira-loka-pala, permanent governors
- In the previous verse (in SB 3.29.27) it was explained that living entities should be honored by charitable gifts and friendly behavior
- In the previous verse (SB 4.11.13) it has been explained that one should treat all living entities with tolerance, mercy, friendship and equality. By such behavior one satisfies the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In the process of sacrifice, the living entity makes specific sacrifices to attain specific heavenly planets and consequently reaches them. BG 1972 purports
- In the progress of the living entity toward the perfection of yoga, birth in a family of yogis or devotees is a great boon, for such a birth gives one a special impetus
- In the recent history of warfare the Supreme Personality of Godhead created a Hitler and, before that, a Napoleon Bonaparte, and they each killed many living entities in war. But in the end Bonaparte and Hitler were also killed
- In the same way, if one universe is vacated due to the living entities' having been liberated, that is a very little thing for Krsna. He does not take it very seriously
- In the Second Chapter (of Bhagavad-gita) the Lord explains that a living entity is not the material body but is a spiritual spark, a part of the Absolute Truth. BG 1972 purports
- In the Second Chapter of Bhagavad-gita, the Supreme Lord explained that a living entity is not the material body; he is a spiritual spark. And the Absolute Truth is the spiritual whole
- In the second chapter of the Vedanta-sutra’s second khanda, Acarya Vedavyasa has refuted the conception that the living beings were ever born (natma sruter nityatvac ca tabhyah). Because there is no creation for the living entities, they must be eternal
- In the second stage of self-realization, one comes to know that every soul, every individual living entity, is part and parcel of the Supreme Soul, Paramatma, or the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In the Seventh Chapter (of Bhagavad-gita) He (the Lord) speaks of the living entity as part and parcel of the supreme whole and recommends that he transfer his attention fully to the whole. BG 1972 purports
- In the Sixth Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam we read that when the Vaikuntha-dutas came to take Ajamila, they were four-handed and very beautiful. In the spiritual world, there are four-handed living entities, and they are all nitya-mukta, eternally liberated
- In the Sixth Canto we find the following statements of Yamaraja, the controller of all unfaithful living entities - The principles of religion are initiated by the SPG, & no one else, including the sages and demigods, can manufacture any such principles
- In the spiritual world also there is distinction between living entities. That is variety, spiritual variety
- In the spiritual world both the Lord and the living entities live together very peacefully. Since the living entity remains engaged in the service of the Lord, they both share a blissful life in the spiritual world
- In the spiritual world, the Lord is the sublime enjoyer of everything, and the living entities there are all engaged in His transcendental loving service without any contamination of the modes of material nature
- In the Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 2.5.13) it is stated: The illusory energy, or maya, is ashamed to stand before the Lord. Nonetheless, the living entities are constantly being bewildered by this very illusory energy
- In the Taittiriya Upanisad it is clearly stated, yato va imani bhutani jayante: The Absolute Truth is the original reservoir of all ingredients, and this material world and its living entities are produced from those ingredients
- In the tripad-vibhuti field of actions, or in the spiritual world, there is no forgetfulness by the living entities, who are free from all kinds of contaminations resulting from the forgetful state of existence
- In the uncontaminated condition, the living entity understands that he is the eternal servitor of the Supreme, and that is called Brahman realization, the spiritual perfection of the living entity
- In the Upanisads it is said that the jiva (living entity) and the Paramatma (Supersoul) are like two birds sitting in the same tree
- In the Upanisads the example is given of two birds sitting on a tree. One bird (the jiva, or living entity) is enjoying the fruits of that tree, and the other bird (Paramatma) is simply witnessing
- In the Vaikuntha world all the living entities are in oneness with the Supreme Godhead because they never defy His orders. Here in the material world, however, they are not sammata, agreeable, but always asammata, disagreeable
- In the Vaikunthalokas the Lord is merciful toward the liberated or nitya-mukta living entities, but in His pastimes in the mortal world He is merciful even to the fallen souls who are nitya-baddha, or conditioned forever
- In the Varaha Purana, the living entities are described as separated parts and parcels of the Supreme. They are eternally so, according to the Bhagavad-gita also. BG 1972 purports
- In the various types of bodies given to the living entities by material nature (yantrarudhani mayaya), either sattva-guna, rajo-guna or tamo-guna is prominent
- In the Vedanta-sutra, devotional service is clearly indicated, but the Mayavadi philosophers refuse to accept the spiritual body of the Supreme Absolute Person and refuse to accept that the living entity has an individual existence
- In the Vedanta-sutra, the living entities of different gradations are compared to candles or lamps with different candle power
- In the Vedanta-sutras the living entity is qualified as light because he is part and parcel of the supreme light. As sunlight maintains the entire universe, so the light of the soul maintains this material body. BG 1972 purports
- In the Vedas also it is stated that the eternal living entities are covered by different modes and that they are called tricolored - red, white and blue - living entities
- In the Vedas it is said that the living entity is always free. Asango hy ayam purusah
- In the Vedas it is said that the living entity is always uncontaminated and unaffected by material association. The living entity gets different types of material bodies because of his previous fruitive actions
- In the Vedas it is said that the Supreme Personality of Godhead has already expanded Himself into so many living entities by His energy. Therefore it was not very difficult for Him to expand Himself again into so many boys and calves
- In the Vedas it is said, nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam (Katha Upanisad 2.2.13): the Lord is the chief individual living entity, the leader of the subordinate living entities
- In the Vedas the Supreme Lord is called the supreme eternal of all eternals (nityo nityanam). Both the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the living entities are eternal. The supreme eternals are the visnu-tattva, or Lord Visnu and His expansions
- In the Vedic hymns it is said that the living entities are like the sparks of a fire. The sparks of fire also are fire, but the burning potency of the sparks is different from that of the original fire
- In the Vedic literature (Katha Upanisad) it is stated that the Supreme Lord is the supreme living entity amongst all living entities
- In the Vedic literature, however, it is said that the Supreme Personality of Godhead impregnates the material nature with the living entities and then they come out
- In the Vedic literatures it is said that the Absolute Truth, the Personality of Godhead, is the foremost amongst all living personalities. All living beings, from the first created being, Brahma, down to the smallest ant, are individual living entities
- In the womb of that girl the Pracetas all begot a son named Daksa, who filled the three worlds with living entities
- In the words of Bhaktivinoda Thakura, anadi karama-phale, padi' bhavarnava jale. The living entity falls into the ocean of karma-bandhana as a result of past material activities
- In the words of the Bhagavatam, svarupena vyavasthitih: this (Krsna consciousness) is the "real life of the living entity." BG 1972 purports
- In their (the lowest class of men's (adhama)) opinion, as soon as the designations of the material body are dissolved, the jiva, the living entity, will mix with the Supreme
- In these three verses (SB 4.26.1-3) Narada Muni describes the position of the material body and the encagement of the living entity within it
- In these three verses (SB 4.26.1-3) the activity of the living entity is described to prove how the body becomes influenced by the quality of ignorance, even when a person wants to be religious
- In these three verses (SB 4.26.1-3), King Puranjana's going to the forest to kill animals is symbolic of the living entity's being driven by the mode of ignorance and thus engaging in different activities for sense gratification
- In these three verses the activity of the living entity is described to prove how the body becomes influenced by the quality of ignorance, even when a person wants to be religious
- In these verses (SB 4.29.18-20) the words mrga-trsnam pradhavati are very significant because the living entity is influenced by a thirst for sense enjoyment. He is like a deer that goes to the desert to search out water
- In this (CC Madhya 8.57) connection, Sri Ramanujacarya states in the Vedartha-sangraha that devotional service is naturally very dear to the living entity. Indeed, it is life’s goal
- In this age, so-called kings and presidents do not treat all other living entities as their own self
- In this body there are two living entities. One is myself, the individual soul, atma; and the other is Krsna, Paramatma. Isvarah sarva-bhutanam hrd-dese arjuna tisthati
- In this chapter (SB 3.29) the principles of bhakti-yoga, or devotional service - the execution of activities in the eternal relationship between the living entities and the Personality of Godhead - are explained
- In this cosmic manifestation there are four kinds of living entities - jarayu ja - those born from embryos, anda ja - those born from eggs, sveda ja - those born from perspiration, and udbhijja - those born from seeds
- In this field of activities the living entity is the enjoyer, and different from him is the anandamaya. That means that if the living entity decides to enjoy, in dovetailing himself with the anandamaya, then he becomes perfect. BG 1972 purports
- In this life the mental condition changes in different ways, and the same living entity gets another body in the next life according to his desires
- In this life, an envious person commits violent acts against many living entities. Therefore after his death, when he is taken to hell by Yamaraja, those living entities who were hurt by him appear as animals called rurus to inflict very severe pain
- In this mantra the living entity prays to enter the spiritual kingdom of God after relinquishing his material body and material air
- In this mantra the words ekatvam anupasyatah indicate that one should see the unity of all living entities from the viewpoint of the revealed scriptures
- In this material world he (the living entity) tries to enjoy his senses to his best capacity
- In this material world there are as many living entities as atoms. Among these living entities, a very few are human beings, and among them, few are interested in following religious principles
- In this material world, all living entities are disturbed due to their flickering position. A devotee, however, is fixed in the service of the lotus feet of the Lord, the master of the senses
- In this material world, because our mentality is to enjoy, therefore he is called purusa. Purusah prakrti-stho hi bhunkte prakrti-jan gunan (BG 13.22). Purusa, here purusa, the living entity . . . It is said purusa
- In this material world, material nature is being exploited by the purusas, or the living entities
- In this material world, neither the living entity himself nor others (friends and enemies) are the cause of material happiness and distress. But because of gross ignorance, the living entity thinks that he and others are the cause
- In this material world, which advances like a river that carries away the living entity, all people become friends, relatives and enemies in due course of time
- In this regard, Srila Sridhara Svami has composed a verse which conveys the idea that the supreme source of everything, the S P of God, is so great & unlimited that it is not possible for the living entity to understand Him by any material acquisition
- In this universe there are limitless living entities in 8,400,000 species, and all are wandering within this universe
- In this verse (BG 7.8) Sri Krsna is describing how we can become Krsna conscious fully, in all stages of life. All living entities must drink water. The taste of water is so nice that when we are thirsty nothing but water seems to do
- In this verse (in SB 4.19.3) the word saksat is significant. Prthu Maharaja was a saktyavesa-avatara incarnation of Lord Visnu. Actually Prthu Maharaja was a living entity, but he acquired specific powers from Lord Visnu
- In this verse (SB 3.29.28) and in the following verses, the description of different grades of living entities is given so that one can know when to behave friendly and when to give charity
- In this verse (SB 4.25.28) all these inquiries are made by King Puranjana, the living entity who is bewildered and does not know how to employ his intelligence. Intelligence should be employed in the service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In this verse (SB 4.29.1b) the words daya jivesu, meaning "mercy to other living entities," indicate that a living entity must be merciful to other living entities if he wishes to make progress in self-realization
- In this verse (SB 4.29.70) it is clearly explained that the subtle activities of the mind and intelligence continue due to the sufferings and enjoyments of the living entity's subtle body
- In this verse (SB 5.5.1) Lord Rsabhadeva tells His sons about the importance of human life. The word deha-bhak refers to anyone who accepts a material body, but the living entity who is awarded the human form must act differently from animals
- In this verse (SB 6.17.19) the word ajna is very significant. In the material world, all living entities are ajna, ignorant, in different degrees. This ignorance continues very strongly in the mode of ignorance presented by material nature
- In this way (by distributing prasada to all living entities) the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is situated in everyone's heart, will be worshiped. This is the Vedic system of offering prasada
- In this way (described in the third paragraph of the purport of the Bhagavad-gita 8.3), the living entity perpetually comes and goes on the material path. BG 1972 purports
- In this way (SB 3.31.43) the living entity gets a suitable body with a material mind and senses, according to his fruitive activities
- In this way (sometimes going here and sometimes there and sometimes doing this or that) the living entity wanders throughout the entire universe, imprisoned in various species and thus engaging in various activities for which he must suffer the reactions
- In this way (through study of Vedanta) one may ultimately attain the platform of loving service to the Lord. It is in the living entity’s best interest to understand the Supreme Lord
- In this way a living entity becomes devoid of his real intelligence and becomes perpetually lost in the cycle of birth and death. Thus he goes up and down from a microbe in stool to a high position in the Brahmaloka planet
- In this way all moving and nonmoving living entities will come into existence, and the entire universe will be filled as it was previously
- In this way he (a living entity) performs all sorts of misconceived activities, which lead to his perpetual bondage in repetition of birth and death in various species
- In this way the living entity becomes situated in different species of life, either in a demigod, human or animal body, according to different situations and circumstances
- In those covering layers these bodily elements (earth, fire, water, air, and ether) return, and the living entity goes back to the Spiritual Sky
- In your own heart, through your intellect, you will always see Me, the supreme self-effulgent soul dwelling within the hearts of all living entities. Thus you will achieve the state of eternal life, free from all lamentation and fear
- Indeed, all living entities within this material world are under the control of mahamaya, whose business is to subject them to the influence of threefold miseries
- Indeed, He is the husband and provider of necessities for all living entities. The purpose of all the Vedas is to worship Him. Therefore let us all offer Him our respectful obeisances. May He always be favorable toward us in this life and the next
- Indeed, his (the living entity's) whole conception of the material universe arises from this false identification with the body, for he becomes attached to the body and its by-products
- Indeed, it is due to the presence of the living entity that the body exists and bodily changes take place. Similarly, it is because the Supreme Lord is within this universe that the changes dictated by the material laws occur
- Indeed, you inspire the yajnic brahmanas to perform the rituals mentioned in the three Vedas. Being the Supreme Soul, the Supersoul of all living entities, you are beginningless, endless and omniscient, beyond the limits of time and space
- Indra said, "In the material world there is regular competition between different types of living entities to become supreme leaders of society, and after being frustrated in achieving the supreme positions of leadership, foolish persons claim to be God"
- Indra, King of heaven, receiving benedictions from the Supreme Personality of Godhead and thus enjoying highly developed opulences, maintains the living entities all over the three worlds by pouring sufficient rain on all the planets
- Inexperienced observers presume that the material energy provides both the cause and the elements of the cosmic manifestation and that the living entities are the enjoyers of material nature
- Inferior energy consists of the five gross and three subtle material elements. The living entity, who represents the superior energy, appears in different types of bodies through these elements by the manipulation or supervision of the material energy
- Influenced by the material consciousness of "I" and "mine," he begins to enjoy and suffer through his senses. Thus the living entity is entrapped
- Information we get from Bhagavad-gita, that God is sitting within your heart. That is a fact. Not only within your heart, my heart, the animal's heart - everyone, sarva-bhutanam. Sarva-bhutanam means - Of all living entities
- Instead of focusing on the various external tabernacles of these living entities (their embodiments under various modes of nature), with his absolute vision the karma-yogi penetrates to the spirit which is embodied therein
- Instead of serving materially the different humors of the body the living entity's intelligence then becomes freed from the unhappy illusion of materialistic temperament and by unalloyed intelligence, the mind is brought into the service of the Lord
- Instead of worshiping the Lord, the living entity, as a parent of the Supreme, becomes an object of worship for the Supreme. At this stage the Lord depends on the mercy of His pure devotee and puts Himself under the control of the devotee to be raised
- Instruction should be given to the faithful devotee who is respectful to the spiritual master, nonenvious, friendly to all kinds of living entities and eager to render service with faith and sincerity
- Intelligence comes from the Supersoul, or the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and He gives full facility to the living entity who has come down to this material world
- Intelligence in the material world is described (SB 4.29.5) as pramada because in material existence the living entity falsely claims things to be his. He thinks, "I am the monarch of all I survey." This is ignorance. Actually, nothing belongs to him
- Intelligent living entities generally take note of these reminders and engage themselves in the culture of vidya, or transcendental knowledge
- Intelligent persons who can see properly may look into the general conditions of the living entities who are wandering in the cycle of the 8,400,000 spieces of life, as well as in different classes of human beings
- Irresponsible work is distraction because it destroys the regulative principles of scriptural injunction. It is often based on violence and is distressing to other living entities. BG 1972 purports
- Is there any upper hand, superior judgment, that one is put in the condition of standing tree and one is put in the beautiful human body, freely moving? There must be, because we are all living entities. We are simply put in different dresses
- Is there any value of the matter? No. Because the living entities, the living force is there, therefore the city has value, the land has value. Suppose if everyone was dead, what was the value of this apartment? Nobody would come and ask for rent
- Isvara (the Supreme Lord), jiva (the living entity),prakrti (nature), eternal time and karma (activity) are all explained in the Bhagavad-gita. Out of these five, the Lord, the living entities, material nature and time are eternal. BG 1972 Introduction
- Isvara means controller. So we small living entities, very minute, still, we are controller. We control. At least, we control our family members, my wife, my children
- Isvara, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is situated in everyone's heart. He is supervising what kind of yantra, or machine, this living entity requires for fulfilling his desires
- Isvarah paramah krsnah. The Supreme God is one-Krsna-and the demigods are delegated with powers to manage this material world. These demigods are all living entities (nityanam) with different grades of material power. BG 1972 purports
- Isvarah sarva-bhutanam hrd-dese "rjuna tisthati: (BG 18.61) He (the Supreme Personality of Godhead) is also present within the heart of all living entities. This is His all-pervasive potency
- It (devotional service to Krsna or Krsna consciousness) is a matchless gift bestowed by the mahatma or great soul out of compassion for fallen living entities
- It (Krsna consciousness) is within all living entities, whether they be human being or animal
- It (matter) cannot work unless the superior energy, the living entity, touches it. So how can we conclude that life develops from matter? Rascal scientists may say this, but they do not have sufficient knowledge
- It appears that great hills and mountains also have their roaring power because they are also living entities
- It appears that great hills and mountains also have their roaring power because they are also living entities. The volume of the sound vibrated is in proportion to the size of the material body
- It does not matter whether his duty is violent or nonviolent. If it is sanctioned and ordered by the Supreme Lord, it must be performed. An Aryan performs his duty. It is not that the Aryans are unnecessarily inimical to living entities
- It has also been explained (in the Thirteenth Chapter of BG) that it is due to association with the modes of nature that the living entity is entangled in this material world. BG 1972 purports
- It has been explained (in the Thirteenth Chapter) that it is due to association with the modes of nature that the living entity is entangled in this material world
- It has been said that Pradyumna, the mind, was produced from Sankarsana. But if Sankarsana were a living entity, this could not be accepted, because a living entity cannot be the cause of the mind
- It is accepted in the Vedic literature that as water in contact with air sometimes presents innumerable bubbles, so a combination of the material nature and the Supreme Person causes the appearance of the living entities within this material world
- It is advised that one observe the eternal time factor, which is the cause of the material body's appearance and disappearance, and that one observe the living entity's entanglement in this time factor
- It is also possible for the living entity to be liberated again when by cultivation of real knowledge he becomes completely freed from the contamination of the material world
- It is also said in CC Madhya 19.151 - According to their karma, all living entities are wandering throughout the entire universe. Some of them are being elevated to the upper planetary systems, and some are going down into the lower planetary systems
- It is always revolving and spending the lives of the living entities, from Lord Brahma down to an insignificant blade of grass. Thus one changes from infancy, to childhood, to youth and maturity, and thus one approaches the end of life
- It is clear in this (SB 4th canto chapter 28) verse that at the time of death thoughts of material enjoyment do not go away. This indicates that the living entity, the soul, is carried by the subtle body - mind, intelligence and ego
- It is clear that as long as a living entity is a worshiper of a particular demigod, he cannot get direct liberation, or entrance into the kingdom of God, nor can he merge into the impersonal effulgence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- It is clearly explained herein (SB 4.29.26-27) that the living entity has a little independence, indicated by the word sva-drk, meaning "one who can see his own welfare."
- It is clearly said here (in SB 3.31.15) that a living entity is put under the influence of maya by His will, and if anyone wants to get out of this entanglement, this can be made possible simply by His mercy
- It is clearly stated here (in BG 9.8) that the living entities have nothing to do with this process (of manifestation). BG 1972 purports
- It is clearly stated here (in SB 3.21.20) that the material world is not created by the personal will of the Supreme Lord; it is created by His external energy because the living entities want to enjoy it
- It is clearly stated in this verse (BG 7.23) that all results achieved by worshiping demigods are perishable, and therefore such worship is performed by the less intelligent living entity. BG 1972 purports
- It is confirmed here (in SB 3.29.36), purusah purusam vrajet: the living entity goes to the Supreme Personality simply by understanding His transcendental nature and activities
- It is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (BG 13.3): ksetra-jnam capi mam viddhi sarva-ksetresu bharata. Lord Krsna is the ksetra jna, or Supersoul, of all living entities. He is the original source of all expansions of the Personality of Godhead
- It is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 13.22), karanam guna-sango 'sya sad-asad-yoni-janmasu: Because of the living entity's association with material nature, he meets with good and evil among various species
- It is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.11) that the Lord awards similar results, as one desires, in one's present life. The living entities are given freedom to make their choice, and the Lord awards them accordingly
- It is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita that the material body is created by Krsna's inferior energy, that the living entities - the individual souls - are His parts and parcels, and that the Supersoul is His localized representation
- It is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita that the material energy is inferior and that the spiritual energy is the living entity. Both inferior and superior energies belong to a supreme person
- It is confirmed in the Brahma-samhita, anadir adir govindah: (Bs. 5.1) Govinda, the Supreme person, has no cause. He is unborn. But the living entity is born of Him
- It is confirmed in the Katha Upanisad, nityo nityanam: there are many eternal living entities, but He is the chief maintainer. This is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita also, where Lord Krsna says, aham sarvasya prabhavah
- It is definitely proved that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the master of all potencies and that the living entities are always subjected to these potencies. That is the difference between mayadhisa and maya-vasa
- It is described in the Visnu Purana that the living entities belong to the spiritual nature
- It is due to one's work that one becomes a criminal and is therefore put in jail. It is not compulsory for everyone to go to jail. As living entities, we have our proper place in Vaikunthaloka
- It is due to the impregnation of the material nature by the supreme father that the living entities are present. Therefore the argument that the individual living entities are not parts and parcels of the Supreme cannot stand
- It is due to the living entity's forgetfulness of his eternal nature as eternal servitor of the Lord, and his false conception of being a so-called lord of the material nature, that he is obliged to enter into the existence of false sense enjoyment
- It is especially mentioned here (in SB 3.29.23) that a devotee must be free from all violence (jivahimsa). Lord Caitanya has recommended that a devotee not commit violence to any living entity
- It is explained in the Second Chapter (BG) that the living entity is transmigrating from one body to another just as one changes dress. This change of dress is due to his attachment to material existence. BG 1972 purports
- It is explained in the Vedic literature that the living entities entrapped in different species of life are part and parcel of the Supreme Lord
- It is explicitly stated herein that simply by satisfying the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one satisfies the demigods and all other living entities without differentiation
- It is false to think that the living entity has no connection with the Supreme Lord. He may not believe in the existence of God, or he may think he has no relationship with God, but these ideas are all illusions
- It is fashionable for materialistic persons to compete with the power of God. When so-called scientists try to manufacture living entities in their laboratories, their only purpose is to defy the talent and ability of the SPG. This is called illusion
- It is for all living entities, not that I shall simply give protection to my brother, my sister or my father, but even to the lowest animal we shall give protection. This is Krsna consciousness
- It is herein (SB 4.26.1-3) described that King Puranjana once went to the forest to kill animals. This means that he, the living entity, came under the influence of the mode of ignorance
- It is his (living entity) free choice to accept a spiritual body or a material body, but once the body is accepted he has to enjoy or suffer the consequences
- It is impossible for the mind to be produced by a living entity, for the Vedas state that everything comes from the Absolute Truth, the Supreme Lord
- It is impossible to see with the material eyes how the living entity is in contact with this body and how he is out of it after the destruction of the body. No one in science can ascertain this. BG 1972 purports
- It is in Kali-yuga that the Lord engages in preaching love of Godhead through the sankirtana movement, and those living entities who are intelligent adopt this process of self-realization
- It is Krsna who personally advises all living entities to return home, back to Godhead
- It is maya's business to try to build up the living entity, to puff him up, and maya's last snare is to make the living entity think that he can become one with God
- It is my duty to give protection and safety to all living entities struggling for existence. Certainly it is the duty of the master to protect his suffering dependents
- It is not a fact that the Supreme Personality of Godhead gives direction to certain living entities in one way and other living entities in another way
- It is not a fact that there is no living entity. Accepting they reached the moon planet, they might have gone to the part where it is desert or barren land, because in each and every planet there is such possibility
- It is not possible for any ordinary living entity to understand or to glorify the unlimited Personality of Godhead, but one can offer prayers or service to the Lord according to one's particular capacity. This capacity is increased by the service spirit
- It is not possible for the living entity to be happy without rendering transcendental loving service unto the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 Introduction
- It is not possible to convince modern scientists of the Vedic information about the universe. Nonetheless, we are not very impressed by the words of scientists who say that all other planets are vacant and that only the earth is full of living entities
- It is not possible to kill a living entity because factually he is eternal; he simply has to suffer the consequences of his activities of sense gratification
- It is not that every different types of body and living entities have come by chance. This is nonsense. There is no question of chance. Everything is being carried or being conducted by the three modes of material nature
- It is not that one should simply speculate academically. One should submissively hear from Bhagavad-gita that these living entities are always subordinate to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- It is not that the living entity takes birth. As stated in Bhagavad-gita (2.20), na jayate mriyate va: the living entity neither takes birth nor dies
- It is not that the sun is actually covered by the cloud; only the vision of the ordinary being is covered. Similarly, although maya cannot cover the Supreme Lord, who is beyond maya, the material energy covers the ordinary living entities
- It is not that the whole population goes to prison; some, who are disobedient, are confined in prison. Similarly, the conditioned souls within this material world are only a fraction of all the living entities in the creation of God
- It is not that they (living entities) are covered by the material energy in conditioned life but become one with the Supreme Personality of Godhead when freed from the influence of material energy. Such an idea is offensive
- It is not the semen of the man that creates life within the womb of a woman; rather, the living entity, the soul, takes shelter in a particle of semen and is then pushed into the womb of a woman. Then the body develops
- It is not true that living entities reside only within this planet and not within others. Such a conclusion is completely contradictory to the Vedas
- It is only for them (the living entities) that this material world is created by the dormant energy of the Lord
- It is open for all, without any distinction, and it is the constitutional occupation of the living entities
- It is rightly stated herein (SB 6.16.35) that the credit for all the opulences of creation, maintenance and annihilation belongs to the Supreme Lord, not to the living entities
- It is said by Canakya Pandita that there are two envious living entities - the snake and the envious man
- It is said here (in SB 3.25.21), sarva-dehinam, which indicates all living entities who have accepted material bodies
- It is said in Bhagavad-gita that a living entity is wandering in this material world on a chariot made by material nature
- It is said in the Prema-vivarta that when a living entity wants to enjoy material nature, he is immediately victimized by the material energy
- It is said that all living entities can derive all good fortune from the Lord simply by His will
- It is said that all the living entities who died on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra attained their original constitutional position (svarupa) because they had the chance to see Krsna face to face riding in the chariot of Arjuna
- It is said that He (Krsna) is the ocean of all the relationships exchanged between two living entities, between the gods, or between the Supreme Lord and His devotees. BG 1972 purports
- It is said that the last snare of maya is to dictate to the living entity to try to become equal to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- It is said that the living entity is one ten-thousandth of the tip of a hair. Therefore the living entity is localized. Living entities rest on the Brahman effulgence, the bodily rays of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- It is said: yoga adhyatmikah pumsam. Adhyatmikah: we are living entities, souls. It is not that we are disconnected from Krsna, but we have simply forgotten Him. It is not possible to be disconnected, but it is possible to be covered
- It is simply a question of the living entity's being attracted or not being attracted (to material nature). There is no question of his being forced to come into contact with material energy
- It is simply ludicrous to think the living entity to be equal with the Supreme Being when one can understand that the conditioned souls are under the influence of Brahma's magic wand
- It is stated clearly here (in SB 3.29.22) that the Supreme Personality of Godhead, in His plenary expansion of Supersoul, is present in all living entities
- It is stated here (BG 13.23) that the Supersoul, who is always with the individual soul, is the representation of the Supreme Lord. He is not an ordinary living entity. BG 1972 purports
- It is stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 15.8): The living entity in the material world carries his different conceptions of life from one body to another as the air carries aromas
- It is stated in Bhagavad-gita that the superior energy is covered by the inferior energy. Due to this covering, the living entity is subjected to the miseries of the material world
- It is stated in Bhagavad-gītā that the spell of māyā, which covers the knowledge of the living entity, is insurmountable
- It is stated in several places that the living entities are like sparks of the fire and the Supreme Personality of Godhead is like the fire itself
- It is the duty of the king to give all living entities protection and food
- It is the greatest relief work for all human society, and the workers thereof are the greatest well-wishers, for they follow in the footsteps of Lord Caitanya, who is the greatest friend to all living entities
- It is the living entity that has taken shelter in the womb of the mother, who then supplies the ingredients for that living entity's body. This is nature's way
- It is the misfortune of the living entity, certainly not without reason, that the influence of the material energy acts on his pure consciousness and eternal bliss
- It is the nature of the living entity to desire; it is not possible to be desireless. If one is desireless, he is dead. Desirelessness means purifying one's desire, and desire is purified when we only desire the service of Krsna
- It is the purpose of the Vedanta-sutra to reestablish the living entity's lost relationship with the Supreme Lord Krsna and to enable him to execute devotional service and ultimately achieve the highest goal of life, love of Godhead
- It is to be understood that one who has attained the stage of love of God has perfect knowledge, and even if he may fall short of perfect knowledge, he has the preliminary perfection of life that a living entity can attain
- It is to be understood that the living entity is part and parcel of the spiritual energy of the Supreme Lord. Because the material energy is inferior, man has the ability to get uncovered from this material energy and utilize the spiritual energy
- It is to be understood that when demigods fall down, they come to earth as sons of very rich and pious families. In such families, the living entity gets an opportunity to execute Krsna consciousness and thereby gain promotion to his desired goal
- It is to the living entity what sweetness is to sugar, or saltiness is to salt, or solidity is to stone. In no case can it be cut off
- It is true that the material body develops only by the desire of the living entity. The evolution of the material body is due to the desires of the living being
- It is understood from this verse (SB 3.29.43) that all planets in outer space are floating, and they all hold living entities. The word svasatam means "those who breathe," or the living entities. In order to accommodate them, there are innumerable planets
- It is up to you to make your choice whether you are going to dance with Krsna or you want to become naked tree standing for ten thousands of years. That is your choice. A living entity has got this independence
- It is very difficult to achieve the spiritual abode of Hari, in the Vaikuntha planets, but you are so fortunate that you are already destined to go to that abode by worshiping Him as the supreme abode of all living entities
- It is very essential that this human form of body is meant for rectifying or purifying our existence. That they do not know, especially in the modern age, that this body is temporary and we living entities, we are eternal and this is our bondage
- It is very simple to understand. The same example. Your position, you first of all you must know what is your position. The position is, Krsna says that, "All these living entities are My part and parcel." That is your position
- It may also be appropriate to explain, in these days of controversy, the origin of life. The life force of the living entity - the soul - is different from the ovum and semen of the human being
- It may be argued that because the living entities are born of the material nature they are all equal and independent
- It purifies the heart of the living entity and helps him attain his spiritual identity. One who relates this transcendental narration will be liberated from all material bondage and will no longer have to wander within this material world
- It should be understood that there are also living entities who are not entangled in this material energy but are situated in the spiritual world. They are called liberated souls and are always engaged in Krsna consciousness, devotional service
- It should not be misunderstood that because the Supersoul is dwelling within the heart of a living entity, the individual soul has become equal to Him
- It simply expands its jurisdiction of pious and impious activities by using the senses. The result is that the living entity remains in the material world to enjoy and suffer pleasures and pains due to material activity
- It was Caitanya Mahaprabhu who said to Rupa Gosvami - The living entity is wandering up & down, from one planet to another, & he is very fortunate if by the mercy of the spiritual master & Krsna Himself he can get the seed of devotional service to Krsna
- Jada Bharata was the best friend of all living entities. He was no one's enemy, and he was always absorbed in meditation on the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Jada Bharata, who had fully realized Brahman, continued: My dear King Rahugana, the living entity wanders on the path of the material world, which is very difficult for him to traverse, and he accepts repeated birth and death
- Jambavan continued, "Beyond the physical elements and the time factor, the persons who manipulate the ingredients and advantages of creation are part and parcel of You. The living entity is not, therefore, an independent creator"
- Jambavan continued, "When the whole ocean became agitated, the living entities like whales, alligators and timingila fish all became perturbed"
- Jantu means animal. Although he's living entity, he's not called jiva soul. He's called jantu. Jantur dehopapattaye. Jantu. This material body is developing for the jantu, animal
- Jantuh, the living entity, is getting a type of body by the karma. It is not simply lusty combination
- Jiv Jago, 1969 - Jiv jago, jiv jago, gauracanda bole. Jiv means the living entities. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu is asking all living entities to "Wake up. Please wake up. Please get up." Jago. Jago means "Wake up"
- Jiva Gosvami has written in the beginning of his Tattva-sandarbha - I, a tiny living entity known as jiva, am trying to assort the events of the book chronologically, consulting the direction of great personalities like Madhvacarya
- Jiva Gosvami has written in the beginning of his Tattva-sandarbha - I, a tiny living entity known as jiva, am trying to assort the events of the book chronologically, consulting the direction of great personalities like Ramanujacarya
- Jiva Gosvami has written in the beginning of his Tattva-sandarbha - I, a tiny living entity known as jiva, am trying to assort the events of the book chronologically, consulting the direction of senior Vaisnavas in the disciplic succession
- Jiva-bhuta, the living entities, they have been described as prakrti, and prakrti means female. And Krsna has been described as purusa. So purusa is the enjoyer, and prakrti is the enjoyed
- Jivera 'svarupa' haya-krsnera 'nitya-dasa': (CC Madhya 20.108) the real identity of the living entity is that he is eternally a servitor of the Supreme Lord
- Jivera 'svarupa' haya-krsnera 'nitya-dasa.' (CC Madhya 20.108). The living entity is eternally the servant of the Lord, and thus when he engages himself in the service of the Lord in all respects, he enjoys the perfection of life
- Jivera svarupa haya means the real nature of the living entity is eternal servitor, eternal servant of Lord Krsna
- Jivo jivasya jivanam (SB 1.13.47): "One living entity is the subsistence, life-giving subsistence, for another living being." That is the nature's law
- Just as a calf can derive milk from a cow, all living entities - including animals, birds, bees, reptiles and aquatics - can receive their respective foods from the planet earth, provided that human beings are not asat, or adhrta-vrata
- Just as a deer, because of ignorance, cannot see the water within a well covered by grass, but runs after water elsewhere, the living entity covered by the material body doesn't see the happiness within himself, but runs after happiness in material world
- Just as a dog or servant is very much satisfied to get a competent, perfect master, or as a child is completely satisfied to possess a competent father, so the living entity is satisfied by completely engaging in the service of the Supreme Lord
- Just as a dog wanders here and there for a piece of bread or punishment, the living entity perpetually wanders about trying to be happy and planning in so many ways to counteract material misery. This is called the struggle for existence
- Just as a father gives some playthings to the crying child to satisfy him, the whole material creation is made possible by the will of the Lord to allow the bewildered living entities to lord it over things as they desire
- Just as a king is seated on a chariot, the living entity is seated in the body. The sitting place is the heart, and the living entity sits there and engages in the struggle for existence, which goes on without progress perpetually
- Just as a mother produces various children, both male and female, the womb of mother earth produces all kinds of living entities in various shapes. Thus it is possible for mother earth to take on innumerable shapes
- Just as a prisoner cannot move or enjoy life fully, so the living entities who have been conditioned by the laws of material nature cannot experience their actual ever-joyful nature
- Just as a woman cannot beget children without uniting with a man, material nature cannot beget living entities without being in union with the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Just as an ordinary living entity takes his birth by taking shelter of the semen of a certain living entity, the Supreme Personality of Godhead accepts the shelter of the semen of His devotee and comes out as His son
- Just as gold is continually transferred from one place to another in due course of purchase and sale, so the living entity, as a result of his fruitive activities, wanders throughout the entire universe, being injected into various bodies
- Just as heat and light emanate from fire, these two energies - the physical elements and the living entities - emanate from the Supreme Lord. Therefore the Lord says, aham vai sarva-bhutani: "I expand the physical and spiritual categories"
- Just as in civilized human society the law is a life for a life, no living entity can encroach upon another living entity as far as the Supreme Lord is concerned
- Just as in ordinary material procreation the father gives the seed and the mother develops the body by supplying the necessary blood to the embryo, similarly, the living entities, parts and parcels of the supreme father
- Just as it is the nature of all living entities within this material world to become envious of their competitors, King Indra, although King of heaven, was also envious of King Prthu and therefore wanted to stop him from performing one hundred sacrifices
- Just as one can understand the supply of fire in wood, the water in a waterpot, or the sky within a pot, one can understand whether a living entity is a demon or a demigod by understanding that living entity's devotional performances
- Just as the shining particles of the sun's rays always exist with the sun, the living entities exist eternally as parts and parcels of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Just like before entering law college you have to become graduate, similarly, before entering the realm of devotional service you have to realize that all living entities are on the same platform. That is realization
- Just like in this material world there are millions and millions of living entities, but they have fallen down. But there are multi-millions and millions of living entities in the vaikuntha-loka, they never fall down. They are called nitya-siddha
- Just like one may possess a very valuable land, one may possess not so valuable, ordinary, and one may possess a third-class field, similarly, we living entities, we are given a certain type of body to work with it and enjoy or suffer the resultant action
- Just like the strength of fire within fuel wood, the Lord remained within the water of dissolution, submerging all the living entities in their subtle bodies. He lay in the self-invigorated energy called kala
- Just then, Rukmini, full of anxiety, saw the brahmana messenger. Krsna, being the Supersoul of all living beings, could understand Rukmini's anxiety; therefore He sent the brahmana inside the palace to let her know that He had arrived
- Just to show favor to the ordinary living entities, out of His (Krsna's) causeless mercy He appears as He is. Unfortunately, foolish persons mistake Him to be an ordinary person, and so they become eligible to go to hell
- Just try to hear these topics with faith, for there is great pleasure even in hearing them. That hearing will destroy all miseries pertaining to the body, mind and other living entities, and the unhappiness of false arguments as well
- Just try to understand, if the major portion of the living entities have no problem... Their necessities of life are being supplied by the supreme eternal, God. Just like an elephant. There are millions of elephants in African jungle
- Kaliya said, "You are the original creator of the modes of material nature, by which the universe is created. You are the cause of the different kinds of mentality possessed by living creatures, by which they have obtained different varieties of bodies"
- Kaliya said, "Your Lordship knows well that it is very difficult to give up one’s natural instincts, although by such instincts the living creature transmigrates from one body to another"
- Karabhajana Muni addresses Maharaj Nimi as follows, "Nor has he any obligation to perform the different kinds of activities we render to the great sages, ancestors, living entities and family and society members"
- Karanodakasayi Visnu is the Supersoul of the collective universes, Garbhodakasayi Visnu is the Supersoul of the collective living beings, and Ksirodakasayi Visnu is the Supersoul of all individual living entities
- Kasyapa Muni was in the category of the living entities, but he had a transcendental son, Vamanadeva, who was an incarnation of Visnu
- Kasyapa, Prajapati, the creator of the living entities, gave his twin sons their names; the one who was born first he named Hiranyaksa, and the one who was first conceived by Diti he named Hiranyakasipu
- KC is not such thing that because one is child, he cannot learn; because one is blind, he cannot learn; because one is poor, therefore he cannot . . . because one is rich . . . no condition. Anyone, simply he must be a living entity, that's all
- Kindly let me know how these living entities who are suffering in this way can be saved, can be delivered from the severe pain of hellish condition of life. - This was his (Maharaja Pariksit's) question
- King Anga (father of King Vena) said: Who, if he is considerate and intelligent, would desire such a worthless son (a sinful son)? Such a son is nothing but a bond of illusion for the living entity, and he makes one's home miserable
- King Barhisat was being instructed by the great sage Narada about the material world and the living entity who wants to enjoy it. It is therefore very clear how the kings and princes were trained to take charge of a kingdom
- King Nimi said, I am just trying to find the path of well-being for all living entities. A moment of association with holy men is the most valuable thing in life, for that moment opens the path of advancement in spiritual life
- King Nrga said, "Among the living entities who have not accepted material bodies are those who hover in the material world as evil spirits or live in the ghostly atmosphere"
- King Nrga said, "My Lord (Krsna), You are the supreme witness. You are aware of every bit of work done by the living entities - past, present and future"
- King Pariksit inquired from Sukadeva Gosvami: My dear sir, why are the living entities put into different material situations? Kindly explain this to me
- King Pariksit said: O my lord, O Sukadeva Gosvami, Yamaraja is the controller of all living entities in terms of their religious and irreligious activities, but his order had been foiled
- King Puranjana begged his Queen to return to her original beauty. He tried to revive her just as a living entity tries to revive his original consciousness, Krsna consciousness, which is very beautiful
- King Puranjana represents the ordinary living entity, and the woman represents the ordinary living entity's intelligence. Combined, the living entity enjoys his material senses, and the intelligence supplies all paraphernalia for his enjoyment
- King Puranjana, the living entity, now passes the air of his life over his wife, a woman; therefore he has to accept the body of a woman in his next life
- King Rahugana argued that the living entity is within the body and that when the body is fatigued the living entity within must therefore be suffering
- Know Me to be the Supreme Brahman, the all-pervading Supersoul through whom the sleeping living entity can understand his dreaming condition and his happiness beyond the activities of the material senses
- Knowing the basic misery of material existence, one should be induced to get out of the material clutches and return home, back to Godhead. Actually the living entity is not at all happy in this material body
- Knowledge of the Supreme Lord is very confidential, and the supreme knowledge by which one understands Him furthers the liberation of all living entities. This knowledge is vijnana
- Krishna Consciousness is lying dormant in every living entity, just like fire is dormant within a match. If we simply strike the match, then the fire within will come in blazing light. Our method of striking the match is Hare Krishna mantra
- Krishna is never apart from us. Either He remains in the heart of the material body, or He remains in the heart of the spiritual body. This is Krishna's Causeless Mercy to all of His beloved children, or living entities
- Krsna always protects the living entities in many ways. He comes Himself, sends His own confidential devotees, and leaves behind Him sastras. Why? It is so that people may take advantage of the benediction to be liberated from the clutches of maya
- Krsna claims in Bhagavad-gita to be the father of all species of living entities; consequently the devotee of Krsna is always a friend of all. This is called ahimsa. Such nonviolence can be practiced only when we follow in the footsteps of great acaryas
- Krsna confirms in Bhagavad-gita that the living entity is eternally His part and parcel. The part and parcel is meant to serve the whole. This is individuality. It is so even in this material existence, when the living entity apparently merges in matter
- Krsna Consciousness cultural movement is not actually Hindu movement, but originally it is India cultural movement. Krsna does not claim Himself either as Hindu or anyone else, but He claims to be the father of all living entities
- Krsna consciousness is an art of changing our hearts by purification from the dust of material desires. We cannot stop our desires because as living entities, desiring is the component part of our constitution. But we can purify our desires
- Krsna consciousness is meant for all living entities, if he can. And where is the difficulty? So it may be difficult in other forms of life, but in the human form of life it is not at all difficult
- Krsna consciousness is not a religious formula or some spiritual recreation; it is the most important part of the living entity
- Krsna consciousness is not an artificial imposition on the mind. This consciousness is the original natural energy of the living entity. When we hear the transcendental vibration, this consciousness is revived
- Krsna consciousness is the original status of the living entity. Just like a son is conscious always that "I am the son of such-and-such person." This consciousness is natural
- Krsna consciousness is the sum total of all good work for the family, for society and for all living entities
- Krsna consciousness means to bring a living entity to his original consciousness
- Krsna consciousness movement is meant for the paramo nirmatsaranam those who are not envious. How they can be envious? Paramahamsa, one who has understood what is this creation, who is the creator, what are these living entities
- Krsna consciousness will save not only humanity but the living entities from this disastrous position of repeated birth and death
- Krsna consciousness, devotional service, is the actual liberated stage of a living entity. Otherwise, both accepting and rejecting on the material platform or in voidness or impersonalism are imperfect conditions for the pure soul
- Krsna does not change His constitutional position, not even when He appears in this material world. Ordinary living entities have their constitutional spiritual positions covered
- Krsna does not say that "I am for the Hindu living entities or the Indian living entities." Where it is in Bhagavad-gita? Why the foolish men take it that Krsna Hindu, Krsna Indian? Krsna says that "I am friend of all living entities"
- Krsna explained in Bhagavad-gita (7.4-5): O mighty-armed Arjuna, there is a superior energy of Mine, which consists of all living entities who are struggling with material nature and are sustaining the universe
- Krsna explains: They (Krsna, Arjuna and all other living entities) were individuals in the past, they are now situated in individuality, and in the future they will all continue to maintain their individual forms
- Krsna has explained this material world, bhumir apah analo vayuh. This is also nature, prakrti. There is another nature, prakrti. Prakrti means stri-linga, woman. Jiva-bhuta, the living entities, are not mentioned in this connection as purusa. Not purusa
- Krsna Himself explains the forms of the living entities in the Second Chapter of Bhagavad-gita, where He clearly says to Arjuna that He, Arjuna and all other living entities, who were previously in their original forms, are separate individual identities
- Krsna is amsi, whereas others are amsa, part of Krsna. All living entities, including us, are amsas (mamaivamso jiva-loke jiva-bhutah sanatanah (BG 15.7)). These amsas are of different magnitude
- Krsna is constrained to award punishment upon the wrongdoer, but He is not happy to award punishments because living entities are originally His parts & parcels. He is harder than the thunderbolt for the wrongdoer & softer than the rose for the faithful
- Krsna is dictating, and the living entity is following His dictations. Krsna is within the heart of the tiger, elephant and boar
- Krsna is fully represented with all potencies in each and every personal extension, but the living entities, although separated expansions, are also considered one of the Lord's energies
- Krsna is lila, and our coming here is not lila. We are forced
- Krsna is never puffed up by material knowledge and is therefore called acyuta, whereas the living entities fall down and are agitated by material nature. This is the difference between the Supreme Lord and the living entities
- Krsna is present everywhere, not only within the universe, not only within the heart of all living entities, but also within every atom
- Krsna is providing for millions and trillions of living entities by supplying all their necessities
- Krsna is so kind that He allows the sense-enjoying living entities a separate world created by Him to enjoy as they like, yet at the same time He appears in His personal form
- Krsna is the source of transcendental bliss for all living entities and by whom all illusion is completely removed
- Krsna is the supreme living entity (nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam (Katha Upanisad 2.2.13)), and Brahma is also a living entity, but the original source of Brahma is Krsna
- Krsna is worshiped not only by all living entities, including the great demigods like Lord Siva and Lord Brahma, but also by Visnu expansions (forms of Godhead) such as Baladeva and Sesa
- Krsna knows that living entities do not understand the extent of His opulences; He therefore agrees to state only the principal manifestations of His different energies. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna orders this release (of conditioned soul) out of His causeless mercy on the surrendered soul and out of His paternal affection for the living entity who is originally a beloved son of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna points out that even if one enters into the highest planet of all, called Brahmaloka, there is still repetition of birth and death. Other planets in the universe are full of living entities
- Krsna said, "Any living entity who develops such unalloyed devotional affection for Me certainly at the end goes back home, back to Godhead"
- Krsna said, "In the same way, the body of a living being is nothing but a composition of the five elements, and the living entity embodied in the material condition is also part and parcel of Me"
- Krsna said, "They are praying for further advancement in spiritual life through Your personal association. Generally, living entities in the mode of darkness obtain the bodies of trees"
- Krsna said, "You (Indra) should always remember that all your material opulences are due to My mercy. No living entity can independently become opulent; one must be favored by My mercy. Everyone should always remember that I am the Supreme Lord"
- Krsna says in Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.61): The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart, O Arjuna, and is directing the wanderings of all living entities, who are seated as on a machine, made of the material energy
- Krsna says in Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.11) - As living entities surrender unto Me, I reward them accordingly. Everyone follows My path in all respects, O son of Prtha - Everyone is seeking Krsna, for He is the Supersoul of all individual souls
- Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 15.7): The living entities in this conditioned world are My eternal fragmental parts. Due to conditioned life, they are struggling very hard with the six senses, which include the mind
- Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita that mamaivamsah. Here it is said, jiva-bhuta. What is the jiva-bhuta? He is jiva-bhuta, the living entity. Mama eva amsa: "They are My part and parcel, minute particle of Me." Just like father and the son
- Krsna says practical way: annad bhavanti bhutani (BG 3.14). Annad. You have . . . you must have sufficient food grains for the living entities - animal or man. This is practical
- Krsna says that as soon as there is a discrepancy in the discharge of the dharmas of the living entities, when there is an upsurge of unnatural activities, He descends. One of the principal purposes of His descent is to reestablish religious principles
- Krsna says that beyond the material energy there is a superior energy which is known as the jiva-bhuta or living entities. When in contact with the material energy, this superior energy conducts all the activities of the entire material, phenomenal world
- Krsna says that either on this planet or in other planets in the outer space, three qualities or 3 modes of material nature is working - modes of goodness, modes of passion and modes of ignorance. Everywhere you'll find these 3 classes of living entities
- Krsna says, "These gross and subtle elements, they are inferior energy. Apareyam itas tu viddhi prakrtim me param: "There is another, superior energy." What is that superior energy? Jiva-bhuta, the living entity
- Krsna states in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 15.7): The living entities in this conditioned world are My eternal fragmental parts. Due to conditioned life, they are struggling very hard with the six senses, which include the mind
- Krsna wants every one of the living entities to go back to home, back to Godhead
- Krsna went on speaking, "One who does this actually knows his self-interest, because rendering transcendental loving service unto Me, without motive or restriction, is actually auspicious for the living entities"
- Krsna's appearance and disappearance are meant to put an end to the living entities' transmigration from one body to another, and therefore one should understand the greatness of the plan behind Krsna's appearance and disappearance
- Krsna's constitutional position and the living entity's constitutional position are the same qualitatively. The only difference is that the living entity is eternally an atomic particle of the Supreme Spirit
- Krsna's knowledge of His spiritual identity is never overcome by material action, whereas the minute part-and-parcel living entities are prone to forget their spiritual identity due to material action
- Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, entered the body of Devaki from the body of Vasudeva. He was beyond the conditions of the ordinary living entity - SB 10.2.18
- Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, thus entered the body of Devaki from the body of Vasudeva without being subject to any of the conditions of an ordinary living entity
- Krsna, the unborn Supreme Personality of Godhead, master of all masters of mystic power, delivers all living entities, moving and nonmoving. Nothing is astonishing in the activities of the Lord
- Ksetrajna means the knower of the body. I, you, every one of us, we are individual living entities. We are also ksetrajna. I know this is my body, this is my finger, this is my hair, this is my leg. Jna. Jna means one who knows
- Kunti addresses Krsna as visvatman, the vital force of the universe. In everyone's body there is a vital force. That vital force is the atma - the living being, the living entity, the soul
- Kuyoginah, or less intelligent mystics, can by mental speculation reach the point of the impersonal Brahman, but they cannot find the Supersoul, who is sitting within each living entity
- Laid down on a foul bed infested with sweat and germs, the poor child (the ten-month-old living entity) is incapable of scratching his body to get relief from his itching sensation to say nothing of sitting up, standing or even moving
- Less intelligent men claim that there is no God, but when the manifestation of different living entities & their activities is visible, enlightened persons see You (Krsna) present in every atom & through the via media of Your external & marginal energies
- Less intelligent men worship the demigods and the result of such worship is not permanent. Krishna Consciousness is permanent, and the living entities are also permanent
- Let me offer my respectful obeisances unto Purusottama, Lord Krsna, who expands Himself in various transcendental forms, all of which are one and the same; who is the master of all living entities
- Let the Supreme Lord be merciful towards me. He is the one friend and soul of all living entities in the world, and He maintains all, for their ultimate happiness, by His six transcendental opulences
- Liberation cannot be awarded by any living entity but the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu. Therefore another name of Lord Visnu or Krsna is Mukunda, "He who can award liberation"
- Liberation entails being situated in one's own position. That is the definition in the Srimad-Bhagavatam: muktir. .. svarupena vyavasthitih (SB 2.10.6). The svarupa, or actual identity of the living entity, is described by Lord Caitanya
- Liberation is the permanent situation of the form of the living entity after he gives up the changeable gross and subtle material bodies
- Liberation of the living entity from material bondage is not at all easy. BG 1972 purports
- Life after life the living entity falsely tries to lord it over material nature and become the lord of the material world, but there is no tangible result
- Life cannot come from matter. Besides that... Just like when there is life, living entity, the body grows, body changes or grows, as you say. But if the child is dead or come out dead, then the body does not grow. Then matter is growing on life
- Life is meant for varieties of enjoyment. The living entity is by nature full of an enjoying spirit, as stated in the Vedanta-sutra (1.1.12): ananda-mayo ’bhyasat. In devotional service the activities are variegated and full of enjoyment
- Life is not, however, a product of two secretions, but is independent of all material elements. As fully described in Bhagavad-gita, the living entity is not subject to any material reactions
- Like a great mountain, the Lord stands as the abode for all moving and nonmoving living entities. He is the friend of the snakes because Lord Ananta is His friend
- Like a person who thinks of becoming a king without possessing the necessary qualification, when the living entity desires to become the Lord Himself, he is put in a condition of dreaming that he is a king
- Lila refers to the pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Never . . . nobody says that the living entity has come in this material world for lila. At least, the Vaisnava philosophers do not agree that
- Liquidity cannot be taken from water, nor can heat be taken from fire. Similarly, the eternal function of the eternal living entity cannot be taken from the living entity. BG 1972 Introduction
- Living being, or living entity, there are varieties, 8,400,000 varieties. There are nine hundred thousand varieties in the water, and two million varieties as trees and plants. Jalaja nava-laksani sthavara laksa-vimsati - Padma Purana
- Living entities also belong to the superior energy, as has already been explained. The other energies, or material energies, are in the mode of ignorance. BG 1972 Introduction
- Living entities also have partial independence, but by misuse of their independence, when the service attitude is transformed into the propensity for sense enjoyment, they come under the sway of lust
- Living entities are also part and parcel of Lord Visnu, but they are not as powerful; therefore when a living entity descends as an incarnation of Visnu, he is especially empowered by the Lord
- Living entities are also prakrti, or enjoyed, but under the spell of maya, the living entities are falsely trying to take the position of enjoyers. That is the cause of samsara-bandha, or conditional life
- Living entities are apt to be contaminated by association with the material modes of goodness, passion and ignorance. This contamination by the material modes can be washed off completely by knowledge, renunciation and devotional service
- Living entities are compared to the sparks of fire. As stated in the previous verse (SB 3.28.40) fire, flame, smoke and firewood are combined together. Here the living entity, material elements and the Supreme Personality of Godhead are combined together
- Living entities are fallible because when they come in contact with the material world they lack their spiritual identity, and thus the body materially obtained becomes subjected to birth, growth, transformation, situation, deterioration and annihilation
- Living entities are naturally attracted by variety, by attractive streets, buildings, cinemas, parks, businesses, foodstuffs, etc. Despite all this variety, the English poet Cowper once said - The city is made by man, but the country is made by God
- Living entities are never independent. As soon as they declare their independence of the supreme controller, they are immediately put into this material world to try their luck freely, as far as possible
- Living entities are subjected to the repetition of birth and death because they are conditioned by material nature, but since You are transcendental, one who is inclined to associate with You in transcendence escapes the conditions of material nature
- Living entities are superior to inanimate objects, O blessed mother (Devahuti), and among them, living entities who display life symptoms are better
- Living entities come together within this material world and are again separated by the laws of nature. We should always know, however, that the spirit soul, which is different from the body, is eternal, unadjustable, pure, all-pervading and aware
- Living entities destinations are also of different varieties because of the varying degrees to which they are influenced by the different modes of nature
- Living entities have different kinds of bodies, in terms of the different aspects of nature, they are induced to act according to that nature. This is the cause of the varieties of happiness and distress
- Living entities have different material bodies composed of earth, water, air, fire and ether. The words tara madhye mean - within this universe. The entire material universe is composed of five material elements
- Living entities in this material world are very busy trying to gratify their senses. In the street we see many dogs assembled for sex. This may seem very crude, but human beings are engaged in the same business, perhaps in a more elaborate way
- Living entities include great personalities like the four Kumaras, and also low-class foolish people, trees, plants, birds and beasts
- Living entities live in bondage to one another, and thus they continue this conditional, material life illusioned by maya
- Living entities other than human beings have no capacity to understand transcendental subjects
- Living entities other than human beings have no capacity to understand transcendental subjects. The human being is therefore considered to be the highest of all creations, and we must understand the nature of this higher standing
- Living entities under a devotee's care get the opportunity for God realization by the management of a devotee-master
- Living entities who are associates of Rudra develop in the third mode of material nature, or ignorance. They are situated in the sky between the earthly planets and the heavenly planets
- Living entities who are eager to return home to the transcendental kingdom of God, Goloka Vrndavana should take shelter of the confidential serving maids of Sri Radha and under their direction engage constantly in Her service
- Living entities who are eager to return home to the transcendental kingdom of God, Goloka Vrndavana, by means of attaining their spiritual bodies (siddha-deha) should live at Radha-kunda
- Living entities who are wandering within this universe in different species of life can very easily achieve the greatest benediction only by Your mercy.”
- Living entities who reside in the Vaikunthalokas in eternal life and bliss have the same type of spiritual body (as Krsna), without being affected by any signs of old age
- Living entities' real identification is prahlada, blissfulness. But on account of material association, we are in miserable condition of life
- Living entities, beginning from Brahma, the highest demigod, down to the lowest ant, have right to use natural resources. Narada Muni points out that we can use these resources as much as we require, but if we take more than required, we become thieves
- Living entities, especially the human being, they are purusa. But actually we are not enjoyer. We are false enjoyer
- Living entities, including even great personalities as Brahma and Lord Siva, are all subordinate to the Lord. In the material world also, in His eternal form of Visnu, He maintains and controls all the affairs of the demigods, including Brahma and Siva
- Living entities, spiritual spark, that measurement is given there. Whenever there is measurement, there is form. But because we cannot see the form, we say nirakara. It is our incompetency
- Living entities, they are in this material world in different forms. That is accepted by Krsna, sarva-yonisu kaunteya sambhavanti murtayo yah
- Living entities, they can develop by eating grains. Grains are produced by rainfall. Rainfall is made possible by offering sacrifice. And the process of sacrifice is given in authoritative scriptures like Bhagavad-gita, Bhagavata and Vedic literature
- Living entities, who are part and parcel of the SPG, are loitering in this material world suffering. When they are instructed by God Himself about bhagavata-dharma and they adopt it, that is victory for the Lord, for He then reclaims these fallen souls
- Living entity being minute there is always a chance of misuse of his independence. This is unavoidable because that is the meaning of independence
- Living entity can exist in any condition. In the sun globe there is life
- Living entity is anandamaya, full of happiness, but they have fallen in a different condition. Therefore unhappy. Different condition
- Living entity is never satisfied with a woman unless he is trained in the system of brahmacarya
- Living entity is the adhama-purusa, and the Supersoul is the madhyama-purusa, and Krsna, or the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is uttama-purusa, the Supreme
- Living entity thinks the material world to be real and factual due to his ignorance
- Living entity's activities in manufacturing big skyscrapers are evidence of intelligence, but this kind of intelligence is not at all advanced
- Living entity's struggle for existence in the material world is perpetual & it is not possible for him to get out of it by making plans. If he at all wants to conquer this perpetual struggle for existence, he must reestablish his eternal relation with God
- Living just like a tree, eating just like a camel and having sex just like the dogs and hogs. Thus he (The living entity) has been frustrated in fulfilling the specific purpose of human life
- Lord Brahma is generally one of the living entities, and Lord Siva is the via medium between the Lord and the living entities
- Lord Brahma said: I, Lord Siva, all of you demigods, the demons, the living entities born of perspiration, the living beings born of eggs, the trees and plants sprouting from the earth, and the living entities born from embryos
- Lord Brahma said: O well-wisher and master of all living entities, O worshipable Deity of all the demigods, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, now this man has been sufficiently punished, for You have taken everything. Now You can release him
- Lord Brahma therefore engaged Daksa in the work of generating living entities and maintaining them. In due course of time, Daksa also engaged other Prajapatis (progenitors) in the process of generation and maintenance
- Lord Brahma's struggle for existence is a personal example of the continued fight between the living entities in the material world and the illusory energy called maya
- Lord Brahma, as the first living entity within the universe, is supposed to be the spiritual master of everyone, and he is also the father, the creator, of all beings
- Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, the Manus, all the other demigods in the higher planetary systems, and you prajapatis, who are increasing the population, are working for the benefit of all living entities
- Lord Caitanya always maintained that Visnu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is great and the living entities, however great they may be, are but infinitesimal
- Lord Caitanya asserts that the living entity (jiva) is eternally the servitor of the Lord and that he is simultaneously one with and different from the Lord
- Lord Caitanya came to earth simply to preach Krsna-bhakti, love of Krsna. In other words, He is Lord Krsna Himself teaching the living entities the proper way to approach Krsna
- Lord Caitanya came to earth simply to preach krsna-bhakti, love of Krsna. In other words, He is Lord Krsna Himself teaching the living entities the proper way to approach Krsna - CC Intro
- Lord Caitanya elaborated on these teachings of Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.87.30) by pointing out that there are two kinds of living entities - the eternally liberated and the eternally conditioned
- Lord Caitanya explained that of the many thousands and millions of living entities wandering in the material world, one who by the grace of Lord Krsna and the spiritual master gets the seed of devotional service is very rare and fortunate
- Lord Caitanya is Lord Krsna Himself teaching the living entities the proper way to approach Krsna. He is like a teacher who, seeing a student doing poorly, takes up a pencil and writes, saying, "Do it like this: A, B, C" - CC Intro
- Lord Caitanya likens transcendental devotional service to the sowing of a seed in the heart of the living entity. BG 1972 purports
- Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the chief exponent of Krsna consciousness in this age, has explained that the living entities in various planetary systems all over the universe are rotating in different species of life
- Lord Jesus Christ is a saktyavesa Avatara, an empowered living entity or jiva. In order to attain such a position one must be pure, so in this sense Lord Jesus Christ was a pure devotee
- Lord Krsna accepted the motherhood of Putana because she pretended to be an affectionate mother, allowing Krsna to suck her breast. The Lord accepts the least qualification of the living entity and awards him the highest reward
- Lord Krsna appeared as Lord Narayana, and Lord Balarama appeared as Sankarsana, the reservoir of all living entities
- Lord Krsna confirms this statement (of CC Madhya 19.140) in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 15.7): mamaivamso jiva-loke jiva-bhutah sanatanah. “The living entities in this conditioned world are My eternal fragmental parts”
- Lord Krsna explains in Bhagavad-gita (BG 15.7): The living entities in this conditioned world are My eternal, fragmental parts. Due to conditioned life, they are struggling very hard with the six senses, which include the mind
- Lord Krsna is also addressed as asisam isa. The great saintly personalities, sages and demigods are able to offer benedictions to ordinary living entities, but they in turn are benedicted by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Lord Krsna is the chief King of all kings, and He has created different planets for all kinds of living entities. Even on this planet there are different places for inhabitation by different types of men
- Lord Krsna states that the brahma-bhuta ananda-maya stage is complete only when there is an exchange of love between the Supreme and the subordinate living entities
- Lord Krsna's avesa forms are also explained in the Laghu-bhagavatamrta (Purva 18): A living entity who is specifically empowered by the Lord with knowledge or strength is technically called avesa-rupa
- Lord Narayana, along with His partial manifestation Nara, appeared in this world through the daughter of Daksa Maharaja known as Murti. He was begotten by Dharma Maharaja for the benefit of all living entities
- Lord Rsabhadeva is the master of all Vedic knowledge, human beings, demigods, cows and brahmanas. I have already explained His pure, transcendental activities, which will vanquish the sinful activities of all living entities
- Lord Siva holds almost all the powers of Lord Visnu, and he is also above the qualities of the living entity, but he is not exactly like Visnu, just as yogurt, although transformed milk, is not exactly like milk
- Lord Siva is also in charge of the tamo-guna, or the mode of ignorance in this material world. His potency, the goddess Durga, is described as keeping all living entities in the darkness of ignorance
- Lord Siva is by nature a Vaisnava, a great devotee, and his name in this connection is Asutosa. He is always satisfied, and therefore he did not become angry as if he were an enemy. He is not inimical to any living entity
- Lord Siva is called pasupati because he protects the living entities in their developed consciousness so that they may follow the Vedic system of varna and asrama
- Lord Siva is described here (in SB 4.2.1) as the best of the gentle because he is not envious of anyone, he is equal to all living entities, and all other good qualities are present in his personality. The word siva means "all auspicious
- Lord Siva is known as pasupati, the protector of the brahmanas and other living entities. He protects them from the attacks of non-brahmanas, or uncultured persons who are against the self-realization process
- Lord Siva is not actually like a living entity, but he is not the Supreme Personality of Godhead. His position is somewhere between Visnu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and Brahma, the living entity
- Lord Siva is not an ordinary living entity, nor is he in the category of Visnu, or the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He is far more powerful than any living entity up to the standard of Brahma, yet he is not on an equal level with Visnu
- Lord Siva is not one of the living entities; he is, more or less, Krsna Himself
- Lord Siva is praised by Sati, partially due to her personal respect for Lord Siva, since he is her husband, and partially due to his exalted position, which exceeds that of ordinary living entities, even Lord Brahma
- Lord Siva is simultaneously an expansion of Lord Visnu and, in his capacity for annihilating the creation, one of the living entities
- Lord Siva is well known as Asutosa ("very easily pleased"), and he is also very affectionate to his devotees. He is a great protector for persons who take shelter of him and is the master of all living entities in this material world
- Lord Siva prays to Lord Aniruddha to give him strength so he can become free from all obligation to the Pitas, demigods, general living entities and saintly persons and completely engage himself in the devotional service of the Lord
- Lord Siva said, "My Lord, You (Krsna) are actually the dearmost Supersoul of all living entities and the supreme controller of everything"
- Lord Siva said: My dear Bhavani, just see how all these living entities have been placed in danger because of the poison produced from the churning of the ocean of milk
- Lord Siva, as the progenitor, engages in sex with Bhavani, the progenitress, to produce living entities, and from the mixture of their vital fluid the river named Hataki is generated
- Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the Supreme Lord, and Nityananda Prabhu and Advaita Prabhu are manifestations of the Supreme Lord. All of Them are visnu-tattva, the Supreme, and are therefore worshipable by the living entities
- Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, in the Caitanya-caritamrta, also confirms this statement by declaring that the real, spiritual form of the living entity is eternal servitorship to the Supreme Lord
- Lord Vasudeva, Krsna, is worshipable not only by ordinary living entities but by demigods like Lord Siva, Lord Brahma and others. Yam brahma-varunendra-rudra-marutah stuvanti divyaih stavaih
- Lord Visnu and the individual souls, who are part and parcel of Him, are both eternal. Nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam (Katha Upanisad 2.2.13). Lord Visnu is the chief living being, whereas the individual living entities are parts of Lord Visnu
- Lord Visnu bestows all good fortune upon the living entities by teaching them to perform Vedic activities such as ritualistic ceremonies, mystic yoga, austerities, penances, and ultimately samadhi, ecstatic absorption in thoughts of You - SB 10.2.34
- Lord Visnu is always mentioned as the purusa in all Vedic scriptures. Sometimes the living entities are also mentioned as purusas, although they are essentially purusa-sakti (para sakti or para prakrti), the superior energy of the purusa
- Lord Visnu is the master of this material world, and there is no question of His being controlled by material nature. Consequently, He is addressed here (in SB 4.20.27) as purusottama, the best of all living entities - namely visnu-tattvas & jiva-tattvas
- Lord Visnu is the Supreme Lord even of Lord Siva and Lord Brahma, what to speak of the demigods, Gandharvas and ordinary living entities
- Love means for everyone. Samah sarvesu bhutesu. Equality to all living entities. That is real love
- Love of Godhead is dormant in every living entity, and the entire process of devotional service unto the Lord is meant for awakening this dormant, eternal love of Godhead. But there are degrees of such transcendental awakening
- Lust is the greatest enemy of the living entity, and it is lust only which induces the pure living entity to remain entangled in the material world. BG 1972 purports
- Lust is the symbol of ignorance by which the living entity is kept within the material world. BG 1972 purports
- Lusty desires and greed keep the living entity perpetually in ignorance and prevent him from being elevated to the platform of sattva-guna or suddha-sattva-guna
- Madhvacarya says: When one thinks that the living entity is nondifferent in all respects from the Supreme Lord, there is no doubt that he is in ignorance - tamah
- Maha isvara. Maha means great. Isvara means controller. So we can controller a few men, but Mahesvara means He controls all living entities
- Maha-sankarsana is the ultimate reservoir and objective of all living entities
- Mahajano yena gatah. You cannot manufacture your ways of thinking. What you are? You are most insignificant living entity. And without following the acaryas, without following the mahajanas, without following the sastra, how you can teach
- Maharaja Dhruva, the predominating deity of Dhruvaloka, is also a living entity. Thus there are two kinds of entities - the supreme entity, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and the ordinary living entity, the jiva - nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam
- Maharaja Pariksit's question as to how a living entity began his material life, although he is apart from the material body and mind, is perfectly answered
- Maharaja Prthu, specifically empowered to rule and maintain the living entities - palana-sakti
- Maitreya continued: My dear sinless Vidura, Lord Visnu is actually the enjoyer of the results of all sacrifices. Yet because of His being the Supersoul of all living entities, He was satisfied simply with His share of the sacrificial offerings
- Maitreya said: When the equilibrium of the combination of the three modes of nature was agitated by the unseen activity of the living entity, by Maha-Visnu and by the force of time, the total material elements were produced
- Male, female, these two things. The supreme male is Krsna, and everyone, either this dull matter or the living entities, they are called female, prakrti. Prakrti means female, and purusa means male
- Man has a general tendency toward fruitive activities, religious ritualistic ceremonies & philosophical speculation. A living entity thus bewildered since time immemorial does not understand the real goal of life, & thus his activities in life are wasted
- Mandavya Muni was a great sage and Vidura was formerly the controller Yamaraja, who takes charge of the living entities after death
- Many other millions of spiritual lokas wherein the Personality of Godhead predominates; all the living entities there are liberated souls with spiritual bodies as good as that of the Lord
- Many verses can be quoted from the Upanisads and Vedas which prove that the Supreme Godhead is not impersonal. In the Katha Upanisad (2.2.13) it is also said: He is the supreme eternally conscious person, who maintains all other living entities
- Material bondage is caused by putting oneself under the control of matter because of the false ego of lording it over material nature. Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.27) states, iccha-dvesa-samutthena. Two kinds of propensities arise in the living entity
- Material consciousness is the cause of one's conditional life, in which conditions are enforced upon the living entity by the material energy
- Material energy is inferior, and spiritual energy is superior. Why? Superior energy (jiva-bhuta), the living entity, is controlling material nature. Actually he is not controlling, but is trying to utilize it
- Material existence means being fully controlled by material nature. The mind is the center for accepting the dictations of material nature. Thus the living entity is carried away in different types of bodies continuously, millennium after millennium
- Material life means a desire for sense gratification. They're (living entities) fallen because they wanted to gratify their senses. They cannot remain in Vaikuntha world
- Material nature & the living entities should be understood to be beginningless. Their transformations and the modes of matter are products of material nature
- Material nature and the living entities should be understood to be beginningless
- Material nature and the living entities should be understood to be beginningless. Their transformations and the modes of matter are products of material nature. BG 13.20 - 1972
- Material nature awards and punishes the living entity. When the living entity is materially opulent, material nature is rewarding him. When he is materially embarrassed, material nature is punishing him
- Material nature consists of the three modes-goodness, passion and ignorance. When the living entity comes in contact with nature, he becomes conditioned by these modes. BG 14.5 - 1972
- Material nature displays wonderful workmanship by creating varieties of bodies for the living beings according to their propensities for sense gratification. The living entity who wants to taste stool is given a body that is suitable for eating stool
- Material nature harasses the living entity in different bodies, but if the living entity surrenders to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he becomes free from this entanglement. Thus his life becomes successful
- Material nature is called the mother, and the initiator for materialistic life is the father, Lord Siva. All material creation by the living entities is therefore initiated by the mode of passion
- Material nature is so strong that it cannot be surmounted by an ordinary living entity. Only those who surrender unto the lotus feet of Krsna can cross the ocean of material existence
- Material nature is very strong, and the material modes force one to accept another body. This force is visible when the living entity transmigrates from a superior body to an inferior one
- Material resources are offered to the living entity for his peaceful living & for the discharge of the duties of self-realization in conditioned life. But due to false identification, the conditioned soul becomes entrapped by the sense of false ownership
- Materialistic living entities are very much attracted to the modes of material nature, and therefore they are never perfect, but You are above the jurisdiction of all material conceptions
- Matter also has the potency to manifest living entities in the form of vegetables. In this sense, life comes out of matter, but matter also comes out of life
- Maya cannot stand without Krsna. But Krsna is not affected by maya. Because Krsna is not affected, absorbed. But the living entities, yaya sammohito jiva, the living entities, they become affected by the presence of maya
- Maya covers the living entity because of his willingness to forget the Supreme Personality of Godhead and make his own plan to enjoy this material world
- Maya has two potencies with which to execute her two functions - the praksepatmika-sakti, the power to throw the living entity into the ocean of material existence, and avaranatmika-sakti, the power to cover the knowledge of the living entity
- Maya is also the master's energy and is also unlimited; therefore the limited servant or limited living entity is forced to remain under the master or the master's potency, maya
- Maya means disharmony between the living entities and the Supreme Lord, and Vaikuntha means harmony between them. Actually all living entities are provided for and maintained by the Lord because He is the supreme living entity
- Mayavada philosophy states that the Supreme Lord, the living entities and the cosmic manifestation are all transformations of illusory energy. To support this atheistic theory, the Mayavadis cite false scriptures
- Mayavadi philosophers have propagated the slogan brahma satyam jagan mithya, which declares that the Absolute Truth is fact but the cosmic manifestation and the living entities are simply illusions
- Mayavadi philosophers maintain that the living entity is the Supreme Himself. This doctrine cannot be tenable
- Mayavadi philosophers take advantage of this doctrine of transference by saying that the living entity is under the wrong impression when he thinks himself to be part and parcel of the Supreme
- Mayavadi philosophers take the incarnation of the Lord to be in the same category as the ordinary living entity. This is a great mistake
- Mayavadis maintain that when a living entity is liberated, he becomes one with the supreme impersonal Brahman
- Medical science agrees that at every moment the material body is changing. just as living entities are not bewildered by this, an enlightened man is not bewildered when the body undergoes its ultimate change at death
- Medical science verifies that when one's temperature is raised to 107 degrees, a man immediately dies. This prajvara, or higher fever, at the last stage of life places the living entity in the midst of a blazing fire
- Men, animals, beasts, birds-everything is simultaneously created, because whatever desires the living entities had at the last annihilation are again manifested. BG 1972 purports
- Merely by sexual intercourse a living entity cannot be begotten. The living entity must be placed in the emulsification of secretions. This is the verdict of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Millions of years ago all living entities were interested in eating, sleeping, mating and defending; the same thing is going on. There is no change
- Mind is also material, intelligence is also material, but they are subtle forms. And spiritual existence is the living entity, as we are. These things are very nicely explained in the Bhagavad-gita
- Mind is the subtle body of the living entity. We may sometimes be absorbed in some thought which is sinful, but if we give up the sinful thought, it may be said that we give up the body
- Mind, consciousness and the living entity exist. Whenever we speak of the living entity, this includes the mind and consciousness
- Miserable life begins from the moment the living entity begins to contact his material body. Unfortunately, we forget this experience and do not take the miseries of birth very seriously
- Miseries inflicted by other living entities are called adhibhautika. These living entities need not even be large, for there are many - such as bugs - that can make us miserable even while we are sleeping in bed
- Modern civilization does not know that because of varied association in material nature, the living entity although eternal is placed in different diseased conditions known as the many species of life. Modern civilization is unaware of the laws of nature
- Modern science is trying to generate living entities in test tubes by processing semen, but even long, long ago it was possible for semen kept in a pot to develop into a child
- Modern scientists do not know why there are varieties of bodies in 8,400,000 forms. The fact is that all these bodies are ordained for the living entities by the Supreme Personality of Godhead according to the living entities' desires
- Mother material nature cannot produce any living entity from her material elements unless and until she is impregnated with living entities by the Lord Himself. That is the mystery of the generation of the living entities
- Mother Saci, a nitya-siddha living entity, is an incarnation of mother Yasoda. She appeared in the house of Nilambara Cakravarti and was everlastingly engaged in the service of Lord Visnu
- Mucukunda continued, "I think that, like me, all living creatures are careless about spiritual realization and are always full of anxieties, thinking, What is to be done? What is next?"
- Mucukunda continued, "They (living entities) are foolishly attached to so-called society, friendship and love, which merely produce different kinds of miseries"
- Mucukunda knew well that every higher planetary system has a predominating deity. He was not ignorant like modern men who think that this planet earth is full of living entities and all others are vacant
- Mucukunda told Lord Krsna, "I can understand that You are quite fit for being worshiped by all living entities"
- My dear boy (Rudra), you may now accept all the names and places designated for you and your different wives, and since you are now one of the masters of the living entities, you may increase the population on a large scale
- My dear boys, of all the living entities who have accepted material bodies in this world, one who has been awarded this human form should not work hard day and night simply for sense gratification, which is available even for dogs and hogs that eat stool
- My dear friends, O sons of the demons, in the same favorable way that one sees himself and takes care of himself, take to devotional service to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is present everywhere as the Supersoul of all living entities
- My dear King Rahugana, you are also a victim of the external energy, being situated on the path of attraction to material pleasure. So that you may become an equal friend to all living entities
- My dear King, the living entity, who has a subtle mental covering, develops all kinds of thoughts and images because of his previous body. Take this from me as certain
- My dear Lord, all living entities within this material world are mad after planning for things, and they are always busy with a desire to do this or that. This is due to uncontrollable greed
- My dear Lord, let me suffer perpetually in a hellish condition, accepting all the sinful reactions of all living entities. Please finish their diseased material life
- My dear Lord, now I have complete experience concerning the worldly opulence, mystic power, longevity and other material pleasures enjoyed by all living entities, from Lord Brahma down to the ant. As powerful time, You destroy them all
- My dear Lord, You are just like the sun, for You illuminate the darkness of the conditional life of the living entities
- My dear Lord, You are the best of the demigods who can offer benedictions. Why, therefore, should any learned person ask You for benedictions meant for living entities bewildered by the modes of nature?
- My dear Lord, You are the complete conductor of the material creation. You have created this cosmic manifestation and the three material qualities, and therefore You have created me, the planet earth, the resting place of all living entities
- My dear Mother, even if he worships with proper rituals and paraphernalia, a person who is ignorant of My presence in all living entities never pleases Me by the worship of My Deities in the temple
- My dear mother, I have explained to you the process of devotional service and its identity in four different social divisions. I have explained to you as well how eternal time is chasing the living entities, although it is imperceptible to them
- My dear Priyavrata, by the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, all living entities accept different types of bodies for birth and death, activity, lamentation, illusion, fear of future dangers, and happiness and distress
- My dear sons of demons, the SPG, Narayana, is the original Supersoul, the father of all living entities. Consequently there are no impediments to pleasing Him or worshiping Him under any conditions, whether one be a child or an old man
- My dear sons, you should not envy any living entity - be he moving or nonmoving. Knowing that I am situated in them, you should offer respect to all of them at every moment. In this way, you offer respect to Me (Rsabhadeva)
- My dear Vidura, one who hears this narration concerning the understanding of the living entity's spiritual existence, as described by the great sage Narada, or who relates it to others, will be liberated from the bodily conception of life
- My devotees take great care and respect in rendering Me service. They offer obeisances to Me with all their bodily limbs. They worship other devotees and find all living entities related to Me. For Me they engage the entire energy of their bodies
- My Lord, devotional service unto You is the only auspicious path. If one gives it up simply for speculative knowledge or the understanding that these living beings are spirit souls and the material world is false, he undergoes a great deal of trouble
- My Lord, You are certainly the inexhaustible Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narayana, Sri Hari. It is to show Your mercy to the living entities that You have now assumed the form of an aquatic
- My Lord, You are fully situated in everyone's heart, but the living entities, covered by the material body, cannot see You, for they are influenced by the external energy, conducted by the three modes of material nature
- Na hanyate hanyamane sarire: (BG 2.20) don't think that when the body is destroyed the living entity will be destroyed; no, the living entity will continue to exist
- Na hanyate hanyamane sarire: (BG 2.20) He does not die, even after the annihilation of the body. Thus the living entity transmigrates from one body to another and performs various activities
- Na te viduh svartha-gatim hi visnum durasaya ye bahir-artha-maninah (SB 7.5.31). The living entity tries to be happy within this material world, not understanding the target of his life
- Na te viduh svartha-gatim hi visnum: (SB 7.5.31) the living entities have forgotten that the aim of life is to go back home, back to Godhead
- Nalakuvara & Manigriva said: You, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, cause the birth and death as well as the liberation of the living entities, and You are full with all Your plenary expansions. You can bestow on everyone all kinds of benedictions
- Narada Muni continued: You must understand that Puranjana, the living entity, transmigrates according to his own work into different types of bodies, which may be one-legged, two-legged, three-legged, four-legged, many-legged or simply legless
- Narada thought that the best punishment for them was to make them immovable living entities, or trees. Trees are, by nature’s laws, immovable. Although trees are covered by the mode of ignorance, they cannot do harm
- Narayana, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the well-wisher and friend of all living entities, formerly explained this transcendental knowledge to the great saint Narada
- Nature and the living entities are sometimes designated as prakrti and purusa respectively. The whole cosmic manifestation is an amalgamation of prakrti and purusa
- Nature has given a body that..., just like a tailor can give me a set of dress, but the dress, when I put on, the dress looks like a man, with hands and legs. But dress is nothing; it is simply outward covering of a man, a living entity
- Nature is said to be the cause of all material activities and effects, whereas the living entity is the cause of the various sufferings and enjoyments in this world. BG 13.21 - 1972
- Nature is said to be the cause of all material causes and effects, whereas the living entity is the cause of the various sufferings and enjoyments in this world
- Nature is the ingredient cause, and the living entities are the effective cause. These two causes combine together, and the effect is this cosmic manifestation
- Neither the Supreme Personality of Godhead nor the small sparklike living entities have anything to do with matter, but when the spiritual spark comes in contact with the material world his fiery quality is extinguished
- Nitya means eternal. And nityanam. Nityanam means plural number of nityas. So there are many nityas, means many living entities, but there is one nitya Supreme. That is God. He is also a living entity like us
- Nivrtti-marga is the path of negating sense enjoyment, and pravrtti-marga is the path by which the living entities are given a chance to enjoy and at the same time are directed in such a way that they can go back home, back to Godhead
- Nivrttya means that the living entity keeps his individuality; oneness means that he realizes happiness in the happiness of the Supreme Lord. In the Supreme Lord there is nothing but happiness
- No history can trace out the origin of Krsna consciousness because the living entities, they are eternal. The bodily concept of life is not correct. Nobody dies, nobody takes birth. Everyone is eternal
- No living entity is free from the cycle of birth and death unless he takes to Krsna consciousness
- No living entity is independent; all are dependent on the mercy of the Supreme Lord. Therefore the Vedic instruction is that one should enjoy life under the direction of the supreme leader, the Personality of Godhead
- No living entity is originally formless, as is wrongly thought by those with a poor fund of knowledge. This mantra verifies the fact that the living entity exists after the annihilation of the material body
- No living entity other than the supreme being, the Absolute Personality of Godhead is either abhijna or svarat - that is, none of them are either fully cognizant or fully independent
- No one can accuse the Supreme Lord of partiality in giving one type of body to a certain type of living entity and another type of body to another living entity
- No one can be a greater well-wishing friend to any living entity than the SP of Godhead. He is so kindly disposed towards everyone that in spite of our completely forgetting our relationship with the Supreme Lord, He comes Himself - sometimes personally
- No one can understand the Absolute Truth in all perfection. That is not possible for the infinitesimal living entities. But the highest point of understanding by the living entity is reached by discharge of devotional service, not otherwise
- No one wants to die, and no one wants to be poor or ugly. Therefore, why does the living entity, against his will, receive such unwanted troubles? It is due to the mercy or chastisement of the SP of Godhead that one gains or loses everything material
- No ordinary living entity can interpret Vedanta-sutra according to his mundane conceptions
- No scripture says that there is no God or that we as living entities are independent - not the Bible, the Koran, the Vedas or even the Buddhist literatures
- Nobody can count how many living entities are there, but God is one
- Nobody can trace out the history when we, the conditioned soul, accepted this material body. And deha-bhajam means that anyone who has accepted this material body. Not only we . . . there are 8,400,000 different forms of living entities
- Non-Aryans and other demoniac people fail to follow the instructions of Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam because they have been trained in sense gratification at the cost of all other living entities
- Non-sanatana religious faith may have some beginning in the annals of human history, but there is no beginning to the history of sanatana-dharma because it remains eternally with the living entities. BG 1972 Introduction
- None of these conditions of the living entities - namely, deep sleep, dreaming and wakefulness - is substantial. They are simply displays of various phases of conditional life
- Nonetheless, you are unchanged, resting in one place as the Supersoul, witness and Supreme Lord, the birthless, all-pervading controller who is the cause of life for all living entities
- Nonmoving living entities include hills, mountains, trees, plants, etc. This stage of life is called punyatam or mukhyatam, namely, making all activities zero
- Nor is it (Pradhana) the jiva, or marginal potency of living entities, or designated, conditioned living entities, because the designations of the living entities are not eternal
- Not a single living entity can remain unengaged even for a moment. One must act by his natural tendency according to the three modes of material nature because this natural tendency forcibly makes him work in a particular way
- Not attaining ananda, or bliss, they (brahma-bhuta living entities) come down to the material world to enjoy. This is certainly a falldown for one who is actually liberated. The bhaktas consider such a falldown equal to achieving a place in hell
- Not by the senses, by the mind, by the life air, by thoughts within the heart, or by the vibration of words can the living entities ascertain the real situation of the Supreme Lord
- Not knowing about devotional service, the living entity wanders about this ocean, just as a man tries to swim to reach the shore. Our struggle for existence is similar to this. Everyone is trying to get out of the ocean of material existence
- Not only are demigods parts of the Supreme Lord, but ordinary living entities are also. BG 1972 purports
- Not only does a living entity enjoy or suffer in this world according to the dictation from the Supreme Lord situated locally in the heart, but he receives the opportunity to understand Vedas from Him. BG 1972 purports
- Not only does the human being have a material body, but other living entities, such as cats and dogs, also have material bodies
- Not only man, every living entity, cats, dogs, trees, aquatics, everyone, because this material world means all the living entities, beginning from Lord Brahma, down to the smallest ant, they are seeking after enjoyment
- Nothing actually belongs to the living entity, but he becomes mad after everything, claiming, "This is mine. This is mine. This is mine." Janasya moho 'yam aham mameti (SB 5.5.8). This is called illusion
- Nothing belongs to the living entity, but he claims that everything belongs to him. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu recommends that this false intelligence be purified
- Now is the time to invoke the mode of goodness of the living entities who have accepted material bodies. The mode of goodness is meant to establish the Supreme Lord's rule, which will maintain the existence of the creation
- Now kindly inform me of the durations of life of those greatly learned living entities who are beyond the range of a kalpa
- Now that You (Krsna) have appeared, My Lord, death is fleeing in fear of You, and the living entities, having obtained shelter at Your lotus feet by Your mercy, are sleeping in full mental peace - SB 10.3.27
- Now we have human bodies, but in the next life we may not have them; we may have something else, better or lower. The type of body is decided by the living entity's superiors
- Now what actually happens to the unsuccessful spiritualist? Sri Krsna specifically explains: "The unsuccessful yogi, after many, many years of enjoyment on the planets of the pious living entities, is born into a family of righteous people" - Bg. 6.41-42
- Now you are raising your third child. So more and more you are becoming responsible for these living entities who are your dependents. You must see that they do not take birth again in this material world. That is your duty
- Now, in this (fourteenth) chapter (of BG), the Supreme Personality explains what those modes of nature are (by which the living entity is entangled in this material world), how they act, how they bind and how they give liberation. BG 1972 purports
- Numerous living entities are distributed all over the universe in different planets and are so situated in terms of their own qualities in the modes of material nature
- O Brahma, I shall explain all these truths to you. Since you are a living being (jiva), without My explanation you will not be able to understand your relationship with Me, devotional activity and life's ultimate goal
- O chief amongst the brahmanas (Maitreya Rsi), please also describe how Narayana, the creator of the universe and the self-sufficient Lord, has differently created the natures, activities, forms, features and names of the different living creatures
- O devotees! O you who are free from all sins! Let me inquire from you about that which is supremely auspicious for all living entities. Pure devotee's association for even half a moment in this material world is the greatest treasure for human society
- O elevated demigods, at the time of death, severe, unbearable pain takes away the consciousness of all living entities who have accepted material bodies
- O Father, O Lord, O Personality of Godhead, the living entities in the material world can never have any happiness because they are overwhelmed by the three kinds of miseries
- O great hero, protector of living entities, if you desire to relieve the living entities by supplying them sufficient grain, and if you desire to nourish them by taking milk from me, you should make arrangements to bring a calf suitable for this purpose
- O great souls (Devaki and Vasudeva), your children have suffered their own misfortune. Therefore, please do not lament for them. All living entities are under the control of the Supreme, and they cannot always live together - SB 10.4.18
- O immortal one, this unique airplane has been sent by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is worshiped by selected prayers and who is the chief of all living entities. You are quite worthy to board such a plane
- O Kardama, I know that the original Supreme Personality of Godhead has now appeared as an incarnation by His internal energy. He is the bestower of all desired by the living entities, and He has now assumed the body of Kapila Muni
- O King, all good fortune unto you! The mind is the cause of the living entity's attaining a certain type of body in accordance with his association with material nature
- O King, as small particles of sand sometimes come together and are sometimes separated due to the force of the waves, the living entities who have accepted material bodies sometimes come together and are sometimes separated by the force of time
- O King, the ksetra-jna-sakti is the living entity. Although he has the facility to live in either the material or the spiritual world, he suffers the threefold miseries of material existence because he is influenced by the avidya (nescience) potency
- O King, you shall collect all types of herbs and seeds and load them on that great boat. Then, accompanied by the seven rsis and surrounded by all kinds of living entities, you shall get aboard that boat
- O lord, all these planets exist within your self, and all the living entities are generated from you. Therefore you are the cause of this universe, and anyone who meditates upon you without deviation attains devotional service
- O lord, the sky is your navel, the air is your breathing, the sun is your eyes, and the water is your semen. You are the shelter of all kinds of living entities, high and low. The god of the moon is your mind, and the upper planetary system is your head
- O Lord, You (Visnu) are always in full knowledge, and to bring all good fortune to all living entities, You appear in different incarnations, all of them transcendental to the material creation - SB 10.2.29
- O Lord, You have no source or superior. You have impregnated the external energy with the semen of the total living entities, yet You are unborn
- O master of the demigods, please attempt to lift the earth, which is merged in the great water, because it is the dwelling place for all the living entities. It can be done by your endeavor and by the mercy of the Lord
- O my friends, O sons of demons, everyone, including you (the Yaksas and Raksasas), the unintelligent women, sudras and cowherd men, the birds, the lower animals and the sinful living entities, can revive his original, eternal spiritual life
- O my friends, sons of the asuras, the SPG in His Supersoul feature always exists within the cores of the hearts of all living entities. Indeed, He is the well-wisher and friend of all living entities, and there is no difficulty in worshiping the Lord
- O my gentle mother, when the mind is agitated by the movements of the modes of material nature, the living entity, although freed from all the different phases of the subtle and gross bodies, thinks that he has changed from one condition to another
- O my Lord, O unconquerable one, O master of all potencies, please exhibit Your internal potency to conquer the nescience of all moving & inert living entities. Due to nescience, they accept all kinds of faulty things, thus provoking a fearful situation
- O my Lord, the unborn, You have shaken hands with me just as a friend does with a friend (as if equal in position). I shall be engaged in the creation of different types of living entities, and I shall be occupied in Your service
- O scion of Bharata (Arjuna), O conqueror of the foe, all living entities are born into delusion, overcome by the dualities of desire and hate
- O scion of Bharata (Arjuna), O conqueror of the foe, all living entities are born into delusion, overcome by the dualities of desire and hate - BG 7.27
- O scion of Bharata (Arjuna), O conqueror of the foe, all living entities are born into delusion, overcome by the dualities of desire and hate. This is an explanation of how the living entity falls down into this material world
- O sinless one (Maitreya Rsi), because the Personality of Godhead, the controller of all living entities, is the father of all religion and all those who are candidates for religious activities, kindly describe how He can be completely satisfied
- O son of Bharata, as the sun alone illuminates all this universe, so does the living entity, one within the body, illuminate the entire body by consciousness. BG 13.34 - 1972
- O son of Bharata, the mode of ignorance causes the delusion of all living entities. The result of this mode is madness, indolence and sleep, which bind the conditioned soul. BG 14.8 - 1972
- O unlimited Supreme Personality of Godhead, whatever a living entity does in this material world is well known to You because You are the Supersoul
- O Vidura, while searching in that way about his existence, Brahma reached his ultimate time, which is the eternal wheel in the hand of Visnu and which generates fear in the mind of the living entity like the fear of death
- Of course this is not possible for living entities who are lower than human beings, but in human society it is feasible that all living entities can be enlightened with Krsna consciousness
- Of course, Arjuna was not an ordinary living entity, but because of his friendly dealings with Krsna he thought that Krsna was unable to give protection to the brahmana and that he would do better to remember Lord Siva
- Omkara is the origin, middle and end of everything, and any living entity who thus understands omkara attains the perfection of spiritual identity in omkara
- Omkara should be offered into the point bindu, bindu into the vibration of sound, and that vibration into the life air. Then the living entity, who is all that remains, should be placed in Brahman, the Supreme. This is the process of sacrifice
- On behalf of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, it is our duty to save these living entities who are parts and parcel of Krsna from misguided illusion by the influence of maya
- On his path of ascent, the progressive living entity enters the different worlds of fire, the sun, the day, the end of the day, the bright fortnight, the full moon, and the passing of the sun in the north, along with their presiding demigods
- On the brahma-bhuta platform the living entity is liberated from material bondage, and he engages in the service of the Lord
- On the contrary, others are dependent on Him for the activities of their different sense organs. Unless the living entity is inspired and directed by the Supersoul, he cannot act
- On the disappearance of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, who is the object of transcendental enjoyment for the senses of devotees, Brahma, with folded hands, began to re-create the universe, full with living entities, as it was previously
- On the material planets, everyone from Brahma down to the ant is trying to lord it over material nature, and this is the material disease. As long as this material disease continues, the living entity has to undergo the process of bodily change
- On the upper parts (of the banyan tree) are higher forms of living entities: the demigods, Gandharvas (fairies), and many other higher species of life. BG 1972 purports
- On this earth there are four kinds of living entities, who are all created by Him. The material creation rests on His lotus feet. He is the great Supreme Person, full of opulence and power. May He be pleased with us
- On this platform (of the causal ocean), a living entity is completely free from material entanglement. For the jnanis who want to merge into the Brahman effulgence, there is Brahma-loka
- Once placed in some particular kind of body, he comes under the control of nature because the body, being matter, acts according to the laws of nature. At that time, the living entity has no power to change that law. BG 1972 purports
- Once upon a time the forefather of living entities and the father of religiousness, Lord Brahma, situated himself in acts of regulative principles, desiring self-interest for the welfare of all living entities
- One can experience the distinction between the subtle and gross bodies even daily; in a dream, one's gross body is lying on the bed while the subtle body carries the soul, the living entity, to another atmosphere
- One can just imagine the difference between floating in space & residing in one of the planets in the sky. The pleasure of the living entities on the planets is greater than that of those who have no body & who merge with the molecules of the sun's rays
- One can understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead by understanding the sample, the living entity, because all the qualities of God exist in a minute quantity in the living entities
- One cannot know You by experimental knowledge. One can simply understand Your transcendental existence to be like the great ocean, in which different grades of living entities are included
- One cannot say that the living entity (jiva) takes birth or is created, for such a statement is against the injunction of the Vedas
- One cannot transcend the limits of the material modes, and therefore realization of the Lord, who is always transcendental to the modes of material nature, becomes very difficult for the living entities
- One child, one living entity, takes birth in the womb of a human being, and that child is being killed by the conspiration of the mother and the doctor. This is going on
- One day, Brahma, the creator of the living entities, beheld his own reflection in the water, and admiring himself, he evolved Kimpurusas as well as Kinnaras out of that reflection
- One eternal living entity supports all the other eternal living entities. Because the SPG maintains all the other living entities, they remain subordinate to the Lord, even when joined with Him in the reciprocation of loving affairs
- One has to rise early in the morning and travel in that car at breakneck speed. There is always the danger of an accident, and one has to take great care. In his automobile, the living entity is full of anxieties, and his struggle is not at all auspicious
- One is apara, and one is para. Apara-purusa is the living entity, who is trying to enjoy this material world. But para-purusa is the anumanta, guiding principle or order-giving
- One living entity is the food for another living entity, by nature's law. So the conclusion is that we must render service to the strong. This is nature's law
- One may conclude that the Gita confirms the living entity to be only one of the multi-energies of Krsna; and when this energy is freed from material contamination, it becomes fully Krsna conscious, or liberated. BG 1972 purports
- One may falsely claim that he is the Lord, but actually he is not. This is the last snare of maya's influence upon the living entity. To think oneself equal with the Supreme Lord or to think oneself to be the Supreme Lord Himself is also due to false ego
- One must protect his body by all means; then he may protect his religious principles and thereafter his possessions. This is the natural desire of all living entities. No one wants to give up his body unless it is forcibly given away
- One must try to understand that the material elements are the separated, inferior energy of the Lord and that the living entity is the Lord's spiritual energy
- One of the expansions of Maha-Visnu is Ksirodakasayi Visnu, the Supersoul within every living entity. As the Supersoul of the total aggregate of living entities, or the second purusa, He is known as Garbhodakasayi Visnu
- One of the four Kumaras, known as Sanandana, gave the following speech: O Supreme Truth! If the living entities were not infinitesimal sparks of the supreme spirit, each minute spark would be all-pervading and would not be controlled by a superior power
- One part of energy is manifesting the material world; the other (superior) part of His energy is manifesting the spiritual world. And the via medium energy is manifesting the living entities who are serving either of the above-mentioned energies
- One plenary portion of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Paramatma, enters into the planets, the universe, the living entity, and even into the atom. So due to His entrance, everything is appropriately manifested. BG 1972 purports
- One purañjana, the living entity, is subordinate to the supreme purañjana; therefore the duty of the subordinate purañjana is to satisfy the supreme purañjana. That is devotional service
- One realizes that all living entities - including Lord Siva, Lord Brahma and other demigods - are servants of the Supreme Lord
- One should always consider that behind all these activities (souls take another body) is superior superintendence. The living entity works in the material world just as the office worker works at his job, and a service record is kept of his performance
- One should definitely know that all material ingredients, activities, time and modes, and the living entities who are meant to enjoy them all, exist by His mercy only, and as soon as He does not care for them, everything becomes nonexistent
- One should have only as much as he requires. If there is greater production, that should be distributed to persons who need them. Because food grains, especially, they are meant for all living entities, they should not be spoiled
- One should know with firm conviction that the Lord, being transcendental, is never subject to any curse or benediction. Only ordinary living entities are subjected to curses and the punishments of Yamaraja
- One should never compare the sleeping of an ordinary living entity to the sleeping of the Supreme Personality of Godhead in the Causal Ocean. There is no stage at which the living entity can compare to the Supreme Person
- One should not accept that the living entity takes birth or dies. The living being actually has no relationship with so-called fathers and mothers
- One should not confuse the painter, the painting and the easel. This material world is nature, and the enjoyer of nature is the living entity, and above them both is the supreme controller, the Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- One should not make the mistake of thinking that dharma is a created faith. In its proper sense, dharma cannot be divorced from the living entity at all
- One should not, however, mistakenly think that after the annihilation of the present body there is no body by which one can associate with God face to face. The living entity is unborn. It is not that he is manifest with the creation of the material body
- One should realize that in the fire, in the spiritual master, in one's self and in all living entities - in all circumstances and conditions - the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu, has simultaneously entered and not entered
- One should see that because of the meeting of material nature and the living entity, the universe is acting uniformly. Thus one should neither praise nor criticize the characteristics or activities of others
- One should try to be free from prison life and go back home, back to Godhead. That is the real goal for all types of living entities
- One who always sees all living entities as spiritual sparks, in quality one with the Lord, becomes a true knower of things. What, then, can be illusion or anxiety for him?
- One who betrays the confidence of a living entity who takes shelter of him in good faith, whether that living entity be a human being or an animal, is extremely sinful
- One who can understand the nature of the living entity in the spiritual world can actually understand vedyam, or perfect knowledge
- One who cannot digest anything, he is recommended to eat this fish, magur mach. Jivo jivasya jivanam. One living entity is the life of another living entity
- One who cannot understand this difference between the soul and the Supersoul, or God and the living entities, is certainly still in the entanglement of the cosmic machinery and thus must still await the time when he will be free from bondage
- One who does not forget this position and knows that he is part and parcel of the Supreme Lord is nitya-mukta. Such a nitya-mukta living entity represents the Supersoul as His expansion. As stated in the Vedas, nityo nityanam
- One who does not know the transcendental nature of God & who thinks that the activities of the Lord are aimed at fruitive results, as are the activities of the ordinary living entities, certainly becomes entangled himself in fruitive reaction. BG 1972 p
- One who fills this post must be ideal in behavior, for Brahma sets the example for all living entities. Brahma, the living entity who is the most pious and spiritually elevated, is entrusted with a post next to that of the Personality of Godhead
- One who has accepted a material body cannot be inactive, and sinful action is inevitable for one acting under the modes of material nature. Therefore all the living entities within this material world are punishable
- One who has clear vision and who is devoid of envy can see that the Supreme Lord is separate from all living entities, although He is situated in every living entity
- One who has limited senses cannot believe that the Lord can eat by His transcendental power of hearing and can perform the act of sex life simply by seeing. The controlled living entity cannot even dream of such sense activities in his conditional life
- One who imprisons a living entity within a cave is put into the hell known as Avata-nirodhana
- One who is actually learned sees only the living entity, not the outward covering
- One who is pandita, one who is learned, sees all living entities to be on an equal level. Therefore, because a Vaisnava, or devotee, is learned, he is compassionate (lokanam hita-karinau), and he can work in such a way as to actually benefit humanity
- One who is smaller or weak, he is enjoyed by the stronger. That is the nature, you will find. The goat, the cows, they are animals. We are also animals, or living entity. But those who have got hands, they eat the animals who have no hands
- One who is trained to perceive all these things (how a living entity leaves his present body, what form of body he is going to take in the next life, why he is living in a particular type of body) is fortunate. BG 1972 purports
- One who is transcendentally situated at once realizes the Supreme Brahman and becomes fully joyful. He never laments nor desires to have anything; he is equally disposed toward all living entities. In that state he attains pure DS unto Me - Krsna
- One who preaches that the living entities are separate from the Supreme Lord is very dear to Lord Visnu
- One who sees the living entity and the Supreme Lord as always distinct is very dear to the Lord
- One who understands this philosophy concerning material nature, the living entity and the interaction of the modes of nature is sure to attain liberation. He will not take birth here again, regardless of his present position. BG 13.24 - 1972
- One who worships the Deity of Godhead in the temples but does not know that the Supreme Lord, as Paramatma, is situated in every living entity's heart, must be in ignorance and is compared to one who offers oblations into ashes
- One's actual relationship is eternally that of love. The living entity is meant to render transcendental loving service to the Lord
- One's body changes due to contact with matter; matter is changing, so the living entity appears to be changing. BG 1972 purports
- One's natural tendency is to serve because a living entity is an eternal servant of God
- Only a small fraction of the living entities, perhaps one fourth, are in the material world. And the major portion of the living entities in the material world - 8,000,000 of the 8,400,000 forms of life - are lower than human beings
- Only atheists consider the living entity and the Personality of Godhead equal in all respects
- Only if a living entity gives up the false conception that the body is the self and always thinks himself an eternal servant of Krsna and the Vaisnavas can he surpass the influence of maya - mam eva ye prapadyante mayam etam taranti te - BG 7.14
- Only in dream does the misconception of "I" and "mine" persist life after life. This continues life after life, as long as the living entity is not purely conscious of his identity as the subordinate part and parcel of the Lord
- Only in the state of ignorance can one accept the Mayavada conclusion that this cosmic manifestation and the living entities are false or illusory
- Only in the state of ignorance can one accept the Mayavadi conclusion that this cosmic manifestation & the living entities are false or illusory. No sane man would impose ignorance & illusion upon the Supreme Absolute Truth, who is absolute in everything
- Only the ignorant person does not know this difference (the living entity is the minute master of his personal affairs whereas the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the master of everyone's affairs) between the Lord and the living entities
- Only the living entity’s material body, or the body of the scorpion, comes out of the cow dung. The sparks of the living entities, as we understand from the Bhagavad-gita, are injected into material nature, and then they come out
- Only the material body of the indestructible, immeasurable, and eternal living entity is subject to destruction; therefore, fight, O descendant of Bharata - BG 2.18
- Only under the direction of the Lord, the Supreme Person, can prakrti, which is manifested in twenty-four elements, create different situations for the living entity
- Only when the individual living entity surrenders unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead is his liberation from material existence possible
- Ordinary living entities are called vibhinnamsa expansions, and the unlimited expansions of visnu-tattva, such as Vamana, Govinda, Narayana, Pradyumna, Vasudeva and Ananta, are called svamsa-kala
- Originally the living entity is a spiritual being, but when he actually desires to enjoy this material world, he comes down
- Other life forms are also subject to the cycle of birth and death, but when the living entity attains a human life, he gets a chance to get free from the chains of karma
- Other living entities also cause us misery. There are living entities born of the human embryo, of eggs, perspiration and vegetation
- Other types of humanitarian work may be temporarily beneficial for the body, but because a living entity is spirit soul, ultimately one can show him real mercy only by revealing knowledge of his spiritual existence
- Others view Him as the all-pervading localized aspect, dwelling within all living entities and generally known as Paramatma or the Supersoul
- Our actual identity should be, "I am Krsna's." When we think in this way, we are thinking in Krsna consciousness. Only in this way can universal love among all living entities be established
- Our first principle is that we have to disregard the persons who are very much anxious to establish that isvara and Paramesvara, or the living entity and the Supreme Person, they are equal
- Our impression was that you are the master of all living entities, the supreme authority who discriminates between the pious and impious activities of all human beings
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is to stop death. You will be surprised. You may not be very much pleased, but it is possible. It is possible. Because we are eternal. We living entities, soul, we are part and parcel of God, we are eternal
- Our material bodies and our lives in that connection are bad bargains because the living entity is actually spirit and spiritual advancement of the living entity is absolutely necessary. Human life is intended for the realization of this important factor
- Our material mind and body develop from the living entity, the soul, and being influenced by the three qualities of matter, we forget our real identity
- Out of all kinds of desirable things experienced in the life of a living entity, association with the devotees of the Lord is the greatest. When we are separated from a devotee even for a moment, we cannot enjoy happiness - Brhad-bhagavatamrta 1.5.44
- Out of all living entities, 8,400,000 of forms, the human forms are only 400,000. The majority of the living entities, they are in different forms
- Out of his (living entity's) desire only, he dreams of a golden mountain, and when the dream is over he sees something else in his presence. He finds in his awakened state that there is neither gold nor a mountain, and what to speak of a golden mountain
- Out of many millions of living entities, one may be fortunate enough to receive the seed of the bhakti-lata, the creeper of devotional service
- Out of many millions of wandering living entities, one who is very fortunate gets an opportunity to associate with a bona fide spiritual master by the grace of Krsna
- Out of many millions of wandering living entities, one who is very fortunate gets an opportunity to associate with a bona fide spiritual master by the grace of Krsna - CC Madhya 19.151
- Out of many of these living entities, one who is actually fortunate (bhagyavan) comes in contact with a bona fide spiritual master by Krsna’s mercy
- Out of the five subjects, the Supreme Lord, the living entity, nature, and time and space are eternal, but the living entity, nature and time are under the direction of the Supreme Lord, who is absolute and completely independent of any other control
- Out of the many millions and trillions of living entities on land, human beings comprise only a small portion. Out of that small number of human beings, most are totally ignorant of spiritual life
- Out of these (5 stages of Brahman realization) the first 3-annamaya, pranamaya, & jnanamaya-involve the fields of activities of the living entities. Transcendental to all these fields is the Supreme Lord, who is called anandamaya. BG 1972 purports
- Padma Purana estimates the species of life to be 8,400,000, & the living entity is rotating or wandering through these species & creating bodies according to his mentality in his present life. "As you sow, so shall you reap," is the law that governs here
- Panditah sama-darsinah: (BG 5.18) because they (humble sages) are completely educated in Krsna consciousness, they see all living beings equally. Aryans do not kill even a small plant unnecessarily, not to speak of cutting trees for sense gratification
- Panditah, those who are learned, the equipoised, advanced devotees who have full knowledge of everything, do not see any living entity as an enemy or friend. Instead, with broader vision, they see that everyone is part of Krsna, as confirmed by Caitanya
- Para-prakrti is the living entity, who is found in great numbers throughout the material world. He is indicated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.5) as jiva-bhutam
- Paramatma is above the illusory energy. The illusory energy is called bahiranga sakti, or external energy, and the living entity is called tatastha sakti, or marginal potency
- Pariksit Maharaja is Vaisnava. He is very unhappy that so many living entities, they are rotting in this hellish condition of life. So he is asking, - I am very sorry that so many living entities are suffering. So if there is any way to give them relief?
- Pariksit Maharaja was astonished that the living entities in the conditional stage do not accept the path of liberation, devotional service, instead of suffering in so many hellish conditions. This is the symptom of a Vaisnava
- Part and parcel of God can be called God, but he is not Supreme God. Therefore there are two words in Vedic language: atma, Paramatma. Atma. Atma means living entities. We are all atmas. And God is Paramatma
- Past, present and future always exist, both for the Supreme Personality of Godhead and for ordinary living entities. Nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam - Katha Upanisad 2.2.13
- Past, present and future are different features of time to indicate the duration of life for the universe and all its paraphernalia, including the different living beings in different planets
- Pasu means life, or living entity. Pasu-ghna. Ghna means killer. So unless one who is killing himself or killing this animal . . . Both are killing
- People are actually hankering after this Krsna consciousness movement because it is the natural function of the living entity. It is not artificial
- People are very much anxious to give service to other living entities, especially to the poor, but although they have manufactured many ways to give such help, actually they are expert in killing the poor living entities
- People have been urged to open hospitals but not to educate themselves to enter into the spiritual kingdom by DS. They have been taught to take interest only in temporary relief work, which can never bring real happiness to the living entity
- Personal features of the Lord are completely different from all kinds of mundane features. The living entities are all individual persons, and they are all parts and parcels of the supreme whole
- Personal superintendence of the illusory energy is confirmed in the Vedas (Kena Upanisad) in relation to the demigods' controlling power. Herein also it is clearly stated that the living entity is controlled by the external energy in a personal capacity
- Personalists, realize the Absolute Truth by understanding that because the Absolute Truth is the supreme predominator and we living entities are predominated, our duty is to serve Him
- Persons who try to reach the ultimate goal of life must expertly observe the Supreme Absolute Person and the living entity, who are one in quality in their relationship as part and whole. This is the ultimate understanding of life
- Piercing through, this sum total form of the fruitive activity of the living entities took the shape of the bud of a lotus flower generated from Visnu & by His supreme will it illuminated everything, like the sun & dried up the vast waters of devastation
- Pious activities that enable the living entity to merge into the existence of the Supreme are called moksonmukhi sukrti
- Pious and impious activities are the two wheels of the chariot. The three modes of material nature are the chariot's flags. The five types of life air constitute the living entity's bondage, and the mind is considered to be the rope
- Please also describe the imperfections and contradictions of the faithless atheists, the situation of crossbreeding, and the movements of the living entities in various species of life according to their particular modes of nature and work
- Please enlighten us by which we can offer You all enjoyable grains & commodities so that both we & all living entities in this world can maintain ourselves without disturbance & can easily accumulate the necessities of life both for You & for ourselves
- Please listen to another glory of His mercy. He made a fallen living entity climb to the highest limit
- Please tell me so that I may be taught in the matter by the instruction of the Personality of Godhead and may thus act instrumentally to generate living entities, without being conditioned by such activities
- Pradhana means subtle matter, such as ether. Purusa means the spiritual spark living entities who are entangled in that subtle material existence. These may also be described as para prakrti and apara prakrti, as stated in Bhagavad-gita
- Prahlada Maharaja is a typical Vaisnava. He prays not for himself but for all living entities - the gentle, the envious and the mischievous. He always thought of the welfare of mischievous persons like his father, Hiranyakasipu
- Prahlada Maharaja is the guide of all the mandas, or bad living entities who are under the influence of maya. He is the benefactor even of the slow and bad living entities in this material world
- Prahlada Maharaja now gives his conclusion: My dear friends, because the Supreme Lord is present everywhere and because we are part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, our duty is to be merciful to all living entities
- Prahlada Maharaja says that of all living entities, Visnu is the supreme well-wisher. Therefore we are all searching for Him
- Prahlada Maharaja, a pure Vaisnava, prays to the Lord not only for himself but for all other suffering living entities
- Prajapati Daksa said: The SPG is transcendental to the illusory energy and the physical categories it produces. He possesses the potency for unfailing knowledge and supreme willpower, and He is the controller of the living entities and the illusory energy
- Prajvara represents the two types of fever: extreme heat and extreme cold - typhoid & pneumonia. The living entity lying down within the body is disturbed by many tribulations pertaining to providence, to other living entities & to his own body and mind
- Prakrti can give us material bodies, but as spirit souls we are parts and parcels of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is confirmed in BG (15.7): The living entity, being part and parcel of God, is not a product of this material world
- Prakrti, material nature, and purusa, the living entity, are eternal. When they both come in contact, there are different reactions and manifestations. All of them should be considered the results of the interaction of the three modes of material nature
- Prakrti, material nature, as directed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, induces all living entities to create, maintain or annihilate according to the modes of nature
- Prakrti, or material nature, is connected with both the Supreme Lord and the living entities, just as a woman is connected with her husband as a wife and with her children as a mother
- Prakrti, the material nature, is working under the direction of the Supreme Lord, and we living entities are being carried away by various phases of prakrti. For self-realization, one should always remember Krsna
- Previously, when Lord Ramacandra left this world, He took with Him all the living entities of Ayodhya. Then He filled Ayodhya again with other living entities
- Pride in victory, or moroseness in defeat, is useless. One should fully depend on the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is responsible for the victory and defeat of all living entities
- Prthu Maharaja then offered the total designation of the living entity unto the supreme controller of illusory energy. Being released from all the designations by which the living entity became entrapped, he became free by knowledge and renunciation
- Pumsarpita visnau. The word pumsa means - by all living entities
- Puranjana, the living entity, enjoys himself to his greatest satisfaction by means of the genitals. Consequently he used to go to the place known as Gramaka
- Puranjana, the living entity, is asking the unknown girl where she has come from, what her business is, why she is present, etc. These are inquiries about atma-tattva - self-realization
- Puranjana, the living entity, wanders in different types of bodies, but everywhere meets frustration in his attempt to enjoy. In other words, the spiritual spark covered by matter cannot fully enjoy the senses in any circumstance in material life
- Pure living entity feels happiness by the happiness of the Supreme Lord
- Pure love for Krsna is eternally established in the hearts of living entities. It is not something to be gained from another source. When the heart is purified by hearing and chanting, the living entity naturally awakens
- Pure-in-heart transcendentalists know that although the living entity is very insignificant, he is part and parcel of the Absolute Truth and so has a proportionate measure of independence
- Purposely raise a controversy (nondevotees) to defeat the eternity of the transcendental body of the Lord. This is due to the defect called the cheating propensity of the imperfect living entities
- Purusa means "enjoyer," and the spirit of enjoyment is present both in the living entity and in the Supreme Lord. The difference is that the quantity of enjoyment is not equal
- Purusah prakrti-stho hi bhunkte prakrtijan gunan (BG 13.22). When the living entity is in the material nature, he is affected by its qualities. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, however, is not affected
- Purusah purusam vrajet: when the living entity enters into the kingdom of God and cooperates with the Supreme Lord by giving Him enjoyment, he enjoys the same facility or the same amount of pleasure as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Purusam means enjoyer. Although living entities belong to the marginal energy of the Supreme Lord, they are in material contamination. They think themselves enjoyers, but they are not the supreme enjoyer. BG 1972 purports
- Radharani is the medium transmitting the living entities' service to Sri Krsna. Devotees in Vrndavana therefore seek the mercy of Srimati Radharani in order to be recognized as loving servitors of Sri Krsna
- Radharani said, "There is no need for such a body by any living entity." This is a sign of frustration in ecstatic love for Krsna
- Ramananda Raya explained the gradual process by which pure love for Krsna is developed. He pointed out that the living entity is related to the Supreme Personality of Godhead in one of the relationships just suitable for him
- Ramananda Raya said, "The legs are like the chariot, and the heart is like the charioteer. Wherever the heart takes the living entity, the living entity is obliged to go"
- Ramanujacarya has discussed this point very nicely: "If you argue that before the creation of this material world there was only one Absolute Truth, then how is it possible that the living entity emanated from Him?
- Reading the Mayavadi commentaries on Vedanta-sutra is always dangerous. The chief danger is that through these commentaries one may come to consider the living entity to be equal to the Supreme Lord
- Real aim of life is to go back to Home, back to Godhead. We all living entities in different forms of body numbering 8,400,000 forms beginning from the aquatics up to the best advanced form of human life, there is a regular evolution by the laws of nature
- Real desirelessness is desire for the satisfaction of Krsna, not an artificial attempt to abolish desires. The living entity cannot be desireless or senseless, but he does have to change the quality of the desires
- Real jnana means understanding that the living entity is the eternal servant of the Lord. This knowledge is attained after many, many births, as confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.19): bahunam janmanam ante jnanavan mam prapadyate
- Real knowledge pertains to the living entity dwelling within the body. Unfortunately, because of ignorance, the living entity identifies himself with the body and therefore feels pleasure and pain
- Real liberation entails surrender by the living entities to Your (God's) control, and that surrender will make them happy. In that constitutional position only can they be controllers (SB 10.87.30). BG 1972 purports
- Real suffering is because the living entity has forgotten God, so he is being punished in different way by the material nature
- Realizing the true nature of the living entity, one should move about in the world free from attachment and steadfast in purpose
- Realizing this (that the Supreme Soul is present everywhere), one envies no living entity-he sees no difference between man and animal because he sees soul only, not the outer covering. BG 1972 purports
- Recently they (modern scientists) have said that they have gone to the moon but did not find any living entities there. But Srimad-Bhagavatam and the other Vedic literatures do not agree with this foolish conception
- Recognizing himself to be full of desire and energy, the worshipful Brahma, the creator of the living entities, evolved from his own invisible form, from his navel, the hosts of Sadhyas and Pitas
- Regarding Kirtanananda, there is nothing to be said about but one should be very careful not to fall sick like him. In the material world there is constant fight between maya & the living entity
- Regardless of how these living entities appear, they are all busy in the pursuit of sense enjoyment
- Regulated knowledge involves a gradual raising of the living entity to the spiritual platform, and the highest spiritual realization is knowledge that the Personality of Godhead is the reservoir of all spiritual tastes, or rasas
- Rejected persons of the material world who refuse to understand pure DS as the eternal function of the living entities, and as actual liberation of the living being from conditioned life, become bereft of all DS because of their poor fund of knowledge
- Religion of human being is one. That is called sanatana. A living entity is described as sanatana. Mamaivamso jiva-bhuto jiva-loke sanatanah
- Religion was manifested from the breast of Brahma, wherein is seated the Supreme Personality of Godhead Narayana, and irreligion appeared from his back, where horrible death takes place for the living entity
- Remaining within the hearts of all living entities, the Lord bestows remembrance by which the living entities can enjoy certain things
- Required knowledge is supplied to him (the living entity), and remembrance is given to him, and he forgets, also, about his past life. Thus, the Lord is not only all-pervading; He is also localized in every individual heart. BG 1972 purports
- Ruci, who was very powerful in his brahminical qualifications and was appointed one of the progenitors of the living entities, begot one son and one daughter by his wife, Akuti
- Rukmini continued, "A man within this material world is just a dead body. In fact, the living entity is covered by this body, which is nothing but a bag of skin decorated with a beard, mustache, hairs on the body, nails on the fingers, hairs on the head"
- Rukmini continued, "To achieve Your (Krsna's) favor, they give up everything - even the transcendental realization of Brahman. You are the supreme, ultimate goal of life. You are the reservoir of all interests of the living entities"
- Rupa Gosvami's instructions, One should not be under the spell of lamentation in loss or tribulation in gain. 7) One should not disrespect the demigods. 8) One should not give unnecessary trouble to any living entity
- Sadhu is equally disposed to all living entities - not only human society; animal society
- Sadhu is suhrdah sarva-dehinam. Sarva-dehinam means all living entities in all forms of life
- Sadhu means saintly person. Titiksavah karunikah suhrdah sarva-dehinam. He's tolerant, he's very kind to everyone, and he's friend to all living entities. He has no enemy, or he is nobody's enemy. And he's peaceful. These are some of the qualification
- Sadhus are typified by their toleration of all other living entities. Despite all inconveniences and dangers, they try to give real knowledge to the people in general
- Sages said, "Everyone, even if born in a higher status as a brahmana, ksatriya or vaisya, is certainly indebted to the demigods, to the sages, to the forefathers and to other living entities"
- Saintly persons are very kind to all kinds of living entities, but they are not unhappy when a serpent or a scorpion is killed. It is not good for saintly persons to kill, but they are encouraged to kill demons, who are exactly like serpents and scorpions
- Saintly persons, acaryas and their servants, can render a valuable service to humanity by disseminating knowledge of the relationship between the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the living entity. Such knowledge is the perfect benediction for humanity
- Saintly persons, who are friends to all living entities, have a peaceful consciousness. They have controlled their senses and minds, and they easily attain the path of liberation, the path back to Godhead
- Samah means equal to all living entities, to see the spirit soul. It doesn't matter whether he is man or cat or dog or tree or ant or insect or big man. They are all parts and parcel of God. They are simply dressed differently
- Samah sarvesu bhutesu. Equality to all living entities. That is real love. That is real concern, Krsna consciousness. A lover of Krsna will hesitate to kill even one ant
- Samah sarvesu bhutesu: he can see everyone on equal vision. Because he knows, - Here is also another living entity. He is not a Chinaman. He is a part and parcel of God. He is not a Christian. He is not a Hindu. He is simply thinking like that
- Sanandana said, "The personified Vedas sing, 'Due to their (the living entities) own faults they imitate You (Visnu) by trying to become the supreme enjoyer. Thus they disobey Your supremacy and become offenders'"
- Sanatana Gosvami said, "I am a very insignificant living entity. I am low and poorly behaved. How can I understand who is the incarnation for this Age of Kali"
- Sanatana means "eternal." Thus, Sanatana Gosvami was interested in the eternal happiness of the living entities more than just the temporary happiness of their temporary body and mind
- Sanatana term is very important. The living entity is sanatana, God is sanatana, the spiritual world is sanatana, & the process by which your lost relationship with God established and you go back to home, back to Godhead, that is called sanatana-dharma
- Sanatana's inquiry was therefore an intelligent one. "What is the position of the living entities?" he asked. "Why are they always undergoing these three kinds of miseries?" Sanatana had admitted his weakness
- Sanatana-dharma does not refer to any sectarian process of religion. It is the eternal function of the eternal living entities in relationship with the eternal Supreme Lord. BG 1972 Introduction
- Sanatana-dharma is eternally integral with the living entity. When we speak of sanatana-dharma, therefore, we must take it for granted on the authority of Sri Ramanujacarya that it has neither beginning nor end. BG 1972 Introduction
- Sanatana-dharma is meant for all living entities, because the living entity is sanatana, and God is sanatana, and the place where we can exist eternally, that place is called sanatana
- Sanatana-dharma means when the sanatana-jiva, living entity, tries go to back home. . . That is our real home. Here it is not home
- Sankaracarya does not believe in the transformation of the energy of the Absolute Truth, for he claims that everything is one and that the living entity is therefore also one with the Supreme. This is the Mayavada theory
- Sankaracarya has misrepresented all the mantras of the Vedanta-sutra to prove that there is no separate existence of the living entities & the Supreme Absolute Truth. This is similar to the politician’s attempt to prove nonviolence from the BG
- Sankaracarya says (sutra 43) that devotees think that Pradyumna, who is considered to represent the senses, has sprung from Sankarsana, who is considered to represent the living entities. But we cannot actually experience that a person can produce senses
- Sankaracarya, in order to present the Supreme Lord, the living entities and the material nature as indivisible and ignorant, tries to cover the glories of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Sankaracarya, unnecessarily fearing that by parinama-vada (transformation of energy) Brahman would be transformed (vikari), has imagined both the material world and the living entities to be false and to have no individuality
- Sankarsana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha are, respectively, the predominating Deities of all living entities, the total mind and the total ego
- Sankarsana, the second expansion, is Vasudeva’s personal expansion for pastimes, and since He is the reservoir of all living entities, He is sometimes called jiva
- Sarva-vyapi sarva-bhutantar-atma: He (God) is all-pervading, and He is within the heart of living entities. Karmadhyaksah sarva-bhutadhivasah: He witnesses all activities of the living entity
- Sarvatra, everywhere, there are living entities and there are sufferings. Not only living entities. As there are sufferings here, three kinds of miserable conditions, even that will continue
- Sastra says that if one is in bodily concept of life, he is no better than the animal. Because the dog, it does not know that beyond this body, the dog is there, he is a living entity, he is a soul, he is Brahman, part and parcel of the Supreme Brahman
- Satyasena, along with His friend Satyajit, who was the King of heaven, Indra, killed all the untruthful, impious and misbehaved Yaksas, Raksasas and ghostly living entities, who gave pains to other living beings
- Save and except the Lord, no one can be called the enjoyer, but the living entity falsely desires to become the enjoyer. This is the origin of false ego
- Say for a hundred years the changing is going on. Then, after that, when he changes this body, then there is daiva-netrena, the judgment - What kind of body should be awarded this living entity
- Scriptures completely deny the birth of the living entity
- Seeing the miserable condition of the living entities in the Kali-yuga, Lord Caitanya, the savior of the fallen souls, has expounded a method for their salvation. This method is taken from the scriptures and is applicable to everyone
- Seeing this (universal brotherhood), one does not envy, exploit or trouble another living entity. Thus one who is a devotee of Krsna automatically develops all good qualities, for he is in the proper consciousness
- Self-realization ultimately means to understand the Personality of Godhead and the living entities; to know the individual self and the reciprocal exchanges of loving service between the Supreme and the living entity is real self-realization
- Sensual images are recorded in the mind in chronological order, and they become manifest one after another; therefore the living entity has to accept one body after another
- She (Yasoda) forgets that only one Lord is supplying the necessities of all the living entities. This same Personality of Godhead has become the son of Yasoda, and she is thinking, "If I do not feed Him nicely, He will die." This is love
- Should we think that these (Hiranyakasipu and Hiranyaksa) were ordinary living entities? No, they were the great devotees Jaya and Vijaya, who came to this world because Krsna wanted to fight
- Showing compassion to all living entities, you will attain self-realization. Giving assurance of safety to all, you will perceive your own self as well as all the universes in Me, and Myself in you
- Siddha refers to one who has realized the Brahman effulgence and who has complete knowledge that the living entity is not a material atom but a spiritual spark
- Similarly, as one has subtle dreams at night, when the living entity is awake he lives in gross dreams of nation, community, society, possessions, skyscrapers, bank balance, position and honor
- Similarly, the living entities who have come down to this material world have made their own choice to enjoy this material world. It is not that Krsna sent them into this world
- Simply by glancing the Lord can conceive countless living entities in the womb of material nature - CC Intro
- Simply by His (God's) breathing, millions of universes are created and dissolved. If this is the case, then how can the living entities claim proprietorship over anything
- Simply to understand that a living entity is not material is not sufficient. BG 1972 purports
- Simultaneously He (God) is present as the Supersoul, an expansion of Baladeva, in the heart of all living entities
- Since a devotee is completely on the Brahman platform, he is not jealous of any other living entity - samah sarvesu bhutesu
- Since all living entities are minute sparks of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, He is the Supreme Soul in both the material and spiritual worlds
- Since death must take away the living entity without hesitation, it is the ultimate God realization of the atheists, who spoil their lives thinking of country, society and relatives, to the neglect of God consciousness
- Since everything in the cosmic creation is dependent on the asraya-tattva - the creative manifestation or Visnu manifestation - the various demigods and manifestations of energy, the living entities and all material elements are dependent on Krsna
- Since everything is supplied by God, the living entity, being fully dependent on Him, should not protest or accept anything in terms of his sense gratification; rather, he should receive everything as God's mercy and remain steady in all circumstances
- Since everything is the property of God, and all living entities - not only human beings but even animals, birds, plants and so on - are children of God
- Since God is the witness of everyone's actions, He witnesses the actions of the enemies of His devotees & He is inclined to punish them. In other cases He simply witnesses what the living entities do and gives the results of one's sinful or pious actions
- Since He (the Supreme Lord) is helping the digestion of all kinds of foodstuff, the living entity is not independant in the eating process. BG 1972 purports
- Since He had assumed the form of a boar, He began to search out the earth by smelling, just like a hog. The Lord can perfectly play the part of any living entity
- Since I suffer when pinched or killed by others, I should not attempt to pinch or kill any other living entity
- Since Lord Siva is the greatest soul among the living entities within this material world, his name, Siva, is very auspicious for persons who identify the body with the soul
- Since Lord Visnu is the Supersoul of all living entities, if He likes He can save us from adhibhautika disturbances, disturbances from other living entities
- Since neither Visnu nor the living entity are of the material creation, someone may inquire, Why were the small particles of spirit created at all?
- Since no one can trace the history of the living entity's entanglement in material energy, Lord Caitanya said that it is beginningless
- Since Sati was a chaste woman and the wife of Lord Siva, it was her duty to establish the elevated position of Lord Siva, not only by sentiment but by facts. Lord Siva is not an ordinary living entity. This is the conclusion of Vedic scripture
- Since the basic principles of criminality are sense gratification, anger and unnecessary lust, persons conducted by these three enemies of the living entity are never promoted to Vaikunthaloka
- Since the entire material universe is composed of five elements - earth, water, fire, air and ether - why should there be living entities on one planet and not others? Such a foolish version can never be accepted by Vedic students
- Since the identity of the living entity is very minute, he is prone to be subjected to material nature, but when he is freed from this material body, which is false, he attains the same, spiritual nature as the Supreme Lord
- Since the living entities all belong to the marginal potency of the Lord, each and every living entity has a natural tendency to become Krsna conscious, although at the same time the seed of material enjoyment is undoubtedly within him
- Since the living entities are also related to His (the Lord's) energies, there is nothing really different from the substance. At the same time, the energies are different from the substance. In the material sense, this conception is self-contradictory
- Since the living entities are never annihilated, they simply transmigrate from one life form to another. Thus there is an evolution of forms according to the degree of developed consciousness
- Since the living entities are never destroyed, the annihilation of the material world does not annihilate the existence of the living entities, but until liberation is attained one has to accept one material body after another, again and again
- Since the living entities are part of God, they are one in quality with the Lord, yet they are different from Him
- Since the living entity is constitutionally part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Lord is very affectionate to the living entities
- Since the Lord says that He is suhrdam sarva-bhutanam (BG 5.29), the well-wisher of all living entities, how could He act with partiality by killing demons? These questions arose in the heart of Pariksit Maharaja, and he inquired from Sukadeva Gosvami
- Since the material body is sure to be vanquished and the duration of one's life is not fixed, neither death nor life is to be praised. Rather, one should observe the eternal time factor, in which the living entity manifests himself and disappears
- Since the material world cannot work independently, the living entities enter into the material manifestation in four different types of bodies. The word catur-vidham is significant in this verse - SB 4.24.64
- Since the present civilization is not very congenial to the living entities, Krsna consciousness is recommended. BG 1972 purports
- Since the Supreme Lord of such eternal and unchangeable qualities is never subjugated by anything like material influence, how can His activities and form be conceived to be under the influence of illusory maya, as is the case with the living entities
- Since the Vedic literatures say that the living entity is eternal, one should not think the living being to be produced at a certain time
- Since the Yamadutas are servants of Yamaraja, who is also one of the siddha-sattamas, they knew that a siddha-sattama is above the demigods and sub-demigods and, indeed, above all the living entities within this material world
- Since there were not very many living entities in the beginning, Visnu entrusted Brahma with the business of creation, and Brahma in his turn created many hundreds and thousands of demigods and great sages to continue with the creation
- Since these living entities have very little knowledge of self-realization, they are not getting any relief, although they are very anxious to attain peace of mind and some substantial happiness
- Since they find duality in the existence of Vaikuntha life, they are contaminated and should be removed from this place to the material world, where the living entities have three kinds of enemies
- Since time immemorial each living entity has accumulated the various reactions of his good and bad work, As such, he is continuously ignorant of his real constitutional position. BG 1972 purports
- Since we as living entities are eternal, temporary activities are not our concern. Our engagements should be eternal because we are eternal, and that eternal engagement is the rendering of service to Krsna in love
- Since we cannot create, we have no right to kill any living entity, and therefore man-made laws that distinguish between killing a man and killing an animal are imperfect
- Sita is Laksmiji, or the goddess of fortune, but she is never to be enjoyed by any living being. She is meant for being worshiped by the living being along with her husband, Sri Ramacandra
- Situated on the vehicle given by material nature and reminded by the Supersoul within the heart, the living entity struggles all over the universe to fulfill his plans, thinking, "I am a brahmana," "I am a ksatriya," "I am an American," "I am an Indian,"
- Siva and Brahma are also described as parts, so why not accept all of them as ordinary individual souls? The answer is that the manifestations of Visnu and those of the ordinary living entities are certainly all parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord
- Siva is above the ordinary human beings, yet be is unable to understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Siva is not among the ordinary living entities, nor is he in the category of Lord Visnu. He is between Lord Visnu and the common living entity
- So a living entity if he's very fortunately, fortunately he meets some good association, good devotees, then his life changes
- So all living entities, as Krishna said, existed in a different body. Now existing in a different body. This is called evolution or transmigration. This is evolution theory. Not theory, fact. In the Padma Purana... It is not Darwin's invention
- So as far as possible I am taking care of my health, but Krishna's service must be executed, even at the risk of life. A living entity gets millions of opportunities to get a type of body, but hardly he gets opportunity to serve Krishna
- So entrapped living entities, they are in different grades of life, 8,400,000 different forms of life. Now, how they are entrapped? The sex. Yan maithunadi-grhamedhi-sukham hi tuccham. This is their pleasure
- So every living entity, atom. Less than the atom. Smaller than the atom
- So everyone is engaged in giving service to somebody else. This is called dharma, basic principle of dharma. So what is our dharma, living entity?
- So evolution you take that this apartment is better than that apartment, that apartment better than, and a living entity's going from one after another. So this is evolution
- So far as the Vedic religion is concerned, it is not simply for the so-called Hindus. That is to be understood. This is sanatana-dharma, the eternal and universal nature and duty of every living being. It is for all living entities, all living beings
- So far we are concerned, Krsna conscious men, we are not animals. We are perfect beings. We don't eat any living entity
- So in the spiritual world there are so many varieties - four-handed, two-handed living entity. They're all nitya-mukta. They're all everlastingly liberated. So we have been just like a prisoner is. Although he's a prisoner, he can be also good citizen
- So many living entities. So we are very small particle, and we have come here in this material world. Just like the Europeans especially, they go to other countries for colonizing to use the material resources for their sense gratification
- So many things, material things, we saw. But who has made it? The living entities. The matter has not come into so many forms without the touch of the living entity. Everyone can understand. The big, big ships, how it has come into existence?
- So sadhu is suhrdam sarva-bhutanam. Why he should allow animal killing? They are also living entities, but for their benefit, the so-called sadhu says, "The animal has no soul." What is this nonsense?
- So similarly, we, we living entities, we are also spiritual atoms. We are spiritual atoms. And our magnitude also has assessed in the sastras
- So the sanatana-dharma means that to find out the eternal engagement of the living entity. At the present moment, the living entity is changing the position
- So we small living entities, very minute, still, we are controller. We control. At least, we control our family members, my wife, my children. Or if I am bigger, I control my office, or I control my factory, I control the country, I become president
- So when we speak of a living entity, we must see the body and the mind as two outward coverings, two layers of paraphernalia - and the living force or spirit soul as the chief, central figure
- So, the living entity is servant. He may have faith or no faith, he must be a servant. And if you don't become servant of God, then you become servant of dog. That is your advancement of civilization
- So-called advancement of civilization means the living entity is always compared as an ass, mudha. So instead of becoming intelligent, by material education one becomes more and more first-class ass, jada-vidya saba mayara vaibhava tomara bhajane badha
- So-called scientists are making various plans by which living entities in the future can live forever, but while they are thus pursuing such scientific knowledge, Yamaraja, in due course of time, will take them away from their business
- Soma, or the predominating deity of the moon, is responsible for the living entity's ability to relish the taste of food through the tongue
- Some are born from a womb and some (like certain insects) from human perspiration. Others hatch from eggs, and still others sprout from the earth. A living entity takes birth under different circumstances according to his past activities - karma
- Some authoritative Vaisnava disciplic successions count the goddess of fortune among the ever-liberated living entities (jivas) in Vaikuntha
- Some creatures are born from embryos, some from perspiration, and some from seeds. In this way, all living entities emanate from the guna-avatara of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Some kind of yajna must be performed to fulfill the desires of the living entity. Yajnas can be performed in human society only when society is divided by varnasrama-dharma into four varnas and four asramas
- Some of the living entities, they can live comfortably on land, some of them in the air. Similarly, why not some of them in fire? Because after all, fire is also one of the material elements
- Some of the sages in the disciplic succession from the great saint Aruna meditate on the heart, because the Supersoul stays within the heart along with the living entity
- Some of them surrender to Your lotus feet at every step by taking shelter of the best of rivers (the Ganges), which can deliver one from all sinful reactions
- Some of these (8,400,000) species may exist on one planet and not on another, but in any case within all the planets of the universe - and even in the sun - there are living entities. This is the verdict of the Vedic literatures
- Some of us we have come, being allured by maya, and some may have come for other purposes. So generally, these jivas, the living entities, they are allured by this maya
- Some philosophies maintain that after liberation from material life, after the nirvana of this material body, we become zero, void. That is a dangerous theory. By nature the living entity is not attracted to zero
- Some philosophies propound that there is no nature other than the one we are presently experiencing and that the only solution to this is to nullify it and become void. But we cannot be void because we are living entities
- Some saktyavesa-avataras are the four Kumaras, Narada, Maharaja Prthu and Parasurama. When a living being is empowered to act as Lord Brahma, he is also considered a saktyavesa-avatara
- Some so-called scientists are also trying to manufacture living entities within the laboratory. Thus in one way or another everyone is busy denying the existence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and rejecting the supreme authority of the Lord
- Some sparks fall onto water; they immediately lose their original brilliance and become extinct. They are comparable to the living entities who take their birth in the midst of gross materialists
- Somehow or other, if he comes before the Lord, he can see himself as shining as the Supreme Lord, although he is not as extensive as the Lord. Because the living entity desires to imitate the Supreme Lord, he is covered by maya
- Somehow, the superior nature, the living entity, has been in contact with material nature since time immemorial. BG 1972 purports
- Someone may possess full knowledge of religion but still not be kind to all living entities. In someone, whether human or demigod, there may be renunciation, but that is not the cause of liberation
- Sometimes He (Caitanya) threw Himself into the ocean, and He wandered about like a madman. Of course, this is not possible for ordinary living entities. However, if we become bhaktas, we will find intelligence behind everything in the creation
- Sometimes he is cheated in business transactions one after another. In this way, by cheating, living entities create enmity among themselves
- Sometimes he is under the influence of the mode of ignorance, sometimes the mode of passion and sometimes the mode of goodness. The living entity thus gets different types of bodies under the modes of material nature
- Sometimes in the present body the living entity feels that many of his desires and imaginations are not fulfilled
- Sometimes it is asked how the living entity falls down from the spiritual world to the material world
- Sometimes it is found that Rudra is compared to Brahma and considered a living entity. But when Rudra is explained to be a partial expansion of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he is compared to Sesa
- Sometimes Krsna sends His representative, who, delivering Krsna's very message, canvasses all living entities to return home, back to Godhead
- Sometimes prakrti (a living entity) attempts to imitate the activities of the purusa
- Sometimes such meditative processes pass for transcendental meditation. King Puranjana, the living entity, being thus victimized by the hard struggle for existence, took to transcendental meditation with his friends and relatives
- Sometimes the living entity in the forest of material existence takes shelter of creepers and desires to hear the chirping of the birds in those creepers. Being afraid of roaring lions in the forest, he makes friends with cranes, herons and vultures
- Sometimes the living entity is busy counteracting the natural disturbances of freezing cold, scorching heat, strong wind, excessive rainfall and so forth. When he is unable to do so, he becomes very unhappy
- Sometimes the living entity is forced to give up his body and enter another one according to the judgment of Yamaraja
- Sometimes the living entity is interested in the yellow stool known as gold and runs after it. That gold is the source of material opulence and envy, and it can enable one to afford illicit sex, gambling, meat-eating and intoxication
- Sometimes the living entity is misled into trying to merge into spiritual existence, thinking himself as good as the SPG. This means that when he comes to the spiritual platform, he will be disturbed and will again return to the material platform
- Sometimes these living entities want to enjoy their senses, and therefore they are placed in the material world to become false lords under the dictation of the senses
- Sometimes unscrupulous persons designate a living entity as daridra-narayana, svami-narayana, this Narayana or that Narayana
- Sometimes, because of too much sinful activity, the living entity does not get a material gross body, but hovers on the subtle platform. This is called ghostly life
- Sometimes, being defeated or plundered by a superior, powerful agent, a living entity loses all his possessions. He then becomes very morose, and lamenting their loss, he sometimes becomes unconscious
- Sometimes, by knowledge, the living entity is given liberation. In sattva-guna and rajo-guna, he is subjected to happiness and distress
- Sometimes, when there is a scarcity of living entities to take charge of Brahma’s post, Maha-Visnu expands Himself as Lord Brahma. This Brahma is not considered to be a living entity; He is an expansion of Visnu
- Sometimes, when there is no ordinary living entity available, the post of Brahma is occupied by an expansion of Lord Visnu, but generally this post is occupied by a greatly pious living entity within this universe
- Spiritual and material categories are made possible by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but actually there are no such distinctions for the living entities who are eternally engaged in the service of the Lord
- Sri Bhrgu said: My dear Lord, all living entities, beginning from the highest, namely Lord Brahma, down to the ordinary ant, are under the influence of the insurmountable spell of illusory energy, & thus they are ignorant of their constitutional position
- Sri Caitanya advised, and He also showed by His own example, that a living entity should always desire to be a servant of the servant of the servant of Krsna, the maintainer of the gopis (gopi-bhartuh pada-kamalayor dasa-dasanudasah) - CC Madhya 13.80
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu also advised Vasudeva to preach about Krsna and thus liberate living entities. As a result, Krsna would very soon accept him as His devotee
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu asked, "Out of all topics people listen to, which is best for all living entities?" Ramananda Raya replied, "Hearing about the loving affairs between Radha and Krsna is most pleasing to the ear"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu asked, "What should all living entities constantly remember?" Ramananda Raya replied, "The chief objects of remembrance are always the Lord's holy name, qualities and pastimes"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu asked, "Where should the living entity live, abandoning all other places?" Ramananda Raya replied, "He should live in the holy place known as Vrndavana or Vrajabhumi, where the Lord performed His rasa dance"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu continued, "To say nothing of ordinary living entities, even Lord Brahma and Lord Siva cannot be considered on the level of Visnu or Narayana. If one considers them as such, he is immediately considered an offender and atheist"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu further inquired, "Out of many types of meditation, which is required for all living entities?" Srila Ramananda Raya replied, "The chief duty of every living entity is to meditate upon the lotus feet of Radha and Krsna"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is herein (CC Madhya 17.132) pointing out to the brahmana that Mayavadi philosophers cannot understand that the living entity is equal in quality with the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu manifested Himself to show that cultivation of love for Krsna in separation is the easiest way of success for all living entities
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu replied, "If all living entities are liberated, the entire universe will be devoid of living beings"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu says that the living entity, since time immemorial, is suffering the threefold miseries of material nature due to his demoniac attitude, which is his spirit of revolt against the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu traveled all over Vrndavana and pleased all living entities, moving and nonmoving, with His glances. The Lord took much personal pleasure in seeing everyone. In this way Lord Gauranga traveled in Vrndavana
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission is for everyone to engage in welfare activities to awaken the foolish living entity, especially in human society, so that he may come to the platform of Krsna consciousness and benefit by liberation from conditional life
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's philosophy is acintya-bhedabheda: the living entities are simultaneously one with and different from the Lord. The living entity is one in the sense that he is part and parcel of God
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Sri Advaita Prabhu and Sri Nityananda Prabhu are all visnu-tattva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Visnu. Therefore all living entities are under Their lotus feet
- Sri Caitanya says: brahmanda bhramite kona bhagyavan jiva (CC Madhya 19.151). If, while traveling, a living entity becomes fortunate enough to become blessed by the association of devotees and to come to Krsna consciousness, his real life actually begins
- Sri Hari, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is the Supersoul and guide of all living entities who have accepted material bodies within this world. He is the supreme controller of all material activities in material nature
- Sri Krsna, advises us to become spiritually inclined, to become transcendentalists. Then only can we understand that we are nothing whatsoever of this material world, that we are eternal, spiritual living entities
- Sri Manu said: O all-powerful lord, O killer of all sins, I shall abide by your order. Now please let me know my place and that of the living entities born of me
- Sri Narada Muni plays on his instrument to glorify the transcendental activities of the Lord and to give relief to all miserable living entities of the universe
- Sri Narada Muni said: O living entity, all good fortune unto you. Just see your father and mother. All your friends and relatives are overwhelmed with grief because of your passing away
- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami said: My dear Pariksit, one who employs this armor or hears about it with faith and veneration when afraid because of any conditions in the material world is immediately freed from all dangers and is worshiped by all living entities
- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami said: Thus having been questioned, Lord Yamaraja, the supreme controller of the living entities, was very pleased with his order carriers because of hearing from them the holy name of Narayana
- Sri Vidura said: O great sage, please let me know how Brahma, the grandfather of the planetary inhabitants, created the bodies of the living entities from his own body and mind after the disappearance of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Sri Yamaraja said: Alas, how amazing it is! These persons, who are older than me, have full experience that hundreds and thousands of living entities have taken birth and died
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Maharaja says in this connection (person who may be materially exalted but doesn't worship Gaura): “O living entities, simply engage yourselves in Krsna consciousness. This is the message of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.”
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura says that the word pasandi refers (in CC Madya 18.115) to one who considers the living entity under the control of the illusory energy to be equal with the SP of God, who is transcendental to all material qualities
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura comments that in all Vedic scriptures the jiva-tattva, the truth of the living entities, is mentioned to be one of the energies of the Lord
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura explains these verses (CC Madhya 20.108-109) as follows: Sri Sanatana Gosvami asked Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, "Who am I?" In answer, the Lord replied - You are a pure living entity
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura sings, (miche) mayara vase, yaccha bhese', khaccha habudubu, bhai: "My dear living entities within this material world, why are you being carried away by the waves of the modes of material nature
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura sings: "My dear living entity, why are you being carried away by the waves of maya?"
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura sings: My dear living entities, you are being carried away by the waves of material nature. Sometimes you are on the surface, sometimes you are being drowned. In this way your eternal life is being spoiled
- Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura said that materialistic knowledge is another expansion of the influence of Maya. The result of material education is that the living entity forgets his own identification
- Srila Dhruva Maharaja realized that this cosmic manifestation bewilders living entities like a dream or phantasmagoria because it is a creation of the illusory, external energy of the Supreme Lord
- Srila Jiva Gosvami has written in the beginning of his Tattva-sandarbha - I, a tiny living entity known as jiva, am trying to assort the events of the book chronologically, consulting the direction of great personalities like Sridhara Svami
- Srila Madhvacarya says that the living entity is sometimes described as sattva-buddhi when his intelligence acts directly to perceive pains and pleasures above activities
- Srila Madhvacarya says, anisa jiva-rupena: the living entity is anisa, never the controller, but is always controlled
- Srila Sukadeva Gosvami continued: Lord Siva is always benevolent toward all living entities. When he saw that the living entities were very much disturbed by the poison, which was spreading everywhere, he was very compassionate
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura has commented that because the words "bow" and "arrow" are used in this verse (SB 7.15.42), one might argue that the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the living entity have become enemies
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura says that the living entities are representations of the Supreme Personality of Godhead's marginal potency whereas the various bodies accepted by the living entities are products of the material energy
- Srila Vyasadeva has specifically contributed to the illusioned living entities the science of God and the process of bhakti-yoga in his great literature Srimad-Bhagavatam, and the conditioned soul should fully take advantage of this great science
- Srila Vyasadeva never states that the Supreme Truth is a jiva, an ordinary living entity
- Srila Yamaraja, the supreme controller of the living entities in terms of their pious and impious activities, was very pleased with his servants because they had chanted the holy name of Narayana in his dominion
- Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 2.2.36) states: Sukadeva Gosvami concludes - The business of the living entity is to always remember the SP of Godhead in every circumstance. The Lord should be heard about, glorified and remembered by all human beings
- Srimad-Bhagavatam begins with the surrender of the living entity unto the Absolute Person. This surrender is made with clear consciousness & awareness of the devotee's oneness with the Absolute & at the same time, of his eternal position of servitorship
- Srimad-Bhagavatam gives us this information as the supreme Vedic literature, and it was personally instructed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead to Brahmaji so that the leader of the living entities might broadcast the message to all in the universe
- Srimati Radharani is eternally the topmost mistress of the comforts of Sri Krsna. As such, She is the medium transmitting the living entities' service to Sri Krsna
- Sripada Sankaracarya purposely claimed the jiva-tattva, or living entities, to be equal to the Supreme God. Therefore his entire philosophy is based on a misunderstanding, and it misguides people to become atheists, whose mission in life is unfulfilled
- Sripada Sridhara Svami has composed a nice verse in this regard, the meaning of which is as follows - My dear Lord, I am a living entity perpetually disturbed by the conditions of material existence
- Strictly speaking, the word atma can be applied only to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but because the living entities are His parts and parcels, sometimes the word atma is applied to them also
- Such a person (under the control of the external energy) cannot understand that the Supreme Person is the original great fire, whereas the living entities are simply small fragmental parts of that Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Such a person, who no longer laments or hankers to maintain his body and who can accept all living entities as spirit souls, can then enter the devotional service of the Lord
- Such a speech (of King Puranjana) is typical of a living entity attracted by the opposite sex. This is called bewilderment occasioned by becoming conditioned by material nature
- Such advancement (of material civilization) has nothing to do with the problems of the living entity entangled within this material world
- Such benedictions are available automatically, even in the lives of living entities suffering in hellish conditions. My dear Lord, You can certainly bestow merging into Your existence, but I do not wish to have such a benediction
- Such differences (that some are happy and some are unhappy) in the material world are due to the proper or improper use of free will enjoyed by the individual living entity
- Such exalted devotees forget the tiny reflection of so-called material happiness produced from the material senses of sight and sound. Free from all desires, such devotees are the real friends of all living entities
- Such fortunate incidents (that there is every possibility for the living entity of being out of the clutches of matter) are considered the beginning of the decline of one's conditional life, and they occur if there is association with the pure devotees
- Such fortunate living entities need not come again within the occasional material creation
- Such influence manifests the three qualitative modes of material nature, proving definitely that the living entities, the marginal potency, are eternally servitors of the Lord and are therefore controlled by either the internal or the external potency
- Such living entities live in different ways in accordance to the degree of their entanglement in material nature
- Such mental absorption (thinking of a woman) with some sense object brings about the living entity's struggle for existence in this material world
- Such mental bewilderment as represented here by Vidura takes place for some living entities, but not for everyone, for if everyone were bewildered there would be no possibility of a solution by higher personalities
- Such obligations (to the demigods, sages, general living entities, family members, humankind or forefathers) are automatically fulfilled by performance of devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- Such personalities as me and Siva, as well as Daksa, Bhrgu and similar great saints of which they are the head, and also the rulers of the living entities, the rulers of human society & the rulers of the demigods - all of us surrender to that S P of God
- Such persons are described in the Vedic literature as suicidal, because attachment for the material body, its comforts forces the living entity to wander through the process of birth & death perpetually & suffer the material pangs as a matter of course
- Such persons treat all living entities equally. They never become overwhelmed by anger like animals, who can see nothing without differentiation
- Such purificatory processes (as prescribed in the Vedic literature) are adopted for the ultimate liberation of the living entity. In all such activities it is recommended that one should vibrate om tat sat. BG 1972 purports
- Such works (arising from an abuse of the free will of living entity) are all material and are therefore conditioned and directed by the modes of nature. The Personality of Godhead has nothing to do with such works
- Suffering condition of the living entity, and he can be rescued by the mercy of sadhu, saintly persons, the scriptures and the spiritual master. They are prepared to bestow their mercy upon everyone, provided people like to take their instruction & mercy
- Sukadeva Gosvami continued: O King Pariksit, after advising the demigods in this way, the independent Supreme Personality of Godhead, the best of all living entities, disappeared from their presence
- Sukadeva Gosvami continued: Please hear from me with great attention how Prajapati Daksa, who was very affectionate to his daughters, created different types of living entities through his semen and through his mind
- Sukadeva Gosvami did not see a male or female; he saw all living entities in different dress
- Sukadeva Gosvami has stated that the cowherd boys who played with Lord Krsna were not ordinary living entities
- Sukadeva Gosvami replied (to Pariksit Maharaja) that everyone’s atma, or soul, is very, very dear, especially to all living entities who have accepted material bodies. But that atma, the spirit soul, is part and parcel of Krsna
- Sukadeva Gosvami said to Maharaja Pariksit: The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, after being seen in His transcendental form, instructing Brahmaji, the leader of the living entities, disappeared
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: O King Pariksit, best of the Bharata dynasty, when the lotus-eyed Lord, the Supersoul of all living entities, was thus worshiped by Aditi, He replied as follows
- Sukadeva Gosvami told Pariksit that every living entity is actually most attached to his own self. Outward paraphernalia such as home, family, friends, country, society, wealth, opulence and reputation & all only secondary in pleasing the living entity
- Sunrise, fire and moonlight are so pleasing to the living entities. Without their help no living entity can live. BG 1972 purports
- Sunrise, midday, sunset and midnight occur in all those places according to specific times, thus engaging all living entities in their various occupational duties and also making them cease such duties
- Suppose a living entity is now in a human form of body. He thinks that he belongs to the human community, or a particular country or particular place. He identifies himself in that way and unnecessarily prepares for another body
- Suppose an entity is put into the body of a dog. As soon as he is put into the body of a dog, he must act like a dog. He cannot act otherwise. And if the living entity is put into the body of a hog, then he is forced to eat stool. BG 1972 purports
- Suppose you are a living entity. You could speak everything of what is going on in others' mind or body. You cannot say what I am thinking. I cannot say what you are thinking. Therefore I or you are not all-pervading. We are limited. That is living entity
- Svayambhuva Manu handed over his daughter Prasuti to the son of Brahma named Daksa, who was also one of the progenitors of the living entities. The descendants of Daksa are spread throughout the three worlds
- Take this formula from the sastras that a living entity is never created. These rascals are trying to create living entity and spending money and going to hold big, big conference. So where is the question of creation? They are already created
- Tamo-guna and rajo-guna increase lust and greed, which implicate a living entity in such a way that he must exist in this material world in many, many forms. That is very dangerous
- Tat tvam asi is a warning to the living entity not to mistake the body for the self. Therefore tat tvam asi is especially meant for the conditioned soul
- Tat tvam asi means that the living entity is a spiritual particle of the supreme spirit, but this is not the chief motif of the Vedanta or Vedic literatures. The chief sound representation of the Supreme is omkara
- Tat tvam asi, ayam atma brahma. Both the Supreme Lord and the living entity are spirit. Understanding this is self-realization
- Temporarily covered by the influence of maya, the living entity serves his senses, which are represented as kama-krodha-lobha-moha-mada-matsarya - lust, anger, greed, illusion, madness and envy
- That (living entity) is superior, because this superior energy, living entity, he is trying to utilize this inferior material energy for his sense gratification. Dharyate jagat
- That body contained everything within the universe, including all the gross material elements, the senses, the sense objects, the mind, intelligence and false ego, the various kinds of living entities, and the actions
- That Brahma becomes liberated is known to everyone, but he cannot liberate his devotees. Demigods like Brahma and Lord Siva cannot give liberation to any living entity
- That chanting is the waxing moon that spreads the white lotus of good fortune for all living entities. It is the life and soul of all education
- That is the highest perfection (giving up everything - family, prestige and honor), but that is not possible for ordinary living entities. We should, however, follow the Gosvamis in their determination to worship Krsna
- That is the Krsna consciousness, to save the living entity from anxiety and bring him to the platform of no anxiety. That is the difference, from anxiety to no anxiety. That is the greatest gift to the human society
- That is the philosophy of acintya-bhedabheda, simultaneous oneness and difference. The living entity cannot enjoy life in opposition to the Supreme Lord; he has to dovetail his activities with the Lord by practicing bhakti-yoga
- That is the ultimate perfectional goal of the living entity. After giving up the present material body, the mystic devotee goes to that transcendental abode and never comes back
- That is the whole mystery of the material creation - the living entities come from God, they are not products of the material nature
- That is the yogic principle, to think of the Supreme within the heart. He is there within the heart. Both the individual living entity, and God is sitting within this heart. That's a fact. We have to search it out, catch Him by yogic process
- That knowledge by which a different type of living entity is seen to be dwelling in different bodies is knowledge in the mode of passion. BG 18.21 - 1972
- That knowledge by which one undivided spiritual nature is seen in all living entities, though they are divided into innumerable forms, you should understand to be in the mode of goodness
- That process by which I (the Supreme Lord) can be attained by the living entity is called abhidheya. By it, one can attain the highest perfection of life, love of Godhead. When one attains love of Godhead, his life becomes perfect
- That right does not belong only to the human beings; rather, according to BG that right belongs to all living entities, regardless of whether they are in the bodies of human beings, animals, trees, birds, beasts, insects, or whatever. That is KC
- That supreme nature is beyond the manifested (vyaktah) and unmanifested (avyaktah). This superior nature which is beyond both creation and annihilation is the living force which is manifest in the bodies of all living entities
- The aborted living entity will have to enter into the womb of another mother in order to undergo the birth that he is destined to take
- The absolute realm and the living entities are of the same superior energy, but the material world is inferior energy
- The actions of the living entities in the spiritual kingdom are not illusory; they are the actual, eternal activities of liberated souls
- The activities and characteristics of the ethereal element can be observed as accommodation for the room for the external and internal existences of all living entities, namely the field of activities of the vital air, the senses and the mind
- The activities of the living entity in the body of a dog may be experienced in the mind of a different body; therefore those activities appear never to have been heard or seen. The mind continues, although the body changes
- The activities of the Lord are to be accepted and relished by all living entities. His activities are to attract the ordinary man towards the Lord
- The actual decisions concerning the next lives of the living entities are made by the Supersoul, and they are carried out by Yamaraja
- The actual form of life for the living entities is one of spiritual happiness, which is real happiness. This happiness can be achieved only when one stops all materialistic activities. Material sense enjoyment is simply imagination
- The actual identity of the living entity is his consciousness, which is always present while the living entity is awake, dreaming or in deep sleep. Even in deep sleep, he can perceive by consciousness whether he is happy or distressed
- The actual interest of all living entities - indeed, the goal of life - is to return home, back to Godhead. This is the interest of one's own self, one's wife, one's children, one's disciples and one's friends, relatives, countrymen and all humanity
- The advocates of Visistadvaita-vada philosophy explain the Vedanta-sutra by saying that although the living entity has two kinds of bodies - subtle and gross - and although he thus lives in three bodily dimensions, he is nevertheless a spiritual soul
- The aim of ISKCON is not to found a new religious sect, but to invoke the living entity's dormant love of God, and thus provide the human society of all faiths with a common platform of clear theistic knowledge and practice
- The aim of this Krsna consciousness movement is to bring all living entities back to their original consciousness. All living entities within the material world are, to varying degrees, afflicted with a type of madness
- The air enters into water, mud, stool and whatever else is there; still it does not mix with anything. Similarly, the living entity, even though situated in varieties of bodies, is aloof from them due to his subtle nature. BG 1972 purports
- The all-pervading Personality of Godhead resides as Paramatma in the heart of each and every living entity
- The all-pervasive nature of the Supreme Personality of Godhead can never be within the limited knowledge of a living entity
- The analysis of the material scientists concerns itself only with inanimate matter, but this is inadequate because the living entity is completely separate from the material bodily structure
- The animals, the other animals, living entities - the ants, the birds, the tigers, the dogs, so many - we are always with disturbances. That we cannot understand; we are thinking falsely. This is called maya
- The anu, vibhinnamsa jiva, when he comes within this material world, he becomes entrapped or his that jyoti... In the previous verse you have studied jyoti. Vibhinnamsa living entity, we are also jyoti
- The appearance and disappearance of the body have nothing to do with the living entity, just as the waxing and waning of the moon have nothing to do with the moon
- The appearance of the individual living entities is not factually due to material nature alone, just as a child produced by a woman is not her independent production
- The argument may be put forward, How can something the size of a thumb be accommodated within the heart of an ant? The answer is that this thumb measurement of the Supersoul is imagined in proportion to the body of the living entity
- The argument that the scorpion comes from cow dung, meaning that a living entity comes from matter, is also unsound
- The art of writing verse, pankti, became manifested from the bone marrow, and that of brhati, another type of verse, was generated from the life-breath of the Lord of the living entities (Brahma)
- The associates of the Lord who were playing the part of princely descendants of the Yadu and Bhoja dynasties were not ordinary living entities
- The association of the living entity with the different modes of nature has been going on perpetually since the living entity is in contact with material nature. BG 1972 purports
- The asuras are always fighting to overcome these impediments, and by the illusory power of material nature the foolish living entities work very hard within this material world and take this to be happiness. This is called maya
- The atheistic Sankhyaite philosophers will of course offer their arguments that the material cosmic manifestation is due to prakrti and purusa - material nature and the living entity, or the material cause and the effective cause
- The atomic living entities are existent in the Brahmajyoti and the Brahmajyoti is distributed everywhere, so the living entities are also spread everywhere. Their another name is "sarvaga," all-pervading
- The attachment for one's own body and its extensions like children and relatives is actually developed on the basis of the real living entity
- The attracted living entities are more and more entangled in material bondage without hope of liberation for thousands and thousands of generations
- The basic principle for the existence of the living entities is called cid-vilasa, or spiritual pleasure. The omnipotent Lord displays His pleasure potency as the living entities
- The basic principle of creation is that this material world is the field of activities of the rebellious living entity. "I don't want to serve Krsna. I want to serve my senses." That is the whole world, going on
- The basic principle of self-realization is knowledge that the living entity isn't this material body but that he is different from it & that his happiness is in eternal life, bliss & knowledge. These are transcendental, beyond both body & mind. BG 1972 p
- The beautiful Diti said: My dear brahmana, kindly see that my embryo is not killed by Lord Siva, the lord of all living entities, because of the great offense I have committed against him
- The belief that they (the living entities) are sterilized in fire is not acceptable, because it is clearly stated here that the soul cannot be burned by fire. BG 1972 purports
- The best are those who understand the Supreme Lord (sac-cid-ananda-vigraha (BS 5.1). His form is completely spiritual, full of bliss, and completely distinct from that of the conditioned soul or any other living entity
- The best way to compensate for one's sinful acts is to give up one's body at once, and Brahma, the leader of the living entities, showed this by his personal example
- The Bhagavata Purana and other authoritative scriptures of scientific magnitude describe how the living entities in different forms of body evolve one after another. It is not a new idea, but educators are giving stress only to Darwin's theory
- The bhakti process purifies the living entity of all unnatural attractions. When one is purified he is attracted by Krsna and begins to serve Krsna instead of serving maya. This is his natural position
- The big, big chemist, big, big scientists, they are trying to create living entities. Their theory is, "By chemical evolution there is living symptoms." But it is not possible
- The blessed goddess said: Lord Siva is the most beloved of all living entities. He has no rival. No one is very dear to him, and no one is his enemy. No one but you could be envious of such a universal being, who is free from all enmity
- The bodies of all species of living entities, whether human beings or demigods, animals or birds, are also created by the same five elements, and by sexual union they expand into more and more living entities
- The bodily expression of a particular type of living entity is always ignored by the devotee
- The body actually does not belong to the living entity; it belongs to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Under the circumstances, how could Bali Maharaja claim that the body belonged to him
- The body created by the so-called father and mother actually has nothing to do with its so-called creators. Therefore the living entity flatly denied that Maharaja Citraketu and his wife were his father and mother
- The body is a kind of machine created and offered to the living entity by the material energy under the direction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The body is also a resting place because when the living entity becomes fatigued he takes rest within the body
- The body is certainly created by the Lord. Karmana daiva-netrena: (SB 3.31.1) according to the karma of the living entity, a body is prepared under the Supreme Lord's supervision
- The body is considered a fruitful tree, and the living entity and God as Supersoul are like two birds seated in that tree. The individual soul is eating the fruit of the tree, but the Supersoul, the Lord, is witnessing the activities of the other bird
- The body is different from the living entity
- The body is given by material nature, and the driver of that body is Paramatma, the Supersoul. The living entity is seated within the chariot. This is the actual position
- The body is just like a machine, a car, in which the living entity is given a chance to sit and move according to his desire. The Lord is the original cause of the material body and the soul, which is expanded by His marginal energy
- The body is just like a machine, and according to the living entity's karma, he is offered a particular type of machine to move here and there under the control of material nature. This continues until he surrenders to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The body is just like an instrument by which the living entity moves according to false desires for happiness and thus suffers the pangs of birth, death, old age and disease in different standards of life
- The body is taken as the pancala-desa, or the field of activities wherein the living entity can enjoy the senses in their relationship to the five sense objects, namely gandha, rasa, rupa, sparsa and sabda
- The body itself is the chariot, and the living entity is the owner of the body, as explained in Bhagavad-gita (BG 2.13): dehino 'smin yatha dehe. The owner of the body is called the dehi, and he is situated within this body, specifically within the heart
- The body of the living entity in different forms is supplied by material nature, but the living entity himself is supplied by the Supreme Lord. The father and mother give the body necessary for the living entity under certain conditions
- The bona fide spiritual master desires that his disciples know the process of rendering transcendental service to God, they also know that they have to learn about the eternal relationship between God and the living entity from a self-realized soul
- The books should be written in simple language. First of all try to explain what is God, then what is the relationship of God with the world and the living entities. Then explain what is our duty in that relationship with God
- The Brahma-samhita clearly describes Brahman, "The living entities, space, time and the material elements like fire, earth, sky, water and mind constitute the total cosmic manifestation, known as Bhuh, Bhuvah and Svah, which is manifested by Govinda"
- The Brahma-sutra states that according to the principle of sakti-saktimator abhedah, the living entity is simultaneously one with and different from the SPG. Qualitatively the living entity and the Supreme Lord are one, but in quantity they are different
- The brahmajyoti is a combination of the minute particles known as spiritual sparks, or the living entities, known as cit-kana
- The brahmana Vasudeva continued, "O my merciful Lord, such mercy is not possible for ordinary living entities. Such mercy can be found only in You. Upon seeing me, even a sinful person goes away due to my bad bodily odor"
- The brahmanas do not worship demigods like Lord Brahma, Indra or Lord Siva for any material comfort. They do not even ask the Supreme Lord for material profit; therefore it is concluded that the brahmanas are the supreme living entities of this world
- The causes of his (the living entity) bondage are two: namely lamentation and illusion
- The center of ignorance is considered to be sometimes all-pervading and sometimes individual. Thus according to his opinion both the all-pervading Visnu and the individual living entities are products of ignorance
- The central figure of creation and of enjoyment is the Supreme Lord, and the living entities are cooperators. By cooperation they enjoy. BG 1972 Introduction
- The central point of Krsna consciousness is that the jiva, the living entity, can never be accepted as Krsna or Visnu. This viewpoint is elaborated in the following verses - from CC Madhya 18.112
- The change his (of the living entity) body undergoes depends upon him. At the time of death, the consciousness he has created will carry him on to the next type of body. BG 1972 purports
- The chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra is first addressed to the spiritual energy of the Lord, Hare. This spiritual energy acts when a living entity fully surrenders and accepts his position as an eternal servitor
- The cloud, accompanied by thunder and lightning, cannot possibly cover the limitless sky. Therefore the Absolute Truth, which is compared to the whole sky, is simultaneously one with the manifested living being and different from him
- The clouds, darkness and snowfall can cover only a very insignificant portion of the sun's rays. Similarly, the modes of material nature may react upon the raylike living entities
- The combination of living entities in different modes of material nature is called crossbreeding. The faithless atheists do not believe in the existence of God, and thus their paths of philosophy are contradictory
- The complete whole is comprised of the supreme controller, the controlled living entities, the cosmic manifestation, eternal time, and karma, or activities. BG 1972 Introduction
- The concept that the material body is the living entity and that with the destruction of the body the consciousness is also destroyed is called knowledge in the mode of passion. BG 1972 purports
- The conception that the living entity is one with the Supreme is in the mode of ignorance. Oneness is actually based on oneness of interest
- The conception that the Supreme Brahman and the living entity are equal not only in quality but also in quantity is the cause of conditional life
- The conclusion is that material intelligence is the cause of bondage for the living entity. The point is that one has to take to spiritual intelligence to come out of this entanglement
- The conclusion is that the living entities represent one of the energies of the Supreme Lord, and as infinitesimal parts and parcels of the Supreme, they are called jivas
- The conclusion is that the next body is already determined by superior control. The living entity immediately gives up the present body and enters another
- The conclusion is that the subtle body - mind, intelligence and ego - creates an atmosphere with desires and ambitions that the living entity enjoys in the subtle body
- The conclusion is that unless a living entity is inquisitive about self-realization he is nothing but an animal
- The conclusion is, therefore, that even when the living entities become free from all contamination of material conditions and merge into the spiritual kingdom, their individual tastes in relationship with the Supreme Lord continue to exist
- The conditional changes of the living entity are explained in the Caitanya-caritamrta in the instructions given to Srila Rupa Gosvami by Lord Sri Caitanya
- The conditional state of the living entity is his diseased condition. Originally the living entity and the original cause of this cosmic manifestation exist outside the state of transformation
- The conditioned soul is actually sleeping on the lap of the illusory energy. Bhaktivinoda Thakura has sung, kota nidra yao maya-pisacira kole: "O living entity, how long will you sleep in this condition on the lap of the illusory energy?"
- The conditioned soul is forced to act under the pressure of the modes of material nature. The living entity has no independence
- The conditioned soul may have one kind of body in the present birth, but he has a different body in the next birth. In the material world, the living entity has no fixed body but transmigrates from one body to another. BG 1972 purports
- The conditioned soul, the living entity, is controlled by the laws of nature, while the Paramatma, or the Supersoul, is the controller of the material energy
- The conditioned souls in the material world are different from their external bodies made of material energy. Thus the demigods living in the upper planetary systems and the living entities living in the lower planetary system are of the same nature
- The conditioned souls or the individual living entities are servants of the senses. They are conducted by the direction or dictation of the senses, and therefore material civilization is a kind of engagement in sense gratification only
- The conditioned souls, or living entities who come to the material world to enjoy sense gratification, are covered in the beginning by five different conditions. The first condition is a covering of tamisra, or anger
- The conditioned state is caused by misuse of the individual independence of the spiritual platform, for this separates the living entity from the association of the spiritual energy
- The conditioned state of the living entity is like that of a person who is within the depths of a huge mechanical arrangement
- The consciousness of the living entity, although qualitatively one with the supreme consciousness, is not supreme because the consciousness of one particular body does not share that of another body. BG 1972 purports
- The consciousness of the Lord is also in the part and parcel, and according to the proportion to which that consciousness is cleared of material dirt, the living entities are differently situated
- The controlled living entity is called the adhyatmic person, and the controller is called the adhidaivic person. All these positions in the material world are due to different fruitive activities
- The controlling deity awards or certifies a particular type of body when the particular living entity develops a taste in terms of different modes of nature
- The cosmic manifestation has no power to act unless it is moved by the superior energy, the living entity. BG 1972 purports
- The cosmic manifestation, which is made of material elements, has no power to act unless it is moved by the superior energy, the living entity
- The covering influence of material nature is so strong that the living entity is satisfied in whatever body he gets, and he identifies with that body with great pleasure
- The creative function of the living entity is properly manifested in the liberated state. If the living entity's activities are manifest even when he is materially conditioned, then how is it possible for his activities to stop when he attains liberation
- The crude, atheistic understanding that the living entity is a combination of matter belongs to the grossest ignorance
- The Darwin's theory says from monkey. That is also fact, that after monkey the living entity comes to the human form. Somebody says after lion. Somebody says after cow
- The demigods are also in the category of living entities; they are not separate gods. But men whose knowledge is immature and contaminated by the modes of material nature worship various demigods, according to their intelligence
- The demigods are also ordinary living entities, but due to their faithfulness - their devotional service attitude - they have been promoted to such posts
- The demigods are entrusted by the Lord to create different species of living entities according to their past deeds. They are herein (in SB 3.5.51) asking the favor of the Lord for the intelligence and power to carry out their task
- The demigods are generally in the mode of passion, and living entities lower than the demigods, such as human beings and animals, are in the mode of ignorance, or in mixed goodness, passion and ignorance
- The demigods are separated parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord, as are all other living entities
- The demigods cannot award benediction to the devotees without the permission of the Supreme Lord. The living entity may forget that everything is the property of the Supreme Lord, but the demigods do not forget. BG 1972 purports
- The demigods like Indra, Candra and Surya are ordinary living entities who are differentiated parts and parcels of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The demigods named the Mauhurtikas took birth from the womb of Muhurta. These demigods deliver the results of actions to the living entities of their respective times
- The demigods, including Brahma, desire to attain the human form of life because it is specifically meant for the living entity who can attain transcendental knowledge and religious perfection
- The demigods, or the living entities who live in the higher planets, are far superior to human beings. Since they have better arrangements for living conditions, they live far more luxuriously than human beings, yet they are all devotees of the Lord
- The description of Brahman mentioned in this verse (BG 13.13) is in relation to the individual soul, & when the word Brahman is applied to the living entity, it is to be understood that he is vijnanam brahma as opposed to ananta-brahma. BG 1972 purports
- The descriptions of Goloka Vrndavana, that even the dust is personal... So we have experience of personal form. Even Krsna's form is personal. How is the dust of Vrndavana personal? How is it individual living entity?
- The descriptions of Laksmi as being different from Visnu are stated when an eternally liberated living entity is imbued with the quality of Laksmi; they do not pertain to mother Laksmi, the eternal consort of Lord Visnu
- The desire of the living entity to come into the material world is not very difficult to understand
- The desires and life symptoms displayed by all living entities are simply reflections of the desires and life symptoms of the supreme father. In other words, our desires are born because He has desires
- The devastating water was so fearful that even Brahma was perturbed at its appearance and became very anxious about how to situate the different planetary systems in outer space to accommodate the different kinds of living entities
- The devotee of the Lord is merciful to everyone-the cats, dogs, trees, etc. He treats all living entities in such a way that they can ultimately get salvation from this material entanglement
- The devotees of the Lord do not want anything like that (material enjoyment or liberation) for self-satisfaction. They want only to serve the Lord because He is great and as living entities they are eternally subordinate parts and parcels of the Lord
- The devotees of the Lord, who do not wish to kill the individuality of the living entities and who desire to become personal servitors of the Lord, do not very much like the impersonalists
- The devotees or demigods are fully aware that the Lord can maintain any number of living entities, provided they are conscious of how to eat
- The devotees, or Vaisnavas, are the most compassionate, saintly souls, and thus they ardently desire to deliver the fallen living entities. The Supreme Lord always responds to the desires of these Vaisnavas
- The devotional service of Vyasa, Suka and the four Kumaras has already been well celebrated. Now let Me explain how immovable living entities like trees and plants engage in the Lord's devotional service
- The dharma of the living entity is to serve, and we can easily see that every living entity has the tendency to serve himself or others
- The difference between matter and spirit is that matter has no consciousness like the living entity; therefore this consciousness is supreme and eternal. Consciousness cannot be produced by a combination of matter. BG 1972 purports
- The difference between the living entity & the Supreme Personality of Godhead is that the living entity is prone to be subjected to material nature, whereas the Supreme Godhead is always transcendental to material nature as well as to the living entities
- The difference between the Supersoul, the Supreme Lord, and the living entities is that the activities of the Lord in creating the cosmic manifestation are performed by the Lord through the agency of His multifarious energies
- The difference between the Supreme Lord and the living entities continuously exists, even though at the time of dissolution they appear to merge
- The difference is that the S P of Godhead always exists in the ananda-maya stage, whereas the subordinate living entities, because of their minute position as fragmental portions of the Supreme Lord, are prone to fall to the other stages of life
- The different forms of the living entities are different dresses offered by the illusory, external energy of the Lord according to the modes of nature the living being desires to enjoy
- The different forms of these living entities are only their external dresses. Every living being is actually a spirit soul, a part and parcel of God. Therefore one should not favor only one kind of living being
- The different grades of living entities are not created by Brahmaji by his capricious whims, but he is entrusted with the task of giving the living entities different grades of body so that they can work accordingly
- The different inclinations of the living entity are created by his own nature or his expectations, and he is trained by the Supreme Personality of Godhead through the agency of material nature
- The different kinds of living entities coming from various sources are very clearly described in this verse - SB 5.18.32
- The different kinds of living entities vary according to the modes of material nature, as explained in Bhagavad-gita and other Vedic literature
- The different manifestations of body and senses among the living entities are due to material nature. BG 1972 purports
- The different positions of the living entities in the material world under multifarious manifestations of bodies are due to the misconception of "mine" and "I"
- The different qualities of living entities, be they good or bad, are all created by Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- The different stages described above are all in relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Although in all circumstances there exist both the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the living entities
- The different types of bodily construction of the living entities are exactly like different types of motorcars manufactured by assembling the allied motor parts. When the car is ready, the driver sits in the car and moves it as he desires
- The different varieties of life and of material existence do not come about by chance and necessity; they are different arrangements made by the Supreme Lord in terms of the pious and impious activities of the living entities
- The difficulty here is that when a living entity is situated in the mode of goodness, he becomes conditioned to feel that he is advanced in knowledge and is better than others. In this way he becomes conditioned. BG 1972 purports
- The difficulty is that the khala (envious living entity) is rarely pacified
- The distinction between matter and spirit is created by the sleeping energy of the Lord when the Lord wants to give some facility to those living entities who want to imitate the Lord in His enjoyment
- The Dvaitans stress that one is utterly different from God, that God is separate from the living entity. But actually, from the Bhagavad-gita we understand that the living entities are part and parcel of God
- The ear is the most important instrument in the body of the living entity. Sound is the most important medium for carrying the message of distant and unknown things
- The Earth personified continued, "You (Krsna) always maintain Your transcendental position, in spite of creating these three modes of material nature. You are never entangled in these modes of nature, as the ordinary living entities are"
- The effects of war or pitched upheavals touch the body only and not the soul, much as the effects of a sumptuous feast touch the hunger of the stomach only and not that of the mind. None of these material effects ever touches the eternal living entity
- The electricity is being generated. So behind this energy there is the living entity, engineer. Otherwise it is useless; no more energy. If you drive away that resident engineer, the electricity will fail. No more energy
- The eleven senses are the soldiers. Being engrossed in sense enjoyment, the living entity, seated on the chariot, hankers after fulfillment of his false desires and runs after sense enjoyment life after life
- The encagement of the living entity under the clutches of maya is brought about by forgetfulness of his relationship with the Supreme Lord
- The energies are not separate from the energetic; therefore the living entity and cosmic manifestation are inseparable truths, part of the Absolute Truth. Such a conclusion should be acceptable to any sane man
- The energy and the energetic Personality of Godhead are not different, and although such energy is one with God, He is never overpowered by it. Although the living entities are also parts and parcels of the Lord, they are overcome by the material energy
- The energy emanated from Him (the Supreme Lord) is not different from Him. But in the actual activity of this material world, the living entity is under the different qualities of material energy and in different forms
- The energy of the Supreme Lord is transcendental and spiritual, and the living entities are part and parcel of that energy
- The energy of Yogamaya and Mahamaya keeps the living entities sleeping in this material world in the great darkness of ignorance
- The entanglement of the living entity in sense enjoyment is very nicely explained in these verses - SB 4.29.18-20
- The entire cosmic manifestation has emerged from water, and it is because of water that all living entities endure, live and develop. This water is nothing but the semen of the SPG. Therefore, may the SPG, who has such great potency, be pleased with us
- The entire cosmic manifestation is but a combination of matter and spirit. The spiritual part is the living entity, and these living entities are described as prakrti, or energy
- The entire cosmic manifestation is described herein (SB 6.4.48) as guna-vigrahah, the form of the Lord's qualities. From the cosmic universal form, the first creation is Lord Brahma, who is the cause of all living entities
- The entire material creation is meant for the falsely egoistic living entities hovering on the mental plane under different illusions in the modes of material nature
- The entire universe is moving under the three modes of material nature. Those living entities who are in goodness are called the pious species - pious lands, pious trees, etc. It is similar with the planets also
- The entire universe, which is full of living entities, is like a tree whose root is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Acyuta (Krsna). Therefore simply by worshiping Lord Krsna one can worship all living entities
- The entire world is going on because the living entity, who is part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, is utilizing the material energy
- The entrance of the Supreme Lord into everyone's heart as Paramatma sometimes bewilders the impersonalists into equating the living entities with the Supreme Lord
- The equal vision of the devotee is that he works to get all living entities back home, back to Godhead
- The eternal living entity transmigrates from one material body to another by the law of karma, and material bodies are perishable by their fundamental structures
- The eternally conditioned living entities can be divided into two types - moving and nonmoving. Those entities which cannot move - like trees, for example - remain in one place and are classified as nonmoving entities
- The eternally free living entities are called nitya-mukta, for they never come in contact with the material energy. However, some living entities are conditioned in this material world, and thus they think themselves separated from the Supreme Lord
- The evacuating channel separately became manifest, and the director named Mitra entered into it with partial organs of evacuation. Thus the living entities are able to pass stool and urine
- The evidence of the Pancaratras cannot be neglected. Only untrained persons who have not genuinely studied the Pancaratras think that the Pancaratras contradict the srutis regarding the birth or beginning of the living entity
- The evolution is accepted in the Vedic literature but not like Darwin's. The evolution, according to Vedic scripture, is that the living entity is different from the body, and the living entity is passing through many forms of body
- The exact position of the living entities is just like that of the sparks of a fire; they are part and parcel. The material energy is compared to the smoke. The fire is also part and parcel of the Supreme Lord
- The exalted transcendental position of the Lord is specifically mentioned (in SB 4.7.34) by the great sages; He is not like the ordinary living entity, who is attached to the results of pious activities
- The example cited by materialists that trees automatically come from the earth follows the same principle. Taking advantage of a certain condition, a living entity comes from the earth
- The example given is very appropriate. Agni, or fire, comes out of wood, and by it the wood is completely destroyed. Similarly, when a living entity increases his attachment for the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he is to be considered like fire
- The example of the spider is very significant also. The spider is an individual living entity, and by its energy it creates a cobweb and plays on it, and whenever it likes it winds up the cobweb, thus ending the play
- The example of the sunshine and the material manifestation is very appropriate in understanding the living entity's contact with the material world. In the morning the sun rises, and the heat and light gradually expand throughout the whole day
- The expansions of Lord Visnu as the tiny living entity and the Supersoul are both situated within the cave of the heart of this body
- The external energy is this material world, the internal energy is the spiritual world, and the marginal energy is the living entity. The living entity is marginal because he can remain in the material world or the spiritual world
- The external potency manifests this material world, the internal potency manifests the spiritual world, and the marginal potency manifests the living entities, who are mixtures of internal and external
- The eyes, nostrils and ears are pairs of gates situated in one place. The mouth, genital & rectum are also different gates. Being placed into a body having these nine gates, the living entity acts externally in the material world and enjoys sense objects
- The fact is that individual living entities are eternally part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, and both of them are very intimately related as friends. BG 1972 purports
- The fact is that the entire cosmic manifestation is an expansion of the Supreme Lord's energies, which are manifested in the physical elements and the living entities
- The fact is that the minds of the living entities are now agitated by the three material qualities, and the living entities are therefore transmigrating, as if in dreams, from one body to another
- The fallen living entity is cyuta, whereas the Lord is called acyuta
- The false attempt of the living entity to occupy the predominating post of the Lord is the cause of his material bondage, and the conditioned soul's attempt to become one with the Lord is the last snare of maya
- The father and mother are not the creators of the living entity. According to the living entity's karma, fruitive activities, he is put into the semen of the father, who injects the living entity into the womb of the mother
- The father knows the necessities of the son and supplies them, and the Supreme Lord knows the necessities of the living entities and supplies them sumptuously
- The fifth creation is that of the controlling deities by the interaction of the mode of goodness, of which the mind is the sum total. The sixth creation is the ignorant darkness of the living entity, by which the master acts as a fool
- The first body (of Marut) was one, and when it was cut into many pieces, many other living entities entered the new bodies
- The first nine categories, described in the first nine cantos of SB, from creation to liberation - including the purusa-avataras, the incarnations, the marginal energy, or living entities, and the external energy, or material world - are all asrita
- The first purusa casts His glance at maya from a distance, and thus He impregnates her with the seed of life in the form of the living entities
- The five sense objects, the five sense organs, the five knowledge-acquiring senses and the mind are the sixteen material expansions. These combine with the living entity and are influenced by the three modes of material nature
- The five working senses and the five senses that acquire knowledge are all male friends of Puranjani. The living entity is assisted by these senses in acquiring knowledge and engaging in activity
- The five yajnas that liquidate the five kinds of indebtedness - indebtedness to the demigods, great sages, forefathers, living entities and common men. Therefore one has to perform these five kinds of yajnas
- The following statement elucidates the subject of part and whole: "All living entities are just like sparks from the supreme fire"
- The foolish cannot understand how a living entity can quit his body, nor can they understand what sort of body he enjoys under the spell of the modes of nature. But one whose eyes are trained in knowledge can see all this
- The foolish cannot understand how a living entity can quit his body, nor can they understand what sort of body he enjoys under the spell of the modes of nature. But one whose eyes are trained in knowledge can see all this. BG 15.10 - 1972
- The foolish living entity declares freedom from all control, but factually he is not free; he is fully under the control of material nature. He must therefore be most careful and responsible in the activities of his life
- The form is made according to the form of the mother, and the living entity comes out of the womb and begins his karma again
- The four Kumaras came to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead Narayana. The word suhrttama, "best of all friends," is important. As Lord Krsna states in the Bhagavad-gita, He is the best friend of all living entities. Suhrdam sarva-bhutanam - BG 5.29
- The four sages (Kumaras) were the first-born sons of Brahma. Therefore all other living entities, including Lord Siva, are born later and are therefore younger than the four Kumaras
- The four verses beginning with aham eva are the gist of the whole Bhagavatam. These are: I am the supreme center for the relationships of all living entities, and My knowledge is the supreme knowledge
- The fourth imperfection is that the senses of the living entity are not perfect. Our vision is so limited that we cannot see very far away nor very near
- The friend of the living entity who accompanies him through this gate (the rectum) is named Lubdhaka, which means "greed."
- The fruitive activities a living being performs, whether pious or impious, are the unseen cause for the fulfillment of his desires. This unseen cause is the root for the living entity's different bodies
- The fruitive activities of a living entity simply create another dangerous position and oblige him to accept different types of bodies
- The fully satisfied living entity becomes situated in the supreme stage of satisfaction, so that he ceases from all other activities
- The generations of Rudra, the incarnation of anger, were so dangerous to the maintenance of universal affairs that even Brahma, the father of the living entities, became afraid of them
- The ghosts and hobgoblins took possession of the body thrown off in the form of yawning by Brahma, the creator of the living entities. This is also known as the sleep which causes drooling
- The gigantic universal form, the whole, it is described in the BG that He is eating, the whole humanity is going on in His mouth. Then where you will get such food? The whole humanity, the whole universal living entities can be devoured by Krsna
- The Gita says, na jayate mriyate va kadacit. The word kadacit means "at any time." At no time does the living entity actually take birth
- The glory and attributes of Advaita Acarya are unlimited. How can the insignificant living entities fathom them?
- The glowing particles, molecules of the sunshine, is not equal in quantity with the sun globe, but in quality it is the same. Similarly, we living entities, we are minute particles of that supreme spirit soul, Krsna, or God. Therefore we are also shine
- The goddess of fortune, Laksmiji, Lord Brahma & Lord Siva are not independently powerful; they are powerful as expansions of the Supreme Lord, and all of them are engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord, so also are the living entities
- The golden ornaments and dress indicate that the living entity is influenced by the quality of rajo-guna, passion
- The gopis said, "Our husbands, friends, family members and children are all dear and pleasing to us only because of Your presence, for You are the Supersoul of all living creatures. Without Your presence, one is worthless"
- The government may be imperson, but the head of the government is a person. Similarly, in the universal government there are so many living entities, just like we are. Not only human being - 8,400,000 species of life, all living entities
- The government or king has the duty of protecting not only the human beings, but all other living entities, including animals, trees and plants. No living entity should be killed unnecessarily
- The grains are eaten by man and transformed into semen, which impregnates a woman, and thus the living entity once again attains the human form to perform sacrifice and so repeat the same cycle. BG 1972 purports
- The great mystics said: Dear Lord, persons who see You as nondifferent from themselves, knowing that You are the Supersoul of all living entities, are certainly very, very dear to You
- The great sage Maitreya continued: The supreme devotee, the great saint Narada, thus explained to Pracinabarhi the constitutional position of the SPG and the living entity. After giving an invitation to the King, Narada Muni left to return to Siddhaloka
- The great sage Narada continued: The living entity acts in a gross body in this life. This body is forced to act by the subtle body, composed of mind, intelligence and ego. After the gross body is lost, the subtle body is still there to enjoy or suffer
- The great sage Narada said: When a living entity is born to engage in the DS of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the supreme controller, his birth, all his fruitive activities, his life-span, his mind and his words are all factually perfect
- The great sage Vidura continued: O best of the brahmanas, it is very difficult for living entities encaged within this material body to have personal contact with Lord Siva
- The greatest benefit one can bestow upon one's fellow human being is to give him Krsna consciousness. No kind of material profit will satisfy the living entity, but if he is given Krsna consciousness he will actually be satisfied
- The greatest blasphemy is to consider Visnu and the living entity on the same level
- The greatest offense of the Mayavadi philosophers is to consider Lord Visnu and the living entities to be one and the same
- The greatness of the living entity can be perceived when he is in the spiritual world, engaged in spiritual activities
- The greed for material enjoyment is always existing in the living entity, but Your Lordship is always alert, and in due course of time You strike him, just as a snake seizes a mouse and very easily swallows him
- The Hare Krsna movement, or Krsna consciousness movement, is the only light for the foolish living entities who think either that there is no God or that if God exists He is formless and they themselves are also God
- The heart of the body can be compared to the assembly house of the capital, for the living entity is within the heart along with the Paramatma
- The heaviest mountains and oceans on the face of the earth hold more living entities than there are human beings, and they are not overburdened
- The higher and lower natures exist due to ignorance and are being manifested in an infinite number of living entities. But the Supersoul, which is infallible, is uncontaminated by the three qualities of nature and is transcendental. BG 1972 purports
- The higher authorities appointed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead thus render justice to the living entity according to the living entity's desires
- The highest authority for me is the unlimited SPG, from whom this wonderful creation emanates and in whom its sustenance and dissolution rest. He is the origin of all Prajapatis, the personalities meant to produce living entities in this world
- The highest intellectual and pious living entities live in those planets (Janaloka, Tapoloka and Satyaloka), and when they heard the extraordinary voice of the boar, they could understand that the specific sound was vibrated by the Lord and no one else
- The highest peak of the ignorance of the living entities who are conditioned by material bodies is that they are unaware of the supreme cause of the cosmic manifestation
- The highest platform of realization for the living entity is the attainment of devotional life. One cannot be engaged in devotional life, or Krsna consciousness, unless one is fully free from material contamination
- The houses for the leaders of these planets are constructed with the most valuable jewels, and they are always crowded with living entities known as Nagas and Asuras, as well as many pigeons, parrots and similar birds
- The human form of life gives the living entity a chance to cross the ocean of nescience, which is this material universe, and enter into the spiritual sky
- The human form of life is a chance for the living entity to escape the entanglement of material existence. In the human form of life one can conquer the enemy, lust, by culture of Krsna consciousness under able guidance
- The human soul further prays: The living entity is put under the influence of material nature and continues a hard struggle for existence on the path of repeated birth and death
- The idea is that a living entity is always pure because he is part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The idea is that the living entity cannot do anything independently. He can simply think of doing something independently, but he cannot act independently
- The idea of Ba'hai movement is more graciously presented in our Krishna Consciousness movement. The Ba'hai movement doesn't take any consideration of living entities beyond the human society
- The identity of the living entity is never impersonal or formless; on the contrary, it is the material dress that is formless and that takes a shape according to the form of the indestructible person
- The illusioned living entity appears in so many forms offered by the external energy of the Lord. While enjoying in the modes of material nature, the encaged living entity misconceives, thinking in terms of "I" and "mine"
- The illusioned living entity who, in his search for eternal happiness, tries to extract happiness from this material world, which is not only full of miseries but is also transient and flickering
- The immortality of the individual person is the highest perfectional stage a living entity can attain
- The impersonal monist does not believe that God is the only object of worship and that the living entities are His eternal servants
- The impersonalist argues on the strength of the Vedic version given in the Svetasvatara Upanisad: In the material world Brahma, the primeval living entity, is understood to be the supreme amongst the demigods, human beings and lower animals. BG 1972 pur
- The impersonalists are dwelling in the river water, which eventually comes to mix with the ocean. They have no information, however, that within the ocean, as within the river, there are innumerable aquatic living entities
- The impersonalists cannot account for the senses of the living entities, and therefore they are always anxious to describe all living entities as sense-less, or impersonal. BG 1972 purports
- The importance of this material world is there because we living entities are there. And we have come here. Krsna-bahirmukha hana bhoga vancha. All the living entities, they have come into this material world to enjoy material enjoyment
- The impregnation of material nature by the father, Lord Siva, is wonderful because at 1 time innumerable living entities are conceived. Bhago jivah sa vijneyah sa canantyaya kalpate (Svetasvatara Upanisad 5.9). These living entities are very, very small
- The independence of the individual living entity is not real independence, but is just the reflection of the real independence existing in the Supreme Being
- The indestructible, transcendental living entity is called Brahman, and his eternal nature is called adhyatma, the self. Action pertaining to the development of the material bodies of the living entities is called karma, or fruitive activities
- The individual human body does not develop from the womb of the mother independently but because the living entity, the soul, is within the body
- The individual living entities, being parts and parcels of the Lord, are sometimes described as atma, qualitatively one in spiritual constitution
- The individual living entity is given that independence. His conditional life is ended and his life becomes successful as soon as he turns his face to the Lord, but by misusing his independence he enters into material existence
- The individual living entity is one with and different from the Supreme Lord. This "simultaneously one and different" philosophy is the perfect conclusion of the Bhagavata school, as confirmed here (in SB 3.28.41) by Kapiladeva
- The individual living entity is the minute master of his personal affairs whereas the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the master of everyone's affairs, past, present and future
- The individual living entity never has complete knowledge; otherwise, how could he have come under the control of maya
- The individual living entity never has sufficient knowledge; otherwise, how could he have come under the control of maya, or the material energy? The word "sufficient" can be accepted, therefore, only in proportion to the magnitude of the living entity
- The individual soul, the individual living entity, has desired to act in forgetfulness of his original identity since time immemorial
- The inferior energy, which is material, forms the body of the tree; however, within the tree is the living entity, the spiritual spark, which is part and parcel of Krsna
- The inferior illusion is inert matter, and the superior illusion is the living entity. The living entities are called illusory in this context (of CC Adi 1.54) only because they are implicated in the illusory structures & activities of the material world
- The infinite portion is the Visnu-tattva, or the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and the infinitesimal portion is the living entity
- The infinitesimal living entities are emanations from the original infinite spirit. In their constitutional position as infinitesimal spirits, there is no trace of matter
- The infinitesimal living entities are not the enjoyers of Visnu, but they are enjoyed by Visnu. Only the greatest offender thinks that Visnu is enjoyed
- The influence of the modes of nature is very strong. The living entity entangled in different types of fruitive activity is like a silkworm trapped in a cocoon. Getting free is very difficult unless he is helped by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The inhabitants of the seven higher planetary systems and the inhabitants of the seven lower planetary systems, including the demons and serpentine living entities, all visited Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in the dress of human beings
- The inhabitants of the Vaikuntha planets are all brahma-bhuta living entities, as distinguished from the mundane creatures who are all compact in hankering and lamentation
- The innumerable living entities merge into that dissolution, which appears to be the dropping of the curtain of the scene of the Supreme Lord's energy, and so everything becomes silent
- The innumerable living entities within this material world are being carried by the waves of material nature. Sometimes the waves bring them together, & they form friendships and relate to one another on a bodily basis of family, community or nationality
- The intelligence is the charioteer, the mind constitutes the reins controlling the horses, and the senses are the horses. Thus the living entity is the false enjoyer of the material world
- The intelligence of a living entity who does not turn his attention toward Krsna or the Krsna consciousness movement simply changes dresses like a prostitute. What is the benefit of such foolish intelligence?
- The intelligent man can see that neither the living entity nor the phenomenal world are creations of chance
- The internal energy is there along with the Absolute Person as the moonlight is there with the moon. The external energy is compared to darkness because it keeps the living entities in the darkness of ignorance
- The intestines, the throat, the brain and the other parts of the body are affected by all kinds of diseases that are so powerful that they become sources of extreme suffering for the living entity
- The jiva, or living entity, is a spiritual spark who is part of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Unfortunately, he thinks the body to be the self, and that misunderstanding is called vivarta, or acceptance of untruth to be truth
- The jiva, or living entity, is actually prakrti, or the marginal energy of the Supreme Lord. Being associated with material energy, he tries to lord it over the material nature. This is also confirmed in Bhagavad-gita
- The jiva, or the individual living entity, becomes entrapped by the material energy by the supreme will of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The jiva, the living entity, is always different from the Supreme Lord. The living entities (vibhinnamsa) never become one with the Lord, although Mayavadis sometimes imitate the Lord's worship of Himself
- The jiva-bhuta, the living entities, control this material world with their limited potencies
- The jivas, or living entities, are now detached from the whole due to material contact. It is therefore necessary for us to strive to attach ourselves again through the latent Krsna consciousness that is within us
- The jivas, or the living entities, being parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord, are also conscious. BG 1972 Introduction
- The jivas, or the living entities, have been accepted by the Lord, as we will note in the later chapters (of the Bhagavad-gita), as His parts and parcels. BG 1972 Introduction
- The jivatma, the living entity, is eternally servitor of Krsna, and one should understand the nature of his master so that his service attitude, his affection, may be more intimate
- The Katha Upanisad (1.3.14) says, uttisthata jagrata prapya varan nibodhata: "O living entity, you are sleeping in this material world. Please get up and take advantage of your human form of life." The sleeping condition means loss of all knowledge
- The king is duty-bound to protect the living entities in his kingdom. Thus although the parents are directly responsible for the protection and maintenance of their children, the duty of the king is to see that all parents do their duty properly
- The King saw that the ten directions, the sky and the surface of the globe were full of living entities everywhere
- The king's duty is to personally supervise the distribution of wealth for the maintenance of all living entities. If he does so, he will be as reputable as Narayana
- The king, or the living entity, uses these two gates to see things properly, but he cannot see unless accompanied by a friend whose name is Dyuman. This friend is the sun
- The king, or the ruler of the body, who is the living entity, uses all these doors (two eyes, two nostrils, two ears, one mouth, the rectum and the genitals) to enjoy different types of material pleasures
- The knower of the facts, the living entity who inquires into the incidents manifested in dreams and wakefulness, is different from the circumstantial activities. That knowing factor is Brahman
- The knowledge of the minute conditioned souls is covered, they are exhibited in so many species of life. It is said in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, Seventh Chapter, First Canto, "The living entities are illusioned by the material energy
- The Krishna Consciousness movement teaches us this science how one can love everyone of the living entities perfectly by an easy method
- The Krsna consciousness movement is trying to give the true light of spiritual existence to all living entities
- The ksetra jna, the owner of the body, is also called the khaga, the living entity. Within the body there are two such ksetra jnas - the individual soul and the Supersoul
- The law of karma continues birth after birth, and when there is a new creation, the same karma comes back with the living entities
- The law of karma enacted by the Supreme Lord for the living entities cannot be applicable to Him, nor has the Lord any desire to improve Himself by activities like those of ordinary living beings
- The laws of material nature impose this punishment (as birth, old age, disease, and death) upon the living entities who have forgotten the Lord and who are busy making plans for lasting happiness in this desert of distress
- The laws of nature control this sequence (of change of body), and therefore as long as the living entity is under the control of the external, material energy, the process of bodily change takes place automatically, according to one's fruitive activities
- The leader, perfect leader, is God. Nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam (Katha Upanisad 2.2.13). That nitya and cetana, all living entities, we are eternal, and we are conscious
- The length and breadth of the living entity is described as one ten-thousandth part of the tip of a hair. This is the original subtle nature of the living entity
- The less intelligent living entity does not know this (that achievement of desired results are not due to the demigods but to the Supreme Personality of Godhead), and therefore he foolishly goes to the demigods for some benefit. BG 1972 purports
- The liberated living entities belong to that place where there are no material miseries
- The liberated living entities seek that place where there are no material miseries. BG 1972 purports
- The liberated living entities, however, in the sanatana (eternal) manifestation, are unconditionally surrendered souls, and therefore they are not subject to the conditions of creation and annihilation
- The life force of the living entity - the soul - is different from the ovum and semen of the human being
- The light of the moon spread throughout the sky appears to be impersonal, but the moon planet, as it is, is personal, and the living entities on the moon planet are also personal
- The lives of the living entities are going on simply due to the living entities' changing dress from one body to another - transmigration of the soul - according to the work of the living entities
- The lives of the living entity, in both the past and the future, are indicated by the mental condition
- The living entities (jivas) are divided into two categories. Some are eternally liberated, and others are eternally conditioned
- The living entities (jivas) are minute samples of the Supreme Lord, and being so they therefore find in their activities the desire for eternal existence, for complete knowledge, and for happiness
- The living entities - beginning from Lord Krsna and including millions of Visnu forms, and also the living entities in different forms, from Lord Brahma down to the small ant - are all of the same spiritual quality
- The living entities - birds, reptiles, animals, insects, human beings, demigods, etc. - number over 8,000,000 species, and of these a very small number are human beings
- The living entities all over the universes are enjoying the effects of the respective fruitive results of their own work, life after life
- The living entities also, a very small fragmental portion of the living entities are here. And there, in the spiritual world, the major portion are there
- The living entities and other potencies merge into Maha-Visnu as the Lord lies down and winds up (destroys) the cosmic manifestation. Liberation means being situated in one's eternal, original form after giving up the changeable gross and subtle bodies
- The living entities are actually minute forms who are part and parcel of the Supreme Lord
- The living entities are allowed to transmigrate from one body to another, exactly as a person transmigrates from the body of an infant to a child to a boy to a youth to a man. This process is constantly going on
- The living entities are also beyond the limitations of birth and death
- The living entities are also beyond the limitations of birth and death. This is the version of the Vedas, and it is accepted by those who follow scriptural injunctions and who have actually descended in the disciplic succession
- The living entities are also called marginal potency because they have, potentially, two attitudes - namely the tendency to surrender unto Krsna and the tendency to become independent of Him
- The living entities are also differentiated expansions of the Lord's Self & because some of them desire to be lords & imitate the SL He allows them to enter into the cosmic creation with the option to fully utilize their propensity to lord it over nature
- The living entities are also eternal and are also living forces, but they are very minute in quantity, whereas the Supreme Lord is the supreme living force and the supreme eternal
- The living entities are also His (God's) marginal potency, and by their own choice they can live in either the transcendental or material worlds
- The living entities are also parts of the whole living entity, that supreme living entity is the factual basis of affection for all. One who has forgotten the basic principle of his love for everything has only flickering love because he is in maya
- The living entities are always in pure goodness. This material covering is separated. The living entities can be freed from material covering at any moment. Just like water and oil, it is always separated; it does not mix
- The living entities are always subordinate to the Supreme. Consequently their duty is to always seek the mercy of the Lord in order to be protected by Him in all circumstances
- The living entities are always the parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord. They can never be equal to the inconceivable, supernatural power of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The living entities are attacked by the material energy, and they want to enjoy her under false pretexts, although in essence they are unable to enjoy
- The living entities are called marginal energy, and the material cosmic manifestation is the action of the external or material energy. Then there is the spiritual world, which is a manifestation of the internal energy
- The living entities are combinations of the material nature and the spiritual nature. Such living entities are seen not only on this planet, but in every planet, even in the highest where Brahma is situated. BG 1972 purports
- The living entities are conditioned in contact with material bodies because of the actions of the Supreme Lord's external energy
- The living entities are constitutionally servitors of the Lord, who can accept all kinds of service from everyone
- The living entities are created through the agency of the father and killed through the agency of death, but He is perpetually free of birth and death
- The living entities are described as ananta, or unlimited; nonetheless, they are said to belong to 8,400,000 species
- The living entities are described as parts and parcels of the Lord because He is the life and soul of all living entities, being situated within their hearts as the antaryami, as enunciated by the philosophy of inconceivable oneness and difference
- The living entities are described in the Bhagavad-gita, prakrti. Prakrti means woman. And purusa means man
- The living entities are divided into two categories - the eternally liberated and the eternally conditioned
- The living entities are encaged in the conditions of material bondage because of their propensity for overlordship. But by engagement in the devotional service of the Lord one becomes detached from this enjoying spirit
- The living entities are endowed with limited potency although they are part of the Lord
- The living entities are essentially the parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord, and He is giving herewith (in BG 15.12) the hint how they can come back to Godhead, back to home. BG 1972 purports
- The living entities are eternally parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord. The living entity is called the atma, and the Lord is called the Paramatma. The living entity is called Brahman, and the Lord is called the Parabrahman, or the Paramesvara
- The living entities are eternally separated parts and parcels of the Supreme PG. When they are in contact with the material world, they are called jiva-bhutah, & the Sanskrit words given here, sarvani bhutani mean that they are fallible. BG 1972 purports
- The living entities are eternally small fragments of the supreme spiritual whole. As a part can never be equal with the whole, so a living entity, as a minute fragment of the spiritual whole, cannot be equal at any time to the Supreme Whole
- The living entities are exactly like small children playing the material field under the control of the maidservant of the Lord - nature
- The living entities are expansions of His (Sri Krsna's) marginal energy, and thus they are sometimes bewildered by the internal energy and sometimes by the external energy
- The living entities are factually beyond this covered inferior energy. They have their pure spiritual existence and their pure identity, as well as their pure mental activities. All of them are beyond the manifestation of this material cosmos
- The living entities are foreign to matter, and thus they cannot be happy unless they are situated in the same spiritual life as the Lord
- The living entities are fragmental portions of the Supreme Personality of Godhead eternally
- The living entities are His (God) marginal energies, and some of them, in the confidence of the Lord, are entrusted with the work of creation also, as are Brahma, Marici, etc., and the acts of creation are inspired by the Lord unto them
- The living entities are illusioned by the will of the Lord because they wanted to become like Him
- The living entities are infinitesimal, they become bewildered or conditioned by material nature, but this does not mean that the Supreme Lord is also conditioned or bewildered
- The living entities are like sparks of fire, & His Lordship the SPG is considered the original great fire. When we hear this sruti-vakya, or message from the Vedas, we should understand the distinction between the Supreme Lord Krsna & the living entities
- The living entities are like the sun's rays. Although there is no qualitative difference between the sun and its rays, the sun's rays are sometimes overpowered by another energy of the sun, namely by clouds or by snowfall
- The living entities are mentioned as prakrti in the Bhagavad-gita, and in Sanskrit prakrti is a feminine object
- The living entities are merged into the air of life, which acts in different ways for circulation
- The living entities are not actually enjoyer. They are suffering. They are becoming entangled because by this enjoying spirit we are developing different types of mentality, and at the time of death, according to that mentality, I get the next body
- The living entities are not as great as Narayana, Visnu, who is beyond this material creation. Even Sankaracarya accepts Narayana to be beyond the material creation
- The living entities are not meant to be conditioned by material energy but due to their being affected by the false sense of lording it over material energy they come under the influence of potency & become conditioned by the 3 modes of material nature
- The living entities are not the bodies; they are separate from the cars of the body
- The living entities are not without spiritual senses; every living being in his original, spiritual form has all the senses, which are now materially manifested, being covered by the material body and mind
- The living entities are nothing but very small portions of the supreme spirit, like sparks of a fire. Because they are part of the Supreme, they have a creative quality in a very minute quantity
- The living entities are of two kinds: one class is called nitya-mukta, ever liberated, and the other is called nitya-baddha, ever conditioned. The nitya-mukta living entities are in the spiritual kingdom, and the nitya-baddhas are in the material world
- The living entities are parts and parcels of the of Godhead, they are all sons of the Lord, and for their benefit, because they are hovering under the impression that they can lord it over material nature, the Vedas are given to them for their guidance
- The living entities are parts of the Lord, but they are not the Lord Himself. The living entities in this material world are not inconceivable, but the Lord is
- The living entities are promoted and degraded by the laws of nature, but if one is very, very fortunate, by association with saintly persons he gets the seed of devotional service, and his life becomes successful
- The living entities are qualitatively the same as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the leader, the Supreme among all the living entities
- The living entities are sent into this material world for material enjoyment, to fulfill their desires to be independent individuals, but still they are subject to the supreme will of the Lord
- The living entities are separated parts and parcels of the Personality of Godhead. Therefore Lord Sri Krsna is the original form of Godhead, and He is the last word in the Transcendence
- The living entities are smaller than the atom, but God is greater than the greatest. Our conception of greatness may be represented by the sky because we think of the sky as being unlimitedly big, but God is bigger than the sky
- The living entities are spiritual sparks, and their constitutional position is to render devotional service to the Supreme Lord in full Krsna consciousness
- The living entities are struggling to become happy, but unless they take to the bhakti cult, their happiness is not possible
- The living entities are subjected by those qualities, although originally the living entities are qualitatively one with the Lord
- The living entities are subjected to the pains and pleasures of material enjoyment, whereas the Supreme Personality of Godhead, knowing their plans for sense enjoyment, is aloof from them
- The living entities are subordinate under all circumstances, but in their forgetfulness they are suffering. BG 1972 purports
- The living entities are supposed to be freed from material contamination by engaging in prolonged temple worship of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, reading Vedic literature and performing yoga and pious activities to attain the Supreme Lord
- The living entities are the enjoyers of the material ingredients, time, modes, etc., because they want to lord it over the material nature
- The living entities are therefore called jivatma, and the Supreme Lord is called Paramatma. Both the Paramatma and the jivatma are within this material world, and therefore this material world has a purpose other than sense gratification
- The living entities are thus known as peaceful, restless and foolish; as happy, unhappy or in-between; or as religious, irreligious and semireligious. We can deduce that in the next life these three kinds of material nature will similarly act
- The living entities are to be categorized among the Lord’s potencies. The Lord is potent, and there are varieties of potencies - parasya saktir vividhaiva sruyate - CC Madhya 13.65, purport
- The living entities are traveling from one planet to another, not by mechanical arrangement but by a spiritual process. BG 1972 Introduction
- The living entities are traveling from one planet to another. It is not that we can simply go to other planets by the mechanical arrangement of the sputnik
- The living entities are trying to counteract different miserable conditions pertaining to providence, other living entities or the body and mind. Still, they must remain conditioned by the laws of nature, despite all attempts to counter these laws
- The living entities are trying to lord it over material nature. Since the conditioned soul takes material nature to be the object of his enjoyment and he takes the position of the enjoyer, he is therefore called purusa
- The living entities are wandering in different species of life on different planets, but if by chance they get the association of a pure devotee (sadhu), they give up all other engagements and engage in the service of Lord Krsna
- The living entities belong to the category of superior energy. The inferior energy, or material energy, is called apara prakrti. In the Bhagavad-gita the creative energy is thus presented in two forms, namely apara and para prakrti
- The living entities belong to the eternal superior nature of the Lord, but due to contamination by the inferior nature, matter, their illusion is also eternal. The conditioned soul is therefore called nitya-baddha, or eternally conditioned. BG 1972 pur
- The living entities belong to the superior nature, as it will be revealed in the Seventh Chapter. BG 1972 purports
- The living entities cannot attain knowledge of Visnu by enjoying their habits of mental speculation
- The living entities change their material bodies in different shapes and forms under the influence of the different modes of nature, but in the transcendental state the devotee is guna-tita, or above the material modes of goodness, passion and ignorance
- The living entities conditioned by material nature are of various types. BG 1972 purports
- The living entities constitute the marginal potency, and they are situated between the internal and external Potencies
- The living entities create their enjoyable honeycombs and then enjoy them. The example of the bees is appropriate because when bees try to enjoy their honeycomb, they have to suffer the bites of other bees
- The living entities depend on Your (Krsna's) mercy for liberation, but when You want to give them liberation, You do not depend on anyone else
- The living entities encagement in material existence has been continuing since time immemorial. In actuality, these living entities are atomic parts and parcels of the supreme spirit
- The living entities enter into the supreme existence when they are liberated, and they do not change their original constitutional position
- The living entities have 8,400,000 different kinds of bodies, and the Supreme Personality of Godhead is living in every body both as the individual soul and as the Supersoul
- The living entities have the same qualities as the Lord, just as a drop of sea water is composed of the same chemicals as the great sea itself. Thus there is oneness in quality but a difference in quantity
- The living entities have three kinds of vision, according to their positions in self-realization. According to the bodily concept of life, one sees differentiation in terms of varieties of bodies
- The living entities have to change their material coverings for undergoing different terms of imprisonment
- The living entities in different forms are sons of the Lord, and therefore the father, the Supreme Lord, supplies them food according to their different bodies
- The living entities in the material world are forgetful of their eternal relationship with the SP of Godhead. This forgetfulness is called avidya, or nescience. The avidya-sakti, the avidya potency of the material world, provokes fruitive activity
- The living entities in the material world, not only at the present but also in the past, have been involved in trying to solve the problem of birth and death
- The living entities in this conditioned world are My (Krsna's) eternal, fragmental parts. Due to conditioned life, they are struggling very hard with the six senses, which include the mind
- The living entities in this conditioned world are My eternal fragmental parts. Due to conditioned life, they are struggling very hard with the six senses, which include the mind
- The living entities in this conditioned world are My eternal, fragmental parts. Due to conditioned life, they are struggling very hard with the six senses, which include the mind
- The living entities in this material world can take lessons from nitya-siddha devotees and thus become inclined to return home, back to Godhead
- The living entities in this world are so jealous that if one's personal interest is hampered, one will immediately be ready to give trouble to others, even to one's nearest relatives
- The living entities individually are being conducted by a particular mode of nature, but at the same time there is every chance of their being influenced by the other two
- The living entities like ourselves, being part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, are meant to satisfy the senses of the Lord. Thus, whenever there is a discrepancy in that harmony, immediately the living entity is entrapped by maya, or illusion
- The living entities merged into the Supreme at the time of dissolution are compared to honey. In the honeycomb, the tastes of different flowers are conserved
- The living entities must get free from the superfluous coverings and fully engage in Krsna consciousness. The purpose of the appearance of Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda is to dispel the darkness of the soul
- The living entities on these various planets acquire bodies composed of elements in accordance with the predominating element on the planet; therefore those beings who live on the sun have bodies which are composed of fire
- The living entities or the demigods like Candra and Surya are also to some extent isvara, but none of them is the supreme isvara, or the ultimate controller
- The living entities residing on Sumeru Mountain are always very warm, as at midday, because for them the sun is always overhead
- The living entities wandering within the jurisdiction of the 8,400,000 species of life get the opportunity for self-realization in the human form and gradually in such other elevated forms as those of the demigods, Kinnaras and Caranas
- The living entities who are conditioned in the material world are manifested in the creation in terms of respective inclinations inherent in them, and the requisite material body is offered to each and every one of them by the material energy
- The living entities who are expanded by His internal potency are eternally liberated persons, whereas those who are expanded in terms of the material energies are eternally conditioned souls
- The living entities who are promoted to the spiritual world do not return to the prison house of a material body (tyaktva deham punar janma naiti mam eti so'rjuna) - BG 4.9
- The living entities who are within the universe are called conditioned souls; that is, they are not free to move everywhere
- The living entities wrongly consider the physical elements to be resources meant for their enjoyment, and they think themselves to be the enjoyers. However, neither of them is independent; they are both energies of the Lord
- The living entities' relationships with the Lord are directly and indirectly existing everywhere, even in this material world
- The living entities, according to different results of fruitive activities, may become rich or poor, but the Supreme Personality of Godhead is unchangeable; He is always full in six opulences
- The living entities, according to their association with the different modes of material nature, will be happy, distressed or between the two in their next lives also
- The living entities, along with their different tastes, remain individually submerged in Brahman until another manifestation of the material world
- The living entities, although always qualitatively one with the Supreme Lord, are in a relative position
- The living entities, although qualitatively one with the Supreme, are infinitesimal, and not infinite. Had they been infinite, there would have been no possibility of their being covered by ignorance
- The living entities, being contaminated by the modes of material nature, are called saguna, whereas Paramatma, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is nirguna, not being under the influence of the material modes
- The living entities, being encaged in material qualities, are gunasrita, whereas the Supreme Personality of Godhead is gunasraya
- The living entities, being impregnated in the material world, come out and form at the time of creation according to their past deeds. BG 1972 purports
- The living entities, being part and parcel of the Lord, possess His qualities in a minute quantity. Therefore one should not be affected by lamentation
- The living entities, being part and parcel of the supreme controller, isvara, or Bhagavan, Lord Sri Krsna, have all the qualities of the Supreme Lord in minute quantity because we are minute isvaras, subordinate isvaras. BG 1972 Introduction
- The living entities, both moving and nonmoving, are controlled by the Vedic instructions in art and science, and therefore they are all expansions of the external energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The living entities, however, are actually eternal. They want an eternal home, an eternal residence, but because of accepting a temporal abode in the material world, they are naturally full of anxiety
- The living entities, however, being subdued by the material energy, have forgotten the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The living entities, in the guises of men and women, are trying to enjoy the material energy
- The living entities, including Brahma, are not independently separated, but are counted within the marginal potency of the Supreme Lord
- The living entities, like the Lord, were persons in the past, they are persons in the present, and they will continue to be persons even after giving up the body. This is also confirmed in Bhagavad-gita
- The living entities, not only the human beings and the cats and dogs, but even the greater controllers of the material world-Brahma, Siva, & even Visnu-are all parts & parcels of the Supreme Lord. They are all eternal, not temporary. BG 1972 purports
- The living entities, that is also prakrti, but he also wants to enjoy. That is called illusion. So in his enjoying temperament he may be called purusa, illusory purusa. Real purusa is Bhagavan. Purusa means bhokta. The bhokta, real bhokta, enjoyer
- The living entities, the entire phenomenal world is stirred into action and reaction because of the presence of His parts and parcels
- The living entities, the jivas, are affected by or susceptible to being influenced by such modes of material nature - that is the difference between the Lord and the living entities
- The living entities, they are compared with the sparks, and the Supreme Lord as the big fire. So the big fire, that is the comparison. And the small sparks, both of them are fire. But sometimes the sparks fall down from the big fire. That is our falldown
- The living entities, they become affected by the presence of maya. Krsna is not affected
- The living entities, who are called marginal energy, perform material activities when acting under the inferior external energy. And when they engage in activities under the internal spiritual energy, their activities are called Krsna conscious
- The living entities, who are exploiting these inferior energies for different purposes, are the superior energy of the Supreme Lord, and it is due to this energy that the entire material world functions. BG 1972 purports
- The living entities, who are molecular parts of the whole spirit, are separated from the Lord by the artificial covering of maya, illusory energy
- The living entities, who are part of You (o Supreme Lord), have no cause for miseries like birth, death and old age, except when these living entities are conducted by Your external energy - SB 10.2.39
- The living entities, who are residents of the spiritual as well as the material expansions, are His (God's) marginal energy (tatastha-sakti), and they are at liberty to live in either of the energies, external or internal
- The living entities, who are seen to utilize the inferior energy, originally belong to the superior energy, the internal potency of God. The eight inferior energies work grossly and subtly whereas the superior energy works as the central generating force
- The living entities, who are struggling in this world with the mind and five senses, have their material bodies which are changing as long as the living entities are conditioned. BG 1972 purports
- The living entity (by gradual development of Krsna consciousness) can understand that this human form of life is an opportunity to regain KC and that it should be fully utilized to attain the causeless mercy of the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- The living entity (jivatma) takes different positions-sometimes he merges into the dark material nature and identifies himself with matter, and sometimes he identifies himself with the superior spiritual nature. BG 1972 purports
- The living entity - whatever his condition - does not want to give up the body. But he will be forced to give it up because, after all, this material body cannot exist forever
- The living entity accepts a body and comes out again into the material world to enjoy or suffer according to the construction of the body
- The living entity accepts or produces different bodies and different bodily relationships in a particular circumstance, but as soon as he gives up the present body and accepts another, he has nothing to do with the former body
- The living entity accepts the material body, which is made of five elements, as himself. With this misunderstanding, he accepts nonpermanent things as his own and increases his ignorance in the darkest region
- The living entity acquires a particular nature packed up in a subtle body and gross body formed by the life air, the ego, the ten sense organs, the mind and the five gross elements
- The living entity acquires different types of mentality according to his association with the material modes. But this nature can be changed if one associates with a bona fide spiritual master and abides by his rules and the scriptures. BG 1972 purports
- The living entity acts according to the qualities or modes of material nature. He falsely thinks that he is acting, but unfortunately he is passive
- The living entity actually passes through many varieties of material forms, but despite all such changes of body, he is eternal
- The living entity and the Supersoul are sitting side by side in the same tree, but despite being harassed by the laws of material nature, the foolish living entity does not turn toward the Supreme Personality of Godhead for protection
- The living entity and this combination of elements combine to form what is called jiva-bhuta, the conditioned soul that struggles hard within material nature
- The living entity attains a certain position in life in a particular type of body according to his pious and impious activities, but his transmigration into different bodies should not be taken as progress
- The living entity attains a particular type of gross body in accordance with his past activities & mental condition
- The living entity attains a particular type of gross body in accordance with his past activities and mental condition
- The living entity becomes so helpless at the time of death that, although unwilling, he is forced to give up the body and enter another
- The living entity begins material life with his mind and the five knowledge-acquiring senses, and with these he struggles for existence within the material world
- The living entity begins material life with his mind and the five knowledge-acquiring senses, and with these he struggles for existence within the material world. These senses are compared to rogues and thieves within the forest
- The living entity can attain the transcendental happiness of being freed from the three kinds of material miseries - miseries arising from the body and mind, from other living entities and from natural disturbances
- The living entity can be liberated from the material condition at any moment, provided that he wishes to do so. The material environment is called maya
- The living entity can be situated either in the material energy or the spiritual energy. BG 1972 purports
- The living entity can continue to stay in the Brahman position and then gradually rise up to Paramatma realization and then to the realization of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. There are many examples of this in Vedic literature
- The living entity can live merely by his own power, without the help of skin, marrow, bone, blood and so on, because it is said, asango'yam purusah - the living entity has nothing to do with the material covering
- The living entity can take one of two positions in this world. He may become a servant of his senses, or he may become master of them
- The living entity can vividly feel his existence as the seer but because of the disappearance of the ego during the state of deep sleep he falsely takes himself to be lost like a man who has lost his fortune & feels distressed thinking himself to be lost
- The living entity cannot be desireless or senseless, but he does have to change the quality of the desires. A materially desireless person certainly knows that everything belongs to Krsna
- The living entity cannot be desireless or senseless, but he does have to change the quality of the desires. BG 1972 purports
- The living entity cannot be forgetful of his real identity unless influenced by the avidya potency. Because the living entity is prone to the influence of the avidya potency, he can never equal the supreme potent
- The living entity cannot be happy trying to be independent in the material world
- The living entity cannot be liberated from material entanglement by his own effort. He must therefore take to the devotional service of the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord, or the Supersoul within himself
- The living entity cannot conceive of the unlimitedness of the unlimited
- The living entity cannot conquer the influence of the material modes of nature by his own endeavor, but because material nature is working under the control of the Supreme Lord, the Lord is beyond its jurisdiction
- The living entity cannot do anything without the sanction of the Supersoul
- The living entity cannot experience the same quantity of enjoyment as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The living entity cannot worship the demigod by his own desire, nor can the demigod bestow any benediction without the supreme will. As it is said, not a blade of grass moves without the will of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- The living entity carries out various desires through five different processes, which indicate the working of the five working senses
- The living entity changes his body as soon as the higher authorities decide on his next body. As long as a living entity is conditioned within this material world, he must take material bodies one after another
- The living entity changes his body in the material world, but even when the Lord is in the material world, He is ever unchanged. That is His prerogative
- The living entity comes down into this material world for sense gratification, and his intelligence, represented by the woman, gives him the proper direction by which he can satisfy his senses to their best capacity
- The living entity comes in contact with his material bodies, whether high or low, and later gives them up by his personal prowess. This strength can be perceived in a living entity's personal power to possess different types of bodies
- The living entity conclude that as long as one has a material body consisting of material senses, one should enjoy the senses as much as possible
- The living entity creates his own body by his personal desires, and the external energy of the Lord supplies him the exact form by which he can enjoy his desires to the fullest extent
- The living entity depends on the Supersoul for directions. A person advanced in spiritual knowledge, or a person expert in the practice of mystic yoga (yama, niyama, asana and so on) can understand transcendence either as Paramatma or as the SPG of God
- The living entity desires a certain type of body, and by the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, that body is created from material nature, which is nothing but a kind of machine handled by the Supreme Lord
- The living entity does not know that he is not at all a material product but is spiritual. His real identity thus being lost, he struggles very hard in the material world, & the Hare Krsna movement, or KCM, is trying to revive his original consciousness
- The living entity does not know what the opinion of his superior is, but his service record is kept in the office nonetheless, and according to his activities he is awarded promotion or increment of pay, or sometimes he may be demoted or even fired
- The living entity does not suffer due to the body's fatigue. Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti gives an example of a child heavily decorated with ornaments; although the child's body is very delicate, he does not feel fatigue
- The living entity does not think there can be any activities that are actually based on intelligence beyond the construction of skyscrapers and big roads and the manufacturing of cars. This is proof of mayayapahrta-jnana, or loss of all intelligence
- The living entity enjoys the material body, which appears and disappears, but the five elements earth, water, fire, air and ether remain the same
- The living entity enters the material creation with the aid of the five elements - earth, water, fire, air and ether - and thus his body is formed
- The living entity exists eternally and has no past, present, or future tenses
- The living entity exists in the natural state of Krsna consciousness, but he has marginal independence, and this allows him to forget Krsna
- The living entity falls down from the spiritual world. Just like Jaya-Vijaya. There is possibility, if you do not stick to the spiritual principle, even if you are in Vaikuntha you will fall down, what to speak of this material world?
- The living entity first accepts a body that is human in form, but gradually, due to his degraded activities, he falls into lower forms of life - into the animal, plant and aquatic forms
- The living entity forgets what to do. First of all he makes a determination to act in a certain way, and then he is entangled in the acts and reactions of his own karma. BG 1972 purports
- The living entity gets into the body just as a person gets into a car, and he goes this way and that
- The living entity gets what he deserves and is carried by the material body which is created in the material energy under the direction of the Supersoul. BG 1972 purports
- The living entity has a body, which is a very complicated combination of the material elements, and with this body he struggles alone
- The living entity has infected itself with the material disease. It has to be cured. That is the whole purpose of Vedic civilization, how to cure your material disease
- The living entity has neither birth nor death, but is eternal
- The living entity has no true relationship with the material body he gets from his material father and mother. He is part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, but he is allowed to go through different bodies
- The living entity has nothing to do with bodily pains and pleasures. These are simply mental concoctions
- The living entity has nothing to do with the next body he accepts. He is always free from the contact of this bodily contamination
- The living entity has senses, and if the senses stopped working, the living entity would no longer be a living entity; he would be exactly like stone or wood. This is not possible. Because he is living, he is nitya and cetana - eternally sentient
- The living entity has the power to live either in the material energy or in the spiritual energy, and for this reason he is called marginal energy
- The living entity has the same qualities as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but he has them in minute quantities because he is a small particle (suksma) whereas the Supreme Lord is all-pervading and great
- The living entity has the tendency to reject the sanction of the Supreme Lord and act independantly in an attempt to dominate the supreme nature, and because he has this tendency, he is called the marginal energy of the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- The living entity has to change that conception (of material desires). That change can be effected only by hearing from authoritative sources. The best example is here (BG): Arjuna is hearing the science of God from Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- The living entity has to revert to spiritual consciousness or KC. Then it is certain that he will never come again into this material existence; he will be transferred into the spiritual world for a blissful eternal life of knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- The living entity has to work for his livelihood because that is the law of material nature, and if he does not act according to his prescribed duties, he transgresses the law of nature
- The living entity has two kinds of body - the subtle body and the gross body. Actually he enjoys through the subtle body, which is composed of mind, intelligence and ego. The gross body is the instrumental outer covering
- The living entity identifies himself with matter and enthusiastically engages in material activities in the guises of a technologist, scientist, philosopher, etc
- The living entity in another type of body sees only by instinct; he knows only the agreeable and disagreeable sense perceptions of that particular body
- The living entity in his material condition is dreaming falsely that this is "mine" and this is "I."
- The living entity in his original constitutional position is pure spirit
- The living entity in his pure condition is always very near and dear to the Lord, and the Lord is dear to him. There is no question of partiality or enmity
- The living entity in his sleeping or dreaming condition sees something as real, and when awake he sees the same thing as unreal
- "The living entity in material nature follows the ways of life, enjoying the three modes of nature. This is due to his association with that material nature. Thus he meets with good and evil amongst various species" - BG 13.22
- The living entity in material nature follows the ways of life, enjoying the three modes of material nature. This is due to his association with that material nature. Thus he meets with good and evil among various species - BG 13.22
- The living entity in material nature follows the ways of life, enjoying the three modes of nature. This is due to his association with that material nature. Thus he meets with good and evil among various species
- The living entity in material nature follows the ways of life, enjoying the three modes of nature. This is due to his association with that material nature. Thus he meets with good and evil among various species - BG 13.22
- The living entity in material nature thus follows the ways of life, enjoying the three modes of nature. This is due to his association with that material nature. Thus he meets with good and evil among various species
- The living entity in material nature thus follows the ways of life, enjoying the three modes of nature. This is due to his association with that material nature. Thus he meets with good and evil among various species - Bhagavad-gita 13.22
- The living entity in material nature thus follows the ways of life, enjoying the three modes of nature. This is due to his association with that material nature. Thus he meets with good and evil amongst various species - BG 13.22
- The living entity in material nature thus follows the ways of life, enjoying the three modes of nature. This is due to his association with that material nature. Thus he meets with good and evil amongst various species. BG 13.22 - 1972
- The living entity in the bodily conception of life is absorbed in the body, which is a combination of the physical elements, the five senses for gathering knowledge, and the five senses of action, along with the mind
- The living entity in the material condition wanders through many varieties of life and many varieties of circumstances
- The living entity in the material world carries his different conceptions of life from one body to another as the air carries aromas
- The living entity in the material world carries his different conceptions of life from one body to another as the air carries aromas. BG 15.8 - 1972
- The living entity in this material world is a spiritual being, but because he has a tendency to enjoy, to exploit the material energy, he has contacted a body
- The living entity is a spiritual soul, and the material body is his encagement. This is the beginning of spiritual understanding
- The living entity is actually a spiritual soul who is part and parcel of God and has nothing to do with relationships in the world of duality. Therefore Narada Muni advised Citraketu not to lament for his so-called dead son
- The living entity is actually part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and is unaffected by material conditions, but because the mind (manah) is affected, the senses are affected, and the living entity struggles for existence
- The living entity is actually separate from material existence, for the soul is not material. In BG it is also said that the living entity is the superior energy, and the material elements - earth, water, fire, air and so on - are the inferior energy
- The living entity is actually under the full control of material nature, but still he thinks himself independent. Even when he is elevated by speculative knowledge and tries to merge into the existence of Brahman, the same disease continues
- The living entity is already illusioned when he comes into the material world, and so-called advanced education simply increases his illusion
- The living entity is also ksetrajna, but the supreme ksetrajna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He is the witness and order giver. Under His direction, everything takes place
- The living entity is also one, because he's the manifestation of marginal potency of the Supreme. Therefore, as marginal potency, the living entity is one. Panditah sama-darsinah
- The living entity is always a minute part. Therefore his oneness with the Lord is that he is interested in the one interest of the Lord. The Lord wants every living entity to always think about Him, to be His devotee and always worship Him
- The living entity is always being influenced by the three qualities-sattva (goodness), rajas (passion) and tamas (ignorance). This is also confirmed in BG 7.13. The living entity is bewildered by the three qualities of material nature
- The living entity is an eternal servant of God, but he comes to the material world and is bound by material conditions because of his desire to lord it over matter
- The living entity is an eternal servant of Krsna. (CC Madhya 20.108) Therefore, to act in that relationship one must perform sadhana-bhakti, or the prescribed duties of service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is called abhidheya-jnana
- The living entity is an eternal servitor of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. When one is convinced about this relationship, which is called sambandha, he then acts accordingly. That is called abhidheya
- The living entity is an ever-conditioned servant of the material energy, whereas Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is the master of the material energy. How, then, could they be on an equal level? There can be no comparison between them
- The living entity is asraya, always subordinate, and the Supreme Personality of Godhead is visaya, the supreme objective, the goal of life. Unfortunate persons trapped in this material world do not know this
- The living entity is bewildered in so many ways. For instance, when he thinks himself God, unceremoniously, he actually falls into the last snare of nescience. BG 1972 purports
- The living entity is bitten by the wasps and drones of fruitive activity and thus suffers in material existence birth after birth. One cannot become free from material desires by following this process - of fruitive activities
- The living entity is blessed or damned with circumstances according to his past desire and activity. According to one's desires and activities, material nature places one in various residential quarters
- The living entity is born in different families or species of life because of being infected by the modes of material nature
- The living entity is bound by the subtle body, consisting of the mind, intelligence and false ego. At the time of death, therefore, the position of the mind becomes the cause for the next body
- The living entity is but one of these energies (marginal energy). The energy and the energetic are one in one sense, but they are differently situated as energy and the energetic
- The living entity is called the marginal energy because by nature he is spiritual but by forgetfulness he is situated in the material energy. Thus he has the power to live either in the material energy or in the spiritual energy
- The living entity is called the marginal energy of the Supreme Lord, and the material energy is called the inferior energy
- The living entity is called the marginal potency of the Lord
- The living entity is carried in the machine of the body through so many species of life on so many planets
- The living entity is centered within the heart, and to take him away from the heart is to liberate him. This is the process
- The living entity is certainly pure on the spiritual platform, and therefore anyone who attains the spiritual platform by the grace of the spiritual master can also understand this confidential knowledge
- The living entity is constitutionally part and parcel of the Supreme Lord; the Lord can be compared to the sun, and the living entities can be compared to molecules of sunshine
- The living entity is constitutionally pure. Asango hy ayam purusah
- The living entity is contaminated and suffering because he has a material body, but that does not mean that because the Lord is also with him, He also has a material body
- The living entity is covered by the material energy and consequently identifies the body with the self. This false identification is called "false ego"
- The living entity is covered by three subtle material elements and five gross material elements. These are actually obstacles placed before the living entity on the path of liberation from material bondage
- The living entity is covered by two different types of bodies - the gross body and the subtle body
- The living entity is described as isvara (in BG 15.8), the controller of his own body. If he likes, he can change his body to a higher grade, and if he likes he can move to a lower class. Minute independence is there. BG 1972 purports
- The living entity is described in the Bhagavad-gita as sarvaga. Sarvaga means he can go anywhere within this universe. He can go in the spiritual sky also. Sarvaga means including everywhere, if he likes
- The living entity is different from such material products - the products of the mahat-tattva-avyakta
- The living entity is different from the material elements, and the supreme living entity, the Personality of Godhead, who is the creator of the material elements, is also different from the individual living entity
- The living entity is driven by one chariot driver. The chariot itself is made of three gunas, three qualities of material nature, as confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.61): yantrarudhani mayaya
- The living entity is entangled in material existence due to his lack of such spiritual vision
- The living entity is entrapped by the material body and conditioned in three stages, namely while awake, asleep and unconscious. The mind acts throughout all three conditions of life
- The living entity is entrapped. This body is the combination of these twenty-five elements. So that is for the living entity, saguna Brahman. Saguna Brahman means living entity. But it is not for Krsna
- The living entity is eternal, and he existed before the creation of this material world. Unfortunately he has forgotten his relationship with Krsna
- The living entity is eternal, but because of his accepting nonpermanent things, misidentifying his interest, he is put into ignorance, and therefore he suffers material pangs
- The living entity is eternally subordinate to the Supreme Lord; the Supreme Lord is always the master of all energies, whereas the living entity is always under the domination of the Lord's energies
- The living entity is eternally the servant of Krsna, but when he desires to enjoy the material world, he cannot progress in spiritual life
- The living entity is exactly like a dog, who, overcome with hunger, goes from door to door for some food. According to his destiny, he sometimes receives punishment and is driven out and at other times receives a little food to eat
- The living entity is forced to appear in this material world under the direction of daiva-maya, but when the Lord appears, He comes by His own internal potency, atma-maya
- The living entity is ignorant of his origin. He does not know why this material world was created, why others are working in this material world and what the ultimate source of this manifestation is. This is called ignorance
- The living entity is in distress regarding his self-identity. He has no factual background, like a man who dreams that he sees his head cut off
- The living entity is individual, but the body is a composition of many material elements. This is proved by the fact that as soon as the living entity quits this combination of material elements, it becomes a mere conglomeration of matter
- The living entity is intelligent. One therefore has to utilize his intelligence over the mind and the senses. When the mind and senses are purified by the proper use of intelligence, then the conditioned soul is liberated
- The living entity is just like a molecular particle of sunshine, whereas Krsna may be compared to the blazing, shining sun itself. Lord Caitanya compared the living entities to blazing sparks from a fire & the Supreme Lord to the blazing fire of the sun
- The living entity is kshar; that is, prone to fall down into material existence. But the Supreme Brahman is akshar, or does not fall down
- The living entity is like King Puranjana, who traveled all over the world looking for a suitable place to live
- The living entity is like sunshine. There is heat and light in the sun, and there is heat and light in the sunshine, and thus they are qualitatively one. But one should not forget that the sunshine rests on the sun
- The living entity is mentioned in Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.5) as para prakrti, and in the Visnu Purana he is mentioned as the para sakti. He is part and parcel of the Supreme Lord as potency and not as the potent
- The living entity is never born and never dies. Because he is eternal, his activities are eternal, although they are performed in different types of bodies
- The living entity is never described as purusa, the Supreme Person; therefore to identify the living entity with the Supreme Lord is simply ignorance
- The living entity is never successful in this endeavor - of minimizing his miserable condition by squeezing the utmost pleasure out of this world
- The living entity is not a dead stone; he has different varieties of desire, or kama
- The living entity is not a product of the material energy; he is spiritual energy, but in contact with matter he forgets his identity
- The living entity is not burned by the fire. It is not dried up, it is not moistened. This is stated. So why there will be no life in the sun globe? There must be. Because nainam dahati pavakah, fire cannot burn the living being
- The living entity is not independant. One should not think himself independant of the SP of Godhead. The individual is always under His control. Therefore his duty is to surrender, and that is the injunction of the next verse (BG 18.62). BG 1972 purports
- The living entity is not independent. One should not think himself independent of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The individual is always under the Lord's control. Therefore one's duty is to surrender
- The living entity is not really connected with this material world, but due to his tendency to enjoy the material senses, he is put into the material condition
- The living entity is one 10,000th part of the tip of a hair, but the Lord is so inconceivably small that He enters into the heart of this particle. Therefore He is called smaller than the smallest. BG 1972 purports
- The living entity is one with and different from the SP of Godhead. As spirit soul, the living entity is one in quality with the Supreme Lord; however, the Supreme Lord is bigger than the biggest, and the living entity is the smallest of the small
- The living entity is originally spiritual, and when he enters the spiritual world or the body of the Supreme Lord, he still retains his identity as an individual soul
- The living entity is part and parcel of the SP of Godhead, who, as stated in the Vedanta-sutra, is anandamayo 'bhyasat, full of enjoyment. Being part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the living entity is also seeking complete enjoyment
- The living entity is part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, and if he performs the duties of the part and parcel, without proudly thinking he is one in all respects with the Supreme Lord, he attains real perfection and becomes peaceful
- The living entity is part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, and when he surrenders unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he attains release from the ocean of birth and death
- The living entity is part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and thus one should understand that since the Supreme Lord has entered the atom, the living entities are also there
- The living entity is prone to forget his spiritual identity, whereas the Supreme Personality never forgets. This is the difference between lipta and alipta
- The living entity is put into ignorance and thus into different conditions of bondage because of being contaminated by the material energy
- The living entity is responsible for his conditional life in the material world, and therefore he is described as prabhu ("the master"). If he likes he can come to this material world, and if he likes he can return home, back to Godhead
- The living entity is rotating in the cycle of birth and death, going sometimes to the higher planets and sometimes to the lower planets, but that is not the solution to the problems of life
- The living entity is satisfied in any abominable condition. Even if he is born as a worm living within the intestine or abdomen in the midst of urine and stool, still he is satisfied. This is the covering influence of maya
- The living entity is seated on a machine (the body), and according to the order of the Supreme Lord, he operates the machine. This is the secret of transmigration of the soul from one body to another
- The living entity is seeking happiness life after life, but he can make a solution to all his problems simply by practicing bhakti-yoga
- The living entity is seeking happiness life after life, but he can make a solution to all his problems simply by practicing bhakti-yoga. Then he immediately becomes eligible to return home, back to Godhead
- The living entity is simultaneously one and different from the Supreme Lord
- The living entity is spirit, and as long as he is within matter, matter is moving, and as soon as the living entity, the spiritual spark, is out of the body, the body is immovable
- The living entity is subjected to many tribulations brought about by air, water, fire, extreme heat, extreme cold, sunshine, excessive eating, unhealthy food, maladjustments of the three elements of the body (kapha, pitta and vayu), and so on
- The living entity is suffering due to his ignorance of the hidden treasure of his Supreme Father, Krsna. That treasure is love of Godhead, and in every Vedic scripture the conditioned soul is advised to find it
- The living entity is superior because it is controlling the inferior energy, matter. These are very scientific. It is not sentiment
- The living entity is the cause of his own suffering, but he can also be the cause of his eternal happiness
- The living entity is the eternal servant of Krsna. Being part and parcel of the Lord, he is constitutionally pure, but due to his contact with material energy, he identifies himself with either the gross or the subtle material body
- The living entity is the fragmental part and parcel of the Supreme Lord-eternally. It is not that he assumes individuality in his conditional life and in his liberated state becomes one with the Supreme Lord. He is eternally fragmented. BG 1972 purports
- The living entity is the marginal energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and the material world is the external energy
- The living entity is the marginal potency of the Supreme Lord, although there is factually no difference between the energy and the energetic
- The living entity is the master of his particular body, and according to his activities he is subjected to different types of pains and pleasures
- The living entity is the offshoot or offspring of Lord Visnu; therefore within this material world, among moving and nonmoving things, the real principle is Lord Visnu
- The living entity is the passenger riding in the chariot of the body, which is offered by material nature
- The living entity is the smallest. Jiva Gosvami says in this connection that the living entity within the body is extremely difficult for materialistic scientists to find, although we understand from authorities that the living entity is within the body
- The living entity is the son of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and because he wants to enjoy this material world, the Supreme Lord gives him a chance to enter various bodies
- The living entity is the superior energy of the Supreme Lord, and the material world is the inferior energy. Both, however, are prakrti - energy
- The living entity is very minute particle of God, but in the spiritual world everyone is aware of his position. The living entities, they know, "What is my position? I am a small particle of God." Therefore there is no disagreement
- The living entity is wandering or transmigrating from aquatics to trees, plants, then insect, then birds, then beasts. In this way the last is human form of life
- The living entity is wandering throughout the entire universe and taking birth in different species on different planets. Thus he moves up and down, but that is not real progress. Real progress is getting out of this material world altogether
- The living entity is wandering throughout the universes in various forms of body and becomes implicated in different situations, partaking of the reactions of fruitive activities
- The living entity is within the body & that the body is changing from childhood to boyhood & from boyhood to youth & from youth to old age, and the person who owns the body knows that the body is changing. BG 1972 purports
- The living entity is within the body, and the Supersoul, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is also there. He is called antaryami and caitya-guru
- The living entity is within the material world to fulfill the mission of going back home, back to Godhead. In the material world, one hankers for happiness, but because one does not know the ultimate destination, one changes bodies one after another
- The living entity is, after all, part and parcel of the Supreme Spirit, Krsna. In other words, Krsna's constitutional position and the living entity's constitutional position are the same qualitatively
- The living entity labors under the bodily conception of "I am this, I am that. My duty is this, and therefore I shall do it." These are all mental impressions, and all these activities are temporary
- The living entity lives by means of fire, water and food grains. It is through the combination of these three that the body is maintained. Consequently the body is called prakrti, material creation
- The living entity lives close to matter, but this does not mean that he merges or mixes with it (asango hy ayam purusah), although material scientists mistakenly see the organic and inorganic, or animate and inanimate, to be mixed
- The living entity may not believe in the existence of God, or he may think that he has no relationship with God, but these are all "illusions," or maya. Due to absorption in this false conception of life, man is always fearful and full of anxieties
- The living entity may transmigrate to either a superior or inferior body according to his association with the modes of material nature
- The living entity misunderstands himself to be a material product. This means that the present perverted way of thinking, feeling and willing, under material conditions, is not natural for him
- The living entity must accept a particular type of body awarded to him by maya, the material energy, according to his karma. One cannot independently say, Give me a body like this or Give me a body like that
- The living entity must be living, always existing with desires, ambitions and so on. These should be purified, however, so that one can desire spiritually and be spiritually ambitious, without material contamination
- The living entity must get strength from Nitai-Gaura, or Krsna-Balarama. Without the mercy of Nitai-Gaura, there is no way to come out of this dark well of ignorance
- The living entity never possesses anything exactly in the same proportion as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore, this mayat affix cannot be used to mean that the individual living entity is quantitatively equal with the Lord
- The living entity never takes birth, never dies. Then why even Brahma dies? Brahma is also dying. That is material life. That is bondage
- The living entity receives a particular type of body according to his karma, or fruitive activities. The material pleasure derived in the material world from one's particular body is based on sexual pleasure
- The living entity receives different kinds of knowledge by means of two ears, and some living entities are promoted to Pitrloka and some to Devaloka. All this is made possible by the two ears
- The living entity receives different types of bodies according to his previous fruitive activities. Thus he is seen to suffer with reference to his particular body in all conditions of life, beginning with his infusion into the womb
- The living entity receives different types of bodies according to karma. One living entity may receive a cat body, another a dog body, and so forth
- The living entity receives one type of body, and by performing actions with that body he creates another. Thus he transmigrates from one body to another, through repeated birth and death, because of his gross ignorance
- The living entity resides within the body and struggles for existence with the limbs of the body, which are referred to here (in SB 4.27.17) as citizens and friends
- The living entity selects a body out of the 8,400,000 forms and tries to satisfy himself by a variety of material enjoyment. The Supersoul, however, does not like him to do this
- The living entity should become purified and regain his svarupa, his original identity. This he can do only by devotional service
- The living entity should know that his only real concern is how to get free from material contact, for by absorbing his mind in material activities he takes material bodies again and again
- The living entity struggles very hard due to the influence of fruitive activity and mental speculation and simply gets a different type of body life after life
- The living entity takes birth in a particular family and receives a body which is either like that of his mother or like that of his father because of his intense desire. The gross and subtle bodies are created according to his desire
- The living entity takes on different bodies according to his pious and vicious activities. The human body is highly developed and has full consciousness
- The living entity takes shelter within the semen of a father, which is injected within the womb of a mother, and with the help of the mother's emulsified ovum the living entity grows a particular type of a body
- The living entity then (when the living entity and the life air are gone) goes to the court of judgment, and Yamaraja decides what kind of body he is going to get next. This process is unknown to modern scientists
- The living entity thinks that he is very happy in whatever body he gets. He may get the body of a dog or the body of a cat, but he is happy in his body, and he does not want to lose it. This is called illusion
- The living entity thus becomes entangled in fruitive activities in this material world - by operating the machine of the body
- The living entity transmigrates from one body to another according to his different desires, which in the subtle form of intelligence, mind and false ego accompany him from body to body
- The living entity transmigrates from one body to another in 8,400,000 species of life
- The living entity transmigrates from the body of an infant to a child to a boy to a youth to a man
- The living entity transmigrating through 8,400,000 species of life is sometimes likened to a log gliding downstream on the waves of a river. Sometimes, by chance, a log washes up on shore and is thus saved from being forced to drift further downstream
- The living entity traps himself in a network of his own fruitive activities and then can find no way to release himself. Thus he is always bewildered, and repeatedly he dies
- The living entity travels in different types of bodies and eats all kinds of abominable things. When he does not become ultimately happy, he becomes morose or takes to the ways of hippies
- The living entity travels on his chariot day and night during a year consisting of 360 (or more) days and nights. Life's progress is taken for the unnecessary labor required to cover these 360 days and nights of life
- The living entity tries to achieve happiness and rid himself of the causes of distress, but because the various bodies of the living entities are under the full control of material nature, all his plans in different bodies, one after another
- The living entity tries to lord it over the material or physical elements, but both the physical elements and the spiritual spark are energies emanating from the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore He says, aham vai sarva-bhutani: "I am everything"
- The living entity under the clutches of maya wants to enjoy this material world, but unless You (the Supreme Personality of Godhead) give him directions and remind him, he cannot make progress in pursuing his shadowy objective in life
- The living entity undergoes many difficulties under the pretense of being an enjoyer. So to get rid of all these troubles and difficulties that we suffer due to our work, we have to adopt the process of karma-yoga
- The living entity wanders throughout different planets in different forms and bodies, but if by chance he comes in contact with a bona fide spiritual master, by the grace of the spiritual master he receives Lord Krsna's shelter
- The living entity wanders within this universe riding upon a chariot (the body) bestowed by material nature
- The living entity wants to become a prabhu, or master. The word prabhu means "master," but actually the living entity is not a master; he is the eternal servant of God
- The living entity wants to enjoy different types of material opulences, and to this end nature has given him various holes in his body that he can utilize for sense enjoyment
- The living entity wants to serve, but because of his forgetfulness of his relationship with the Supreme Lord, he serves under the modes of material nature and manufactures various modes of service, such as socialism, humanitarianism and altruism
- The living entity wastes his time in a futile attempt to gain material possessions for the comfort of one body after another
- The living entity which is moving the body, that is superior energy
- The living entity who acts for satisfaction of the supreme whole and not for personal satisfaction is the perfect sannyasi, the perfect yogi. BG 1972 purports
- The living entity who enjoys the interaction of the above gross and subtle ingredients, as set up by eternal time, is an offshoot of internal potency, with freedom to remain either in the material world or in the spiritual world
- The living entity who has become satya-drk, may remain apparently merged in 2) the ten senses and the mind and intelligence, but still he is considered to be awake and to be freed from the reaction of false ego
- The living entity who has become satya-drk, who realizes his position in relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, may remain apparently merged 1) in the five elements of matter, the five material sense objects
- The living entity who is fully conscious of his spiritual nature and is engaged in Krsna consciousness, or the devotional service of the Lord, has activities which are called transcendental. BG 1972 purports
- The living entity who is nitya-baddha, or eternally conditioned, sees the material varieties as being actually different from one another
- The living entity who is subjected to birth and death attains immortality when he gives up all material activities, dedicates his life to the execution of My order, and acts according to My directions
- The living entity who wants to taste stool is given a material body that is quite suitable for eating stool - that of a hog
- The living entity wishes to enjoy the material world in different ways, and therefore by nature's law he is allowed to transmigrate from one body to another
- The living entity within the body can struggle up to the limit of a hundred years with good luck, but after that it is not possible to prolong the struggle. Thus the living entity submits and falls victim
- The living entity within the body is never annihilated; therefore one should surely know that whether one has many friends or many enemies, his friends cannot help him, and his enemies cannot do him any harm
- The living entity's conditional life of material existence is due to his desire to lord it over material nature and due to his envy of the Supreme Lord
- The living entity's desiring is like dreaming of a golden mountain. A person knows what a mountain is, and he knows also what gold is
- The living entity's entering the state of liberation may be compared to a bird entering a tree, or an animal entering the forest, or a plane entering the sky. In no case is identity lost
- The living entity's evolution through different types of bodies is conducted automatically by the laws of nature in bodies other than those of human beings
- The living entity's fear of death is due to his false ego of identifying with the body. Everyone is afraid of death. There is no death for the spirit soul, but due to our absorption in the identification of body as self, the fear of death develops
- The living entity's feeling of security in this life in the midst of society, wife and friendship is nothing but illusion
- The living entity's forgetfulness is described herein (CC Madhya 20.117) as anadi, which indicates that it has existed since time immemorial
- The living entity's prime business is to satisfy the Lord because the living entity is part and parcel of the Lord
- The living entity's struggle for existence within the material world is due to his rebellious nature. Unless a living entity surrenders to Krsna, he must continue this life of struggle
- The living entity, according to his material desires, receives different types of bodies, which are nothing but machines offered by material nature according to the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The living entity, after entering a womb of a mother, also collects his gross and subtle bodies, taking ingredients from the totality of sky, air, fire, water and earth
- The living entity, as he develops from lower animal life to a higher human being and gradually to higher intelligence, becomes anxious to get free from the clutches of death
- The living entity, as part and parcel of the Lord, is partially independent because he partially possesses all the qualities of the Lord. Anyone who has some independence may sometimes misuse it due to ignorance
- The living entity, because of his being a spirit soul, can understand all the material objects, or, when self-realized, he can understand the Paramatma, upon whom yogis meditate
- The living entity, being eternally a part-and-parcel servitor of the Supreme Lord, can never, by constitution, be an equal enjoyer with the Lord. When he forgets this, however, and tries to be one with Him, his condition is called tamisra
- The living entity, being inclined toward sexual gratification, becomes involved in many hundreds and thousands of actions and reactions
- The living entity, being influenced by so many desires, wanders in different species of life according to destiny. Sometimes he is high, & sometimes he is low. Sometimes he goes to the heavenly planets, sometimes to hell, sometimes to the middle planets
- The living entity, being part and parcel of Para-brahman, is actually internal potency, but because of being in contact with the material energy, he is an emanation of material and spiritual energies
- The living entity, being part and parcel of the Lord, is known as jiva. The Supreme Lord purusa remains with the jiva to enable him to enjoy material facilities
- The living entity, being the fragmental part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, is qualitatively one, just as the parts and parcels of gold are also gold. BG 1972 purports
- The living entity, by accepting his material existence as just so much suffering, can become situated in his spiritual existence. BG 1972 purports
- The living entity, by his constitutional position, is qualitatively the same as the Supreme Spirit, but he is infinitesimal
- The living entity, due to illusion, thinks that he is well situated in sense gratification
- The living entity, he is part and parcel of God, but someone has become human beings, some has become cats, someone has become tree, some as insects, some as demigods - varieties. Because they wanted to become like that, and God has given him the chance
- The living entity, however, is different from all these material elements
- The living entity, if he submits to this hearing process, will lose his long-cherished desire to dominate material nature, and gradually and proportionately, as he reduces his long desire to dominate, he comes to enjoy spiritual happiness. BG 1972 pur
- The living entity, in whatever species of life he appears, finds a particular type of satisfaction in that species, and he is never averse to being situated in such a condition
- The living entity, nature and time are under the direction of the Supreme Lord
- The living entity, or the soul, is ever existing and eternal. It cannot be lost, but learned scholars say that it is lost when actual knowledge is not working. That is the difference between animals and human beings
- The living entity, originally being avikara, or unchangeable, suffers a great deal on account of changes due to the influence of time
- The living entity, separated from the association of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, tries to enjoy this material world. He is given a chance to enjoy it in a particular type of body, beginning with the body of a Brahma down to that of the microbe
- The living entity, the soul, is within the material covering of the mahat-tattva, ego and panca-tanmatra, the five objects of sense gratification. When these seven are in proper order, the living entity is in a mood of pleasure
- The living entity, they are superior to earth, water, fire, and so on, which are always devoid of volition. But that does not mean the living entities are on the same platform as the Supreme Lord, who is the absolute controlling principle
- The living entity, thus taking another gross body, obtains a certain type of ear, tongue, and nose and sense of touch, which are grouped about the mind. He thus enjoys a particular set of sense objects. BG 15.9 - 1972
- The living entity, transmigrating through 8,400,000 species of life, is sometimes likened to a log which is gliding down a river. Sometimes, by chance, a log washes upon shore and is thus saved from being forced to drift further downstream
- The living entity, under the bodily conception of life, utilizes his intelligence to his best capacity in order to satisfy his senses
- The living entity, while concocting with the mind, creates the material condition. Because matter is destructible, through the material condition the living entity suffers. Otherwise, the living entity is detached from all material conditions
- The living entity, while executing devotional service or transcendental rituals after many, many births, may actually become situated in transcendental pure knowledge that the SP of Godhead is the ultimate goal of spiritual realization. BG 1972 purports
- The living entity, who has a subtle mental covering, develops all kinds of thoughts and images because of his previous body
- The living entity, who has received his present body because of his past fruitive activity, may end the results of his actions in this life, but this does not mean that he is liberated from bondage to material bodies
- The living entity, who is also ksetra jna, or the knower of the body, is not the body's only proprietor; the actual proprietor of the body is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the supreme ksetra jna
- The living entity, who is of the marginal energy, is entrapped by the material energy on the basis of his desire to lord it over the material world
- The living entity, who is originally pure spirit, can be conditioned by the gross and subtle bodies and, by freeing himself from these gross and subtle conditionings, again attain his situation as pure spirit
- The living entity, who is part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, exists on the mercy of the Lord, who is always with him in any form of body
- The living entity, without knowledge of the Supreme Person and His agent the material energy, thinks that he is the doer. In fact, he is not at all the doer
- The living force is always dynamic, therefore the living entity cannot stop discharging duties. Real duty begins in Krishna Consciousness
- The Lord (Caitanya) gave sixty different meanings to the word atmarama. In addition, He said that atma means: the living entity, beginning from the first living creature, Brahma, down to the ant
- The Lord (Krsna) advises, niyatam kuru karma tvam karma jyayo hy akarmanah: "Perform your prescribed duty, for action is better than inaction." The living entity is ordered to act according to his position. Victory or defeat depends on the Supreme Lord
- The Lord and His service are identical, being on the absolute plane. Therefore the unalloyed intelligence and the mind are merged into the Lord, and thus the living entity does not remain a seer himself but becomes seen by the Lord transcendentally
- The Lord and the living entity are not equal, for the Lord is always the master, and the living entity is always the servant
- The Lord appears as He is, whereas the living entity appears because material nature forces him to accept different forms. When the living entity receives these different forms, he identifies with them, and not with his original, spiritual form
- The Lord appears in different incarnations - as a fish, tortoise and boar, as Parasurama, Lord Rama, Buddha and so on - to reciprocate the different appreciations of living entities in different stages of evolution
- The Lord as Garbhodakasayi Visnu or Hiranyagarbha Supersoul enters into each and every universe and causes it to be animated by begetting the living entities within the womb of the material nature, as confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita
- The Lord as Paramatma is situated in everyone's heart, and He gives directions to the living entity to act in whatever way the living entity desires
- The Lord asks every sleeping living entity to get up and engage in devotional service so that his mission in this human form of life may be fulfilled. This awakening voice comes through the mouth of a pure devotee
- The Lord awards everyone different kinds of karma as the individual living entities desire; He is the Supersoul present within the heart of everyone, and He is so kind and liberal that He gives everyone full facilities to perform whatever acts one wants
- The Lord Caitanya's philosophy - that is the greatest contribution to the world - that these living entities who are hankering after happiness by different process - but that happiness is available when your senses or consciousness are pure
- The Lord confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (BG 15.7): The living entities in this conditioned world are My eternal, fragmental parts. Due to conditioned life, they are struggling very hard with the six senses, which include the mind
- The Lord continued: My dear rsi, O leader of the living entities, for those who serve Me in devotion by worshiping Me, especially persons like you who have given up everything unto Me, there is never any question of frustration
- The Lord continued: One who does not consider Brahma, Visnu, Siva or the living entities in general to be separate from the Supreme, and who knows Brahman, actually realizes peace; others do not
- The Lord continued: One who is not in proper knowledge thinks that demigods like Brahma and Siva are independent, or he even thinks that the living entities are independent
- The Lord descends to reclaim all of these fallen, conditioned souls to call them back to the sanatana eternal sky so that the sanatana living entities may regain their eternal sanatana positions in eternal association with the Lord. BG 1972 Introduction
- The Lord does not hanker for a small leaf or flower; He has enough to eat. Indeed, He is feeding all living entities
- The Lord enters every universe as Garbhodakasayi Visnu and then expands Himself as Ksirodakasayi Visnu to enter the hearts of all living entities and even enter the atoms. Andantara-stha-paramanu-cayantara-stham - BS 5.35
- The Lord existed before the material creation; therefore the material ingredients, nature and the living entities all emanated from Him, and after dissolution they rest in Him
- The Lord expands Himself through the living beings (nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam (KU 2.2.13)). His personal visnu-tattva forms, which are all spiritual, are called svamsa, and the living entities who are differentiated parts are called vibhinnamsa
- The Lord gives orders to material nature, and she arranges facilities for the living entities. The living entities are not independent, although they foolishly think themselves the doers - karta
- The Lord gives the living entity a particular type of mechanical body, and the living entity must work with it according to the law of fruitive activities. Fruitive activities are described in this verse (SB 5.17.24): karma-pamanim mayam
- The Lord Himself enters within this material creation in the form of a partial expansion (Paramatma), and He enters also by His separated parts and parcels - the living entities
- The Lord in His fish incarnation not only would save all living entities, namely the demigods, animals, men and great sages, but would also save the Vedas
- The Lord is always impartial and always very kind to all living entities
- The Lord is always the master of the material energy; therefore He is not doomed to be covered by the material energy like an ordinary living entity
- The Lord is directly concerned with the twice-born or civilized men. A civilized man is one who has taken his birth twice. A living entity takes birth in this mundane world due to the union of male and female
- The Lord is equal to all living entities. Since the demigods and demons are both living entities, how is it possible that the Lord was partial to one class of living beings and opposed to another
- The Lord is impartial to all circumstances of the sufferings of the living entities, but to one who takes shelter at His lotus feet, the Lord gives proper protection, and He takes such a living entity back home, back to Himself
- The Lord is known as the Lord of the senses (Hrsikesa). Thus the sense organs of the living entities are manifested by the will of the Lord, and each organ is controlled by a certain type of demigod
- The Lord is like a great blazing fire, and the living entities are like small sparks of that fire
- The Lord is never an enemy to any of the millions of living entities, but is always a friend to everyone. This is true understanding. If one thinks that the Lord is an enemy, his intelligence is pasu-buddhi, the intelligence of an animal
- The Lord is one, whereas the conditioned souls embodied within the material world exist in many varieties of form. There are demigods, human beings, animals, trees, birds, bees and so forth. Thus the living entities are not eka but many
- The Lord is present in the core of everyone's heart. Thus the Lord gives protection to everyone and gives the different types of bodies the living entity wants to enjoy
- The Lord is situated in everyone's heart and the individual living entity is not, never should the individual living entity be equated with the Supreme Lord
- The Lord is so compassionate upon the living entities that He comes Himself into this world in order to benefit fallen souls
- The Lord is so merciful that He gives the living entity the opportunity to enjoy varieties of desires in suitable bodies, which are nothing but machines (yantrarudhani mayaya) - BG 18.61
- The Lord is supplying everyone food, but according to the living entity's association with the modes of material nature, the living entity develops his specific character
- The Lord is the father of all living entities because He impregnates material energy with the conditioned souls. The conditioned souls get bodies created by the material energy, whereas the father of the living entities is aloof from the three modes
- The Lord is the master of the material energy, but the living entities are in the conditioned state, controlled by the material energy. That is the version of Bhagavad-gita
- The Lord is the predominator of the external energy, maya, whereas the living entity is predominated by the same maya under the material condition
- The Lord is the supreme maintainer. Living entities are meant to serve Him by offering sacrifices, for He is the rightful enjoyer of the results of all sacrifices
- The Lord is the supreme master of all the senses, whereas the conditioned soul is controlled by the senses. The Lord is the greatest, whereas the living entity is the smallest
- The Lord is the Supreme Truth, worshipable by everyone. He is the cause of all causes. By engaging in His devotional service, the living entity is relieved from material existence
- The Lord is thus the proprietor of the fields both of nescience and of cognition, and it remains the choice of the living entity to exist in either of the above regions
- The Lord is within everything, and He is all-covering also, without being disturbed by the activities of the individual souls. He is infinite, and the living entities are infinitesimal
- The Lord knows everything about the living entity, including all his desires. Although we are very insignificant, why should the Lord not know our desires?
- The Lord possesses His internal energy, His external, marginal and relative energies, the manifestation of the cosmic world and the living entities. The external energy is manifested by the qualitative modes (gunas) of material nature
- The Lord reciprocates in such a way that all living entities in whom the Lord is dwelling as the Supersoul also like a pure devotee because the Lord is present in their hearts and can dictate to them to be friendly to His devotee
- The Lord resides in everyone's heart, and because all living entities who come to this material world do so in order to fulfill their desire for sense enjoyment, the Lord directs the living entities to enjoy their senses
- The Lord said that the living entities are known as ksetrajna, or "knowers of the field of activities." In the Thirteenth Chapter of BG, the body is described as the field of activities, and the living entity as ksetrajna, the knower of that field
- The Lord says in Bhagavad-gita (BG 15.7): The living entities in this conditioned world are My eternal, fragmental parts. Because of conditioned life, they are struggling very hard with the six senses, which include the mind
- The Lord says in Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.61): The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart, O Arjuna, and is directing the wanderings of all living entities, who are seated as on a machine, made of the material energy
- The Lord says to Daksa, "You desire to benefit all living entities, and that is also My desire." The living entities who come in contact with the material world are meant to be corrected
- The Lord says, ye yatha mam prapadyante tams tathaiva bhajamy aham: (BG 4.11) "As the living entities surrender unto Me, I reward them accordingly." Even the karmi who wants everything for his enjoyment can get it from Krsna
- The Lord simply witnesses and gives the living entity sanction for sense enjoyment. It is the Paramatma also who gives the intelligence by which the bees can construct a hive, collect honey from various flowers, store it and enjoy it
- The Lord supplies the necessities of all living entities. These necessities come from the earth, and thus the earth is the source of supply
- The Lord wore a golden belt on His waist, bracelets on His arms, rings on His fingers, and ankle bells on His feet. Lord Hari, who is attractive to all the living entities of the three worlds, is known as Purusottama, the best personality
- The Lord's pastimes are differentiated according to the appreciating capacity of the different types of bodies of the living entities
- The Lord's state is so big, though the criminal living entities are living in a corner only. This material world is in a corner. So what information we can get about God? "God is great," we simply theoretically say, but we do not know how great it is
- The Lord, as the Supersoul, is situated in every living being's heart. Why then do the living entities' activities result in misfortune and misery?
- The Lord, being very kind to fallen souls, is always anxious to get the living entity out of the ocean of nescience
- The Lord, by His unlimited causeless mercy, has innumerable Vaikuntha planets in the brahma-jyotir sphere of the spiritual world, and in that transcendental world there is an unlimited arrangement for the unlimited pleasure of the living entities
- The Lord, in His Supersoul feature, always stays in the heart along with the living entity
- The Lord, through His plenary portion, enters into each and every universe to create the material manifestation. He also enters into each and every heart in all living entities and into each and every atom also - paramanu-cayantara-stham
- The lotus is described here as effulgent as the glare of a thousand suns. This indicates that the living entities, as parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord, are also of the same quality, since the Lord also diffuses His bodily glare, known as brahmajyoti
- The love is very conducive. Otherwise, love is possible with any living entity. The central object of love is Krsna. That is Vrndavana
- The lower and higher positions of different living entities are due to their desires, for the Lord, being equal to all, fulfills everyone's desires
- The lowest (adhama) think that there is no difference between God and the living entity except that the living entity is under designations whereas the Absolute Truth has no designations
- The madhyama-adhikari does not care for the demoniac living entities, and the neophyte kanistha-adhikari does not know much about sastra but has full faith in the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The Maha-samhita, which discusses the transcendental name and form of Godhead, also mentions Durga as the potency of the Supersoul in relationship with the living entities
- The mahat-tattva is the via medium between pure spirit and material existence. It is the junction of matter and spirit wherefrom the false ego of the living entity is generated
- The mahat-tattva principle is the generating source of all the modes of material nature, and the living entities take birth in the material world in bodies supplied by the mother, material nature, in terms of their previous work
- The mahatmas are equipoised. They do not see any difference between one living entity and another. They are very peaceful and are fully engaged in devotional service
- The main purpose of the Krsna consciousness movement is to enlighten the forgetful living entity and remind him of his original KC. In this way the living entity can be saved from the catastrophe of ignorance as well as bodily transmigration
- The major portion of the living entities, they are in the spiritual world. They are called nitya-mukta, ever-liberated. And we, in this material world, we are nitya-baddha, ever-conditioned
- The manifestation of the internal energy of the Lord is the inconceivably variegated spiritual world, the manifestation of the marginal energy comprises the living entities, and the manifestation of the external energy is the material cosmos
- The manifestations of Visnu and those of the ordinary living entities are certainly all parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord, and no one is equal to Him, but among the parts and parcels there are different categories
- The Manus compiled the Manu-samhita. The word samhita means Vedic knowledge, and manu indicates that this knowledge is given by Manu. The Manus are sometimes incarnations of the Supreme Lord and sometimes empowered living entities
- The marginal jiva, or living entity, misuses his independence and becomes averse to the eternal service attitude when he independently thinks he is not energy but the energetic
- The marginal potency, or the living entities, is also spiritual (prakrtim viddhi me param), but the living entities are never equal to the Lord. The Lord is nirasta-samya-atisaya; in other words, no one is greater than or equal to the Supreme Lord
- The material and the spiritual, there are two natures. So spiritual nature, the living entities they are to be enjoyed by God, Krsna. Krsna says that bhokta aham, - I am the enjoyer
- The material bodies of all living entities cannot exist unless sheltered by the spirit soul and the Supersoul
- The material body and mind are bad bargains for the spiritual living entity. The living entity has actual functions in the living, spiritual world, but this material world is dead
- The material body itself indicates that the living entity is already influenced by the three modes of material nature & that he is driven to enjoy material resources. When the body is influenced by the mode of ignorance, its infection becomes very acute
- The material body of the living entity is a result of the conditioned soul's activities, and because the supporter is the Supersoul, the Supersoul is the true reality. Every one of us, therefore, should offer respectful obeisances to this central reality
- The material body requires replacement of matter for the wearing and tearing of the mechanical body. Therefore the distinction between the individual living entity and controlling planetary deities is in the anna-rasamaya body
- The material elements (earth, water, fire, etc.) are like smoke, the living entities are like sparks, and material nature as pradhana is like the flaming wood
- The material elements also come from the body of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but they are a different type of energy from the living entities
- The material elements were created for the enjoyment of the living entities
- The material energy acts on the living entity in different degrees, according to how he acquires the association of the three modes of material nature
- The material energy has to act to bewilder the living entity who is under the direction of Krsna
- The material energy is inferior, and the living entities are superior energy. Energy and the energetic are nondifferent; therefore, energies possess the same quality as the energetic
- The material energy may be working in different ways that may not be very pleasant to the living entity, but that does not mean that material energy is not liked by Krsna
- The material energy was accepted by the Supreme Personality of Godhead in order that He might exhibit pastimes for the living entities who wanted to enjoy and lord it over the material energy
- The material energy, in which we are presently entangled, is the inferior energy. The material creation is made possible by this energy, which covers the living entities with ignorance (avidya) and induces them to perform fruitive activities
- The material miseries of a living entity can be directly mitigated by the linking process of devotional service. But the mass of people do not know this, and therefore the learned Vyasadeva compiled this Vedic literature - Srimad-Bhagavatam
- The material miseries of the living entity, which are superfluous to him can be directly mitigated by the linking process of devotional service
- The material miseries of the living entity, which are superfluous to him, can be directly mitigated by the linking process of devotional service
- The material nature is apara prakrti, and we living entities, we are trying to enjoy this prakrti. Therefore sometimes the living entity, either man or woman, he is described as purusa
- The material world and the living entities are separate beings, and they are eternally true, not false
- The material world and the living entities were all already generated in seedling forms by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and Brahma was to disseminate the same seedlings all over the universe
- The material world cannot be enjoyed by any living entity. If one so desires to enjoy it, he immediately becomes a demon like Ravana, Hiranyakasipu or Kamsa
- The material world is a place of confinement for the living entities who are by nature anandamaya, pleasure-seeking. They actually want to be free from the confinement of this world of conditional happiness
- The material world is an illusory energy to deviate the living entities from the path of self-realization
- The material world is an impediment for the ordinary living entities because they are under its control, but Krsna, being the controller of the material world, has nothing to do with the impediments it offers
- The material world is not a fit place for living entities because they are spiritually one with the Lord and in the material world the living entities become conditioned by the laws of the material world
- The material world is pervaded by the three qualities of material nature. All living entities are influenced by these qualities
- The material world is the temporary, external energy of the Lord, and the living entity is placed in this material world because he wanted to imitate the position of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The material world is the world where swans have become crows. In the material world the living entity is encaged in a material body, and he tries to gratify his senses in one body after another
- The material, physical elements, they are inferior quality, energy, of Krsna. But the superior quality of energy we are, living entities
- The materialistic mind covering the living entity's soul carries it to different species of life. This is called continued material existence. Due to the mind, the living entity suffers or enjoys material distress and happiness
- The materialistic scientists' contention that living entities other than human beings have no soul is nullified herein
- The materialistic theory that life develops from matter is incorrect. Life and matter come from the supreme living entity
- The Mayavada conclusion is that the living entity and the Supersoul are one; there is no difference
- The Mayavada idea that the living entity is the Supreme Absolute Truth but has become covered by maya is invalid, because maya cannot be so great that it can cover the Supreme
- The Mayavada school shudders at the thought of a service attitude in the living entity, not knowing that in the transcendental world the service of the Lord is based on transcendental love
- The Mayavadi agnostics wander within this universe in different species of life due to their nondevotional activities. Such living entities are subjected to the punishments of Yamaraja. Only the devotees are exempt from the jurisdiction
- The Mayavadi philosopher teaches the philosophy of tat tvam asi, saying, "You are the same as God." He forgets that tat tvam asi applies in terms of the marginal position of the living entity, who is like sunshine
- The Mayavadi philosopher tries to establish that the living entity is only imaginary and that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is under the influence of maya. Hearing this kind of commentary breaks the heart and life of a devotee
- The Mayavadi philosopher's presentation is that the living entity enjoys his pastimes by accepting the body of a hog. This theory is not acceptable because the word "pastime" implies voluntary acceptance for enjoyment. This interpretation is misleading
- The Mayavadi philosopher, who does not differentiate between the Supreme Spirit and the individual spirit, says that the conditional existence of the living entity is his lila, or pastime
- The Mayavadi philosophers consider the central point of relationship to be the impersonal Brahman, the function of the living entity to be the acquisition of knowledge of Brahman, resulting in detachment from material activity
- The Mayavadi philosophers interpret that the word yan-maya, or cin-maya, indicates that the living entity is always equal to the Supreme. But one has to consider whether this affix, mayat, is used for "sufficiency" or for "transformation"
- The Mayavadi philosophers mistake the living entity for the Paramatma, who is actually sitting with the living entity as a friend
- The Mayavadi philosophers say that the living entity and the Supreme Lord are nondifferent, and therefore they equate the transformation of the living entity with the transformation of the Lord
- The Mayavadi philosophers think that the living entity is identical with the Supreme Soul, Brahman
- The Mayavadi philosophers, accepting the influence of maya on the living entity, want to become one with the Paramatma
- The Mayavadi philosophers, try to equate the minute living entities with the supreme living entity. Because they recognize no distinctions between them, their philosophy is called Advaita-vada, or monism. Factually, however, there is a distinction
- The Mayavadis misuse the word and say that even if the living entity has become a stool-eating hog, he is also enjoying his pastimes
- The Mayavadis say that the world created by maya is false and that actually there is no living entity but only one spiritual effulgence
- The merchant is the living entity who comes to the forest of material existence to try to make money for sense gratification
- The merging of different living entities into Brahman at the time of dissolution involves the dissolution of different types of bodies
- The merging of the living entity, along with his conditional living tendency, with the mystic lying down of the Maha-Visnu is called the winding up of the cosmic manifestation
- The mind acts throughout all three conditions of life; the living entity in his sleeping or dreaming condition sees something as real, and when awake he sees the same thing as unreal
- The mind and intelligence of the living entity in material existence are affected by the modes of material nature, and according to the association of the material modes, the mind is habituated to go here and there
- The mind comes in touch with the objects of sense gratification, and when the living entity desires a particular type of body, he gets it. Therefore, the body is an offering by the laws of material nature
- The mind entraps the living entity in unlimited varieties of desires to be fulfilled by the Vedic directions of karma-kanda (fruitive activity) and the sixteen elements. Who can get free from this entanglement unless he takes shelter at Your lotus feet?
- The mind is always agitated by acceptance and rejection, which are compared to mental waves that are constantly tossing. The living entity is floating in the waves of material existence because of his forgetfulness
- The mind is the place where the self is situated, and the mind is conducted by the intelligence. The living entity, situated within the heart, follows the intelligence
- The mind makes the living entity within this material world wander through different species of life, and thus the living entity experiences mundane affairs in different forms as a human being, demigod, fat person, skinny person and so forth
- The mind of the living entity continues to exist in various gross bodies, and according to one's desires for sense gratification, the mind records different thoughts
- The mind of the living entity is known by the name of Lord Aniruddha, the supreme ruler of the senses. He possesses a bluish-black form resembling a lotus flower growing in the autumn. He is found slowly by the yogis
- The mind, the senses and the vital force, or living entity, have forms, although they are not visible to the naked eye. Form rests in subtle existence in the sky
- The minute sac-cid-ananda living entity cannot be really happy through any amount of planning conceived by his illusioned brain in this material universe. He must therefore be given a different type of happiness which is spiritual in essence
- The miserable condition of material existence is not only felt when we come out of the womb of the mother, but is also present within the womb. Miserable life begins from the moment the living entity begins to contact his material body
- The miseries of life are divided into three categories, namely miseries arising from the body and mind, miseries arising from other living entities, and miseries arising due to natural calamities
- The miseries of the pure soul and the disruption of his self-identification are managed by the external energy of the Lord, which controls those mischievous living entities who want to go against the will of the Lord
- The miseries of this material world serve to indirectly remind us of our incompatibility with dead matter. Intelligent living entities generally take note of these reminders and engage themselves in the culture of vidya, or transcendental knowledge
- The misuse of independence is the cause of his (the living entity's) material strife in the conditioned nature. The Lord, therefore, is always giving instruction from within and from without. BG 1972 purports
- The mode of ignorance influences a living entity to the habit of lust and hankering, and this means that in the Vaikunthalokas the living entities are free from these two things
- The mode of ignorance, those living entities, those who are in the mode of ignorance, they cannot have any knowledge of the Absolute Truth. That's not possible. Therefore it is gradual evolution, from mode of ignorance to mode of passion
- The modern contraceptive method is to destroy the favorable condition for the living entity: it is not allowed
- The modern theory that life evolves from matter is to some extent supported in this verse (SB 5.5.21-22) because it is stated, bhutesu virudbhyah. The living entities evolve from vegetables, grass, plants and trees, which are superior to dull matter
- The monist philosopher, after executing severe austerity, merges into the impersonal effulgence of the Lord, but the living entity always wants reciprocation in loving affairs
- The monists and the great mystics know the Supreme Personality of Godhead as one. This oneness is not the misunderstanding that a living entity is equal in every respect to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The moon is called jiva, which means that he is a living entity like us, but because of his pious activities he has been appointed to his post as the moon-god
- The moon is the source of nectarean coolness that influences the growth of food grains, and therefore the moon-god is considered the life of all living entities. He is consequently called Jiva, the chief living being within the universe
- The moon pleases the demigods, pitas, human beings, animals, birds, reptiles, trees, plants and all other living entities. Everyone is satisfied by the presence of the moon. Therefore the moon is also called Sarvamaya (all-pervading)
- The more a living entity is purified by devotional service, the more he comes in direct contact with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as confirmed in Srimad Bhagavad-gita
- The mosquito bite, the bug bite, or the tiger attacks you. So many living entities there are, they're always busy to inflict misery. This is called adhibhautika
- The most important point in this verse (SB 7.9.14) is that although saintly persons never desire the killing of any living entity, they take pleasure in the killing of envious living entities like snakes and scorpions
- The Mundaka Upanisad completely distinguishes the Lord from the living entities. The living entity is subjected to the reactions of fruitive activity, whereas the Lord simply witnesses such activity and bestows the results
- The mystic yoga process is compared to a black snake that devours the living entity and injects him with poison
- The mystic yogis consider the living entities and the Supersoul, Paramatma, to be one and the same. It is a minor point of controversy; after all, everything created rests on the gigantic virat or universal form of the Lord
- The Nagapatnis said, "The Lord is sitting as the Supersoul in everyone’s heart, and due to His presence the living entity either forgets himself or revives his original identity"
- The names of the different hells are as follows: Sarameyadana, Avici, Ayahpana, Ksarakardama, Raksogana-bhojana, Sulaprota, Dandasuka, Avata-nirodhana, Paryavartana and Sucimukha. All these planets are meant for punishing the living entities
- The natural products created by the Supreme Personality of Godhead should be utilized to maintain the bodies and souls of all living entities
- The Nectar of Devotion teaches us the science of loving every one of the living entities perfectly by the easy method of loving Krsna
- The next planet below Atala is Vitala, wherein Lord Siva, who is known as the master of gold mines, lives with his personal associates, the ghosts and similar living entities
- The next question put forward by Vidura to Maitreya is, "Why are the living entities subjected to so many miseries and misfortunes in spite of the Lord's presence in their hearts as the Supersoul
- The non-fallen condition is Krsna consciousness. So long one can maintain pure Krsna consciousness he is not fallen down. As soon as he becomes out of Krsna consciousness immediately he is fallen down. It does not matter where a living entity stays
- The nonmaterial particle, which is the living entity, influences the material particle to work. This living entity is always indestructible
- The offspring of any living being is born after the father impregnates the mother with semen, and the living entity floating in the semen of the father takes the shape of the mother's form
- The omnipotent Yamaraja is as good as Lord Brahma for while situated in his own abode or in everyone's heart like the Paramatma, he mentally observes the past activities of a living entity & thus understands how the living entity will act in future lives
- The only difference between the demigods and the ordinary living entities is that when the living entities are rich in pious acts of devotional service to the Lord
- The only remedy is to revert to the service of the Lord and thus (the living entity) be saved from material nature’s unwanted harassment
- The opposite tendency is the cause of falldown. The living entity has this tendency of falling down by dint of misidentifying himself as fully independent to lord it over the material world
- The orbits of the planets resemble the bodies in which all living entities are seated because they are both machines controlled by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The order carriers of Yamaraja have jurisdiction over all sinful living entities, but the messengers of Lord Visnu, the Visnudutas, are capable of punishing anyone, including Yamaraja, if he wrongs a Vaisnava
- The order carriers of Yamaraja, the Yamadutas, are explaining the factual position of piety and impiety and how a living entity is entangled in this material world
- The ordinary living entities who are manifested in this material world have bodies created by the material energy
- The ordinary living entity is prone to falling into the clutches of maya, but the Supreme Lord in His different incarnations and forms is acyuta, infallible. Therefore His body is different from the material body possessed by the conditioned soul
- The original home of the living entity & the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the spiritual world
- The original home of the living entity and the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the spiritual world
- The original king is Narayana, or Lord Visnu. People do not know that the original king, or Narayana, is actually the protector of all living entities. As confirmed in the Vedas: eko bahunam yo vidadhati kaman - Katha Upanisad 2.2.13
- The original potency of Lord Visnu is superior, or spiritual, and the living entity actually belongs to that superior energy. But there is another energy, called the material energy, and this third energy is full of ignorance
- The original proprietor of everything is Lord Krsna (bhoktaram yajna-tapasam sarva-loka-mahesvaram). The Lord, therefore, knows particularly well how to develop the material condition of the living entities within this material world
- The original source of everything is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is our original source also. Therefore when the Supreme Personality of Godhead is decorated, the devotees and all living entities are decorated automatically
- The original, spiritual form of the living entity is one ten-thousandth the size of the tip of a hair. It is also stated that spirit is greater than the greatest and smaller than the smallest
- The other species of living entities, who far outnumber human society, are never disturbed for maintenance; they are never seen dying of starvation
- The other two prabhus (Sri Nityananda Prabhu and Sri Advaita Prabhu) engage in His (Caitanya's) transcendental loving service to teach ordinary living entities that every one of us is subordinate to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- The parama-bhakti-yoga means that a living entity, by dint of unalloyed devotional service, has no other interest than the service of the Lord, as described in Bhagavad-gita vasudevah sarvam iti - BG 7.19
- The part and parcel of the Supreme, they fall down - some of them - not all. So therefore the living entities, they are different from the Supreme. They are one in quality with the Supreme, but not in quantity
- The part-and-parcel living entities are entangled in the conditioned life of material existence. Because of their diverse activities they are wandering all over the universe, transmigrating from one body to another and undergoing various miseries
- The particular living entity who was selected to be the descendant of Maharaja Puru, or the Pandavas, was not an ordinary living entity, and by the superior will of the Lord he was destined to be the successor to Maharaja Yudhisthira
- The particular mode of the devotional attitude of the living entity toward a particular type of demigod is also arranged by the Supreme Lord. The demigods cannot infuse the living entities with such an affinity. BG 1972 purports
- The parts and parcels of the internal potency which react in contact with the external potency are called the marginal potency, or the living entities
- The parts of the body, such as the senses, are the creation of the mahat-tattva, and when they are assembled by the will of the Lord, the material body comes into existence, and the living entity is allowed to use it for further activities
- The pastimes of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu are unlimited. How much can a small living entity elaborate about those transcendental pastimes?
- The perfect being, or the Lord, cannot be approached even by the illusory energy, who can only work on the living entities. Therefore it is sheer imagination that the Supreme Lord is illusioned by the illusory energy and thus becomes a living being
- The perfect vision of the yogi or devotee is that he sees the presence of the living entity everywhere
- The perfect yogi is the sincerest friend of all living entities. He knows that the living being who is conditioned by the modes of material nature is subjected to the 3 fold material miseries due to forgetfulness of his relationship with Krsna. BG 1972 p
- The perfectional stage begins with activity in the self-realized position, and that activity is based on the understanding that a living entity is eternally the subordinate servitor of the Supreme Lord. Otherwise, there is no meaning to self-realization
- The performers of sacrifice descend again to earth to become herbs, creepers, vegetables and food grains. These are eaten by different living entities and turned to semen, which is injected into female bodies. Thus one takes birth again and again
- The person I have described as unknown is the SPG, the master and eternal friend of the living entity. Since the living entities cannot realize the SPG by material names, activities or qualities, He remains everlastingly unknown to the conditioned soul
- The personal body of the living entity exists due to the presence of the spiritual spark. BG 1972 purports
- The personal expansions of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the individual identities of the Godhead, are always present. Similarly, the separated expansions of living entities have their identities. BG 1972 purports
- The personal plenary expansions are visnu-tattvas, and the separated expansions are living entities. Since the living entities are very small, they are sometimes described as the marginal energy of the Lord
- The Personality of Godhead can expand Himself in innumerable forms. The forms that have unlimited potency are called svamsa, and forms that have limited potencies (the living entities) are called vibhinnamsa
- The Personality of Godhead is described as vastu (in CC Adi 1.91), or the Substance, and the living entities are described as vastavas, or the innumerable samples of the Substance in relative existence
- The Personality of Godhead is described herein (SB 3.5.23) as the master of all other living entities. He is like the sun disc, and the living entities are like the molecules of the sun's rays
- The Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna, advises us to become spiritually inclined, to become transcendentalists. Then only can we understand that we are nothing whatsoever of this material world, that we are eternal, spiritual living entities
- The personified Vedas continue, "Because a living entity desires and deserves a particular kind of body, it is given to him by the material nature, under the order of the Supreme Lord"
- The personified Vedas continued, "Because of ignorance, these living entities misidentify themselves in different species of life"
- The personified Vedas continued, "By attempting to worship a demigod or by taking to any other process of self-realization, the living entity becomes a victim of the cycle of birth and death"
- The personified Vedas continued, "Dear Lord, it is imperative that the living entities be engaged in Krsna consciousness, always rendering devotional service by such prescribed methods as hearing and chanting and executing Your orders"
- The personified Vedas continued, "Due to this faulty conception of life, they (living entities) are undergoing repeated birth and death"
- The personified Vedas continued, "It is due to their own material desires that all living entities enjoy or suffer in different conditions of life. As Your parts and parcels, they are just like the sparks of a fire"
- The personified Vedas continued, "Just as sparks dance in a blazing fire, all living entities are dancing on Your support. You are providing them with everything they desire, and yet You are not responsible for their position of enjoyment or suffering"
- The personified Vedas continued, "No one can estimate how much the living entity is degraded by entering abominable species of life such as cats and dogs"
- The personified Vedas continued, "Such persons (Krsna conscious persons) are aware of the relationship between the Supersoul and the individual living entities, and they are never in the bodily concept of life"
- The personified Vedas continued, "The individual controlled living entity resides within the body, and the supreme controller, as Supersoul, is also present there, but the Supersoul controls the individual soul"
- The personified Vedas continued, "There are different types of living entities - demigods, human beings, animals, trees, birds, beasts, germs, worms, insects and aquatics - and all enjoy or suffer in life while resting on You"
- The personified vedas continued, "This relationship of the living entities with the Supreme Lord as the controlled & the controller definitely proves that although the Supersoul is all-pervasive, the individual living entities are never all-pervasive"
- The personified Vedas continued, "Various kinds of bodies are awarded as the result of a living entity's actions, and they are created by the material nature according to the living entity's desire"
- The personified Vedas continued, "Your Lordship is eternally dear to the living entity, so when the mind is engaged in thought of You one immediately feels the great satisfaction for which he has been hankering life after life"
- The planet earth is also called vasundhara. The word vasu means "wealth," and dhara "one who holds." All creatures within the earth fulfill the necessities required for human beings, & all living entities can be taken out of the earth by the proper means
- The planetary systems are calculated as upper and lower in terms of the classes of living entities who live there
- The planets of highly learned living entities like the sages Sanaka and Bhrgu are not affected by the dissolutions of the millenniums
- The playmates, associates and wives of Krsna are not ordinary living entities. Because we have no idea of Krsna consciousness, we take His activities as triflings, but actually they are sublime
- The point is that a living entity has immense and unlimited desires for material enjoyment, and he has to transmigrate from one gross body to another until these desires are exhausted
- The point is that in the material world it is very difficult to find a sane living entity. The prevailing atmosphere of insanity in this world is all caused by the infection of material consciousness
- The position of servitor is wasted in the material conception of life. In an attempt to dominate material nature, the living entity is forced to offer his service to relative material energy
- The potency of Lord Visnu is summarized in three categories - namely, the spiritual potency, the living entities and ignorance
- The potency of the Supreme Lord is spiritual, and the living entities, although they are called marginal potency, are also spiritual
- The Pracetas pray for an opportunity to hear of the glories of the Lord in every form of life (bhave bhave). A living entity transmigrates from one body to another. The devotee is not particularly eager to stop this process
- The Pracetas properly executed this function (studying the Vedas and performing severe austerities and penances) and consequently became equal to all other living entities
- The Pracetas went to the seashore in the west where the great liberated sage Jajali was residing. After perfecting the spiritual knowledge by which one becomes equal toward all living entities, the Pracetas became perfect in Krsna consciousness
- The prajapatis said: O Mahadeva, Supersoul of all living entities and cause of their happiness and prosperity, we have come to the shelter of your lotus feet. Now please save us from this fiery poison, which is spreading all over the three worlds
- The precarious condition of the living entity within the womb of his mother is described here - in SB 3.31.17
- The preceptor appears before the external senses of the fortunate conditioned soul, and at the same time the devotee is guided from within by the caittya-guru, Krsna, who is seated as the spiritual master within the heart of the living entity
- The predominated living entities are part and parcel of God, in quality they are one with God
- The preliminary instruction in the Bhagavad-gita is that one should know that the identity of the individual living entity is not lost even after the end of this present body, which is nothing but an outward dress only
- The principal Vedic hymn, gayatri, was generated from the skin, tristup from the flesh, anustup from the veins, and jagati from the bones of the lord of the living entities
- The principles of religion are not open to any ordinary living entity. They are just to bring the human being onto the platform of morality
- The problems of eating, problems of sleeping, problems of defending and problems of mating, or sex life, these problems are there in the animal life or amongst the living entities lower than the human beings
- The process is to give up one material body and then enter into another. But the highest perfection of such changes occurs only when the living entity is able to give up the material body altogether, and enter into the spiritual atmosphere
- The process of liberation is very nicely explained in this verse (in SB 3.27.5). The cause of one's becoming conditioned by material nature is his thinking himself the enjoyer, the proprietor or the friend of all living entities
- The propaganda of the identity of cosmic consciousness with the consciousness of the individual living entities is completely misleading because even such a person as Arjuna could not remember his past deeds, although he is always with the Lord
- The prowess of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu, certainly controls all living entities, so much so that the living entities have forgotten the aim of life
- The pure living entity is not liberated unless he is completely engaged in spiritual activity
- The purpose of Kapiladeva's Sankhya philosophy is to propagate pure, uncontaminated devotional service, and therefore He is addressed as the most important personality amongst those who know the transcendental occupation of the living entity
- The purpose of knowledge is to understand distinctly that the living entity has by chance fallen into this material existence. BG 1972 purports
- The purpose of sacrificial rituals is to revive, gradually, the spiritual realization of the living entities. That is the beginning of life within this universe
- The question may be raised as to why the living entities have fallen by chance into different conditions of life
- The question may be raised that if the living entity has to act as the superintendent of the activities of the bodily combination, then how can he be indifferent to the activities of the body?
- The question may be raised why a living being should be restricted in sense gratification
- The question may be raised why the living entities are situated in different conditions and who has arranged this. The answer is that it has been done by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, without anyone's help
- The questioner continued to ask why a living entity should be put under the dictations of the law of karma. The swami could not answer these questions to the satisfaction of his inquirers
- The quivering of the living entity is due to the senses. Since the entire material existence is meant for sense gratification, the senses are the medium of material activities, and they cause the quivering of the steady soul
- The rays of the sun are declining, and the stars appear to be fighting amongst themselves. Confused living entities appear to be ablaze and weeping
- The real conclusion is that it is our work only that binds us within this material world in different varieties of life. How these varieties have sprung up is explained in the Vedas: it is due to the desire of the living entity
- The real dharma is to surrender unto Krsna, but the rebellious living entity, instead of surrendering to Krsna, engages in adharma, in a struggle for existence to become like Krsna
- The real evolution is the history of the living entity, who is puranjana, "living within the body." Sri Narada Muni will explain this evolutionary theory in a different way for the understanding of sane persons
- The real happiness is in the kingdom of God, where no one has to undergo the pangs of material existence. Therefore, the Vedic ways of fruitive activities for the living entities are misleading
- The real identity of the living entity is that he is an eternal servant of the Supreme (CC Madhya 20.108). As long as one does not come to this conclusion, he must be in ignorance
- The real identity of the living entity is that he is eternally servant of God. We should not understand this word servant in the meaning of materialistic servant. To become servant of God is a great position
- The real independence of a living entity, who is part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is to remain always dependent on the Supreme Lord, just like a child who plays in complete independence, guided by his parents, who watch over him
- The real interest of the living entity is to get out of the nescience that causes him to endure repeated birth and death
- The real master commands, "You must do this," and the real servant immediately obeys the order. Unless this relationship between the Supreme Lord and the subordinate living entity is established, there can be no real happiness
- The real purpose of life is to make contact with the Lord and be engaged in His service. That is the natural position of living entities
- The real purpose of the Vedas is to direct one back home, back to Godhead, but the living entity, not knowing the real goal of his life, wants to go sometimes here and sometimes there and do sometimes this and sometimes that
- The real religion of a living being is his natural inborn quality, whereas pretentious religion is a form of nescience that artificially covers a living entity's pure consciousness under certain unfavorable conditions
- The real, original characteristic of the living entity is to serve Krsna, that is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita
- The relationship between the virat-purusa and the presiding deities or the living entities is so intricate that simply by exercising the sense organs, which are related to their presiding deities, the virat-purusa cannot be aroused
- The relationship of the living entities with matter and that of the Supreme Lord with matter are certainly not on the same level, although the Mayavadis may interpret it in that way
- The residents of Maharloka, where the purified living entities or demigods possess a duration of life calculated to be 4,300,000,000 solar years, have airships by which they reach Satyaloka, the topmost planet of the universe
- The responsibility for this fighting (amongst each other) and creating favorable and unfavorable situations lies with the living entities, not with the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The results of whatever a living entity does in this life are enjoyed in the next life
- The revealed scripture of the Muslims is the Koran. There is one Muslim sampradaya known as the Sufis. The Sufis accept impersonalism, believing in the oneness of the living entity with the Absolute Truth. Their supreme slogan is “analahak.”
- The revealed scriptures give directions directly to this end, but because the bewildered living entities are blinded by the glaring reflection in the darkness, they are unable to find the truth of the revealed scriptures
- The river fishes sometimes go to the sea, but the sea fishes, they never come to the river. Similarly, there are living entities in the spiritual world. They never come in this material world. Their number is greater, at least three times greater
- The sac-cid-ananda form confirmed in Brahma-samhita (isvarah paramah krsnah sac-cid-ananda-vigrahah (BS 5.1)) is different from that of the living entity in both his conditioned and liberated states
- The sages, knowing Me (Krsna) as the ultimate purpose of all sacrifices and austerities, the Supreme Lord of all planets and demigods and the benefactor and well-wisher of all living entities, attains peace from the pangs of material miseries - BG 5.29
- The same concept is confirmed here (in SB 3.25.2). Na hy asya varsmanah pumsam: amongst the living entities, no one can surpass the Supreme Person
- The same living entity sometimes takes shelter of an animal father and mother and sometimes a human father and mother. Sometimes he accepts a father and mother among the birds, and sometimes he accepts a demigod father and mother
- The Sanskrit words abhijna and svarat, appearing in the first verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam, are significant. These two words distinguish the Lord from all other living entities
- The sastra describes that the magnitude of the living entity is one ten-thousandth the size of the tip of a hair
- The sastras advise that a living entity should accept only those sense-enjoyable objects necessary for the upkeep of the material body and reject those that are just for sense gratification. In this way he will reduce the tendency for sense enjoyment
- The satisfaction of the living entity in a particular type of body, even if it is most abominable, is called illusion
- The scorpion which comes out of the cow dung is certainly a living entity, but the living entity does not come out of the cow dung
- The scriptures completely deny the birth or production of the living entity
- The secret is that at every step they (living entities) should try to execute sacrifices toward the path of world peace
- The seed of material enjoyment, watered by the course of material nature, fructifies to become a tree of material entanglement that endows the living entity with all kinds of material enjoyment
- The senses of the living entity are always engaged in some occupation, either in activities prescribed in the injunctions of the Vedas or in material activities
- The senses of the living entity are there, but they only become active when the gross body and the subtle body are developed
- The senses, the mind and the intelligence are the sitting places of this lust, which veils the real knowledge of the living entity and bewilders him. BG 3.40 - 1972
- The senses, the mind and the intelligence are the sitting places of this lust. Through them lust covers the real knowledge of the living entity and bewilders him
- The separated expansions are the living entities. Although they are expansions of Krsna, they are counted among His different potencies
- The separated, material energy bewilders the living entities (jivas), and thus they work very hard under its influence, not knowing that they are not fulfilling their mission in life
- The serene sky, limitlessly expansive, is compared to the Absolute Truth. The living entities are truths manifested in relation with the modes of material nature
- The servant of the Lord is also similarly inclined. He gives shelter to any person - any living entity - regardless of whether he belongs to a brahmana family or a candala family
- The servant thinks that he is most impure and that the master should not touch him, and the master thinks that because He has become impure by associating with so many impure living entities, He should touch a pure devotee like Haridasa Thakura
- The sex drive is so strong in the living entities that the whole material world is running on sex attraction only, and it is due to sex attraction that one remains in the material world and is obliged to accept different types of bodies
- The simultaneous oneness and difference always exists in the relationship between the living entities and the Supreme Lord. From the marginal position of the living entities, this conception of "simultaneously one and different" can be understood
- The sinful living entity cries very pitiably and faints, just like an innocent man undergoing punishments. This is the result of punishing a faultless person
- The six goswamis are not all eternal associates of Krishna. Only Rupa and Raghunath Goswami are eternal associates. You know there are two kinds of living entities: nityamukta or eternal associates of the Lord, and nityabaddha or eternally conditioned
- The small spiritual spark, the living entity, very small, we cannot even imagine with our material brain. It is one ten-thousandth part of a point. We, in the material world, we cannot measure the length and breadth of point
- The so-called father and mother have nothing to do with the living entity. As a result of his own choice and karma, the living being takes different bodies through the agency of so-called fathers and mothers
- The so-called liberation of thinking oneself God is that last reaction of avidya by which the living entity is entrapped
- The so-called scientists are saying in other planets there is no living entity. Why? They are putting so many reasons that, "This is lacking. This is lacking." These things are not accepted. You do not know anything about the other planets
- The soul has nothing to do with the material elements. Any material element can be cut to pieces, especially earth. As far as the living entity is concerned, however, he can be neither burned nor cut to pieces. He can therefore live within fire
- The soul is present in bodies like those of trees, plants and stones. They are all living entities. Among moving living entities such as birds, aquatics and animals, the same spiritual spark is there
- The SP of Godhead has innumerable energies, and all these energies are divine. Although the living entities are part of His energies and are therefore divine, due to contact with material energy, their original superior power is covered. BG 1972 purports
- The sparks are compared to living entities, and the flames are compared to material nature (pradhana). One must know that each and every one of them is effective simply because of being empowered by the quality of the original fire
- The specific purpose of Lord Caitanya's advent was to establish the Vedic fact that there is one Supreme Personality of Godhead predominating over and maintaining the innumerable personalities of all living entities
- The specific significance of his coming back may be noted. Brahma and the great rsis and the great master of yoga (Siva) are not ordinary living entities; they are very powerful and have all the perfections of mystic yoga
- The spell of Maya is very strong, and to save a living entity from such clutches is the greatest service to the humanity
- The SPG creates His minor parts and parcels, the jiva-tattva, beginning with Lord Brahma, the demigods and the expansions of Vedic knowledge & including all other living entities, moving and nonmoving, with their different names and characteristics
- The SPG is Brahman or Parambrahman, the chief of all living entities. Both the Supreme Brahman, or the Personality of Godhead, and the living entities are persons, but the Supreme Brahman is the predominator, whereas the living entities are predominated
- The SPG, Sri Hari, is the master of all living entities, including all the prajapatis, such as Lord Brahma. Because He is the all-pervading and indestructible master, He has created all these trees and vegetables as eatables for other living entities
- The spirit of enjoyment by the living entity in the material world is false
- The spirit soul is always apart from the material body. There is no change in the spiritual form of the living entity. Any person above the bodily conception of life is pure and can receive transcendental knowledge
- The spirit soul is so small that it is impossible to kill him by any material weapon, as is evident from the previous verses (before BG 2.19). Nor is the living entity killable because of his spiritual constitution. BG 1972 purports
- The spirit soul, the living entity, has no death, for he is eternal and inexhaustible. Being free from material contamination, he can go anywhere in the material or spiritual worlds
- The spirit soul, the living entity, who is in full knowledge of his position is always engaged in chanting Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare and is not concerned with the bodily functions
- The spiritual being, the part and parcel of Krsna, God, accepts a material body by virtue of his own desires. Accepting two hands, two legs, and so on, the living entity fully enjoys the modes of material nature
- The spiritual living entities are impregnated into the womb of material nature, but the body, being supplied by material nature, takes on many different species and forms of life
- The spiritual master awakens the sleeping living entity to his original consciousness so that he can worship Lord Visnu. This is the purpose of diksa, or initiation. Initiation means receiving the pure knowledge of spiritual consciousness
- The spiritual master is external manifestation of the Supersoul. Thus the Lord helps the living entity, helps both from inside & outside
- The spiritual oneness of the Supreme Lord and the living entities is never to be accepted as homogeneity. Each and every living entity is individual
- The spiritual potency is full of knowledge; the living entities, although belonging to the spiritual potency, are subject to bewilderment; and the third energy, which is full of ignorance, is always visible in fruitive activities
- The spiritual potency of the Lord is manifested in three phases - the internal or spiritual potency, the marginal potency, which consists of the living entities, and the external potency, known as maya-sakti
- The stage in which the consciousness of the living entity is attracted by the three modes of material nature is called conditional life. But when that same consciousness is attached to the SPG, one is situated in the consciousness of liberation
- The state is arranging for supplying the necessities of the citizens. How many? The human kind only. But does it mean that the human kind is the only living entities in this world? There are many millions and thousands of living entities besides
- The statements of Srimad-Bhagavatam and other Vedic literatures prove definitely that on each and every planet there are living entities of different varieties. Therefore, it is foolish to assert that there are no living entities but those on this earth
- The stress is on the lotus feet of the Lord. A relationship with the lotus feet of the Lord can even enhance the importance of Lord Śiva, what to speak of other, ordinary living entities
- The subject matter of Bhagavad-gita is to know five things, to know what are these living entities, what is God, what is nature, and what is time, and what is work
- The subsidiary vibration tat tvam asi ("you are the same") is meant for the understanding of the living entity, but the principal vibration is omkara. Not caring for omkara, Sankaracarya has stressed the vibration tat tvam asi
- The subtle body is covered by the constables (of Yamaraja) so that the living entity can pass such a long distance (792,000 miles) quickly and at the same time tolerate the suffering
- The subtle body of the living entity consists of the mind, the sense objects, the five senses that acquire knowledge and the five senses for acting in the material condition
- The subtle body's activities - be they pious or impious - create another situation for the living entity to enjoy or suffer in the next gross body. Thus the subtle body continues whereas the gross bodies change one after another
- The subtle forms of the living entities take place in the heart of the Supreme Being, and such forms take tangible shape at the time of creation
- The subtle laws of nature act according to the desire of the living entity
- The suffering of death, suffering of birth, suffering of disease and suffering of old age - these are imposed on the living entities, those who are criminals. Criminals means revolted against the service of the Lord
- The sufferings of the living entities within the prison of material nature cannot be equated with the pastimes of the Supreme Lord which exist in the absolute freedom of sac-cid-ananda
- The sum and substance of material conditional life is explained in this verse (SB 6.1.51). The living entity, the seventeenth element, is struggling alone, life after life. This struggle is called samsrti, or material conditional life
- The sum total of the living entities is impregnated into this yonir mahad brahma, and they are born in different forms, beginning from Brahma down to the insignificant ant
- The sum total-body and instrument senses-are offered by material nature, and, as will be clear in the next verse, the living entity is blessed or damned with circumstances according to his past desire and activity. BG 1972 purports
- The sun enlivens all living entities with his unlimited heat & light. Diminishes the duration of life of all living entities in order to release them from their illusion of material attachment & he enlarges the path of elevation to the heavenly kingdom
- The sun manifests his brilliance in a gem, although it is stone. Similarly, the original Personality of Godhead, Govinda, manifests His special power in a pious living entity. Thus the living entity becomes Brahma and manages the affairs of the universe
- The sun planet is predominated by fire. There are living entities also, and there is one principal living entity who is called the sun-god, Surya Narayana. Or, in the language of the Bhagavad-gita, he is called Vivasvan
- The sun-god evaporates water from the seas and oceans and then forms the water into clouds and distributes it over land. When there is sufficient rainfall grains are produced, and these grains maintain living entities in each and every planet
- The sun-god is also known as Vairaja, the total material body for all living entities. Because he entered this dull egg of the universe at the time of creation, he is also called Martanda
- The superior energy is the living entity, who is part and parcel of the Supreme Lord. As parts and parcels, the living entities are not different from the Supreme Lord
- The superior energy, however, is the real identity of the living being, and it is because of that energy that the whole material world functions
- The superior energy, living entity, is managing how to collect this iron, copper, this, that, and make nice car. And he is riding on. And this material supply is given by the material energy. The intelligence is given by Krsna
- The Supersoul gives the individual soul all facilities to achieve whatever he desires to enjoy in this material world. Suffering is a reaction to the living entity's propensity to try to lord it over the material world
- The Supersoul in all living entities is the same Supreme Personality of Godhead. By His omnipotency, He can live anywhere, and He can create His Vaikuntha situation everywhere. That is His inconceivable potency
- The Supersoul is acting at every moment, but the living entity cannot understand the form and activities of the Supersoul by manipulating his senses
- The Supersoul lives within the heart to direct or control the individual living entity. Although both are dhruva, or eternal, the living entity is always under the direction of the Supreme
- The Supersoul, who inspires all living entities to act, is one and changeless. There are varieties of subjects, objects and activities, yet the Lord is one
- The Supreme Absolute Truth has His inconceivable potency, out of which this cosmos has been manifested. In other words, the Supreme Absolute Truth is the ingredient, and the living entity and cosmic manifestation are the by-products
- The supreme atma, or soul, is the Lord Himself, and the minute atma is the living entity. The supreme atma, or Paramatma, alone maintains all the individual minute beings, for the Supreme Lord wants to derive pleasure out of their affection
- The Supreme Brahman and the subordinate Brahman, or the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the living entities, are both joyful by nature
- The Supreme Brahman is the Absolute Truth, and the energies that have emanated from Him and are existing separately, such as the living entities and the cosmic manifestation, are also truths. This is an example of transformation
- The Supreme Brahman, or the unlimited sky, can never be covered by a cloud, but a portion of it can be covered. As stated in the BG, the living entities are part and parcel of the SP of God. But they are only an insignificant portion of the Supreme Lord
- The Supreme Brahman, the Personality of Godhead, is the master of both pradhana and purusa. Pradhana means subtle matter, such as ether. Purusa means the spiritual spark living entities who are entangled in that subtle material existence
- The supreme eternal never accepts a body of a temporary material nature, whereas the living entities, who are part and parcel of the supreme eternal, are prone to do so
- The supreme father has no other father. Every one of the living entities of all grades, up to Brahma, the original creature of the universe, is begotten by a father, but He, the Lord, has no father
- The Supreme King of all kings has created different planets and places of habitation where living entities are situated in terms of the modes of nature and work, and He has created their different kings and rulers
- The Supreme Living Being in His feature as the transcendental purusa incarnation, who is the Lord's plenary expansion, impregnates the material nature of three modes, and thus by the influence of eternal time the living entities appear
- "The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart, O Arjuna, and is directing the wanderings of all living entities, who are seated as on a machine, made of the material energy"
- The Supreme Lord and His transcendental abode are both sanatana, as are the living entities, and the combined association of the Supreme Lord and the living entities in the sanatana abode is the perfection of human life. BG 1972 Introduction
- The Supreme Lord does not put His semen into that which is not spiritual, but it is stated here (in SB 3.26.19) that the Supreme Person puts His semen into material nature. This means that the living entities are spiritual by nature
- The Supreme Lord enters the material cosmos and causes creation, maintenance and destruction in their due course, whereas the part-and-parcel living entity enters the material elements and has his material body created for him
- The Supreme Lord gives the living entity a chance to enjoy in this material world as he desires, but He openly expresses His own desire that the living entity give up all material aspirations, fully surrender unto Him and return home, back to Godhead
- The Supreme Lord gives these instructions because He is the eternal friend of the living entities. His instructions are important because by them the living entity can obtain liberation from bodily engagement
- The Supreme Lord has two kinds of parts and parcels: the living entity is called vibhinnamsa, and the Paramatma, or the plenary expansion of the Supreme Lord, is called svamsa
- The Supreme Lord is all-pervading (Bs. 5.35)). Relatively, if the living entity is accepted as the smallest, there should naturally be inquiry about the greatest. The greatest is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and the smallest is the living entity
- The Supreme Lord is always in His sac-cid-ananda (BS 5.1) form, but the living entity, although part and parcel of the Lord, becomes materially contaminated when he desires to come to the material world for material enjoyment
- The Supreme Lord is always independent, but because the living entities are not independent - due to their false idea of becoming independently happy - the material energy is troublesome
- The Supreme Lord is both the creator and the enjoyer, and the living entity, being part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, is neither the creator nor the enjoyer, but a cooperator. He is the created and the enjoyed. BG 1972 Introduction
- The Supreme Lord is cognizant and all-powerful, and by His causeless mercy He empowers a living entity to receive His mercy
- The Supreme Lord is full in everything, and the small particles (living entities) of the Lord are also originally qualified like Him, but because of their minute existence, they are infected by material attraction and thus entangled
- The Supreme Lord is neutral to everyone, but for the maintenance of law and order His supreme government has various departments, which control the activities of the living entities
- The Supreme Lord is quite competent to provide, to supply the necessities of life to millions and millions of living entities. There is no question of scarcity of supply
- The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart, O Arjuna, & is directing the wanderings of all living entities, who are seated as on a machine, made of the material energy
- The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart, O Arjuna, and is directing the wanderings of all living entities, who are seated as on a machine, made of the material energy
- The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart, O Arjuna, and is directing the wanderings of all living entities, who are seated as on a machine, made of the material energy. (BG 18.61) The Lord gives everyone an opportunity to fulfill his ambitions
- The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone’s heart, O Arjuna, and is directing the wanderings of all living entities, who are seated as on a machine made of material energy - BG 18.61
- The Supreme Lord is so kind that He comes Himself to instruct the bewildered living entity how to act obediently and then gradually return home, back to Godhead, where he can attain an eternal, peaceful life of bliss and knowledge
- The Supreme Lord is the controller of the material energy, whereas the living entities, who are entangled in the material world, are neither masters nor controllers. Rather, they become subordinate to or controlled by such energy
- The Supreme Lord is the dearmost object of all living entities. Prahlada Maharaja therefore advised his class friends, the sons of the demons, to take shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead again
- The Supreme Lord is the leader and maintainer of all living entities. His pastimes are transcendental to any material activity. Such pastimes of the Lord cannot be dragged to the level of the conditional activities of the living entities
- The Supreme Lord is the leader of the entire range of living entities, and no one can be equal to or greater than Him
- The Supreme Lord is the performer of everything, but out of ignorance the living entity thinks that he is the actor
- The Supreme Lord keeps on His neck those living entities who are pure, as one protects the jewels and pearls on the bosom and neck of one's body. Those living entities in pure Krsna consciousness are symbolized by the pearls on His neck
- The Supreme Lord Krsna is the only controller, and all living entities are controlled by Him. BG 1972 purports
- The Supreme Lord should be satisfied, although the tendency to become the creator and the tendency to enjoy the material world are there also in the living entities because these tendencies are there in the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 Introduction
- The Supreme Lord, as Paramatma, is sitting within the heart of every living entity, and He directly perceives the exact causes of distress
- The Supreme Lord, Narayana, is the seed-giving father of all living entities because the living entities are parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord - mamaivamso ...jiva-bhutah
- The Supreme Lord, who supplies the necessities of all living entities (eko bahunam yo vidadhati kaman) and who is the central point of all creation, is Lord Visnu
- The supreme one is supplying all necessities to the living entities. The living entity who is therefore grateful to the Supreme Personality of Godhead is certainly qualified with good characteristics
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead also remains within the heart of the living entity, regardless of whether the living entity is a man, animal, tree, germ or microbe
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead as Supersoul is also present within the heart of the demigod; therefore He arranges through the demigod to fulfill the desire of the living entity. BG 1972 purports
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead does not appear because He is forced to do so by karma like ordinary living entities who are forced to accept a certain type of body
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead has all the tendencies that may be found in the living entity, for He is the chief living entity
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead has an unlimited spiritual identity, never to be broken, whereas the consciousness of the living entity is limited and fragmented
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead has many parts and parcels; some are called svamsas, or His personal expansions, and some are called vibhinnamsas, the living entities
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead in His Paramatma feature is always present within the hearts of all living entities and from Him come memory, knowledge and forgetfulness. This is indicated here (in SB 8.1.11) by the word suparnam, which means "friend"
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is actually the enjoyer in the transcendental sense, whereas all others are prakrti. The living entities are considered prakrti
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is always anxious to elevate the living entities, who are His parts and parcels, and for their special benefit, the Lord travels all over the world in the form of self-realized persons like you
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is by nature the master of all potencies. By nature, the living entities, being infinitesimal, are always under the influence of the Lord’s potencies
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is certainly equal toward all living entities, but a devotee who fully surrenders at the lotus feet of the Lord is different from a nondevotee
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is known as Purusottama, or the best of all living entities. He is a person like all other living entities, but He is the leader or the best of all living beings. That is stated in the Vedas also
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is maintaining all living entities. The king, or naradeva, is His representative
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is present in everyone's heart, and as soon as He understands that a living entity is serious about entering devotional service, He sends His representative. In this way Narada was sent to Dhruva Maharaja
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is pure and detached. Due to being covered by the material body, the living entities are not self-effulgent, but the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Paramatma, is self-effulgent
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is sanatana, eternal, and the individual living entities are also eternal. The difference is that Krsna, or God, is the supreme eternal, whereas the individual souls are minute, fragmental eternals
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is situated as the Supersoul within the cores of the hearts of all living entities, whether moving or nonmoving, including men, birds, animals, trees and, indeed, all living entities
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is situated in everyone's heart, and from Him issue a living entity's inclinations and disinclinations
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is situated in everyone's heart, and from Him issue a living entity's inclinations and disinclinations. This is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is the Absolute Whole, and the living entities are parts of the Absolute Whole. This relationship of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the living entities is eternal
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is the controller of everything, and the living entities are always controlled, either by the spiritual energy or by the material energy
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is the friend of all living entities, and all living entities are eternal servants of the Supreme Lord. Oneness is possible through this understanding, not through artificially thinking that every one of us is God
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is the support of this entire cosmic manifestation, with all its moving and nonmoving living entities, and the temple where the Deity of the Lord is installed is a most sacred place
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead leaves behind scriptures like Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam, so that the living entities hovering in the darkness of nescience may take advantage of the instructions
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Balarama, instructed the sages and saintly persons at Naimisaranya on the subject matter of the living entities' relationship with this cosmic manifestation, on how one should regard this whole universe
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, however, is eternal, and similarly the living entities, who are parts of Him, are also eternal - mamaivamso jiva-loke jiva-bhutah sanatanah - BG 15.7
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, in His second feature, is the Supersoul of all living entities. As one's self is extremely dear, the Superself of the self is still more dear. No one can be the enemy of the friendly Superself, who is equal to everyone
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, the Supersoul of all living entities, out of His causeless mercy comes down and manifests His different transcendental pastimes in different incarnations
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, not being covered by a material body, is the witness of all the activities of the living entity. But both of them, the living entity and the Paramatma, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, are atma, or spirit
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, the controller of the material and spiritual energies, who is certainly the creator of the entire cosmos, creates the time factor to allow the material energy and the living entity to act within the limits of time
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, the living entities, the material energy, the spiritual energy and the entire creation are all individual substances. In the ultimate analysis, however, together they constitute the supreme one, the PG
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Supersoul, is present in everyone's heart, and as the living entity desires, the Lord gives him facilities with which to work according to his ambitions in different grades of bodies
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is living within the body of a living entity, is the controller of all living entities all over the universe. BG 1972 purports
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is situated in everyone's heart as Paramatma, who is the supreme controller, and who always removes the miseries of the living entities, must always be heard about from reliable sources
- The Supreme Soul is the Personality of Godhead, and the individual soul is the living entity. When they engage in reciprocation of service and benediction, the living entity is said to be in the atmarama position
- The Supreme Soul, the Personality of Godhead, is compared to the moon in the sky, and the living entities are compared to the reflection of the moon on water. The moon in the sky is fixed and does not appear to quiver like the moon on the water
- The Supreme Spirit is infinite, but the living entity, or the individual soul, is infinitesimal, although it is not different in quality from the Supreme Spirit
- The svarupa, or actual identification of the living entity, is described by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu as jivera ‘svarupa’ haya - krsnera ‘nitya-dasa’ - CC Madhya 20.108
- The Svetasvatara Upanisad (5.9) states, If the tip of a hair were divided into 100 parts, and if one of those parts were again divided into a hundred parts, that one ten-thousandth part of the tip of the hair would be the dimension of the living entity
- The symptoms of a sadhu are that he is tolerant, merciful and friendly to all living entities. He has no enemies, he is peaceful, he abides by the scriptures, and all his characteristics are sublime
- The symptoms of a sadhu are that he is tolerant, merciful and friendly to all living entities. He has no enemies, he is peaceful, he abides by the scriptures, and all his characteristics are sublime - SB 3.25.21
- The symptoms of the rainy season may be compared to the symptoms of the living entities who are covered by the three modes of material nature
- The Taittiriya Upanisad, for example, which is a branch of the Yajur Veda, describes nature, the living entity and the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The temporary body or material dwelling place which he (the living entity) obtains is the cause of varieties of activities and their resultant reactions. BG 1972 purports
- The temporary material body is certainly a foreign dress. The Bhagavad-gita (2.20) clearly says that after the destruction of the material body the living entity is not annihilated, nor does he lose his identity
- The ten kinds of air acting within the body are compared to the spokes of the chariot's wheels, and the top and bottom of the wheel itself are called religion and irreligion. The living entity in the bodily concept of life is the owner of the chariot
- The tendency of the conditioned living entity is to come down from the heights where everything can be seen in perspective. God, however, does not have this tendency
- The tendency of the living entity is to come down from the heights, where everything can be seen in perspective. God, however, does not have this tendency - CC Intro
- The tendency to become the creator and the tendency to enjoy the material world are there also in the living entities because these tendencies are there in the Supreme Lord who has created the manifested cosmic world
- The tendency to travel to other planets is always present in the living entity. One name for the living entity is sarva-gata, which means "one who wants to travel everywhere." Travel is part of the nature of the living entity
- The theory of illusion can be applied only when the living entity identifies himself with the body. As far as the cosmic manifestation is concerned, it cannot be called false, although it is certainly temporary
- The theory of reflection can be applied to the Supersoul who is present in each and every individual body and is known as the Paramatma, who is different from the individual living entity. BG 1972 purports
- The theory of the asuras is that the living entities are born of material nature, or prakrti, in touch with the purusa
- The third Sandarbha is called Paramatma-sandarbha, and in this book there is a description of Paramatma (the Supersoul) and an explanation of how the Supersoul exists in millions and millions of living entities
- The three gunas, the living entity, creation, maintenance, annihilation and everything going on in the external energy of the Lord - all this comes from the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Govinda
- The three modes of material nature keep the living entity in a constant state of fear
- The three predominators (Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Nityananda Prabhu and Advaita Prabhu) are worshipable by all living entities, and the fourth principle (Sri Gadadhara Prabhu) is to be understood as Their worshiper
- The three sons born of Anasuya - Dattatreya, Durvasa and Soma - were born as partial representations of these three demigods. Atma is not in the category of the demigods or living entities because He is Visnu
- The threefold material miseries are miseries arising from the body and the mind, miseries arising from dealings with other living entities, and miseries arising from natural disturbances
- The threefold miseries are called adhyatmika, adhibhautika, & adhidaivika. The word adhyatmika refers to those miseries caused by mind & body. Sometimes the living entity suffers bodily, & sometimes he is distressed mentally. Both are adhyatmika miseries
- The time factor cannot touch the lifespan of the devotees. In another verse it is stated that when the sun rises and sets it takes away the life of all living entities, but it cannot take away the life of those who are engaged in devotional service
- The tongue and the palate, being instrumental, are adhibhutam, or forms of matter, but the functioning deity, who is a living entity, is adhidaiva, whereas the person undergoing the function is adhyatma
- The tongue is considered to be the most uncontrollable sense because it hankers for so many unwholesome eatables, thereby forcing the living entity into the dungeon of material conditional life
- The total energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is classified in three divisions - namely, the spiritual or internal potency of the Lord, the marginal potency, or ksetra-jna (the living entity), & the material potency, which is separated from SPG
- The total material existence is first agitated by the three modes of material nature, and these become the living conditions of the living entity. Thus the subtle and gross bodies develop, and the ingredients are earth, water, fire, air, sky, and so on
- The tract of land south of the Himalaya Mountains is the land of India, which was known as Bharata-varsa. When a living entity takes birth in Bharata-varsa he is considered to be most fortunate
- The transcendental body of Visnu is not made of material elements. The body of Visnu is the source of all other living entities, as well as the material nature, which is also supposed to be the energy of that Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The transcendental Supreme Person, the Supersoul of all living entities, who are in different statuses of life, high and low, existed at the end of the millennium, when neither this manifested cosmos nor anything else but Him existed
- The transcendental vibration from the mouth of a pure devotee is so powerful that it can revive the living entity's memory of his eternal relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The tree is also a living entity. I am also living being. So I am put in a different condition of life and the tree is put in a different condition of life. Why this distinction?
- The trees are also living entities, but they have been put in such a condition of life by such a great exhibition of lust that they are almost void of all consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- The truth is that the many millions of human beings, animals, birds and trees - indeed, all living entities - are maintained solely by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The two eyes of the gigantic form of the Lord were separately manifested. The sun, the director of light, entered them with the partial representation of eyesight, and thus the living entities can have vision of forms
- The two eyes of the living entity are attracted by bright and beautiful forms. They are entangled in these forms, exactly as the insect becomes attracted to fire
- The two gates named Nalini and Nalini are the two nostrils. The living entity enjoys these two gates with the help of different avadhutas, or airs, which constitute the breathing process
- The two purusas, the living entity and the Supreme Personality of Godhead, never lose their respective identities
- The unconscious sleeping stage of the living entity just after the partial or total dissolution of the creation is wrongly accepted as the final stage of life by some less intelligent philosophers
- The unlimited living entities can be divided into two divisions - those that can move and those that cannot move. Among living entities that can move, there are birds, aquatics and animals
- The unlimited sky is like the Supreme Brahman, and the tiny living entities are like the covered sky, or Brahman covered by the three modes of material nature. Originally, everyone is part and parcel of Brahman
- The unsuccessful yogi, after many, many years of enjoyment on the planets of the pious living entities, is born into a family of righteous people, or into a family of rich aristocracy
- The unsuccessful yogi, after many, many years of enjoyment on the planets of the pious living entities, is born into a family of righteous people, or into a family of rich aristocracy (BG 6.41)
- The unsuccessful yogi, after many, many years of enjoyment on the planets of the pious living entities, is born into a family of righteous people, or into a family of rich aristocracy - BG 6.41
- The unsuccessful yogi, after many, many years of enjoyment on the planets of the pious living entities, is born into a family of righteous people, or into a family of rich aristocracy. BG 6.41 - 1972
- The Upanisads declare, nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam: (Katha Upanisad 2.2.13) He (Sankarsana) is the supreme living entity among all the living entities
- The upper planetary system in the creation of the Lord is certainly not vacant or devoid of living entities. From Srimad-Bhagavatam we understand that every planet is full of living entities, just as earth is
- The Vaisnava does not deride even ordinary living entities, including the small ant; everyone is offered proper respect according to his position. The offering, however, is in relation to the center, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, or Visnu
- The various activities of God must be very disturbing to the tiny living entities, but since God is supremely great, He is never affected. Lord Siva or any other pure devotee can see this clearly without being blinded by bheda-buddhi, or differentiation
- The various seasons displayed their respective qualities, & all living entities in the upper planetary system, in outer space & on the surface of the earth were jubilant. The demigods, cows, the brahmanas & the hills & mountains were all filled with joy
- The various types of living entities were created simultaneously at the very beginning of the creation
- The vast majority of living entities live in the spiritual world and are called aksara. They are in the position of Brahman, pure spiritual existence. They are different from those who have been conditioned by the three modes of material nature
- The Vedanta-sutra consists of four chapters. The first two chapters discuss the relationship of the living entity with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is known as sambandha-jnana, or knowledge of the relationship
- The Vedas are the source of all knowledge, and thus knowledge in medical science is also there for the perfect cure of the diseases of the living entity
- The Vedas clearly state that living entities are subordinate parts and parcels of the supreme. Eko bahunam yo vidadhati kaman: the Supreme Being, Krsna, maintains all living entities
- The Vedic culture is not for any sect of country, it is meant for the whole human society. In other words, Vedic culture is also known as Sanatana Dharma which means - eternal function of the eternal living entities
- The Vedic injunctions state that every living entity lives by eating the remnants of food offered to the Personality of Godhead
- The Vedic mantra pranava is the bow, the pure living entity himself is the arrow, and the target is the Supreme Being
- The Vedic voice, transcendental voice, says, "O humanity, O living entity, you are sleeping. Please get up." Uttistha. Uttistha means "Please get up"
- The Vedic words so 'ham, or "I am the brahmajyoti," can also be applied to the living entities, who can also claim to belong to the brahmajyoti
- The very name "Radha" suggests that Srimati Radharani is eternally the topmost mistress of the comforts of Sri Krsna. As such, She is the medium transmitting the living entities' service to Sri Krsna
- The very name Krsna means that He attracts even Cupid. He is therefore attractive to everyone - male and female, moving and inert living entities. Indeed, Krsna is known as the all-attractive one
- The Vidyadharas said: Dear Lord, this human form of body is meant for attaining the highest perfectional objective, but, impelled by Your external energy, the living entity misidentifies himself with his body and with the material energy
- The virat-rupa, or the gigantic feature of the Supreme Lord, includes everything materially manifested, and therefore the virat or gigantic feature of the Lord is the Supersoul of all living and nonliving entities
- The visnu-tattva has ninety-four percent, the siva-tattva has eighty-four percent, Lord Brahma has seventy-eight percent, and the living entities are also like Brahma, but in the conditioned state their power is still more dim
- The Visnu-tattva is the personal expansion, and the living entities are separated expansions. BG 1972 purports
- The vital force is the atma, the living being, living entity or soul. So because the vital force, the soul is there, the whole body is working
- The vital force of a living entity includes the five kinds of air working within the body, which are known as prana, apana, vyana, samana and udana
- The water is sometimes explained to be the perspiration and sometimes the semen of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. It is from water that all living entities emerge, and because of water they live and grow. If there were no water, all life would cease
- The water moves, but the moon does not move. Similarly, the living entities appear to be tainted by material qualities like illusion, lamentation and miseries, although in the pure soul such qualities are completely absent
- The water of the sea is certainly dreadful for all living entities on the land, but within the sea even the small fish is unafraid. Why? Because the small fish has taken shelter of the big ocean
- The water that touched the nails of Your (Lord Vamanadeva's) lotus feet when You pierced through the covering of the universe purifies all living entities in the form of the River Ganges
- The waves of the (material) ocean are tossing him (the living entity), and he has no control over them. His best solution is to get out of the water by transcendental Krsna consciousness. That alone will save him from all turmoil
- The way of devotional service is neither sentimental nor mundane. It is the path of reality by which the living entity can attain the transcendental happiness of being freed from the three kinds of material miseries
- The wheel of repeated birth and death is created by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but to direct the bewildered living entity in progress toward liberation according to varied stages of advancement, different directions are given in the Vedas
- The whole atmosphere will change when the living entity has to transmigrate from one body to another. Under the spell of maya, he will again be satisfied in a different atmosphere
- The whole material creation is made possible by the will of the Lord to allow the bewildered living entities to lord it over things as they desire
- The whole material world is full of many drunkards, in the sense that each and every one of the living entities has something in his mind to enjoy, and everyone desires the fulfillment of his desires very strongly
- The whole misconception of the bewildered living entity can be removed by the association of Sukadeva Gosvami and Maharaja Pariksit
- The whole process is that all living entities, being constitutionally parts and parcels of the supreme living being, the Absolute Personality of Godhead, have proportionately minute independence of action also
- The whole thing is made of these five elements - earth, water, air, fire - that's all. So why should you deny that "Fire - no living entities"? You cannot live in the fire; you cannot live in the water. Does it mean others cannot? This is foolishness
- The whole trouble of the living entity in material existence is that he has an independent conception of life. He is always dependent on the rules of the Supreme Lord, in both the conditioned and liberated states
- The whole Vedic process is meant to save the wandering living entities from the clutches of maya - birth, death, disease and old age. This means stopping the cycle of birth and death. This cycle can be stopped only if one worships Krsna
- The whole world is suffering for want of knowledge. Therefore Krsna consciousness movement is giving actual knowledge of the living entity, vimarsanam. Vimarsana means that think over the matter, that "Why I am doing this?" This is called brahma-jijnasa
- The whole world, living entity, conditioned soul, they're bewildered by this maya, yaya sammohito jiva atmanam tri-gunatmakam (SB 1.7.5), thinking this body as self, foolish, rascal
- The witnesses and the Supreme Lord both exist, and therefore so many living entities are elevated to higher planetary systems or degraded to lower planetary systems, including the hellish planets
- The word 'atma' also refers to the living entity who knows about his body. That is another symptom. From Lord Brahma down to the insignificant ant, everyone is counted as the marginal potency of the Lord
- The word 'atma' is also used for a particular type of intelligence. Since all living entities generally have some intelligence, more or less, they are included
- The word 'ksetrajna' refers to the living entity, the enjoyer, the chief and material nature
- The word adyah means "the origin of all living entities," and pumsam isvarah means "the Lord (isvara) of the living entities" (isvarah paramah krsnah (BS 5.1))
- The word antah-pura refers to the heart. The word visucina, meaning "going everywhere," indicates the mind. Within the mind the living entity enjoys the effects of the modes of material nature. These sometimes cause illusion, satisfaction & jubilation
- The word anukampina is significant; the Lord is so compassionate upon the living entities that He comes Himself into this world in order to benefit fallen souls
- The word atma is "nature." In this case the word atmarama indicates that everyone is enjoying the particular nature he has acquired. However, the ultimate nature, or the perpetual eternal nature of the living entity, is to serve the Supreme Lord
- The word atma refers to the living entity. From Lord Brahma down to an insignificant ant, everyone is considered a living entity
- The word brhac-chravah is also significant. The word sravah means "fame." The living entity is famous from ancient times, for as stated in Bhagavad-gita (2.20), na jayate mriyate va
- The word dehinam refers to those who are embodied. The living entities are embodied in different forms, which number 8,400,000 species. All of these were treated by the King (Prthu) in the same way he would treat himself
- The word dhvasta-tamasah is very important, for without being free of ignorance one cannot control the creation of different types of living entities. As stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam - bodies are awarded under the supervision of superior powers
- The word jnana-caksusah is very significant. Without knowledge, one cannot understand how a living entity leaves his present body, nor what form of body he is going to take in the next life. BG 1972 purports
- The word kuta-stha, meaning "without change," is also very significant. There are two kinds of living entities-nitya-mukta and nitya-baddha. A nitya-mukta never forgets his position as the eternal servant of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The word mukta refers to the living entities who never come within this material world. The baddhas are those living entities who are almost eternally living within this material world
- The word pasu refers to the animal as well as to the human entity. Lord Siva is always interested in protecting the animals and the animalistic living entities, who are not very advanced in the spiritual sense
- The word praja refers to one who takes birth. Therefore Prthu Maharaja guaranteed protection for prajanam - all living entities who took birth in his kingdom. Praja refers not only to human beings but also to animals, trees and every other living entity
- The word prakrti, which is used to indicate the source of generation, refers to the material energy of the Lord, and the word purusa refers to the living entities, who are the superior energy of the Lord. Both the prakrti and purusa ultimately enter God
- The word prakrti-sparsana is explained in the Caitanya-caritamrta in reference to the way the living entities come in contact with dull matter. The glancing is performed by Maha-Visnu: sa aiksata lokan nu srja iti - Aitareya Upanisad 1.1.1
- The word rasmi (rope) indicates the mind. The word nida is also significant, for nida indicates the nest where a bird takes rest. In this case nida is the heart, where the living entity is situated. The living entity sits in one place only
- The word sadhu in the verse quoted above, beginning paritranaya sadhunam (Bg. 4.8) refers to a holy man or a saintly person. A saintly person is tolerant, very kind to everyone, is a friend to all living entities, is no one's enemy and is always peaceful
- The word samvatsara, meaning "the progress of time," is significant. Day after day, week after week, fortnight after fortnight, month after month, year after year, the living entity becomes entangled in the chariot's progress
- The word sarva-bhutesu is significant because it applies not only to species of life. The devotee can do good not only to humanity but to all living entities as well. Everyone can benefit spiritually by the chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- The word sarva-bhutesu is to be understood as follows. There are four different divisions of species-living entities which sprout from the earth, living entities born of fermentation or germination
- The word sarva-gatah (all-pervading) is significant because there is no doubt that living entities are all over God's creation. They live on the land, in the water, in the air, within the earth and even within fire. BG 1972 purports
- The word siddha is very significant. Siddha refers to one who has realized the Brahman effulgence & who has complete knowledge that the living entity is not a material atom but a spiritual spark. This understanding is described in the BG as brahma-bhuta
- The word siddha is very significant. Siddha refers to one who has realized the Brahman effulgence and who has complete knowledge that the living entity is not a material atom but a spiritual spark
- The word suduracaro used in this verse (BG 9.30) is very significant, and we should understand it properly. When a living entity is conditioned, he has two kinds of activities: one is conditional, and the other is constitutional. BG 1972 purports
- The word sva-samsthanam is also very significant. As a living entity prepares himself, so he attains his abode. The impersonal Brahman effulgence is offered to the impersonalists
- The word svabhava refers to one's own spiritual nature or original constitutional position. When situated in this original position, the living entity is unaffected by the modes of material nature
- The words atmanam atma-stham sarva-bhutesv avasthitam are also significant. The Personality of Godhead is the origin of all living entities. Because the living entities are parts and parcels of the Lord, He is the father of all of them
- The words itihasam ("history") and puratanam ("old") indicate that although a living entity lives within the material body, the history of the living entity within the material body is very old
- The words janma na eti (BG 4.9) indicate that these living entities remain in their original, spiritual bodies to enjoy the company of the Supreme Personality of Godhead in the transcendental abodes Vaikuntha and Vrndavana
- The words purusam visvato-mukham mean the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is all-perfect. All living entities other than the Supreme Personality of Godhead are very small, although they may be big by our calculation
- The words tisro devata indicate that the body of the living entity is made of three material elements - fire, earth and water
- The words yasmin yato yarhi yena ca yasya yasmat indicate that all activities, whatever they may be, are but different features of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. All of them are created by the living entity and fulfilled by the mercy of the Lord
- The world is going on, the material world, because the living entities in the attitude of becoming purusa, they are trying to exploit the resources of this material nature. This is going on
- The world is in a disturbed condition because of a scarcity of such peaceful devotees in human society. Unless one is a devotee, one cannot be equal to all living entities
- The wrong conception of the jivatma is to identify the material body with the pure soul, and the wrong conception of Paramatma is to think Him on an equal level with the living entity
- The yoga system instructed in this chapter is called sanatana-yoga, or eternal activities performed by the living entity. BG 1972 purports
- The yoga system instructed in this chapter is called sanatana-yoga, or eternal activities performed by the living entity. This yoga has two divisions of action, called sacrifices
- The yogi must contemplate the different parts of the transcendental body of the Lord. Here (in SB 3.28.28) it is stated that the constitutional position of the living entities should be understood
- The yogi or devotee, along with liquidation of the gross elements, relinquishes the subtle causes like aroma by smelling. The pure spiritual spark, the living entity, thus becomes completely cleansed of all material contamination
- The yogi should merge his mind, by his unalloyed intelligence, into the living entity, and then merge the living entity into the Superself
- The yogi who falls after a short period of practice goes to the higher planets where pious living entities are allowed to enter. BG 1972 purports
- Their (living entities) situation in different conditions of life, therefore, is not accidental. It is by their choice, because they have knowledge
- Their intelligence being covered by sattva-guna, rajo-guna and tamo-guna, they can see only the actions and reactions of these three modes of material nature
- Then (after the living entity in the conditioned stage uncovers his aptitude for serving the Absolute Truth) the Lord reveals Himself within his heart, and he can know that Krsna is seated in the heart of every pure devotee
- Then at the time of death the mind, (when elevated to the spiritual platform) intelligence and ego will no longer be materially contaminated. The living entity is present, and the mind, intelligence and ego are also present
- Then Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu asked, "Out of all auspicious and beneficial activities, which is best for the living entity?" Ramananda Raya replied, "The only auspicious activity is association with the devotees of Krsna"
- There (in Paramatma-sandarbha) are discussions of the differences between the qualitative incarnations, and discourses concerning the living entities, maya, the material world, the theory of transformation, the illusory energy
- There (in the spiritual kingdom) he (the living entity) enjoys eternal bliss, eternal life, and full knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- There are 8,400,000 different species of life, and these varieties are the creation of the material nature. They arise from the different sensual pleasures of the living entity, who thus desires to live in this body or that. BG 1972 purports
- There are 8,400,000 forms of body, and the living entity is transmigrating from one body to another, one body to another, one body to another. This is the evolution. Darwin's evolution theory is misplaced
- There are 8,400,000 life forms. The same living entity acts under the influence of the different qualities of material nature
- There are 8,400,000 species of life and millions and millions and trillions of planets within the creation. The living entity wanders throughout these various types of bodies and throughout different planets
- There are 8,400,000 species of living entities, but the incarnations of the Supreme Lord are innumerable
- There are 8,400,000 species of living entities, each with a different body, and according to the body, they have particular senses with which they enjoy a particular type of pleasure
- There are all types of living entities according to their various karmas, but here the Lord claims that He is the father of all of them. BG 1972 Introduction
- There are also planets where no sunlight reaches, and there are living entities who must live there due to their past deeds
- There are an unlimited number of living entities, and our resources are limited; therefore we cannot be of any real benefit to the people in general
- There are basic differences between the Lord and the living entities, in so many respects. No one can be compared to the Lord, as the Vedas declare - ekam evadvitiyam brahma, dvaitad vai bhayam bhavati
- There are different categories of living entities, but everyone is afraid of death. The highest aim of the karmis is to be promoted to the higher, heavenly planets, where the duration of life is very long
- There are different forms of life, 8,400,000. They are all living entities, but according to karma, they have got different bodies. This is the difference
- There are different grades of fire, but all of them derive heat and light from the sun. Similarly, all living entities, big or small, are dependent on the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- There are different grades of living entities, 8,400,000 different bodies. So what is their pravrtti, inclination? The inclination is attraction of man and woman. This is the central point of attraction
- There are different grades of living entities, but all of them are more or less under the impression of the bodily conception of life. In other words, all living entities in this material world are more or less devoid of spiritual education
- There are different grades of living entities: Vishnu Tattva and Jiva Tattva. Vishnu Tattva is almost equal to the level of the Personality of Godhead, and Jiva Tattva is minute particles
- There are different kinds and grades of living entities, and their conceptions and perceptions of happiness are also of all different types and grades
- There are different kinds of planets for different kinds of living entities. Those who die in the mode of goodness are elevated to the planets where great sages and great devotees live. BG 1972 purports
- There are different planetary systems. Do not think that there are vacant only. No. That is not the fact. Just like this planet is full of living entities, similarly all other planets are full of living entities. There are different grades
- There are different types of body. Don't think that the lower animals - birds, bees, trees, plants, insects - they are different from us. No. They are also the same living entity, but in different dress
- There are different varieties of living entities on different planets, and they all derive their eatables from their planets in different forms. On the basis of these descriptions, how can one assume that there is no living entity on the moon
- There are five other transcendental qualities (of Krsna) which can be seen in Visnu, the Supreme Lord, and partially in Lord Siva also, but they are not visible in ordinary living entities
- There are four different divisions of species: living entities which come from eggs and living entities which come from the embryo. These four divisions of living entities are expanded in 8,400,000 species of life
- There are four types of living entities born within this material world. Some are born by way of an embryo (jarayu ja), by way of eggs (anda ja), perspiration (sveda ja) and, like the trees, by way of seeds - udbhijja
- There are fourteen planetary systems within the universe, and all living entities reside in those planetary systems
- There are innumerable conditioned souls rotting in the material world, imprisoned by maya under the spell of sense gratification. The living entity is so entranced by the spell of maya that in conditioned life even a pig feels satisfied
- There are innumerable living entities traveling throughout the different planets of the universe, and out of them there are a few who are fortunate enough to meet a pure devotee and get the chance to understand devotional service. BG 1972 purports
- There are innumerable living entities, and their activities, performed in the material world according to the different qualities of the material modes of nature, give them the chance to have different kinds of lives
- There are innumerable living entities, the majority of whom are in the spiritual world and are nitya-mukta, everlastingly liberated. There is no question of judging these liberated living beings
- There are innumerable living entities: nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam (Katha Upanisad 2.2.13). That is Vedic information. God is also a living entity, like us, but He's the chief living entity. And we are also living entity
- There are innumerable material universes, and in each and every universe there are innumerable planets inhabited by different grades of living entities in different modes of nature
- There are innumerable personalities, but not all of them are direct visnu-tattva plenary expansions of God. Many living entities are classified among the sakti-tattvas. Such incarnations, empowered for specific purposes, are known as saktyavesa-avataras
- There are living entities everywhere, not only one or two but jiva-rasibhih - many millions of living entities. Even on the sun there are living entities, although it is a fiery planet. The chief living entity on the sun is called Vivasvan - BG 4.1
- There are living entities everywhere, some of them moving and some of them not moving. No place is vacant. This is a special feature of God's creation
- There are living entities in the Arctic region, but for us it is very difficult to live there. And there are different climatic influences. Even on this planet, one place is suitable for one kind of man, another place is suitable for another
- There are living entities, they are suffering so many ugra-yatana. So this Krsna consciousness movement means to save people from the severe punishment of materialistic life. Caitanya Mahaprabhu's movement, Krsna's movement, is to save
- There are many different kinds of living entities-human beings, demigods, animals, etc.-and each and every one of them is under the influence of material nature, and all of them have forgotten the transcendent Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- There are many enemies of the living entities, and these are all described (in SB 4.29.23-25) to point out how miserable this material existence is
- There are many insignificant living entities, like cockroaches, that sometimes give us pain, and there are also other living entities who are born on different kinds of planets and who give us (adhibhautika) miseries
- There are many instances in the history of the world in which even a slight service rendered to the Lord has saved a living entity from the greatest danger
- There are many instances where a dog got salvation by association with a sadhu, because a sadhu engages in the highest philanthropic activities for the benediction of all living entities
- There are many living entities who give punishment to the miscreants, and among them Yama is the chief. BG 1972 purports
- There are many manifestations like trees, mountains and hills, which are not moving, and there are many existences which are moving, and all of them are but combinations of material nature and superior nature, the living entity. BG 1972 purports
- There are many plans for making the body comfortable, and these plans are carried in the subtle body after the destruction of the gross body. It is not a fact that after the gross body is destroyed the living entity is finished
- There are many transcendentalists in the path of spiritual self-realization, but one who is not situated in self-realization cannot see how things are changing in the body of the living entity. BG 1972 purports
- There are many types of Vedic literatures and supplementary Puranas. In each of them there are particular demigods who are spoken of as the chief demigods. This is just to create an illusion for moving and nonmoving living entities
- There are many unmanifested living entities covered by the mode of ignorance who will gradually come to the mode of passion. Most of them will become criminals because of their fruitive activities and again fill the prisons
- There are many unscrupulous and ignorant commentators on Ramayana who present the younger brothers of Lord Ramacandra as ordinary living entities
- There are many varieties of bodies, and because of a divine arrangement a living entity takes bodies of different shapes
- There are many varieties of life in the different planetary systems, and these come about due to the living entity's developing his qualities in goodness, passion and ignorance
- There are many, many hundreds and thousands of slaughterhouse. And innocent animals are being killed all over the world unnecessarily. People can live with food grains. That is allowed for the all living entities
- There are markings on the Chest and Feet of the Personality of Godhead. That is the distinction between Him and ordinary living entities. Just like in our palms there are certain marks for a particular person indicating his fame and fortune
- There are millions of living entities who have become conditioned by the laws of material nature, and they are wandering throughout the planetary systems of this universe in different bodily forms
- There are several categories of living entities. Krsna is also living entity. Visnu is also living entity. You are also living entity. Lord Siva is also living entity. Every one of us. But there are categories
- There are some theosophists who declare that because Caitanya is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, such cultivation (of love for Krsna) is easy for Him but difficult for the living entity and that one can therefore approach Krsna in any way he likes
- There are three degrees of covering of the living entity by which his pure consciousness is obscured. This covering is but lust under different manifestations like smoke in the fire, dust on the mirror, and the womb about the embryo. BG 1972 purports
- There are two classes of living entities - namely, nitya-siddha and nitya-baddha
- There are two classes of living entities; one is called sura, or the demigods, and the other is called asura, or the demons
- There are two constituents: one is the living entity (ksetra jna), and the other is the body of the living entity (ksetra)
- There are two different kinds of living entities, called the liberated souls and the conditioned souls
- There are two kinds of Brahmas. Sometimes Brahma is an ordinary living entity, and at other times Brahma is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The Brahma spoken of here is an ordinary living being
- There are two kinds of ksetrajna - the living entity, as explained above, and the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is explained as follows. He is the all-pervading cause of creation. He is full in Himself and is not dependent on others
- There are two kinds of living entities - nitya-siddha and nitya-baddha
- There are two kinds of living entities - the moving beings, like insects, animals, and human beings, and the nonmoving beings, like trees and plants
- There are two kinds of living entities mentioned here (in SB 3.28.28). One is called the arati. They are averse to understanding the pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- There are two kinds of living entities, namely the conditioned and the pure
- There are two kinds of living entities-the moving and the nonmoving. Trees, for example, stand in one place, whereas ants move
- There are two kinds of living entities. One kind of living entities, they are trying to go back to home, back to Godhead. They are called devatas. And the asuras, they are not aware of the spiritual world; neither they are endeavoring to go back to home
- There are two kinds of living entities: nitya-baddha, nitya-mukta - eternally liberated and eternally conditioned. You see? So for the conditioned . . . they will never agree to abide by God
- There are two kinds of living entities: one is called ksara, and the other is aksara. Ksara refers to those who have fallen down and become conditioned, and aksara refers to those who are not conditioned
- There are two kinds of soul - the Supreme Soul (the Personality of Godhead) and the individual soul (the living entity). As various bodily changes take place in the individual soul, different millenniums of creation take place in the Supreme Soul
- There are two kinds of transmigration of a living entity after passing away from the present body
- There are two persons interested in this body. One is the individual soul, living entity, and the other is the Supersoul, God. He is also within this body
- There are two processes by which one may receive knowledge: One depends directly upon the SPG, who is situated as the Supersoul within the heart of all living entities, and the other depends upon the guru, who is an expansion of Krsna - CC Intro
- There are two processes by which one may receive knowledge: One depends upon the SPG, who is situated as the Supersoul within the heart of all living entities, and the other depends upon the guru or spiritual master, who is an expansion of Krsna
- There are two types of living entities - moving and nonmoving. Among moving entities. there are birds, beasts. aquatics, human beings and so on. Of these. the human beings are supposed to be the best, but they are few
- There are unlimited numbers of living entities in different varieties of bodies, some moving, some standing in one place, the conditioned life of these living entities is due only to their forgetfulness of their eternal relationship with the S P of God
- There are variegated manifestations of living entities, such as human beings, animals, horses, cows, dogs, cats, etc. These are situated on the lower parts of the branches (of the banyan tree). BG 1972 purports
- There are varieties of material existence for the living entity according to the work he performs in ignorance or forgetfulness of his real identity. If anyone enters into that forgetfulness, he is unable to understand where his movements will end
- There are various species of living entities, but a devotee does not see the outward covering; he sees the inner soul inhabiting the body
- There is a certain duration of life. Somebody lives for ten years, one year, or six hours, five hours. There are many germs, they live for five hours, six hours, or even less than that. And there are living entities like Brahma, whose life is millions
- There is a defect of Darwin's theory. He does not know that the living entity is passing through different types of body
- There is a great struggle for existence because the living entity conditioned by material nature is under nature's full control - prakrteh kriyamanani gunaih karmani sarvasah - BG 3.27
- There is a hard struggle for life by all kinds of living entities, and the Vedas say that this is quite natural
- There is a natural affinity of the living entity for the loving service of the Lord. This affinity becomes artificially covered by the influence of material association, and Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam helps one very genuinely remove that artificial covering
- There is a purpose for the exhibition of such a tendency by Brahma (the tendency to enjoy his own daughter), and he is not to be condemned like an ordinary living entity
- There is a spiritual form always, but it develops fully only when the living entity goes back to Vaikuntha. This form develops according to the desire of the living entity
- There is always someone who wants to go to a prostitute for illicit sex, to a hotel to eat meat and drink wine, or to a gambling club to enjoy so-called sports. All these propensities are already within the hearts of the living entities
- There is an erroneous theory current that only human beings have souls and that other living entities do not, but we understand from Vedic authority that there are 8,400,000 species of bodies, including plants and trees, and that they all have souls
- There is an upper planetary system, consisting of the heavenly planets, where everyone is highly elevated. According to the degree of development of the mode of goodness, the living entity can be transferred to various planets in this system. BG 1972 pur
- There is another part of the Lord's superior energy that is different from both this material, inferior energy and the living entities. That superior energy constitutes the eternal, deathless abode of the Lord
- There is another place, material..., spiritual world. That is called sanatana. And the jiva, the living entity, is also mentioned as sanatana. And Krsna is also mentioned as sanatana. When these three sanatanas come together, that is called sanatana life
- There is another spiritual potency, known as ksetra-jna, or the living entity. The third potency, which is known as nescience, makes the living entity godless and fills him with fruitive activity
- There is another, superior energy, which is called the living entity. The living entities are also directly part and parcel of Krsna. Therefore Krsna is both the material and the efficient cause of everything
- There is Brahman realization and the realization called vijnanamaya by which the living entity's mind and life symptoms are distinguished from the living entity himself. BG 1972 purports
- There is complete facility for the small complete units, namely the living entities, to realize the complete, and all sorts of incompleteness are experienced due to incomplete knowledge of the complete. BG 1972 Introduction
- There is complete unity between all living beings, even up to the limit of the wild animals and human society. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu displayed this living unity in the jungle of Madhya Pradesh
- There is dimension of the living entity - one ten-thousandth part of the tip of the hair. So it is very difficult with our these material eyes
- There is explosion of big, big mountains when there is dynamite, and the dynamite is given by some person. So how explosion can take place without the hand of somebody else, some living entity?
- There is information given in the Padma Purana and other authoritative scriptures of the living entities' spiritual evolution from one bodily form to another
- There is isvara, which means controller, and there are jivas, the living entities which are controlled. BG 1972 Introduction
- There is no cause of lamentation because the living entity can neither be killed as he is, nor can the material body, which cannot be saved for any length of time, be permanently protected. BG 1972 purports
- There is no comparison between the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the ordinary living entities
- There is no contradiction between Jesus Christ's description and our Vedic description. God is the supreme father. That's a fact. He says, aham bija-pradah pita. Pita means father. So He is father of all living entities in different forms
- There is no department of knowledge how the living entities are working, how they are being transmigrated, they are falling down. A very risky civilization. So people should try to understand this KC philosophy very seriously if they want their own good
- There is no doubt that there are living entities also in the sun planet with suitable bodies to live there. If the sun globe is uninhabited, then the word sarva-gatah - living everywhere - becomes meaningless. BG 1972 purports
- There is no experimental evidence that matter has anywhere produced a living entity. Trust no future, however pleasant
- There is no limit to the demands of the different kinds of living entities, and the supreme one, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, alone maintains them and supplies them by His inconceivable energy
- There is no meaning to a king if there are no subjects, and there is no meaning to the Supreme God if there are no infinitesimal living entities
- There is no necessity of tracing out the history of when the living entity desired this (to become the Lord). But the fact is that as soon as he desired it, he was put under the control of atma-maya by the direction of the Lord
- There is no possibility for the Supreme Lord to become embodied by material qualities or material senses, for He is above the influence of material nature and cannot possibly be put in the darkness of ignorance like the living entities
- There is no possibility of becoming happy within this material world. The father and the sons are eternal, but if a living entity does not come to the platform of his eternal life of bliss and knowledge, there is no question of happiness
- There is no possibility of creating a living entity without the presence of the soul simply by sexual intercourse
- There is no possibility of His (God's) accepting a form of maya as is forced on the ordinary living entities who are bound by the actions and reactions of their own deeds
- There is no question of being void, for as living entities our spiritual properties are all there in infinite variegatedness
- There is no question of killing desire, for desire is the constant companion of the living entity. Krsna consciousness is the process by which one purifies his desires
- There is no question of losing the individuality. That's a theory only. No living entity loses his individuality, even after liberation
- There is no reason for the living entity's being put into the miserable threefold condition of material existence but that he voluntarily accepts material existence on the false pretext of becoming an enjoyer
- There is not a bird, beast, human being or living entity alive that is not afraid of something. This is because we are absorbed in the bodily conception, thinking, - I am this body
- There is really nothing uninspiring for a highly advanced devotee. In Bhagavad-gita the Lord says that He is situated in everyone's heart and that He helps the living entity forget and remember. By the grace of the Lord, the devotee gets inspiration
- There is so much land still uncultivated. And if the overpopulated people are allowed to go there and cultivate and grow their food grains, ten times of the living entities on this face of the globe can be fed without any difficulty
- There is some difference of meaning between "religion" and dharma. Religion and dharma. Religion is a faith, but dharma is the original characteristic of the living entity
- There was no necessity to create this material world for the sufferings of the conditioned souls, but at the same time there are certain living entities, known as nitya-baddha, who are eternally conditioned
- Thereafter King Prthu was very satisfied with the planet earth, for she sufficiently supplied all food to various living entities. Thus he developed an affection for the planet earth, just as if she were his own daughter
- Thereafter the legs of the gigantic form separately became manifest, and the demigod named Visnu (not the Personality of Godhead) entered with partial movement. This helps the living entity move to his destination
- Thereafter the materialistic ego of the gigantic form separately manifested itself, and into it entered Rudra, the controller of false ego, with his own partial activities, by which the living entity transacts his objective actions
- Therefore they take shelter of the shade of Your lotus feet, which are full of knowledge, and we also thus take shelter of them
- Therefore you should consider every body a residence or temple of the Lord. By such vision you will satisfy the Lord. You should not angrily kill these living entities in the forms of trees
- Therefore, there cannot be any religion or system of genuine philosophy for the advancement of the living entities without the principle of devotional service
- These (brahma-bhuta) living entities have been described as vimukta-maninah, meaning that they falsely consider themselves liberated although their intelligence is not yet purified
- These (happiness and distress, or bondage and liberation) are due to the results of the fruitive activities of the living entities within this material world
- These activities (of the body) are completely different from the activities of the spirit soul of the living entity
- These are divided among this planet earth, the luminaries in the sky and the lower planetary systems. You (Sukadeva) have very clearly described these planets and the living entities who live on them
- These Brahmavadi, these Nirakaravadi, although by austerities and penances they may rise up to the Brahman effulgence, still, they will fall down. Because we are living entities, we want varieties of enjoyment. We are not satisfied in void, in zero
- These constitute the virat-rupa, the gigantic material form of the Lord, on which all living entities repose. Thus I have explained the wonderful expanse of the external body of the Lord
- These cowherd boys, as will be explained by Sukadeva Gosvami, were living entities who had accumulated heaps of pious acts and thus were enjoying with the Lord in person and were hearing His transcendental flute
- These desires (for eternal existence) are evident in human society, & in the upper planetary systems (Svargaloka, Janaloka, etc.) the living entities enjoy a longer duration of life, an increased amount of knowledge, & a generally more blissful existence
- These desires (for sense gratification) are represented in the various species of life, from germs to the most perfected material bodies, those of Brahma and the demigods. All of these living entities have bodies composed of matter in different shapes
- These expanded living entities (the vibhinnamsa expansions, the marginal potencies of the Lord) are innumerable, just as the minute molecules of sunshine are innumerable expansions of the sun
- These false identifications (my body, my house, my family, my society, my nation) are due to the expansions of the false ego. Thus one thinks that he is this or that. Thus the living entity becomes entangled in material existence
- These illusions (identifying with the body and his so-called father and mother) continue as long as one is not enlightened about the situation of the living entity
- These living entities are His superior energy because the quality of their existence is one and the same with the Supreme, but they are never equal to the Lord in quantity of power. BG 1972 purports
- These machines (bodies) are manufactured by the material ingredients of the external energy, and thus the living entity enjoys or suffers according to his desires. This opportunity is given by the Supersoul
- These modes of material nature belong to the material energy, and the living entities under these different modes of material nature have different kinds of material bodies
- These scientists claim to have launched excursions to the moon, where they have found no living entities but only big craters full of dust and stone, although in fact the moon is so brilliant that it acts like the sun in illuminating the entire universe
- These so-called philanthropists or altruists, they take a section only, do good to them, but neglect others. Neglect others. Or others are enemies. But a sadhu is equipoised. He takes compassion for all kinds of living entities
- These three enemies (desire, anger and lust) force the living entities to continue material existence, and when one is free from them he is eligible to enter the kingdom of God
- These three verses (SB 4.26.1-3) explain how the material body of the living entity is under the control of the three qualities of the external energy
- These threefold miseries are miseries suffered by mental calamity at the hands of the demigods (such as freezing wind and scorching heat), miseries offered by other living entities, and miseries arising from the mind and body themselves
- They (8,400,000 different forms) are outward dress, the body, which is made of this five elements - earth, water, air, fire, gross five elements - and three subtle elements - mind, intelligence and ego. They are all living entities
- They (brahma-bhuta living entities) do not properly utilize whatever little knowledge they have of the SPG. Not attaining ananda, or bliss, they come down to the material world to enjoy. This is certainly a falldown for one who is actually liberated
- They (demigods) also know that it is the Lord only who can maintain all living entities with all the necessities of life
- They (eternally liberated living entities) are counted among the associates of Krsna. Their pleasure, the only enjoyment of their life, is derived from rendering transcendental loving service to Krsna
- They (foolish men) are all after sense enjoyment, and to get a little facility for sense enjoyment they are attracted to worship empowered living entities known as demigods. BG 1972 purports
- They (Hiranyaksa and Hiranyakasipu) will kill poor, faultless living entities, torture women and enrage the great souls
- They (human society) have taken sense gratification as the ultimate goal and therefore everyone is frustrated, because the living entity has nothing to do with the temporary material senses
- They (living entities) have become sons of prakrti, or material nature, which is impregnated by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- They (living entities) have come for material enjoyment, and everything is being supplied by the Supreme Lord. We have no right to kill them. The same thing. Just like the father will never agree to kill a worthless child by the competent boy
- They (living entities) have taken it for granted that this life, as presently manifested under the conditions of material nature, is all in all for enjoying the highest amount of sense gratification
- They (mayavadis) deny that there is such a being as God. They say, "Everything is void." and sometimes they deny Him in a different way: "There may be a God, but He has no form." These conceptions arise from the rebellious condition of the living entity
- They (Paramatma and the living entity) are one in quality, yet they are different in so many ways, especially in regard to the six opulences the Supreme Personality of Godhead has in full
- They (sages) are sincere friends to all living entities, and at the risk of great personal inconvenience they are always engaged in the service of the Lord for the good of all people
- They (the individual living entities) are all given a chance to take advantage of the Vedic wisdom and find out what is their relationship with the Supreme Lord, how they can be liberated, and what the ultimate profit is in such liberation
- They (the living entities lower than human beings) are not punishable, for under the laws of material nature they are automatically evolving
- They (the living entities) accept the maya, or the maidservant, as all in all and thus wrongly conceive the Supreme Truth to be feminine - goddess Durga, etc
- They (the living entities) also have partial independence, but by misuse of their independence, when the service attitude is transformed into the propensity for sense enjoyment, they come under the sway of lust
- They (the living entities) also have partial independence, but by misuse of their independence, when the service attitude is transformed into the propensity for sense enjoyment, they come under the sway of lust. BG 1972 purports
- They (the living entities) come out (from the womb of material nature) in their different forms and species, according to their last desires and activities. BG 1972 purports
- They (the living entities) come out in different bodies according to their different fruitive activities. But in all circumstances, the living entity is aloof from this material, conditioned life
- They (the living entities) please only because they bring pleasure to the self. For this reason, one is self-centered and is attached to his body and self more than he is to relatives like wife, children and friends
- They (the Mayavadi philosophers) simply say, "It is due to ignorance," but they cannot explain why the living entities are covered by ignorance if they are supreme
- They (the Mayavadi philosophers) try to explain that when the servant, the living entity, is out of the clutches of maya, he immediately becomes the so-called master again. Such an explanation is never satisfactory
- They (the philosophers) are under the impression that when the Supreme Personality of Godhead appears, He is under the spell of the three qualities, like all the other living entities who appear within this material world. That is their misunderstanding
- They (third-class men) want to be diseased. They want to be criminals. So there must be some department for them. Just like Monte Carlo. So this is a facility for the living entities, for the slight independence which has been given by God to them
- They (those who desire to merge into the existence of God) have no information about serving the lotus feet of the Lord. Consequently, they are doomed to stand like trees for many thousands of years. Although trees are living entities, they are nonmoving
- They are transmigrating from, one life to another. Out of many such millions of living entities, one who comes under Krsna consciousness by the grace of Krsna and His devotee, spiritual master, his life is successful
- They began to inquire about the Lord, who is situated in all living entities, internally and externally. Indeed, they even asked all the plants and vegetables about Him, the Supreme Person
- They concentrated their minds always upon the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the resting place of the totality of living entities and who is therefore celebrated as Vasudeva
- They do not even ask the Supreme Lord for material profit; therefore it is concluded that the brahmanas are the supreme living entities of this world
- They do not inquire even wherefrom these living entities are coming, the trees, birds, beasts, lower than human being; wherefrom they are coming they do not inquire
- They do not know the laws of nature; they do not know what is living entity, what is soul, what is God, how things are going on, how nature's law is working. Nothing of the sort. Simply like animals - eat, drink, be merry and enjoy, that's all
- They exist on land, in water, in air, in fire and in ether. Thus there are living entities in all types of material elements
- They give example, "Others are eating vegetable. That is also killing." Yes, that is also killing. But I have already explained, that because one living entity is foodstuff for another living entity, that does not mean you shall eat your family members
- They have been trying for the last twenty years to go there (moon) and stay, but they are simply seeing, - Not this, not that. There are no living entities, and there is no possibility of our living here
- Things material are enjoyed by the living entities because the living entities are superior, whereas material nature is of inferior quality. Thus the superior quality, the living entities, can enjoy the inferior quality, matter
- Thinking Him (Caitanya) to be one of the ordinary living entities, they discriminate between Gaurasundara and Sri Krsna. Such understanding is also demoniac and is against the conclusion of the acaryas. Such a conclusion is a product of Kali-yuga
- This "oneness with the Supreme" is called kaivalyam by the monist. But according to Patanjali, this kaivalyam is an internal, or transcendental, potency by which the living entity becomes aware of his constitutional position
- This "oneness with the Supreme" is called kaivalyam by the monist. But according to Patanjali, this kaivalyam is an internal, or transcendental, potency by which the living entity becomes aware of his constitutional position. BG 1972 purports
- This (BG 14.3) is an explanation of the world: everything that takes place is due to the combination of ksetra & ksetrajna, the body & the spirit soul. This combination of material nature & the living entity is made possible by the SG Himself. BG 1972 p
- This (CC Madhya 19.138) is a challenge to so-called scientists and philosophers who presume that there are living entities on this planet only
- This (CC Madhya 20.275) is a quotation from Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 3.5.26). This verse tells how the living entities come in contact with material nature
- This (engaging in loving service of God) is the height of conscious development, the ultimate goal of all living entities now evolving through the cycles and species of material nature
- This (how the living entities killed by Krsna attain salvation) has already been explained by Bhismadeva in the First Canto
- This (mercy towards other living entities) means he must preach this knowledge after perfecting himself and understanding his own position as an eternal servant of Krsna. Preaching this is showing real mercy to living entities
- This (Padma) Purana informs us that there are 8,400,000 forms of living entities, 900,000 of which live within the water. There are 2,000,000 species amongst plants and vegetables alone
- This (politician) sort of leader cannot be compared with a sadhu, because a sadhu is leader for all living entities. They are thinking of the ant also, how it will be helped. Not only human society or own society, family members
- This (SB 7.13.29) is an accurate example depicting how the living entity, because of lack of knowledge, runs after happiness outside his own self
- This (the enjoyment in the Lord is real but in the living entity it is not) difference in consciousness is the distinction of the two identities, namely the Lord and the living being. Otherwise there is no difference between the Lord and the living being
- This advancement of material civilization means entrapping the entrapped. The living entity is already entrapped, and he is allured by further entrapment
- This age, Kali-yuga, is compared to the cloudy season of the living entities. In this age, real knowledge is covered by the influence of the material advancement of civilization
- This ahangrahopasana describes a living entity when he begins spiritual realization by identifying himself with the Supreme Lord. This state of self realization is technically known as monism
- This artificial rebellious condition of the living entity gives him all troubles, it is to be understood that he should take to his normal life as a devotee of the Lord and be relieved from the misconception of being God
- This atheistic philosophy (that the living entities are the body and should therefore enjoy the material senses irresponsibly) also flourished in India, where it was sometimes propagated by Carvaka Muni
- This atmarama position can be attained by one who knows the truth as it is. The truth is that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the enjoyer and that the living entities are meant for His service and enjoyment
- This attraction (between the lover and the beloved) causes the living entity to fall down in this material world
- This cannot be (the theory that a living being is absolute impersonal Brahman), because the living entity has his own way of thinking in his original unconditional state also
- This conception (of the living enitiy who thinks he is God Himself) has no meaning, just as there is no meaning to seeing one's head being cut off. This is the process by which knowledge is covered
- This contact of the living entity with the material manifestation has neither integration nor disintegration. My (Balarama's) dear chaste sister-in-law (Rukmini), the spirit soul is, of course, the cause of this material body
- This cosmic universe is created by the Lord for those living entities who are carried away by the illusory thought of becoming one with Him by imitation. The three modes of material nature are for the further bewilderment of the conditioned souls
- This covering up of pure consciousness and eternal bliss is due to avidya-karma-samjna, the energy which acts on the infinitesimal living entities who misuse their minute independence
- This Delhi city is important. Why important? Because the jiva-bhuta, the living entities, they are handling this material, cement and stone and wood and so many other material things
- This devotional service is natural because Lord Visnu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is the most beloved, the master of the soul, and the well-wisher of all other living beings
- This entire universe, filled with its many great mountains, rivers, oceans, trees and living entities, is resting just like an atom on one of His many thousands of hoods. Is there anyone, even with thousands of tongues, who can describe His glories?
- This example stated in the Vedas regarding the sparks of a blazing fire is very appropriate for understanding the condition of different types of living entities
- This family combination is maya because we all, living entities, we are being washed away by the waves of material nature. Prakrteh kriyamanani gunaih karmani sarvasah
- This forgetfulness (living entities are meant for going back to Godhead) is so strong due to the influence of maya that the conditioned souls do not at all want to go back to Godhead
- This form (the second manifestation of the purusa) is the source and indestructible seed of multifarious incarnations within the universe. From the particles and portions of this form, different living entities, like demigods, men and others, are created
- This goal is the living entity's topmost interest and greatest wealth. Thus one attains the platform of transcendental loving service unto the Lord
- This human form of life is a most valuable asset for the living entity who can ultilize it for solving the problems of life; therefore, one who does not utilize this opportunity properly is a miser. BG 1972 purports
- This incident (of The Lord giving Pariksit a second body in the womb after it was destroyed by Asvatthama's brahmastra) is the direct proof that the body and the living entity, the spiritual spark, are different
- This information (nature makes a living entity dance according to the quality he associates with) provided in Bhagavad-gita is the basic principle of understanding, and it will give one freedom
- This is a lesson for the living entities (Brahma giving up his body because he was ashamed that he was sexually inclined to his own daughter), showing how sinful an act it is to indulge in unrestricted sex life
- This is also confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita: the living entity is as if seated on the machine of the body, and the car of the body is moving by the control of material nature, just as the railway trains are moving under the direction of the controller
- This is an authoritative statement given by the greatest authority, Narada Muni. If one gives another living entity unnecessary pain, one will certainly be punished by the laws of nature with a similar pain
- This is Bhagavata communism. The communists are thinking in terms of their own country. But we, a devotee, we think in terms of all living entities, wherever he is, either in the sky or in the land or in the water
- This is called adhibhautika, suffering imposed by other living entities - the mosquitoes, the bugs. Then enemies. Suffering
- This is clearly mentioned in the Seventh Chapter, fifth verse of Bhagavad-gita: This prakrti is My lower nature. And beyond this there is another prakrti: jiva-bhutam, the living entity. BG 1972 Introduction
- This is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (BG 15.7): The living entities in this conditioned world are My eternal, fragmental parts. Due to conditioned life, they are struggling very hard with the six senses, which include the mind
- This is confirmed not only by the evidence of the Vedas but also by the personal behavior of great personalities like Manu, Uttanapada, Dhruva, Priyavrata and my grandfather Anga, as well as by many other great personalities and ordinary living entitie
- This is fact. When there is Hare Krsna chanting, these ghostly, demonic living entities, they'll not be able to stay there. They'll go away
- This is generally the calculation of less intelligent philosophers who consider the position of the Lord and that of the living entities to be on the same level
- This is intimate relationship with Krsna. Ordinary living entity, they have got relationship; but when one becomes devotee, it is intimate relation, intimate friend. Therefore Kunti is requesting Krsna, How You can leave us? We are Your intimate friends
- This is knowledge of Krsna. God is one. I am also individual. But we are many because we are all living entities. But God is one. We are controlled by God or God's nature. We are not one
- This is natural feeling of love between Krsna, or God, and between living entities, but the maya is interrupting the relation. It is called illusion
- This is real knowledge that, "I, as living entity, I have all these things, activities, desires, loving propensity. Everything is there. But that is being misguided." We do not know where to place all these things. That is avidya
- This is real knowledge. In the Bhagavata it is said, karmana daiva-netrena jantor deho upapatti (SB 3.31.1): "A living entity gets a body," upapatti - according to karma
- This is stated in the Bhagavad-gita. Only by the grace of the Lord can the living entity understand the exact position of Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan
- This is the primary education of spiritual life. First of all you have to understand that you are not this body. You are living entity, different from the body. Just like you are different from the shirt-coat
- This is very important verse. Form and formless. When we speak of formless, we speak that God or even living entity, all of us, we have no material form. Just like we have got this form, but this form is temporary and it will never come again
- This is very important verse. In the previous verse it has been described, dehino 'smin yatha dehe (BG 2.13). Actually, we living entities, we are within the body. The bodily pains and pleasure are not the pains and pleasure of the soul within
- This kama, or desire, cannot be annihilated. There are some philosophers who say that if one gives up his desires, he again becomes liberated. But it is not at all possible to give up desire, for desire is a symptom of the living entity
- This kind of dissatisfaction is another feature of the illusory energy; every living entity is controlled by his previous actions, and therefore there are different varieties of life for enjoying or suffering
- This King alone, in his own body, will be able in due course of time to maintain all living entities and keep them in a pleasant condition by manifesting himself as different demigods to perform various departmental activities
- This knowledge (three divisions of bodies, different planets for different living entities) is being imparted by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, not by a person like me or like you who are defective in four principles
- This Krishna Consciousness Movement is for understanding one God, one scripture, one mantra, and one engagement for all living entities, not only within this world, but throughout the whole universe
- This Krsna consciousness movement is giving all wandering living entities a chance to take to the shelter of Krsna and thus become happy
- This Krsna consciousness movement is to get the living entity relieved from this material miserable condition of life and take him back to home, back to Godhead. That is also Krsna's mission
- This Krsna philosophy, Krsna consciousness movement, is to teach people to understand what is the constitutional position of the living entity
- This ladder (yoga) begins from the lowest material condition of the living entity and rises up to perfect self-realization in pure spiritual life. BG 1972 purports
- This lalasa-mayi stage of submission comes in the stage of perfect liberation, which is technically called svarupa-siddhi, when the living entity understands, by perfect spiritual advancement and revelation, his original relationship with the Lord
- This living entity, covered by the influence of nescience, exists in different forms in the material condition. O King, he is thus proportionately freed from the influence of material energy, to a greater or lesser degree
- This man is mahatma. He is thinking of all living entities who are bereft of Krsna consciousness and making plan how to again take them to Krsna consciousness
- This manifestation is bewildering to the living entities. The Lord is therefore the master of the energies, whereas the living entities are subjugated by them
- This manifests His (the Lord) full independence to act in any way, and it does not mean that He is an ordinary living entity forced to take birth in a certain type of womb
- This material body is the source of all miseries. Actually the spirit soul has no misery. Just like normal condition of a living entity is healthy life. Disease takes place by certain contamination infection. Disease is not our life
- This material body, although temporary, has a special use. The living entity is given a chance from the beginning of the creation to evolve different kinds of material bodies according to the reserve desires he has accumulated from time immemorial
- This material energy is very much troublesome to the spiritual energy, the living entity, but the material energy is never troublesome to the Supreme Lord. For the Supreme Lord, both material and spiritual energy are the same
- This material existence is a condemned position of the living entities, exactly like a criminal is placed in the prison house. Now, the whole Vedic literature is meant for getting us liberated from this conditional life
- This material nature is the separated energy of the Supreme Lord, and similarly the living entities are also the energy of the Supreme Lord, but they are not separated. They are eternally related. BG 1972 Introduction
- This material world is generally called tamas because ninety-nine percent of its living entities are ignorant of their identity as soul
- This material world means all the living entities, they have come here for satisfying their senses. And in different grades of life they are satisfying their senses. Either as Brahma or the worm in the stool
- This material world, the cosmic manifestation, is created by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and the living entities have come here to enjoy themselves
- This matter is inferior, and the living entity, on account of having life, it is superior energy. Because the living entities, they are trying to exploit the resources of this material nature
- This Mayavada philosophy, voidism, impersonal philosophy, is not very good. You cannot remain impersonal or in void, because your position is . . . because you are living entity, because you are part and parcel of the supreme living entity, Krsna
- This mentality (of being an enjoyer) is dragged to the last point of liberation when the living entity wants to become one with the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- This mentality, that "I shall enjoy," that is false, I mean to say, propensity of the living entity. That is called maya
- This misconception (of the living entity that he is not energy but the energetic) of his own existence leads him to the attitude of lording it over material nature
- This one word can give so many volumes of thoughts to the real philosopher, to the real thinker. Here it is stated that the living entity is everlasting, and where is that living entity everlasting? Why it is not so? This is the problem
- This plundering of our possessions and life-span begins with the day of our birth. One day will come when death will finish everything, and the living entity will have to enter another body to begin another chapter of life and again begin the cycle
- This portion is covered by the modes of material nature, and therefore the living entities are residing within this material world
- This primal living entity (Brahma), master of the mode of material passion, is directly empowered by Garbhodakasayi Visnu to create innumerable living organisms
- This process (dissolution and creation) is going on eternally, and fortunate living entities take advantage of this manifest creation and return back to the spiritual world by devotional activities
- This regret (past experience in material existence) is very beneficial because it purifies the living entity of material, conditional life. He then prays to Krsna to engage in His service, & at that time, Krsna grants liberation from the clutches of maya
- This rendering of service cannot in any way be divorced from the living entity, and it is this that constitutes the dharma of every living being. Without rendering service, one cannot exist
- This requires a great amount of knowledge (to understand how a living entity leaves his present body & what form of body he is going to take in next life) understood from BG & similar literatures heard from a bona fide spiritual master. BG 1972 purports
- This self-centered egoism of the materialistic living entities is the cause of their being conditioned by the other paraphernalia and continuing their bondage of material existence. In the Bhagavad-gita this self-centered egoism is very nicely explained
- This semen is injected into the female body, and thus the living entity takes birth. Those who return to earth in this way take birth especially in higher families like those of brahmanas
- This spell of maya is called avaranatmika sakti because it is so strong that the living entity is satisfied in any abominable condition
- This subtle body is an effect of the three modes of material nature. It is composed of insurmountably strong desires, and therefore it causes the living entity to transmigrate from one body to another in human life, animal life and life as a demigod
- This tendency to be battered by the waves of maya can be changed to one's original, natural tendency, which is spiritual, when the living entity comes to understand that he is eternally krsna-dasa, a servant of God, Krsna
- This time factor is the impersonal representation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who gives the living entities conditioned by material nature a chance to emerge from this nature by surrendering to Him
- This time the living entity was supposed to have been the son of Maharaja Citraketu and Queen Krtadyuti because according to the laws of nature he had entered a body made by the King and Queen. Actually, however, he was not their son
- This uncontrolled mind is the greatest enemy of the living entity. If one neglects it or gives it a chance, it will grow more and more powerful and will become victorious. Although it is not factual, it is very strong
- This universe is full of living entities from top to bottom, on every planet (jiva-rasibhir akirnah). Modern scientists and so-called scholars think that there are no living entities on planets other than this one
- This Veda-stuti is thus the original instruction regarding the relationship existing between the living entity and the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- This verse (BG 13.22) is very important for an understanding of how the living entities transmigrate from one body to another. BG 1972 purports
- This verse (BG 3.27) indicates that because the living entity has associated with a certain quality of nature, nature is making him dance according to that quality, and thus one is thinking, "I am this" or - I am that
- This verse (BG 8.3) also speaks of the living entity as "an eternal fragment of Myself (Krsna)." BG 1972 purports
- This verse (CC Madhya 20.142) is found in the Laghu-bhagavatamrta (1.451). The Brahma mentioned herein is not a living entity
- This verse (CC Madhya 20.270) from Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 2.9.10) was spoken by Srila Sukadeva Gosvami. He was answering the questions of Pariksit Maharaja, who asked how the living entity falls down into the material world
- This verse (SB 3.28.38) explains that the material body of a liberated soul is taken charge of by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. It is not acting due to the living force of the living entity; it is simply acting as a reaction to past activities
- This verse (SB 6.10.9) clearly says that one should be compassionate to all living entities. Regardless of whether human, animal, tree or plant, all living entities are sons of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- This verse (SB 6.16.20) analytically differentiates the living entity from the Supreme Lord
- This voidism or impersonalism is a symptom of frustration, not being able to cure the disease. But actually, the living entity is eternal
- This was explained by Thakura Haridasa when Caitanya Mahaprabhu inquired from him how living entities lower than human beings can be delivered from material bondage
- This world was created through the material energy of the Lord for the so-called enjoyment of such living entities. Why this material world was created for the sufferings of the conditioned souls is a very intricate question
- Those conditioned souls who are covered are individual living entities, and He from whose energy maya is created is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Those great souls who come to Him (Krsna) have attained the highest perfection of life, which alleviates the living entity from the suffering of conditional existence
- Those small particles which we see through the window with sunshine, they are combination of six atoms. They are not original atom. But the atomic constitution of the living entity is a thousand times smaller than the atom
- Those that move - such as the birds and beasts - are called jangama (moving entities) and are further divided into three categories: those that fly in the sky, those that swim in the water, and those that walk on land
- Those who are actually devotees are broadminded, equal to everyone and very peaceful. They never become angry, and they are friendly to all living entities
- Those who are actually in perfect knowledge of the science of God know that the living entities are superior energy of the Supreme Lord
- Those who are demons and are inimical towards the pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead are punished by His mace, which is always smeared with the blood of such fallen living entities
- Those who are desirous of gaining material profits by working are called karmis, or fruitive workers. All living entities within this material world have come under the spell of maya
- Those who are elevated beyond the planetary system to the brahman effulgence, they are also prone to fall down as much as a living entity from the higher planetary system
- Those who are liberated theoretically by knowing simply that the living entity is not material may still have desires, although they may be technically classified amongst liberated souls. Their main desire is to become one with the Supreme
- Those who are mistaken say that there is no difference between them (atma and paramatma), but there is a difference. They are one in the sense that both are cognizant and both are living entities, but they are different quantitatively
- Those who follow their occupational duties under Your supervision, being equal to all living entities, moving and nonmoving, and not considering high and low, are called Aryans. Such Aryans worship You, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Those who have claimed to have gone to the moon have not gone there, or else with their imperfect vision they cannot actually perceive the particular type of living entities there
- Those who in this life are like envious serpents, always angry and giving pain to other living entities, fall after death into the hell known as Dandasuka. My dear King, in this hell there are serpents with five or seven hoods
- Those who in this life confine other living entities in dark wells, granaries or mountain caves are put after death into the hell known as Avata-nirodhana
- Those who know that Lord Visnu is the origin of everything, who are conversant with the process of creation and who understand that Visnu, or Krsna, is the most worshipable object of all living entities, engage themselves in Visnu worship as Vaisnavas
- Those who out of transcendental kindness take on the responsibility of becoming master-protectors of the poor living entities automatically gain the interest and blessings of the demigods
- Through the mind the living entity suffers three kinds of tribulations - adhibhautika, adhidaivika and adhyatmika. Therefore this body is a source of all miseries
- Through these gates the living entity goes to the town of Saurabha, or aroma. In other words, the nostrils, with the help of their friend the air, enjoy various aromas in the material world
- Through these, he can understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead as He is, and he can understand that Lord Krsna is his eternal master and deliverer from the clutches of maya. In this way one can acquire real knowledge of his conditioned life
- Thus (at the last stage of life, when the different gates of the body are choked by the effects of disease) the living entity cannot clearly express his difficulties, and surrounding relatives hear the sound "ghura ghura" from a dying man
- Thus all the moving and nonmoving living entities of Vrndavana became very jubilant to see the Lord. It was as if friends were made happy by seeing another friend
- Thus for the sake of a son for King Anga, they decided to offer oblations to Lord Visnu, who is situated in the hearts of all living entities
- Thus the Personality of Godhead astonishes all living entities, both moving and nonmoving, within the three worlds. He is so beautiful that He is called Krsna
- Thus You (Lord Visnu) are worshiped by the Vedic principles (He bestows all good fortune upon the living entities by teach them to perform Vedic activities) - 10.2.34
- Time cannot deteriorate or interfere with the conditions in the spiritual world, where different manifestations of the SP of Godhead are the recipients of the worship of different living entities in their constitutional spiritual positions
- Time is immemorial, and many, many millions of years ago there were living entities, more perfect living entities. They're still living. But we have no information
- To answer this question, we first have to understand that there cannot be any influence of chance for the living entities; chance is for nonliving entities
- To attain material heavenly planets and enjoy their facilities, he sometimes performs sacrifices (yajna), but when his merit is exhausted, he returns to earth again in the form of a man. BG 1972 purports
- To become Brahma is not a very easy thing. Brahma is such a big post, and it is given to a very qualified living entity who is highly advanced in austerities and penance. But he is also a living entity like us
- To commit an offense at the feet of a devotee of the Lord is a great wrong. Even when a living entity is promoted to Vaikuntha, there is still the chance that he may commit offenses
- To direct the bewildered living entity in progress toward liberation according to varied stages of advancement, different directions are given in the Vedas
- To distribute prasada to all living entities, the process is that we must first offer prasada to the brahmanas and the Vaisnavas, for the demigods are represented by the brahmanas
- To engage in the service of the Lord is the natural function of the living entity, but because he is covered by the influence of maya, the material energy, he thinks it to be a very difficult task
- To escape the entanglement, he (the living entity) has only to perform his duty and to surrender unto the Supreme Lord with intelligence and devotion and with sincere Krsna consciousness
- To get even one living entity out of the illusory condition is very difficult
- To give service to the humanity means when one is a faithful servant of God, he can service to the humanity or to all other living entities, and if he manufactures his service, that is useless
- To illustrate that the living entity, or spirit soul, is entirely metaphysical, the above explanation is given as indirect proof by negation of material attributes
- To keep the whole human society in perfect happiness, according to the direction of God. Just like I told you that Krsna says, annad bhavanti bhutani. If you want to keep the living entities, both men and animal, you must arrange for their nice fooding
- To liken the conditional existence of the living entity to that of a dog is very appropriate. An intelligent human being, however, can understand that if he has to live the life of a dog, he had best become Krsna's dog
- To paraphrase this verse (SB 8.3.14): The objectives of sensual activities are actually observed by You (the Supreme Personality of Godhead). Without Your direction, the living entity cannot take even a step forward
- To save him (the living entity who voluntarily accepts material existence) from this horrible condition, the Lord has given all the Vedic literatures in His incarnation of Vyasadeva
- To suggest that only this planet is filled with living entities and that others are vacant is foolish. This betrays a lack of real knowledge
- To teach the befooled living entities, Krsna personally comes. Krsna is very much anxious to take us back to home, back to Godhead. Because we are part and parcel of Krsna
- To the devotees, Krsna takes charge Himself, and to the ordinary living entities, the charge is taken by maya. Maya is also Krsna's agent
- To think oneself the same as the Supreme is not self-realization. Here it is clearly explained that the Supreme Lord is anadi, or purana, and He has no other cause. The living entity is born of the Supreme Godhead as part and parcel
- To understand Krsna is not so easy job. First of all, so many millions and millions of living entities are there. They are not interested. They are just like animals: "Eat, drink, be merry and enjoy." Nobody's interested what is the success of life
- Today I have something to ask from You, who are the Lord of all living entities. Since I have now been liberated by You from my debts to my father, and since all my desires are fulfilled, I wish to accept the order of an itinerant mendicant
- Together there are 8,400,000 varieties of bodies in different planets of the universe, and the living entity is traveling by so many transmigrations according to different modes of enjoying spirit within himself
- Together, Lord Siva's genitals and the vagina of goddess Durga are worshiped as the siva-linga. This is the origin of the material creation. Thus Lord Siva's position is between that of the living entity and that of the Supreme Lord
- Transcendental qualities are not acquired. Rather, material qualities are acquired. But transcendental qualities are there in minute particles. As the transcendental qualities are there in God, similarly, transcendental qualities are in living entities
- Treating a living entity equally does not mean treating him as one would treat the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Compassion and friendliness do not necessitate falsely elevating someone to the exalted position of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Try to understand the word dharma, that it cannot be changed. Similarly, we living entities, we have got a dharma, or religion. That we cannot change. What is that? A living entity is servant
- Two identities of soul, the Supersoul and the individual soul, are admitted to be in the living entity, even by Lord Brahma, the greatest authority of the universe
- Two identities of soul, the Supersoul and the individual soul, are admitted to be in the living entity, even by the greatest authority of the universe
- Two or three hundred years ago the land of America was not developed, but because some superior living entities from Europe came here, America is now very much developed. Therefore the cause of development is the superior energy
- Two words are there. One is singular number, nitya, eternal, and the other is plural number, nityanam. So we are plural number. Plural number eternals. We do not know what is the numerical strength of the living entities. They are described as asankhya
- Ultimate religious principle for the living entity in human society
- Ultimately there is a living force, a living entity. He is Generating the power by mechanical arrangement, and we can experience his power in so many ways
- Under the control of the material energy, the living entities have been wandering in forgetfulness within the material world since time immemorial
- Under the false impression that the body is the self, the living entities foolishly relate to so many false attachments. They think that they can engage with materialistic paraphernalia forever
- Under the influence of maya, the living entity becomes exactly like a person haunted by a ghost. Such a person speaks all kinds of nonsense
- Under the laws of karma a living entity wanders within the universe under the rule of eternal time, and sometimes he becomes a mosquito and sometimes Lord Brahma. To a sane man this business is not very fruitful
- Under the spell of illusion, living entities are trying to be lords of all they survey, but actually they are dominated by the material energy of the Lord
- Under the spell of material energy, the living entities are entrapped in the bondage of many difficulties simply for the sake of a little bit of material happiness. They engage in fruitive activities, not knowing the implications
- Under the spell of the material energy, represented by the threefold material qualities, the living entity is so entangled that he is not at all able to become free unless he is graced by the Supreme Lord
- Under the spell of vivarta-vada one imagines the separate entities, namely the cosmic manifestation and the living entities, to be one with Brahman. This is due to complete ignorance regarding the actual fact
- Under the supervision of the Supreme Lord and according to the result of his work, the living entity, the soul, is made to enter into the womb of a woman through the particle of male semen to assume a particular type of body
- Understanding that the living entity is not killed (when the body is killed) does not encourage animal slaughter. BG 1972 purports
- Undoubtedly the eternal living entity cannot be annihilated at any point
- Unfortunately for him (the living entity), he is trying vainly to attain his enjoyment from the foreign atmosphere of material nature
- Unfortunately the living entity is so greatly attached to material enjoyment that he does not take the instructions of Krsna or His representative very seriously. This material tendency is mentioned in this verse (SB 4.28.55) as gramya-matih
- Unfortunately the living entity neglects the Supreme Person's instructions
- Unfortunately, although these (paper) industrialists are now happy in this life by dint of their industrial development, they do not know that they will incur the responsibility for killing these living entities who are in the form of trees
- Unfortunately, because of the living entity's little independence, the living entity wants to "deprogram" the program of Krsna. This is the material disease
- Unfortunately, due to falling in contact with the material world, the living entity simply struggles for existence. Even if one becomes happy for a while, a very powerful enemy may plunder everything
- Unfortunately, most of them (the living entities) think that they are the body and should therefore enjoy the material senses irresponsibly
- Unfortunately, none of us is the body. We are spirit soul. We are changing different bodies, as you can see in our presence there are so many living entities, and this body can be changed to any one of them
- Unfortunately, society has no information of the soul's transmigration. Because the living entity does not hope to enter the spiritual kingdom of eternal life, bliss and knowledge, he wants to stick to his present body, even though it may be useless
- Unfortunately, the impersonalists are oblivious of the tremendous damage such liberation causes to the infinitesimal living entity
- Unfortunately, the living entities have forgotten that this is in their best interest (to understand the Supreme Lord), and therefore Srimad-Bhagavatam says, na te viduh svartha-gatim hi visnum - SB 7.5.31
- Unfortunately, the living entity does not accept the Supreme Lord's clearly stated instructions from Bhagavad-gita, and thus he becomes a perpetual captive of the laws of material nature
- Unfortunately, unless the living entity has information of the spiritual world and the Vaikunthas, there is a 99.9 percent chance of his falling down again into material existence
- Unfortunately, when eternal relationship is disturbed, the living entity wants to become separately happy and thinks that the master is his order supplier. In this way there cannot be happiness
- Unintelligent persons cannot grasp how the cosmic manifestation and the living entity are simultaneously one and different from the Absolute Truth. Not understanding this, one concludes that this cosmic manifestation and the living entity are false
- Unless a living entity becomes God Conscious, which is his constitutional position, he cannot be happy
- Unless a living entity becomes God Conscious, he cannot be happy
- Unless a living entity surrenders unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead as instructed in Bhagavad-gita, there is no liberation or freedom from the clutches of maya
- Unless his senses are thus engaged, a living entity cannot think of getting out of the great entanglement of material existence, which is exactly like Yamaraja's stringent rope
- Unless one is favored and especially endowed with grace, he cannot understand how the one Supreme Personality of Godhead acts through His different energies. The living entities are also the marginal energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Unless one takes shelter of a bona fide spiritual master and advances one's attraction for Krsna by the spiritual master's instructions, the five coverings of the living entity cannot be uncovered from the material heart
- Unless the living entity comes to the guaranteed protection of the Supreme Lord, he is full of anxiety. This life of anxiety is called material existence
- Unless the living entity gets another gross body, he will have to continue in a subtle body, or a ghostly body. One becomes a ghost when the subtle body acts without the help of the instrumental gross body
- Unless the living entity is freed from the infection of the material modes of nature, he receives different types of bodies in which to enjoy or suffer, and according to the body, he is understood to have various inclinations
- Unless the living entity is situated in Krsna consciousness, he cannot approach the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Unless the living entity is uncontaminated by material desires, he cannot surrender to the Supreme Lord
- Unless the living entity receives the mercy of the saintly persons, the spiritual master or Krsna, it is not possible for him to get out of the darkness of material existence; by his own endeavor it is not possible
- Unless we know what mercy really is, we may create an undesirable situation. If we wish to show real mercy, we will preach Krsna consciousness in order to revive the lost consciousness of human beings, the living entity’s original consciousness
- Unlike an ordinary living entity, my Lord, You do not discriminate between friends and enemies, the favorable and the unfavorable, because for You there is no conception of higher and lower
- Unlike ordinary living entities, the Supreme Lord is not forced by the modes of material nature to appear. He appears dharman darsayitu-kama - to show how to execute the functions of a human being
- Until the living entity is aloof from the association and contaminations of this material world, the mind will be absorbed in such material things as birth, death, disease, illusion, attachment, greed and enmity
- Unto one who has transcendental qualities due to friendly behavior with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, all living entities offer honor, just as water automatically flows down by nature
- Upon becoming fixed in his attachment to the SPG by the grace of the spiritual master and by awakening knowledge and detachment, the living entity, situated within the heart of the body, burns up his material surroundings exactly as fire
- Usa, the wife of Vibhavasu, gave birth to three sons - Vyusta, Rocisa and Atapa. From Atapa came Pancayama, the span of day, who awakens all living entities to material activities
- Vaikuntha means "without anxiety," and the material world means full of anxiety. As stated by Prahlada Maharaja: sada samudvigna-dhiyam asad-grahat (SB 7.5.5). The living entities who have accepted this material world as a residence are full of anxiety
- Vairanubandhena. Acting like the Lord's enemy is also beneficial for the living entity
- Vaisnava philosophers conclude that the living entity is simply a small sample of the original Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Varnasrama-dharma is accepted as the eternal religion of the living entity
- Vasudeva Datta made a similar statement to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, requesting the Lord to liberate all living entities in His presence
- Vasudeva Datta submitted that if they (all living entities) were unfit to be liberated, he himself would take all their sinful reactions and suffer personally so that the Lord might deliver them
- Vasudeva Datta was so kind to the living entities that he wanted to take all their sinful reactions so that they might be delivered by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. This is described in the Fifteenth Chapter of the CC’s Madhya-lila, verses 159 through 180
- Vasudeva said, "The resolution of intelligence and the sharp memory of the living entity are also You (Krsna and Balarama)"
- Vedanta-sutra is compiled by Vyasadeva for the benefit of all living entities. It is through Vedanta-sutra that the philosophy of bhakti-yoga can be understood
- Vedic knowledge is not imparted by defective living entities. It was imparted unto the heart of Brahma and Brahma disseminated this knowledge to his sons and disciples, as he originally received it from the Lord. BG 1972 Introduction
- Vedic literature suggests that there are three elements-namely the Supreme Lord, the living entity and their eternal relationship
- Vedic literatures give us information that there are countless planets filled with living entities with different types of bodies
- Venkata Bhatta then said, "I am an ordinary fallen living entity, but You are Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself"
- Vidura inquired: How did the Prajapatis (such progenitors of living entities as Marici and Svayambhuva Manu) create according to the instruction of Brahma, and how did they evolve this manifested universe?
- Vidura is clearing the misconception that when the Lord either descends on the earth in His incarnation or appears Himself with all His potencies, He too is subjected to the influence of maya, just like an ordinary living entity
- Vidura is hearing the great sage Maitreya refute these arguments (that the Lord and the living entities are on the same level). The Lord is described in this verse (SB 3.7.2) as cin-matra, or completely spiritual
- Vidura said: O powerful sage, my lord, all my doubts about the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the living entities have now been removed by your convincing words. My mind is now perfectly entering into them
- Vidura was already perfect due to his unalloyed devotion to the infallible Lord. The Lord and the living entities are all qualitatively the same by nature, but the Lord is quantitatively much greater than any individual living entity
- Vidura, was astonished how powerful is the urge to continue life. This sense of continuing one's life indicates that a living being is eternally a living entity and does not want to change his bodily habitation
- Vikarma is enacted by the illusioned living entity simply for sense gratification, and thus such activities become hindrances on the path of self-realization
- Viraja-nadi and Brahmaloka are shelters for living entities disgusted with material life and inclined to impersonal existence by way of denying material variegatedness
- Visnu as Ksirodakasayi enters into the hearts of all living entities, as well as into all material elements, including the atom
- Visnu is manifested by His millions and billions of integrated forms & separated forms. The integrated forms are called Godhead & the separated forms are called the living entities or the jivas. Both the jivas & Godhead have their original spiritual forms
- Visvanatha explains these words (maya & amayam) to indicate that because the living entity is covered by the disease of illusion, God is always eager to deliver His devotee from the clutches of maya & cure him of the disease caused by the illusory energy
- Vrtrasura said: All living entities who have taken birth in this material world must die. Surely, no one in this world has found any means to be saved from death. Even providence has not provided a means to escape it
- Vrtrasura, the angry and most powerful hero, terrified the demigods with his stout and strongly built body. When he roared with a resounding voice, nearly all living entities fainted
- Vyasadeva realized that it is this separated energy of the Lord, the material energy, that covers the knowledge of the living entities
- Vyasadeva taught Sukadeva the consciousness of the material nature and the living entity, the symptoms of the self-realized soul, the working principles of the material body, the symptoms of the influential modes of nature and the tree of perpetual desire
- Wanting to take a very exalted position, the living entity instead becomes entangled in a repetition of birth and death
- Water is a very nice place for a fish, but the fish is never free from anxiety about death, since big fish are always eager to eat the small fish. All living entities are eaten by bigger living entities. This is the way of material nature
- We (living entities) cannot execute anything perfectly in presence of Krsna because He is infinite, we are finite. Our energy, our talent, everything is finite
- We actually see that chemicals are produced from living entities. For example, a lemon tree produces many tons of citric acid. The citric acid is not the cause of the tree; rather, the tree is the cause of the acid
- We actually see that there are many Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists and religionists of other cults who adhere to their religious principles very nicely but are not equal to all living entities
- We all living entities, we are weaker, and the strongest is the Supreme Lord; therefore our business is to render service to the Supreme Lord
- We all, living entities within this material world, we are worshiper of the material nature. The scientist also trying to find out means how to exploit the resources of material nature. That is also one kind of worshiping
- We are all Brahmans. Aham brahmasmi. Every one of us, living entity, Brahman. But He is the chief Brahman. Just like you are all Americans, but your president is the chief American. Do you understand? So similarly, Krsna is the chief Brahman
- We are all living entities, but we are all servants at the same time. Is anyone here who can say that, "I am not servant of anyone"? No. That is not possible
- We are all simply living entities playing on a stage in the dress of father, mother, children, friend, enemy, sinner and saint, etc. It is like a great drama with so many characters playing their parts
- We are hearing from authorities like Lord Krsna. He says, na jayate na mriyate va kadacit: My dear Arjuna, a living entity does not take birth. There is no birth, death, old age, disease of the spirit soul
- We are living entities, and the Lord is also a living entity. And we are originally created to help the Lord. He does not require . . . because He's complete
- We are living entities, we are living soul. Birth and death takes place of this body. The body takes birth and the body is vanquished
- We are only a fractional portion of all the living entities in the many universes of the material world. Those who are in the material world and material body are condemned. For example, the population in prison is condemned by government
- We are sitting, so many boys and girls, you are in different dress. But essentially your dress may be different, but you are all human beings. Similarly, there are 8,400,000 different forms of living entities
- We are the living entities within the material energy, and we are in this position because we wanted to dominate material nature. Krsna has given us the facility, saying - All right, you may try, but you cannot be successful
- We are trying to be the enjoyer of this material world. That is maya. The world is not maya, but the intention of the living entities to enjoy this material world, to satisfy his senses, that is maya
- We are trying to bring them (the living entities, those who revolted against the service of the Lord) into practice, how to serve Lord, how to . . . how to serve the Supreme Lord. That is our movement. It is not patchwork
- We are trying to gain success in these material activities, but by God's will, there are different living entities. They have already all the successes. So therefore our real business is not to waste our time to get any material success
- We are trying to save the living entity from disastrous condition. This is the aim and mission of Krsna consciousness movement. It is not a religious sentiment. No. It is very scientific
- We are ultimately dependent on Him to fulfill our desires, but we cannot say that God's desires are also dependent. That is His inconceivable power. That which may be inconceivable for ordinary living entities is easily done by Him
- We artificially exhibit our propensity to enjoy this material world. So purusa means the enjoyer. Therefore sometimes we are called purusa. Here the living entities as a whole is called purusa. Even the woman, she is also purusa. Because the same spirit
- We call Supersoul, that is God. The idea is in Christianity also, "Holy Ghost" like that. Supersoul and the ordinary soul. We living entities, we are ordinary souls, and God in His all-pervading feature, He is Supersoul
- We can not expect that everyone shall become Krishna Consciousness, because only the most pious and fortunate living entities can join this movement. But we are giving chance for everyone and it is up to him, to take advantage or not
- We can see that if someone has no object of love, he generally directs his love to a pet animal like a cat or a dog. Thus the eternal propensity for love in all living entities is always searching for a place to reside
- We can see there are so many varieties of life, and each of them is a living entity. But if you consult Vedic literature, you'll find exactly the number
- We cannot become the Supreme. At least, we don't find in authorized Vedic literature that a living entity can become as powerful as God. No. It is not possible
- We cannot even calculate its dimension (akara). Although we cannot calculate it, it is there nonetheless. The living entity has full form
- We do not know even what are there in the four corners of this universe - millions and millions of stars, millions of planets, millions and millions of oceans, mountains, and what to speak of living entities
- We do not want stopping the natural instincts of the living entities, we simply want them to be dovetailed in Krishna's service
- We don't simply say, "No illicit sex," "No intoxication," and so on. Mere negativity has no meaning; there must be something positive, because everyone wants engagement. That is because we are living entities, not dead stones
- We even offer respects to a temple from a distant place, and all living entities should similarly be offered respect. This is different from the theory of pantheism, which holds that everything is God
- We find so many living entities within the ocean, if we go deep. Surface acquaintance with the ocean is not sufficient; one must have complete knowledge of the aquatics living in the ocean depths. BG 1972 purports
- We have come to this material world and suffering, but the living entity is part and parcel of Krsna, or God. How he has come to this material world? That is very intelligent question
- We have discussed this point that we living entities, our life is going on simply by changing dresses from one body to another, transmigration of the soul, according to our work
- We have forgotten real position, sanatana-dharma. We have forgotten. Sanatana-dharma means a living entity is meant for serving the whole. Living entity's a part, part of the whole. So the living entity's business is to serve the whole
- We have full information from the Vedic literature that in each and every planet, both material and spiritual, there are living entities of varied intelligence
- We have got one example to learn: the sun planet. Everything is fiery there. Don't think that there is no life. Just like they are concluding, "In this moon planet there is no life." No. Every planet is full of living entities
- We have knowledge that the living entities are smaller than atoms, being one ten-thousandth the size of the tip of a hair, yet the quality of being the supreme cause of all causes exists in the living entity as well as in the Supreme Personality of God
- We have no imagination, no instrument, neither we have sufficient knowledge what is the length and breadth of the form of the living entity. Therefore Vedic literature gives you an idea that you just try to imagine one ten-thousandth part of the point
- We have no knowledge of these planets, but each and every planet, millions and trillions, they are all congested, full with living entities. This is Vedic information. It is not imagination, imperfect imagination
- We have nothing to offer Krishna because He is the Proprietor of everything that be. But when He sees that a living entity is trying to serve Him, that is appreciated
- We have to become sinless before going back to home, back to Godhead. Because kingdom of God ... God is pure, the kingdom is pure. No impure living entity can enter there
- We have to increase this book distribution work more and more to firmly establish this Movement, which is the only hope for the suffering living entities
- We limited living entities have to use a particular part of the body for a particular purpose, but there is no such distinction for Krsna
- We living entities in different forms are all children of the SPG, as confirmed in BG 14.4: "It should be understood that all species of life, O son of Kunti, are made possible by birth in this material nature, & that I (Krsna) am the seed-giving father"
- We living entities, being part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, when we rebel, that is our diseased condition. We . . . when we don't want to render service to the Lord, that is a state which is called demonic state
- We living entities, or, say, human beings, we want enjoyment. That's all right. But we are not able to enjoy fully because we are covered by something. This is the thesis
- We living entities, we are affected by the material modes of nature, sattva-guna, rajo-guna, tamo-guna. But Krsna is not affected. That is Krsna
- We living entities, we are also eternal. How the son can be otherwise? If the father is eternal, the son is also eternal
- We living entities, we are like that - a small particle, part and parcel of God. So we are also brightening, shining. We are not dull
- We living entities, we are marginal. Sometimes we are under the protection of the spiritual energy, and sometimes we are under the protection of the material energy. We are under protection; we are not independent
- We living entities, we are meant for enjoyment, but we are seeking enjoyment in a false place, or illusion. Just like animal runs after that desert water. But the intelligent man knows - Oh, that, there is no water. It looks like water
- We living entities, we are part and parcel of God. Our original position is purified, but at the present moment we are contaminated. So by chanting the holy name of the Lord we become purified
- We living entities, we are spiritual atoms, and by material atomic combination we have developed this body, although this material body is foreign to me. Similarly, we can develop our spiritual body also in the spiritual world. Is it clear?
- We living entities, we are the marginal energy. That means if we like, we can live in this material nature - if we like, we can transfer ourselves to the spiritual nature
- We living entities, we are wandering in different types of forms of body and in different planets. According to our karma, sometimes down, sometimes up, in this way we are wandering
- We living entities, we never die, never take birth. Nityah sasvato yam, na hanyate hanyamane sarire. Every one of us, we are eternal
- We living entities, we, by nature, we are spiritual, but because we have got the potency either to live in this material world or in the spiritual world, therefore we are called marginal
- We must have engagement. We cannot stop. The same example: you cannot stop a child working, or in activities. By nature we are living entities; we must act. It is not possible to stop activities
- We must remember that Puranjana is the living entity, and the city Pancala is the body. The body is the field of activity for the living entity, as stated in Bhagavad-gita: ksetra-ksetrajna
- We must treat the lower living entities compassionately, but this does not mean that we have to treat them in the same way we treat other human beings. The feeling of equality must be there, but the treatment should be discriminating
- We prepare our next life by our actual activities in the present life. A living entity is offered a particular type of body as a result of his action in the present body
- We say that when the life, living entity, is there in the semina and it is put into the woman's womb, then body develops. Therefore, the beginning is the life. This is practical. And this life is the part and parcel of the supreme life
- We should always remember, as it is stated in Bhagavad-gita, that both the gross and subtle material bodies are dresses; they are the shirt and coat of the living entity
- We should be compassionate to all living entities and should show them mercy
- We should be concerned about all living entities
- We should know that the trees, they are also living entities, but they have been put in such awkward position that they are standing up in a position for thousands of years. They cannot move even. If somebody is cutting, it cannot protest
- We should know well that all the above-mentioned (demonic) living entities killed would attain salvation either by being merged in the brahmajyoti of the Lord or being allowed to enter into the abodes of the Lord called Vaikunthas
- We should know what is God. We should know what we are, living entities. We should know what is this material nature. We should know what is time, and we should know what are our real activities
- We should not mistakenly understand that He (The Lord) was born just like an ordinary living entity from the semen of Kardama Muni in the womb of Devahuti
- We should not think that the demigods are God. God is one, but there are demigods who are also living entities just like us. The difference is that they have a considerable amount of power
- We should not think that we are here and that all the other planets are vacant. From experience we can see that no place on earth is vacant of living entities. If we dig deep down into the earth, we find worms
- We simply don't say that: "No illicit sex, no intoxication, no, no..." Simply negative is no meaning. There must be something positive. Because everyone wants engagement. That is because we are living entities. We are not dead stone
- We small living entities are controllers to a degree. We can control, at times, our family members, wives, children and so forth. Or we can control our office, factory, country or whatever
- We take birth by the force of the material potency, but as stated here with reference to the Visnu Purana, the ksetra-jna, or living entity, belongs to the spiritual potency
- We understand from Bhagavad-gita that living entities, all of us, we are part and parcel, minute particle, of the Supreme Spirit. The Supreme Spirit is called param brahma
- We who are propaganding, making propaganda for this Krsna consciousness movement . . . it is not very difficult. And it is not meant for any particular class of men or community or country. It is meant for all living entities, if he can
- What are the truths regarding the living entities and the Supreme Personality of Godhead? What are their identities ? What are the specific values in the knowledge in the Vedas, and what are the necessities for the spiritual master and his disciples?
- What comes from material nature is not the life, but the body. The living entities accept particular types of bodies from material nature, just as a child takes its body from its mother
- What is material nature? This is also explained in Gita as inferior prakrti, inferior nature. The living entity is explained as the superior prakrti. BG 1972 Introduction
- What is our dharma, living entities? We are living entities. We may be in different forms; it doesn't matter, 8,400,000's of forms. But what is the actual business? The actual business is that every one of us giving service to others. This is our dharma
- What is the difference between God and ourself? God is also a living entity like us, but He's the chief living entity. He's maintaining all others. Therefore we have to ask God, "Give us our daily bread." He's the maintainer
- What is the rightful ownership of the living entity? That is to be understood. Birthright, what is called birthright. Just like everyone has got right to live under the protection of the government
- What is the sunshine? It is very small atomic particles of shining material. This is sunshine, combined together. Similarly, we are also a small particle of the rays, bodily rays of God. We are living entities, very minute particle
- What is your debate on this point, that living entities, they flourish by food grains? So what is your debate on this point?
- What the living entity is considering to be bad or good is only so for the living entity, for he is conditioned. But because Krsna is not conditioned, for Him there is no question of bad or good
- What to speak of women, all living entities are prakrti (female) and therefore dependent on the Supreme Lord, as Krsna Himself explains in Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.5), apareyam itas tv anyam prakrtim viddhi me param
- Whatever a living entity desires, however insignificant he may be, is noted by the Lord, who gives him a chance to fulfill his desires. If the desires of the nondevotees are fulfilled, why not those of the devotee
- Whatever is changeable, that is not sanatana-dharma. Sanatana, try to understand sanatana. Sanatana means eternal, and the living entity, being eternal, he must have some eternal engagement. That is called sanatana-dharma
- Bhagavad-gita (8.6) confirms this truth, "Whatever state of being one remembers when he quits his body, O son of Kunti, that state he will attain without fail." Thus the mind carries the living entity's propensities into the next life
- Whatever there is, either on the land, in the water or in the sky, is equally given to all living entities
- Whatever way of spiritual realization we accept (karma, jnana, mystic yoga), the ultimate goal is Narayana, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The living entities are eternally connected with Him via devotional service
- Whatever we see within this material world, that is only a fragment part of all the living entities. The major portion of the living entities, they are in the spiritual world
- When a chair is produced out of wood, it is said that a by-product is produced. The Supreme Absolute Truth is immutable, & when we find a by-product - the living entity or this cosmic manifestation - it is a transformation, or a by-product of the Supreme
- When a demon thinks himself one with the Supreme Lord, the Lord keeps him in that darkness. Although such a demoniac living entity is only an insignificant part of the Supreme Lord, he forgets his true position and thinks he is the Supreme Lord
- When a fortunate living entity somehow comes in contact with a pure devotee of the Lord and engages in devotional service, he enters upon the path of perfection
- When a living entity abandons the activities of maya and attains the position from which he can execute devotional service, his state is called svarupa-sthah, or complete liberation
- When a living entity attains spiritual perfection, he also attains the same type of body, known as sac-cid-ananda-vigraha (BS 5.1). This spiritual body never mixes with the material elements
- When a living entity becomes envious of Krishna, he is put into the darkest region of material existence, exactly in the same way as when a citizen is disobedient, lawbreaker, he is put into the prison cells
- When a living entity becomes Krsna conscious, he is immediately relieved of all material lusty desires
- When a living entity becomes proud of being an independent isvara, or god, that is his foolishness. Such foolishness is described in the following verse - SB 6.12.11
- When a living entity comes in contact with the material creation, the sense of love of God becomes transformed into lust, as milk in contact with sour tamarind is transformed into yogurt. BG 1972 purports
- When a living entity comes to the platform of Krsna consciousness, the beauty of his real form comes into full blossom. That is the ultimate beauty and the ultimate fulfillment of desire
- When a living entity conditioned by material nature begins the cultivation of spiritual knowledge, he elevates himself from the position of material existence and gradually rises up to the Brahman conception of the Supreme. BG 1972 purports
- When a living entity desires to serve the Lord in transcendental loving service, the Lord helps the devotee in so many ways as the caitya-guru, or the spiritual master within, & thus the devotee can perform many wonderful activities
- When a living entity falls down to the material world he has to accept a material body, and therefore, in his material embodiment, he cannot be called acyuta
- When a living entity falls victim to these three types of urges, his life becomes inauspicious
- When a living entity forgets his constitutional position, he prepares himself to be an enjoyer of the material resources. Sometimes he is also misguided by the thought that service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead is not absolute engagement
- When a living entity gives up the material coverings, he remains a spirit soul. This spirit soul must enter into the spiritual sky to merge into the Brahman effulgence
- When a living entity gives up this material embodiment and enters into the spiritual world, he can hear and speak to Him face to face, and he can understand the Supreme Personality as He is. BG 1972 purports
- When a living entity gives up this material embodiment and enters into the spiritual world, he revives his spiritual body, and in his spiritual body he can see the Supreme Personality of Godhead face to face. BG 1972 purports
- When a living entity is accustomed to think of a particular subject matter or become absorbed in a certain type of thought, he will think of that subject at the time of death
- When a living entity is dominated by a desire for material enjoyment and becomes entangled in material life, he is subjected to the threefold miseries of material existence. He is just like a seed sown in the earth
- When a living entity is enchanted by the external energy, he cannot revive his original Krsna consciousness independently. Due to such circumstances, Krsna has kindly given him the Vedic literatures, such as the four Vedas and eighteen Puranas
- When a living entity is freed from misconceptions, he is called liberated. When one is actually liberated he no longer identifies with the material world
- When a living entity is fully surrendered, he is under the direct protection of Krsna, and Krsna gives him all intelligence by which he can advance in spiritual realization
- When a living entity is in such bewilderment that he is under the control of his wife, or material intelligence, he has to satisfy the intelligence of his so-called wife and act exactly according to her dictates
- When a living entity is liberated from Devi-dhama but does not know of the opulence of Hari-dhama, he is placed in Mahesa-dhama, which is between the other two dhamas
- When a living entity is liberated from the conditioned life of matter, he can understand the two different activities of material nature, namely covering and bewildering
- When a living entity is within the womb, his gross body, the ten sense organs and the mind are not fully developed. At such a time the objects of the senses do not disturb him
- When a living entity stays in this material world embodied by the material body, it is to be understood that he is under the control of one of the three modes of material nature. BG 1972 purports
- When a living entity transfers from one body to another, a process generally known as death, a sane man does not lament, for he knows that the living entity is not dead but is simply transferred from one body to another
- When a living entity, by his intelligence, reawakens his attraction for Krsna, he can understand that he isn't the body but part & parcel of Krsna. Thus filled with knowledge, he no longer labors under attachment to body & everything related to it
- When a living entity, thinking himself different from Me, forgets his spiritual identity of qualitative oneness with Me in eternity, knowledge and bliss, his material, conditional life begins
- When a living entity, when a person comes to the understanding, without any doubt, that he's eternal servant of Krsna, then his real life begins. Unless he understands this point, he's still in the hallucination of animal life
- When a person is advanced in spiritual consciousness or Krsna consciousness, he naturally becomes very sympathetic toward all living entities suffering in the material world. Naturally such an advanced person thinks of the suffering of people in general
- When a person is fully conversant with knowledge of the Lord as far as can be known by a perfect living entity in the liberated state, he is allowed to enter into the spiritual sky, where the Vaikuntha planets exist
- When a person is liberated, his illusion is over, and he voluntarily surrenders unto the Supreme to act according to His desires. The last illusion, the last snare of maya to trap the living entity, is the proposition that he is God. BG 1972 purports
- When a person reaches this brahma-bhuta (SB 4.30.20) platform, he sees all living entities equally and becomes a pure devotee of the Supreme Lord
- When a Vaisnava listens to the Sariraka-bhasya, the Mayavada commentary upon the Vedanta-sutra, he gives up the Krsna conscious attitude that the Lord is the master and the living entity is His servant
- When advanced living entities lived for such lengths of time, it was possible to execute this meditational system of yoga
- When all the living entities are in the nonmanifested stage, resting within Narayana - then all these manufactured processes become null and void and cannot act
- When all the Prajapatis were ordered to create by Lord Brahma, we chanted these prayers in praise of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and became completely free from all ignorance. Thus we were able to create different types of living entities
- When an embodied living entity is hurt by fatal weapons, it is to be known that the living entity within the body is not killed. BG 1972 purports
- When an ordinary living entity abandons his present body, he passes through the rectum. It is therefore painful. When one is called by nature to evacuate, one also experiences pain
- When an ordinary living entity describes the pastimes of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, he purifies himself by touching one drop of that great ocean
- When Brahma's day is manifest, this multitude of living entities comes into being, and at the arrival of Brahma's night they are all annihilated. BG 8.18 - 1972
- When Brahma's day is manifest, this multitude of living entities comes into being, and at the arrival of Brahma's night, they are all annihilated - BG 8.18
- When Caitanya heard Himself equated with Krsna, He mildly protested. He wanted to warn people in general not to compare the Supreme Lord with any living entity, although He was the Supreme Lord, He protested against this comparison in order to teach us
- When Caitanya inquired from Haridasa Thakura how he was to benefit living entities other than humans, Haridasa Thakura replied that the HK maha-mantra is so potent that if it is chanted loudly, everyone will benefit, including the lower species of life
- When covered by the cloud of material energy, the living entity, who is also a spiritual energy of the Supreme PG, forgets about the activities of the spiritual energy and considers all that happens in the material manifestation to be wonderful
- When Dhruva Maharaja closed the holes of his unit body to firmly concentrate his mind on the SPG, all the units of the universe - namely all the living entities, including the big demigods - felt the pressure of suffocation
- When Dhruva Maharaja thus captured the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the refuge of the total material creation and who is the master of all living entities, the three worlds began to tremble
- When freed (from the clutches of the external potency, maya), the living entity awakens to Krsna consciousness and engages in devotional service with love and affection
- When he (a living entity) is actually out of the body, then he is out of the clutches of the material modes of nature. But as long as he is not out of the material body, he should be neutral. BG 1972 purports
- When He (Lord Visnu) descends He is called an avatara because avatara means "one who descends." Neither the Lord Himself nor His specific devotees who come to this earth are ordinary living entities like us
- When he (the aborted living entity) enters the womb of another mother, he may again be killed, and for many years he may not be allowed to see the light of the sun
- When he (the conditioned soul) is actually in perfect knowledge, he knows that the Lord is the supreme worshipful object & that the living entity is His eternal servant. Without this knowledge, he engages in material activities; that is called ignorance
- When he (the living entity) becomes conditioned by nature's modes of goodness, passion, or ignorance, he develops those respective qualities of goodness, passion, and ignorance
- When he (the living entity) enters the material energy, he is subjected to the threefold time measurement - past, present and future. Past, present and future belong only to the material world; they do not exist in the spiritual world
- When he (the living entity) falls into the clutches of material energy, he becomes a victim of the three modes of material nature. Indeed, whatever he does, he does under the influence of material nature
- When he (the living entity) is elevated to the higher planetary systems due to worldly pious activities, he considers himself well situated, but when he is subjected to punishment, he thinks himself improperly situated
- When he (the living entity) is in contact with the material nature, he acts in many sinful ways without hesitation, and sometimes even against his will. BG 1972 purports
- When he (the living entity) is not thus engaged (in devotional service), he is in a diseased condition, but as soon as he engages all his senses in the transcendental loving service of the Lord, he is in his normal, healthy condition
- When he (the living entity) is purified he gives up his bodily conception of life and his false identity as belonging to a certain community, a certain nation, a certain society, a certain family and so on
- When he (the living entity) is put into different bodies, he enjoys different kinds of happiness and distress. His material happiness and distress are due to his body, and not to himself as he is. BG 1972 purports
- When he (the living entity) is thrown into the material world on account of his desire to lord it over material energy, he becomes conditioned by the three modes of material nature and thus struggles for existence for the highest benefit
- When he (the living entity) is under the direction of the Personality of Godhead he is free, but when, under the impression that he is satisfying his senses, he engages in sense gratificatory activities, he is actually under the spell of material nature
- When he (the living entity) looks to the Supreme Lord and becomes the Supreme Lord's devotee, he becomes free from all anxieties and material miseries
- When he (the living entity) wants to engage in Krsna consciousness, a suitable body is offered to him by the internal potency, the spiritual energy of the Lord, and when he wants to satisfy his senses, a material body is offered
- When he (the living entity) wants to get out of service under material bondage, he next desires to become one with the Lord. This is another illusion
- When he is strong in Krsna consciousness, maya cannot touch him. In this way, in the association of Krsna conscious devotees, the living entity can get free from the contamination of material existence
- When He plays on His flute, all living entities - including trees, plants, animals and human beings - tremble and are saturated with jubilation. Tears flow constantly from their eyes
- When he returns to the body, he forgets his dream. Similarly, when the living entity takes on another gross body, he forgets the present gross body
- When he went farther, he saw a rabbit that was also suffering. Narada Muni was greatly pained at heart to see living entities suffer so
- When higher authorities have decided what kind of gross body the living entity will have, he is forced to enter such a body, and thus he automatically gives up his previous body
- When his (the living entity's) consciousness, however, is changed into Krsna consciousness, he can immediately understand how Krsna is trying to assist the conditioned souls to get out of the material entanglement
- When his (the living entity's) desires are trained in the transcendental service of the Lord, his life becomes perfect, and he is promoted to the spiritual sky to enjoy eternal awakened life
- When his (the living entity's) dormant Krsna consciousness is awakened, he no longer engages in the service of matter but engages in the service of the Lord
- When His consciousness separately manifested itself, the total energy, mahat-tattva, entered with His conscious part. Thus the living entity is able to conceive specific knowledge
- When human society is grateful to the Lord for all His gifts for the maintenance of the living entities, then there is certainly no scarcity or want in society
- When it is said that Sankarsana is jiva, this indicates that He is the predominating Deity of the living entities. Similarly, Pradyumna is the predominating Deity of the mind, and Aniruddha is the predominating Deity of the ego
- When it is said that the living entities are bewildered, the Mayavadi philosophers ascribe this bewilderment to the Supreme Lord. But that is not applicable. The Lord is never bewildered. That is the difference between personalists and impersonalists
- When Krsna spoke Bhagavad-gita to the sun god, Arjuna was also present with Him. But, being a finite living entity, Arjuna could not remember
- When living entities are viewed in the bodily concept of life, one appears to be different from another
- When loud chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra is performed all over the world by those who follow in Your footsteps, all living entities, moving and nonmoving, dance in ecstatic devotional love
- When lust is compared to smoke, it is understood that the fire of the living spark can be a little perceived. In other words, when the living entity exhibits his Krsna consciousness slightly, he may be likened to the fire covered by smoke. BG 1972 pur
- When men are unaware of the intrinsic value of such gifts (gifts for the maintenance of the living entities) from the Lord, surely they are in want
- When one actually becomes spiritually advanced, he does not see the difference between one living entity and another. This platform is attained by determination
- When one becomes liberated even from the subtle body; at that time the living entity is competent and fully prepared to be transferred to the transcendental or spiritual world
- When one can see that the various bodies of living entities arise due to the different desires of the individual soul and do not actually belong to the soul itself, one actually sees. BG 1972 purports
- When one chants the Hare Krsna maha-mantra loudly, he actually shows mercy to all living entities. To spread the Krsna consciousness movement throughout the world, the devotees should be satisfied in all conditions
- When one comes to that position (BG 5.18), he does not see the body, but the spiritual spark, and he does not distinguish between one living entity and another
- When one engages in the Lord’s devotional service, he is to be understood to have performed all his responsibilities in the material world. He has satisfied his forefathers, ordinary living entities, and demigods and is free from all responsibility
- When one is liberated, he theoretically understands that the living entity is not composed of material elements but is spirit soul, distinct from matter. Simply by theoretically understanding this doctrine, one can be called liberated
- When people are demoniac in spirit, they are not merciful toward the poor animals. Consequently, they maintain various animal slaughterhouses. This is technically called suna, or himsa, which means the killing of living beings
- When perfect knowledge is expanded, one ceases to see the outward covering of the living entity. He sees, rather, the spirit soul within the body
- When perfect knowledge is expanded, one ceases to see the outward covering of the living entity. He sees, rather, the spirit soul within the body. Thus he does not make distinctions between a human being and an animal, a learned brahmana and a candala
- When Sanatana Gosvami inquired from Lord Caitanya, "What am I? Why am I always in a miserable condition? What is the position of all living entities?" Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu immediately answered that the real identity is that of servant of God
- When somehow or other uttered even once by a living entity, the holy name awards him liberation. The holy name of Krsna is the highest nectar. It is my very life and my (Sanatana Gosvami's) only treasure
- When such a living entity comes under the jurisdiction of the material energy, he is sent into one of the innumerable material universes created by the material energy to give a chance to conditioned souls to fulfill their desires in the material world
- When that faith matures, in course of time, it is called love of God. This love is the ultimate goal of the living entities. One should, therefore, take to Krsna consciousness directly. That is the message of this Seventeenth Chapter (BG). BG 1972 pur
- When the actual situation is revealed, we understand that the money does not belong to any individual person or living entity, nor is it produced by man
- When the animation takes place, the living entities revive their own natural activities under the spell of time and energy, and thus the varieties of living beings are manifested. The Lord is ultimately the cause of all animation in the material world
- When the bewildered living being desires this, the shadow elements are generated by the will of the Lord, and the living entities are allowed to run after them as after a phantasmagoria
- When the Bhuma-purusa brought forth those dead bodies as living entities, He said, Both of you (Krsna and Arjuna) appear to preserve religious principles in the world and to annihilate the demons
- When the cloud of maya is gone, the particles again become brilliant and shining. As soon as the living entity is covered by the ignorance of maya, or darkness, he cannot understand his relationship with the Supreme God
- When the conditioned soul tries to reach the Lord by hurling an arrow at Him, the Lord takes pleasure, and the living entity gains the profit of going back home, back to Godhead
- When the creation is again revived, he (the living entity) is awakened to his work by the Lord
- When the creation was there, Brahma was the only person, living entity, in the beginning. So the question may be that "How Brahma learned Vedic knowledge?" That is explained: tene brahma...
- When the ears of the gigantic form became manifested, all the controlling deities of the directions entered into them with the hearing principles, by which all the living entities hear and take advantage of sound
- When the eyes lose their power to see color or form due to morbid affliction of the optic nerve, the sense of sight becomes deadened. The living entity, who is the seer of both the eyes and the sight, loses his power of vision
- When the first purusa-avatara, Maha-Visnu, glances over the material nature, material nature becomes agitated, and the purusa-avatara thus impregnates matter with living entities
- When the genitals of the gigantic form separately became manifest, then Prajapati, the original living creature, entered into them with his partial semen, and thus the living entities can enjoy sex pleasure
- When the gross body is finished, the plans of the living entity are taken by the mind, and by the grace of the Lord, the living entity gets a chance to give these plans shape in the next life. This is known as the law of karma
- When the gross material body is not manifest, the living entity cannot factually act in the modes of material nature
- When the hands of the gigantic form separately became manifested, Indra, the ruler of the heavenly planets, entered into them, and thus the living entity is able to transact business for his livelihood
- When the infinitesimal living entities are engaged in their infinitesimal desires for material enjoyment, they are called jiva-sakti, but when they are dovetailed with the infinite, they are called liberated souls
- When the last illusion is also cleared off by the mercy of the Lord, the living entity again becomes reinstated in his original position and thus becomes actually liberated
- When the living entities are in Krsna consciousness, there is no such distinction as "I" and "you" because everyone is engaged in the service of the Lord
- When the living entities come to this world for material enjoyment, they are entangled in karma and karma-phala by the Lord's illusory energy. But if one seeks shelter at the Lord's lotus feet, one is again situated in his original, liberated state
- When the living entities forget Krsna, they are in this material world. Krsna means His name, His form, His abode, His pastimes - everything
- When the living entities were coming out for further development of their fruitive activities, actuated by the energy called kala-sakti, He saw His transcendental body as bluish
- When the living entity abandons the shelter of God, Krsna, and tries to become a prabhu independently, he travels all over the creation
- When the living entity accepts this supreme proprietorship of the Lord and acts in that attitude, he resumes his real identity. In order to elevate the living entity to this standard of knowledge, there is the necessity of spiritual association
- When the living entity acquires developed consciousness, he should try to rectify his situation and again become a member of the spiritual world
- When the living entity actually develops love of Godhead, he has reached the ultimate goal, prayojana. In other words, one who becomes fully Krsna conscious has attained the perfection of life
- When the living entity and his companions leave, the body no longer works but turns into basic material elements - earth, water, fire, air and ether
- When the living entity and the life air are gone, the lump of matter produced of five elements - earth, water, air, fire and ether - is rejected and left behind
- When the living entity becomes enlightened with full spiritual knowledge 2) he becomes free from the five kinds of material attachments, namely ignorance, false egoism, attachment to the material world, envy and absorption in material consciousness
- When the living entity becomes exactly like a monkey jumping from one branch to another, he remains in the tree of household life without any profit but sex
- When the living entity becomes free from the influence of the illusory material energy, he attains the stage called mukti, or liberation. BG 1972 purports
- When the living entity comes to his real consciousness, he approaches Krsna with a frank and open heart to achieve His shelter. At such a time he prays to Krsna to be engaged in His transcendental loving service
- When the living entity comes to his senses by the mercy of the Lord, he is awarded devotional service. Thus he is saved from the clutches of maya. At such a time he can see his eternal friend, the SPG, and become free from all lamentation and hankering
- When the living entity comes to the material world, he thinks himself the enjoyer. Thus he becomes more and more entangled
- When the living entity decides to go back home, back to Godhead, his target is Lord Visnu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In the conditioned state of life, one does not understand that the goal of life is the Supreme Lord
- When the living entity dreams, the sense objects are not actually present. However, because one has associated with the sense objects, they become manifest. Similarly, the living entity with undeveloped senses does not cease to exist materially
- When the living entity engaged in devotional service relishes the fruit of love of Godhead, he forgets all religious ritual and improvements in his economic condition
- When the living entity falls down into the material world, the Supreme Lord, through His svamsa expansion (Paramatma), keeps company with the living entity. In this way the living entity may some day return home, back to Godhead
- When the living entity falls down, he goes into the material world, which was created by the external energy of the Lord. This external energy is described herein (SB 4.28.55) as some woman, or prakrti
- When the living entity gets the body of a demigod, he is certainly very jubilant, when he gets a human body he is always in lamentation, and when he gets the body of an animal, he is always afraid
- When the living entity gives up this material body, the vital force still remains intact and is carried to another material body. That is called transmigration, or change of the body, and we have come to know this process as death
- When the living entity is a victim of the illusory energy, he works as a great hero in the material world, as a great leader, politician, businessman, industrialist, etc., and his heroic activities contribute to the material advancement of civilization
- When the living entity is arrested, all his followers - namely the life air, the senses and sense objects - immediately leave the lump of matter, the body
- When the living entity is attracted by the material energy, which is separate from Krsna, he is overpowered by fear. Because he is separated from the Supreme Personality of Godhead by the material energy, his conception of life is reversed
- When the living entity is bewildered or illusioned by the external energy, he becomes forgetful of his eternal relationship with the Lord, but as soon as he becomes aware of his constitutional position, he is liberated
- When the living entity is born in a species of lower animals, he completely forgets his relationship with the Lord and therefore remains always busy in the matter of eating, sleeping, fearing, and mating
- When the living entity is born with this material world - especially as a human being - he has several obligations unto the demigods, unto the saintly persons and unto living entities in general
- When the living entity is cleansed, he does not think of anything material. As the mind is completely cleansed, one attains the perfectional stage of mystic yoga, for then the yogi always sees the Supreme Personality of Godhead within his heart
- When the living entity is covered by the influence of maya, he becomes a so-called scientist, philosopher, politician or socialist, and at every moment presents different plans for the benefit of human society
- When the living entity is covered by the mode of ignorance, he does not understand the individual living being and the supreme living being, and his mind is subjugated to fruitive activity
- When the living entity is covered by the upadhi, or designated body, he sees differences, exactly as one sees differences in reflections of oneself on water, on oil or in a mirror
- When the living entity is directly seen by the Lord, the Lord dictates to him to act according to His desire, and when the living entity follows Him perfectly, the living entity ceases to discharge any other duty for his illusory satisfaction
- When the living entity is encaged in the material body, he is called jiva-bhuta, and when he is free from the material body he is called brahma-bhuta
- When the living entity is encircled by wife, children and home, he acts on the mental plane. Sometimes he is very happy, sometimes he is very much satisfied, sometimes he is not satisfied, and sometimes he is bewildered
- When the living entity is enlightened by the grace of the Supreme Lord or His pure devotee and becomes inclined to revive his original state of loving service, he is on the most auspicious platform of eternal bliss and knowledge
- When the living entity is fortunate enough to associate with Sri Narada Mahamuni or his servants, he is liberated from this dreamland of material creation and the bodily conception of life
- When the living entity is in deep sleep, when he faints, when there is some great shock on account of severe loss, at the time of death, or when the body temperature is very high, the movement of the life air is arrested
- When the living entity is in material consciousness, he has to take on various bodies in the material world. That is called karma, or varied creation by the force of material consciousness
- When the living entity is in material consciousness, he has to take on various bodies in the material world. That is called karma, or varied creation by the force of material consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- When the living entity is in the body of a crow, he eats all kinds of refuse, even pus and mucus, and enjoys it
- When the living entity is in the body of a hog, he eats stool. When the living entity is in the body of a crow, he eats all kinds of refuse, even pus and mucus, and enjoys it
- When the living entity is lost in the forest of the material world, in the struggle for existence, his first business is to find a bona fide guru who is always engaged at the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu
- When the living entity is packed in the womb, unable to move, he prays to God, - Please relieve me from this horrible condition. If You relieve me, I shall worship You
- When the living entity is put into material nature, then his senses and qualities are polluted, or designated
- When the living entity is situated in visuddha-sattva, transcendental to the three material modes of nature, he can perceive the form, quality and other features of the Supreme Personality of Godhead through his service attitude
- When the living entity is taken away or arrested by Yamaraja (tam utkramantam), the life air also goes with him (prano 'nutkramati), and when the life air is gone (pranam anutkramantam), all the senses (sarve pranah) also go along
- When the living entity is thus unaffected by the modes of material nature, because he is unchanging and does not claim proprietorship, he remains apart from the reactions of the modes, just as the sun remains aloof from its reflection on water
- When the living entity is too busily engaged serving his senses, and there is an over-indulgence in sense gratification, the Lord comes
- When the living entity is uncovered from these material or inferior energies, he is called liberated. When he is liberated, he has no false ego, but his real ego again comes into existence
- When the living entity lives within the material body, he falsely thinks that he is the body, although actually he is not. His relationship with his body and his so-called father and mother are false, illusory conceptions
- When the living entity now covered by the modes of material nature is freed from ignorance, passion, and so-called goodness, he becomes one with the Absolute Truth. Such oneness is called mukti, or freedom from the miseries of material life
- When the living entity perfectly performs spiritual activities under the direction of the spiritual master, he becomes perfect in knowledge and understands that he is not God but a servant of God
- When the living entity prefers to cooperate with the external energy, he is put into difficulty. By the process called pratyahara (diversion), yoga diverts our energies from the external to the internal
- When the living entity puts himself under the direction of yogamaya instead of mahamaya, he gradually becomes a devotee of Krsna
- When the living entity remains in contact with the all-pervading Vasudeva, the Personality of Godhead, he manifests his spiritual power, exactly as the crocodile exhibits its strength in the water
- When the living entity takes shelter in the womb of a woman through the injection of the semen of a man, there is an emulsification of the man's and woman's discharges, and thus a body is formed the size of a pea, gradually developing into a complete body
- When the living entity wants to enjoy by imitating the Supreme Personality of Godhead, his desire is called maya, and it puts him in the material atmosphere
- When the living entity wants to enjoy the modes of material nature in their totality, he prefers, out of many bodily forms, to accept that body which has nine gates, two hands and two legs. Thus he prefers to become a human being or a demigod
- When the living entity within the heart becomes enlightened with full spiritual knowledge and detached from the material world, he 1) burns up his material covering of the five elements - earth, water, fire, air and sky
- When the living entity's mind becomes absorbed in the sense gratification of the material world, it brings about his conditioned life and suffering within the material situation
- When the living entity, after many, many births in different forms, returns to his original form of Krsna consciousness, he immediately surrenders unto the lotus feet of the supreme form, Krsna. This is liberation
- When the living entity, the soul, is absorbed in materialistic thoughts, he accepts various manifestations as his own identity because of ignorance - SB 10.1.43
- When the Lord Himself comes, He is called saksat, or a direct saktyavesa-avatara, and when He empowers some living entity to represent Him that living entity is called an indirect or avesa incarnation
- When the Lord, out of His natural compassion, thinks of His devotee, by that process only are all desires of the neophyte devotee fulfilled. The Lord is situated in every living entity's heart, although the living entity may be very insignificant
- When the material world is awake and put in working order, this is a kind of dream, a waking dream. When the living entities go to sleep, they dream again
- When the material world is created for such misguided living entities, they create their own karma, fruitive activities, and take advantage of the time element, and thereby they create their own fortune or misfortune
- When the merit of sacrifice is exhausted, then the living entity descends to earth in the form of rain, then takes on the form of grains. BG 1972 purports
- When the mind and senses are engaged in devotional service, the living entity naturally becomes Krsna conscious
- When the mind becomes polluted by desires for sense gratification in the material world, the living entity drops into the material conditions, as explained in this verse - SB 4.29.75
- When the mind is engaged at the lotus feet of Krsna, the intelligence is purified, and then the intelligence gets inspiration from the Supersoul (dadami buddhi-yogam tam). Thus the living entity makes progress toward liberation from material bondage
- When the mind is polluted by fruitive activity, the living entity wants to be elevated from one material position to another
- When the mind is polluted by fruitive activity, the living entity wants to be elevated from one material position to another. Generally everyone is involved in working hard day and night to improve his economic condition
- When the mind, intelligence and ego are purified, all the active senses of the living entity become spiritual. Thus the living entity attains his sac-cid-ananda form
- When the mirror of intelligence is polished, the real activities of the living entity begin
- When the palate of the gigantic form was separately manifested, Varuna, the director of water in the planetary systems, entered therein, and thus the living entity has the facility to taste everything with his tongue
- When the purusa who worships, the living entity, thinks of becoming one with the Supreme person, he simply becomes bewildered and falls into the darkness of ignorance
- When the seven properties of material nature (the total material energy, the ego and the five objects of sense gratification) are in proper order, the living entity within the material elements is happy. Without these seven elements one cannot exist
- When the sky is reflected in water, the reflections represent both the sun and the moon and the stars also. The stars can be compared to the living entities and the sun or the moon to the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- When the Supreme Lord is pleased by a person's actions, automatically all the demigods, human beings, animals, birds, bees, creepers, trees, grass and all other living entities, beginning with Lord Brahma, are pleased
- When the Supreme Personality of Godhead glances over the material energy, she becomes agitated. At that time, the Lord injects the original semen of the living entities
- When the term of the living entity's imprisonment or punishment in the lower species is finished, he is again offered a human form and given a chance to decide for himself which way he should plan
- When the whole world is annihilated, all living entities again enter into the body of Maha-Visnu. When there is again creation, the living entities again come out, according to their past position. We do not accept Darwin's rascal theory
- When the world was full of water, the living entity took an aquatic form. Then he passed to vegetable life, from vegetable life to worm life, from worm life to bird life, from bird life to animal life, and from animal life to the human form
- When their (living entity's) consciousness is changed into Krsna consciousness, however, they immediately fix Krsna within their hearts, and thus their path for liberation becomes clear
- When their (the living entities') desire to lord it over material energy has vanished, they are promoted to the posts of demigods, who are entrusted by the Lord with executing the management of the universal affairs
- When there is creation, the living entities take on different forms according to past desires. This means that all the species or forms of life are simultaneously created
- When there is no rain, food is scarce, and man and animal simply die. All vegetables, as well as moving living entities, are originally products of the earth. They come from the earth, and again they merge into the earth
- When there is sufficient sunshine, the mind remains clear and transparent - in other words, the sun-god helps the mind of the living entity to become situated on the platform of paramahamsa
- When there was a manifestation of skin separated from the gigantic form, Anila, the deity directing the wind, entered with partial touch, and thus the living entities can realize tactile knowledge
- When there was a separate manifestation of skin, the controlling deities of sensations and their different parts entered into it, and thus the living entities feel itching and happiness due to touch
- When these seven are in proper order, the living entity is in a mood of pleasure
- When these small particles of the sun (the living entities) are covered by the cloud of maya, they lose their shining capacity
- When they (Samba, Pradyumna, Caru, Bhanu and Gada) approached a well, they found no water in it, but, on the contrary, within the well was a wonderful living entity. It was a large lizard, and all of them were astonished to see such a wonderful animal
- When they (the conditioned souls) are completely baffled by prolonged lustful activities, the living entities begin to inquire about their real position. BG 1972 purports
- When They play on Their flutes, all moving living entities are stunned, and nonmoving living entities experience ecstatic jubilation by Their sweet music. All these things are certainly very wonderful
- When unconscious at the time of annihilation, when this material world is unmanifested, they (the living entities) enter another stage of dreaming
- When uncontaminated pure knowledge is uncovered from the modes of material nature, the actual identity of the living entity is discovered: he is eternally a servitor of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- When we attain transcendental knowledge and are established in the actual, eternal religion of the actual living entity - the spirit soul - then and then only can we attain real, undeniable peace, prosperity, and happiness in the world
- When we find a by-product - the living entity or this cosmic manifestation - it is a transformation, or a by-product of the Supreme. It is like milk being transformed into yogurt
- When we living entities, who are like sparks of the original fire, the Supreme Lord, fall into a material condition, we must take the mantra from the Supreme Personality of Godhead as it is offered by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- When we speak of a living entity, we must see the body and the mind as two outward coverings, two layers of paraphernalia - and the living force or spirit soul as the chief, central figure
- When Yamaraja and his assistants take a living entity away to the place of judgment, the life, life air and desires, being followers of the living entity, also go with him. This is confirmed in the Vedas
- When you say: "United States of America," that's actually a place. There are living entities. There are men and mountains, rivers. Everything is there. Similarly, all these planets, they are inhabited by living entities
- When Your devotee Vasudeva Datta submitted his plea at Your lotus feet for the deliverance of all living entities, You accepted that request
- Whenever we see any living entity we should think, "Here is a spirit soul." Anyone who can understand such a spiritual vision of life is pandita
- Where is the living entity who has no desires? That is not possible. If we kill somebody to make him desireless, that "If you are killed, then there will be no more desire," no, the desire will continue in the subtle body
- Wherefrom the citric acid chemical comes? Because the living entity's there in the tree. Therefore the conclusion should be the chemicals come from life; life does not come from chemical
- Wheresoever I go, Hiranyakasipu will follow Me, as death follows all living entities. Therefore it is better for Me to enter the core of his heart, for then, because of his power to see only externally, he will not see Me
- Wherever there is the living entity, Krsna is there as friend. Su-parna, sayuja. So, from the sastra it is understood, as many material atoms are there, so many spiritual atoms are there. Now you can imagine how many living entities are there
- Whether he (living entity) takes the form of a man, demigod or animal, he ultimately has to endure an unmanifested condition during the two devastations - the devastation during the night of Brahma and the devastation at the end of Brahma's life
- While answering the great sage Narada, Lord Brahma described the position of maya and the bewildered living entities
- While exploiting the gross and subtle inferior energy (matter), the superior energy (the living entity) forgets his real spiritual mind and intelligence. This forgetfulness is due to the influence of matter upon the living entity. BG 1972 purports
- While rotating in the cycle of birth and death again and again in different species because of his own fruitive activities, the dependent living entity, by good fortune, may happen to become a human being. This human birth is very rarely obtained
- While the living entities enjoy the material conditions, the Lord maintains His transcendental position without being affected by the material atmosphere
- While the material body, the living entity and the Supersoul constitute an individual living being, originally they are all different energies of the one Supreme Lord
- While traveling in this material world through different species of life, a living entity may progress toward liberation. But if he comes in contact with a pure devotee, he becomes liberated from the clutches of material energy and becomes a devotee
- While we are preaching, opposing elements sometimes argue, "If all living entities were delivered by the Krsna consciousness movement, what would happen then? The universe would be devoid of living entities"
- Whole living entities - either birds, beasts, human beings - everyone is seeking happiness, because that is the nature. Nature of the spirit soul is to seek happiness
- Why a person, a living entity, is put into that condition (suffering from bodily ailments)? And if that condition is ended, that is real sympathy
- Why does the creation take place in such a way that the living entities are put into conditioned life to suffer the threefold miseries imposed upon them by the material nature
- Why he should allow animal killing? They are also living entities, but for their benefit, the so-called sadhu says, "The animal has no soul." What is the difference between animal and man? What are the symptoms of possessing the soul? They are all equal
- Why is the creation made? Since the Lord is the Supreme Personality of Godhead for all living entities, He created this material manifestation for those living entities who want to enjoy or lord it over material nature
- Why it is called sanatana-dharma. That I have already explained. The living entity is sanatana, or eternal; God is sanatana; and there is sanatana-dhama, the Lord's eternal abode. As Krsna describes in the Bhagavad-gita (8.20), paras tasmat tu bhavo 'nyo
- Why Krsna should be absent in the moon planet, although the body is there? If this dead body contains so many living entities, even moon is a dead body, and why there shall not be living entities
- Why should a living entity, who has been given senses, not be allowed unrestricted sense gratification?
- Why should living entities be denied this planet or that planet? According to the Vedas, the living entities can live anywhere and everywhere - on land, in water, in air and in fire. Whatever the condition, the living entity is unchangeable - sthanu
- Why then should the living entity be subjected to so many sufferings and misfortunes? It should not be so, but actually we see that it happens everywhere. This question is therefore put forward by Vidura for solution
- Why there are so many discrepancies and nonequality? Somebody is very rich, somebody is very poor. Somebody is eating stool, and somebody is eating nice prasadam, halava. It is all due to the living entity's karma
- Why you are thinking yourself so big? That is your fault. That is foolishness. I am a big man amongst a small, teeny living entities. But why you are thinking you are biggest of all, you can understand everything
- With such (childish satisfaction) desires in mind, the living entity does not actually enjoy, but he serves the bodily whims unnecessarily, without profit
- With the coming forth of material nature these living entities are again given a chance to act in the material world and prepare themselves to enter into the spiritual world
- With the growth of the body, the living entity, in order to vanquish his soul, increases his false prestige and anger and thereby creates enmity towards similarly lusty people
- With the material elements, the working senses and the knowledge-gathering senses we create a very nice car, and when the car is accidentally smashed in a collision, the mind suffers, and through the mind the living entity suffers
- With woman, the living entity is entangled with lusty desires, and he enjoys sex, just as one enjoys the aroma of a flower. He thus enjoys a life of sense gratification - from his tongue to his genitals
- Within the creepers there are many chirping birds; this indicates that he (the living entity) wants to satisfy himself by hearing the sweet voice of his wife
- Within the semina of the father, the living body, living entity, takes shelter
- Within this material world there are various types of living entities, and the different types of reptiles and scorpions mentioned in this verse (SB 4.18.22) are also provided with their sustenance by the arrangement of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Within this material world we are not eternal on account of material contamination. But time is eternal. Time is eternal; God is eternal; you are also eternal, living entity. Simply our work is not eternal. That can be changed
- Within this one universe, there are fourteen planetary systems, and the living entities are wandering in different bodily forms on different planets
- Without being a devotee of Lord Krsna, one can only be baffled and confused. To save living entities from such a calamity, Lord Krsna points out in Bhagavad-gita
- Without even being invited, a devotee will go from door to door to enlighten people and to bring them out of the darkness of nescience by injecting knowledge of the living entity's constitutional position as a servant of Lord Krsna
- Without having desires a living entity would be dead, which he is not. Therefore, living conditions and desire go together
- Without knowledge that such (sinful) activities will keep him perpetually bound by the shackles of material bondage. Due to this polluted mentality and due to material sins, the aggregate combination of living entities appeared to be bluish
- Without Krsna's mercy, one cannot get out of the filthy entanglement of materialistic life. The poor living entity cannot give up his materialistic position on his own; only when granted the special mercy of Krsna can he give it up
- Without taking to God consciousness and accepting the authority of the Lord, the living entities become ultimately confused and frustrated in their planmaking attempts
- Without the living entities, this material nature has no value. Both emanate from the pores of the transcendental body of Lord Maha-Visnu
- Without the living entities, this material nature has no value. Both emanate from the pores of the transcendental body of Lord Maha-Visnu. They are different energies
- Without the living entity, a material body cannot automatically take shape or develop
- Without the touch of the superior nature, the living entity, nothing can grow. Therefore the relationship between matter and nature is eternally going on, and this combination is effected by the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- Woman, or the fair sex, is the enchanting principle for the living entities, and the male form, especially in the human being, is meant for self-realization
- Yada yada hi dharmasya glanir bhavati bharata (BG 4.7). Dharma means the real occupation of the living entity. When there is a discrepancy in the eternal occupation of the living entity, the Lord comes and introduces the real occupation of life
- Yamaraja is mahajana in this sense: All the sinful living entities are brought before him, and according to the gravity of criminality, sinful action, he punishes. Just like magistrate
- Yamaraja offers the living entity a body according to his karma. Karmana daiva-netrena (SB 3.31.1). We have already discussed the point that bodies are awarded according to one's qualifications
- Yamaraja, or Dharmaraja, as the superintendent of death, has to judge the criminal living entities who have committed sinful activities throughout their lives. Consequently Yamaraja is expected to be most expert in judicial matters
- Yamaraja, the controller of all living entities, fears the order of Krsna, yet Krsna is afraid of His mother's stick. These contradictions cannot be understood by one who is not a devotee
- Yamaraja, the great controller of life after death, decides the living entities' destinies in their next lives
- Yato va imani bhutani jayante. "The Supreme Absolute Truth is that from which everything is born." He is the prime eternal among all eternals. He is the supreme living entity of all living entities, and He alone is maintaining all life. BG 1972 purports
- Ye yatha mam prapadyante tams tathaiva bhajamy aham (BG 4.11). The Lord reciprocates. Whatever even an ordinary living entity wants, Krsna gives. Krsna is situated in everyone's heart, and He gives that which is desired by the living entity
- You (Brahma) are the father of all living entities and the source of their subsistence because they are all born of you. Please order us how we may be able to render service unto you
- You (Krsna) are living as the Supersoul in all the multiforms of living entities, and You know very well what is going on within their bodies and minds
- You are dressed with shirt and coat in different colors and different shape. Similarly, the living entity - it does not matter whether he is a man or animal - he is part and parcel of God, but he desired certain dress or certain body, so nature, has given
- You are envious of Lord Siva, who is the friend of all living entities within the three worlds
- You are living entity. If you have no thinking, feeling, willing, desire or working, then what is the difference between you and the stone? You are not stone
- You are the original cause of creation, manifestation and annihilation, and You bestow benedictions upon all living entities. Everyone depends upon You for the results of his activities, but You are always independent
- You are the original Personality of Godhead, full with six opulences, and You are eternally the master of the three modes of material nature. Thus, You are always different from the ordinary living entities
- You are the source of the eternal occupation of all living entities, and by Your multimanifestations of Personalities of Godhead, You have always protected religion
- You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the origin and Supreme Lord of all living entities. You have arisen to disseminate the rays of the sun in order to dissipate the darkness of the ignorance of the universe
- You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whereas I am a most insignificant living being. Therefore please accept a little quantity of food from my house
- You can go to the higher planetary system, you can go to the lower planetary system, and you can go to the kingdom of God also, in the spiritual world. Therefore the living entity's another name is sarva-gah: he can go anywhere
- You cannot get out the living entity, soul, by force from that body. Then you will be punishable. The living entity is never killed, but you have no right to get him out from that body. That is sinful
- You cannot say what I am thinking. I cannot say what you are thinking. Therefore I or you are not all-pervading. We are limited. And that is living entity. This is a very nice example
- You cannot say, because you cannot live within the water, you cannot say, "No, no, there cannot be any living entity." This is nonsense. The living entities, another name is sarva-ga. He can live everywhere
- You do not know the business and affairs of my body, I do not know the business and affairs of your body. This is living entity. But God knows your business, your affairs of the body, and he knows my business and affairs of the body
- You have got the creative energy, but you cannot create another planet which is floating in the sky. That is not possible. That is the difference between living entity and Bhagavan. The similarity is there
- You have preached the loud chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra and in this way freed all moving and nonmoving living entities from material bondage
- You know everything about this creation and its beginning, maintenance and annihilation, and You know all the endeavors made by the living entities, by which they are either implicated in this material world or liberated from it
- You live as the Supersoul of all living entities, and the goddess of fortune is the form of their bodies, senses and minds. She also has a holy name and form, whereas You are the support of all such names and forms and the cause for their manifestation
- You may have some understanding that in the Vedic literature there is mention of many demigods. But the demigods, they are also living entities - a little more powerful than the human beings, that's all
- You may understand from me that the individual souls are everywhere, means, anywhere you go within this material world there are individual living entities
- You should detest sense gratification & tolerate the duality of pleasure & pain, which are like the seasonal changes of summer & winter. Try to realize the miserable condition of living entities, who are miserable even in the higher planetary systems
- Your determination to remain as brahmacari is very encouraging. Actually, a living entity does not require to be entangled more and more. Rather he should save his time to finish the Krishna Consciousness business, and thus be liberated in this life
- Your Lordship, being the origin of the life of this material world, is the master and controller of the living entities, both moving and stationary, and you inspire their consciousness
- Yudhisthira Maharaja is not only thinking of the human being who were killed in the Battlefield of Kuruksetra. He is thinking of all the horses, elephants - because they are also living entities