Prabhupāda: . . . especially meant for these things: tapasā—austerities; brahmacarya—celibacy; samā, śamena—controlling mind; damane—controlling the senses; tyāgena—by giving in charity; satya—truthfulness; śaucābhyām—cleanliness; yamena—by practice of yoga system; yamena, niyamena—by following regulative principles. This is the chance, human form of life, to practice this and cure the disease of repetition of birth, death, old age and disease.
This is not our condition of life to die or to take birth. Things have come to such horrible condition that birth has become also very much risky. One child, one living entity, takes birth in the womb of a human being, and that child is being killed by the conspiration of the mother and the doctor. This is going on. Without any hesitation, the mother is agreeing to kill the child, and the doctor is killing. And the small child, because it has taken birth in that womb, he is subjected to so many tribulation.
After all, again death. Just see, birth and death. The human civilization is coming to such horrible condition that mother is killing the child. Naturally, even the tigress has got motherly affection. The cubs, small tiger cubs, playing on the back of the mother, and the mother is patting. This natural tendency for raising or for getting children, child, there is even in tigress. But human civilization is coming to that stage that it is lesser than the tigress. Lesser than the tigress.