Category:Imperfections of the Living Entity - videos
Pages in category "Imperfections of the Living Entity - videos"
The following 272 pages are in this category, out of 272 total.
- A devotee knows that: "Whatever intelligence, I have got, I may try to become happy, if Krsna does not sanction, I'll never be happy." This is the distinction between devotee and nondevotee
- A devotee, when he understands thoroughly that "Here is one Supreme Person, who is the leader, who is the controller, who is the maintainer of everything," then he surrenders unto Him and becomes His devotee
- A flower should be in the garden, but if somebody imagines the flower in the sky, it is something imaginary. So for a devotee, this heavenly promotion to the heavenly planet is just like a flower in the sky
- A Vaisnava is unhappy by seeing others unhappy. Personally, he has no unhappiness. Because he's in contact with Krsna, how he can be unhappy? Personally, he has no unhappiness
- According to our Indian system, their enjoyment is not meat-eating as in the Western countries. Their enjoyment is eating ghee more, become chubby, fatty. That is their enjoyment
- Actually if the monarch becomes Krsna conscious, actually becomes representative of Krsna, then the whole face of the kingdom will change. That is required. Our Krsna consciousness movement is for that purpose
- Actually that is the fact. We are traveling all over the universe. Not only that we have come to this planet. We have traveled many other planets
- Actually there is no scarcity. The scarcity is Krsna consciousness. So if you become Krsna conscious then everything is ample. There is no scarcity
- Actually we are serving money. Any why you are serving money? Because with the money we can satisfy our senses
- Adanta means unbridled, uncontrolled. Go means indriya or senses. Materialistic persons, they cannot control their senses. They are servant of the senses, godasa. Go means indriya, and dasa means servant
- All these loving affairs are also temporary and they are not pure. They are simply a perverted reflection of the pure love that is existing between you and Krsna
- All these politicians, they're spoiling the situation
- Amara Jivana, CD 8 - Amara jivana sada pape rata nahiko punyera lesa. This is a song sung by Bhaktivinoda Thakura in Vaisnava humbleness. A Vaisnava is always meek and humble
- Ambudhi means the ocean. So this ocean does not increase, but when you come to the spiritual ocean of ananda, blissfulness, it will increase daily
- Anadi Karama Phale, CD 7 - This is a song sung by Bhaktivinoda Thakura, depicting the picture of the conditioned soul
- Anyone who has got this material body, he has to work. Everyone has to work
- As soon as you are touched with the Supreme Spirit, viraktir anyatra syat, no more enjoyment in this material world. So Krsna is there. Krsna is also sitting within the heart, and I am also sitting within the heart, just like two friends
- Bad work means maya and good work means God. There are two things: God and maya. If we do not act in godly situation then we must be acting in maya's clutches
- Base quality means kama, lusty desires, and greediness. In material world, generally they are under these base quality, means always filled up with lusty desires & not satisfied, greedy. So when we conquer over these base qualities, then we become happy
- Because the spirit soul is part and parcel of Krsna, so by nature, he is joyful. He is seeking after joy. Every one of us, we are working so hard to find out some pleasure of life
- Because we, with our teeny brain, we cannot find out what is the actual niscitam, fixed-up sreya. That we do not know. That you have to ask from Krsna. Or his representative
- Because you are eternal, you are not meant for death, but nature is forcing you, Must die
- Believe it! There is no more superior authority than Krsna
- Bhagavad-gita and Krsna, there is no difference. Bhagavad-gita is also Krsna. Otherwise why this book is worshiped since so, for so long time, since five thousand years, unless the Bhagavad-gita is Krsna?
- Bhagavan is for everyone. God is God. Just like gold is gold. If gold is handled by Hindu, it does not become Hindu gold. Or the gold is handled by Christian, it does not become Christian gold. Gold is gold. Similarly, dharma is one. Religion is one
- Bhakti means that we have to clear ourself from the designations. What is that designation? Everyone is thinking, "I am American," "I am Indian," "I am European," "I am Australian," "I am cat," "I am dog, "I am this," "I am that" - bodily
- Bhiksa is also sometimes prohibited from a person who is too much materialist. But bhiksa is allowed for sannyasis, for brahmana
- Bhinna prakrtir astadha. Just like I am speaking, it is being recorded, recorded. But in my absence, if the record is played, it will exactly vibrate the same sound. So that is my energy or anyone's energy, but bhinna, separated from me
- By my mental speculation, by rascal interpretation, by showing one's scholarship, you cannot understand Bhagavad-gita. That is not possible. Submissive
- By the dictation of the senses we are committing sinful activities life after life; therefore we are in different grades of bodily presentation. Don't think that everyone is of the same standard
- By the grace of Kunti, we can understand that although the Supreme Person is invisible, now He has appeared to be visible, Krsna
- Cleanliness is next to godliness. Actually, our material conditioned life means the mind is covered with dirt, all unclean, dirty things. That is the disease
- Complete freedom. Eternity, blissful and full of knowledge. That is spiritual life. Completely distinct from this bodily concept of life
- Culture of knowledge means spiritual knowledge. That is real knowledge. And advancement of knowledge for comforts or to protect this material body, that is the culture of nescience
- Demigods means almost God. They have got all godly qualities, and they are controller of the atmospheric affairs. Some of them are controlling rainy season, some of them controlling heat
- Directly we cannot appreciate what is that spiritual fragment, particle, which is within this body. Because the length and breadth of that spirit soul is impossible to be measured by our material instruments
- Do not forget your real business, Krsna consciousness. Don't care for these material pains and pleasure
- Don't make any plan. Accept Krsna's plan. That will be simply giving trouble to Krsna. Therefore, a devotee does not pray even for his maintenance. That is pure devotee. He doesn't give trouble to Krsna even for his bare maintenance
- Don't make it a stool society. You see? Make it a honey society. At least, give chance, those who are seeking after honey. Don't cheat people. So they'll come
- Don't misuse this opportunity. Some way or other, you have come in contact with this movement. Properly utilize it. Don't go to the darkness. Always remain in bright light
- Dr. Frog is trying to understand Atlantic Ocean comparing with his three-feet well, that's all. When he is informed that there is Atlantic Ocean, he's simply comparing with his limited space
- Each and everyone of us, we are thinking, "I am independent, and my wife, my children, my society, they are my soldiers. If I am in danger, they will help me." This is going on. This is called maya
- Enjoyment alone is not possible. Enjoyment means two - Krsna and you
- Even a Vaisnava acarya, what he is doing, even the most expert intelligent man cannot understand why he is doing this. Therefore we should not try to imitate the higher authorities, but we have to follow
- Even God has got this discrimination. There are bad elements. So if in God's mind there is good element, bad element... So we are part and parcel of God. We must have also the same sentiment. We cannot avoid it
- Even if you don't do anything, if you simply restrain your sex life, you become a very powerful man. People do not know the secret. So anything you do, if you want to do it with determination, you have to stop sex life. That is the secret
- Even in the animals, there are divisions. Swan class and crow class. Natural division. The crow will not go to the swan. The swan will not go to the crow. Similarly in the human society, there are crow class men and swan class men
- Even the dog knows how to use sex life. It doesn't require a Freud's philosophy. But the rascal human society, they are thinking that "Here is a big philosopher. He is writing about sex"
- Everyone is trying to satisfy his or her senses. A woman is loving a man for satisfying her senses, and the man is loving a woman for satisfying. Therefore, as soon as there is some little disturbance in the sense gratification, divorce
- Everyone of us is very intimately connected with Krsna, and Krsna is sitting in everyone's heart. Krsna is so kind, that He is simply waiting, "When this rascal will turn his face towards Me"
- Everything will be null and void when there is no God. That's all. The modern civilization has got everything, but without God consciousness, any moment it will be finished
- Father is the leader of the family. And why father is the leader? Because he earns, he maintains the children, wife, servant, and establishment; therefore naturally, he's accepted the leader of the family
- For our disciples, we don't give anything cheap. Our first condition is character, moral character. Unless one is accepting moral character, we don't initiate, don't allow him in this institution
- Gaura Pahu, 1969 - Why I have invited the spiritual death? Because I am engaged in something which is useless and I have rejected the real purpose of my life
- God is witness. He is along with us always. Whatever we are desiring, whatever we are working, He is witness and He is giving the result
- Gopi-bhartur pada-kamalayor dasa-dasa-dasanudasah. This is our process. We don't approach Krsna directly. We must begin our service to the Krsna's servant. And who is Krsna's servant? One who has become the servant of another Krsna's servant
- I am not manufacturing the words "foolish" and "rascal." It is said by Krsna
- I am the servant of the servant of the servant of Krsna - That is purification. Then desire. Then you'll not desire anything except Krsna's service. That is perfection
- I had no desire to accept the sannyasa order and preach, but my spiritual master wanted it. I am not very much inclined, but he forced me. That is also done. That is special favor
- I have got my this body, a dress, covering. And when I go India, this is not required. So they are taking that the body has evolved like that. But no. Here, under certain condition, I accept this dress
- I see in your Mauritius, you have got enough land to produce food grains. I understand that instead of growing food grains, you are growing sugarcane for exporting. Why? And you are dependent on food grains, on rice, wheat, dal. Why this attempt?
- I tell you frankly, whatever little success is there in this Krsna consciousness movement, I simply believed what was spoken by my Guru Maharaja. You also continue that. Then every success will come
- I would have collected millions of dollars if I would have cheated like that. But I do not want that. I want one student who follows my instruction. I don't want millions
- If God is not a person, then how His sons become persons?
- If Lord Jesus Christ says, "Through me," that means he's representative of God, and hari-nama is God. So either through the representative of God or God, the same thing
- If one is not born, how he can die? There is no question of death. Death is for a thing which has got a birth. If one has no birth, there is no question of death
- If people are trained to become Krsna conscious, then automatically everyone will be happy. Any one who will join, one, anyone who will hear, anyone who will cooperate - everyone will be happy
- If the king is real representative of God, then simply by pleasing the king, you please the almighty father, God
- If there is one moon, that is sufficient. What is the use of millions of stars twinkling. So that is our propaganda. If one man can understand what is Krsna philosophy, then my preaching is successful, that's all
- If we want to stop this miserable condition of getting another material body, then we must know what is karma, what is vikarma. That is Krsna's proposal
- If you commit mistake, by taking less food, that mistake is not bad
- If you employ your tongue in the service of the Lord, He'll reveal Himself to you. He'll reveal, revelation. So therefore we have to control the tongue. What is the tongue's business? The tongue's business is taste and vibrate
- If you engage yourself in pure devotional service incessantly, without any stop, then you always remain transcendental, above these three gunas. So our Krsna consciousness movement is to keep the devotee above the three gunas
- If you go on constructing your big building on a defective foundation, then it will not stay. There will be danger. So modern civilization is based on this defective idea that "I am this body"
- If you have got one rupee, if you take one anna, then it is fifteen annas. Or if you take two annas, it is fourteen annas. If you take sixteen annas, it becomes zero. But Krsna is not like that. He can expand Himself unlimited forms
- If you simply look after the bodily necessities and do not care to look after the necessity of the soul, that is foolish civilization
- If you simply speak what Krsna says, then you become His representative. Don't manufacture. Don't be over prudent, manufacturing. Simply to follow Krsna and His representatives, then you become mahajana. Otherwise you are a nonsense. Mudha
- If you want to learn this Krsna consciousness movement, we have got enough books. You can scientifically and philosophically study
- In Christian theology, the individual goes to the church and prays God, "Give us our daily bread." Why he's asking God?
- In other planets, somewhere water is very prominent, somewhere fire is very prominent. In the sun planet, the bodies there... There are also living entities, but their body is so made that it is fiery. They can exist in the fire
- In our society, you are all Godbrothers, Godsisters. Or those who are married, they are like mothers. So you should be very careful. Then you will remain dhira, sober
- In the Bhagavad-gita it is clearly explained that there are three kinds of activities according to the different modes of nature: the activities of goodness, the activities of passion, the activities of ignorance
- In the Bhagavad-gita, God says that "All living entities are My part and parcels." He's undergoing a great struggle for life under the bodily impression that he is this body, but this kind of understanding is animal civilization
- In this material world everyone individually has to take care of himself. How he can be saved from the clutches of maya. That is Krsna consciousness movement. A teacher can give you hints. The acarya can give you hints
- Intelligence is how to stop this slaughtering process of nature. That is intelligence. That is being discussed. So anyone can get out of the slaughtering process by devotional service
- Is Rama synonymous with Jesus?
- It is not that because you are born in a very rich family, you'll be immune from diseases. It is not that you'll not become old. It is not that you'll be saved from the troubles of birth or you'll be saved from the troubles of death
- Karl Marx. He is thinking how the laborer, the worker, their senses will be gratified. That is his philosophy
- Karpanya-dosa. Miserly, dosa means fault. When one does not act according to his position, that is fault. And that is called miserly. So everyone has got his natural propensities, svabhava
- Krsna comes in His original form... Original form is two-handed. It is also accepted in the Bible: "Man is made after the image of God." So God has got two-handed. Even the four-handed Visnu form is not the original
- Krsna consciousness is dormant in everyone's heart. So when he comes in contact with devotees, that is awakened
- Krsna consciousness movement is how to increase detachment for this material life. Therefore it is called vairagya-vidya
- Krsna consciousness movement means that we have to train our senses to satisfy Krsna. That's all
- Krsna consciousness movement means to approach the original person. The original person is not dead
- Krsna consciousness movement means to approach the original Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna. This is Krsna consciousness. Directly
- Krsna consciousness, or devotional service, means purifying the senses. That's all. We haven't got to eradicate, get out of the sensual activities. No. We have simply to purify the senses
- Krsna is all-attractive. Krsna is beautiful. Krsna has so many activities. The whole Vedic literature is full of Krsna's activities
- Krsna is very much anxious to take you back home, back to Godhead. But we are stubborn. We do not wish. So He's always finding out the opportunity how you can be taken back home, back to Godhead
- Krsna will remain perpetually with you if you love Krsna
- Kuntidevi knows that Krsna is unborn. Krsna does not take birth, but it appears like that to some fools. Therefore they say that Krsna has taken birth
- Man is rational. Man is animal, but rational animal. The special gift to man is that he can decide what is good, what is bad. He has got an extra knowledge than the animals
- Material starvation may be there, but actually that is not a problem because there is sufficient arrangement for maintaining this material body. Real starvation is of the soul. The soul is not getting spiritual food
- Maya can cover the minute particles of the spirit soul, but maya cannot cover the supreme whole
- Milk is nothing but transformation of the blood. So instead of taking the blood, take the transformation and live nicely, like honest gentlemen. No. They are not even gentlemen. Rogues, uncivilized
- Mind is the vehicle for being attached
- My authority is Vedic literature
- My policy is following the footstep of Rupa Gosvami. He says that somehow or other, let them become first of all attached to Krsna
- Naisthika-brahmacari - throughout the life, celibacy. But that is not possible in this age, neither it is possible to become a brahmacari. The time is changed, this age. Therefore you can control your lusty desire by Krsna consciousness
- Never think that service is perfect. That will keep you in the perfect stage. Yes. We should always think that our service is not complete
- Nobody is cooperating. Simply these boys, they have kindly come to me and cooperating. So my movement is progressing, but very slowly. But if the leaders of the American people, they come and they try to understand and they try to introduce this system
- Now these same two brothers (Krsna and Balarama) have again descended, as Sri Krsna Caitanya-Nityananda. Sahoditau: simultaneously They have appeared. Not that one is appeared, another is not there. No. Both of Them
- Now, at least for me, this Krsna consciousness movement is no more theoretical. It is practical. I can solve all problems
- Now, everyone is trying not to die, everyone is trying not to become old, everyone is trying not to be dead, meet death. This is natural. Because, by nature, we are not subjected to these things
- On the top of the mango tree there is a very ripened fruit, and that fruit has to be tasted. So if I drop the fruit from up, it will be lost. Therefore it is handed over, after one, after one
- Once washed off, now keep yourself in that washed-off condition. That is required. So that will be possible if you keep yourself constantly in touch with Krsna by hearing about Him. That's all. You have to remain uncontaminated
- One has to get free from the bodily conception of life. That is the preliminary activity for a transcendentalist who wants to get free, who wants to be liberated. And he has to learn first of all that he is not this material body
- One who is intelligent, he should try to understand that "What kind of body am I going to get next?" That is intelligence. So that is also explained in the Bhagavad-gita, what kind of body you can get
- One who is trying to concentrate his mind on the imperson, or voidness, it is very difficult and troublesome
- Our business is to surrender. That is a fact. But we do not know where to surrender. That is the difficulty. And because the surrender is mistaken or misplaced, therefore the whole world is chaotic condition
- Our business is very thankless task. We say any man who is not a devotee, he is rascal. We say generally. It is very harsh word, but we have to use it. As soon as we see that he is not a devotee of Krsna, then he's a rascal
- Our loving object is Krsna. Somehow or other, we have forgotten Him. We don't trace the history when we forgot. That is useless labor. But we have forgotten, that is a fact. Now revive it. Here is reminder. So take opportunity
- Our philosophy is that we prepare nice foodstuff and we offer to Krsna, and after He has eaten, then we take it. That is our philosophy. We don't take anything which is not offered to Krsna
- Our subject matter is not material things, that somehow or other you get a car and a good apartment and a good wife, then all your problems solved. No. That is not solution of problems. The real problem is how to stop your death
- Our test tube is: if one does not know Krsna, if one does not know how to follow Bhagavad-gita, we immediately take him as a rascal. That's all
- Out of many millions and millions of persons, actually they are serious to understand, "What is the aim of life? What is God? What is my relation..." Nobody is interested
- Pasandi means devil, or nondevotee. Abhakta hina cara. Be careful not to mix with nondevotee who imagines about God
- People are not inclined to surrender; therefore he has to learn so many things
- People do not understand what is material bondage, but those who are in Krsna consciousness, they are educated what is bondage and what is liberation
- People misunderstand that Bhagavad-gita is ordinary warfare, violence. But it is not that. It is arranged by Krsna because, to fulfill His mission
- Prahlada Maharaja says that dharman bhagavatan, to become Krsna conscious, or God conscious, is so important that we should not lose even a moment's time. Immediately we shall begin
- Present life means so long we possess this material body, it is full of inauspicity
- Radha-Krsna lila is not material. One who understands Radha-Krsna lila as material, they are misled. Krsna cannot enjoy anything material
- Rascal guru will say, "Yes, you can eat anything. You can do anything. Religion has nothing to do with eating"
- Real problem is how to stop death, how to stop birth, how to stop old age, and how to stop disease. That is real problem. That can be done when you are liberated from this material world. This is our problem
- Sambandha, what is our connection with God. That is called sambandha. And then abhidheya. According to that relationship we have to act. That is called abhidheya. And why do we act. Because we have got the goal of life, to achieve the goal of life
- Science means that you advance in knowledge so that your miserable condition of life can be reduced, minimized. That is science. Otherwise, what is this science? They are simply promising; "In future." "But what you are delivering just now, sir?"
- Servant's business is to surrender, not to argue with the master or to claim that "I am equal with you." These are all fanatic, mad proposal
- Siddhanta, what is Krsna, if you study from the sastras, then siddhanta boliya citte, don't be lazy in understanding Krsna
- Sinner is illusioned. He's mad. If you hate him, then how you can deliver him? Therefore those who are devotees, those who are really servant of God, they have no hate for anyone
- So don't believe your so-called senses as the source of knowledge. No. The source of knowledge should be by hearing
- So don't spoil the movement by manufacturing ideas. Don't do that. Go on in the standard way, keep yourself pure; then movement is sure to be successful. But if you want to spoil it by whimsical, then what can be done?
- So long we are materially engrossed, bodily concept of life, there will be always anxiety. This is the test. Anyone who is in anxiety, means he is materially situated. And anyone who is elevated to the spiritual platform, he is prasannatma. He is jolly
- So long we have got this body, material body, we must be unhappy. First of all, we must try to understand why we are unhappy. We are unhappy because we are in this material body
- So long you are in the bodily concept of life, you are no better than the animal. That is the Bhagavata philosophy. You are animal
- So long you remain intoxicated with, it is all zero. But as soon as you put Krsna, it becomes ten, hundred, thousand, millions. You American boys and girls, you have got this opportunity. You have got zeroes. Put Krsna. You become ten
- So many rascals come, they challenge, "Can you show me God?" So... Yes. We can show you God, provided you have got the eyes. God can be seen by different type of eyes. Not these eyes. That is stated in the sastra
- So ultimately Krsna is working. Another, untrained man cannot come and work on it because there is no intelligence. And a particular man who is trained up, he can work. So these things are going on
- Some new boys come, and as soon as they are given some work, not very good for sense gratification, they go away. That means they are not prepared. It is better they may go away
- Somebody is politician, or householder, or something else. But because he has taken up some false duty and working hard for it, therefore he is an ass. He is forgetting his real business. Real business is that death will come. It will not avoid me
- Sometimes in disguise the king used to see whether this varnasrama-dharma is being maintained, properly being observed, whether somebody is simply wasting time like hippies
- Sruti means by hearing from the Supreme. So our process is sruti. Sruti means we hear from the highest authority. That is our process, and that is very easy
- Sunshine means combination of illuminating particles. That is sunshine. It is scientifically proven. Sparks, little atomic sparks, shining sparks. So similarly, we are also just like the shining sparks of Krsna
- Suppose we are in a group, this, our International Society. If everyone becomes ruler or acarya, then how it can be managed? No. There must be some head. That is the principle in our practical life
- Ten offenses to avoid while chanting the maha-mantra - 1 to 5
- Ten offenses to avoid while chanting the maha-mantra - 6 to 10
- That is the fact. It is a revolutionary movement. We are challenging everyone that "You are all set of asses and cows and animals, because you have no knowledge beyond this body"
- That planet, Krsna planet, Goloka Vrndavana, that is self-illuminated
- The aim of education, the aim of civilization, perfection of civilization, should be how people should get liberated from this conditional life. That is the whole scheme of Vedic civilization, to give liberation to the people
- The animal propensity - he is seeing his wife daily naked, and still he is going to see naked dance, and paying some fees. Because they have no engagement except this animalism. Is it not?
- The Bhagavad-gita is the basic principle of our Krsna consciousness movement. What we are spreading as Krsna consciousness, that is only Bhagavad-gita. It is not that we have manufactured anything
- The body is perishable, full of ignorance, and nirananda. Instead of becoming full of bliss, it is full of miseries. All the miseries that we experience in this material world, it is all due to this body
- The duty must be done. Even it is little suffering. That is called tapasya. Tapasya means we must proceed with our Krsna consciousness business in spite of all dangerous and calamitous condition of this world. This is called tapasya
- The first thing is we must hear. Srotavyah. Just try to hear what is God, what is His kingdom, how He acts, how He is cheerful. These things are to be heard. Sravanam
- The goal of our life, at least in this human form of life, in the Aryan civilization, the goal of life is to understand our constitutional position, "What I am. What I am." If we do not understand "What I am," then I am equal to the cats and dogs
- The Hanuman policy is: "Take out Sita from the hands of Ravana and get her seated by the side of Rama." The same Sita. Sita means Laksmi. So Laksmi means Narayana's property, God's property
- The industries, they are mentioned in the Bhagavad-gita as ugra-karma. Ugra-karma means ferocious activities
- The living entity which is moving the body, that is superior energy
- The Lord lives within the core of heart in every living being, therefore He is conscious of the psychic movements, activities, of the particular jiva. We should not forget
- The loving affairs of Radha and Krsna is not ordinary, these material loving affairs, although it appears like that
- The materialistic persons, they are sleeping in the matter of spiritual understanding. So therefore the activities which we find in daytime of the materialistic person, actually that is night
- The modern elected executive head of the state is just like a puppet because he has no kingly power. Even if he is enlightened like Maharaja Yudhisthira, he cannot do anything out of his own good will due to his constitutional position
- The preacher must love the people. Why at eighty years old I have come here if I do not love? So who can love better than a preacher? He loves even the animals
- The so-called educational system, all over the world, there is no such education. They are kept in darkness and ignorance and still so much money is being spent, especially in the Western countries
- The spiritual master will say that "You work like this." So that should be determined. That is karma, guna-karma. Spiritual master sees that he has these qualities. That is natural
- The sun is your witness, the moon is your witness, the day is your witness, the night is your witness, the sky is your witness. So how you can supersede the laws of the Lord?
- The whole New York City is flooded with the snow, and we are all put into inconvenience. That's a sort of suffering. But you have no control. You cannot stop snow falling
- The whole yoga system means to make the mind our friend
- The workers, laborers, he (the Christian priest) was preaching amongst them that "Lord Jesus Christ will save you. If you don't take shelter of Lord Jesus Christ, then you'll go to hell"
- There are so many stories of Lord Caitanya converting so many rascals. By just His presence, they would chant Hare Krsna. How can we get His mercy so that we can help the people around us to chant Hare Krsna?
- There are three things, jneyam, jnata, and jnana. The object of knowledge, the knower is called jnata, and the object of knowledge is called jneyam. And the process by which one can understand, that is called jnana, knowledge
- These centers are being opened just to give the opportunity to the people who are suffering not only in this life, life after life
- They are anxious, they are full of anxiety because they have captured something nonpermanent
- They are making scientific researches to become happy, but these rascals, they do not know how to stop death. So what is the nice? But they have no brain to understand
- They are showing some mysticism. Stop death. Then I shall see your mysticism. What is this nonsense mysticism? Can you stop death? Is it possible? Then what is the meaning of this mysticism? All bogus
- They are studying now atomic energy. Still they are finding difficulty. Dividing, dividing, dividing. Because they cannot find out that there is God, there is Krsna
- They foolishly think that simply "I am the monarch of all I survey." That's all. This planet is the monarch, and all other planets they're all subservient. They will satisfy our senses. This is foolishness
- This asuric public, they do not know which way their destination is. They say it is self-interest, but these rascals, they do not know what is the self-interest, because their very beginning of life is mistaken. They are thinking this body is the self
- This beating with shoes and broomstick is also another tapasya. For men like us, who have no control over the mind, we should practice this tapasya, beating the mind with shoes and broomstick. Then it can be controlled
- This black snake is less harmful than the man snake. Why? Now, this black snake, by chanting some mantra or by some herb can bring him under your control. But this man snake you cannot. It is not possible
- This body, antavat, it will be finished. However you may try, so scientifically, applying cosmetic and other things, you cannot save the body. That is not possible
- This civilization, modern civilization, having no information of the soul, it is simply a pack of animals only, that's all. Therefore they do not care what is the resultant action of their activities
- This is the first understanding of self-realization, that soul is eternal, it is not annihilated even after the annihilation of this body
- This is the purpose of Krsna consciousness movement: wholesale, thorough, overhauling of the human society. We have not manufactured anything, concocted things. It is very scientific
- This Krsna consciousness movement is educating people to become first-class yogi. Think of Krsna. Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare - Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. It is not bogus thing. It is actual fact. You can become yogi
- This Krsna consciousness movement is meant for giving food, means diet and medicine, to the soul. The medicine is the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- This Krsna consciousness movement is preaching that "This material world is not your home. Don't try to be happy here"
- This movement can be pushed on vigorously so long we are devotees, otherwise it will be finished. It cannot be conducted by any outsiders. No. Only the devotees. That is the secret. So long we remain devotees, our movement will go, without any check
- This movement is not started by me. This was started long, long years ago by Krsna Himself
- This rascal civilization, they cannot understand that I am eternal, I am put into this condition of birth and death. No rascal understands. So-called philosophers, scientists, all of them, therefore rascals, fools. Reject them
- Those who are coming to the touch of Krsna consciousness and initiated to execute, they should be very determined that "In this life we shall make a solution. No more. No more coming again." That should be our determination
- Through the sastra the perception is better than direct perception. Therefore our knowledge, those who are following the Vedic principles, their knowledge is derived from the Vedas. They do not manufacture any knowledge
- To make the whole human society happy, this God consciousness movement must spread
- To understand Krsna, one requires special senses, special senses, not ordinary senses. Special senses means you have to pluck your eyes and you have to put another eyes? No. You have to purify
- Unfortunately, the modern civilization, they do not know what is vimoksaya. They're so blind. They do not know that there is some position which is called vimoksaya. They do not know. They do not know what is next life
- Unless one is person, how can I serve him? I cannot serve the air or the sky. I must serve a person. Love does not exist in the sky or in the air. It must be a person. Man or woman, it doesn't matter. Otherwise where there is love? Whom to love?
- Unless we understand what is the wrong on the active principle of the body, the problems cannot be solved, just like if you cannot diagnose the disease, simply by symptomatic treatment you cannot make the man healthy. That is not possible
- Vigraha means form. Avyaktam vyaktim apannam manyante mam abuddhayah. People with less intelligence, they consider the Supreme Truth as impersonal, but He is a person, a transcendental person. This is confirmed in all Vedic literature
- Vivasvan, the sun-god, he explained to Manu, and Manu explained to his son (Iksvaku). In this way, by the disciplic succession the knowledge has come down
- We accept a certain portion of Bhagavad-gita and reject another portion. That is also not accepted. We must accept the Bhagavad-gita without interpretation, without any cutting, and without our own whimsical participation in the matter
- We always encourage chanting Hare Krsna, is that so?
- We are all recklessly wasteful sons of God
- We are busy always, but the animals are also busy for eating, sleeping, mating, and defending, but they have no problem. We have got problems
- We are chanting, we are hearing, we are dancing, we're enjoying. Why? Just to detach our life from all nonsense things and attach to Krsna. This is the process. This is Krsna consciousness
- We are dependent on the laws of nature. And suppose we become independent, so-called independent, for a few days. That is not independence. Real independence is how to get out of the clutches of these material laws
- We are fallen conditioned souls. In this material world we have come with an enjoying spirit. Therefore we are fallen. If one keeps his position rightly, he does not fall. Otherwise he is degraded. That is fallen condition
- We are getting the sword one after another, simply by hearing
- We are hearing from the scriptures, from authorities, that "I have got this miserable conditional body to suffer threefolds of material miseries; still, I am not very much anxious how to stop this repetition of birth and death. I am drinking poison"
- We are imposing some tapasya, that "Don't indulge in these things. No illicit sex, no intoxication, no meat-eating, no gambling." These are the items of tapasya for advancing in Krsna consciousness. So is it very difficult? It is not difficult
- We are proud of possessing a few acres of land, and Bhagavan means who is the proprietor of the whole universe. Therefore He is considered the richest. Similarly, He is considered the strongest. And similarly, He is considered the wisest
- We are sitting down and inquiring about Krsna. This is life. This is life. And what is this life? Working day and night like the ass? No. That is not life
- We are sometimes in difficulty. Not sometimes. Always, we are in difficulty, but we call it sometimes, because to get over the difficulty, we make some attempt, and that attempt - making is taken as happiness
- We are teaching people that you are suffering life after life. Now the human society has come to such a position that they do not know that there is life after this life. They are so advanced. Exactly the cats and dogs
- We are thinking independent and we are planning so many things independently to become happy. It is not possible. That is not possible. That is maya's illusory play
- We are thinking, "I shall be happy in this way. I shall be happy in this..." Nothing. You shall never be happy - this is perfect instruction - unless you go back to home, back to Godhead
- We become in touch with Krsna by chanting His name, Hare Krsna. That is the beginning of our connection with Krsna. Namadi. So sastra says, atah sri-krsna-namadi. Adi means beginning
- We cannot stop our activity. The activities are to be purified. And these purified activities are called bhakti. Bhakti means they are, they appear also just like ordinary activity, but they are not contaminated activities. They are purified activities
- We do not allow any lazy man. He must be engaged. That is Krsna consciousness movement. That is Krsna's order
- We do not think in terms of that simply my brother is good, I am good. And all bad. This kind of narrow, crippled consciousness we hate, we kick out
- We have created unnecessary problems simply by forgetting Krsna. This is the material nature. Bhave 'smin klisyamananam. Therefore you have to work so hard
- We have discussed about brahmastra. It is almost similar to the modern nuclear weapon or bomb, but it is made with chemicals, but this brahmastra is made of mantra. That is the subtle way. Modern science has not reached to that point of subtle existence
- We have got immense independence, but we are now conditioned by this body. Therefore in the human form of life it is an opportunity to get back our original independence. That is called Krsna consciousness. Freedom
- We have to become dhira from adhira. But this Krsna consciousness movement is so nice that adhira can be dhira. This is the profit of this movement
- We have to follow the Gosvamis literature, especially Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, which we have translated in The Nectar of Devotion, every one of you should very carefully read & make progress. Don't be victimized by the Mayavadi so-called Vaisnava
- We may be very powerful so long Krsna keeps us powerful. We are not independently powerful, even in the case of Arjuna
- We must see the inconceivable mystic power. Just like Krsna, as a child, lifted a hill. This is inconceivable mystic power. Ramacandra, He constructed a bridge of stone without pillar
- We must work for Krsna's sake. We shall go to the Krsna's temple, or we shall go for selling Krsna's books, or meeting some Krsna devotee
- We say everyone, "Come and eat." Why he should remain hungry? We invite everyone, "Come here, eat, no charge." We don't charge. Why he should remain hungry? Let us increase this program. All hungry men of Melbourne city, come here
- We want to see God, but we do not acknowledge that we are not qualified. How we can see? If I cannot see even an ordinary president. By my whims I want to see the president or such and such big officer. You cannot see unless you are qualified
- What is the use of studying Vedas if you do not understand Krsna? Because the ultimate goal of education means to understand the Supreme Lord, the supreme father, the supreme cause
- Whatever you see in yourself, that is there in God. So God cannot be impersonal, because we are all persons
- When Arjuna was chastised by Krsna as a friend that "Why you are so weak? Don't be weak. This is sentiment. This kind of compassion is sentiment. Uttistha. You better get up and fight"
- When he is engaged in so many nonsense service, it will be very difficult to drag him from this false engagement and again establish him to the Krsna's service. So when we are children - we are not polluted - we should be trained up in bhagavata-dharma
- When I realize that I am not this body, then immediately I transcend the three modes of material nature: sattva-guna, rajo-guna, tamo-guna. Under the bodily concept of life, I am influenced by one of the modes
- When the soul misuses the independence, then he falls down. That is material life. Material life means misusing the independence of soul
- When we accept any self-realization process, it is practically declaring war against the illusory energy, maya
- When you actually connect yourself with God, then you feel yourself many millions of times satisfied than enjoying this material world
- When you are too much influenced with the modes of passion, you become lusty. And when your lust is not fulfilled, then you are angry
- When you come again, awakening stage in the morning after getting up from the bed, I forget all the bodies I created in my dream. So which one is correct? This is correct? This body's correct, or that body's correct?
- When you work for Krsna with love and enthusiasm, that is your Krsna conscious life. If you think that "It is hackneyed, it is troublesome, but what can I do? These people ask me to do it. I have to do it," that is not Krsna consciousness
- Wherefrom the citric acid chemical comes? Because the living entity's there in the tree. Therefore the conclusion should be the chemicals come from life; life does not come from chemical
- Whole misconsciousness has come into existence due to this body
- Why I die. I do not like to die, but death is compulsory. I do not like to be old man, but still, it is compulsory. I do not like to suffer from disease, but it is compulsory. These are to be solved
- Within the core of your heart, the Lord is there. You sit down anywhere - in the cave, in the jungle or anywhere. If you like, you can find out the Lord is there within your heart
- Without Krsna being friend of everyone, nobody can live for a moment. Krsna is protecting everyone, supplying food to everyone
- Without Krsna consciousness, you will have simply rubbish desires. And when you are Krsna conscious, then you desire rightly
- Without refreshness, one cannot understand this sublime subject matter. And the guru, or the spiritual master, should be refreshed by taking bath in the ocean of Vedic knowledge
- Yoga system is not that, that you go on doing all nonsense in sense gratification and simply sit down meditation. This is simply colossal hoax. It has no meaning
- You can eat meat, but you cannot eat meat by killing your father and mother. That is human sense. You are taking milk from the cow; it is your mother
- You can say that "We are escaping this horrible condition of life: meat-eating, drinking and intoxication." We are escaping that, these thing, not escaping happiness. You are escaping happiness
- You cannot calculate. You cannot go to Brahma, you cannot go even to the moon planet. And what to speak of Brahmaloka is the ultimate, the remotest part of this universe. So by your direct experience, you cannot calculate
- You cannot declare that "I am free. I am not subordinate." If you are wishing that "I don't wish to be subordinate, don't wish to bow down," that is your disease
- You cannot expect any happiness guided by the fourth-class men. That is not possible. Therefore throughout the whole world there is chaotic condition. Nobody is happy. So this is essential that the human society must be divided into four divisions
- You cannot stop death. You cannot stop old age. You can manufacture advanced medicine, but why don't you stop disease? Take this pill, there will be no more disease. Where is that science
- You cannot trace out the history when you have fallen down. That is impossible. But our position is marginal. At any moment, we can fall down. That tendency is there
- You do not think that only woman is woman. The man is also woman. Don't think that the woman is condemned; man is not. Woman means enjoyed, and man means enjoyer. So this feeling, this feeling is condemned
- You drink something, become intoxicated. But as soon as that intoxication is over, all your intoxicated dreams are over, finished
- You have come forward to help me. I shall request you all that I shall go away, but you shall live. Don't give up pushing on this movement, and you'll be blessed by Lord Caitanya and His Divine Grace Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Prabhupada
- You have got fourth-class, tenth-class culture. How you'll understand the culture of becoming meek and humble?
- You may love humanity, but because you do not love Krsna, therefore you do not love the cows; you send them to slaughterhouse. So your love will remain defective. It will never be complete. And if you love Krsna, then you will love even the small ant