Category:Prabhupada Speaks - Lectures, 1976
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Pages in category "Prabhupada Speaks - Lectures, 1976"
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- A brahmacari gets power if he follows brahmacarya. Everyone, if we follow the prescribed rules and regulations, automatically you become powerful
- A brahmana never commits any sinful activity. If he, sometimes in an unnatural condition, if he does something. So he should be excused. This is Vedic law
- A child is born. There will be some puja, patha, and then there will be horoscope made immediately, in what moment this child is born, what will be his feature. All the brahmanas made immediately horoscope
- A devotee taking all risk, preaching for the benefit of the whole human society. He is called gosthy-anandi, increasing the number of devotees. That is preferred by Krsna
- A hunter spread his net. So some little birds, they fell down in the net and they are crying
- A pure devotee can see Krsna everywhere, that He's never out of your vision, and at the same time in Siksastaka prayers Lord Caitanya explains that "Govinda, I am feeling Your separation to be twelve years or more." Could you explain this?
- A servant is always ready to receive the order of the master. That is faithful servant. That is real servant. Not that at night duty he is sleeping somewhere. No. That is not faithful servant. Faithful servant means always alert
- A small ant, it can move, but a big tree cannot move. That is punishment. Just like in our childhood we were being punished by the teachers, "Stand up on the bench." So it is like that
- A Vaisnava is also self-sufficient, depending only on Krsna. That is Vaisnava. So he has nothing to lament or nothing to regret
- Abhidheya is acting actually. Sambandha is understanding. So if you do not come to the platform of acting, abhidheya, then simply understanding will not help you. And acting also with the aim to achieve
- According to Vedic system, the government has to look after about the ultimate goal of life also. The modern government, they are anxious to give material comforts
- According to Vedic system, there is purificatory process. Janmana jayate sudrah: "By birth everyone is born a sudra." A sudra means without any knowledge and simply full of lamentation
- According to Vedic system, unless the human society comes to the institution of varnasrama-dharma, they are not to be accepted as human society. The system, the whole system was to gradually educate people to be elevated to the spiritual platform
- Actually he (the hunter Mrgari) had no idea about papa and punya. Actually, those who are animal-hunter, they cannot understand what is spiritual life, what is God, what is sinful life, what is pious life
- Actually our position is to serve Krsna. That is real position. Caitanya Mahaprabhu starts His instruction from this point, that we are eternal servant of Krsna
- Actually that mentality is sannyasa. It doesn't matter whether we have changed the dress or not, but if we decide it, that "I am eternal servant of Krsna; my only duty is to serve Krsna," that is sannyasa
- Actually the President means the servant of the voters, and as soon as the voters do not like him... Just like Nixon is drawn back
- All servant, we are. Somebody is engaged in dressing the Deity. Somebody is engaged in preparing nice foodstuff for Deity. Somebody is making flower garlands. Somebody is going to distribute literature to make people understand the glories of Krsna
- All the gopis, girls, before their marriage, they prayed to Katyayani that "You give me Krsna as my husband." So Krsna..., it is not possible socially, but Krsna makes such a plan that He accepted every one of them as His wife. That is vastrana-lila
- All the students who used to come to England for higher studies, naturally he'd carry one white elephant. They used to say - it is not my coined words - they used to say, "Oh, to maintain European wife, it is like maintaining white elephant"
- Although God is here, still, he'll not accept. That is mudha, naradhama. And why he's mudha? Because naradhama. He does not take the process. He wants to manufacture something. Don't do that
- Anadi means before the beginning of this creation. The beginning of this creation is called adi, beginning, but our forgetfulness of Krsna is anadi
- Another definition of Krsna is He's full with six kinds of opulences. So He's sufficient to fulfill His desire. He doesn't require anyone's service
- Anu means repetition, and anu means following the footsteps of authority, spiritual master, anu. Our process is anu. We don't manufacture anything. We simply follow
- Any philosopher who takes Krsna also subjected to these, I mean to say, laws of maya, they are called Mayavadi
- Anyone who is bona fide acarya, he can create his own disciplic succession; but one disciplic succession and the other disciplic, they are not different - they are of the same conclusion
- Anyone who is devotee of Krsna, yei bhaje, who is engaged in devotional service of Lord Krsna, yei bhaje se bada, he is big. Our calculation of big, small, not by the caste system. Yei bhaje
- Anyone who takes care of his subordinate, he is guru. The first charge is that you should not become a guru unless you are completely in awareness how to save your dependent from the path of birth and death
- Apart from his life, we are especially stressing on the mission of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura
- Arjuna also showed by example. Although he was talking as friend, he submitted to Krsna, sisyas te 'ham sadhi mam prapannam
- Arjuna is mahajana, he's Krsna's friend, he's always with Krsna, and Krsna recognizes him. Not that because one is always with Krsna, therefore he knows Krsna. No. That is not possible
- As far as possible, we are giving shelter, we are giving prasadam, we are giving instruction, we are giving opportunity to worship Krsna. Why? Because people may take the advantage of the association, Narayana
- As soon as we become envious of the acarya, there is falldown, immediately. Yasyaprasadan na gatih kuto 'pi. Yasya prasadad bhagavat-prasadah. This is the teaching of Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura. He's also acarya. Acarya-parampara
- As soon as you see one woman except your married wife, you immediately address her "mother." This is pandita
- As soon as you will lose the spirit of service, this temple will become a big go-down, that's all. No more temple. So we have to maintain that service spirit
- Association means to develop love for the person. That is association. Dadati pratigrhnati, guhyam akhyati prcchati, bhunkte bhojayate caiva, sad-vidham priti-laksanam
- At the present moment there are three dozen minister, four dozen secretaries and two dozen governors and so on, so on. But there is no peace. There is no peace because they are missing the central point, the central point, Krsna
- Atheists are so much averse, sura-dvisat. They are envious. So to such person the madhyama-adhikari cannot preach because it is useless waste of time. If one is innocent but not envious we can preach there. That will be, I mean to say, fruitful
- Atma, the Supreme Absolute Truth, cannot be understood... Nayam atma na pravacanena labhyah... By becoming a great debater one can understand the Supreme - that's not possible
- Battlefield or no battlefield, wherever there is Krsna, that is transcendental. This has to be understood
- Because he'll (a guru) never speak nonsense. He'll also speak the same thing which he has heard from his guru. That is called anu, anu, following. So this is very easy. We don't manufacture things
- Because people are in darkness, we require many millions of gurus to enlighten them
- Because they do not seriously discuss nowadays the religious propensity, tendency of the human society decreases. It has become a also money-making business
- Because you have got material attachment, therefore something material lost we lament and something material we do not possess, we hanker. The two kinds of diseases
- Before Hiranyakasipu was killed by His Lordship Nrsimha-deva, Prahlada Maharaja never addressed his father as "father," pituh. Now, after his death, he is addressing pituh, "my father." Because before his death he was demon
- Before selecting guru one has to convince himself that "The person whom I am going to accept as guru, whether he actually can give me the knowledge?" That is wanted
- Beginning from Brahma down to the insignificant worm in the stool, they are coming down and going up, coming down. This is going on. This is called samsara-cakra, cycle of birth and death
- Better we should try to stay in this determination than to accept the sannyasa order by changing the dress and then again we fall down. That is not very good. There are instances like that, but it is not at all good. We should not trust the mind
- Bhaga means richness, bhaga means influence, bhaga means bodily strength, bhaga means knowledge, bhaga means beauty and bhaga means renunciation
- Bhakti means three things: bhakta, Bhagavan, and the service. That is bhakti. They're individual
- Bhakti-yoga means not only dedicating life to Krsna but also to serve the Vaisnava, tat-purusa. Tat-purusa means to serve a person who has dedicated his life to Krsna
- Bhaktih paresanubhavo viraktir anyatra syat. This is the test of bhakti. If one has entered the domain of devotional service, this material world will be not at all tasteful for him. Virakti. No more
- Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura knew this art, how to turn our activities for the satisfaction of Krsna. This is Krsna consciousness movement
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura's great desire was that the Americans would come here and develop this place and they would chant and dance along with the Indians
- Big, big monkey, big, big belly, Ceylon jumping, melancholy
- Bodily concept of life, it is not education. That "I am this body," "I am Indian," "I am American," "I am brahmana," "I am ksatriya," "I am white," "I am black," this education is going on in the name of nationalism, communism, socialism
- Body is the material - earth, water, air, fire and ether, mind, intelligence, ego. They are also emanating from Krsna
- Brahma, Lord Brahma is mahajana; he's grhastha. Svayambhu, Narada, he's brahmacari. Svayambhur naradah sambhuh - Lord Siva, he's also grhastha. Prahlada Maharaja, he's also grhastha
- Brahmana means punya. Without having background of pious activities, nobody can take birth in rich family, in brahmana family
- By gradual process, to bring one to the platform of vasudeve pritir, that is bhakti. Pritir means love, how to love Vasudeva, Krsna. That is civilization - to bring one to the platform of loving Krsna
- By speculation, by our research, it is impossible, but we can get a glimpse of knowledge of the Absolute Truth when we receive it through the Absolute Truth, Krsna. That is Krsna consciousness movement
- By the grace of Krsna and Caitanya Mahaprabhu there will be no trouble. You'll be happy. Try to preach this Krsna consciousness movement in India at least for some time, and help them to rise to their standard of Krsna consciousness
- By the grace of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu you are taking sannyasa, some of you. Keep it very perfectly and go from town to town, city to city, village to village, all over the world and spread this Krsna consciousness movement so that everyone will be happy
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu never said that "I am directly servant of Krsna." No. Gopi-bhartuh pada-kamalayor dasa-dasa-dasa-dasanudasah: "Servant of the servant of the servant of the..."
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu's preaching and teaching, their effect you have to follow. Then our life will be successful. We don't manufacture ideas. That is not wanted
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the same Krsna but acting as devotee of Krsna; therefore He is speaking the same thing. Krsna said, "You surrender," and Caitanya Mahaprabhu said that "Every living entity is the servant of Krsna"
- Calcutta is my birthplace, so you have kindly come here and conducting this temple. I am very much obliged to you. I cannot remain here; I have to go here and there. Try to raise the standard of Krsna consciousness, even there are so many inconveniences
- Can you tell me a little bit about the future direction of the movement, how you plan to expand?
- Celibacy, no sex life. That is the beginning of tapasya. Meditation means tapasya. Sama, to control the senses, to keep in equilibrium. Senses may not be agitated
- Come here, sit down, and you'll find happiness. Practical. If is practical. So if you expand this Krsna consciousness movement, you'll find whole world full of happiness
- Considering all angles of vision, Asvatthama was not a brahmana
- Constantly, twenty-four hours, if you hear and chant. Hear means somebody chants or you chant yourself or hear, or some of your colleague may chant, you hear. Or he may hear, you may chant. This process must go on. This is sravanam kirtanam visnoh
- Dasa. Not that name, but the name's servant. Dasa. When one is named Krsna, Krsna dasa, he is servant of Krsna. Not that Krsna. If he thinks, "I have become Krsna," that is Mayavada. Krsna dasa
- Dharma is to abide by the orders of Krsna. And if we do that then we become qualified to go back to home, back to Godhead. Very simple thing. It doesn't require much education. Simply it requires a purified mind, that "I shall execute it honestly"
- Dharma means the laws of God. It is not a sentiment, faith, "I believe." You believe or not believe, what does it matter? You believe or not believe in the government laws - it must carry on
- Do not try to foolishly search anything and waste your time. Hear from a bona fide spiritual master, and that is final knowledge. That is final knowledge. There is no question of researching or corroborating when the guru is speaking
- Don't make any addition and alteration of your so-called learned scholarship That will not help you. You must present Bhagavad-gita as it is. There is everything, very easily done, provided we follow parampara system
- Don't think that Krsna consciousness is a matter of sentiment. No, it is practical
- Don't think that Krsna consciousness it is a sentimental so-called religious movement. But you come to the right conclusion to the spiritual platform by this easiest method introduced by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Don't think that Krsna consciousness movement, those who are Krsna conscious, they'll become lazy and imitate Haridasa Thakura. That is not Krsna consciousness
- Either you become communist or capitalist or this or that, you have to accept one leader. So take the best, first-class, perfect leader: Krsna. Then you'll be happy
- Even if there is one bhakta, that is Vrndavana
- Even in Australia there also we have got four branches-Melbourne, Sydney - and we have got a very big building, very big temple of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Last year I established, and many hundred thousand devotees are coming
- Even the dog knows how to use sex life. It doesn't require a Freud's philosophy. But the rascal human society, they are thinking that "Here is a big philosopher. He is writing about sex"
- Even the lion cannot sleep; he has to work to eat
- Even those who are liberated from this material contamination, they are called mukta-jiva, liberated soul. And there are nitya-mukta. Nitya-mukta and nitya-baddha. Nitya means eternally, and mukta means liberated
- Everyone is attached to Krsna. That is Vrndavana. So not all of a sudden we can get that highest stage of life of Vrndavana attachment, but still, wherever we stay, if we practice this bhakti-yoga, as we are preaching... It is becoming successful
- Everyone is hankering, working so hard day and night, and there is fire brigade, 'gon-gon-gon-gon'. It is going on. (laughter) This is life. That is not happiness. Here is happiness. Come here
- Everyone is trying to become God. Now practice here how to become a servant of God. And if you are qualified, factually, that now you are rest assured that you have become a servant of God, that is bhakti-marga
- Everyone should be engaged. If one is not competent to dress the Deity - everyone is competent - he can simply wash the temple and cleanse it. That will also help
- Everyone should be very serious. That is civilization. Not that to remain for sense gratification like cats and dogs fighting
- Fall down means from our spiritual identification we fall down to material identification, upadhi. Material identification, upadhi, designation. I am now speaking, "I am Indian,"
- Family attachment is the greatest impediment in the matter of advancing in Krsna consciousness, but if the whole family is Krsna conscious, that is very nice
- First of all we cannot understand it, and if the Supreme Personality of Godhead comes personally to speak about Himself, we do not believe it. This is our position
- First of all your guru, then his guru, then his guru - at least four, five generation, because the spiritual knowledge is received through the parampara. I have received from my guru; you are receiving from your guru; and my guru received from his guru
- First of all, select who will be your spiritual master. You must know the preliminary law. Just like if you want to purchase gold, at least you must know where gold is available
- For our happiness we require cooperation of some friend
- For the last two hundred, three hundred years, from India so many svamis, yogis came. But because they missed Krsna, it was all useless
- Forgetfulness is our nature. We are not as perfect as God; therefore there are so many inefficiencies. So forgetfulness is also another material quality. So, material life means forgetting Krsna
- Formerly the kings of Bharatavarsa, India, used to kill these uncivilized men. Bad example. They did not follow the Vedic civilization, so the king's order was that they should be killed
- Formerly, without becoming a brahmana specially, they were not initiated. So in those days all the families were very pure. Therefore born of a brahmana father is understood that he has got the training of a brahmana. That is a facility
- From 1922 to 1933 practically I was not initiated, but I got the impression of preaching Caitanya Mahaprabhu's cult. That I was thinking. And that was the initiation by my Guru Maharaja. Then officially I was initiated in 1933
- From Africa, if anyone goes anywhere, they require yellow fever injection. So if you haven't got yellow fever injection, then even in the airport, there is arrangement, you have to wait in the quarantine area for six days
- Gaudiya-sampradaya, means we belong to the Brahma-sampradaya. Our sampradaya begins from Lord Brahma
- God is not dead; you are dead. You are dead actually, because this body, the bodily concept of life, this body is dead
- God is unlimited, and your speculative power is limited. So you cannot understand God without the mercy of God
- God means Krsna, and Krsna means God
- Gopi-bhartur pada-kamalayor dasa-dasa-dasanudasah. This is our process. We don't approach Krsna directly. We must begin our service to the Krsna's servant. And who is Krsna's servant? One who has become the servant of another Krsna's servant
- Gradually, God, Krsna, will reveal. You cannot understand God without revelation. So on account of your attachment He reveals Himself
- Guru is necessary for him who is inquisitive of transcendental subject matter. He requires a guru. Not ordinary man. Just like somebody keeps some cats and dogs as fashion. Guru is not like that
- Guru is not ordinary human being. Ordinary human being cannot preach Krsna consciousness. That is not possible. Krsna-sakti vina nahe krsna nama pracara (CC Antya 7.11). So anyone who is preaching, he cannot be considered as ordinary human being
- Guru means whatever instruction he'll give, we have to accept without any argument. Vedic knowledge is like that. You cannot interpret. As it is, you have to accept
- Guru must come through the parampara system, and in order to understand tad-vijnanam, transcendental science, you have to approach guru. You cannot say that "I can understand at home"
- Guru's business is not to exploit the sisya. It is the business, how to deliver. So who can deliver? Who is actually guru in the parampara system? Evam parampara-praptam imam rajarsayo viduh
- Guru's first business is to deliver the suffering humanity from the forest fire of this material existence. This material existence is compared with forest fire
- Gurukula means every student should go to gurukula and learn to become very simple and obedient and self-controlled and learn how to address every woman as mother
- Haridasa Thakura, he's called Brahma-Haridasa. Sometimes he is called Yavana-Haridasa. Yavana means Muslim or those who are not in the Vedic principles, yavana, mleccha
- He very intelligently appointed Krsna as his spiritual master. Because everyone is in perplexity about the problem of life. So this very thing happened to Arjuna, and he wanted to go to spiritual master for solution
- Her (Gandhari's) eldest son, Duryodhana, was advised to see the mother naked. She advised, "My dear son, tomorrow morning when you come to offer your obeisances to me, you come naked. I shall see you and you will be solidified just like iron"
- Here in this material world there is no love because the man and woman, they have no idea that "I mix with the man, the man who satisfies desires with me." No. "I will satisfy my desires." This is the basic principle
- Here in this world there is no love because within this so-called love there is a motive. I love a beautiful girl because she is beautiful. A girl loves a man because he has got money. So this is the meaning of this material love
- Hiranyakasipu was against his son. And Kamsa was against Krsna. Sisupala was against Krsna. So against Krsna consciousness movement in this age, there will be many, undoubtedly. Therefore Caitanya Mahaprabhu has given us instruction, trnad api sunicena
- How does the spirit soul of a beast enter into the form of a human being?
- How to become completely free from all our attachment of this material world, that is being exemplified by Rsabhadeva. He doesn't take care even of the body
- How to spend the money for Krsna, that is our policy. We do not want to keep money. We cannot keep, that is not possible. Somebody will take it. Ultimately the government will take. Better spend it for Krsna
- How you can become representative of Krsna? That is explained by Caitanya Mahaprabhu: yare dekha, tare kaha 'krsna'-upadesa, amara ajnaya guru hana tara' ei desa
- I am sitting here, and the bug is also sitting here. That does not mean we are very confidential. No. Bug is different visions, and my business different. And bug's business is biting. That kind of association will not help
- I am speaking in the dictaphone, but after some time, without me, it will speak exactly like this. So I am speaking, but I'm not present there. Similarly, material world means it is being conducted by Krsna, but still personally, He's not present there
- I am the servant of the servant of the servant of Krsna - That is purification. Then desire. Then you'll not desire anything except Krsna's service. That is perfection
- I especially request my disciples who are cooperating with me that try to publish books as many as possible and distribute throughout the whole world. That will satisfy Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu as well as Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura
- I have given already one crude example. Similarly, why Mr. Stalin could tolerate without any trouble? Because he was a leader. He was always absorbed in the thought of how he could advance the Communist cause. This is the real reason
- I must explain my position because in these days, a person being worshiped as most exalted personality is something revolution. Because they like democracy, by vote somebody should be elevated however rascal he may be
- I saw one hotel man in Calcutta cutting the throat of a chicken; he was laughing and his son was crying
- I tell you frankly, whatever little success is there in this Krsna consciousness movement, I simply believed what was spoken by my Guru Maharaja. You also continue that. Then every success will come
- I was not very much inclined to take sannyasa, but Guru Maharaja is so kind that he ultimately forced me to take sannyasa and do this work. So it is all his kindness. So this is the memory of his kindness
- If everything is going on nicely, so how you can say that God is dead? Things are going on. Just like the heat and light is there; therefore, even though you are within the room, you can understand the sun is there
- If he simply takes care of the Deity worship and if he does not offer respectful behavior to another devotee, he is kanistha-adhikari. He is in the lower stage. So isvare tad adhinesu. He must see that "Here is a devotee."
- If I can go to America within fifteen hours for preaching facility, why shall not I use the aeroplane?
- If it is possible for a small number of crew - this society or the sect or anything - it is possible to spread all over the world
- If one is actually serious about understanding the goal of life, spiritual knowledge, then Krsna is situated in everyone's heart. He understands how this person is sincerely seeking. Then He'll give direction that "You do this"
- If one is intelligent, he takes immediately: "Oh, it is so nice. He'll give me all protection? Let me surrender." Business finished in one second. But if he's a rascal, he wants to search out, make research work, then after many many births it will take
- If one wants to understand this Krsna consciousness movement through science, through philosophy, through logic - in any way - through religion, through culture - anyway he wants to understand, we have got volumes of books
- If someone forces his mind, Srila Prabhupada, to think of Krsna...
- If we get opportunity, preaching facilities for going on car, on airplane, using typewriter, dictaphone, microphone, we must use it. Because this is Krsna's property, it must be used for Krsna. This is our philosophy
- If we read chapter after chapter (of Bhagavad-gita) very nicely, then we come gradually to the perfection of knowledge
- If we read chapter after chapter very nicely, then we come gradually to the perfection of knowledge
- If we take it that "Here is an institution where we can have free hotel, free living and free sense gratification," then the whole institution will be spoiled. Be careful. All the GBC's, they should be careful that this mentality may not increase
- If we take the position of Arjuna - sisyas te 'ham sadhi mam prapannam - then Krsna will speak to the disciple like Arjuna, and everything will be clear
- If we understand why Bhagavan appears as the son of Devaki, then you become liberated. Bhagavan says, janma karma ca me divyam yo janati tattvatah (BG 4.9). You have to learn it tattvatah, in truth, not superficially
- If we want release from all this disturbance of the material world, then the first and foremost thing is adau gurvasrayam
- If we want to understand the transcendental position of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, then we have to go through guru, guru-parampara system. Otherwise it is not possible
- If you at the time of death think of that, how to swim very nicely within the water, that means next life nature will give you a fish life. You get it. That is God's mercy. Why you artificially try to become a fish? You become actually fish
- If you cannot believe in the words of somebody whom you are going to appoint as your teacher, if you have no faith in his words, then what is the use of going to such teacher? There is no use. Don't waste your time and don't waste his time
- If you develop love for God... Just like Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He is in ecstasy, always in love. He can see. Similarly, if you develop your love for God, then you can see
- If you develop the quality of goodness, then you are promoted to the higher planetary system. If you do not develop further, if you remain whatever quality you have got, just now you remain within this world
- If you don't become a faithful servant of Vaisnava, there is no possibility of your liberation. Chadiya vaisnava-seva nistara payecha keba. Tandera carana-sevi-bhakta-sane vasa, janame janame haya ei abhilasa. This is Narottama dasa Thakura
- If you immediately accept the words of, accept the words of Krsna-sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam, that is very good. But if you are very learned philosopher, scientist, then read books. Both ways we have prepared to convince you
- If you like to remain as inferior, you can remain. God has given you independence. And if you like to become superior, you can become superior. It is not God's discrimination; it is your discrimination
- If you live in the temple or if you live in God's business, Krsna consciousness, then you are in the spiritual world. You are not in the material world. Material world means where God is forgotten
- If you offer prayers, honor to the acarya, then Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead is pleased. To please Him you have to please His representative. "If you love me, love my dog"
- If you perform the sankirtana-yajna, then it is as good any other yajna. Yajna means to satisfy the yajna-purusa, Visnu, Lord Visnu
- If you satisfy a pure devotee of Krsna, he can give you Krsna like this, "Take it." Vedesu durlabham adurlabham atma-bhaktau. Bhakta can do that. Bhaktya mam abhijanati. You come through bhakta or come through bhakti
- If you seriously hear and chant, seriously - "Yes, this life I shall engage only for increasing my love of Vasudeva" - if you are determined, it can be done. There is no difficulty. And as soon as you do this, you increase fully your love for Krsna
- If you simply continue this seva, then Krsna will reveal Himself and gradually He will give you intelligence how you can make advance to go back to home, back to Godhead
- If you simply speak what Krsna says, then you become His representative. Don't manufacture. Don't be over prudent, manufacturing. Simply to follow Krsna and His representatives, then you become mahajana. Otherwise you are a nonsense. Mudha
- If you study according to the Vedic conclusion, don't manufacture ideas and whims and sentiments. If you go through siddhanta, then you'll be more and more firmly fixed up
- If you want to be benefited, then you must take the shelter of mahajana, great personalities. Mahajano yena gatah sa panthah. If you are perplexed that "Who is mahajana? How can I find him?" that is also explained in the sastra
- If you want to know higher science - not this science, simply filling of the belly; not this science - higher science, which is above the fulfilling the belly, that, for that purpose, you have to go to guru. Guru means who knows more than you
- In 1922 My Guru Maharaja wanted me to preach in the Western countries, and in 1965 it was fruitful. Forty-three years. So it is better late than never
- In Europe and America they are now combining to oppose this Hare Krsna movement, that we are brainwashing him, controlling the mind by hypnotism
- In India there is an astrological system, it is called Bhrgu-samhita. According to that Bhrgu-samhita, the astrologer can say what the man was in the past and what he's going to be in future. And present also
- In order to make the dull brain suitable for understanding Krsna, these four principles of austerities is the first need: no illicit sex, no meat-eating, no gambling, no intoxication. Then the finer tissues of the brain will develop to understand Krsna
- In the beginning you must work very hard; you come to the stage of pure devotional platform. Then you can fully engage yourself meditation or chanting. Not in the beginning. In the beginning you should be very expert and active. That is wanted
- In the Bhagavad-gita Arjuna says, asamaurdhva. Asama: "There is no equal to you, asama, and urdhva, nobody is greater than You." That is God. Supreme means who has no equal, neither anyone is greater than. Everyone is under. That is called asama urdhva
- In the human society there are many different types of yoga system just to reconnect our relationship with Krsna. In the Bhagavad-gita they are explained differently, karma-yoga, jnana-yoga, hatha-yoga, dhyana-yoga, bhakti-yoga
- In the Kali-yuga people cannot undergo very severe austerities. That is impossible for them, because mandah sumanda-matayo manda-bhagya hy upadrutah. They are already very much suppressed
- In the spiritual world the trees are desire tree - means whatever we want, we can get - whereas in this material world, trees are not like that; they are limited potency. The cows there, unlimited potency
- In the spiritual world there it appears that gopis are dressed very nicely not for the purpose of her own satisfaction. They want to satisfy Krsna, that "If I dress nicely, Krsna will be pleased"
- In this age, husband and wife means sex satisfaction, personal. There is no question of that "We shall live together; we shall satisfy Krsna by being trained up how to satisfy Krsna." That is Krsna consciousness movement
- In trance, you'll find yogi picture, their trance, they are in meditation, completely silent, stop breathing and seeing the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu, within the heart. This is actual yoga system
- Isvara, the Supreme Lord, is there in every living entity's heart. So the hog, dog, they have got also heart. There is also Krsna. So does it mean that He is living with hog and dog? He is living in Vaikuntha
- It doesn't matter whether you are grhastha or sannyasi or brahmacari. You must become actual representative of Krsna. That is mahajana. And that is also not very difficult
- It is caught by the net of the hunter. So mother immediately jumped over it to save the children, and she was also captured. Then the father saw, "Now if I go to save them, I'll be captured. Let me go away. Let me take sannyasa. That's all"
- It is my duty because you have accepted me as your spiritual master. So I am repeating my spiritual master's order that "Don't wait for another life"
- It is not at all possible to become independent of Krsna's will
- It is not Krsna consciousness movement is for the lazy fellow. No. It is meant for the strong man: strong in body, strong in mind, strong in determination. Everything strong, strong in brain
- It is not modern, but in modern civilization it has become very prominent, that to improve the economic condition. Economic condition means we improve the standard of sense gratification
- It is not that because I am acting as guru, I am no longer student. No, I am still student
- It is not that you have become a student and you'll remain student. No. One day you shall become also guru and make more students, more students, more
- It is so nice thing. If you neglectfully chant, still there is success, but it will take some time. And if you chant very carefully, following the rules and regulations, then your success in this life is guaranteed
- It is the duty of the father and mother to train children in such a way that they will be interested in guru and Krsna. Why? By the mercy of guru and Krsna, he'll get bhakti-lata-bija. And that is real life
- It is the duty of the guru, the duty of the parents, duty of the government to train people in such a way that they may become pious, sinless
- It is to be understood by chanting Hare Krsna mantra, by following the regulative principle, he has already come to the platform of sattva-guna. But if it is a false thing, there is no need of second initiation
- It is very prominent in the Western countries, as soon as there is difficulty in personal sense gratification, immediately divorce. This is the psychological, why so many divorces in this country (America)
- It may be a tiny attempt, humble attempt, but our aim is how these dogs and cats will become brahmana. This is our aim. We do not want to keep them in the position of cats and dogs and pigs
- It may be, according to the material calculation, these are good sinful activities and these are bad sinful activities. No, sinful activities are sinful activities. What is our sinful activity? As soon as we forget Krsna, everything we do, that is sinful
- Just like fighting soldiers, they are facing danger for the country. They are recognized. Similarly, those who are preachers - on behalf of Krsna preaching people to take to Krsna consciousness - they are great soldiers
- Just like the electricity energy, is coming from the same source. But it is being utilized for different purposes. Sometimes it is helping to make cooler, and sometimes it is helping to make heater
- Just like you are giving me so many garlands. Why you are giving me? Because you love me
- Kali-yuga is so fallen. If a young man sees another young man he's enjoying with another young girl, then naturally his lusty desires increases. So these things are forbidden therefore
- Karmi is trying to go to the Svargaloka; jnanis want to go to the brahma-jyoti. The yogis also, they desire like that, because they do not feel very comfortable within this material world
- Krsna consciousness means our mission is to present before you what Krsna says. That's all. We are not concerned what other says
- Krsna consciousness movement is how to increase detachment for this material life. Therefore it is called vairagya-vidya
- Krsna consciousness movement is training of nivrtti-marga, the basic principles, so many no's. "No" means nivrtti. No illicit sex, no meat-eating, no gambling, no intoxication. So this is the no, "no" path
- Krsna consciousness movement is trying to create at least one section first-class men so that people may see, "Oh, here are ideal men"
- Krsna consciousness movement is trying to save them from going back to become cats and dogs. Instead of going back there, they are trying to send him back to God. That is Krsna consciousness movement
- Krsna consciousness movement means to awaken the victimized soul to Krsna consciousness. Krsna personally comes to awaken this consciousness, Krsna consciousness
- Krsna consciousness movement means to learn how to be predominated, not to become predominator
- Krsna consciousness movement means we have to give up this nonsense idea of becoming master
- Krsna did not come to establish some sectarian religious system. That is not God's system. God is for everyone. God is not for the Hindus, for the Muslims, for the Christians, or anyone. God is for everyone
- Krsna is always joyful. Just like, see before you: Krsna is joyfully accepting to be bound up by His mother. He is Supreme Lord; nobody can chastise Him, but He is taking pleasure: How My mother chastises Me
- Krsna is always yasoda-nandana. He is always ready to be chastised by Mother Yasoda, by the gopis, and sometimes by His friends. That is Vrndavana Krsna. That is real Krsna; that is real God
- Krsna is the Supreme Person. He knows everything. You take the information, knowledge, from Krsna. Then your life will be successful. That is the propaganda of this Krsna consciousness movement
- Krsna is there, but you cannot see Him. You are not advanced. Just like another example. Here is, the sunlight is here. Everyone experiences. But that does not mean sun is here
- Krsna said, "There is no second one beyond Me, so I shall become your son." So He became son. So He must play perfectly, that Yasodamayi may not understand "Here is the Supreme Personality of Godhead." Then the feelings of mother and son will disappear
- Krsna said, bhaktya mam abhijanati. Never said that "I can be understood by yogic process or by karma, by jnana." The modern politicians, they stress on karma because they want to work hard like hogs and dogs
- Krsna's another name is Acyuta. Acyuta means He never falls down. We, a small particle of the acyuta, although by nature we are acyuta, but due to our weakness we are prone to fall down in this material world
- Krsna-katha is not palatable. This is maya's influence. So we cannot engage our senses for Krsna. This is the disturbing condition of material world
- Madhavendra Puri belonged to the Madhva sampradaya; therefore our sampradaya is known as Brahma Madhva-Gaudiya sampradaya
- Madhavendra-Puri-sampradaya
- Mahajano yena gatah sa panthah. Why should you not accept? That is our Krsna consciousness movement. "Why you are searching God. Here is God, as Arjuna says." Tvam adyah purusah: "You are the original person"
- Master is one: Krsna. There cannot be two master. The master can expand Himself as masters. That is another thing. The master is one
- Matter does not work. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, by His different energies, He is working. That is Krsna. You have to understand like that. Krsna is in the background
- Mayapur Chandrodaya temple, is meant for transcendental United Nation. What the United Nation has failed, that will be achieved here by the process recommended by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Mayavadi philosopher says that as soon as we become liberated, we become one with the Absolute. No, that is not fact
- Mayavadis are attractive. They are very educated. They can put things in jugglery of words. That capacity they have got. So people become amazed, almost everyone. So therefore they are not very much pleased with this movement, that "Krsna is God"
- Mayy asakta-manah pariah, yogam yunjan mad-asrayah, asamsayam samagram mamma, yatha jnasyasi tac chrnu. "My dear Partha, Arjuna, in order to know Me, God, asamsayam, without any doubt, and samagram," means in completeness
- Misunderstanding means within the heart. If the heart is clear, consciousness is clear, then there is no misunderstanding. So this consciousness has to be cleansed. And that is the first installment of the result of chanting Hare Krsna
- Mithya means false. Whatever God has created, that is not false, everything
- Modern civilization is how to develop the facility of sense gratification. This is modern civilization. For spiritual life this should be, rather, whatever facilities we have got, we have to curtail, not to increase. That is Krsna consciousness
- Modern education there is no real knowledge. Real knowledge begins in the Bhagavad-gita
- Mrgari the hunter
- My Guru Maharaja used to say, man tumi kisera vaisnava. It is mental speculation that "I shall do like that, raha. I shall... In a secluded place, I shall chant." You cannot do that because your mind is not yet trained up
- My Guru Maharaja was very kind upon me because I was very much interested to hear him
- My only request is that Krsna consciousness movement is the most scientific movement to save the human society from falling down again in the cycle of birth and death
- My point is that this Krsna consciousness movement has come to your country by the will of Krsna. So here is favorable situation because the will of Krsna is there
- My request to persons who have joined this Krsna consciousness movement, they should very carefully keep them as first-class men
- My spiritual master is the servant of his spiritual master, and I am also servant of my spiritual master
- Na mam duskrtino mudhah prapadyante naradhamah. That is the test. One should be very very careful to follow Caitanya Mahaprabhu's instruction
- Narada gave them (the hunter & his wife) 1 Tulasi plant, & they sat down near the Tulasi plant, & he advised that "Go on chanting HK mantra." In the meantime, in the village it was advertised that - The hunter has become a Vaisnava. Let us go and see him
- Nature is so strong that you must die. "I am very strong." You may be very strong, that's all right. There is a, I mean to say, joking story that one man thought how to avoid death
- Never mind even it is imperfectly done, we must execute the orders of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. I may not be so very expert in delivering the message of Krsna, but my duty is to try to my best capacity how to distribute this knowledge to the suffering humanity
- Never mind we die by preaching. Still, it will be glorious
- Never try to become the purusa or the master. That is very dangerous. Always remain prakrti. Prakrti means to be controlled or controlled, and purusa means the controller
- Nirguna means without any material qualities. So karma, jnana and yoga, they are all material qualities. Only bhakti is spiritual. Even in that bhakti, if you bring in karma, jnana or yoga, then it is mixed; it is not pure
- Nitya means eternal. And nityanam. Nityanam means plural number of nityas. So there are many nityas, means many living entities, but there is one nitya Supreme. That is God. He is also a living entity like us
- Nobody can be independently servant of Krsna. That is another foolishness. Krsna never accepts anyone's service directly. No. That is not possible. You must come through the servant of the servant. This is called parampara system
- Nobody can become perfect without serving the bona fide spiritual master. That is the motto
- Nobody can protect anyone. That is not possible. Everyone has to take care of himself. This world is like that. Don't depend. Only Krsna can protect you - nobody else
- Not any other nonsense talks, gossiping. Simply hear and chant. Then srnvatam sva-kathah krsna. If you seriously hear and chant, seriously - "Yes, this life I shall engage only for increasing my love of Vasudeva" - if you are determined, it can be done
- Not only we shall worship Deity but we make advancement. What is that advancement? To become gradually a preacher. That is madhyama-adhikari, second stage, preacher
- Not that "When there is problem I am surrendered, and when there is no problem I am independent." No. Always surrendered. That is Arjuna's position
- Nothing is bad provided it is meant for Krsna's satisfaction. Atah pumbhir dvija-srestha varnasrama-vibhagasah. The varnasrama-vibhaga must be there
- Nowadays it is democratic days, majority. So as this Krsna consciousness movement is also taken as one of the sentimental movements... It is the most scientific movement, but because there are so many gurus, rascals, they imagine something and cheat
- Oh. Yes, there was no hope for my coming (to New Mayapura). Now I've come, they (the devotees) must be (ecstatic)
- One has to know Krsna. But that tattvatah, in truth to understand Krsna, is very difficult job. Not to understand superficially but to understand tattvatah. Then you are liberated immediately
- One intelligent person, he thought, "I shall be free from the touch of Yamaraja by one tactics." What is that? "Stool is very obnoxious. Nobody comes to stool. So let me smear my body, whole body with stool so that Yamaraja will not come and touch me"
- One should become very humble and meek; it doesn't matter where he is situated institutionally
- One should not become father, one should not become mother, if the parents cannot give protection to the children from the danger of birth, death, old age and disease
- One should remain perpetually a student, but he has to act as guru
- One who is surrendered, he can understand. Arjuna is surrendered. In every case he surrendered to Krsna. As soon as there is any problem... Problem or no problem, he surrendered
- Our aim is how to become free from this material bondage and real sneha, real affection, real love should be spread. And that can be done through Krsna consciousness. Otherwise, it is all false
- Our determination should be to serve the previous guru and acarya. Evam parampara-praptam (BG 4.2). That is our determination
- Our duty is tandera carana sevi, bhakta-sane vas. We should live with the devotees and be engaged in the service of the acaryas
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is just to educate man that you believe or not believe, it doesn't matter. There is God. There is the proprietor, but He's coming personally and He's saying, bhoktaram yajna-tapasam sarva-loka-mahesvaram
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is trying to educate people to cure his disease of forgetfulness. He has forgotten simply. Just like a madman forgets who is his father, who is his mother, he talks nonsense, sometimes he calls ill names. Mad
- Our mission is not to make a nonvegetarian a vegetarian. No. Our mission is that "Either you are vegetarian or nonvegetarian, it doesn't matter. You become Krsna conscious." That is our mission
- Our mission is that "Either you are vegetarian or nonvegetarian, it doesn't matter. You become Krsna conscious." That is our mission
- Our mission is to invite people to take advantage of learning Vedic literature, chandamsi
- Our necessities, the created necessities, they are necessities of the body. The body requires to eat. The body requires rest. The body requires sex. The body requires defense. But the soul does not require
- Our present position is bondage. We are bound up by the laws of nature. We may foolishly declare independence - that is our foolishness - but actually we are bound up by the laws of nature
- Our principle is to study the books as well as to distribute the books. People will be benefited and their life will be successful
- Our simple method is to see whether somebody is speaking about Krsna or what Krsna has said. If he does not do so, then immediately accept him asuram bhavam asritah, a raksasa. How you can accept him as guru?
- Our subject matter is not material things, that somehow or other you get a car and a good apartment and a good wife, then all your problems solved. No. That is not solution of problems. The real problem is how to stop your death
- Our system, if you do not accept the Vedic knowledge through guru-parampara system, it is useless. You cannot manufacture an interpretation of the Vedic language
- Pandita does not mean one who has got degree. Pandita means sama-cittah
- People are affectionate to father and mother, and they hesitate how to give up... Especially boys, give up the company of family, father and mother, take to Krsna consciousness
- People are gradually losing interest in temple worship even, what to speak of yoga or offering sacrifices. Everything is now finished. Therefore kalau tad dhari-kirtanat. This is prescribed in the sastra
- People do not know it, how to become transcendental to this material conception of life and how to contact the supreme controller, Adhoksaja. That is the only way. It is recommended... Not recommended; it is the fact
- People do not understand what is the aim of life. They do not care at the present moment. They have no distinction what is sinful life or what is pious life. But we may not believe in these things, but things are there like that
- People in general, they cannot understand, but those who are preaching, they must be very sincere, the same way, rupa-raghunatha pade, haibe akuti. They should read the literatures, the instruction, just like Upadesamrta
- Plain living, high thinking, that is required. It is not necessary that unnecessarily we increase objectives of sense gratification and be entangled. Minimize it and live peacefully, chant Hare Krsna
- Practically we see that even chanting sixteen rounds becomes difficult. So don't try to imitate, but do it properly, what is advised by your spiritual master, without any offense. That mantra will save you from the dangers of maya
- Prahlada Maharaja and every Vaisnava who is actually following the parampara system of Vaisnava duty, they are anxious
- Prahlada Maharaja is Vaisnava. He could understand that "Everything in this material world, even the possession of my father, will be finished. There is no doubt. So what is the use of possessing such thing which will be finished?"
- Prahlada Maharaja says that - Except Yourself, to conceive anything else, that 'Beyond Krsna there is anything,' that is maya
- Prahlada Maharaja was put into so many trials when he was only a child, still he never forgot Krsna. That is the sign of maha-bhagavata. In any circumstances
- Preacher means when you become fully Krsna conscious by worshiping the Deity regularly, as we have got prescription to rise early in the morning, offer mangala-arati, then kirtana, then class, in this way practicing, practicing
- Preaching means kirtana, not that simply with mrdanga we can have musical kirtana. No. Preaching is also kirtana
- Preaching means struggling
- Pure devotion means to pray to the Lord, begging some service: "My Lord, kindly engage me in Your service." That is the perfection of life, when one is engaged in the service of the Lord in love
- Purusa, the only purusa is Krsna. That is very nicely explained in the Caitanya-caritamrta: ekale isvara krsna, ara saba bhrtya. Only Krsna is purusa. He's the enjoyer. All others, they are servants. This is the position
- Real buddhi yoga is how to be engaged in devotional service
- Real Vedic culture is varnasrama
- Real welfare activity means to see to the interest of the soul. So what is the interest of the soul? The interest of the soul is that the soul is part and parcel of Krsna, God
- Religion means to find out the supreme controller who is forcing everything. That is religion. That is stated in the dictionary. Religion is not some sentiment, some ritualistic ceremony. No. This inquiry about the supreme controller
- Rupa Gosvami, their giving up family life was meaningful. But if somebody, out of poverty, he comes to Vrndavana to solve the capati problem, that is not Rupa Gosvami
- Sambandha, what is our connection with God. That is called sambandha. And then abhidheya. According to that relationship we have to act. That is called abhidheya. And why do we act. Because we have got the goal of life, to achieve the goal of life
- Sanatana Gosvami was made acarya. Haridasa Thakura was made acarya
- Servant of maya means servant of senses. And spiritual life means instead of becoming servant of maya or servant of senses, we become the servant of Krsna, or God
- Servant's business is to surrender, not to argue with the master or to claim that "I am equal with you." These are all fanatic, mad proposal
- Shah Jahan
- Siddhanta, what is Krsna, if you study from the sastras, then siddhanta boliya citte, don't be lazy in understanding Krsna
- Simply they are ecstatic in chanting Hare Krsna mantra. So kindly what you have begun, do not break it. Continue it very jubilantly
- Sitting in a right-angle posture and the eyes half-closed. Not fully closed. If you fully close then you will sleep. I have seen so many yogis snoring, sleeping. Yes. Naturally, if you close your eyes and you have no subject matter to think
- So bhakti is not very ordinary thing. It begins after one is liberated. The Mayavadi says that "By bhakti one can become one with God." No. That is not bhakti. That is Mayavada. That is mistake
- So I am repeating my spiritual master's order, "Don't wait for another life." That is a very risky, another life. Maybe I am given the chance of taking my birth in a good brahmana family or a rich family, but there is chance of again being spoiled
- So many designations. But we are none of them. This is the clearing. Ceto-darpana
- So one has to be vipascit, learned, to understand the interest of life, self-interest. Everyone is working, especially the karmis, the jnanis, the yogis, and mixed devotees, they are working for self-interest
- So tattva-darsi, one who has seen the truth, you have to accept him as guru. Tattva-darsi. Darsi means who has practical experience
- So the conclusion is given here: one should be completely satiated from this attachment of sex, then he is liberated. Liberation means no more material life, and the basic principle of material life is sex
- So there is difference between puja and seva. Puja means I flatter you to satisfy you, and after being satisfied, you may offer me something, or I’ll ask you something and you offer me. That is called puja. That is devata-puja
- So we are trying our bit to understand Krsna and to make others to understand Krsna. And therefore we have published about eighty-two books, big books and small books. So we request that you either accept Krsna without any hesitation
- So when you further advance you'll find there is no distinction between black and white. Just like a flower is coming out, there are many colors. So it is coming from the same source
- So-called scientific understanding
- Some commentator says that when he (Ajamila ) chanted "Narayana," then all his reaction of sinful life immediately disappeared and he remembered real Narayana. Because he, in his boyhood, was trained up as a Vaisnava by his father
- Some new boys come, and as soon as they are given some work, not very good for sense gratification, they go away. That means they are not prepared. It is better they may go away
- Sometimes a materialist, he's thinking he's doing good but he's not
- Sometimes devotees, they want to love Krsna, but they fall down, they can't seem to...
- Sometimes if we are faced with a service we think is beyond our means
- Sometimes some foolish question is there, "Can you show me God?" The answer God is giving, that maya tatam idam sarvam: "I am everywhere. If you have eyes to see, you can see Me." So actually God is everywhere; otherwise how He is God?
- Sometimes some man comes in our society; after staying for days, he goes away. This is praksepata, thrown away. Unless he's very sincere, he cannot stay with us
- Sravanam - hearing. Somebody is speaking, and somebody is hearing. So both speaking and hearing, both of them are in the process of devotional service. But that talking or speaking and hearing, not about newspaper, Nixon news - Visnu
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu recommends that if you chant Hare Krsna maha-mantra, then the first installment of benefit is ceto-darpana-marjanam
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He's also Krsna. He has appeared as devotee. He appeared first of all as the Supreme Lord, Krsna, and He instructed Bhagavad-gita to the fallen souls and He asserted His Lordship
- Srila Prabhupada, sometimes when we go preaching, people do not want to take Krsna consciousness. Sometimes they actually...
- Srila Prabhupada, you mentioned the principle of intuition, that this is coming from Krsna. There's another principle called conscience which means the feeling that something is right and something is wrong
- Sunyavadi-nirvana means to give up material desires. It is not possible to give up desires. That is not possible. To give up desires means I am dead body, a stone. If I have got life, if I am not a stone, there must be desires
- Suppose a woman, if she dresses like a man, does it mean that she has become a man? No. Or a man dresses like a woman, does it mean that he has become woman? Simply by outward dress? No
- Suppose I have established this temple. Now under my direction, my disciples are worshiping vigraha. Vigraha means the form of the Lord, rupa. But if there is no following of the regulative principles, then after my death it will be galagraha, a burden
- Suppose we are worshiping Deity. That is the duty of brahmana; but somebody is called that "You cleanse this floor." So he should not think that "I am cleansing the floor; therefore I am lower than the person directly worshiping the Deity." No
- Suppose your wife or husband, you love, because the husband and wife is in the body, within the body. So I love the body because the spirit soul is there. This is right conclusion. Otherwise who is going to love a dead body? Nobody
- Surfer. I call "sufferer, Sea-sufferer." Sea-surfer, it is practical, because we are creating a situation by which we shall become a fish. Yes. Contamination. Just like if you purposely contaminate some disease, you must suffer from that disease
- Swamiji, is the Krsna consciousness is a development of this, only of our Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Take this opportunity, chanting Hare Krsna. I'm very glad that you are doing, but be very strict; sincerely chant. Your life is saved, your next life is saved, everything is all right
- Technology means sudra. Technology is not the business of a brahmana, ksatriya, or vaisya. No. Just like blacksmith, goldsmith, carpenter, craftsman. These are technology. They are meant for the sudras
- That does not mean any one of us is free from the miserable condition of this material world. Nobody. Therefore this material world is called duhkhalayam asasvatam
- That is first-class yogi. You want yogic power, mystic power, but if you keep Krsna within your core of heart, naturally by the grace of Krsna, you can perform all... Not the devotee can perform. Devotee is simply dependent on Krsna
- That is full consciousness. Without this consciousness, Krsna consciousness, there is no question of full-fledged
- That is our mission. All of you who have come to Krsna consciousness movement, that is our request, that you, all of you, become guru but don't speak nonsense. That is request. Simply speak what Krsna has said
- That is sastra. Not that "So many years have passed and it has become old. Now let us reform it and put it into new way." No. You can put the same thing in a new way, but you cannot change the principle
- The advancement of knowledge and consciousness. So for that divyam, knowledge, one has to be initiated. Divyam. Diksa means beginning of transcendental knowledge
- The aim is how to improve spiritual life. That is grhastha-asrama. And one who has no such aim, he simply wants to enjoy the senses, and for that purpose he's decorating the house, decorating the wife, children - that is called grhamedhi
- The allurement of material civilization is so strong and so bad that those who are by pious activities born in brahmana family, they are being dragged to the tamo-guna behavior like sudras. They are learning how to drink, how to eat meat, etc
- The atheist class of men, they say that "I do not see God. How can I believe there is God?" But the advanced devotee, he sees every moment God's presence
- The body is not the self. The self is different. If you analyze this body, what you will find? Suppose we are breathing. What is this breathing? It is air only. Now, when the breathing is stopped, a man is dead
- The brain will give direction, the hand will give protection. Everything is required. Therefore we have named this "Krsna conscious society." "Society" means all classes of men required
- The central point is to love Krsna and offer Him service, but that service may be of variety
- The challenge was that "If you are servants of Dharmaraja, then explain what is dharma." It doesn't matter whether a man is civilized or uncivilized or good-looking or bad-looking, but if he has got proper guide, then he can speak the right thing
- The creation, first Maha-Visnu; then from Maha-Visnu there is Garbhodakasayi Visnu. From Garbhodakasayi Visnu there is Ksirodakasayi Visnu, expansion of Visnu, and from Him, Brahma comes. Brahma is born out of Garbhodakasayi Visnu on the lotus flower
- The devotional service is so nice, if you simply take to devotional service, then all good qualities will come. You don't have to educate him, to send some reformatory school or this or that
- The difficulty is that we cannot come to the pure stage of chanting Hare Krsna mantra. Due to our past habits our mind is disturbed. We cannot concentrate. Therefore we have fixed up the minimum
- The foolish persons, they do not take care. They think they are very much advanced, they have no need to attend arati or to play on the mrdanga or cymbal. But that is not fact. So many items are there given by the acaryas
- The instruction of Krsna is perfect, and the teacher or guru who speaks the same thing as Krsna says, that is perfect. And if he manufactures his own ideas and becomes more than Krsna, then he's a rascal number one. There is no benefit
- The logic of the frog in the well
- The man is thinking that "Mixing with this woman, I'll satisfy my sense desire," and woman is thinking that "By mixing with this man, I shall satisfy my desire"
- The maya, or the material nature, is misleading us. We are trying to adjust things according to the dictation of maya, that we shall be able to stop our struggle for existence
- The Mayavada philosophy is that prakrti wants to become purusa. And that is not possible
- The mind, the subtle mind, is the creator of the next body. Yam yam vapi smaran bhavam tyajaty ante kalevaram. At the time of death whatever I am thinking, a similar body will be offered to me by the laws of nature
- The modern science admits that everything is relative. Relative world - according to the body, according to the time. Relative world, not absolute
- The more gloriously you worship the Deity, decorate the Deity as gorgeously as possible, the more gorgeous you will be. That is the secret
- The more people will be materialistic, the world will be burdened. Therefore there must be war, pestilence, famine, to clear these rascals, clear out. You'll find these things. In Europe, every ten years, twenty years, there is a fight, war
- The more you are inclined to render service, the more the spiritual truth becomes revealed. And two things: if you are not inquisitive, don't bother yourself to have a guru. Useless. There is no need. Tasmad gurum prapadyeta (SB 11.3.21)
- The more you become servant of the servant, you are perfect. And as soon as you declare independence, you are rascal. This is the process. We should always remain most obedient servant of my master
- The mosquito will bite, the flies will disturb you, the bugs are there, and then the dogs will bark unnecessarily. You are passing, and his business is barking. Ha 'Bow Bow Bow'. So this is also suffering
- The Nectar of Instruction. We should follow, strictly follow. Then prthivim sa sisyat. Then you'll be able to preach and make disciples all over the world. This is the injunction. That is called gosvami. Don't be cheap preacher, cheap guru
- The person who is working in the garden, Krsna's garden, he should be as careful as the man who is worshiping the Deity in the temple
- The present position is misunderstanding, that "I am product of this material nature," "I am this body." "I am Indian," "I am American," "I am brahmana," "I am ksatriya," and so on
- The president of the sun planet, He is the original person from where this sunshine and heat is coming. He is the person. And the population there, they are made so that their bodily effulgence is the heat and light
- The root cause (of divorce) is that "As soon as I don't find satisfaction, then I don't want." That is stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam: dam-patyam ratim eva hi
- The spiritual master will say that "You work like this." So that should be determined. That is karma, guna-karma. Spiritual master sees that he has these qualities. That is natural
- The story of the potter. The potter is planning. He has got few pots and he is planning, "Now I have got these four pots and I will sell. I will make some profit. Then there will be ten pots. Then I'll sell ten pots, I'll make some profit"
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead can be known by a person who has got a slight favor of the Lord upon him. This is the Vedic version
- The temple is not a free hotel for learning how to gratify senses. No. This is not our aim and object
- The tree has taken birth. The man has taken birth. Why simply man should be saved, not the cows, not the trees? He must be saved. This is the government's duty. Unnecessarily there cannot be any killing. Lord Christ also, "Thou shall not kill"
- The whole Krsna consciousness movement is to purify the bhava. Bhava. That is stated here. Parisuddha-bhava. We are not negativating everything. We are simply changing from material bhava to spiritual bhava. That's all
- The whole thing is revelation. It is not by experience, by scholarship. No: revelation. Ye yatha mam prapadyante. One who has surrendered proportionately, God reveals. Ye yatha mam prapadyante tams tathaiva bhajamy aham
- The whole world is based on the principle of enviousness. Anyonya-vairah. And what is the meaning of this enviousness?
- The whole world is going on that "There is no God" or "God is dead" or "Can you show me God?" And "I am God by meditation," "This way," "That way." This is going on
- The world is full of rascals, therefore there is need of so many gurus to teach them. But what is that qualification of the guru? How everyone can become guru?
- There are many differences. The same example, electricity. So many things are working, difference of energy. Even the dictaphone is working, electricity. By the same energy, electricity
- There are many so-called scholars, politicians, they declare that "I read Bhagavad-gita daily, three times," but the result is no faith in Krsna. This is called useless waste of time
- There are so many children in the world that are suffering
- There are so many pains when you're old. The body is not strong. We suffer in so many ways, especially rheumatism and indigestion. Then blood pressure, headache, so many things. Therefore one should be trained up how to become dhira
- There are so many questions. And to solve all these questions, the God Himself descends and speaks about Himself, and that speaking is this Bhagavad-gita. God is speaking about Himself personally, personally present
- There are two kinds of following. You want to do something by your whims and you could not fulfill that whim in one life. So Krsna is so kind, He gives you opportunity to fulfill that desire in this next life
- There are two things, prakrti and purusa. The purusa is the enjoyer, and prakrti is the enjoyed. Or, in other words, purusa is the predominator and prakrti is predominated. So we are prakrti
- There is a story that a mouse approached a saintly person
- There is an English proverb - "yielding to the new" But the Vedic civilization is "Do not try to invent some order. That will create disturbance. Be satisfied. Whatever you have got by nature's way, be satisfied. Don't spoil your time. Save time for KC"
- There is no better type of worshiping Krsna than the method by which gopis worship Krsna. They, their love was so intense that they did not care for any family, any honor or any prestige
- There is no credit for me, but it is only a teeny attempt, and humble attempt. So if one man could do, if you say, some success, why not all of us?
- There is no difference of opinion between the modern devotee and the old devotee. A devotee is devotee, as there is no difference between modern gold or old gold
- There is no difficulty to understand what is God. Here is Krsna, the Supreme Lord - directly. I do not know why people are searching after God, why they do not know what is God. Just see. That means mudha
- There is no question of accidents. The so-called scientist, they cannot explain. "Accidents." Why accidents? A rose flower seed, rose will come. Why not accident by, lemon? No. There is no such things as accidents. This is all rascaldom
- There is no question of economic problem, that one has to become learned to get some service in some big school or college and get some big salary. This is not our aim. Our only aim is how to mold the life of the children to become Krsna conscious
- There is no such strict principle, and we are constructing very nice palatial building with attached bathroom and everything complete. Still, people are not coming
- There is no use of interpretation. Interpretation is required when you cannot understand one statement. In the law court if one statement is ambiguous then two parties argue on it. "I think it is this," "I think
- These boys, they are playing mrdangas, they are playing cymbals, dancing, every item is taken into account. Every item. Not that it is going futile. No. That is Krsna consciousness, that is bhakti-marga
- These sixteen thousand wives, how they became wives? You know the story, that many beautiful, sixteen thousand beautiful, I mean to say, king's daughters were kidnapped by the asura. What is the name of that asura? Bhaumasura
- These verses of Srimad-Bhagavatam, they are Vedic mantras. They're not ordinary wording, set of wording. It is not. Veda-mantra; samhita. So every one of you must try to chant. This is required
- They are trying to go there, Mars planet, Moon planet, by rising on the sky by their aeroplanes, sputniks. But they have not been able to understand what is the position of these planets. This is called aroha-pantha
- They do not know what is the aim of life, and the nature's law is, unless you come to the point of understanding what is the aim of life, the nature will go on punishing you in so many ways
- They do not know what is the importance of the varnasrama-dharma. They have broken it. They don't like. They want to say classless society
- They have been put in one group: woman, vaisya and sudra. Because they are not very intelligent. They can be molded by another intelligent man to the proper channel. Therefore they require guidance. They require guidance
- This asuric public, they do not know which way their destination is. They say it is self-interest, but these rascals, they do not know what is the self-interest, because their very beginning of life is mistaken. They are thinking this body is the self
- This beating with shoes and broomstick is also another tapasya. For men like us, who have no control over the mind, we should practice this tapasya, beating the mind with shoes and broomstick. Then it can be controlled
- This human form of life is meant for nivrtti-marga, not to indulge the sense gratification but minimize sense gratification, as far as possible. Try to make it zero
- This human life was meant for understanding Visnu, God, but they did not use it. So thus, try to understand how much important is this Krsna consciousness movement, how we are trying to save the whole human society from their irresponsible life
- This initiation by the grace of guru and Krsna, do not take it very leniently. Take it very seriously. It is a great opportunity
- This is an opportunity, this human form of life, to decide where you want to go. Are you going to hell or heaven or back to home, or back to Godhead? That you have to decide
- This is called variety, not nirvisesa-vada, classless: "No brahmana required, no sudra required." No, everything is required. Everything is required, but they should be properly trained up
- This is fact psychologically, that brain substance in man is greater than the brain substance in woman. In the Bhagavad-gita also, striyo vaisyas tatha sudrah (BG 9.32). But in spiritual understanding there is no such discrimination
- This is ideal of human civilization. The every woman should try to become maidservant of her husband, and every man should try to become the hundred times servant of Krsna. This is Indian civilization. Not that "Husband and wife, we are equal rights"
- This is Krsna consciousness movement, that we are inducing people to understand the problem. It is not a sectarian movement or so-called religious movement. It is not a religion. It is educational cultural movement
- This is Prahlada Maharaja's instruction, that don't be falsely proud unless you have got the qualification. That is our mistake, dambha, dambha. And the pure life begins when we give up dambha, false prestige
- This is Rupa Gosvami's blessings, that Within your heart, let Saci-nandana be seated
- This is Rupa Gosvami's instruction. Somehow or other, you become attached to Krsna. Then your life is successful
- This is the relationship between the government and the citizens. The citizens must be law-abiding, and the government must rule over them just like father
- This is the verdict of the acaryas. Vrajendra-nandana, Hari, Krsna, He is worshipable, everyone knows. But His dhama, Vrndavana, is also as good as Krsna. It is also worshipable
- This is the way of understanding. It is called descending process. And there is another process, which is called ascending process. In Sanskrit it is called aroha-pantha, avaroha-pantha
- This is the whole history of Mahabharata, intriguing, politics, and ultimately there was fight between the two parties, Kurus and the Pandavas, to decide. By logic, by morality and other things, everything failed. Then there was declaration of war
- This is Vedic information. It is not imagination, imperfect imagination. No. It is fact. So we learn from the sastra that on account of illumination of the moon, the vegetation in every planet is, I mean to say, flourishing condition, due to the moon
- This is yoga system: bhakti-yoga. Yoga means to connect, to add, yoga. So at the present moment we are almost disconnected. Not exactly disconnected; forgotten our relationship with Krsna, or God
- This kamaturam mind will be cleansed. Not only be cleansed: if you think of sex, you'll spite on it. This is Krsna consciousness movement
- This Krsna consciousness movement is educating people how to become advanced in devotional service and how to go back home, back to Godhead. And this is not a very difficult task. It is very easy
- This Krsna consciousness movement is for very intelligent, high-class, fortunate persons. Because they are going to guide the destiny of the human society
- This Krsna consciousness movement is the topmost education, culture. Those who have come to Krsna consciousness movement, they should seriously take it and try to understand Krsna. Their life will be successful
- This Krsna consciousness movement means to find out the supreme father. Supreme father. That is the sum and substance of this movement. If we do not know who is our father, that is not a very good position
- This Krsna consciousness movement was started by Krsna Himself. Apparently the Krsna consciousness movement was started by Krsna Himself in the Battlefield of Kuruksetra five thousand years ago
- This life is preparation for the next life. You can prepare. It is in your hand. It is in your hand. God has given you the superior intelligence better than the animals
- This material world means full of anxieties. That is material world. And when you come to the spiritual platform, there is no anxieties, no
- This maya is criminal department, and Vaikuntha is civil department. Vaikuntha means there is no anxiety, and maya means always anxiety
- This morning these press reporters were asking me, "What is the purpose of your movement?" So I said, "To educate the mudhas, that's all." This is the sum and substance of this Krsna consciousness movement, that we are trying to educate the mudhas
- This movement is sri-caitanya-mano-'bhistam
- This nonsense theory that "Within the womb of the mother, unless the body is developed to seven months, there is no life," what is this nonsense? The body has developed to that seven months' condition because there is a spirit soul
- This process of chanting is so nice that it cleanses the heart, misunderstanding that "I am this body. I belong to this nation. I belong to this community. I belong to this religion." No. "I belong to Krsna," that's all
- This samsara, this material existence, is just like davanala. Davanala means forest fire. Forest, in the forest nobody goes to set fire, but it takes place automatically
- This sankirtana is all glorious. That is the blessings of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Param vijayate sri-krsna-sankirtanam. This is His blessing: simply by sankirtana in this age
- This temple means to practice how to think of Krsna's lotus feet, Balarama's lotus feet, always. Man-mana bhava mad-bhaktah. Immediately you become bhakta. And as soon as you become a bhakta all kinds of disturbances will be subsided
- This yellow color refers to Caitanya Mahaprabhu, golden color. So this is also confirmed. If somebody says that "He is Krsna. Why He is not blackish?" No. He appears as the devotee of Krsna in golden color. We say, therefore, "golden avatara"
- Those who are engaged in Krsna consciousness, devotional service, make your association with them. We are therefore making different centers to give everyone the opportunity to have the association of devotee
- Those who are simply acting piously, such person can approach the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Not impious person can
- Those who have joined this Krsna consciousness movement, my request is they follow the regulative principles, as instructed by Rupa Gosvami, with enthusiasm, read books and distribute books. And that is a very great service
- Those who have taken to Krsna consciousness preaching work, they should always know that things are not going to happen so easily. Maya is very, very strong. But still, we have to struggle against maya. It is a declaration of war with the maya
- To become Vaisnava is not so easy thing. One has to become brahmana, then when he surpasses the stages of becoming brahmana, then he becomes Vaisnava. Suddha-sattva
- To follow the footprints of Prahlada Maharaja, one should be very, very afraid. And the whole process of Vedic civilization, especially devotional service, is how to avoid this samsara-cakra-kadana
- To propagate the devotional service of Krsna consciousness, it requires the fit person. Not that one can imitate. It is not possible. One who is fit to take this responsibility, he receives proper instruction and help from higher authorities
- To serve the servant of Krsna is better than to serve directly Krsna, because if the servant of Krsna promises something, if the servant of Krsna says, "I'll take you to Krsnaloka," you must go there
- Transport is required in the human society, but you can utilize so many animals for your purpose
- Try to deliver these innocent persons who are suffering. Everyone is suffering. That should be the motto. Do not sit idly, eat and sleep. No. Either loitering, wandering... I know, our men in Krsna consciousness, they are bold enough
- Tvam adyah purusah. Purusa means enjoyer. God is not female. Sometimes they worship a female as God, like Durga, Kali, and so many others. But God is purusa. Everyone is prakrti. Prakrti means female. Everyone knows it
- Ultimate is always be absorbed in glorifying the Lord, but not in the beginning. In the beginning you must work very hard; you come to the stage of pure devotional platform
- Under the pretext that "Krsna said," "My spiritual master has said," "Prabhupada has said," we manufacture something. Don't do that. Unless you are directly ordered, you cannot do at least such things as to chastise a brahma-bandhu
- Unless one becomes a perfect devotee, he cannot become a bhadra, gentleman. That is not possible. Naradhamah, Krsna says, unless one is devotee, he is a duskrtina, most sinful man, naradhamah, and the lowest of the human being
- Unless one becomes detestful of this material world, it is to be understood that he has not yet entered in the spiritual understanding
- Unless one is situated as pure Vaisnava in his dealing, in his behavior, inside and outside, he should not become a preacher because it will not be effective; neither one should hear from such person
- Unless one is very fortunate, he cannot come to the shelter of Krsna consciousness. That's a fact. So don't misuse it. That is my request
- Vaisnava is always sorry for the rascals in the world. Otherwise, he has nothing to be unhappy. He can sit down anywhere; he can sleep anywhere; he can eat anything. He doesn't require anyone's help
- Veda means knowledge. So from the Vedas you can have all different types of knowledge, namely material knowledge and spiritual knowledge, both, perfectly
- Vedic culture is actual civilization, varnasrama-dharma. That is the beginning of civilization. Without Vedic culture and varnasrama-dharma it is the animal civilization
- Vedic knowledge means there is no mistake, there is no cheating, there is no imperfection. Everything is perfect. So science means which is perfect knowledge
- Very cautiously and intelligently we have to make progress in spiritual life. Don't take it very insignificantly. We should be very much careful. Otherwise there is falldown, and once falldown means a gap of millions of years
- Virinca means Lord Brahma and the followers. Just like we, Gaudiya-sampradaya, means we belong to the Brahma-sampradaya. Our sampradaya begins from Lord Brahma
- Vrndavana is not limited. Wherever there is Krsna, wherever there is Radha-Krsna temple, that is Vrndavana. That is Vrndavana. Caitanya Mahaprabhu said. Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He, once only, He went to Vrndavana. Does it mean He was not in Vrndavana?
- Vyaya means which is destroyed
- We are attached to this material world. But when we are united, man and woman together, our attachment for this material world becomes increased. Material world means "I am this body, and in relationship with this body everything is mine"
- We are born, every one of us born and nourished by this material nature. This is a fact, one can see. So who is the father? The mother is there, material nature, and we are children there
- We are bound up by the laws of nature, but those who are fools, vimudhatma, under false prestige, such person thinks that he is independent. No. That is not. So this is misunderstanding. So this misunderstanding has to be cleaned. That is the aim of life
- We are entangled, and we are desiring, and nature is giving us facility to enjoy our desires. This is the material world. So unless we are free from all kinds of desires, we shall be entangled with these elements
- We are known as Hare Krsna men. So we are not manufacturing something imaginary. That is not our position. Vasudevoktah. We are simply executing what Vasudeva has spoken. That's all. So our task is very easy, because we haven't got to manufacture
- We are not working like these laborers. Krsna is sending money. So this is Krsna consciousness
- We are part and parcel of God, every one of us. So we remain always pure, but account of material attachment, we are suffering. This is the position
- We are simply dreaming. With few pots we are simply dreaming that "These pots will be increased into so many pots, so many pots, so many pots," then finished. Don't make imagination
- We are so foolish that we do not believe in the next life. That is simply foolishness. There is next life, especially when Krsna says. You can say, "We don't believe it." You don't believe or not believe, it doesn't matter
- We are thinking independent and we are planning so many things independently to become happy. It is not possible. That is not possible. That is maya's illusory play
- We are trying to establish this brahminical culture, go-brahmana-hitaya ca. You'll be very much pleased that in a country where go-hatya is so prominent, now we have established so many farms in Europe and America
- We are trying to train some men as real brahmana because brahmana is the head, is the brain of the society. If the society has no brain, it is in chaotic condition
- We can go on arguing for days together, but there is no decision. That is friendly talk. But when there is talk between a master and disciple, there is no question of arguing. The disciple has to accept what is ordered by the master
- We cannot conceive equal rights of purusa and prakrti. That is not Vedic conception. Vedic conception is purusa, the superior, Supreme, and prakrti means subordinate
- We cannot spare our valuable time for bodily comforts, sacrificing our real aim of life, self-realization. That is not civilization. That is animal civilization. First consideration is self-realization
- We do not allow any lazy man. He must be engaged. That is Krsna consciousness movement. That is Krsna's order
- We don't manufacture any ideas. That is not our business. Therefore we present this Bhagavad-gita as it is. As it is. We don't change it
- We got this information from His Divine Grace Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, and that knowledge is still going on. You are receiving through his servant. And in future the same knowledge will go to your students. This is called parampara system
- We have discussed about brahmastra. It is almost similar to the modern nuclear weapon or bomb, but it is made with chemicals, but this brahmastra is made of mantra. That is the subtle way. Modern science has not reached to that point of subtle existence
- We have got everything in writing, in books, in instructions. Our duty is to take them rightly and utilize it properly, advance in Krsna consciousness
- We have got experience that if we infect some disease, contaminous disease, then we must suffer from that disease. So it is not God's creation that somebody is suffering from some painful condition and somebody is enjoying. No
- We have got very simple test in Krsna consciousness movement how to distinguish between an intelligent man a rascal. As soon as we understand that he's not Krsna conscious, he's a rascal. Bas. There is no need of testing
- We have learned from our Guru Maharaja that preaching is very, very important thing, and when one is actually an experienced preacher, then he is able to chant Hare Krsna mantra without any offense
- We have to be trained up in that platform, how to become the best servant, not only servant directly, but servants, of the servant. This is called parampara servant
- We have to become dhira from adhira. But this Krsna consciousness movement is so nice that adhira can be dhira. This is the profit of this movement
- We have to cure our disease. This disease means... The Krsna consciousness movement means purification of our diseased condition, infectious condition. It is not anything artificial
- We have to follow the Gosvamis literature, especially Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, which we have translated in The Nectar of Devotion, every one of you should very carefully read & make progress. Don't be victimized by the Mayavadi so-called Vaisnava
- We have to follow the injunction of the sastra. We cannot manufacture our own ways of spiritual advancement. That is not possible
- We have to follow. People are searching after God. They do not know God. They are asking this question, "Can you show me God?" So, so many questions are there about God, but here is God, pointed out by Arjuna, a mahajana
- We have to know the Supreme Personality of Godhead through authority, not by speculation. Speculation is no use
- We must learn how to see Krsna. So we should not think that "Here is a stone statue." As soon as we think of stone statue, then our this feeling, bhava, will be lost
- We present Bhagavad-gita as it is. In the Bhagavad-gita, Krsna is the Supreme Lord. In the, all the Vedic literature, Krsna is accepted as the Supreme Lord, person, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- We require hundreds and thousands of gurus. But not cheaters
- We shall use our hand in cleansing the temple, in playing the instruments, karatala, for chanting. So, ear for hearing Krsna's pastimes, nose for smelling the flower offered to Krsna
- We should also learn that Krsna has given us this belly, so He has provided also the eatables. That is real philosophy. It is not recommended that you get more than what you require
- We should be very much strictly follower of the Vaisnava principle. Vaisnava's only business is how to deliver these fallen souls. Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He appeared as a Vaisnava. The business is to deliver
- We should increase our taste for hearing and chanting about Visnu, Krsna. That engagement you have fully in the Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita. So stick to these two books, or Caitanya-caritamrta. Caitanya-caritamrta is still far advanced
- We should not be sentimentally very much anxious - "Please give me sannyasa, give me sannyasa" - and then fall down and go to hell. That is not good. That is not good. If one is able to strictly follow the sannyasa rules and regulation, he should take
- We should not waste our time, either you act materially or spiritually. But materially we have no business, although we have taken it the material business as very important and spiritual business has no meaning
- We started this Krsna consciousness movement, teaching, but there was no fees. This is the teaching, real teaching
- We worship the guru as Vyasa-puja because representative of Vyasa. And who is Vyasa? Representative of Narada. What is Narada? Representative of Brahma. What is Brahma? Representative of Krsna. This is called parampara system
- What is dharma? Just like it is the duty of good citizen to abide by the laws of the state, similarly, dharmi, a person who is religious, means who is abiding by the laws of God. That's all. And who is not abiding, he is adharmi. That is the difference
- What is that difficulty?
- What is the aim of varnasrama? Simply by becoming a brahmana he's successful? No. Nobody can become successful unless he satisfies Krsna. That is real success. Just like Arjuna did. By the military art, he satisfied Krsna
- What Vyasadeva said, your guru will also say the same thing. Not that "So many hundreds of thousands of years have passed away. Therefore I will give you a new formula." No. There is no new formula
- Whatever we see, very superior or inferior, good or bad, that is all from Krsna. "Bad is also Krsna?" Yes. Bad is also Krsna because there cannot be anything existing without Krsna - no existentional position
- When anartha-nivrttih syat, all these rascal habits are gone, then nistha, then firm faith, not to be agitated. Tato nistha tatah rucis. Then taste. You cannot live outside this camp. Taste has changed
- When death comes, you are unable to do anything; you have to immediately leave the scene. And according to the laws of nature you'll have to accept a body according to your karma
- When Gandhari saw, she saw that he was not fully naked, so she regretted, "O my dear son, I asked you to come before me naked. Why you have got this...?" "No, Krsna advised." Then she began to smile, that "My attempt is failure." So Krsna knew it
- When guru speaks, you cannot argue. That is not the process. You should accept a guru who is infallible. Otherwise it is useless. He accepted guru Krsna because Krsna is infallible
- When I do not act for any material purpose, that means my sense activities are purified, and that is bhakti
- When I started for your country, I came to Mayapur. I offered my obeisances to my spiritual master, then I went
- When we deny to serve Krsna, when we are not engaged in the service of Krsna, that is our diseased condition; that is not healthy condition. So this KCM is a treatment to cure this disease, atheist and rogues, to come to Krsna consciousness and be happy
- When you become advanced in Krsna conscious, then your natural tendency will be how to preach. So long you do not develop this tendency for preaching, simply remain in kanistha-adhikari, you do not know how to deliver others
- When you see the sunshine, moonshine. Krsna says "I am the sunshine, I am the moonshine." So as soon as you see in the morning, sunshine, you see Krsna
- Where is the difficulty to find out God? They are searching after God, making research, all nonsense speculation. This is our Krsna consciousness movement, that "Why you are searching?"
- Where is the difficulty to understand God, isvara, or the purusa? There is no difficulty. Krsna personally says that mattah parataram nanyat kincid asti dhananjaya. Aham adir hi devanam. Aham sarvasya prabhavah
- Where is the difficulty? Mahajano yena gatah sa panthah. You follow the path of mahajana - Prahlada Maharaja, Janaka Maharaja, Bhisma. There are grhasthas, there are brahmacaris, sannyasi
- Whichever asrama is suitable for you, you accept, but sincere. Don't be hypocrite
- Whole world, especially at the present moment, it is a great disastrous condition, godless civilization. They won't accept the real God, and they'll create some artificial God and become God, "Everyone is God," like that. No
- Why enviousness? You are human being, I am human being. Why we should be envious of one another. This is artificial. There is no need of. But we are put into certain condition that we have to become envious by nature or someone
- Why we offer our respect to mother? Because when you are helpless, we cannot eat anything, the mother supplies milk from the breast. Mother means who supplies the food
- With folded hands I request you, don't you become hippies again by growing hair. Keep your head cleansed at least once in a month. That is my request. Neither I can chastise you. I am also old man; you are young men
- Without being empowered by Krsna, nobody can preach the holy name of the Lord. Krsna-sakti vina nahe nama pracarana. So without getting the power of attorney... Just like even one is qualified lawyer, he must get the power of attorney from the client
- Woman are considered less intelligent. In the Bhagavad-gita... Their heart is very soft. Just like children, their heart is very soft. But their intelligence is not very sharp. That is the difference. Striyah sudras tatha vaisyah
- Yoga means to connect or to link up with the Supreme Absolute Truth. Now suppose he is in the topmost platform. So everyone is trying to go there
- You become a guru at your home. It is not that you have to make a gigantic show of becoming guru. The father has to become guru, the mother has to become guru
- You believe or not believe, the words of Krsna cannot be false. That's a fact. You may be rascal, you do not believe, but those who are dhira, they believe
- You call that Krsna. But God is God. God's name is God, not Krsna. You may call Him Krsna if you want
- You can know Him, you can see Him, what He is, what is His function. Just to mitigate all our doubts, God is present here. And Krsna says in the beginning of the Seventh Chapter of the Bhagavad-gita how you can understand God
- You can see the members of Krsna consciousness, some of them are Indians, some of them are Europeans, some of them are Englishmen, some of them are black, some of them are white, some of them are brahmanas, some of them are Hindus
- You cannot judge. You cannot judge who is following, who is not following. That is not your jurisdiction. Therefore he has accepted a spiritual master, his jurisdiction. He'll do whatever necessary
- You don't require any education for this karma. They are making big, big plans to educate people how to work hard. This is waste of time. Educational institution should be for teaching people how to become Krsna conscious, not to become this or that
- You have given the analogy that when a person turns his back to the sun he creates his shadow. And as he turns towards the sun the shadow disappears
- You have seen Krsna's effulgence is coming. That is the source of everything. That expansion of that effulgence is the brahmajyoti, and in that brahmajyoti, innumerable spiritual planets, material planets, are generated
- You have to become a dog of a Vaisnava. And Narottama dasa Thakura says that without serving the Vaisnava, nobody can get out of the clutches of maya. That is not possible
- You may be very rich man, you may take many pills, many injection to prolong your life, but that is not possible. That is not possible. But as soon as you see Krsna, then you get your eternal life
- You require a leader; we require a leader. That is wanted. Without leader we cannot go. But if you select a bad leader, blind leader, then you remain blind
- You said that Krsna speaking through intuition. Is it therefore possible to follow Krsna by following the intuition?
- You say or members of the society say that "I am not this body," and in Christianity this is my body and this is my blood
- You say, "Can you show me God?" Why don't you see, "Here is God"? Why, just like the owl you have closed your eyes, not to see the sun? Sun is there. See. Open your eyes and see it
- You'll find, therefore, in the comments of Bhagavatam by different acaryas, even there are some discrepancies, they are accepted as arsa-prayoga. It should remain as it is