Category:Maya's Potencies - videos
Pages in category "Maya's Potencies - videos"
The following 132 pages are in this category, out of 132 total.
- A devotee in love, wants to love Krsna in His original form
- A greater mrdanga. We are chanting, playing our mrdanga. It is heard within this room or little more. But this mrdanga will go home to home, country to country, community to community, this mrdanga
- A son is surrendering to his father. It is quite natural. There is no insult. Father is always superior. So if I touch the feet of my father, if I bow down before my father, it is glory. It is glorious for me
- Actually there is no scarcity. The scarcity is Krsna consciousness. So if you become Krsna conscious then everything is ample. There is no scarcity
- Actually, nothing is private property. That is our philosophy. Isavasyam idam sarvam (ISO 1): "Everything belongs to God." That's a fact. Under the influence of maya we are thinking that "This is my property."
- Actually, spiritual body means eternal life of bliss and knowledge. This body which we are possessing now, material body, it is neither eternal, nor blissful, nor full of knowledge
- Actually, these discussions of scripture is not to be acted unless there is relationship between the speaker and the audience. So audience means the disciples. Disciple means who accepts the discipline. Sisya
- Another student, she is preparing the sweetballs, ISKCON balls, and they are forgetting meat-eating. They do not like any more meat-eating. They have got better engagement, sweetballs
- Artificially we are thinking it is American pain or it is Indian pain. That is artificial. This artificial covering has to be removed. Then we come to Krsna consciousness. Feelings, consciousness is not American, African or Indian
- As far as possible try to worship the Deity, patram puspam phalam toyam yo me bhaktya prayacchati. Krsna does not want your whole property. Krsna is open to the poorest man for being worshiped
- Bad work means maya and good work means God. There are two things: God and maya. If we do not act in godly situation then we must be acting in maya's clutches
- Because your senses are engaged in the service of the Hrsikesa, the senses have no other opportunity to be engaged. Locked up
- Bhagavatam says that the original source of everything is sentient. Conscious. And consciously is controlling everything
- Bhakti means that we have to clear ourself from the designations. What is that designation? Everyone is thinking, "I am American," "I am Indian," "I am European," "I am Australian," "I am cat," "I am dog, "I am this," "I am that" - bodily
- Bhaktih paresanubhavo viraktir anyatra syat. This is the test of bhakti. If one has entered the domain of devotional service, this material world will be not at all tasteful for him. Virakti. No more
- Bhuliya Tomare, CDV 17 - We have heard so much about surrender. So here are some of the songs how one can make surrender
- Blind civilization
- By my mental speculation, by rascal interpretation, by showing one's scholarship, you cannot understand Bhagavad-gita. That is not possible. Submissive
- By speculation, by our research, it is impossible, but we can get a glimpse of knowledge of the Absolute Truth when we receive it through the Absolute Truth, Krsna. That is Krsna consciousness movement
- Directly we cannot appreciate what is that spiritual fragment, particle, which is within this body. Because the length and breadth of that spirit soul is impossible to be measured by our material instruments
- Don't misuse this opportunity. Some way or other, you have come in contact with this movement. Properly utilize it. Don't go to the darkness. Always remain in bright light
- Don't run after this mirage. Just turn back to Godhead, back to Krsna. That is our propaganda
- Family attachment is the greatest impediment in the matter of advancing in Krsna consciousness, but if the whole family is Krsna conscious, that is very nice
- First birth, then growth, then to stay, then to produce by-product, then dwindling, then vanish. This is the law of material nature
- For our disciples, we don't give anything cheap. Our first condition is character, moral character. Unless one is accepting moral character, we don't initiate, don't allow him in this institution
- From the beginning of this body within the womb of the mother, it is simply troublesome. Against my will so many distresses are there, so many distresses there. Then as you grow, the distress grow, grow
- Here is the secret of yoga system. Yoga indriya-samyama. The real purpose of yoga is to control the senses
- How does the spirit soul of a beast enter into the form of a human being?
- Hrsikesa-sevanam. Not hrsika-sevanam. Hrsika means senses. So when senses are used for sense gratification, that is maya. And when senses are used for the gratification of the master of the senses, that is called bhakti. A very simple definition
- I am giving them the right information - that service you have to render. But instead of serving your senses, please serve Radha-Krsna, then you'll be happy
- I am not manufacturing the words "foolish" and "rascal." It is said by Krsna
- I especially request my disciples who are cooperating with me that try to publish books as many as possible and distribute throughout the whole world. That will satisfy Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu as well as Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura
- I wish to narrate one short story, that one man, one boy, was attracted by a beautiful girl. So the girl does not agree, and the boy is persistent
- If a person who is working in the factory, if you stop sex, he cannot work. And when he's unable to enjoy sex life, then he takes intoxication. This is material life. So energy must be there. Here in the material world the energy is sex
- If there is one moon, that is sufficient. What is the use of millions of stars twinkling. So that is our propaganda. If one man can understand what is Krsna philosophy, then my preaching is successful, that's all
- If we want to stop this miserable condition of getting another material body, then we must know what is karma, what is vikarma. That is Krsna's proposal
- If you can see twenty-four hours Krsna, within and without, then that is the end of all tapasya
- If you engage yourself in pure devotional service incessantly, without any stop, then you always remain transcendental, above these three gunas. So our Krsna consciousness movement is to keep the devotee above the three gunas
- If you engage yourself in the service of Krsna, you'll find new and new encouragement. That is spiritual. If you find it hackneyed, then you must know that you are not yet serving spiritually, you are serving materially
- If you very strictly adhere to the principle of Krsna consciousness, then maya will not be able to touch you. That is the only remedy. Otherwise maya is always looking after the opportunity, loophole, how she can capture you again
- In the Bhagavad-gita it is clearly explained that there are three kinds of activities according to the different modes of nature: the activities of goodness, the activities of passion, the activities of ignorance
- In this Bhagavad-gita the subject matter is comprehending five different truths. The first truth is what is God. It is the preliminary study of the science of God. So that science of God is explained here
- In this material world everyone individually has to take care of himself. How he can be saved from the clutches of maya. That is Krsna consciousness movement. A teacher can give you hints. The acarya can give you hints
- Independently means if we want to enjoy life according to my whims. That is called so-called independence. But by such independence, we are never happy, so we transmigrate for this so-called illusory happiness from one body to another
- Intelligence is how to stop this slaughtering process of nature. That is intelligence. That is being discussed. So anyone can get out of the slaughtering process by devotional service
- It is not Krsna consciousness movement is for the lazy fellow. No. It is meant for the strong man: strong in body, strong in mind, strong in determination. Everything strong, strong in brain
- It is said that this human form of life is the only means for crossing over the nescience of maya, or material existence
- It is up to you to decide whether you are going to get a body which will be able to dance with Krsna, to talk with Krsna, to play with Krsna. You can get it. And if you want a body how to eat stool, urine, you will get it
- Krsna comes in His original form... Original form is two-handed. It is also accepted in the Bible: "Man is made after the image of God." So God has got two-handed. Even the four-handed Visnu form is not the original
- Krsna consciousness movement is most scientific movement to get the whole human society from the pitch of darkness
- Krsna consciousness movement means everyone wants to become friend of everyone
- Krsna has got loving propensities with His pleasure potency, Srimati Radharani. Similarly, because we are part and parcel of Krsna, we have also got this loving propensity
- Krsna is first-class, His devotees are also first-class. The trees, the birds, the cows, and the calves are all first-class. Therefore it is called absolute. No conception of relative, second-class, third-class, fourth-class
- Krsna, although He is always in Goloka Vrndavana, He has nothing to do. He is simply enjoying in the company of His associates, the gopis and the cowherds boy, His mother, His father. Free, completely free
- Life cannot come from matter. Besides that... Just like when there is life, living entity, the body grows, body changes or grows, as you say. But if the child is dead or come out dead, then the body does not grow. Then matter is growing on life
- Lord Buddha propagated, "Yes, there is no God. But what I say, you follow." "Yes, sir." But he is God. This is cheating. Yes. They do not believe in God, but they believe in Buddha, and Buddha is God
- One does not know that this consciousness, that "I shall become the master," is the cause of his suffering. This philosophy has to be understood. Because constitutionally we are all servants
- One who cannot understand Krsna, what is Krsna, which Vyasadeva has described what is Krsna in nine cantos, to understand Krsna, and then in the Tenth Canto he begins the birth advent of Krsna
- Our business is how to become recognized by Krsna
- Sambandha, what is our connection with God. That is called sambandha. And then abhidheya. According to that relationship we have to act. That is called abhidheya. And why do we act. Because we have got the goal of life, to achieve the goal of life
- Servant's business is to surrender, not to argue with the master or to claim that "I am equal with you." These are all fanatic, mad proposal
- Service means that you obey the order of the master. It doesn't matter what it is
- She tests very rigidly whether you have taken Krsna consciousness to disturb Krsna, or you are actually serious. That is maya' s business. So there will be, in the beginning, test by maya, and you will feel so much disturbances in making progress in KC
- Simply chant Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare - Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare, and gradually you'll realize how to become immortal
- Sinner is illusioned. He's mad. If you hate him, then how you can deliver him? Therefore those who are devotees, those who are really servant of God, they have no hate for anyone
- Sleeping is not good. The Gosvamis used to sleep only two hours. I also write at night book, and I also sleep, not more than three hours. But I take sometimes little, sleep more
- So long you are in the bodily concept of life, you are no better than the animal. That is the Bhagavata philosophy. You are animal
- So this civilization, modern civilization, is just like madman civilization. They have no knowledge of past life, neither they are interested in the future life
- Some of our students, they think that "Why should I work in this mission? Oh, let me go away." He goes away, but what does he do? He becomes a motor driver, that's all. Instead of getting honor as brahmacari, sannyasi, he has to work as ordinary worker
- Sometimes some man comes in our society; after staying for days, he goes away. This is praksepata, thrown away. Unless he's very sincere, he cannot stay with us
- Spiritual world means there is no work. There is simply ananda, joyfulness. That you see from reading Krsna book. They're not working. Krsna is going with the calves and the cows. That is not working. That is amusement
- Spiritually, eternally, the fragments are fragments, and the Supreme is Supreme. Krsna is the Supreme, and we are fragmental parts. We are fragments eternally
- Sri Nama, CD 3 - Either you stay at your home as a householder, or you stay in the forest as the renounced order of life, it does not make difference, but you have to chant the maha-mantra, Hare Krsna
- Sruti means by hearing from the Supreme. So our process is sruti. Sruti means we hear from the highest authority. That is our process, and that is very easy
- Sunshine means combination of illuminating particles. That is sunshine. It is scientifically proven. Sparks, little atomic sparks, shining sparks. So similarly, we are also just like the shining sparks of Krsna
- Surfer. I call "sufferer, Sea-sufferer." Sea-surfer, it is practical, because we are creating a situation by which we shall become a fish. Yes. Contamination. Just like if you purposely contaminate some disease, you must suffer from that disease
- That is my personal experience. In the beginning, when my Guru Maharaja ordered me, I thought it that "I shall first of all become very rich man; then I shall preach"
- The body is awarded by God according to your karma. Just like according to your payment, the landlord gives you an apartment. The apartment does not belong to you. That's a fact
- The conception of God, greater than the greatest, and smaller than the smallest. That is God. He can produce these big, big universes simply by breathing, and again - we do not know how many atoms are there in each universe - He can enter in each atom
- The goal of our life, at least in this human form of life, in the Aryan civilization, the goal of life is to understand our constitutional position, "What I am. What I am." If we do not understand "What I am," then I am equal to the cats and dogs
- The Hanuman policy is: "Take out Sita from the hands of Ravana and get her seated by the side of Rama." The same Sita. Sita means Laksmi. So Laksmi means Narayana's property, God's property
- The intelligent man, who is not crazy, he should understand that I am not this body
- There are many differences. The same example, electricity. So many things are working, difference of energy. Even the dictaphone is working, electricity. By the same energy, electricity
- These rascals they have created a gorgeous civilization. What is that? Just like in your country especially, a gorgeous truck for sweeping. The business is sweeping, and for that they have manufactured a gorgeous truck: Gut, gut, gut, gut, gut, gut, gut
- They cannot stop death, neither birth, nor old age, nor disease. And during the short period of life, birth and death, they are making big, big buildings, and next time he is becoming one rat within the buildings
- They foolishly think that simply "I am the monarch of all I survey." That's all. This planet is the monarch, and all other planets they're all subservient. They will satisfy our senses. This is foolishness
- They say that God cannot come. But if I put the question: "Why God cannot come?" what is the answer? If God is all-powerful, why you are curtailing His power, that He cannot come? What kind of God is He? God is under your law, or you are under God's law?
- This evening, we are talking about Radhastami. We are trying to understand the chief potency of Krsna. Radharani is the pleasure potency of Krsna. As we understand from Vedic literature, Krsna has many varieties of potencies
- This is the study of Krsna, that if you become Krsna conscious, a sincere servant of Krsna, don't be agitated by the dangerous condition of this material world. You simply depend on Krsna, and He'll save you
- This is the Vaisnava philosophy. We are trying to be servant. We don't identify with anything material. As soon as we identify with anything material, we become under the clutches of maya
- This Krsna consciousness movement is educating people to become first-class yogi. Think of Krsna. Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare - Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. It is not bogus thing. It is actual fact. You can become yogi
- This Krsna consciousness movement is like this, that whatever qualification you have got, that is sufficient. You begin with that qualification
- Those who are sinful, they do not take immediately birth. They first of all trained up in the hellish planet how to suffer to become accustomed and then they are taken birth, then suffer
- Those who have taken to Krsna consciousness preaching work, they should always know that things are not going to happen so easily. Maya is very, very strong. But still, we have to struggle against maya. It is a declaration of war with the maya
- To save us from death... That is the first business of humankind. We are teaching this Krsna consciousness movement for this purpose only
- To understand Krsna is not so easy thing
- Transcendental. "You are beyond"
- Two energies are working in this material world: the spiritual energy and the material energy
- Under the spell of maya we are thinking that this kicking of maya, this slapping of maya, this thrashing of maya is very nice. You see? This is called maya. And as soon as you get into Krsna consciousness, then Krsna takes care of you
- Unless there is some living force behind the matter there cannot be anything created. We have no such experience
- We are engaged in various activities undoubtedly, but we do not know what sort of activities we shall adopt that will give us relief from the actions and reactions of all activities. That is also explained in the Bhagavad-gita
- We are fallen conditioned souls. In this material world we have come with an enjoying spirit. Therefore we are fallen. If one keeps his position rightly, he does not fall. Otherwise he is degraded. That is fallen condition
- We are hearing from the scriptures, from authorities, that "I have got this miserable conditional body to suffer threefolds of material miseries; still, I am not very much anxious how to stop this repetition of birth and death. I am drinking poison"
- We are in the midst of the Pacific Ocean of this mayika world. Samsara-samudra. It is called samudra. So at any moment our boat can be topsy-turvied if we have no controlling power
- We are so foolish that we do not believe in the next life. That is simply foolishness. There is next life, especially when Krsna says. You can say, "We don't believe it." You don't believe or not believe, it doesn't matter
- We are thinking independent and we are planning so many things independently to become happy. It is not possible. That is not possible. That is maya's illusory play
- We cannot cheat Krsna. Krsna can immediately understand how much serious and sincere you are for understanding Krsna or approaching Him or going back to home, back to Godhead
- We have to be trained up in that platform, how to become the best servant, not only servant directly, but servants, of the servant. This is called parampara servant
- We have to train up the mind until we get the another body. That is the art of living. So if you train up your mind simply to think of Krsna, then you are safe. Otherwise there is chance of accidents
- We should be very strongly inclined to Krsna consciousness like Haridasa Thakura. Then we shall be able very easily to overcome the allurement of maya
- What is my business? My business is to get out of these material clutches. So if anyone is eager to be free from these material clutches, then he must take shelter of Visnu, not others
- When I realize that I am not this body, then immediately I transcend the three modes of material nature: sattva-guna, rajo-guna, tamo-guna. Under the bodily concept of life, I am influenced by one of the modes
- When one is in goodness, he's sober. He can understand what is the value of life, how one should live, what is the aim of life, what is the goal of life. That goal of life is to understand Brahman
- When the material concept of life covers me, we cannot understand what is God. We say God is dead. So we have to uncover our eyes from this illusion. Then you'll see directly God
- When we accept any self-realization process, it is practically declaring war against the illusory energy, maya
- When you are too much influenced with the modes of passion, you become lusty. And when your lust is not fulfilled, then you are angry
- Why you should eat animals? That is uncivilized life. When there is no food, when they are aborigines, they may eat animals, because they do not know how to grow food. But when the human society becomes civilized, he can grow so many nice foods
- Without understanding our real position we are perplexed with these all worldly problems, which are all false
- Yantrarudhani mayaya. We are riding on a machine. This body is a machine, but we are accepting machine as myself. This is called sammohita, "bewildered." If you are running on a car, if you think, "I am the car," as it is foolishness
- You cannot trace out the history when you have fallen down. That is impossible. But our position is marginal. At any moment, we can fall down. That tendency is there
- You drink something, become intoxicated. But as soon as that intoxication is over, all your intoxicated dreams are over, finished
- You have come forward to help me. I shall request you all that I shall go away, but you shall live. Don't give up pushing on this movement, and you'll be blessed by Lord Caitanya and His Divine Grace Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Prabhupada
- You have to get out from this entanglement by this yoga, or perfect yoga of Krsna consciousness
- You should always remember this. A little mistake will spoil the whole scheme, little mistake. Nature is very strong
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