Indra | Indra's | Indradeva | "King of heaven" | "heavenly King" | "king in charge of the heavenly kingdom"
- Indra, Śatru
- eleventh son of Aditi and Kaśyapa Muni
- brother of Vivasvān, Aryamā, Pūṣā, Tvaṣṭā, Savitā, Bhaga, Dhātā, Vidhātā, Varuṇa, Mitra, Vāmanadeva
- husband of Queen Śacīdevī
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Pages in category "Indra"
The following 507 pages are in this category, out of 507 total.
- Indra (BG and SB cantos 1 to 4)
- Indra (CC and Other Books)
- Indra (CC)
- Indra (Conversation and Letters)
- Indra (Other books)
- Indra (SB Canto 1 - 5 )
- Indra (SB Canto 10, 11 and 12)
- Indra (SB Canto 6 and 7)
- Indra (SB Canto 8 and 9)
- Indra (SB cantos 5 and 6)
- Indra (SB cantos 7 and 8)
- Indra (SB cantos 9 to 12)
- A father personifies Lord Brahma; a brother, King Indra; a mother, the planet earth; and a sister, mercy. A guest personifies religious principles, an invited guest personifies the demigod Agni, and all living entities personify Lord Visnu, the SPG
- A perfectly successful yogi is expert in eight kinds of perfection. By the anima-siddhi, he can become smaller than an atom, and in that state he can enter anywhere. With this yogic power, Indra entered the womb of Diti while she was pregnant
- According to the Vedic rites, even in the worship of some demigods like Indra, Brahma, Sarasvati and Ganesa, the system is that in all circumstances the representation of Visnu must be there as yajnesvara, or the controlling power of such sacrifices
- According to the Vedic system, when one is born in this material world he has many obligations. He has obligations to the demigods - the demigods of the sun and moon, King Indra, Varuna, etc. - because they are supplying the necessities of life
- Aditi appealed to her husband by saying that since even the supreme controller favors His devotees and since Indra, Kasyapa's devoted son, was in difficulty, Kasyapa should bestow his favor upon Indra
- After completing the sacrificial performance for King Indra, the spiritual master Vasistha returned and found that his disciple Maharaja Nimi had disobeyed his instructions
- After dispatching Laksmana to the regions of Patala, Lord Indra returned to his abode
- After gathering the demoniac soldiers, Bali Maharaja departed for the opulent capital of Indra. Indeed, he seemed to make the entire surface of the world tremble
- After Lord Brahma understood the precarious condition of the earth, he first visited the demigods headed by Lord Indra, who are in charge of the various affairs of this universe, and Lord Siva, who is responsible for annihilation
- After pleasing Bali Maharaja with mild words, Lord Indra, the King of the demigods, who was most intelligent, very politely submitted all the proposals he had learned from the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Visnu
- After warning Dadhici in this way, Indra returned to heaven. The Asvini-kumaras, who understood Indra's desires, returned and begged Dadhici for brahma-vidya
- Agni, Indra, Prajapati, Kasyapa and Dharma all assemble there to offer him honor and respectful obeisances. They circumambulate him with their right sides toward him. I (Sukadeva) have already described the glorious activities of Maharaja Dhruva
- Alas, what a regrettable deed I have committed because of my lack of intelligence and my pride in my material opulences. I failed to show respect to my spiritual master when he entered this assembly, and thus I have insulted him
- All living entities are created by the Supreme Lord according to their past deeds. This includes Brahma and his sons like Daksa, the periodical heads like Vaivasvata Manu and the demigods like Indra, Candra and Varuna
- All persons who are dominated by their wives are generally foolish. Indra thought that Krsna was a henpecked husband who only by the will of His wife Satyabhama took away the property of heaven, and therefore he thought that Krsna could be punished
- All the demigods, headed by Indra, became offenders at the lotus feet of Brhaspati, and Lord Brahma, being aware of this, condemned their neglect
- All the sages and demigods, headed by Indra, offered their respectful obeisances unto Lord Siva with folded hands. Lord Siva was dressed in saffron garments and absorbed in trance, thus appearing to be the foremost of all sages
- All these demigods (Indra, Agni, Yama, Nirrti, Varuna, Vayu and Kuvera) take pleasure in the valleys of Mount Meru, which is situated somewhere between the sun and the earth
- Although I am King of the demigods, who are situated in the mode of goodness, I was proud of a little opulence and polluted by false ego. Under the circumstances, who in this world would accept such riches at the risk of falling down?
- Although in human society such activities (rape and theft) are considered abominable, the demigod Indra was not considered to be degraded by them
- Although Indra had doubts because he could not understand that Lord Visnu's order never fails, Vrtrasura understood Lord Visnu's purpose
- Although Indra searched vigorously with the assistance of the other demigods, he could not find Brhaspati. Then Indra thought, "Alas, my spiritual master has become dissatisfied with me, and now I have no means of achieving good fortune"
- Although Indra was learned and his prime minister, Brhaspati, was also learned, neither of them begged to be able to render loving service to Lord Vamanadeva. Therefore Bali Maharaja lamented for Indra
- Although King Indra and the other demigods are exalted personalities, they were so obedient to Narada Muni that King Indra immediately accepted Narada Muni's words concerning Prahlada Maharaja. This is called understanding by the parampara system
- Although Lord Visnu, Siva & Brahma are always ready to help the demigods, headed by Indra, we have no reason to be afraid of them. As far as Visnu is concerned, He has already hidden Himself within the hearts of all living entities, He cannot come out
- Although the names of Indra and Agni are sometimes uttered in the Vedic mantras (indraya svaha, agnaye svaha), the Vedic sacrifices are actually performed for the satisfaction of Lord Visnu
- Although they are ordinary living entities, they are able to attain responsible posts, like Lord Brahmā, Indra, Candra and Varuṇa
- Although your attack upon me with your club was certainly useless, like a request of money from a miser, the thunderbolt you carry will not be useless. You need have no doubts about this
- Among the demons (who were resisting the armies of King Indra) were Namuci, Sambara, Anarva, Dvimurdha, Rsabha, Asura, Hayagriva, Sankusira, Vipracitti, Ayomukha, Puloma, Vrsaparva, Praheti, Heti and Utkala
- An example of an object which caused ecstatic dread is the Putana witch. Dread can be caused by mischievous demonic characters, such as King Kamsa, and it can be caused by great powerful demigods, such as Indra or Sankara
- Another significance of the present verse is that Arjuna, by the grace of Lord Sri Krsna, was able to reach the heavenly planet even with the selfsame body and was honored by the heavenly demigod Indradeva, being seated with him half-elevated
- Anyone who has accepted this material body, even a small ant, and the demigods, Indra and Lord Brahma, by their pious activities they have got big, big post as demigods, long, prolonged life and many other facilities. But they are all living entities
- Apsaras passed on the streets (in the city of Indra), which were covered with the white, fragrant smoke of aguru incense emanating from windows with golden filigree
- Arjuna went to heavenly planet. And there the heavenly prostitute came to Arjuna. She's prostitute. So when Arjuna refused, that... His father is Indra... So Arjuna said that "You have connection with my father. Therefore you are my mother"
- As a snake captures a mouse or Garuda captures a very venomous snake, Lord Nrsimhadeva captured Hiranyakasipu, who could not be pierced even by the thunderbolt of King Indra
- As for Lord Brahma, he is always engaged in austerities and meditation. The other demigods, headed by Indra, are devoid of prowess. Therefore you (Kamsa) have nothing to fear - SB 10.4.36
- As for Prahlada Maharaja, he was initiated by Narada Muni, and therefore it was possible for him to become a great devotee, although he was born in a family of demons. For Vrtrasura, however, Indra could not detect such causes
- As Indra is the chief of all kings, similarly Skanda, or Kartikeya, the son of Parvati and Lord Siva, is the chief of all military commanders
- As King Indra was standing by, he became ashamed of his own activities and fell down before King Prthu to touch his lotus feet. But Prthu Maharaja immediately embraced him in great ecstasy and gave up all envy against him for his having stolen the horse
- As Krsna challenged Arjuna by saying that he was not a pandita, or a learned person, Bali Maharaja also challenged King Indra and his associates
- As long as King Indra lived in the water, wrapped in the stem of the lotus, Nahusa was equipped with the ability to rule the heavenly kingdom, due to his knowledge, austerity and mystic power
- As the director of different kinds of clouds, Indra called for the Samvartaka. This cloud is invited when there is a need to devastate the whole cosmic manifestation
- As the human beings on this planet have to change their bodies (tatha dehantara-praptih (BG 2.13)), the living entities known as Indra, Candra, Varuna and so on will also have to change their bodies in due course of time
- As the predominating deity in Satyaloka is Lord Brahma, so in the heavenly planets Indra is the predominating deity, and on the sun, the sun-god, Vivasvan, is the predominating deity
- At that time the whole tract of land in Vrndavana was being disturbed by the rains sent by Indra, as described elsewhere above
- At that time, Vasistha replied, "My dear Maharaja Nimi, I have already accepted the same post in a sacrifice begun by Lord Indra"
- Balarama said, "Your (Kurus) conclusion is wonderful! You do not care for King Ugrasena, whose order is obeyed even by King Indra"
- Bali Maharaja could guess that the brahmana was Lord Visnu Himself and had come to him just to take away his opulent kingdom on behalf of Indra
- Bali Maharaja was so powerful that he fought with Indra and took possession of the three worlds
- Bali Maharaja would lose all his property because of defying orders of Sukracarya, yet because of devotional service to the Lord, he would get more than he expected, and in the future, in the eighth manvantara, he would occupy the throne of Indra again
- Bali Maharaja, who was the commander of numberless soldiers, gathered his soldiers outside this abode of Indra and attacked it from all directions
- Beautiful women protected by the demigods sported in the gardens (of King Indra's city), which had lotus ponds full of swans, cranes, cakravakas and ducks
- Because both (Vrtrasura and Indra) of them were devotees, the Lord (Visnu) awarded them the respective benedictions they wanted. Vrtrasura never wanted material possessions, for he knew very well the nature of such possessions
- Because of constant rain sent by the demigod Indra, the River Yamuna was filled with deep water, foaming about with fiercely whirling waves - SB 10.3.50
- Beginning from this insect known as indra and up to that Indra, everyone is bound up by his karma-phala. That is called destiny. Everyone is bound up
- Beginning with Lord Brahma, Visnu, Mahesvara, Indra, Candra and all the demigods (there are thirty-three million demigods) and the middle and lower species. Everyone is bhrtya, or servant
- Being beaten by Jambhasura's club, Indra's elephant was confused and aggrieved. Thus it touched its knees to the ground and fell unconscious
- Being thus informed, the grandson of King Vena immediately began to follow Indra, who was fleeing through the sky in great haste. He was very angry with him, and he chased him just as the king of the vultures chased Ravana
- Being very much afraid that the time factor will end our existence, we offer presentations unto time by performing our work as time dictates. The time factor himself, however, is afraid of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Being very much ashamed, Indra fell down at the lotus feet of the great sage and begged his pardon. Being compassionate, the sage turned the vaginas into eyes; therefore Indra possesses hundreds and thousands of eyes all over his body
- Being very pleased with Bali Maharaja for giving all his possessions, the Lord returned his kingdom and made him richer than the opulent King Indra. Even now, Bali Maharaja engages in devotional service by worshiping the SPG in the planet of Sutala
- Bhisasmad agnis candras ca/ mrtyur dhavati pancamah: "Agni, Indra and Mrtyu are also acting under His direction." These are the statements of the Vedas
- Brahma is in charge of something. Indra is in charge of something. The demigods, they're officers. They (Americans) have no information. They say, "It is nature, nature, nature, nature." No nature. They are department
- Brahma is invested with multifarious energies, from which all the demigods like Indra, Candra and Varuna are manifested. His transcendental value is not to be minimized, even though he exhibited a tendency to enjoy his own daughter
- Brahma's township is known as Manovati, and those of his assistants such as Indra and Agni are known as Amaravati, Tejovati, Samyamani, Krsnangana, Sraddhavati, Gandhavati, Mahodaya and Yasovati
- Brahma, Sambhu, Surya and Indra are all merely products of the power of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is also true of the many other demigods whose names are not mentioned here - in the smrti Vedic literature
- Brahma, Siva, Indra, Candra, Maharaja Yudhisthira or, in modern history, Napoleon, Akbar, Alexander, Gandhi, Shubhash & Nehru all are servants of the Lord, and they are placed in and removed from their respective positions by the supreme will of the Lord
- Brhaspati informed Indra that Bali Maharaja's prowess was not his own but that of his exalted guru, Sukracarya
- Brhaspati informed Indra, "Ordinarily, Bali and his forces could not achieve such strength, but it appears that the brahmana descendants of Bhrgu Muni, being pleased with Bali Maharaja, endowed them with this spiritual power"
- Brhaspati is also unintelligent because he did not properly instruct his disciple Indra
- Brhaspati is Indra's priest, and since Indra is the chief of all kings, Brhaspati is the chief of all priests. BG 1972 purports
- Brhaspati is the best of the brahmanas because he is aware of the Supreme Brahman and fully in control of his senses. Therefore it is very astonishing that you have acted impudently toward him
- Brhaspati, the best of the sages, was the spiritual master of Indra and the demigods and was respected by the demigods and demons alike
- But King Indra assured them, "You go ahead, and I will also go, riding on my elephant, accompanied by great storms. And I shall apply all my strength to punishing the inhabitants of Vrndavana"
- But now, although the same thunderbolt has been released against a less important demon, it has been ineffectual. Therefore, although it was as good as a brahmastra, it has now become useless like an ordinary rod. I shall therefore hold it no longer
- By hurling the thunderbolt, Indra would gain victory and enjoy the heavenly planets, remaining in the material world for repeated birth and death. Indra wanted to gain victory over Vrtrasura & thereby become happy, but that would not at all be happiness
- By the blessings of Lord Brahma, King Prthu would become more famous than King Indra. Thus Prthu's determination to perform one hundred sacrifices was indirectly fulfilled by the blessings of Lord Brahma
- By the force of your thunderbolt, I shall be freed of material bondage and shall give up this body and this world of material desires. Fixing my mind upon the lotus feet of Lord Sankarsana, I shall attain the destination of such great sages as Narada Muni
- By the grace of Lord Siva, Banasura had one thousand arms, and he became so powerful that even demigods like King Indra were serving him most obediently
- By this act (teaching King Indra a lesson) Lord Krsna taught human society, as He has instructed in the Bhagavad-gita also, that one should worship the Supreme Lord by all acts and by all their results. That will bring about the desired success
- By this intelligent mantra (narayana-kavaca), he took away the opulence of the demons and gave it to Mahendra, the King of heaven
- Charged with the exalted power of Dadhici Muni and enlightened by the power of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Indra rode on the back of his carrier, Airavata, surrounded by all the demigods, while all the great sages offered him praise
- Cintamani-prakara-sadmasu kalpa-vrksa-laksavrtesu (Bs. 5.29). The spiritual world, cintamani-dhama, is surrounded by these kalpa-vrksa trees, but the parijata tree is also found in the kingdom of Indra, that is, on Indra's heavenly planet
- Coming to his senses, King Indra realized that he was not a very sincere disciple of his spiritual master, Brhaspati. Therefore he decided that henceforward he would be nisatha, nonduplicitous
- Consider this battle a gambling match in which our lives are the stakes, the arrows are the dice, and the animals acting as carriers are the game board. No one can understand who will be defeated and who will be victorious. It all depends on providence
- Dadhici said: Just to hear from you about religious principles, I refused to offer my body at your request. Now, although my body is extremely dear to me, I must give it up for your better purposes since I know that it will leave me today or tomorrow
- Dear King (Prthu), Indra's powers are already reduced due to his attempt to impede the execution of your sacrifice. We (the priests) shall call him by Vedic mantras which were never before used, and certainly he will come
- Dear son, we have been defeated by our enemies, and therefore we are very much aggrieved. Please mercifully fulfill our desires by relieving our distress through the strength of your austerities. Please fulfill our prayers
- Demigods like Indra, Candra, Varuna, etc., are appointed officers who manage material affairs, & the Vedas direct sacrifices to satisfy these demigods so that they may be pleased to supply air, light & water sufficiently to produce food grains. BG 1972 p
- Despite his knowing that Indra was taking away his father's horse, Vijitasva did not attack him. This indicates that Maharaja Vijitasva respected the right persons
- Diti thought: Indra considers his body eternal, and thus he has become unrestrained. I therefore wish to have a son who can remove Indra's madness. Let me adopt some means to help me in this
- Diti was completely purified because of worshiping the SPG. When she got up from bed, she saw her forty-nine sons along with Indra. These forty-nine sons were all as brilliant as fire and were in friendship with Indra, and therefore she was very pleased
- Diti was extremely satisfied by Indra's good behavior. Then Indra offered his respects to his aunt with profuse obeisances, and with her permission he went away to the heavenly planets with his brothers the Maruts
- Dressing themselves as the wives of brahmanas, all the celestial ladies, including the wives of Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, Lord Nrsimha-deva, King Indra and Vasistha Rsi, along with Rambha, a dancing girl of heaven, came there with varieties of gifts
- During the life of Svayambhuva Manu, Yajna became the leader of the demigods, Indra
- During the reign of Svarocisa, the post of Indra was assumed by Rocana, the son of Yajna. Tusita and others became the principal demigods, and Urja, Stambha and others became the seven saints. All of them were faithful devotees of the Lord
- During the time of Svayambhuva Manu, these sons all became the demigods collectively named the Tusitas. Marici became the head of the seven rsis, and Yajna became the king of the demigods, Indra
- Even if one reaches the post of Indra, Candra, or any other demigod, he must be dissolved at a certain stage. A devotee is never interested in such temporary pleasure
- Even Lord Brahma was bewildered. He said, "How is it that this Krsna, this boy of Vrndavana, is being worshiped? He is called the Supreme Personality of Godhead. How is that?" Lord Indra was also bewildered
- Even practicing the Vaisnava principles to a small extent can save one from the greatest danger of material existence. Thus Kasyapa Muni planned to instruct his wife Diti to become a Vaisnava because he wanted to save the life of Indra
- Even so-called demons sometimes have exalted devotion for the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore Indra smiled reassuringly at Vrtrasura
- Every living entity, however great he may be, even up to demigods like Brahma and Indra, is an eternally subordinate servitor of the supreme father
- Fanned by yak-tail whisks and served with all the paraphernalia of a great king, Indra was sitting with his wife, Sacidevi, who occupied half the throne, when the great sage Brhaspati appeared in that assembly
- First I cut the child in the womb into seven pieces, which became seven children. Then I cut each of the children into seven pieces again. By the grace of the Supreme Lord, however, none of them died
- Following the logic that self-preservation is the first law of nature, he wanted to break Diti's promise. Thus he engaged himself in the service of Diti, his aunt, who was residing in an asrama
- For him (Indra), digging a well for a water supply is simply ludicrous - because he is the controlling deity of rain
- Formerly, at the end of Dvapara-yuga, all the cowherd men of Vrndavana had arranged to worship King Indra, but they gave this worship up, following the advice of Krsna
- From the residence of Yamaraja the sun travels to Nimlocani, the residence of Varuna, from there to Vibhavari, the residence of the moon-god, and from there again to the residence of Indra
- From this statement of Indra it appears that anyone attempting to go to the higher planetary systems by mechanical means, which are here called maya, is condemned to go the hellish planets in the lower portion of the universe
- From Vedic scriptures it is understood that sometimes even Brahma and Indra fall down, but a devotee in the transcendental abode of the Lord never falls
- Garuda wanted to show respect for Indra; since he knew that Indra's weapon must destroy something, he offered his wing
- Goloka Vrndavana is larger than all the material and spiritual planets put together. In the prayer contained in the Harivamsa, Indra admitted that he could not understand the situation of Goloka even by asking Brahma
- Havisman, Sukrta, Satya, Jaya, Murti and others will be the seven sages, the Suvasanas and Viruddhas will be among the demigods, and Sambhu will be their king, Indra
- He (Arjuna) met Indradeva, who not only presented him with his vajra weapon, but also taught him the military and musical science as used in the heavenly planet
- He (Bali) sounded the conchshell given him by his spiritual master, Sukracarya, thus creating a fearful situation for the women protected by Indra
- He (Indra) decided to touch his head to the feet of his spiritual master - Brhaspati
- He (Indra) was struck with wonder that Vrtrasura was such an exalted devotee that he could fix his mind without deviation upon the lotus feet of Lord Krsna, Vasudeva
- He (Karna) killed Ghatotkaca with the Sakti weapon obtained from Indradeva
- He (King Rsabhadeva) is not dependent on King Indra for water. He can supply water Himself
- He (Krsna) therefore asked Maharaja Nanda to stop the sacrifice offered to Indra and to use the money properly by performing a ceremony worshiping the cows and the pasturing ground on the hill of Govardhana
- He (Krsna) told His father, - There is no need to offer sacrifices to Indra. It is better to worship Govardhana Hill, which is the representative of God. The cows receive their grass and grains from Govardhana Hill; therefore it is better to worship it
- He (Maharaja Marutta) was so powerful an emperor that at the day's end of sacrifice, the demigods from the other planets like Indra, Candra and Brhaspati used to visit his palace. And because he had the gold peak at his disposal, he had sufficient gold
- He (Ravana) mounted his airplane, which was decorated with flowers, and proceeded toward Lord Ramacandra, who sat on the effulgent chariot brought by Matali, the chariot driver of Indra
- He (Ravana) mounted his airplane, which was decorated with flowers, and proceeded toward Lord Ramacandra, who sat on the effulgent chariot brought by Matali, the chariot driver of Indra. Then Ravana struck Lord Ramacandra with sharp arrows
- He (the Supreme Personality of Godhead) has frustrated Indra's attempt at vengeance by refusing him the sacrifice of Indra-yajna. He is the cause of all pleasure to all young girls. May He be ever compassionate upon you all
- He (Vrtrasura's elder brother) was your (Indra's) spiritual master, but although you entrusted him with the performance of your sacrifice, you later mercilessly severed his heads from his body the way one butchers an animal
- He (Vrtrasura) stopped all his bodily activities and became situated in trance. Taking advantage of the silence of Vrtrasura's body, Indra pierced the demon's abdomen, and because of Vrtrasura's trance, Indra was able to come out
- He became extremely afraid of being defeated by the demons, and in great anger at Visvarupa he cut Visvarupa's three heads from his shoulders
- Hearing of the pitiable condition of King Indra, the demons, following the instructions of their guru, Sukracarya, equipped themselves with weapons and declared war against the demigods
- Heavenly demigods like Indra and Candra, the leaders of the Bhurloka planets, the leaders of the earthly planets, the leaders of the lower planets, appear to be the specific truth and the form of the Lord, but actually they are not so
- Hurled by the mighty demon with all his strength, the flying trident shone brightly in the sky. The Personality of Godhead, however, tore it to pieces with His discus Sudarsana, which had a sharp-edged rim, even as Indra cut off a wing of Garuda
- I have already been defeated, for my weapon and arm have been cut to pieces. You have already overwhelmed me, but nonetheless, with a desire to kill you, I am trying my best to fight. I am not at all morose, even under such adverse conditions
- I prayed for only one son, but now I see that there are forty-nine. How has this happened? My dear son Indra, if you know, please tell me the truth. Do not try to speak lies
- I shall return here after finishing the yajna for Indra. Kindly wait for me until then." Maharaja Nimi remained silent, and Vasistha began to perform the sacrifice for Lord Indra
- If kama-haitukam, lusty desire, is the only cause for birth, production, then why there is one production street dog, cat or pig or a worm in the stool, and why one is born as demigod, as Indra or Candra, Varuna? Why? A Brahma? Who makes this arrangement
- If one develops a devotional attitude and becomes purified by worshiping the Supreme Lord, all the good qualities are certainly manifested in his body. Because of being touched by worship of Visnu, both Diti and Indra were purified
- If you want to go to the higher planetary system, you can go. Then take shelter of the demigods, worship Indra, Candra, Varuna. They are trying to go to the moon planet, but one cannot go there unless he's qualified to go there
- In Bhagavad-gita the Lord says that although everything is an expansion of Him, He does not need to take care of everything, since there are various directors like Lord Brahma, Lord Siva and Indra
- In His childhood, Krsna conquered demons like Kamsa and Jarasandha and demigods like Brahma and Indra. Therefore all universal power was behind the Pandavas
- In India (Bharata-varsa), there are many worshipers of the demigods, the various officials appointed by the Supreme Lord, such as Indra, Candra and Surya, all of whom are worshiped differently
- In Maharaja Gaya's sacrifices, there was a great supply of the intoxicant known as soma. King Indra used to come and become intoxicated by drinking large quantities of soma-rasa
- In one sense, Indra is the real father of Arjuna, and therefore indirectly he wanted to entertain Arjuna with the famous society girl of heaven, Urvasi, the celebrated beauty
- In order to make trouble and impede the performance of King Prthu's great sacrifice, King Indra has adopted some means that in the future will destroy the clear path of religious life. I draw your attention to this fact
- In that planet (Indraloka) he (Arjuna) was cordially received by the local residents, and he was awarded reception in the heavenly parliament of Indradeva
- In that sacrifice, King Indra became intoxicated by drinking a large quantity of soma-rasa. The brahmanas received ample contributions, and therefore they were satisfied
- In the aerial mansion, Kardama Muni traveled throughout the eight directions controlled by the different demigods like, Indra, Agni, Yama, Nirrti, Varuna, Vayu and Kuvera, and as the demigods go to Mount Meru, he also went there to enjoy life
- In the beginning his (Karna's) name was Vasusena, but when he grew up he presented his natural bangles and earrings to Indradeva, and thenceforward he became known as Vaikartana
- In the beginning of the Srimad-Bhagavatam it is said: muhyanti yat surayah. Great demigods like Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, Indra and Candra are sometimes bewildered trying to understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In the Bhakti-ratnakara (Fifth Wave), the following statement is found - Govinda-kunda is exalted for its many spiritual activities. It was here that Indra, defeated by Lord Govinda, offered prayers to Him and bathed Him
- In the book Stavavali (Vraja-vilasa-stava 74) the following verse is found - With humility caused by great fear, Indra took hold of the lotus feet of Krsna and, performed His coronation festival by bathing Him with the waters of the heavenly Ganges River
- In the eighth manvantara, the greatly powerful Personality of Godhead Sarvabhauma will take birth. His father will be Devaguhya, and His mother will be Sarasvati. He will take the kingdom away from Purandara(Lord Indra) and give it to Bali Maharaja
- In the period of the eighth Manu, among the demigods will be the Sutapas, the Virajas and the Amrtaprabhas. The king of the demigods, Indra, will be Bali Maharaja, the son of Virocana
- In the planetary system of Dhruvaloka are the planets of the fire-god, Indra, Prajapati, Kasyapa and Dharma, all of whom are very respectful to the great devotee Dhruva, who lives on the polestar
- In the same charitable spirit he (Karna) gave in charity his natural bangles and earrings to Indradeva, who, being very much satisfied with him, gave him in return a great weapon called Sakti
- In the Skanda Purana, in the Ayodhya-mahatmya chapter, the demigod Indra requested Lord Sesa, who was standing before him as Laksmana, “Please go to Your eternal abode, Visnuloka, where Your expansion Sesa, with His serpentine hoods, is also present
- In the Tenth Canto, 25th Chapter, 11th verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam, there is a description of Indra's causing severe torrents of rain at Vrndavana
- In the word svarajyasya, svar refers to Svargaloka, the heavenly planet, and svarajya refers to the ruler of the heavenly planet, Indra. Generally, karmis desire elevation to heavenly planets, but King Indra desires to become perfect in bhakti-yoga
- In this fight, Vrtrasura is actually the sura, whereas Indra is the asura
- In this manvantara, O King, the Adityas, the Vasus, the Rudras, the Visvedevas, the Maruts, the two Asvini-kumara brothers and the Rbhus are the demigods. Their head king (Indra) is Purandara
- In this manvantara, the name of Indra will be Rtadhama, and the demigods will be headed by the Haritas. Among the sages will be Tapomurti, Tapasvi and Agnidhraka
- In this material world everyone is suffering - the birds, the beasts, the trees, the animals, the plants, and even Brahma and Indra. Indra is also not safe; he is always in anxiety about competitors who may come
- In this very great narrative there are descriptions of devotees like Indra and Vrtrasura, and there are statements about King Indra's release from sinful life and about his victory in fighting the demons
- Indra addresses his mother in this manner, "My dear Mother (Aditi), persons who have given up all kinds of desire and are simply engaged in devotional service to the Lord know what is actually their self-interest"
- Indra addresses to Aditi, "Such persons are actually serving their self-interests and are considered first-class experts in the matter of advancing to the perfectional stage of life"
- Indra and the demigods accepted the authoritative statements of Narada Muni and immediately offered their respects to the devotee by circumambulating the woman in whose womb he was living
- Indra and the demigods did not know that a great devotee was in the womb of Kayadhu, the wife of Hiranyakasipu
- Indra became most repentant, understanding that because of his opulence he had forgotten to respect his spiritual master. He left the palace to beg pardon from his spiritual master, but could not find Brhaspati anywhere
- Indra brought a suitable sitting place for the goddess of fortune. All the rivers of sacred water, such as the Ganges and Yamuna, personified themselves, and each of them brought pure water in golden waterpots for mother Laksmi, the goddess of fortune
- Indra could not be relieved from the reaction simply by performing sacrifices for atonement
- Indra decided to fall down at the lotus feet of Prthu, but the King was so magnanimous a Vaisnava that he did not want Indra to fall down at his feet. Instead, Prthu immediately picked him up & embraced him, and both of them forgot all the past incidents
- Indra fled without observing the ksatriya principles, and the son of Prthu had to challenge him with the words tistha tistha
- Indra forgot that the Lord is the proprietor of everything and cannot be henpecked. The Lord is fully independent, and by His will only He can have hundreds and thousands of wives like Satyabhama
- Indra is in charge of the eastern side of the universe
- Indra is in charge of this cloud, how cloud is conducted, how rain falls there, and water department, like that. Just like moon. Moon is in charge of lighting at night. Sun is in charge of lighting in daytime. Because the whole world is darkness
- Indra replied: My dear mother, because I was grossly blinded by selfish interests, I lost sight of religion
- Indra served his aunt daily by bringing flowers, fruits, roots and wood for yajnas from the forest. He also brought kusa grass, leaves, sprouts, earth and water exactly at the proper time
- Indra thought to himself: Alas! I condemn my wealth and opulence
- Indra thought: Formerly, when many mountains flying in the sky with wings would fall to the ground and kill people, I cut their wings with this same thunderbolt
- Indra took up the saffron-colored dress as a way of cheating others. This saffron dress has been misused by many imposters who present themselves as liberated persons or incarnations of God. In this way people are cheated
- Indra wanted him (Arjuna) to come to the heavenly kingdom, the Indraloka planet beyond the moon planet. In that planet he was cordially received by the local residents, and he was awarded reception in the heavenly parliament of Indradeva
- Indra was certainly very advanced in knowledge, but instead of asking Vamanadeva for engagement in His service, he used the Lord to beg for material possessions that would lie finished at the end of one age of Manu
- Indra was considered the King of all the universe, but the demigods, headed by Lord Brahma, wanted Upendra, Lord Vamanadeva, as the protector of the Vedas
- Indra was very much afraid of the severe austerities performed by the great sage Kandu, and he sent Pramloca to break his vows and austerities. A similar incident took place in the case of Visvamitra
- Indra's other good qualities, such as tolerance and opulence, could not help him in his grief
- Indra's purpose was to cheat Diti as soon as he could find some fault in the way she discharged the vows of the ritualistic ceremony. However, he wanted to be undetected, and therefore he served her very carefully
- Indra's sins were diminished by the influence of Rudra, the demigod of all directions. Because Indra was protected by the goddess of fortune, Lord Visnu's wife, who resides in the lotus clusters of Manasa-sarovara Lake, Indra's sins could not affect him
- Indra's wives inspired him to run after the Lord to fight, and Indra, because he was a henpecked husband and also a fool, listened to them and dared to fight with Krsna. He was a fool on this occasion because he forgot that everything belongs to the Lord
- Indra, being too puffed up, took the garland, and without respect for Durvasa Muni, he placed it on the trunk of his carrier elephant
- Indra, for example, although a devotee, was not much interested in release from material bondage; instead, he desired sense gratification and a high standard of material happiness in the heavenly planets
- Indra, he thought that, "This man (Visvamitra Muni) is so strongly meditating, it may be that I may be deposed and he come to my seat." Then he arranged one of his society girls, Menaka, to go there and allure this muni
- Indra, the King of the demigods, has his own abode, as do Candra, the lord of the moon planet, and Surya, the predominating deity of the sun planet. There are many millions of demigods, and the stars and planets are their respective homes
- Indra, the King of the demigods, threw his club at Vrtrasura, but Vrtrasura was such a great hero that he easily caught the club with his left hand and used it to beat Indra's elephant
- Indra, who has all the mystic powers (the yoga-siddhis such as anima and laghima), entered Diti's womb while she was unconscious, being fast asleep
- Indra, you are bereft of all shame, mercy, glory and good fortune. Deprived of these good qualities by the reactions of your fruitive activities, you are to be condemned even by the man-eaters (Raksasas)
- Insurmountable time even brings about the death of Brahma, so what to speak of other demigods like Indra, Candra, Surya, Vayu & Varuna? The astronomical influence directed by the different demigods over mundane creatures is also conspicuous by its absence
- It is because of My supremacy that the wind blows, out of fear of Me; the sun shines out of fear of Me, and Indra, sends forth showers out of fear of Me. Fire burns out of fear of Me, and death goes about taking its toll out of fear of Me
- It is said that Indra is in charge of the eastern side of the universe, where the heavenly planet, or paradise, is situated
- It was Indra who admitted to Lord Krsna: "You have descended from that Goloka planet in the spiritual world, and the disturbance which I have created was all due to my foolishness." Therefore Indra begged Lord Krsna to excuse him
- Kasyapa Muni continued to Diti: If there is any discrepancy in the discharge of this vow, the son will be a friend to Indra
- Kasyapa Muni desired to train his wife to be a Krsna conscious person, for this would suffice to protect both her and Indra
- Kasyapa Muni planned to instruct his wife Diti to become a Vaisnava because he wanted to save the life of Indra
- Kasyapa Muni said: If you (Diti) deviate from this vow of following the Vaisnava principles, you will get a son who will be favorable to Indra
- Kindly inform me. What is the cause for Bali Maharaja's strength, endeavor, influence and victory? How has he become so enthusiastic?
- King Indra advised Rohita to travel to different pilgrimage sites and holy places, for such activities are pious indeed. Following this instruction, Rohita went to the forest for one year
- King Indra became successful in breaking the vow of the great sage Kandu, who became attracted by the beauty of the heavenly society girl Pramloca and begot a female child. This child is described herein (SB 4.30.13) as lotus-eyed and very beautiful
- King Indra confirmed: Your presence with eight hands is as good as Your presence with four hands. There is no doubt about it
- King Indra is described here (in SB 4.19.10) as bhagavan, which is generally used in reference to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In this case, however, King Indra is addressed as bhagavan because he has so much power in his hands
- King Indra is in charge of pouring water, the demigod Vayu controls the air and dries up the water, whereas the demigod controlling fire burns everything
- King Indra is known as sata-kratu, which indicates that he has performed one hundred horse sacrifices (asvamedha-yajna). We should know, however, that the animals sacrificed in the yajna were not killed
- King Indra wondered how Vrtrasura could have been elevated to the position of an exalted devotee
- King Indra's city was full of pleasing orchards and gardens, such as the Nandana garden. Because of the weight of the flowers, leaves and fruit, the branches of the eternally existing trees were bending down
- King Indra, accompanied by all kinds of demigods, joined the side of Brhaspati. Thus there was a great fight, destroying both demons and demigods, only for the sake of Tara, Brhaspati's wife
- King Indra, being very pleased with Hariscandra, offered him a gift of a golden chariot. Sunahsepha's glories will be presented along with the description of the son of Visvamitra
- King Indra, Maharaja Bali and the other demigods and demons became fatigued because of conveying the great mountain for a long distance. Being unable to carry the mountain, they left it on the way
- King Indra, the greatest of the demigods, was astonished to hear the instructions of Vrtrasura, who was supposed to be a demon. He was struck with wonder that a demon could speak so intelligently
- King Indra, who performed one hundred sacrifices, received this prayer of protection from Visvarupa. After conquering the demons, he enjoyed all the opulences of the three worlds
- King Prthu was determined to perform one hundred sacrifices, and King Indra took this very seriously because Indra himself was known as the performer of one hundred sacrifices
- King Prthu, an incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, did not wait for King Indra to break up the hills and mountains but did so himself by using his strong bow
- Krsna discouraged His father Nanda Maharaja from worshiping the demigod Indra because He wanted to establish the fact that people need not worship any demigod. BG 1972 Introduction
- Krsna is worshiped by Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, Varuna, Indra, Candra and all other demigods. That is also the situation with a devotee
- Krsna replied, "My dear King Yudhisthira, your four brothers are direct representatives of important demigods like Vayu and Indra"
- Krsna then threw him to the ground. Canura fell just like the flag of Indra, and all his nicely fashioned ornaments were scattered hither and thither
- Let us (the Asvini-kumaras) first cut off your head and replace it with the head of a horse. You can instruct brahma-vidya through the horse's head, and when Indra returns and cuts off that head, we shall reward you and restore your original head
- Loka-pala means “predominating deities.” There are eight predominating deities of the prominent heavenly planets, and they are Indra, Agni, Yama, Varuna, Nirrti, Vayu, Kuvera and Siva
- Long, long ago, Lord Indra regretted his disrespect to his spiritual master, Brhaspati. Similarly, it is advised that the American people regret their mistaken advancement in civilization
- Lord Brahma and Lord Siva, accompanied by great sages like Narada, Devala and Vyasa and by other demigods like Indra, Candra and Varuna, invisibly approached the room of Devaki - SB 10.2.25
- Lord Brahma continued: Let there be good fortune to both of you, for you and King Indra are both part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore you should not be angry with King Indra, who is nondifferent from you
- Lord Brahma especially requested King Prthu to conquer the pseudoreligious principles produced by King Indra. In other words, it is the duty of the state or king to put a stop to pseudoreligious systems produced by unscrupulous persons
- Lord Brahma requested Prthu Maharaja to desist from his unnecessary competition with Indra, who was determined to stop Prthu Maharaja from completing one hundred yajnas
- Lord Brahma said that no one, not even himself, Indra, all the members assembled in the sacrificial arena, or all the sages, could know how powerful Lord Siva is. Under the circumstances, who would dare to commit an offense at his lotus feet?
- Lord Brahma, King Indra and the other demigods living in the upper planetary systems are situated in a different spirit of consciousness
- Lord Brahma, Lord Siva and King Indra then expanded themselves and showered flowers on the Lord
- Lord Sri Krsna caused three well-performed Asvamedha-yajnas (horse sacrifices) to be conducted by Maharaja Yudhisthira and thus caused his virtuous fame to be glorified in all directions, like that of Indra, who had performed one hundred such sacrifices
- Lord Visnu in the dress of a brahmana appeared as a beggar before Bali and snatched away all of his opulence and his kingdom. He did this for the benefit of Indra, who, having been defeated by Bali Maharaja, was bereft of his kingdom
- Lord Visnu is worshiped by devotional service only, and if anyone has to continue prison life in the material world, he may ask for relative facilities for temporary relief from the different demigods like Siva, Brahma, Indra and Varuna
- Lord Visnu; Lord Brahma; Lord Siva; Lord Indra; Vayu, the master of air; Yama, the superintendent of death; the sun-god; the director of rainfall; Kuvera, the treasurer; the moon-god; the predominating deity of the earth; Agni, the fire-god; Varuna
- Maharaja Bali attacked Indra with ten arrows and attacked Airavata, Indra's carrier elephant, with three arrows. With four arrows he attacked the four horsemen guarding Airavata's legs, and with one arrow he attacked the driver of the elephant
- Maharaja Bali fought with Indra, Karttikeya with Taraka, Varuna with Heti, and Mitra with Praheti
- Maharaja Nanda replied, "Because rainfall is due to the mercy of King Indra and the clouds are his representatives, and because water is so important for our living, we must show some gratitude to the controller of this rainfall, Maharaja Indra"
- Maharaja Nanda replied, "We are arranging, therefore, to pacify King Indra, because he has very kindly sent us clouds to pour down a sufficient quantity of rain for successful agricultural activities. Water is very important"
- Maharaja Prataparudra was as powerful as King Indra. The drama named Caitanya-candrodaya was written under his direction
- Maharaja Yudhisthira was the ideal king or representative of Lord Sri Krsna to rule over the kingdom of earth and was comparable to King Indra, the representative ruler of the heavenly planets
- Mandhata, the son of Yuvanasva, was the cause of fear for Ravana and other thieves and rogues who caused anxiety. O King Pariksit, because they feared him, the son of Yuvanasva was known as Trasaddasyu. This name was given by King Indra
- Many hundreds and thousands of demons, demi-demons, Yaksas, Raksasas (man-eater) and others, headed by Sumali and Mali, resisted the armies of King Indra, which even death personified cannot easily overcome
- Many more powerful deities or demigods like Brahma, Siva, Indra, Candra, Surya, Varuna & Marut, who are all protecting the interest of the universal affairs of maintenance in different positions all of them are different powerful parts and parcels of God
- Matali, Indra's chariot driver, brought Indra's chariot, which was drawn by one thousand horses. Indra then left his elephant and got onto the chariot
- Materialistic persons aspire for the sense enjoyment of heavenly pleasure in the heavenly kingdom, but devotees reject such material pleasure at once. The devotee does not even care for the post of Indra
- Maya is so strong that they can bewilder a personality like Brahma and Indra, and what to speak of us? Maya is so strong
- My dear lord, Sukadeva Gosvami, although Vrtrasura was a sinful demon, he showed the prowess of a most exalted ksatriya and satisfied Lord Indra in battle. How could such a demon be a great devotee of Lord Krsna?
- My dear Lord, the king in charge of the heavenly kingdom is also desirous of obtaining the ultimate goal of life-devotional service. Similarly, You are the ultimate destination of those who identify themselves with You (aham brahmasmi)
- My dear mother, when I saw that all forty-nine sons were alive, I was certainly struck with wonder. I decided that this was a secondary result of your having regularly executed devotional service in worship of Lord Visnu
- My dear Uddhava, a person whose consciousness is completely absorbed in My thought and activities does not aspire even to occupy the post of Brahma, or the post of Indra, or the post of lordship over the planets, or the eight kinds of mystic perfections
- Nahusa was officiating for Indra while Indra, absent from heaven, was going here and there to gain release from his sinful reactions
- Nahusa, however, blinded and maddened by power and opulence, made undesirable proposals to Indra's wife with a desire to enjoy her. Thus Nahusa was cursed by a brahmana and later became a snake
- Narada Muni said: O Indra, King of the demigods, this woman is certainly sinless. You should not drag her off in this merciless way. O greatly fortunate one, this chaste woman is the wife of another. You must immediately release her
- Narada Muni, of course, was criticizing Indra jokingly, and Indra enjoyed it
- Neither Brahmaji nor the demigods like Indra can enter into this island of Svetadvipa, but they can stand on the shore of the ocean of milk and transmit their message to Lord Visnu, known as Ksirodakasayi Visnu
- Neither you nor your men can conquer the most powerful Bali. Indeed, no one but the SPG can conquer him, for he is now equipped with the supreme spiritual power (brahma-tejas). As no one can stand before Yamaraja no one can now stand before Bali Maharaja
- No one who was sinful, envious, violent toward other living entities, cunning, falsely proud, lusty or greedy could enter that city (of Indra). The people who lived there were all devoid of these faults
- None of them approached him. However, because Lord Hari is the Supersoul, Purusottama, the Personality of Godhead, He appeared before Gajendra
- Not only the fire-god Agni but the heavenly god Indra and sometimes even Lord Brahma and Lord Siva - all very highly situated demigods - are subject to being attracted by sex at any time
- Now I shall pierce your body with my trident, and after you die with great pain, even fire will not touch you; only the vultures will eat your body
- Now, Vrtrasura was in yoga-samadhi, and therefore although King Indra wanted to cut his throat, the demon's neck was so stiff that Indra's thunderbolt took 360 days to cut it to pieces
- O best of the intelligent demigods, although it is true that nothing is difficult for one to obtain when I am pleased with him, a pure devotee, whose mind is exclusively fixed upon Me, does not ask Me for anything but the opportunity to engage in DS
- O exalted governors of various planets, the true brahmana, who has no material possessions, maintains himself by the profession of accepting silonchana. In other words, he picks up grains left in the field and on the ground in the wholesale marketplace
- O Indra, one can thus infer how kind the Lord is. Such mercy is obtainable only by unalloyed devotees, not by persons who aspire for material gains
- O King Pariksit, as the hunter of a deer becomes like a deer by covering his body with deerskin and serving the deer, so Indra, although at heart the enemy of the sons of Diti, became outwardly friendly and served Diti in a faithful way
- O King, although he had committed a gravely sinful act, it was nullified at once by that sacrifice, just as fog is vanquished by the brilliant sunrise
- O King, when Lord Indra reached the heavenly planets, the saintly brahmanas approached him and properly initiated him into a horse sacrifice (asvamedha-yajna) meant to please the Supreme Lord
- O King, who are respectful to everyone, Indra understood Diti's purpose, and thus he contrived to fulfill his own interests
- O Maghavan (Indra), all good fortune unto you. I advise you to approach the exalted saint Dadhyanca (Dadhici). He has become very accomplished in knowledge, vows and austerities, and his body is very strong. Go ask him for his body without delay
- O Maharaja Pariksit, chastiser of enemies, the demigods and the demons thereafter made an armistice between them. Then, with great enterprise, they arranged to produce nectar, as proposed by Lord Indra
- O Maharaja Yudhisthira, descendant of Pandu, by dint of his personal power, Hiranyakasipu, being situated on the throne of King Indra, controlled the inhabitants of all the other planets
- O master of the entire world, when Indra could find no faults, he thought, "How will there be good fortune for me?" Thus he was full of deep anxiety
- O protector of the people in general, please consider the purpose of your being incarnated by Lord Visnu. The irreligious principles created by Indra are but mothers of so many unwanted religions. Please therefore stop these imitations immediately
- On Manasottara Mountain, due east of Mount Sumeru, is a place known as Devadhani, possessed by King Indra
- On not finding Indra and the other demigods, who had previously been intoxicated with power, the chief of the Daityas, seeing that they had all vanished before his might, roared loudly
- On that mountain, in the four directions, are the residential quarters of demigods such as Indra. In the chariot of the sun-god, the sun travels on the top of the mountain in an orbit called the Samvatsara, encircling Mount Meru
- On the arms, all the demigods, headed by King Indra; in both ears, all the directions; on the head, the upper planetary systems; on the hair, the clouds; in the nostrils, the wind; on the eyes, the sun; and in the mouth, fire
- On the end of its tail is the planet of Dhruva, on the body of its tail are the planets of the demigods Prajapati, Agni, Indra and Dharma, and at the base of its tail are the planets of the demigods Dhata and Vidhata
- On the request of the demigods, Raji killed the demons and thus returned the kingdom of heaven to Lord Indra. But Indra, fearing such demons as Prahlada, returned the kingdom of heaven to Raji and surrendered himself at Raji's lotus feet
- On the summit of Mount Sumeru is Brahmapuri, the residence of Lord Brahma. Each of its four sides is 10,000 yojanas long. Surrounding Brahmapuri are the cities of King Indra and seven other demigods. These cities are one fourth the size of Brahmapuri
- On the top of the mountain called Udayagiri are large lakes from which water continuously pours in waterfalls. Similarly, Indra's carrier, Airavata, holds water and wine in reserve and showers it in the direction of Lord Indra
- One by one, Bali Maharaja used a lance, prasa, tomara, rstis and other weapons, but whatever weapons he took up, Indra immediately cut them to pieces
- One can elevate oneself simply by Your grace, so also by Your direction alone one may be lost to all benedictions under the influence of eternal time. Therefore I (Rukmini) have selected You as my husband, brushing aside personalities like Brahma & Indra
- One cannot be happy by committing sinful acts, even if one is endowed with material opulence. Indra found this to be true
- One must become qualified. If one qualifies himself, one may become a devata, a demigod like Indra or Candra, or one can become a dog or a cat. That depends on one's karma, or activities (karmana daiva-netrena) - SB 3.31.1
- One who is in the bodily conception of life is compared in the sastras to animals like cows and asses. Diti wanted to punish Indra, who had become like a lower animal
- Only the body is different. But they are thinking that, "If in the body of Indra I can have sex with Sacidevi, that is advancement." He does not think that the sex life with Sacidevi or the street dog, it is the same. There is no difference
- Ordered by King Indra, all the dangerous clouds appeared above Vrndavana and began to pour water incessantly, with all their strength and power. There was constant lightning and thunder, blowing of severe wind, and incessant falling of rain
- Other demons covered Indra, along with his chariot and chariot driver, with incessant showers of arrows, just as clouds cover the sun in the rainy season
- Other sinful persons, such as dog-eaters & candalas, who are less than sudras, can also be freed in this way. But you are a devotee & we shall help you by performing the great horse sacrifice. If you please Narayana in that way, why should you be afraid?
- Paka, another demon, attacked both the chariot (of Indra), with all its paraphernalia, and the chariot driver, Matali, by fitting two hundred arrows to his bow and releasing them all simultaneously. This was indeed a wonderful act on the battlefield
- Persons who are attached to worshiping demigods like Lord Brahma, Siva, Indra and Candra for some personal benefit are less intelligent and have forgotten the real purpose of life
- Prahlada Maharaja said: When our father, Hiranyakasipu, went to Mandaracala Mountain to execute severe austerities, in his absence the demigods, headed by King Indra, made a severe attempt to subdue all the demons in warfare
- Prajapati, Lord Brahma, came from Narayana, Indra came from Narayana, and the eight Vasus, the eleven expansions of Lord Siva and the twelve Adityas also came from Narayana
- Puffed up by tiny success in material advancement, sometimes the godless materialists challenge the existence of God. Ravana was one of them, and he wanted to deport ordinary men to the planet of Indra (heaven) by material means
- Puranjaya agreed to kill all the demons, on the condition that Indra would be his carrier. Because of pride, Indra could not accept this proposal, but later, by the order of the Supreme Lord, Visnu, Indra did accept it and became a great bull
- Queen Kuntidevi could call for any one of the demigods, and thus she called Indra, and Arjuna was born by him. Arjuna is therefore a plenary part of the heavenly King Indra
- Quickly handling the situation on the battlefield, the demon Bala put all of Indra's one thousand horses into tribulation by simultaneously piercing them all with an equal number of arrows
- Rainfall comes by the mercy of King Indra. Rainfall will remain on the surface of the globe, always keeping the earth moistened, and thus it will be auspicious for all kinds of production
- Rebuking Indra with harsh, cruel words that were piercing to the heart, these demons showered him with arrows, just as torrents of rain wash a great mountain
- Research scholars as great as Brahma, Siva, Indra and many other demigods are sometimes bewildered by seeing the wonderful creative energy of the Lord, so what to speak of the tiny mundane scholars dealing in petty things
- Santanu again became the king, and Indra, being pleased, showered rains
- Seated on his throne, he was surrounded by the Maruts, Vasus, Rudras, Adityas, Rbhus, Visvadevas, Sadhyas, Asvini-kumaras, Siddhas, Caranas and Gandharvas and by great saintly persons
- See the life of Krsna. He advised His father to worship Govardhana Hill. He said - My dear father, Govardhana Hill is giving grass to our cows. Why you are arranging for the demigod worship, Indra? There is Govardhana-puja
- Seeing the movements of time, those who are cognizant of the real truth neither rejoice nor lament for different circumstances. Therefore, because you (Indra) are jubilant due to your victory, you should be considered not very learned
- She (Kunti) got Maharaja Yudhisthira from Dharmaraja, Arjuna from Indra, and Bhima from Varuna, Vayu, yes. Similarly, still she is one of the chaste women. These things are there. But still, they are not polluted
- Simultaneously, he cut off one of Vrtrasura's arms, which was as thick as the body of Vasuki, the King of the serpents
- Since he (Brhaspati) came every day, they (the demigods) thought, they did not need to show him special respect. As it is said, familiarity breeds contempt. Being very much displeased, Brhaspati immediately left Indra's palace
- Since Indra was a great and powerful demigod and servant of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vijitasva purposefully excused him due to sentiment only, even though Indra was acting wrongly. Thus Indra became very pleased with Vijitasva at that time
- Since Maharaja Bali's rebukes were truthful, King Indra did not at all become sorry, just as an elephant beaten by its driver's rod does not become agitated
- Sitting on Airavata, an elephant who can go anywhere and who holds water and wine in reserve for showering, Lord Indra looked just like the sun rising from Udayagiri, where there are reservoirs of water
- Sober and tolerant and well equipped with paraphernalia for fighting, Bali Maharaja moved before Indra on the great battlefield. King Indra, who always carries the thunderbolt in his hand, rebuked Bali Maharaja as follows
- Sometimes even Brahma and Indra fall down
- Sometimes he (Arjuna) underwent severe types of penances, and later on he was rewarded by Indradeva. Lord Siva also wanted to try the strength of Arjuna, and in the form of an aborigine, Lord Siva met him
- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami continued: When the King of the elephants was describing the supreme authority, without mentioning any particular person, he did not invoke the demigods, headed by Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, Indra and Candra
- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami said: After instructing Indra in this way, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, the cause of the cosmic manifestation, then and there disappeared from the presence of the onlooking demigods
- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami said: Just to help Indra, Lord Visnu killed the two brothers Hiranyaksa and Hiranyakasipu. Because of their being killed, their mother, Diti, overwhelmed with lamentation and anger, contemplated as follows
- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami said: King Indra, the leader of the demigods, inquired about the armor known as Narayana-kavaca from Visvarupa, who was engaged by the demigods as their priest. Please hear Visvarupa's reply with great attention
- Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati says that if one is elevated to real, pure devotional service, he considers even great demigods like Brahma and Indra to be on an equal level with an insignificant insect
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura confirms that the townships of Lord Brahma and the eight subordinate governors of the planetary systems, beginning with Indra, are mentioned in other Puranas
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura remarks that Indra, by his yogic power, first expanded the body of the one Marut into seven, and then when he cut each of the seven parts of the original body into pieces, there were forty-nine
- Struck with the club by Vrtrasura like a mountain struck by a thunderbolt, the elephant Airavata, feeling great pain and spitting blood from its broken mouth, was pushed back fourteen yards. In great distress, the elephant fell, with Indra on its back
- Such incidents (suras, or devotees, bewildered by the illusory energy) are described in the Tenth Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam, where Sukadeva Gosvami tells how Lord Brahma and King Indra became puffed up and were eventually chastised by Krsna
- Sukadeva answered Pariksit, "He (Mucukunda) was so powerful that even demigods like Indra used to ask him to help in fighting the demons, and as such he often fought against the demons to protect the demigods"
- Sukadeva Gosvami continued: While the morose Indra was lamenting in this way, an ominous, unembodied voice said from the sky, "This demon Namuci is not to be annihilated by anything dry or moist"
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: Thereafter, by the supreme grace of the SPG, Sri Hari, all the demigods, headed by Indra and Vayu, were brought back to life. Being enlivened, the demigods began severely beating the very same demons who had defeated them before
- Superior to Indra are the direct sons of Lord Brahma, sons like King Daksa, and supreme among Brahma's sons is Lord Siva
- Surrounded by his company, Indra shone so brightly that his effulgence was intolerable to the demons
- Surrounding Brahmapuri in all directions are the residences of the eight principal governors of the planetary systems, beginning with King Indra. These abodes are similar to Brahmapuri but are one fourth the size
- Surrounding him were the Vidyadharas, Apsaras, Kinnaras, Patagas (birds) and Uragas (snakes). All of them were offering Indra their respects and services, and the Apsaras and Gandharvas were dancing and singing with very sweet musical instruments
- Suyajna, as the Indradeva, diminished very great miseries in the three planetary systems (upper, lower and intermediate), & because he so diminished the miseries of the universe, he was later called Hari by the great father of mankind, Svayambhuva Manu
- Taking this opportunity, Indra touched the elephant with his nectar-producing hand, thus relieving the animal's pain and curing its injuries. Then the elephant and Indra both stood silently
- Temporary manifestations are so created as to present an illusion of reality to the bewildered mind of the conditioned soul, who appears in so many species of life, including the higher demigods, like Brahma, Indra, Candra, and so on
- The best examples of such devotees (Sevanistha) are Lord Siva, King Indra, King Bahulasva, King Iksvaku, Srutadeva and Pundarika
- The brahmana descendants of Bhrgu decided that although Bali was situated on the throne of Indra, he would not be able to stay there unless he performed such sacrifices. Therefore they advised Bali to perform at least as many asvamedha-yajnas as Indra
- The brahmana descendants of Bhrgu Muni were very pleased with Bali Maharaja, who desired to conquer the kingdom of Indra. Therefore, after purifying him and properly bathing him according to regulative principles, they engaged him in performing the yajna
- The brahmanas do not worship demigods like Lord Brahma, Indra or Lord Siva for any material comfort. They do not even ask the Supreme Lord for material profit; therefore it is concluded that the brahmanas are the supreme living entities of this world
- The breezes blowing in the streets of the city (of Indra) bore the fragrance of the flowers falling from the hair of the women of the demigods
- The city (Indrapuri) was filled with the sounds of mrdangas, conchshells, kettledrums, flutes and well-tuned stringed instruments all playing in concert. There was constant dancing and the Gandharvas sang
- The city (of Indra) always resounded with the vibrations of peacocks, pigeons and bees, and above the city flew airplanes full of beautiful women who constantly chanted auspicious songs that were very pleasing to the ear
- The city (of Indra) was full of courtyards, wide roads, assembly houses, and not less than one hundred million airplanes. The crossroads were made of pearl, and there were sitting places made of diamond and coral
- The city (of Indra) was shaded by canopies decorated with pearls, and the domes of the palaces had flags of pearl and gold
- The city (of Indra) was surrounded by trenches full of Ganges water, known as Akasa-ganga, and by a high wall, which was the color of fire. Upon this wall were parapets for fighting
- The conditioned soul has a tendency to cheat; therefore this quality is also visible in a person like King Indra. It is understood that even King Indra is not liberated from the clutches of material contamination
- The context of the reference given herein (SB 3.19.14) regarding Garuda and Indra is this
- The deity presiding over the hands is Indra, and the presiding deity of movement is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu. Visnu appeared on the appearance of the legs of the virat-purusa
- The demigods approached the Lord. They were headed by Lord Brahma, King Indra and Lord Siva and included great saintly persons and the residents of Pitrloka, Siddhaloka, Vidyadhara-loka and the planet of the snakes
- The demigods have the great mystic power of being able to appear and disappear according to their will, and since Indra was very pleased with Vijitasva, he bestowed this mystic power upon him. Thus Vijitasva became known as Antardhana
- The demigods like Indra, Candra and Surya are ordinary living entities who are differentiated parts and parcels of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The demigods like Indra, Candra, Surya, Varuna and Vayu are representative kings of different planets of the universe, and similarly Maharaja Yudhisthira was also one of them, ruling over the kingdom of the earth
- The demigods were related to Visvarupa from his father's side, and therefore he visibly offered clarified butter in the fire while chanting mantras such as indraya idam svaha ("this is meant for King Indra") and idam agnaye
- The demigods, headed by Indra, charged the demon with their soldiers, striking him with their own transcendental bows and arrows and other weapons but Vrtrasura swallowed all their weapons
- The demigods, such as Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, King Indra, Candra and Surya, are all subordinate to the SPG. Aside from the demigods, even in human society there are many influential personalities supervising various businesses or establishments
- The demon (Hiranyaksa) now began to strike the Lord with his hard fists, but Lord Adhoksaja slapped him in the root of the ear, even as Indra, the lord of the Maruts, hit the demon Vrtra
- The denizens of various planets, like the demigods, demons, Caranas and Siddhas, praised Vrtrasura's deed, but when they observed that Indra was in great danger, they lamented, "Alas! Alas!"
- The doors (of the city of Indra) were made of solid gold plates, and the gates were of excellent marble. These were linked by various public roads. The entire city had been constructed by Visvakarma
- The elephant (Indra's carrier), being an animal, could not understand the value of the garland, and thus the elephant threw the garland between its legs and smashed it
- The field production is due to sufficient rain from the sky, and such rains are controlled by demigods like Indra, sun, moon, etc., and they are all servants of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- The fire-god used to bring him his share of all yajnas, but because the fire-god was afraid to enter the water, Indra was practically starving
- The forty-nine Marut demigods were also born from the womb of Diti. None of them had sons. Although they were born of Diti, King Indra gave them a position as demigods
- The gardens (of King Indra's city) were visited by pairs of chirping birds and singing bees. The entire atmosphere was celestial
- The god of death entered His anus with the organ of defecation, but the virat-purusa could not be spurred to activity. The god Indra entered the hands with their power of grasping and dropping things, but the virat-purusa would not get up even then
- The great sage Atri again pointed out to the son of King Prthu that Indra was fleeing through the sky. The great hero, the son of Prthu, chased him again
- The great sage Maitreya continued: My dear Vidura, being very much satisfied by the performance of ninety-nine horse sacrifices, the SPG, Lord Visnu, appeared on the scene. Accompanying Him was King Indra. Lord Visnu then began to speak
- The great sage Maitreya continued: When King Prthu was thus advised by the supreme teacher, Lord Brahma, he abandoned his eagerness to perform yajnas and with great affection concluded a peace with King Indra
- The great sages meditated. Hot tears were in the eyes of Devaki and other motherly ladies, and hairs stood on the bodies of the expert warriors. There was astonishment in the hearts of demigods such as Indra
- The greatly powerful Jambhasura, carried by a lion, approached Indra and forcefully struck him on the shoulder with his club. He also struck Indra's elephant
- The head (one of Visvarupa's three heads, that were cut of by Indra) meant for drinking wine was transformed into a kalavinka (sparrow), and the head meant for eating food became a tittiri (common partridge)
- The head of the sisumara form is downward, and its body appears like that of a coiled snake. On the end of its tail is Dhruvaloka, on the body of the tail are Prajapati, Agni, Indra and Dharma, and on the root of the tail are Dhata and Vidhata
- The heavenly planets are also material, and there is competition - no businessman wants another businessman to exceed him. Fearing that Visvamitra Muni would actually depose him, Indra sent one heavenly society girl, named Menaka, to allure him sexually
- The heavenly planets are inhabited by demigods like Indra, Candra, Varuna and Vayu and the pious souls reach there after performance of many virtuous acts on earth
- The hog replied: "Oh I cannot go with you. I have so many responsibilities - my children, wife and this nice hog society." Even though Brahma promised to take him back to heaven, Indra, in the form of a hog, refused. This is called forgetfulness
- The horse sacrifice performed by the saintly brahmanas relieved Indra of the reactions to all his sins because he worshiped the Supreme Personality of Godhead in that sacrifice
- The hunter bird (Indra) refused to accept the King's offer, but it was settled later on that the eagle would accept flesh from the body of the King of the pigeon's (Agni) equivalent weight
- The hunter eagle (Indra) wanted the pigeon (Agni) back from the King (Sibi). The King wanted to give it some other meat to eat and requested the bird not to kill the pigeon. The hunter bird refused to accept the King's offer
- The impersonal Brahman is unknown even to the other directors of the material creation, including Lord Brahma, Lord Indra and even Lord Visnu. This does not mean, however, that Lord Visnu is not omniscient
- The karmis, they are more and more becoming entangled: "Give me this, give me that, give me that"; ultimately, "Give me the post of Brahma," "Give me the post of Indra." So their business is simply "give me"
- The leader of all the demigods who are engaged in the activities of this material world - the sun-god, moon-god, Indra and others - is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The Lord referred to the Vedic literature known as Harivamsa, which gives information about the transcendental abode of Krsna. This information was disclosed by Indra when he offered his prayers after being defeated upon challenging the potency of Krsna
- The names of the twelve sons of Aditi are: Vivasvan, Aryama, Pusa, Tvasta, Savita, Bhaga, Dhata, Vidhata, Varuna, Mitra, Satru and Urukrama
- The object of speech, along with the sense of speech (the tongue), should be bestowed upon fire. Craftsmanship and the two hands should be given to the demigod Indra
- The personified Vedas said, "Dear Lord, although Brahma, Indra, the predominating demigod of the heavenly planets, as well as the predominating deities of such planets as the sun and the moon, are all very confidential directors of this material world"
- The pigeon (Agni), while being chased by the eagle (Indra), took shelter on the lap of Maharaja Sibi, & the hunter eagle wanted the pigeon back from the King. The King wanted to give it some other meat to eat and requested the bird not to kill the pigeon
- The planned execution of sinful deeds on the strength of chanting the holy name of the Lord or undergoing prayascitta, atonement, cannot give relief to anyone, even to Indra or Nahusa
- The predominating deities of other planets, such as Brahma, Indra and Candra, could not find any way to save Lord Siva from the impending danger. Wherever Lord Siva went, they remained silent
- The proposals submitted by King Indra were immediately accepted by Bali Maharaja and his assistants, headed by Sambara and Aristanemi, and by all the other residents of Tripura
- The protective armor of Narayana, which Indra possessed, was identical with Narayana Himself, the SPG. Protected by that armor and by his own mystic power, King Indra, although swallowed by Vrtrasura, did not die within the demon's belly
- The qualities of pouring water, drying and burning, which are all qualities of the three departmental heads of the universe - namely Indra, Vayu and Agni - were all directed by Hiranyakasipu alone, without assistance from the demigods
- The reason (fame of Yudhisthira was not less than Indra) is that he was a pure devotee of the Lord & by His grace only was Yudhisthira on the level of the Indra, even though he performed only three yajnas whereas the King of heaven performed hundreds
- The sages and brahmanas then performed a ceremonial bathing of Lord Balarama, just as the demigods bathe King Indra when he is victorious over the demons
- The Samvartaka was ordered by Indra to go over Vrndavana and inundate the whole area with an extensive flood. Demonically, Indra thought himself to be the all-powerful supreme personality
- The seven famous sages, and demigods like Indra and their followers, such as the Gandharvas, all appear simultaneously with Manu
- The steps of King Indra's residence were made of coral, the floor was bedecked with invaluable emeralds, the walls were of crystal, and the columns of vaidurya stone
- The temporary manifestations are so created as to present an illusion of reality to the bewildered mind of the conditioned soul. Thus there appear to be so many species of life, including the higher demigods like Brahma, Indra, Candra, etc
- The various names of the demigods - Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, Lord Indra and so on - are not personal names; they are names of different posts
- The Vedic literature says that the clouds are controlled by the demigod Indra, heat is distributed by the sun-god, the soothing moonlight is distributed by Candra, and the air is blowing under the arrangement of the demigod Vayu
- The Vihangamas, Kamagamas, Nirvanarucis and others will be the demigods. The king of the demigods, Indra, will be Vaidhrta, and the seven sages will be headed by Aruna
- The voice also said, "O Indra, because I have given this demon the benediction that he will never be killed by any weapon that is dry or moist, you have to think of another way to kill him"
- The word bhagavan means that one is a very opulent and powerful person like Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, Narada or Indra. They are all addressed as bhagavan due to their extraordinary opulence
- The word divam refers to the higher planetary system known as Svargaloka. Indra, King of the higher planetary system, has the power to push down any conditioned soul attempting to go from the lower to the higher planets without proper qualifications
- The words bhagavan indrah indicate that a living entity can even be as exalted and powerful as King Indra, for even King Indra is an ordinary living entity in the material world and possesses the four defects of the conditioned soul
- Then he (Indra) remembered great devotees like Prahlada Maharaja and Bali Maharaja, who had been born in the families of demons, and thus he came to his senses
- Then Namuci, another demon, attacked Indra and injured him with fifteen very powerful golden-feathered arrows, which roared like a cloud full of water
- There also arrived many Lord Sivas with various heads numbering one hundred thousand and ten million. Many Indras also arrived, and they had hundreds of thousands of eyes all over their bodies
- There are innumerable rulers all over the universe in different varieties of planets: the sun-god in the sun planet, the moon-god in the moon planet, Indra in the heavenly planet, Vayu, Varuna, and those in the Brahmaloka planet, where Brahma is living
- There are many agents of the Lord, such as Indra, Candra, Varuna, goddess Durga, and Kali, who can chastise any formidable miscreants in the world
- There are many instances in which Apsaras, heavenly angels, have descended to this earth by the order of a superior demigod like Lord Brahma or Lord Indra, have followed the demigod's order by marrying someone and giving birth to children
- There are many who worship the demigods like the sun, the moon and Indra, who are only material representatives of the Supreme Lord. These demigods are indirect, qualitative representations of the Supreme Lord
- There is always competition amongst karmis, either in ordinary business affairs or in the performance of yajna. Lord Brahma's purpose was to end the competition between Lord Indra and Maharaja Prthu
- There may be many gods, from Brahma, Lord Siva, Indra and Candra down to the rulers of the lower planetary systems, the presidents, ministers, chairmen and kings. In fact, anyone can think that he is God. That is the false, puffed-up conviction
- There must be the sanction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Nanda Maharaja therefore advocated that in order to get good results for agricultural activities, they must satisfy Indra, the superintending deity of the rain supply
- There was constant dancing (in the city of Indra) and the Gandharvas sang. The combined beauty of Indrapuri defeated beauty personified
- There was no fault on the part of the Lord, even though He took away the tree from the heavenly kingdom, but because Indra was henpecked, dominated by his beautiful wives like Saci, he became a fool
- There were five Apsaras named Lata, Budbuda, Samici, Saurabheyi and Varna. It is said that these five beautiful dancing girls were sent by Indra to break the severe austerity of a saintly person called Acyuta Rsi
- Thereafter the two hands of the universal form of the Lord became manifested, and with them the power of grasping and dropping things, and after that Lord Indra appeared
- Thereafter, Diti said to Indra: My dear son, I adhered to this difficult vow just to get a son to kill you twelve Adityas
- Thereafter, Indra released himself from the cage of the network of arrows. Appearing with his chariot, flag, horses and chariot driver and thus pleasing the sky, the earth and all directions, he shone effulgently like the sun at the end of night
- Thereafter, the demigods, the great saintly persons, the inhabitants of Pitrloka and Bhutaloka, the demons, the followers of the demigods, and also Lord Brahma, Lord Siva and the demigods subordinate to Indra all returned to their respective homes
- Therefore in spite of being King of heaven and enjoying material opulence, Indra was always unhappy because of the accusations of the populace
- These great personalities (Marici, Daksa and Vasistha) arranged for a great sacrifice, for which demigods like Indra and the fire-gods assembled with their followers. Lord Brahma and Lord Siva were also present
- They (Indra, Candra and so many demigods) are looking after the management of this universe. Bhrgv-adayah. But they are also attacked, contaminated, by these qualities of ignorance and passion and goodness
- They (Lord Brahma, King Indra and the other demigods) are sometimes troubled by demons, but a devotee, even if situated in the lower planets, enjoys life in Krsna consciousness under any circumstances
- They (the mlecchas) have to depend ultimately on the mercy of the demigods like the sun-god, Indra and Candra, and such demigods must be satisfied by performances of sacrifice
- They (Vidura and Akrura) pacified her (Kunti), saying that her sons were extraordinarily powerful; she should not be perturbed about them, since they were born of great demigods like Yamaraja, Indra and Vayu
- Thinking of Indra's sinful activities, he became mad with lamentation and forgetfulness. Laughing sarcastically, he spoke as follows
- This demigod who thinks himself supreme has shown his great power, but I shall answer him according to My position, and I shall teach him that he is not autonomous in managing universal affairs
- This is the spell of maya. Even Indra forgets his heavenly standard of life and is satisfied with the standard of a hog's life
- This mountain was called Pravarsana due to constant rain, for the peak was always covered with clouds sent by Indra
- This selfish nature is found not only among the richer class of men on this planet but even in personalities like Indra and other demigods. Too much wealth makes a man selfish
- Those fools & rascals who want to ascend to the upper planetary system by mystic power or mechanical means or who endeavor to cross even the upper planets & achieve the spiritual world or liberation I cause to be sent to the lowest region of the universe
- Those who are situated in goodness generally worship the demigods. The demigods include Brahma, Siva and others such as Indra, Candra and the sun-god. There are various demigods. BG 1972 pur
- Thus having delivered the proprietorship of the heavenly planets to Indra and having fulfilled the desire of Aditi, mother of the demigods, the Supreme Personality of Godhead ruled the affairs of the universe
- To pacify King Indra, Brhaspati assured him that the time would certainly come, for Brhaspati could see that in the future Bali Maharaja would defy the orders of Sukracarya in order to pacify Lord Visnu, Vamanadeva
- Today, with my thunderbolt, which has hundreds of sharp edges, I, the same powerful person, shall sever your head from your body
- Unfortunately those who are simply official students of the Vedas become more interested in offering sacrifices to the different demigods like Indra, Candra, etc. BG 1972 purports
- Upon Raji's death, Indra begged Raji's sons for the return of the heavenly planet. They did not return it, however, although they agreed to return Indra's shares in ritualistic ceremonies
- Varuna is omniscient, and since he punishes sins, he is prayed to for forgiveness. He is also the sender of disease and is often associated with Mitra and Indra
- Vidagdha-madhava states that, "From his (Indra) teardrops falling on the ground, Vrndavana appears to have become a celestial residence for the demigods
- Visvarupa continued: O Indra, this mystic armor related to Lord Narayana has been described by me to you. By putting on this protective covering, you will certainly be able to conquer the leaders of the demons
- Visvarupa, who was most liberal, spoke to King Indra (Sahasraksa) the secret hymn that protected Indra and conquered the military power of the demons
- Vrtrasura being an unalloyed devotee, aspired only to serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore the Lord arranged for him to go back to Godhead after his bodily bondage was destroyed by Indra
- Vrtrasura continued: O Indra, no one is guaranteed of being always victorious but the original enjoyer, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Bhagavan. He is the cause of creation, maintenance and annihilation, and He knows everything
- Vrtrasura requested Indra to release the thunderbolt immediately, and he prepared himself by fixing his mind at the lotus feet of Krsna. A devotee is always ready to give up his material body, which is described as the rope of material attachment
- Vrtrasura said, "O most abominable one, when I pierce your stonelike heart with my trident, I shall be freed from my debt to my brother"
- Vrtrasura shook even the mountains and began crushing the surface of the earth with his legs, as if he were the Himalayas walking about. He came before Indra and swallowed him and Airavata, his carrier, just as a big python might swallow an elephant
- Vrtrasura was so great and powerful that in effect he was acting as the spiritual master of Indra
- Vrtrasura, bleeding profusely, his two arms cut off at their roots, looked very beautiful, like a flying mountain whose wings have been cut to pieces by Indra
- Vrtrasura, who was completely able to subdue his enemy, took his iron club, whirled it around, aimed it at Indra and then threw it at him with his left hand
- We are indebted to devarsi, devata, the demigods. The demigods. Just like Indra. He supplies us water. Just like we are obliged to pay tax to the water department, to the fire department, to the education department
- We find the word bhagavan used twice in this verse (SB 5.4.3). Both King Indra and Rsabhadeva, the incarnation of the Supreme Lord, are described as bhagavan. Sometimes Narada and Lord Brahma are also addressed as bhagavan
- Well protected by armor and desiring to fight, Puranjaya took up a transcendental bow and very sharp arrows, and, while being highly praised by the demigods, he got up on the back of the bull (Indra) and sat on its hump
- Whatever different forms Indra assumed as a mendicant because of his desire to seize the horse were symbols of atheistic philosophy
- When a female messenger from Indra named Sarama chants a particular curse, the serpentine demons of Mahatala become very afraid of Indra
- When any sacrifice is performed, although each and every sacrifice is intended to pacify God, Visnu, all the demigods, especially Lord Brahma and Lord Siva and the other principal demigods, such as Indra and Candra, are invited, and they take part
- When Brhaspati entered the assembly of the demigods, they and their king, Indra, took him for granted
- When Diti, Indra's aunt, explained to him without reservations what she had wanted to do, Indra explained his intentions to her. Both of them, instead of being enemies, freely spoke the truth. This is the qualification that results from contact with God
- When ghee (clarified butter) was offered in the fire of sacrifice, there appeared from the fire a celestial chariot covered with gold and silk. There also appeared yellow horses like those of Indra, and a flag marked with a lion
- When his beauty, personal qualities, magnanimity, behavior, wealth and power were described by Narada in the court of Lord Indra, the celestial woman Urvasi was attracted to him
- When I (Arjuna) stayed for some days as a guest in the heavenly planets, all the heavenly demigods, including King Indradeva, took shelter of my arms, which were marked with the Gandiva bow, to kill the demon named Nivatakavaca
- When I understood that you were observing a great vow in spiritual life, I wanted to find some fault in you. When I found such a fault, I entered your womb and cut the embryo to pieces
- When Indra poured incessant water on Vrndavana for seven days, the inhabitants were protected by Krsna, who raised Govardhana Hill over their heads as a great umbrella. Thus Lord Krsna is also known as Govardhana-dhari
- When King Indra ordered the Samvartaka and companion clouds to go to Vrndavana, the clouds were afraid of doing this mischief
- When King Indra threw his club at Vrtrasura, Vrtrasura caught it in his left hand and retaliated by using it to strike the head of Indra's elephant. Thus Indra's attack was a disastrous failure
- When King Indra was taking away the horse, he dressed himself to appear as a liberated person. Actually this dress was a form of cheating, for it falsely created an impression of religion
- When Rohita heard that his father had been attacked by dropsy due to Varuna and that his abdomen had grown very large, he wanted to return to the capital, but King Indra forbade him to do so
- When the five Apsaras (sent by Indra) went to break Acyuta Rsi’s meditation, they were all chastised and cursed by the saint. As a result, the girls turned into crocodiles in a lake that came to be known as Pancapsara. Ramacandra also visited this place
- When the great saint Narada Muni had thus spoken, Indra, being respectful to Narada's words, immediately released my mother. Because of my being a devotee of the Lord, all the demigods circumambulated her. Then they returned to their celestial kingdom
- When the hands of the gigantic form separately became manifested, Indra, the ruler of the heavenly planets, entered into them, and thus the living entity is able to transact business for his livelihood
- When the Lord is worshiped directly there is no need of worshiping demigods or offering them sacrifices as recommended in particular circumstances. Lord Krsna therefore advised the inhabitants of Vrajabhumi not to offer any sacrifices to the King Indra
- When the soldiers of the demons, commanded by Vrtrasura, saw that the soldiers of King Indra were quite well, having not been injured at all by their volleys of weapons, not even by the trees, stones and mountain peaks, the demons were very much afraid
- When the sun travels from Devadhani, the residence of Indra, to Samyamani, the residence of Yamaraja, it travels 23,775,000 yojanas (190,200,000 miles) in fifteen ghatikas (six hours)
- When the Supreme Person desired to perform varieties of work, the two hands and their controlling strength, and Indra, the demigod in heaven, became manifested, as also the acts dependent on both the hands and the demigod
- When there was an incapable government, Indra having been dethroned, & people were being harassed & disturbed by thieves, this child (Krsna) appeared in order to protect the people & enable them to flourish, & He curbed the rogues & thieves - SB 10.8.17
- When Vasudeva passed away, he (Arjuna) performed his funeral ceremony in the absence of Krsna. While Arjuna was taking all the wives of Krsna to Indraprastha, he was attacked on the way, and he could not protect the ladies in his custody
- While Indra, thought in this way and repented in his own assembly, Brhaspati, the most powerful spiritual master, understood his mind. Thus he became invisible to Indra and left home, for Brhaspati was spiritually more powerful than King Indra
- While performing a fire sacrifice, one pronounces the word svaha in mantras such as indraya svaha and adityaya svaha. These mantras are uttered to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead through demigods such as Indra and Aditya
- Who want some temporary material happiness, sacrifice their material possessions to satisfy demigods such as Indra, the sun-god, etc. And who are impersonalists, sacrifice their identity by merging into the existence of impersonal Brahman. BG 1972 pur
- With great affection, the Personality of Godhead bound Bali and then installed him in the kingdom of Sutala, which is more opulent than the heavenly planets. Maharaja Bali now resides on that planet and is more comfortably situated than Indra
- With great frankness and without duplicity I shall now bow my head at the lotus feet of Brhaspati, the spiritual master of the demigods. Because he is in the mode of goodness, he is fully aware of all knowledge and is the best of the brahmanas
- With the cooperation of the elderly members of the family, he performed the bathing ceremony (abhiseka) for Lord Ramacandra with the water of the four seas and with other substances, just as it was performed for King Indra
- Yajna, being the incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, became the leader of the demigods, Indra
- Yamaraja said: My dear servants, you have accepted me as the Supreme, but factually I am not. Above me, and above all the other demigods, including Indra and Candra, is the one supreme master and controller
- Yas tv indragopam athavendram aho sva-karma (Bs. 5.54). From Lord Indra to indragopa, an insignificant insect, everyone is reaping the consequences of his karma. We are creating our own karma, our next body, in this life
- You are naturally cruel. If the other demigods, unaware of my prowess, follow you by attacking me with raised weapons, I shall sever their heads with this sharp trident
- You assume, when necessary, the part of the sun-god; the moon-god; Agni, the god of fire; Indra, the lord of paradise; Vayu, the wind-god; Yama, the god of punishment; Dharma, the god of piety; and Varuna, the god presiding over the waters
- You cannot order, "Give me the body of Brahma, give me the body of Indra or a king or something exalted." That is not in your hands or in my hands; that will be judged by the superior agency of God, Krsna, and you will be given a body
- You have been defeated by the demons because of your misbehavior toward Brhaspati. My dear demigods, since the demons were weak, having been defeated by you several times, how else could you, who were so advanced in opulence, be defeated by them?
- Yuvanasva married one hundred wives, but he had no sons, and therefore he entered the forest. In the forest, the sages performed a sacrifice known as Indra-yajna on his behalf