Category:I Do Not (Prabhupada)
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Pages in category "I Do Not (Prabhupada)"
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- A letter has just been received here from Syamasundara, about selling jewels. I do not approve of our Temples purchasing jewels
- Actually the Mayavadi philosophy was started with Vivekananda. Because I don't find in the Christian faith that they are Mayavadis. Their belief is service to God. Of course, they are somewhat Mayavadis
- Although I am overcrowded by so many letters from my beloved spiritual sons and daughters, still if I don't receive a letter from one, I become anxious for it
- Although my party from London has reached there in Bombay, I am unable to join you there in Bombay because there was no arrangement for my passage. Therefore, if my disciples there can do the work, then I do not require to go to Bombay
- Anu means repetition, and anu means following the footsteps of authority, spiritual master, anu. Our process is anu. We don't manufacture anything. We simply follow
- As far as your future films are concerned I do not think it is possible for the BBT to continue financing these films. BBT is strictly for construction of temples and printing books. My idea is that you can use the original capital that BBT gave you
- Be always cool-headed and utilize every moment in the best manner possible. I am successful only because I am following strictly the orders of my Guru Maharaja, and I do not deviate
- Because he'll (a guru) never speak nonsense. He'll also speak the same thing which he has heard from his guru. That is called anu, anu, following. So this is very easy. We don't manufacture things
- Because I do not remember what I did in my mother's womb, that does not mean that I had no a little body. The body is change, I am there. Therefore, I change this body I will remain. This is common sense business. I am changing my body daily every moment
- Because these American boys and girls they are cooperating, this movement is advancing. Otherwise I don't get any cooperation
- Because you are already acquainted with Krishna, I have no objection to accepting you as my disciple. Practically, I do not have any disciples; I select so many masters to train them in the service of the Lord
- Brahmananda Swami seemed to think that you need more men there. His telegram reads, "Trivikrama alone, more men required urgently.'' I do not understand what he means by alone. What is this alone? Vaisnava is never alone
- "Caesar's wife must be above suspicion." So anyone who is on the position of teacher, he must be above suspicion. That is our first acceptance of teacher. We don't accept any teacher who is under suspicion
- Concerning our use of analogy. We do not bring in imperfect analogy, but we follow the instructions of the Sastras strictly. Our authority is on the basis of Sastra, not analogy
- Concerning the print of the painting "showing Bhagavad-gita being worshiped," I do not consider this suitable for using in our books
- Devotee should not commit mistake. He's above it. It is my business to worry. Because I do not show the stick, don't take advantage of it. Keep me less anxiety
- Dharma means the natural characteristic. That is dharma. We don't mean dharma is a certain type of faith. No. Faith or no faith, the characteristics must be there. Just like salt. It has got a particular type of taste
- Dhoti, I don't say. You have nice coat-pant. I don't say that you have to... I never said that. You have adopted it. (laughs) I never said that "You put on dhoti." But those who are sannyasis, brahmacaris, their dress is different
- Even though I (Prabhupada) am a fool number one, I become guru, because I am repeating what Krsna has said. That's all. I don't require any education. Very simple thing. Everyone can become guru if he simply repeats what Krsna has said, that's all
- Everyone thinks that he is right and everyone is wrong. We do not think like that. We take the words of the authority, that's all. Or we have no respect. This is our program. That is the way of parampara
- First of all, I don't believe they have gone, frankly speaking. Even they have gone, they are landing in some part of the moon planet where there is no inhabitation
- Follow the rules and regulation and chant Hare Krsna. That's all. Five things. No illicit sex, no gambling, no meat-eating... We don't prohibit sex, but illicit sex is most sinful. Most sinful
- For me, either live or die, I don't mind. But if you are trying for my life, try it very seriously. That is my formula. No negligence
- For our disciples, we don't give anything cheap. Our first condition is character, moral character. Unless one is accepting moral character, we don't initiate, don't allow him in this institution
- From your letter I can understand that you will no longer be negotiating for purchasing the house, and this is all right because I do not think it is very suitable for a temple
- Generally I don't have much faith in these politicians. They are no more interested for the welfare of the citizens. Simply they want some votes to exploit others. But let us see what can be done
- Go and speak what Krsna says. That's all. You have nothing to manufacture, Dr. Frog. (laughs) There is no need of manufacturing. We are very safe because we don't manufacture. We simply repeat, parrotlike, what Krsna has said. That's all
- God is great; there is no doubt about it. Everyone, even in the lowest status of life, he can admit. I don't speak of the animals. Animals, they have no sense of God. I am speaking of the human being
- God is Krsna. That is my magic. I don't bluff people. Here is God. See God, be with God, serve God. That's my business
- He (Mahesh Yogi) is not so fortunate as I am, that I have so many sincere disciples that I do not have to pay them any salary nor do they ever ask for any vacation. Instead they are working twice as hard to double the book distribution
- He was my spiritual master, and whatever he taught, we are speaking, that's all. We don't talk any nonsense
- Here (in New Zealand) also, we have opened temple. We invite anyone. If one person thinks that he is in scarcity or he has no . . . I don't think in your country such person is there. But still, if there is, he is cordially invited
- Here we are preaching Krsna consciousness. Oh, there is no business. We don't expect anything from you. But if you accept it, then our mission is nice. If you don't accept it, so there is no anxiety
- I (Prabhupada) do not think it is advisable in this stage to spend about $300 for a short period for our going and coming back. So I hope you will consider the present situation and let me know what is your decision
- I also do not feel separation from my Guru Maharaja. When I am engaged in His service His pictures give me sufficient strength
- I always advise married couples that the male should be engaged in some work; but if somebody is busily engaged in our activities and therefore he cannot work outside, that is also nice. We do not press people to contribute
- I am dealing with all neophytes. If I don't keep them alive by personal presence
- I am glad that you have admitted about the GBC members not very appropriately discharging their duty. I do not mind this discrepancy but you should be alert; you and all GBC members
- I am in due receipt of your short note which was hand-delivered to me by Dr. Wolf. I won't have the opportunity to visit Atlanta on this tour, however, I shall be in New York from July 9th - July 20th. You can see me in New York if it is possible for you
- I am international. I don't believe in this national or statewise. I never believed
- I am not becoming proud, but because I have got little taste for it, therefore I am preaching all over the world. I don't say I am perfect. I have got little taste of krsna-bhakti
- I am now very much serious about printing my books. There may be three sources for printing. If the MacMillan Company is interested to publish my books that will be a great relief. I do not mind for the profit concerned. But I want to see them published
- I am presenting Bhagavad-gita as it is. This credit I can take, that I don't making any nonsense addition or alteration. And I see practically it has become successful
- I am progressing in my health little by little. My only disease now is I don't have any appetite
- I am speaking not my manufacture. I heard it from my Guru Maharaja. He told me that these are these, like that. Not unauthorized. I don't speak anything which I have not heard from my Guru Maharaja
- I am successful only because I am following strictly the orders of my Guru Maharaja, and I do not deviate
- I am very glad to note that you are so much sincere and enthusiastic devotee of Krishna. That is wanted. If I do not do anything else, at least let me produce one such sincere devotee that's all
- I am writing what I have heard, not that I am speculating. Mostly, the philosophers, they write as they speculate. They write their own opinion. But our process is not that. We don't speculate
- I cannot manufacture gold, I cannot show any jugglery, but if there is any credit, then the only credit is I don't adulterate. That's all. The pure milk, I don't show my expert service by adding water in it
- I do not advise any of my disciples to live alone; that is not good. If Vamanadev would have lived with you, that would also have been better
- I do not advise you take advantage of alchemy for making gold, it it is not certain. We should not waste our time on that which is not very sure
- I do not agree with your wife's statement that New York is unfit for human habitation. A real Krishna Conscious person can adjust things nicely even in hell
- I do not aspire to any more efficiency in printing, but simply the printing must go on regularly. Offer my blessings to all the workers of ISKCON Press because that is my life
- I do not care very much for these filmings because by presenting Krishna in this way it makes it something like fantasy
- I do not claim that I am Sanskrit scholar, I am this big man, that man, no. Whatever books I have written, only about this-Krsna. In our book in every page you will find Krsna, Krsna, Krsna
- I do not deviate, therefore people respect what I am saying and they listen because I do not say one thing and do another
- I do not eat too much. Whatever, one or two capatis, they give, I take. That's all. This is my royalty
- I do not feel much cold now but it is learnt that it will increase more and more and before that I wish to leave this place - New York
- I do not find any difference between western mind and eastern mind. Because so many western mind is changed. Yes. So there was no difficulty. Two, two plus two equal to four is to be understood by the western mind and the eastern mind
- I do not find any mention of how the work is going on there at Mayapur. I have entrusted you as the leader of this project to see that it is always going on at full capacity, that the men are working, that the money shall be collected and spent wisely
- I do not follow why you should feel uneasy in my presence. The easiest thing for you & for all others is to follow my instructions wherever you may be or I may be
- I do not have many followers, but I do have a select few. Because they are select, they will bring about a revolution in the world. One moon is sufficient to dissipate darkness
- I do not know what is in the mind of Lord Bala Krishna but I think that your attention to give an impetus to the Bhagavata cult and my humble attempt can serve great purpose
- I do not know why he has not replied it yet, and since I do not have a copy with me I am also unable to reply it
- I do not mean to impose upon you such strictures (should rather fast than taking food out of his own accord), but the purport is that a brahmacari should not do anything without being directed by the Spiritual Master
- I do not mind a long walk, if it is flat land and not hills. Here I am walking at least 2 miles daily voluntarily
- I do not mind for the severe cold there, but if you think that my service will be helpful to you, you can call me, I shall go
- I do not mind this curse by the parents of my disciples, but now it is necessary that I stay in one place to finish another task - this translation of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- I do not pay these boys. Rather, they pay me, and they engage the service. They pay and serve. In the material world, as soon as you stop payment there is no service. Why? Because they, by serving Krsna, they get transcendental pleasure
- I do not remember any part of my life when I was forgetful of Krsna
- I do not say that don't love your wife and don't love your parents. But I am just explaining the real situation - There is no love in the material world. You love somebody with some personal interest
- I do not see how we can insist that all members must follow the four regulative principles, but this is certainly our recommendation to anyone who is serious about pursuing Krishna Consciousness
- I do not see some of your teachers here. I request them to make the students from the very beginning God consciousness. Then their future life is very peaceful, prosperous and hopeful
- I do not see you - I see your body, you see my body. But within the body the proprietor is lying, or he is situated. That we do not see. But we can understand
- I do not think any scientist can very boldly answer that, "Yes, we can do, and we can defy the existence of God, or the mercy of God." That is not possible
- I do not think it is a very good place. There is no water arrangement. The temple is not being maintained properly. They are keeping long hairs and not living responsibly. I do not think it is good to put good money after bad
- I do not think it will look good if you change the quality of paper from one volume to one volume as you have proposed
- I do not think living alone in Honolulu will be very good. If there is possibility of your living in the temple along with the other devotees, then live there. Otherwise you may also return, either in Los Angeles or San Francisco
- I do not think that place is very nice or suitable for our purpose, as it is outside the city I think, so far I know, and we want a place inside the city. Still if you let me know what kind of help you want from them, then I can advise you what to do
- I do not think you require an academic degree for training such boys. We are training Krishna Consciousness, which has nothing to do with academic education
- I do not think you should spend your time at this stage of life in trying to learn so many different local languages. That is not practical
- I do not think you will find any more these politics at our Boston center or elsewhere. So please go there and help print our Society's literature, this is a great opportunity for rendering service to Krsna and the humanity at large
- I do not understand why he is engaged in this business of his if there is not any tangible profit. He says that there is big, big money but still he has not yet paid ISKCON the debt that he has. Therefore what is this business
- I don't accept any cheap student or cheap disciple. My first condition is that there is no illicit sex life, there is no intoxication, there is no gambling, and there is no meat-eating
- I don't believe all this nonsense (two forces keep the moon in such a way that only one half remains facing the sun). This is unnatural. Every planet is rotating that is called orbit so how this moon can be different from other planets?
- I don't believe in medicine or doctors, but I am practically perceiving that the massaging is helping me beyond expectation
- I don't consider myself the best devotee. I am the lowest. You are the best devotee
- I don't find any Bhagavata-saptaha any authorized book. There are so many big, big stalwart commentators of Srimad-Bhagavatam, beginning from Sridhara Svami. Nobody has recommended Bhagavata-saptaha. But it has come to existence by the professional man
- I don't get any time to go into seclusion. My Guru Maharaja also did not approve of seclusion. He used to say: Dusta mana, tumi kisera Vaisnava?
- I don't go (to the movies or restaurant). We do not go to the movies or to the restaurant. It is different taste. Therefore it is calculated three kinds of men - sattvika, rajasika, tamasika - their tendencies are different
- I don't imitate the Gosvamis. That try to avoid. And avoid sleeping means if we eat less, then we'll avoid. Eating, sleeping. After eating, there is sleeping. So if we eat more, then more sleeping. If we eat less, then less sleeping
- I don't mind if you do not chant Hare Krishna Mantra, but if you kindly sit down while chanting is going on, and if you simply hear with attention, that will also act
- I don't mind whether I die here or in Vrndavana. Wherever there is Krishna, that is Vrndavana. So I shall be glad to hear from you the clear position about this. That will give me relief and new energy
- I don't say it is my movement. Neither do I say that I am God. I am simply speaking of the established movement
- I don't say that your religion is cheating or my religion is bona fide. I don't say that. We have no right to say that
- I don't say whimsically. Because they are misleading, therefore they are rascals. So many human being they are misleading by false knowledge
- I don't show my expert service by adding water in it. That I do not do. So we present Bhagavad-gita as it is. In the Bhagavad-gita, Krsna is the Supreme Lord
- I don't speak for anyone. But these kinds of paramahamsas are there. They cannot go out of Vrndavana, they are so advanced. But in Vrndavana, if there is a beautiful woman, try to exploit her
- I don't take cheap students, that "You can do whatever you like, and you pay me some money. I give you some mantra, and you become God." I don't say like that. I don't bluff like that. I have not come to earn money from your country
- I don't teach them that I am God. I never taught. I always teach them I am servant of God, you are also servant
- I don't think Acyutananda can be engaged as leader in any group. He can work only as assistant. So you write them as far as possible. Otherwise, let them come back - what can be done?
- I don't think there is any biologist or botanist who can say exactly how many forms of life are there within the water
- I have already replied Jadurani's letter. Regarding her offenses, I do not remember when she committed offenses, and even though she might have done so, I excuse her 100 times, without any hesitation. So she has nothing to bother about it
- I have heard from Jayatirtha you want to make big plan for centralization of management, taxes, monies, corporate status, bookkeeping, credit, like that. I do not at all approve of such plan. Do not centralize anything
- I know that although you are speaking guru as goru, I, I, I, don't take offense because I know that your desire is something else. I do not protest
- I received the plan of my house in Mayapur from Bombay address. I do not approve of this plan just yet. I liked one plan which I saw in London. Where is that original plan? Then I can make comparison
- I say that every, at least, religious sect. I don't say others, nonreligious or agnostic. There are Christian, Muhammadan, Hindu, Sikhs, or any religious system, they have accepted that there is God, Supreme Truth
- I understand that you have been invited by Syama Dasi in Africa. I don't advise that you associate with her because she is sahajiya. To associate with her will hamper pure devotional service
- I want to come, especially your Mauritius program is attractive, but my present state of heath will not allow me to travel outside of India. I am not having any appetite so I am eating less. By eating less where is the energy for travelling?
- I was trained as brahmacari, as grhastha by the mercy of our spiritual master. Therefore I don't feel anything. But abruptly, if we take to sannyasa order, then...
- If Hrsikesa writes you letter I think you may avoid reply. I do not approve both Hrsikesa's and Bon Maharaja's this offensive action
- If I do not mistake, sometimes Jesus Christ is accepted as the father and sometimes as son. Because in the material world there is such distinction, master and servant, father and son, lower or higher
- If I love you and if I have got some secrecy, I don't disclose to you, that is not perfect love. I must deal with you open-hearted, you must deal with me open-hearted, then there is love
- If I love you and if I have got some secrecy, I don't disclose to you, that is not perfect love. I must deal with you open-hearted, you must deal with me open-hearted, then there is love. This is one of the basic principles
- If I would have prescribed some gymnastic process and if I would have charged fifty dollars for some secret mantra, then your countrymen would have followed me. Because it is presented very simply, although very sublime, we don't get any followers
- If the Australian people like to hear me, I invite any scientist, any philosopher to understand. But I don't think they are interested. Because they are too much materially involved with this bodily concept. They think this body is everything
- If the USA, which is completely different from India, can accept this philosophy, I do not find any reason why Europe, which may be completely different from the USA, will not accept
- If this finger is cut off from my body, if you trample down with your feet this finger, I don't care for it. Similarly, to help oneself means to put oneself in the proper position, as part and parcel of Krsna. That is real helping
- If you have God, you chant the holy name of that God. I don't say that You chant the holy name of my God. You chant the holy name of your God. God is one. Just like water. Somebody says water, somebody says pani, somebody says jala, but the end is water
- If you say that "Your dream is also wrong," yes, I do not dream. I take the facts from the authority. We do not dream. Dream is dream, either yours or mine. It doesn't matter
- If you say: "No. We are Christian. We have studied Bible, that is all. We do not touch," I don't think that is very nice conclusion
- If you study Bhagavad-gita and conclude that the Absolute Truth is nirakara, I don't think you are making very much progress. Therefore Krsna says, tad viddhi pranipatena pariprasnena sevaya
- If you want sex life, you are at liberty to get yourself married. But don't have illicit sex with some Maya's representative. That won't help you in your spiritual advancement. We don't forbid sex life, but we cannot allow illicit sex
- If your present paintings are not acceptable to the general public, I do not mind; they are fools
- In India, women or even men, those who are in the village life . . . well, I don't say all, but most of them, they obey these things right from the very childhood itself
- In order to become recognized by Krsna, it is my duty to do my best to introduce as many persons as possible to Krsna. That is KC movement. I give you the information. I don't say that, "You surrender unto me," but I say - Surrender unto Krsna
- In that discipleship also, I do not charge anything. Neither do I offer anything new. I offer the same Hare Krishna beads, but it becomes spiritually powerful on account of being delivered in disciplic succession
- In the material world, if you give service you become tired. But transcendental world, if you give service, you more become enthusiastic. Yes, more service. That is happening. I do not pay these boys. Rather, they pay me, and they engage the service
- In Western countries they sleep twelve o'clock. As soon as there was kirtana, half-naked he used to come in New York. He used to complain, Mr. Chudy, "Oh, it is..." "Mr. Chudy, sir, I cannot do anything. You request them"
- It is not difficult (chanting Hare Krsna). There is no secret. I don't say that, "I have got a secret mantra which I shall give you, and you pay me fifty dollars" or like that. It is open secret
- It is not that if you do not come in that dress in our temple you will not understand our philosophy. That is not... We don't mean that. But it is convenient. But anyone who does not want to change this dress, that does not matter. We don't insist
- It is not that we don't touch machine. We don't say like that. But we want to be self-sufficient. That is our point
- It is understood that you have come back from Korea. I do not know why you have come back. You wanted to organize our preaching there
- Just like I show you sometimes how to mop. So I am not a mopper, but I am showing how to mop. So our position is like that. We do not belong to any varna and asrama. But we have to show these rascals
- Just like we are also following the instruction of our spiritual master. I don't claim that I am pure devotee or perfect, but my only qualification is that I am trying to follow the instruction of the perfect
- Krishna Consciousness process is not to be presented in this way as mechanical achievement, at least we find no evidence from previous scriptures to support such technique. So I do not approve of this book
- Krsna is not visible within this material world, material eyes. Just like Krsna's part and parcel. We are Krsna's part and parcel, all living entities, but we do not see each other. You cannot see me, I do not see you
- My Guru Maharaja's plan was that I should come and preach. That was his first instruction. But I wanted that I will not take sannyasa and remain as a grhastha, and then I shall do it
- My only business is to serve Krsna. I don't mind what will happen next
- My order means Bhagavad-gita. We don't say anything extra. That is our principle. Caitanya Mahaprabhu says that "You become guru"
- My other godbrothers they are concerned with litigations, politics, and diplomacy, so what is the pracara? As far as I am concerned I have the blessings of my guru maharaj. I do not need anything else
- No, no, you say, "could not," but we do not say like that. Now who will settle up this thing? You say, but I do not say
- No, we don't accept anything beautiful without God. Without God, everything is ugly to us. Everything ugly
- Now I have given you everything, but I do not see that even the basic principles of advancement in spiritual life are always there, and sometimes there is tendency to neglect what is our real purpose of life, namely, to become mad after Krsna
- Now you settle amongst yourselves on some programme for distributing these and many other books, I don't care at what price
- Of course I do not reply your each and every letter, I always think of you because you are all my heart and soul. I am so pleased to have your association
- Our mission is very big. The best welfare work. Other welfare activities, they keep them as go-khara, and promises all sorts of big, big promises. No, we do not say
- Our only business is, we don't talk here politics or sociology or anything. That comes automatically as subordinate things, but our business is to talk about God
- Our point is that you do whatever you are doing. We don't stop you. We never say that "Stop everything of material..." But we have to stop anything which is against Krsna consciousness
- Our preaching is based on krsnas tu bhagavan svayam (SB 1.3.28). They don’t agree. They say we are sectarian. Isn’t it? Their only aim is, how can Krishna be God? We have our God, he is God, he is God, everyone is God. That we won’t agree
- Our proposition is that we are, I mean to say, presenting Bhagavad-gita as it is. We do not misinterpret
- Our system, parampara system, is that I am just like disciple of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati. I don't say that I am liberated. I am conditioned. But because I am following the instruction of Bhaktisiddhanta, I'm liberated
- Personally I have no aptitude to open temples neither I have done it in India although there were many great opportunities. But here see there is necessity even from the point of Hindu cultural view
- Please know it that I do not approve anyone's separation who are married by me. If they disagree, they may live separately, but there cannot be divorce
- Practically we do not make any distinction between the omkar and Hare Krishna but the spiritual path is to follow the footprints of the path of the great acaryas
- Regarding Mr. Alan Watts introduction, I may inform you if the books will sell nicely by Mr. Watts introduction I do not mind his nonsense
- Regarding my health, I am keeping well, but after all, this body is old enough, although personally I do not feel old. I feel exactly like your little child, and I am taken care of by my so many fathers and mothers like you
- Regarding the complaints against yourself you have mentioned, I do not find any complaints. But even if there should be such complaints, you must remain pure, and automatically the complaints will vanish
- Regarding the scientists' opinion on the moon, we have entrusted our own three scientists namely Svarupa Damodara, Sadaputa, and Madhva and we leave the matter to them, we do not say anything ourselves, but are leaving it to them
- Regarding your article in Back To Godhead about Ayurvedic Medicine, I do not think this is very worthwhile endeavor
- Regarding your correspondence with the leading men in India, I don't think it will be very much fruitful. Personally I have no faith in them, but if you decide to open correspondence with them, I have no objection
- Regarding your proposed program of editing, the Bhagavatam First Canto is already edited, so when making final typing, you shall simply see it for proofreading. I do not think that you need take too much burden because you may fall ill with too much work
- Simple method: chanting this Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. So this is our propaganda. We don't charge anything. We don't say that "I sell one mantra. You take it and give me some dollars"
- So far as musical instruments are concerned I don't think it is worthwhile. Shipping charges and packing and duty come to more than that one could purchase in the states
- So far I am concerned, I am always for cooperation, and I don't criticize anybody. I am very busy with my own work. Rather I welcome everyone's cooperation
- So far I am concerned, I do not factually feel any separation from my Spiritual Master because I am trying to serve Him according to His desire. That should be the motto
- So far I am concerned, I don't take any credit, but I am confident that because I am presenting the Vedic knowledge as it is, without any adulteration, it is being effective. That is my contribution
- So far Krsna consciousness is concerned, we equally distribute. There is no such thing that "Oh, you are woman, less intelligent or more intelligent. Therefore you cannot come." We don't say that. We welcome women, men, poor, rich, everyone
- So far our International Society is concerned, we do not cheat. We speak the real truth. Here is God, Krsna. Here you are. Your relationship is to serve Him
- So I am not going to die. Kirtir yasya sa jivati: "One who has done something substantial, he lives forever." He doesn't die
- Tamala Krsna Maharaja said that you are not following the regulative principles. I do not know why you should do like that. Anyway, if there was any discrepancies in that way I hope you will rectify it and fully cooperate with Karandhara Prabhu
- That is our process. What Krsna has said, we say, that's all. Therefore there is little success. I don't manufacture. I have no extraordinary power or I cannot show magic or jugglery of words. But I do sincerely, to present what Krsna has said
- That is the idea of my Guru Maharaja, a Gurukula. We are not going to make some big, big scholars. We don't require scholars. We require ideal men by character, by behavior, by Krsna consciousness
- That was being done in our 26 Avenue. Always police complaint, police used to come. But we did not stop. So things should be learned
- The benefit is that whether cow dung is pure or impure, I do not waste my time, but because it is stated in the Vedas, I take it, so I save my time. Sruti-pramana
- The composition which you have sent me, although it is incomplete, it appears to be nice. I do not find any mistake in the composition, but sometimes you have spelled Chaitanya as Chaitanya, and sometimes you have spelled it Caitanya
- The Mayavadi philosopher, they see that there is no more any pleasure in this dancing: "Make it zero. Forget it." No. We don't say that. We say that this dancing is there in the original conception in the Absolute Truth
- The oldest student I have got at the present moment, he is twenty-eight years. No, Kirtanananda is about thirty years old. That's all. So, of course, I do not get any older people. That is nice, hopeful
- The preacher must love the people. Otherwise why he is taking? He can do it for himself at home. Why he is taking so much trouble? Why in eighty years old I have come here if I do not love?
- The preacher must love the people. Why at eighty years old I have come here if I do not love? So who can love better than a preacher? He loves even the animals
- The same jungle - I don't speak of the city life - even in jungle life, the aborigines, still they have got some cover. Now they are becoming naked, natural life, nudism
- The secret in a devotee's writing is that when he writes about the pastimes of the Lord, the Lord helps him; he does not write alone
- The Supreme Living Entity or God, has got unlimited potency to create. I do not think that any reasonable intelligent man or scientist can deny
- The whole universe is just like a big tree, that is a fact. I do not think that the modern astronomers have any such idea that the whole universe is like a big tree
- There are different types of concepts of God. Generally, they take it as an idea but we don't take it as idea. We take God as concrete fact
- There are many unauthorized pictures painted by so-called imaginative artists, but we don’t want such pictures in our temples
- There is no need of manufacturing. We are very safe because we don't manufacture. We simply repeat, parrotlike, what Krsna has said
- They are not my words (in my books and letters and my speaking at meetings), as I have repeatedly informed you that I am simply the bearer of the message from Lord Chaitanya through the disciplic succession and I do not make any addition or subtraction
- They are thinking by learning Sanskrit they will become perfect. In the Bhagavad-gita I don't find that "You learn Sanskrit, then you become perfect." "You surrender unto Me, then you become perfect." That is wanted
- They do not believe in God. Generally they think there is no God, or if there is God, God is dead. Something like that. And I don't think there is any definite, definitive name in any other religious system. It is only in the Vedic system there is name
- This man was asking me, "Swamiji, what magic you have got?" And "I have got this magic: that I don't tell lie. I don't make 'This rascal is God.' God is Krsna. That is my magic. I don't bluff people
- Those who have no Krsna consciousness - I don't say everyone - they are cooking for themselves. Just like the hotel. In a hotel they are cooking for the customer palatable dishes. So that is the difference
- Tirtha Maharaja will give me all facilities to present before the audience during the Golden Jubilee function a picture of my "marvelous work that is being done in the USA and East European countries," but I do not think he has any intention
- To mortgage your present house is not at all good. There is a Bengali saying that one should not borrow money to purchase a gold earring. So I do not approve of this mortgaging transaction
- We are isvara. Krsna is also isvara. But He's Paramesvara. Therefore we have named "Godhead" purposefully, not "God." We don't say "Back to God." We say, "Back to Godhead.""Head" means the chief
- We are not introducing caste system, that any rascal born in a brahmana family, he becomes a brahmana. We don't accept that. A man who is first-class trained up to become a brahmana, we accept him. It doesn't matter whether he is India, Europe or America
- We are not manufacturing. I do not say that "I am guru." Our business is to present what Krsna has said. That's all. Therefore I'm guru. Guru is he who speaks Krsna's words. That is guru. And if he manufactures, then he is a cheater
- We are not vegetarian, neither non-vegetarian. We eat Krsna prasada. Rather, "prasadarian." We are neither vegetarian, nor non-vegetarian. Because we don't eat which is not offered to Krsna
- We believe in Krsna consciousness. We have to purify. Just like this is also a belief, that you will be happy by drinking alcohol. That is your consciousness. I don't believe in that
- We do not become proud to have very scientific accurate knowledge by speculation. We are not such people. We are taught by the parampara system that we are humble servants of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and what our master says, we accept it
- We do not belong to any faction. But because the two parties, busy dividing the material assets of the Gaudiya Matha institution, stopped the preaching work, we took up the mission of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura and Bhaktivinoda Thakura
- We do not bluff our students that he has liberty to do all sorts of nonsense, and at the same time advance in spiritual understanding
- We do not condemn modern civilization but we don't like to get it at the cost of God Consciousness; that is suicide
- We do not criticize the communistic idea, but we want to make it perfect
- We do not make any compromise, that you go on with your sinful life, at the same time I sanction that you have become Krsna conscious. No, that we cannot do
- We do not make cheap disciples. Our condition is first of all you must give up these things: illicit sex and meat-eating and intoxication, up to the drinking of tea and cigarette. You have to give up. And gambling
- We do not recommend that "You give up your occupation, you become a sannyasi, give up your wife and children." No. That is not our movement
- We do not recommend that sankirtana should be used for some material purpose, that is nama-aparadha, nama-aparadha. Shama sa bhakti kriya (?) pramana. Sankirtana, you can utilize sankirtana for some material purpose, but that is not allowed
- We do not teach one to meditate in a secluded place just so that one may show that he has become very much advanced and may be proud of his so-called transcendental meditation, although he engages in all sorts of foolish materialistic activity
- We do not teach such cheap things. That is our program. Krsna consciousness movement is not to present something nonsense and present something cheap
- We don't depend on your contribution, but if you give, oh, that is good for you. But our only request is that please come here. Please chant with us, dance with us
- We don't expect that cent percent people will be Krsna conscious, but simply a few percent, say five per cent. If the people of the whole population, they become Krsna conscious, then the face of the world will change
- We don't give initiation immediately
- We don't make any distinction that a man can be better Krsna consciousness than woman
- We don't manufacture any ideas. That is not our business. Therefore we present this Bhagavad-gita as it is. As it is. We don't change it
- We don't mind whether you are communist, capitalist, this ist, that ist. We want to see whether you are utilizing your human intelligence for right purpose. We don't condemn anyone
- We don't restrict to the ordinary man, but if one comes forward to become our student, serious student, then he must follow this pravrtti-nirvrtti. Otherwise he remains asura
- We don't say that "You give me fee, then I give you some mantra." No, we don't say like that. Our instruction is free. I want to see that they are doing it and they are happy, that's all
- We don't say that you become Christian or Hindu or Muslim or..., no. You become a lover of God
- We don't say that you should not be lusty. If you have got capacity to earn money, earn money, as much as you can, but utilize it for Krsna. If I am very angry, yes, you remain angry, but utilize it for Krsna
- We don't say that you starve or become weak in health or weak in intelligence. No. You remain quite fit in intelligence and health, but don't be unnecessarily in need
- We don't say that you stop eating meat. You eat meat, but don't take it from slaughterhouse
- We don't talk anything which is not authorized by the Vedic literature. That is our process
- We don't want monkey renouncement; we want real renouncement. We don't use anything for my personal comfort; everything for Krsna. That is called renouncement
- We don't want Nobel Prize. We are giving the topmost knowledge. We don't hanker after Nobel Prize
- We don't want to stop the modern advancement of technology, although the so-called advancement technology is suicidal; we don't talk of this
- We have no new discovery. We don't manufacture. This is our process. We simply follow the predecessor's instruction. That's all. Our movement is very easy because we haven't got to manufacture something
- We have no other business. We want to see people live, eating very nicely nutritious food, keeping good health. But unnecessarily artificial things, bothering, that we don't want
- We have presented Bhagavad-gita As It Is. We do not create meanings by concoction. Sometimes commentators say that the word kuruksetra in the first verse of the Bhagavad-gita refers to one's body, but we do not accept this
- We have to see that in our book there is no spelling or grammatical mistake. We do not mind for any good style, our style is Hare Krishna, but, still, we should not present a shabby thing
- We invite everyone to understand the philosophy and reform the activities of life. This is our mission. I do not know why I was refused to enter into your country without giving me any proper explanation
- We present Bhagavad-gita as it is. We don't make any addition or alteration. Therefore it is perfect. The Krsna consciousness movement, whatever knowledge they are spreading, that is perfect
- We say everyone, "Come and eat." Why he should remain hungry? We invite everyone, "Come here, eat, no charge." We don't charge. Why he should remain hungry? Let us increase this program. All hungry men of Melbourne city, come here
- We simply don't say that: "No illicit sex, no intoxication, no, no..." Simply negative is no meaning. There must be something positive. Because everyone wants engagement. That is because we are living entities. We are not dead stone
- We take some time to see whether he can develop brahminical symptom. That is our process, not that anyone comes, and we give him a sacred thread and he becomes immediately brahmana. We don't do this
- We want to see good result. Even there is no good result, we don't mind. We must be sincere to Krsna that "We have done our best." That's all. Without cheating Krsna
- We wish to make a world tour with this Sankirtana Party—that is my ambition. I do not know what is Krishna's desire, but if it is successful, I am sure to push our movement very nicely this will be the way
- We, unlike the so-called scholars, do not say that Krsna and His inner spirit are different. BG 1972 Preface
- Whatever little success I have got, it is due to this process, that I do not present anything which is created by me. That is the secret of success
- When I say Lord Buddha cheated, we don't mean that Lord Buddha was a cheater like ordinary man. No. He had to accept some means to lead them to God worship
- When we say others are animals, demons, we don't say whimsically, capriciously, no. On the basis of sound knowledge. Therefore our declaration is completely right
- Who says India is starving? You are saying. I'm Indian, I don't starve. You are false propaganda
- Why in eighty years old I have come here if I do not love? So who can love better than a preacher? He loves even the animals
- Yes, that possibility is always there. But my proposal is that if you are not true Christian, then your preaching will not be effective. I don't say that now we are strictly following and we will not fall down in future. I don't say that
- Yes, this is not a new thing in the history of the world that preachers are sometimes persecuted. But at the present status of civilization I do not think anybody will be crucified like Lord Jesus Christ
- You ask if children may be taken to ordinary medical doctors. Why not? Of course we do not always trust that these doctors maybe doing the right thing, but what can be done?
- You can do any nonsense and still you become initiated. Give me some money. No. We don't make such compromise. You must first of all agree to give up all these sinful activities. Then I can accept you. I can initiate you. This is our process
- You cannot have perfect knowledge by the experimental method. I don't say, but the sastra says there are 900,000 forms of aquatics. So you cannot say no, because you have no experience
- You cannot sell the Hawaii house. It is a good house, and I do not approve selling it. If you want to expand, then you can purchase other houses for residences. I do not want any of our houses to be sold
- You do not require to shut your eyes. There are so many beautiful girls sitting. I do not require to shut my eyes. If my mind is concentrated on the beauty of Krsna I can see these beautiful girls as Krsna's gopis. That is another vision