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Pages in category "Gandhi"
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- Although he was lecturing on Bhagavad-gita, and people knew that Gandhi's life and soul is Bhagavad-gita, but the result is that he does not understand Krsna. Just see
- Anyone of us, serving somebody. But the result is, this material service... I have given several times the example that Mahatma Gandhi, he gave so much service. But result was he was killed
- Arjuna is encouraged, because Arjuna was thinking in the terms of material calculation. Just like Gandhi introduced this nonviolence. That is material calculation
- At that time, I was a young man and a nationalist, admirer of Mahatma Gandhi and C.R. Dass
- Bhagavad-gita was Gandhi's life and soul practically. And in the morning he was having Bhagavad-gita class; in the evening he was having Bhagavad-gita class. So that was his life and soul. But unfortunately he interpreted Bhagavad-gita in his own way
- Big man like Gandhi, he also manufactured his duty, but he does not know what is his duty. He never preached Krsna consciousness; therefore he does not know what is his duty
- Brahma, Siva, Indra, Candra, Maharaja Yudhisthira or, in modern history, Napoleon, Akbar, Alexander, Gandhi, Shubhash & Nehru all are servants of the Lord, and they are placed in and removed from their respective positions by the supreme will of the Lord
- British government said - Gandhi in jail is more dangerous than he is free
- Buddha's nonviolence and Gandhi's nonviolence are different
- By scholarship we may be able to manufacture some theory of Bhagavad-gita, just as Mahatma Gandhi did when he interpreted Bhagavad-gita in an effort to support his theory of nonviolence
- Especially Mahatma Gandhi, he was actually a great personality. There is no doubt about it. But so far Bhagavad-gita is concerned, he did not know anything
- Even at the last stage of his life, his assistant warned, "Mahatma Gandhi, don't go to the New Delhi meeting. I have some friends, and I have heard there is danger"
- Even Gandhi, in our country, he was full of anxieties. All politician, they're full of anxiety; although they hold very exalted post, still the material disease, anxiety, is there. So if you want to be anxiety-less, then you must take shelter of the guru
- Even greatest politician like Gandhi, he committed mistake, and so many great men, they committed mistake. "To err is human," therefore, it is called, however he may be great in the estimation of this world, he is sure to commit mistake
- Even in Gandhi's strong civil disobedience movement, out of the whole population of India, only sixty-thousand men joined. What is the India's population? Six hundred million, and out of that, sixty thousand joined, and it became successful
- Even Mahatma Gandhi, the great servant of India He served India so nicely. Still, the master was not satisfied, and the master killed him. He wanted to serve his country, but the result was that his countrymen killed him
- Ever since Gandhi's noncooperation movement, Bombay has been kept dry and has not allowed its citizens to drink. But unfortunately the citizens are so clever that they have increased illicit distillation of liquor
- First of all I do not want to be relieve also. That is also another disease. You see? You will be surprised. It is my practical experience. This Krsna consciousness movement, before starting, I wrote one letter to Mahatma Gandhi
- Five minutes before he (Mahatma Gandhi) came to the meeting at which he was killed, he was warned by confidential associates not to go, but he persisted
- Gandhi also took Bhagavad-gita for his political diplomacy. This is going on. And they'll never agree to accept Bhagavad-gita as it is. They'll never agree
- Gandhi and Bhagavad-gita - what is that? Political struggle. Such a rascal. And he's leader? He does not know what is the purpose of Bhagavad-gita
- Gandhi committed mistake. Churchill committed mistake. Because "To err is human." However big you may be, you cannot avoid mistake, because you are not liberated
- Gandhi gave lifelong service according to his own. Hitler gave lifelong service. Napoleon gave lifelong service. But their ultimate end was very, very regrettable. Nobody realized his service. He was punished. This is material world
- Gandhi is a worshiper of the impersonal Godhead. That is to say, his Godhead or Visnu is devoid of transcendental activities. His Godhead cannot eat, cannot see, and cannot hear; for impersonality means being without any of these sensory activities
- Gandhi is known for having started the movement of nonviolent civil disobedience in India, but about five hundred years before him, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu started His movement of nonviolent civil disobedience to the order of Chand Kaz
- Gandhi ism
- Gandhi may not know the purpose of Bhagavad-gita, but as he chanted "ha rama," that has been effective
- Gandhi or Vinobha or Vivekananda or Aurobindo, they did not come in the parampara system. They have made themselves important by their own ideas. That we want to check. Therefore we are presenting Bhagavad-gita As It Is
- Gandhi started civil disobedience movement, disobedience to the government laws, but all the whole stock was put into jail and they were beaten with shoes
- Gandhi started non-cooperation movement that, "Don't cooperate with these Britishers." And when they saw there is now full non-cooperation, they left voluntarily
- Gandhi started non-cooperation movement that, "These (British) people are ruling over us by our cooperation." So "Non-cooperate with them, they will fail." And that was successful
- Gandhi started this harijana movement, keeping them where they are, and at the same time changing by rubber stamp, "harijana." That must be failure
- Gandhi used to say that he believes in Gita and Gita gives him solace in difficult times and so on, so on. But has he ever preached about Krsna? Tilok has ever preached about Krsna? Radhakrishnan has ever preached Krsna? Nobody
- Gandhi wanted to make them clean simply by stamping them with a fictitious name, harijana
- Gandhi was a great statesman in the garb of a saintly person, so that the Indian population would blindly follow him. But his motive was political and we are therefore not very interested with it
- Gandhi was so great." And what he has done? The dog dancing. Who can understand that, unless one is Krsna conscious
- Gandhi went to this point that, "If you think that without division India will be chaos, so you better give it to Jinnah in the hand. Don't give it to me." But they wanted division
- Gandhi's disciples
- Gandhi's policy to concentrate his organization in village life
- Gandhi, he wanted to prove, from Bhagavad-gita, nonviolence. The Bhagavad-gita is being preached in the battlefield, and it is completely violence. How he can prove? Therefore he is dragging the meaning out
- Gandhiji although born in a Vaisya family, possessed almost all the nine qualifications of a Brahmin and if possible we can find out such Brahmin in other parts of the World
- Gandhiji's whole life was dedicated to the service of humanity at large with special interest for raising the moral standard
- He (Gandhi) was disgusted, and his countrymen also became disgusted, so that he shot him down. This world is like that. You give service to somebody - he is not satisfied; you are not satisfied. Frustrated
- He (Gandhiji) is a worshiper of the impersonal Godhead. That is to say, his Godhead or Visnu is devoid of transcendental activities. His Godhead cannot eat, cannot see, & cannot hear; for impersonality means being without any of these sensory activities
- He wants to give service, but because his service is not rightly placed, he is frustrated. Just like in our country, Mahatma Gandhi, he gave so much service to his country, and his countrymen shot him down, dead. Not recognized
- He was the first man in the history of India who started this civil disobedience movement. It is not Gandhi who is the originator of civil disobedience; it was Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He said that "Defy the order of the Kazi''
- I have given this example, that you cannot satisfy anyone by material service. The example is in our country. Mahatma Gandhi gave his . . . the best capacity as he understood. Still, he could not satisfy everyone. Somebody killed him
- I met (Gandhi) several times, but not as personal interview. But I liked his movement, national movement. Young men, everyone likes politics. Actually, later on, I did not like
- I shall give you one tangible example in the life of Mahatma Gandhi. You know he was a very great man, political leader in India. So he was also very God-fearing man, a very nice soul. But he also committed mistakes so many times
- I was also at one time interested in politics and Gandhi's non-cooperation movement
- I was also at one time interested in politics and Gandhi's non-cooperation movement. But now-a-days I am not too much familiar with the politics of your country, so whatever you consider the best thing, do it very nicely and always remember Krishna
- I was educated in Scottish Churches College, appeared for my B.A. in 1920 and then joined Gandhi's movement and gave up education. I met my Guru Maharaja in 1922
- I would only request you to retire from politics at least for a month only and let us have discussion on the Bhagavad-gita. I am sure, thereby, that you shall get a new light from the result of such discussions
- I wrote a personal letter to Gandhi that "Mahatma Gandhi, you are recognized all over the world as a very pious man, and you are supposed to be very devotee of Bhagavad-gita
- I'll tell you another story about Mahatma Gandhi. My Guru Maharaja invited him in our matha
- If everyone denies to serve, then these so-called industries will fail. Immediately. That is Gandhi's proposal. "Non-cooperate with the British government, and it will wind up." And actually so happened
- If we want to be happy in this life and the next we have to worship Visnu. But Gandhi did to satisfy Visnu? He was trying to satisfy his country, and his country killed him
- If you become so much dependent on the bodily necessities of life, then you cannot become fully and wholly for the benefit of the mass of people. Our Gandhi, he imitated this. For the mass of people... But that was to a certain extent successful
- In Gandhi's life also, he once killed one calf or some cow. It was suffering very much. So Gandhi ordered, - Instead of letting it suffer, just kill it
- In India there was agitation during Gandhi's political movement because the lowborn classes of men like street-sweepers and candalas are prohibited, according to the Vedic system, from entering the temple. Due to their unclean habits they are prohibited
- In my country, India, I was also a student of Gandhi. In 1920 I joined the noncooperation movement and gave up my education, because Gandhi's program was to boycott the British educational institution
- In our country the ideal man was Mahatma Gandhi. Still, he was killed. Just see. This is material world. This is material world. He was doing harm to nobody, but he was killed
- In our political movement, Mahatma Gandhi also took the mendicant's dress, loincloth, these Gosvamis also... That is Indian culture
- Indian independence was achieved not by Gandhi's non-violence method but (by) Subhas Bose's violence method. And he wanted to explain nonviolence from Bhagavad-gita. Just see, another foolishness
- It is necessary that leaders like Gandhi establish themselves on the transcendental footing of the personal feature of the Absolute Truth, known as Visnu or the all-pervading Godhead
- It is pleasing to see that the veteran leader Mahatma Gandhi is trying his best to invent a method for bringing in a godly atmosphere all over the world. He is preaching restraint, toleration, moral principles, and so on
- It was, of course, Gandhi's policy to concentrate his organization in village life, taking to simple life and cow protection
- Mahatma Gandhi sacrificed everything - his family, his profession. And many other leaders. But what for they were working? They were working for some material benefit, that's all, not for any spiritual benefit. So that is not transcendental activities
- Mahatma Gandhi set the example at his fag-end of life and his daily prayer meetings in the midst of gravest political occupation must be taken note of
- Mahatma Gandhi started the hari-jana movement to purify the untouchables, but he was a failure because he thought that one could become a hari-jana, a personal associate of the Lord, through some kind of material adjustment. That is not possible
- Mahatma Gandhi was a great advocate of Bhagavad-gita, and when he was alive I requested him to preach but I did not receive any favorable reply from him, because he was too much politically contaminated
- Mahatma Gandhi's philosophy began from this philosophy of universal brotherhood which is not restricted to the human kind but to all the species of life. That is the sign of real intelligence
- Mahatma Gandhi, he was supposed to be a very great, I mean to say, perfect leader of the country. He also committed mistakes, so many. And what to speak of us. What to speak of us. So a conditioned soul is sure to commit mistake. That is one imperfection
- Mahatma means he has taken shelter of Krsna cent percent, and his only business is to worship and glorify Krsna. That is mahatma. So Gandhi never believed that there was Krsna, but he became mahatma by popular vote. That's all
- Mexico, when there was trouble with the Americans, they adopted Gandhi's noncooperation movement
- My experiment with truth - Gandhi's movement. Truth is truth. "Experiment" means you do not know what is truth. It is a way of life. Everything is stated there, try to train them. Simple thing
- None of them is independent. Even though such men or leaders (Gandhi, Alexander, Nehru) rebel so as not to recognize the supremacy of the Lord, they are put under still more rigorous laws of the material world by different miseries
- Nothing is absolute truth in this dual world. You did not know this, neither you ever cared to know this from the right sources and therefore all your attempts to create unity were followed by disunity and Ahimsa. Ahimsa was followed by Himsa
- Now unless one is shot dead, he would not leave family life. Even Mahatma Gandhi, he got independence and everything; still he would not leave. So he was shot dead. This is our position. All politicians, all big big men, they are not going to retire
- Now your duty is to organize Delhi center and if possible hold a meeting there like in Bombay and Calcutta at the Gandhi maidan
- Only if leaders like Mahatma Gandhi strive to realize the Supreme Absolute Person - not a formless energy - can they truly benefit human society
- Our (Prabhupada's) personal family is connected with the Mulliks of Mahatma Gandhi Road in Calcutta, and we often used to visit their Radha-Govinda temple. They belong to the same family as we do
- Our big political leader, Gandhi says that "I don’t believe that there was any person ever living as Krsna." He said that. Just see. Such a big leader, and he is known to be very pious man, but he could not understand Krsna
- Our Mahatma Gandhi tried to stop violence. He started the nonviolence movement, but factually he had to die by violence. So knatriya, they are trained up violent to become violent to stop violence. That is required
- Our position is that even a person like Gandhi, he could not become Krsna conscious in hundred years. Because the wrong way. And they have become within ten years fully Krsna conscious
- So long they (Mahatma Gandhi, Churchill or Hitler) were living, they were always full of anxiety, fighting with one another. Now they are not existing. What is the loss there? But unnecessarily they were busy, so without me, my country will be finished
- So take for example that, our, in our country, Mahatma Gandhi, he was considered to be a very good man... They may be good, but they are not ultimate good. The ultimate good is Krsna consciousness
- So the Gandhi's picture, Gandhi was fishing with the tackle, and Jinnah was standing behind with a knife and plate, that "Let this rascal struggle for independence, and as soon as, he's get, I will take share and go away, Pakistan"
- Sometimes, any respectable gentleman, some political offense, he's put into jail. Just like Gandhi also went to jail, and so many others. But they were given the place, first-class prisoners. They got servant
- Stalwarts of society like Gandhi are trying in various ways to usher in an age of peace, but because such endeavors are not inspired by the spiritually evolved saints, they are not turning out successful, nor will they be fruitful in the future
- The Bhagavad-gita is the standard book of knowledge in India and many eminent persons like Gandhi, Aurobindo, Dr. RadhaKrishnan, etc. they tried to understand the Bhagavad-gita, but could not do it
- The four-fold Gandhi movements, if done in an organized, scientific way supported by all the authentic scriptures of all religiosities, will bring tranquillity of peace respite of all harshness & bitterness of the present world, longed for till now
- The government was creating . . . British government was creating faction between the caste, low caste. So Gandhi thought that - I shall make these bhangis and camars as harijana, as great devotees
- The harijana word was used by Gandhi unnecessarily for a class of men who are not fit for the position. Harijana means "the men of Hari." Just like Narada. Narada is called harijana. Great devotee is called harijana, "the persons related with Hari"
- The higher caste were made not artificially. They had to follow nine great principles, then they are higher caste, not by rubber stamp, just like Gandhi wanted to do, taking the banghis, the sweepers, and rubber-stamping "harijana"
- The idea is the slave mentality. The Englishmen, in an organized way, they taught the Indians how to become servant of the Englishmen. We've seen. It is Gandhi's movement that he dismantled this idea of white prestige. Otherwise, we were taught like that
- The people approached him that "Mahatmaji, you have got influence over the Muslims. Why not stop cow-killing?" "Oh, I cannot touch on their religious principles." Just see. Cow-killing is religious. Their religious principle
- The real Bhagavad-gita is Krsna says that, "You surrender unto Me." Nobody says, neither Tilak, Gandhi, this Ramakrishna, this Aurobindo. Nobody says that. He's made purposefully avoiding his duty. And these rascals are going as dutiful
- The so-called leaders or learned scholars, they utilize Bhagavad-gita for material end. This is going on. Just like our big leader, Gandhi. He was supposed to be very strict follower of Bhagavad-gita, and he has never instructed about spiritual life
- The so-called president and leader and Gandhi, they are also another animal, big animal. So does it mean an animal big and very powerful, he has got the human intelligence? This is civilization
- The word mahatma is generally heard in the West in connection with Mahatma Gandhi, but we should understand that mahatma is not the title of a politician
- There have been many great politicians and military commanders like Napoleon, Hitler, Shubhash Chandra Bose and Gandhi, but as soon as their lives were finished, their popularity, influence and everything else were finished also
- There is no man who does not commit mistakes. In India, for instance, Mahatma Gandhi was supposed to be a very great personality, but he also committed mistakes
- There were Napoleon, Hitler, Gandhi, Nehru and many others, but they could not ultimately prevail. This is durasaya. The ultimate goal of life is to understand Visnu, yet people are going on blindly trying to satisfy their senses
- These Aurobindos or Vivekanandas and Gandhis, they have spoiled Hindu culture. Vedic culture they have spoiled. Hodgepodge writing, hodgepodge speaking, dry speaking, speculation - choked up the progress of Vedic civilization
- They (Napoleon, Hitler and Gandhi) falsely thinking, "Without me, everything will be lost." But they are kicked out; everything is going on
- They go to worship Lenin's tomb every day. Many other fools also go there, tourists, that Red Square. They tried in India for Jawaharlal Nehru's tomb, for Gandhi's tomb. So in the beginning there was little crowd. Now nobody goes
- They may worship the statue of Gandhi or someone else, but when asked to come see the worship of the Deity they will say, - No, this is idol worship
- This "harijana" word has come from Gandhi. He did not try to make him real harijana. He simply rubberstamped him. So what is the value of this harijana
- We can see such signs (of the ascending process) in the method of preaching espoused by Gandhiji. Although he chants the name of Rama, he is not aware of the transcendental science of the name
- What Gandhi has done? These things are cheating, spoiled. Then they have now a slogan to drive away poverty. Vivekananda imitated, daridra-narayana-seva. That Vivekananda started his mission in India hundred years ago
- When Gandhi was approached that "You have got so much influence on the Muhammadans. Why don't you stop this cow slaughter?" Gandhi said, "No, it is their religion. I cannot stop." That is yata mat
- When Gandhi was leading his resistance movement, many Indians would go to the street and destroy the mailboxes and in this way think that they were destroying the government postal service. People of such mentality are not jnanis
- When I gave up my education and I was joining Gandhi's movement, at that time Dr. Kartik Chandra Bose asked me to join him. So with the permission of my father, I joined
- When spiritual instincts, which are inherent qualities in every living being, are kindled by daily prayer meetings, it is then only the people in general develop the qualities of the gods and the Trust Board of Mahatma Gandhi Fund should not miss this
- When the Englishmen were ruling over this country and Gandhi had to do so much labor, his life sacrificed, some way or other they were gone. Now the same Englishman is working here as book distributor, (laughs) who was our ruler
- When there was noncooperation movement of Gandhi's, the people became riotous, and they began to break anything government, especially the postboxes on the street
- Who can give better service than Mahatma Gandhi? Who can become such honest man, ideal man. He was addressed as mahatma. Still, his service was not recognized. He was killed. So that is the result of material service
- Who wants distress? E.g. in our country, Mahatma Gandhi was killed by his own countrymen. He was a great man, he was protected by so many followers, he was beloved by all - and still he was killed. Destiny
- You are recognized all over the world as a very pious man, and you are supposed to be very devotee of BG. You fought for independence. Now you have got your independence. So I request you to take the teachings of BG to preach all over the world
- You cannot avoid violence from this material world. It is useless proposal. Our Mahatma Gandhi tried to stop violence. He started the nonviolence movement, but factually he had to die by violence