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Pages in category "Enter"
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- A child is generally welcome in his attempts to go places, but if it so happens that a child is checked from entering a door, he naturally becomes very sorry and angry. That is the nature of a child
- A demon named Vatsasura entered among the calves and was killed, and another asura, in the shape of a big duck, was also killed
- A devotee never enters upon the path of karma, or elevation by fruitive activities. Narada Muni took compassion upon King Pracinabarhisat when he saw the King engaged in fruitive activity
- A dog always keeps himself at his master's door and does not allow any person unfavorable to the master to enter. Similarly, one should engage in the service of a Vaisnava and try to please him in every respect
- A highly enlightened parent can train a child in Krsna consciousness so that the child will not have to come back again to this miserable world. Parents should see to it that the child born of them does not enter the womb of a mother again
- A man sleeps soundly when he is fatigued, and when a rich man is greatly fatigued he goes to his garden with many female friends and there enters the water and enjoys their company. Such is the tendency of the living entity within this material world
- A man who enters upon the path of self-realization but does not complete the process, despite having sincerely tried to realize his relationship with God, is given a chance to appear in a family of suci or srimat
- A perfectly successful yogi is expert in eight kinds of perfection. By the anima-siddhi, he can become smaller than an atom, and in that state he can enter anywhere. With this yogic power, Indra entered the womb of Diti while she was pregnant
- A person who is not disturbed by the incessant flow of desires - that enter like rivers into the ocean which is ever being filled but is always still - can alone achieve peace, and not the man who strives to satisfy such desires. BG 2.70 - 1972
- A poor man receives sadhus very quickly, offers them obeisances, and tries to take advantage of their presence, whereas a rich man keeps a big greyhound dog at his door so that no one can enter his house
- A sannyasi should always walk barefoot, and therefore when he enters a temple or a society of devotees he should first wash his feet and then sit down in a proper place
- A student's education, should begin with brahmacarya, which means freedom from sexual attachment. If he can, he should try to avoid all this nonsense. If not, he can marry and then after some time enter vanaprastha, retired life
- According to the regulation of the disciplic succession, one who wishes to enter the renounced order in Sankara’s sect must first be trained as a brahmacari under a bona fide sannyasi
- According to the results of a living entity's fruitive actions, he is forced to enter the material elements in different types of bodies
- According to the sastras, a brahmana, or a cultured person in Krsna consciousness, will not enter anyone's service to maintain body and soul together, and especially not for satisfaction of the senses
- According to the Vedic culture, one should be trained in spiritual understanding as a brahmacari before entering household life to beget children. This is the Vedic system
- According to the Vedic regulative principles, one has to be celibate before entering a holy place of pilgrimage
- According to the Vedic system, a dog is not allowed to enter the house. Because of their uncleanliness, cats and dogs are not allowed within the apartment of a gentleman, but are so trained that they stand outside
- According to the Vedic system, a saintly person takes the position of a mendicant so that on the plea of begging something from the householder, he can enter any house
- Actually, we cannot be zero. Because we are eternal, how we can be zero? We have to enter another colorful life. That is spiritual life
- After being instructed by Kamsa, the demon Kesi assumed the form of a terrible horse. He entered the area of Vrndavana with the speed of the mind, his great mane flying and his hooves digging up the earth
- After brahmacari life, one may marry. This means he enters grhastha life, household life. That is also tapasya. He cannot have sex whenever he likes. No
- After completing the sacrifice, Lord Ramacandra, whose lotus feet were sometimes pierced by thorns when He lived in Dandakaranya, placed those lotus feet in the hearts of those who always think of Him. Then He entered His own abode
- After considering his advanced age and deliberating on the welfare of his spiritual self, King Uttanapada detached himself from worldly affairs and entered the forest
- After creating the total material energy, the mahat-tattva, and thereby manifesting the gigantic universal form with senses and sense organs, the Supreme Lord entered within it
- After Dhruva entered Madhuvana Forest to execute devotional service, the great sage Narada thought it wise to go to the King (Uttanapada) to see how he was faring within the palace
- After dividing the island and situating his sons as its rulers, Medhatithi personally retired, and to fix his mind completely upon the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he entered a forest suitable for meditation
- After entering Diti's womb, Indra, with the help of his thunderbolt, cut into seven pieces her embryo, which appeared like glowing gold
- After entering Lanka, the monkey soldiers, led by chiefs like Sugriva, Nila and Hanuman, occupied all the sporting houses, granaries, treasuries, palace doorways, city gates, assembly houses, palace frontages and even the resting houses of the pigeons
- After entering the forest, Arjuna killed many tigers, boars, bison, gavayas (a kind of wild animal), rhinoceroses, deer, hares, porcupines and similar other animals, which he pierced with his arrows
- After entering the hermitage and seeing his (Srngi's) father in that condition, he cried loudly so that he might be relieved. But it was too late. The father (Samika Rsi) regretted the whole incident
- After entering the village of Vrndavana, all the calves entered their respective cowsheds, and the boys went to their respective mothers and homes
- After giving these demons permission to go everywhere and persecute the saintly persons, Kamsa entered his palace - SB 10.4.44
- After giving up one type of body, he (the living entity) enters another type of body, as we put on and take off old clothes. BG 1972 Introduction
- After giving up the body, the devotee who becomes perfect in devotional service enters that particular universe where Lord Ramacandra or Lord Krsna is engaged in His pastimes
- After giving up this gross body, the living entity enters either an animal body or a demigod's body on this planet or on another planet. He thus enjoys the results of the actions of his past life
- After having this conversation with Rupa Gosvami, the King entered his private house. Rupa Gosvami, then known as Dabira Khasa, also returned to his residence
- After hearing the news of mother Sita's entering the earth, the Supreme Personality of Godhead was certainly aggrieved
- After hearing this, all the people accompanied Madhavendra Puri with great pleasure. According to his directions, they cut down bushes, cleared a path and entered the jungle
- After mother Sita entered the earth, Lord Ramacandra observed complete celibacy and performed an uninterrupted Agnihotra-yajna for thirteen thousand years
- After saying this, the Asvini-kumaras caught hold of Cyavana Muni, who was an old, diseased invalid with loose skin, white hair, and veins visible all over his body, and all three of them entered the lake
- After some time the sound of the holy name entered the ear of the Lord, who immediately got up, making a great noise
- After some time, Svarupa Damodara could no longer hear Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu chanting. When he entered the room, he found the three doors locked, but Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was gone
- After taking his morning bath, Madhavendra Puri entered the village and assembled all the people. Then he spoke as follows
- After talking about the terrible animal this way and that way, they (the boys) decided to enter the demon's (Aghasura's) mouth. They had full faith in Krsna because they had experienced how Krsna had saved them from the mouth of Bakasura
- After that, the heart of the gigantic form separately manifested itself, and into it entered the moon demigod with partial mental activity. Thus the living entity can conduct his mental speculations
- After they had chanted in this way for a long time, the holy name of Krsna entered the heart of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and He suddenly arose with a loud shout of "Haribol"
- After this death, all this science and philosophy is finished after this body is finished. Then you are under the control of nature. What will you do? The nature will force you to enter the womb of a hog or a dog. How you can check it
- After understanding Krsna as He is, one can become eligible to enter Krsnaloka and associate with Him. The mind is the cause of such an exalted position. The mind can also get one a body like those of dogs and hogs
- Agastya Muni then spoke this curse against the King: This King Indradyumna is not at all gentle. Being low and uneducated, he has insulted a brahmana. May he therefore enter the region of darkness and receive the dull, dumb body of an elephant
- Akrura became a little disappointed by these words of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but he could not disregard the order. He therefore entered Mathura and informed Kamsa about the arrival of Krsna, and then he entered his own home
- Alas, what a regrettable deed I have committed because of my lack of intelligence and my pride in my material opulences. I failed to show respect to my spiritual master when he entered this assembly, and thus I have insulted him
- All lands belong to Krishna and as servant of Krishna we have every right to enter any land but artificial man made civilization has created so many nonsense and these are the conditions of material existence
- All living entities, moving and inert, are generated from the earth, and again, after some time, they all return to the earth as dust. Similarly, everything emanates from the SPG, and in due course of time everything enters into Him again
- All the cows entered their different sheds and began mooing loudly, calling for their respective calves - SB 10.13.24
- All these transcendental bodies emanated from the body of Krsna, and within a second They all entered again into His body
- Although a devotee may enter family life and act very affectionately toward his wife and children, he is never attached to these activities
- Although Haridasa Thakura was the greatest of all Hindus in his behavior, he considered himself a Muhammadan and did not enter the temple. Lord Caitanya could understand his humility
- Although the impersonal feature of the Absolute is an expansion of the rays of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, He does not need to take care of the impersonalists who enter the brahma-jyotir
- Although the living entity is working from within the body, he is nonetheless unknown. The living entity enters the material creation, but because he is bewildered by the material energy, he appears to be hidden
- Although the sky exists in space, it also enters within the body. Similarly, the Supreme Lord, who is the cause of the material energy, lives within the material world as well as beyond it
- Although the street dogs are not appointed by anyone to act as watchmen, they think they are responsible for protecting the neighborhood, and as soon as someone unknown enters it, they all begin to bark
- Although the Yogendras were already conversant in Vedic knowledge, they became very jubilant in Krsna consciousness just by listening to Brahma. Thus they wanted to enter Dvaraka, the abode of Lord Krsna
- Although, by chance, the doormen (Jaya and Vijaya) committed a mistake by checking the brahmanas from entering the gate of Vaikuntha, they were at once aware of the gravity of the curse
- Amogha wanted to see Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu eat, but he was not allowed to enter. Indeed, the Bhattacarya guarded the threshold of his house with a stick in his hand
- An animal that enters a forest keeps its individuality, although apparently the beast merges with the forest. Similarly, in material existence, both the material energy and the living entities of the marginal potency maintain their individuality
- An offense at the lotus feet of a Vaisnava is so disastrous that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has compared it to a mad elephant that enters a garden and causes great havoc by uprooting many plants and trees
- An ordinary child would cry, but these were not ordinary children, they immediately made preparations to punish the doormen, for the doormen had committed a great offense. Even to this day a saint is never checked from entering anyone's door in India
- Another advantage of poverty is that a saintly person can easily enter a poor man's house, and thus the poor man can take advantage of the saintly person's association. A very opulent man does not allow anyone to enter his house
- Another brahmana came to see the kirtana performance, but the door was closed, and he could not enter the hall
- Anyone who has been forced by ignorance to enter the material world may be purified of material life if he offers prayers to the Lord and hears the Lord's glories
- Anyone who takes shelter of the lotus feet of Krsna enters the boat for crossing over the ocean of nescience. For him, this vast expanse of the material manifestation becomes as insignificant as the water in a calf's hoofprint
- Appearing as a brahmana boy, wearing a belt of straw, a sacred thread, an upper garment of deerskin, and matted locks of hair, Lord Vamanadeva entered the arena of sacrifice
- Aristasura entered Vrndavana with such a fearful appearance that just on seeing this great demon all the men and women were afflicted with great fear, and the cows and other animals fled the village
- Arjuna, however, would not desist from entering the fire unless the sons of the brahmana were brought back. Therefore Krsna promised him, "I shall bring back the brahmana's sons. Do not try to commit suicide"
- As all the demigods looked on, this effulgence (from the body of the gigantic python) entered into Krsna's body - SB 10.12.33
- As an independent leader among elephants enters the water with its female elephants, Krsna, who is transcendental to the Vedic principles of morality, entered the water of the Yamuna with the gopis
- As far as entering crematorium is concerned, no, we cannot go. That is social system, but we are sannyasis. A sannyasi is in spiritual life, not in social life at all
- As I tried to release the net, I touched the body, and as soon as I touched it, a ghost entered my heart
- As King Kartaviryarjuna entered his capital, Mahismati Puri, he saw Lord Parasurama, the best of the Bhrgu dynasty, coming after him, holding a chopper, shield, bow and arrows
- As mentioned here (in SB 7.14.11), a dog may be maintained with proper food, but it cannot be allowed to enter one's house, what to speak of the bedroom. Outcastes or untouchable candalas should also be provided with the necessities for life
- As soon as he (a person) enters the city, he sees various paths, gardens, lakes, and marketplaces with shops, and persons buying. He sees varieties of cinema houses, and he sees dancing and jubilation
- As soon as he (Akrura) entered the boundary of Vrndavana, he saw the hoofprints of the cows and Lord Krsna’s footprints, impressed with the signs of His soles - the flag, trident, thunderbolt and lotus flower
- As soon as he enters the human form, the living entity is entrapped by a family tradition, nationality, customs, etc. These are all supplied by the maya of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- As soon as one enters a holy place, he must observe fasting for the day, and after shaving his head clean, he must take a bath in a river or ocean near the holy place. These methods are adopted to neutralize the effects of sinful activities
- As soon as one transgresses the laws of sastra, he immediately enters upon the path of destruction
- As soon as they (the American boys) enter the Krsna consciousness movement being started in America, they are trained to meet the brahminical qualifications, even though they have fallen to the lowest conditions as sudras
- As soon as they entered his house, Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya offered the Lord obeisances and a place to sit. After seating all the others, the Bhattacarya took his seat
- As the air enters the vast sky and also enters the bodies of all moving and nonmoving entities, You are present everywhere, and therefore You are the knower of all
- As the blazing flames of a forest fire pursue a snake, the disc of the S P of Godhead began following Durvasa Muni. Durvasa Muni saw that the disc was almost touching his back, and thus he ran very swiftly, desiring to enter a cave of Sumeru Mountain
- As the dog is never allowed to enter within the room and hearth, although it is reared by the master, similarly, according to Srngi, the King (Maharaja Pariksit) had no right to enter the house of Samika Rsi
- As the individual living entity maintains his particular body, the Supreme Personality of Godhead maintains the whole cosmic creation, entering within it
- As the King entered the gate of the city, all the citizens received him with many auspicious articles like lamps, flowers and yogurt
- Association is very meaningful; therefore ISKCON tries to perfect one who enters the society
- Association is very meaningful; therefore ISKCON tries to perfect one who enters the society. The members of this society should always remember that the society is not like a free hotel
- Assuming the feature of a very beautiful woman, she (Putana) entered Nanda Maharaja's abode, Gokula
- At that time (to the date of British occupation), however, a wife who did not wish to die with her husband was sometimes forced to do so by her relatives. Formerly that was not the case. The wife used to enter the fire voluntarily
- At that time (when Pariksit was inquiring from sages) Sukadeva Gosvami entered the forest, and although Sukadeva was only sixteen, he was so learned and reputed that all the old sages, including his father, Vyasadeva, stood up to show him respect
- At that time (while entering vanaprastha life) one thinks, "Now that I have enjoyed this attachment so much, let me leave home." Then the man travels all over to various places of pilgrimage to become detached, and the wife goes with him as an assistant
- At the present moment in our ISKCON campus politics and diplomacy has entered. Some of my beloved students on whom I counted very, very much have been involved in this matter influenced by Maya
- At the time of cosmic annihilation, when everything, manifested and unmanifested, is annihilated by the force of time, the 5 gross elements enter into the subtle conception, and the manifested categories enter into the unmanifested substance - SB 10.3.25
- At the time of devastation, the entire cosmos enters Krsna's body. But now this transcendental form has taken birth from my (Devaki) womb. People will not be able to believe this, and I shall become an object of ridicule - SB 10.3.31
- At the time of devastation, the entire cosmos, containing all created moving and nonmoving entities, enters Your (Krsna's) transcendental body and is held there without difficulty - SB 10.3.31
- Awaking from the dream, the priest immediately rose from bed and thought it wise to take a bath before entering the Deity's room. He then opened the temple door
- Because of having insulted Dhruva Maharaja, Suruci would become mad upon the death of her son and would enter a forest fire, and thus her life would be ended. This was mentioned by the Lord to Dhruva because he was determined for revenge against her
- Because the sun enters the universe and divides the sky, it is known as Martanda, and because it is produced from Hiranyagarbha, the body of the mahat-tattva, it is also called Hiranyagarbha
- Because the Supreme Personality of Godhead has entered this cosmic manifestation in the form of His plenary expansion and caused the creation, the Vaisnava philosophers see everything in this material world in relationship with the Supreme Lord
- Before entering household life (grhastha-asrama), a student is fully trained to become jitendriya, a conqueror of the senses
- Before entering household life, one should be trained as a brahmacari, living under the care of the guru, whose place is known as the guru-kula. Brahmacari guru-kule vasan danto guror hitam - SB 7.12.1
- Before one enters sannyasa, he has one of the various names for a brahmacari, the assistant to a sannyasi
- Before taking birth, he (conditioned life person) undergoes the miseries of living in the womb of his mother, and when he comes out he lives for a certain period and then again has to die and enter a mother's womb
- Being inspired by all the members of the conspiracy, Satadhanva one night entered the house of Satrajit and killed him while he was sleeping
- Being situated in a meditational trance, Kasyapa Muni, whose vision is never mistaken, could see that a plenary portion of the Supreme Personality of Godhead had entered within him
- Being thirsty one night, the King entered the arena of sacrifice, and when he saw all the brahmanas lying down, he personally drank the sanctified water meant to be drunk by his wife
- Being thus defeated by Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, all these philosophers and their followers entered into His cult. In this way Lord Caitanya made South India into a country of Vaisnavas
- Bhaktas enter even the planet of Krsna very easily, but the less intelligent yogis and jnanis, by their meditation, remain running after Krsna. Even if they enter Krsna's effulgence, they fall down
- Both the impersonalists and the personalists enter the spiritual realm, the spiritual sky, but the impersonalists are given their place in the impersonal Brahman effulgence, whereas the personalists are given a position in the Vaikuntha planet
- Both the impersonalists and the personalists enter the spiritual realm, the spiritual sky, but the impersonalists are given their place in the impersonal Brahman effulgence, whereas the personalists are given a position in the Vaikuntha planets
- Brahma also entered His heart with intelligence, but even then the Cosmic Being could not be prevailed upon to get up. Lord Rudra also entered His heart with the ego, but even then the Cosmic Being did not stir
- By following in the footsteps of such associates and by entering under their eternal guidance, one can acquire an intense desire to serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- By His personal example, Lord Ramacandra taught the devotees that it is better not to enter married life, which is certainly followed by many tribulations
- By mistake the doormen (Jaya and Vijaya) held the sages (four Kumaras) from entering Vaikunthaloka, but because they were engaged in the transcendental service of the Lord, their annihilation was not expected by advanced devotees
- By perfection of the yoga system one not only can travel through material space, but can surpass material space and enter the spiritual sky. We learn this fact also from an incident concerning Durvasa Muni and Maharaja Ambarisa
- By the grace of Lord Caitanya, one who chants the maha-mantra attains the highest perfectional stage, which had previously been attained by people who entered the ocean and executed austerities for ten thousand years
- By the grace of the Lord, if a devotee, at the time of death, can simply chant His holy name - the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, he immediately surpasses the great ocean of the material sky and enters the spiritual sky
- By the laws of nature, the living entity is forced to enter the semen of a father and be injected into the womb of the mother. He is not in control of selecting what kind of father he will accept
- By the mystic power of Narada Muni, the living entity reentered his dead body for a short time and spoke in reply to Narada Muni's request
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu has very strongly recommended that one not commit any offense at the lotus feet of a devotee. Such offenses are compared to a mad elephant because when a mad elephant enters a garden it causes devastation
- Caitanya promised to come daily to see Srila Haridasa Thakura, and this indicates that Srila Haridasa Thakura was so advanced in spiritual life that, although considered unfit to enter the temple, he was being personally visited by the Lord every day
- Caitanya quoted a sloka from Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 3.15.43) dealing with the Kumaras. When the Kumaras entered the temple, they were attracted by the aroma of flowers and tulasi leaves offered to the lotus feet of the Lord with pulp of sandalwood
- Candrasekhara came out to see the man, but he saw no Vaisnava at the door. He saw only a man who appeared to be a mendicant. The Lord then asked to see the mendicant, and when Sanatana entered the courtyard, Caitanya hurriedly came to see and embrace him
- Constant remembrance of the holy sound of Krsna’s flute keeps them (gopis) enlightened and enlivened, and they do not allow any other sound to enter their ears
- Cyavana Muni was so old that he could not enter the lake alone. Thus the Asvini-kumaras caught hold of his body, and the three of them entered the lake
- Death means unconscious for seven months. That's all. That is death. There is no death. Death means I give up this body, enter the womb of another mother's body
- Death means when the consciousness does not come back again to this gross body and enters another gross body. This period is called death
- Deity worship should be practiced by everyone. That cleanses the contaminated body. It is the custom that before entering one must be cleansed & bathe himself regularly. The whole idea is that we must very much sincere in our activities to serve Krishna
- Dhruva Maharaja was offered Dhruvaloka, a planet that was never resided upon by any conditioned soul. Even Brahma, although the topmost living creature within this universe, was not allowed to enter the Dhruvaloka
- Discovering the mystery of the Lord eliminates the impersonal feature realized by common spiritualists who are merely trying to enter the spiritual region from the mundane platform
- Does this (the Supreme Personality of Godhead enter the womb of Devaki, which had previously been entered by the six asuras, the sad-garbhas) mean that the Sad-garbhasuras were equal to the transcendental body of the Supreme Personality of Godhead?
- Due to matured devotional service, he will certainly be situated in transcendental ecstasy and will enter the spiritual sky after quitting this material world
- Each had a bugle made of buffalo horn and a stick and a flute, and each called his respective calves by their particular names. The cowherd boys were so proud of Krsna's wonderful activities that, while entering the village, they all sang His glories
- Enter like a needle and come out like a plow
- Entering that most sacred spot with his daughter and going near the sage, the first monarch, Svayambhuva Manu, saw the sage sitting in his hermitage, having just propitiated the sacred fire by pouring oblations into it
- Entering the universe, He found only darkness, with no place in which to reside. Thus He began to consider
- Eternal time enters anywhere and everywhere, but it cannot enter the kingdom of god. Nor can the Vedas understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is an indication of the Lord's being omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient
- Even a guest comes, your enemy, you should receive him in such a nice way that he will forget that you are all enemies. Grhe satrum api praptam visvastam akutobhayam. This is Vedic civilization, not that - Beware of dog. Please don't enter here
- Even after the British period in India this practice (the saha-gamana) was rigidly observed, but soon it degraded to the point that even when the wife was not strong enough to enter the fire of her dead husband, the relatives would force her to enter
- Even as Dhruva Maharaja fixed the weapon made by Narayana Rsi onto his bow, arrows with golden shafts and feathers like the wings of a swan flew out from it. They entered the enemy soldiers with a great hissing sound
- Even as late as 1936 we saw a devoted wife voluntarily enter the fire of her husband
- Even enemy was admitted, "Come on." So grham satrum api praptam visvastam akuto 'bhayam. Even an enemy enters your house, you'll receive him in such a friendly way that he will forget that you are his enemy
- Even the most identical four-handed form of Krsna (which is known as Maha-Visnu, who is lying on the cosmic ocean & from whose breathing so many innumerable universes are passing out & entering) is also an expansion of the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- Even today there are still some solitary cases where a wife will voluntarily enter the fire and die with her husband. Even after 1940 we personally knew of a chaste wife who died in this way
- Everyone has a vocation in life, but with what consciousness does he enter upon it
- Everything in the cosmic manifestation emanates from the Absolute Truth, remains in the Absolute Truth, and after annihilation again enters the Absolute Truth
- Everything is caused or manifested by the energy of the Supreme Lord, and when everything is annihilated or dissolved, the original potency enters the body of the Supreme Lord
- First of all, a boy is trained as brahmacari, spiritual life. Then he is advised not to enter family life. But if he is unable to control his sex life, he is allowed, "All right. You get yourself married." Then he remains in family life
- First of all, you decide whether you are female or male, then be one or the other. Then, you may enter our temple any time you like. But sometimes man and sometimes woman, that is not proper. Such awkward thing cannot be allowed
- First the Karanodakasayi who creates aggregate material ingredients in the mahat-tattva, second the Garbhodakasayi who enters in each and every universe, and third the Ksirodakasayi Visnu who is the Paramatma of every material object, organic or inorganic
- Following just behind the fiery demon, the Sudarsana cakra also entered Varanasi
- Following Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya's instructions, the King had given up his royal dress. He now entered the garden in the dress of a Vaisnava
- For a person who constantly and very eagerly hears narrations of the Lord's powerful activities, the Absolute Truth, the Personality of Godhead in the form of sound vibrations, enters within his heart and cleanses it of all contamination
- For the impersonalists, the syllable om is identical with Brahman. Krsna here (in BG 8.11) explains the impersonal Brahman in which the renounced order of sages enter. BG 1972 purports
- Friends of His own age and younger friends worshiped Him, and He returned their respectful obeisances, as did Laksmana and mother Sita. In this way they all entered the palace
- From my heart it entered your heart. I therefore understand that a great personality will soon take birth
- From such small insects up to Brahma there are 8,400,000 different forms of life, among which we are traveling from body to body, leaving one body and entering another, as stated by Krsna in Bhagavad-gita (tatha dehantara-praptih) - BG 2.13
- Gajendra entered the lake, bathed thoroughly and was relieved of his fatigue. Then, with the aid of his trunk, he drank the cold, clear, nectarean water, which was mixed with the dust of lotus flowers and water lilies, until he was fully satisfied
- Govinda said, "Kindly turn on one side. Let me pass to enter the room." However, the Lord replied, "I don't have the strength to move My body"
- Gross materialists, who depend on the limited strength of experimental thought, mental speculation and materialistic science, find great difficulty in entering the anti-material worlds
- Haridasa Thakura also went to Jagannatha Puri. But because he was born in a Muhammadan family, the priest class, they would make howling, "How this Muhammadan is entering?" So he never entered the temple
- Haridasa Thakura considered himself unfit to enter the Jagannatha temple. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu could have personally taken Haridasa Thakura into the Jagannatha temple if He wished, but the Lord did not like to disturb a popular custom
- Haridasa Thakura, out of his great humility, did not want to violate these existing rules - that only brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras can enter the temple of Jagannatha Puri
- Having been asked by Caitanya Mahaprabhu why the goddess of fortune could not enter into the rasa dance whereas the authorities on Vedic knowledge could, Venkata Bhatta replied, "I cannot enter into the mysteries of this behavior"
- Having been welcomed by His brother Bharata, Lord Ramacandra entered the city of Ayodhya in the midst of a festival
- Having entered that cavity (the cave of the heart of this body), the living entity, resting on the chief of the life airs, enjoys the results of activities, and the Supersoul, acting as witness enables him to enjoy them
- Having entered the city of Barhismati, in which he had previously lived, Manu entered his palace, which was filled with an atmosphere that eradicated the three miseries of material existence
- Having entered the material world, the pure soul becomes conditioned by the material atmosphere, which is created by the external energy under the control of Lord Visnu. Thus the living entity comes under the control of the external energy, daivi maya
- He (a pure devotee) is not at all afraid if by chance he has to visit the hellish worlds, nor is he eager to enter the kingdom of heaven. For him both these kingdoms are like castles in the air
- He (Aristasura) roared fiercely, and after digging up the earth on the riverside, he entered the village proper. The fearful roaring of the bull was so piercing that some of the pregnant cows and women had miscarriages
- He (Haridasa Thakura) never entered the temple. Caitanya Mahaprabhu gave him just an apartment where He was living, just by the side. And every morning Caitanya Mahaprabhu was coming to see him
- He (Kamsa) ordered the demons to harass all kinds of saintly persons, and then he entered his house. The adherents of Kamsa were all influenced by the mode of passion as well as illusioned by the mode of ignorance
- He (Krsna) is the greatest well-wishing friend of everyone, and the Kumaras wanted to see Him. The doorkeepers (Jaya & Vijaya) should have known that the four sages had no other business, and therefore to restrict them from entering the palace was not apt
- He (Maharaja Prthu) took advantage of the sat-cakra penetration process and thus gave up the body according to his own free will and immediately entered the spiritual sky
- He (Nanda Maharaj) entered deep into the water of the river, but he was arrested immediately by one of the servants of Varunadeva. This servant brought Nanda Maharaja before the demigod Varuna & accused him of taking a bath in the river at the wrong time
- He (Nanda Maharaja) did not understand that Krsna had wanted to kill Putana and that His pastimes were performed by yogamaya. Nanda Maharaja simply thought that someone had entered his house and created havoc. This was Nanda Maharaja's simplicity
- He (Narada) entered another palace and saw Lord Krsna preparing to take His bath
- He (Narada) then entered another palace. This time Naradaji saw that Lord Krsna was engaged as an affectionate father petting His small children
- He (Ravana) wanted a staircase to be built up directly reaching the heavenly planet so that people might not be required to undergo the routine of pious work necessary to enter that planet
- He (Rsabhadeva) had no plan to travel this way, but He arrived near Kutakacala and entered a forest there. He placed stones within His mouth and began to wander through the forest, naked and with His hair disheveled like a madman
- He (Sankaracarya) took a month’s leave from Ubhaya-bharati and, by his mystic power, entered the body of a king who had just died. In this way Sankaracarya experienced the erotic principles
- He (Srila Haridasa Thakura) had every right to enter the temple of Jagannatha Puri, but because there were some rules and regulations stipulating that only brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras (members of the varnasrama-dharma system) could enter
- He (the jnani) knows that all of these (riches and wealth) apply but to the body and that when the body is finished, they also go. When the body dies, one is no longer a rich man but a spirit soul, and according to his work, he has to enter another body
- He (the Krsna conscious person not successful in reclaiming fallen souls) personally becomes qualified to enter the Vaikunthalokas, and if anyone follows such a devotee, he also enters into Vaikunthaloka
- He (the son of the brahmana) compared the King (Maharaja Pariksit) to a watchdog, and so it was wrong for the King to enter the home of a brahmana and ask for water from the same pot
- He (Yudhisthira) then entered the palace to pay respects to the elderly. However, he could not find his uncles or aunt, the daughter of King Subala
- He explained how Junior Haridasa had made his resolution and had thus entered the waters at the confluence of the Yamuna and Ganges. Hearing these details, Srivasa Thakura and the other devotees were very surprised
- He simply executed the purificatory process up to the end of the brahmacarya-asrama because Jada Bharata was unfit to enter the grhastha-asrama
- He took me to the cinema house, but I never entered. I came back. You see? Because it was detestful
- He was always absorbed in transcendental love. Due to this, all mystic powers automatically approached Him, such as the ability to travel in outer space at the speed of mind, to appear & disappear, to enter the bodies of others, & to see things far away
- He works very hard day and night exactly like a merchant who enters a forest to acquire some articles to sell later for profit. However, he cannot really achieve happiness within this material world
- Here (in SB 3.15.31) we can mark that even great saintly persons like the Kumaras were also angry, but they were not angry for their personal interests. They were angry because they were forbidden to enter the palace to see the Personality of Godhead
- Here (in SB 6.16.4) it is made clear that the living being enters a material body that is like a machine created by the five gross elements of material nature (earth, water, fire, air and sky) and the three subtle elements - mind, intelligence and ego
- Here is a nice example. You have seen the sunshine entering your room through a hole of your window, & you will find so many atomic demonstration. So these brahmandas, the so many universes, they are emanating from the breathing of Maha-Visnu in that way
- Here is clear proof (those two principal doorkeepers of the Personality of Godhead have now entered the womb of Diti) of how a living entity coming originally from Vaikunthaloka is encaged in material elements
- Highly advanced spiritualists recommend that one should not enter the grhastha-asrama
- Hiranyakasipu entered the valley of Mandara Mountain and began practicing a severe type of austerity and meditation
- His hair was dazzling like gold because he (Narada) was a great saint, and when he entered the assembly house it appeared that the sun-god was personally present in the midst of the assembly
- His slight smiling and fragrant illumination are compared to camphor, which enters the sweetness of His lips. That sweetness is transformed and enters into space as vibrations from the holes of His flute
- His tusks were fearful, and He glanced over the devotee-brahmanas engaged in offering prayers. Thus He entered the water
- Household life is actually a kind of license for a materially attached person by which to enjoy sense gratification under regulative principles. Otherwise there is no need of entering household life
- How was he (Srila Sukadeva, the son of Vyasa) recognized by the citizens when he entered the city of Hastinapura (now Delhi), after wandering in the provinces of Kuru and Jangala, appearing like a madman, dumb and retarded?
- How was it possible for Sisupala and Dantavakra in the presence of many exalted persons, to enter very easily into the body of Krsna, whose nature is difficult to attain
- However, when the inner controller, the deity presiding over consciousness, entered the heart with reason, at that very moment the Cosmic Being arose from the causal waters
- I do not know whether the corpse I found was the ghost of a dead brahmana or an ordinary man, but as soon as one looks upon it, the ghost enters his body
- I don't want to die, so what I have done for stopping my death? What have I done to stop my birth? Huh? Because as soon as I die, again I enter into the womb of a particular type of mother. Again I have to live there, packed up. I cannot move even
- I have seen many temples uncared for. At night, one dog is entering and living within the temple. So people have become disinterested in religion and God at the present moment
- I offer my respectful obeisances unto You, the all-pervading Lord Visnu, who have entered the cores of the hearts of all living entities. All the three worlds reside within Your navel, yet You are above the three worlds
- I thank you very much that you have already allotted a nice apartment for me, an entire first floor, so if I had the wings of a dove I could fly immediately to Brooklyn and enter my apartment
- If a conditioned soul does not take advantage of this opportunity, after the dissolution of this material world he enters into the body of Narayana and remains there in deep sleep until the time of another creation
- If a devotee is able to continue on the brahma-bhuta platform, he enters the spiritual sky automatically after death and returns to Godhead
- If one advances further from the brahma-nirvana platform, one enters the stage of devotional service - mad-bhaktim labhate param
- If one chants the holy name of Hari and then dies because of an accidental misfortune, such as being bitten by a serpent, being afflicted with pain and high fever, one is immediately absolved from having to enter hellish life, even though he is sinful
- If one chants the name of Hari & then dies because of an accidental misfortune, such as falling from the top of a house, slipping & suffering broken bones while traveling, one is immediately absolved from having to enter hellish life even if he is sinful
- If one enters an unknown city without friend or shelter, living in that city is more difficult than living in a forest. There are many big cities all over the surface of the globe, and wherever one looks he sees the struggle for existence going on
- If one enters the Vaikuntha-dhama (pratyag-dhama), he does not return to this material world
- If one hears and chants without trying to give up offenses, one may think, “This is a Hindu Vaisnava, and this is a European Vaisnava. European Vaisnavas are not allowed to enter the temples”
- If one is completely trained in the principles of brahmacarya, he generally does not enter household life. He is then called a naisthika-brahmacari, which indicates total celibacy
- If one is not allowed to enter the temple, or if he thinks himself unfit to enter the temple, he can look at the wheel from outside the temple, and that is as good as seeing the Deity within
- If one returns to the SPG (yad gatva na nivartante (BG 15.6)), one need not reenter the limits of time. Therefore, devotees who have taken shelter of the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord can sleep very peacefully with this assurance from the SP of Godhead
- If our preaching work is neglected, or if we fall down in following the regulative principles such as rising before four, chanting 16 rounds, like that, if these things are not strictly observed then maya will enter and spoil everything
- If sannyasa is not suitable, one may enter the grhastha-asrama and fight maya with great strength. But one should not give up the fighting and go away
- If the sun enters your room, then your room and yourself - everything - will be finished. Immediately. You will not have the leisure to understand that the sun has entered. Is it not
- If they always meditate upon Sankarsana, the Lord enters the cores of their hearts, vanquishes all the dirty contamination of the material modes of nature, & cuts to pieces the hard knot within the heart, which has been tied tightly since time immemorial
- If we are not fully engaged then the mind is free to do its fickle business of rejection and acceptance for sense gratification. Maya will immediately enter - we do not even have to call her - the moment we are not absorbed in Krsna's devotional service
- If we keep our minds always absorbed in fruitive activities for material enjoyment, naturally at the time of death we shall think of such activities and again be forced to enter material, conditioned bodies to suffer the threefold miseries
- If you enter anyone's house without permission, he can kill you. This is the law. And every door, there is signboard: "Beware of the dogs." So it is not possible to go and beg, "Sir, give us something
- If you want to enter fire, you must be fire. And if you are not fire, then you will burn. So first of all we have to revive, because Krsna . . . the example is given that Krsna is the big fire and we are sparks of fire. We are also fire, very small
- If you want to understand Krsna, then go step by step, one by one. First of all read Bhagavad-gita, try to understand, and you surrender to Krsna as Krsna says, then you enter
- In a subtle body inconceivable to Hiranyakasipu, Lord Visnu, who was in great anxiety, entered Hiranyakasipu's nostril along with his breath
- In Bhagavad-gita it is recommended that even though one enters the renounced order of life, he still cannot give up the performance of yajna, dana and tapasya. They are never to be given up
- In due course of time, insurmountable death, which is compared to a venomous snake that enters the hole created by a mouse, situated itself before him (Bharata)
- In every house, "Beware of dog." "Don't enter. Beware of dog." This is human civilization. You see. You cannot enter anyone's house, you cannot enter anyone's country. And if you do... This means this want of this Krsna consciousness
- In India it is still the prevalent custom that one put his shoes in a specified place and then enter the temple barefoot after washing his feet
- In India there was agitation during Gandhi's political movement because the lowborn classes of men like street-sweepers and candalas are prohibited, according to the Vedic system, from entering the temple. Due to their unclean habits they are prohibited
- In meditational yoga one must also be devoid of fear. There is no question of fear when one enters spiritual life
- In no circumstance, therefore, can the Supersoul and the individual living entity be taken as one, although both of them enter within the material body of a living entity
- In other places, the following offenses (to Deity worship) are listed: (k) to apply tilaka to one's forehead in a curved way, (l) to enter the temple without having washed one's feet, (m) to offer the Deity food cooked by an uninitiated person
- In the Brahma-samhita (5.27-28) it is stated: Then Gayatri, mother of the Vedas, having been manifested by the divine sound of Sri Krsna’s flute, entered the lotus mouth of Brahma, the self-born, through his eight earholes
- In the first part of the Gopala-campu the following subject matters are discussed: (9) entering Sri Vrndavana; (10) the killing of Vatsasura, Bakasura and Vyomasura by Krsna; (11) the killing of Aghasura and the bewilderment of Lord Brahma
- In the Ilavrta-varsa, Lord Siva is the only male. There he lives with his wife, Bhavani, who is attended by many maidservants. If any other male enters that province, Bhavani curses him to become a woman
- In the meantime, while Krsna was considering how to stop them, all the cowherd boys entered the mouth of the demon (Aghasura) - SB 10.12.26
- In the next life they (those who do abortions) also enter the womb of a mother and are killed in the same way
- In the second part of the Gopala-campu, known as Uttara-campu, the following subject matters are discussed: (35) the marriage ceremony of Srimati Radharani and Krsna; (36) the meeting of Srimati Radharani and Krsna; and (37) entering Goloka
- In the supplementary Vedic literature, there is the following list of 32 offenses in the matter of serving the Lord: 1) One should not enter the temple of the Deity in a car or palanquin or with shoes on the feet
- In the tract of land known as Ilavrta-varsa, the only male person is Lord Siva, the most powerful demigod. Goddess Durga does not like any man to enter that land. If any foolish man dares to do so, she immediately turns him into a woman
- In the Varaha Purana the following offenses (in Deity worship) are mentioned: (d) to enter the temple without vibrating any sound, (e) to collect food that has been seen by a dog, (f) to break silence while offering worship to the Deity
- In the Vedic civilization, this (materialistic household life) type of crippled life is allowed only until one's fiftieth year, when one must give up family life and enter either the order of vanaprastha or sannyasa
- Indeed, their (Sisupala's and Dantavakra's) tongues were not attacked by white leprosy, nor did they enter the darkest region of hellish life. We are certainly most surprised by this
- India you will find in the bazaars. There is crowd, and the cows enter there, and they eat the vegetables to their heart's content. But he is not punishable. Still the cow is not punishable
- Indra, who has all the mystic powers (the yoga-siddhis such as anima and laghima), entered Diti's womb while she was unconscious, being fast asleep
- Instead of swimming or flying (aquatic birds), they became stunned. They closed their eyes and entered a trance of meditation in worship of Krsna
- Into that universal lotus flower Lord Visnu personally entered as the Supersoul, and when it was thus impregnated with all the modes of material nature, the personality of Vedic wisdom, whom we call the self-born, was generated
- ISKCON tries to perfect one who enters the society. The members of this society should always remember that the society is not like a free hotel
- It appeared that he (the demon) was going to burn all outer space to ashes. The surface of the earth trembled because of his striking steps. When he entered the city of Dvaraka, all the residents panicked, just like animals in a forest fire
- It appears from this verse (SB 3.23.34) that in the beginning Devahuti thought herself to be dirty and dressed in a very niggardly way. When her husband asked her to enter the lake, she saw the maidservants, and they took care of her
- It appears that the muni (Samika Rsi), in whose hermitage the King (Maharaja Pariksit) entered, was in yogic trance
- It appears there is good chance we may get permission for our men to enter Jagannatha Puri temple if we can present the right documents. My idea is that you present the enclosed statement proving our men are bona fide Hindus
- It could be asked, "How could they (The sages) return to the material world if they entered Vaikunthaloka?" But factually they did not enter, and therefore they returned
- It especially enters Goloka Vrndavana-dhama and attracts the minds of the young damsels of Vrajabhumi, bringing them forcibly to where Krsna is present
- It is customary for the priests of temples in India not even to touch outsiders or enter the Deity room after having been touched. This is a very important item in temple worship
- It is difficult, however, for the conditioned soul to enter another body unless the present dead body is annihilated through cremation or some other means
- It is said in a Bengali poem: Even if I see that Lord Nityananda has entered a liquor shop, I shall not be diverted from my conclusion that Nityananda Raya is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- It is said in the Vedic literature that innumerable universes issue forth when Maha-Visnu exhales in His yoga-nidra and that innumerable universes enter His body when He inhales
- It is said that the killers of animals should neither live nor die. If they live only to kill animals and enjoy women, life is not very prosperous. And as soon as a killer dies, he enters the cycle of birth and death in the lower species of life
- It is specifically mentioned here (in SB 9.18.2) that if one enters political life, especially in the modern day, one looses the chance for human perfection
- It is stated that Lord Visnu snatched two hairs - one white and one black - from His head. These two hairs entered the wombs of Rohini and Devaki, members of the Yadu dynasty. Balarama was born from Rohini, and Krsna was born of Devaki
- It is stated that when the male secretion enters the menstrual flux in the uterus in two successive drops, the mother develops two embryos in her womb, and she brings forth twins in a reverse order to that in which they were first conceived
- It is still the practice at the Jagannatha temple not to allow those to enter who do not strictly follow the Vedic culture known as Hinduism
- It is very regrettable that these European and American boys who are purely Vaisnava and who follow all principles are not allowed by the rascals to enter the temple
- It may be said that a doorman's duty is to determine who should be allowed to enter the palace and who should not. But that is not relevant in this matter
- It will be a formal education and they will get degree. It will be open for everyone, including those who have already entered our temples, they may also participate. But, the subject matter should not be different from what is in the temples
- Jagannatha Misra then replied, "In a dream I saw the effulgent abode of the Lord enter my heart
- Junior Haridasa had made his resolution and had thus entered the waters at the confluence of the Yamuna and Ganges. Hearing these details, Srivasa Thakura and the other devotees were very surprised
- Just as a policeman may enter a house without trespassing, a servant has the right to go anywhere, because everything belongs to God. We have to see things in this way, as they are. That is Krsna consciousness
- Just as when a fort is safe when it is defended by a great general, if Krsna is placed in the fort of the mind, there will be no possibility of the enemy entering
- Just like the matter created by the male and female, the jiva soul enters and then the body develops
- Just like we give some reward to the doorman to enter into the room of a great officer, similarly, demigod worship means to get the result very quickly
- Just like you float this airplane; so somebody has entered within it, that driver or pilot. So actually, he is keeping this airplane floating, not the machine. This is simple truth
- Kali-yuga entered after disappearance of Krsna. Pariksit Maharaja was also very vigilant. The Pandavas, they left their kingdom because they could understand that Kali-yuga has already entered
- Kamsa agreed to the logical arguments of Vasudeva, and, having full faith in Vasudeva's words, he refrained from killing his sister. Vasudeva, being pleased with Kamsa, pacified him further and entered his own house - SB 10.1.55
- King Pariksit was thus astonished that the great King Priyavrata, although trained in the principles of naisthika-brahmacarya, entered household life
- Krishna Kirtana is not for earning livelihood. Krishna Kirtana is not meant for entertaining the public for demonstration of arts. It is dynamic service to the Lord
- Krsna & His energy are non-different, yet the energy is not Krsna. The sun & the sunshine are not different, but the sunshine is not the sun. The sunshine may come through our window and enter our room, but this is not to say that the sun is in our room
- Krsna consciousness is not a sectarian religious movement. Rather, it is meant for all-embracing welfare activities for the world. One can enter this movement without discrimination in terms of caste, creed, religion or nationality
- Krsna consciousness movement means to practice in this life how to enter Krsna's family
- Krsna saw that all the cowherd boys, who did not know anyone but Him as their Lord, had now gone out of His hand and were helpless, having entered like straws into the fire of the abdomen of Aghasura, who was death personified - SB 10.12.27
- Krsna says, "As the material elements enter the bodies of all living beings and yet remain outside them all, I exist within all material creations and yet am not within them"
- Laksmana said, "At that time, I entered the arena of competition, and the ankle bells on my legs sounded very melodious as I walked"
- Laksmana said, "The whole city of Dvaraka was profusely decorated on that occasion. There were so many flags and festoons and gates all over Dvaraka that the sunshine could not even enter the city"
- Lighting a lamp, Svarupa Damodara and Govinda entered the room. When they saw the Lord's face, they were filled with sorrow
- Like tigers, jackals and other ferocious animals in a forest that are ready to take away a lamb from the custody of its protector, the wife and children enter the heart of the merchant and plunder him in so many ways
- Lion is supposed to be the king of the forest. Still, he has to work. It is not that a lion will sleep, and some animal will come, "My dear lion, please open your mouth. I shall enter." (laughter) That is not possible
- Lord Baladeva entered that great assembly (of the sages of Naimisaranya), but since Romaharsana-suta was on the vyasasana, he did not get down to offer respect to Lord Baladeva
- Lord Balarama observed that Romaharsana not only refused to come down from his exalted seat but did not even stand up and offer his respects when Balaramaji entered the assembly
- Lord Balarama took the other tusk of the elephant on His shoulder. Accompanied by Their cowherd boyfriends, They entered the arena
- Lord Brahma continued: Those two principal doorkeepers (Jaya and Vijaya) of the Personality of Godhead have now entered the womb of Diti, the powerful semen of Kasyapa Muni having covered them
- Lord Brahma said, "Those two principal doorkeepers of the Personality of Godhead have now entered the womb of Diti, the powerful semen of Kasyapa Muni having covered them"
- Lord Brahma, thus contemplating, entered the water through the channel of the stem of the lotus. But in spite of entering the stem and going nearer to the navel of Visnu, he could not trace out the root
- Lord Caitanya said that an offense to a devotee is just like a mad elephant run loose; when a mad elephant enters a garden, it tramples all the plants
- Lord Krsna persuaded Arjuna not to enter the fire in disgrace. Krsna indicated that since Arjuna was His friend, if he were to enter the fire in hopelessness, indirectly it would be a blemish on Him
- Lord Ramacandra entered the palace of His forefathers. Within the palace were various treasures and valuable wardrobes
- Lord Ramacandra's grief at the news of Sitadevi's entering the earth is not to be considered material
- Lord Sri Krsna, along with His elder brother, Sri Baladeva, and other cowherd boys of the vicinity, entered the beautiful forest, accompanied by the cows, to display transcendental pastimes with His eternal friends
- Lord Vamanadeva continued: O King of the demons, after Lord Visnu made this decision, He entered the body of His enemy Hiranyakasipu, who was running after Him with great force
- Lord Visnu entered the demons as the quality of passion, the demigods as the quality of goodness, and Vasuki as the quality of ignorance to encourage them and increase their various types of strength and energy
- Lord Visnu said, "My dear brahmana, I am very sorry that when you first entered My home I could not receive you properly. It was a great offense on My part, and I beg you to pardon Me"
- Lord Visnu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the enjoyer of all sacrifices, is the time factor and the master of all masters. He enters everyone's heart, He is the support of everyone, and He causes every being to be annihilated by another
- Maharaja Yudhisthira requested Narada to explain (the incident of Sisupala's receiving sayujya-mukti instead of entering hellish life) the cause for such a wonderful event
- Many professional singers used to sing about the glories of King Puranjana and his glorious activities. When it was too hot in the summer, he used to enter a reservoir of water. He would surround himself with many women and enjoy their company
- Marriage is a concession for people who are unable to control their senses. Raghunatha, being an advanced devotee of Krsna, naturally had no desire for sense gratification. Therefore Caitanya Mahaprabhu advised him not to enter the bondage of marriage
- Material scientists give the example that milk turns into curd automatically and that distilled water pouring from the clouds falls down to earth, produces different kinds of trees, and enters different kinds of flowers & fruits with different fragrances
- Minaketana Ramadasa was a great devotee of Lord Nityananda. When he entered the house of Krsnadasa Kaviraja, Gunarnava Misra, the priest who was worshiping the Deity installed in the house, did not receive him very well
- Misunderstanding the Lord, many fools consider themselves incarnations of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but the result is that after leaving the material body they enter the species of jackals
- Mucukunda continued, "When I come back victorious, all subordinate kings may come and offer their respects, but as soon as I enter the inner section of my palace, I myself become an instrument in the hands of the queens"
- Mukunda Datta was once forbidden to enter the association of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu because of his mixing with the Mayavadi impersonalists
- My dear friend, the scent of Krsna's body enchants the entire world. It especially enters the nostrils of women and remains seated there. Thus it captures them and forcibly brings them to Krsna
- My dear friend, when you enter such a body along with the woman of material desires, you become overly absorbed in sense enjoyment. Because of this, you have forgotten your spiritual life
- My dear gentle wife, never enter the water while bathing, never be angry, and do not even speak or associate with wicked people. Never wear clothes that have not been properly washed, and do not put on a garland that has already been worn
- My dear Ksatta, Vidura, the celestial damsels come down to those rivers in their airplanes with their husbands, and after sexual enjoyment, they enter the water and enjoy sprinkling their husbands with water
- Nanda Maharaja could not understand how the inhabitants of his house had allowed Putana to enter the house, nor could he imagine the gravity of the situation
- Nanda said to Yasoda, "Krsna has gone deep into the water, so there is no need to maintain our bodies, which are so full of sinful activities! Let us also enter into the poisonous water of the Yamuna and compensate for the sinful activities of our lives"
- Narada Muni advised the Haryasvas not to enter household life. Since they were already advanced in spiritual knowledge, why should they be entangled in that way?
- No one checked her movement, because of her exquisite beauty and therefore she freely entered the house of Nanda Maharaja. Putana, the killer of many, many children, found baby Krsna lying on a small bed
- No one who was sinful, envious, violent toward other living entities, cunning, falsely proud, lusty or greedy could enter that city (of Indra). The people who lived there were all devoid of these faults
- Now let us discuss the offenses in Deity worship. The following are offenses: (a) to enter the temple with shoes or being carried on a palanquin, (b) not to observe the prescribed festivals, (c) to avoid offering obeisances in front of the Deity
- Now this same sound vibration has entered my ears, and I am always feeling the presence of the Supreme Personality. Gradually I am becoming bereft of all attachment for material enjoyment
- O greatly fortunate and opulent Sukadeva Gosvami, now kindly tell me how human beings may be saved from having to enter hellish conditions in which they suffer terrible pains
- O indefatigable one, when you are sent by the Supreme Personality of Godhead to enter among the soldiers of the Daityas and the Danavas, you stay on the battlefield and unendingly separate their arms, bellies, thighs, legs and heads
- O King Pariksit, as soon as Sudyumna, who was expert in subduing enemies, entered the forest, he saw himself transformed into a female and his horse transformed into a mare
- O King Pariksit, subduer of enemies, the living spark then came forth from Vrtrasura's body and returned home, back to Godhead. While all the demigods looked on, he entered the transcendental world to become an associate of Lord Sankarsana
- O King Rahugana, in this forest of material existence there are six very powerful plunderers. When the conditioned soul enters the forest to acquire some material gain, the six plunderers misguide him
- O King, as the demigods and demons sat facing east in an arena fully decorated with flower garlands and lamps and fragrant with the smoke of incense, that woman, dressed in a most beautiful sari, Her ankle bells tinkling, entered the arena
- O King, Indra first fled to the sky, but there also he saw the woman of personified sin chasing him. This witch followed him wherever he went. At last he very quickly went to the northeast and entered the Manasa-sarovara Lake
- O Muslim mendicant, please come in. The Lord is calling you. Sanatana Gosvami was very pleased to hear this order, and he entered Candrasekhara's house
- O scion of Bharata, after Svayambhuva Manu had thus entered the forest with his wife, he stood on one leg on the bank of the River Sunanda, and in this way, with only one leg touching the earth, he performed great austerities for one hundred years
- Of all kinds of ghosts, the Brahma-raksasas are very powerful. They are brahmanas who after death have entered the ghostly species of life
- Offending or blaspheming a Vaisnava has been described as the greatest offense, and it has been compared to a mad elephant. When a mad elephant enters a garden, it ruins all the creepers, flowers and trees
- Offense at the feet of Vaisnava, is exactly like mad elephant. If a mad elephant enters your garden, then he spoils everything
- Offense by one at the feet of a pure devotee may be likened to the mad elephant who devastates a very good garden if it enters
- On his entering the ocean, the aquatic animals who formed the host of Varuna were stricken with fear and ran far away. Thus Hiranyaksa showed his splendor without dealing a blow
- On his path of ascent, the progressive living entity enters the different worlds of fire, the sun, the day, the end of the day, the bright fortnight, the full moon, and the passing of the sun in the north, along with their presiding demigods
- On these two days of the year (the first day when the sun begins to move north and enter the zodiacal sign of Capricorn and the first day when the sun begins to move south and enter the sign of Cancer), one should perform the sraddha ceremony
- Once a demon named Aristasura entered the village in the form of a great bull with a gigantic body and huge horns, digging up the earth with his hooves. When the demon entered Vrndavana, the whole land appeared to tremble, as if there were an earthquake
- Once at night, while it was raining, a tiger entered the land of the cowshed. Upon seeing the tiger, all the cows, who were lying down, got up in fear and scattered here and there on the land
- Once Maharaja Agnidhra desired to have a son, and therefore he entered a cave of Mandara Mountain to practice austerity. Understanding his desire, Lord Brahma sent a celestial girl named Purvacitti to Agnidhra's hermitage
- Once the Catuhsana Kumaras went to Vaikuntha to visit Narayana, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but they were stopped from entering the palace at the seventh gate by two doorkeepers named Jaya and Vijaya
- Once upon a time, Putana Raksasi, who could move according to her desire and was wandering in outer space, converted herself by mystic power into a very beautiful woman and thus entered Gokula, the abode of Nanda Maharaja - SB 10.6.4
- Once we enter a place, to sit down, then gradually to lay down and occupy everything! So because there is such good possibility there for preaching, especially in the university, then I am recommending that some men must remain there and work very hard
- One can get complete liberation from all the above-mentioned material pangs when one enters into the eternal Brahmaloka sanatana atmosphere, the kingdom of God
- One cowherd boy said, "When the demon known as Vatsasura entered among the calves tended by Krsna with a desire to kill Him, He immediately detected the demon, killed him and threw him into a tree"
- One is forbidden to enter the Deity room or offer anything to the Deity while wearing a shirt or coat
- One is not allowed to enter the room where food is offered to Lord Jagannatha. But in this case, being very eager because of not having seen the Lord for fifteen days, all the people overruled the regulative principles and entered the room
- One is not allowed to enter Vaikuntha unless he has completely developed the good qualities. The basic principle of goodness is to accept subordination to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- One may ask how the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is always situated transcendentally, could enter the womb of Devaki, which had previously been entered by the six asuras, the sad-garbhas?
- One may enter the vanaprastha order of life with his wife, but the vanaprastha order means complete retirement from household life. Although King Yuvanasva retired from family life, he and his wives were always morose because he had no son
- One may see the sunshine entering through a window into his room, but this does not mean that one knows everything about the sun. Impersonal understanding of the Absolute Truth is like that
- One may stay in whichever asrama is suitable for him; it is not essential that one take sannyasa. If one is sexually agitated, he can enter the grhastha-asrama. But one must continue fighting
- One must leave his family life and enter the forest after the age of fifty. This is an authoritative statement of the Vedas, based on the division of social life into four departments of activity - brahmacarya, grhastha, vanaprastha and sannyasa
- One should enter the renounced order with full knowledge (jnana-vairagya), for the perfection of life is possible for one who renounces this material world in that way. This elevated stage can be reached very easily, as supported by the statements of SB
- One should enter the temple after taking a bath. In other words, one should be very clean. (4) One should not offer obeisances to the Lord with one hand
- One should not avoid bowing down before the Deity. 4) One should not enter the temple to worship the Lord without having washed his hands and feet after eating. 5) One should not enter the temple in a contaminated state
- One should not belch before the Deity. So, until one has fully digested his food, he should not enter the temple. 19) One should not smoke marijuana or ganja. 20) One should not take opium or similar intoxicants
- One should not enter the Deity room or touch the body of the Deity after having smeared oil over his body. 22) One should not show disrespect to a scripture teaching about the supremacy of the Lord
- One should not enter the temple after seeing a dead body. 15) One should not pass air within the temple. 16) One should not be angry within the temple. 17) One should not enter the temple after visiting a crematorium
- One should not touch a woman during her menstrual period. 12) One should not enter the temple after touching a dead body. 13) One should not enter the temple wearing garments of red or blue color, or which are unwashed
- One should not touch the Deity before he has completed taking bath. 28) One should not decorate his forehead with the three-lined tilaka. 29) One should not enter the temple without washing his hands and feet
- One should not touch the Deity in a dark room. 2) One should not fail to strictly follow the rules and regulations in worshiping the Deity. 3) One should not enter the temple of the Deity without first making some sound
- One who absolutely requires it is allowed to enter grhastha life, or household life, which is also regulated by the sastras and guru. Yudhisthira Maharaja could understand all this
- One who enters the householder's life can execute the duties of a family man because he has already been trained for this job in the brahmacarya-asrama
- One who enters the transcendental pastimes of the Lord is called nitya-lila-pravista
- Only after realizing that we are not these bodies can we enter into real knowledge and understand what we actually are. This then, is the beginning of knowledge
- Only one who is properly initiated, who is properly following the rules and regulations, can enter and touch the Deity - not all
- Our Krishna consciousness movement is to educate people how to re-enter the family of Krishna and thus become eternally happy and blissful
- Out of humility they (Srila Rupa Gosvami and Srila Sanatana Gosvami) did not enter the temple of Jagannatha, although the Personality of Godhead, Jagannatha, in His form of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, personally came to see them every day
- Out of many, many human beings who awaken, there may be one who actually enters the spirit of understanding his position, and for him this Bhagavad-gita is spoken. BG 1972 Introduction
- Pariksit Maharaja was hunting, and when he became tired and thirsty he entered in the hermitage home of a sage. Because in those days in the jungles there were many hermitages
- Pariksit, due to his natural affection for Krsna as a devotee of God, was always executing his royal duties on behalf of the Lord, and as a responsible king of the world he was always careful to see that the influence of Kali would not enter his kingdom
- People generally go to the Ganges to be purified of the effects of sinful life, but here is an example of how foolish persons enter the Ganges to become involved in sinful life. It is not that everyone becomes purified by entering the Ganges
- Persecuted by the demoniac kings, the Yadavas left their own kingdom and entered various others, like those of the Kurus, Pancalas, Kekayas, Salvas, Vidarbhas, Nisadhas, Videhas and Kosalas - SB 10.2.3
- Prahlada Maharaja said, My Lord, I have no personal problems, for I have learned how to glorify Your transcendental qualities and thus enter a trance of ecstasy
- Prior to the Lord's acceptance of the renounced order, Purusottama Bhattacarya, a resident of Navadvipa, desired to enter the renounced order of life. Therefore he left home & went to Benares, where he accepted the position of brahmacarya from a Mayavadi
- Priyavrata might argue that Lord Brahma was requesting him to accept family life and the responsibility for ruling a kingdom, although Narada Muni had advised him not to enter household life and be entangled in material affairs
- Putana entered the county of Gokula, the residential quarter of Nanda Maharaja, without permission. Dressing herself just like a beautiful woman, she entered the house of Mother Yasoda
- Radharani continued, "By nature loving affairs are very crooked. They are not entered with sufficient knowledge, nor do they consider whether a place is suitable or not, nor do they look forward to the results"
- Radharani continued, "Topics about Krsna are like waves of nectar. If such nectar does not enter one's ear, the ear is no better than the hole of a damaged conchshell. Such an ear is created for no purpose"
- Rahu had been drinking nectar through his mouth, & before the nectar entered his body, his head was cut off. Thus his head remained alive whereas the body died. This wonderful act performed by the God was meant to show that nectar is miraculous ambrosia
- Rahu, the demon who causes eclipses of the sun and moon, covered himself with the dress of a demigod and thus entered the assembly of the demigods and drank nectar without being detected by anyone, even by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Ramananda Raya inquired, "By which subdivision of style do the players enter?" Rupa Gosvami then began to speak specifically about this subject
- Rudra, having been ordered by Brahma, circumambulated his father, the master of the Vedas. Addressing him with words of assent, he entered the forest to perform austere penances
- Sanatana Gosvami and Haridasa Thakura, thinking themselves mlecchas and yavanas because of their past association with Muslims, did not enter the temple or even travel on the path in front of the temple gate
- Sankaracarya gives further, more, that brahma-nirvana that, "You become desireless of this material world, but you enter, merge into Brahman." That is called brahma-nirvana
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya permitted all the devotees to enter his house, and upon seeing Nityananda Prabhu, the Bhattacarya offered Him obeisances
- She (Gandhari) left home after losing her one hundred sons, and in the forest she saw that her most beloved husband was also burning. Now she actually felt alone, and therefore she entered the fire of her husband and followed her husband to death
- She (mother Yasoda) saw that Krsna was stealing butter, and thus she smiled. Meanwhile, the crows also entered the room and came out in fear. Thus mother Yasoda found Krsna stealing butter and very anxiously looking here and there
- She (Queen Arci) circumambulated the (funeral pyre) fire and, while thinking of the lotus feet of her husband (King Prthu), entered its flames
- She then reached her father's house, where the sacrifice was being performed, and entered the arena where everyone was chanting the Vedic hymns
- Since he was born in a Muslim family, Srila Haridasa Thakura could not enter the temple of Jagannatha due to temple restrictions. Nonetheless, he was recognized by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu as Namacarya Haridasa Thakura
- Since Narada Muni instructed the King (Priyavrata) fully on this subject, why did he again enter household life, which is the main cause of material bondage
- Since that time, no male had entered that forest. But now King Sudyumna, having been transformed into a female, began to walk with his associates from one forest to another
- Some of the soldiers pulled down the pillars which were supporting the pandal of sacrifice, some of them entered the female quarters, some began destroying the sacrificial arena, and some entered the kitchen and the residential quarters
- Sometimes a saintly person is misunderstood by grhasthas, especially when he instructs their young sons to accept Krsna consciousness. Generally a grhastha thinks that unless one enters grhastha life he cannot properly enter the renounced order
- Sometimes great sages and ascetics enter the Himalaya Mountains in order to find seclusion from the turmoil of the world. It appears that all the Pracetas, the sons of Pracinabarhi, entered the depths of the ocean to perform austerity in a secluded place
- Sometimes he enters the forest to acquire some cheap commodities like wood and earth and sell them in the city at good prices. Similarly, the conditioned soul, being greedy, enters this material world for some material profit
- Sometimes so-called brahmanas do not recognize our European and American disciples as devotees or brahmanas, and some brahmanas are so proud that they do not allow them to enter temples
- Sometimes Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's hands, legs and head would all enter within His body, just like the withdrawn limbs of a tortoise
- Sometimes the living entity is forced to give up his body and enter another one according to the judgment of Yamaraja
- Sometimes these pure devotees, who have been accepted by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, are not allowed to enter certain temples in India
- Sri Balarama expressed His desire to remain in Mithila City for some days because He enjoyed an intimate friendship with the King. Therefore, Krsna returned to Dvaraka, and Balarama entered the city of Mithila
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "The gopis entered the arena of the rasa dance in ecstasy, but after hearing Krsna's words of negligence and detachment, they understood that He was going to renounce them. Thus they began to chastise Him in anger"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu warned His devotees not to commit vaisnava-aparadha, which He described as the mad elephant offense. When a mad elephant enters a beautiful garden, it destroys everything, leaving a barren field
- Sridhara Svami said, "As the cause of all causes, You (The Supreme Lord) have entered my body as the Supersoul, and I have the prerogative of enjoying the supreme blissful life of knowledge along with You"
- Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura said, My Dear Vaisnava Thakura, Spiritual Master, let me become your dog, and I shall remain at your door, and I shall guard against any nonsense persons trying to enter
- Srila Suta Gosvami said: Let me offer my respectful obeisances unto that great sage (Sukadeva Gosvami) who can enter the hearts of all
- Such a perfect devotee offers respects to every living entity because he is under the firm conviction that the Supreme Personality of Godhead has entered the body of every living entity as the Supersoul, or controller
- Such a privilege (instead of entering hellish life, receiving sayujya-mukti) had been offered to Sisupala was not merely a story. Everyone saw it happen; there was no scarcity of evidence. How did it happen? Maharaja Yudhisthira was very much surprised
- Such topics can cut off one's bondage to family affection simply by entering the holes of one's ears
- Sukadeva Gosvami continued: Having been addressed in purity by Devaki and Vasudeva, who were very much appeased, Kamsa felt pleased, and with their permission he entered his home - SB 10.4.28
- Sukadeva Gosvami continued: O King, in accordance with the order of their master, Bali Maharaja, all the chiefs of the demons and the Daityas entered the lower regions of the universe, to which they were driven by the soldiers of Visnu
- Sukadeva Gosvami had already explained how people enter hellish life, and he could also explain how they could be saved from it. Intelligent men must take advantage of these instructions
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: After renouncing his prosperous home and entering the forest, King Vidura, the great devotee, asked this question of His Grace Maitreya Rsi
- Sukadeva Gosvami tells Pariksit: "The gopis would meditate on Krsna's dressing Himself just like a dancing actor and entering the forest of Vrndavana, marking the ground with His footprints"
- Sunshine enters your room. Sunshine is the energy of the sun. But because the sunshine enters your room, you cannot say that the sun has entered
- Suppose a person enters into a room; that does not mean that the room has become that person. Similarly, that the Supreme Lord has entered into each of the 8,400,000 types of material bodies does not mean that each of these bodies has become Supreme Lord
- Suppose you are destined to occupy some room, and somebody does not allow you to enter that room, is it not criminal?
- Supreme Personality of Godhead has entered this cosmic manifestation in the form of His plenary expansion and caused the creation, the Vaisnava philosophers see everything in this material world in relationship with the Supreme Lord
- Svayambhuva Manu, the husband of Satarupa, was by nature not at all attached to enjoyment of the senses. Thus he gave up his kingdom of sense enjoyment and entered the forest with his wife to practice austerities
- That is the real purpose of married life; to live together peacefully, execute Krishna Consciousness, bring up children in Krishna Consciousness, so they will not again have to enter into this world of birth and death
- The balance of your lifetime still remains because you died untimely. Therefore you may reenter your body and enjoy the remainder of your life, surrounded by your friends and relatives. Accept the royal throne and all the opulences given by your father
- The body of the Lord was just like a field of sugarcane into which the mad elephants of ecstasy entered. There was a fight amongst the elephants, and in the process the entire field of sugarcane was destroyed
- The boys did not know this (that the serpent was a demon), however, and thus while Krsna was planning how to stop the destruction of His intimate friends, all the boys along with their calves entered the mouth of the serpent. But Krsna did not enter
- The brahmacari is then (after understanding the values of life along with taking specific training for a livelihood) allowed to go home and enter householder life and get married to a suitable woman
- The brahmana (Sudama) was surprised to see his wife so beautiful, and in great affection and without saying a word he entered the palace with her
- The brahmana entered one palace which was very gorgeously decorated. When he entered this beautiful palace, he felt that he was swimming in the ocean of transcendental pleasure. He felt himself constantly diving and surfacing in that transcendental ocean
- The brahmana replied, "I have no reason to live. I shall give up my life by entering either fire or water"
- The bushes are very dense, and we will not be able to enter the jungle. Therefore take choppers and spades to clear the way
- The conception that the Transcendence enters within the universe is logical
- The conclusion is that the next body is already determined by superior control. The living entity immediately gives up the present body and enters another
- The conditioned living entities who wish to enjoy and not serve are given a chance within Devi-dhama to seek liberation. Some of them enter Hari-dhama, some of them enter Mahesa-dhama, and some of them remain within Devi-dhama
- The conditioned soul becomes very morose to receive notice of death. His fear is compared to the fear experienced upon entering a dark mountain cave, and death is compared to a great elephant
- The conditioned souls are wandering throughout the different planets of the universe, entering various species of life
- The cowherd boys all depend on Krsna. Once they wanted to take fruit from a forest of palm trees, but there was a demon named Gardabhasura who would not allow anyone to enter that forest
- The creator is Parabrahman. Matter is not only subordinate to spirit but is actually created on the basis of spirit. When the spirit soul enters the womb of a mother, the body is created by material ingredients supplied by the mother
- The demigod agreed and also gave him the benediction that he would be able to take complete rest. Then King Mucukunda entered the cave of the mountain
- The descendants of the kingly orders are definitely designated as watchdogs, and they must keep themselves at the door. On what grounds can dogs enter the house and claim to dine with the master on the same plate?
- The devotee, thus surpassing the gross and the subtle forms of coverings, enters the plane of egoism. And in that status he merges the material modes of nature (ignorance and passion) in this point of neutralization and thus reaches egoism in goodness
- The doormen (Jaya and Vijaya), who were also devotees, could understand the punishment meted out to them, for they were conscious of the great offense they had committed by not allowing the sages (four Kumaras) to enter Vaikunthaloka
- The elements were created first, and therefore they entered into the bodily construction later, but in both circumstances they entered the cosmos and also did not enter
- The example given by Jiva Gosvami is that a green bird that enters a green tree appears to merge in the color of greenness, but actually the bird does not lose its individuality
- The example given here (in SB 7.1.28-29) concerns the grassworm that becomes beelike because of constantly thinking of the bee that forces it to enter a hole. By always thinking of the bee in fear, the grassworm starts to become a bee
- The faint illumination of knowledge that appears at first is certain to lead to full enlightenment, but we have to be patient. We must carefully avoid letting pride enter our hearts because of some initial perceptions of the inconceivable Absolute
- The fire-god used to bring him his share of all yajnas, but because the fire-god was afraid to enter the water, Indra was practically starving
- The first body (of Marut) was one, and when it was cut into many pieces, many other living entities entered the new bodies
- The first day when the sun begins to move north and enter the zodiacal sign of Capricorn is called Makara-sankranti, and the first day when the sun begins to move south and enter the sign of Cancer is called Karkata-sankranti
- The first day when the sun begins to move south and enter the sign of Cancer is called Karkata-sankranti
- The first thing is that nobody should enter my room for any other purpose except cleansing. Nobody can stay there or sleep there or anything
- The fragrance of Krsna's body is more maddening than the aroma of musk, and it surpasses the fragrance of the bluish lotus flower. It enters the nostrils of all the women of the world and, making a nest there, thus attracts them
- The gardener must defend the creeper by fencing it all around so that the powerful elephant of offenses may not enter
- The gate of Mathura was made of first-class marble, very well constructed, and the doors were made of pure gold. There were gorgeous orchards and gardens all around, and the whole city was encircled by canals so that no enemy could enter very easily
- The goats, cows & buffalo traveled from one forest to another & entered the forest known as Isikatavi. This forest was full of green grass, & therefore they were allured; but when they entered, they saw that there was a forest fire, & they began to cry
- The god of death entered His anus with the organ of defecation, but the virat-purusa could not be spurred to activity. The god Indra entered the hands with their power of grasping and dropping things, but the virat-purusa would not get up even then
- The god of fire entered His mouth with the organ of speech, but the virat-purusa could not be aroused. Then the god of wind entered His nostrils with the sense of smell, but still the virat-purusa refused to be awakened
- The god predominating over water entered His (the virat-purusa's) organ of generation with the faculty of procreation, but the virat-purusa still would not rise
- The gopis said: O friends, those eyes that see the beautiful faces of the sons of Maharaja Nanda are certainly fortunate. As these two sons enter the forest, surrounded by Their friends, driving the cows before Them
- The great sage Maitreya told Vidura: When the King entered his city, it was very beautifully decorated to receive him with pearls, flower garlands, beautiful cloth and golden gates, and the entire city was perfumed with highly fragrant incense
- The great sage Narada continued: My dear King, those two - the man and the woman - supporting one another through mutual understanding, entered that city and enjoyed life for one hundred years
- The great sage Narada entered one of these houses and saw that the pillars were made of coral and the ceilings were bedecked with jewels
- The great sage Narada said: My dear Haryasvas, you have not seen the extremities of the earth. There is a kingdom where only one man lives and where there is a hole from which, having entered, no one emerges
- The impersonalist Mayavadis, they undergo severe austerities, penances, and rise up to the Brahma effulgence, becomes merged into it, but again falls down. Just like the spark: it enters the flame of the fire, but there is again chance of falling down
- The import of the words mugdha iva is that although Krsna knows everything, here (in SB 10.11.42) He pretended that He did not understand why the demon (Vatsasura) had entered among the calves, and He informed Baladeva by a sign
- The incarnation of the goddess of fortune known as Godadevi or Sri Andal was one of the twelve Alvars, liberated persons known as divya-suris. She was married to the Deity of Lord Sri Ranganatha, and later she entered into the body of the Lord
- The Institute will be primarily for those who have not entered our temples
- The Jagannatha temple still accepts only those Hindus who are in the varnasrama order. Other castes, especially those who are not Hindu, are not allowed to enter the temple. This is a long-standing regulation
- The King (Nrga) continued, "In spite of all this, unfortunately one of the brahmanas' cows that I had given in charity chanced to enter amongst my other cows. Not knowing this, I again gave it in charity, to another brahmana"
- The Kumaras entered all the six doors of the palace, and no one checked them; therefore when they attempted to enter the seventh door and were forbidden by the doormen, who checked them with their sticks, they naturally became very angry and sorrowful
- The Kurma Purana states that this shadowy Sita was placed into a fire as a test of chastity. It was Maya-sita who entered the fire and the real Sita who came out of the fire
- The living being has attachment for the present body and does not want to enter another, and thus in the interim he remains a ghost
- The living entity becomes so helpless at the time of death that, although unwilling, he is forced to give up the body and enter another
- The living entity enters the material creation with the aid of the five elements - earth, water, fire, air and ether - and thus his body is formed
- The living entity is the son of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and because he wants to enjoy this material world, the Supreme Lord gives him a chance to enter various bodies
- The living entity's entering the state of liberation may be compared to a bird entering a tree, or an animal entering the forest, or a plane entering the sky. In no case is identity lost
- The living entity, after entering a womb of a mother, also collects his gross and subtle bodies, taking ingredients from the totality of sky, air, fire, water and earth
- The Lord asked, "How did you enter the room? Why didn't you go out to take your lunch in the same way"
- The Lord has created this universe from His own spiritual potency. According to His desire, the Lord entered this universe as the Supersoul, and by virtue of His different potencies, He is maintaining all living entities desiring material enjoyment
- The Lord is always anxious to serve sages like the Kumaras, but in spite of knowing this fact, the doormen (Jaya and Vijaya), astonishingly and outrageously, prohibited them from entering
- The Lord was sitting in a lonely place just about to disappear from the vision of the inhabitants of this universe, and Uddhava was fortunate to see Him even at that time and thus receive the Lord's permission to enter Vaikuntha
- The Maha-visnu, into whom all the innumerable universes enter and from whom they come forth again simply by His breathing process, is a plenary expansion of Krsna
- The material creation is meant for fulfilling the desire of the Lord, and His desire is that the conditioned souls who are unfit to enter into the kingdom of God have a chance to improve their conditions for entering
- The moon and sun were always alert in regard to Rahu. When Rahu entered the assembly of the demigods, the moon and sun immediately detected him, and then the Supreme Personality of Godhead also became aware of him
- The nine Yogendras entered Lord Brahma's association and heard from him the real meaning of the topmost Vedic literatures, the Upanisads
- The ocean entered His abdomen with hunger and thirst, but the Cosmic Being refused to rise even then. The moon-god entered His heart with the mind, but the Cosmic Being would not be roused
- The palace in which Usa and Citralekha lived was so well fortified that it was impossible for any male to either enter or see inside
- The perfection of all sound or knowledge enters through the ear and makes one's life perfect
- The Personality of Godhead and His holy name, qualities, etc., are all identical. The personality of Kali was not able to enter the jurisdiction of the earth due to the presence of the Personality of Godhead
- The Personality of Godhead, after entering the universe, creates the cosmic manifestations one after another
- The personality of Kali had entered the jurisdiction of this earth long ago, and he was looking for an opportunity to spread his influence all over the world. But he could not do so satisfactorily due to the presence of Maharaja Pariksit
- The personality of Kali was not able to enter the jurisdiction of the earth due to the presence of the Personality of Godhead
- The personified Vedas continued, "No one can estimate how much the living entity is degraded by entering abominable species of life such as cats and dogs"
- The predominating deities of the skin, herbs and seasoning plants entered the skin of the virat-purusa with the hair of the body, but the Cosmic Being refused to get up even then
- The priests of the temple (of Ekacakra-grama) describe that Lord Nityananda Prabhu entered within the body of Bankima Raya and that the deity of Jahnava-mata was therefore later placed on the right side of Bankima Raya
- The prince, just entering upon his youth, was very beautiful. He was blackish in complexion and had large lotus eyes
- The process of hearing and chanting enters the core of the heart, and in this way one becomes a pure devotee
- The regulative principles such as rising before four, chanting 16 rounds, like that, if these things are not strictly observed then maya will enter & spoil everything. So my best advice to you is to strictly observe these things
- The residents of Brahmaloka do not have gross material bodies to change at death, but they transform their subtle bodies into spiritual bodies and thus enter the spiritual sky
- The sage said: Do not be disappointed with yourself, O princess. You are actually praiseworthy. The infallible Supreme Personality of Godhead will shortly enter your womb as your son
- The sages (four Kumaras), therefore, were surprised to see that the two doormen (Jaya and Vijaya) who checked them from entering the palace were not exactly like the residents of Vaikunthaloka
- The sages, headed by Sanaka, had opened doors everywhere. They had no idea of "ours" & "theirs." With open minds, they entered the seventh door out of their own will, just as they had passed through the six other doors, which were made of gold & diamonds
- The shores of the ocean are set; they have certain limits. However, the ocean of bliss is constantly increasing. The more we enter into that spiritual bliss, the more we become joyful
- The Siddhas prayed: Like an elephant that has suffered in a forest fire but can forget all its troubles by entering a river, our minds, O Lord, always merge in the nectarean river of Your transcendental pastimes
- The sky enters everything material, yet it is far away from us
- The sleeping man can be awakened simply by this process, allowing the sound to enter the ear. By no other process
- The social classes can be further characterized as follows: (2) He who has taken to displaying force and entering government administration is called a ksatriya
- The son of Vijaya was Bharuka, Bharuka's son was Vrka, and Vrka's son was Bahuka. The enemies of King Bahuka took away all his possessions, and therefore the King entered the order of vanaprastha and went to the forest with his wife
- The specific significance of the (Sudharma) assembly house was that anyone who entered it would be freed from the six kinds of material pangs, namely hunger, thirst, lamentation, illusion, old age and death
- The spirit soul does not need to enter such temporary bodies. He does so only due to his ignorance or his forgetfulness of Krsna
- The street dog at night he takes charge of the street. Nobody has appointed him, but he takes charge, and whole night, "Gow! Gow!" If somebody, new man, enters the neighborhood, - I am in charge
- The sun-god entered the eyes of the virat-purusa with the sense of sight, but still the virat-purusa did not get up. Similarly, the predominating deities of the directions entered through His ears with the sense of hearing, but still He did not get up
- The sun-god is also known as Vairaja, the total material body for all living entities. Because he entered this dull egg of the universe at the time of creation, he is also called Martanda
- The Supersoul coming out of the body enters the impersonal brahma-jyotir; then in His form He remains in His spiritual identity. That Supreme is called the Supreme Personality
- The Supersoul coming out of the body enters the impersonal brahmajyoti; then in His form He remains in His spiritual identity. That Supreme is called the Supreme Personality. BG 1972 purports
- The Supreme Lord enters the material cosmos and causes creation, maintenance and destruction in their due course, whereas the part-and-parcel living entity enters the material elements and has his material body created for him
- The Supreme Lord P of G is Himself this cosmos, & still He is aloof from it. From Him only has this cosmic manifestation emanated, in Him it rests, & unto Him it enters after annihilation. Your good self knows all about this. I have given only a synopsis
- The Supreme Lord Personality of Godhead is Himself this cosmos, and still He is aloof from it. From Him only has this cosmic manifestation emanated, in Him it rests, and unto Him it enters after annihilation
- The swan often takes pleasure in entering the stem of the lotus flower-similarly, the mind of the pure devotee is drawn to the lotus feet of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- The system of bhakti-yoga makes one eligible to enter Hari-dhama, the system of jnana-yoga makes one eligible to enter Mahesa-dhama
- The Tamraparni, also known as the Purunai, flows through Tirunelveli before entering the Bay of Bengal. The Tamraparni River is also mentioned in Srimad-Bhagavatam - SB 11.5.39
- The time was there some years ago when Australia would not allow any colored men to enter, but now you have allowed Caitanya Mahaprabhu to enter Australia and inundated the whole country with Hari Nama Sankirtana
- The total material energy never actually enters the creation. Similarly, although You (Krsna) are perceived by our senses because of Your presence, You cannot be perceived by the senses, nor experienced by the mind or words - SB 10.3.15-17
- The two eyes of the gigantic form of the Lord were separately manifested. The sun, the director of light, entered them with the partial representation of eyesight, and thus the living entities can have vision of forms
- The upakurvana-brahmacari, is a brahmacari who takes the vow of celibacy up to a certain age. For example, he may take the vow to remain celibate up to twenty-five years of age; then, with the permission of his spiritual master, he enters married life
- The Vedic activities are so designed that the conditioned soul who has come to enjoy the material world may do so under direction so that at the end he becomes detached from such material enjoyment and is eligible to enter into the transcendental position
- The vibration of His flute is just like a bird that creates a nest within the ears of the gopis and always remains prominent there, not allowing any other sound to enter their ears
- The vithi beginning of a drama consists of only one scene. In that scene, one of the heroes enters the stage, and by means of opposing statements uttered by a voice from the sky (offstage), he introduces the abundant conjugal mellow to some degree
- The warriors of the Kuru dynasty (Karna, Sala, Bhuri, Yajnaketu, Duryodhana and Bhismadeva) accepted their great victory and took their daughter, Laksmana, away from him (Samba). Thereafter, they entered the city of Hastinapura in great triumph
- The water that comes from the sea forms clouds, the clouds fall down as rain, and the actual goal is to flow down the river and again enter the sea
- The word atma-jyotih is significant. The brahma-jyotir, which is greatly appreciated by jnanis, or monistic philosophers who desire to enter it for liberation, is nothing but the rays of the Lord's body
- Their (of the scientists) attempts will be failures because no one can enter the moon or sun so easily. Like the attack of Rahu, such attempts will certainly be failures
- Their (sahajiya's) association changes the transcendental devotional service of Lord Krsna into sense gratification, and when sense gratification enters the mind of a devotee, he is contaminated
- Then Govinda spread the Lord's wrapper over His body and in this way entered the room by crossing over the Lord
- Then Lord Brahma became a calf and Lord Visnu a cow, and at noon they entered the residences and drank all the nectar in the well
- Then Srivasa Thakura related the details of Haridasa’s decision and his entering the waters at the confluence of the Ganges and Yamuna
- Then they (the members of the higher castes) were allowed to enter household life. There have consequently been many instances in which great kings and emperors have given up household life
- There are 8,400,000 different forms of life, and we are finishing one body, entering another body. Tatha dehantara-praptih (BG 2.13). Krsna says. Either you have to reject Krsna's word or you have to reject all this so-called scientific research
- There are thirty-five items of devotional service: (16) entering the temple of the Lord, (17) circumambulating the temple of the Lord, (18) reading prayers, (19) vibrating hymns, (20) performing sankirtana, or congregational chanting
- There are thirty-two offenses to the Deity that should be avoided. (1) One should not enter the temple in a vehicle. Shoes and slippers should be removed before entering the temple. (2) One should offer obeisances as soon as he sees the Deity
- There in the north, at the bottom of Mount Meru, is a forest known as Sukumara where Lord Siva always enjoys with Uma. Sudyumna entered that forest
- There is a bila, or hole, from which, having entered, one does not return. The Haryasvas understood the meaning of this allegory. Hardly once has a person who has entered the lower planetary system called Patala been seen to return
- There is no death. Death means I give up this body, enter the womb of another mother's body
- There is no difference between Krsna's body and Narayana's body. Therefore although they (Jaya and Vijaya) visibly entered the body of Krsna, they actually reentered Vaikunthaloka as the doorkeepers of Lord Visnu
- There is no problem for us. Even if we do not enter the temple (in Jagannatha Puri), that is no problem. But if we can start a nice temple, people will come, the same thing as in Vrndavana
- Thereafter the legs of the gigantic form separately became manifest, and the demigod named Visnu (not the Personality of Godhead) entered with partial movement. This helps the living entity move to his destination
- Thereafter the materialistic ego of the gigantic form separately manifested itself, and into it entered Rudra, the controller of false ego, with his own partial activities, by which the living entity transacts his objective actions
- Thereupon, just to please his wife, Lord Siva said, "Any male entering this place shall immediately become a female"
- These man made borders of land are disturbances in the Law of the Lord. All lands belong to Krishna and as servant of Krishna we have every right to enter any land
- These rascal pasandis disagree with us so vehemently that some of them do not allow European and American Vaisnavas to enter the temples of Visnu
- They (Four Kumaras) went to visit the Lord of Vaikuntha-loka in the spiritual sky, and when they bowed down before the Lord, the aroma of the tulasi, mixed with saffron, entered their nostrils and immediately attracted their minds
- They (the boys) wanted to enjoy the sport of entering the demon's (Aghasura's) mouth and being saved by Krsna, the enemy of Bakasura
- They (the four Kumaras) were not at all duplicitous, and they entered the doors exactly as little children enter places without any idea of what it is to trespass. That is a child's nature. A child can enter any place, and no one checks him
- They (the inhabitants of Gokula) entered Vrndavana, where it is always pleasing to live in all seasons. They made a temporary place to inhabit by placing their bullock carts around them in the shape of a half moon - SB 10.11.35
- They (those) who are intelligent take to the devotional service of the Lord so that they can ultimately penetrate the covering of this universe and enter the spiritual kingdom
- Thieves may enter the house of a rich man to steal money at the risk of their lives. Because of trespassing, they may be killed by guns or attacked by watchdogs, but still they try to commit burglary
- This chapter describes why Kaliya entered the River Yamuna after leaving his home, Nagalaya, one of the dvipas, which according to some corresponds to the Fiji Islands
- This hexatom is visible in the sunshine which enters through the holes of a window screen. One can clearly see that the hexatom goes up towards the sky
- This is all Krsna's property. So long He likes, we shall remain. That's all. I know that. (laughs) Just like we entered Bhaktivedanta Manor without any arrangement. I know that so long Krsna will like, we shall...
- This Krsna consciousness movement means to become trained up sufficiently how to enter Krsna's great family. In Krsna's family there is no sannyasi. Have you seen, anyone, a sannyasi in Vrndavana? At least in the books?
- This material body acts due to the presence of spirit because of Him, & He is therefore the root cause of everyone. He is worshipable for such exalted persons as Brahma & Siva, and He has entered the heart of every living being. Let me meditate upon Him
- This material world is existing on one plenary portion of Krsna. If Krsna didn't enter this universe, it could not exist. Similarly, unless the spirit soul, which is a fragmental portion of Krsna, enters this body, this body cannot exist
- This plundering of our possessions and life-span begins with the day of our birth. One day will come when death will finish everything, and the living entity will have to enter another body to begin another chapter of life and again begin the cycle
- This practice had to be stopped, but even today there are still some solitary cases where a wife will voluntarily enter the fire and die with her husband. Even after 1940 we personally knew of a chaste wife who died in this way
- This restriction, that unless one has acquired the brahminical qualifications one should not read the Vedic literatures, is like the restriction that a law student should not enter a law college unless he has been graduated from all lower grades
- This time the living entity was supposed to have been the son of Maharaja Citraketu and Queen Krtadyuti because according to the laws of nature he had entered a body made by the King and Queen. Actually, however, he was not their son
- This time when the Lord lay down, He occupied the entire doorway. Govinda could not enter the room, and therefore he made the following request
- Those who are servants of Krsna, the Supreme Lord, are not interested in any planets in this material world because they know that on whatever planet one enters in the material sky, the four principles of birth, old age, disease, and death are present
- Those who enter impersonally into the brahma-jyotir can remain there for some time in full knowledge that they are now merged homogeneously with Brahman, but they cannot have that eternal ananda, bliss, because that part is wanting
- Those who have worshiped Garbhodakasayi Visnu are liberated with Brahma, and those who are pure devotees of the Personality of Godhead at once push through the covering of the universe and enter the spiritual sky
- Those who recognized the Lord (during the battle of Kuruksetra) would enter Vaikuntha, and those who estimated the Lord as only a powerful being would attain salvation by merging into the spiritual existence of the impersonal brahmajyoti of the Lord
- Those who were thought unfit to enter the Jagannatha temple were daily visited by Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and this indicates that Caitanya Mahaprabhu did not approve of the prohibitions
- Through the hole, the pure water of the Causal Ocean entered this universe as the Ganges River. Having washed the lotus feet of the Lord, which are covered with reddish powder, the water of the Ganges acquired a very beautiful pink color
- Thus Raghunatha dasa thought deeply about how to escape, and one night while he was sleeping on the Durga-mandapa, the priest Yadunandana Acarya entered the house when only four dandas remained until the end of the night
- To avoid turmoil, three great personalities - Haridasa Thakura, Srila Rupa Gosvami and Srila Sanatana Gosvami - did not enter the temple of Jagannatha
- To avoid unnecessary turmoil these great personalities (Srila Haridasa Thakura, Srila Rupa Gosvami and Srila Sanatana Gosvami) would not enter the Jagannatha temple
- To come to your country one has to prepare to take the visa, the passport, the permission - so many things. Not that all of a sudden he comes and enters. So if it is not possible within this planet, how you're expecting that you go to the moon planet
- To enter the association of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one has to understand Krsna. The process of understanding Krsna is devotional service
- To enter the city of Pragjyotisa-pura was not a very easy task, because it was very well fortified. First of all, there were four strongholds guarding the four directions of the city, which was well protected on all sides by formidable military strength
- To enter the darkest region of material existence means to enter into a species of life other than the human species
- To practice the regulative principles of bhakti-yoga one should, under the guidance of spiritual master, follow certain principles: one should rise early in the morning, take bath, enter the temple and offer prayers and chant Hare Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Trained in spiritual understanding as a brahmacari before entering household life
- Tyaktva deham punar janma naiti mam eti: (BG 4.9) the soul does not enter the womb of a material mother again, but is transferred back home, back to Godhead. This yoga, bhakti-yoga, is the highest yoga system
- Uddhava entered the house of Nanda Maharaja and was received as a representative of Vasudeva. Nanda Maharaja offered him a sitting place and sat down with him to ask about messages from Krsna, Balarama and other family members in Mathura
- Ultimately everyone will come to Krsna. Not Krsna consciousness, but Krsna. At the end of this world, devastation, they enter into the body of Krsna. They remain there
- Unfortunately there are many fools and rascals in India who do not allow Western Vaisnavas to enter certain temples. Such rascals do not clearly understand the Vedas. As stated previously, yan-namadheya-sravananukirtanad . . . savanaya kalpate
- Unfortunately they (so-called artists and poets) do not understand the transcendental affairs of Radha and Krsna even to the smallest degree. They are simply meddling in a matter in which they are not fit even to enter
- Unknown to them (the cowherd boys), it was actually Aghasura, a demon who had appeared as a python. Krsna, knowing this, wanted to forbid His associates to enter the demon's mouth - SB 10.12.25
- Unless one becomes detestful of this material world, it is to be understood that he has not yet entered in the spiritual understanding
- Unless the soul enters the mixture (of the ovum and semen), there is no possibility of pregnancy, but when the soul takes shelter of the mixture the body takes birth, exists, grows, transforms and dwindles, and ultimately it is vanquished
- Veri means lamb or sheep. If you can push one of them in the slaughterhouse, all of them enter. This is called veriya dasan. You haven't got to endeavor to push others. You just push one only. 'Fut, fut, fut, fut, fut, fut, fut', they all enter
- Very recently the system (of wives entering the fire after their husband's death) was abolished, since the voluntary system had become a forcible social custom
- Visuva, or Visuva-sankranti, means Mesa-sankranti, or the day on which the sun enters the sign Aries. Tula-sankranti is the day on which the sun enters the sign Libra. Both of these days occur only once within a year
- Vyasadeva, the supreme authority on Vedic literature, composed the verse beginning 'nayam sukhapo bhagavan' because no one can enter into the rasa-lila dance in any body other than that of a gopi
- We are advising people to become Krsna conscious, and that way, he will be able to leave this place of miseries and enter the eternal life in the spiritual world. Tyaktva deham punar janma naiti mam eti - BG 4.9
- We do not take into account that after shifting this position, again we are going to enter into the miserable life of material existence. If we do not make a solution in present life, then we are again going to enter
- We have come to your country - you provide, we enter. You see? Our business is ajagara-vrtti. The mouse makes a hole, and the snake enters it. That's all
- We have information that Vairaja, Hiranyagarbha, entered the great, dull, material globe called the sun. This indicates that the theory held by so-called scientists that no one lives there is wrong
- We have to become sinless before going back to home, back to Godhead. Because kingdom of God ... God is pure, the kingdom is pure. No impure living entity can enter there
- We must be pure to approach Krsna. Just like if we want to enter fire we must be also highly tempered, almost like fire, same degree. Apapa-viddham
- What is the business in that club? Old men, they are going. So lusty that they enter the club by paying fifty dollars, and then there is young women and wine, and that is their pleasure
- When a bumblebee enters the opening of a lotus flower and drinks its honey, it is fully protected by the petals of the lotus. The bee is undisturbed by sunshine and other external influences
- When a fortunate living entity somehow comes in contact with a pure devotee of the Lord and engages in devotional service, he enters upon the path of perfection
- When a green bird enters a green tree it does not become one with the tree: it retains its identity as a bird, although it appears to merge with the greenness of the tree
- When a mad elephant enters a garden, it spoils all the fruits and flowers. Similarly, if one offends a Vaisnava, he spoils all his spiritual assets
- When a mad elephant enters a nice garden, it spoils the entire garden. Similarly, if one becomes like a mad elephant and commits offenses at the lotus feet of a Vaisnava, his entire spiritual career is halted
- When a person actually enters the city and personally sees the activities of the city, he becomes satisfied
- When a person is seated on the vyasasana, he does not generally have to stand to receive a particular person entering the assembly, but in this case (with Romaharsana) the situation was different because Lord Baladeva is not an ordinary human being
- When Akrura entered Vrndavana, he saw Krsna and Balarama engaged in supervising the milking of the cows. Krsna was dressed in yellow garments and Balarama in bluish
- When all these Pracetas were ordered by their father to marry and beget children, they all entered the ocean and practiced austerities and penances for ten thousand years. Thus they worshiped the master of all austerity, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- When Brhaspati entered the assembly of the demigods, they and their king, Indra, took him for granted
- When Caitanya Mahaprabhu was residing at Jagannatha puri, Haridasa Thakura, who happened to be Muhammadan by birth, was with Him. In Hindu temples, especially in those days, no one but a Hindu was allowed to enter
- When Daksa entered the arena of yajna, Lord Siva was in meditation and might not have seen Daksa enter, but Daksa took the opportunity to curse him because Daksa had maintained an envious attitude towards Lord Siva for a long time
- When Daksa, the leader of the Prajapatis, entered that assembly, his personal bodily luster as bright as the effulgence of the sun, the entire assembly was illuminated, and all the assembled personalities became insignificant in his presence
- When Devahuti would enter that lovely garden to take her bath in the pond filled with lotus flowers, the associates of the denizens of heaven, the Gandharvas, would sing about Kardama's glorious household life
- When each body (of Marut) was cut into seven, other living entities entered the new bodies, and thus they were like plants, which become separate entities when cut into various parts and planted on a hill
- When entering the forest, the animal would appear very attractive to Maharaja Bharata due to its childish behavior. Maharaja Bharata would even take the deer on his shoulders and carry it due to affection
- When He (Maha-Visnu) exhales, innumerable universes come into existence, and when He inhales, innumerable universes enter within Him
- When he (the aborted living entity) enters the womb of another mother, he may again be killed, and for many years he may not be allowed to see the light of the sun
- When he (the conditioned soul) enters such castles, he temporarily thinks that he is very happy, even though his happiness is impermanent
- When he (the living entity) enters the material energy, he is subjected to the threefold time measurement - past, present and future. Past, present and future belong only to the material world; they do not exist in the spiritual world
- When he entered the house to kill Satrajit, all the women there cried very loudly, but in spite of their great protests, Satadhanva mercilessly butchered Satrajit without hesitation, exactly as a butcher kills an animal in the slaughterhouse
- When He entered the palace, He offered obeisances to all the mothers, including Kaikeyi and the other wives of Maharaja Dasaratha, and especially His own mother, Kausalya. He also offered obeisances to the spiritual preceptors, such as Vasistha
- When he enters Brahmaloka, he enjoys life for many millions of years, and finally his material designation comes to an end. He then comes to a subtle designation, from which he attains the causal designation, witnessing all previous states
- When higher authorities have decided what kind of gross body the living entity will have, he is forced to enter such a body, and thus he automatically gives up his previous body
- When His consciousness separately manifested itself, the total energy, mahat-tattva, entered with His conscious part. Thus the living entity is able to conceive specific knowledge
- When I understood that you were observing a great vow in spiritual life, I wanted to find some fault in you. When I found such a fault, I entered your womb and cut the embryo to pieces
- When it was learned that the demon was entering Gokula in an angry mood, Mother Yasoda became so anxious to protect her child that her face dried up and there were tears in her eyes
- When Jaya and Vijaya saw them (Four Kumaras) trying to enter Vaikunthaloka, these two gatekeepers, thinking them ordinary children, forbade them to enter
- When Jaya and Vijaya saw them trying to enter Vaikunthaloka, these two gatekeepers, thinking them ordinary children, forbade them to enter
- When Kalakanya, daughter of Time, attacked the body, the dangerous soldiers of the King of the Yavanas entered the city through different gates. They then began to give severe trouble to all the citizens
- When Lord Balarama reached the precincts of the city of Hastinapura, He did not enter but stationed Himself in a camp outside the city, in a small garden house
- When Lord Krsna was sitting on His throne and Narada fortunately entered His assembly, even Lord Krsna immediately stood up with His officers and ministers to offer respectful obeisances to Narada
- When Lord Nityananda entered the outside house, Ramacandra Khan was in the inside house with the members of his family. When Nityananda arrived, Ramacandra Khan did not receive Him personally but sent his servant to inform Him indirectly to go away
- When Lord Ramacandra tested the body of Sita, it was the false, illusory Sita that entered the fire. At that time the fire-god brought the original Sita from his abode and delivered her to Lord Ramacandra
- When Maha-Visnu entered each of the limitless universes, He saw that there was darkness all around and that there was no place to stay. He therefore began to consider the situation
- When Maharaja Bharata wanted to enter the forest to collect kusa grass, flowers, wood, leaves, fruits, roots and water, he would fear that dogs, jackals, tigers and other ferocious animals might kill the deer
- When Maharaja Pariksit entered the door of Samika Rsi, he did not expect a royal reception by the rsi because he knew that saints and rsis are not materially rich men
- When many very great sages were offering prayers to Lord Krsna, glorifying His activities, the Queen of Gokula, Mother Yasoda, entered the battlefield of Kuruksetra, wetting the lower part of her sari with the milk flowing from her breast
- When Mother Yasoda arrived, she wanted to enter the river Yamuna, and being checked, she fainted. Her friends, who were equally aggrieved, were shedding tears like torrents of rain or waves of the river
- When one enters the post of king or head of the government, one cannot understand the meaning of self-realization. Knowing this, Yati, the eldest son of Nahusa, did not accept the power to rule, although it was offered by his father
- When one is transferred to the spiritual world, he gives up both the subtle and gross bodies of this material world. He enters the spiritual sky in his pure, spiritual body and is stationed in one of the spiritual planets
- When one transcends these various planetary systems (Devaloka, Pitrloka and Niraya) and enters Vaikunthaloka, he achieves the ultimate resort of the Vaisnavas. Vaisnavas have nothing to do with the other planetary systems
- When one transcends these various planetary systems (known as Devaloka, Pitrloka and Niraya) and enters Vaikunthaloka, he achieves the ultimate resort of the Vaisnavas. Vaisnavas have nothing to do with the other planetary systems
- When Ramacandra entered the forest and Laksmana was also absent, the worst of the Raksasas, Ravana, kidnapped Sitadevi, the daughter of the King of Videha, just as a tiger seizes unprotected sheep when the shepherd is absent
- When remembrance is uninterrupted, it becomes concentrated and is called meditation. When meditation expands and becomes constant, it is called anusmrti. By uninterrupted and unceasing anusmrti one enters the stage of samadhi, or spiritual trance
- When Satrajit wore this jewel in a locket around his neck, he appeared exactly like an imitation sun-god. Putting on this jewel, he entered the city of Dvaraka, and people thought that the sun-god had come into the city to see Krsna
- When Srila Ramananda Raya inquired about the arrangement for introducing the assembly of players in the drama, Rupa Gosvami replied that when the players first enter the stage in response to the time, the introduction is technically called pravartaka
- When that Supreme Personality of Godhead who is lying on the Garbhodaka Ocean entered the heart of Brahma, Brahma brought his intelligence to bear, and with the intelligence invoked he began to create the universe as it was before
- When the brahmana (Sudama) entered his personal apartment in the palace, he saw that it was not an apartment but the residence of the King of heaven. The palace was surrounded by many columns of jewels
- When the breeze carrying the aroma of tulasi leaves and saffron from the lotus feet of the lotus-eyed Personality of Godhead entered through the nostrils into the hearts of those sages (the Kumaras), they experienced a change in both body and mind
- When the breeze carrying the aroma of tulasi leaves from the toes of the lotus feet of the Personality of Godhead entered the nostrils of those sages (the four Kumaras), they experienced a change both in body and in mind
- When the demigods and presiding deities of the various senses were thus manifested, they wanted to wake their origin of appearance. But upon failing to do so, they reentered the body of the virat-purusa one after another in order to wake Him
- When the demigods had disappeared, Bali Maharaja, the son of Virocana, entered the heavenly kingdom, and from there he brought the three worlds under his control
- When the genitals of the gigantic form separately became manifest, then Prajapati, the original living creature, entered into them with his partial semen, and thus the living entities can enjoy sex pleasure
- When the King entered the palace, conchshells and kettledrums were sounded, priests chanted Vedic mantras, and professional reciters offered different prayers. But in spite of all this ceremony to welcome him, the King was not the least bit affected
- When the Mayavadis accept sannyasa and consider themselves Narayana, they become so puffed up that they do not even enter the temple of Narayana to offer respects, for they falsely think themselves Narayana Himself
- When the Nawab entered the house where Sanatana Gosvami and the brahmanas were assembled, they all stood up to receive him respectfully, and they offered him a place to sit
- When the palate of the gigantic form was separately manifested, Varuna, the director of water in the planetary systems, entered therein, and thus the living entity has the facility to taste everything with his tongue
- When the pure soul wants to give up the Lord's service to enjoy the material world, Krsna certainly gives him a chance to enter the material world
- When the Sudarsana disc enters those provinces, the pregnant wives of the demons all have miscarriages due to fear of its effulgence
- When the sun enters Karkata-rasi (Cancer) and then travels to Simha-rasi (Leo) and so on through Dhanuh-rasi (Sagittarius), its course is called Daksinayana, the southern way
- When the sun enters Makara-rasi (Capricorn) and thereafter travels through Kumbharasi (Aquarius) and so on through Mithuna-rasi (Gemini), its course is called Uttarayana, the northern way
- When the Supreme Personality of Godhead (Krsna) saw that the demon had assumed the form of a calf and entered among the groups of other calves, He pointed out to Baladeva, "Here is another demon" - SB 10.11.42
- When the tenth son was taken away by Lord Maha-Visnu, and Arjuna was therefore ready to enter the fire because his promise was going to prove false, that serious situation made Lord Krsna decide to go with Arjuna to see Maha-Visnu
- When the time was ripe, when Sudyumna, the king of the world, was sufficiently old, he delivered the entire kingdom to his son Pururava and entered the forest
- When the transcendental sound of Krsna's flute is heard, the devotee's anxiety to continue to hear that flute enables him to penetrate the covering of the material world and enter into the spiritual sky
- When the trip was nearly over, just as they were about to enter his home village, the youth could no longer hear the sound of the bangles, and he began to fear. "Oh, where is Krsna?" Unable to contain himself any longer, he looked back
- When there is a beautiful fire, moths come from a long distance, enter it and go pop, pop, pop. In this way one dies, takes birth and suffers and dies again
- When there was a manifestation of skin separated from the gigantic form, Anila, the deity directing the wind, entered with partial touch, and thus the living entities can realize tactile knowledge
- When they (the sruti-ganas) could not enter the dance simply by thinking of Krsna in the ecstasy of the gopis, they actually accepted bodies like those of the gopis
- When they (who perform sacrifices) are elevated to the level of transcendental knowledge, all such activities enter onto the spiritual platform. BG 1972 purports
- When this cosmic manifestation is dissolved, all living entities enter the supreme body of the Lord, Garbhodakasayi Visnu, who merges within the body of Maha-visnu
- When two birds enter a tree, one may foolishly think that the birds become one or merge with the tree, but actually they do not. Rather, each bird keeps its individual identity
- When unconscious at the time of annihilation, when this material world is unmanifested, they (the living entities) enter another stage of dreaming
- When Vidura was invited by his elder brother (Dhrtarastra) for consultation, he entered the house and gave instructions which were exactly to the point. His advice is well known, and instructions by Vidura are approved by expert ministers of state
- When we die, we have to give up the body & then take on another body. We immediately enter the womb of another mother, stay for nine months or so, and then come out. Then a new chapter of life begins. This is conditioned life, & it goes on again & again
- When Yadunandana Acarya entered the house of Raghunatha dasa and stood in the courtyard, Raghunatha dasa went there and fell down to offer his obeisances
- When you enter the temple, you know definitely, "Here is Krsna. He is God, and we must love Him like this." That is the superexcellence of this Krsna consciousness movement
- Whenever Vallabha Bhatta entered the society of devotees, headed by Advaita Acarya, he was like a duck in a society of white swans
- Wheresoever I go, Hiranyakasipu will follow Me, as death follows all living entities. Therefore it is better for Me to enter the core of his heart, for then, because of his power to see only externally, he will not see Me
- While creating such great disturbances all over the country, sometimes he (Dvivida) heard very sweet musical sounds from Raivataka Mountain, and so he entered that mountainous region
- While Krsna and Balarama and Their friends were engaged in the pastimes described above, the cows, being unobserved, began to wander off on their own, entering farther and farther into the deepest part of the forest, allured by fresh grasses
- While outside observing her husband, who will burn in the fire of mystic power along with his thatched cottage, his chaste wife will enter the fire with rapt attention
- While searching for a reservoir of water, he (Maharaja Pariksit) entered the hermitage of the well-known Samika Rsi and saw the sage sitting silently with closed eyes
- While searching for small children, Putana, whose business was to kill them, entered the house of Nanda Maharaja unobstructed, having been sent by the superior potency of the Lord - SB 10.6.7
- While Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was resting in ecstatic love, Maharaja Prataparudra entered the garden
- While the priests of the Bhrgu dynasty and their disciples talked and argued in various ways, the SPG, Vamanadeva, holding in His hands the rod, the umbrella and a waterpot full of water, entered the arena of the asvamedha sacrifice
- Why then should they (the Haryasvas) be encouraged to become entangled in family life, which is so dark that once having entered it one cannot leave it
- Why there is discharge of semina? So people do not know that I am leaving this gross body, but I am entering into subtle body. Subtle body is there, not question of inside
- With great pleasure I note that although the Government of Kenya did not allow me to enter the state, my work was not hampered on account of my absence
- With the direction and help of Vibhisana, Ravana's brother, the Lord, along with the monkey soldiers, headed by Sugriva, Nila and Hanuman, entered Ravana's kingdom, Lanka, which had previously been burnt by Hanuman
- With this attitude, Prsadhra became a great saint, and when he entered the forest and saw a blazing forest fire, he took this opportunity to burn his body in the fire. Thus he achieved the transcendental, spiritual world
- Without asking anyone's permission, she entered Nanda Maharaja's room, where she saw the child (Krsna) sleeping in bed, His unlimited power covered like a powerful fire covered by ashes - SB 10.6.7
- Yes, the mind is subject to so many impressions from past activities as well as so many past lifetimes, so when disturbing thoughts enter your mind you should simply ignore them. Actually the process is to always remember the Lotus Feet of the Lord
- Yogis, jnanis, karmis and Vedantists cannot even approach Krsna; they must remain very, very far away from Him and try to enter His bodily effulgence, although this also they are unable to do
- You get the freedom of flying away from this mrtyu-samsara-vartmani, but that we'll not do. We'll enter again. We'll enter. So we are not interested how to get out of the cage of mrtyu-samsara-vartmani. We are again and again coming back to the cage
- You have got so many skyscraper building - let us enter them. That's all. Subway. The mouse also makes subway. It is not very difficult task
- You may name your daughter Mitra dasi, I have no objection. You may call your children as you like, but you should always inform my secretary to make sure the name is entered on our list to avoid repetition
- You must have a resolution how to finish the development of New Vrndavana in the right sense of the term. At the same time, please make a very nice scheme to purge out the non-Vrndavana spirit that entered in our Society
- You should tell him (Pandit Ram Natha Kalia) that you are forwarding same under my instructions. Do not enter into correspondence with this man without my consent
- Yuvanasva married one hundred wives, but he had no sons, and therefore he entered the forest. In the forest, the sages performed a sacrifice known as Indra-yajna on his behalf