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I am living very comfortably with my society, family. "Society, friendship and love, divinely bestowed upon man," there is one poetry. That's all right. But it is so nice, so pleasing, but one day comes, "Please get out." Finished. You cannot protest

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Expressions researched:
"I am living very comfortably with my society, family." |"Society, friendship and love, divinely bestowed upon man," |"there is one poetry. That's all right. But it is so nice, it is so pleasing, but one day comes," |"Please get out." |"Finished. You cannot protest"


Bhagavad-gita As It Is Lectures

I am living very comfortably with my society, family. "Society, friendship and love, divinely bestowed upon man," there is one poetry. That's all right. But it is so nice, it is so pleasing, but one day comes, "Please get out." Finished. You cannot protest. You cannot say that, "I have worked so hard. I have made my country, my family, my house so nice. Why I shall get out?".

The life's program is jñāna-vairāgya, knowledge and renouncement. One should have sufficient knowledge to understand his constitutional position as a living entity. And he must develop renouncement, vairāgya. Because attachment sometimes leads me to become a tree, to become a mouse, to become a serpent in the same house. Attachment. After all, you may decorate your house. You may purchase a nice house; you decorate it very nicely. But you have to leave it. You cannot live here permanently. That is not possible. Either make your country very nice, very nice city, very decorated city, or your house, apartment, wife, children, very nice decorated, but you'll not be allowed to remain.

We don't think that, that "Why you are forced to leave?" That we do not think. But that's a fact. I am living very comfortably with my society, family. "Society, friendship and love, divinely bestowed upon man," there is one poetry. That's all right. But it is so nice, it is so pleasing, but one day comes, "Please get out." Finished. You cannot protest. You cannot say that, "I have worked so hard. I have made my country, my family, my house so nice. Why I shall get out?" "No. You must." Or "Let me stay here for some days more." "No, not even a second. You must get out."

We cannot consider all these points. We are simply attached: "Oh, this is my country. This is my family. This is my land. This is my kinsmen. This is . . ." So many "this is my, my, my, my, my." But if it is yours, why you are forced to get out of these things? What is the answer? Who will answer this? Huh? And there is no certainty. Suppose you are making a very nice house, very nice apartment. There is no guarantee that you will be able to enjoy this family life, house and everything. Not forever; that is no question. Even you do not know how many years you will be allowed. Any moment you can be driven out.

Page Title:I am living very comfortably with my society, family. "Society, friendship and love, divinely bestowed upon man," there is one poetry. That's all right. But it is so nice, so pleasing, but one day comes, "Please get out." Finished. You cannot protest
Created:2024-07-02, 09:09:26.000
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=1, Con=0, Let=0
No. of Quotes:1