Category:There Was
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Pages in category "There Was"
The following 1,018 pages are in this category, out of 1,018 total.
- About twenty-five years ago, there was a native prince in Jaipur. Every year he would go to the forest and face the tiger, without any weapon
- Although Sankaracarya preached the false philosophy of Mayavada, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu nevertheless said that since he did it on the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, there was no fault on his part
- Formerly there was no slaughterhouse
- In Calcutta there was a big professor, Colonel Megha, English professor. He was lecturing, and with in talking he said that in our country (England) that seventy-eight percent of the students are infected with syphilis...
- In front of our residence there was another neighbor. So the old man had his daughter-in-law. So she was beating her one child
- There is a story in Sanskrit, udarendriyanam. Udarendriyanam. There was a meeting of all the parts of the senses, that, "We are working, and the stomach is sitting idly, and he is simply eating. So let us get into strike. We shall not work."
- There was a big rich man in Calcutta who could not eat
- There was a story in a medical journal. "Typhoid Mary"
- There was no scarcity
- There was scarcity
- This Bhaktivedanta title was given on this vedanta-vadi because in our society there was no Vedanta. So some of the Vaisnavas selected me to get this title Bhaktivedanta
- A beautiful woman generally cannot induce Lord Siva to be lusty, but Lord Visnu was considering whether there was any form of woman who could enchant him
- A brahmana boy cursed him (Pariksit) that "You shall die within seven days." So these 7 days there was life, there was some assurance that at least 7 days he would live. But for us, we do not know whether we shall live another 7 minutes or seven seconds
- A devotee is always protected by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. By His inspiration only, the sages came to encourage Dhruva Maharaja and assure him that there was no danger because he was a soul fully surrendered to the Supreme Lord
- A guru is necessary. In the Bhagavad-gita, when Krsna and Arjuna were talking as friends, there was no conclusion. So Arjuna decided to accept Krsna as his guru
- A king, there must be one king responsible. But he was guided by the ministers and learned brahmanas, sages. There was a body to guide him, to train him. Therefore, the monarchical government was perfect
- A liberated soul is never bewildered by a mistaken idea, so why did Naradaji ask all those questions just like an ordinary man with a poor fund of knowledge? There was such bewilderment in Arjuna also, although he is eternally the associate of the Lord
- A modern scientist believes that there was no civilization before 3,000 years, our Bhagavatam was spoken by Sukadeva Goswami 5,000 years ago and he is explaining "as I have heard it from authority", so we have got parampara system for millions of years
- A temporary temple was constructed by covering the bed all around with a straw mattress. Thus there was a bed and a straw mattress to cover it
- About sixty years before, in our childhood, or more than, sixty-five years before, when we were five, six years old, this system of hearing in the evening, in every village there was current
- Above all these (no bare necessities of life), there is always disturbance: sometimes war, sometimes famine, sometimes earthquake, sometimes overflood. Just like recently in New York there was overflood. So in this way we are so much complicated
- Accepting Lord Krsna's proposal, the cowherd boys allowed the calves to drink water from the river and then tied them to trees where there was green, tender grass - SB 10.13.7
- According to Sri Visvanatha Carkavarti Thakura, there was a regular psychological reaction on the occasion. First of all, rising from their seats, although they wanted to see their husband, they were deterred because of feminine shyness
- According to the modern anthropologists, they say that ten thousand years ago there was no human being. These are the not the Vedic version
- According to Vedic civilization, after the birth of the child, there was name-giving ceremony. So that was calculated astrologically, that what kind of name he should be given, because the name should carry some meaning of the activities of his life
- According to Vedic information, the original person is Lord Brahma. When there was creation, the first created being was Lord Brahma. Then from Brahma, all other living entities expanded. This is the creation understanding
- Actually the mind of the King was absorbed in the body of the deer, and consequently - like those bereft of Krsna consciousness - he left the world, the deer, and his material body and acquired the body of a deer. However, there was one advantage
- Actually there was great competition, and King Indra, to satisfy his senses, began to invent so many irreligious systems to obstruct King Prthu. To stop these irreligious inventions, Lord Brahma personally appeared in the sacrificial arena
- Actually, Krsna is the husband of everyone because He is the supreme enjoyer. The gopis wanted Krsna to be their husband, but factually there was no possibility of His marrying all the gopis
- Actually, the kingdom belonged to Bhisma, but he remained a brahmacari, he did not marry. There was no issue of Bhismadeva. Therefore his nephews, Dhrtarastra and Pandu, they were inheritor
- Actually, there is no anxiety. We have experienced this. I was alone for many years, but not a single day I was starving. No. There was food
- Actually, there was only Vedic culture all over the world. As the things deteriorated, new system of religion came in either Sikh or Christian or Muslim religion. They are,deformed type of religion. Real religion is that sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam
- Advaita Acarya led the sankirtana party, and with great pleasure He sang this verse. There was a manifestation of ecstatic perspiration, shivering, raised hairs, tears in the eyes and sometimes thundering and bellowing
- Advaita Acarya then extended an invitation to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and there was a great rainstorm connected with that incident
- After all these tribulations, there was the great Battle of Kuruksetra, and Arjuna had to meet such great generals as Drona, Bhisma and Karna, all powerful fighters
- After completely instructing him (Santana Gosvami), He (Lord Caitanya) sent him to Vrndavana to execute His orders. When Sanatana Gosvami went to Vrndavana, there were no temples. The city was lying vacant like an open field
- After finishing, the Lord washed His mouth and sat down. There was so much extra prasadam that it was distributed to thousands
- After giving up the body of a deer, Bharata Maharaja took birth in a very pure brahmana family. There was a brahmana who belonged to the dynasty of Angira. He was fully qualified with brahminical qualifications
- After her (Devahuti's) marriage, when she was engaged in the service of Kardama Muni, she neglected to care for her body like a princess, since there was no means for such care
- After his death, since there was no king, all the rogues and thieves flourished, the kingdom became unregulated, and all the citizens suffered greatly
- After Kamsa's death King Jarasandha became a great enemy of Krsna, and there were many fights between Jarasandha and Krsna
- After reciting this mantra, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu offered obeisances and took His bath in the Ganges. At that time He had on only one piece of underwear, for there was no second garment
- After rising from bed the next morning, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu visited the local temple, where there was a deity of Hanuman. After offering him obeisances, the Lord departed for South India
- After the appearance of Lord Caitanya, there was great ceremony, all the inhabitants of Navadvipa. His father, Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu's father, was not very rich man but was very respectable brahmin
- After the Battle of Kuruksetra the state treasury was exhausted, and therefore there was no surplus fund except the fund from tax collection and fines. Such funds were sufficient only for the state budget
- After the battle, Maharaja Yudhisthira was unhappy over such mass killings. Practically there was none to continue the Kuru dynasty after them, the Pandavas
- After the departure of the Lord, Arjuna was conscious of his great friend, but there was no mistake on the part of Arjuna, nor any ill estimation of the Lord
- After the disappearance of King Anga, there was no one to follow the instructions of the great sages. Consequently all the citizens became unruly, so much so that they could be compared to animals
- After the sixteenth acarya (Vidyadhiraja Tirtha of the disciplic succession of the Madhvacarya-sampradaya), there was another disciplic succession, including Rajendra Tirtha, 1254; Vijayadhvaja; Purusottama; Subrahmanya; and Vyasa Raya, 1470-1520
- After this, there was a network of barbed wiring constructed by a demon of the name Mura. The city appeared well protected even in terms of today's scientific advancements
- Alas, before We met there was an initial attachment between Us brought about by an exchange of glances. In this way attachment evolved. That attachment has gradually grown, and there is no limit to it
- All the people then began to chant, "Hari! Hari!" and there was a great uproar. The priest in Lord Kesava's service offered Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu a garland
- All the rsis assembled there (Naimisaranya) neglected to complete the ritualistic ceremonies because there was no positive assurance of the results. All the performers were coated with black ash due to the large amount of smoke coming from the fire
- All the strings of his (Banasura's) bows had been broken, and there was no chariot or driver, so he had no alternative but to return to his city. He lost everything in the battle
- Although Krsna was a boy, He implored his father and other elderly gentlemen present there that "There is no need of performing this sacrifice." So they stopped sacrifice. As a result of this, Indra became very much angry, and there was torrents of rain
- Although Lord Siva, in the form of a brahmana (Sankaracarya), preached the false philosophy of Mayavada, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu nevertheless said that since he did it on the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, there was no fault on his part
- Although Maharaja Dhrtarastra, the elder uncle of Maharaja Yudhisthira, was there to look after them, his affection was more on the side of his hundred sons, headed by Duryodhana
- Although my party from London has reached there in Bombay, I am unable to join you there in Bombay because there was no arrangement for my passage. Therefore, if my disciples there can do the work, then I do not require to go to Bombay
- Although Santanu, being younger, was not eligible to occupy the throne, he disregarded his elder brother (Devapi). Consequently, there was no rainfall for twelve years
- Although the Hindus and Muslims lived together in a very friendly manner, still there were distinctions between them. The Muslims were considered yavanas, or low-born, and whenever a Muslim was invited, he would be fed outside of the house
- Although the Lord restrained Himself externally, ecstatic love raged within. There was no checking that. Vallabha Bhatta was astonished to detect this
- Although the Lord was victorious, His competitors asked the hand of the princess, and thus there was a fight. Well equipped with weapons, the Lord killed or wounded all of them, but He was not hurt Himself
- Although the members of the Panca-tattva plundered the storehouse of love of Godhead & distributed its contents, there was no scarcity for this wonderful storehouse is so complete that as the love is distributed the supply increases hundreds of times
- Although there was actually no need for Caitanya to accept sannyasa, He did so for the benefit of those who might think Him an ordinary human being
- Although there was monarchy, still there was a council of learned brahmanas and sages. They used to advise the king. The brahmanas did not take part in politics, but they gave advice, instruction to the kings, rajarsi
- Although there was no necessity for Krsna to offer obeisances, because He is the master teacher He taught Arjuna just how respect should be offered to Lord Maha-Visnu
- Although there was very little water, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was omniscient and could understand that formerly these two ponds were called Sri Radha-kunda and Syama-kunda. In this way Radha-kunda and Syama-kunda were discovered
- Although there were many others who assembled at the place where Pariksit was fasting, the natural conclusion is that there was no topic other than the glorification of Krsna, because the principal speaker was Sukadeva and the chief audience was Pariksit
- And when there was need of giving charity, he used to distribute money exactly as the cloud distributes rain. The distribution of rain by clouds is so sumptuous that it is compared to the distribution of wealth by a great, munificent person
- Andha-kupam means blind well. I saw one blind well in Ascot when I was at John Lennon's house. There was a blind pit, and it was covered with grass, and somebody fell
- Animals like hogs and cows were offered in sacrifice to test the proper execution of the sacrifice. Otherwise, there was no purpose in killing the animal. Actually the animal was offered in the sacrificial fire to get a rejuvenated life
- Anyone can understand that God is all-powerful; He can create. But the scientist says that "There was a chunk, and creation took place from the chunk." Just see
- Anyway I couldn't see in them nothing but combination of logs and bamboos. There was nothing to impel my Krishna Consciousness. So, if you want to be a great artist in that way, I will pray that Krishna may save you
- Arjuna experienced in the Eleventh Chapter that to be attached to the personal form of Krsna is best because he could thus understand all other forms at the same time and there was no disturbance to his love for Krsna
- Arjuna experienced in the Eleventh Chapter that to be attached to the personal form of Krsna is best because he could thus understand all other forms at the same time and there was no disturbance to his love for Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Arjuna in the Battlefield of Kuruksetra. There was a fight. That is the history of greater India, Mahabharata. It is called Mahabharata. This Bhagavad-gita is part of Mahabharata. Mahabharata means greater India or greater planet
- Arjuna, a personal friend of Krsna, he was in difficulty - there was a fight between him and his brothers. So this world is full of difficulties. But the devotee, when he's in difficulty, he does not express it
- As already explained, the citizens of Dvaraka who lived at the time of Lord Krsna's presence there were all liberated souls who descended there along with the Lord as entourage
- As an ideal king, he (Yudhisthira) had no personal ambition, and there was no place for sense gratification because all his senses at all times were engaged in the loving service of the Supreme Lord
- As by releasing nuclear weapon there is radiation, similarly, we have got description that when Asvatthama released his brahmastra, there was a big radiation, people were feeling very terrible heat
- As cities are constructed in the modern age with great engineering and architectural craftsmanship, so in days gone by there were neighborhoods called rsi-kulas, where great saintly persons resided
- As far as the material or spiritual resources were required, there was no scarcity in the case of the Pandavas. Materially they were well equipped because two great warriors, namely Bhima and Arjuna, were there
- As for the material creation, Brahma is the first created person. Before Brahma there was no living creature within this material world; it was void & dark until Brahma was born on the lotus flower that sprouted from the abdomen of Garbhodakasayi Visnu
- As in the modern day there are many champions in sports, so in bygone days there were many learned scholars in India who were champions in learning. One such person was Kesava Kasmiri, who came from the state of Kashmir
- As it is said that in the beginning was the word, that means before the creation there was the transcendental sound. So that word, or transcendental sound, is not like the material sound
- As mentioned in the last chapter, there was a great rumor that the five Pandava brothers, along with their mother, Kunti, had died, according to the plan of the sons of Dhrtarastra, in a fire accident in the house of lac in which they were living
- As Queen Draupadi and King Yudhisthira were taking their avabhrtha bath, the citizens of Hastinapura as well as the demigods began to beat on drums and blow trumpets out of feelings of happiness, and there was a shower of flowers from the sky
- As she died screaming, there was a tremendous vibration on the earth and in the sky, on the upper and lower planets and in all directions, and people thought that thunderbolts were falling. Thus the nightmare of the Putana witch was over
- As soon as there was enemy attack in the Dvaraka city, immediately the kings, royal family, Krsna's family, Pradyumna, His son, and others, immediately go out of the city and combat with the enemies
- As soon as there was some disturbance in Dvaraka, people considered the cause to be the absence of an auspicious personality in the city. Thus there was a rumor that because of the absence of Akrura inauspicious things were happening
- As such, there was no possibility of his being touched by the external world
- As we are not this body, past life means there was another body; we have forgotten it. Just like at night we dream, "I have gone to some foreign place and talking with some foreigners and so on, so on"
- As you want good government or good man as president, similarly, formerly, although there was fight between the two kings, the objective was different, not to occupy one's property, not to become a big thief
- Asita: There was a king of the same name, but herein (SB 1.9.6-7) the Asita mentioned is the Asita Devala Rsi, a great powerful sage of the time
- At each and every gate there were burning lamps and big waterpots
- At first there was the creation of the sixteen principles of material action. This was for the purpose of creating the material universes
- At length Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was taken away by Raghava Pandita. There was a great crowd assembled along the way, and the Lord reached Raghava Pandita's residence with great difficulty
- At my house there was sankirtana day and night, and therefore he visited there, having been invited
- At noon, when there was an upala-bhoga offering in a place called bhoga-vardhana-khanda, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu would go outside the temple. Before going outside, He used to stand near the Garuda-stambha column and offer His obeisances and prayers
- At one time that (spiritual advancement) was India's principle of life, and there was a class of people, the brahmanas, who engaged themselves exclusively in spiritual culture
- At places there were sounds of Vedic benediction aiming at the Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna
- At present there are hundreds and thousands of flags flapping in the United Nations, but during the time of Vidura there was, by the grace of Ajita, Lord Krsna, only one flag
- At that time, of course, there were two Jagais and Madhais, but at the present moment, by the grace of Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His process of teaching, so many Jagais and Madhais are being delivered
- At that time, Ramananda Raya informed Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu about the ecstatic love of the King. Indeed, as soon as there was some opportunity, he repeatedly informed the Lord about the King
- At that time, there was happiness in all directions, in the reservoirs of water like the rivers and oceans, and in the core of everyone's heart
- At the age of seventy years by the grace of Krsna there was inspiration
- At the end of the year, all the devotees from Bengal, headed by Advaita Acarya, again came to see the Lord. Indeed, there was a great rush of devotees to Jagannatha Puri
- At the present moment everyone is a butcher. Who is religious man? There was division, at least one class, first-class man, second-class man, third-class man
- At the Rajasuya-yajna (sacrifice) performed by Maharaja Yudhisthira, there was the greatest assembly of all the elite men of the world, the royal and learned orders
- At the same time there was an assembly of many elephants, who carried the respective kings of different friendly kingdom
- At the street crossings there were bunches of fruits and flowers, as well as pillars of banana trees and betel nut branches. All these combined decorations everywhere looked very attractive
- At the time for Lord Krsna's appearance, the great sages and the demigods, being pleased, began to shower flowers. At the seashore, there was the sound of mild waves, and above the sea there were clouds in the sky which began to thunder very pleasingly
- At the time of Aniruddha's marriage, when we were all playing chess, there was another fight with your brother Rukmi on a controversial verbal point, and My elder brother, Balarama, finally killed him
- At the time of his death, because there were seven days only, so he (Pariksit Maharaja) wanted to do something which may emancipate him. So Sukadeva Gosvami, he arrived in the meeting and he advised him to hear about Krsna
- At the time of Krsna's birth, the planetary systems were automatically adjusted so that everything became auspicious. At that time, in all directions, east, west, south, north, everywhere, there was an atmosphere of peace and prosperity
- At the time of Krsna’s birth, the planetary systems were automatically adjusted so that everything became auspicious. At that time, in all directions - east, west, south, north, everywhere - there was an atmosphere of peace and prosperity
- At the time of Maharaja Yudhisthira, there were no different nations, although there were different subordinate states
- At Varanasi there was a Maharashtriyan brahmana who used to come daily to see Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. This brahmana was simply astonished to see the Lord's personal beauty and ecstatic love for Krsna
- Battlefield of Kuruksetra is called dharma-ksetra. Although there was fighting, but the fighting arena was not ordinary land. It is dharma-ksetra because the fighting was being performed under the superintendence of Krsna
- Because it was famous, that ghost-hauntly house, nobody was taking it. So I took it. (laughs) I don’t care for ghost. Actually there was ghost
- Because of Krsna's kidnapping Rukmini, there was initially some misunderstanding between the two families
- Because of the dead bodies of the asses, there was a panoramic scene. It appeared as if clouds of various colors were assembled in the trees. Hearing of this great incident, the demigods from the higher planets showered flowers on Krsna and Balarama
- Because of the pastimes in the water, there was great jubilation on the shore, with music, singing, chanting and dancing creating a tumultuous sound
- Because of this Syamantaka jewel, there was a misunderstanding between King Satrajit and the Yadu dynasty Later the matter was settled when Satrajit voluntarily offered Krsna his daughter, Satyabhama, along with the Syamantaka jewel
- Because the ksatriyas had to rule the people, it was necessary for them to have money and prestige. But the vaisyas were satisfied with agricultural produce and milk from the cow, and if by chance there were excess, trade was allowed
- Because the Lord (Prthu) was prepared to kill the planet earth, there was no one to give protection to her. We are all receiving protection from the Lord, and it is therefore proper that every one of us surrender unto Him
- Because the Yamadutas had been defeated and their master could not protect them, they were inclined to say that there was no need to serve such a master
- Because there was no question of personal sense gratification when Sri Ramananda Raya was serving the girls, his mind was steady and his body untransformed. This is not to be imitated, nor is such a mentality possible for anyone but Sri Ramananda Raya
- Because we are chanting Hare Krsna mantra, there are so many critics and so many enemies also. They do not like. So this is always. Now the number has increased. Formerly, there were some. Now there are many
- Because we cannot find out in the modern day more than three thousand years of chronological history, that does not mean that there was no history before and there was no historical incidences. No. That we should not conclude in that way
- Before Dvapara-yuga there was Treta-yuga
- Before me, ten years before, whole world, foreigners, there was not a single Krsna conscious. Whole history. Now you'll find thousands. Why? I have given them Krsna
- Before ordering Vidura informed Dhrtarastra that there was no remedial measure by anyone or from any source in this material world
- Before the advent of King Prthu, there was great havoc of maladministration due to the vicious life of the previous king, the father of Maharaja Prthu
- Before the creation there was no Brahma or Siva. There was only Krsna. Krsna therefore says, aham adir hi devanam (BG 10.2). He is the creator of all demigods and all other living entities
- Before the creation there was none except Vasudeva. There was neither Brahma nor Sankara. Only Narayana was there and no one else, neither Brahma nor Isana
- Before the creation there were no material minds or material eyes; therefore the mind by which the Supreme Personality of Godhead desired to create is transcendental, and the eyes with which He glanced over material nature are also transcendental
- Before the creation, there was only the Personality of Godhead; there were no purusa incarnations and certainly no living entities, nor was there the material energy, by which the manifested creation is effected
- Before the hearing of Srimad-Bhagavatam Brahma might have fallen a victim to such sensuality (Brahma was sexually inclined to his own daughter), but after hearing Srimad-Bhagavatam directly from the Lord, there was no possibility of such failures
- Before the reign of King Prthu there was no planned arrangement for different cities, villages, pasturing grounds, etc. Every thing was scattered, and everyone constructed his residential quarters according to his own convenience
- Before these motorcars, the people were living very happily. They were transporting. But there was no such civilization that for your earning livelihood you have to go hundred miles away from your home to work there. Therefore you require vehicle
- Before this (Kali-yuga) there was Dvapara-yuga (800,000 years), and before that there was Treta-yuga (1,200,000 years). Thus, some 2,005,000 years ago, Manu spoke the BG to his disciple and son lksvaku, the King of this planet earth. BG 1972 purports
- Beginning from Madhvacarya down to the spiritual master of Madhavendra Puri, the acarya named Laksmipati, there was no realization of devotional service in conjugal love. Sri Madhavendra Puri introduced the conception of conjugal love
- Being under the clutches of this prakrti, whatever little light was there as part and parcel of God, that is now covered. So this position has to be discovered or this covering has to be taken away, then we come to our position, original position
- Besides cooking for the family, she (my mother) was being assisted by my sisters. Always palatable foodstuff. So many guests were there, and if son-in-law would come, they would specially prepare food for him
- Besides that, it is learned from Vedic literature that in whatever part of the world this jewel was worshiped there was no possibility of famine, and wherever the jewel was present, there was no possibility of anything inauspicious, such as pestilence
- Bhagavad-gita has been well known all over the world for a very long time, especially in the Western world, but because the subject matter was not discussed by devotees, there was no effect
- Bhagavad-gita was there, so Krsna consciousness movement was there. India, it was existing. Unfortunately, some of the less intelligent swamis and philosophers, they could not understand what is Krsna, and they misinterpreted the Bhagavad-gita
- Bhakti is activity. Just like personally, up to seventy years, I was practically doing nothing. But at the age of seventy years, by the grace of God, Krsna, there was inspiration; I went to Western country - not to sit down there silently
- Bhaktya tutosa bhagavan gaja-yutha-paya (SB 7.9.9). So gaja-yutha-paya. There was one elephant, he was in danger. He was not even a demigod or brahmin or learned, but still, he could satisfy the Supreme God Visnu by his devotional service, & he was saved
- Bharata Maharaja considered himself most unfortunate, for due to the animal's absence, there was nothing auspicious for him in the presence of the sun
- Bhisma was lying on the bed of arrows on one side of the battlefield. There was trees & grass, but no dead men were around. Only there was the Pandavas. Krishna & great sages such as Vyasa - big, big men. Krishna was in the forefront in His royal dress
- Both he and I (Siva) are on the same level as servants of God. We are always friends and sometimes we enjoy joking words between us. When Citraketu loudly laughed at my behavior, he did so on friendly terms, and therefore there was no reason to curse him
- Brahma could see that on the water there was a gigantic lotus-like white bedstead, the body of Sesa-naga, on which the Personality of Godhead was lying alone
- Brahma is supposed to be the most intellectual personality within this universe. My point is that in the beginning the creation was the most intelligent personality, not that in the creation there was lower animals. No
- Brahma is the most intelligent creature, so intelligent that he is given the power of creating this universe. So not that in the beginning there was no intelligence. The first-class intelligence is there in the beginning of the creation
- Brahma requested, however, that since the demon was more wicked and undesirable than a serpent, there was no need to play with him. It was his wish that he be killed at once, without delay
- Brahma was the only living being at that time because there was no other creation and none could be found there except himself
- Brahma, it is I, the Personality of Godhead, who was existing before the creation, when there was nothing but Myself. Nor was there the material nature, the cause of this creation
- Brahmana, they are teachers, natural teachers, and there is no fees. No fees. Just like we started this Krsna consciousness movement, teaching, but there was no fees. This is the teaching, real teaching
- But this nonsense theory, that there was a monkey first of all, (laughter) Darwin's theory, and from monkey, human being has come, this is nonsense. So any other question?
- By performance of yoga Kardama Muni actually saw the Supreme Lord as He is. There was no point in seeing an imagined form of God after practicing yoga for ten thousand years
- By the prowess of their devotional service, they could directly perceive the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is situated in everyone's heart as the Supersoul, and realize that there was qualitatively no difference between themselves and Him
- By the will of the Lord he (Yudhisthira) became just like a common man because there was another great idea behind this delusion: the King would be instructed by Bhisma as Arjuna was instructed by the Lord Himself
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu used to give to His mother some gold when there was need of money. "Mother, I got this gold. So you can utilize it." The mother would think that "We are poor men. We have no gold. Wherefrom this boy brings gold?"
- Caitanya says, "In the provinces of India governed by the Muslims, there was much inconvenience in traveling with sandalwood and camphor. Because of this, Madhavendra Puri might have gotten into trouble. This became known to the Gopala Deity"
- Caitanya stated that if Damodara Pandita would give Him permission, He would go to see the King. There was deep meaning in this statement, for it is a warning that Damodara should not dare criticize the Lord, for it was not befitting his position
- Consequently there was nothing undesirable in his (Pariksit Maharaja's) opulence and administration. Then why should he give up all these favorable circumstances and sit down on the bank of the Ganges, fasting till death? This is astonishing
- Daksa, being the father of mankind, was performing yajna, and Lord Siva expected his share. But since Siva was not invited, there was trouble. By the mediation of Lord Brahma, however, everything was settled satisfactorily
- Dasavatara Stotra, 1970 part one - Next is Kurmavatara. There was churning of the ocean. One side all the demigods and one side all the demons
- Demigods such as Brahma and Siva are incarnations of the material qualities, which are also emanations from the body of Narayana. Actually, there was no one existing before the creation except Narayana, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Devahuti's husband was so expert in the transcendental science that there was nothing for him to argue about
- Draupadi offered Him a container in which there was only a little fragment of some vegetable preparation, and Krsna at once ate it
- During Krsnadasa' time there was no Radharani deity, Madan Mohan was alone. Radharani was later introduced. The temple of Madan Mohan was formerly on high level, that is, the original old temple
- During the British rule there was a secret policy by the British to cut down the Vedic civilization in India
- During the Caksusa-manvantara there was a great king named Satyavrata who was a great devotee of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Satyavrata performed austerities by subsisting only on water
- During the day the devotees discussed subject matters concerning Krsna, and at night there was a great festival of congregational chanting at the house of Advaita Acarya
- During the dispute there was a voice from the sky, and it announced that for all honest purposes Balarama was the actual winner of this game, that He was being abused, and that the statement of Rukmi that he had won was absolutely false
- During the period of Svayambhuva Manu (the present period is of Vaivasvata Manu) there was no suitable living being who could occupy the post of Indra, the King of the Indraloka (heaven) planet
- During the rasa dance, one form of Krsna was between every two gopis. But by the side of Srimati Radharani there was only one Krsna. Although this was the case, Srimati Radharani still manifested disagreement with Krsna
- During the regime of Maharaja Yudhisthira, all over the world there were regulated rainfalls
- During the regime of Vaivasvata Manu, there was an overlapping of the twenty-eighth round of the four millenniums, and the third millennium appeared prior to the second
- During the reign of Caksusa Manu there was a king named Satyavrata, who was a great pious ruler. To save him, the Lord appeared as the fish incarnation (Matsya) for a second time
- During the time of Caksusa Manu, by the supreme will of the Lord, there was suddenly another pralaya, or devastation. This is mentioned by Markandeya Rsi in the Visnu-dharmottara
- During the time of Maharaja Yudhisthira or Lord Ramacandra, people were free from all anxieties. There was not even extreme cold or extreme heat
- During their stay in the forest, there was some quarrel between Ramacandra and Ravana, and the latter kidnapped the Lord's wife, Sita. The quarrel ended in the vanquishing of the greatly powerful Ravana, along with all his kingdom and family
- Durvasa Muni was always accompanied by sixty thousand disciples and that if there was a little discrepancy in their reception, he would be very angry and would sometimes curse the host
- Duryodhana was there on the throne, and he was doing well in his administration, and in one sense there was no need of fighting. But on the principle of justice Yudhisthira was to replace him
- Eighteen years He lived in Jagannatha Puri. Every night there was kirtana, but there was no lila-kirtana you'll find, no lila-kirtana. Hare Krsna, that's all. No lila. But does it mean that Caitanya Mahaprabhu avoided lila-kirtana?
- Even if we want to act very piously, the danger is not over. There are many instances. There was one king. He was very charitable and he was giving many cows to the brahmanas. So there was some mistake
- Even in the presence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, there was such a foolish person. His name was Paundraka, and he wanted to declare himself God
- Even the nuclear weapons of the modern age are classified as fire weapons, but formerly there were other weapons made of all different types of material elements. BG 1972 purports
- Even when everything was done away with, there was the brahmastra released by the son of Dronacarya to kill the child within the womb of Uttara, and so the Lord (Krsna) saved the only surviving descendant of the Kurus, Maharaja Pariksit
- Eventually there was a meeting with Svarupa Damodara Gosvami, and the Lord became very greatly pleased. Then there was a meeting with Sikhi Mahiti and with Bhavananda Raya, the father of Ramananda Raya
- Everyone is fighting. The Pakistani is fighting with Hindustani. Twenty years ago, there was no Pakistani. But due to this false identification of body, a section has become Pakistani. Similarly, long, long ago there was only Vedic culture
- Everyone was completely satisfied, and therefore there was no chance of anyone's asking for anything. The people were absorbed in great affection for the King (Rsabha). Since this affection was always expanding, they were not inclined to ask for anything
- Everywhere population. This is a new theory of the rascals that there was no civilization before three thousand years. This is a wrong theory. Everything was there.
- Externally They (Krsna and Balarama) were absent from Vrndavana. Therefore, when Nanda Maharaja was preparing to return to Vrndavana, there was some discussion between him and the boys concerning how they could live in separation
- Father says: "My dear child, when you were two years old you fell down and there was a fracture in your brain." He cannot remember. The father can say: "Yes, it happened. You have forgotten. I remember." Similarly, Krsna can remember everything
- Fifty years before in India, in every village there was a small school conducted by the brahmana, and the village children would be trained up there. So he was sent for training. And there was no school fee
- Finally He (Caitanya) found the holy spot, and there was a small pond there. He took His bath in that small pond and told His devotees that the actual Radha-kunda was situated there
- 5000 years before, the statements of authorities, people could keep in mind without any book record. The memory was so sharp that one could keep in his memory simply by once hearing from the spiritual master. There was no need of written book to consult
- Five thousand years ago, there were kings like Kamsa, who is described as an asura, but he was better than modern politicians and diplomats, who have no knowledge about atma-tattva
- Following Bharata, there were ninety-nine other sons. Among these were nine elderly sons, named Kusavarta, Ilavarta, Brahmavarta, Malaya, Ketu, Bhadrasena, Indrasprk, Vidarbha and Kikata
- Foolish philosophers say that the universe automatically came into being by nature. They say that in the beginning there was a chunk, and this cosmic manifestation came out of that chunk of matter
- For a ksatriya, a military man, shooting arrows at the enemy is considered transcendental, and refraining from such a duty is demoniac. Therefore, there was no cause for Arjuna to lament. BG 1972 purports
- For five consecutive days all the people gathered to see the Lord, and still there was no rest. Out of fear of the crowd, Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu left at night and went to the town of Kuliya (present-day Navadvipa)
- For human happiness, one must care for the animals, especially the cows. Vasudeva therefore inquired whether there was a good arrangement for the animals where Nanda Maharaja lived
- For one year there was no discussion of the incident of the Aghasura demon in the village of Vraja. But when the boys attained their sixth year, they informed their parents of the incident with great wonder
- For the Lord's appearance, the great sages and the demigods, being pleased, began to shower flowers. At the seashore, there was the sound of mild waves, and above the sea there were clouds in the sky which began to thunder very pleasingly
- For those who have developed an attraction to Krsna, attachment can be developed. Before my coming to the West, there was no movement like this Krsna consciousness, but now it is developing
- For thousands of years Bhagavad-gita was being read in foreign countries by big, big scholars, philosophers, but there was not a single devotee of Krsna
- Formerly such scholars (Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya) were there, such religious persons were there. Therefore people were happy. What these rascals speak? Now there is Freud's philosophy and Darwin's theory
- Formerly there was king according to Vedic idea. The kings were sufficiently educated how to administer the citizens, how to give them all comforts
- Formerly there was no industry - people generally depended on agricultural work - therefore the mercantile community, they used to produce food grains and distribute them, and protection of cow was their duty
- Formerly there was no need to record the messages of the Vedas, because people in earlier ages were more intelligent and had sharper memories. They could follow the instructions simply by hearing once from the mouth of a bona fide spiritual master
- Formerly there was no such animosities between the Hindus and the Buddhists. They were practically on the same platform, but philosophically they were different
- Formerly there was no watch, but you still they used to keep time by the movement of the sun on a dial, just making some marks on the stone
- Formerly there was only one veda-patha, or set of religious principles. Now there are many. It doesn't matter which set of religious principles one follows: the only injunction is that he must follow them strictly
- Formerly there was only the Veda of the name Yajur, and the four divisions of sacrifices were there specifically mentioned
- Formerly there were kings like Jarasandha who strictly followed the Vedic rituals, acted as charitable, competent ksatriyas, possessed all ksatriya qualities and were even obedient to the brahminical culture but who did not accept Krsna as the SPOG
- Formerly there were no printing presses or printed books (during Catanya's time). All books were handwritten. Precious books were kept in manuscript form in temples or other important places, and anyone who was interested in a book had to copy it by hand
- Formerly, horses were drawing carriages and there was no air pollution, but now there are cars and rockets, and the scientists are very proud. "We have invented horseless carriages and wingless birds," they boast
- Formerly, in British government, there was viceroy. Vice means in place of and roy means royal king. Viceroy. So this viceroy was respected as the king, as the emperor. That is the process
- Formerly, in this planet also, there was only one king, and he was ruling over all the planets. Gradually, people have divided their interests and become different nations
- Formerly, people were religious. It doesn't matter whether one constructed temple or church. It doesn't matter. There was prayer to the Supreme. But now people are forgetting
- Formerly, there was a devastating war between the demigods and the demons. The demigods, having been defeated, accepted Puranjaya as their assistant and then conquered the demons. Therefore this hero is known as Puranjaya
- Formerly, this was the regulation, that sannyasi would take prasadam in the house of a brahmin, because a brahmin is supposed to worship of Narayana. In every house of a brahmin there was Narayana-sila. Still some rigid brahmins, they worship
- From history we can see that there were many powerful empires on the surface of the globe that were constructed with great pain and great perseverance, but in due course of time they have all been destroyed
- From the life of Narada Muni it is distinct that although He was a conditioned soul in His previous life, there was no impediment of His becoming the Spiritual Master
- From the nectar were produced many entities, of which there was a horse named Uccaihsrava. Another animal produced from the nectar was an elephant named Airavata. BG 1972 purports
- From thousands of years ago, this planet was known as Ilavrta-varsa. But there was a great emperor whose name was Bharata. After his name, this planet was known as Bharata-varsa
- Generally both of us used to live together and sleep, sit and loiter together. And at the time of advertising oneself for acts of chivalry, sometimes, if there were any irregularity, I used to reproach Him by saying, "My friend, You are very truthful."
- God simply said, "Let there be creation," and there was creation. Can you do that? Suppose you are very nice carpenter. Can you say, "Let there be a chair," and at once there is a chair? Is it possible?
- Gopinatha Acarya replied, "There was a man named Jagannatha, who was a resident of Navadvipa, and whose surname was Misra Purandara"
- Govinda kept accumulating the food, and soon it filled a corner of the room. There was quite enough to feed at least a hundred people
- Govinda replied, "You were lying down, blocking the door, and there was no way to go"
- Guru Maharaja established sixty-four temples, small and big. Just like I am increasing, he increased. So most of the temples were in Bengal. In Bengal there were about fifty out of sixty-four
- Guru Maharaja said saktyavesa-avatara, powerful incarnation. Therefore whenever there was question of Jesus, I never disrespected Jesus, never criticized him, because I know that he is powerful representative of God
- He (Arjuna) was freed from the three modes of material nature and placed in transcendence. There was no longer any chance of his becoming entangled in birth and death, for he was freed from material form
- He (Bhismadeva) wanted to point out particularly that they (Pandavas) were always protected by the brahmanas, the Lord and religious principles. As long as they were protected by these three important items, there was no cause of disappointment
- He (God) is the controller of all three gunas. Lord Brahma, expressing his appreciation, said that because Lord Visnu had now taken charge of the activities of goodness, there was every hope that demigods would be successful in fulfilling their desires
- He (Hanuman) fought with Ravana not for his personal self, but Rama wanted that, "He has kidnapped the queen of Rama. She must be delivered," and there was fighting. That is the principle
- He (Kamsa) saw the luminaries in the sky in double, although there was only one set factually. He began to see holes in his shadow, and he heard a high buzzing sound within his ears
- He (Karna) asked Draupadi to select another husband because, being lost by the Pandavas, she was rendered a slave of the Kurus. He was always an enemy of the Pandavas, and whenever there was an opportunity, he tried to curb them by all means
- He (Karna) was admitted as one of the students of Dronacarya, and from the very beginning there was some rivalry between him and Arjuna
- He (Krsna's older friend) therefore informed the others not to take the trouble of worrying about Krsna, because there was no present danger from Aristasura
- He (Krsna) is accompanied by the purusas, who create the mahat-tattva. It is confirmed in the Vedic hymns, mahantam vibhum atmanam. Krsna appeared, just like electricity, when there was friction between Kamsa and Vasudeva and Ugrasena
- He (Krsna) is compassionate always; He becomes so compassionate that He comes to stop this nonsense. That is buddha-sarira. Lord Buddha appeared when there was too much animal slaughter
- He (Krsnadasa Kaviraja) worshiped Radha-Krsna with his family, and once when there was some misunderstanding among his family members about devotional service, he was advised by Nityananda Prabhu in a dream to leave home and go to Vrndavana - CC Intro
- He (Kuvera) knew that for Dhruva Maharaja there was nothing desirable within the three material worlds. He knew that Dhruva would ask for nothing but to remember the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord constantly
- He (Lord Buddha) also appeared in India. Why? He was also Hindu. He was ksatriya, king. He promulgated this philosophy, ahimsa, when there was unnecessary killing of animals
- He (my father) gave me education how to play mrdanga. My mother was against. There was two teachers - one for teaching me A-B-C-D, and one for teaching me mrdanga
- He (Raghunatha Bhatta Gosvami) never cared to hear blasphemy of a Vaisnava. Even when there were points to be criticized, he used to say that since all the Vaisnavas were engaged in the service of the Lord, he did not mind their faults
- He (Srila Haridasa Thakura) had every right to enter the temple of Jagannatha Puri, but because there were some rules and regulations stipulating that only brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras (members of the varnasrama-dharma system) could enter
- He (Subuddhi Raya) treated the boy as his own child, and sometimes, when the boy would steal something, the master would chastise him by striking him with a cane. There was a mark on the boy's back from this chastisement
- He (Vidura) thought that there was no need to defend his brother with his bow because his brother was meant for ruination. Thus he left the palace before Duryodhana could act. Maya, the supreme energy of the Lord, acted here both internally & externally
- He further wished to give Krsna in charity his kingdom, his family and his personal self also. After so desiring, when there was nothing to actually give in charity, Maharaj Yudhisthira became very perturbed and anxious
- He organized one lakh of people to join in the sankirtana movement, and all of them went to the house of Kazi. And Kazi was afraid, the public opinion is against him, so there was some compromise. Compromise means it was victory for Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- He was aware that only seven days remaining. So Maharaja Pariksit left his kingdom and sat down on the bank of the Ganges, and fortunately his spiritual master also came. So there was discussion on the Srimad-Bhagavatam for seven days
- He was born of a good brahmana father, and killing him was forbidden, even though he might have been an enemy or aggressive person. In any case, there was no reason to kill Jada Bharata, and the goddess Kali could not bear this
- He was equal to all the wives & treated them as a perfect husband would, just to please them. For Him, there was no need of even a single wife. Since they were women, the wives could not understand the exalted position of Krsna, nor the truths about Him
- Hearing about this, everyone there came to the outside door and began chanting the holy name, "Hari! Hari!" Thus there was a tumultuous sound
- Hearing the words of the dead son (of Srivasa Thakura), all the members of Srivasa Thakura’s family received transcendental knowledge. Thus there was no cause for lamentation
- Here and there, there were signs of all sorts, like "Be still and realize I am God'' - what is this, by becoming silent and still one becomes God?
- Hindu society was so rigid at the time of Lord Caitanya that if a Hindu were converted into a Muslim, there was no chance of his being reformed. In this way the Muslim population in India increased
- His (Caitanya's) mother was overwhelmed with grief when she saw that He was clean-shaven. There was no longer any beautiful hair on His head. Mother Saci was pacified by all the devotees
- His (Karna's) son, Vrsasena, was killed by Arjuna. He killed the largest number of Pandava soldiers. At last there was a severe fight with Arjuna, and it was he only who was able to knock off the helmet of Arjuna
- His (Krsnadasa Kaviraja's) family also worshiped Radha-Krsna, and once when there was some misunderstanding amongst his family about devotional service, Krsnadasa Kaviraja was advised by Nityananda Prabhu in a dream to leave home and go to Vrndavana
- His (Vidyadhara, the serpent's) bodily features were so beautiful that he appeared to be worshipable. There was a luster and effulgence emanating from his body, and he was garlanded with a gold necklace
- His mental and bodily strength as well as the boon conferred upon him had made him proud. He feared death at the hands of no one, and there was no checking him
- His ten sons (Pracinabarhi's) were performing austerities within the water, and there was no king to see to the management of the world. When the ten sons, the Pracetas, came out of the water, they saw that the earth was overrun with trees
- How do you understand that God is great? What is your calculation, that from, on this point, God is great? Just like in your Bible it is said, "God said 'Let there be creation,' and there was creation." Is it not? Is it not statement? So here is greatness
- Hundreds of thousands of people came to see Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. There was no counting the number. Because the Lord's residence was very small, not everyone could see Him
- I always say, man is good, and woman is also good, but when they combine, then they become bad. Before there was so much difficulty, but now you are doing well and Yamuna dasi is also doing well, and I am very pleased with your work
- I am glad to hear from you that because there was some misinformation that we had got the wrong impression, and actually that everything is progressing in a spirit of mutual cooperation in all respects. This is Krishna Consciousness
- I am perturbed in the mind. When there was no basic understanding what was the need for appointing Lawyer. Any way it is my advice that you should consult me before issuing any further money
- I am very happy to inform you of the confidence of a student in one of our branches. There was a disagreement. Another student said, "You are not looking after how to maintain the establishment," and he replied - Oh, Krsna will supply
- I do not find any difference between western mind and eastern mind. Because so many western mind is changed. Yes. So there was no difficulty. Two, two plus two equal to four is to be understood by the western mind and the eastern mind
- I had also very much affection for Amrtananda, but if, as you report, there was some connection with Krishna at the last moment, then we have not to doubt that he will get good opportunity to advance further in Krishna Consciousness
- I had only forty rupees with me, and a return ticket in the Scindia Navigation Companies. So for two, three months, six months, there was no response. I was simply maintaining myself by selling my books
- I had some experience in my childhood, in 1911. I was thirteen years old. There was a riot. So our house was there in Mahatma Gandhi Road, and all sides Muhammadans
- I have given this example of my practical experience in 1925 or '26 when my son was two years old. There was a table fan, "I would like to touch it." And I said: "No, don't touch." This is child
- I have not received any letter from Vasudeva in reply to my last letter. If perhaps there was some delay, you can send the letter to Paris as I am leaving for London tomorrow and shortly thereafter to Paris
- I have read in some book - that Aquatic Gospel? - that formerly, during Lord Jesus Christ's time, some meeting were held occasionally among all religious people, all religious people. And in one meeting some Hindu's name was there; he is very prominent
- I have seen one dark well. In your country, when I was guest in John Lennon's house in 1969, we saw in the garden there was a dark well
- I know that the ghost, if you go in a house ghostly haunted, if you chant Hare Krsna mantra, they'll go away. They cannot tolerate. In my life there was several incidences like that
- I published second part (of Srimad-Bhagavatam) also. There was sale. Then there was no necessity of money. I was getting money by selling Srimad-Bhagavatam. Everyone appreciated
- I reached Boston as scheduled on December 21st, and there was a good reception by the devotees for Krishna's servant. The newspaper article published remarked on this occasion that "in the Logan Airport there has never been anything like this."
- I remember the words of my Guru Maharaja when he told me that wherever there was money it should be used to print books, not that we shall have big big temples and then fight in the court
- I remember, there was heavy bombing. But fortunately, we stayed perplexed.(?) He saw something, fireworks, is going on. 'So let us enjoy.' (laughter) You see? (makes sound of bomb coming down) 'Do-do-dee-dee-dong'
- I saw in Paris, in Germany, they are not as rich as the Americans. Because American inland, there was no such big war, so their opulence is existing. But on account of these two wars, British completely finished
- I was in London from August through December, 1969, and there was our opening ceremony of Deity installation on the 14th December
- I was maintaining myself by selling these books for one year. There was no friend, and I was living in apartment with great difficulty. Still, the whole, I mean to say, stock, and my typewriter, my tape recorder - everything was stolen
- I was prepared to chant even if there were no men present to hear me. The principle of chanting is to glorify the Lord and not to attract a crowd. If Krishna hears nicely then he will ask some sincere devotee to gather in such place
- If according to astrological calculations there was conflict between a godly and a demoniac nature, the marriage would not take place. Similarly, there were calculations of pratiloma and anuloma
- If merely by such activities (distribute foodstuffs) people will be benefited. Suppose there were no food grain. How would the rich men distribute food
- If the disciples go to the village, beg some food grain, then sometimes they cook some food grains. Otherwise the brahmanas used to live in the forest, drink milk and take fruit. That is sufficient. There was no need of jumping here and there
- If the head man is taught very nicely everything about society, economic development and religion, if he is taught very nicely, then he can introduce the ideas in the country. Therefore there was monarchy
- If there were a servant in the office who tried to occupy the position of employer, would the employer like it? Similarly, any living entity who is trying to become God is not very much to God's liking
- If we get chance, we must open a center in Kanpur. It is a very important city in India. I heard that there was someone who was willing to give us a house. Kanpur is the third most important city in India next to Calcutta and Bombay
- If we scrutinizingly study the life of Krsna, you will find in the history of the world than Krsna there was no richer person than Krsna, no powerful person than Krsna, more learned and person of knowledge, philosophy, than Krsna
- If you place dalda, mixing with ghee some rascal thing, then nobody will accept. Therefore, so many svamis went before me in the Western countries, and they presented adulterated, and there was not a single person became a krsna-bhakta
- In 1942, in India, there was an artificial famine created by people gathering money and stocking it unnecessarily
- In 1947, during the partition days, there was a big riot between Hindus and Muslims, especially in Bengal. The Hindus were forcibly made to eat cow's flesh, and consequently they began crying, thinking that they had become Muslims
- In 1969 I was guest in the house of John Lennon in London. So there was a ghost in... It was a big plot. There was a guest house. So they complained, "Sir, here is ghost." So I advised them to chant Hare Krsna, and the ghost went away
- In a valley of Trikuta Mountain there was a garden called Rtumat. This garden belonged to the great devotee Varuna and was a sporting place for the damsels of the demigods. Flowers and fruits grew there in all seasons
- In Ambuya-muluka there was a person named Nakula Brahmacari, who was a perfectly pure devotee, greatly advanced in devotional service
- In ancient days there was even a hunter named Dharma, who became a spiritual master for many people
- In ancient times, there was not so great an expansion of material activities. In those days the mode of living was simple, and yet the thoughts were sublime
- In Bengal there was professional guru. They travel from one house to another. Our paternal guru was coming like that
- In Bhagavad-gita Arjuna accepted Lord Krsna as his spiritual master, although there was no necessity of such a formal declaration
- In Boston, while I was coming, there was three couples married. So they are living peacefully. There is no intoxication. They do not smoke even, do not take even tea or coffee. And they are taking nice prasadam every day. They are happy
- In both millenniums there was a boar incarnation of the Lord, but in the Svayambhuva millennium He lifted the earth from within the water of the universe, whereas in the Caksusa millennium He killed the first demon, Hiranyaksa
- In Brahma-samhita the name of Krsna is there. Isvarah paramah krsnah (Bs. 5.1), beginning. That is the fifth chapter. There were hundred chapters. Only fifth chapter is available
- In British time there was no begging at least. Now their independence means they are begging. So these are all false notions. Nobody is independent. He is dependent in some way or other under the laws of nature
- In case of a king's refusal to act accordingly (paying taxes), there was certainly a fight
- In darkness at night the only happiness is sleeping and sex, that's all. There is no other happiness. And when there was dark in New York, electricity failed, and so many women became pregnant. (laughs) Yes
- In East Bengal there was a brahmana named Tapana Misra, who could not ascertain the objective of life or how to attain it
- In Europe, Hitler unnecessarily picked up some war, & there was devastation all over the world. There was no gain. The Germany become defeated & bifurcated. So this leader could not do anything good to the nation, but unnecessarily picked up some quarrel
- In former times there were many fools like you who did not conquer the six enemies that steal away the wealth of the body. These fools were very proud, thinking, "I have conquered all enemies in all the ten directions"
- In Hajipura there was a gentlemen named Srikanta, who happened to be the husband of Sanatana Gosvami's sister
- In His childhood He killed many powerful demons, such as Aghasura, Bakasura and Sakatasura, and there was no question of His having acquired such power through any extraneous endeavor
- In his previous life, when Naradaji was impregnated with spiritual knowledge by the grace of the great sages, there was a tangible change in his life, although he was only a boy of five years
- In India there is still that place, Kuruksetra, and religious men go there especially on the occasion of solar eclipse. So recently there was solar eclipse
- In India there was agitation during Gandhi's political movement because the lowborn classes of men like street-sweepers and candalas are prohibited, according to the Vedic system, from entering the temple. Due to their unclean habits they are prohibited
- In Jagannatha Puri there was a young boy who had been born of an Orissan brahmana but had later lost his father. The boy's features were very beautiful, and his behavior was extremely gentle
- In Krsna-Balarama Temple in Vrndavana, there is a tamala tree that covers an entire corner of the courtyard. Before there was a temple the tree was lying neglected, but now it has developed very luxuriantly. This is a sign of bhuri-punya
- In Lucknow when I started that laboratory in Mr. Bhattacarya's house in Vat-nagara, there was a ghost. I have practical experience
- In Maldah there was a village named Ramakeli, where two government ministers of the Nawab Hussain Shah's regime lived. These two ministers were named Dabira Khasa and Sakara Mallika, and they were later to be renamed Sanatana Gosvami and Rupa Gosvami
- In my childhood I have actually seen my father receive not less than four guests every day, and in those days my father’s income was not very great. Nonetheless, there was no difficulty in offering prasadam to at least four guests every day
- In one village there was a Vedic brahmana named Kurma. He invited Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu to his home with great respect and devotion
- In order to assure Krsna that there was no change of love on Subhadra's part, Arjuna informed Him
- In our childhood we have seen that Britishers started tea garden. There was no tea plants before Britishers
- In our line of disciplic succession, acarya, there was one Rupa Gosvami. Rupa Gosvami, he was formerly the minister of a very big estate. Then he renounced his family life and joined Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and became a mendicant
- In Satya-yuga there was only one Veda, not four. Later, before the beginning of Kali-yuga, this one Veda, the Atharva Veda (or, some say, the Yajur Veda), was divided into four - Sama, Yajur, Rg and Atharva - for the facility of human society
- In Satya-yuga, every person was spiritually advanced, & there was no envy between great personalities. Gradually, however, because of material contamination with the advance of the ages, disrespectful dealings appeared even among brahmanas and Vaisnavas
- In Seattle there was a demonstration with hogs in which the boys and girls undressed themselves and got in the mud and played with the hogs, and in this way they were associating with the hogs and pigs which they worshiped
- In that garden there was a very large lake filled with shining golden lotus flowers and the flowers known as kumuda, kahlara, utpala and satapatra, which added excellent beauty to the mountain
- In that history of greater India, there is a, there was a fight between two cousin-brothers, the Pandavas and the Kurus. The Pandavas and Kurus, they belonged to the same family known as Kuru dynasty
- In that meeting (the Rajasuya sacrifice) there was a great turmoil over selecting the best person to be worshiped first. Everyone decided to worship Krsna. The only protest came from Sisupala, & because of his vehement opposition he was killed by the SPG
- In that particular (third) millennium, Lord Sri Krsna also descends, and because of this there was some particular alteration
- In the absence of Akrura there were apparently some disturbances in Dvaraka. The superstition arose for the following reason: Once in the province of Kasi (Varanasi) there was severe drought - practically no rain fell
- In the absence of Krsna and Balarama there was a conspiracy by many men, including even Akrura and Krtavarma, who were devotees of Lord Krsna, to take the jewel from Satrajit
- In the ancient tribal system, there was some form of religiosity. There was some form of worship of God. The so-called modern civilization doesn't even maintain that
- In the beginning of creation there was a very intelligent personality, Lord Brahma, and from him emanated all the Manus, and the brahmacaris like Sanaka and Sanatana, as well as Lord Siva, the great sages and Narada
- In the beginning of creation there was only the Supreme Personality, Narayana, and there was no existence of Brahma or Siva. Therefore, one who at the end of his life remembers Narayana attains the perfection of life - ante narayana-smrtih - SB 2.1.6
- In the beginning of the creation there was a great need of population; Lord Brahma was creating one son after another and ordering them to increase. However, when the Kumaras were requested to do so, they declined
- In the beginning of the creation there was only the Supreme Personality Narayana. There was no Brahma, no Siva, no fire, no moon, no stars in the sky, no sun. There was only Krsna, who creates all and enjoys all. BG 1972 purports
- In the beginning of the first half of Brahma's life, there was a millennium called Brahma-kalpa, wherein Lord Brahma appeared. The birth of the Vedas was simultaneous with Brahma's birth
- In the beginning there was no response, but because we continued to execute our devotional activities with patience, people gradually began to understand the importance of this movement, and now they are eagerly participating
- In the beginning there was void and in the middle it is manifested. Then again it is void. So void to void, where there is lamentation? This is the argument Krsna is giving. Both ways you cannot lament
- In the beginning, there was no impersonalists or voidists. These are later addition
- In the Catuh-sloki of Srimad-Bhagavatam, the Lord says, aham evasam evagre: "I was existing in the beginning before the creation." (SB 2.9.33) In the Vedas it is also said, eko narayana asit: "Before the creation there was only Narayana
- In the city known as Kanyakubja there was a brahmana named Ajamila who married a prostitute maidservant and lost all his brahminical qualities because of the association of that low-class woman
- In the days of Vedic civilization there was no dearth of knowledge in physics, chemistry or higher mathematics
- In the days of yore, many long years ago, there was animosity between the devas and the asuras, and the same spirit still continues, for the devotees of Lord Siva and Goddess Durga are always envious of Vaisnavas, who are devotees of Lord Visnu
- In the dynasty of Rohita there was a king named Sagara, whose history is described in relation to Kapiladeva and the destruction of the sons of Sagara
- In the Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika (140) it is said: In Vraja there were two very nice singers named Madhukantha and Madhuvrata. They appeared in caitanya-lila as Mukunda and Vasudeva Datta, who were singers in the society of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- In the great assembly of saintly personalities, there was Vyasadeva the brahmarsi, Narada the devarsi, Parasurama the great ruler of the ksatriya kings, etc. Some of them were powerful incarnations of the Lord
- In the history there was not a single devotee of Krsna before my going. Now there are thousands. Why? The secret is that I am presenting as it is
- In the land surrounding Bindu-sarovara there was not a single impious bird or tree
- In the Mahabharata, or the old history of India, we see that ksatriya kings especially used to marry many wives. According to Vedic civilization there was no restriction against this, and even a man more than fifty years old could marry
- In the modern civilization they have no history more than three thousand years. Some of the rascals, they say that ten thousand years before, there was no human being. So this is going on, mental speculation. But we have got Vedic history, millions years
- In the olden days there were no presses, and all the important scriptures were handwritten and kept in large temples
- In the palaces of the Lord (Krsna) there was nothing wanting for fulfilling all desires of the Lord
- In the Second Chapter of the Bhagavad-gita (BG 2.12), wherein the Lord says: Never was there a time when I did not exist, nor you (Arjuna), nor all these kings; nor in the future shall any of us cease to be
- In the Sruti-mantra it is said that only Visnu, the Supreme Lord, existed before the creation, and there was no Brahma, Siva or other demigods
- In the state known as Usinara there was a celebrated King named Suyajna. When the King was killed in battle by his enemies, his kinsmen sat down around the dead body and began to lament the death of their friend
- In the Vedas also it is stated that in the beginning there was only Visnu, Narayana; there was no Brahma or Siva
- In the Vedic histories we find that there were many, many exalted emperors and kings who practiced austerities and penances. Dhruva Maharaja, Ambarisa & Yudhisthira were all great kings and were most opulent, but at the same time they were great sages
- In the Vedic hymns, it is clearly said that first of all Narayana cast a glance over matter and thus there was creation. Before creation, there was neither Brahma nor Siva, and what to speak of others
- In the village of Pancakrosi Vrndavana, at the site where the Govinda temple is now situated, there was a great temple where gorgeous worship of Gopala was performed
- In the year 1973 there was a gorgeous Ratha-yatra festival in London, England, and the car was brought to Trafalgar Square
- In this century, for instance, we have attempted to put out the fire of war, but it has not been possible. There was a First World War, and then a League of Nations was formed to try to prevent a second, but despite their attempts a second took place
- In this connection, there is a story in the Brahma-vaivarta Purana that in the city of Pratisthanapura in South India there was once a brahmana who was not very well-to-do, but who was nevertheless satisfied in himself
- In this way a complete year passed for Junior Haridasa, but still there was not a sign of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mercy toward him
- In this way the Lord performed sankirtana every day, and at the end of sankirtana there was a mango-eating festival every day for twelve months
- In those days (of Caitanya) in Bengal there were many places known as Kanai Natasala, where pictures of the pastimes of Lord Krsna were kept. People used to go there to see them. This is called krsna-caritra-lila
- In those days there was no banking system like the one now found in Western countries. If one had excess money, he would deposit it with some merchant, usually a grocer. That was the banking system
- In Vallabhapura there was a permanent arrangement to cook nine kilos of rice, vegetables and other foodstuffs daily, and near the village there is sufficient land, which belonged to the Deity, on which this rice was grown
- In Vrndavana there is a place where there was no temple, but a devotee desired, Let there be a temple and seva, devotional service. Therefore, what was once an empty corner has now become a place of pilgrimage. Such are the desires of a devotee
- In Western countries they sleep twelve o'clock. As soon as there was kirtana, half-naked he used to come in New York. He used to complain, Mr. Chudy, "Oh, it is..." "Mr. Chudy, sir, I cannot do anything. You request them"
- Incessant tears flowed from his eyes, his heart melted, and there was shivering and standing of the hairs all over his body because of his transcendental bliss
- Indeed, it (different opinions of demons & devotees) has existed since days of yore. Millions of years ago, there was the same competition. The demons, as a result of their so-called Vedic study, preferred to hold the side of the snake near the mouth
- Indra, along with other demigods, offered opposition to Krsna and Satyabhama for taking away the (Parijata) tree, but in order to please His favorite wife Satyabhama, Krsna became determined and adamant, so there was a fight
- Intercaste marriage was not prohibited in the olden days, many millions of years ago, but there was a regular system of social behavior
- It (this planet) was not so full of life, but there was a class of men. All others, animals, were there, trees were there
- It appears that although there was monarchy, it was not at all an autocracy. There were senior family members and ministers who could make changes and elect the proper person to the throne, although the throne could be occupied only by the royal family
- It appears that in the days of Vedic civilization there was no dearth of knowledge in physics, chemistry or higher mathematics. Measurements were calculated in different ways, as simply as could be done
- It appears that there was a big kirtana hall in front of the temple (of Ekacakra-grama), but later it became dilapidated. It is now covered by banyan trees. Later on, a temple was constructed within which Gaura-Nityananda Deities are existing
- It appears that this banyan tree was devoid of nests, and therefore it was calm, quiet and peaceful. There were no disturbances from noise or heat, and therefore this place was just suitable for meditation
- It is confirmed in the Vedic literature that before the creation there was only Narayana; neither Lord Brahma nor Lord Siva existed
- It is not the question of belief. It is a fact. You have to accept another body after this body, just like you have already accepted. Your childhood body was there, and that is gone. You accepted another body
- It is said that on the northern side of the temple (of Ekacakra-grama) there was a Deity of Lord Siva named Bhandisvara and that the father of Nityananda Prabhu, Hadai Pandita, used to worship that Deity
- It is said that the Sapta-tala trees were very old, massive palm trees. There was once a fight between Vali and his brother Sugriva, and Lord Ramacandra took the side of Sugriva and killed Vali, keeping Himself behind one of those celebrated trees
- It is the statement of the sastras that in this age the whole population is sudra. And formerly also, by birth everyone was considered sudra; but there was training, samskara
- It is to be concluded that when Lord Caitanya induced them (Mayavadi sannyasis) to chant Hare Krsna and excused them for their offenses, they were purified, and therefore there was no objection to taking lunch, or bhagavat-prasadam, with them
- It is to be understood that when Jaya and Vijaya descended to this material world, they came because there was something to be done for the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Otherwise it is a fact that no one falls from Vaikuntha
- It is understood herewith that even in those days, about five thousand years ago, there were prostitutes in a city like Dvaraka, where Lord Krsna resided. This means that prostitutes are necessary citizens for the proper upkeep of society
- It is understood that formerly there was a Deity of Lord Ramacandra there (in Vatapani). Later the Deity was replaced with a deity of Lord Siva known as Ramesvara or Bhutanatha
- It was impossible even for learned scholars to oppose Caitanya for a long time, for there was some spell in Him which touched their hearts and made them weep for their spiritual improvement
- It was known to Sri Narada Muni that Lord Brahma attained creative energy by undergoing severe austerities. As such, he could understand that there was someone else superior to Brahmaji who invested Brahma with the power of creation
- It was reputed that there was no limit to the bodily strength of Purnaprajna, Madhvacarya
- Jagadananda Pandita was accustomed to provoking loving quarrels with the Lord. There was always some disagreement between them
- Jagannath Puri and Benares is not less than about eight hundred miles distance. So in those days there was no railway, no other conveyance. Caitanya Mahaprabhu had to travel through the jungles, and He came back to Jagannath Puri
- Jarasandha concluded that the two brothers (Krsna and Balarama) had burned to ashes and that there was no need of further fighting
- Just after Krsna turned three months old, mother Yasoda celebrated this (utthana) ceremony with other women of the neighborhood. On that day, there was a conjunction of the moon with the constellation Rohini - SB 10.7.4
- Just as there are many united states in various parts of the world, in olden days the entire world was ruled through many states, but there was a supreme emperor who ruled over all subsidiary states
- Just as there is no possibility of a fire's occurring deep in the forest due to human effort, so also there was no power in the universe which could vanquish the descendants of Yadu, who were protected by the Lord
- Just as we now have such a mechanical arrangement, at that time there were also certain arrangements, although there was no machine
- Just like in the Bible it is said, "Let there be creation," and there was creation. Simply by this will, "Let there be creation," there is creation. But there is action of the energy of Krsna, but the energy is so subtle that immediately it performs
- Just like Lord Jesus Christ was crucified. So he could not be crucified. It is a false notion. There was resurrection. Because God or God's representative, they are not under the laws of this material nature
- Just like this modern nonsense theory that there was in the beginning no life. But that is nonsense. In the beginning there was Brahma, the most learned person
- Just like when there was political movement in India, the Britishers, they presented so many problems - just like the untouchables, the Muhammadans and so many things
- Kalakanya, the daughter of Time, presented herself before the King of the Yavanas precisely in terms of sadhu, sastra and guru. Thus there was no reason for not accepting her
- Karna was very charitable, especially toward the brahmanas. There was nothing he could not spare for a brahmana
- King Gaya gave full protection and security to the citizens so that their personal property would not be disturbed by undesirable elements. He also saw that there was sufficient food to feed all the citizens. (This is called posana)
- King Indra, accompanied by all kinds of demigods, joined the side of Brhaspati. Thus there was a great fight, destroying both demons and demigods, only for the sake of Tara, Brhaspati's wife
- Krishna consciousness is so valuable that it plays wonderful, and there are many instances within our society. Similarly I was a crow, and now they consider me a peacock. But, I was trying to be a peacock whenever there was the opportunity
- Krishna is actually husband of every woman. There was no necessity of formal marriage. But still Krishna played like husband by asking them to become naked
- Krsna conscious ideal grhasthas. That we want. Just like Bhaktivinoda Thakura. There are many. I was grhastha. There was Deity worship, everything nice. I was publishing Back to Godhead from grhastha. So aim was there
- Krsna continued, "You (Rukmini) sent your messenger inviting Me to kidnap you, and when you found that there was a little delay in My arriving on the spot, you saw the whole world as vacant"
- Krsna heard the appealing voices of His friends, and casting a pleasing glance over them, He began to answer. By speaking through His eyes, He impressed upon His friends that there was no cause for fear, and He assured them, "Don't worry"
- Krsna is accepted as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and by all the authorities of Vedic knowledge. Formerly, during Krsna's time, there were authorities like Vyasadeva, like Narada. They also accepted that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and He knew everything about the hunchback. By His inquiry He indicated that there was no use in serving a demon; she would do better to serve Krsna and Balarama and get an immediate result of the service
- Krsna once thought, "At that time My friends, the cowherd boys, were unhappy even to tolerate a two-minute separation from Me. &, when they found Me, there was competition between us as to who would touch the other first with the flowers we had in hand"
- Krsna puts forward this argument that before this manifested form of life there was void, and after this manifested life, there will be void, according to the void philosophy. Then where is the cause of lamentation? There is no cause of lamentation
- Krsna said, "Even if you are pauper, you try; you'll get everything." But I thought, "Without money, how this can be done?" That was difference of opinion with Krsna, argument
- Krsna was struck with wonder at how the external energy works so wonderfully. He began to consider how He could kill the demon & at the same time save the boys and calves. Although there was no factual concern on Krsna's part, He was thinking like that
- Krsna's whole proposition appeared to be something unexpected because according to the Vedic culture there was no such thing as separation of husband and wife by divorce
- Kunti continued, "When You (Krsna) sent Akrura, I could understand that there was no possibility of our being put in danger. All good fortune in our life began when You sent Akrura to us. Since, I have been convinced that we are not without protection"
- Laksmana was the daughter of Duryodhana. She was married with Krsna's son, and there was some misunderstanding. The ksatriya families, whenever there was marriage, there was fight also. That means they exhibited the valor of ksatriyas
- Last night there was sugar candy here, he said. "Therefore ants are wandering about. Alas, this renounced sannyasi is attached to such sense gratification!" After speaking in this way, he got up and left
- Later there was a fight, and this country was conquered by King Purusottama-deva of Orissa
- Like the scientists say, "There was a chunk... and the creation took place. Perhaps. Maybe..." What is this? Simply cheating! It is not teaching; it is cheating
- Long ago there was a misunderstanding between Ballal Sena and the suvarna-vanik community because of the great banker Gauri Sena
- Long, long ago, there was an assembly of great sages on the bank of the river Sarasvati who performed a great sacrifice of the name Satra
- Lord (Krsna) at once expanded Himself in as many plenary expansions as there were queens and palaces and entered in each and every one of them simultaneously and separately
- Lord Balarama wanted to impress upon Rukmini that she should not be sorry for the consequences her brother (Rukmi) suffered due to his actions. There was no need of being too affectionate toward such a brother
- Lord Brahma assured the demigods that there was no use in talking about how the disturbing situation of darkness was taking place, since the actual fact was that it was ordered by the Supreme Lord
- Lord Brahma personally sat in meditation, and there was a message-transmission from Lord Visnu to Brahma. Brahma then broadcast the message to the demigods. That is the system of receiving Vedic knowledge
- Lord Buddha declined to accept the Vedic principles because there was no other way to stop. If he would have accepted Vedic principles, then these animal-killers would have shown him evidences that in the Vedas there is mention of animal-killing
- Lord Buddha, for example, was an incarnation, yet he preached atheism: "There is no God." But actually there was a plan behind this, as explained in the Bhagavatam
- Lord Caitanya pointed out to Rupa Gosvami that there was a certain danger to be encountered while watering the root of the devotional plant
- Lord Caitanya was irritated by the criticism (He chanted the names of Gopis), and so there was some misunderstanding between Him and His students. He wanted to chastise them for desiring to instruct Him on the transcendental process of chanting
- Lord Krsna and His queens remained together as husband and wife, and Krsna, as an ideal husband, treated them in such a way that at every moment there was an increase of transcendental bliss in their smiling exchanges, talking and mixing
- Lord Krsna appeared, just like electricity, when there was friction between Kamsa and Vasudeva and Ugrasena
- Lord Krsna had 16,108 wives, and for each and every one of them there was a fully equipped palace complete with necessary compounds and gardens. Full description of these palaces is given in the Tenth Canto
- Lord Rama was sent to the forest by His father just when He was going to be enthroned. After Lord Rama's departure, Maharaja Dasaratha, His father, died. In the forest His wife, Sitadevi, was kidnapped by Ravana, and there was a great war
- Lord Ramacandra's kingdom is still existing, and recently there was a political party in India named the Ramarajya party, which wanted to establish a kingdom resembling the kingdom of Rama
- Lord Siva put forward the argument that even if Sati proposed to go alone, without her husband, still she would not be received well because she was his wife. There was every chance of a catastrophe, even if she wanted to go alone
- Lord Siva wanted to criticize Citraketu for externally posing as a great devotee but being interested in enjoying with the Vidyadhari women. These were all friendly jokes; there was nothing serious for which Citraketu should have been cursed by Parvati
- Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu asked Nityananda Prabhu to judge whether there was anyone within the world as fortunate as Madhavendra Puri
- Lord Sri Krsna is the original Narayana and the controller of the Narayana-jvara weapon. When the Narayana-jvara was released, there was a great fight between the two jvaras
- Lord Visnu informed Prthu Maharaja that although the sacrificial performances set an example for ordinary people, there was no need for such sacrificial performances as far as his personal self was concerned
- Lord Visnu's appearance at the sacrificial arena of Maharaja Nabhi was just to please the King and his assistants. Otherwise there was no reason for His being present there
- Maharaja Pariksit was a devotee of Krsna, and therefore when he understood that Putana was causing disturbances in Gokula, he was somewhat perturbed. Sukadeva Gosvami therefore assured him that there was no danger in Gokula
- Maharaja Pariksit was not getting any opportunity to fight because there was no enemy with whom to fight. But as soon as he got the news that Kali has entered in the jurisdiction of his kingdom, he got the chance of fighting
- Maharaja Yudhisthira knew well that Krsna is everyone's friend and well-wisher, and yet there were asuras who were by nature envious of the Lord
- Maharaja Yudhisthira observed some discrepancies in his kingdom, and therefore he became very anxious about Arjuna, who was long absent, and there was also no news about Dvaraka's well-being
- Maharaja Yudhisthira thought that because he was a grhastha there was no hope of his being liberated, and therefore he asked Narada Muni how he could get out of material entanglement
- Maharaja Yudhisthira was a great devotee of the Lord, and there was no necessity of his being afraid of the age of Kali, but he preferred to retire from active household life and prepare himself to go back home, back to Godhead
- Maharaja Yudhisthira was one of the liberated souls, and therefore for him there was no pleasure in a vast kingdom, good wife, obedient brothers, happy subjects and prosperous world
- Maharaja Yudhisthira's younger brothers were acting as his ministers and commanders of state, and there was full cooperation between the perfectly religious brothers of the King
- Mahatma means he has taken shelter of Krsna cent percent, and his only business is to worship and glorify Krsna. That is mahatma. So Gandhi never believed that there was Krsna, but he became mahatma by popular vote. That's all
- Malayadhvaja could thus observe that the Supersoul was sitting by his side & that he as the individual soul, was sitting by the side of the Supersoul. Since both were together, there was no need for separate interests; thus he ceased from such activities
- May the sight of Srimati Radharani's kila-kincita ecstasy, which is like a bouquet, bring good fortune to all. When Sri Krsna blocked Radharani’s way to the dana-ghati, there was laughter within Her heart
- Maybe number of the atheist are now greater than before, but there was great atheist in India. There are six kinds of philosophical theses. Out of those, atheism is also one of them
- Mexico, when there was trouble with the Americans, they adopted Gandhi's noncooperation movement
- Mitravinda said, "My dear Draupadi, there was a great assembly of princes at my svayamvara ceremony (the personal selection of a husband). Lord Krsna was also present in that meeting, and He accepted me as His maidservant"
- Modern scientists and philosophers foolishly explain that there was no civilization prior to three thousand years ago, but the statement of this verse (SB 7.8.33) nullifies such whimsical judgments
- Money is the criterion, not family. Formerly, there was family, respectable family, aristocratic family, brahmana family, ksatriya family. All these things are gone now. If you accumulate some money some way or other, then you are respectable
- My beard was burned, and there were blisters on my cheeks.' Every orderly who went gave the same description
- My dear faultless Vidura, in that rainfall there was blood, mucus, pus, stool, urine and marrow falling heavily before Dhruva Maharaja, and there were trunks of bodies falling from the sky
- My dear friend, though Krsna might have forgotten all these things, you can understand and bring this message to Him. But during Our first meeting there was no messenger between Us, nor did I request anyone to see Him
- My dearly beloved wife, daughter of Sukracarya, in this world there was someone exactly like me. Please listen as I narrate the history of his life
- My feeling, I am very satisfied that Krsna is accepted by presenting as He is. I must be very satisfied, because before me, who did not present Krsna as He is, there was not a single Krsna conscious person in the Western world. Now I have got thousands
- My Guru Maharaja used to be very much pleased whenever there was book distribution. So you just continue it solidly, that is my request
- Nanda and all the other cowherd men, who had dedicated everything, including their lives, to Krsna, were ready to enter the waters of the Yamuna, but Lord Balarama checked them because He was in perfect knowledge that there was no danger
- Never they prescribed unwanted children like cats and dogs. No. So therefore there was garbhadhana-samskara. Before the father and mother conjugate there is ceremony, garbhadhana, for the higher caste
- Never was there a time when I did not exist, nor you, nor all these kings; nor in the future shall any of us cease to be. BG 2.12 - 1972
- Nityananda Prabhu, who was His eternal servitor, believed that there was no need for Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to carry the staff, and to declare to the world that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was above all regulations, He broke it into three pieces
- No animal could be killed except in sacrifice, as prescribed. Unnecessarily there was no need of killing animals. That is great sin
- Nobody goes to set anala, fire, in the forest. I saw davanala first in my experience at Nainital Station. Very high hill, and there was fire, blazing fire upon the hill. Nobody went there to set fire, but there was fire
- Nobody knows the real problem, so they are fighting - all over the world. When I was in Rome, the same thing. There was a fighting between the Fascists and the Communists, and immediately, six person died by fighting. This is going on in ignorance. Mudha
- Nobody wanted war, but there was Second World War. Again. And again they are trying to, the League . . . what is that? United Nations. But the war is going on. The Vietnam War is going on, the Pakistan War is going on, and many others are going on
- Not recognizing his master, Jambavan challenged Him (Krsna) to fight. There was then a great fight between Krsna and Jambavan, in which they fought like two opposing vultures. Whenever there is an eatable corpse the vultures fight heartily over the prey
- Not today - every day. When Krsna was born, there was a Kamsa, who was planning how to kill Krsna. When Krsna was born . . . you know that? So Krsna . . . to kill Krsna . . . there is a section of men who want to kill Krsna always. They are called demons
- Not very long ago in this country, there was a disaster when the scientists tried to send a rocket up but it at once burned to ashes. So there was a mistake
- Now India has learned, imitated the western countries. Now there is war between India and Pakistan. Otherwise there was no such thing. During two wars between the Pakistan and Hindustan, unnecessarily, without any profit, millions of people were killed
- Now there is no more jati-dharma. Everyone is engaged somehow or other to fill up the belly. Formerly, formerly there was stricture. The brahmana, the ksatriyas, and the vaisyas, these three higher castes, there were certain restrictions
- O King Pariksit, in the province of Surasena there was a king named Citraketu, who ruled the entire earth. During his reign, the earth produced all the necessities for life
- Often in the province of Ganga-pradesa there were fights between Hindus and Muslims. The Hindus were on one bank of the river, and the Muslims on the other. Due to the community tension, no boat was available for crossing the river
- Oh. Yes, there was no hope for my coming (to New Mayapura). Now I've come, they (the devotees) must be (ecstatic)
- On inquiring he (Vasudeva) was confident that the mystery of Krsna's birth and His being placed in the care of Yasoda was still hidden. There was no danger, since Kamsa at least could not learn what had already happened
- On reaching the Bay of Bengal, there is tilting of the ship & little rolling also. The roughness increased gradually on the upper Bay of Bengal & I felt sea sickness. There was vomiting tendency & dizziness and I felt uncomfortable the whole day & night
- On the bank of the Yamuna, once there was the crackling sound of dry leaves, giggling from the cowherd boys and thundering from the sky. Sridama was tightening his belt to fight with Krsna, the conqueror of the demon Agha
- On the full-moon evening of the month of Phalguna when the Lord took birth, coincidentally there was also a lunar eclipse
- On the ground there was a waterpot in which the target and wheel were reflected, and one had to fix his aim towards the target by looking at the trembling water in the pot
- On the part of Maharaja Yudhisthira, it was quite in order to maintain his uncle in a befitting manner but acceptance of such magnanimous hospitality by Dhrtarastra was not at all desirable. He accepted it because he thought that there was no alternative
- On the part of the Lord there was no offended mood because He does not accept any offense created by His sincere devotee
- On the refusal of the sons to obey the order of their father, there was much anger generated in the mind of Brahma, which he tried to control and not express
- On the very moment I received your letter there was another letter from Jaya Govinda, and I had been very much shocked by this letter. But at the same time, when I read your letter it counter-acted this shock. So I thank you again for this letter
- On the very night of the day of the chastisement of the Kaliya snake, when the inhabitants of Vrajabhumi were sleeping carefreely, there was a forest fire ablaze due to dry leaves, and it appeared that all the inhabitants were sure to meet their death
- On the way to Vrndavana via Bengal, there was an incident wherein some cloth was exchanged with Puri Gosani. Sri Ramananda Raya accompanied the Lord as far as the city of Bhadraka
- Once there was a frog in a well, and upon being informed of the existence of the Atlantic Ocean by a friend, he asked the friend, "Oh, what is this Atlantic Ocean? "It is a vast body of water," his friend replied
- Once there was a hunter in the forest of Prayaga who was fortunate enough to meet Narada Muni when the great sage was returning from Vaikuntha after visiting Lord Narayana. Narada came to Prayaga to bathe in the confluence of the Ganges and Yamuna
- Once there was a sankirtana festival to glorify the Supreme Lord in an assembly of the demigods, and the Gandharvas and Apsaras were invited by the prajapatis to take part in it
- Once while touring the world, Lord Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Lord, reached a place known as Brahmavarta. There was a great conference of learned brahmanas at that place, and all the King's sons attentively heard the instructions of the brahmanas there
- Once, when there was no rainfall in the kingdom for twelve years and the King consulted his learned brahminical advisors, they said, "You are faulty for enjoying the property of your elder brother"
- One big chemist, he came there (in California) to lecture the chemical evolution, by mixing of chemical life has come into existence. So there was one student, he is my disciple, Dr. Svarupa Damodara, he said that . . .first-class cheater, that's all
- One boy, he appeared in his examination. His father asked, "How did you reply to your examination paper?" "Yes, quite nice." Then he said, "How?" So there were very difficult questions that I could not answer
- One day Abhimanyu, the so-called husband of Radharani, was returning home, and at that time he could not see that Krsna was there in his house
- One may argue that Brahma, being the original living being, could not be inspired because there was no other being living at that time
- One minute, one can understand, there was something (the soul). And then you come to the guru, and guru teaches sastra. From sastra, immediately you can confirm
- One of my students told me that in the last war in the concentrated camp, the human being, they also ate their stool out of hunger. You see? There was no food, so they ate their own stool
- One pana is eighty kadis, or small conchshells. Formerly, even fifty or sixty years ago, there was no paper currency in India. Coins were generally made not of base metal but of gold, silver and copper
- One who lays down his life on the sacrificial altar, or in the proper battlefield, is at once cleansed of bodily reactions and promoted to a higher status of life. So there was no cause for Arjuna's lamentation
- One would never grudge parting with it (king's claim) because due to the pious king and religious harmony there was enough natural wealth, namely grains, fruits, flowers, silk, cotton, milk, jewels, minerals, etc & therefore no one was materially unhappy
- Only the drinking water remained, and there was only enough to satisfy one person, but when the King was just about to drink it, a candala appeared and said, "O King, although I am lowborn, kindly give me some drinking water"
- Ordered by King Indra, all the dangerous clouds appeared above Vrndavana and began to pour water incessantly, with all their strength and power. There was constant lightning and thunder, blowing of severe wind, and incessant falling of rain
- Originally there were seven important Gaudiya Vaisnava temples established in Vrndavana, namely the Madana-mohana temple, Govinda temple, Gopinatha temple, Sri Radharamana temple, Radha-Syamasundara temple, Radha-Damodara temple and Gokulananda temple
- Our big political leader, Gandhi says that "I don’t believe that there was any person ever living as Krsna." He said that. Just see. Such a big leader, and he is known to be very pious man, but he could not understand Krsna
- Our Krsna consciousness movement, bhagavata-dharma, it is not sentiment. We can explain how God created. Sometimes it is, in Bible, it is said: "God said, 'Let there be creation,' and there was creation." But they cannot explain
- Our this monarchy was there, but they were rajarsis: monarch, at the same time, great saintly person. Therefore they were worshiped - Maharaja Yudhisthira, Maharaja Pariksit, Maharaja Ambarisa
- Out of Her ecstatic love for Him, She sometimes acted just like an addled person and attempted to churn curd, although there was no curd in the pot. And seeing this, Krsna became so enchanted by Radharani that He began to milk a bull instead of a cow
- People came and went with great pleasure. There was no calculating how many people assembled there before the day was over
- People do not see the effect of abominable activities because they do not know Krsna. But they will have to suffer the consequence. Time will come when there will be devastation, just like there was First & Second War and there was mass devastation
- Personally I have no aptitude to open temples neither I have done it in India although there were many great opportunities. But here see there is necessity even from the point of Hindu cultural view
- Political meeting was not necessary because there was no democracy. It was monarchy. The kings, they were so trained up that there was no necessity of democracy
- Prahlada arrived at the bank of the Kaveri, where there was a mountain known as Sahya. There he found a great saintly person who was lying on the ground, covered with dirt and dust, but who was deeply spiritually advanced
- Prthu Maharaja was already a self-realized soul; he had a natural inclination to glorify the activities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and the Kumaras assured him that there was no chance of his falling victim to the illusory energy of God
- Radharani said, There was no cause or mediator in Our love save Our meeting itself and the visionary exchange of feelings
- Raja Hariscandra lost everything, but because there was peace between husband and . . . they were living. Visvamitra saw, separately. There are so many instances. That is lost now, to live peacefully, husband and wife
- Ramacandra was so strict, and God Himself was ruling, and still, there was Ravana. But because Ramacandra was there he was also killed. Paritranaya sadhunam. God's business is to protect the faithful and kill the demons
- Ramananda Raya was an incarnation of the gopi Visakha. Since Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was Lord Krsna Himself, there was naturally an awakening of love between Visakha and Krsna
- Ramanujacarya has discussed this point very nicely: "If you argue that before the creation of this material world there was only one Absolute Truth, then how is it possible that the living entity emanated from Him?
- Ravana's brother, he reigned in Brazil. And there was subway from Ceylon to Brazil. We get information from Ramayana. Such powerful demons. Who can make now subway from one country to another country? They can make subway from one city to another, utmost
- Raya Ramananda then informed Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu that there was another topic, known as prema-vilasa-vivarta. "You may hear of this from me," Ramananda Raya said, "but I do not know whether You will be happy with it or not"
- Realizing means you can... It is very simple thing, that a living man and a dead man. So you can realize. There was soul so he was living. Now the soul is not there, he's dead. Is there any difficulty? What is the difficulty?
- Rukmini had ten sons, like Pradyumna. There were other queens also taken away by Lord Krsna in a similar way. Full description of this beautiful booty of Lord Krsna will be given in the Tenth Canto
- Saksi-gopala was situated for some time in the Jagannatha temple. It seems that in the temple of Jagannatha there was some disagreement between Jagannatha and Saksi-gopala, a disagreement called prema-kalaha, a quarrel of love
- Samika Muni and the King were self-realized souls. Samika Muni was a mystic, and Maharaja Pariksit was a devotee. Therefore there was no difference between them in self-realization. Neither of them was afraid of meeting death
- Sanatana Gosvami prayed for the Lord's confirmation that His teachings would actually evolve in his heart by His grace. Otherwise Sanatana knew that there was no possibility of his being able to describe the Lord's teachings
- Sankaracarya wanted to discuss the authority of the scriptures, but Kumarila Bhatta, being on his deathbed, sent him to his disciple Mandana, in the city of Mahismati. It was there that Sankaracarya defeated Mandana Misra in a discussion of the sastras
- Sannyasi's business is reading Vedanta, but this sannyasi is chanting and dancing. - So there was strong criticism. Therefore Caitanya Mahaprabhu was arranged to meet this Mayavada sannyasi, and He talked on Vedanta and He defeated him
- Satyabhama, one of Krsna's queens, wanted that lotus flower, & Krsna promised to deliver it; but Indra refused to part with his parijata flower. Therefore there was a great fight, with Krsna & the Pandavas on one side and all of the demigods on the other
- Schooling is meant especially for brahmanas; previously there was no question of schooling for ksatriyas, vaisyas or sudras
- She (Devahuti) also requested that he arrange for a suitable house because the hermitage in which Kardama Muni was living was very simple and completely in the mode of goodness, and there was less possibility of passion's being aroused in his heart
- She (Satya) thought that the Supreme Personality of Godhead could be pleased only out of His own causeless mercy upon the devotee; otherwise, there was no means to please Him
- Similarly in the east there were two sets of gates named Nalini and Nalini, and these were also constructed in one place. Through these gates the King, accompanied by a friend named Avadhuta, used to go to the city of Saurabha
- Since all the Vaisnavas had returned to Bengal, there was a good chance that the Lord would accept an invitation
- Since hundreds of men were engaged in bringing water from the lake, there was no place to stand on the banks. Consequently someone began to draw water from a well
- Since there was a great assembly in the arena of sacrifice, there were different types of men present, but he was especially interested in speaking to those who were not atheists
- Since this world has taken this paper currency, the situation has degraded. Formerly there was barter exchange
- So at that time, there was no sale of Back to Godhead. I was publishing about one thousand copies and distributing. So there was no income. I was spending three hundred, four hundred rupees from my pocket. At that time, I had income
- So far I am concerned, we have just completed our pandal programme in Hyderabad and it was very, very successful. In that portion there was no rain for two years, but due to our Sankirtana yagna the rain came
- So far Lord Buddha is concerned, he was Hindu, there is no doubt, but he started a separate type of religion - nonviolence - because at that time there was need for such religion
- So far my health is concerned, there was a slight indication of a heart attack but it was not very acute. Krishna saved me. I have had many times such slight heart attacks since 1970 but it does not hamper my activities in Krishna Consciousness
- So long Maharaja Pariksit was there, there was no influence of Kali-yuga. So after all, the age has come. It is ordained. So Pariksit Maharaja was cursed by a brahmana to die within seven days, and after his death the Kali-yuga spreaded its influence
- So many Muhammadans were there in India, and ultimately, by the British policy, they divided. They were not actually Muhammadans coming from Turkey or from West. They were lower-class Hindus
- So we should not try to see God. Then we'll be baffled. Sometimes if, trying, trying, if I baffled - I cannot see - then I'll conclude, "There is no God. If there was God, I prayed so much and He did not appear before me"
- Some philosopher says, "There was a chunk, and it became broken, and the creation took place." This can be applicable... The mahat-tattva, the total material energy, by, when the three gunas break them, they become twenty-four elements
- Sometimes so-called "realist'' philosophers do not believe that there was any person of the name Vyasadeva. Their opinion is that any person distributing the Vedic knowledge is called a Vyasadeva
- Sometimes when Krsna and His sakhas went to the pasturing ground, Kamsa would send a demon to kill Krsna. Therefore, almost every day there was a fight with some different kind of demon
- Sometimes, in their presence, He would begin eating the curd and butter. There was no need for Krsna to eat butter, since His belly was always full, but He would try to eat it, or else He would break the pots and distribute the contents to the monkeys
- Sri Advaita Acarya fed the two Lords cloves and cardamom mixed with tulasi flowers. Thus there was a good flavor within Their mouths
- Sri Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura informs us that during his time there were still two living descendants of the family of Pundarika Vidyanidhi, who were named Sri Harakumara Smrtitirtha and Sri Krsnakinkara Vidyalankara
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu informed them all, "Without your order, I tried to go to Vrndavana. There was some obstacle, however, and I had to return"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was lying unconscious, and His body had become elongated to five or six cubits. There was no breath from His nostrils
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura says there was a commentary on grammar named Panji-tika that was later explained very lucidly by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Srila Rupa Gosvami writes: There were many previous incarnations of the SPG, but none were so generous, kind and magnanimous as Caitanya, for He distributed the most confidential aspect of devotional service, namely, the conjugal love of Radha and Krsna
- Srila Sukadeva Gosvami continued: My dear King, O son of mother Uttara, there were some waves of dissatisfaction in the mind of Jada Bharata due to his being insulted by King Rahugana, who made him carry his palanquin, but Jada Bharata neglected this
- Srila Sukadeva Gosvami informed Maharaja Pariksit that he had heard from reliable sources that simply to teach the children of the Yadu dynasty there were as many as 38,800,000 tutors, or acaryas
- Such a big city, there was lake, there was garden, there was maidservant, big, big palaces, and the whole thing was floating in the sky, and he (Kardama Muni) made her (Devahuti) see all the different planets
- Such a privilege (instead of entering hellish life, receiving sayujya-mukti) had been offered to Sisupala was not merely a story. Everyone saw it happen; there was no scarcity of evidence. How did it happen? Maharaja Yudhisthira was very much surprised
- Sukadeva Gosvami said, "There was a very nice brahmana friend of Lord Krsna. As a perfect brahmana, he was very elevated in transcendental knowledge, and because of his advanced knowledge, he was not at all attached to material enjoyment"
- Sukadeva Gosvami said, "There was no scarcity in his royal style because he had a very beautiful temple wherein the Deity of the Lord was decorated with costly paraphernalia and offered high grade food"
- Suppose in my babyhood, what was the feature of my body, I do not know. But there was. My mother knows. He can, she can explain, "My dear child, you were like this, you were like this." So forgetfulness is also not that I did not exist
- Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Balarama, immediately (when Kurus offer their respectful obeisance) became softened and assured them that there was no cause for fear and that they need not worry
- Svarupa Damodara was as expert a musician as the Gandharvas, and in scriptural discussion he was just like Brhaspati, the priest of the heavenly gods. Therefore it is to be concluded that there was no great personality quite like Svarupa Damodara
- Take my life practical. I was a householder. Now I have given up. So practically I did not agree with my wife, but there was no dream of divorcing. You see? Neither she dreamt, neither I dreamt
- Tamala Krsna Maharaja said that you are not following the regulative principles. I do not know why you should do like that. Anyway, if there was any discrepancies in that way I hope you will rectify it and fully cooperate with Karandhara Prabhu
- Tapana Misra did not offer Sanatana food immediately, however, but after the Lord (Caitanya Mahaprabhu) finished His eating there were some remnants of His foodstuff, and that was offered to Sanatana while the Lord took His rest
- That (Krsna's instruction to always think of Him as their son and as the SPG) would keep them (Vasudeva and Devaki) in touch with Him. After eleven years, the Lord would return to Mathura to be their son, and therefore there was no question of separation
- That banyan tree was eight hundred miles high, and its branches spread over six hundred miles around. The tree cast a fine shade which permanently cooled the temperature, yet there was no noise of birds
- That city was surrounded by walls and parks, and within it were towers, canals, windows and outlets. The houses there were decorated with domes made of gold, silver and iron
- That is also illusory because there is no such separation. The gopis were not situated in that illusory condition of life, so even from the philosophical point of view, for them there was no separation
- That is called krta-yuga, age of krta, very pious age. So in those ages people used to live one hundred thousands of years, and they were very pure, there was no sinful activity
- That is the significance of the temple. There was some family quarrel, and Gopala came to give witness to decide judgment on that quarrel. So is it possible to describe
- That show (in Madras) is going on that, "We are doing something." Because it (the tiny flyover) is imitation. There was no need, but they want to make advanced like the Americans
- That system of human society was so nice that there were no political, social and economic upheavals. The different castes, or varna classifications, are essential for maintaining a peaceful human society
- That there were airplanes flying in the sky long, long ago can be understood from this verse - SB 7.8.33
- The acaryas of the Madhva-sampradaya established Udupi as the chief center, and the monastery there was known as Uttararadhi-matha
- The Battlefield of Kuruksetra... The fight was between two sector of family members. They're cousin-brothers, one family, but there was some trouble, who would occupy the throne
- The best example of nirvana is cited in Bhagavad-gita. In the beginning the mind of Arjuna deviated from Krsna's. Krsna wanted Arjuna to fight, but Arjuna did not want to, so there was disagreement
- The black, slick hair on his head was very fine and curly, and his neck, like a conchshell, was decorated with auspicious lines. He wore a very valuable dhoti, and there was a nice wrapper on the upper part of his body
- The blue lotuses tried to plunder the white cakravaka birds, and the red lotuses tried to protect them. Thus there was a fight between the two
- The body of the Lord was just like a field of sugarcane into which the mad elephants of ecstasy entered. There was a fight amongst the elephants, and in the process the entire field of sugarcane was destroyed
- The brahmana community there was composed of pure devotees. They regularly studied a book entitled Krsna-karnamrta, which was composed by Bilvamangala Thakura
- The brahmanas' community, all saintly persons and learned scholars, brahmanas . . . there was a committee, and the king would take their advice how to manipulate the political affairs or administration, and they would consult standard books
- The Britishers are achieving their sense gratification; we cannot. All right, fight. So there was no question of pleasing Krsna
- The Buddhists, they decry the authority of Vedas . He (Lord Buddha) had to do that. There was no way
- The city (Indrapuri) was filled with the sounds of mrdangas, conchshells, kettledrums, flutes and well-tuned stringed instruments all playing in concert. There was constant dancing and the Gandharvas sang
- The conception of a world state can take shape only under the regime of a perfect king like Maharaja Yudhisthira. The world was happy in those days because there were kings like Maharaja Yudhisthira to rule over the world
- The conclusion is that the Mayavadi philosophers are actually atheists. There was much discussion on this issue between Sarvabhauma and Caitanya Mahaprabhu, but despite all his endeavors, the Bhattacarya was defeated in the end
- The dead bodies of the elephants appeared like small islands, and the dead horses appeared like sharks. By the arrangement of the supreme will, there was a great river of blood filled with paraphernalia
- The demigod Varuna took him (Nanda Maharaja) to the Varuna planet just to have a look at the Personality of Godhead Lord Krsna, who appeared there to release His father. Actually there was no arrest of Nanda Maharaja by Varuna
- The demigods said: Dear Lord, formerly, when there was a devastation, You conserved all the different energies of material manifestation
- The demigods who were present also began to offer beautiful prayers to Krsna. & the ladies and girls present expressed their joy from all corners of the arena. In other words, there was no one in that particular place with whom Krsna was not very popular
- The demigods, many great sages & saints including even the four sons of Brahma, and I myself were present at your Rajasuya sacrificial ceremony, but when there was a question of who should be the first person worshiped, everyone decided upon Lord Krsna
- The demon (Daitya) was very encouraged to learn from Varuna that there was one fighter who could actually combat him, and he was very enthusiastic to search out the Supreme Personality of Godhead just to give Him a fight
- The demon's name was Sankhacuda because on his head there was a valuable jewel resembling a conchshell. Just as the two sons of Kuvera had been puffed up over their wealth and opulence and did not care for Narada Muni's presence
- The directions were to come from within, and there was no necessity for anxiety in that task. Such instructions of buddhi-yoga are directly imparted by the Lord from within, as confirmed in Bhagavad-gita
- The doubt was there in the mind of Arjuna in the battlefield, and there was necessity for preaching Bhagavad-gita
- The earth knew that the King (Prthu) was very angry with her, and she realized that unless she pacified his anger, there was no possibility of placing a positive program before him
- The explanation is that Pradyumna's personal appearance was exactly like Krsna's, and he was factually Cupid himself. There was no cause for astonishment, therefore, when the mothers of Pradyumna and the other women mistook him in that way
- The feeling of equality was there because Draupadi spoke out of her personal experience
- The first necessity is to feed and to clothe. So there was no such scarcity. May not be very luxurious life, but there was no scarcity for food and shelter or cloth
- The food (offered to Lord Visnu) would be cooked in earthen pots, all fresh and new, and after cooking, the pots would be thrown away. By the side of the house there was generally a big pit where such pots were thrown
- The fullest revelation of knowledge in Satya-yuga there was automatically. People were so advanced
- The gate of Mathura was made of first-class marble, very well constructed, and the doors were made of pure gold. There were gorgeous orchards and gardens all around, and the whole city was encircled by canals so that no enemy could enter very easily
- The girl Devahuti did not personally see Kardama Muni, nor did she experience his character or qualities, since there was no social intercourse by which she could gain such understanding. But she heard about Kardama Muni from the authority of Narada Muni
- The good name of Dronacarya was very much respected. Although he joined the enemy camp, the Pandavas held him always in respect, and Arjuna saluted him before beginning the fight. There was nothing wrong in that way
- The gopis are not educated girls, up-to-date fashion, (indistinct) or nothing. Crude. As soon as there was blowing of the flute, immediately they began to run towards Krsna
- The gopis further expressed that Vrndavana was still full of all opulence and good fortune; there was no scarcity or want in Vrndavana as far as material necessities were concerned. But in spite of such opulence they could not forget Krsna and Balarama
- The great sage Maitreya continued: My dear Vidura, at the time King Prthu was enthroned by the great sages and brahmanas and declared to be the protector of the citizens, there was a scarcity of food grains
- The great sage Narayana continued, "There was a great meeting of the denizens of the heavenly planets, and almost all the important brahmacaris, such as the four Kumaras - Sanandana, Sanaka, Sanatana and Sanat-kumara - attended"
- The great sages and the demigods, being pleased, began to shower flowers. At the seashore there was the sound of mild waves, and above the sea there were clouds in the sky which began to thunder very pleasingly
- The great sages meditated. Hot tears were in the eyes of Devaki and other motherly ladies, and hairs stood on the bodies of the expert warriors. There was astonishment in the hearts of demigods such as Indra
- The great sages used to advise the head of the state, or the king, and he used to rule the populace in accordance with their instruction. After the disappearance of King Anga, there was no one to follow the instructions of the great sages
- The incident of the King's (Maharaja Pariksit) garlanding the muni (Samika Rsi) was not sufficient cause for being cursed to death, but since there was no way to retract the curse, the King was informed to prepare for death within a week
- The individual soul finally changes the body itself in transmigrating from one to another. And since it is sure to have another body in the next birth, either material or spiritual, there was no cause for lamentation by Arjuna on account of death
- The Kali had to face so many difficulties to find out such place, because there was no place where illicit sex was going on, there was no place where unnecessarily animals are killed, there was no place where wines and intoxication used
- The Kazi’s order not to perform sankirtana could stand only as long as there was no civil disobedience. Under the leadership of the Supreme Lord, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the chanters, increasing in number, disobeyed the order of the Kazi
- The King (Maharaj Pariksit), being thirsty, asked the sage for water. That such a great devotee and king asked for water from a sage absorbed in trance was certainly providential. Otherwise there was no chance of such a unique happening
- The King saw that there was no other way to satisfy them for their exalted activities. The word vinoda-patram can be divided into two words, vina and uda-patram, or can be understood as one word, vinoda-patram, which means "joker
- The King was very much anxious to establish a temple of Krsna, Balarama and Subhadra, but there was a contract between the sculptor and the King that the sculptor would go on working in closed door and the King should not disturb him
- The kings of the Yadu dynasty were all devotees, but there were many powerful demons, such as Salva, who began to persecute them
- The kings, known (in prehistoric days) as rajarsis, were so perfectly educated as ksatriyas, or protectors of the citizens, and so greatly advanced in spiritual life, that there was not a bit of trouble for the citizens
- The Krsna consciousness movement is fighting against this principle of regarding Krsna as a fictitious person and of accepting that there was no Battle of Kuruksetra, that everything is symbolic, and that nothing in Bhagavad-gita is true
- The Lord and His associates appear and disappear by the will of the Lord. They are not subjected to the laws of material nature
- The Lord asked Draupadi to bring up the cooking pots to see if there was any particle of foodstuff left, and on Draupadi's doing so, the Lord found some particle of vegetable sticking to the pot.The Lord at once picked it up and ate it
- The Lord imparted instructions with full senses, and Arjuna received them with full senses, and thus there was a perfect exchange of sensible and logical understanding between the master and the disciple
- The Lord reciprocated the feelings of the inhabitants of the forest of Vrndavana. When there was rainfall, the Lord took shelter at the feet of the trees or in the caves & enjoyed the taste of different fruits with his eternal associates the cowherd boys
- The Lord then clasped the necks of the deer and began to cry. There was jubilation manifest in the bodies of the deer, and tears were in their eyes
- The Lord then understood that the holy place called Radha-kunda was no longer visible. However, being the omniscient S P of God, He discovered Radha-kunda and Syama-kunda in two paddy fields. There was only a little water, but He took His bath there
- The Lord was very much fatigued from the hard labor of dancing, and there was perspiration all over His body. He therefore enjoyed the fragrant, cool breeze of the garden
- The material world is created to satisfy the whims of the nitya-baddha, or everlasting conditioned souls, just as naughty boys are provided with playing cradles. Otherwise, there was no need of the material world
- The members of the Yadu dynasty were fully awake in their service to the Lord, and therefore there was no tiger for them to be afraid of at any time. Even if there were a real tiger, the Lord was there to protect them
- The modern, so-called advanced boys and girls (in India), they are now after divorce. But before that, even there was misunderstanding between husband and wife, quarrel, there was no question of divorce
- The natural conclusion is: as there was no such religion three thousand years and the Vedic religion has no history - it is coming from time immemorial - that was the religion
- The news spread all over the world that, "The great king has been cursed, and he is going to die within seven days." So all great sages, saintly persons, scholars, kings, they went to see him at the Ganges side. There was great assembly
- The next day, almost as before, there was an Annakuta ceremony. All the brahmanas prepared foods and Gopala accepted them
- The next day, in the morning, Samba delivered a large lump of iron, which was entrusted to Ugrasena for necessary action. Actually later on there was the foretold fratricidal war, and Samba died in that war
- The next fortification (Bhaumasura's capital city) was of anila, a gaseous substance. After this, there was a network of barbed wire constructed by a demon of the name Mura
- The next year, as usual, all the devotees from Bengal went to Jagannatha Puri, and, as in previous years, there was a meeting between Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and the devotees
- The ocean with its high waves wailed aloud as if stricken with sorrow, and there was a commotion among the creatures inhabiting the ocean. The rivers and lakes were also agitated, and lotuses withered
- The order carriers of Yamaraja suspected that there was a ruler even above Yamaraja. To eradicate their doubts, Yamaraja immediately replied, Yes, there is one supreme controller above everything
- The other day I was reading in the, that paper, Moscow News, there was a congress, Communist congress, and the president declared that "We are ready to get others' experience to improve"
- The palanquin was covered with soft cotton, and in that way there was no chance of seeing a respectable lady traveling in public
- The prasadam sent by the King had been offered at the Balagandi festival, included uncooked milk products and fruits. It was all of the finest quality, and there was no end to the variety
- The pregnancy (of Sacimata) approached its thirteenth month, but still there was no sign of the delivery of the child (Nimai Pandita). Thus Jagannatha Misra became greatly apprehensive
- The preparation made with coconut pulp mixed with curd and rock candy was very sweet. There was a curry made of banana flowers and squash boiled in milk, all in great quantity
- The prince was dressed in yellow cloth, and there were jeweled ornaments decorating his body. Therefore anyone who saw him would remember Lord Krsna
- The princely order encouraged King Jarasandha. His fighting, they said, was certainly heroic; therefore, he should not take his defeat very seriously, since it was due only to his past misdeeds. After all, there was no fault in his fighting
- The queens of Nagnajit were also very much pleased because their daughter Satya got Krsna as her husband. Since the King and queens were very much pleased on this auspicious occasion, there was a celebration all over the city in honor of the marriage
- The question is the Old Testament, you say that there was the word "murder." Why you have changed? You accept Old Testament or reject?
- The rain seemed to fall like piercing sharp arrows. By pouring water as thick as pillars, without cessation, the clouds gradually filled all the lands in Vrndavana with water, and there was no visible distinction between higher and lower land
- The room was so constructed that there was only one door opening on the outside, which served as an entrance for Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. There was another door attached to the kitchen, and it was through this door that the food was brought
- The saintly person, he blessed, ma jiva, er, jiva va mara va: "Either you die or live, it is all the same." And there was a hunter, he blessed him, ma jiva ma mara: "Don't die, don't live." This is very instructive
- The Sanskrit statement anartha-nivrtti indicates that this body is unwanted. We are spirit soul, and there was never any need of this material body
- The scriptures like Manu-samhita and other authorized books of the great sages were guiding principles for ruling the subjects, and there was no need for less intelligent persons to manufacture a code of law in the name of democracy
- The slaughter of animals is also restricted by certain rules and regulations in the Vedas. Considering these points, there was no reason to kill Jada Bharata, who was born in a respectable, highly exalted brahmana family
- The small child, Dhruva Maharaja, was naturally affectionate toward his father, and he did not know that there was a distinction between his two mothers
- The so-called democracy. Democracy means that there was one king only; now there are hundreds of kings. One king and few ministers. Now one governor, one, I mean to say, three dozen secretaries, and three dozen . . . so many things
- The son of Trisanku was Hariscandra. Because of Hariscandra there was a quarrel between Visvamitra and Vasistha, who for many years fought one another, having been transformed into birds
- The sons of Maharaja Pandu were sitting silently nearby, overtaken with affection for their dying grandfather. Seeing this, Bhismadeva congratulated them with feeling. There were tears of ecstasy in his eyes, for he was overwhelmed by love and affection
- The spot where we now find Sri Radha-kunda was an agricultural field during the time of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. A small reservoir of water was there, and Sri Caitanya bathed in that water and pointed out that originally Radha-kunda existed in that location
- The story begins, kanyakubje. Kanyakubja is still there in India. Perhaps you have heard the name of Kanpur. So that is within the Kanyakubja area. Kanyakubje dvijah: "There was a brahmana in Kanyakubja"
- The Supreme Lord is the creator of everything, and this means that He existed when there was no creation. In other words, His name, form and qualities are not materially created entities; they are transcendental always
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead Narayana was the only worshipable Deity; there was no recommendation for worship of the demigods. Fire was one only, and the only order of life in human society was known as hamsa
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Rsabhadeva, was fully aware of His true identity; therefore He was self-sufficient, and He did not desire external gratification. There was no need for Him to aspire for success, since He was complete in Himself
- The taxation law was simple. There was no force, no encroachment. The king had a right to take one fourth of the production made by the subject
- The temple there (in Canpahati) was very much neglected, but it was renovated in the Bengali year 1328 (A.D. 1921) by Sri Paramananda Brahmacari - one of Sri Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura’s disciples
- The troubles of penance accepted by Lord Brahma were certainly in the line of devotional service (bhakti). Otherwise there was no chance that Vaikuntha or svalokam, the Lord's personal abodes, would become visible to Brahmaji
- The ultimate principle of religion is to engage oneself in devotional service to the Lord. Maharaja Yadu was very eager to engage himself in the Lord's service, but there was an impediment
- The United Nation is there for the last twenty or thirty years - before that, there was League of Nation - to unite. "This portion is, sir, mine. This portion is mine." Why do they not agree that every part of this universe or this planet belongs to God?
- The very word sudurdarsam (in BG 11.54), meaning difficult to see, suggests that no one saw that universal form. It also suggests that amongst the devotees there was no necessity of showing it. BG 1972 purports
- The walls of the house were made of first-class marble, decorated with valuable jewels. There was no need of light, for the household was illuminated by the rays of these jewels. The female members of the household were all amply decorated with jewelry
- The water is sometimes explained to be the perspiration and sometimes the semen of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. It is from water that all living entities emerge, and because of water they live and grow. If there were no water, all life would cease
- The whole city was made fragrant by the burning of fine incense, and at night there was illumination from thousands of lamps, which decorated every building
- The whole system of society was so well planned that all the members of society in their different positions as brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras had no difficulty in earning their livelihood. There was no competition among the divisions of society
- The whole thing is managed by the law of gravitation, but when Krsna lifted the hill, there was no weight. He's not conditioned by the law of gravity. He can lift up
- The word avivesa signifies that the Lord appeared within the mind of Vasudeva. There was no need for a discharge of semen. That is the opinion of Sripada Sridhara Svami and Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura
- The word data refers to one who gives charity very liberally. The kings always kept a large quantity of food grains in stock, and whenever there was any scarcity of grains, they would distribute grains in charity
- The words arabdhan eva mean "as if achieved by past deeds," but in the case of Prthu Maharaja there was no question of reaction to past deeds, and thus the word eva is used here (SB 4.21.11) to indicate comparison to ordinary persons
- There (among the preparations cooked by Advaita Acarya's wife, Sita) was also a preparation known as kusmanda-manacaki
- There (in Chapters Twelve to Fifteen of Adhyatma-ramayana) it is stated that during Lord Ramacandra’s time there was a brahmana who took a vow to fast until he saw Lord Ramacandra
- There is a song in the Bengali language which states, "I constructed this home for happiness, but unfortunately there was a fire, and everything has now been burnt to ashes." This illustrates the nature of material happiness
- There sat the King of the Kurus, Maharaja Yudhisthira, along with his younger brothers and Dhrtarastra, Gandhari, Kunti and Draupadi, all overwhelmed with grief. Lord Krsna was also there
- There was (at the Ratha-yatra) a sankirtana party from the village known as Kulina-grama, and Ramananda and Satyaraja were appointed the dancers in this group
- There was (five thousand years ago) no limit to how extensively milk, butter, curd and other such products were used in human society
- There was (in Maharaja Drupada's house) a fish hanging on the inner roof of the house under the protection of a wheel
- There was a beating of kettledrums in the heavenly planets, the inhabitants of Gandharvaloka began to dance and sing, while great sages and the inhabitants of Caranaloka and Siddhaloka offered prayers to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Purusottama
- There was a big animal, that's all. Just like you are a foolish animal, so there was a big animal. What is the difference? They are animals
- There was a case, Vena Maharaja, the father of Prthu Maharaja. He was very much upstart. Therefore the committee of the learned brahmins and saintly person killed him
- There was a confidential policy by the British government to kill India's original culture and everything Indian was condemned. From the very beginning they took this position
- There was a continuous shower of stones, and all the priests and other members assembled at the sacrifice were put into immense misery. For fear of their lives, they dispersed in different directions
- There was a demigoddess named Kotara who was worshiped by Banasura, and their relationship was as mother and son. Mother Kotara was upset that Banasura's life was in danger, so she appeared on the scene (battlefield)
- There was a demon by the name Vidyunmali who was gifted with a glowing golden airplane which traveled to the back of the sun, and night disappeared because of the glowing effulgence of this plane
- There was a demon of the name Sambara who was destined to be killed by Pradyumna. The Sambara demon knew of his destiny
- There was a devotee of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's named Dvija Kamalakanta, whom Paramananda Puri took with him to Jagannatha Puri
- There was a famine in India in 1942, big famine. I particularly inquired among the disciples of my Guru Maharaja, and even the remote village, they said that "We have no difficulty"
- There was a fierce battle between the demons & Puranjaya. Indeed, it was so fierce that when one hears about it one's hairs stand on end. All the demons bold enough to come before Puranjaya were immediately sent to Yamaraja's residence by his arrows
- There was a fight between Krsna and King Syamantaka, and Krsna was to take a valuable jewel from the King
- There was a great devotee of Lord Caitanya known as Kholaveca Sridhara, who was a very poor man. He was doing a small business selling cups made from the leaves of plantain trees, and his income was almost nothing
- There was a great fight between the two (Siva in the form of an aborigine and Arjuna), and at last Lord Siva was satisfied with him and disclosed his identity
- There was a great fight between these serpentine demons (the snakes who live in the planetary system known as Mahatala) and Indra, the King of heaven
- There was a great hard struggle for some time, but it has turned out successfully, and it is now correctly and practically established that devotional service is not restricted to a particular class of men
- There was a great Mayavadi sannyasi named Prakasananda Sarasvati, who used to teach Vedanta philosophy to a great assembly of followers
- There was a great need to revive the system of devotional service. The Lord Himself personally came down disguised as a devotee so that the fallen populace might take advantage of the Lord’s example
- There was a great row, and eventually, one by one, they (the pilgrims) began to find the bags in various places. After they were all found, the thief explained: Gentlemen, I am a thief by occupation
- There was a great tension between him (Vasistha) and Visvamitra, who wanted his kamadhenu, wish-fulfilling cow. Vasistha Muni refused to spare his kamadhenu, and for this Visvamitra killed his one hundred sons
- There was a great Vaisnava named Jhadu Thakura, who belonged to the bhunimali caste. Kalidasa went to his home, taking mangoes with him
- There was a householder brahmana in the city of Mithila, the capital of the kingdom of Videha. This brahmana, whose name was Srutadeva, was a great devotee of Lord Krsna
- There was a hunter in Prayag. Prayag you know, in Allahabad. So he was hunting in the forest indiscriminately. So Narada Muni was passing through the jungle, and he was very compassionate to see the animals being half dead and half killed by the hunter
- There was a king of the name Satrajit within the jurisdiction of Dvaraka-dhama. He was a great devotee of the sun-god, who awarded him the benediction of a jewel known as Syamantaka
- There was a king on the Gandharva planet whose name was Huhu
- There was a large crowd of people, some coming and some going. Indeed, some people in that great crowd could not even see Nakula Brahmacari
- There was a Muslim tailor near the house of Srivasa Thakura who used to sew the garments of the family. One day he was very pleased with the dancing of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; indeed, he was enchanted
- There was a nice belt around Maha-Visnu's waist, and He wore a sacred thread across His broad chest. Bangles were on His hands, and armlets on the upper portion of His arms. He wore bells on His ankles
- There was a person named Kadanjari who was famed for possessing the strength of 30 men. Madhvacarya placed the big toe of his foot upon the ground & asked the man to separate it from the ground, but the great strong man could not do so after great effort
- There was a physician and his servant. So one day the physician was called by some person to treat his horse...
- There was a prostitute whose charges was one lakh of pieces of diamond. It doesn't matter, a big diamond or small diamond. That was her charges. So one man was suffering from leprosy
- There was a quarrel between him (Visvamitra Muni) and a rsi. So he saw the extraordinary power of the rsi, and he wanted to become a brahmin. So he began austerity
- There was a resident of Nadia named Paramesvara, who was a confectioner living near the home of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- There was a Saubhari Muni. He was a great yogi. He expanded himself to eight forms. So yogis, they can. But if a yogi can expand himself into eight or several forms, how much potency is there in the yogesvara
- There was a slight indication of heart attack but Krishna saved me. It was not very acute. So long Krishna will keep me fit I will go on working, so you devotees should pray to Krishna that I might go on serving Him up to the last point of my death
- There was a solitary room at Kasi Misra's house, and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu gave it to Paramananda Puri. He also gave him a servant
- There was a soup made with fried urad dhal and mung dhal, defeating nectar. There were also sweet chutney and five or six kinds of sour preparations, beginning with badamla
- There was a statue of Ramacandra which was being worshiped in the family from Maharaja Iksvaku. Maharaja Iksvaku, the son of Manu, happens to be the forefather of the family in which Ramacandra appeared. So he was devotee of Lord Rama
- There was a tailor who was a meat-eater but was sewing garments for Srivasa Thakura. The Lord, being merciful to him, showed him His own form
- There was a tumultuous noise as they all chanted the holy names "Hari" and "Krsna." Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu became overwhelmed with ecstatic love
- There was a tumultuous roaring all over the universe in the societies of the demigods of different planets because Sati was the daughter of Daksa, the greatest of all kings, and the wife of Lord Siva, the greatest of all demigods
- There was a tumultuous roaring sound, and they all began to pray to Krsna for safety. At this time Lord Balarama was smiling, thinking that these cowherd men had been frightened by the shaking of Govardhana Hill
- There was again a difference of opinion because Prahlada Maharaja wanted to relate the best thing he had learned from his spiritual master, whereas Hiranyakasipu expected to hear about the politics and diplomacy Prahlada had learned from Sanda and Amarka
- There was all darkness in New York on the 10th instant and it was not a happy incident. I learn that may people remained in the elevators and in the subway trains for more than seven to eight hours in darkness
- There was also a brahmana named Vasudeva, who was a great person but was suffering from leprosy. Indeed, his body was filled with living worms
- There was also a celebrated disciple of Ramanujacarya’s known as Kuresa. Sri Ramapillai was the son of Kuresa, and his son was Vagvijaya Bhatta, whose son was Vedavyasa Bhatta, or Sri Sudarsanacarya
- There was also Sri Upendra Misra, a resident of the district of Srihatta. He was a great devotee of Lord Visnu, a learned scholar, a rich man and a reservoir of all good qualities
- There was an article recently, that Jesus Christ, although he was crucified, he did not die. Yes. He went to Kashmir. Some historical references are there
- There was an increase in all the natural emotional symptoms. Thus there were awakening emotions, peacefulness, joined, mixed, transcendental and prevalent emotions, and impetuses for emotion
- There was another fight, between Bhima and Jarasandha. The whole day there was fighting. It was decided that one should be killed. That's a fact. The fighting between ksatriyas, that it will not end unless one of them is killed. That is ksatriya spirit
- There was another party (for the Ratha-yatra) that came from Santipura and was formed by Advaita Acarya. Acyutananda was the dancer, and the rest of the men were singers
- There was arguing and fighting between the two brahmanas, and they came before me (King Nrga) and charged that I had taken back a cow I had previously given in charity
- There was but one victim like Ajamila in those days, but in this age of Kali the poor innocent students are daily victims of cinemas which attract men only for sex indulgence
- There was certainly fear, but this fear could not check their (the gopis) devotional service to Krsna
- There was constant dancing (in the city of Indra) and the Gandharvas sang. The combined beauty of Indrapuri defeated beauty personified
- There was devotee, Nityananda's contemporary, he used to whip. And his whipping means as soon as he whips, the man becomes a devotee
- There was enough milk, grains & metals & all the rivers and mountains were full of potency. So materially everything was satisfactory. Therefore, there was no question of untimely giving up his kingdom and life. The sages were eager to hear about all this
- There was even an attempt to prove that the disciplic succession of Madhvacarya was not in line with Vedic principles. A person named Pundarika Puri, a follower of the Mayavada philosophy of Sankaracarya, came before Madhvacarya to discuss the sastras
- There was fighting amongst the gopis also, so we cannot expect there will be some utopia without fighting, there is even in the spiritual sky transcendental greed, lust, envy, like that. But that is transcendental
- There was great intrigue, common in imperial palaces, and the five brothers were exiled to the wilderness
- There was hard struggle. It is not that so easy for... In 1965 to '66, 66-67, regular hard struggle
- There was Hiranyakasipu and there was Prahlada. Prahlada was being supplied spiritual advancement of life, necessities, and Hiranyakasipu was being supplied for demonic status of life. So it is Krsna's pleasure that whatever you want, you can get it
- There was interplanetary communication via suitable airplanes and space vehicles
- There was keen rivalry between the two combatants; both had sustained injuries on their bodies from the blows of each other's pointed maces, and each grew more and more enraged at the smell of blood on his person
- There was monarchy. The king would learn from the brahmanas how to rule over the citizens. That was perfect
- There was no artificial equality with the man. Female respectability is preserved more elegantly by keeping the woman separate from the man. The sexes should not mix unrestrictedly
- There was no cause for lamentation by Arjuna on account of death, neither for Bhisma or for Drona, for whom he was so much concerned. Rather, he should rejoice for their changing bodies from old to new ones, thereby rejuvenating their energy. BG 1972 pur
- There was no certainty of where Ramacandra Puri would take his meal, for he would do so even uninvited. Nevertheless, he was very particular about keeping account of how others were taking their meals
- There was no difficulty in collecting the state taxes because he was so powerful and chivalrous that even his enemies would come to him and bow down at his feet and surrender all wealth for their own benefit
- There was no doubt that Pariksit had the good qualities of a ksatriya, but as a devotee he presented himself, with submissiveness and humility, as the lowest of the ksatriyas, remembering his act of wrapping a dead serpent around the neck of a brahmana
- There was no end to the transcendental qualities of Haridasa Thakura. Here I mention but a fraction of his qualities. He was so exalted that Advaita Gosvami, when performing the sraddha ceremony of his father, offered him the first plate
- There was no fault on the part of the Lord, even though He took away the tree from the heavenly kingdom, but because Indra was henpecked, dominated by his beautiful wives like Saci, he became a fool
- There was no force. Only proposal. That's all. When it was proposed before me, I also said, "It depends on the choice." So anyway, go on with your work, sankirtana movement you have started
- There was no hope of getting that land. It was regular fight. The whole Bombay city became agitated. Yes, in Bombay. But we are victorious, because we depended on Krsna
- There was no longer a need for material activities. The activities of the mind cannot be stopped, for they are the reflection of the eternal soul, but the quality of the activities can be changed from matter to the transcendental service of the Lord
- There was no material desire in Narada, and yet just to increase his intense desire for the Lord, he was so advised
- There was no necessity of formal marriage. But still Krishna played like husband by asking them to become naked. In the spiritual world there is no cohabitation; simply by such emotion in transcendental ecstasy the desire is fulfilled
- There was no necessity of the Lord's being dispatched to the house of Nanda Maharaja out of fear of Kamsa's determination to kill Him (Krsna) as soon as He appeared
- There was no necessity to create this material world for the sufferings of the conditioned souls, but at the same time there are certain living entities, known as nitya-baddha, who are eternally conditioned
- There was no need for his (Sripada Sankaracarya) preaching Mayavada philosophy - other than to overcome the effects of Buddhist philosophy and spread Vedanta philosophy
- There was no need for impractical fools to enact daily a new legislative bill and to conveniently alter it again and again to serve some purpose
- There was no need for Krsna to eat butter, since His belly was always full, but He would try to eat it, or else He would break the pots and distribute the contents to the monkeys. In this way, Krsna was always engaged in mischief-making
- There was no need for Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to accept sannyasa, for He is God Himself and therefore has nothing to do with the material bodily concept of life
- There was no need of coal. And the jewelries and stones were received from the sea - pearls; valuable stones from the hills
- There was no need of Krsna's coming to this material world to kill the demons; simply by His willing, many hundreds and thousands of demons could have been killed without His personal endeavor
- There was no need of sprinkling machines (in the streets of Ayodhya because water were distributed by elephants through their trunks), for the elephant has a natural ability to suck water through its trunk and again throw it out in a shower
- There was no need to come before Bhismadeva with blood and wounds. But He (Krsna) did so because the warrior devotee wanted to see the transcendental beauty of the Lord decorated with wounds created by a pure devotee
- There was no need to make fences all around. One side was already defended by thorn trees, and thus the thorn trees, the bullock carts and the animals encircled the inhabitants in their temporary residence - SB 10.11.35
- There was no need to offer respect to his (Daksa's) body, for that is not directed by any Vedic injunction
- There was no need to refer to books, and therefore there were no written books in those days - before the beginning of Kali-yuga
- There was no need to waste time going to school to be falsely educated and later increase the numbers of the unemployed - when Krsna was present on this earth
- There was no offense in Your appearing as Nrsimhadeva. Rather, any man who saw You in that mood was immediately liberated from the bondage of material existence
- There was no one besides this man with my father. Giving him an intoxicant known as dhutura to eat, this rogue made my father mad
- There was no one to teach him, but since the Lord is situated within Brahma's heart, Brahma was educated by the Lord Himself
- There was no person in the beginning of the creation other than Brahma, yet he did not compile the Vedas; therefore the conclusion is that the Vedas were not compiled by any created being
- There was no possibility of an invasion by thieves and plunderers. Indirectly it is stated here (in SB 4.5.8) that thieves, plunderers, rogues and unwanted population can exist only in a state or kingdom where there is no strong ruler
- There was no possibility of Arjuna's death because the Lord Himself was on the chariot, but because Bhismadeva wanted to see Lord Krsna take up some weapon to save His friend, the Lord created this situation, making Arjuna's death imminent
- There was no possibility of the earth's cheating him (King Prthu). The earth was accused of hiding the seeds of all herbs and grains, and therefore she is preparing to explain how the seeds of these herbs and grains can be again exposed
- There was no preparation for this, but he (Bhaktisiddhanta) desired it, and by his grace we are now engaged in executing his order, which has given us a transcendental occupation and has saved and liberated us from the occupation of material activities
- There was no question (for Arjuna) of attainment of the association of the Lord by another change of body under the influence of time and space
- There was no question of simply brahmacaris. No. There are married couples. This Kardama Muni was a great yogi. Still, he married. There was no disturbance
- There was no question of the seminal discharge necessary for the birth of an ordinary human being
- There was no swastika on Arjuna's chariot. Kapidhbaja means whose flag is marked with a picture of Hanuman. So Arjuna's chariot had the flag of Hanuman on it
- There was no way to go. How could he leave? When he thought of crossing over the Lord's body, he considered it a great offense
- There was none so attentive as Maharaja Pariksit in the matter of hearing Srimad-Bhagavatam, and there was none so qualified as Sukadeva Gosvami to recite the text of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- There was not much difference of Their (Krsna and Balarama) age, say one year or two years, like that. So Balarama was eldest brother
- There was nothing astonishing in His (Krsna's) taking shelter in the way of the unsheltered who are in the renounced order of life
- There was nothing besides the two of them, namely the Personality of Maha-Visnu and Brahma himself, born of the bodily part of the Lord
- There was nothing comparable to the bodily features of Lord Krsna when He was present in this world
- There was nothing Sati could not achieve either from her relationship with her father or from her relationship with the greatest of the demigods, but still, for some reason, she was dissatisfied
- There was nothing seriously wrong in Maharaja Pariksit's act (throwing a snake on Samika Rsi's shoulders) but the foolish son (Srngi) took it very seriously, and being influenced by Kali he cursed the King and thus ended a chapter of happy history
- There was nothing undesirable in his (Pariksit Maharaja's) life. He was quite a young man and could enjoy life with power and opulence. So there was no question of retiring from active life
- There was nothing wrong in the acts of the Kumaras when they refused their great father's request that they become family men
- There was once a hunter who lured birds with food and captured them after spreading a net. He lived as if appointed by death personified as the killer of the birds
- There was one Gopal Ban. So he was very cunning fellow
- There was one king. He performed this sacrifice, and by the grace of Lord Siva, he got the information of a golden mountain
- There was one Mr. Badhuri in Benares. He was a great astrologer. So he told me that from Benares the Germans have taken three books: one is Akasa-patola, one is Kapota-vahi and his Khapoda-vahi. Khapoda-vahi, this aeroplane
- There was one Ravana. In the dress of a sannyasi he kidnapped Lord Ramacandra's wife. And nowadays you will find many Ravanas like that. You see? The so-called sannyasis, their business is to . . . this tendency is always there
- There was one yogi in Calcutta - of course, in a temple, in a sanctified place - he was taking once only a little quantity of rice boiled with water, at three o'clock in the afternoon he was taking. That was his food, and nothing more
- There was open competition, and as usual Lord Krsna emerged successful, after harassing Sisupala and other princes by His unrivalled prowess
- There was picking up, dragging and pushing, and then the legs and hands were locked together. All the arts of wrestling were perfectly exhibited by the parties as each tried his best to defeat his opponent
- There was protective tilaka on His forehead, black mascara around His eyes and silk thread around His waist. These are the descriptions of Krsna's dress at the beginning of the kaumara age
- There was regular policy to kill Indian civilization. And because they were on the governing power, they could do it. Therefore India lost its own culture and victimized by the Western culture. This is the position
- There was Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, one of the biggest branches of the tree of the Lord, and his sister's husband, Sri Gopinatha Acarya
- There was so much incense and fragrant gum burning (inside the palace) that the scented fumes were coming out of the windows
- There was some defect in Tvasta's chanting of the mantra because he chanted it long instead of short, and therefore the meaning changed
- There was some delay because of the death of Anupama, and therefore when Rupa Gosvami went to Bengal to see the devotees there, he could not get in touch with them because they had already left
- There was some misunderstanding and things were not going too well between you both big leaders, that is why I was little concerned because such things should never be allowed to fructify within our Society, that will spoil everything
- There was some unwanted population at that time also for which Krsna arranged the war, battlefield of war
- There was some whispering about a rumor that Rukmini had sent a messenger to Krsna; therefore the soldiers suspected that Krsna might cause a disturbance by attempting to kidnap Rukmini
- There was sukhta, bitter melon mixed with all kinds of vegetables, defying the taste of nectar. There were five types of bitter and pungent sukhtas
- There was two fight in the Indian history. One is Rama & Ravana, and one is Kuruksetra. And the hero is Vaisnava. We are going to produce such Vaisnavas, not these dull rascals, sitting down
- There was, a great yogi known as Saubhari Muni who used to meditate within the water there and who was sympathetic with the fish. He asked Garuda not to come there and disturb the fish
- There were also bilva, kapittha, jambira and bhallataka trees. Intoxicated bumblebees drank honey and hummed with the chirping of the birds, whose songs were very melodious
- There were also many other saintly demigods, kings and special royal orders called arunadayas from different dynasties of sages. When they all assembled together to meet the Emperor (Pariksit), he received them properly and bowed his head to the ground
- There were different branches of grammatical knowledge (during the time of Caitanya Mahaprabhu), and a student of grammar was supposed to study them all in twelve years
- There were earthquakes along the mountains on the earth, and it appeared that there was fire everywhere. Many inauspicious planets like Saturn appeared, along with comets, meteors and thunderbolts
- There were even invitations from Muslim houses to Hindu houses and from Hindu houses to Muslim houses. Both the Hindus and the Muslims accepted the invitations to go to one another’s houses to attend ceremonial functions
- There were five Apsaras named Lata, Budbuda, Samici, Saurabheyi and Varna. It is said that these five beautiful dancing girls were sent by Indra to break the severe austerity of a saintly person called Acyuta Rsi
- There were friends, parents and preceptors also on both sides, and all of them were killed. It was simply horrible for him (Yudhisthira) to think of such killing, and therefore he was thinking of residing in hell for millions and billions of years
- There were hundreds of ladies in the palace of Hastinapura. All of them were affectionate to Krsna. All of them were relatives also
- There were many devotees engaged in meditation on Lord Visnu under the big banyan tree
- There were many rivers on the way, and at each river there was a tax collector. The tax collectors did not hinder the Lord, however, and He showed them mercy. Finally He reached the village of Remuna
- There were pairs of varied birds & in a lake there were ducks & swans, all vibrating very sweet sounds. Thus the park was magnificently beautiful because of the foliage, the clear water, the lotus flowers & the sweet singing of various kinds of birds
- There were six great Gosvamis of Vrndavana - Srila Rupa, Sanatana, Bhatta Raghunatha, Sri Jiva, Gopala Bhatta and Dasa Raghunatha - and none of them inherited the title of gosvami
- There were tears in her (Cow's) eyes, and she was distressed and weak. She was hankering after some grass in the field
- There were torrents of rain, and the Lord saved the residents of Vrndavana by lifting Govardhana Hill and resting it on the little finger of His left hand for seven days
- Thereafter the Lord delivered love of Krsna to His mother, Sacidevi, nullifying her offense at the feet of Advaita Acarya. Thus there was a meeting with Advaita Acarya, who later had a vision of the Lord's universal form
- Therefore there was no need for anxiety about Gokula while the Supreme Personality of Godhead was personally present (because if one performs his occupational duties of ds by chanting and hearing there cannot be any danger from bad elements) - SB 10.6.3
- These are the Vedic information. God means na tasya karyam karanam ca vidyate. He has nothing to do; He has simply to desire. I think in Christian Bible also it is said, "God said, 'Let there be creation,' and there was creation." He has to simply desire
- These things (consulting physician or learned brahmana) are all gone. In Caitanya Mahaprabhu's time there was misuse also of this
- They (the brahmacaris) did not live at home means that they did not accept a wife, and so there was no question of their discharging semen
- They (the demigods) poured showers of flowers on the surface of the earth and sounded different conchshells. There was beating of drums, and being inspired by godly feelings, residents of Gandharvaloka began to play on their tambouras to please the Lord
- They dedicated their souls only for the satisfaction of the Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna. There was not the slightest tinge of sexual love between the gopis and Krsna
- They go to worship Lenin's tomb every day. Many other fools also go there, tourists, that Red Square. They tried in India for Jawaharlal Nehru's tomb, for Gandhi's tomb. So in the beginning there was little crowd. Now nobody goes
- This (Krsna's statement "Before the creation, I was existing") is confirmed in the Vedic literature: eko narayana asin na brahma na isanah. "Before creation, there was only Narayana. There was no Brahma and no Siva"
- This (Vrddhacalam) place is also known as Kalahastipura. Lord Siva’s temple there was worshiped for many years by Govinda, the cousin of Ramanujacarya
- This bhakti-yoga practice. Actually, this was the practice in India in every home. There was Deity. At least, brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, they had Deity, Radha-Krsna, Sita-Rama or Laksmi-Narayana or Narayana sila. Every house, it was being worshiped
- This is a quotation (of CC Madhya 15.269) from the Mahabharata (Vana-parva 241.15). Bhimasena made this statement when all the Pandavas were living in exile in the forest. At that time there was a fight between the Kauravas and the Gandharvas
- This is an example set by the Supreme Personality of Godhead while acting like an ordinary human being so that others might learn from Him. He (Kapiladeva) could have stayed with His mother, but He indicated that there was no need to stay with the family
- This is confirmed in the Vedas, "He threw His glance over the material nature, and thus there was creation"
- This is not my business to make intimate relation with woman and get money. I could do. There was chance. When attempt was failed, the man who introduced that woman to me, he one day said, "I have seen many swamis, but none like you"
- This is the whole history of Mahabharata, intriguing, politics, and ultimately there was fight between the two parties, Kurus and the Pandavas, to decide. By logic, by morality and other things, everything failed. Then there was declaration of war
- This meditation was recommended, according to Vedic literature, in the golden age, when the duration of life was very, very long, people were peaceful, there was no disturbance
- This past weekend in San Francisco there was a gigantic Rathayatra Ceremony just on the order of the one held at Jagannath Puri, and at least 10,000 people were chanting and dancing along with us in full transcendental ecstasy
- This song refers to Srimati Radharani’s meeting with Krsna at the holy place of Kuruksetra, where Lord Sri Krsna and His brother and sister came to visit when there was a solar eclipse. It is a song of separation from Krsna
- This sun planet is also a planet like this planet. As in this planet there may be many presidents, but formerly there was one president only, so similarly, in each planet there is a president
- This verse (of CC Madhya 15.237) was spoken (in SB 11.6.46) by Uddhava to Krsna. This was during the time when Uddhava-gita was spoken. At that time there was disturbances in Dvaraka & Krsna decided to leave the material world & enter the spiritual world
- This was done by the King of Kasi on the advice of an astrologer, and actually it so happened that after the marriage of the King's daughter with Svaphalka there was sufficient rainfall in the province
- Those who say that the Mahabharata battle was fought 3,000 B.C., that is correct. But they had a big, big meeting with big, big professors but was there any conclusion? No. So therefore these kinds of meetings are all useless
- Thus Murari Gupta cried the entire night. There was no rest for his mind; therefore he could not sleep but stayed awake the entire night
- Thus there was a sort of competition between Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Lord Jagannatha in seeing who would lead, but Caitanya Mahaprabhu was so strong that He made Lord Jagannatha wait in His car
- Thus there was nothing uncommon for the Supreme Personality of Godhead when He occupied the entire sky with His body
- To assure His parents that Kamsa was dead, Lord Krsna dragged him just as a lion drags an elephant after killing it. When people saw this, there was a great roaring sound from all sides as some spectators expressed their jubilation
- To receive the Lord Sri Krsna there were all grades of population, beginning from Vasudeva, Ugrasena and Garga Muni - the father, grandfather and teacher - down to the prostitutes and candalas, who are accustomed to eat dogs
- Today at (20/8/65) the captain arranged for a meeting on board the Jaladuta on account of Janmastami day & I spoke for an hour on the philosophy & teachings of Lord Sri Krishna. All the officers attended the meeting & there was distribution of Prasadam
- Today there was a television station interview in my apartment. They came with big cameras and microphones, and I played harmonium and one lady interviewed with a few questions
- Today, there was one description, the fight was so severe that the blood sprinkled up to the sun planet. So why not moon planet? Why they say sun planet? The sun is the nearest planet from the earth
- Uddhava tells Vidura, "His (Krsna's) personal beauty was so great that there was no necessity for His wearing ornaments on His body. In fact, instead of the ornaments beautifying Krsna, Krsna's beauty enhanced the ornaments"
- Uddhava was as much aggrieved as Vidura, and there was nothing further to be said about their welfare
- Unfortunately, before this in the Western countries there was so many translation of Bhagavad-gita, but everyone's attempt is to make Krsna - minus Bhagavad-gita. They are commenting Bhagavad-gita without Krsna; kingdom of God without God
- Upananda said, "Very recently, this child was playing between two trees, and the trees fell down violently, and yet there was no injury to the child. So Lord Hari saved Him again"
- Upon seeing the dust storm, the saintly persons could understand that there were a great deal of irregularities due to the death of King Vena
- Varnasrama-dharma is a good help undoubtedly, but it is not important for Krsna consciousness. Otherwise how could I start this movement in the Western country? There was no varnasrama-dharma. But that did not hamper my movement
- Very happy life it was, all over India. There was no question of poverty. People did not know what is poverty and now it is poverty. They do not get even sufficient food. Ugra-karma. I don't like industrialism
- Vidura did not ask about the welfare of his elder brother because there was no chance of his well-being, only news of his gliding down to hell. Vidura was a sincere well-wisher for Dhrtarastra, and he had a thought about him in the corner of his heart
- Vidura wanted to point this out and impressed upon him that it was better to die like his sons than accept such humiliating charity. Five thousand years ago there was one Dhrtarastra, but at the present moment there are Dhrtarastras in every home
- Vidura was successful in approaching such a spiritual master like Maitreya, and he got the ultimate goal of life: bhakti unto Govinda. Thus there was nothing to be known further about spiritual progress
- Visvamitra and Vasistha were always inimical. Formerly, Visvamitra was a ksatriya, and by undergoing severe austerities he wanted to become a brahmana, but Vasistha would not agree to accept him. In this way there was always disagreement between the two
- Visvamitra Muni went to see Maharaja Dasaratha to ask the help of Lord Ramacandra and Laksmana . . . there was a demon. They were disturbing in the forest. The saintly persons were disturbed
- Visvamitra wanted from Vasistha a cow named Nandini, and the Muni refused to deliver it. Visvamitra stole the cow, and thus there was a quarrel between the sage and the King
- Vivasvan is the name of the sun-god, or the president of the sun planet. Just like here in this planet we have got presidents in each country. Now there are so many presidents. Formerly, even on this planet there was one president
- Vrndavana is situated between Nandesvara and Mahavana. Formerly the cowherd men had shifted to Mahavana, but still there were disturbances. Therefore the cowherd men selected Vrndavana, which was between the two villages, and decided to go there
- We also work hard because we know the goal of life - to please Krishna. So if by these workshops service to Krishna has been increased in everyone, then they are very nice. Why there was no weaving and spinning workshop?
- We are spirit soul, and there was never any need of this material body. But because we wanted to enjoy the material body, we have this body, through the material energy, under the direction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- We can understand that God created this cosmic manifestation. But in the paper we read the other day that the scientific men believe that there was a chunk in the beginning, and all of a sudden it burst out and the planets came out
- We get this historical event from the Srimad-Bhagavatam, that during the time of Maharaja Prthu there was scarcity of food, so the King wanted to punish the earthly deity, because she was not supplying food
- We have passed only five thousand years of this age, Kali-yuga. Before that, there was Dvapara-yuga. Dvapara-yuga means 800,000's of years. And before that, there was Treta-yuga, which continued for twelve hundred thousands of years
- We hope we shall get very good response from the student community here, because one of the representatives of the student newspaper came to see me and there was nice discussion, and I hope a good report will come out
- We started this Krsna consciousness movement, teaching, but there was no fees. This is the teaching, real teaching
- We think, from Vedic evidences, the whole world was in Krsna consciousness. There was one God, Krsna; one scripture, Bhagavad-gita; one consciousness, Krsna consciousness; and one work, service of the Lord
- Whatever happened had taken place under the direction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and therefore there was no cause to be sorry or ashamed
- Whatever little success is in our movement, the cause is I have not tried to cheat. Honestly, what I knew, I heard it from Guru Maharaja and scripture, I took it. There was no cheating
- Whatever little success is there, that was only this qualification, that I wanted to serve him. That's all. Otherwise, there was no business of coming here at the age of seventy years. You have seen all my room in the Radha-Damodara temple?
- When all the helmets struck together at Krsna's lotus feet, there was a tumultuous sound. It appeared that the helmets themselves were offering prayers unto Krsna's lotus feet
- When Arjuna saw Krsna in His gigantic universal form, there was a standing of the hairs on his body
- When Arjuna was little disturbed... Because this battle was arranged between two parties of cousin-brothers... And when Arjuna saw the other party, all his relatives, family members, so he hesitated to fight, and there was some argument
- When Bali Maharaja was thus arrested by Lord Visnu, who is the most powerful, there was a great roar of lamentation in all directions throughout the upper and lower planetary systems of the universe
- When Brahma came to see Krsna at Dvaraka, the doorman, at Lord Krsna's request, asked, Which Brahma are you? Later, when Brahma inquired from Krsna whether this meant that there was more than one Brahma, Krsna smiled and at once called for many Brahmas
- When Brahma saw that in spite of the presence of sages of great potency there was no sufficient increase in population, he seriously began to consider how the population could be increased
- When Brahma was born, there was no one to instruct him; therefore the Supreme Lord Himself instructed Brahma in Vedic knowledge through Brahma's heart
- When Brahma was first created, he could not apply his creative energy to arrange the cosmic situation. At first there was only sound, vibrating the word tapa, which indicates the acceptance of hardships for spiritual realization
- When Caitanya Mahaprabhu was there, one gentleman, he was made into a Muhammadan. This is a long story
- When Dhruva Maharaja factually saw the SPG, there was no question of a revengeful attitude towards his stepmother nor any aspiration to lord it over the material world, but the Supreme Personality is so kind that He knew that Dhruva Maharaja wanted these
- When Garbhodakasayi Visnu saw that within the universe there was only darkness and space, without a resting place, He filled half of the universe with water from His own perspiration and laid Himself down on the same water. This water is called Garbhodaka
- When I was householder, several times there was indication given by my Guru Maharaja that I should give up family life and become a sannyasi and preach this Krsna consciousness movement
- When I was in London I went to Oxford and there was a very successful meeting. Therefore I think Oxford will be a good center for our activities
- When I was in New York in the beginning of our activities there was no departmental management. The account was very clearly kept by Gargamuni, corroborated by regular vouchers. That is the true system of keeping accounts
- When I was there last there was one boy who was for making dolls. I want to know how the samples are coming out, if they are nice. Can he teach our students how to do this art? If so, our men can go there and learn, or should he be sent here to USA?
- When India was divided into Hindustan and Pakistan, there was good opportunity for the Hindu Indians to follow strictly the principles of Bhagavad Gita, and the state religion should have been declared Krishna Consciousness
- When Krsna & Balarama were away from the city of Dvaraka, there was a conspiracy to take the Syamantaka jewel away from Satrajit. The chief conspirator was Satadhanva, who was among those who had wanted to marry Satyabhama, Satrajit's beautiful daughter
- When Krsna was absent from Vrndavana & was staying in Mathura, Srimati Radharani sent news to Him that His mother, the Queen of Braja, was feeling such separation from Him that there was foam coming from her mouth, like the foam on the shore of the ocean
- When Krsna was born, the same principle was followed. Astrologer was called for, and there were good astrologers. And the great astrologer, a famous astrologer who came to see Krsna's birth affair, he was Garga Muni
- When Krsna was insulted by Sisupala in the assembly of raja-suya yajna convened by Maharaj Yudhisthira, there was a great turmoil amongst the Pandavas and Kurus, involving grandfather Bhisma
- When Krsna was reigning over Dvaraka, He was so magnanimous and charitably disposed that there was no limit to His charity
- When Lord Balarama came to rescue him (Samba), there was an argument about Samba's release
- When Lord Caitanya induced them (the Mayavadi sannyasis) to chant Hare Krsna and excused them for their offenses, they were purified, and therefore there was no objection to taking lunch, or bhagavat-prasadam, with them
- When Lord Caitanya went to southern India, Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya advised Him to meet Ramananda Raya, declaring that there was no devotee as advanced in understanding the conjugal love of Krsna and the gopis
- When Lord Krsna went ahead to a distant place in order to see some specific scenery, the boys behind Him ran to try to catch up and be the first to touch Him. So there was a great competition
- When Lord Krsna went to the heavenly planets with His wife Satyabhama He took a parijata flower tree from heaven and brought it to the earth. There was a fight between Krsna & the demigods due to the parijata tree's being taken from heaven to this planet
- When Lord Nityananda came to Navadvipa, He was a guest at the house of Nandana Acarya. Understanding that Nityananda Prabhu had arrived, Caitanya sent His devotees to Him, and thus there was a meeting between Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Nityananda Prabhu
- When Lord Ramacandra, was the King of this world, all bodily and mental suffering, disease, old age, bereavement, lamentation, distress, fear and fatigue were completely absent. There was even no death for those who did not want it
- When Lord Sri Krsna appeared, there was a necessity of minimizing the load of sinful activities accumulated on this planet, or in this universe
- When Maha-Visnu entered each of the limitless universes, He saw that there was darkness all around and that there was no place to stay. He therefore began to consider the situation
- When many people crowded around Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He regained His external senses. In the meantime, the offering to the Deity had been finished, and there was a resounding arati performance
- When Prahlada Maharaja was a five-year-old boy, he was sent to school. As soon as there was a recreation period, when the teacher was away, he would say to his friends - My dear friends, come on. We shall speak about Krsna consciousness
- When Rupa Gosvami and Sanatana Gosvami went to Vrndavana, there was not a single temple, but by their preaching they were gradually able to construct various temples
- When Sati annihilated her body in anger, there was a tumultuous roar all over the universe. Why had Sati, the wife of the most respectable demigod, Lord Siva, quit her body in such a manner?
- When she (Kunti) inquired from her son about the purport of the conversation, Yudhisthira replied that from the talks of Vidura it was understood that there was a hint of fire in the house where they were proceeding
- When she saw that all the pots were still filled with rice and vegetables, there was some doubt in her mind, and she was astonished
- When Sri Caitanya was describing the opulences and spiritual potencies of Krsna in this way, there was an awakening of love of Krsna within Him. His mind became immersed in the sweetness of conjugal love, and He quoted the following verse from SB
- When Srila Gadadhara dasa Prabhu was preaching the cult of hari-kirtana, there was a magistrate who was very much against his sankirtana movement
- When Tapana Misra met Him, Caitanya Mahaprabhu was living in household life, and there was no indication that in the future He would accept the sannyasa order
- When the Battle of Kuruksetra was being concluded, in outer space there were present many demigods, siddhas, and the intelligentia of the higher planets, and they were observing the fight because Krsna was present there. BG 1972 purports
- When the black-eyed, beautiful Rukmini heard of the settlement, she immediately became very morose. However, being a king's daughter, she understood political diplomacy and decided that there was no use in simply being morose
- When the celestial beauties saw that the Lord (Nara-Narayana) can produce innumerable beauties by His mystic internal potency, there was consequently no need to be attracted by others externally
- When the child was going out, there was a tinkling of ankle bells from His lotus feet. Hearing this, His father and mother were struck with wonder
- When the coconuts were brought, there was little time to offer them because it was already late. The servant, holding the container of coconuts, remained standing at the door
- When the First World War was finished, these nations, they formed a League of Nation. League of Nation means just to arrange for peaceful living between the nations. So there was forest fire again
- When the gems on the helmets of all the predominating deities collided before the throne and the Lord's lotus feet, there was a jingling sound, which seemed like prayers offered by the helmets at Krsna’s lotus feet
- When the golden plate was discovered missing from the temple (of Sri Ranganatha), there was a search, and it was found in the prostitute’s house
- When the great sages, headed by Bhrgu, saw that in the absence of King Anga there was no one to protect the interests of the people, they understood that without a ruler the people would become independent and nonregulated
- When the Khandava forest was being devoured by the fire-god, Agni, there was a demon of the name Maya who was saved by Arjuna from the devastating fire. For this reason, that former demon became a great friend of Arjuna
- When the Lord (Nrsimhadeva) sat on the throne of Hiranyakasipu, there was no one to protest; no enemy came forward on behalf of Hiranyakasipu to fight with the Lord. This means that His supremacy was immediately accepted by the demons
- When the Lord saw that there was no time for the Pandavas to counteract the brahmastra of Asvatthama, He took up His weapon even at the risk of breaking His own vow
- When the sky became completely cleared of all clouds and there was sunrise again, the strong wind stopped
- When the Supreme Personality of Godhead appears, He accepts His eternal father and mother, and they accept Krsna as their son. This pastime takes place eternally and is therefore called nitya-lila. Thus there was no cause for surprise or ridicule
- When there is something fearful the child, it is nature, closes the eyes. I have practical experience. When I was young man I went to the zoo with my little son and as soon as there was a tiger cage, oh, the child closed the eyes
- When there was a club-fight between Duryodhana and Bhimasena, He (Balarama) was present on the spot
- When there was a complete inundation after the period of the Caksusa Manu and the whole world was deep within water, the Lord (Matsya) accepted the form of a fish and protected Vaivasvata Manu, keeping him up on a boat
- When there was a desire to have food and drink, the abdomen and the intestines and also the arteries became manifested. The rivers and seas are the source of their sustenance and metabolism
- When there was a desire to perceive the physical characteristics of matter, softness, hardness, warmth, cold, lightness & heaviness, the background of sensation, the skin, the skin pores, the hairs on the body & their controlling deities were generated
- When there was a desire to think about the activities of His own energy, then the heart (the seat of the mind), the mind, the moon, determination and all desire became manifested
- When there was a fight among the princes, Pradyumna came out victorious, and therefore Rukmi was obliged to offer his beautiful daughter to Pradyumna
- When there was a forest fire all of Krsna's friends neglected their own protection and surrounded Krsna on all sides to protect Him from the flames
- When there was a forest fire in the Bhandiravana, Krsna instructed His friends to close their eyes tightly, and they all did this
- When there was a Maharashtrian invasion of Bengal, the family of Kanu Thakura was scattered, and after the invasion one Harikrsna Gosvami of that family came back to their original home, Bodhakhana, and re-established the Pranavallabha Deity
- When there was a manifestation of skin separated from the gigantic form, Anila, the deity directing the wind, entered with partial touch, and thus the living entities can realize tactile knowledge
- When there was a meeting of great sages at Naimisaranya, Suta Gosvami was reciting Srimad-Bhagavatam, and the importance of the Ganges was stated
- When there was a separate manifestation of skin, the controlling deities of sensations and their different parts entered into it, and thus the living entities feel itching and happiness due to touch
- When there was a war, soldiers would certainly die untimely, but if a soldier's body was intact, he could be brought to life again by this art of mrta-sanjivani
- When there was another party, then the 105 brothers (Kurus and Pandavas) were together. In this way, we must cooperate to spread Krsna consciousness
- When there was fight between two kings, it is on the principle that who is giving good protection to the citizens, not for personal profit. Who is able to give good protection, life, security for life and property, he should become king
- When there was fighting between India and Pakistan, they (all the Pakistanis) were all united. Now they have changed their . . . another anyatha rupam, that - I am Eastern Pakistani, I am Western Pakistani
- When there was gambling between the rival brothers, designed by Sakuni, Karna took part in the game, and he was very pleased when Draupadi was offered as a bet in the gambling. This fed his old grudge
- When there was no longer a tumultuous sound, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu returned to external consciousness. Then Nityananda Prabhu informed Him of the fatigue of the chanters and dancers
- When there was no so-called advancement of civilization, people used to eat on utensils made of silver, gold, at least metal. Now they're using plastic. And still, they are proud of advancement of civilization
- When there was noncooperation movement of Gandhi's, the people became riotous, and they began to break anything government, especially the postboxes on the street
- When there was stretching of the body of Narada Muni from chanting the Hare Krsna mantra, he chanted so loudly that it was apprehended that Lord Nrsimha had appeared. Thus all the demons began to flee in different directions
- When there was such question raised in Jaipur that the Gaudiya Vaisnava has no commentary on the Vedanta-sutra, at that time, Baladeva Vidyabhusana, he wrote Govinda-bhasya on Vedanta-sutra
- When there was too much animal-killing and people became almost atheist under the shadow of Vedic rituals, Lord Buddha appeared
- When there was torrents of rain, Vrndavana was being overflooded, and all the inhabitants became so much disturbed. They were looking to Krsna, because they did not know anything beyond Krsna
- When Vasudeva was carrying Krsna, the darkness of the night disappeared. All the prison doors automatically opened. At the same time there was thunder in the sky and severe rainfall
- When we were in danger, there was so much obstruction for constructing the temple, and we prayed to Krsna that it should stopped. We prayed to Krsna, "Please give Your protection." That is for Visnu's purpose
- When you were contemplating whether there was a source to the stem of the lotus of your birth and you even entered into that stem, you could not trace out anything. But at that time I manifested My form from within
- Whenever there was anything that might touch or taint the character of the Lord, Damodara Pandita would immediately point it out, not even considering the exalted position of the Lord
- Whenever there was question of Jesus, I never disrespected Jesus. Never criticized him, because I know that he is powerful representative of God. We took it from Guru Maharaja
- Where is your experience that all of a sudden a chunk dropped and there was creation? We have got experience that creation is there. Mother is there, and a child is coming. This is the creation
- While Devahuti was thinking of what to do in that great palace in her dirty clothes, there were at once, by the yogic powers of Kardama Muni, one thousand maidservants prepared to serve her
- While kirtana was going on, there was a transformation of ecstatic love and much tears, jubilation, trembling, perspiration and deep resounding in the body of Caitanya. Upon seeing this transformation, all the people present became very much astonished
- While making the plan to arrest Samba, the Kurus counseled amongst themselves that upon his arrest the members of the Yadu dynasty would be very angry with them. There was every possibility of the Yadus' accepting the challenge and fighting with them
- While there was much roaring and crying at the Bhattathari community, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu grabbed Krsnadasa by the hair and took him away
- While this scene (Kaliya and Krsna) was taking place on the bank of the Yamuna, there were ill omens manifest. The earth trembled, meteors fell from the sky, and the left side of men's bodies shivered. All these are indications of great immediate danger
- While this was happening, Balarama, who is the master of all knowledge, stood there simply smiling. He knew how powerful His younger brother was & that there was no cause for anxiety when Krsna was fighting with an ordinary serpent of the material world
- Why this man is dead? They may explain, these rascals, in so many ways, but actual, any simple man can understand that there was something, either you call it soul or something else, that is now missing
- Why this system of religion is going on, maintaining slaughterhouse? That means there was no attempt to preach sad-dharma, real dharma. Therefore, in the name of religion they are maintaining thousands of slaughterhouse. You see? It is asad-dharma
- With great pleasure, King Nagnajit brought his daughter Satya before Krsna and handed her over to Him. Krsna also immediately accepted Satya as His wife. Then there was a marriage ceremony with great pomp
- Within a moment the whole sky was overcast with dense clouds, and severe thundering was heard. There was glittering electric lightning and severe rainfall
- Within half a mile from this small river (Maudesvara) is the birthplace of Sri Nityananda Prabhu. It appears that there was a big kirtana hall in front of the temple, but later it became dilapidated
- Within the river Yamuna there was a great lake, and in that lake the black serpent Kaliya used to live. Because of his poison, the whole area was so contaminated that it emanated a poisonous vapor twenty-four hours a day