Category:In This Way
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Pages in category "In This Way"
The following 2,243 pages are in this category, out of 2,243 total.
- Instruct everyone to follow the orders of Lord Sri Krsna as they are given in the Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam. In this way become a spiritual master and try to liberate everyone in this land
- Kindly keep me informed of your zone's activities at least once a week or once fortnightly. In this way I will be encouraged and can give you direction and inspiration
- Know it for certain that in this way you shall very soon go back to Home, back to Godhead
- The Vedic principle is to restrict sense gratification under certain rules and regulations. So the animal sacrifice is also restricted in that way
- A creator must possess an all-pervasive body, as pointed out in the Bhagavad-gita (3.14): Everywhere are His hands and legs, His eyes, heads and faces, and He has ears everywhere. In this way the Supersoul exists, pervading everything
- A devotee of God always looks to the welfare of all living entities, and in this way he is factually the friend of everyone. He is the best yogi because he does not desire perfection in yoga for his personal benefit, but tries for others also. BG 1972 p
- A devotee wants to remain always in the Lord’s service. In this way, Krsna is merciful to His devotee and gives him all protection from the dangers found on the path of devotional service
- A devotee who follows the six principles of surrender always thinks, "O Lord, I am Yours in every respect; I am Your eternal servant." In this way a pure devotee becomes cleansed. There is a nice verse in this connection in the SB 11.29.34
- A disciple promises to refraim from the four pillars of sinful life: no illicit sex-life, no intoxication, no gambling, and no meat-eating. In addition, one must chant at least 16 rounds of japa daily and in this way progress in Krsna Consciousness
- A dying person, at the time of death, if he remembers the form of Krsna and while remembering in that way, if he quits the present body, then surely he approaches the spiritual kingdom
- A father says, - I have begotten you separately to enjoy yourself. You remain separate, and I remain separate, and in this way we will enjoy. Now you are asking to become one with me. What is this nonsense
- A friend tells mother Yasoda: "It appears to be due to the result of severe penances and austerities in your past lives that your son (Krsna) was saved in this way"
- A frog is eaten by a snake, a snake is eaten by a mongoose, and the mongoose is eaten by another animal. In this way the process of destruction goes on by the supreme will of the Lord
- A good wife is a great boon to her husband and to her children so please continue in this way and I know that your life will be very successful
- A karmi, a business man, is improving his business. Just like in your country there are..., there were many great business brain-Mr. Henry Ford, Rockefeller. So they concentrated their attention how to earn money. They are also called yogi in that way
- A karmi, he is thinking that "I am poor man. If I become rich man, I will be happy." He is thinking in that way. Jnani is thinking that "Poor and rich doesn't matter. I am Brahman. I am spirit soul. If I merge into the Supreme Brahman I will be happy"
- A little family, a little community, that is your world. We do not think in that way. We include even the animals, trees, plants - brothers. That is our philosophy
- A living entity is wandering up and down, sometimes in the higher planetary systems or lower planetary systems, sometimes rich, sometimes poor, sometimes this, sometimes cat, sometimes dog, sometimes demigod. In this way he is suffering
- A madhukari is a saintly person or a mendicant who does not accept a full meal at one house but begs from door to door, taking a little food from each householder’s place. In this way he does not overeat or give householders unnecessary trouble
- A man may carry a burden on his head, and when he feels it to be too heavy, he sometimes gives relief to his head by putting the burden on his shoulder. In this way he tries to relieve himself of the burden
- A man that is very beautiful, he is also powerful, or a woman is beautiful, she is powerful - she attracts so many. In this way, when all the six opulences are together in fullness, he is God
- A man, after enjoying his girlfriend, gives up his connection with her. In this way, all the gopis indirectly accused Krsna by citing many examples
- A manvantara, the life-span of one Manu, is given as 71 multiplied by 4,320,000 years. After one such Manu passes on, another Manu begins his life-span. In this way the life cycle of the universe is going on
- A neophyte disciple begins by hearing and chanting, associating with devotees and practicing the regulative principles. In this way he develops attachment for Krsna and cannot forget Krsna even for a moment
- A paramahamsa has no program for sense gratification; he is interested only in satisfying the senses of the Lord. One who has control of the senses in this way is called a gosani or a gosvami, master of the senses
- A person in the mode of goodness is satisfied by his work or intellectual pursuit, just as a philosopher, scientist, or educator may be engaged in a particular field of knowledge and may be satisfied in that way. BG 1972 purports
- A person who is overly affected materially may take advantage of this movement and become intimately associated with it. In this way the confused and frustrated inhabitants of this material world may find the highest happiness in association with devotees
- A philosopher is not a philosopher if he does not agree with other . . . if he does not agree other philosophers. So in this way, you are perplexed. Therefore it is advised, we should accept the authority, and then we shall be benefited
- A pseudo incarnation of Krsna once told his disciple that he had emptied himself by giving him all knowledge and was thus spiritually bankrupt. Such bluffers speak in this way to cheat the public
- A pure devotee attached to devotional service should always remember the activities of a particular inhabitant of Vraja, even though he is not able to live in Vrajabhumi or Vrndavana. In this way he can always think of Vrajabhumi and Vrndavana
- A sane man will think, "If this hand is ultimately controlled by Krsna, then it is meant for Krsna." This is a commonsense understanding. I claim, "This is my hand, this is my leg, this is my ear." Even a child will speak this way
- A servant should think of his master as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In this way, all of them will automatically become devotees of the Lord. In other words, by thinking this way, all of them will become Krsna conscious
- A sincere disciple feels it pleasurable when his Spiritual Master chastises him with calling him such names as fool and rascal. My Spiritual Master sometimes called me in that way and I remember that day always and feel transcendental pleasure
- A sincere student aurally receives the holy name from the spiritual master, and after being initiated he follows the regulative principles. When the holy name is properly served in this way, automatically the spiritual nature of the holy name spreads
- A spiritual master is always in the superior position, so he has the right to chastise his disciple in this way
- A tree is matter, but a tree produces fruit. Water is matter, but water flows. In this way, say the Sankhyites, matter is the cause of movements and production. As such, matter can be considered the material and efficient cause of everything
- A woman attracts a man, and in that way the scope of material activities, involving house, wealth, children and friendship, increases, and thus instead of decreasing one's material demands, one becomes entangled in material enjoyment
- A woman cannot be naked before any male except her husband. The unmarried gopis desired Krsna as their husband, and He fulfilled their desire in this way
- A woman has no independence... She is always under the protection, either under the protection of the father or under the protection of the husband or under the protection of the grown-up sons. That is position. And woman becomes happy in that way
- A woman should have a few children and in this way not be disturbing to the man. Unfortunately, if the man becomes attracted to the woman simply for sex enjoyment, then family life becomes abominable
- A woman will enchant him with attractive glances, intimate words, smiles of love and then embraces. In this way she induces him to enjoy sex with her to her full satisfaction
- A yogi is advised to meditate on the form of Lord Visnu from point to point, from ankles to legs to knees to thighs to chest to neck, and in this way gradually up to the face and then to the ornaments. There is no question of impersonal meditation
- A yogi is advised to meditate on the form of Lord Visnu from point to point, from the ankles to the legs to the knees to the thighs to the chest to the neck, and in this way gradually up to the face and then to the ornaments
- A yogi should see the same soul in all manifestations, for all that exists is a manifestation of different energies of the Supreme. In this way the devotee should see all living entities without distinction. That is realization of the Supreme Soul
- Above all these (no bare necessities of life), there is always disturbance: sometimes war, sometimes famine, sometimes earthquake, sometimes overflood. Just like recently in New York there was overflood. So in this way we are so much complicated
- Above mind there is intelligence. The intelligence is where to consider, "Whether I'm this body or I am something else?" So in this way, from the mental platform, you have to elevate yourself to the intellectual platform & from that to spiritual platform
- Acarya. He behaves in his life how? To think of Krsna and he teaches his students about that. He is called acarya. He knows the purport of the scriptures, and he behaves in his life and he teaches his student in that way
- Accepting Krsna in this way (He is the only possesion), one attains transcendental position of the Absolute. Atmaramaya - At that time, one becomes happy with You. Krsna, You are happy with Yourself, & one who surrenders to You becomes happy, as You are
- Accompanied in this way, Lord Bharata, His heart softened in ecstasy and His eyes full of tears, approached Lord Ramacandra and fell at His lotus feet with great ecstatic love
- According to astrological calculation, a person is classified according to whether he belongs to the godly or demoniac quality. In that way the spouse was selected. A girl of godly quality should be handed over to a boy of godly quality
- According to Ayur-vedic treatment, it is said that if one has a high fever, someone should splash him with water after gargling this water. In this way the fever subsides
- According to BG 14.26, a devotee's position is described in this way: "One who engages in full devotional service, who does not fall down in any circumstance, at once transcends the modes of material nature and thus comes to the level of Brahman."
- According to karma, the living entity sometimes goes up & sometimes goes down. He wanders in this way, thinking how he can become materially happy & satisfy his senses. The sastras say that we should not do this, we should endeavor to understand Krsna
- According to our material calculation, if one is very rich, he's attractive. If one is very influential, he's attractive. If one is very wise, he's attractive. If one is very beautiful, he's attractive. In this way, we attract
- According to political science, a king sometimes tries to pacify his subordinates, sometimes chastises them, sometimes derides them and sometimes rewards them. In this way the king rules his subordinates
- According to the (brahmana's) advice, the ksatriyas, who are called nara-deva, keep law & order so that other people, namely the vaisyas & sudras, may properly follow regulative principles. In this way, people are gradually elevated to Krsna consciousness
- According to the size of the universe, there are so many heads on the body of Brahma. In this way I maintain innumerable universes
- According to the Vedic system, therefore (because one gets liberated in this way), it is customarily recommended that after performing a ritualistic ceremony, one should feed the brahmanas
- According to them (mayavadis), when bhagavatas (devotees) are purified by philosophical speculation, they will come to the real point of liberation. Those who speculate in this way regarding devotional service are called kutarkikas (false logicians)
- According to Vedic civilization, one has to see through the authority of the revealed scriptures. One should see everything through the medium of the Vedic literature. In this way, one can distinguish between the spiritual world and material world
- According to Vedic principles, a householder, before taking lunch, should go outside and shout very loudly to see if there is anyone without food. In this way he invites people to take prasadam
- According to Vedic principles, society is divided into four categories - brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra. After dividing society in this way, it is the king's duty to see that everyone executes Vedic principles according to his caste
- Actually one should surrender in this way (not keep anything for oneself), in the material world one should not artificially imitate those who are fully surrendered
- Actually that is our most important business-to distribute our Back to Godhead magazine and if you will go on in this way with enthusiasm and determination for distributing BTG to everyone you meet then Krishna will surely bless you more and more
- Advaita Acarya considered the meaning of the verse in this way: "Not finding any way to repay the debt He owes to one who offers Him a tulasi leaf and water, Krsna thinks, 'There is no wealth in My possession that is equal to a tulasi leaf and water'
- After addressing Arjuna in this way, Lord Krsna called for His transcendental chariot. He mounted it along with Arjuna and proceeded north
- After all, if he (the living entity) is at all eager to be relieved of the struggle for existence, he must find a bona fide guru and take instructions at his lotus feet. In this way he can get out of the struggle
- After bestowing His mercy upon them in this way, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu left. All those Pathana Muslims then became mendicants
- After chanting the holy name of the Lord and dancing in ecstasy, one gradually sees the form of the Lord, the pastimes of the Lord and the transcendental qualities of the Lord. This way one fully understands the situation of the Personality of Godhead
- After coming back to his hermitage, Kardama divided himself into nine personalities just to give pleasure to Devahuti, the daughter of Manu, who was eager for sex life. In that way he enjoyed with her for many, many years, which passed just like a moment
- After completing one's education as a brahmacari in this way, one should give daksina, an offering of gratitude, to one's guru
- After half the night had passed in this way, Ramananda Raya and Svarupa Damodara Gosvami made Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu lie down on His bed in the inner room
- After hearing Ramananda Raya speak in this way, Caitanya Mahaprabhu again rejected his statement and said, "Go ahead and say something more." Ramananda Raya then replied, "Devotional service mixed with empiric knowledge is the essence of perfection"
- After hearing the Mayavadi sannyasis speak in that way, Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu smiled slightly and said, "My dear sirs, if you don't mind I can say something to you regarding Vedanta philosophy"
- After hearing Their mother (Devaki) speak in this way, Lord Balarama and Krsna immediately called for the assistance of yogamaya and started for the lower planetary system known as Sutala
- After hearing Their mother speak in this way, Lord Balarama and Krsna immediately called for the assistance of yogamaya and started for the lower planetary system known as Sutala
- After initiation, when one follows the regulative principles of devotional service, one becomes freed from all unwanted things. In this way one becomes firmly fixed and gradually develops a taste for devotional service
- After lunch, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu made them open the door. In this way everyone received His audience with great pleasure
- After many years had passed in this way, one day within his mind he (the brahmana) cooked nice sweet rice with ghee to worship the Deity
- After pacifying Kamalakanta Visvasa in this way, Sri Advaita Acarya Prabhu went to see Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- After pacifying the King in this way, Kesava Chatri sent a brahmana messenger to Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, requesting Him to leave without delay
- After Prahlada Maharaja had spoken in this way and become silent, Hiranyakasipu, blinded by anger, threw him off his lap and onto the ground
- After reaching Vrndavana, where everyone lives eternally, very peacefully and happily, they encircled Vrndavana, drew all the carts together in a half circle, and in this way constructed a temporary residence
- After reaping the results of his pious activities, he has to return to the lower planetary systems. In this way he perpetually goes up and comes down
- After satisfying Krsna in this way, King Yudhisthira arranged to perform the Rajasuya sacrifice. He invited all the qualified brahmanas and sages to take part and appointed them to different positions as priests in charge of the sacrificial arena
- After speaking in this way, Maya worshiped the lotus feet of Haridasa Thakura, who initiated her by saying, "Just perform chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- After speaking in this way, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu fell silent. Then Ramananda Raya began to recite various verses
- After speaking to Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya in this way, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu returned to His residence. From that day on, the Bhattacarya was free because his false pride had been dismantled
- After speaking to them in this way, I bade them farewell. As I was leaving, Sanatana told Me, 'It is not appropriate for one to be followed by a crowd of thousands when going to Vrndavana'
- After staying in Varanasi for about ten days, Rupa Gosvami returned to Bengal. In this way I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) have described the activities of Rupa and Sanatana
- After talking in this way with Paramananda Puri, the Lord took his permission to leave and, very pleased, departed for southern India
- After the creator of the entire universe, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, had spoken in this way in the presence of Prajapati Daksa, He immediately disappeared as if He were an object experienced in a dream
- After they had chanted in this way for a long time, the holy name of Krsna entered the heart of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and He suddenly arose with a loud shout of "Haribol"
- After this, all the Mayavadi sannyasis and learned scholars at Varanasi began discussing Srimad-Bhagavatam. In this way Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu delivered them
- After this, King Puranjana decorated his body with suitable ornaments. He also smeared scented sandalwood pulp over his body and put on flower garlands. In this way he became completely refreshed. After this, he began to search out his Queen
- After uttering the word 'atmaramah' fifty-eight times and taking 'ca' in a sense of aggregation, one may add the word 'munayah.' That will mean that great sages also render devotional service to Lord Krsna. In this way there are fifty-nine meanings
- After warning Dadhici in this way, Indra returned to heaven. The Asvini-kumaras, who understood Indra's desires, returned and begged Dadhici for brahma-vidya
- Again, he becomes very busy under the shelter of that home and is captivated by the talks, glances and activities of his wife and children. In this way he loses his Krsna consciousness and throws himself in the dense darkness of material existence
- Akrura continued, "I am falsely thinking myself happy in possessing my home, wife, children, estate, property and friends. In this way I am acting as if in a dreamland, because none of these are permanent"
- Alas, before We met there was an initial attachment between Us brought about by an exchange of glances. In this way attachment evolved. That attachment has gradually grown, and there is no limit to it
- All activities performed in this consciousness constitute true renunciation, or yukta-vairagya, as opposed to false renuniciation, or phalgu-vairagya. By instructing Arjuna to act in this way, the Supreme Lord has ordered us to do so as well
- All living beings, whether human, animal or lower than animal, should be given protection. The modern democratic system cannot be exalted in this way because the leaders elected strive only for power and have no sense of responsibility
- All living entities are rotting in this way, but if some of them or one of them becomes very fortunate, then by the grace of guru and Krsna he gets this line of devotional service. It is for the most fortunate person, not ordinary
- All of us are controllers to some limited extent. If we have nothing to control, sometimes we keep a dog or cat so we can say, "My dear dog, please come here." In this way we can think - I am the controller
- All the citizens joined their friends & relatives to welcome Lord Krsna with great pomp & jubilation, & a tumultuous vibration of conchshells, drums & bugles received the Lord. In this way the SP of Godhead, Krsna, entered His capital, Dvaraka
- All the demigods and their wives are constantly supplied with sandalwood pulp and flower garlands by their servants. In this way, all the residents of the eight heavenly varsas enjoy, attracted by the activities of the opposite sex
- All the devatas, all the demigods came: Narada Muni, Brahma, Siva. They came in disguise, and their wife, Savitri, and then Uma. Uma is the wife of Lord Siva. In that way you can show so many demigods and their wives coming
- All the devotees within the temple began to wash. Each one had a broom in his hand, and in this way they cleansed the temple of the Lord
- All the devotees worshiped Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu in this way (with the Vedic mantras of the Purusa-sukta), and the Lord remained in ecstasy for seven praharas, or twenty-one hours
- All the experts in Vedic understanding are searching for You by eliminating the material elements. In this way, searching and searching, they come to the conclusion that everything is complete in You. Thus You are the resort of everything
- All the members of Ramananda Raya's family are Your eternal servants. Now they are in danger. It is not befitting for You to be indifferent to them in this way
- All the pastimes, which are described in Srimad-Bhagavatam, will cleanse one’s consciousness. In this way one can actually understand the Absolute Truth
- All the people of the world, they are struggling hard for existence, simply calculating that, - This much I have achieved today, and this much I'll achieve tomorrow. In this way my bank balance will be increased more and more
- All the saintly persons present offered their prayers in this way: O supreme maintainer of those sheltered at Your lotus feet, O original PG the process of austerity and penance, in which You instructed us before, is the spiritual power of Your very self
- All the young princes of the Yadu dynasty married the daughters of other kings in this way, by chivalrous force, and thus they were conquerors of all the kings of the world
- All these conclusions are like the newly grown twigs of a mango tree; they are always pleasing to the devotees, who in this way resemble cuckoo birds
- All these plans (of the so-called scientists) are ultimately failures because they are illusory. In this way the living entity forgets his position as an eternal servant of the Lord. He instead becomes a servant of maya. In any case he remains a servant
- All these things (illicit sex, unwanted pregnancies, abortions, being punished in the same way the next life) can be avoided by remaining on the transcendental platform of Krsna consciousness. In this way one does not commit sinful activity
- Also it is good to note that you are writing these children's books to comply with the academic standards of the public schools. In this way you should seriously work to compile these books along with the help of Krishna Bhamini
- Although a devotee may fall from the path of spiritual consciousness, he will nonetheless attain a human body in the home of a devotee or a rich man. In this way one can resume his devotional service
- Although any number of candles can be lighted, the original candle still retains its identity as the origin. In this way Krsna expands Himself into so many lights, and all these expansions are called Visnu-tattva
- Although any number of candles can be lit, the original candle still retains its identity as the origin. In this way Krsna expands Himself into so many forms, and all these expansions are called visnu-tattva - CC Intro
- Although calling the name of his son, he nevertheless uttered the four syllables na-ra-ya-na. Simply by chanting the name of Narayana in this way, he sufficiently atoned for the sinful reactions of millions of lives
- Although Dhruva Maharaja was only a five-year-old boy, he underwent severe austerities by eating simply dry foliage, drinking only water and taking no food. In this way, after six months, he was able to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead face to face
- Although for others the world of birth and death is like a great ocean, for a devotee it is like such a puddle (bhavambudhir vatsa-padam), and he can jump over it very easily. In this way the devotee attains param padam, the supreme abode
- Although He is the original source of everything, He is untouched by any of His by-products. In this way He is like a gold mine, which is the source of gold in ornaments and yet is different from the ornaments themselves
- Although in the order of householder life, he (Srutadeva) never took great pains to earn anything for his livelihood; he was satisfied with whatever he could achieve without much endeavor, and somehow or other he lived in that way
- Although Krsna cannot be seen through the Upanisads, in some places it is said that Krsna can in fact be known in this way
- Although Srimati Radharani was checking Krsna with Her hand, internally She was thinking, ‘Let Krsna satisfy His desires.' In this way She was very pleased within, although She externally displayed opposition and anger
- Although that (yajna) is mentioned in the different scriptures, that sacrifice should be performed in that way (sacrificing large quantities of butter), but it is impractical. It is not possible
- Although the brahmana was fasting, he had faith in the words of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and accepted food. In this way his life was saved
- Although they (gopis) were all equally beautiful, He (Krsna) satisfied Her (Srimati Radhika) in this way, and She began to think proudly, "My dear Lord Krsna has left the beautiful gopis, and He is satisfied with Me alone"
- Although transcendental to this material existence, the living entity, out of ignorance, accepts all these material miseries under the pretext of false egoism ("I" and "mine"). In this way he lives for a hundred years within this body
- Although we speak of "when" Krsna desires, just when He did desire we cannot say. We only speak in this way because in conditional life we take it that everything has a beginning; however, in absolute or spiritual life there is neither beginning nor end
- Although we speak of "when" Krsna desires, just when He did desire we cannot say. We only speak in this way because in conditioned life we take it that everything has a beginning; however, in spiritual life everything is absolute - CC Intro
- An American gentleman present at the time remarked - If people in our country were starving in this way, there would have been a revolution
- An example of attachment for Krsna with overwhelming affection is given in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, Tenth Canto, 6th Chapter, 27th verse, where Sukadeva Gosvami addresses Maharaj Pariksit in this way
- An impersonalist thinks that his actual identity is in being one with Krsna, but a devotee does not destroy his identity in this way. He lives with full faith that Krsna will kindly protect him in all respects
- Anantadeva, who was calmly holding all the planets on His hood, was moving in this way and that due to the transcendental vibration from Krsna's flute, which penetrated through the covering of this universe and reached to the spiritual sky
- Anartha-nivrttih is possible by sraddha, sadhu-sangah, bhajana-kriya, then anartha-nivrttih, then nistha, ruci, asakti, bhava. In this way, we develop our Krsna consciousness, love of Godhead
- Anger can also be used in the service of Krsna when it is applied to the nondevotee demons. Hanumanji applied his anger in this way
- Another gopi began to praise the unique position of Govardhana Hill in this way: "How fortunate is this Govardhana Hill, for it is enjoying the association of Lord Krsna and Balarama, who are accustomed to walking on it"
- Another meaning of the word atma may be accepted in this way: the principle who is the Supersoul in every atma, or, one may say, the soul of everyone, became manifested as Dattatreya, because the word amsa, part and parcel, is used here - SB 4.1.15
- Another meat-eater said, 'Sir, please hear me. Since the day I joked with some Hindus in this way, my tongue chants the Hare Krsna hymn and cannot give it up. I do not know what mystic hymns and herbal potions these Hindus know
- Antara means "another." Now, there are varieties of bodies; that you can see. There are fish body, there are tree body, plant body, beast body, bird's body, insect body, reptile body - in this way gradual process of evolution, you come to this human body
- Any form of religious principles in which the followers are trained to pursue the vow of celibacy is good for the human being because only those who are trained in that way can end the miserable life of material existence
- Anyone extraordinarily powerful must be considered a partial representation of the opulence of the Supreme Godhead. Therefore when the son of Maharaja Dusmanta became the emperor of the entire world, he was celebrated in this way
- Anyone who can understand the process of karma, the process of work, in this way, he is the most intelligent person in this world. - Most intelligent person. Not that a person who has passed M.A., Ph.D. examination from the university
- Anything which does not help me in serving Krsna, if we give it up, and anything which helps me to serve Krsna, if we accept, in that way if we live, then gradually we become situated in our original constitutional position, eternal servant of God
- Apart from Bhagavad-gita, which is spoken by Krsna, we can read these other books. In this way, one can learn the art of becoming a sadhu
- Arjuna was a friend of Krsna's, but Krsna, although the Supreme Godhead, became Arjuna's chariot driver, a menial servant. Arjuna loved Krsna, and Krsna reciprocated his love in this way
- Arjuna was thinking that the body was himself and that his bodily relations or expansions were his brothers, nephews, brothers-in-law, grandfathers and so on. He was thinking in this way to satisfy his bodily demands. BG 1972 Introduction
- Arjuna was trained in that way - he was a soldier - but by his soldier's business, occupational duty, he satisfied Krsna. He fought for Krsna, not for his personal sense gratification. That is his test, samsiddhir hari-tosanam
- Arjuna worshiped the Lord by fighting with his so-called relatives, and in this way he became a pure devotee of the Lord. Such accomplishments are possible only when one worships the real Krsna and not some fabricated "Krsna" invented by foolish men
- Arundhati and Syama Dasi shall be in charge of composing at least four hours alternately. In this way, the machine should be used from 7:00 in the morning till 10:00 at night
- As a former minister for the Nawab, Sanatana could certainly understand diplomacy. He therefore thought, "Why is this landlord offering me such respect?" Thinking in this way, he questioned his servant, whose name was Isana
- As a man cannot separate his life from his body, a disciple cannot separate the order of the spiritual master from his life. If a disciple follows the instruction of the spiritual master in that way, he is sure to become perfect
- As a result of frustration, he desires more power than the ordinary living entity and thus wants to merge into the existence of the supreme enjoyer. In this way he develops a plan for greater enjoyment
- As far as a devotee is concerned, he is not eager to see the universal form, but because Arjuna wanted to see Krsna in this way, Krsna reveals this form
- As far as a devotee is concerned, he is not eager to see the universal form, but because Arjuna wanted to see Krsna in this way, Krsna reveals this form. BG 1972 purports
- As far as possible both should go on in parallel lines but still bhagavata marga is more important than the other. So you are all intelligent boys, so you should judge the desire of my guru maharaj and help me in that way
- As GBC member your task is very responsible. You must always keep yourself pure and in this way your preaching work will take effect
- As Lord Caitanya spoke in this way, His humility increased, and He began praying to Krsna that He could discharge pure devotional service
- As previously stated, all the residents of the villages visited by Lord Caitanya became Vaisnavas and began to chant Hari and Krsna. In this way, in all the villages visited by the Lord, everyone became a Vaisnava, a devotee
- As sannyasi, you are competent to spend the rest of your life travelling and preaching. Continue in this way with determination
- As servant of maya, Sometimes he is in heaven and sometimes in hell. Sometimes he is a demigod, and sometimes he is a demon. Sometimes he is a servant, and sometimes he is a master. In this way the living entity wanders all over the universe
- As Sikhi Mahiti spoke to his brother and sister in this way (dream about Caitanya Mahaprabhu), his voice faltered and there were tears in his eyes
- As soon as a boy and girl are married, they want an apartment. Then they have children. And when they have children, they want social recognition - society, friendship, and love. In this way their material attachment goes on increasing
- As soon as Gopinatha Acarya saw Nityananda Prabhu, he offered his obeisances unto Him. In this way, meeting all the devotees, he asked about news of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu again and again
- As soon as half of the vegetable in the pot was finished, Advaita Acarya filled it up again. In this way, as the Lord finished half of a preparation, Advaita Acarya again and again filled it up
- As soon as he (the brahmana) touched the sweet rice pot with his finger, he immediately was burnt by the heat of the pot. In this way, his meditation broke
- As soon as man and woman are united, they become attached to home, hearth, land, friendship and money. In this way they are both entrapped in material existence
- As soon as one uses his intelligence in this way (in God's service), the goddess of fortune automatically becomes favorable to him. The goddess of fortune, Laksmi, never remains without her husband, Lord Visnu
- As soon as our original consciousness becomes polluted with the consciousness of material enjoyment, that "I want to lord it over the resources of matter..." As soon as we turn our consciousness in this way, then our troubles begin
- As soon as the beggars chanted the holy name, "Haribol," they were immediately absorbed in ecstatic love of Godhead. In this way Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu performed wonderful pastimes
- As soon as They lay down on the bedding, They very quickly fell fast asleep. In this way, Krsna and Balarama used to enjoy Vrndavana life as cowherd boys
- As Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu lamented in this way, half the night passed. Then Svarupa Damodara made the Lord lie down in the room known as the Gambhira
- As stated in the sastras, when one disrespects a respectable superior, one loses his longevity and the results of his pious activities, and in this way one is degraded
- As the devotees think, so I also in that way thought. - "I thought it a special grace of the SPG." "And I at once took leave of my so-called home and went away." So that is the difference between the devotees of the Lord and materialistic person
- As the materialist has centered round the sex, this way, that way, similarly the transcendentalist, their center is Krsna. That is the difference. So if you want to enjoy life making Krsna as the center, that is eternal happiness
- As the water dries up, then they (fish) come out as grass, as vegetables. Then grow, different types of trees, plants, creepers. Then gradually develops to become insects, flies. Then develops to serpents. In this way, this is evolution
- As the white incarnation, the Lord taught religion and meditation. He offered benedictions to Kardama Muni, and in this way He showed His causeless mercy
- As we have read in the Fourth Chapter of Bhagavad-gita, evam parampara-praptam imam rajarsayo viduh: "In this way, traditionally, from the spiritual master to the student, this knowledge was imparted"
- At any rate we do not know how long we shall live. So we have to concentrate on reading, chanting, and distributing books, and in this way try to become Krsna conscious completely before the next death
- At once Dhruva went to the forest and began asking the tiger and the elephant, "Oh, are you God? Are you God?" In this way he was questioning all the animals
- At the beginning of this chapter 7 (of SB Canto 10), two extra verses sometimes appear: In this way, to chastise and kill the demons, the child Krsna demonstrated many activities in the house of Nanda, & the inhabitants of Vraja enjoyed these incidents
- At the end of each day's fighting, they lived at night as friends in Jarasandha's palace, and the next day they fought again. In this way they passed twenty-seven days in fighting
- At the end of life one worries about how his wife will be protected and how she will manage the great family responsibilities. In this way a man usually thinks of his wife before death
- At the present moment we are accustomed to seeing and appreciating our own clothing. I think, "What costly clothing I have," and in this way I become satisfied. But when we dress Krsna we shall feel spiritual satisfaction
- At the present moment, our senses are all designated because the body is designated. Consequently we think that this body belongs to a particular society or a particular country or a particular family. In this way the body is bound
- At the time of death, fire burns the gross body, and if there is no more desire for material enjoyment the subtle body is also ended, and in this way a pure soul remains
- Atheists generally follow the Bauddha philosophical conclusion that at death everything is finished. Hiranyakasipu, being an atheist, thought this way. Because Lord Visnu was not visible to him, he thought that the Lord was dead
- Aurangzeb, the Muslim emperor, introduced a tax especially meant for Hindus. Being oppressed in the Hindu community, many low-caste Hindus preferred to become Muslims. In this way the Muslim population increased
- Baladeva felt astonished and said, "How wonderful it is that my ecstatic love for Krsna is again being attracted to so many cowherd boys, calves and cows!" He was struck with wonder by thinking in this way
- Be happy and chant Hare Krsna and take Krsna Prasadam, and in this way you shall find your life becoming more and more perfect and you will meet Krsna face to face very soon, rest assured
- Because a sadhu lives in this way (looks on all living beings as his brothers), he does not create enemies. If there are enemies, they become enemies out of their own character, not out of any provocation on the part of a sadhu
- Because Durvasa and his men were unable to eat anything more, they went away without coming into the house of the Pandavas. In this way the Pandavas were saved from the wrath of Durvasa
- Because he has no other alternative. Either he has to serve this way or serve that way. If he is not attracted to serve in Krsna consciousness, then he has to serve in material consciousness
- Because he is godless, he did not say, "Even God cannot kill me." That he forgot. In this way he took benediction that "I shall not die on the land." "Yes." "I shall not die on the water." - Yes
- Because of chanting the holy name of Narayana in this way (without offenses), he had already vanquished the accumulated sinful reactions of many, many lives
- Because of his forgetfulness, the living entity does not know that the Supreme Lord is accompanying him as the Supersoul. In this way the living entity remains conditioned in each and every millennium
- Because of Ravana's material power, he became very proud and puffed up so that he dared kidnap the wife of Lord Ramacandra. In this way he was ruined. To get material benedictions from Lord Siva is not difficult, but actually these are not benedictions
- Because one thinks constantly in this way (as the Lord's servant, friend, father, mother or conjugal lover), one's present material body and mind are fully spiritualized, and the needs of one's material body completely vanish from one's existence
- Because people cannot understand Krsna, when they hear about Krsna's dancing with the gopis, they take this as some kind of concession, and say, "Now let us dance with young girls." In this way they go to hell
- Because she (Mayadevi) gives all sorts of material facilities, she is called Krsna. In this way the material energy is differently named and situated in different places on the surface of the globe
- Because the churning rod, Mandara Mountain, was very heavy and was not held by any support in the water, it sank into the ocean, and in this way the prowess of both the demons and the demigods was vanquished
- Because the Lord (Caitanya) was in the ecstasy of going to Vrndavana, He was engladdened to see the Yamuna, although in actuality the river was the Ganges. In this way the Lord was brought to the house of Advaita Prabhu at Santipura
- Because the people of this age are so fallen, they can simply chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra. In this way they can rid themselves of the bodily conception of life and become eligible to engage in the Lord’s devotional service
- Because we are doing Krishna's business does not mean that we should be less careful, but it means we should be much more careful than someone who is performing activities simply for sense gratification. So instruct the boys in that way
- Because we cannot find out in the modern day more than three thousand years of chronological history, that does not mean that there was no history before and there was no historical incidences. No. That we should not conclude in that way
- Because you are not Krsna consciousness, you are discriminating in this way, that the human society should be given protection, the animal society should be slaughtered. Is that very good?
- Bees intoxicated by the honeylike fragrance of the tulasi flowers hum very sweetly around the garland, which thus becomes more and more beautiful. In this way, the Lord enjoys His very magnanimous pastimes
- Before his retirement, Rupa Gosvami divided his money in this way, although later, when his brother Sanatana Gosvami, another great devotee, was arrested, Rupa Gosvami spent everything. This is full surrender
- Beggars always present themselves as possessing nothing, and this may be very good for them because in this way they are assured of not losing their money and of always drawing the attention and compassion of others for the sake of collection
- Being an impersonalist, Prakasananda Sarasvati used to explain the Absolute Truth as being without hands, legs, mouths or eyes. In this way he used to cheat the people by denying the personal form of the Lord
- Being baffled at not finding a match, I (Banasura) satisfy the itching of my arms by beating them against the mountains. In this way, I tear many great mountains to pieces
- Being completely cleansed of all material contamination in this way, a devotee is able to understand very happily Your name, fame, form, activities, etc
- Being deluded by false ego, one identifies himself with a certain family, nation or community. In this way one's attachment for the material world grows deeper and deeper
- Being favored by the spiritual master, according to the words of Lord Siva, Sudyumna regained his desired maleness every alternate month and in this way ruled the kingdom, although the citizens were not satisfied with this
- Being misled by the illusory energy in this way, he (the living entity) spoils his life. It is said, harim vina mrtim na taranti: no one can be saved from the imminent danger of death without taking shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Being present in everyone’s heart, the Lord gives the living entities the conscience whereby they can accept the Vedas and the spiritual master. In this way he can understand his constitutional position and his relationship with the Supreme Lord
- Being present in everyone’s heart, the Lord gives the living entities the conscience whereby they can accept the Vedas and the spiritual master. In this way the living entity can understand his constitutional position and his relationship with the SG
- Being self-satisfied, Maharaja Prthu executed his duties as perfectly as possible according to the time and his situation, strength and financial position. His only aim in all his activities was to satisfy the Absolute Truth. In this way, he duly acted
- Being so strongly attracted, the bridegroom attempts to set up a nice homestead and eventually a good field for producing grains. Then children come, then friends and then wealth. In this way the male becomes more and more entangled
- Being thus defeated by Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, all these philosophers and their followers entered into His cult. In this way Lord Caitanya made South India into a country of Vaisnavas
- Bhagavad-gita recommends that we perform yajna, sacrifices. By the performance of yajna, sufficient clouds gather in the sky, and when there are sufficient clouds, there is also sufficient rainfall. In this way agricultural matters are taken care of
- Bhajahu Re Mana, 1966 part one - I am requesting, my dear mind, you do not drive in this way, dangerously. Please worship Lord Krsna who is fearless shelter
- Bhaktas invoke people to hear about Bhagavan, publish books about Bhagavan and worship Bhagavan, and in this way they are constantly absorbed in Bhagavan. This is the process of bhakti
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura describes surrender unto the Lord in this way: "My Lord, I am now surrendered unto You. I am Your eternal servant, and if You like You can kill me, or, if You like, You can protect me. In any case, I am fully surrendered unto You"
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura was grhastha; he produced Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati. That is wanted. So in this way, if there is ideal institution, ideal mode of living, it is happy; everything is all right
- Bhattacarya had been in the greatest danger because he had adhered to Mayavada philosophy. Somehow or other he came into contact with Lord Sri Caitanya and became a perfect devotee. In this way he was saved from the great falldown of impersonalism
- Bhaya means "to become afraid of." That is material nature. We are always afraid of. Therefore we have military strength. Your country is very busy in that way, how to protect. Everyone should be, protection
- Birth after birth, he travels not only in the different species of life, but also from one planet to another. Lord Caitanya says that the living entities, bound up by fruitive activities, are wandering in this way throughout the whole universe
- Both Rupa Gosvami and Sanatana Gosvami brought various scriptures to Vrndavana and collected the essence of these by compiling many scriptures on devotional service. In this way they delivered all rascals and fallen souls
- Brahma-samhita is vijnana as realized by Brahma's transcendental experience, and in that way he presented the form and the pastimes of Krsna in the transcendental abode
- Brahmacari guru-kule vasan danto guror hitau (SB 7.12.1). A brahmacari should live at gurukula, very submissively. Danto means submissive, and only for the benefit of guru. No personal benefit. In this way brahmacari should take lesson from the guru
- Brahmanas go to marketplaces where grains are purchased and sold wholesale, and there they collect grains left by the merchants. In this way, such exalted brahmanas maintain their bodies and families
- Buddha knew everything because He is incarnation of God. But He had to cheat the people in that way because they are not intelligent enough. Why not intelligent? Because they were killers of animals, they lost their intelligence
- By a false display of religious sentiments, they present a show of devotional service while indulging in all sorts of immoral activities. In this way they pass as spiritual masters and devotees of God
- By acting in that way, he achieved the greatest success in material happiness and afterwards achieved liberation, which is impossible to obtain by worshiping the demigods
- By chanting the Hare Krsna mantra constantly, one can fix the mind on the lotus feet of Krsna (sa vai manah krsna-padaravindayoh (SB 9.4.18)) and in this way achieve the perfection of yoga
- By cleansing the temple and growing flowers their attention in this way be always in Krsna consciousness. That will save them from the clutches of maya
- By conceiving of the Absolute in this way, one can at the utmost reach the impersonal effulgence of God, known as Brahman, but one cannot make further progress to Bhagavan, the Personality of Godhead
- By considering the illusory energy, one comes to the platform of understanding Me. In this way one becomes free from speculation about the Vedas and comes to Me as the conclusion. Thus one is satisfied
- By directly taking to devotional service, however, one becomes filled with knowledge and renunciation. In this way one's life becomes successful
- By executing ds in that way (according to regulative principles given by the spiritual master), he gradually becomes attached to Krsna, and when his original dormant love for the Lord becomes manifest, he spontaneously serves the Lord without any motive
- By expanding Himself in this way (into the missing cowherd boys and calves), beautiful Krsna proved the statement samagra-jagad visnumayam: "Lord Visnu is all-pervading" - SB 10.13.19
- By fixing your attention in this way, worrying how He will be pleased with me, you will naturally very soon reach the supreme highest perfection of life which is pure Krishna Consciousness
- By God's favor we sometimes get large quantities of food grains or suddenly receive some contribution or unexpected profit in business. In this way we may get more money than needed. So, how should that be spent
- By going out for sankirtana and selling books to the citizens at large, in this way we are gradually getting the support of everyone, not just a select few
- By hearing the pastimes of Radha and Krsna, one can get rid of all material lust. If one does not become freed from material lust in this way, then he should not indulge in hearing of the pastimes of Radha and Krsna
- By His own potency, He is present within the hearts of all living entities, just as the air or vital force is within the bodies of all beings, moving and nonmoving. In this way He controls the body
- By leaving home in that way (the gopis came out to meet Krsna in the dead of night when they heard the sound of His flute), the gopis transgressed the Vedic regulations of household life
- By practicing in this way, whether one be in the brahmacari-asrama, grhastha-asrama, vanaprastha-asrama or sannyasa-asrama, one must always realize the all-pervading presence of the Supreme Lord, for in this way it is possible to understand the AT
- By seeing their faces, one whose body has been pricked by pins can understand the pain of others who are pinpricked. Realizing that this pain is the same for everyone, he does not want others to suffer in this way - SB 10.10.14
- By the ascending process one is elevated by knowledge acquired by himself. In this way one thinks - I don't care for any authorities or books. I will attain knowledge myself by meditation, philosophy, etc. In this way I will understand God
- By the force of time one attains whatever material happiness is available within the fourteen worlds, just as one attains distress in due course of time. But since spiritual consciousness is not attained in this way, one should try for it
- By this potency, Srila Rupa Gosvami could revive the activities of Krsna in Vrndavana, activities almost lost to memory. In this way, He spread Krsna consciousness throughout the world
- By utilizing our energy in this way (disseminating KC propaganda by selling books, by making publicity, newspapers, television) to give everyone access to the Absolute Truth, that is the real understanding of desire to serve humanity
- By your own work you can recruit men locally, that is the best process. So immediately resume the preaching work amongst the Africans and show yourselves as always meek and humble and refrain from a tough attitude and in this way gain their confidence
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu has shown us the way, that we kill the demons in a different way. We kill the demons in this way: By chanting Hare Krsna mantra, we purify him so that his demonic activities are stopped. That is also another way of killing
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu Himself actually threw some of His food to the dog, and in this way the dog attained Vaikuntha
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu Himself, although belonging to the renounced order, took instruction from Sri Ramananda Raya. In this way Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu exhibited His opulence through Sri Ramananda Raya. That is the special significance of this incident
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu presented himself in this way: I am a great fool & do not have knowledge of right & wrong. In order to understand the real meaning of the Vedanta-sutra, I never followed the explanation of the Sankara-sampradaya or Mayavadi sannyasis
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu presented himself in this way: I’m very much afraid of the illogical arguments of the Mayavadi philosophers. Therefore I think I have no authority regarding their explanations of the Vedanta-sutra
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu taught that one should be humbler than the grass on the street and more tolerant than the tree. One should not be proud or falsely puffed up. In this way one will surely advance in spiritual life
- Caitanya says, "Madhavendra Puri smeared the sandalwood pulp over the body of Gopinatha, and in this way he was overpowered with love of Godhead"
- Chant the Hare Krsna mantra continuously and render service to the tulasi plant by watering her and offering prayers to her. In this way you will very soon get the opportunity to be sheltered at the lotus feet of Krsna
- Charity is sometimes performed for elevation to the heavenly kingdom and sometimes with great trouble and with repentance afterwards. "Why have I spent so much in this way?" BG 1972 purports
- Cheating oneself and cheating others is called kaitava. Associating with those who cheat in this way is called duhsanga, bad association. Those who desire things other than Krsna's service are also called duhsanga, bad association
- Check means two signatures, so in this way this nonsense will be stopped. Please see that all temples are following this system. These report are very much disturbing to me. How can I translate?
- Children should not be beaten at all, that I have told. They should simply be shown the stick strongly. So if one cannot manage in that way then he is not fit as teacher. If a child is trained properly in Krishna Consciousness, he will never go away
- Citraketu immediately stood up from his throne and offered him worship. He offered drinking water and eatables and in this way performed his duty as a host to a great guest
- Cleanliness is next to godliness. Very much clean, rise early in the morning, take your bath and perform mangala aratrika, then chant Hare Krsna mantra, then read scriptures. In this way remain twenty-four hours engaged in Krsna's service
- Collect all kinds of small and large flags and ringing bells. Then decorate the carrier and have various musical and dancing parties accompany it. In this way decorate the carrier attractively
- Consequently he manifested himself before the public eye as a madman - dull, blind and deaf - so that others would not try to talk to him. In this way he saved himself from bad association
- Consider where you have come from, where you are going after giving up this body, and why you are under the control of material lamentation. Try to understand your real position in this way, & then you will be able to give up your unnecessary attachment
- Continue chanting and associating with devotees and your spiritual growth will be assured. In this way, be happy, that is my blessing. I want to see the whole world happy in this way - that is my only ambition
- Continue executing your Krsna Conscious activities, chanting 16 rounds, studying our books, going on sankirtana, worshiping the deity, & in this way you will become advanced. As you are senior devotee you must set a nice example for the others to follow
- Continue to chant all of your rounds daily, and read our magazines and books as much as possible. In this way your future will be very bright, and surely you will be able to do great service to this movement within your lifetime
- Daily if he stops breathing for three hours, that means daily he saves three hours time. So in hundred years so much time. So in this way, the yogi can live for three hundred years, four hundred years, six hundred years. This is called yogic success
- Daksa was very influential and opulent. In his own turn, Daksa engaged other Prajapatis, headed by Marici. In this way the population of the universe increased
- Deliver this oil to the temple of Jagannatha, where it may be burned in the lamps. In this way, Jagadananda's labor in manufacturing the oil will be perfectly successful
- Devahuti said to Kapiladeva. Anyone who hears about Your pastimes, who chants about Your glories, who offers You obeisances, who thinks of You and, in this way, executes any of the nine kinds of devotional service
- Devarsi-bhuta, apta. Apta means relatives or family. We are indebted to the father, mother, elderly family members. In this way we are implicated with so many debts
- Devayani angrily cursed Kaca by saying that although he had learned the art of mrta-sanjivani from her father, it would be useless. When cursed in this way, Kaca retaliated by cursing Devayani never to have a husband who was a brahmana
- Devotee means to hear about Krsna, to chant the glories of Krsna, to think of Krsna, to offer fruits and flowers to Krsna. In this way, this is called devotional service
- Dictated by the material nature, we are acting in some way and thereby creating another resultant action, means another body. In this way it is going on. That is called samsrtih
- Different names of the Lord were applied with cow dung on twelve different parts of His (Krsna's) body, beginning with the forehead, as done in applying tilaka. In this way, the child was given protection - SB 10.6.20
- Diseased and conditioned, the living entity transmigrates throughout the universe. Sometimes he is situated in the upper planetary system and sometimes in the lower system. In this way he leads his diseased life
- Distribute all the books, and print more, and in this way, Krishna is the husband of the Goddess of Fortune, you will get as much money and as many big buildings as you need for spreading Krishna Consciousness movement
- Do not act in this way any more. I have fulfilled your desire as far as possible
- Do not do anything whimsically, like taking these drugs, that will ruin everything. Because you are imperfect you require help from the Perfect, and anything material like drugs is imperfect, so do not be distracted by contemplating in this way
- Do not waste your time with this study of monkeys. What will you learn by this? Better to hear from Lord Krishna Himself in Bhagavad-gita than to waste your time in this way
- Draupadi took advantage of this (Karna known as sudra) by saying, "In this assembly, only ksatriyas may compete. I do not want any carpenter to come here and take part in the competition." In this way, Karna was excluded
- Due to his particular type of body, the materialistic living entity wanders from one planet to another, following fruitive activities. In this way, he involves himself in fruitive activities and enjoys the result incessantly
- Due to our lust, we want many things for our sense gratification, but the same lust can be transformed in a purified way so that we want everything for the satisfaction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Due to some of his past misdeeds he has been born in that way. But that is not the prime responsibility. The prime responsibility is that everyone is open to accept Krsna consciousness
- During daytime I shall travel and nighttime you make a camp under a tree. In this way let me travel all the tirthas. I am thinking in this way
- During the entire month, Caitanya would visit Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya for 5 days, Paramananda Puri Gosvami would visit for 5 days, Svarupa Damodara for 4 days, & the 8 other sannyasis for 2 days each. In this way the 30 days of the month would be filled
- During the four months of the rainy season, the remaining devotees extended invitations to the Lord for one day each. In this way they shared invitations
- During unconsciousness and consciousness, and between the two, he should try to understand the self and be fully situated in the self. In this way, he should realize that the conditional & liberated stages of life are only illusory & not actually factual
- Each and every family residing in the land of Vrajabhumi contributed one cow. In this way, thousands of cows became the property of Gopala
- Each day and night, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu would become deranged in this way and talk like a madman
- Each GBC man can act as my secretary for one month at a time as I originally planned. In this way you will all be trained up nicely
- Ear should be engaged always hearing about Krsna. Eyes, ear . . . nose should be engaged for smelling the flower which is offered to Krsna. In this way, if you are engaged always your senses, you are perfect. You are the greatest yogi
- Eating is not prohibited, but if we eat voraciously we shall certainly sleep more than required. Sense gratification ensues, and we may be degraded to a lower life form. In that way our spiritual progress may be checked at least for the time being
- Ecstatic love of Krsna makes Krsna and His devotees dance, and it also dances personally. In this way, all three dance together in one place
- Either a flower or anything, nature's product, it is perfectly done. In this way you have to develop your God consciousness or Krsna consciousness. There are books. There are explanations. There are teachers
- Elephant has got his murti, tiger has got his, the tree has got his, I have got my murti, you have got your murti. In this way there are 8,400,000's of murtis, and each murti there are millions and millions of the living being. This is our position
- Emperor Aurangzeb also inaugurated a tax that Hindus had to pay because of their being Hindus. Thus all the poor Hindus of the lower class voluntarily became Muslims to avoid the tax. In this way the Muslim population in India increased
- Enjoying the ceremony, they threw on one another liquid substances like water, oil, milk, butter and yogurt. Some even smeared these on each other's bodies. In this way, they enjoyed the occasion
- Even after searching for the Absolute Truth throughout the universe, learned scholars and Vedic experts cannot reach the ultimate goal. In this way they come to Krsna
- Even at the present moment those who do not accept Krsna as the Supreme Lord are accepting the knowledge given by Krsna to Arjuna. So in this way they are accepting Krsna indirectly
- Even eating involves fear. A bird, while eating, looks this way and that way, fearful that some enemy may be coming
- Even if one is put into the most perfect situation of material happiness, he cannot in that way become free from the pangs of birth, death, old age and disease
- Even in the material world we accept a great deal of information sent thousands of miles by telephone or radio. In this way we also accept sound as evidence in our daily lives - CC Intro
- Even in the material world we accept a great deal of information which is sent thousands of miles by telephone or radio. In this way we also accept sound as evidence in our daily lives
- Even Krsna Himself accepted a spiritual master, for that is the system. In this way the Lord sets the example for men. We should not think, however, that the Lord takes a spiritual master because He is in want of knowledge
- Even Krsna Himself accepted a spiritual master, for that is the system. In this way the Lord sets the example for men. We should not think, however, that the Lord takes a spiritual master because He is in want of knowledge - CC Intro
- Even still in India, you'll find this satisfaction by Krsna consciousness. A poor man, practically very meager income, but he's satisfied. He's satisfied in this way: he thinks, "Krsna has given me this much. I must be satisfied
- Even there is some disagreement at times, that is not taken very seriously. In this way, in mature life they become happy. I want to introduce this system of arranged marriages in the Western countries, amongst my disciples at least
- Even they are going to jail daily, but still they will not stop their chanting and distributing. When they go to jail, they refuse to eat the food, and in this way so much public sympathy is there
- Even though he (one who is not able to control the mind) goes to the Himalayas or the forest, his mind will continue thinking of the objects of sense gratification. In this way, gradually one's intelligence will be affected
- Even though it is not one hundred percent perfectly performed, still whatever I have done will not be lost. In my next life, from the very point where I stopped in this life, I shall begin again. In this way there is always a continuity
- Even though Lord Krsna, the abode of all mellows, had previously in this way chewed the essence of the mellows of love, still He was unable to fulfill three desires, although He made efforts to taste them
- Even today there are still some solitary cases where a wife will voluntarily enter the fire and die with her husband. Even after 1940 we personally knew of a chaste wife who died in this way
- Even while speaking to them, Krsna was still smiling, and in this way He stood valiantly upon the wrestling dais
- Even while suffering in the midst of difficulties, devotees simply offer their prayers and service more enthusiastically. In this way they become firmly fixed in devotional service and eligible to return home, back to Godhead, without a doubt
- Every family in every society can conduct sankirtana-yajna at least every evening. In this way there will be no disturbance or scarcity of rain
- Every living entity, from demons to demigods to human beings to lower creatures, is fully dependent on the Supreme Lord. One who perceives the Absolute Truth in this way can wholeheartedly surrender to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Every member of human society should clearly understand the instructions of Bhagavad-gita, for only in this way can one be spiritually elevated and automatically give up the false, illusory knowledge
- Every one of them (Krsna's friends) was trying to look forward toward Krsna, thinking that Krsna might look toward him. In this way they all enjoyed their lunch in the forest - SB 10.13.8
- Everybody takes birth, then remains for some time, grows and then from the body some other bodies are also come out. In this way one becomes old; that means dwindling. And one day will come he'll be finished. These are called six kinds of transformation
- Everyone in every town and village should be enlightened by the instructions of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Krsna consciousness should be distributed to everyone indiscriminately. In this way, the entire world will be peaceful and happy
- Everyone is connected with Krsna. There the trees, the flowers, water, the cows, the calves, the cowherd boys, or elderly cowherd men, Nanda Maharaja, other persons of his age, Yasodamayi, mother, gopis - in this way Vrndavana life, Vrndavana picture
- Everyone is embarrassed. Everyone is trying that, "I shall become happy in this way." So that means he is feeling distress
- Everyone is performing austerity. This boy I know - he had to go to a foreign country to learn commercial management. Now he is well situated. In this way. everyone must undergo some austerity for future life
- Everyone must die in this way (in great bereavement), and after one's mental condition is taken into account by the laws of material nature, he is given another chance to fulfill his desires in a different body
- Everyone should engage in preaching, following in the footsteps of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. In this way one will be very much appreciated by Lord Krsna and will quickly be recognized by Him
- Everyone was chanting the holy names of Hari and dancing. In this way the domicile of Advaita Acarya was converted into Sri Vaikuntha Puri
- Everyone worships the Supreme Lord with great reverence; therefore the Lord sometimes wants to enjoy the chastisement of His devotees. In this way the relationship eternally existing between the Lord and His devotees is fixed, just like the sky overhead
- Everyone, whether man or woman, thinks that he is the enjoyer of the illusory energy. In this way, everyone is captivated and engaged in material activities
- Everyone-including children, old men and women - began to dance and to chant the holy names of Sri Krsna and Gopala. In this way they all floated in the ocean of love of Godhead
- Everyone-whether akama (a devotee), sarva-kama (a karmi) or moksa-kama (a jnani or yogi) - is encouraged to worship the SP of Godhead by the direct method of devotional service. In this way one can get both material and spiritual profit simultaneously
- Everything about the Lord - His activities, pastimes and uncommon features - should be accepted as is, and in this way, even in our present condition, we can understand the Lord
- Everything should be done very scientifically and consciously. One should be a realized soul. In this way, one can give up the entanglement of material bondage
- Everywhere are His hands and legs, His eyes and faces, and He hears everything. In this way the Supersoul exists. BG 13.14 - 1972
- Explaining everything in grammar in relationship to Krsna, the Lord (Caitanya) induced His students to refrain from worldly education, for it is better to become Krsna conscious and in this way attain the highest perfectional platform of education
- Facility is given to people in this process by the authority - to make people happy, not to exploit people. The purpose of ISKCON is, in this way, to understand the science of God. You want happiness. Here it is
- Facility should be given to the ordinary man. If he comes and he hears the chanting, the kirtana, the bell sound, the karatala sound, in this way gradually he becomes attracted. As we have seen, many students come in this way
- Family members can sit down morning & evening & chant Hare Krsna. If one can mold his family life in this way to develop Krsna consciousness, following these 4 principles, there is no need to change from family life to renounced life. BG 1972 purports
- Fearing that the Lord would injure His finger by writing in this way, Svarupa Damodara checked Him with his own hand
- Finally they all departed to rest in bed. In this way Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the son of Sacimata, performed His pastimes
- Finally, when Brahma is born again in another millennium, they (the jivas) are again manifest. In this way the jivas are captivated by the material world. BG 1972 purports
- First of all it (Back to Godhead magazine) was published in Calcutta, than in Allahabad, then at Delhi. In this way at last it has come to U.S.A. and my American disciples are taking care of this transcendental magazine
- First of all produce your own food grain, milk and vegetables, eat as much as absolutely necessary, don't eat more, and in this way keep your health
- First-born living being, unlike all the others, has no material father, and thus he is called self-born, or svayambhu. He goes to sleep with Narayana at the time of devastation, and when there is another creation, he is born in this way
- Follow the regulative principles, chant at least 16 rounds of beads daily, read our literatures, go for street sankirtan, etc. In this way keep yourself engaged in Krishna’s business 24 hours and you will be really happy in this life
- Follow the regulative principles, chant at least 16 rounds of beads daily, read our literatures, go for street Sankirtana, etc. In this way keep yourselves engaged in Krishna's business 24 hours and you all will be really happy in this life
- Follow the regulative principles, chant at least 16 rounds of beads daily, read our literatures, go for street Sankirtana, etc. In this way keep yourselves engaged in Krishna's business 24 hours and you will be really happy in this life
- Foolish commentators say that kuruksetra means the body and that panca-pandava refers to the five senses. In this way they distort the meaning, and people are misled
- Foolish people do not know that by attempting to escape anxiety by drink and sex, they simply increase their duration of material life. It is not possible to escape material anxiety in this way
- For a devotee, the modes of passion and ignorance are removed by the grace of the Lord. In this way the devotee becomes situated in the quality of goodness, the sign of a perfect brahmana
- For one who is very serious about understanding the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Supersoul immediately renders assistance by directing him to a bona fide spiritual master. In this way the spiritual candidate is helped from within and without
- For one's own social benefit, one is advised to keep his wife satisfied. In this way, when one becomes the servant of his wife, he must act according to the desires of his wife. Thus one becomes more and more entangled
- For proper upkeep of society, one class of men must be very intelligent, highly qualified, with all good qualities. They must be trained in that way, ideal character, so that people can see and follow them
- For ten continuous days Advaita Acarya held feasting and chanting in the evening. He served the Lord in this way without any change
- For the first month Dhruva Maharaja ate only fruits and berries on every third day, only to keep his body and soul together, and in this way he progressed in his worship of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- For the impersonalists to get out of this temporary body, Krsna here (in BG 8.13) advises that they vibrate the syllable om. In this way they can be assured of transmigration into the spiritual world
- For three days she approached Haridasa Thakura in this way, exhibiting various feminine postures that would bewilder the mind of even Lord Brahma
- Forgetting aim of life, one tries to adjust things by various plans & programs but this is like chewing what has already been chewed. Nonetheless, the Lord is so kind that He allows the forgetful living entity to continue in this way without interference
- Form (of God) is there, and that also has been explained in the Brahma-samhita. Lord Brahma describes His form in this way (in) - Bs. 5.30-32
- Fortunately the Krsna consciousness movement is there to give all facilities for both material and spiritual advancement. In this way people in the Western countries may take advantage of this movement
- Friends of His own age and younger friends worshiped Him, and He returned their respectful obeisances, as did Laksmana and mother Sita. In this way they all entered the palace
- From babyhood to childhood, from childhood to boyhood, boyhood to youthhood. In this way, the living entity is changing the body. Not that the living entity itself is changing. It is changing simply body, according to the necessity
- From Brahma came Sanaka, Sananda, Sanatana and Sanat-kumara, then Rudra, and then the seven sages, and in this way all the brahmanas and ksatriyas are born out of the energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- From Brahma, Sanaka, Sananda, Sanatana, and Sanatkumara came out, then Rudra, and then the seven sages, and in this way all the brahmanas and ksatriyas are born out of the energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- From childhood, people should be trained in Vedic culture, especially in devotional service. In this way, one can perfect one's life
- From Isvara Puri, Lord Caitanya. In this way, there is a parampara system. There are four Vaisnava sampradayas. The Rudra-sampradaya, Brahma-sampradaya, Kumara-sampradaya, and Laksmi-sampradaya, Sri-sampradaya
- From the beginning to twenty years of age, everything is spoiled; and even if you live for a hundred years, another twenty in the last stage of life is also spoiled. So forty years of your life are spoiled in that way
- From the movement of the different kinds of ornaments on their bodies (the gopis), they were looking still more beautiful. In this way, they all reached the house of Nanda-Yasoda and blessed the child: "Dear child, You live long just to protect us"
- From the root, according to sankhya philosophy, come prakrti, purusa, then the three gunas, then the five gross elements (panca-mahabhuta), then the ten senses (dasendriya), mind, etc. In this way they divide up the whole material world. BG 1972 purports
- Gadadhara Pandita Gosani was seriously thinking in this way - CC Antya 7.98
- Gajendra assumed a spiritual body when his body was touched by the Lord. Similarly, Dhruva Maharaja assumed his spiritual body in this way
- Garbhodakasayi Visnu is an expansion of Karanodakasayi Visnu, who is an expansion of Sankarsana. In this way, Krsna is ultimately the cause of all causes (sarva-karana-karanam) - BS 5.1
- Generally the impersonalists worship the Supreme Lord in this way (by worshiping themselves as God). BG 1972 purports
- Generally we chant this mahamantra, Hare Krsna, and then we deliver speeches from Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, and then there are questions, we answer, and in that way the audience and the disciples they become enlightened and they advance
- Generally, less intelligent men misidentify in that way, and they act in the bodily concept of life. Thus they are subject to commit more and more offenses at the lotus feet of great souls
- Give up household life, which is full of sex, as well as stories about such things, and take shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead through the mercy of the liberated souls. In this way, please give up your attraction for material existence
- Go on cooperating in this way, and I am sure this mission of Caitanya Mahaprabhu will be successful. It must be successful because Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu wanted it to be done
- Go on in this way (flood the medias with our Krishna Consciousness programme) increasing more and more, and always stick tight to the point of our philosophy
- Go on in this way, reading, chanting, worshiping the deity, and offering the fruits of your labor to Krishna, and attend Mangala Arati at the temple and classes as much as possible
- Go on in this way, serving your spiritual master to best of your capacity, and remaining always fixed and steady in your determination to fulfill the goal of your life, namely, to go back to home, back to Godhead, without further delay
- Go on with your work, and other instructions will follow. Simply become more concerned with increasing the spiritual content of our lives, and in this way all other problems like management will be easily solved
- God has given you the tongue, and you can chant and gradually improve. And if you make your life perfect in this way, then all material problems are solved in this life
- God is great, and everyone is trying to be great like that. That is competition. This is called maya. But our Bhagavata philosophy says that - Don't try artificially in that way. Better remain what you are. Better remain
- God is omnipotent in this way. I do not know what is pains and pleasure is going on within your body. That is not possible for me to understand. Neither you can understand what pains and pleasure I am feeling. But God knows
- Going to a church or mosque is also pious (catur-vidha bhajante mam janah sukrtino 'rjuna (BG 7.16)). Therefore those who begin in this way will one day become pure Vaisnavas
- Goloka Vrndavana is the kingdom of Srimati Radharani and the parents of Krsna, Maharaja Nanda and mother Yasoda. In this way there are various planetary systems, and they are all creations of the Supreme Lord
- Gopi said, "Did you know, my dear friend, that all these most intimate friends of Krsna are always engaged in His service in this way?"
- Gopinatha Pattanayaka replied, 'There is no money I can immediately give you in cash. Please give me time. Gradually I shall purchase and sell my gross goods and in this way fill your treasury'
- Gopis said, "By the movement of His (Krsna's) eyes He is pleasing the gopis, & He is fighting with demons like Aristasura and others. In this way, He is sitting with different living entities in different ways, & He is thoroughly enjoying the situation"
- Gradual process of evolution means gradual process of developing the status, the state of consciousness. In this way the consciousness in human form of body is further developed, very nicely developed
- Grass is a living entity, but it has no legs with which to move, and thus it is eaten by cows and other animals. Such nonmoving entities are food for moving animals, and in this way the world is in a constant struggle between exploiters and exploited
- Grha, home; ksetra, land, or the office for earning money; grha-ksetra-suta, children; friends, apta; and vitta, money - in this way one becomes entangled in the so-called economic development
- Guru-parampara, when we offer our respect, first our own spiritual master, then his spiritual master, then his spiritual master. In this way. But when putting article that should be the opposite. First Bhaktivinoda, then Bhaktisiddhanta, then my disciples
- Hari-bhakti-vilasa said, "My dear Lord, a person who has surrendered himself unto You, and who is in firm conviction that he is Yours, and actually acts in that way by his body, mind and words, can actually relish transcendental bliss"
- Harikesa Prabhu has been working in that connection also. He has shown me some film script which appears nice, so if conjointly you are able to do something for Krsna in this way, that will please me very much
- Hariscandra had no sons, but on the advice of Narada he worshiped Varuna and in this way got a son named Rohita. Hariscandra promised that Rohita would be used to perform a Varuna-yajna
- He (a disciple) wants to do everything for the Society. In this way he develops love of Krsna. And in the final stage he loves only Krsna and nobody else. And because Krsna includes everyone, that means he loves everyone
- He (a grhamedhi) enjoys sex and produces children, who in their turn marry and produce grandchildren. The grandchildren also marry and in their turn produce great-grandchildren. In this way the entire earth becomes overpopulated
- He (a Krsna counscious person) endures all such incidental occurences because he knows that they come and go and do not affect his duties. In this way he achieves the highest perfection in yoga practice. BG 1972 purports
- He (a person in the renounced order) should show all respect to others, but should not expect respect for himself. In this way, one should chant the holy name of the Lord and think of how to serve Radha and Krsna in Vrndavana
- He (Advaita) is also called acarya, teacher, because He disseminated Krsna consciousness. In this way He is just like Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- He (Advaita) is also called acarya, teacher, because He disseminated Krsna consciousness. In this way He is just like Caitanya Mahaprabhu - CC Intro
- He (an animal) runs further and further, and in this way, as he crosses the hot sands, he becomes more and more thirsty and he finally dies. Our struggle for existence is like this
- He (Arjuna) was not, of course, afraid. He was affected by the wonders of the Supreme Lord. The immediate context is wonder; his natural loving friendship was overwhelmed by wonder, and thus he reacted in this way. BG 1972 purports
- He (Brahma) has got one night also, and similarly, one day and night, then one month, then one year. In this way he lives for one hundred years. So during this period of daytime, Krsna appears once. That we learn from the Vedic literature
- He (Caitanya) quotes one verse (CC Madhya 20.106) from Naradiya Purana, that anyone who is very serious, one who is serious about knowing himself perfectly, and if he seeks in that way, then his perfection is guaranteed
- He (God) divided Himself into twelve parts and created seasonal forms, beginning with spring. In this way He created the seasonal qualities, such as heat, cold and so on
- He (God) is within the universe and within our heart, and He is even within the atom. Why are we saying that we cannot see Him? God says, - Try to see Me in this way, but if you are too dull, then try to see Me another way
- He (Hiranyakasipu) asked, "Who has created this kind of intelligence in you (Prahlada)? Have you developed this consciousness by yourself? Since you are a small boy, someone must have induced you to think this way
- He (King Bahulasva) offered the guests (Krsna, Narada and others) nice flower garlands, sandalwood pulp, incense, new garments, ornaments, lamps, cows and bulls. In a manner just befitting his royal position, he worshiped each one of them in this way
- He (Krsna) is the original guru. Then His disciple Brahma is a guru, then his disciple Narada is a guru, then his disciple Vyasa is a guru - in this way there is a guru-parampara - disciplic succession of gurus
- He (Krsna) told them not to be overwhelmed and in this way pacified them. But when He failed to come back with Nanda Maharaja, it appeared that He either cheated them or could not keep His promise
- He (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) considers himself unqualified, lower than the worms in stool, and more sinful than Jagai and Madhai. A pure Vaisnava actually thinks of himself in this way
- He (Lord Buddha) is the incarnation of God, but he is preaching amongst people who don't believe in God. So he is cheating in this way that, - Yes, there is no God. You hear me
- He (Maha-Visnu) lies within the Causal Ocean and breathes out innumerable universes, and into each universe the Lord again enters as Garbhodakasayi Visnu. Each universe is in that way created. BG 1972 purports
- He (one who has submitted to Krsna) should say, "Krsna, I am suffering in this way. I have fallen in this tossing ocean of material illusion. Kindly pick me up
- He (Ramananda Raya) personally bathes and dresses them and decorates them with ornaments. In this way, he naturally sees and touches the private parts of their bodies
- He (Rsabhadeva) had no plan to travel this way, but He arrived near Kutakacala and entered a forest there. He placed stones within His mouth and began to wander through the forest, naked and with His hair disheveled like a madman
- He (Sankaracarya) took a month’s leave from Ubhaya-bharati and, by his mystic power, entered the body of a king who had just died. In this way Sankaracarya experienced the erotic principles
- He (the bona fide spritual master) instructs him through the ear, not privately, but publicly. "You are fit for such and such work in Krsna consciousness. You can act in this way"
- He (the Lord) can annihilate everything merely by His will. That is His supremacy. If one argues, "Why does He act in this way?" the answer is that He can do so because He is supreme. No one can question His activities
- He (the Supreme Lord) is even within the atom. In this way the Supreme Lord Govinda is all-pervasive. On the other hand, the living entities are very, very small
- He (Vidura) did not ask Maharaja Yudhisthira in that way (get out of the false position of King) because he knew that a king like Maharaja Yudhisthira is aware of all the fearful situations of this flimsy world and would take care of himself
- He (Vivasvan) spoke to his son, Manu. Manu spoke to his son, Iksvaku. In this way the parampara system is coming. And that is bona fide. This is our philosophy, to accept knowledge from the perfect person or his bona fide representative
- He behaved in that way so that his father would know that he was unfit for instruction and would abandon the attempt to instruct him further. He would behave in a completely opposite way
- He completely controlled his senses and their objects, and in this way he fixed his mind, without diversion to anything else, upon the form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- He derives satisfaction by associating with sense gratifiers and enjoying sex and intoxication. In this way he spoils his life simply by indulging in sex and intoxication. Looking into the faces of other sense gratifiers, he becomes forgetful
- He fixed his sitting position and by yogic practice controlled the breathing process and the air of life; in this way his senses were completely withdrawn
- He is calculating in that way, "Four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten." But Atlantic Ocean is beyond his conception. So these are all Dr. Frog's philosophy. Yes. And the so-called philosophers, they are Dr. Frog
- He is eating stool and becoming fatty, and as soon as there is sex desire, without any discrimination he enjoys many she-hogs, never mind sister or mother. Because the life is so made that he will enjoy in this way
- He killed them just as the leader of a pack of boars kills barking dogs, one after another. In this way, Aniruddha was able to escape the palace
- He may be dreaming so many things, or he may be crying. He cannot express what is going on. Those who are very sinful especially die in that way
- He selects his position as a human being, a demigod, a cat, a dog, a tree, etc. In this way the living entity selects a body out of the 8,400,000 forms and tries to satisfy himself by a variety of material enjoyment
- He should properly place the fire element in his own self and in this way give up bodily affinity, by which one thinks the body to be one's self or one's own. One should gradually merge the material body into the five elements
- He thinks that he is the best devotee. Devotional service executed in this way is not pure; it is mixed and is of the lowest grade, tamasah. Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura advises that a Vaisnava who is not of good character should be avoided
- He traveled in that way through the various planets, as the air passes uncontrolled in every direction. Coursing through the air in that great and splendid aerial mansion, which could fly at his will, he surpassed even the demigods
- He tried his best to teach his son in this way, but all his endeavors failed. In his heart he hoped that his son would be a learned scholar, but all his attempts were unsuccessful
- He tries to be happy in the material world, centering his interests around his home, which is based on sexual intercourse & which brings him all kinds of material miseries. In this way one is no better than a foolish animal
- He's not seeking after where is eternal happiness. Temporarily, he's seeking here, seeking there. Bhutva bhutva praliyate. In this way his life is finished, seeking ananda, and he gets another body, another term
- Hearing Lord Caitanya speak in that way (about Mukuda Datta's activities), Mukunda Datta, standing outside, was exceedingly glad that the Lord would at some time be pleased with him, although He was not pleased at that moment
- Here the basic principle only sex, everyone is inviting, "Yes, come on, sex. Come on, sex." But this way, that way, sex, anyway you enjoy, you cannot be satisfied. That is certain. Because that is not your platform of enjoyment
- Here you may be a little more powerful than me, but another may be found who is more powerful than you; another you can find more powerful than him. In this way go on. There is no limit
- Herein (SB 2.10.4) lies the intelligence of human life, and one should desire the activities of life in that way
- Hindu society was so rigid at the time of Lord Caitanya that if a Hindu were converted into a Muslim, there was no chance of his being reformed. In this way the Muslim population in India increased
- Hiranyakasipu was looking for security, and he was thinking, "I will not die in this way, and I will not die in that way." But he did not think that he would be killed by the Lord in the form of Nrsimha
- His (God's) bona fide devotees try their utmost to broadcast the message of our transcendental relationship with Him. In this way the devotees work to remind the fallen souls of their actual position and to bring them back home, back to Godhead
- His (the living entity's) gross body is made up of five elements, his subtle body is made of mind, intelligence, false ego and contaminated consciousness, and he has five active senses and five knowledge-acquiring senses. In this way he merges in matter
- His body is cooler than the moon, sandalwood, the lotus flower and camphor. In this way, Madana-mohana, the attractor of Cupid, is increasing the desire of My breasts
- His forefather, his grandfather, lived for, say, hundred years. His father lived for eighty years. And he's going to live for sixty years. In this way, the duration of life will be reduced up to twenty years. That is already foretold
- His heart was so filled with great love for the deer that he would sometimes keep it on his lap or, when sleeping, on his chest. In this way he felt great pleasure in fondling the animal
- His spontaneous devotional service has naturally developed in him. Therefore, please give up your anger and do not unnecessarily accuse us. It is not good to insult a brahmana in this way
- His viewpoint is that everyone - whether he be brahmana or sudra, black or white, Hindu, Christian, or whatever - should come to Krsna consciousness. When one is situated in this way, then - he becomes eligible for becoming a pure devotee of Krsna's
- Hold classes at least five hours. As in the schools and colleges there are regular classes, forty-five minutes' class, then five or ten minutes' recess, again forty-five minutes' class, in this way, so we have got enough subject matter to study
- Householders can have small altars, and Guru-Gauranga and Jagannatha may be worshiped, but you should not spend a lot of time in this way to try to make the worship "first-class" as you say
- How big it (Atlantic Ocean) is? - "Very, very big." So the Dr. Frog is thinking, "Maybe four feet. This well is three feet. It may be four feet. All right, five feet. Come on, ten feet." So in this way, speculating
- How one is God conscious, that is understood that how he is strictly following the general instruction. Otherwise it will be escaping. Somebody will say: "God is dictating me in this way, so I can do this." Then everyone can say like that
- How vast (the Atlantic Ocean)? Is it double the size of this well? (the frog in well) - "Oh no, much much larger," his friend replied. "How much larger? Ten times the size?" In this way the frog went on calculating
- However great a woman may be, she must place herself before her husband in this way; that is to say, she must be ready to carry out her husband's orders and please him in all circumstances. Then her life will be successful
- Huge sums of money are being thrown into the sea by way of experiments with dreadful weapons. Such experiments are being carried out not only at huge costs but also at the cost of many lives. In this way the nations are being bound by the laws of karma
- "Human being must use discretion, that 'If I can live in this way, why shall I kill one important animal?' That is human intelligence." In this way you have to preach
- Human beings are advanced living entities, and they have created modern civilization by utilizing dull, inert matter. This is our superiority. However, we are also prakrti as well as para prakrti. In this way, we have to understand tattva jnana
- Human form of body is the opportunity to understand the position of the soul and how he is transmigrating from one body to another, what is happening next. In this way, in this human form of body, we can understand this science, science of soul
- Human, uncivilized, then civilized, Aryans, then our Vedic knowledge. In this way consciousness is increasing. That is the real evolutionary theory. Darwin has simply taken some imaginative . . . he might have taken from Padma-Purana
- Hundred years ago they could do without motorcar, and now they cannot live without a car. In this way, unnecessarily, they’re increasing bodily or material necessities of life. This is recklessness
- Hundreds of ISKCON centers may give people a chance to hear and chant, to accept the spiritual master and to disassociate themselves from persons who are materially interested, in this way one can make solid advancement in going back home back to Godhead
- I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) list in this way only a portion of the innumerable devotees of Lord Caitanya. To describe them all fully is not possible
- I (Prabhupada) am very glad to hear that there is an increase in classes and that the mantra class is beng held daily twice. In this way if we always concentrate on reading our literature then there will be no difficulty to preach
- I (Prabhupada) have become convinced that our Krishna Consciousness Movement is finally having some effect on the world, and I am very satisfied with the work of my sincere disciples for assisting Lord Caitanya in this way
- I actually see You in this way, and this is very wonderful. My Lord, please tell me without duplicity what is causing this
- I advise you to read our books daily as far as possible and try to understand the subject matter from different angles of vision by discussing it frequently with the devotees at the New York temple. In this way you will gradually become convinced
- I advise you to recite these prayers, which are as effective as great austerities. In this way, when you are mature, your life will be successful, and you will certainly achieve all your desired objectives without fail
- I am American, I am Indian, I am German, I am this, I am that - this body. This is my country. I shall sacrifice everything for my country and society. - So in this way, the illusion increases
- I am an ignorant fool, for I interpret as an insult what is meant for my benefit. In this way I am just like King Indra, who out of ignorance tried to surpass Krsna, the Supreme Lord
- I am glad that you are working sincerely for spreading this Krishna Consciousness movement. Please continue in this way and Krishna will surely help you to advance more and more and finally to go back to Home, back to Godhead
- I am going to the assembly, United Nation, but I am keeping myself as American or as German, as Russian or Indian that, "My nation shall be happy in this way." They are keeping themself in that limited area
- I am not the greatest. I have got my spiritual master. He has got his spiritual master. He has got a spiritual master. In this way, we go up to Brahma who is the original spiritual master within this universe, who gave us the Vedic knowledge
- I am not thinking of India. I am thinking for the whole human society. Anyway, why shall I think for India? When we become God conscious, then we don't think in that way, "I am Indian," "I am Englishman," "I am Australian," "I am this." No
- I am old man, 73 years old; I may die at any moment. But I am now assured my movement will go on. These boys will carry it. My mission is in that way successful
- I am pleased to learn that you are regularly attending all of our classes and you are serving nicely in the New York temple. Continue on in this way and try to understand our philosophy as far as possible
- I am pleased to note that you & your nice sister, Indira Dasi, are making and tending to Lord Jagannatha deities. You should place these deities on sale in Gargamuni's store for selling. In this way, you will make some money for doing your painting work
- I am so much fallen, how I can associate with Krsna? So that is isa-sangat. Isa is absolute. Everything has emanated from Isa, God. So in that way everything is Isa. There is nothing but Isa, but we haven't got the eyes to see
- I am so much grateful to you for being such a strong soldier in pushing on this movement. Please continue in this way and give example to your Godbrothers and sisters
- I am thinking of organizing this nice Sankirtana party very seriously and you may also think in that way
- I am thinking that "I'll be happy in this way." That is a mental concoction. You cannot be happy unless you surrender to Krsna. That is sanatana-dharma
- I am very glad that you are feeling very much encouraged working in Africa. If you follow all of the rules and regulations very carefully and continue in this way then you will always be successful
- I am very glad that you are leading all others in book distribution, so you go on with your work in this way and Krishna will give you all the clear idea of how to do everything
- I am very glad to note how nicely you are working, along with your wife Jyotirmayi and also Guy Prabhu. Continue in this way and Krishna will be pleased upon you and bless you with the intelligence to increase your service more and more
- I am very much encouraged by your progress in Krsna consciousness. Now go on in this way always striving to please Krsna and you will feel yourself becoming happy more and more. That I want. Thank you once again
- I am very much encouraged by your progress in Krsna Consciousness. Now go on in this way always striving to please Krsna and you will fell yourself becoming more and more happy. That I want
- I am very much pleased to note your sincere attitude towards our Krishna Consciousness Movement, and this sincerity will lead you to the highest spiritual consciousness if you continue in this way
- I am very much pleased to note your sincere attitude towards our Krishna Consciousness Movement, and this sincerity will lead you to the highest spiritual consciousness if you continue in this way. That is the special Grace of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
- I am very much pleased upon all of the nice boys and girls who have helped me in this way. I could never have thought it was possible to distribute so many of our literatures
- I am very much thankful to you, you American, European boys and girls who are helping me in this mission. So go on cooperating in this way, and I am sure this mission of Caitanya Mahaprabhu will be successful
- I came to this foreign country without any acquaintance. So Krsna has sent so many fathers to love me. In that way I am fortunate. At the last stage if I live very peacefully, that is a great mercy of Krsna
- I can see that Lord Caitanya is giving you good intelligence to carry on in this way and infiltrate all facets of society with the sublime process of Krishna Consciousness
- I can understand that you are rigidly following the regulative principles, chanting without fail always 16 rounds, so in this way you will be protected and your enthusiasm for pushing on this Krishna Consciousness Movement will not dwindle
- I do not care very much for these filmings because by presenting Krishna in this way it makes it something like fantasy
- I do not endeavor to get anything, but am satisfied with whatever is achieved in its own way. If I do not get anything, I am patient and unagitated like a python and lie down in this way for many days
- I do not know how things are being managed in this way. Kindly let me know, therefore, immediately what is the fate of this Rs. 6,000 transferred from your Delhi Chandni Chowk Branch
- I get fifty thousand dollar in a check. So I think that "I have got fifty thousand dollars." But what is this fifty thousand dollar? It is a piece of paper. You see? This is called illusion. In this way you study your life, you will see
- I had a body like this, say, fifty years ago or sixty years ago, but that body is now missing. I have got a different body. So everyone is changing body in this way
- I have actual experience in this connection (Krsna takes away all sources of income and place one into great difficulty). I do not wish to narrate this whole story, but it is a fact that I received Krsna's special favor in this way
- I have decided to print Srimad-Bhagavatam in 12 volumes, naming them differently. I have decided in this way
- I have no objection to paying you something monthly for doing the Hindi translating work, thereby freeing you to devote your time 100% in this way, but I am hesitating for one reason only...
- I have received all our new publications & I am very much pleased with them. I can see from "Purusa-sukta Confirmed" that our printing has very much improved, especially the color cover, and if it continues to improve in this way it will be a great credit
- I have therefore resolved to go alone or, at the utmost, with one servant. In this way, My journey to Vrndavana will be beautiful
- I have very great hope for these travelling parties, our Gurukula school, and all our other projects, that by engaging ourselves in these ways, so long we do not forget the purpose of such activity then we shall very much revise the nasty situation
- I hope in future you have to move amongst the scholars, representing our Krishna Consciousness movement, so I am glad that you are thinking in that way for our future program
- I love Krsna, or God, and Krsna loves me. This is our exchange of feelings. So in this way, the science of God, even without reading any Vedic literature - of course, that will help you - if you have deeply studied what is God, you can understand God
- I must admit that as the younger generation from other countries, they're enthusiastically joining, our Indian youths are not joining in that way. But we require so many preachers, so many young men to preach all over the world this sublime movement, KC
- I now desire without reservation that the calamity come now, for in this way I may be freed of the sinful action and not commit such an offense again
- I offer the same Hare Krishna beads, but it becomes spiritually powerful on account of being delivered in disciplic succession. And practically we see that the students who are initiated in this way, they are advancing slowly and surely
- I only want that all you my disciples always think of Krishna and never forget Him for a moment. In this way you can conquer Krishna
- I replied Him at that time, who would care for the message of Lord Caitanya while we are a subject nation? In this way, I had some argument with my Spiritual Master, and at the end I was defeated
- I say that you shall remain fixed up in this way, but if you do not accept it, then how can I help you? If I say that "Don’t dry your knife on your neck," and if you do it, so how can I save you?
- I say: "Trust in Him," but if I do not know that man, how I can trust? You must explain that "This man is in this way trustworthy." Otherwise, what is the meaning of my trust
- I see that Krsna has given you good intelligence, and you have improved very much. And fortunately, therefore, very good leader Sriman Madhudvisa Maharaja will come, so each of you learn how to worship Deity, chant Hare Krsna mantra in this way - ecstatic
- I shall chant Your glories, following exactly in the footsteps of Lord Brahma and his disciplic succession. In this way I shall undoubtedly be able to cross the ocean of nescience
- I shall not die in the air. - "Yes." "I shall not be killed by any animal." "Yes." In this way, whatever intelligence he got, but he forgot one thing, that "God cannot also kill me." Because maya is there, he forgot it
- I shall not kill man, but I shall kill animals - In this way people cheat themselves and inflict suffering on themselves and others. In any case, however, God's laws will not excuse such behavior
- I shall purchase another batch, I shall make profit. In this way, I shall be millionaire. Then I shall marry, and my wife must be very obedient. Otherwise I shall kick. - So in this way, he (the potter boy) kicked over the pots and all of them broken
- I shall try to teach the local boys in the way of performing Sankirtana in a circle
- I started this movement just in this way. It is not very difficult. The important thing is that you behave nicely, chant all your rounds and follow strictly the regulative principles. Example is better than precept
- I tell you the that impression will never go. It is such a thing. But if we take it up very seriously and go on molding our life in that way, then it becomes quickly successful
- I think it would be very nice if you would make nice silver jewellery for the Radha-Damodara Deities and in this way your talent will be used in the most perfect way
- I think that if you go on in this way and spend your whole time preaching and engaging others to hear you and become themselves engaged in Krishna's service, that will cure you of all misgivings and miserable conditions
- I travel. Just like now I am this side, and from here I'll go to New York. Then I shall go to Boston. Then I shall go to Buffalo. Then I shall go to Montreal. In this way I travel
- I want my gurukula should be in that way; we don't want big big scholars for doing research work. What research work they will do? Everything is in perfect order in the Vedic scriptures
- I want that all my students will cooperate fully for expanding our movement, and in this way every center will be benefited
- I want that our literatures be profusely distributed, so if you can assist me in this way by your Spiritual Sky business, I am greatly satisfied
- I want that you approach Navayogendra with all humility and ask his forgiveness for the beating. In this way you can rectify things. You must bring them back
- I want to impress upon you that this chanting of Hare Krsna is so nice that if you give in an experimental way... You can see. You chant for at least one week and you see how much you have changed
- I want to speak to the public something, I have expressed my opinion in that way. But because it is popular, you are taking advantage of my book and expressing your views. How much cheater you are. Therefore he is suffering, Dr. Radhakrishnan
- I was chanting in the Tompkinson Park in New York, and many of them were coming. So I invited them, "Please come with me. Take some prasadam." So they used to take that. In this way, gradually, they developed Krsna consciousness
- I was simply dreaming, "How to go to New York?" Actually I thought. I was scheming, "Whether I shall go this way, through Tokyo, Japan, or that way? Which way is cheaper?" That was my plan
- I was student, 1900 up to '20. Then I joined Gandhi's noncooperation movement and gave up my education. His points were to give up English education, English court, English-manufactured goods, in this way
- I was the manager of a big chemical factory. I started my own factory, and the business was very successful. But eventually everything collapsed, and in this way I was forced into the position of carrying out the orders of my Guru Maharaja
- I will give you better writing and you will produce better books. In this way there will be competition in the service of Krishna. That is very nice
- I wish to form a nice Kirtana party consisting of 12 heads - 2 mrdanga players, 1 harmonium player in melody, 1 tambura player, and at least 6 cymbal players. In this way 12 heads shall perform Kirtana very rhythmically and melodiously
- I'm especially pleased to hear that your distribution of our books and magazines has increased. Go on in this way, increasing more and more
- If a humble devotee thinks that "I am the lowest. I am untouchable, this way," that does (not) mean he is out of the touch of God. But this humbleness is very good
- If a man wants a woman and a woman wants a man, they should become united by marriage, live peacefully and advance in Krsna consciousness. That is our proposal. In this way all facilities are there in this movement
- If a person, president, cheats his countrymen somehow or other, and why not others? They will also do that. "Oh, president does it. What I am? What can I know?" In this way, the more we are inclined to sense gratification, we become sinful
- If anyone is reestablished in his original, constitutional position as part and parcel of the Supreme and engages his energy in that way, he is liberated. This is the definition of liberation
- If He again performs such an atrocious act, certainly we shall retaliate and strike Him in turn. What kind of important person is He, that He can check us in this way?
- If he remains in Krsna consciousness in this way (continuously hearing, thinking, worshipping and serving Krsna), the darkness of maya certainly will not be able to touch him
- If I (Krsna) do not set examples in this way, then the whole population of the world will be contaminated, and there will be unwanted population and the whole world will appear just like hell. It will not be inhabitable for good men
- If I am bigger, I control my office, or my factory, I control the country, I become president. In this way, controller, bigger controller, bigger controller, you go to the Brahma, the controller of the universe. But he is also not Supreme Controller
- If I am following the prescribed regulative principles of my Spiritual Master, then without doubt I am pleasing him. So in this way, if you think it over, you will understand the answers to all your questions
- If I cannot rely on you to assist me in the GBC position, who can I rely on? So I beg you to reassure me that you will continue to help me in this way, and do not become withdrawn from your active role. Kindly relieve me of this great anxiety
- If I especially favor someone, I gradually deprive him of his wealth. Then the relatives and friends of such a poverty-stricken man abandon him. In this way he suffers one distress after another
- If my mind becomes disturbed in this way, then how can I concentrate on book writing. It is not possible. Better not to inform me anything, and let me sit in Vrindaban
- If one becomes a bookworm, reading many books and scriptures and hearing many commentaries and the instructions of many men, this will produce doubt within his heart. One cannot in this way ascertain the real goal of life
- If one can mold his family life in this way to develop Krsna consciousness, following these four principles, then there is no need to change from family life to renounced life
- If one continues in this way (of devotional service), Krsna will always be pleased with him and will give him all instructions so that he may very easily return home, back to Godhead
- If one does not take advantage of this opportunity (to follow a spiritual master's guide), one wastes the human form of life. Wasting time and life in this way is the same as committing suicide
- If one forgets to show respect in this way (when seeing a Vaisnava, or even a sannyasi), one must observe a fast for that day. This is a Vedic injunction
- If one fortunately understands the Supreme Lord in this way (by devotional service), after giving up his material body, he no longer has to take birth in this material world. Instead, he returns home, back to Godhead. That is the ultimate perfection
- If one is at all sympathetic or able to do good to others, he should endeavor to raise people to Krsna consciousness. In this way everyone advances spiritually by the grace of the Lord
- If one is engaged in his own occupational duty as ordered by the SL, his sinful activities are certainly diminished. Therefore if one is engaged in his occupational duty by force, he benefits because he can vanquish all his sinful activities in that way
- If one keeps oneself clean in this way and always engages in devotional service, his life will be a success, and there will be no scarcity of anything he wants
- If one refuses to act under the direction of the Supreme Lord, then he is compelled to act by the modes in which he is situated. Everyone is under the spell of a particular combination of the modes of nature and is acting in that way. BG 1972 purports
- If one regularly chants 333,333 names daily for a month (30 days) and then chants ten more names, he will thus chant ten million names. In this way a devotee worships the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Such worship is called yajna
- If one says that such and such an object is a pair of spectacles, and if he teaches his disciple in that way, there is no mistake as to the identity of the object. The spiritual master is he who has captured the words of a particular disciplic succession
- If one sticks to this principle, that "I shall be happy with this material body, I shall be happy within this material world, within my country, within my society," in this way, if one thinks, they are called grha-vrata
- If one thinks always in this way (that he is engaged in a particular type of occupation by Hrsikesa), in full Krsna consciousness, then, by the grace of the Lord, he becomes fully aware of everything. That is the perfection of life. BG 1972 purports
- If one wants to achieve the highest success in life, one must accept Bhagavad-gita as spoken by the Supreme Lord. By accepting Bhagavad-gita in this way, all of human society can become perfect and happy
- If one wants to become educated, he worships goddess Sarasvati. In this way Westerners often think that the Hindus are polytheistic, but actually this worship is not to God, but to demigods
- If one works in this way (not expecting results of his activities), then he is actually a sannyasi; he is in the renounced order of life
- If the GBC which I have appointed for this task will kindly now assist me in this way, by handling very expertly and with all good consideration all matters of managing, I shall devote my full time to giving you further nice books
- If the hand thinks, "Oh, now I have some nice sweets. Now I can eat," the hand will ultimately be frustrated. It is the duty and nature of the hand to place the food in the mouth. In this way the hand is nourished; otherwise everything is spoiled
- If the killing is done by the Supreme Personality of Godhead or His devotee or in great sacrifices, it is for the benefit of the entity killed in that way
- If the king looks after the spiritual interests of the citizens, he can levy taxes without difficulties. In this way both the subjects and the king will be happy during this life
- If the mind is not engaged in Krsna consciousness at every moment, there is a chance that it will give way to its enemies. In this way we become victims of the mind
- If there is actually any prospect for selling our pictures put up in this modern artistic way, then I have no objection for putting pictures in this way for selling them. But if that is not possible, then I think we should not waste time in this way
- If this planet (Mars) does not travel in a crooked way, it crosses through each sign of the zodiac in three fortnights and in this way travels through all twelve, one after another
- If those who are attached to demigod worship fortunately associate with the devotees, their dormant devotional service and appreciation of the Lord's qualities gradually awaken. In this way they also engage in Krsna's devotional service
- If unkind Providence takes away my wife, who is half my body, why should He not take me also? What is the use of my living with half of my body, bereaved by loss of my wife? What shall I gain in this way?
- If Vaisnava appears in a family, he liberates not only his father, but his father, his father, his father, his father, in that way. But that is the best service to the family, to become Krsna conscious. Actually, it has happened
- If we accept the devotional service of the Lord, the Lord will gradually reveal Himself. In this way the progressive devotee will gradually realize his spiritual position
- If we chant the holy name of the Lord, we become purified, our heart becomes cleansed, and we can understand the aim of life, the goal of life, and in this way everything can be adjusted very nicely
- If we execute this varnasrama-dharma rightly, then we gradually make progress towards spiritual realization. It is so arranged in that way, brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra, not by birth but by qualification
- If we falsely claim that, "I am God. I am that supreme consciousness," it is our lunacy. We should not indulge in that way, and anyone teaching in that way, that is a cheating. It is not possible
- If we follow Arjuna and Krsna, then we get the perfect knowledge. May not be cent per cent perfect, but as far as possible, if we follow the instruction as it is, that much perfect. In this way one will get perfection
- If we go in the pravrtti-marga, increase our sense gratification propensity, then we shall be entangled, and in this way . . . as human beings you have got advanced stage
- If we hear about Krsna, we become purified. Hearing about Krsna means associating with Krsna. In this way we may perfect our lives
- If we misunderstand Krsna and take Him to be a human being like us, we become mudhas, fools. Krsna's body is not composed of material elements like ours, and if we think this way, we are mistaken
- If we say that your God is like this and our God is like that, then there will be great disturbance. Simply speak on general topics. Then let them read our literature and ask questions. In this way try to push on our missionary activities
- If we wish to trace it (Bhagavad-gita) even further back, we find that Krsna spoke it earlier to the sun-god. Krsna is eternal, and consciousness of Krsna is also eternal. In this way KC should be approached. It should not simply be considered a theory
- If Yasoda had seen Krsna in her lap extending six miles to cope with the she-demon Putana, then the natural filial love of Yasoda would have been hurt because in that way Yasoda would have come to know that her so-called son, Krsna, was God Himself
- If you actually require perfect knowledge, then we have to accept knowledge this, like this way. It is called avaroha-pantha. Avaroha-pantha means a descendence, or deductive process
- If you are a ksatriya, you have to work in that way. But don't stop working. Krsna says that, - A man cannot even maintain his physical body without work
- If you are determined in this way to be His devotee, Krishna will provide some happy solution. But even if He puts us into extreme difficulty, we must always be prepared to consider everything as His special Mercy
- If you are doing something for which you have no necessity, and when you come to realize that, "I am unnecessarily wasting my time" in this way, naturally, you become joyful
- If you can attract all the westerners in India in that way, it will be a great service, and I am repeatedly requesting you to take up this matter seriously and combine together
- If you can construct nice temple in Vrndaban for me in this way, I shall be eternally grateful
- If you chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra and give up these sinful activities, automatically you become reformed. You come to the spiritual platform. And in this way your life will become successful
- If you continue that thinking, Krsna, how He's standing, how He is playing on flute, how Radharani is there - in this way, if you think, then you become the greatest yogi
- If you follow the principle or the footprints of Arjuna . . . that Arjuna understood BG in this way . . . now, if you follow the principles of Arjuna, then you understand BG. It is not very difficult
- If you go on collecting in this way, where is the difficulty? Of course if there is great need, I can give you, but if you think that you can manage something independently, then try for that, that will be better
- If you grow more, and offer fruits to the Deity in the evening, in this way, very nice. You can distribute that
- If you let loose your dog, it will go on this way, this way, this way, this way, this way. This is jagat, going on. Going on, but condition - You cannot go beyond this
- If you love somebody and he's not there, you find everything vacant. So Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu felt this way about Krsna - lover and beloved
- If you perform yajnas rightly, you'll have got, you will have sufficient rains to produce everything. Maharaja Yudhisthira's reign, his kingdom, his government was conducted in that way. Profusely, the nature was producing profusely
- If you practice your life in this way, never lost to Krsna, so at the time of death you are sure to go to Krsna
- If you simply stick to the regulative principles & always keep yourself & your child 24 hours engaged in devotional service, so much that you will be too much busy serving Krishna to think about other things. In this way, your mind can become steady
- If you train your family in Krsna consciousness . . . just early in the morning rise up. You can control your family in that way, - Now get up. Take your bath. Have mangala-arati
- If you try you will get also an order for 18 copies of all our books. This open order was published in my picture advertisement for the Bhagavatam. So please try in this way to get our books circulating among the educated classes
- If you understand what is God and if you know what is your relationship with God - in this way your goal of life how to learn to love God, that is achieved - then it doesn't matter through which religion you achieve that perfection
- If you want to be trained up spiritually, then you must accept a spiritual master. So spiritual master trains with these books and explanation, practical demonstration. In this way the student makes progress spiritually
- If you want to enter into the rasa-lila, if you desire like that, so you love Krsna in that way, as the gopis. Then you'll have the same perfection. There is no difficulty. It is not at all difficult. Simply you practice
- If you want to know Krsna, then you must approach a person who knows Krsna. Don't try to know Krsna by your own imagination. People are trying to know Krsna by his faulty imagination. In that way Krsna cannot be known
- If you want to manufacture, that "I shall be happy in this way," that will also create another anxiety. That will create another anxiety
- If you work in this way to convince the intelligent class of men, that will be very great service and also the proper use of your educational training
- Immediately after committing suicide in this way, he went in his spiritual body to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and received the mercy of the Lord. However, he still remained invisible
- In actuality the Mayavadi philosophers very strictly follow the austerities and penances of spiritual life and in this way are elevated to the impersonal Brahman platform, but due to their negligence of the lotus feet of the Lord they again fall down
- In actuality we are pure spirit. In this way, according to one's spiritual development, the meaning of the word atma differs
- In all conditions, the pure devotee is liberated. He may engage in some occupation or business, but he is always thinking of how to serve Krsna, and in this way he is automatically liberated
- In all scriptures it is stated that man should live on fruits and vegetables. Their teeth are made in that way. They can eat very easily and digest. Although jivo jivasya jivanam (SB 1.13.47): one has to live by eating another living entity
- In Bhagavad-gita (7.7) Krsna asserts His superiority Himself in this way: O conqueror of wealth (Arjuna), there is no truth superior to Me. Everything rests upon Me, as pearls are strung on a thread
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.34) the Lord advises that one always think of Him (man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru (BG 18.65)). In this way, by always being Krsna-minded or Krsna conscious, one can surpass the influence of maya
- In Bhagavad-gita Arjuna is hearing about God from the lips of Sri Krsna Himself. In this way Arjuna set the criterion for understanding the Supreme by submissive hearing
- In Bhagavad-gita Krsna recommends this process of knowledge: "This supreme science was thus received through the chain of disciplic succession, and the saintly kings understood it in that way." (BG 4.2)
- In Bhagavad-gita Lord Krsna sets forth the highest religious principle in this way: Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me (Krsna). I shall deliver you from all sinful reaction. Do not fear - BG 18.66
- In conclusion, I submit to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Nityananda Prabhu, Advaita Prabhu and all the other devotees and readers that I accept your lotus feet as the helmet on my head. In this way, all my purposes will be served
- In connection with your using your efforts to make television shows, no, that is not important now. Don't waste time in this way. Better to have nice festivals like Rathayatra festivals
- In either case, both the Supersoul and the individual soul continue. They are not destroyed. One who can see in this way can actually see what is happening. BG 1972 purports
- In essence, he (son of the elderly brahmana) was saying (to his father) - I shall save you from having to give your daughter to him (the young brahmana). In this way, our aristocracy will be saved. You have nothing to worry about
- In great ecstasy, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu returned to His residence. In this way, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, known as Gauranga-sundara, performed various pastimes
- In his commentary on the First Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 1.1.1), Sridhara Svami describes Lord Nrsimhadeva in this way: prahlada-hrdayahladam bhaktavidya-vidaranam, sarad-indu-rucim vande parindra-vadanam harim
- In His instructions to Rupa Gosvami, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu described the so-called followers of Vedic religion in this way (CC Madhya 19.146): veda-nistha-madhye ardheka veda ‘mukhe’ mane, veda-nisiddha papa kare, dharma nahi gane
- In His other manifestations and personal expansions, there is only a partial exhibition of such qualities. We understand all His personal expansions in this way
- In India there are six seasons. There is summer season, and there is spring. There is autumn. Then there is winter, there is fall. In this way, there are six seasons. So the saintly persons, in the, during the autumn and rainy season, they keep together
- In killing animals, there are eight kinds of criminals. That he has explained. One who is killing, one who is ordering, one who is purchasing, one who is eating, one who is cooking, in this way...
- In London, we have got two centers, two temples. In America we have got about forty centers. In this way, in each and every center, there is Deity worship
- In materialistic life we cannot control our senses and mind. The mind is dictating, "Enjoy your senses in this way," and we are enjoying our senses. Materialistic life means sense gratification
- In my absence he can deliver speech and in that way he can get experience
- In one day He (Caitanya Mahaprabhu) collected about one hundred thousand followers to protest against the Kazi's order. So in this way His social position was very favorable
- In one life they may be very opulent. Then they don't care about the next life. They think, "Let me eat, drink and be merry." This is going on all over the world, but the sastras say that people are making mistakes in this way
- In our childhood we asked, "Father, what is this?" and father would say, "This is a pen," "These are spectacles," or "This is a table." In this way from the very beginnings of life a child learns from his father and mother
- In our genealogical table, in each family, there is a person who is the origin of the family - then his son, his son, his grandsons, great-grandson. In this way, family expands. Similarly, this creation is from Krsna
- In relation with body, we think of family, community, nationality. In this way our civilization is dog civilization. That is not human civilization. Human civilization begins when one understands that he is not this body
- In Seattle there was a demonstration with hogs in which the boys and girls undressed themselves and got in the mud and played with the hogs, and in this way they were associating with the hogs and pigs which they worshiped
- In some of the planets earth is prominent, some of the planets water is prominent, some of the planets the fire is prominent. In this way these five elements (earth, water, fire, air and sky), gross elements
- In studying one's own body, one must ask himself whether his head is his soul, his fingers are his soul, his hand is his soul, and so on. In this way, one must gradually reject all the material elements & the combinations of material elements in the body
- In the arena of Kamsa, when Krsna was attacked by big elephants, all of the ladies present began to address Him in this way
- In the beginning of Srimad-Bhagavatam the Supreme Personality of Godhead is described in this way: janmady asya yato'nvayad itaratas carthesv abhijnah - SB 1.1.1
- In the beginning, the devotee should chant the dvadasaksara-mantra and offer flower garlands, incense and so on. After worshiping the Lord in this way, one should bathe the Lord with milk and dress Him with proper garments, a sacred thread, and ornaments
- In the Bhagavad-gita Lord Krsna says to Arjuna - In turn, Manu spoke this (BG) knowledge to his son Iksvaku, and then Iksvaku spoke the same to his son. In this way the knowledge has come down. But unfortunately that disciplic succession is now broken
- In the Bible it is said, "Man is made after God." Is it not said like that? That means God has exactly the same form. And therefore man is made also, the same form. So in this way both God and the living entities, they are anadi
- In the Brahma-samhita it is stated that Ganapati worships the lotus feet of Lord Nrsimhadeva, and in that way he has become auspicious for the devotees in clearing out all impediments
- In the Brahma-samhita Radharani is described as Krsna's expansion of His spiritual potency. In this way, She is nondifferent from Krsna. The gopis, who tend Radha and Krsna, are not ordinary women or girls; they are expansions of Krsna's pleasure potency
- In the BS (5.27-28) it is stated: the lotus-born Brahma received the Gayatri mantra, which had sprung from the song of Sri Krsna’s flute. In this way he attained twice-born status, having been initiated by the supreme, primal preceptor, Godhead Himself
- In the company of His two friends, Svarupa Damodara Gosvami and Ramananda Raya, He sometimes danced, sometimes sang and sometimes became unconscious in ecstatic love. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu passed His days and nights in this way
- In the dialectic process, try to bring this thesis, that within this body there is the real enjoyer, and try to convince them in that way. That will be great service
- In the final analysis, the original guru is Krsna, His disciple is Narada, whose disciple is Vyasa, and in this way we gradually come in touch with the guru-parampara
- In the first night there is a pealike form that takes place. Then he grows, growing. Then many holes come out of that pealike form - that becomes our eyes and other nine holes. In this way the body is developed in seven months
- In the first verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam it is said that the Supreme Lord inspired a secondary creator, Brahma, and enabled him to carry out his creative functions. In this way the Supreme Lord is the supervising engineer
- In the fourth month Dhruva Maharaja became a complete master of the breathing exercise, and thus he inhaled air only every twelfth day. In this way he became completely fixed in his position and worshiped the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In the human form of life, where there is chance of getting the real light, if they spoil in this way like cats and dogs, the whole world, what is the position of the world? Very precarious condition
- In the Krsna conscious state, the living entity engages in devotional service under the direction of the spiritual master. In this way he gets out of the clutches of maya and takes shelter under the lotus feet of Lord Krsna
- In the last stage of the spiritual master's life, the devotees of the spiritual master should take preaching activities into their own hands. In this way the spiritual master can sit down in a solitary place and render nirjana bhajana
- In the life of Maharaja Ambarisa, we find that the great Maharaja first engaged his mind on the lotus feet of Krsna. In this way his intelligence became purified. Maharaja Ambarisa also used his other senses in the service of the Lord
- In the Madhvacarya, Lord Caitanya in the line. From Lord Caitanya, others. In this way the disciplic succession is coming directly from Krsna. And it is called Brahma-sampradaya
- In the material world, we manufacture so many plans to be happy, material desires. Somebody's thinking, "I shall be happy in this way." Somebody's thinking . . . "There is no question of happiness here". The place is contaminated
- In the materialistic way their last point of happiness is sex life. That's all. So they have enjoyed sex life in this way; now they are trying to enjoy sex life in that way. But the enjoyment is the same. There is no more enjoyment
- In the meantime, his (Dhruva Maharaja's) body changed into spiritual existence, and therefore it was illuminating like molten gold. In this way he also became one with the other paraphernalia of Visnuloka
- In the morning Her (Radharani's) body is bathed in the nectar of compassion, in the afternoon in the nectar of youth, and in the evening in the nectar of luster itself. In this way the bathing is performed
- In the morning our first business should be to beat the mind with shoes a hundred times. and, before going to bed, to beat the mind a hundred times with a broomstick. In this way one's mind can be kept under control
- In the Narada-pancaratra this is confirmed in this way: dik-kalady-anavacchinne krsne ceto vidhaya ca, tanmayo bhavati ksipram jivo brahmani yojayet. BG 1972 purports
- In the next life, as Jada Bharata, Maharaja Bharata was careful not to spoil his energy, and therefore he presented himself as a deaf and dumb person. In this way he could concentrate on his devotional service
- In the ocean we always see that there are great waves moving. Water is dull matter, but the air is pushing these great waves and dashing them onto the earth. Scientists say that nature works in this way and that, but nature is not independent
- In the SB there is a statement about the Absolute Truth, what is the Absolute Truth. That it is stated,"Those who are actually in knowledge of the Absolute Truth, they speak of the Absolute Truth in this way." Advaya-jnanam: nondual. There is no duality
- In the Sixth Chapter of Bhagavad-gita, the hatha-yoga system of meditation is explained, and Arjuna, who was highly elevated, said that he could not concentrate his mind in this way
- In the tender age of childhood, when everyone is bewildered, one passes ten years. Similarly, in boyhood, engaged in sporting and playing, one passes another ten years. In this way, twenty years are wasted
- In the Tenth Chapter of Bhagavad-gita, Krsna explains His different manifestations to Arjuna in this way - (describe in) BG 10.27-28
- In the Vedic dictionary it is said - His (the Supreme Lord's) person is full of different potent energies, and His determination is itself actual fact. In this way the Personality of Godhead is to be understood. BG 1972 purports
- In the Vidagdha-madhava, Kutila, a sister-in-law of Radharani, began to criticize Krsna in this way
- In the Western countries there is no such distinction between man and woman, but there is. We have to accept it and construct this social institution in that way. Then it will be perfect
- In their dealings as husband and wife, Krsna & His queens would smile, talk, joke, embrace and so on, and their conjugal relationship ever-increasingly developed. In this way, Krsna and the queens enjoyed transcendental happiness in their household life
- In their mature stage of love of Godhead, when they were living in Vrndavana, the gosvamis would also cry - Radharani, where are You? Where are Your associates? Where are You, O son of Nanda? Where are you all. In this way they were searching after Krsna
- In their so-called spiritual cultivation they (conditioned living entities) are thinking that, "I am God. I am the mover of the sun. I am the mover of the moon. I am the supreme," in this way. That is the disease. You see?
- In these ways (by driving cars, spending time in nightclubs or tasting abominable food in restaurants), the plundering senses take away all the assets that the conditioned soul has acquired with great difficulty
- In this age of Kali, human civilization is so misled that people are unnecessarily increasing in economic development, and as a result they are opening more slaughterhouses, liquor shops and brothels. In this way, the whole civilization is being spoiled
- In this life we want to finish this material existence for good. That should be the responsibility that, "We are going to finish this material existence for good. No more coming." If you take responsibility in that way, then everything will be adjusted
- In this material world everyone is trying to be happy by earning more money, by business, by service, by this or that way. But in special cases, Krsna makes his business or service unsuccessful. At that time he has no alternative than surrender to Krsna
- In this way (9 holes - 2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 nostrils, 1 mouth, 1 genital, & one rectum) the body develops, and as long as it needs to develop within the mother's womb, it remains there. When it is sufficiently developed to go outside, it comes out and grows
- In this way (a boy and girl are married, they want an apartment. Then they have children. And when they have children, they want social recognition) their material attachment goes on increasing. And all of this requires money
- In this way (addressing one another as Narayana) we are overcrowded with Narayanas here and there. But how can everyone become Narayana
- In this way (becoming more tolerant than the tree and humbler than the grass) chants the holy name of the Lord, very soon he achieves the platform of transcendental loving service to the Lord, and tears appear in his eyes
- In this way (BG 4.1) the message is transmitted in the bona fide spiritual disciplic succession from bona fide spiritual master to bona fide student
- In this way (BG 7.15) the fools are categorized. A duskrti is always acting against the scriptural injunctions. The business of current civilization is to break scriptural rules - that's all. By definition, a pious man is one who doesn't
- In this way (BG 8.11) they (brahmacaris) realize two of Brahman's features. This practice is very essential for the student's advancement in spiritual life, but at the moment such brahmacari (unmarried celibate) life is not at all possible. BG 1972 pur
- In this way (by absorbing the mind in material things such as birth, death, disease, illusion, attachment, greed and enmity) the living entity is conditioned, and he suffers material miseries
- In this way (by associating with a pure devotee) one begins to engage in the transcendental service of the Lord
- In this way (by attending mangala-arati, chanting Hare Krsna maha-mantra and taking prasada) one can take advantage of all the facilities of human life. We are gradually introducing this system in different centers in our Society in the Western countries
- In this way (by becoming Krsna conscious and render service unto Krsna as extensively as possible) one is liberated from material bondage. By the grace of Krsna, Devayani attained this state through the instructions of her husband
- In this way (by breaking the statues and images of God during the Hindu-Muslim riots in India) they (Hindu and Muslim) were both thinking - We've killed the Hindu God. We've killed the Moslem God, etc
- In this way (by chanting sixteen rounds daily, following the four regulative principles and chanting gayatri mantra three times a day) one can keep his brahminical culture and spiritual strength intact
- In this way (by chanting the Hare Krsna mantra and read Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam) one purifies himself of the baser material modes (tamo-guna and rajo-guna) and, becoming freed from the greed of these modes, can attain complete peace of mind
- In this way (by chanting the Hare Krsna mantra offenselessly) one is purified, and his devotional service causes the arousal of his dormant love of God
- In this way (by constantly engaging in hearing about Krsna), a devotee naturally develops his dormant transcendental knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- In this way (by distributing prasada to all living entities) the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is situated in everyone's heart, will be worshiped. This is the Vedic system of offering prasada
- In this way (by doing every work for the satisfaction of Visnu), everyone can get free of the binding network of actions and reactions
- In this way (by fully engaging in rendering spontaneous love to Krsna), he (devotee) attains affection at the lotus feet of Krsna. Krsna actually comes under the control of such spontaneous feelings, & ultimately one can attain association with the Lord
- In this way (by hearing, chanting, remembering, worshiping, offering everything to the Lord) one can very easily engage himself in the service of the Lord. When the Lord is pleased with one's service, one's mission in life is fulfilled
- In this way (by imitating Haridas Thakura) the heart is again filled with dirty things and becomes harder and harder, like that of a materialist. Gradually one desires to become a reputed devotee or an avatara (incarnation)
- In this way (by installing the Deity in his house) a brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya or sudra can worship the Deity with the results of his honest labor
- In this way (by living in the temple) we have to detach ourself from the association of the three gunas. Krsna advised Arjuna, - My dear Arjuna, just become transcendental to the three gunas
- In this way (by performing activities of Krsna consciousness) one may give up his body and return home, back to Godhead
- In this way (by performing Deity worship and chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra one obtains) results (in Krsna Consciousness) with effectiveness increased a thousand times
- In this way (by performing devotional service to God) one can give up material desires, and as soon as one is freed from material desires, he is free from the repetition of birth and death, old age and disease
- In this way (by practicing the brahminical activities), if he (the person who is situated in the mode of goodness) engages himself in the loving service of the Lord as an actual brahmana, his aim to achieve the final interest of life is attained
- In this way (by pranayama yoga, and by eating only air and dry leaves fallen from the trees cleansed your minds from all dirty things), desiring a benediction from Me (Krsna), you (Devaki and Vasudeva) worshiped Me with peaceful minds - SB 10.3.34-35
- In this way (by preparing milk products and vegetarian dishes for Krsna) our karma is sacrificed, for from the very beginning we are thinking that the food is being offered to Krsna. We should have no personal desires for the food
- In this way (by protecting citizens, give all his possessions in charity), a ksatriya can satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead by his occupational duties
- In this way (by reading books like Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Caitanya-caritamrta and The Nectar of Devotion), one becomes more and more purified of material contamination
- In this way (by searching after & crying, "Where are You? Where are You Radharani? Where are You Krsna? Are You there by Govardhana Hill?"), throughout the whole tract of Vrndavana, the gosvamis were crying and searching after Radha & Krsna like madmen
- In this way (by taking shelter of the six Gosvamis by reading the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, Vidagdha-madhava, Lalita-madhava and the other books) one can understand the transcendental loving affairs between Radha and Krsna
- In this way (by the process of Krsna consciousness) we can remember Krsna twenty-four hours a day, and in this way Krsna is with us. Of course Krsna is always with us, but as soon as we remember this, His presence is factual and is felt
- In this way (by thinking of Krsna), at the end of life, one may be transferred to the association of Krsna. This is technically called nitya-lila-pravista, entering into the planet Goloka Vrndavana
- In this way (CC Antya 4.137-138) I (Sanatana) am committing offenses at His (Caitanya's) lotus feet, and from these offenses I shall certainly not be delivered. At the same time, I cannot see Lord Jagannatha. This is my great unhappiness
- In this way (CC Madhya 10.182) He (Caitanya) protests this so-called offensive statement - of Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya in CC Madhya 10.180-181
- In this way (chanting the Hare Krsna mantra and reading Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam) one can understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead and one's relationship with Him and thus be promoted to the highest perfection - siddhim paramam gatah
- In this way (dedicating all activities to Krsna) one becomes the highest yogi and the highest sannyasi. That is the secret
- In this way (described in the third paragraph of the purport of the Bhagavad-gita 8.3), the living entity perpetually comes and goes on the material path. BG 1972 purports
- In this way (elder son accusing brahmana youth) there was much noise, and people began to gather. The youth could understand that the old man was still agreeable but that the family was making it difficult for him
- In this way (following vanaprastha stage) both husband and wife can advance in spiritual consciousness. This advanced stage is called the paramahamsa stage, & once it is obtained, both husband & wife can be actually liberated from bodily consciousness
- In this way (hearing Visnu as He is and meditating upon Him) one becomes jubilant (nandanti). The word nandana means "pleasing," and one comes in touch with the reservoir of pleasure in this way
- In this way (heavily striking each other), all of the clubs used by Jarasandha and Bhimasena became ruined, and so the two enemies prepared to fight with their strong-fisted hands
- In this way (if a man can be overpowered by a flood of transcendental activities performed in love of God) his potential seed cannot fructify into a conditional life of material existence
- In this way (in real yoga practice there are eight kinds of perfection) yogic perfection is achieved, and after this one can achieve the perfection of spiritual life
- In this way (keeping brahmacari) his life becomes very solid for future sreyas. But that is not being taught at the present moment
- In this way (Krsna talking with His wife, playing with His children) He was engaged in varied pastimes in all of the sixteen thousand palaces
- In this way (of BRS 1.1.11 and BG 18.65-66) one develops his original constitutional position of rendering loving service to the Lord
- In this way (offering food to Krsna according to the Bhagavad-gita), a person in Krsna consciousness becomes automatically trained not to accept food not meant for human consumption, or which is not in the category of goodness. BG 1972 purports
- In this way (one need only work to produce grains and take care of the cows. The wood found in the jungles may be used for constructing cottages) the economic problem of humanity can be solved
- In this way (one person chanting Hare Krsna mantra and at the end of mantra, the group responding) there is a reciprocation of hearing and chanting
- In this way (refraining from sinful activities, taking bath and chant Hare Krsna) harijana can be made, but not that you pick up somebody nonsense and rubber-stamp this "harijana" No. There must be process
- In this way (satisfying Krsna's senses) our senses are spiritualized, and this is called adhyatmika-yoga or bhakti-yoga. This is the yoga that Lord Kapiladeva is herein expounding
- In this way (saying that God has no eyes, no legs, no hands), they are indirectly insulting God. This is blasphemy. God does not want to hear such nonsense
- In this way (SB 3.31.43) the living entity gets a suitable body with a material mind and senses, according to his fruitive activities
- In this way (screaming loudly and forcefully, the earth with its mountains, and outer space with its planets, trembled) the demon Putana, very much aggrieved because her breast was being attacked by Krsna, lost her life - SB 10.6.13
- In this way (sheding tears and simply offering obeisances) he (the householder) can satisfy any guest, even if the guest is a saintly person or a king
- In this way (showing mercy to suffering humanity) they (Gosvamis) adopted change of life. That is Vaisnava. Vaisnava personally has no demand for life, no unhappiness. He is completely satisfied with Krsna
- In this way (sometimes going here and sometimes there and sometimes doing this or that) the living entity wanders throughout the entire universe, imprisoned in various species and thus engaging in various activities for which he must suffer the reactions
- In this way (spreading supreme knowledge of Bhagavad-gita), people may realize their true spiritual nature and their relationship to the supreme spiritual whole
- In this way (taking shelter of a guru) he receives a clue of how to get out of his continuous struggle up and down within the material world. Therefore the Vedic injunction is that one should approach a spiritual master
- In this way (the beauty of Lord Krsna increases at the sight of the beauty of the gopis. And the more the gopis see Lord Krsna's beauty, the more their beauty increases) a competition takes place between them in which no one acknowledges defeat
- In this way (the gopis encouraged Krsna in different ways, He would then smile and dance according to their desire, as if He were a wooden doll in their hands), Krsna came completely under the control of the gopis - SB 10.11.7
- In this way (the performance of sacrifices, the taking of a vow for some religious ritual, and the giving of charity) one may become free from the reactions of sinful life and at the same time awaken his original Krsna consciousness
- In this way (the Supreme Being is directly and indirectly cognizant of everything and is fully independent, everthing has emanated from Him) the smrti explains the sruti
- In this way (thinking suffering is due to past misdeed), a devotee is not greatly affected by suffering, and this is the difference between a devotee and a nondevotee
- In this way (thinking waves cannot go beyond limit by Krsna's order) one can immediately remember Krsna, or God, who is so powerful that even the Pacific Ocean abides by His order. In this way one can think of Krsna, and that is Krsna consciousness
- In this way (through study of Vedanta) one may ultimately attain the platform of loving service to the Lord. It is in the living entity’s best interest to understand the Supreme Lord
- In this way (when hearing philosophy, stories, narrations about God and his devotees) a man becomes refreshed in mind, exactly like a person who smears scented sandalwood pulp all over his body and decorates himself with ornaments
- In this way (when Mercury does not move along with the sun, it forbodes cyclones, dust, irregular rainfall, and waterless clouds) it creates fearful conditions due to inadequate or excessive rainfall
- In this way - I defeat you; you defeat me - that will not solve the problem. The problem will be solved when we follow the authority. Anuvarnitena. Then the problems will be
- In this way a complete year passed for Junior Haridasa, but still there was not a sign of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mercy toward him
- In this way a devotee becomes fully Krsna-ized and, being always situated in Krsna consciousness, ultimately goes back to Krsna
- In this way a living entity becomes devoid of his real intelligence and becomes perpetually lost in the cycle of birth and death. Thus he goes up and down from a microbe in stool to a high position in the Brahmaloka planet
- In this way a neophyte can gradually develop attachment for Krsna's name, fame, form, qualities and so forth
- In this way Advaita Acarya and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu would offer Their respectful obeisances unto each other. Then Advaita Acarya would extend an invitation to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu again and again
- In this way all moving and nonmoving living entities will come into existence, and the entire universe will be filled as it was previously
- In this way all the devotees sat down to take their lunch in consecutive lines, one beside the other
- In this way all the devotees, wherever they were situated, in every city and every country, danced, performed sankirtana and gave charity by mental strength on the plea of the lunar eclipse, their minds overwhelmed with joy
- In this way all the five Pandava brothers enjoyed the fraternal friendship of Krsna in transcendental mellow. Of the five Pandavas, Arjuna is the most intimately connected with Krsna. He has a nice bow in his hand which is called Gandiva
- In this way all the gopis were madly feeling the absence of Krsna. They inquired about Him from the trees and plants
- In this way all the inhabitants of Dvaraka appealed to Lord Krsna for protection from the fiery demon who had just appeared in Dvaraka to devastate the whole city
- In this way all the maidservants of the goddess of fortune arrested the servants of Jagannatha, bound them around the waist and brought them before the goddess of fortune
- In this way all the opulences of Advaita Acarya - His faith, devotion, home, riches and everything else - were successfully utilized in the worship of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- In this way all the rooms were cleansed with a hundred waterpots. After the rooms had been cleansed, the minds of the devotees were as clean as the rooms
- In this way astral influences are also material and therefore they do not affect the devotee who has taken protection of Krsna's internal energy, by surrendering his life and soul in the service of the Lord
- In this way Balabhadra Bhattacarya offered his prayers to the Lord. By rendering service unto Him in ecstatic love, he pacified the Lord's mind
- In this way Balarama reconciled the situation by His moral and ethical instructions to Rukmini and Krsna
- In this way both swans live together in the heart. When the one swan is instructed by the other, he is situated in his constitutional position. This means he regains his original Krsna consciousness, which was lost because of his material attraction
- In this way by Krishna Consciousness we can solve all the dogmatic confusions and speculations. This is the greatest need of the human beings and please try to do it as far as possible and Krishna will help you
- In this way Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Ramananda Raya passed the whole night relishing the mellows of krsna-katha, topics about Krsna. While they were chanting, dancing and crying, the night ended
- In this way Damodara Pandita went to Nadia (Navadvipa). After meeting mother Saci, he stayed under the care of her lotus feet
- In this way each of them praised the qualities of the other, and both of them were pleased to see each other
- In this way everyone should act according to his particular taste
- In this way Gopinathaji was supplied ground sandalwood pulp daily. The servants of Gopinatha were very pleased with this
- In this way he (a living entity) performs all sorts of misconceived activities, which lead to his perpetual bondage in repetition of birth and death in various species
- In this way He (Krsna) established many pious kings such as Yudhisthira at the helm of world affairs. Thus, by His divine arrangement, He created the good government of King Yudhisthira, and there ensued peace and tranquillity
- In this way He (Krsna) was answering all of the questions of Radharani so cunningly that He gladdened this dearest of the gopis
- In this way he (Prthu Maharaja) lived in the forest and underwent severe austerity, especially in regards to eating. In other words, overeating is not at all recommended for one who wants to progress in spiritual life
- In this way he (Vena) could reject their advice and make accusations against them (the saintly sages), comparing them to a woman who does not care for her husband who maintains her but goes to satisfy a paramour who does not maintain her
- In this way he becomes entangled and forgets his separation from the Supreme Personality of Godhead since time immemorial. Thus he traverses the dangerous path of material existence, and on this path he is not at all happy
- In this way he considered woman to be his ultimate life and soul. Becoming thus overwhelmed by the mode of ignorance, he could not understand the meaning of self-realization, of his self or of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In this way he induces one to eat more than necessary, and then he directly criticizes him, saying, 'You eat so much. How much money do you have in your treasury'
- In this way he is wandering within the material world. His acceptance of different types of bodies is brought about by his activities under the influence of the modes of nature
- In this way he made a quilt and a pillow, which he then gave to Govinda, saying, "Ask the Lord to lie on this"
- In this way he stayed immovable in one place for one hundred years by the calculations of the demigods. After this time, he developed pure devotional attraction for Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and remained fixed in that position
- In this way he would look for it, and when he could see that the deer was comfortably situated, his mind and heart would be very satisfied, and he would bestow his blessings upon the deer, saying, "My dear calf, may you be happy in all respects
- In this way his (an unalloyed devotee's) whole life is engaged in the service of the Lord, with not a moment wasted on any other engagement
- In this way I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) have described Damodara Pandita’s verbal chastisements. As one hears about this, atheistic principles and ignorance depart
- In this way I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) have explained the Lord's pastime of sankirtana, and I bless everyone with this benediction: By listening to this description, one will surely become a servant of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- In this way I shall bring Him here very soon. Be assured that I am telling you the truth. Do not be doubtful
- In this way I shall progressively explain all the words in the atmarama verse. It should be understood that all these words are meant to enable one to taste the transcendental qualities of Krsna
- In this way it attains the shelter of the desire tree of the lotus feet of Krsna, who is eternally situated in the planet known as Goloka Vrndavana, in the topmost region of the spiritual sky
- In this way it is to be understood that one is becoming cleansed of unwanted things (anartha-nivrtti)
- In this way Jagannatha Misra and the brahmana discussed the principles of religion in the dream, yet Jagannatha Misra was absorbed in unalloyed parental mellow and did not want to know anything else
- In this way Kala Krsnadasa was sent to Bengal, and he was given sufficient quantities of Lord Jagannatha's food remnants to distribute there
- In this way Kalidasa ate the remnants of food left by all the Vaisnavas residing in Bengal
- In this way keep yourself engaged in Krishna's business 24 hours, and in this lifetime you will become perfectly happy and in the end reach the Supreme destination
- In this way King Malayadhvaja attained perfect knowledge because in his pure state he was directly instructed by the SPG. By means of such enlightening transcendental knowledge, he could understand everything from all angles of vision
- In this way King Puranjana killed many animals, including rabbits, boars, buffalo, bison, black deer, porcupines and other game animals. After killing and killing, the King became very tired
- In this way Krsna consciousness immediately takes one from the material platform to the spiritual world
- In this way Krsna gives us a chance (BG 15.15). If we want Krsna, He will give us a chance to have Him, and if we don't want Krsna, He will give us a chance to forget Him
- In this way Krsna's transcendental forms are expanded unlimitedly. No one can count them. Whatever I have explained is simply a little glimpse. It is like showing the moon through the branches of a tree
- In this way Krsna, as dhira-lalita, was enjoying His youthful proclivities in the company of the gopis
- In this way Lord Krsna bade farewell to the four-headed Brahma of this universe. We may thus understand that no one can calculate the extent of Krsna's energies
- In this way Lord Krsna came to a decision. Simultaneously, the time came for the incarnation of the age
- In this way Lord Krsna confirmed the statement of the Brahma-samhita that every limb of His body is capable of doing everything He likes
- In this way Lord Nityananda was walking through all the groups of eaters, and all the Vaisnavas standing there were seeing the fun
- In this way Lord Rsabhadeva followed the behavior of cows, deer and crows. Sometimes He moved or walked, and sometimes He sat down in one place. Sometimes He lay down, behaving exactly like cows, deer and crows
- In this way Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu recited different verses from the sastra. The priest of Lord Nrsimhadeva then brought garlands and the remnants of the Lord's food and offered them to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- In this way Madhavendra Puri started for Vrndavana with the burden of sandalwood, and after some days he again reached the village of Remuna and the Gopinatha temple there
- In this way Maharaja Pariksit implored everyone's good will for going back home, back to Godhead
- In this way monkeys consider themselves renunciants (by living naked in the forest), but actually they are very busy enjoying sense gratification with dozens of female monkeys. Such renunciation is called markata-vairagya - the renunciation of a monkey
- In this way mother Sacidevi and Jagannatha Misra, having obtained a son who was the husband of the goddess of fortune, had all their desires fulfilled
- In this way Murari Gupta appealed to Me, saying, You are all-merciful, so kindly grant me this mercy: Let me die before You so that all my doubts will be finished
- In this way not only the neighboring villages but all the other provinces came to know of Gopala’s appearance. Thus people came from all over, bringing a variety of presentations
- In this way of six Life members daily, we shall very quickly expand our Society in India. This Life Membership is the support of our Movement here, so you must stress this program especially. That will be our success
- In this way one can avoid seeing the pure devotee from a material point of view, and thus one can gradually become a purified devotee himself
- In this way one can become completely confident and satisfied, knowing that he has someone who is able to give him all protection
- In this way one can control the mind (by beating it with shoes). This is the instruction of all the sastras. If one does not do so, one is doomed to follow the dictations of the mind
- In this way one can see how God is existing and how everything is managed perfectly because of the presence of the Supreme Lord
- In this way one should reside in Vraja (Goloka Vrndavana dhama) and serve Krsna under the guidance of devotees
- In this way one will get the chance to purify his heart and develop this ecstatic pure love for Krsna
- In this way our Society is successfully spreading all over the world, and the intelligentsia of all countries is gradually appreciating our Krsna conscious activities
- In this way people engage in various laborious activities, and their attachment for body, home, family, nation and community becomes more and more deep-rooted
- In this way Raghunatha dasa passed one year exactly like a first-class business manager, but the next year he again decided to leave home
- In this way Ramacandra Puri blasphemed Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu before everyone, but nevertheless he would regularly come to see the Lord every day
- In this way Sanatana Gosvami convinced the jailkeeper, who replied, "Please hear me, my dear sir. I am willing to release you, but I am afraid of the government"
- In this way Sanatana Gosvami reached Vrndavana. Later Rupa Gosvami came and met him
- In this way Sanatana Gosvami stayed under the care of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and discussed the transcendental qualities of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu with Haridasa Thakura
- In this way Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya brought Lord Caitanya back to Jagannatha Puri. He then went to King Prataparudra and informed him of the Lord's arrival
- In this way Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya revived Gadadhara Pandita. Then both of them, very much grief-stricken, returned to Jagannatha Puri, Nilacala
- In this way Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu always expressed bewilderment and lamented in separation from Krsna. At such times He used to recite the slokas from Ramananda Raya's drama, known as Jagannatha-vallabha-nataka
- In this way Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu danced in great jubilation and inundated all the people with waves of ecstatic love
- In this way Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu delivered the entire three worlds, not only by His personal presence but also by empowering others. I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) shall briefly describe how He empowered a living being in Bengal
- In this way Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu directly initiated the saintly Muslim by advising him to chant the holy name of Krsna. The Muslim's name was changed to Ramadasa. Another Pathana Muslim present there was named Vijuli Khan
- In this way Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu remained at Jagannatha Puri, Nilacala, and He invisibly bestowed great mercy upon Kalidasa
- In this way Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu used to eat at the temple of Sacimata every day and also visit the house of Srivasa Thakura when kirtana was performed
- In this way Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu used to manifest wonderful ecstatic symptoms. His mind appeared vacant, and there were only hopelessness and disappointment in His words
- In this way Sri Krsna, along with His elder brother Balarama, passed the childhood age known as kaumara and stepped into the age of pauganda, from the sixth year up to the tenth
- In this way Srila Rupa Gosvami gradually concludes that Srimati Radharani is the most exalted devotee of Krsna and that Her kunda (lake), Sri Radha-kunda, is the most exalted place
- In this way Srila Rupa Gosvami passed his time in close association with Haridasa Thakura by discussing the pastimes of Lord Krsna in great happiness
- In this way Sukadeva Gosvami informed Maharaja Pariksit of the answers to his questions regarding the essence of Vedic knowledge and what is considered to be the ultimate goal in the Vedas
- In this way the Annakuta ceremony was performed, and Madhavendra Puri Gosvami personally offered everything to Gopala
- In this way the complete Supreme Godhead, Lord Krsna Himself, appears
- In this way the conditioned soul becomes the servant of lusty desires, and when these are not fulfilled, he becomes the servant of anger and continues to be kicked by the external energy, maya
- In this way the conditioned soul goes sometimes to the heavenly planets, sometimes to the earthly planets and sometimes to the lower planets and lower species. Thus he suffers continuously due to different types of bodies
- In this way the conditioned soul living within the body forgets his self-interest because he identifies himself with the body. Because the body is material, his natural tendency is to be attracted by the varieties of the material world
- In this way the Deity worship in the temple was very gorgeously performed for two years. Then one day Madhavendra Puri had a dream
- In this way the descendants of the monkeys intermingle with each other, and they are generally known as sudras. Without hesitating, they live and move freely, not knowing the goal of life
- In this way the ever-joyful Personality of Godhead exhibited His transcendental pastimes in the guise of an ordinary human being in order to attract the common people to Krsna consciousness
- In this way the ingredients for the production of another body were there. When the body of the person named Bahuka came out of the dead body of King Vena, it was really not very astonishing. It was simply a question of knowing how to do it
- In this way the karmis are directed gradually to develop K C. Similarly, Krsna directs the philosophers to approach Him gradually by discriminating between Brahman and maya, for at last, when one is mature in knowledge, he surrenders unto Krsna
- In this way the Kazi and the Lord talked with each other with various indications, but no outsider could understand the inner meaning of their conversation
- In this way the King criticized Jada Bharata with sarcastic words, yet despite being criticized in this way, Jada Bharata had no bodily conception of the situation. He knew that he was not the body, for he had attained his spiritual identity
- In this way the King founded many types of villages, settlements and towns and built forts, residences for cowherdsmen, stables for the animals, and places for the royal camps, mining places, agricultural towns and mountain villages
- In this way the living entity becomes situated in different species of life, either in a demigod, human or animal body, according to different situations and circumstances
- In this way the Lord (Krsna) and the gopis reached the cool, sandy bank of the Yamuna, where there were lilies and lotus flowers. In such a transcendental atmosphere, the gopis and Krsna began to enjoy one another
- In this way the Lord and His associates went to cleanse the Gundica temple. At first they cleansed the temple with the brooms
- In this way the Lord danced for at least three hours. Sometimes the symptoms of ecstasy were visible, including pleasure, moroseness and many other waves of ecstatic emotional love
- In this way the Lord had congregational chanting performed for some time, and then He Himself desired to dance
- In this way the Lord spent the four months of the rainy season in various pastimes, and then He ordered the Bengali devotees to return to their homes
- In this way the Lord went to the extreme southern part of India, and He converted all the provinces to Vaisnavism
- In this way the meeting place was washed, the entire yard, the raised sitting places, the kitchen and every other room
- In this way the mind's function can become dangerous for a conditioned soul. Students of psychology are aware of the mind's various psychological changes
- In this way the minds of great personalities are always engaged in Krsna. With their minds engaged in Krsna, naturally the captivated devotees simply talk of Krsna
- In this way the sandalwood pulp was smeared over the body of Gopinatha until the whole stock was finished. Madhavendra Puri stayed there until that time
- In this way the self-realized person enjoys unlimited happiness, for he concentrates on the Supreme. BG 5.21 - 1972
- In this way the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, ordered Akrura to go to Hastinapura, and then He returned home, accompanied by Balarama and Uddhava
- In this way the two brothers Rupa and Anupama reached Bengal, but when they arrived there Anupama died
- In this way the two of them passed their time discussing subjects concerning Krsna. Thus they enjoyed life together
- In this way the whole jurisdiction of Krsna consciousness is directly under the spiritual energy - Krsna and the spiritual master. This has nothing to do with the material world
- In this way their (third-class devotees) minds may remain always absorbed in the thought of the Lord - His form, His activities and His transcendental nature. This state of Krsna consciousness is a liberated stage
- In this way their arguments appear in various forms, but the poetry of the Bhagavatam expertly refutes them all
- In this way there is a chain of sinful activities and their concomitant distresses, and the conditioned soul is suffering life after life due to these sins
- In this way they (Kaliya and his wives) pleased the master of Garuda, of whom they were very much afraid. Then, obeying the orders of Lord Krsna, all of them left the lake within the Yamuna
- In this way they (the great sages & devotees) also do not become subject to the laws of pleasure and pain in the modes of material nature. How, then, is it possible for Krsna, who appears by His own internal potency, to be subjected to the laws of karma?
- In this way they are trying to merge into the Brahman effulgence, but where to stay? They can stay in the Brahman effulgence as minute particle of soul, but the soul wants ananda, so what is ananda there
- In this way they became fully satisfied, although they were not satisfied when their lovers touched their breasts. All material lusty desires can be immediately satisfied if one comes in contact with Krsna consciousness
- In this way they both departed to perform their respective duties. Then, in the evening, Ramananda Raya returned to see Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- In this way they both presented many impediments, indirectly not granting the Lord permission to go to Vrndavana. They did this because they were afraid of separation from Him
- In this way they danced continuously for twelve hours, and in the evening they all took a bath in the Ganges and then returned to their homes
- In this way they discussed topics about Lord Krsna continually for five to seven days
- In this way they will come to the platform of devotional service, and then their life becomes successful. Is that question answered or not
- In this way they worshiped the deity before killing the man-animal, and they vibrated songs and prayers and played drums and bugles. Jada Bharata was then made to sit down before the deity
- In this way things come into existence and are dissolved. Similarly, this body comes into existence, takes a nice form, and then is finally finished forever. We will then have to get another body
- In this way this caranamrtam not only becomes very tastefully flavored, but it also has tremendous spiritual value
- In this way varieties of prasadam were collected, then packed up in different loads and carried on the heads of the four servants
- In this way various ecstatic emotions evolved, & the mind of Caitanya filled with anxiety. He could not escape even for a moment. In this way, because of fierce feelings of separation, His patience began to totter, and He began to recite various verses
- In this way Vasudeva crossed the river Yamuna. On the other side, he went to the place of Nanda Maharaja, situated in Gokula, where he saw that all the cowherd men were fast asleep
- In this way we (Rupa & Sanatana) spoke to him (Anupama) again and again, and because of this persuasion and his respect for us, his mind turned somewhat toward our instructions
- In this way we are able to see golden mountains, or stars during the day. The conclusion is that these are all mental concoctions, although they have actually been experienced in different circumstances. They have simply combined together in a dream
- In this way we have found three more meanings (of the atmarama verse). Combine these with the other meanings, and the total number of meanings adds up to twenty-six in all
- In this way we shall be able to develop our devotional service and dormant Krsna consciousness
- In this way we undergo the tribulations of birth, old age, disease and death. The dogs and cats cannot understand this process, but we can understand it in human life through the Vedic literatures
- In this way when the chivalrous activities of King Prthu come to be known to the people in general, King Prthu will always hear about himself and his uniquely powerful activities
- In this way you will be freed from all reactions to good and evil deeds, and by this principle of renunciation you will be liberated and come to Me. BG 9.28 - 1972
- In this way, according to the different positions of the various parts of the body, Prthu Maharaja merged the holes of his senses with the sky; his bodily liquids, such as blood and various secretions, with the totality of water
- In this way, after consulting with the brahmanas, the King reached this decision, for according to brahminical opinion, drinking water may be accepted as eating and also as not eating
- In this way, after full deliberation, the goddess of fortune accepted Mukunda as her husband because although He is independent and not in want of her, He possesses all transcendental qualities and mystic powers and is therefore the most desirable
- In this way, after killing Salva and destroying his wonderful airplane and then killing Dantavakra and Viduratha, Lord Krsna at last entered His city, Dvaraka
- In this way, all the demigods began to present their respective gifts according to their different capacities. There are thirty-three million demigods, each entrusted with a particular department of universal management
- In this way, all the gopis pointed out the faults of the particular gopi who had been taken alone by Krsna. They said that this chief gopi, Radharani, must be very proud of Her position, thinking Herself the greatest of the gopis
- In this way, all the gopis returned to the bank of the Yamuna and assembled there
- In this way, all the people of the town of Nadia - including all women, boys and old men - came there. Thus the crowd increased
- In this way, artificially they (so-called renouncers) make a show of renunciation of the material world
- In this way, as empowered men went from one village to another, all the people of South India became devotees
- In this way, as he chanted and chanted, the morning approached, and when the woman saw that it was morning, she got up and left
- In this way, as I add the word 'ca' to one word after another, I make a compound. Thus the different names of atmaramas can be taken fifty-eight times
- In this way, as they're suggested a routine in the sastra also, and guided by sadhu-guru-sastra, if we accept, then we shall become very happy in this life and next life also. That is Krsna consciousness movement
- In this way, assuming the sentiment of a devotee, He preached devotional service while practicing it Himself
- In this way, at Advaita Acarya's house all the devotees met and passed some days together in a greatly festive mood
- In this way, because of Krsna's sweet qualities, Caitanya Mahaprabhu made different types of mistakes in His mind. Thus by reciting the following verse, He ascertained the presence of Lord Krsna
- In this way, by and by, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu reduced the duration to five days. Thus for five days He regularly accepted the Bhattacarya's invitation to lunch
- In this way, by submitting various humble requests, Advaita Acarya made Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Lord Nityananda eat. Thus Caitanya Mahaprabhu fulfilled all the desires of Advaita Acarya
- In this way, controller, controller, bigger controller, bigger controller, you go to the Brahma, the controller of the universe. But he is also not Supreme Controller
- In this way, either by complete celibacy or restricted sex life, one's mind is kept from being agitated
- In this way, eleven people were incessantly keeping Raghunatha dasa under control. Thus he could not go to Jagannatha Puri, and because of this he was very unhappy
- In this way, everyone is thinking that he is very happy, although he is in a horrible and fearsome condition. However, one who is actually intelligent can understand that he is not actually happy, that he is suffering
- In this way, everyone will be given the chance to elevate himself to the kingdom of God
- In this way, for five days Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu delivered the people of Varanasi. Finally, on the next day, He became very eager to leave
- In this way, from distant villages he collects excellent bananas, mangoes, oranges, jackfruits and whatever other first-class fruits he has heard about
- In this way, fruits grew on the tree every day throughout the twelve months of the year, and the Vaisnavas used to eat them, to the Lord's great satisfaction
- In this way, giving some excuse, Gopala sometimes remains in the bushes of the forest, and sometimes He stays in a village. One who is a devotee comes to see the Deity
- In this way, Govinda gave everyone's name as he put the food before the Lord. Being very satisfied, the Lord began to eat it all
- In this way, he (Arjuna) appeared in front of the maternity home, equipped with his bow, known as Gandiva, and with various other weapons
- In this way, he heard from Me again and again. By My influence, his mind was a little converted
- In this way, I congratulated Murari Gupta, saying, Indeed, you are the incarnation of Hanuman. Consequently you are the eternal servant of Lord Ramacandra. Why should you give up the worship of Lord Ramacandra and His lotus feet
- In this way, Jagadananda Pandita and mother Saci talked day and night about the happiness of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- In this way, Jarasandha, the King of Magadha Province, having lost all his strength and having been insulted by his arrest and subsequent release, could do nothing but return to his kingdom. Thus Lord Krsna conquered the soldiers of Jarasandha
- In this way, Kamalakara Pippalai became the worshiper of Lord Jagannatha, and since then his family members have been designated as Adhikari, which means - one who is empowered to worship the Lord.These Adhikaris belong to a respectable brahmana family
- In this way, King Indra, in order to steal the horse from King Prthu's sacrifice, adopted several orders of sannyasa. Some sannyasis go naked, and sometimes they wear red garments and pass under the name of kapalika
- In this way, King Puranjana was captivated by his nice wife and was thus cheated. Indeed, he became cheated in his whole existence in the material world
- In this way, Krsna and Balarama, acting like small boys and talking in half-broken language, gave transcendental pleasure to all the inhabitants of Vraja. In due course of time, They became old enough to take care of the calves - SB 10.11.37
- In this way, Krsna appeared before the brahmana and said, "My dear brahmana, I hope that you are executing the religious principles without difficulty and that your mind is always peaceful"
- In this way, Krsna consciousness was fully explained to Maharaja Pariksit by Sukadeva Gosvami as he recited to the King the statements and prayers of Lord Brahma
- In this way, Krsna is endowed with all opulences, transcendental qualities and mystic powers. No ordinary living being can compare to Him
- In this way, like a madman, I have explained the meaning of just one verse. I do not know who will take this as evidence
- In this way, Lord Caitanya used to revel in ecstasy day after day and exhibit these ecstasies before Svarupa and Ramananda Raya
- In this way, Lord Krsna and Balarama began to enjoy the residents of Vrndavana to Their full satisfaction as They herded the calves and cows on the bank of the Yamuna. In some places Krsna and Balarama were accompanied by Their friends
- In this way, Lord Krsna used to enjoy the company of His sixteen thousand wives
- In this way, Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu lamented in a great ocean of sadness, and thus He opened the doors of His unhappiness. Forced by the waves of ecstasy, His mind wandered over transcendental mellows, and He recited another verse - as follows
- In this way, Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu personally tasted with His own mouth the transcendental qualities of Gopalaji, Gopinatha and Sri Madhavendra Puri
- In this way, many thousands of elephants, horses and men were killed, and their blood flowed just like the waves of a river. In that river, the severed arms of men appeared like snakes and their heads like tortoises
- In this way, my Lord, You appear in various incarnations as a human being, an animal, a great saint, a demigod, a fish or a tortoise, thus maintaining the entire creation in different planetary systems and killing the demoniac principles
- In this way, one can perfect his life by engaging in devotional service under the directions of the sastras and the spiritual master. Devahuti understands this and is thus submitting to her son just as Arjuna submitted to Sri Krsna on the battlefield
- In this way, one can repeat the word 'atmaramah' with 'ca' for each of the fifty-eight meanings. By following the rule previously stated and rejecting all but the last, we retain that which represents all the meanings
- In this way, Rukmini compared the position of Rukmi with that of Krsna and very feelingly pleaded with her husband not to kill her brother just at the auspicious time of her being united with Krsna, but to excuse him
- In this way, Sanatana Gosvami stayed under the care of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He would see the wheel on the pinnacle of the Jagannatha temple and offer respectful obeisances
- In this way, Sanatana Gosvami was released. However, he was not able to walk along the path of the fortress. Walking day and night, he finally arrived at the hilly tract of land known as Patada
- In this way, some days passed in great unhappiness. Hearing of all this, Ramacandra Puri went to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- In this way, Sri Balarama instructed Rukmini in spiritual knowledge. He further addressed His sister-in-law thus, "Sweet, smiling Rukmini, do not be aggrieved by false notions caused by ignorance"
- In this way, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu bade farewell to Raghunatha dasa, who returned home and did exactly what the Lord told him
- In this way, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu first washed the main temple and then thoroughly washed the ceiling, the walls, the floor, the sitting place (simhasana) and everything else within the room
- In this way, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu performed His various pastimes. Whoever sees them or hears them recounted becomes truly astonished
- In this way, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu performs His pastimes, which are unlimited and unfathomable. Somehow or other, these have briefly been described. It is not possible to describe them elaborately
- In this way, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu would taste various transcendental relationships of pure love in the company of Jagadananda Pandita
- In this way, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the son of mother Saci, performs His pastimes, which greatly satisfy the ears and minds of pure devotees who hear about them
- In this way, Srila Nityananda Prabhu introduced the cult of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to everyone without discrimination. Even though the people were fallen souls and blasphemers, they were delivered by this process
- In this way, Srimati Radharani is ornamented and decorated with various ecstatic symptoms, which attract the mind of Sri Krsna
- In this way, Svarupa Damodara made some bedding and a pillow, and after much endeavor by the devotees, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu accepted them
- In this way, the child passes through his childhood, suffering different kinds of distress, and attains boyhood. In boyhood also he suffers pain over desires to get things he can never achieve. And thus, due to ignorance, he becomes angry and sorry
- In this way, the demon Haryaksa and the Lord, the Personality of Godhead, struck each other with their huge maces, each enraged and seeking his own victory
- In this way, the full-moon night of the sarat season came to an end
- In this way, the fully Krsna conscious Dhruva Maharaja, the exalted son of Maharaja Uttanapada, attained the summit of the three statuses of planetary systems
- In this way, the Lord passed some days in great jubilation. Then the car festival of Lord Jagannatha approached
- In this way, the maintainers of the complete creation, Krsna and Balarama, used to take care of the calves every day, beginning in the morning, and thus They enjoyed Their childhood pastimes as cowherd boys in Vrndavana
- In this way, the material creation is generated and again withdrawn. When Lord Krsna and Arjuna entered the water, it appeared that there was a strong hurricane of transcendental effulgence blowing, and the water of the Karana Ocean was greatly agitated
- In this way, they (a class of priestly persons) exercised their artificial power for some time, until Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur, the powerful acarya of the Gaudiya Vaisnava sampradaya, completely smashed their idea
- In this way, through the association of the great sage Narada Muni, the hunter was a little convinced of his sinful activity. He therefore became somewhat afraid due to his offenses
- In this way, to fulfill the desire of His devotee, the Supreme Personality of Godhead manifested Himself in His beautiful body before His devotee. This body pleases the mind and eyes of the devotees
- In this way, until twelve days have passed, one should observe this payo-vrata, worshiping the Lord every day, executing the routine duties, performing sacrifices and feeding the brahmanas
- In this way, Vidyadhara got permission from Lord Krsna to return to his home in the higher planetary system
- In this way, we are indebted to the demigods, to the forefathers, to the sages, to the animals and to society in general
- In this way, when all sinful activities are vanquished by the grace of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one gradually vanquishes all kinds of impediments on the path of devotional service, as well as the ignorance resulting from these impediments
- In this way, when everyone else was properly seated, the five brothers (The Pandavas) took their seats near Lord Krsna
- In those days - those days means at least five thousand years ago - they selected a place and, "Let us fight and decide our fate," ksatriyas. Why the public should suffer? So in this way Kuruksetra was selected to fight between the two parties
- In understanding that Krsna is sound, illumination, water, and so many other things, it becomes impossible to avoid Krsna. If we can remember Krsna in this way, our association with Him is permanent
- In Vrndavana, he goes from door to door begging alms with all his disciples. He begs from both the moving and the inert inhabitants - the citizens, the trees and the creepers. In this way he lives on fruits, roots and leaves
- Increasingly overwhelmed by illusion, King Puranjana, although advanced in consciousness, remained always lying down with his head on the pillow of his wife's arms. In this way he considered woman to be his ultimate life and soul
- Indeed, They began chanting the holy name of Krsna on that very spot, and in this way, dancing and dancing, Advaita Acarya and Nityananda Prabhu reached Jagannatha Puri
- Independence for women means they become like prostitutes, struggling to capture some man who will take care of her. In this way the so called independent woman has to work very hard to make herself attractive by artificially wearing cosmetics
- Indra said, "Because they have taken Krsna so seriously, they must be punished. They should be destroyed with their cows." In this way Indra ordered the Samvartaka cloud to go to Vrndavana and inundate the place
- Indra took up the saffron-colored dress as a way of cheating others. This saffron dress has been misused by many imposters who present themselves as liberated persons or incarnations of God. In this way people are cheated
- Inert material nature is not the actual cause of the material manifestation, for Karanarnavasayi, Maha-Visnu, the plenary expansion of Krsna, activates all the ingredients. It is in this way that material nature has the power to supply the ingredients
- Initiation into bhakti begins when one is in a distressed condition or in want of money, or when one is inquisitive to understand the Absolute Truth. Nonetheless, people who approach the Supreme Lord in this way are not actually devotees
- Innocent persons misled in this way (by the tendency toward religious ritualistic ceremonies and philosophical speculation) are deprived of unalloyed krsna-bhakti, devotional service to the Lord. Tapana Misra is a vivid example of such a person
- Instead of drinking milk, in the city you'll have to cut throat of the cow and eat the meat. So in this way we shall be implicated with so many sinful activities that our life will be entangled
- Instead of hearing about Krsna and His activities they are very much pleased to hear about the political activities of demons & nondevotees and to enjoy sex, wine, women & meat & in this way waste their time. This is not grhastha life, but demoniac life
- Instead of thinking, "Unless I have a drink, I will go mad," one should think, "Unless I associate with a sadhu, I will go mad." When we can think in this way, we will become liberated
- Instruct everyone to follow the orders of Lord Sri Krsna as they are given in Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam. In this way become a spiritual master and try to liberate everyone in this land - CC Madhya 7.128 quotes in SB 10.2.19
- Intelligent people will follow the process of the congregational chanting of the holy names of God and in this way worship Lord Gauranga who is Krsna Himself with a golden complexion
- Intelligent persons certainly want to be saved from such Kumbhipaka hells, and they pray to God for this benediction. But a pure devotee does not pray in this way
- Internal cleanliness, one must rise early in the morning, evacuate, then after taking bath must chant Hare Krsna mantra, see the mangala-aratrika. In this way one has to purify himself internally and externally
- Isvara means controller. Every one of us, we are controller, either I control over my family or in my office or in my country. In this way everyone is a controller
- Isvara Puri was always chanting the holy name and pastimes of Lord Krsna for Madhavendra Puri to hear. In this way he helped Madhavendra Puri remember the holy name and pastimes of Lord Krsna at the time of death
- It (canga) consisted of a raised platform on which the condemned was made to stand. Underneath the platform, there were stationary upright swords. The condemned man would be pushed down onto the swords, and in this way he would die
- It (earthen pot) has cost me one paisa. I shall make one paisa profit. Then I can make such profit. I shall invest again, make another profit, another profit. In this way I shall become millionaire. Then I shall marry, and my wife shall be very obedient
- It (the Brhad-bhagavatamrta) also describes real knowledge, devotional service, the spiritual world, love of Godhead, attainment of life’s destination, & the bliss of the world. In this way there are seven chapters in each part, fourteen chapters in all
- It (the real evolutionary process) is indicated in BG in this way (BG 7.19): After many births & deaths, he who is actually in knowledge surrenders unto Me (Krsna), knowing Me to be the cause of all causes, and all that is. Such a great soul is very rare
- It appears that you have good talent for writing, so kindly continue to develop in this way and write more and more of your realizations based upon our books
- It does not know anyone but me, as I have become its father, mother, brother and relatives. This deer is thinking in this way, and it has full faith in me. It does not know anyone but me
- It is a fallacy to say that my present engagement with the press is not the best for my spiritual advancement, and if we think in this way we may go on trying out one engagement after another and always say the same excuse
- It is a very good idea for people to come to our vegetarian restaurant and take so many nice things, especially the panir, fried cheese, and sandesh, kachori, rasagulla, samosa and in this way they will forget their meat-eating
- It is a woman's nature to want to decorate herself with ornaments and nice dresses and accompany her husband to social functions, meet friends and relatives, and enjoy life in that way
- It is abominable for a vanaprastha to live in the village and engage in so-called social activities, or for a sannyasi to be addicted to sense gratification. One who acts in this way is to be considered the lowest renegade
- It is better if the grhasthas have a separate asrama, just like in Los Angeles the married disciples rent rooms together in one apartment house near the temple and live there separately, and in this way no one is disturbed
- It is better to practice concentrating our attention by offering flowers and tulasi to the lotus feet of the Lord. In this way, we gradually become purified by the arcana process
- It is calculated that our six months is equal to their one day (on the moon planet). That is called deva calculation. In this way you can get very long duration of life, very comforts, and nice beautiful body and residential quarters
- It is easy for a conditioned living entity to be falsely directed in this way, and once he is so directed he can never come to his actual position or enjoy his eternal activity in bhakti yoga
- It is just like when a man walks on the street: he puts forward his foot, and when he is confident that his foot is situated on sound ground, he lifts the other foot. In this way, one after another, the bodies change and the soul transmigrates
- It is naturally subjected to the transformations of lust and anger. In this way, it becomes attracted to material sense enjoyment because the mind is absorbed in desires for pious and impious activities
- It is not a question of being Christian, Muslim or Hindu. One should be purely religious and freed from all these material designations. In this way one can learn the art of devotional service. This argument appeals to all intelligent men
- It is not so easy job, see the eyes from the shadow, and in this way you have to pierce. It is not so easy job
- It is only because Krishna has somehow or other given me such assistants as yourselves that I have got any success I appreciate your helping me in this way, you are more dear to me than my own daughters
- It is our desire that we shall always be engaged fully 24 hours in the service of Lord Krishna; in this way our lives will become perfectly joyful simply by singing and dancing and taking Prasadam
- It is said that Lord Krsna, in relation with His devotees, accepts all kinds of devotional service according to the aptitude of the devotee. In this way, Krsna reciprocates to a devotee's needs
- It is the duty of the intelligent men to influence the members of the richer communities - the ksatriyas and vaisyas - to sacrifice for spiritual culture. Only in this way can the tension between the capitalists and the laborers be well mitigated
- It is the duty of the spirit soul to surrender, for only then can he be happy. The last instruction of Bhagavad-gita is that the spirit soul surrender completely unto the supreme soul, Krsna, and in that way realize happiness
- It is the duty of the spiritual master to engage his disciples always in worshiping the Deity in this way, and it is to such a guru, or spiritual master, that we offer our obeisances
- It is the medicine recommended in the sastra, ceto-darpana-marjanam. That dust of ignorance is moved. He can understand that, "I am not this body, I am spirit soul, part and parcel of Krsna. My duty is to serve Krsna." In this way, he becomes enlightened
- It is the spiritual master who delivers the disciple from the clutches of maya by initiating him into the chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra. In this way a sleeping human being can revive his consciousness by chanting Hare Krsna
- It seemed as though the trees were determined to stop people from going into outer space to reach the heavenly kingdoms. The Pracetas became very angry when they saw the surface of the globe covered in this way
- It was in this relationship that Krsna's mother, Yasoda, told the Lord, "Here, eat this or You'll die. Eat nicely." In this way Krsna, although the proprietor of everything, depends on the mercy of His devotee
- It was in this relationship that Krsna's mother, Yasoda, told the Lord, "Here, eat this or You'll die. Eat nicely." In this way Krsna, although the proprietor of everything, depends on the mercy of His devotee - CC Intro
- It will take forty thousands of years. Who is going for forty thousand, flying forty thousands of years and again come back and see you: "Yes, I went to such and such planet." Is it possible? So we are so poor. It is not possible in that way
- Jambavan continued, "In this way the ocean was forced to give way and allow Ramacandra to cross to the island known as Lanka"
- Jambavan continued, "Now I can understand that You are none other than my Lord Ramacandra. No one else has such immeasurable strength; no one else could defeat me in this way"
- Janaka Maharaja, Bhismadeva, and Sukadeva Gosvami, Prahlada Maharaja - in this way there are twelve authorities, and all of them are following the Sankhya philosophy or bhakti-yoga, all of them
- Jnana-karmady-anavrtam (CC Madhya 19.167). As bhaktas, we should have no desires for jnana and karma. We should be without attachment for material things, but we must have attachment for Krsna. In this way our detachment will be fixed
- Jnana-yoga system or dhyana-yoga system, that is partial understanding, Paramatma feature. In that way you can understand, you can come to the platform of understanding samah sarvesu bhutesu. But that is not perfection
- Jnani, who understands the futility of engaged, simply being engaged for the bodily comfort . . . he understands, "After all, the body will not stay. So why, why I am wasting by this way, if there is another business?" That is jnani
- Jnanis reject this world, and foolish persons accept this world as reality, and in this way they are both misguided. Although the body is not as important as the soul, we cannot say that it is false
- Just as a policeman may enter a house without trespassing, a servant has the right to go anywhere, because everything belongs to God. We have to see things in this way, as they are. That is Krsna consciousness
- Just before leaving his body a man may say, My dear boy, I am being forced to leave. Please take charge of the family affairs." He speaks in this way, not even knowing his destination
- Just get up and take your bath and go see the face of Lord Jagannatha. Then return here to eat your lunch. In this way I shall be happy
- Just like a soldier fighting, the government takes cares of his family. That is special prerogative. If he dies in the fighting, the government gives pension to the family members. So you are fortunate in that way, because your son is fighting with maya
- Just like guru-parampara, when we offer our respect, first our own spiritual master, then his spiritual master, then his spiritual master. In this way. But when putting article, that should be the opposite
- Just like in the ocean, the navigators, they look to the Pole Star, that which side they are going. Similarly, our aim should be always to Visnu. Always to Visnu. But unfortunately we are not educated in that way
- Just see how the rascal civilization is going on. They're thinking they're killing. This way killed, that way killed. No. You, it is sinful because you create inconvenience to that particular soul. He was taking shelter
- Just try to glorify the Supreme Lord, the great. That’s all. And whatever capacity you have got - not that you have to qualify yourself in this way
- Kamsa advised his constables, "As soon as Krsna is born, tell me. I shall immediately kill Him." He was always thinking of Krsna in this way, negatively. Similarly, we will find so many so-called religionists whose only purpose is to kill Krsna
- Kamsa said, "With their help it will be easy to kill all the kings on the surface of the earth who support the demigods. This is my plan. In this way I shall be free from all opposition, it will be very pleasant to rule the world without obstruction"
- Kasiraja was helped by Lord Siva, but in the fight with Lord Krsna he was not only defeated but killed. In this way the weapon known as Pasupata-astra was baffled, and Krsna set fire to the city of Kasi
- KCM is started for this purpose, so that 100's of ISKCON centers may give people a chance to hear & chant, accept the SM & disassociate themselves from persons who are materially interested, for in this way one can make solid advancement in going BTG
- Keep on working with this nice enthusiasm and carefully observing all the rules and regulations, chanting, reading, - in this way, you will always be a success
- Keeping the calves before them, they started for the forest in a great procession. In this way, Lord Krsna assembled thousands of His boyfriends. Equipped with a stick, flute, horn, as well as a lunch bag, each was taking care of thousands of calves
- Kindly let me know how these living entities who are suffering in this way can be saved, can be delivered from the severe pain of hellish condition of life. - This was his (Maharaja Pariksit's) question
- King Huhu was very sorry when cursed in that way (to become a crocodile), and he begged pardon from the sage (Devala Rsi), who in compassion gave him the benediction that he would be freed when Gajendra was delivered by the Personality of Godhead
- King Indra used his thunderbolt to cut off the heads of both Bala and Paka in the presence of all their relatives and followers. In this way he created a very fearful atmosphere on the battlefield
- King Nrga said, "As far as I know, when one becomes liberated from material existence, he can see You (see Krsna personally) in this way"
- King Pratiha personally propagated the principles of self-realization. In this way, not only was he purified, but he became a great devotee of the Supreme Person, Lord Visnu, and directly realized Him
- King Puranjana accepted the punishment as actual love and affection from his wife. In the same way, when a person is punished by the laws of nature, by the will of God, he should not be disturbed. A real devotee thinks in this way
- King Puranjana returned to his home because he was very much fatigued from hunting animals in the forest. In this way his conscience came to stop him from committing further sinful activities and make him return home
- King Puranjana, with his heart full of lust and sinful reactions, began to enjoy sex with his wife, and in this way his new life and youth expired in half a moment
- King Sagara had two wives, named Sumati and Kesini. While searching for the horse, the sons of Sumati extensively dug up the surface of the earth and in this way dug a trench, which later became known as the Sagara Ocean
- King Yayati gave the southeast to his son Druhyu, the south to his son Yadu, the west to his son Turvasu, and the north to his son Anu. In this way he divided the kingdom
- Knowing well that the age of Kali has already begun, we are assembled here in this holy place to hear at great length the transcendental message of Godhead and in this way perform sacrifice
- Krishna appreciates very much when His devotee becomes attached to Him in this way. Yes, the cooperative spirit of working together without any argument is especially prominent in Mayapur, more than other places in India
- Krishna Consciousness process is not to be presented in this way as mechanical achievement, at least we find no evidence from previous scriptures to support such technique. So I do not approve of this book
- Krishna devi is in the strong clutches of Maya, and she wants to have a new husband under any price. I have never allowed her in that way. But if she served Krishna's cause, I will not disallow her, because that is our main business
- Krsna also very compassionate - Whenever there is discrepancies, people put themselves in great suffering. Maya or Nature will not excuse. At that time I come to deliver them, to give them instruction, - Why you are suffering in this way? Do this way
- Krsna can become my friend, Krsna can become my husband, Krsna can become my son - whatever you want. So in this way, if we advance in Krsna consciousness, then we can save ourselves
- Krsna certainly has form, but His form, as stated before, is sac-cid-ananda-vigraha (Bs. 5.1), eternal, full of bliss, and full of knowledge. The attributes of His transcendental body are summarized by Lord Brahma in this way - Bs. 5.1
- Krsna consciousness is a very simple process. One need only chant the holy names of the Lord and strictly follow the principles forbidding sinful activity. In this way one can no longer be considered an untouchable, a visayi or a sudra
- Krsna consciousness movement is gradually developing up to the stage of raga-bhakti or para-bhakti. Then life is successful. In that way we should not be disturbed by these ethereal interactions
- Krsna consciousness movement is to let people know how much valuable life is his, and utilize it in that way. Our movement is sarve sukhino bhavantu: everyone become, be happy. Not only human society, even animal society. We want to see everyone happy
- Krsna described in sankhya-yoga that "This is your duty. You are ksatriya. Why you are rejecting fighting?" In this way, in so many ways . . . The soul is immortal, the body is perishable, so your grandfather or your kinsmen, they'll not die
- Krsna first of all offered respect to His spiritual master, then to His father and then to His elder brother, Balarama. In this way Lord Krsna, the lotus-eyed, was completely happy and pure at heart in all of His dealings
- Krsna had to conquer such queen by fighting. They're not ordinary wife. But still, they say that "In this way I have become maidservant." So everyone is maidservant. We are also maidservant, prakrti. Prakrti means female
- Krsna has given us ears to hear and a tongue to speak. We can hear from a realized soul and thus perfect our lives. In this way we are given a chance to purify ourselves. Unless we are purified, we cannot become devotees
- Krsna has got creative power; we have also got creative power. In this way, compare anything. Krsna has got independence, full independence, we have got independence, but not full independence. So that is the difference
- Krsna has no need of food, since He already possesses everything that be, yet He will accept the offering of one who desires to please Him in that way. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna Himself characterizes them (great souls) in this way (BG 9.14): Always chanting My glories, endeavoring with great determination, bowing down before Me, these great souls perpetually worship Me with devotion
- Krsna Himself gives an example of His omnipresence in this way (BG 9.6) - As the mighty wind, blowing everywhere, always rests in ethereal space, know that in the same manner all beings rest in Me
- Krsna instructed Brahma, so Brahma is one of the gurus. So Brahma-sampradaya there is. Our this Gaudiya-sampradaya belongs to that Brahma-sampradaya. In this way there is Ramanuja-sampradaya. This sampradaya comes from the goddess of fortune, Laksmiji
- Krsna is always merciful and He comes Himself, He leaves behind instruction like the Bhagavad Gita, etc. and He sends His representative, the Spiritual Master. In this way the merciful propaganda is going on
- Krsna is always worshiped by the gopis wherever He goes. Therefore Krsna is so vividly described in Srimad-Bhagavatam. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has also described Krsna in this way: ramya kacid upasana vrajavadhu-vargena ya kalpita
- Krsna is cetana, living force. We are also living force. So in that way, we are one in quality
- Krsna is describing what can be directly perceived by the common man; thus part of His variegated energy is described in this way. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna is so kind that He says, - All right, if you cannot understand Me in this way, just see Me in water. Come on, if you do not understand Me in that way, just see Me in the sunshine
- Krsna is so kind. As Mayavadi philosopher you want to do something, Krsna will "All right, dance in this way. All right, dance. You talk like this." Krsna gives him capacity to talk. Otherwise, he cannot talk even
- Krsna is so merciful, however, that He gives us the food to eat. In this way our desire is fulfilled. When one has molded his life in such a way dovetailing his desires to Krsna's - then it is to be understood that he has attained perfection in yoga
- Krsna likes to be named in relation to His pure devotees. Therefore He is called Yasoda-nandana, Nanda-nandana, Vasudeva-nandana, Radhika-ramana and so on. Thus Caitanya Mahaprabhu addresses Krsna in this way
- Krsna orders prakrti, the material nature that, "He wants to enjoy in this way, you give him a suitable body like that." - He wants to enjoy by becoming a tiger: Immediately I shall jump over an animal
- Krsna presents Himself to atheists as death. He appeared in this way before Hiranyakasipu, who said, - I am God. All the demigods are afraid of me. I am very powerful
- Krsna replied, "One should engage his mind only in thinking of Me, become My devotee, simply Worship Me, & offer his respectful obeisances unto Me alone. In this way, one can cross over this ocean of nescience very easily and at the end come back to Me"
- Krsna replied, yasyaham anugrhnami harisye tad-dhanam sanaih: "Yes, that is My first business. If I especially favor someone, then I take away all his sources of income and place him into great difficulty." In this way, Krsna is very dangerous
- Krsna said, "And most importantly, a woman must take care of her children" In this way, Krsna explained the duty of a woman. He also stressed the point of serving the husband
- Krsna satisfied the girl in this way with sweet words. Leaving her there, He proceeded down the street of the marketplace, where the citizens were prepared to receive Him with various kinds of presentations, especially betel nuts, flowers, sandalwood pulp
- Krsna says that, "Always think of Me." Man-mana. Man-mana means "about Me." "You just become My devotee." So we are teaching our students in that way, how to think of Krsna always. Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna
- Krsna says to meditate on Him without deviation from the path of devotional service in submission. For one who worships Him in this way - tasyaham sulabhah: I become easily available
- Krsna says, aham sarvasya prabhavah (BG 10.8). Sarvasya, or Brahman, Paramatma, and Bhagavan. The Bhagavan is the origin of Paramatma and Brahman. Brahmanah aham pratistha. So in this way we have to understand what is Krsna, not superficially
- Krsna says, ye tu bhajanti mam bhaktya. One who is, I mean to say, entrapped in such love affairs with God, don't think that God is forgotten. God is also thinking in that way. Although you do not see, but you see
- Krsna says: "Engage your mind always in thinking of Me, offer obeisances and worship Me." (BG 9.34) In this way, Krsna opens the door, but we unfortunately do not accept Him
- Krsna transmits information both from within and from without. We simply have to receive it. If knowledge is received in this way, it doesn’t matter whether it is inconceivable or not
- Krsna transmits information both from within and from without. We simply have to receive it. If knowledge is received in this way, it doesn’t matter whether it is inconceivable or not - CC Intro
- Krsna was decorated constantly in this akalpa process. Krsna's hair was sometimes decorated with flowers placed on the middle of His head, or else reaching down to His back. In this way Krsna dressed His hair differently at different times
- Krsna was informed by some friend that His father Nanda was also in illusion in this way, in separation from Him
- Krsna was informed, "In this way, Mother Yasoda in illusion was asking everybody about You, and she has been wandering all over Vrndavana"
- Krsna's first expansion is Balarama, a portion of whom is manifested as Sankarsana, who then expands as Pradyumna. In this way so many expansions take place - CC Intro
- Krsna's first manifestation is as Balarama and then Sankarsana, and after Sankarsana He is manifest as Pradyumna. In this way so many expansions take place
- Krsna's son leaves the spiritual sky and takes up one material body after another and in this way travels from one planet to another in different species of life. Therefore Krsna comes to rescue him
- Krsna-bhakti begins with the tongue, for we can utilize the tongue to chant, and to taste krsna-prasada. In this way we can become a Krsna bhakta
- Krsna’s pastimes are manifested before fourteen Manus expire. Although it is a little difficult to understand the eternal pastimes of Krsna in this way, we must accept the verdict of the Vedic literatures
- Ksatriya kings used to obey very faithfully the orders of learned brahmanas and saintly persons, and in this way they would rule their country. Similarly, vaisyas used to follow the king's orders, and sudras used to serve the three higher castes
- Ksatriya, he should be very brave, not to go away from fighting. He must have a ruling capacity. He must be charitable. In this way, ksatriya must execute his system of life
- Ksatriyas are allowed to commit violence in that way because violence for a good purpose is a part of their duty
- Laksmi is addressed here (in SB 8.8.14) as devi, the goddess, because in Vaikuntha she supplies all opulences to the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His devotees, who in this way enjoy natural life in the Vaikuntha planets
- Lamenting in this way, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu opened the doors of grief within His heart. Morose, humble and disappointed, He recited a verse again and again with a despondent heart
- Last night there was sugar candy here, he said. "Therefore ants are wandering about. Alas, this renounced sannyasi is attached to such sense gratification!" After speaking in this way, he got up and left
- Later on these sages appeared in Goloka Vrndavana when Krsna advented Himself there, and they were born as gopis or girl friends of Krsna. In this way they attained the perfection of spiritual life
- Legs should be engaged for preaching work going or going to the temple. Hands should be engaged for cleansing the temple. In this way, if you are engaged always your senses, you are perfect. You are the greatest yogi
- Like an ordinary man, he thought that by carrying the palanquin, he was destroying the reactions of his past misdeeds. Thinking in this way, he began to carry the palanquin as before
- Like Sukadeva Gosvami, you should hear patiently, submissively, with service and question. So in that way Maharaja Pariksit attained salvation in seven days
- Live co-operatively and help him in writing essays which he has done very nicely. In this way, both of you will be happy and successful in life
- Lord Balarama smashed Banasura's commander in chief, Kumbhanda, with the strokes of His club. Kupakarna was also wounded in this way, and both he and Kumbhanda fell on the battlefield, Kumbhanda being fatally wounded
- Lord Brahma said, 'If someone says that he knows everything about Krsna's opulence, let him think that way. But as far as I am concerned, with my body and mind I consider it in this way'
- Lord Caitanya began His instructions to Rupa Gosvami: I shall try to explain the nature of that ocean (of devotional service) by taking just one drop out of it. In this way you can taste it and understand what that ocean of devotional service actually is
- Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu instructed Kamalakanta, "You are a bauliya, one who does not know things as they are. Why do you act in this way? Why do you invade the privacy of Advaita Acarya and damage His religious principles?
- Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu teaches us to pray in this way (CC Antya 20.32, Siksastaka 5): ayi nanda-tanuja kinkaram, patitam mam visame bhavambudhau, krpaya tava pada-pankaja-sthita-dhuli-sadrsam vicintaya
- Lord Caitanya said to Amogha - "Why have you allowed the candala of jealousy to sit here also? In this way you have contaminated a most purified place, your heart."
- Lord Caitanya teaches the science of Krsna consciousness. That science is absolute
- Lord Caitanya, the highest perfectional symbol of renunciation, prays in this way: na dhanam na janam na sundarim kavitam va jagadisa kamaye. mama janmani janmanisvare bhavatad bhaktir ahaituki tvayi. BG 1972 purports
- Lord Krsna advised Arjuna : "If you want to be perfect, just always think of Me, become My devotee, worship Me and offer your obeisances to Me. In this way you will understand Me, the PG, & ultimately you will come back to Me, back to Godhead, back home
- Lord Krsna broke off a twig from a tree, took it in His hand, and bifurcated it. In this way He hinted to Bhimasena how Jarasandha could be killed
- Lord Krsna immediately cut down Indra's pride by lifting Govardhana Hill as an umbrella to save the residents of Vrndavana. In this way Krsna proved Indra’s power most insignificant in the presence of His own omnipotence
- Lord Krsna said to Uddhava, "The distinction between qualification and disqualification may be made in this way"
- Lord Krsna thought: "I shall taste the essence of all these rasas, and in this way I shall favor all the devotees"
- Lord Ramacandra gave the entire east to the hota priest, the entire south to the brahma priest, the west to the adhvaryu priest, and the north to the udgata priest, the reciter of the Sama Veda. In this way, He donated His kingdom
- Lord Siva said, "The impersonal feature of Your (Krsna's) supreme body is conceived of in this way, but You are ultimately the Supreme Person"
- Lord Siva's desire is to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead as He is described in this way-that is, he wants to see Him as He appears to the bhagavatas, the devotees
- Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu blessed Mukunda Datta with punishment and in that way vanquished all his mental depression
- Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu performed His pastimes for some time in this way. He personally sang and induced His personal associates to dance
- Lord told the brahmana: Formerly I was the son of mother Yasoda. At that time also you became a guest in the house of Nanda Maharaja, & I disturbed you in this way. I am very much pleased by your devotion. Therefore I am eating the food you have prepared
- Love begins with this give and take. We give something to our lover, he gives something to us, and in this way love develops
- Lower than human being up to the animals, there are so many forms of life. Jalaja nava-laksani sthavara laksa-vimsati. In this way, varieties of life
- Ma-ya - "it is not." You are thinking that in this way (by living in the city) you will be happy, but it is not. This is called maya. One English poet also said, Cowper, that city is made by man but village is made by God
- Maharaja Bharata thought that since the demigods were different parts of Vasudeva's body, He controls those who are explained in the Vedic mantras. By thinking in this way, Maharaja Bharata was freed from all material contamination
- Maharaja Iksvaku is the original personality in the surya-vamsa ksatriyas in which Lord Ramacandra appeared. So in this way, there is parampara system
- Maharaja Prthu was softer than a rose flower and harder than a thunderbolt. In this way he ruled over his kingdom
- Manifesting Himself in this way, O King, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose activities are wonderful, covered the entire surface of the earth with one footstep, the sky with His body, and all directions with His arms
- Manu-samhita recommends that to keep a wife satisfied a husband should give her some ornaments because women are generally fond of home, ornaments, dresses, children, etc. In this way the woman is the center of all material enjoyment
- Many interested people come to honor prasada, and whenever possible they invite members of the Society to their homes and feed them sumptuously with prasada. In this way both the members of the Society and the general public are benefited
- Material existence is experienced when one becomes attached to a woman and forgets his real identity as the eternal servant of Krsna. In this way, in one body after another, the living entity perpetually suffers the miseries of material existence
- Mauna necessitates refraining from nonsensical talking, and engaging the talking facility in the pastimes of the Lord. In that way one can chant and hear about the Lord in order to perfect his life
- May be published with the Sampradaya's interest and in that way the interest of the Vaisnavas will be protected from the onslaught of man-made laws
- Men are engaging in many sinful activities and becoming degraded by opening slaughterhouses, breweries and cigarette factories, as well as nightclubs and other establishments for sense enjoyment. In this way they are spoiling their lives
- Mental speculators. They write poetries and utopian theories, "This philosophy, that philosophy." In this way they satisfy the mind. But that is also not happiness. Mental happiness
- Mistakes there may be, but that should be rectified. In this way one has to elevate to the higher standard of spiritual value. That is the success of human life, not to become like cats and dogs
- Money and women can be fully utilized in the service of the Lord, and one who can utilize them in this way can become freed from material bondage
- Monkeys are very expert in sexual enjoyment, and sometimes sex glands are taken from monkeys and placed in the human body so that a human being can enjoy sex in old age. In this way modern civilization has advanced
- Mother Yasoda called for the brahmanas, and through her children she gave many cows in charity for the occasion of Krsna's birthday. In this way she performed the birthday ceremony of Krsna at home
- Mother Yasoda challenged Krsna, "If You have not eaten earth, then open Your mouth wide." When challenged by His mother in this way, Krsna, the son of Nanda Maharaja and Yasoda, to exhibit pastimes like a human child, opened His mouth - SB 10.8.36
- Motherly gopis, just like Yasoda and ladies, offer their, loving Krsna as son, and the younger girls, they're loving Krsna as husband, as lover. So in this way in Vrndavana there are different transcendental mellows of loving affairs
- Mundane scholars can always discover novel meanings in Bhagavad-gita, and in this way they may certainly exhibit their mundane erudition - but this is all just the play of maya. The real essence of Bhagavad-gita cannot be transmitted through such persons
- My dear Arjuna, O winner of wealth, if you cannot fix your mind upon Me without deviation, then follow the regulated principles of bhakti-yoga In this way you will develop a desire to attain to Me. BG 12.9 - 1972
- My dear Arjuna, only by undivided devotional service can I be understood as I am, standing before you, and can thus be seen directly. Only in this way can you enter into the mysteries of My understanding. BG 11.54 - 1972
- My dear King Pracinabarhisat, in this way King Puranjana, with his heart full of lust and sinful reactions, began to enjoy sex with his wife, and in this way his new life and youth expired in half a moment
- My dear King, first offer prasada unto the brahmanas and the demigods, and after sumptuously feeding them you may distribute prasada to other living entities according to your ability. In this way you will be able to worship all living entities
- My dear King, in this way Bharata was overwhelmed by an uncontrollable desire which was manifest in the form of the deer. Due to the fruitive results of his past deeds, he fell down from mystic yoga, austerity and worship of the Supreme Personality of God
- My dear King, in this way, after hearing the transcendental messages of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His devotees from the great sage Maitreya, Vidura was overwhelmed with ecstasy
- My dear King, O protector of the citizens, henceforward be very careful to execute My orders and not be misled by anything. Anyone who lives in that way, simply carrying out My orders faithfully, will always find good fortune all over the world
- My dear Lord Krsna, where is that woman within the three worlds who would not be captivated by the rhythms of the sweet songs coming from Your wonderful flute? Who would not fall down from the path of chastity in this way
- My dear Lord, in this way You once protected me by rescuing me from the water, and consequently Your name has been famous as Dharadhara - He who holds the planet earth
- My dear mother, O daughter of Manu, a devotee who applies the science of devotional service and mystic yoga in this way can achieve the abode of the Supreme Person simply by that devotional service
- My dear sir, for you everyone is on the level of impersonal Brahman, but for the enlightenment of people in general you should not behave in that way
- My dear sons, you should not envy any living entity - be he moving or nonmoving. Knowing that I am situated in them, you should offer respect to all of them at every moment. In this way, you offer respect to Me (Rsabhadeva)
- My dear Thakura Haridasa, in this Age of Kali most people are bereft of Vedic culture, and therefore they are called yavanas. They are concerned only with killing cows and brahminical culture. In this way they all engage in sinful acts
- My dear Vidura, chief of the Kurus, in this way King Prthu and all the others who subsist on food created different types of calves and milked out their respective eatables. Thus they received their various foodstuffs, which were symbolized as milk
- My dear Vidura, Indra, being the King of heaven and very powerful, immediately brought a dense darkness upon the sacrificial arena. Covering the whole scene in this way, he again took away the horse, which was chained with golden shackles
- My father was pure Vaisnava, and he gave me and my sister the Radha Krishna Deities to worship, and in this way we were trained
- My heart is very confidential. How did you know My mind in this way? After saying this, He firmly embraced Rupa Gosvami
- My Lord, we have come here desiring to see that form of Your Lordship which You showed to the demons to captivate them completely and in this way enable the demigods to drink nectar. I am very eager to see that form
- My mother was thinking, 'Nimai is not here. Who will accept all this food?' As she meditated upon Me in this way, her eyes filled with tears
- My only business is to give pleasure to the Lord in pure K.C. In this way, such devotee becomes himself eligible to lead other back to the path of devotional service and thus he too may become a Spiritual Master. This process is called parampara
- My only request to you all is that the two tapes, regularly sent every day must be finished being transcribed, edited, composed, layed out and printed all in one week. In this way two tapes daily must be ready for printing. Then it will be nice
- My spiritual master was Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaja. He was also sannyasi. I am also sannyasi. So in this way, by the disciplic succession, we accept this sannyasa order. That is a formality
- Nanda Maharaja began to think of himself as the most fortunate person, and he was very satisfied to receive such a benediction in this way
- Narada asked him (Mrgari), "Why are you killing in this way?" And he said, "Oh, it is my business. My father taught it." So he was honestly doing that
- Narada distributed the knowledge to Vyasa. In this way Vedic knowledge is perfect. If we act according to Vedic knowledge, there is no question of being involved in sinful activities
- Narada Muni advised the Haryasvas not to enter household life. Since they were already advanced in spiritual knowledge, why should they be entangled in that way?
- Narada Muni continued: O King Yudhisthira, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is not visible to an ordinary human being, spoke in this way, instructing Lord Brahma. Then, being worshiped by Brahma, the Lord disappeared from that place
- Narayana does not speak personally, but Krsna, or Vasudeva, does, as in Bhagavad-gita for example. Therefore, to follow the direction of Bhagavad-gita means to surrender unto Krsna, and to surrender in this way is the highest perfection of bhakti-yoga
- Naturally Rukmini had a chance to talk with them, & in this way she obtained information about Krsna. She was informed about the six opulences of Krsna, & simply by hearing about Him she desired to surrender herself to His lotus feet & become His wife
- Naturally, if he comes to the temple, he'll offer some obeisances, he'll offer some flower, some fruit, mad-yaji. Even a child will offer namaskara. In this way he becomes devotee. And then he understands
- Neither you have got the eyes to see, neither God or His kingdom is visible in that way. It is to be realized, revelation. That is called revelation
- Never mind it takes little time to make progress, our process is slow but sure, and we are confident that if we continue in this way we shall go one day back to home, back to Godhead
- New devotees must all be trained nicely how to render devotional service by chanting 16 offenseless rounds daily and following the 4 regulative principles. Kindly set a nice example yourself for everyone and in this way make your lives perfect in full KC
- Nine processes are hearing, chanting, then worshiping, serving, offering everything. In this way there are nine different ways. The beginning is hearing. Hearing, just you all ladies, gentlemen, you have come here to hear
- Nityananda Prabhu carried out the order of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in this way (preaching the bhakti cult of KC and defeating all kinds of agnostics and atheistic demons), and those who strictly follow Nityananda Prabhu perform the same activities
- Nityananda Prabhu continued, "You are such a monist! And now I am eating beside You. I do not know how My mind will be affected in this way"
- Nobody is accustomed in that way (live underneath a tree), such severe type of austerity. They must be given, as far as possible, comfortable accommodation; otherwise they will not come. This is the adjustment. The acarya knows how to adjust things
- None of us are allowed to live together for any long period. By speaking in this way, Kamsa tried to pacify his sister and brother-in-law - Devaki and Vasudeva
- Not a single paisa for personal use. Everything is utilized for propagating God consciousness. So in this way everything can be utilized. After all, it is God's property
- Not actually knowing the transcendental nature of love of God, the sahajiyas accept their material emotions to be indicative of advancement. In this way they pollute the process of devotional service
- Not only are scriptural disparities resolved, but a kind of transcendental bliss is awakened, and in this way one is fully satisfied. The transcendental loving service of the Lord constantly engages the conditioned soul in serving the Lord’s lotus feet
- Not only was Puranjana, the King of Pancala, satisfied in his own sex life, but he arranged for the sex life of his 1,100 sons and 110 daughters. In this way one can elevate an aristocratic family to the platform of a dynasty
- Now great regimes have been created to smash so many people for the satisfaction of the raksasas senses, but they do not realize that their senses will never be satisfied in this way
- Now in this life let me restrict the four principles of animalistic life - eating, sleeping, defending & mating - and let me devote my time to developing Krsna consciousness. In this way my life will be successful - every intelligent man should say this
- Now it has become a fashion to keep dogs and increase attachment for dog. They are ready to kill cows but give protection to the dog. So our advancement of civilization is going in that way
- Now one should learn about the Absolute Truth - what Brahman is, what Paramatma is, what Bhagavan is. In this way, one should make advancement in his spiritual consciousness
- Now unite in sexual life as man and woman, and in this way, by sexual intercourse, you will be able to beget hundreds of children in the womb of this girl to increase the population
- Now we have got so many students and so many temples but I am fearful that if we expand too much in this way that we shall become weakened and gradually the whole thing will become lost
- Now you must very strictly follow the orders of your spiritual master by chanting 16 rounds of japa daily & accepting the 4 restrictions; no illicit sex life, no intoxication, no gambling, & no meat-eating. In this way you will surely make progress in KC
- Now, O devotees, please hear a brief explanation of this verse. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu was thinking in this way after having seen the Jagannatha Deity
- Now, will You (Caitanya) please tell me (Sanatana Gosvami), 'Let whatever I have instructed all be fully manifested unto you.' By blessing me in this way, You will give me strength to describe all this
- O King Pariksit, the cowherd men dressed very opulently with valuable ornaments and garments such as coats and turbans. Decorated in this way and carrying various presentations in their hands, they approached the house of Nanda Maharaja - SB 10.5.8
- O King Pariksit, when Amsuman had glorified the Lord in this way, the great sage Kapila, the powerful incarnation of Visnu, being very merciful to him, explained to him the path of knowledge
- O King, in this way people in Dvapara-yuga worshiped the Lord of the universe. In Kali-yuga they also worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead by the regulations of the revealed scriptures. Kindly now hear of that from me
- O King, the elephant and the crocodile fought in this way, pulling one another in and out of the water, for one thousand years. Upon seeing the fight, the demigods were very surprised
- O my daughter, who were born in a respectable family, how have you degraded your consciousness in this way? How is it that you are shamelessly maintaining a paramour? You will thus degrade the dynasties of both your father & your husband to hellish life
- O my dear King, you will be able to enjoy with me as my husband at the end of every year, for one night only. In this way you will have other children, one after another
- O My sons, you should accept a highly elevated paramahamsa, a spiritually advanced spiritual master. In this way, you should place your faith and love in Me, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- O people of the world, worship the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in all respects. Only in this way will you achieve the nectarean treasure of ecstatic love for Krsna
- O Prajapati, King Pracinabarhisat, in this way King Puranjana also begot 110 daughters. All of these were equally glorified like the father and mother. Their behavior was gentle, and they possessed magnanimity and other good qualities
- O scion of Bharata, after Svayambhuva Manu had thus entered the forest with his wife, he stood on one leg on the bank of the River Sunanda, and in this way, with only one leg touching the earth, he performed great austerities for one hundred years
- O son of Kunti, perform your prescribed duties for His satisfaction, and in that way you will always remain unattached and free from bondage. BG 3.9 - 1972
- Of course that is a great art and not everyone can do it, but gradually by practice of preaching in this way, striving to so much present a wonderful picture of our books to the people, gradually you will master the trick how to do it
- Of course, it has become a fashion to accept a guru in this way, but this will not help anyone. As soon as Krsna became Arjuna's guru, Krsna immediately chastised him
- Of these five (the cows, brahmanas, women, children and old men), the brahmanas and cows are especially mentioned in this verse (SB 3.16.10) because the Lord is always anxious about the benefit of the brahmanas and the cows
- Of these many sons, each produced hundreds and hundreds of grandsons. In this way the whole city of Pancala became overcrowded by these sons and grandsons of King Puranjana
- On account of richness one may fall down, but if one takes birth in a Vaisnava family there is no more fall down. He makes progress further and further. In this way he is allowed again go back to home, back to Godhead
- On hearing this, the S P of Godhead, Krsna, replied, “Akrura, I shall surely come to your home with My elder brother, Balarama, but only after killing all the demons who are envious of the Yadu dynasty. In this way I shall please all My relatives
- On His (Krsna's) way to Hastinapura, the Lord crossed two big rivers, the Drsadvati and the Sarasvati. Then He crossed the province of Pancala and the province of Matsya. In this way, He ultimately arrived at Hastinapura, or Indraprastha
- On Makara-sankranti, in the month of January-February, thousands of people still go there (Ganga-sagara) to bathe, hoping to be liberated. That they can actually be liberated in this way is confirmed herein - SB 5.17.9
- On the basis of the misconception, which ties together the hearts of the male and female, one becomes attracted to his body, home, property, children, relatives and wealth. In this way one increases life's illusions and thinks in terms of 'I and mine'
- On the basis of this misconception, which ties together the hearts of the male and female, one becomes attracted to his body, home, property, children, relatives and wealth. In this way one increases life's illusions and thinks in terms of "I and mine."
- On the forest path of material life, first a person is bereft of his father and mother, and after their death he becomes attached to his newly born children. In this way he wanders on the path of material progress and is eventually embarrassed
- Once Lord Krsna considered within His heart, "In this way My affectionate feelings for Srimati Radharani may be understood, but on analysis I find them contradictory"
- Once Mother Yasoda addressed one of her friends in this way, "Nanda Maharaj, the leader of the cowherdsmen, worshiped Lord Visnu along with me, and as a result of this worshiping Krsna has been saved from the clutches of Putana and other demons"
- Once, while fighting with a demon who was appearing as a deer, Krsna challenged him in this way: "I have come before you as a great elephant named Krsna. You must leave the battlefield, accepting defeat, or else there is death awaiting you"
- Once, while wandering in this way, he (King Puranjana) saw on the southern side of the Himalayas, in a place named Bharata-varsa (India), a city that had nine gates all about and was characterized by all auspicious facilities
- Once, while wandering in this way, he saw on the southern side of the Himalayas, in a place named Bharata-varsa (India), a city that had nine gates all about and was characterized by all auspicious facilities
- One aged devotee of Krsna addressed Him in this way: "Dear Krsna, O killer of the demon Agha, my body is now invalid due to old age. I cannot speak very fluently, my voice is faltering, my mind is not strong, and I am often attacked with forgetfulness"
- One animal or lower than human being, they have got one sense very strong. Someone's the ear, someone's the nose, someone's the tongue, someone's the genital, in this way. But they have got one sense strong
- One can immediately be free from material contamination by touching or bathing in those rivers, and the four castes of people who live in Plaksadvipa - the Hamsas, Patangas, Urdhvayanas and Satyangas - purify themselves in that way
- One cannot give up thinking of women, for thinking in this way is natural; even while walking on the street, one will see so many women. However, if one is determined not to live with a woman, even while seeing a woman he will not become lusty
- One devotee said, "My dear Krsna, when You order Brahma - 'Now you may create the universe,' - and when You order Lord Siva - 'Now you dissolve this material manifestation,' - You are in this way creating and dissolving the material creation Yourself
- One has only to become free from all contamination by the process of devotional service. In this way everyone can become fit to return home, back to Godhead. This is confirmed by the Lord Himself in Bhagavad-gita - BG 9.32
- One has to find out the cause. "I am the son of my father, my father is the son of such and such a person, etc." By searching in this way, one comes to Brahma, who is generated by the Garbhodakasayi Visnu. BG 1972 purports
- One has to select a bona fide spiritual master and become enlightened to his original consciousness. In this way the individual soul can understand that he is always subordinate to the Supersoul
- One Indian gentleman, he was eating the intestine of the hog. So it was horrible for me, but he was eating very nice. So in this way the world is going on - One man's food is another man's poison
- One man paints a little different from your face; another man paints . . . but on the whole, it is the same. In that way Krsna is not depending on the painting but on the features of His description as it is in the sastra
- One may argue that since Sankaracarya is an incarnation of Lord Siva, how is it that he cheated people in this way?
- One may argue that since Sankaracarya is an incarnation of Lord Siva, how is it that he cheated people in this way? The answer is that he did so on the order of his master, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is confirmed in the Padma Purana
- One may beget children up to the age of fifty, but after fifty, one must stop begetting children and should accept the vanaprastha order. In this way he must leave home and then become a sannyasi
- One may have been destined to be killed, but instead of being killed with a knife, he may instead get some little cut on his finger. In this way, for those who engage in devotional service, the reactions of past activities are minimized
- One may question Krsna in this way: You say You are sound, water, illumination, fragrance, the seed of all, strength, and kama, desire - does that mean that You exist simply in the mode of goodness
- One may understand the science of the SPG from the Vedic literatures & thus become a devotee & worship Him within the regulative principles described in the scriptures, but one will not know in this way how Krsna is served by the residents of Vrajabhumi
- One must also be brahmacari, completely free from sex life. Nor can there be any demands on one meditating in this way
- One must be qualified to receive the knowledge. Krsna is helping us from within. He is giving us knowledge from within. Without also. So without, He's spiritual master. And within He's Supersoul, caitya-guru. In this way, we are getting knowledge
- One must chant at least 16 rounds of japa daily and in this way progress in Krsna Consciousness. One promises before the spiritual master, the Deity, the fire, the devotees, the Supersoul, so it should very strictly be followed
- One must give up the ambition to be a learned scholar and in this way earn a worldly reputation and financial facilities
- One must stop the repetition of birth and death. Every human being, therefore, should take advantage of this creation by understanding Krsna and his relationship with Krsna and in this way return home, back to Godhead
- One of Her (Radharani's) friends addressed Her in this way: "My dear friend, You have already sold Yourself and all Your beauty to Govinda. Now You should not be bashful. Please look upon Him cheerfully"
- One of the gopis raised her hand with her covering garments and said, "Now don't be afraid of the torrents of rain and severe hurricanes. I'll save you!" In this way she imitated the lifting of Govardhana Hill
- One person is more intelligent or opulent than another. If we analyze things in this way, we will come to the demigods, and among them we will find that the most important demigod is Lord Brahma
- One person is thinking that he is Indian, another is thinking that he is American, and someone else is thinking, "I am this," or "I am that." In this way we create so many artificial identities, but our actual identity should be - I am Krsna's
- One person thinks in this way, and the other person is ready to fight, thinking that his seat is permanent. No one will be allowed to stay within this material world
- One priest was preaching among the miners in Sheffield, where there are many coal mines, in England. So he was speaking that "You become devotee, followers of Jesus Christ," and in this way he's preaching Bible
- One quality of a devotee is that he is always very much tolerant of other people, so I request you simply to tolerate the faults of others and always think that I am myself the most faulty. In this way your humble attitude will qualify you to advance
- One should accept a Vaisnava as transcendental. In this way one can be saved; otherwise, one is surely awaiting a hellish life
- One should be brought to sattva-guna by the establishment of varnasrama-dharma & should develop the brahminical qualifications of being very neat & clean, rising early in the morning & seeing mangala-aratrika. In this way, one should stay in sattva-guna
- One should be engaged in pious activities. Then there will be no chance of committing sinful activities. In this way, when you are mature, no more sinful life, pure life, always practicing pious activities
- One should be tolerant, forbearing like the tree, like the grass - Amanina manadena: "One should give respect to others. In this way one should chant Hare Krsna mantra." Because in chanting Hare Krsna mantra, there will be so many aggressors
- One should consider the bona fide guru in this way (one who has much knowledge), and one should not think, "I know everything. Who can teach me?" No one can say such a thing, for everyone needs instruction
- One should either chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra or read Srimad-Bhagavatam and thereby try to understand the characteristics and instructions of the Supreme Lord, in this way one can become fully aware of the transcendental nature of the SPG
- One should follow the principles of saintly persons, scriptures and the spiritual master. In this way one is sure to attain success in life
- One should hear about Krsna as He is by hearing from the Bhagavad-gita or Srimad-Bhagavatam, and in this way one's mind will gradually be cleansed of all contaminated things
- One should know in truth how Krsna, who takes His birth transcendentally, acts to kill the demons but is never killed. When one perfectly understands Krsna in this way, through the medium of sastra, one becomes immortal
- One should not be very proud of his intelligence but should give all respect to others. In this way, one can chant Hare Krsna offenselessly
- One should not become a guru, a relative, the father, the mother, the husband - In this way there is a list. Why? - If he does not know how to guide his disciple or subordinate to stop the cycle of birth and death
- One should not become father or mother if he cannot do so. In this way, no friend, no relatives, no father, no..., if one cannot teach his other party how to save from the clutches of death
- One should not indulge in talking unnecessarily about news of the material world. One should not waste time in this way. This is a very important feature in the life of a devotee
- One should not only read of his (Prthu Maharaja's) pastimes for one's own benefit but should induce others to read and hear about them also. In this way everyone can be benefited
- One should not think that Lord Visnu is in the same category with Lord Brahma and Siva. The sastras forbid us to think in this way
- One should perform activities only for the benefit of the soul; any other activity should be given up. When a person is situated in this way, he is said to be desireless
- One should search out a society dedicated to Krsna consciousness and learn how to discharge devotional service. In this way he can cut off his attachment to the material world. BG 1972 purports
- One should strictly follow the regulative principles, namely no illicit sex, no meat-eating, no intoxication and no gambling, and in this way one should make progress in spiritual life
- One should try to keep himself satisfied in any condition of life - whether distress or happiness - which is offered by the supreme will. A person who endures in this way is able to cross over the darkness of nescience very easily
- One should work very moderately, eat very moderately, gratify his senses very moderately and keep his life as free from anxiety as possible. In this way practice of yoga may be successful
- One side, there will be no rain, and there will be scarcity of food grain, and government will tax heavily. In this way people will become mad, and they will give up their hearth and home and go to the forest. This is the foretelling
- One weaver at Mathura addressed Krsna in this way: "My dear Krsna, I have become so proud of Your causeless mercy upon me that I do not even count upon the mercy of the Lord of Vaikuntha, which is sought after by many great sages in deep meditation"
- One who becomes a devotee, free from material desires and motives, regards all opportunities, both material and spiritual, as benedictions from the Lord, and in this way his service to the Lord is never hampered
- One who becomes virasana takes the vow to stand all night with a sword to give protection to the cows. Because Prsadhra was engaged in this way, it is to be understood that he had no dynasty
- One who can see that "I am acting in this way, there is no reaction," that is inaction. And one who sees that "I am doing this, but there is reaction," that is action. So it requires little intelligence to see how it is action or inaction
- One who does not give charity according to the customs or injunctions of the scriptures and one who does not accept charity in that way are considered to be in the mode of ignorance. Such persons follow the path of the foolish
- One who has attained this stage (of the brahma-bhutah) is characterized by Sri Krsna in Bhagavad-gita in this way: brahma-bhutah prasannatma, na socati na kanksati, samah sarvesu bhutesu, mad-bhaktim labhate param - BG 18.54
- One who hears the Hare Krsna mantra thus vibrated is awakened to spiritual consciousness, or Krsna consciousness. In this way one’s mind gradually becomes purified, as stated by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu - ceto-darpana-marjanam - CC Antya 20.12
- One who is advanced in Krsna consciousness can control the mind and intelligence and in this way rein in the horses, the senses, even though they are very powerful
- One who is always eating meat or drinking liquor, which is eating and drinking in passion and ignorance, must give these things up so that his real consciousness may be awakened. In this way one may become peaceful and refreshed
- One who is desiring to have the eternal bliss of association of Lord Krsna by devotional service must be the sincere servant of Nityananda Prabhu, and in that way win His grace. Therefore your name is Nityananda Das, servant of Lord Nityananda
- One who is freed from the designation and situated in his real, constitutional position, that person, when he is fixed up, when he renders service in that way, hrsikena hrsikesa-sevanam bhaktir ucyate - CC Madhya 19.170
- One who meditates in this way, concentrating his mind upon the always auspicious form of the Lord, is very soon freed from all material contamination, and he does not come down from meditation upon the Lord
- One who practices in this way (meditating on God) cannot deviate from the service of the Lord, and that makes him perfect in the mission of human life
- One whose son dies tries to enjoy the possessions of his son. Sometimes the father of a dead son even enjoys his son's widow. Materialistic persons behave in this way
- One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. In this way, gradually the senses develop, and by the time seven months, everything is complete and the living entity's consciousness come back
- Only a fortunate living entity gets the opportunity to associate with Krsna and Krsna's devotee, and in this way he gets the seed of devotional service, the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra, and then his life becomes sublime
- Only by becoming Krsna conscious and taking shelter at the lotus feet of the Lord in this way can one be freed from material contamination
- Only to those who are always engaged in devotional service out of transcendental love does He (the Lord) award the pure knowledge of devotion in love. In that way the devotee can reach Him easily in the ever-blissful kingdom of God. BG 1972 purports
- Other sinful persons, such as dog-eaters & candalas, who are less than sudras, can also be freed in this way. But you are a devotee & we shall help you by performing the great horse sacrifice. If you please Narayana in that way, why should you be afraid?
- Others fought on the backs of jackals, rats, lizards, rabbits, human beings, goats, black deer, swans & boars. In this way, mounted on animals of the water, land & sky, including animals with deformed bodies, both armies faced each other and went forward
- Others interpret in this way: Krsna appeared in order to kill the demons and give protection to the devotees. The first demon to be killed was a woman. According to Vedic rules, the killing of a woman, a brahmana, cows or a child is strictly forbidden
- Our activities may remain the same; we simply have to understand that we are acting for Krsna and not for our personal satisfaction. In this way we can come to our original consciousness and be happy
- Our actual identity should be, "I am Krsna's." When we think in this way, we are thinking in Krsna consciousness. Only in this way can universal love among all living entities be established
- Our business should be we should follow the footsteps of Arjuna. How to follow the footsteps of Arjuna? As Arjuna understood Bhagavad-gita, you try to understand in that way
- Our conception of yoga practice is that of sitting very straight with legs crossed and eyes half-closed staring at the tip of our nose and concentrating in this way in a lonely place
- Our main business is in the human form of life how to get out of this material world. They do not know. They not only create family but also society, community, nation, In this way we are embarrassed
- Our real pleasure should be in bhajananandena. Radha-krsna-padaravinda-bhajananandena. In this way we have taken very serious job. In this life we want to finish this material existence for good
- Our senses ordering to do something which is not to be done at all. But still we have to do. Lusty desires are so strong, I do not want to do it, but it is forcing. In this way, we are being forced to serve the senses
- Our so-called religion is unique in the world, simply because we stand solidly on philosophy, and because we are strong in that way, no one can refute or defeat us, so we are wiping out sentimental religion wherever we penetrate
- Our struggle for existence is to fight with the impositions of the material nature. So Krsna says that in this way fighting, you cannot get out of the clutches of maya
- Pa indicates parisrama, labor, and pha is for phena, which means "foam." While working very hard a horse foams at the mouth, and similarly human beings must also work hard in this way
- Pa, pha, ba. Ba means vyarthata, baffledness. And bha means bhaya, always fearful, "What will happen next?" And in this way, ma - mrtyu, marana. This is called material life. There is no more gain, simply pa, pha, ba, bha, ma. That's all
- Parama Koruna, 1969 Jan 4 - I can simply think of my misfortune only that Yamaraja, the superintendent of death, he is punishing me in this way, that he is not allowing me to be attracted to this movement
- Pariksit Maharaja, from his childhood he is a Vaisnava. So he has no unhappiness. But when he heard that so many sinful persons are going to the hell and they are suffering in this way, he became very sorry. That is Vaisnava
- People all over the world are madly engaging in sense gratification and in this way spoiling their human lives, with the risk that in the next life they may become animals or less. Human society should be saved from such a risky civilization
- People are being taught in this way, that "Work very hard day and night, earn money, and enjoy senses, nothing more." So this sort of civilization is condemned. The real civilization is that one has to control
- People are engaged in that way. Simply trying to get happiness and avoid distress, and forgetting that he has got a mission of life, to realize his self and go back to home, back to Godhead. This is the defect of the modern civilization
- People are learning how to mate like dog. So in this way defending. A dog has also his defending measures. He has got teeth and nails. He can defend himself. And you might have atom bombs. But the measure is defending. That's all
- People are manufacturing ideas: philanthropism and altruism, Communism, this "ism," that "ism." But they are manufacturing their own way. The Krsna solves, that, Not in this way. Simply make Me center, and the whole thing will be done
- People are thinking that they can relieve suffering through abortion, by killing the child within the womb. In this way they are committing one sin after another and becoming more and more entangled
- People want material opulence in order to gratify their senses (kama), and when they are frustrated in their attempt to gratify their senses, they want liberation (moksa). In this way, dharma, artha, kama and moksa are going on
- Persons indulging in the make-show practice of gymnastic feats or siddhis should know that the aim of yoga is lost in that way. BG 1972 purports
- Pita na sa syaj janani na sa syad gurur na sa syat sva-jano na sa syat. In this way, the conclusion is, na mocayed yah samupeta-mrtyum. If one is unable to rescue his disciple from the imminent danger of death, he should not become a guru
- Please continue to chant Hare Krishna, read our books, and associate with the devotees. In this way you will surely become Krishna Conscious
- Please continue to work cooperatively in this way and I will be very much grateful to you for your sincere efforts
- Please don't try to divert me in that way - the boy (Dhruva) said (to Narada Muni), - If you know something about God, or if you know how I can see God, please tell me. Otherwise go away and don't disturb me
- Please go on working cooperatively in this way and always keep in touch with the other GBC members. Such communication will give you spiritual strength to make the right decisions for pushing this Sankirtana movement
- Please try to assist me in this way, by eliminating this debt
- Prahlada Maharaja replied, "Please engage me in the service of Your servant. This is all I want. I do not want anything else." In this way a devotee never asks for anything material from the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Prakasananda Sarasvati continued, By Your (Caitanya's) effulgence it appears that You are just like the Supreme Narayana, the Personality of Godhead, but by Your behavior, You appear to be otherwise. So we are inquisitive to know why You act in this way
- Prasannatma means jubilant. You'll find all our boys and girls, they're always jubilant. Unless they are jubilant, they cannot dance in this way. It is not dancing dogs
- Preacher means when you become fully Krsna conscious by worshiping the Deity regularly, as we have got prescription to rise early in the morning, offer mangala-arati, then kirtana, then class, in this way practicing, practicing
- Premanjana-cchurita-bhakti-vilocanena. Simply you have to prepare your eyes, your mind in that way. Here is a television box within your heart. This is the perfection of yoga. It is not you have to purchase one machine, or television set. It is there
- Priests and brahmanas were sumptuously fed and, according to ritualistic ceremony, were given sufficient wealth and cows in charity. In this way, they were engaged in chanting Vedic hymns
- Princes said, "We have our elephants, horses, chariots, bows, arrows and swords, so why should we be afraid of Krsna? Let us attack Him! He is nothing but a lusty cowherd boy! He cannot take away the Princess in this way! Let us all attack Him!"
- Print books, and as I have given in my will, half, again print, and half spent for propaganda as you like. In this way go on
- Priyavrata was a liberated person and was among the highest of yogis, superficially he became the emperor of the universe in accordance with the order of Brahma. Showing respect to his superior in this way was another of his extraordinary qualifications
- Protesting Krsna's absence from Vrndavana, another gopi said, "My dear Balaramaji, we are of course village girls, so Krsna could cheat us in that way, but what about the women of Dvaraka? Don't think they are as foolish as we are!"
- Puffed up mundane scholars have to wait for the causeless mercy of the devotee of the Lord. One should therefore cultivate Krsna consciousness with faith and knowledge, and in this way attain perfection. BG 1972 purports
- Pure devotees of the Lord always pray to the Supreme Lord with tears in their eyes; their minds are always engaged in recollecting the activities of the Lord, and their bodies are always engaged in offering obeisances. In this way they are satisfied
- Raghunatha dasa continued to invite Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in this way for two years, but at the end of the second year he stopped
- Ramananda Raya and Caitanya Mahaprabhu talked for the entire night. Sometimes they danced, sometimes sang and sometimes cried. After passing the night in this way, at dawn Ramananda Raya returned to his place
- Ramananda Raya recited verses from Srimad-Bhagavatam, and Svarupa Damodara Gosvami sang of Krsna's pastimes. In this way, they brought Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to external consciousness
- Raya continued speaking to Lord: I see before You a golden doll, & due to its presence Your complexion has become golden. Yet I see that Your complexion is dark. Will You please explain why I am seeing You in this way? Please tell me without reservation
- Read all our books and discuss them with your husband; go out for preaching regularly. In this way always keep engaged in Krishna's service with enthusiasm and faith in Krishna, and He will give you all facility for developing Trinidad center very nicely
- Real master is Krsna. So in this way, if we establish our relationship with Krsna as..., either as husband or lover or master or friend or son or father, it is perfect. It is perfect. We have to go to that stage
- Recruit some educated men from the colleges, schools in Boston, train them up for preaching mission, in this way develop the quality of your men to be the most surrendered servants of Krsna
- Regarding reading Mahabharata, why divert your attention in this way? Bhagavatam is also Mahabharata. There are so many books I have presented already, so whatever you have got, just become expert in that
- Regarding those unable to take to the Deity worship in the temple, there is the following statement in the Agni Purana. Any householder devotee unable to worship the Deity must at least see the Deity worship, and in this way he may achieve success also
- Regarding your proposal to open one store, that is not a very good proposal. Our devotees cannot work in that way. Better they are preaching and selling books door-to-door
- Religion, you have got some faith. That may not be right. It may be wrong. Just like the Christian religion, they have got faith in this way, that animal has no soul
- Remaining in light is a very simple method, therefore you see all these boys with their beads chanting Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare. In this way maya cannot touch them. No intoxication, no illicit sex, no meat-eating, no gambling
- Rescuing the most fallen members of society among the young people and giving them new life of spiritual or highly desirable qualities. Now you approach the government leaders and convince them in this way, and that will be the greatest achievement
- Rsabhadeva explains the nature of lusty attraction: One becomes attracted to his body, home, property, children, relatives and wealth. In this way one increases life's illusions and thinks in terms of 'I and mine.' - SB 5.5.8
- Rudra is stated to be the son of Brahma. So Brahma is the son, or born out of the lotus flower from the abdomen of Visnu. Visnu is expansion of Krsna. In this way Krsna is the origin of everything. That is a fact
- Sac, cid, ananda - three, three spiritual divisions. Not division actually; they are one. But for our understanding we analyze in that way, sac, cid, ananda
- Sakara Mallika, who was later to become Srila Sanatana Gosvami, took advantage of his brother's personal money, which had been deposited with a village banker, and escaped from the prison of Hussain Shah. In this way both brothers joined Lord Caitanya
- Saktyavesa-avatara, they are counted just like Lord Buddha, Jesus Christ. They are counted amongst the saktyavesavataras. They are also incarnation of saktyavesavatara, powerful. In this way the Supreme Lord manifests all over the universes
- Samba, the son of Krsna, fought the son of Banasura, and Banasura fought Satyaki, commander in chief of the Yadu dynasty. In this way the fighting was waged
- Sanatana Gosvami considered himself fallen, for in the association of such men (meat-eaters, drunkards and materialists), he also fell victim to material enjoyment. Having passed his life in that way, he considered that he had wasted his valuable time
- Sanatana Gosvami observed the Dola-yatra ceremony with Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. In this way, his pleasure increased in the company of the Lord
- Sankara Pandita would always fall asleep, but he would quickly awaken, sit up and again begin massaging the legs of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. In this way he would stay awake the entire night
- Sankaracarya age is about one thousand, five hundred years. Similarly, Ramanujacarya about eleven hundred years; Madhvacarya about seven hundred years. In this way they are coming from that parampara system
- Sankaracarya says that unless the devotees can show how ego and the means of knowledge can generate from a person, such an explanation of the Vedanta-sutra cannot be accepted, for no other philosophers accept the sutras in that way
- Sankaracarya says, narayanah paro 'vyaktat. "Narayana is transcendental, beyond this cosmic creation." In this way, nothing within this cosmic manifestation is separate from Krsna, although Krsna's original form is not visible in everything
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya then took the Lord with him to his home, saying, "Today's luncheon will be at my home." In this way he invited the Lord
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya was a brahmana and a realized soul, whereas Prataparudra was a ksatriya. Ksatriya kings used to obey very faithfully the orders of learned brahmanas and saintly persons, and in this way they would rule their country
- Sastra says - Don't waste your valuable time in that way (by finding out cure for diseases). Try to understand God. Use your intelligence for this purpose
- Sastra says, - Don't waste your valuable time in that way. Try to understand God. Use your intelligence for this purpose
- Seeing me so distressed, the moon is certainly splashing its shining nectar upon me - just as a friend throws water on another friend who has a high fever. In this way, the moon is bringing me happiness
- Sense enjoyment must be there (in Krsna consciousness), but that is spiritual sense enjoyment, purified sense enjoyment. We are training people in that way, that we don't stop your sense enjoyment, but enjoy it in its purified state
- Seven months, at that time the body is grown up, and in this way in tenth month the body is fully grown, then by nature’s way the body comes out and another life begins. This is called transmigration of the soul
- Sex will not be allowed unrestricted intermingling of men and women and prostitution, brothels. That state has to stop. In this way whole thing can be revolutionized, and the society will be completely in human civilization and God consciousness
- She (Anandamayi) is simply exploiting some women's sentiments, by giving them some deity and crying. And woman, they're simple. This way, she wanted to captivate donors
- She (Damayanti) made many sweetmeats in the shape of balls. Some were made with powdered coconut, and others looked as white as the water of the Ganges. In this way she made many varieties of long-lasting sugar confections
- She (Devaki) is your younger sister, and you should protect her, just as you would protect your daughter. Why should you kill her? - In this way he (Vasudeva) placated Kamsa
- She (Draupadi) thought, "It is impossible to save my honor in this way," and she let go and simply raised her arms and prayed, "Krsna, if You like You can save me." Thus the Lord responded to her prayers
- She (hunchback) proposed to Krsna, "My dear hero, I cannot leave You in this way. You must come to my place. I am already very much attracted to Your beauty, I must receive You well, since You are the best among males, You must also be very kind upon me"
- She (Radharani) became almost mad, thinking that the messenger-bee might have returned to Krsna to inform Him all about Her talking against Him. "Krsna must be very sorry to hear it," She thought. In this way She was overwhelmed by another type of ecstasy
- She (Usa) awoke from her dream exclaiming very loudly, "My dear beloved, where are you?" Being exposed to her friends in this way, she became a little bit ashamed. One of Usa's girlfriends was Citralekha, who was the daughter of Banasura's prime minister
- She (Visnupriyadevi) chanted her beads, and after finishing one round, she collected one grain of rice. In this way, as many rounds as she chanted, she would receive the same number of rice grains and then cook them and so take prasada
- She (Yasoda) gathered more ropes from the house and added to it, but still she found the same shortage. In this way, she connected all the ropes available at home, but when the final knot was added, she saw that the rope was still two inches too short
- She can always be found massaging the legs and thighs of the transcendental Lord, very carefully serving Him in this way
- She should be engaged fully in assisting her husband. In this way husband and wife can work together cooperatively and make rapid advancement in Krishna Consciousness
- Similarly, Balarama, Sudama and other friends would taste one another's food and laugh. In this way, the friends very jubilantly began to eat their respective preparations brought from home
- Simply become more concerned with increasing the spiritual content of our lives, and in this way all other problems like management will be easily solved, not that they can be solved by making some legal formula and having big big meetings and talks
- Simply by Your orders and by Your partial representation as Visnu, You are maintaining the universes. In this way, O Krsna, O enemy of Kamsa, there are so many Brahmas and Sivas who are simply carrying out Your orders
- Simply chant Hare Krsna mantra. This will clarify your heart. Then you can understand who is guru, where to surrender, where to take lesson. In this way we can make . . . haphazardly, if we accept, then there will be failure
- Simply follow the regular program of chanting 16 rounds of Hare Krishna Maha-mantra daily and abstain from illicit sex-life, meat-eating, gambling, and intoxication. In this way you will surely make rapid progress in Krishna Consciousness
- Simply to stop the killing of animals, Lord Buddha compassionately appeared. Some rascals put forward the theory that an animal has no soul or is something like dead stone
- Simply we have to change the consciousness, that "I am doing for Krsna, not for my personal." In this way, if we develop Krsna consciousness, then we come to our original consciousness. Then we become happy
- Since everyone can be liberated in this way (simply by the desire of a devotee), one may conclude that it is according to the sweet will of the devotee whether the material world exists or does not exist
- Since everyone is thinking in this way (I am this body), everyone fears bodily destruction. When there was an earthquake in Los Angeles, everyone ran out their houses screaming. Everyone was terrified, thinking, - Now death is coming
- Since our bodies are made of sattva-guna, we, the demigods, are internally and externally situated in goodness. All the great saints are also situated in that way
- Since Siva, or Rudra, is himself the controller of egotism, he indirectly wants to be purified by the mercy of the Lord so that his real egotism can be awakened. Of course, Rudra is always spiritually awake, but for our benefit he is praying in this way
- Since Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the original form of Baladeva, in His ecstasy He asked everyone to bring honey. In this way, all the devotees standing there saw the yamunakarsana-lila
- Since the human form of life is the sublime position for spiritual realization, all the demigods in heaven speak in this way: How wonderful it is for these human beings to have been born in the land of Bharata-varsa
- Since we are eternal spiritual sparks, our spiritual assets go with us, gradually fructifying. In this way those who have previously cultivated transcendental consciousness come in contact with Krsna consciousness through this movement
- Sinful men take their baths in the waters of the Ganges and Yamuna at places such as Prayaga, Vrndavana and Mathura. In this way they are purified, but their sinful actions and reactions remain at the holy places of pilgrimage
- Sinful persons automatically receive punishment in different types of bodies. The root cause of the punishment is that when one unnecessarily accumulates wealth, one becomes degraded, not knowing that his wealth will be finished with his next birth
- Sisupala also blasphemed Krsna in this way, but the goddess of learning, Sarasvati, offered her prayers to Krsna even by his words
- Smaranam means meditation. Vandanam means offering prayer. So smaranam vandanam dasyam arcanam. Arcanam, Deity worship. There are other items also. In this way there are nine items
- Smarta-brahmanas and Mayavadis do not believe that one can achieve liberation in this way (by chanting the holy name of the Lord), but the truth of Haridasa Thakura's statement is supported by many quotations from Srimad-Bhagavatam
- So far as the new book, "Krishna'', I have already sent suggestions to Jadurani, and as soon as the pictures are drawn, I will send to you the tapes. In this way the Krishna book will be completed
- So far scriptures are concerned, there are also different scriptures. And a philosopher is not a philosopher if he does not agree other philosophers. So in this way, you are perplexed
- So in the devotional service the first step is hearing, hearing submissively from the authoritative source and just to assimilate it and grasp it with our body, mind and intelligence. In this way you shall be able to conquer the unconquerable
- So in this way Kali-yuga is polluted. Everything is contaminated, polluted. So it is called the ocean of faults. Because the life is meant for liberation. If one is not interested in liberation, simply for sense gratification, that is conditional life
- So in this way organize and distribute literature, and chanting Hare Krsna sankirtana yajna. Then our mission will be successful
- So in this way, accepting and rejecting, if the mind is sound, then we come to some conclusion by intelligence. Accepting and rejecting, this is conflict. Then by intelligence we take something out of this conflict
- So long life is there, eating must be there, sleeping must be there. But not that sleeping twenty, twenty-five hours, and sex as much as they like, and eating voraciously. In this way if we keep our civilization, it will never be happy
- So long the soul is there within the body, the child from the babyhood will come to childhood, then childhood to boyhood, boyhood to youthhood. In this way the body will change. We have changed so many bodies, every one of us
- So long you manufacture ideas, you may be pacified for some time, but it will not exist. Therefore you have to stop this manufacturing process, that "I shall be happy in this way." No. That is called free of anxieties
- So many paraphernalia how to engage your mind. Hearing and chanting about Krsna, thinking of Krsna, worshiping Krsna, talking about Krsna, writing about Krsna, selling the books about Krsna, eating Krsna prasadam. In this way you become Krsna-ized
- So one month you defeat him and another he can defeat you and in this way Radha-Damodara service will be increased by transcendental competition. This is very nice
- So our method is not so difficult. Rather it is joyful. So engage yourself enthusiastically in this way and you will be happy and in the end go back to home, back to Godhead.
- So the brahmacari is educated in that way. Up to twenty-five years he cannot see a young woman. He cannot see even. This is brahmacari. He cannot see
- So to cross the ocean of illusion one should patiently cultivate devotion to the Lord, and in this way one can gradually reach the other side
- Some ask Krsna to become their husband, some ask Krsna to become their friend, some ask Krsna to become their son, and some ask Krsna to become their playmate. In this way, there are millions and trillions of devotees all over the universe
- Some creatures are born from embryos, some from perspiration, and some from seeds. In this way, all living entities emanate from the guna-avatara of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Some follow the smrti-sastra composed of twenty religious scriptures, and others follow the Puranas and the tantra-sastra. In this way there are many different types of philosophers
- Some more money is spent or less money, that doesn't matter. We want to see whether the result is there. I understand in that way
- Some of them (sinful men) put into the river which is full of germs and mosquitoes, and some of them are forced to embrace a iron, hot iron man, a hot iron woman. In this way there are many description
- Some soldiers fought on the backs of camels, some on the backs of elephants, some on asses, some on white-faced and red-faced monkeys, some on tigers and some on lions. In this way, they all engaged in fighting
- Somehow or other, you become Krsna conscious. There is no difficulty. "No, I have no money. I cannot worship Krsna in this way, so gorgeously." No. That Krsna does not say
- Sometimes he (Dvivida) would uproot a big mountain and tear it to pieces. In this way he created great disturbances all over the country, especially in the province of Kathwar
- Sometimes He (Krsna) breaks the churning rod, and sometimes He throws butter on the fire. In this way, he increases the transcendental pleasure of His Mother Yasoda
- Sometimes he (the yogi who thinks of the four-handed Visnu) cries, and sometimes he feels separation. In this way he merges in transcendental bliss. The result of all this is that he becomes entrapped like a fish
- Sometimes he is cheated in business transactions one after another. In this way, by cheating, living entities create enmity among themselves
- Sometimes in our practical experience we see that some political leader adhering to satyagraha will not eat but will drink water. Considering that drinking water would not be eating, Maharaja Ambarisa decided to act in this way
- Sometimes it is very troublesome to rise early in the morning, but whatever voluntary trouble one may suffer in this way is called penance. BG 1972 purports
- Sometimes the conditioned soul imagines that his father or grandfather has again come in the form of his son or grandson. In this way he feels the happiness one sometimes feels in a dream, and the conditioned soul sometimes takes pleasure
- Sometimes the mind (manah) is also understood to have a controlling deity or demigod. In this way the total mind, namely the material mind controlled by material demigods, was amalgamated with the senses
- Sometimes the mode of goodness defeats passion, and at other times the mode of ignorance defeats goodness and passion. In this way there is always competition for supremacy. BG 14.10 - 1972
- Sometimes these sacrifices were performed completely and sometimes partially. In any case, in all the sacrifices the regulations of caturhotra were strictly followed. In this way Bharata Maharaja worshiped the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Sometimes They (Krsna and Balarama) used to imitate the sounds of various animals and birds. In this way, They enjoyed Their childhood pastimes apparently like ordinary, mundane children
- Sometimes They (Krsna and Balarama) would imitate the voices of the animals. In this way They enjoyed sporting, exactly like two ordinary human children - SB 10.11.39-40
- Sometimes they (offenders) consider such mahajanas very conservative, or they create their own mahajanas. In this way they ignore the principles of the parampara system. This is a great misfortune for everyone
- Sometimes, after eating the pulp, Krsna fills the plate again with new pulp. In this way, the faith of Raghava Pandita increases, and he floats in an ocean of love
- Speaking in this way, they quickly approached Her, full of lusty desires to enjoy Her, and began to inquire from Her in many ways
- Spiritual master means one who has heard correctly from his Spiritual Master. In this way, ultimately it goes to Krishna, the Supreme Spiritual Master. There is no possibility of understanding the Vedic knowledge without this descending process
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu asked the questions, and Sri Ramananda Raya gave the answers. In this way they were engaged in discussion throughout the night
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu continued, "Always discuss Srimad-Bhagavatam and constantly chant the holy name of Lord Krsna. In this way you will be able to attain liberation very easily, and you will be elevated to the enjoyment of love of Godhead"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has advised us to avoid bhakti-siddhanta-viruddha and rasabhasa. In this way the devotee can remain pure and free from falldowns. Everyone should try to remain aloof from bhakti-siddhanta-viruddha and rasabhasa
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu remained at the house of Venkata Bhatta and constantly talked with him about Lord Krsna. In this way He was very happy
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu says - Whomever you meet, instruct him on the teachings of Krsna. In this way, on My order, become a spiritual master and deliver the people of this country - CC Madhya 7.128
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu then ordered Narahari, "I wish you to remain here with My devotees. In this way the three of you should always execute these three duties for the service of the Lord"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu thus blessed them all, saying that they were all fortunate. In this way He praised them, and He felt very successful because they chanted the holy name of Lord Hari
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu told Damodara Pandita, "Remind mother Saci in this way again and again and worship her lotus feet in My name"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu traveled all over Vrndavana and pleased all living entities, moving and nonmoving, with His glances. The Lord took much personal pleasure in seeing everyone. In this way Lord Gauranga traveled in Vrndavana
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu used to express His mind in this way: "Where is the Lord of My life, who is playing His flute? What shall I do now? Where should I go to find the son of Maharaja Nanda"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu very happily passed His days in this way at Nilacala, Jagannatha Puri. Feeling separation from Krsna, He exhibited many transcendental symptoms all over His body
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was ecstatic in this way because He was presenting Himself in the mood of the gopis. The gopis wanted to drink the ocean of sweetness arising from the bodily features of Krsna, but Krsna did not allow them to come near
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu washed and cleansed the Gundica temple with His devotees and associates. In this way He made it as cool and bright as His own heart, and thus He made the temple a befitting place for Lord Sri Krsna to sit
- Sri Gopalaji then smiled and said, "My dear brahmana, just listen to Me. I shall walk behind you, and in this way I shall go with you"
- Sri Krsna concludes His discourse in this way: "And of all yogis, he who always abides in Me with great faith, worshiping Me in transcendental loving service, is most intimately united with Me in yoga and is the highest of all." - Bg. 6.47
- Sri Lokanatha Gosvami constructed the Gokulananda temple, and Syamananda Gosvami constructed the Syamasundara temple. In this way, many temples were gradually constructed
- Sri Narada said: The great sages, who had imparted scientific knowledge of transcendence to me, departed for other places, and I had to pass my life in this way
- Sri Nityananda Prabhu always feels the ecstatic emotions of paternity, servitude and friendship. He always assists Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in that way
- Sri Panca-tattva themselves danced again and again and thus made it easier to drink nectarean love of Godhead. They danced, cried, laughed and chanted like madmen, and in this way they distributed love of Godhead
- Sri Rupa Gosvami advises that one should be unattached in the material world and that all affairs should be steeped in Krsna consciousness. In this way one attains perfection. BG 1972 purports
- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami continued: After giving this instruction, the Lord, who is known as Hrsikesa, bugled with His Pancajanya conchshell, in this way pleasing all the demigods, headed by Lord Brahma. Then He mounted the back of His carrier, Garuda
- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami continued: After thus instructing Citraketu and assuring him of perfection in this way, the SPG, who is the supreme spiritual master, the supreme soul, Sankarsana, disappeared from that place as Citraketu looked on
- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami continued: O King Pariksit, when the demigods offered the Lord their sincere prayers in this way, the Lord listened by His causeless mercy. Being pleased, He then replied to the demigods
- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami continued: When the conditioned soul (jiva) in the form of Maharaja Citraketu's son had spoken in this way and then left, Citraketu and the other relatives of the dead son were all astonished
- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami said: After instructing Indra in this way, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, the cause of the cosmic manifestation, then and there disappeared from the presence of the onlooking demigods
- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami said: Dadhici Muni, thus resolved to give his body to the service of the demigods. He placed himself, the spirit soul, at the lotus feet of the SPG and in this way gave up his gross material body made of five elements
- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami said: Kasyapa Muni, thinking in this way, became somewhat angry. Condemning himself, O Maharaja Pariksit, descendant of Kuru, he spoke to Diti as follows
- Sri-krsna-sankirtana is so powerful that it will conquer. It will be victorious. So I am very glad to meet you. And do this program. And if you like, I shall come back after a week and do. Utilize me in this way, I shall be very glad
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura explains these verses in this way: "One should regard a devotee of Krsna to be on the right path of the saints, even though such a devotee may seem to be su-duracara, 'a person of loose character'
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has sung: vaisnava thakura tomara kukura baliya janaha more. In this way Bhaktivinoda Thakura offers to become a Vaisnava's dog
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura sings: My dear living entities, you are being carried away by the waves of material nature. Sometimes you are on the surface, sometimes you are being drowned. In this way your eternal life is being spoiled
- Srila Rupa Gosvami characterizes KC in this way: anasaktasya visayan yatharham upayunjatah, nirbandhah krsna-sambandhe yuktam vairagyam ucyate, prapancikataya buddhya hari-sambandhi-vastunah, mumuksubhih parityago vairagyam phalgu kathyate. BG 1972 pur
- Srila Sukadeva Gosvami continued: After informing Bhavani in this way, Lord Siva began to drink the poison, and Bhavani, who knew perfectly well the capabilities of Lord Siva, gave him her permission to do so
- Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.15.8) glorifies the land of Vrndavana in this way: This land of Vrajabhumi is glorified by the touch of Your feet. Being touched by Your fingers, the creepers also glorify You
- Srimati Kuntidevi has prayed to the Lord just to enunciate a fragment of His glories. All His devotees worship Him in that way, by chosen words, and therefore the Lord is known as Uttamasloka
- Strong attachment for the transcendental service of the Lord develops as he continues listening to the messages of Godhead, and if he steadfastly proceeds in this way, he is certainly elevated to spontaneous love for the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Struggling for existence in this way, he cannot get the shelter of pure devotees, who are like bumblebees engaged in loving service at the lotus feet of Lord Visnu
- Study Bhagavad-gita As It Is and Srimad-Bhagavatam and continue to help your god-brothers in developing Krishna Consciousness. So develop your preaching abilities in this way, and this will be the most successful and appreciated endeavor
- Study the history of Maharaja Pariksit. That is required. Not that simply chronological record, all nonsense, and big, big books, and making research. Why should you waste your time in that way?
- Subala once addressed Krsna in this way: "How these features of Your body can fail to defeat the pride of all the young girls of Vrndavana. When I am so defeated by this beauty, what chance is there for those who are naturally very simple and flexible?"
- Subala once addressed Krsna in this way: "My dear Kesava, Your round turban, the lotus flower in Your hand, the vertical marks of tilaka on Your forehead, Your kunkuma-flavored musk and all of Your beautiful bodily features are defeating me today"
- Subsequently (after rule of Maharaja Bharata) the earth has become divided into so many different countries. In this way there is usually one and sometimes many controllers of the various planets in the universe
- Such a devotee is empowered by Garbhodakasayi Visnu. In this way, an incarnation of Krsna in the form of Brahma engineers the total creation of the universe
- Such a person should understand that the goddess of fortune is always engaged in His service. In this way the goddess can break her faulty habit of restlessness
- Such a person, who knows the purpose of the Vedic injunctions, who can employ the principles laid down in the Vedic literatures and who teaches his disciples in that way, is called an acarya
- Such activities (for sense gratification) are not good because in this way one creates another body for his next life, as punishment for his nefarious activities
- Such an empowered person would request everyone and anyone - whomever he saw - to chant the holy name of Krsna. In this way all the villagers would also become devotees of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Such crying and laughing (of a child) is enjoyable to the parents and elderly members of the family, so the Lord (Krsna) would simultaneously cry and laugh in this way and merge His devotee-parents in the humor of transcendental pleasure
- Such people (who want to merge into spiritual existence) may become sannyasis, but unless they take shelter of Krsna's lotus feet, they will return to the material platform to perform philanthropic activities. In this way, one’s spiritual life is lost
- Such position of leadership and organization is regarded as Krishna's special favor upon you, because you are forced in this way to become very responsible and set the ideal KC example, and in this way you will make very nice advancement in spiritual life
- Such recitation should of course be performed before a favorable audience. When recitation is performed this way, without professional motive, the reciter and audience become perfect
- Such thinking (of Lord Krishna and His devotees) is required, and you will see that as you think in this way, your taste for relishing the nectar of such meditation will increase more and more
- Sudama was a friend of Krsna. So "I am the servant of Krsna's friend, Sudama dasa." So in this way our relationship with Krsna we always remember. That remembrance is also self-realization process. Sravanam kirtanam visnoh smaranam - SB 7.5.23
- Sugandhi udvartana refers to a paste made of several perfumes and fragrant oils. This paste is massaged all over the body, and in this way the body's dirt and perspiration are removed
- Sukadeva Gosvami continued: After speaking in this way, Bali Maharaja offered his obeisances first to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, and then to Lord Brahma and Lord Siva
- Sukadeva Gosvami continued: After speaking in this way, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu, immediately disappeared, and Lord Siva remained there with Uma, looking for Him all around with moving eyes
- Sukadeva Gosvami continued: Even after being cursed in this way by his own spiritual master, Bali Maharaja, being a great personality, never deviated from his determination
- Sukadeva Gosvami continued: In this way, the most powerful Sukracarya accepted the order of the SPG with full respect. Along with the best brahmanas, he began to compensate for the discrepancies in the sacrifices performed by Bali Maharaja
- Sukadeva Gosvami continued: O King Pariksit, after advising the demigods in this way, the independent Supreme Personality of Godhead, the best of all living entities, disappeared from their presence
- Sukadeva Gosvami continued: When the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vamanadeva, heard Bali Maharaja speaking in this pleasing way, He was very satisfied, for Bali Maharaja had spoken in terms of religious principles. Thus the Lord began to praise him
- Sukadeva Gosvami continued: While the morose Indra was lamenting in this way, an ominous, unembodied voice said from the sky, "This demon Namuci is not to be annihilated by anything dry or moist"
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: After speaking in this way to his wife, Devayani, King Yayati, who was now free from all material desires, called his youngest son, Puru, and returned Puru's youth in exchange for his own old age
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: After speaking in this way, the Supreme Personality of Godhead disappeared from that very spot
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: After Vasudeva advised Nanda Maharaja in this way, Nanda Maharaja and his associates, the cowherd men, took permission from Vasudeva, yoked their bulls to the bullock carts, and started riding for Gokula - SB 10.5.32
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: Deliberating in this way, Kamsa, although determined to continue in enmity toward the Supreme Personality of Godhead, refrained from the vicious killing of his sister - SB 10.2.23
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: In this way, O Maharaja Pariksit, the son named Puru was very pleased to accept the old age of his father, Yayati, who took the youth of his son and enjoyed this material world as he required
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: O best of the Kurus, while Bali Maharaja was describing his fortunate position in this way, the most dear devotee of the Lord, Prahlada Maharaja, appeared there, like the moon rising in the nighttime
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: O King Pariksit, although the great sage Angira knew everything, he inquired from the King in this way. Thus King Citraketu, desiring a son, bent low in great humility and spoke to the great sage as follows
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: O King, after Aditi was thus advised by her husband, Kasyapa Muni, she strictly followed his instructions without laziness and in this way performed the payo-vrata ritualistic ceremony
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: When King Satyavrata spoke in this way, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who at the end of the yuga had assumed the form of a fish to benefit His devotee and enjoy His pastimes in the water of inundation, responded as follows
- Sukadeva said, "He (Ambarisa) engaged his body in associating with the pure devotees of the Lord. - When you associate with someone you have to sit down together, eat together, etc. - and in this way the touch of your body with their body is inevitable"
- Suppose a living entity is now in a human form of body. He thinks that he belongs to the human community, or a particular country or particular place. He identifies himself in that way and unnecessarily prepares for another body
- Supreme Personality of Godhead said to demigods, "Do not be aggrieved. By My own energy I shall bewilder the demons by creating a quarrel among them. In this way I shall fulfill your desire to have the nectar"
- Svarupa Damodara and Vidyanidhi also threw water upon each other, and Murari Gupta and Vasudeva Datta also sported in that way
- Symbolically, mother Devaki's constant fear of Kamsa was purifying her. A pure devotee should always fear material association, and in this way all the asuras of material association will be killed, as the sad-garbhasuras were killed by Kamsa
- Take books as much as you like and with the local man's help immediately open a center and try to stay there as long as possible. In your absence the local man may manage. Train him in that way
- Take instruction from Bhagavad-gita in this way. Your handwriting is so nice, so by printing such booklets and learning Bhagavad-gita you can then instruct others and Krishna will bless you
- Talking in this way, all the boys looked at the beautiful lotuslike face of Krsna, and they began to clap and smile. And so they marched forward and entered the mouth of the gigantic serpent
- Tattvatah, Krsna as He is, cannot be understood by the other methods, namely by mental speculation or mystic yogic exercises. Krsna cannot be understood in that way. If we want to understand Krsna, then we have to accept the Krsna method, bhakti method
- Teach the small children to play Krishna games: one child is a cow, another is cowherd boy, they go to the forest, there are demons there, Krishna kills the demons, like that; in this way, let the children play Krishna games
- Ten of the daughters (of Daksa) were given in marriage to Dharmaraja, thirteen to Kasyapa Muni, and twenty-seven to the moon-god, Candra. In this way fifty daughters were distributed
- Thank you for helping in this way by taking signatures in support of our movement from the Indian people in Toronto
- That a dog, it does not know what is the taste. He is simply chewing the, one bone, this way, that way, this way, that way. Because he is animal. He has no other engagement. So this whole society is animal. Especially the westerners
- That Absolute Truth is aware of everything, directly and indirectly, of all this creation. In this way, if you step-by-step study, it is not very difficult so far the word meanings are concerned, but it is a question of realization
- That day, Lord Caitanya remained there and accepted prasadam at his house. After bestowing mercy upon him in this way, the Lord proceeded ahead
- That increased attachment (when a man and woman unites) will induce one to accumulate grha (a home), ksetra (land), suta (children), apta (friendship or society) and vitta. Vita means money. In this way - grha-ksetra-sutapta-vittaih - he becomes entangled
- That is our very strength in spiritual life, and if you continue to do so, then your rapid advancement in Krishna Consciousness is certain. Read our books, attend classes and go for street Sankirtana and in this way engage yourself in Krishna's business
- That is the prerogative (coming to Krsna with a rope, saying, "Krsna, You have committed an offense, and now I shall bind You") of the most perfect devotee, and Krsna wants to be approached in that way
- That Ksirodakasayi Visnu is entering in the heart of every living entity. In this way, the Visnu manifestation is all over the creation
- The activities of devotional service are free from the contamination of material qualities. Therefore, to be free from the reactions of su-visaya and ku-visaya, one must take to Krsna consciousness. In that way, one will save himself from contamination
- The atheists, who consider Krsna an ordinary man, may in this way (when Krsna Himself speaks about Himself) come to know that Krsna is superhuman, that He is sac-cid-ananda-vigraha - the eternal form of bliss and knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- The author (of Caitanya-caritamrta) says, that he cannot consider the opinions of those who become attracted or repelled by such things (Judgment according to mundane senses), because one cannot write impartially in that way
- The author requests every reader to hear these talks with faith and without argument. By studying them in this way, one will be able to understand the confidential truth of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- The best process is to take the advice and instructions of Sri Krsna or His bona fide representative. In this way one can be happy in this life and the next
- The best thing would be if you could combine the Road show with visits to cities that have existing temples. In this way you could enliven the devotees tremendously. We must keep our existing centers strong
- The Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.42) describes the brahminical qualities in this way: Peacefulness, self-control, austerity, purity, tolerance, honesty, knowledge, wisdom and religiousness - these are the natural qualities by which the brahmanas work
- The bhattacarya said that "You drink one pound of molten lead." "How it is possible?" "That is the atonement." So in this way he (Buddhimanta Khan) was baffled. He went to Caitanya Mahaprabhu. And He laughed, that - This the condition of the Hindu society
- The body is finished, but we have to accept another body out of the 8,400,000 forms. In this way, our life is going on, but we are thinking in terms of wife, children, and so forth. This is all illusion
- The body is like a bubble. It is present for one moment, then it bursts and is gone forever. We simply take on one bubble after another, one body after another, and we think that we will become happy in this way because we are so foolish
- The boys and girls who have come to this Society, they have accumulated in that way, knowingly or unknowingly, some Krsna conscious qualification, and therefore they have taken this opportunity
- The brahmanas should give advice to the ksatriyas, to the government, and the government, according to the nice, good advice, should maintain the state. In this way there will be peaceful condition of the society
- The brahmanas, ksatriyas, sudras and vaisyas must execute their prescribed duties as these duties are stated in the sastras. In this way everyone can satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu
- The Brahmins are supposed to serve the whole society by distributing this important information. Please help me in this way and Krishna will bless you
- The branch of the Ganges known as Caksu falls onto the summit of Malyavan Mountain & from there cascades onto the land of Ketumala-varsa. The Ganges flows incessantly through Ketumala-varsa and in this way also reaches the ocean of salt water in the West
- The Caitanya-caritamrta (CC Madhya 22.54) says: If one desires his real welfare, he must associate with devotees and saintly persons and in this way rectify the material condition of his life
- The Candra, the Moon planet, you are trying to go there. In this way you cannot go. But if you prepare in this life how to be promoted in the Moon planet or sun planet or heavenly planet, then you prepare yourself
- The capitalist serves his family and the family serves the head man in terms of the eternal capacity of eternal being. In this way we can see no living being is exempted from the practice of rendering service to other living being
- The children say, "Father, this is wanted; give me this. I am your dear son." Or the wife says, "I am your dear wife. Please give me this. This is now needed." In this way one is plundered by the thieves in the forest
- The conditioned soul thus gets into touch with devotional service to Lord Krsna, and in this way he can approach nearer and nearer to the Lord
- The conditioned souls, purified by chanting the holy name, are liberated from the blazing fire of material existence. In this way, spiritual benefit grows increasingly full, like the waxing moon in the sky
- The cosmic manifestation is a combination of all these modes (of material nature), and in this way innumerable universes are created. No one can count the number of universes
- The cowherd boys went on saying, "Please arrange for something that will mitigate our hunger" Requested in this way by Their friends, Lord Krsna and Balarama arranged to show compassion to certain wives of brahmanas who were performing sacrifices
- The cowherd boys, having accumulated the results of pious activities for many lives, were able to associate in this way with the Supreme Personality of Godhead (Krsna). How can one explain their great fortune - SB 10.12.7-11
- The cowherd men performed a ceremony whereby they worshiped the cows, brahmanas & Govardhana Hill. At that time Krsna expanded Himself & declared - I am Govardhana Hill. In this way He accepted all the paraphernalia & food offered to Govardhana Hill
- The definition of God is "He is the richest, He is the strongest, He is the most beautiful, He is the wisest, He is the most renounced." In this way, you analyze. There are many rich men, but nobody can say that, - I am the richest of all
- The Deity (of Lord Krsna which was revealed from gopi-candana) had a stick in one hand and a lump of food in the other. As soon as Madhvacarya received the Deity of Krsna in this way, he composed a prayer
- The Deity said, "I will follow you, and you will know that I am following by the jingle of My leg bangles." The youth agreed, and in this way they left Vrndavana to go to the other town
- The demigods prayed (to Krsna) - Men influenced by the three modes of material nature imagine their own God according to the modes of material nature. In this way God is presented in various ways
- The demoniac person thinks: "He is my enemy, & I have killed him; & my other enemy will also be killed. I am the lord of everything, I am the enjoyer, I am perfect, powerful & happy." In this way, such persons are deluded by ignorance." BG 16.13-15 - 1972
- The demoniac person thinks: "I am the richest man, surrounded by aristocratic relatives. There is none so powerful and happy as I am." In this way, such persons are deluded by ignorance." BG 16.13-15 - 1972
- The demoniac person thinks: "I shall perform sacrifices, I shall give some charity, and thus I shall rejoice." In this way, such persons are deluded by ignorance." BG 16.13-15 - 1972
- The demoniac person thinks: "So much wealth do I have today, and I will gain more according to my schemes. So much is mine now, and it will increase in the future, more and more." In this way, such persons are deluded by ignorance." BG 16.13-15 - 1972
- The demoniac person thinks: I shall perform sacrifices, I shall give some charity, and thus I shall rejoice. In this way, such persons are deluded by ignorance
- The demoniac person thinks: There is none so powerful and happy as I am. I shall perform sacrifices, I shall give some charity, and thus I shall rejoice." In this way, such persons are deluded by ignorance
- The demons are under the impression that no one is more wealthy and popular than themselves. They think that their wealth will somehow be protected by some spirit, and in this way they are deluded. Their final destination is hell
- The descendants of Vrsni and Bhoja were not expected to forget themselves in this way, but by the will of the Supreme it happened, and thus they became harsh towards one another
- The devotee has to cleanse his heart just as the Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu cleansed the Gundica temple. In this way one can be pacified and enriched in devotional service
- The devotee is always pessimistic about the material world, but he is very optimistic about the spiritual life; so in this way, you should consider that anyone engaged in Krishna's service is always the best person
- The devotee says, "My dear Lord, when shall that day come when You will ask me to fan Your body, and according to Your pleasure, You will say, 'You just fan Me in this way'"
- The devotee should see his identity as an eternal servant of Krsna. In this way one can engage his senses in the service of the Lord. Such engagement is called pure devotional service
- The devotees do not aspire for all this opulence. Their only aspiration is to engage in the service of the Lord. In this way, they get everything
- The devotees fully engaged in the service of the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord do not think in this way. They think, - If I am one with the Supreme, how is it I have fallen into this condition
- The devotee’s mind and senses are already engaged in the transcendental service of the Lord. In this way the poisonous effects of sensory activities are removed
- The difficulty here is that when a living entity is situated in the mode of goodness, he becomes conditioned to feel that he is advanced in knowledge and is better than others. In this way he becomes conditioned. BG 1972 purports
- The disciple follows strictly and in this way learns how to control his senses. Then, by using his pure intelligence, he gradually becomes a lover of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as confirmed by Srila Rupa Gosvami - adau sraddha tatah sadhu-sangah
- The drummers began to beat their kettledrums, and the brahmanas offered Vedic hymns. In this way, both in the heavens and on earth, everyone began to perform his own duties, glorifying the Lord (Krsna) - SB 10.12.34
- The ears are equally imperfect. We cannot hear a sound vibrated a long distance away unless we put a telephone to our ear. Similarly, if we analyze all our senses in this way, we will find them all to be imperfect
- The entire night was passed in this way, in ecstatic love of Godhead. In the morning they both departed to tend to their respective duties
- The expert comes and at once sees what is the defect, and he joins one wire, this way and that way, and machine becomes start. Hrzum, hrzum, hrzum, hrzum, hrzum, hrzum
- The fact is that there is nothing but God within and without. Everything is a manifestation of His different energies, like the heat and light emanating from a fire, and in this way there is a oneness among His diverse energies
- The fallen person continued, "I therefore pray, O my Lord, O deliverer from the hellish conditions of life. I have fallen into this hell, but I shall try to remember Your holy name always, and in this way I shall try to keep my body and soul together"
- The false rumor that Krsna had killed Prasena and taken away the jewel spread everywhere like wildfire. Krsna did not like to be defamed in that way, and therefore He decided that He would go to the forest and find the Syamantaka jewel
- The famous King Hariscandra, one of the exalted persons in history, performed grand sacrifices by sacrificing a man and pleased all the demigods. In this way his dropsy created by Varuna was cured
- The father of all Prajapatis, Brahma, thus seeing all his Prajapati sons speaking in that way, became very much ashamed and at once gave up the body he had accepted. Later that body appeared in all directions as the dangerous fog in darkness
- The father, of course, never forgets his son. He thinks, "Oh, my son has left. If he would only come back!" Krsna thinks in this way
- The fire-god, Agni, took away the real Sita and brought her to the place of Parvati, goddess Durga. An illusory form of mother Sita was then delivered to Ravana, and in this way Ravana was cheated
- The first combination is with wife, and then we want some apartment or place to live together, then produce children, then we want society; then we want money, wealth. In this way go on increasing, the real purpose of life is forgotten
- The flies, they go in a nasty place. So you should be cleansed. You should take protection in that way. You cannot kill them
- The food already belongs to the master, for the master has purchased it, but the servant, by preparing food, makes it acceptable to the master and thus offers it to him. In this way, everything belonging to Prthu Maharaja was offered to the Kumaras
- The four Kumaras were attracted by the aroma of the flowers offered at the lotus feet of Krsna, and in this way they became devotees
- The friendship, then maternal love, and further, offering everything for the lover. That is most perfectional stage of love. So in this way we have got five kinds of direct relationship
- The general populace should follow the perfect brahmana. In this way, one can learn how to control the mind and senses and thus gradually advance to spiritual perfection
- The goddess of fortune is attracted by His sweetness, which Srila Rupa Gosvami has described in this way
- The goddess of fortune Rukminidevi personally began to fan him with the camara fan, but the other women in the palace were astonished at Lord Krsna's behavior in receiving the brahmana in that way
- The goddess of fortune, examining the assembly, thought in this way: Someone who has undergone great austerity has not yet conquered anger. Someone possesses knowledge, but he has not conquered material desires
- The good name of Dronacarya was very much respected. Although he joined the enemy camp, the Pandavas held him always in respect, and Arjuna saluted him before beginning the fight. There was nothing wrong in that way
- The gopis are forced to abandon their household duties and come before Lord Krsna. In this way all social etiquette, shame and fear are vanquished. The vibration of His flute causes all women to dance
- The gopis become happy by seeing one another associate with Krsna. In this way their dealings are further nourished by love of Godhead, and seeing this, Krsna is very pleased
- The gopis said, "When Krsna was spoken to in this way, He might have told Radharani, 'All right, better get on My shoulder.' But immediately Krsna must have disappeared"
- The gopis saw the plants, creepers and forest trees loaded with fruits and flowers and ready to serve Krsna. In this way they immediately remembered their worshipable Krsna. They did not simply see plants, creepers and trees the way a mundaner sees them
- The gopis saw the plants, creepers and trees loaded with fruits and flowers and ready to serve Krsna. In this way they immediately remembered their worshipable Lord Sri Krsna. They did not simply see plants, creepers and trees the way a mundaner sees them
- The gopis wanted to keep Krsna at home always, and in this way their minds were absorbed in Krsna consciousness. Such pure Krsna consciousness can arise only in Vrndavana
- The gopis' songs were like thunder, their beauty appeared to be just like lightning in the sky, and the drops of perspiration visible on their faces appeared like falling snow. In this way, the gopis and Krsna fully engaged in dancing
- The Gosvamins are praying, in their mature stage, when they were living at Vrndavana, they were praying in this way: Where, Radharani, where You are? Where are Your associates? Where You are, Nanda-suno, the son of Nanda Maharaja, Krsna?
- The grandchildren also marry and in their turn produce great-grandchildren. In this way the entire earth becomes overpopulated, and then suddenly there are reactions provoked by material nature in the form of war, famine, pestilence and earthquakes, etc
- The great sage Maitreya continued speaking to Vidura: My dear Vidura, in this way Lord Siva instructed the sons of King Barhisat. The sons of the King also worshiped Lord Siva with great devotion and respect. Finally, Siva became invisible to the princes
- The great sage Maitreya continued: In this way the reciters who were glorifying Maharaja Prthu readily described his qualities and chivalrous activities. At the end, Maharaja Prthu offered them various presentations with all due respect
- The great sage Maitreya continued: Upon hearing Atri Muni speak in that way, the three great deities smiled, and they replied in the following sweet words
- The great sage Narada then addressed King Pracinabarhisat: O one whose life-span is great (virat), in this way King Puranjana begot 1,100 sons within the womb of his wife, Puranjani. However, in this business he passed away half of his life-span
- The great sage Narada then appeared and explained to her about the birth of Pradyumna and how the baby had been taken away by Sambara and later thrown into the sea. In this way the whole story was disclosed to Mayavati
- The great sage Rsabhadeva instructed his sons in this way: In this life you have acquired these beautiful bodies. Now you should know that they are not meant for sense gratification like the bodies of hogs and dogs but for spiritual realization
- The great saint Ambarisa Maharaj, although a responsible king, fixed his mind on Krsna, and similarly anyone who tries to fix his mind in this way will very rapidly make progress in successfully reviving his original Krsna consciousness
- The great saint Maitreya continued: My dear Vidura, in this way Maharaja Prthu, the conqueror of the entire world, accepted the instructions of the Supreme Personality of Godhead on his head
- The happiness one enjoys in this way (by sense enjoyment) is like the pleasure of embracing a young woman in a dream; for some time it may be pleasing, but actually the basic principle is false
- The Hindus were so foolish that if a Muhammadan sprinkled some water in this way, so he becomes Muhammadan and he is rejected. In this way the Muhammadan population was there
- The holy place becomes infected with the sins of many visitors. When an advanced devotee goes to a holy place, he counteracts all the sins of the pilgrims. Therefore Maharaja Yudhisthira addressed Vidura in this way
- The home should be a place for devotional service, and the wife should be chaste and accepted by a ritualistic ceremony. In this way one can become happy at home
- The householders should earn a livelihood by an honorable means and spend fifty percent of their income to propagate KC all over the world. Thus a householder should give in charity to such institutional societies that are engaged in that way. BG 1972 p
- The human species of life are only 400,000 species, or types, as you say. In this way the total is 8,400,000's of types of bodies, and we have to pass through, by transmigration, from one body to another, another, another, another
- The hunter replied: My dear sir (Narada Muni), from my very childhood I have been taught to kill animals in this way (half-killing an animal). Please tell me how I can get rid of all the offenses and sinful activities which I have accumulated
- The husband and wife should live in Krsna consciousness and follow in the footsteps of Laksmi-Narayana or Krsna-Rukmini. In this way peace and harmony can be possible within this world
- The husband, according to Vedic instruction, is required to please the wife with sufficient food, ornaments and clothing. Then, if they are satisfied with their mutual dealings, good children are born. In this way the entire world can become peaceful
- The husband, coming under the control of the wife, sacrifices his quality of goodness and becomes subservient to the qualities of passion and ignorance. In this way the whole situation becomes polluted
- The idea is that because God and His knowledge are both unlimited, as soon as God is cognizant of some of His energies, He perceives that He has still more energies. In this way, both His energies and His knowledge increase
- The idea is to save more time from this materialistic business and utilize it for Krsna's service. When our anxieties are how to utilize life in that way, that stage is abyarthya kalatvam, utilizing life without spoiling it
- The impersonalists are placed in the brahma-jyotir as spiritual sparks, and in this way the brahma-jyotir is filled with spiritual sparks. This is what is meant by merging into the spiritual existence
- The impersonalists discuss the philosophy of voidism while trying as much as possible to enjoy this material life. One may enjoy speculation in this way, but there is no spiritual benefit
- The impersonalists recommend a process of aham grahopasana by which one worships his own body as the Supreme. Thinking in this way, such pseudo-transcendentalists dress themselves as the damsels of Vraja
- The impersonalists, Sankarites, even the Buddhists, they also, some way or other, they accept that there is the voidness. But the Bhagavad-gita does not disappoint you in that way. That voidness philosophy has created atheism
- The influence of the pure devotees in Krsna consciousness is such that it can awaken others to become immediately Krsna conscious and engage themselves in the transcendental loving service of Krsna. In this way the descendants of pure devotees increase
- The jiva potency, or the ksetrajna-sakti of the Lord, has the tendency to be overpowered by the external potency, avidya-karma-samjna, and in this way he is placed in the awkward circumstances of material existence
- The jnanis are those who, when a little elevated, think, "Why work so hard? So many things are not required. Why accumulate so much money and food and so much false prestige?" The jnani thinks in this way
- The jnanis or philosophers are also trying (to diminish the miserable condition), but they have become disgusted & so proclaim, "This world is false." Thinking this, they try to merge into the existence of the Supreme and in this way extinguish the fire
- The Karanodakasayi, Garbhodakasayi and Ksirodakasayi forms of Narayana all create in cooperation with the material energy. In this way They are attached to maya
- The King (Yudhisthira) not only dressed himself and decorated himself but also gave clothing and ornaments to all the priests and the others who had participated in the yajnas. In this way, he worshiped them all
- The King of heaven, Indra, also gradually joins with great satisfaction and begins dancing and chanting "Hari bol! Hari bol!" In this way, by the influence of the transcendental vibration of the holy name of God, the whole universe becomes ecstatic
- The King of Kasi had a son whose name was Sudaksina. After observing the ritualistic funeral ceremonies (of his father), he took a vow that since Krsna was the enemy of his father, he would kill Krsna and in this way liquidate his debt to his father
- The king offered that "Instead of this cow you take ten cows from me. You settle up." No, he would not do that. In this way there was some misunderstanding, and the brahmana cursed him, as a result of which he had to become a lizard
- The King, his attempt for progeny frustrated in this way, performed a sacrifice named marut-stoma to get a son. The demigods known as the Maruts, being fully satisfied with him, then presented him a son named Bharadvaja
- The Krsna consciousness movement, in continuity of that same motion (set by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu), is now spreading all over the world, and in this way it will gradually spread all over the universe
- The last stage (of human life) recommended is the sannyasa order, or the renounced order of life. In this way (by going through the four orders of life) one accepts a gradual process of spiritual activities for the ultimate goal of liberation
- The leaders of the society, if it is serious, will adopt this, in the educational system, in their private life. In that way they shall ask some question, then it will benefit. Otherwise it will be simply a show
- The leaders, they are blind, and they are leading some other blind men without knowing that they cannot be happy in that way because he is under strict, stringent laws of material nature
- The lions there, being very proud of their strength, roar with unbearable envy, thinking that another lion is roaring in that way because of the resounding vibrations of the denizens of heaven singing in the caves
- The living entity is one in the sense because he is part and parcel of God. So if God is gold, the living entity is also gold. That is one in quality. But God is great and we are minute, small. In that way we are different
- The living entity is wandering or transmigrating from aquatics to trees, plants, then insect, then birds, then beasts. In this way the last is human form of life
- The living spirit transmigrates from one species of life to another, and he is moving in that way for millions and millions of years within the hollow of the great universe. For this reason, the living spirit soul is described as all-pervasive
- The Lord (Caitanya) embraced the two brothers (Rupa Gosvami and Vallabha), and, out of His causeless mercy, touched their heads with His lotus feet. Being blessed in this way, the brothers offered prayers to the Lord in their own words
- The Lord (Caitanya) went to the southernmost tip of the Indian peninsula, known as Setubandha (Cape Comorin). Everywhere He distributed the bhakti cult and love of Krsna, and in this way He delivered everyone
- The Lord (Lord Caitanya) ate in Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya's house, and in this way Sarvabhauma's love for the Lord has become very well known
- The Lord concluded that He would go alone to Vrndavana or, at most, would take only one person as His companion. In that way, going to Vrndavana would be very pleasant
- The Lord continued: I am the heart of all sacrifices. You will be able to perform many great sacrifices and also give great charities. In this way you will be able to enjoy the blessings of material happiness in this life
- The Lord does not create this material world at anyone's request, and therefore He can annihilate everything merely by His will. That is His supremacy. If one argues, "Why does He act in this way?" the answer is that He can do so because He is supreme
- The Lord has unlimited transcendental qualities and opulences, and one who feels influenced by the Lord's qualities in various activities offers prayers to the Lord. In this way he becomes successful
- The Lord is always smiling, and the devotee should constantly see the Lord in this form, as He looks very mercifully toward the devotee. In this way the meditator should look toward the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the bestower of all benedictions
- The Lord replied, "My dear Srinivasa, please stop joking. You have all combined together to humiliate Me in this way"
- The Lord said, "but from My side I have something for you. I shall remain always as an order carrier servant in your court." In this way the Lord became Bali Maharaja's doorman, and that was his return
- The Lord says, “Only I existed before the creation.” From this statement, four slokas have been composed, and these are known as the catuh-sloki (SB 2.9.33/34/35/36). In this way the Supreme PG informed Lord Brahma about the purport of the catuh-sloki
- The Lord would cry, & the ladies would begin chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, clapping their hands. In this way all the ladies of the neighboring houses would assemble in the home of Sacimata to join in the sankirtana movement twenty-four hours a day
- The Lord, who is known as Hrsikesa, bugled with His Pancajanya conchshell, in this way pleasing all the demigods, headed by Lord Brahma. Then He mounted the back of His carrier, Garuda
- The lust is dictating that "You do this nonsense." "Yes, I'll do. Yes, I'll do." So in this way, we are actually servant of our senses and the dictation of the senses. This is our position
- The madhyama-adhikari, or second-class devotee, has firm conviction in Krsna consciousness, but he cannot support his conviction by citing sastric references. The neophyte devotee does not yet have firm faith. In this way the devotees are typed
- The main purpose of the Krsna consciousness movement is to enlighten the forgetful living entity and remind him of his original KC. In this way the living entity can be saved from the catastrophe of ignorance as well as bodily transmigration
- The man does not know, "Where the horses are dragging me, either in the hell or heaven? I do not know." But the horses are not controlled, simply running, high speed. That these motorcars are running this way and that way
- The Manu-samhita recommends that to keep a wife satisfied a husband should give her some ornaments because women are generally fond of home, ornaments, dresses, children, etc. In this way the woman is the center of all material enjoyment
- The material world expands in the living entity as a source of enjoyment. In this way they both expand, but because they are My energies, they are both pervaded by Me
- The materialist wants to understand everything by the aroha-pantha - by argument and reason - but transcendental matters cannot be understood in this way. Rather, one must follow the avaroha-pantha, the process of descending knowledge
- The Mayavadi philosophers want to prove by this word (sangatatma) that the Supersoul and the individual soul become united in this way (became one with the Supreme Self) and that after such unification the individual soul has no separate existence
- The Mayavadis say that the ultimate source of everything is impersonal, and in this way they deny the existence of God
- The mercy of Krsna comes down through the parampara system, and the respect offered to Krsna is offered up through the parampara system. One has to learn to approach the Supreme Personality of Godhead in this way
- The mind is always concocting objects for happiness. I am always thinking, "This will make me happy," or "That will make me happy. Happiness is here. Happiness is there." In this way the mind is taking us anywhere and everywhere
- The mind should be trained so that it will not be attracted by the glitter of material nature, and in this way the conditioned soul may be saved. BG 1972 purports
- The missionary goal of a devotee is to convert simply one person into a pure devotee. In this way his admission to the spiritual kingdom is guaranteed
- The modes of nature are mixed together. Sometimes this portion is greater than the other portion. In this way material nature is the greatest artist. You can see how she has manufactured so many bodies, nice bodies, eight million four hundred thousand
- The moisture oozing from Sanatana’s itching skin did not affect the Lord at all. After speaking with Sanatana Gosvami in this way, the Lord again embraced him, and after this embrace, Sanatana Gosvami became free from the disease
- The monkey lives in the forest, eats fruit & doesn't even cover itself with a cloth. In this way it resembles a saint, but the monkey always thinks of female monkeys & sometimes keeps dozens of them for sexual intercourse. This is called markata-vairagya
- The more the taste grows, the more one desires to render service to the Lord. In this way one becomes attached to a particular mellow in the Lord’s service - santa, dasya, sakhya, vatsalya or madhura. As a result of such attachment, bhava develops
- The mothers took care of the boys (Krsna's cowherd boy expansions) by chanting protective mantras, decorating their bodies with tilaka and giving them food. In this way, the mothers served Krsna personally - SB 10.13.23
- The muni inquired from the King (Saryati) whether the daughter (Sukanya) was married. In this way, the King, understanding the purpose of the great sage Cyavana Muni immediately gave the muni his daughter in charity & escaped the danger of being cursed
- The Nagapatnis said, "Your (Krsna's) dancing on his (Kaliya's) hoods has reduced all the sinful results of actions caused by his having this body of a serpent. It is therefore very auspicious that You have become angry and have punished him in this way"
- The nature brings you from the aquatics, I was just stating, from the fish life, to plant life, to vegetable life, to . . . in this way 2,000,000's forms, gradually. This is called evolution - one after another
- The nectarean buttermilk of Your flute's vibration, the nectar of Your sweet words and the nectarean sound of Your ornaments mix together to attract our ears, minds and lives. In this way You are killing us
- The nose can be utilized in smelling the flowers offered to the Deity, and the hearing can be utilized by listening to the vibration of the Hare Krsna mantra. In this way the senses can be regulated and utilized to advance Krsna consciousness
- The only engagement of Mother Yasoda, Nanda Maharaja, Radharani, and all the gopis, cows, calves, and cowherd boys was to think of Krsna and cry, and in this way they felt Krsna to be present
- The only purpose of life is to be fully absorbed in thoughts of Krsna and His form, pastimes, activities and qualities. If one is able to think of Krsna in this way, twenty-four hours a day, he is already liberated (svarupena vyavasthitih) - SB 2.10.6
- The other eight sannyasis will accept invitations for two days each. In this way there will be engagements for each and every day during the entire month
- The other political parties are spending lavishly so how can we compete with them. We do not have enough money nor do I wish to spend our money in this way. Therefore I say it is better to stop
- The pacified sages chanted Vedic prayers, the denizens of heaven sang, the beautiful damsels of the heavenly planets danced, and in this way, at the time of the appearance of Nara-Narayana, all signs of good fortune were visible
- The people must eat sumptuously - not voraciously and make them fit for working and chanting. In this way, they will be purified and everything will be nicely organized
- The perfect course is to retire altogether from sinful activities and take up Krsna consciousness. In this way one can become completely perfect and go back home, back to Godhead
- The Pracetas became very angry when they saw the surface of the globe covered in this way (the surface of the world was practically covered by very tall trees). They desired that the land be cleared for crops
- The process is that whatever we offer to the Deity, that is offered to guru. And guru offers to his guru. In this way goes to Krsna. We don't directly offer Radha-Krsna. No. We have no right. Neither He accepts in that way
- The process of hearing and chanting enters the core of the heart, and in this way one becomes a pure devotee
- The process of meditation should begin from the lotus feet of the Lord and progress to His smiling face. The meditation should be concentrated upon the lotus feet, then the calves, then the thighs, and in this way higher and higher
- The processes of jnana, yoga and karma are executed life after life before one gets a chance to render pure devotional service to the Lord. This chance is given by the grace of a pure devotee, and it is in this way only that one can attain liberation
- The professional singers called sutas and magadhas would sing, and others would perform their dancing art. In this way, as devotees, they would offer respectful prayers to the Supreme Personality of Godhead (Krsna)
- The program there in Philadelphia is always so much encouraging. Continue in this way and distribute our books nicely and Krishna will be pleased upon you to give you more and more facility for service
- The Puranas are histories of bygone ages that relate the pastimes of the various incarnations of the Lord. In this way the reading matter remains forever fresh, despite repeated readings. BG 1972 purports
- The purport is that human life is meant for understanding one's relationship with the Supreme Lord, and by acting in that way any human being can dovetail himself in the service of the Lord by discharging his prescribed duties
- The purpose of the sraddha ceremony is to please the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Visnu, so that after pleasing Him one may offer prasada to one's forefathers and in this way make them happy
- The qualities or qualifications described herein are quoted from SB 3.33.7 and were spoken by Devahuti, the mother of Kapiladeva, when she understood the influence of devotional service (bhakti-yoga). In this way Devahuti praised the devotee
- The real aim is: how to become Krsna conscious. Brahmana is guiding, ksatriya is ruling, vaisya is producing food, and sudra, they have no brain; they are helping. In this way the society is very peaceful, and everyone is advanced in Krsna consciousness
- The real meditation means to think of Krsna. Man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru (BG 18.65). That is real meditation. So in this way, if we engage our life, that means bhakti-yoga, then Krsna reveals
- The real symptom of a true civilization is that its citizens are inspired by Back to Godhead to take up the process of devotion and go back to Godhead, where they will eternally reside in their actual home. Only in this way can they end all futile labor
- The rest of one's time should be devoted to engaging in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. In this way one can attain relief from the reactions of material activity
- The rest of the pastimes (of Caitanya) have been described in a synopsis in the Second Chapter of the Madhya-lila. In this way the author has gradually described both the madhya-lila and the antya-lila
- The result has been very excellent; they are not very big philosopher, nor Vedantist, neither born in the Vedic civilized way, but they have been trained only under my direction for only two years
- The Sanskrit word for a human being is manusya, "coming from Manu." So Manu is also coming from Brahma. In this way, as the conception of a first creature, Adam, similarly, a first living being is Lord Brahma
- The Sanskrit word mat-parah is very important in this verse (BG 18.57). It indicates that one has no goal in life save & except acting in Krsna consciousness just to satisfy Krsna. And, while working in that way, one should think of Krsna only. BG 1972 p
- The sastras advise that a living entity should accept only those sense-enjoyable objects necessary for the upkeep of the material body and reject those that are just for sense gratification. In this way he will reduce the tendency for sense enjoyment
- The second is to accept something as one's own due to a bodily connection. In this way, ignorance expands
- The sense of smell is attracted to yet another side, the restless eyes are attracted to scenes of sense gratification, and the active senses are attracted elsewhere. In this way I (Prahlada Maharaja) am certainly embarrassed
- The senses are very restless, going this way and that way with the mind, but by the astanga-yoga system, which regulates one's sitting posture, one's breath, and so on, one can control the senses and concentrate the mind on the form of Visnu
- The senses are very restless. They are going this way and that way, this way and that way. Mind is going this way, that way
- The six Gosvamis are described in this way: dhiradhira jana-priyau. They were popular with both the gentle and the ruffians. A Vaisnava must be equal to everyone, regardless of one's position
- The sky creation means the air creation also, the reception of the sound. So in this way it is all described in the Srimad-Bhagavatam very nicely, how creation took place
- The so-called man of the renounced order, who has left his house and wife, goes to hell if he again desires sexual pleasure, knowingly or unknowingly. In that way the householders are on the side of safety
- The so-called scientists, the so-called philosophers, poets, they are manufacturing ideas that, "We shall be happy in this way, in that way." So this will not help us, this manufacturing
- The social structure allowing a man to marry more than one wife can be supported in this way. Generally in every society the female population is greater in number than the male population
- The society must be divided - brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra - and they must execute their proper duty. In this way there will be nice management
- The son of Yuvanasva was Sravasta, who constructed a township known as Sravasti Puri. The son of Sravasta was Brhadasva, and his son was Kuvalayasva. In this way the dynasty increased
- The sounds of the waterfalls on the mountain create a pleasing vibration. In this way the mountain stands, increasing the beauty of all directions
- The SPG is full in opulence by His own gain, yet He acts as the creator, maintainer and annihilator of this material world. In spite of acting in that way, He is never entangled. Hence devotees who follow in His footsteps are also never entangled
- The spiritual master accepts only the sincere inquirer as his disciple and gives him the sacred thread. In this way a man becomes twice-born, or a dvija. After qualifying as a dvija one may study the Vedas
- The spiritual master is as good as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and therefore one who is very serious about spiritual advancement must regard the spiritual master in this way. Even a slight deviation from this understanding can create disaster
- The spiritual master, the Vedic injunctions and the Lord Himself from within-all guide the devotee in full strength. In this way there is no chance for a devotee to fall again into the mire of material illusion
- The sri-vigraha-seva - all rising early in the morning, arrange for mangala aratrik, then dressing, then offering food, then aratrik, so many hours. The whole day can be used in that way. Then reading books, class, taking care of the temple
- The Sudarsana cakra began to freeze the fiery demon created by Lord Siva. In this way, the fiery demon was checked by the Sudarsana cakra of Lord Krsna, and, being defeated in his attempt to devastate the city of Dvaraka, he turned back
- The sun & moon rise exactly on time, without deviating even one ten-thousandth of a second, & the seasons change in the same way, bringing fruits & flowers. In this way the entire cosmic manifestation is going on in a very orderly, systematic way
- The sun travels sometimes slowly, sometimes swiftly and sometimes at a moderate speed. In this way it travels within the three worlds, consisting of the heavenly planets, the earthly planets and outer space
- The supreme conscious isvara is similar to the living entity in this way: both the consciousness of the Lord and that of the living entity are transcendental. BG 1972 Introduction
- The Supreme Lord accepts these offerings when they are offered with love and devotion. In this way, one can become freed from material desires
- The Supreme Lord can be preliminarily perceived by His different energies, and in this way He is realized impersonally. BG 1972 purports
- The Supreme Lord inspired Brahma, the secondary creator, and enabled him to carry out his creative functions. In this way the Supreme Lord is the supervising engineer; the real mind behind all creative agents is the Absolute Personality of Godhead
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead controls all the most important demigods - especially Lord Brahma and Lord Siva - exactly as the owner of a bird controls it by binding it with a rope. Sometimes vultures are controlled in this way
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is present in everyone's heart, and as soon as He understands that a living entity is serious about entering devotional service, He sends His representative. In this way Narada was sent to Dhruva Maharaja
- The tongue is saying, "Oh, there is a very nice restaurant with palatable dishes. Let us go." In this way the senses are dragging us from one place to another, and because of this we are perplexed
- The tongue must be utilized to chant Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare and take Krsna prasadam. Thus the tongue has a dual function, and by utilizing it in this way, we will realize Krsna
- The two gates named Khadyota and Avirmukhi, which have been spoken of, are the two eyes side by side in one place. The town named Vibhrajita should be understood as form. In this way the two eyes are always engaged in seeing different kinds of forms
- The vaisyas were also encouraged by kind words and affectionate dealings, and due to Maharaja Gaya's constant sacrifices, the sudras were satisfied by sumptuous food and charity. In this way Maharaja Gaya kept all the citizens very satisfied
- The various states of the world are preoccupied with arranging for military strength. Sometimes they spend sixty-five percent of the government's revenue for this purpose. But why should people's hard-earned money be spent in this way?
- The varnasrama college is required to train people who is able to become a brahmin who is able to become a ksatriya, who is able to become . . . in this way division must be. And according to the quality and work there must be division for cooperation
- The Vedic injunction is divided that one class should be brahmana, one class should be ksatriya, one class should be vaisya, another should be sudra. In this way they should cooperate for the ultimate benefit of life
- The Vedic principles (mahajano yena gatah sa panthah (CC Madhya 17.186)) urge us to follow in the footsteps of great liberated souls. In this way we can receive benefit in both this life and the next, and we can also improve our material life
- The vegetable preparations were made from various kinds of spinach, roots and fruits collected from the forest, and someone made bada and badi by mashing dhal. In this way the brahmanas prepared all kinds of food
- The vibration of His flute slackens the knots of their underwear even in front of their husbands. Thus the gopis are forced to abandon their household duties and come before Lord Krsna. In this way all social etiquette, shame and fear are vanquished
- The weaker Daityas naturally pleaded on behalf of the demigods to stop the stronger Daityas from drinking the nectar without sharing it. In this way, disagreement and trouble arose as they forbade one another to drink the nectar
- The whole human civilization, must be reformed in this way, that the . . . there are intellectual class of men, naturally. There are first-class intellectual class of men, second-class intellectual, third class, fourth class, like that
- The whole material ocean become like that hole of the calf's hoof. In this way you can cross over this material ocean and go back to home, back to Godhead
- The whole plan of creation is made in that way (to go back to Krsna), and one who does not come to his senses suffers in the material world by pangs inflicted by the illusory energy of the Lord
- The whole world is going on that "There is no God" or "God is dead" or "Can you show me God?" And "I am God by meditation," "This way," "That way." This is going on
- The wise, engaged in devotional service, take refuge in the Lord, and free themselves from the cycle of birth and death by renouncing the fruits of action in the material world. In this way they can attain that state beyond all miseries. BG 2.52 - 1972
- The word 'ahaituki' is always applicable to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Urukrama. In this way I have described thirteen complete meanings - of the atmarama verse
- The word ananya-visaya means ananya-bhakti, undeviating devotional service. We must simply be attached to Krsna twenty-four hours a day without deviation. In this way our renunciation can be perfect
- The word durmadena may be analyzed in this way: dur means dusta, or "sinful," and mada means "madness." Every living entity who is in contact with material nature is called mada, or mad
- The word God is defined in dictionary as the Supreme Being. What is that Supreme Being? The richest, the strongest, the most beautiful, the wisest, the most renounced - in this way
- The word kalatra means wife, and adi means beginning. Because a man feels alone, he accepts a wife, and immediately there are children and then grandchildren. In this way there is expansion
- The word manima (in CC Madhya 13.14) is used to address a respectable person in Orissa. Lord Jagannatha was being respectfully addressed by Sri Caitanya in this way
- The word saukra janma means "taking birth by seminal discharge." Animals can take their birth in this way too. However, a human being can be reformed from the saukra janma, as recommended in the Vedic civilization
- The word susamahitah means "very attentive" or "fully fixed." The ability to fix the mind in this way is a result of yoga-siddhi, mystic perfection. As it is stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 12.13.1), dhyanavasthita-tad-gatena manasa pasyanti yam yoginah
- The worker is still working. They are going, still walking on the street to go to the factory. So in this way the whole civilization is going on simply by bluffing. And because men are made sudra class, they are believing
- The young brahmana walked and walked in this way until he eventually arrived in his own country. When he neared his own village, he began to think as follows
- The youth said, - Don't promise this, for your family will never agree. I am such a poor man, and you are aristocratic, so this marriage will not take place. Don't promise this way before the Deity
- Their (Bhaumasura's soldiers and commanders) arms, legs and heads separated from their trunks, and all their horses and elephants also fell with them. In this way, all the weapons released by Bhaumasura were cut to pieces by the Lord's arrows
- Their (demoniac people's) only business is to indulge in all kinds of forbidden activities for sense gratification. Yad indriya-pritaya aprnoti: they deviate in this way because they want to gratify their senses. They have no other occupation or ambition
- Then another person, who may be a greater logician, will nullify these conclusions and establish another thesis. In this way the path of argument will never be safe or conclusive
- Then Govinda spread the Lord's wrapper over His body and in this way entered the room by crossing over the Lord
- Then He showed the highest limit of cleverness in drawing pictures of dolphins in various playful sports on Her breasts. In this way Lord Hari made His youth successful by performing pastimes in the bushes with Sri Radha and Her friends
- Then, entering the flower garden, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu took His meal. In this way He continuously performed all kinds of pastimes for eight days
- Then, in the presence of all the demigods, who were looking on, the Lord severed the crocodile's mouth from its body with His disc. In this way He saved Gajendra, the King of the elephants
- There are different potencies of God, and there are different expansions of the different potencies. In this way, for different reasons there are different expansions of the same one principle, the Supreme. This understanding is real knowledge
- There are eighteen Puranas and four Vedas and 108 Upanisads, and Vedanta, then Mahabharata, then Srimad-Bhagavatam. Each of them contains thousands and thousands and millions of verses. So we cannot imagine that a man can write in that way
- There are five senses by which we gather knowledge and five senses with which we work. These ten senses and the mind should be fully engaged in the Lord's service. Without engaging them in this way, one cannot get out of the clutches of maya
- There are five working senses and five knowledge-acquiring senses. There is also the false ego. In this way, there are eleven items for the mind's functions
- There are many instances of great souls' leaving home in this way (like King Anga) in the dead of night, giving up attachment for home, wife and money
- There are many urges: urge of the mind, urge of the anger, urge of the talking, urge of the tongue, then belly, then genital. In this way, we are driven by so many urges. So out of that, the strongest enemy is our tongue
- There are many Vasudevas. - "No. Nanda-gopa-kumaraya: (SB 1.8.21) I am praying to the foster son of Maharaja Nanda." In this way, three times she (Kuntidevi) points out, - Here is Krsna
- There are two kinds of actions and reactions - namely pious and impious. In this way our material existence becomes coated by different actions and reactions
- There have been many instances in which demons, after achieving material opulences, have become extremely proud, so much so that they have transgressed the laws and regulations given in the authoritative sastras. Hiranyakasipu acted in this way
- There is a very nice foodstuff, but still, my tongue should not be agitated. There is a very nice girl or boy, still, I shall not be agitated sexually. In this way, when you are able to control the six agitating elements, then you become dhira
- There is Kumbha-mela. These assemblies are not advertised. People know it by parampara. I am speaking to you; you are speaking to your friend. In this way they know it, and on that particular day they assemble at a place, just like Prayaga
- There is no advance unless one is interested in spiritual life. In this way we are wandering within this universe in different forms of life, in different planets, in different social positions, in so many varieties
- There is no difference if I chant them or he chants them, I have authorized him in that way
- There is no question of stopping your work but you must see whether you are gainer or looser by working that way
- There is visnu-tattva: Krsna, Balarama, Sankarsana, Catur-vyuha, Narayana. Dvitiya-catur-vyuha: again Sankarsana; from Sankarsana, Maha-Visnu; Maha-Visnu to Garbhodakasayi Visnu; Garbhodakasayi Visnu, then Ksirodakasayi Visnu; in this way
- There then arrived five or seven loads of plates made of the leaves of the ketaki tree. Each man was supplied ten of these plates, and in this way the leaf dishes were distributed
- There was no need for Krsna to eat butter, since His belly was always full, but He would try to eat it, or else He would break the pots and distribute the contents to the monkeys. In this way, Krsna was always engaged in mischief-making
- There were different transformations of the body of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu: being stunned, trembling, perspiring, fading away of color, weeping, and choking of the voice. In this way His whole body was pervaded by transcendental joy
- Thereafter, adding visarga to the final syllable "ma," he should chant the mantra "mah astraya phat" in all directions, beginning from the east. In this way, all directions will be bound by the protective armor of the mantra
- Thereafter, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu called for all the devotees and asked them to return to Bengal. In this way, He bade farewell to them
- Therefore it does not behoove You to act like this. Don't take our paraphernalia for worship of the demigods. Don't create a disturbance in this way
- These (of SB 7.14.10) are the different occupational duties by which men should earn their livelihood, and in this way human society should be simple
- These are some of the points to note in Brahminical life. Keep yourself clean outside by bathing, etc. and clean inside by chanting Hare Krishna Mantra. Go on in this way and your rapid advancement in Krishna Consciousness will be certain
- These books are so much potent that anyone who reads them is sure to become Krishna Conscious. They are so nice. So we want to make propaganda in that way. And if you are enthusiastic and sincere in your efforts, then Krishna will give you all facility
- These Bowery Street men, they are lying on the footpath. They are satisfied. Condemned condition, but they are satisfied. We should not be satisfied in that way. That is very wretched condition
- These boys and girls are worshiping God, and people criticize them, but when a man worships a dog, he is not criticized. In this way society has progressed. When one worships God, he is criticized, and when he worships dog, he is considered a gentleman
- These boys and girls have understood what is austerity and the difference between spirit and matter, that is the highest knowledge of existence. Because they are engaged in serving Krsna in this way, you have nothing further to worry
- These mahajanas, as they have prescribed, that is the real way for understanding Krsna, or spiritual service. So we are following the Brahma-sampradaya, the first, Svayambhu. Brahma. Brahma, then Narada; from Narada, Vyasadeva. In this way
- These nine principles of devotional service-taken all together or one by one-help a devotee remain constantly in touch with God. In this way, at the end of life it is easy for the devotee to remember the Lord
- These rascals are sleeping, thinking life will go in this way, and they have no knowledge that one day death will come and take away all his possessions and kick him out of his place
- These two associates of Lord Visnu - Jaya and Vijaya - maintained a feeling of enmity for a very long time. Because of always thinking of Krsna in this way, they regained the shelter of the Lord, having returned home, back to Godhead
- They (advanced sages who were captivated by the beauty of Lord Ramacandra and who desired to become women in order to embrace the Lord) were born as gopis, or girl friends of Krsna. In this way they attained the perfection of spiritual life
- They (communist government) are advertising equal facility to everyone, to the worker. The worker is still working. They are going, still walking on the street to go to the factory. So in this way the whole civilization is going on simply by bluffing
- They (great devotees) generally reside in places like Vrndavana, Mathura, Dvaraka, Jagannatha Puri and Navadvipa because only devotees assemble in such places. In this way they give saintly association to one another and thus advance
- They (mental speculators) think that Nityananda Prabhu’s body was material and that it was meant for sense gratification. Whoever thinks in this way is a candidate for the darkest regions of hell
- They (opposing princes) addressed Sisupala thus, "Our dear Sisupala, don't be discouraged in this way. You belong to the royal order and are the chief amongst the fighters
- They (professional reciters) have in this way (by creating the impression that SB deals only with Krsna's rasa-lila) presented Krsna to the Western world as a great woman-hunter, & therefore we sometimes have to deal with such misconceptions in preaching
- They (scientists) have no idea what is material world or spiritual world. But in that way a creation took place. Can anyone say what is the theory or. . . of creation? Can any one of you say? What do they say about the creation
- They (the Bhattatharis) allure others to supply women for their camp, and they cheat many women and keep them within their community. In this way they increase their population. In Bengal also there is a similar community
- They (the cowherd men and their wives) concluded that Krsna and Balarama were demigods who had kindly come to Vrndavana to become their children. In this way, the rainy season ensued
- They (the cows and boys) said, "Our dear friend Krsna, we are Your intimate friends. It is not right that we should suffer in this way. We are all completely dependent on You, & You are the knower of all religious life. We do not know anyone except You"
- They (the scientist and philosopher) are attracted toward working in the mode of goodness, and, as long as they have an attraction for working in that way, they have to take some type of body in the modes of nature. BG 1972 purports
- They (the scientists and philosophers) challenge Krsna, saying, What is God? We can do this, and we can do that. But the more they challenge Krsna in this way, the more they are implicated in suffering
- They (the sruti-ganas) even took birth in Vrajabhumi just like the gopis and consequently became engrossed in the ecstasy of the gopis’ love. In this way they were allowed to enter into the rasa-lila dance of the Lord
- They are transmigrating from one life to another. There are 8,400,000 species of life. In this way, actually their existence is being spoiled. Therefore Krsna consciousness movement is to give them right knowledge, so that they may become happy
- They cannot understand, these so-called scientists, that we cannot go in this way. There is higher authority. Why it will allow us to go anywhere? Just like the horse running fast, but within the racecourse. That's all. It cannot go beyond the racecourse
- They passed two months in Vrndavana in this way. Finally they could no longer tolerate the unhappiness of separation from Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- They say "street dog." He has no food. He has no shelter. He is lean and thin and do not know where to go. In this way. So the constitutional position of the dog is that it must have a good master. Then he is happy
- They should follow their father's instructions, their husband's instructions and the instructions of their grown, scholarly sons like Kapiladeva. In this way, their lives can be perfect. In all cases, women should always remain dependent
- They should go on rendering service to Lord Sri Krsna and enjoy life perpetually. In this way all miseries will be diminished, the devotees will attain great happiness, and there will be jubilant love of God
- They spend fifty thousand dollars weekly for seeing naked dance. You see? So money is being misused in this way. Everyone wants sense gratification. And for sense gratification, they want money. And they are earning money
- They think the difference is that animals sleep in the street and human beings sleep in nice apartments. However, the sastras do not define civilization in this way. Whether one sleeps in the street or in an apartment, the activity is the same
- They were executed in holy places according to the proper time by priests who were all young and faithful. In this way Lord Visnu was worshiped, and the prasada was offered to all the demigods. Thus the functions and festivals were all successful
- They will certainly tell us where Krsna has gone, since they have seen Him personally. Guessing in this way, the gopis inquired from the plants and creepers, headed by tulasi
- They will say: "We believe in this way," "We believe in that way." So what is that, you believe in that way? What is the fact? If you believe something wrong, is that to be taken as religion?
- Thinking himself a product of the material energy, the conditioned soul engages in the service of the material energy in so many ways. He becomes the servant of lust, anger, greed and envy. In this way one totally becomes a servant of the illusory energy
- Thinking in this way (with a desire for a son to kill Indra), Diti began constantly acting to satisfy Kasyapa by her pleasing behavior. O King, Diti always carried out Kasyapa's orders very faithfully, as he desired
- Thinking in this way, Govinda kept silent. He did not reply to the Lord's inquiry
- Thinking in this way, he quickly proceeded toward the east. Sometimes he turned around and looked back, but no one was following him
- Thinking in this way, Lord Krsna immediately picked up Govardhana Hill with one hand, exactly as a child picks up a mushroom from the ground. Thus He exhibited His transcendental pastime of lifting Govardhana Hill
- Thinking in this way, Lord Krsna was curious to taste that love. His eager desire for that love increasingly blazed in His heart
- Thinking in this way, Sanatana went to the bank of the Ganges to bathe. While there, he saw that a mendicant from Bengal had washed his quilt and spread it out to dry
- Thinking in this way, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu went to perform His noon duties. The next day, He called Damodara Pandita to a solitary place
- Thinking in this way, the King of the Daityas, morose and bereft of bodily luster, remained silent with his face downward. Then Sanda and Amarka, the two sons of Sukracarya, spoke to him in secret
- Thinking in this way, Vallabha Bhatta approached Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu the next morning, and in great humility, offering many prayers, he sought shelter and surrendered at the lotus feet of the Lord
- Thinking in this way, Venkata Bhatta believed that worship of Narayana was the supreme form of worship, superior to all other processes of devotional service, for it was followed by the Sri Vaisnava disciples of Ramanujacarya
- Thinking of Caitanya, thinking of Krsna - this is Krsna conscious. That is . . . nobody can deny. When he's working in this way he cannot think of other way. That will elevate him, simply by thinking. Man-mana. He'll derive greatest benefit
- Thirty (celestial) days equal one month, and twelve (celestial) months equal one year. In this way, for one million years according to the calculations of the higher planetary system the Pracetas were allowed to enjoy all kinds of material facilities
- This (being brought to the position of a perfect person) is possible if an unalloyed devotee tries to serve the Lord by delivering him in this way
- This body has appeared in that (preparing a doll) way, by combination. If the doll is broken, then, in due course of time, it mixes again: "Dust thou art, dust thou beist." Again mixes with the water, earth, air
- This brahmanda is the creation of Brahma. He is called one of the demigods. So Krsna says, aham adir hi devanam, "I am the beginning of the devatas, demigods." So if you study Krsna in this way, then you become daiva, divine
- This brain taxation, if you engage in Krsna's service - how to spread Krsna consciousness, how to convince people about Krsna, how to take them to the Krsna's desire - in this way, if you go on making plan for spreading KC, then your mind is controlled
- This college program is very good, and you should continue in this way, giving all these student an opportunity to learn this Krishna consciousness philosophy and culture
- This conditional life, the platform of material sense enjoyment, is the cause of forgetfulness of spiritual life. In this way a living entity's original Krsna consciousness becomes covered or converted into material consciousness
- This deity is called sri-vigraha. Aradhana: worshiping the sri-vigraha. Decorating, cleansing the temple, tan-mandira-marjanadau. So we can engage our bodily activities in that way
- This desire, when this desire fulfilled, another desire, another desire, another desire. In this way you are simply creating problem. And when the desires are not fulfilled, then we become frustrated, confused
- This does not mean that the spiritual master or a saintly person like Narada has actually become the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but he is accepted in this way because he possesses the Supreme Personality of Godhead within his heart constantly
- This going and coming (between Jagannatha Puri and Navadvip) will help carry news of Lord Caitanya. In this way I will be able to get news of Him
- This human form of life is meant for austerity, and austerity means controlling sex, food intake, etc. In this way time can be saved for spiritual activity, and one can purify himself both externally and internally. Thus both body & mind can be cleansed
- This human form of life, is meant for understanding the real problem of life and to solve it. This is the opportunity. And Krsna personally coming to instruct you, "You solve in this way." But we are so doggish, we will not take. What can be done
- This is a very intelligent question (by Arjuna), and Krsna answers it in this way (BG 4.5) - Many, many births both you and I have passed. I can remember all of them, but you cannot, O subduer of the enemy
- This is authority, that nasta-sadacaro dasyah samsarga-dusitah. As soon as there will be contamination of illicit sex life, he will be bereft of all good character, this basic principle. And the whole world is now encouraged in that way
- This is called bhajana, devotion in separation, feeling separation. So in this way we shall increase our aspiration more and more. That is required. That asa, that hope, that expectation, will lead us to the topmost platform of devotion
- This is called utsahan niscayad dhairyat tat-tat-karma-pravartanat, enthusiastically executing the regulative activities of devotional service with patience and confidence. In this way one can advance in devotional service without hindrance
- This is essential. Acaryopasanam. To become humble, meek, ahimsa, non-violence, santi, tolerance - in this way you have to make progress
- This is hatha-yoga. Go to a secluded place, sit down in this way, looking, not sleeping. Eyes half-open; see to the point of your nose, so on, so on. Complete celibacy
- This is Krsna's mercy. If somebody is thinking, "If I had like this, like that, like that, like that," "All right, you will have all." Just like Hiranyakasipu wanted to save himself in this way, "Yes, all are granted," but still he had to die
- This is material life. We are rounding sometimes this way, sometimes that way, and we are thinking "new." (devotees laugh) Ei rupe brahmanda bhramite kona
- This is psychology. If woman is chaste, even though she is not very beautiful, she will be liked by the husband. So train them in that way: very chaste, faithful wife and knows how to cook very nicely
- This is scholarly information, flawless science. Kindly assist me in this great work, and know it for certain, that by your sincerely working in this way you shall very soon go back to Home, back to Godhead
- This is the correct understanding of devotional service, to be engaged one Hundred percent in the Service of Krishna, never mind what position you are occupying. Please continue in this way and try to live peacefully with your wife
- This is the highest type of devotional activity, this preaching work. So I am very glad that you are working in this way, and I think that you will find no impediments to advancing yourself very rapidly in spiritual life
- This is the purpose of creation. Krsna gives us full facility. I want to work in this way, - All right, you work
- This is the stage of Brahman realization, or spiritual realization. In this way one becomes fixed on the transcendental platform. Remaining fixed on the transcendental platform is liberation from material entanglement
- This is very good news, prithivite ache yato nagaradi grama sarvatra pracara hoibe mora nama, this is the way of preaching, to spread the news of Krsna in every town and village all over the world. Thank you very much
- This is very important verse. Evam tvayi nanyathe . . . nanyatha ato asti na karma lipyate nare. If you know it that everything belongs to Krsna, in this way if you live for hundreds of years and do your duties, there will be no reaction
- This Krsna consciousness movement is educating people in this way, that Krsna is the enjoyer. You have seen Krsna's picture. He is always enjoying. He is not working. That is Krsna. God
- This practice had to be stopped, but even today there are still some solitary cases where a wife will voluntarily enter the fire and die with her husband. Even after 1940 we personally knew of a chaste wife who died in this way
- This program (distributing books, particularly to the schools and universities) is so important and should be increased more and more. We want to flood the world over with our books. So go on in this way and Krishna will surely bless you
- This semen is injected into the female body, and thus the living entity takes birth. Those who return to earth in this way take birth especially in higher families like those of brahmanas
- This study of Krsna's energy is only one side, or a portion only. So in this way, if you go on studying Krsna, that is Krsna consciousness. It is not a bogus thing - "maybe," "perhaps not." Absolutely! It is
- This supreme science was thus received through the chain of disciplic succession, and the saintly kings understood it in that way
- This supreme science was thus received through the chain of disciplic succession, and the saintly kings understood it in that way. But in course of time the succession was broken, and therefore the science as it is appears to be lost
- This traveling sankirtana party is really Lord Caitanya's movement, and when Krsna sees His men preaching in this way, He becomes very pleased. So you shall not lack for any facilities or inspiration to guide you at all times
- This universe (jagat) is situated on the strength of one part of Krsna's yogic powers. In this way we must understand the greatness of God and our own identity as minute particles
- This verse (of CC Adi-lila 6.73) appears in SB 10.83.11 in connection with the meeting of the family ladies of the Kuru and Yadu dynasties at Samanta-pancaka. At the time of that meeting, the queen of Krsna named Kalindi spoke to Draupadi in this way
- Those below the brahminical qualification - administrators, merchants and workers - should take instructions from those ideal people who are considered to be intellectuals. In this way, everyone can be elevated
- Those conditioned souls, who are full of material desires, achieve various situations in different planetary systems, and in this way they live within this material creation
- Those who act on the basis of Vedic knowledge perform sacrifices for the satisfaction of Lord Visnu and to receive benedictions from Him. In this way they are elevated to higher planetary systems
- Those who are assisting me, let them have permanent visa so that I can work this way
- Those who are engaged in devotional service are acting for Krsna or God, and since in this way there is connection with God, Krsna consciousness is a religion
- Those who are eternally free, liberated, they are godly. They are always ready to render transcendental loving service to God. They are satisfied in that way. Just like mother is satisfied simply by loving child, or friend is satisfied simply by loving
- Those who are little above the bodily concept of life, they find pleasure in the mind. And farther, they find pleasure in intellectualism. And in this way the thing is very complicated. It requires very cool brain to understand all these things
- Those who are too addicted to sense gratification are advised to practice the mystic yoga system, or astanga-yoga system, consisting of yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyhara and so on. In this way, one can control the senses
- Those who are very rich and have taken favor of the goddess of fortune in this world must engage their money in the service of the Lord. In this way they can continue in their opulent position without disturbance
- Those who know the Absolute Truth describe Him in this way ... Tattva means "truth." The truth is explained by the tattva-vit, one who knows the truth. How? Brahmeti paramatmeti bhagavan iti sabdyate
- Those who try the impossible are irrational and overambitious. Everyone has to proceed gradually, placing each step securely before taking the next one. In this way one will ultimately reach the goal
- Those who will offer Me the prayers composed by Lord Siva, both in the morning and in the evening, will be given benedictions by Me. In this way they can both fulfill their desires and attain good intelligence
- Thousands of books are printed and read, and after six months thrown away. This way and that - how can you know the Supreme by speculation on the information supplied by your blunt senses? Give up research - throw it away - just become submissive
- Through austerity, King Malayadhvaja in body and mind gradually became equal to the dualities of cold and heat, happiness and distress, wind and rain, hunger and thirst, the pleasant and the unpleasant. In this way he conquered all relativities
- Through receiving knowledge in this way (by understanding the Bhagavad-gita), we should know that Krsna is pleased, and we should serve Him favorably, according to His pleasure
- Through taxation, such men exploit the citizens as much as possible, & in this way they devour the citizens of the state instead of benefiting them. We therefore cannot expect a government to be efficient if it is headed by such unclean mlecchas & yavanas
- Through the mystic yoga practice called pranayama, the yogi controls the airs within the body to maintain the body in a healthy condition. In this way, the yogi comes to the point of trance and tries to see the Supersoul within the core of his heart
- Through the nose we can smell, by the eyes we can see, by the ears we can hear, and in this way we gather knowledge. Similarly, there are the karmendriyas, the working senses - the hands, legs, genitals, rectum, mouth and so forth
- Through these, he can understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead as He is, and he can understand that Lord Krsna is his eternal master and deliverer from the clutches of maya. In this way one can acquire real knowledge of his conditioned life
- "Thus far I have acquired so much money and land. Now I have to add more and more. In this way I shall be the greatest proprietor of everything. Who can compete with me?" These are all demoniac conceptions
- Thus he purified himself externally and internally. He took his bath and ate bulbs, seeds, leaves, flowers, roots, fruits and grasses and drank water. In this way he underwent severe austerities. Eventually he became very skinny
- Thus I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) have described the Lord's behavior elaborately in the case of Kurma. In this way, you will know Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's dealings throughout South India
- Thus Lord Sri Krsna spoke of the sexual activities of the previous night. In this way He made Srimati Radharani close Her eyes out of shyness. Taking this opportunity, Sri Krsna painted various types of dolphins on Her breasts
- Thus speaking, the Lord entered His room after glancing auspiciously upon the people out of charity. In this way the desires of the people were completely fulfilled
- Thus Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's ecstatic love was awakened by hearing the songs of Vrndavana. In this way He inundated Purusottama, Jagannatha Puri, with love of Godhead
- Thus the Lord liquidates the debt by offering Himself to the devotee. Considering in this way, the Acarya began worshiping the Lord
- Thus the Lord's pastimes are like the flowing Ganges water. In this way all the pastimes are manifested by the son of Nanda Maharaja
- Thus these sinful people accepted Sumati as Lord Buddhadeva and propagated the theory that everyone should follow the principles of Sumati. In this way they were carried away by mental concoction
- To achieve success in this way (by the association of pure devotees), one must first find the proper spiritual master and receive training under his direction. Then one can achieve faith in the Supreme. BG 1972 purports
- To attain perfection, one must make devotional service the center of life. In this way one can awaken his natural instincts by work, association and education
- To become a servant of servant of servant of servant of Krsna. This is parampara system. In that way one can give up the deep attachment for all these, our creation, our developing attachments, grha-ksetra-sutapta-vittaih
- To create this cosmic manifestation, Govinda, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, expands His external energy and thus enters everything in the universe, including the atomic particles. In this way He exists in the entire cosmic manifestation
- To deliver us from these miserable conditions, You have advented Yourself in this transcendental form. This is evidence of Your unlimited causeless mercy upon those of us who are suffering in this way
- To describe the Vedic literatures in one's own way, using imperfect senses and imperfect knowledge, is a disastrous blunder. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu fully deprecated the attempt to describe the Vedas in this way
- To enhance the ecstatic mood of the Lord, Svarupa Damodara Gosvami would sing appropriate songs and Ramananda Raya would recite suitable verses. In this way they were able to pacify Him
- To give protection to the general mass of people who are citizens of the state is the prescribed occupational duty for a king. By acting in that way, the king in his next life shares one sixth of the result of the pious activities of the citizens
- To live in this way (never hoarding money for a luxurious life) is the vow of a qualified brahmana, and all of these brahmanas were well situated in that exalted vow. They were well learned in Vedic knowledge
- To make him competent in that way, that is management. So this policy should be followed, not that because he has done something not correctly he should be changed immediately. That will not help. Now discuss this point
- To rise early in the morning, to attend mangala arati, to offer Deity flowers, fruits, and in this way we shall be engaged twenty-four hours. Then vairagya-vidya will gradually develop
- To show mercy to His devotees in each of these nine tracts of land, the SPG known as Narayana expands Himself in His quadruple principles of Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha. In this way He remains near His devotees to accept their service
- To whom can I speak who will believe me when I say that Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is hunting the gopis in the bushes by the banks of the river Yamuna? In this way the Lord demonstrates His pastimes
- Today I may be a Hindu, but tomorrow I may become a Christian or Moslem. In this way faiths can be changed, but dharma is a natural sequence, a natural occupation or connection
- Traveling in this way, Raghunatha Bhatta soon arrived at Jagannatha Puri. There he met Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu with great delight and fell at His lotus feet
- Try to concentrate on these farm projects. Let the villagers come and hear, and distribute prasadam. In this way draw their sympathy and gradually they'll become our associates. Then they can come to live with us and work with us
- Try to have Sankirtana and get one mrdanga from New York by paying them, and in this way try to improve the attendance of the temple. Your ideas you mention are very good
- Try to live decently by taking krsna-prasada and chanting Hare Krsna mantra. Jiveta: in this way you can live hundreds of years. That is recommended in the Isopanisad
- Twelve items, just like controlling the senses, subduing the mind, subduing the tongue - sama, dama, titiksa - to be tolerant, then simplicity, then full faith in the scriptures, knowledge, understanding Krsna. In this way there are twelve qualification
- Two things: dedication to Krsna and dedication to the devotee of Krsna. So in this way if we advance, then it is very easy to become free from this material contamination
- Uddhava was standing near, and he heard Radharani talking in this way, as if She had become almost mad for Krsna. He was exceedingly surprised at how the gopis were accustomed to thinking of Krsna constantly in that topmost ecstasy of maha-bhava love
- Unfortunately, being misguided, instead of serving Krsna, we are serving so many other things. Somebody is serving his family. Somebody is serving his country. Somebody is serving his dog. In this way, service is there - but the service is misplaced
- Unfortunately, however, instead of becoming Krsna's servants, we are becoming servants of so many other things. We are servants of our senses and the sensual activities of lust, anger, greed, and illusion. Actually the whole world is serving in this way
- Unfortunately, when eternal relationship is disturbed, the living entity wants to become separately happy and thinks that the master is his order supplier. In this way there cannot be happiness
- Unless one hears from the right source, he will misinterpret the pastimes of Radha and Krsna, considering them to be ordinary affairs between a man and woman. In this way one may be misguided
- Upon hearing Arjuna speak in this way, the brahmana replied, "My dear Arjuna, Lord Balarama is present, but He could not give protection to my children. Lord Krsna is also present, but He also could not give them protection"
- Upon hearing this, Mamata replied, "O Brhaspati, you maintain him!" After speaking in this way, Brhaspati and Mamata both left. Thus the child was known as Bharadvaja
- Upon hearing this, we each (Rupa and Sanatana) embraced him (Anupama) and encouraged him by saying, 'You are a great saintly devotee, for your determination in devotional service is fixed.' In this way we praised him
- Vallabha Bhatta said, "If anyone likes, he can go to Prayaga and extend invitations to the Lord." In this way he took the Lord with him and departed for Prayaga
- Vanaprastha life is accepted, generally, after fiftieth year, not earlier. Then the husband and wife travels all over, I mean to say, spiritual sanctified places. In India there are so many places. So in this way, there is no sex in the vanaprastha
- Various sastras advise that for material convenience one should keep his wife always satisfied by giving her ornaments and by following her instructions. In this way there will be no trouble in family life
- Varuna said, "My dear Lord Krsna, Govinda, be merciful upon me - here is Your father. You can take him back immediately." In this way Lord Krsna, the SP of Godhead, rescued His father and presented him before his friends, bringing them great jubilation
- Vasudeva said - My dear Lord (Krsna), it is not very wonderful that You appeared within the womb of Devaki, for the creation was also made in that way
- Vasudeva said, “My dear Lord, it is not a very wonderful thing that You (Krsna) have appeared within the womb of Devaki, because the creation was also made in that way"
- Vedas prescribe some regulations: you act in this way, so that you will not be unhappy. If you follow the regulation, ultimately the result will be that you will be free from the material entanglement
- Vedic statements cannot be accepted by our imperfect interpretations; they must be accepted as they are. If they are not accepted in this way, there is no authority in the Vedic statements
- Very strong knot: "Oh, you are mine. I am yours." (laughter) "You are mine. I am yours." In this way they pull on this material life. And then, gradually, "Now we must have good apartment to live and enjoy sex life"
- Vidura inquired from Maitreya: O brahmana, you formerly spoke about the sons of Pracinabarhi and informed me that they satisfied the Supreme Personality of Godhead by chanting a song composed by Lord Siva. What did they achieve in this way?
- Virabhadra then took the head and with great anger threw it into the southern side of the sacrificial fire, offering it as an oblation. In this way the followers of Lord Siva devastated all the arrangements for sacrifice
- Visnu is expansion of Krsna. In this way Krsna is the origin of everything. That is a fact. That is the verdict of all Vedic literature
- Visnu lies on the water, so the Supreme Personality of Godhead can be properly addressed in this way
- Visnu said: You also executed all religious principles. In this way you were able to cleanse your heart and control the influences of the material laws. In executing your austerity, you used to eat only the leaves of the trees which fell to the ground
- Visnupriya was chanting her rounds on the beads and after one round she was collecting one grain of rice. In this way all day and night, as many rounds as she could finish, that many grains she would cook and eat
- Visnupriya, wife of Lord Caitanya, was young woman of 16 years old when her husband took sannyasa, leaving her without any children, but she always remembered Him, so in that way she was always serving Him and she was never separated from Him
- Visvamitra and Vasistha were always inimical. Formerly, Visvamitra was a ksatriya, and by undergoing severe austerities he wanted to become a brahmana, but Vasistha would not agree to accept him. In this way there was always disagreement between the two
- Visvamitra was a ksatriya, and by undergoing severe austerities he wanted to become a brahmana, but Vasistha would not agree to accept him. In this way there was always disagreement between the two
- Vivasvan, the sun-god, he explained to Manu, and Manu explained to his son (Iksvaku). In this way, by the disciplic succession the knowledge has come down
- Vivasvan, the sun-god, imparted Bhagavad-gita to one Manu, and this Manu imparted it to his son, who imparted it to yet another Manu. In this way the propagation of Krsna consciousness is never stopped
- Vrndavana is described in the BS 5.38 in this way: sa yatra ksirabdhih sravati surabhibhyas ca su-mahan, nimesardhakhyo va vrajati na hi yatrapi samayah, bhaje svetadvipam tam aham iha golokam iti yam, vidantas te santah ksiti-virala-carah katipaye
- Vrndavana is described in the BS 5.38 in this way: sriyah kantah kantah parama-purusah kalpa-taravo, druma bhumis cintamani-gana-mayi toyam amrtam, katha ganam natyam gamanam api vamsi priya-sakhi, cid-anandam jyotih param api tad asvadyam api ca
- Walking and walking in this way, the devotees arrived at the city of Kataka, where they remained for a day and saw the temple of Saksi-gopala
- Was it very difficult for Krsna to appear in this way? Of course not. Similarly it was not difficult for Him to appear before Devaki in the same four-handed form
- We all seek some dear friend - everyone searches in this way. A man searches for dear friendship with a woman, and a woman searches for dear friendship with a man. Or else a man searches out a man, and a woman searches out a woman
- We are advising people to become Krsna conscious, and that way, he will be able to leave this place of miseries and enter the eternal life in the spiritual world. Tyaktva deham punar janma naiti mam eti - BG 4.9
- We are always thinking how we can do something nice to please Krsna with some service or other, or we are reading literature about Krsna or speaking about Krsna. In this way we are always remembering Krsna and that is our natural conscious state
- We are always under three kinds of miseries, but sometimes one is slackened, other is greater, in this way, but we are always under miserable condition. When a sane man comes to this understanding, he is eligible for spiritual evolution
- We are changing this body on account of presence of this life. In this way there are so many so-called scholars of Bhagavad-gita, they do not understand even the first lesson actually. Asmin dehe. Dehino 'smin yatha dehe
- We are doing the service of Krsna, that Vaikuntha service. So in this way, with this attitude, go on preaching. I am very pleased that you are doing your best. That I want
- We are sitting on this car of this body, supplied by the material nature, and she is driving anywhere - sometimes up, sometimes down. In this way we are suffering life after life, birth after birth. This is our condition. We are not independent
- We are taking so much milk from the cows, and we are killing instead of giving them protection. So in this way, we are simply committing sinful life. How you can expect to become happy? So the only means is to take to Krsna consciousness
- We are thinking, "I shall be happy in this way. I shall be happy in this..." Nothing. You shall never be happy - this is perfect instruction - unless you go back to home, back to Godhead
- We are trying to be happy this way, manufacture some way, but it creates another problem
- We can chant Hare Krsna, and Krsna will immediately become available. Krsna is available in this easy way, for which there are no hard and fast rules. We can chant at any time and immediately get Krsna. Just see the mercy of Krsna
- We can say, that writing book at night and inducing these devotees: go and sell, go and sell, go and sell. In this way it is going on. This is not contribution. George has given contribution, but that is house. But nobody gives us money for it
- We cannot control the force of our anger. Therefore when we look at material things, we cannot avoid feeling attraction or repulsion for them. But the Supreme Lord is never affected in this way
- We cannot imagine how beautiful they (the residents of Vaikuntha) are, but their beauty may be compared to the clouds in the sky accompanied by silver branches of electric lightning. The spiritual sky of Vaikunthaloka is always decorated in this way
- We cannot manufacture our own comments. There are many commentaries made in this way, and they are all useless. They have no effect
- We do not care about this because we say that we are brave and not afraid. We are very proud in this way, but this is a fool's pride. It is said, Fools rush in where angels fear to tread
- We don't allow them to take anything which is not offered to the Deity. So we offer to the Deity foodstuff - in grains, fruits, flowers, milk products, in that way - no meat, no egg, nothing of this sort. Simple food. They are nutritious
- We have got nine holes: this nostril, the ear, mouth, the eyes, the genital, the rectum, the navel. We have got nine holes. These nine holes develop. In this way, the body is formed. In seven months' time, the body gets consciousness back
- We have got now this human form of body, and according to our, I mean to say, affection or infection to different qualities of the nature, we are creating another body. So in this way we are entangled
- We have got sampradaya: Brahma-sampradaya, Rudra-sampradaya, then Laksmi-sampradaya, Sri-sampradaya and Kumara-sampradaya. The present acaryas, they are Ramanuja-sampradaya, Sri-sampradaya, Madhva-sampradaya, Brahma-sampradaya. In this way
- We have got thirteen temples. Thirteen. One in this Los Angeles, one San Francisco, one in New York, one Santa Fe, one Buffalo, one Boston, one Montreal, one Vancouver, and Seattle, Columbus, and then London, Hamburg, in this way... Hawaii
- We have made a habit of eating such things (meat). Similarly, we can give it up also. This is possible when there is right bhajana-kriya. In this way, when anartha-nivrtti is finished, perfect, then he becomes firmly stuck up in Krsna consciousness
- We have to accept these authorities, quotation from Srimad-Bhagavatam, Vedic literature, and quoted by authority, Lord Caitanya. We have to follow in that way. Mahajano yena gatah sa panthah
- We have to adopt the tactics of yoga, and in this way, even by doing some ordinary work, which, by destiny or circumstances we are put into, there is no harm
- We have to be real Brahmins, not just in name, and in that way we can set an example for the whole civilized society to follow
- We have to follow in the footprints of the gosvamis and search out Radha and Krsna in this way - by crying after Them
- We have to follow the footprints of other authorities. Leadership. In every society they are accepting leadership. So in that way you have to accept authority. There is no other process
- We have to learn how to love Krsna. And love begins with this give and take. You give something to your lover; he gives you, something to you. In this way love develops
- We have to live in this material world in such a way that we do everything for Krsna but do not touch the water of the material world. In this way, we will have no attachment to things of this material world
- We have to practice in this way, that when all functions of this body will be stopped at the time of death, oh, we shall remember some way or other, Krsna. Then successful
- We have to take care of ourself. Daily, we are thinking, "My country, my community" - they're all busy in this way - "they'll save me." No. When death will come, nobody will save you. You remember that
- We have to try, we have to learn how to love Krsna. And love begins with this give and take. You give something to your lover; he gives you something to you. In this way love develops. Dadati pratigrhnati
- We keep ourselves always healthy and strong in mind & intelligence so that we can distinguish the goal of life from a life full of problems. A thoughtful man must act in this way, learning to distinguish right from wrong, and thus attain the goal of life
- We living entities, we are wandering in different types of forms of body and in different planets. According to our karma, sometimes down, sometimes up, in this way we are wandering
- We may artificially renounce, but again we shall become so-called enjoyers. Such renunciation and enjoyment is like a pendulum that goes this way and that
- We must plan our lives in such a way that it will not be possible for us to forget Krsna for a moment. In this way, by engaging in the service of Krsna, we will therefore always live in Vaikuntha or Vrndavana, the abode of Krsna
- We not only have to understand God and our relationship with Him but also how to act in that relationship. In this way we can perfect our lives
- We request everyone to abandon sinful activity and chant the Hare Krsna mantra. In this way people can save themselves from repeated birth and death and from being killed like the animals in slaughterhouse
- We require to be trained in the service of Krsna under the guidance of representative of Krsna, training. In this way, when we are fully trained, we shall reach that stage, oh, that "I am protected by Krsna." Krsna gives you assurance
- We see now at our function in Vrindaban that hundreds of members are attending from all parts of the world. In this way our movement is unique, that not just the people of India are hearing about Krsna, but from all countries they are joining
- We shall find in the Bhagavad-gita, Tenth Chapter, that anyone who is engaged in that way is a liberated person. BG 1972 purports
- We should all work together for satisfying Lord Krishna and in that way the feelings of separation will transform into transcendental bliss
- We should awaken our lost Krsna consciousness in this way and become mad after Krsna in our separation from Him. This is called krsna-prema, and this love was distributed by Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- We should be determined in this way - Somehow or other in my last life, I did not finish my spiritual cultivation. Now Krsna has given me another opportunity, so let me finish it up in this life
- We should find fault with this process of repetition of birth and death. People are now being educated in this way that there is no more life. You have got this life and you enjoy the senses as far as possible
- We should first try to see the lotus feet of Krsna, and when we are practiced in this way, we can look at His thighs, His waist and His chest. Then we can reach His smiling face
- We should follow in the footsteps of Lord Caitanya as far as possible and try to convince the opposition by quoting from the sastras and presenting the conclusion of the acaryas. It is in this way that we should try to defeat all the enemies of the Lord
- We should inquire where this electricity comes from. This is intelligence, and if one inquires in this way he will eventually find the powerhouse itself
- We should live by the mercy of God and take only those things which are allotted to us according to our particular living condition. In this way, by not encroaching on another's property, one can enjoy life
- We should live by the mercy of God and take only those things which are allotted to us. In this way, by not encroaching on another's property, one can enjoy life
- We should not be greedy and we should not mix with persons not interested in Krishna. In this way, we can make steady progress and maintain our membership in Krishna's family
- We should study these Veda Puranas and know what is what, what is God, what I am, what is this world. In this way, we must fructify, make our life successful, and then preach this message of Krsna consciousness
- We should try to hear and chant about Krsna always, twenty-four hours a day, and in this way the dirty things will be cleansed from our hearts
- We sometimes love the body or sometimes love the mind or sometimes love the soul, or in this way, but the ultimate aim is to love Krsna. That is our natural instinct
- We tell our disciples to stop eating meat, but how is this meat-eating stopped? In the place of meat, we are supplying kacauris, rasagulla and many other palatable things. In this way, detachment is possible
- We want to create pure devotees so that other people will benefit by their association. In this way the number of pure devotees increases
- We want to see that, "If God has created this flower, why don't you see? Why I do not see that He has created?" That is nonsense. You cannot see God in that way, but you can see Him by His work
- We, or I, the spirit soul, being carried by the subtle body, and the nature is giving me another gross body. In this way we are transmigrating from one body to another. This is called evolution
- Wealthy people can also be attracted to take part in these activities (construction of the temple, contribute food for prasadam). In this way everyone will become spiritually inclined, and the entire society will be converted to Krsna consciousness
- Westerners or anyone else can 2) vow to accept krsna-prasada and nothing else, follow the regulative principles and chant sixteen rounds daily of the Hare Krsna mantra. In this way, one's spiritual life will never be disturbed
- What I am, then you have to study in this way, whether you are this body or you are something else. Is it not? So that is in the beginning of the Bhagavad-gita explained, dehino 'smin yatha dehe kaumaram yauvanam jara
- What is the difficulty to understand dharma-ksetre kuru-ksetre (BG 1.1)? There is no difficulty. Unfortunately, some unscrupulous commentator says that "Kuruksetra means this body." In this way Bhagavad-gita is being misinterpreted
- What is this breathing? It is air. So you can get so much air and put it into a machine, just like, what is called, bellow, and pump it through the nose. Is it possible to get life? No. In this way, item by item, you analyze this body
- What was possible in days gone by and is still being done here and there even today can again be made possible in all spheres of life, by a little adjustment suitable to time, place, and people. In this way, everyone can get free
- What will be the benefit of taking birth again in this material world, sometimes as a human being, sometimes a demigod and sometimes a cat or dog? What is the benefit of wasting time in this way
- Whatever books we have got, it should be studied. Bhakti-sastri means Nectar of Devotion, Bhagavad-gita, Nectar of Instruction, Beyond Death -- in this way we select some ten books. That is bhakti-sastri
- Whatever he has got, I take it away. Then he tries again to accumulate some money. Again I take it away. In this way, he tries; I take away. When he becomes confused and baffled, he fully surrenders unto Me - Krsna
- Whatever Krsna says or He said 5,000 years ago, we are repeating the same thing. That is called parampara system. Not that "The world has changed. Scientific advancement is very great. Now we can interpret in this way and that way." This is all nonsense
- Whatever one desires can be attained simply by hearing, chanting and glorifying the activities of Maharaja Bharata. In this way, one can fulfill all his material and spiritual desires. One does not have to ask anyone else for these things
- Whatever we hear from the bona fide spiritual master should be practiced in life and the same message delivered to whomever we meet. In this way you become spiritual master
- When a devotee falls into a miserable condition in this way, it is not due to past impious activities, known as karma-phala; the poverty of the devotee is a creation of the Personality of Godhead
- When a devotee glorifies the Lord's name, fame and so on, he becomes almost like an insane man, and in that condition he sometimes laughs, sometimes cries and sometimes dances. He continues in this way without even considering his situation
- When a devotee lives in this way (considering his dangerous condition to be due to his past misdeeds and takes it as an opportunity to pray to the Lord), his salvation - his going back home, back to Godhead - is guaranteed
- When a man thinks of women and money, he lies down and rests on the arms of his beloved woman or wife. In this way he overindulges in sex life and thus becomes unfit for self-realization
- When a person becomes to his real senses, transcendental senses or jnanam, when he becomes actually the person in knowledge, then he becomes the servant of the reality. Because I am servant always, this way or that way
- When a person hears the rasa-lila in this way, the effect will be sure: he will be elevated to the highest position of spiritual life
- When a person is materially opulent in this way, he becomes intoxicated - Oh, I am a rich man. I am an educated man. I have money
- When Advaita Acarya danced in that way, Lord Caitanya felt ecstatic love for Krsna, and because of His separation, the waves and flames of love increased
- When an envious person commits an offense before a great personality, he is always punished in the way mentioned above
- When Banasura was blessed by Lord Krsna in this way, he came before the Lord & bowed down, touching his head to the earth. He immediately arranged to have his daughter Usa seated with Aniruddha on a nice chariot & then he presented them before Lord Krsna
- When Caitanya sang in this way, chanting and dancing, thousands of people gathered around Him, and when the Lord chanted, they roared. The vibration was so tumultuous that Prakasananda Sarasvati immediately joined the crowd with his disciples
- When drinking wine, kindly remember that the taste of this drink is Krsna. Just begin in this way, and one day you will become a saintly, Krsna conscious person - So Krsna is available under any circumstances, if we want to catch Him
- When food is thus offered unto Me, I eat it with full satisfaction. Indeed, I derive more pleasure from food offered in that way than from the food offered in the sacrificial fire
- When Gandhi was leading his resistance movement, many Indians would go to the street and destroy the mailboxes and in this way think that they were destroying the government postal service. People of such mentality are not jnanis
- When He (Krsna) was asked to lift some heavy article and was unable to lift it, He would simply move His arms. In this way, daily, at every moment, He was the reservoir of all pleasure for His parents
- When He exhales, all the universes are created, and when He inhales, they all return into His body. In this way so many universes and Brahmas are coming and going
- When he heard about Krsna's killing of the Aghasura demon, there were some tears visible in his eyes, his throat was trembling, and perspiration covered his whole body. In this way Priest Gargamuni's beautiful face assumed a nice condition
- When he is strong in Krsna consciousness, maya cannot touch him. In this way, in the association of Krsna conscious devotees, the living entity can get free from the contamination of material existence
- When he saw Indra's carrier elephant thus fatigued and injured and when he saw Indra morose because his carrier had been harmed in that way, the great soul Vrtrasura, following religious principles, refrained from again striking Indra with the club
- When it itched, he petted it, and in this way he always tried to keep it in a comfortable condition. He (Bharata) sometimes kissed it out of love
- When Kamsa spoke in this way, Lord Krsna became very angry with him, and within a second He jumped onto the high dais of King Kamsa
- When King Puranjana was hunting in this way, many animals within the forest lost their lives with great pain, being pierced by the sharp arrowheads
- When Krsna and Balarama offered Their service in this way, the teacher, Sandipani Muni, thought it wise to ask Them for something extraordinary, something no common student could offer
- When Krsna appeared, Lord Visnu was with Him. Krsna actually appears in order to demonstrate His Vrndavana pastimes and in this way attract the fortunate conditioned souls and invite them back home, back to Godhead
- When Krsna left the rasa-lila dance, the gopis became very morose, and when they were grieving, Krsna reappeared dressed in yellow garments. Wearing a flower garland & smiling, He was attractive even to Cupid. In this way Krsna appeared among the gopis
- When Krsna was joking with Radharani in this way, Radharani moved her beautiful eyebrows crossly. Rupa Gosvami prays that everyone may become blessed by this movement of Srimati Radharani's eyebrows
- When Krsna was on this planet, one devotee expressed his feeling in this way
- When Lord Krsna and His associates were fed in this way, the brahmana Srutadeva was thinking thus
- When Lord Krsna was of a very tender age, His hands & legs resembled soft new leaves, yet simply by touching the handcart with His legs, He made the cart fall to pieces. It was quite possible for Him to act in this way and yet not exert Himself very much
- When Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was dancing and wandering in this way, He fell down in front of Maharaja Prataparudra
- When Lord Vamanadeva was offered three steps of land, He expanded His three steps by covering the entire universe. In this way the three worlds trembled, & therefore Sri Vamanadeva is referred to as Urukrama
- When Madhavendra Puri was overwhelmed in the ecstasy of love of Godhead, he sometimes stood up and sometimes fell to the ground. Sometimes he laughed, danced and sang. In this way he enjoyed transcendental bliss by seeing the Jagannatha Deity
- When merciful Lord Krsna understands that a foolish devotee desires material prosperity, He gratefully gives him the shelter of His lotus feet. In this way, the Lord covers the devotee's undesirable ambitions
- When Mother Yasoda was addressing Krsna in that way, a girl friend who was nearby began to smile with a puffed nose and squinting eyes. This is an instance of avahasita smiling
- When my mother died, as the devotees of the Lord think, I also thought in that way. What is that? 'Oh, it is a grace of the Lord. My mother is now dead... I am now free'
- When Narada saw that the hunter was trying to save the lives of the ants in this way, he was reminded of a verse from the Skanda Purana: Is it not wonderful that a devotee of the Lord is not inclined to give any sort of pain to anyone, not even to an ant
- When one acts sinfully in this life, he gets a suitable body for the next life. When one again acts sinfully, he takes on another material body. In this way one is continuously under the influence of material nature
- When one actually takes to the loving service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he gives up all duties in the material world, as well as all duties prescribed by the Vedic literatures. In this way one is fixed in the service of the Lord - SB 4.29.46
- When one becomes Krsna conscious - whether in this way or that way - he becomes free
- When one becomes Krsna conscious by the grace of the Lord, the fragrance of the lotus feet of the Lord expands, and in this way a materialist may gain freedom from his miseries
- When one becomes regretful for some offense, his feeling is called bashfulness. In this way, bashfulness and regret can be synonymous
- When one describes the positions of objects in the hands of the Visnu murti, one should begin with the lower right hand then move to the upper right hand, upper left hand and, finally, to the lower left hand. In this way, Vasudeva may be described
- When one goes to school, he begins with the first grade, then progresses to the second, third and so forth. In this way one makes progress
- When one goes with a sankirtana party or sells books, he naturally remembers that he is going to sell Krsna’s books. In this way, he is remembering Krsna. When one goes to enlist a life member, he talks about Krsna and thereby remembers Him
- When one is completely fit to chant the holy name in this way, he is eligible to make disciples all over the world, and he actually becomes jagad-guru. Then the entire world, under his influence, begins to chant the holy names
- When one is freed from material connections in this way, his body immediately becomes spiritual, and Krsna accepts his service
- When one is frustrated in the performance of these ritualistic ceremonies, he again comes to material activities. In this way both the followers of the Vedic rituals and the followers of material activities are entangled in conditional life
- When one is harassed by the invalidity of old age, various diseases manifest at the gates of the body. In this way the city of Puranjana was attacked at various gates by the soldiers
- When one is promoted in that way (under the guidance of the spiritual nature) by surrendering to the Supreme Personality of Godhead-one attains to the stage of great soul, mahatma. BG 1972 purports
- When one is twice-born (dvija), he receives a sacred thread from the spiritual master and begins to learn about spiritual life. He is then allowed to read the Vedic literatures. In this way one becomes a son of Vedic literature
- When one makes Vrndavana his residence, he should take shelter of an advanced devotee there. In this way one should always think of Krsna and His pastimes
- When one thinks in this way (I am part and parcel of Krsna, and it is my duty to serve Krsna), one immediately becomes free. At that time, one is no longer American, Indian, African, this, or that
- When proceeding toward Vrndavana, Caitanya was overwhelmed with ecstatic love for Krsna, He lost all remembrance of the external world. In this way He traveled continuously for three days in Radha-desa, the country where the Ganges River does not flow
- When Pundarika Vidyanidhi saw that Lord Jagannatha was given a starched garment, he became a little hateful. In this way his mind was polluted
- When Ravana came to kidnap mother Sita and she saw him, she took shelter of the fire-god, Agni. The fire-god covered the body of mother Sita, and in this way she was protected from the hands of Ravana
- When Saubhari Muni, who was quite conversant with the self, went to the forest, he performed severe penances. In this way, in the fire at the time of death, he ultimately engaged himself in the service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- When she saw that her dear baby Krsna was playing on the chest of the dead demonic woman, Mother Yasoda, at a loss what to do, began to walk this way and that. This is an instance of being emotional on account of seeing something ghastly
- When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu enters the Gundica garden, you (King Prataparudra) should also go there and read the five chapters of Srimad-Bhagavatam about Lord Krsna's dancing with the gopis. In this way you can catch hold of the Lord's lotus feet
- When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu replied in this way, an officer named Haricandana Patra went to the King and spoke with him
- When Sri Caitanya was describing the opulences and spiritual potencies of Krsna in this way, there was an awakening of love of Krsna within Him. His mind became immersed in the sweetness of conjugal love, and He quoted the following verse from SB
- When Srimati Radharani petitioned Krsna in this way, Krsna said, "Just get up on My shoulders." As soon as Srimati Radharani began to do so, He disappeared. Srimati Radharani then began to grieve over Her request and Krsna's disappearance
- When Sudaksina was encouraged by Lord Siva in that way, he was sure that he would be able to kill Krsna. With a determined vow of austerity, he began to execute the black art of chanting mantras, assisted by the priests
- When the beautiful woman approached him, Bilvamangala Thakura said, "Mother, please give me the pins out of your hair. I am very mad after the beauty of women. So let me pluck out my eyes." In this way, he blinded himself
- When the brahmana was seated on the golden throne, Lord Sri Krsna began to worship him exactly as the demigods worship Krsna. In this way, He taught everyone that worshiping His devotee is more valuable than worshiping Him
- When the children are grown up, the man should leave home and search for Krsna consciousness. In this way one can make one's life perfect by going home to the kingdom of God
- When the devotee takes the water, mother Ganges does not lose anything, and when the water is offered back, mother Ganges does not increase, but in this way the worshiper of the Ganges is benefited
- When the gopis were talking in this way, their feelings for Krsna became more and more intense, and they were experiencing Krsna's smiling, Krsna's words of love, Krsna's attractive features, Krsna's characteristics and Krsna's embraces
- When the great sages were carrying on their discussion in this way, they saw a dust storm arising from all directions. This storm was caused by the running of thieves and rogues, who were engaged in plundering the citizens
- When the living entities desire to enjoy themselves, they develop a consciousness of duality and come to hate the service of the Lord. In this way the living entities fall into the material world
- When the living entity falls down into the material world, the Supreme Lord, through His svamsa expansion (Paramatma), keeps company with the living entity. In this way the living entity may some day return home, back to Godhead
- When the Lord embraced the King, the King again and again offered prayers and obeisances. In this way, the Lord's mercy brought tears from the King, and the Lord's body was bathed with these tears
- When the mind is completely free from material desire, the devotee can think of the Lord constantly. In this way he becomes completely dependent upon the lotus feet of the Lord
- When the onlooker of Krsna's face becomes dissatisfied in this way, he thinks, "Why didn't the creator give me thousands and millions of eyes? Why has he given me only two? Even these two eyes are disturbed by blinking"
- When the people are perplexed in this way (not having sufficient food grains), they should approach the head of government, and the president or king should take immediate action to mitigate the distress of the people
- When the sons of Maharaja Sagara were searching all over the world for their lost horse, they dug up the earth, and in this way eight adjoining islands came into existence
- When the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krsna comes to this planet exactly like a human being, some rascals consider Him to be one of the ordinary humans. One who thinks in that mistaken way is described as mudha, or foolish
- When the Vedas say that God has no hands, it is meant that He has no material hands. His hands are sac-cid-ananda-vigraha. If we can understand Krsna's activities, form, qualities and pastimes in this way, we become fit to return home, back to Godhead
- When the yogi regularly practices in this way, in a short time his heart becomes fixed and free from disturbance, like a fire without flames or smoke
- When there is a beautiful fire, moths come from a long distance, enter it and go pop, pop, pop. In this way one dies, takes birth and suffers and dies again
- When there was another party, then the 105 brothers (Kurus and Pandavas) were together. In this way, we must cooperate to spread Krsna consciousness
- When they (man and woman) are well settled, they must have children and also some friends to come and praise them: "Oh, you have such a nice apartment and such nice children." In this way one's attachment increases
- When Vasudeva was speaking to Nanda Maharaja in this way, he was influenced by a great feeling for the friendship of Nanda Maharaja and the beneficial activities executed by King Nanda on his behalf
- When we address someone in this way, he usually says, "Yes, what do you want?" The answer is, "Please engage me in Your service." This should be our prayer
- When we are illusioned in this way (by anger), forgetfulness of our relationship with Krsna follows, and by thus losing Krsna consciousness, our real intelligence is defeated. In this way we become entangled in this material world
- When we chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra we are saying, “Hare! O energy of the Lord! O my Lord Krsna!” In this way we are simply addressing the Lord and His spiritual potency, represented as Radha-Krsna, Sita-Rama or Laksmi-Narayana
- When we have understood these nine cantos, we can go on to the tenth. In this way we can understand that Krsna's activities are not ordinary but divine, and we can immediately become liberated
- When we see the Deity in the temple, we think, "Oh, this is an idol. It is not Krsna." If we think in this way, we have not seen Krsna. Krsna is also present in His words, in Bhagavad-gita. That is krsna-vani, the message of Krsna
- When we see the Deity of Krsna in the temple, we should think that the Deity is Krsna. In this way Krsna has agreed to be seen by us and even dressed by us
- When you are engaged in the loving service of the Lord, beginning with your tongue, sevonmukhe hi jihvadau, by chanting this Hare Krsna mantra and taking prasadam, in this way, gradually, when you will be purified, you will understand what is Krsna
- When you are working and you cannot read, then listen to the tapes of my lectures and hear in that way
- When you get little taste of love of Krsna . . . just like we are sitting here. We have got little taste for loving Krsna. Otherwise, why we should waste our time in this way? This is called sraddha
- When you have the service attitude, then Krsna becomes pleased. Whole process is service, according to one's capacity. So it is not required in that one has to serve in this way or that way. No. The spirit should be service to the best capacity
- Where is your science in that way (small seed grows into big banyan tree and fruits)? Where is that artist within this material world? Where is that pleasure of that artistic work? These things should be enquired. It is called athato brahma jijnasa
- Where shall I go? Where can I find You? Please tell Me. I shall go there. Speaking in this way, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu began running
- Where there is no sunshine, all the leaves fall down, and as soon as there is sunshine, immediately millions and trillions of leaves come out. At least in this way you have to understand how Krsna's potency is working. That is the Vedic information
- While Bali Maharaja was describing his fortunate position in this way, the most dear devotee of the Lord, Prahlada Maharaja, appeared there, like the moon rising in the nighttime
- While Indra, thought in this way and repented in his own assembly, Brhaspati, the most powerful spiritual master, understood his mind. Thus he became invisible to Indra and left home, for Brhaspati was spiritually more powerful than King Indra
- While Krsna and Balarama were enjoying the gifts of the rainy season in this way, the autumn season gradually arrived, when all the water reservoirs become very clean, and when pleasing and refreshing air blows everywhere
- While Krsna and Balarama were passing in this way, They saw a washerman and dyer of clothing. Krsna was pleased to ask him for some nice clothing
- While Krsna was dealing with Rukmi in this way, the soldiers of the Yadu dynasty, commanded by Balarama Himself, broke the whole strength of Rukmi's army just as an elephant in a pond discards the feeble stem of a lotus flower
- While Krsna was joking in this way with the damsels of Braja, who with great hope had come to enjoy the rasa dance with Him, Subala was also on the scene, and he began to look at Krsna with wide and laughing eyes
- While Krsna was teasing Jarati in this way, she replied that she was certainly aware of the fact that the King of the monkeys was trying to marry her
- While Nanda Maharaj was giving protection to His transcendental son in this way, all of a sudden there were drops of tears in his eyes, and he became overwhelmed with joy
- While passing on that road to the abode of Yamaraja, he falls down in fatigue, and sometimes he becomes unconscious, but he is forced to rise again. In this way he is very quickly brought to the presence of Yamaraja
- While quivering in this way, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu fell down on the ground. Then Govinda approached Him
- While Rupa Gosvami was staying at Varanasi, he resided at the house of Candrasekhara and took prasadam at the house of Tapana Misra. In this way he heard of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's instructions to Sanatana Gosvami in Varanasi
- While so doing, they offered prayers indicating the glorious activities of the Lord and shouted "Jaya! Jaya!" They also danced, played instruments, sang, sounded conchshells and beat kettledrums, in this way worshiping the Lord
- While speaking in this way, Srimati Radharani suddenly remembered Krsna. Indeed, He appeared within Her heart. Greatly astonished, She told Her friends, "The person I want to forget is lying in My heart"
- While Sri Caitanya lamented in this way, agitation and ecstasy awoke in His mind, and He became very restless. Many transcendental ecstasies combined in Him, including anxiety, lamentation, attention, eagerness, fear, determination and remembrance
- While Srimati Radharani was thinking in this way, the characteristics of natural love became manifest because of Her pure heart
- While the Bhattacarya was thinking in this way at his home, all the devotees of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, headed by Nityananda Prabhu, approached the Simha-dvara (the entrance door of the temple)
- While the brahmana (Srutadeva) was thinking in this way, the guests finished their lunch and sat back very comfortably
- While the brahmanas were thinking in this way about the activities of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Ramananda Raya, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu saw those outsiders and restrained His transcendental emotions
- While the ladies of the capital of Hastinapura were greeting Him and talking in this way, the Lord, smiling, accepted their good greetings, and casting the grace of His glance over them, He departed from the city
- While they (the cowherd women) were blessing child Krsna in this way, they offered a mixture of turmeric powder, oil, yogurt, milk and water. They sprinkled this mixture not only on the body of child Krsna but on all other persons who were present there
- While they (the gopis) were talking in this way, Uddhava finished his morning ablutions, prayers and chanting and came before them
- While walking on the road, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu used to chant this Rama Raghava mantra. Chanting in this way, He arrived at the banks of the Gautami-ganga and took His bath there
- While worshiping the Deity, one should ring a bell with his left hand and offer padya, arghya, vastra, gandha, mala, abharana, bhusana and so on. In this way, one should bathe the Lord with milk, dress Him and again worship Him with all paraphernalia
- While you are human being, you, if you utilize your life in that way, then at the end, when you give up this body, you go back to Godhead for eternal life, eternal bliss, eternal knowledge and live happily, without any material miseries
- Who is the rascal who said that you are no longer my official devotee? You are my devotee eternally. Don’t be agitated in this way
- Whoever heard Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu chant "Hari! Hari!" also chanted the holy name of Lord Hari and Krsna. In this way they all followed the Lord, very eager to see Him
- Whoever met Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu became a Vaisnava, and whoever met that Vaisnava also became a Vaisnava. In this way, all the towns and villages became Vaisnava, one after the other
- Why have you allowed the candala of jealousy to sit here also? In this way you have contaminated a most purified place, your heart
- Why the external energy acts in this way may be considered as follows, as analyzed by great commentators like Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura and Srila Jiva Gosvami
- Why there is poverty? Because they are not producing food. Everyone wants so-called comfortable life. So-called education. Sitting idle in the table and chair, and talking all gossips, nonsense, and sleeping. They have been trained up in this way, sudra
- Why you are being carried away by the waves of maya and becoming drowned and sometimes up, sometimes down? Why you are wasting your life in that way? Jiva krsna das e biswas korle to. If you simply accept Krsna as your guidance, there is no more maya
- With full, undiverted attention, Aditi thought of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and in this way brought under full control her mind and senses, which resembled forceful horses
- With great attention, one must prepare an oblation of grains boiled in ghee and milk and must chant the Purusa-sukta mantra. The offerings of food should be of varieties of tastes. In this way, one should worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- With His thousands of mouths He sings the glories of Lord Krsna, but although He always sings in that way, He does not find an end to the qualities of the Lord
- With my tongue I shall chant Your holy name, 'Sri Krsna Caitanya!' That is my desire. Kindly let me give up my body in this way
- With one candle one may light a second candle, with the second a third and then a fourth, and in this way one can light up thousands of candles, and no candle is inferior to another in distributing light
- With these blunt eyes, material eyes, you cannot see Krsna at the present moment. So whatever you can see, Krsna has conveniently has taken His form in that way. So you should always think that Krsna is present here - not that wood or stone
- With these he (Bharata) offered food to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vasudeva, and, worshiping Him, he remained satisfied. In this way his heart was completely uncontaminated, and he did not have the least desire for material enjoyment
- With this idea in mind (that the king should satisfy his citizens in their sense enjoyment and elevate them to Krsna consciousness), the king or government head should rule the world. In this way, everyone will be satisfied. How can this be accomplished
- Within he was always thinking of the lotus feet of the Lord and chanting the Lord's glories, which save one from the bondage of fruitive action. In this way he saved himself from the onslaught of nondevotee associates
- Within the mind you are creating so many ideas for enjoyment, Krsna is noting, "Yes, you'll have it. You'll have it. Just wait. Next life, next life, next life." In this way we are going
- Without being devotee a man will become cruel, cruel, cruel, cruel, cruel, in this way go to hell. And devotee cannot tolerate. We have studied in the life of Lord Jesus Christ
- Without his help in this way it would have been an impossible task for me to start the paper Back-to-Godhead
- Without Krsna consciousness, everyone is acting on different material consciousness, "I am American. Therefore I must work in this way. I must fight with the Russians." Russian thinking that - I am Russian. I must fight the Americans
- Without money, everything will be zero. In this way, just like a tree gradually expands his root, so our attraction, that male-female attraction, becomes deeply rooted by these things, grha-ksetra-sutapta-vittair janasya moho 'yam
- Without tapasya there is no question of making advancement. So if still the material nature is so much attractive to you that you are unable to sacrifice things in this way, then better you give up the whole thing and do as you like outside
- Without understanding the Supreme Personality of Godhead in this way (by following the Vedic instructions of the sruti and smrti and other religious scriptures, including the pancaratriki-vidhi), one only creates a disturbance
- Women are not so quick to learn, and they are weak by nature, so they should be protected in this way
- Work done as a sacrifice for Visnu has to be performed, otherwise work binds one to this material world. Therefore, O son of Kunti, perform your prescribed duties for His satisfaction, & in that way you will always remain unattached and free from bondage
- Working hard all day and night, then having some sex life - we think that in this way we are very happy. But this is not happiness. This has been described in the Bhagavatam as a hog's happiness
- Yah devi, he is situated, keeping the conditioned souls in dream. He is simply dreaming, "I'll be happy in this way, I'll be happy in that way." And that is mental concoction. He'll be never be happy
- Yanti deva-vrata devan: those who are attached to the demigods and who perform the prescribed duties can approach the abodes of the demigods. In this way, one can go to the planet of the Pitas, or forefathers
- Yes, it certainly requires many leaders to manage the many affairs of a large scale institution, so you must train up whatever men you have got and try to manage this way
- Yes, it is respectful to circumambulate the temple, keeping your right side to the Deities if possible. You may dance around the temple in this way if you like
- Yesterday I left New Vrindaban, and your son, Madhu Mangala, is still there, He appears now to be quite peaceful and happy, so I think we should let him continue like that, and if he keeps up in this way, there is no need of any demonic treatment
- Yoga is defined in this way: yoga indriya-samyamah. As previously explained, we are disturbed by the indriyas, or senses. Moreover, we are agitated by the three modes of material nature, which are imposed upon us by the external energy
- Yoga practice can be successfully performed by persons who have a very long duration of life, such as one hundred thousand years; in that way it is possible to have perfection in yoga. Otherwise, there is no possibility of attaining the real perfection
- You also incarnated as Lord Ramacandra, Parasurama and Vamana, the dwarf. You have always protected us demigods and the universe in this way. Now please continue
- You approach the government leaders and convince them in this way (we are rescuing the most fallen members of society), and that will be the greatest achievement. They have got so much money for spending for human welfare activities
- You are all devotees of the Lord, and as such I appreciate that you are as respectable as the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself. I know in this way that the devotees also respect me and that I am dear to them
- You are both my older disciples and Sannyasis so I am dependent on yourselves for helping me push on this Movement in this way
- You are by managing the temple as a president you are doing a very great service to humanity. So please continue in this way and make it nicer and nicer
- You are caused by your father. Your father is caused by his father. In this way go on researching, researching, then you come to Brahma, the original person in this universe
- You are changing your body from childhood, from babyhood to childhood, childhood to boyhood, boyhood to youth-hood, in this way we have got different bodies in this life, in this span of life. Similarly, after this body you will have to accept another
- You are claiming more intelligence than the animals, so use your intelligence in this way. Don't spoil day and night for your economic development
- You are fortunate. Go on in this present attitude, serve you husband always and in this way your life will be perfect, and together husband and wife go back home, Back to Godhead
- You are going somewhere, purchasing the plane ticket. Do you ask, "How many tickets you have sold?" Huh? What is the use of? You just purchase your ticket and get on the airplane and go. Don't waste your valuable time in that way
- You are gradually developing to be a nice Vaisnava, and please continue in this way. Krishna will be very pleased upon you
- You are man, you are stronger; therefore weaker animal - cows and goats - you slaughter them. They are stronger bodily, but they have no intelligence. So man has got intelligence. So if you misuse your intelligence in that way, you can do that
- You are responsible to train so many children in the highest knowledge of life, so that cannot be neglected in any way. You are also doing editing work, so I think that in these two ways you can remain yourself always busy in devotional service
- You are the best man for this task of being responsible for our world headquarters at Mayapur, thank you very much for helping me in this way
- You can sleep this way. I am asking you. Yes, you're sleeping. You can go and sleep. Don't make here
- You cannot let your child go in the street alone. There will be danger. Similarly, according to Vedic civilization, Manu-samhita, woman should be given protection. In this way, acara. This is called acara. So the demons, they do not know
- You disclose your mind - there is no secrecy between the lover and the beloved - and the other party also discloses. In this way, love becomes manifest
- You get gur, you get this . . . fry this oats or corns, and mix with gur and little milk - it will be very good for breakfast, very nutritious. In this way grow your food, and eat nicely, keep your health nicely
- You give something to your lover; he gives you something to you. In this way love develops. Dadati pratigrhnati. The development takes place, loving affairs, by giving and taking
- You have got by the grace of Lord some foreign degrees. If you present this Krsna consciousness movement in India, many persons will follow. So you think in that way and try to understand our philosophy
- You have got your body, I have got my body, another has got his body. In this way we have got different bodies. So we must understand this is the platform of cultural unity
- You have preached the loud chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra and in this way freed all moving and nonmoving living entities from material bondage
- You have to regulate your life. You have to stop sex life. You have to eat certain procedure. You have to sit under certain procedure. In this way, you have to follow so many regulative principles
- You may be in need of food, I may be in need of some woman, he may be in need of some money . . . in this way everyone is needy. Therefore, ultimately one should search after God, when every need will be fulfilled
- You must be detached. Vairagyam. Anabhisvangah. Putra-dara-grhadisu, family life. Putra means children. Dara means wife. Grha means home. In this way you have to be situated on the devotional service. Devotional service is not sentiment
- You must set nice example for the others by following very rigidly the regulative principles, such as chanting 16 rounds on the beads, reading the books, getting up to attend mangala aratrika, etc. In this way everyone shall be encouraged
- You should not act irreligiously in this way. I desire to have a son. Please, therefore, return my husband, who has not yet impregnated me
- You should not spend a lot of time in this way to try to make the worship "first-class" as you say. You cannot make it first-class. That requires much time and money and men
- You should practice developing your good painting skills very thoroughly, and if you are ready, I can send to you many Bhagavatam pictures to do
- You try to convince people that this simple method of chanting Hare Krsna and following the easy process; actually one enhances love of Godhead without fail. So why one should be against this principle? In this way, we have to preach, depending on Krsna
- You wanted little history of this movement? I have given you. That you can create. Yes. How the movement is going on, but we cannot spoil our time in that way, that I describe the biography of a person
- You write to say that this Hare Krishna Movement is perfect in all respects. And it is a fact that "Sankirtana will keep you happy and the books will keep you convinced", so make your program in that way and become fixed up in Krishna Consciousness
- Your appearance is for the protection of these demigods. They are not disturbing to You. - In this way he (Prahlada) begins his prayer, very nice, simple, a child, although there is no question of Vedanta philosophy. The simple truth
- Your body is given by Krsna. In this way, we simply chant and preach like this, we are rendering service. Is it very difficult? Anyone can do. There is no need of qualification
- Your instructions for Me to meditate on You are therefore simply ludicrous. In this way, You are killing Me. It is not very good for You to think of Me as a candidate for Your instructions
- Your mind was not disturbed by My tricks. Rather, you stayed fixed in your simplicity. In this way you have purchased Me
- Your program of speaking in colleges and other places and getting paid is very much liked by me; in this way, try to penetrate every school and college and introduce our books profusely
- Your siddhanta is correct to the sastra and in this way go on reading books and have the correct perception and Krsna will help you. siddhanta baliya citte na kara alasa iha haite krsna lage sudrdha manasa
- Your wanting to go with Me is simply a desire for sense gratification. In this way, you are breaking two religious principles, and because of this I am very unhappy
- Yudhisthira could understand the feelings of Duryodhana & he tried to restrain the queens, but Krsna indicated that Yudhisthira should not restrain them from enjoying the incident. Krsna desired that Duryodhana be fooled in that way