Category:Process Of
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Pages in category "Process Of"
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- A devotee is never caught in the process of being promoted to the heavenly planets and again coming down
- A devotee of Godhead is he who glorifies the Personality of Godhead under the dictation of transcendental ecstasy. This ecstasy is a by-product of profound love for the Supreme, which is itself attained by the process of glorification
- A devotee states that though in some of the eighteen Puranas the process of glorifying Lord Visnu is not mentioned, and the glorifying of some demigod is offered, such glorification must be continued for millions of years
- A frog is eaten by a snake, a snake is eaten by a mongoose, and the mongoose is eaten by another animal. In this way the process of destruction goes on by the supreme will of the Lord
- A Mayavadi is one who considers the body of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krsna to be made of maya and who also considers the abode of the Lord and the process of approaching Him, devotional service, to be maya
- A person who is not purified by the prescribed process of samskara is called asamskrta
- A person who is situated in KC and is engaged with determination in the process of chanting Hare Krsna (maha-mantra), should be considered to be in the transcendental position, even if by chance or accident he is found to have fallen. BG 1972 purports
- A place immediately becomes Vaikuntha whenever the holy topics of the Personality of Godhead are discussed by pure devotees. This is the process of sravanam kirtanam visnoh (SB 7.5.23), chanting and hearing about the Supreme Lord Visnu
- A pure devotee is interested only in devotional service, not in material affairs. To execute devotional service, one should always engage in hearing and chanting about Krsna, or Lord Visnu. The process of temple worship is called arcana
- A pure devotee of the Lord follows in the footsteps of the great devotees like Narada and Prahlada and engages his whole time in glorifying the Lord by the process of kirtana. Such a preaching process is transcendental to all material qualities
- A sinful life can be counteracted by various processes of religion such as yajna, vrata and dana - that is, the performance of sacrifices, the taking of a vow for some religious ritual, and the giving of charity
- A transcendentalist, highly learned in the process of jnana-yoga, may come to the point of bhakti-yoga, or devotional service. At that time, long practice in impersonalism becomes a source of trouble, because he cannot give up the idea. BG 1972 purports
- Accepting the process of varnasrama-dharma will make a person's life successful because this will connect him with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the goal of human life. Therefore the Krsna consciousness movement is meant for all of humanity
- According to his last karma, or action, one gets this body to enjoy, or to suffer. That is the process of birth and death
- According to karma-kandiya, the process of fruitive activities, a person performs various sacrifices directed by the Vedas and in all those sacrifices animal-killing, or experimenting on the life of animals to test the power of Vedic mantras, is enjoined
- According to smarta-brahmanas, a person not born in a brahmana family could not be elevated to the position of a brahmana. Sanatana Gosvami, however, says that anyone can be elevated to the position of a brahmana by the process of initiation
- According to the activities of the present body, one prepares another subtle body. And according to the subtle body, one attains another gross body. This is the process of material existence
- According to the Bhagavatam (1.2.11) there are three levels of transcendentalists: the knowers of the Paramatma, the localized aspect of the Supreme, which is understood by the process of mystic yoga
- According to the foolish Darwinian theory of the anthropologists, it is said that forty thousand years ago Homo sapiens had not appeared on this planet because the process of evolution had not reached that point
- According to the Tattvavadis, the best process for achieving the highest goal of life is to execute the duties of the four varnas and asramas
- Actually this Krsna consciousness movement is a process of making this animal society into human civilization. At the present moment especially, all animals. I take them as animals. Therefore I say so boldly. I care for them
- Actually we are not annihilated. Na hanyate hanyamane sarire , nityo sasvato 'yam. So that is our real business. This requires little intelligence, that "We are eternal. Why we are put into this process of taking birth and death?"
- Actually, the process of belief and revelation is not foreign to us. Every day we place faith in something that we have confidence will be revealed later
- After a devotee engages in the processes of sravanam kirtanam visnoh smaranam pada-sevanam/ arcanam vandanam dasyam (SB 7.5.23), he can later become a devotee capable of rendering spontaneous devotional service - namely sakhyam and atma-nivedanam
- After finishing this life, again one dies, and again one enters into the womb of some mother. Another type of body then comes out. This is the process of reincarnation
- After reaching the stage of devotional service, a person does not have to execute any process of atonement mentioned in the ritualistic section of the Vedas. He is already sinless
- After thus instructing the prostitute about the process of chanting the Hare Krsna mantra, Haridasa Thakura stood up and left, continuously chanting "Hari, Hari"
- Ahangrahopasana may be one of the processes for transcendental realization, but the ahangrahopasita can never be God Himself. No one becomes God by undergoing a process of transcendental realization
- Ajamila fully engaged in devotional service. Thus he detached his mind from the process of sense gratification and became fully absorbed in thinking of the form of the Lord
- All people are working hard, day and night, for pleasure. Because by constitution, he is pleasureful, joyful. As soon as there is little hindrance to the process of his joyfulness he becomes sorry. This is my nature
- All the creative energies, which are inconceivable to a common man, exist in the Supreme Absolute Truth. These inconceivable energies act in the process of creation, maintenance and annihilation
- All the saintly persons present offered their prayers in this way: O supreme maintainer of those sheltered at Your lotus feet, O original PG the process of austerity and penance, in which You instructed us before, is the spiritual power of Your very self
- All these Manus come and go simply by the breathing process of Maha-Visnu
- All these subject matters (the Supreme Lord, the living being, nature, time and space and the process of activity) are concisely discussed in the Bhagavad-gita, & later the subject matters are elaborated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam for further enlightenment
- Although it is correct that one who fully engages in chanting the holy name need not depend upon the process of initiation, generally a devotee is addicted to many abominable material habits due to material contamination from his previous life
- Although there is a process of gradual elevation, if one, by the association of pure devotees, takes directly to Krsna consciousness, that is the best way. BG 1972 purports
- Although this process of growth (of the body) is always taking place, the educational system in modern universities, though considered advanced, unfortunately does not deal with this. Actually there is no education without spiritual knowledge
- Although we may not be in touch with the original personality who first imparted the knowledge, we may receive the same knowledge through this (disciplic succession) process of transmission - CC Intro
- Although we may not be in touch with the original personality who first imparted the knowledge, we may receive the same knowledge through this process (disciplic succession) of transmission
- Always, twenty-four hours, cent percent, he will be absorbed in Krsna and at the time of death at once transferred there. This should be the process of life. Therefore we have taken this movement, Krsna consciousness. Join us. Cooperate with us
- Among the followers of Vedic knowledge, most are following the process of fruitive activity and distinguishing between good and bad work. Out of many such sincere fruitive actors, there may be one who is actually wise
- Among the four yugas-Satya, Treta, Dvapara and Kali-the Kali-yuga is the worst, but if the process of varnasrama-dharma is introduced, even in this age of Kali, the situation of Satya-yuga can be invoked
- An enlightened devotee no longer has any material activities, nor has he any interest in being materially engaged. This process of purifying the senses and engaging them in the service of the Lord is known as bhakti, or devotional service
- And there are even others who are inclined to the process of breath restraint to remain in trance, and they practice stopping the movement of the outgoing breath into the incoming, and incoming breath into the outgoing, BG 4.29 - 1972
- Animals and animalistic human beings are simply interested in continuing the process of eating, sleeping, mating and defending, but in actuality this process is forced to break down
- Any person from any part of the world may be made a brahmana by the regular process of initiation
- Any process for self-realization, you cannot manufacture. That is to be taken directly from God and His representative. That is the verdict of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Any process of religiosity based on sense gratification, gross or subtle, must be considered a pretentious religion because it is unable to give perpetual protection to its followers
- Any religious system but the process of bhagavata-dharma-service as an eternal servant of the Supreme Personality of Godhead - is a system of envy of one's own self and of others
- Anyone inventing some new method for worshiping Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is certainly unable to understand the Lord's pastimes, for he is bereft of the real process of approaching the Lord
- Anyone who accepts God as the Supreme can take to the process of chanting Hare Krsna and become a lover of God
- Anyone who accepts the supremacy of God, the SP of G, his process of worship has to be considered in the category of bhakti-yoga. The more and more you become purified by executing the bhakti-yoga process, then you come to the real platform
- Aradhananam sarvesam visnor aradhanam param. This is a statement made by Lord Siva to Parvati. Worshiping Lord Visnu is the supreme process of worship. & how Lord Visnu is worshiped in this payo-vrata ceremony has now been fully described - in SB 8.16.60
- Arcanam. After pada-sevanam comes the process of arcanam, worship of the Deity. If one is interested in the process of arcanam, one must positively take shelter of a bona fide spiritual master and learn the process from him
- Arjuna addresses Him: "Sthane Hrsikesa" (B.G. 11:36) - "the world becomes joyful hearing Your Name; and thus do all become attached to You." The process of chanting is herein authorized as the direct means of contacting the Supreme Absolute Truth the PG
- As a result of rajah and tamah, one becomes increasingly lusty and greedy, but when one takes to the process of chanting and hearing, one comes to the platform of goodness and becomes happy
- As a result of this process of cheating, others are reluctant to accept a religious process, and instead they advise people in general to work for material advancement. This is going on all over the world
- As confirmed in BG, the process of yajna was instituted from the beginning of creation. By the regular performance of yajna, the equal distribution of wealth and the restriction of sense gratification, the entire world will be made peaceful & prosperous
- As confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita (8.22), He (Krsna) can be approached only by unalloyed devotional service and not by the processes of jnana (philosophy), yoga (mysticism) or karma (fruitive work)
- As enjoined in the Hari-bhakti-vilasa by Sanatana Gosvami, tatha diksa-vidhanena dvijatvam jayate nrnam: by the regular process of initiation, any man can become a brahmana
- As from wood, fire can be manifested, or as butter can be churned out of milk, so also the presence of the Lord as Paramatma can be felt by the process of legitimate hearing and chanting of the transcendental subjects
- As long as a child is joined with the mother by the navel pipe, the child is considered to be of one body with the mother, but as soon as the pipe is cut and the child is separated from the mother, the purificatory process of jatakarman is performed
- As long as one is materially attached, one must accept the process of birth, death, old age and disease
- As long as one is too much absorbed in the bodily conception of life, he becomes interested in many different processes of self-realization, such as the mystic yoga system or the system utilizing the speculative empiric methods
- As maternal uncle of the Pandavas, he (Vasudeva) took active parts in the purificatory process of the Pandavas
- As soon as even temporary things are engaged in His (God's) service, they take on permanent values. The process of such engagement in the service of the Lord is what the sages call cikitsitam, or - well treated
- As soon as one is born in this material world as a human being, he has so many obligations and is bound to repay all these obligations. If he does not repay them, he is further entangled in the process of birth and death
- As soon as the process of yajna is stopped, the earth will withhold all productions -- vegetables, trees, plants, fruits, flowers, other agricultural products and minerals
- As soon as the whole material contamination is washed away by this process of chanting, all desires and reactions to material activities become immediately vanquished, and real life, peaceful existence, begins
- As soon as there is spring, immediately thousands and millions of trees, immediately the foliage comes out. Immediately. And as soon as there is fall, September, last, all the leaves fall down, immediately. So this is the process of creation
- As soon as we forget Krsna and we want to do things for our sense gratification, that is maya. And as soon as we give up this process of sense gratification and do everything for Krsna, that is liberation
- As stated in the Bhagavad-gita, the process of receiving knowledge from the spiritual master entails submission, inquiry and service
- Astanga-yoga is practice in concentrating the mind, releasing oneself from all engagements by the regulative processes of meditation, concentration, sitting postures, blocking the movements of the internal circulation of air, etc
- At death the process of changing bodies takes place due to the subtle body; the mind, intelligence and ego carry the soul from one gross body to another. This is called transmigration of the soul
- At the time of death we have to finish that process of perfection. During our lifetime we have to practice the method of approaching that perfection so that at the time of death, when we have to give up this material body, that perfection can be realized
- Authorities who are learned scholars and sages have carefully ascertained that one should atone for the heaviest sins by undergoing a heavy process of atonement and one should atone for lighter sins by undergoing lighter atonement
- Because human life is meant for knowledge, there are schools and colleges, philosophers and scientists and mathematicians. The processes of eating, sleeping, mating and defending need not be taught, for they are learned instinctively
- Because my mind, my senses, everything imperfect, so how can I have perfect knowledge? So this is not the process of acquiring right knowledge. Our process of acquiring knowledge: to hear from the right
- Because the spiritual master enlightens the divya-jnana, one feels obliged to him. So this guru-puja essential. As the Deity worship essential . . . It is not cheap adoration. It is the process of enlightening the divya-jnana
- Because their (those who want to remain in this material world) senses are uncontrolled, they gradually descend to the darkest regions of material existence to repeat the same process of birth and death in desirable or undesirable species of life
- Before one's next death comes, as long as one's body is strong enough, one should quickly adopt the process of atonement according to sastra; otherwise one's time will be lost, and the reactions of his sins will increase
- Being intensely attached to thinking of the Lord's lotus feet is called pada-sevanam. When one is particularly adherent to the process of pada-sevanam, this process gradually includes other processes
- Bhagavad-gita is the science of God. Everything has scientific process of understanding
- Bhagavata-dharma is the process of religion enunciated by pure devotees, direct representatives of the Supreme Personality of Godhead like Narada, Sukadeva Gosvami and their humble servants in the disciplic succession
- Bhakti means the process of connecting with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. As soon as we use the word bhakti, means the process of devotion, there must be bhakta and Bhagavan
- Bhakti-yoga includes jnana-yoga, or, in other words, the process of pure devotional service simultaneously serves the purpose of jnana-yoga; liberation from material conditions is automatically achieved by gradual development of pure devotional service
- Bilvamangala Thakur, in his book Krsna-karnamrta, says, "Let the impersonalists be engaged in the process of transcendental realization by worshiping the impersonal Brahman"
- Both the father and the mother were responsible for the boy's success in being liberated from the material bondage. That is the process of successful family planning. It is to beget children for complete perfection
- Both these temples and their management have to be reformed in the present context. We shall have to accommodate the process of temple entry by all classes of people
- Brahma underwent severe penances for that purpose, namely to regulate the process of creation so that the Lord might be satisfied. Therefore the Lord was very much pleased with him, and for this Brahma was impregnated with Vedic knowledge
- Brahmacaryena means controlling the sex appetite. That is a brahmacari. Tapasa brahmacaryena samena ca damena ca. Samena means keeping the mind, equilibrium, without being disturbed. The process of meditation is meant for keeping the mind in equilibrium
- By associating with devotees of Lord Krsna, one develops a sense of Krsna consciousness and thus becomes inclined toward the loving service of the Lord. This is the process of approaching the Supreme Lord by gradual appreciation in devotional service
- By continuously rendering service through the process of vaidhi bhakti, one’s natural inclination is gradually awakened. That is called spontaneous attraction, or raganuga bhakti
- By controlling the senses, or by the process of yoga regulation, one can understand the position of his self, the Supersoul, the world and their interrelation; everything is possible by controlling the senses. Otherwise, we are no better than animals
- By different processes of philosophical research under different concepts, such as the process of jnana-yoga, the same Bhagavan, or Supreme Personality of Godhead, is understood as impersonal Brahman
- By fulfilling the process of evolution from the aquatics to the animal platform, a living entity eventually reaches the human form. The three modes of material nature are always working in the evolutionary process
- By material association and education, we learn simply to concentrate on flimsy things, but yoga is the process of forgetting them altogether
- By nature's own way, everyone has to meet death, and if such a process of death is accelerated by anyone's penances, there is no satisfaction for the Lord
- By performing fruitive activities and sacrifices, by distributing charity, one who is expert in understanding the different processes of self-realization realizes the SPG as He is represented in the material world as well as in transcendence
- By practice of the mystic process of bodily exercise in sitting, thinking, feeling, willing, concentrating, meditating and at last being merged into transcendence, one can control the senses
- By practicing the process of pranayama, one can eradicate the contamination of his physiological condition, and by concentrating the mind one can become free from all sinful activities
- By studying various literatures, by conducting philosophical research, one who is expert in understanding the different processes of self-realization realizes the SPG as He is represented in the material world as well as in transcendence
- By such preaching (preaching Krsna consciousness), the preacher becomes satisfied, and those to whom he preaches are also satisfied. This is the process of bringing peace and tranquillity to the entire world
- By the empiric process of philosophical research, one can possibly distinguish the metaphysical subjects from the physical objects; but unless such seekers of truth can reach the personal feature of the AT, they gain only dry, impersonal knowledge of Him
- By the grace of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu this literature (translated by Srila Prabhupada's) is selling profusely and people are chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra with great delight. This is the preaching process of the Caitanya cult
- By the grace of the Lord we were given the same opportunity (to learn the process of worship during childhood) by our parents, and the beginning of our life was based on this principle
- By the gradual process of evolution, the living entity again attains the body of a human being and is given another chance to get out of the process of transmigration
- By the judgment of Yamaraja, material nature gives them (nondevotees) bodies suitable for the reactions of their past activities. This is the process of dehantara, or transmigration of the self from one body to another
- By the method of philosophical speculation, the impersonal Brahman feature of Krsna is understood. By the process of meditation or mystic yoga, the feature of the Supersoul, the all-pervading expansion of Krsna, is understood
- By the omnipotency of the Supreme Lord, the whole material creation evolves by the process of transformation and reactions one after another, and by the same omnipotency, they are wound up again one after another and conserved in the body of the Supreme
- By the process of chanting Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare advancement (in Krsna consciousness) is very quick. There is an immediate result
- By the process of initiation and authorized training, any man can become twice-born. The first birth is made possible by the parents, and the second birth is made possible by the spiritual father and Vedic knowledge
- By the process of initiation by the spiritual master, a person is accepted as a brahmana in his purified state of chanting the holy name of the Lord
- By the process of karma, jnana and yoga, no one will succeed in driving away contamination from the heart, but once a person takes to the shelter of the lotus feet of the Lord by devotional service, automatically all dirty things in the heart are removed
- By the process of meditation or mystic yoga, the feature of the Supersoul, the all-pervading expansion of Krsna, is understood. And by devotional service in full Krsna consciousness, the original Personality of Godhead is realized
- By this process of karma-yoga, one gradually attains self-purification, then transcendental knowledge, next perfect meditation, and ultimately transcendental service to the Personality of Godhead
- By this process of medical treatment people become gradually free from the following four kinds of addictions of sins namely - (1) Illegitimate connection with women. (2) Habit of animal killing. (3) Addiction to intoxication habits. (4) Lure of gambling
- By virtue of the processes of the subtle body, the living entity develops and gives up gross bodies. This is known as the transmigration of the soul
- Ceto-darpana-marjanam (CC Antya 20.12). In this age, the process of chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra is the only method by which to cleanse the sinful mind
- Chand Kazi threatened to convert the Hindus into Muslims by the simple process of sprinkling water on their bodies
- Clarification (by chemical processes) of water may stand for the time being and the sediments settle down, but by a slight agitation everything becomes muddy
- Condemning the process of hearing the Bhagavatam from professionals, Svarupa Damodara Gosvami says, yaha, bhagavata pada vaisnavera sthane: "To understand the Srimad-Bhagavatam, you must approach a self-realized Vaisnava"
- Death is a process of changing the body at the end of the duration of the present life. An intelligent person must be prepared for this and must try to have the best type of body in the next life
- Demons think that they will manufacture their own process of yajna and prepare some machine, by which they will be able to reach any higher planet. The best example of such a demoniac man was Ravana. BG 1972 purports
- Devahuti continued: My dear Lord, please also describe in detail, both for me and for people in general, the continual process of birth and death, for by hearing of such calamities we may become detached from the activities of this material world
- Devotees like the Pandavas, the gopis, the cowherd boys, Yasoda, Nanda and all the inhabitants of Vrndavana do not need to practice conventional processes of meditation to attain the SP of Godhead, for He remains with them through thick and thin
- Devotional service begins from the process of arcana, which is better than going out in the forest
- Different processes of liberation from material entanglement have also been described: karma-yoga, jnana-yoga, and hatha-yoga. But here (in BG 8.14) bhakti-yoga, without any mixture of these, is mentioned. BG 1972 purports
- Directly Krsna revealing. This is the process of understanding God. You cannot create your imagination, imaginative God. No. God reveals unto you being pleased upon you by your devotional activities
- Discharging one's occupational duty as a means of rendering devotional service unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the ultimate goal of life. Bhagavad-gita confirms this as the process of karma-yoga
- Dressed in saffron garments, she sanctified herself with water and closed her eyes to absorb herself in the process of mystic yoga
- Due to sinful activities, one becomes implicated in the process of transmigration and thus has to accept one body after another. Being thus absorbed in a distressed condition, one never attains happiness
- Dull-minded persons who do not have the intelligence to understand this process of transmigration take for granted that when the gross body is finished, one's life is finished forever. Such persons have no brains
- Each process of worship involves understanding different forms of the Lord, as mentioned in scriptures, but the ultimate idea is to worship the Supreme Lord Himself
- Emperor Svayambhuva Manu enjoyed life with his wife and subjects and fulfilled his desires without being disturbed by unwanted principles contrary to the process of religion
- Engaged in devotional service in Krsna consciousness, one has no proprietorship claim, nor is one situated in the false egoism of thinking that he is God or the master. He always thinks himself the servant. That is the process of purifying consciousness
- Especially in this age, the mind becomes disturbed, and due to so much agitation, the process of seeing the Lord within the mind is interrupted. When there is sound vibrated praising the transcendental pastimes of the Lord, however, one is forced to hear
- Even great scholars and philosophers like Dr. Radhakrishnan will have to perform heaps of austerities and penances before they will yield to the process of surrender
- Even if he (spirit soul) goes up to the Svargaloka, he will find no permanent abode for his hankering soul. The hankering soul must be satisfied by the perfect scientific process of perfect devotional service
- Even if one is not free from all sinful reactions, simply by the process of surrendering to Sri Krsna he is automatically freed. BG 1972 purports
- Even if we do not understand this philosophy, we will be purified if we hear what Krsna says. This is the whole process of hari-sankirtana
- Even if you are highly elevated in Krsna consciousness, you cannot stop this process of hearing and chanting because maya is so strong, so powerful, that as soon as she sees, "Ah, here is an opportunity," at once you will dry up
- Even in offensive stage, if you go on chanting and try to be, try to become safe from offensive condition... Dasa-vidha-nama, ten kinds of offenses, if we avoid, that is the process of auspicity
- Even in ordinary activities, we first consider gain and loss, and then we act. Similarly, an intelligent person must consider the entire process of material existence and then act intelligently, following the directions of the bona fide spiritual master
- Even one who does not want to commit sinful acts will be forced to do so by habit. Pariksit Maharaja therefore considered the process of atonement to have little value for saving one from sinful acts
- Even the first-grade offender is excused simply by this process of bowing the head to the ground in respect
- Even the Mayavadi impersonalists who flatter themselves and believe that they have become the Lord themselves are not abhijnah or svarat, fully cognizant or fully independent. The Mayavadi monists undergo a severe process of austerity and penance
- Even those yogis who are attracted by the siddhis (perfections) in the process of yoga are not perfectly situated. BG 1972 purports
- Even though they (the so-called yogis) are endeavoring in a so-called yoga system, they are not self-realized. Such people cannot understand the process of the transmigration of the soul. BG 1972 purports
- Everything that exists in the world is neither an object of happiness nor an object of distress; everything is simply subjective - that is, subject to our sense perceptions as they relate to our processes of thinking, feeling, and willing
- Factually the yoga system is the process of learning to forget what we have acquired throughout the struggle for existence
- Father gives the seed, and the mother receives the seed. The body is then formed, according to the mother's body. And when the body is completely formed, it comes out - either from cats, from dogs, or from man. That is the process of generation
- First one has to undergo the psychological processes of thinking, feeling and willing, and that is called impetus. BG 1972 purports
- Foolishly we are not afraid of death, nor do we consider that death will take away everything acquired by the process of dharma, artha and kama
- For a devotee, the process of merging into the Brahman effulgence is considered to be hellish, and yogic power or the preliminary perfection of yogic power, to be able to control the senses, is automatically achieved
- For further advancement, you (Rsabhadeva's sons) should also give up the means. That is, you should not become attached to the process of liberation itself
- For sense gratification practically everyone is engaged in materialistic activities, which prolong the process of janma-mrtyu jara-vyadhi (BG 13.9) - birth, death, old age and disease
- For teaching this process (of taking Krsna), we are opening center here. You all Indians, your chance is first. So why don't you cooperate and learn? It is open to everyone. It is not a secret thing
- For them (who are not at the stage of loving devotional service) the gradual process of renunciation, knowledge, meditation and realization of the Supersoul and Brahman should be followed. BG 1972 purports
- Fruitive action is being carried on by the help of material science and to a little extent by gross material help, but the materialists await a still more subtle advancement in the process of vibrating sounds on which the Vedic hymns are established
- General propensity is sense gratification, but if you can stop this process of sense gratification, that is real life. That is real life. Nivrttis tu maha-phalam
- Generally people are interested in going to the higher planetary systems in order to become more opulent. This is the process of karma-kandiya, and people perform yajnas and pious activities in order to be elevated to higher planets
- Generally the processes of jiana, yoga and karma are executed life after life before one gets a chance to render pure devotional service to the Lord
- God is attainable only through devotional activities. We can get rid of the results of our work only by the intelligent process of work with transcendental results
- God is realized as impersonal Brahman, as localized Paramatma or the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore the process of linking with Him, it is called yoga
- Great sages have therefore concluded that the process of meditation is designed so that the individual living entity may concentrate his attention on the lotus feet of the Supersoul form
- He (Krsna) does not become God by manufacturing some mystic process of meditation, nor does He become God by undergoing the severe austerities of the mystic yogic exercises
- He (Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu) never said, "Because you did not begin Krsna consciousness from your childhood, you cannot make progress." No. He is very kind. He has given us this nice process of chanting Hare Krsna
- He (Lord Caitanya) is very sympathetic with the fallen souls of this age. He understands, these conditioned souls, cannot execute the regular process of perfection. Therefore He has bestowed His benediction that you simply chant Hare Krsna and be perfect
- He (Lord Caitanya) said that it does not matter whether the preacher is in the renounced order of life, or a family man, or a brahmana or a sudra - nothing is hampering in the process of preaching Krishna Consciousness
- He (one who is engaged in the devotional service) has already come to the post because he is engaged in the devotional service of the Lord. He has ended all preliminary processes of understanding. BG 1972 purports
- He (Sri Krsna Caitanya) preached the process of chanting Hare Krsna, and those who are under His lotus feet are glorious
- He (the conditioned soul) does not know that all such work is also faulty because it will not give him relief from the process of transmigration from one body to another
- He (the living entity) remains within the material world simply for the purpose of sense gratification & transmigrates from one body to another. His process of reproducing so many sons & grandsons results in so-called societies, nations, communities
- He (the living entity) usually engages his body for sense gratification, because one who is in the bodily conception of life feels that the ultimate goal of life is to serve the senses. This is the process of karma-kanda
- He created a vast expanse of water within the universal space & then impregnated that water with living entities. By that process of impregnation a massive body appeared, blazing like a thousand suns & in that body was the first creative principle, Brahma
- Hearing, chanting remembering, worshiping - all these are used in the process of attaining the highest perfection by understanding the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Here (in CC Adi 7.28) it is indicated that this process (of Krsna consciousness movement) will spread and inundate the entire world with Krsna consciousness
- Here (in SB 3.28.11) it is recommended that by practicing the breathing process of pranayama one can be released from contamination created by the principal physiological elements
- Herein (SB 2.2.6) it is suggested that anyone who wants to make an end to these miseries of life, namely repetition of birth, death, disease, and old age, must take to this process of worshiping the Supreme Lord and not others
- How can I (the Girl) expect to unite with others, who are neither conversant about sex nor capable of knowing how to enjoy life while living or after death? Such foolish persons are like animals because they do not know the process of sense enjoyment
- Human life is meant for conquering the insurmountable process of birth and death. That can be done as stated here. Mam bhaja: one must engage in the devotional service of the Lord
- Human society must follow a process of religion to advance, and on the basis of religion one should try to develop his economic condition so that he can fulfill his needs for sense gratification according to the religious rules and regulations
- I am especially happy to hear your statement, I have taken to the process of chanting Hare Krishna - feeling the results immediately. This is very good
- I can say my method is very nice. You can say your method is very nice. But we have to judge by the result. That is . . . Bhagavata says that that process of religion is very good following which one becomes a lover of God
- I thank you very much for the news that many cassette-tapes you have sent for continuing the taping process of my lectures and translating. Otherwise they are either unobtainable or very costly here in India, so it is a very nice service
- I thank you very much for your very nice presentation of the issue of birth. You have assimilated the process of birth very nicely through the books. This has pleased me very much and I wish that all my students can become as adept...
- I was so glad to read as you write to say, "I opened the temple on Thursday and am in the process of fixing it up." It is so much pleasing to me and what can I give you?! I can simply pray to Krishna for your long life and prosperous service to Krishna
- I was very glad to learn that you are following our four principle rules, therefore your picking up of the process of acquiring spiritual knowledge from Bhagavad Gita is very nice
- If a human being is taught to change his subtle body by developing a consciousness of Krsna, or if he is still more perfect, he will immediately get a spiritual body and thus return home, back to Godhead. This is the process of the transmigration
- If a materialist follows the policy of Ravana, who wanted to separate Sita from Lord Ramacandra, the process of separation will vanquish him
- If a section of men in your country, you can turn them to become Krsna conscious, it will be great benefit to the whole world. But the aim is the same, punar-janma-jayaya: to gain victory over this process of birth, death and old age
- If from the beginning one takes care of the process of air circulation, such diseases (paralysis, nervous breakdowns, madness) cannot take place
- If he (the spiritual master) sees that a disciple has become competent and purified by the process of chanting, he offers the sacred thread to the disciple just so that he will be recognized as one-hundred-percent equal with a brahmana
- If human society gives itself to the process of hearing the Vedic literature, it will not become a victim to the impious sounds vibrated by impious men who degrade the standards of the total society. Hearing is solidified by the process of chanting
- If one engages himself in his original, spiritual business, acting as the servant of Krsna, then all processes of purification and reformation are fulfilled
- If one is a perfect brahmacari, he can very easily control the mind and senses, give charity, speak truthfully and so forth. To begin, however, one must control the tongue and the process of eating
- If one is not purified by the process of the seed-giving ceremony, or garbhadhana-samskara, he is immediately classified amongst the sudras because only the sudras do not undergo this purificatory process
- If one is properly regulated he makes further progress, after liberation, to engage in the service of Radha and Krsna. This is the success of life: to stop the process of repeated birth and death and go back home, back to Godhead - mam eti
- If one is true to Gaura-Nitai’s service in the disciplic succession, he can even excel Nityananda Prabhu’s service. This is the process of disciplic succession
- If one sets fire to unwanted grass and creepers in a field, they will all be burned. Similarly, by the process of austerity and penance, one can liquidate all sinful activities and become purified
- If one simply engages in Krsna consciousness to understand Krsna, he surely becomes immune to the process of repeated birth and death
- If one understands the story of King Puranjana and understands how, by sexual attraction, Puranjana became a female in his next life, one will also understand the process of transmigration
- If one understands this (fourteenth) chapter (of Bhagavad-gita) through the process of philosophical speculation, he will come to an understanding of devotional service. BG 1972 purports
- If one wants to achieve success at the end of his life, the process of remembering Krsna is essential. Therefore one should constantly, incessantly chant the maha-mantra
- If people are to be educated to the path of Godhead, they must be taught first and foremost to stop the process of animal-killing
- If someone claims to have the best religion, we ask, "Tell us how to love God. What is your process of loving God? If you do not know your relationship with God and others' relationship, then how can you love God?" That process of loving God is lacking
- If someone inquires into Vedic literature to determine the process of transcendental realization, or consults the Puranas, one will find that in all of them the conclusion is that the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krsna is the only object of worship
- If the father and the mother do not undertake the process of spiritual family planning and simply beget children out of passion only, their children are called dvija-bandhus
- If the process of varnasrama-dharma is introduced, even in this age of Kali, the situation of Satya-yuga can be invoked. The Hare Krsna movement, or Krsna consciousness movement, is meant for this purpose
- If we try to repeat what we hear, we become established in knowledge. By the process of sravanam kirtanam (SB 7.5.23), hearing and chanting, we can become free from material conditioning and attain to the kingdom of God
- If we want to put an end to this process of repeated birth and death, as well as the concomitant factors of old age and disease, we must try to enter the spiritual planets
- If you kindly take this. . ." So they will take. They have got money. And if he reads one line, he'll be perfect. This should be your process of preaching
- If you simply give away in the animal propensities of life - eating, sleeping, mating and defending - and don't accept the process of tapasya, then your human life is failure
- If you simply understand this science, then you become liberated. It is open order. Simply by understanding, even not engaging yourself in transcendental service of the Lord, simply by understanding the process of appearance and disappearance of Krsna
- If you take to the process of this krsna-yoga, or bhakti-yoga, then you can become aware of Krsna very easily
- If you want from Krsna sense enjoyment, He will give you all facilities. But Krsna does not want. Krsna said, sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja (BG 18.66). That is His mission, that - You will never be happy in this process of pravrtti-marga
- Ignorance can be removed by this process of chanting Hare Krsna. How is this? A sleeping man may be awakened by sound vibration
- In a sacrifice there are five primary elements - namely, (1) the process of offering, (2) the offering itself, (3) the fire, (4) the sacrifice, and (5) the result of the sacrifice
- In Bhagavad-gita also we find that the Lord condemns all forms of religion other than that which entails the process of surrendering unto the Supreme. Any system which leads one to the DS of the Lord, and nothing else, is actually religion or philosophy
- In Bhagavad-gita it is said that one must practice the breathing exercise (abhyasa-yoga-yuktena). By virtue of these processes of control, the mind cannot wander to external thoughts (cetasa nanya-gamina)
- In contrast, the process of renouncing the results of one’s activities by offering these results to Krsna is not considered uncontaminated, because, although such a process implies that one recognizes Krsna as the Supreme Person
- In Europe, in America, the process of getting money is not the, like here, that I go to any gentleman, "Give us some donation." That is not possible. You cannot enter even one's house without introduction. Then you are trespasser
- In every scripture there is a process of atonement. Just like in Christian religion, at the time of death, if somebody admits that, "I have committed this kind of sin," it is supposed that he is forgiven
- In India even today the Hindu community often takes advice from expert scholars regarding how to counteract sinful activities. In Christianity also there is a process of confession and atonement
- In order for people to become happy in all respects, they must be taught to perform the easy process of sankirtana-yajna, in full Krsna consciousness. Otherwise, there can be no peace or happiness in the world. BG 1972 purports
- In order to teach others, he (Vasudeva) desired to hear from Sri Narada Muni to be enlightened in the process of bhagavata-dharma. This is the humbleness of a great devotee
- In other processes of yajna there are difficulties because there are no learned scholars who can chant the mantras perfectly well, nor is it possible to secure the ingredients to perform the yajna
- In Satya-yuga, Lord Narayana was worshiped by meditation (krte yad dhyayato visnum). Indeed, everyone always meditated upon Lord Visnu, Narayana, and achieved every success by this process of meditation
- In that process of worship, wine is needed, or sometimes, in place of wine, palm tree juice which is converted into an intoxicant. This is also offered according to Siva-agama, a scripture on the method of worshiping Lord Siva
- In the Age of Kali, mlecchas, or lowborn people who have not undergone the purifying process of samskara, who do not know how to apply that process in actual life & who are covered by the modes of passion & ignorance will take the posts of administrators
- In the Bhagavad-gita also the same process of understanding the Gita is stated in the Fourth Chapter. If one does not follow the authoritative version of the acaryas, he will vainly search after the truth mentioned in the Vedas
- In the Bhagavad-gita it is clearly stated that the purpose of Vedic knowledge is to understand Krsna, and Krsna is understood by devotional service, beginning with the process of surrender
- In the Bhagavad-gita the Lord says, "Give up everything and just surrender unto Me." This process of realizing the S P of Godhead is open for everyone, but still it is the choice of the particular living entity whether to accept or reject this proposal
- In the Bhagavad-gita, five important factors of knowledge have been delineated pertaining to (1) the Supreme Lord, (2) the living being, (3) nature, (4) time and space and (5) the process of activity
- In the book named Brhaj-jataka and other books there are directions for interpreting the movements of the stars and planets. One who knows the process of calculating the asta-varga (eight divisions) can predict auspicious and inauspicious events
- In the Brahma-samhita, the important demigods - Lord Siva, Lord Brahma and even the incarnations and expansions of Lord Krsna like Maha-Visnu - are all worshiped by the process of worshiping Govinda with the words govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami
- In the Christian method, Roman Catholic method, the process of the Pope, Archbishop, and..., that is very nice. There is no objection of us. But our point is that Krsna consciousness is lacking
- In the course of his meditation, the Treta millennium began, and therefore the principles of the three Vedas, including the process of performing yajna to fulfill fruitive activities, appeared within his heart
- In the first vilasa (of the Hari-bhakti-vilasa) there is a description of how a relationship is established between the spiritual master and the disciple, and mantras are explained. In the second vilasa, the process of initiation is described
- In the material universe not even Brahma is free from the process of birth, old age, disease and death. BG 1972 purports
- In the material world one has to pass through a certain stage of development before one can be admitted to the next stage, and there is no alternative to this process of progress
- In the present age of iron industry the yajna that enlightens the mind of the masses for God consciousness is recommended. This process of yajna is called the sankirtana-yajna, or mass agitation for invoking man's lost spiritual consciousness
- In the process being explained by Sukadeva, the first necessity is tapasya, austerity. Even if austerity and brahmacarya are painful because we want to be unrestricted, as soon as we are regulated, what appeared to be painful is in practice not painful
- In the process of glorifying the Lord there should be no restriction of time and space. This is called sanatana-dharma or bhagavata-dharma
- In the process of karma-kanda, it is recommended that one renounce physical pleasures for a time; so a karmi may sometimes be called an ascetic
- In the process of sacrifice, the living entity makes specific sacrifices to attain specific heavenly planets and consequently reaches them. BG 1972 purports
- In the process of surrender (saranagati) there are six items. The first is that one should completely depend on Krsna, and the next is that one should accept everything favorable for Krsna's service - anukulyasya sankalpah
- In the process of surrender unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead there are six items
- In the process of worshiping the Deity it is sometimes enjoined that one worship the Deity within the mind. In the Padma Purana, Uttara-khanda, it is said, "All persons can generally worship within the mind
- In the Satya-yuga this meditation is possible, not in this age. Therefore those who are imitating the process of the Satya-yuga, they are simply wasting time. That's all. That is not recommended. Nobody can meditate in this age
- In this (CC Madhya 20.135) connection, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura gives the following statement. The southern side represents the process of fruitive activity (karma-kanda), which ends in material gain
- In this (CC Madhya 20.135) connection, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura gives the following statement. The western side represents jnana-kanda, the process of mental speculation, sometimes called siddhi-kanda
- In this age it is very difficult to leave home and go to the forest or the Himalayas to adopt the processes of austerity. Indeed, it is almost impossible
- In this age of Kali, the greatest common formula of sacrifice is the sankirtana-yajna. That is the opinion of the experts who know how to propagate the process of yajna
- In this age of Kali, the process of hearing krsna-katha is the most effective means to gain release from unwanted family affection and thus find permanent freedom in life
- In this Age of Kali, the process of worshiping Krsna is to perform sacrifice by chanting the holy name of the Lord. One who does so is certainly very intelligent, and he attains shelter at the lotus feet of Krsna
- In this age of quarrel and fighting, the process of chanting and glorification recommended here (in Mukunda-mala-stotra) by King Kulasekhara is the only way to attain perfection
- In this age, severe austerity, tapasya, celibacy, charity and so on, recommended. Tyagena satya-saucabhyam yamena niyamena va (SB 6.1.13). These are the methods, gradual process of transcendental life
- In this chapter (of BG 5) the Lord explains that the process of the eightfold yoga system is a means to control the mind and the senses. However, this is very difficult for people in general to perform, especially in the age of Kali. BG 1972 purports
- In this Kali-yuga, the demoniac mentality is employed in manufacturing various machines to facilitate the process of sense gratification
- In this sinful age of Kali, people have even taken to the process of killing the child in the womb. This is the most degraded practice; it can only perpetuate the miserable material conditions of those who perform it
- In this verse (SB 3.25.30) Devahuti shows us the process for understanding transcendental subject matters. It is not by challenge but by submission. The entire bhakti process is a process of submission
- In this verse (SB 7.15.52), it is explained that one who has perfect brahminical knowledge rejects the process of elevation to higher planets and accepts nivrtti-marga; in other words, he prepares himself to go back home, back to Godhead
- Indeed, the only return the Lord wanted was that Vasudeva preach the instructions of Krsna and liberate all human beings. That is the process of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness
- Indeed, the system of yoga is the process of transcending the influence of the material elements by establishing a connection with the purusa known as Paramatma
- Intelligence is how to stop this slaughtering process of nature. That is intelligence. That is being discussed. So anyone can get out of the slaughtering process by devotional service
- Intelligent people will follow the process of the congregational chanting of the holy names of God and in this way worship Lord Gauranga who is Krsna Himself with a golden complexion
- Intelligent men should encourage the performance of sankirtana-yajna by their personal behavior. This means that they should follow the process of austerity by restricting themselves from illicit sex life, meat-eating, gambling and intoxication
- It is a misunderstanding to think, as do the monists, that when one gets relief from the process of birth and death he merges into the Supreme Brahman
- It is advised that one not act in a way that will obstruct the regular process of advancement in spiritual life and liberation
- It is clearly stated here (in BG 9.8) that the living entities have nothing to do with this process (of manifestation). BG 1972 purports
- It is important to know thoroughly the process of creation as it applies to this cosmic manifestation. Similarly, this body is also created according to the same process by the Supreme Lord
- It is necessary for us to establish a relationship with a preceptor who can really open our eyes and lift us from the clutches of nescience. This process of approaching the spiritual master is an eternal verity
- It is not possible to arouse the virat-purusa or to link with the Supreme Absolute Personality of Godhead by material activities. Only by devotional service and detachment can one perform the process of linking with the Absolute
- It is not that we have to change our process of work, but we do have to understand for whom we are working. Whatever activity we have to do we must execute, but we should not be carried away by kama, desire
- It is recommended in the Second Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam that whether one is a devotee or fruitive actor or liberationist, if he is intelligent enough he should engage himself with all seriousness in the process of devotional service
- It is recommended that before the next death, if we come to the right conclusion how we shall become happy, then this process of continuously dying and again taking birth and again disease and again old age, then it is not very good
- It is said that God is attainable only through devotional activities. We can get rid of the results of our work only by the intelligent process of work with transcendental results
- It is said, traigunya-visaya vedah: "The Vedas deal mainly with the three modes of material nature." The Vedas, especially three Vedas, namely Sama, Yajur and Rk, vividly describe this process of ascending to the higher planets and returning
- It is Srimad-Bhagavatam's opinion that the process of Deity worship is not actually necessary, just as the specific prescriptions of the Pancaratra & other scriptures do not have to be followed
- It is Srimad-Bhagavatam’s opinion that the process of Deity worship is not actually necessary, just as the specific prescriptions of the Pancaratra and other scriptures do not have to be followed
- It is stated in the Caitanya-caritamrta that the living entity, the spirit soul, is encaged by maya, or the illusory energy, in a process of forgetfulness of his eternal relationship with Krsna
- It is the actual guidance that matters in the process of becoming a brahmana, even without change of body, or in going back to Godhead without change of body
- It is very difficult to ascertain which exigency is the cause of the other, but we can describe this process of reciprocity as the wheel of work. And to travel all over the universe is to circumambulate the wheel of work
- It should be understood, that this process (of realizing God by going by stages by realizing the impersonal Brahman effulgence and then Paramatma and finally coming to the last stage of realizing the Supreme Personality of Godhead) takes more time
- Just as the small seed of a banyan fruit has the potency to create a big banyan tree, the Lord disseminates all varieties of seeds by His potential brahmajyoti (sva-rocisa), and the seeds are made to develop by the watering process of persons like Brahma
- Just like by chemical process one can turn gun metal into gold, similarly, by the process of initiation, one can become dvija. Dvija means twice-born, or brahmin
- Just like to cure disease, you have to follow some regulative principle of, prescribed by the physician, similarly, in order to cure yourself from this material disease, you have to accept. Nivrtti. Nivrttitah means ceasing this process of material life
- Kardama Muni said: You, my dear Lord, who are always increasing the honor of Your devotees, have descended in my home just to fulfill Your word and disseminate the process of real knowledge
- King Yudhisthira, who was very satisfied with the birth of Maharaja Pariksit, had the purificatory process of birth performed. Learned brahmanas, headed by Dhaumya and Krpa, recited auspicious hymns
- Krishna science can be understood through the process of sincere service, and so far any doubt which may sometimes arise in our mind there are the devotees, the Scriptures and the Spiritual Master
- Krsna advised Arjuna to perform devotional service, which is the process of transcendental religion
- Krsna and the sound vibration "Krsna" are nondifferent, so if one loudly vibrates Hare Krsna, he will be able to think of Krsna immediately. This process of chanting is the best process of self-realization in this age
- Krsna consciousness is dormant in everyone's heart. This Hare Krsna mantra is the process of awakening. That's all
- Krsna consciousness is meant for the very fortunate, for simply by accepting this one process a person can surpass all the duties of austerity, renunciation, celibacy, etc
- Krsna consciousness is the process of converting the illusory consciousness into Brahman, or the Supreme. When the mind is fully absorbed in Krsna consciousness, it is said to be in samadhi, or trance. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna consciousness movement is so beneficial that He wants to benefit the whole human society how to stop this process of repetition of birth, death, old age and disease. My Guru Maharaja came for this purpose & we are also trying to follow his footstep
- Krsna consciousness movement is the process of clearing the consciousness, and as soon as the consciousness is clear and pure it is transferred to the spiritual world for eternal life of knowledge and bliss
- Krsna explains to Uddhava that the mechanical process of speculative knowledge and yoga is not necessary for advancing in devotional service
- Krsna is already connected with you, but you have forgotten. And we are trying to give you the process for reviving your original consciousness
- Krsna is perfect. If we take lessons from Krsna, instruction from Krsna, then we get perfect knowledge. That is the process of studying Bhagavad-gita. If you accept Krsna as ordinary human being, then we are befooled
- Krsna is the supreme pure, and if we change our consciousness from material enjoyment to Krsna, we become purified. This is the process recommended by Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu as the process of ceto-darpana-marjanam, cleansing the mirror of the heart
- Krsna said to Uddhava, "Persons who are already elevated in discharging devotional service will never again take shelter of the processes of fruitive activities or philosophical speculation"
- Krsna says: "I instructed this imperishable science of yoga to the sun-god, Vivasvan, and Vivasvan instructed it to Manu, the father of mankind, and Manu in turn instructed it to Iksvaku." This is the process of disciplic succession
- Laws of nature is obstructing my process of enjoyment, and I want to enjoy. Why this position? We inquire these intelligent questions. What they are inquiring? They do not know what to inquire
- Let us jointly distribute this great cultural heritage to the world at large in an organized manner and through the recommended process of Divine Love propagated by Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Like Vidura, an inquisitive conditioned soul must approach a bona fide spiritual master like Maitreya and by intelligent inquiries must try to know everything about 2) yoga - the linking process of spiritual realization
- Living entities, they can develop by eating grains. Grains are produced by rainfall. Rainfall is made possible by offering sacrifice. And the process of sacrifice is given in authoritative scriptures like Bhagavad-gita, Bhagavata and Vedic literature
- Lord Brahma said: My dear Lord, Your personality and eternal form cannot be understood by any person who is trying to know You through the different processes of acquiring knowledge
- Lord Brahma therefore engaged Daksa in the work of generating living entities and maintaining them. In due course of time, Daksa also engaged other Prajapatis (progenitors) in the process of generation and maintenance
- Lord Caitanya also explained the symptoms of a holy man and the process of satisfying the sage and rejecting the society of undesirable persons
- Lord Caitanya has announced, according to the scriptural injunctions for this Age of Kali, that in this age no process of realizing the Supreme is possible except the chanting of the holy names of Lord Krsna
- Lord Caitanya made this process (of reaching the highest perfection of knowledge) very easy: He asked people simply to chant Hare Krsna & to engage in the devotional service of God & eat the remnants of foodstuff offered to the Deity. BG 1972 purports
- Lord Caitanya was irritated by the criticism (He chanted the names of Gopis), and so there was some misunderstanding between Him and His students. He wanted to chastise them for desiring to instruct Him on the transcendental process of chanting
- Lord Krsna confirms in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.1): The Supreme Lord said, 'I instructed this imperishable science of yoga to the sun-god, Vivasvan, and Vivasvan instructed it to Manu, the father of mankind, and Manu in turn instructed it to Iksvaku
- Lord Krsna meditated upon Himself every morning as a grhastha, and similarly Lord Ramacandra performed yajnas to satisfy Himself, but this does not mean that an ordinary living being should imitate the Lord by accepting the process of ahangraha-upasana
- Lord Krsna states the process of conquering death in BG 4.9: One who knows the transcendental nature of My appearance and activities does not, upon leaving the body, take his birth again in this material world, but attains My eternal abode, O Arjuna
- Lord Rsabhadeva, for the instruction of all yogis, showed the process of quitting the body
- Lord Siva assured Vrkasura that he is satisfied by a very simple process of worship
- Lord Sri Krsna says, sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja: (BG 18.66) "Give up all other processes of religion and simply surrender to Me"
- Maha-Visnu, Garbhodakasayi Visnu and all the other visnu-tattvas, as well as the sakti-tattvas like Durgadevi - are all worshiped by the process of worshiping Govinda with the words govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami
- Maharaja Pariksit inquired about the process of creation, maintenance and destruction of the material world, the process of Vedic rituals and the method of executing pious activities in terms of the supplementary Vedas like the Puranas and Mahabharata
- Maharaja Pariksit said that only the animal-killer cannot relish the transcendental message of the Supreme Lord. Therefore if people are to be educated to the path of Godhead, they must be taught first and foremost to stop the process of animal-killing
- Maharaja Pariksit wanted to know the process of creation. The origin of creation was known to him; otherwise he would not have inquired how the Personality of Godhead, by His different energies, creates this phenomenal world
- Maharaja Pariksit was now prepared for meeting his death, and within the very short time of seven days he was to know the process of entering the kingdom of God. In such important cases, one is required to approach a spiritual master
- Maharaja Pariksit's statement regarding the workings of the creative energy of the Lord discloses that he knew everything of the process of creation. Why then did he ask Sukadeva Gosvami for such information?
- Material civilization is a gigantic temporary demonstration of a rabid process of sense-gratification
- Material science can discover the nuclear bomb to accelerate the process of death, but it cannot discover anything that can protect man from the cruel hands of old age, disease and death
- Meditation and breathing exercise is not a part of our program, but it is automatically performed by this process of chanting Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama
- Meditation should be carried on with the chanting of a mantra. Chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra is the easiest process of meditation in this age
- Modern medical science does not accept this physiological analysis as valid, but the ancient Ayur-vedic process of treatment is based upon these items
- My dear King, as a pot containing liquor cannot be purified even if washed in the waters of many rivers, nondevotees cannot be purified by processes of atonement even if they perform them very well
- My dear Lord, pure devotional service is even difficult for liberated persons to discharge, but devotional service alone can satisfy You. Who will take to other processes of self-realization if he is actually serious about the perfection of life?
- My life is dedicated for this purpose, and you have no cause for hesitation; but the process of putting questions is service and submission - that is the injunction in Bhagavad-gita
- Narada Muni continued: The city spoken of as Daksina-pancala represents the scriptures meant for directing pravrtti, the process of sense enjoyment in fruitive activities
- Narada Muni thought of Brahmaji as the Supreme Person, but when he saw Brahmaji engaged in the process of transcendental realization, doubts arose in him. So he wanted to be clearly informed
- Narada said, "His (Krsna) knowledge is not affected by the process of creation, maintenance and annihilation, nor is it ever influenced by any agency beyond Himself, nor is it agitated by the interactions of the material qualities"
- Narottama dasa Thakura says, karma-kanda jnana-kanda, kevala visera bhanda: those who have taken to the process of karma-kanda (fruitive activity) and jnana-kanda (speculation on the science of transcendence) have simply eaten from poisoned pots
- Next the legs became manifested, and with them the process of movement, and after that Lord Visnu appeared
- Nirvana means ending the process of materialistic life. BG 1972 purports
- No one accepts the spiritual processes of knowledge and renunciation, which end in bhakti-yoga. Actually human life is meant for jnana and vairagya, knowledge and renunciation. Through these one can attain the platform of devotional service
- No one can excel God in any capacity, and therefore no one can be equal to or greater than Him, nor can anyone attain the stage of equality with God by any kind of endeavor. Jnana, yoga and bhakti are three recognized processes of spiritual realization
- No one can know the Lord by any puffed-up material process of challenge, but the humble devotee can please the Lord by his earnest devotional activities
- No responsible man will take that responsibility that, "I will kill this animal. Again he'll become a man and he'll kill me. No, no. Stop this business." So this is the process of restriction
- Not understanding the process of disciplic succession, so-called logicians put forward the theory of pancopasana, in which a person worships one of five deities - namely Visnu, Siva, Durga, the sun-god or Ganesa
- Now you have decided to undertake the mystic process of meditation under the instruction of your mother, just to achieve the mercy of the Lord, but in my opinion such austerities are not possible for any ordinary man. It's difficult to satisfy the SPG
- O gentle lady, it is the essence of all austerities, and it is the process of giving charity and pleasing the supreme controller
- O son of the King, now I shall speak unto you the mantra which is to be chanted with this process of meditation. One who carefully chants this mantra for seven nights can see the perfect human beings flying in the sky
- Observing the various types of festivals, such as Sri Janmastami, Rama-navami and Nrsimha-caturdasi, is also included in the process of Deity worship. In other words, it is compulsory for householder devotees to observe these festivals
- Of course, in the process of development, there is no consciousness, just like deep sleeping. It is like that. But as soon as the body is little developed, the... There are nine holes: two nostrils, two ears, two eyes, one navel, one genital, one rectum
- Of course, it is not possible to take the shelter of Krsna directly. That is not possible. May be possible by Krsna's special mercy, but general process is you have to go through the mercy or process of accepting a guru
- Omkara should be offered into the point bindu, bindu into the vibration of sound, and that vibration into the life air. Then the living entity, who is all that remains, should be placed in Brahman, the Supreme. This is the process of sacrifice
- On the material planets, everyone from Brahma down to the ant is trying to lord it over material nature, and this is the material disease. As long as this material disease continues, the living entity has to undergo the process of bodily change
- On the other hand, although bathing in the Ganges diminishes bodily contaminations and infections, this process and the process of visiting holy places can cleanse the heart only after a long time
- On the top of the head is the temple called Vasudeva. This is the process of meditation on the Lord's situation in the different parts of the body, but for those who are not Vaisnavas, great sages recommend meditation on the bodily concept of life
- On the whole there is no happiness in this material world, but an illusioned person works very hard for so-called happiness. Indeed, this process of working hard is actually taken for happiness. This is called illusion
- One can advance in transcendental life by process of negativating the general practice of materialistic life
- One can worship Laksmi-Narayana by the process of vidhi-marga, worshiping the Lord with regulative principles according to the instructions of the sastra and the spiritual master
- One cannot go to Vrndavana by purchasing a ticket. The process of going to Vrndavana is shown by Akrura
- One cannot know the Supreme Personality of Godhead fully by any method, but He can be seen and felt partially by the devotional service process of hearing, chanting, etc
- One day it will come when there will be no water, simply land. There will be no water. That is the process of nature
- One devotee may be proud that his process of service is the best. That is not inglorious. This is called transcendental competition. Everyone should feel proud of his particular type of devotional service
- One executes the process of anga-nyasa & kara-nyasa simply by drinking a little sip of water & chanting the mantra. The mantra is preceded with the first letter of the name, followed by anusvara and the word namah: om namo 'jas tavanghri avyat and so on
- One has to become faithful by practicing the controlling process of the yoga system and must elevate himself to the platform of unalloyed devotional service by chanting and hearing about Me
- One has to raise himself to the mode of sattva (goodness) by the process of sankirtana and sravana. One has to hear krsna-katha
- One may sincerely accept the path of self-realization, but the process of cultivation of knowledge and the practice of the eightfold yoga system are generally very difficult for this age. BG 1972 purports
- One must first acquire the qualifications of a brahmana, not simply by birth but also by quality, and then one can undergo the process of Brahman realization
- One must have regulated life. That is called yama-niyama. Then practice asana. There is mechanical process of sitting which will help you, concentration of the mind, asana. Then pranayama, concentration of the mind. Then meditation
- One must merge the false ego into the total material energy and merge the total material energy into the supreme energetic. This is the process of becoming free from material attraction
- One must offer oblations to one’s forefathers and perform the sacrifice of viraja-homa. Then one must cut off the tuft of hair called a sikha and also give up the sacred thread. These are preliminary processes in the acceptance of sannyasa
- One must retire from all sorts of family life, big or small, at the age of fifty, and thus prepare for the next life. That is the process of human culture
- One must understand that the process of mental speculation develops a new type of body that does not actually exist
- One of the processes of surrender is that one should simply depend on Krsna, convinced that He will give one all protection
- One of them (methods for controlling the senses) is the process of jnana, the path of philosophical understanding of the Supreme - Brahma, Paramatma & Bhagavan. The other is that of direct engagement in the transcendental loving devotional service of God
- One should give up all other processes of self-realization and simply execute devotional service in Krsna consciousness. That will enable one to reach the highest perfection of life. BG 1972 purports
- One should give up the artificial process of philosophical speculation to arrive at the real goal of life, but one should submissively hear about the philosophy of KC, which is generally inculcated in Srimad Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam
- One should know the process of creation and should meditate upon the creative process inversely and thus become free from material contamination
- One should not bow down on one hand. 7) One should not circumambulate in front of Sri Krsna. (The process of circumambulating the temple is that one should begin circumambulating from the Deity's right-hand side of the temple and come round
- One should not engage in the different processes of fruitive activity or cultivate knowledge by the mental speculative process. BG 1972 purports
- One should not fear death. Rather, one should prepare oneself for the next birth. One should utilize one's time in this human form to end the process of birth and death
- One should not give up the process of austerity. If possible, one should bathe in the waters of the Ganges or Yamuna, or in the absence of the Ganges and Yamuna one may bathe in the water of the sea. This is an item of austerity
- One should simply aspire to be absorbed in the devotional service of the Lord, even if one does not get liberation but has to continue the process of birth and death unlimitedly
- One should simply try to develop his Krsna consciousness and not waste his time trying to improve his material condition. Actually the material condition cannot be improved. The process of improvement means accepting another miserable condition
- One should surrender fully to the Lord, forgetting one's so-called material happiness, opulence and education, which are not at all useful for pleasing the Lord. The Lord is pleased only by the process of surrender unto Him
- One who cannot take to this direct process (of sravanam, kirtanam, etc), however, should take the indirect process of performing yajnas for the satisfaction of Visnu, or Yajna. Visnu is therefore called yajna-pati
- One who desires nothing but Krsna and who is not influenced by the process of jnana-marga (cultivation of knowledge) actually becomes free from ignorance
- One who is always engaged in sinful activities must utilize the process of ablution called prayascitta. Without doing so, one surely will be transferred to hellish planets to undergo miserable lives as the result of sinful activities. BG 1972 purports
- One who knowingly sees this difference between the body and the owner of the body and can understand the process of liberation from this bondage, also attains to the supreme goal. BG 13.35 - 1972
- One who stops these four principles of sinful activity (meat-eating, intoxication, illicit sex and gambling) and chants the Hare Krsna maha-mantra can certainly become a pure brahmana through the process of bona fide initiation
- One’s consciousness at the time of death determines one’s type of body in the next life (BG 8.6). This is the process of transmigration of the soul. A variety of bodies is already there; we change from one body to another in terms of our consciousness
- One’s real duty is to surrender to the lotus feet of Krsna, but if one is unable to do so, he should adopt this process (of chanting the Hare Krsna mantra and rendering service unto the tulasi plant), as introduced by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Only a devoted person can accept the logic of fully surrendering unto Krsna and can thus adopt the process of karma-yoga to escape the dangerous bondage of work
- Only one who can learn the process of nescience and that of transcendental knowledge side by side can transcend the influence of repeated birth and death and enjoy the full blessings of immortality
- Only the Krsna conscious person can attain perfection in yoga practice. Nor can one who artificially abstains from eating, manufacturing his own personal process of fasting, practice yoga. BG 1972 purports
- Originally, we are all connected with Krsna; but we have simply forgotten. This process of chanting is to evoke your remembrance of Krsna. It is not that we are inducting something artificially into you
- Our aim should be to go there (spiritual world), and every human being should be given the chance. That is real education. That is called samskara, the process of purification
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is not a process of trying to convince people of some speculative idea. This movement is actually bringing people to their real position - that they're all part and parcel of Krsna
- Our process is, process of acquiring knowledge, is very easy and perfect. That is Krsna consciousness. We cannot say anything which is not accepted by the authorities coming from Krsna
- Our process of propaganda is that Krsna is the highest authority. That is our... You may take it that we are limited; that is your business
- Out of many types of mystic performances for self-realization, the process of jada-yoga is also one accepted by authorities
- Out of these (the Supreme Lord, the living being, nature, time and space and the process of activity), the Supreme Lord and the living being are qualitatively one
- Panji-tika means further explanations of a subject. Writing such explanations is likened to the process of fluffing out cotton
- Pariksit Maharaja said that although one may cleanse himself in the process of atonement, if he again commits the same sinful acts, what is the use
- Pariksit Maharaja saw that the process of repeatedly sinning and atoning is pointless
- People forget their relationship with Krsna and work under the spell of maya life after life, transmigrating from one body to another. This is the process of material existence
- Perfect knowledge, how it can come? The perfect knowledge can come from the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is the process of acquiring knowledge, so far we are concerned. Evam parampara-praptam imam rajarsayo viduh
- Perfection of materialistic life is suitably attained by the process of observing religious principles. This leads automatically to successful economic development, and thus there is no difficulty in satisfying all material desires
- Persons who are purified by the process of chanting and hearing become immediately eligible to perform Vedic sacrifices
- Persons who have no material desires, like the Kumaras, who are self-satisfied sages, worship You to be liberated from material contamination. In other words, they accept the process of bhagavata-dharma to achieve shelter at Your lotus feet
- Piety refers to the process of cleansing the heart. As recommended by Lord Caitanya, one has to cleanse the dust from the mirror of the mind, and then advancement on the path of liberation begins. Here (in SB 4.8.5) also the same process is recommended
- Practically there are three processes for elevating one to the platform of spiritual consciousness. These processes are called karma, jnana and bhakti
- Praising a man by saying that if he were educated he might have become a great scholar or great personality is nothing but a process of cheating. A foolish person who agrees to accept such praise does not know that such words simply insult him
- Pratyaksa, the process of receiving knowledge through direct perception, has no value, because our senses are all imperfect
- Process of approaching the spiritual master is an eternal verity. No one can do without abiding by this eternal rule
- Process of concocting an incarnation of God has become an ordinary business, especially in Bengal. Any popular personality with a few traits of mystic powers will display some feat of jugglery and easily become an incarnation of Godhead by popular vote
- Process of deliverance is very simple
- Process of eating or your process of securing ingredients for eating, or your cooking, nothing is stopped. Only, only thing is required that instead of cooking for yourself for the satisfaction of your tongue, you please cook it for satisfaction of Krsna
- Process of hearing in the association of the devotees is especially recommended in this age of quarrel (Kali)
- Process of speaking in spiritual circles is to say something upheld by the scripture
- Processes which generally the yogis demonstrate, that is the process of controlling the mind. The authorities of yoga practice, they say the yoga practice means to control the senses
- Protection of children begins from the very day of begetting a child by the purificatory process of garbhadhana-samskara, the beginning of pure life
- Pujari should operate entirely under the supervision of temple president and GBC, not independently. The greatest danger to our movement will come when we manufacture and create our own process for worshiping the deities
- Punishment by Yamaraja is a process of purification for the most abominable sinful persons. Therefore the Yamadutas requested the Visnudutas not to obstruct their taking Ajamila to Yamaraja
- Pure consciousness can be revived by the process of sacrifice, charity, pious activities, etc., but when one pollutes his Krsna consciousness by offending a brahmana or a Vaisnava, it is very difficult to revive
- Pururava took advantage of the process of yajna to fulfill his lusty desires. He thought of the lower arani as Urvasi, the upper one as himself, and the middle one as his son
- Raghunatha Bhattacarya had become a greatly advanced devotee while still unmarried. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu could see this, and therefore He advised him not to begin the process of material sense gratification
- Real life means if you stop the process of sense gratification, then you go back to home, back to Godhead, your real place. And if you increase your propensity for sense gratification, then you remain within the cycle of birth and death
- Regardless of caste, creed, or color, everyone must adopt the process of karma-yoga, or work with transcendental results. And by so doing, everyone shall help to spiritualize all the activities of the world
- Religion means how to get that eyes, how to get that hand, how to get that leg, so that I can appreciate God. That should be the process of human civilization. Not that how I can compete with tiger, how I can compete with cats and dogs
- Religiosity in the shape of fruitive work is directly a method of gross sense gratification, whereas the process of culturing spiritual knowledge with a view to becoming one with the Absolute is a method of subtle sense gratification
- Sages said, "By the process of enjoying the senses of the material body, the spirit soul is covered, and his consciousness becomes materially contaminated. It is due to material consciousness that one cannot understand the SP of Godhead, Krsna"
- Sanatana-dharma does not refer to any sectarian process of religion. It is the eternal function of the eternal living entities in relationship with the eternal Supreme Lord. BG 1972 Introduction
- Sanctified by thought and action, one is able to realize the Supreme Lord by the process of a pilgrim's journey
- Satyaraja Khan said, "My dear Lord, being a householder and a materialistic man, I do not know the process of advancing in spiritual life. I therefore submit myself unto Your lotus feet and request You to give me orders"
- Scarcity of language which you are now feeling in this connection (presenting Krsna Consciousness Movement in the circle of educated people) will be fulfilled by Krsna by the process of your eagerness to serve Him
- She (Yasoda) thus began to think of the S. P. of Godhead, who is understood through the processes of cultivating knowledge derived from the Upanisads and the Vedanta-sutra, practicing mystic yoga & studying Sankhya philosophy, as her own begotten child
- She was very angry and sorrowful, and in that mood she began to condemn the process of sacrificial fruitive activities and persons who are very proud of such unnecessary and troublesome sacrifices
- Simply by this process (of BG 9.34, 18.65), one is guaranteed to return home, back to Godhead, and thus attain the highest perfection
- Simply chanting Hare Krsna. Ceto-darpana-marjanam bhava-mahadavagni-nirvapanam (CC Antya 20.12). And as the cleansing process of your heart makes progress, then you become freed from the blazing fire of material existence
- Since everything is Krsna's property, He sees everything and is present everywhere, but because His body is transcendental, He is above vision, the objects of vision and the process of vision
- Since the Supreme Personality of Godhead is absolute, He reserves the right of not being exposed to the mundaners. He can be known by one absolute process, and the relative process of sense perception cannot reach Him ever
- So each and every verse you should chant very perfectly, nicely, meditate upon it. That is the process of progress, advancement in spiritual life. We should get all these verses by heart, and chant, and offer prayer to the Lord, vandanam. Vandanam
- So the beginning of the process of yajna in this age can be very easily done by everyone, either he is family man or single man or anyone. Everyone has to cook for himself. Now, that cooking may be done for the Supreme Lord
- So we are simply repeating the same thing. We do not question whether this process of life can at all give us happiness. But we are trying and trying, trying the same thing
- Some of the asuras, or demons, such as Ravana and Hiranyakasipu, underwent a severe process of austerity and penance, but they obtained nothing except some temporary objects of sensory pleasure
- Sometimes one who is very alert so as not to commit sinful acts is victimized by sinful life again. I therefore consider this process of repeated sinning and atoning to be useless
- Sometimes, because we give stress directly to accept this devotional service, people are not very happy that we do not give any importance to the process of jnana and karma and yoga. We do not condemn, but they're very difficult
- Speculation is an improper way to understand the Absolute Truth. Generally Western philosophers try to understand the Absolute Truth by the ascending process of mental speculation. This is the process of inductive logic
- Spiritual master or a representative of Krsna or a mahatma, he is prasanta. Prasanta means he is freed from all these manufacturing process of the mind. He is no more conducted by the dictation of the mind. He is conducted by the dictation of Krsna
- Sravanam kirtanam visnoh: one should chant about and glorify Lord Visnu, not any demigod. Unfortunately, there are foolish persons who invent some process of kirtana on the basis of a demigod's name. This is an offense
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "According to the verdict of the sastras, the process of hearing and chanting is the best means to attain loving service to Krsna"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was the third disciplic descendant from Sri Madhavendra Puri. The process of worship in the disciplic succession of Madhvacarya was full of ritualistic ceremonies, with hardly a sign of love of Godhead
- Sri Narada has explained all these from his personal experience, and one can obtain all the facilities which Sri Narada obtained by perfecting the chanting process of the sound representation of the Lord
- Sri Narada Muni, the supreme spiritual master, is testing Dhruva Maharaja to see how determined he is to prosecute devotional service. This is the process of accepting a disciple
- Sri Narottama dasa Thakura has sung that persons who do not take to the devotional service of the Lord but are attracted to the process of philosophical speculation and fruitive activities drink the poisonous results of such actions
- Srila Sukadeva Gosvami was a Vaisnava from the beginning; therefore, there was no need for him to undergo all the processes of the varnasrama institution. Ultimately the aim of varnasrama-dharma is to turn a crude man into a pure devotee
- Srimad-Bhagavatam also recommends that we give up this futile process to measure the Supreme. We cannot even measure the limitations of space, what to speak of the Supreme
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is recognized Vedic wisdom, and the system of receiving Vedic knowledge is called avaroha-pantha, or the process of receiving transcendental knowledge through bona fide disciplic succession
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is the pure transcendental process of religion
- Srivasa Thakura then worshiped Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu by the process of abhiseka. Sitting on a cot, the Lord exhibited transcendental opulence
- Such (process of ahangraha-upasana) unauthorized worship is not recommended herein - SB 9.11.1
- Such persons are described in the Vedic literature as suicidal, because attachment for the material body, its comforts forces the living entity to wander through the process of birth & death perpetually & suffer the material pangs as a matter of course
- Sudama said, "All the different processes of life are ultimately meant for understanding Your (Krsna's)personality"
- Sukadeva Gosvami said, "My dear king, those who are sinful can become purified from contamination by tapa-adibhih, practicing austerity." Sukadeva also said, however, that no one can become completely purified by executing this process of austerity
- Sukadeva Gosvami tested the intelligence of Maharaja Pariksit, who passed the examination by refusing to accept this process (of atonement) as genuine. Now Pariksit Maharaja is expecting another answer from his spiritual master, Sukadeva Gosvami
- Sukadeva Gosvami, has examined Pariksit Maharaja, and it appears that the king has passed one phase of examination by rejecting the process of atonement (SB 6.1.11 purport). This is intelligence
- Supreme transcendental knowledge is not possible to achieve by the process of imperfect speculation as performed by the so-called learned mundane wranglers
- That (freedom from material relations, as well as freedom from the material encagement of the gross and subtle encirclement) is the process of ending material existence
- That depends on the individual process of chanting, but this remark of Sridhara Svami's is completely applicable if one chants the holy name of the Lord without offense, for he immediately becomes more than a brahmana
- That is the process of Vedic injunction: you have to accept without argument. Just like for practical life I will say some examples, that cow dung. In India cow dung is accepted as very pure
- That kundalini process of yoga is not possible in this age. It is a very difficult process. So we should recommend not to waste your valuable time following something which is not possible to be done by you
- That very service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the process of his liberation because to engage oneself in the service of the Lord is to liberate oneself from material entanglement
- The attachments of the material affinity may be simply changed to the service of the Lord, and thus the treatment of being freed from material attachment begins automatically. The process of liberation is therefore easier through devotional service
- The best process for making the home pleasant is Krsna consciousness. If one is in full Krsna consciousness, he can make his home very happy because this process of Krsna consciousness is very easy. BG 1972 purports
- The best way of understanding is to accept such a divine instruction, and Brahma, the prime spiritual master of everyone, is the living example of this process of receiving transcendental knowledge
- The Bhagavad-gita advises that in the interest of the mundane workers, they should not be restrained from their ordinary engagements; on the contrary, they may be encouraged to stay engaged in that way, within the process of karma-yoga
- The Bhagavad-gita says that just as our outer garments are changed, so this body is changed. Yoga means the process of getting out of this material embodiment
- The Bhagavad-gita says that the worshipers of the demigods are bereft of intelligence; their process of worship is very difficult, and at the same time the result obtained is flickering and temporary
- The Bhagavad-gita's process of purifying consciousness is the process of fixing one's mind on Krsna by smelling the flowers and tulasi leaves offered Him, engaging in activities for the Lord's interest, etc
- The Bhagavad-gita's process of purifying consciousness is the process of fixing one's mind on Krsna by talking of His transcendental activities, cleansing His temple, going to His temple
- The Bhagavad-gita's process of purifying consciousness is the process of fixing one's mind on Krsna by talking of His transcendental activities, cleansing His temple, going to His temple - CC Preface
- The bona fide spiritual master desires that his disciples know the process of rendering transcendental service to God, they also know that they have to learn about the eternal relationship between God and the living entity from a self-realized soul
- The brahmana father of Jada Bharata wanted to teach his son the process of brahmacarya, but he was unsuccessful due to his son's unwillingness to undergo the process of Vedic advancement
- The bull helps in the agricultural process of producing grain, etc., and thus in one sense the bull is the father of humankind, whereas the cow is the mother, for she supplies milk to human society
- The chanting of the holy name of Lord Visnu is the best process of atonement for a thief of gold or other valuables, for a drunkard, for one who betrays a friend or relative
- The chanting of the holy name of Lord Visnu is the best process of atonement for a thief of gold or other valuables, for a drunkard, for one who betrays a friend or relative, or for one who kills a brahmana
- The complete process of perfectional service is to render service for the satisfaction of the transcendental senses of Lord Krsna, who is known as Janardana
- The conditioned soul can ultimately go back home, back to Godhead. This process of transcendental help by the Lord is described in Bhagavad-gita - BG 10.10
- The conditioned souls are being reclaimed by the Lord both ways, namely by the process of punishment by the external energy of the Lord, and by Himself as the spiritual master within and without
- The demigods are worshiped by persons who are more or less adherents of the processes of jnana, yoga and karma, i.e., the impersonalists, meditators and fruitive workers
- The demon used the word abhavaya, which means "for killing." Sridhara Svami comments that this "killing" means liberating, or, in other words, killing the process of continued birth and death
- The devotee undergoes processes of austerity such as observing Ekadasi and similar other fasting days and refraining from illicit sex life, intoxication, gambling and meat-eating. Thus he becomes purified from the reactions of his past impious life
- The devotees of the Lord do not directly practice the process of mystic powers, but, by the grace of the Lord, His devotee can defeat even a great yogesvara like Durvasa Muni, who picked a quarrel with Maharaja Ambarisa
- The dust on the mirror refers to a cleansing process of the mirror of the mind by so many spiritual methods. The best process is to chant the holy names of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- The eightfold yoga mysticism is automatically practiced in KC because the ultimate purpose is served. There is gradual process of elevation in the practice of yama, niyama, asana, pratyahara, dhyana, dharana, pranayama, and samadhi. BG 1972 purports
- The entire process of austerity and penance is meant to detach one from the material world and enhance one’s attachment to Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Krsna is the shelter of all persons advancing in self-realization
- The entire process of cosmic arrangement is intended just to give a chance to the conditioned souls to enter the kingdom of God, and there is an adequate arrangement for their maintenance by the nature of the Lord
- The entire process of liberation begins just as we have now begun this chanting and hearing
- The first process of spiritualizing the mind by mechanical chanting of the pranava (omkara) and by control of the breathing system is technically called the mystic or yogic process of pranayama, or fully controlling the breathing air
- The first six chapters of the Gita are meant for those who are interested in transcendental knowledge, in understanding the self, the Superself & the process of realization by jnana-yoga, dhyana-yoga, & discrimination of the self from matter. BG 1972 pur
- The followers of Vedic wisdom accept the statements of Brahmaji as gospel truth, and transcendental knowledge is thus being distributed all over the world by the process of disciplic succession from time immemorial, since the beginning of the creation
- The foolish mundaners would have been left perpetually in the darkness of foolish activities if Krsna, the PG or Marshal Arjuna, had not kindly taken the trouble of initiating the process of karma-yoga by the direct method of personal example
- The foremost process of cheating is to desire to achieve liberation by merging into the Supreme, for this causes the permanent disappearance of loving service to Krsna
- The four divisions of human society were created by Sri Krsna in order to facilitate this process of elevation
- The full knowledge of the controller and the process of controlling can be understood when one is surrendered like Arjuna to Krsna. Unless one is surrendered soul, it is not possible
- The gopis first executed the process of acamana, drinking a sip of water from the right hand. They purified their bodies and hands with the nyasa-mantra and then applied the same mantra upon the body of the child (Krsna) - SB 10.6.21
- The guru, Sukadeva Gosvami, has examined Pariksit Maharaja, and it appears that the King has passed one phase of the examination by rejecting the process of atonement because it involves fruitive activities
- The highest perfection of life is to attain His (God's) association, and nothing else. The bhakti-yogi, being completely engaged in the Lord's service, has no attraction for any other process of liberation like jnana or yoga
- The highest perfectional knowledge is knowledge of the Supreme Lord. He cannot be understood by any process of religion other than devotional service; therefore, the immediate result of perfect knowledge is achieved by executing devotional service
- The holes in the body are caused by the sky, the process of breathing is caused by the air, the heat of the body is caused by fire, and semen, blood and mucus are caused by water. The hard substances, like skin, muscle and bone, are caused by earth
- The holy names of the Lord are innumerable, and one does not have to chant all the names to prove that he has already undergone all the processes of Vedic ritualistic ceremonies
- The horse sacrifice yajna or cow sacrifice yajna performed by the Vedic regulations shouldn't be misunderstood as a process of killing animals
- The impersonal conception of the supreme truth is just a process of negation of the form of the Lord from the mundane conception of the supreme truth
- The impersonal worshipers of Brahman can again be divided into three categories - (1) sadhakas, those who are nearing perfect execution of the process of Brahman realization; (2) those who are fully absorbed in meditation on Brahman
- The impersonalists or the void philosophers, their process of so-called yoga is simply troublesome, and maybe some profit there, but the ultimate profit, they cannot have. It is not possible
- The impersonalists recommend a process of aham grahopasana by which one worships his own body as the Supreme. Thinking in this way, such pseudo-transcendentalists dress themselves as the damsels of Vraja
- The inhabitants of higher planets are so sensible that even in the process of fighting they observe the preliminary rules and regulations of gentleness
- The innumerable brahmandas, or universes, come from the pores of the Lord’s body, and innumerable living entities also come from the pores of the transcendental body of the Lord. This is the process of material creation
- The instructions of Bhagavad-gita constitute the supreme process of religion and of morality
- The instructions of Bhagavad-gita constitute the supreme process of religion and of morality. BG 1972 purports
- The Krsna consciousness movement follows the process of pancaratrika-vidhi and that of bhagavata-vidhi simultaneously, so that people can take advantage of the movement and make their lives successful
- The Krsna consciousness movement is trying to convince, educate people the value of life, how the process of living conditions are going on. Not we have manufactured all this. It is received from the Vedas. Vedas means the book of knowledge
- The Krsna consciousness movement offers a process of transcendental activities wherein the mind is fully absorbed in affairs pertaining to Krsna
- The Kumaras appeared in the Kaumara creation of the material world, and to teach us the process of Brahman realization, they underwent a severe type of disciplinary action as bachelors
- The Kurus thought, "If they (Yadus) come to challenge us because their son was arrested, we shall accept the fight & teach them a lesson, automatically they will be subdued under pressure, as the senses are subdued by the mystic yoga process of pranayam"
- The last item taught by Bhismadeva was the process of pleasing the Lord
- The laws of nature control this sequence (of change of body), and therefore as long as the living entity is under the control of the external, material energy, the process of bodily change takes place automatically, according to one's fruitive activities
- The learned and liberated souls who are eternal servitors of Krsna sometimes remain in the midst of ordinary activities, just to attract the foolish mundaners to the process of karma-yoga
- The living entity undergoes many difficulties under the pretense of being an enjoyer. So to get rid of all these troubles and difficulties that we suffer due to our work, we have to adopt the process of karma-yoga
- The Lord (Caitanya) described initiation, morning duties and duties of cleanliness - washing the face and brushing the teeth - the process of work and the prayers to be recited both in the morning and the evening
- The Lord (Krsna) says in Bhagavad-gita (BG 15.15), vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyah: understanding the Supreme Personality of Godhead through the process of the Vedas is perfect and conclusive
- The Lord also says that the mahatmas, or great souls, always engage in the process of chanting the glories of the Lord, and just by hearing, others derive the same benefit
- The Lord gives us the opportunity to enjoy material life as we want, and at the same time He gives directions for the modes and processes of abiding by the Vedas so that gradually one may be elevated to liberation from material bondage
- The Lord has described various kinds of knowledge, processes of religion, knowledge of the Supreme Brahman, knowledge of the Supersoul, etc. BG 1972 purports
- The Lord has explained the field of activities & the knower of the field. He has also explained the process of knowing the knower of the field of activities. Now He is explaining the knowable, both the soul & the Supersoul respectively. BG 1972 purports
- The Lord is absolute in all respects, and thus there is no difference between Him and the subject matter heard about Him. Therefore, hearing about Him means immediate contact with Him by the process of vibration of the transcendental sound
- The Lord kills the process of birth and death and keeps Himself invisible
- The Lord protects His devotees from the demoniac material allurements provided the devotee sincerely keeps himself pure by the above mentioned process of regulated life in Krishna consciousness. Therefore there should be no fear for you
- The Lord replied to him (Arjuna) so explicitly that there is no doubt that devotional service to the Personality of Godhead is the best of all processes of spiritual realization. BG 1972 purports
- The Lord says that the process of renunciation should be considered in terms of the modes of material nature in which they are performed. BG 1972 purports
- The materialist wants to understand everything by the aroha-pantha - by argument and reason - but transcendental matters cannot be understood in this way. Rather, one must follow the avaroha-pantha, the process of descending knowledge
- The Mayavadi monists undergo a severe process of austerity and penance to acquire knowledge of becoming one with the Lord, but ultimately they become dependent on some rich follower who supplies them with requisite paraphernalia
- The mind, by nature, is always oscillating, for it is very fickle, but the breathing exercise is meant to control it. This process of controlling the mind might have been very possible in those days millions of years ago
- The modern scientists do not have sufficient means to understand the process of victory over birth and death. Therefore, they set aside the question of birth and death; they do not consider it. They simply engage in the problems of the material body
- The more one desires a degraded life within his heart, the more he falls down to occupy different forms of abominable existence. This is the process of transmigration and evolution
- The most magnanimous gift of Lord Caitanya's is that the highest perfection of life is available in this fallen age if one simply adopts the process of chanting Hare Krsna, which is able to bring about the fulfillment of all activities in self-realization
- The mother nature, therefore chastises her disobedient sons in order to bring them to the right path of fulfilling the plan of Godhead. This process of chastisement is necessary for the benefit of both the asuras and the gods alike
- The nature of the mind is flickering. Sometimes it accepts something, & immediately it rejects the same thing. Accepting & rejecting is the process of the mind in contact with the five objects of sense gratification - form, taste, smell, sound and touch
- The neophyte devotee, instead of jumping at once to the platform of transcendental pastimes presented by the internal energy of the Lord, may know how great the Supreme Lord is by inquiring about the process of His creative energy
- The neophytes are trained to the practice of self-realization by this mechanical process of regulating the breathing function and simultaneously repeating the pranava (omkara) within the mind
- The next stage in the process of elevation to love of God is sadhu-sańga, association with persons already in the highest stage of love of God
- The offering for the sake of Krsna consciousness, the consuming agent of such an offering or contribution; the process of consumption, the contributor, and the result are-all combined together-Brahman, or the Absolute Truth. BG 1972 purports
- The only process for perceiving Krishna and His name, qualities, form is our sincere service attitude with our senses
- The path of bhakti-yoga, the process of being in direct service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is easier and is natural for the embodied soul
- The path of bhakti-yoga, the process of being in direct service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is easier and is natural for the embodied soul. BG 1972 purports
- The path of worship of the innumerable devas, or administrative demigods, is still more hazardous and uncertain than the above-mentioned (in CC Adi 1.91) processes of karma-kanda and jnana-kanda
- The perfect process of performing yajnas, or sacrifice, to please the Supreme Lord Hari (the Personality of Godhead, who gets us free from all miseries of existence) is to follow the ways of Lord Sri Caitanya in this dark age of quarrel and dissension
- The plain answer is that since Lord Buddha appeared and began to deprecate the performance of sacrifice in order to stop animal killing on this planet, the process of offering sacrifices has been stopped, and the demigods do not care to come here anymore
- The population has a right to use goods only after offering them to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is the process of accepting prasada. Unless one eats prasada, he is certainly a thief
- The practical proof-say how to love God, what is the process of loving God? If you do not know your relationship with God and other's relationship with God, then how you know God? That is lacking
- The presence of the Lord as Paramatma can be felt by the process of legitimate hearing and chanting of the transcendental subjects which are especially treated in the Vedic literatures like the Upanisads and Vedanta
- The process (of writing transcendental literatures) is maha-jano yena gatah sa panthah: one has to strictly follow great personalities and acaryas
- The process of advancing in Krsna consciousness and devotional service is described here - in SB 3.25.25
- The process of ajagara-vrtti, the means of livelihood of a python, is very much appreciated in this regard. Even though one may be very poor, he should simply try to advance in Krsna consciousness and not endeavor to earn his livelihood
- The process of approaching the Absolute Truth is one straight line, but it is a matter of progress
- The process of being liberated from the misconception of material identification is called, in different stages, fruitive activity, empiric philosophy and devotional service, up to transcendental realization
- The process of bodily self-consciousness - the misunderstanding that I am this material body and mind and, for that matter, that I am part and parcel of this material world and that everything in this material world is thus an object for my enjoyment
- The process of breaking attachment to the material world is discussed in the beginning of this chapter (BG 15). BG 1972 purports
- The process of centering attention on the unmanifested, the inconceivable, which is beyond the approach of the senses, should never be encouraged at any time, especially in this age. It is not advised by Lord Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- The process of changing one's nature at the critical moment of death is here (in BG 8.6) explained. How can one die in the proper state of mind? BG 1972 purports
- The process of changing one's nature at the critical moment of death is here explained. A person who at the end of his life quits his body thinking of Krsna attains the transcendental nature of the Supreme Lord
- The process of chanting is not only the sublime method for practical perfection of life, but it is the authorized Vedic principle and inaugurated by the greatest Vedic scholar and devotee (Whom we consider as an incarnation of Krishna), Lord Chaitanya
- The process of chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra with a vow before the tulasi plant has such great spiritual potency that simply by doing this one can become spiritually strong
- The process of chanting the holy name of the Lord is always superbly effective, but it is especially effective in this age of Kali
- The process of chanting the holy name of the Lord is so powerful that by this chanting even householders (grhasthas) can very easily gain the ultimate result achieved by persons in the renounced order
- The process of creation and annihilation is called anadi, or without reference to date regarding the time the creation first took place, because the duration of even a partial creation is 8,640,000,000 years
- The process of cultivation of knowledge & the practice of the 8 fold yoga system are generally very difficult for this age. Therefore, despite constant endeavor, one may fail for many reasons. First of all, one may not be following the process. BG 1972 p
- The process of destruction is going on according to the law of nature. Nothing within this material world can be permanent, although scientists, philosophers, workers and everyone else are trying to make things permanent
- The process of elevation by performing sacrifices other than those aimed at Visnu is very slow, and therefore it has been condemned in this verse - SB 4.4.21
- The process of entering into the kingdom of God is tri-pada-bhuti-gati, or the path back home, back to Godhead, by which one can attain the ultimate goal of life
- The process of fulfilling the natural desires for sense gratification was also inquired about by the King for the benefit of all concerned
- The process of giving up all material connections and returning home, back to Godhead, the Supreme, is recommended herein. The condition is that one should be completely freed from desire for material enjoyment
- The process of going back home, back to Godhead, is to hear about the Supreme Lord and His name, form, attributes, pastimes, paraphernalia and variegatedness. Foolish people do not know this
- The process of illusory service to society, country and community is exactly the same everywhere; the same principle is applicable even to big national leaders
- The process of induction, by which, reasoning from particular facts or individual cases, one can arrive at a general conclusion, is never a perfect process. Because we are limited and our experience is limited, it will always remain imperfect
- The process of initiation begins from the date when we establish our transcendental relationship with the spiritual master
- The process of jnana-yoga, although ultimately bringing one to the same goal, is very troublesome. BG 1972 purports
- The process of liberation is brahma jijnasa, the search for the Absolute Truth
- The process of liberation is therefore easier through devotional service than by any other methods, for it is said that one is subjected to various kinds of tribulations if one is impersonally attached
- The process of liberation is very nicely explained in this verse (in SB 3.27.5). The cause of one's becoming conditioned by material nature is his thinking himself the enjoyer, the proprietor or the friend of all living entities
- The process of linking oneself with the Supreme is called yoga, which may be compared to a ladder for attaining the topmost spiritual realization. BG 1972 purports
- The process of meditating on the form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead within oneself and the process of chanting the glories and pastimes of the Lord are the same
- The process of meditation recommended herein (in 2.2.12) is bhakti-yoga, or the process of devotional service after one is liberated from the material conditions. Jnana-yoga is the process of liberation from the material conditions
- The process of meditation recommended in the Srimad-Bhagavatam is not to fix one's attention on something impersonal or void
- The process of meditation should begin from the lotus feet of the Lord and progress to His smiling face. The meditation should be concentrated upon the lotus feet, then the calves, then the thighs, and in this way higher and higher
- The process of mystic yoga, the speculative method for searching out the Supreme Absolute Truth, does not appeal to one who is always absorbed in thoughts of Krsna
- The process of offering sacrifices is especially meant to satisfy Visnu, who is called Yajnesa because He is the enjoyer of the fruits of all sacrifice. Bhagavad-gita (BG 5.29) also confirms this fact
- The process of parampara or disciplic succession is this very process of hearing from Krsna or from authorities who have accepted Krsna and repeating exactly what they have said
- The process of performing sacrifices may be different in terms of different times, places and persons, but the aim of such sacrifices is one and the same at all times and in all circumstances, viz. , satisfaction of the Supreme Lord Hari
- The process of punishment is explained in the Caitanya-caritamrta. Formerly the king's men would take a criminal in a boat in the middle of the river
- The process of quitting this body and getting another body in the material world is also organized. A man dies after it has been decided what form of body he will have in the next life. BG 1972 Introduction
- The process of reception according to Vedic rites is not at all dry
- The process of religion described in Srimad-Bhagavatam, however, is able to give its followers permanent relief from the threefold miseries
- The process of rendering service to different parts of the body is to supply food to the stomach
- The process of rendering service to different parts of the body is to supply food to the stomach. BG 1972 purports
- The process of restriction from sense enjoyment by rules and regulations is something like restricting a diseased person from certain types of eatables. The patient, however, neither likes such restrictions, nor loses his taste for eatables. BG 1972 pur
- The process of reviving their Krsna consciousness is Krsna's. No other process will help. Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He was Krsna Himself. He advised, harer nama harer nama harer nama eva kevalam - CC Adi 17.21
- The process of spontaneous service - following in the footsteps of the gopis, who are the denizens of Vrndavana - is transcendentally more advanced and is the process whereby Radha and Krsna are worshiped
- The process of surrender in a devotional attitude is accepted by a fortunate living being
- The process of tax exaction is very nicely explained in this verse (SB 4.16.6). Tax exaction is not meant for the sense gratification of the so-called administrative heads
- The process of the exhaustion of the duration of life exists for every one of the living beings, including Lord Brahma. One's life endures for only one hundred years, in terms of the times in the different planets
- The process of thinking of Krsna is very easy and is factually stated herein (BG 8.9). BG 1972 purports
- The process of thinking of the Supreme is mentioned in this verse (BG 8.9). The foremost point is that He is not impersonal or void. One cannot meditate on something impersonal or void. That is very difficult. BG 1972 purports
- The process of transcendental realization is to follow in the footsteps of the associates of the Supreme Lord; therefore if one thinks himself to be a direct associate of the Supreme Lord, he is condemned
- The process of uncovering is like this: the rays of sunshine are luminous, and the sun itself is also luminous. In the presence of the sun, the rays illuminate just like the sun
- The process of understanding transcendental subject matter is not by challenge but by submission. The whole bhakti process is submission. That is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's preaching
- The process of vidhi-marga, following the regulative principles, is utilized in the worship of Laksmi-Narayana
- The process of vision also involves remembrance and also exists in a subtle form
- The process of worshiping the Lord is considered to be very easy and complete, for anyone can sit down anywhere and in any condition of life and simply chant the holy names of the Lord. By chanting and hearing, one automatically engages in meditation
- The processes of eating in different modes are explained in the Bhagavad-gita, wherein it is stated that those who eat rice, wheat, vegetables, milk products, fruit and sugar are situated in the elevated quality of goodness
- The processes of eating, sleeping, mating and defending need not be taught, for they are learned instinctively. Human life is obviously meant for more. It is meant for tapasya and knowledge
- The processes of jnana, yoga and karma are executed life after life before one gets a chance to render pure devotional service to the Lord. This chance is given by the grace of a pure devotee, and it is in this way only that one can attain liberation
- The processes of speculative knowledge and renunciation are not actually the chief items for elevation in devotional service
- The proper process for approaching Krsna was given to humanity by Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and Rupa Gosvami, His first disciple, appreciated it
- The real purpose of all processes of transcendental realization - jnana-yoga, dhyana-yoga or bhakti-yoga - is to arrive at the point of devotional service
- The Sankhya philosopher accepts three kinds of evidences, namely direct perception, hypothesis and traditional authority. When such evidence is complete, everything is perfect. The process of comparison is within such perfection
- The sannyasis of the Krsna consciousness movement are bona fide. All the students of the Krsna consciousness movement have undergone the regular process of initiation
- The second part (of the Brhad-bhagavatamrta) describes the glories of the spiritual world, known as Goloka-mahatmya-nirupana, as well as the process of renunciation of the material world
- The semen & ovum create a particular type of body according to the form of the father and mother, and when the body is mature, the soul emerges in that body and begins a new life. This is the process of transmigration of the soul from one body to another
- The simple process of chanting the names of Krsna will reveal what one is, what God is, what the material and spiritual universes are, why we are conditioned, how we can get out of that conditioning - and everything else, step by step
- The so-called liberated Mayavadi speculator has to undergo this process (of wandering within the cycle of birth and death). BG 1972 Preface
- The special feature of this Age of Kali is that one can easily execute the process of cleansing the mind of contamination by chanting the holy names of God - Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
- The special feature of this human form of body is that he has developed consciousness how to understand God. The animal hasn't got this. And the process of understanding God and to revive our relationship with God is called bhagavata-dharma
- The species of life evolved from aquatics to plants, vegetables, trees; thereafter insects, reptiles, flies, birds, then beasts, and then human kind. This is the gradual process of evolution of species of life
- The speculative process of empiric philosophy is as bitter as the fruit of the nimba tree. Tasting this fruit is the business of crows. In other words, the philosophical process of realizing the Absolute Truth is a process taken up by crowlike men
- The speculative process of self-realization, or the jnana process, is suicidal
- The subtle body with the semina of the father, it is injected in the mother's womb, and then again you will develop another body. This is the process of transmigration
- The subtle body, which carries the conception of the next body, develops another body in the next life. This process of transmigrating from one body to another and struggling while in the body is called karsati or struggle for existence. BG 1972 purports
- The subtle psychic life will develop again in another suitable body by the process of transmigration of the spirit soul & thus put godless leaders in ordeals of different wheels of action & reaction by obliging them to transmigrate from 1 body to another
- The subtle psychic life will develop again in another suitable body, by the process of transmigration of the spirit soul, and thus put them in ordeals of different wheels of action and reaction by obliging them to transmigrate from one body to another
- The systematic way means to avoid the ten different offenses in the process of chanting, which are all philosophical truths
- The Third Chapter specifically describes the distribution of love of Godhead. It also describes the religion of the age, which is simply to distribute the holy name of Lord Krsna and propagate the process of loving Him
- The third-class devotees, or the neophytes, who have no knowledge and are not detached from material association, but who are simply attracted by the preliminary process of worshiping the Deity in the temple, are called material devotees
- The transcendentalists do not recognize such a process of generalization but pass over direct perception to receive the knowledge of deduction in its various stages - from authorities who have actual revelation of transcendental knowledge
- The trouble accepted in executing bhakti-yoga is transcendental happiness from the very beginning, whereas the trouble of penance in other processes of self-realization, without any Vaikuntha realization, ends in trouble only and nothing more
- The two different ways of reaching the spiritual sky and getting emancipation from all material bondage, namely either the direct process of reaching the kingdom of God or the gradual process through the other higher planets of the universe
- The two processes of sravana and kirtana are of primary importance to progressive spiritual life
- The ultimate purpose of sense gratification and the highest, topmost sense gratification is sex life. So we are trying, chewing, eschewing, you see, extracting. But that is not the process of happiness. The happiness is different
- The Vaisnavas, the unalloyed devotees of the Lord, do not follow the process of acquiring knowledge by direct sense perception or mental speculation
- The Vedas deal with three departments of activities. Jnana-kanda, the process of understanding the Absolute Truth by speculative methods
- The Vedic ceremonial paraphernalia, the suitable place, the suitable time, the different grades of articles for performing the ritualistic ceremonies, the Vedic hymns, the process of sacrifice, the priest who is able to perform the sacrifice, the fire
- The Vedic literature recommends that a human being follow the principles of varnasrama-dharma. Accepting the process of varnasrama-dharma will make a person’s life successful because this will connect him with the SPG, who is the goal of human life
- The whole material disease is based on the process of sense gratification, and liberation from the diseased condition is re-engagement of the senses to see the beauty of the Lord, hear His glories, and act on His account
- The whole process of creation is an act of gradual evolution and development from one element to another, reaching up to the variegatedness of the earth as so many trees, plants, mountains, rivers, reptiles, birds, animals and varieties of human beings
- The whole process of offering sacrifice is under the category of fruitive action, and such activities are extremely scientific. They mainly depend on the process of vibrating sounds with a particular accent
- The whole process of sacrifice, either by yoga system or by jnana system or by observing the rules and regulation of the social system, everything is meant for reaching to that point. What is that? To surrender unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The whole process of spiritual realization and the actual perfection of yoga is to revive our consciousness of this relationship. At present our relationship with the Supreme Lord is pervertedly reflected in this material world
- The whole process of the creation, maintenance and dissolution of the cosmic manifestation is meant to give the conditioned souls a chance to go back home, back to Godhead
- The whole system should be so centralized that people may be saved from this process of punar janma. That is real government, real parenthood, real guru-ism - how to save the disciples or the citizens or the son, subordinate
- The word bhuyah indicates again and again, that is to say the process of creation, maintenance and annihilation is going on perpetually by the external energy of the Lord
- The word yaviyasah indicates that these processes (processes of sravanam kirtanam) are very powerful
- The words bhave bhave are very significant here MM 3. They mean "birth after birth." Unlike the jnanis, who aspire to merge with the impersonal Absolute & thereby stop the process of repeatedly taking birth, a pure devotee is never afraid of this process
- The words eka-matya mean concentrating one's mind on the Lord without deviation. This process of undeviating worship of the Supreme Lord is also expressed in Bhagavad-gita as ananya-bhak. That which is impossible to obtain from any other source
- The words yatha-sthanam vibhagasah indicate that one should know the process of creation and should meditate upon the creative process inversely and thus become free from material contamination
- The yogis should perform acts for the advancement of human society. There are many purificatory processes for advancing a human being to spiritual life. BG 1972 purports
- Then, gradually, they can meditate in trance on the SPG. That is the process of being situated on the spiritual platform. This elevation is possible in Krsna consciousness in the association of pure devotees who can deliver one from delusion. BG 1972 pur
- There (in sixteenth vilasa of Hari-bhakti-vilasa) are also descriptions of the Govardhana-puja and Ratha-yatra. The seventeenth vilasa discusses preparations for Deity worship, maha-mantra chanting and the process of japa
- There are different processes of religion and purificatory processes by cultivation of knowledge, meditation in the mystic yoga system, etc., but one who surrenders unto Krsna does not have to execute so many methods. BG 1972 purports
- There are different processes of yoga-marga, attaining yoga perfection, but this process, devotional service to the Lord, is the easiest. Not only is it the easiest process, but the result is sublime
- There are different yajnas prescribed (in Bhagavad-gita) for different ages, & in the present age of iron industry the yajna that enlightens the mind of the masses for God consciousness is recommended. This process of yajna is called the sankirtana-yajna
- There are eight forms of marriage mentioned in the scripture Manu-smrti, but only one process of marriage, brahma or rajasika marriage, is now current
- There are many instances of one's being born a ksatriya or vaisya or even lower and, in the eighteenth year, attaining elevation to the brahminical platform by the process of initiation
- There are many processes for delivering the living entity from this life of entanglement. Generally it is summarized in the process of meditation, performances of great sacrifices and worshiping the Lord in the temple
- There are many worshipers who are purified by different processes of worship - such as the Vaisnavas or the Aryans - who also worship the Supreme Lord according to their convictions and spiritual understanding
- There are nine processes for executing devotional service, of which smaranam, or meditation, is one. Yogis take advantage of the process of smaranam, whereas bhakti-yogis take special advantage of the process of hearing and chanting
- There are three ways to attain the lotus feet of the Absolute Truth, Krsna. There is the process of philosophical speculation, the practice of mystic yoga and the execution of devotional service. Each of these has its different characteristics
- There are twelve great authorities on devotional service, and Lord Siva is one of them. Why, then, did he adopt the process of Mayavadi philosophy?
- There are twelve great authorities on devotional service, and Lord Siva is one of them. Why, then, did he adopt the process of Mayavadi philosophy? The answer is given in Padma Purana
- There are twelve mahajanas, great authorities on devotional service, and Lord Siva is one of them. Why, then, did he adopt the process of Mayavada philosophy? The answer is given in the Siva Purana
- There are two symptoms of advancement in the process of devotional service, just as there are two processes while eating. A hungry man feels strength and satisfaction from eating, and at the same time he gradually becomes detached from eating any more
- There are two types of mahatmas - the impersonalist and the devotee. Although their ultimate goal is different, the process of emancipation is almost the same. Both want eternal happiness
- There are various processes for self-realization, such as karma, jnana and yoga, but none of them is equal to the process of devotional service
- There is bhava-maha-davagni-nirvapanam: the process of stopping the blazing fire of material existence. Next, sreyah-kairava-candrika-vitaranam: his life becomes completely auspicious; & vidya-vadhu-jivanam: he becomes filled with transcendental knowledge
- There is brief mention of the process of making loving transactions with the Supreme Personality of Godhead and making friends with the devotees
- There is no end to sense gratification. He (one who is in the mode of passion) always wants to remain with his family and in his house and to continue the process of sense gratification. There is no cessation of this. BG 1972 purports
- There is not one single instance in which one has arrived at the Supreme Absolute Truth by means of his own mental speculation. Therefore the word mogha-jnanah indicates that the process of mundane knowledge is bewildering
- There may be some designations of his on account of past habit, but because he has taken to the process of becoming designationless, he is sadhu
- There were demons like Ravana and Hiranyakasipu, Kamsa. So many demons there were, historical demons. But their process of life was the same as the modern demons. There is no change
- These three items attract the mind of a perfect student engaged in spiritual activities and overcome all other processes of spiritual activity
- They (foolish persons) may be scholarly, and they may be elevated in other departments of knowledge, but they are not even neophytes in the process of attaining the highest stage of perfection, love of Godhead
- They (mlecchas, or lowborn people who have not undergone the purifying process of samskara) will devour the citizens with their atheistic activities
- They (the devotees of God) transcendentally enjoy the process of hearing and chanting. The Lord approves of the devotional activities of the devotees or mahatmas
- They (those who have taken to the process of karma-kanda (fruitive activity) and jnana-kanda (speculation on the science of transcendence)) are condemned to remain in material existence life after life until they take shelter of the lotus feet of Krsna
- They actually want to be free from the confinement of this world of conditional happiness, but not knowing the process of liberation, they are bound to transmigrate from one species of life to another and from one planet to another
- They cannot understand that without spiritual touch, there cannot be any creation. That is their poor fund of knowledge. The Darwin's theory, development, process of evolution, they are childish
- This (chanting Hare Krsna maha-mantra) is the easiest process of tapa-trayonmulanam or tapa-traya-cikitsitam, and that is required in human life. Don't forget this principle. Continue this principle
- This (the conditioned soul takes shelter of another body and then gives up the one he had before) is the process of the soul's transmigration from one body to another
- This entire material creation comes from the body of the SP of G and at the time of annihilation again enters into Him. This process of creation and dissolution is made possible by the breathing of the Maha-Visnu, who is only a plenary portion of Krsna
- This Hare Krsna chanting is the process of wiping out the dust accumulated on the mirror of my mind
- This indicates the efficiency achieved through execution of matured devotional service, or prema, love of Godhead. This state of prema is achieved by the gradual process of development from faith to love
- This is the process of accepting a spiritual master. One should approach a spiritual master, humbly submit to him and then inquire from him about one's spiritual progress
- This is the process of spiritual realization; one has to receive instruction from a bona fide spiritual master
- This is the statement of Brahma, that one should give up the nonsense process of mental speculation, "God may be like this; God may be like that." No. God is not manufactured by your mental speculation
- This is the way of Vedic life. One must stop the process of repeated birth and death and return home, back to Godhead
- This is very important verse. Sri Yamunacarya says: "My dear Lord," bhavantam evanucaran nirantarah, "When I shall be fully engaged in Your service?" This is the process of being freed from all anxiety
- This kind of knowledge (we are spiritual) may not seem to be so easily attainable, but it is made very easy by the mercy of Krsna and Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu who made this knowledge easily available through the process of chanting Hare Krsna
- This Krsna consciousness philosophy is very bona fide and most essential philosophy. Madman cannot understand, but that does not mean the process of treatment should be stopped. No
- This mantra from the Brahma-samhita is spoken from the platform of factual realization of the Absolute Truth, and the sruti-mantra of Sri Isopanisad under discussion confirms this mantra as a process of realization
- This perfectional process (of worshiping the Lord, who is the source of all beings) is followed by great devotees like Bodhayana, Tanka, Dramida, Guhadeva, Kapardi & Bharuci. All these great personalities have followed this particular path of perfection
- This process (of accepting the boat of the lotus feet of the Lord) is recommended here (in SB 10.2.30) by authorities like Lord Brahma and Lord Siva (svayambhur naradah sambhuh), and therefore we must take to this process in order to transcend nescience
- This process of birth and death is going on at every moment, by constant bodily change
- This process of chanting is most practical, and it does not depend on whether one is liberated or not, or whether one's condition is conducive to spiritual life or not - whoever takes to this process becomes immediately purified
- This process of chanting is so nice that it cleanses the heart, misunderstanding that "I am this body. I belong to this nation. I belong to this community. I belong to this religion." No. "I belong to Krsna," that's all
- This process of chanting the narrations of the life and character of Prthu Maharaja is recommended for conquering kings if they want to fulfill their desire to rule the world
- This process of chewing the chewed (punah punas carvita-carvananam (SB 7.5.30)) will never make human society happy. In order to make all human society happy and prosperous, we should accept the standard methods given by liberated persons
- This process of concentrating on the different bodily parts of the Lord will gradually diminish the demoniac challenge of godlessness and bring about gradual development of devotional service to the Lord
- This process of controlling the mind might have been very possible in those days millions of years ago when Dhruva Maharaja took to it, but at the present moment the mind has to be fixed directly on the lotus feet of the Lord by the chanting process
- This process of creation and annihilation described in summary herein (SB 2.10.46) is the regulative principle during the duration of Brahma's one day. It is also the regulative principle in the creation of mahat, in which the material nature is dispersed
- This process of creation began with the life of Brahma, and the creative principle is prevalent all over the material universe because of the quality of passion
- This process of disciplic succession of the Bhagavata school suggests that in the future also Srimad-Bhagavatam has to be understood from a person who is factually a representative of Srila Sukadeva Gosvami
- This process of extrication should be understood. BG 1972 purports
- This process of hearing about and glorifying the Lord is applicable for everyone, whoever he may be, and it will lead one to the ultimate success in everything in which one may be engaged by providence
- This process of kirtana (kirtayantah), always chanting the glories of the Lord, is the beginning of mahatma. That process is simplified by Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu who imparted to mankind this chanting of Hare Krsna
- This process of offering everything in one's possession or ability is the recommended means for losing all attachment to material things and all attachment to material sense gratification
- This process of sravanam kirtanam (SB 7.5.23) - hearing and chanting - was approved by Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- This process of transmigrating from one body to another and struggling while in the body is called karsati, or struggle for existence
- This process of turning the senses from material attachment to the loving transcendental service of the Lord is called pratyahara, and the very process is called pranayama, ending in samadhi, or absorption in pleasing the Supreme Lord Hari by all means
- This process of worshiping the Deity has already been described, and one should try to follow these rules and regulations seriously
- This process of yajna ( which enlightens the mind of the masses for God consciousness is recommended) is called the sankirtana-yajna, or mass agitation for invoking man's lost spiritual consciousness
- This process, in the highest degree, is recommended here in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, with clear perception of ideal perfection, although basically there is no difference between the process of Buddhists, Sankarites and Vaisnavites
- This science (the process of calculating the asta-varga (eight divisions)) is known especially by persons who are called hora-sastra-vit, or those who know the astrological scriptures
- This serious devotional service can develop by hearing for long periods of time. Chanting and hearing is the beginning of the process of devotional service
- This spiritual platform, to reach, requires gradually process of cultivation, and there is no difficulty to reach the spiritual platform. But first of all, the training of the mind is practiced by the yoga system. Yoga means to control the mind
- Those who are in household life should not think that religion is meant to improve the process of the householder's sense gratification
- Those who are intelligent - in other words, those who have not lost their intelligence - do not involve themselves in this process of wandering up and down
- Those who are real yogis, they always observe the Visnu form within the heart. That is the process of meditation and samadhi
- Those who are very sharp in their intelligence should adopt this process of chanting the holy names of the Lord. One should not manufacture different types of chanting
- Those who consider DS to Sri Krsna to be something like material emotional affairs may argue that in the revealed scriptures, sacrifice, charity, austerity, knowledge, mystic powers and similar other processes of transcendental realization are recommended
- Those who know that Lord Visnu is the origin of everything, who are conversant with the process of creation and who understand that Visnu, or Krsna, is the most worshipable object of all living entities, engage themselves in Visnu worship
- Those who know that Lord Visnu is the origin of everything, who are conversant with the process of creation and who understand that Visnu, or Krsna, is the most worshipable object of all living entities, engage themselves in Visnu worship as Vaisnavas
- Those who see with eyes of knowledge the difference between the body and the knower of the body, and can also understand the process of liberation from bondage in material nature, attain to the supreme goal
- Three different processes by which Krsna can be understood: the empiric process of philosophical speculation, the process of meditation according to the mystic yoga system, and the process of Krsna consciousness, or devotional service
- Throughout the Bhagavad-gita Lord Krsna teaches that one should give up all other processes of self-realization and fully surrender unto Him. That is faith
- To absorb the mind in the Supreme in Krsna consciousness is the process of spiritual realization
- To get relief from tedious business of accepting one body & then giving it up to accept another & again another in continued material existence, just give up this process of sense gratification & surrender unto Me. Then you will be saved. - This is KC
- To rectify our material existence, austerity (tapasya) is absolutely necessary. However, when people in general come under the control of a demon or a demoniac ruling power, they forget this process of tapasya and gradually also become demoniac
- To stop the cycle of birth and death, one has to understand Krsna as He is. Simply by knowing Krsna, one can stop the process of rebirth into this material world. By acting in Krsna consciousness, one can return to Godhead
- Transcendental emotional existence of the gopis is the basic principle of Lord Caitanya's teaching. The Ratha-yatra festival observed by Lord Caitanya is the emotional process of taking Krsna back to Vrndavana
- Transcendental, glorified activities of Lord Sri Krsna are the prescribed remedy for counteracting the process of birth, death, old age and disease, which are considered to be material awards for the conditioned living being
- Uddhava continued, "Although there are descriptions of different processes of self-realization, at the end Krsna recommends that one give up everything and simply surrender unto Him"
- Uddhava continued, "The Bhagavad-gita also says that this surrendering process is completed by a sincere person after executing the processes of self-realization in wisdom and austerity for many births"
- Uddhava Gita: 21 - Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of Deity Worship
- Uddhava said, "He is the purpose behind chanting different mantras, reading the Vedas, controlling the senses, concentrating the mind in meditation. These are some of the many different processes for self-realization and attainment of perfection of life"
- Unfortunate persons who cannot accept this formula (chanting the Holy Name 24 hours a day) prefer to execute some type of pseudomeditation, without accepting the other processes of austerity
- Unfortunately, there is no educational system; neither do they know the process of transmigration of the soul. So everyone is in ignorance
- Until one comes to the right conclusion, the process of thinking “This is not the Absolute Truth, that is not the Absolute Truth” will continue
- Vasudeva-parayana-agham. Agham means sin, sinful reaction of life. Dhunvanti, "one washes." Just like dirty thing, if you bring bucket of water and wash it, everything cleansed immediately. So this process of chanting is so nice that it cleanses the heart
- Vedic training dictates that when a man is in his boyhood he should be trained in the process of brahmacarya; that is, he should be completely engaged in the service of the Lord and should not in any way associate with women
- Vyasadeva taught Sukadeva the sublime position of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the process of seeing Him eye to eye, the bona fide candidate for receiving knowledge, the consideration of the five elements, the unique position of intelligence
- We are finding fault with so many things. But really we should find fault with this process of repetition of birth and death
- We are sure that you will find this process (of chanting Hare Krsna and reading our books) very pleasing and very effective
- We associate with the three qualities of material nature, our position in this material world is full of dangers, but when we engage in the devotional service of God by the process of sravanam & kirtanam, we immediately become vimukta-sanga, or liberated
- We can drive this machine called the body for so many years; then it becomes old, and we have to change it for another machine. This is the process of birth and death
- We can see the clouds scattered by the wind, although we cannot see how this is being done because it is not possible to see the wind. Although we do not directly see the Personality of Godhead, we can see that He controls the process of destruction
- We can stop this process of repeated change through birth and death. We can get our actual spiritual form again and be blissful, full of knowledge and eternal life. That is the purpose of evolution. We should not miss this
- We can understand this process (of yoga) by comparing it to the electronic transmission of radio messages. With radio transmitters, sound waves produced at a certain station can travel all over the earth in seconds
- We do not make any research, or we do not make any statement made by us. We simply accept the injunctions given by great acaryas. Acaryopasanam. That is the process of Vedic system
- We have to follow the footprints of the Gosvamis, how to search out Krsna and Radharani, Vrndavana, or within your heart. That is the process of Caitanya Mahaprabhu's bhajana - feeling of separation, vipralambha, vipralambha-seva
- We may also remember in this connection that the process of gradual emancipation by the devotees in the manner mentioned above, although authoritative, is not viable in the present age because of people's being primarily unaware of yoga practice
- We require to undergo some sort of penances. That penance is that engage our senses not in the process of sense gratification but in the process of serving the Supreme Lord, dovetailing, dovetailing our independence
- We should always remember this song of Narottama dasa Thakura. He is acarya. He's guru. Acaryopasanam. Acarya upasana is one of the process of making progress
- We should always think that we are in the modes of ignorance. We are just trying to make progress from ignorance to goodness and then transcend. This is the process of spiritual realization. Nobody should think that we are perfect
- We should be very diligent as to how we can discontinue this process of repeated birth and death and change of body. That is the prerogative of the human form of life
- We should find fault with this process of repetition of birth and death. People are now being educated in this way that there is no more life. You have got this life and you enjoy the senses as far as possible
- We should not understand the process of impregnation by the Personality of Godhead in terms of our conception of sex. The omnipotent Lord can impregnate just by His eyes, and therefore He is called all-potent
- We speak of "My eye," "My leg," "My this," "My that." In the midst of all of these objects which belong to me, where am I? The search for the answer to this question is the process of meditation
- We want the supreme benefit. Supreme benefit is that you are now entangled in the process of birth, death, old age and disease in the material existence. The real benefit is how to save yourself from these four difficulties
- What is the process of punishing others? Who are the actual candidates for punishment? Are all karmis engaged in fruitive activities punishable, or only some of them?
- What is this Krsna consciousness? That is the process of cleansing the dust from the mirror of the mind through the chanting of Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
- What is this soul? The soul is a part of the Supreme Lord. As we want to protect the hand or the finger because it is a part of the whole body, similarly we try to save ourselves because this is the defending process of the Supreme
- What to speak of stopping death, no one can enhance the short period of life even by a fraction of a moment. The only hope of suspending the cruel slaughtering process of Yamaraja is to call him to hear and chant the holy name of the Lord
- What we need to do is to revive this relationship (with Krsna) which has merged into oblivion because the covering and detaching process of the illusory energy, called maya, has fostered temporary forgetfulness
- When a man pours water on the leaves and branches of a tree without pouring water on the root, he does so without sufficient knowledge or without observing regulative principles. The process of watering a tree is to pour water on the root
- When a process of transcendental loving service to the Supreme Personality is added, progress is made perfectly to the ultimate goal
- When a ripened fruit comes from the upper part of the tree onto the ground by the process of being handed down from a higher branch to a lower branch by persons in the tree, the fruit does not break
- When all of these elements (the process of offering, the offering itself, the fire, the sacrifice, & the result of the sacrifice) become related with the SS, all of them become spiritualized; & at that time the whole thing becomes really a sacrifice
- When Hiranyakasipu was in the process of being killed by Lord Nrsimhadeva, the Lord gave the demon a chance to slip from His clutches. This incident was not very much appreciated by the demigods, for they were greatly afraid of Hiranyakasipu
- When offered to the transcendental service of Sri Krsna, all the above-mentioned five elements (the process of offering, the offering itself, the fire, the sacrifice, etc.) become interrelated with Him, and thus they become totally spiritualized
- When one has become purified by this process of offering everything back to the Supreme he becomes simply attached to pleasing the Supreme Lord. This is the perfection of life
- When one is free from delusion caused by pride, he can begin the process of surrender. BG 1972 purports
- When one who is not inspired by material desires and is not contaminated by the processes of fruitive activity and empiric speculation fully engages in the favorable service of the Lord, his service is called bhagavad-dharma, or pure devotional service
- When Pariksit Maharaja inquired how a human being could free himself from sinful activities so as not to be forced to go to hellish planetary systems after death, Sukadeva Gosvami answered that the process of counteracting sinful life is atonement
- When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu heard these details, He smiled in a pleased mood and said, "If with sensual intentions one looks at women, this is the only process of atonement"
- When the process of fruitive yajna became manifest within his heart, King Pururava went to the same spot where he had left Agnisthali. There he saw that from the womb of a sami tree, an asvattha tree had grown
- When the senses are purified by the process of hearing, chanting, remembering, and worshiping the lotus feet of the holy Deity, etc., the Lord reveals Himself proportionately to the advancement of the quality of devotional service
- When there is need of fire in the forest, by the will of the Supreme it takes place due to friction among the bamboos. Similarly, the descendants of Yadu were all destroyed by the will of the Lord by the process of self-destruction
- When, by that process (of satisfying the senses), they become confused or frustrated in fulfilling the maximum amount of sense enjoyment, they try to become one with the Supreme, which is, according to their conception, mukti, or liberation
- Whether one practices yoga or speculates and does research to find God, one's efforts must be mixed with the process of devotion. Without devotion, nothing can be perfect
- While I have been engaged in the process of creation, the earth has been inundated by a deluge and has gone down into the depths of the ocean. What can we do who are engaged in this matter of creation? It is best to let the Almighty Lord direct us
- Why so many process of cheap bhajana-sadhana that we can immediately understand what is God? No. And the Veda says, tad-vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet (MU 1.2.12). That was our system
- With the exception of devotional service, all the methods of self-realization are like the nipples on the neck of a goat. Therefore an intelligent person adopts only devotional service, giving up all other processes of self-realization
- Without becoming devata he'll be entangled. He'll be entangled. He'll have to. He has to continue this four process of birth, death, disease, and old age. That he has to
- Without being guided by the Supreme Lord, human beings sometimes manufacture a process of dharma by concoction. Actually dharma cannot be made by man
- Without such a regulative process (of varnasrama-dharma), no one can perform yajnas, and without the performance of yajnas, no material plans can make human society happy at any time. Everyone should therefore be induced to perform yajnas
- Yoga necessitates controlling the senses, and bhakti-yoga, or Krsna consciousness, is the process of purifying the senses. When the senses are purified, they are automatically controlled
- Yoga practice is not meant to keep the body fit. Any transcendental process of spiritual realization automatically helps one to keep the body fit, for it is the spirit soul that keeps the body always fresh
- Yoga practice, the process of purifying one's existential identity, is based mainly on self-control. Without self-control one cannot practice freedom from animosity
- You (Maitreya) may also describe the noncontradictory causes of religiosity, economic development, sense gratification & salvation and also the different means of livelihood and different processes of law and order as mentioned in the revealed scriptures
- You are already fallen. So you take to this process of chanting Hare Krsna mantra without any offense. And in order to save yourself from the offenses, a little austerity that you cannot have illicit sex life
- You cannot manufacture a process of happiness by tackling this material energy. That is not possible because the material energy is not under your control. It is controlled by the Supreme
- You have assimilated the process of birth very nicely through the books. This has pleased me very much and I wish that all my students can become as adept at presenting the information in the books like this
- You must always know that "He's the supreme controller and I am also controlled. So if I can please God by my service, then He'll reveal to me." That is the process of knowing God
- Your permanent settlement is to identify yourself that, "I am Krsna's." That is your permanent settlement. So if you put yourself in that position, being freed from all designation, then your process of everything, all qualities, become purified