Category:My Point Is (Prabhupada)
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Pages in category "My Point Is (Prabhupada)"
The following 116 pages are in this category, out of 116 total.
- Always keep to this high standard of Deity worship, never become neglectful. Everything must be done very timely, and the temple must be immaculately cleansed daily. These things, cleanliness and promptness, are the most important points for Deity worship
- Another point is I want to prepare a small pamphlet for Krsna book, giving the description in nutshell with some important pictures
- Any condition, one can live locally. That is my point. They are supposed to be uncivilized, and they live in the ice cottage. There is no sufficient things for eating. And how they live? That is the point. So why civilized man cannot live locally?
- BBT cannot give loan to Dallas for Gurukula construction. That is not possible
- Brahma is supposed to be the most intellectual personality within this universe. My point is that in the beginning the creation was the most intelligent personality, not that in the creation there was lower animals. No
- Brahma's post is so exalted that when there is no living entity available, then Lord Visnu Himself becomes Brahma, the post is so important. My point is that although he's so pious, greatly exalted, still, he had to purify himself
- For the benefits of the society, for the human society, for the human being, this Krsna consciousness movement must be very seriously taken up by you. That is my point
- From my part of view, I do not think there is any East and West; any knowledge is meant for the whole world
- From my personal point of view, I think that I am so sinful that I cannot even approach Krishna to show me any favor. But I have only one hope, my Spiritual Master. He is very kind
- From the material point of view, or platform, any act, good or bad, that will have material reaction. And we want to get out of this material reaction. That is our point of view
- From the very beginning I was strongly against the impersonalists and all my books are stressed on this point. So my oral instruction as well as my books are all at your service. Now you GBC consult them and get clear and strong idea
- I blindly follow my guru maharaj. I do not know what is the result. So I am stressing on this point of book distribution. He told me this personally
- I cannot stress this point enough that we must handle this publication of Back to Godhead very nicely for it is one of the most important aspects of our society. So you will please do the needful in this regard
- I have always stressed this point; that if we simply follow the regulative principles, chant regularly daily 16 rounds, and maintain firm faith equally in Krishna and Spiritual Master, that your life will become sublime
- I have discussed all these points in my Srimad-Bhagavatam, that human economic problem can be solved simply by having some land and some cows
- I have no objection if you make some profit on outside work. That is very nice. My only point is that we have got our press for printing our own literatures more and more. We should not miss this point
- I showed opinion on your book? If I have got opinion, I publish another book. Why should I interpret? Why shall I poke my nose in your business
- If they (the scientists) accept God, then we give them all credit. That's all right. Otherwise zero. We don't deprecate their intention of advancement in knowledge. But we simply protest against their defying the authority of God. That is our point
- If you are not perfect in your knowledge, then why should I accept your theory? That is my point
- In the Christian method, Roman Catholic method, the process of the Pope, Archbishop, and..., that is very nice. There is no objection of us. But our point is that Krsna consciousness is lacking
- It is not that we don't touch machine. We don't say like that. But we want to be self-sufficient. That is our point
- Mean on the basic principle, the ahimsa paramo dharma, where is ahimsa? You have to kill. Either you kill vegetable or animal, you have to kill. Then where is the standing of ahimsa? That is my point
- My father-in-law was married when he was eleven years. And my mother-in-law was seven years. You see? So actually, the point is that the marriage was taking by the calculation, "Whether this couple will be happy in their life?"
- My Guru Maharaja told me personally that "If you get some money, print books." Therefore I am stressing on this point: "Where is book? Where is book? Where is book?" So kindly help me. This is my request. Print as many books in as many languages
- My only point is that simultaneously we must increase our literature production and build Mayapur Temple, But it is not that we have to stop everything else for one thing
- My only point is that we are dealing with the public. They are paying us money and we should handle them so carefully so that they may think of us as spotless
- My only point is that we have got our press for printing our own literatures more and more
- My point is anyone who will attend the Sanskrit class must be interested for chanting the mantras (in our books Isopanisad, Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam) and not for any other purpose
- My point is if your basic principle is wrong, then how you can make a perfect proposal?
- My point is that even if somebody does not go in one line with the rest of the godbrothers, he can remain separately, but it does not mean that he may disobey the principles that I have laid down
- My point is that here in this New Mayapura, if you simply carry on this man-mana bhava mad-bhaktah, then all your necessities will come automatically, don't bother
- My point is that I cannot employ the society's money in political campaigning
- My point is that our philosophy, Krsna consciousness philosophy, is meant for understanding atma-tattva
- My point is that so long we are living, we are in ignorance
- My point is that the regulative principles must be followed by everyone. Otherwise their enthusiasm dwindles and they again think of sex and become restless, and so many problems are there. There is some symptom of missing the point
- My point is that this Krsna consciousness movement has come to your country by the will of Krsna. So here is favorable situation because the will of Krsna is there
- My point is that war is not the only disturbing principle. There are many other disturbing principles. So we have to make a wholesale solution of all principles
- My point is that when we say "self realization" it does not mean that one should realize that he is the Supreme
- My point is that you are all Vaisnavas; try to do something good to the people, because they are all suffering
- My point is that you have so many things, but the suffering is going on. You increase your means of diminishing suffering, but they are coming in a different way. So the sufferings cannot be stopped. That is not possible. This is the conclusion
- My point is unless it is authoritatively mentioned in the sastra, we reject
- My point is, life comes from life
- My point is, that whatever you want at the end, that doesn't matter, but you worship Krishna, and He will award whatever you desire
- My point is: by serving the Supreme Lord, one gives the best service to the family, because if one becomes a Vaisnava, pure Vaisnava, the whole family, up to fourteen generations, they become liberated
- My point of view (Prabhupada)
- My point of view is this: whatever money you require I am already sending and will continue without hesitation to send, but I must be satisfied the money is properly spent
- My suggestion to you for going to Pakistan was on the following point: if any mission goes to Pakistan from India, they will not allow
- No, I don't wish to agitate your mind. I want that if there is any difference, that should be adjusted, and we must preach combinedly. That is my point
- No, if too much endeavour is there, that is to be avoided. By all means we must preserve our spiritual status, that is the point
- Nobody is independent. That is our point of view. Everyone is dependent. Somebody is voluntarily dependent on Krsna and somebody is by force dependent on maya. That's all
- Now do not worry that your husband will take sannyasa. I think I have told you before that I will not give him sannyasa at this point. He may travel very widely throughout the Germany zone and still remain Grhastha. He is more than Sannyas
- Our books are being received by all libraries, universities, and scholarly persons, and I wish also that your institution may also order for all these books so that you can understand our point of view
- Our Krishna Consciousness movement is built on this idea, that we want to make a world civilization on the basis of spiritual understanding. So I am giving you some points which you may expand or do it for understanding of the people in general
- Our point is all the species of life, they are existing simultaneously. Evolution there is, we accept that but it is not that one is missing, one has gone away, and another is come
- Our point is not to disregard anything, but everything use for the satisfaction of Krsna
- Our point is that as this hankering after sex or the opposite sex is natural, it doesn't require to be educated, similarly, krsna-bhakti is also natural
- Our point is that if we actually want to expand this international feeling, then we must find out the real center. That center is Krsna
- Our point is that if you are yourself blind, how you can lead other blind men?
- Our point is that in the house or skyscraper we shall simply accommodate for occupants either guests or purchasers. So these purchasers must be a devotee, that is, no intoxication, no gambling, no meat or fish, like that
- Our point is that Krsna says everyone should be given chance how to come back to home, how to approach Krsna. So whose duty is it? It is the duty of Krsna's servant
- Our point is that Krsna, or God, is there, and He is working through His potencies
- Our point is that suppose if you are rich man, suppose if you are very learned man; you are not free from the stringent laws of material world
- Our point is that they are accepting foolish men as scientists
- Our point is that this Krsna consciousness movement is nothing like manufactured religious principle. No. It is authorized
- Our point is that we should have to receive Godhead from the highest perfectional person
- Our point is that we should not spoil this life. We should utilize every moment of our life very properly
- Our point is that you do whatever you are doing. We don't stop you. We never say that "Stop everything of material..." But we have to stop anything which is against Krsna consciousness
- Our point is that you may live materially comfortably - there is no harm - but if you forget your spiritual identity, then you'll remain like animal
- Our point is to always follow the example of the acaryas and this will bring us to the perfectional stages with no doubt
- Our point is very strong, that you cannot get perfect knowledge from imperfect person
- Our point is very strong, that you cannot get perfect knowledge from imperfect person. That is not possible. That's a fact. You can get knowledge only from the perfect. That is real knowledge
- Our point is we take foodstuff offered to Krsna, and whatever Krsna eats, that is our foodstuff
- Our point is: just try to study this life, how much painful it is
- Our point should be that we shall take all necessary steps for self-protection, depending the result on Krishna
- Our point was how to please the Supreme Lord. This is the way. If you want to please Krsna, you spread Krsna consciousness
- Our position is definitely due to our books, therefore I am always pressing on this point
- People are going on in the name of nationality, big leaders, but from our point of view, that neither as nation or community or person you are the proprietor of things. Krsna is the proprietor
- People may not misunderstand that here a scene is depicted simply criticizing the western way. That is my point
- Real point is if we can introduce book, there is nothing illegal. Everything is legal. Now, to save us from so-called legal complication, we must be legal. Otherwise there is nothing illegal what we do for Krsna
- Regarding incorporation of our ISKCON centers, we want to run all our centers as nonprofit religious organizations; that is the main point
- Regarding the dramas, my point is not to deviate from gravity and compromise or distract from the situation
- Religion is not manufactured, but it is given by God. That is our point
- Since Bhagavad-gita is being presented as it is, within four years there are hundreds and thousands of Krsna-bhaktas. That is our point, that you present the thing as it is, without any adulteration
- So called yoga followers are simply cheated and they are wasting their time. I have already explained these points in the Sankhya yoga chapter of the Bhagavad-gita As It Is, so you read them carefully and present it in suitable occasions
- So far Ksirodakasayi is concerned, or anyone else who is newcomer, should be allowed some concession. And after some time when he is accustomed to our principle, then we can make the screw tight. I think this point will be sufficient hint to deal with him
- So our point is, we are not going to bring back the old type of Hindu society. It is impossible. Our idea is that best ideas from the original idea
- Soldiers killing and ordinary killing is not the same, but my point is that God gives you the law that you shall not kill. Now if you are violating that law, then how you can become religious? That is my question
- That is my point. Why you become falsely proud that you have done so advancement that you don't care for God, don't care for the original manufacturer? That is your fault
- The authority means you have to follow blindly. That is authority. That is my point
- The deities in a moving vehicles is all right, providing they are cared for properly, so do the needful. Everything has to be done expertly that is my point
- The other day you were asking me about the wages, labor. So our point is the devotees shall work. So there is no program to pay wages
- The point is that a devotee, even he does not know, does not want advertisement, Krsna advertises him. Krsna advertises him without his intention. Krsna wants to see that his devotee is very much advertised as a devotee
- The point is that we should not be over anxious just to recruit men if they will not be of the best quality
- There was a slight indication of heart attack but Krishna saved me. It was not very acute. So long Krishna will keep me fit I will go on working, so you devotees should pray to Krishna that I might go on serving Him up to the last point of my death
- This literature (Srimad Bhagavatam), which is called Vaisnava literature, should not be heard from a person who is not a devotee. This point I have several times stressed
- Thousands of millions of such activities may be very good in the estimations of the fools and rascals, but it may not be accepted by Krsna. That is the crucial point. Our point is that unless accepted by Krsna, it is simply a simply waste of time
- To become a brahmana means to become a first-class prisoner, that's all. Our point of view is not to become a first-class prisoner, but to get out of the prison: that is Vaisnava vision
- To become a scholar of Sanskrit is not our business. You say that 15 to 40 students are attending. Are they outsiders? My point is anyone who will attend the Sanskrit class must be interested for chanting the mantras in our books
- We don't want to discuss all this nonsense philosophy, just to warn them that "You don't be misled by this rascalism." That is my point
- We have distribution prasadam, not dog's food. Such rascals as here. You do not know. I do not wish to discuss anymore on this point. You have murdered the whole thing in two days
- We require personalities like you to join this movement wholeheartedly, but because you have got wife and children I am hesitating to ask you to close your business. As a responsible head of a family you should consider this point seriously
- Why misleading people? You do not know anything, how things are going on, and you are claiming you are scientist. Our point is, Don't do this, misleading propaganda. You are not scientist. We protest against this false propaganda
- You are at liberty to follow your husband, that is not my point, but if you go the deity worship may be neglected and our progress will be hampered. That is my opinion, because you are in charge, but if you think you may go sometimes, I have no objection
- You are now acquainted with the local market. So I think that if we supervise the building construction work (in Mayapur) that will save great amount of money. You consider on these points and let me know your views by return mail
- You need not send the Murtis by air cargo to London because some devotee here has contributed a Radha-Krishna Murti pair imported from Jaipur. It is 42" high and very nice. So Krishna has saved us in this point
- You say that your charge is "They are introducing caste system." But the Hindu caste system is already there. How do you say that I am introducing? That is my point