Category:I Think (Prabhupada)
"I think"|"My thought"
Pages in category "I Think (Prabhupada)"
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- Before I came to your country, I was thinking to establish an ideal Vedic community
- I reached Boston on 17th September, 1965. I was thinking, while on board the ship "Jaladuta," why Krishna had brought me to this country
- I was always thinking of my Guru Maharaja, that "I met a very nice sadhu." Although I was doing business, I never forgot him
- This man is going to die, Never mind, I thought, death will come. Let me try
- A little labor done for Krishna is never lost. But the greatest labor done for Maya is simply waste of time. So I think by the Grace of Krishna you are feeling nice now. Please try to work hard for Krishna, and your life will be glorious
- A man is born out of his father and mother, so He has to take His birth from a father and mother. So these fathers and mothers are first sent. I think in the Bible they call messiahs, or what you have?
- About Trinity College lectures, I think I can stay in Hartford for the days I have to lecture there, and the fees may be charged $100 per lecture as the New York City College has offered
- Actually my ambition is to form a strong Sankirtana party and travel all over Europe, and then in Africa, Asia, India, and Japan, etc. This is my thought. Please try to give it effect
- Acyutananda wanted to come back, so it was very welcome suggestion. But I think he might have changed his decision again. I do not know what to do with this boy. And if they want to remain in India, they must do something tangible work for our society
- All his (Charlie Chaplin) comic play has got some originality. That is the beauty. How he invented! I think that character, when he was a drunkard, he's a great friend. When he's not drunkard, "Who is this man?" He's grave, as rich man
- All Sindhis, they have a special reception for saintly person. The religious person. So you are all here. I think you should open a very nice center for preaching this gospel
- Always remember that I am always with you. As you are always thinking of me I am always thinking of you also. Although physically we are not together, we are not separated spiritually
- Any friend in any part of the world that you may contact, try to infuse him with this Krishna Consciousness idea. Never waste your time in any other talks. I think our students have already developed this attitude and they are not interested in idle talks
- As a child when I was going to the neighboring Mallik temple, I was thinking then when will I have such a nice Deity to worship and now Krsna is so kind that I am establishing so many nice temples all over the world
- As far as your future films are concerned I do not think it is possible for the BBT to continue financing these films. BBT is strictly for construction of temples and printing books. My idea is that you can use the original capital that BBT gave you
- As for introduction, you may use the Introduction I have already written and printed in Teachings of Lord Caitanya' I think it will also be suitable for Caitanya-caritamrta
- As for the $150 you will be receiving each month for the next five years, I think that will be sufficient tuition for your two children at Gurukula, and that will oblige your debt to Gurukula
- As I am getting old, I wish to retire from an active part. Of course, I shall be behind the scene, but I am thinking of writing a constitutional will on my return from Europe
- As I am going out on a long tour to my home state for about 12 days, I thought I must keep you informed of the action I have taken
- As I recommend to every householder, if you spend 50% of your income for Krishna's business in developing New Vrindaban, and a similar amount is collected by Kirtanananda Maharaja, I think there will be no need of financial help from other centers
- As it is said, jnana-tapasa, little knowledge and little austerities. Then you become purified, and mad-bhavam agatah, you can go to the spiritual nature, the kingdom of God. I think this process is not at all difficult
- As people in your country are very much receptive to new ideas, I think we can place Back To Godhead very nicely with sensible layout
- As President, now you will be forced to advance in Krishna Consciousness because you must always set the highest example yourself, and I think that this is Krishna's special favoring you. Try to always see the highest purity is maintained in all respects
- As soon as I see that you GBC members are managing everything very nicely I shall completely retire for writing my books only and I am thinking of staying in Mayapur for six months and in your camp, L.A., for six months
- As the devotees think, so I also in that way thought. - "I thought it a special grace of the SPG." "And I at once took leave of my so-called home and went away." So that is the difference between the devotees of the Lord and materialistic person
- As you are going to restore order in the temple I am always with you because Srila Jiva Goswami's temple is my heart and soul. I think with your cooperation I shall be able to render some genuine service to the Gosvamis Who are staying in the temple
- As you are rendering some service to the temple, I think he will be very glad to accept you as one of the inmates
- As you are trying your best to make our preaching propaganda as most authoritative on the Vedic culture, Krsna will certainly help you. I think the book which I have sent you will help and the balance Krsna will teach you
- As you have developed a deep love for me, I dare to ask you to send me financial help to take me to Japan. I think you can immediately instruct your Embassy in Delhi to do the needful and dispatch me to Japan on your behalf
- As you want to publish a comprehensive article about my activities in the Kalyana, I think it is proper to give you a short history of my coming to the western world
- At the age of seventy years, nobody goes out. At least from Vrndavana nobody goes at the age of seventy years. But Krsna asked me. I thought that I must go, Guru Maharaja wanted it, Caitanya Mahaprabhu... Let me try
- Avatara means one who comes directly from the spiritual world. And incarnation . . . of course, this avatara is translated with the word incarnation, but I think real meaning of incarnation means "who accepts a body." Is it not
- Back To Godhead and our books now can be printed in this press by our own men. I think you should now come back and see the printing work done nicely
- Because your "number one concern" is distributing my books and preaching, I think Krishna will give you all facility to increase more and more and make advancement in Krishna Consciousness
- Buddha flourished in this Gaya Province. Kikatesu bhavisyati. In the SB it is predicted where the list of the incarnation of Godhead is given in the 4th Chapter, I think. In that list, Buddha's name is mentioned. Not only his name, but his mother's name
- By the mercy of Srila Prabhupada, I have had so much work to do since I came to the West that although I was thinking of writing you a letter, up until now I could not write
- Certainly this boy is very good soul to be in contact with Krishna Consciousness even at such an early age so be patient with him and I think that he will continue to progress very nicely
- Collect the money for your ticket there and then immediately go to Africa to help there. I think that will be nice. Make sure that you follow all of the rules and regulations, & chant at least 16 rounds daily. That will make you out of the reach of Maya
- Concerning Vamanadeva's trouble with the draft, I think that if properly utilized, my certificate of acceptance of a person as student of Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam may be very helpful in avoiding the draft
- Consecutively two days, attack. Actually I would have died on the ship before reaching your country. I could not understand that was heart attack. The pain was so severe, I thought, "I am now dying." And it was done two nights
- Dharma is not a religious sentiment. dharma means our occupational duty, real meaning. I think I have given it in Srimad-Bhagavatam. So when we forget our duty, that is called dharmasya glanih. Glanih means deterioration of our real occupational duty
- Don't be disappointed that you are separated from me, I am also always thinking of you how you are making progress there
- Don't mind very much that I have not received the permanent visa. I think it is Krishna's desire and blessings; as a Sannyasin, I should not fix up at a certain place and take your service comfortably
- During daytime I shall travel and nighttime you make a camp under a tree. In this way let me travel all the tirthas. I am thinking in this way
- Each year a person was elected president. I think this system may be followed in our institutions also
- Especially in India, there is no brahmacarini. But here, in your country (America), the boys and girls mix very freely, but just to restrict such free mixing, we think that the unmarried girls should remain separately. That is the contemplation
- Even if you cannot offer anything . . . I think everyone can offer, I think, a flower can be offered, a little fruit can be offered
- Every minute I think of you and as you asked me to go to San Francisco while returning from India, I am trying to fulfill my promise. I am thinking of going directly to San Francisco
- Everyone thinks that he is right and everyone is wrong. We do not think like that. We take the words of the authority, that's all. Or we have no respect. This is our program. That is the way of parampara
- Five hundred years ago, the income was twelve lakhs of rupees per annum. That one lakh, one hundred thousand of rupees, I think at the present moment, the value has increased one hundred thousand times
- For a devotee these informations of Krsna, oh, become so . . . "My Krsna is so God. Oh, my God is so powerful." And, I think, sometimes I recited one story. This is for very instructive
- For all practical purposes if we systematically preach to chant the holy name of Godhead, I think nobody, not even the religious fanatic, will take objection to it
- For composing I think Rayarama has not given you the right time. It must be ready within one and a half months after the machine is there. By rough calculation, one can compose at least 10 pages per day, so for 400 pages it takes utmost 40-45 days
- For example, your Christian religion. Lord Jesus Christ says: "Thou shall not kill." But I think cent percent of the Christian people, they are very much engaged in killing. So they are, disobeying the laws of God. Don't you think
- For relying upon devotees from outside to come there is not very practical business. It is better to recruit some local men and train them to do the work. But I think Madhudvisa can supply you with one or two men conveniently, you may request him this
- Fortunately, by Krsna's grace, many moonlike boys and girls have come to me. You see? Many moons. I was thinking of having only one moon, but Krsna... I am hopeful that there are many moons, and in future they'll be doing very nice. This is para-upakara
- From 1922 to 1933 practically I was not initiated, but I got the impression of preaching Caitanya Mahaprabhu's cult. That I was thinking. And that was the initiation by my Guru Maharaja. Then officially I was initiated in 1933
- From my personal point of view, I think that I am so sinful that I cannot even approach Krishna to show me any favor. But I have only one hope, my Spiritual Master. He is very kind
- From the very beginning I went to New York because I thought that Krishna Consciousness is the most important idea in the world, so let me go to that place, New York, which is the most important city in the world
- From yesterday, since I have come to Boston, I am feeling little backache. There is no unbearable pain, but when I stand up or walk, it is a little difficult. I think it will be cured within two or three days
- From your letter, it appears that you need a change of activities. I think it will be best if you come to the festival at Mayapur and from there we can decide what project will be best for you to become involved in
- Frozen means nasty. I never take frozen. In the beginning I thought, "Oh, it is very nice. You can get fresh vegetable." But they are not at all fresh
- Gargamuni Maharaja is trying for Florida. That is good. I've written to him one letter encouraging him. I think things are going nicely. So please cooperate with the sannyasis. Work with them so that they may go on with their missionary activities
- Gaurasundara is doing there some work, but that is not sufficient even for maintaining an apartment. He is of course searching for a better job, but I do not think alone he can start a center there
- Get our society immediately registered. Call men from U.S.A. or anywhere else and go on, vigorously preaching in the university campuses as you have sent me the photos. I think that place is the best for pushing on our Krishna Consciousness movement
- Guru Maharaja did not say anything, that "You give up your family life." No, never said. He simply gave the idea. So I thought that "It would have been better if I was not married"
- He has given me one idea to educate our men in Hindi, Marathi and Gujarati for preaching work in the interior part of Bombay. I think it a good suggestion. If you are really serious in this matter you can immediately engage some of our men
- He is interested in worshiping Radha-Modanmohan deity and very very anxious to stay at Hyderabad. If there is not great difficulty, I think he may be called back
- He wants me travelling throughout the whole Western part of the world and therefore I think it is Krishna's desire that now I shall shift my activities at least for some time in the European countries
- How are your Tulasi plants in Hawaii? How are they feeling? I am always thinking of them and you. Please let me know how they are growing and how you are taking care of them
- Husband-wife means he must accept responsibility for her his life-long, it is not such light matter we can reject and do as we like. I think you stick there for some time more, live peacefully husband and wife, & develop the temple to your full capacity
- I (Prabhupada) think also that Gargamuni also should be supplied with another bride. Because karmis without association of woman, cannot work. So as he is going to be a karmi - not exactly karmi, karma-yogi, so if he likes, he can marry again
- I (Prabhupada) think for the Japanese to pronounce Sanskrit language is easier than to pronounce English language; but this mantra is universal, anywhere you go everyone will be able to chant this mantra
- I (Prabhupada) think I have spoken about my own life. You know that I was a married man. So after being married, I did not like my wife. (laughter) Somehow or other, I did not like
- I (Prabhupada) think you should take special license or permission from the authority because as a religious society, we can collect in such a way
- I always think of my Guru Maharaja every moment, although He is not physically present, and because I am trying to serve Him to my best capacity, I am sure He is helping me by His spiritual blessings
- I always think of our Juhu place, and I want that it shall be the model for all the world to emulate and respect as the perfect example of a Krishna Conscious community
- I always think of you as my naughty daughter and from the start of this movement, you and your very good husband have always shown to be very sincere and important members of our society. So I know that both of your services are most sincere
- I am advising him to consult with you and I think, cooperatively along with Mohanananda and others, you, senior members, can manage everything there very nicely and relieve me of such questions
- I am also hoping that you will be able to print our books in that part of the world in the local languages. I think there is a Dai Nippon branch in Jakarta. It is a great service to sell our books to educational institutions
- I am always encouraged to learn of your activities in the San Francisco temple, and I think that by the Grace of Caitanya Mahaprabhu you shall do very great service to His Sankirtana Movement
- I am always thinking about you, along with your good husband Gaurasundara, because you have been of such good assistance to me for pushing on this Krsna Consciousness movement in your country and other places around the world
- I am always thinking of and appreciating the important work you are all doing there in our Krsna Conscious Gurukula. Please keep steadfast in the program as I have instructed
- I am always thinking of Caracas temple. Although I went there once, it has given me some impression. Now I am an old man, and am depending on you to carry on our mission more enthusiastically. The seed is already there. Now water it
- I am always thinking of you and your service. So there is no question of you being separated from me at any time
- I am always thinking of you, and I am feeling separation. I wish to return at the earliest opportunity. I cannot stop my western world activities
- I am always thinking of your New Vrindaban. The first thing I find in the taste of the milk. The milk which we are taking here is not at all comparable with New Vrindaban milk
- I am always wondering, why others do not write, so many big big preachers we have got, but none of them write, so if you can inspire them to write in more convincing way, that is great service, do it
- I am an old man - seventy-two years old. I have been away from my family during the last fourteen years. Yet sometimes I also think of my wife and children. This is quite natural. But that does not mean I have to go back. This is knowledge
- I am anxious to know what has happened to Aravinda since he left me in India. I think his parents live there in Detroit, his other name is Arthur Friedman, so kindly search them out and ask them where he is
- I am getting gradually older, therefore even if I remain in your country, I shall restrain my moving and my main business will be henceforward to train you all my disciples for preaching work. I think you will approve of my program
- I am glad that you are typing the remaining portion of KRSNA, and then I shall send the second part of KRSNA also for editing. Your husband wanted from me a specific duty, and I think the best part of his valor can be utilized in editorial work
- I am glad to learn that your good wife is now days taking interest in Krishna Consciousness. Please offer her my blessings. I think a good and sincere husband's influence is working in her
- I am going to London for Rathayatra this year but I think I can fly from London to Pittsburgh without any difficulty. So you can accept that engagement on September 8th and I shall be there. And the national TV show sounds very nice
- I am not qualified, but only qualification is that I tried to do the best, that's all. That much qualification. I had faith in their program, and I thought, "I shall try my best, whatever capacity I have got." That's all
- I am not thinking of India. I am thinking for the whole human society. Anyway, why shall I think for India? When we become God conscious, then we don't think in that way, "I am Indian," "I am Englishman," "I am Australian," "I am this." No
- I am now 75 years old. I never thought how far I shall be able to travel such a long distance. But as people say I am still younger, then maybe sooner or later I shall come back to New York again
- I am pleased that you are in Vrndavana and engaged in the Deity worship. But I think it will be good if you live with me and assist me in so many ways
- I am so glad to note that you remember the auspicious day sometimes in 1944 when I started my "Back to Godhead" magazine. I think in the first issue you wrote some article
- I am so happy that the Krishna Consciousness movement is attracting young innocent hearts of America. From this I can think that the future of this movement is very hopeful
- I am so much obliged to you for your devotion and affection for me. I thought of you all throughout my journey from Francisco to New York and I was praying to Lord Krishna for your more and more advancement in Krishna Consciousness
- I am sorry to hear of your wife's poor health. You have tried so many treatments, pills and better climates and visits to doctors, but there is no improvement. I think you can admit her to the hospital on a longer term basis for recouping her health
- I am thinking of organizing this nice Sankirtana party very seriously and you may also think in that way
- I am thinking of these rascals. What for they are making big, big plans? They will stay here for a few days, and forgetting Krsna consciousness they are busy in making plans
- I am thinking that the press department may immediately be begun now in Boston in the new house, so there is necessity for funds for purchasing printing equipment and the necessary paraphernalia for printing our many books
- I am thinking that you would be ideal to go there and organize the temple as the president and propagate Sankirtana Party
- I am thinking very seriously if we can print the 20,000 or more copies of BTG in our own press, as well as at least 4 books (the size of my Srimad-Bhagavatam) in a year
- I am thinking when making millions of dollars, he may not be lost. Millions of dollars, I shall do. I have got money. I want one soul saved, that is more than millions of dollars
- I am training some, I mean to say, advanced students so that they may be very easily take up the charge. I have made them GBC. They are under my direct training, and I think they will be able to conduct this movement
- I am very glad to hear from you that Berlin centre is progressing nicely under your expert supervision. You are one of my older disciples. I think you were the first devotee in European continent, so now you have got good experience how to do things well
- I am very much anxious that Govinda Dasi has fallen sick. Similarly, I am also from yesterday feeling little uncomfortable on account of backache. I think the constant change of climate in Buffalo has affected my rheumatic tendencies
- I am very much perturbed to hear you are suffering from maleria in Delhi. So don't be worried, you'll very soon recover, but I think it is a hindrance for you going to Europe. I therefore request you not to proceed to Europe immediately
- I am very much pleased that you are interested in my scheme at Jyotisar, I think that I shall require your help when this plan is in action. If you have time you can come to Vrindaban to discuss some important matters
- I am very much pleased to hear that you are distributing so much of our literature and books and I think if you go on like this that very soon you will become the number one book distributers in the whole world
- I am very much pleased upon all of the nice boys and girls who have helped me in this way. I could never have thought it was possible to distribute so many of our literatures
- I am very much satisfied with all of my disciples who have worked so hard on these paintings for Srimad-Bhagavatam. In fact, I think there is no other art existing which can in any way match them
- I beg to inform you that I have safely arrived as scheduled in San Francisco, and I am thinking fondly of you all
- I beg to thank you very much for this contribution which I think must be a gift for Vyasa Puja Day presentation and I have deposited it with Dai Nippon for publication of our literatures
- I came here with a service position, that I must give some service to my Guru Maharaja, not that I thought of success. But the spirit was that Guru Maharaja told me I must do something, whatever I can. It may be failure; it may be success - let me try
- I cannot sleep more than 3 hours at night, and 1 hour in day. So if it continues like that, and if I keep fit, I think I shall have ample time to work writing books
- I do not know if my secretaries in Bombay have seen the Chief Minister as directed by you, but I think that when the Governor is personally examining the case, it may not be necessary to see the Chief Minister
- I do not know the modern expedition of going to the moon planet, how far it will be successful. I think it cannot be successful. According to Vedic literature, it cannot be successful because people cannot adjust to enter that planet
- I do not know what I can do in these legal matters. You try your best in consultation with Tamala Krishna. I think that perennial watch-dog is playing some mischief
- I do not know what is in the mind of Lord Bala Krishna but I think that your attention to give an impetus to the Bhagavata cult and my humble attempt can serve great purpose
- I do not know what is the position, but I think that without depending on anyone, we may take the risk of renting a nice house for our temple immediately
- I do not think that place is very nice or suitable for our purpose, as it is outside the city I think, so far I know, and we want a place inside the city. Still if you let me know what kind of help you want from them, then I can advise you what to do
- I do not think you will find any more these politics at our Boston center or elsewhere. So please go there and help print our Society's literature, this is a great opportunity for rendering service to Krsna and the humanity at large
- I don't think Acyutananda can be engaged as leader in any group. He can work only as assistant. So you write them as far as possible. Otherwise, let them come back - what can be done?
- I got a free passage through some Indian steam navigation company. So I came by ship. So when I was on the ship at Boston port I was thinking that "I have come here. I do not know what is the purpose, because how the people will accept this movement?
- I have already acknowledged receipt of your nicely taped kirtana recording. I think that the mrdanga sound should be a little more increase, and the tampura sound should be decreased
- I have already made experiment in this matter and I think there is good prospect for propagating the particular culture of how to love God, all over the world specially in these days of forgetfulness
- I have also noted that you are going to spread this mission of Lord Chaitanya to South America and factually this is our last unconquered continent and I think there is great potential there
- I have brought KC. I will have to say, ’You don’t take meat, you don’t take intoxication, don’t have illicit sex.’ How they will be able to do that? I was thinking. But by Krsna’s grace everything is possible. That is my practical experience
- I have examined the plans for the building on West 43rd Street just near the corner of 5th Avenue and I think it is perfectly suitable for us in every way. Please work together with Bali Mardan Maharaja and try your best to secure it
- I have given my ideas and direction in my books, and people appreciate; I think from my side I have done everything
- I have heard that there is very good potential for spreading Krishna Consciousness movement in Toronto especially among the large younger population. So I think this will be a good field for you to work enthusiastically
- I have heard that you are a very good man with cows. Your service would be very valuable here in India. I think that you could travel to the centers here where we keep cows and try to establish a very high cow-protection standard
- I have heard with great pleasure how in only one month's time you have distributed 50,000 Bhagavad gita As It Is in the Japanese language. I think there has never been a case in history when so many religious books were distributed in such a short time
- I have informed Upendra das, who is in Vrndavana, that his ticket is waiting for him in Delhi. So it is good that you have arranged it. And I think that he will be a good asset for your activities there in Fiji
- I have just returned from Dallas Gurukula school, and the young students there require to learn Sanskrit language. So I think you may purchase minimum fifty copies of the primary Sanskrit book for learning Sanskrit language
- I have looked over your essay and I think you are understanding our philosophy rightly. Why don't you write something for Back to Godhead
- I have never given vote. Since we have got this svaraj, as soon as the vote question, I go away. Because I think, "Why shall I give this nonsense vote? None of them are liked by me." I avoid it
- I have no objection for Mirabai's songs, but I think Hare Krishna is the greatest common factor understandable by all people all over the world. The chanting is transcendental and quickly effective
- I have no objection to marriage, but to bless it by a fire sacrifice, that I am thinking that if they don't stay together, then it is not good. But if they can remain together for one year, then there can be fire sacrifice
- I have received a letter from Gargamuni. It is very much depressing. I thought that your father and mother will receive him as beloved child, but instead they are ill treating, or at least not treating as beloved child. I am very much sorry for this
- I know there has been some controversy within the Society about the actual position of our Siddha Svarupa. But I think he is a very nice boy and he has understood our philosophy just to the point
- I never expected. When I came first in Boston, I was thinking, "Oh, who will accept these Vaisnava rules and regulations? These people are after meat and wine and illicit sex, and how they will accept it?"
- I never thought about the audience. I was prepared to chant if there were no man to hear me
- I say from my practical experience. I was thinking that, How can I accept this renounced order of life? I cannot accept so much trouble
- I shall be thinking successful in my mission when you present your Krishna Conscious article before the misguided philosophers and religionists of the world
- I sometimes think of your mother. She is a nice lady and has good potency for improving in Krishna Consciousness. From the child's mentality the mother's mentality is judged and vice-versa
- I thank you very much also for your kind appreciation of my humble service in the cause of Krishna Consciousness movement. I think every Indian is responsible for spreading this movement all over the world
- I thank you very much for assisting me in this mission of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. These reports are very encouraging to me, and I think our men will also be encouraged to increase the book distribution
- I thank you very much for your kind presentation which you have given, even sacrificing your husband's interest. I think, though, that your husband, Mukunda, is also pleased with this action
- I thank you very much that you are always thinking of me; similarly, take it from me I also always think of you
- I think a double-decker bus may not pass all the road obstacles such as bridges and tunnels between Germany and India, so I think a single-decker bus may be more practical for driving there
- I think Acyutananda Swami, he is a very good preacher. The process is simply to read the books and learn the purports and then speak to them in your own words
- I think all of our Godbrothers are doing the same missionary activities without a doubt, but still the regrettable fact is we are doing all separately, not in conjunction
- I think as Bon Maharaja poisoned the mind of Hrsikesa, similarly these boys have been entrapped by Parvat. This Parvat is one of the disciples of my God-brother but he is so salient that he has not replied to my letters
- I think Bhurijana was doing nicely preaching to the Chinese boys but he has written that he is uninspired and feeling incapable and wants to spend more time with his wife. This sudden turn of events is a surprise to me
- I think by the Grace of Krishna my working has produced some sincere souls like yourself, Brahmananda, Hamsaduta, and others. Now we have to chalk out a solid program by consulting together
- I think by the Grace of Krishna you are getting good inspiration from within as Krishna is giving you good wisdom. Your explanation for getting a new place bigger than the present one is approved by me in all respects
- I think by the grace of Krsna you are getting some glimpse of hope to keep in possession the Hare Krsna land for our missionary activities. The laurel of victory will be if we can get the whole land at a monthly rent of 1000rs
- I think by the will of Krishna you two good souls, Hayagriva and yourself, are combined now to fulfill my mission of publishing the whole of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- I think by your exemplary character the Indian public will be surprised and they will take to your way of life; this is the second phase of my missionary activities
- I think depiction of this incident (the crucifixion) simply stimulates the tensions of difference of opinion, and difference of religious principles, between the Jews and the Christians
- I think especially that England is the best field in the world for distributing our books, as good or better than USA, so I want that you all should be very active to increase the scope there
- I think every home has got a Bhagavad-gita. But you do not study; you neglect it. That is your fault
- I think every Indian is responsible for spreading this movement all over the world. That is the order of Lord Caitanya in pursuance of the dictum of Lord Krishna
- I think for Krishna's sake we shall try to work together even at the risk of little personal inconvenience. Our foremost concern is Krishna. If Krishna's service is well done, then we should try to forget our personal inconveniences
- I think for management of our Indian branches we shall require men from Western countries. Formally Western people used to come to India to teach them how to develop industries. Now Western people have to take the leadership of spreading Vedic culture
- I think George can afford to expand for this whole week celebration at his house. That will be practical understanding of Krishna Consciousness. You can suggest this idea to George on my behalf
- I think George does not require to become my formal disciple because he is already more than my disciple. He has sympathy for my movement and I have all blessings for him
- I think Hawaii is a good place; the people are interested and they are beginning to come. So you may make Hawaii New Navadvipa. Hawaii is already dvipa (island), so you make it into Navadvipa
- I think his father has got a special duty to protect this child in his K.C.; The mother has also similar responsibility, so either your wife or yourself must take care of the good child
- I think if such realized souls go to various parts of the world and preach this Krishna Consciousness Movement in every nook and corner of the world, there will be a great renaissance
- I think if you ask all of them to cooperate with him while you stry to improve your business separately that will pacify things. I am hopeful and praying to Krsna that you become successful
- I think if you can start for Germany in the beginning of July, that will be very nice help. The boys who are working there are sometimes in disagreement, so if you go and take charge of the center, it will be a great service
- I think if you want to do some real service to Krishna, and to the society, you should now fix up your mind to follow my instructions and do some tangible work
- I think in ordinary administration the presidents of different centers may consult amongst themselves and make certain general procedures by mutual agreement. But when there is some more important factor, that must be referred to me
- I think in our apartment also somebody must remain. In New York also I lost my typewriter, tape recorder. In 72nd St. at daytime, at nine o'clock. I went to take my meals in Dr. Misra's place at about nine, and when I came back I saw the door is broken
- I think in Sydney. Some boy, present, he was . . . "We have to supply food to the hungry who are dying without food, in starvation." Then when I asked him, "How many men you have seen dying out of starvation?" he could not reply
- I think in the future you will have to take charge of managing BTG in consultation with Brahmananda when the press will be started in Boston
- I think in the same parampara system that the poison administered to our Society will not act if some of our students are as good as Prahlada Maharaja. I have therefore given the administrative power to the Governing Body Commission
- I think in the very near future you will be required to move from center to center to teach this verse vibration. So in each center, by hearing your tapes and by your personal presence they will become very expert in pronouncing the Sanskrit verses
- I think it is best if you consult with Prajapati prabhu on these points. He is in charge of the dramas, so take his advice on these matters
- I think it is best that you come to Mayapur for the Gour Purnima Festival and we can talk in detail about the temple and preaching in Fiji and your part in it. If you can come to Mayapur that will be nice
- I think it is good to remain financially poor because always we shall be able to pray Krishna, asking His help to execute His service. If all of a sudden we become very strong financially, Maya may dictate us for sense enjoyment
- I think it is Krishna's desire that now I shall shift my activities at least for some time in the European countries
- I think it is more profitable to preach about the Master of Vrndavana, Krsna, outside of Vrndavana. A devotee of Krsna can create Vrndavana everywhere by preaching the glories of Krsna
- I think it is very obvious, even you have admitted, that the problem is that you are not following the basic principles of our society
- I think it was Krishna's desire that this New Vrindaban scheme should be taken up by us, and now He has given us a great opportunity to serve Him in this scheme
- I think it will be a better plan to have the New York or the Los Angeles temple put forward the money, and as soon as it is purchased here, you and Mukunda may reimburse them immediately
- I think it will be ideal for beginning our printing department in Boston immediately. You have written that there are two big halls, so do you think one of these halls will be nice for printing machines and workshop?
- I think it would be very nice if you would make nice silver jewellery for the Radha-Damodara Deities and in this way your talent will be used in the most perfect way
- I think Krishna is helping you in the proper channel, and as you were the first signatory in the document which was registered in New York, and you shall be the first signatory in the document which is to be registered in England
- I think Krishna will give you strength more and more. Do not stop your work, go on painting as far as possible
- I think Krsna did not let me go in Africa because he wants to see you all work independently of me
- I think legally you cannot now transfer the property to Iskcon because I know it definitely that a lease-holder or a tenant cannot make any such arrangement with a subtenant or sublease-holder. If someone does so, it is not valid
- I think let us finish first Teachings of Lord Caitanya and then we take again Narada Bhakti Sutra. The subject matter discussed with Narada Bhakti Sutras is already there in the Teachings of Lord Caitanya
- I think Lilavati and Murari are feeling little perturbed on account of this. They are very much fond of temple activities
- I think Manipuri people . . . and it is a Vaisnava state, why not make it Krsna conscious? They are already Krsna conscious. Make it in a systematic way
- I think my idea and plan is coming to be true very soon because I have many intelligent and sympathetic disciples, both from America and England
- I think now we should cooperate fully for preaching the Mission of Srila Prabhupad (Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur). He very eagerly desired that the message of Lord Chaitanya should be preached all over the world
- I think now you may be appointed by me to give first initiations to new disciples by chanting on their beads on my behalf. In America Kirtanananda Swami is going that. So now if there are two of you that will give me great relief
- I think of you very often that you are a most ideal devotee wife. Your husband is working very hard and nicely in KC, and when the husband is executing his activities very nicely it is credit not only to the husband, but it is a credit to his wife also
- I think our books will never keep us in a poverty-stricken condition. This is the blessings of His Divine Grace Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaja Prabhupada. He is very pleased that you are distributing so many books
- I think Seattle branch will come out very successful, because we have drawn the attention of the students of the university here. One girl came to see me, as representative of the student paper, and we had a nice discussion
- I think some of you like yourself, Satsvarupa, Brahmananda and Mukunda and Gargamuni, Acyutananda and all of you had already cultivated this Krishna Consciousness in your past lives
- I think Subal and his wife should take care of the Sante Fe Temple, as much as Dayananda and Nandarani should take care of the Temple at Los Angeles
- I think that because you are unable to tend the Deities in the temple, that you and your sister, Ekayani, may serve the small Radha-Krishna Deities which you will be receiving soon. Try to follow all the rules and regulations of Deity worship
- I think that devotees of Lord Krishna in India should come forward and cooperate with my missionary activities
- I think that His Divine Grace Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura is always seeing my activities and guiding me within my heart by his words
- I think that if there is a chance for opening a center in Toronto, then Jagadisa and Kanupriya may go there as soon as possible. You have written that you would like Murari to go there, but he has already left for Boston
- I think that if you go on in this way and spend your whole time preaching and engaging others to hear you and become themselves engaged in Krishna's service, that will cure you of all misgivings and miserable conditions
- I think that Jagat Purusa is a suitable man to come here for at least one month and you can arrange to do this immediately
- I think that London is the most important center in Europe and the leadership must be very strong there, so I am asking Gurudas and his wife Yamuna to return there
- I think that now that you are going to public school that you must study hard especially keeping in mind to learn how to read and write and do arithmetic. Perhaps after the summer we will have our own school in New Vrindaban & you will be a student there
- I think that since you are willing to observe the four principal rules of spiritual life, you may be initiated by me as soon as you like. The other rules you should try to follow as far as possible, but according to circumstances they may be adjusted
- I think that that place will be most important preaching centre for India, because I have noted that you are all so much eager and enthusiastic to serve Krishna
- I think that this Ayurvedic medicine can effect a gradual change for the better. Let us try
- I think that under your expert guidance many of the students in your class will eventually understand something of the great importance of what you are teaching
- I think that without you the New Zealand affair will not go on, but now you are leaving there to live on some farm in Australia. Of course, our serving Krishna is voluntary affair, so what can I say?
- I think that you are now very serious to resume working very hard for spreading the light of Lord Caitanya's mission in the European countries, so I am very much encouraged and relieved
- I think that your separation from Karunamayi is Krishna's desire. So don't be sorry for it. In this connection I may tell you my personal life experience
- I think the best thing for you would be to come to our center in Bombay and live with us for a while here. We have very nice facilities here and we are constructing more facilities
- I think the Japanese people, too, can all become Krishna-ized very easily, as they have become now very opulent like Americans and they are very intelligent, clean, quiet, and respectful on the whole
- I think the roar of your Sankirtana in Hawaii will soon be heard in the neighboring places, including Japan and Hong Kong
- I think the Vedic concept of socialism or communism will much improve the idea of communism
- I think there is a book, Miracles of Milk, written by one American gentleman. He has greatly valued the milk and milk products. Similarly, we Indians, we give very, very importance to milk and milk products
- I think there is a chance of my going to Vancouver and if I go there, I may call some of you there to open a branch
- I think there is a great plan of Krishna that you should not get suitable service till now. It may be that you are required for preaching work 100%. So depend on Krishna, chant Hare Krishna, and everything will work out
- I think there is good prospect for this Society being a World organisation and you must try to have a centre at Montreal as soon as possible
- I think there is more than sufficient engagement for everyone. We have got so much to do. We have to deal with so many men with different personalities. So kindly utilize their energies and at the same time keep them satisfied. That is leadership
- I think there is no need of getting a degree. If you can spare some time, you try to learn Bengali, from Sriman Prabhansu. It will be a great asset for our Mission; and as you have decided to work to get money, I quite approve
- I think there will be no objection even by the Buddhists if we simply ask them to chant the name of Lord Buddha in the systematic way
- I think there will be no objection even by the Buddhists if we simply ask them to chant the name of Lord of Buddha in the systematic way
- I think therefore that in all circumstances you should steadfastly continue your Krishna Consciousness engagement, rather than joining any more universities
- I think they are not prepared to hear these things. If you talk that "You are God, I am God," then they will like it. As soon as the real process of self-realization, God-realization, is put before them, they are not agreeing
- I think this American company Donnelly, is better than Dai Nippon and the magazine is improving more and more
- I think this part (New Mayapura) is better situated than New Vrindaban, eh? What do you think?
- I think this policy of Sankirtana, Prasadam and Srimad-Bhagavatam has been successful in all the centers. Please therefore follow this transcendental policy with heart and soul and make your center as spiritually opulent as far as possible
- I think this style is very nice following the tradition of my other Bhagavatam publications. So please continue this process, chapter after chapter, and it will give me complete satisfaction. Thank you very much
- I think those who are Christian priests, they should cooperate with this movement, chant the name of Christ or Christo and stop animal killing. This is according to Bible
- I think those who have got children, they should take sannyasa now and preach. That is my idea
- I think timely I have come to your country, and if the younger generation like you will cooperate with me, I am certain this movement will give the western youngsters a transcendental gift which will be recorded in the progress of history
- I think under your leadership every camp of our god brothers should supply a man good for this purpose and they must agree to work under my direction
- I think very confidently that this Krsna Consciousness Movement will solve all the problems of the world - political, social, economic, etc. I am writing books and articles on this subject strictly on the line of Acarya Parampara
- I think we are just now typing up the tapes of those conversations we held in Mayapur, and we shall be publishing them as a book. It will be called Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers. I shall send you a copy as soon as they are ready to distribute
- I think we shall all (Prabhupada's Godbrothres) forget now the past fratricidal war and now come forward for a good cause. If they are not agreeable then do it yourself and I am at your service
- I think we shall all forget now the past fratricidal war and now come forward for a good cause. If they are not agreeable then do it yourself and I am at your service. Please therefore consider this and let me know by wire if you are agreeable
- I think we should not do anything which may be business competition between centers. Business is in one sense very dangerous allurement of Maya
- I think whatever money is received from the Book Fund or for my personal account may be immediately deposited in my savings account No. 12410 with the Equitable Savings Bank at Fairfax and Beverly, and monthly statements may be submitted to me
- I think you are now expert account keeper may Krishna bless you for talents and sincere endeavour for service of the Lord. The more you serve the more you become expert in everything
- I think you are the most clever manager, better than your husband, because you are organizing temple routine very nicely for serving the deities and this will have very good results for everyone
- I think you can keep him to assist you so you can go for collecting, and he can manage locally
- I think you can let me know how you are doing there in Delhi for collecting for our Vrindaban temple
- I think you can prepare one silver flute and I am inserting measurement. It should be with golden relief work - raised embroidery-like designs - on the body of the flute. The length of the flute may be 5 inches
- I think you can take advice from Rupanuga Maharaj, as he is my authorized agent. So I am sending him your letter and a copy of this letter in this regard
- I think you have to revive your position as GBC again and look after all the business of India affairs nicely. May Krsna bless you with all good sense. Your program submitted by you all jointly is tentatively accepted by me
- I think you know all the procedures by now and you may give them the Gayatri as I have already prescribed by using the tape record of the mantras and performing the fire sacrifice
- I think you know the story how these deities practically miraculously appeared in our London center. Actually, miracle means see something I do not understand, so I am thinking, that is miracle
- I think you may have already heard that in January of 1970 we will be holding an examination among all of our students on this book, and those who will pass shall be awarded with the title of Bhakti-sastri
- I think you may introduce the ceremony of strolling the Deities round about the temple. If not every evening, then it can be done at least one day per week at a fixed up time
- I think you should apply your talent for painting nice pictures of Krishna and the acaryas in our line, and also you may help Mohadananda in designing work for his press operation there in Sydney
- I think you should consult your Godbrothers in this connection. So I have no objection if you decide to marry as a matter of necessity
- I think you should not be disturbed by minor disagreement. If you think that you cannot agree with Umapati, you can stop discussing with him, and if there is any point of judgment, you can refer to me. I am always at your service
- I think you should not think of relinquish your job without meeting me and discussing the matter deeply. Don't do anything out of sentiment
- I think you should not waste your time in any other thing except Devotional service and maintain the body in proper order. Unnecessarily you should not waste your valuable time
- I think you should send United Shipping Corporation the price in advance of the sitar, and for the balance they can make their invoice. The balance may be deposited in the Hawaii bank, and ask the United Shipping Corporation to send the documents
- I think you should take Australian rather than American passport. Australian passport is better because it is Commonwealth. You take Australian passport & immediately go to India. We require good men in India now. Indonesia is not a very important place
- I think you should take special license or permission from the authority because as a religious society, we can collect in such a way. Simply the authorities have to be informed that we are a serious institute for spreading God consciousness
- I think you should think over day and night all these proposals. Let us do something which will bring a peaceful revolution to the whole human society
- I think you should very quickly join us & take advantage of your propensity to perfect your life by taking up very seriously & full-time this KC process, which is the recommended & most effective means in this Age to reach the highest platform of life
- I think you should without further delay try to become devotees as the others are doing and live with us and practise the regulative principles of brahmacary life
- I think you will have no difficulty, as long as our routine work is attended to nicely and the highest standards are maintained. Routine work means rising early, cleansing, chanting minimum 16 rounds, having kirtan, reading scriptures, deity worship
- I think you will like this book very much. These books are in disciplic succession. They are authorized and they are giving the real process of Krishna Consciousness never before made available to the English speaking world
- I think your daughter is very fortunate to be amongst the devotees and living a very happy life. But, if you think it is not good, then you can guide your daughter. I have no objection
- I think your idea about having professional men do our accounting in order to assure good accounting, is a good proposal
- I think your programme is bit strenuous. We should not work strenuously. Whatever can be done easily, that will be better
- I think your proposal for seriously organizing the college programs is first class
- I think, it is proper that you should devote your time for all these three centers and train the local management for being self-supporting
- I thought Chicago is one of the important cities of your country. And when I first came, I saw this, it is vacant
- I thought I was to do this humble service to His Divine Grace (Bhaktisiddhanta), and by His blessings, I am getting good cooperation from the local boys and girls. That is my satisfaction. Otherwise, none of my Godbrothers is helping me substantially
- I thought Jaya Govinda would be intelligent enough to cooperate with Acyutananda, but he is also silent. I do not know what to do with them
- I thought to myself, "Oh, I have done this wrong. I should not have sat with His Divine Grace." So of course, I did not get down immediately, but I took it, and from next day I did not sit. So rules and regulations automatically was taught
- I thought, "Oh, I cannot do this. I cannot accept this sannyasa." But My Guru Maharaja was so kind, and he is so kind still. Then he forced me, that "You must do it," taking, pulling my ear, he brought me to this line. In the beginning I was not willing
- I took that order of my spiritual master very seriously, but I did not think that I'll have to do such and such thing. I was at that time a householder. But this is the arrangement of Krsna
- I understand from Kirtanananda Maharaja that there is a nice scheme for travelling sankirtana party. So I think that your joining them will be super-excellent scheme and I have my full hearted sanction for your joining the party if you like
- I understand from your letter that sometimes discussions on Aurobindo philosophy are done by Mr. Parikh from the Vyasasana, so I am a little surprised how did you allow like this. I think you should rectify immediately all these mistakes as stated by you
- I understand that the son of Tulasi devi, Karnapura, has chosen coins in his Annaprashan ceremony. It is very nice. I think this boy will earn enough money for spreading Krishna Consciousness
- I understand that you are anxious to go to New Vrindaban. I think that it is Krishna's will that you shall go there and try to develop that nice land because there is so much potential there which can utilize your abilities in being developed
- I want that our Vrindaban temple to be the first class temple of India. Already people are saying that it surpasses all temples of the district in beauty, and I think it surpasses all temples in India
- I want to know fully what is the position of Bhaktivedanta Manor (I think it is not good) and Germany. You must analyze these problems very carefully and make frequent reports and I will give you further instructions
- I was also grhastha but now I am sannyasi. As grhastha I was thinking it would be very difficult to leave my householder life and take up preaching full time. But actually it has become very easy by the grace of Sri Krsna. Now there are no difficulties
- I was just thinking of teaching our students the pronunciation of the Sanskrit verses in the Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, etc. and by Krsna's will you have already begun this
- I was thinking of opening a branch in Bombay of this International Society for Krishna Consciousness, and if you cooperate, we can attempt this important activity
- I was thinking of you since about a week why you are silent, and all of a sudden I got your letter with a golden ring enclosed. It was so much ecstatic
- I was thinking that "What shall I do here? I have come here. As soon as I shall impose these four principles they will say, 'Go home.' " But I took that risk. I never said anything palatable
- I was thinking that Kirtanananda Swami is angry upon me because I did not go to New Vrndavana, but what can I do? They are dragging me in so many places and it was arranged for me to see Indira Gandhi, the Prime Minister of India
- I was thinking that my preaching work in this country would be a difficult job for me on account of the country's position being completely different from the principles of Bhakti cult
- I was thinking that the paintings should be produced at the rate of one per day. That was my thought. But if it is not practical, there is no cause for lamenting
- I was very much shocked when I learned from Tamala Krsna Maharaja that you have left our company and were living outside. Anyway, I was always thinking of you and your letter of Jan. 26, 1974 gives me much relief
- I wish that if you organize a SAMKIRTAN party there, completely trained in spiritual ways, and the American students combine with them, I think a very nice SAMKIRTAN party can be organized to travel all over the world
- I wish that the misunderstanding created at the present moment may be mitigated by mutual cooperation and we can start fresh with renewed energy for service of the Supreme Lord. I think you will agree with me
- I'll be glad to hear from you about the progress of the Boston center. So far as my health is concerned, definitely I've improved because I am now cooking and typing. I think I will be returning by the end of October
- If advertisements are also not available, then I think we should go back to our mimeograph machine and put Back to Godhead out regularly
- If however, your wife leaves the child with you, then you can take care of him; that will be nice. But I think it is very difficult, because he is not sufficiently grown up
- If Hrsikesa writes you letter I think you may avoid reply. I do not approve both Hrsikesa's and Bon Maharaja's this offensive action
- If I could induce even one person to Krishna Consciousness through my publication, Bhagavad-gita As It Is, then I shall think my labor is successful
- If I have to see to the administration then I cannot think of writing books and how to present our philosophy to be understandable by the people. Therefore the administration is divided
- If immigration Visa's burdensome for the Society, then don't take the risk. I think to get immigration Visa is very difficult and therefore you may not unnecessarily involve the society in it
- If it is an important film I think my personal direction is necessary; if not, then I think you can send me a synopsis of the script so that there may be nothing objectionable from the start
- If it isn't very serious, I think you should ask Aniruddha not to be affected by such flimsy disagreement
- If neither of you are very peaceful staying in San Francisco then it is not very good for Krishna Consciousness, and I think the conditions will be improved if you come to Los Angeles
- If there is actually any prospect for selling our pictures put up in this modern artistic way, then I have no objection for putting pictures in this way for selling them. But if that is not possible, then I think we should not waste time in this way
- If there is scarcity of such qualified Brahmins which I honestly think there is, we should combine to evolve such Brahminical culture not by blind faith but by sound reasoning & questioning. But all the same we must be sincere and thorough in our attempt
- If there is scarcity of such qualified Brahmins which I honestly think there is, we should combine to evolve such Brahminical culture not by blind faith but by sound reasoning and questioning
- If we can sell some copies of our publications, books and literature, and we can maintain our establishment, somehow, we shall think it is a great success; we don't want anything more
- If we could get even small land just to keep our office, for the purpose I thought the land was nice. Visit, and if you all think even for that purpose it is no good then give up the idea; what can be done?
- If we follow the regulative principles and chant sixteen rounds, that is our safe position. I think this instruction you will follow. That is my desire
- If we play, train our devotees to present some dramatical performances or movie, I think it will be very successful, because they will play from transcendental sentiment, not for trade purpose
- If we turn our attention to fit with the Christian people, or any other religious sect, I think it will not be very much fruitful because nobody will change his faith even though he is given scientific or archeological evidences
- If you become very serious to have the ultimate satisfaction of life, then I think that you will practice this KC process very enthusiastically and be successful in all respects
- If you can develop this place to that ideal life and the residents become ideal Krishna Conscious men, in that part of your country, I think not only many philosophically minded people will be attracted, but they will be benefited also
- If you can manage that will be a great credit but a great strain also. I think you can hold one meeting in Delhi. Everything depends on expert management and men and strength
- If you can manufacture gold, then we can very soon spread our Krishna Consciousness, but I think Krishna will not give us that opportunity, because as soon as we get large quantity of gold, we forget Krishna
- If you think that Indians do not eat or Indians . . because you have not seen them, but if you . . as soon as you know they are also human beings like us . . . just like as for my example, when I was in India I was thinking of America something wonderful
- If your friends who are "educated and ambitious band of young workers" will agree to follow my direction, I think they can render a great service to the human society
- If your wife keeps herself peaceful living separately from you, I think you can arrange for the time being like that, but in my opinion, this business of separation may not be developed into a case of divorce
- In conclusion to your letter you have asked as to where is the ocean of love? And I think that you may know that it is in your heart
- In India because it is tropical climate... I think in Western countries they attain puberty not before fifteen, sixteen years. So although a girl is married before puberty, she is not allowed to go to the husband until she has attained puberty
- In India it is the custom that immediately after payment the buyer gets possession of the house immediately. I think the same procedure is followed in this country
- In India that (Battlefield of Kuruksetra) was also great world war. Just like we had experience . . . I think in the First World War none of you have seen, because you were all young men. And we were child
- In India, Tirupati, I think that Deity is richer than many kings in the world. Daily, 100,000 rupees, not less, daily. (break) ...few kings who has got so much money?
- In London our Ratha yatra festival has been held up, and I think behind this obstruction there is some communal feeling. The local religious sect is not always happy on account of our movement being so fast growing
- In my absence you kindly manage nicely. Akshayananda Maharaj and yourself are tested devotees and I fully depend on you. I always think of how you are selflessly working for the temple
- In my opinion we should print more than 1000 copies every month and distribute them in large scale. I think you will reconsider the matter and let me know your further opinion
- In our Vaisnava literature there are hundreds and thousands of nice purportful songs, and if those songs, under George's supervision, are recorded, I think it will bring a great revolution in the record making business
- In your letter you refer to Gurudasa as GBC member, but I think there is some misunderstanding because he has not yet been appointed by me as GBC member
- It is a very important question, and I am glad that you have asked me, but I think from now on the GBC men may be consulted in all such matters of temple management and affairs
- It is document, I have to choose each word very soberly and if I have to think of management then I cannot do this. I cannot be like these rascals who present something mental concoction to cheat the public
- It is not good however unnecessarily risk my life, but I think the predictions given by so many astrologers are not very sound. I take your advice that as soon as there are series of minor tremors I must leave for your shelter
- It is understood from their letters that they are eager to be initiated. If they are prepared to follow the rules and regulations I think that they can be initiated by mail
- It is very good news for me (Prabhupada) that you are going to have $5300 very soon, and I thank you very much for offering the entire amount to me. I think the whole amount should be utilized for further publication of my books
- It is very good news that so many students are attending your kirtana programs in Columbus, and I (Prabhupada) think this will develop into a very prosperous center very soon
- It is very nice that Hal Pappa is coming to our temple. Please hand over the enclosed letter which I write to him out of my natural affection for him. I think if he joins with you will feel more encouraged in the service of the Lord
- Jayananda is a very sincere and intelligent boy & I think his decision should be accepted as final in the matter. Not only in this case, but in every complicated case, the elected authorities in the management of the temple should be the final authority
- Just like I am working, so my Guru Maharaja is there, Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati. Physically he may not be, but in every action he is there. I think actually I have written that
- Just like if I think am millionaire, does it mean I have become millionaire
- Krishna has given you American intelligence, and I think this New York City is the greatest city in the world. So all you managers cooperate together and do something gorgeous
- Krsna asked me. I thought that I must go, Guru Maharaja wanted it, Caitanya Mahaprabhu... Let me try. So if I had not gone then this institution would not have developed. So this is practical
- Krsna said, "Even if you are pauper, you try; you'll get everything." But I thought, "Without money, how this can be done?" That was difference of opinion with Krsna, argument
- KRSNA, the Reservoir of Pleasure and Other Essays is so much attractive I think this book will be sold like hotcakes. I am very much satisfied with this printing work
- Ladies and gentlemen, I thank you very much for your coming here and participate in this great movement. So this evening I shall present before you topics between Krsna and Arjuna. I think most of you know the Bhagavad-gita
- Last time where I stayed in the skyscraper hotel was extremely pleasing to me, therefore I was induced to stay there for some time. I think that was my sense gratification, therefore Krsna liked me to come here and do some work
- Last year when I was in India, I thought that Acyutananda would publish them in India but this boy could not help me in the least, and the net result is that I have lost my typewriter, and Rs 2000 are now in the dark well of Hitsaran
- Lord Siva became victimized by woman, what to speak of others? I am thinking of that boy also, Paramahamsa. He was a nice boy
- Material facilities, I think you American boys and girls, you have got material facilities better than any other nation. At least better than India, that I can say by my experience
- Mimeograph. Then I think it went to two thousand then to two thousand, then to five thousand
- Most probably I shall have to go to Russia for a fortnight. So my passport is immediately necessary. I think Amritanananda and Rahul may be required to go with us because their names have been suggested
- My father also trained me and instructed me to his best capacity, and he prayed for me that Radharani may be pleased upon me, and I think by my father's blessings and grace, I may have come to this position
- My Guru Maharaja used to say, bokaloka. Bokaloka. So I was thinking, "Why he's..." Even Rabindranath Tagore, he's a Bokaloka. So I was thinking that "Everyone is bokaloka?" Now I can understand that everyone is a bokaloka, mudha
- My mission is develop the glories of Srila Jiva Goswami all over the world and I think you should cooperate with my honest endeavour
- My mission is to develop the glories of Srila Jiva Goswami all over the world and I think you should cooperate with my honest endeavour
- My only hope is Srila Bhaktisidhanta Sarasvati Thakura. I have no one else. In my house my wife and son did not help me, so I left my home. I thought the Godbrothers would help me, but even that I did not get
- My request is that I am working now with my American disciples and European disciples. Why not Indians? I think in this meeting there are many young men, educated, learned scholars. Join this movement
- Now because there is no alternative we must get them printed here, but as you are going to Japan, I think you will be able to find out some printer who will be regularly supplying
- Now do not worry that your husband will take sannyasa. I think I have told you before that I will not give him sannyasa at this point. He may travel very widely throughout the Germany zone and still remain Grhastha. He is more than Sannyas
- Now I have received one letter from Bhakti Mati and she has some complaint. She also says there was some physical attack against Navayogendra. This is not good. So I think they can open a separate temple in Mombassa for the Asian community
- Now I think that you can join me as the next GBC secretary for travelling with me by my side. If I go to New York in the first week of April you can meet me there, or if I go to South Africa you can meet me first here in India
- Now the war is nearly settled here, our programs are resuming, and I think that I shall also build a very nice temple in Vrindaban and Mayapur, so that our students and friends all over the world may come there and enjoy real spiritual life
- Now work very strenuously. You are all young men, and somehow or other, dead horse, you have given life. Otherwise the last fortnight I was thinking I am dead now. I was thinking like that, 'Now life is finished"
- Now you are free. I think that the talent which you have got for doing business will help our cause more than what you could have done at the custody of your father
- Now you are to give the finishing touch because you are most affectionate disciple of His Divine Grace. I think Srila Prabhupada wants that in this great attempt by my humble self your valued service may also be dovetailed
- Obedience is the first law of discipline. We are thinking of a great world wide organization which is not possible to be executed if there is disobedience
- Of course I do not reply your each and every letter, I always think of you because you are all my heart and soul. I am so pleased to have your association
- Of course there is ample land in Vrindaban to start this institution, but my aim is to start it in the land of Sri Sri Radha Damodara Temple which I think is very good for every one concerned. I want to start a nice International Institute
- Of course, by preaching Sankirtana Movement, if you are satisfied with a small income, that is also nice. I think that your God-brother, Rupanuga is an ideal householder, and you should try to follow him
- On the first meeting he (Bhaktisiddhanta) ordered me to this (spread KC in foreign country). So at that time I was married man. I had two children. So I thought, "I shall do it later on." But I was trying to get out of family life. It took some time
- One intelligent boy, you have heard his name, George Harrison, he's one of the greatest musicians at the present moment, of the world. I think so?
- One thing, I must warn you in this connection that these records are distributed amongst teenagers, therefore the language and presentation should be suitable for their understanding. I think you will understand me right in this connection
- Only five years back I was sitting alone under a tree in your park thinking that perhaps no one will join me, but let me try. Now I have got so many wonderful sons and daughters, that we require huge arrangement for chanting in the park
- Originally I allowed that Gargamuni could start the incense business. I thought that the Ramakrishna Mission, they are doing and the incense we are using, so if we make some and sell it, then what is the harm
- Our Krishna Consciousness movement is practically based upon music and dancing. If by your exceptional qualities you can help in this movement, I think you have been sent by Krishna Himself to help me in this connection
- Our whole process in on the basis of surrender. I (Prabhupada) think he is lacking in that spirit. So I have given my permission for him to return to Japan. Try to train him to the right path
- Overflood Europe with German books. I think that the German people are the heart of Europe, and your march will be followed by Bhagavan dasa in French language
- Please know it always that I think of you and your wife as very sincere devotees and whenever you think, you can ask me everything about your difficulties
- Please take care of the bill of Lading for clearing the Mrdangas. I think the ship Jaladuta must be reaching New York by this time
- Please try for it New Delhi because it is the place where only educated and enlightened Indians are staying in hundreds and thousands, and I think if you work steadily, it will be possible to enroll many thousands of subscribers
- Practically speaking you were my first disciple, and I think it is Bhaktivinode's desire that my first disciple shall go to Bengal and revive Krishna Consciousness there
- Professor Einstein, he was living here in America. He was a German Jew, and I think he was living in America. He was a great student of this Bhagavad-gita
- Regarding a cover picture for Krishna Consciousness-the Topmost Yoga, I think you can make a picture of a devotee sitting cross-legged chanting japa before Radha Krsna Deities
- Regarding BTG printing, I have already written to Brahmananda that this must be printed in our own press. So far as my books are concerned, I think there are materials for at least ten books which are ready for printing
- Regarding collection from the public: I think you should take special license or permission from the authority because as a religious society, we can collect in such a way
- Regarding George's request to supervise the work in his monastery, I think you should help him because he is our good friend and by that way you shall be able to utilize his telegraph machine, etc. This is a good plan; I completely approve of this
- Regarding movement of the members from one temple to another, I think the local president's permission is sufficient. Don't take too much load of individual administration. That will be unmanageable in the near future
- Regarding New Vrndavana activities, I think whatever you are doing is approved by me. As you are acting very sincerely in Krsna Consciousness, Krsna is dictating from within your heart, so there is nothing to be disapproved
- Regarding Paramatma Das, I think he should simply push on with his school work as much as it may be necessary and the remainder of the time he may spend with the devotees in our Krsna Conscious activities
- Regarding Rukmini, I think that if she is desiring to marry Upendra then that idea is very nice and approved by me. If she will rather wait for awhile that is all right but in either case Upendra should be informed of her plans
- Regarding taking the Deities out on travelling sankirtana, I think you can take guidance from Visnujana Maharaja and Tamala Krishna Goswami
- Regarding the Narayana Kavaca mantra, the Hare Krsna mantra is everything. But, I think that you are working too hard. Your illness is the result of too hard work
- Regarding the new car, I think we require some new cars in India. So if it is possible, the car may be dispatched to India. We have already applied to the Import Department Govt. of India
- Regarding the printing of my different letters, if you have sufficient time you can work on this project, but I think you have got greater project before you; sales organization of our books and publications
- Regarding the sketch of the Six Goswamis I think it is some imagination. Too much imagination is not good. It is better not to go beyond the limitations as described in the Sastras
- Regarding the tapes; I think the distribution to many centers is becoming puzzling. Therefore, I will send the tapes one to Boston and the other to Detroit alternately. I think that will solve the problem
- Regarding your article in Back To Godhead about Ayurvedic Medicine, I do not think this is very worthwhile endeavor
- Regarding your correspondence with the leading men in India, I don't think it will be very much fruitful. Personally I have no faith in them, but if you decide to open correspondence with them, I have no objection
- Regarding your desire to return to Africa, I think that it would be best if the matter be decided at the next Mayapur meeting. Therefore kindly wait until then
- Regarding your dismissal from the job, I think it is Krishna's indication that you are not meant for such kind of service
- Regarding your idea, I think it will be best, if the next time you come to Honolulu, you come to our center here and discuss this proposal to the temple president named Manasvi dasa. Then some decision can be made
- Regarding your present edition of Back To Godhead: I have already informed you in my previous letter that it has become very nice, and try to continue the effort improving the quality and I think you are getting good advertisement also
- Regarding your questions about Sankirtana Party, I think you should try to always have Sankirtana going on. All other things are subsidiary
- Regarding your taking sannyasa, I think you are already a sannyasi although not in saffron colored cloth
- Regarding your visa problem, I think by tactful arrangement they will extend, but you know better than me. Otherwise you can come here to India. Or better, why not go to Mauritius and take missionary visa there and at the same time work vigorously
- Regarding your writing, this is very much wanted, but I think that it is better if you write articles, not books. Write articles that can be printed in our Back to Godhead magazine
- Sankirtana Movement which I am propagating all over the world was also exhibited in the Cross Maidan for eleven days which I think you must have seen. So in India I am especially present here to popularize this movement for awakening God Consciousness
- Send a copy of this letter to all our centers in India so that if there is any harassment of the security police, we can utilize it. I think that in Bombay since they have received this letter, our devotees are not complaining about police harassment
- Small children, they learn better these things from their mother and women in general. So I thing that some mothers of our children should go to Dallas and take charge of teaching the children, especially how to play nicely the pastimes of young Krishna
- So Buddhist religion I think animal sacrifice is prohibited, or what? Animal killing?
- So by the grace of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, at least, I am hopeful that this movement can be accepted by anyone. It is not so hopeless as I thought
- So far as musical instruments are concerned I don't think it is worthwhile. Shipping charges and packing and duty come to more than that one could purchase in the states
- So far as the mistake on the certificates, I think that only on the certificates to be given to brahmacarinis is it necessary to change the spelling, because on the brahmacari's certificate this word Srimate will be crossed out
- So far as you writing you are lonely I think that there is no need for this. Such sentiments of wishing for me to be there is nice but a girl is meant for living with her husband and not her father
- So far Giriraja is concerned, he requires a little freedom to work. I think he should be given that opportunity
- So far I remember, the moon is also like the sun, that it is fire blazing, but it is surrounded by a cool atmosphere. Therefore it is soothing. I think there is such description
- So far Ksirodakasayi is concerned, or anyone else who is newcomer, should be allowed some concession. And after some time when he is accustomed to our principle, then we can make the screw tight. I think this point will be sufficient hint to deal with him
- So far opening of a branch in Chicago, this is a very encouraging proposal, but I think before opening a center we must be confident that things will go on nicely. Chicago is a very important place, and we need a strong man to manage affairs there
- So far you being philosophically-minded, that I can see and appreciate, but in future I think you can ask any questions you may have to one of the Swamis or to your GBC man. I have given them the answers to all such questions, so they can help you
- So long I have been receiving different questions from the students, now I think all these questions should be answered by the presidents locally. So you study all our books very nicely, and all the doubts and questions may be answered by you locally
- Sometime ago you wrote me that you wanted some new topics for writing subjects, so I think you can begin by compiling information from my past lectures on Prahlada Maharaja, then add the pictures and print it
- Sometimes I also think that let me go back to Vrndavana, in that peaceful situation, to live without any responsibilities; still, in this old age, I take the responsibility of managing our quite big Institution
- Sometimes I think that even though I am crippled in many ways, if one of my disciples becomes as strong as Dhruva Maharaja, then he will be able to carry me with him to Vaikunthloka
- Sometimes I think that I left my home leaving aside all children and grandchildren, and Krsna is giving another batch to whom I am becoming attached. But this attachment is nice because the center is Krsna
- Sometimes I think that so many cars are going this way, and so many cars are going this way. Why they not settle up their business by telephone, that "I do here your business", "I do here,"?
- Sometimes I think when I see on the street strewn cigarette butts, that if people in general give up cigarette smoking, how much money they can save daily without any effort
- Tell them, this United Nation Organization, that "You are all bogus. You cannot do it. Come to this platform, and you'll be able." They have proved themselves bogus for the last twenty-five years, I think. Thirty years. Uselessly. Wasting money and time
- Thank you very much for your nice translation of Markine Bhagavata-dharma. It is well appreciated. I think it can be included in the front of the new printing of the song book, and it can be sung in kirtana like the other songs of Bhaktivinode Thakura
- That is my personal experience. In the beginning, when my Guru Maharaja ordered me, I thought it that "I shall first of all become very rich man; then I shall preach"
- The 108 Upanisads contain all knowledge about the Absolute Truth. Sometimes people ask why Vaisnavas use 108 prayer beads for chanting the holy names. We think it is because there are 108 Upanisads containing full knowledge of the Absolute Truth
- The 3 lacs from Ashok Birla plus the $100,000 from here will I think be sufficient to finish the temple. It will please me very much to see it completed timely
- The Absolute Truth is realized in three features: Brahman, beginning from Brahman; then Paramatma, Supersoul - I think in Christian world they call Holy Ghost - anyway, Paramatma, the Supersoul; and ultimately the SPG, Krsna
- The art is how to apply authority and discipline so they will enjoy it and not reject, and I think you all instructors are learning yourselves that art more and more, and this pleases me very much
- The Bhagavata cult is preached also through the art of music and dance as it was done by Lord Caitanya. I am just thinking of introducing the very same system
- The chili should be added to the hot ghee just after the cumin seed begins to darken in color, and both of them should become brown, but not black or burnt. I think this adjustment with a little trial will improve the dahl for offering to the Deities
- The description of the house which you propose to purchase is very much attractive. And I think it is Krishna's arrangement by His inconceivable energy in exchange of your sincere service to the Lord
- The Detroit temple where you are now is very suitable I think, and you say you are much inspired by devotees like Govordan and the others
- The fact is that when you have decided to get yourself married, I think without the formalities of taking consent from your parents, you can get yourself married legally
- The Hindu community, I (Prabhupada) think they will accept us. I don’t think they will deny
- The interest rate here in the west is very low now, so I am thinking very seriously to invest about 410,000 dollars (approximately 32 lakhs rupees)
- The Los Angeles climate is not unsuitable for me so I am thinking of making my head-quarters here because it is very important city also
- The magnitude of the soul is one ten-thousandth part of the tip of the hair, very small. I think smaller than the atom. That spirit soul is everywhere. Sarva-gata. Everywhere
- The same comfort and discomfort is in this cottage. But if I think, "Now I am in the France palace, or Bhaktivedanta Manor palace. I am happy," that is foolishness
- The Sankirtana party is selling Back To Godhead nicely and if they display the record on a record player in the street, I think we can sell this album very nicely
- The Supreme Living Entity or God, has got unlimited potency to create. I do not think that any reasonable intelligent man or scientist can deny
- There are so many experienced men in our Society and I think some of them may go to Mayapur and we will construct ourselves
- There are so many tape records of my speeches, you can select some of them to be printed with the pictures. I think that will be better attracting the general public. It is better you take a little more time but do it very nicely
- There is a verse, atmanam sarvato rakset: "First of all try to save your soul." I think Lord Jesus Christ has also spoken something like that, "If, after gaining everything, one loses his spirit soul, then what does he gain?" Is it not
- There is no question of leaving our society. One may think like that but I cannot allow you to leave. That is my inspiration. Those who have left the society I am always thinking of them
- There is no question of neglect. All scientific treatment is going on. But I think Ayur Vedic medicine will be proper. Therefore I request you to take immediate steps and reply me
- There is vast possibility for selling our books in England, I think more than in your country
- There is very good chance to open a branch there, and they have invited us, and 10 or 15 people are ready to attend our meetings, so I am thinking of sending Mahapurusa there, with some other assistant
- There's a Sanskrit word of all-attraction, Krsna. This is the explanation of the attribute of God. Similarly, if you've got similar name which explains the attributes of God, that is also God's name. I think Lord Christ said "God, hallowed be Thy name."
- These are the Vedic information. God means na tasya karyam karanam ca vidyate. He has nothing to do; He has simply to desire. I think in Christian Bible also it is said, "God said, 'Let there be creation,' and there was creation." He has to simply desire
- These are young boys, so actually if you approach them humbly and you yourself go to their leaders and speak to them nicely about Krsna Consciousness they will agree to leave us alone, that I think
- They (my disciples) are arranging kirtana programme at different places and I think the Mrdanga and cymbals will increase the dignity of kirtana
- They (Ramakrishna Mission) may think themselves that they are very full of life, but I think they are dead. What is the use of fighting with the dead body? Dead horse, and what is the use of you whipping? A dead horse will rise up by whipping
- They are gradually declining in God consciousness. This tendency is very much deteriorating, and because Your Holiness is the Head of a great religious sect, I think we should meet together and chalk out a program for cooperation
- They deviated from the disciplic succession from Srila Prabhupada. So, I don't wish to discuss on this point, because you know better than me; but I think you are also old enough, and I am also old enough
- They do not believe in God. Generally they think there is no God, or if there is God, God is dead. Something like that. And I don't think there is any definite, definitive name in any other religious system. It is only in the Vedic system there is name
- They sold 100 Bhagavatams in two days is very nice. I think the Bhagavatam is now selling as well as the Gita. So this is very encouraging to me
- This is His special mercy upon me and I always think about this with gratitude to this exalted personality coming directly from Vaikuntha World and we had the great fortune to meet Him
- This is the highest type of devotional activity, this preaching work. So I am very glad that you are working in this way, and I think that you will find no impediments to advancing yourself very rapidly in spiritual life
- This movement was started only for the satisfaction of my spiritual master. He wanted. So I thought, "Let me try in this old age"
- This mutual cooperation can be established immediately. Apart from the point of the acharya question, I think everyone is working in his individual capacity
- This Narada Muni song is in your country tune & I think it will attract many more men to join the Kirtana so you should practice this standard Kirtana more conveniently so that during your Rathayatra festival you can have this singing with the procession
- This rascal wants so much. It is simply joking. Anyway, I think you cannot find out, let Jayapataka find out. The composition charges should not be more than Rs. 250 for 100 pages, very small pages
- We have created this atmosphere of interest in Krsna in the Western countries, and I think that cooperatively we may work together to increase the foreign tourism in our country of India
- We have renounced our family life after thinking something. Now, if somebody comes, "Swamiji, you take thousand millions of dollars and marry again and become a family man," I'll never become, because I have got my bad experience
- We invite all learned scholars, priests, philosophers to combine together and save the world from this falldown, without God consciousness. That is our request. So I think you all respectable priests and Fathers will kindly help me in this mission
- We may try to follow the footprints of our predecessors. Srila Rupa Goswami used to distribute his money as follows: 50% for Krishna, 25% for relatives, and 25% for personal emergency expenditures. I think this is very nice
- We shall try to construct a very nice temple for Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. This morning we were thinking of this. So from this place, this moon, Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu, will distribute
- We think, from Vedic evidences, the whole world was in Krsna consciousness. There was one God, Krsna; one scripture, Bhagavad-gita; one consciousness, Krsna consciousness; and one work, service of the Lord
- What to speak of temple, I had no residential place even. So in that condition I was thinking of returning back to India. So the shipping company I was, practically every week, I was going
- Whatever you are doing at the present moment is approved by me and I think on account of your becoming a sincere soul, Krishna is dictating from within and you are doing things so nicely
- When he (Mr. MacPherson) was coming, he was talking with me many past stories of the war. So once he narrated - he was also one of the commanders - that the First War, Marshal Foch? He was in Second World War, or First? I think First World War
- When I first came to America I never imagined that this movement would spread so far and wide. I thought that my Guru Maharaja has ordered me to try to spread his teachings in the English language, so let me try
- When I hear about the Sankirtana Buses that are moving all over the world then I think that we are becoming like a gigantic guerilla warfare movement fighting with maya
- When I think of Radha-Krishna, I think of first the Radha-Govinda Vigraha of Mullicks Thakurabati because from my very childhood I am devoted to the same Deity
- When I walk on the street and go anywhere, I simply think how these nice bungalows, house, but still, they're not satisfied. It is "For Sale." Why? There is no Krsna
- When I was alone in your New York, I was thinking, who will listen to me in this horrible, sinful place? All right, I shall stay little longer, at least I can distribute a few of my books, that is something
- When I was at the Hotel de Ville I thought that this is better than London. So Paris is a most important city of the world. Work with great enthusiasm and make Krishna more prominent than Napoleon and Eiffel tower
- When I was in London I went to Oxford and there was a very successful meeting. Therefore I think Oxford will be a good center for our activities
- When I was in Montreal, I think I gave permission to print some outside work, to get some money, but that does not mean that we should stop our own work, and print something in our press which is against our principles
- When I was mature, when I met my Guru Maharaja, then I thought all these things bogus. It has nothing, no value. This social movement, political movement, they are simply wasting time. Real movement is Krsna consciousness
- When I was twenty-five years old, my Guru Maharaja, my spiritual master, ordered me to go preach. But I thought, - First of all I shall become a rich man, and then I shall use my money to finance the preaching work
- When I went to America, I went by ship. So it stopped at the Commonwealth Pier in Boston. So I was thinking that if "I say that 'No illicit sex, meat-eating, intoxication, and gambling,' so these people will immediately say, 'Please go home' "
- When my mother died, as the devotees of the Lord think, I also thought in that way. What is that? 'Oh, it is a grace of the Lord. My mother is now dead... I am now free'
- When one book is published I think I have conquered an empire. So try to publish as many books as possible and that will enhance the beauty and prestige of our society
- When you are helping my missionary activities I am always thinking of you and you are always thinking of me. That is real association
- When you were chanting in L.A. temple in the evenings, or in the mornings, I enjoyed your chanting so nicely that I thought myself immediately carried to Vaikuntha
- While travelling here to Melbourne I was thinking how wonderful our Mayapur project is and how it can be developed in the future
- Who can be free from old age? Everyone wants to remain young man, but that is not possible. Just like I was also a young man. Now I am thinking, "Oh, I am getting old. I am getting old." So where is the process?
- Why (Bharatpur Trust) cannot donate the whole thing and we shall spend our money to make it very wonderfully done up and renovated. But I think their plan may be to give us the temple only, because that cannot be sold, and no one can maintain it any more
- With such an artist I can dictate stories for books; if you can assist me in such a project when we are ready to begin it, then I think that you can come here to take direct instructions
- With these literatures you can immediately start a center wherever it is possible for you. I think that Florida will be a very nice place for this, and I have always had a great desire to open a center there
- Yes, this is not a new thing in the history of the world that preachers are sometimes persecuted. But at the present status of civilization I do not think anybody will be crucified like Lord Jesus Christ
- Yes, try to get the land you have mentioned and construct a nice temple. That will be a great credit for you. I think the people there will be very much attracted to this movement. It is being received enthusiastically all over the world
- Yes, you can go on with your book distribution as you were doing before, there is not any harm. I thought that our men were becoming like hippies, but now I understand from you that that is not the case. So I have no objection
- Yesterday I left New Vrindaban, and your son, Madhu Mangala, is still there, He appears now to be quite peaceful and happy, so I think we should let him continue like that, and if he keeps up in this way, there is no need of any demonic treatment
- You are devoted already to the service of the Lord, without any personal consideration, you are always sannyasa at heart. Now if you can get some money for our cause of K.C. I think it will be a great service
- You are getting a wife who is already trained up in Krishna Consciousness and if you live carefully and faithfully there will be no difficulty. That is the verdict of all Acaryas. I think this will simplify your agitated mind
- You are making arrangements for me but also I think you should make arrangements for calling your wife. The husband and wife must live together for helping one another in developing Krishna Consciousness
- You are not only advanced student in painting, but also in Krsna consciousness, so always pray to Krsna how you shall draw the painting and I think it will come out nice
- You are now acquainted with the local market. So I think that if we supervise the building construction work (in Mayapur) that will save great amount of money. You consider on these points and let me know your views by return mail
- You are now big officer, and I think Krishna has favored you by this position, because now you will be forced to always be the best example of KC person and be very very responsible
- You are one of my most determined students and for this reason I think that Krsna is giving you all facilities for serving Him
- You are responsible to train so many children in the highest knowledge of life, so that cannot be neglected in any way. You are also doing editing work, so I think that in these two ways you can remain yourself always busy in devotional service
- You are right that politics should be avoided. In my personal life I did not participate in the political diplomacy of my god-brothers. I was simply thinking how to fulfill the order of my guru maharaj
- You are taking care. I am very much obliged to you. I sometimes think in my childhood I was very, very pet son of my father
- You can remain in any apartment as husband and wife, and invite persons there to hear your chanting and topics, that is our center, and let it be gradually improved. I think this program will be very much suitable for you at the present moment
- You have neglected. My charge is that you have neglected. Bhagavad-gita is there. Bhagavad-gita is spoken in India. Bhagavad-gita is there. I think every home has got a Bhagavad-gita. But you do not study; you neglect it. That is your fault
- You have written that you are my disobedient son, but I think I am your disturbing father. I am putting more and more burden upon you but you are so tolerant that you have no hesitation to accept my demands even although sometimes they are unreasonable
- You know the history of my starting the society in 1966, it was all risky, and I was alone, but I took it depending on Krishna. So I think if you take the risk of $150, for Krishna's sake, Krishna will supply you the required money undoubtedly
- You may all try to distribute this (Bhagavad-gita As It Is) book as far as possible and it will be a great service to our movement. If any sincere person reads this book I think that he will be impressed by the solid footing on which our KC is based
- You should be very serious for trying for it, as I think that you are one of my senior disciples and I am very much relying on you now to carry on this mission with full responsibility
- You will find herewith two certificates of my bona fides in the matter of my becoming the teacher of Caitanya Cult. I have got my books also. So if I am appointed as teacher I think the whole problem is solved
- You write to say that with prasadam and the Maha Mantra we shall conquer over the world. That was the beginning of my program in your country. I thought like that
- Your appreciation of my adventure at this part of my life has encouraged me, and I think that by the prayers of good souls like you I may be able to work for sometime more in the interest of this great movement
- Your idea of going to North Carolina is excellent because there are so many students there, and you are college graduate, so I think that you are just the devotee to do the job nicely
- Your observations are nice, and I think this will be a nice way to arrange the world into zones for GBC management
- Your proposal for laying down the foundation stone in March is very much wise. I think by that time there will be sufficient progress made to inaugurate the new temple at that time
- Your Sankirtana Movement there is growing in popularity, and therefore you must immediately have a nice place. I think that for this purpose the five-story building is quite suitable
- Your suggestion to get new buses is good. I always recommended that. I don't like old vehicles. I think one hundred buses are not sufficient for America