Category:Have Not
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Pages in category "Have Not"
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- A devotee must know the importance of simultaneously understanding Vedanta philosophy and chanting the holy names. If by studying Vedanta one becomes an impersonalist, he has not been able to understand Vedanta
- A jnani may become detached from material attractions by prolonged discussions on subjects of knowledge and may in this way finally come to the brahma-bhuta stage, but a devotee does not have to undergo so much trouble
- A man is known when he speaks. "A fool is so long beautiful as long as he does not speak." When he speaks, then you can understand what he is. So my speaking are there in the books, and if you are intelligent, you can understand. You haven't got to ask
- According to our calculations, they (spaceships) have not gone. It is false propaganda. They cannot go
- According to the foolish Darwinian theory of the anthropologists, it is said that forty thousand years ago Homo sapiens had not appeared on this planet because the process of evolution had not reached that point
- According to the injunction of Yajnavalkya, an authority on religious principles, one is considered contaminated by the reactions of great sinful activities when one has not been purified according to the methods of the dasa-vidha-samskara
- According to Vedic conception woman is never offered leadership. But experience has shown that woman's leadership has not been successful
- According to Vedic injunction, if you want to eat meat, you kill in the front of Goddess Kali, so that the animal will get next life as human being. He is promoted immediately. He hasn't got to go to the evolutionary process
- Actually the living entity should not have taken on a material body, but he has been awarded the material body for sense gratification
- Actually, everything belongs to God. There is no difficulty to understand. You have not created this ocean. You have not created this land. You have created nothing. You are simply stealing. That is your business
- Actually, you have not killed the Yaksas, nor have they killed your brother, for the ultimate cause of generation and annihilation is the eternal time feature of the Supreme Lord
- After His appearance, Lord Krsna thought that He had not distributed the transcendental personal dealings with His devotees in dasya, sakhya, vatsalya and madhurya
- Again Nityananda Prabhu jokingly said, "My belly is not yet filled up. Please take away Your food. I have not taken the least of it"
- Akrura and Krtavarma joined the conspiracy because they wanted the jewel for Krsna. They knew that Krsna wanted the jewel and that Satrajit had not delivered it properly
- All of these things are recommended for persons who have not developed Krsna consciousness; in fact, all such activities are recommended in the revealed scriptures only to bring one to the point of Krsna consciousness
- All these inauspicious days & nights are not passing, for I have not met You. It is difficult to know how to pass all this time. But You are the friend of the helpless & an ocean of mercy. Kindly give Me Your audience, for I am in a precarious position
- Almost everyone is unfortunate. They haven't got even means to accommodate the bare necessities of life - eating, sleeping, mating. They're also deficient
- Although India has the sublime knowledge of Bhagavad-gita, Indians have not done their proper duty of distributing it. Now, therefore, the Krsna consciousness movement has been set up to distribute this knowledge as it is, without distortion
- Although such men (who have reached more than eighty years of age still go to nightclubs and pay heavy fees to drink wine and associate with women) are too old to enjoy anything, their desires have not ceased
- Although you have not yet experienced these achievements which are free from fear & lamentation, I offer them all to you because you are engaged in my service. Now just look at them. I am giving you the transcendental vision to see how nice they are
- Always check with me first before sending out any literature to persons who have not been specifically approved by me
- An impersonalist lamenting, "I have not given any proper attention to Sri Krsna, who is the source of the impersonal Brahman and who is the reservoir of all transcendental pleasures"
- And the working class, or sudras, are those who haven't the intelligence of the brahmanas or the ksatriyas or the vaisyas, and therefore they are meant to help these higher classes by bodily labor
- Anxieties mean if I lose something, then I will lament, and if I haven't got anything, something, then I hanker after it
- Anyone who is in Krsna consciousness perfectly, for him, after leaving this body, he's coming to Me. This is His assurance. So we haven't got any doubt, Krsna has assured. So let us do our duty perfectly, as far as possible
- Arrangement is there. If you remain in sattva-guna, then you get higher form of life. Nature's law is so perfect that it hasn't got to create; it is automatically
- As soon as Krsna is within your heart so when you read Bhagavad-gita or Krsna book with little seriousness, then Krsna understands, "Now he is serious to understand me." You haven't got to search out Krsna, He's already within you
- As stated in the Bhagavad-gita, a person who is actually a brahmana and is very learned must automatically become very gentle also. But although Romaharsana Suta was very learned and had been given the chance to become a brahmana, he had not become gentle
- As things have generally not been so well managed there I have asked him to be ad-hoc President of New York Temple until the coming GBC meeting
- At the end of one hundred years, one who has not acted as a human being in a life of tapasya (austerity & penance) must certainly be embodied again in a body like those of cats, dogs and hogs. This life of lusty desires and sense gratification is risky
- Back to home, back to Godhead. You are going this side, opposite side, toward the side of hell. That is not your destination. You go this side, back to Godhead. - That is our propaganda. So we have not manufactured this; this is the standard
- Balance time we should save for enhancing our Krsna consciousness, or spiritual consciousness, so that after this body we haven't got to take another material body, but we go back to home, back to Godhead. That should be the motto of human life
- Because everyone is not employed, they have discovered machine, and the machine is working hundred men's work. So actually, a hundred men are unemployed. So the machine has not improved the situation
- Because they are (whose knowledge is contaminated by the modes of material nature) unintelligent and not very advanced and have not properly considered the truth, they take to the worship of various demigods or speculate according to various philosophies
- Because you cannot concentrate your mind in chanting, you have no attachment for chanting, that (minimum sixteen rounds of chanting) is a, a regulative principle. You must. You must finish this
- Bhakti-yoga. It is not at all difficult. You haven't got to strain your body as in other hatha-yoga practice you have to very undergo hardship, to sit in a particular posture, in a particular place. These things are stated in the Bhagavad-gita
- Bhaktisiddhanta said three words, "It is better that he is living outside your company. He will do, when time will come, he'll do himself everything. You haven't got to recommend him"
- Bhattacarya said (Caitanya): You have been hearing Vedanta-sutra from me for the past week, but You have not asked any questions, nor have You indicated that I am explaining it nicely. Therefore I cannot tell whether You are understanding me or not
- Birth in high family or great nation, to be very opulent, rich, and very highly educated or very beautiful - these things are very good material possessions. But if we have got them, it is all right. Even if we have not got, there is no impediment
- Brahma had not come to Priyavrata by his own whims: rather, it is understood that he had been ordered to persuade Priyavrata by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose activities cannot be understood by material senses and who is described as aprameya
- By the order and strength of Sri Nityananda Prabhu, Srila Vrndavana dasa Thakura has elaborately described in his Caitanya-mangala all that I have not
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu said that: I am crying for Krsna just to advertise Myself that I have become a big . . . but actually I have not a pinch of devotion to Krsna
- Certainly I have not studied the art of literary embellishments. But I have heard about it from higher circles, and thus I can review this verse and find in it many faults and many good qualities
- Christian priests, they asked me that "Why Christianity is dwindling? What we have done?" So I told them, "What you have not done?"
- Come to the bhakti-yoga by chanting Hare Krsna. Immediately. You haven't got to wait. Immediately take. That is the special gift of Lord Caitanya
- Devotees do not have such desires (merging with Brahman or perfecting mystic yoga)
- Do not be discouraged if so far the collections have not been very great in terms of money. More important than the results is the activity. Krsna wants to see that you are fully engaged with all sincerity in preaching His glories
- During the time of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the small buildings surrounding the original temple (of Lord Jagannatha) had not been constructed. Nor was the high platform in front of the temple present during the time of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Elephants taking bath, perhaps you have not seen. In India we had some opportunity. They wash the body very nicely, repeatedly throwing water with the trunk, and as soon as come on the shore of the tank, again take some dust and throws over the body
- Even if one is born in a family of dvijas, if they have not followed the reformatory process he is called a dvija-bandhu - not one of the twice-born, but a friend of the twice-born. The whole purpose of this system is to create good population
- Even if the great fear of bondage is avoided by mental speculation and inquiry into the fundamental principles, it may still appear again, since its cause has not ceased
- Even the first incarnation of the Lord, namely Sesa, has not been able to reach the limit of such knowledge, although He is describing the qualities of the Lord with ten hundred faces
- Even though there are so many charitable institutions, poverty has not been driven from human society
- Everything is given by God. You have not manufactured the fruit or flower or your body, nothing. This is Krsna consciousness, when you understand that "Everything belongs to God. Why it should be utilized for other purpose?" It should be utilized for God
- False devotees may think that simply shedding tears will lead one to the transcendental plane, even if one has not had a factual change in heart, but such a practice is useless if there is no transcendental realization
- Familiarity breeds contempt." If one stays in Vrndavana for many days, he may fail to maintain proper respect for its inhabitants. Therefore those who have not attained the stage of spontaneous love for Krsna should not live in Vrndavana very long
- Finally, after inquiring, they (bridegroom's party) found that despite the boatmen's rowing, the boat had not moved because they had failed to raise the anchor. The marriage ceremony was thus spoiled because of a foolish mistake
- First Lord Balarama inquired from them (the cowherd men and boys, the gopis, and King Nanda and Yasoda) about their welfare, and then, since they had not seen Him for such a long time, they began to ask Him different questions
- First of all you begin, try to learn how to love God. And when you are actually on the platform of love, prema, you will see God always in His form. He becomes revealed. You haven't got to try to see, but He will reveal
- First thing is that calculation of Candra, moon planet, there are different views. Different scientists, they have different views. It is not a standard
- Foolish persons think that when Krsna appears as the son of Vasudeva, He is limited like an ordinary child. But Vasudeva was aware that although God had appeared as his son, God had not entered Devaki's womb & then come out. Rather, God was always there
- Foolish persons who do not have sufficient knowledge think that nature is moving without a plan and all manifestations are but accidental formations. BG 1972 purports
- Formerly the Hindus had not been straightforward in executing their Hindu principles, but now they were freely chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra. Therefore it must have been by the strength of someone else that they were so daring
- From Africa, if anyone goes anywhere, they require yellow fever injection. So if you haven't got yellow fever injection, then even in the airport, there is arrangement, you have to wait in the quarantine area for six days
- Generally a materialistic person becomes very happy when there is something for his sense gratification and his body, but when he sees that others have something for their sense gratification and he hasn't, he is sorry and envious. BG 1972 purports
- Ghost creates disturbance. He hasn't got gross body to enjoy. They're ghostly haunted; therefore a male ghost haunts over woman, woman ghost haunts over man
- God is not visible to everyone. He is visible - "Here is God" - but those who have not developed the eyes to see God, they think, "Here is a doll, and these foolish people are worshiping a doll." No. He is God, Krsna
- God you prove or disprove, but first you have to accept that you have not created
- God, in His Paramatma feature is sitting within everyone's heart - your heart, my heart, everyone's. You haven't got to find out God somewhere else. Therefore the yogis, they practice, "How to find out God within myself." That is called meditation
- Have you got any power to revive this working power of this hand? No. You have not. One hand will work; another hand will stop. Who stops? - These things are to be taught. How can I deny?
- He (Arjuna) voluntarily accepted: "Whatever Krsna says, I shall do it." Just like all my disciples - they have not lost their individuality, but they have surrendered their individuality. That is required
- He (Citraketu) knew that he had not committed any offense at the lotus feet of Lord Siva or the goddess Parvati, yet he had been punished, and this means that the punishment had been ordained. Thus the King did not mind it
- He (King Nrga) stated that these valuably decorated cows had not been given to any worthless persons but had been distributed to first-class brahmanas, whom he had also decorated with nice garments and gold ornaments
- He (Maharaj Prthu) was to return home, back to Godhead, without having to execute jnana, yoga or karma
- He (the poorest man) lives peacefully still, in the village, although he hasn't got very gorgeous dress and motorcar. But he's peaceful. You'll find still. Sometimes, about ten years ago, I was in Ahmedabad. I saw one poor man, pulling cart, hand cart
- He (Vrndavana dasa Thakura) saw them to be so extensive that he later felt that some had not been properly described
- He (Yadunandana Acarya) was not polluted by sentimental distinctions classifying Vaisnavas according to birth. Therefore, although Vasudeva Datta had not been born in a brahmana family, Yadunandana Acarya also accepted him as his spiritual master
- He (Yudhisthira) had not seen the Lord for many days, and therefore he thought himself most fortunate to see the Lord present before him. The King therefore embraced Lord Krsna again and again in great affection
- He has decided to work only for Krsna consciousness; therefore his happiness is under his own control. He hasn't got to seek happiness externally. The happiness is controlled, controlled by him
- He hasn't got to go to church, to temple, or to go to hell or heaven. In whatever condition he is, he can chant holy name of God. But they're so unfortunate, they won't accept this theory
- He hasn't got to work. Because people are very much perplexed how to get shelter, how to get food. But he has got the chance. He hasn't got to endeavor for food and shelter and other necessities of the body
- He may be in the form of a man, but if he has not heard about Krsna, if he has not given aural reception to krsna-katha, then he is pasu, animal. And what kind of animal? Dog, hog, camel, asses
- He said: "No. I have not seen (men dying out of starvation)." Still, these are pleas that, - People are dying of starvation, people are dying naked
- How is it possible that although we uncivilized inhabitants of the forest have not taken noble births, although we have no physical beauty and although we cannot speak like gentlemen, Lord Ramacandra has nevertheless accepted us as friends?
- How now one can see? He has to see through the parampara, succession. You have not seen your great-grandfather. How do you know that he was? How do you know? Great-grandfather or his father, you have not seen. How do you believe?
- How wonderful it is that although these women have not observed the strict principles of celibacy, have not undergone any austerities, nor philosophized upon the observance of all ritualistic ceremonies - they still have attained the favor of Krsna
- I am not the carrier of the palanquin; the body is the carrier. Certainly, as you have hinted, I have not labored carrying the palanquin, for I am detached from the body
- I am preaching in the Western countries. So nobody has checked, the government has not checked, because the time is not so cruel. Although in that Western country, Lord Jesus Christ was crucified
- I am so much fallen, how I can associate with Krsna? So that is isa-sangat. Isa is absolute. Everything has emanated from Isa, God. So in that way everything is Isa. There is nothing but Isa, but we haven't got the eyes to see
- I am speaking to you Bhagavad-gita, just learning from my spiritual master. So I have to learn it, but when Krsna spoke, He had not to learn it
- I have been away on a tour of Europe and America and upon returning to Bombay I have just gotten your letter. Therefore I have not replied sooner. I shall be coming to Vrndavana within a short time and we can talk there
- I have been informed through one of my disciples that one application for negotiating a house owned by the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi has not yet reached your Washington office
- I have heard that you want to make apologies to the police and others. This policy is not at all good. We cannot apologize. We have not done anything wrong. Our policy should be to protest against this persecution
- I have not finished chanting my regular number of rounds. How, then, can I eat? But you have brought maha-prasadam, and how can I neglect it
- I have seen one Christian newspaper which is trying to attract the readers by resort to fashionable phrases and materialistic themes of mass public interest--simply because they have not got any real substance for attracting
- I have therefore made only a brief summary. Being afraid of repetition, I have not elaborated upon this subject matter
- I hope you shall altogether consult and do the needful. Not a single moment should be wasted - that is very important thing. We shall not act anything which has no connection directly with Krishna Consciousness business
- I note that your wife and Visalaini both gave birth to baby girls. That is the defect. I want male children but you have no stamina for it. I expected from Visalaini by her belly that it would be a boy. Anyway, never mind
- I require the cooperation of the Indian, especially young men, educated men. Come forward. Stay with us. Study Bhagavad-gita. We haven't got anything to manufacture. Nothing to manufacture. And what we can manufacture? We are all imperfect
- I strictly follow the instruction of my Guru Maharaja, that's all. Otherwise I have no strength. I have not played any magic
- I take charge of yoga-ksemam. - yoga-ksemam means what is not in possession, to supply that thing. Just like if a child is completely dependent on the parents, the parents has the sense that, "My child requires at this time this thing." They already there
- I throw one kind of weapon, and if you are expert, you can counteract it. Now they have discovered the nuclear weapon, but they have not yet discovered the counteraction
- If anyone goes to God for asking some benefit, he's also pious man. But he's not a devotee. He may be counted in the list of pious men because he recognizes God, the Supreme. But he has not developed the highest principle of religion, love of God
- If by following the ritualistic principles of any kind of religion, if one has not developed God consciousness or love of God, then it is simply waste of time, laboring. That's all
- If one has studied Veda, but has not understood Krsna, then his labor is useless
- If one is intelligent enough, if he has got actually the bitter taste of this material world, he'll never agree. But those who have not advanced to such knowledge, oh, they think, - Oh, this material enjoyment is very nice
- If somebody comes to Me, then he hasn't got to return back to this miserable condition of life, which is not only miserable but temporary." So we should understand that. Nature is so cruel
- If the devotee has not been very careful about evading the ten kinds of offenses at the feet of the holy name, certainly the reaction of feelings of separation will not be visible by tears in the eyes and standing of the hair on end
- If we accept the Vedic civilization, which is in nutshell - everything is there in the Bhagavad-gita - then the whole world will be Vaikuntha. You haven't got to go in the Vaikuntha. Here you'll have Vaikuntha. And next life will be Vaikuntha
- If you accept this chanting of Hare Krsna mantra, whole Europeans will follow you. If you chant this Hare Krsna mantra, you haven't got to pay any fee, neither you will lose anything. There is no loss, but the gain is very much
- If you are hungry and if you are given very nice, nutritious, palatable food, you haven't got to take any certificate from others. You'll understand yourself, - Yes, I am now feeling strength. I am now feeling energy
- If you are hungry, you know, by eating, how much your hunger is satisfied. You haven't got to ask anybody. Similarly, if anybody increases his Krsna consciousness, the test will be that he will be disinterested with all material pleasures. That is test
- If you develop Krsna consciousness, if you develop love for Krsna, then automatically the qualities of the suras, or the demigods, will develop. You haven't got to endeavor separately for becoming qualified in good qualities
- If you do not know (what happens to spirit after death), this means you have not prepared your life, so accidentally, at the time of death, your mentality will create another body, and nature will supply it
- If you eat proper, nourishing foodstuff, you'll feel yourself strength and your hunger satisfied. You haven't got to ask anybody. Similarly, if you come to the proper path and if you follow the principle, you'll understand, Yes, I am making progress
- If you enquire, "Oh, when the child is born?" you say, say, "One week." That means he has died one week. We are taking that he is living one week, but actually he has died one week. That is wonderful, that still he is living, he has not died
- If you go to somebody and if you say that "You become a devotee of Krsna, surrender unto Him," so you haven't got to... He'll not be angry. He may take it or not take it. But your business is finished. Krsna will recognize
- If you have got time, if, if you haven't got to do anything else, you can continue, (laughter) sixteen hundred. It is not mechanical
- If you haven't got anything to love, then you get a dog, cat, and you love it. The loving propensity is there. This is the psychology
- If you render service to Krsna, then He'll reveal to you. Revelation. So, he, how much service he's giving, that will be tested how much he has, I mean to say, realized Krsna. This is the test. If Krsna is still vague idea to him, then he hasn't advanced
- If you think that Indians do not eat or Indians . . because you have not seen them, but if you . . as soon as you know they are also human beings like us . . . just like as for my example, when I was in India I was thinking of America something wonderful
- Immediate problem is the petrol. Nobody trusts in God. The Arabians, they're thinking that this oil, "Our oil." But actually, his father has not manufactured this oil. It is God's oil. None of them believe in God, either the Arabians or the others
- In India sukla-caula (white rice) is also called atapa-caula, or rice that has not been boiled before being husked. Another kind of rice, called siddha-caula (brown rice), is boiled before being husked
- In India sukla-caula (white rice) is also called atapa-caula, or rice that has not been boiled before being threshed. Another kind of rice, called siddha-caula (brown rice), is boiled before being threshed
- In our Krsna consciousness movement we do not allow any song that has not been approved or sung by bona fide devotees. We cannot allow cinema songs to be sung in the temple
- In Padma Purana it is stated that when prasada is brought or received, it must be eaten immediately, even if it has become very dry or old, or even if it is brought from a distant place, or even if one has not completed executing his daily duties
- In the beginning of chanting of the holy name of the Lord, if the devotee has not been very careful about evading the ten kinds of offenses at the feet of the holy name, certainly the reaction of feelings of separation will not be visible
- In the material world the living entities are already there. You haven't got to create. That is foolishness. It is never created
- In the material world, because we have not surrendered to Krsna we are always wandering helpless. Everyone here is feeling helpless. Even though one is millionaire, even though one is president, but he's feeling helpless
- In the modern age people are under the impression that during the Vedic period or the prehistoric ages America and many other parts of the world had not been discovered, but that is not a fact
- In the morning they (the bridegroom's party who were sleeping in the boat) all got up early, but to their astonishment they saw that the boat had not moved an inch toward the destination, even though the boatmen had rowed vigorously all night long
- In the morning they begin fishing, this walking, and golfing, no engagement. These poor fellows, they have been not informed that there is better engagement. They do not know. This is their civilization
- In the present age respect for Deductive Process is dwindling whereas respect for Inductive Process is increasing although we know so far the Inductive research is concerned the process has not been successful
- In the village a brahmana would sit down and the village boys and girls would come there to learn from him, and they will bring some presentation. That will be his livelihood. A brahmana hasn't got to go anywhere to seek his livelihood
- In this chapter I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) have briefly described the antya-lila. Whatever I have not described I shall describe extensively in the future
- In this regard (SB 8.12.8), the example may be given of gold that has not been molded and gold that has been molded into various ornaments. A gold earring and the gold in a mine are different only as cause and effect; otherwise they are the same
- Indeed, we are most fortunate, for although we are children and have been left to struggle in material life, unprotected by father and mother, and although we are very weak, we have not been vanquished or eaten by ferocious animals
- India hasn't got to learn from anywhere else. Everything is there. Let him (one who has taken birth in India) understand the whole philosophy of life perfectly and distribute this. This is India's mission. So I have tried alone on this point
- India is advertised very poor country. But still, majority of the people in India, they are happy. People do not know. Although materially they haven't got possession...
- It is incumbent upon all devotees of Krsna to avoid eating anything that has not been offered to the Supreme Lord. A devotee who does not strictly follow this principle is sure to fall down
- It is prescribed that you can do anything. There is no harm. Whatever your business, or vocation, occupation, you are engaged, that has not to be changed. That has not to be changed. Simply your consciousness has to be changed
- Jagara, wakefulness. As stated in the Padyavali (326): Radharani addressed Her very dear friend Visakha, Indeed, it (sleep) has become My enemy. Therefore I have not slept since the departure of Krsna
- Just because the soul, which is atomic in size, has not been perceived yet by senses or instruments, we should not conclude that it is not there. It can, however, be perceived by its symptoms and effects
- Just like Krishna has no differentiation between body and soul, similarly, those who are transferred or living eternally in the spiritual sky, they haven't got also such distinction, between spirit and body
- Just like young boy and young girl, they meet together. Immediately their sex impulse become agitated. It hasn't got to be taught them. Naturally. Naturally, he wants to talk or she wants to talk. So this is called rati, spontaneous attraction
- Kardama Muni said: Those who have not worshiped the gracious feet of the goddess of fortune cannot even perceive her (Devahuti), yet she has come of her own accord to seek my hand
- Karma-kanda activities are required as long as one has not developed Krsna consciousness. If one is developed in Krsna consciousness, there is no need to execute the prior regulative principles of karma-kanda
- Kasyapa Muni continued: Never wear clothes that have not been properly washed, and do not put on a garland that has already been worn
- King Nrga said, "Among the living entities who have not accepted material bodies are those who hover in the material world as evil spirits or live in the ghostly atmosphere"
- King Prthu continued: My dear devotees, headed by the suta, just now I am not very famous for my personal activities because I have not done anything praiseworthy you could glorify
- King Prthu replied: My dear earth, you have disobeyed my orders and rulings. In the form of a demigod you accepted your share of the yajnas we performed, but in return you have not produced sufficient food grains. For this reason I must kill you
- King Yayati said, "O learned, worshipable brahmana, I have not yet satisfied my lusty desires with your daughter." Sukracarya then replied, "You may exchange your old age with someone who will agree to transfer his youth to you"
- Krsna bhuliya jiva bhoga vancha kare pasate maya tare japati 'dhare. That beginning is possible at any moment. You haven't got to trace out the history. Even if you are very honest, you can become subjected to these criminal laws at any moment
- Krsna consciousness, or devotional service, means purifying the senses. That's all. We haven't got to eradicate, get out of the sensual activities. No. We have simply to purify the senses
- Krsna says here that you take care of the soul. Tasmad evam. Tasmad evam viditva. Just try to understand the soul is important. You haven't got to lament for this body. This is already settled up
- Krsna says, sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja (BG 18.66). This simple fact cannot be understood by any man who has not undergone some austerities, penances, and who has not become a devotee. It is not possible
- Krsna, the jagad-guru, is teaching that living entity is never born and never dies. So why I am taking birth and I am dying? This much intelligence they haven't got, because they do not take the instruction of the jagad-guru
- Kuvera assured him (Dhruva Maharaja) that factually he had not killed any of the Yaksas; therefore, he was not at all sinful. He did his duty as a king, as it is ordered by the laws of nature
- Laksmi has not been very favorably disposed toward the brahmanas, and therefore, because the goddess of fortune withholds her benedictions from them, the brahmanas are generally very poor
- Lord Brahma thought: Whatever boys and calves there were in Gokula, I have kept them sleeping on the bed of my mystic potency, and to this very day they have not yet risen again - SB 10.13.41
- Lord Caitanya, therefore, recommended that one who aspires to go beyond birth and death should have no material possessions
- Lord Jesus Christ, he also preached the sense of God, or Krsna consciousness. It is the duty of devotee. It is the duty of good son of God, but those who are in the lower status, they have not developed such consciousness
- Lord Krsna said, "Such unattached persons haven't the least desire to accumulate wealth and prosperity for sense gratification, but sometimes they are found to collect money just to exhibit the exemplary life of a householder"
- Manu and Kapila have also forgotten the religious principles. I suppose it to be because of this that they have not tried to stop Lord Siva from behaving improperly
- Material world is not spiritual world. In the spiritual world you haven't got to work, neither you have to eat. Everything is complete
- Matter cannot combine together automatically. These skyscraper buildings, they are created with matter, but the matter has not come to become skyscraper building automatically. That is not possible
- Mayavadis may be susilah sadhavah (well-behaved saintly persons), but there is nevertheless some doubt about whether they are actually making progress, for they have not accepted the path of bhakti
- Modern medical science has not yet discovered how to bring a dead body back to life or bring youthful energy to an old body, but from here we can understand that such treatment is possible if one is able to take knowledge from the Vedic information
- Muni means mental speculators; manansi, thoughtful muni, thoughtful also - always absorbed in thoughts. So a thoughtful man or a great saintly person is not a great saintly person if he hasn’t got to propound a new theory
- My (Krsna's) elder brother, Balarama, has joined them (in plotting complain against Krsna). Actually, I have not done this (eating dirt). Take My words as true. Do not be angry and chastise Me
- My dear Bhattacarya, I have traveled very far through the forest, and I have not even slightly received any trouble
- My dear gentle wife, never enter the water while bathing, never be angry, and do not even speak or associate with wicked people. Never wear clothes that have not been properly washed, and do not put on a garland that has already been worn
- My dear King, do not be agitated and anxious because your sacrifices have not been properly executed due to providential impediments. Kindly take my words with great respect
- Narada Muni advised Vyasadeva that "You are not feeling satisfied because you have not described about Supreme Personality of Godhead. That is the defect. Now you have got mature experience, you describe simply about SPG, Krsna." Therefore he wrote SB
- Narada Muni got a glimpse of this, but having not seen it again he became perturbed and stood up all of a sudden to search it out. What we desire life after life was obtained by Narada Muni, & losing sight of Him again was certainly a great shock for him
- Nasta-prayesu, one who has taken to devotional service, hearing about Krsna, he has not become completely perfect even. Because, due to his past habit, he may do something wrong
- Natural conclusion is when there are so many varieties of life in our presence, and they are, although in the same place, they haven't got the same facility, so there must be somebody who decides on this point. So how you can deny God
- Nature has not given me the right to remain as American, Australian, Indian. No. That is not possible. You wanted. You enjoyed this life for a certain time, and then again you create your desire
- Nature's law is so perfect that it hasn't got to create. It is automatically. Just like if you infect some disease, germs, you will automatically suffer from that disease
- Never mind he is M.A., Ph.D., D.A.C. or whatever he may be. But we take him first-class rascal, that's all, because he has not surrendered to Krsna. This is the test
- Newly engaged devotees can be divided into two: those who have already attained attachment for the Lord and those who have not attained such attachment
- No one is dear to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, nor is anyone His enemy or friend. But He gives inspiration to those who have not forgotten Him and destroys those who have
- Nobody has to go to university to learn how to eat, how to sleep, how to have sex life, how to defend. Nobody hasn't got to. It doesn't require education. It is already there. If you attack me, I shall immediately defend with my hand. You see? Natural
- Nondevotees, who have not developed their loving qualities, think that the activities, form and attributes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead are fictitious
- Not only is Maharaja Pariksit inquisitive concerning all he has inquired about, but he is also anxious to know about what he has not been able to inquire
- Not that I have to study Krsna in my own way. Krsna is not subjected to your examination or your test. He is above all. He is transcendental. Therefore those who have not the transcendental vision, they misunderstand Krsna
- Now the spiritual master is explaining, "Yes, this is the right result of chanting Hare Krsna. Unless You come to this emotional stage, transcendental emotional stage, You should know that You have not come to the perfectional stage of chanting"
- O Lord, You are the master of the entire universe. What have You not given to us? You have entered the core of our hearts and dissipated the darkness of our ignorance by Your effulgence. This is the supreme gift. We do not need a material donation
- O lotus-eyed Lord, as baby birds that have not yet developed their wings always look for their mother to return and feed them, I always yearn for the opportunity to render direct service unto You
- O My Lord, O Supreme Personality of Godhead, O friend of the helpless! You are the only ocean of mercy! Because I (Bilvamangala Thakura) have not met You, My inauspicious days and nights have become unbearable. I do not know how I shall pass the time
- Of course, in the categories of mystic perfection there are certain processes which the material scientists have not yet been able to develop
- On this earth we have not invented any machine that can go directly from one planet to another, although an unsuccessful attempt has been made to go directly to the moon
- Once Lord Krsna considered within His heart, "In spite of various efforts, I have not been able to taste it. But My desire to relish that pleasure increases as I smell its sweetness"
- One devotee has exclaimed, "Oh, I have not as yet visited the wonderful places where the pastimes of the Lord were performed. But simply by hearing the name of Mathura I have become overwhelmed with joy!"
- One devotee said, "I am nicely educated, but my education has simply been used in government service. I have not considered formidable time, stronger than anything else, which creates and annihilates everything"
- One son is very obedient to the father, and the other son is not. That is the difference here. God has not made anyone demon or demigod. For God, everyone is equal
- One who has not been attracted by the transcendental beauty of rasa will certainly be dragged down into material attraction, thus to act in material contamination and progress to the darkest region of hellish life
- One who has not been trained cannot distinguish between gold and stone. Similarly, fools and rascals who have not learned from an expert spiritual master what is soul and what is matter cannot understand the existence of the soul within the body
- One who has not surrendered to Krsna, how he can become guru? He's a cheater. Yei krsna-tattva-vetta sei guru haya
- One who is engaged in devotional service has not the least fear in material existence. This is because the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the Supersoul and friend of everyone
- Our process is descending process. We are not trying to understand by the ascending process. Inductive or deductive. We accept the statements of the Vedas. Therefore we haven't got to make much effort to understand the thing
- Pariksit Maharaja had only seven days left in his life; therefore he hurriedly finished the reading of Bhagavatam. But, of course, he had seven days assured. We haven't got seven minute assured
- People always ask why Krsna is blue. The color of the Lord has not been imagined by an artist. It is described in authoritative scripture
- People have not yet understood our philosophy, how glorious it is, and how this Indian culture could be accepted throughout the whole world
- People, they have no knowledge what is life, what is sinful life, what is pious life, why we are put into this condition that "We have to do this; we haven't got to do that." This is real philosophy of life
- Persons who have not taken to devotional service are understood to have come short of the ultimate purpose of knowledge and are not favored by Your (Krsna's) grace
- Please let me know why the shipping of our goods is so tremendously delayed. Kindly treat this letter as very urgent, and let me know why my goods have not been shipped yet
- Polluted intelligence has been compared to a prostitute. One who has not purified his intelligence is said to be controlled by that prostitute
- Prahlada Maharaja says that even one is qualified with these twelve qualification (in SB 7.9.10) and has attained the stage of vipra, still, if he has not attained devotional service, then it is useless
- Prajapati Daksa's accusation that Narada had not actually elevated his sons to the platform of knowledge was not factual. All the sons of Prajapati Daksa had first been raised to the platform of jnana and had then automatically renounced this world
- Prthu replied: My dear earth, you have disobeyed my orders and rulings. In the form of a demigod you accepted your share of the yajnas we performed, but in return you have not produced sufficient food grains. For this reason I must kill you
- Raji conquered the kingdom of heaven, and therefore when Indra, the heavenly king, begged Raji's sons to return it, they refused. Because they had not taken the heavenly kingdom from Indra but had inherited it from their father
- Regarding Bali Mardan, he has not resigned and until he or some other member does so there shall not be any change in the members of the GBC
- Regarding MacMillan Company, if they have not replied your letter, then forget. We shall publish our own books. You organize the sales promotion. Neither I want to shorten the Srimad-Bhagavatam. We should not count on them
- Regulative principles in devotional service are meant for those who have not invoked their natural love of Godhead
- Resuming His external consciousness, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu told Sanatana Gosvami, "I have not spoken of what I intended. Lord Krsna is very merciful to you because by bewildering My mind He has revealed His personal opulence and sweetness"
- Rich men get the opportunity that they haven't got to think over much about the maintenance of the body and soul together. Ordinary men, they have to seek how to earn the bread. Problem of bread is there
- Romaharsana Suta had been given the position of a brahmana, but he had not been born in the family of a brahmana; he had been born in a pratiloma family
- Sankaracarya said bhaja govindam, bhaja govindam. That is real knowledge. But if one says that in the Vedas, you don't find Krsna's name, then he has not studied Veda. Because Krsna says, vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyam
- Sastra gives full explanation, full knowledge. Sastra caksusa. We have to accept through the sastra. Not that, "Because I have not seen, therefore it is false." No. Vyasadeva has no business to tell you something false
- Scientific advancement of knowledge, so far we have in this material world, that is bounded within the area of material energy. They have not succeeded in finding out the spiritual energy. Otherwise they would have given life to the dead man
- Seeing His own beauty, Lord Krsna began to consider: He (Brahma) has not given millions of eyes to see the beauty of Krsna. He has given only two eyes, and even those eyes blink. How then shall I see the lovely face of Krsna?
- Seva means service. Not that "Oh, I have inquired so many things from such and such person. Oh, I have not rendered any payment or any service, so I have gained." No. Without service, your inquiry will be futile
- She (Devahuti) had not married before; she was a virgin girl. All these considerations convinced Kardama Muni to accept her
- She (Draupadi) said to the Lord that the mysterious dish which she had received from the sun-god could supply any amount of food if she herself had not eaten. But on that day she had already taken her meals, and thus they were in danger
- Simply by knowing (science of God). "For him the profit is that after giving up this body, he hasn't got to take birth again in this material form." Tyaktva deham punar janma naiti mam eti - He comes directly to Me
- Simply by understanding Krsna, one becomes automatically liberated from this material entanglement. A Krsna conscious person hasn't got to make separate endeavor and attempt to become liberated
- Since Daksa's sons (Haryasvas and Savalasvas) had not liberated themselves from these three debts (obligations to the demigods, the saints and their father), how could Narada Muni have led them to the renounced order of life?
- Since he (Arjuna) departed, seven months have passed, yet he has not returned. I (Yudhisthira) do not know factually how things are going there
- Since Lalita Prasad Thakura has not fulfilled his promise to give us that Birnagar land for our ISKCON center, so we shall not have any more to do with printing any books by Bhaktivinode Thakura or anyone
- Since Maharaja Prthu was a saktyavesa incarnation of the Supreme Lord, he did not have to act in any way to attain liberation. He came from the Vaikuntha world, or spiritual sky, in order to execute the will of the Supreme Lord on earth
- Since the Hare Krsna movement started, many Europeans and Americans have been visiting Vrndavana, but they have not been properly received by any asrama or temple there
- Since there must always be a difference of opinion between demons and devotees, Hiranyakasipu, when criticized by his son Prahlada Maharaja, should not have been surprised that Prahlada Maharaja differed from his way of life
- Since we have not produced the trees, plants, waters or the land, we cannot claim them. Since we actually have nothing, we can renounce nothing, or, as it is said, naked we come into this world and naked we go out
- So as not to increase the size of this book, I have not written about all the Lord's pastimes, for He performed them every moment of every day for twelve years
- So long you have not solved the four prominent miserable condition of life - birth, death, old age and disease - you cannot say there is no God
- So the machine has not improved the situation. It has improved the pocket of the capitalist. But it has not improved the condition of the mass of people
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu continued speaking to the Tattvavadi acarya, "Seeing that I am a mendicant in the renounced order of life, you have been playing with Me in a duplicitous way. You have not actually described the process and ultimate objective"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu continued, "My dear friends, I have not the slightest tinge of love of Godhead within My heart. When you see Me crying in separation, I am just falsely exhibiting a demonstration of My great fortune"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu knew that the food had not been offered to the Deity (when taking lunch with the Mayavadi sannyasis)
- Sri Narada said, "You (Vyasadeva) have not actually broadcast the sublime and spotless glories of the Personality of Godhead. That philosophy which does not satisfy the transcendental senses of the Lord is considered worthless"
- Srila Vyasadeva had written the karma-kanda and jnana-kanda sections of the Vedas, but he had not written about upasana-kanda, or bhakti. Thus his spiritual master, Narada, chastised him
- Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.2.32): Even though one may artificially think himself liberated from material contamination, if he has not taken shelter of the Lord's lotus feet his intelligence is polluted
- Successful means that you haven't got to accept any more this material body. You will get a spiritual body and go to Krsna, or go to home, go to back to Godhead
- Such a position may befit others, but I do not possess such spiritual power. I belong to a lower class and have not even a pinch of devotion to Krsna
- Sudra means workers. They haven't got much intelligence, neither they can work as administrator or traders, but they work and get some salary
- Sukadeva Gosvami has suggested some alternatives for the bare necessities of life, namely the problem of eating, sleeping and shelter, but he has not suggested any alternative for sex satisfaction
- Suppose you are working in office. Your immediate boss, the superintendent, if he is pleased, that means the managing director is also pleased. You haven't got to please the managing director separately
- Svayambhuva Manu continued: O wise man, I heard that you were prepared to marry. Please accept her hand, which is being offered to you by me, since you have not taken a vow of perpetual celibacy
- Svayambhuva Manu requested Kardama Muni to accept his daughter, since Kardama had not taken the vow of naisthika-brahmacarya. He was willing to marry, and the suitable daughter of a high royal family was presented
- Taking for granted that some of my forefathers have become ghostly life and has not got the gross body, so by this pindodaka . . . pinda means offering prasadam of Visnu prasadam
- That sun-god is now setting, yet the poor animal who trusted in me since its mother died has not returned
- The Absolute Personality of Godhead, He has nothing to do personally. He hasn't got to perform any work, although He is the greatest worker. And nobody is found greater than Him or equal to Him
- The actual purpose of studying Vedas means to understand Krsna. If one has not understood Krsna, then srama eva hi kevalam (SB 1.2.8). They have simply labored for nothing
- The anthropologists say that 40,000 years ago Homo sapiens had not appeared on this planet because evolution had not reached that point
- The arrangement for printing books has not materialized, so I want to utilize this money for commercial purchases from India. Please let me know if there is any difficulty in this connection due to exchange control
- The atheist directly denies the existence of the SPG, and the impersonalists support the atheists by stressing the impersonal aspect of the Supreme Lord. Thus far we have not come across any mantra in Sri Isopanisad in which the SPG is denied
- The birds, they have no problem. Early in the morning they rise up, and they are certain somewhere there is some fruit. They will eat and sleep in the top of the tree. They haven't got to make arrangement, economic development. It already is there
- The brahmanas said, "To hell with it all, for we have not developed transcendental loving service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is beyond the speculation of the mind, body and senses"
- The concoctions of unauthorized persons pretending to be bona fide have not been accepted by Lord Caitanya. Presentations such as those of the gaura-nagaris are only disturbances to the sincere execution of the mission of Lord Caitanya
- The cow-shaped earth continued to appeal to the King: I am very poor and have not committed any sinful activities. I do not know why you want to kill me
- The demons have now neglected such injunctions (that a woman should not be given freedom), and they think that women should be given as much freedom as men. However, this has not improved the social condition of the world. BG 1972 purports
- The electric powerhouse is Krsna, but the current comes through some channel. So spiritual master personally hasn’t got to give you any instruction. His business is to carry the instruction of Krsna and deliver it to the disciple
- The empiric philosopher who studies Brahman by negation of the external features has not yet learned the quality of the hladini potency of Brahman
- The entire cosmic manifestation has not assumed its gigantic form by itself, as wrongly calculated by less intelligent persons. As long as spirit is within matter, matter can increase as needed; but without the spirit, matter stops increasing
- The evidence of the Pancaratras cannot be neglected. Only untrained persons who have not genuinely studied the Pancaratras think that the Pancaratras contradict the srutis regarding the birth or beginning of the living entity
- The facility is, the other animals lower than the human being, they have not got to do any business or any profession or go from one country to another to earn livelihood. That is their advantage
- The fisherman replied, "I have not seen a single person here, but while casting my net in the water, I captured a dead body"
- The foolish mundaners would have been left perpetually in the darkness of foolish activities if Krsna, the PG or Marshal Arjuna, had not kindly taken the trouble of initiating the process of karma-yoga by the direct method of personal example
- The GBC have not been able to fully participate in the Mayapur festivities due to the annual meeting. Therefore, I am asking all GBC members to come to Mayapur early and hold the meeting in my presence
- The Gosvamis' esoteric logic and profound analytical philosophy have not yet caught the attention of modern thinkers, and the burden of guilt for this discrepancy must indeed fall on us
- The great authorities in the disciplic succession had not offered to explain why Lord Caitanya refused to take the name Bharati after He took sannyasa from a Bharati, until Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaja volunteered the explanation
- The great sage Narada said: My dear Haryasvas, you have not seen the extremities of the earth. There is a kingdom where only one man lives and where there is a hole from which, having entered, no one emerges
- The Institute will be primarily for those who have not entered our temples
- The Krsna consciousness movement is trying to convince, educate people the value of life, how the process of living conditions are going on. Not we have manufactured all this. It is received from the Vedas. Vedas means the book of knowledge
- The Lord says that "One who comes to Me," mam upetya, - he hasn't got to come back to this condition of miserable life
- The many sinful activities stored within us for which we have not yet suffered are considered immature. For example, a man may have committed criminal acts, but not yet been arrested for them
- The perfection is that whatever is offered to Krsna you should accept. That is perfection. You cannot say. "I like this, I don't like this." So long as you make such discrimination, that means you have not appreciated what prasada is
- The perfection of love of God by a devotee actually situates him on the spiritual platform.These things are made possible by the Lord's inscrutable and inconceivable energy, which material science has not the scope to calculate
- The proprietor is Paramatma. I am given the chance to use it, so my senses, so-called my senses, that is not my senses. I have not created my hand. The hand is created by God, or by Krsna, through the agency of this material nature
- The residents of Vrajabhumi think, The Lord is glorified by particles of His transcendental mercy and affection, and we, the residents of Vrndavana, have not the slightest anxiety due to His merciful existence
- The root cause of our dissatisfaction is that our dormant loving propensity has not been fulfilled despite our great advancement in the materialistic way of life
- The Savalasvas took to the correct path, which is obtainable by a mode of life meant to achieve devotional service, or the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Like nights that have gone to the west, they have not returned even until now
- The scientists have got good brain, but who manufactured the brain? You cannot do it. You have not manufactured your brain. If you say: "By nature," then nature is more powerful than you
- The so-called civilization of the Kali yuga with its over industrialization, has not been able to give to man the happiness he is seeking
- The Supreme Lord has got multi-various energies. They are acting. He hasn't got to do anything personally. - Just like the big man in establishment, he hasn't got to do anything personally. But he has got so many energies, so many servants, secretaries
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead made it clear that Devaki had not become His mother only now; rather, she had been His mother previously also
- The thief, he thinks that to live in the prison house is very good, "I haven't got to work, and I shall get my food and shelter." That is a false enjoyment
- The unfortunate baby birds, bereft of their mother, are waiting in the nest for her to feed them. They are still very small and have not yet grown their wings. How shall I be able to maintain them?
- The Vedic information is called sruti. Just try to hear. You haven't got to be educated or literate. God has given you these two ears, and you can learn. Simply you have to learn from the authorized sources. Then you will understand God
- The word duhitr-vatsalah indicates that all the prajas were born from Daksa's daughters. Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura says that apparently Daksa had no son
- There are different planets where Yamaraja is there, how a dead man or the soul is taken there, the path - everything is in detail there. If you say it is mythology... Why you should say mythology? You have not seen the whole universe
- There are hundreds of letters of appreciation, including some from you also, but you have not mentioned even a single line about me in the pamphlet. Why??
- There is no expenditure, there is no loss if you chant Hare Krsna mantra and you see the result at home. You haven't got to travel. You sit down at your home and chant Hare Krsna
- There is no expenditure. The cow will go out and eat some vegetables and grass, so you haven't got to spend anything for the cow. And when she returns, she gives you milk, nice milk
- There is no fault of these hippie boys and girls. They have not been trained. Not only here, every part of the world, the educational system is not very satisfactory
- Thereafter, Vedic hymns which had not been pronounced before, priestly rituals, the subject matters of the recitation, and transcendental activities were all established, one after another
- These boys, they haven't got to eat anything; therefore they are chanting Hare Krsna on the street. That's all." They think like that. "They're needy. All right, they are needy. Give them some money." That's all
- These different methods for liberation are generally only a professional practice and means of livelihood for those who have not conquered their senses. Because such persons are falsely proud, these procedures may not be successful
- They (scientists) have not succeeded in finding out the spiritual energy. Otherwise they would have given life to the dead man. That has not been possible
- They (the Krsna conscious men who have no faith) may become engaged, but because they haven't complete conviction and faith, it is very difficult for them to continue in Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- They are less than common sense man. That you have to expose, that these people have not even common sense, and they are passing on as scientist. That you must protest because you are servant of God, you are servant of the scientist
- They are thinking that they can go anywhere by the force of their so-called scientific advancement. But it has not proved successful till now. But still, they will say, "Yes, in future we shall go." All right, in future. Trust no future, however pleasant
- They are trying to go there, Mars planet, Moon planet, by rising on the sky by their aeroplanes, sputniks. But they have not been able to understand what is the position of these planets. This is called aroha-pantha
- They have not acquired the qualification of Vaisnava. Simply vesopidin, by dress. So what is there? They could not do for the last fifty, sixty years. Still . . . they wanted to exchange. I stopped it, the Mohini Babu
- They should understand the gravity of this movement, my presentation of books. They haven't got so many books. Two thousand years passed, the Christian religion has got only one book, Bible. And their only pastime of Christ is crucifixion
- This (thinking that sex indulgence is the greatest happiness) is generally found everywhere, and specifically found in the Western world, where there are regular arrangements to satisfy sex life in different ways. However, this has not made anyone happy
- This bhakti-yoga means vairagya-vidya, how to become detached. That is the test. "Whether I am making progress in the bhakti-yoga?" - the test is within yourself. You haven't got to take a certificate from others
- This cause (of being subjected to the control of material nature) is distinctly stated in Bhagavad-gita (7.14): because one has not surrendered to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he must work under the control of material nature & its stringent laws
- This direct process of bhakti-yoga is recommended for this age because people haven't got sufficient time to execute all the paraphernalia any other system of yoga
- This human life should be regulated in such a way that he hasn't got to satisfy the senses after taking so much hard labor. The modern civilization is like that. Everyone is engaged in hard labor simply for satisfaction of the senses
- This is the standard of first-class yogi: to remain always in Krsna consciousness and try to execute His will, that's all. That is first-class yogi, Krsna says. You haven't got to get certificate from anyone else
- This is Vedic civilization: how people will be happy. They can be happy simply by self-realization, spiritual realization, because he is spirit. Material advancement will never make us happy, that's a fact. People have not become happy
- This life was meant for understanding KC & the pastimes of Krsna with Radharani, but I did not take care of this important business of life. Therefore I have not only wasted my valuable time, but also I have willingly drunk poison for committing suicide
- This microphone, it has come from matter and... Actually it has not come from matter, it has come from the living being who has manufactured it. But we foolishly concluding that it is a combination of matter
- Those who are born in families of brahmanas but have not yet undergone the reformatory processes and who therefore expect to study the Vedic rituals and perform the sacrifices in the future
- Those who are in the lower status, they have not developed such consciousness that, "I have to preach the philosophy of God consciousness or Krsna consciousness to others." They are simply satisfied themself
- Those who are intelligent - in other words, those who have not lost their intelligence - do not involve themselves in this process of wandering up and down
- Those who are thinking that "I am now liberated simply by some volumes of philosophical speculation," so Bhagavata says, "No, your intelligence is not yet purified because you have not yet approached Krsna"
- Those who have not attained the platform of spontaneous attachment in devotional service render devotional service under the guidance of a bona fide spiritual master according to the regulative principles mentioned in the revealed scriptures
- Those who have not attained the stage of spontaneous love for Krsna should not live in Vrndavana very long. It is better for them to make short visits
- Those who shed tears by practice but whose hearts have not changed are to be known as stone-hearted devotees of the lowest grade. Their imitation crying, induced by artificial practice, is always condemned
- To glorify a great man is a natural instinct for living beings, but they have not learned to glorify the Lord. Perfection of life is attained simply by glorifying the Lord in association with a self-realized devotee of the Lord
- To satisfy Krsna is the easiest thing. Is the easiest thing of all yogic process. You haven't got to show your gymnastic power. No. Simply prepare your good foodstuff, offer to Krsna, chant Hare Krsna and enjoy life
- We are all rascals, blindly following? Do you think like that? Then why I have not seen? Why do you ask this? If we are acting for Krsna, do you mean to say that we are following blindly? Do you think like that
- We are embarrassed with the material miseries of life. That has not been solved. The major questions have been set aside. Simply by thinking that "There is no God. We are God. Science is everything," oh, do you think that is advancement of knowledge? No
- We are imperfect. Whatever I may be, you may be, but if I am subjected to birth, death, old age and disease, then I am imperfect. Therefore the perfectional..., perfection of life is when you haven't got to take birth or die or become diseased and old
- We are not upstart. We have not manufactured a sampradaya. It is coming from Lord Brahma. Similarly, there is Ramanuja-sampradaya. They are coming from Sri-sampradaya. Similarly, there is Visnu Svami. They are coming from Lord Siva, Rudra-sampradaya
- We are very doubtful whether they have gone to the moon planet. From the sastra it appears they haven’t gone. You can see. Otherwise why they have stopped talking of the moon?
- We do not possess it; we falsely claim it. This is our position. Actually it is the possession of God. God has created this land, this ocean, the sky, the air, the fire. You have not created. So how claim?
- We find a monkey is also lord in his jurisdiction. You have not seen the groups of monkeys. In India we have seen, in Vrndavana. Every monkey has a group, and he has followers, about twenty, fifty, like that, and they sometimes fight
- We have established the International Society for Krishna Consciousness to give people an opportunity to associate with those who have not forgotten Krsna. This spiritual association offered by our ISKCON movement is increasing day by day
- We have got about sixty books. If you want to learn this movement through science and philosophy, we have got our books. You have not seen our books
- We have got information four millions of miles. And where is sun situated? We are not going by sputnik to measure it. We have got information from Vedic literature. And if you don’t agree, so how you can say it is not, because you have not measured it
- We have got two diseases in the material world. One is socati, and the other is kanksati. The things which we haven't got we desire to possess, kanksati. And the things which we possess, it will be spoiled, it will be lost
- We have not arranged food for the elephants, or we have not arranged any food for the ant within our room, but they are being fed by the laws of nature, by God's arrangement. So that is not question
- We have not awakened yet our natural love for Krsna, so it requires practice, practicing this vidhi-bhakti, compulsory
- We have offered our respects to them, and we have not been envious of any brother, friends or anyone else. We have also undergone severe austerities within the water and have not taken food for a long time
- We have to follow Krsna alone. Not all these rascals, silly jackals. Then our life is successful. Krsna can give you all guidance. In all respective necessities of life, there is everything complete. We haven't got to follow the silly jackals
- We haven't got to ask anything. Krsna, God, has made ample arrangement for our maintenance
- We haven't got to change our position. Simply we have to transfer the energy for Krsna. That is called yoga-sannyasta-karmanam
- We hear a scientist say, "We have seen the moon; it is such and such," and we believe it. We have not gone with the scientist to see the moon, but we believe him
- We hear from Los Angeles that they have not received the documents or any information of the consignment being dispatched by any ship. This means they have not yet submitted the shipping documents; in other words, the goods have not been shipped
- We take God as He is. It is not image of God, but God Himself. He has come here in the form which you can see. God is everywhere, but unfortunately we haven't got eyes to see Him
- We're angry. This anger is service of Krsna. How can I give up anger? But we use anger in a different way, not for our sense gratification: "Why you have not paid me such-and-such money?" No, we don't say like that. "Why you are not KC?" That's our anger
- What is the benefit of going to Krsna? Krsna says, that if you go back to home, back to Godhead, Krsna, then you haven’t got to come again and accept this temporary, material body and suffer. This whole thing is explained in the BG. Read very carefully
- What is the use of calling that I am spiritual master? If you have not accepted him, spiritual master, what is the use? False propaganda
- What you have helped? A man is dying ordinarily, and you have created atomic energy. You can kill thousands of men. So you have helped only in dying. But you have not helped in living. That is not possible
- Whatever we have done and whatever we are doing, the atonement is chant Hare Krsna mantra. So we haven't got to go to Vrndavana. We have brought Vrndavana, Nabadwip, here in Hawaii, in this temple
- When a person becomes materially engrossed, he has no capacity to hear about spiritual existence. Forgetfulness of spiritual existence entangles a man more and more in material existence
- When Daksa entered the arena of yajna, Lord Siva was in meditation and might not have seen Daksa enter, but Daksa took the opportunity to curse him because Daksa had maintained an envious attitude towards Lord Siva for a long time
- When Hiranyakasipu received this reply from the teacher, he again addressed his son Prahlada. Hiranyakasipu said: You rascal, most fallen of our family, if you have not received this education from your teachers, where have you gotten it?
- When King Yayati said that he had not yet satisfied his lusty desires with Sukracarya's daughter, Sukracarya saw that it was against the interests of his own daughter for Yayati to continue in old age and invalidity
- When Krsna says "I," the miscreants identify this "I" with themselves. This is a gross misinterpretation. Although Bhagavad-gita is very popular in the world, due to this misinterpretation by mundane scholars, it has not been properly understood
- When Prahlada Maharaja's teachers and demoniac father asked him how his intelligence had been polluted, Prahlada Maharaja said, "As far as I am concerned, my intelligence has not been polluted
- When Sivananda Sena returned and Srila Nityananda Prabhu saw him, the Lord kicked him severely, complaining that He was very hungry, and asked why he had not arranged for His food. Such is the behavior of the Lord with His devotees
- When Subuddhi Raya consulted some other brahmanas, they told him that he had not committed a grievous fault and that consequently he should not drink hot ghee and give up his life. As a result, Subuddhi Raya was doubtful about what to do
- When the seeds (bija) of sinful reactions have not yet fructified, the reactions are called aprarabdha. These seeds of sinful action are unseen, but they are unlimited, and no one can trace when they were first planted
- When you become cent percent purified, then you go to the spiritual world. You haven't got to come back. That is also stated in the Bhagavad-gita
- Whenever there is something manufacturing, or creation, we do not find automatically some matter comes into being. We don't, we haven't such experience. Whenever there is anything manufactured or created, there is a person behind it
- Where is my difficulty? Haven't got to pay you something. I simply carry the message of Krsna. And Krsna says, na ca tasman manusyesu kascin me priya (BG 18.69). - He's My most beloved person, who does this thing
- Where is the evidence that a chunk explodes automatically? How nonsense theory it is. We haven't got experience. There is explosion of big, big mountains when there is dynamite, and the dynamite is given by some person
- While Sri Vyasadeva was following his son, beautiful young damsels who were bathing naked covered their bodies with cloth, although Sri Vyasadeva himself was not naked. But they had not done so when his son had passed
- Who has created this country, this vast land, the sky, the sea, the ocean? I have not created. So how can I claim that this is mine? I have come empty-handed from the womb of my mother, and I shall go empty-handed
- Why by chance one does not live forever? There is no such chance, sir. There is ruling. You cannot say, "Now here is a chance the man has not died." Where is that chance?
- Why I shall steal? There is enough food. But because I haven't got this knowledge that "God is the proprietor. I am His part and parcel, son. So if He has provided food for the elephant, who eats at a time forty kilos, I cannot eat?" This is knowledge
- Why should you be implicated in these material activities (becoming Rockefeller, Ford & Brahma)? Try to come to Me (Krsna), back to home, back to Godhead. Then you'll haven't got to return again in this material world. That is the highest perfection
- Why this simple philosophy these rascals cannot understand? I remember; I am not the second man. I am the same person, but I haven't got the same body. The whole world this simple philosophy cannot understand. Where is the difficulty
- Yamaraja continued: O lamenters, you are all fools! The person named Suyajna, for whom you lament, is still lying before you and has not gone anywhere. Then what is the cause for your lamentation?
- Yoga process means to come to the point of Krsna consciousness. But one who directly goes to Krsna consciousness, he hasn't got to practice this. But still, the practice is recommended
- You are brought up in a different standard in Europe and America, and in India it may be difficult because you haven't got all the facilities. But you learn tolerance. Execute Krsna consciousness. That should be our business
- You can say, "All right, I'll offer these fruits and flowers to God, but it is the same. It is remaining. How He is eating?" But His eating is not like my eating, because He hasn't got a body like this. This body is material
- You cannot create water. You cannot create earth. You cannot create fire. You cannot create ether. Nothing. So this body is pancabhuta, five elements. So you have not created; Krsna has created
- You have earned this, you have made this America so nice by tapasya, by austerity. It has not come out automatically. You have labored hard. That is called tapasya
- You have not got to stop your sensual activities, but now you are serving the senses by the dictation of the senses. Now, while you will serve the master of the senses, then your perfection will come
- You have not quoted any authority for all your statements. So it is more or less dogmatic. If different men put different dogmatic views about religion and its essentials who is to be accepted and who is not be
- You have not seen all this, and therefore you are inexperienced boys without advanced knowledge. How, then, will you create progeny?
- You have violated from the very beginning the orders of Christ, 'Thou shall not kill,' and you are killing, only killing. So what you have not done?
- You haven't got to do anything; simply try to chant the holy name of God. Then gradually everything will evolve within you, because within you everything is there. Simply you have to accept the process and everything will come out. Ceto-darpana-marjanam
- You haven't got to drive away darkness by some separate endeavor. You simply get the Krsna sun rise up, then your darkness will go out. This maya will go
- You haven't got to find out who is mahajana. The mahajana means who is following another mahajana, say follow Arjuna. He is mahajana
- You haven't got to follow blindly. Spiritual master will not place before you anything unreasonable. But the process is that you cannot change the order of spiritual master. You cannot argue
- You haven't got to learn from anywhere else but from God Himself. So that is explained very nicely in the Bhagavad-gita, sarva-dharman parityajya
- You haven't got to make such renunciation that you have to live underneath a tree or give up your dress, become naked. No. That is not... You have misunderstood. You should dress himself properly, you should eat properly
- You haven't got to manufacture something by your fertile brain, speculating. That is useless, nonsense. Simply you take what Krsna has said and preach it. You become a guru and you deliver the whole world
- You haven't got to restrain yourself completely, but if you dovetail yourself, nirbandhah, when it is in relation with Krsna, then your vairagya, your detachment, is approved
- You haven't got to spend any money for this chanting, neither we are charging. We are simply distributing this knowledge that, Chant Hare Krsna mantra, all problems will be solved
- You may think that you have to make improvement of your economic conditions, but actually the economic condition, what you have to enjoy, that is already there. You haven't got to endeavor
- You see aeroplane is going on. Then, after some time you see there is no aeroplane; it is the same sky. It has mixed up. It has not mixed up. Your eyes are defective. It appears like mixed up, but it cannot mixed up. The airplane is keeping its identity
- You started for London Yatra and now after one year it has taken a shape, similarly in Germany also it has taken a shape, but in Paris it has not taken as yet. Therefore World Samkirtan Party means to establish a center everywhere we go
- You surrender, then Krsna will take charge. Aham tvam sarva-papebhyo moksayisyami: "I shall give you release from all reaction." You haven't got to wait, that "First of all finish my business and suffering from sinful . . ." No
- You worship Me (Krsna). You haven't got to worship anyone else. - Mam ekam. The order is open. But we'll not do it. That is another thing. We'll not accept. But still, Krsna comes. When this dharma is disobeyed, Krsna comes
- Your knowledge has not benefited you. Our taking your so-called science has benefited you because you are using it for Krsna. You have worked so hard, so result is going to Krsna
- Your real mercy has been granted to Ramananda Raya and Vaninatha Raya, for You have detached them from all material opulence. I think that I have not been favored by such mercy