Category:Describing Human Society - videos
Pages in category "Describing Human Society - videos"
The following 132 pages are in this category, out of 132 total.
- A flower should be in the garden, but if somebody imagines the flower in the sky, it is something imaginary. So for a devotee, this heavenly promotion to the heavenly planet is just like a flower in the sky
- A greater mrdanga. We are chanting, playing our mrdanga. It is heard within this room or little more. But this mrdanga will go home to home, country to country, community to community, this mrdanga
- A sannyasi cannot meet his wife. A sannyasi is forbidden to go home
- A vaisya will find out some business. He'll find out some business. So there is a practical story
- According to Vedic civilization, there are four divisions of the society. Everywhere the same divisions are there all over the world. This is very natural. Just like we can study from our own body, there is head, there is arm, there is belly
- Actually if the monarch becomes Krsna conscious, actually becomes representative of Krsna, then the whole face of the kingdom will change. That is required. Our Krsna consciousness movement is for that purpose
- Arya-samaja does not mean to become rascal and fool and deny the existence of God. No. That is Anarya. Just like Krsna rebuked Arjuna: anarya-justa. "You are talking like anarya"
- Aryan, according to Aryan civilization as described in the Bhagavad-gita, there are four divisions inaugurated by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. As we have already explained, dharmam tu saksad bhagavat-pranitam
- Aryans means those who are advanced
- As soon as any of the disciples in the succession distort the knowledge, then it is lost
- As soon as we get a car, however rotten it may be, we think that it is very nice, and identify with that car
- Asrama means situation for spiritual cultivation
- At the present moment, as soon as one wants to be educated, he requires money. But in the Vedic society there is no question of money. Education free
- Because a ksatriya family, it is to be understood they must go on fighting. Even in their marriage there would be fighting. Without fighting, no marriage takes place in ksatriya family
- Because one happens to take birth in a brahmana family, without any qualification, he claims to become a brahmana. That is the falldown of Vedic civilization in India. A rascal number one, he's claiming that he's brahmana - without any qualification
- Bhakti means realization of God consciousness. And the symptom of God consciousness is that he is averse to all material activities. He has no interest
- Bhiksa is also sometimes prohibited from a person who is too much materialist. But bhiksa is allowed for sannyasis, for brahmana
- Brahmana is meant for doing the brain work. He will give advice. Just like we, Krsna consciousness movement, we are not meant for the ksatriya's or vaisya's business, the devotees, but if required they can take. But real business is brahmana's business
- By the grace of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu you are taking sannyasa, some of you. Keep it very perfectly and go from town to town, city to city, village to village, all over the world and spread this Krsna consciousness movement so that everyone will be happy
- Dancing girl, when she was on the stage, she saw that her relatives are there as visitors. So she began to draw the veil. So this is not required. You are a dancing girl. Now you have to dance. You cannot be shy. You must freely dance. That is your duty
- Dependence is not bad if there is dependence on the proper place
- Devahuti's position is a perfect woman. She got good father, she got good husband, and she got excellent son. So woman has got three stages in life. Man has got ten stages
- Dictatorship is good, provided the dictator is highly qualified spiritually. That is the Vedic verdict
- Don't make it a stool society. You see? Make it a honey society. At least, give chance, those who are seeking after honey. Don't cheat people. So they'll come
- Draupadi prayed, "Krsna, if You like, You can save." So this is the position. So long we try to save ourself, then that is not very good. If you simply depend on Krsna, "Krsna, if You save me, that is all right. Otherwise kill me, as You like"
- Even a Vaisnava acarya, what he is doing, even the most expert intelligent man cannot understand why he is doing this. Therefore we should not try to imitate the higher authorities, but we have to follow
- Even in the animals, there are divisions. Swan class and crow class. Natural division. The crow will not go to the swan. The swan will not go to the crow. Similarly in the human society, there are crow class men and swan class men
- Even in your house there is a serpent, see that he is not fasting without food. This is the spiritual communism. They are now after communism, but they do not know what is communism. Everyone will be taken care of. That is communism, real communism
- Every conditioned soul has natural inclination. Pravrtti. But one has to control that. That is human life. If you put yourself in the waves of natural inclination, that is not human life. You have to restrict
- Every living entity has accepted a material body. Therefore they are called dehi. So dehinam, every dehi, because he has accepted this material body, he's always full of anxiety
- Every living entity is a child of God. God is the Supreme Father. Krsna says: "I am the seed-giving father of all living entities. In whichever form they may live, they're all living entities, they're My sons." Actually that is the fact
- Everyone should give up family connection at a certain age, after the age of 50. One should not remain in family life. That is Vedic culture
- Here it is said that the supreme predominating Deity is Krsna, in the spiritual, in the topmost planet in the spiritual sky. This is material sky. In the material sky this is one of the universes. There are millions and trillions of universes
- Human society must be divided into four classes of men. Just like in our body, there are four different departments: the brain department, the hand department, the belly department, and the leg department. You require all these
- Humbleness is very good in devotional service
- I am old man. I will die. If they take it seriously, it will go on, and there will be revolution. Because we are not working whimsically, capriciously. We are taking authoritative version from the sastra
- I am speaking simply what the Supreme Personality of Godhead has said. I'm just repeating the same words. That's all. Don't think that I am speaking. I am simply instrument. Real speaker is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is without and within
- I have got hundreds and thousands of servants who I haven't got to pay. This is spiritual relationship
- I may control my disciples, but I am controlled by somebody else, by my spiritual master. So nobody can say that "I am the absolute controller"
- I say, "Please obey God. Please try to love God." That is my mission. And I give the way how to love God very easily. How to love, provided you agree
- I will never die, I shall live for my books, and you will utilize
- If a person who is working in the factory, if you stop sex, he cannot work. And when he's unable to enjoy sex life, then he takes intoxication. This is material life. So energy must be there. Here in the material world the energy is sex
- If one spark falls on your body, on your garment, it burns. But it is not as powerful as the big fire. Similarly, God is all powerful. God is great. We are part and parcel of God. Therefore, our greatness is very, very small, infinitesimal. God is great
- If you keep divine association, then your consciousness is made divine
- In India, although a person born in a brahmana family, but his guna, qualities, are less than sudra, but still he's being accepted as a brahmana. That is the difficulty. Therefore, India's condition is so chaotic
- In order to keep smooth facilities for human life, there must be four divisions. If you say that "We don't require brahmana." If you don't require brahmana, then you'll suffer
- In our society, you are all Godbrothers, Godsisters. Or those who are married, they are like mothers. So you should be very careful. Then you will remain dhira, sober
- In the absolute status there is no difference between one thing to another. That is the absolute status. So the Lord being absolute, there is no difference between His name and Himself
- Inside, we should be pure, purely thinking, no contamination. We should not think anyone as my enemy
- It is not that the previous acaryas and others, they did not know what is airplane, what is speed, how to run. Don't think foolishly, as if they have manufactured. It is nothing, not even third-, not even fourth-class, tenth-class
- Killing affair is very prominent in the Christian world. They are maintaining slaughterhouse very regularly, and they have manufactured a theory that animals have no soul, they do not feel - because they have to kill. "Give the dog a bad name and hang it"
- Krsna consciousness movement is trying to create at least one section first-class men so that people may see, "Oh, here are ideal men"
- Krsna consciousness movement means solution of all problems. Teaching people not to become sinful. Because a sinful man cannot become Krsna conscious. To become Krsna conscious means that he has to give up his sinful activities
- Krsna consciousness movement means to approach the original Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna. This is Krsna consciousness. Directly
- Krsna consciousness movement means we have to give up this nonsense idea of becoming master
- Krsna has got loving propensities with His pleasure potency, Srimati Radharani. Similarly, because we are part and parcel of Krsna, we have also got this loving propensity
- Krsna is first-class, His devotees are also first-class. The trees, the birds, the cows, and the calves are all first-class. Therefore it is called absolute. No conception of relative, second-class, third-class, fourth-class
- Krsna said, bhaktya mam abhijanati. Never said that "I can be understood by yogic process or by karma, by jnana." The modern politicians, they stress on karma because they want to work hard like hogs and dogs
- Krsna's business is meant for everyone. We therefore welcome everyone. There is no distinction. "Come here and chant," loka-hitam. And a sadhu, a saintly person should always think of loka-hitam. That is the difference between sadhu and ordinary man
- Lazy foolish is foolish but he's lazy, he'll not do so harm. But the busy foolish he'll simply create harm. At the present the population is busy foolish. So we are creating lazy intelligent. An intelligent man must be lazy
- Lord Caitanya's mission - that the only lovable object is Krsna and His land Vrndavana
- Man is rational. Man is animal, but rational animal. The special gift to man is that he can decide what is good, what is bad. He has got an extra knowledge than the animals
- Milk is nothing but transformation of the blood. So instead of taking the blood, take the transformation and live nicely, like honest gentlemen. No. They are not even gentlemen. Rogues, uncivilized
- Mind cannot be detached. We have got so many desires. So mind's business - to become attached. Therefore, I accept something, I reject something. This is mind's business. So you cannot become zero, you cannot become desireless. That is not possible
- Monkey's business is simply waste of time. He's very busy. You'll find always busy. So the busy fool is dangerous. There are four classes of men: lazy intelligent, busy intelligent, lazy fool and busy fool. So first-class man is lazy intelligent
- My idea is to preach Krsna consciousness. Because for want of this knowledge, our mission of human life is failing all over the world. Therefore, I am trying to introduce this KC all over the world, without any distinction of caste, creed, color
- Naisthika-brahmacari - throughout the life, celibacy. But that is not possible in this age, neither it is possible to become a brahmacari. The time is changed, this age. Therefore you can control your lusty desire by Krsna consciousness
- Nobody will marry the husband who has married sixty-four times
- Now these same two brothers (Krsna and Balarama) have again descended, as Sri Krsna Caitanya-Nityananda. Sahoditau: simultaneously They have appeared. Not that one is appeared, another is not there. No. Both of Them
- One who cannot understand Krsna, what is Krsna, which Vyasadeva has described what is Krsna in nine cantos, to understand Krsna, and then in the Tenth Canto he begins the birth advent of Krsna
- Our boys & girls, they are all engaged in Krsna consciousness business, in temple work, painting, typing, recording, so many things. And they are happy. They are not going to cinema, they are not going to club, they are not drinking, they are not smoking
- Our business should be not to associate with the material qualities. Even up to goodness. Material quality, goodness means the brahminical quality. Sattva sama damas titiksa. So devotional service is transcendental
- Out of many, many thousands and millions of people, one takes to the scientific institute of varnasrama-dharma. That means followers of the Vedas, strictly
- Science means that you advance in knowledge so that your miserable condition of life can be reduced, minimized. That is science. Otherwise, what is this science? They are simply promising; "In future." "But what you are delivering just now, sir?"
- So far Krsna consciousness is concerned, we equally distribute. There is no such thing that "Oh, you are woman, less intelligent or more intelligent. Therefore you cannot come." We don't say that. We welcome women, men, poor, rich, everyone
- So many rascals come, they challenge, "Can you show me God?" So... Yes. We can show you God, provided you have got the eyes. God can be seen by different type of eyes. Not these eyes. That is stated in the sastra
- Some new boys come, and as soon as they are given some work, not very good for sense gratification, they go away. That means they are not prepared. It is better they may go away
- Sometimes in disguise the king used to see whether this varnasrama-dharma is being maintained, properly being observed, whether somebody is simply wasting time like hippies
- Spiritual world means there is no work. There is simply ananda, joyfulness. That you see from reading Krsna book. They're not working. Krsna is going with the calves and the cows. That is not working. That is amusement
- Technology means sudra. Technology is not the business of a brahmana, ksatriya, or vaisya. No. Just like blacksmith, goldsmith, carpenter, craftsman. These are technology. They are meant for the sudras
- That is the defect of Western civilization. Vox populi, taking opinion of the public. But what is the value of this public? Drunkards, smokers, meat-eaters, woman-hunters
- That is the fact. It is a revolutionary movement. We are challenging everyone that "You are all set of asses and cows and animals, because you have no knowledge beyond this body"
- The aim is how to improve spiritual life. That is grhastha-asrama. And one who has no such aim, he simply wants to enjoy the senses, and for that purpose he's decorating the house, decorating the wife, children - that is called grhamedhi
- The animal propensity - he is seeing his wife daily naked, and still he is going to see naked dance, and paying some fees. Because they have no engagement except this animalism. Is it not?
- The conclusion is that everyone should take to this Krsna consciousness movement; otherwise, he is awaiting punishment by Yamaraja
- The economic development's cow killing. Just see, rascal civilization. Don't be sorry. It is Sastra. Don't think that I am criticizing the Western civilization. It is sastra says. Very experienced
- The king is responsible. The government is responsible that any one of his subject, either animal or man, he is not disturbed; he feels secure of his property, of his person. And it is the duty of ksatriya to save, to protect
- The kings were governed by first-class brahmanas, sages. The brahmanas should not take part in the management of the government, but they would advise the ksatriya kings that "You rule over the citizens like this"
- The more you develop your consciousness, the more you become a freedom lover
- The spiritual master will say that "You work like this." So that should be determined. That is karma, guna-karma. Spiritual master sees that he has these qualities. That is natural
- The Vedic civilization is varnasrama-dharma. If the varnasrama-dharma is not properly protected, then there will be population who are called varna-sankara, mixed population
- The Western philosophy is hedonism, that eat, drink, be merry and enjoy
- There are so many things to understand from Srimad-Bhagavatam, full knowledge, all knowledge, as it is required by the human society. So we have to study from all angles of vision, not simply by sentiment. This is Srimad-Bhagavatam
- They cannot stop death, neither birth, nor old age, nor disease. And during the short period of life, birth and death, they are making big, big buildings, and next time he is becoming one rat within the buildings
- This description of the Kali-yuga is given in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. This is called sastra. This Srimad-Bhagavatam was written five thousand years ago when the Kali-yuga was to begin. Now, what will happen in future, everything is given there
- This is the business of the disciple, how to glorify the spiritual master, parampara. I glorify my spiritual master, you glorify your spiritual master. If we simply do that, glorify, then Krsna is glorified
- This is the purpose of Krsna consciousness movement: wholesale, thorough, overhauling of the human society. We have not manufactured anything, concocted things. It is very scientific
- This Krsna consciousness movement is on the spiritual platform, above body, mind and intelligence. But actually, we should come to that platform, because we are spirit soul, we are neither this body nor this mind nor this intelligence
- To make the whole human society happy, this God consciousness movement must spread
- Tongue should be used always for glorifying the Supreme Lord. That is our business with the tongue. And the tongue should not be allowed to eat anything except krsna-prasada. Then you become liberated, simply by controlling the tongue
- Two energies are working in this material world: the spiritual energy and the material energy
- Unfortunately, the modern civilization, they do not know what is vimoksaya. They're so blind. They do not know that there is some position which is called vimoksaya. They do not know. They do not know what is next life
- Unless you change the society, how you can make social welfare? If you keep them as it is, then where is the question of welfare?
- We are all recklessly wasteful sons of God
- We are not introducing caste system, that any rascal born in a brahmana family, he becomes a brahmana. We don't accept that. A man who is first-class trained up to become a brahmana, we accept him. It doesn't matter whether he is India, Europe or America
- We are small gods, we can say, small gods. Teeny, sample gods. Therefore, we are so much proud. But we should not be proud because we should know that all our qualities are taken from God
- We can convert the crows into swans. That is our philosophy. One who was crow is now swimming like swan. That we can do
- We have the tendency of controlling over the material nature, lording it over the material nature, but we are not the supreme controller. So that thing is explained in the Bhagavad-gita
- We have to become dhira from adhira. But this Krsna consciousness movement is so nice that adhira can be dhira. This is the profit of this movement
- We have to follow the footprints of the acaryas. Mahajano yena gatah sa panthah. We cannot understand higher things unless we follow the footprint of great personalities
- Whatever department of knowledge or whatever department of activities you are engaged in, it doesn't matter. But if you can find out the Supreme by your pursuit of knowledge, that is your perfection
- Whatever you do, it must have some relationship with the satisfaction of Krsna. If Krsna is satisfied, then you act. That is Krsna consciousness
- When British rule came, their Lord Macaulay's private report was that "If you want to keep them as Indian Hindu, you will never be able to rule over." So it was British government's policy to condemn everything Indian
- When I came to your country I saw that taking bath is also difficult thing. Taking bath, that is also not in practice. Perhaps once in a week. We are accustomed to see in India thrice in a day
- When one is in goodness, he's sober. He can understand what is the value of life, how one should live, what is the aim of life, what is the goal of life. That goal of life is to understand Brahman
- When the soul misuses the independence, then he falls down. That is material life. Material life means misusing the independence of soul
- Whichever asrama is suitable for you, you accept, but sincere. Don't be hypocrite
- Why there are dissimilarities? One man is born millionaires; another man is born, he cannot even have full meals twice a day, although he's struggling very hard. Why this discrimination
- Why we offer our respect to mother? Because when you are helpless, we cannot eat anything, the mother supplies milk from the breast. Mother means who supplies the food
- You are lamenting because a few yards of land has been taken away from your country as Pakistan, but if you spread this Krsna consciousness movement, the whole world will become Hindustan. There is such potency; I give you my direct perception
- You are taking this pledge for serving (as a sannyasi) in front of Krsna, Vaisnava, guru and fire. So you shall be very much cautious not to forget your duty
- You cannot expect any happiness guided by the fourth-class men. That is not possible. Therefore throughout the whole world there is chaotic condition. Nobody is happy. So this is essential that the human society must be divided into four divisions
- You don't require any education for this karma. They are making big, big plans to educate people how to work hard. This is waste of time. Educational institution should be for teaching people how to become Krsna conscious, not to become this or that
- You have got fourth-class, tenth-class culture. How you'll understand the culture of becoming meek and humble?
- You have stolen the property of God, and you are claiming that it is your property
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