Category:Human Society
"human society"
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Pages in category "Human Society"
The following 788 pages are in this category, out of 788 total.
- Human society (BG)
- Human society (CC)
- Human society (Conversations 1968 - 1973)
- Human society (Conversations 1974 - 1975)
- Human society (Conversations 1976 -1977)
- Human society (Lectures, BG)
- Human society (Lectures, General)
- Human society (Lectures, Other)
- Human society (Lectures, SB cantos 1 - 2)
- Human society (Lectures, SB cantos 3 - 12)
- Human society (Letters 1949 - 1969)
- Human society (Letters 1970 - 1977)
- Human society (SB cantos 1 - 3)
- Human society (SB cantos 4 - 7)
- Human society (SB cantos 8 - 12)
- Aim of human society
- As soon as a male & female combine, material bondage is tightly interlocked by sex, as a result their attraction for home, motherland, offspring, society & friendship & accumulation of wealth becomes the illusory field of activities
- Culture of human society
- Duty of the human society
- How do you know that animals have no souls? Animals and children are of the same nature. Does this mean that the children of human society also have no souls?
- Institutional function of human society
- Real human society
- A child’s propensity is to play all day long, but it is the injunction of the sastras that the parents should take care to educate him. The sastras are there just to guide the activities of human society
- A civilization that commits such sinful activities (offenses at the lotus feet of the devotees and brahmanas) generally loses all faith in the Supreme Lord, and such a godless civilization becomes the source of all calamities in human society
- A cow gives forty pounds, fifty pounds milk daily, but it does not drink. Although it is her milk, no, it gives you, human society: "You take. But don't kill me. Let me live. I am eating only grass." Just see. And the civilized men killing them
- A devotee is always free from all bad association. Sometimes one is praised and sometimes one is defamed; that is the nature of human society. But a devotee is always transcendental to artificial fame and infamy, distress or happiness. BG 1972 purports
- A devotee is the friend not only of human society but of all living entities, for he sees all living entities as sons of Godhead. He does not claim himself to be the only son of God and allow all others to be killed, thinking that they have no soul
- A great saint, the father of Srila Vyasadeva, Parasara Muni, has specifically mentioned that devotional service to the Lord can ultimately be awakened in human society by the discharge of duties in accordance with the varnasrama system
- A human society is meant for elevation to spiritual knowledge so that all of the people can be freed from the clutches of birth, death, old age and disease
- A person coming out from the lowest grade of human society, sva-paca, candala, if he's a Vaisnava, he can become guru. This is the verdict of the sastra
- A person is born in one of three categories, known as deva-gana, manusya-gana and raksasa-gana. In different parts of the universe there are demigods and demons, and in human society also some people resemble demigods whereas others resemble demons
- A person who is constantly engaged in reading literature enunciating the cultivation of Vaisnava devotional service is always glorious in human society, and certainly Lord Krsna becomes pleased with him
- A rough estimate is that the Gita was spoken at least 120,400,000 years ago; and in human society it has been extant for two million years
- A system of human civilization that does not promote varna and asrama is nothing but a polished animal society. Indulgence in sex life by a man or woman living single is never acceptable in human society
- A Vaisnava is described as being para-duhkha-duhkhi, very much aggrieved by the sufferings of others. As such, a Vaisnava engages in activities for the real welfare of human society
- A Vaisnava is transcendental even to a brahmana. In the material conception, the position of a brahmana is the highest in human society, but a Vaisnava is transcendental even to a brahmana. Both the brahmana and Vaisnava are spiritually advanced
- According to our human society, the youthful life begins at sixteen years. So Krsna is like that. He'll look always sixteen to twenty years old, not more than that. We have never seen Krsna has become old
- According to smrti regulation, the cow is the mother and the bull the father of the human being. The cow is the mother because just as one sucks the breast of one's mother, human society takes cow's milk
- According to the 3 modes of material nature & the work ascribed to them, the 4 divisions of human society were created by Me (Krsna). &, although I am the creator of this system, you should know that I am yet the non-doer, being unchangeable - BG 4.13
- According to the three modes of material nature & the work ascribed to them, the four divisions of human society were created by Me. Although I am the creator of this system, you should know that I am yet the non-doer, being unchangeable. BG 4.13 - 1972
- According to the three modes of material nature and the work ascribed to them, the four divisions of human society were created by Me (Krsna). And, although I am the creator of this system, you should know that I am yet the non-doer, being unchangeable
- According to Vedic civilization the king is supposed to be the representative of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He is called nara-narayana, indicating that Narayana, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, appears in human society as the king
- According to Vedic system, unless the human society comes to the institution of varnasrama-dharma, they are not to be accepted as human society. The system, the whole system was to gradually educate people to be elevated to the spiritual platform
- Actually we are engaged in human society for economic development, for advancement of so many things - actually, for eating, sleeping, mating and defending. Whatever we do, these four things are there
- Actually we are pledged to give something substantial to the human society. This is our mission. We are not that group, that showing some magic and take some fees, it is not our business
- Adharma, Irreligion, was also a son of Brahma, and he married his sister Mrsa. This is the beginning of sex life between brother and sister. This unnatural combination of sex life can be possible in human society only where there is Adharma, or Irreligion
- Advancement of learning, a charitable disposition, political, social or religious leadership of human society, philosophical speculations, the practice of the yoga system, expertise in the Vedic rituals
- Advancement of material science without God consciousness is a heavy load on the head of human society, and so one must take heed of this great warning
- After accepting the feature of avadhuta, a great saintly person without material cares, Lord Rsabhadeva passed through human society like a blind, deaf and dumb man, an idle stone, a ghost or a madman
- After hearing only once from Their teacher, Krsna and Balarama learned all the arts and sciences. In sixty-four days and sixty-four nights, They learned all the necessary arts and sciences required in human society
- After their (Four Kumaras) birth, when they were ordered by their father to become householders and increase human society, they refused the order
- After this, Vasudeva had his sons initiated by sacred thread as the token of second birth, which is essential for the higher castes of human society
- All of human society is in such a dangerous position that to be rescued it must abide by the standard instructions of the Vedas. The cream of these instructions appears in the form of Bhagavad-gita
- All of human society is terribly contaminated. The people of this age are therefore described as mandah sumanda-matayo manda-bhagya hy upadrutah - SB 1.1.10
- All of them (the demigods, semi-demigods, Gandharvas, humans and asuras) have their respective conceptions and estimations of the Absolute Truth, as does the scientist or the empiric philosopher in human society
- All of this (enjoyment of the five sense objects) is also very pleasing to the animals; therefore in human society there are restrictions in the enjoyment of the five sense objects. If one does not follow, he becomes exactly like an animal
- All the acaryas who voluntarily accepted the renounced order of life aimed at benefiting human society
- All the Manus offered their prayers as follows: As Your order carriers, we are the law-givers for human society, but because of the temporary supremacy of this great demon, Hiranyakasipu, our laws for maintaining varnasrama-dharma were destroyed
- All the necessities of life that human society requires are supplied by the demigod agents of the Lord. No one can manufacture anything
- All the saintly sages decided to kill King Vena, who was so dreadful and dangerous to all human society. We can appreciate the extent to which the saintly sages actually controlled the king
- All these qualities (described in BG 10.4-5) are manifest throughout the universe in human society and in the society of the demigods. There are many forms of humanity on other planets, and these qualities are there. BG 1972 purports
- Although a saintly person may not expose himself to the vision of human society, by his behavior his purpose is disclosed. To human society he should present himself like a restless child
- Although in human society such activities (rape and theft) are considered abominable, the demigod Indra was not considered to be degraded by them
- Although Mayavadi philosophers say that the material creation is false, actually it is not false; it is factual, but the idea that everything belongs to human society is false
- Amongst the animals, amongst the birds, there is no contraceptive method. They are increasing their population, and they are being fed by God. So why in the human society the population theory is so acute?
- An intelligent man in human society should make his own program of activities very simple
- Animalistic envy exists in human society as long as there is no performance of sankirtana-yajna, the chanting of the holy names - Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
- Any man from any social status becomes a well-known man in human society within a very short time if he is simply glorified truly or falsely in the daily newspapers
- Any sane man would have prevented him from doing such great harm to all human society. By killing a king like Maharaja Pariksit, just to make a show of acquired brahminical power, the inexperienced son of a brahmana committed a great mistake
- Anyone who is preaching the confidential message of the Gita to the people in general is so dear to Krsna that no one can be equal with him in human society
- Arjuna was in perfect knowledge, yet Krsna instructed him for our benefit. Arjuna requested Krsna's instructions, which are set forth for all human society
- As a great follower and devotee of the sage Narada, Maharaja Priyavrata considered hellish the opulences he had achieved by dint of fruitive activities and mystic power, whether in the lower or heavenly planetary systems or in human society
- As confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.13), the four orders of human society developed with the order of the body of the gigantic form. The bodily divisions are the mouth, arms, waist and legs
- As described before, the sastra-vidhim, or the direction of the sastra, is given to the different castes and orders of human society. Everyone is expected to follow these rules and regulations. BG 1972 purports
- As explained in the First Canto, the less intelligent persons of the age of Kali would be not only short-lived, but also perplexed with so many problems of life due to the awkward situation of the godless human society
- As human society is presently structured, there is sufficient production of grains all over the world. Therefore the opening of slaughterhouses cannot be supported
- As Kali-yuga advances, human beings will be just like animals. At that time, in order to reform human society, Lord Krsna will come in the form of the Kalki avatara
- As long as human society continues to allow cows to be regularly killed in slaughterhouses, there cannot be any question of peace and prosperity
- As long as human society is in darkness and ignorance, men will continue to make huge arrangements in the bodily conception of life. This is described by Prahlada Maharaja as bharam
- As long as human society works on the basis of false material identification, all the so-called advancements of science and philosophy are simply useless. They only serve to mislead human society. In the material world, the blind simply lead the blind
- As stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 11.5.41): One who has fully surrendered to the lotus feet of the Lord is no longer a debtor to his forefathers, the great sages, human society, the common man or any living entity
- As the ideal Supreme Personality, He (Krsna) fulfilled the desires of everyone, from the brahmanas, the highest persons in human society, down to the ordinary living entities, including the lowest of men
- As the supreme teacher of human society, He teaches His own way of activities, and thus He inaugurates the real path of religion. I request everyone to follow Him
- As there are different classes of men in human society, some pious and virtuous and some impious and sinful, so also among trees and birds there are the pious and the impious
- As there are four divisions within our body - the head, the arms, the belly and the legs - similarly, human society, taken as a whole, is divided into four classes of men according to their material qualities and occupational duties
- Asses also feel very respectable as a race, and when they run in flocks hither and thither in so-called jollity, it is understood to be a bad sign for human society
- At least a certain percentage of the human society must be brahmin, otherwise the society cannot make any progress in spiritual life. And if we cannot make progress in spiritual life, then our human life is frustrated
- At least if we keep a section of people ideal to the human society, they will be guided. At the present moment, there is no ideal section. Everyone is rascal, demons, rogues, everything. There is no ideal character
- At least the brahmanas, the priestly heads of religion, the king and the public leader, they should stop these four sinful activities. The leaders of the society, they must be sinless. Then the human society will make nice progress
- At present, human society is specifically cultivating the mode of ignorance (tamo-guna), although there may also be some symptoms of passion - rajo-guna
- At the present age, this human society, although they are coming from the Aryan family, very nice family, but due to association the only environment is there's woman and intoxication, meat-eating, and gambling
- At the present moment all human society is laboring under the bodily conception; therefore in the sastras people in this age are referred to as dvipada-pasu, two-legged animals. No one can be happy in a civilization conducted by such animals
- At the present moment human society is overly influenced by the mode of passion, and consequently people are engaged in working in big factories. They forget how distressful it is to live in such places
- At the present moment the human society teaches one to love his country or family or his personal self, but there is no information where to repose the loving propensity so that everyone can become happy
- At the present moment, all of human society is engaged in the business of chewing the chewed. People are prepared to undergo mrtyu-samsara-vartmani (BG 9.3), taking birth in one form, dying, accepting another form and dying again
- At the present moment, the entire world is full of foolish people. Bhagavad-gita describes these people as mudhas. They are trying to rule human society, but because they are devoid of spiritual knowledge, the entire world is in a chaotic condition
- At the present moment, the human society has been educated to love his country or family or one's personal self, but they have no information where to repose the loving propensity so that everyone can become happy
- Atheistic men generally say, yata mata tata patha. According to this view, there are hundreds and thousands of different opinions in human society, and each opinion is a valid religious principle
- Awaken their Krsna consciousness. - That is Krsna consciousness movement. It is the best welfare activities to the human society
- Balarama again turned toward Rukmini and informed her that the current duty of the ksatriya in human society is so fixed that, according to the principles of fighting, one's own brother may become an enemy
- Because he has taken to the principle of atheism, all these educational qualification, his brain is utilized for doing something harmful to the human society
- Because human society is poverty-stricken and men are devoid of Vedic knowledge and the power to chant the Vedic mantras, the Hare Krsna maha-mantra is the only shelter. People should be intelligent enough to chant it
- Because Lord Ramacandra descended to teach human society how dutiful a king should be, He apparently gave up the company of mother Sita and Laksmana. Factually, however, He could not have given them up
- Because milk is very essential food for the human society, therefore cow protection is the duty of the human society
- Because such betrayals (betraying the confidence of a living entity who takes shelter of him in good faith) now go unpunished by the government, all of human society is terribly contaminated
- Because the human society is in chaos, a chaotic condition. There must be division of four classes. One class must be brahmana, intelligent class of men. And one should be ksatriya, one class, the administrator
- Because they do not seriously discuss nowadays the religious propensity, tendency of the human society decreases. It has become a also money-making business
- Because they have no brain to understand what is God. So in the human society, if there is no brahmana who can teach about God, who can elevate persons to God consciousness, then it is also animal society
- Before the birth of Manu, the Gita was spoken by the Lord to His disciple, the sun-god Vivasvan, a rough estimate is that the Gita was spoken at least 120,400,000 years ago; and in human society it has been extant for two million years. BG 1972 purports
- Below human beings are the animals, although some of them mingle with human society; cows, horses, dogs, etc., are habituated to living under the protection of human beings
- Bhagavad-gita and all the Vedic literatures fully explain that the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, appears in human society as an ordinary human being but acts very uncommonly for the well-being of the entire world
- Bhagavad-gita existed in the human society from the time of Maharaja Iksvaku - Mahabharata (Santi-parva 348.51-52). BG 1972 purports
- Brahmana means Vaisnava. After one becomes a brahmana, the next stage of development in human society is to become a Vaisnava
- Brahminical culture means the social position in which everyone is assisted to elevate himself to the highest position of understanding the position and the constitution of the soul. That should be the aim of human society
- Brhaspati wanted to have a sexual relationship with his brother's pregnant wife. This can happen even in the society of the higher demigods, so what to speak of human society?
- By appearing in human society and exhibiting His pastimes as a human being, Krsna definitely showed that there was not a single personality greater than He
- By not becoming God conscious, human society is deteriorating to the lowest standard of animal life
- By serving God, nobody is loser. He serves himself, he serves his country, he serves his family, he serves the human society, he serves the living entity - everyone
- By the inconceivable potency of the Lord, He can move in human society or any other society of living beings and yet remain the same omnipotent Lord, without deviating in the slightest from His transcendental position
- By this act (teaching King Indra a lesson) Lord Krsna taught human society, as He has instructed in the Bhagavad-gita also, that one should worship the Supreme Lord by all acts and by all their results. That will bring about the desired success
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu says, "I am not a brahmana. I am not a ksatriya. I am not a vaisya. I am not a sudra," because the material human society designation is the varnasrama according to Vedic civilization
- Caitanya said, "Pure love for Krsna, just like gold from the Jambu River, does not exist in human society. If it existed, there could not be separation. If separation were there, one could not live"
- Candalas means the dog-eaters. In the human society, the division of higher class and lower class is determined by the standard of eating. So first-class men, just like brahmin, Vaisnava, they eat very purified prasadam
- Catura means very intelligent. Only the first-class intelligent men in the human society, they can take to Krsna consciousness, not even second class, what to speak of the third class?
- Ceremonial shows of religiosity are not accepted as genuine. They are all in the mode of darkness; they produce a demoniac mentality and do not benefit human society. BG 1972 purports
- Child is the father of man, so the basic principle of any type of life is to instruct to the children from the very beginning. Krishna Consciousness. Children grow to be the topmost leaders of the human society
- Covering the glories of the Supreme Lord, Mayavadi philosophers have done the greatest disservice to human society. It is to counteract these most abominable activities of the Mayavadi philosophers that Caitanya has introduced the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- Cow is not very beautiful. (laughter) (break) the human society the Jews are most beautiful. Is it a fact? Jews? Yehudi
- Cow protection is very, very essential in human society because it gives the milk, the miracle food. You can prepare hundreds and thousands of preparation, all not only delicious, but brain-maintaining. You can get good brain
- Devotees of the Personality of Godhead never ask any benediction from Lord Visnu, or Krsna, and even if they ask something from the Lord, it is not at all dangerous for human society
- Devotional service, beginning with the chanting of the holy name of the Lord, is the ultimate religious principle for the living entity in human society
- Dharma is meant for the human society. The animal society, they have no, nothing to do about religion, neither they know what is religion, what is this body, what is soul. It is not their business. Dharma is the business of the human society
- Disparity in human society is due to lack of principles in a godless civilization
- Do not take this movement as a sectarian, religious movement. It is practically a movement to bestow the essential knowledge of life to the human society
- Don't misunderstand us, that "It is a religious sect." No. We are not religious sect. We are cultural sect. We are giving the highest culture to the human society, to awaken his lost consciousness
- Each (community in human society and in the animal kingdom) is to work in cooperation for the total benefit of all society, which includes not only animate objects but also inanimate objects like hills and land
- Either you follow Christianity or Vedic principle of Mohammedan religion or even Buddha religion, there is conception of God. There is an attempt to understand God. That is human society
- Especially in India, this ideal life of human society should be inaugurated. We should not imitate the Western people, who are now dwindling
- Especially in this age, human society is covered by the mode of ignorance, and therefore everyone thinks his present body to be everything, without consideration of the past or future
- Even among animals there are natural divisions. The crows will not go to the swans, and the swans will not go to the crows. Similarly, in human society there are men who are like crows and men who are like swans
- Even if you are going to get body next life, you must have a better body. Or the best thing is that you must have an eternal body. If such solution is there, why the human society should neglect it? That is their foolishness
- Even in human society the inhabitants of the jungles or the deserts are different from those of the cities and villages. They are so made according to different qualities of the modes of nature. Such adjustment by the laws of nature is not blind
- Even in the animals, there are divisions. Swan class and crow class. Natural division. The crow will not go to the swan. The swan will not go to the crow. Similarly in the human society, there are crow class men and swan class men
- Even the dog knows how to use sex life. It doesn't require a Freud's philosophy. But the rascal human society, they are thinking that "Here is a big philosopher. He is writing about sex"
- Even though the Lord appears before us as Lord Krsna or Lord Ramacandra and lives in human society as a leader or king, the conditioned soul cannot understand Him
- Even though there are so many charitable institutions, poverty has not been driven from human society
- Every Indian has to perfect his life by accepting the Vedic principle and distribute it to the whole world. - This is the best welfare activities in the human society
- Everyone in human society is a manava, or descendant from Manu, but Dhruva Maharaja is a distinguished manava because he is a great devotee
- Everyone in human society is engaged for the ultimate benefit of life, but persons who are in the bodily conception cannot achieve the ultimate goal, nor can they understand what it is
- Everyone is asking about the news and the morning paper, and everyone is concerned with going to the market and purchasing so many goods for cheaper prices. All this is going on in human society and in cat and dog society also
- Everyone is feeling the resultant pinpricks of Kali-yuga brought about by human society’s indulging in illicit sex, meat-eating, gambling and intoxication
- Everyone is full of anxiety. Not only human society but also bird society, beast society - everyone. Anyone who has got this material body, he's full of anxiety. But we want to get free from anxieties. That is our aspiration.
- Everyone is important, but some are directly responsible for the advancement of human society and some are only indirectly responsible. However, when Krsna consciousness is there, then everyone's total benefit is taken care of
- Everyone is inventing so many methods. Consequently human society has lost the standard ways of life, both materially and spiritually, and as a result people are bewildered, and there is no peace or happiness in the world
- Everyone is more or less proud of his opulence in this world, but when Lord Krsna was in human society, He excelled all His contemporaries within the universe
- Everyone should follow the instructions of the brahmanas, for their only business is to spread sabda-brahma, Vedic knowledge, all over the world. Whenever there is a scarcity of brahmanas to spread Vedic knowledge, chaos throughout human society results
- Everyone should know that there are two kinds of diseases in human society. One disease, which is called adhyatmika, or material disease, pertains to the body, but the main disease is spiritual
- Everyone thinks, in terms of individual capacity, that this universe, which is manifested before us, is all in all. And so the scientist in the human society of the twentieth century calculates the beginning and end of the universe in his own way
- Extended selfishness is manifested in human society and centers around the family, society, community, nation and world with a view to gross bodily comfort
- Factually all human society is following this path - of earning money and gratifying the senses
- Famine is not due to an increase in population, as less intelligent economists think. When human society is grateful to the Lord for all His gifts for the maintenance of the living entities, then there is certainly no scarcity or want in society
- Fathers and mothers have protective feelings for their children even in bird and beast society, not to speak of human society
- First of all varna. And asrama, then, when the varna is perfectly in order, then asrama. Asrama is specially meant for spiritual advancement, and varna is general division. It must be there in the human society, or they're on the animals
- First-class men, they should cultivate knowledge to guide the human society, brahmana. Sama dama titiksa (BG 18.42). They should learn, ideal men. Under their advice. . . Brahmana is considered to be the guru of other sections: ksatriya, vaisya, sudra
- Five thousand years ago, when the social status of human society was in perfect Vedic order, the yoga process mentioned herein was a common affair for everyone
- Following the real religious principle means sad-dharma. That is lokanam hita-karinau, the greatest benefit to the human society - to stop their repetition of birth and death
- Foolish people cannot understand the situation, and this is called ignorance, illusion, or the spell of maya. Human society should very seriously understand that the body itself is the source of all miserable life
- Foolish rascals are described in the Bhagavad-gita as mayayapahrta-jnanah (BG 7.15), which indicates that although they are superficially educated, maya has taken their real knowledge away. Such people are presently leading human society
- For example, all the eatables of human society. These eatables include grains, fruits, vegetables, milk and sugar for persons in the mode of goodness, and also eatables for the nonvegetarians, such as meats, none of which can be manufactured by men
- For human society, constantly thinking of how to earn money and apply it for sense gratification brings about the destruction of everyone's interests. When one becomes devoid of knowledge & DS, he enters into species of life like those of trees & stones
- For such a blind human society in the darkness of ignorance, SB is the torchlight to see things in proper perspective. Therefore it was necessary to describe the science of God from the very beginning, or from the very birth of the phenomenal world
- For the human being there are some rules and regulations, even for fulfilling common demands. The human society avoids such rules and regulations when it is bewildered by the influence of the age of Kali
- For understanding one's relationship with the Supreme Lord human society is divided into four classes: the intellectuals - brahmanas, the administrators - ksatriyas, the merchants - vaisyas, and the laborers - sudras
- For upkeep of the human society in order, according to the quality and work, there must be division. But that is not that division as we are thinking at the present moment in India - a man is born in the brahmana family, he is brahmana. No
- For upkeep of the society, human society, there must be intelligent class of men, there must be administrator class of men, there must be productive class of men and there must be worker class of men
- Four principles of material existence are necessary for the spiritual advancement of human society, and although Lord Krsna had no need to do so, He exhibited His household activities so that people might follow in His footsteps for their own interest
- Fraternity in human society develops gradually - from love for self to love for family; from love for family to love for community; from love for community to love for nation; and from love for nation to love for the international community
- From the Lord's personal activities, human society should learn how to give protection specifically to the brahmanas and cows. Then the protection of religious principles, fulfillment of the aim of life and protection of Vedic knowledge can be achieved
- From this statement (You (Paundraka) falsely declare yourself Vasudeva, imitating Me. Therefore no one is a greater fool than you) of Krsna's it is clear that any rascal who advertises himself as God is the greatest fool in human society
- From this verse (SB 7.2.11) we get a clear indication of how human society is disturbed when the Vedic Aryan civilization is killed and the Vedic ritualistic ceremonies performed by the brahmanas are stopped
- Full nonsense, this rascal. How much havoc he has done to the human society. A grand rascal, this Darwin
- Garbhadhana-samskara, or the first seedling purificatory process prescribed for the higher castes, is the beginning of all pious acts to receive a good pious and intelligent class of men in human society
- Generally people are attached to family matters, and the whole economic impetus of human society is moving under the influence of family affection
- Generally, the sacrifice is offered with clarified butter and grains, but with the progress of time, human society has produced varieties of goods by transforming materials supplied by God's material nature
- Ghosts are bereft of a physical body because of their grievously sinful acts, such as suicide. The last resort of the ghostly characters in human society is to take shelter of suicide, either material or spiritual
- Giving all kinds of excuses, even the heads of religions indulge in killing animals while trying to pass as saintly persons. This mockery and hypocrisy in human society bring about unlimited calamities; therefore occasionally there are great wars
- God says, catur-varnyam maya srstam guna-karma-vibhagasah: (BG 4.13) "For the proper management of human society, I have created these four social divisions, based on people's qualities and actions." So you have to accept it
- Good population in human society is the basic principle for peace, prosperity and spiritual progress in life. BG 1972 purports
- Gradual process (of developing human society), there is always a center of attraction that helps our love progress and develop from one stage to another
- Gradually, throughout the entire world, human society is losing interest in the perfection of life
- Great householders pray to God to send His representative so that there may be an auspicious movement in human society. This is one reason to beget a child
- Greatest relief work for all human society
- Having concluded that Krsna was the S.P of Godhead, the sages addressed Him thus, "Dear Lord, we, the leaders of human society, are supposed to possess the proper philosophy of life, yet we are bewildered by the spell of Your external energy"
- He (Bhrgu) was a scientific propounder of the four divisions and orders of human society known as the varnasrama institution. He converted the ksatriya king Vitahavya into a brahmana
- He (God) incarnates Himself even as a fish, hog, tree and many other forms, but less intelligent persons who have no knowledge of Him deride Him even if He is in human society as a human being
- He (Krsna) did not appear in human society in His Vaikuntha feature with four hands because that would not have been suitable for His pastimes
- He (Krsna) is the supreme controller of all living entities, whether in human society, in demigod society in the heavenly planets, or in lower forms of life
- He (Vyasadeva) has explained all these books for use of the human society undoubtedly: how to become religious, how to develop economic position, how to understand what is liberation, how to satisfy restrictedly sense gratification
- He is all-pervading: He is living within everyone's heart, and outside He is living as His universal form. As described in the BG, He appears as He is in the human society just to invite everyone to His transcendental abode, back home, back to Godhead
- Heat, light, water and air, which are also necessities of life - none of them can be manufactured by human society
- His (Krsna's) acts, even when He acts in human society, are all transcendental, for they are all accentuated by the spiritual energy of the Lord, which is distinguished from His material energy. As stated in the Bhagavad-gita, such acts are called divyam
- Hog civilization means there is no restriction of eating, up to the stool. The hogs eat up to the stool. So when in the human society there is no restriction of eating, that is hog society
- How can they (modern human society) expect peace and prosperity in human society while committing such sinful activities (instead of giving protection to the cows and serving them, people are killing them)? It is impossible
- Human life is meant for factual knowledge or ultimate knowledge. But these rascals are checking that progress. That means the prerogative of human life is being denied to the human society. So this kind of hindrances should be stopped
- Human society all over the world is divided into four castes and four orders of life. The four castes are the intelligent caste, the martial caste, the productive caste and the laborer caste
- Human society competes nationally or individually, and in the attempt to be successful the entire human society becomes full of diplomacy
- Human society has artificially created a type of civilization which makes one forgetful of his relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Human society has become so fallen that instead of understanding the living force within the body, people have become busy with external things. This is a discrepancy in human duties
- Human society in the name of civilization is creating one kind of trouble to avoid another kind of trouble
- Human society is between the demigods and the animals, and thus some are more or less Krsna conscious, and some are completely forgetful of Krsna consciousness
- Human society is broader than in the Middle Ages, and the world tendency is toward one state or one human society
- Human society is exactly like a beehive, for everyone is engaged in collecting honey from various flowers, or collecting money from various sources, and creating large empires for common enjoyment
- Human society is meant to create a spiritual atmosphere by spreading the spirit of Krsna consciousness
- Human society is meant to follow strictly the varnasrama-dharma, which divides society into four social divisions (brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra) and four spiritual divisions - brahmacarya, grhastha, vanaprastha and sannyasa
- Human society is naturally grouped into four divisions, as stated in Bhagavad-gita - catur-varnyam maya srstam guna-karma-vibhagasah - BG 4.13
- Human society is no longer bounded by geographical limits to particular countries or communities. Human society is broader than in the Middle Ages, and the world tendency is toward one state or one human society
- Human society is similar to any other animal society, but to elevate men from the animal status, the abovementioned divisions (Varnasrama) are created by the Lord for the systematic development of Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- Human society is the residential quarters for the Lord. This means that the human being is meant for God realization and association with God
- Human society is working, living comfortably and enjoying food due to the supply from the Supreme Lord. Otherwise, mankind could not survive. BG 1972 purports
- Human society means that society which is making progress toward spiritual realization. The most advanced human society was known as arya; arya refers to those who are advancing. So the question is, which society is advancing
- Human society means to understand it, that what is the basic principle of material life. If we understand it is sex, therefore we have to cut down the sex desire gradually by becoming brahmacari, grhastha, vanaprastha, sannyasa. This is the process
- Human society primarily requires food for subsistence, shelter for sleeping, defense for protection, and commodities for satisfaction of the senses
- Human society should develop brahminical culture on the basis of protecting cows. The brahmana cannot take any other food except it is made of milk preparation. That develops the finer tissues of the brain
- Human society should follow the Vedic principles of life, which are summarized in Bhagavad-gita. Otherwise life in material existence will continue
- Human society should not consider itself the only enjoyer of all the properties of God; rather, men should understand that all the other animals also have a claim to God's property
- Human society should properly utilize the gifts of God, especially the food grains that grow because of rain falling from the sky
- Human society should study this (the place from which one never returns), but instead of culturing such knowledge, people are attracted to temporary happiness and sense gratification, culminating in bottomless, topless passion
- Human society should take advantage of the instructions from both sruti and smrti. If one wants to advance in spiritual life, he must take these instructions and follow the principles
- Human society should take advantage of this instruction - even a slight amount of sincere devotional service can give one complete perfection - SB 7.6.1
- Human society without God consciousness, without any knowledge of the science of God, it is animal society. Actually it is happening. The world is now full with so many problems, so many difficulties, because the chance of human life is being misused
- Human society's means of living is clearly mentioned here (in SB 3.6.32) as visa, or agriculture and the business of distributing agricultural products, which involves transport, banking, etc
- Human society, at the present moment, is not in the darkness of oblivion. It has made rapid progress in the field of material comforts, education and economic development throughout the entire world
- Human society, if it is brainless, however organization you may make
- Human society, there must be some religious process; otherwise, it is animal society
- Human society, when it is detached from the Personality of Godhead like detached branches and leaves, is not capable of being watered, and one attempting to do so is simply wasting his energy and resources
- I (Mother Earth) am thinking about myself and also, O best amongst the demigods, about you, as well as about all the demigods, sages, denizens of Pitrloka, devotees of the Lord and all men obedient to the system of varna and asrama in human society
- I (Prabhupada) am very much pleased that you have invited us to cooperate with you in this matter of humanitarianism. I shall be glad to know in detail what is your program. Our program is to awaken the human society to God Consciousness
- I (Prabhupada) sincerely hope that by understanding the teachings of Lord Caitanya presented in this book, Sri CC, human society will experience a new light of spiritual life, which will open the field of activity for the pure soul - CC Preface
- I (Prabhupada) sincerely hope that by understanding the teachings of Lord Caitanya, human society will experience a new light of spiritual life which will open the field of activity for the pure soul
- I am an Indian Vaishnava Sannyasi dedicated to the cause of spiritual upliftment of the human society
- I had correspondence with one gentleman in England. He says that "We want to be tiger." So I answered "What is the use of tiger?" Tigers, to become tiger... Tiger is very important animal? It is, rather, enemy of the human society
- I have repeatedly heard about these higher and lower statuses of human society from the mouth of Vyasadeva, & I am quite satiated with all these lesser subject matters and their happiness. They have not satisfied me with the nectar of topics about Krsna
- Ideal human society
- If a human being does not understand this fact - that he is not this body, he is changing his body, but he is spirit soul - then he is no better than the cats and dogs. We do not want to keep the human society in the category of cats and dogs
- If a tiger kills a man, this is not sinful but if a man kills another man, this is considered sinful, and the killer is hanged. What is a daily affair among the animals is a sinful act in human society
- If by karma, by our activities, we are fit for taking birth in a good family, then I will get my birth in good family or in the human society or demigod society. But if my activities are lower grade, then I will have to take birth in the animal family
- If completely sinless people are punished, the entire assembly of Yamaraja is contaminated. This principle applies not only in the assembly of Yamaraja, but throughout human society also
- If human society gives itself to the process of hearing the Vedic literature, it will not become a victim to the impious sounds vibrated by impious men who degrade the standards of the total society. Hearing is solidified by the process of chanting
- If human society is divided scientifically according to varna and asrama, and if the Vedic directions are followed, one's life, regardless of his position, will be successful
- If human society is kept in darkness without any advanced knowledge, without any knowledge of the aim of life and without any knowledge what is the meaning of human life, they'll remain as cats and dogs
- If human society unlawfully claims that the property of the universe, either partially or wholly, belongs to mankind, all of human society will be cursed as a society of thieves and will be punished by the laws of nature
- If human society wants to be exalted, the leaders of society must follow the instructions of Bhagavad-gita and give protection to the cows, the brahmanas and brahminical culture
- If in the human society unnecessary animal killing is encouraged, he will never be able to understand what is God. The greatest sinful activity, pasu-ghnat
- If one hears one day, one minute, one second this vibration of chanting, it will act someday. Therefore this is the best welfare activity in the human society
- If one is addicted to illicit sex life, if one is addicted to meat-eating and if one is addicted in intoxicants, then he is immediately fallen from the standard of human society
- If one is advanced in the science of Krsna consciousness, regardless of his position in human society, he may become a spiritual master
- If one wants to achieve the highest success in life, one must accept Bhagavad-gita as spoken by the Supreme Lord. By accepting Bhagavad-gita in this way, all of human society can become perfect and happy
- If one who is not yet developed imitates such symptoms (laughing, crying and dancing) artificially, he creates chaos in the spiritual life of human society
- If somebody questions how the most degraded of the human society be more than a Brahmin? That is confirmed in Vedic language that it does not matter if one is born of low grade family or chandalas, if he is a devotee of the Lord, he is first class man
- If the Christian heads of the different churches will cooperate with us, we can render very valuable service to the whole of human society
- If the human society makes progress of their so-called knowledge on this wrong basis understanding, then what will be the result? Everything wrong, everything wrong, everything wrong. Everything foolish
- If there is a real cultural mission for preaching the Bhagwatam cult a great philanthropic work will be done for the human society at large
- If they (human society) keep themself in ignorance, ajnah, dehy ajnah, then ajita-sad-varga: he will never be able to control the senses. The yoga system, hatha-yoga system, is meant for this class of rascals, ajita
- If we are fortunate enough to take the lessons given by Lord Krsna in Bhagavad-gita, our lives immediately become successful. No one can give better instructions to human society than Lord Krsna
- If you say to the scientist: "What you have done for the human society to live eternally in perfect happiness?" What is their answer? (They will say that they are trying) That is nonsense. Therefore we kick on your face. Therefore we have got the right
- If you search out the genealogical table of this universe, especially of the human society, then you go on searching. I am begotten by my father; my father is begotten by his father, his father, his father, his father - you go on
- If you want to remodel your life, the society, the human society, nationally or internationally - everything is spoken here, international - then you have to take to the advice of Krsna
- Ignorance and the jugglery of words are very common in human society, but they do not help one understand the inconceivable energies of the SPG. If we accept such ignorance & word jugglery, we cannot accept the Supreme Lord’s perfection in six opulences
- Ignorance is the cause for all these anomalies in human society, and to remove this ignorance, especially in this age of degradation, the powerful sun is there to distribute light in the shape of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Ignorance means animal life, and knowledge means human life. Therefore there is so much educational system in every human society. Why? Knowledge means human life, and ignorance means animal life
- Impelled by false prestige and infatuated by material opulences, human society, instead of striving for Krsna consciousness, creates havoc and disrupts peaceful living. Thus men forget the real purpose of life: to attain the favor of Lord Visnu
- In all communities in human society - including the brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas, sudras, candalas, etc. - and in the animal kingdom - including the cows, dogs, goats, etc. - everyone has his part to play
- In all species of life the attraction between male and female is the basic principle of existence. The same principle of intermingling is also in human society, but is in a regulative form
- In animal life, eating, sleeping, sexual enjoyment and fear cannot be regulated, but for human society the plan is that although men, like animals, must be allowed to eat, sleep, enjoy sex and take protection from fear, they must be regulated
- In any human society, there is a kind of dharma, religion. It doesn't matter whether it is Christian religion, or Hindu religion, or Buddha religion, or Muhammadam religion, some sort of religious propensities are there
- In Bhagavad-gita He affirms, (BG 14.4) "I am the seed-giving father of all living entities" - not just the living entities in the human society, but also all other living entities, like the aquatics, the insects, the plants, the birds, and the beasts
- In human society all over the world there are millions and billions of men and women, and almost all of them are less intelligent because they have very little knowledge of spirit soul
- In human society the human being is considered to be the superior living being, and amongst the human beings there are also different varieties: good, bad, equal, etc
- In human society there are attempts to educate the human being, but for animal society there is no such system, nor are animals able to be educated
- In human society there are various activities performed for the protection of one's wealth and life by one's words, one's mind and one's actions, but they are all performed for one's personal or extended sense gratification with reference to the body
- In human society there are various religious conceptions characterized as Hindu, Christian, Hebrew, Mohammedan, Buddhist and so on, for without religion, human society is no better than animal society
- In human society there have been many instances in which great, exalted politicians have fallen from government and become lost in historical oblivion. The cause of this is avisuddha-buddhayah: (SB 10.2.32) their intelligence is impure
- In human society there is some sort of religious system. It does not matter what is that religion - may be Hinduism or Christianism or Muhammadanism or Buddhism - in the civilized human society there is some conception of religious principle
- In human society there must be a proper balance between spirit and matter. We are actually spirit soul, but somehow or other we have been encaged within material bodies
- In human society, a brahmana is the most respected person. A brahmana is one who can understand Brahman, the impersonal Brahman, but hardly ever can one understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is described by Arjuna in BG as param brahma
- In human society, aversion to the principles of understanding the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the cause of all falldowns. That is the greatest offense of human life. BG 1972 purports
- In human society, however, if one is satisfied with his material father and mother and their instructions and does not make further progress by accepting a spiritual master and being educated in the sastras, he certainly remains in darkness
- In human society, if one kills a man he has to be hanged. That is the law of the state. Because of ignorance, people do not perceive that there is a complete state controlled by the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- In human society, properly maintaining religious principles is the duty of the king's court or the government
- In human society, the brahminical culture, ksatriya culture and vaisya culture must be maintained, and people must be taught how to be satisfied with only what they need
- In human society, the perfect brahmana is supposed to be the most advanced in spiritual consciousness, and further advanced than the brahmana is the Vaisnava. Therefore the best persons are the Vaisnavas and Visnu
- In human society, therefore, there must be an ideal class of men, brahmanas, who can bestow blessings upon others, namely, upon the ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras, so that everyone will be happy
- In human society, those who are not Krsna conscious remain in the forest of material life simply for the honey of sex life. Such debauchees are not at all satisfied with one wife. They want many women
- In human society, whether you are a Christian or a Muhammadan or a Hindu or a Buddhist, it doesn't matter. But there must be some system of religion - that is human society
- In India, according to Vedic civilization, a brahmana who is learned is considered to be the topmost man in human society. The pandita, who is learned and gentle, sees such a brahmana on the same level with a dog or an outcaste who eats dogs
- In modern civilization, human society is too busy in discharging national duties. Actually, national duties, social duties and humanitarian duties are obligatory only to those who are bereft of spiritual duties
- In other words, a human being who has no conception of the actual position of Krsna is the lowest in human society. Then Rukmini addressed Krsna as Mahabhuja, which means "one with unlimited strength"
- In Satya-yuga there was only one Veda, not four. Later, before the beginning of Kali-yuga, this one Veda, the Atharva Veda (or, some say, the Yajur Veda), was divided into four - Sama, Yajur, Rg and Atharva - for the facility of human society
- In speaking to his friends, who were all sons of demons, Prahlada Maharaja stressed that every living entity, especially in human society, must be interested in spiritual realization from the very beginning of life
- In spite of hearing the glories of devotional service, they (those who are in the modes of passion and ignorance) are not attracted. Thus they manufacture their own way of elevation. These are some of the defects of human society. BG 1972 purports
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 6.3.22) Yamaraja says: Devotional service, beginning with the chanting of the holy name of the Lord, is the ultimate religious principle for the living entity in human society
- In the best interest of human society there must be such divisions of life, otherwise no social institution can grow in a healthy state
- In the dog society there is no marriage, and why in the human society there is marriage? They could avoid it. And nowadays they are being avoided. In the Kali-yuga there will be no more marriage. That is stated in the Bhagavata
- In the eyes of a devotee, politicians, social workers, philanthropists, philosophers and humanitarians are simply wasting their time, for human society is not freed from the cycle of birth and death by their activity and propaganda
- In the history of human society, an affectionate father is rarely found to chastise a noble and devoted son. Therefore Maharaja Yudhisthira wanted Narada Muni to dissipate his doubt
- In the history of human society, no one, at any time or any place, has been liberated because of too much affection and attachment for his family
- In the human society the body is not meant for spoiling in sense gratification like the cats, dogs and hogs. Don't create a hog civilization. That is the warning
- In the human society there are many different types of yoga system just to reconnect our relationship with Krsna. In the Bhagavad-gita they are explained differently, karma-yoga, jnana-yoga, hatha-yoga, dhyana-yoga, bhakti-yoga
- In the human society there is school, college, education, culture, not in the animal society, because they can be made into perfect, not the animals
- In the human society there must be a system of division. That is called varnasrama-dharma. That is Vedic civilization. That is really called Arya-samaja
- In the human society there should be divisions of work. The activities for the most intellectual person, that should be a division. That is called brahmana division
- In the human society they have created problem. Nobody knows where to eat. These increase of number of hotels means that people have no place to live
- In the human society this form of body is not meant for simply toiling hard only for gaining these four principles of life. Because these necessities are supplied even to the hogs, the stool-eater
- In the human society this is very essential, that one must perform yajna. That is stated in the Bhagavad-gita, dana. Just like a brahmacari, he must perform yajna. Then grhastha, he must give in charity
- In the human society, if they do not care to understand this factual position of his soul or consciousness, then he is no better than the animal
- In the human society, whether one is a laborer, merchant, warrior, administrator, or farmer, or even if one belongs to the highest class, a scientist or a theologian, he has to work in order to maintain his existence. BG 1972 Introduction
- In the lower animals sometimes the father-mother eat the offspring, but in the history of human society it has not come into notice that the father and mother eating the offspring. But time has come when the mother is killing offspring
- In the material world the human society gives all protection to the human being, but there is no law to protect the descendants of Surabhi, who can give all protection to men by supplying the miracle food, milk
- In these instructions, Narada Muni explained that devotees like him are very much afflicted by all the (animal) killing that goes on in human society
- In this Age of Kali because human society, not understanding the spiritual nature, is busily expanding in material activities
- In this human form of life, one should be inquisitive to understand what is Brahman. That is the first business of human society. But they have now forgotten
- In this verse (SB 6.16.14) the word bala-hatya-hata-prabhah is to be particularly noted. The practice of killing children has existed in human society for a long time - since time immemorial - but in the days of yore it was very rarely performed
- In this verse the word manava is very significant. Generally this word is used to mean "human being." Dhruva Maharaja is also described here as manava. Not only is Dhruva Maharaja a descendant of Manu, but all human society descends from Manu
- In this world, human society is mad after temporary things such as the material opulence of possessing land, family & enjoyable paraphernalia. To achieve such temporary things, they worship the demigods or powerful men in human society. BG 1972 purports
- In Vedic civilization the husband and wife were not separated by such man-made laws as divorce. We should understand the necessity for maintaining family life in human society and should thus abolish this artificial law known as divorce
- Incarnations or sons of God are not making propaganda for going back to Godhead only within the human society. Their work is also going on in all types of societies, amongst demigods and those other than human beings
- India has the knowledge of Bhagavad-gita, but unfortunately, for some reason or other, this sublime knowledge of the science of God was not distributed throughout the world, although it is meant for all of human society
- India's culture of spiritual value has an unique position and it has to be learnt by the human society in right earnest from the right sources
- Indian civilization, based on Vedic knowledge, is estimated so high, perfect. Perfect scheme system for human society, based on Vedic civilization. Everything is correctly visioned, and the ideas are given by persons who are above material contamination
- Indirectly it is said that the whole Vedic social construction of human society is so made that everyone acts as a part and parcel of the complete body of the Lord
- Inquisitiveness is called brahma-jijnasa. That is required. Human society, human being must be interested in knowing that, the Supreme Absolute Truth, who has given us these codes and laws
- Instead of trying to unite human society through pacts for sense gratification that can never be achieved, it is clearly desirable to teach people how to become Krsna conscious and return home, back to Godhead. This is true now and, indeed, at any time
- ISKCON is a non-lucrative organization, whose purpose is to promote the well-being of human society by drawing its attention to God. We are a non-sectarian society, and our members include people from Christian, Jewish and Moslem as well as Hindu faiths
- It does not mean that the abominable qualities of such persons (like Jagai and Madhai) will help free human society from the clutches of maya. Rather, they will entangle humanity more and more in the reactions of the stringent laws of material nature
- It has become very difficult, therefore, to raise the spiritual standard due to the present distorted values of human society
- It is clear from the word catur-bhujam that Krsna first appeared with four hands, as Lord Visnu. No ordinary child in human society has ever been born with four hands. And when is a child born with fully grown hair
- It is indicated also in this sloka that Krsna, while actually present before human society, especially in connection with the Battle of Kuruksetra, was accepted as the greatest personality of the time, although He might not have been recognized as the SPG
- It is necessary to reestablish the brahminical qualifications in order to raise the fallen human society to the highest standard of spiritual consciousness
- It is no longer considered abominable to be a drunkard, woman-hunter, meat-eater, thief or rogue, for these elements have been assimilated by human society
- It is no secret. Simply we must be serious that this institution must be there for educating the whole human society. Never mind a very small number. It doesn't matter. But ideal must be there
- It is not forbidding meat-eating, but don't eat cows' flesh. That is loss. It is a great loss to the human society
- It is not possible that everyone will understand it, but even a certain percentage of the human society can understand, immediately there is solution of so many problems - to understand aham brahmasmi, "I am Brahman " means, I am spirit soul
- It is not that everyone should become a sudra or a vaisya and human society will prosper. As enunciated in BG, there must be a class of brahmanas with qualities like satya (truthfulness), sama (peacefulness), dama (self-control) and titiksa (tolerance)
- It is only human society that is disturbed about the food situation and, to cover up the real fact of administrative mismanagement, takes shelter in the plea that the population is excessively increasing
- It is the duty of a responsible king to protect the social and spiritual orders in human society
- It is the duty of the Indian to make his life perfect and spread his spiritual knowledge to the outside world. That is real welfare activity in the human society. That we are trying to do
- It is the greatest relief work for all human society, and the workers thereof are the greatest well-wishers, for they follow in the footsteps of Lord Caitanya, who is the greatest friend to all living entities
- It is the necessity of the human society to become Krishna Conscious and each state has to take it seriously to implement the idea among the citizens. So we expect to push on our movement to that extent, that is our objective
- Just as the driver of a bullock cart ties ropes through the nostrils of his bulls to control them, the SPG binds all men through the ropes of His words in the Vedas, which set forth the names and activities of the distinct orders of human society
- Just like a student is working very hard to find out the possibilities of nuclear weapon. That is also tapasya. But what is that? For finding out some means to kill the human society. That sort of tapasya is not required
- Just like good citizen means well-behaved, to abide by the state laws. So first thing is religion, to learn how to become God conscious. This is the first business of human society
- Just like there are a few blind men, and one, another blind man, is proposing to help them crossing over the street. So this blind following is there in this sense, that we do not know what is the aim and objective of human society
- Just like there are mosquitoes, there are flies, there are birds, there are other animals, or other enemies in the human society: my friend has become enemy, so he's trying to give me some displeasure. So this kind of. This is called adhibhautika
- Just like Vivekananda: "daridra-narayana-seva," the human society, the poor men. And chaga-narayana, the goat narayana, they must be killed for this daridra-narayana-seva. This kind of discrimination is not for the sadhu. He's not a sadhu
- Krsi-go-raksya-vanijyam vaisya-karma svabhavajam (BG 18.44). Those who belong to the third level of human society, namely the mercantile people, must keep land for producing food grains and giving protection to cows. This is the injunction of BG
- Krsna consciousness movement is trying to establish the supremacy of the Absolute Personality of Godhead. The human society is meant for this understanding because this consciousness makes his life successful
- Krsna is always isvara. We are isvara in the family or in the office or in my society. But we are not that type of isvara, that I can live within the heart of everyone. Therefore there is distinction between this isvara and we isvara
- Krsna is giving. I never thought my books will be sold as much. I never... Neither in the history of human society religious books sell six lakhs of rupees daily
- Krsna is the Parabrahman, and therefore all Krsna conscious persons, or devotees of Krsna, are exalted brahmanas. Khatvanga Maharaja regarded the devotees of Krsna as the real brahmanas and the real light for human society
- Krsna said, "No one is denied shelter by these trees (in Vrndavana). They supply various kinds of facilities to human society, such as leaves, flowers, fruit, shade, roots, bark, flavor extracts and fuel. They are the perfect example of noble life"
- Krsna says the essence of Bhagavad-gita that "A person who preaches this sublime message of Bhagavad-gita, he is My dearmost friend in the human society." This is the open order of Krsna
- Laborer class of men, they are considered to be the legs of the Supreme Lord. So anyone in this society, or in this human society or material world, they must have some situation. There is some positive position of everyone in the body of the Supreme
- Learned scholars like you are now needed to represent the cause of Krishna consciousness because without this consciousness the human society is doomed
- Let me now describe the dynasty of Yadu, the eldest son of Maharaja Yayati. This description is supremely pious & it vanquishes the reactions of sinful activities in human society. Simply by hearing this description, one is freed from all sinful reactions
- Lord Krsna clearly says in the Bhagavad-gita that no one in human society is dearer to Him than a devotee who constantly engages in His service by finding ways to preach the message of Godhead for the real benefit of the world
- Lord Krsna prepared the Vedic literatures for reading by the intelligent class of men in a human society which is almost totally forgetful of the genuine relation with Krsna
- Lord Krsna said, "My dear friend, I am Paramatma, the Supersoul present in everyone's heart, and it is My direct order that human society follow the principles of varna and asrama"
- Lord Krsna, as the teacher of human society, personally showed by His acts that the mercantile community, or the vaisyas, should herd cows and bulls and thus give protection to the valuable animals
- Lord Krsna, out of His causeless mercy, prepared the Vedic literatures in the incarnation of Vyasadeva for reading by the intelligent class of men in a human society which is almost totally forgetful of the genuine relation with Krsna
- Lord Siva said, "Human society without Krsna consciousness is a society of cheaters and the cheated"
- Lord Sri Krsna appeared at the end of Dvapara-yuga to regenerate the spiritual culture of human society and also to manifest His transcendental pastimes
- Lord Sri Krsna instructed Uddhava that by following the injunctions of the social and spiritual orders of human society one can satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Maharaja Pariksit asked Sukadeva Gosvami how many years Lord Krsna remained in human society, how many years He reigned over the kingdom of Dvaraka, and how many wives He accepted there
- Maharaja Yudhisthira said: My dear lord (Narada Muni), I wish to hear from you about the principles of religion by which one can attain the ultimate goal of life - devotional service. I wish to hear about the general occupational duties of human society
- Manu is understood to be the original father of humanity, human society should follow his instructions
- Manu's instructions are not only for his own sons and grandsons, but for all of human society
- Manufacturing enterprises by human society are in the mode of darkness because factually there is no necessity for the commodities manufactured
- Mayavadi philosophers deprive human society of the real message of Vedanta-sutra
- Mleccha rajanya-rupino bhaksayisyanti prajas te (SB 12.1.40). That is predicted in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, that in Kali-yuga the mlecchas, means the rejected from human society, such persons, rogues and fools and rascals, they will take the post of king
- Modern education has artificially devised a puffed up concept of womanly life, and therefore marriage is practically now an imagination in human society. Nor is the moral condition of woman very good now. BG 1972 purports
- Modern educators do not know the aim of human life; they are simply concerned with how to develop the economic condition of their countries or of human society
- Most dangerous elements in human society
- Mr. John Lennon is anxious for peace in the world, so also is everyone anxious for peace in the world, but it should be known how that peace can be attained. If we keep the human society as it is, there is no possibility of peace
- Mucukunda continued, "In my vanity I believed I had become the king of human society. In this misconception of bodily life I traveled all over the world, accompanied by my military strength - soldiers, charioteers, elephants and horses"
- Mucukunda continued, "The royal body was advertised as the king of human society - that royal body decomposes under the influence of inevitable time & becomes fit for being eaten by worms & insects or being turned into ashes or the stool of an animal"
- My Guru Maharaja used to say that this present human society is a society of the cheaters & the cheated. Somebody is being cheated & somebody is cheater; a combination of two things: cheater and cheated, because they do not know the real interest of life
- My Guru Maharaja used to say the present human society is combination of cheaters and cheated, that's all. No intelligent person. Formerly money was gold and silver coins. It had some value. But what is the present currency? Simply piece of paper
- Na te viduh svartha-gatim hi visnum: (SB 7.5.31) in this demoniac civilization, people unfortunately do not understand that the self-interest of human society lies in Visnu. Durasaya ye bahir-artha-maninah: thus they are involved in a hopeless hope
- Nationalism, socialism, this "ism," that "ism" - but the action of the dog and hog and the human society, so-called civilized, the point is the same
- No child used to eat meat from the very birth. It was milk. So this is all artificial, the so-called conventions of human society. Natural life does not allow all these things
- No one can manufacture anything. Take for example heat, light, water, air, etc., which are also necessities of life - none of them can be manufactured by the human society. BG 1972 purports
- No one can manufacture anything. Take, for example, all the eatables of human society. These eatables include grains, fruits, vegetables, milk, sugar, etc., for the persons in the mode of goodness. BG 1972 purports
- No one can surpass the vigilance of material nature or hide his intentions from material nature. If human society unlawfully claims that the property of the universe, either partially or wholly, belongs to mankind, all of human society will be cursed
- No one will survive in this struggle with material nature. The history of human society definitely proves it, yet the foolish people still suggest that in the future they will be able to live perpetually, with the help of material science
- Non-sanatana religious faith may have some beginning in the annals of human history, but there is no beginning to the history of sanatana-dharma because it remains eternally with the living entities. BG 1972 Introduction
- Not even considering human society, if you take the demigods who are more advanced and intelligent, they also don't know Krsna. The seven great sages whose planet is near the North Star also do not know
- Now you must all my senior disciples and leaders become very, very much aware of your grave responsibility to the human society for delivering them from the clutches of catastrophe
- O devotees! O you who are free from all sins! Let me inquire from you about that which is supremely auspicious for all living entities. Pure devotee's association for even half a moment in this material world is the greatest treasure for human society
- Of the four orders of human society - the student, or brahmacari order, the householder, or grhastha order, the retired, or vanaprastha order, and the renounced, or sannyasi order - the householder is on the safe side
- One has to execute his prescribed duties according to his social position as a brāhmaṇa, kṣatriya, vaiśya or śūdra. The prescribed duties of the four classes of men in human society are also described in Bhagavad-gītā
- One has to get out of this false notion that human society is the proprietor of this world. When one is freed from such a false notion, he becomes free from all the false associations caused by familial, social, and national affections. BG 1972 purports
- One must engage in the nine different processes of devotional service, beginning with hearing and chanting about Krsna. Pure devotional service is the highest achievement of human society. BG 1972 purports
- One of the objectives of the Krsna consciousness movement is to establish this daiva-varnasrama, but not to encourage so-called varnasrama without scientifically organized endeavor by human society
- One person is the executive head, like the president or the king. And the other person is the religious preacher. And the other person is the public leader. So at least these three, four heads of the men's human society, they must be of ideal character
- One should at once quote from scriptural authority to back up what he is saying. At the same time, such talk should be very pleasurable to the ear. By such discussions, one may derive the highest benefit and elevate human society. BG 1972 purports
- One should follow the principles laid down in sruti & smrti not only in one's spiritual life but also in material life. As far as human society is concerned, it should follow the Manu-smrti as well, for these laws are given by Manu, the father of mankind
- One should know definitely that the best welfare activity for all of human society is to awaken man’s God consciousness, or Krsna consciousness. Therefore everyone should help this great movement
- One should know that all the necessities of life that the human society requires are supplied by the demigod agents of the Lord. No one can manufacture anything. BG 1972 purports
- One who can take up the reformation, he can be situated as a brahmana, as a ksatriya, as a vaisya. This is not by birth, but by education, by training. That is recommended for the all human society
- One who does not show Him respect or cannot appreciate His mercy despite all these merciful gestures is an asura, or opponent of bona fide devotional service to Lord Visnu, even though he may be very much exalted in human society
- One who does not show respect unto this merciful Lord, Caitanya Mahaprabhu, or does not worship Him should be considered a demon, even if he is very much exalted in human society
- One who is giving Krsna consciousness, he is the real friend of the world. All others, leading to the external energy, they cannot give any happiness to this human society. That is the explanation given by Prahlada Maharaja
- One who is interested in Visnu and in showing the path of Visnu is the real friend. One who is giving Krsna consciousness is the real friend of the world. No others can give happiness to human society. That is the explanation given by Prahlada Maharaja
- One who is not God-conscious, one who does not know that he is not body, he is animal. That's all. Maybe in different dress… So you have to set up real human society in a small scale so people will see, "Yes." Because man has got intelligence
- Only a Vaisnava leader can fulfill all the desires of the people (vancha-kalpataru), and he is compassionate because he is the contributor of the greatest benefit to human society. He is patita-pavana, the deliverer of all fallen souls
- Only if leaders like Mahatma Gandhi strive to realize the Supreme Absolute Person - not a formless energy - can they truly benefit human society
- Ordinary, anyone can understand that in the human society if you want to become high-court judge, you can become. And if you want to become a criminal in the prisonhouse, you can become
- Our mission is to save human society from the pitfalls of incarnating again in the cycle of birth and death
- Our movement is not any local movement. . It is for the total human society. It is most authorized on the principles of Bhagavad-gita and affirmed by Lord Caitanya and all the big acaryas
- Our movement is not any local movement. It is for the total human society. It is most authorized on the principles of Bhagavad-gita and affirmed by Lord Caitanya and all the big acaryas
- Our movement is the greatest gift to the human race. They may not immediately appreciate it, but time will come and history will give evidence that this movement saved the human society from being fallen into barbarianism
- Our path is genuine sublime and easy. So there must be an world wide organisation for pushing the movement in the Human society so much afflicted by material advancement only. This is only medium to save the people from ruination
- Our path is genuine sublime and easy. So there must be an world wide organization for pushing the movement in the Human society so much afflicted by material advancement only. This is only medium to save the people from ruination
- Our request is that such a great science, for the human society, for understanding the problems of life, how to solve it, how to achieve the greatest success in life... We have got this in the Bhagavad-gita. Why should we neglect it
- Our this Krsna consciousness movement is the greatest welfare activity for the human society because this movement is educating everyone how to fulfill the aim of life
- Our Vedic system is conducted, the law, the law-giver is Manu. From Manu, the manusya, "man", these words have come, Manu. Descendant of Manu, human society, manusya
- Out of causeless mercy, the Lord appears in different ages in His original suddha-sattva transcendental body to elevate human society to the spiritual platform upon which they can truly benefit
- Out of this illusion, the family life, national life and economic development, which are very important factors in modern civilization, have grown. A Krsna conscious person knows that this economic development of human society is but temporary illusion
- People all over the world, especially in India, have forgotten their relationship with SPG and His eternal servants. Therefore the principles of morality, religion and ethics have almost disappeared. This situation is most unprofitable for human society
- People are considering that the land, this earth, belongs to human society, and they have divided the land under the false impression that they are the proprietors. BG 1972 purports
- People have taken interest only in economic development and sense gratification. Despite sufficient economic development all over the world, dealings in human society have become almost animalistic
- People in general are unaware that the message of Srimad-Bhagavatam can give all of human society relief from the pangs of Kali-yuga - kali-kalmasa-ghnam
- People in modern civilization do not like pregnancy or childbirth, and when there is a child, they sometimes kill it. We can just consider how human society has fallen since the inauguration of Kali-yuga
- People want to be happy without God consciousness, or Krsna consciousness, because they are led by blind leaders who lead human society to chaos
- Please also explain what may generally be the common religious affiliations of human society, as well as their specific occupational duties in religion, the classification of the social orders as well as the administrative royal orders
- Please rest assured that in this movement there is no question of imperfectness. This is a solid, genuine movement for the total spiritual rejuvenation of the human society
- Please try to read all our books very carefully, and whenever there is any doubt, you ask me, and be expert preacher. That will make you a great doctor for protecting the human society from being fallen a victim to maya
- Practically the majority of the human society, they are Christian. They are the persons who are indulging in killing. And where is Christian? Judging from the Ten Commandments, there is not a single Christian, not a single
- Presently all human society is engaged in improving economic conditions and bodily comforts, people are not interested in knowing what is going to happen after death, nor do they believe in the transmigration of the soul
- Prior to the age of Kali there was no need for such a book of knowledge to know the Lord and His potential energies, but with the beginning of the age of Kali human society gradually became influenced by four sinful principles
- Produce a page only, Back to Godhead. Oh, that will bring revolution to the human society about understanding of spiritual life. Don't produce nonsense literature. Try for one page
- Purpose of Krsna consciousness movement. We want to . . . We want to give to the human society the highest blessings, the most perfectional platform of life
- Pururava replied: O beautiful one, your beauty is wonderful and your gestures are also wonderful. Indeed, you are attractive to all human society
- Rascals take shelter of man-made scriptures and try to compete with Lord Krsna. That is the greatest difficulty one encounters when trying to promote spiritual consciousness in human society
- Real civilization is how to go back to home, back to Godhead. But they do not know. Na te viduh (SB 7.5.31). The materialistic persons, they do not know. Therefore there must be organization, institution, to teach the human society how to go back to home
- Regulated human civilization promotes dharma, artha, kama and moksa. In human society there must be religion
- Religion is meant for attaining emancipation, not for getting bread. Sometimes human society manufactures a system of so-called religion aimed at material advancement, but that is far from the purpose of true dharma
- Religion is the special function of human society, and it constitutes the distinction between human society and animal society
- Religious order in human society
- Rukmini continued, "Even Your (Krsna's) great devotees and servants, known as great sages and saintly persons, remain in such a state that no one can get any clue as to the aim of their lives. Human society considers them crazy and cynical"
- Sacrifice by every one of them (the orders of human society) in terms of pleasing the Supreme by feasible goods is recommended
- Sadhu is equally disposed to all living entities - not only human society; animal society
- Sages said, "Our dear Lord (Krsna), You are the creator of the social orders and spiritual statuses of human society according to quality and work, and when these orders are misguided by unscrupulous persons, You appear and set them right"
- Sankaracarya, by presenting the Vedanta-sutra in his own way, has clearly done a great disservice to human society, for one who follows his Mayavada philosophy is doomed
- Sastra says that dharmena hinah pasubhih samanah. If in the human society there is no culture of religion, then it is animal society. It is not human society
- Sex and eating are essential, and they are offered to human society under Vedic restrictions so that according to the Vedic injunctions people may eat, sleep, enjoy sex, be protected from fearful life
- Sex life, intoxication and meat eating are general tendencies of human society, but a regulated householder does not indulge in unrestricted sex life and other sense gratifications. BG 1972 purports
- Since eating is the first necessity in human society, those engaged in solving the problems of preparing and distributing food should take lessons from Madhavendra Puri and execute the Annakuta ceremony
- Since human life is no better than animal life without religion, in real human society there is some form of religion aiming at self-realization and referring to one's eternal relationship with God
- Since the leaders of society have a poor fund of knowledge and the citizens in general are rogues and thieves, there cannot be an auspicious situation for human society
- So dharma, religion, actually means to understand that origin, Absolute Truth. That is dharma. So that dharma, principles of religion, is there in every human society
- So dharmah svanusthitah pumsam. In the human society, there is always some kinds of religious institution. That is called dharma, faith
- So far approaching the Indian community, you may do so with an appeal that Krishna Consciousness Movement is so nice that, by its propagation, there would be no more any other sect and that will be perfect position of the human society
- So if you do not teach this lesson to the human society then he will remain in the darkness. This is the purport. This is the purpose of Bhagavad-gita
- So Krsna conscious movement is the greatest gift to the human society. Those who are fortunate enough, they'll take advantage of it. It is not a fiction. It is not a bogus propaganda. But it is fact; it is authorized
- So many government representatives voting for legislation. Every day they bring out a new law. But because these laws are only mental concoctions manufactured by inexperienced conditioned souls, they cannot give relief to human society
- So many trees are standing naked. Nobody protests. But in human society, if you become naked, then you'll be punished by law. But they are thinking they are advancing by becoming naked. This is the knowledge: ignorance
- So more and more I am urging my students to recognize the grave responsibility which is theirs for saving this fallen human society from gliding down into hell
- So people should not be put into darkness, but they should be brought into light. Therefore in every human society, there is a sort of institution which is called religious institution
- So the Vedic process is that, from the low-grade position, to bring the human society to the highest, topmost position. Generally it is... The first, topmost position is to become a brahmana in the society
- So we have to grow children to become the head of the human society and there is great need for this. I pray Krishna that you may give a starting to such an asrama in full Krishna Consciousness
- So-called great leaders of human society are stubborn rebels against the supremacy of the Lord because they are ignorant of this great knowledge of bhakti-yoga & are always engaged in ignoble acts of sense gratification, bewildered by the external energy
- Society can never be considered real human society, nor can it make any advancement towards the ultimate goal of human life. It is the duty of the government to see that things go on in terms of varna and asrama
- Some kind of yajna must be performed to fulfill the desires of the living entity. Yajnas can be performed in human society only when society is divided by varnasrama-dharma into four varnas and four asramas
- Some of them are busy to become religious. Of course, without religious life, there is no human society. Dharmena hina pasubhih samanah (Hitopadesa 25). Unless a society takes to religiosity, it is not human society
- Some son of a ksatriya would take this vow to protect the cows from ferocious animals, even at night. What then is to be said of sending cows to slaughterhouses? This is the most sinful activity in human society
- Sometimes they (eternal associates of the Lord) come by the order of the Lord - not to hold any administrative post, but to associate with the Lord in person or to propagate the message of God in human society
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu also declared that to propagate the bhakti cult of devotional service in human society, one does not need to be very rich
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu also declared that to propagate the bhakti cult of devotional service in human society, one does not need to be very rich. Anyone who knows the art can do it and thus render the highest benefit to humanity
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared in order to bestow upon human society the benediction of the science of Krsna
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu distributed this Krsna love immediately, anyone. That is Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu's, I mean to say, contribution to the human society. If you simply become under His lotus feet, then love of Krsna is very easily achieved
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the most benevolent personality in human society because His only desire is to make people happy. His sankirtana movement is especially meant for the purpose of making people happy
- Sri Maitreya said: Thus when Kardama Muni, the progenitor of human society, was spoken to in fullness by his son, Kapila, he circumambulated Him, and with a good, pacified mind he at once left for the forest
- Srila Sukadeva Gosvami said to Pariksit Maharaja: Those who are materially engrossed, being blind to knowledge of the ultimate truth, have many subjects for hearing in human society, O Emperor
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura quotes the following verse from Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 11.19.24): My dear Uddhava, the supreme religious system for human society is that by which one can awaken his dormant love for Me
- Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 2.1.2) says: Those persons who are materially engrossed, being blind to the knowledge of ultimate truth, have many subject matters for hearing in human society, O Emperor
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is the desire tree of Vedic wisdom. Veda itself means "the aggregate of knowledge." And whatever knowledge is required for human society is perfectly presented in Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Srimad-Bhagavatam refers to man-made dharma as kaitava-dharma, cheating religion. The Supreme Lord sends an avatara (incarnation) to teach human society the proper way to execute religious principles. Such religious principles are bhakti-marga
- Such a mentality is a way of compromising religious and irreligious systems, but because of this citizens are generally becoming uninterested in spiritual advancement. Thus the situation deteriorates to such an extent that human society becomes hellish
- Such divisions (of human society in varnasrama-dharma) are in terms of educational qualifications. They are to keep the society in a state of peace and prosperity. BG 1972 purports
- Such personalities as me and Siva, as well as Daksa, Bhrgu and similar great saints of which they are the head, and also the rulers of the living entities, the rulers of human society & the rulers of the demigods - all of us surrender to that S P of God
- Such things (atomic weapons) are created solely for the destruction of the world, & this is indicated here (in BG 16.9). Due to godlessness, such weapons are invented in human society; they aren't meant for the peace & prosperity of the world. BG 1972 p
- Sva means dog, and pacam means cooking. So in the human society, the lowest class of men are considered the dog-eaters
- Svayambhuva Manu is the leader of mankind, and he has given a book called Manu-samhita to guide human society. Herein (SB 8.1.16) he directs us to follow the Supreme Personality of Godhead in His different incarnations
- Taking a human body is meant for completing one's progress in life. Throughout human society, killing of a human being is taken very seriously
- That (chanting God's holy names) is the technique of driving away the personality of Kali from the world. In modernized human society there are great advancements of material science, and they have invented the radio to distribute sound in the air
- That (discussion of topics of the Lord), is the way of spiritualizing the civic activities of human society
- That is my ambition, that let the teachings of Bhagavad-gita be practically accepted by the human society, and surely they'll be happy
- That is the Krsna consciousness, to save the living entity from anxiety and bring him to the platform of no anxiety. That is the difference, from anxiety to no anxiety. That is the greatest gift to the human society
- That is the speciality of human society, that the more one society follows the rules and regulation, he is to be considered civilized
- That is the way of correcting the flaws of human society (the preaching of the Bhagavatam principles), which are very prominently exhibited at the present moment
- The (Kama-gayatri) mantra depicted in letters is also Krsna, and the mantra rises just like the moon. Due to this, there is a perverted reflection of desire in human society and among all kinds of living entities
- The activities of such persons (like Jagai and Madhai) have now become common practices. It is no longer considered abominable to be a drunkard, woman-hunter, meat-eater, thief or rogue, for these elements have been assimilated by human society
- The age of Kali literally means the age of quarrel, and the abovementioned four symptoms in human society are the root causes for all kinds of quarrel
- The aim of ISKCON is not to found a new religious sect, but to invoke the living entity's dormant love of God, and thus provide the human society of all faiths with a common platform of clear theistic knowledge and practice
- The animal cannot understand that there is soul and there is transmigration of the soul. And if the human society makes progress of their so-called knowledge on this wrong basis understanding, then what will be the result? Everything wrong
- The animals, they do not know how to create a church or temple or mosque. These are done in the human society. So when the human society forgets this responsibility from economic point of view, that means they degrade to the animal life
- The atheistic propaganda that one should not go to a church, temple, or mosque is very dangerous to human society
- The Bhagavad-gita is spoken by the Lord so that human society can be perfectly organized from all angles of vision - politically, socially, economically, philosophically and religiously
- The Bhagavad-gita should be read very widely, and should be understood very widely. That is the only source of auspicity for the human society. But don't misrepresent it
- The Bhagavatam says that it is the duty of an advanced human being to act in such a way as to facilitate human society’s attainment of the ultimate goal of life
- The brahmanas guide human society in becoming happy by satisfying Lord Visnu
- The branches of this tree extend downward & upward, nourished by the three modes of material nature. The twigs are the objects of the senses. This tree also has roots going down, & these are bound to the fruitive actions of human society. BG 15.2 - 1972
- The branches of this tree extend downward and upward, nourished by the three modes of material nature. The twigs are the objects of the senses. This tree also has roots going down, and these are bound to the fruitive actions of human society
- The bull and the cow are the symbols of the most offenseless living beings because even the stool and urine of these animals are utilized to benefit human society
- The bull and the cow can be protected for the good of all human society simply by the spreading of brahminical culture as the topmost perfection of all cultural affairs
- The bull helps in the agricultural process of producing grain, etc., and thus in one sense the bull is the father of humankind, whereas the cow is the mother, for she supplies milk to human society
- The bull is the father of human society because the father earns for the children just as the bull tills the ground to produce food grains. Human society will kill its spirit of life by killing the father and the mother
- The caste system has a specific purpose. If this scientific system is followed, human society will get the greatest benefit. Heeding this instruction by the Lord, people should serve cows and calves and in return get ample quantities of milk
- The chaotic situation of the present human society is due to that there is no intelligent class of men. This is our challenge. The so-called scientists, so-called philosophers, they have no intelligence
- The citizens of the state must give in charity up to fifty percent of their income for the purpose of creating a spiritual atmosphere in the state or in human society, both individually and collectively
- The coherent purpose of Lord Ramacandra, Lord Krsna and Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu is to teach human society how to be happy by following the instructions of the Supreme Lord
- The communists have an idea for feeding human society, but our idea is expanding. We want to see even a snake not fasting
- The comparison of the friction of forest bamboos to that of passionate human societies is appropriate. The whole world is compared to a forest. At any moment there may be a flare-up of fire in the forest due to friction
- The cowherd boys said, "You (the brahmanas) are the most respectable brahmanas within the human society, and you are expected to know all the principles of religious procedure"
- The cutting of trees is generally prohibited. In particular, trees that produce nice fruit for the maintenance of human society should not be cut
- The cycle of birth and death does not support unnecessary murder, slaughter and war. But at the same time, violence and war are inevitable factors in human society for keeping law and order. BG 1972 purports
- The demigods concern themselves with the spiritual upliftment of human society, whereas the demons are concerned with physical and material upliftment
- The demigods, such as Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, King Indra, Candra and Surya, are all subordinate to the SPG. Aside from the demigods, even in human society there are many influential personalities supervising various businesses or establishments
- The devotees of the Supreme Lord are called devas because they also become like God, whereas those who defy the authority of the Supreme are called asuras or demons. These two classes are always found in human society
- The distinction between Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s gift to human society and the gifts of others is that whereas so-called philanthropic and humanitarian workers have given some relief to human society as far as the body is concerned
- The dogs are by nature howling - "Woof! Woof! Woof!" - as soon as they see other dogs. So do you mean to say there will be peace if you turn human society into dog society, into cat society, into tiger society
- The duty of those advanced in knowledge in human society is to study the constitutional position of the imperishable soul and not waste the valuable time of human life in merely maintaining the body and not considering life's real responsibility
- The false sense of egoism (namely myself and mine) has become overly prominent in the world, and there is a hard struggle for existence in human society
- The first-class life means the brahmana life. Satyam saucam tapo. The beginning is satyam. The asuric life is no satya, no truth, and the first-class life in human society, the brahmanas, is satyam saucam tapo
- The foolish human society, they do not know that their real profit is Krsna consciousness. Visnu or Krsna conscious, the same thing. Durasaya ye bahir-artha-maninah. They are trying to be profitable by the external world
- The four leaders of the human society, namely the sannyasis, the brahmana, the king and the public leader, must be tested crucially by their character and qualification
- The four orders of human society, combined with family welfare activities as they are set forth by the institution of the sanatana-dharma or varnasrama-dharma, are designed to enable the human being to attain his ultimate salvation. BG 1972 purports
- The four statuses and orders of human society - brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras, as well as brahmacaris, grhasthas, vanaprasthas and sannyasis - are all divisions of quality, education, culture and spiritual advancement
- The greatest enemies of progressive spiritual culture in human society are the old fossils of political parties who are blind themselves and who try to lead other blind men. They bring about disaster in a peaceful human society
- The hands and heads are gone of the human society. So there is confusion, because there is no head who can give you good consultation how life should be led, how we should make progress in life, how we shall fulfill our human mission of life
- The heart and mind are full of activities, so these artificial methods (meditating on something impersonal) will not help human society
- The human form of life must be systematized, not live like animals. So therefore if in the human society there is no this systematic division of persons. The aim is one. It is not that because one is in the lower division, he does not get the benefit
- The human society is meant for not only inquiring Brahman but to worship Brahman, Parabrahman
- The human society is now running on in an illusory way, forgetting its eternal relation with the Central Cause. They will have to be reinstated in that original position in terms of the above slokas of the Bhagavad-gita
- The human society requires this knowledge and we are trying to give this knowledge alone with our humble attempt, and these foreigners are helping with their pranair arthair dhiya vaca, by their life, by their money, by their intelligence, by their words
- The human society, human being, is endowed with such nice development of consciousness that there is automatic enquiry, which is explained in the Vedanta-sutra as athato brahma jijnasa, enquiry. Enquiry about the soul
- The idea of Ba'hai movement is more graciously presented in our Krishna Consciousness movement. The Ba'hai movement doesn't take any consideration of living entities beyond the human society
- The ideals of human society is broader than in the Middle Age, and the world tendency is towards one state or one human society
- The ideals of spiritual communism, according to Srimad-Bhagavatam, are based more or less on the oneness of the entire human society, nay, of the entire energy of living beings. The need is felt by great thinkers to make this a successful ideology
- The killing of cows by human society is one of the grossest suicidal policies, and those who are anxious to cultivate the human spirit must turn their attention first toward the question of cow protection
- The knowledge which was received by Uddhava directly from the Lord deserves to be distributed in human society, especially to persons like Vidura, who are highly advanced in the devotional service of the Lord
- The lawbook for the entire human society is the Manu-samhita, which directs all activities towards the transcendental service of the Lord
- The leaders of human society - the politicians, philosophers and scientists - are blind because they are not Krsna conscious
- The Lord in human society does what is the duty of everyone, but sometimes He does something extraordinary and not to be imitated by the living being
- The Lord never suggests anything impractical. In this material world, in order to maintain the body one has to work. Human society is divided, according to work, into 4 divisions of social order - brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra. BG 1972 Introduction
- The Lord, being infallible, is not forced by material nature to take birth in this material world. He appears in order to reestablish the perfect order of religious principles and to vanquish the demoniac influence in human society
- The loving propensity is not satisfied even by loving all human society; that loving propensity remains imperfectly fulfilled until we know who is the supreme beloved
- The main business of human society is to think of the Supreme Personality of Godhead at all times, to become His devotees, to worship the Supreme Lord and to bow down before Him
- The material advancement of the Western countries and the spiritual assets of India should combine for the elevation of all human society
- The material means sex desire. That's all. The woman is hunting after man, and the man is hunting after woman. Either in human society or bird society or beast society or dog society or cat society, the principle is sex
- The mercantile class is meant for producing food grains and distributing them to the complete human society so that the whole population is given a chance to live comfortably and discharge the duties of human life
- The modern activities of human society are described in Srimad-Bhagavatam as the activities of go-khara, cows and asses (sa eva go-kharah) - SB 10.84.13
- The modern demons are the harmful material scientists who create some material wonders for disturbance in the society. For example, the creation of nuclear weapons has caused some panic in human society
- The more human society engages in the exploitation of undeveloped material resources for sense gratification, the more it will be entrapped by the illusory, material energy of God, and the distress of the world will be intensified instead of diminished
- The only true religion is Bhagavata Dharma, that is the original religion of the human society, whatever else there may be passing as religion has come after Vedic literature
- The other species of living entities, who far outnumber human society, are never disturbed for maintenance; they are never seen dying of starvation
- The paper industry cuts many hundreds and thousands of trees for its mills, and with the paper so much rubbish literature is published for the whimsical satisfaction of human society
- The path of salvation or the path of transcendental bliss (in the age of Kali), retreated far, far away from human society
- The people of the world would benefit greatly if such notes (recording Caitanya Mahaprabhu's activities) were available. It is a most unfortunate situation for human society that none of these notebooks is still extant
- The performance of sankirtana-yajna is a special concession for human society to save people from being affected by known or unknown sinful activities
- The present human society is so ungrateful that they needlessly kill these innocent cows. Therefore Krsna comes to punish them
- The present issue is excellently done. It is rich in all respects. Your article, Nine Points, is very instructive. I do not know whether people will take our advice, but we must go on presenting these ideas to the human society
- The principles of Maharaja Pariksit can be still continued, and human society can still be improved, if there is determination by the authorities
- The proper distribution of knowledge (of Bhagavad-gita) has begun by which not only will the whole world benefit, but India's glory will be magnified in human society
- The reaction of the poor animals is being forced on human society, and therefore there is always the strain of cold or hot war between men, individually, collectively or nationally
- The relationship between husband and wife in any society, whether higher or lower than human society, is nothing but the same relationship between he-goat and she-goat, for the material relationship between man and woman is one of sex
- The result is that the whole atmosphere becomes surcharged with anarchy and vicious elements. Nepotism, bribery, cheating, aggression and, therefore, famine, epidemic, war and similar other disturbing features become prominent in human societya
- The Russians, they have concluded, "Oh, this life finished - everything is finished." One sense, one, everything is finished, because this so-called happy life is finished. Very dangerous civilization to keep the human society in darkness
- The sastra recommends: the vaisya section of humanity should arrange for the food of the entire society through agricultural activities & should give full protection to the cows, which are the most useful animals because they supply milk to human society
- The servants of the Lord are actually the servants of society. They have no interest in human society other than to enlighten it in transcendental knowledge
- The sex feeling found in human society is not unnatural because this same sex feeling is there in the original Personality of Godhead. The pleasure potency is called Srimati Radharani
- The so-called institution of free love marriage is ruining the human society and it is our duty to reestablish the correct procedure of human life by encouraging our disciples who wish to marry to enter into a contract of spiritual wedlock
- The so-called leaders of human society do not know the real aim of human life and are therefore busy with economic development. This is misleading
- The society of human being is naturally divided into eight by orders and statuses of life - the four divisions of occupation and four divisions of cultural advancement
- The society should be human society, not the cats' and dogs' society. That is Vedic conception. So in the Vedic conception of life the sex life is there, but you become indebted. You must repay the debts
- The spiritual progress of human society has been stopped, and this should be considered an emergency. Here (in SB 7.11.17) is solid support from Narada Muni of the movement known as Krsna consciousness
- The Srimad-Bhagavatam is full of knowledge. It is specially compiled by Vyasadeva to help the foolish human society and save him from all kinds of miserable condition of life
- The Srimad-Bhagavatam says again and again that without attainment of the status of bhakti-yoga, all the activities of human society are to be considered absolute failures only
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead Narayana was the only worshipable Deity; there was no recommendation for worship of the demigods. Fire was one only, and the only order of life in human society was known as hamsa
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, is so kind and merciful to human society that He is always anxious to take the fallen souls back home, back to Godhead
- The system of four classifications in human society according to quality and work is very scientific
- The Tattvavadis establish that the execution of the principles of varna and asrama for the sake of Krsna is the best way to attain the topmost goal. The Tattvavadis thus established their principles in terms of human society
- The teacher cannot manufacture rules against the principles of revealed scriptures. The revealed scriptures, like Manu-samhita and similar others, are considered the standard books to be followed by human society. BG 1972 purports
- The teachings of Lord Caitanya can help human society stop such unnecessary and temporary material activities. By these teachings, humanity can be elevated to the topmost platform of spiritual activity
- The total scheme is for simple life and high thinking and exalted character of the human society
- The vaisya section of humanity should arrange for the food of the entire society through agricultural activities and should give full protection to the cows, which are the most useful animals because they supply milk to human society
- The value of such scientific divisions of human society can be ascertained only in terms of the proportionate development of devotional service to the Lord
- The varnasrama-dharma enables human society to become perfectly fit for getting out of the clutches of maya, and by following the regulative principles of varnasrama-dharma, one can become successful
- The Vedas are not meant for the animals, but for the understanding of human society. A person who indiscriminately violates the rules and regulations given by the Vedas is liable to be punished
- The Vedas are there for understanding by the human society. And if he lives like a cat and dog, then he spoils his life. We should take advantage of the Vedic knowledge and make our life successful. This is real philosophy
- The Vedas contain perfect knowledge, which includes all kinds of knowledge necessary for the human society, not only on this particular planet but on other planets as well
- The Vedic culture is not for any sect of country, it is meant for the whole human society. In other words, Vedic culture is also known as Sanatana Dharma which means - eternal function of the eternal living entities
- The Vedic injunctions for marriage offer a concession to human society, the idea being that a man and woman united in a ritualistic marriage ceremony should help one another advance in spiritual life
- The Vedic scriptures make no mention of such a thing as "Hinduism." but they do mention sanatana-dharma, the eternal and universal religion, and also varnasrama-dharma, the natural organization of human society. That we can find in the Vedic scriptures
- The Vedic system of varna and asrama is never to be neglected, for these divisions are created by the Supreme Lord Himself for the upkeep of social and religious order in human society
- The very idea of the scientific divisions of four classes of human society and four orders of life is also inquired about herewith on the basis of individual personal quality
- The word nrnam indicates that lower animals are not expected to engage in the devotional service of the Lord. But in perfect human society everyone should engage in the ds of the Lord. It does not matter whether one is born poor or rich, black or white
- The word upakuryat means para-upakara, helping others. Of course, in human society there are many institutions to help others, but because philanthropists do not know how to help others, their propensity for philanthropy is ineffectual
- The words bhuta-dayaya, maya-mrgam dayitayepsitam and dina-ganesakau karunaya all convey the same sense. These are very significant words for those interested in elevating human society to a proper understanding of life
- The world is in a disturbed condition because of a scarcity of such peaceful devotees in human society. Unless one is a devotee, one cannot be equal to all living entities
- The Yamadutas were insisting on taking him (Ajamila) away to Yamaraja for punishment. This was adharma, contrary to religious principles. The Visnudutas feared that if such irreligious acts were allowed, the management of human society would be spoiled
- The yogis should perform acts for the advancement of human society. There are many purificatory processes for advancing a human being to spiritual life. BG 1972 purports
- Then (when Christian priests say animals have no souls) we ask them - How do you know that animals have no souls? Animals and children are of the same nature. Does this mean that the children of human society also have no souls
- There are always rogues and thieves in human society, and as soon as a weak government is unable to execute its duties, these rogues and thieves come out to do their business. Thus the entire society becomes a hell unfit for gentlemen to live in
- There are existence man-eaters in Africa. So the human society is coming to that position. Like animal, they will eat their own sons and daughters. So therefore this practice, unnecessarily killing animal, is the one of the pillar of sinful life
- There are existing man-eaters in Africa. So the human society is coming to that position. Like animal, they will eat their own sons and daughters. So therefore this practice, unnecessarily killing animal, is one of the pillar of sinful life
- There are four principles in the human society, namely dharma, artha, kama and moksa. Means first of all become religious, and then you solve your economic problem, and then satisfy your senses, and then become one with God
- There are four processes for human society - dharma, artha, kama and moksa - and they culminate in liberation
- There are four varnas and four asramas, which divide human society, but the central principle is to become a first-class pure devotee
- There are fourteen Manus in one day of Brahma, 420 in one month, all the Manus are directors of human society, ultimately Krsna is the supreme director of human society. In another sense, the word manave indicates the perfection of all kinds of mantras
- There are many dynasties in human society wherein the Supreme Lord descends as an incarnation. Lord Krsna appeared in the Yadu dynasty
- There are many mercantile, scientific and other associations in human society to develop a particular type of education or consciousness, but there is no association which helps one to get free from all material association
- There are many traditionally pious activities in human society, such as altruism, philanthropy, nationalism, internationalism, charity, sacrifice, penance, and even meditation in trance
- There are many varieties of prasada, prepared very nicely with grains and ghee, offered to the Deity and distributed to the brahmanas and Vaisnavas and then to the general public. This is the way of human society
- There are so many things to understand from Srimad-Bhagavatam, full knowledge, all knowledge, as it is required by the human society. So we have to study from all angles of vision, not simply by sentiment. This is Srimad-Bhagavatam
- There are twenty kinds of dharma sastra, so they have to be followed. That is human society. Not that to live like animal. That is human society
- There is a need for vigorous propaganda to educate people to refrain from sinful activities. This will bring peace and prosperity; the rogues, thieves and debauchees will naturally decrease in number, and all of human society will be God conscious
- There is a normal instruction that a so-called gentleman, nicely dressed in the assembly of human society, may appear to be very nice so long he does not speak. But he's, if he speaks nonsense, without KC, immediately he becomes the lowest of the mankind
- There is an immediate need for a good government - a government by the people, with Krsna consciousness. Unless the masses of people become Krsna conscious, they cannot be good men
- There is complete unity between all living beings, even up to the limit of the wild animals and human society. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu displayed this living unity in the jungle of Madhya Pradesh
- There is no complaint amongst the birds and beast unless one is in the human society. Otherwise in the jungle there are major portion of the animals and birds. They have no complaint
- There is no education of the real living force. That education you will get - this Krsna consciousness movement. Therefore it is unique. It is the education to get people of the human society liberated from the animalistic ignorance
- There is no institution for spiritual training also. So this Krishna Consciousness movement is trying to help the human society on these two points, which they are lacking
- There is no literature throughout the universe like Srimad-Bhagavatam. There is no comparison. There is no competition. Every word is for the good of the human society
- There must be organization, institution to teach the human society to to go back to home
- There was (five thousand years ago) no limit to how extensively milk, butter, curd and other such products were used in human society
- There were prostitutes in human society even in Lord Krsna's time, for it is said that the prostitutes of Dvaraka City came forth to receive the Lord. Although they were prostitutes, they were also devotees of Krsna
- These (laws given in the Manu-samhita) are very scientific ways of life, but under the rule of demons like Hiranyakasipu, human society breaks all these systems of law and order and gradually becomes lower and lower. Thus there is no peace in the world
- These (not attracted to hear the glories of devotional service and manufacturing own way of elevation) are some of the defects of human society, which lead to the demoniac status of life. BG 1972 purports
- These (women, children, brahmanas and cows being neglected and unprotected) are some of the symptoms of the Kali age which are harmful to the general welfare of human society
- These are the general principles to be followed by all human beings: gradually taking leave of unnecessary engagements, observing the futility of the unnecessary activities of human society, remaining silent and grave and avoiding unnecessary talk
- These desires (for eternal existence) are evident in human society, & in the upper planetary systems (Svargaloka, Janaloka, etc.) the living entities enjoy a longer duration of life, an increased amount of knowledge, & a generally more blissful existence
- These four orders and their spiritual counterparts (brahmacarya, grhastha, vanaprastha and sannyasa) combine to make human society complete
- These literatures (such as Vedas, Upanisads, Purananas) are not meant for any particular class of men but for the totality of human society. All societies can take advantage of Vedic knowledge to perfect human life
- These rogues (pseudo religionists) are the most dangerous elements in human society. Because there is no religious government, they escape punishment by the law of the state
- They (Brahmanas) are always busy in their activities for spiritual advancement. Nonetheless, when there is a calamity in human society, they cannot remain impartial
- They (human society) have taken sense gratification as the ultimate goal and therefore everyone is frustrated, because the living entity has nothing to do with the temporary material senses
- They (human society) will have to be reinstated in that original position in terms of the above slokas of the Bhagavad-gita. Without this no solution is possible
- They (mayavadis) will always remain and will always criticize anything that is actually good for human society. But the preachers of the sankirtana movement should not be deterred by such criticism
- They (men & women) may be situated in different high & low positions in the estimation of human society but one should know definitely that unless one inquires about his own self beyond the body & mind all his activities in human life are total failures
- They (the human society) have no fixed place to live. Today in this hotel, the next day, another hotel. The so many restaurants means that people have no fixed place where to eat
- They (Vedic regulations, Vedic culture, scriptures) are meant for human society. Because they have got developed consciousness they can accept it, they can follow it. If a man wants to become very good man, he can become; he has got the capacity
- They are doing also the same thing, whole day and night, working hard simply for sense gratification. So therefore in the human society there must be a system of division. That is called varnasrama-dharma. That is Vedic civilization
- This (politician) sort of leader cannot be compared with a sadhu, because a sadhu is leader for all living entities. They are thinking of the ant also, how it will be helped. Not only human society or own society, family members
- This (turning animals into devotees) was possible for Caitanya Mahaprabhu because He is God Himself and can therefore do anything. But although we cannot do that, we can work in human society
- This declaration of the foolish human society is the greatest blunder in life. I therefore appreciate your conviction and I am still more glad that you are determined to progagate this message to the world at large
- This institutional function of human society is known as the system of varnasrama-dharma, which is quite natural for the civilized life
- This is another good instruction to animal-killers. There are always animal-killers and animal-eaters in human society because less civilized people are accustomed to eating meat
- This is here real human life - human society cultivating knowledge in such a way that apavarga-vardhanam, gradually we are going forward for liberation. That is human civilization
- This is human life, not that upstart, foolish, rascals, sudras, that is human society. That is dog society. That is not human society. Human society must be intelligent class of men. They will train the other people. Everything is required
- This is the classification of the human society. What is that classification? Due to this purity, who is pure, pure, purer, purer, and purest. So unless we become purest, we cannot approach Krsna
- This is the madness of human society. The madman has no responsibility in life. Similarly, a human being who does not develop a sense of responsibility before he dies is no better than the madman
- This is the position of the human society, not only in India but in other parts of the continent, world. They are gradually losing the interest in God consciousness. This is not very good sign. So our this present movement is to invoke the dormant KC
- This is the position of the human society, not only in India but in other parts of the world. They are gradually losing the interest in God consciousness
- This is the purpose of Krsna consciousness movement: wholesale, thorough, overhauling of the human society. We have not manufactured anything, concocted things. It is very scientific
- This is the sum and substance of our Krsna consciousness movement. We are simply requesting human society to follow in the footsteps of the teacher of Bhagavad-gita
- This Krsna consciousness movement is for giving perfect knowledge to the human society: what he is, what is God, what is this material world, why you have come here, why you have to undergo so much tribulations, miserable condition of life, why I die
- This life, this body, is all in all, and after death there is no more any body, so who cares for sinful activities? - That is another ignorance. And in order to give them direction there are so many religious scriptures in human society
- This movement is actually the real movement to raise the human society. And if we create faction, then the movement will be less strong and will not act very nicely
- This path of self-realization, which is difficult to understand, has now been lost in the course of time. Please know that I have assumed this body of Kapila to introduce and explain this philosophy to human society again
- This poor fund of knowledge exhibited by human society is certainly misleading, and it is all due to ignoring the constitution of the living soul. This material world exists only as a dream, due to our attachment to it
- This verse (SB 5.16.25) hints at the perfection of human society even within this material world
- Those in human society who are intelligent should give up the original cause of lamentation, illusion, fear, anger, attachment, poverty and unnecessary labor. The original cause of all of these is the desire for unnecessary prestige and money
- Those persons who are materially engrossed, being blind to the knowledge of ultimate truth, have many subject matters for hearing in human society, O Emperor
- Those who are in the mode of goodness are promoted to the regions of the demigods, those who are in the mode of passion are placed in human society, and those who are situated in the mode of ignorance are placed in the society of animals or ghosts
- Those who are inclined to eat meat may eat the flesh of unimportant animals like hogs, dogs, goats and sheep, but they should not touch the life of the cows, for this is destructive to the spiritual advancement of human society
- Those who are not Vaisnavas consider only human society worthy of their sympathy, but Krsna claims to be the supreme father of all life forms. Consequently the Vaisnava takes care not to annihilate untimely or unnecessarily any life form
- Those who are weak, they are food for the strong. That is going on. "Might is right," in the human society also
- Those who desire to eat meat may satisfy the demands of their tongues by eating lower animals, but they should never kill cows, who are actually accepted as the mothers of human society because they supply milk
- Those who live in cities and villages, in society, human society, that is rajasika. And those who live in the liquor shop and similar, gambling shop and other, they are called tamasika
- To benefit all human society, not only in this life but in the next, the great seers and sages have prescribed various methods conducive to the prosperity of the people in general
- To distinguish human society from the animals there is the performance of religious activities in terms of the social statuses and orders of life
- To keep the whole human society in perfect happiness, according to the direction of God. Just like I told you that Krsna says, annad bhavanti bhutani. If you want to keep the living entities, both men and animal, you must arrange for their nice fooding
- To remain under the jurisdiction or administration of such a king or leader (like Maharaja Prthu) is the perfect status for human society. The primary responsibility of such a king or leader is to protect the brahminical culture and the cows in his state
- To spread this Krsna consciousness movement is the best welfare activity in the human society. The best. There is no more better welfare
- Today all facets of human society are thinking that their self-interest is in maintaining this body. Consequently today's society is simply a society of cats, dogs and hogs
- Transport is required in the human society, but you can utilize so many animals for your purpose
- Try to train them (people in ignorance) in different ways. That is the real welfare activity in the human society
- Try your best to develop an ideal society there to set a perfect example for the human society of how one can live very simply, chanting Hare Krishna and developing love for Krishna
- Two birds are born, two eggs: one male, one female, from the very beginning. We are also born brother and sister. But human society does not allow sex between brother and sister. Still formality is there. Human life is advanced
- Ultimate religious principle for the living entity in human society
- Unfortunately the modern leaders of the society have made the common man forget God somehow or other. Our humble attempt is to revive the forgotten consciousness of the human society
- Unfortunately, there is no institution in human society for education on this subject - of perpetual suffering under the threefold miseries - adhyatmika, adhibhautika and adhidaivika
- Unless human society is divided according to these eight scientific divisions and everyone acts according to his position, there can be no peace in the world
- Unless human society is regulated by varnasrama-dharma, it is no better than a bestial society of cats and dogs
- Unless one can train a child for liberation in that life, there is no need to marry or produce children. If human society produces children like cats and dogs for the disturbance of social order, the world becomes hellish, as it has in this age of Kali
- Unless we are prepared to perform the prescribed sacrifices, our supply of the necessities of life will be checked. Bhagavad-gita confirms that Lord Brahma created human society along with yajna, the performance of sacrifice
- Unless you treat the spiritual disease of the human society, then the problems will increase. It will be never be solved. The real disease is spiritual disease
- Varnasrama-dharma easily brings one nearer to Lord Visnu, who is the only true objective in human society
- Vedas means knowledge, this knowledge, is meant for the human beings. Vedic... Therefore Indian civilization, based on Vedic knowledge, is estimated so high, perfect. Perfect scheme system for human society, based on Vedic civilization
- Vedic civilization gives protection to all the living creatures, especially the cows, because they render such valuable service to the human society in the shape of milk, without which no one can become healthy and strong
- Vedic civilization means everything under rules and regulation. That is Vedic civilization. Animal cannot be brought under rules and regulations. That is not possible. Therefore that is the speciality of human society
- Vedic knowledge is considered one of the necessities for human society. If human society remains satisfied simply by taking grains from the planet earth as well as other necessities for maintaining the body, society will not be sufficiently prosperous
- Vyasadeva composed the Vedanta-sutra to deliver the conditioned souls from this material world, but Sankaracarya, by presenting the Vedanta-sutra, has clearly done a great disservice to human society, for one who follows his Mayavada philosophy is doomed
- We (human society) have got extra intelligence. Why this extra intelligence? That is for understanding dharma, religion
- We are delivering the genuine goods to the human society on behalf of God, Krishna. If someone wants to check us, it is for the time being only and not permanent situation
- We are educated in such a foolish way that we cannot understand this simple truth. That has to be amended. Otherwise, there is no question of enlightenment in the human society
- We are giving everyone in human society a chance to learn Bhagavad-gita as it is and make his life perfect. That is the Krsna consciousness movement
- We are giving that information, how you can keep yourself eternal. This is the greatest gift to the human society
- We are just trying to revive this original consciousness of the human society. That is called Krsna consciousness. Don't try to misunderstand. Original consciousness
- We are loving our society, loving this body, loving our family, loving our kinsmen, or loving internationally human society. But this love is actually perverted reflection of real love of God
- We are putting these books for deliberation before the topmost thinkers of human society. Therefore, I have to see that in all languages all of our books are published
- We are sure that everyone in human society will welcome Srimad-Bhagavatam, even though it is now presented with so many faults, for it is recommended by Sri Narada, who has very kindly appeared in this chapter
- We are teaching people that you are suffering life after life. Now the human society has come to such a position that they do not know that there is life after this life. They are so advanced. Exactly the cats and dogs
- We are trying to give this information (next life one should have better or eternal body) to the human society, but they are so callous, they are so bodily conscious, they are not very much serious about it
- We do not want to keep the human society in the category of cats and dogs. We want to raise them to the real understanding of the identification. That is our mission
- We go to the human society to speak of Krsna consciousness. We do not go to the society of animals, because they have no capacity to understand. Their body does not permit to understand what is God
- We have failed to bring in peace and harmony in the human society even by such big attempts like the organization of United Nations because we do not know the method
- We have failed to create peace and harmony in human society, even by such great attempts as the United Nations, because we do not know the right method. The method is very simple, but one has to understand it with a cool head
- We have got so many literatures full of treasure house of knowledge. We have to distribute that. Not bluffing, showing magic or this or that, miracles. No. We are not this. It is a institution for giving knowledge to the human society
- We have got very good experience about this materialistic way of life, hard struggle for life. But the human society, it is also stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, human being, they are born of the quality of passion
- We have taken Bhagavad-gita as the standard of all human activities. If the leaders of the human society take it as standard, then all the problems will be solved. That we can give practical suggestions for
- We have taken Bhagavad-gita as the standard of all human activities. If the leaders of the human society take it as standard, then all the problems will be solved. That we can give practical suggestions. Any plan of the atheists will never be successful
- We instruct our children: "If you want to be educated in higher status of life, go to school, go to college, take lesson." That is human society. The dog's father will never ask the dog child, "Go to school." No. They are dogs
- We invite all important men to contact us and try to understand the basic principle of this movement: how to elevate the human society to the proper standard of life and become peaceful in this life as well as in the next life
- We invite all men and women advanced in knowledge to join the Krsna consciousness movement and sacrifice their lives for the great cause of reviving the God consciousness of human society
- We invite everyone to come here to listen to our philosophy, take prasadam and sing and dance with us. This program is very nice. We do not make distinctions in human society
- We perform philanthropic work, thinking that we are the friends of human society. Someone may proclaim himself to be a very good national worker, the best friend of the people and of the country, but actually he cannot be the greatest friend of everyone
- We say "No illicit sex." It will save you from so many encumbrances. Sex life is not denied, but this unrestricted sex life is very very abominable in human society. But they are encouraging unrestricted sex life
- We shall become fully Krsna conscious, and we shall go out, outside India, to preach Krsna consciousness movement. That is para-upakara. That is the best welfare activities in the human society. That is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission
- We should always remember that this Krsna consciousness movement is meant for purifying the human society. Unless the human society is purified, there will be so many problems and disturbances in the human society
- We think the whole world or the entire human society is dwindling their faith in God so much so that some of them are declaring God is dead, and some of them are in frustration, manufacturing different kinds of isms, under different names
- We want to create some men who can give guidance to the human society, because at the present moment the society is without any intelligent head, namely Brahmins
- What is God? What I am? What is my relationship with God? What is the ultimate goal of life? - these questions and answers should be in the human society
- Whatever one may be, one must take shelter at the lotus feet of a devotee mahatma and treat him as the most exalted well-wisher of all human society. We should take shelter of such a mahatma and ask for his causeless mercy
- When a person is born even in human society, he remains a sudra. Sudra means almost like animal. Now he has to be reformed. That is called samskara. Then twice-born
- When human society accepts varnasrama-dharma, it can gradually come to the understanding of Brahman. By birth, everyone is a sudra; therefore everyone has to be educated
- When human society gives up these elementary faults enumerated by Srila Rupa Gosvami (atyahara, etc.), all enmity will cease between men and animals, capitalists and communists, and so forth
- When human society individually or collectively becomes godless and blasphemes the authority of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, it is certainly destined for ruination
- When human society is grateful to the Lord for all His gifts for the maintenance of the living entities, then there is certainly no scarcity or want in society
- When one becomes above the gunas by devotional service . . . guna means quality. A devotee is on the position of first-class human society because a devotee is engaged in devotional service
- When one is distressed he goes to the church or temple to worship the Lord, but when opulent he forgets the Lord. Therefore, punishment by the Lord through material nature is necessary in human society
- When the modes of passion and ignorance increase in human society, giving rise to unnecessary economic development, the result is that people become involved with wine, women and gambling
- When the Personality of Godhead descends in a human form, only fools and rascals deride Him. This actually occurred when Lord Krsna, Lord Rama and Lord Caitanya moved within human society as human beings
- When the relation is reestablished in relation with the Supreme Lord, there is complete unity between all living beings, even up to the limit of the wild animals and human society
- When there is a slaughterhouse, they'll be slaughtered next moment. They are standing and eating grass, because due to ignorance. They do not know. Similarly, when human society becomes plunged into ignorance, they do not know what is unhappiness
- When there is sufficient austerity, cleanliness, mercy and truthfulness, naturally mother earth is completely satisfied, and there is very little chance for Kali to infiltrate the structure of human society
- When they (devotees) come to save human society from the dangers of godlessness, they are known as the powerful incarnations of the Lord, as sons of the Lord, as servants of the Lord or as associates of the Lord
- When we are no longer envious of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, there will be real peace, unity and fraternity in human society
- When we forget completely our real problems of life, that is animalism. So that animalism . . . when the human society, the animalism is prominent, simply living like animals, that is called dharmasya glanih, Deficiency in the matter of dharma
- Whenever there are discrepancies in the human society - tadatmanam srjamy aham - at that time He appears. Paritranaya sadhunam vinasaya ca duskrtam (BG 4.8). This is the program. And when He comes, the time is fixed
- Wherefrom the idea came to the human society unless it is there in the Absolute? How the idea comes? Therefore that law and order is Visnu. Janmady asya yatah. The idea of law and order came from Visnu
- Whether in demigod society, asura society, human society or Gandharva society, every living entity should take shelter of the lotus feet of Mukunda and thus become perfect in good fortune
- While working to earn his livelihood as much as necessary to maintain body and soul together, one who is actually learned should live in human society unattached to family affairs, although externally appearing very much attached
- Who in human society can be satisfied without hearing sufficient talk of the Lord, whose lotus feet are the sum total of all places of pilgrimage and who is worshiped by great sages and devotees?
- Who will not respect Jesus Christ? He sacrificed everything for God, even his life. So who is that rascal that he'll not respect to Jesus Christ? What did he do wrong to the human society?
- Whomever you meet, you talk of Krsna consciousness. That's, that is the cult of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. This is genuine spiritual movement. Or the human society's movement. Spiritual, cultural, religious philosophical, scientific, everything, complete
- Why human communism? Living being communism! If you take this world as belonging to human society, that is defective. It belongs to everyone! It belongs to the tree community; it belongs to the beast community
- Why in human society there is religion? The purpose is to elevate himself to the transcendental position. That is religion. Where there is no such aim to raise one from the fallen condition to the liberated state, that is not religion. That is sentiment
- Why there should be problem in human society? Because they have given up the real principles. They are simply animals. Therefore there are so many problems
- Why this chance should not be given to the human society? What is this nonsense dog dancing, election, and bribing, stealing and unnecessarily struggle? What they'll do? They are all nothing, all of these
- Why you are expecting that some day will come when science will be perfect? Throughout the whole history of the human society, never it has been possible that one can give life. There is no such instance in the history
- Why you should eat animals? That is uncivilized life. When there is no food, when they are aborigines, they may eat animals, because they do not know how to grow food. But when the human society becomes civilized, he can grow so many nice foods
- Without giving proper facilities to the animals, how can human society be happy? That people are raising cattle to send to the slaughterhouse is a great sin. By this demoniac enterprise, people are ruining their chance for a truly human life
- Without KC, happiness is impossible; one may struggle, but one cannot have happiness. We are therefore trying to give human society the opportunity for a life of happiness, good health, peace of mind and all good qualities through God consciousness
- Without religion, human life is no better than animal life. Therefore, in human societies there is some form of religion which aims at self-realization and which makes reference to man's eternal relationship with God
- Without spiritual culture a human society is another polished edition of the animals. There is no value of education in the animal society as the trained up lion in a circus is never to be trusted
- Worthless men, with the modes of lower-class men, at the post of a king are sure to first hurt the cow and the brahminical culture, thereby pushing all society towards hell
- Yajna means we have to satisfy the Supreme Person. That is called yajna. And this process can be executed when the human society is very regulated. Regulated means there must be division of these varnas and asramas
- Yajnas can be executed when human society is regulated according to the varnasrama-dharma, the system of four social orders (varnas) and four spiritual orders - asramas
- Yajnas were previously performed with offerings of oblations of ghee and food grains, but in this age, of course, this is no longer possible, for the production of ghee and food grains has diminished because of the sinful life of human society
- You appear on this earth by Your internal potency to protect Your devotees and destroy the miscreants. By such an appearance You reestablish the principles of eternal religion, which human society forgets by long association with the material energy
- You cannot have any religious principle or institution in the cat society or dog society. Dharmena hinah pasubhih samanam. Therefore when human society becomes devoid of dharma, then it is animal society. It is no longer human society
- You cannot increase the duration of life. Therefore the so-called scientific, I mean to say, advancement, what is that? Duskrtinah: no benefit for the human society
- You cannot maintain slaughterhouse in the human society and at the same time you want peace
- You cannot reject milk from the human society
- You come and preach. The country is going to hell, the human society is going to hell for misguidance. These rascal leaders, they're going to hell themselves and they're leading others
- You may call the Vedas Hindu, but "Hindu" is a foreign name. We are not Hindus. Our real identification is varnasrama. Varnasrama denotes the followers of the Vedas, those who accept the human society in eight divisions of varna and asrama
- Yudhisthira Maharaja knew that Narada Muni is the supreme spiritual master of human society who can teach the path of spiritual liberation leading to the understanding of the Supreme Personality of Godhead