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Pages in category "Yogi"
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- A businessman may consider a certain banker to be a mahajana, and karmis desiring material enjoyment may consider philosophers like Jaimini to be mahajanas. There are many yogis who want to control the senses, and for them Patanjali Rsi is a mahajana
- A description of the higher planets and the spiritual world can be found in the Vedic scriptures. The yogi knows everything; he can transfer himself to any planet he likes. He does not need the help of spacecraft
- A devotee does not think like yogis and jnanis, who want to refuse a material body and become one with the impersonal Brahman effulgence. A devotee does not like this idea
- A karmi, a business man, is improving his business. Just like in your country there are..., there were many great business brain-Mr. Henry Ford, Rockefeller. So they concentrated their attention how to earn money. They are also called yogi in that way
- A Krsna conscious person wants only to serve the foremost yogi, Yogesvara (varimnah sarva-yoginam). Because we are trying to become His devotees, we accept the Supreme Lord, Yogesvara, as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- A Krsna conscious yogi is the perfect seer because he sees Krsna, the Supreme, situated in everyone's heart as Supersoul (Paramatma). Isvarah sarva-bhutanam hrd-dese 'rjuna tisthati. BG 1972 purports
- A little quantity of gold captivates foolish people, and thus the yogi gets many followers, who are willing to accept such a tiny person as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Such a yogi may also advertise himself as Bhagavan
- A man who has no control over the tongue at first can hardly become a yogi. Yogi and bhogi are two opposite terms. The bhogi, or the merry man who eats and drinks, cannot be a yogi, for a yogi is never allowed to eat and drink unrestrictedly
- A mystic yogi can enter into the sun planet simply by using the rays of the sunshine. This perfection is called laghima
- A mystic yogi is especially concerned with controlling the senses, but because the senses of a devotee are engaged in the service of the God (hrsikena hrsikesa-sevanam bhaktir ucyate (CC Madhya 19.170)) there is no need for separate control of the senses
- A perfection most desired by the jnanis and yogis (oneness with God) and for which they execute their different types of transcendental activities
- A person in Krsna consciousness has no opportunity to engage his senses in anything which is not for the purpose of Krsna. Therefore, a Krsna conscious person is simultaneously a sannyasi and a yogi. BG 1972 purports
- A person interested in spiritual advancement gives up the company of material society and goes to a secluded place as recommended for the yogis but that will also not help a person in spiritual advancement, for in many instances such yogis also fall down
- A person is said to be established in self-realization and is called a yogi (or mystic) when he is fully satisfied by virtue of acquired knowledge and realization. Such a person is situated in transcendence and is self-controlled
- A person is said to be established in self-realization and is called a yogi (or mystic) when he is fully satisfied by virtue of acquired knowledge and realization. Such a person is situated in transcendence and is self-controlled. BG 6.8 -1972
- A person is said to be established in self-realization and is called a yogi (or mystic) when he sees everything-whether it be pebbles, stones or gold-as the same. BG 6.8 - 1972
- A person who is always thinking of Krsna in devotion is the topmost of all yogis
- A small child, he's clapping. Why? "Hey Krsna." So anyway, everyone is remembering always Krsna. Keeping Krsna consciousness. Even a child here is the highest yogi. It is not our boastfulness. It is stated in authorized scripture like Bhagavad-gita
- A so-called yogi was kept for days by his disciples, who thought that their guru was in samadhi. When decomposition began and a bad smell unfortunately began to overwhelm the yogic power, the disciples allowed the dead body of the yogi to be burned
- A special advantage in devotional service is that devotees not only enjoy the transcendental pastimes of the Lord by hearing and chanting and glorifying them, but also are not very much attached to their bodies, unlike the yogis
- A special distinction between devotees and the other transcendentalists, namely the jnanis and yogis, is that jnanis and yogis artificially try to become one with the Supreme, whereas devotees never aspire for such an impossible accomplishment
- A yogi can attain miraculous successes in material achievements, such as anima and laghima, by which one can become more minute than the minutest or lighter than the lightest, or one may achieve material benedictions in the shape of wealth and women
- A yogi can go anywhere he desires without mechanical help
- A yogi can place his mind and intelligence within the air circulating inside his body, and by practicing the art of breath control he can mix that air with the air that blows all over the universe outside his body
- A yogi can touch the moon with his finger
- A yogi desiring to get free from material conditions must always keep his mind under control
- A yogi indulging in sex and intoxication is a mockery
- A yogi is advised to meditate on the form of Lord Visnu from point to point, from ankles to legs to knees to thighs to chest to neck, and in this way gradually up to the face and then to the ornaments. There is no question of impersonal meditation
- A yogi is advised to meditate on the form of Lord Visnu from point to point, from the ankles to the legs to the knees to the thighs to the chest to the neck, and in this way gradually up to the face and then to the ornaments
- A yogi is greater than the ascetic, greater than the empiricist and greater than the fruitive worker. Therefore, O Arjuna, in all circumstances, be a yogi. BG 6.46 - 1972
- A yogi is recommended to meditate upon the Lord's neck. The Lord's transcendental form can either be meditated upon in the mind or placed in a temple in the form of a statue and decorated in such a way that everyone can contemplate it
- A yogi may come, and we can challenge him, saying that this (Krsna Consciousness) is the topmost yoga system, though at the same time it is very simple. You don't have to exercise your body over a period of weeks before you feel some power
- A yogi should see the same soul in all manifestations, for all that exists is a manifestation of different energies of the Supreme. In this way the devotee should see all living entities without distinction. That is realization of the Supreme Soul
- A yogi should similarly meditate on the most benevolent smile of Lord Sri Hari, a smile which, for all those who bow to Him, dries away the ocean of tears caused by intense grief
- A yogi turns into a pure devotee and cannot bear to live for a moment with out seeing the Lord within himself. BG 1972 purports
- A yogi who desires gradual liberation must penetrate all the different coverings of the universe, including the subtle coverings of the three qualitative modes of material nature. One who does this never has to return to this mortal world
- A yogi, especially a bhakti-yogi, is callous to the opinions of this material world. He is not interested in traveling to the higher planetary systems of the demigods to enjoy a long life in an advanced materialistic civilization
- Above all the fruitive laborers, speculators, and mystic yogis are the bhaktas, or devotees of Krsna. A bhakta can be perfectly peaceful, whereas the others cannot because everyone but the bhakta, one who has pure love, has desire
- Above the karmis are the jnanis, who are trying to become liberated from material entanglement. Yogis are still more advanced because they meditate on the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Above them (those who desire to merge into the Supreme Spirit Soul) are the mystic yogis, who by meditation see within their hearts the four-handed Visnu form of the Paramatma, or Supersoul
- Absolute Truth can be realized in the beginning as impersonal Brahman, which is the objective of the jnanis, and next, Paramatma, which is the objective of the yogis, and at last, the last word in the absolute understanding is person
- Acaryopasanam. That is required. But these yogis, jnanis, karmis, they have no acarya. They are self-made
- According to the monists, when a yogi becomes one with the Supreme and loses his individual existence, he attains the highest stage, called kaivalya. But actually, the stage of realization of the Personality of Godhead is kaivalya
- Actually people should be trained up to be happy with one's own self. So the yogis and the philosophers, they are trying to be satisfied with their own self
- Actually, all of you are more than sannyasis. Anyone who has dedicated his life to Krishna, he is sannyasi, yogi, and everything
- Actually, when one is situated in proper knowledge, one who is actually a yogi, for him, this distinction altogether disappears
- Advanced yogis are not very much attracted to the rituals of the scriptures, but they automatically become attracted to the yoga principles, which can elevate them to complete Krsna consciousness, the highest yoga perfection. BG 1972 purports
- After attaining Me (Krsna), the great souls, who are yogis in devotion, never return to this temporary world, which is full of miseries, because they have attained the highest perfection - BG 8.15
- After attaining Me, the great souls, who are yogis in devotion, never return to this temporary world, which is full of miseries, because they have attained the highest perfection. BG 8.15 - 1972
- After many births, mature yogis, by complete trance in yoga, endeavor in secluded places to see the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- After many, many years of much trouble, a yogi or wise philosopher may come to Him (God), but his path is very troublesome, whereas the path of devotional service is easy for everyone
- After prolonged life there (the higher planets), he (the yogi who falls after a short period of practice) is sent back again to this planet, to take birth in the family of a righteous brahmana vaisnava or of aristocratic merchants. BG 1972 purports
- After Sankaracarya came Sadananda-yogi, who claimed that the Vedanta and Upanisads should be understood through the commentaries of Sankaracarya. Factually, this is not so
- After showing his wife the globe of the universe and its different arrangements, full of many wonders, the great yogi Kardama Muni returned to his own hermitage
- After the rainy season, the farmers begin to rebuild the partitioning walls of the paddy fields so that the water will be conserved, just as yogis try to use their conserved energy for self-realization
- All kinds of yogis-karma, jnana, hatha, etc.-eventually have to attain devotional perfection in bhakti-yoga, or Krsna consciousness, before they can go to Krsna's transcendental abode and never return. BG 1972 purports
- All of them (karmis, jnanis and yogis) are trying to be materially perfect, but a devotee very easily comes to the platform of nirguna in devotional service, and consequently for the devotee the results of karma, jnana and yoga become very insignificant
- All the swamis and yogis who came here, they do not belong to this parampara system, so therefore they are not bona fide guru. They are presenting themselves as guru, but they are not guru
- All the various swamis and yogis who came here - they never introduced Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Now it is being done, and people are accepting, naturally. This is the Krsna consciousness movement
- All the wives of Lord Krsna were completely absorbed in thought of Him. Krsna is known as Yogesvara, the master of all yogis, and all the wives of Krsna at Dvaraka used to keep this Yogesvara within their hearts
- All these yogis (tapomaya, hatha, astanga, svadhyaya) are faithfully engaged in different types of sacrifice and are seeking a higher status of life. BG 1972 purports
- All those who followed the principles of King Rantideva were totally favored by his mercy and became pure devotees, attached to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narayana. Thus they all became the best of yogis
- Also used here (in SB 3.25.2) is the word varimnah, meaning the most worshipful of all yogis
- Although Bhagavad-gita was being presented by so many svamis and yogis, not a single man became a devotee of Krsna. So our this presentation, because it is pure, without any adulteration, it is acting very nicely
- Although Garuda did not try to retaliate, the Muni was not saved from his offensive act against a great Vaisnava personality. Due to this offense, Saubhari fell down from his yogic position and afterwards became a householder
- Although Garuda was not under anyone’s order, being the carrier of Lord Visnu, he did not disobey the order of the great yogi. Instead of staying and eating many fish, he carried off one big fish, who was their leader
- Although he is unborn and is the chief of all living creatures, he is situated in that exalted post because of the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whom even great yogis worship by controlling the mind and regulating the life air (prana)
- Although karmis, jnanis and yogis fulfill their desires by performing various activities, they are never satisfied
- Although Krsna saw that Arjuna was rejecting the meditational system, He proclaimed Arjuna to be the highest yogi because - You are always thinking of Me
- Although one's duration of life is limited in years, if by chance one becomes a devotee, he surpasses the duration prescribed for his life; indeed, sometimes yogis die according to their wish, not according to the laws of material nature
- Although Sri Krsna indicates that He can be easily reached by one who is devoted to Him, there is an element of risk involved for the yogis who practice other methods of yoga
- Although the yogis and jnanis are trying to understand God, they are not aware of their illusory condition. Maya-sukhaya bharam udvahato vimudan: They are fools because they are working hard for illusory happiness
- Although their (jnanis' and yogis') destination is not so important in comparison to the destination of the devotees, the labor of the nondevotees is far greater than that of the bhaktas
- Although they (gopis & cowherd boys) were not Vedantists, yogis or karmis, they were happy because they were simple village girls & boys who wanted to see Krsna. This is a very highly elevated position called sarvopadhi-vinirmuktam tat-paratvena nirmalam
- Although they (tapasvis, yogis, jnanis and others who have a bodily concept of life) may sometimes be called santa-bhaktas, real bhakti begins with dasya-rasa
- Although yogis can perform wonderful feats, as Kardama has already displayed, Kardama was more than a yogi because he was a great devotee of the Lord; therefore he was more glorious than an ordinary yogi
- Among the human species, some denounce sensual pleasures and are honored by the world as a saints, yogis, philosophers, scholars, and so on
- Among these twenty-four forms, Sankarsana, Aniruddha, Pradyumna and Vasudeva are depicted very nicely in the Caitanya-caritamrta, where it is stated that Aniruddha is worshiped by the yogis
- An unchaste woman is very easily carried away by paramours, and it sometimes happens that her husband is violently killed by her paramours. If the yogi gives his mind a chance and does not restrain it...
- An uncontrolled mind and an unchaste wife are the same. An unchaste wife can kill her husband at any time, and an uncontrolled mind, followed by lust, anger, greed, madness, envy and illusion, can certainly kill the yogi
- Anyone acting under the direction of the Supreme Lord is actually a sannyasi and a yogi, and not the man who has simply taken the dress of the sannyasi, or a pseudo-yogi. BG 1972 purports
- Anyone can become Krsna's representative. Nonetheless, for the past two hundred years, many yogis and svamis have gone to foreign countries, but no one has spoken about Krsna
- Anyone who is not after the result of any action, but simply he acts as a matter of duty for Krsna, he is a factual Sannyasin and Yogi
- Arjuna is asking this question about the fate of the unsuccessful yogi so that in the future people would not be discouraged. By a yogi, Arjuna is referring to the hatha-yogi, jnana-yogi and bhakti-yogi; it is not that meditation is the only form of yoga
- Artificially, by means of practical psychology, one can understand very little of another's thinking and feeling. But this is in no way all-pervasive. If any yogi says like that, especially the modern so-called yogis, it is simply falsehood
- As a blazing fire burns everything within a room, Lord Visnu, situated in the heart of the yogi, burns up all kinds of impurities
- As confirmed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead in Bhagavad-gita (6.47): Of all yogis, he who always abides in Me with great faith, worshiping Me in transcendental loving service, is most intimately united with Me in yoga and is the highest of all
- As confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (BG 6.41): The unsuccessful yogi, after many, many years of enjoyment on the planets of the pious living entities, is born into a family of righteous people or into a family of rich aristocracy
- As described in Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 9.5.16), Durvasa Muni, a great mystic yogi who considered himself very elevated, envied Maharaja Ambarisa, who was known as the greatest devotee of the time
- As explained by the Lord Himself in Bhagavad-gita (6.47): "Of all yogis, he who always abides in Me with great faith, worshiping Me in transcendental loving service, is most intimately united with Me in yoga and is the highest of all"
- As far as the inhabitants of Siddhaloka are concerned, they are endowed with all mystic powers. The yogis in this planet practice the eightfold yogic mysticism - namely yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and samadhi
- As far as the mystic powers of the yogis are concerned, they are also material entanglements on the path of spiritual realization
- As for jnanis, they cannot be peaceful because they are too busy trying to attain liberation or merge into the existence of the Supreme. Similarly, yogis are also restless to get mystic power
- As it is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita, "Out of the many yogis, he who is a devotee of the Lord is first class
- As Krsna confirms in Bhagavad-gita (BG 6.47): "Of all yogis, he who abides in Me with great faith, worshiping Me in transcendental loving service, is most intimately united with Me in yoga and is the highest of all"
- As Lord Krsna says in Bhagavad-gita (BG 6.47): "Of all yogis, he who always abides in Me with great faith, worshiping Me in transcendental loving service, is most intimately united with Me in yoga and is the highest of all"
- As recommended in Bhagavad-gita, yogis should practice sampreksya nasikagram, keeping their eyes half-open. If the eyes are closed completely, there will be a tendency to sleep
- As soon as a yogi desires to go somewhere within this universe or even beyond this universe, he can do so immediately
- As soon as he gives up the body, or after death, the jnani merges into the spiritual effulgence of the Supreme Lord, the yogi transfers himself to the various higher planets, and the devotee goes to the planet of the Supreme Lord, Goloka Vrndavana
- As soon as the mind, being defeated by lusty desires, drifts toward feelings of sense gratification, the yogi should immediately bring it back and arrest it within the core of his heart
- As stated by Lord Krsna in Bhagavad-gita (BG 6.47): Of all yogis, he who always abides in Me with great faith, worshiping Me in transcendental loving service, is most intimately united with Me in yoga and is the highest of all
- As stated here (in SB 3.28.30), the yogi must meditate upon the form of the Lord which is experienced by devotees. Devotees never imagine a form of the Lord. They are not satisfied by something imaginary
- As stated in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 6.41): The unsuccessful yogi, after many, many years of enjoyment on the planets of the pious living entities, is born into a family of righteous people, or into a family of rich aristocracy
- As the Lord Himself recommends in Bhagavad-gita (BG 6.47): Of all yogis, he who always abides in Me with great faith, worshiping Me in transcendental loving service, is most intimately united with Me in yoga and is the highest of all
- As the result of real yoga practice there are eight kinds of perfection: 1) the yogi can become smaller than the smallest, greater than the greatest or lighter than the lightest
- As the Supreme Personality of Godhead can expand Himself in millions of forms, a yogi can also expand up to nine forms, but not more than that. Another example is that of Saubhari Muni; he also expanded himself into eight forms
- As Yogesvara, or as master of all yogis, whatever He wills is immediately realized. There is no question of desire. He becomes a husband or lover or friend just to fulfill the desires of His devotees
- As yogi he satisfied her (Devahuti) in every respect. And then she wanted children. So Kardama Muni begot in her nine daughters and one son, with the promise that - As soon as you get your children, I will go away. I am not going to live forever with you
- Aside from devotees, there are many others, nondevotees, known as karmis, jnanis or yogis, philanthropists, altruists, politicians, impersonalists and voidists
- At that time the yogi realizes the truth of his relationship with the SPG. He discovers that pleasure and pain as well as their interactions, which he attributed to his own self, are actually due to the false ego, which is a product of ignorance
- At the end of the Sixth Chapter (of Bhagavad-gita) the Lord says that out of all the yogis, he who thinks of Krsna within himself is considered to be the most perfect. BG 1972 purports
- At the time of death, all yogis give up the material body with full detachment simply by placing their minds at Your lotus feet. That is the perfection of yoga
- At this point (of attaining perfection of yoga) the yogi determines where he is to go
- At this position (blocking the nine holes by complete suspension of air, then concentrating the vital force in the middle position between the eyebrows), the yogi can think of the planet to which he wants to go after leaving the body
- At this stage (of Krsna consciousness), Lord Krsna never disappears from the sight of the devotee, nor does the devotee ever lose sight of the Lord. In the case of a yogi who sees the Lord as Paramatma within the heart, the same applies. BG 1972 purports
- Because a devotee of Lord Krsna is desireless, he is peaceful. Fruitive workers desire material enjoyment, jnanis desire liberation, and yogis desire material opulence; therefore they are all lusty and cannot be peaceful
- Because Prahlada Maharaja, being a great devotee, was better than any yogi, Hiranyakasipu was to be brought among the society of bhakti-yogis
- Because the mind is restless and undependable, it must remain always under control. Even the mind of the advanced yogi Saubhari created such a disturbance that he lost his yogic mystic powers
- Because they (yogis) are not directly devotees of the Lord, they cannot get liberation directly. They have to wait until Brahma is liberated, and only then, along with Brahma, are they also liberated
- Because this is very difficult, the nondevotees - the jnanis and yogis - cannot stop the waves of sense gratification, although they try to do so. Therefore you are advised to engage in the devotional service of Krsna, the son of Vasudeva
- Before giving up this present body, if one is able to tolerate the urges of the material senses and check the force of desire and anger, he is a yogi and is happy in this world. BG 5.23 - 1972
- Before me so many swamis, yogis went there. They came and go. No effect. Now I have created a community which will continue
- Beginning with the abdomen and proceeding through the heart, they (mystic yogis) reach the top of the head and pass through the brahma-randhra, the hole at the top of the skull
- Being a yogi, Kardama Muni strictly followed these principles; therefore as soon as Kapiladeva was grown, Devahuti was placed in His charge. Kardama Muni then left home. As stated in this verse: pitari prasthite 'ranyam matuh priya-cikirsaya
- BG 8.15: "After attaining Me (Krsna), the great souls, who are yogis in devotion, never return to this temporary world, which is full of miseries, because they have attained the highest perfection." And what is that highest perfection
- Bhakti-yoga is the ultimate goal, but to analyze bhakti-yoga minutely one has to understand these other yogas. The yogi who is progressive is therefore on the true path of eternal good fortune. BG 1972 purports
- Bhogi, because he eats more, so he evacuates twice. And one who evacuates more than twice, he's rogi, diseased. Yogi, bhogi, rogi. So everything has got routine work. Saucam. So you'll feel healthy
- Big, big rsis and yogis, those who are interested in brahma-sukha, or to merge in the Brahman effulgence - the source of Brahman effulgence is here playing: Krsna. - Yasya prabha prabhavato jagad-anda - Bs. 5.40
- Birth in a family of yogis or transcendentalists - those with great wisdom-is praised herein (BG 6.42) because the child born in such a family receives spiritual impetus from the very beginning of his life. BG 1972 purports
- Both the yogis and Sankhyites have faith in the reality, but are arguing about it from the different viewpoints of material and spiritual identities
- Brahma realized that all the different forms of boys and calves transformed into Visnu forms were not transformed by a mysticism of the type that a yogi or a demigod can display by specific powers invested in him
- Brahma realized that all the different forms of cows, boys and calves transformed into Visnu forms were not transformed by mysticism of the type that a yogi or demigod can display by specific powers invested in him
- Brahmanas fully equipped with the brahminical qualifications are always yogis fully powerful in mystic yoga. Their words never fail
- Business of the yogis
- But when the yogi engages himself with sincere endeavor in making further progress, being washed of all contaminations, then ultimately, after many, many births of practice, he attains the supreme goal. BG 6.45 - 1972
- By following this course, the yogi gradually develops pure love for the SPG, Hari. In the course of his progress in DS, the hairs on his body stand erect through excessive joy, & he is constantly bathed in a stream of tears occasioned by intense love
- By formality he (Arjuna) did not become a Vaisnava or chanting. But he was always thinking of Krsna. Therefore he is certified as the foremost yogi. Yoginam api sarvesam - BG 6.47
- By meditation to find out the supreme Paramatma within yourself, that is called yoga practice. Dhyanavasthita-tad-gatena manasa pasyanti yam yoginah. This is yogi. So that yoga is perfect when you see Krsna
- By penances, austerities, & meditations they (the jnanis & yogis) can rise up to the platform of the Supreme Absolute, but as has been explained, they again fall down to the material world, because they have not taken Krsna's personal features seriously
- By perfecting their yogic practice, yogis can reach the highest planet, Brahmaloka, or Satyaloka, and after giving up their material bodies, they can enter into the body of Lord Brahma
- By regularly practicing the yogic processes, the yogis attain various perfections; they can become smaller than the smallest, heavier than the heaviest, etc. They can even manufacture a planet, get whatever they like & control whatever man they want
- By situating oneself in the muktasana position, a yogi can immediately give up his body and go to whatever planet he desires. A perfect yogi can give up his body whenever he desires through the practice of yoga
- By the illusory grace of the external energy, the yogi or the devotee is faced with many allurements which can entangle a great fighter again in the bondage of material existence
- By the yogis He is accepted as the supersoul and by the devotees as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- By virtue of his devotional service he (the devotee) attains the brahma-bhuta (SB 4.30.20) stage without a doubt. The yogis & jnanis are always doubtful about their constitutional position; they mistakenly think of becoming one with the Supreme
- By worshiping the Supreme Lord, Somadatta achieved the most exalted post, a residence on the planet to which great mystic yogis are elevated
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu says that those who are Krsna conscious, because they have no demands, are actually peaceful. Those who are after sense enjoyment, salvation and yogic mystic perfection are always full of anxiety
- Cheating sannyasis and yogis have existed since the time of Prthu Maharaja's sacrifice. This cheating was very foolishly introduced by King Indra. In some ages such cheating is very prominent, and in other ages not so prominent
- Citralekha was a great mystic yogini, and as soon as Usa identified the picture, Citralekha could immediately understand that it was of Aniruddha, a grandson of Krsna's, although neither she nor Usa had previously known his name or ever seen him
- Consequently no one could observe His divine opulence. He adopted this behavior just to teach yogis how to give up the body. Nonetheless, He maintained His original position as a plenary expansion of Lord Vasudeva, Krsna
- Controlling the life air by the prescribed yogic process is mechanical, and the practice is more or less a physical endeavor for spiritual perfection
- Cultivation of spirituality does not mean sitting down idly for meditation, as some pseudo-yogis teach. Such idle meditation may be good for those who have no information of devotional service
- Daily if he stops breathing for three hours, that means daily he saves three hours time. So in hundred years so much time. So in this way, the yogi can live for three hundred years, four hundred years, six hundred years. This is called yogic success
- Dear Lord, even great yogis and mystics who are very much advanced by virtue of austerities and knowledge and who have completely situated themselves in pure existence, cannot fully understand Your glories and potencies
- Described in the Bhagavad-gita: while others, such as yogis, try to control their senses by force, devotees, even though possessing full sensory powers, do not use them because they engage in higher, transcendental activities
- Devahuti was conscious that she was born as the daughter of an emperor. She was sufficiently educated and cultured, and at last she got Kardama Muni, a saintly person and a great yogi, as her husband
- Devotees engaged in devotional service are not very much attached to their bodies, unlike the yogis, who are too attached to the body and who think that by performing bodily gymnastic exercises they will advance in spiritual consciousness
- Devotees may see hundreds and thousands of beautiful women with fascinating bodily movements and gestures but not be allured, whereas such women would make ordinary yogis fall
- Dhrtarastra had attained, by the yogic process, the stage of negation of all sorts of material reaction
- Dhyanavasthita-tad-gatena manasa pasyanti 'yam yoginah (SB 12.13.1). A yogi is one who always thinks of Krsna
- Distribution of Srimad-Bhagavatam all over the world is a great welfare activity for theologians, philosophers, transcendentalists and yogis (yoginam api sarvesam (BG 6.47)), as well as for people in general
- Dr. Vajpeye's review we are going to print and widely distribute, especially in Bombay and Madras, where there is so much propaganda from these bogus gurus and yogis. He has got practical experience of how they are cheating the innocent people
- Drinking water only, without solid food, is also considered fasting. This is necessary for advancement of spiritual knowledge. A foolish man wants to be a cheap yogi without observing the regulative principles
- Due to a restless mind, even a very advanced yogi can fall down. The mind is so restless that it induces even a perfect yogi to be controlled by the senses
- Due to neglecting the lotus feet of the Lord, these yogis (the followers of the Patanjali system) again fall down into the material existence (patanty adhah). Consequently this path of yoga is more abominable than the impersonalists’ path
- Durvasa Muni was certainly a very great brahmana, but because he was a nondevotee, he could not sacrifice everything in devotional service. Great mystic yogis are actually self-interested
- Durvasa Muni was convinced of the power of bhakti-yoga, although he himself was a great mystic yogi
- Durvasa Muni went back to Brahmaloka through the spaceways, he did not need an airplane, for great mystic yogis can transport themselves from any planet to any other without any machine
- Durvasa Muni, a caste brahmana and great yogi, used to hate Maharaja Ambarisa. When he decided to chastise Maharaja Ambarisa through his yogic powers, he was chased by the Sudarsana cakra of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Durvasa Muni, a great yogi, harassed Maharaja Ambarisa because the latter was a great devotee of the Lord. And the great karmi and jnani Hiranyakasipu even harassed his own Vaisnava son, Prahlada Maharaja
- Even a great yogi like Visvamitra, he also failed. There are many instances. There was another, Saubhari Muni. He was practicing yoga system within the water. And as soon as he was little agitated by the fish, he wanted to come out and marry
- Even after achieving so-called perfection, many karmis, jnanis and yogis become attached to material activities again
- Even after undergoing severe penances and austerities and performing the yogic principles, the great mystic yogis can hardly become eligible to achieve the dust of the lotus feet of Krsna
- Even great yogis they have failed. This is artificial way of controlling the senses. The real sense control is that you purify your sense in the activities of Krsna consciousness
- Even great yogis, demigods, saints and sages have been unable to understand the bodily features of that great artist (the Supreme Lord), nor could they understand the meaning of His movements
- Even such a great brahmana and mystic yogi as Durvasa was in a most dangerous situation because of his offense at the lotus feet of Maharaja Ambarisa, a pure devotee
- Even that satisfaction (the liberation from the anxieties of material existence) is not the ultimate satisfaction. The jnanis and the karmis have desires, as do the yogis, but devotees have no desires
- Even the actual yogis aspire after such success with great interest by performance of their various practices. Who can tolerate separation from Him?
- Even the advanced yogi Visvamitra broke his mystic practice to unite with Menaka and beget a child known as Sakuntala. The practice of mystic yoga, therefore, is not sufficiently strong to control the senses
- Even the great yogi Durvasa was harassed by the Sudarsana cakra when he offended the Vaisnava King Ambarisa, who was neither a brahmana nor a sannyasi but an ordinary householder. King Ambarisa was a Vaisnava, and consequently Durvasa Muni was chastised
- Even those trying for liberation, or merging into the Brahman effulgence, and the yogis who try to achieve perfection in mystic power cannot have peace of mind
- Even those yogis who are attracted by the siddhis (perfections) in the process of yoga are not perfectly situated. BG 1972 purports
- Even though there is a deficiency, he (Krsna's devotee) comes back to a nice family. Sucinam srimatam gehe yoga-bhrasto 'bhijayate (BG 6.41). - The unsuccessful yogi takes birth in a religious or aristocratic family
- Even upon returning to this planet, the unsuccessful yogi meets with fortunate circumstances, for he takes his birth either in a very rich family or a pious one
- Even Visvamitra, a great sage and perfect yogi, was misled by Menaka into sex enjoyment, although the yogi was endeavoring for sense control with severe types of penance and yoga practice. BG 1972 purports
- Even while within the material bodies there are yogis who are impervious to dualities such as heat and cold. As we begin to make spiritual advancement while in the material body, we begin to take on the qualities of a spiritual body
- Every grass and herb has its use and serves some function, although we may not know what it is. So in Bhagavad-gita Krsna has made some provision whereby the yogi doesn't have to worry about snakes
- Everyone, regardless of whether he is a karmi, jnani, yogi or bhakta, should invariably take shelter of the lotus feet of Vasudeva and render transcendental loving service unto Him so that all his desires will be duly fulfilled
- Everyone-whether akama (a devotee), sarva-kama (a karmi) or moksa-kama (a jnani or yogi) - is encouraged to worship the SP of Godhead by the direct method of devotional service. In this way one can get both material and spiritual profit simultaneously
- Everything in detail is there (in BG). Simply one has to become little intelligent. But we remain unintelligent, rascal, because we are associating with rascals - these rascal philosopher, religionists, avatara, bhagavan, svami, yogis and karmis
- Everywhere there is yogins, gosvamins, sannyasins, etc. in many places. The "n" is not required--that I have already informed
- Examples of santa-bhaktas, or devotees in the neutral stage, are the nine yogis named Kavi, Havi, Antariksa, Prabuddha, Pippalayana, Avirhotra, Dravida or Drumila, Camasa and Karabhajana
- Factually, bhakti-yoga is the ultimate goal, but to analyze bhakti-yoga minutely one has to understand the other processes. The yogi who is progressive is therefore on the true path to eternal good fortune
- Famous yogis and demons can sometimes enact very magical feats by their mystic power, but in the presence of the Sudarsana cakra, when it is let loose by the Lord, all such magical jugglery is dispersed
- Foolish svamis and yogis do not know the injunctions of the sastras. Indeed, sometimes these rascals come out to defy the sastras
- For a Krsna conscious person who is cultivating Krsna consciousness favorably, the happiness conceived by the karmis, jnanis and yogis is treated as less than a fig
- For the benefit of all human society, not only does the Lord assume the form of Manu as an incarnation to rule the universe properly, but He also assumes the forms of a teacher, yogi, jnani and so on, for the benefit of human society
- For them (the yogis), He has given directions in Bhagavad-gita regarding the proper time to leave the gross body
- For those who are fruitive workers, the Lord awards the desired results of their prescribed duties, as the yajnesvara; and those who are yogis seeking mystic powers are awarded such powers. BG 1972 purports
- From the very beginning without wasting time in bodily exercises, a devotee searches out a pure devotee and simply by his association becomes more advanced in spiritual consciousness than any yogi
- Furthermore, in order to be successful in devotional service one must give up the association of undesirable people. This includes karmis, jnanis, yogis and other nondevotees
- Generally people accept a powerful yogi like Durvasa Muni as wonderfully superior, but if such a person is chased by the Sudarsana cakra, we can see his real identity and understand how inferior he is because of his dealings with devotees
- Generally the yogi first of all becomes mature in controlling the air passing within the body, thus bringing the soul to the top of the brain. Then when the body bursts into flames, the yogi can go anywhere he likes
- Generally the yogis come here (USA) to show you the asana, how to sit in different posture. That is mechanical. That is also very nice, how to bring the mind under control. But real business is after your mind is controlled
- Generally yogis desire the yogic perfections of anima, laghima, mahima, prakamya, prapti, isitva, vasitva and kamavasayita. Lord Rsabhadeva, however, never aspired for all these material things
- Generally yogis look very skinny because of their not being comfortably situated, but Kardama Muni was not emaciated, for he had seen the Supreme Personality of Godhead face to face
- Generally yogis sit on tigerskin or deerskin because reptiles will not crawl on such skins to disturb their meditations. It seems that in God's creation there is a use for everything
- God, in His Paramatma feature is sitting within everyone's heart - your heart, my heart, everyone's. You haven't got to find out God somewhere else. Therefore the yogis, they practice, "How to find out God within myself." That is called meditation
- Great, self-realized mystic yogis such as the four Kumaras also derive great transcendental bliss from realizing the Supersoul within themselves
- Having acquired a good sitting place in a secluded environment, the yogi begins to purify the atma - body, mind and soul. The yogi should not think, - Now I will try to achieve some wonderful powers
- Having attained this (the perfection in the transferral of this spiritual spark (soul) to the top of the head), the yogi can transfer himself to any planet in the material world, according to his desire
- Having been instructed by the great and learned brahmana Vasistha, who discoursed about the Absolute Truth, Iksvaku became renounced. By following the principles for a yogi, he certainly achieved the supreme perfection after giving up his material body
- He (a devotee of God) does not envy his fellow living entities. Here is a contrast between a pure devotee of the Lord and a yogi interested only in his personal elevation. BG 1972 purports
- He (a mystic yogi) may be sitting thousands of miles away from a certain place, and if he likes he can take fruit from a garden there. This is prapti-siddhi
- He (a transcendentalist) should be free from desires and feelings of possessiveness. - (Bg. 6.10) From this verse we can understand that it is the duty of the yogi to always remain alone
- He (a visayi) acts as a karmi, jnani, yogi or something else, according to his desire, but he does not know that the activities of karma, jnana and yoga simply bind one to the cycle of birth and death
- He (Arjuna) addresses Krsna specifically as yogin because Sri Krsna is the master of the yoga-maya energy by which He is covered and uncovered to the common man. BG 1972 purports
- He (Arjuna) is asking what becomes of the unsuccessful yogi, or the person who attempts to perform yoga but somehow desists and does not succeed. It is something like a student who does not get his degree because he drops out of school
- He (Bhismadeva) wanted to see Sri Krsna for a long time out of his spontaneous love for Him. Because he was a pure devotee, he had very little to do with the detailed performance of yogic principles
- He (Brahma) is always accompanied by such great personalities as Marici, Kasyapa and the seven sages, as well as by great mystic yogis, the Kumaras and many other spiritually advanced living entities, but he has his own interest, separate from the Lord's
- He (Durvasa Muni) could understand the influence of a Vaisnava by personal experience. Durvasa Muni was certainly a great yogi and a very learned brahmana, but despite his being a real yogi he was unable to understand the influence of a Vaisnava
- He (Durvasa Muni) was such a powerful yogi. And he took only one year to come back again. So still, he was defeated by a devotee. He was very angry
- He (Kardama Muni) was a householder, although a yogi, but he had the incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Kapila Muni as his son
- He (Kardama) was not a fictitious yogi. Those who are actually on the advanced path aspire only to see the eternal form of the Lord
- He (Krsna) is the perfect child, husband, friend and master, and He is full with all opulences and transcendental qualities. If one remains fully conscious of these features of the Lord, he is called the highest yogi. BG 1972 purports
- He (Krsna) told him, - Of all different types of yogis - hatha-yogis, jnana-yogis, dhyana-yogis, bhakta-yogis, karma-yogis - you are the best yogi
- He (one German scholar who became a devotee) came to India not to learn the methods of the yogis’ mystic powers but to learn the path of transcendental loving service to the Supreme Lord, as mentioned in the great scripture Srimad-Bhagavatam
- He (one yogi) showed some fiery spark coming from his jata. So the constables were hesitating to arrest him, but Bhaktivinoda Thakura ordered, "Yes, immediately arrest him. Handcuff." So he took him away, arrested
- He (the expert yogi) should plug up the evacuating hole with the heel of the foot and then progressively move the life air on and on to six places: the navel, abdomen, heart, chest, palate, eyebrows and cerebral pit
- He (the mystic yogi) is recommended to fix his gross materialistic mind by a different conception and thus realize the potency of the Lord
- He (the yogi) has simply to desire to leave the material world both in finer and in grosser forms and then move the vital force to the topmost part of the skull and leave the body from the hole in the skull called the brahma-randhra
- He (Visvamitra Muni) was a great king, and he wanted to be yogi. And he went to forest, gave up his kingdom, went to forest. And he was meditating very seriously, and Indra, king of heaven, he sent some society girls of heavenly planet, Menaka
- He (Visvamitra) became a great yogi, and yet he failed to check his senses and thus was obliged to become the father of Sakuntala, the beauty queen of world history
- He fixed his sitting position and by yogic practice controlled the breathing process and the air of life; in this way his senses were completely withdrawn
- He is worshiped as impersonal Brahman by saintly persons who understand His greatness through studying the Upanisads, as the Purusa by great philosophers who analytically study the universe, as the all-pervading Supersoul by great yogis
- He should also duly contemplate the Lord's discus, the Sudarsana cakra, which contains one thousand spokes and a dazzling luster, as well as the conch, which looks like a swan in His lotuslike palm
- He was struck by a forefoot of the Lord, whom yogis, seeking freedom from their unreal material bodies, meditate upon in seclusion in mystic trance. While gazing on His countenance, this crest jewel of Diti's sons has cast off his mortal coil
- He who makes a show of being a yogi, while actually searching for the objects of sense gratification, must be called the greatest cheater, even though he sometimes speaks of philosophy. BG 1972 purports
- He'll falsely think that, "I am God." Yogis, if they can show some mystic yogic power, then naturally foolish people will think him that, "Oh, here is God." And he's satisfied with that
- Here are some descriptions of a brahmacārī-yogī. In the morning, the first duty of a brahmacārī seeking spiritual elevation is huta-hutāśana, to offer sacrificial oblations to the Supreme Lord
- Here it is the real purpose of human life: vasudeva-para veda vasudeva-para makhah, vasudeva-para yogah. There are so many yogis. I can clearly say that without Vasudeva, yoga - simply pressing the nose, that's all - this is not yoga
- Highest ambition of the yogi, of the transcendentalist
- Hiranyakasipu prayed for supremacy over the entire universe and requested the eight yogic perfections, such as anima and laghima
- His (a directly Krsna conscious person's) knowledge of the Absolute Truth is perfect, whereas the impersonalist and the meditative yogi are imperfectly Krsna conscious. BG 1972 purports
- His (a pretender who makes a show of being a yogi) knowledge has no value because the effects of such a sinful man's knowledge are taken away by the illusory energy of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- How a yogi can transfer himself to another planet is vividly described in the Second Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- How is it one can tolerate such dualities? "A person is said to be established in self-realization and is called a yogi (or mystic) when he is fully satisfied by virtue of acquired knowledge and realization." - BG 6.8
- How many offspring did that great yogi beget through the princess, who was endowed with eightfold perfection in the yoga principles? Oh, pray tell me this, for I am eager to hear it
- How one is spiritually advanced will be tested how he has acquired all the good qualities. Not that a yogi talking with a cigarette in hand
- However powerful a yogi may be, he cannot expand himself into more than eight or nine forms. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, however, can expand Himself into millions of forms, ananta-rupa - innumerable, countless forms
- I (Prabhupada) think also that Gargamuni also should be supplied with another bride. Because karmis without association of woman, cannot work. So as he is going to be a karmi - not exactly karmi, karma-yogi, so if he likes, he can marry again
- I have explained tonight in the temple meeting that Krishna does not live in Vaikuntha nor does He live in the hearts of the yogi. But He lives there where His pure devotees chant His glories
- I offer my respectful obeisances to the Absolute Truth, the summum bonum. He is the all-pervasive, all-increasing subject matter for the great yogis. He is changeless, and He is the soul of all
- I was astonished when a yogi came here, having advertised in India that you can be a yogi even though you may be addicted to drinking. This is not the yoga system. This is not standard. You can call it yoga, but it is not the standard yoga system
- If a karmi, jnani or yogi somehow contacts a devotee and renders devotional service, Krsna immediately awards him love of God and gives him shelter at His lotus feet, although he may have no idea how to develop love of Krsna
- If a person does not come to the conclusion that he has nothing to do with any kind of material happiness, he cannot come to the platform of understanding the Absolute Truth, or tattva jnana. Karmis, jnanis and yogis are after some material elevation
- If a person executes his duties perfectly but does not approach God, then what does he earn? His life is indeed without benefit. But a person who has approached Krsna is better situated, even though he may fall down from the yogic platform
- If a yogi looks upon the marks of the Lord's sole and on the blazing brilliance of His nails, then he can be freed from the darkness of ignorance in material existence
- If a yogi wants to shatter the mountain of dirt (in the form of desires to lord it over material nature) in his mind, he should concentrate on the lotus feet of the Lord and not imagine something void or impersonal
- If anyone is at all interested in spiritual culture, he is misled by many bogus svamis and yogis who do not refer to krsna-katha. Therefore most people are unfortunate and disturbed by many calamities
- If even the higher planets in this universe are subject to birth and death, why do great yogis strive for elevation to them? Although they may have many mystic powers, these yogis still have the tendency to want to enjoy the facilities of material life
- If he (the yogi) is reluctant to maintain any connection with the material world, he can, in less than a second, reach the transcendental abode of Vaikuntha and appear there completely in his spiritual body, which will be suitable for him
- If it is possible to fall down from the brahmajyoti, which is beyond the higher planetary systems in this material world, then what can be said of the ordinary yogis and karmis who can only be elevated to the higher material planets
- If one can lift the semen up to the brain one's memory is enabled to act very swiftly, and the duration of life is increased. Yogis can thus perform all kinds of austerity with steadiness and be elevated to the highest perfectional stage
- If one eats in this manner (eating half of what desired and filling the rest with water), he will avoid indigestion and disease. The yogi should eat in this way, as recommended in the Srimad-Bhagavatam and all other standard scriptures
- If one forgets all his bodily relationships within this material world and becomes situated in his spiritual identity, it is said that one has been freed from all material contamination by the blazing fire of yogic samadhi, or ecstasy
- If one is interested for spiritual advancement of life, he will go to some rascal, some avatara, some yogi, some bluffer, some magician, as spiritual salvation. Mandah manda-matayo. Why they are attracted by these rascals?
- If one keeps his bodily relationships within this material world and poses himself as a great yogi, he is not a bona fide yogi
- If one wants to artificially stop the activities of the senses, his attempt will be a failure. Even the great yogi Visvamitra, who was trying to control his senses by the yoga process, fell victim to the beauty of Menaka
- If one wants to understand the Supreme Personality factually, he must take to the path of devotional service and not waste time in profitless philosophical speculation, fruitive activity, mystic yogic practice or severe austerity and penance
- If some yogi shows some mystic power, and little gold if he can manufacture, we accept him as God. But we forget the real yogi who has created millions of gold mines, floating in the air
- If the mystic yogi is diverted by the accompanying feats of mystic control, then his mission of yogic success is a failure, because the ultimate aim is God realization
- If the yogi gives his mind a chance and does not restrain it, his mind will give facility to enemies like lust, anger and greed, and they will doubtlessly kill the yogi
- If the yogi is able to place the beautiful face of the Lord in the core of his heart, he will be completely satisfied. In other words, when one is absorbed in seeing the beauty of the Lord within himself, the material attraction can no longer disturb him
- If the yogi is curious to know what the moon is like, he can transfer himself there, or if he is interested in higher planets, he can transfer himself there, just as travelers go to New York, Canada, or other cities on the earth
- If the yogi is reluctant to maintain any connection with the material world, he can, in less than a second, reach the transcendental Vaikuntha and appear there completely in his spiritual body which will be suitable for him in the spiritual atmosphere
- If the yogis are attracted by the by-products of yoga, then they cannot attain the stage of perfection, as is stated in this verse (BG 6.20-23). BG 1972 purports
- If there is no pleasure, if there is no enjoyment, then what is the point of going to so much trouble to control the senses? What kind of pleasure are the yogis relishing if they are taking so much trouble? That pleasure is ananta - endless. How is this
- If these mystic yogis somehow or other come in contact with a saintly person, they become devotees of Krsna
- If you find a nondevotee eager to listen submissively you can show your mercy to elevate him to Krishna Conciousness, but a nondevotee who is already poisoned by the serpent of the demon class swami or yogi is very difficult to be dealt with
- If you indulge in intoxication, if you indulge in meat-eating, and if you indulge in gambling and sporting - all nonsense - you cannot at the same time become a yogi
- Ill-fated yogis are given a chance in the next birth by being placed in the families of good learned brahmanas or in the families of rich merchants in order to execute the unfinished task of Vasudeva realization
- In Bhagavad-gita Krsna asks Arjuna to become a yogi, but He never tells him to cease from fighting. Quite the contrary. Of course one may ask how a person may be a yogi and at the same time a warrior
- In Bhagavad-gita Krsna describes what one should do when giving up the body. For the dhyana-yogi (meditator) Sri Krsna speaks the following verses - BG 8.11-12
- In Bhagavad-gita, yogis are advised to go to a secluded place in the forest and live alone in a sanctified spot there
- In bhakti, one can immediately . . . because real process is to surrender to God. That is the real process. But these jnanis, yogis and karmis, they are not prepared to surrender to God
- In due course of time, when these yogis attain the perfection of controlling the mind, they will still be unable to taste even a particle of dust from the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead - SB 10.12.12
- In every yuga, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, assumes the form of great yogis such as Dattatreya to teach the system of mystic yoga
- In fixing his mind on the eternal form of the Lord, the yogi should not take a collective view of all His limbs, but should fix the mind on each individual limb of the Lord
- In India the yogis, the transcendentalists or the devotees all leave home and reside in sacred places such as Prayag, Mathura, Vrndavana, Hrsikesa, & Hardwar & in solitude practice yoga where the sacred rivers like the Yamuna & the Ganges flow. BG 1972 p
- In India there are many yogis who display some magical feats. They can walk on water, make themselves very light or very heavy and so forth. But what is this compared to Krsna's yogic mystic powers? By His potencies, great planets are floating in space
- In India there are sacred places where yogis go to meditate in solitude, as prescribed in Bhagavad-gita
- In India there are still thousands of yogis and sages, and every twelve years or so they meet in particular holy places - Allahabad, etc. - just as in America they have businessmen's conventions
- In India, there are still many yogis who assemble at the Kumba Mela. Generally they are in seclusion, but on rare occasions they come to attend special functions
- In many instances such yogis also fall down
- In modern days, when the influence of Kali Age is so disturbing, practically everyone is untrained in this art (controlling the life air by the prescribed yogic process) of bodily exercise
- In old age he (the living entity) sometimes becomes afraid of imminent death, which is compared to a roaring lion. To save himself from the lion's attack, he takes shelter of some bogus svamis, yogis, incarnations, pretenders and cheaters
- In olden days such practice (controlling the life air by the prescribed yogic process) was very common for the transcendentalist, for the mode of life and character in those days were favorable
- In order to convince the yogi that the Absolute Truth, or Supreme Personality of Godhead, is never impersonal at any time, the following verses prescribe observing the Lord in His personal form, limb after limb
- In order to save yogis from wandering throughout the different species of life, the sastras warn that in this age yogic practice is simply a waste of time. The only means of elevation is the chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- In our childhood we saw some yogi, he used to come to my father. So he said that he could go anywhere within very few seconds
- In our childhood we saw some yogi; he used to come to my father. He said that he could go anywhere within very few seconds
- In our recent tour of European cities, many learned Christian scholars, priests, philosophers and yogis came to see us, and by the grace of Krsna they agreed that the Krsna consciousness movement, the bhakti cult, offers the topmost conclusion
- In Siddhaloka all the inhabitants are great yogis, perfect in mystic powers
- In spite of their (empiric philosophers and yogis) strict adherence to the principles of yama, niyama, asana, dhyana, dharana and pranayama, the great yogis and jnanis are unable to enter into the internal potency of the Lord
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam and other scriptures, great saintly yogis like Vyasadeva and Sukadeva Gosvami have described Lord Krsna as the Supersoul, beyond all material contamination
- In such a position (of loving God) a yogi has no other thought than to serve the Lord. This dovetailing of the mind with the desires of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is called nirvana, or making the mind one with the Supreme Lord
- In such a transcendental state there is no need of artificial control of the mind, mental speculation or meditation, as performed by the jnanis and yogis. One gives up such processes, as the heavenly King, Indra, forgoes the trouble to dig a well
- In the beginning, these yogis (the followers of the Patanjali system) accept the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but they ultimately give up this idea in order to become impersonal
- In the Bhagavad-gita (6.46-47) there is a comparative analysis of the three types of transcendentalists - the worshipers of the impersonal Brahman (jnanis), the worshipers of the Paramatma feature (yogis) and the devotees of Lord Sri Krsna (bhaktas)
- In the case of the transcendentalist, be he a jnani, a yogi or a devotee, because of the material body he cannot actually enjoy spiritual achievement
- In the Mahabharata there is a verse - ramante yogino 'nante - to the effect that the yogis (yogino), those who are endeavoring to elevate themselves to the spiritual platform, are actually enjoying (ramante), but their enjoyment is anante, endless
- In the material universe there are innumerable planets, and beyond this universe there is the spiritual universe. The yogis have information of these places from Vedic literatures
- In the material world the topmost pleasure is sex, because there is no other idea. So all people, even so-called yogis, svamis and . . . ultimately they are coming down to sex. Whatever they have got asset, the culmination is sex
- In the modern age, however, there are so many rascals who recommend that while one has genitals he should enjoy women as much as he likes, and at the same time he can become a yogi
- In the present day, people who have no control over their senses, who have no understanding of philosophy and who do not follow religious principles or rules and regulations are nonetheless pretending to be yogis
- In the progress of the living entity toward the perfection of yoga, birth in a family of yogis or devotees is a great boon, for such a birth gives one a special impetus
- In the same way, the yogi should concentrate his mind on the Lord's nipples, which resemble a pair of most exquisite emeralds and which appear whitish because of the rays of the milk-white pearl necklaces adorning His chest
- In the sastras it is found that a very great yogi, Durvasa Muni, committed a vaisnava-aparadha and thus for one full year had to travel all over the universe, even to Vaikunthaloka, to defend himself from the offense
- In the Sixth Chapter of Bhagavad-gita, when Arjuna asks about the fate of the unsuccessful yogi, Sri Krsna replies: partha naiveha namutra, vinasas tasya vidyate, na hi kalyana-krt kascid, durgatim tata gacchati - BG 6.40
- In this verse (SB 4.20.1) the word atmanam is very significant. It is a custom among yogis and jnanis to address one another (or even an ordinary man) as one's self, for a transcendentalist never accepts a living being to be the body
- In this way (dedicating all activities to Krsna) one becomes the highest yogi and the highest sannyasi. That is the secret
- In trance, you'll find yogi picture, their trance, they are in meditation, completely silent, stop breathing and seeing the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu, within the heart. This is actual yoga system
- In Western countries, younger generation go to so many svamis and yogis who come from India. But there also they are frustrated. But here they are finding the real substance. That you can ask any one of them; they will explain how they have come
- In your country there are so many transcendental yogis, and they say, "Yes, whatever you like, you can do. God has given you senses, you must enjoy." These are manufactured cheating processes
- Influenced by Lord Caitanya’s Krsna consciousness movement, supposedly learned scholars give up their studies of Vedic literature, yogis give up their impractical practices of mystic yoga, ascetics give up their austere activities of penance & austerity
- Influenced by Lord Caitanya’s Krsna consciousness movement, they (materialists, supposedly learned scholars, yogis & sannyasis) are all attracted by the bhakti-yoga practices of Caitanya and cannot relish a mellow superior to that of Krsna consciousness
- Instead of becoming a yogi, you take shelter of Yogesvara. Then all yogic power will be within your control. Just like a rich man's son, if he is in trouble, the whole father estate is behind him. So why should he hanker after earning money?
- Instead of helping their followers to cross the ocean of nescience, such svamis and yogis fall prey to maya, represented by the fair sex, woman, and are thus devoured by the sharks in that ocean
- Intelligent yogi is interested in attaining perfection in one life
- Intelligent yogis do not wish to waste their time within this material world
- Intelligent yogis do not wish to waste their time within this material world at all; they do not care for the material facilities in higher planetary systems, but are interested in going directly to the spiritual sky, back home, back to Godhead
- Is there any yoga system in the world that you can become a yogi simply by eating? Is there any yoga system? Just try to understand. Is there any yoga system simply by digging earth for gardening one can become a yogi? Is there any yoga system?
- Is there any yoga system simply by digging earth for gardening one can become a yogi?
- It (chanting Hare Krsna) is also a yogic process. There are many different yogic Processes, but for this age this process is very nice. You'll understand everything of God - how God is inside and outside, how God is working. Everything will be revealed
- It appears that even if a yogi does not drink a drop of water, he can live for many, many years by the yogic process, though his outer body be eaten by ants and moths
- It appears that the muni (Samika Rsi), in whose hermitage the King (Maharaja Pariksit) entered, was in yogic trance
- It doesn't matter whether one is a karmi, jnani, yogi, philanthropist, politician or whatever; if one has no love for the lotus feet of the Lord, one falls down. That is the verdict given by Lord Brahma in this verse - SB 10.2.32
- It is advised here (in SB 3.28.23) that the yogi always keep this picture in his heart. The devotee always thinks of this relationship between Laksmi and Narayana; therefore he does not meditate on the mental plane as impersonalists and voidists do
- It is concluded that under certain circumstances one accepts something as real and under other circumstances he accepts the very same thing as unreal. These matters are the subject of study for the empiric philosopher or the sankhya-yogi
- It is indicated (in BG 18.61) that one can find the Supreme Lord within one's heart. There are many, many yogis trying to find Him. Dhyanavasthita-tad-gatena manasa pasyanti yam yoginah
- It is indicated herein (SB 3.15.7) that a yogi who has control over the mind & senses has the actual benediction of the Lord, & he has no fear. In other words, one cannot attain God's mercy & benediction until one is able to control the mind & the senses
- It is not possible for the Brahman realized impersonalist or the Paramatma realized yogi to understand Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead as the son of mother Yasoda or the charioteer of Arjuna. BG 1972 purports
- It is not that one becomes a yogi simply by pressing his nose and performing some gymnastics. One must actually attain the yogic siddhis. By these siddhis, the yogi can become very small or very large, very heavy or very light
- It is recommended that the yogi visualize the laughter of the Lord after studying His smile very carefully
- It is said in the Srimad Bhagavatam, that substance called truth, tattva, those who are jnanis they think it is formless, and the yogis understand it as Paramatma, and the devotees understand the truth to be Bhagavan
- It is said that six months on earth is equal to one day on the higher planets, the unsuccessful yogi stays on these higher planets for many, many years. Vedic literatures describe their lifetimes as lasting 10,000 years
- It is the duty of the Indians to give them genuine thing. That is para-upakara. Before me, all these svamis and yogis were there to cheat them
- It is the practice of the yogi, brahmacari, vanaprastha and sannyasi to bathe at least three times daily - early in the morning, during noontime and in the evening
- It is their (the yogis) desire to show some miraculous results through the practice of yoga
- It seems that Arjuna had mastered the mystic yoga power by which yogis can travel to any planet they desire. He first of all went to the planet known as Yamaloka, where the superintendent of death, Yamaraja, lives
- Jnani means they are finding out solution by mental speculation. And yogi means they are trying to find out spiritual salvation by bodily exercises. They are all, in strict sense, they are all materialist
- Jnanis and yogis without devotion may think themselves liberated, but actually their intelligence is not as pure as that of a devotee. The jnanis and yogis cannot become factually liberated unless they become elevated to the position of devotees
- Jnanis are not as sinful as karmis, but they do not try to reclaim others back to Godhead. They perform austerities for their own liberation. Yogis are also engaged in self-aggrandizement by trying to attain mystic powers
- Jnanis can discriminate between matter and spirit, but the yogis, the best of whom are the bhakti-yogis, want to return home, back to Godhead
- Jnanis want to become one with the Brahman effulgence, yogis want to realize Paramatma, and devotees want to develop Krsna consciousness and transcendental loving service to the Lord. That loving service is the perfect stage of sense control
- Jnanis, yogis and karmis devoid of devotional service are called offenders
- Just as uncontrolled senses are the enemies of all yogis engaged in advancing in spiritual life, this Prahlada, who appears to be a friend, is an enemy because I cannot control him
- Kardama Muni was a yogi living in a cottage, and Devahuti was a princess, a king's daughter. Not being used to work, she became very skinny
- Karmi is trying to go to the Svargaloka; jnanis want to go to the brahma-jyoti. The yogis also, they desire like that, because they do not feel very comfortable within this material world
- Karmis are engaged in performing very costly sacrifices in order to be promoted to the higher planetary systems. Similarly, yogis are engaged in achieving a similar goal by accepting the tedious practices of mystic yoga
- Karmis work day and night to improve their economic condition, jnanis undergo severe austerities in order to get liberation, and yogis also undergo severe austerities by practicing the yoga system for attainment of wonderful mystic powers
- Karmis, jnanis and yogis all hanker to possess some material or spiritual assets. Karmis want material possessions, jnanis and yogis want spiritual possessions, but devotees do not want any material or spiritual assets
- Karmis, jnanis and yogis are full of anxiety because they want something, but a devotee does not want anything; he is simply satisfied in the service of the Lord, who is fully blissful
- Karmis, jnanis and yogis cannot be bound in devotional service. Karmis fully engage in the activities of the body. Their aim of life is to give comfort to the body only
- Karmis, jnanis, yogis, tapasvis and students of Vedic literature who do not have Krsna consciousness simply beat around the bush and do not get any final profit because they have no clear knowledge of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Karmis, marriage is necessary, because without sex life they cannot work. And for jnanis, yogis, bhaktas, sex life prohibited
- King Nipa begot a son named Brahmadatta through the womb of his wife, Krtvi, who was the daughter of Suka. And Brahmadatta, who was a great yogi, begot a son named Visvaksena through the womb of his wife, Sarasvati
- Krsna advised Arjuna to become a yogi, but Arjuna said that - Krsna, it is not possible for me. Because I am a politician, I am a soldier, I cannot sit down to practice yoga superficially. My mind will be disturbed in political affairs, in state affairs
- Krsna consciousness is the highest stage of trance in yoga practice. This very understanding that Krsna is present as Paramatma in everyone's heart makes the yogi faultless. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna consciousness is the highest yoga performance by trained devotional yogis
- Krsna consciousness is the last link in the yogic chain, the link that binds us to the Supreme Person, Lord Sri Krsna. Without this final link, the chain is practically useless
- Krsna Consciousness Movement is meant for defying both classes of men; namely the karmis and the jnanis or yogis. That is our mission. Now among our students those who are advanced should take up this matter more seriously
- Krsna further indicates that of all good families to be born into - families of successful merchants or philosophers or meditators - the best is the family of yogis. One who takes birth in a very rich family may be misled
- Krsna has now explained about the personal, the impersonal and the universal and has described all kinds of devotees and yogis. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna knows everything, Arjuna is putting this question to Him about the fate of the unsuccessful yogi
- Krsna says in Bhagavad-gita (BG 8.15): After attaining Me, the great souls, who are yogis in devotion, never return to this temporary world, which is full of miseries, because they have attained the highest perfection
- Krsna says the third one, third one is to be considered more fortunate, third one, who has got his birth in the family of a yogi
- Krsna says, "I am not in the abode in the spiritual sky, nor am I in the heart of the yogi." Then where are You? Krsna says, "I stay where My pure devotees are chanting My glories." That is Vrndavana
- Krsna says, "It is not that I live in the Kingdom of God, Vaikuntha; nor is it that I live in the heart of the yogi." The yogi wants to find out where Krsna is within the heart
- Krsna says, dehantara-prapti: transformation of another body. So another body may be in the second class or third class or any class. Never says human body. Human body is guaranteed only for the yogis, those who are trying to advance spiritually
- Krsna's abode is not void. It is like an establishment, and in an establishment there is a variety of engagements. The successful yogi actually attains to the Kingdom of God where there is spiritual variegatedness
- Krsna-bhakta-niskama, ataeva 'santa.' (CC Madhya 19.149) Only a Krsna conscious person, who knows the aim and object of life, is peaceful. All others, whether karmis, jnanis or yogis, are restless and cannot enjoy real peace
- Let us study the laws of God." So jnani, karmi . . . and yogi, they are also of the same view. So karmi, jnani, yogi, and the last is bhakta
- Life has become so changed that in this age actually what is called yoga, it is not possible. First condition is that ekaki yata-cittatma: he should remain alone, he should perform yoga system alone, not in . . . with friends and many other yogis. No
- Lord Brahma was accompanied by all the great sages, headed by Marici, and by yogis like Sanandana, but in the presence of that glaring effulgence, O King, even Lord Brahma and his associates seemed insignificant
- Lord Krsna instructs Arjuna that one who renders loving devotional service to Him, the Supreme Lord, is the highest among all yogis, and that Arjuna should thus strive to become such a bhakti-yogi
- Lord Krsna is inconceivably powerful. To understand Him, great yogis and saintly persons give up all material engagements and meditate upon Him
- Lord Krsna says: And of all yogis, he who always abides in Me with great faith, worshiping Me in transcendental loving service, is most intimately united with Me in yoga and is the highest of all - BG 6.47
- Lord Rsabhadeva, for the instruction of all yogis, showed the process of quitting the body
- Lord Siva is called yogisvara, the master of all yogis, and Krsna is also called yogesvara. Yogisvara indicates that no one can surpass the yoga practice of Lord Siva, and yogesvara indicates that no one can surpass the yogic perfection of Krsna
- Maharaja Ambarisa also conquered a great yogi, Durvasa Muni, simply because his mind was engaged in Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- Mandhata begot three sons in the womb of Bindumati, the daughter of Sasabindu. These sons were Purukutsa, Ambarisa, and Mucukunda, a great mystic yogi. These three brothers had fifty sisters, who all accepted the great sage Saubhari as their husband
- Manu, the king, he thought that "My daughter wants to marry this yogi. All right, let me take her there." And she was brought by the king, and Kardama Muni was said that - I have brought my daughter, and you marry her
- Many yogis who are attached to the localized aspect of Brahman as Paramatma - great sages like Visvamitra - also fall down as victims of women
- Many yogis, after mastering a few mystic perfections, pretend to have mastered them all, and because of a restless mind they deviate from the goal of permanent samadhi
- Materially speaking, every living entity dies; death is inevitable. But those who are karmis, jnanis and yogis return to this material world after death, whereas bhaktas do not
- Maya Danava is mentioned here as maha-yogi, a great mystic, but his business was to help the asuras
- Mayavadi philosophers, yogis and jnanis try to give up this material world simply by saying, brahma satyam jagan mithya: "This world is false. There is no use of it. Let us take to Brahman." Such theoretical knowledge will not help us
- Meditating on the lotus feet of the Lord acts like a thunderbolt on the mountain of dirt (in the form of desires to lord it over material nature) in the mind of the yogi
- Meditation means remembering, smaranam. There are nine different kinds of devotional service, of which smaranam is one process; the yogi remembers the form of Visnu within his heart
- Mind, being absorbed in the Supreme, they can see. Yam pasyanti yoginah. The yogi sees. That is samadhi. That is . . . pranayama, of course, they controlling the breathing. So these things are very difficult in this age
- Modern scientists have invented airships which are material, and the yogis make a still finer material attempt to travel by mindships. The yogis can reach any distant place very quickly with the help of mindships
- Modern yogis advise that because one has senses, one must enjoy to the fullest extent like cats and dogs, yet one can go on and practice yoga
- Mother Yasoda chased Him to all corners, trying to capture the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is never approached even by the meditations of great yogis
- Mukunda, Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu's class friend and devotee, so he was attending many jnani, karmi, yogi . . . he was going everywhere. Caitanya Mahaprabhu became very much displeased, just to show example that we should not be hodgepodge
- My dear Narada, actually I do not reside in My abode, Vaikuntha, nor do I reside within the hearts of the yogis, but I reside in that place where My pure devotees chant My holy name and discuss My form, pastimes and qualities
- My mind's five disciples, the senses of perception, gather the remnants of that nectar from the gopis and bring them to the yogi of My mind. The senses maintain their lives by eating those remnants
- Mystic powers can make a yogi materially powerful and thus give temporary relief from the miseries of birth, death, old age & disease, as other material sciences can also do, but mystic powers can never be a permanent source of relief from these miseries
- Nanda Maharaja recalled the prophecy of Vasudeva and considered him a great sage and mystic yogi; otherwise, how could he have foretold an incident that happened during his absence from Vrndavana?
- Narada Muni said to Maharaja Yudhisthira: The demoniac king Hiranyakasipu wanted to be unconquerable and free from old age and dwindling of the body. He wanted to gain all the yogic perfections like anima and laghima, to be deathless
- Neither the impersonalists nor the yogi can have real peace and satisfaction, but the devotee can become fully peaceful and satisfied because of his association with the complete whole
- Next, the yogi should fix his mind in meditation on the Personality of Godhead's thighs, the storehouse of all energy
- Nobody is going to work without any remuneration. Everyone is working for getting some profit. That is called karma. But that ordinary karma and karma-yoga is different. You can engage yourself in ordinary work, but, at the same time, become a yogi
- Nobody is working uselessly. He must have some gain. But one who does not utilize that gain for his sense gratification but works as a matter of duty, karyam karma karoti sa sannyasi sa yogi ca. Such person is actually a sannyasi and yogi
- None of the devotees of the Lord ever deviated from the path of devotional service by taking to other methods as adopted by the jnanis or yogis
- None of them (karmis, jnanis, yogis) are situated in a transcendental position. Only devotees who belong to none of the groups, are transcendental
- Not all of them were real Vaisnava. That was my discrimination from the beginning of my life. I never liked these bogus swamis and yogis. I never liked. But my father had no discrimination
- Now what actually happens to the unsuccessful spiritualist? Sri Krsna specifically explains: "The unsuccessful yogi, after many, many years of enjoyment on the planets of the pious living entities, is born into a family of righteous people" - Bg. 6.41-42
- Now, mind that, karma-yogi. Those who are yogis, those who are trying to get spiritual life, regain their spiritual vitality, they are called yogis
- Nowadays we are actually seeing that there are some yogis who cater to the senses of materialists, and there are imposters who advertise themselves as God
- O King, if a yogi maintains a desire for improved material enjoyments, like transference to the topmost planet, Brahmaloka, or the achievement of the eightfold perfections, then he has to take away with him the materially molded mind and senses
- O King, if a yogi maintains a desire for improved material enjoyments, travel in outer space with the Vaihayasas, or a situation in one of the millions of planets, then he has to take away with him the materially molded mind and senses
- O King, whenever the yogi desires to leave this planet of human beings, he should not be perplexed about the proper time or place, but should comfortably sit without being disturbed and, regulating the life air, should control the senses by the mind
- O Lord, my power of sight is now fulfilled, having attained the greatest perfection of the sight of You, who are the reservoir of all existences. Through many successive births of deep meditation, advanced yogis aspire to see Your transcendental form
- O Pariksit, just to show all the yogis the mystic process, Lord Rsabhadeva, the partial expansion of Lord Krsna, performed wonderful activities. He was the master of liberation & was fully absorbed in transcendental bliss, which increased a thousandfold
- Of all people, why did Sri Krsna select Arjuna as a recipient of this knowledge? Arjuna was not a great scholar at all, nor was he a yogi, meditator or a holy man. He was a warrior about to engage in battle
- Of all yogis, he who always abides in Me (Krsna) with great faith, worshiping Me in transcendental loving service, is most intimately united with Me in yoga, and is the highest of all. BG 1972 Introduction
- Of the different classes of men-karmis, jnanis and yogis - the karmis are those who are engaged in the activities of sense gratification
- Om ity ekaksaram brahma: at the point of death the yogi can pronounce om, omkara, the concise form of transcendental sound vibration. If the yogi can vibrate this sound and at the same time remember Krsna, or Visnu, he attains the highest goal
- On account of his being highly elevated in Krsna consciousness, he has already acquired all the good qualities and is following the rules and regulations prescribed for the mystic yogic process
- On earth there are many yogis who can exhibit some feeble mystic power by manufacturing pieces of gold like magic, but the inhabitants of the planet Siddhaloka are actually extremely powerful in mysticism
- On Vaisvanara-loka the yogi becomes completely cleansed of all dirty sins acquired while in contact with the material world. The Milky Way in the sky is indicated herein (SB 2.2.24) as the way leading to Brahmaloka, the highest planet of the universe
- One becomes situated in trance (after practicing yoga), or samadhi which means that the yogi realizes the Supersoul through transcendental mind and intelligence, without any of the misgivings of identifying the self with the Superself. BG 1972 purports
- One boy, he went out of home and mixed with yogis for several years. Then, after some time, he came to his village, and all the friends and relatives gathered: "Oh, you have been so many years with yogis. What you have learned?"
- One can find many great souls amongst yogis and jnanis, but a truly great soul, a pure devotee of the Lord, who is fully surrendered to the Lord, is very rarely found
- One can remain a fighting man & at the same time be the highest yogi, the highest sannyasi. How is this possible? In Krsna consciousness. One simply has to fight for Krsna, work for Krsna, eat for Krsna, sleep for Krsna & dedicate all activities to Krsna
- One cannot enjoy sex life daily at home or elsewhere and attend a so-called yoga class and thus become a yogi. One has to practice controlling the mind and avoiding all kinds of sense gratification, of which sex life is the chief. BG 1972 purports
- One German scholar who became a devotee of Godhead in India said that material science had already made laudable progress in duplicating the mystic powers of the yogis
- One has to take center completely of Krsna. Then one can become much greater than great jnanis and yogis. BG 1972 purports
- One important statement here (in SB 3.28.30) is dhyayen manomayam. Manomayam is not imagination. Impersonalists think that the yogi can imagine any form he likes
- One may progress from one stage to another, coming from the stage of karmi or fruitive laborer, to the stage of jnani or philosopher, to the stage of yogi or meditator, but in any case one finally has to come to the platform of bhakti, or DS
- One should become sannyasa by action, not by dress. In Bhagavad-gita it is said that any person who doesn't work for himself but for Krishna only is a perfect sannyasa and perfect yogi, never mind what order he lives in
- One should control the sitting posture, regulate the breathing process by the yogic pranayama and thus control the mind and senses and with intelligence apply the mind to the gross potencies of the Lord
- One should remain in household life with the aim of understanding the ultimate goal of life (tattva jijnasa). Then household life is as good as the life of a yogi
- One who actually wants to be liberated from the entanglement of this material world and go back home, back to Godhead, is actually a mystic yogi
- One who always thinks of Krsna within the core of his heart is the best yogi. By practicing this best of all yoga systems, one is liberated from the material condition
- One who can rise to that position (rising their attention to the top of the head) is understood to have become perfect and to be no longer subjected to birth and death. Even if such yogis come in contact with pure devotees, they also render causeless DS
- One who has attained yoga is not dependent on the dictations of his mind; rather, the mind comes under his control. Nor is the mind put out or extinguished, for it is the business of the yogi to think of Krsna or Visnu always
- One who offers the results of his activities to the Supreme Personality of Godhead is actually a sannyasi and yogi. Cheating sannyasis and yogis have existed since the time of Prthu Maharaja's sacrifice
- One who renders loving service to Sri Krsna, the Personality of Godhead, with devotion and austerity, is the greatest of all mystics. Men who undertake austerities motivated by a desire for material results cannot be called yogis or mystics
- One who seeks an improvement in health or aspires after material perfection is no yogi according to Bhagavad-gita. Nor does cessation of material existence entail one's entering into "the void," which is only a myth. BG 1972 purports
- One who takes his birth in a family of yogi, devotee, oh, he has got better chance for cultivating the same spiritual culture from which in his past life he had fallen. Therefore Krsna says, etad dhi durlabhataram
- Only because of the darkness of ignorance do the yogis and jnanis deny the senses of the Lord and thus artificially try to control the activities of the diseased senses
- Only by the yogic process can one prolong the life. By stopping the breathing process, keeping in samadhi, the breath period is not being misused, and he increases the life span. Therefore, destiny can only be changed by devotional service or yoga
- Only by worshiping Vasudeva can one become free from the desires of fruitive activities. Outside of worshiping Vasudeva, the yogis and jnanis cannot attain freedom from such desires
- Only the devotee is on the platform of tattva jnana, not the others - karmis, jnanis and yogis
- Only the devotees of the Lord can be admitted to His kingdom - not the demigod worshipers, karmis, yogis or anyone else
- Ordinarily, a yogi or mystic living being is able to expand himself at utmost to tenfold expansions of his body, but the Lord can do so to the extent of as many thousands or infinitely, as He likes
- Ordinary men think that a yogi must have an ivory earring in his ear, but this is not the sign of a real yogi. Maharaja Prataparudra also thought that to become a mendicant yogi, one must wear such an earring
- Ordinary yogis can exhibit wonderful material activities, known as asta-siddhi, eight kinds of yogic perfection, but a pure devotee of the Lord can surpass these perfections by performing activities which can make the whole universe tremble
- Ordinary, foolish people who do not care to hear Srimad-Bhagavatam from authorities consider some rascal yogi to be Bhagavan, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is directed with this understanding (to preach only devotional service, not encouraging karmis, jnanis and yogis), and therefore the asuras always try to suppress it
- Our real purpose of life is to become yogi. Yogi means to reestablish our connection, our lost connection, with God. At the present moment, in our material condition, we have forgotten our relationship, our eternal relationship with Krsna
- Our senses are very strong. Just like we also, Vaisnavas, we first of all try to control the tongue. So yogis also, they try to control the senses, not only tongue, but all other, ten kinds of senses, by that yogic mystic process
- Our tongue is never satisfied. But it is not unusual in India to see a yogitake only a small spoonful of rice a day and nothing more. Nor can one execute the meditational yoga system if one sleeps too much or does not sleep sufficiently
- Out of these four classes of men (karmi, jnani, yogi and bhakta), the three classes - means karmi, jnani and yogi - they are restless, because they actually did not find out what is the solution
- Param brahma, the Supreme Lord, and param dhama, the supreme repose, is Krsna. Therefore anyone who desires anything - whether he be a karmi, a jnani or a yogi - should try to perceive the SPG very seriously, and all of his desires will be fulfilled
- Paramatma realization is but partial realization of Vasudeva, and if one is successful in that attempt, one realizes Vasudeva in full. But by ill luck most yogis are stranded by the powers of mysticism achieved through the bodily process
- People gather around yogis, and the yogis desire more and more adulation. Because they misuse their mystic power, they fall down again to the material platform. It is not possible for them to become niskama, desireless
- People mistake Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu because by misfortune they understand Krsna Caitanya as a devotee or just like so-called sadhu or yogi, like that. That is mistake. Krsna Caitanya means the original living force, Krsna
- People want to be cheated, and therefore they go to yogis and svamis who play tricks, but tricks do not mitigate the miseries of material life
- Philosophers, scientists, yogis, jnanis and transcendentalists are all trying to find out the ultimate source of everything. This source is given in Brahma-samhita, sarva-karana-karanam: (Bs. 5.1) Krsna is the cause of all causes
- Priyavrata was a liberated person and was among the highest of yogis, superficially he became the emperor of the universe in accordance with the order of Brahma. Showing respect to his superior in this way was another of his extraordinary qualifications
- Processes which generally the yogis demonstrate, that is the process of controlling the mind. The authorities of yoga practice, they say the yoga practice means to control the senses
- Prthu Maharaja expressed that he was interested neither in the benediction desired by the karmis nor that desired by the jnanis and yogis
- Rama is enjoyer. Ramante yogino 'nante. Yogis, they want eternal enjoyment. Here in this material world you can enjoy something for some few minutes or few hours, but if you want eternal enjoyment, ramana, then Rama
- Rama means the real bliss, and all the yogis, either dhyana-yogi or a jnana-yogi or a bhakta-yogi - there are three kinds of yogis - everyone tries to enjoy that eternal bliss, and that is real pleasure. Therefore Rama
- Ramante yogino 'nante satyananda-cid-atmani: the yogis who are aspiring after spiritual life are also tasting enjoyment by focusing on the Supersoul within
- Rascal svamis and yogis encourage foolish persons to go on eating flesh and killing animals and at the same time continue their so-called meditation and mystical practices
- Real process is to concentrate the mind upon the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Dhyanavasthita-tad-gatena manasa pasyanti yam yoginah. The yogi's business is, by controlling the mind, focus it toward Krsna or Lord Visnu. That is real yoga system
- Regarding concentration of the eyesight on the tip of the nose, there is a statement in the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu by a devotee who observed this being performed by a yogi
- Regarding the hatha-yoga system, which aims at the localized aspect of the Lord, Paramatma, it has been experienced that many yogis, such as Visvamitra, fall down
- Regulation of diet and sleep is recommended herein (BG 6.16) for the yogis. Too much eating means eating more than is required to keep the body and soul together. BG 1972 purports
- Renunciation means not doing anything but serving the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna. When one acts on this platform, trying to please the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one is both a sannyasi and a yogi. This is confirmed in the BG - 6.1
- Research is going on for the karmis, jnanis and yogis, but until the search is complete, no one can attain peace. Therefore the Bhagavad-gita (BG 5.229) says, jnatva mam santim rcchati: one can actually attain peace when he knows Krsna
- Rohini said, "We do not want to enjoy such material opulences, nor do we desire to achieve the yogic perfections, nor the exalted post of Lord Brahma
- Saintly people like Jada Bharata do not speak ordinary words. Whatever they say is approved by great yogis and those advanced in spiritual life. That is the difference between ordinary people and saintly people
- Sati was the wife of Lord Siva, who is known as Yogesvara, the best among all yogis, because he knows all the mystic processes of yoga, so it appeared that Sati also knew them
- Saubhari Muni thought: I am now feeble because of old age. My hair has become grey, my skin is slack, and my head always trembles. Besides, I am a yogi. Therefore women do not like me
- Saubhari Rsi was a great yogi. Yogic perfection makes available eight material opulences - anima, laghima, mahima, prapti, prakamya, isitva, vasitva and kamavasayita
- Saunaka continued: There is no one who knows more than the Lord Himself. No one is more worshipable or more mature a yogi than He. He is therefore the master of the Vedas, and to hear about Him always is the actual pleasure of the senses
- Scientists, they are also, in one way, they are yogis because they are concentrating their attention to certain type of scientific method
- She (Devahuti) was troubled in so many ways because she was princess, daughter of king, and this yogi (Kardama Muni), he was in a cottage, no food, no shelter, nothing of the sort. So she had to suffer
- Siddhi refers to executing a severe type of meditation, like that of the yogis, to attain eight kinds of perfection (anima, laghima, mahima, etc)
- Simply by his (a prakramya yogi's) will he can perform such wonderful activities
- Simply one has to become little intelligent. But we remain unintelligent, rascal, because we are associating with rascals. These rascal philosopher, religionists, avatara, bhagavan, swami, yogis, and karmis. Therefore we have become rascals
- Since the ultimate goal of yoga practice is to see the Lord within, a Krsna conscious person is already the best of all yogis. BG 1972 purports
- Since the yogi has so many transcendental objectives on which to meditate, there is no reason for his meditating on something imaginary, as is the practice of the so-called yogis whose objective is impersonal
- Since they have no material conception of life, why should they aspire for liberation? The gopis do not want that liberation desired by yogis and jnanis, for they are already liberated from the ocean of material existence
- Sitting in a right-angle posture and the eyes half-closed. Not fully closed. If you fully close then you will sleep. I have seen so many yogis snoring, sleeping. Yes. Naturally, if you close your eyes and you have no subject matter to think
- So any process, if you make it perfect, then really you get peace. Peace. The only difference is that this yogic process as described in the Bhagavad-gita, it is not possible to be executed in this age. Therefore the next alternative is this hari-kirtana
- So far we can see, those who are busy with bolts and nuts, how this dull brain, they can manufacture such things (which can reach topmost planet)? That is not possible. It requires another brain. The yogis can go, the yogis can go
- So long she (Devahuti) was not married she remained under the protection of the father. And when she was married, she remained with the yogi husband
- So many mahatmas, sadhus, yogis, they are all useless, all useless, because they have no bhakti. Simply artificially cheating people. This is a society of cheaters and cheated
- So one has to be vipascit, learned, to understand the interest of life, self-interest. Everyone is working, especially the karmis, the jnanis, the yogis, and mixed devotees, they are working for self-interest
- So-called yogis are therefore allured by the superficial material perfections of anima, laghima, prapti and so forth. Consequently ordinary yogis cannot compare to Lord Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- So-called yogis, they go, "Oh, you meditate. You are . . . And as soon as you realize, you are God, within six months." No
- Some of the yogis, they are so expert that they can take out the intestine from the abdomen and clear it and put it again. Yes. These are the perfection of yoga system
- Some yogis contemplate this imaginary sisumara (form of Lord) to be swimming in the sky the way a dolphin swims in water. They meditate upon it as the virat-rupa, the gigantic form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Some yogis endeavor to elevate the soul to the spiritual world, the spiritual Vaikuntha planets
- Some yogis leave their bodies to go to the higher planetary systems and enjoy the material facilities therein - SB 4.23.14
- Some yogis meditate within their heart on the localized Visnu, who is four-handed and who holds 4 symbols: conch, disc, mace & lotus. The yogi who thinks of the four-handed Visnu becomes absorbed in devotional ecstasy & evinces the symptoms of that state
- Some yogis perfectly worship the demigods by offering different sacrifices to them, and some of them offer sacrffices in the fire of the Supreme Brahman. BG 4.25 - 1972
- Some yogis see the four-handed Visnu sitting within the heart, and therefore in their case also the Supreme Lord is invisible. Only for the devotees is the Lord visible
- Some yogis think of the Lord within their hearts as measuring about six inches. The Lord has four hands, in which He holds a conchshell, club, disc and lotus flower. Those who worship this form of Visnu within the heart are called sagarbha-yogis
- Some yogis try to elevate the soul to higher planetary systems, where the standard of life is different from that of this planet and where the material comforts, life-span and other facilities for self-realization are greater
- Someone may aspire for one of the eight yogic perfections in the mystic yoga process, such as to become the smallest, to become the heaviest, or to acquire anything he desires, but these achievements are material; they are not perfection
- Sometimes a yogi displays a little yogic power by manufacturing gold
- Sometimes he (the yogi who thinks of the four-handed Visnu) cries, and sometimes he feels separation. In this way he merges in transcendental bliss. The result of all this is that he becomes entrapped like a fish
- Sometimes it is found that a yogi who may have attained a little perfection in this vasita mystic power comes out among the people and speaks all sorts of nonsense, controls their minds, exploits them, takes their money and then goes away
- Sometimes people neglect to accept a spiritual master, and instead they endeavor for self-realization by mystic yoga practice, but there are many instances of failure, even by great yogis like Visvamitra
- Sometimes the yogis, they get some power and misuse it for personal sense gratification. That is the pitfall of yogic perfection
- Sometimes they (yogis) go early in the morning to Jagannatha Puri, to Ramesvaram, to Haridwar, and take their bathing in different Ganges water and others. That is called laghima-siddhi. He became very light
- Sometimes yogis and jnanis in the beginning take to the chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra as a way to begin their various practices
- Sometimes yogis and jnanis voluntarily give up all material opulences to practice their system of liberation and taste spiritual bliss. However, they frequently fall down because artificial renunciation of material opulences cannot endure
- Sometimes yogis enter into the bodies of other people and act as they desire when their bodies are not working properly
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu compares His mind to one of the mystic yogis known as baulas, who make at least ten disciples
- Sri Krsna Himself says, "I am not there in My abode, or in the heart of the meditating yogi but where my pure devotees are singing." We can feel the presence of Krsna as we actually make progress
- Sri Krsna tells Arjuna that he must understand that renunciation (sannyasa) and yoga are the same because without being freed from desire and sense gratification one can become neither a yogi nor a sannyasi
- Sridhara Swami said in his verse, "Let the mystic yogis engage in their meditational service, and let the different sects engage in unnecessary arguing as to which is the best"
- Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.87.18) describes the two classes of yogis: sagarbha and nigarbha
- Srimad-Bhagavatam also describes how yogis can travel to all the planets in the universe. When the vital force is lifted to the cerebellum, there is every chance that this force will burst out
- Steady in the Self, being freed from all material contamination, the yogi achieves the highest perfectional stage of happiness in touch with the supreme consciousness - Bg. 6.28
- Steady in the Self, being freed from all material contamination, the yogi achieves the highest perfectional stage of happiness in touch with the Supreme Consciousness. BG 6.28 - 1972
- Such (a yogi in samadhi) devotee of the Lord engages himself twenty-four hours daily in the service of the Lord so that his whole attention is engrossed with the thoughts of the Lord in ninefold devotional service
- Such (jada) yogis, out of many self-infliction methods, practice plucking out the hairs on their heads, without shaving and without any instrumental help
- Such are the goals (gain all the yogic perfections like anima and laghima, to be deathless, and to be the only king of the entire universe, including Brahmaloka) of the austerities performed by demons
- Such unfortunate creatures (yogis and jnanis) are never favored by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, for they do not know what devotional service is
- Superficially it may be seen that a yogi is attacked by a deathblow, but by the grace of the Lord he can overcome many such attacks for the service of the Lord
- Superficially so-called spiritually, they will capture some baba, some god, some yogi, some bluffer, and they will follow them. Sumanda-matayo
- Tapasvi, jnani, yogi, they are trying to come to the liberated position, but thinking that "I shall become God." The same disease. Up to the end, the same disease. God means "enjoyer" This disease can be cured only by surrender. That is the only medicine
- That is first-class yogi. You want yogic power, mystic power, but if you keep Krsna within your core of heart, naturally by the grace of Krsna, you can perform all... Not the devotee can perform. Devotee is simply dependent on Krsna
- That is not yoga practice, smoking ganja, bidi, intoxication, tea, and he has become a yogi. These are useless, all bogus. Yoga means he has controlled his senses. Yoga indriya-samyamah
- The Absolute Truth appears to neophytes as impersonal Brahman and to advanced mystic yogis as Paramatma, the Supersoul, but devotees, who are further advanced, understand the Absolute Truth as the Supreme Lord, Visnu
- The activities of the yogi are distinguished from those of an ordinary person by his characteristic cessation from all kinds of material desires-of which sex is the chief. BG 1972 purports
- The actual practice of yoga, however, is described here (in SB 8.3.27). As authoritatively stated in the SB (12.13.1), dhyanavasthita-tad-gatena manasa pasyanti yam yoginah: a yogi is one who always meditates on the lotus feet of the SP of Godhead
- The actual yogis, with half-closed eyes, fix on the form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, not upon anything void or impersonal
- The advantageous position of the yogi is that he can sit anywhere in a solitary place and meditate upon the form of the Lord
- The Americans are generally acquainted with the Indian Yoga gymnastics as it is performed by some Indian yogis here. They never heard of Bhakti cult or the Science of Krishna before and still they are hearing me - this very idea is a great success for me
- The apana air goes downward, and the prana air goes up. The pranayama yogi practices breathing the opposite way until the currents are neutralized into puraka, equilibrium. BG 1972 purports
- The associates of Visnu reminded him that not only his forefathers but everyone else before him was unable to attain Visnuloka, the planet where Lord Visnu resides. This is because everyone within this material world is either a karmi, a jnani or a yogi
- The astanga-yogis try to control the senses. The devotees, however, try to engage the senses in the service of the Lord. Therefore it appears that the activities of the bhaktas, devotees, are better than those of the jnanis and yogis
- The best example (of a yogi), set herein (BG 2.58), is the tortoise. The tortoise can at any moment wind up his senses and exhibit them again at any time for particular purposes. BG 1972 purports
- The best yogi is he who constantly thinks of the Supreme Personality of Godhead within the core of the heart
- The best yogis or mystics are the devotees, as confirmed by the Lord Himself in Bhagavad-gita - BG 6.47
- The Bhagavad-gita confirms in the Sixth Chapter (47), stating that anyone absorbed in such thought (of Krsna) is the best of all yogis. Such transcendental absorption is known as samadhi
- The bhakti-yogi surpasses all the yogis because, by dint of his devotional service, he is promoted to the region beyond the material sky and is placed in one of the planets in the spiritual sky by the supreme will of the Lord the controller of everything
- The body of such a liberated yogi, along with the senses, is taken charge of by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and it functions until its destined activities are finished
- The brahmanas, who were completely expert in chanting the Vedic hymns, were all yogis fully equipped with mystic powers. Whatever blessings they spoke were certainly never fruitless - SB 10.7.17
- The complete Bhagavatam was heard by Maharaja Pariksit and chanted by Sukadeva Gosvami. Maharaja Pariksit inquired from Sukadeva because Sukadeva was a greater spiritual master than any great yogi or transcendentalist of his time
- The conclusion is that a devotee, by the grace of the Lord, is liberated in both this life and the next, whereas karmis, jnanis and yogis are never liberated, either in this life or in the next
- The demigods fully absorb themselves in meditation upon the Supreme Personality of Godhead to become perfect yogis, but because of the presence of demons, their hearts are filled with the activities of the demons
- The demigods saw Lord Siva sitting under that tree, which was competent to give perfection to mystic yogis and deliver all people. As grave as time eternal, he appeared to have given up all anger
- The desire to go to the moon is not a new thing. The yogis also are interested in entering the higher planets, but in Bhagavad-gita Krsna points out that this will not be of any help
- The devotee can see the Supreme Lord face to face, but the jnani, the empiric philosopher or yogi cannot. They cannot be elevated to the positions of associates of the Lord
- The devotee tries to come directly in touch with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whereas the yogi tries to find the Supersoul within the heart by meditation. Thus, both directly and indirectly, yoga means bhakti-yoga
- The devotee, in the beginning, may sometimes fall from the standard, but still he should be considered superior to all other philosophers and yogis. BG 1972 purports
- The devotees are above the yogis and the jnanis because pure devotees do not deny the senses of the Lord; they want to satisfy the senses of the Lord
- The devotees cannot tolerate even the pricking of the Lord's lotus feet by a thorn. This tribulation in the heart of a devotee cannot be understood by karmis, jnanis or yogis
- The devotees, they work for Super - self-interest. There is self, but it is Super - self-interest. And the karmis, jnanis, yogis, they work for individual self-interest. Self-interest there must be
- The difference between the materialist and the yogi is that a materialist cannot determine his next body, whereas a yogi can consciously attain a suitable body for enjoyment in the higher planets
- The effects of the material modes of nature draw the victim to indefatigable desires of enjoying matter, but one can escape such false enjoyment by the yogic process
- The entire world is active, and this includes the karmis, the jnanis, the yogis and the bhaktas. However, all activities except those of the bhaktas, the devotees, end in bafflement and a waste of time and energy
- The expert yogi who has thoroughly practiced the control of the life air by the prescribed method of the yoga system is advised to quit the body as follows
- The eyes, nose, ears, etc., these are places that are known as the seventh orbit of the vital force. But the yogis can block these holes by complete suspension of air. The yogi then concentrates the vital force in the middle position, between the eyebrows
- The faculty to discharge semen is the cause of death. Therefore, yogis and transcendentalists who want to live for greater spans of life voluntarily restrain themselves from discharging semen
- The first process of spiritualizing the mind by mechanical chanting of the pranava (omkara) and by control of the breathing system is technically called the mystic or yogic process of pranayama, or fully controlling the breathing air
- The first realization of that knowledge is Brahman. Then Paramatma is realized by the yogis who try to see Him without grievance. This is the second stage of realization. Finally, full realization of the same supreme knowledge is realized in the SP
- The first-class yogi is he who controls his senses and detaches himself from material activities by always thinking of the form of the Lord
- The fruitive workers, the salvationists, and also the yogis who are after mystic powers are all unhappy because of unfulfilled desires. But the person in Krsna consciousness is happy in the service of the Lord, and he has no desires to be fulfilled
- The fruitive workers, the salvationists, and also the yogis who are after mystic powers, are all unhappy because of unfulfilled desires. But the person in KC is happy in the service of the Lord, and he has no desires to be fulfilled. BG 1972 purports
- The gopis are certainly better situated than all mystic yogis and others who desire to merge into the Supreme Brahman. The sages of Dandakaranya also follow in the footsteps of the damsels of Vraja in order to attain a similar position
- The gopis are in the perfectional stage of meditation. Yogis are generally more fond of meditating than of executing devotional service to the Lord, but they do not know that the perfection of the yoga system is the attainment of devotion
- The great yogi Durvasa, under the influence of this Rudra (anger) principle, picked a quarrel with Maharaja Ambarisa, and a brahmana boy exhibited the Rudra principle by cursing the great King Pariksit
- The great yogi Durvasa, under the influence of this Rudra principle (the Rudra principle of anger and passion), picked a quarrel with Maharaja Ambarisa, and a brahmana boy exhibited the Rudra principle by cursing the great King Pariksit
- The great yogi of My mind always studies the poetry and discussions of Lord Krsna's Vrndavana pastimes
- The greatest common understanding for all yogis is complete detachment from matter, which can be achieved by different kinds of yoga
- The group of transcendentalists who follow the path of the inconceivable, unmanifested, impersonal feature of the Supreme Lord are called jnana-yogis. BG 1972 purports
- The heavenly physicians like the Asvini-kumaras could give youthful life even to one who was advanced in age. Indeed, great yogis, with their mystic powers, can even bring a dead body back to life if the structure of the body is in order
- The highest achievements of the yogis are the eight material perfections, such as anima, laghima and prapti
- The husband and wife, Kardama and Devahuti, were advanced in yoga practice; the husband was a maha-yogi, great mystic, and the wife was a yoga-laksana, or one advanced in yoga. They united and produced children
- The impersonalists and the yogis attain liberation only after much trouble and many, many births. BG 1972 purports
- The impersonalists, yogis and enemies of the Lord enter into the Lord’s transcendental effulgence
- The Indians there are now coming to realize that they have been simply cheated by all the rascal swamis and yogis. So you must be sincere, always strictly following the principles and work with determination and patience
- The intelligent yogi is interested in attaining perfection in one life, without waiting for the next
- The intelligent yogi is interested in attaining perfection in one life, without waiting for the next. For by practicing kumbhaka-yoga, the yogis increase the duration of life by many, many years
- The jnana-yogis, they remain in the impersonal feature of the Absolute Truth; the dhyana-yoga is practicing the localized aspect; but the bhakti-yogi, he is promoted directly in the planet which is called Goloka Vrndavana
- The jnani and yogis may rise to the highest position, Brahman realization, but because of their lack of devotion unto the lotus feet of the Lord, they again fall down into material nature
- The jnanis & the yogis, by their endeavor, they are trying to get out of this entanglement, but the devotees, simply by engaging himself in the vasudeva-bhakti, vasudeva-parayana, simply by bhakti they come out of the entanglement without any difficulty
- The jnanis and yogis are generally impersonalists, and although they attain the temporary form of liberation by merging into the impersonal effulgence, the spiritual sky, according to Srimad-Bhagavatam their knowledge is not considered pure
- The jnanis and yogis, although trying to be free from the desires of material activities, actually become more and more entangled in false philosophical speculation or strenuous attempts to stop the activities of the senses
- The jnanis and yogis, who are not attached to the lotus feet of the Lord, simply struggle against the waves of desire. They are described in this verse (SB 4.22.39) as rikta-matayah, which means "devoid of devotional service
- The jnanis are trying to merge into the effulgence of isvara, or the yogis are trying to find out the isvara, the supreme controller
- The jnanis try to detach their sensual activities from material engagement. The jnana-yogi thinks that matter is false and that Brahman is truth; he tries, therefore, by cultivation of knowledge, to detach the senses from material enjoyment
- The jnanis want to see Him to become one with Him, and the yogis want to see Him partially represented within their heart as Paramatma, but the bhaktas, or the devotees, want to see Him in His complete perfection
- The jnanis, the yogis, or the karmis, they do not want this no attachment. They want more and more attachment
- The jnanis, those who have cultivated Vedic knowledge, are better than ordinary fruitive workers, that the yogis are still greater than the jnanis, and that among all yogis, those who constantly serve the Lord with all their energies are the topmost
- The jnanis, yogis and karmis are not particularly dear, for the karmis simply want to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead as their order supplier
- The karmi, jnani or yogi - in fact, everyone - worships Lord Visnu if he is actually expert in knowledge of the Vedas and Tantras
- The karmis are completely in illusion, the jnanis are neither in illusion nor in positive knowledge, but the yogis, especially the bhakti-yogis, are completely on the spiritual platform
- The karmis are very much attached to material enjoyment, the jnanis are very anxious to become freed from material clutches, and the yogis are very fond of attaining the eight kinds of mystic perfection
- The karmis who desire sense gratification, the jnanis who aspire for the liberation of merging into the existence of the Supreme, and the yogis who seek material success in mystic power are all restless, and ultimately they are baffled
- The karmis, however, or jnanis or yogis endeavor always for their own personal happiness
- The karmis, jnanis and yogis have their particular mentalities in the modes of nature, and therefore they are called itara or nondevotees. These itaras, including even the yogis, sometimes harass the devotees of the Lord
- The karmis, jnanis, and yogis, as well as the common politicians and anyone else who is working hard to make a comfortable and peaceful situation in this material world, must clearly realize that the world is transitory and full of misery
- The karmis, jnanis, yogis - everyone is in want. They cannot be happy. And when you come to the position, "My Lord, I do not want anything. Simply I want to serve You. Give me this opportunity," that is perfection
- The karmis, jnanis, yogis, they are in want. The karmis, they simply want material happiness. "I want this, I want this, I want this, I want this." The whole world is rolling. Modern material civilization means to create wants. That is karmi
- The karmis, or fruitive workers, can elevate themselves to the Svargaloka planets, which include the sun and the moon. Jnanis and yogis can attain still higher planets, such as Maharloka, Tapoloka and Brahmaloka
- The King (Ambarisa), although not as powerful a yogi as the sage (Durvasa Muni), but a devotee of the Lord, silently tolerated all the sage's injustices and thereby emerged victorious. BG 1972 purports
- The liberation they (the impersonalists and the yogis) achieve-merging into the impersonal brahmajyoti of the Lord-is only partial, and there is the risk of returning again to this material world. BG 1972 purports
- The lion (in the forest of material existence) is the wheel of time, and the herons, crows and vultures are so-called demigods, pseudo swamis, yogis and incarnations. All of these are too insignificant to give one relief
- The living being's activities are performed within the body through the movements of different kinds of air, known in summary as prana-vayu. The yogis generally study how to control the airs of the body
- The living entity, because of his being a spirit soul, can understand all the material objects, or, when self-realized, he can understand the Paramatma, upon whom yogis meditate
- The Lord (Krsna) says in Bhagavad-gita (BG 6.47): "And of all yogis, he who always abides in Me with great faith, worshiping Me in transcendental loving service, is most intimately united with Me in yoga and is the highest of all"
- The Lord (Ramacandra), as an obedient son, accepted the order (of His father, to go to the forest) immediately. He left everything without hesitation, just as a liberated soul or great yogi gives up his life without material attraction
- The Lord can bestow the blessings of transcendental pleasure upon either the visitor of the temple, the meditator-yogi or one who hears about the Lord's transcendental form from scriptures like the Srimad-Bhagavatam or Bhagavad-gita
- The Lord confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (BG 6.47): Of all yogis, he who always abides in Me with great faith, worshiping Me in transcendental loving service, is most intimately united with Me in yoga and is the highest of all
- The Lord indicates that the unsuccessful yogi takes up his practice of Krsna consciousness in the next life, beginning from the point where he left off
- The Lord says in BG 4.11: Everyone follows My path in all respects, O son of Prtha. One may be a karmi, a jnani, a yogi and then a bhakta or prema-bhakta. But the ultimate stage of realization is prema-bhakti, as actually demonstrated by mother Yasoda
- The Lord says in Bhagavad-gita (BG 6.47): Of all yogis, he who always abides in Me (Krsna) with great faith, worshiping Me in transcendental loving service, is most intimately united with Me in yoga and is the highest of all
- The Lord says, that He lives neither in Vaikuntha nor in the heart of a yogi, but He lives where His pure devotees are always chanting and glorifying Him
- The Lord, however, by moving slightly aside, dodged the violent mace-blow aimed at His breast by the enemy, just as an accomplished yogi would elude death
- The material contamination is so strong that even a yogi fully engaged in the service of the Lord sometimes becomes ensnared; but Krsna consciousness is so strong that such an occasional falldown is at once rectified. BG 1972 purports
- The meditator, the philosopher and the devotee are all to be considered yogis. Arjuna is questioning for all those who are attempting to become successful transcendentalists. And how does Sri Krsna answer him
- The mind of the living entity is known by the name of Lord Aniruddha, the supreme ruler of the senses. He possesses a bluish-black form resembling a lotus flower growing in the autumn. He is found slowly by the yogis
- The more you indulge in sex life, your duration of life is reduced. That is the scientific method. Therefore the yogis, they give up sex life
- The movement which I have started here is completely new to them because the Americans are generally acquainted with the Indian Yoga gymnastics as it is performed by some Indian yogis here
- The mystery of yogic meditation is explained here (in SB 7.10.39). Real yogis always meditate on the form of Visnu within their hearts
- The mystic perfections achieved by actually successful yogis are eight in number
- The mystic who worships the Supersoul within himself is also called atmarama. The atmarama yogis are of two kinds: sagarbha and nigarbha
- The mystic yogis consider the living entities and the Supersoul, Paramatma, to be one and the same. It is a minor point of controversy; after all, everything created rests on the gigantic virat or universal form of the Lord
- The mystic yogis, who practice different types of austerities for attainment of eight kinds of material perfection and who ultimately meet the Supersoul (Paramatma) in trance, are called siddhi-kami
- The name of Kapila Muni is significant in this verse because He was the expounder of the Sankhya philosophical system, and His father, Kardama Muni, was a great yogi and mystic
- The nature of the mind is flickering and unsteady. But a self-realized yogi has to control the mind; the mind should not control him. BG 1972 purports
- The necklace of pearls which decorates the upper portion of the Lord's body is also spiritual, and therefore the yogi is advised to gaze at the whitish luster of the pearls decorating His chest
- The next important phrase is mita-medhyadanam, which means that one should eat very frugally. It is recommended in the Vedic literatures that a yogi eat only half what he desires according to his hunger
- The people of the world are very much harassed by so-called religious-principled svamis, yogis, karmis and jnanis, but none of these can show the right way to become elevated to the spiritual platform
- The perfect example is Maharaja Ambarisa. He was not a mystic yogi but a great devotee, yet in a disagreement with Maharaja Ambarisa, the great mystic Durvasa was defeated in the presence of the King’s devotional attitude
- The perfect vision of the yogi or devotee is that he sees the presence of the living entity everywhere
- The perfect yogi is at liberty to do either (go to the abode of Krsna or travel to higher planets in the material universe)
- The perfection of becoming finer than the finest, becoming heavier than the heaviest, getting everything desired, having control over everyone, creating everything liked, etc. All these are abilities of a powerful yogi
- The perfection will be when a yogi at his sweet will can leave this body and can go any planet he likes. Not only within this material universe, but also even, if he likes, he can go to the spiritual planet also. That is yoga
- The personified Vedas continued, "Concentrating the mind upon the form of Visnu and controlling the senses very rigidly, they (mystic yogis) practice the yoga system"
- The personified Vedas continued, "Dear Lord, although great mystic yogis may have full control over the elephant of the mind and the hurricane of the senses"
- The personified Vedas continued, "Despite all endeavors to attain perfection, such yogis, contaminated by desires for sense gratification, will continue to suffer in this life and the next"
- The personified Vedas continued, "Even after much laborious austerity, penance and regulation, they (mystic yogis) achieve the same destination as persons inimical toward You (the Lord)"
- The personified Vedas continued, "In other words, both the yogis and the great, wise philosophical speculators ultimately attain the impersonal Brahman effulgence, which is automatically attained by the demons who are regular enemies of the Lord"
- The personified vedas continued, "Unless they (great mystic yogis) take shelter of a bona fide spiritual master they fall victim to the material influence and are never successful in their attempts at self-realization"
- The personified Vedas said that if the yogis and the jnanis do not free themselves from sinful desires, then their particular process of self-realization will never be successful
- The pious householders or the fallen yogis or the fallen transcendentalists can be promoted to the higher planets within the material world (one fourth of the energy of the Lord), but they will fail to enter into the kingdom of deathlessness
- The politicians, the yogis, the svamis, everyone wants, "There may be hundreds and thousands of my followers." But Caitanya Mahaprabhu says, - No, I don't want
- The practice of yoga is similar to the yoga-nidra of Maha-visnu. Yogis are advised to keep their eyes half closed, but this state is not at all one of sleep, although imitation yogis, especially in the modern age, manifest their so-called yoga by sleeping
- The process of purifying the senses is by the yogic way, namely the gross senses are merged in the mode of ignorance, and the subtle senses are merged in the mode of passion
- The process of yoga is very clearly described in this verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 3.19.28). It is said here that the ultimate end of the yogis and mystics who perform meditation is to get rid of this material body
- The progress of culturing knowledge by the jnanis or the bodily gymnastics by the yogis are ultimately given up by the respective performers, but a devotee of the Lord cannot give up the service of the Lord, for he is ordered by his spiritual master
- The pseudo svamis, yogis & incarnations who do not believe in the SPG are known as pasandis. They themselves are fallen and cheated because they do not know the real path of spiritual advancement, and whoever goes to them is certainly cheated in his turn
- The public wants to be cheated, and Krsna therefore creates such cheaters to misrepresent and delude. These so-called yogis are actually enjoyers of the world garbed as yogis
- The purpose of yogic perfection is achieved automatically by the devotee. This is all possible when one becomes a devotee of the Lord through the medium of Caitanya Mahaprabhu's instructions
- The purpose of yogic performances is explained here (SB 3.15.7). It is said that an experienced mystic attains full control of the mind and senses by controlling the breathing process. Therefore, controlling the breathing is not the ultimate aim of yoga
- The rascal means the Mayavadi, karmi, jnani, yogi, all they are rascals. It is our open declaration. So we have to give up the company of these rascals
- The real purpose of yogic regulations is to eradicate the accumulated dirty things like lust, anger, avarice and all such material contaminations
- The residents of Siddhaloka have full control in the eight kinds of yogic perfection, but from their statement it appears that they are pure devotees
- The residents of Siddhaloka, being naturally endowed with the powers of yogis, can go from one planet to another by their natural mystic powers without using airplanes or similar machines
- The results of such activities are temporary. As Krsna Himself proclaims in Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.23): "The fruits (of those who worship the demigods) are limited and temporary." The fruits of the activities of the yogis, karmis and jnanis are ephemeral
- The sagarbha and nigarbha yogis are further categorized: (1) sagarbha-yogaruruksu, (2) nigarbha-yogaruruksu, (3) sagarbha-yogarudha, (4) nigarbha-yogarudha, (5) sagarbha-prapta-siddhi and (6) nigarbha-prapta-siddhi
- The sagarbha and nigarbha yogis can be further divided into three categories: the beginner, the ascendent, and he who has already attained perfection. These yogis are described in the Sixth Chapter of Bhagavad-gita
- The salvationists who are aspiring to become one with the Supreme Person, and the yogis who are aspiring after mystic perfections can achieve the results of all perfectional stages simply by chanting the maha-mantra
- The same substance is realized as impersonal Brahman by the students of the Upanisads, as localized Paramatma by the Hiranyagarbhas or the yogis, and as Bhagavan by the devotees
- The Sankhyites and yogis are both situated in that same Brahman, but they differ because of different angles of vision
- The sannyasi and yogi is the same because yogi has no other business. He is simply trying to concentrate his mind on the Visnu. Dhyanavasthita-tad-gatena manasa pasyanti yam yoginah (SB 12.13.1). Yoginah, not these black yogis. The real yogi
- The Sanskrit word maha is derived from the affix mahat. This affix is used when there is a great number or quantity, so maha-yoga indicates that there were many great yogis and devotees meditating on the form of Lord Visnu
- The self-effulgent material form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is adored by nondevotees, His impersonal form is adored by those advanced in spiritual knowledge, and His feature as the localized Supersoul is appreciated by yogis
- The senses are compared to venomous serpents. They want to act very loosely and without restriction. The yogi, or the devotee, must be very strong to control the serpents - like a snake charmer. He never allows them to act independantly. BG 1972 purports
- The single-minded devotee who never offends the Supreme Lord or His devotees is to be considered a saintly soul. Even if it seems that such a saint is not yet rid of all sinful propensities, he will never be destroyed, as are the yogis and karmis
- The so-called yogis, karmis, they are all cheaters. They show some bodily gymnastic and talks all nonsense, becomes God within a week or six months. These things are going on
- The speculative philosophers and yogis cannot imagine this, because they more or less depend on their own strength. As stated in the Katha Upanisad (1.2.23), the Lord can be known only by those whom He favors, and not by anyone else
- The speculators, by dint of their own knowledge, they realize the Absolute Truth in His impersonal Brahman feature. And those who are yogis, they realize this God, the Supreme Lord, as Paramatma within the heart
- The Supreme Lord is perfectly realized only by the devotees because they are above all pretensions. Those who are on the path of self-realization are generally classified as karmis, jnanis, yogis, or devotees of the Lord
- The Supreme Lord says: Of all yogis, he who always abides in Me with great faith, worshiping Me in transcendental loving service, is most intimately united with Me in yoga and is the highest of all
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is known as bhakta-vatsala. He is never described as jnani-vatsala or yogi-vatsala
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead says: "I am not in Vaikuntha nor in the hearts of the yogis. I remain where My devotees engage in glorifying My activities." It is to be understood that the SP of Godhead does not leave the company of His devotees
- The system of mysticism described by Lord Krsna to Arjuna beginning with the words sucau dese and ending with yogi paramah is here (in BG 6.33) being rejected by Arjuna out of a feeling of inability. BG 1972 purports
- The test of a yogi, devotee, or self-realized soul is that he is able to control the senses according to his plan. That is the answer to the question as to how the yogi is situated. BG 1972 purports
- The thirteen meanings of the atmarama verse mentioned here are based on the following meanings for the word atmarama: (8) sagarbha-yogaruruksu, a yogi meditating upon the four-handed Visnu form and desiring yogic perfection
- The transcendental bliss derived from devotional service, cannot be compared to the happiness derived by karmis by elevating themselves to the heavenly planets or by jnanis or yogis, who enjoy oneness with the supreme impersonal Brahman
- The transcendental forms and pastimes of the Lord, as described in Bhagavad-gita, are difficult subject matters for those who are not devotees to understand. The Lord never reveals Himself to persons like the jnanis and yogis
- The transcendental planet known as Visnuloka is especially meant for devotees, not for karmis, jnanis or yogis
- The two types of atmarama-yogis are called sagarbha and nigarbha. Each of these is divided into three; therefore there are six types of worshipers of the Supersoul
- The unconditioned living beings enjoy life in full freedom with the Lord, whereas the impersonalist jnanis and yogis enter into the impersonal glowing effulgence of the Vaikuntha planets
- The unsuccessful yogi is born into a family of righteous people or into a family of rich aristocracy. - Thus if one fails to perfect his bhakti-yoga, he is given another chance in the next life
- The unsuccessful yogi, after many, many years of enjoyment on the planets of the pious living entities, is born into a family of righteous people, or into a family of rich aristocracy
- The unsuccessful yogi, after many, many years of enjoyment on the planets of the pious living entities, is born into a family of righteous people, or into a family of rich aristocracy (BG 6.41)
- The unsuccessful yogi, after many, many years of enjoyment on the planets of the pious living entities, is born into a family of righteous people, or into a family of rich aristocracy - BG 6.41
- The unsuccessful yogi, after many, many years of enjoyment on the planets of the pious living entities, is born into a family of righteous people, or into a family of rich aristocracy. BG 6.41 - 1972
- The unsuccessful yogis are divided into two classes: one is fallen after very little progress, and one is fallen after long practice of yoga. BG 1972 purports
- The Vedas said, "My dear Lord, yogis meditate upon Your localized features, and thus they achieve the spiritual perfection of being merged in the impersonal brahma-jyoti. Persons who treat You as an enemy achieve the same perfection without meditating"
- The Vedic literature directs us not to be captivated by the dark regions (tamah) but to try to reach the shining regions of the Absolute - yogi-dhama
- The Vedic literatures, including the Puranas, state that according to the position of the conditioned soul, there are different processes - karma-kanda, jnana-kanda, the yogic process and the bhakti-yoga process
- The vivid example verifying this statement is Visvamitra Muni. He was a great yogi who practiced a breathing exercise, but when he was visited by Menaka, a society woman of the heavenly planets, he lost all control & begot in her a daughter, Sakuntala
- The water was so clear that it seemed like the mind of some great soul. There may be many great souls - jnanis, yogis and bhaktas, or pure devotees, are also called great souls - but they are very rarely found
- The wheel in the hand of the Lord, called the Sudarsana cakra, has one thousand spokes. The yogi is advised to meditate upon each of the spokes. He should meditate upon each and every one of the component parts of the transcendental form of the Lord
- The word "meditation" is very popular in this age amongst the common people, but they do not know the actual meaning of meditation. However, from Vedic literature we learn that the yogis are always absorbed in meditation upon the lotus feet of the Lord
- The word acyutamsam is specifically used here (in SB 10.2.18), signifying that the Lord is always present with His plenary expansions and opulences. There is no need to think of the Lord artificially as yogis do
- The word apare (others) is very significant in this connection. "Others" refers to the jnanis and the yogis, whose only hope is to merge into the existence of the impersonal brahmajyoti
- The word atma also means "this body." The yogis who practice bodily exercises, considering the body to be the self, are also elevated to the transcendental service of the Lord if they associate with pure devotees
- The word baddha-sauhrdah - "bound in friendship" - is particularly used here. Karmis, jnanis and yogis cannot be bound in devotional service. Karmis fully engage in the activities of the body. Their aim of life is to give comfort to the body only
- The word kanaphata refers to one who has put a hole in his ear to wear an earring made of ivory. Maharaja Prataparudra was so depressed by not getting to see Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu that he decided to become such a yogi
- The word maha-vrata-dharah indicates a brahmacari who has never fallen down. Lord Siva is counted among the best of yogis, yet he embraced his wife in the midst of great saintly persons
- The word muni is very significant. Muni means one who is very expert in mental speculation or in thinking, feeling and willing. He is not mentioned here (in SB 3.28.20) as a devotee or yogi
- The word pratyak is significant. In yogic practice, the eight divisions are yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and samadhi. Pratyahara means to wind up the activities of the senses
- The word sagarbha-yogi refers to a yogi who worships the Supersoul in the Visnu form. The nigarbha-yogi worships the Supersoul without form
- The word satam refers to transcendentalists. There are three kinds of transcendentalists: the jnani, yogi and bhakta. Out of these three, the bhakta is selected as the most suitable candidate to approach the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The word vastu-nisthayoh, which is used, indicates that both the yogis and Sankhyites have faith in the reality, but are arguing about it from the different viewpoints of material and spiritual identities. Parabrahman, or brhat, is the common point
- The word visaya denotes sense gratification. The karmis flatly state that they want sense gratification. The yogis also want sense gratification, but they want it to a higher degree
- The word yoga-sankhyayoh is very important. Yoga means bhakti-yoga because yogis also accept the existence of the all-pervading Supreme Soul and try to see that Supreme Soul within their hearts
- The yogi alone goes beyond this circle of Sisumara & attains the planet (Maharloka) where purified saints like Bhrgu enjoy a duration of life of 4,300,000,000 solar years. This planet is worshipable even for the saints who are transcendentally situated
- The yogi can easily fulfill his desire by going there (the higher planetary systems) with the present materialistic mind and senses
- The yogi cannot allow his mind to go out. This may sound very difficult, but it is possible in Krsna consciousness
- The yogi has simply to desire to leave the material world in both finer and grosser forms and then move the vital force to the topmost part of the skull and leave the body from the hole in the skull called the brahma-randhra
- The yogi has to fix up his sitting place. What is that? Sucau dese. He should select a place which is very, very pure
- The yogi in Krsna consciousness-even though he may be engaged in various activities while in material existence-remains always situated in Krsna. This is confirmed in the BRS of Srila Rupa Gosvami: nikhilesu avasthasu jivanmukta sa ucyate. BG 1972 pur
- The yogi is able to quit his body by his own choice of time and can attain any planet he desires by turning the present body into ashes by self-made fire
- The yogi is advised to meditate upon the transcendental form of the Lord, beginning from the soles of the feet and then gradually rising to the knees, to the thighs, and finally arriving at the face
- The yogi knows all these descriptions (of the spiritual planets), and he can transfer himself to any planet he likes, without the help of spaceships. Space travel by mechanical means is not the accepted process for elevation to other planets
- The yogi must contemplate the different parts of the transcendental body of the Lord. Here (in SB 3.28.28) it is stated that the constitutional position of the living entities should be understood
- The yogi obviously has to go through a great deal of difficulty to purify the atma (mind, body and soul), but it is a fact that this can be done most effectively in this age simply by the chanting of Hare Krsna. Why is this
- The yogi of My mind is wearing that earring upon his ear. From a gourd he has carved out the bowl of My aspirations, and he has taken the bag of My expectations on his shoulder
- The yogi of My mind wears the torn quilt of anxiety on his dirty body, which is covered with dust and ashes
- The yogi or devotee, along with liquidation of the gross elements, relinquishes the subtle causes like aroma by smelling. The pure spiritual spark, the living entity, thus becomes completely cleansed of all material contamination
- The yogi or the devotee is faced with many allurements which can entangle a great fighter again in the bondage of material existence
- The yogi realizes the Supersoul through transcendental mind and intelligence, without any of the misgivings of identifying the self with the Superself
- The yogi sees all the planets of the universe burning to ashes, and thus he leaves for Satyaloka by airplanes used by the great purified souls
- The yogi sees all the planets of the universe burning to ashes, and thus he leaves for Satyaloka by airplanes used by the great purified souls. The duration of life in Satyaloka is calculated to be 15,480,000,000,000 years
- The yogi sees equally because he sees that all living entities, although in different situations according to the results of fruitive work, in all circumstances remain the servants of God. BG 1972 purports
- The yogi should also meditate on the Lord's arched eyebrows, which are manifested by His internal potency in order to charm the sex-god for the good of the sages
- The yogi should clear the passage of vital air by breathing in the following manner: first he should inhale very deeply, then hold the breath in, and finally exhale
- The yogi should clear the passage of vital air by breathing in the following manner: first he should inhale very deeply, then hold the breath in, and finally exhale. This is done so that the mind may become steady and free from external disturbances
- The yogi should concentrate on the polished ornaments, which were burnished by Mount Mandara as it revolved
- The yogi should contemplate His (the Supreme Personality of Godhead's) rounded hips, which are encircled by a girdle that rests on the exquisite yellow silk cloth that extends down to His ankles
- The yogi should fix in his heart the activities of Laksmi, the goddess of fortune, who is worshiped by all demigods and is the mother of the supreme person, Brahma
- The yogi should further meditate upon the Lord's four arms, which are the source of all the powers of the demigods who control the various functions of material nature
- The yogi should have his mind trained in such a way that as soon as his mind wanders from meditation on Visnu, he drags it back again. This requires a great deal of practice
- The yogi should know that Visnu is not different from Krsna. Krsna in this form of Supersoul is situated in everyone's heart. BG 1972 purports
- The yogi should live in a secluded place, where his yoga practice will not be disturbed
- The yogi should meditate upon His club, which is named Kaumodaki and is very dear to Him. This club smashes the demons, who are always inimical soldiers, and is smeared with their blood
- The yogi should merge his mind, by his unalloyed intelligence, into the living entity, and then merge the living entity into the Superself
- The yogi should not have any desire for material sense gratification. If one is in Krsna consciousness, he has no desire other than Krsna
- The yogi should observe the rules and regulations of brahmacarya - to strictly live a life of self-restraint and celibacy
- The yogi should then imprint on his mind the neck of the Personality of Godhead, who is adored by the entire universe. The neck of the Lord serves to enhance the beauty of the Kaustubha gem, which hangs on His chest
- The yogi should then meditate on His moonlike navel in the center of His abdomen. From His navel, which is the foundation of the entire universe, sprang the lotus stem containing all the different planetary systems
- The yogi should then meditate on the chest of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the abode of goddess Maha-Laksmi. The Lord's chest is the source of all transcendental pleasure for the mind and full satisfaction for the eyes
- The yogi should then meditate on the lotuslike countenance of the Lord, who presents His different forms in this world out of compassion for the anxious devotees
- The yogi should then sit on it (seat made of kusa grass, deerskin and a soft cloth) very firmly and should practice yoga by controlling the mind and the senses, purifying the heart and fixing the mind on one point - Bg. 6.11-12
- The yogi should then sit on it very firmly and should practice yoga by controlling the mind and the senses, purifying the heart and fixing the mind on one point. BG 6.11-12 - 1972
- The yogi then meditates upon the beautiful face of the Lord, which is adorned with curly hair and decorated by lotuslike eyes and dancing eyebrows. A lotus surrounded by swarming bees and a pair of swimming fish would be put to shame by its elegance
- The yogi therefore blocks up all the above-mentioned seven openings, so that the life air will naturally burst forth through the cerebral hole. This is the sure sign of a great devotee's leaving the material connection
- The yogi tries to suppress his senses, but even great mystics like Visvamitra fail in the attempt
- The yogi who can meditate perfectly on that spot (the bosom) on the transcendental form of the Lord can derive many material powers, which comprise the eight perfections of the yoga system
- The yogi who falls after a short period of practice goes to the higher planets where pious living entities are allowed to enter. BG 1972 purports
- The yogi who has withdrawn to a secluded place in order to meditate perfectly may not be as perfect as a devotee who is trying his best to turn every man toward Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- The yogi who worships the Supersoul within himself is also called atmarama. There are two types of atmarama-yogis
- The yogi whose mind is fixed on Me (Krsna) verily attains the highest happiness. By virtue of his identity with Brahman, he is liberated; his mind is peaceful, his passions are quieted, and he is freed from sin - Bg. 6.27
- The yogi whose mind is fixed on Me verily attains the highest happiness. By virtue of his identity with Brahman, he is liberated; his mind is peaceful, his passions are quieted, and he is freed from sin. BG 6.27 - 1972
- The yogi's business is always to remain alone in a secluded place. Alone and secluded place. Yoga cannot be performed in assembly
- The yogi's business is that he's always meditating upon the form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. That is yogi. Mad-gatenantaratmana
- The yogi's main business is to control the senses. That is real yoga. Yoga indriya-samyamah. Controlling the senses so that mind can be in a peaceful condition
- The yogi's real business is to focus his mind on Krsna. That is the real yoga system. There are many gymnastics performed by yogis, but all this is recommended for those who are overly concerned with the body
- The yogi, as above mentioned, who controls the life air in his own way, generally releases the life air by puncturing the cerebral hole in the head
- The yogi, by meditation, being in samadhi, they are seeing the Absolute Truth, Personality of Godhead, Visnu, within the heart. And those who are devotees, they are seeing the Supreme Personality of Godhead as Arjuna is seeing, personally, face to face
- The yogi, in addition to living in a secluded place, should also be free from desires and should not think that he is performing yoga to achieve some material powers. Nor should he accept gifts or favors from people
- The yogi, they are searching after the Supersoul within himself, and jnani is understanding the impersonal feature of the Absolute Truth
- The yogic process for controlling the air within the body and the different nerves is called susumna, the path of liberation
- The yogic process is like that. But that is not the process of check, stopping death. You can delay death. That you can delay, so it's a hundred years, two hundred years, five hundred years, or even more than that
- The yogic situation is that of detachment from all sensual engagements. Closing all the doors of the senses and fixing the mind on the heart & the life air at the top of the head, one establishes himself in yoga
- The yogic situation is that of detachment from all sensual engagements. Closing all the doors of the senses and fixing the mind on the heart and the life air at the top of the head, one establishes himself in yoga
- The yogis accept the eternity of the Supreme Person in one of their mantras - sa purvesam api guruh kalanavacchedat: Such a person is always supreme and is not influenced by the element of time
- The yogis also at times take to chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, but their purpose is different from that of the bhaktas. In all processes - karma, jnana or yoga - bhakti is required. That is the purport of this verse - SB 4.31.12
- The yogis and empiric philosophers desire cessation of the process of birth and death, but a devotee is satisfied to remain even in this material world and execute devotional service
- The yogis and jnanis - that is, the mystic yogis and the impersonalists - can understand the Absolute Truth as impersonal or localized, but they cannot understand how the Supreme Absolute Truth can be a person
- The yogis and jnanis are confused in their attempts to understand Krsna, although the greatest of the impersonalists, Sripada Sankaracarya, has admitted in his Gita commentary that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- The yogis are not devotees. They are more or less after some material perfection. But generally one who sees Narayana, he becomes a devotee
- The yogis are satisfied simply by partial vision of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Paramatma, and ultimately by oneness with Him
- The yogis are very much addicted to the acquisition of material perfection and magical powers
- The yogis begin their practice of yoga by worshiping the abdomen, and they try to concentrate their attention on their intestines. Gradually their meditation rises to the heart and concentrates on the mind and the heart
- The yogis can block these holes (the eyes, nose, ears, etc.) by complete suspension of air. The yogi then concentrates the vital force in the middle position, that is, between the eyebrows
- The yogis can display many wonders; but by performance of yogic mystic powers, one cannot become God
- The yogis can reach the highest planetary system within a very short time, and this is impossible for the materialist
- The yogis desire mystic power, and that is also kama. And the bhaktas, not being desirous of any sort of material enjoyment, become purified. There is no artificial attempt to stop desire
- The yogis meditate for sense control, but for the devotee the senses appear like serpents with broken teeth
- The yogis or meditators try to gain superior mystic power by becoming greater than the greatest, smaller than the smallest, lighter than the lightest, and heavier than the heaviest, but this is just so much child's play
- The yogis should contemplate with full devotion the compassionate glances frequently cast by the Lord's eyes, for they soothe the most fearful threefold agonies of His devotees. His glances, accompanied by loving smiles, are full of abundant grace
- The yogis should not have illicit connection with their disciples. Do they believe God is...? It is simply business for earning money and getting woman. They have no other... Valueless
- The yogis should perform acts for the advancement of human society. There are many purificatory processes for advancing a human being to spiritual life. BG 1972 purports
- The yogis strive very hard to achieve success in becoming smaller than the smallest or greater than the greatest, or in creating a planet like earth or, as scientists, by inventing so many wonderful machines
- The yogis who become detached from the material world by practice of breathing exercises and control of the mind reach the planet of Brahma, which is far, far away
- The yogis who engage in devotional service are full in knowledge and renunciation. If there is a lack of knowledge and renunciation, it is to be understood that one is not in full devotional service
- The yogis who practice such breathing exercises are very soon freed from all mental disturbances, just as gold, when put into fire and fanned with air, becomes free from all impurities
- The yogis, abandoning attachment, act with body, mind, intelligence, and even with the senses, only for the purpose of purification. BG 5.11 - 1972
- The yogis, all kinds of yogis, they are guaranteed next life. And all these yogis, after many, many such births, bahunam janmanam ante (BG 7.19), he becomes a devotee
- The yogis, by meditation, they try to understand the Supreme Absolute Truth by seeing the Visnu form, four-handed Visnu. Dhyanavasthita-tad-gatena manasa pasyanti yam yoginah - SB 12.13.1
- The yogis, by their mind concentrating upon God, they try to see Him. So you must know what is God. Just like our institution, they know what is God, description of God. They can think of God. But if you have no idea of God, how you'll think of Him?
- The yogis, they also can do that. Yoga practice. But that is not possible in this age. The so-called yoga practice going on are simply bluff. Real yoga practice means one becomes so perfect that he will not die natural death
- The yogis, they have asta-siddhi-yoga, eight kinds of perfection. One can become smaller than the smallest or lighter than the lightest, bigger than the biggest; whatever he likes, he can get immediately
- The yogis, they want to play wonderful magic: anima, laghima, prapti-siddhi, isita, vasita. There are eight kinds of yoga siddhis. That kind of siddhi is not recommended here
- The yogis, those who are real yogis, not bogus yogis, real yogi, they wants to meditate upon the Supersoul
- The yogī is advised next to meditate upon the navel of the Lord, which is the foundation of all material creation
- Their (the followers of the Patanjali yoga system) position is even more abominable than that of those who want to merge into the Lord’s effulgence. These yogis meditate on the four-handed Visnu form of the Lord in order to merge into His body
- There are also yogis, who try to control their senses, but they can never succeed without coming to the stage of devotional service
- There are different airs within the body, and soul is already floating in the air. So the yogi mystic process can bring the soul from different places, and then they bring it here, and they ascertain where he has to go
- There are different kinds of transcendentalists who are called yogis - hatha-yogis, jnana-yogis, dhyana-yogis, and bhakti-yogis - and all of them are eligible to be transferred to the spiritual world
- There are different kinds of transcendentalists, namely the jnanis, or impersonalists, the mystic yogis and, of course, all the devotees of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The Kumaras were both yogis and jnanis and finally bhaktas later on
- There are different kinds of yogis, but every yogi is supposed to engage in self-realization, or Brahman realization
- There are different kinds of yogis, but the yogi means the person who wants to connect himself with the eternal happiness
- There are different methods how to get out of the suffering condition, karmi, jnani, yogi. But ultimate, very easy process is, if you become a devotee, if you become engaged in KC, then it is very easy. Then your prosperity, your auspicity, is guaranteed
- There are different processes recommended by great sages according to the position of the worshiper, but the ultimate aim of all meditational yogic processes is to go back home, back to Godhead
- There are different siddhis, or yogic perfections - anima, laghima, prapti, and so on - and whatever yogis choose to do, they can do. That is the real yoga system
- There are four classes of men, namely karmis, jnanis, yogis and bhaktas. This statement pertains especially to karmis and jnanis
- There are four different types of human beings - the karmis, the jnanis, the yogis and the devotees. The karmis are materialistic, whereas the other three are transcendental
- There are innumerable planets, and beyond the planets, there are spiritual world. So yogis, they have got information. How they have got information? From the scriptures, from Vedic literature, they have got
- There are many big leaders, yogis, svamis and so-called incarnations who are very much addicted to mental speculation and who advertise themselves as perfect personalities, but they are not ultimately successful
- There are many classes of human beings: the fruitive workers, the empiric philosophers, the mystic yogis, and ultimately, the unalloyed devotees. For all of them, one and the same process is applicable for achieving the desired success
- There are many different types of yoga. Yoga means the system, and yogi means the person who practices that system
- There are many examples of yogis who practiced austerities but did not emerge completely pure. Visvamitra Muni, for example, was a ksatriya who wanted to become a brahmana and therefore began to practice austerity
- There are many karmis, yogis and jnanis who artificially try to compete with Krsna
- There are many mahatmas, many yogis, jnanis, karmis. They're all good. But if they do not approach the ultimate goal of life - means approaching Vasudeva - then srama eva hi kevalam
- There are many sages empowered with the influence of austerity and many yogis, philosophers and renouncers who sometimes exhibit their acquired power under the influence of the Rudra principle of anger and passion
- There are many similar incidents where great yogis and brahmanas, by dint of their yoga practice, have gone from this material world to Vaikunthaloka - but they were not meant to stay there. They came back
- There are many varieties of yogis. And Krsna concludes, - Of all the yogis, big, big yogis, the person who is always remembering Krsna and chanting Hare Krsna maha-mantra is first class
- There are many yogis and many different types of yoga systems, and all of these are discussed in Bhagavad-gita. There is hatha-yoga, karma-yoga, jnana-yoga and raja-yoga; however, the real yoga system is meant for reviving our connection with Krsna
- There are many yogis living up to three hundred or seven hundred years by this process, and in the Bhagavatam it is clearly stated that discharging semen is the cause of horrible death
- There are many yogis still living; they can manufacture gold. They can manufacture gold
- There are many yogis. They have got very exalted, extraordinary power. Just like Durvasa Muni. He once traveled all over the space. Not only within this universe - he traveled outside the universe in the spiritual world, and he saw the SPG face to face
- There are nine processes for executing devotional service, of which smaranam, or meditation, is one. Yogis take advantage of the process of smaranam, whereas bhakti-yogis take special advantage of the process of hearing and chanting
- There are other opulences which the yogis can achieve by their mystic power. They are also material. A devotee does not aspire for all these material pleasures, although they are available to him simply by wishing
- There are others, namely jnanis and yogis, who want the benediction of merging into the existence of the Lord. This is called kaivalya. The Lord is therefore addressed as kaivalya-pati, the master or Lord of the benediction known as kaivalya
- There are so many bogus mahatmas - the svamis, yogis and incarnation and so many rascals - all raksasas, atheist. Such kind are not mahatma
- There are so many instances of falldown, even for great yogis like Visvamitra. A grhastha is saved, however, because of his faithful wife
- There are some yogic schools. In America you'll find. They do not believe in God. But it is not actually... The yoga principle does not deny the existence of God. God is there
- There are some yogis who perform yoga for a profit, but that is not real yoga. Everything must be engaged in the service of the Lord
- There are those who are yogis; they are searching after mystic perfection. There are eight kinds of mystic perfection which grant the ability to become the smallest, to become the heaviest, or to get whatever one desires
- There are three classes of transcendentalists, namely the jnani, the yogi and the bhakta, or the impersonalist, the meditator and the devotee. BG 1972 Introduction
- There are three kinds of transcendentalists trying to overcome the influence of the modes of material nature - the jnanis, yogis and bhaktas. All of them attempt to overcome the influence of the senses, which is compared to the incessant waves of a river
- There are three kinds of yoga, namely bhakti-yoga, jnana-yoga and astanga-yoga. Devotees, jnanis and yogis all try to get out of the material entanglement
- There have been many actual examples of yogis' being buried in trance and exhumed alive and in good condition several hours later. A yogi can keep himself alive in a transcendental state even if buried not only for many days but for many years
- There is a planet named Siddhaloka whose inhabitants can go to any other planet because they naturally have all the perfection of yoga practice. Thus Durvasa Muni, the great mystic yogi, could go through the skyways to any planet, even to Brahmaloka
- There is a very humorous story that one man... He was a yogi
- There is chance of degradation in both rich and pious families, but one who takes birth in a family of yogis or of devotees has a much better chance of cultivating again that spiritual life from which he has fallen
- There is every chance of failure on the yogic path when a great sage like Visvamitra Muni falls down due to material allurement. Although the muni fell for the time being, he again resolved to go on with the yoga process, and this should be our resolve
- There is mahima-siddhi, laghima-siddhi. He can become lighter than the swab of cotton. The yogis, they become so light. Still there are yogis in India
- There is no need of advertising yourself that "I am religious, I am philosopher, I am yogi." All is nonsense if at the end there is no Krsna consciousness. So if KC is there, so all these things end. And if there is no KC, these are all useless labor
- There is no possibility of one's becoming a yogi, O Arjuna, if one eats too much, or eats too little, sleeps too much or does not sleep enough. BG 6.16 - 1972
- There is no question of peace for them (the yogis and jnanis). The jnanis or speculators, wanting to get relief from the hard work of this material world, reject this material world - brahma satyam jagan-mithya
- There is this element of chance (for yogi of returing again in this material world), but there is no question of chance for a devotee always in Krsna consciousness, for he is guaranteed entrance into the abode of Krsna by dint of his devotion to the Lord
- There was one yogi in Calcutta - of course, in a temple, in a sanctified place - he was taking once only a little quantity of rice boiled with water, at three o'clock in the afternoon he was taking. That was his food, and nothing more
- There was, a great yogi known as Saubhari Muni who used to meditate within the water there and who was sympathetic with the fish. He asked Garuda not to come there and disturb the fish
- These are some of the austerities executed by the jnanis and yogis, who cannot accept the process of bhakti-yoga. They must undergo such severe types of austerity in order to become purified from material contamination
- These cowherd boys were great rsis and yogis in their previous births, and after many such pious births, they gained the association of the Lord and could play with Him on equal terms
- These devotees are spreading this Krsna consciousness movement very widely and giving protection to innocent people who are being so much embarrassed by pseudo-avataras, -svamis, -yogis and others
- These four Kumaras, as siddhesvaras, had achieved all the yogic perfectional achievements, and as such they could travel in outer space without machines
- These materialists, they are certainly being pushed in the darkness. But there is another class, who are so-called philosopher, mental speculators, religionists, yogis, they are going still more in the darkness, because they are defying Krsna
- These opportune moments (to quit this body) are not as important as one's being a successful yogi who is able to quit his body as he likes. Such a yogi must be competent to control his senses by the mind
- These sankhya-yogi philosophers, they may analyze very critically. Even they can count the atoms which is composing this whole material atmosphere. But that does not mean you have understood the original force which has created all these things
- These thirteen types of yogis and munis are called santa-bhaktas, for they render transcendental loving service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead in the neutral stage
- These twenty-seven elements constitute the external energy of the Lord. Great yogis meditate upon the Lord, who is situated as the Supersoul, Paramatma, within the core of the heart. May that Supersoul be pleased with me
- They (a class of professional mendicants) know some magical art and mystical processes, and their business is to beg from door to door, sometimes pleading and sometimes threatening. Such mendicants are sometimes called yogis and sometimes kanaphata yogis
- They (karmis, jnanis, yogis, tapasvis who do not have Krsna consciousness) have no faith in approaching Him (Krsna) by discharging devotional service, although everywhere such service is repeatedly emphasized, as it is in this verse from SB - 11.14.20
- They (yogis and jnanis who in the beginning take to the chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra as a way to begin their various practices) do not consider that the ultimate goal is the form of the Lord or the name of the Lord
- They (yogis and mystics) meditate in secluded places to attain yogic trance. Yoga has to be performed in a secluded place, not in public or in a demonstration on stage, as nowadays practiced by many so-called yogis
- They (yogis and svamis) have simply presented a hodgepodge of Indian philosophy. No one has actually presented Vedic culture as it is
- They (yogis) are given opportunities to live prosperous lives in righteous or aristocratic families. BG 1972 purports
- They also admitted that even yogis who are not devotees of the Lord are covered by the influence of material energy. This kind of hopelessness felt by the brahmanas who were performing ritualistic ceremonies shows practically no attachment for Krsna
- This (SB 10.9.11) shows the position of a pure devotee, in contrast with others, like jnanis, yogis and the followers of Vedic ritualistic ceremonies, in regarding the transcendental nature of the Absolute Truth
- This (SB 10.9.9) illustrates the difference between the bhakta and the yogi. Yogis cannot reach Krsna, but for pure devotees like mother Yasoda, Krsna is already caught
- This (the yogi who renders transcendental loving service to Krsna - he is the most intimately united with Him in yoga) is the highest perfectional stage, known as prema, or love of God
- This (the yogis enjoyment is anante, endless) is because their enjoyment is in relation to the supreme enjoyer (Rama), Sri Krsna. Bhagavan Sri Krsna is the real enjoyer, and Bhagavad-gita confirms this - BG 5.29
- This great machine, consisting of the stars and planets, resembles the form of a sisumara (dolphin) in the water. It is sometimes considered an incarnation of Krsna, Vasudeva. Great yogis meditate upon Vasudeva in this form because it is actually visible
- This is the disease of this present material world. They have no knowledge practically what is the basic principle of life, & still they are passing on as scientist, philosophers, religionist, yogis, svamis, but they have no clear conception of the soul
- This is the form of the Lord which is meditated upon by the followers of the yoga process, and it is pleasing to the yogis in meditation. It is not imaginary but factual, as proved by great yogis
- This is the greatest anomaly in the practice of mystic yoga - In the present day, people who have no control over their senses, no understanding of philosophy & not following religious principles are nonetheless pretending to be yogis
- This is the real business of the yogis: to think of the lotus feet of the Lord. Lord Siva therefore advises that one who is actually serious about purification must engage himself in this type of meditation or in the mystic yoga system
- This is the real goal of life: After attaining Me, the great souls, who are yogis in devotion, never return to this temporary world, which is full of miseries, because they have attained the highest perfection (BG 8.15). That is the version of BG
- This Krsna consciousness movement is educating people to become first-class yogi. Think of Krsna. Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare - Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. It is not bogus thing. It is actual fact. You can become yogi
- This Narada Muni's history is very interesting, that he was not educated, a boy, and not coming from cultured family - maidservant's son. The only qualification was that nirupito balaka eva yoginam. He was engaged as a boy servant to the yogis
- This siddhi is called prapti, or acquisition. With this prapti-siddhi, the perfect mystic yogi can not only touch the moon planet, but he can extend his hand anywhere and take whatever he likes
- This type of meditation (meditating on God's lotus feet) or in the mystic yoga system, will help him (a yogi) not only to see the Lord within constantly but to see Him face to face and become His associate in Vaikunthaloka or Goloka Vrndavana
- This verse (SB 7.13.43) describes how a yogi can become free from material affection. Because of material attraction, a karmi cannot see himself
- This verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 3.15.46) describes persons who are expected to be very expert yogis engaged in meditation but who do not find the Supreme Personality of Godhead seated within the heart
- This yoga practice begins simply by hearing. You have got these ears. You simply just lend your ears and you become yogi
- Those (yogis) who do not persevere to such an extent (perfection of Krsna consciousness) and fail due to material allurements are allowed, by the grace of the Lord, to make full utilization of their material propensities. BG 1972 purports
- Those so-called yogis who manufacture a circle or target are engaged in nonsense. Actually, a yogi must meditate upon the form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead that has been experienced by the Lord's pure devotees. Yogi means devotee
- Those who are above the karmis, that is, the jnanis, yogis and devotees, are strictly prohibited from sex indulgence
- Those who are actually yogis practice in a secluded place, and after many, many births they become successful, provided they surrender unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is the completion of yoga
- Those who are actually yogis truly enjoy, but how do they enjoy? Ramante yogino 'nante - their enjoyment is unlimited, and that unlimited enjoyment is real happiness, and such happiness is spiritual, not material
- Those who are karmis, jnanis or yogis are not actually fit to discuss Srimad-Bhagavatam. Only Vaisnavas, or pure devotees, are fit to discuss that literature
- Those who are nondevotees, those who are mental speculationists, those who are fruitive workers, those who are meditators or mystic yogis, cannot explain the science of God
- Those who are on the path of self-realization are generally classified as karmis, jnanis, yogis, or devotees of the Lord
- Those who are true yogis or learned transcendentalists are not attracted by sense pleasures, which are the causes of continuous material existence. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are trying to capture the Supreme Personality of Godhead within the heart - yogis, - they understand Krsna, or God, as Paramatma, the Supersoul
- Those who are trying to enjoy the senses to the utmost are called karmis, above them are the jnanis, who try to conquer the urges of the senses, and above them are the yogis, who have already conquered the senses
- Those who are trying to visualize the Supreme Soul within the heart, they are called yogi
- Those who are yogi, those who are transcendentalists, advanced in spiritual life, they know what is happiness
- Those who are yogis, they want to find out that "God is sitting with me. Let me see by meditation." That is yogi's business
- Those who know the Supreme Brahman pass away from the world during the influence of the fiery god, in the light, at an auspicious moment, during the fortnight of the moon and the six months when the sun travels in the north - BG 8.24
- Those who think of something impersonal are not yogis. Their meditation simply involves undergoing more and more labor (kleso 'dhikataras tesam avyaktasakta-cetasam (BG 12.5)), and they cannot reach anything substantial
- Through the distribution of this literature, we can completely annihilate all the bogus yogi groups in the world. Of this fact I am sure
- Through the mystic yoga practice called pranayama, the yogi controls the airs within the body to maintain the body in a healthy condition. In this way, the yogi comes to the point of trance and tries to see the Supersoul within the core of his heart
- Thus the yogi can be in the self-realized position after conquering the insurmountable spell of maya, who presents herself as both the cause and effect of this material manifestation and is therefore very difficult to understand
- To become fatty, to have more power for sex, it is not meditation, but medicine. So this is wanted. Yoginam api sarvesam mad-gatenantar-atmana (BG 6.47). That is the supermost, topmost position of yogi
- To concentrate their minds, yogis worship the Sisumara planetary system, which is technically known as the kundalini-cakra
- To encourage Arjuna, Krsna said that "Don't be discouraged because you cannot practice this yoga system. Here is the best process." What is that? Yoginam api sarvesam mad-gatenantar-atmana (BG 6.47): If you simply think of Me, then you are the best yogi
- Today's so-called yoga practice, which involves various sense pleasures, is contradictory. A yogi indulging in sex and intoxication is a mockery. BG 1972 purports
- Transcendentalists such as yogis whose minds cannot accommodate the form of the Lord prefer to visualize something very great, such as the virat-purusa
- Unauthorized yogis even dare to say publicly that one can indulge in drinking and at the same time practice meditation
- Unauthorized yogis even dare to say publicly that one can indulge in the habit of drinking and at the same time practice meditation
- Unfortunately, many mystic yogis try to meditate on something void, and as is stated in the Gita, the result is that they simply undergo trouble and do not achieve any tangible result
- Unfortunately, those who are not yogis but gross materialists, who throughout their lives indulge in sense gratification, are puzzled by the disarrangement of the bodily and mental condition at the time of death
- Unless one is favored by the Supreme Lord, one cannot cross over the ocean of the nescience of repeated birth and death. Here it is stated that yogis or mystics cross beyond nescience by the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Unless one is fully convinced of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one has the tendency to become an impersonalist yogi searching for the Supreme Lord within the core of his heart
- Unless the karmis, jnanis and yogis come to the point of devotional service to Lord Krsna, their so-called austerities and yoga have no value
- Vaisnavas do not require to practice any yogic power to become materially powerful. He doesn't require. Simply his surrender to Krsna makes him all-powerful. This is the position of Vaisnava
- Vaisnavas preach only devotional service, not encouraging karmis, jnanis and yogis, because if one must liberate oneself from material, conditional life, one must ultimately become a Vaisnava
- Vidura was astonished to see the marvelous departure of his brother Dhrtarastra as a liberated yogi, for in his past life he was much attached to materialism. Of course it was only due to Vidura that his brother attained the desirable goal of life
- Vigata-bhir means without any fear. And brahmacari-vrate sthitah, without any sex life. A yogi cannot indulge in sex life. That is the first principle
- Wanting to see Krsna directly, this yogi remains awake throughout the night, meditating on Krsna, who is the Supersoul, uncontaminated by the three modes of nature
- We are trying to make our students the first-class yogi, always think of Krsna. This is our Krsna consciousness movement
- We can see that such a great mystic yogi as Saubhari became a victim of sense gratification, and such great sages as Vasistha and Visvamitra became birds. This is the material world
- We do not know what kind of meditation there is. But real meditation, recommended in the Vedas, dhyānāvasthita-tad-gatena manasā paśyanti yaṁ yoginaḥ (SB 12.13.1). Yogi. Yogis see the Supreme Personality of Godhead by meditation
- We have heard the names of so many different yogas and yogis, but in Bhagavad-gita Krsna says that he is the actual yogi who has surrendered himself - fully unto Me
- We have heard the names of so many yogis, but here Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita, "He is actual yogi." Who? "Who has surrendered himself fully unto Me and he is engaged in My service as a matter of duty." That's all
- We have to prepare where we want to go. That is real education. Either by the yogic principle or by cultivation of knowledge or by this devotional service, the whole idea is how to transfer oneself to the better condition of life
- What is called renunciation is the same as yoga, or linking oneself with the Supreme, for no one can become a yogi unless he renounces the desire for sense gratification. BG 6.2 - 1972
- What Krsna means, to understand, it is not so easy job. And again He said, He explains that bhaktya mam abhijanati yavan yas casmi tattvatah (BG 18.55). Only the devotees can understand. It is not the business of the karmis, jnanis, yogis
- What then can we describe about the great fortune of the inhabitants of Vrajabhumi (if yogis are unable to taste even a particle of dust from Krsna's lotus feet), Vrndavana, with whom the SPG personally lived and who saw Him face to face - SB 10.12.12
- What then is to be said of ordinary speculators like the so-called philosophers of this material world? - even great yogis, demigods, saints and sages have been unable to understand the Supreme Lord's bodily feature and His movements
- What to speak of great yogis or jnanis who conclude that the Absolute Truth, the Personality of Godhead, is impersonal
- Whatever austerity, pranayama and mystic yoga practices Prthu performed were performed for the sake of worshiping Krsna. Prthu Maharaja serves as a perfect example for yogis also. Whatever he did, he did to please the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krsna
- Whatever we do as an ordinary worker, or as a sannyasi, or as a yogi, or as a philosopher must be done in Krsna consciousness
- When a yogi's power is exhibited, the yogi himself is sometimes astonished
- When both air (apana and prana) currents are completely stopped, it is called kumbhaka-yoga. By practice of kumbhaka-yoga, the yogis increase the duration of life by many, many years. BG 1972 purports
- When great yogis are in samadhi, even when their bodies are buried and their skin, marrow, blood and so on have all been eaten, if only their bones remain they can exist in a transcendental position
- When he (the yogi) is constantly thinking of the Lord, that is called sabija-yoga, or living yoga. One has to be promoted to the platform of living yoga
- When Narada Muni visited Krsna at different palaces at Dvaraka, he was astonished at this (seeing Krsna in different forms), and yet Narada is never astonished to see expansions of a yogi's body, since he knows the trick himself
- When one comes to see the disadvantage of aggravating the sense activities, one is called a jnani, and when one tries to stop the activities of the senses by the practice of yogic principles, he is called a yogi
- When one is in complete knowledge, one ceases all material sense gratification, or renounces all kinds of sense gratificatory activities. This is practiced by the yogis who restrain the senses from material attachment. BG 1972 purports
- When one picks up this knowledge (at death, the bank balance does not go with me, it remains in the bank), that was interrupted, he should know that he should now finish the balance and complete the yogic process
- When the body becomes old, a perfect yogi can find a young, able body. Giving up his old body, the yogi can enter into the young body and act as he pleases. Being a plenary expansion of Lord Vasudeva, Lord Rsabhadeva possessed all these mystic yoga powers
- When the great mystic yogi Durvasa deliberately attempted to take the life of Ambarisa, the Lord suitably punished Durvasa, even though he was a powerful yogi who could approach all the demigods and even the Lord Himself
- When the living entity is cleansed, he does not think of anything material. As the mind is completely cleansed, one attains the perfectional stage of mystic yoga, for then the yogi always sees the Supreme Personality of Godhead within his heart
- When the mind forcibly is engaged upon the form of the Lord, this is called nirbija-yoga, or lifeless yoga, for the yogi does not automatically engage in the personal service of the Lord
- When the Supreme Lord (Visnu) is laughing, one can see His small teeth, which resemble jasmine buds rendered rosy by the splendor of His lips. Once devoting his mind to this, the yogi should no longer desire to see anything else
- When the yoga performance is described, it is said that Krsna's name is yogesvara. No one can be a better yogi than the master of yoga, and Krsna is the master
- When the yogi engages himself with sincere endeavor in making further progress, being washed of all contaminations, then ultimately, achieving perfection after many, many births of practice, he attains the supreme goal
- When the yogi is controlled by the mind, he falls down into the material condition. One should be very careful of the mind, just as a husband should be careful of an unchaste wife
- When the yogi is once situated in that transcendental position (asamprajnata-samadhi), he is never shaken from it. Unless the yogi is able to reach this position, he is unsuccessful. BG 1972 purports
- When the yogi reaches the ajna-cakra, between the two eyebrows, he is able to penetrate the brahma-randhra, or the hole in his skull, and go to any planet he desires, up to the spiritual kingdom of Vaikuntha, or Krsnaloka
- When the yogi regularly practices in this way, in a short time his heart becomes fixed and free from disturbance, like a fire without flames or smoke
- When the yogi, by practice of yoga, disciplines his mental activities and becomes situated in Transcendence - devoid of all material desires - he is said to have attained yoga. - Bg. 6.18
- When the yogi, by practice of yoga, disciplines his mental activities and becomes situated in Transcendence-devoid of all material desires-he is said to have attained yoga. BG 6.18 - 1972
- When they (Jnanis & yogis) become still more qualified through devotional service they can enter into the spiritual nature either the illuminating cosmic atmosphere of the spiritual sky (Brahman) or the Vaikuntha planets, according to their qualification
- When they (yogis and jnanis who in the beginning take to the chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra as a way to begin their various practices) falsely think that they have attained release from the bondage of material existence, they give up chanting
- Whenever Krsna played His flute, He conquered the minds of the gopis, and without seeing the gopis Krsna could not be happy. Other transcendentalists, such as jnanis and yogis, cannot conquer the SP of Godhead; only pure devotees can conquer Him
- Where is such yogi? Find out. Where is such yogi? He should remain alone, and in a secluded place and a sacred place. And he should not change his asana. Then he becomes a yogi. These are the preliminary things
- Whether one is a karmi, jnani or yogi, if one wants a particular benediction fulfilled, even if it be material, one should approach the Supreme Lord and pray to Him, for then it will be fulfilled
- While continuously staring at the tip of the nose, a learned yogi practices the breathing exercises through the technical means known as puraka, kumbhaka and recaka - controlling inhalation and exhalation and then stopping them both
- While Devahuti was thinking of what to do in that great palace in her dirty clothes, there were at once, by the yogic powers of Kardama Muni, one thousand maidservants prepared to serve her
- While preaching KC with full vigor, Caitanya faced many Mayavadi philosophers. Similarly, we are facing opposing svamis, yogis, impersonalists, scientists, philosophers & other mental speculators & by the grace of Krsna we successfully defeat all of them
- Who can estimate the transcendental fortune of the residents of Vrndavana? They were personally seeing the S. P. of Godhead face to face, He whom many yogis cannot find even after undergoing severe austerities, although He is sitting within their hearts
- Who can manage to float even a small stone in the air? Sometimes a yogi may show a little mystic power by manufacturing some gold, and we are so foolish that we accept him as God
- Who is that mystic yogi who can follow the examples of Lord Rsabhadeva even with his mind? Lord Rsabhadeva rejected all kinds of yogic perfection, which other yogis hanker to attain. Who is that yogi who can compare to Lord Rsabhadeva?
- Whoever fully surrenders unto Krsna can be saved from the cruel hands of material nature. The conditioned soul, however, sometimes wants to take shelter of a demigod, man-made god, pseudo incarnation or bogus svami or yogi
- With devotion steeped in love and affection, the yogi should meditate within the core of his heart upon the laughter of Lord Visnu. The laughter of Visnu is so captivating that it can be easily meditated upon
- With the help of the universal air, a yogi can travel to any planet and get a body suitable for its atmosphere
- Within this material world there is one Siddhaloka. Siddha, carana. They are called siddha, means all the yogic mystic powers they have got naturally
- Yoga is difficult: the first thing is to control the senses. That is the position of the yogi: he is not allowed to indulge in sex life
- Yoga process is authorized, but Arjuna says that it is too difficult. So-called yogis are simply making farce. They do not reach to the perfectional point of yoga. Therefore Krsna said, anyone who is thinking of Him within his heart is first class yogi
- Yoga-siddhi means you can become smaller than the smallest. Our actually magnitude is very, very small. So by yoga-siddi, in spite of having this material body, one yogi can come to the smallest size, and anywhere you keep him packed, he will come out
- Yogi devotee
- Yogi means spiritually advanced, and bhogi means materialistic, and rogi means diseased. It is a common saying. A yogi evacuates only once. That is yogi
- Yogi means that he has no other business. The sannyasi and yogi is the same because yogi has no other business. He is simply trying to concentrate his mind on the Visnu
- Yogi means that. Yogi does not mean to play some magic. Magician also can play some magic. A devotee is not interested to show any magic, but he is interested to see the magician, supreme, who is playing so much magic
- Yogi means those who are trying to focus all attention to the Supersoul which is within our heart. That is called yoga system
- Yogi's business is dhyanavasthita, in meditation, in full samadhi, he is seeing the Supreme Personality of Godhead, four-handed Narayana. Visnu-devananda. Ananda. They are taking pleasure by seeing Visnu within the heart
- Yogi's business is to see God within the heart. That is real yogi. Dhyanavasthita-tad-gatena manasa pasyanti yam yogino. Yogi's business is to see in meditation always Krsna or Visnu within the heart
- Yogi, there are many yogis. They have got very exalted power, extraordinary power. Just like this Durvasa Muni. He once traveled all over the space. Not only within this universe - he traveled outside the universe in the spiritual world
- Yogi, those who are yogis, transcendentalists, they are trying to observe the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Dhyanavasthita, by meditation. That is real meditation, to focus the mind to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead within the heart
- Yogic exercise is especially beneficial to keep the air in order so that diseases of the body become almost nil by such exercises. When they are properly done the duration of life also increases, and one can have control over death also by such practices
- Yogic life can be very nicely successful if you adjust your material necessities of life. If you become extravagant so far your material necessities of life is concerned, then you cannot make successful in yogic life
- Yoginam api sarvesam mad-gatenantar-atmana: within the core of the heart, he's thinking of Krsna. This is the ideal Transcendental Medition, Meditation. It has become a medicine now
- Yoginam api sarvesam: of all yogis, the bhakti-yogi, who thinks of Krsna always within his heart and engages in His loving transcendental service, is the topmost
- Yoginam means
- Yogis always think of the Supreme Personality of Godhead within their hearts. Dhyanavasthita-tad-gatena manasa pasyanti yam yoginah (SB 12.13.1). The Supreme Personality of Godhead is always observed by yogis who practice controlling the venomous senses
- Yogis and jnanis artificially try to get rid of Maya, but they are still in the Kingdom of Maya. The conclusion that God is impersonal or that everyone is God is the statement of a person who is in Maya
- Yogis and jnanis practice in many ways to conquer the senses, but the bhakta immediately attains the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead through the mercy of the spiritual master
- Yogis and transcendentalists who want to live for greater spans of life voluntarily restrain themselves from discharging semen
- Yogis are generally attracted to the by-products of mystic yogic power, for they can become smaller than the smallest or greater than the greatest, achieve anything they desire, have power even to create a planet, or bring anyone under their subjection
- Yogis are generally not very much interested in devotional service; they want to regulate the breathing process. This is simply a bodily concern
- Yogis are not without knowledge and renunciation. To become a bhakti-yogi means to automatically attain knowledge and renunciation. That is the consequent result of bhakti-yoga
- Yogis are very proud of performing wonderful feats, but no one can compare to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Yogis can also reach any planet within no time without a material vehicle
- Yogis can realize only the partial representation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Yogis can thus perform all kinds of austerity with steadiness and be elevated to the highest perfectional stage, even to the spiritual world
- Yogis cannot be desireless, for they desire yogic perfections in order to exhibit some magical feats and gain popularity
- Yogis concentrate their minds on the form of Lord Visnu. Thus Lord Visnu is worshipable by all demigods, all Gandharvas and even Lord Siva and Lord Brahma
- Yogis desire material opulence, yogic perfections and magic
- Yogis endeavor to control the senses, but for a devotee controlling the senses is no difficulty at all. The senses are compared to serpents, but for a devotee the serpents' poison teeth are broken
- Yogis generally meditate upon the transcendental form of Visnu, but devotees not only meditate upon Him but actually engage in the direct service of the Lord
- Yogis go to a secluded place, and by controlling all the senses and the mind and concentrating everything on the form of Visnu, they reach samadhi. That is called perfection of yoga
- Yogis have a bodily concept of life - they think that they can achieve something spiritual by exercising the body through dharana, asana, pranayama, etc
- Yogis here means devotees. By the mercy of the Lord, devotees can easily pass beyond the nescience of birth and death and attain the eternal abode of the Lord
- Yogis instead of going directly to the spiritual world, sometimes want to see other planetary systems, and therefore they ascend to the planetary system where Lord Brahma lives, as indicated here by the word brahmana
- Yogis may undergo severe austerities and penances for many births by practicing yama, niyama, asana and pranayama, none of which are easily performed - SB 10.12.12
- Yogis meditate upon the localized Paramatma situated in the heart, jnanis worship the impersonal Brahman as the Supreme Absolute Truth, and devotees worship Vasudeva, the Supreme Personality of God, whose transcendental body is described in the sastras
- Yogis meditate upon the Supreme person within the mind. For a devotee, however, the Lord is present, and His presence need only be awakened through initiation by a bona fide spiritual master
- Yogis other than the devotees - namely the karma-yogi and jnana-yogi - worship You by their respective actions in their respective positions. It is stated both in the Vedas and in the sastras that are corollaries of the Vedas
- Yogis try to concentrate their minds upon the form of the Supersoul, Visnu, within the heart, but this same objective is easily achieved when one's mind is absorbed in the Deity worshiped in the temple
- Yogis try to control their senses and thus become happy, but a Krsna conscious person neglects the methods of yoga. He is unconcerned with the greatest of enemies, the senses, which are compared to snakes
- Yogis try to perfect their lives, and therefore the Bhagavad-gita enjoins that everyone should become a yogi
- Yogis who are not actually pure devotees should follow in the footsteps of devotees. It is especially mentioned here (in SB 3.28.29) that the yogi should meditate upon the form which is thus approved; he cannot manufacture a form of the Lord
- Yogis who attain oneness through meditation according to the Patanjali yoga system also reach Siddhaloka. This is a verse (of CC Adi 5.39) from the Brahmanda Purana
- Yogis who follow the principles of Patanjali accept the personality of the Absolute Truth, but they want to merge into the transcendental body of the Supreme Lord. That is their desire
- Yogis who have attained perfection are not subject to death by natural laws; such perfect yogis can leave the body whenever they desire
- Yogis who have incomplete information of the result of devotional service are attracted by these powers, but these powers are material; they have nothing to do with spiritual progress
- Yogis, however, instead of going directly to the spiritual world, sometimes want to see other planetary systems, and therefore they ascend to the planetary system where Lord Brahma lives, as indicated here by the word brahmana
- Yogis, Their whole life they devote, maybe impersonal Brahman, so he can be merged into the impersonal feature of the Lord. Paramatma
- Yogis, they are training the senses how to restrain them from sense gratification, but a devotee, on account of their senses being engaged in the service of the Lord, there is no poisonous effect of the senses
- You can take it for granted that nondevotee class who is not in Krishna Conciousness as we are teaching are all great fools never mind how ever they may advertise themselves as meditators, yogis, philosophers, religionists, and so on
- You get the enunciation, definition (from Vedic knowledge), "This is Bhagavan," not that so-called Bhagavan, incarnation, this Baba, this yogi. These are all nonsense. Bhagavan is different
- You may be very great meditator, or you may be a great religionist or yogi or a very learned scholar or whatever you may be, but everything will be tested at the time of your death
- Your choice, make your choice, which way. Again death or deathlessness. Stop death from you. This is human life. The karmis, jnanis, yogis, they're trying for death. There will be death. But for the bhaktas, devotees, there is deathlessness