Category:Receive by Hearing - videos
Pages in category "Receive by Hearing - videos"
The following 49 pages are in this category, out of 49 total.
- After finishing his (Vidura's) rest, he was offered a comfortable place to sit, and then the King began to talk about all happenings, both family and otherwise. That is the proper way to receive a beloved friend, or even an enemy
- Although Krsna's mother was engaged in receiving guests, Lord Krsna wanted to draw her attention by killing the Sakatasura, and therefore he kicked that cart-shaped demon. Such are the pastimes of Krsna
- As long as you are reading, the sun is unable to take your life. It is not possible for the sun to take your life. So if you constantly read, then where is the opportunity of sun's taking your life?
- Because the mind is now contaminated, and under the creation of senses and sense activities, we are making millions and trillions of ideas and become entangled in that idea
- Bhagavad-gita is a transcendental literature which one should read very carefully. And the result will be, if he properly follows the instruction, then he can be freed from all miseries of life, all anxieties of life and all fears of life
- Bhajahu Re Mana, 1967 part two - Abhilasa means aspiration, hope, or ambition. He (Govinda dasa) is ambitious of becoming a devotee in nine different ways
- Hare Krishna Maha Mantra, CD 2 - This chanting of Hare Krsna is directly enacted from the spiritual platform, surpassing all lower states of consciousness-namely sensual, mental and intellectual
- Hear and repeat, hear and repeat. You haven't got to manufacture. Any one of us, simply if you reproduce the purport which I have given in the Bhagavata, you become a good speaker
- I am laboring so hard that before I leave this body, I may give you some books who you can enjoy after my death. So utilize it. Read every sloka nicely, try to understand the meaning, discuss amongst yourselves
- I began in this New York in that storefront simply by chanting. So I did not bribe you American boys and girls to come after me. This is the only asset was chanting
- I have begun chanting. Maybe there are offenses, but if I continue, Krsna will be pleased to place me on the transcendental platform when I shall relish what is this chanting Hare Krsna
- If sun can penetrate within your room, cannot Krsna penetrate within your heart and room and every corner?
- If you are serious to understand, we should submit our doubtful questions and then understand
- If you seriously hear and chant, seriously - "Yes, this life I shall engage only for increasing my love of Vasudeva" - if you are determined, it can be done. There is no difficulty. And as soon as you do this, you increase fully your love for Krsna
- If you simply hear sincerely and submissively, then you will understand Krsna. Krsna will reveal to you
- If you want to learn factually things, then you should approach acarya. Acaryavan puruso veda, "One who has accepted acarya, he knows things as they are." Acaryavan puruso veda
- Krsna consciousness movement is meant for this purpose, that "You have already attachment for sound. Now just transfer this attachment for spiritual sound. Then your life will be successful"
- Krsna is available so cheaply for the people, especially kalau, in this age of Kali. Still, we are reluctant to chant the holy name
- Krsna is feeling pain. So you become Krsna conscious, then Krsna will feel pleasure. That is Krsna consciousness movement
- Krsna is very much anxious to take you back home, back to Godhead. But we are stubborn. We do not wish. So He's always finding out the opportunity how you can be taken back home, back to Godhead
- On Sukadeva Gosvami's arrival at the meeting, everyone, except Srila Vyasadeva, Narada and a few others, stood up, and Maharaja Pariksit, who was glad to receive a great devotee of the Lord, bowed down before him with all the limbs of his body
- Once washed off, now keep yourself in that washed-off condition. That is required. So that will be possible if you keep yourself constantly in touch with Krsna by hearing about Him. That's all. You have to remain uncontaminated
- Simply by receiving the glories of the Lord through purified transcendental ears, the devotees of the Lord are immediately freed from strong material desires and engagement in fruitive activities
- So don't believe your so-called senses as the source of knowledge. No. The source of knowledge should be by hearing
- So long you come, do not come to Krsna consciousness, your, these two business will go on, lamenting and hankering. And as soon as you come to Krsna consciousness, you become joyful. There is no reason of lamenting
- Sri Sri Siksastakam, CDV 15 - Lord Caitanya gave us eight stanzas of His mission, what He wanted to do. They are explained in eight stanzas, and they are known as Siksastaka. Siksa means instruction, and astaka means eight
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is so nice, if you practice anywhere, any condition, simply by reading Srimad-Bhagavatam, you will be happy. So adopt this practice and make your spiritual life perfect more and more
- That planet, Krsna planet, Goloka Vrndavana, that is self-illuminated
- The first thing is we must hear. Srotavyah. Just try to hear what is God, what is His kingdom, how He acts, how He is cheerful. These things are to be heard. Sravanam
- The frog is perpetually within the well, and if somebody informs him that there is another big span of water, Atlantic Ocean, he simply calculates that "It may be a little more than this well, little more than this well"
- There are so many stories of Lord Caitanya converting so many rascals. By just His presence, they would chant Hare Krsna. How can we get His mercy so that we can help the people around us to chant Hare Krsna?
- Therefore we have established Back to Godhead. The students are allowed, whatever they are hearing, they must be thoughtful and write
- These centers are being opened just to give the opportunity to the people who are suffering not only in this life, life after life
- This institute, Krsna consciousness movement has spread because the students who have joined us, they have given aural reception, by hearing
- This is the bhakti-marga, means, the first thing is sravanam, hearing. Just like these books are being written to give chance people to hear. That is first business. If we don't hear about God we simply imagine something. No. We must hear about God
- This is the only method. That you chant loudly and hear. Hare Krsna
- We are advancing in education, but we do not study even of our teeth. We simply go to the dentist. That's all. This is our advancement of civilization. The tiger never goes to dentist
- We are busy always, but the animals are also busy for eating, sleeping, mating, and defending, but they have no problem. We have got problems
- We are getting the sword one after another, simply by hearing
- We become in touch with Krsna by chanting His name, Hare Krsna. That is the beginning of our connection with Krsna. Namadi. So sastra says, atah sri-krsna-namadi. Adi means beginning
- While we are chanting our rounds, or while we are chanting out loud in kirtana, is it all right to be engaging our mind in thinking?
- You can find out rascal mahatma, simply by changing dress, without Krsna consciousness, declaring himself as God or Krsna. Kick on their face. Krsna is different from all these rascals
- You have got the tongue and you have got the ear. Chant Hare Krsna and use this instrument to hear. Finished. All perfection is there
- You have to take this sword of Krsna consciousness. Then you become free. The knot is cut by this sword. Now how we can get this sword? That process is described here that you simply, with faith, you try to hear
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- 1080 Videos of Srila Prabhupada - By Theme
- Receiving
- Hearing
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- Hear
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- Processes of Knowledge and Understanding - Umbrella Category
- Sound and Hearing - Umbrella Category
- Observe, Perceive, and See - Umbrella Category
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