Category:Prabhupada Speaks - Lectures, Festival
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Pages in category "Prabhupada Speaks - Lectures, Festival"
The following 198 pages are in this category, out of 198 total.
- A carpenter is called to fight? A cow slaughterer is called to preside over the meeting? What is this? One must be fit for the business
- A human being is not meant for wasting his time like animals, simply eating, sleeping, mating and defending. That is animal life. The extra intelligence of human beings should be utilized how to understand - what I am? I am a spirit soul
- A peon's duty is that he must sincerely carry out the order of the postmaster and deliver the letter to the proper person. That is their duty. Similarly, this parampara system is like that. Every one of us should become a spiritual master
- According to the association of guna, or quality, prakrti gives you a certain type of body. The body is given by prakrti, by nature. Therefore, nature is called mother, Durga
- All this eulogization about me, people, outsider, may think that "This man is being flattered and he is hearing his own eulogization." But that is not the fact. It is the test, how they are receiving the message sincerely
- Although Krsna was a boy, He implored his father and other elderly gentlemen present there that "There is no need of performing this sacrifice." So they stopped sacrifice. As a result of this, Indra became very much angry, and there was torrents of rain
- Although this is the disappearance day of Srimad Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, so there is nothing to be lamented. Although we feel separation, that feeling is there, but spiritually, there is no difference between appearance & disappearance
- American people, I very much appreciate them. They are religious. They have got very good potency for understanding God consciousness. That is my opinion. And I do not know why I was inclined to go to America. It was also Krsna's desire
- And not only he (Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura) preached, but he trained up many disciples to preach this Krsna consciousness all over the world. So by his grace we are also endeavoring to do something. This is called parampara system
- Apart from his life, we are especially stressing on the mission of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura
- As far as possible try to worship the Deity, patram puspam phalam toyam yo me bhaktya prayacchati. Krsna does not want your whole property. Krsna is open to the poorest man for being worshiped
- As far as possible, our business is to induce persons how he becomes Krsna conscious. That's all. For that reason, you can make your plan, because that is Krsna's plan. But that should also be sanctioned by Krsna
- As soon as my money is gone out of my hand, I have no control
- As we come to this Krsna consciousness understanding through this long parampara, similarly, in the Vyasa-puja ceremony, whatever respect, honor, and presentation you give, that goes to Krsna through that parampara system, from down
- At the present moment if one man is attacked, the passersby will not care for it because they have lost their sympathy or mercifulness for others. Our neighbor may starve, but we don't care for it
- Balarama means guru-tattva. Balarama represents guru. Yasya prasadad bhagavat-prasadah. If we want to understand Caitanya Mahaprabhu, if we want to understand Krsna, then we must take shelter of Balarama
- Because in our house, my father used to receive so many sannyasis, but some of them were not very to the standard, and due to my association with college friends, younger days, I lost my faith practically, although I was born in a Vaisnava family
- Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura is mercy representation of Lord Caitanya, and he appeared in February 1867 as the son of Bhaktivinoda Thakura
- Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura knew this art, how to turn our activities for the satisfaction of Krsna. This is Krsna consciousness movement
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura is an ideal guru
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura wanted that European and American people may understand the philosophy of Caitanya cult and take part in it. That was his desire
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura's great desire was that the Americans would come here and develop this place and they would chant and dance along with the Indians
- By disciplic succession, Bhaktivinoda Thakura, then my spiritual master. Then we are trying our level best. Similarly, you will also try your level best on the same principle. Then it will go on
- By your chanting some public is satisfied - no, we are not concerned with that. He may be satisfied or not satisfied. But if I chant in the proper way, then my predecessors, the acaryas, will be satisfied. That is my business, finished
- Don't be puffed up. Always be careful. You are dealing with Krsna. That is my request
- Don't be satisfied that you have understood. No. This should be distributed. In my old age I have come to your country carrying the order of my spiritual master to distribute it. You are all young boys and girls; take this message and distribute it
- Don't make any plan. Accept Krsna's plan. That will be simply giving trouble to Krsna. Therefore, a devotee does not pray even for his maintenance. That is pure devotee. He doesn't give trouble to Krsna even for his bare maintenance
- Don't make your own manufactured, concocted plan. Therefore, to guide you, a Krsna's representative required. That is spiritual master. So there is a huge plan and huge scheme. Therefore we have to follow the footsteps of the mahajanas
- Durga means
- Durga means the material power, energy. So when a person is in the lowest stage of material existence, he realizes some power. That's a fact. The scientists also, they realize some power, there is some power in the material world
- Even if you do not understand the philosophy, even you do not read the books, simply if you take part in these three things, chanting, dancing and taking part in eating the prasadam, your life will gradually progress in spiritual advancement of life
- Even ordinary living being, he does not die. Na hanyate hanyamane sarire. And what to speak of such exalted, authorized personality like Bhaktisiddhanta. He is seeing. I never feel that I am alone
- Every one of us, one who is offering arati, he is also working for Krsna, and one who is building this construction, temple, he is also working for Krsna. So as worker for Krsna there is no distinction. Variety. Variety of service
- Everyone is originally Krsna conscious. But this Krsna consciousness has been covered, just as the sun is sometimes becomes covered by the clouds. But still the sun is there
- Except the devotee of Krsna, everyone is simply giving Krsna trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble. Therefore, they are called duskrtina. Duskrtina, most miscreant, the miscreants. Don't make any plan. Accept Krsna's plan
- Feel separation of Krsna just like Radharani, as Lord Caitanya teaches us, and engage your tongue in the service of the Lord; then, one day, when you are mature, you'll see Krsna eye to eye
- Fifteen days after Krsna's birth, Radharani appeared. Radharani is Krsna's pleasure potency
- Fifty years before in India, in every village there was a small school conducted by the brahmana, and the village children would be trained up there. So he was sent for training. And there was no school fee
- From 1922 to 1933 practically I was not initiated, but I got the impression of preaching Caitanya Mahaprabhu's cult. That I was thinking. And that was the initiation by my Guru Maharaja. Then officially I was initiated in 1933
- God's senses, Krsna's senses are as powerful as other senses. Just like I can see with my eyes, but Krsna can eat also with His eyes
- Grhastha must be prepared or trained up to give charity. And who will accept the charity? The charity will be accepted by the brahmacari and sannyasa. Not the vanaprastha. Brahmacari will accept charity on behalf of the spiritual master
- Guru Maharaja did not say anything, that "You give up your family life." No, never said. He simply gave the idea. So I thought that "It would have been better if I was not married"
- Guru Maharaja established sixty-four temples, small and big. Just like I am increasing, he increased. So most of the temples were in Bengal. In Bengal there were about fifty out of sixty-four
- Guru must come through the parampara system, and in order to understand tad-vijnanam, transcendental science, you have to approach guru. You cannot say that "I can understand at home"
- Guru's first business is to deliver the suffering humanity from the forest fire of this material existence. This material existence is compared with forest fire
- Haridasa Thakura, he belonged to the Muhammadan community. He was made namacarya, the principal acarya of this chanting Hare Krsna. That is the revolutionary method of Caitanya
- He (Sankaracarya) has recommended five forms. The first form is Durga, Sakti. The second form is Surya, the sun, sun worshiper. And the third form is Ganesa, and the fourth form is Siva. And the fifth form is Visnu
- He's (Sanatana Goswami) teaching us by his life example that without approaching spiritual master, you cannot have any spiritual enlightenment. That is not possible. You must approach a bona fide spiritual master and serve him
- Hundred and one years ago, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, he appeared on this day. So Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura is gaura-sakti. Gaura-sakti means empowered, empowered by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- I am also obliged to them (my students) because they are helping me in this missionary work. At the same time, I shall request them all to become spiritual master. Every one of you should be spiritual master next
- I am especially obliged to the American boys and girls who are helping me so much in spreading this Krsna consciousness movement in the Western countries
- I am feeling now very much obliged to my, this Godbrother, that he carried out the wish of my spiritual master and enforced me to accept this sannyasa order
- I am not very expert or educated or nothing extraordinary, but only thing is that I believed in his word. You can say that is my qualification. I believed cent percent in his (Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati's) word
- I can also pass away at any moment. That is nature's law. Nobody can check it. So that is not very astonishing, but my appeal to you on this auspicious day of the departure of my Guru Maharaja, that at least to some extent you have understood the essence
- I especially request my disciples who are cooperating with me that try to publish books as many as possible and distribute throughout the whole world. That will satisfy Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu as well as Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura
- I got a free passage through some Indian steam navigation company. So I came by ship. So when I was on the ship at Boston port I was thinking that "I have come here. I do not know what is the purpose, because how the people will accept this movement?
- I had full faith that my Guru Maharaja is with me. I never lost this faith, and that is fact
- I had only forty rupees with me, and a return ticket in the Scindia Navigation Companies. So for two, three months, six months, there was no response. I was simply maintaining myself by selling my books
- I hope that all of you, men, women, boys and girls, become spiritual master and follow this principle. Spiritual master - simply, sincerely, follow the principles and speak to the general public
- I must explain my position because in these days, a person being worshiped as most exalted personality is something revolution. Because they like democracy, by vote somebody should be elevated however rascal he may be
- I never expected. When I came first in Boston, I was thinking, "Oh, who will accept these Vaisnava rules and regulations? These people are after meat and wine and illicit sex, and how they will accept it?"
- I shall specially request the Indians, especially His Excellency, kindly cooperate with this movement, and try to make successful your life and others' life. That is the mission of Krsna, advent of Krsna
- I should have joined and executed his (My Guru Maharaja's) desire immediately, but due to my ill luck I could not immediately execute his order, but it was in my heart that it is to be done
- I was a young man in 1922 and I was also misled in so many ways. But my spiritual master saved me, Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaja
- I was at that time a fool, but I opined like this. And I accepted him as my spiritual master immediately. Not officially, but in my heart. That was in 1922
- I was maintaining myself by selling these books for one year. There was no friend, and I was living in apartment with great difficulty. Still, the whole, I mean to say, stock, and my typewriter, my tape recorder - everything was stolen
- I was not very much inclined to take sannyasa, but Guru Maharaja is so kind that he ultimately forced me to take sannyasa and do this work. So it is all his kindness. So this is the memory of his kindness
- I was ordered by my spiritual master to preach this Krsna consciousness in the Western countries. So in 1965 I first came in New York. Then in 1966 this society was regularly registered in New York
- I was translating Bhagavatam, and when three books were published, I prepared myself to go to America, singlehanded. Not for getting any material reputation, but simply to try, because I knew my Guru Maharaja was very, very anxious to preach this cult
- If he has no maintenance, he'll suffer, fasting; still, he'll not ask Krsna, "Krsna, I am very hungry. Give me some food" Of course, Krsna is alert for His devotee, but a devotee's principle is not to place any plan to Krsna. Let Krsna do
- If one has to give up everything material for Brahman realization, do you think that Param Brahman, the Supreme Brahman, can enjoy anything material? No. Krsna's enjoyment is nothing material
- If we keep to the vani to the words of spiritual master, then we remain very fixed up
- If we say that Krsna is not physically present as He was present before Arjuna, still, His book, Bhagavad-gita, is there. And that Bhagavad-gita is nondifferent from Krsna. Krsna and Krsna's teaching, the same, absolute. That is Absolute Truth
- If we want to understand the transcendental position of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, then we have to go through guru, guru-parampara system. Otherwise it is not possible
- If you are actually reasonable, you'll understand that this Krsna consciousness movement is the sublime movement for the welfare of the whole human society. That's a fact. Anyone may come. We are prepared to discuss this subject matter
- If you continue this (chanting, dancing and eating prasadam), then some day will come, even in this life, that you will understand what is Krsna. As soon as you understand Krsna, then after leaving this body you go back home, back to Godhead, directly
- If you offer prayers, honor to the acarya, then Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead is pleased. To please Him you have to please His representative. "If you love me, love my dog"
- If you want to become recognized by Krsna very quickly, you take up this process of becoming spiritual master, present the Bhagavad-gita as it is, your life is perfect
- If you want to learn this Krsna consciousness movement, we have got enough books. You can scientifically and philosophically study
- Immediately after my meeting, he (my Guru Maharaja) said this, that "Why don't you preach this Caitanya's cult in the Western countries?" That is a memorable day. Of course, I did not know that I will have to do it
- In 1922 My Guru Maharaja wanted me to preach in the Western countries, and in 1965 it was fruitful. Forty-three years. So it is better late than never
- In 1922 when I (Prabhupada) saw my Guru Maharaja and when I was convinced about his argument and mode of presentation, I was so much struck with wonder. I could understand that "Here is the proper person who can give real religious idea"
- In order to enjoy this material world we have come here. Every one of us who is existing within this material world has a desire to lord it over the material nature
- In order to mitigate this troublesome position (to meditate on impersonal feature), some of their acaryas, Sankaracarya, has said that "You imagine a form. There is no real form, but you imagine some form"
- Indians are meant for para-upakara. Indians are not meant for exploiting others. That is not Indians' business. Indian history is all along for para-upakara
- Is there anyone similar to Joan of Arc in the Srimad-Bhagavatam?
- It is by the grace of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura that I was forced to give up my family life, my so-called business life, and he brought me some way or other into preaching his gospel
- It is not that because I am acting as guru, I am no longer student. No, I am still student
- It is not that My Guru Maharaja is dead and gone. That is not spiritual understanding
- It is not that you have become a student and you'll remain student. No. One day you shall become also guru and make more students, more students, more
- It is not to make a farce, some lecturing and..., or some mutual praising society. No. It is Krishna Society
- It is reformatory movement, inclusive all sides of life. Don't think that we are simply chanting and dancing. Our philosophy includes all different activities of humankind, either it may be religious or political or social or cultural
- It was the request of Radharani to Krsna, "There in Vrndavana You were a cowherd boy, and We used to meet in the jungles, in the bushes. So I want to take You there. Then I will be happy"
- Kamsa was always thinking of Krsna, but it is not Krsna consciousness because he was thinking of Krsna as enemy
- Kirtana means sometimes chanting with music, and sometimes speaking. Both of them are kirtana. Kirtayati iti kirtanam. Whenever we glorify the Lord, that is called kirtana. The Srimad-Bhagavatam reading is also kirtana
- Krsna consciousness movement means to become Vaisnava and feel for the suffering humanity
- Law means the word given by the state. You cannot make law at home. That is not possible. Whatever the government gives you, that "You should act like this," that is law
- Lord Jesus Christ said that for your (people of Christian community) sinful activities he has sacrificed himself. That is the determination of devotee of the Lord. They don't care for personal comforts
- Lord Jesus Christ said that if you would see God, your eye must be single. Was he referring to that same statement that love of God is that single eye?
- Man proposes; God disposes. God is very kind. Whatever you desire, He will fulfill. Although He says that "This kind of material desires will never satisfy you," but we want. Therefore God supplies us, Krsna, different types of body
- Mayavadi philosophy means they accept Krsna as God, but He has assumed a body which is given by this material nature, as it is given to us. That is their policy. They count Krsna an ordinary man, on the same level. But that is not a fact
- My dear sons and daughters, I am so much obliged to you that you have become so enthusiastic for offering Vyasa-puja. Now try to understand
- My Guru Maharaja never took mango throughout his whole life. Whenever mango was offered, he would say, "Oh, I am a offender. I cannot take that"
- My Guru Maharaja pulled me out from this material life. I have not lost anything. He was so kind upon me. I have gained. I left three children, I have got now three hundred children. So I am not loser
- My Guru Maharaja was a great astrologer
- My Guru Maharaja was very kind upon me because I was very much interested to hear him
- My Guru Maharaja's contribution is that he defeated these caste gosvamins. He defeated this brahmanism
- My Guru Maharaja's desire and Caitanya Mahaprabhu's prediction is now being fulfilled. At least, it has begun to be fulfilled. So it is a genuine movement, authorized movement, and India's original culture
- My Guru Maharaja, Bhaktisiddhanta, he was not that type of Vaisnava. That is his special gift. He wanted every one of his disciples to go and preach the cult of Krsna consciousness. Caitanya Mahaprabhu wanted
- My spiritual master wanted me to preach, but I did not like it, but he forced me. Yes. That is my practical experience
- My students, they offer me so much respect, but all these respects are due to my spiritual master. I am nothing. I am just like peon. Just like peon delivers one letter. He is not responsible for what is written in that letter
- On the top of the mango tree there is a very ripened fruit, and that fruit has to be tasted. So if I drop the fruit from up, it will be lost. Therefore it is handed over, after one, after one
- One can be out of distress when he approaches Visnu
- One living being is providing, maintaining all other living beings. So our position is being maintained by God and God is maintainer. Our position is being predominated and God is predominator
- One may not think that "I am not qualified to become guru." No, you are qualified if you follow strictly the parampara system. Then you are qualified. That's all
- One should have unflinching faith in God and spiritual master. Don't jump over God, crossing the spiritual master. Then it will be failure. You must go through. We are observing Vyasa-puja ceremony, the birth anniversary of our Guru Maharaja
- One should not sleep more than five to six hours. Minimize as far as possible. The Gosvamis used to sleep not more than one and a half hour, or two hours. Sleeping is not very important thing. Even big politicians, they used to sleep for two hours
- One should remain perpetually a student, but he has to act as guru
- Only by the grace of spiritual master we can achieve the grace or mercy of Krsna. This is the meaning of this Vyasa-puja, offering obeisances by parampara system
- Our appeal to the Indian people, that "You should take seriously about this movement and try to cooperate with us." That will be glorification for Indian culture
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is a spiritual movement. It is reformatory movement, inclusive all sides of life. Don't think that we are simply chanting and dancing
- Our only request is, with folded hands and begging you, so many flatterings, we simply request... Dante nidhaya trnakam padayor nipatya. This is our process. We are not very violent pushing
- Our process of knowledge, if there is Vedic evidence, that is perfect. You don't require to experiment. Experimental knowledge is never perfect
- Our system, if you do not accept the Vedic knowledge through guru-parampara system, it is useless. You cannot manufacture an interpretation of the Vedic language
- Practically my spiritual master insisted me through him, that "You accept." Because without accepting the renounced order of life, nobody can become a preacher
- Practically, just like a vagabond I came. But I had full faith that "My Guru Maharaja is with me." I never lost this faith, and that is fact
- Punar musiko bhava: "Again you become mouse. Again you become mouse"
- Radharani is hari-priya, very dear to Krsna. So if we approach Krsna through Radharani, through the mercy of Radharani, then it becomes very easy
- Ratha-yatra festival is a feeling festival for the Vaisnavas. Lord Caitanya taught us how to feel separation of God. Lord Caitanya never taught us that He had seen God, but He felt the separation of God very severely
- Real welfare activity means to see to the interest of the soul. So what is the interest of the soul? The interest of the soul is that the soul is part and parcel of Krsna, God
- Remain always a servant of your spiritual master and present the thing as you have heard. You'll be spiritual master. This is secret. You should know it. Don't try to become overintelligent. That will spoil. Evam parampara
- Saguna means
- So at that time, there was no sale of Back to Godhead. I was publishing about one thousand copies and distributing. So there was no income. I was spending three hundred, four hundred rupees from my pocket. At that time, I had income
- So Bhagavata can be expanded to any unlimited. So anything in relationship with God, that is Bhagavatam. So if Joan of Arc, she was in relationship with God, she is also Bhagavatam. You should expand Bhagavatam in that way
- So I started in 1966, lecturing in a storefront and living in that apartment in 26 Second Avenue. Then gradually, these boys, American boys and girls, began to come. And then I started my kirtana in Tompkinson Square
- So that is my request, that to understand who is a rascal is not very difficult thing. Simply try to know whether he has got any Krsna consciousness, or God consciousness. That will be known
- Somebody was discussing with me saguna and nirguna. Saguna means, according to their version, or a standard version, saguna means the material quality. They worship saguna-rupa. Saguna means forms of this material world
- That is my ambition. Take Indian culture and help with American money. The whole world will be happy
- The child is afraid of taking medicine. That also I have experienced. In my childhood, when I became ill, I was very stubborn. I won't accept any medicine. So my mother used to force medicine within my mouth with a spoon. I was so obstinate
- The important visitor is waiting for one hour. So this is enjoyment. The Prime Minister is not the horse, but he is enjoying taking his grandchild on the back and he was playing like a horse and the grandchild was, 'Hut Hut Hut Hut'
- The loving affairs of Radha and Krsna is not ordinary, these material loving affairs, although it appears like that
- The more you feel separation from Krsna, you should understand that you are advancing. Don't try to see Krsna artificially. Be advanced in separation feeling, and then it will be perfect. That is the teachings of Lord Caitanya
- The name of Krsna and Krsna - non-different. The name of Krsna is as pure, as complete, as spiritual as Krsna
- The process is that whatever we offer to the Deity, that is offered to guru. And guru offers to his guru. In this way goes to Krsna. We don't directly offer Radha-Krsna. No. We have no right. Neither He accepts in that way
- The topmost planet is called Goloka, or Krsnaloka. Go means cows. Krsna is very much fond of cows. Therefore that planet is called also Goloka, the planet full of cows
- The world is full of rascals, therefore there is need of so many gurus to teach them. But what is that qualification of the guru? How everyone can become guru?
- Then, in 1923, I left Calcutta on business account, and I started my business at Allahabad. But I was always thinking of my Guru Maharaja, although I was that time not initiated. But the impression was there
- There are two words, vani and vapuh. Vani means words, and vapuh means this physical body. So vani is more important than the vapuh. Vapuh will be finished. This is material body. It will be finished. That is the nature
- There is a story that a mouse approached a saintly person
- There is a very nice interesting story that the big Prime Minister Gladstone...
- There is an instructive story about a saintly person blessing, "You may either live or die"
- There is little foothold of this movement. So on this occasion of my spiritual master's departure, as I am trying to execute his will, similarly, I shall also request you to execute the same order through my will. I am an old man
- These boys run our cars. And you'll be very pleased that in each and every temple we have got at least four cars, nice. Especially one car for me and two cars for carrying them for sankirtana movement. Very good arrangement
- They (Sanatana and Rupa Gosvami) resigned the high post of ministership and joined Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu for pushing on and on this Krsna consciousness movement
- They (the Mayavadis) want to meditate upon impersonal Brahman, but it is very troublesome. Because Brahman is not impersonal, but force, they want to make Brahman impersonal
- This evening, we are talking about Radhastami. We are trying to understand the chief potency of Krsna. Radharani is the pleasure potency of Krsna. As we understand from Vedic literature, Krsna has many varieties of potencies
- This feeling of separation will make you enriched in Krsna consciousness. Feeling of separation. Not that "Krsna, I have seen you. Finished. All right. I have understood You."
- This is the position of the human society, not only in India but in other parts of the continent, world. They are gradually losing the interest in God consciousness. This is not very good sign. So our this present movement is to invoke the dormant KC
- This is very instructive struggle between the atheist and the theist. This story of Prahlada Maharaja is eternally true. There is always a struggle between the atheist and the theist
- This Jagannatha Deity was established by one King Indradyumna about more than three thousand years ago. This temple is very old. Even in some literatures of your Christian religion I find that Lord Jesus Christ also went to this Jagannatha temple
- This Krsna consciousness movement is educating that the varieties of service should be concentrated for the satisfaction of Krsna. That is pravrtti
- This movement is very important movement. We are trying to educate people how to transfer one from this world of darkness to the world of light, which is called Goloka Vrndavana
- This movement is very, very old, but it appears very fresh. Because it is spiritual, it is ever-fresh. So you take to this movement very seriously, and all of you will be very happy. That is our request
- This movement, for the first time, India is giving something to them. It is not a begging propaganda; it is giving propaganda. Because they are hankering after this substance, Krsna consciousness. They have enjoyed enough of this material consciousness
- This world is not false because it is emanation from the real, the absolute real. How it can be false? It has got its proper use. One who does not know its proper use, for them it is false. They are after something false
- To become a spiritual master is not very wonderful thing. Simply one has to become sincere soul. That's all
- Today is a special day, the disappearance day of my Guru Maharaja, Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami. So these acaryas, they come and they go, that is not like ordinary birth and death
- Today is his appearance day. So we should honor this tithi very respectfully and pray to Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami that "We are engaged in your service. So give us strength, give us intelligence. And we are being guided by your servant"
- We are creating the descendants of Gosvamis here in the Western countries
- We are publishing all these literatures translated into English. If you want to read them, if you want to understand this scientific, spiritual movement through your scientific knowledge, philosophical speculation, we have got dozens of books
- We are seeking pleasure within this material world. That is imitation. That is not real enjoyment. But the basic principle of enjoyment is there. Here there is imitation enjoyment - love between young boy, young girl is there. So wherefrom it comes?
- We are simply leading the life of cats and dogs, without any knowledge that we can achieve that perfection of life when there will be no more birth, no more death. We do not understand even that there is possibility of amrtatvam
- We are trying to establish this brahminical culture, go-brahmana-hitaya ca. You'll be very much pleased that in a country where go-hatya is so prominent, now we have established so many farms in Europe and America
- We come here empty-handed; we leave here, say, fifty years or hundred years. When I become proprietor? This is another maya, renouncement. As enjoyment is another maya, similarly, renouncement. So we have to give up this renouncement or enjoyment
- We got this information from His Divine Grace Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, and that knowledge is still going on. You are receiving through his servant. And in future the same knowledge will go to your students. This is called parampara system
- We have created dharma in two categories: one for enjoyment and one for renouncement. Both these things have to be given up. Neither enjoyment, nor renouncement. Then what is this philosophy? The philosophy is that you cannot renounce anything
- We have to show our example, how we are becoming Krsna conscious, how we are worshiping Krsna, how we are going on the street for vibrating Krsna's name, transcendental name. Now we are distributing Krsna's prasadam
- We living entities, we never die, never take birth. Nityah sasvato yam, na hanyate hanyamane sarire. Every one of us, we are eternal
- We should adore, we should worship Bhaktivinoda Thakura, because in the modern age he reintroduced the disciplic succession
- We should not remain vimudha. We should become intelligent. And to make us intelligent, Krsna comes, Krsna's devotees come, some messenger comes. And Srila Bhaktisiddhanta is one of the messengers of Krsna Caitanya to preach Krsna consciousness
- We should take up the words from the spiritual master as our life and soul. We should try to carry out the instruction, the specific instruction of the spiritual master, very rigidly, without caring for our personal benefit or loss
- What is the use of studying Vedas if you do not understand Krsna? Because the ultimate goal of education means to understand the Supreme Lord, the supreme father, the supreme cause
- What Vyasadeva said, your guru will also say the same thing. Not that "So many hundreds of thousands of years have passed away. Therefore I will give you a new formula." No. There is no new formula
- Whatever little success I have got, it is due to this process, that I do not present anything which is created by me. That is the secret of success
- Whatever success is there, it is just due to my firm faith in his (Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati's) instruction. So I am trying to follow. And by his grace, you are helping me. So actually, the responsibility will now depend on you. I am also old man
- Whatever you are hearing from me, whatever you are learning from me, you have to distribute the same in toto without any addition or alteration. Then all of you become the spiritual master
- When I was seventy years old I decided, Now I must do and execute the order of my Guru Maharaja. And thus this movement was started in 1965 from New York
- When Krsna forces somebody to surrender, that is a great favor. But generally, He does not do so. But He does so to a person who is very sincere to Krsna's service but at the same time he has got slight desire for material enjoyment
- When our eyes are anointed with love of God, we can see Him everywhere
- When your spiritual master was a little boy, did he do things like Lord Caitanya did like when He went to the water and all girls were asking for...?
- Will we know Krsna as well by thinking always how can we spread this Krsna consciousness? ... As much as if you study thoroughly the Vedas?
- You become a guru at your home. It is not that you have to make a gigantic show of becoming guru. The father has to become guru, the mother has to become guru
- You have come forward to help me. I shall request you all that I shall go away, but you shall live. Don't give up pushing on this movement, and you'll be blessed by Lord Caitanya and His Divine Grace Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Prabhupada
- You have to follow the instruction of Krsna or His representative, but you cannot imitate them. Then you'll fall down
- You should try to understand this Krsna consciousness movement. It is very scientific, authorized. It is not a mental concoction or sentimental movement. It is most scientific movement. So we are inviting all leaders from all countries: try to understand
- You want to solve something; instead of solving, you'll create so many problems. This is material life. Because our life is not meant for solving problems and creating problems. Our life is meant for understanding God