Caitanya Mahāprabhu was a great scholar. He was scholar in logic especially, nyāya. So He was known as Nimāi Paṇḍita. Paṇḍita means learned scholar. Especially brahmins are called paṇḍita because generally, the brahmins are expected to be great scholars. So unfortunately, later on the paṇḍita title was there, but some of them were great fools. Perhaps you know, our late prime minister, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru . . .
Perhaps you've heard his name, Nehru. He came to your country, I think, during President Eisenhower's time, and in some meeting some American gentlemen or boys, I do not know, they asked him to explain some of the verses from Bhagavad-gītā. And he, I mean to say, admitted that he was not a scholar in Bhagavad-gītā. So . . . but his title was there, paṇḍita. Generally, the brahmins are given this title paṇḍita on account of their scholarship in Vedic literature.
So Nimāi Paṇḍita . . . Nimāi Paṇḍita, yes, so complaint was lodged against Him, and He disobeyed the order of the Kazi, civil disobedience, and there was a great incidence. Then the Kazi became His admirer, follower. That is a long story. So the Gosvāmīns, six Gosvāmīns, they picked up Lord Caitanya's eight verses and they wrote so many books.
The Gosvāmīns are coming. (laughs) Hare Kṛṣṇa.
So these Gosvāmīns were chanting and dancing, kṛṣṇot-kīrtana-gāna-nartana-parau. So we are creating the descendants of Gosvāmīns here in the Western countries. You are also chanting and dancing, following the footprints of the Gosvāmīns, kṛṣṇotkīrtana-gāna-nartana-parau.
And they were chanting and dancing not dry. Premāmṛtāmbho-nidhi: dipped into the ocean of love of Kṛṣṇa. You cannot chant and dance for a long time unless you are dipped into the ocean of love of Kṛṣṇa. That is the specific qualification of the dancer and chanter. If you ask somebody to chant and dance for one hour, he'll get tired. But this chanting and dancing is so nice that these Gosvāmīns, they can go on chanting and dancing for twenty-four hours. Premāmṛtāmbho-nidhi. Because they were dipped into the ocean of love of Kṛṣṇa.
Kṛṣṇotkīrtana-gāna-nartana-parau premāmṛtāmbho-nidhi dhīrādhīra-jana-priyau. Dhīra, dhīra means gentle, and adhīra means ruffians, not gentle. So they were affectionate and popular both to the gentle as well as ruffians, these Gosvāmīns. Everyone liked them. Kṛṣṇa consciousness is so nice that unless one is a staunch atheist, everyone will like this Kṛṣṇa conscious movement.