Category:No Such
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Pages in category "No Such"
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- A ksatriya does not refuse to give charity when requested by a brahmana, nor can he refuse to fight another ksatriya. A king who does refuse is called low-minded. In the dynasty of Bali Maharaja there were no such low-minded kings
- A part of the spiritual pleasure experienced in the Vaikunthas is the pleasure of dancing. There are also young girls and young boys there. Indeed, there is no such thing as old age, or disease, or death, or the pains of birth
- A preacher is generally a topmost devotee, but in order to meet the general populace, he has to come to distinguish between devotees and nondevotees. Otherwise, an advanced devotee makes no such distinctions
- A spiritual master like Srila Sanatana Gosvami, although personally able to see everything as spiritual, set this example for us only because we have no such spiritual vision
- Abiding by the laws of government, there is no such question to harass you. There is no... You live peacefully. This is the process going on. And bhu-bharah, when people become irreligious, not abiding by the laws of God, then it becomes burdensome
- According to the material conception, there is duality between the name, form, quality, emotions and activities of a person and the person himself, but as far as the transcendental vibration is concerned, there is no such limitation
- Actually in our movement there is no such thing as big or small. Everyone is a devotee. So everyone is expected to follow the devotional practices
- Affection for matter is perishable, as indicated by the inebriety of sex in the material world, but there is no such inebriety in the spiritual world
- All Vedic literatures, they are especially meant for instruction to the men. Woman is to follow the husband. That's all. The husband will give instruction to the wife. There is no such thing as the girl should go to school to take brahmacari-asrama
- Although in the spiritual world there is no such concept of subordination still devotees on account of being very humble and meek think that way
- Although Maharaja Pariksit gave Kali permission to live in four places, it was very difficult for him to find the places because during the reign of Maharaja Pariksit there were no such places
- Although marriage by personal selection or by agreement took place in the past, we find no such thing as divorce by disagreement
- Although the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the original cause of all causes, He is not responsible for anyone's material sufferings or enjoyment. There is no such partiality on the part of the Supreme Lord
- Anasinah: it cannot be destroyed. Although it is very minute, aprameyasya . . . you cannot measure. You have no such measuring method, that you can measure the soul's breadth and . . . length and breadth
- Animals have no such institution as marriage
- Arjuna had some bodily relation with Krsna because the Lord happened to be his maternal cousin. But Bhisma had no such bodily relation. Therefore the cause of attraction was due to the intimate relation of the soul
- As far as a centralized medical plan for the whole society, no such plan or facility or insurance has seemed practical as yet. The best thing is to work it out locally
- As soon as the body is dead or the spirit soul is out, it begins to decompose. The same body, as long as carrying the soul, there is no such thing. Therefore, if you keep your body spiritualized, then there is no question of decomposition or diseases
- As soon as there is some motive, that is cheating religion. But bhakti, there is no such thing, dharma, artha, kama, moksa. It is above, transcendental
- As soon as you come to the platform of God, you transcend all the qualities. There is no such distinction, "good man," "bad man," "this man" or - that man
- As we have explained several times, we find no such word as “Hindu” in the Vedic literature
- At the present moment there are no such garbhadhana-samskaras, and people generally have a lusty attitude when they beget children
- At the present moment, there is no such family life, no consideration of religion, no consideration of irreligious life. Everything just like animals. Kalau sudra-sambhavah
- Because our eyes & other senses are imperfect, we cannot see Krsna present everywhere in His original spiritual form. Because we are imperfect, we see the difference between things spiritual & material but Krsna, being absolute, knows no such distinctions
- Because there is no such division, people are not trained from the very beginning. Therefore a Sudra is called by the draft board, "Come on," to fight. Now, how he can fight? He is not a Ksatriya
- Because this material world is a chaotic condition, therefore there is necessity of law and order. In the spiritual world there is no such thing
- Because we see that the living entity is there, it is taking a certain type of shape. Matter does not out of itself take the shape. That is wrong theory. We have no such experience where matter is taking automatically shape
- Before these motorcars, the people were living very happily. They were transporting. But there was no such civilization that for your earning livelihood you have to go hundred miles away from your home to work there. Therefore you require vehicle
- Brahma said, "For a Krsna conscious person, there is no such thing as impediments due to attachment for hearth and home. Nor is there illusion"
- By the grace of Krsna, it is unique in the history that religious book can be sold forty lakhs of rupees per month. It is record-breaking. There is no such instance
- Deity worship requires money to construct temple, Deity and manpower, money. But if one has no such facility then what he will do? You will simply chant
- Divorce was completely unknown, even up to, say, five years ago. Now this Nehru government has enacted Divorce Act in Hindu law, but actually, Hindu law-maker, they have no such thing as divorce
- Due to ignorance the conditioned soul is encaged in the temporary varieties of material forms. But the Supreme Lord has no such temporary form like the conditioned souls
- Either you follow the father or you follow the servant, in the absolute world there is no such difference. It is called advaya-jnana, - no duality
- Everyone has got to give up this body. That's a fact. Even people do not know that after giving up this body I will have to accept another body, better or lower according to my karma. There is no such cultivation of knowledge
- Everyone is welcome to take this culture, education. We have no such sectarian view. No
- Everyone is working to get some result. That is called fruitive activities. So a pure devotee has no such desires
- Father will be sorry even the intelligent boy is killed or the dull boy is killed. For father, there is no such distinction. Similarly, you cannot kill animals without being sanctioned. That sanction is in the sacrifice
- Food, shelter, defense and sense gratification are all needs in material existence. Otherwise, in his pure, uncontaminated state of original life, the living entity has no such needs. The needs are therefore artificial
- For Him (the Supreme Lord) there are no such distinctions as "this is mine, and this belongs to someone else," because He is everything. He is therefore called avyaya - changeless and inexhaustible
- For such a devotee (a pure devotee) there is no such thing as material existence, and the much advertised bliss of brahmananda is like a fig for the devotee who is in the midst of the transcendental ocean of bliss
- Formerly the system was that not the brahmana, er, vaisya or sudra can occupy the royal throne. Only the ksatriyas. Now, in the Kali-yuga, there is no such thing, who is ksatriya, who is a brahmana
- Formerly there was no such animosities between the Hindus and the Buddhists. They were practically on the same platform, but philosophically they were different
- Formerly, the brahmanas well conversant in Vedic mantras could show the potency of the mantras, but in this age, because there are no such brahmanas, all such sacrifices are forbidden. The sacrifice in which horses were offered was called asvamedha
- God is unborn - indicates that He is different from the material world. We have no such experience of the unborn. This city was born - history is filled with dates
- Guru cannot be a false guru. False guru has no such thing. If one guru is genuine and the disciple is genuine, then both of them are benefited and they go back to home, back to Godhead
- He has no sense, "So why I have taken so much overload? I can get grass anywhere. Let me remain free." But he has no such sense. Neither he will be allowed. (laughs) This is ass
- Here in this material world the citizens may be inimical to the chief executives or heads of state, but in Vaikuntha there is no such mentality
- Here in this material world, the calculation of friend and enemy, everything, is in the relationship with this body, or sense gratification. But realization of God or the Absolute Truth, there is no such material consideration
- Here is the university, where is the school, college, to teach this science how one can become uncontaminated? There is no such institution except this Krsna consciousness movement
- Hindu principles are different from Muslim and Buddhist principles. These may be considered on the material platform, but when we come to the platform of transcendental devotional service, there are no such considerations
- His (Arabian friend's) appreciation of the sun is different from your appreciation here - it is cloudy; it is misty. But the sun is the same. There is no such thing as "Hindu religion," "Muslim religion," "Christian religion." It is all sophisticated
- His (Brahma's) power is like the power of the sun reflected in valuable stones and jewels. When there is no such living being to take charge of the post of Brahma, the Lord Himself becomes a Brahma and takes charge of the post
- How can He (Narayana) become daridra-narayana? Poverty is found within this material world, but in the spiritual world, there is no such thing as poverty. Therefore the idea of daridra-narayana is merely a concoction
- How can He become daridra-narayana? Poverty is found within this material world, but in the spiritual world, there is no such thing as poverty. Therefore the idea of daridra-narayana is merely a concoction
- Human civilization means to take care of the spiritual side. If there is no such attempt to take care of the spiritual side, simply for the material side, then we are no better than the animals
- I am different from my soul. "I am" means I am my body, or I am soul, different from the body. So Krsna has no such differentiation. A conditioned soul does not know that, because he's not following Krsna
- I have got considerable experience now because I am wandering East and West, not only once, at least twice, thrice in a year. So far Krsna consciousness movement is concerned, we have no such thing, East and West
- I saw in Paris, in Germany, they are not as rich as the Americans. Because American inland, there was no such big war, so their opulence is existing. But on account of these two wars, British completely finished
- I think in Darwin's theory there is no such conception of coming to the point of sattva-guna, goodness. They do not know even what it is, sattva-guna
- If cats and dogs can live at the mercy of God, the devotees can live very comfortably by the mercy of God. There is no such question
- If I am actually rendering devotional service and I'm not getting any happiness, that means there is some maya's play. Otherwise there is no such reasoning. He must feel happy. Then he has to rectify the process of his service
- If one wants to be happy within this material world, he may aspire to go to the different material planetary systems where there is a higher standard of sense gratification, but real moksa, or liberation, is performed without any such desire
- If one's endeavors are directed toward Krsna consciousness, one can surely attain the spiritual platform of self-realization. There is no such benefit from engaging oneself in economic development
- If the boy and girl are devotees there need be no such considerations (examining the horoscopes). A devotee is transcendental, and therefore in a marriage between devotees, the boy and girl form a very happy combination
- If the cows are not happy, if they are always afraid that, "These rascal will kill us at any moment," then how they can be happy? There was no such thing. Therefore it is said, muda
- If the wife is faithful and firmly adherent to her husband, when the father is delivered the mother is also delivered. Consequently, there is no such thing as divorce in the Vedic literature
- If there is no such institution as varnasrama-dharma and if human society has no such guide as the brahmana, human society will be hellish
- If you act like a brahmana, then get your promotion to the higher planetary system, Janaloka, Maharloka, Tapoloka, Brahmaloka, Siddhaloka. There are so many planets. The people do not know. There is no such education
- If you have no means to read books or if you have no such habit - because reading books, that requires also another qualification, studious - simply chant Hare Krsna
- If you have no such faith (here is very good person giving me gold, he'll not cheat me), then you check it. But real gold, either you take in blind faith or by checking, the result is the same
- In God's eyes there is no such discrimination. What to speak of God, even a learned man's vision, there is no such discrimination, "This is poor, this is rich, this is black, this is white. . ." No. Everyone is living entity, part and parcel of God
- In his pure consciousness there is no such misconceived dream, and in that pure conscious state the living entity does not forget that he is never the Lord, but that he is eternally the servitor of the Lord in transcendental love
- In human society there are attempts to educate the human being, but for animal society there is no such system, nor are animals able to be educated
- In India there is no such big, big universities, facilities, but in your Western country you have got nice universities, nice teaching system. Why the result is hippie?
- In material existence, the living entities are afraid of Satanic influence, but for a devotee on the transcendental plane there is no such fear at all
- In modern civilization there is no such education (where people are taught how to be satisfied with only what they need); everyone tries to possess more and more, and everyone is dissatisfied and unhappy
- In Sankara sampradaya nobody is accepted as bona fide impersonalist unless he has accepted the renounced order of life. But here, in Caitanya's movement, there is no such restriction
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam there is no such thing as an ekadandi-sannyasi; indeed, the tridandi-sannyasi is accepted as the symbolic representation of the sannyasa order
- In the absolute world there is no such duality. Everything is everything. One plus one equal to one; one minus one equal to one
- In the advanced stage of Krsna consciousness, one makes no such distinctions. He sees only Krsna in everything
- In the Bengali year 1331 (A.D. 1924) a thunderbolt struck the temple of Ekacakra-grama. Therefore the temple is now in a broken state. Before this, there were no such accidents in that quarter
- In the bhakti platform, Krsna consciousness, there is no such distinction, "Here is American, here is an Indian, here is an African, here is this and that." No. Everyone is KC. So actually if we want equality, fraternity, then we must come to KC
- In the first, third and fourth lines (of the verse CC Adi 16.41) there is anuprasa, or alliteration, created by the sounds ta, ra and bha, but in the second line there is no such anuprasa, and therefore the order is broken
- In the God's law there is no such thing that if you kill a human being you'll be killed, and if you kill an animal you'll not be killed. That is imperfect law, man-made law
- In the Kali-yuga, because there is no such division, so everyone is sudra or less than sudra. This is their yajna. This is also yajna
- In the material world the owner of the body is called the soul, and the body is called a material manifestation. In the Vaikuntha world, however, there is no such distinction. Lord Sri Krsna is unborn, and His appearance as an incarnation is perpetual
- In the material world there is no such thing as a lover's wanting to please the senses of his beloved. Actually, in the material world, everyone wants mainly to gratify his own personal senses
- In the material world, if one is working as manager and the other is working as menial servant there is difference of pay or difference of service. No. In the spiritual world there is no such thing
- In the material world, of course, in the material conception, a name is different from the fact it represents. But in the absolute world there are no such differences. The name is as potent as Krsna is
- In the modern educational system, university, there is no such information, we see. It is very lamentable, but these knowledges are there in the Vedic literature. The summary of all Vedic literature is Srimad-Bhagavad-gita and the Srimad-Bhagavatam
- In the original Vrndavana there is no such thing as the wrath of Indra, the king of heaven, and danger or torrents of rain overflood, inundation
- In the service of the Personality of Godhead, it is not that Lord Brahma is considered very great while an ordinary human being trying to preach the glories of the Lord is considered very low. There are no such distinctions
- In the transcendental loving service of the Lord, it doesn't matter whether we are working, cooking, painting, writing, chanting, or whatever, they are all the same. There are no such distinctions of higher and lower on the transcendental platform
- In the Vedic civilization there is no such thing as nationalism. You won't find. Have you seen in the Bhagavad-gita any word, "nationalism?" No such thing. This is the original ideas of the tribes
- In the Western countries there is no such distinction between man and woman, but there is. We have to accept it and construct this social institution in that way. Then it will be perfect
- In this Age of Kali there is no such learned brahmana or priest available; therefore, all such sacrifices are forbidden. The only sacrifice recommended in the sastras is the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra
- India, this is strictly forbidden. There is no such thing in the public street a young man can embrace or kiss. No. That is not possible. Then it will be criminal
- It is accepted that nature creates man, and that is not very good philosophy. Nature creates man, then nature is supreme. There is no such thing. And nature is ultimate. Nature is dull matter
- It is not that because you cannot see your great-great-great-grandfather, so you cannot say there was no such man as great-great-grandfather. There was or there Similarly, if we go on searching out what is the original father, that is God
- It is not that cent percent men will be trained up spiritually. But even a small percentage ideal men there are in the society, at least people will think, "Oh, here is ideal." But there is no such facility
- Krsna has no obligation that He has to take His birth in a particular family or particular country. He has no such obligation. But to glorify a certain family or certain person because he is devotee, therefore He has taken birth
- Krsna has no such difference as material and spiritual. For Krsna, everything is spiritual
- Krsna says, "Come to Me, and I will give you freedom from all reactions." Don't disbelieve it. He can give you shelter; He has all power. If I give you such a promise, because I have no such power I may break the promise
- Krsna's whole proposition appeared to be something unexpected because according to the Vedic culture there was no such thing as separation of husband and wife by divorce
- Maharaj Yudhisthira had no such material desire; he executed all sacrifices under the direction of Krsna, and not to take any personal advantage from them
- Maharaja Pariksit, he was cursed by a boy brahmana that within seven days he'll be bitten by a snake and he'll die. The brahmanas were so powerful. So brahmana is not joke. In Kali-yuga there is no such brahmana
- Nobody goes to a medical man to ask him, "Are you brahmana? Are you ksatriya? Are you sudra?" There is no such question. You see what he is by his quality, and by his work you know that he is a medical man
- Not that, "Seven... Oh, Pariksit Maharaja was given seven days notice. Oh, I have no such notice. I may live for seven millions of years." That is our disease
- Now India has learned, imitated the western countries. Now there is war between India and Pakistan. Otherwise there was no such thing. During two wars between the Pakistan and Hindustan, unnecessarily, without any profit, millions of people were killed
- Of course, in the spiritual world, there is no such thing as creation, but since the Supreme Personality of Godhead has stated in the Vedanta-sutra that He is the source of all emanations, that conception is explained. BG 1972 purports
- Of course, so long we have got this material body, we have to take rest, but this rest is also not required, because in the spiritual world there is no such fatigue. Everyone is always active. So that is perfectional stage
- On the spiritual platform, there is no such distinction (brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya). Spiritual platform, the master and the servant. You remain a servant. If you have to act as ksatriya, act like that. If you act as a brahmin, act like that
- On the top stage there is no such thing as demon and devotee. The top stage, the devotee sees, "Everyone is engaged in Krsna's service. Simply I am not engaged." This is topmost devotee's vision, that, I am lacking Krsna's devotion
- One must be qualified. Varnasrama-vibhagasah. Vibhagasah. There must be division. But people are very much anxious to make classless society, no division. And that is Krsna consciousness society. We have no such division
- One politician has said that Kuruksetra refers to the body, but in the dictionary there is no such definition. this imaginary meaning is gauna-vrtti, whereas the direct meaning is mukhya-vrtti or abhidha-vrtti. This is the distinction between the two
- One who has no such realization (by doing everything for the satisfaction of Krsna one can perfectly detached from sense gratification) must mechanically try to escape material desires before being elevated to the top rung of the yoga ladder. BG 1972 pur
- Ordinary edibles are touchable and untouchable, but there are no such dualistic considerations where prasadam is concerned
- Our books are unique, all this distribution means that they are being appreciated. There is no such literature throughout the whole world
- Our fight is for this purpose, no more death. This is real fight. Your, what is your fight? You may save yourself for two years or three years or ten years, but you have to die. You have no such program not to die. But here is a program, no more death
- Prabhu. Everyone would address the other as prabhu. But officially one may be a spiritual master. But in spiritual platform there is no such difference
- Public leader, he must be also above suspicion. Brahmin means priest also. He must be above suspicion. And the king must be above suspicion. Then things will go on. But there is no such restriction
- Religion means surrendering unto God, or Krsna. That is religion. If there is no such principle... Surrendering unto God, that is religion. Not the rituals. Rituals are superficial
- Religion means to serve the Supreme Lord, that is religion. Anything which has no such idea, that is not religion. Then again (you) have different types of religion, how far they are making progress with, on that ultimate goal, serving Krsna
- She is trained up. Then she becomes a very good housewife, takes care of household affairs, husband, children, and home becomes happy. What is this nonsense, divorce? There is no such thing in the Vedic civilization, divorce
- Sleeping, eating, mating or defending. It is simply due to my bodily consciousness these things are required. But when one is actually spiritually advanced, he has no such appreciation. Just like Lord Jesus Christ, he was crucified, but he never protested
- So far Krsna consciousness is concerned, we equally distribute. There is no such thing that "Oh, you are woman, less intelligent or more intelligent. Therefore you cannot come." We don't say that. We welcome women, men, poor, rich, everyone
- So far we are concerned, we have no such distinction, "East and West." We know that everyone is human being
- Sometimes horses, sometimes cows were offered. But in this age, Kali-yuga, they are forbidden because there is no such yajnika-brahmana. All kinds of sacrifices are forbidden in this age
- Sometimes mother thinks: "The child will be grown up. He will be big man. He will earn money, and I shall get it." There is still some feelings of exchange. But while loving Krsna, there is no such feeling of exchange. That is called unalloyed love
- Spiritual education means, beginning is, to understand that "I am not this body." Aham brahmasmi: "I am beyond this body." But in the case of Krsna or His different expansion, plenary expansion, there is no such difference
- Spiritually advanced man, God conscious, there is no such distinction that "Here is an animal; here is a man." He sees that spirit soul is there in the animal and in the man, in the tree, in the plant, in the aquatics, the same spirit soul
- Spiritually, when you get your spiritual body, there is no such material inconveniences. The material inconveniences means so long you have got this material body, you are subjected to birth, death, old age and disease
- Sridhara Svami has remarked that a pure devotee takes advantage of another pure devotee by trying to hear from him about the holy name, form and qualities of the Lord. If there is no such opportunity, he alone chants and hears the Lord's holy name
- That (God is expanded in everything, but He is not everything, simultaneously one and different) is explained in this (BG 9.4) verse. In the material condition we have a conception of beginning, end and middle, but for the SPG there are no such things
- That spacecraft cannot reach these (Vaikuntha) planets does not mean that there are no such planets, for they are described in the revealed scriptures
- The body undergoes six changes - birth, growth, sustenance, by-products, dwindling and then annihilation - but the soul undergoes no such changes
- The conscience is created by association. By good association, conscience is the good conscience and by bad association, a bad conscience is created. So there is no such standard as conscience. Conscience means discriminating power
- The cosmic manifestation is generated by the interaction of the three modes of material nature. The transcendental world has no such material modes, although it is nevertheless full of spiritual variegatedness
- The dead son immediately replied (to the question of Caitanya that why he was leaving the house of Srivasa) - Beyond Your desire, I cannot do anything. I have no such power
- The demons, they do not know what is what, how one thing should be treated, how. . . They do not know. In the Western countries there is no such distinction between man and woman. But there is
- The devotee simply discharges devotional service and thus feels no such pain
- The educational system is so rascaldom that there is no brain. All over the world. There is no institution where people are being taught how to conquer over death. There is no such institution
- The external and marginal potencies are so called under various conditions, but in the original, internal potencies there are no such conditions, nor is it possible for the conditions of the external potency to exist in the marginal, or vice versa
- The first and foremost concern of fruitive workers, elevationists, empiric philosophers and salvationists is to raise their material position. But devotees of Godhead have no such selfish desires. They serve the Supreme Lord only for His satisfaction
- The first necessity is to feed and to clothe. So there was no such scarcity. May not be very luxurious life, but there was no scarcity for food and shelter or cloth
- The followers of Srimad-Bhagavatam have no such consciousness. They are all Krsna conscious, thinking that they are Krsna's and Krsna is theirs
- The human life is a chance to understand God in the lower animal life there is no such chance
- The interaction of the three qualities makes it possible for things to be created, maintained and annihilated. But in the spiritual world, or the kingdom of God, there is no such exhibition, since everything is eternal, sentient and blissful
- The jivatma may introduce himself as an Indian, American, German and so on, but the Paramatma has no such material designations, and therefore He has no material name
- The less intelligent accuse the Supreme Lord of being partial and claim that this is why one enjoys in this material world and another suffers. But this verse specifically says that there is no such partiality on the part of the Supreme Lord
- The mentality of lording it over the material nature and the creation has naturally created a disparity and therefore the law of struggle for existence. In the spiritual world there is no such disparity, nor is there such a struggle for existence
- The natural conclusion is: as there was no such religion three thousand years and the Vedic religion has no history - it is coming from time immemorial - that was the religion
- The needs are artificial, and in the pure state of life there are no such needs
- The present civilization is suffering because there is no such thing as varnasrama-vibhagasah. There is no selection that there must be the most intelligent class of men, brahmin, the real ksatriya who can give protection to the people, ksatriya
- The pure devotee is the noblest of all, and he has no feelings of animosity towards anyone. Duality due to animosity is a creation of this material world. There is no such thing in the spiritual world, which is the absolute reality
- The real thing is wanting that the human life is meant for understanding God, there is no such organization. This is the only organization, Krsna consciousness movement
- The sannyasi has no such thing as teaching credentials or "academic vitae." So they can simply decide on the basis of my books and teachings. But I am not an ordinary teacher
- The secret of success for the devotee is not understood by the karmis and jnanis. Karmis therefore try to be happy by material adjustment, and jnanis want to be happy by becoming one with the Supreme. The devotee has no such interest
- The so-called educational system, all over the world, there is no such education. They are kept in darkness and ignorance and still so much money is being spent, especially in the Western countries
- The so-called rascal scientists, they'll never accept that within this body there is the soul, because they're always thinking there is no such thing as soul; only the material, that's all. This is illusion
- The spiritual master, is actually the servitor God. As explained in previous verses, in the absolute world there are no such differences, yet one must observe these differences in order to distinguish the Supreme from His subordinates
- The spiritual platform, there is no such (Russian body and American body) distinction because it is simply spirit
- The transcendental worker, or karma-yogi, has no such fear of falling down (like mystics yogis), for his attention is already fixed in the transcendental service of the Personality of Godhead. Thus, he does not need to enter separately into trance
- The university education, school, college, institution, they are meant for human society. There is no such thing in the animal society. And religion. Religion also meant for human society
- There are demons and devotees in this material world, but in the spiritual world there is no such distinction
- There are many hospitals and medical clinics to cure bodily diseases, but there are no such hospitals to cure the material disease of the spirit soul
- There are no such differences for Krsna, because His body is full of knowledge. Here we receive material bodies because of a lack of knowledge, but because Krsna, Vasudeva, is full of knowledge, there is no difference between His body and His soul
- There are no such distinctions of higher and lower on the transcendental platform. The important thing is that we are engaging our time and energy in the service of the Lord
- There are offenses to be considered in chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, but there are no such considerations in chanting the names of Gaura-Nityananda
- There are two things, superior and inferior, everywhere, but in the eyes of God, Krsna, there is no such thing, superior or inferior. He's superior, and everything is superior. This should be understood
- There is electric energy, there is powerhouse, there is the superintending engineer in the powerhouse. So at the end there is living force. Matter cannot work independently. We have no such experience
- There is extraordinary alliteration in three lines of the verse, but in one line there is no such alliteration. This is the fault of deviation
- There is no scope of studying all the living beings. There is no such scope. You have limited scope. So your seeing power is limited. How you can decide from the limited seeing power
- There is no such distinction that one has to take the path of the renounced order of life. The real essence of our life should be how much we are Krsna conscious
- There is no such educational system. The most defective education, because without this knowledge, what happens after death, without this knowledge, one who is dying without this knowledge, he's animal
- There is no such hard and fast rule that one should live in the temple. You can live anywhere, but the spiritual practices should be going on
- There is no such mention that the jiva is as good as the Supreme Lord. It is never stated. Amsa, minute particles. Just like the sun and the sunshine. Sunshine is combination of minute luminous molecular parts
- There is no such position as when you cannot think. You have to think something always. That is your position
- There is no such requirement that Japa should be silently and chanting should be done differently. Loudly or silently, everything is all right. There is no such restriction. Only thing is that we should chant very attentively
- There is no such rule as cause and effect outside of the material world. Therefore the understanding of cause and effect cannot approach the full, transcendental, complete expansions of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The Vedic literature proves this
- There is no such thing as maya Krsna because Krsna is not a product of the material creation
- There is no such word as "Hindu religion," at least in the Vedas. The religion is translated into Sanskrit as "characteristic." Religion is not a kind of faith. Just like chemical composition. Sugar is sweet - that is religion
- There is restriction of intermingling of woman and man. Because as soon as one falls a prey to the sex desire, then his whole career may be spoiled. May be spoiled. But if he is strongly in Krsna consciousness, there is no such chance
- There is sannyasi also, brahmacari, grhastha. We have no such distinction. Yei krsna bhaje sei guru haya. Anyone who is in Krsna consciousness and full in the understanding of science of Krsna, he can become a spiritual master, a teacher
- There is sodhana, or purification of the mantra, but there is no such consideration for the Krsna mantra
- They (demons) think that whatever path one can create is one's own path; there is no such thing as a standard path one has to follow. BG 1972 purports
- They (the unintelligent) think that there is no such thing as spirit. But the followers of the Vedic injunctions take their information from Vedic statements, such as the verses from the KU (2.3.9,12) and Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.84.13) quoted above
- They have no knowledge. In the school, college, university, there is no such knowledge what is that "I." Simply "my." So this Krsna consciousness movement is meant for educating, educate people what is that "I"
- They want if you can say the truth, but don't say the unpalatable truth. But that is social etiquette. When you speak about spiritual life there is no such scope
- They want something spiritual. But because there is no such information, there is no such leader, they are becoming hippies - frustrated, confused
- This is purely cultural programme for spreading the Hindu culture and if the Hindus have no such scope for spreading their culture then what is the meaning of independence
- This is sadhu: no more designation. "I am Hindu," "I am Muslim," "I am Christian," "I am American" - these devotees, they have got no such conception. They are . . . every one of them is thinking - I am servant of Krsna
- This prayer is given to remind the Lord of the devotee's sacrifices, but even if there is no such reminder, the Lord does not forget the service rendered by His pure devotee
- Those who are not doing anything, living like cats and dogs, oh, their life is very risky. Very risky. But they do not know. There is no such education. But here it is recommended, that, mahat-sevam dvaram ahur
- Throughout the whole world there is no such training department. There are many department of knowledge, but how to create an ideal brahmana, there is no education
- To earn money is also troublesome. To keep money also troublesome. And when it is lost, that is also troublesome. This is the position. But there is no such thing, loss, but the anxiety is there
- To merge in Krsna is spiritual annihilation. A devotee takes no such risk. BG 1972 purports
- Unfortunately there is no such education all over the world to deal with the real problem. They are simply tackling some temporary problem and spoiling the human form of life to solve these petty problems
- Unfortunately, there is no arrangement in any university, in any educational institution or any arts or science college, "What is God?" There is no such arrangement. This is the most regrettable condition of the present society
- Unless there is some living force behind the matter there cannot be anything created. We have no such experience
- We cannot violate the state laws, either criminal or civil; it doesn't matter. But if we violate the civil law, there is no such strong punishment, but if we violate the criminal laws, then it is very strong
- We don't find anything in the Bhagavad-gita that "You should concentrate, meditate in darkness." We take it as bogus. No religious system, even in Christianity, there is no such thing as darkness
- We don't hate hippies. We have nothing... But these people misunderstand. That is... That is another thing. We welcome everyone. We have no such distinction
- We have no such qualification that we can compose very nice literature. There may be so many mistakes or . . . whatever it may be. But it is revolutionary. Otherwise, why big, big scholars, professors, university authorities, librarians, they are taking?
- We require the water in substance. Then our thirst will be satisfied. But in the transcendental, absolute world, there is no such difference. Krsna's name, Krsna's quality, Krsna's word - everything is Krsna and provides the same satisfaction
- Whatever I have done, I have given my will and purpose of honor; you try and maintain it. Otherwise I have no desire - nothing. I have no such sentiment, "This is my country, this is my…"
- Whatever the disciples bring, that is his income. No salary, no contract, that "If you pay me hundred dollars or five hundred dollars weekly, then I can teach you." No. There is no such contract. Teaching is free
- When I lectured in the Massachusetts Technological College, so I inquired that "Where is that technology to study the mover?" But they have no such arrangement
- When one identifies his body, his mind, his activities - everything - with Krsna, then there is no more such distinction of "higher" and "lower," either in work or in thinking or in action. No more. Because that is the purificatory process
- When one is advanced so much so that he inquires about the spirit soul. But there is no such inquiry. Like the cats and dogs, they cannot inquire what is spirit soul. So Vedic life means to become free as much as possible from the bodily disturbances
- When the living entities are in Krsna consciousness, there is no such distinction as "I" and "you" because everyone is engaged in the service of the Lord
- When the population is varna-sankara, no one can know who is on what platform. The varnasrama system scientifically divides society into four varnas and asramas, but in varna-sankara society there are no such distinctions, and no one can know who is who
- When the Supreme Personality of Godhead appears no such causes (as suffering birth, death, old age and disease under the control of the illusory energy) are involved; His descent is an act of His pleasure potency
- When we chant, when we utter the bija mantra that we utter loudly. That is required. That is japa. So this mantra is mahamantra and it should be chanted loudly, or as you like. There is no such restriction
- When you come to the spiritual position there is no such thing - no more lamentation, no lamenting, no hankering. At that time it is possible to see that everyone is equal, because he can see. He does not see - Here is American
- Why by chance one does not live forever? There is no such chance, sir. There is ruling. You cannot say, "Now here is a chance the man has not died." Where is that chance?
- Why in human society there is religion? The purpose is to elevate himself to the transcendental position. That is religion. Where there is no such aim to raise one from the fallen condition to the liberated state, that is not religion. That is sentiment
- Why shall I find out petrol, when my petrol will be finished and I'll have to take a body like a dog or a cat? They have no such knowledge
- Why the body of woman is attracted to man and the man's body is attracted? Who has made it? Between man and man there is no such attraction. that's the complete arrangement. It doesn't have to have a cause
- Woman is good, man is good; when they combine together, bad. This is the material world. Both of them are good, but when they combine together, they are bad. This is material world. In the spiritual world, there is no such combination
- You have seen the picture, that Krsna is loving both the calves and as well as the gopis. In the spiritual platform, there is no such distinction that one is on the higher level or one is on the lower level. Panditah sama-darsinah
- You have seen within your vision the big, I mean to say, horizon, and there within this there are millions and millions of stars, sun, suns and planets we cannot account for, although you are seeing daily. But we have no such knowledge
- You have to serve two bhagavata, nityam bhagavata, not the bhagavata-saptaha. This is another cheating. There is no such thing as bhagavata-saptaha in authoritative literature. They have manufactured as a business. But Bhagavata should be served nityam
- You may not remember. You have no such brain. You are teeny. But why should you defy Krsna? Why should you deny the facility for Krsna? That means you are thinking, - Krsna, He is like me
- You were ready to bear my passage expenses from India to South America. And as I could not get the No objection certificate I had to postpone the journey. This time there is no such question & the passage expenses to Japan are far less than South America