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Pages in category "Murti"
The following 72 pages are in this category, out of 72 total.
- A devotee should always consider that Krsna does not appear as an ordinary human being or ordinary beast; His appearance as Varaha-murti or a horse or tortoise is an exhibition of His internal potency
- All of these forms (mentioned in CC Madhya 20.215-217) are murti forms, and They are worshiped in the temples
- I am so glad to learn that all of you are such a great help to Sri Galim there in our Austin center, and I have especially appreciated the murtis you are making of Pancatattva
- I have no objection if you install marble Radha-Krishna deities. They may be ordered from Yamuna devi in Delhi, she has got some arrangement for very nice murtis from Jaipur
- I have no objection to your worshiping my murti for Guru Puja. But for placing in the temple there must be a pair of murtis, (my Guru Maharaja must be there) as in Krsna-Balarama Mandir, and they must be permanently installed
- I may again repeat the same that if Scindia Steam Navigation Co. has not as yet replied my letter or your letter, then the Murtis should be dispatched without delay by other freighters through the shipping agents
- I want to make 100 Murtis, probably in hard rubber, for our Temples
- If you can arrange with their cooperation to exchange 1000 record albums for 20 pairs of Murtis, it will be a great service to the society
- If you can carve Radha Krishna Murti very nicely, it will be a great service to the society
- In different places throughout the universe there are various Deities in temples bestowing Their causeless mercy upon the devotees. All these Deity forms are nondifferent from the murtis in the spiritual world of the Vaikunthas
- In Mathura, India, the Kesava murti is worshiped, and similarly there is a Purusottama form in Jagannatha Puri in Orissa
- In that book, Bilvamangala Thakura writes: - If we have devotion fixed on You, My Lord Bhagavan, then we can easily see Your divine form as kaisora-murti, a young boy
- In the Amarakosa Sanskrit dictionary the word murti carries import in twofold meanings, namely, form and difficulty. Therefore amurtikam is explained by Acarya Sri Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura as meaning "without difficulty"
- In the future also many Sri Murtis may be dispatched from Vrindaban and you will have to take care of them. They are all free gifts
- In the material world, the Lord is situated in different arca-murtis (Deities) in the temples just to decrease the material activities of the conditioned soul and increase his spiritual activities
- In your letter dated January 24, you informed me that two pairs of Murtis were to be received by the 5th of February, but I have not heard anything whether any one of the pairs has already been dispatched
- It is my ambition that Indian Vaisnavas may contribute at least one pair of Murtis, following your nice example, and we can establish them in each and every center of our Society
- It is understood that the wooden murti of Uddharana Thakura was taken away by Sri Madana-mohana Datta and is now being worshiped with a salagrama-sila by Srinatha Datta
- Krsna murti is physical, but because you are differently educated, you do not know what is this world of physics. We think that this is different from Krsna
- Krsna says in Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.4), maya tatam idam sarvam jagad avyakta-murtina: "In My impersonal feature I pervade this entire universe." Thus the avyakta-murti, the impersonal feature, is certainly an expansion of Krsna's energy
- Laksmi holds in her two hands lotus flower and offers blessings with the other hand like you see with the murtis of Radha Krsna with palm open and facing forward
- Lord Narayana, along with His partial manifestation Nara, appeared in this world through the daughter of Daksa Maharaja known as Murti. He was begotten by Dharma Maharaja for the benefit of all living entities
- Murti is made according to his mentality. The nature's work is so perfect, as you say, "The face is the index of mind." You can understand one's mind from the face. The murti is made like that
- Murti means "form," but because His (God's) impersonal feature is inexplicable to our limited senses, He is the avyakta-murti form, and in that inexplicable form of the Lord the whole creation is resting
- Murti means form. So there are 400,000 different forms of human being. So either you take it as species or form, that is up to you, but in the sastra it is said murti
- Murti, a reservoir of all respectable qualities, gave birth to Sri Nara-Narayana, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- New Indian government being independent, they are prohibiting to send some Murtis and mrdangas. So it is all our bad luck that these things are happening
- Not more than fifty years ago, one of the family members of Uddharana Datta Thakura named Jagamohana Datta established a wooden murti (statue) of Uddharana Datta Thakura in the temple, but that murti is no longer there
- Now, through the forwarding agents, Messrs. Cox and Kings, you can arrange to ship all the Murtis through Scindia Steam Navigation Co. to different places as already directed
- Regarding Murli Manohar Murti, I understand that the Patels are ready to present silver Murti, but we cannot worship Murli Manohar alone, without being accompanied by His most favorite consort Radharani
- Regarding Srimurti Subhadra, the old Deity should not be repaired, but a new Deity should be carved and installed. The old Deity may be wrapped up in some cloth, tied up and weighted with stones, then put in the river. This is the procedure to be followed
- Regarding the Lord Caitanya murti, it is not at all good and I do not approve. Lord Caitanya is stout and strong. There are so many pictures which you can follow. So have the artist start a new murti
- Regarding the Radha-Krishna Murtis, first of all, as you are searching out a permanent place, the best thing will be to install Them in that permanent place. It doesn't matter if it is on rent or purchased
- Rupa Gosvami composed his verse in such a way that he was seemingly praising the material association of friendship, love, etc., and was condemning the audience of Sri Murti or Govinda
- Sri Krsna is always kaisora-murti. By devotional service, one can see the kaisora-murti of Krsna very easily
- Sri, pusti, gir, kanti, kirti, tusti, ila, jaya, vidyavidya, maya, samvit, sandhini, hladini, bhakti, murti, vimala, yoga, prahvi, isana, anugraha, etc. All these energies act in different spheres of the Lord's supremacy
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura writes in his Anubhasya - Srinatha Pandita established another temple there (village Kancadapada, the home of Sri Sivananda Sena) with Sri Radha-Krsna murtis. The Deity of that temple is named Sri Krsna Raya
- That which is avyakta, unmanifested, also has murti, a form. The sky, for example, is avyakta, unmanifest, but it also has a form - the round form of the universe
- The best purpose of human life can be fulfilled by worshiping the sad-bhuja-murti, the form of the Lord with six arms-two arms of Ramacandra, two arms of Krsna and two arms of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- The conversation between Lord Sri Krsna and the brahmana is proof that the Lord in His arca-murti, or form made of material elements, is not material, for those elements, although separated from the Lord, are also a part of the Lord’s energy
- The form of the Lord is not of the inferior, material nature. He is complete transcendence. And He is murti, or having transcendental form
- The guru should be treated as good as God. This is stated in all the sastras. The difference is that God is master-God and guru is servant-God. So the installation ceremony for such a murti should be similar to that done for other Deities
- The impersonal conception of the Absolute Truth is also a form of the Lord called avyakta-murti
- The Lord is addressed herein (SB 4.9.17) by Dhruva Maharaja as purusartha-murti, the ultimate goal of life. Generally purusartha is taken to mean execution of a type of religious principle or worship of God in order to get material benediction
- The photos of my murti are very nice. The murti of the Spiritual Master should be treated as good as the Deity
- The purport of this verse is that if someone becomes attached to the Sri Murti, or Deity of Krsna, by worshiping at home, then he will forget his relationship of so-called friendship, love and society
- Their (worshiped murti form's) names are Kesava at Mathura, Purusottama or Jagannatha at Nilacala, Sri Bindu Madhava at Prayaga, Madhusudana at Mandara, and Vasudeva, Padmanabha and Janardana at Anandaranya, which is situated in Kerala, South India
- There are also a Radha-Govinda murti and a salagrama-sila, and below the throne is a picture of Sri Uddharana Datta Thakura. In front of the temple there is now a big hall, and in front of the hall is a Madhavi-lata plant - in Saptagrama village
- There are innumerable universes, and in each and every universe there are different manifestations of Brahma, Visnu and Rudra. Besides that, there is the Sesa-murti who bears all the universes on His hoods. And Lord Krsna is the Lord of all of them
- There are many incarnations of the Supreme Lord: Varaha murti (the boar form), Kurma murti (the tortoise form), Hayagriva murti (the form of a horse) and so on. Yet we should never think any of Them material
- There are many instances of this happening (Krsna responding through His image). In India, there is one temple called Saksi-Gopala (Krsna is often called Gopala). The Gopala murti or statue was at one time located in a temple in Vrndavana
- There were five pairs of Murtis, one pair being donated by Dalmia-Jayan Trust and the other four pairs being donated by the Birla Trust
- These things are forbidden. You cannot... Arcye visnau sila-dhih. Krsna or Visnu, the same thing -- if you think that this murti is made of stone, Salagrama-sila, if you think it is sila or stone, this is naraki-buddhih. This is not recommended
- These twenty-four forms - the four original Visnu forms, the twelve Vaikuntha forms, and the eight vilasa-murtis mentioned above - are known as vilasa manifestations of the prabhava (four-handed) form
- To exhibit His personal way of austerity and penance, He (the Personality of Godhead) appeared in twin forms as Narayana and Nara in the womb of Murti, the wife of Dharma and the daughter of Daksa
- We have already installed the Sri Murtis of Lord Jagannatha, Balabhadra and Subhadra in the temple of San Francisco center and I wish to establish similar temple at Montreal
- We have got a particular position in the body of the Supreme Lord. Just consider the visva-murti, the gigantic universal form of the Lord. And we are situated in different parts of the body of the Supreme Lord
- What about the other two pairs of Murtis? Are they already delivered to you? If so, you can dispatch them similarly for Los Angeles
- When Gadadhara dasa Prabhu was present in Endiyadaha, he established a Bala Gopala murti for worship there
- When he (Srila Ramanujacarya) understood that the kurma-murti was another form of Lord Visnu, he instituted very gorgeous worship of Lord Kurma. This statement is found in the Prapannamrta - Chapter Thirty-six
- When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu one day appeared in ecstasy as the Varaha murti, Murari Gupta offered Him prayers. He was a great devotee of Lord Ramacandra, and his staunch devotion is vividly described in the Caitanya-caritamrta - CC Madhya 15.137-157
- You need not send the Murtis by air cargo to London because some devotee here has contributed a Radha-Krishna Murti pair imported from Jaipur. It is 42" high and very nice. So Krishna has saved us in this point
- You will be pleased to know that now I have got 24 branches - perhaps you have seen the list in our "Back to Godhead." Our Indian Vaisnavas are helping me by contributing each one pair or more Radha Krishna Murtis for our different Temples