Category:Krsna's Teachings
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Pages in category "Krsna's Teachings"
The following 205 pages are in this category, out of 205 total.
- A brahmana should take pity on the people and preach Krsna consciousness in order to elevate them. Sri Krsna Himself, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, personally descends into this universe from the spiritual kingdom to teach conditioned souls
- A son is indebted to his parents in so many ways, and it is the duty of the son to serve his parents, however great the son may be. Indirectly, Krsna wanted to teach the atheists who do not accept the supreme fatherhood of God
- Actually this process of Krsna consciousness or self-realization is not very difficult. Krsna taught it to Arjuna in Bhagavad-gita, and if we understand Bhagavad-gita just as Arjuna did, we will have no problem in coming to the perfectional state
- After Brahman realization, when a liberated soul comes in contact with a pure devotee of Lord Krsna and submissively accepts the teachings of Lord Krsna without misinterpretation, he becomes situated in this neutral stage of devotional service
- Although He has no obligatory duty, still He does everything so that others may follow. That is the way of factual teaching; one must act properly himself and teach the same to others, otherwise no one will accept one's blind teaching
- Although He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krsna offered His respects to Maharaja Yudhisthira and Kunti. The Lord's exemplary behavior is to teach us
- Although Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and can see all that is past, present and future, to teach the people in general He used to always refer to the scriptures
- Although Lord Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, He taught His disciple and devotee Arjuna how to lead a life ending in going back home, back to Godhead (tyaktva deham punar janma naiti mam eti so 'rjuna) - BG 4.9
- Although there was no necessity for Krsna to offer obeisances, because He is the master teacher He taught Arjuna just how respect should be offered to Lord Maha-Visnu
- Anyone who preaches the teachings of Krsna, he is guru
- Anyone who voluntarily cooperates with Krishna's desire He responds to his call very eagerly. Krishna descends to teach us Bhagavad-gita begging our cooperation and anyone who cooperates with Him becomes blessed
- Arjuna is exampling himself that he's accepting Krsna as the spiritual master, teacher. And then Krsna began to teach the Bhagavad-gita, and he changed his decision, and he was freed from all anxieties. This is spiritual life
- Arjuna wanted first of all to satisfy his own senses by his decision not to fight with his kinsmen and friends, but Lord Sri Krsna taught him the Bhagavad-gita just to purify Arjuna's decision for sense gratification
- Arjuna was Krsna's constant friend, so when Krsna went to His abode, Arjuna was overwhelmed, but just by remembering His teachings he got relief from the pains of separation. Thus whenever we feel separation, it is best to remember the teachings
- As soon as there is a child born, milk immediately required. Old man, milk is life. Diseased person, milk is life. Invalid, milk is life. So therefore Krsna is teaching by His practical demonstration how He loves this innocent animal, cow
- As stated in the first verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam, Brahma was taught Vedic knowledge by the Personality of Godhead
- As the saktyavesa-avatara Vyasadeva, Krsna teaches the conditioned soul through the Vedic literatures
- As the supreme teacher of human society, He teaches His own way of activities, and thus He inaugurates the real path of religion. I request everyone to follow Him
- As you are trying your best to make our preaching propaganda as most authoritative on the Vedic culture, Krsna will certainly help you. I think the book which I have sent you will help and the balance Krsna will teach you
- Bahulasva said, "Your (Krsna) knowledge is unlimited, and to teach all people how to execute devotional service"
- Because Krsna was God, He demanded (BG 18.66): "Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me." But people misunderstood Him. Therefore Krsna again came as a guru and taught people how to surrender to Krsna
- BG 7.1: "Now, hear, O son of Prtha (Arjuna), how by practicing yoga in full consciousness of Me, with mind attached to Me, you can know Me in full, free from doubt." Lord Krsna Himself teaches how one can understand Him perfectly well, without a doubt
- Bhagavad-gita teaches, in the very beginning, that whether one is a man or a woman, one must know that he or she is not the body but a spiritual soul
- Brahma said, "If one understands You through Your personal teachings, as stated in the BG, or through Your pure devotees, as stated in SB - if one realizes that You are the ultimate goal of understanding - he need no longer fear this material existence"
- Brahma said, "Your (Krsna's) teachings in the Bhagavad-gita are that one should give up all other processes of self-realization and simply surrender unto You, for that is complete"
- By His own actions and by the actions of His devotees, Krsna teaches us how to become cautious in devotional service. Through the medium of Bharata Maharaja, Krsna teaches us that we must be careful in the discharge of devotional service
- By His personal example Lord Krsna wanted to teach us the value of protecting cows
- By seeing Krsna, we will not understand Him, but by listening carefully to His teachings, we can come to the platform of understanding
- By teaching the human beings the science of self-realization, Lord Krsna has twice personally tried to save the people of this age from groveling in carnal pleasures
- By this act (teaching King Indra a lesson) Lord Krsna taught human society, as He has instructed in the Bhagavad-gita also, that one should worship the Supreme Lord by all acts and by all their results. That will bring about the desired success
- Even after being liberated from illusion, the living entity remains a separate identity, as is evident from the teachings of the Lord to Arjuna. BG 1972 purports
- Even Krsna went to a guru-kula to teach us. There was no need for Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, to go to a guru-kula, but He did this simply to set an example. Caitanya Mahaprabhu also accepted a guru
- Even though the Lord is never attached to any kind of material sex life, as the universal teacher He (Krsna) remained a householder for many, many years, just to teach others how one should live in householder life
- First teaching is that, "You are not this body." That is the beginning of Krsna's teaching
- For instance, Krsna's nice dress, the all-auspicious symptoms on His body, His strongly-built body, His knowledge of different languages, His learned teachings in the Bhagavad-gita
- From within He (Krsna) teaches as Paramatma, our constant companion, and from without He teaches from the Bhagavad-gita as the instructing spiritual master
- He (Arjuna) asks Krsna to become his spiritual master and teach him. The lessons given by Sri Krsna are not simply meant for Arjuna but for everyone
- He (Arjuna) was thinking in terms of his own benefit, "Whether I shall go to hell or heaven." That was his contemplation. Therefore he was taught Bhagavad-gita
- He (Krsna) appears periodically as a devotee to take part in various wonderful activities depicted in His sublime philosophy and teachings
- He (Krsna) is Himself the awarder of fruitive results. He is self-sufficient, and yet He acts according to the rulings of the revealed scripture in order to teach us the process. If He does not do so, the common man may go wrong
- He (Krsna) is teaching Arjuna bhakti-yoga. Yoga means the means by which you can contact the Supreme. That is called yoga
- He (Krsna) may be speaking Bhagavad-gita to Arjuna, but at no time was He ever taught Bhagavad-gita. One who can understand that this is Krsna's position does not have to return to the cycle of birth and death in this material world
- He (Krsna) sends some devotee in the garb of enemy and Krsna comes here to fight with him. At the same time, to teach us that becoming enemy, enemy of Krsna is not very profitable. Better become friend. That will be profitable
- He (Krsna) therefore concluded, "This demigod who thinks himself supreme has shown his great power, but I shall answer him according to My position, and I shall teach him that he is not autonomous in managing universal affairs"
- He (Krsna) was assuming this pastime as an ordinary human simply to teach the people in general how they should live for perfection of the human mission
- He sends some devotee in the garb of an enemy and comes here to this material world to fight with him. At the same time, the Lord teaches us that becoming His enemy is not very profitable and that it is better to become His friend
- He’s Krsna, but He Himself is always chanting Krsna, krsna-varnam ete: Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna. This is Krsna Himself; He is teaching us actually that is the position. Krsna Himself has come to teach how to love Krsna
- His (Krsna's) purpose was to teach that we need not satisfy the various demigods in charge of the various departments of cosmic affairs; instead we must offer sacrifices to the Supreme Lord, for the Lord is the master and all others are His servants
- How to serve Krsna, how to disentangle ourselves from materialistic service, how to attain Krsna consciousness and become free from material designations is all taught as a science by Sri Krsna in Bhagavad-gita
- I (Radharani) know that Mukunda has taught you to speak very sweet, flattering words like this and to act as His messenger. These are certainly clever tricks, My dear bumblebee, but I can understand them. This is Krsna’s offense
- I am not this body... As Krsna wanted to impress upon Arjuna in the beginning of His teaching of Bhagavad-gita: "First of all try to understand what you are."
- I wish to see how people there appreciate our missionary activities. It is strictly on the basis of Lord Krishna's teachings as they are presented by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. That is our mission
- If we do not act in Krsna consciousness we shall be entangled, like silkworms in cocoons. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, appears in order to teach us how to work so that we will not be entangled in this material world
- If we don't understand this philosophy as Krsna teaches, asmin dehe dehinah, "Within this body there is the occupier, soul," so if you do not understand, that is very risky life. Nature's way must go on
- If we revive Krishna consciousness in a systematic way, within a very short time we can revive our original Indian culture on the basis of the teachings of Lord Krishna and the Bhagavad-gita
- If we say that Krsna is not physically present as He was present before Arjuna, still, His book, Bhagavad-gita, is there. And that Bhagavad-gita is nondifferent from Krsna. Krsna and Krsna's teaching, the same, absolute. That is Absolute Truth
- If we wish to present the real traditional cultural ideas of India to the western public, we have to present to them the teachings of Lord Krishna as they are. That is my mission
- If we work on behalf of the Supreme Lord, then that is called yoga-sthah. So our work is also not stopped, and at the same time I am situated in the spiritual platform. That technique is taught by Lord Krsna
- In beginning His teaching of the Gita, the Lord said to Arjuna, "Because you are My devotee I shall teach these secrets to you"
- In Bhagavad-gita Krsna began His teachings by distinguishing the soul from matter and in the Eighteenth Chapter concluded at the point where the soul surrenders to Him in devotion
- In that role He (Krsna) performed many sacrifices just to teach the royal order how to live in the material world for the welfare of humanity
- In the Bhagavad-gita Krsna begins His teachings by distinguishing the soul from matter, and in the Eighteenth Chapter He concludes at the point where the soul surrenders to Him in devotion - CC Intro
- In the Bhagavad-gita Krsna has taught the philosophy of surrender to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. One who has surrendered to the Supreme can make further progress by learning to love Him
- In the Bhagavad-gita, after teaching so many things, yoga, jnana, karma and so many other things, at last Krsna says, sarva-guhyatamam: "Now I am speaking to you the most confidential instruction." What is that? Sarva-dharman parityajya
- In the Bhagavad-gita, Sri Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, teaches Arjuna directly the perfection of yoga
- It (Bhagavad-gita) is perfect knowledge that was taught by Lord Krsna to Arjuna on the battlefield of Kuruksetra, and we receive information from it that in previous ages Sri Krsna also taught it to the sun-god Vivasvan
- It is not that He (Krsna) needed to do all these things to acquire material gain, but all of these acts were performed just to teach us how to behave in this material world
- It was His (the Lord's) wish that His teaching be distributed anew by Arjuna. He wanted Arjuna to become the authority in understanding the Bhagavad-gita. BG 1972 Introduction
- Karma-yoga, or work with transcendental results, is the seed of pure devotional activities. This science is taught by Sri Krsna Himself or by His bona fide, confidential servants
- King Indra was certainly a devotee, not a demon, but because he was puffed up, Krsna wanted to teach him a lesson. He first made Indra angry by stopping the Indra-puja, which had been arranged by the cowherd men in Vrndavana
- Krsna advises that whether you understand or not, simply surrender unto Him. What Krsna taught in Bhagavad-gita, we are also teaching, without different manufactured ideas. That is our Krsna consciousness movement
- Krsna and Balarama taught us (the duties of a vaisya) by Their personal behavior. Krsna took care of the cows and played His flute, and Balarama took care of agricultural activities with a plow in His hand
- Krsna and Kapiladeva are not teaching anything new. They are simply repeating the same message because, in the course of time, the knowledge has been lost
- Krsna appears periodically as a devotee to take part in various wonderful activities depicted in His sublime philosophy and teachings
- Krsna began this teaching to Arjuna first of all, asocyan anvasocas tvam prajna-vadams ca bhasase (BG 2.11): You are talking like learned scholar, but you are lamenting on the body, which is not at all important
- Krsna comes down to teach us how we can enjoy with Him on the spiritual platform, in the spiritual world. Not only does He come, but He personally displays His pastimes in Vrndavana and attracts people to spiritual enjoyment
- Krsna did not go to teach Bhagavad-gita to a Vedantist. He went to teach to Arjuna. He was a family man, he was a soldier, but why he was selected? He, Krsna said, bhakto 'si - you are My devotee
- Krsna imparted to Marshal Arjuna the vitally important teachings of Bhagavad-gita only when He saw that Arjuna had surrendered to Him without any vanity regarding his own erudition, and without any other reservation
- Krsna in Dvaraka enjoyed the pastimes of a perfect human being. Therefore, when He washed the feet of the sage Narada & took the water on His head, Narada did not object, knowing well that the Lord did so to teach everyone how to respect saintly persons
- Krsna is explaining Himself in the Bhagavad-gita, Krsna is sending His representative acarya to teach you, and Krsna is within yourself trying to teach you if you are actually serious. Then where is the difficulty?
- Krsna is Krsna Himself; therefore He was teaching us that brahma-muhurta should be utilized for meditation on Radha-Krsna. By such meditation Krsna would feel very much satisfied
- Krsna is not imagination. He presented Himself 5,000 years ago as He is, and we are presenting Krsna as He is. We are presenting Krsna's philosophy and teaching as it is and what can we do more?
- Krsna is not like the forgetful soul. If so, Krsna's teachings of Bhagavad-gita would be useless. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna is smeared with all stools and urine of the cows, Krsna enjoys. He is showing that even the stool and urine of cow is valuable, what to speak of its milk. Cow is so important. Personally, the Supreme Personality of Godhead is teaching us
- Krsna replied to Narada: "I am the supreme instructor. Therefore I'm personally executing religious principles in order to teach the whole world how to act. It is My desire that you not be bewildered by such demonstrations of My internal energy"
- Krsna started this movement five thousand years ago and taught this subject matter to Arjuna in the Battlefield of Kuruksetra. But unfortunate as we are, we could not take up the mission of Krsna
- Krsna taught Arjuna in the Bhagavad-gita, and Arjuna also accepted Him as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but for our understanding Arjuna requested the Lord to manifest His universal form, thus testing whether He was actually the Supreme Lord
- Krsna taught him Bhagavad-gita. Then, still, He gave him the freedom, yathecchasi tatha kuru (BG 18.63): "Now Arjuna, I have instructed you everything. Now you decide what to do." It is not force
- Krsna taught to the whole world that Arjuna was a soldier, he was a fighter, and in his fighting also he can be Krsna conscious. It is not that he has to cease from fighting and then become Krsna conscious. No
- Krsna teaches in Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.27): O son of Kunti, all that you do, all that you eat, all that you offer and give away, as well as all austerities that you may perform, should be done as an offering unto Me
- Krsna teaches people about this varnasrama-dharma so that all of human society can live peacefully by observing the principles for the four social divisions and four spiritual divisions (varna and asrama) and thus make advancement in spiritual knowledge
- Krsna tells Arjuna, "Because you are My friend, I am revealing to you the most confidential dharma." What is that? "Simply surrender unto Me." This is the dharma taught by the SPG, and Krsna's incarnation and His devotee will teach the same dharma
- Krsna therefore comes in person to teach us that we can enjoy the same relationship with Him. We can enjoy Him as our master, our friend, our son, our father or our lover
- Krsna wanted to teach through the behavior of the gopis that one who is constantly in trance like the gopis surely attains His lotus feet
- Krsna was teaching Bhagavad-gita, and Arjuna was seeing Him face to face, but seeing Krsna and reading Bhagavad-gita are the same
- Krsna's mercy-incarnation is guru. Guru-krsna-prasade paya bhakti-lata-bija (CC Madhya 19.151). Krsna is so merciful, He's trying to educate from within, and outside He sends His representative to teach
- Krsna, let us stop this friendly talking. Let us stop this friendly talking. I ( Arjuna) agree to become Your disciple. You teach me. So the first teaching was chastisement. Asocyan anvasocas tvam prajna-vadams ca bhasase (BG 2.11): You have no knowledge
- Krsna, out of His causeless mercy, He appears to teach us how to divert your attention and asakti to Krsna. So dharmasya glani, deviation in the path of religious system, means to forget our eternal relationship with Krsna
- Krsna, the jagad-guru, is teaching that living entity is never born and never dies. So why I am taking birth and I am dying? This much intelligence they haven't got, because they do not take the instruction of the jagad-guru
- Kunti says, "You have come to teach rascals like this and engage them in hearing, remembering, and worship." This is bhakti. Sravanam kirtanam visnoh: (SB 7.5.23) one should hear and chant about Visnu, Krsna
- Later on the teaching of the Bhagavad-gita came down by disciplic succession from Maharaja Iksvaku, but in course of time the chain was broken by unscrupulous persons, and therefore it again had to be taught to Arjuna on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra
- Lord Caitanya came to earth simply to preach krsna-bhakti, love of Krsna. In other words, He is Lord Krsna Himself teaching the living entities the proper way to approach Krsna - CC Intro
- Lord Caitanya is Lord Krsna Himself teaching the living entities the proper way to approach Krsna. He is like a teacher who, seeing a student doing poorly, takes up a pencil and writes, saying, "Do it like this: A, B, C" - CC Intro
- Lord Krsna is Himself the original Visnu, but because He played the part of a human being, He taught us definitely by His personal behavior what is meant by meditation
- Lord Krsna wanted to teach the world that the best of everything should be offered to the ruling chief of the country
- Lord Krsna was present among His relatives who were members of the ksatriya class. To teach them through the exemplary character of King Nrga, He said
- Lord Krsna, He is teaching Arjuna directly the perfect form of yoga. If you actually want to perform the yoga system, then here is authoritative statement by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Lord Krsna, the Lord of the universe, plays the part of an ideal son just to teach others how to treat their stepmothers
- Lord Sri Krsna appeared again and taught Arjuna the truths of the Bhagavad-gita. At that time the Lord spoke this verse (BG 4.11) to His friend Arjuna
- Lord Sri Krsna Himself, as Lord Caitanya, again appeared to teach the fallen souls of this material world the way to approach Lord Krsna
- Lord Sri Krsna, by His personal example, taught us the importance of cow protection, which is meant not only for the Indian climate but for all human beings all over the universe
- Lord Visnu said, "You are teaching the basic principles of factual religion so that the people of the world may follow you and thereby be peaceful and prosperous"
- Marshal Arjuna is the eternal, confidential servant of the Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna, and thus the philosophy of Bhagavad-gita was taught to him directly for the benefit of the people in general
- My dear Krsna, formerly, when You were staying in Mathura, You sent Uddhava to teach Me speculative knowledge and mystic yoga. Now You Yourself are speaking the same thing, but My mind doesn't accept it
- Nanda Maharaja was a big protector of cows, and Lord Sri Krsna, as the most beloved son of Nanda Maharaja, used to tend His father's animals in the neighboring forest. By His personal example Lord Krsna wanted to teach us the value of protecting cows
- Narada Muni and the present spiritual master speak the same teachings of Krsna, who says in Bhagavad-gita
- O Suta Gosvami, we are eager to learn about the Personality of Godhead and His incarnations. Please explain to us those teachings imparted by previous masters (acaryas), for one is uplifted both by speaking them and by hearing them
- Once Lord Krsna considered within His heart, "I taught devotional service that springs from the devotees' spontaneous love by demonstrating it with My pastimes"
- One must know from the authoritative sources and preach that thing. Just like Arjuna was taught by Krsna, and that philosophy is going on
- One who executes his duties according to My injunctions and who follows this teaching faithfully, without envy, becomes free from the bondage of fruitive actions. BG 3.31 - 1972
- One who is engaged in Krsna's service, he is actually serving dharma, or religion. Dharma-varmani. Or dharma can help you to reach Krsna. Dharma. That dharma can be taught by Krsna, not by others
- Otherwise, how could He (Krsna) remember that He first taught the yoga system of the Bhagavad-gita to the sun-god, Vivasvan? Therefore, He never dies. Nor does He ever become an old man
- Our duty is to know Krsna. Janma karma. Krsna comes, Krsna appears, Krsna disappears. Why Krsna comes? Why Krsna is not seen? Janma karma. Why He acts? Why He takes birth in the battlefield of Kuruksetra? Why He teaches Arjuna?
- Sandipani muni continued, "Your (Krsna and Balarama's) teachings will be honored not only within this universe or in this millennium but in all places and ages and will remain increasingly new and important"
- Siddhanta, to become a pure devotee, a staunch devotee of Krsna, one has to learn about Krsna. Krsna is, therefore, coming personally to teach us what He is. That is required. Vasudeva-katha-ruci
- Simply superficially if we understand Krsna that: Krsna was born of the father & mother, Devaki and Vasudeva, He was born in Mathura & then played with the gopis and He taught something on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra - that is not sufficient knowledge
- Since He (Krsna) is the teacher of everyone, the Lord also taught His father, Nanda Maharaja
- So Krsna is teaching personally just like Kapiladeva is teaching personally. So you take Kapiladeva's philosophy, Sankhya philosophy, Krsna's philosophy, Bhagavad-gita, but try to understand as He says. Don't interpret in the wrong way
- So when we sincerely want Krsna, then Krsna sends His representative, guru. Guru is outside representative of Krsna. So to the sincere student, Krsna teaches from inside and outside
- Some of the gopis addressed Him thusly: "My dear Krsna, because of Your adolescent age, You have just become the spiritual master of these young girls, and You are teaching them to whisper among themselves"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu says - Whomever you meet, instruct him on the teachings of Krsna. In this way, on My order, become a spiritual master and deliver the people of this country - CC Madhya 7.128
- Sri Govindaji acts exactly like the siksa-guru (instructing spiritual master) by teaching Arjuna the Bhagavad-gita. He is the original preceptor, for He gives us instructions and an opportunity to serve Him
- Srila Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami states that the instructing spiritual master is a bona fide representative of Sri Krsna. Sri Krsna Himself teaches us as the instructing spiritual master from within and without
- Srimad-Bhagavatam refers to man-made dharma as kaitava-dharma, cheating religion. The Supreme Lord sends an avatara (incarnation) to teach human society the proper way to execute religious principles. Such religious principles are bhakti-marga
- The best yoga, as taught in Bhagavad-gita by Krsna, is bhakti-yoga
- The Bhagavad-gita - the instruction of Krishna in the Bhagavad-gita are just suitable for a perfect human civilization. So one should learn this teachings of Bhagavad-gita as it is
- The gopis are not like the mystic yogis. They will never be satisfied simply by meditating on Your lotus feet and imitating the so-called yogis. Teaching the gopis about meditation is another kind of duplicity
- The idea is that in the Bhagavad-gita Krsna teaches everything very rightly, properly. The whole Vedic literature is meant for that, not one-sided
- The Kardama Muni is teaching Sankhya philosophy, Krsna is teaching Bhagavad-gita, and if we do not take advantage of these thing, then again we are in the oblivion
- The Lord (Krsna) is constitutionally well versed in all the Vedas, and yet to teach by example that everyone must go to learn the Vedas from an authorized teacher and must satisfy the teacher by service and reward, He Himself adopted this system
- The original guru is Krsna. As Krsna taught Arjuna, He also taught Brahma, as stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam - tene brahma hrda ya adi-kavaye
- The other marginal features indicate that He (Krsna) taught Vedic knowledge to Brahma and incarnated as the purusa-avatara to create the cosmic manifestation. These are occasional features manifest for some special purposes
- The popular saying is that a housewife teaches the daughter-in-law by teaching the daughter. Similarly, the Lord teaches the world by teaching the devotee
- The real mission of human life is to get free from encagement in the material body. Therefore Krsna descends to teach the conditioned soul about spiritual realization and how to become free from material bondage
- The same process (as CC Adi 16.107) advocated by Lord Sri Krsna in His teachings of the Bhagavad-gita as it is - Surrender unto Me in all instances - was advocated by Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- The same thing what Krsna taught in the Bhagavad-gita, Caitanya Mahaprabhu taught also in this Bhagavata-dharma teaching, and practically He showed how to do it. That is His specially
- The spiritual master knows the purpose of the Vedas, practices it personally, and teaches the disciple of the true light of the Vedas. The supreme spiritual master, Lord Sri Krsna, teaches us the import of the Vedas in the following verse of BG - 15.16
- The Supreme Lord Sri Krsna personally descends to teach people that their position in the material world is a mistaken one
- The Supreme Lord Sri Krsna personally descends to teach people that their position in the material world is a mistaken one. The Lord again comes as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to induce people to take to Krsna consciousness
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead (svayam bhagavan) taught Brahma and made him self-realized
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead was engaged in His so-called household affairs in order to teach people how one can sanctify one's household life although one may be attached to the imprisonment of material existence
- The toleration of the tree is explained by Lord Krsna Himself, and those who are engaged in the preaching of Krsna consciousness should learn lessons from the teachings of Lord Krsna and Lord Caitanya through Their direct disciplic succession
- The Vedic literatures are taught in higher planets also, as there is reference in the Bhagavad-gita about the teachings to the sun-god (Vivasvan) by the Lord, and such lessons are transferred by disciplic succession
- The whole aim of bhakti-yoga is to satisfy Visnu. Yajnaih sankirtana-prayaih: Visnu, Krsna, came Himself as Caitanya Mahaprabhu to teach us the way of sankirtana
- There are many artificial Bhagavan's, but a real Bhagavan is one who knows what Krsna has taught
- There are many grammarians & nondevotee material wranglers who have tried to present false interpretations of four verses of the Srimad-Bhagavatam but the Lord Himself advised Brahmaji not to be deviated from the fixed conclusion the Lord had taught him
- There is fighting, due to ajnana. So first of all we have to drive away this ajnana. Therefore Krsna is teaching Arjuna that "You are not this body. You are spirit soul." This is the first spiritual instruction by the authority to anyone
- There is no difference between the teachings of Lord Caitanya presented here and the teachings of Lord Krsna in the Bhagavad-gita. The teachings of Lord Caitanya are practical demonstrations of Lord Krsna’s teachings
- There is no difference between the teachings of Lord Caitanya presented here and the teachings of Lord Krsna in the Bhagavad-gita. The teachings of Lord Caitanya are practical demonstrations of Lord Krsna’s teachings - CC Preface
- These princes were very much puffed up with their worldly possessions and did not care a fig for anyone who came before them. In order to teach them some lessons, I agreed to kidnap you according to your desire; otherwise I actually have no love for you
- These teachings from Krsna
- They (Krsna and Balarama) learned how to train and engage rams and cocks in fighting for sport. They then learned how to teach parrots to speak and to answer the questions of human beings
- They think, "Oh, oh, Krsna is teaching Yudhisthira, such a nice man, religious person, and He's teaching him to speak lie." If sometimes one thinks like that, he becomes mudha
- This (Krsna's detachment) was fully displayed when He wanted to teach by example that one should not remain attached to household life for all the days of one's life. One should naturally develop detachment as a matter of course
- This chapter, Lord Krsna will try to teach the principles of yoga system. So here He begins, that a transcendentalist should always try to concentrate his mind on the Supreme Self
- This demigod who thinks himself supreme has shown his great power, but I shall answer him according to My position, and I shall teach him that he is not autonomous in managing universal affairs
- This is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission. Those who have taken birth in India, Bharata-bhumi, they should make their life perfect by understanding the Vedic knowledge. And the Supreme Lord Krsna comes here to teach the Vedic knowledge
- This is the only qualification, that a preacher should preach only what Krsna has said. That's all. No manufacturing, no concoction. And the audience? They will hear from such person who does not speak anything else except Krsna's teaching. That's all
- This is the teaching of Lord Krsna in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.66): Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear
- This time, to teach Rukmi a lesson, Krsna shot six arrows at him and then shot another eight arrows, killing four horses with four arrows, killing the chariot driver with another arrow
- Those persons who execute their duties according to My injunctions and who follow this teaching faithfully, without envy, become free from the bondage of fruitive actions
- Those who are in the disciplic succession of the Madhva-Gaudiya-sampradaya should always feel separation from Krsna, worship His transcendental form and discuss His transcendental teachings, His pastimes, His qualities and His entourage
- Those who, out of envy, disregard these teachings and do not practice them regularly, are to be considered bereft of all knowledge, befooled, and doomed to ignorance and bondage. BG 3.32 - 1972
- Throughout the Bhagavad-gita Lord Krsna teaches that one should give up all other processes of self-realization and fully surrender unto Him. That is faith
- Thus I was going to Vrndavana with a big crowd, but through the mouth of Sanatana, Krsna taught Me a lesson. Thus by making some impediment, He has brought Me on a path through the forest to Vrndavana
- To hear from Krsna is the real pleasure of the senses; therefore He is known as Govinda, for by His words, by His teachings, by His instruction - by everything connected with Him - He enlivens the senses
- To teach the befooled living entities, Krsna personally comes. Krsna is very much anxious to take us back to home, back to Godhead. Because we are part and parcel of Krsna
- To teach the highest principles of spiritual life, the Lord (Krsna) Himself appeared as a devotee in the form of Lord Caitanya
- To understand Krsna is not so easy job. But Krsna personally comes and teaches about Himself, and still if we do not take, that is our misfortune
- Today at (20/8/65) the captain arranged for a meeting on board the Jaladuta on account of Janmastami day & I spoke for an hour on the philosophy & teachings of Lord Sri Krishna. All the officers attended the meeting & there was distribution of Prasadam
- Unfortunately, foolish men have misinterpreted this prime teaching (Krsna says :"Give up all other processes and just surrender unto Me alone.") and misled the masses of people in diverse ways
- Unfortunately, unscrupulous and rascal so-called scholars, religionists and philosophers have misinterpreted the teachings of Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita, and they have misled the whole population
- We have taken a very difficult task, to convince people to take to Krsna consciousness. But that is the only benefit, or the supreme goal of life. Krsna personally comes to teach this science
- We must understand that "I am not this body," as Krsna wanted to impress upon Arjuna in the beginning of His teaching of Bhagavad-gita - First of all, try to understand what you are. Why are you lamenting in the bodily concept of life
- We will feel transcendentally pleased if we think of how Sri Rukminidevi and Krsna acted as ideal householders to teach the whole human society to rise early in the morning and immediately engage in Krsna consciousness
- What is the difference between manava-dharma and pasu-dharma? Manava-dharma means what Krsna teaches - sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja (BG 18.66). This is manava-dharma. Except this, anything, that is pasu-dharma
- What Krsna taught five thousand years ago in the Battlefield of Kuruksetra to Arjuna, we are broadcasting the same message. We have not manufactured anything new. That is not dharma. Dharma cannot be manufactured
- What Krsna taught in the Bhagavad-gita, we are teaching the same thing without any different manufactured ideas. That is our Krsna consciousness movement. And it is open to everyone. The process is very simple
- When Arjuna became confused, he said, sisyas te 'ham sadhi mam prapannam (BG 2.7): "Now I am surrendered unto You (Krsna). Please teach me." Unless you come to that point, there will be no teaching, and there is no use of teaching
- When the brahmana was seated on the golden throne, Lord Sri Krsna began to worship him exactly as the demigods worship Krsna. In this way, He taught everyone that worshiping His devotee is more valuable than worshiping Him
- When we create any loving transaction with any boy or girl, man or woman, we give and take. Thus Krsna is teaching us how to give and take. Krsna is begging us: Try to love Me. Learn how to love Me. Offer something to Me
- When we enjoy or relish the vibration of Krsna's teachings in BG, or when we chant HK, we should know that by those vibrations He is immediately present. He is absolute, and because of this His vibration is just as important as His physical presence
- When you create loving transaction with any boy or girl or any man, any friend, the give and take. So Krsna is teaching us give and take. "You give something," Krsna is begging
- Where is the question of imperson? These nonsense impersonalist, voidist. Therefore, the principle is, to understand things in reality, one has to approach Krsna as Arjuna has approached, sisyas te 'ham (BG 2.7): Now I am Your disciple. You just teach me
- You say "Krsna," and if you hear, immediately you remember Krsna's form, Krsna's name, Krsna's quality, Krsna's activity, Krsna's teaching - everything. This is called Krsna consciousness
- You'll find Krsna always with cows. Here is Krsna's picture, you see how He's loving the cow and the calf. He's personally teaching from His childhood, from His boyhood. So we should follow