Category:Anyone Who...
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Pages in category "Anyone Who..."
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- A Krsna conscious person is fully electrified spiritually, and therefore anyone who touches or takes shelter of such a pure devotee becomes similarly electrified with spiritual potencies. Such devotees are never puffed up with material opulences
- A Vaisnava, therefore, should be fully qualified. As stated in the Bhagavatam, anyone who has become a Vaisnava has developed all the good qualities of the demigods. There are twenty-six qualifications mentioned in the Caitanya-caritamrta
- According to one's position, one should properly receive anyone who comes to one's home. At least a seat and a glass of water should be offered, so that the guest will not be displeased
- According to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s philosophy, anyone who knows the science of Krsna can become a spiritual master, without reference to whether or not he is a brahmana or sannyasi
- According to the direction of the Padma Purana, Anyone who considers the Deity in the temple to be made of stone or wood is a resident of hell
- According to Vedic culture, anyone who does not follow the regulative principles observed by the higher castes (the brahmanas, ksatriyas and vaisyas) or even those observed by the laborer class (the sudras) is called a mleccha or yavana
- Activity in Krsna consciousness is the only auspicious activity, & anyone who voluntarily accepts all bodily discomforts for the sake of making progress on the path of KC can be called a perfect transcendentalist under severe austerity. BG 1972 purports
- Actually anyone who tries to understand these books will become a great realized devotee of Lord Krishna gradually
- Actually, anyone who has a material body has to accept suffering. There are three types of suffering in the material world: adhyatmika, adhibhautika and adhidaivika
- Actually, anyone who hears Bhagavad-gita from a bona fide spiritual master like Krsna or His representative will find that all his ignorance is dispelled. BG 1972 purports
- Actually, the most important science to know is the science of getting out of the clutches of material existence. Anyone who knows this science must be considered the greatest learned person
- After leaving his home, which was full of politics and diplomacy, Vidura wanted to purify himself by traveling to all the sacred places, which are so situated that anyone who goes there automatically becomes purified
- Akrura continued, "Anyone who knows Their (Krsna and Balarama's) unlimited strength would never dare offend Them or fight with Them"
- All glories to Jagadananda Pandita! He is so favored by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu that anyone who meets him thinks, "Now I have gotten the association of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu directly"
- All glories to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu! Anyone who has taken shelter at His lotus feet is glorious
- All His (Advaita Prabhu's) activities are spiritual. Anyone who hears about and glorifies Him becomes glorified himself, for such activities free one from all kinds of misfortune
- All living entity, anyone who has come into this material world, under different body or different dress they are suffering in this material world. Therefore the sastra is meant for the human being so that he can understand his awkward position
- All the world derives pleasure from Me. Is there anyone who can give Me pleasure?
- Always advertisement. Anyone who has got his money in the pocket, he's immediately spending. So for earning money and to spend them or to sleep at night or to enjoy sex life at night
- An advanced devotee of the Lord is free from material bondage. He personifies Srimad-Bhagavatam in life and action. Therefore we advise that anyone who wants to learn Srimad-Bhagavatam must approach such a realized soul
- Another meaning of bhuta is anyone who has taken birth or anything which is produced, so in that sense Lord Siva may be accepted as the father of this material world. Bhrgu Muni takes Lord Siva as the leader of the lowest creatures
- Any one who accepts this philosophy of God's Mercy in suffering conditions, and still makes progress in Krishna Consciousness, it is said that he is sure to go back to Home, Back to Godhead
- Any person who hears with faith and devotion about how Krsna, the SP of Godhead, killed Putana, and who thus invests his hearing in such childhood pastimes of Krsna, certainly attains attachment for Govinda, the supreme, original person - SB 10.6.44
- Any person who is not expert in understanding this science (of the soul) or is unwilling to understand it remains in the bodily conception of life, or the animalistic conception of life
- Any way we can distribute our books is good because anyone who reads our KRSNA book, TLC, NOD, and Bhagavad-gita As It Is, is sure to become a Krishna Conscious person. It is a most valuable service to Krishna to distribute these books
- Anyone - either human being or animal or bird - anyone who has got this material body is full of anxiety. Even a sparrow, you will see, he is eating something, he is in anxiety. That is material life
- Anyone who accepts God as the Supreme can take to the process of chanting Hare Krsna and become a lover of God
- Anyone who accepts God, he is bhagavata
- Anyone who accepts the supremacy of God, the SP of G, his process of worship has to be considered in the category of bhakti-yoga. The more and more you become purified by executing the bhakti-yoga process, then you come to the real platform
- Anyone who accepts Visnu as the Supreme Personality of Godhead is accepted as a Vaisnava, but a Vaisnava is expected to develop all the good qualities of the demigods
- Anyone who accumulates more money or more possessions than he needs is called a thief, and one who simply accumulates wealth without spending for sacrifice or for worship of the Personality of Godhead is a great thief
- Anyone who approaches Him (Krsna) does not come back again to accept a form in material existence, but goes back to Godhead, back home, never to return
- Anyone who attains a human body but does not take to the cult of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is baffled in his opportunity. Amrtadhuni is a flowing river of the nectar of devotional service
- Anyone who attains the supreme perfection, being engaged in My personal devotional service in the eternal abode, reaches the highest perfection of human life and does not have to come back to the miserable material world
- Anyone who attempts to serve Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu sincerely by following in His footsteps and following the instructions of the acaryas will successfully be able to preach the holy names of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra all over the universe
- Anyone who attempts to write about Krsna must first take permission from the spiritual master and Krsna
- Anyone who attentively hears these discourses and instructions of Lord Caitanya to Sanatana Gosvami very soon attains to Krsna consciousness and engages in devotional service to the Lord
- Anyone who becomes a Vaisnava accepted by the first-class Vaisnava, or uttama-adhikari Vaisnava, is already considered a brahmana, regardless of his birth or past deeds
- Anyone who becomes attracted to Krsna can be relieved from the bondage of birth and death, which can be compared to the locked-up homes that were neglected by the wives of the brahmanas
- Anyone who becomes engaged in this loka-hitam, beneficial to the human society, he will be happy. But he has to control over these things: ahara-nidra-bhaya-maithunam ca. These animal propensities should be controlled
- Anyone who becomes even slightly interested in krsna-katha is liberated. Kirtanad eva krsnasya mukta-sangah param vrajet (SB 12.3.51). Simply by chanting or repeating krsna-katha, one is liberated from the contamination of Kali-yuga
- Anyone who becomes exhilarated by hearing of the pastimes of Lord Krsna when He was present on this earth with His associates is to be understood as nitya-siddha, eternally perfect
- Anyone who believes in direct perception, his knowledge is imperfect always, because the senses are imperfect. Therefore we have to receive knowledge from perfect: Krsna, the supreme perfect. He is above this darkness. He comes from the kingdom of light
- Anyone who can reach Brahmaloka, or Satyaloka, by dint of spiritual perfection and practice is qualified to attain three different types of perfection
- Anyone who can see three things - the body, the proprietor of the body, or individual soul, and the friend of the individual soul, combined together by good association-is actually in knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- Anyone who can teach, he is brahmana. So unless you read thoroughly what you are going to speak to the world, how you can become a brahmana and pandita? You should carefully note this
- Anyone who can understand critically and in truth about the appearance, disappearance, activities, transcendental activities, pastimes, of the Supreme Lord, Krsna, at once he becomes liberated
- Anyone who can understand the plan of the Supreme Lord and cultivate Krsna consciousness is most intelligent. BG 1972 purports
- Anyone who can understand the process of karma, the process of work, in this way, he is the most intelligent person in this world. - Most intelligent person. Not that a person who has passed M.A., Ph.D. examination from the university
- Anyone who can understand this truth (about Krsna), in terms of the statements of revealed scriptures, certainly becomes liberated just after quitting the present body
- Anyone who can view the all-auspiciousness in the pastimes of Lord Visnu also becomes auspicious simultaneously
- Anyone who carries Krishna within himself, constantly, can go anywhere and turn the place into a sacred pilgrimage. That is the verdict of Srimad-Bhagavatam and blessings of Lord Caitanya
- Anyone who chants omkara and the holy name of the Lord, Hare Krsna, immediately meets the Supreme Lord directly in His sound form
- Anyone who chants the holy name of the Lord becomes immediately freed from conditional life and that anyone who hears the holy name of the Lord, even though born of a family of dog-eaters, also becomes liberated from the clutches of material entanglement
- Anyone who comes as representative of God, or as God, as powerful incarnation, they are all welcome
- Anyone who comes in contact with the Society automatically becomes a devotee. We have actual experience that many karmis and others come to the Society and find a very pleasing and peaceful atmosphere in the temples of ISKCON
- Anyone who comes into competition with a demoniac man is his enemy. BG 1972 purports
- Anyone who comes to join us, of course, must be sincere and serious regarding spiritual advancement in life
- Anyone who comes to know Him (Krsna) as He is becomes liberated at once, and while leaving this present body such a knower goes back to Godhead, never to return to this universe of manifold miseries
- Anyone who compares the holy name of the Supreme Lord to the names of the demigods is called pasandi, or an offender
- Anyone who denies the existence of God, he is mudha, ass. He is not human being. If you are intelligent enough, by seeing this flower you must admit there is God
- Anyone who describes or hears any part of this elaborate subject will very soon receive the causeless mercy of Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Anyone who desires to be Krsna conscious in motherly affection or parental affection should contemplate the bodily features of mother Yasoda. It is not that one should desire to become like Yasoda, for this is Mayavada
- Anyone who desires to cross over the ocean of nescience, please hear with great faith the life and characteristics of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Anyone who determines that "I shall simply serve Krsna," that simple determination will save him. Kevalaya bhaktya
- Anyone who dies without knowing the value of life, he's krpana, miser, cripple-minded. - Because he could not utilize the opportunity given to him by nature
- Anyone who differentiates between Radha-Krsna and Gauranga is to be considered a plaything in the hands of maya
- Anyone who directly executes an order from the Personality of Godhead is actually a religious person. Others are described as pretenders, for there are many activities going on throughout the world in the name of religion
- Anyone who does not accept the spiritual form of the Supreme Lord is counted among the atheists. Because Lord Buddha did not accept these Vedic principles, the Vedic teachers consider him an atheist
- Anyone who does not appreciate the greatness of God, they're asses, mudha. As good as the ass. And lowest of the mankind, naradhama. And their so-called scientific knowledge, useless
- Anyone who does not believe in God, he's asura. This is the verdict of the sastra. And this asuric civilization is going on all over the world. So we are making little effort to make the asuras devotees. That's all
- Anyone who does not follow the scriptural injunction, his attempt will be failure. He'll never be happy. And what to speak of being promoted to the spiritual world
- Anyone who does not follow the surrendering process but is simply interested in an academic career cannot make any advancement. His profit is only his labor for nothing
- Anyone who does not follow Vedic principle, he's called mleccha. So time will come when nobody will follow Vedic principles of life. Therefore, mleccha
- Anyone who does not give evidences, proof, from the sastra, then na siddhim sa avapnoti, he does not get at any time success, na sukham, neither any happiness in this material world, na param gatim, and what to speak of elevation in the next life
- Anyone who does not take to Krsna consciousness and is busy in other business, he's a vimudhan. Don't remain a vimudhan. Become intelligent
- Anyone who does not understand Lord Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead is surely in the mode of ignorance. Consequently he will not attain salvation, simply, so to speak, by licking the outer surface of the bottle of honey. BG 1972 purports
- Anyone who drinks even a small drop of krsna-katha through aural reception is freed from all material attachment and envy. Like a bird with no means of subsistence, such a person becomes a mendicant and lives by begging
- Anyone who engages in continuous devotional service to the Lord is situated in the spiritual world and has nothing to do with the material qualities - sattva-guna, rajo-guna and tamo-guna
- Anyone who engages in rendering transcendental loving service to the Lord is considered to be mukta, or brahma-bhuta
- Anyone who engages in spiritual devotional service without motivation, rendering such service for the satisfaction of the Lord, is elevated immediately to the spiritual platform, and all his activities are spiritual - BG 14.26
- Anyone who engages in the worship of the Deity, or the form of the Lord in the temple, is understood to be studying all the Vedas twenty-four hours a day
- Anyone who executes the chanting of this mantra has to abide by certain principles and vows. Although Balarama and Krsna are transcendental personalities, They strictly followed the regulative principles
- Anyone who factually understands the transcendental appearance and disappearance of the Lord by His inconceivable energy becomes liberated from the laws of birth and death and is placed in the eternal spiritual sky where the Vaikuntha planets are
- Anyone who follows in the footsteps of either the ideal reciter or the ideal hearer, Sukadeva Gosvami and Maharaja Pariksit respectively, will undoubtedly attain salvation like them
- Anyone who follows in the footsteps of Narada Muni is certainly a pure devotee
- Anyone who follows in the footsteps of recognized devotees, such as Brahma, Siva, the Kumaras, Manu, Kapila, King Prahlada, King Janaka, Sukadeva Gosvami, Yamaraja & their followers in disciplic succession, very easily finds the door of liberation open
- Anyone who follows these six principles of devotional life is sure to achieve success. Similarly there are six principles which we should avoid
- Anyone who gets the favor of the goddess of fortune, as did this brahmana, is without a doubt always happy in material opulence
- Anyone who goes to Krsna or guru for asking, he is pious. He is not miscreant. Duskrtina. He is not duskrtina. He is pious. Maybe he is in the lower position, but he is pious. That is described
- Anyone who goes to the Vaikuntha planets or Goloka Vrndavana planet is freely offering his service to the Lord. That is complete independence
- Anyone who has accepted Daksa as the most important personality and neglected Lord Siva because of envy is less intelligent and, because of visualizing in duality, will be bereft of transcendental knowledge
- Anyone who has accepted the lotus feet of Lord Caitanya as everything - all the riches and all wealth - immediately he enters in the kingdom of devotional service. He tastes without taste
- Anyone who has accepted this material body, even a small ant, and the demigods, Indra and Lord Brahma, by their pious activities they have got big, big post as demigods, long, prolonged life and many other facilities. But they are all living entities
- Anyone who has any desire or aspiration for satisfying his senses by becoming more and more important, either in the material sense or in the spiritual sense, cannot actually relish the really sweet taste of devotional service
- Anyone who has become a Vaisnava, a devotee of the Lord, he is giving the greatest service to the family. Because in relationship with him, his father, mother, anyone, they will be liberated
- Anyone who has become competent to control the tongue, to control the mind, to control the anger, to control the belly & control the genital, if 6 kind of control is there, he is fit for becoming spiritual master; he can make disciples all over the world
- Anyone who has captured Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Lord Nityananda Prabhu in his heart will become blissful by hearing all these transcendental conclusions
- Anyone who has come here, he must commit sinful activities. As soon as you get this material body, then you must have to commit sinful activities, even if you are very careful. It is not possible
- Anyone who has come to this material world, he is illusioned. But advancement of so-called material education means the increasing of the same illusory propaganda
- Anyone who has completely surrendered unto Krsna, Mukunda, giving up all other duties, is no longer a debtor, nor is he obliged to anyone (SB 11.5.41). BG 1972 purports
- Anyone who has developed how to exploit the resources of nature, that nation is called to be very highly civilized, or advanced. But that is the lowest stage of civilization
- Anyone who has developed unalloyed, unflinching devotional service unto the Lord develops his original good qualities as spirit soul. The spirit soul, as part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, has all the good qualities of the Lord
- Anyone who has developed unflinching faith in the Lord and the Spiritual Master can understand the revealed scripture unfold before him
- Anyone who has even a little of the Lord's grace can understand His glories; others may go on speculating on the Absolute Truth, but they will always be unable to understand the Lord
- Anyone who has gone into the factories, it is ferocious activities, unnecessarily economic development. So this is kastan, so much laboring. Even the animals, they do not undergo so much laboring
- Anyone who has got devotion to the Lord, he is qualified with all the good qualities. - Just like you are God conscious, so you have invited us to hear, because the good qualities are there. So without God consciousness there cannot be any good qualities
- Anyone who has got his senses under control, he, he is spiritually perfect. So how senses under control? Just engage the senses under the control or under the direction of the Supreme. Then you become perfectly spiritual
- Anyone who has got intelligence, he has got strength. Just like by intelligence, they have discovered the nuclear weapon. By dropping a nuclear weapon, hundreds and thousands of soldiers can be killed. There is no more need of maintaining a huge army
- Anyone who has got material desire, he is full of material anxiety. But one who has no material desire, one who lives only for serving Krsna, naturally he has no anxieties
- Anyone who has got this consciousness that, "It is my duty to serve Krsna. I must serve Him with my life and soul and everything," he's a sannyasi. Not the dress
- Anyone who has got unflinching faith in God and similar faith in guru, then the Vedic purpose becomes revealed to him. Yasya deve para bhaktir yatha deve tatha gurau, tasyaite kathita hy arthah. The Vedic mantras and their artha becomes revealed
- Anyone who has knowledge, not only this knowledge, absolute knowledge as well as relative knowledge, such class of men is called the brahmanas, the most intelligent class
- Anyone who has learned the essence of all the Vedic scriptures is to be known as a first-class educated person, with full knowledge of all sastra
- Anyone who has no God consciousness, he has no qualification. However academically he may be very rich, he has no qualification. Manorathena asato dhavato bahih. His only qualification is mental concoction. That's all. He has no other qualification
- Anyone who has no knowledge of the spiritual existence - how this material body has developed, how we are put into different conditions life - without this knowledge he is two-legged animal, that's all. So don't remain as two-legged animal
- Anyone who has no other interest but to dedicate his life to the service of the Lord is actually a sannyasi. BG 1972 purports
- Anyone who has no religion, it doesn't matter what kind of religion he has got, but he must have some religion. Without religion he is animal
- Anyone who has no teacher, no protector, simply trying himself, if he commits any mistake there is nobody protecting him. Therefore jnana-marga, the path of knowledge, is risky
- Anyone who has not faith, for him there is no profit even during this life and what to speak of the next life?
- Anyone who has practiced controlling these six (the tongue, the genitals, the belly, anger, the mind and words) is permitted to make disciples all over the world. To accept such a spiritual master is the crucial point for advancement in spiritual life
- Anyone who has preached Krsna consciousness, maybe little differently according to time, circumstances, but anyone who has tried to preach the God consciousness, he is guru
- Anyone who has seen the festival of Haridasa passing away, anyone who has chanted, danced here, anyone who has offered sand on the body of Haridasa, and anyone who has joined this festival to partake of the prasadam will achieve Krsna's favor very soon
- Anyone who has seen the Red Fort in Delhi must have marked that the walls are made of marble and were once decorated with jewels. During the British period all these jewels were taken away and dispatched to the British Museum
- Anyone who has taken birth in India as a human being will kindly make his life successful. And after making his life successful he should distribute this knowledge throughout the whole world for the welfare of the human society. This was Caitanya's order
- Anyone who has taken birth in India, Bharatavarsa, because he has got the facilities, the Vedas - the Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Vedanta-sutra - all these things are cultivated in India. So they have got the facilities
- Anyone who has taken birth in India, Bharatavarsa, let him make his life successful, and kara para-upakara, and go outside India and do good to others. - Para-upakara. This is India's business
- Anyone who has taken birth in India, first of all make his life perfect by understanding the sastra. The gist of sastra is Bhagavad-gita. And then distribute the knowledge. Para-upakara. This should be India's mission
- Anyone who has taken birth in India, he has got a natural inheritance of spiritual life. Unfortunately, at the present moment the leaders are under wrong impression that in India, being too much spiritually inclined, material advancement has been checked
- Anyone who has taken to Krsna consciousness, he's first-class intelligent man. So don't be first-class fool, but become first-class intelligent man. That is my request
- Anyone who hears about the loving exchanges between Jagadananda Pandita and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, or who reads Jagadananda's book Prema-vivarta, can understand what love is. Moreover, he achieves ecstatic love of Krsna
- Anyone who hears about the pastimes of the Lord associates with the Lord directly, and one who associates directly with the Lord is certainly freed from all sinful activities
- Anyone who hears my name loses the results of his pious activities. Anyone who utters my name becomes sinful
- Anyone who hears the narration of Dhruva Maharaja, and who repeatedly tries with faith and devotion to understand his pure character, attains the pure devotional platform and executes pure devotional service
- Anyone who hears the narrations of the His pastimes in Dvaraka will certainly find it very easy to traverse the path of liberation and taste the nectar of the lotus feet of Lord Krsna. And thus he will be engaged in Lord Krsna's devotional service
- Anyone who hears the story of the Syamantaka jewel or describes it or simply remembers it will be free from all kinds of defamation and the reactions of all impious activities and thus will attain the highest perfectional condition of peace
- Anyone who hears this description of the car festival will attain Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He will also attain the elevated state by which he will have firm conviction in devotional service and love of Godhead
- Anyone who hears this narration of Dhruva acquires exalted qualities like him. For anyone who desires greatness, prowess or influence, here is the process by which to acquire them, and for thoughtful men who want adoration, here is the proper means
- Anyone who hears, chants or takes pleasure in the narration of the killing of the Hiranyaksa by the Lord who appeared as the first boar in order to deliver the world, is at once relieved of the results of sinful activities, even the killing of a brahmana
- Anyone who hears, recites or chants them surely gets all his spiritual desires fulfilled. Thus Krsna's childhood pastimes, His sporting with Balarama and the cowherd boys in Vrndavana, were described
- Anyone who is completely free from the reaction of sinful life, how it is possible? If one is simply engaged in pious activities
- Anyone who is engaged in devotional service of any form or extension of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is called atmarama. All such devotees engage themselves either in the regulative principles of devotional service or in DS in transcendental love
- Anyone who is following acarya, whatever he says it is correct. Because he does not manufacture
- Anyone who is not a devotee of the Lord - he is not rajarsi, devarsi - he is not praiseworthy at all
- Anyone who is not going in terms of the Caitanya Mahaprabhu's cult or His teaching, he's a bogus. Anyone. Not only in India, all over the world
- Anyone who is slightly in touch with the Lord, somehow or other, is greatly benefited, even to the point of salvation, due to the excellence of the Lord
- Anyone who is steady in his determination for the advanced stage of spiritual realization and can equally tolerate the onslaughts of distress and happiness is certainly a person eligible for liberation. BG 1972 purports
- Anyone who knows that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is beyond the jurisdiction of our experimental knowledge, is understood to be the most learned scholar. Haridasa Thakura knew this science perfectly
- Anyone who knows that this material body, made of the five gross elements, the sense organs, the working senses and the mind, is simply supervised by the fixed soul is eligible to be liberated from material bondage
- Anyone who knows the art (of bhakti cult) can do it and thus render the highest benefit to humanity. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu takes the part of a gardener because although a gardener is naturally not a very rich man, he has some fruits and flowers
- Anyone who knows the temporary situation of this material world and is expert in achieving a permanent situation in the spiritual world, is understood to be the most learned scholar
- Anyone who knows these three Visnus (Maha-Visnu, known as mahat-tattva, Garbhodakasayi Visnu and Ksirodakasayi Visnu) can be liberated from material entanglement. BG 1972 purports
- Anyone who knows this fact - that the appearance, disappearance and activities of the Lord are beyond material activities or material conception - is liberated. Yo vetti tattvatah/ tyaktva deham punar janma- BG 4.9
- Anyone who lives in the temple must follow all these principles without exception, otherwise they may be asked to live outside
- Anyone who looks upon His beautiful body or beautiful face becomes freed from all sins and obtains the wealth of love of Godhead
- Anyone who may come must be well received, informed about our activities, and when we publish a little pamphlet which is in preparation, it may also be distributed to each and every one of the visitors
- Anyone who mistakes Him (The Lord) for an ordinary human being is certainly not very intelligent, as confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.11): avajananti mam mudha manusim tanum asritam
- Anyone who misunderstands this perishable body to be the self and who works for it in the name of sociology, politics, philanthropy, altruism, nationalism or internationalism, under the false plea of the bodily conception of life, is certainly a fool
- Anyone who offers Me (Krsna) a little fruit, a little water, and little leaf, oh, I accept." Tad aham asnami, bhakty-upahrtam - Because he has brought with the devotional love, I accept it
- Anyone who once meditates upon Me (Lord Kapiladeva) with faith and affection, who hears and chants about Me, surely goes back home, back to Godhead
- Anyone who once meditates upon Me with faith and affection, who hears and chants about Me, surely goes back home, back to Godhead
- Anyone who performs the regulated principles of the different orders of life is transcendentally situated. BG 1972 purports
- Anyone who places the Lord and the demigods on the same level is called a pasandi, or atheist
- Anyone who places this Lord of Svetadvipa within his heart can surpass the pangs of the six material tribulations: hunger, thirst, birth, death, lamentation and illusion. Thus one can attain his original, transcendental form
- Anyone who practices yoga and comes to the point of devotional service can attain the Supreme Personality of Godhead in His transcendental abode
- Anyone who preaches Bhagavad-gita is very dear to Krsna
- Anyone who preaches the teachings of Krsna, he is guru
- Anyone who quits his body, at the end of life, remembering Me (Krsna), attains immediately to My nature; and there is no doubt of this. BG 1972 Introduction
- Anyone who reads our KRSNA book, TLC, NOD, and Bhagavad-gita As It Is, is sure to become a Krishna Conscious person. It is a most valuable service to Krishna to distribute these books
- Anyone who remains unagitated, even in the presence of cause for agitation, is called dhira, or equipoised
- Anyone who remembers Krsna always, twenty-four hours, he is living in Vaikuntha. He is not in the kingdom of maya
- Anyone who represents Krsna, he is also guru. That will be explained in the Fourth Chapter. Evam parampara-praptam imam rajarsayo viduh
- Anyone who says that "I am God" he should not preach. He can think himself for acquiring knowledge of God. That is another thing. "I am God." "I am God" means to understand the quality of God, because I am qualitatively God
- Anyone who says that there is no soul, there is no birth after his death, they are all rascals
- Anyone who says unto the Lord, "You are the same Supreme Brahman, the Personality of Godhead" is certainly liberated instantly, and consequently his entrance into the transcendental association of the Lord is guaranteed. BG 1972 purports
- Anyone who seriously takes to Krsna consciousness - whether in the lowest species of life or a woman or of the less intelligent classes, such as the mercantile or laborer class - will go back home, back to Godhead, and reach the abode of Krsna
- Anyone who serves the Lord sincerely with love and affection is certainly instructed by the Lord from within
- Anyone who simply understands Krsna, then the result will be that after quitting this body you won't have to come back again in this material world and accept a body for different kinds of miserable condition. Tyaktva deham punar janma naiti
- Anyone who sincerely chants this holy name is quickly elevated to the platform of love of God and becomes mad after God. This madness arising from love of God is the highest perfectional stage for a human being
- Anyone who sincerely chants this holy name very soon attains elevation to the platform of love of God and becomes mad after God. This madness arising from love of God is the first perfectional stage for a human being
- Anyone who sticks to the regulative principles, he gets a power, spiritual or material. He gets power. A brahmacari gets power if he follows brahmacarya. Everyone, if we follow the prescribed rules and regulations, automatically you become powerful
- Anyone who surrenders unto Him can overcome the influence of the stringent laws of material nature
- Anyone who takes birth in rich family, he should remember that - Krsna has given me this chance that I have no material problem. So I have got enough time. Let me chant Hare Krsna
- Anyone who takes birth in the land of India (Bharata-varsa) has the special privilege of being able to take advantage of the instruction and guidance of the Vedic civilization
- Anyone who takes care of his subordinate, he is guru. The first charge is that you should not become a guru unless you are completely in awareness how to save your dependent from the path of birth and death
- Anyone who takes his bath in the Ganges also (like Bindu-sarovara) is relieved of all material diseases. These claims are accepted by great scholars and authorities and are still being acted upon even in this fallen age of Kali
- Anyone who takes knowledge from the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, or from Bhagavad-gita as it is, knows the purpose of the Vedas (vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyah) - BG 15.15
- Anyone who takes part in this movement, regardless of what he is, can gain the topmost result achieved by a perfect sannyasi, namely brahma jnana (spiritual knowledge). Even more important, he can advance in devotional service
- Anyone who takes pride in doing responsible work but does not give credit to the Supreme Lord is certainly falsely proud and cannot execute anything nicely
- Anyone who takes shelter of the lotus feet of a pure devotee by accepting the pure devotee as his spiritual master can be at once purified
- Anyone who takes shelter of the lotus feet of Krsna enters the boat for crossing over the ocean of nescience. For him, this vast expanse of the material manifestation becomes as insignificant as the water in a calf's hoofprint
- Anyone who takes to Krsna consciousness becomes more and more affected by it and forgets his material consciousness
- Anyone who takes to Krsna consciousness in all sincerity, even if he is not very advanced in good behavior, is purified
- Anyone who takes to Krsna consciousness is understood to be fully purified. He is at least engaged in the process of purification, and if he sticks to the principle of Krsna consciousness he will very soon be fully purified
- Anyone who takes to Krsna consciousness seriously is not an ordinary person; he must have taken to the same process in his previous life
- Anyone who takes to the worship of the Supreme Lord automatically receives the blessings of the goddess of fortune
- Anyone who takes up Krsna consciousness achieves the highest perfection of life, regardless of whatever abominable condition of life he may have fallen into
- Anyone who takes up Krsna consciousness and engages himself completely in the service of the Lord cleanses his mind of all envy (manas ca bhadram bhajatad adhoksaje). Therefore we should pray to Lord Nrsimha-deva to sit in our hearts
- Anyone who thinks like that (to be on equal level with God), they are imperfect knowledge. That is not perfect knowledge. They have been described as avisuddha-buddhayah, imperfect knowledge. Buddhi means intelligence. They have no intelligence
- Anyone who thinks that Lord Visnu is a product of the material energy, as explained by Sadananda Yogindra, should immediately be understood to be insane, for his knowledge has been stolen by the illusory energy
- Anyone who thinks that, "I am chanting Hare Krsna mantra, so I am becoming free from contamination of sinful life; therefore let me commit sinful life and counteract it by chanting Hare Krsna," this is the greatest offense
- Anyone who thus engages in the devotional service of the Lord, seriously and sincerely, with his mind, words and body, and who is fixed in the activities of the prescribed devotional methods, is blessed by the Lord according to his desire
- Anyone who trains the mind to turn from matter to the spiritual form of the Godhead by performance of the prescribed rules of devotional service can easily attain the kingdom of God, in the anti-material sky
- Anyone who tries sincerely to present Bhagavad-gita as it is will advance in devotional. BG 1972 purports
- Anyone who understand what is Krsna's birth . . . His birth and my birth is not the same. That means you have to study the subject matter very scientifically. Then you will understand
- Anyone who understands Krsna factually, the result is tyaktva deham, giving up this body, he never accepts again material body. He goes back to home, back to Godhead
- Anyone who understands Krsna's appearance, disappearance and activities, all these transcendental things, he goes back to the kingdom of Godhead after leaving this body. Now this fact should be clearly understood
- Anyone who understands Lord Krsna to be the Supreme, or who says unto the Lord "You are the same Supreme Brahman, the Personality of Godhead," is certainly liberated instantly. BG 1972 purports
- Anyone who understands the basic principle of Sankhya philosophy is elevated in devotional service and becomes fully Krsna conscious, or liberated, even within this material world
- Anyone who understands the philosophy is benefited. It does not mean that a Krishna Conscious person has to leave a legacy as far as possible, but at the end it depends on a particular person's fortune to accept it or reject it
- Anyone who understands the principle of eternal servitude to the guru and Vaisnavas will appreciate the action of Sri Jiva Gosvami in connection with the so-called scholar’s victory over his gurus, Srila Rupa and Srila Sanatana Gosvami
- Anyone who understands this fact, that Krsna is not different from this sound Krsna, Krsna is not different from this Bhagavad-gita, Krsna is not different from anything which is connected with Krsna... These things are to be understood
- Anyone who understands this philosophy that, "I am servant's servant's servant's servant, hundred times, million times lower servant," he is a liberated person
- Anyone who voluntarily engages himself under the direction of the Supreme Lord becomes glorious. BG 1972 purports
- Anyone who wants the ultimate perfection of life, they should worship Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Anyone who wants to approach the Supreme of all the Personalities of Godhead, on the Krsnaloka planet in the spiritual sky, and be intimately connected with the SP, Krsna, must take this formula, as is stated by the Supreme Himself. BG 1972 purports
- Anyone who wants to be secure from the influence of the modes of material nature must take shelter of Him - the Supreme Lord
- Anyone who wants to become guru, if he cannot teach his disciples how to surrender, govinda-carana-dvayam, anasritya, how to take shelter of the lotus feet of Govinda, he should not become guru. That is cheating
- Anyone who wants to establish his own opinion or philosophy certainly cannot explain any scripture according to the principle of direct interpretation
- Anyone who wants to get rid of the material entanglement must surrender unto Him (God). This is also confirmed in Bhagavad-gita
- Anyone who was killed, who died in the Battlefield of Kuruksetra, in the presence of Krsna, they all attained their original, constitutional position, spiritual form. They all went back to home, back to Godhead, everyone
- Anyone who will carry out the order of God without any change, he is prophet
- Anyone who will give aural reception to this message - first of all Bhagavad-gita, entrance, then Bhagavatam, then Caitanya-caritamrta, like books - then gradually he'll be self-realized, fully cognizant what is God
- Anyone who will give him false hope that "If you get independence, then overnight you will become like this, like this, like that," that leader is very nice. If there is some political meeting giving only bluff, lots of bluffs only, & people gather there
- Anyone who will stop chanting, he will be a victim of maya. Always remember it. Therefore we insist, "Please do not forget to chant at least sixteen rounds." That is minimum. The maximum is 300,000
- Anyone who will take shelter in Me, whether a woman, or a merchant, or one born in a low family, can yet approach the supreme destination. How much greater then are the brahmanas, the righteous, the devotees, and saintly kings! BG 1972 Introduction
- Anyone who will take to this chanting process, whatever, you don't consider about his past life. He will become saintly. He will become a pure Krsna conscious person. The evidence is Jagai-Madhai
- Anyone who wishes to advance in Krsna consciousness must try to serve the devotees of Krsna
- Anyone who wishes to get out of this prison house of material existence, which is full of miseries like repetition of birth, death, disease and old age, must please Lord Visnu for such liberation
- Anyone who worships Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu by congregational chanting should be understood to be very intelligent. One who does not do so must be considered a victim of this age and bereft of all intelligence
- Anyone who, because of his background of pious activities in previous lives, is anxious to hear Srimad-Bhagavatam immediately realizes the presence of the Supreme Lord within his heart and fulfills the mission of his life
- Anyone who, disregarding the pure Ganges, wishes to be purified instead by the filthy water flowing in a drain, cannot be successful. Similarly, one can successfully attain pure knowledge of the Absolute only by hearing from the pure Absolute Himself
- Anyone whose work is not meant for elevating him to religious life, anyone whose religious ritualistic performances do not raise him to renunciation, must be considered dead, although he is breathing
- Anyone, not only Lord Buddha or other, but anyone, Lord, in the Bhagavad-gita it is stated, anyone who has got some extraordinary power, uncommon power, he's to be considered vibhuti
- Arjuna becomes the disciple of Krsna, and anyone who understands Bhagavad-gita, following the footprints of Arjuna, he can understand rightly what is the purpose of Bhagavad-gita
- As explained by Caitanya Mahaprabhu, actually this is not due to practice, for without extra endeavor these symptoms (of chanting and dancing) become manifest in anyone who sincerely chants the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- As explained in Bhagavad-gita, Fourth Chapter, anyone who understands the transcendental activities, the appearance and the disappearance of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is to be considered liberated
- As for purification, no one can be more pure than devotees. Anyone who once utters the name of Visnu immediately becomes purified, inside and outside - yah smaret pundarikaksam
- As stated in the Bhagavad-gita, anyone who reaches the highest planet, the abode of Krsna, or even the Vaikuntha planets, never has to come down again to this miserable material condition of life
- As stated in the Bhagavad-gita, anyone who understands Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, will very easily get salvation, or freedom from the repetition of birth and death, and go back home, back to Godhead
- At any rate, we must understand the transcendental importance of Mathura-Vrndavana and Navadvipa-dhama. Anyone who executes devotional service in these places certainly goes back home, back to Godhead, after giving up his body
- At present, the place known as Vrndavana, in the district of Mathura, continues its position as a transcendental place, and certainly anyone who goes there becomes transcendentally purified. Navadvipa-dhama is also intimately connected with Vrajabhumi
- Atheism means anyone who does not believe in scriptures, standard scriptures. That is called atheism
- Because of the direct instruction of the Lord (Krsna) to Arjuna, anyone who follows in the footsteps of Arjuna is certainly not bewildered. BG 1972 purports
- Bhagavad-bhajana is for him who is absolutely disgusted with this material world. And anyone who has got little interest in material enjoyment, he's not fit for bhagavad-bhajana
- Bhagavad-gita (BG 14.26) also confirms that anyone who engages in unadulterated devotional service to the Lord is at once elevated to the position of pure Brahman
- Bhakti, devotional service, begins when one is actually self-realized. Before that, sa bhaktah prakrtah smrtah (SB 11.2.47). Anyone who has got the identification of this body, he is engaged in Deity worship, but he does not actually realize his self
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura says, kita janma hao yatha tuya dasa. Thus he prays to take birth as an insignificant insect in the association of devotees. Because devotees are engaged in the service of the Lord, anyone who lives with them also lives in Vaikuntha
- Bhattacarya began to explain his realization of bhakti. "Anyone who does not accept the transcendental Personality of Godhead and His transcendental form cannot know the Absolute Truth," he said
- Bhunjate te tv agham papa ye pacanty atma-karanat. Anyone who eats for sense pleasure, or cooks for himself, not offering his food to Krsna, eats only sin. One who eats sin and eats more than is allotted to him cannot execute perfect yoga. BG 1972 pur
- Brahma said, "Anyone who can simply be attached to You by devotional service can know Your actual position, birth, appearance, disappearance and activities"
- Brahma said, "In the Upanisads it is stated that the Supreme Brahman is as effulgent as the sun and is the origin of everything, and that anyone who can understand that original person becomes liberated from material, conditioned life"
- Brahma said, "It is said in the Bhagavad-gita, anyone who can understand a little of the transcendental pastimes, appearance & disappearance of the Lord becomes immediately eligible to enter into the kingdom of God after quitting the material body"
- Brahma tells Narada, "My dear Narada, anyone who puts on his neck the flower garland which was formerly used by Krsna becomes relieved from all disease and reactions to sinful activities, and gradually he gets liberated from the contamination of matter"
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu has declared, Anyone who hears commentary on the Vedanta-sutra from the Mayavada school is completely doomed
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu has said, "Any rascal" - of course, "rascal" he did not say; I say - that. "Anyone who considers the body of Krsna is prakrta" - prakrta means material - that is the greatest offense
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu has strictly forbidden to associate with Mayavadi. Mayavadi bhasya sunile haya sarva-nasa (CC Madhya 6.169): "Anyone who has associated with the Mayavadi, his spiritual life is finished." Sarva-nasa
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, yei krsna-tattva-vetta, sei 'guru' haya (CC Madhya 8.128): "Anyone who knows the science of Krsna, he can become guru." That is our mission. That is not my mission; that is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu says that who is guru. Guru means yei krsna-tattva-vetta sei guru haya: "Anyone who knows Krsna, he is guru." Guru cannot be manufactured. Anyone who knows about Krsna as far as possible
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu says, "Anyone who has taken birth in Bharata-varsa, India, as human being, not cats and dogs," janma sarthaka kari, "first of all make your life successful," then paropakara, "then distribute the knowledge"
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu stressed, ye krsna-tattva-vetta, sei 'guru' haya. He never said that the sannyasis should be guru and not the grhasthas. He says, ye krsna-tattva-vetta, sei 'guru' haya. Anyone who knows the science of Krsna, he can become guru
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Krsna, He says, yei krsna tattva vetta, sei guru haya: "Anyone who knows the science of Krsna, he's guru." And what is the guru's business? Whomever you meet, you just try to impress upon him about the instruction of Krsna
- Caitanya said that direct commentaries on the Upanisads and Vedanta-sutra are glorious, but that anyone who follows the indirect path of Sankaracarya's Sariraka-bhasya is certainly doomed
- Caitanya told Prakasananda Sarasvati that the holy name of Krsna, called the maha-mantra (great chanting), enables anyone who chants it to attain the stage of love of Godhead, or intensified bhava. Such love of Godhead is the ultimate human necessity
- Christianism is Vaisnavism. Anyone who accepts the supremacy of God, he's a Vaisnava. So Christian, Christianity, "God is great," they say. So that is Vaisnavism - God is great
- Commenting on the word parama-vaisnava (in CC Antya 13.92), Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura says that anyone who desires to merge into the existence of the Lord cannot be a pure Vaisnava
- Customarily, anyone who composed a song, verse, literary composition or poem about Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu first had to bring it to Svarupa Damodara Gosvami to be heard
- Dear Vidura, the material elements of her body have melted into water & are now a flowing river, which is the most sacred of all rivers. Anyone who bathes in that river also attains perfection, & therefore all persons who desire perfection go bathe there
- Devahuti said to Kapiladeva. Anyone who hears about Your pastimes, who chants about Your glories, who offers You obeisances, who thinks of You and, in this way, executes any of the nine kinds of devotional service
- Directly or indirectly anyone who thinks of Krsna, talks of Krsna or worships Krsna becomes attached to Him
- Especially when Krsna appears as an avatara, anyone who thinks of Krsna in His different incarnations, and especially in His original form as Krsna, attains salvation. There are many instances of this, & among them is Aghasura, who attained sarupya-mukti
- Even he is so-called educated, he's not educated. Anyone who does not know about God, he's not educated, he's a rascal. This is our conclusion. Not our conclusion, this is sastra's conclusion
- Even if he chants the Lord's name jokingly or by chance, he and anyone who hears him are freed from all sins. Therefore how can anyone seeking disentanglement from the material clutches avoid chanting the name of Lord Sesa?
- Even though the worshiper of impersonal Brahman can be highly advanced, he cannot attain liberation without discharging devotional service. Anyone who has realized himself as spirit soul can engage in devotional service
- Everyone is bad man. Here there is no good man. Do you think in the prison house any good men go there? All criminals. So anyone who has come in this material world, he is a criminal. Therefore he is punished by this material body, simply suffering
- For anyone who persistently engages in hearing the topics of the Lord from Srimad Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam and Caitanya-caritamrta and who is actually addicted to this process, it is very easy to cross the nescience of material existence
- For the Supreme Personality of Godhead there is no distinction between the body & the soul. Bhagavad-gita, therefore, certifies that anyone who thinks of Krsna as an ordinary human being is without knowledge of His transcendental nature & is a great fool
- From ordinary moral point of view, it is said by Canakya, atmavat sarva-bhutesu sa panditah. Anyone who can see in others, feeling like himself . . . If I cut your throat, you'll feel pain. How I know it? Now, because if you cut my throat I'll feel pain
- From the very moment of His appearance to the moment of His disappearance, every one of His activities is unparalleled in the history of the world, and therefore anyone who knows what we mean by Godhead will accept Krsna as the SP of Godhead
- Gandhari was great chaste woman. Because her husband was blind, she used to remain as blind woman, covering the eyes. But she had some power. Chaste woman, anyone who sticks to the regulative principles, (s)he gets a power, spiritual or material
- Garga Muni said, "Your child is so powerful that anyone who will become a devotee of your boy (Krsna) will never be troubled by enemies. Just as demigods are always protected by Lord Visnu, the devotees of your child will always be protected by Narayana"
- God is pure, and His kingdom is also pure, and anyone who wants to enter there, he must be pure also
- Hare Krsna is neither Western or Eastern. It is meant for human being. You see? This "Western," "Eastern," they are our own creation. God is neither Western or Eastern. God is God. So anyone who will chant God's name will benefit. That's all
- He (Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu) strictly warned, mayavadi-bhasya sunile haya sarva-nasa: (CC Madhya 6.169) “Anyone who follows the principles of Mayavada philosophy is certainly doomed.” Such a fool needs to be reformed by punishment
- He (Lord Caitanya) has said that anyone who accepts the transcendental body of the Personality of Godhead to be made of material nature commits the greatest offense at the lotus feet of Visnu
- He (Lord Caitanya) strictly warned, mayavadi-bhasya sunile haya sarva-nasa: "Anyone who follows the principles of Mayavada philosophy is certainly doomed." Such a fool needs to be reformed by punishment
- He assures everyone that any person who does so (worship Gaura Nitai & Pancha Tattva) will be successful in Krsna consciousness
- He is my spiritual son and I shall never allow him to fall down. When I return I shall drag him forcibly and make all right again. Anyone who has once come to me has become my beloved son
- He may take this dress or not, that doesn't matter. Anyone who has sacrificed his life for service of the Supreme Lord, he's a sannyasi
- He says especially to people born in India (CC Adi 9.41) - Anyone who has taken his birth as a human being in India, Bharatavarsa, should make his life successful and work for the upliftment of the whole world
- Hearing and chanting about a Vaisnava is as good as hearing and chanting about Visnu, for Maitreya has explained that anyone who hears about Prthu Maharaja with attention also attains the planet which Maharaja Prthu attained
- Here (in SB 7.10.14) it is stated that anyone who chants and hears about the activities of Prahlada Maharaja &, in relationship with Prahlada's activities, the activities of Nrsimhadeva, gradually becomes free from all the bondage of fruitive activities
- Herein (SB 2.2.6) it is suggested that anyone who wants to make an end to these miseries of life, namely repetition of birth, death, disease, and old age, must take to this process of worshiping the Supreme Lord and not others
- His (Caitanya Mahaprabhu's) mission is that anyone who has taken birth in India, he first of all make his life successful and spread this knowledge for welfare activities of the whole human society. This is required
- I (Krsna) am anxious not only for the gopis but for anyone who sacrifices society, friendship, love and personal comforts for Me. It is My duty to protect such exalted devotees
- I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) have incidentally described the passing away of Madhavendra Puri. Anyone who hears this must be considered very fortunate
- I have briefly described them just to give an indication of His transcendental pastimes. Nevertheless, anyone who hears this will certainly attain the shelter of Lord Krsna's lotus feet
- I want at least 25 devotees to stay there regularly for taking prasadam, occasionally holding festivals also for distributing prasadam to anyone who visits the temple. I am hoping that you can give me your considerate opinion as to how it can be done
- If a mantra has so power, why it should be secret? It should be distributed. People are suffering. So Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "Chant this Hare Krsna mantra. Anyone who will hear... Even the birds and beasts will hear and they will be liberated"
- If anyone who has got implicit faith in the spiritual master and also in God, to him all the imports of Vedic literature becomes revealed, becomes revealed. That is spiritual way of understanding
- If I see one woman for enjoyment, so I am man. And if woman also sees another man for enjoyment, she is also man. Woman means enjoyed and man means enjoyer. Anyone who has got feeling of enjoyment, he is considered to be man
- If people are trained to become Krsna conscious, then automatically everyone will be happy. Any one who will join, one, anyone who will hear, anyone who will cooperate - everyone will be happy
- If somebody, out of sympathy, gives us something, we don't refuse. But we have no cost. We are working ourself as far as possible and maintaining ourself, but anyone who comes, we don't charge anything
- Immediately come to Krsna. Of course, it does not mean that anyone who comes to Krsna or Krsna's representative, he has finished all the reaction of his past sinful activities. That is not possible. Everyone is full with the result of his past sins
- In a spiritual relationship, sense gratification is most insignificant. Anyone who desires a relationship of perverted sense gratification with Krsna must be considered less intelligent. His mentality requires to be reformed
- In Bhagavad-gita it is stated that anyone who lives on concocted ideas, without reference to the sastras, never becomes successful and does not attain happiness or liberation after death
- In Bhagavad-gita the Lord affirms, ye yatha mam prapadyante: (BG 4.11) anyone who desires to be a successful enjoyer in this material world is awarded that benediction by the Lord
- In Bhagavad-gita the Lord affirms: anyone who desires to constantly engage in His service in full Krsna consciousness is awarded that benediction by the Lord
- In Bhagavad-gita the Lord affirms: anyone who wants to be liberated from the entanglement of this material world is given liberation by the Lord
- In Bhagavad-gita the Lord says that simply by knowing His transcendental pastimes anyone who understands factually who He is, how He appears and how He acts can be immediately fit for transfer to the spiritual world
- In Caitanya-caritamrta, Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami says that since Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the inaugurator of the sankirtana movement, anyone who performs sankirtana to please the Lord is very, very glorious
- In the Bhagavad-gita it is said that anyone who becomes a devotee of the Lord is never vanquished
- In the Bhagavad-gita it is stated that anyone who factually understands the transcendental appearance and disappearance of the Lord by His inconceivable energy becomes liberated from the laws of birth and death
- In the Bhagavad-gita the Personality of Godhead has declared that anyone who knows the principles of the transcendental birth and activities of the Lord will go back to Godhead after being relieved from this material tabernacle
- In the Brhad-vaisnava Tantra it is clearly mentioned that anyone who considers the form of Lord Krsna to be made of material energy must be ostracized by all means
- In the Hari-bhakti-vilasa, by Sanatana Gosvami, it is said that anyone who puts the Supreme Lord and the demigods, including Lord Siva and Lord Brahma, on the same level, at once becomes a pasandi, or atheist
- In the Nrsimha Purana, Lord Nrsimhadeva says, "Anyone who prays unto Me and takes shelter from Me becomes My ward, and I protect him always from all sorts of calamities"
- In the tantras it is said: Anyone who offers respects and obeisances to the Deity while wearing garments on the upper portion of his body is condemned to be a leper for seven births
- In the Vedic scripture it is said: Anyone who has got unflinching faith in God and His representative, the spiritual master, to him only, the purport of the scriptures become revealed
- In the Western countries practically cent percent population, they are addicted to these sinful activities. So in our Society, anyone who joins, he has to accept these four principles of regulative life
- In this Age of Kali, the holy name of the Lord, the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, is the incarnation of Lord Krsna. Simply by chanting the holy name, one associates with the Lord directly. Anyone who does this is certainly delivered
- In this discourse I have explained the essence of the devotional conclusion. Anyone who hears this develops unalloyed devotional service to the Lord
- In this verse (SB 5.5.1) Lord Rsabhadeva tells His sons about the importance of human life. The word deha-bhak refers to anyone who accepts a material body, but the living entity who is awarded the human form must act differently from animals
- In this way Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, out of His causeless mercy, made His advent in the house of Sacidevi. Lord Caitanya is very merciful to anyone who hears this narration of His birth, and thus such a person attains the lotus feet of the Lord
- In those days, by misusing their brahminical heritage, the brahmanas passed a law to the effect that anyone not born in a brahmana family was to be considered a sudra. Thus even the ksatriyas and vaidyas were also considered sudras
- Indeed, He was so pleased that He said, "Frankly, I will personally take the lotus feet of anyone who can offer Krsna such nice food and place those lotus feet on My head birth after birth"
- Is it not a service to the humanity to give real knowledge? But the service to the body is not neglected. Just like we are giving this knowledge to the world, it does not mean that we are starving, or anyone who comes to us, he will starve
- It does not matter how and where one has taken his birth. Krsna will bestow His benediction upon anyone who takes to Krsna consciousness, without any doubt
- It doesn’t matter whether one is poor or rich, learned or foolish, black or white, old or still a child - anyone who simply hears about the SP of Godhead and takes prasadam is certainly elevated to the transcendental position of devotional service
- It has actually been seen that anyone who regularly worships mother Ganges simply by bathing in her water keeps very good health and gradually becomes a devotee of the Lord. This is the effect of bathing in the water of the Ganges
- It is an open secret, anyone who helps spread Krsna consciousness becomes very dear to Krsna
- It is authoritative statement of Krsna. Na mam duskrtino mudhah. So these classes of men do not surrender to Krsna. So anyone who has not surrendered to Krsna, he comes within these categories. This is a plain description if we believe in BG. All rascals
- It is clearly stated in this verse that anyone who addresses the Lord (Krsna) immediately attracts the attention of the Lord, who always remains obliged to him
- It is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita that anyone who is always absorbed in the thought of Krsna is the topmost of all yogis
- It is dangerous civilization. Dangerous. And anyone who will come and say: "Yes, you enjoy your senses and simply sit down for fifteen minutes, and you chant this one alphabet - bas. You finish your business." This is going on
- It is extremely difficult to convert a mleccha, or meat-eater, into a devotee of Lord Krsna. Therefore anyone who can do so is situated on the highest level of Vaisnavism
- It is not that anyone and everyone can make his own foolish commentaries on Vedanta-sutra and mislead readers. Anyone who wants to understand Vedanta-sutra must read Srimad-Bhagavatam carefully
- It is not that the brahmanas are to be found in India only. Any intelligent class of men, anyone who takes to Krsna consciousness, he is brahmin
- It is said by Lord Ramacandra, "I always give confidence and security to anyone who surrenders unto Me and decides definitely that He is My eternal servant, for that is My natural inclination"
- It is said that anyone who has implicit faith in the service of the Lord, or who actually engages in transcendental loving service, has all the good qualities of the demigods. Therefore, a devotee cannot be at fault
- It is said that the moon does not withhold its shining from the courtyard of a crooked person. Similarly, Krsna's transcendental mercy is never denied to anyone who has rendered service unto Him, whether through lust, anger, fear or pure love
- It is sometimes found that even demoniac persons who are envious of Krsna take to the profession of explaining BG in a different way to make business, but anyone who desires actually to understand Krsna must avoid such commentaries on BG. BG 1972 pur
- It is sometimes found that persons who are worshiping Krsna in a different way, take to the profession of explaining BG in a different way to make business, but anyone who desires actually to understand Krsna must avoid such commentaries on BG. BG 1972 p
- It is stated in Bhagavad-gita that no one is the enjoyer but the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This material energy is created, therefore, for anyone who pretends to enjoy
- It is stated in the Bhagavad-gita that anyone who accepts Lord Visnu or Krsna as the supreme friend attains the highest perfection of peaceful life
- It is sure and certain that anyone who always hears the glories of the Lord and thinks of His lotus feet will reach that supreme destination
- It is the duty of the father to get his daughter married before she attains puberty. Otherwise she will be very much mortified by not having a husband. Anyone who satisfies her desire for sex at that age becomes a great object of satisfaction
- It is the nature of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra that anyone who chants it immediately develops his loving ecstasy for Krsna
- It was my intention in presenting the books that anyone who would read, they would learn Sanskrit. For example almost all of my disciples are pronouncing Sanskrit very nicely just by reading my books
- It was the Lord who instructed Brahma in Vedic knowledge. That Personality of Godhead has to be obeyed in all respects. Anyone who wants to become freed from material entanglement must surrender unto Him, and this is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita
- Janmana jayate sudrah. Everyone is born a sudra, a foolish. Sudra means a foolish man who simply laments. That is the real meaning of sudra. Anyone who has no intelligence, he is sudra
- Just like 2 plus 2 equals four is mathematical truth. Anyone who accepts this axiomatic truth and works on this principle is also authority. To become authority is simply to follow the authority
- Just like a desire tree, a Vaisnava can fulfill all the desires of anyone who takes shelter of his lotus feet
- Just see how these trees are maintaining every living entity! Their birth is successful. Their behavior is just like that of great personalities, for anyone who asks anything from a tree never goes away disappointed
- King Nagnajit continued, "Until now they (seven bulls) have never been subdued by any prince; anyone who has attempted to bring them under control has simply had his limbs broken"
- Knowledge means ultimately he must know what is God. That is knowledge. Ye krsna tattva vetta sei guru haya. Anyone who knows Krsna, he becomes guru. Otherwise not
- Krsna consciousness is so sublime that anyone who takes to this process is elevated to the highest perfection of life - far, far beyond the concept of liberation
- Krsna continued, "Anyone who desires good fortune must offer his respectful obeisances unto personalities like you (Akrura), who are greater than the demigods"
- Krsna gives him assurance that one who understands the philosophy of Krsna . . . janma karma me divyam yo janati tattvatah: anyone who simply understands what is Krsna, then his privilege is tyaktva deham punar janma naiti - BG 4.9
- Krsna hints of this (material world is darkness, but the spiritual world is light) in the Fifteenth Chapter of BG: That abode of Mine is not illumined by the sun or moon, nor by electricity. One who reaches it never returns to this material world - 15.6
- Krsna is always situated in His original position as sac-cid-ananda-vigraha (BS 5.1), and anyone who renders service to Him is also situated in his original, spiritual identity. This is the highest perfection of human life
- Krsna is always situated in His original position as sac-cid-ananda-vigraha, and anyone who renders service to Him is also situated in his original, spiritual identity
- Krsna is different from everything that is created, and anyone who knows Him as such immediately becomes liberated from all sinful reaction. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna is known as Hari. Hari means "he who takes away." Krsna immediately takes away all unclean habits from anyone who takes to Krsna consciousness
- Krsna is not for the Indians or for the Americans. He's for everyone. Anyone who desires to serve Him, He'll give him intelligence
- Krsna is so attractive that anyone who can remember Him in some way or another becomes freed from the four kinds of material miseries
- Krsna personally gives instructions in Bhagavad-gita, and anyone who follows these instructions is liberated
- Krsna said, "Transcendental love for Me does not depend upon bodily connection, but anyone whose mind is always absorbed in Me will surely, very soon, come to Me for My eternal association"
- Krsna says that "Anyone who offers Me a little fruit, a little water, and little leaf with devotion and love, I accept it." Krsna is not hungry that He is begging some food from us. No. He is trying to create loving transaction
- Krsna says, "Anyone who takes shelter of Me - whether a woman, sudra, vaisya or anyone else of low birth - is sure to achieve My association." This is Krsna's guarantee - CC Intro
- Krsna says, "Anyone who takes shelter of Me, never mind what he is. He may be lowborn, he may be a sudra, he may be woman, he may be whatever he may be." - He can also go to My kingdom
- Krsna says, "Anyone who tries to preach this Bhagavad-gita philosophy, nobody's dearer than him to Me." So we, our business is to become a little recognized by Krsna. So we shall go on preaching like this at all risk
- Krsna says, patram puspam phalam toyam yo me bhaktya prayacchati: "Anyone who offers Me with love and affection vegetables, grains, milk, I eat." So if there is any sin for eating vegetables, that is Krsna's sin, not our sin. We take the prasadam
- Krsna says: "Anyone who comes under My shelter, never mind he is the lowest of the lowest, lowborn . . ." The striyo vaisyah . . . formerly, even the woman and the mercantile community and sudras, they were also considered as papa-yoni
- Krsna says; not that we have concocted this idea. Krsna says that - Anyone who's engaged in My devotional service without any hypocrisy, avyabhicarena, then immediately he's freed. Immediately
- Krsna takes charge of anyone who surrenders to Him in helplessness, and thus the influence of maya, or conditional life, is removed
- Krsna yei bhaje sei bada catura: "Anyone who takes to Krsna consciousness, he's first-class intelligent person." All other: fools, rascals. You can call them. There is no harm
- Krsna, out of His causeless mercy, He comes. At a certain interval during one day of Brahma, He comes. He exhibits His lila, that "Anyone who desires to go back to home, back to Godhead, they can enjoy with Me like this"
- Lord Caitanya made no distinctions between brahmanas and sudras; He accepted anyone who was devoted
- Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu says: "Anyone who knows this science (Krsna Consciousness), he becomes spiritual master. It doesn't matter what he is." He has actually said: kiba sudra kiba vipra nyasi kene naya yei krsna-tattva-vetta, sei 'guru' haya
- Lord Caitanya's principle is universal. Anyone who knows the science of Krsna and is engaged in the service of the Lord is accepted as being in a higher position than a person born in the family of a brahmana
- Lord Jagannatha and Lord Balarama sometimes stopped the car and happily observed Lord Caitanya's dancing. Anyone who was able to see Them stop and watch the dancing bore witness to Their pastimes
- Lord Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita, "The influence of the material nature is insurmountable, but anyone who surrenders unto Me can verily overcome the influence of material nature"
- Maharaja Pariksit said, "My dear lord, the SP of Godhead, Krsna, is the bestower of both liberation and love of God simultaneously. Anyone who becomes a devotee of the Lord automatically attains liberation without having to make a separate attempt"
- Maharaja Rantideva's words were like amrta, or nectar, and therefore, aside from rendering bodily service to an aggrieved person, by his words alone the King could save the life of anyone who might hear him
- Mucukunda replied as follows, "Grant me the power to burn to ashes, by my mere glance, anyone who disturbs my sleeping and awakens me untimely. Please give me this benediction"
- My dear Dhruva, as far as I (Suniti) am concerned, I do not find anyone who can mitigate your distress but the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose eyes are like lotus petals
- My dear King, O protector of the citizens, henceforward be very careful to execute My orders and not be misled by anything. Anyone who lives in that way, simply carrying out My orders faithfully, will always find good fortune all over the world
- My dear King, this word 'Krsna' is so auspicious that anyone who chants this holy name immediately gets rid of the resultant actions of sinful activities from many, many births
- My dear Lord, anyone who always keeps Your holy name on his tongue is greater than an initiated brahmana. Although he may be born in a family of dog-eaters and therefore, by material calculations, be the lowest of men, he is glorious nevertheless
- My dear Vidura, the population of the universe was thus increased by the descendants of these sages and the daughters of Kardama. Anyone who hears the descriptions of this dynasty with faith will be relieved from all sinful reactions
- Nandisvara's curse was that anyone who supported Daksa would be bereft of transcendental knowledge of the soul and thus also be deprived of knowledge of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Narada said, "Anyone who becomes attached to Your (Krsna's) lotus feet is elevated to the supreme position of neutrality and is uncontaminated by the material modes of nature"
- Nobody can trace out the history when we, the conditioned soul, accepted this material body. And deha-bhajam means that anyone who has accepted this material body. Not only we . . . there are 8,400,000 different forms of living entities
- Not finding any remedy, she said to her son: My dear son, don't wish for anything inauspicious for others. Anyone who inflicts pains upon others suffers himself from that pain
- Not only Brahma but anyone who may be graced by the Lord to see such merciful direct internal energy can also realize the Personality of Godhead without any mental speculation
- Not only is the chanter of the maha-mantra purified, but the heart of anyone who happens to hear the transcendental vibration of Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare is also cleansed
- Not only Krsna's body, anyone who lives in the spiritual world, his body is spiritual body, and spiritual body means sac, cit, ananda. Sat means eternal. Spiritual body never annihilates. The material body annihilates
- Not only the misguided descendants of Advaita Acarya but anyone who has no connection with Caitanya Mahaprabhu - even if he is independently a great sannyasi, learned scholar or ascetic - is like a dead branch of a tree
- O King Pariksit, anyone who aurally receives the narrations concerning the characteristics of Lord Ramacandra's pastimes will ultimately be freed from the disease of envy and thus be liberated from the bondage of fruitive activities
- O lord, all these planets exist within your self, and all the living entities are generated from you. Therefore you are the cause of this universe, and anyone who meditates upon you without deviation attains devotional service
- O Lord, there is no limit to Your wonderful activities. Anyone who desires to know the limit of Your activities is certainly nonsensical. Everyone in this world is conditioned by the powerful mystic potencies
- Of course, anyone who knows Lord Nityananda knows Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu also, but there are some misguided devotees who stress the importance of Lord Nityananda more than that of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. This is not good
- Of course, it will not be very palatable to hear, but actually we are all thieves. We have stolen God's property. That is material life. Anyone who has got anything without sense of God, it is to be understood that he has stolen the property
- Offering his respectful obeisances, Banasura said, "My dear lord (Siva), anyone who has not fulfilled his ambition will be able to do so by taking shelter of your lotus feet, which are just like a desire tree from which one can take anything he desires"
- On the other hand, anyone who takes to the process of devotional service and has faith that the lotus feet of the Lord are safe boats to cross that ocean is certain to cross very easily and comfortably
- One can attain the perfect stage of liberation from birth and death simply by knowing the Lord, the SPG. There is no alternative because anyone who does not understand Lord Krsna as the SPG is surely in the mode of ignorance. BG 1972 purports
- One can become brahmana. If he gets association of a brahmana, if he agrees to be trained up by a brahmana, he can become brahmana. And brahmana means brahma janati iti brahmana, not by birth. Anyone who has full knowledge of the Supreme, he is brahmana
- One can cultivate a garden. Anyone who has land-in India, at least, any poor man has a certain amount of land-can utilize that for Krsna by growing flowers to offer Him. He can sow tulasi plants. BG 1972 purports
- One cannot foolishly manufacture an interpretation of Bhagavad-gita and still bring about transcendental benefit. Anyone who tries to squeeze some artificial meaning for an ulterior motive is not one engaged anxiously in bona fide hearing of krsna-katha
- One side the picture and the other side the Society's name and the word MEMBER The idea is anyone who will become a member will have this aluminium nice medal glittering like Silver
- One who does not accept Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead is certainly a demon. Similarly, anyone who does not accept Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu as Krsna, the same Supreme Lord, is also to be considered a demon
- One who does not follow Christian religion, they are called heathens. Is it not? Similarly, anyone who does not follow Vedic principle, he's called mleccha
- Only qualification of the spiritual master, as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu says, kiba sudra, kiba vipra, nyasi kene naya, yei krsna-tattva-vetta - Anyone who knows the science of Krsna
- Ordinary household affairs become miserable for him (anyone who drinks a small drop of krsna-katha), and without attachment he suddenly gives up everything. Although such renunciation is quite suitable, because I am a woman I am unable to adopt it
- Our only request is that anyone who has got little taste for spiritual life, you chant this maha-mantra, Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
- Our opening of different center means we are giving chance. So those who are inmates of the temple, they should be also such nice devotees that anyone who will come in the association of devotees, he will immediately develop a sense of devotion
- Pancaratrika-vidhi is especially meant for this age, that anyone who has little, a slight tendency to become a devotee, he should be given all chance
- Param brahma, the Supreme Lord, and param dhama, the supreme repose, is Krsna. Therefore anyone who desires anything - whether he be a karmi, a jnani or a yogi - should try to perceive the SPG very seriously, and all of his desires will be fulfilled
- Paramesvara dasa, said to be the fifth gopala of Krsna-lila, completely surrendered to the lotus feet of Nityananda. Anyone who remembers his name, Paramesvara dasa, will get love of Krsna very easily
- People from the three worlds used to come visit Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Anyone who saw Him received the transcendental treasure of love for Krsna
- Pravrtti means here in this material world, anyone who has come, beginning from Lord Brahma down to the small ant, they have come on account of pravrtti, means for enjoying sense
- Pure or impure, there are two conditions. Someone is impure, someone is pure. So either way, in any condition, yah smaret pundarikaksam: anyone who remembers Visnu or Krsna, he immediately becomes cleansed inside and outside
- Purukutsa received the benediction from the serpents that anyone who remembers this history of his being brought by Narmada to the lower region of the universe will be assured of safety from the attack of snakes
- Ramananda Raya, he was very learned, although he was not born in a brahmana family. So Caitanya Mahaprabhu was taking lessons from him. So Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, - Anyone who knows the science of Krsna, he becomes a guru
- Rasa means pleasure, taste, pleasing taste, rasa, or humor. Everyone has got different taste. So all the taste are there in Krsna. Raso vai sah, labdhvanandi. Anyone who has tasted Krsna he gets real taste of pleasure, either in this rasa or that rasa
- Real knowledge is expounded in Bhagavad-gita: "Just become Krsna conscious. Just worship Krsna and become a devotee of Krsna." That is real knowledge, and anyone who follows that system becomes perfect without a doubt
- Real pleasure is nityananda, eternal pleasure. So anyone who has no contact with Nityananda, it is to be understood that his life is spoiled
- Remnants left by Krsna are called phela. Anyone who obtains even a small portion must be considered very fortunate
- Sankhya philosophy, as is well known, deals with prakrti and purusa. Purusa is the Supreme Personality of Godhead or anyone who imitates the Supreme Personality of Godhead as an enjoyer, and prakrti means "nature"
- Since the KC movement going on at the present moment is genuine, perfect, authorized & follows in the footsteps of Prthu, anyone who cooperates with this movement or accepts its principles will get the same result as those who are actively propagating KC
- Since the KCM going on at the present moment is genuine, perfect & authorized & is following in the footsteps of Prthu, anyone who cooperates with it or accepts its principles will get the same result as the workers who are actively propagating KC
- Since the Krsna consciousness movement is full of vasudeva-katha, anyone who hears, anyone who joins the movement and anyone who preaches will be purified
- Skanda Purana said, "Anyone who comes in touch with the tulasi tree in the above-mentioned ways lives eternally in the Vaikuntha world"
- So according to our Vedic line of thought, anyone who does not accept the Vedic way of life, he is called atheist. Therefore Buddhist, according to Vedantist, Buddhist are called atheist
- So anyone who cannot understand the simple truth of the transmigration of the soul, he is no better than this cat and dog
- So anyone who does not take the result of his karma, then he is sannyasi. Suppose you earn... You are a businessman. You have earned two lakhs of rupees, but give it to Krsna
- So that requires little intelligence, that anyone who is preaching the holy name of God, he is also God. Anyone who preaches the glories of God, he is also God
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu (Gaurahari) bestows ecstatic love for Krsna upon anyone who hears all these topics with faith and love
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu also declared that to propagate the bhakti cult of devotional service in human society, one does not need to be very rich. Anyone who knows the art can do it and thus render the highest benefit to humanity
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is to be considered the most munificent personality, for He distributes the real essence of the Vedic sastras to anyone who becomes qualified by becoming His sincere servant
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission is to kill the demon - not by life but by their heinous activities. Anyone who comes to be killed by Caitanya Mahaprabhu, his heinous, nefarious activities becomes killed and he becomes a Vaisnava, just like Jagai-Madhai
- Sri Sanatana Gosvami, the teacher of the science of devotional service, wrote several books, of which the Brhad-bhagavatamrta is very famous; anyone who wants to know about the subject matter of devotees, devotional service and Krsna must read this book
- Srila Jiva Gosvami cites this verse (SB 11.14.21) in logically supporting that anyone who chants about the pure life and activities of Prahlada Maharaja is freed from the reactions of material activities
- Srila Narottama dasa Thakura said, ei chaya gosani yara, mui tara dasa. He is prepared to become the disciple of anyone who follows in the footsteps of the six Gosvamis
- Srila Rupa Gosvami has said that anyone who has dedicated his life to the service of the Lord by his activities, his mind and his words may stay in any condition of life and yet is no longer actually conditioned but is liberated - jivan-muktah sa ucyate
- Srivasa Thakura replied, "Anyone who takes Your holy name vanquishes ten million of his offenses immediately
- Such a person (anyone who tries to interpret Bhagavad-Gita) cannot derive any benefit from reading Bhagavad-gita, however great a scholar he may be in the estimation of a layman
- Such activities (to induce the conditioned souls to become Krsna conscious) constitute real welfare work. By such activities, a preacher or anyone who endeavors to spread Krsna consciousness is recognized by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Such feelings expressed by the damsels of Vraja constitute the highest Krsna conscious emotions. Anyone who actually becomes captivated by Krsna consciousness approaches this level of the gopis
- That abode of Mine (Krsna's) is not illumined by the sun or moon, nor by electricity. And anyone who reaches it never comes back to this material world. (BG. 15.6) This verse gives a description of that eternal sky. BG 1972 Introduction
- That Personality of Godhead has to be obeyed in all respects. Anyone who wants to become freed from material entanglement must surrender unto Him, and this is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita
- The animal does not know what he is. He thinks that he is the body. Similarly, anyone who does not know what he is, he is not intelligent
- The animals are with four legs, and that animal is with two legs. And Darwin's theory is they are monkeys. So anyone who does not know God, or does not try to understand God, is nothing but an animal
- The asat stands on a platform which will not exist, but anyone who stands on the spiritual platform will exist eternally
- The associates of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu were unlimited during the Lord’s presence on this planet, but anyone who is pure in life and devoted to the mission of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is to be understood as a nitya-siddha associate of the Lord
- The Bhagavad-gita confirms that anyone who understands the transcendental nature of the Lord's appearance, activities and disappearance becomes eligible for freedom from material bondage upon quitting the present material tabernacle
- The Bhagavatam confirms as follows: Anyone who does not render service and neglects his duty unto the Primeval Lord, who is the source of all living entities, will certainly fall down from his constitutional position. BG 1972 purports
- The body means suffering, material body. Anyone who has got this material body, he is suffering. Nobody is enjoying
- The conclusion is that one should worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead for any benediction. The word kama-varsam is very significant, for it indicates that He satisfies the desires of anyone who approaches Him
- The description of the dealings of Kapiladeva and His mother is very confidential, and anyone who hears or reads this narration becomes a devotee of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is carried by Garuda
- The fact is that anyone who associates with a pure devotee and follows his instructions becomes fixed in Krsna consciousness and is not disturbed by materialistic consciousness. The teachers (of Prahlada) particularly observed this in their students
- The fruit of love of Godhead distributed by Caitanya Mahaprabhu is such a great intoxicant that anyone who eats it, filling his belly, immediately becomes maddened by it, and automatically he chants, dances, laughs and enjoys
- The great saint Ambarisa Maharaj, although a responsible king, fixed his mind on Krsna, and similarly anyone who tries to fix his mind in this way will very rapidly make progress in successfully reviving his original Krsna consciousness
- The idea is that anyone, after studying the books, who wants to gain the title of Bhakti-sastri, can take the exam. This is academic. Just like a brahmana with sastric knowledge and a brahmana without. It is optional - one who wants may take
- The impersonalist argues on the strength of the Vedic version given in the Svetasvatara Upanisad: Anyone who can know Him (Transcendence) also becomes transcendental, but those who do not know Him suffer the miseries of the material world. BG 1972 pur
- The instructions of Lord Kapila to His mother Devahuti are fully described in the Third Canto (Chapters 25-32) of the Srimad-Bhagavatam, and anyone who follows the instructions can achieve the same liberation obtained by Devahuti
- The land of Vrndavana, the Lord's (Krsna's) childhood playground, still remains today, and anyone who visits these places enjoys the same transcendental bliss, although the Lord is not physically visible to our imperfect eyes
- The living entity is certainly pure on the spiritual platform, and therefore anyone who attains the spiritual platform by the grace of the spiritual master can also understand this confidential knowledge
- The living entity, as part and parcel of the Lord, is partially independent because he partially possesses all the qualities of the Lord. Anyone who has some independence may sometimes misuse it due to ignorance
- The Lord admits herein that although He certainly has the quality that anyone who receives a slight particle of the dust of His lotus feet becomes at once a great personality, this greatness is due to His affection for His devotee
- The Lord confirms this in the Bhagavad-gita: "Anyone who sincerely and seriously engages in My service immediately becomes situated in the transcendental stage wherein he can enjoy unlimited spiritual bliss"
- The Lord is more anxious to take us back into His kingdom than we can desire. Most of us do not desire at all to go back to Godhead. Only a very few men want to go back to Godhead. But anyone who desires to go back to Godhead, Krsna helps in all respects
- The Lord is the purest, and thus anyone who wants to serve the Supreme Lord must also be pure. Unless a person is pure, he can neither understand what the Personality of Godhead is nor engage in His service in love
- The Lord says that anyone who executes devotional service systematically without deviation can attain the perfection of Brahman by surpassing the contamination of the three modes of material nature
- The Lord says that anyone who worships the demigods is also worshiping Him, but he is worshiping avidhi-purvakam, which means "without following the regulative principles." The regulative principle is to worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The messenger said, "(Anyone who surrenders unto Your lotus feet is immediately immune to the reactions of sinful life) We therefore offer ourselves wholeheartedly unto Your shelter, and we hope that Your Lordship will now give us full protection"
- The messenger said, "It may be that Jarasandha has been deputed to give us such trouble because of our past misdeeds, but we heard from revealed scriptures that anyone who surrenders unto Your lotus feet is immune to the reactions of sinful life"
- The most important science to know is the science of getting out of the clutches of material existence. Anyone who knows this science must be considered the greatest learned person
- The Nagapatnis said, "In other words, anyone who adores the dust of Your lotus feet does not care a fig for all other perfectional stages"
- The next incarnation is Lord Buddha. Lord Buddha, he decried the Vedic principles. Therefore he is calculated as atheist. Anyone who does not agree with the Vedic principle, he is considered as atheist
- The order of the spiritual master is the active principle in spiritual life. Anyone who disobeys the order of the spiritual master immediately becomes useless
- The Padma Purana specifically mentions that anyone who thinks the form of the Lord in the temple to be made of wood, stone or metal is certainly in a hellish condition
- The path of advancement in spiritual life opens for anyone who comes in contact with a holy man, and by following the path of the devotee, one is sure to develop Krsna consciousness in full devotional service
- The personified Vedas continued, "Dear Lord, anyone who by Your grace has understood the glories of Your lotus feet is callous to material happiness and distress"
- The personified Vedas continued, "In this material world, anyone who has developed such Krsna consciousness is no longer interested in the materialistic way of life"
- The places in the eighty-four-square-mile district of Mathura are so beautifully situated on the banks of the River Yamuna that anyone who goes there will never want to return to this material world
- The point is that anyone who accepts the principle of bhakti-yoga and accepts the Supreme Lord as the summum bonum of life, as the highest target, the ultimate goal, can approach the Lord in the spiritual sky. BG 1972 Introduction
- The prince was dressed in yellow cloth, and there were jeweled ornaments decorating his body. Therefore anyone who saw him would remember Lord Krsna
- The real purpose of yogic performances is to control the mind and the senses. Anyone who has such control is to be understood to be an experienced, mature mystic yogi
- The six agents of sense gratification are the tongue, the genitals, the belly, anger, the mind and words. Anyone who has practiced controlling these six is permitted to make disciples all over the world
- The specific significance of the (Sudharma) assembly house was that anyone who entered it would be freed from the six kinds of material pangs, namely hunger, thirst, lamentation, illusion, old age and death
- The spiritual master is the manifested representative of the Lord, and anyone who puts himself under the guidance of a spiritual master and acts accordingly is said to be acting in terms of buddhi-yoga
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead clearly explains that anyone who knows Lord Krsna as the Supreme Person is actually the knower of everything. BG 1972 purports
- The terrible fear of birth and death can never be forsaken by anyone who resorts to any shelter other than Myself, for I am the almighty Lord, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the original source of all creation, and also the Supreme Soul of all souls
- The understanding of Bhagavad-gita is so transcendental that anyone who becomes conversant with the topics of Arjuna and Krsna becomes righteous, and he cannot forget such talks. This is the transcendental position of spiritual life. BG 1972 purports
- The very first step in self-realization is realizing one's identity as separate from the body. "I am not this body but am spirit soul" is an essential realization for anyone who wants to transcend death and enter into the spiritual world beyond
- The washerman continued, "They (government men) will arrest You and punish You (Krsna & Balarama), and You will be in difficulty. I have practical experience of this fact. Anyone who unlawfully wants to use the King's property is very severely punished"
- The water of Bindu-sarovara is described here (in SB 3.21.38-39) as sivamrta jala. Siva means "curing." Anyone who drinks the water of Bindu-sarovara is cured of all material diseases
- The whole system of the material world is arranged with that program and plan (to give conditioned souls a chance to go back to Godhead). Anyone who violates the plan is punished by the law of nature, which is acting by the direction of the Supreme Lord
- The wives of the brahmanas said, "Anyone who comes and surrenders unto You never goes back to the conditioned life of material existence. We expect that You will now fulfill Your promise"
- The word arama means enjoyer; therefore anyone who takes pleasure in the cultivation of the knowledge of these seven items (the Supreme Absolute Truth, the body, the mind, endeavor, conviction, intelligence, and nature) is known as atmarama
- The worshiper of the power, Durga, or the external energy of Krsna, may achieve all kinds of material success very easily, but anyone who wants to be elevated transcendentally must engage in worshiping the Powerful in Krsna consciousness
- Then again in the Eighth Chapter it was said that anyone who thinks of Krsna at the time of quitting his body is at once transferred to the spiritual sky, to the abode of Krsna
- There are different stages of devotional service and God realization. Strictly speaking, anyone who accepts the existence of God is situated in devotional service. To acknowledge that God is great is something, but not much
- There are different stages of devotional service and God realization. Strictly speaking, anyone who accepts the existence of God is situated in devotional service. To acknowledge that God is great is something, but not much - CC Intro
- There are prescribed duties for everyone, such as the brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra, but anyone who deviates from his prescribed duty and declares another's duty to be his own is following a foul and improper duty
- There are words in Vedic language, mleccha, yavana. Yavana means meat-eaters. Yavana. It does not mean only Europeans are yavana, and Americans, not . . . Indians are not yavana. No. Anyone who eats meat, he's a yavana
- There is an immense literature dealing with the transactions between the gopis and Krsna, and anyone who takes shelter of this literature or of the stories about Radha and Krsna can enjoy actual happiness
- There is no botheration for securing a piece of leaf, a piece of flower or a little water or a piece of fruit. Any poor man, any rich man, can secure. And the Lord says "Anyone who offers Me these four things with devotion, with love, I accept them"
- There is no other part. It is direct meaning. If anyone who has not surrendered to Krsna, he is either duskrtinah, mudhah, naradhamah, mayayapahrta-jnana, asurim bhavam
- There is sannyasi also, brahmacari, grhastha. We have no such distinction. Yei krsna bhaje sei guru haya. Anyone who is in Krsna consciousness and full in the understanding of science of Krsna, he can become a spiritual master, a teacher
- There were walls like those in the palace of Maharaja Uttanapada even very recently, during the Mogul period. Anyone who has seen the Red Fort in Delhi must have marked that the walls are made of marble and were once decorated with jewels
- These books are so much potent that anyone who reads them is sure to become Krishna Conscious. They are so nice. So we want to make propaganda in that way. And if you are enthusiastic and sincere in your efforts, then Krishna will give you all facility
- These books are so potent that anyone who reads them is sure to become Krishna Conscious. So it is a very valuable service to distribute our books
- These rascals who do not believe in God, they're simply rascals. Mudha, naradhama, that is described in the Bhagavad-gita. Anyone who has no understanding of God, he's lowest of the mankind and rascal number one
- They (anyone who does not know what is God) are not innocent; they are stupid. They are not innocent. They will never agree
- They (devotees) are not under the control of maya. They are controlled directly of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore they have no fear. The Krsna says, - Anyone who surrenders unto Me, I take charge of him
- They (the demigods) cannot be equal to the Supreme God-Narayana, Visnu, or Krsna. Anyone who thinks that God and the demigods are on the same level is called an atheist, or pasandi. BG 1972 purports
- They are forgetting religion. They take religion as a kind of faith. Faith may be blind faith. Faith is not the real description of religion. Religion means the laws which is given by God, and anyone who follows the laws, he is religious
- They questioned, "What is your opinion of Lord Jesus Christ?" and I said: "He preached God consciousness. He's our guru. Anyone who preaches the message of God, he is guru." So they very much appreciated
- This chanting process, Hare Krsna, will actually deliver all these fallen souls without any failure. It is not bogus propaganda. Anyone who will take to this chanting process, whatever, you don't consider about his past life. He will become saintly
- This description, however, will satisfy the mind and ears of anyone who hears it, and he will be able to understand these uncommon activities of deep ecstatic love for Krsna
- This is the incident concerning the Kazi and the Lord's mercy upon him. Anyone who hears this is also freed from all offenses
- This Krsna's qualification, that He's not affected by the material happiness and distress, can be attained by anyone who always keeps his association with Krsna
- This movement is very scientific movement, authorized. Anyone who will take to it seriously surely will be cured of this material disease and be happy
- This narration of the devastation of Varanasi by Krsna's disc weapon, is transcendental & auspicious. Anyone who narrates or hears this story with faith & attention will be released from all sinful reactions. This is the assurance of Sukadeva Gosvami
- This pamphlet will help us in our propaganda to convince people that we have not manufactured something new in the name of Krishna Consciousness. Anyone who will read this exchange of correspondences will be convinced that we hold authority
- This specific pastime of the Lord (the rasa-lila) has a special significance because anyone who properly learns about this particular pastime of the Lord will certainly 1) be dissuaded from mundane sex desire
- This story concerning the great King Satyavrata and the fish incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu, is a great transcendental narration. Anyone who hears it is delivered from the reactions of sinful life
- This verse (bharata-bhumite haila) means that anyone who has taken birth as a human being in the land of Bharat Varsa must make his life a success by preaching this cult for the welfare activities of the human society
- This verse clearly states that anyone who accepts any other path cannot be delivered. This is the reason for the triple repetition 'nothing else, nothing else, nothing else,' which emphasizes the real process of self-realization
- Thus I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) have described the incident of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's falling into the ocean. Anyone who listens to this pastime will certainly attain shelter at the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Thus I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) have described the meeting of Raghunatha dasa with Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Anyone who hears about this incident attains the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Thus I have described the appearance of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Anyone who hears about these incidents can understand the transcendental opulence of the Lord
- Thus I have spoken about the victorious passing away of Haridasa Thakura. Anyone who hears this narration will certainly fix his mind firmly in devotional service to Krsna
- Tridanda-sannyasa means one who has devoted his life, means his activities, his body and his speeches. That is tridanda-sannyasa. Anyone who has devoted his mind, his body and his speeches for the service of the Lord, he is sannyasi
- Uddhava said, "If there is anyone who can conquer this king (Jarasandha), he is none other than Bhimasena because he also possesses the strength of ten thousand elephants"
- Ultimate Absolute Truth is Krsna. That is the verdict of all Vedic literature, Vedanta, and Krsna says that vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyah (BG 15.15). Anyone who has not understood Krsna, he has not studied the Vedic literature very perfectly
- We are under the control of maya, and we can get out of it also, as it is said in the Bhagavad-gita, mam eva ya prapadyante mayam etam taranti - Anyone who surrenders unto Me he gets out of the control of maya
- We can understand from His (Lord Ramacandra's) activities in sending his brothers to see to affairs outside the capital and punish anyone who did not obey the emperor's orders. This is called dig-vijaya
- We have discussed very elaborately. Anyone who has got intelligence, he can understand that, I am not this body. Within this body there is a living force, and without that living force the body is useless, lump of matter. That's all
- We have got a crucial test, that anyone who does not know about Krsna, he is put into four different types of categories, as it is stated in the Bhagavad-gita
- We should try to avoid the ten offenses in chanting the holy name, but anyone who chants Hare Krsna sincerely is purified
- We want to distribute our books as far as possible to all classes of men, because anyone who reads them is sure to become Krishna Conscious, they are so nice
- What is self-interest? What is the interest of a child when it is crying? It is searching after the mother's breast. Anyone who knows this immediately brings the child to its mother - Take care of your child; he is crying
- What was possible for Dhruva Maharaja is possible for everyone. Anyone who very seriously engages in devotional service can obtain, in due course of time, the same perfection of the human form of life
- Whatever the government gives you law, and if you follow, then you are a good citizen. Similarly, there is order by God, and anyone who follows that order, he's religious
- Whether he is offensive or inoffensive, anyone who even now chants sri-krsna-caitanya prabhu-nityananda is immediately overwhelmed with ecstasy, and tears fill his eyes
- Whether we are Hindu, Moslem or Christian or whatever, we must acknowledge that there is a supreme controller of this universe. This cannot be denied by anyone who has faith in God
- Who requires a guru? Guru is not a fashion. It is necessary. How it is necessary? Now, anyone who is inquisitive to understand the spiritual science, for him it is necessary
- Without diverting his attention, he (Mucukunda) began to travel north. Eventually he reached the mountain known as Gandhamadana, where there were many trees, such as sandalwood & other flowering trees, whose fragrance made anyone who reached them joyful
- Yadva-tadva kavi refers to anyone who writes poetry without knowledge of how to do so
- You have manifested the holy name of Krsna throughout the entire world. Anyone who sees You is immediately absorbed in ecstatic love of Krsna
- You should always inform me before sending the Deities to the Temples. We cannot send them indiscriminately to anyone who has the whim of worshiping the Deities
- You take it granted that anyone who has no Krsna consciousness, he is a nonsense, whatever he may be. That is I take it, and I challenged him like that
- You take to this movement very seriously, and all of you will be very happy. That is our request. We are presenting this movement all over the world, and anyone who has taken, he is happy. But one must be sincere and serious. Then it will act