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I am very glad to know that you are feeling happy in Krsna's service and you are chanting His holy Names regularly according to the Vaisnava prescription. I am very glad that you have requested initiation and I have duly chanted your beads

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Expressions researched:
"I am very glad to know that you are feeling happy in Krsna's service and you are chanting His holy Names regularly according to the Vaisnava prescription. I am very glad that you have requested initiation and I have duly chanted your beads"


1971 Correspondence

I am very glad to know that you are feeling happy in Krsna's service and you are chanting His holy Names regularly according to the Vaisnava prescription. I am very glad that you have requested initiation and I have duly chanted your beads and they are enclosed herewith.

March 30, 1971


My Dear Satadhanya Das (Stan Federoff)

Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your nice letter date 15th January, 1971. I am very glad to know that you are feeling happy in Krsna's service and you are chanting His holy Names regularly according to the Vaisnava prescription. I am very glad that you have requested initiation and I have duly chanted your beads and they are enclosed herewith. So, I have accepted you as my initiated disciple and your spiritual name is Satadhanya das Brahmacari. Please follow the regulative principles very strictly, chant Hare Krsna Mahamantra sixteen times daily round the beads and be happy.

I think the atmosphere at Pittsburgh Temple is very congenial to you, so you go on studying our literatures very carefully in the association of your Godbrothers and sisters and work cooperatively to help spread this sublime Movement to as many persons as possible, there. If you ever have any points of uncertainty, you may inquire from your elder Godbrothers or Hayagriva Prabhu and Kirtanananda Maharaja or if need be from me.

Please keep always engaged in the service of the Lord and you will never be unhappy and your life will become to the highest perfectional standard.

Hope this will meet you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

P.S. The enclosed beads may be re-strung with knots between the beads. They should also be soaked in oil, which will make them strong.


Page Title:I am very glad to know that you are feeling happy in Krsna's service and you are chanting His holy Names regularly according to the Vaisnava prescription. I am very glad that you have requested initiation and I have duly chanted your beads
Compiler:Visnu Murti
Created:2015-12-08, 15:54:24
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=1
No. of Quotes:1