Category:I Am So Glad to Learn (Prabhupada)
"I am also glad to learn"|"I am glad to learn"|"I am so glad to learn"|"I am very glad to learn"|"I shall be glad to learn"|"I shall be very glad to learn"|"I was so glad to learn"|"I was very glad to learn"
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Pages in category "I Am So Glad to Learn (Prabhupada)"
The following 124 pages are in this category, out of 124 total.
- I (Prabhupada) was very glad to learn how our devotees are coming out victorious in the preaching to the university professors and students
- I am also glad to learn that you are developing more and more a taste for thinking of Lord Krishna and His devotees
- I am also glad to learn that you have a child within your womb, and please accept all my blessings for the newcomer for whom we shall be very glad to receive just after a few months
- I am also very pleased to learn that the Deities are now receiving proper service and you are developing a great love for Them. Please continue your sincere service with even greater vigor, and your love will grow increasingly more
- I am also very pleased to learn that you have come out successful in stopping the police from arresting our men and stopping our sankirtana activities
- I am always glad to know that you are there to help manage the affairs of the San Francisco center so I am glad that you have decided to remain there as president
- I am especially happy whenever I learn that my books and literature are being widely distributed
- I am glad to hear new devotees are coming and do not be worried about some of our members leaving; they will come back. Krishna never forgets the service rendered to him by the devotee
- I am glad to hear of the improvements of Amsterdam temple. That you are now getting so many more people for the feast program means that the management is very much improved
- I am glad to know that the "Happiness On Second Avenue" film has come out very happy
- I am glad to learn also that you sometimes fast the whole day, and chant. It is a very good idea and you can follow this principle rigidly two days in a month, namely the Ekadasis
- I am glad to learn how the students are friendly toward the devotees although they are generally depressed and rebellious. So Krsna Consciousness is so nice that it can pacify even the most rebellious person because it appeals to the soul
- I am glad to learn of your policy of occupants in your building. If that house can develop into a students home, preaching our philosophy to the residents, it will be a great service
- I am glad to learn that although you are 60 years old, you are enthusiastic to help me in this great preaching work. In spiritual activities there is no barring even in old age because I am also 74 years old but still working by the Grace of Lord Krsna
- I am glad to learn that another branch in Toronto you are contemplating to open. This news I have received from Cidananda also
- I am glad to learn that Jadurani is improving in her health, and I shall always pray to Krishna for her health and prolonged life
- I am glad to learn that now you wish to increase your service still further. Krsna is unlimited, and His devotees' service should also be unlimited
- I am glad to learn that the Beatles have showed guarantee for payment of the rent. It is a nice, friendly gesture.
- I am glad to learn that things are improving. You just maintain Vrindaban, and your duty is finished
- I am glad to learn that two new boys, Robb and Kelly, have moved into your temple. Also, it is good news that you now have a weekly course in the University there
- I am glad to learn that you are also looking for some job, and if by Grace of Krishna, you get it, that will solve the whole problem
- I am glad to learn that you are coming to San Francisco for the Rathayatra Ceremony, and I am so much obliged to you for contributing each month for the book fund
- I am glad to learn that you are continuing your mahasankirtana, that is very nice. This is our main business. Temple worship is not so important as Sankirtana on the public roads and selling our literatures
- I am glad to learn that you are preaching nicely. It is very important business. Unless our men understand thoroughly the philosophy, how will they be able to preach?
- I am glad to learn that you are realizing about Krishna's providing us with more and more facilities and that you are appreciating for my following purely the instructions of my Spiritual Master. Yes, that is the secret of success
- I am glad to learn that you are with your wife and doing very nicely. Combine together and do everything well together. Raise your children in Krishna consciousness and be an ideal household couple
- I am glad to learn that you have now become steady in comparison with your flickering past life. The association of devotees is the most important element in learning Krishna Consciousness way of life
- I am glad to learn that your daughter and Syamasundara's daughter are learning Krsna Consciousness very nicely
- I am glad to learn that your good wife is now days taking interest in Krishna Consciousness. Please offer her my blessings. I think a good and sincere husband's influence is working in her
- I am glad to learn that your program is to do some work independently, and at the same time to do work for our Krishna Consciousness Movement. This formula I have already accepted, and I have given you permission according to your leaning
- I am pleased to learn how you are spending your time in meditation with Lord Krishna and I request that continue to chant Hare Krishna so that Krishna will surely bestow all blessings upon yourself
- I am pleased to learn of the success which you and Tosana Krishna are having in your new center. It is all very encouraging to me
- I am pleased to learn of your spirit of protest, but sometimes we have to tolerate
- I am pleased to learn that you are now together, all six. So please try to start the temple as soon as possible and call me for your service. Offer my blessings to Yamuna as well as to Malati and her husband and the little child
- I am pleased to learn that you are situated nicely in Columbus and now Indira Dasi has agreed to become your wife
- I am so glad to hear that the devotees are appreciating that everything belongs to Krishna. That attitude is very nice and should be maintained. Actually it is a fact. By illusion only we think things belong to someone else
- I am so glad to know that you are soon to complete the Dr. Frog story, and I shall be anxious to see the final result
- I am so glad to learn that all of you are such a great help to Sri Galim there in our Austin center, and I have especially appreciated the murtis you are making of Pancatattva
- I am so glad to learn that all of you have been such a great help to Amarendra there in our Gainesville center. I can understand that all of you are very sincere boys
- I am so glad to learn that all of you have been such a great help to Locana there in our Berkeley centre. I can understand that all of you are very sincere boys and girls and are very eligible candidates for going back to home, back to Godhead
- I am so glad to learn that Candramukhi is getting Krishna Consciousness from the very beginning of her life. This is the advantage of her previous life's advancement in Krishna Consciousness
- I am so glad to learn that everything is progressing nicely in Vancouver, and you are proposing to sell 2500 BTGs per month. That is very much encouraging. You will be glad to know that we have now published our book, "Isopanisad."
- I am so glad to learn that our London Temple is very, very well managed under your supervision. Kindly continue this standard of Temple management--that will make me very happy
- I am so glad to learn that Sriman George is making good advancement in Krishna consciousness. He is a good soul and I am praying for him to Krishna, so surely he will make advancement
- I am so glad to learn that the management of the Temple is going nicely and the devotees are feeling transcendental pleasure
- I am so glad to learn that things are going on nicely and Krishna is giving you good income also. Please therefore manage things very nicely, both husband and wife and other assistants
- I am so glad to learn that you appreciate my mission in the United States as without any rival. Actually this is a fact, because I am presenting nothing manufactured by me
- I am so glad to learn that you are active in preaching Krishna Consciousness in London. You all 3 couples are expert in the matter of preaching Krishna Consciousness, and your last effort in the matter of performing Ratha Yatra festival was so successful
- I am so glad to learn that you are also a good painter. Your first attempt has been almost successful, so I request you to continue to practice so that excellent paintings may be drawn by you
- I am so glad to learn that you are eager to preach but we should know it that we cannot preach without being solid in our standing as devotee
- I am so glad to learn that you are feeling more and more Krishna Conscious
- I am so glad to learn that you are feeling too much engagement in New Vrindaban, and this a spiritual inspiration. Our society should never be a devil's workshop, but it should be certainly the most magnificent platform for spiritual activities
- I am so glad to learn that you are in charge of kitchen and food supply which saves 25 to 30 percent on food. That is a great service. To be extravagant is not recommended by Krishna in the Bhagavad-gita
- I am so glad to learn that you are living happily as householders. I want to see all my disciples living peacefully and execute such Krishna Consciousness
- I am so glad to learn that you are prepared to work even harder, as a forward soldier, to fight the Maya. May Krishna give you more and more strength
- I am so glad to learn that you are reading my Bhagavad-gita As It Is with great interest, and I hope if you kindly read my books carefully that all your spiritual desires will be fulfilled
- I am so glad to learn that you are regularly observing the listed holidays in our Caitanya almanac. The roaring kirtana, offering feast to the Deities with special preparations is our simple mode of celebration
- I am so glad to learn that you are thinking of sleep as a waste of time. This is not an ordinary thing. So I have become very much pleased to hear this statement from you. Be blessed by Krishna
- I am so glad to learn that you have been such a great help to...
- I am so glad to learn that you have delivered the manuscript of Bhagavad Gita to McMillan & Co. on the date of my Guru Maharaj's birthday ceremony
- I am so glad to learn that you have developed so much love for Krishna. This is the way of developing Krishna Consciousness; and wherever you will be rigid in your Krishna Consciousness, the triumph will be yours
- I am so glad to learn that you have sacrificed your long beard and hair
- I am so glad to learn that you will not fight with Brahmananda. Brahma means "the Great", so even if you fight, then it will be physically impossible to come out victorious
- I am so glad to learn that your capatis and other preparations are attracting many guests at our love feast
- I am so glad to learn that your good wife is also helping you. That is the duty of a faithful companion of life
- I am so glad to receive your letter dated 15th March, 1971. I am so glad to learn that you are in Bombay and are eager to see me. I have therefore fixed up time on Tuesday at 9:00 A.M. It will be very pleasant to see you from 9:00 A.M. to 10 A.M
- I am so much encouraged to learn that you have come to Kathmandu, Nepal. Please try and organize a center there nicely. It will be a great credit for you. Nepalese are mostly Hindus and they will take to this Krishna Consciousness movement very easily
- I am so much grieved to learn the news of our revered god-brother, Swami Bhakti Sadhak Niskincana Maharaja, and I am so glad to learn that he passed away in full sense chanting "Krishna, Krishna". This is a glorious death
- I am so pleased to learn about your slow but sure progress in the matter of your most glorious London yatra. I am sure Krishna will help you fully and do it seriously
- I am so pleased to learn that you are constantly trying to follow my instructions. Of course, I have no particular instructions, save and except the instruction which I have also heard from my Spiritual Master
- I am so pleased to learn that you are feeling well, and you have decided to stay therein Berlin and open a temple. It is so much pleasing to me
- I am so pleased to learn that you are studying arithmetic so quickly. Five plus five is equal to ten. Two plus two is equal to four. So Krishna plus everything is Vrndavana. Do not forget Krishna, and you shall always be in Vrndavana
- I am so pleased to learn that you have taken Krishna Consciousness as the most valuable gift. One who can understand this, is not an ordinary living entity, but is the most fortunate
- I am so pleased to learn that your Berkeley center is improving day by day under the good care of yourself and your good wife, Himavati. Please go on improving the condition of this important center until you have made it as good as Los Angeles center
- I am still more glad to learn that you are going to observe the third birthday of Miss Kamala Agarwal on Saturday next
- I am very glad to know that you are feeling happy in Krsna's service and you are chanting His holy Names regularly according to the Vaisnava prescription. I am very glad that you have requested initiation and I have duly chanted your beads
- I am very glad to know that you have become more affectionate for your Spiritual Father than for your natural father, and this is quite to the standard of spiritual advancement
- I am very glad to learn about the activities of your nice daughter. I am sure she will be a great devotee and great preacher also in future. I want that on this Krsna culture the whole world can be united
- I am very glad to learn also that you are feeling joy while chanting the mantra Hare Krishna. Yes, it is exactly like this. If anyone chants this mantra in good faith and in simple understanding, then surely this transcendental vibration will act
- I am very glad to learn that Brahmananda, Yourself and all others have the transcendental courage to take all risks for Krishna and this act will enhance your glory in Krishna consciousness
- I am very glad to learn that Eric has learnt Krishna Consciousness better than his parents. I thank him very much. This is the example of unsophisticated mind. The child is innocent and therefore he has taken the consciousness so quickly
- I am very glad to learn that Govardhana dasa has become a leader in the deity worship, due to his inspired service. That is the real thing - one who has inspiration of life, he can do anything. Rupa Goswami explains this as "utsaha'', enthusiasm
- I am very glad to learn that Lord Jesus Christ has approved our activities. Perhaps you have marked it in my preaching work that I love Lord Jesus Christ as good as Krishna
- I am very glad to learn that some new devotees, boys and girls, are coming to the temple, and I request you to take care of them carefully
- I am very glad to learn that the children at Gurukula school are making good progress in their Krishna Consciousness education, that is very good news
- I am very glad to learn that the program for distributing our books in the libraries and classrooms is having such outstanding success
- I am very glad to learn that the regulative principles are being strictly followed, otherwise we shall fall down, victim of Maya
- I am very glad to learn that you are all working peacefully together. This is the most favorable atmosphere for cultivating our Krishna consciousness
- I am very glad to learn that you are endeavouring to understand the prime goal of life, without which the facility of human life becomes futile
- I am very glad to learn that you are planning to celebrate the appearance day of Lord Caitanya with a nice ceremony and installation of the Deities at the grand opening of the New Navadvipa Temple
- I am very glad to learn that you are reading my books and preaching. That will make you happy, and the audience listening they will also become happy
- I am very glad to learn that you are translating the Bhagavad-gita As It Is into Portuguese. Be careful not to change anything but present it exactly as it is
- I am very glad to learn that you have now become a very good housewife with your very good husband. It is learned also that you are cooking very nice foodstuffs for him. This is very good
- I am very glad to learn that you have the Prahlada pictures in your safe custody because I want to print up many small books with text accompanied by illustrations, and the first one may be of Prahlada Maharaja
- I am very glad to learn that you will be walking very soon, but walking or no walking you are always engaged in Krsna's service. That is my confidence
- I am very glad to learn that you will soon be freed from all family responsibility and join our movement
- I am very glad to learn that your illness is cured. You can take it that it is Krsna's mercy
- I am very glad to learn that your last responsibilities in family affairs are now discharged, your two daughters are now married. Now in this ripe old age you can devote yourself for spreading Krsna Consciousness Movement all over the world
- I am very glad to learn you are chanting 48 rounds. Actually it is all right that one should chant 64 rounds, even 16 rounds, so if one is able to chant more than 16 rounds up to 64, it is very good
- I am very glad to note that you are now realizing that without executing the regular routine work of spiritual life nobody can grow spiritual strength and without spiritual strength nobody can preach the Krsna Consciousness Movement
- I am very happy to learn that Janmashtami was performed with great pomp at our temple
- I am very much encouraged to learn that you are bold enough to challenge any nondevotee as you did with that impersonalist yoga student. That should be the temperament of all our preachers
- I am very much encouraged to learn that your kirtana is going to be held at Oxford University, which is the most important university in the world
- I am very pleased to learn how things are going on very well in Washington center and that you are nicely celebrating the various Advent days of our great Acaryas. But I am especially glad to know of your very successful work amongst the students
- I am very pleased to learn that you are planning for a nice Rathayatra Festival in Boston. Please do it nicely, and take many nice photographs for publication in BTG
- "I know you will be pleased to know that the N.Y. center is really doing well; in fact, I believe they are really stronger now than ever before." I am very glad to learn this and I am very much encouraged to know it. It is all Krishna's mercy
- I was very glad to learn how our devotees are coming out victorious in the preaching to the university professors and students
- I was very glad to learn that you are following our four principle rules, therefore your picking up of the process of acquiring spiritual knowledge from Bhagavad Gita is very nice
- I was very happy to learn that you are very serious about writing an essay entitled "Krsna Consciousness is the Absolute Necessity for Mankind in this Age". If you can write this essay successfully, then it will be very great service to our Movement
- I'm so glad to learn that you are eager to serve Krishna in every way possible. This mentality is very rare, and I guess that you must have been engaged in Krishna's service in your previous life
- It is very encouraging to learn that you are so enthusiastic to sell BTG. I consider sale of BTG so valuable because in the beginning I worked for BTG day and night alone in India. I still remember the hardship for pushing on this BTG
- The books are being written specifically for my students and I am so glad to learn that you read them so carefully
- They have given me a very nice report of your activities and I am glad to know that the government authorities (in Kenya) are taking interest in our movement. It is a good sign. So you go on with your preaching
- We all combined together have taken a great task of this Krsna Consciousness movement so I am very glad to learn that you are all gradually understanding the importance of this movement
- We cannot invest any money in any film industry. I am very glad to learn that you will soon be freed from all family responsibility and join our movement
- We have recently got a newcomer baby, Srimati Sarasvati devi, and pleased to learn that they are taking all care for you. I am also very glad that your mother is also taking part in Krishna Conscious activities
- When I learn that you are selling many BTGs and are receiving nice support from the community, I am very much encouraged. Now we have published our Isopanisad and you must try to sell it as far as possible