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I am very glad to learn that some new devotees, boys and girls, are coming to the temple, and I request you to take care of them carefully

Expressions researched:
"I am very glad to learn that some new devotees, boys and girls, are coming to the temple, and I request you to take care of them carefully"


1968 Correspondence

I am very glad to learn that some new devotees, boys and girls, are coming to the temple, and I request you to take care of them carefully.

My Dear Gurudasa,

Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your two letters dated 21 and 23 of July, and I am very glad to learn that some new devotees, boys and girls, are coming to the temple, and I request you to take care of them carefully. What about that boy, Patel? I do not hear about him.

Regarding London-yatra: Fifteen means including you and your wife. The calculation is 3 pairs from San Francisco, and 2 pairs from here. These 5 pairs is 10 heads. Myself is 1, so it is 11. And 2 or 3, utmost 4, Brahmacaris. So your name was never excluded; if you do not find your name mentioned, it is a mistake. So there is no reason for you to feel disturbed. I am very happy that you are putting the London plans into "full gear" now, and please do it, and as nicely as possible.

I very much appreciated your nice pictures and as well, the news clipping. It is all very much encouraging to me.

I hope both you and your good wife are well, and all is going nicely there.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

Page Title:I am very glad to learn that some new devotees, boys and girls, are coming to the temple, and I request you to take care of them carefully
Created:2015-11-23, 16:11:07
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=1
No. of Quotes:1