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Ghostly life means one who has misused this life, this body, and by his whims he has killed this body. He becomes ghost. That means he will have to suffer for so many day, then he'll get another material body

Revision as of 10:52, 22 February 2023 by Madana Mohana (talk | contribs)

Expressions researched:
"Ghostly life means one who has misused this life, this body, and by his whims he has killed this body. He becomes ghost. That means he will have to suffer for so many day, then he'll get another material body"


Nectar of Devotion Lectures

Sometimes we'll have to accept—why "accept"; it is certain—the ghostly body. Because Kṛṣṇa has given you, or māyā has given, māyā has given under the direction of Kṛṣṇa, a certain type of body for enjoying for a certain span of life, you cannot finish it. If you disregard it, then, if you commit suicide, the result will be that you will not be allowed to accept another material body. You will have to remain in the subtle body. That is ghost. Ghostly life means one who has misused this life, this body, and by his whims he has killed this body. He becomes ghost. That means he will have to suffer for so many day, then he'll get another material body.

Kāraṇam. We are getting this body according to our association with the different modes of material nature. But Kṛṣṇa has nothing to do with this material nature. Material nature is controlled by Him, and we are controlled by the material nature. That is the difference. He is controller, and we are controlled. They do not understand. They think that if I make null and void these conditions of controlling, then I become uncontrolled.

Just like the philosophy voidism or suicidism. I am feeling some pain in my body. So if I think that "Let me commit suicide, then the pain will go away automatically," that is void philosophy—the killing oneself, ātma hā. But because they have no understanding that killing this body does not mean killing yourself . . . that is their ignorance. In the Bhagavad-gītā it is clearly said, na hanyate hanyamāne śarīre (BG 2.20). So these rascal think, that, "If I suicide, if I commit suicide, and just have a knife on my throat, then all my pains and pleasures finished."

No, that is not . . . he will be put into more pains and pleasure. Sometimes we'll have to accept—why "accept"; it is certain—the ghostly body. Because Kṛṣṇa has given you, or māyā has given, māyā has given under the direction of Kṛṣṇa, a certain type of body for enjoying for a certain span of life, you cannot finish it. If you disregard it, then, if you commit suicide, the result will be that you will not be allowed to accept another material body. You will have to remain in the subtle body. That is ghost. Ghostly life means one who has misused this life, this body, and by his whims he has killed this body. He becomes ghost. That means he will have to suffer for so many day, then he'll get another material body.

Therefore there is śraddhā ceremony. The śraddhā ceremony means, supposing my father or my relative has not got, yet, again gross body, this śraddhā ceremony will help him to get another gross . . . because without this gross body, the ghostly body is very troublesome, because he wants to enjoy something, but he has no instrument to enjoy. Therefore he creates . . . the ghost creates trouble. Sometimes captures some body to fulfill his desires, and the man becomes ghostly-haunted.

Page Title:Ghostly life means one who has misused this life, this body, and by his whims he has killed this body. He becomes ghost. That means he will have to suffer for so many day, then he'll get another material body
Created:2022-10-09, 07:34:27
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=1, Con=0, Let=0
No. of Quotes:1