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Anyone, to not identify with this bodily designation, it is not very easy task. But still, if we go on hearing the krsna-katha, as we have begun here, it will be very easy

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Expressions researched:
"anyone, to not identify with this bodily designation, it is not very easy task" |"But still, if we go on hearing the kṛṣṇa-kathā, as we have begun here, it will be very easy"


1967 Correspondence

Anyone, to not identify with this bodily designation, it is not very easy task. But still, if we go on hearing the kṛṣṇa-kathā, as we have begun here, it will be very easy.

So when we surcharge our heart with the kṛṣṇa-kathā, then the result will be . . . śṛṇvatāṁ sva-kathāḥ kṛṣṇaḥ puṇya-śravaṇa-kīrtanaḥ, hṛdy antaḥ sthaḥ. Hṛdy antaḥ sthaḥ. Hṛdy antaḥ sthaḥ means the contaminations which we have accumulated within our heart, that will be washed off. That will be washed off so that your heart will be cleansed of all rubbish things. And, as soon as all rubbish things are cleared off, then we are situated in pure consciousness.

Because it is very difficult to understand, to eradicate oneself from all the designation. Suppose I am Indian. Is it very easy . . .? It is not very easy to take it for granted immediately that I am not Indian, I am pure soul. Similarly, anyone, to not identify with this bodily designation, it is not very easy task.

But still, if we go on hearing the kṛṣṇa-kathā, as we have begun here, it will be very easy. It will be very easy. You . . . you make an experiment. You make an experiment how easily you shall be able to get yourself free from all these designations. And as soon as we are free from the designation . . .

Now what are the freedom? What are the signs of freedom? The signs of freedom . . .

śṛṇvatāṁ sva-kathāḥ kṛṣṇaḥ
hṛdy antaḥ stho abhadrāṇi
vidhunoti suhṛt-satām
(SB 1.2.17)

Naṣṭa-prāyeṣv abhadreṣu. Naṣṭa-prāyeṣv abhadreṣu nityaṁ bhāgavata-sevayā (SB 1.2.18), bhaktir bhagavati . . . bhaktir bhagavati naiṣṭhikī, bhavati naiṣṭhikī. Now, as soon as . . . not cent percent clearance. It is not possible to clear our, I mean to say, rubbish things within our mind all of a sudden or very soon all things. Even some percentage of the rubbish are cleared off, then at once it happens that our the influence of the material nature becomes slackened.

Page Title:Anyone, to not identify with this bodily designation, it is not very easy task. But still, if we go on hearing the krsna-katha, as we have begun here, it will be very easy
Created:2022-10-22, 07:47:56
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=1
No. of Quotes:1