Category:Why Should
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Pages in category "Why Should"
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- A boy is given to a carpenter. He learns very easily. A weaver, he learns very easily. A shopkeeper, grocer, he learns very easily. That is education. Why he should waste time for academic education and create unemployment
- A child is sent to school, & although he may simply learn ABCD, if he is interested he may one day become a very good scholar. Similarly, one day a pious man may become a pure devotee. Why should one give up religion altogether, become completely secular
- A criminal is first reminded of his misdeeds by witnesses in a law court, and then he is punished. If death is complete forgetfulness, why should a person be punished for his past misdeeds
- A devotee is not very anxious for mukti because he is already liberated. If a man has a million dollars, why should he hanker after ten rupees
- A perfect devotee does not make any discrimination. But if I am not a perfect devotee and I have discrimination, why shall I imitate the perfect devotee? It may not be possible for me to digest everything because I am not a perfect devotee
- A person who is actually Krsna conscious is kind to everyone. Therefore one tenet of our philosophy is "No meat-eating." Of course, people may not accept this. They will say, - Oh, what is this nonsense? Meat is our food. Why should we not eat it
- A philosopher at least thinks that "Why shall I work so hard for this, only a glass of . . .?" So therefore he is a little better than these karmis. Karmi, jnani. And they are restless, because they are falsely thinking that they will get some benefit
- A poor man may desire to have a thousand dollars in the bank, but a rich man who has millions has no such desire. If Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, why should He have desires
- According to medical science also, they (vegetables, cow milk) are very rich in vitamins, food value. So why should we kill? Especially if we are human being, the cow is supplying us milk, the most important foodstuff
- According to the Gita, one whose brain substance is very small is interested in temporary things. We are eternal, so why should we be interested in temporary things? No one wants a nonpermanent situation
- Actually Lord Visnu maintains and accomplishes all good fortune. If one has to take shelter of Lord Visnu, why should the demigods take shelter of Lord Siva? They did so because Lord Visnu acts through Lord Siva in the creation of the material world
- Actually, our students are divinity students; there is no doubt about it, and there is a law that divinity students can not be called by the draft, so why should you not take advantage of it?
- All the acaryas, big, big acarya, accepted Him, Krsna is the origin of everything. Arjuna, who heard Bhagavad-gita, he accepted Him, Krsna is origin. Why we should try to understand Krsna otherwise? What is this foolishness
- All the gold mines are created by the energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore, why should one accept a magician who can manufacture only a small portion of gold
- Animal propensity is to exploit others. And human propensity should be to do good to others. That is the difference between animal propensity and human propensity. So here is a nice thing, Krsna consciousness. Why should you not distribute?
- Any religious scripture you may follow, but if you get more enlightenment here in this Krsna consciousness movement, why should you not accept it if you are serious about God?
- Anyabhilasita-sunyam: no desire. I'm going to God not with a desire. Why you should desire? Why you should go to God?
- Anyone who is Krsna conscious, who knows Krsna, he is guru. Otherwise all rascals. Why should you go to a rascal? Immediately you can understand he is guru who has fully surrendered to Krsna. He is guru. Others? They are all rascals
- Anything you practice, you'll be successful. So if by practicing Krsna consciousness, you can go back to home, back to Godhead, why should you neglect it? That will solve your all problems
- Arjuna thought himself to be the doer of action, but he did not consider the Supreme sanction within and without. If one does not know that a super sanction is there, why should he act? BG 1972 purports
- As a sudra, he can get the perfection. Why he should artificially become a brahmana and sannyasi and fall down? This has to be checked
- As far as eating is concerned, there is no problem. If Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, supplies everyone with eatables, why should He not supply His devotee
- As God, Krsna's energy creates and sustains everything, so why should he beg a leaf, a fruit and a little water from us? He will be very pleased
- As Krsna says in Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.26): "If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit or water, I will accept it." Why should the menu be unnecessarily increased for the satisfaction of the tongue
- As soon as one attains this knowledge (uselessly serving maya), he reaches the brahma-bhuta (SB 4.30.20) stage, Brahman realization, and he becomes prasannatma, happy. One may ask, - Why should I serve Krsna
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 5.29), bhoktaram yajna-tapasam sarva-loka-mahesvaram. The Lord is the proprietor of all planets, in both the material and spiritual worlds. Why should He be in want of land?
- At least in India there are many great acaryas - Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Visnu Svami, and even Sankaracarya and Guru Nanak. All of these have accepted Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Why, then, should we reject Him
- Author has given you some knowledge, so he has got some particular aim and objective. So why should you change that? You have no right to change that
- Bible does not say that you kill animals. Then Jesus Christ is a hypocrite. His commandment is, "Thou shall not kill." If he allows killing, then why should he say, "Thou shall not kill"? Then you prove that Jesus Christ is a hypocrite
- Brahma satyam jagan mithya: The Mayavadis think that the world is false, but the Vaisnava sannyasis do not think like this. Vaisnavas say - Why should the world be false? It is reality, & it is meant for the service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- By confessing you are freed, then why shall you do it again? It requires little intelligence. It does not mean that because by confessing I become freed, I shall go on continuing this and again confess and become freed. No. That's not good
- By the grace of Krsna we are given a highly developed body and intelligence, but if we do not utilize them, why should He give them to us again
- Daridra-narayana seva, by killing goat narayana. Goat is not Narayana; simply daridras are Narayana. If you accept one as Narayana, why should you not accept the other as Narayana
- Devahuti says, gataham saranam saranyam: - You are the only shelter. Therefore I am taking shelter. And You can cut my attachment for this material life. And why You shall do it? Because I am Your eternal servant
- Devotee does not require anything. Why it shall be? Krsna gives him all protection
- Devotees pray that if a demon who wanted to kill Krsna gets such an exalted position, why should they go to anyone other than Krsna for their worshipful attachment
- Don't sleep more. If you can keep your health perfect, but try to reduce it. Suppose you are sleeping ten hours. But if I keep myself fit by sleeping five hours, why should I sleep ten hours? So this is the process. Don't do anything artificially
- Don't spoil it by sense gratification. You can eat; there are so many nice thing, krsna-prasadam. Why should you eat meat? Why should you eat, drink and all nonsense? Be little frugal
- Dvesa means "envy." When one becomes envious of Krsna, or the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one thinks, "Why should Krsna be the all and all? I'm as good as Krsna"
- Eating, sleeping, mating and defending are problems found in the animal kingdom, and the animals have solved these problems without difficulty. Why should human society be so busy trying to solve these problems?
- Ei murkhe 'visaya' kene diba: "Why should I (Krsna) give such a foolish person the dirty things of material enjoyment?" Sva-carana-mrta: "It would be better for Me to give him shelter at My lotus feet"
- Even if we are promoted to the highest planet, Brahmaloka, the planet where Lord Brahma lives, our situation there is still not eternal. So why should a devotee be interested in such a place
- Even if you are going to get body next life, you must have a better body. Or the best thing is that you must have an eternal body. If such solution is there, why the human society should neglect it? That is their foolishness
- Even the Christian, religious persons, they also open hospital to give relief to the patient. So that is not the program. The program is why he should fall sick and come to the hospital? Precaution is better than cure
- Even though one may be the greatest erudite scholar in materialistic knowledge. It is good, therefore, to approach a personality like Narada to solve the root cause of all despondencies. Why Narada should be approached is explained below
- Every living entity has the right to become anandamaya, joyful, because he is part of the sac-cid-ananda-vigraha, Krsna. Why should the living being be put into tribulation because of dirty contamination by the material modes of nature
- Everyone is neophyte. He should practice determination, that's all. If he cannot practice, then why should he enter into this association? Let him remain aloof
- Everyone should stick to the temple and the principles. Why you should go to outside? That should be stopped. You cannot go outside
- Everyone should try to finish this business (Krsna consciousness). Why one should wait for another life? We have got this opportunity. Let us finish. And what is the difficulty to remain always thinking of Krsna?
- Everyone wants to become God, imitator. Imitation. Therefore they say, "Why Krsna shall be alone God? I am God"
- Everything belongs to God, and everyone is God's children. Why one should suffer? This is another Vedic communism
- Everything is given by God. You have not manufactured the fruit or flower or your body, nothing. This is Krsna consciousness, when you understand that "Everything belongs to God. Why it should be utilized for other purpose?" It should be utilized for God
- First you must understand what actual progress is. The thing is that if you try to progress vainly, what is the use of trying? If it is a fact you cannot change your material destiny, why should you try for that
- First-class man will think that "I want to eat something to keep myself fit. If by natural products I can keep myself fit, why shall I kill another animal?"
- For our spiritual advancement of life we must have the sense that "Why we should accept unnecessary things which is not at all important?" The four things are restricted: no illicit sex, no meat-eating, no gambling, no intoxication
- Go to acarya. That is recommended. Why should you go to the magician? That is your fault. You go to the wrong person, and you are cheated because you want to be cheated. You want to see magic; you don't want to see God
- God gives food to animals, birds and aquatics. Why should He not give it to one who is interested in apavarga? Unfortunately people have no faith, and therefore good association is required
- God has given us land, God has given us producing experience, so wherever you live, it doesn't matter. If you have got a little plot of land and a cow, your whole economic question is solved. Why you should work so hard day and night
- God Himself was present in his (Kardama Muni) home - why should he leave home? Such a question may certainly arise
- God is giving bread to the eight million other living entities. Birds, beast, tigers, elephants, they are not going to the church for asking bread. But they are getting it. So if God is supplying everyone food, why He shall not supply you?
- God is never dangerous to the devotee, and the devotee is never afraid of dangers, because he is confident that the danger is but another feature of God. "Why should I be afraid?" the devotee thinks. - I am surrendered to Him
- God wishes everyone to be honest. Why should God think otherwise
- He (a liberated person) may be the poorest man in the world, but he neither laments nor thinks that he is poor. Why should he think that he is poor
- He (Agnidhra) addressed her (Purvacitti's) with the word dvija "O brahmana." Yet why should a dvija, a brahmana boy, have horns on his chest
- He (Krsna) supplies everything to everyone. He is supplying food to everyone. So He is the Father. So why should you not pray, - Father, give me this
- He must practice with determination that "By practicing I'll be success." That is wanted. He has no determination, why should he make a show?
- Here is a nice thing, Krsna consciousness. Why should you not distribute? Especially in your country, where there is great need for it. They are not after economic development
- Here, in every step there is danger. Why shall you live here? Take this boat and go, cross the material ocean, and go back to home, back to Godhead. This is the philosophy
- How we can charge? We are servant of Krsna. Krsna says that "You speak," so we are speaking. That's all. Why should we charge? But if somebody, out of sympathy, gives us something, we don't refuse. But we have no cost
- Human nature should be like that, that "Why should we work so hard, simply for eating, sleeping, mating?" This is a wrong type of civilization
- I (Vasudeva) shall deliver all the sons to you, and then you may do whatever you like with them. Why should you kill this innocent, newly married girl
- I accept a guru, but in my mind I remain independent, "Oh, why shall I abide by the orders of guru?" That means there is no surrender. There is no surrender. It is false. It is just to satisfy some motive, but that will not help
- I am not thinking of India. I am thinking for the whole human society. Anyway, why shall I think for India? When we become God conscious, then we don't think in that way, "I am Indian," "I am Englishman," "I am Australian," "I am this." No
- I had all these lives in the past. Evolutionary process, I have come to this human. So I suffered all these things. So when the question comes, "Why shall I suffer?" then the inquiry - this is called, Vedanta-sutra, athato brahma jijnasa
- I have a few sincere students here, just developing; they are not complete, but they are developing Krsna - attachment. Otherwise, why should they waste their time chanting Hare Krsna? They are doing it, and it can be done
- I have got my wife, I have got my children, I have got my bank balance. Why shall I take protection of You?" pasyann api na pasyati. The rascal does not see that these things will not give you protection
- I have got this body. I am suffering. I am undergoing threefold miseries, threefold miserable condition of life. Why I shall make another body, again undergo the threefold miseries of life
- I have never given vote. Since we have got this svaraj, as soon as the vote question, I go away. Because I think, "Why shall I give this nonsense vote? None of them are liked by me." I avoid it
- I may say, "I have only killed a poor man. There was no need for him in society. Why should such a person live?" But will the state excuse me? Will the authorities say, "You have done very nice work"? No
- I showed opinion on your book? If I have got opinion, I publish another book. Why should I interpret? Why shall I poke my nose in your business
- If a king, to learn how to kill, may go to the forest and kill animals, why should a living entity, who has been given senses, not be allowed unrestricted sense gratification
- If an intelligent person comes to understand that the ultimate goal of life is to surrender unto Krsna, why should he hesitate
- If anyone wants to be a businessman, there are colleges or technological schools. That's very nice. But why should everyone be dragged into technology
- If distress come automatically, then happiness also will come automatically. Why should you try for this so-called distress and happiness? You try for Krsna. This is life
- If everyone is fully satisfied by eating food that is a gift from the Lord, why should there be envy between one living being and another
- If he marries, why he should not take responsibility for maintaining? Why he should marry if he has no power of maintaining?
- If I am not this body, then why should I act for this body? I should act for myself. Then, how can I work for myself? What is my position? I am consciousness. But what kind of? Subordinate consciousness - I am part of the supreme consciousness
- If I can live by eating fruits and grains and milk, why shall I kill animal? This is human consciousness. Milk, if you get milk, you can prepare hundreds of nice preparations, all full of vitamins and nourishing
- If it is possible for a devotee to get free from the material, contaminated stage simply by thinking of Krsna, then why should this not be possible for others who are also thinking of someone?
- If Krsna has been accepted as the supreme authority by so many big, big men, why should we not keep our faith in Krsna? Or Jesus Christ? That's all right
- If Krsna has created this external energy, that is for His satisfaction. That's all. But why should you take?
- If Krsna speaks false, something defective, then where is the use of reading Bhagavad-gita? Why should we read Bhagavad-gita which is spoken by a person who is defective? No. That's not... What Krsna is speaking, that is fact
- If my father is happy and I am the son of my father, why should I be unhappy? I can naturally conclude that I shall enjoy my father's property just as my father is enjoying it
- If one is able to lie down on the floor, then why should one endeavor to get a good bedstead or soft cushion to lie on
- If one is actually educated in Vedic knowledge, is famous for performing prescribed activities and has been born in a great aristocratic family, why should he be called a demon
- If one is not jealous, one can serve Krsna very well, because jealousy and envy begin with being jealous of Krsna. For example, some philosophers think, - Why should Krsna be God? I am also God
- If one wants to be for higher status of life, why he should be denied (in KC movement)? This is not a bad thing. Why the city fathers are thinking that this should be stopped?
- If our so-called scientists are going to the moon, why should they come back here? We must conclude without a doubt that they have never gone to the moon - because one who goes to the moon receives a life with a duration of ten thousand years to enjoy
- If something is giving me facility to preach my Krsna consciousness movement, why shall I give it up?
- If the demigods were going to drink poison, the demons would resolve, "Why should we not share the poison and die gloriously by drinking it?" In regard to the words svadhyaya-sruta-sampannah prakhyata janma-karmabhih, another question may be raised
- If the human civilization has sufficient grains, minerals, jewels, water, milk, etc., then why should it hanker after terrible industrial enterprises at the cost of the labor of some unfortunate men?
- If the Lord is pleased with a devotee, what is there that is unobtainable? Why should one not give up his affection for his wife and children and take shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead? Where is the loss of anything material
- If the teachers are available, why you should become a teacher? Let them teach. We have to save our time for advancing in Krsna consciousness
- If there is some chance of entering such a immortal, eternal kingdom of God, why should I not take chance? - You should take chance at all risk in this life to enter into the nitya-lila, nitya-lila, eternal pastimes of the Lord
- If this is possible (By the supreme will of the Lord, many great planets float weightlessly in space like swabs of cotton), why should great mountain peaks not be able to float on water? This is the omnipotence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- If we are confident about Krsna's goodness, why should we bother about Krsna's stool and urine? Why not directly Krsna?
- If we believe that Krsna is providing and maintaining everyone, then why should we be misers? We are confident Krsna will supply! Let the whole world come, we can feed them
- If we bow down before our Supreme Father (Krsna) and touch His feet, there is no harm for us, nor is it difficult. Indeed, it is glorious for us. Why should we not
- If we come here and take the impression and simply think of Him, our life is perfect. This is Krsna consciousness. What is the difficulty and what is your loss? If you gain such big profit simply by thinking of Krsna, why should you lose this opportunity
- If we simply speak nicely to a person and try sincerely to get him to take the book he'll take it. Why should we adopt unfair means? We should not do anything which will create a bad impression or make us unpopular
- If we want something, we conditioned soul, we have to work very hard for it. But Krsna, He can by simply will, He can create the whole universe. So why should He work? Na tasya karyam karanam ca . . . this is the Vedic information
- If you analytically study, you'll see the body does not belong to you. Then why should you be so much dexterous to satisfy?
- If you are actually brahmin or if you are actually king, you can be proud of your position that, "I am king," "I am this" or "that." But actually if you are less than the svapacam, the dog-eaters, but why should you be proud of your false prestige?
- If you are after the knowledge, why should you stick to one particular place? If the knowledge is available in other places, you must have it. That is inquisitiveness, seriousness
- If you are completely dependent on Krsna, who is supplying food to the dogs, birds, beasts - to 8,400,000 species of life - why should He not supply food to you? This conviction is a symptom of surrender
- If you are not perfect in your knowledge, then why should I accept your theory? That is my point
- If you are surprised with the mechanical arrangement of the small watch, why you should not study the mechanical arrangement of a great scientist
- If you are unable to produce anything, then no tax. Why should you levy tax from the poor man?
- If you are, you are fit for becoming a carpenter, why should you imitate a brahmana? Better be expert carpenter and serve Krsna with the result of carpentry work. Then there is perfection
- If you cannot take the responsibility, then remain as a brahmacari. Why should you marry? Yes. If you practice brahmacarya, then you become free, seventy-five percent freedom immediately
- If you have got a different type of philosophy, you can write. Why you should touch Bhagavad-gita and misrepresent it? So because they are sudras - their business is to cheat - they do that. But a brahmana will not do that
- If you interpret (the Bhagavad-Gita) you spoil the whole thing. Because interpretation is required when the things are not clear. If everything is clear, why should you interpret?
- If you manufacture your own way, then go to hell. Yasya deve para bhaktir yatha deve tatha gurau, tasyaite kathita hy arthah. Krsna is there; guru is there. Why should you manufacture your own way? If you are sincere, Krsna will dictate from within
- If you think that Krsna name is the Hindu name or Indian name, "Why shall I chant that?" But if you have got any name - actually must be name of God, not a fiction or an idea
- If you want to speak something from your side, you write your own book. Why should you take advantage of the popular book of Bhagavad-gita and misrepresent it? That is the fun
- If your philosophy accepted that everyone is authority, you cannot say: "Do your own work." Why should you say? Then you become authority. You should not speak at all
- In every country nowadays, all over the world, there is so much unemployment. Why one should be unemployed? He must be trained up in such a way that he's employed, he's engaged. This is the duty
- In God's kingdom nobody is foreigner. Everyone is brother. The ultimate father is the Supreme Lord. That is Krsna consciousness. Even the animals. Why should we think animals different from us and we shall kill them? No. You have no right
- In India we have got this opportunity. Why should we miss this opportunity? It is a suicidal policy
- In one family there cannot be two father. The one father. Similarly, when you speak of the supreme father, "O father, give us our daily bread," He is father of everyone. So why one should select one father, another man will select another father?
- In those days - those days means at least five thousand years ago - they selected a place and, "Let us fight and decide our fate," ksatriyas. Why the public should suffer? So in this way Kuruksetra was selected to fight between the two parties
- In Western countries there is no marriage practically. But they have sexual intercourse. They think, - Sex is there, available. Why we should bound ourself by marriage tie
- In your previous letter you stated that the deity worship in Detroit was superexcellent and that all programs were being expertly managed by goverdhan. Why should he leave therefore
- India, eighty percent people, they are vegetarian. They are living very nicely. They are eating sufficient food grain and fruits and milk and milk product. God has given us so many. So why should we maintain slaughterhouse, killing other animals
- Instead of becoming a yogi, you take shelter of Yogesvara. Then all yogic power will be within your control. Just like a rich man's son, if he is in trouble, the whole father estate is behind him. So why should he hanker after earning money?
- Intelligence is the "Why shall I remain in this contaminated position? I shall go to the pure platform." That is God consciousness
- It (Vedanta-sutra) covers the subject of eternity, and the methods are scholarly. So there cannot be any doubt about the transcendental scholarship of Vyasadeva. So why should he lament?
- It is by ignorance that people think that by opening factories they will be happy. Why should they open factories? There is no need
- It is guaranteed human life? - somebody asking. Even if it guaranteed, why should you take the chance of another life? Finish this business in this life. Take help from Krsna, take help from books, take from your spiritual master
- It is not that Krsna comes whimsically. He has a great plan, otherwise why should He come here? He is very much eager to take us back home, back to Godhead. That is Krsna's business
- It is not that mass of people is interested in Ph.D. degree. But if one is interested in Ph.D. degree, government provides: "Yes, in university you come." That is the real facility. So if anyone is interested to understand KC, why it should be denied
- It may be that government may take action against me because I'm speaking something revolutionary. Yes. But that is the fact. Why you should work?
- Janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi (BG 13.9). There is no excuse. So intelligent man, why he should endeavor for things which are temporary, maybe ten years or hundred years or ten thousand years? That is intelligence, that why should I try for temporary things?
- Just being hurt by the words of wife that, "I love her . . ." Later on he (Tulasi dasa) understood, - Yes, she is right. So why should I be so much attached?
- Just like somebody, they declare that "Krsna is everywhere. Why should we go to the temple?"
- Just like that Maharishi came in your country. He wanted to give some private mantra. If that mantra has any power, why it should be private?
- King Daksa collected the opinions of his daughters and thus handed over thirteen to Kasyapa. Every one of Diti's sisters was a mother of children. Therefore, since she was equally faithful to the same husband, why should she remain without children
- Knowledge means: "Why shall I serve the unreal illusion? Let me serve the reality. If my business is to serve and never to be master, always to serve, then why I shall serve the illusion? Let me serve the reality." That sense is called knowledge
- Krsna does not want that you should enjoy this material world. Sometimes the foolish men, they say that - Krsna has given us this facility for sense enjoyment. Why we shall not take it up?
- Krsna Himself says that He is easily purchased by this bhakti-yoga process. Then why should we take to any other process? We can chant Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare twenty-four hours daily
- Krsna is criticizing Arjuna, maha-bahu. Actually he is maha-bahu. Maha-bahu means mighty-armed. One who has got a very strong, mighty arm, he can fight very strongly. Then also, why should you give up your fighting spirit?
- Krsna is everywhere. The Lord is situated in everyone's heart (isvarah sarva-bhutanam hrd-dese 'rjuna tisthati (BG 18.61)). And since He is within us and is all-powerful, why should it be difficult for Him to appear before us
- Krsna is providing so much facilities for becoming Krsna conscious, and why should we deviate and spoil this life, take the risk of again going into the cycle of birth and death? Commonsense affair
- Krsna is ready to give you instruction. The spiritual master is ready. Why should you do at your whims, and do something wrong and go to hell?
- Krsna personally demonstrates that everyone has the right to live. This is Vrndavana life. Why should I live and you die? No. That is material life
- Krsna says, "I have created the four divisions of society, according to quality and work." If someone is working as a brahmacari-brahmana and has acquired the quality of understanding Krsna, the Supreme Lord, then why should he be called for army action
- Krsna says, yoga-ksemam vahamy aham: (BG 9.22) “I personally carry all necessities to My devotees.” Why should one be anxious about the necessities of life? The principle should be that one should not want more than what is absolutely necessary
- Krsna's friends, the cowherd boys, did not consider Him the Supreme Lord either. The gopis even used to chastise Krsna. If a devotee can have such a relationship with Krsna, why should he want to become one with God
- Let them come (to New Mayapura) and work little, grow food, eat and chant. Why should they bother going to the factory, running at five o'clock. Horrible life, horrible civilization
- Lord Rama, the Personality of Godhead Himself, sometimes worshiped Lord Siva. If a devotee is worshiped by the Lord, why should a devotee not be worshiped by other devotees on the same level with the Lord? This is the conclusion
- Majority or minority, it doesn't matter. But why you should take Bhagavad-gita to establish your rascal theories? That means you are cheating
- Meat-eating is a crude form of eating when people are uncivilized. When there is no other food, you cannot produce. But when you are civilized, when you learn how to produce other foods, why should you eat meat
- Modern-day scientists & philosophers, they propagate so many branches of knowledge, but when, on the crucial point, they are caught, they say: "I, I do not know perfectly" But if you are not in perfect knowledge, why should you take the post of a teacher
- Mother Yasoda began to argue within herself, I am an insignificant woman with no connection with the demigods. Why should they take the trouble to put me into devamaya? That also is not possible
- Mother Yasoda considered whether the vision might be due to bewilderment: "I am fit in health; I am not diseased. Why should there be any bewilderment? It is not possible that my brain is deranged, since I am ordinarily quite fit to think
- My Guru Maharaja always used to speak that "Why should you go and flatter? You should speak plain truth, without any flattering. Money will come." That was his conviction
- My Guru Maharaja was also alone. And why not? All these rascals, why shall I call him intelligent?
- Narada Muni had asked him (Dhruva Maharaja), Why should you bother about insult or adoration from your stepmother? He of course said to Dhruva Maharaja that since Dhruva was only a child, what did he have to do with such insult or adoration
- No physician can stop disease. He can suggest, "This is very nice medicine," but my problem is, "Why shall I become diseased?" That is my problem
- Nobody says that, "This (Hare Krsna) is a word from India. Why shall I chant the Indian name?" No. It is God's name. God is neither Indian nor American nor otherwise, neither Christian nor Hindu nor Muslim. God is God
- Now we are training boys who are spiritually inclined and they are unnecessarily being forced into military service. The foolish have no knowledge that some boy is being trained up in higher science. Why should he be destroyed when he is being perfected
- Nowadays it has become a fashion, daridra-narayana-seva, to give protection to the daridras. That is good idea. But why you should bring Narayana amongst the daridras? Narayana is not daridra. Narayana is the husband of Laksmi
- O great one, who stands above even Brahma, You are the original master. Why should they not offer their homage up to You. BG 11.37 - 1972
- O Janardana, although these men, their hearts overtaken by greed, see no fault in killing one's family or quarreling with friends, why should we (Arjuna and Krsna), who can see the crime in destroying a family, engage in these acts of sin?
- Of course, he should not be foolish, that "God is giving me everything without asking, so why should I bother God, asking?" That is advanced devotion. Therefore pure devotee, they do not ask anything from God. They simply want to give service
- On a train, people may argue and fight over a seat, but one who knows that he will only be on the train for two or three hours thinks, - Why should I fight? I shall only be here for a short while
- One can produce many nice preparations to offer Krsna - grain, fruit, flowers and milk. Why should one indulge in unnecessary meat-eating and maintain horrible slaughterhouses? What is the use of smoking and drinking tea and coffee?
- One may protest and ask, "Why should God be worshiped in images and not in His original spiritual form?" The answer is that we cannot see God immediately in His spiritual form. With our material eyes we can only see stone, earth, wood - something tangible
- One should directly approach Krsna, for that will save time and energy. For example, if there is a possibility of going to the top of a building by the help of an elevator, why should one go by the staircase, step by step? BG 1972 purports
- One should not search out a guru for curing some material disease. For that, there is medical practitioner. Why should you search out after a guru
- One should not think, "Why should I follow Hindu or Vedic scriptures?" The purpose of following the Vedic scriptures is to develop love of God
- One thinks, Why should I read Bhagavad-gita? I know everything. I have my own interpretation. Brahma, however, was able to understand that the Supreme Personality is Krsna. Isvarah paramah krsnah (BS 5.1). Another of Krsna's names is paramesvara
- One who possesses this devotional service, he does not think anything there is in the world which is more valuable than this. So why should he enquire? Why should he desire? He has got the sublime thing
- Ordinary living beings work for the improvement of their conditional lives. But the Lord is already full of all opulence, all strength, all fame, all beauty, all knowledge and all renunciation. Why should He desire improvement?
- Our men should be engaged for preaching - why should the preaching be stopped? I was very much encouraged when you and Gargamuni Swami purchased jeeps and formed a travelling sankirtana party. So why have you stopped it?
- Our only objection is that "Why should you preach your nonsense philosophy through Bhagavad-gita?"
- Our opinion and thinking has no value. This should be the first principle. Why should you give opinion on the words of Krsna? Are you more authoritative person than Krsna? This is foolishness, to try to become more than Krsna
- Our request is that such a great science, for the human society, for understanding the problems of life, how to solve it, how to achieve the greatest success in life... We have got this in the Bhagavad-gita. Why should we neglect it
- Out of sentiment, Arjuna was thinking, "Why should I fight against my own kinsmen?" That reluctance to fight was due to Arjuna's illusion, and just to eradicate that illusion, Sri Krsna spoke the Bhagavad-gita to him
- Parama Koruna, 1975 part 3 - jnane prayasam udapasya namanta eva. Just become submissive. And where to submit? You must submit to a perfect person. Otherwise why should you submit?
- Patri said to Krsna: "I am suffering from Your separation, which is more severe than the hunger of Aghasura, the poison of Lake Kaliya and the burning of the forest fire. So why should You not protect me from the pangs of separation?"
- People are advanced in education and knowledge. They think that "If I have to ask bread from God, so why shall I go to God? Let me earn money very nicely, and I can purchase bread. Why shall I go to church"
- People nowadays are so unfortunate. So why should come Krsna to kill them? They are already killed by the laws of nature. They are already killed, half-killed. Therefore Krsna has come in the form of His name. Please chant Hare Krsna
- People say, "Why there should be name of God? He has no name." The impersonalist says "Nameless." Why?
- People will not agree. "Why should Krsna be the proprietor? Hitler should be the proprietor. Nixon ..." That is going on. Therefore you are in trouble
- Perfection is available in your natural life. Why should artificially you become unnatural and fall down and become ludicrous?
- Persons who believe that we are doing pious activities, making charities and welfare work to the human society, why should we bother about God?--such persons even though very moral and pious in the estimation of the material world, are also demons
- Prahlada Maharaja replied, - I was born into a family of demons and was inclined toward material enjoyment. I have seen my powerful father, who was feared even by the demigods, annihilated within a second. Why should I ask for anything
- Prahlada Maharaja said: "My Lord, I have no problem, so why shall I ask You for anything? I have no problem." - Everyone has got problem in this material world. They're trying to overcome the problem. But I have no problem
- Prasadam means foodstuffs which is offered to Krsna first. This is civilization. If you say, "Why should I offer?" that is uncivilized
- Presently, people are in such a miserable condition that they are saying, "Let us die. Let us die." However, Krsna in Bhagavad-gita says, - Why should you die
- Priyavrata might have thought that although a conditioned soul is forced to act according to the laws of nature, why should he, who was far advanced in spiritual understanding, accept the same kind of bondage and impediments to spiritual advancement
- Religious spirit is there. You are responding to my appeal because you have got that spirit. Otherwise, why should you come and waste your time with me?
- Rucih means taste. Unless they have got taste, why they should remain with me? They are not coming from poor family
- Rupa Gosvami says that in everything there is relationship with Krsna. Hari-sambandhi-vastunah. So why shall I reject it? I am concerned with Hari, Krsna; therefore anything belongs to Krsna, I am also interested
- Sanaka Muni addressed the Lord as follows, "As such, why should persons with this knowledge (of Your transcendental position) be attracted by a post in the heavenly kingdom?"
- Sannyasi is supposed to be renounced order. He has nothing to do with this material world. Then why should he come to the social order or philanthropic order? That is his falldown
- Seeking such elevation (back home, back to Godhead) is one's duty in the human form of life. Unless one performs this duty, why should one maintain the body?
- She (Devaki) is your younger sister, and you should protect her, just as you would protect your daughter. Why should you kill her? - In this way he (Vasudeva) placated Kamsa
- Simple thing. Big, big acaryas, they accepted Krsna as He is. And why shall I not accept? This is parampara system. If others have accepted Krsna as He tells, and they have become big, big acaryas, so what objection can be there from my part? What I am?
- Simply because one son is not very intelligent and the other desires to kill him to avoid the burden, the father will never agree. Similarly, if God is the supreme father, why should He sanction the killing of animals who are also His sons
- Simply by knowing this science of Krsna, if we can get liberation from these material miseries of life, why should we not try for this? Let us try for Krsna consciousness. It is a very nice subject matter and very easy
- Since death is inevitable, why should he (Dhrtarastra) accept such a humiliating position for living?
- Since envious, impious activities cause a body in which one suffers in the next life, why should one act impiously - SB 10.1.44
- Since Gajendra, King of the elephants, had surrendered to the SP of Godhead to get free from the present danger and, indirectly, from the present danger of materialistic life, why should the Supreme Personality of Godhead not fulfill his desire
- Since I am (Krsna) very intelligent, why should I give this fool material prosperity? Instead I shall induce him to take the nectar of the shelter of My lotus feet and make him forget illusory material enjoyment
- Since Lord Siva is in charge of annihilation, why should he be approached for protection, which is given by Lord Visnu? Lord Brahma creates, & Lord Siva annihilates, but both Brahma & Siva are incarnations of Lord Visnu & are known as saktyavesa-avatara
- Since our only business is to take shelter of Krsna, Devahuti says, - I am taking shelter of You so that You can cut my attachment to this material life. Why should You do this? Because I am Your eternal servant
- Since the city (Ayodhya) was sprinkled with perfumed water, we can simply imagine how opulent it was in other respects. Why should the citizens not have felt happy during the reign of Lord Ramacandra
- Since the demigods resort to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, why should the worshipers of the demigods not approach the Supreme Lord for whatever benefits they desire?
- Since the manifestation exists only in the middle - between the two points of unmanifestation - why should one cry for the body manifested in the interim?
- Sisya means voluntarily accepting the ruling. Everyone is free. If I give you some ruling, why should you accept it? Therefore this formal initiation ceremony is performed. He promises - My dear sir, I shall abide by your order
- So far the sign is concerned, why should we make such an expenditure of so many thousands of dollars for a sign . . . what benefit shall we derive?
- So long as you are in the material world, you cannot neglect physical laws. Suppose you go to a jungle and there is a tiger. It is known that it will attack you, so why should you voluntarily go and be attacked
- So long as you have discrimination, you are not a perfect devotee. So why should you artificially imitate a perfect devotee and eat everything
- Some of our students, they think that "Why should I work in this mission? Oh, let me go away." He goes away, but what does he do? He becomes a motor driver, that's all. Instead of getting honor as brahmacari, sannyasi, he has to work as ordinary worker
- Somebody challenges that "Why shall I believe in the Vedas? I must see." But everything is not possible to see. For example, the mother said to the son, "Here is your father." So you have to believe your mother; otherwise how you can see your father?
- Someone else may think, "Oh, why shall I touch it (a hundred dollar note)? It belongs to someone else. Let it remain there. I have nothing to do with it." This is called tyaga, renunciation
- Someone once asked me, "Why have you come to America?" But why should I not come? I am a servant of God, and this is the kingdom of God, so why should I not come
- Sometimes people question that, "Why God should come?" So our answer is, "Why God should not come?" If He is all-powerful, who can check Him to come here? If we say that God cannot come, that means God becomes under our rules and regulation
- Sometimes the so-called rsis and yogis, they also say, "Yes, when you have got the senses, it is meant for enjoyment. Why it should be stopped?" Yes. Really it has to be stopped
- Sometimes we become induced, but we should always remember that "I have taken this vow. Why shall I be induced by my friend to smoke?" That is very nice
- Suppose I have written one book. So I have got some intention. So why should you interpret my intention with your intention? What right you have got? You have no right
- Suppose Krsna says, sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja (Bg. 18.66). Before that, Krsna has described everything, why you should surrender to Krsna. At last He says, "You surrender to Me." So there is no difficulty
- Suppose you are in distress, so why should you express, " My dear Lord, I am in distressed condition"? God does not know that you are in distressed condition? He is already within your heart - isvarah sarva-bhutanam
- The anger can be utilized in Krsna consciousness. Everything can be utilized in Krsna consciousness. Why should I give up anger? Krsna is also angry, and I am son of Krsna. So anger is in me because I have got the qualities of my father
- The animals, as soon as they are fatty and grown up, they are sent to the slaughterhouse. This business is going on. So why there should not be crisis in food grain and crisis in human...?
- The author of Bhagavad-gita did not leave it for being interpreted by a third-class man. He is Krsna, the Supreme Lord. He said everything clearly. Why an ordinary man should interpret His word? That is our objection
- The cats and dogs are supplied with necessities of life. So why we should bother Krsna, asking Him, "Give us our daily bread"? He is supplying already. Our business is how to love Him. That is religion
- The Christian process, that going to church, confession, that is very nice. You confess. And God or God's representative is quite able to excuse you and to make you free from all sinful reaction. But why should you commit again?
- The conception of the Paramatma is an invincible answer to these fallacious arguments - if death is complete forgetfulness, why should a person be punished for his past misdeeds
- The demigods cannot give any good results to the person who has not executed the prescribed duties; therefore demigods are dependent on the execution of duties and are not absolute in awarding good results to anyone. So why should one care about them?
- The deplorable condition today is that one is taking more than he needs while another is starving. Consequently the starving masses are revolting and asking, "Why should we starve?" But their methods are imperfect
- The facilities to enjoy sense gratification are offered by nature, whether one be a hog, a camel, or a human being. So why should you labor for facilities that you are destined to receive anyway, by nature's law
- The girls, the women, they like to be more beautiful. So if by dressing in other way they look beautiful, why should you ask them not to do it?
- The inquisitiveness of Vidura was quite fitting, for he understood that when the Supersoul, Brahma & Siva all appeared through the person of Anasuya, the wife of Atri Muni, there must have been some great purpose. Otherwise why should they have appeared
- The intelligent man should know this, that: "I want permanent settlement in my life, but that is not being done." Only intelligent man can understand, because intelligent means to understand we are all eternal. Why should we accept this temporary body
- The knowledge is received, not manufactured. Some people think, "Why should I listen to Him? I can think for myself. I can manufacture something new." This is not the Vedic process of descending knowledge
- The Lord replied (to Sanatana Gosvami), "Why should you not think you're well educated? You're a great scholar in Sanskrit and Persian." "That may be," Sanatana Gosvami said, - but I do not know what I am
- The poor do not have sufficient food. Let them go to the church and pray, 'O God, give us our daily bread.' But I have enough bread. Why should I go to church? - This is their opinion.
- The sense gratification can be available in every life, cats' and dogs' also. Why should we sacrifice the greatest boon of human life
- The temple is managed by Srimati Radharani, Laksmiji; so why should there be want? Our philosophy is, if anyone comes, let him take prasad, chant Hare Krsna & be happy. Everything is being supplied by Krsna, Krsna is not poor, so why we should deny them
- The Ten Commandments are there. Lord Jesus Christ said: "Thou shall not kill." So you should not kill. Why should you kill? You follow this instruction, God's representative. Then you gradually develop your God consciousness
- The various states of the world are preoccupied with arranging for military strength. Sometimes they spend sixty-five percent of the government's revenue for this purpose. But why should people's hard-earned money be spent in this way?
- The whole thing is made of these five elements - earth, water, air, fire - that's all. So why should you deny that "Fire - no living entities"? You cannot live in the fire; you cannot live in the water. Does it mean others cannot? This is foolishness
- There are many things like that. So you should try to understand it fully. Why should you understand it haphazardly? You must try to understand fully
- There are philosophers who do not believe in the Lord's incarnation and who ask - Why should the Supreme Lord come? But the answer is - Why should He not come? Why should He be controlled by the desire of the living entity
- There cannot be any doubt about the transcendental scholarship of Vyasadeva. So why should he lament
- There is natural mattress, and there is a natural pillow, so why should you manufacture pillow and mattress? This is Sukadeva Gosvami. Why should you waste your time? This is the Bhagavata philosophy
- These rascals thought that "It (sarva-dharman parityajya) is too much. Why I shall surrender to Krsna? I am also as good as Krsna. Why shall I surrender?" That is our mentality
- They (the philosophers who do not believe that God comes as an incarnation) say, "Why should God come to this rotten world?" But from Bhagavad-gita we understand otherwise
- They (tree and beast) also have a right to live. Why should you cut the trees? Why should you send the bulls to the slaughterhouse? This is injustice. How can you gain justice by yourself doing injustice
- They did not know what is truth, not afraid. Why? If one is on the platform of truth, why he should be afraid? They did not know what is truth - beginning from Vivekananda
- They have no sympathy for Jesus Christ. He died for our sins. Why should we commit sins again? Such a great life has been sacrificed for our sins, so we should be guided by Jesus Christ
- This conclusion (body changes like the seasonal changes) is very logical, it is supported by the sastra, the Vedic literature, and it is also affirmed by the greatest authority, Krsna Himself. Therefore why should we not accept it
- This house is material. It is made of wood, stone. So we are giving up all material connection. Then why shall we live in this house?
- This is intelligence, that God has provided for everyone for these facilities, so human being, why he should not have this facility from God? It is already there. There is no doubt about it
- This is the beginning of material life - to be envious of Krsna. "Why should Krsna be the enjoyer?" they think. "I shall also be the enjoyer. Why should Krsna enjoy the gopis? I shall become Krsna and make a society of gopis and enjoy." This is maya
- This is the fault of My own destiny. Why should I needlessly accuse you? There is no intimate relationship between you and Me. Krsna, however, is My life and soul. It is We who live together, and it is He who has become so cruel
- This is the influence of Kali-yuga. One becomes disciple of a spiritual master, then he whimsically disagrees. So why, if you disagree, why should you accept somebody as spiritual master
- This is the philosophy of the Communists. "Why should you go to the church? Why should you go to the temple? Forget all these things. Work hard, earn money and enjoy life." But that is demonic. Because there is envy against God
- This Kali-yuga is the ocean of faults. Why should we lament for that? The remedy is there. Kirtanad eva krsnasya mukta... (SB 12.3.51). You chant Hare Krsna
- This Krsna consciousness movement means we are trying to invoke that original consciousness that he's part and parcel of Krsna. Why he should remain in this material world and suffer the threefold miseries
- Those who are intelligent, they think that, "Why shall I neglect this point? I am not going to accept a body like a tree or a dog. If I accept a body, I must have a body very nice." One may not be interested in this fact, but others may be interested
- Those who are interested (in KC movement), why they should be denied? It should be maintained. We cannot expect everyone can give up all these bad habits - illicit sex, illicit meat-eating, or drink or intoxication, gambling. That is not expected
- Those who are learned (panditah) do not discriminate. They do not say, "This is an animal, so it should be sent to the slaughterhouse so that a man may eat it." No. Why should the animals be slaughtered
- Those who are not perfect devotees may discriminate. But a perfect devotee does not discriminate. Why should you imitate a perfect devotee
- Those who have denied the existence of God, they are also being fed by Krsna, or God. And we are preaching the glories of God. Why we shall be in want? That is not possible. And actually we are not
- To go to the moon, one must have the qualification of pious activities. Then one may go there and live. If one has gone to the moon, why should he return to this planet, where life is of a very short duration
- To such a misguided interpreter we may reply, "Why should you suggest such fallacious logic? An interpretation is never accepted as evidence if it opposes the principles of scripture"
- Tyagi means, Oh, this is all material. Why shall I touch? Aham brahmasmi. I'm Brahman. I am nothing
- We are not meant for suffering. If we are sons of God, who is full with all opulence, why should we suffer
- We are preaching this, that "You take to Krsna. Surrender to Krsna." Krsna said the same thing we are saying. We are not manufacturing it. Why should we manufacture? The words are already there
- We do not change. Why should you change? What right you have got to change? If Bhagavad-gita is a book of authority, and if I make my own interpretation, then where is the authority?
- We have got little independence and we can misuse it, that "Why shall I serve Krsna? Let me serve myself." "Let me serve myself" means "Let me serve my different propensities - kama, krodha, lobha, moha, matsarya,"
- We have got our argument and logic, everything. Why should we blindly follow
- We have to learn how Krsna takes His birth, which is not ordinary. If it were ordinary, why should we observe the Janmastami ceremony? His birth is divyam, divine
- We have to understand Him in truth, not by imagination, not by malinterpretation, but by fact. The fact is being explained by Krsna Himself. Why we should go to understand Krsna by the commentary of some less intelligent, some poor fund of knowledge?
- We living entities are all sons of God, but we have forgotten this, and therefore we are fighting. In a happy family, all the sons know, - Father is supplying food to us all. We are brothers, so why should we fight
- We may purchase a ticket to go to India, and on the basis of the ticket we have faith that we will be transported there. Why should we pay money for a ticket? We do not just give the money to anyone
- We must know then for certain that there is a controller; that is the beginning of knowledge. Why should we deny this truth
- We say everyone, "Come and eat." Why he should remain hungry? We invite everyone, "Come here, eat, no charge." We don't charge. Why he should remain hungry? Let us increase this program. All hungry men of Melbourne city, come here
- We should always be aware that we are insignificant creature. Our opinion and thinking has no value. This should be the first principle. Why should you give opinion on the words of Krsna?
- We should not optimistically think, "Everyone is dying, but I shall live." Why will you live if everyone is dying? Your grandfather has died, your great-grandfather has died, other relatives of yours have died - why should you live? You will also die
- We sometimes accept one guru. But why should we accept guru? What is the necessity of accepting guru? This is the necessity for tattva-jijnasa, for inquiring about the Absolute Truth
- What is the use of starting temple if you do not do it properly? Why should you waste your energy? Better travel and preach
- What they will write? They have no philosophy. Simply cheat that, "Press your nose, you get Bhagavan." That's all. And people think, - It is so easy. Why shall I go to Bhaktivedanta Swami? Let me go to this Guru Maharaj
- What you have done is good. Why should you remarry? Rather you should take sannyasa. Now you are getting very good training
- Whatever he has, the Lord protects, and whatever he needs, the Lord supplies. Therefore why should one bother the Lord for something material? Such prayers are unnecessary
- Whatever Krsna likes, He'll do. You cannot oblige Him, that "You have to do it." No. That is karma-mimamsa, that "If good work gives good result, so why should we care for Krsna? We shall do the good work." Ordinary people, they think like that
- When a citizen agitates the public against the king, the duty of the king is to call him and try to pacify him with sweet words, saying, "You are very important in the state. Why should you disturb the public with some new cause for agitation?"
- When it is disputed, why should you publish that picture? It is controversial. You should not print
- When Prahlada was asked by the Supreme Lord what benediction he desired, Prahlada Maharaja replied, - My dear Lord, why should I ask for some benediction simply because I have suffered for You? You are supremely powerful, & whatever I get, I get from You
- When you are sick you cannot go out; you have to rest and take so many medicines and formulas. But we don't want that - "Why should I be a sick person?" But you are diseased
- When you have got such orange, such nice fruits, and rice and dahl and milk, why should you eat fish? After all, you have to eat something. If such nice foods are not available, you can eat fish. But when very nice foods are available, why should you?
- When you say we are not Hindu that we are not restricted with the Hindi community. That is the meaning. Because Krsna says, "I am for everyone." So why should we be restricted to the Hindi community?
- Who can guarantee that he is not nearing death? Everyone is nearing death at every moment. Why should you wait for old age? That is manda-mater, bad intelligence
- Why do you accept these rascals as religious? That is your fault. Why should you stick to them, that they cannot teach what is real religion? So let us give you
- Why he should be given this business? He's such irresponsible man. He should not be given any responsible work. Our first business should see how he is advanced in devotion. We don't want so-called scholars
- Why I should be bothered about that? Let me do my duty as human being. That is required
- Why shall I bother God? He is supplying everyone food, why shall I ask Him food? My food is also there. Let me serve Him - That is his higher intelligence
- Why shall I find out petrol, when my petrol will be finished and I'll have to take a body like a dog or a cat? They have no such knowledge
- Why shall I force? That is not my business. I am Krsna's servant. I simply say, "Here is good thing. You take it."
- Why shall I steal? I shall depend on God. This is knowledge
- Why shall I waste my time trying to avoid distress and gain so-called happiness? Let me utilize my energy for Krsna consciousness. - That is intelligence. You cannot check your destiny. The magazine's question touches on this point
- Why should a living entity, who has been given senses, not be allowed unrestricted sense gratification?
- Why should a person who is already engaged in the service of the Lord engage himself in personal sense gratification? Dhruva Maharaja is advised here (in SB 4.11.10) by Lord Manu that he is a pure servitor of the Lord
- Why should a Vaisnava be envious of another Vaisnava who is successful in spreading the holy name of the Lord
- Why should God be a person of this material world? Therefore in the beginning Kuntidevi cleared away this misunderstanding by saying that the Lord is prakrteh param, beyond this material creation
- Why should he (Maharaja Citraketu) not consider his dead son his former enemy and instead of lamenting be jubilant because of an enemy's death
- Why should I engage myself in this killing business? Better retire from it. If I don't get my kingdom, I shall rather beg. - This begging business is for us
- Why should I give me away to the animal life? Visayah khalu sarvatah syat. Visaya means the four necessities of material life. That is called visaya
- Why should I go to the church to ask for bread? We shall develop our economic condition, and then there will be a sufficient supply of bread. - In Communist countries this mentality is especially prevalent
- Why should Krsna perform the pastime of taking birth? Kuntidevi replies, punya-slokasya kirtaye: (SB 1.8.32) to glorify those who are very pious and very much advanced in spiritual understanding
- Why should man not be satisfied with grains, fruits and milk, which, combined together, can produce hundreds and thousands of palatable dishes
- Why should mother Laksmi, the mother of the universe, be angry with an insignificant devotee like Prthu Maharaja? All this was not very likely. Yet Prthu Maharaja, just for his personal protection, appealed to the Lord to take his part
- Why should one approach a person who is blind with wealth? Rather, one should depend on Krsna, and He will give everything
- Why should one artificially try to become like a big fire although by constitution he is like a small spark? It is due to ignorance
- Why should one give up any one of them (his family, society, country, body and relatives) and take shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Why should one make a distinction between an ordinary living entity and the Supreme Personality of Godhead? This question is answered in the following verses - SB 10.2.27- 41
- Why should one not accept the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, from whom unlimited numbers of gold mines come into being? Aham sarvasya prabhavo mattah sarvam pravartate - BG 10.8
- Why should one suffer from these five kinds (hard labor, foam, frustration, fear and death) of tribulation? Because one has a material body
- Why should one think that his state belongs to only a small number of people? In fact this is all the property of God, and every living entity has a right to use this property because every living being is a child of God, who is the supreme father
- Why should one waste his time for so-called economic development, which is neither permanent nor pleasing to the soul?
- Why should people neglect the association of such exalted spiritual personalities (sadhus, who think of Krsna twenty-four hours a day) and try to associate with materialists, taking shelter of nondevotees, most of whom are proud and rich - SB 10.10.18
- Why should so many persons worship one person? Because that one person provides for the others. Eko bahunam yo vidadhati kaman
- Why should someone be accepted as God without displaying extraordinary potency by doing something never to be done by any common man
- Why should the jagat be considered mithya? The jagat is an emanation from Brahman. Therefore the jagat is also truth
- Why should the trees tell us where Krsna has gone? Let us rather inquire from the creepers; they are female and are therefore like friends to us
- Why should this Bhagavata be tasted? Bhavausadhi: it is the medicine for our disease of birth and death
- Why should we accept a competitor? We should not simply engage in mental speculation but should accept Krsna in full consciousness and be happy. This is made possible by the help of the guru; therefore Devahuti is further questioning her son, Kapiladeva
- Why should we be very anxious to know Visnu, or God? Prahlada Maharaja gives a reason: Visnu is the dearmost person. That we have forgotten
- Why should we blindly accept imperfect scientists? They are imperfect because they are changing their position in the name of progress
- Why should we bother about this battlefield? Because Krsna is on the battlefield, and therefore the whole battlefield has become Krsna-ized
- Why should we bother Him (Krsna), "Now give me protection"? My asking Him protection is the greatest job? No. If He wants to give me protection, without asking He will do that. Why should I ask Him and make my position degraded?
- Why should we go to research? Everything is there. Our position is very safe. We get the perfect knowledge without wasting our time. We take from Krsna, that's all. Finish
- Why should we identify ourself as animal - "I am Indian," "I am American," "I am Hindu," "I am Muslim," "I am this"? It is wrong type of civilization
- Why should we interpret it that "This Kuruksetra means this body, dharmaksetra, this body"? Why? Why mislead people? Stop this misleading. And Kuruksetra is still there. Kuruksetra station, railway station, is there
- Why should we interpret Krsna's words? Am I more than Krsna? Or did Krsna leave some portion to be explained by me by interpretation? Then what is the importance of Krsna?
- Why should we manufacture some other thing? Manufacturing means Mayavada, mental concoction. That is not the process of bhakti
- Why should we not fulfill this mission of life in this human form of life? Why unnecessarily desire so many sense gratification? This is called tapasya
- Why should we not part with our possessions and deliver them to Lord Visnu for His satisfaction? Sri Canakya Pandita says in this regard, san-nimitte varam tyago vinase niyate sati (Canakya-sloka 36)
- Why should we unnecessarily waste our time concocting some philosophy? There is so much to be learned that has already been given by the supreme authority
- Why should we violate the purpose of the Trust
- Why should we worship Him (Krsna)? - Suhrdam sarva-bhutanam: He is the real friend of everyone
- Why should you be implicated in these material activities (becoming Rockefeller, Ford & Brahma)? Try to come to Me (Krsna), back to home, back to Godhead. Then you'll haven't got to return again in this material world. That is the highest perfection
- Why should you fight? Can you fight with death? Maya has imposed upon you death. So fight with maya, that there will be no death
- Why should you interpret? Gopis prayed Krsna and all the Katyayani devi that "Let Krsna become our husband." So Krsna fulfilled their desire because a woman can become naked only before husband. That is the purport, no other interpretation
- Why should you lament for your grandfather and teacher? They are so highly elevated. Death will take place so long this body is there. Now they have come to fight as a matter of duty. So there is no lamentation." This is the instruction Krsna is giving
- Why should you prolong your life? For suffering? You are suffering, that is your problem, so what is the use of prolonging your life? This is foolishness
- Why should you say, "Oh, I am Christian. I am Jew. I cannot attend your meeting." Why should you say, "Oh, I cannot allow you to speak in my church." If I am speaking about God, what objection you have got?
- Why should you voluntarily go and be attacked? It is not that a devotee should take physical risk so long he has got some physical body. It is not a challenge to the physical laws: "Oh, I have become a devotee. I challenge everything." That's foolishness
- Why shouldn't this spiritual education be given to the American people in an organized way? The whole world is going down and becoming Godless
- Why they should interpret? Interpretation is required when there is no understanding. If the matter is clearly understood, why interpretation? This is rascaldom
- Why they should maintain slaughterhouse, and do not think that they are not sinful, and still they want to be happy without caring for God? That is lack of brain
- Why we should not believe in the next life? Even a child can understand. But they are trying to avoid next life. That is their philosophy
- Why we should waste our time to find out how there is life, how it is working? Take instruction from Krsna. Everything is given. And if you are intelligent, you’ll understand; then you can learn
- Why you should be so much working hard to make them Krsna conscious, unless you love Krsna? This is the sign of love. "I love Krsna, but I do nothing for Krsna," that is nonsense
- Why you should eat animals? That is uncivilized life. When there is no food, when they are aborigines, they may eat animals, because they do not know how to grow food. But when the human society becomes civilized, he can grow so many nice foods
- Why you should falsely initiate a person? If you cannot make him a brahmana and elevate him to the highest stage of devotional service, why should you cheat others? Initiation means making him dvijatvam . Tatha diksa-vidhanena dvijatvam jayate nrnam
- Why you should give any importance to weakness? Weakness is weakness. Rectify it
- Why you should hanker after another? You have got already. Be satisfied. "No." That is doggish mentality
- Why? - he will ask - It is my house, and it is paid for. I have money and a job and responsibilities. Why should I get out?. "Just get out. Don't talk. Get out"
- Without KC one thinks, - I shall protect myself, or my society, community, or state will give me protection. I have so many protectors. Why should I care for God? Why shall I go to Krsna? Those rascals who have no protection can go to Krsna
- Yet why should I be angry with Krsna? It is the fault of My own misfortune. The fruit of My sinful activities has ripened, and therefore Krsna, who has always been dependent on My love, is now indifferent. This means that My misfortune is very strong
- You beggar, since you don't understand your position, why should you unnecessarily talk so much? Don't all of you wait at our house, depending on us for your livelihood like crows?
- You can kill one insignificant animal, like pigs or goats. It has not very much use. You kill it in your home, before your children and family, and eat. The government may not have any objection. But why should you maintain slaughterhouses?
- You can live peacefully by married life and have sex life for children, good children. - That is allowed. But why should you have illicit sex life? What is this? Irresponsible life
- You cannot say that, "I have worked so hard. I have made my country, my family, my house so nice. Why I shall get out?" "No. You must." Or "Let me stay here for some days more." - No, not even a second. You must get out
- You cannot stop the varieties. You have to change the quality of the varieties. Just like we are eating. It is not possible to stop eating. Why shall I stop eating? But the quality is changed. It is prasadam
- You have asked what is the origin of the black race. This is not an important question. Why should you be curious about the temporary body
- You have to eat. These things are eatable: food grains, vegetables, fruits, milk, sugar. That's all. Why should we eat nonsense things? This will keep your health very nice. Sattvikahara
- You have written that you are wishing to leave for Toronto with Kanupriya, but this can be done only if there is no sacrifice of the Montreal temple. You are doing so nicely there as you have written, so why should you leave
- You may love your dog very nicely and leave some property, but where you are going, sir? That is under the nature's law. You cannot say that "I've given so much property to the dog. Why shall I accept the dog body?" No
- You may not remember. You have no such brain. You are teeny. But why should you defy Krsna? Why should you deny the facility for Krsna? That means you are thinking, - Krsna, He is like me
- You must be trustworthy. Otherwise why shall I trust you
- You try to understand this science (Bhagavad-gita) by pranipata, pranipatena, by surrendering, not by deserving yourself, that "I am very learned scholar. Why shall I surrender?" No. That is the first thing wanted
- Your progress should be steady on the spiritual platform. So we shall discuss this point more. The time has passed. So Prahlada Maharaja will explain that why one should offer everything to Krsna. That we shall discuss in the next meeting