Category:Who Can
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Pages in category "Who Can"
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- In the present age, Kali-yuga, animal sacrifices are forbidden because there are no expert brahmanas who can properly perform the yajna
- Rakhe krsna mare ke, mare krsna rakhe ke - "If Krsna wants to kill you, who can save you? Nobody can save you. And if Krsna wants to protect you, who can kill you?"
- A cobra is very fierce before ordinary persons, but before an enchanter who can play with him, he is a plaything. Similarly, a demon may be very powerful in his own domain, but before the Lord he is insignificant
- A devotee will not depend on his material resources but on the mercy of the SPG, who can give real protection. This is called raksisyatiti visvasah or (in the Bengali poetry of Bhaktivinoda Thakura’s Saranagati) ‘avasya raksibe krsna’ - visvasa pala
- A king controls and rules in various ways among citizens; similarly, one who can control his senses is the king of his senses. He is a svami or gosvami. The svamis and gosvamis are therefore sometimes addressed as maharaja, or king
- A Ksatriya who alone can fight with another thousand Ksatriyas, he's called maha-ratha
- A Ksatriya who alone can fight with another thousand Ksatriyas, he's called maha-ratha. So it does not mean to become bhagavata means . . . to become devotee, one has to stop all other activities. No
- A man has fallen in the blind well, and he's crying, "Save me! Save me!" and when somebody comes and gives him a rope - "You catch it. I shall lift you" - but he'll not touch it, then who can save him
- A motor car is working. All of a sudden it stops. So there are technologists who can repair the car and it will again start. That is technology. Now the man is working, stopped. So where is that technology to make it move again
- A person who can affect the mind of everyone is called predominating
- A person who can always put his enemy into calamities is called powerful
- A person who can control his senses fully is called vasi, or self-controlled. In this connection it is stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam
- A person who can perform various types of work at once is called clever. In this connection one of the gopis said
- A person who can speak meaningful words and with all politeness and good qualities is called vavaduka, or fluent
- A person who can speak sweetly even with his enemy just to pacify him is called a pleasing talker. Krsna was such a pleasing talker that after defeating His enemy, Kaliya, in the water of Yamuna, He said
- A person who can tolerate all kinds of offenses from the opposite party is known to be forgiving
- A person who is very cunning and always youthful, expert in joking and without anxiety, and who can keep his girlfriends always subjugated, is called dhira-lalita
- A sober person who can tolerate the urge to speak, the mind's demands, the actions of anger and the urges of the tongue, belly and genitals is qualified to make disciples all over the world
- A Vaisnava can understand that nothing within this material world, not even that which is powerful, opulent or influential, can endure. At any time such things may be vanquished. And who can vanquish them? The Supreme Personality of Godhead
- A young boy sees another young man or a young man sees another young girl - natural sex appetite, natural. But one who can control that, that is dhirah. That is dhirah. Dhiras tatra na muhyati. That is yoga practice
- A young boy sees another young man or a young man sees another young girl. Natural sex appetite, natural. But one who can control that, that is dhirah. That is dhirah. Dhiras tatra na muhyati. That is yoga practice
- According to the instructions of Srila Rupa Gosvami, the first business of a devotee is to accept a bona fide spiritual master who can train him to engage his various senses in rendering transcendental service to the Lord
- According to the Vedic injunctions, one must accept a wife just to beget a son who can deliver one from the clutches of Yamaraja. Unless one has a son to offer oblations to the pitas, or forefathers, one must suffer in Yamaraja's kingdom
- Actually, any person who can think, feel and will cannot be separated from Krsna. But the stage in which he can understand his eternal relationship with Krsna is called Krsna consciousness
- After being further trained, he (the mature student) accepts sannyasa. He is then a fully learned and renounced person who can move anywhere and everywhere without fear of being captivated by material desires
- After thus expressing their feelings to each other, Lord Caitanya and Laksmi returned home. Who can understand the grave pastimes of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu?
- After thus rebuking Indra, King of heaven, with sharp words, Bali Maharaja, who could subdue any other hero, drew back to his ear the arrows known as naracas and attacked Indra with these arrows. Then he again chastised Indra with strong words
- Aja (Brahma) and others arrived on the spot to see the fearfully tusked demon lying on the ground, biting his lip. The glow of his face was yet unfaded, and Brahma admiringly said: Oh, who could meet such blessed death?
- Akhila-bandha. Akhila. Akhila means complete, wholesale. And who can give this contribution? That is also stated that, atho maha-bhaga bhavan amogha-drk: whose vision is clear
- Akrura tells Krsna: Who can surrender to anyone other than Yourself? Who is as dear, truthful, friendly and grateful as You? You are so perfect and complete that even though You give Yourself to Your devotee, You are still full and perfect
- Alas, just look at me! I am so unfortunate. I approached the lotus feet of the SPG, who can immediately cut the chain of the repetition of birth and death, but still, out of my foolishness, I prayed for things which are perishable
- All glories to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who appeared on this planet to deliver the world from the burden of demons, and who can offer liberation to everyone
- All the gold mines are created by the energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore, why should one accept a magician who can manufacture only a small portion of gold
- All the wealth belongs to Krsna. When He was present on this earth, He showed it. Aisvaryasya samagra . . . as much as we can comprehend, He showed. Sixteen thousand wives, sixteen thousand palaces. Who can show it?
- All the world derives pleasure from Me. Is there anyone who can give Me pleasure?
- All these mystic powers can be attained by ordinary man if he wants; there is process. But Krsna is the master of all yogic power, Yogesvara. So who can get victory?
- Also inquire from them if they are interested in being the sole selling agency in India. In this case, they must purchase at least 500 books. If not, they can help us by sending a list of leading book sellers in India who can help in selling our books
- Also, the Lord fully exhibited the ecstatic love and transcendental pastimes of Vrndavana through Srila Rupa Gosvami. Considering all this, who can understand the deep plans of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Although Arjuna is addressed herein (BG 4.5) as the mighty hero who could subdue the enemies, he is unable to recall what had happened in his various past births. BG 1972 purports
- Although Krsna is the origin of all this, He can always be seen in Vrndavana, exhibiting His inconceivable potencies. So who can adequately worship such an all-powerful Lord, possessed of such inconceivable energy?
- Although Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya fainted, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu did not take notice of him. Rather, He left quickly. Who can understand the mind and intention of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Although the King had been refused an interview, he was indirectly bestowed causeless mercy. Who can understand the internal potency of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Although the Lord told Nityananda Prabhu to stay in Bengal and spread ecstatic love of God, Nityananda left to go see Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Who can understand Nityananda Prabhu's ecstatic love
- Although the Supreme Lord is self-satisfied, He was so pleased with the behavior of Maharaja Gaya that He personally came to the sacrificial arena and said, "I am fully satisfied." Who can compare to Maharaja Gaya
- Amongst the karma-kanda experts, the expert jataka-vipras were good astrologers who could tell all the future history of a born child simply by the astral calculations of the time (lagna)
- An intelligent person who can distinguish between the transcendental activities of the Lord and the activities of the conditioned souls is also not bound by the reactions of activities
- Anucarah means "those who can immediately understand the purpose of their master"
- Any person who can quickly execute a very difficult task is called expert
- Any person who can understand the feelings of all persons and incidents in all places at all times is called all-cognizant
- Anyone can practice karma-yoga, but it is especially easy for the householder, who can install the Deity of the Lord in the home and worship Him according to the methods of bhakti-yoga
- Anyone who can reach Brahmaloka, or Satyaloka, by dint of spiritual perfection and practice is qualified to attain three different types of perfection
- Anyone who can stay permanently in Vrndavana is welcome. I want that as many devotees stay permanently and become Brijabasis. That will be very inspiring
- Anyone who can understand the plan of the Supreme Lord and cultivate Krsna consciousness is most intelligent. BG 1972 purports
- Anyone who can understand the process of karma, the process of work, in this way, he is the most intelligent person in this world. - Most intelligent person. Not that a person who has passed M.A., Ph.D. examination from the university
- Apply ISKCON. Life Member can send any member of his family for being trained up as qualified Brahmin who can preach Bhagavad-gita as it is all over the world
- Arjuna's another name is Dhananjaya. Dhananjaya means "one who can conquer over riches." His brother was in need of money, and he brought money. Therefore, from that day, his name was Dhananjaya, "one can conquer over riches"
- As a wooden doll dances to the will of a puppeteer, everything is accomplished by the will of the Lord. Who can understand the characteristics of the Supreme Personality of Godhead?
- As one cannot approach the heavenly planets simply by the strength of his arms (for who can touch the heavenly planets with his hands?), one cannot imitate the wonderful activities of Maharaja Bharata. No one could perform such activities in the past
- As one intelligent person puts himself under the treatment of a physician to get out of the disease, similarly, human life is meant for putting himself to the expert physician who can cure you from your material disease. That is your business
- As stated in the Vedas, the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the source of material energy. Consequently He is sometimes called maya-maya, or the Supreme person, who can create His pastimes through His potency known as the material energy
- As we see that in water some other living entities can live, similarly, I may not be able to live in the fire, but there are other living entities who can live there. That should be the right conclusion
- At the present moment our mind is so disturbed, we are disturbed in so many ways. Meditation is not possible in this age. Maybe there may be one or two persons who can meditate. The real meditation means to think of Krsna
- At the present moment the first-class men who can understand God, who can speak about God, the science of God, that is missing
- At the present moment there is scarcity of brahmana. Brahmana means who has got very nice intellectual brain, who can understand the Absolute Truth
- At this place Damodara, who can cut the knot of our material existence, was tied up by His mother Yasoda
- Because they have no brain to understand what is God. So in the human society, if there is no brahmana who can teach about God, who can elevate persons to God consciousness, then it is also animal society
- Behind everything visible to our material eyes is some cause, and one who can see the original cause of all causes, Lord Krsna, can actually see. Krsna, the sac-cid-ananda-vigraha (BS 5.1), is the background of everything
- Beneath the planet known as Sutala is another planet, called Talatala, which is ruled by the Danava demon named Maya. Maya is known as the acarya (master) of all the mayavis, who can invoke the powers of sorcery
- Besides her (Devahuti's) personal beauty, she was the daughter of Emperor Svayambhuva and sister of King Uttanapada. Who could refuse the hand of such a girl?
- Better than the brahmana who knows the purpose of the Vedas is he who can dissipate all doubts, and better than him is one who strictly follows the brahminical principles
- Better than the brahmana who knows the purpose of the Vedas is he who can dissipate doubts, and better than him is one who follows the brahminical principles. Better than him is one who is liberated from all contamination, and better than him is a devotee
- Better than those living entities who can perceive sound are those who can distinguish between one form and another. Better than them are those who have developed upper and lower sets of teeth, and better still are those who have many legs
- Beyond Brahma there is the Transcendence, who has no material form and is free from all material contaminations. Anyone who can know Him also becomes transcendental, but those who do not know Him suffer the miseries of the material world
- Both Vidura and Uddhava were such elevated devotees (who can see Krsna in their hearts), and therefore they both came to the bank of the Yamuna and met each other
- Brahma and Siva, who can satisfy all materially ambitious men by giving them the rewards they desire, then manifested their own identities before King Rantideva, for it was they who had presented themselves as the brahmana, sudra, candala and so on
- Brahma said, "Anyone who can simply be attached to You by devotional service can know Your actual position, birth, appearance, disappearance and activities"
- Brahmana means the most intelligent class of men who can understand even up to the knowledge of Brahman, brahma janati iti brahmana
- Brahmin is not by birth. So anyone who can understand what is God, he becomes brahmin. The same example: anyone who is highly learned scholar and lawyer, he becomes a high court judge
- By chanting the Vedic mantras properly in a sacrifice, one can perform many wonderful things. In Kali-yuga, however, there are no qualified brahmanas who can chant the mantras properly
- By such tiny advancements in material science the false egoist tries to challenge even the strength of the Supreme Lord, who can finish all man's tiny endeavors in less than a second
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu - who can be more advanced than Caitanya Mahaprabhu? - He was daily joining in kirtana. Four hours daily at Jagannatha Puri temple. It was a regular program. Not only that: He organized four parties, sixteen men in each party
- Caitanya replied, I can find no one else in the world who can realize the transcendental loving reciprocation between Radha & Krsna. You (Ramananda Raya) are asking Me to stay here for ten days, but I feel like remaining with you for the rest of My life
- Cow protection is the business of the vaisyas and along with our preaching, this is the most important work. We must have a good section of Brahmanas in our society and we must also have a good group of vaisyas who can grow grains and tend cows
- Dana-vira, or chivalry in the giving in charity, can be divided into two parts: munificence and renunciation. A person who can sacrifice everything for the satisfaction of Krsna is called munificent
- Demons think of their possessions as their property, but actually everything belongs to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who can take anything at any time He likes
- Detachment from matter and attachment to Krsna are one and the same. One who can see this sees things as they are. BG 1972 purports
- Devotees are able to take the Supreme, the complete sunshine of Krsna, it is not the partiality of the sun or Krsna, but it is the capacity of the person who can take full advantage of the sunshine. One should come out of the darkness
- Diti replied: O my husband, I have now lost my sons. If you want to give me a benediction, I ask you for an immortal son who can kill Indra. I pray for this because Indra, with the help of Visnu, has killed my two sons Hiranyaksa and Hiranyakasipu
- Diti thought: Indra considers his body eternal, and thus he has become unrestrained. I therefore wish to have a son who can remove Indra's madness. Let me adopt some means to help me in this
- During the period of Svayambhuva Manu (the present period is of Vaivasvata Manu) there was no suitable living being who could occupy the post of Indra, the King of the Indraloka (heaven) planet
- Especially the transcendental forms of the Lord are beyond the reach of the impersonalists, who can only understand, through studying the Upanisads, that the Absolute Truth is not matter, or is not materially restricted
- Etan vegan yo visaheta dhirah (NOI 1). One who can control over these pushing and remains dhirah, steady, prthivim sa sisyat: he can make disciples all over the world
- Even from historical references, there is not a single person who can be compared with Krsna. Therefore He is all-attractive. And everything that we experience, that is the manifestation of Krsna's energy
- Even the actual yogis aspire after such success with great interest by performance of their various practices. Who can tolerate separation from Him?
- Every one of us are already old. (We) generally understand that old age means nearing death, but who can guarantee that there is no death immediately? At any moment
- Every person should use the sandal pulp. Because in India, it is tropical country. So this is a good cosmetic. Still, those who can afford during very warm day of summer season, if you apply pulp of sandalwood on your body, you feel no warm. It is cool
- Everyone becomes agitated. That is natural. A young boy sees another young man or a young man sees another young girl. Natural sex appetite, natural. But one who can control that, that is dhirah. That is dhirah
- Everyone naturally gets a father and mother at the time of birth, but the real father and mother are those who can release their offspring from the clutches of imminent death. This is possible only for parents advanced in Krsna consciousness
- Expert jataka-vipras (good astrologers who could tell all the future history of a born child simply by the astral calculations of the time) were present during the birth of Maharaja Pariksit
- First of all you be perfect. So that is not possible. Therefore, our process of receiving knowledge is from the perfect. And who can be more perfect than God Himself? That is our process of knowledge
- For experimental sake, you can seek out for an agent who can arrange for our Sankirtana Party moving in all the states of America, and then we can think of touring all over the world
- For liberation, one should accept the direction of authorized devotees who can actually endow one with perfect knowledge
- Four hundred years ago, it (America) belonged to the Indians, Red Indians, and some way or other, you have now occupied. Who can say that others will not come here and occupy? So this is all false claim
- From ordinary moral point of view, it is said by Canakya, atmavat sarva-bhutesu sa panditah. Anyone who can see in others, feeling like himself . . . If I cut your throat, you'll feel pain. How I know it? Now, because if you cut my throat I'll feel pain
- Gandhi was so great." And what he has done? The dog dancing. Who can understand that, unless one is Krsna conscious
- Garuda, the eagle, the carrier of Visnu, once said, "Who can be more pure than I? Where is there a second bird like me, so able and competent? Krsna may not like me; He may not wish to join my party, but still He has to take advantage of my wings"
- Gaurangera Duti Pada, 1969 part two - one who can understand that the associates of Lord Caitanya are ever-liberated... Nitya-siddha bale mani, sei yaya vrajendra suta-pasa. Immediately he becomes eligible to enter into the abode of Krsna
- Go means "senses," and svami means "controller"; so one who can control the senses is to be considered a gosvami. Krsna indicates that one who identifies with the illusory material body cannot establish himself in his proper identity as spirit soul
- God is great, and I am very small; He is the supreme proprietor supplying all necessities, and I am His servant. Who can challenge this? It is a fact
- Great scientists may be able to count all the atoms of the universe, all the stars and planets in the sky, and all the particles of snow, but who among them can count the unlimited transcendental qualities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead?
- Guru means one who can give you Krsna. That is guru
- Guru means who knows the thing, who can teach you. That is guru - not a humbug guru, but guru means one who knows. Tattva-darsinah, one who has seen the truth, he can become guru
- Guru's business is not to exploit the sisya. It is the business, how to deliver. So who can deliver? Who is actually guru in the parampara system? Evam parampara-praptam imam rajarsayo viduh
- Having received Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's permission, Ramananda Raya hastily went to the temple of Lord Jagannatha. Who can understand the devotional service of Raya Ramananda
- He (God) is the master of all, and He is the only person who can accept the service of all living entities, but since this knowledge is lacking in Mayavada philosophy, Mayavadis do not have knowledge even of their relationship with God
- He (Krsna) may be speaking Bhagavad-gita to Arjuna, but at no time was He ever taught Bhagavad-gita. One who can understand that this is Krsna's position does not have to return to the cycle of birth and death in this material world
- He (Rupa Gosvami) was minister. Who can become his friend unless he is also a very big man? So Rupa Gosvami gave up their (big, big leaders, zamindars, big, big men) company
- He who can carry such dust on his head is very soon relieved of all the reactions which arise from sinful life, and eventually he develops all good and desirable qualities
- He will never think that "I am fool number one." He will always think, "Oh, who can be greater than me? I can think myself. Why? What is the necessity of a spiritual master? I can become a religious leader, I can become such and such, or..."
- Hearing this news, the Lord was very pleased. Who can understand the mercy of the Lord upon His devotee
- Hiranyakasipu accused the Supreme Lord of having a restless mind like that of a small child who can be induced to do anything if simply offered some cakes and laddus
- Hiranyakasipu murmured to himself, "Lord Visnu, who possesses great mystic power, has made this plan to kill me, but what is the use of such an attempt? Who can fight with me?" Thinking like this and taking up his club, Hiranyakasipu attacked the Lord
- Hiranyakasipu murmured to himself, - Lord Visnu, who possesses great mystic power, has made this plan to kill me, but what is the use of such an attempt? Who can fight with me
- How can that spiritual enjoyment be achieved? One should absorb himself in serving the SG, who gives the pleasure of liberation. We should turn our attention to achieving the lotus feet of Krsna, who can give us liberation from this material world
- Hrsikesa is Krsna, the master of all senses, who can always help us attain mental serenity. BG 1972 purports
- I am glad to read in your letter you are going to the universities to preach. The universities are very important places because there are men who can appreciate our philosophy
- I am so pleased to learn that you have taken Krishna Consciousness as the most valuable gift. One who can understand this, is not an ordinary living entity, but is the most fortunate
- I do not know what is the mechanical arrangement of this microphone, but if I want to know it, then I must go to a perfect knower who can explain me that these ingredients or these parts of the machines are there
- I don't think there is any biologist or botanist who can say exactly how many forms of life are there within the water
- I have explained that, what is meant by God. God means the source of everything. Where is that theologician who can deny it?
- I have offered you my daughter. Do not hesitate. She is my daughter, and I shall give her to you. Who can forbid me
- I offer my respectful obeisances unto all the Vaisnava devotees of the Lord who can fulfill the desires of everyone, just like desire trees, and who are full of compassion for the fallen souls. BG 1972 Introduction
- I shall be much pleased if you kindly introduce to me some good presses who can take up the work. To print my books in U.S.A. is five to ten times more expensive than in India. I therefore want to get the books printed in a first class press in India
- I simply repeat like a parrot whatever instructions You have given me. You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself. Who can understand Your dramatic performances
- If a demigod, demon, human being, Yaksa, Gandharva or anyone within this universe renders service to the lotus feet of Mukunda, who can deliver liberation, he is actually situated in the most auspicious condition of life, exactly like us
- If a man wants to be a high-court judge, he must acquire not only the necessary qualifications but also the consent of the authority who can award the title of high-court judge
- If it is not possible to worship the Deity according to the rules and regulation, there is no need of establishing temple. But if there are devotees who can actually keep the temple worship method in right order, then by chanting, everything is complete
- If it is possible to fall down from the brahmajyoti, which is beyond the higher planetary systems in this material world, then what can be said of the ordinary yogis and karmis who can only be elevated to the higher material planets
- If Krsna protects, who can kill? And, if krsna kill, who can protect? So, if we are sincere servants, then Krsna will give us protection
- If Krsna wants to kill you, who can save you? Nobody can save you. And if Krsna wants to protect you, who can kill you?" This is philosophy, abhayam
- If land is to be cultivated, there must be some cultivator, and if this body, which is likened unto a field, is to be cultivated, there must be a proprietor who can cultivate it
- If one is able to be guided by a proper and bona fide spiritual master, who can lead one to the path of elevation, to the higher stage, then one's life becomes successful. BG 1972 purports
- If one is pure devotee, then Krsna, from within, He will give knowledge. The Krsna... Just like Krsna is giving knowledge to Arjuna. He's a grhastha. He's a soldier. He's not even a brahmana. But who can be greater man of knowledge than Arjuna?
- If people want to be cheated, then who can stop them? In Bhagavad-gita Krsna also says, vedanta-krd ... eva caham: "I am the compiler of Vedanta." Why do these rascals not consider who compiled Vedanta
- If such persons (demoniac persons) are fortunate enough to be guided by a spiritual master who can direct them to the path of Vedic wisdom, they can get out of this entanglement and ultimately achieve the supreme goal. BG 1972 purports
- If the chili becomes sweet and sugar becomes hot, that is adharma. Try to understand this. So first of all, who can give us dharma? That is stated in the sastras, dharmam tu saksad bhagavat-pranitam
- If we are really anxious to know the principles of eternal life or life after death, and if we really want to see things in their true perspective, it is necessary for us to establish a relationship with a preceptor who can really open our eyes
- If we stick to our principle, certainly very soon we shall be recognized as a bona fide institution; and who can give better information than us in the matter of Spiritual understanding?
- If we subtract Krsna, everything is zero. This is a fact, but people are such rascals that they do not understand this fact. But who can deny it
- If we want to go still further and acquire knowledge transcendental, we must first of all seek qualified transcendental preceptors who can lead us on the path
- If you adherently be always engaged in some sort of service, twenty-four hours in the service of the Supreme Lord Krsna in Krsna consciousness, there is no power in the world who can drag you into this sense gratification province
- If you are actually intelligent, then you'll think that, "Who can be more intelligent than Krsna? Let me take His advice." That is real intelligence
- If you are associating personally with President Nixon, how much proud you feel? "Oh, I am with President Nixon." So will you not feel very much proud if you are associating the supreme Nixon? Who can create millions of Nixons
- If you are doubtful, prove that Krsna is not proprietor. But that you cannot do. Or bring another person who can claim like that, "I am the proprietor." Therefore you have to accept Krsna as the proprietor. And it is accepted by all great personalities
- If you are intelligent, you should know that there is no personality superior to me, who can accept the first oblations of all sacrifices
- If you have got some faith, then you will find out some sadhu, sadhu or some saint, some sage, who can give you some spiritual enlightenment. That is called sadhu-sanga
- If you want doctorate degree the system is that the theses should be guided by three expert Ph.D.'s. So similarly, if you want to be purely Krsna conscious person you must select a person who can give you instruction
- In 1922 when I (Prabhupada) saw my Guru Maharaja and when I was convinced about his argument and mode of presentation, I was so much struck with wonder. I could understand that "Here is the proper person who can give real religious idea"
- In all the scriptures this is said. Without approaching a person who can teach you of the higher nature, you cannot develop. It is not possible to acquire
- In Caitanya-caritamrta it is said that Srimati Radharani is the only personality who can infuse Krsna with transcendental pleasure. Thus Srimati Radharani is the chief damsel of Vraja in love with Govinda, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna
- In Caitanya-caritamrta, Krsnadasa first offers his obeisances to Madana-mohana vigraha, the Deity who can help us progress in Krsna consciousness
- In Hindi it is called ksatra. So ksat trayate. A ksatriya's business is one who can save you from being injured by others. That is ksatriya. And brahmana means the intelligent class
- In human society, therefore, there must be an ideal class of men, brahmanas, who can bestow blessings upon others, namely, upon the ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras, so that everyone will be happy
- In order to understand subject matter which is beyond our perception, you have to approach such authority who can inform you
- In other processes of yajna there are difficulties because there are no learned scholars who can chant the mantras perfectly well, nor is it possible to secure the ingredients to perform the yajna
- In some parts of India there are still such mystical witches, who can sit on a stick and use it to fly from one place to another in a very short time. This art was known to Putana
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 2.4.17) Sukadeva Gosvami offered his respectful obeisances unto the Supreme Lord as the only person who can award success
- In the Bhagavad-gita, it is stated that to understand the transcendental science, the science of God, these things are required. What is that? You must find out a person who can answer. You cannot ask the question of God to a storekeeper. No
- In the fifteenth verse of the Caitanya-caritamrta, Krsnadasa offers his obeisances to the Madana-mohana vigraha, the Deity who can help us progress in Krsna consciousness - CC Intro
- In the higher sky there are living entities who can travel through the air without being hampered. Although we can travel in outer space, we are hampered by so many impediments, but they are not
- In the material world the human society gives all protection to the human being, but there is no law to protect the descendants of Surabhi, who can give all protection to men by supplying the miracle food, milk
- In the Padma Purana Lord Siva explains to his wife, Parvati, the goddess Durga, that the highest goal of life is to satisfy Lord Visnu, who can be satisfied only when His servant is satisfied
- In the platform of dharma, to become very religious, moral, who can be more religious than the devotee? Who can be more moralist than the devotee? A devotee is not prepared to kill even an ant. So who can be more moralist? These things are already there
- In the Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.14.7) there is this prayer by Brahma: O Supreme Personality of Godhead, O Supersoul, O master of all mystery, who can calculate Your potency and pastimes in this world? BG 1972 purports
- In the Vaikuntha planets is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the original person and who can be understood through the Vedic literature
- In this age of Kali there are no powerful brahmanas who can invite the demigods or give renewed life to animals
- In this connection (CC Adi 16.44), sruti-dhara is a very important word. Sruti means - hearing, and dhara means - one who can capture
- In your country there are at least fifty different editions of the Bhagavad-gita, written by different men. Similarly, in England, in Germany, in France and in all other countries, you will find hundreds of editions of the Gita. So, who can be more famous
- Individual parts and parcels, who can travel to any part of the Lord's creation, are called sarva-gata and are suffering the pangs of material existence
- Inferior people cannot accept the real God, yet they are very eager to accept an imitation God who can simply bluff foolish people. All this is going on in this Age of Kali
- Intelligent persons who can see properly may look into the general conditions of the living entities who are wandering in the cycle of the 8,400,000 spieces of life, as well as in different classes of human beings
- Intelligent persons, they will see this instruction of Krsna, "Krsna says..." That is our method. Our method of acquiring knowledge is to hear from the authority. That's all. Now, who can be better authority than Krsna?
- It appears that although there was monarchy, it was not at all an autocracy. There were senior family members and ministers who could make changes and elect the proper person to the throne, although the throne could be occupied only by the royal family
- It is clearly explained herein (SB 4.29.26-27) that the living entity has a little independence, indicated by the word sva-drk, meaning "one who can see his own welfare."
- It is extremely difficult to convert a mleccha, or meat-eater, into a devotee of Lord Krsna. Therefore anyone who can do so is situated on the highest level of Vaisnavism
- It is impossible to check this wheel of time. This wheel is very exacting because it is the personal weapon of the SPG. Sometimes the conditioned soul, fearing the approach of death, wants to worship someone who can save him from imminent danger
- It is Narada only who can deliver the path of bhakti-yoga, the highest mystic means for attainment of the Supreme Lord
- It is necessary for us to establish a relationship with a preceptor who can really open our eyes and lift us from the clutches of nescience. This process of approaching the spiritual master is an eternal verity
- It is necessary to select a person to whom we can surrender ourselves. Of course no one likes to surrender to anyone. We are puffed up with whatever knowledge we have, and our attitude is, - Oh, who can give me knowledge
- It is not possible. No one can speak better than Krsna about God, because God Himself is speaking. If you speak about yourself personally, who can say more than you
- It is not uncommon in India for a person to go to a svami and say, "Swamiji, could you give me some medicine? I am suffering from this disease." He thinks that because a doctor is too expensive, he can go to a svami who can work miracles
- It is only the Supreme Personality of Godhead who can rescue one from the dangers of material existence. Therefore an intelligent person, to get free from this dangerous existence, approaches the Supreme Personality of Godhead, not any demigod
- It is sometimes seen that demigods like Indra & Candra are worshiped & offered sacrificial awards, yet the rewards of all such sacrifices are awarded to the worshiper by the Supreme Lord, & it is the Lord only who can offer all welfare to the worshiper
- It is stated in the Visnu-rahasya, "Any person who can arrange for service to the Lord in the same way that a king is given service by his attendants is surely elevated to the abode of Krsna after death"
- It is the duty of the guide not to engage him in lower class of occupation. Therefore there must be a class of men first-class who can teach the society how to advance in human civilization
- Just like an expert lawyer, he can get out of the entanglement of law by jugglery of words and interpretation, he is called a big lawyer, similarly, there are philosophers who can put different theories and not admit the existence of God
- Just like I am talking some nonsense. That is the vaco vegam; it has no value. We should fix something which has value, one who can control. It is better not to talk than to talk foolish
- Kasyapa Muni concluded, "Diti is eager to have a son who can kill Indra, since she is a woman, after all, and is not very intelligent"
- King Kulasekhara addresses the Lord as Varada, "the bestower of benedictions," because it is He alone who can deliver to us the actual substance - spiritual bliss
- King Kulasekhara next addresses the Lord as Dayapara, "He who is causelessly merciful," because there is no one but the Lord who can be a causelessly merciful friend to us. He is therefore also called Dina-bandhu - the friend of the needy
- King Kulasekhara next addresses the Lord as Varada, "the bestower of benedictions," because it is He alone who can deliver to us the actual substance - spiritual bliss
- King Nagnajit continued, "Under these circumstances, who can be a better husband for my daughter? Both my daughter and I have always prayed for this opportunity. You (Krsna) are the chief of the Yadu dynasty"
- Kirtana means whatever we hear from the Spiritual Master we repeat it again nicely. One who can reproduce the sound vibration heard from the Spiritual Master, he will be a good preacher
- Knowledge perfect is there in every living entity, but it is contaminated by the contact of maya. So one who can understand the position of Krsna and himself, he's called mukta. Mukta means liberated
- Krsna continued, "After all, you have to prepare yourself for your next life. I therefore advise that you select someone who can help you in both this life and the next, for I am completely unable to help"
- Krsna is addressing Arjuna purusarsabha, the best of the men. "O the best of the men." Certainly, Arjuna is the best of the mankind. Because he is directly friend of Krsna, who can be better man than him?
- Krsna is so attractive that anyone who can remember Him in some way or another becomes freed from the four kinds of material miseries
- Krsna is the supreme controller. There is no controller of Krsna. Krsna, the Supreme Lord, govindam adi-purusam, He is the original person. So who can be His father and mother? He is the father of everyone, the supreme father
- Krsna is wonderful undoubtedly. Who can become more wonderful than Krsna? Mattah parataram nanyat (BG 7.7). Always remember, Krsna is wonderful
- Krsna said, "Prepare rice, dhal, then halava, pakora, puri & all kinds of milk preparations, such as sweet rice, rabri, sweetballs, sandesa, rasagulla & laddu, and invite the learned brahmanas who can chant the Vedic hymns & offer oblations to the fire"
- Krsna saved. Unless Krsna saves, who can? So I had the experience of riot in Calcutta in my childhood
- Krsna says that one who can understand Him and how He is acting, controlling everything by subtle laws, immediately becomes freed by His grace. That is the statement of Brahma-samhita
- Krsna, in His supreme personal form, with two hands and flute, is bewildering for the impersonalists who can accommodate only the gigantic visva-rupa of the Lord
- Krtavarma continued, "Who can be saved from death if he has offended Balarama and Krsna? No one can be saved from Their wrath"
- Lamentation is that the person within the body, whether he's going to hell or heaven. Urdhvam gacchanti or tamo gacchanti. That is real concern. Body will be finished, today or tomorrow or after a hundred years. Who can protect it?
- Liberated souls who can see through the scriptures can foretell the future of all mankind
- Liberation cannot be awarded by any living entity but the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu. Therefore another name of Lord Visnu or Krsna is Mukunda, "He who can award liberation"
- Lord Brahma is the first living being, who directly learned the Vedic wisdom from the Lord (tene brahma hrda ya adi-kavaye). Therefore, who can be a more learned Vedantist than Lord Brahma?
- Lord Jagannatha is the maintainer of the whole universe. Who can carry Him from one place to another? The Lord moves by His personal will just to perform His pastimes
- Lord Krsna continued: "There is no one in the three worlds of the universe, including the powerful demigods, who can surpass My devotees in any of the six opulences, namely wealth, strength, reputation, beauty, knowledge and renunciation"
- Maha-ratha means one fighter who can combat with thousands of men alone
- Maha-ratha means one fighter who can combat with thousands of men alone. As nowadays the titles are "captain," "commander," "commander-in-chief," similarly, formerly maha-ratha, ati-ratha were the title given to these soldiers, fighters
- Maharaja Ambarisa. His example is there, because who can be more busy than a responsible king? He has to do so many political affairs, and still, his mind was fixed up, sa vai manah krsna-padaravindayoh (SB 9.4.18), in Krsna . . . this is required
- Maharaja Yudhisthira was fixed in the service of the Lord Mukunda (the Lord, who can award salvation), and he had no attraction even for such comforts of life as are available in the kingdom of heaven
- Maitreya continued: After the departure of her parents, the chaste woman Devahuti, who could understand the desires of her husband, served him constantly with great love, as Bhavani, the wife of Lord Siva, serves her husband
- Markata-vairagya is not wanted. Real vairagya. Real vairagya means one who can sacrifice everything for Krsna
- Materialistic persons who can achieve such huge quantities of gold are not interested in Krsna consciousness
- Modern society is in dire need of intellectual persons or brahmanas who can broadcast real spiritual knowledge all over the world. That is an absolute necessity for a society which is working hard simply to exploit nature
- Mukunda dasa externally appears to be a royal physician engaged in governmental service, but internally he has a deep love for Krsna. Who can understand his love
- My activities were exactly like treatment given to a person who is already dead. Just see how unfortunate I am, for in spite of meeting the Supreme Lord, who can cut one's link with birth and death, I have prayed for the same conditions again
- My dear Aditi, engage in devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the master of everything, who can subdue everyone's enemies, and who sits within everyone's heart
- My dear Dhruva, as far as I (Suniti) am concerned, I do not find anyone who can mitigate your distress but the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose eyes are like lotus petals
- My dear Lord, You are the best of the demigods who can offer benedictions. Why, therefore, should any learned person ask You for benedictions meant for living entities bewildered by the modes of nature?
- My dear Lord, You attract all the women of the universe, and You make adjustments for all of them when they appear. You are Lord Krsna, and You can enchant everyone, but on the whole, You are nothing but a debauchee. Who can honor You
- My dear Maharaja Yudhisthira, you Pandavas are so very fortunate in this world that many, many great saints, who can purify all the planets of the universe, come to your house just like ordinary visitors
- My dear Prahlada, you are very fortunate. Please know from Me that those who are very wise and highly elevated try to please Me in all different modes of mellows, for I am the only person who can fulfill all the desires of everyone
- Naked saints and sannyasis who undergo severe physical penances, who can raise the semen to the brain, and who are completely equipoised in Brahman can live in the realm known as Brahmaloka
- Narada is a spaceman who can travel unrestrictedly, not only within the material universes but also in the spiritual universes
- Narada Muni is traveling all over the universe. He's going to hell, heaven, everywhere, and trying to make disciples who can become Krsna's devotee. He does not stay anywhere for more than 3 minutes, like that. He's traveling always. This is sama-cittah
- Narahari and Sri Raghunandana, who were from the village of Khanda, and many other devotees also departed. Who can count them
- Never expect any good from the so called society, friendship and love. Only Krishna is the genuine friend of all living beings and it is He only who can give us all benediction
- Nityananda Prabhu also played at whirling the rod. Who can understand how They were ecstatically immersed in the deep emotions of the cowherd boys
- Nityananda Prabhu then said, "How is it possible for You to go alone? Who can tolerate this"
- Nityananda Prabhu then said, "Who is there in the three worlds who can ask You to see the King"
- Nonetheless, the raksasas are prepared to sacrifice everything to satisfy their whimsical desires. It is very difficult for them to understand the real situation because they are overly enamored with material civilization. Who then can understand
- Nor does He (the Supreme Lord) directly manage universal affairs, for He has many assistants who can conduct affairs while He remains in His abode. This is confirmed in Sri Isopanisad 4
- Now I shall leave the vision of this mundane world, and I see that Uddhava, the foremost of My devotees, is the only one who can be directly entrusted with knowledge about Me
- Now that You are present before me and ready to kill me with Your weapons, let me know where I should go to take shelter, and tell me who can give me protection
- Now there is a very good field of activities for the karma-yogis, who can engage all the various modern institutions in the transcendental service of Visnu, for the satisfaction of His transcendental senses
- Nowadays there are so many so-called spiritual masters, it becomes bewildering to us as to who can actually give spiritual knowledge. Therefore I have written volumes of books, authorized Vedic literature
- O Daityas, by human efforts no one can supersede the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who can bring happiness and distress to all living entities
- O Janardana, although these men, their hearts overtaken by greed, see no fault in killing one's family or quarreling with friends, why should we (Arjuna and Krsna), who can see the crime in destroying a family, engage in these acts of sin?
- O King, Maharaja Pariksit, who can suppress your enemies, the sons of Vrsni were Sumitra and Yudhajit. From Yudhajit came Sini and Anamitra, and from Anamitra came a son named Nighna
- O SPG, the best of all persons to whom prayers are offered, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You because without rendering six kinds of devotional service unto You - who can achieve that which is meant for the paramahamsas?
- O Vidura, who can estimate or measure the transcendental time, work and potency of the gigantic form manifested by the internal potency of the Supreme Personality of Godhead?
- Oh, where is Krsna, whose bodily luster is like the luster of the blue indranila jewel? Where is Krsna, who is so expert in rasa dancing? Oh, where is He, who can save My life
- Ojah means power of sense. A man who can use his senses very nicely, he is called ojah
- On earth there are many yogis who can exhibit some feeble mystic power by manufacturing pieces of gold like magic, but the inhabitants of the planet Siddhaloka are actually extremely powerful in mysticism
- Once Lord Krsna considered within His heart, "One more qualified than Me is impossible to find in the world. But in Radha alone I feel the presence of one who can give Me pleasure"
- One can stop birth and death only by returning home, back to Godhead. However, who can go back to Godhead unless he understands the Supreme Lord in truth
- One has to accept the proper person who can let him know what is God. And if he is determined, then it is not difficult
- One should approach a guru who can extinguish the blazing fire of this material world, the struggle for existence
- One should approach the guru who can transfer the service from the disciple to the Supreme Person. Therefore the first offering is guru, vande gurun. Then guru creates many devotees. Guru's business is to canvass on behalf of Supreme Lord
- One should consider the bona fide guru in this way (one who has much knowledge), and one should not think, "I know everything. Who can teach me?" No one can say such a thing, for everyone needs instruction
- One should culture knowledge in the following way: One should search out a bona fide spiritual master who can lead him gradually to the stage of spiritual realization, and one must submit himself to such a spiritual master
- One who can approach spiritual sky is not required to descend again to the material sky. BG 1972 Introduction
- One who can become the father of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is certainly a great devotee
- One who can come to understand that Krsna is the root of everything, the origin of everything, can understand the meaning of isvarah paramah krsnah (Bs. 5.1) - Krsna is the supreme controller
- One who can completely control sex life is able to work wonderfully with his brain, especially in remembering. Thus students who simply hear Vedic instructions once from their teacher could remember them verbatim without needing to read books
- One who can control the forces of speech, mind, anger, belly, tongue and genitals is known as a gosvami and is competent to accept disciples all over the world - NOI 1
- One who can control the senses by his mind and intelligence can very easily approach the Supreme Personality of Godhead, or Visnu, who is the ultimate goal of life
- One who can display hundreds and thousands of arms can also manifest four whenever needed
- One who can do this (controlling the senses) is understood to be self-realized and is thus happy in the state of self-realization. It is the duty of the transcendentalist to try strenuously to control desire and anger. BG 1972 purports
- One who can keep himself steady and resist the attraction of material nature is certainly a hero and deserves to be called a gosvami. Unless one is master of the senses, he cannot become a gosvami
- One who can remember everything perpetually is called a sruti-dhara. A sruti-dhara brahmacari can repeat verbatim all that he has heard, without notes and without reference to books
- One who can rise to that position (rising their attention to the top of the head) is understood to have become perfect and to be no longer subjected to birth and death. Even if such yogis come in contact with pure devotees, they also render causeless DS
- One who can see and is familiar with devotional service, however, will know that they are not material activities. They are all spiritual and devotional, uncontaminated by the material modes of nature. BG 1972 purports
- One who can see Srimad-Bhagavatam can see also Lord Sri Krsna in person. They are identical
- One who can see the constitution of the whole material manifestation as this combination of the soul and material elements and also can see the situation of the Supreme Soul becomes eligible for transfer to the spiritual world. BG 1972 purports
- One who can spread the Lord’s name is called labdha-caitanya in the words of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati. The labdha-caitanya is one who has actually awakened his original consciousness, Krsna consciousness
- One who can subdue the senses is called a gosvami, but one who cannot control the mind is called go-dasa. The mind directs the activities of the senses, which are expressed through different outlets, as described in the next verse
- One who can take up the reformation, he can be situated as a brahmana, as a ksatriya, as a vaisya. This is not by birth, but by education, by training. That is recommended for the all human society
- One who can talk and dress himself very artistically is called vidagdha. This exemplary characteristic was visible in the personality of Sri Krsna
- One who can understand the nature of the living entity in the spiritual world can actually understand vedyam, or perfect knowledge
- One who in this world or this life is very proud of his wealth always thinks, "I am so rich. Who can equal me?" His vision is twisted, and he is always afraid that someone will take his wealth. Indeed, he even suspects his superiors
- Only a father and mother who can elevate their son to the spiritual platform are bona fide parents
- Only sacrifice recommended in this age is the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra because in this age it is not possible to accumulate the needed funds for performing sacrifices, not to speak of finding expert brahmanas who can chant the mantras perfectly
- Only the high-court judge, representative of king or giving law to the citizens, he can sit down. Similarly, the vyasasana is occupied by the representative of Vyasadeva, who can speak on behalf of Vyasadeva. This is the system
- Only the unalloyed devotees of the Lord can understand these three items clearly. So for these devotees Bhagavad-gita is fully useful; it is they who can attain the supreme goal, the nature of the Supreme Lord, Krsna
- Ordinary students who are satisfied by simply understanding the sunshine - its universal pervasiveness and the glaring effulgence of its impersonal nature - may be compared to those who can realize only the Brahman feature of the Absolute Truth BG 1972 p
- Our actual business is to become brahma-bhutah. So who can become? That is explained already. Krsna has already explained that, Yam hi na vyathayanty ete (BG 2.15). Vyathayanti, - Does not give pain
- Our first duty is to satisfy the spiritual master, who can arrange for the Lord’s mercy
- Out of hundreds of thousands of liberated persons, even one person is rarely found who can firmly fix his mind unto the lotus feet of Lord Sri Krsna, as declared by the Lord Himself in the Bhagavad-gita
- Out of those actually trying to understand their spiritual situation, one who can come to the understanding that Krsna is the Supreme PG, the proprietor of everything, the unborn, is the most successful spiritually realized person. BG 1972 purports
- Paramananda Puri said, My dear Lord Caitanya, You are the independent Personality of Godhead. You can do whatever You like. Who can say anything above You"
- Parantapa means one who can give trouble to the enemies. It is the duty of the ksatriya. Enemies, aggressor, they should be killed
- People in general always require a leader who can teach the public by practical behavior. BG 1972 purports
- People in general must understand the importance of Krishna Consciousness, and they must in this democratic day send their real representatives who can make right decisions whether there should be war or no war
- Persons who can give themselves to anyone are called magnanimous. No one could be more magnanimous than Krsna because He is always prepared to give Himself completely to His devotee
- Practically, if we believe the sastras, the scriptures, then we can see: Who can be more powerful than Krsna? Who can be more beautiful than Krsna? Who can be more famous than Krsna
- Prahlada Maharaja is counted one of the twelve great personalities who can distribute transcendental knowledge. They are called mahajana. Mahajana
- Prahlada Maharaja said: A wife is always very kind and sympathetic and always pleases her husband in a solitary place. Who could give up the association of such a dear and affectionate wife?
- Pure devotees, who can increase the pleasure potency of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, are certainly most dear to Him
- Ramananda fell at the feet of Lord Caitanya and prayed: My dear Lord, You have come just to deliver me from this mire of nescience. There is no one else who can deliver such transcendental love of God
- Ramananda said to Caitanya, No one can escape Your supreme will. Indeed, there is no one in the world who can surpass Your supreme will, and although I appear to be speaking, I am actually not the speaker. You are speaking
- Ramanujacarya and Madhvacarya break the teeth of the Mayavadi philosophers, who can therefore be called Vidantis, toothless
- Ravana's brother, he reigned in Brazil. And there was subway from Ceylon to Brazil. We get information from Ramayana. Such powerful demons. Who can make now subway from one country to another country? They can make subway from one city to another, utmost
- Real father can say: "I am the father." Who can challenge him? Father is one. Who can? Nobody can say: "No, you are not father, he's father." No. The real father is father. Father cannot be replaced
- Real pleasure is Krsna, whereas material pleasure, which is temporary, is not actual. Those who can see things as they are do not take part in shadow pleasure
- Since all the Vaikuntha planets are located in a certain corner of the spiritual sky, who can measure the spiritual sky
- Since it is difficult for a person to become free as long as he desires to dominate material nature, it is recommended that he approach a spiritual master who can train him in devotional service & enable him to get out of the clutches of material nature
- Sisupala said, "I fully agree with the respectable persons present here that they are competent to select the personality who can be worshiped first, but I cannot agree with the statement of a boy like Sahadeva, who has spoken so highly about Krsna"
- Sitting on Airavata, an elephant who can go anywhere and who holds water and wine in reserve for showering, Lord Indra looked just like the sun rising from Udayagiri, where there are reservoirs of water
- So if you are not perfect, why you are taking the position of a teacher? First of all, you be perfect. So that is not possible. Therefore, our process of receiving knowledge is from the perfect. And who can be more perfect than God Himself?
- Sometimes people question that, "Why God should come?" So our answer is, "Why God should not come?" If He is all-powerful, who can check Him to come here? If we say that God cannot come, that means God becomes under our rules and regulation
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu continued, "You can perform a task that even I cannot do. But for You, I cannot find anyone in Gauda-desa who can fulfill My mission there"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself. There cannot be anyone who can compare to Him or His potencies
- Sri Isopanisad therefore instructs that we should not seek temporary relief of our difficulties by worshiping the dependent demigods, who can bestow only temporary benefit
- Sri Vyasadeva is the original spiritual preceptor for all men. And all other preceptors are considered to be his representatives. A representative is one who can exactly present the viewpoint of Sri Vyasadeva
- Sridama, Subala & Stoka Krsna said, "All of them (the demons) are very strong, so it is very difficult to approach this place. Dear brothers, You are the only persons who can kill such demons. Other than You, no one can go there for fear of being killed"
- Srila Narottama dasa Thakura has said, chadiya vaisnava-seva nistara payeche keba: Without serving a bona fide spiritual master, an ideal Vaisnava, who can be delivered from the clutches of maya
- Srila Narottama dasa Thakura sings in his Prarthana (39): My dear Lord, please be merciful to me. Who can be more merciful than Your Lordship within these three worlds
- Srila Rupa Gosvami recommends, sri-guru-padasrayah: one must seek shelter at the lotus feet of a pure devotee who can be one's guru
- Srila Suta Gosvami said: Let me offer my respectful obeisances unto that great sage (Sukadeva Gosvami) who can enter the hearts of all
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is understandable only for one who can follow in the footsteps of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Srimad-Bhagavatam or Bhagavad-gita, they are self-illuminating. Simply word to word if you try to understand, then you'll get enlightenment. Still, there are acaryas who can help you
- Srimati Radharani is known as Govinda-nandini and Govinda-mohini, for She is the only source of transcendental pleasure for Sri Krsna and the only person who can enchant His mind
- Still, you have bound your head with a cloth given to you by another sannyasi. Who can tolerate such behavior
- Such a person, who knows the purpose of the Vedic injunctions, who can employ the principles laid down in the Vedic literatures and who teaches his disciples in that way, is called an acarya
- Such a person, who no longer laments or hankers to maintain his body and who can accept all living entities as spirit souls, can then enter the devotional service of the Lord
- Such a rich man (Advaita Acarya), who could present many valuable ornaments, saris, etc., thought it difficult to repay three hundred rupees. Therefore the value of a rupee at that time was many thousands of times what it is now
- Such gurus (who can manufacture only a small portion of gold) are accepted by those who are blind, not knowing the goal of life. Maharaja Satyavrata, however, knew the goal of life. He knew the SPG, and therefore he accepted the Lord as his guru
- Such persons are called trai-vargika because they are interested in the three elevating processes. They are averse to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who can give relief to the conditioned soul
- Such persons treat all living entities equally. They never become overwhelmed by anger like animals, who can see nothing without differentiation
- Sudra means one who cannot take any reformation. But one who can take up the reformation, he can be situated as a brahmana, as a ksatriya, as a vaisya. This is not by birth, but by education, by training
- Sukadeva Gosvami says that simply by pure devotional service one can solve the problems of life. Who can do this? It is not possible for an ordinary man but for those who are vasudeva-parayanah, devoted to Lord Krsna - Vasudeva
- Surrender means you first of all be convinced that - Here is a person who can give me actual knowledge
- Tasmad gurum prapadyeta. One must surrender to such a guru, who can give right information about Krsna. Herein (SB 10.1.16), Maharaja Pariksit has surrendered to the right personality, Sukadeva Gosvami, for enlightenment in vasudeva-katha
- That is devotee, who can answer any question. Everything is discussed in the Bhagavad-gita. Everything, complete knowledge
- The answer to such questions or inquiries (on how to surrender to God) is given herein (SB 2.7.46). God is not present before our eyes but if one is sincere in wanting guidance God will send a bona fide person who can guide one back home, back to Godhead
- The brahmana said, "He (Arjuna) promised to protect my child when even Pradyumna, Aniruddha, Lord Balarama and Lord Krsna had failed. If such great personalities could not protect my child, then who can do so?"
- The brahmanas are the intellectuals who can understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead. They are always engaged in the cultivation of knowledge
- The causeless mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is first appreciated when one comes in touch with a bona fide spiritual master who can bring the conditioned soul to the highest position of devotional life
- The conception of the virat-rupa or visva-rupa of the Supreme Absolute Truth is especially meant for the neophyte who can hardly think of the transcendental form of the Personality of Godhead
- The conditioned soul, being wrapped in ignorance and therefore not knowing the goal of life, accepts a guru who can juggle words and make some display of magic that is wonderful to a fool
- The demigods never touch the surface of the earth. They walk and travel in space only. Like the great sage Narada, the Kumaras do not require any machine to travel in space. There are also residents of Siddhaloka who can travel in space without machines
- The demigods, including Brahma, desire to attain the human form of life because it is specifically meant for the living entity who can attain transcendental knowledge and religious perfection
- The divine vision in this connection should be clearly understood. Who can have divine vision? Divine means godly. Unless one attains the status of divinity as a demigod, he cannot have divine vision. BG 1972 purports
- The duty of all sane men, is to save them (people). Maharaja Pariksit is the representative of one who can save them
- The fire of threefold miseries experienced by materialistic men can be extinguished only by the cloud of mercy of the saints and sages who can pour down the water of transcendental messages to put an end to the miseries of the householders
- The goddess of fortune, Laksmi, and all-powerful demigods like Brahma and Siva are engaged in the worship of Visnu or Lord Krsna; therefore who can be more powerful than Mukunda (Lord Krsna) to be factually called the Supreme Personality of Godhead?
- The gopis continued, "We hope that the members of the Yadu dynasty are very happy in the association of Krsna, who can fulfill all the desires of His devotees"
- The government will adopt the policies of dasyus, or plunderers. Thus there will be no instructions from the brahmanas, and even if there are brahminical instructions, there will be no ksatriya rulers who can follow them
- The hands and heads are gone of the human society. So there is confusion, because there is no head who can give you good consultation how life should be led, how we should make progress in life, how we shall fulfill our human mission of life
- The harmonium may be played during bhajan if there is someone who can play melodiously. But it is not for kirtana and arati
- The hatha-yoga system, or breathing system, is especially recommended for those who are very absorbed in the concept of bodily existence, but one who can perform the simple process of chanting Hare Krsna can fix the mind more easily
- The highest perfection of life is to enjoy life constantly in the association of the Lord, and one who can relish this does not aspire after any temporary enjoyment of the material world via other media
- The impersonalist argues on the strength of the Vedic version given in the Svetasvatara Upanisad: Anyone who can know Him (Transcendence) also becomes transcendental, but those who do not know Him suffer the miseries of the material world. BG 1972 pur
- The impetus for lording it over material nature is the sense of "mine" and "I". "I am the lord of all that I survey. So many things I possess, and I shall possess more and more. Who can be richer than I in wealth and education?"
- The intelligent person who can grasp these truths about the Lord (material creation is an imitation of the reality and those who are captivated by it are put under the direction of Yamaraja) becomes a soul fully surrendered unto Him
- The living entities are constitutionally servitors of the Lord, who can accept all kinds of service from everyone
- The Lord also sometimes wants to fight, but who can fight with the Lord but a very confidential devotee of the Lord? Jaya and Vijaya descended to this world to fulfill the Lord's desire
- The Lord bound everyone by His transcendental mercy. Who can repay his debt for the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- The Lord has sufficient energies and agents who can vanquish atheists, but it pleases Him to personally favor a devotee. Therefore He descends as an incarnation. Actually, He descends only to favor His devotees and not for any other purpose
- The Lord is glorified as one without a second and as the supreme truth who has no beginning. Therefore He is called Anantadeva (unlimited). Who can understand Him
- The Lord is known as apta-kama, or one who can fulfill His desires by Himself. He does not require anyone's help to satisfy His desires
- The Lord replied, "By the grace of the Lord someone may become a great poet, and similarly by His grace someone else may become a great sruti-dhara who can memorize anything immediately"
- The Lord, who can distinctly see the minds of others, perceived Brahma's distress and said to him: "Cast off this impure body of yours." Thus commanded by the Lord, Brahma cast off his body
- The material world, especially in this age, everyone is thinking, "I am the greatest. Who can become more than me?" Ahankara-vimudhatma. This material world is like that. Everyone is thinking like that. Asuric pravrtti
- The Mayavadi Vedantists cheat. Suppose I present some proposition. If it is a misconception, generally there are others also who can say something to clarify this misconception
- The messenger said, "Dear Lord, who can estimate Your mercy & powerful activities? You are present always as the insurmountable force of eternal time, baffling the indefatigable desires of the materialists, who are thus repeatedly confused & frustrated"
- The mind entraps the living entity in unlimited varieties of desires to be fulfilled by the Vedic directions of karma-kanda (fruitive activity) and the sixteen elements. Who can get free from this entanglement unless he takes shelter at Your lotus feet?
- The modern theory is struggle for existence. There are troubles, and you try to save yourself, and survival of the fittest. But nobody is fit, nobody survives. Nobody wants death, but we are talking of survival. Who can escape death?
- The name Mukunda refers to one who can award liberation and transcendental bliss. Krsna's presence acted as such a vitalizing tonic that not only the younger generation but even the old men of Mathura became fully invigorated
- The ocean of the pastimes of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu is immeasurable and unfathomable. Who can have the courage to measure that great ocean?
- The other gopi continued, "Who can forget a solitary conversation with Krsna, on whose chest the goddess of fortune always remains, in spite of Krsna’s not desiring her? My dear Uddhava, Vrndavana is the land of rivers, forests and cows"
- The pastimes of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu are very deep. Who can understand them? Only one who has firm, deep devotion to His lotus feet can understand these pastimes
- The perfect being, or the Lord, cannot be approached even by the illusory energy, who can only work on the living entities. Therefore it is sheer imagination that the Supreme Lord is illusioned by the illusory energy and thus becomes a living being
- The poor inhabitants of this earth, because of their incomplete knowledge, are captivated by a so-called bhagavan who can produce a small quantity of gold
- The preacher must love the people. Why at eighty years old I have come here if I do not love? So who can love better than a preacher? He loves even the animals
- The present civilization is suffering because there is no such thing as varnasrama-vibhagasah. There is no selection that there must be the most intelligent class of men, brahmin, the real ksatriya who can give protection to the people, ksatriya
- The real doctor is he who can cure material disease. What do you think
- The scriptures enjoin that one should associate with sadhus only, rejecting all other kinds of association, and by doing so one will have ample opportunity to hear the sadhus, who can cut to pieces the bonds of illusory affection in the material world
- The selection of spiritual (master) must be very scrutinizing. You cannot accept anyone as spiritual master. You must be very much satisfied that here is a person who can solve the problems of my life
- The so-called dead man bitten by a snake can be brought back to life by the chanting of some mantra. There are expert chanters of these mantras who can perform this feat
- The subtle presence of the Lord is felt by the intelligent man who can study the psychic effects of thinking, feeling and willing
- The Supreme Lord, who can award liberation to anyone, showed more mercy toward the gopis than to Lord Brahma, Lord Siva or even the goddess of fortune, who is His own wife and is associated with His body
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is situated in everyone's heart as Paramatma. A wise man who can understand Him is eligible to attain the perfect peace, not others. BG 1972 purports
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: O King, who can subdue your enemies, on the seventh day from today the three worlds - Bhuh, Bhuvah and Svah - will all merge into the water of inundation
- The transcendental forms of the Lord are beyond the reach of the impersonalists, who can only understand, through the studies of the Upanisads, that the Absolute Truth is not matter and that the Absolute Truth is not materially restricted
- The ultimate cause, the supreme cause of creation, is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who can be understood only by bhakti-yoga
- The upper portion of the body, though crowned with a silk turban, is only a heavy burden if not bowed down before the Personality of Godhead who can award mukti - freedom
- The upper portion of the body, though crowned with a silk turban, is only a heavy burden if not bowed down before the PG, who can award mukti - freedom
- The Vedic injunction is: one should not become a father, one should not become a mother, unless they can help the child from the imminent danger of death. So who can save? Unless one is Krsna conscious, nobody can escape the cycle of birth and death
- The Vedic words so 'ham, or "I am the brahmajyoti," can also be applied to the living entities, who can also claim to belong to the brahmajyoti
- The very name Narada suggests that he can deliver the Supreme Lord. Nara means the "Supreme Lord," and da means "one who can deliver"
- The waves carried Him here and there like a piece of dry wood. Who can understand this dramatic performance by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- The wise man is he who can discriminate between matter and spirit, between God's superior and inferior natures. Such knowledge is Krsna Himself. BG 1972 purports
- The word acintya (inconceivable) is very significant in this connection. God's energy is beyond our conception, beyond our thinking jurisdiction, and is therefore called inconceivable (acintya). Who can argue this point? BG 1972 purports
- The word jaya refers to one who can conquer. This means that a pure devotee, who is strong in devotional service and who has conquered all nondevotional conceptions, can also conquer the kingdom of God
- The word prajna refers to one who is experienced and who can distinguish right from wrong. Such a person should not waste his energy and valuable human lifetime simply working like a cat or dog to develop his economic condition
- The word urukrama is used to indicate a highly powerful person. The word krama is used to indicate the act of stepping, and the word urukrama indicates one who can step forward very far
- The yogi who can meditate perfectly on that spot (the bosom) on the transcendental form of the Lord can derive many material powers, which comprise the eight perfections of the yoga system
- Then, gradually, they can meditate in trance on the SPG. That is the process of being situated on the spiritual platform. This elevation is possible in Krsna consciousness in the association of pure devotees who can deliver one from delusion. BG 1972 pur
- There are hundreds and thousands of examples all over the world, all over the universe, which are all effects of the influence of time. The conclusion is that there is no powerful living being within the universe who can overcome the influence of time
- There are many agents of the Lord, such as Indra, Candra, Varuna, goddess Durga, and Kali, who can chastise any formidable miscreants in the world
- There are many gurus. They are very expert in plundering disciples' money, but it is very difficult to find out a guru who can take out all the anxieties of the disciple
- There are many professional chanters who can perform congregational chanting with various musical instruments in an artistic and musical way, but their chanting cannot be as attractive as the congregational chanting of pure devotees
- There are many such statements in the Srimad-Bhagavatam from which we can understand that there were facilities to travel from one planet to another, especially in the higher planetary system, and who can say that they are not still traveling
- There are two persons talking, arguing, but the person who can give Vedic evidence, he is victorious. That's all. That is the system
- There is a need of such vipras (good astrologers who could tell all the future history of a born child simply by the astral calculations) in the social structure, and it is the duty of the state to maintain them comfortably
- There is another consciousness who can feel the pains and pleasure of your body and who can feel the pains and pleasure of my body. That is stated in the Bhagavad-gita
- There is need of some brahmana who can give advice to the people how to live, how to become God conscious, how to become happy. There is great need of this movement. Simply so-called classless society will not help us. That is not Vedic
- There is no one in the creation who can claim that he is not controlled. Everyone, regardless of how important or powerful, has a controller over his head. Krsna, however, has no controller; therefore He is God
- There is no one who can deny His (Krsna's) order. Everyone is acting according to His direction, being under His superintendence. As stated in the Brahma-samhita, He is the cause of all causes. BG 1972 purports
- There is none who can excel Him (Krsna) in any matter of enjoyment, and certainly there is no one greater than Him. No one is equal to or greater than Him. It is the duty of everyone, whoever and wherever one may be, to surrender completely unto Him
- There may be a learned brahmana-Vaisnava who can explain clearly and eradicate all doubts, but if he does not follow the Vaisnava principles, then he is not situated on a higher level
- There may be some philosophers or scientists who can study the cosmic nature from atom to atom
- There must be ksatriyas to rule the country very nicely according to the injunctions of the sastras, and there must be vaisyas who can protect the cows
- Therefore who can describe the mercy of the lotus feet of Him (Lord Nityananda) by whom I have attained the shelter of this Lord Govinda?
- These (freed from the contamination of material illusion, false identification, attachment, detachment and material absorption) are the preliminary qualifications of a person who can realize Brahman
- These are the necessary qualifications of a prospective candidate who can expect to be elevated to the position of a pure unadulterated devotee. Such a candidate must always seek the association of pure devotees
- These trees and plants, they have to stand up on this; they are called sthavara. Those who can move, they are called jangama, sthavara-jangama. That is very scientifically
- They (demigods) also know that it is the Lord only who can maintain all living entities with all the necessities of life
- They (foolish men) take sadhus and saints as parasites of society, and almost all of them refuse to hear the words of such sadhus and saints, although they welcome show-bottle sadhus and so-called saints who can satisfy their senses
- They (Krsna and Balarama) learned the science of the action and reaction of physical combinations and permutations. They learned the art of a psychiatrist, who can understand the psychic movements of another person
- This (achieving the highest perfection) is possible only by the association of a pure devotee, who can give a finishing touch to the transcendental activities of all jnanis, yogis, or karmis, in terms of prescribed duties defined in the scriptures
- This crying is the last word in the progressive path of devotional service. One who can cry for the Lord in love is certainly successful in the line of devotional service
- This dog loitering, who can say he was not formerly a Mr. Smuts? Who can say? Maybe he was Smuts; now he is dog. How can you take him? This is nature's process
- This entire universe, filled with its many great mountains, rivers, oceans, trees and living entities, is resting just like an atom on one of His many thousands of hoods. Is there anyone, even with thousands of tongues, who can describe His glories?
- This is the beginning of the Bhagavad-gita, when the preliminary knowledge of the soul is there. And you will find that there are only a few who can understand the existence of the soul as permanent, and of the body as changeable
- This is the way to receive knowledge. One must submit oneself at the lotus feet of great personalities who can actually deliver transcendental knowledge
- This Krsna consciousness movement is meant for creating some real brahmana. At least, there may be head. They are all mad after the influence of the material energy. So there is need of some brahmana who can give advice to the people how to live
- Those who are much inclined to the formless conception of the Supreme Truth are more troubled than those who can intelligently conceive of the personal form
- Those who are very intelligent persons, those who can understand what is the situation of our life, "What I am . . ." These things are very intelligent questions
- "Thus far I have acquired so much money and land. Now I have to add more and more. In this way I shall be the greatest proprietor of everything. Who can compete with me?" These are all demoniac conceptions
- Thus there cannot be any incarnation more munificent than Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. There is no greater donor. Who can describe His transcendental qualities
- To be a playboy in this life is unfortunate because too much attraction to women will lead one to fall into the association of sudras, who can easily take advantage of mingling with women without restriction
- To become a sruti-dhara, one who can remember simply by hearing, is a great achievement for a student. In the Bhagavad-gita (BG 10.41) the Lord says: Know that all opulent, beautiful and glorious creations spring from but a spark of My splendor
- To err is human. There is no human being who can say boldly that, "I never committed any mistake." That is not possible
- To glorify Maharaja Nabhi, the sages composed two verses. One of them is this: Who can attain the perfection of Maharaja Nabhi? Who can attain his activities? Because of his devotional service, the Supreme Personality of God agreed to become his son
- To go to this planet (Pitrloka), one needs very good sons who can make offerings to Lord Visnu and then offer the remnants to their forefathers
- To know the principles of eternal life, and if we really want to see things in their true perspective, it is necessary for us to establish a relationship with a preceptor who can really open our eyes and lift us from the clutches of nescience
- To live in Vrindaban is the highest perfection and to grow up in Vrindaban the greatest fortune. Who can compare Vrindaban to the nasty western culture? Even to live in Mathura-mandala for a fortnight guarantees one liberation
- To whom should I speak? Who can understand My disappointment? Without the son of Nanda Maharaja, My heart is broken
- Uddhava said, "If there is anyone who can conquer this king (Jarasandha), he is none other than Bhimasena because he also possesses the strength of ten thousand elephants"
- Unfortunately, at the present moment, the word guru refers to someone who can give bodily medicine
- Unless we accept the real leader, a perfect personality who can give us perfect knowledge, there is no success. That is our philosophy
- Uttara said: O Lord of lords, Lord of the universe! You are the greatest of mystics. Please protect me, protect me, for there is no one else who can save me from the clutches of death in this world of duality
- Vaisnava, another qualification is that he is a poet. Poet does not mean to write only big, big poetry; he is also maybe. Poet means one who can write. That is, out of the twenty-six qualifications
- Vaisya who can actually give protection to the cows and produce agricultural products and trade. And sudras, ordinary laborer class. There must be divisions. They must be trained up
- Vidura sarcastically addressed Dhrtarastra as the "King," which he was actually not. Everyone is the servant of eternal time, and therefore no one can be king in this material world. King means the person who can order
- Visnu, and none else, is called mukti-pada, or the Personality of Godhead who can bestow upon us mukti, liberation
- We are all living entities, but we are all servants at the same time. Is anyone here who can say that, "I am not servant of anyone"? No. That is not possible
- We may be disturbed by some material condition, but if we approach the authority who can actually explain the matter, then our problem is solved
- What will be the result of such hearing (about God)? Regardless of what 1 is - whether he be a poor or rich man or whatever - if 1 but hears the transcendental word of God, He, who can never be conquered by any power or force, will be conquered by love
- When bright young boys and girls receive proper guidance from parents and teachers who can lucidly answer their queries, they easily understand each point and gradually develop fine brains
- When devotees discuss subjects dealing with the Supreme Lord, who can cleanse the heart of His devotee from all kinds of sinful reactions, they become overwhelmed with ecstasy and display different symptoms due to their devotional service
- When he's convinced that, "Here is actually a guru who can teach me," then you accept him, guru. Don't accept him whimsically
- When Kapila, who could show her the ultimate goal of the Absolute Truth, was sitting leisurely before her, Devahuti remembered the words Brahma had spoken to her, and she therefore began to question Kapila as follows
- When such possessions (earned by prostitution) are given to Vaisnavas who can engage them in the service of the Lord because of their advancement in spiritual life, this helps the person who gives the charity, for he is thus relieved of sinful reactions
- When such pure devotees bathe in your water, the sinful reactions accumulated from other people will certainly be counteracted, for such devotees always keep in the core of their hearts the S Personality of Godhead, who can vanquish all sinful reactions
- When the great mystic yogi Durvasa deliberately attempted to take the life of Ambarisa, the Lord suitably punished Durvasa, even though he was a powerful yogi who could approach all the demigods and even the Lord Himself
- When the kirtana was over, Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who could understand the incident (that Srivasa Thakura's son died), declared - There must have been some calamity in this house
- When we become puzzled and confused and want to live independently of God, the richest father... Who can be richer than God? God means the richest. No one can be richer than Him. That is another definition of God
- Which (yogamaya) acts to perfect all the pastimes of the Lord (Krsna) with His different types of devotees. Who could play such wonders without being God
- While present on this planet, Lord Krsna had to fight with many demons who could exhibit the wonderful mystic powers of Kimpurusa-loka
- Who can be a bigger personality than Krsna? So hear from Krsna, hear from Vyasadeva, hear from Narada, hear from their representative, Narada's representative, Vyasadeva; Vyasadeva's representative, Madhva Muni
- Who can be equal to Him? He wanted, "I want son like You." So where is another person like Him? So He said: I shall become. I am your son
- Who can be free from old age? Everyone wants to remain young man, but that is not possible. Just like I was also a young man. Now I am thinking, "Oh, I am getting old. I am getting old." So where is the process?
- Who can be greater authority than Arjuna?
- Who can be His friend or enemy? Na yasya kascid dayito 'sti: He doesn't need anyone's favor. He is complete
- Who can be more of a leading personality than the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and whose behavior could be more exemplary
- Who can be worthy of the name of the Supreme Lord but the Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna?
- Who can become a magician than this, that innumerable universes are coming and going with the breathing process of God? That is God
- Who can become desireless? It is not possible. If I am desireless, then I am a dead man. A dead man has no desire. So that is not possible. We have to purify the desires
- Who can become humbler than the straw unless he accepts a Spiritual Master?
- Who can chant Hare Krsna very nicely? Trnad api sunicena. Trnad api sunicena means who thinks himself lower than the straw in the street, "I am lower than." Humble, very humble
- Who can claim that "I am wealthy. I possess all the wealth of the universe"? Who can say? Only Krsna can say; nobody can say. You may be millionaire. You may be Rockefeller or this Tata or Birla. That is very insignificant position
- Who can conquer God? Only the devotees. Just like in Vrndavana, the gopis, the cowherd boys, Mother Yasoda, father Nanda and all of them, even the cows and calves, they conquered God, Krsna
- Who can count the rest of the books (headed by the Laghu-bhagavatamrta) written by Srila Rupa Gosvami? He has described the pastimes of Vrndavana in all of them
- Who can describe completely the prowess of Visnu? Even the scientist, who might have counted the particles of the atoms of the universe, cannot do so
- Who can describe the damsels of Vraja? They were all seated on the carts and were very beautifully dressed with ornaments and costly saris. They chanted the pastimes of child Krsna as usual
- Who can describe the unlimited glories of Advaita Acarya? I write here as much as I have known from great authorities
- Who can estimate the limit of Jagadananda Pandita's fortune? He himself is the example of his own great fortune
- Who can estimate the transcendental fortune of the residents of Vrndavana? They were personally seeing the S. P. of Godhead face to face, He whom many yogis cannot find even after undergoing severe austerities, although He is sitting within their hearts
- Who can estimate where, how and when You are employing Your spiritual energy and performing Your pastimes? No one can understand the mystery of these activities
- Who can give better service than Mahatma Gandhi? Who can become such honest man, ideal man. He was addressed as mahatma. Still, his service was not recognized. He was killed. So that is the result of material service
- Who can give you the law unless he is the greatest authority?
- Who can guarantee that he is not nearing death? Everyone is nearing death at every moment. Why should you wait for old age? That is manda-mater, bad intelligence
- Who can kill Krsna? Instead she (Putana) herself was killed, for Krsna sucked the nipple and also sucked out her life altogether. But what was the result
- Who can know? Yo janati tattvatah, to whom Krsna reveals, he can know. He can know what is Krsna, and as soon as you have done this business you have understood Krsna, then tyaktva deham punar janma naiti
- Who can leave Krsna? If one has got Krsna . . . they (sixteen thousand wives of Krsna) know Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. So they are embracing Krsna. How much happy they are
- Who can manage to float even a small stone in the air? Sometimes a yogi may show a little mystic power by manufacturing some gold, and we are so foolish that we accept him as God
- Who can produce such literature as Vyasadeva has given? From any angle of vision, from literary point of view, from philosophical point of view - everything, so perfect, every literature, Mahabharata, Puranas and Vedanta - Veda-vyasa, he has given
- Who can properly describe all the uncommon pastimes of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu? They are all simply His play
- Who can protect you from all these distressing conditions? - "So," you should conclude, "if these distressing conditions come upon me by force, the other kind of condition, the opposite number, will also come
- Who can say that he is a master, that he is not serving anyone? We may serve our family, society, country, business, automobile or whatever
- Who can see Krsna?
- Who can take more care than the father and the mother? So you combine together, make a batch of good character, ideal character in the whole world. There is no ideal character
- Who can think of Krsna always within himself? This is very easy to understand. If you love someone, you can think of him always within you; otherwise it is not possible
- Who can understand how Krsna is benefiting the entire world? The Lord is addressed as duranta-sakti (in SB 4.8.70) because no one can understand His potencies and how He acts
- Who can understand the influence and mercy of Lord Nityananda Prabhu? He is so powerful that He induced Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to come eat chipped rice on the bank of the Ganges
- Who can understand the Lord's transcendental activities? Not to speak of understanding the transcendental activities of the Lord, no one can understand even the activities of His servants
- Who could give up the association of such a dear and affectionate wife? Small children talk in broken language, very pleasing to hear, and their affectionate father always thinks of their sweet words. How could he give up their association?
- Who is mahajana? Mahajana. In India, a mahajana is accepted who can give you loan, money. He's called mahajana. Not that, that all. It is, it is a perverted word. But mahajana means a, one who is pure devotee of the Lord
- Who is that bold man here who can say, "I don't believe in death"
- Who is that mystic yogi who can follow the examples of Lord Rsabhadeva even with his mind? Lord Rsabhadeva rejected all kinds of yogic perfection, which other yogis hanker to attain. Who is that yogi who can compare to Lord Rsabhadeva?
- Who's not full of anxieties? Those who are in this material world, who can say, "No, I have no anxiety"? That is not possible. Either you become President Nixon or in the street beggar, there is anxiety. At any moment danger may come
- Why do you accept somebody as mahatma who does not speak about Krsna? Then you are misleading yourself. Everything, direction, is there (in Bhagavad-gita). Why you create your own mahatma? If you want to be cheated, who can check you? That is your fault
- Why I am not an authority? If Krishna accepts me as authority, then who can deny it?
- Why in eighty years old I have come here if I do not love? So who can love better than a preacher? He loves even the animals
- With an appealing voice, the poor small fish said to Satyavrata, who was very merciful: My dear King, protector of the poor, why are you throwing Me in the water of the river, where there are other aquatics who can kill Me? I am very much afraid of them
- Yamaraja has to deal with men who are all sinful and who can hardly understand Narayana. Consequently when his order carriers uttered the name of Narayana, he was extremely pleased, for he also is a Vaisnava
- Yet there are mahatmas, great souls, who can understand Krsna. Arjuna could understand that although Krsna was playing the part of his friend, He was nonetheless the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Yet You bind Your devotees again with Your sweet words. Under these circumstances, who can go anywhere
- Yoga practice necessitates controlling the senses, and the beginning of sense control is to control the tongue. One who can control the tongue can also have control over the other senses
- Yogesvara is the SP of Godhead, the master of all mystic yoga, who can do anything and everything He likes. This is the omnipotence of the Supreme Lord. For one who pleases the Supreme Lord, no achievement is wonderful. Everything is possible for him
- You are calculating that when you'll get old, at that time you shall try to understand what is Krsna consciousness. But what is the guarantee that you are not already old enough? Who can say? The next moment I can die
- You are part and parcel of God. Who can deny it? There is no secrecy
- You are part and parcel of God. Who can deny it? There is no secrecy. As you are part and parcel of your father - God is the supreme father - so you are the part and parcel of your father, and it is your duty to love God
- You are so skilled in war that I do not see anyone else but the most ancient person, Lord Visnu, who can give satisfaction in battle to you. Therefore, O chief of the asuras, approach Him, whom even heroes like you mention with praise
- You are the only shelter for all transcendentalists because it is You who can give liberation. Let me offer my respectful obeisances unto You
- You can imagine that "There is no God, there is no Yamaraja, there is no punishment. Let me do." That is your fancy. But it is not the fact. Fact is, if we commit some sin we must suffer from it, and there is nobody in the world who can check it
- You can think of Krsna without any impediment. Who can check it if you think of Krsna? This is favorable. And what is unfavorable, that should be rejected. What is favorable, that should be accepted
- You cannot be successful without being ajitasrayah. Ajita. Ajita means Krsna. Nobody can conquer Him. Ajita. Jita means conquered. Nobody is there who can conquer Krsna. But Krsna also can be conquered by His devotees
- You have to become a strict brahmacari and sit in the forest with your body at a right angle to the ground, pressing your nose with your finger for six months - Who could follow such an instruction
- You have to go to guru. Guru means who knows more than you. That is guru. So who can know more than Krsna? Therefore we have to accept Krsna as guru and learn from Him. Then you'll get perfect knowledge
- You may think, "I am not a sanatana-dharmi - a follower of sanatana-dharma - I am a Christian," but actually you are a sanatana-dharmi. Of course, if you wish to think otherwise, you can. Who can check it
- You must go to a person where you can surrender yourself. That means you've to check, "Who is the real person who can give me instruction on BG or any Vedic literature, or any scripture, right?" And not that, to search out a person as a, whimsically. No
- You offer such nectarean rice to Krsna. Who can estimate the limit of your fortune
- You should question, also put your question, to a person who can actually answer. That means you must question only to the spiritual master. Otherwise, you may be misled. He may give you some wrong information
- You should take advice from a man who can give you right direction, so at the end you may not be ashamed; you may be glorious
- Your (Visnu's) name, form and qualities are all transcendental and beyond the conception of experimental knowledge. Indeed, who can conceive of You? In the material world we can perceive only material names and qualities
- Your poetic skill is like the constant flow of the waters of the Ganges. I find no one in the world who can compete with you
- Yudhisthira Maharaja knew that Narada Muni is the supreme spiritual master of human society who can teach the path of spiritual liberation leading to the understanding of the Supreme Personality of Godhead