Category:What Is God
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Pages in category "What Is God"
The following 346 pages are in this category, out of 346 total.
- What is God (Books)
- What is God (Conversations 1968 - 1973)
- What is God (Conversations 1974 - 1975)
- What is God (Conversations 1976 - 1977)
- What is God (Lectures, BG chapters 1 - 6)
- What is God (Lectures, BG chapters 7 - 18)
- What is God (Lectures, General)
- What is God (Lectures, Other)
- What is God (Lectures, SB canto 1)
- What is God (Lectures, SB cantos 2 - 5)
- What is God (Lectures, SB cantos 6 - 12)
- What is God (Letters)
- A brahmana knows what the Absolute Truth is, and a Vaisnava, knowing the Absolute Truth, acts on behalf of the Absolute Truth, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- A human being, if he tries, if he consults books of knowledge just like Bible or Bhagavad-gita or similar other scriptures, he can know what is God, how great He is, how omnipotent He is, and what is our relationship with God
- A person who does not know what is God or one who does not try to understand what is God, he's animal
- According to our Vedic knowledge, the first-class intelligent man is he who knows what is God. He's first-class intelligent man. Otherwise cats and dogs, they also eat, sleep, have sexual intercourse, and die
- Actually he (the hunter Mrgari) had no idea about papa and punya. Actually, those who are animal-hunter, they cannot understand what is spiritual life, what is God, what is sinful life, what is pious life
- Adhah-krtam aksajam jnanam: You may go on speculating for many thousands of years, still you will be cut down. You will never be able to understand what is God
- Animals, they cannot know what is God, how God is great, how God is all-powerful. But a human being, if he tries, if he consults books of knowledge just like Bible or Bhagavad-gita or similar other scriptures, he can know what is God
- Any intelligent man will understand what is religion, what is God, in five minutes. It doesn't require even five hours. In five minutes
- Any kind of knowledge, it doesn't matter whether it is political or scientific or philosophical or mathematical - there are different - but the ultimate aim should be to understand what is God. That is knowledge
- Any living entity who is within this material world, they have come here with that two principles - iccha, dvesa. Iccha means they want to be happy with material enjoyment and "What is God? I am God." These two things
- Any religion, it doesn't matter. The process should be quest of God. What is God? What is Absolute Truth? Wherefrom everything has come? What we are? What is our relationship with God? Religion means this science
- Anyone who will give aural reception to this message - first of all Bhagavad-gita, entrance, then Bhagavatam, then Caitanya-caritamrta, like books - then gradually he'll be self-realized, fully cognizant what is God
- As a citizen, good citizen, you are expected. Similarly, we must know what is dharma, what is God. That is humanity
- As much as they advance, they will always find "Not this, not that." But what the ultimate cause is, they will never find. That is not possible
- As soon as there is some money, they become busy in purchasing things for their children and others. Such persons are never interested in understanding the values of life - what is God, what is the individual soul, what is its relationship with God, etc
- As we have got this natural instinct, similarly, God has also the same instinct. If we study ourself analytically, we can understand what is God, because we are the sample of God
- At last He says, sarva-dharman parityajya. That means the so-called dharmas that we have manufactured, man-made dharmas, they are not dharmas. Dharma means what is given by God. But we have no understanding what is God
- At least at the present moment, nobody knows that he has to satisfy the Supreme Lord. That is the aim of life. He does not know. He does not know even what is God. They are making research what is God, the theosophists, the theologists, making research
- At least human body is guaranteed, even one fails to complete the Krsna consciousness. Because he gets another chance. To get birth in a rich family means he has no economic problem. He can completely engage himself to understand what is God
- At least our young men in India, at least still inquiring. That is the culture. "What is God?"this is the beginning of human life, when one inquires about Brahman
- At the present moment, vague idea, what is God; practically no idea. What is their God? "God is good." They . . . sometimes they say: "God is great," but what is that God, how great He is, how He is good, nobody knows
- Atheist class of men, in the beginning in their lifetime, they say, "What is God? We don't care for God." But when God comes as death they say, 'Yes, Sir, take me wherever You want." Finished. At that time you cannot say - No, no, I don't care for death
- Because people are misled. So they should be given opportunity to study, to understand what is God consciousness, what is Krsna consciousness. So through the sastras. That is also required. The Gosvamis practically demonstrated in their life everything
- Because they (those who are envious upon the SPG) want to forget God, therefore God puts them into such condition that they will never be able to understand what is God. This is the version from Bhagavad-gita by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Because they have no brain to understand what is God. So in the human society, if there is no brahmana who can teach about God, who can elevate persons to God consciousness, then it is also animal society
- Because they have no knowledge, they are simply like animals. They pray, "O God, give us our daily bread." But now suppose we ask them, "What is God?" Can they explain? No. Then whom are they asking? Are they merely praying into the air
- Bhagavad-gita means to understand what is God, the science of God. And God Himself is speaking about Himself. Otherwise it is not possible to understand what is God
- Bhagavad-gita, which is the science of God, is spoken by the Personality of Godhead Himself. This is perfect knowledge. Mental speculators or so-called philosophers who are researching what is actually God will never understand the nature of God
- Bhagavata-dharma means relationship with God and execution of our duties in that relationship. That is called Bhagavata-dharma. First of all we must know what is God
- Brahmin is not by birth. So anyone who can understand what is God, he becomes brahmin. The same example: anyone who is highly learned scholar and lawyer, he becomes a high court judge
- By gradual evolution, we are coming to the human form of life. So in the human form of life, here there is a prerogative, there is a chance to know what is God and what is my relationship with Him
- By our these blunt senses, speculating, we cannot understand what is God. Therefore His name is Adhoksaja, Adhoksaja, "beyond material speculation." And still you have to apply your bhakti, devotion
- By serving such guru, bona fide guru, and surrendering unto him, and then questioning him, he can make actual progress in spiritual life, and then he understands properly what is God, what is our relationship with Him
- By your these blunt senses it is not possible to understand what is God, what is His form, what is His name, what is His quality, what is His kingdom, what is His paraphernalia. These things are to be understood
- Dhira means "sober," one who thinks, "What is my condition? What I am? I am this body or I am something beyond this body? What I am meant for? Why I have come here? What is God? What I am?" So many things, they are a subject matter to think
- Dina-cetasam means poor-minded, dina; or crippled, cripple-minded. Actually, I see all the householders in Western countries, they are cripple-minded. Just like animal they are living. There is no high thought: what is next life, what is God
- Do you know what is God? Do you know?
- Dull means cannot understand what is God. That is dullness. Otherwise for eating, sleeping, sex life & defense there is no need of university education. Nobody goes to the university to learn how to eat, how to sleep, how to enjoy sex life, how to defend
- Either you take Christian religion or Hindu religion or Muslim religion, the idea is to understand God. Therefore, any religion you take, it doesn't matter. If you understand what is God and if you know what is your relationship with God, you are perfect
- Evam prasanna-manaso bhagavad-bhakti-yogatah. When one's heart is cleared of all nonsense, then one can understand what God is. BG 1972 purports
- Even for material understanding which is beyond our sense perception we have to receive knowledge from authority. Similarly, we cannot understand what is God. But from the authoritative sources we can understand that God is so great
- Even if you do not know any practical work, simply you give your reception, aural reception, submissive aural reception, and understand that what is the nature of God, you'll be free from this material bondage
- Even in the civilized society, there are persons, they are put into such a circumstances that they will never be able to understand what is God consciousness or what is Krsna consciousness. They are so misfortunate
- Every so-called learned scholars, they have no, I mean to say, idea what is God, what is Krsna, and where to speak of satisfying Him. But the bhakti means that he, a bhakta, is always ready to sacrifice everything to satisfy Krsna
- Everyone has some vague idea of God, but no clear idea. Therefore God descends to show what He is. If we speculate on God, someone will think one thing and another person will think another. This is the result of speculation
- Everyone should know what is Bhagavan and take lessons from Bhagavan. Lord Kapila is Bhagavan, and He personally instructed His mother in Sankhya philosophy
- Everything you can see when there is sunlight. Similarly, if you can see God, then you can see everything. If you can understand what is God, then you understand everything
- Everywhere there is knowledge of God consciousness. That teaching should be introduced in every schools & colleges so that children, from the very beginning, may understand what is God, how great he is, how we are related with God, & how we have to live
- Except the satvatas, nobody knows what is God. Satvata means Vaisnava
- First of all, you must become graduate, then you should take entrance in the law college, then you must learn. So what is God, that is the inquiry, but it requires training. And that is Vedic dharma, varnasrama-dharma
- From Bhagavad-gita we must learn what God is, what the living entities are, what prakrti is, what the cosmic manifestation is and how it is controlled by time, and what the activities of the living entities are. BG 1972 Introduction
- Full knowledge means "What I am, what is God, what is this material world, what is our relationship." That is called knowledge. And that knowledge, when practically applied in life, that is called vijnanam
- Generally it takes many, many years and many, many births to realize what God is
- God is there, but because we cannot realize, therefore somebody is saying, "God has no form," "There is no God," "God is dead," "God is impersonal," "God is void." That means they have no actually knowledge what is God
- God is there. There is no doubt of it, but because, due to our foolishness, we think there is no God, there is no father, that is our foolishness. But what is that God, how He is, what is His business, how He is formed - all these things we want to learn
- God knows everything, but we do not know what is God. That is our position. Our position is not knowing. Isvarah sarva-bhutanam hrd-dese 'rjuna tisthati (BG 18.61). Isvara, God, Krsna, is situated in everyone's heart
- Have you got any understanding of God? Do you know what is God?
- Here Bhagavan comes personally, He leaves His instruction, He's accepted by the acaryas, and our young men have become so much advanced in education that they're asking what is God
- Here is Bhagavad-gita. You follow the direction, you will understand what is God, what you are, what is this world, what is our relation between ourself, what is our condition, how we can get out of this miserable condition. Everything you will find
- Hindu, Muslim, or whatever you may be, everyone accepts there is God. So we are teaching not to formally accept there is God, but know what is God and love Him. So those who are interested for higher knowledge of God, they'll take it
- How many people recognizes God. Take statistic. Everyone will say: Eh! What is God? Therefore they are in trouble. Bhaktivinoda Thakura summarizes this fact: mayar bose, jaccho bhese, khaccho habudubu bhai, jiv krsna-das, e biswas, korle to ar duhkho na
- How this realization (spiritual) takes place? Not by academic education, but by sincerity. If one is very sincere, that he wants to know what is spiritual science, what is God, what is self, what is Superself, what is this world, what is spiritual world
- Human being has a special intellect developed than the animals that he can understand what he is, what is God, what is this cosmic manifestation, and what is the aim of life, how we should conduct
- Human life and animal life, the difference is that there is God. The animals do not know what is God. A man can know
- Human life is especially meant for taking advantage of this form of life and understand, - What is God? What I am? What is my relationship with God? How to act? Why I am conditioned by so many miserable condition of life
- Human life is meant for understanding, "What I am? What is God? What is relationship with God? Why I am here in this material world? Why I am suffering?" These are the questions for human life
- I love Krsna, or God, and Krsna loves me. This is our exchange of feelings. So in this way, the science of God, even without reading any Vedic literature - of course, that will help you - if you have deeply studied what is God, you can understand God
- I profess some religion, but I do not know what is God and how to love Him. So that type of religion is cheating religion
- If a person knows what gold is, then anywhere he comes upon gold, he'll understand, "Here is gold." He won't think gold is available in one shop only & if a person knows what God is, what the meaning of "God" is, then in Krsna he will find God in fullness
- If he remains in darkness and does not learn what God is, then how will he understand Krsna? He'll understand Krsna as one of us. That's all. But if he knows what God is, then he'll understand about Krsna: - Yes, here is God
- If I am trained in KC, then I am the sane man, I am not a madman, because I know what is my position, what is God, what are other living entities, what is this world, what is this material nature, what is this time, what are these activities
- If I say, "Here is God," now it is up to you to test my statement. If you know what God is, then test my statement about Krsna, and then you'll accept Him as God
- If in the human society unnecessary animal killing is encouraged, he will never be able to understand what is God. The greatest sinful activity, pasu-ghnat
- If man is made after the image of God, you study very scrutinizingly a perfect human being, and you will know what is God
- If one doesn't believe and says, "Oh, I want to see what God is," he has to go by stages by realizing the impersonal Brahman effulgence and then Paramatma, the localized feature, before finally coming to the last stage of realizing - Oh, here is the SPG
- If one gives up the research work just after making a few steps' advance, oh, that will not help. One has to go on, go on with it with steadiness, that "What is God? I shall see." That is called jnani, jijnasu, philosopher, inquisitive
- If one is serious about understanding what God is, then he will accept Krsna as the Supreme Lord. Once he knows what God is, he'll understand, - Here is God-Krsna
- If one is slightly favored by the mercy of the Lord, if the Lord is pleased, one can understand Him. But who are the candidates eligible to receive the mercy of the Lord? Only the devotees. They alone can understand what is the SPG
- If we do not inquire, if we do not try to understand what is Brahman, then we must be frustrated
- If we do not try to understand in this form of life, "What is God, what I am, what is our relationship," then we are committing suicide
- If we don't be independent, unnecessarily mental exercise to understand what is God, what is Absolute Truth. Don't bother about these things. Then, what to do? Namanta eva: just become submissive and just try to hear from a realized soul
- If we don't understand what is God, what is Krsna and our relationship with Him, then we are missing the point
- If we simply sit down and hear, we become pious. And as soon as we become pious, then we can understand what is Krsna, what is God. If we are involved or implicated in sinful activities, there is no chance
- If you are animal killer, your God consciousness is finished. You'll never be able to understand what is God. Then your life is finished
- If you are unaware of what is God, what do you mean by God, and you are very, very religious, that is useless. One must know God. So therefore, those who are in the lowest grade of human life, they cannot understand
- If you can analyze the characteristics of the living entity, then you can at least understand what is God, what is the characteristics of God. Therefore the beginning of spiritual education is to understand one's self, this self-realization
- If you do not know what is God, where is the question of loving Him? So that is not religion. It is going on in the name of religion. But religion means to know God and to love Him. Dharmam tu saksad bhagavat-pranitam
- If you don't stop meat-eating, you cannot understand what is spiritual life. A sinful life cannot understand what is God, what is devotion
- If you have deeply studied what is God, you can understand God. Because I am a sample of God, I am minute particle. Just like the particle of gold is gold. The drop of ocean water is also salty. The ocean is also salty, you can understand
- If you have got little sense that, "I shall understand what is God," this very much qualification, if anyone only wants sincerely that, "I will understand what is God," then your drinking business begins
- If you hear Bhagavad-gita, you understand everything, what is God. And that is our only duty
- If you simply chant Hare Krsna mantra, then you understand clearly what you are, what is God, what is your relationship with Him, what is this world. Everything will be clear. That is the advantage of this fallen age
- If you simply increase your attachment for Krsna, then asamsayam, without any doubt, samagram, and in fullness, you can understand what is God. This is Krsna consciousness movement
- If you simply try to understand what's God by reading scriptures, you cannot achieve. You must approach a guru. Just like a medical book, it can be available in the market. If you purchase 1 medical book and study & you become doctor, that isn't possible
- If you study Bhagavad-gita as it is said and if you accept it, then your life is successful. Otherwise, panthas tu koti-sata-vatsara-sampragamyo (Bs. 5.34), you'll never understand what is God or what is ultimate source, what is Absolute Truth
- If you understand what is God and if you know what is your relationship with God - in this way your goal of life how to learn to love God, that is achieved - then it doesn't matter through which religion you achieve that perfection
- If you want real peace in the mind, try to understand what is God, what is your relationship with God, and act accordingly. You will be immediately peaceful. As soon as you become peaceful, your life is successful
- If you want to go by the speculative knowledge, trying to find out what is God just like the theosophist and many other societies - they do that, speculating - you cannot reach God by speculation. That is not. Because your senses are limited
- If you want to know what is God, what is Krsna, then you have to go through this bhakti-marga, or devotional... There is no other way. Krsna never says that He can be known through speculation or cultivation of so-called speculative knowledge
- If you want to taste what is God, you first of all try to cure your disease. Our disease, material disease, is the lusty desire. Lusty desire is so strong that you will find it is existing amongst the so-called religionists performing religious rituals
- Ignorance is animal life - in ignorance, one does not know what is God, how to become happy, why we are in this world. For example, if you take an animal to the slaughterhouse, it will go. This is ignorance. But a man will protest
- In every sphere of life, the ultimate end must be seeking after the Absolute Truth, & that sort of engagement will make one happy because he will be less engaged in varieties of sense gratification. And what that Absolute Truth is is explained as follows
- In our Krishna Book we are showing the Western World for the first time what is God
- In our present position, with blunt material senses, it is not possible to understand what is God. We have got four defects in this material condition. We commit mistake, illusioned, we accept something for something and our senses are imperfect
- In our Vedic knowledge there is no vague idea, rascal's idea. All clear. What is Bhagavan? Immediately you get the enunciation, definition - This is Bhagavan
- In schools, colleges, assemblies, societies - everywhere - there must be questions of "What is God? What I am? What is my relation?" These should be answered scientifically and understood scientifically. Then there will be peace
- In the lower status of bhakti means that arca-vigraha, anyone, any person, he does not clearly understand what is God, but by the instruction of the spiritual master one is engaged in the service of the Lord
- In the morning, they (birds) also talk, "Where we shall go this morning to get some fruits and some eatables?" So these questions they do, and there is some talking, "ki-chi mi-chi." So not that kind of question. The question should be, - What is God?
- In the Srimad-Bhagavatam it is directed, tasmad gurum prapadyeta (SB 11.3.21): "One should surrender to a spiritual master." Tasmad gurum prapadyeta jijnasuh. Who will surrender? Who has become very inquisitive - What is God?
- In the world there is no religion. They do not understand what is God, what is religion. Traditional, you can say superstition or some idea, actually no clear conception of religion. No idea in the world, except in this Krsna consciousness movement
- In this Bhagavad-gita the subject matter is comprehending five different truths. The first truth is what is God. It is the preliminary study of the science of God. So that science of God is explained here
- Instead of realizing oneself and the Supreme Self, if one derides, doesn't want to understand what is God, what is God consciousness, what is Krsna, he is to be understood as the lowest of the mankind, naradhama. Adhama means lowest
- Intelligence means... One who knows what he is, what is this world, what is God, what are the interrelations - he is intelligent
- Intelligent man should learn what is God from the Vedic information. Don't manufacture God. Manufacture. . . how we can manufacture God? That is not possible. So that is called mana-dharma. By mental concoction, mental speculation, we cannot create God
- Is it very difficult job? Let him define what is God. - If you say that I am God, then you must know what is God. If you falsely claim 'God,' then how you can be God?
- It (Krsna Consciousness) is very scientific movement. Scientific movement because at the present moment we are all godless, forgotten what is God, and what to speak of His name
- It (SB 5.5.5) is such inquiry that begins the Vedanta-sutra: athato brahma jijnasa. A human being should be inquisitive to know who he is, what the universe is, what God is, and what the relationship is between himself, God and the material world
- It doesn't matter what kind of religion you are following. If your love for God has enhanced, if you understand what is God, what is your relationship with God, and what is the end of or the object of human life, then your life is successful
- It doesn't matter whether, what you are. Chant Hare Krsna and you'll be purified. Then you'll understand everything, what is God, what you are, what is your relation. This is Krsna consciousness movement
- It is also stated in the Bible that human being is made under the image of God. So if you study yourself - that is called meditation - then you can understand what is God
- It is compulsory business of our life to understand God, or Krsna, if you want santi. Jnatva mam santim rcchati. If you want santi, then you have to know God, what is God, not vague idea, actually. Jnatva mam santim rcchati. You have to know
- It is not possible to understand what God is by our own mental speculations; we have to hear, and we have to accept
- It is not that you manufacture some dharma: "We are Hindus," "We are Muslims," "We are Christians." These are not dharmas. Nobody cares for God. Nobody carries out the order of God. Nobody knows what is God
- It is very easy thing that, - Leader must be faithful. A leader must know what is God and how to trust in Him. And he must be free from all sinful activities
- It is very risky civilization. People are kept into ignorance. He does not know what is the value of life. He does not know what he is. He does not know what is God. He does not know what is life. He does not know what he is going to become next life
- It is very surprising that Indian students are asking, "What is God?" So this is lamentable in this sense, that people are reducing in their sense of spiritual realization. That is a very regrettable fact
- Jijnasuh, jnani, they do not want anything "Give me," but jijnasuh: "Actually, what is God? What is the Absolute Truth?" That is the difference
- Just like good citizen means he knows what is the government and what is the law of government. He is following. Similarly, religious person means he must know what is God and what are the words of God
- Just like the particle of gold is gold. The drop of ocean water is also salty. The ocean is also salty, you can understand. Similarly, by studying our individuality, by studying our propensity, we can understand what is God
- Kalki's nature is described in Bhagavata. He will come just like a prince, royal dress with sword, and on horseback; simply killing, no preaching. All rascals killed. No more preaching. That is the last. There will be no brain to understand what is God
- Knowledge means ultimately he must know what is God. That is knowledge. Ye krsna tattva vetta sei guru haya. Anyone who knows Krsna, he becomes guru. Otherwise not
- Krsna is explaining Himself. God is explaining what is God. That is real knowledge. If you speculate on God, it is not possible. You cannot understand
- Krsna is there, and Krsna is explaining Himself, "I am like this." But unfortunately we'll not understand Krsna, but we'll try to speculate what is God. This is our disease
- Krsnas tu bhagavan svayam: (SB 1.3.28) "Krsna Himself is the Supreme Personality of Godhead." The sastra explains what Bhagavan, or God, is, and how Krsna is Bhagavan
- Ksatriya's business is to give protection to the people so that they may all know what is God
- Maha-Visnu is partial representation of Govinda. Govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami. So this is called knowledge. One has to know what is God, what is the nature of God
- Man and animal, they have got common platform of these four principles of life: eating, sleeping, mating and defending. The only extra qualification of man is that he can come to understand what is Krsna and what is God. That is his special qualification
- Material world means darkness wherein you cannot understand what is God, what you are. That is material world. They are very busy in this material world, but they do not know where they are going
- Mode of goodness is that in that position we can understand, at least theoretically, "What I am, what is this world, what is God, what is our interrelation?"
- Most people are impersonalists or voidists. Perhaps for the first time in the world we are giving the people a clear idea of what is God
- No one can understand the SP of Godhead by executing karma-yoga, jnana, or astanga-yoga or any other yoga independantly. Without coming to the stage of devotional service, one cannot understand what is the Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- Nobody can give a clear conception of God. If you have no understanding of what God is, where is the question of love? Love is not mere fantasy or imagination. You cannot love air. You love a person, a beautiful person
- Nobody has got clear conception of God; neither they do not know what is the meaning of trust under the circumstances. So you have to learn it scientifically. And our propaganda is like that, to teach actually what is God and what is trust
- Nobody is inquiring, neither there is any institution throughout the whole world where there is tattva-jijnasa, what is the Absolute Truth. Simply technical knowledge - how to become this, how to become that, to fill up this belly
- Nobody is serious to understand what is God and how to love Him. Nobody is serious. Therefore in Bhagavatam, it is said, it is cheating religion
- Not only simply reading, but when he realizes what is Brahman, then he is brahmana. Not easy, the stages. This Brahman is impersonal Brahman, and still, you have to go above
- Now, at the present moment, everyone is highly educated to the material standard, but they have no knowledge what is God
- One has to accept the proper person who can let him know what is God. And if he is determined, then it is not difficult
- One has to understand actually what is Krsna in complete. If you want to know that, then this is the process, mayi, mayi asakta-manah, mayy asakta-manah (BG 7.1), the mind has to be engaged in Krsna, first thing is mind
- One must consider whether he is the body or whether he is transcendental to the body, and one must try to know what God is. These ideas are to be studied in Krsna consciousness. We should not be frivolous or waste time
- One must know what God is. One must learn how to love God. That is real life
- One priest was surprised in Boston that - These boys, they are our boys, Christian boys. They are American boys. So previously they were not coming to the church. They did not care for God or to understand what is God. But why they are mad after God now?
- One who has got little mercy of the lotus feet of Krsna, he can understand what is God. Little favor; not all favor. Others, may go on speculating, imagining what is God, "God may be like this," "God may be like that," he cannot understand
- One who has no idea what God actually is thinks that any form he imagines or any rascal he accepts can be God. This acceptance of cheap gods or incarnations of God is actually atheism
- One who is in the mode of goodness receives the body of a learned brahmana. This is somewhat elevated, for he can gradually understand what is God
- One who sticks to KC purification process, will gradually understand what is God, and our relationship with the SP. This is the perfection of human life. Unfortunately, the people of the so-called modern advanced civilization do not know this
- Only the fools consider that Krsna is ordinary human being. He comes to give us lesson what is actually God. God is Krsna. Krsnas tu bhagavan svayam. Therefore it is His mercy that He comes before us to show what is actually God
- Other forms of life - cats and dogs, trees and so many other things; there are 8,400,000 forms of life - so in other forms of life it is not possible to understand what is God
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is trying to save the human society from this risky life and to understand what is God, how he can go back to home, how he can get eternal life. This is our business
- Our process is - we have repeatedly explained this - that we do not speculate about God. Just like there are so many others, theosophists and theologists, they're speculating what is God. They don't accept
- Our request is that if you at all want to understand what is God, don't go to the Mayavadi or Sunyavadi, but try to understand about God from God Himself
- Out of many millions and millions of persons, actually they are serious to understand, "What is the aim of life? What is God? What is my relation..." Nobody is interested
- Partially understanding of God, that is also understanding, but it will again take time, because unless you fully understand what is God, you cannot go back to home, back to Godhead. That is the formula
- People are suffering on account of becoming impious. So one cannot understand what is God, what is Krsna, unless he has finished his impious activity
- People cannot understand actually what is God. A vague idea. They do not know actually what is the nature of God. So gradually it will be forgotten. But still, because still people have got some sense, therefore this preaching work is going on
- People, they try to understand (the science of Krsna) which is impossible to understand by their own effort. That is a great mistake. Therefore this very word is used, durbodham. What is religion & what is God, that is very, very difficult to understand
- Philosophy which does not search ultimately what is truth, what is God, that philosophy is mental speculation. And the knowledge of God without philosophy is simply sentiment. They should be combined
- Ramananda Raya said that: It doesn't require of any change. Simply if people giving up his own endeavor to understand what is God, what is life. Simply if he remains humbly and hears from the real authority, then by hearing only he can conquer Ajita
- Real advancement means to know God. That is advancement. If you are lacking that knowledge, what is God . . . and because you cannot understand . . . there are so many rascals, they are denying the existence of God
- Real education means to understand God. Vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyah (BG 15.15). If one does not understand what is God, his education is useless; it has no meaning. What is that education
- Real interest is, for the human being, to know what is God, what is my relationship with Him, and how I shall achieve the highest perfection of life. That is real interest
- Real knowledge, however, is Vedic knowledge, knowing oneself, what one is and what God is and understanding one's relationship with God, and one's duty
- Real progress of life is to know what is God and what is my relationship with Him and how to act in that relationship. That is real life
- Religion means to become lover of God. But who is lover of God? Do not know what is God, and what to speak of love Him. They do not know, have no clear conception of God even
- Scientifically try to understand what is God. And if you consult Vedic literature you'll get very accurate, scientific, authentic information
- Simply faith, blind faith, will not endure. And therefore they are becoming godless. And gradually, if we do not understand factually what is God, then the whole human civilization will be godless
- Simply trust in God is not sufficient. We must know what is God. Trusting something oblivion, something fantasy, that is no trust. You must know where to put your trust. That is Bhagavad-gita. You have to know this, what is God
- Situated in the mode of goodness, we can understand, at least theoretically, what I am, what this world is, what God is, and what our interrelationship is. This is the mode of goodness
- So a cat, a dog cannot inquire about Brahman, but the gentleman inquire about what is God. Because he is human being he could inquire like that. So there is no cause of disappointment
- So far as singing of the Christian hymns, if others sing this we have no objection, it is very nice, but in these hymns they have no definite idea of what is God
- So long one is accustomed to kill animals, he will never be able to understand what is God. That is Buddha philosophy. He situated the atheistic people on the line of understanding God
- So this Krsna consciousness movement is a great science of understanding what is God. Simply with vague idea, "There is God," that is not sufficient
- So we have to save ourself from this misconception of life. Then we can make progress in the matter of understanding what is God
- So when we become free from all designations, then we are pure, and in that pure state we can understand what is God. So God is pure, and when you become pure you can understand what is God
- Spiritual realization is not achieved in one birth. If one is fortunate, he can achieve in one second. But generally, it takes many, many years and many, many births to realize what is God, what is the Absolute Truth
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has given us such a nice thing, this sankirtana movement, that anyone can join, and anyone can immediately perceive what is God consciousness. That is His excellence
- Sri Krsna asserts that the entire universe is illusioned by the interactions of the three qualities of material nature, and we are under the spell of that illusion; therefore we cannot understand what God is
- Strictly speaking, we do not accept any system of religion as bona fide. They are all rejected. They do not know what is God. What is that religion? Strictly speaking, that is not religion. But if we speak publicly, they will be angry
- Such knowledge (as knowing what he is, what God is, what this world is, what our relationship with God in this world is) is not taught in schools, where one is taught how to manufacture or acquire products for sense gratification
- Such questions (who he is, what the universe is, what God is, and what the relationship is between himself, God and the material world) cannot be asked by cats and dogs, but they must arise in the heart of a real human being
- Suppose one has taken to Krsna consciousness, bhakti-yoga. So if he can execute properly, then: Then he will understand what is God, what is kingdom of God. And after death, he shall enter into the kingdom of God. So this is the only shelter
- Temple means spiritual educational shelter. People should come, they should learn what is spiritual life, what is God, what is my relationship with. That is temple
- That (inquiry about what is the rate of rice and dal) should go on, but along with it there should be inquiry what is the Absolute Truth and what is Krsna, what is God. That is beginning of human form of life
- The aim of religion is to know God. If you profess some religion, but if I ask you what is God, if you cannot explain, then what is the use of your becoming religious
- The atheist class, they'll not accept. "What is God? I don't care for . . . there is no God." All right. Wait. God will come
- The Bhagavad-gita is the ABCD. It is just beginning of understanding of what is God. ABC. When one has passed the entrance examination, then he gets the opportunity of studying Srimad-Bhagavatam
- The books should be written in simple language. First of all try to explain what is God, then what is the relationship of God with the world and the living entities. Then explain what is our duty in that relationship with God
- The Brahma-samhita said that if one starts on the chariot of air and makes progress on the speed of mind, still one cannot understand what is God
- The first question is, "What is the Absolute Truth, we should inquire now." This is the beginning of human life. If one does not inquire what is God, what I am, what is my relationship with God, that is animal life
- The first thing is we must hear. Srotavyah. Just try to hear what is God, what is His kingdom, how He acts, how He is cheerful. These things are to be heard. Sravanam
- The goal of life is Visnu, or the Supreme Lord, or God. That one has to understand what is the Supreme Lord, what is Absolute Truth, - What is my relationship with Him and what is my duty towards Him
- The highest perfection of human life is to attain the brahminical qualification, then everything will be clearly understood: what is God, what I am, what is my relationship with God, what is this world
- The human life is meant for this purpose, to understand how God is working, what is God, even what is His name, where does He live, what is our relationship with Him, how things are being managed
- The human life is meant for understanding what I am and what is God, what is my relationship with God. That is the real purpose of human life
- The human society is meant for understanding what is God. That is the privilege of human being. We come to this form of human being after many, many births
- The inquisitive are usually intelligent. They are always researching to understand things. They may ask, "What is God?" & then conduct scientific research to find out. They are also considered pious because their research is directed to the proper object
- The Lord is the purest, and thus anyone who wants to serve the Supreme Lord must also be pure. Unless a person is pure, he can neither understand what the Personality of Godhead is nor engage in His service in love
- The Lord says that one should approach Him and go back to Him, back home, back to Godhead. But unfortunately people have no knowledge of what God is, whether one can go back home to Him or not, and whether or not it is practical
- The meaning of religion is to abide by the laws of God, just like a good citizen means who abides by the laws of the state, of the government. Because we have no understanding of God, therefore we do not know what is the laws of God
- The other day I was speaking in the church that God is not dead. God cannot be dead. Neither you or me cannot be dead. There is living symptom in your body, and there is living symptom in the cosmic manifestation also. Just try to understand what is God
- The primary principles of Krsna consciousness movement have been briefly described by my disciple Sriman Brahmananda Brahmacari. It is a very important science of God, understanding what is God
- The purpose of studying Vedas means to understand Krsna, or God. When I speak of Krsna, you understand God. So when one understands what is God, what is Brahman, what is Krsna, what is Paramatma, then he is a Brahmana. This is the process
- The servant must know what is God, what does He do, how He is satisfied: these things should be preached to them. How one is accepted as God, what are the symptoms: these things they should learn
- The simple process of chanting the names of Krsna will reveal what one is, what God is, what the material and spiritual universes are, why we are conditioned, how we can get out of that conditioning - and everything else, step by step
- The so-called Christians and Mohammedans, they cannot understand. They (are) simply fanatics. Cannot understand what is soul, what is God. They have got some theories and they are thinking we are religionists
- The soul is important. And if you can study the soul, then you can understand what is God
- The subject matter of Bhagavad-gita is to know five things, to know what are these living entities, what is God, what is nature, and what is time, and what is work
- The sun does not hide, but a person can try to hide from the sun by closing his door. One must open the door in order to see the sun. Similarly, Krsna is there, God is there, & we have to come to Krsna & take the lessons of BG to learn who & what God is
- The Supreme Personality gives directions as to what is good and what is bad, and one simply has to act in Krsna consciousness to attain the perfection of life. BG 1972 purports
- The theosophists, the philosophers, they are trying years after years, life after years, "What is God? What is God? What is the Absolute Truth?" Just like we throw Sputniks - "How much the space is length and breadth?" This is frog philosophy
- The Vedanta-sutra says Brahman, the Absolute Truth, is that from whom everything has emanated. Very simple description. What is God, what is the Absolute Truth, very simple definition - the original person
- The Vedic scriptures are different in that they can direct the individual in the proper way to love God. Other scriptures do not give information on how one can love God, nor do they actually define or describe what or who Godhead actually is - CC Intro
- The voidists, they say sunyavadi. They say, "There is no God." And the impersonalists, they say that there is God, but there is no head, there is no leg, there is no hand, there is no mouth, there is no, no, no... Ultimately, what is their God?
- The whole world, nirvisesa-sunyavadi . . . nirvisesa . . . means the impersonalists and voidists, that's all. They have no understanding what is Personality of Godhead
- The yogis, by their mind concentrating upon God, they try to see Him. So you must know what is God. Just like our institution, they know what is God, description of God. They can think of God. But if you have no idea of God, how you'll think of Him?
- There are four hundred thousand species of human form of life, out of which, the civilized form of life, when our consciousness is developed, that is the opportunity to understand what is God
- There are so many incarnations of God, especially in India. It is a breeding ground of Gods, so many. So that is, means they do not know what is God. Mudha. They think God is so cheap thing
- There are so many Mayavadis, they are going on perpetually: "What is God?" Neti neti: "This is not, this is not, this is not. What is Brahman?" So by that process you'll never be able to understand what is God
- There is no education at all in the principles of the soul and what is God, and what is transmigration of the soul in the next life
- There is no need to speculate, "What is God? Where is God?" Why foolishly go on searching? Here is God - Krsna
- There may be questions, but every sincere man must question what is God and try to learn it. That will bring auspicity all over the world
- There must be a standard of dealing, and there must be a result out of that. This is called Bhagavata-dharma. You must know what is your position, you must know what is God, and you must know what is your relationship with God
- There should be inquiry what is the Absolute Truth, what is Krsna, what is God. That is beginning of human form of life
- These are correlative terms. If you understand what is soul, then you can understand what is God
- These rascal speculation of God is like the speculation of the frog about Atlantic Ocean. Mundane philosopher, scientist, they are thinking of God in that way, the Dr. Frog's philosophy. Dr. Frog's philosophy will not help you to understand what is God
- These so-called Hindus are generally impersonalists, and we do not want to have anything to do with them; better we stick to our own standard, and eventually they will all come to us for learning what is God
- They (anyone who does not know what is God) are not innocent; they are stupid. They are not innocent. They will never agree
- They (most people) have some conception of God, but actually they do not know what God is. But religion means you must know God and love Him
- They (the people) are so much atheistic that it was impossible for them to understand what is God, what is devotion
- They (the people) know that there is God, but they do not know actually what is God. But this Krsna consciousness movement is giving, presenting, the Supreme Personality of Godhead direct: Here is God, Krsna. Here is God
- They (the scientists and philosophers) challenge Krsna, saying, What is God? We can do this, and we can do that. But the more they challenge Krsna in this way, the more they are implicated in suffering
- They are authorities who know exactly what is God, or Krsna, and they can direct. Therefore sastra says you have to follow the authorities. Otherwise it is not possible
- They are forgetful of Krsna. They do not know what is God, therefore they say that God is dead, there is no God, God is impersonal. So many theories they have got. Actually, they have no idea what is God
- They do not indulge: illicit sex life - meat, fish, egg-eating; intoxication up to cigarette smoking, drinking tea, coffee; and gambling. These are the four pillars of sinful life. So unless one gives up these four things, he cannot understand what is God
- They do not know the laws of nature; they do not know what is living entity, what is soul, what is God, how things are going on, how nature's law is working. Nothing of the sort. Simply like animals - eat, drink, be merry and enjoy, that's all
- They don't care to know what is God, what is our relationship with God, how to act in that relationship. The Vedic instruction, the whole Vedic instruction is for this purpose
- This chanting and hearing is so pious that it will gradually cleanse your heart, and you will understand what is God - what is God, what is your relationship with Him, what is His function, what is your function
- This claim that, "I am God," that means he has no idea what is God. Therefore he is falsely claiming
- This continued repetition of accepting different kinds of body is finished simply by understanding what is God, how He appears, how He disappears, what are His activities. Simply this understanding
- This human form of body is specially meant for that purpose. You can understand what you are, what is this material nature, what is God and how we are related, how things are going on. Everything is there, but we are so foolish that we do not take care
- This human form of life is given to us by laws of nature to understand what is God, what we are, what is our relationship with God, what is this material world, why you have come here
- This human form of life is meant for understanding what is Absolute Truth. Athato brahma jijnasa. The cats and dogs cannot inquire about what is Brahman. That is not possible
- This human form of life is the only opportunity to understand what is God, what I am, what is my relationship with God
- This is the best humanitarian welfare activities: to make people understand scientifically what he is, what is God, what is our relationship with God
- This is the verdict of the Vedic literature, that people are searching after God, making great research work to find out what is God
- This knowledge is in full, because Krsna consciousness teaches all these things - what is God, what you are, and then what is this nature, beyond the nature, what other things are there
- This Krsna consciousness movement is for giving perfect knowledge to the human society: what he is, what is God, what is this material world, why you have come here, why you have to undergo so much tribulations, miserable condition of life, why I die
- This life is for voluntarily giving oneself for understanding what is God. That is necessary
- This risky civilization is going on. They don't want to know what is God, neither they want to satisfy Him. And our Krsna consciousness movement is just the opposite, that "Here is God. You satisfy Him." That's all
- This simple process will reveal before you what is spiritual kingdom, what is God, what you are, what is this material world, why you are conditioned, what is the remedy
- Those who are addicted to these bad habits (prostitute-hunting, meat-eating, gambling, etc.), in their hundreds and thousands of life they will never be able to understand what is God. The door is locked for them
- Those who are demons, those who are sinful, nature's law is to place him in such condition that he will become more and more a demon, so that he will never be able to understand what is God. This is nature's law
- Those who are philosophers, speculating what is God, what is the Absolute Truth, they cannot know. That is stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam - SB 10.14.29
- Those who believe in God, generally they approach God in distress, when they're in need of money, and somebody wants to study what is God out of inquisitiveness, and somebody wants to understand the science of God
- Those who have attained the perfection of life, out of many thousands of them, one may know what is God actually. So to know God actually is not a very easy job
- Thus (by chanting Hare Krsna mantra) one will know what he is, what God is, what this world is, what our relationship with God in this world is, how to live in this world, and what our next life is
- To understand what is God, it is not possible. It is not a subject matter of speculative knowledge. No. It is to be received through the right source, deductive process, not inductive process. Because our senses are limited
- Two kinds of service. One is called daya, and another is called seva. If you want to know what is God, then the other service, seva. Sevonmukhe hi jihvadau. And that service begins from the tongue
- Unfortunately you do not know God. We do not try to understand what is God. Neither there is any education, to teach actually what is God, what is His function, how does He live, where does He live, what does He order. That is the missing part
- Unfortunately, there is no arrangement in any university, in any educational institution or any arts or science college, "What is God?" There is no such arrangement. This is the most regrettable condition of the present society
- Unless a person is pure, he can neither understand what the PG is nor engage in His service in love, for devotional service, as stated before, begins from the point of self-realization, when all misgivings of materialistic life are vanquished
- Unless one takes the dust of the lotus feet of a pure Vaisnava on one's head, one cannot understand what the Supreme Personality of Godhead is, and unless one knows the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one's life remains imperfect
- Unless we find out such a person who has actually seen the Absolute Truth or who has in his experience what is Absolute Truth, so there is very little chance of our spiritual advancement
- Unless you are liberated, you cannot understand what is God. In the nonliberated condition, you cannot understand what is God or what is Krsna
- We are engaged in smaller thing. We become amazed when we see a small Sputnik is flying in the sky, & it is trying to go to the moon planet, & we are giving all credit to the scientist, & scientist is challenging, - What is God? Science is everything
- We are now in material condition of life, therefore we do not understand what is God and what is our aim. Therefore it is called ajnana, ignorance. Therefore one who dissipates this ignorance, he is called guru
- We are preaching this philosophy on the basis of the Bhagavad-gita As It Is without any interpretation. This is a cultural and educational movement to understand what we are, what is God, and what is our relationship and how to act upon it
- We can explain what God is, so people are appreciating more and more our Movement. Now by Krishna's grace you have a beautiful Temple, use it to preach very vigorously
- We cannot understand what is Krsna, or God - His name, His form, His attributes, His pastimes . . . we cannot understand by these blunt material senses. Then how it is to be understood? After all, this human life is meant for understanding God
- We come to this human form of life, civilized form of life. Now we should know what is God, who is the supreme controller, who is the supreme source of everything
- We do not know how great He (God) is. Therefore we foolishly accept some pretender, some fraud, as God. We do not know what is the meaning of God. But it is going on. We are fools
- We do not know what is Hari, what is God, what is Krsna, and what is our activity to please Him. That we have to learn. That we have to learn satam prasangat, by association with devotees
- We enjoy the loving exchange between God and ourselves. That position is called rama. But if you have no idea what is God, how we can exchange our feelings, then there is no question of rama
- We go to the human society to speak of Krsna consciousness. We do not go to the society of animals, because they have no capacity to understand. Their body does not permit to understand what is God
- We go, "My dear sir, we have got these books to understand Krsna, the Supreme Lord. So you kindly read this book. You will be benefited." "Ah, what is God? Who is God? I am God. Go away." This is demonism
- We have explained several times. Kupa-manduka-nyaya. The frog within the well, he is calculating the dimension of Pacific Ocean. So by this dog, frog philosophical way, we can, we cannot understand what is God
- We have to study Vedas through authoritative sources. We have to follow the rules and regulations. Then, in this life, we shall be able to understand what is God, what is Krsna
- We have to understand what God is and what He says, and we have to abide by His orders. Then there is real religion, there is real understanding of God, and everything is complete
- We know who is God. Therefore this business is possible by us, not by others. We know what is God. We have no vague idea. We know who is God, where does He live, what does He do, His name, address, His father's name - everything we know
- We must know what is God, whether actually we can put our faith and trust in Him, whether He is trustworthy, what is that God. This science should be introduced
- We must know what is God. We must remember always God. We must become a devotee of God. In that way we can save ourself from the anxiety
- We request you to understand, to hear about God. Then some day will come, you will understand what is God, what is your relationship with Him, and you will act accordingly. Then your life will be successful
- We say frankly that we know God, His father's name, His address, everything. Let anyone come and challenge. He cannot say that, "No, this is not God," because he has not approached God. He does not know what is God
- We should know what is God. We should know what we are, living entities. We should know what is this material nature. We should know what is time, and we should know what are our real activities
- We should not be like the Mayavadi philosophers, who try to find God by speculative deduction. "Neti neti," they say. "God is not this, and God is not that." But what God is they do not know
- We should study these Veda Puranas and know what is what, what is God, what I am, what is this world. In this way, we must fructify, make our life successful, and then preach this message of Krsna consciousness
- What is God? What I am? What is my relationship with God? What is the ultimate goal of life? - these questions and answers should be in the human society
- What is that God? Tell me
- What is the use in becoming a scientist or a philosopher if we cannot say what our next life will be? A realized student of KC can very easily say what his next life is, what God is, what the living entity is and what his relationship with God is
- What is this prayer? "Give me a little bread"? Of course, it is better than the rascals who are atheists. They do not approach God. They say, "Oh, what is God? I am God. I shall, by economic development, I shall create so many breads."
- When one is fully pious, at that time he can understand what is God. So we are helping them, by and by, to advance in the matter of understanding God. This is our propaganda
- When one makes research what is God, what is God... Now, scientifically, with great intellect, one tries to understand what is God, oh, he is also good. He is also good. He is making proper research
- When the material concept of life covers me, we cannot understand what is God. We say God is dead. So we have to uncover our eyes from this illusion. Then you'll see directly God
- When the scientist philosopher medical man will get the opportunity to study systematically what is God, what are His energies, what is my relationship, how to approach Him, then only there will be paradise
- When there is prominence of goodness, then we can understand what is what: what is God, what I am, what is this world. That is knowledge
- When we become nirmalam, clear - clear consciousness and Krsna consciousness is the same thing - then all our misunderstanding is vanquished immediately. Then we can understand what is God
- When we contemplate the form of God, we think that because God created millions and millions of years ago, He must be a very old man. Therefore God personally comes before us so that we can see what He is. This is His kindness
- Where is the difficulty to understand what is God? There is no difficulty. But if we are obstinate, if we do not try to understand what is God, that is a different thing. But everything is there
- Why so many process of cheap bhajana-sadhana that we can immediately understand what is God? No. And the Veda says, tad-vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet (MU 1.2.12). That was our system
- Without being freed from all sinful activities, nobody can understand what is God
- Without milk you cannot develop the finer tissues of your brain, and without developing the finer tissues of brain it is not possible to understand what is God
- You (Americans) have placed in your Constitution, there is, you trust in God. Now you should understand what is God and how to trust. That we are teaching. This should be taken very seriously. Because you cannot change your Constitution
- You cannot create God by imagination. That is not possible. God is God, always. You have to know simply what is God. He is never cyuta
- You cannot understand what is God, but God will reveal to you, "Here I am." Just like you cannot ask the sun, "Please rise up. I want to see you." Oh, he is not your servant
- You chant Hare Krsna mantra with your tongue. Take prasadam of Krsna. You will gradually develop your Krsna consciousness, and you will understand what is God. That is the process
- You do not understand what is tattva, what is Brahman, what is Paramatma, what is God, if you do not become cleansed, if you do not become a devotee, as they are stated, if you have no acarya, you have no guru, then you are in darkness
- You enjoy. You want to forget Krsna, or God? All right. I'll give you intelligence so that you will never be able to understand what is God
- You have to approach authority - in every sphere of life. Similarly, if you want to understand what is God, then you have to take shelter of this Bhagavad-gita. There is no alternative
- You have to become God conscious. Then you will understand what is God. It is not a so trifle thing you ask me and in one minute, you understand God. That is foolishness. You have to study the science of God. God is not so cheap
- You have to give me definition of God. What is God? If you know God, then you can say that "Krsna is not God." Otherwise, how you can say He is not God? I give you a piece of gold: If you say, "It is not gold," then you show me what is gold
- You haven't got to speculate just like so many theosophists and philosophers and theologists who are trying to speculate to understand what is God. Why you are speculating, wasting your time? Why not take full knowledge here?
- You may also accept iron as gold. That is your ignorance: you do not know what gold is. But if you actually know what God is, you will accept Krsna as God. There is no doubt about it
- You must know it perfectly well what is God and how to trust Him. That science we are teaching, KC movement. The government should cooperate fully. There should be school, college, to understand what is God, how to trust. This movement should be started
- You should try to understand whether Krsna is God or not. But He is God. There is no doubt about it. If you have the intelligence to understand what God is, then try to understand
- You understand what is God and have your faith at full that, "God is, yes, trustworthy," so that others may also know that God is trustworthy
- You work hard, keep yourself fit, but live for tattva-jijnasa. That is life, tattva-jijnasa: What I am? What is God? What is this material world? Why I have come here? Why I am put into so much trouble? These are the inquiries
- You'll find nowadays impersonalists, voidists, so many brahmanas, they have no idea what is the . . . what is God, who is God. That is called avaisnava. Vaisnava knows what is Visnu, what is God. But avaisnava, non-Vaisnava, they do not know
- You'll find those who are animal killers, the so-called Christians and Mohammedans, they cannot understand. They (are) simply fanatics. Cannot understand what is soul, what is God
- Your intelligence was given to understand what is God, what is your relationship with God, why you are rotting in this material world under shadow illusion of so-called happiness. These things are to be known in human form of body
- Your only business is to understand what you are, what God is, what is this world, what is your relationship. This is your main business. This is your main business. Not that you earn money and employ it for sense gratification