Category:Sadhu-sanga - Devotional Service to God
This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.
Pages in category "Sadhu-sanga - Devotional Service to God"
The following 50 pages are in this category, out of 50 total.
- Actually, one by one, as people are coming to the association of (this Krsna consciousness) Societies, automatically he is becoming Krsna conscious. That is practical. Adau sraddha tatah sadhu-sangah. This is sadhu-sanga
- Adau sraddha tato sadhu-sanga tatha bhajana-kriya. Bhajana-kriya means one becomes anxious. The effect of sadhu-sanga (CC Madhya 22.83) is to become anxious how to execute this devotional service properly. That is called initiation
- Anartha-nivrttih is possible by sraddha, sadhu-sangah, bhajana-kriya, then anartha-nivrttih, then nistha, ruci, asakti, bhava. In this way, we develop our Krsna consciousness, love of Godhead
- I was chanting underneath a tree, and these girls and boys, they were coming, so that was sraddha. Then as they gradually came to me, that is called sadhu-sanga
- If you are actually serious, then come to the process, adau sraddha. Just like you are hearing me kindly. It is called sraddha. You have got little sraddha. Next stage is sadhu-sanga
- If you find Krsna's association is so nice, then you can very easily give up your opulent position, svajana, bandhavah, family, business and everything. That requires sadhu-sanga, sadhu-sanga (CC Madhya 22.83), to associate with sadhu, devotees
- If you have got some faith, then you will find out some sadhu, sadhu or some saint, some sage, who can give you some spiritual enlightenment. That is called sadhu-sanga
- In the beginning your inquisitiveness that "I want to understand," that is faith. Then next stage is association of persons who know, sadhu-sanga. Then initiation. Then disappearance of all misgivings. Then steady faith
- It doesn't matter whether a person is born as a sudra, a woman or a vaisya; if he associates with devotees repeatedly or always (sadhu-sangena), he can be elevated to the highest perfection. Narada Muni is explaining this in relation to his own life
- It is required, sadhu-sanga. Then if he meets sadhu . . . By one or two words from him, he can convince you about supremacy of the Supreme Lord. Otherwise, he'll take birth after birth, bahunam janmanam ante
- Sadhu-sanga (CC Madhya 22.83), by association of sadhu one can achieve advancement in spiritual life. And in all sastras it is recommended that associate
- Sadhu-sanga (CC Madhya 22.83), to intermingle with the persons who are engaged in Krsna consciousness. Adau sraddha tatah sadhu-sangah. Sadhu means who is a devotee of Krsna. Otherwise he is not sadhu
- Sadhu-sanga does not mean to associate with some saffron-colored men. Sadhu-sanga means to associate with Krsna conscious person
- Sadhu-sanga is so essential. And sadhu's symptoms are described. And suhrdah. Suhrdah, we have already explained. Suhrdah means well-wisher for everyone
- Sadhu-sanga is very essential. Sat-sanga. Otherwise . . . There is another verse in the Brahma-samhita, that vedesu durlabhah (BS 5.33). You cannot understand Krsna by studying Vedas, although Vedas means knowledge
- Sadhu-sanga means to associate with the bona fide spiritual master and abide by his order
- Sadhu-sanga means you have to give up the association of nondevotees
- Sadhu-sanga, sadhu-sanga-sarva-sastre kaya: this is the advice of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. All sastras advise us to associate with a sadhu. Even Canakya Pandita, the great politician, recommended: tyaja durjana-samsargam bhaja sadhu-samagamam
- Sadhu-sanga. Simply by association, one can be delivered. Samsara-cakra-kadanat. It is so nice thing. Unfortunately they'll not associate with sadhu
- So I (Prabhupada) request you, those who are interested in loving God, in Krsna consciousness, they will kindly associate with these devotees. Adau sraddha tato sadhu-sanga. And these devotees... This is our method
- So many thousands of Europeans, Americans, they have joined us on account of sadhu-sanga
- Suppose I want to drink. As I become mad without getting any drinking, similarly, when you become mad without sadhu-sanga then you are liberated
- That purity is said, adau sraddha: "Beginning is faith." Now tato sadhu-sangah: "You mix with faithful men." Then it will develop. Otherwise, if you take simply initiation and then sleep, then faith will be lost. That is happening
- The association of a great saintly person (sadhu-sanga) is very important, because even if one is not advanced in knowledge, simply by association with a great saintly person one can immediately make considerable advancement in spiritual life
- The effect of sadhu-sanga is to become anxious how to execute this devotional service properly
- The next stage in the process of elevation to love of God is sadhu-sańga, association with persons already in the highest stage of love of God
- The quick development process is to execute devotional service in the association of devotees, sadhu-sanga
- The sadhu-sanga is very important. Therefore we have created this internal society, International Society so that actually it is happening
- This is the result of sadhu-sanga (CC Madhya 22.83) - consequent association with Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and promotion back home, back to Godhead. This result is possible even for a dog, by the mercy of the Vaisnava
- This was his (Narada) actual experience (being poverty-stricken and then becoming exalted Muni by sadhu sanga). Therefore, he is now comparing the position of a poor man with that of a rich man
- Unfortunately people in this age avoid the association of liberated people (sadhu-sanga (CC Madhya 22.83)) and continue in their stereotyped way of family life. Thus they are embarrassed by the exchange of money and sex
- Utsaha is the basic principle, utsahan and sadhu-sanga (CC Madhya 22.83), association of sadhu
- We are trying to create some sadhu so that in different parts of the world they will preach Krsna consciousness, and people will be able to associate with them, and they will become purified. This is KC movement, that sadhu-sanga. It is very essential
- We have established this International Society for Krishna Consciousness. Society is required. Sadhu-sanga. Just to give opportunity to persons who have got little faith to develop that faith into Krsna consciousness
- We have got the power to be awakened. That power we have got, but we have to awaken it by good association, by sadhu, sadhu-sanga
- When you have got this center, it is not that you should be engaged from morning till you go to bed for sense gratification. That is not life. That is karmi's life. You have no time for sat-sanga, for association
- You cannot make any progress by this sort of karmi's life. We have to work for organization, but not that whole day and night engaged and no sat-sanga. That is a misguided policy, and it will spoil the whole structure
- You must follow the regulative principles. Sato vrtteh. This is your honesty. And sadhu-sanga (CC Madhya 22.83), this can be done, association with devotees. Sadbhir bhaktih prasidhyati (Upadesamrta 3): This is the way of increasing devotional service
- Sadhu - Devotees of God
- Devotional Service to God
- Stages of Devotional Service to God
- Sanskrit Terms for Devotional Service to God - Umbrella Category
- Stages of Devotional Service to God - Umbrella Category
- Devotional Service to God - Umbrella Category
- Devotional Service and Krsna Consciousness - Umbrella Category
- All Categories - Vaniquotes