Category:Pages Needing Audio - BHAVESVARI
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- Sometimes they say that "There is still more, beyond Krsna." But Krsna says: No, there is nothing beyond
- Sometimes, because we give stress directly to accept this devotional service, people are not very happy that we do not give any importance to the process of jnana and karma and yoga. We do not condemn, but they're very difficult
- Still in Hindu society, every woman is addressed by an unknown man, "mother." It doesn't matter if a person is unknown. He can speak with another woman, addressing her first, "mother," mataji. Then nobody will be offended. This is the etiquette
- Take this Krsna consciousness movement. It is not a sentimental movement. It is a very authorized, scientific movement. You are all educated, advanced ladies and gentlemen. I'll request you to understand this Krsna consciousness movement
- Tattva-darsi means who has actually seen the truth, om tat sat. One who has seen the Supreme Truth. That Supreme Truth is Krsna
- Tattva-darsinah means one has seen the truth, not superficially knowing. One who understood that - This is the truth, so go there and submit there
- Tattva-darsinah, "who has seen the truth," not imagination. He cannot be guru. Who has actually seen, tattva-darsinah
- Tattvam, the truth, so one must have seen the truth, realized the truth. Tad-vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet (MU 1.2.12). That is guru, means one who has seen the truth. How he has seen the truth? Through the parampara system
- Tattvatah means in truth, not superficially. If you understand Krsna in truth, as He is speaking Himself about Himself. If you simply accept Krsna, what He says, if you follow, then you become perfect and you become fit for going back to Godhead
- Tattvika knowledge means to understand Krsna as He is. Krsna says, mattah parataram nanyat kincid asti dhananjaya (BG 7.7): There is no more superior truth beyond Me. I am the Supreme Truth
- The animals wander naked, so man is also trying to become naked, nudyism. This is life. So their extra intelligence is being used like that - very, very abominable condition of the human society
- The chanting Hare Krsna Mantra, one chanting Hare Krsna is sufficient to make us pure from all sinful activities reaction. But if we commit sin again in the hope that because I'm chanting this will be neutralized and that is the greatest sin
- The difficulty that one chants Hare Krsna mantra, again commits sin, that is greatest sin. That is the greatest offense
- The extra intelligence of human being is making a royal edition of eating, sleeping, sex and defense
- The finer tissues given in the human form of life for understanding spiritual things
- The first training is given to become austere, tolerate, how to tolerate, how to call other women as "mother." He is learning from the beginning, a small child. He is trained up to call any woman, even of his own age, not "sister" - mother
- The first-class training is brahmana. Brahmana means they must be tolerant, titiksa
- The gopis' love for Krsna was spontaneous. They did not know anything beyond Krsna
- The idea is, if a person is actually fast asleep, it is easier to awake him but if a person pretends to be sleeping but actually is awake, then it is very difficult to wake him up
- The Krsna conscious persons are representative of Krsna because a Krsna conscious person will not speak anything nonsense, beyond the speaking of Krsna. That is the difference. Other nonsense, rascal, they will speak beyond Krsna
- The love is already there. It has to awakened by a certain process. Dadati pratigrhnati bhunkte bhojayate guhyam akhyati prcchati ca sad-vidham priti-laksanam (Upadesamrta 4). These are six types of loving principles
- The Mayavada philosophy and impersonalist philosophy is that they want to close their individual identity and merge into the existence of the Supreme
- The more you become a sincere, I mean to say, servitor of the spiritual master, the more you become qualified to become a teacher in the future. Otherwise where is your qualification?
- The more you try to render service, the more you become advanced how to become experienced servant. We don't require any extra intelligence
- The nitya-siddha maha-bhagavata, they come from the spiritual world on the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and they, by example, they preach Krsna consciousness
- The servant serves the master so long there is payment. If the payment is stopped, then no more the servant will be available. But in the eternal world - the Krsna's servant, that's eternal, without any payment. They serve Krsna not for any material gain
- The so-called religion, so-called economic development, so-called sense gratification, so-called liberation, they're all cheating
- The sunshine is combination of many millions and trillions of small shining particles. That is sunshine. But each particle has got individual identity. They are not homogeneous
- The whole system was that. Love exchange. I give you some service; you give me something, out of your love. Dadati pratigrhnati. Love means six symptoms
- The yoga system is not at all possible in this age
- There are two schools of philosophers. One likes to merge into the existence of the Supreme and close his identity, individual identity - no more individual
- Therefore in this age practically everyone is a mudha, not educated. He does not know how to look upon woman. Woman should be looked as mother. Still in India, a unknown woman should be addressed - Mother
- These politicians, these old men, they cannot do now. So give them some false position, that 'You are president, acarya.' They will not rebel at least
- These things cannot be understood by ordinary brain. It requires a different brain. That brain is created by devotional service, these finer tissues
- They (Brahmanas) will live on the contribution of the society. Because they are giving for free service, so valuable service, knowledge, so they are provided by the ksatriyas and the vaisyas. So they have no anxiety for earning livelihood
- They (Christians) come to our conclusion, "all-attractive." Because if somebody is beyond Him, then he should be attractive. But if He's final attractive, then all-attractive, Krsna. Krsna means all-attractive
- They (jnanis) will have to take birth. Their so-called liberation is not possible, because if you have to take birth, then where is your liberation? There is no liberation. Liberation means no more accepting birth in this material world.
- They (people of the first-class civilization) must be tolerant, titiksa
- They (the six gosvamis) were merged in the ocean of love of Krsna, and they lived so happily
- This is an over endeavor, to practice yoga in this age, which was refused by a personality like Arjuna. So yoga is not at all possible
- This is the best service. Instead of serving myself, let me serve the whole humanity, whole community, whole nation - But they are all asad-dharma. They are not sad-dharma
- This is the highest stage of ecstasy for Krsna consciousness, always chanting Krsna's name, dancing in ecstasy, and to be merged in the ocean of love for Krsna. These are the perfection
- This material nature is also Krsna's nature. Nothing is beyond Krsna
- This sankirtana movement is very authorized, according to Vedic literature
- Those who are convinced for making a sure progress of life, he's called niscayatmika buddhih. That is determination
- Those who are strictly following the regulations of Krsna consciousness, he's living in the spiritual world. He's not in the material world. Just like we are not living in Los Angeles; we are living in Vaikuntha. Yes. That's a fact
- Those who are tattva-darsih, those who have seen the truth, we have to take knowledge from them - that is direction in the Bhagavad-gita - not from the third-class men
- Those who cannot strictly follow our principles, they should not come here. It is bad example. By mistake if somebody does, he should be regretful and he should rectify. That is another thing. But not willingly he should neglect
- To become servant of Krsna, or God, is the supreme satisfaction. That service is very valuable service
- To love Krsna, you don't require any material acquisition. No, it will not help. So if somebody says: "I have to bring fruit and flower at least, and incense to the temple, otherwise..." Yes. That is the sign of love. The sign of love is six
- To remain in ignorance, that is the greatest sin. Tamasi ma: "Don't remain in darkness." That is Vedic injunction, "Enlighten yourself." Jyotir gama: Go to the light
- To understand Krsna superficially, that is not sufficient. That is also good, but you must have tattvatah, what is Krsna actually. That knowledge can be achieved - bhaktya, by this krsna-yoga
- To understand superficially Krsna that, "He appeared in Mathura in His uncle's prison house," that is also nice. But one should try to understand Krsna in fact and that can be revealed by devotional service. You cannot challenge Krsna. Krsna will reveal
- We (human society) have got extra intelligence. Why this extra intelligence? That is for understanding dharma, religion
- We are after giving chance to the bewildered persons, misled person, materialistic person, to take up this Krsna consciousness movement, and their success is guaranteed.
- We are bringing them from which status? You cannot expect that they will be perfect all of a sudden, overnight. But their mind being fixed up on Krsna consciousness, that is the first qualification. They do not know anything beyond Krsna
- We are concerned to go deep into the sea and have our own individual identity exactly like the fish and other aquatic animals, and enjoy perpetually in the sea. This is liberation
- We can keep our intelligence steady by hearing
- We cannot claim any favor from the Supreme unless we are in love. So love means...there are six principles of loving. What is that? dadati pratigrhnati guhyam akhyati prcchati bhunkte bhojayate caiva sad-vidham priti-laksanam
- We don't want even the exalted place like Brahma in this material world. We don't want. That is our determination. We want Krsna, go back to home, back to Godhead
- We have become guru, spiritual master, not with a false position that, "I have become God." No. We are servant, simply servant, ordinary servant. Just like post peon. Not very high salaried servant. Ordinary, third-class servant
- We have got little independence and we can misuse it, that "Why shall I serve Krsna? Let me serve myself." "Let me serve myself" means "Let me serve my different propensities - kama, krodha, lobha, moha, matsarya,"
- We have to approach a person who has seen the truth in reality. Then our life is success. That is the Vedic injunction
- We have to approach a person who has seen the truth. It is not difficult. Just like if you are suffering from some disease, you have to go to a doctor who knows how to treat. It is same thing, like that
- We have to approach to a guru, tattva-darsi. Tattva-darsi. Tattva-darsi means . . . what is tattva? Tattva means truth. One who has seen the truth. We have to approach such tattva-darsi
- We have to see through the eyes of a person who has perfect vision. That is wanted
- We must know that we have got little freedom, so we may not misuse it. That is determination. If you misuse it, that is not good determination
- We take promise from our disciples that, "Now the account is squared up. Whatever sinful life you led, that is closed now. Without any payment, I close. Now don't commit any more."
- We want to create this position of Back to Godhead as very authorized representation of the science of God. In future people may refer to it, so we should very cautiously and very nicely do it. It is very important thing, Back to Godhead
- What is Krsna's nature? Krsna's nature is always blissful. Anandamayo 'bhyasat (Vedanta-sutra 1.1.12). Always joyful
- When a man is fast asleep, all other senses cannot work, but one sense, which is called ear, it can work
- When one has achieved perfection in chanting the Holy name of God he is always joyful, even death does not disturb him, what to speak of other things
- When one is on the transcendental platform, brahma-bhutah stage, his symptom is that he's always joyful
- When one is on the transcendental platform, brahma-bhutah stage, his symptom is that he's always joyful. Joyful. There is no moroseness
- When one is well versed and practiced by example, then let him preach all over the world, para-upakara
- When there is something wrong in the physical body, there is mental disease. That we accept also. But the mental disease is there, basically, that he is thinking that he is body
- When there was torrents of rain, Vrndavana was being overflooded, and all the inhabitants became so much disturbed. They were looking to Krsna, because they did not know anything beyond Krsna
- When we merge, even in Brahman effulgence, we do not lose our individuality. Although it appears that we have lost our identity, individuality, but actually that is not the fact.
- When you are fast asleep, you do not know whether you are on the nice building in a nice apartment. You are dreaming that you are thrown into the ocean. So sleeping. So simply for nice arrangement for sleeping, is that civilization?
- Whenever one is merged in krsna-kirtana, that means he is merged into the ocean of love of Krsna. That should be the test
- Who is jnani? Who has seen the truth. Not that supposing, "I supposedly like this." No. Whether you have seen. That is required
- Who is qualified to understand Bhagavad-gita? You (the devotees) can understand. Those who are not bhaktas, they can also understand superficially
- Why do you forget chanting Hare Krsna? This is negligence, aparadha, offense. Rather, you should forget your sleeping and eating and must finish sixteen rounds. This is called determination
- Why don't you accept this process, Krsna consciousness? Why you are after something, false thing? Just see how unfortunate people are in this Kali-yuga. They will not accept the real thing without any payment, without any loss
- Why shall I bother God? He is supplying everyone food, why shall I ask Him food? My food is also there. Let me serve Him - That is his higher intelligence
- Without being liberated, one cannot understand God as He is. It is not possible, because he has no perfect vision. Liberated means perfect knowledge, perfect vision. That is liberation
- Without seeing Krsna, your eyes are blind, your senses are imperfect. Therefore it is said that - Self-realized soul can impart knowledge unto you because he has seen the truth
- Yamaraja does not give only stress on the Hare Krsna mantra. He is giving stress on different process of devotional service
- You (human being) are ordained to eat fruits, flowers, nice grain, milk preparation, but you, because you are dog, you are eating meat. The extra intelligence that.. Because you have got extra intelligence, you should utilize the food for you
- You are very intelligent boy and Krishna will also give you extra intelligence how to deal with your father
- You can render service anywhere, you get thousand dollars or two thousand dollars every month. But here, you come and give your service without any payment. Why? Because out of love of Krsna
- You cannot encroach upon their right of living simply to satisfy the taste of your tongue. That is the greatest sin
- You go to a person who has seen the truth and you understand. Because they are not understanding Krsna directly or through the agent, they are misled, they are misinterpreting. That is their folly
- You have to approach a jnani who has seen the truth
- You have to approach a person who has seen the truth. You don't manufacture your own truth. That will be misleading
- You have to approach such a person who has seen the truth. You have to find out a person who has seen the transcendence and receive knowledge of transcendence from him. Then it is perfect
- You have to take knowledge from the tattva-darsi, one who has seen the truth. Otherwise, you'll be frustrated
- You must approach a guru who has seen the truth. Then surrender unto him. Then serve him. And then make question. Everything will be revealed. These are the statement of Bhagavad-gita
- You simply chant the holy name of the Lord. Then everything will come to you automatically by and by. Because in this age penance is not at all possible