Category:Our Wives (Disciples of SP)
Pages in category "Our Wives (Disciples of SP)"
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- A brahmacari is good for living a life of celibacy, but a person who can live a life of celibacy in the presence of a beautiful and obliging wife is more than a brahmacari
- A man is considered to be fortunate in three ways. If he has got good wife then he is fortunate. If he has got good son then he is fortunate. And if he has got plenty money he is fortunate
- Accept Krishna as your husband & He will never cheat you. He is competent to maintain any number of wife with full comforts because He is Omnipotent. So remain busy in the service of your Husband and you will be happy in this life as well as in the next
- According to Vedic system, disagreement or quarrel between husband and wife should never be taken very seriously. The Vedic system therefore gives a concession for the wife to separate from her husband for some time and go to her father's house
- All the wives of our students should be especially trained up for Deity worship and cooking, and when possible they should go outside on Sankirtana Party with their husbands and others
- Any god-brother's wife or any unmarried girl in our society should be always treated as mother and sister. Any married woman should be treated as mother
- Any householder devotee who is working full-time (with his wife) as a sankirtana book distributer, of temple managerial duties, artist, cook, etc. shall be provided food, shelter, and other bare minimum necessities by the temple itself
- Anyway, both your wife and yourself cannot think of marrying again; that is not my advice. Even if your wife decides to marry again, for your part you should forget it
- As the husband of your wife, you should see that she is trained up nicely in Krishna consciousness
- As the wife of a GBC member you have got the responsibility to help your husband to maintain the highest standard of Krishna Consciousness both in yourselves and in all the other devotees in the Temple
- Ask your wife to chant this mantra and you hear it and if possible hold a fire ceremony as you have seen during your marriage and get this sacred thread on your body. Saradia, or any twice-initiated devotee, may perform the ceremony
- At the mature age say after 50 years old age, everyone should separate from wife. Married life does not mean that one should continue to live with wife throughout the whole life
- At the present moment there are no facilities for householders, therefore you can come alone and in a short while when the householder facilities are better than you can call for your wife
- Because your wife is fully trained as classical dancer, even she taught in such big university, so she can organize classical dancing to portray stories about Krishna and His Pastimes
- Both of you are very good souls and constantly engaged in the service of the Lord. One who has got a helpful wife at home does not require to accept Sannyas
- Both you and your wife are trained how to arrange for maintaining a temple and center. Please do it nicely
- By Krishna's Grace you have now a lot of experience travelling with me and I hope it will be possible to manage the restaurant better and better. My blessings to your wife and child
- By the grace of Krsna this mission of spreading Krishna Consciousness is being enthusiastically pushed on for the benefit of the whole world by the assistance of all my disciples, good souls like your self and your good wife
- First of all, you are a family man, and usually at this point a man must think about providing for his wife and child. So if you like you can take a job
- Forget taking sannyasa order for the time being. Unless your child is born, there is no question of taking sannyasa. We shall consider the matter further when your child is born. So now you should take care of your wife
- Formally you were alone, now you are assisted by your good wife. Husband and wife equal double strength
- Get married outside the temple, take all risk for supporting wife and home, live outside the temple, like that. But they should live nearby and take part as much as possible in temple activities, such as mangala aratrik, sankirtana, etc
- Girls should be taught how to become faithful wife, how to learn nice cooking, cleansing, dressing. Simple method. There is no objection of their becoming scholar, but that is not necessary
- I (Prabhupada) have been informed by Devananda that your wife has borne you one nice son. So this is very good news. You may give him the name Nirmala Candra
- I (Prabhupada) heard from Sivananda that you had left him without his knowledge. That is not very good. When he wrote me twice "my wife has left me and there is no trace" then I advised him that instead of marrying again, better to prepare for sannyasa
- I am glad to learn that your good wife is now days taking interest in Krishna Consciousness. Please offer her my blessings. I think a good and sincere husband's influence is working in her
- I am happy that you and your very good wife, Satyabhama, are finding such satisfaction in executing your Krishna Consciousness activities and such pleasure will only increase more and more as you continue to advance further
- I am pleased to learn that you are situated nicely in Columbus and now Indira Dasi has agreed to become your wife
- I am so glad to hear that you are now married. I pray Krishna that you may live henceforward happily as a householder, without thinking of a separation from your wife
- I am so glad to receive your letter dated October 28 in which you propose to go with your good wife, Indira Dasi, to St. Louis for opening a Krishna Consciousness center. The proposal is very nice so you try for it. I have all approval
- I am so much disgusted by this troublesome business of marriage, because nearly every day I receive some complaint from husband or wife, and practically this is not my business as sannyasi to be marriage counsellor
- I am so pleased to learn that your Berkeley center is improving day by day under the good care of yourself and your good wife, Himavati. Please go on improving the condition of this important center until you have made it as good as Los Angeles center
- I am very anxious to see you again. I am very much pleased with you & your wife's service to Krishna Consciousness
- I am very glad to learn that both you and your good wife, Krsnadevi, and your daughter, Visnu Arati, are together in Boston. Your all engagements sound to be very suitable, so please execute your duties in Krsna Consciousness and be happy
- I am very pleased that you are serving your husband nicely and helping him so that he may advance his Krishna Consciousness. When the husband advances, automatically the wife shares in his success so there is all around benefit
- I did not ask my students to marry to become a lost child. I wanted to give them some facility, because you cannot do without wife. But now I am seeing that some of them are slipping away
- I do not agree with your wife's statement that New York is unfit for human habitation. A real Krishna Conscious person can adjust things nicely even in hell
- I do not wish to put your wife into trouble for the money which she faithfully loaned to the Society. So kindly let me know that you are going to repay her loan. Otherwise I shall send her the money
- I have all my blessings for the girl for being married to Naranarayana, for whom I was very much anxious to get him a good wife
- I have heard a serious complaint against you that you are in intimate relation with Aradhana's wife Santanu. I am not only surprised but I cannot believe that a nice boy like you should be thus accused
- I hope your wife may be taking interest in your chanting Sankirtana and reading Srimad-Bhagavatam. As she has become your life's companion, it is your duty to induce her, peacefully, in the matter of spiritual advancement of life
- I know that all big leaders are falling victim to sex-life. So let her live in New York and you live in Paris with your wife, what can be done?
- I know that you are so intelligent boy, along with your good wife Saradia, so you may do as you like, but it would please me very much if you will dedicate yourself and your wife completely to the preaching work
- I know your wife Lilasakti, and I know that she is very serious and advanced disciple. But now you are married to her, there is some obligation according to our Krsna consciousness or Vedic system. These things cannot be taken so lightly
- I note that your wife and Visalaini both gave birth to baby girls. That is the defect. I want male children but you have no stamina for it. I expected from Visalaini by her belly that it would be a boy. Anyway, never mind
- I shall be glad if you come here and live with me for some time. With my love for your wife and children, I beg to remain
- I simply want to see that you, your wife and your whole family become perfect Vaisnavas, Krsna's devotees. Remain in your position and try to understand the philosophy - that will make you perfect
- I thank you once more for your progress, in the matter of KC, and I shall always pray to Krishna for your steady progress more and more, along with your nice wife
- I think Bhurijana was doing nicely preaching to the Chinese boys but he has written that he is uninspired and feeling incapable and wants to spend more time with his wife. This sudden turn of events is a surprise to me
- I think his father has got a special duty to protect this child in his K.C.; The mother has also similar responsibility, so either your wife or yourself must take care of the good child
- I think that London is the most important center in Europe and the leadership must be very strong there, so I am asking Gurudas and his wife Yamuna to return there
- I understand you have left and it is a thunderbolt for me. How is that?What are your demands? Or have you also been contaminated? Please tell me frankly. Where is your wife and child?
- I want that someone learns how to make mrdangas in the Western countries. As far as I know Isana has not produced any mrdangas. So how will he teach your wife how to make them. First let him produce something, then he can teach others
- I was very much shocked on hearing of the accidental death of Professor Dosa. I am sending herewith one letter for his wife which please hand over to her and give her all solace
- If by the Grace of Krishna you can live peacefully without any wife, completely devoted to K.C., that will be the best part of your life. You can love and put all your affection to the child, and try to make him fully K.C
- If however, your wife leaves the child with you, then you can take care of him; that will be nice. But I think it is very difficult, because he is not sufficiently grown up
- If the wife is helpful in the spiritual progress of life, she is the best friend and philosopher
- If there is devanagari character it is still better. Otherwise, correct transliterations will do. So you think over this matter seriously and train your wife for composing, and help her to the best possible way
- If wife is very strong, she will appreciate if you take sannyasa, but if there is question at all, that should be avoided
- If you and your wife want to have children for raising them in Krishna Consciousness, and if you are prepared to take the full responsibility for delivering them from the clutches of birth and death, then I have no objection
- If you are leaving because of your wife, then your wife must agree to pay for your return fare. If she agrees, then you can go
- If you are willing to stick there in Mexico City, along with your good wife, and do the needful for worshiping Lord Jagannatha and take all responsibility, then I have no objection if you install
- If you decide to marry, there are many devotee girls, and one of them may be a very nice companion for your devotional life. You prefer to be free, but a devoted wife is as good as freedom
- If you have taken a wife for grhastha life, why are you neglecting? That is not Vaisnava. Vaisnava means he is very much responsible, and if he is householder, then he must be responsible
- If you want to stay with Satsvarupa, I have no objection, but what about your wife and children? They cannot travel. If without wife and children you can travel that will be alright
- If your wife keeps herself peaceful living separately from you, I think you can arrange for the time being like that, but in my opinion, this business of separation may not be developed into a case of divorce
- If your wife takes charge of him, then you become completely free personally, and you can live in the temple with other brahmacharies, either in N.Y. or elsewhere as you think best
- In Krsna Consciousness the wife is never a burden, but she is completely a counterpart. So set example to your countrymen how younger generation can live peacefully, husband and wife, being engaged in Krsna's service
- In one sense if your wife has actually left you it is a blessing. Better to prepare yourself for sannyasa rather than vanaprastha
- In the temple even living with one wife it is not possible. We have to restrict them. No wives live in the temple in India. Family. In certain circumstance, in the temple they live separately, but not in the temple building. That is strictly prohibited
- In vanaprastha life, one can live with his wife without any sexual connection, and the most important factor in all orders of life - brahmacari, grhastha, vanaprastha, and sannyasa - is to chant the Hare Krishna Mantra
- It is the duty of husband to protect wife in every way from the onslaught of material nature, and he must act always as her spiritual guide by being perfect example of devotee
- It is very good news that your wife has taken to learn the Japanese language. So you should train your wife like that instead of fighting and creating misunderstanding. You must tolerate such misunderstandings
- Marriage is not recommended. Are you prepared to get a job, live outside the temple in apartment, provide the wife with bangles, saris and sex? Better you concentrate on this chanting and hearing process, teach others and give them prasadam
- Married life in Krishna Consciousness is the perfection of married life because the basic principle is that the wife will help the husband so that he may pursue Krishna Consciousness, and similarly the husband will help the wife to advance in KC
- Most ideal devotee wife
- Most of my disciples who are preaching are married couples. As such, I hope both you and your wife will continue to help me substantially in the Krishna Consciousness Movement, and Krishna will bless you more and more
- My advise is that you and your wife should preach together. But your wife doesn't like this so what can I do?
- Now both you and your wife simply carry out our instructions for keeping always engaged in Krsna activities according to strict following of the rules and regulations and chant Hare Krsna and be happy
- Now so many cases are there of unhappiness by the wife who has been abandoned by her husband against her wishes. So how can I sanction such thing?
- Now you and your good wife are both initiated, chant faithfully 16 rounds daily, and follow the four regulative principles. This will insure your spiritual perfection
- Now you have got a nice wife, Indumati, and combinedly together you preach the mission of Lord Caitanya as far as possible
- Offer my blessings to your good wife and I pray to Krishna for your all round prosperity
- Our policy of Krishna Consciousness is very nice. We are offering people good family life with faithful wives in Krishna Consciousness
- Our program requires the assistance of both Sriman Wayne Gunderson and his wife Srimati Citralekha Devi Dasi, who are my initiated disciples. My request is that these two, husband and wife, be granted visa for coming to India
- Our subject matter is not material things, that somehow or other you get a car and a good apartment and a good wife, then all your problems solved. No. That is not solution of problems. The real problem is how to stop your death
- Our temples cannot support you and your two wives. You will then want three, four, and more. Anyway as an American it is illegal for you to do this. We are trying to minimize sex and you are trying to increase it
- Regarding having your wife do the management, if there are no men available then what can be done?
- Regarding Miami that you want to replace Abhirama, yes a capable man must be there, what can be done. But I have already written that he can marry that girl and divorce his wife
- Regarding sannyasa, yes, according to Vedic principles, as a married man, you must give your wife at least one boy child
- Regarding the devotee taking a second wife, it is all right from Vedic culture, but is not right from American law view point. That you have to adjust
- Regarding your idea of marrying one Krishna Conscious girl and then going to India, that will depend upon the desire of your wife. I cannot interfere with that. But generally the wife is meant to follow wherever the husband goes
- Regarding your idea of purchasing a house, if it is possible, do it immediately. When you pay big rent anyway, purchasing a house is nice. Now Murari and his good wife, Lilavati, are there, so this will be a great boon to your Sankirtana activities
- Regarding your question about the husband becoming the Spiritual Master of the wife, anyone who can give instructing in spiritual life is treated as Spiritual Master. There are two kinds of Spiritual Master, initiator and instructor
- She is a good asset for you as your wife, and I want that you two work combinedly. That is my desire
- So don't become grhamedhis, simply having a wife and few children. That, cats and dogs they have also got. That is not required. You find inconvenience to live alone as brahmacari - all right, you take to a wife. Live with wife. Live responsibly
- So far as your wife is concerned you must be very careful. They are previously two miscarriages, so it is to be understood that she is diseased. A medical practitioner or gynaecologist should be consulted in this connection
- Temple is meant for brahmacari and sannyasi, our, mainly, not for grhastha, because they have got inclination to enjoy. To live with wife means enjoyment. They'll have sex. This should be discouraged
- The actual system is that the husband is Spiritual Master to his wife, but if the wife can bring her husband into practicing this process, then it is all right that the husband accepts wife as Spiritual Master
- The best policy is to chant Hare Krishna all together husband, wife, and son at least a half hour daily. If your wife joins with you in chanting, then the whole problem will be solved
- The best solution was suggested by me that both you and your wife may stay with me. After all, both of you are my disciples. It is my duty to guide you for spiritual advancement
- The best thing for your wife is to try and tolerate the pains and to execute her devotional service to the best of her capacity. If this is difficult, then she should try to get the proper treatment for her problem
- The husband will help the wife, the wife will help the husband advancing in Krsna consciousness for the benefit of their country, for the benefit of the total human society
- The husband's duty is to give the wife all protection, even from the material maya, and the wife's duty is to see to the personal comforts of the husband
- The magazine is gorgeous, better than Dia Nippon. Continue the standard, increase the pages, increase the articles, increase the distribution. May Krsna bless you more and more. Offer my blessings to your wife
- The marriage relationship is not for sex. Of course, that is the way in this age. So, such wife may marry for the second time, what can be done? Vedic marriage is not for sex
- The menstrual period prolongs at least for 5 days, so after this 5 days, one can have sex life provided he desires to get a child. And as soon as the wife is pregnant, no more sex life, until the child is born and is grown up at least for 6 months
- The more you progress in preaching work, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu will give you more facilities in this connection. By His grace you have got determination and you have got a nice wife and nice assistants - please do the work enthusiastically
- The recent "Govinda'' record, which your good wife has sung along with you, is certainly super-excellent, and it has become so nice because of George's attention upon it
- The wife is supposed to inquire from the husband about spiritual advancement of life, and the husband must be competent to reply all the questions of wife. That will keep relation very nice
- There is no difference between brahmacari, grhastha, vanaprastha, and sannyasi. Simply grhastha means that he lives outside the temple with wife, that is the only difference
- There is no harm in accepting a wife and living without any disturbance of the mind and thus sincerely advancing in Krishna Consciousness
- There is no necessity of thinking wife as impediment to Krishna Consciousness. While I am living you should act according to my instructions & there is no question of impediment
- There is no question of divorce or separation. In any condition of life, happiness or distress, you shall continue as husband and wife, because our main business is Krsna consciousness
- There is no question of separation between husband and wife until the time when the husband takes sannyasa. At that time the wife cannot remain with the husband
- There should be a formal contract signed by both parties at each marriage, voting that there will be no separation and that man and wife will work cooperatively in Krishna Consciousness
- These three standards of fortune, out of which, one who has got good wife, he is the most fortunate. So our society will try to make good wives so that the boys, all boys can think himself always fortunate
- To live with wife, together as a grhastha, and enjoy grhastha life, at the same time to live in temple, this should be discouraged
- Today Gurudasa and his wife Yamuna are going there. You wanted some married couple. They are the best pair and if required they can remain in Delhi to organize things nicely
- Treat your wife as assistant, treat your husband as your provider
- We cannot expect that our temples will become places of shelter for so many widows and rejected wives, that will be a great burden and we shall become the laughingstock in the society
- We require personalities like you to join this movement wholeheartedly, but because you have got wife and children I am hesitating to ask you to close your business. As a responsible head of a family you should consider this point seriously
- When the Gayatri mantra is offered men, they are offered also sacred thread, and girls, they are not offered sacred thread. If their husband is a brahmana, she automatically becomes brahmana because wife is considered to be the half, better half
- Whether your husband likes to take responsibility as your spiritual guide or not, that does not matter. He must do it. It is his duty because he has taken you as his wife. Therefore he must take full responsibility for you the rest of his life
- Wife's duty is not to disturb the husband. That is Vedic principle
- Yadubara should be encouraged as he has given good service. Both his wife and himself are both serving nicely. I approve their work and they should be encouraged in all respects. In future we shall get more and more valuable services from them
- You and your good wife must endeavor strongly together to become fully Krsna Conscious through this simple, sublime process that I have given
- You are a good soul, and your wife is also a good soul. I hope you get a good child. But, you must be careful not to deviate from the principles
- You are a householder with wife and children. You can't move very often. Better you stick to one place and develop it nicely
- You are getting a wife who is already trained up in Krishna Consciousness and if you live carefully and faithfully there will be no difficulty. That is the verdict of all Acaryas. I think this will simplify your agitated mind
- You are making arrangements for me but also I think you should make arrangements for calling your wife. The husband and wife must live together for helping one another in developing Krishna Consciousness
- You ask about marriage, yes, actually I want that every woman in the Society should be married. But what is this training to become wives and mothers? No school is required for that, simply association
- You can do a great service by gathering local support and do whatever has to be done to allow Vaikunthanath and his wife, or any other of my disciples, to go there and establish one very nice center
- You cannot be irresponsible to your wife and child. That is not allowed. If you can go with your wife to Munich to open a center there certainly I have no objection. That is a different thing. But you cannot leave your wife to go to Munich
- You have complained about those devotees who have mistreated their wives and children, but that is not the example. Those who have deserted this movement are not the example
- You have got more important business than selling. Both your wife and yourself are meant for publication department
- You have requested me if you can again return to your wife. How is that? It will be a very bad example. It is not possible at all. Then you have to give up your sannyasi dress. So give up these thoughts
- You may get yourself married, provided that you can meet the responsibility of grhastha life. If you marry you will have to work to provide for your wife and family and try to spend at least 50% for Krishna Consciousness
- You should always remember that wife is not a machine for sense gratification
- You should keep your wife always covered. (laughter) Don't allow this miniskirt or minishirt. (laughter) According to Vedic civilization, respectable woman cannot be seen even by the sun
- You will be pleased to learn that Sivananda from Montreal has gone to Berlin for opening center there. Mukunda has gone along with Gurudasa and Syamasundara and their wives to London, to open a center there
- You will require a wife who is an expert typist to be your secretary. Such a wife with good typing ability will be a great asset in your writing activities
- You write that you are becoming very involved in Krsna Consciousness but your wife is not very interested and you want to know from me whether you should leave her. It is not necessary to leave your wife
- Your first duty now as a householder is to provide nicely for your wife and child
- Your wife and you are good match, so take up this work of spreading Krsna consciousness very seriously and make your both lives sublime and Krsna will certainly give you all intelligence how to advance in His service
- Your wife has left & you are feeling that it is all Krishna's mercy. That is nice attitude. So if that is how you are feeling & you are appreciating brahmachary life, then simply forget your wife & engage yourself wholeheartedly in devotional activities
- Your wife is a good devotee, that I know. But one thing, do not pick up any childish quarrels together, live peacefully and go on with your Krishna conscious business