Category:Meditation on God - videos
Pages in category "Meditation on God - videos"
The following 74 pages are in this category, out of 74 total.
- A devotee never takes dangerous position as very reverse position or very calamitous position. He welcomes. Because a surrendered soul, he knows either danger or festival, they are all different demonstration of Krsna. Krsna is absolute
- Acts of this life, the activities of this life are preparation ground for the next life. We are preparing for our next life by our activities of this life
- Any method we manufacture, we discover, to conquer over the laws of material nature, it is backed by another set of dangerous things. That is the law of nature. That is not the way to get out of this material pangs of life
- At the time of death, either we can remain in the material energy, or this material world, or we can transfer into the spiritual world
- Bhagavad-gita is a transcendental literature which one should read very carefully. And the result will be, if he properly follows the instruction, then he can be freed from all miseries of life, all anxieties of life and all fears of life
- Bhagavata is spiritual master. Vaisnava, he's also bhagavata. Acaryas, bhagavata. Grantha-bhagavata and person, person bhagavata. So person bhagavata or book bhagavata, you always serve. Then you will be fixed up. Naisthiki. Nobody can move you
- Bhajahu Re Mana, 1967 part one - Durlabha manava-janama. Durlabha means very rare to obtain. Manava-janma means this human form of life. It comes after a very long rotation
- Bhajahu Re Mana, CD 5 - My dear mind, my desire is that you kindly help me hearing about this abhaya-caranaravinda, Krsna, sravana. And let me chant about His glories, sravana kirtana
- Bhakti-yoga is the highest platform of yoga principles
- Fifteen days after Krsna's birth, Radharani appeared. Radharani is Krsna's pleasure potency
- First of all you take your birth where Krsna is now present. Krsna is present in one of the universes. There are innumerable universes. So you take your birth in the next universe, or where Krsna is now. Then you become trained up
- If people are trained to become Krsna conscious, then automatically everyone will be happy. Any one who will join, one, anyone who will hear, anyone who will cooperate - everyone will be happy
- If you absorb your mind with Krsna then it is samadhi
- If you are serious to understand, we should submit our doubtful questions and then understand
- If you can see twenty-four hours Krsna, within and without, then that is the end of all tapasya
- If you remain Krsna consciousness, fully dependent on Krsna, then there will be no scarcity. I started this Krsna business with forty rupees. Now we have got forty crores of rupees
- If you simply follow these four principles, then you become immediately uncontaminated
- If you very strictly adhere to the principle of Krsna consciousness, then maya will not be able to touch you. That is the only remedy. Otherwise maya is always looking after the opportunity, loophole, how she can capture you again
- In one sense the heat is also fire, the illumination is also fire. Similarly this material energy is also Krsna
- In the absolute status there is no difference between one thing to another. That is the absolute status. So the Lord being absolute, there is no difference between His name and Himself
- In the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, there is a story... Not story. Fact. It is described there that one brahmana - he was a great devotee - he wanted to offer very brilliant service, arcana, in the temple worship. But he had no money
- Independently means if we want to enjoy life according to my whims. That is called so-called independence. But by such independence, we are never happy, so we transmigrate for this so-called illusory happiness from one body to another
- Krsna can be present more acutely in separation. That is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's teaching: to love Krsna in separation
- Krsna is Absolute. Therefore, there is no difference between Him and His name. There is no difference between Him and His form. There is no difference between Him and His picture. There is no difference between Him and His topics
- Kuntidevi knows that Krsna is unborn. Krsna does not take birth, but it appears like that to some fools. Therefore they say that Krsna has taken birth
- Learn this art - how one can be absorbed both by the mind and intelligence twenty-four hours thinking of the Lord. And that will help one to transfer himself into the kingdom of God or in the spiritual atmosphere after leaving this material body
- Lord Buddha said, "Meditate," but the followers of the Lord Buddha could not. They failed. We are giving new light, that "Meditation will fail. You take this"
- Love does not mean "I love myself" and meditate upon love. No. There must be another person, lover. Therefore dvaitavada. As soon as you come to the bhakti school, there must be dvaitavada: two - Krsna and Krsna's devotee
- Mind cannot be detached. We have got so many desires. So mind's business - to become attached. Therefore, I accept something, I reject something. This is mind's business. So you cannot become zero, you cannot become desireless. That is not possible
- More you advance in Krsna consciousness, you'll simply see Krsna. And if you become practiced to see Krsna always
- Mukti means no more material body. That is called mukti. We are now conditioned by this material body. In the material world, we are changing one body after another, but there is no mukti. There is no liberation
- Naisthika-brahmacari - throughout the life, celibacy. But that is not possible in this age, neither it is possible to become a brahmacari. The time is changed, this age. Therefore you can control your lusty desire by Krsna consciousness
- Nobody is better meditator than these boys. They are simply concentrating on Krsna. Their whole business is Krsna
- Now when we are selling book, that is Krsna consciousness. We are selling book. But if we think that the selling book may be diverted into selling jewelry, that is not very good idea. Then we become again jeweler. Punar musika bhava. Again become mouse
- One who has concentrated his mind, someway or other in Krsna, he has already attained the perfection of yoga. This is the substance of Krsna consciousness movement
- One who is in Krsna consciousness, he's already on the Brahman platform. That means liberated
- One who is trying to concentrate his mind on the imperson, or voidness, it is very difficult and troublesome
- Our activities are conditioned, not free. But you can attain a life of freedom, life of unlimited energy, unlimited happiness, unlimited bliss. There is possibility. This is not story or fiction
- Prabhupada, sometimes there may be differences between what is love of Godhead between Christian and Moslem, Moslem and Buddhist, Buddhist, Hindu. They may quarrel at what is love of Godhead
- Prahlada Maharaja is one of the mahajanas, authorized persons, authorized devotee. We should try to follow him
- Prayers of King Kulasekhara, CD 14 - This prayer was offered by one king whose name was Kulasekhara. He was a great king, at the same time a great devotee
- Temple is the only secluded place for this age. You cannot go in a secluded place in a forest
- That endeavor, that "I shall go and preach Krsna consciousness," is the best service to the Lord
- That is the practice. You should simply come to the thinking of Krsna. That is perfection. And if you become embarrassed with so many things, then there is risk of becoming a cat, dog, deer, or demigod, anything
- The body is perishable, full of ignorance, and nirananda. Instead of becoming full of bliss, it is full of miseries. All the miseries that we experience in this material world, it is all due to this body
- The intelligent man, who is not crazy, he should understand that I am not this body
- They are anxious, they are full of anxiety because they have captured something nonpermanent
- This is the only method. That you chant loudly and hear. Hare Krsna
- This Krsna consciousness movement is educating people to become first-class yogi. Think of Krsna. Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare - Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. It is not bogus thing. It is actual fact. You can become yogi
- Those who are advanced in Krsna consciousness, they have to work for Krsna
- Those who are not accustomed, they'll become mad simply by chanting. It's difficult. You cannot imitate Haridasa Thakura, that "Now I shall go in a secluded place and chant Hare Krsna." It is not possible, sir
- To fix up the mind means to keep your mind in Krsna, then finished, all yoga. You are perfect yogi
- Try to spread this Krsna consciousness movement. And this is your sadhana, execution of austerity, penance. Because you have to meet so many opposing elements. You have to fight with them. That is tapasya
- We are getting the sword one after another, simply by hearing
- We are imposing some tapasya, that "Don't indulge in these things. No illicit sex, no intoxication, no meat-eating, no gambling." These are the items of tapasya for advancing in Krsna consciousness. So is it very difficult? It is not difficult
- We are requesting everyone: "Please chant, chant, chant." And they are replying: "Can't, can't, can't." This is their misfortune
- We have got so many books. Whoever comes here must read the books, devotee, the inmates of the temple, outsider, then you will understand what is Krsna consciousness
- We have to train up the mind until we get the another body. That is the art of living. So if you train up your mind simply to think of Krsna, then you are safe. Otherwise there is chance of accidents
- When our eyes are anointed with love of God, we can see Him everywhere
- When we accept any self-realization process, it is practically declaring war against the illusory energy, maya
- When you see the sunshine, moonshine. Krsna says "I am the sunshine, I am the moonshine." So as soon as you see in the morning, sunshine, you see Krsna
- While we are chanting our rounds, or while we are chanting out loud in kirtana, is it all right to be engaging our mind in thinking?
- Without knowing the supreme position of the Lord. Cheaply they select God. God has become so cheap. "I am God, you are God." What is the meaning of God? Do you know? If I am God, you are God, then what is the meaning of God?
- You cannot speculate, "Krsna may be like this." Just like Mayavadis, they imagine. The imagination will not help you. You cannot imagine God. That is foolishness. God is not subjected to your imagination. Then He is not God
- You have to fix up your mind not only thinking of Krsna, but also working for Krsna, feeling for Krsna. That is complete meditation. That is called samadhi. Your mind cannot go out
- You keep Krsna on the mind. The maya, darkness will never be able to come. That is the first-class yoga system